#but ya know what a hot coco really does help a little
When in depression doubt get a mug of hot chocolate
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
I just went through you r blong and it's?? So amazing??? Like omg I wass literally screaming when I read all that glorious stuff, you're doing god's work here love💕 but I would like to know what Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Kurapika, Pakunoda, Chrollo and Silva + Shigaraki, Overhaul, Monoma, Chronostasis, Setsuno, Tamaki, Endeavor, Shinsou and Aizawa do for winter and/or Christmas/other religious holidays activities with their darling? Bc I'm ready to sell my vital organs for it ;_;
Thanks you <3
Also, Christmas wit da bois is an amazing idea. (I’ll be doing normal Winter stuff and some religious holidays.)
Since they are a family, I will combine them (and to make this large post a bit shorter and easier haha).
Anyway, they celebrate Christmas more for the gifts and to spoil their kids. You better expect a large, family gathering for the entire two weeks of Christmas and New Years. It doesn’t really matter, you will be forced to celebrate Christmas with them. I mean you are part of the family.
Think of it as a resort holiday, you are treated like a queen/king and anything you want will go. Well, other than freedom of course. Still, you receive many gifts that are beyond your price tag, and the gifts you give them are more decorative to be honest. You don’t have as much money to spend as them, so you decided to make all of your gifts because you hoped the thought would be enough. They might not look the best, but each Zoldyck will treasure it to the end of their days.
They will try to incorporate any traditions as long as they are family oriented, they aren’t monsters. And even if you have other holidays you celebrate, you will still celebrate Christmas with them. With that being said, they will be kind enough to celebrate your own holidays, it will be a smaller scaled thing though.
He finds it to be a bonding moment, and he doesn’t get enough of those for obvious reasons. He will go above and beyond to please you, simply to get back on your good side a bit.
Cocoa, apple cider, blankets, decorations, traditions, ANYTHING is on. He wants you to relax and feel at home around him. Despite his extremely controlling attitude, he wants you to love him. Sadly he prioritizes your absolute safety over your mental health.
But it’s sweet for the most part, he actually seems to act normal, he doesn’t seem as if he is going to snap and try to force you into anything. But yes, he might try to get things to be hot and heavy, you being relaxed is too perfect of an oppertunity to waste. He still has a clan to rebuild.
I wrote chrollo’s before Paku’s, so it’s kinda the same. She will be more active in putting things together and getting into the festivities. She will get really close, using the excuse that she’s cold just to cuddle with you.
Christmas sex? Yeah, probably. She’ll take care of everything, you could sit back and watch her do everything. But it’s more fun together right?
Everyone is invited, so expect the rest of the Troupe and their darlings!
He doesn’t mind, he’s pretty accommodating too! He’s honestly the most okay with anything. I would think the people of Meteor City look forward to Christmas, there isn’t a lot but people who really care for one another take the time to chill with each other.
With you around, they have a really big excuse to go all out! Chrollo will sit back and relax, having you and the rest of the Troupe decorate and get presents. He will help of course if you ask, but he will mostly be on the side lines.
Anything else is a-okay too! He doesn’t care as long as you are happy, and the Troupe can join in the festivities.
Christmas is something he does know! But he knows nothing of any other holiday to be honest. All for One gave him a few gifts in his life time, not much but enough for Shigiraki to develope the concept of Christmas. I mean when he was a kid he loved Christmas with his family. It was one of the happiest times back then.
So he genuinely had a love hate relationship with the holiday. You will ah e to take initiative on this one. Giving a gift, starting decorations, making hot coco or something. Anything to get the ball rolling and he would begrudgingly comply.
Secretly, he is excited to join the holiday festivities with you. Specifically with you, anyone else and they would be dust. He is okay with learning new holiday traditions too, like why do you guys light candles for a holiday? Well oh tell him with a smile and help him light one on fire. He almost burns the whole hideout down. You’ll have to watch him.
He celebrates Christmas, but he’s more of a grinch. He celebrates it with his kids and wife, just because it’s something families do. Though throughout his life he never found it more than a obligation.
When you come along, he’s on the path of becoming a better person, so he will definantly try harder. One Christmas with all the fun stuff with you, and another one for his family. He kinda lets you take the lead, of course if you really want something you will have to do some sexual trades. Can’t let you get too comfortable right?
Moreover, if you are on good terms with his immediate family, you could probably add more cheer to the holiday. Also if you celebrate another holiday then don’t worry, he’ll accommodate to be nicer.
Who cares about winter, it’s cold and you are more likely to get sick because of it. Your immune system will be more likely to be compromised so you better expect him to helicopter a bit more.
Warm teas, heavy blankets, vitamins, and supplaments are to be expected. Nothing sugary either, maybe a bit of medical honey in your tea but not much.
Christmas isn’t something he celebrates, but he will make a slight exception if you are good. If you act like a suck up, he’ll be nice and maybe get you Christmas gift. Maybe even a small Christmas tree for moral. I wouldn’t expect too much though.
He like winter, he doesn’t know why exactly, but he does. I can easily see him getting into the activities of December. Like the ballets and Christmas lights and other festive things that make you leave your house. Headcannon that he might be a decent ice skater too. He simply enjoys the activities more than the actual holidays.
He won’t mind helping decorate or getting gifts or any other holiday traditions. Actually, if they are fun traditions without much competitive fire, he’ll probably want to do them more.
Although I don’t see him liking the warm ness of cuddling and all that, I can see him enjoying the slight chill in the air. Supportive of any holiday you celebrate, might even try to make more traditions too.
He likes Christmas and the holidays, it’s the perfect time to get the best gifts for his little darling. Oddly enough he loves getting small gifts for you, it makes him feel prideful knowing you like what he got you, so he loves Christmas is general.
As for winter, he likes it! It’s an excuse to get you under the covers and warm you up. That can be taken both ways if ya’ know what I’m saying.
I think he would prefer warm drinks like tea and apple cider over hot chocolate, but hell totally make some for you. Any decorations are also game, just expect some teasing for the childish stuffed animal you keep on the fireplace mantle.
He is kinda clueless in the sense he just doesn’t know where to start. Like he knows about the basics of holiday traditions, but he doesn’t know if you do those traditions. He’ll be pretty laid back when you get excited about it though. This clingy man will simply sit back and watch the entire time.
Winter isn’t his favorite, but he doesn’t mind being able to hold you close so you won’t be cold. He is very possessive considering what happened to his last lover. He will be perfectly fine with helping with easy things, but when it comes to the more taxing things, he’ll let you take the reins.
He’ll try to buy you a present he thinks you’ll like, but he won’t get too fancy. After all he really just wants to hold you close and soak in your warmth.
Nervous boy feels most comfortable in winter, at least in his home where he has you to cuddle, bake, and hold. He loves the warmth found in a home, and he will encourage any baking you want to do. It just leaves him with a warm feeling inside when he can bake cookies and brownies with you by his side.
Although he’s all hands on deck when the holidays come along, he’s still nervous about it. He’ll ask questions and make sure everything works how it’s supposed to because he doesn’t want to mess something up for you. Might accidentally go a bit overboard with gifts or other traditional activities.
He just wants to please you though, a real sweetheart when it comes down to it.
I think Shinsou likes winter because it means spring is on its way. I can see him being a spring loving boy because of all the kittens and flowers blooming. Winter is good though, might be his second favorite season. He loves the blankets and the hot cocoa and the baked goods and the holiday cheer. Especially the gift giving, he likes seeing you happy when he gives you a gift.
He probably won’t be too enthusiastic about any holiday stuff, but he will sure support it and help with anything you need. Need a Christiana’s tree because you can’t have a Christmas without it? You better bet he’ll get it right away.
He loves watching you get excited about the holidays, everything in the house just seems a bit more cheerful because of you. He will wrap you in blankets and jackets and hold you closely in his arms. You also better bet anything you do he will be there to help you. He might not be the most into the holidays, but he surely loves getting ready for the holidays with you.
Winter is not his favorite season, but I’d say it’s probably second place. He doesn’t do too much, as he simply doesn’t want to put in that much effort in something so minuscule. But, he defiantly encourages his Darling if they want to decorate or bake or something wintery.
Christmas also isn’t really a big thing for him, as he doesn’t usually buy presents for other people. Of course, his Darling is another story. Unlike most people, he buys a few presents for you because you are his special kitten.
He will also help decorate or bake small things if you want to. Hot chocolate is a must, he has a special, bitter hot chocolate just for himself that he loves. You have your sweet beverage and he has his bitter one. Just don’t forget the marshmallows.
Warm cuddles is a blessing to him. When it’s cold he grabs blankets and wraps you up like a baby is a swadle just to hold you close to him. As for other holidays, he will respect them and whatever stuff come with them. Like Hanukkah and the candles for each night. Just don’t expect anything too crazy, he just wants a comfortable holiday evening with you.
Happy Holidays sweethearts!!! I hope you have an amazing whatever you celebrate and if you celebrate nothing, than have a wonderful day!
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ranposlittle · 4 years
hey sweetie I noticed I haven’t requested chuuya🥺please maybe some fluff nsfw imagine with daddy chuuya calming down his s/o bc she is scared of storm 🥺
!! NSFW !!
A/N: One serving of Mr. Fancy Hat coming right up! Here you go! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ I had fun writing this as gender neutral as I can and honestly, I think this is really cute uwu~ Also kinda inspired from the scene in the Onsen Drama CD where Chuuya counted to ten with Akutagawa while he dipped in the water. I hope this is to your liking! 💕
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Chuuya had tried everything.
He already made you hot coco, a blanket fort, read you a story, counted unicorns with you, promised you a hundred times that the lightning won’t struck you because his “magic” will stop it, and he even sang you that song with silly dance steps, but nothing seems to work. The storm just keep on getting stronger by the minute and your fear growing along with it. Everything that helped you calm down before isn’t working anymore.
Another loud cracking of the thunder made you yelped and jumped from where you are laying inside the blanket fortress he made for you.
“Come here, baby,” Chuuya said, extending his arm and wrapping them around you. “There. You’re safe,” He pulled up a thick blanket to your shoulder and stroked your hair while he thinks.
He’s got to come up with something else to help you. It’s got to be something that will calm you from the sound of the harsh rain and the thunders, something that can put you to sleep in an instant so you can rest your weary little head.
Thinking about it, he only have one option left that he knows could work.
“Hey, baby,” his voice low and soothing. You looked up at him. “Why don’t we count down again, hmm? Once you reach ten, you won’t hear the scary sounds anymore.”
“But we already tried-”
“I know, baby, but this one is going to be different. I promise.”
You wrinkle your forehead and casted him a doubtful look. Chuuya gave you a confident smile and wiggled his eyebrows, making you giggle. You closed your eyes and started counting, trying to focus despite of the rain starting to roar again.
“One~” Your singsong voice blending in with Chuuya. “Two~ Three~”
“Four~” Chuuya’s voice disappeared and you frowned.
“Five…” when you didn’t hear his voice again, you slowly peeped your eyes open only to see his face closing in on yours.
Chuuya’s hands ran down your sides and rested on your waist as his lips weaved into yours. He pulled you closer, his body heat warming you up even more. He slowly grind against you and you reciprocated his action, moaning softly on his lips.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his to further deepen the kiss. The grumbling of the thunder drowned out of your consciousness as Chuuya swirl his tongue on yours.
Chuuya’s hand traveled underneath your clothes and you shiver as his cold fingers trailed on your skin, leaving goosebumps on its wake.
Wind gusted outside the bedroom window as you tangled your fingers in his hair. You lightly bit on his lower lip emitting a moan of approval from Chuuya.
The kiss lingered on a swelling suction before the both of you pulled yourselves off from each other. You opened your eyes and gazed at the calm blue of Chuuya’s.
“See? No more scary sounds. You didn’t even flinched from the thunder just now,” Chuuya said, smiling at you and stroking your head.
He’s right. You can still feel the air around you still charged from the shockwaves.
“Wow! Daddy’s magic really does work,” you sweetly praised him. The rain continues to pitter-patter on the roof but your bright smile warmed Chuuya’s heart like a sunshine.
“Yeah,” Chuuya said in an unimpressed tone. “But I wasn’t able to make the storm disappear just yet. So why don’t you sleep now and I’ll make sure it’s gone before you wake up.”
“But…” Your lower lip protruded.
“But what, baby?”
“But I’m too excited to sleep now,” you mumbled, your eyes refusing to meet his as you play with his shirt. “Besides, if the thunder comes back, I’ll just get scared again. So, maybe we’ll just have to kiss until I fall asleep.” Your voice trailed off as you get more embarrassed while voicing out your request.
Chuuya laughed and you buried your face on his chest to hide your blushing face. He squeezed you tightly for a moment and expressed how adorable you are. He cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “I have something better in mind, though. Turn around for me, baby.”
You did as what you are told and leaned your back against his chest. He scoot closer to you and adjusted himself so that one of his arms is underneath your armpit and the other slithered around your waist. You laughed as he placed tickling kisses on your neck while pressing you closer to his body. But it wasn’t long until your giggles turned into soft moans as Chuuya slid his hand in between your legs and started rubbing you. You threw your head back as he touch you over your shorts, giving him more access to your neck and his kisses turning into a more lustful ones. Your hand reflexively held on his forearm as his hands moved faster.
“Daddy… That’s good…” Your low whisper almost inaudible over the sound of raindrops rapping outside.
“This will relax you really good, baby. I know how fast you fall asleep after you come,” Chuuya answered, his hot breath fanning on the nape of your neck and he licked the shell of your ear before resuming his business on your neck. “Let daddy make you come, okay?”
You bit your lower lip and nodded. Chuuya grabbed your shorts, pulling it down just enough to slide his hand inside your underwear. His dainty fingers already working on your downfall. A thunder cracked somewhere but you pay it no mind as a storm of some sort also started to brew within you.
As Chuuya continues to play with your genital like an instrument, his other hand made its way to your chest. Brushing your nipples with his thumb and rolling it with his index finger ever so often. The sound of the storm outside is now being replaced with your sweet mewls and Chuuya’s inviting moans. The movements of his fingers underneath you, the small but incredible waves of pleasure from your buds and his relentless attacks on your neck clouded your mind, just like how the gray clouds occupied the sky earlier before it began pouring. In your case too, the bliss being carried by the clouds in your head began to feel heavy as it threaten to pour down.
Your closed eyes squeezed as Chuuya lightly pinched on your most sensitive nipple and a cry of satisfaction escaped your mouth. You feel your fluids flow out of you as his fingers continue to work diligently for your pleasure. It’s starting to get too much as Chuuya’s hand beneath you picked up its pace and deepen the pressure on your aroused muscles.
“Da–ddy! Ah~!” Your nails digged on his skin as your grip on his forearm tightened.
“Are you close, baby? That’s it, just feel good,” he said softly, his words vibrating on your neck.
You felt Chuuya’s toned arms tensed and relax respectively as he switched his speed on your sex from fast, slow and torturously slow. Your pleasure spiking higher every time he’ll go fast after the snail-like pace. You squirm beside him as you feel your body getting charged with electricity like a lightning ready to strike any time. Your lips quiver as you struggle to speak, wanting to let Chuuya know that your head is spinning around in absolute pleasure and the storm inside you is about to unleash.
“It’s okay, baby. You can come,” Chuuya said, perfectly knowing what your unintelligible whimpers mean. “You’d like that, don’t you? Go ahead and come.”
Chuuya craned his head as he watched your face contort in lustful expressions he had always loved. He smirked as he admire your disheveled form, squirming and whining helplessly against him. He held you tightly in place as his hand below you went even faster and slower alternately.
“Da– ah!” You cried out as another shock of pleasure jolted on your body, pushing you further to the end.
Your ecstatic whimpers and moans resounding all throughout the makeshift walls of your blanket fort. The pleasure building up with every stroke of Chuuya’s fingers until your body can’t deny itself anymore.
“Chuuya,” you absentmindedly mumbled. Your fingers gripping on his arm pressed further in a bruising pressure as you say his name like a prayer. “Chuuya. Chuu– ya– ah! Ah! Chuuya!”
And as if a lightning flashed behind your eyelids, your whole vision turned white as your orgasm struck you down. Your back arched and your senses numbed, completely taken over by the breathtaking explosion of your satisfaction. Your body spasmed from the shock of the strike, your shivering cries resembling the cracks of thunder as you steadily come down from your climax. Your vision cleared and so is your senses, Chuuya’s hand still slowly caressing you as he listens to your quiet pants like a distant roll of thunder moving away to another site.
“That’s it,” he chuckled lightly. “Good girl. That’s a good girl.” Chuuya peppered your face with kisses as he waits for your body to settle down. Your fingers loosened on his arm, leaving red marks on its place on his skin. Chuuya nuzzled his face on your neck as he whisper words of appraisal for your excellent job in orgasming. He pulled out his hand out of your underwear, his fingers still wet from your discharge. You closed your heavy eyes as Chuuya fix your shorts back to its position on your hips and adjusted himself once again to wrap you in a cuddle.
“Daddy, I’m…” you mumbled, almost half-asleep. “So. Tired.”
Chuuya stroked your hair and kissed your head. “Alright, baby. Go to sleep. I’m here to take care of you.”
“Thanks,” you exhaled as your whole body relaxed on his embrace, the rain almost muted as it falls as gently as it can, as if respecting your need for rest.
Your consciousness continued to dip into slumber and as you drift off, you can hear the faint humming of Chuuya along with the gentle stroke of his hand on your hair. You smiled on your sleep as the skies began to calm and the moon shined again.
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The happy huntresses should join for a short while! (You could trade them out with four current people so it won't be too many)
((Hmm something like this maybe...?))
Ruby, running into Coco in the hallway: Hey, Coco!
Coco: ‘Sup, Rose.
Velvet, from behind Coco: Hi!
Ruby: Hi Vel! *notices their suitcases* Wait, are you two going somewhere?
Coco: Yep. It’s that student exchange program, the one Goodwitch talked about in combat training last week? We’re exchanging with half a team from Atlas Academy for a week.
Ruby: Oh! So you’re going to Atlas? That’s so cool!
Velvet, chuckling: Yeah. It’s been so long since I’ve visited.
Coco: We’re going to hit so many of those high-end shopping spots on Atlas, don’t be surprised if I come back with a completely new wardrobe.
Velvet: That, and we’re gonna visit my dad!
Coco: Oh yeah! That too.
Velvet: He’s gonna love Coco. *grins*
Coco, chuckling nervously: So, yep. Hopefully the students we’re exchanging with won’t be, you know...stereotypical Atlas snobs.
Ruby: Hm, well I hope you too have fun! We’ll miss you.
Velvet: Aww!
Coco, patting Ruby’s head: It’s only for a week, little Rose.
Ruby: Yeah but... 👉👈 You two are a lot of fun to be around and so I’ll just miss you, ya know?
Velvet: AWWW!
Coco, snickering: We’ll miss you too, Ruby. *kisses her forehead*
Ruby: 🥰🥰🥰
Coco: Let us know how things go without us! *continues on down the hall*
Velvet: Hopefully our exchanges get along fine with Fox and Yatsu. *stops in front of Ruby and kisses her cheek* Keep us updated, okay?
Ruby: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Velvet: Ruby?
Ruby: Oh! Yeah yeah, I’ll text you two every day!
Velvet, giggling: Good. Don’t have too much fun without us.
Ruby: I could say the same for you two.
Velvet, smiling at her: See you again soon, Ruby.
Ruby: Bye!
The next day...
Yang: Welcome to Beacon, exchange students! I’m Yang and I’ll be your student guide today! I’ll be giving you all a quick tour of campus before your orientation with Professor Goodwitch. Any questions?
May, raising her hand: Why is it so fricking hot in Vale?
Yang, snickering: It’s only, like, 27 degrees.
May, slouching forward: And that‘s just normal here?
Fiona, patting her shoulder: Poor May. Never been this far south.
Yang: Don’t worry, once you get fitted for Beacon uniforms, it’ll get better. *gestures at her own uniform* The material is quite light and surprisingly breathable.
May: Wearing a miniskirt probably helps.
Yang, winking at her: Sure does. *finger guns*
May: ???
Fiona: So when do we meet our new teams?
Yang: After orientation. But first, I gotta give you all the tour. *checks the time* In fact, we should get moving.
May: Got a schedule to keep?
Yang: Well, let’s just say if I haven’t finished the tour in time, this act of service won’t count and I’ll just end up in detention again. Which would suck.
Fiona: So...this is just an alternative to detention for you?
May, chuckling: Quite the representative of the academy, huh?
Yang: Hey, I’ll have you know that my grades are fantastic and my combat skills are unmatched. I just...sometimes get carried away with pranks and stuff.
May: Pranks?
Yang: In my defense, they were dares.
Fiona: Dares?
Yang: Oh yeah... *chuckles* I’ll tell you two about that later. Anyway, onward with the tour!
May and Fiona glance at each other, then follow Yang towards campus.
That evening...
Yang, poking her head into Team RWBY’s dorm: Hey, guess what!
Ruby: What?
Yang: You know that exchange thing that Coco and Velvet went on?
Weiss: Yeah?
Yang: Well their exchange students are taking their places in our game while they’re here!
Ruby, gasping: Really?
Yang: Yep! *steps aside, revealing Fiona and May* Meet Fiona Thyme and May Marigold from Atlas!
Fiona, waving: Hi!
May: Yo.
Ruby: OMG! *runs up to Fiona* Your hair is so fluffy!
Fiona, blushing: Eheheh, thank you.
Ruby: I’m Ruby!
Fiona, shaking her hand: It’s lovely to meet you, Ruby!
Weiss, blinking: Wait, Marigold?
May, nodding: Weiss Schnee. You...probably know my family.
Weiss: Indeed. So what’re you doing here?
May: Uhm, same as you? I wanted to get away from Atlas.
Weiss: That’s fair.
May: *stares*
Weiss: *stares*
May: ...
Weiss, blushing: Uhm...
Ruby, looking up at May: Hello!
May: Hi, Ruby. You enjoying my teammate’s hair?
Ruby, floofing Fiona’s fluff: Yes, a lot.
Fiona: *pleasant sigh* 😌
Fiona and May join the game for a while!
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happysoldlady · 4 years
Paralyzed Pt. 2 - Angel Reyes
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a/n: somebody requested a continuation of this (sorry I forgot who or I’d tag you) and ya know, I aim to please! enjoy! also, angel makes me cry. that’s all. 
You aren’t quite sure how long you and Angel sat at the dining room table trying to figure out how to maneuver all this new information without anyone getting killed. But soon, you find yourself making enchiladas (something you and Felipe had bonded over, but now wasn’t really the time to mention it). 
“I’m pissed.” Angel says for sixth time in a twenty minute period. You watch as he wrings his hands, and then lifts his eyes to meet yours. “And stop looking at me like I’m gonna fuckin’ fall apart.” 
You just nod, and then turn your attention back to your chicken, deciding to let him be frustrated however he needs to be instead of picking a fight. You hear him let out a sigh behind you, and then his boots scuffing across the floor. You lean back into him when his arms circle around your waist, his head resting in the crook of your neck, planting sweet kisses there. 
“Lo siento mi amor.” He mutters, his hands squeezing your hips as you stir the chicken in the pan. 
“I’m just trying to help.” You say quietly, and Angel turns you toward him and kisses you firmly. He then rests his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath. 
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” He mumbles, planting another soft kiss to your lips. You smile and then shimmy out of his arms so you can add your other ingredients to the chicken. Angel leans against the counter beside you and says, “Can you believe that EZ did this? And Pops?” 
“I really can’t.” You shake your head, because truly, you can’t believe that he did. EZ has always been like the brother that you never had, and for him to put Angel in harms way for his own gain just didn’t sound like something he would do. “You talked to him right? To make sure it was true?” 
Angel gives you a look. “Yeah, I fucking talked to him. And the little shit couldn’t say anything that I didn’t already know.” 
You sigh, and stir the chicken. “I don’t know, Angel. I guess it makes sense that he would try to navigate through it to stay out of prison.” 
“Does it make sense though?” Angel says, tilting his head to the side. “Because it’s pretty fucking confusing to me. I never would’ve knowingly done something that put him in danger.” 
“I don’t think he saw it that way.” You say, shrugging. “I think maybe he saw an opportunity to get his life back, and he didn’t really think it all the way through.”
Angel looks at you for a minute, and then shakes his head. “EZ thinks everything through.” 
After you and Angel are done eating, you stand to do the dishes, but Angel takes them from you. “I’ll do it.” 
“You don’t have to do that. I got it.” You say to him. But he just shrugs you off. 
“I want to.” Angel mutters, dropping the dishes down into the sink. You shake your head, and are wiping down the dining table when there’s a knock at the door. You look at Angel, but he’s still focused on his dishes, so you lay the wet washcloth down and walk over to the door. 
You crack it open, and can feel the blood drain from your face when you find EZ’s wide eyes staring back at you. You immediately start shaking your head, and EZ pleads. 
“No, please. I need to explain myself. I know that he’s pissed but I need him to understand what happened.” EZ says quietly. 
“I think he understands. I just think he’s pissed off.” You say, shrugging. “Can you blame him?” 
EZ takes a breath and opens his mouth to speak, when Angel pops up behind you and steps out onto the porch. You attempt to grab his arm but he dodges you. 
“What the fuck are you doing on my porch? Was I not clear when I left you in the fucking desert?” Angel curses at his baby brother, the tension in his shoulders building back up. 
“Angel, I need to expl-” 
“There’s not a goddamn thing you could say to me right now that wouldn’t end with me kicking your ass, EZ.” Angel says, and then turns and walks back into the house. EZ attempts to follow but you stop him. He looks at you, his face pained at your rejection. 
“Y/N...” He says quietly, looking down at your hand on his chest and then back up at your eyes. 
“Now isn’t a good time. Just give him a day or two.” You say softly. You want to be angry with EZ for hurting Angel but you can’t. Because as much as you loved Angel, and you loved him very much, you also had a lot of love for EZ. You knew that whatever EZ’s reasoning was for betraying Angel and the club, it was probably a good one. But despite this, you had loved Angel long enough to know when to back down. Right now was that time. 
EZ looks at you desperately. “Y/N please. You have to believe that I wouldn’t do this if I thought I had any other choice.” 
“I do believe you. Just, give Angel a few days okay? He has to process this in his own way.” You say, and then watch as EZ nods and steps off the porch and walks to his bike. You close the door and let out a breath. 
You had been in many situations between the two brothers in the time that you knew them, and especially in the time that you and Angel had been together. And you did believe that EZ took the deal because he didn’t have any other choice. You believed it to your very core, but you knew that Angel felt betrayed by his brother. And at the end of the day, no matter how sorry you knew EZ was, your loyalty had to lie with the eldest Reyes brother. 
You walk back in the house, and to the living room, where Angel sits. He’s leaned forward onto his knees, his hands tugging at his hair. 
“Angel,” You say softly, taking a seat beside him and pulling his head into your lap. He lets out a shaky breath as you toy with his hair. “Talk to me.” 
“You believe him?” He asks, looking up at you. His eyes are wide and curious, instead of the anger that you expected to see. 
You let out a sigh. “I believe that EZ’s been doing whatever he has to do ever since he got out of prison. And I believe that he never wanted anyone to get hurt.” You press a kiss to his head and give him a small smile. “Especially not you.” 
Angel looks at you for a minute, digesting your words. Deep inside of him, he knows that you’re right. He knows that EZ was trying to protect his family, and also himself. He also knows that EZ will continue to protect his family because it’s just who he is. What Angel isn’t sure about is who will get caught in the crossfire in the process.
“I’ve got too much shit on my plate to also be dealing with my little brother being a fucking snitch.” Angel says, closing his eyes and rubbing the pads of his fingers against his head. You nod knowingly, and then look back down at him when he opens his eyes. 
He sits up and leans against the back of the couch, rolling his head over lazily to look at you. He leans forward and presses his forehead against yours. He presses a kiss to each corner of your mouth and takes pleasure in watching you grin. 
He takes your face in his hands, a boyish grin on his face, and whispers, “Thank you.” 
And then you kiss him. Mostly because you’ve missed him more than you could ever possibly tell him, and partly because you know he’s going to keep thanking you and you don’t want him to. His hands glide down your sides and pull you into his lap. You pull away for just a second to catch your breath, and almost tell him that maybe now isn’t the time to have sex. But with that look on his face...you know he needs the only kind of distraction that you can give him. So you lift his shirt over his head with a playful grin and plant kisses down the side of his neck. His fingers dig into your hips, and you feel him harden underneath you as you roll your hips against his. He lets out a low groan, and then stands, placing a hand under your ass and carrying you to the bedroom, his lips only leaving yours to toss you on the bed. 
several weeks later
Something that you loved most about being at the clubhouse is that no matter what was happening outside of it, you could walk into it and immediately be offered a drink and a friend. Usually though, you were surrounded by several friends, but ever since Angel found out about EZ’s deal, he’s had you near him at all times. You never asked him why, just assuming that your presence eased the sting of betrayal that EZ left. 
Tonight, you were sitting on Angel’s lap at a party, holding your drink and grinning as Angel whispered dirty shit in your ear. 
“You look so fucking hot in my clothes.” You were only wearing Angel’s hoodie because he ‘accidentally’ spilled tequila all over your cute, new top that you and Letty had bought on a recent shopping trip.
You press a kiss to his cheek and then look up to join the conversation with the rest of the boys. Coco was telling a rather haunting war story (with a huge grin on his face) as everyone listened in. Everyone except for Angel and EZ. 
EZ had been tending the bar all night, and Angel had yet to walk up and ask him for a beer. He had decided beforehand to just rotate through having everyone bring him one as they get their own drinks. By this time in the night, though, Angel is usually feeling pretty good, but tonight he’s sadly disappointed. 
“Baby..” Angel whispers in your ear, his teeth nibbling at your lobe. He watches your face flush as a smile worms it’s away across your lips. He can never tell if it’s because you’re shy about the other members watching or if you’re turned on, but either way, he loves it. 
“Yes?” You ask quietly, taking a sip of your drink. 
“Will you get me a beer?” 
And so that’s how it goes at every party for about four months. Coco is the only member that ever mentions anything about the distance between the brothers, but only in passing one night and only because Angel is damn near sober. As the months pass though, you can tell that things are stewing. And that when they finally explode, you’re afraid that you’re going to have one hell of a mess to clean up. And Angel, well, he isn’t talking to EZ until he can do so without wanting to kill him. And he doesn’t figure that’s going to be any time soon. So he distances himself from Felipe, and comes home every night with one thing on his mind: burying himself inside of you. With that being said, you know that distractions are only temporary and that one day Angel is going to have to talk shit out with his family. But until then, you figure, you’ll be busy. 
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, review time!
Do you think Donald wrote the song? He did write a song when he was younger and the lyrics fit him best
I love that Donald is the sane man of the Caballeros
Why did you choose the bathroom? That’s really weird and kind of perverted
I love the picture of a rubber ducky in a top hat on the wall
Just how big is that bathtub? Four grown men were able to fit in it at the same time
Never mess with a man who has a demon-ghost butler
“That’s the FOURTH rich guy’s bathroom we’ve been kicked out of.” I...I would like to know about the other three. And again, WHY THE BATHROOM?!
“We just need someone to listen to us!” Donald giving us the theme/moral of the episode
Was Louie just waiting out there?
Louie looks like a drug dealer. He also looks a bit like the reboot version of himself from that poster in Quack Pack
“And you’re willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever?” “Well, not any...” “QUIET, DONALD!” Guys, you should listen to Donald, he knows Louie better than you
Poor Donald, the only sane man here
I love the stickers on Louie’s laptop. I wonder if he actually knows how to hack
I love the stupid “it” trends. Hats-Hats and Invisible Piercings, what will they think of next
Of course Dewey would keep up with an IT list. He actually cares about his image/how his peers view him
The lead singer of the Feather Weights looks like a punk girl version of Drake. I’m gonna go with them being related somehow. Or they used to date. Or they go to the same hair stylist. THEY ARE TIED TOGETHER SOMEHOW
Yo-yo tricks were more of a 2000s thing, Dewey (seriously though, does anyone else remember when yo-yos were SUPER POPULAR for some reason?)
Panchito is so ridiculously EXTRA and I LOVE HIM
“These are my people.” Oh sweet Dewford, they wish they were on your level
“Internet fame-the most important fame of all” Well it’s the most achievable
And then Dewey just rolls off screen
“If only someone had a super-elaborate scheme to get in...KA-BOOM!” Dewey’s not the only showman in the family
This show LOVES some big boards
Why/when did Louie plan all of this? I mean he did want the Caballeros to make him their manager so he could get a cut, but why?
Already you can see that Louie’s pride is gonna get in the way
Again, Donald is being the responsible one
I love their signatures. Panchito’s is like a 12 year old girl’s, José’s is curvy, and Donald’s is the least showy. And I love that Panchito thought “Don” was enough lol. He is close to Launchpad levels of ditziness
The pictures Louie uses on his board are GREAT! I love fridge-raiding Panchito
Agent Dewey-License to Chill. Dewey, that was two episodes ago
“I have a very special job for you.” “Oh-ho ho-ho, special.”
Luis P Canard. Is that a false identity Louie already had or did he make it up for the party? Or is there an actual Luis P Canard?
Huey looks SO CUTE! Though he should have known something was up when Louie asked him to forge a signature. Do you think Huey has forged other documents with or without knowing it?
Louie looks good with that black “lipstick”
“Welcome to the scheme.” “What scheme?” “Nothing.” “TELL NO ONE.”
Gyro Gearloose-Kid inventor. Does that mean he was a child prodigy or that he LITERALLY invents kids? Or both? The possible clone’s tube had K.I.D. on it. I bet this will be explored more, probably next episode
I love how they all stare at the earpieces when Gyro says the DEFINITELY won’t explode 
I love that the lion statues have sunglasses and there’s a statue of a ballerina hippo from Fantasia
How do ducks whistle if they don’t have lips?
Daisy-smiles, Donald-I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
I love Daisy’s fake laugh
With both of them in tuxes you can really see that Dewey and Louie have different body types. Louie has broader shoulders.
“I’M GONNA DANCE DOWN THE RED CARPET.” No Dewey, that’s for the after party
It’s the PEP guy! I feel like he’s gonna become a villain with how much he’s been embarrassed (and he already LOOKS like a cheesy superhero show villain)
Dewey has made a LOT of enemies
“New plan-Dewey is NOT going to the party!” DAMN, THAT’S COLD
“This is the Dewey-est party in town!”
“Oh, WHY was I cursed to be so FLASHY and UNFORGETTABLE?!” I love my dramatic son
Why did the Caballeros have to switch hats?
Ok, real talk? That party looks boring as fuck 
I like that there’s sweat when Dewey pulls off his helmet. It’s the little details
“Everyone listens to my plan.” Dewey looks PISSED
“The plan to wow Glamour with our haunting melodies.” Panchito is Drake/DW if he was a Latin Lover. THEY NEED TO MEET. IT WOULD BE HAMMY AND GLORIOUS
“You mean our SICK dance beats!”
Donald is like “girls, girls, you’re BOTH pretty”
But seriously, they need to decide what direction they want to go with their sound
Donald is ALWAYS the voice of reason (except in The Town Where Everyone Was Nice, he got a bit caught up in that lie)
“I will charm my way on stage with my golden voice.” #youtried
That smirk José gives him, beautiful
“Easy, grownups.” YOU JUST GOT DISSED BY A 10 YEAR OLD!
“So I’ll dazzly Daisy with my hip, cool yo-yo tricks.” I would have liked to see how that played out
Does Louie have some kind of dirt on Jane? Why does she keep helping him out? Why does she call him “Mr. Duck?”
Glamour is a BITCH. And it seems like Daisy might share the same luck as Donald and Della
Donald was posing all cool
Why send Donald in to do the most important part of the plan? At least have someone with him. Louie should have gone with him so Donald could distract Daisy and Louie could use his pickpocket skills to get the pass. Louie did not account for the variables
“Ooooh PHOOEY.” I love that all of the Duck family say Donald’s catchphrase
I love Louie’s other distraction ideas-explosion, food poisoning, SET FREE A WILD MONGOOSE, ghosts, ANOTHER explosion 
I’m pretty sure Donald got a boner when he saw Daisy DESTROY that vase (I also found it hot). He was scaroused
OUCH. That HAD to have hurt/broken SOMETHING
How did Louie get that picture of Webby? Hell, how was that pic taken in the first place?
“WHEEEEEEE” Webby knows what’s up
“MY FAULT! It’s...your bag.” Oh Donald
“My band is sorta...crashing the party.” DONALD YOU ARE TOO CUTE
The yo-yo just rolls away
Louie, you hurt Dewey’s feelings! Also, your plans are pretty ridiculous too, including the one you are currently trying to pull off. There had to be a better idea than a harpy
“I don’t want to be at Funzo’s forever.” “Why not?” Oh Webby, so innocent to the horrors of minimum wage jobs. Also it’s nice to see Webby being able to have an ordinary conversation with someone
It’s equal parts cute and sad how long Dewey takes to count
Manny is 0 for 2 when it comes to being the muscle (I’m counting him vs Mega-Beaks as well)
“That was odd.” You have no idea
Donald sees Daisy as the GODDESS she is. GET YOU A MAN LIKE DONALD
I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WANTED TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER! It was like the only guess I got right so let me have this
“Nobody listens to me either.” Awww
“They don’t understand me.” AWWW
“Well that’s weird, I understand you perfectly.” MY HEART!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! And when it changes into how Daisy hears him...chef’s kisses. It reminded me of Remember Me from Coco and I Love You Too Much from Book of Life
Real talk-the song really got me. I feel a lot like Donald. A lot of times it feels like no one is listening or understands me because my thought process is a bit different. Or they can understand but they don’t care, like how Daisy feels. When Donald sings for her, I teared up because I want to be comfortable enough with someone to let down my guard like that. Music is a big part of who I am so I would love if someone sang for me even if they don’t have the “perfect” voice. I want someone to feel comfortable enough with me to let down their guard and be real
Daisy is a woman of ACTION
Do you think she’s been stuck in that elevator before?
“My kids!” “Wait, you have kids?” Whenever Donald calls them his kids I gain 5 years to my lifespan. I can’t wait for Daisy to officially meet the kids
“Oh no, not again!” Starting to rethink your life-choices aren’t ya?
I love Mark. He’s so stupid and out of touch with the real world
“Oh Gravesy! Long time, no crime.” GRAVEBEAK LIVES ON!
I love Mark’s hoverboard crashing and catching fire in the background. And then it chases Slash
Haha, Mark’s name is Markus. What a dewb
I was rooting for rich lesbian aunt, but mom works too
Graves is SO DONE with these people
Dewey is all of us
Poor Louie. His self confidence is the most fragile of the kids
THEY’RE HOLDING HANDS! And Mark seemed into it ;)
“I want to look away but I can’t” CALLING IT NOW, THIS LINE’S GONNA BE A MEME
I want Dewey’s yo-yo skills to be a reoccurring thing
That’s one of the things he has in common with his uncle-being a performer even if they aren’t the best at it
Louie’s face as he sneaks away is great
“The failure of it is ridiculous...and BEAUTIFUL!” Gonna use that to describe myself from now on
Daisy, maybe you should let the man get rid of them
I like the “totally not Pirates of the Caribbean” music that accompanies José when he’s fighting
“Nice singing.” “Nice moves.” NOW KISS
“Oo, nice dagger.” Webby, not the time for that
There is NO WAY that the scene with Gabby and Webby isn’t foreshadowing SOMETHING
“I gotta get out of Duckburg.” Jane starts a GoFundMe page to get out of Duckburg when she gets home
It was then Donald realized that he had met his future wife
It was then Daisy realized she had met her future husband
“LOVE YOUR BLOG” Who knew Manny kept on on the latest trends
Glamour probably realized those fuckers were crazy so she should back off
Manny is one suave motherfucker
Glamour playing with the yo-yo while Mark acts like a spoiled brat
“Our brotherhood is the greatest scheme of all!” SO FUCKING WHOLESOME! MORE LOUIE AND DEWEY PLOTS
“HEY, YOU’RE MESSING WITH MY MOJO!” Don’t be a hater, Manny!
“I could listen to it all night.” DAAAAAWWWWWWW
GAAAAAAHHHHH THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD! I love that there was a common theme of feeling like you aren’t being heard. Daisy felt like she was too unimportant to be listened to, Louie doesn’t listen to Dewey because he feels like Dewey isn’t serious enough, and NO ONE listens to Donald because his voice is hard to understand. In the end they all get heard, with Donald and Daisy getting the bonus of finding someone who understands them. The two of them really are relationship goals. I cannot WAIT for more wholesome Donisy content. This one bumped Quack Pack down from my favorite so far.
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sassyduckqueen · 5 years
My Dearest Friend- Chapter Two (Lukanette)
So I thought I’d work in the Miraculouses and other characters but realized this is an AU where they don’t have superpowers so I found a way round it. :) also gonna upload this to Archive of Our Own
Marinette was dreading going into college. She knew she would have to face her friends, Adrien and Lila but it was something she had to do. She couldn’t afford to miss class so she got dressed and went to school. Her head was hung low and her shoulders slouched as she walked up the steps and headed into the building.
“Marinette!” The sound of Alya’s voice caught her attention, making her look over at her friends. Alix looked like she wanted punch something and Rose had a small frown on her face. Juleka was holding her hand and looked just as angry at the other two. Marinette instantly frowned, thinking they were angry at her and walked over.
“Hey guys. I’m sorry I ra-” She started but Alya suddenly hugged her, throwing her.
“Girl! I was so worried!” She gasped, getting other nods. “You really freaked us out when you ran off. Not that we blame you for doing so,”
“”Yeah, we totally get it,” Alix gasped.
“I can’t believe Adrien turned up her of all people!” Rose gasped, like it was the biggest crime of the century, while Juleka mumbled angily and nodded. Marinette couldn’t help as she smiled at her friends.
“Thank you,” She smiled sadly.
“Why you sorry? Not your fault he’s a jerk,” Alix grinned.
“Anyway, are you ok? You didn’t do anything stupid did you?”
“No… I’m ok… just a little hurt I guess,” She muttered, feeling bad that she had worried her friends. “Did you guys enjoy the rest of the dance?”
“Hun, we left to go looking for you,” Alya replied, shocking Marinette even more.
“Why?!” She gasped but they all chuckled.
“You’re our friend and we were worried,” She explained. “When we couldn’t find you, we texted everyone we knew,”
“My brother told me you were with him when he finally looked at his phone,” Juleka muttered. “I hope he wasn’t too much of an idiot. He does always know what to say,”
“No.. he was really kind, Juleka,” Marinette smiled. “He even lend me some of his old clothes and played funny animal videos on youtube to cheer me up,”
“Typical of him,” She muttered but smiled.
“Aww that’s so sweet!” Rose gasped as Alya grinned before wiggling her eyebrow. “So he lend you his clothes eh?”
“Not like that!” Marinette blushed, making all of them laughed. “He was really sweet,”
A light blush crawled on Marinette’s face as she thought about him but then she remembered how Adrien use to be sweet but then he broke her heart.
“Anyway, we have class,” She mumbled, looking down as she walked off. The girls sighed and followed. However, Marinette stopped in her tracks as she saw the very thing she was dreading. Adrien walked right by her without even acknowledging her as he walked with Lila, who spotted her and grinned slightly before moving closer to him.
“Oh my gosh, Adrien! That is so amazing! You know I totally knew the head of Vogue while I was in America. I even helped design some of their new ideas!”
“That’s so cool, Lila,” He smiled before noticing Marinette. “Um can you excuse me for a second?”
“Of course! I’ll go and grab the best seats. Don’t worry I’ll save you one!” She grinned before running off. Alya crossed her arms and glared as he walked over.
“Hey Marinette,” He started before sighing. “Look I’m really sorry about what you saw at the party. I didn’t want you to find out like that but as you probably worked out, me and Lila are dating,”
Marinette held back the tears as she tried to say something but Alya butted in.
“I can’t believe you did that to her!” She growled. “All she ever did was love you and you don’t even have the decency to tell her it’s over because you invite someone else to the dance!”
“I did end it with her,” He states. “Didn’t I, Marinette?”
“N-no… you didn’t,” She states, making him frown. “You just told me that you didn’t want to go to the dance with me. Not that our relationship was over,”
“I thought you would have realized that’s what I meant,” He replied, frowning. “But I guess I could have explained it better,”
“You what?!”
“Oh you are so dead!”
“Guess?! You guess!?!” Alya screamed. “Oh you are-”
“Guys… it’s fine,” Marinette stated, grabbing her arm.
“It’s not fine! He- Marinette...” She gasped as she saw the tears in her friend’s eyes before she sent one last glare to Adrien. “Just go because I break you in half,”
He looked over at Marinette before nodding and leaving. Alya moved her arm across Marinette’s shoulders before the girls took her to the bathroom. Rose rubbed her back as she started to cry and Juleka mumbled comforting words as Alya and Alix paced angrily. Gradually, Marinette calmed down and rubbed her tears away.
“I need to go to c-class,” She mumbled before she gasped. “Oh no!”
“What’s wrong?” They all gasped.
“A-Adrien was suppose to model my designs for my final major but I c-can’t…” Tears filled up her eyes again. “I’m gonna fail so much,”
“No, you won’t. We won’t let you!” Alya confirmed before clicking her fingers. “Nino could!”
“Oh why don’t we ask Ivan?!” Rose gasped.
“How about Kim?”
“H-haven’t they got the-their own finals to w-worry about?” She sniffed but Juleka mumbled something. “W-what was that?”
“I said that Luka would be ok with modelling your designs but it’s a stupid idea,” She mumbled, blushing as all of them stared at her. “It’s a stupid idea. Forget I even said anything!”
“Juleka! That’s a great idea!” Alya gasped as Rose and Alix nodded.
“W-what about his f-finals?”
“H-he’s in the year above us and is ahead on his course work,” She mumbles. “We’d have to ask but I’m sure he would be willing to help,”
“Juleka,” Marinette started but Juleka blushed.
“My idea was silly, wasn’t it?”
“No. I was gonna say you’re a great friend. All of you are,” She smiled. “Thank you,”
“Mum, I’m home,” Juleka mumbled as Alya, Rose, Alix and Marinette followed her on top the boat. They could hear a guitar been played in the back as Anarka moved about before looking up and greeting them. “I brought my friends round,”
“Ho, ho. How you doing there, sailors?” She grinned. “Now of course, I know Rose and Marinette but who are these two?”
“I’m Alya. It’s nice to meet you, ma’am,”
“Just call me Captain, Alya,” She winked before turning to Alix. “And you?”
“I’m Alix. It’s cool to meet you, Captain!” She grinned, making her smile.
“Will ya all be staying for dinner?” She asked. “We’re having take-away,”
“Sure!” Alix grinned as Rose gave a whoop.
“If you’ll have us,” Marinette blushed as Alya grinned.
“You’re always welcome here, Marinette,” Anarka grinned. “Same goes for you two and Rose already knows this, don’t ya girl?”
“Aye, Captain!” She grinned as Marinette started to zone out. “Is Luka in?”
“Aye, he’s in his cabin,” She replied. “I can hollar for him if ya want,”
“Yes please, Captain!”
“Luka! Put down ya guitar and get out here!” She shouted, very loudly. The guitar stopped playing and a few minutes later, he came into the living area.
“Hey Mum. Everything alright?” He asked concerned in his eyes before he noticed everyone. He smiled softly. “I didn’t realize we had guests. Are you guys staying for dinner?”
“Yeah we are. Apparently, it’s pizza and I’m always down for pizza,” Alix grinned, making him laugh. “I’m Alix by the way,”
“Luka. It’s nice to meet you,” He smiled, looking over at Marinette, who seemed distant as if lose in thought. He chucked softly as he noticed she was wearing the jumper he gave her, which in turn pulled out of her thoughts and made her jump. “Nice jump,”
“T-thanks. A very sweet guy gave it to me when I got caught in the rain,” She mumbled, blushing slightly, making him smile. Alya cleared her voice, getting both of their attention.
“Oh… right. You did actually call for me right, Mum?”
“Well, Rose was the one who asked for you. I just did the hollaring,” She chuckled before moving to the kitchenette. “Does anyone want some hot coco?”
“Me!” Alix grinned as Rose squealed. Alya nodded, along with Juleka as Luka shook his head before going over to Rose.
“So what’s up? Are you ok for band practice this week?”
“Of course! To be honest, it’s not me who needs to ask you something!” She grinned, looking over at Marinette who had moved to the sofa. She was zoning out again. Luka nodded and walked over, sitting next to her. Rose held back a squeal as he lightly flicked her nose, making her pout. “They’re so cute together!”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen him been this interested in someone before,” Juleka mumbled, smiling happily.
“Aye. Normally, Luka is too busy in his own world of melodies and scores to notice most people,” Anarka smiled as she watched. “She have one hell of a song to make him want to listen to it,”
“That is an interesting way to put it,” Ayla mumbled a little confused but Rose, Juleka and Anarka all grinned.
“Luka has a unique gift when it comes to music and people,” Anarka explained. “Once he’s done talking to Marinette, we’ll get him to show you,”
Meanwhile across the room
“Hey, Marinette,” Luka smiled as he moved across to her. She looked at him as he sat next to her. “Rose hinted that you wanted to talk to me,”
“Um...” She blushed lightly before swallowing. “I h-have a favor to ask you but I totally understand if you say no cause you’re probably super busy and it doesn’t really matter cause it’s just a thing,”
“If it matters to you, it matters,” He smiles reassuringly. “So what’s the favour?”
“Um… well, I was suppose to be doing a fashion show as part of my finals cause I’m studying fashion and that but now I can’t do it because Adrien was suppose to be my model and I just can’t have him in the show cause him been there will-”
“Hurt you?” He asked as she teared up again. She nodded and took a breathe.
“But that means I’m down a model so I can’t do the show unless I can find a replacement but like I said it’s a stupid idea. You wouldn’t be interested in modelling cause you probably have to worry about your own studies and band practice so-”
“You want me to model for you?”
“J-Juleka suggested it and I think you’d be perfect- for the theme that is,” She gasped, blushing.
“I’m honored that you want me to be a model,” He smiled, making her look at him.
“Does that mean you’ll want to do it?”
“Sure. As long as I don’t have to wear pink. It’ll clash with my hair,” He joked, making her laugh. “I’m kidding. I can totally wearing pink,”
“Pink isn’t involved,” She smiled. “But seriously, you don’t mind modelling for me?”
“Of course not,” He smiled kindly. “But I do have a favour to ask in return if you don’t mind,”
“What is it?”
“Can you ask Juleka to be one of your models as well?” He asked, making her gap. “It’s been her dream since she was little so it seems unfair for me to do this without her-”
“I would love to have her model,” Marinette smiled, making him smile.
“Thank you,” He smiled.
“Luka! Go get your guitar. These two want to hear you play!” Anarka grinned. He nodded and got up as Marinette walked over to Juleka, who smiled at her shyly.
“Juleka, would you like to model for me as well?” She asked, shocking her.
“um… I don’t know… do you really want me to… no… no… it’s stupid… I couldn’t… could I?” She mumbled, blushing as Luka came back in with his guitar.
“I would love you to model for me,” Marinette smiled. “You would perfect for one of the outfits I got planned,”
“R-really?” She blushed.
“Of course,”
“You should do it, Jules,” Luka smiled, leaning down to kiss her hair. “You’re really pretty and this has been your dream for years so go for it. I’ll be there too so if you get nervous, we can get nervous together,”
“Ho, ho! I better get an invite to this!” Anarka demanded, making them all laugh.
“Of course, Captain,” Marinette grinned as Luka sat down and started to play.
“So apperently you have a unquie talent when it comes to music?”
“Hmm. It’s nothing special really,” Luka smiled. “I can just hear what’s in people’s hearts. Like for example Mum is this,”
He played a fast paced heavy piece of music before he slowed it into a sombre piece. Not sad. Just quiet and peaceful but never the less beautiful.
“You see that is Jules and this is Rose,” The melody he played was perfect for Rose. Upbeat and resonable fast but worked perfectly with the other piece he played. However, he changed it to a slower, sadder piece, which Marinette recongized as her’s before he began to play a more cheerful tune, which had to be Alya then finally a tune that was fast and sounded similar to a clock. Alix’s clearly before he stopped playing.
“That was amazing!” She gapsed, as Alya nodded. Marinette couldn’t help but smile. He had played her something when he first met her and it had touched her soul but despite seeing him do this before and watching their band practices, Marinette still loved seeing him play the songs of the heart as she had taken to calling them. He started to play her tune before looking at her and smiling softly. As her heart skipped a beat, he matched it, changing the melody to something more softer but a little bit more upbeat.
“How do you do that?”
“I find music is often easier then words. Since I’m not very good with words, I use music instead,” He smiles, looking over at Marinette again before playing a new tune. One that Marinette hadn’t heard yet. It was pure, soft and fun and for some reason, made her blush as she listened. Anarka smiled before clearly her throat to get their attention.
“So what pizza do you guys want?”
“Girl, I have to say I totally approve of Luka!” Alya grinned at Marinette as they video chatted. They had stayed for pizza but then they had to go home. “I didn’t realize he was so hot,”
“A-Alya,” Marinette gasped, blushing.
“Aahh, you think so too!!” She grinned as Alix joined the vidoe chat.
“Sup. Hey…. Marinette, why are you a tomato?”
“Cause she thinks Luka is hoooot!” Alya laughed, making her go even more red.
“Well, that’s just a fact. Seriously, he is awesome,”
“B-but he’s just Luka and a friend...” Even though, I’d like him to be more… Marinette suddenly gasped as she couldn’t believe she just thought that.
“Whoa, now she’s a strawberry!”
“You ok, girl?”
“Y-yeah… just um… panicking about the show again… ha ha… um,”
“Well, what designs you got?” Alya asked, knowing full well that wasn’t it.
“Well, I have hats, scarves, suits, dresses but a lot of these designs are for Adrian and Chole. I don’t know if she’ll still model for me if he’s not,” She mumbled, looking down. “And I’ll have to make fresh designs for Luka and Juleka. God, I’m gonna fail and never do anything good with my life,”
She groaned, throwing her head back.
“Have you asked her?”
“I sent her a text but no reply yet-” She groaned as her phone buzzed. She picked it up and unlocked it.
L: Hey :)
M: Hey back. You ok?
She smiled before putting it down and turning back to the video cat.
“Who was that?” Alya asked.
“Gotta be Luka.” Alix grinned, making Marinette blushed. “It is! What’s he said?”
“Just hey at the moment,” She mumbled as her phone buzzed.
L: So I was wondering if you wanted to meet up over the weekend for coffee? We can talk about the fashion show and ideas if you want.
Marinette almost dropped her phone when she read it, causing Alya and Alix to laugh.
“Are you ok, girl?” Alya asked, a little concerned.
“Y-yeah… um...”
“What on earth did he put?”
“H-he asked me to go for a coffee with him on the weekend,”
“Oh my god! Yes! You need to say yes! And we’ll have to make you look amazing!” Alya gushed as Alix nodded in agreement.
“W-what? It’s just coffee… he just wants to talk about the fashion show and designs that I don’t have yet...” She groans. “I should say no!”
“No!” They both shouted, making her jump.
“Girl, you gotta say yes! He’s totally into you!”
“W-what? No, he isn’t,” She gasped, blushing a little. “W-we’re just friends…”
“No way! He really likes you!”
“H-how can you be certain?”
“He wants go for a coffee with you,” Alya pointed out as Juleka logged on.
“What’s going on? Why is Marinette a strawberry?” She asked.
“Your brother asked her to go for coffee,”
“He just wants to talk about the fashion show and see my designs but Alya and Alix think he likes me,”
“He does like you,” Juleka mumbled.
“Sure. As a friend,” Marinette sighed, looking away.
“He’s asking to see your work and discuss the fashion show, girl!”
“That’s just cause he likes fashion,” Marinette gasped but Juleka chucked.
“He’s never cared for fashion before. He literally just throws on clothes in the morning, not really caring what he looks like,” She giggled. “And he’s been googling fashion terms and phases since you left,”
“Really? Why?” Marinette asked, causing them to all face palm. “What?”
“It’s to impress you,” Juleka points out. “Trust me. He’s interested because it’s important to you,”
Marinette blushed but shook her head as her phone buzzed again.
L: Have I upset you? I’m sorry if I have. I didn’t mean to. I just thought we could totally hang out but it’s cool if you don’t want to
M: Oh no, you haven’t. I’d like to hang out with you so coffee would be great. I’m sorry I didn’t reply straight away. I was just talking to the girls about some ideas but yeah, coffee would be awesome
“See? He just wants to hang out,” She grinned but couldn’t help but hear a whoop in the background, making Juleka grin. “That was him wasn’t it?”
“Yep,” She grinned. “Marinette heard you!”
“What?!” Luka called from the background.
“We’re on video chat,” She grinned. Marinette imagined he was blushing. She smiled as he moved into view and waved. His cheeks were slightly red. “You’re such a dork,”
“Yeah but you wouldn’t have me any other way,” He grinned, ruffling her hair. “So I’ll pick you up round 2pm on Saturday if that’s ok?”
“Yeah, it’s a date. I mean I got the date and the time,” Marinette gasped, looking to the side but he chuckled softly.
“Yeah. A date,” He grinned, causing Juleka to roll her eyes and Marinette to blush even more.
“Luuuuuuka! You’re interruping us!!! Go and play your guitar already!” She groaned, causing him to grin and ruffle her hair again before he walked out, closing the door behind him. “God, he’s such a dork,”
“Hey guys!” Rose sang as she joined in. “What’s up?”
“Luka just asked Marinette on a date,” Alix grinned, making her blush.
“Yep,” Juleka confirmed.
“Guys… it’s just a meet up between two friends,”
“Oh, please. He’s liked you for ages,” Juleka stated, rolling her eyes. Marinette blushed. “Anyway, can we totally move on from this? It’s freaking me out a little,”
“Aww but I get he gets lots of girls,” Alya teased, making Marinette frown. He was amazing and hot as well as kind and selfless. Of course, he does.
“Sure he’s had girls out but I’ve never seen him so happy before,” She mumbled. “Anyway, anything for ideas on the show?”
Marniette mentally thanked Juleka before clearly her throat before diving into ideas about her show and plans.
~The Following Saturday~
Marinette fixed in her earring rings as she got ready to hang out with Luka. They had ladybug patterns on them and she had made them herself. She had made others but she favoured these as they were her first successful ones. She grabbed her bag and pulled on her jacket as someone knocked on her trap door before her mum popped her head in.
“There’s a nice young man asking for you,” She grinned as Marinette slipped her shoes on before following her mum downstairs. She walked into bakery and smiled as she saw Luka looking at the treats in the shop. He looked really nice today. He had swapped his usual shirt and hoodie for a blue shirt and a black leather jacket and his jeans weren’t ripped.
“Wow, these look amazing,” He smiled, causing Tom to grin before Luka looked over and smiled at her. “Hey, Marinette,”
“H-hi, Luka,”
“Oh so you’re Luka?” Tom grinned, making Marinette blush. “Thank you for looking out for my girl,”
“It’s what any decent person would have done, sir,” He replied, looking at her with a soft look. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” She grinned, walking over to him before waving to her parents before they walked out together. “Y-you look really nice today,”
“So you do you,” He grinned, before noticing the earrings. “Ladybugs. That’s really cute,”
“Y-you think? They were the first pair of earrings I made,”
“Wow, you’re so talented, Marinette,” He smiled, geuninarly meaning it. Marinett blushed as they walked.
“So are we going to Star Bucks or Costa?”
“I was thinking we could go to a more local based cafe if you don’t mind? It’s one of my favorite places and they do amazing cakes, teas and coffee,” He smiled.
“T-that’s fine by me,” She grinned as he led her there. It was a small looking place called Miraculous Tea Rooms but it looked artistic and had a flair to it. He opened the door for her, holding it open.
“After you, Ladybug,” He grinned, making her blush.
“Ladybug?” She asked, liking the nickname. “I like it,”
“Cool,” He grinned, closing the door behind him. They were only a few people in the shop but the design of it captured Marinette’s interest.
“Welcome to Mirac- Ah, Hello Luka,” The owner smiled, clearly on familiar terms with Luka. “Who’s this young lady?”
“This is my friend, Marinette,” He smiled, looking at her with that soft look again. “Marinette, this is Master Fuu. He’s the owner,”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Marinette smiled, bowing slightly and gaining a bow back. “I love the design of this place,”
“Thank you, young lady,” He smiled. “So what can I get you today?”
“Do you have any Biluochun Tea?” Marinette asked, surprising both of them. “It’s been a while since I had it and it’s my favourite type of green tea so it would be really cool if you have it and I’m gonna shut up now cause I’m rambling,”
“Yes, we do,” Master Fuu grinned. “We also sell loose teas and offer a refill option if you wanted to get yourself some so
“I’ll just have a cup of it for now, please,” She smiled, going to get her purse but Luka stopped her and smiled.
“My treat,” He grinned before turning to Master Fuu. “Can I have my usual?”
“Of course,” He nodded. “That will be 9.97 euros,”
Luka handed him the cash before putting away his change.
“Grab a seat. I’ll bring them over in a moment,” He smiled. Luka nodded and lead Marinette over to a sofa in the corner before sitting. She sat next to him and smiled.
“What do you think then?” He asked.
“I like it a lot. It’s really cosy and homely,” She smiled, looking at him before blushing as she noticed how close he was to her. “So do you want to see what I’ve got so far for the designs while we wait?”
“Yes,” He smiled, making her smile in return. She took off her backpack and reached into taking her drawing pad out. She opened it up, starting with the designs she had for Max. She explained that she planned to base the outfits on the Chinese Zodiac as she thought it would be really cool and nice nod to her Mum’s family.
“That’s really cool,” He smiled as Master Fuu brought the teas over. Luka instantly jumped up and helped him.
“Thank you,” He smiled before turning to Marinette and nodding to her drawings. “Did you do those?”
“Y-yes, sir,” She blushed, looking away shyly.
“You are an amazing artist, young lady. They are very good,” He smiled, making her smile back. “I like her, Luka,”
“I’m glad to have your approval,” He laughed before picking up his drink and taking a slip as Marionette slipped hers. “So is that the horse Zodiac?”
“Yeah. This is for my friend, Max. I’ve put Juleka as the tiger and my friend Kagami is going to be the dragon. I picked out Kim as the money and Nino, Alya’s boyfriend, as the turtle,”
“And what’s my animal?”
“I was thinking the snake,”
“Snake huh?” He asks. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Oh no. In some Chinese mythology, the snake represents mystery and enlightenment as well as rebirth and seconds chances. People who are born in the year of the snake are often artistic and since you’re a musician, I thought it would work. It’s not an insult… I hope you don’t mind,”
“So what you’re saying is you think I’m awesome, mysterious and wise?” He teased, making her laugh. “So what does the others represent?”
“There’s quite a few to go through,”
“I have all the time in the world,” He smiled, looking at her with a loving expression. Marinette blushed before going into an explanation of the other signs and why she chose them for her friends as he listened.
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etheloes · 5 years
❝ oh my god ! it’s madeleine martin ! i think they are a twenty three year old personal assistant from philadelphia, pennsylvania but they’ve been living in apartment 310, room two for two years. ❞
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hey  y ‘ all  ,  it ‘ s  ya  boi  river  ----  i ‘m  twenty four  years  old  ,  i  like  dogs  ,  day  drinking  and  long  walks  by  the  beach  .  i ‘ m  so  excited  that  the  roleplay  is  finally  opening  for  plotting  ,  the  wait  felt  like  forever  !    ----   quite  a  lot  of  info  on  my  madi  under  the  cut  . 
❝   madeleine martin is known as the fashionista because they are so + creative , and + lively but they can also be very - self-absorbed , and - vain. they often remind me of  a  hair straightener left plugged in, iced caramel macchiatos, checking your outfit in front of the mirror for the fourth time. ❞
eve  muller  was  born  the  sixth  child  ,  and  only  daughter  of  a  super  christian  family  .  long  story  short  :  her  parents  were  crazy  strict  ,  and  religious  .  never  let  eve  live  her  life  .  when  she  got  pregnant  at  nineteen  ,  they  kicked  her  out  .  since  the  father  didn ‘ t  want  to  help  raise  his  daughter  ,  madeleine  (  named  after  eve ‘ s  obsession  with  the  french  pastry  during  her  pregnancy  )  she  struggled  .  a  lot  .
while  working  at  a  cheese  shop  ,  when  madi  (  never  madeleine  )  was  around  four  ,  eve  met  the  love  of  her  life  :  james  martin  . 
he  was  a  man  in  his  early  30 ‘ s  who  was  an  engineer  at  a  textile  company  in  pennsylvania  .  he  fell  in  love  deeply  with  eve  ,  and  having  no  children  ,  saw  madi  as  his  own  .  they  married  when  madi  was  seven  ,  and  he  adopted  her  before  she  turned  ten  .  she  knows  no  other  father  ,  and  sees  his  parents  as  her  grandparents  .
still  ,  remembering  what  it  was  like  to  grow  up  restricted  and  confined   by  her  parents  and  religion  ,  eve  always  taught  madi  to  be  unapologetically  herself  ,  and  to  reach  for  the  stars  .   
and  so  ,  she  grew  to  be  ---  a  hot  mess  .  her  mother  seeing  every  little  mess  she  made  as  a  sign  of  her  “ being  a  free  spirit  “ ,  and  she  could  never  do  anything  wrong  in  james ‘ s  eyes  .  she ‘ s  THAT  bitch  .  she  leaves  all  her  makeup  out  on  the  bathroom  counter  ,  the  hair straightener  plugged  in  .  she ‘ ll  do  the  dishes  when  she  feels  like  it  ----  yanno  ?
her  dad  working  for  the  textile  industry  definitely  influenced  her passion  for  fashion  ,  she  started  sewing  at  age  13  .  she  made  her  own  junior  ,  and  senior  prom  dresses   ,  and  won  best  dressed  as  her  senior  title  .
she  studied  fashion  design  at  parsons  school  of  design  in  new  york  city 
as  a  student  she  started  an  internship  as  a  “ personal  assistant “  with  a  new  york  city  based  up  and  coming  fashion  designer / instagram influencer :  coco herrera 
it  was  . . .  challenging  ,  to  say  the  least  ,  to  be  coco ‘ s  personal  assistant’s  assistant  .  it  wasn ‘ t  uncommon  to  find  madi  hand  sewing  flowers  unto  a  gown  at  4  a.m.  ,  nor  her  running  out  of  her  old  apartment  at  6  a.m.  to  get  her  coffee  .  it  was  ,  in  all  honesty  ,  a  bit  of  a  nightmare  .
still ,  against  all  odds ,  they  kind  of  bonded  .  in  a  different  ,  but  similar - ish  miranda  priestly  and  andy  sachs  kinda  way  .  
when  graduation  came  ,  her  plan  was  to  go  back  home  and  to  start  working  on  her  own  line  ----  however  ,  things  really  started  blowing  up  for  coco  .  success  ,  after  success  ----  she  asked  madi  to  stay  on  as  her  personal  assistant  ,  under  the  promise  of  growth  as  a  designer  within  her  business  ,  and  a  pretty  handsome  salary  .
two  years  later  ,  she  is  still  coco ‘ s  personal  assistant  ,  and  it  hasn ‘ t  gotten  easier  .  (  she  is  in  charge  of  the  intern  now  ,  which  is  kinda  cool  ) .  she  has  not  grown  as  a  designer  at  all  (  that  is  ,  if  you  don ‘ t  count  the  uncredited  ideas  she  has  given  coco  )  
but  hey  !  the  money  is  good  ,  and  she  doesn ‘ t  really  have  anything  really  promising  (  work  related  )  to  go  back  to  in  philly  .
she ‘ s  really  a  hopeless  romantic  .  (  her  mom  and  dad  are  so  in  love  you  know  ,  she  wants  that  )  she  believes  in  the  new  york  fairytale  ,  and  in  finding  her  true  love  here  ---  a  meet  cute  ,  and  a  rom - com  ending  .  the  problem  is  ,  she  thinks  all  meets  are  cute  . 
she  dates  absolute  assholes  .  and  every  time  a  relationship  reaches  it ‘ s  predictable  end  ,  she  will  cry  watching  rom - coms  ,  and  swear  off  men  over  a  tub  of  ice - cream  .
she ‘ ll  show  up  two  weeks  later  ,  giddily  talking  about  some  guy  named  chad  ,  whom  she  met  at  some  event  or  other  that  her  boss  had  her  attend  .
see  ,  the  thing  is  that  either  she  believes  in  true  love  ---  or  she  does  not  know  how  to  be  alone  . 
connection  ideas  :  
to  be  announced
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rovvboat · 6 years
What Are Those? - Colossus x Reader
*Requested by the wonderful @emma-frxst - Prompt: What Are Those?*
A/N: henlo!! I know the request was for about something that piotr doesn’t know about / something he doesn’t know how to say in English - but i couldn’t come up with anything ;-; B U TTT it made me think of one specific thing which is kinda unique!! - I’ll attach a picture of it at the bottom ;)) and if any of you readers wanna try it, you could possibly get it from a local store!! 
Really hope you enjoy it! :)
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: There’s a suspicious surprise at the front door from reader, and Wade and Colossus love it. 
‘’Listen, we don’t want these hairy-looking balls. I like that they’re red, but they’re much too hairy for my liking. How is anyone supposed to eat these anyway?’’
You wake up to the sound of Wade bickering with someone at the front door.
‘’Sir, this delivery is for Mr/Ms. Y/L/N. Are they home right now?’’ you hear a familiar voice ask calmly. You quickly get up off the bed and rifle through the closet, looking for your robe. You find the pastel pink cloak and cover yourself with it – securing it with a knot at your waist. You tiptoe back to the bed and lean over Colossus, still sound asleep, and place a kiss on his cheek. Just as you turn around to leave, a hand finds yours and gently tugs at you. You stop and look back as Colossus rises from the bed; stretching out his free hand and bringing it over his mouth to cover a yawn
‘’Good morning, keesa (kitten). Where are you off to?’’
You take a step closer to him as he wraps his arm around your waist. ‘’It’s a surprise.’’ You whisper into his ear before walking towards the door. He smiles at your figure, as you disappear into the hallway.
You trod down the steps as Wade and the delivery man were still arguing about the delivery.
‘’Listen here Mr. Hair Balls Delivery, I have no idea what these are and I have no intention of claiming responsibility for them – even though I would love to. But this is quite clearly a prank, and Wade Wilson does not fall for – ‘’
‘’Ah, Mr. Wilson! I’ve heard many stories about you… Y/N has spoken – ‘’
‘’Hey there, Michael! Is that for me?’’ You ask the delivery man as you take the last step down the stairs.
‘’Michael? So, you’re on a first name basis with the hairy balls man?’’ Wade quips. Michael gives Wade an amused look, then looks back to you and laughs.
‘’Hiya Y/N! Yeap! And I now have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wilson as well.’’ He said with a nod to Wade. He lifts the crate and makes his way into the kitchen. It’s filled with ping-pong sized fruits, each of them coloured a bright shade of red with greenish, soft hair-like projections.
They were exactly what the doctor ordered.
You sign the delivery form on the clipboard as Michael helps bring the crate into the kitchen and places it onto the countertop. ‘’These are fresh from the greenhouse. Mr. Jones made sure that you got the freshest pick of the day.’’ He says proudly.
You say a quick thank you to him and he tips his hat at you; ‘’Nice meeting you Mr. Wilson!’’ He calls out before hurrying out the front door back to his van.
‘’Are you fucking kidding me? You really ordered all this?’’ Wade asks in disbelief. ‘’Sorry missy, the only hairy balls I like are– ‘’
‘’Wade, no, please. These are for the kids.’’
‘’WHAT? For the children?’’ Wade exclaims with his hands on his cheek.
‘’What is all this ruckus about?’’ A heavy accent floats into the room.
‘’Hey, Colossus! Your girlfriend’s making us eat these… hairy balls!’’ He accuses dramatically, pointing at the crate. ‘’Please make her stop!’’
Colossus steps into the kitchen – surprisingly, in his human form – and gives you a little kiss on the cheek, before pouring himself a hot cup of coffee. He spots the crate, overflowing with the red berries.
‘’What are those, myshka?’’ he asks, a kind of inquisitive concern plastered on his face. You laugh at that look.
‘’They’re just fruits, bub. And God knows Wade needs more of those in his damn system.’’
‘’These are… fruits? I have never seen such… unique looking fruits before.’’
‘’They aren’t native to America. I found them at a local market in Asia while I was on a mission there! They’re exquisite!’’ You reply.
Both Colossus and Wade look bemused at this statement. You let out a light whine.
‘’Listen, I thought they were weird too. But I saw a bunch of kids eating them and they looked pretty happy with it! I tried one and it was so sweet and fleshy and it felt more like sweet treat than fruits! You gotta trust me on this.’’ You implore.
‘’Fine. But if I choke on these hairy motherfuckers, I’m burning the whole crate.’’ Wade exclaims.
He plucks one of the berries off its stem and inspects it. He sniffs it before opening his mouth, slowly bringing the fruit – thick dense skin and all – towards his gaping mouth.
‘’NO, WADE. Not like that, you moron! You gotta open up the skin first. Like this –’’
You grab one of the rambutans, or mamon chino as they’re called in central America, and skillfully place your thumbs onto the equator of the berry. You apply some pressure, pulling it apart from the ends, revealing its white, translucent flesh. You take it out and show it to the boys.
‘’This right here, is the main event, my compadres. There’s a seed in there. You’re supposed to eat around it, but it’s big enough that you can bite around it while it’s in your mouth! You gotta make sure to throw away the seed though.’’ You present the berry to Wade, who by now is a lot less puzzled and open to eating the much more innocent looking white fleshy berry. He pops it into his mouth and carefully bites on it.
‘’Ho-ly fucksicles, thes-e ah-ren’t hh-alf bad!’’ He says between eating and sucking on the berry. ‘’And they’re this sweet? Bring on the diabetes!’’
You look at him, happy that he’s enjoying the foreign berry. You turn to Colossus, who’s still sipping on his coffee.
‘’Your turn, big boy.’’ You say to him with a smirk. You pick out a bright red berry, nice and ripe – some mildew still on it, adding that much more to its allure – and split it open clean. You present the fleshy berry, still cradled in the half-open skin. He gently takes it out of the leathery casing, and bites a little off the berry.
‘’C’mon Piotr! You’re not getting the full experience here! Put it in your mouth and suck on it!’’
You immediately regret saying it as you hear Wade bellow into laughter.
‘’You probably hear that pretty often, don’t ya Coco?’’ He looks from Colossus, to you. ‘’Wow, way to bring your bed room talk public, Y/N! If you wanted me to join you, you could’ve just asked me straight up, no need to tease.’’
You bring a palm to your face, embarrassed by what’s happened. Colossus gently places a hand on your arm, and you look up to him. He puts the berry into his mouth and closes it; and his eyes widen.
‘’I know better than to doubt your tastes, kisa.’’ He says, clearly pleased with how nice this new fruit tastes.
‘’That was the surprise! See, these are great when you peel them and leave them in the fridge. They’d be a great substitute for ice-cream. I know you’ve been talking about getting the X-kiddos to eat more fruits and I think that if we put like little wooden picks into them, they’d look like round mini-popsicles! And, and – ‘’ you open the fridge to look at all the other fruits inside– ‘’We could also put all the other fruits onto them…’’ You ramble on excitedly as Colossus watches you, neither of you noticing Wade pick out half the fruits from the crate and sneak out of the kitchen.
Colossus wraps his arm around your waist and slowly pulls you to him. Your body twists around as your eyes meet his gaze; tender and warm all over. You tilt your head at him.
‘’What are you looking at?’’ you say with a smile.
‘’The most beautiful soul in the world. ty moye sokróvishche – you are my treasure.’’
Your face turns red within seconds, you look away for a moment, clearly flustered as Colossus laughs. ‘’It is fun seeing you embarrassed. But what I say is from my heart, lyubímaya (beloved)’’
He’s still holding onto you, and you take this chance to pull him in – allowing your lips to meet in a gentle kiss as your hand finds his cheek, and your thumb leaves strokes on the light stubble of his face.  
You slowly break the kiss, and when you take a quick look behind Colossus, you see half the crate’s contents missing.
‘’Oh my God. WADE!’’ You holler after him, spotting a trail of berry stems leading out of the kitchen. You follow the trail looking for Wade, and suddenly you get a fuzzy feeling in your chest and smile, as you detect a hint of coffee and sweet berry on your tongue.
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caroline18mars · 6 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 37
Where was she? Jared’s eyes scanned the room, storming inside there had been no more answer after his last e-mail, and he was starting to worry that she’d been too upset to send a coherent answer after everything she read online about him. Following the murmur of a TV coming from the bedroom, he opened the door, there she was looking at the ceiling, the phone balancing on her forehead made him snigger, she was so deliciously awkward and her behavior was so quirky it often made him giggle, that was what most women these days lacked, a sense of humour. “Hey” he softly said as he threw his phone and wallet on the floor and crawled on the bed over to her, kissing those luscious lips so hard it made the phone slide off her forehead, her sad eyes took his breath away, “oh hey, I didn’t hear you come in” she sighed, twirling a strand of his long hair around her finger. “You ok?” he whispered unable to stop kissing her lips, he’d hungered for her kisses all afternoon, “yeah, how was your afternoon?” she kissed the tip of his nose, “fine, but I missed you” his hands caressed her stomach “are you sure you’re ok, you look a little sad”. Her dark brown eyes locked with his, yep definitely sad “I'm alright, I missed you too” she breathed, to his surprise she started unbuttoning his pants, slowly sliding down the zipper, “Harper..babe” he whispered, she'd never went down on him before, not that he was complaining, oh no, was this about..?. “Shut up, Jay..I'm not just doing this for you, I just happen to love giving head” she freed his lightly aroused dick and licked her lips looking up at him “let's see just how 'Jaylicious' you really are” her hand found an ever so slow rhythm for a few seconds until her tongue started joining in, licking his growing length until it was fully erect in all its' massive glory. “Yum” her eyes glazed over as he saw the tip of his dick dissappear between her lips, rolling her tongue over it before she hungrily started sucking, inch for inch he dissapeared in her mouth, “oooowww” he growled in pleasure when he felt her push down until it hit the back of her throat. She looked an absolute picture, taking her time to give him the best head he had gotten in years, closing her eyes in bliss, this was definitely a keeper, ohhh, “yeahhhh” he groaned as she forced herself deeper down over him. Even her gagging was deliciously sexy when he helped her a little pushing deeper inside so his dick could slip past that final frontier, “relax..that's it..good girl” he heard himself say when she relaxed her throat but his mind was a boiling mess. She felt like in a trance, it was painful and wonderful at the same time, this was what she needed after this horrible afternoon, it actually relaxed her and brought her in a different headspace, when her mind couldn't take it anymore, she just went into submission and gave him control over her body and mind. It felt like she was trying to suck him dry, that's how ferocious her attack was on him, he grabbed her hair roughly and pushed her down one last time, he didn't care if she was about to choke “fuuuckkk, yeahhhh” he barked and shot his load deep inside her mouth.
Harper gasped for air as she let her back connect with the mattress while he zipped up again before he slid down next to her and kissed the bare spot of skin on her stomach where her T-shirt had crept up. “Is that what reading fanfics and some nasty gossip site does to you? If so then I'm totally down with it” his hot breath tickled on her skin, “so not funny, Leto, reading about your random girls having imaginary and real bdsm sessions with you is not exactly eroticizing, trust me”. Don't grump, Coco, come on, no can't help it, gone was the mindnumbing bubble of submission, hello again to your reality and the worries that came with it, “whoa, don't call them my girls, because they're not, I told you, they're just a whole lot of overactive imaginations and gossip site trash” he lifted his head with a frown that matched the scribble of worry on hers, she didn't believe him. He stretched so he was next to her “look at me”, he had to repeat his question because she was so lost in her thoughts again “Harper Coco, will you look at me?” he said a little sterner, mentioning her full first name did the trick. “It's just gossip, those things that are being said about me..it all happened a looong time ago, I was different, things were different, I was a lot more promiscuous back then, there was the first success, booze, dope, and a whole lot of groupies, I'll admit that much and I guess you could say that Shannon still hasn't escaped that era but I have”. Jared pushed himself up on one elbow “I'm not the same Jared anymore, they're not my girls, they never were..but YOU..you are, you're definitely my girl and I wouldn't want it any other way..I love you, I love only you”. She let her indexfinger trace down his nose “how do I know that? I mean, we've only been together for a few weeks and..this tour is littered with beautiful girls in the frontstage every night, I've seen how far they're willing to go..”. He couldn't stand to hear any more “stop it, Harper! Just stop right there! So basically what you're trying to say is that you're insecure about me and the fans? Ok, well, what about me? Because I'm just as insecure as you are, I see all the men on this tour, on the street, in coffeeshops, museums and they're all staring at you, drooling over you, like they want to have their wicked way with you right there on the spot, how do you think I feel? I'm just as insecure as you are” he breathed. “You? Insecure? Mr. Rockstar? I find that very hard to believe” she plucked a little kiss from his lips “I don't know what gave you that idea though, it's not like I've done anything with all that admiration as you call it, unlike you”. It was said with a smile but he felt the little sting behind it, he just didn't get the time to react properly because there was a knock on the door and she got up, “Hey Harper, is my brother..? oh there he is!” Shannon just came walking in “we're about to leave for the venue, you coming?”. Jared looked at Harper who was already grabbing her things, “I am, but you..you're staying here” he locked eyes with her, “what? But I need to..the lights..” she frowned, “you've nearly crashed, you're hurting so I'm listening to what the doctor said..you are going to rest”. Don't leave me here, come on, I don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now “no, let me come with you at least..” she started protesting. “Sorry babe, but I know you, the minute you'll arrive at the venue, you'll start working, and that's the last thing I want, no, you're staying right here and you're gonna rest up, early tomorrow morning we'll be leaving for Italy and I know you want to be fit and have a clear head about that” he kissed the top of her head and let his hand caress her hair, case closed, fuck this “I'll try and keep the meet and greet short, ok? I'll be back before you know it, can't wait”.
It was the early hours of morning when she felt the mattress dip and her eyes fluttered open, “hey babe..you awake?” the smell of alcohol in his kiss that landed on her cheek was nearly sickening “I am now” she grumbled as she pulled the cover over her a little higher, she so wasn't in the mood for this. “You mad?” he giggled as he seductively tried to bite her earlobe, “no, I'm not angry, I'm extatic to be woken up in the middle of the night by my drunk lover, definitely extatic yeah” she hissed venomously. “Oh, I like it when you're being feisty” he giggled and let his hand venture down to her butt, “you touch that butt, you lose that hand” she warned him “I'm not kidding, Jared, go to sleep”. Uh-oh she wasn't kidding..damn! 'slap' his hand still landed on her butt, she hissed in shock while he giggled and playfully rolled away from her waiting for her to turn around and scold him or laugh, didn't matter, but what he was expecting didn't come, she just huffed, buried herself in the duvet and ignored him. “Harper? Babe?” he ticked the duvet, no reaction anymore, he ticked again like a puppy that wanted to play, he was definitely in trouble..”I'll go to sleep then!..” again no reaction, oh god the room was spinning “you sure you don't want some good loving?” he yawned, I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second, maybe then the room will stand still again “you absolutely sure?” oooohhhh yes definitely better, ooohhh his arms were so heavy “ok then..talk..to you..in..morning..wuvv ya” and with that darkness surrounded him. She rolled her eyes when she heard his heavy breathing turn into loud snoring, dumbass, bleggghhh, so not in the mood for this..ok this snoring was getting out of control by the second, grumbling she got up, dragging the entire duvet with her, don't give a fuck, the alcohol will keep him warm and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
His phone bleeping pulled him out of his alcohol induced coma, as far as he was able to see nothing important, he put the phone back down and looked at the empty spot next to him in bed, huh? Where was she? He pushed the covers away and took a few seconds to get back to his senses sitting on the edge of the bed, it was the loud bang followed by a heartfelt curse that had him venture out the bedroom and into the opulent living room. “What are you doing?” he walked up to his lover jumping from one foot to the other, “what does it look like I'm doing?” she growled as she pointed at the culprit that was her suitcase that had decided to tumble off the chaise longue and which was now turning her little toe black and blue. Instead of reacting verbally he just crouched down, took her foot and kissed her toes “there, better?” his beautiful baby blues looked up at her, Harper nodded, her cheeks flushed she looked so nervous. “Come here” he whispered as he got up and put his arms around her “what's wrong?” he whispered as he nuzzled her hair, her body felt tense and was trembling at the same time, “nothing..I just need to pack my bags, we're leaving in an hour” she lied as she let go of him trying to step out of his embrace. “I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's troubling you, did I misbehave? I really didn't plan on coming back a drunk mess” he folded his arms around her waist and let them rest on the curve of her butt. Harper shook a firm 'no' and then hung her head “I'm nervous because we're travelling today and that stupid suitcase fell on my toe and just look at that mess” she broke away from him and kneeled down again to throw all of her stuff back into the suitcase. He kneeled down next to her and stilled her trembling hands “are you sure it's just the travelling? Because I think it's the destination, it's going back to Italy that's freaking you out, isn't it?”. How could she possibly think she could hide this from him? “yeah” she whispered all hoarse refusing to look at him, “you're going home, babe..you've got a chance to make things right with your family”. His words made her shudder “I know, but what if..”, he put his thumb against her plump lips to silence her “no, Harper, no 'what if's', you're gonna go there with an open mind, you'll talk things through..” his hand drifted over to her long hair, caressing it ever so gently. “Excuse me” she suddenly jumped up and ran off to the bathroom, all colour drained from her face, “babe..you ok?” he slowly knocked on the bathroomdoor but nothing except from a gagging noise followed by flushing water. She walked back out with her hand over her mouth and gazing at her feet, it simply broke his heart to see her this upset, this nervous, “I'll be right there with you, we'll do this together” once again he put his arms around her and she clung to him this time. I want to believe it, I need to believe it..her cheek rested against his chest and listening to the soft thumping of his wonderful, warm heart she closed her eyes, it was gonna be ok as long as she had this beautiful, strong, wonderful man by her side, of course it would be ok, believe it..
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dramaticironyoflife · 5 years
The Cake Incident - (Sanders Sides)
I was feeling sad so I wrote a Sanders Sides fic about good ‘ol Pat-Pat making a cake...or...trying to. I am such a sucker for fluff so I apologize for the fluffiness. You have been warned.
Patton was in the kitchen, twisting the edge of his apron around his fingers. Logan had told him, repeatedly, that he was not to do anything in the kitchen without his supervision. The moral side shifted around a few times. He’d been having a rough week. Roman had been late coming home from a quest and, when he had finally stumbled in, he had needed patching up. Virgil had been slightly distant the whole week and, while Patton was proud of him for learning to cope with his own problem healthily, he missed him. Logan himself had been extra busy with planning and scheduling. Patton considered Logan’s order. He’d given it a few weeks ago, though! Surely Patton could be trusted now. He’d only needed Logan to intervein seven times in the past three weeks. Of course, Logan had done most of the cooking in the past three weeks but that was beside the point. The determined puff-ball straightened his glasses and opened the cupboard. He arched up on his tippy-toes and grabbed the large cook book off the top shelf. He lowered it carefully onto the counter and let it fall open. He looked at the recipe that stared back at him. It was in Roman’s curly handwriting and read: “The Perfect Chocolate Cake to Wake Up Your Cursed Princess With” it sounded Pattonly Perfect. With a smile and a hop, Patton set about preparing the dessert. All was going smoothly until he got to the sugar. He looked skeptically at the amount in the recipe. He bit his lip and then decided to add just a tiny bit more sugar. Nothing much. Just a half a cup. Satisfied with the improvement, Patton turned sharply to grab the next ingredient and knocked into the carton of eggs. Two of the large eggs tumbled from the counter and broke on the floor. Patton gasped slightly and bent to pick up the shells. He grabbed a few napkins and quickly swiped up the mess. The floor would be slippery, but he promised himself he’d mop it later. Problem taken care of he resumed his baking.
“Hey, Pat?” The moral side started at the unexpected greeting and dumped some coco powder in the process. Virgil flinched at realizing that he’d startled the fatherly figment, but Patton shot him a big smile.
“Hey, Verge!” He grinned, “Didn’t see ya there!” Virgil smirked in spite of himself.
“Just wanted you to know that Roman and I are going into the Imagination. He wants me help him with his ‘Spooky Forest’.” Patton’s brow drew together.
“That sounds…safe?” He tried. The Anxious boy chuckled.
“Don’t worry, Patton, I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything too stupid.” He waved at the side before stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets. Patton nodded and waved back. As Virgil disappeared, he allowed himself to smile tiredly. He was so happy that his Kiddos were getting along now. It was such a weight off his shoulders, no more big fights to break up. Patton shook his head to rid it of those thoughts. He had no reason to think so selfishly! He was happy because Roman and Virgil were happy. That was all. He nodded at the much more positive sounding reasoning and then yawned. He was a little sleepy, he guessed but he had a cake to finish! Recalling this, he carefully poured the batter into a greased pan and slid it into the oven. He glanced at the clock and made a mental calculation as to the time his prize would be done. Seemed like it’d be done in about an episode and a half of his cartoon of choice. A smile lit up his features as he turned and walked out to the living room. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.
               The smell of something burning woke Patton. He sniffed before sitting bolt upright. His eyes widened as he saw the smoke in the kitchen. He rushed out and grabbed the oven mitts. The cake was ruined. Patton looked sadly at the disaster and sniffed slightly. Tears wanted to come but he blinked hard. This wasn’t something to cry over! He was just being silly! With a forced chuckle, he stood and walked towards the counter to set the cake down. He slipped. The pan went flying into the air and landed with a loud clash on the floor next to Patton. Now he couldn’t stop the waterworks. He tried to muffle the noise with his hand and so missed the sound of frantic feet on the stairs.
“Patton? Is that you? I heard a -” Logan stopped mid-sentence and looked at the man on the floor, “-ruckus.” He finished. Patton looked up at him with watery eyes and saw Logan’s eyes dart back and forth, taking in the scene and drawing conclusions. The logical side sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What have I told you,” he asked slowly, making Patton flinch, “about cooking or baking alone?” Patton tried to answer, he really did, but his lip wobbled, and he sobbed as soon as his mouth opened. Logan looked at him alarm. He hadn’t intended to make Patton cry!
“I’m so s-sorry, L-lo!” It seemed that the moral side had finally found his voice. Logan carefully approached the sob-story and lowered himself down onto floor, trying not to think of the flour, cake crumbs, and coco powder that would be all over his outfit.
“Patton? Are you hurt?” Patton’s safety in the moment was the priority. A small shake of the head confirmed that Patton had sustained no injuries. Logan assessed the situation again. The cake on the floor was unsavable, but Patton must’ve already been under some distress as he’d ruined cakes before and never had so sensitive a reaction. He cautiously raised an arm and slipped it over Patton’s shoulders. He hoped this would have some positive effect, he was at a loss as to what to do if it didn’t. Thankfully, the mood seemed to lighten significantly. Patton leaned against Logan and let a few more tears slip out. Logan shifted to allow his emotional friend more comfort in their current position. “Do not be distressed.” He instructed, “This is an easily rectifiable situation.”
He allowed Patton to sit for a few more moments before he urged them both up. He directed Patton to make hot chocolate (one of the only recipes he could make without becoming too impulsive about it) while Logan made quick work of putting the kitchen back in order.
“Now,” he clapped his hands together, “let us make a cake.” Patton stared at him with surprise. Logan? Encouraging the creation of cake? He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and boldly marched up to his spectacled companion.
“Open your mouth.” He demanded. Logan blinked.
“Open your mouth! I need to make sure you don’t have a snake tongue!” Logan looked baffled before understanding dawned his features and then slight frustration.
“Oh, for goodness’ sake, Patton, Deceit does not-” Patton stuck his lower lip out in determination and Logan breathed heavily through his nose before letting his jaw fall open. The moral side inched closer to look critically at the pink tongue. He grasped Logan’s chin carefully to accommodate for the other’s greater height. Logan rolled his eyes wearily and shifted uncomfortably. Patton stepped back and smiled up at his friend.
“You’re good!”
“That’s subjective.”
“Yep, definitely my Lo-Lo!”
“Please refrain from calling my that.”
The small talk went back and forth as Logan assisted Patton in beginning a new recipe. He made sure that Patton measured the ingredients correctly and kept him from adding too many extra ingredients. The logical side also took charge of the oven to ensure his own sanity as well as Patton’s safety. Time seemed to fly for Patton who was enjoying himself to the full, even when he pouted at Logan’s restrictions on the different candy’s he could add to the cake. He stared proudly at the two cooling treats and hummed happily as he licked the icing off the beater. His legs swung back and forth from his perch on the counter. Logan stood a few feet away, folding whipped cream into the frosting with a spatula. Patton wished that someone had been there to capture the moment. It was so rare to get Logan to team up with any of them, especially to do something enjoyable. The clink of the metal mixing bowl being set down fully on the counter snapped his attention back to the present.
“Ready to assemble the cake?” Logan asked. Patton nodded and jumped down. He paused,
“Can we put Crofters in between the layers?” Logan’s eyes lit up and a pleasant smile graced his features.
“I believe that is an acceptable idea. Might I recommend strawberry or raspberry? It will compliment the chocolate wonderfully.” Patton clapped and took the jars out of the cupboard.
“We’ll do half strawberry and half raspberry, and it’ll be the berry best cake ever!” He giggled as Logan groaned slightly but grabbed two frosting spreaders accordingly.
They finished the cake smoothly and Patton covered the final layer of frosting with sprinkles. He placed it on the center of the table and smiled proudly at it. The frosting flipped up in the areas that Patton had done while Logan’s spots had a smooth pattern made by the strokes of his spatula. It had personality; Patton decided. Logan was already cleaning up the second mess they’d made when Patton hugged him excitedly. Logan dropped a dish into the sink full of soapy water in surprise. The water splashed onto his tie and he sighed. He carefully patted Patton’s hands in acknowledgment of his gesture. With a final squeeze, Patton pulled away, smiling up at his logical friend.
“Thank you for baking a cake with me, Logan.” The sincerity of the statement was seen in Patton’s eyes and Logan allowed himself a small smile as he nodded in response.
“Certainly, Patton. I am most willing to assist you. Next time, please tell me what you desire so I can plan accordingly.” Patton twisted his apron around his fingers again as he battled internally with his next request.
“Logan?” He finally asked. The logical facet hummed in response, having returned to the sudsy task of washing the dishes. “Would you like some cake? We could watch one of those nifty documentaries you like…please?” Logan’s thoughts were almost loud enough to be heard. Patton could guess that he was going through the many tasks he still wished to accomplish and he waited anxiously for an answer. At last, Logan turned to him,
“I have rearranged my schedule to accommodate for a break. Allow me to complete washing these dishes and we will begin the social activity.” Patton giggled and clapped before rushing to the cupboard to dig out the plates.
After a short argument about who should cut the cake, how big the slices should be, and an agreement to watch a documentary on why dogs were considered man’s best friend, Patton fell asleep against Logan’s shoulder. The logical side hadn’t noticed until Patton’s heavy weight landed on him. He looked down in surprise and noticed the strained look on his fellow side. He quietly attempted to determine a solution to his situation when a flash caught his attention. Virgil, phone in hand, snapped another photo. Roman was already heading towards the cake.
“Virgil, stop that immediately! Roman, don’t eat the whole cake! No, that is still much to large a portion size!” Logan growled in a low but clear voice, no reason to wake Patton. Roman rolled his eyes,
“Fine, Mom.” Virgil snorted as Logan arched an eyebrow. The emo sauntered over to the table and stole the large slice that Logan had disapproved of from Roman and began to shovel it into his mouth, staring at Logan the whole time.
“You’re going to get diabetes.” Logan warned but Virgil only shrugged.
“We’re all dying anyway, might as well have fun with it.” Logan facepalmed. Roman took his own, slightly smaller piece and sat down on the other side of Logan. Virgil crawled up on the side table and made himself comfortable. Logan sighed again while Roman chuckled in amusement. Virgil made a face, nearly making the fanciful side choke on laughter and cake. Logan scolded Virgil,
“Do you want to wake Patton?” He hissed at the two of them. As if aware he was the subject of conversation, Patton shifted and moved closer to Logan. The three conscious sides froze in anticipation. Roman wished he’d gotten a photo of Virgil’s panicked look from the fear that he’d actually woken the older side. Patton sighed and then stilled. Relief flowed into the room.
Silence reigned for a while then. Logan, accepting his fate, conjured a book and began to read. A snore caught his attention. He looked towards Roman and raised his arm just in time to keep the royal side from falling on his book. Instead, the creative side’s head landed in his lap. Virgil somehow managed to grab Roman’s empty plate and fork before they could stain the carpet. He took them to the kitchen before returning and taking another picture. Logan huffed in annoyance.
“You’re not going to help me, are you?” Virgil smirked,
“Nope” He confirmed, popping the ‘p’ to drive home his point. He pocketed his phone before wandering over to Patton and climbing onto the sofa behind him. “Night, Specs.” He yawned.
“It’s not night time.” Logan pointed out, clearly confused, but he got no response. He sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day and looked at the other sides. He really had to review his lecture on proper sleeping schedules, clearly he would have to give it again soon.
I have a special place in my heart for the Sanders Sides so there are going to be many more fics where this came from.
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def-jaybnowhr · 6 years
Just GOT7 Things: Part 2
I know I’m still forgetting things, but listen: it’s not my fault they’re all outrageously outrageous. I’m sure I’ll think of more and there will be a part three. rip.
Part 1
Jackson Wang Things:
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- forgot he was in a dress and bent over - Jackson! With! Kids! - won’t let his production team live (”we have food today so they couldn’t afford drinks”) - will date anyone if they like each other (after his contract is up, of course) - “are you from China?” “yes” “are you sure?” “...YES” - breaks the ASC set - once threw his fancy watch in the dirt because Jinyoung gave him one as a gift - curses a Lot - “why are you so daddy” - So Thankful to his mom for raising him as best she could (he cried, I cried) - can actually be serious when he wants to be - which is a rare occasion - Cutoff Tees - Remember The One-Sleeve Look? Iconic. - shouldn’t fall asleep while getting a haircut
Park Jinyoung Things:
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- would betray the members for one (1) corn chip - wants to kill the members (except JB) 98% of the time (especially Yugyeom) - you ever heard of Big Dick Energy? (see The King performance) - always watching, always judging - pretends he’s normal - does a lot of weird shit - will probably have a giant flower garden at some point - high notes - gets embarrassed performing old JJP songs - still having fun tho (I see you) - can pop his eyeball out of the socket - Pushups - definitely ripped under that dress shirt and cardigan - shy with fanboys (remember that ONE)
Mark Tuan Things:
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- yelled at BamBam for wanting to give Youngjae cucumbers because “that’s mean” and “he could die!” - youtube, sns, youtube (but he’s already watched everything), sns (but he’s already seen everything), back to sleep - nicknamed “Little Cock” by his family because he was born in the year of the rooster (”Little Rooster” - don’t be nasty, ya nasties) - sporty boi - used to be hella tan before going to Korea because Cali beaches - Quiet™ - shady af - probably would trade the whole group for a good meal or a vacation, tbh - he’s either annoying WITH yugbam or being annoyed BY yugbam - loves his members highkey - clingy - he’s just a smol
Kim Yugyeom Things:
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- “wow, so ah-mazing” - close friends with Jungkook (BTS) - the worst at bird noises - why are you acting like a dog, Yugyeom? - “majimakcheoreom” - will he ever stop yelling? probably not. - embarrasses himself but still does the embarrassing things - started reading more after hanging out with Jaebum and Jinyoung - TATTOOS - went bowling with Jungkook (who is a pro; Yugyeom probably lost) - filmed himself in the shower - cries when he gets pranked - which is a lot - probably cries during movies, too - he’s just a softy - “jJ pRoJeCt” - admitted he’s an idiot
BamBam Things:
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- flirts with fans on twitter - met his idol, G-Dragon - said he wanted to give Youngjae cucumbers even tho he’s allergic - Moose™ - king of girl group dances - the sausage commercial pose (you know what I’m talking about) - the Best at bird noises - embarrasses himself - and everyone else - the best at the bottle toss game - the next BigBang (look out, Seungri, he’s coming for your brand) - does convulsing on the ground count as dancing? - dyed his hair white again (with purple/pink tints) because he wants me to die - was originally going to debut with Stray Kids - the thottiest thot - why does he always sound like a dying whale? - probably actually really smart - under all that meme - troll - you ever heard of Big Dick Energy? (see The King performance) - says his legs are useful because everyone uses chopstick (I hate him) - wants to work at a zoo - “do moose really walk in the street?” - called a giraffe by Jackson
Im Jaebum Things:
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- says he doesn’t like certain foods and then proceeds to eat them - loves chicken more than life - always hurting himself - “and then . . . EAT” - according to the personality/compatibility test he took with Yoo Youngjae, he needs to be told when he does something well (which leads me to think he’s the one with the “good boy”/praise kink, let’s be honest here) - missing a whole ass tooth (and yes, it’s painful) - dork - sucks at rock, paper, scissors - the worst at the bottle toss game - taught the foreign members curse words - curses a lot - So Offended when Yugyeom accidentally called him without honorifics - reprimanded by his dad for flirting with fans - secondhand embarrassment is a part of his daily life - the Best eyebrows - cats over people - won’t show fans his room because he wants something to be private in his life (I get that, my guy) - pinned a fan against the wall once (wish it was me) (I would be super dead) - wants piercings (is trying to kill me) - said he doesn’t care what people think (same, I love) - Cooks™ - awkward - could probably kick ass if he wanted, but is a soft boi - looks hot in a dress - went on a date with Choi Youngjae and sang dirty songs - teases fans a lot (he’s a little shit) - watches over fans; saw a fan passing out at their show and didn’t stop until he got them help - a fuckin’ loser (in the best way) - keeps the group on task and focused (most of the time) - used to have anger issues, but chooses to talk about things these days - sees through pranks
Choi Youngjae Things:
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- highkey allergic to cucumbers - “hello, my name is Youngjae” - you’re doing amazing, sweetie - laughs just like his sister (everyone was shook) - knows he can get away with anything - Humble™ - likes to hold the fans’ hands at fansigns - softest boi - once tried to get a heart back from a random family outside for like 15 minutes (he’s so cute) - gets offended when you say he’s not pure - Supreme - lives with his brother (does he also have the Laugh?) - and Coco, of course - his laugh makes the world go ‘round - “i don’t like it!” - tricked Jaebum into doing aegyon on Ask In A Box - tattoos - has literally never done anything bad ever - wants to be a husband who makes his wife laugh a lot - a baby
GOT7 Things:
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- *whispers: jyp - spoiler7 - “do you miss us?” “no” - WASABIII~~~~~ - savage7 - literally all love the fans so much - Thots™ - LOUD - PIZZAAA~~~~ - interviewers typically say, “it’s tiring with GOT7″ - “ling ling ling ling” - basically admitted they don’t like Never Ever (written by JYP) - seriously, does anyone ever know what they’re doing? - AmeriThaiKong - adds “in bed” to every song title to make it dirty - Inappropriate™ - they. eat. so. loud. (it kills me) - always go to their disabled fans who can’t come to them - watch out for their fans at shows - can make anything sexual - hand out the cell phones thrown on stage to their owners - shouldn’t have sugar - take selcas with fans while performing - meme7 - always look out for each other - but also are all Rats™ - love In-N-Out - make a million versions of EVERY dance practice just to be memes - literally walked into a fancy restaurant and announced themselves (loudly) - but then signed autographs and took pictures with fans - knee dabs - “i’m out!”
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The Cold-Z.K.
Sorry it sucked, but here is the Zion fluff we deserve
It was a freezing day to say the least, I’d just come back, early, from skiing with a group of my close friends up in the mountains somewhere. They had dragged me out to the mountain, with the most cell reception, worst food, and not to mention, the weather. We had rented a house for a couple of day. It Hadent seemed like a bad idea at the time. Untill I found out Zion was coming. Iv never been too fond of him. Or even fond of him at all. His friends however were great, And they were friends with my friends. So here I was. Convinced to come on this cold ass skiing trip. Having never skied a day in my life. How dumb was I.
it’s was nearing 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was cold,tired, and irritated, among many other things, I need to rest. After all I am from California, and not used to the cold. As I entered the room room pursued to be mine I sat on the bed. I plowed my snow boots off and threw myself on the nicely made bed. Not remembering this was not how I left my bed this morning. I had layed in someone else bed, without even realizing it. Due to feeling cold id whip up some cocoa on my way upstairs, the hot kind. But then, as I relax on the bed, I opened my eyes getting the feeling someone eyes burning a hole threw me. I raised my eyes to see None other than the asshole himself Zion standing right before me.
Noticing the beauty in the clearness of his blemish free skin,soon looking at the rest of his beautiful features, his eyebrows tilted up as I studied his face. I’d been caught, causing me to smile shyly. Looking away I’d seen not my suitcase but his. “Oh is this your room?” I belted out, more that slightly embarrassed, but ever so tired “What’s that you’re drinking?” Zion ignored my question, taking the mug from my smallhands into his gigantic ones and sips on my hot cocoa, mine. From this he ended up getting a coco mustache.
“Mmm…….thanks babe” he winks, whipping his face, so the mustache was no longer there. “Babe?” I ask quietly, but really i was just amused and really WISH that it was true. He giggles as I floped my body flat on his bed then flip onto my back. He stares at me as a little grin appears on his face. “What?” I asked wiping my mouth because I’d presumed there was something on it. He shrugs “Can I have my drink back?” I had extend my arm for the mug, “please?” sleepy and drained I’d asked again. “Why?” he jokes. Zion smiles, places the drink on the side table, pulls my arm in towards him then lifts my whole body and carries me. As I laugh from the awkwardness of facing him and not knowing what to do.
His hands firmly on my butt. “You have nice eyes” “Do i ?” suddenly we were both laughing like there’s no tomorrow. As I lean forward, rest my head on his shoulder and whisper in his ear, “I’m really tired” Zion lays me on my back on top of the bed. His body is hovering over me and the eye contact is impeccable. Slowly but tastefully he strips his shirt off over his head. Unfortunately for me, he rolls over onto his back and decides to lay next to me instead of on top of me. He starts to chuckle adorably. “What’s so funny that you keep on smiling and giggling at me?” I questioned serious this time. I wanted an answer.
He looks at me with desire. “Stop that!” “Stop what?” he asks in a sexy tone. He clearly never realise how attractive his being is. “I’m giggling because you ……” “…. I?What?” he bites his bottom lip then looks away. I put on a confused look. Moving closer and start to play with the tips of dreads. Zion decides to twist and face me. Now we both are sitting with our legs crossed face to face. By now I’d noticed that it’s already dark outside. so I get up and look for my pyjamas. “Where are you going?” Zion asked concerned. “Umm….to get my pyjamas then SLEEP” i replied in a sarcastic tone. However I had to admit, it was cute that he seemed interested. “Y/N)” i nod whilst leaning on the door.
“the mug” he smiles. “Oh ya, can I have my drink back please?” “Sure” Nash gets off the bed, picks up the mug and walks up to me. I extend my hand again for the drink. But he starts teasing me playfully. “Awww” he continues to toy with me. “Z, you’re going to spill it” “Z, you’re going to spill it” he mimics. “You’re crazy” i state. But become seduced by his jaw dropping abs. This time he looks away for a moment then looks at me with lustful eyes, this makes me blush. “Stop that.” I mutter, trying to focus my attention elsewhere. It was awkward. Very. “Aren’t you cold?” “Nope.” He replies. I use this opportunity to feel on his body and face. Funny enough he realises what im doing so does the same to you. “Hahah. What the hell?!” Id exclaim as he tickles your stomach and pokes your butt.
He begins to laugh hysterically. I couldn’t help but smile at his charming snicker. “GOOD NIGHT” you say as you turn to exit out the door. Suddenly my arm is being held firmly. Zion kisses me on the cheek from behind. Id given him the brightest smile then hug him.
103 notes · View notes
borgatabent · 6 years
Festival Of Many Colors - A Summary
day 1: poison! :D day 2: everyone fit your dates in here day 3: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Or, in more detail:
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 9:56 PM
It's the last day of the Festival of Many Colors, and as expected, your plans for the crew's involvement therein have fallen apart quite spectacularly.  People split off, like you told them not to.  People got poisoned and hurt, as you expected.  By the time your own kids split off from you, well, you aren't surprised.
At least you trust them to stick with the people they split off with.  They'd better.
You, though? You feel safe as can be as you wander the booths, eyeing the wares the local artists of the city have brought forth to peddle to the masses.  In particular, you've been standing before a rather ornate painting of a cat that just...well, it tickles you.  The roundness of its face.  The wide icy lakes of its eyes.  Arresting.  Brim of your hat pulled low, you notice nothing else as you look it over.
"Now ain't that something..."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:05 PM
The festival has been treating you great so far. You got to reunite with an old friend and spend some quality time with your sharks! None of the Felt got (unintentionally) drugged as far as you are aware, and it's such a great opportunity to more or less openly steal food.  Great festival so far 10/10.
They even had some ameozwing pieces of art on display. So amazing you didn't even notice you lost your shark companions. So amazing you don't even notice the  man standing right next to you as you you stare at the painting until he speaks up.
The only thing that leaves your mouth is a half hissed "You!" in true anime fashion.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:09 PM
The troll woman's word brings your head up and away from the painting, but you don't need to look to see who it is.  It has been two years since last you saw her in person, but oh. Oh. You could never forget that voice.  When you turn your eyes down to Nepeta, your face is purposefully and carefully blank.
Until, once facing her completely, you allow a smile to unfurl across your face, slow and malicious. 
"Evening, kitten.  It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:21 PM
He's better at suppressing his emotions, your face immediately gives away your murderous intent. It's something you should work on but you can't help it when you see him in person, especially after so long.  Of course you knew you'd meet again but you are still surprised by how hard it is not to jump at his throat right here on the street. 
Easy now. You know you can't do that.  You remind yourself that you are going to, one day, and your fists unclench. Huh, you hadn't even noticed doing that. 
"Not long enough." That's all he get's out of you before you sweetly ask for the cat pictures price. It's childish for sure, but if the only thing you can do right now is a buy a beautiful cat painting before he can you will take it.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:25 PM
You chuckle, reveling in the hatred she glares at you.  It's rolling off of her, like heat, and you hadn't realized until that moment how much you truly had looked forward to this.  To see that rage directed at you was, in a word, sublime.  And then she's trying to buy that lovely cat painting. 
You think that's childish, Nepeta? Watch this. 
Cutting the artist off mid-speech, you say to them--never once taking your eyes off of the girl--"I'll pay twice the asking price for it right now."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:39 PM
Oh that motherfucker. How dare he, he's not even interested in this fine piece of art, he just wants to piss you off. And he's successful at that too. 
You don't have as much money but you have a lot of hate in your little heart.
"Can you really afford that? Funerals are so expensive these days. Shouldn't you save up to get get poor sweet Aradia the best funeral money can buy?"  Your face doesn't show your hate quite so obviously now but it unmistakably seeps into your words. It's a low blow, but you don't give a damn.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:44 PM
That smile on your face snuffs out in an instant, and your mouth becomes a hard, angry line.  You can feel your face flush with a hot surge of anger, you can feel it pulse in your strained neck.  Your hand, which had idly been stroking over a small statuette of a cat similar to that of the one in the painting, goes still over its porcelain head. 
"You'd best button your lips," you say slow, "especially about things that don't concern you, Miss Leijon.  It'd be a shame if someone were to knock those pretty new teeth of yours out again for your smartassery."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:52 PM
Yeah, that one got him good and you couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face if you wanted to, showing off all these pretty, pretty teeth. 
"It'd be a shame if you'd have to bury your children too, yet here we are. How long do you think hot wings will make it? Chicken is a popular snack around here." 
Truth is, you don't hold any grudges against Droogs kids, they don't have to die anytime soon, they should bury him if things go your way. But it's the easiest way to get to him, and if he doesn't want you to ignore him? Fine, you can play dirty too.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:57 PM
Your jaw tightens, just as your grip on the little porcelain kitty does as well.  You can feel it grinding against your palm, past the skin, statuette against carapace.  Stone to stone.  You can hear it creak pathetically under the stress, and not for the first time, you imagine it isn't the porcelain kitty's head beneath your grip. 
You say, "Awful funny of you to mention.  Had some shark soup the other day.  Real tasty--you ever have it?" 
Coolly, you cast your eyes about.  Neither of the cat's pet sharks seem to be about.  You turn your glance back at her.  "Bet olive grub tastes just as nice this time of year."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:02 PM
"Oh, no I can't say I had the pleasure yet, I prefer getting my shark fresh and raw." You are not going to fall for his cheap distractions. 
 "You think so? I hear alternian trolls prefer maroon bloods for such things. You know, since they usually don't grow very old anyways."
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:06 PM
"Yeah?"  You chuckle low in your throat.  It's not mirthful; it's a sound of warning.  "I'll tell ya, you kooky trolls are all full of surprises."
You turn to her then, your hand dipping below your collar for a moment.  When you raise it, hooked around your thumb on a thin gold chain, dangles a sharp tooth.  The very top of it, though run through with a hole to hold the clasp, is still dyed a light olive green.  "All kinds of uses for every part of you.  I'd love to see what I could do with those little candy corn beauties on that thick skull of yours."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Oh that's dirty. You were trying so hard to hold back, can't cause a scene here, right in public, after all. But no, he had to go and take out his little trophy. Sick bastard, did he always carry that around with him or just for special occasions?
Hot white rage fills your head as soon as you see your tooth, you barely even hear his mocking words through it all, too fixated on it. You remember all too well how he took it, all the pain, all the misery, all the fury, bottled up and culminated over two long years like a fine wine. 
It feels like this single moment of rage stretches on forever until everything happens  fast and all at once. You hadn't even noticed that you had clenched your fists, hard enough to draw blood with your claws when you are already swinging a punch right at his insufferable smug face, connecting with an audible crunching noise. 
And god, it feels so good. Finally some sweet release.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:28 PM
The thing you've learned about trolls, after having a hand in raising a small squadron of them over the years, is that these fuckers are deceptively strong.  You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but you've seen them lay grown body builders flat at the tender age of 10.  So when that fist connects with your face, you feel the carapace beneath crack before you are sent reeling backwards into the crowd. 
Shouts of alarm go up around you as you bowl people over, only to quickly leap to your feet, easy as you please.  The shadow magic skin you're wearing on your face is crooked, torn at the seam of your jaw, and you take just a moment to pull it back into place before you lunge forward at her in turn. 
The porcelain kitty still in your hand, you grab at her collar to pull her up as you bring it down and shatter upon the crown of Nepeta's head.
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:39 PM
You are still too engulfed in that sweet rush of violence to see him coming in time to dodge the kitty, what a regrettable waste of art that was. The other thing about you trolls is how headstrong you are. Sure it hurts like a bitch, sure you can feel sticky olive blood pooling in your hair, but it's not going to anything to stop you.
Instead you take the opportunity to show him just how sturdy your pretty little head is. You grab him and headbutt him right in the mouth, hoping to break some teeth in the process.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:52 PM
You're sturdy, but holy shit, not that sturdy.  You can feel the hot spray of blood gush from your nose, from your mouth, from the now fractured carapace beneath your lips.  There is the click-click and drip-drip as you stagger back, broken teeth and candy red blood falling like rain to the ground below, despite the way you cup your mouth to prevent the fall.  It's all wet heat on your palm. 
The look in your eyes, one reverted back to its natural white after such a hard hit, is one of pure. 
"You fucking stupid bitch," you slur as you shrug off your heavy coat.  It's weighing you down, even if you had chosen it to hide the dip in your mostly healed arm, hideous as it is beneath the thin fabric of your shirt.  You spring forward, arm pulled back to launch a punch toward Nepeta's stupid fucking bitch face, fist surrounded by thick purple flame.  "Look what you've done to me!"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Today at 12:25 AM
Oh but you are looking, and you are so pleased with your work.  How's it feel to be the one who's too furious to think straight Droog? Pretty good it doesn't seem. 
It feels so intoxicating to finally have the upper hand, to finally not only stand on even ground with Droog, but above him. He's becoming undone right before your eyes and even though part of you knows it's not just because of you but thanks to a whole series of events he and the Crew recently suffered, you decide that no. This is all about you. 
Your rage, your revenge, your victory, ready for the taking. 
Exposing a glaring weak point like his arm was his first mistake, using it to attack you the second. You catch his arm mid punch without any problems. Sure the magic fire burns your flesh but you smile at his face despite the disgusting smell of your own sizzling flesh. 
"I think you are the stupid fucking bitch, kitten." 
You don't waste any time and use your opening to kick him right in the stomach, hard. But you don't let go of his arm, even when he hits the ground. Instead you pull, putting your strength to good use. You don't stop pulling not when you hear a a loud popping, and not when you hear a sickening a crunch. One last effort from your side and you finally stumble back, his arm in your hand. Your very own little trophy, one you will treasure dearly. 
You stand above him finally tasting sweet victory, blood rushing in your ears. This is better than any high you ever had. The temptation to kill him on the spot but you settle for another kick right into his oh so handsome face instead before you spit on him,  just because you can. "Always a pleasure playing with you kitty cat." 
With that you turn around to flee the crime scene and report to Snowman.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 12:35 AM
It's fast, it's all too fast--you're on the ground before you can even properly think, and then you're hearing this sound, and it's so hard to parse through the screams of the crowd down pushed as far back away from the two of you as they can get.  They're shouting for help, for the police, for something,but you can't hardly hear it over the pop and break of your own sinews, and that other sound.  God, what is that? 
It's your own screaming.  That's new. 
When Nepeta pulls your arm away from you, you're left to stare blankly up at her.  The world is grey and hazy, but this olive troll and your arm are in sharp, painful focus.  You register the kick to the face and the heat of your blood pooling on the ground below you, and it just doesn't seem real.  Like a strange dream turned nightmare, in the blink of an eye. 
As she walks away, you go to lift your arm only to realize, whoops, that's not there anymore.  You lift your other and fumble around for your phone.  As you tap on the screen, now streaked with the gore of you, you realize you're shaking uncontrollably.  Or you suppose it is.  It seems so far away, as though you're watching some other armless sap shaking like a leaf in a tornado.
You put the phone up to your ear, still skewed from the hit you took earlier.  You think you're speaking loudly, but your voice is barely a whisper. 
"Hey Slick, uh... ...my arm's..." Before you can say another clarifying word, the phone slips out of your hand and comes to rest in the sticky red lake forming beneath you.  You pass out.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 12:43 AM
Oh well. Oh shit. This was bad. You refound Nepeta a few moments ago, but the fight was already a little heated to step inbetween. Especially since Nepeta looked like she got it handled pretty well. (Better than you ever could.) Before you could quit the hemming and hawing and decide what to do, it was already over. And...
You definitely didn't expect THAT outcome. Now, Nepeta surely got hurt a little. But... she was fine enough to run away. You already had your camera handy for the festival. Some cute kissy selfies with your lovers and totally not stolen plushies on there. You're gonna check on your beloved meowrail in a minute, for sure. But until then...
Nepeta would want it that way. And then you are gone too. All you can hope is that Droog managed to catch your gleeful grin before he passed out.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:42 AM
You're at the festival, already fighting the heat of rage from building up inside of you. You're looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the mysterious vendor from the other day. The one that drugged your son. He tore himself up pretty good and you're not going to rest until you have your vengeance.
That's when you think you might be hearing screams. It draws your attention enough for you to squint at the forming crowd. A few thoughts buzz through your head as you casually start making your way over--
Your phone rings. You answer. Your heart squeezes tight and a chill runs through you, cold enough to snatch your breath away. "Droog?!" You can hear the crowd still shouting on the other end of the line, as well as in that close distance. You start running, shouting for him on the phone to no answer.
You're shoving people aside, desperate and wild, until you see him. Unconscious, bleeding out, phone in his bloody fingers. You don't think. You drop to your knees and stop the bleeding with shadow magic. You're shaking him, trying to wake him up. Screaming at the people surrounding you.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 12:48 AM
You had a gameplan. Day three made sense for you to arrive, bundled up and faking illness that you have been boasting. Scarf on, coat buttoned, one of those little paper masks to indicate a cough.  Perfect enough to get at least some sembelence of festival and buy a few pumpkins and lose a few games in the quest for the kiwi.  Maybe even heckle some of the crew since you heard they had a kissing booth all up and about.
So of course, just as you are about to waste said money on a dream you hear some sort of commotion nearby.  Immediately you abandon the baseballs as you break into a run, pushing and shoving until you reach the break in the crowd. 
And blanch at the sight.  Oh frog...  Still, time to get the authority voice on as you pull out a badge. 
"I need everyone to clear some space. NOW "  That was more for the crowd than Slick since you expect his shadowy magic is probably better suited for stopping the bloodflow than any bandage pressure you could provide.  You pull out your phone and dial up.  "We have an emergency situation here.   Massive injury. Ambulance needed."  You already have an idea of who did this based on your own sources but telling that to Slick sounds like the top 10 worst bad ideas right now.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:54 AM
You're Problem Sleuth and you're running through the crowds that are panicking over the event that seems to be a girl tearing out Diamonds' arm and you've never dodged running citizens like this until you were in the court yard of Prospit when the war was announced.
Goddamn there were apparently a bunch of spectators to the de-arming and when you get there, you see Slick and you hear the wrath in his voice. Seeing you kismesis in si much rage almost makes you feel anger too. And you look around in time to see the tail of a green coat and you're running before you even know it. 
The Crew and whichever faction this was, you suspect Felt, are at each other's necks, you're trying to not even think of the new faction rising to power -- "Get out the way!" You're hot on the suspect's trail and you hope it better stay that way.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 12:56 AM
Your name is Clover, and you'd probably been catching up to the sharks. Everything was going smooth, absolutely everything- and then you turned and you saw Diamonds Droog hitting the ground, and it all happened so fast you could barely register it before you see Nepeta tear his arm straight off, and when she runs- 
Well, you do too. If anybody's gonna need some fucking luck, it's your kitty, after all. You're not thinking about anything else.
[insert missing post of Fin, fleeing along Nepeta and Trace and getting into the car]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 1:00 AM
Your name is the White Queen, and you had been nearby with your Dame when the commotion had started.  It had taken you until now to push through the crowd to get close enough to see what is happening, but when you do, you reel back.  Though you had promised yourself that you would not do so again for a long time, you clasp your hands together and focus your empathetic powers on your ring to send a pulse of calm through the crowd.  It won't do anything for the humans and the trolls among them, but it will be enough to calm the carapacians from outright rioting. 
In the meantime, your name is Snowman, and you are fading to and from black. In your room one moment, a few paces ahead of Nepeta the next.  She collides with you but you anticipate it, and you wrap your arms tight around her.  You toss a wink over her head at the men pursuing her, and in a shimmer, you fade to black once more.  You would both find yourself collapsed upon your own bed to soften the impact of your collision, bouncing once before settling.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:00 AM
The Dame herself, though- when the screaming starts, she replaces her glamour with something that the citizens don't know but her Agents would recognize as a favored disguise, and she gets on clearing everybody the hell out of the way. Her imagination presses up against the minds of particularly stubborn crowd folk, pushes suggestion in to make the process easier. Leave, leave, leave. Get to safety, get to calm, it will all be alright.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:03 AM
Too bad, Fin. Because all of a sudden, Trace is gone. He has been tailing people long enough to notice that they, and more importantly Nepeta, had been followed, and ducked away to the side during the next best occasion. Hopefully quick enough.  It was. The crowd surely helped. You see someone that is very definitely not a Felt running right past the corner and past you, whereas everyone else tried their best to get away from anything green. 
 Maybe some of Clover's luck rubbed off on you too. Unfortunately for Mr. Sleuth. Before he has a chance to turn around, you reach for his collar and suddenly you're on his back. 
 "Not so fast, copper. This ain't your business" you just growl into his ear. A well aimed punch should take care of the rest. Time to get outta here.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:08 AM
Jay's ears perk as Clover texts her for a pick up, she leaps from the roof and teleports in front of Clover. Skidding to the side from the force of the teleport she looks at Clover, all of her soft and kind looks gone. She is determined and calculating. All in one go, as soon as she stops skidding she lunges at Clover, scooping him up over her shoulder and looking at the ones chasing. With a flick of a tail and a flash of green her and Clover are gone, standing in the main lobby of the Felt manor, Jay nods at him as she sets him down and teleports right back to the roof from before. Ready to extract anyone else.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:09 AM
You're running and you're catching up, reaching out to harness your imagination to start forming your sword when the process is cut short by someone pulling you back by your collar and you choke. 
You look fast enough to see who it was and then the punch comes and you're knocked out. Falling to your knees and onto the cold ground of the alley.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:09 AM
Soon after, Trace slips into the back of the car and tosses Fin the key.  "Get us home!" Squint around.  "Where did Nepeta go? Weren't you with her?"
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:10 AM
"I thought you were with her! " Car car key right. Time to scram.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:11 AM
Before the pup can vanish, Clover grabs her be the sleeve and as quick as a radio host, he tells her- "Check for the sharks, check the festival, get Doze before Slick finds him and decides to take everything out on him. They were nearby, I don't know where they went."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:13 AM
Your name is Jade and you hears screams and slick's furious anger. Something bad has happened and you think it must be one of the bosses. You run to see what's happened and gasp at the sight. 
Droog's on the ground bleeding and Slick is there holding him, fixing with shadow magic but snarling for answers. Officer Ingleton is there too otherwise you'd step in to see what happened. Instead you question the people near you in fake hysteria, asking what's going on. 
You're very displeased to learn the stupid cat bitch was the one to cause this. Fuck, if this wasn't an escalation. The bitch was probably long gone too. What about the others though? 
This wasn't good. You're quick to go see what Felt was still left on the grounds.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:14 AM
You name is Jude Harley and you are running to the car with your police badge in hand, but sadly no guns, just...the flare one? Right it's on your common equipment so you take aim to the car and shoot, permission can come later.
 Somebody roll a dice to see if he break a window or not.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:14 AM
There is a ping of feeling. An attempt to calm your rage. It is swallowed whole. Nothing can quell your anger and your outright pain in this moment. A ring sitting heavy in your pocket, your matesprit of uncountable years broken in your arms. And a name ringing in your ears. 
Nepeta. "The cat girl in the Felt."
You've seen them scrambling away. And you won't chase them. No. You will plan. You will make sure that the next move you make completely and utterly shatters them.
"Lyosha... Lyosha wake up. Please."
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:15 AM
He's dead, Jim.
Meanwhile Kingpin is somewhere in the crowd, watching the show and having a damn good time
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:18 AM
And this is why you don't let Fin drive, with all the trails blocking the way and now a god damn flare breaking the back window the shark is now panicking and screaming. 
The trash you left earlier on the backseat is on fire.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:19 AM
Oh no. Oh no no no. Not the window. 
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:20 AM
>dramatic car break 
>those wheels are really good but they will look like shit after this 
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:21 AM
Hey Fin, do you know this look? You know this look. It's the look Trace gave you after Itchy sucked your dick. 
"Move over." Growl.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:21 AM
>You move over and try to put down the fire on the back 
"I’m taking no reponsability for this!"
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:23 AM
"Yes you are. I'm putting this on your phone tab." 
At least the car is still turning on. Time to get you home in a very relaxed and non-accent-risky manner.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:23 AM
JH==> Attempt to chase the car once you heard the breaks but to no avail. No more flare charges anyway.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:17 AM
Jay nods to Clover quick and from the roof back to the scene. She dips quickly into the crowd and circles around, scenting for Doze, her ears pinned flat and tail poofed up with worry. Jay sees the tint Doze explained and pushes through the crowd, looking from the scene to the tent.
She reaches it and dips in, and spins to look for Doze, her chest heaving with quick breaths. Her cold expression not showing the panic she felt inside. "Doze? Come on we have to get the fuck outta this joint."
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:19 AM
Your name is Doze and you're just chillin in a booth a bit away but still close enough to hear the pandemonium. You got your bubble pipe and are looking at some badass woodworking stuff. Kind of cool. Gotta appreciate the arts really. 
You turn to Jay. "Oh hey checkout this baddass lil thingie. Got like tiny lil sharks etched on it. Think it'd make a good gift for Trace?" 
 Meanwhile you, Pembrooke Ingleton are on the radio.  There are some orders to pursue suspected targets as well as to get an ambulence out pronto.  Other than that, you're trying to keep the crowds calm and back and give Slick space.  Never entirely sure if that one will suddenly lash out at the nearest crowd or person.    Also not sure how he's going to react to medical personal wanting to take Droog to the hospital but that's a problem for future Pembrooke.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:21 AM
You go back to the booth with the henna just in time to see the Felt, Doze you think, with Jay. And you freeze for a moment, shocked that she knows him. You stare and you realize that she doesn't just know him; she's with him. She's with the Felt.
You don't know why that hurts your very being.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:25 AM
Jay presses her nose between her thumb and forefinger and huff out a laugh while shaking her head. "God you are so fucking funky. Can't help but love that about ya." She taps the baddass lil thingie and lifts her hand with a flick, teleporting it close to where she teleported Clover to. "Okay it's home, and it's loud out there. Let's dip, and laugh about someone loosing and entire fucking arm." She holds out her hand for Doze to take. 
The fur on the back of her neck raise up and she looks over her shoulder and, her ears slowly droop as she stares directly into Jade's eyes. Jay's cold determination falters and for a second Jade can see the sadness, panic, and worry in her eyes. She shakes her head slowly and reaches more earnestly towards Doze.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:27 AM
You step back in shock. She's Felt she was this whole time. And then you feel anger; anger at her, at that bitch cat and all of the fucking green bastards. You step towards them, towards her, but you have a feeling you won't be able to reach her this time
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:29 AM
You name is Kayana Maryam Spektor, and you are NOT calm. You are looking for the center of the chaos in search of your father who you've learn has lost one of his arms. You push and shove your way through people not caring if you knock them down.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:31 AM
You, Doze, smile at Jay and hold out your hand but then turn to see what the sudden agitation in the air was. Turning around, you see oh...its the one gal you did henna for.   "Oh! Heya there.  Check out this badass woodwork thing this one booth was doin."  You give a wide smile completely missing the point.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:32 AM
Uh oh here comes a special boy!! Here he comes!  If ever there was a juggernaut made alive, it would be the steamroller that is trying his best not to bowl over the crowd while he linebackers his way through to the coordinates Jude gave.  The commotion is easy to follow, growing thicker as you get closer--and also harder to get through.
It's then that you end up almost running into the car, or the car running into you.  It's hard to tell which it is because you're JAYWALKING/running across the street to get to the location without looking for traffic, and so the car that's just started up and is burning rubber trying to accelerate.  The front bumper thuds into your hip and thigh and you skid just a tiny bit--but you also might have dented the bumper yourself, or at least the hood of the car when you slam a hand onto it to brace yourself from falling over.  Point being you hiss and yell more in surprise than pain--though your hip IS in a lot of pain--and you're scratching the front of the car while glaring absolute fury at the driver-- 
Oh. Oh.  Perfect timing.  You lock eyes with one of the Felt sharks--the orange one driving, and bare your teeth at him.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:36 AM
Jay freezes and whispers, "Doze, not now!" She grabs his hand, pushing him behind her and full blown growls. Tail lashing and ears pinned as she faces Jade, little bits of green bolts spiking across her body as she bristles up. She crouches and readies her hands for combat, "Walk away, Jade. Now." Her tail slowly but surely curls around Doze's waist, Jay didn't want confrontation but if Jade rushed her she was ready to get her and Doze out of there.
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:39 AM
Kanaya finally spies her Uncle Slick and... Oh no... Her father with blood leaching from his empty shoulder. "UNCLE SLICK!" you call out to him shoving people out of your way with greater ferocity.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:42 AM
You glares at her; as if she has the audacity to tell you what to do?! "I want answers Jay!" You snarl back, not bothered by her light show, not slowing her step. "You're Felt; was this planned?! Was this all a fucking lie?! A ploy!?" You're not sure if you're more angry over Droog or angry at this feeling of betrayal. "Why'd she do it Jay?? Why cause an escalation now?"
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:42 AM
You hear Kanaya. Your gaze snaps to her and you hold Droog closer, halfway shielding his cauterized wound from her sight. "Go home," you order, leaving no room for question, "and tell the Crew. The Felt attacked us and we're going to--"
There are cops here, Spades. One is standing right beside you. The inspector. The one who had been poking around in your territory. You narrow your gaze, glaring at him. You'll deal with him later. 
"We're going to regroup," you say, "Get out of here."
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:46 AM
Kanaya's face is conflicted for a moment, but finally she nods and turns to go tears in her eyes but not falling. There's few people you would trust to make sure your father would be okay. You boss and father's matesprit is one of them. You follow the order and vanish into the crowds as you head home. You hoped you'd be able to convince your uncle to let you in on making this felt bitch pay.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:47 AM
Pembrooke looks up, and puts two and two together. Right, Droog's daughter.  He lets her pass into the area unheeded as the ambulence siren begins to get louder. 
You frown, knowing well that tone of whisper,  and you see the glare....meeting it back with a narrow squint of your own before you finally get the nerve to speak aloud.  "There is an ambulence on its way to take Mister Spektor to the hospital. You are welcome to join him of course."  You were going to extend the offer to his daughter but apparently she walks faster than your mun types. >:U
Meanwhile Doze tilts his head, a moment of confusion then well...more confusion. Ok this isn't about woodworking. Hooboy. 
"Iffn this is about all the hootinenenery happening right now gotta say that there was no grandscheming on this one tho prolly not gonna believe that.  Just as surprised as everyone else I just wanted to get my gift shoppin done like fuck now its a pain in the ass."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:50 AM
That's okay because you weren't going to let her. You hold Droog tight, keeping your gaze locked on the Inspector. The sound of sirens gives you fucking anxiety. But this is one of the very very few situations you'll allow one of your own to enter a hospital. You'll just have to be sure to pay off every fucking doctor and nurse and janitor you see to make sure you don't leave Droog's side and that he's receiving the best possible care.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:52 AM
Jay knows she should probably just.. teleport away but. She stands up ears shoved forward and her expression cold and empty, "You think it was planned for me to be here? To have been left by my family and for me to got all happy daisy to the Felt? Sweet heart, nothing is planned. It just happens." She turns slightly, not looking away from Jade, "Doze can you please grab on to me? Anywhere is fine right now." 
Jay's ears flick and she huffs at Jade, "I never lied, you just never asked. As for what cat babe did? Not part of the plan but man..." She leans forward, snarling, "was it good."
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:54 AM
Because the mun has no reading comprehension skills and  is now revising actions, Equius continues from the incident with the car, having left a dent and a hook man car door claw marks down the side of it, and the car giving him a nasty bruise, but otherwise everyone is unscathed.
He favors his right hip a bit as he trots up to Pembrooke, breathing a little heavily and holding up the roll of police tape you have handy.
"Sir--brought this--Jude said it would come in handy."  You huff and shake out your leg a little bit, starting to get on the task of keeping people back and setting up a perimeter.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:01 AM
You know it's just angry speaking; you know you should step back, take a breath. You're better than this and you know that in a way, Jay's right. What time they spent together, that couldn't have been a ploy it was far too genuine. You don't really understand what she means by a family leaving her, but you do understand what she says about the aftermath and you see Red 
 Before you've realized, you're already swinging a punch at her
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:05 AM
Pembrooke nods at Equius.  "Set up a perimeter. Start taking witness reports."  You notice the shattered bits of porceline.  "Find out which booth that came from and get their report in particular. I want to know exactly every word and detail that led up to this down to how many times they blinked." 
A few tents away Doze sets the woodwork down cause he aint a thief dangit, and rests his hands on Jay's shoulder.  "Sorry yo. Gotta go."
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 2:08 AM
Jay grins at Jade, all of her malice and mockery going into that one good last look and just as Jade's fist is about to connect with her face... a flash of green goes through the tent and she is gone from Jade's sight and into the main entrance of the Felt manor. Jay sighs and pats Doze on the head, "I could of taken that other wood piece with us too if you wanted." She points to the shark one she teleported in before the commotion, "Least I got that one. Now pardon me, I need to go find some damn ibuprofen."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:11 AM
She's gone before you can wipe that smug fucking look from her face and you're shocked and angry. But then, you feel... upset. Not that you missed, but that you tried to punch her. God what is wrong with you?! She's the enemy now; she has to get past this! You're not going to let this make you a liability. 
But, this shows that she's not just a furry for show. Maybe Scratch worked on her like he did Sock, except she was clearly more successful. 
....time to get out here too.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:15 AM
You're the Grand Motherfucking Highblood---And you've been alerted to a commotion by Azzie. You smell blood on the air and normally it'd fill you with Glee. 
But that blood is your Moirail's blood. The motherfucker you'd slaughter leigions for. 
Your calm and gentle demeanor evaporates in a second as a wave of Terror washes over the crowd, forcing them apart as you Roar and Snarl, charging on all fours in the direction of your Moirail's scent. 
...You're going to Kill whoever did this.
Without question. You will find them.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:17 AM
He nods, immediately finishing with the perimeter first and wedging himself between the scene and various citizens, politely but forcefully scooching them back.
Before he gets to the witness accounts, he sidles back up to Pembrooke, voice lowered a bit quieter.  "Also uh, I was told to give this to you."  He passes the kiwi very sneakily like contraband, and nods solemnly, getting back to work.
He sets up some markers around the porcelain shards, voice raising up to tell people to form orderly lines and wait for questioning--before you feel a rush of nauseated horror and acrid fear that could mean only one thing.  You might be less susceptible to mental influences than lower blood castes, but you still freeze on the spot, getting OUT OF THE WAY when you see highblood frenzy coming towards the scene, grabbing Pembrooke's arm on instinct and pulling him behind you.  Just in case.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:22 AM
Your business stern faced demeanor is temporarily shattered as you hold in your hand the blessed kiwi at long last.  It is softer and more perfect than you imagined.  But then you clear your throat and return to professional mode.  Just in time for you to be pulled behind Officer Zahhak as you hear the crowds start to stir. 
Craning your neck, you see the flash of black and purple as you inwardly brace for probably another one of the Crew's confidants to bust their way onto the crime scene like an emotional trainwreck.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:32 AM
Not emotional. Angry. Very, Very Angry. Roars and snarls fill the air as the crowds part as he darts past the Blueblood and the Capricians. They don't matter. Finding his mate matters. 
He sees the blood...so much blood. Splashes of Olive.....
Slick is scented, acknowledged, but he's snuffling intently at his moirail, Snarling at anyone who dares approach. 
His common tongue doesn't even sound right, tinged heavily with Alternian, rearing up on his legs to his full height, eyes locking on the blooblood. "Who." This is not a request. It is a command. The leader of the Mirthful is asking a motherfucking question and he Best Motherfucking Answer.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 2:35 AM
Oh shit. Lookit that. Kingpin was still watching the scene with delight. And just as the White Queen's awful attempts at mind- pardon, emotional control crawls past you, you feel another emotion wash over you that is sending a shiver down your back. 
One of the few times you truly felt that, if not the first. And boy, that was. Fucking. Thrilling. The source of that wave was hard to miss. A giant troll. One of them purple bloods. Kingpin had heard stories, but he had yet to see them in action himself. A thing he may get to change soon, perhaps.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:41 AM
He still has one hand gripped on Pembrooke's upper arm as he keeps him behind--he did not want one of his new bosses in the crossfire of the most reveared and infamous of their people, something that rivaled the title of the Condesce, though no one would state as much out loud.
His posture goes to military attention, expression sobered up.  His one consolation is that at least the force of that anger, that rage, isn't directed towards him individually.  Still, he's afraid.  Afraid for Nepeta, and afraid with the waves of empathetic terror that roll out from Baron like a swelling tide.
"Felt," he says with a low rasp, meeting Baron's eyes and ducking his chin a little.  "It was Felt.  I just arrived on the scene, but--"  He shifts a little, letting go of Pembrooke because he is the commanding officer who can speak on the situation, giving a pleading look to Baron to be dismissed from answering questions that he had no right to answer.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:45 AM
You feel a sense of relief, although very slight, at the sight of Droog's moirail. You meet Sam with a soft headbump, hands full with Droog. You're lifting him up, preparing to carry him to the ambulance. "It was that cat bitch," you growl, "Nepeta. She's holed up with her posse by now." 
You lean close to Sam, muttering quiet enough for only him to hear you, "I want to dismantle them, Sam. We need to plan carefully. But if there are any of those green fucks or their associates running around, I want them taken care of. We're going to send a message. Understand?"
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:53 AM
...You needed that. You needed something to ground you, though tenuously. Your hand shakingly passes over Droog's lack of arm, wiping the blood over your face like the warpaint that's always present on it. 
The Blueblood is released with a wave. "ZAhhAk. DIssMiSSEd." 
There's clicks and whirrs that meet Slick's order, your voice thickly affirming. Your voice is neigh a whisper. "I'll bring their heads." Fuck I don't know how do italics but pretend with me people. Power Of Imagination. You're following to the Ambulance without a second glance to anyone in the crowd. You could care less. 
Greens will. Die.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:58 AM
You stand silent, observing all of this. There is a lot that you're starting to discover and none of it is good.  Firstly that the Baron is far closer to Crew than you imagined and the sudden worry for your morail is bubbling up because you are pretty certain he is good friends with the Baron?? 
But there is also the detail of interractions and for somene to be able to call rank and authority to one of your officers is...also not the most ideal of things.  But something to be filed for later.
You watch the hushed whispers, no idea what is being said but you can likely guess.  This was not something the Crew was going to just take idly.  Just a matter of if their counter will be immediate or longterm.  You then watch Droog get loaded into the ambulence, waiting to see who goes and who stays behind.  Thankfully at this point he crowd has begun to scatter and disperse.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:04 AM
He feels a chill like ice dumped down his back for a whole other kind of dread now.  Baron might have let him go but his gut twists, because he... he doesn't work for Baron.  He doesn't.  He can barely relax even as he steps to the side from around Pembrooke, but he can't... he can't really meet his eyes right now for fear of actual distrust in them. One ear twitches, your considerable hearing picking up the low murmuring between Slick and Baron.  You don't hear what's said.  But he does hear the tone of voices and it's nothing but the promise of violence.
"...Permission to continue questioning, sir," he says to Pembrooke, eyes flicking up and then away again, hands clenching kind of uselessly at his sides.  Then, because he can't leave any stone unturned or irresponsible.  "....I'm sorry.  It... it won't happen again.  I was caught off guard."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 3:06 AM
You hop into the ambulance. And just as cover, you call to Sam, "Get straight home and keep an eye on everyone. I don't want anyone else getting hurt, got it?"
You don't actually wink because that would be obvious as fuck but the sentiment is there. Also, with one eye, winking is extremely difficult. 
You try to relax enough to not lash out as the first responders get to work on your matesprit.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:11 AM
"Permission granted." You simply state with a nod as you watch the ambulance doors close and start to pull out.  At this point, Slick and Droog were now the least of your worries other than the possibility of Slick just making everyone's lives miserable at the hospital.   You pull out your pen and begin to assist taking witness reports and gathering evidence. 
There will be times for talk later, but now that the action was fading you had a job of trying to get as many witnesses still about as you can before they filter away.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:21 AM
You give a short nod, going back off to round people up, focusing mainly on organizing them into categories of relevance.  After examination of the porcelain pieces again, you scout out the nearby booths--and sure enough, you find the most likely one, artisan crafts and all that.  It doesn't take much convincing to get the stand owner to come with you to the priority list of witnesses, her eyes cagey and wary after the whole trainwreck.
"This one saw them come into first contact," you murmur to Pembrooke, directing the woman to stay with the inspector.  "Would you like me to take her to the station."  To make sure she doesn't get cold feet and decide to stay out of mob crossfire.
EJ (GHB)Today at 3:23 AM
You understand the Wink with the intent for murder burning in your heart. Your grin in response is sharp and dangerous as you sniff the air, scenting for the Green Bitch before starting to move off to another direction. The police can think what they want, there's no concrete proof. 
 Clowns can be deceptively quiet as they're slinking out of the eye of attention.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:28 AM
"I doubt it will be necessary.  It's just a simple eye-witness of the events.  Much like everyone else is giving."  You say that aloud, as you hope such statements will set her on ease in case she is worried that she may end up in the middle.   "I'd say take some forensic samples, get some photo of the scene Officer Zahhak."  you gesture to the olive and red blood as well as the various fragments of porcelien.
You set to task of questioning...hopeful that the other officers off scene are faring better.
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
Hello! Could I please have a headcanon with Aizawa, Hizashi and Shinsou? How do they feel/react to an S/O who blushes absolutely bright red (like all the way to the tips of their ears) when given a compliment about something that matters to them? Like–"Thanks for helping out, I know I can count on you."=RED. "You've been working really hard on that skill and it shows."=RED "You're a great listener."=RED, and so on. Thank you so much!
( mmmmmm, that’s adorable y’know. ❤  they turned into drabbles! i hope you like them. | i… love this wtf. asd;fkjsdf this is the gooiest shit i’ve written in who knows how long. )
| shinsou; drabble.
oh, he knows. there’s this vain, incredible hope that perhaps the book promptly shoved into your own face or the scarf wound high around your neck might veil the evidence, but.             he knows.     he only smirks like that when he’s found another button.
“hitoshi, nooooooo…” 
impossible, mouth’s corners curl up higher / lay dimples into his cheeks. “hitoshi, yes…” 
“noooooooohh my god… nugh.”
the worst part is when he doesn’t capitalise on it at once. of course not, that would be lenient. instead, you spend the afternoon lounging together ( ever on the edge of tension of will he do it- ) before going your separate ways; each headed home for dinner and a truly obnoxious amount of homework.             something of an hour past quesadillas, there’s a beep             from your bag’s front pocket.
[ hito-tan ❤ uwuwuwu; text:  babe, u on q24? pls… help ya homeboi out.. my familys dyin ]
[ text:  are u tellin me the geat shinsou hitoshi wrestled w/ adverbs an the adverbs came ou on top?? ]
[ hito-tan ❤ uwuwuwu; text:  *great *out ]
[ text:  YOUR* FAMILY’S* DYING* ]
fuckin’ grammar nazi. still, this desperate plea for aid doesn’t pass unanswered - via call will they resolve this business, because otherwise shinsou will keep sending back typos and drain your available texts. wouldn’t be the first time.
              “–yeah! and that’s about it.”
       “oh..?” it’s non-commital, introverted. “yeah– cool, thanks.”
              “you’re welcome… y’little shit.”
       “mmm, i love you.” not so absent now– “thanks for         helping out,.. i like that i know i can count on you.”
       “see ya~”
[ hito-tan ❤ uwuwuwu; text:  so formal you wound me ][ hito-tan ❤ uwuwuwu; text:  pics or it didn’t happen ]
[ text:  EAT SHIT ]
you won’t know ‘til the next day how his eyes glow, little crinkles at their corners when your blush heats the very tips of your ears… and quite everything below them. whacking him (lightly) with your notebook does fuck all to thwart the growing smirk on his face (or the way his fingers itch to taste that blush, stroke lines across its curve). 
( should you press your ruddy cheeks to his, you’ll find some common ground. )
| aizawa; drabble.
oh. ohoho.
         he lets you think he doesn’t notice. ( that idea manages to stick through sheer desperation alone, because even your warped reflection in the windows is stained red. )
aizawa memorises what he said and did before the heat of your face warmed his across a full feet of empty space lmao – and from then on follow experiments; carefully, stealthily, he lets those span across a few weeks.
it’s very, very easy to determine the cause of your blush.and so very very easy to apply, too.
date night consists of a quiet night at your or his place; his, this time. warm blankets and shared body heat, mugs full of coffee and hot chocolate while he grades the odd paper he can’t resist, while you edit today’s entry into your diary.     date night = snuggly naps, pretty much.
“…your handwriting looks pretty.” 
         doesn’t quite do it - you hum, finish your f with more of a flourish than you would without the weight of his gaze, but barely change colour. a little ruddier only if he squints.
“…dunno how you manage to keep that up,” writing a diary that actually gets a page for each day that is, “don’t think i’d have the patience…” 
his shoulder’s nudged by the butt of your pen, your eyes on the page and attention divided. “you already have to write a lot with school and all, it’s no wonder.” 
faint, domestic conversation ebbs and flows - nothing groundbreaking or of import to any of the scavengers that dig for news in roadkill reporters; just talk for the sake of hearing each other’s voice.     eventually, though–
              “thanks for making time for me in the evenings. my schedule’s              unpredictable… i know it’s tough to work around it all the time.”
           —yes ! bingo !!!
     “it’s fine,” voice soft, “i like to– why the fuck are you smirking.”
  the curve of his lips grows crooked, lop-sided as the honest to god wink sent across a steaming mug of coffee. it’s more like a spasm of the eyelid really, but it means the fucking same.
“aizawa shouta, you fiend–” 
the pillow fight that ensues is of epic proportions ( and doesn’t even stop when the coco spills ).
| hizashi; drabble.
fuck, it’s cute. fuck fuck fuck, it’s cute. oh gosh. oh no. oh, probably you might be embarrassed?? maybe you don’t like for your feelings to show for all to see - perhaps courtesy would be the better method than curiosity. do you need a hug? do you want a hug; hugs are always available! do you–          how can he make this happen again?
    “hizashi, i swear to fuckin’ god. leave me be!”
his pout comes armed with mewls, little whines of plea and malcontent – all while wayward fingers find the heat in your cheeks and make it worse with curious touches, cool kisses.      can this man stop- being that way for 5 seconds!! ( not that it’s bad, but Rebellion… Rebellion. )
     “hizashi, for fuck’s sake.”
“but i love yooouuuuu.”
     incoherent spluttering.
“i didn’t know you could get that red.”  thumb’s broad pad chases down the line of your cheekbone, settles briefly at the corner of your mouth.
     “yes, thanks, thanks, get over it.”  and You Refuse To Kiss It.
“…”  the quickest little peck nestles where his thumb did.  “nope. never.”
     “urggghhh.”  you’re also Not Leaning Into That.
“you look so cute.”
     “i know, stop it. god.”
“good, good-” and another smooch. a smorch, if you will. and another - the gentlest of line-ups across your brow, kissing across every dip in your fake-ass frown. 
and so you sit there, suffering silently with a face uncomfortably hot ( mic’s kisses in soft cool contrast ) and a lover who’s discovered more to love.and has way more to give than outlets available, apparently.
“you look so cuuuuuuuute.”
     “you’VE SAID THAT-”
despite protest’s climbing pitch, there’s not a single move made to halt mic’s tender advances and he knows it.                     you spend the entirety of his lunch break with a blush slowly dying and a wealth of sweetened love; that he goes to class on a stomach mostly empty is fine, butterflies keep him from going hungry.
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boggirlsummer · 3 years
Zoey and I just spent a week in Portland with her fam before starting the Oregon Coast Trail (my foot is mostly ok!). Her mom drove out from Missouri in her converted van and rented an Airbnb for the month of July + her dad flew out for the week, so it was a party. I slept in the van which was surprisingly cozy and all around a fun experience. One night I peed on a telephone pole like a dog and every morning I emerged from the back of the van feeling like a little gremlin. If this were any other city the neighbors might be disturbed but this is fucking Portland. Thanks for hosting us Kari!!!!!
Highlights from our time in the city of roses:
I rented a bike for the week and it was love at first sight. It was an aluminum PURPLE Trek with flat handlebars and a rear rack and a Prince sticker. My purple prince bike!! After some online research I determined that it was a 1992 model frame in the color “Sour Grape”. Zoey and I rode everywhere all week and this bike made me feel like the city biking girl I always dreamed I would be. Hills and bridges and errands were no match for us!
All of the things that suck about biking were solved with this bike. My #1 annoyance is locking up - it’s a pain in the ass to get a U lock around all the important stuff and I hate digging my key out of my bag when I’m hot and sweaty and juggling a bunch of shit and I look like I’ve never locked up a bike in my life and I feel like everyone is STARING AT ME. I always expect some random man to come up and ask if I need help which gets my cortisol pumping and then I fumble with the lock even more because I ACTUALLY DON’T NEED HELP! It’s like when old guys try to help me parallel park before I’ve even started, like they can smell a woman thinking about parallel parking, like sharks and period blood. Yes, I did fail that part of the driving test but that’s only because there was no such thing as parallel parking where I grew up. My dad had to put a railroad tie down in our yard for me to practice on. But after living in LA for 4+ years I can parallel park with the best of em, as you might know if you’ve ever been my passenger. I can even parallel park a moving van! Without help! So ya, when an old white guy sticks his head in my window while I’m trying to park I just roll that shit up. It makes them mad which makes me laugh. Yes, I actually CAN choose to disengage at any time!! But thank you for the help kind sir!
Anyway, I know it’s really dumb but I’m legitimately trying to buy this bike and have the bike shop ship it to Berkeley for me. I left my contact information for the shop owner and I plan on following up until I get an answer. I need this bike. This bike is my destiny. Phone zap alert!!! Please contact Everybody’s Bike Rentals in Portland and encourage them to sell me this bike (503) 358-0152. Oh also, the solution to the locking up problem is to put your bike key on a stretchy bracelet thing and wear it around your wrist at all times.
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My steed
One morning we went on a self-guided donut bike tour and hit Pip’s Original Doughnuts and Chai, Coco Donuts, and Sesame Donuts. We planned to visit NOLA as well but we were too sugared up :/ If we had gone to Sesame first I would have had a drink off their Red Bull menu. Does anybody know what the deal is with Red Bull here?? Every coffee shop in this state sells Red Bull-based concoctions and as a recent RB addict I am HERE for it.
In the middle of our ride we went thrifting and I bought a sweater y’all are about to see a lot of… I call it my purple grape sweater cuz yeah! it’s purple and it says something punny about Oregon wine country, like “Wine of a Time.” I unfortunately don’t remember what it actually says and I had to mail it home but I’ll circle back. It also seriously smells like grapes (ask Zoey!). Can anybody recommend a grape perfume? I read online that Lady Gaga’s perfume is pretty close. I’m on a purple kick right now.
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We also went on a sunset and moonrise group ride to a “mystery” destination which was so fun. Why is “secret” stuff so exciting?? Can it be cool without being gate-keepery? Anyway, the moon was ginormous and Cheeto orange and the fact that it rises at a different time every day is still wild to me. One of those things they should teach you in school!
I love biking with a group and doing stuff in cities that’s more like what I would do if I actually lived there. Sightseeing can make me feel like I’m just checking a box or killing time which puts me in this weird headspace/existential spiral where I wonder if travel is meaningless and start freaking out about whether life itself is just killing time. Not exactly a vacation state of mind!!!! My dream city trip = food (regional fast food is thrilling), ~active~ transportation, small music venues, PEOPLE WATCHING, walking around residential areas, reading in the park… How did my country parents raise such a snob??? Somebody slap me.
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Keep those eyes rolling cuz Zoey and I bought ~film~ cameras. We went to a used camera store where a very nice man helped me pick out a 35mm cam while Z talked herself into buying a Diana F+ “toy” camera. Ultralight backpacking friendly? No! Extremely fun? Yes!!!
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By the way the daddies here are UNMATCHED. We were hiking in Forest Park and a man passed us towing his baby behind his bike. We later saw him picking blackberries along the road with baby on hip and he earnestly asked us if we were also out “foraging.” Not sure that’s my kind of man but…very interesting. Saw sooo many solo guys out walking hand in hand with tiny independent babies and having full blown conversations with them. Baby talk is dead! Treat your baby like an adult. DILFlandia forever.
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Of course we went to Powell’s and bought some cool stuff!! I got a book that’s been on my list for a long time: Walden Two by psychologist B.F. Skinner. It’s about a utopian community that weirdly reminds me of Atlas Shrugged (don’t judge me!) and despite being written in the late 1940s still feels hella relevant (sad…). In the intro (updated in 1976) Skinner writes about some of the cultural and economic issues that inspired the book, including overconsumption and environmental degradation, the decline of community life and art/leisure, capitalism and productivity culture, and more personally, Skinner’s observation of his wife and her friends’ boredom/isolation/despair as they transitioned from college girls to young wives and mothers. Many of my favorite topics! Can’t recommend it until I’m done - lots of ways a book written by a 1950s behavioral psychologist could go wrong - but happy to mail it to any interested readers once I’ve finished it.
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Listen to men!!!!
Portland has some cool urban planning/community stuff going on that I haven’t noticed in other cities: lots of food pantries on the street (some with fridges and microwaves), real public bathrooms, public transportation is affordable and the fare system just makes sense (after two trips or $5 you’re automatically upgraded to an unlimited day pass). So bikeable! Streets were super clean! There are co-ops everywhere! Also Oregon just passed a law that allows unhoused people to camp on public land? I want to know more.
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Designed to make can collection easier? Is this the opposite of hostile architecture?
A week in Portland wasn’t enough! Stay tuned for updates on our next adventure, the Oregon Coast Trail 😎
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Please consider donating to my GoFundMe so I can return to Portland and visit this Love Specialist :)
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