#maybe just curl up in bed with your comfort item and pretend it’s not there
When in depression doubt get a mug of hot chocolate
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mwahmimi · 2 months
Comfort item🧸
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It has been a hell of a day. Early rise and a late finish, with maybe 5 minutes worth of a lunch break in between few cigarettes stops. Getting on the jet felt like finally being able to breathe. The unsub was caught, the case cracked, justice served. That’s what you signed up for. As you open your backpack in your seat, you rummage around in the depths of your bag, a deep sense of guilt and disappointment hitting the pit of your stomach.
You pale, realising you’d left your one comfort item at home.
The whole team had one, Reid had his blanket, Morgan his headphones and JJ a book to read. Yours was rather particular and could not be replaced, your stuffed animal, but he was more than that. He is an Eeyore plushie that you’ve been inseparable with since the day you received him as a birthday gift. Over the years he’d been ripped and sewn up, every time you pretended to give him anaesthetic for his surgery. He’d been with you, through all the nights you couldn’t sleep, the nights you’d cried yourself to sleep. He’d even shared the bed with your ex boyfriends, much to their dismay.
You knew this journey home without Eeyore would be a sleepless one.
Hotch slips himself into the seat next to you. He notices her sitting curled up on the seat and he can't help but notice how miserable you look, curling herself into a ball to almost hide from something.
"Are you doing okay?"
He asks, keeping his voice low to not disturb the others. You whisper in response, just muttering something about being tired.
"You look it. This was a tiring case. You should get some sleep."
He looks across to the others playing cards. Reid was almost definitely cheating again he assumed, as Morgan stared across the table with eyes like daggers, Emily’s head rested on his shoulder as she laughed at the confrontation in front of her.
"They'll probably keep going for a couple more hours if you can ignore them."
You pout, Hotch would be a safe person to share this problem with. He has a child so he’s definitely seen similar conundrums, maybe Jack wasn’t as much as of a baby as you are at the grown age of 22.
“I- I can’t sleep. Not without my Eeyore.”
You mutter under your breath, praying Aaron hears it. Admitting the fact again would be too embarrassing to endure.
He chuckles lightly at her choice of sleep companion.
"And your Eeyore toy is at home?"
He looks down at you, lifting your chin up with his thumb so you look him in the eye. You nod shyly in response, slipping into a nonverbal headspace.
Aaron looks sympathetic as she nods with a frowny face, but he still can’t resist teasing you.
"Aww, you miss your stuffed animal."
He smirks, making a little teasing remark. He matches his facial expression with yours, both modelling pouty frowns. Staring into each other’s eyes, you’re not sure how you started this game of getting the other to break the act and laugh. But you were certainly losing. Your lips curl up into a smirk and you let out a soft breathy giggle, your smile growing when he smirks back.
"Lie down then, come on."
Hotchner pats his lap, offering for her to rest her head on it. He adjusts his position so he's sat more comfortably and begins to gently run his calloused fingers through her hair, gently stroking it.
“This should help you fall asleep, hm?"
You feel the breath you’ve been accidentally holding release, your shoulders fall and for the first time all day you feel calm. You practically purr under his touch, smiling up and nodding at him.
Hotch glances down fondly as his hand continues to gently run through her hair.
He lowers his voice to a hushed whisper as to not disturb the other members of the team who are a few seats down.
"You are adorable, you know that?"
You feel your cheeks burn under your new found blush, rolling your head inwards to hide your face in his stomach. You squeal internally, realising you’re basically putty in his hands.
"Hey, what's wrong, hm?"
He questions, still keeping his voice gentle as he glances back down at her, his arms wrapped around her in a tight yet still comfortable hug.
“Nothing.. I- I miss Eeyore, but this is nice too.”
You manage to blurt out, half in nervousness and the other in honesty.
“When you get home, you can tell Eeyore all about how brave you were on your adventure without him. And you’re right, this is nice. Sweet girl, just needed to cuddle up and get a few head scratches. It’s cute you know? It’s precious. Having a comfort item, it doesn’t make you weak.”
Hotch speaks earnestly, running his fingers through your outgrown fridge and tucking the hair behind your ear.
"And I, I'll happily keep doing this as long as it keeps you sleepy. It's kind of cute how much of a baby you are and how easy it is to send you to sleep with a gentle head rub.“
Aaron’s voice sounded like silk, so soft and calming. It makes your eyelids feel heavier until they close. It can’t be that bad to take a nap on your bosses lap, can it?
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lolita-lollipop · 1 year
(Request given through messages: reader who is embarrassed to tell Aizawa that they cannot sleep without a stuffed animal, as it was their comfort item throughout their childhood when their parents would fight. Eventually the reader is so exhausted that they break down and cry to him. Platonic please!)
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Warnings: unmentioned stockholm syndrome, mentions of kidnapping, secondary insomnia ,yandere. You dictate what you read.
He was always able to know when you were awake.
It was the one thing that came easily for him with you after he had taken you, the one thing he was always able to do. It was especially easy after he had moved you into his room, originally he moved you because of your most recent escape attempt, where you had actually managed to leave the house while he was sleeping, you had called the police. The call had only lasted a few moments, not even seconds before he had you roped up tightly…
But you had sounded alarmed enough to have the cops of the area in a frenzy, you sounded like the missing girl they'd been looking for for months. They had come knocking at his door the next morning, asking if he had seen or heard anything the previous night. Being a pro hero he was the last person they would even remotely suspect, so it was a quick “no”, a short visit. However, a long enough one that it had him reminded him of just how fragile your relationship was, and how you being kept on a loose leash wouldnt work.
So that night, he moved you up into his room, where you slept in his bed. With him. It took away all of your sense of freedom, your only private space, the room where you had some of your own stuff, your old stuff. You had actually ended up liking your room the most in this house, he had promised that it would be a safe space for you, somewhere he would let you enjoy yourself, with the little tv and toys that he knew you liked. He also usually would let you have your alone time when you were in your room. You liked that most of all.
He was actually able to learn so much more about you than he ever had before. Sure, he had watched you sleep plenty of times before, but it had only ever been from afar. Or through the cameras in your room. Never had he been this close. Close enough to notice your habits, and what you do. The biggest thing being: you barely were able to sleep. Ever. Maybe he was just too far away to notice it before, or maybe your lack of sleep started when he took you. The thought of that made his heart heavy.
You tried, he knew that much. Every night, you would lie down in bed, on the edge as far away as you could possibly get from him, curl up, and close your eyes. And every night the same, you would squirm, and sigh, and inevitably stay fully awake and aware all night. He pretended not to notice, as you never said anything about it and were clearly closed off to conversation about it. He couldn't help you unless you asked, otherwise, you'd get upset, he had learned that the hard way.
But he saw what your sleeping habits did to you, he should've seen it so much sooner. How you trudged around the house like there were a hundred pounds heavy on your shoulders, how the purple under your eyes just got deeper and deeper as the days passed by. You were tired, but you couldn't sleep. Eventually, after a few weeks, you stopped trying entirely, instead sitting at the edge of the bed with that far-off look in your eyes.
Sometimes it would get bad enough that you would cry, but he knew how embarrassed you could get with him, how shy you were, especially when it was about your feelings, which you generally kept to yourself.
It was always bad, but it was never this bad.
The night had started like it normally did, with him helping you with taking your vitamins after dinner, then he read you a story like he always did. After this, like every night, he tucked you in his bed, giving you the extra fluffy blanket that you liked (as you run much colder than he did), and went to get in his pajamas, leaving you alone. He only took his eyes off of you for a few minutes, long enough for him to tie his hair back and get ready for bed.
But immediately after leaving the room, he could hear you crying. He liked that the walls were thin, because he could hear everything and anything at al times l. Your cries were muffled, soft, and pained in the same way you always were. But loud enough that he was automatically put into panic mode.
Making a full sprint back into the room, he was met with the sight of you, curled up in a ball sitting on the shiny wooden floor with your knees held tight to your chest. Crying, but not the loud obnoxious crying he'd seen from villains before who just wanted sympathy, this was guttural, dripping in melancholy. He saw the way your fingernails dig into the skin of your knees, you were holding yourself too tightly. How awful.
“Baby? What's wrong? Oh god come here honey- it's okay.” immediately the burly man was on top of you, pulling his muscular arm under your knees and back, and lifting you off the floor. You were shaking like a leaf, shivering with every sob that left your mouth. Unlike most times when he tried to comfort you and you would squirm like a cat and howl like a banshee, this time you just cried into his chest, melting in his arms and letting your tears stain his shirt. Your hand clutched at his long hair, twirling it in your fingers, quivering.
“What's going on? I've noticed you've been a bit… down.” He spoke, pulling you in closer and sticking his face in your hair, kissing your head, and swiping your hair from your face. You just wrapped your arms around his neck, sticking your head into the nook of his shoulder. He always smelled the same, like some crisp orange smell with something deeper mixed with it, you grew to hate it and love it at the same time. You quieted your cries slowly, mustering up any resolve or courage you had in your system to try and talk to him.
“I- uhm- It's embarrassing,” you muttered into his shoulder, closing your eyes and letting yourself relax into him.
“Oh? What is? You can trust me, baby, I won't tell anybody.” He cooed, continuing to cup your face and stroke your cheek with his thumb. Your answer had piqued his interest, yes, you had always been closed off and embarrassed about yourself around him. Even before he had taken you, you were his student, the one who was quiet and reserved, you sat in the back of the classroom and were well likable to all the other students. He could never tell what you were thinking, you kept your head down and only answered questions when called on with that timid voice of yours that he loved. But today your voice was wavering, exhausted.
“I’m just so tired. And- It's because- I just can’t- uhm- i-” Your breathing became heavy and fast, tears re-clouding your eyes. You couldn't remember the last time you'd actually cried this way, at least not with a man like Aizawa, especially not with your teacher. You met his gaze for a few seconds, staring into the way they crinkled with both age and kindness. He urged you to go on, raising a brow. God, when had you become so trusting of him?
“I can't sleep without my bunny” you rushed out, immediately breaking your gaze and flushing, oh my god what kind of idiot were you? How pathetic was it that you, a college student, couldn't manage to sleep without the help of a stuffed animal? You knew he was looking at you like you were an idiot, the way your parents used to all the time. You thought he was judging you, thinking you were pathetic, stupid.
But it couldn't be more different. Oh. my. God. you were absolutely the cutest thing he'd ever seen in his entire life. He could remember seeing that bunny in your arms now that he thought about it, when he would watch over your house while you would sleep to make sure nothing happened, you were always holding that bunny. But he had stupidly not grabbed it when he took you, instead opting for a teddy bear. How absolutely precious could you be? His awed silenced only made you feel worse.
“I- I know it's stupid- it's just since I was a kid I had trouble sleeping because my parents- my parents would fight and it was the only thing-” You took a long- shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down “-the only thing that would help me- don't be mad please I know it's dumb” You cried out, burying your head as deep into his shoulder as you could. You wanted to disappear right now. You should've just stayed quiet, oh he was judging you for sure. What kind of idiot were you? You knew that he-
“Oh my god, you are the cutest thing arent you? Baby, why didn't you tell me sooner? I knew you weren't sleeping well but I didn't know this was why. I would've been happy to get it for you, it's not embarrassing at all” he spoke, cupping your teary-eyed face and pulling it out from his shoulder, he pressed a firm kiss on your forehead and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You just sniffled and leaned in, too tired to care about anything other than the fact that he was warm and nice.
“ look hon- ill get it for you soon I promise, but we live too far for me to go tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Can we try something though? Is that okay?” he was talking so softly to you now, so kindly. Usually, you would've been suspicious of his actions, being that it was extremely different from how you'd seen him in the classroom. But your brain had essentially turned to mush the past few weeks, and you were far too exhausted to care. You nodded, staring up at him with glossy eyes, what was he planning?
“It's nothing bad. Just relax, close your eyes.” the sturdy man commanded, cupping your head as he lifted himself, along with you, off the floor again. He squeezed you tight as he made his way across the room, grabbing your fuzzy blanket before settling into the bed, you pressed firmly against his chest. You were small in comparison to him. Small enough to fit on top of him comfortably. He settled under the blanket and wrapped his arms around your waist, staring at you with those loving grey eyes he had throughout the entire process.
Staring up at him in confusion for a few moments at what he was doing , you managed to let out a small “Huh?” before he shushed you, and tightened his grip. Pulling the blanket over your shoulders, he slipped his hand up and down your back, drawing small circles around and around, leaving a tingling sensation to rack down your spine. He had you melting like putty in his arms.
“Just relax baby, Ill protect you from everything there is. Just try and sleep okay? I'm here.” At his words, you sank into his chest, letting your cheek squish on him. He usually wasn't affectionate, this was very likely for your own benefit now that you think about it, as you had obvious discomfort with being touched (due to your complete lack of physical affection growing up).
But this… his touch alone sent warm waves through your heart, this was so comfortable, so soft. So warm. The way his breathing lifted you up and down with every breath he took, the way the circles he was placed on your back melted your bones, how the blanket was so soft, how he was so soft. It was so… comfortable. The exhaustion that had built up over the past few weeks settled in the front of your head, weighing your eyelids closed. Before you knew it you had your hand clutched tightly around his shirt, and you were dozed off, letting little mutters and snores leave your mouth as you slipped into a deep sleep.
Oh, you were just so precious. He genuinely didn't think that you could be any more fragile than what he had previously believed. However, he was so so so wrong. You couldn't complete your life functions without the help of a plush-filled bunny. How cute was that? It just made him feel more attached, you were so helpless. Too innocent for your own good. You would never have to deal with anything that would require the help of your bunny anymore.
He would make sure of it
I love how I’m writing about insomnia as it is five in the morning and I haven’t slept yet🤪
Anywya the anon who requested this wanted to remain anonymous but Ily for requesting his! Thanks!
Also thanks to those reading right now, ily too!
Anyways tell me what you think, it very likely hs many grammatical errors that I will not be fixing. I’m gonna sleep now goodnight!
Have a great day! Bye!
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qu1etwolf · 2 years
Dating Game
Chapter 11
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The next morning your skin still feels grimy even though you showered twice before going to bed. Sleep didn't happen, not for a lack of trying though. You spent half the night in your bed with the soft comforter up to your chin staring at the ceiling before getting up and trying to find ways to keep your brain occupied. You took a third shower, read a little of the latest time waster romance book you had on your nightstand, made a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on toast, and now you can see the sun poking over the top of the buildings outside your window.
"This is Christine Everhart with WHiH Newsfront. It seems gang violence is ramping up on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen. Police report several bodies recovered from a crime scene this morning…"
You pick up your remote and turn the TV off with a sigh. Maybe if you just pretend none of this ever happened you can go back to your boring life with your quiet routine. No rogue assassins on your doorstep. Only coffee, your morning walk playlists, your quiet job, and your books.
It's difficult to feel anything but numb. Your thoughts are pins and needles and hard to keep ahold of.
A ding blared through the room, a lot louder than it should be. You don't even want to look at it. The thought of facing another person, even digitally, is exhausting.
There's another ding. You look at your phone and realize there was a nearly ten minute gap between the alerts. It felt like seconds.
The screen goes black on your cellphone as you just turn it off instead of checking the messages.
Your feet feel like lead as you walk down the stairs to the door of your restroom. You splash water in your face from the sink, avoiding your own reflection. Last night staring at your tired eyes looking back at you lifted the hairs on the back of your neck. It felt wrong and out of place.
A little while later you have curled back up in your bed and wrapped up in several blankets. There's a chill you can't seem to shake that has sunk into your core. Maybe tomorrow things will be different.
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You walk through the glass doors of FuturePharm promptly at eight Monday morning after spending an hour trying to hide your dark circles with layers of concealer and foundation. You are pretty sure you failed. The brilliant white lighting in the building is like a knife to the brain almost immediately.
Walking past the planters with fancy exotic tropical plants that they probably paid a fortune for, you nod at the security guard in the corner. The clicking of your heels on the floor is exaggerated in the quiet of the mostly empty lobby. You plop less than gracefully down into the leather chair behind the large front desk. It only takes you a few minutes to get logged into the system.
The sound of the morning shift walking in pollutes the air. The next forty five minutes consists of scanning employee badges before putting their personals in a basket and passing them to security to check as they file through the metal detector beside your desk. It is repetitive and you zone out while asking for badges, purses, watches, and other items repeatedly.
"Badge please?" you say as you hold out your hand without looking up.
"Excuse me?"
"I need your badge, please, sir. Personal belongings go in the box there." You gesture at the basket beside the metal detector.
"I don't think she knows who I am. Do you not know who I am?" The man’s voice echoes loudly in the nearly empty lobby.
It is at that moment you snap out of your brain fog and finally take in the dark haired man standing on the other side of your desk in his dark grey suit and red and black patterned tie. His eyes are hidden behind very expensive looking sunglasses. Your heart threatens to beat itself out of your chest and your eyes widen.
"Mr. Stark, sir," you squeak out, "I wasn't informed we would have a high profile client in the building today. Of course, of course, here's your guest badge. I will just sign you in here -"
"Don't bother. Williams? Call this woman's boss's boss's boss. I'm sure they expect better out of their employees." He gestures pointedly at one of the few men in his entourage before security allows him and his men to walk past them unbothered.
"Shit, " you sigh to yourself.
You pull your messages up on your screen but nope. There isn’t a single one informing you that Tony fucking Stark is going to come in today. You drag your hands down your tired face and then smile brightly at the woman who places her badge down on the counter a few minutes later.
Badge after badge, check in after check in, you force yourself to focus so you don’t make another mistake. The longer the morning goes, the more difficult it gets to keep up your customer service voice.
The computer makes a loud ding. The emblem for the company messaging system is flashing down in the corner of the screen. Your shoulders tense as you stare at it for a few seconds before dragging your mouse pointer over to click on it.
A little box expands onto your screen. The little notification dot is beside your name. There are company wide chats, department wide chats, and personal ones. The personal ones don't get used very often.
Your shift is over after your lunch break as you are clearly ill and need to take some time off. Melissa will cover the rest of your shift.
Terri Jones, HR
Oh, well that wasn't as bad as expected. You can work with that. The adrenaline leaks out of your system as you let out a heavy sigh.
About half an hour later you pack your things, and say hello and goodbye to Melissa all in the same breath. The cheerful redhead got there earlier than you expected. You check your watch just to make sure. Of course she did. You start the walk back to your apartment. Might as well just eat at home if you don't have to head back to your desk.
You hear a small roar of noise as you round a corner between two buildings. The voices are a jumble of chaos to your ears, you can't pick out what they are saying. What you do see are a hundred or more angry faces and signs with anti-superhero slogans.
Who Are They Avenging?
We Are Just Collateral Damage!
No More Heroes!
The commotion is currently being held back from spilling into the streets by very stressed members of the NYPD, but only barely. A water bottle full of gravel bounces off of a riot shield on the other side of a hastily constructed fence. The shouting from both sides is so loud the words are jumbled and almost unintelligible. What the hell happened while you were at work? These people are going to spill out into the main streets soon. The crowd is pretty small, but it is growing steadily.
Anti-superhero sentiment isn't as uncommon as people would like to believe it is. Turns out people don’t like to feel inferior.
Ducking down an alley to avoid the commotion, your head spins with the chaos of the day. It’s not even lunch and something seriously wrong is just in the hanging air like a heavy fog. It's palpable. A few people shove past you to go join the crowd of protestors.
The rest of the short walk home is for the most part quiet.
As you climb the stairs, walk down your hallway, and go through your door the only thing you can see in your mind is the faces of the crowd twisted in anger. You drop your bag by the door and flop onto your couch before turning the news on.
Your hand flies to your mouth as you see a crater where the center of a town once was on nearly every channel you come across. As you flip through your channels the ticker tape across the bottom of the screen changes only slightly between them but informs you that at some time in the early morning a superhuman exploded with the strength of a large bomb and took half of a neighborhood in Stamford, Connecticut with him. There are few details provided other than the search for survivors and bodies was ongoing, with several superhumans arriving throughout the day to lend their help. On one channel a news reporter was interviewing Steve Rogers himself, the stress of the disaster settling in the lines on his face.
You sink into your couch as you, unfortunately, land on a channel playing the Daily Bugle report. The anchor is waving his hands erratically as he speaks with blind conviction.
"These people are living among you! We don't know what their abilities are! I have it on good authority that the Avengers themselves were behind the vicious attack on Stamford this morning! This is a disgusting perversion of humanity and must be stopped! What else do we need to happen? People are dead and it is clearly the fault of the likes of Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, and these men who think they are Gods! Who else has to die before we stop them? This is J. Jonah Jameson for the Daily Bugle. Stay tuned as we continue to cover this atrocity."
You sit staring blankly at your TV completely lost in your thoughts. There is no way that Jameson's assessment of the disaster is correct. It can't be. You know the Avengers are pretty often reckless, but not the kind of reckless to take down an entire neighborhood.
Your cell phone dings and your attention snaps down at the screen. You have a new email. There are also notifications for the text messages that you ignored yesterday. The little notification blip on your screen just reminds you that you have issues you should probably handle.
You check the texts first and the number they originate from isn't one you recognize.
–I'm sure you know who this is. I know everything that happened was probably a shock. Meet me for dinner? - N–
A message from about 10 minutes later follows that one from the same number.
–Okay, you don't wanna talk. I get it. Just text me at this number. I just want to make sure that you're okay. - N–
You let out a sound that is something between a laugh and a sigh. The feelings from the other night come flooding back in. You can taste the fear, see the blood, and feel the pressure of his lips on yours. The smell of the car exhaust and the noise of the city clouds your senses. Eventually, you drift back to yourself still sitting on your couch in your apartment but it feels unfamiliar and strange. You aren't sure if you want to deal with anyone even remotely associated with superheroes again.
You check the email sitting in your inbox that made you pick your phone up in the first place.
Dear valued employee,
Couldn't even be bothered to use your name? Typical.
We regret to inform you that your position with FuturePharm has been terminated. Attached to this email is a document detailing your generous severance package. Please print, sign, and return the document by the end of the week.
Tom Lancaster
President and CEO of FuturePharm
The phone goes flying across the room in a burst of frustration. If they were going to do this all along then why didn’t they just tell you before you left? A series of frustrated grumbles and growls fall out of your mouth at the thought of having to job hunt again. You had been at FuturePharm for more than a few years.
Your feet drag as you walk over to pick the phone up out of the floor. You flip it around in your hands and there's not a crack in sight. Silver linings, you guess.
You text Natasha back and your nails click hard against the screen.
–Well, I don't have anything else to do. Seems like my day just opened up. Where do you want to meet?-
She responds to you with a location of a small noodle shop not far from the usual coffee place almost immediately. Walking again out in that mess wasn’t an option you were willing to take so Uber it is.
You jump in a quick shower and put on the basics - a pair of jeans, a black shirt, and sneakers. You pull your hair back into a low ponytail because doing anything more than that is exhausting.
Once your Uber arrives you step outside your apartment and lock the door. There is a shiny grey sedan parked on the curb and the man inside waves his hand. You open the back, tell the driver hello and give him the address to the noodle shop. He turns to you and gives you a bright smile. His face youthful with dark curls framing his temples.
"Do you mind if I leave the news on? The stuff going on right now is pretty crazy."
"Sure. Just get me there as quickly as you can and there's a good tip in it for you."
"Will do, ma'am!"
He reaches down and presses the button that turns his radio back on. The newscaster's voice is clear as a bell.
"- still on the scene in Stamford where the current death toll has risen to 589, with several more injured. I'm sad to report that most of these were children as one of the buildings closest to the explosion was Westover Ridge Elementary. Westover had just begun classes when the blast occurred. We will keep you up to date as this situation progresses. Back in local news, the Hells Kitchen murders are still eluding investigators. They would like your help. If you have any information, please dial the tip line at 1-800-274-2465 or the non-emergency police line. Back to Paul for the weather -"
You tuned out the driver's commentary and the droning voice of the meteorologist. The glass of the window is cold against your forehead as you watch the city pass by.
The car lurches to a stop. Several of the protestors you have seen on your walk home from work had filed out into the street. NYPD are trying to herd them back up on the sidewalk. It seems as if they are getting more restless and coming to a frightening tipping point. You could breathe the tension into your lungs and feel it sit there heavy and unmoving. The driver honked at the people scattered in the way as if that would make them move faster.
The second the path is clear the car moves forward, the last few people hurriedly stepping out of the way. Your driver, whose name you learn is Marcus, carries on rather chipper as if he is trying to distract you and himself from the chaos that was seeping its way into the city.
You finally pull up in front of the little corner noodle shop whose name you couldn't read above the door. You must be on the edge of Chinatown.
You get out of the sedan after giving Marcus the decent tip you promised him and walk in the door of the restaurant. The smell of Asian spices and fresh noodles overwhelms your senses. It has a lovely bar running through the center of the room and only a handful of tables along the edges of the walls by the windows. You find Natasha sitting at one in the back of the room, a brightly colored bowl in front of her and a second one on the other side of the table.
She pats her hand on the table in front of her as a gesture for you to sit down.
You make your way through the maze of tables to the back and sit in the chair across from the somber looking redhead. You have never seen her look so depressed since the day you met.
"Hey," you say with a softness to your voice. "Are you okay? You seem a little...off."
"I discovered what FuturePharm was doing behind closed doors finally. And why I got asked to keep an eye on the company. I was monitoring their emails and it seems like they let you go?"
"Yeah. I apparently had an off day on the wrong day and offended Stark. Not that that is difficult to do or anything."
"Can I tell you what that company is up to? We, I mean ‐ Buck and I, we might need your help." She speaks quietly as if she is afraid someone, anyone, would overhear what she is saying. She is almost impossible to recognize in her casual clothing so I'm not sure why she would think anyone is listening in, but I guess in her line of work you can never be too careful.
"Please tell me. I noticed some things there toward the end that I would love an explanation for," you respond, slightly confused.
She places an average looking manilla folder on the table and pushes it across the table.
You flip open the folder and there are dozens of pages full of formulas and chemistry that you don't understand in the slightest. It just looks like jumbled letters and numbers with shorthand notes seemingly in their own coded language. Pushing aside the pages of formulas, you see dossiers on a handful of people, ones you don't recognize. Names, lists of abilities, backgrounds, photos - they all run together after you flip through six or seven of them. Memos with large black bars of redacted text are next.
"Natasha…what is this?"
"I can't go into detail here." Her eyes shift around the empty restaurant before she scoops up the folder and slides it carefully back in her bag. "Let's finish our food and head back to my place. At least I know it's safer."
After several minutes of silently shoveling noodles into your mouth, you couldn't control the thoughts starting to bounce around your head.
What was Tony fucking Stark making? Bio-weapon? Vaccine? Some kind of virus that only infects Hydra agents? No, that one was dumb.
Thoughts swirl around your mind endlessly. It keeps you in a cloud of confusion as you walk to Natasha's pristine BMW, get in, and begin to flit in and out of traffic with ease.
The bright city lights slowly give way to dark narrow streets, square non-descript buildings, and the occasional safe harbor of a streetlight. The city that, up until recently, you felt safe and at home in twinkles like fireflies before the buildings swallow any evidence that it exists.
Natasha taps a small button on the dash. A delivery bay door on the side of one of the smaller factories rattles open. Beyond the heavy garage door is a sloped passage wide enough for a large vehicle to maneuver down if they were careful and watched their side mirrors.
The small space is mildly claustrophobic after the door slams shut behind you. She looks over at you with a wide grin. "Hold on to your ass."
As soon as the car comes to a stop, the concrete under you gives way and descends further under the building like an elevator. You have no way of knowing how deep you have gone once you finally come to a stop. The room beyond the blast doors that open in front of you is large and has a small handful of vehicles parked in seemingly no order at all.
Natasha pulls the car into the space closest to the door, grabs the files, and gets out.
"Well come on then," she says, impatiently tapping her foot, while your eyes take in the vastness of the garage. Her words focus your attention and you get out of the car to follow her past the heavy metal door into the interior of the complex.
After a short walk down a hallway you step through a door into a very warm apartment. Dark leather and mahogany furniture adorn a space easily twice the size of your own. Matte maroon walls with a grey oak floor, it really is exactly what you would expect Natasha to live in.
She places the folders on a tall kitchen table and waits for you to stop gawking at the apartment.
"FuturePharm was moved here from Austin, Texas after the…fiasco that happened down there. Tony bought the company and its nanotech research. Apparently, they never stopped looking for a way to replicate the serum. Tony is trying to refine the Extremis tech with a synthetic serum. No one but Erskine has ever been able to perfect the formula." Natasha wanders around the brightly lit kitchen as she speaks, gathering glasses and filling one with a honey colored bourbon. "Alcohol or..?"
"Water…water is fine," you say before sliding into the tall bar stool style chair while flipping through the folder again, still unable to grasp most of what is on the pages.
Natasha places a small glass of ice water in front of you before perching on a tall chair opposite you at the table. She takes a sip of her drink before continuing.
"I have a favor to ask. Your login information. Do you still have it? I'm sure they have probably already removed it from the system but it's worth a shot. I need to get into their files and see what they are up to and that would be easier than…well, what I usually do."
"Uh, yeah. I guess. This won't come back on me, will it?"
"What do you think I am, sugar? An amateur? You can stay here for a few days, though, just in case while I keep my ear to the ground and make sure….if you'd like, anyway. We have a guest room."
You sigh heavily. "I didn't pack anything."
"That's fine. I can go get some of your things for you."
"Fine. But I want to go on the record to say that I don't like this plan."
"Your opinion has been noted. Write down your info. The faster I get there the faster the chance they haven't deactivated it yet."
You scribble your information in the small notebook that Natasha hands you. She leans down and kisses you on the temple lightly. "Mi casa es su casa. Help yourself to anything. The guest room is through that door on the left there. I just ask that you stay here in the apartment and don't go poking around the rest of the complex. I don't wanna come home to the emergency systems going haywire because you touched the wrong door."
"Got it. Eat all the food, don't leave, sleep in that room over there. Sounds like I'm in a fancy prison, Tash." You chuckle to yourself. What could be so dangerous down here that you need to stay locked away? Wait. You probably don't want the answer to that question.
"I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't wait up. Feel free to ignore Barnes if he ever actually comes home. I haven't seen him since the bar." She hops off the chair and grabs her things in a rush, bolting out the door.
As soon as the door closes, the room gets deathly quiet. You could hear a pin drop. The mention of Bucky's name brings back all of the wild rollercoaster of emotions from the last few weeks. Part of you wishes that man wasn't such a mess. The tangle of red flags wrapped around broad shoulders, chiseled cheekbones, and steel grey eyes is almost worth digging through to see what you can unearth behind those Fort Knox level walls. Doesn't mean you are any less angry at him for his behavior.
You sigh and decide to try and get comfortable instead of letting your mind wander. You spend the next hour or two exploring the guest room - it's pretty sparse, compared to the rest of the apartment. You fix a meager sandwich with what you can scrounge up in the kitchen. With nothing else to do, you curl up on the couch under a quilt you dragged out of the guest room closet and mindlessly flip through the channels on the television.
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Knock knock knock
Your mind slowly resurfaces to the sound, looking around frantically at the unfamiliar surroundings before remembering where you are.
"Natasha! It's Steve! Open the door!"
You bolt straight up, suddenly fully awake. Should you open the door? What if it's—
"NATASHA! Buck's hurt, come on, open the damn door!"
You scramble over to the door, opening it slightly. The excessively tall blonde on the other side of the door regards you with suspicion.
"You're that Steve? Rogers? Captain fucking America?" you shout somewhere between excited and confused.
He shoves the door wider and reveals one very beat to hell looking James Buchanan Barnes. His clothing is shredded and his skin is mottled with rapidly forming bruises, more than a few deep cuts still oozing blood down skin marred with black smudges and dirt. The one eye that isn't swollen widens a short second before he rasps out "Doll!"
Steve looks from you to Bucky and back again and shakes his head. "One, where is Natasha? Two, who are you? Three, help me get this heavy jerk to the couch."
You wrap an arm around Bucky's waist as he grins lopsided at you. "She's out. I'm…a friend. It's safer for me to be here for a couple days while she chases a lead. What the fuck happened?"
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Chapter 12
Dating Game Masterlist
Fic Masterlist
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hey lad! Its it ok to ask for some Garcello headcanons (or a fic if you want! ^^)? Let's say he wakes up from a nightmare that was about losing his s/o (or if you want you can make it about him dying before them, due to his smoking), and just needing to wake them up to make sure that they're ok.
I hope this is fine! I've been having a hard time recently because of random mood swings so I kinda needed some comfort, thank you! ^^
Went the fic route for this one (also hurt/comfort trope go brr). Hope you feel better soon!
“Maybe dating a junkie like you was a mistake.”
“Wha..?” The cigarette slipped from Garcello’s lips as he heard you speak. But he didn't bother to pick it up. He was just frozen in shock at your words. “[Y/n]..I-”
A cough interrupted him, one that hurt more than previous ones--to the point where he was clutching his chest as he gasped for air.  It was so painful. His lungs felt like they were on fire.
But nothing could compare to the pain he felt when you continued, a disgusted expression on your face.
“Look at yourself, you can’t even talk. You always push others away, especially me. And all you care about are your stupid little drugs. You don't even care about US anymore!” 
“Baby, I’m so--sorry..." He rasped. "We can..I can-”
“Pretend that we never met? I think that's best for both of us. Enjoy the rest of your miserable life, Garcello.” You turned your back on him and walked away, seemingly vanishing into the dark shadows that surrounded you both. It was like they swallowed you whole.
“W-Wait!! Please stay..I can't do this..!” As Garcello tried chasing after you, he didn’t get far as he stumbled and collapsed to the ground, his breath labored. “H-Help..” He began choking on sobs as he curled up.
For once he was actually terrified of death...this was the one cigarette that did him in.
But why were you being so cruel to him? In his last moments alive? 
Was this punishment for his addiction? Did you truly hate him that much?
Maybe he deserved this.
Garcello sat up in bed with a start, panicking slightly as he grabbed the cigarette pack and lighter on the nightstand. It was out of pure instinct--something he always did whenever he had a nightmare.
But he looked at the pack logo in hesitance, putting a hand to his chest. He sighed, realizing he was able to breathe easy now. The harsh words you said back in the dream made him reconsider as he put the items back on the table.
Then he noticed you were asleep beside him, and he couldn’t help but wonder...
Were those words your true thoughts? Did you only date him out of pity? Was he burdening you?
He didn’t know. And he needed to know right now.
So he shook you awake, as gently as he could, eventually stirring you from sleep. “..Gar? What’s wrong?” You mumbled as you sat up.
“[Y/n]..” He shuddered with relief, grateful that you still called him that same nickname. It crushed him when you used his full name in the dream, since you only did before you two started dating.
"Do you ever...regret meeting me?”
“Huh..? That's a pretty deep question at..3AM, don’t you think?” You chuckled tiredly, rubbing your eyes. “I have a lot of regrets in life.” 
But you then heard a sniffle and glanced at him, seeing the tears now streaming down his exhausted face.
Shit. You made a mistake.
“O-Oh hun, that doesn't mean you! I’m sorry.” You brought the shaking man into your arms, feeling your shoulder growing damp as he cried quietly, and ran your fingers through his hair. “I don’t regret meeting you at all. You've made me the happiest I've ever been."
“I did..?”
“Yeah. Now..what made you suddenly think that?"
“Well...” As Garcello hugged you back, he explained his nightmare to you--recalling everything you said and how you basically left him to die. 
You were shocked, knowing that you wouldn’t dare say such terrible things...not even if you got into an argument over his addiction. You’d never weaponize it and hurt him that way.
Once he was done talking, you reassured him that those aren't your true thoughts of him whatsoever. Nightmares do tend to overexaggerate one's worst fears after all, so you promised him all of it was false.
He had similar ones before--with peers and people he grew up with--but he never woke you up and had a smoke outside to calm down.
This time though..you were the one taunting him and he needed to make sure you didn't hate him.
After holding him for a little while longer, and giving him a ton of kisses as proof of your love, he was willing to go back to sleep. The urge to smoke had long passed, so you let him get situated in your arms before he soon dozed off.
For once he didn't turn to a cigarette for comfort, but you instead.
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You want peter requests? Can i have one where the reader is in a bad mood like really sad and stuff and she’s in her room and Peter comes back from a mission and goes to bother her but finds her in bed, so he tried to comfort her? Like singing, cuddling, or telling her random stories? I feel like that’s what Peter would do for me in a bad mood 🥺
Aw, that's sounds so sweet 😢 I can absolutely do that for you 💕 (also the title kinda sucks but I hope the quality of the fic makes up for it sksksk)
Bad Day Fun (Peter Maximoff x reader)
Warnings: none except for some soft angst
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You had been upset all day. You weren't quite sure what it was, but nothing you did seemed to help.
You tried a relaxing bubble bath, walking on the school grounds, even taking a nap hoping your bad mood would have dissipated by the time you woke up, but to no avail.
You sighed as you laid on your bed, hoping to maybe fall back asleep. Just then, you heard a knock on your door.
"Go away," you called out, hoping the person on the other side would take a hint and leave.
"Babe, it's me! It's your awesome boyfriend! I'm back from my mission and I've come to bother you!" Peter said as he continued to bang on the door.
"Nobody's home," you replied.
"If you won't come to me then I'm just gonna have to come to you," he said as he opened the door.
He zoomed inside to see you laying on your bed, stretched out like a starfish as you stared up at the ceiling fan.
"Uh, babe? What are you doing?" He asked as he walked over to you.
"I'm trying to distract myself from my bad mood. What are you doing?" You responded nonchalantly.
"Aw, babe," he sympathized. "I'm sorry you don't feel good. I'll tell you what, let me go get something real quick and I'll be right back."
He zoomed away and quickly returned with a cardboard box in his hands.
"What's that?" You asked as he climbed onto the bed next to you.
"It's just a little something I like to call my Boredom Box," he said as he opened the box and spilled out the contents all over the bed.
Sitting up, you shifted through the huge pile of stuff. Snacks, fidget toys, CDs, comic books, and a portable Pacman machine were among the many items that had once been in the box.
"Whoa, what is all this stuff?" You picked up a comic book and flipped through it.
"Well, sometimes when I'm bored or just having a bad day I like to pull out my Boredom Box to distract me. I figured since you're not feeling too well yourself I'd share it with you and maybe help you to feel a little better."
"Peter, that's so sweet of you," you said as you dropped the comic book and gave him an unexpected hug. "Thank you so much."
He hugged you back. "Of course babe," he said. "Now, what do you say I pop in some ABBA and we pretend like we're dancing queens?"
He put the disc in the CD player you had in you room and started dancing around to the music. You laughed at his silly antics, hopping up from your bed to join him.
You guys spent the rest of the day together, listening to music, playing board games, reading comic books, and just generally hanging out. By the time night rolled around, you'd forgotten about your bad mood altogether.
Snuggled up next to Peter on your bed, you listened to him recall something that had happened while he was on his mission.
"-and then, Scott got hit in the head by a flying rock because he didn't get out of the way in time! It was so funny," he finished with a laugh.
"Yeah, I'm sure it was," you sleepily agreed as you curled up next to his side.
"Are you getting tired? 'Cause I can leave if you want me to," he offered, about to get up from his spot on the bed.
"No, don't go," you begged. "I know it's late, but I don't wanna sleep alone tonight."
"Sure, I can do that," he said.
You crawled on top of him and laid there for a minute before speaking again. "Hey, Peter?"
"Yeah babe?"
"Thanks for doing this for me, it means a lot."
"Of course sweetheart, anything for you." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before the two of you happily drifted off to sleep.
Taglist: @langdonsoutpost @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube
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rocorambles · 3 years
Meeting in the Middle
Pairing: Sakusa x reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Misogyny, Controlling Behavior, Degradation, Non-Con/Rape, Spanking
Summary: Sakusa shows you that he’s more than capable of meeting you in the middle and listening to you for a change. But be careful of what you ask for.
A/N: This is for the Poly Wives Angst Collab~ RIP us and our never ending collabs we create for ourselves.
If someone had told you five years ago that you’d be dating one of Japan’s most eligible bachelors, a professional athlete fawned over by media and fans nation-wide, the epitome of the strong and silent type, you would have laughed in their faces. What is this? Some silly fairytale? The childish checklist of “things I want in a boyfriend” you’d written in middle school?
But life has a funny way of working and you find yourself in an obnoxiously lavish and rowdy nightclub, made only more crazy by the surprising appearance of some VIPs.
It seems like volleyball has somehow become Japan’s national sport overnight and although you aren’t necessarily the biggest follower of anything remotely athletic, even you know exactly who the rambunctious trio catching everyone’s eyes are.
You can’t deny there’s more than just a bit of appeal in the way their button up shirts cling to toned muscles, but you’ve never been one for crowds and you stray to the emptier corners of the establishment to avoid being swept by the crowd of excited fans. But when Atsumu cheesily winks and flirts as he signs scandalously bared skin of female fans, you mockingly gag, only to whirl in embarrassment when you hear an amused snort from behind you.
“Not a fan of Miya Atsumu?”
Staring wide-eyed and slack jawed when someone asks you a question is very rude and you want to answer. But you don’t trust yourself with basic human speech when Sakusa Kiyoomi is staring at you expectantly. So you shake your head side to side instead, heat rising to your face at the small upward curve of his lips.
“Neither am I.”
Atsumu never lets the two of you live down how he’s the one who technically brought you together, even if it was at the cost of his pride. (You chuckle when you remember his loud squawking when Sakusa recounts the dialogue exchanged at your first meeting.) But even months later, even after Sakusa has officially introduced you to the rest of the MSBY team, even after they’ve accepted you as part of their cozy and rowdy family, you can’t stop feeling impostor syndrome.
Dating Sakusa still feels unreal and you can’t help but feel like you’re living someone else’s life, stuck in a rose-tinted dream, playing dress-up and make believe as you parade around in clothing far more luxurious than you’re used to, whisked around on your lover’s strong arm as you follow him around the world from match to match. And as lovely as it is, you long to truly make this relationship your own, to feel the rawness and grittiness of love and life, to experience the charm and comfort of being true to yourself and knowing Sakusa loves you just as you are.
But your desire to be with him, to call him your own trumps your own wishes and you find yourself quickly backing down everytime you suggest something that he’s quick to turn down, desperate to appease and please him even at the price of your own desires.
He’s never outrightly rude about his preferences, never raises his voice. But somehow that makes the judgement and disdain in his dark eyes that much more apparent. You remember a rough day of work you had, the relief you had felt about being able to swiftly swap your constrictive work apparel for a pair of worn-in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Your outfit would certainly not win any fashion awards, but you blissfully sigh at how comfortable you are as you call a local pizza shop, ordering delivery self-indulgently.
You could feel yourself becoming one with the couch you’re lounging on, the television playing in the background. But even in the hazy in-between of sleep and alertness, your eyes snap open when the door opens and you lazily smile as your boyfriend enters your shared apartment, returning from another grueling practice.
“You look like you’ve had better days.”
Your smile slips, anxiety flooding through you as you self-consciously curl in on yourself while his lips purse, eyes scrutinizing your sloppy appearance.
“Umm, yeah...tough day at work-”
“Maybe you should freshen up with me. You might feel better in a...real outfit.”
You know better than to think that it’s really a suggestion, cursing yourself, humiliation coursing through you when you think of how foolish you were to get so comfortable so quickly. You’ve seen the caliber of the women who lust over your boyfriend unabashedly despite his long-time relationship with you. You need to try harder. You need to be better.
Self-deprecation rips you to shreds as you painstakingly groom yourself, donning a dress you know Sakusa loves, applying a full face of makeup and a spritz of his favorite scent. And despite how exhausted you are, how much you’d rather be slumped on the couch, gorging on a slice of pizza, it’s all worth it when you see the appreciative look in his gaze as his eyes rake over your figure.
But worry gnaws at you once more as the doorbell rings and his eyebrow raises questioningly at the interruption. It’s a painful walk of shame as you plaster on a fake smile, tipping the delivery boy, the usually tantalizing smell of cheese and grease only making you nauseous as you bring the box to the dining table.
“What is that?”
Your voice trails off and you feel so small, so pathetic as Sakusa’s face borders disgust as he observes the offensive item.
“You didn’t cook?”
The disappointment in his voice has you spewing excuses and apologies, your heart shattering when he merely waves off your ramble, telling you he’d order a salad from elsewhere and to enjoy your meal.
You never order pizza again and a steaming hot plate of freshly cooked food is always waiting for Sakusa when he returns home while you patiently wait for him with a painted face and impeccable outfits.
Your friends and family tell you how grateful you should be, how envious they are as they oggle your latest high-end designer pieces, cooing over how picture perfect the two of you always are, staring wide-eyed at your gorgeous home, not a speck of dust or object out of place. Who would have thought that you would be the epitome of the ideal housewife in such a short time?
Yes, you wonder. Who would have thought? Certainly not you.
If only they knew how deep down the deception goes, how lost you are in this pretend world you’re stuck in. And your heart twists and turns when your friends share about the little and big spats that happen behind closed doors, giggling and sighing in an understanding you’re not part of when they playfully complain about how much work love is.
But it’s always worth it in the end because the good always outweighs the bad if you’ve found the right person (not to mention the makeup sex is a bonus). Or so they say, but you wouldn’t know what any of that feels like. Sakusa doesn’t leave room for any arguments, any disagreements, any hint of anything less than a perfect relationship.
Even in the privacy of your bedroom, you feel like you’re in a cheesy porno, dressed in the prettiest white slip dress decorated with dainty lace and a string of pearls around your neck. You feel like a doll as you’re positioned on the bed, eyes demurely looking down, letting Sakusa do as he pleases while he guides you, calloused hands roaming over your skin. You’re sure he means for it to be pleasurable and intimate, and you can’t deny that he knows your most sensitive areas, shuddering when he grazes over your hardening nipples. But there’s a coldness to his movements, a calculating aspect in the way he examines you, dark eyes scrutinizing every inch of you as if they’re looking for a blemish, a reason to lecture you on not taking care of yourself.
Yet as predictable and standoffish as he is, he does know how to pleasure you and you writhe underneath him, moaning, lower lips dripping in your own arousal. But you whimper when he growls at you to stop moaning so loudly, to stop acting like a slut.
“I’m dating a lady, not a whore.”
The words cut you, pain and emptiness mixing with the rising pleasure, muddling into a confusing and overwhelming mess insides of you. You don’t trust yourself to speak, hot tears pricking at your eyes, unsure whether a moan or harsh words would slip past your lips. But you know that neither will work in your favor, so like always, you hold your tongue, doing whatever you can to keep your lover happy. You close your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the tightening knot inside of you, submitting to the waves of pleasure that crash over you as you cum, fingers tangling in the rumpled sheets, back arching in ecstasy.
Only when Sakusa is asleep, his back turned to you, the two of you cleaned and freshened up, do you let your tears stream down your face, feeling more alone than ever in your shared bed.
You hold out longer than you should, much longer than you should, in the hopes that things will improve, that Sakusa will loosen up, reveal his true self to you, let you reveal your true self to him. It’s just early dating jitters, early relationship issues. Things will get better.
Except it’s months later and things aren’t better. If anything, they’re worse and you can feel the weight of his expectations and the stress of perpetually living by a prewritten script crushing you.
It’s time to put an end to this charade.
It’s just another uneventful night and you idly stare up at the ceiling as you wait for Sakusa to join you in bed. Your heart is racing, throat feeling dry and choked up as he slips under the covers. You’re terrified, of Sakusa’s reaction, of ending everything, of starting from scratch. But you know it’s the right decision and when he finally settles in beside you, you begin to speak.
There’s only the sound of your trembling voice as you quietly tell him how you’ve felt all along, how everything has felt so prim, proper, fake, how everyday just feels like another session of rehearsing your lines, making sure you meet whatever standard he’s set for you. You want passion, real love, fights, laughter. You just want to be yourself. You just want to be with someone who loves you exactly the way you are.
“Kiyoomi, maybe we should break up. I don’t think we’re right for each other. I don’t think I’m what you want. I don’t think I’ll ever be what you want.”
“You’re right. Despite how much time, work, money, and patience I’ve spent to better you, you haven’t changed at all.”
You’re left reeling from the matter of fact harshness of his words, the slight exasperation in his tone, as if this is all your fault, as if you’re just a bothersome misbehaving pet.
“Prim and proper? Passion? Fights? So you’re tired of manners? Tired of being a respectable woman? You just want to fight and fuck like animals?”
You open your mouth to protest, anger licking at the open wounds his verbal assault leaves behind. But before you can retort, the air is ripped out of your lungs in a stunned yelp as your body is swiftly flipped over, your face shoved into the mattress until it’s a struggle to breathe, fabric and cushion all you can taste.
Your arms flail as you struggle to breathe, nails clawing at the sheets, arms trying to push yourself up against. But it’s no use against Sakusa’s strength and just as specks of black begin to enter your vision, fingers tangle with your roots and you gasp as your head is harshly jerked up, neck bending painfully back, jaw forced open from the strange position.
You whimper, tears beginning to blur your sight as a calloused hand turns your face until you’re staring at a condescending impassive countenance.
“If you want to be treated like a slut that badly, I’ll be a good boyfriend and give you exactly what you want. Ass up. Now.”
There’s no room for disobedience and spurred on by fear and pain, you listen, awkwardly shuffling into position, shame heating your face at how exposed you feel. But it’s only the start and you scream as a heavy strike lands on your bare ass, more and more blows raining down upon you, until you’re sobbing for mercy, agonized cries forced from your mouth, thighs trembling at having to support yourself through the torture.
Your upper body slumps in relief when the hits finally stop, but you flinch when fingers methodically prod at your entrance. You instinctively try to lurch forward, away from the touch, but it’s no use and you clench your eyes in humiliation at the sloppy wet sounds betraying your arousal.
“This is the wettest I’ve ever seen you. You really do like being used and treated like a bitch.”
You wish you could deny it. You wish you had the spirit to talk back, maybe even spit on that handsome face. But all you can think of is how full you feel as Sakusa’s cock slams balls deep inside your dripping hole, how deep he is inside of you from this angle, how overwhelmingly pleasurable the mix of pain and lust is as he uses you like you’re nothing more than a warm breathing sex doll.
All you can do is lewdly moan and take it, tears slipping down your face, drool seeping into the ruined sheets, eyes rolled back in your head. The coil in your stomach tightens and tightens no matter how hard you try and hold it at bay, desperately trying not to cum, not to inadvertently admit your body’s betrayal as it succumbs to every thrust. But it’s too much, the unfamiliarity of this brutal pace, the overpowering sensation of his tip reaching new depths inside of you, and you shatter to pieces, pussy convulsing, body twitching, pleasure like you’ve never felt before surging through you.
All through it Sakusa continues his relentless rhythm, a sneer marring his flawless face as he watches you suffer through your orgasm, writhing underneath him. It’s disgusting how much you love this, pathetic, pitiful, and yet he’s harder than he’s ever been, more turned on than he ever thought possible. And all it takes is a few more thrusts before he’s spilling inside of you, a strong hand holding you still and tight to him as his groin presses against your ass, not an inch of space between the two of you as he paints your insides white.
Maybe you had a point all along. You’re absolutely filthy and wrecked and he grimaces at the tear, sweat, and sex stained mess he touches as he shoves your exhausted body away from him. Yet there’s a certain appeal to your disheveled appearance, how ruined you are because of him.
How beautifully you break.
Well if you have no desire to improve yourself, he can learn to meet you in the middle, learn to let you be the low-life whore you have no desire to move up from. After all, that’s what you said love is, right?
Accepting each other’s differences.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Old Habits (Warren Worthington x Reader)
So I was digging around in my old files and I found this from a few years ago. I’m sure I published it somewhere once but I have no idea where. Either way, the writing isn’t too bad so I thought some readers here may enjoy it. 
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Before, when you originally met Warren, you had never had an issue with reaching out and grabbing his wings if he tried to march away from you. It had become a habit.
There would be an argument over something inconsequential and both of you would scream and shout like children. Warren would realise that his temper was getting out of control and try to stalk away from the fight before it got out of control. You would snatch a fistful of his feathers or the edge of a wing; anything that was within range was ample gain. It never hurt him but he stopped moving due to the sensation. Then he would turn around and kiss you until your lips were bruised and you couldn’t breathe properly.
This time…
You had been eternally grateful to Charles Xavier for bringing Warren back despite all his previous actions and your heart belonged to whoever had saved his life. When you had seen him walking through that portal, you had sold yourself on the notion that you would never be seeing him again. A bitter reality without the white angel wings that you had spent hours wrapped in.
The fight had been inconsequential really. Something about his sulking and yelling at anybody who tried to get close to him.
But now you withdrew your hand as quickly as you reached out.
Warren still spun around to look, the metal feathers screeching against the walls as he did so. Instead of kissing you, his eyes fell on your bloody hand and he reached for it with tentative hands. “I…” his words died in his throat.
You met his eyes with a clouded expression and sighed. “Sorry,” you said. “I forgot…” Your eyes fell on the huge metal wings and you sighed. “I didn’t think that through. I’m sorry.”
“No,” Warren said. “No, you shouldn’t have had to think about it in first place.” Unlike the feathered version, these wings made a horrendous noise when they bristled and even he winced at the sound. “Just go and get somebody to look at that.” And he stormed back into his temporary room, slamming the door far too loudly behind him.
You sighed, shoulders slumping. Charles had approached you to see if you could possibly fix the situation and maybe convince Warren to relax a little more in the mansion. His end goal obviously being to offer the angelic mutant a permanent place to stay.
Stomach churning, you hurried down the stairs to the nearest mutant that could heal your hand or at least somebody who knew basic medical skills.
Two stitches and a little bit of healing later, you were sitting in your own room and staring down at your bandages. While you had been standing up there, it hadn’t hurt at all but now it was burning like fire. You rubbed it gently and sighed. Warren had always been self-sabotaging. At this point, shutting you out could almost be classified as a hobby of his.
So eventually – at an hour that any reasonable person would be asleep at – you climbed out of bed and marched over to the room to quiet your wailing mind. If you didn’t know Warren’s self-destructive tendencies you would have presumed it was too late.
But you had lived with the man before.
You didn’t bother knocking. You knew that Warren would have pretended he didn’t hear you. So you counted on him forgetting – or purposefully – not locking the door.
“I’m tired of this,” you said when Warren finally noticed you and removed the headphones that were blaring rock music so loudly that you could hear them from across the room. You walked over and sat on an untouched desk, watching the winged mutant carefully. “Every day, you make me sit and watch you turn all that anger and hatred inwardly and I can’t do anything about it. I feel useless when it comes to you. Like there’s nothing I can do to help.”
“Help?” he scoffed. “Help what?”
He rolled his eyes and sat up on the bed, those metal feathers screaming a symphony as they were dragged across the wall. “I don’t need your help,” he said. He glanced at your bandaged hand. “Look what happens when you try. I’m fine. They said that my feathered wings will grow back soon and then I’ll be able to get as far away from this fucking place as possible.”
“I want to stay.”
“Then stay.”
You gave a forced laugh. “And here I thought you knew me well enough to know that there isn’t a chance that you would leave without me following.”
Warren crossed his arms and his wings puffed up as he attempted to become more intimidating. It would work on most people. Not you. “Nobody likes codependent twits,” he grumbled. “But then again, it’s not my problem if you want to chase me around the country like some lost poodle. If you get killed, I don’t want anybody blaming it for me.”
“It’s not… alright, no, I’m not rising to that,” you said firmly. “No matter how often you insult me, I’m not going to leave and you know that by now. Warren, won’t you at least consider staying here? There are others who –“
“Joined forces with an ancient evil and attempted to bring about the end of the world because they were offered shiny wings then almost died and had to be saved by their enemy out of pity. Just so many of those assholes running around that I can barely even walk without seeing one.” His hair was falling into his face now but he didn’t seem interested in doing anything about it. “But they don’t count if they switched sides during the actual battle.”
“You were unconscious the majority of the battle.”
“Thank you for reminding me. I wasn’t aware.”
You sighed and reached out to move his hair away from his eyes. It said something that he didn’t move away despite the glare he was sending in your direction. “Wouldn’t you prefer to be able to rest for a little while until you got back onto your feet?” you asked. “I’ve been talking to some of the people here and they’re all friendly if you give them a chance.”
“I don’t see any weapons attached to your back that are constantly hurting people you actually care about,” he noted.
“My hand was my own fault,” you repeated. You stood up and moved closer, reaching the uninjured hand past his head and resting it gently on the metal of his feathers. “See? I’m being careful now and it’s not getting me hurt. If I had taken a few more seconds to think it through, I wouldn’t have grabbed your wing out of habit. But you said they’ll go back to being normal soon.”
“Apparently,” he said. “Some of them have fallen off but they’re meant to do that. What would you do if they stayed metal? You’d have to start finding your own beds instead of curling up next to me constantly. Something tells me you won’t find these wings ‘comforting’.”
A phrase you had always used when speaking about his wings and it hurt to hear him spit it with such bitterness in his tone. It had always been something genuine to you. “They probably won’t keep me as warm as the normal feathers,” you admitted. “But I don’t doubt that I could grow used to them and love them as much as I adored the originals.”
He scoffed. “Always a fucking optimist. Even when I have tattoos that probably will never fade etched into my face.”
“I’m not always an optimist,” you said. “When you disappeared into that cage fighting thing for months without telling me and then came back with your wing fried to a crisp, I was so worried that I thought I would vomit. I lost countless hours due to nightmares about waking up and finding you dead or missing again.”
“And then you did.”
“I was too late,” you said. “No matter what you said, I knew that your wings were making you distressed and I wanted to help but I didn’t know how. If I had figured out how to fix things sooner then there wouldn’t have been a reason for you to go with that asshole.”
Warren just glared at you and then flicked his bedside lamp off and lay down on his side. It used to hurt his wings when he slept like that but you were unsure that the metal felt anything. Either way, you lay your hand on his shoulder temporarily and then took the hint to leave the room. There was nothing else for you to say or do.
Almost a week passed where you only opened the door to throw random food and drink items at Warren where he was pretending to be asleep. Sometimes he would mumble something and other times he would continue to ignore you. You took the bandage off a few days later. It was something Warren undoubtedly noticed but he didn’t say anything until the day you opened the door to find everything strewn across the floor in such a state of disarray that you flinched.
“What’s the problem?” you asked.
Warren glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and muttered something about not having any shirts that weren’t torn to shreds by his new wings. Which later led to you going shopping and returning with a bunch of new shirts with cuts in the back for the new wings. It took you a while and he grumbled under his breath when you dumped them on the floor but you didn’t say anything.
The charade continued day in and day out but you weren’t deterred. You waited patiently for Warren with a well-learned routine. This had happened many times before. A waiting game that you had perfected over many years of worrying about the angelic mutant who held so much of your attention and your heart.
You walked through the door with a milkshake in hand when he was busy plucking the metal feathers off his wings. Silently, you placed it down and settled cross-legged behind him on the bed to help him peel off the shedding metal over the unreachable areas.
It came off easily and you happily spotted some of the soft, white feathers peeking out from beneath the metal. You ran your fingers happily over it and smiled. They would be returning soon.
“You’re going to need to preen these daily while they’re growing out,” you said. You didn’t expect an answer but you said it with the knowledge that you would be the one to do it. “Otherwise they’re going to be crooked and then you won’t be able to fly properly.”
Warren’s feathers fluttered slightly as he turned around to face you. They didn’t sound quite as horrible when they brushed against the wall now and there were fewer grooves than before. Deep scratch marks already tore up the bedframe and one of the bedside lamps had disappeared a week ago. “Just leave.”
“Alright. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Why do you bother?”
Your fingers brushed the doorknob and you shrugged. “It’s just force of habit now.”
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dontbeunraisonable · 3 years
Takami Keigo x GN!Reader - Birthday Special
Oh my goodness do I love Hawks. Happy Birthday to my favorite chicken wing!
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: swearing, one (1) booty smack, kissing, hawks does not have good work/life balance, unbeta’d
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Of course Keigo had work on his birthday. Of course he wouldn’t take the day off. Why would he?
You didn’t give him any shit for it, because he already knew. You kissed him good morning and wished him a happy birthday, rolling over to lay on his pillow. You said nothing as he dressed and styled his hair and did his makeup, covering the dark circles under his eyes. He made breakfast (because he knew you would say something if he tried to skip) and came into the bedroom again to kiss you goodbye.
The bed shifted slightly under his weight and he leaned over you.
“I’m gonna head out now, baby. I’ll see you when I get back.”
You moaned something like an affirmative response and reached up to scratch the back of his neck gently, careful not to muss his hair. He leaned closer to you, eyes shut in pleasure at your expert scratching. If he was a cat, he would be purring. And also probably crawling and sitting on top of you, but thankfully he knows that your rib cage does have a weight limit. 
He settled his elbows on either side of your head and kissed you goodbye, lingering for a few more kisses and a few more scratches.
“Ugh, okay. I gotta go. One more kiss.”
One became two, then three, then he finally got up and waved goodbye. The lock on the door clicked, and you shifted to get more comfortable and got a few more hours of sleep. After all, it was 5.20 in the morning.
Keigo left in the dark and came back in the dark. In his defense, it was 6 pm. Winter was just trying to make him look bad.
The apartment was well lit, and a delicious smell wafted through the kitchen and living room. You had been cooking something complex. He caught rice and octopus and tofu and a host of other smells, and caught sight of a donabe sitting on the stove.
The drying rack was near the electric fireplace, with delicate items and his uniforms hung up. You must have spent almost the whole day home, as the apartment was tidied up the way you did when a little bored, and you had cooked something for him. He felt a little twinge of guilt in his gut. Maybe he really shoulda fought for the day off. But he had taken some days off earlier this month at your request and he didn’t want to ask for the 28th off too.
“Hi, baby.” He turned to greet you back as you walked into the room with a blanket in your arms and a smile on your face.You chucked the blanket onto the couch and gave him a ‘hello’ kiss, your fingers cupping his face and thumbs gently rubbing his cheeks. “How was your day, birthday boy?”
“Mm. Cold.”
“I bet. Why don’t you go shower and change and I’ll finish up dinner?”
“Whadja make?”
“Oden. It’s been sitting for a while so I just gotta reheat it a little. And then I’ve got stuff for onigiri to go with.”
“That sounds great. Thank you, baby.” He kissed you again and retreated to the bedroom to do just as you said.
The shower water was wonderfully warm and his wings fluttered about, batting the walls at times.
It was terribly cold outside, especially as high up as he usually was. Extra layers of clothes only did so much when moving at high speeds high in the sky.
But the apartment was warm, and the water warmer, and soon he would be filling his stomach with warm food and then curling up with you to sleep. Sleep for a long time. He didn’t have patrol until noon. Maybe he could sleep till then.
A knock came on the door. It opened and you peeked into the steamy room. “Dinner is ready when you are.”
He told you’d be there in a second, and around 5 minutes later he joined you at the table, dressed in layered sleep clothes and a towel over his head. You gave his hair a vigorous rub, helping him dry it. He pretended to howl in pain, swatting at you playfully.
“I’m helping!”
“I’m gonna go bald!”
You whipped the towel from his head and patted his face with it, then his head, then just smacked him with it all over.
“Oh, you’re still a little wet here. Oh, and here. Here, too.”
He finally wrestled it from your hands and smacked you back. “I must’ve gotten some water on you. Sorry, lemme get that.” He got a few good hits on you before giving you one last smack on your butt and then tossing the towel across the room. He held his hands up. “Truce. Let’s eat.”
You agreed and sat down across from him, and lifted the lid of the donabe with a flourish, the smell of the oden rushing out. He all but moaned and began picking pieces out and putting them on his plate.
“Don’t burn your mouth again, dummy.”
“It’s my birthday, you can’t tell me what to do.”
He grunted in response, not moving his head from your chest.
“Do you want to open your presents?”
“Tomorrow,” he groaned.
“Really? I can go grab them?”
His arms tightened around you. “Don’t go.”
You giggled, bouncing his head up and down a little. You dug one hand into his hair, mussing it as much as you wanted, and the other rubbed where his wings met his back, massaging the large muscles. He groaned into your chest.
“I love you so much.”
You laughed again at his muffled voice, and he grunted at being bounced. “I love you, too. Happy Birthday, baby.”
He murmured something that sounded like ‘thank you’ and breathed out heavily as he settled down. He slept best like this, cuddled up in your arms, falling asleep to your heartbeat against his cheek and the steady rising and falling of your chest under him.
Posted 2021 December 28
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iridescentxstars · 3 years
bangchan mafia au
Because there was no context at all with this but I wanted to write a Mafia!Chris so I did a random number generator to get these results.
➳ mafia!bangchan x mafia!reader || 13. accidentally falling asleep together + "Take off your shirt." || implied smut || warnings: suggestive content || wc: 510~
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"Take off your shirt." You say, causing the man behind you to raise his eyebrow, watching you move around the room and adjust things to your liking. "Did you not hear me?" You ask as you look over your shoulder and see him standing there.
"No, I heard you, I'm just amused that you want me with my shirt off." You roll your eyes and he smirks at you before pulling his shirt off with one swift movement. Shit, you can't help the way your eyes move down his torso, taking in the toned chest and abdomen before looking at his face again - seeing his shit-eating grin as he takes in your reaction. "Actually, this might not be too bad."
"Shut up," you grumble, grabbing his shirt, your clean panties and heading to the bathroom.
"Maybe we should just fuck for real." He calls out to you and you would throw a pillow at him if you could. "It would be more convincing if you looked absolutely satisfied."
You can't help yourself as you walk out in nothing but panties that are covered by his larger shirt. "You make it sound like you would leave me satisfied and not disappointed." His eyes darken as he takes in the sight before him and his lips curl into a cold smile. "No. Chris, no. All we need to do is convince them enough that they will stop nagging us."
"Still," he pulls you closer and his warmth makes your heart skip a beat. "Wouldn't it be fun?"
"Go away." You push him off but he knows you didn't use all your force to. Heading to the bed, you get in with Chris behind you; letting your hair out, you make it look as messy as you can before you lay down with Chris, wrapping his arms around you.
"Do you think I should take my pants off?" He asks, a teasing tone in his voice and he does so before you even give him an answer. "Shit-" He mutters after kicking them off, the item falling to the ground as he scrambles back into the bed.
You're about to ask when you hear the voices outside in the hall. "Pretend you're asleep," you whisper. Chris wraps you up and pulls you close, tangling your legs while you bury your face into his chest.
Deep breath in, then a slow release. In, release. Your chests begin to rise and fall slowly, bodies growing heavier as you shuffle to get comfortable while the opening and closing of doors sound outside of the room. You're here because your family has been nagging you to marry and Chris has been oh-so-kind to pretend to be your boyfriend but as you lay there, falling asleep, your mind wanders.
He's warm, he smells nice and you fit so securely in his arms. Would it really be that bad?
As the door opens, the men notice your entangled bodies in the bed and begin to back out slowly. Not that it matters, the both of you are already fast asleep before they even close the door.
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seijorhi · 4 years
Outrunning Fate
As promised (though I am more than a little late for Shiratorizawa Week), the soulmate AU
Tendou x female reader x Ushijima
TW stalking, possessive behaviour, implied non-con
Soulmates were supposed to be a blessing.
It was a fairytale that you’d grown up hearing about. One person who was supposed to be wholly yours.
Your parents were soulmates, even if you hadn’t always understood the concept, the proof of that remarkable, unshakable bond was always right in front of you. It wasn’t in the big grand gestures, it was little things - the soft, adoring look in your father’s eye as your mother passed him his coffee every morning, the way she always sought out his touch when they were together, even if it was just to twine her fingers with his, or the way that they always seemed to be able to sense when the other was upset, and wordlessly found the perfect way to comfort them.
Your father never had to tell you that he loved your mother, but he did, every single day. He told her too, just to see her smile.
It seemed effortless, easy, as if their love for one another was as natural as breathing. How could you be blamed for looking at your bare wrist, waiting for the day that name would appear in scrawling black ink, feeling that excited fluttering in your chest because you knew one day you’d meet your soulmate and have that perfect, fairytale love all for yourself.
Except it wasn’t like that.
Something went wrong.
You’re fifteen and barely paying attention in class when your skin prickles uncomfortably. Your heart leaps into your chest as you tug up the sleeve off your blazer, watching wide eyed with bated breath as a name appears on your wrist.
Tendou Satori.
The beginnings of a smile start to curl at your lips, but it freezes in place as more inky black writing appears below the first.
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
A second name. 
And suddenly, it feels like your perfectly crafted world begins to fall apart. Two soulmates aren’t unheard of, but they’re incredibly rare and you can’t deny that there’s a certain… stigma attached to it. 
What kind of a person isn’t satisfied with just one? 
This is supposed to be some magical, thrilling moment for you, but instead all you can focus on is the pounding of your heart and the growing wave of nausea that rises in the back of your throat. Quickly you yank your sleeve back down and before you can even think to stutter an apology to your bewildered teacher, you’re out of your seat and sprinting down the hallway to the bathroom. You barely make it before hurling up your guts. 
After that, you start wearing long sleeves wherever you go.
It’s not that you’re ashamed, you tell yourself as you bite your lip and try your utmost to fade into the background whenever the topic comes up in conversation, it’s just that… other people aren’t always so accepting.
You’ve tried to get used to the disgusted looks, the invasive questions and the insults that follow you wherever you go, but it’s easier said than done. You hate that your cheeks still burn scarlet whenever you catch someone staring at your marks, almost as much as you hate the way you quickly duck your head in shame and race to fix your sleeve.
‘It’s okay, honey. I know it’s not what you expected but… it just means there’s one more person out there waiting to love you with everything they have. You’re twice as lucky as the rest of us,’ your father had told you on that horrible day. You just wished it hadn’t sounded like he was trying to convince himself at the same time.
You’re seventeen and the first boy who kisses you tries to shove your hand down his pants because he knows you’ve got two names on your wrist, and that means you’re up for anything, right?
You run home with tears streaming down your face and when you shower that night you scrub at the marks like you’re trying to erase them entirely.
What did having two names mean really? That one wasn’t enough? Would they be content sharing you? Would they even know of the other’s existence?
You could only imagine how horrifying it would be for them, spending months, years waiting for you only to realise that they didn’t really have all of you…
Would they hate you? Could you even blame them if they did?
Sometimes… sometimes you think it might be better if you didn’t have a soulmate at all, instead of this. It’s easier just to ignore it, pretend they don’t exist, pretend that you’re not gonna ruin their lives. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one of those few who never actually meet their soulmates. You can live with that, you think. You have a family who love you, a bunch of close friends who’d die for you - who needs stupid soulmates?
It’s the morning after your 18th birthday, your head is still pounding from the alcohol and bad decisions from the night before when your curiosity finally gets the better of you. It’s the modern age, most people live their lives online, you figure you’ll find a facebook page, a twitter account maybe.
Instead, the first item that comes up in your search is a video. It’s a news segment about a volleyball game - some high school team that you’ve never heard of, but you listen to the commentator talk and your heart leaps into your throat because they mention the Ace by name and suddenly there he is. Tall, dark haired and imposing - Ushijima Wakatoshi.
But you don’t even have a moment to breathe, to focus on the absolute beast that is your second soulmate and his terrifying spike because the camera shifts and suddenly there’s another player in focus. Tall, gangly with bright, spiky red hair and a too-wide grin, “-not the only player in the spotlight after today’s match; Shiratorizawa’s middle blocker, the so called ‘Guess Monster’ Tendou Satori-”
You close the browser window and slam your laptop shut.
They’re… friends, or teammates at the very least.
It feels like a bad dream you can’t wake up from. This whole thing is already messy enough, but you can’t get in the middle of that, you refuse to make everything worse for them just because the fates have decided to play a cruel joke on you.
If there were any lingering doubt left in your mind that you’re better off burying your soulmates, they’re well and truly put to bed.
That night, you dream of a cheering crowd, the thwack of a volleyball ricocheting off a vinyl floor and two menacing figures looming over you.
With your final exams around the corner, it’s almost too easy to put the video and your soulmates out of your mind as you throw yourself into studying. Months pass in the blink of an eye and suddenly you’re dressed in black robes and holding your high school diploma. You celebrate with your friends, dancing wildly with a care-free grin long into the night because you know you’re finally getting out of there for good. Tokyo’s a big city, you’ll lose yourself there and nobody, not a single damned soul, will know about the two names that grace your wrist. It’s as close to freedom as you’re ever gonna get - and god that makes you so fucking happy.
Your bags are packed and you’re holding your parents as they sob and then, like that, you’re gone. 
Tokyo awaits.
It’s not that easy to outrun fate.
Living in Tokyo ain’t cheap, even for the shitty little shoebox apartment you rent while you’re studying. You manage to find a job at one of the Americanised diner style cafes just down the road from where you live two weeks after moving in. It’s popular with students because it’s open till late, the coffee’s good and the waffles are exactly what the doctor ordered after a long night of drinking with your friends. You’re just happy because the pay’s pretty decent and your boss lets you bring in your laptop and textbooks so you can study when it’s not too busy. You’re not nearly as thrilled about the short, revealing blue dress that serves as your uniform, but you know when to pick your battles.
It’s a little after one o’clock on a slow Tuesday night, the cafe’s almost empty and you’re propped up on your elbows along the countertop, absentmindedly thumbing through one of your assigned readings for class tomorrow when you hear the tell-tale chime of the door opening.
You hastily shove your books aside, plastering a wide if not a little artificial smile across your face, you glance up to greet the customers, only to freeze in place.
Your heart skips a beat.
Of all the cafes in the sprawling city, of course your soulmate has to walk into this one.
With his wild, spiked red hair and easy, sloping grin, Tendou’s unmistakable as he strides through the cafe with two other guys you can only assume are his friends. You suppose you should be a little relieved that he barely spares you a glance as the threesome make a beeline for one of the corner booths, but it’s hard to feel anything other than blind panic at the sight of your soulmate only a few feet away. It’s purely out of habit that you reach for your wrist and the skin coloured bandage hiding your traitorous marks, and you allow yourself to breathe the tiniest sigh of relief when you feel it still in place.
A loud cackle bursts through the quiet atmosphere of the cafe and you dart a glance over to see Tendou with his head thrown back laughing at something one of the others has said. There’s an uncomfortable fluttering in your stomach and your cheeks redden just a touch. It’s not an awful sound (not at all), but your pulse is racing and you think you just might be sick because this is all… too much.
You’d left them in the past along with whatever fairytale fantasies you thought having a soulmate would bring. You… you’re happy being alone and coping just fine without either one of them! They were a dream - a distant possibility you’d long since locked away, you weren’t supposed to ever actually see them!
At least it’s only Tendou, you think you might actually combust if they were both here. Still, there’s a faint tremor in your hand as you brush a lock of hair out of your face and try to regain control of your breathing.
As much as you’d like to run, or preferably, have the earth suddenly open up and swallow you whole, you know you can’t. For one, you’re the only server left until close and your boss might be easy going but somehow you doubt he’d let you keep your job after a stunt like that. More importantly, you have a sinking suspicion that causing a fuss will only draw his attention and that’s the last thing you want. He doesn’t know who you are, your mark is safely tucked away under your bandages, this will be fine.
It’s an hour and a half until close, he and his friends will get some food, eat, drink and chat amongst themselves and then you can kick them out and it’ll all be over. You barely have to interact with him. For all he knows you’re just a server in a random cafe - this will be fine.
Robotically you force your legs to move, carrying you towards your oblivious soulmate. You’re pretty sure that your smile’s a little off and you haven’t quite managed to quell the shaking in your hands as you reach for your notepad, flipping it open.
It’s the best you can do, especially when there’s a voice inside your head that’s all but begging for you to turn around and pretend this whole thing never happened. 
Tendou appears to be thoroughly engrossed in whatever story he’s telling his friends, waving his arms around wildly when you reach their table. Normally you’d clear your throat politely and wait for them to settle down before introducing yourself and asking for their order, but when you open your mouth - nothing comes out. It’s like your whole throat has suddenly dried up and you’re just standing there gaping like an idiot, but Tendou hasn’t even noticed.
The ashy blonde to his left, however, does. His eyes flicker to you and you swear that you can see the faintest trace of amusement as he takes you in. He smirks, quickly shoving an elbow into the redhead’s side and jerking his chin in your direction. 
“Hey loudmouth, pipe down would you?”
Your breath catches as he turns around to look up at you and grins, “Ah, sorry. Didn’t see ya there!” 
The other two have picked up their menus again, but for whatever reason just as Tendou’s gaze starts to slide off of you, something catches his attention and stops him in his tracks. Like a magpie spotting something shiny in the distance, those big, droopy red eyes suddenly widen and zero back in with unnerving interest. Frozen with that fake, half hearted smile painted across your lips you feel strangely like a bug caught under a microscope as Tendou studies you - there’s really no other way to describe it. His head tilts to the side and he makes a low noise from the back of his throat that almost sounds pleased.
He can’t know, there’s no possible way, but if he doesn’t then why the hell is he staring at you like that?
It’s all you can do to remain rooted in place, your heart hammering so loudly against your ribs that you’re sure they have to be able to hear it too. Whatever he’s searching for he apparently finds because his grin widens and he leans back in his seat and chuckles. “Why’d you look so nervous, we’re not gonna bite - promise!” 
The other guy at the table rolls his eyes, “Tendou, don’t scare the pretty waitress, she’s just trying to do her job,” he chastises, offering you an apologetic smile that does little to ease your nerves. “Don’t mind him, he’s an idiot, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
You swallow and hum in faint acknowledgment, and he takes that as a sign to begin his order. 
You were hoping that they were just going to get some drinks and be out of your hair, but as he starts listing off various snacks and appetizers to share and the ashy blonde throws out a few more, it looks like your nightmare is only just beginning.
You nod dutifully, writing it all down. The cook is just going to love you for this, but there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. “Anything else?” you ask in a voice that just barely passes for what your boss deems ‘customer service appropriate’, decidedly not looking towards the redhead who is still staring at you.
He hasn’t looked at the menu once since you walked over, actually you doubt he’s looked at the menu at all, but it doesn’t seem to matter because he pipes up regardless, “Yep, one of those thickshakes, you know - the really good strawberry one, annnd-”
“Y/N, order up!!”
Your soul leaves your body at the exact same moment that Tendou’s pupils dilate and snap to your wrist.
The pen in your hand is shaking, your grip so tight that it’s a wonder the flimsy plastic doesn’t shatter as you turn to glance over your shoulder. The cook is leaning out across the overpass, staring at you with a scowl and vaguely you register the hot plate of food in front of him which can’t have been sitting there for more than a minute at the most. You give a weak nod, earning you a dismissive grunt in response, before turning back to the table.
All three of them are staring wide eyed and open mouthed at you. 
They know. They have to know.
You should have legged it when you had the chance.
Breathe. Smile. Play dumb. This is fine.
“A-anything el-”
“Somethin’ wrong with your wrist?” Tendou asks slowly, eyeing the bandage like he wants nothing more than to snatch it up and rip it away from you. His fingers flex and you don’t even have time to brace before they’re shooting out towards you-
A hand catches his forearm before he can touch you - it’s his friend, the dark haired one with the crew cut, who’s currently staring down the erratic redhead with a distinct frown. 
It’s the blonde who speaks up, “Sorry, he’s had a few drinks tonight. The idiot sometimes forgets his manners in public.”
The music is still playing in the background, somebody laughs at the table a few down from theirs, but in this little pocket, trapped between the three of them with the tension thick enough to slice with a knife, the silence is oppressive.
And then Tendou’s attention shifts back to you and your stomach flips - it’s like the floor has disappeared beneath your feet and you’re suddenly careening through the empty air with no hope in hell of slowing down.
He looks… well, mad is the wrong word. Tendou is technically smiling, but his grin stretched slightly too wide, his eyes a little too intense. There’s an emotion you can’t name etched across his pale features, and it’s unsettling… it scares you a little, if you’re being honest.
You swallow and take a tiny, shaking breath. “I-it’s fine. I tripped last week and sprained it.”
“Clumsy, are you?” he asks, prying himself free of his friend’s grip.
A laugh forces its way out, grating and too sharp to be believable. “Yeah, I guess. Your food won’t be too long, if you need anything else, just- just let me know.”
You don’t give them a chance to respond as you all but flee the table. You’re shaking and almost in tears by the time you reach the kitchen, the cook takes one look at you, a grumpy admonishment on the tip of his tongue, and falters.
They stay until close, and you avoid them like the plague.
Hours later, lying tucked up in your bed your skin still prickles from the thought of Tendou’s piercing stare. Maybe if you’d kept some kind of a level head through it all instead of acting like a flustered school girl, he might have just passed it all off as a coincidence. 
But you hadn’t, had you?
It wasn’t just that he knew who you were to him (and to Ushijima) but that after all your blushing and stammering, the pitiful attempts at hiding your soulmate marks and the way you all but ran from him the very first moment you could, he had to know that you knew as well. That despite coming face to face with your soulmate, you lied - you rejected him.
You mom once told you that the first time she laid eyes on her soulmate the world stopped spinning and all she felt was joy. Maybe there’s something wrong with you after all, because despite the insistent tug in your heart, you just feel sick. Despite being exhausted after your long shift, sleep that night doesn’t come easy.
It’s two days later that you find yourself back in the cafe, working a rare day shift on your only week-days off from classes. You keep glancing up at the door every few minutes, half dreading the possibility that any moment, Tendou and his friends are going to walk in, but they don’t. 
Ushijima does, a little after the lunch rush dies down.
He looks so out of place against the vibrant backdrop of the 50’s style diner, all serious and stoic, that if he were anybody else you might think he was lost. 
But he isn’t lost, because he’s staring right at you.
You don’t notice one of your co-workers sliding up to you until they laugh and playfully nudge your side. “Ah, I see the eye candy is back. Try and pick up your jaw, Y/N,” they tease.
Instead of finding an empty table to sit himself down at (and give you a minute to mentally prepare) Ushijima is making his way straight over to the counter, unsmiling and huge. How was he even bigger in person?! He could crush you with his thighs alone!
“He’s been here before?” you ask quietly, unable to draw your gaze away from him. 
Your co-worker snorts. “Yeah, he came in last night, he even asked for you by name. Seemed kinda disappointed when I told him you weren’t on until today. You holding out on me, Y/N? I thought we were closer than that. You know you’re supposed to tell me when you start dating a hot ass dude!”
They slip away with a wink before you even have a chance to respond and you’re left floundering as Ushijima approaches. Your mouth is dry, your pulse racing. Just like with Tendou, you have no escape, nowhere you can run or hide.
He asked for you by name.
Fuck. You should have quit when you had the chance.
Ushijima isn’t smiling. Where Tendou had been beaming with chaotic energy from the moment he walked in, your second soulmate seems almost stony as he stares at you with serious olive eyes. You honestly can’t tell if he’s frowning or if that’s just the way his face is, but it makes your gut twist regardless. 
It might also be the fact that he’s towering over you without even trying to. He has to be at least 6’3” but it’s not just his height that’s imposing - he’s brawny and muscular and, yeah, huge. Briefly you remember the news clip you’d seen of him, the terrifying brute force behind his spike. 
He seems to be waiting for you to speak, so you swallow down the lump in your throat and try to remember how to breathe like a normal person. “Hi, can I get you anything?”
Something briefly flickers across his face, but otherwise his expression remains distressingly neutral. “… I would like some tea.”
You nod - it’s like pulling teeth. “Yeah, sure. We uh, we actually have a few different kinds…”
He makes a rough noise of acknowledgement and then… pauses. Instead of the menu, Ushijima studies you. His lips twitch into the faintest hint of a… smile? You can’t quite tell, but it looks out of place regardless. “I will have whichever you recommend.”
You can’t seem to be able to form words, so you settle with nodding, gesturing for him to take a seat while he waits. 
His eyes don’t shift from you, nor does he make any attempt to mask the fact that he’s staring right at you. When his tea is ready, you all but beg your co-worker to take it to him. 
“Trouble in paradise?” they ask, waggling their eyebrows.
“It’s not like that,” you mutter, but they take the tea regardless, and you busy yourself in wiping down tables and pretending that you can’t see the scowl from the volleyball player burning across the diner. 
It really isn’t. 
Even after tucking any thought of meeting your soulmates away there was always some tiny part of you - a part you were always so desperate to ignore - that wondered how it would feel to meet them, to be loved by them…
But while your heart squeezes with every glance, it’s not warm, dizzying bliss that floods your system and sends blood rushing to your cheeks. You don’t know what the feeling is that curls in your stomach and claws its way up your spine, but it’s nothing good. 
Something went wrong with you, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Ushijima stays for an hour, finishes his tea and makes his way back to the counter to pay. 
He's wearing a grey hoodie, running gear underneath, and when he hands you the money, passing it directly into hands, his sleeve rides up. There, plain as day, is his soulmate mark.
Your name, written in black ink on Ushijima's wrist, forever marking you as his.
You jerk, flinching away from him, but he doesn’t make a move to cover it. 
“You cannot run from us, Y/N. We are your soulmates, we’re bound together.” His voice is little more than a murmur, but there’s an edge to it, sharp and pointed. Not so much a statement as a fact, as undeniable as your name on his skin, on Tendou’s.
He says it like it’s a promise, staring into your eyes with that impenetrable gaze and for a moment you forget how to breathe.
“Why are you so determined to fight it?”
You swallow, taking the cash from his hand and punching it into the till. “I’m sorry, whoever you think I am…” you trail off, finally raising your eyes to meet his penetrating stare. You’re quietly proud of the way your voice doesn’t shake, even as your heart races like a hummingbird in your chest and your palms sweat. “I’m not.”
The only sign that Ushijima hears you at all is the subtle furrowing of his brow and a distinctly displeased hum from the back of his throat. 
“I hope you enjoyed your tea.” The cutting barb slips from your lips before you can stop them, but there’s a certain vindictive satisfaction you get in watching his eyes widen, the brief hurt that flickers across his face. 
Of course, it only lasts a fraction of a second before his features school into a blank mask and he nods.
“Perhaps I will try another the next time I see you.”
And with a short bow, he walks away.
You leave your apron behind when you finish your shift at the diner, and you don’t come back.
There will be other jobs.
It’s not enough. 
They start showing around campus. 
The first time you catch sight of Tendou, you’re running between classing, cursing the ridiculous schedule that has you attending two back to back lectures on opposite sides of the campus. It’s just a glance - a flicker of red in the corner of your eye. The only reason you stop at all is because you're so focused on not being late that you fail to see the crack in the path until you’re tripping over it. The books in your hand go flying as you sprawl across the pavement.
“Huh, you really weren’t kidding about being clumsy, were ya?”
A pale hand stretches out before you, and just like with Ushijima, Tendou doesn’t bother hiding the soulmate mark as he grins down at you with those wide, creepy eyes. 
You ignore it entirely, waving it away as you pick yourself up with a grunt. The skin on one of your palms is grazed, and you’re pretty sure that your knees are too, but all in all it could be worse. It’s more your pride that smarts, that and the fact that of all people to see you trip, it has to be him.
“Aw, don’t be like that, baby. I’m only try’na help you!”
You scowl, snatching your textbooks out of his offered hands. “I’m not your baby, Tendou,” you mutter.
You regret the words immediately. His grin slowly widens and he makes a sound, somewhere between a shudder and a moan - it’s almost pornogaphic and wholly inappropriate and it sends blood rushing to your cheeks, but you don’t have time to think about it. 
“I’m already late, just-” you break off with a sigh, readjusting the strap of your backpack, staring resolutely at the ground. “I’m not what you want, what… what either of you want. Just leave me alone, okay?!”
Tendou doesn’t say a word as you walk away, but just like always you feel the burning stare following you until you’re out of sight. 
Somewhat stupidly, you think that’ll be the end of it. The gloves are off - you might not have said it in as many words, but there’s no point denying it any longer. They are your soulmates and it doesn’t change a thing.
There is something wrong with your bond.
But they don’t see it like that. 
They figure out your schedule, take it in turns to wait outside your classes, ambushing you whenever you’re alone. 
“I have a game tomorrow,” Ushijima tells you on a rainy Thursday afternoon as he follows you home. “I would like for you to come.”
It doesn’t seem to bother him that you walk a few steps ahead (or try to at least - his legs are ridiculously long) with your head bent down, ignoring the steady rainfall that threatens to saturate you. Tendou usually fights for your attention, grabs at your hands, your waist, any part he can reach just to touch you, but Ushiwaka seems content to merely be near - so long as you stray too far.
“I have exams to study for.”
He hums noncommittally, “Tendou will be there.”
All the more reason not to go. 
The silence between you two is heavy.
“It would make me… happy, if you came,” he tries again.
Your eyes squeeze shut for just a moment. You hate it when he does this, when he acts like you’re the one being stubborn. Like you haven’t told him, told them both to stop a thousand times before. Like they haven’t ignored it at every turn, blatantly refused to acknowledge that you don’t want them like they want you.
Shouldn’t ‘no’ have been enough?
You’ve considered reporting it to campus security, or even the police, maybe trying to get a restraining order or something like that, but what would you even say - ‘Please Officer, sir, my soulmates are stalking me’? Yeah, that’ll go down a real fucking treat. 
“Why…” you trail off with a sigh, forcing yourself to stop walking.
This time he does reach for you, taking your hand in his. It’s warm and rough from years of volleyball and hard work, and you hate that it’s already so familiar. His expression is as stoic as ever, but there’s a quiet reverence in his eyes as he looks at you, as if he can’t quite believe you’re really there with him. You suppose in another light, it might almost look romantic, the two of you holding hands under his umbrella, lost in your own little world as the rain pours down around you.
He seems to be waiting for you to finish your thought, so you buck up whatever dregs of courage you still have and try again, “Why can’t you just… move on? I don’t want this- this thing, whatever it is between us.” You sigh, tugging your hand back, “I just want to be alone, why can’t you respect that?!”
He doesn’t answer for a long moment, staring at you, his thumb rubbing back and forth along the back of your palm.
But then he shrugs, easily, as if you’re merely discussing the weather and not their continued overbearing and unwanted presence in your life. “We love you. More than anything, and despite your… reservations, we belong together, what other reason does there need to be?” He pauses, his gaze softening just a fraction, “You’ll come around eventually,” he adds.
A tiny part of you crumples at that. What’s the use in arguing with a brick wall?
It’s a minor relief when you walk out of your last lecture for the day the following afternoon. It might be because it’s a Friday and you, for once, have absolutely no plans for the weekend, but realistically it’s more to do with the fact that you know no one is waiting for you outside. Ushijima has his volleyball game, and Tendou will be there with him, cheering from the sidelines. 
You should be happier, really, but there’s a pit in your stomach that’s been there since Ushijima left you at your door last night. 
They’re not going to stop. 
Instead of listening to the professor talk, you’ve spent the last three hours searching university transfers. You love Tokyo University, you love Tokyo - the big, bustling city you’d gladly lose yourself in again and again, but it can’t be your home, not when they’re here too.
There’s a University in Kyoto, it has a similar program to the one you’re already in. It’s a surprisingly easy process to change - your grades are decent enough, all you have to is apply. One simple click of a button. It’ll take a few weeks for it all to go through, which’ll give you enough time to figure out how you’re gonna upend your entire life without them realising - assuming of course that Kyoto university accepts the request.
If you soulmates won’t let you go, you’ll run, and you’ll keep running. Maybe you’re wrong, maybe one day you’ll look back at them and feel that same love for them that you’d seen in your parents instead of that black, cloying unease that twists at your guts, but so long as they don’t give the choice, what options do you have?
You’re not stupid, this… thing that they’re doing, the stalking, monopolising your time, trying to drive your friends away, it’s not the end game. What happens when they get tired of you ignoring them?
“Hey, Y/N wait up!”
For a moment your heart seizes, but it calms almost immediately when you realise the voice isn’t the one you’re afraid of. 
You turn to find one of the guys from your last lecture walking over. He’s kinda cute, in a lost puppy kind of way, and he’s nice, for the three conversations you’ve actually had with him. Honestly you’re a little surprised he actually knows your name (considering you’ve definitely forgotten his) but you smile back regardless. “Hey, what’s up?”
“You doing anything tonight?”
Netflix and crashing early, but you’re hardly about to tell him that, “Not much, why?”
He smiles, and for a moment you’re taken aback by just how utterly endearing it is. He really is cute. “Me and a few friends are having a party tonight, you’re uh, you’re welcome to come. Y’know, if you’re not doing anything,” he says with a laugh, throwing in a wink for good measure.
But his smile fades a little as he catches a glimpse of something behind you. You frown at the odd reaction, turning instinctively to see what drew his attention when a weight drapes across your shoulders and you find yourself being pulled into a sideways embrace.
“There you are, baby! I was starting to think you’d gotten lost,” a familiar voice drawls. “Who’s your friend?”
You can’t see Tendou’s expression as he rests his chin on your shoulder, but from the way your classmate blanches you can imagine that it’s not pleasant. Still you have to give him credit, he only falters for a second before he’s rubbing the back of his neck and offering a sheepish smile, “Oh, hey, uh… yeah, I’m-”
“Punching a little above your weight, dont’cha think?” Tendou cuts him off with a snort, nuzzling in just a little closer. You can feel the warmth of his breath against your neck as he tilts his head to whisper in your ear, “I thought Ushiwaka told you about the game tonight.”
You shiver, although whether it’s from his softly edged words or the kiss he presses against your cheek, you’re not entirely sure. “He did, I-I told him that I had to study…”
Tendou laughs, squeezing you tighter, “Psh, is that all? Baby, we can help you study later. C’mon, or we’re gonna miss the start of the game.”
And like that he’s tugging you away. With Tendou’s arm wrapped snugly around you, you don’t even have a chance to turn around and apologise to the guy. He’s done it purposefully, a reminder you suppose of who you belong to - though for your classmate’s benefit or yours you honestly don’t know. 
Ushijima’s already on the court by the time Tendou and you arrive at your seats (front row of course) but he glances over as you both settle down and his lips quirk into the faintest hint of a smile.
It would make me… happy, if you came, he’d said.
You don’t miss the razor sharp, anticipatory gleam in his eyes, though. 
He destroys the competition. You still remember that brief clip you’d seen years ago of his brutal spike - it seems like time has only served to make it more lethal. The rest of his team is undeniably good, you doubt Ushijima would join a club made up of anything less than the best, but still, he’s in his element and without a single doubt the strongest on the court. 
For every point he scores, Tendou cheers wildly. Halfway through the second set you can see that every player on the other side hates Ushijima - if the scowls and muttered snarls they’re shooting his way are anything to go by. You can’t exactly say you blame them for it either. They’re demoralised and angry, frustrated by the huge Ace and his indomitable force and even though he’s not a part of the team, Tendou revels in it. There’s a song he starts to sing, some inane jig that flows too naturally to have been made up on the spot. You can almost imagine him on the court beside Ushiwaka, singing it after stealing point after point from the other team. The two of them must have made a formidable team on the court.
They still do, you suppose.
You’ve never been one for volleyball, or sports in general, but even you can’t deny the sense of feral anticipation in the air as Ushijima steps up to serve on match point. Tendou has his hand wrapped tightly around yours, leaning forward in his seat to watch the spectacle. You can’t say you blame him.
You might hate him, but you can’t deny that his serves are a sight to behold. Your heart thumps as he throws the balls up, runs and launches himself into the air. His legs are arched, his form perfect and you still can’t quite believe how high he manages to get considering his size -
And then he hits the ball, palm slamming into the leather with a resounding smack - it flies over the net, damn near knocks the poor Libero off his feet as he tries to save it, but even that isn’t enough to stop it. The ball ricochets off his receive, spinning into the crowd and just like that - it’s all over. 
Ushijima roars in victory, and Tendou turns to you, red eyes wild and delighted. You don’t have a moment to breathe, much less prepare yourself before his lips are crashing against your own. 
The deafening cheers of the stadium fade out. 
You can feel his racing pulse as he clutches you close, the unrepentant enthusiasm that pours through him as his tongue dances across your bottom lip, begging for entry. You’re stuck still, frozen in place as your soulmate steals his first kiss.
Somehow when you pictured this moment as a little girl, you didn’t imagine that it would be fear that floods your veins, that the soft, breathless laugh that Tendou gives as he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours would scare you instead of making you feel safe and loved.
They walk you home together. It’s unnerving enough with just one of them, but with both your soulmates flanking you you’re more on edge than usual. 
Or maybe it’s the slightly weird energy you can sense between the two of them. Tendou hasn’t stopped grinning since he kissed you and Ushijima still seems a little wired from his win. He hasn’t said much since the three of you left the stadium, but he’s holding you closer than normal, an arm slung low across your back, his fingers brushing possessively along your hip. 
God, Kyoto can’t happen fast enough. 
There’s a lump in your throat as you reach your apartment. They’d offered to take you out for dinner after the game finished - to celebrate Ushiwaka’s crushing victory over ‘those poor assholes’ as Tendou had put it - but despite the pit of hunger in your stomach, you’d politely refused. The less time spent with them the better.
Surprisingly, both Tendou and Ushijima had taken it in stride without so much as a peep.
But now you’re at the front door, keys in hand and Ushijima still has his arm draped around you. It’s not like they haven’t been in this position before, but despite all their gentle cajoling (well, gentle is relative - Tendou whines petulantly and Ushijhima just seems to hover silently like an overgrown bat) they’ve never actually been inside your apartment. 
It’s your one sanctuary, and you very much want to keep it that way.
“Y’know, ‘Toshi and I’ve been thinking,” Tendou begins, snatching the keys out of your hand before you can stop him, chuckling and swatting at you when you try and grab them back. “Me ‘n the big guy, we really do love you, baby - head over heels, heart racing, butterflies in your stomach kinda love. It’s kinda sappy, actually. You have no idea how happy you’ve made us.”
The key slides into the lock and he twists it, pushing your door wide open. His eyes flash to yours and he grins, bowing as he gestures towards the open apartment. Your open apartment.
An invitation.
You blanch. “Um, I-I don’t think-”
Stupid of you to think you ever had a choice in the matter - Ushijima’s arm is an iron wall against your back, pushing you forward as he crosses the threshold. 
Tendou follows behind the two of you, and the click of the door shutting behind you echoes far too loudly in your small apartment. He tosses the keys into the little dish on the kitchen counter - where they always go when you’re at home - and winks at you.
“I mean we are your soulmates so I ‘spose it’s kind of a given.” He shrugs, leaning back against the countertop, folding his arms over his chest. “But we can’t help but notice that you seem a little… uneasy around us. And I get it, baby, really I do. You’re just a little shy - it’s cool.”
Your heart leaps into your throat as Ushijima’s fingers curl around your jaw and he tilts your face to the side to meet his intense stare, “You’re being unnecessarily stubborn,” he elaborates.
A flicker of amusement dances in Tendou’s eyes at his bluntness. “We tried it your way - taking it slow and steady, trying to ease you in but, well… I think we can all agree your way isn’t working all that great.”
Your eyes snap back to him, “What?”
His grin widens, “So we figured it’s time we try it our way. We’ve been so good, baby! D’ya have any idea how hard it’s been to hold ourselves back?”
Ushijima’s grip is unrelenting, but that doesn’t stop you from frantically trying to fight your way out of it as Tendou pushes off the counter and stalks over to the two of you.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he murmurs, “Been waiting so long for this. Wanted to fuck you on the tables back in the diner in that cute lil’ uniform of yours.” He smirks down at you, his pupils blown wide and dripping with lust. 
No. No, no, no! You shake your head frantically as he closes in, “Stop, wait! Let me go, LET ME GO! I-I don’t want-”
Your panicked words are cut off as Ushijima suddenly spins you around to face him. His hand cups your cheek, enveloping it entirely, and his broad thumb strokes the soft skin gently. “We’re not going to hurt you, little one. You just need to see - to feel what we feel for you.”
Whatever retort you have is swallowed up as he closes the gap between you and kisses you. He’s demanding - unrelenting - forcing your mouth open so that his tongue can taste yours. Distantly you register Tendou slotting in behind you, the unmistakable bulge that presses against your ass as he attaches himself to your neck. “Shh, baby,” he murmurs between kisses, fingers sliding to the hem of your top. “Let your soulmates take care of you, hm?”
It’s not like you’ve ever had a choice in the matter.
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aetheternity · 3 years
Being a big brother when you've never been a big brother (800 follower special)
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Synopsis: In which Levi's been dating you for a year and a half and gets the news that Kuchel is pregnant.
Introduction: In this Kuchel is 43. She had Levi as a teenager (17). Female reader and Levi haven't talked a lot about having babies yet. You two live together but haven't discussed it fully but you have told Levi you'd be open to the idea of having children while he was slightly on the fence.
• To say Levi is shocked is a monumentous understatement.
• When he gets the news that his mother was pregnant with his step father's baby he gets quiet.
• Doesn't say much.
• Well what would he say honestly?
• You on the other hand are spewing out baby names and bouncing in your seat while asking his mother about her plans for colors in the nursery.
• It's not surprising that he's distant. He's 26 and he just found out he's gonna be a big brother. He knows next to nothing about children as it is.
• Though eventually he warms to the idea and by warms I mean he becomes as helpful as possible in aiding his pregnant mother around. Buys her anything she wants/needs and goes on all the trips to buy clothes, toys etc for the baby's arrival.
• Even though he's still pretty quiet on his feelings about the whole situation.
"Babe?" You call to him one night as you're both getting ready for bed. He turns his head slightly to look at you. "Are you ok? I know this might take a lot more getting used to."
He sighs placing his tie on the dresser. "How would you feel?"
It's not said maliciously just curiously. Grey eyes fully scoping the lines of your face. "How would I-" You start and then stop, eyebrows raised and cheeks puffed. "Well.. I know you probably don't need to hear awkward."
He blinks turning his attention back to the mirror. "No! I'm sorry, Levi!" You gestured out to him with both hands and he sighs, walking over to you with light thumps on the carpet.
You laid back in bed and he slowly pulled himself over you. His hands on either sides of your shoulders, legs spread on either side of yours and head resting delicately on your chest. "It's gonna be ok. Look the first year of that kid's life is just them needing love and a bottle to suckle. Worry about the first year once they're born and everything else will fall perfectly into place."
Levi snorted against your skin, fingers lightly stroking the arms of your tee shirt. "Perfectly.."
"You know what I mean." You reply, pressing the smallest kiss against the top of his head. "I'll be by your side the entire time."
The only reply you get is a soft exhale. Levi's heart beat softly evens out and with your fingers curling through his gorgeous black hair he slowly falls asleep.
Finding out the baby's gender:
• When Levi finds out he's having a little brother he feels.. pretty much the same though apart of him is kinda sighing in relief at knowing he won't have to protect a little girl from nasty boys.
• You on the other hand are beaming, "Levi, you're gonna have a little brother! Isn't that great. Kuchel were you hoping for another little boy?"
• Kuchel smiles, "I wasn't too concerned with the gender just as long as they were healthy." She admitted "But I wouldn't have minded a girl, just to see what parenting the opposite gender would be like."
• Somehow the conversation of Levi's future baby brother turned into a conversation about you and Levi's possible future child and what you'd want your first kid to be.
• Levi didn't stay long when that started, promptly excusing himself and you found out almost three hours later that he'd taken a walk and ended up at home.
"Levi?" When you walked into your shared house he was laying on the couch with an arm over his face.
He slowly laid his arm out flat next to his body and you walked over to him cupping the hand closest to you.
"I was going to come back but.."
"You didn't?" You gave him a small smile running a finger over his cheek. He went quiet, eyes falling shut.
"Don't.." He sighs, eyebrows twitching on his forehead. "Don't start that thing you do.. you know when you worry about people.."
You scoff, "Well I am worried about you, I've never seen you look like this before."
His eyelids flutter open slightly, grey eyes flashing over to you through the slits. "You've thought about our future kid a lot?"
You blink, mouth hanging open, "I- well I.. wasn't ok I was it was just for Kuchel." You tried to laugh.
Levi's eyebrow raised, "No, you didn't tell me how much you really thought about it beyond our past conversations. You've thought about it more than you admitted so you might as well stop pretending."
He sits up on the couch, hands dangling between his spread legs. "Ok fine you win." You admit with a huff. "But with Kuchel and the baby and the baby shower and all it definitely wasn't the right time to revisit this conversation. I just couldn't help it."
His fingers come up to rest in your hair carding away any loose strands where they are on your face. "Looks like we have to discuss it again." He says
A couple weeks after the baby's actual birth:
• You and Levi had come over only a couple days after the birth of the youngest Ackerman.
• "I named him Chance." Kuchel had remarked, her eyes filled with light as she held one of the smallest things Levi had ever laid eyes on.
• "Chance?" You replied, slowly transferring the baby from her arms to yours.
• "Because he was a Chance baby. It was honestly a little worrisome having him since I'm getting up there you know. More of a risk." She laughed it off.
• You looked to her with a small smile. "He's gorgeous." Your smile only getting brighter as you held the small person in your arms. Watching as he softly sucked his pacifier.
• "Just like his big brother." You added, smirking in Levi's direction.
• "Tch." Was the only thing he could muster as he stared in any direction other than the one where his girlfriend was now holding his newborn brother.
• "Levi, don't you wanna hold him?" Kuchel asked her smile never fading.
• Now he felt himself look up. He looked first at Chance and then to you holding him so tight.
• "Come here." You whispered and like a startled deer Levi slowly surveyed the situation a little more before he was coming closer.
• He inched his way down right in front of you and Kuchel, plopping down on the coffee table. Eyes locked on Chance's currently closed eyelids.
• "Not yet right?" You said to him
• He looked up at you then back to baby Chance.
• "Yeah.. not yet." You confirmed
• You'd been right about one thing all Chance needed was love and a bottle to suckle..
• It just for whatever reason wasn't allowed to come from Levi.
• He'd hold Chance, he'd cry.
• Kuchel would hand him his sleeping brother while she got his dinner ready. He'd wake up and scream bloody murder.
• And at this point Chance had successfully: Peed on, spit on and thrown up on Levi.
• And all with the same blissfully smug expression.
"Don't get discouraged, Levi." Kuchel said soothingly "He's just not comfortable with you yet." She explained as she rocked Chance in her arms.
"You did talk to him the least while Kuchel was pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with that?" You tried with a shrug.
"All I know is I'm sick of being covered in his different bodily fluids." Levi huffed
"Awwww. Barely a year old and the brothers are fighting already." You giggled, Kuchel quickly joining in on your laughter.
Levi just rolled his eyes. He felt a little pang in his chest as he looked at his sleeping brother. No one else got nearly as much shit from this kid as he did. But it couldn't possibly be a personal attack the kid was less than one year old what could he possibly know about fights with his brother?
You and Levi take one year old Chance to the park:
• It was comfort weather.
• The perfect kind of weather to take Chance to the park on a crisp Saturday when you both were off from work.
• And a part of Levi was sort of glad for this opportunity.
• Kuchel and his step dad had gone out for pizza and here he was with you and his brother.
• It was surprising to Levi how lively Chance was: trying to push the hood of his stroller up and messing with the buckle strapping him in.
• Felt like just yesterday he couldn't hold his own head up.
• "Alright Chance. Come here." You giggled, gently pulling him out of the stroller with Levi's help.
• You guys had a little set up going in the shade under a tree. Blanket, Chance's toys and his sippy cup all sprawled over the space.
• You handed Levi a red donut shaped toy and told him, "Hold it out for Chance, he loves this game."
• "Chance look." You said as Levi held the toy up to a distracted Chance.
• Unsurprisingly the first thing he did was cry.
• "Here let me try." You offered, pulling the toy from Levi's grasp.
• The second you took the toy and held it in front of Chance his smile practically touched his ears and he leaned forward trying to grab it with his hands and then his mouth.
"You're doing great." You praised, pulling Chance onto his legs.
Levi just sighed, "Anything else?"
You pointed to the ball with one finger, still bouncing Chance. "He loves that squeaky thing."
Levi looked in the direction of the small toy, yanking it up off the blanket. He held it up giving it a little squeeze in front of Chance. It drew his attention surprisingly fast and he watched Levi's hand as he squeezed it again.
He was so weirdly enamored by such a normal item it was honestly really cute. A warmth spread through Levi's chest as you smiled at him in his peripherals.
"You want this?" Levi asked, holding it out for Chance.
Your smile stretched over your face as Chance reached for it. Little legs working to get him closer to the ball in Levi's grasp.
"That's it." You cheered softly. "Good job."
It wasn't clear who the compliment was directed towards but Levi was too distracted by Chance's little hands trying desperately to pull the object from his grasp. You still had your hands around Chance to support him as he finally grabbed the ball at a weird angle. The object immediately meeting his mouth.
"Yay, you got it." You said, bouncing Chance lightly. "See now you guys are-"
Chance turned in your grasp, the ball plopping onto the grass with an almost inaudible thud. Unfortunately Levi didn't account for Chance to bend over at the same time as him trying to pick up the ball and his nail came down on Chance's forehead. Not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough for Chance to scream at the top of his lungs as if he'd been stabbed instead.
"Wait no!" You gasped, picking up the ball.
"Shit." Levi sucked his teeth.
Luckily Chance probably didn't hear either of that thanks to his loud screaming. You tried to give him back the ball only to have it smacked from your grasp. The tiny object tumbling down the hill as you tried and failed to coax Chance down.
Thankfully Levi reacted fast grabbing it before it could roll too far away.
"Is he alright?" Levi tried as you rocked him back and forth.
You giggled, "Yeah, he's a drama queen you know that." It didn't seem to really help though. Levi's features scrunched and his shoulders unnaturally hunched. "Let's take him for a little walk, maybe then he'll calm down."
It took around thirty minutes of walking and rolling Chance's stroller through the once quiet park for him to finally tucker himself out.
Levi huffed as you and him plopped down on the nearest park bench. You rifled through the bag pushing the hood of Chance's stroller up before placing his blue bucket hat on his head. Which perfectly matched his blue overalls and blue socks.
"Sorry." You finally heard him mutter as you pushed pretty brown locks out of Chance's eyes.
"It's not your fault." You replied "I promise Chance is just being himself he probably would've cried that hard if I or anyone else had scratched him too."
Levi said nothing. Just watched as you pushed the brim of the hat up. With a little click you fastened it to the front of his hat. Chance's soft features in full view. The little froggy on his green shirt moving with every breath he took. But Levi could only watch.
"Hey, look here." Your cheeks were puffed out as you yanked Levi's face toward yours. "He's gonna warm to you." You said with softened features. "You're doing such a good job." You praise.
The edges of Levi's eyebrows slowly relax and he lets his chest flow with air like he hadn't done since he made Chance scream earlier. The corners of his lips lift a little and he sits back as you push the stroller back and forth with one arm.
Before he can even think about it he spills the awe flowing in his eyes, "You'd make a great mom."
When you smile at him it makes his heart sink. You slowly turn your attention back to a sleeping Chance and he moves in a little closer.
"If there's.. some future where I actually have a child. I want you to carry my babies."
Your eyes are blown a bit, mouth agape as you look back at him. "Levi.." You start but are immediately cut off by a soft aww from two passing women.
"He's adorable." One says, staring into the open stroller.
"You guys are the cutest parents." Says the other.
"O-oh.. I.. we're actually just babysitting him." You struggle
"Still he's cute." Says women number two bending down to have the same view as her friend.
"Thank you." You practically choke. Eventually they leave and you run a shaky hand through your surprisingly sweaty hair.
"Levi." You start before he can get the chance. "I want you to be sure. Ok, I mean we went from Chance being a drama queen to you saying you want me to have your kids?"
"I didn't mean to say it here." Levi admitted "I did mean it though. You weren't the only one thinking while Kuchel was pregnant."
You give him a little kiss on the nose, brushing your finger over the tip of his ear. "It would be a huge step. We're not even married."
Levi nods, "Someday.."
Family beach day? Family beach day:
• Mikasa had come cause this was her first time getting to meet Chance.
• There were lots of firsts actually. It was also Chance's first time on the beach.
• Chance instantly loved Mikasa the second she held him.
• Soft laughter and a bright smile flooding his face.
• Kuchel and Levi both spent as much time as possible under the beach umbrella.
• You spread sunscreen on Chance's body while Mikasa distracted him by showing him how to make a sandcastle.
• Cue you also trying to get some pictures for Kuchel to hang on the family wall she had back home only for Chance to turn away every time.
• Which he genuinely thought was the most hilarious thing ever.
• And in all the time you'd known Mikasa you'd never seen her smile so much.
• "Is it.. possible it's Chance?" You asked while Chance threw any and all the sand that could fit in his tiny fists.
• She just playfully rolled her eyes, handing Chance the shovel. Which he didn't know what to do with so he just resorted to shaking it around till it flew from his grasp.
• "That's such an Ackerman response." You chirped reaching for the discarded shovel.
• You were more than a little surprised when Levi's uncle Kenny showed up. Slamming the door of his kidnapper van closed.
• "Woah Kenny came?" You asked Levi as you sat on the edge of his beach chair.
• You, Mikasa and Chance had all decided to take a break from shell collecting to come up and eat lunch.
• Kuchel laughed at your surprise. "He hasn't met Chance yet." She explained
• "Ahh." You replied
• Chance seemed.. confused by Kenny.
• His only response to Kenny holding him being a blank stare.
• Kenny didn't seem to notice though as he yapped on about the time he accidentally put Levi in the washing machine.
• "You what?" Kuchel gasped
• "It wasn't on!" Kenny explained
• "If me and Levi aren't free to babysit please try Mikasa." You whispered to her.
• Chance spent most of his time after that resting in Mikasa's lap while she rubbed his back and hair.
• Cue Kuchel trying to get Levi to help her put a fussy Chance down for a small nap a couple hours later.
• Which unsurprisingly made Chance more fussy.
• Though the second Levi left, Chance drifted off on the towel in their tent.
• Mikasa made Chance a seashell crown 🥺
• It was a little big so it slipped off his head when he turned a certain way but he laughed whenever she'd place it back on his head.
• Mikasa had been a little on the fence about it but you had basically insisted on getting Levi to take Chance to the water.
• Unsurprisingly Mikasa wasn't the only one on the fence.
"He's having fun with you and Mikasa so you should be the ones that take him down there." Levi argued
"Oh come on Levi! It'll be fun."
Mikasa bounced a calm Chance in her arms as he played with the seashell crown she'd made for him. "He hasn't been with his big brother all day because you've been sitting here reading a book." Mikasa tried but it was only successful in getting Levi to suck his teeth.
"You know I don't wanna go anywhere near the water Y/N." He replied
Finally you got bored and peeled the book from Levi's grasp a cold stare greeting you when he looked up. "You can just go into the water for five minutes with Chance, please! Just so I can take a few pictures and he can get a feel of the water and then you can give him back to me and Mikasa and return to your book."
You could see the gears working in Levi's head as he looked over at a happy looking Chance. His red striped shirt covered in sand which Mikasa was happily dusting off. You already knew exactly what he was thinking but you didn't actually have to say anything because he was slowly rising from his chair:
"Mikasa give Chance to Levi." You said, holding your camera out as Levi reached for a distracted Chance.
Mikasa's arm came up to Chance's back, "Shouldn't I carry him to the water?" She tried
You tilted your head, "Mikasa.."
She finally relinquished Chance, handing him over as if she were fearful Levi would drop him. Levi looked down at the small boy in his arms mildly comforted in the fact that he didn't immediately cry, scream or pee on him.
"Come on guys let's get to the water." You called beckoning to them.
"I'm fine to carry him, I've done it before." Levi assured her as Chance looked behind him towards where they were headed.
"I'm not really worried about you." Mikasa replied, looking down at Chance who was now kicking his legs against Levi's sides.
When you'd all arrived near the water Chance was in awe. His bright grey eyes practically blown and his mouth hung open. He nearly dropped the seashell crown in his arms. Luckily Mikasa scooped it up before it fell.
"Look at this Chance." You cooed gesturing to the water. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Chance responded with glee reaching his arms out toward the huge body of water. He bounced up and down, hands out as he grasped onto nothing.
"He loves it!" You chuckled, carding your fingers through his gorgeous brown hair.
"Armin's gonna love him." Mikasa said, rubbing Chance's belly.
"Ok, quick get him over here while the water is calm." You gestured to the flowing sea and Levi placed him down, holding his waist awkwardly.
You lowered the camera in your grasp, "Come on big brother sit with him, make it look like you're really having fun at the beach with him." You gestured and Levi begrudgingly sat.
He looked back over to you and you gestured again to the water coaxing Levi into splashing water on Chance who was currently staring out over the huge body of water in delight.
Unlike Chance who was actually wearing water shorts Levi was not. He'd come to the beach in cargo shorts because he hadn't planned on sitting on anything but a beach chair or a towel. So now that he was wading uncomfortably in barely ankle deep water his shorts probably looked like he'd pissed or shit himself.
Though he still followed your advice, flicking a tiny bit of water in Chance's direction. It worked surprisingly well because Chance's attention immediately caught on to Levi sitting in front of him.
"Good job baby." You cooed as you snapped picture after picture. Meanwhile Mikasa crossed her arms as if she were waiting for Levi to mess up so she could jump in.
Chance's lips curved up slow and before Levi or anyone could react he lifted his legs slamming them down hard. Water flying all over Levi in the process. It made Chance guffaw and he did it again this time with his hands forcing Levi to shield his eyes from the assault.
"Chance stop it that's not nice." You called but Chance continued smacking and splashing every bit of sea water that flowed between his legs onto Levi.
And for someone who'd never played with water he was way too good at understanding how to get the most water with each scoop. Drenching Levi until Mikasa stepped in to stop it.
"Chance, that's not funny." She said, her features cold. "If you can't play nice in the water, you can't play in the water.
That seemed to strike a cord in him. His breath hitching as tears flowed down his little cheeks. He clung to Mikasa and sobbed until she reached up to rub his back.
"Are you ok?" You asked Levi as he spit ocean water. His hair clinging to his face.
"I just wanna take a shower." He admitted, though his jaw was locked as he spoke.
His hoodie was drenched and his shorts had turned dark brown all over. He walked a little bit faster than you and Mikasa as you both made it back to Kuchel and Kenny.
"Oh God what happened?" Kuchel asked immediately grabbing a towel while Kenny laughed.
"Chance happened." You answered for Levi as he dried his head first stripping his wet hoodie off to reveal his bare chest.
Kuchel looked to Chance who was now innocently sucking his thumb, his head laid on Mikasa's chest.
"I guess his first time in the water was interesting." She sighed
"I got some good pictures before things hit the fan. I'll send them to you." You said, showing her the first couple pictures you had pulled up of Levi and Chance sitting in the ocean together.
"Thank you so much Y/N."
Chance's first words:
• Chance had said his first words when he was 6 almost 7 months old.
• And barely anything else since.
• He really was an Ackerman.
• Every now and then he'd say little things: Ball, Mashed Potatoes (cause they're his favorite food) And TV.
• And of course names which he was pretty good at.
• But the only name he refused to say was Levi.
"Alright Chance you remember your big brother's name right?" Kuchel asked, Chance looked up from his block fort. Kuchel pointed to Levi who was calmly drinking tea and surveying the scene. "Levi." She said
Chance blinked then went back to his block fort. "He has to say it eventually right?" You asked Kuchel as you handed Chance another block.
"He's being stubborn and yes he has to." She replied squeezing Chance's waist.
Chance's eyes rolled to the sky as he placed the block you'd given him next to the tower of blocks that he'd already built.
"When did he learn that?" You huffed in surprise.
"Same time he learned the s-word probably." Kuchel sighed when you gasped she laughed a little. "Stupid." She explained still laughing.
"Oh! Oh."
The two of you continued to laugh as Chance rearranged the tower he'd built knocking it over in the process.
"Chance I believe a smart two year old like you can say a name like Levi I mean you got Mikasa down." You say
"He calls her Mika actually." Kuchel replied
You hum and Chance puffs, "Don't wanna."
He finally gets the block tower to look at least slightly how he wanted it seemingly. He slowly leans back like he's trying to get a better view.
"That's amazing Chance." Kuchel applauds with a soft gasp.
"Good job sweetie." You chime in
"It's not bad." Levi says to which Chance is rolling his eyes again.
"What are you gonna call it?" You ask hoping it'll cut the tension you can feel growing.
Chance peers at it then opens his mouth but before he can say anything he looks at Levi who's staring back. And slowly but surely that slow moving grin works its way onto his features.
"Stupid Levi!" He exclaims with a laugh before taking a block and smashing the whole thing in.
"Chance!" Kuchel huffs
"That's one stubborn kid.." You say with a sigh as Kuchel takes Chance to the punishment chair.
Emergency in babysitting (in which Levi gets high but Kuchel needs to drop off Chance because she has an emergency to take care of.):
{This is based off some headcanons I read for Levi when he's high. If I ever manage to find the post again I'll link it here.}
• You'd forgotten how clingy Levi got when he was high.
• He hummed into the fat of your waist as you sat still trying to watch TV on low volume.
• His leg shaking a little every couple minutes.
• Your fingers slowly carding through his head as his eyes stayed shut tight.
• At some point the doorbell rang and you tried to pull yourself out of Levi's grasp thinking he was sleeping.
• "Where are you going?" He almost whined, pulling himself up on his knees and crawling to you.
• "The doorbell baby. I promise I'm coming back." You said giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
• "W- OK.. I'll wait here." He sat on the edge of the bed, kicking his legs a little.
• You can't help how hard you smile, "I'll be back, I promise."
• The second you open the door you're bombarded with words and Levi's step-dad holding his nose.
• "Oh God what happened?" You asked
• "I need someone to watch Chance for a couple hours while we go to the hospital. He fell on one of Chance's toys while he was carrying some boxes and.." She gestured absently, handing Chance over
• "Sure, no problem." You replied "Hope you feel better." You said to Levi's step-dad.
• Kuchel quickly handed you a bag of Chance's stuff before hurrying off with Levi's step-dad.
• You shut the door with a sigh just as Levi came down the stairs, "You said you'd be back." He huffed
• "I'm sorry, listen your step-dad is going to the hospital so we have Chance for the night." You explained
• You honestly couldn't tell what Levi or Chance's faces meant but both boys seemed to be in silent agreement.
• "Are you hungry Chance?" You asked as he sucked his thumb laying his head on your chest.
• "Mashed Potatoes." He nodded
• "Yeah? OK let me get you some."
Levi followed you into the kitchen and watched you as you placed Chance in the high chair you guys had for when he visited.
"I know, you want to sleep off your high baby just give me a few minutes to get Chance fed and asleep." You offered
Levi nodded but he stayed by your side as you grabbed the box with mashed potato mix in it and got to work putting it in a pot with some water and butter.
"You don't want anything else babes? Just mashed potatoes?" You called to the small boy kicking his legs behind you.
He nodded, "mashed potatoes." He repeated with a kick of his legs.
You managed somehow to get the food cooking while Levi clung to you like a puppy. His gaze soft whenever you met his eyes. His hands in your shorts pockets and arms coming up to meet your waist.
"You know Chance, mashed potatoes are more of a side." You explained
Chance shook his head, he glanced over at Levi who was still holding onto you like he was worried you'd fly away or something. Which immediately sparked tears, he shoved at the tray in front of him screaming your name and reaching out for you.
"Ok, ok please don't cry Chance!" You shouted over his crying when you picked him up, he instantly stopped, yanking you closer to press a kiss to the side of your face before snuggling into your shoulder.
"Aww Chance." You patted his back giving him a kiss back on his forehead.
"I want kisses, please." Levi said bouncing on his tippy toes.
You quickly gave him a forehead kiss as well and he calmed down enough to rock against you, "I hope you're still this cute when you're holding my children." He sighs.
(Ok so I reached the post number limit. Might make a P2 of this let's see how this one does first.)
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Never Satisfied [Chapter 2]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language
Collaboration between Vy & Ashens 🖤
“this chick is crazy...and I kinda dig it“
It’s been four days since the incident and he’s all but forgotten about it, removed it from his memory entirely as if girls hide from police in his car on a regular basis. 
Today is colder than usual, and his body has been quick to respond to the change, aching around the joints. Some days it’s impossible to move, feeling his clothes and sandpaper and housing spikes as joints. Thankfully, today isn’t that bad, the pain is rather manageable. Which checks out well for him, considering he has to do some cleaning around his apartment. His skin itched at the sight of the mess his living space has become over the last few weeks he hasn’t been bothered to pick up the strewn about items or wash the dishes in the sink. 
Standing in his living room, he turns in a circle, taking in the disaster that is surrounding him. His chest tightens, throat closing up due to the overwhelmingness of the work he has ahead of him while all he wants to do is hide in his room, under the blankets of his bed that is for sure not willing to offer him much comfort at the moment, seeing as how it too is a mess. 
Forget about that! He isn’t sure if his mind is telling him to forget the task he has at hand or the comfort he has in mind. Either way, he knows what the right thing to do is. It may give him anxiety, but it has to be done. 
He clenches his jaw and closes his eyes, taking deep measured breaths and exhaling slowly just like his doctor had instructed him to do, in hopes to ease the tension around his lungs. 
Calming down a bit, he finally decides to get on with it, starting with the smallest space he has to clean, hoping accomplishing a small victory would fuel his ambition to move onto the actual rooms with a lesser struggle. So, pulling on his favorite hoodie and a beanie over his black curls, he slips out of the front door and down the stairs of his apartment complex with a trash bag in hand. He may hate cleaning, but he hates messes more, therefore it’s an easy call to make. Easy when putting the two in comparison, a struggle when he actually has to get on with the process of cleaning. 
With a deep breath as a final ‘You got this’ before action, he unlocks his car doors and looks around its interior. He starts off with the junk in the front - first tending to the passenger seat where he finds a couple plastic bags and a few water bottles. He keeps the area around the driver’s seat clean as can be, so he skips that side. Unfortunately, now he has to turn to the nightmare that is the backseats. 
While it may be tame, compared to most, the three paper bags, five disposable coffee cups that he’d dropped to the floor are more than enough to annoy him. He also makes a frustrating find of a hoodie, a few shirts, a hat, and what appears to be a forgotten CVS bag of medication. Much to his dismay, there’s more: handfuls of old receipts that he is now shoving into the garbage bag he has in hand along with straw wrappers, a few stray cold fries dating back to God-knows-when. He sighs, somewhat relieved to see the backseat is doing a lot better now than it was a couple minutes ago, though it’s not even entirely clean just yet. Something catches his eye though - a choker that was probably covered by one of the clothing items he had found. He picks it up, turning it over in his hand. It’s made of soft leather with a gunmetal ”C” and a pentagram embossed on it. It has a leather braided cord on both ends to tie together and no price tag or brand to indicate its origin. He can’t remember buying this...but then again, retail therapy is a thing and it wouldn’t be the first time he forgot a purchase. He gives it one final once-over before shrugging and pocketing it. After collecting the headphones he’d also dumped in the back and retrieving a pair of boots from the trunk, he locks up his car and heads back into the building, mentally preparing himself for facing the terror of cleaning his apartment.
Returning to his place after tossing the trash in the dumpster along the way, Corpse locks the front door behind him and proceeds to drop the things he’s brought back near the front door. 
This defeats the purpose of cleaning up in the first place, Corpse. He scolds himself but that’s what it remains at - just a scold. He slips the hoodie off his torso, but pauses when the leather collar falls to the floor. Tossing the clothing item on a dining room chair behind him, he picks up the choker and, without as much as a second thought, places it around his throat just below his Adam’s apple The metal feels cool against his skin and as he ties the leather cords at the back of his neck the corners of his lips curve upwards just a little. 
I probably look stupid. He thinks to himself. Corpse tries not to look much at his own reflection, mostly because it’s a reminder of how little sleep he gets with the dark circles and worn out, exhausted eyes staring back at him whenever he looks. But when he catches a glimpse of himself in his peripheral on his way to piss, he admires his reflection, or more so the way the black leather stands out across his pale skin. He’s gotta admit, it looks pretty cool. Edgy. Very urban. Goth maybe? But he still prefers the chains he’s known to wear over chokers.
After doing his business, he starts heading toward his office with the intention of recording a new story for his channel if he manages to find a decent submission - and also to ignore the cleaning he still had to do eventually - when the sound of someone banging on the door of his neighbor’s apartment makes him jump, thinking the sound was coming from his door instead. Being the nosey bitch he is, he creeps to his door, listening to the muffled and almost completely incomprehensible voices from across the hall. The screaming match taking place is making him rather nervous and anxious and as much as he’d rather hide in his room and pretend he never heard or saw anything, he also doesn’t want the altercation to escalate into anything physical. 
“You fucking bailed on me!” An angry female shout dominates over the other voice, a male one, that’s quick to follow the previous example with the tone volume.
“You almost got caught, it's not my fault you screwed up!” It’s the male’s turn to shout, his words intriguing Corpse.
Got caught? Screwed up what?
“Fuck you! You don’t just ditch like that! That’s such a dick move!” 
Ditched? If it wasn’t for the ‘getting caught’ part I would’ve thought it was a flopped date?
“I wasn’t about to get arrested for your klepto ass! I’m done with your shit!” The male voice takes the upper hand again, and though the female attempts to speak, she’s promptly cut off by the male, “No! No, I said I’m fucking done! Get the fuck out of my apartment!” A loud bang that sounded remarkably like a chair being flipped over made Corpse jump again with his thoughts once again racing to try and make sense of the situation. 
Klepto? So she’s a thief. Great. He rolls his eyes, not that he needed a reminder that he lives in a bad neighborhood, but he sure got it. He inhales slowly, finally deciding to check the aftermath in the hallway. Again, it isn’t his business whatsoever, but he can’t rest easy until he knows there isn’t an injured person outside his door right now. He peeks out the peephole before unlocking the door and sticking his head out to see a long haired individual still standing in front of his neighbor’s door. They have their back turned to him and are getting prepared to start banging on the door once again. 
“Little scared-ass bitch! I’ll be back for my shit!” She screams, kicking the door to punctuate her point. 
This chick is absolutely nuts. Everything in his gut is telling him to turn around and go back inside but his brain’s less-rational side is convincing him to check on her. He carefully steps into the hallway, swallowing nervously as he reaches out to tap her shoulder. “Are um-...you okay?”
The girl whips around, a furious expression on her face. Corpse makes a pause, his eyes widening at the sight of that familiar face.
Holy shit, I know this girl. 
Standing in front of him is the girl who leaped into the backseat of his car only a few days ago. 
Shit! What are the odds? 
She’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a cropped sweatshirt with the quote “Mercury’s in Gatorade or Some Shit” written in bold letters and a solar system around it, with a leather jacket on top. 
His mouth dries when he makes a realization... 
Oh fuck. She’s way prettier in the natural light instead of that ugly light I saw her in that night. 
“Oh hey! Parking lot guy! What are y-...is that my choker?” She interrupts herself, looking closer at the black leather on his pale skin, her brows furrowing. He’d forgotten he was even wearing it to be honest, but she seems to recognize it. “That’s my fucking choker, dude! I’ve been looking everywhere for it!” She reaches up seemingly with the intention of taking it off him, causing his whole body to freeze up.
Finally finding his senses, Corpse takes half a step back, eyes slightly widened, “Woah, hey! Easy there, I’m pretty sure I bought this.” He warns, hands hesitantly held out in front of himself to try and create some distance between them. 
She seems not to take the hint at his desire for personal space as she reaches out again, stepping closer. “No, I made it with my own two hands, man! It’s got a C on it for my name - Cora.” She says sharply to the point of anger that honestly frightens him a bit. 
He quickly unties the leather straps, removing it from his neck. However, he refuses to give it back so easily as he holds it up out of her reach. 
Maybe if it isn’t on me she won’t be all up in his personal space. Yeah, it’s a bit evil, but he didn’t care. Besides, part of him is still mad about the fact she used his car as a hiding spot, shooting his anxiety through the roof in the process. 
“I feel like you owe me for those fries you stole last time we saw each other. Make it up to me and I’ll give it back. If it’s even yours, that is...” He says, brows furrowing slightly and eyes narrowing as he takes another step back. “And, you know, for nearly getting me busted by the police for something I wasn’t even a part of.” 
Sure, he was talking but her eyes are wandering analyzing him: first the silver chains around his neck that glimmer in the light and his dark hair, strands dangling carelessly as a curtain over his face. 
He too finds himself admiring her, memorizing her features better in this light. She has olive skin and sports a little bit of a tan. Stray locks of wavy dark brown hair hang around her ears having come loose from her messy bun. She has earthy brown eyes with flecks of green that he can’t help but stare at, despite their current sharpness. Her right arm is decorated with a few small tattoos: a skull of some sort of animal that appears to be puking flowers; a small cartoon t-rex floating via many colorful balloons and a brain with a spiky spiral in the center of it. She has a single line drawn around her pinky finger on the hand of the other arm and the shadowy silhouette of a forest around her wrist. However, the one thing Corpse could see better than all of that, was she is pissed. 
“Gimme my fucking choker back! I paid you for those fries, it’s not my fault you spent them on douchebag lessons!” She snaps, hopping to try and grab his arm. 
She is pressed up against him now, a wave of perfume hitting him when she attempts another jump. He holds the choker higher, maybe even subconsciously, just enjoying the warm presence of another body for as long as possible - not that he’d admit that. 
Corpse’s brief content comes crashing down as he stumbles backwards when he feels something hard on his hip and her hands grabbing at the front of his shirt. 
“Wait-“ He tries to say, but is cut off when a good amount of weight pulls at his jeans. “Oh Fuck!” He rasps out, dropping the choker as he slams onto the floor. In the split second he spared to take a breath, his pants had been yanked down to his knees and his neck was crooked up against his door. He’s now lying on the floor as the girl hovers over him having landed with her hand on top of his head and one leg over his chest while the other is pinning his arm down.
While remaining unmoving under the girl, he takes a moment to let the previous five seconds sink in before replaying them in his mind:
This small woman, Cora she said her name was, had put the boot clad toes of her left foot into the pocket of his baggy jeans to use as a stepping stool. In turn, they were shoved down, effectively pantsing him and tearing the pocket before knocking them both to the floor. 
Corpse leans against his door, jeans still around his knees, hair a mess as he watches Cora stand up from where she’d practically tackled him and equip the choker. 
“Serves you right.” She sticks her tongue out, tying the piece of jewelry behind her neck. “Now get up before someone calls the cops, we both know what happens then.” She rolls her eyes and bends down, offering her hands to help him up after he situated his trousers.
“Ah-um...I-...” anxiety started reigning in his chest and head as he realized everything that had happened. He takes both her hands and she uses all her weight to pull him up. Her pull was so strong that when he stood up, he had to hold her tight to keep her from falling back. He stabilizes her, maybe a little too hard because her chest collides with his. He apologizes under his breath, releasing her hands quickly. “Don’t people buy dinner first before yanking off their pants?” He snorts, trying to make light of the situation and crossing his arms over his chest. “But then again, you stole my dinner.” 
“Are you insinuating I should take off my pants?” She asks with a smirk. 
Corpse nearly chokes on his own inhale, eyes wide as he quickly looks away.
Oh my god is she serious? “N-no!” He says, perhaps too quickly. Too loudly. His cheeks turned dark pink as he gapes at her for a moment before furrowing his brows again. He hunches his shoulders a little, doing his best to avoid those sharp hazel eyes. 
She’s pretty. Way too pretty for him and now she has him all flustered. This girl has way too much power over the agoraphobic anxiety bundle that is Corpse. 
“Oh so you’re insinuating that I should buy you dinner since I took off your pants?” She prompts, eyes narrowing with a delighted little smirk on her face. She has to be enjoying watching him squirm in embarrassment, otherwise, why would she keep asking questions like that? Of course she does. She is like every other girl in his life.
“I’m..-just...Forget it.” He mumbles, shrinking back away from her as he turns to go back inside the safety of his apartment. 
She’s probably making fun of me. Great, as if I didn’t have enough self-esteem issues already.
Before he could get inside, a hand grabs his shirt at the small of his back. “Hey, I’m just fucking with you, dude.” She says, giving the shirt’s fabric a tug. 
He turns and looks at her with wary eyes, wondering if she was trying to goad him into falling for her taunting again. But the ice in her gaze has melted and she gives him a crooked smile. “Lemme buy you dinner to pay you back. It’s the least I can do after you helped keep my ass out of jail.” She releases his shirt after a brief moment of reluctance and then offers her hand to him for a handshake. “Oh, I should introduce myself, officially this time. I’m Cora.” 
Corpse looks at her hand and carefully takes it. She has small hands and his long fingers practically engulfed hers as he shakes it lightly. He gives her his name in return and she smiles that light filled, beaming smile he remembers from the car. 
“Nice to, um- meet you, I guess.” He finds himself staring at her, unknowingly still holding her hand in his until she looks up and grins a little wider. 
“This seems like a roundabout way to hold my hand, bro. You could have just asked,you know.” She teases, but this time it felt okay, his embarrassment having faded slightly, but he still hurries to look away and release his hold on her. 
Corpse murmurs a quick apology, but before he could stick his hand back into the ripped pocket of his jeans, she takes hold of it again, tugging him forward. “Come on, lock your door. I’ll buy you something to eat. You drive though.” She lets go of his hand after a moment and, much to his surprise, he catches himself missing the warmth that it provided him while it was there. Turning, he ducked into his apartment to grab his hoodie and keys, feeling suddenly thankful he’d cleaned his car out.
Taglist: @vixenl  @fockingwhore
143 notes · View notes
jarofstyles · 4 years
SK8ER BOI IV- Aerial
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A/N: THE FINALE!!! Ugh we love these two so much, however, it definitely is a long shot for a highschool fic BUT it’s fun to pretend no? ✨- n + d
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pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, making up 
word count: 8.8k
Y/N knew she fucked up, she fucked up so bad. She had pushed Harry away when she needed him most all because she was insecure? All because she thought that he’d think less of her and leave? Her worst nightmare came to life anyway, she did that to herself. She’d gone home early, catching a ride with Amber and well, Timothée didn’t seem to notice. Y/N was going to break up with him the next time she saw him, she was positive. It was all just a matter of time before it happened. 
Getting the text from Harry the next morning did surprise her. She thought she wouldn’t hear from him but... he said he had to show her something important? What could it be? She got dressed pretty quickly, not really thinking about how she looked, she just hopped in her bike and rode over. She was nervous to see him, would he still be upset with her? Of course, but she had stopped at the shop to get some snacks and a teddy bear to say that she was sorry.
Harry has showered and gotten dressed rather quickly, knowing she would be over quickly. He knew this would upset her. Not okay because Timothée would technically be lying to her but because it was to Harry. The guy she had gotten close to. He cleaned up his room even though he wasn’t sure she would want to come up there at all, waiting downstairs. When the bell rang, he was quick to answer and let her in. She had a shopping bag with her but he didn’t pay that any mind, bringing her closer into the house. Thank god his parents weren’t home today. 
“Listen, I know you’re pissed with me but I woke up to this. You needed to see if. If I sent you a screenshot you may think I’m lying so I needed you to open it up yourself.” He shoved his phone at her, unlocked. “Instagram. The top message.”
Y/N parked her bike and went inside as usual, being greeted by the kitties but Harry spoke before she could even react to them. She furrowed her brows, taking his phone from him and opened up Instagram. Timmy? She looked up at Harry with brows furrowed, seeing him nod so she opened the message. 
‘Heeeeeyyy Harry, know this is random and all but like... you’re so fucking hot’
‘I wanted to talk to you last night, didn't get the chance to’
‘but if you ever want me to suck your dick I can’
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was reading. Timmy? Sent that? To him? Last night? She swallowed thickly and just read over it a few times. He really didn’t bother telling her? Was just going to cheat behind her back and lead her on? Granted, she was cheating too, but at least she was trying to talk to him and cheating.. she didn’t want to do that. Y/N was speechless, looking up at Harry like a babbling fish. She wasn’t going to cry though, no. Y/N just had what she needed now to break up with him and she would. But not before she talked and apologized to Harry.
“I woke up and I saw those.” Harry swallowed. “And like, obviously I’m not your favorite person right now and I get if you want to leave now cause you saw but I had to show you. I’m not gonna answer but he should know M’gonna show you.” There was no denying it. Considering Y/N and Harry were very obviously getting close to begin with, it was something he was certain he would know. Why him out of all people? He didn’t know. “And I’m just.. wondering if he’s been doin’ that to other guys too that he knows do stuff so like... I just wanted to show you. I know we haven’t been doing much better and that like, cheating isn’t good to begin with but yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. Damn. This was hard.
Y/N nodded her head, “no, thanks for telling me.” She said with a soft voice, letting out a small sigh as she handed him his phone back. “I can’t be too mad at him, or I'd be a hypocrite.” Y/N explained and let out a breath, “I’ll... I’ll talk to him later...” She said and then looked down at her bag. “I um...” Y/N started and started bringing up the bag. “I wanted to apologize though... it wasn’t fair of me to talk to you like that when you were just trying to be a good friend... you mean a lot to me and I hate knowing that I made you upset, that I made you feel like I didn’t want to hang out with you anymore...” She reached into her bag to get out a teddy bear that was holding a star. Originally she just went in to get the snacks but then she saw the bear sitting there and she knew she had to buy it. It reminded her so much of Harry and she hoped he liked it. “Will you forgive me?” She asked holding the teddy bear out for him. “I also got some snacks.....”
There was a little star on it. Harry wasn’t one for receiving gifts but this made him feel fond. How she knew him even though it hadn’t been that long. 
“Oh... you didn’t have to get me anything.” He murmured. He would cherish that bear till the day he died. It was thoughtful and lovely. “Course I forgive you. I just.. I hope you know I’m not some dickhead who’s out to get you.” He whispered. “I just want you to be happy. Whether it’s hanging around me or with him. I just hate seeing you sad.” He felt a bit vulnerable. She had tapped into his softer side with the star holding bear. It would be a treasured item of his. “Did you want to stay? Or go figure your stuff out?” He asked. He understood if she needed time to think alone.
“I know, but I wanted to.” She said shyly, pushing a piece of her hair away from her face. “You’re not a dickhead Harry, never thought you were.” Y/N wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She really did miss him, it had been a while since they hung out now that the project was over and because they had that little fight. “Can I stay? Missed you..” and she had. Y/N just wanted to sit around and listen to music and talk with him for hours. Catch up on the stupid shit Niall and Zayn said, maybe watch a movie while they ate their snacks, or they could just be munchies for him to have on his own when she inevitably went to talk to Timothée. “I’m gonna talk to him later..” Y/N repeated herself, pulling out her phone to text him saying they needed to meet up and have a chat. Timothée had agreed, probably knowing what the chat was going to be about because he’d never responded so quickly to her.
Harry kisses the top of her head tenderly. It was hard to refrain from being physically affectionate with her. She called to the caring bits of him and he wanted her to be happy to sit around and be held by him. 
“Course you can stay. Come on.” He grabbed her bag of snacks and carried them up with Y/N and the kitties following behind her eager for pets. It was good to have her back in his bed. To sit next to her while they munched on chips and have her curl up next to him. Her hand held his shirt as they watched some sort of documentary about true crime, and he was happy as hell just to have her there. His mind did wander. Could he ever have this for good? Have it so he could tell her sweet things and not have it be weird or crossing a line? Things felt like they were back to normal, the two of them cuddled up on his bed all comfy cozy and snacking. Y/N could stay like this forever she felt like. Her mind was now made up. She thought that she would be more upset about it all but now that she had something that solidified her beliefs? She didn’t feel so bad anymore. 
Y/N had spent the last 10 minutes of the documentary just admiring him. She’d missed being this close to him and of course, she missed kissing him, missed having his hands on her and hearing those sexy grunts of his. She couldn’t hold back anymore, she just cupped his cheek and turned his attention to her, leaning up to kiss him hungrily. Y/N just wanted to feel it again, feel him and connect with him, needed to remember what made her feel so good before she went to break up with Timmy.
When she kissed him, Harry immediately felt better. Knowing she wanted to kiss him again and didn’t regret anything they did soothed him fully, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him as he turned so he could kiss her. It was smooth and hot, her tongue against his as he got into her mouth. His hand held her back and kept her close to him, humming happily at the kisses she gave him. He missed it. Even a week of no kissing had made him sad, so to have it back meant a lot. When they pulled apart, he hid his face in her neck to breathe her in. It was warm and she smelled sweet and just like her. He needed that comfort. Needed her affections.
Y/N’s heart felt full again, he’d kissed her back with just as much passion and desire. He had missed her just as much as she missed him and that within itself was comforting. Her hands carded through his hair as he nuzzled against her neck, pressing kisses to the side of his head. Y/N was holding him tight, breathing steadying as she finally felt the calm overcome her. She didn’t say anything though. It was an unspoken thing that the two of them both knew they’d missed each other a lot, that the both of them needed this and just needed to hold and kiss each other like they were meant to. Y/N didn’t want to do anything until it was confirmed that she was broken up with Timothée despite it being that way in her head. Y/N could dare say she loved him but it had only been a month. They did have a very strong connection, that much was undeniable. She looked at him as he pulled back from her neck and pressed a few soft and gentle kisses across his face. Her angel. He had no idea how special he really was to her.
Harry scrunched his nose when she put a kiss on it, letting out a silent laugh. She was spoiling him with attention and it felt rather good. He couldn’t deny that. She had him by the balls. It wasn’t like he was going to open and spill his guts about how much he liked her— but he did. He liked her a lot. Y/N was lovely and soft and sweet to him, she kissed incredibly well, he loved her body and being intimate with her. It was like she pulled up on every stop. 
“Mm. Feels nice.” 
He wondered if she could potentially be his first girlfriend. Proper one. Where he kissed her every day and brought her to school and had her sleep over, made love to her. He wasn’t sure if she would be down for that but maybe eventually. He could wiggle his way into her heart if he was lucky enough.
Y/N smiled fondly at him, pushing pieces of his hair back behind his ear. She pressed another kiss to his lips, letting out a hum. “Please don’t cut your hair...” Y/N spoke softly, pressing another kiss to his cheeks and then his nose. “I mean, I know you’ll have to eventually but.. keep it long, it looks really nice.” After spending a week apart she really just wanted to shower him in affection, tell him all the things she was too scared to say before. She almost lost him. Y/N had long forgotten about the documentary, just focusing on him now. Had he somehow gotten more handsome? Or was she just even more fond of him than ever before? “I’m going to go talk to him, yeah?” She whispered softly, “just want to get it out of the way. I’ll go talk to him and I’ll come back and... and I’ll spend the night if you’d like? I would really like to..” Y/N spoke with blushy cheeks. It was all hitting her pretty hard, but she couldn’t tell him how she felt yet.
“Yeah.. can come back and sleep here.” Harry hadn’t woken up next to her in a while and he missed it. He missed her a lot. It wasn’t that long but he was starting to realize things that he hadn’t before. Things were becoming clearer. Like his feelings for her. He kissed her a few more times at the door, holding the back of her neck to keep her there. He didn’t want her to go but she would be coming back to him quickly and he was looking forward to it. “If you... if you want to, Tonight... we can.” He was dying to fuck her. Dying. And once she was free from him, if she was in the mood? He could more than ever give her a good time. That's what she deserved. “If not that’s fine too but... yeah.” He shrugged. Gently letting her go. “Call me if you don’t want to bike back. I’ll come and get you.”
Y/N looked at him stunned. He wanted to? he really meant what he said when he  gave her his ultimatum? She nodded her head as he let her go, cheeks flushed. “Okay.” She answered shyly, deciding she would have plenty of time to think about it once she got back from Timothée’s house. 
The bike ride over was spent thinking about what on earth she was going to say. Y/N knew she had every right to be mad but she also wanted to be there for him. What if he had no one else to go to? Well, at least there would be no more wondering after today. They were finally going to lay it all out on the table. 
“Hey.” She spoke as he opened the door, stepping inside and following him to his room. Y/N was incredibly nervous, but she had to stay calm. “So.. look, I don’t want to argue, but Harry showed me the DMs you sent him and I just... I wish you told me. I already knew but I didn’t want to push you to come out to me if you weren’t ready but... I care about you timmy, I want to be there for you.”
His face fell. 
“You saw, huh?” Timothée was hopeful maybe Harry wouldn’t show her but, his loyalties lie with Y/N. As they probably should. He didn’t know what to say. It was terrifying. “Please don’t tell anyone. Please ask him not to tell anyone either. I was drunk and it just came out and I’m sorry. To both of you. But please just... I’m not ready to tell people. I messed up.” He was obviously scared. “I know I’m an asshole. I know I should have told you but I don’t want anyone to know cause, I’m not able to deal with it myself.” He swallowed thickly, looking down. Y/N and Harry basically had his life in the palm of their hands.
“Hey, hey, hey...” Y/N frowned and went to wrap her arms around him in a hug. “You’re okay...” She whispered, petting his head gently to calm him down. “I wasn’t planning on telling anyone and Harry isn’t either...” Y/N wanted him to know that they respected his wishes. “Just really hurt me, you know? Cause I just wanted to be there for you... I understand why you didn’t tell me, but I thought of all people, you could trust me, ya know?” Y/N explained calmly, “I’m not mad at you... cause I have something to tell you too.” She was nervous to tell him but hey, she had every right to do what she did knowing now that he was gay. She was never more than a friend to him. “Harry told me cause um... he and I have been um... doing stuff.”
“Stuff?” Not only was his girlfriend— or ex girlfriend? Aware that he’s gay. She was with the guy he wanted. It sucks. So bad. “Oh...” Timothée wasn’t angry at her for the cheating aspect. More so because that meant Harry wasn’t going to want him. It was common knowledge that Harry fucked around a lot and it didn’t matter what gender. He liked that about him. It was jealousy. “Really? I mean... I know I wasn’t touching you and I’m sorry if I made you feel badly about it but... how did that even happen?” He hurt. Was sad. But she wasn’t angry at him. He couldn’t be angry about doing nearly the same thing.
Y/N nodded her head, knowing it must have hurt him because well... he did send that message for a reason. “It’s okay, I get why now...” She started, smiling a little at the thought of her and Harry. “I’ve um.. I had a crush on him for a long time and like... when we had to work together for the project I was um... yeah, it just happened.” Y/N blushed shaking her head a little because she was telling her ex boyfriend, who was gay, that she had been cheating on him. “You like him a lot don’t you?” Y/N could tell, it hurt her knowing he was struggling internally and hurting, but her feelings were valid too. “I’m sorry... but, we’ll find you a really nice boy yeah? Whenever you are ready. Promise.” She said, taking his hand. “I want to be okay again... still wanna be your friend and stuff. Can tell people we just grew apart if that’s what you’d prefer.” Y/N said and squeezed his hand a little, “Whatever you need.” She wanted to be there for him, she really did. “Harry and I aren’t official or anything... obviously... so, that won’t be a thing for a bit...”
“Yeah— Uh, we can do that.” Timothée said softly. It was two hits with one knife and it hurt. It sucks. But at least Y/N didn’t hate him. He was so worried she would. And that she wouldn’t ever talk to him again. “You really don’t hate me?” He was astonished. He had hidden a part of himself from her for a while and pushed her away over and over because of it and it had to have hurt. But she was offering to help him and get him a boyfriend? “I would hate me.” He was glad she didn’t though, accepting her gentle affection. “I’m sorry. That I made you feel like you were annoying. You weren’t. I was just... not able to give you what you wanted. I understand why you went to him.”
Y/N let out a chuckle, “no, I don’t hate you Timmy.” She said softly and let out a sigh. “I thought it was me for a long time... thought that maybe I wasn’t sexy enough for you or that maybe you just weren’t into me like that but didn’t want to hurt my feelings. But I could tell after a while because there was no chemistry like that, could tell I made you uncomfortable.” She explained with a sad sigh. “Kind embarrasses now actually thinking about it...” Y/N blushed and shook her head, “but yeah... I was really upset, I hated that you didn’t talk to me and yeah I was upset with you and angry but I could never hate you. Knew that you weren’t doing this on purpose...” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings or rub it in but she wanted him to know that even though he hurt her and couldn’t be there for her, Harry was. “He’s been really nice to me... Makes me feel really special and beautiful and... I really like him.” Y/N spoke and let out a sigh, “he doesn’t know that but..”
Timmy and Y/N continued their conversation as Harry ran to the store. He got condoms, he got some breakfast food for the next day, he also got a lollipop for her. It was cotton candy and reminded him of her. He quickly came back and fixed the house and changed his sheets to new ones. He wanted it seamless as possible if she was wanting him too. If she wanted to make love. If she didn’t, he would gladly just relax with her and be happy that they could finally move forward with their shit. Thank god. 
‘Hey, just a time check. Are you coming soon?’ He texted her, hoping she wasn’t in the middle of deep conversation with him. He was antsy and wanted her home with him. Wanted to have her strip down and change into maybe one of his shirts. He wanted to feel a bit of ownership.
Once Y/N was positive that Timmy was okay, she felt good. Much better about everything. “Hey. I love you.” She smiled and gave him a hug, “you’re gonna be okay. Promise.” She told him and then looked down at her phone. Harry. He was so cute her heart could burst. He was checking up on her and making sure she was okay. Her sweet angel. “I gotta go though, yeah? I’ll see you at school.” She said and gave him a sweet smile, “if you need anything just shoot me a text.” Y/N cooed and made her way over to her bike. 
‘On my way back now 💓’
And she was off. 
It was while she was riding back to Harry’s that she realized what he had told her earlier. How he said he wanted to  if she wanted to. The idea of it made her mind stomach erupt into a fit of butterflies. She was single now. Single and ready to be Harry’s whenever she decided to tell him how she felt. If he wanted her. 
Harry had told her to let herself in. He had been cooking for them. Just quesadillas and some rice but he knew she needed some food in her. He felt a hand run over his back and smiled to himself as he felt her sneak under his arm. 
“Hi.” He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. It was immediately a lot better. He felt like a weight was off his shoulders. She was here and single and he could do whatever he wanted to her. Perhaps it was reckless because he didn’t know how she truly felt but he would take anything at this point. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to want to fully discuss what had just happened so instead, he handed her a plate he had already made before taking his food off of the pan and sliding it on the plate for himself. “Where do you want to eat?”
“Can we eat on the roof? I wanna watch the sunset.” Y/N thought it would be really romantic and nice and if they were going to do stuff then well... she wanted to get them into the romantic mood. Of course with them it always took just one word and suddenly the two of them couldn’t get their hands off of each other. Since hanging out with Harry, she had become a lot more vocal in bed or a lot more okay with being vocal in bed. She still got shy asking about stuff from time to time, but he was pretty good at encouraging her. They had pretty much done all the basics except for actually vaginal penetration and well... she had yet to give him a blow job. 
“I know you’re wondering.” Y/N spoke, deciding to let him know. “Timmy and I are good... he apologized, asked that we don’t tell anyone about it. Our story for breaking up is that we grew apart and out of love. He was really scared... but I’m glad that things worked out.”
“Good. Hope he knows M’not gonna out him to anyone or anything but you.” He wasn’t that type. “I know I’ve been open about not giving a shit what gender I would used to fuck around with but I know not everyone is lucky enough to have that mindset or be open about it.” Pussy had always been a favorite though. While he did fuck guys, he was more into women. “I’m glad that you’re better though. Have more clarity. Feel better about it.” He did feel a lot better about it now. Knowing she was going to be single now. He could try and say how he felt without saying it. “Also.. my mum comes home this week. If you wanted to stay over on the weekend again— she’s cool, she’ll like you. My parents don’t get weird about like, sex or alcohol. They always said if they didn’t let us experiment that we would find unsafe ways to do it. Granted... I’ve never had someone over to do anything, but you’re different. She’ll love to have you over.”
Y/N always knew about how he didn’t mind who he had sex with, it didn’t really bother her either because it was none of her business anyway as long as he stayed loyal to her. Fuck— she hated that in her mind he was already hers, felt like her breaking things off with Timmy meant they were together but things didn’t work like that. 
“You want me to meet you mom?” She was shocked because she knew his family meant a whole lot to him. They didn’t seem to be home a lot but when they were it was likely a big deal. He was already inviting her back over to meet his mom? “I’d love to.” Y/N smiled softly, “I um... I gotta give my mom an excuse though.” Maybe if Y/N explained the situation to her mom she’d let her go. Her mom would likely be skeptical of Harry but if she knew just how smart he and how nice his family was she definitely wouldn’t have a problem with it.
“You can come up with something.” He shrugged. She always did. Y/N was at his house during the weekends but didn’t always sleep over. It would be fun if she could stay the whole weekend. 
“My dad isn’t gonna be home yet but honestly... probably better. He’s full of jokes.” He laughed. “I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. I just think if we’re gonna hang out more, it’ll be cool for you to know my family.” See if they got along. Granted, it didn’t matter but he knew Y/N would get along with his sister and mum. No doubt. “They’re in and out. My mom goes on book tours. Dad is home more but since we’re older and don’t need to be home as much, he either goes with my mum or works more. It’s kinda cool. He was around a lot when we were kids.” He had a good family.
Y/N felt her heart flutter, it made her happy to know he wanted her around. If she was special enough for her to meet the family, that meant something right? “That’s really nice... They seem really cool, I’d love to meet them.” She said honestly as she finished up her meal. “Thank you for dinner, it was very good... I didn’t know you could cook.” 
She was beginning to realize there was a lot that she didn’t know about Harry, but there were lots that she did know and loved. She could see the two of them going really far together, felt like the two of them really clicked and got each other. From day one they just seemed to get each other. He was great. She wanted him to know that, wanted him to understand how thankful she had been for the past month that they’d spent together. Harry had taught her so much about herself and what she wanted and showed her what it felt like to be truly adored and cared for. She decided that she would give herself to him tonight. She was already his anyway.
“C’mon. Let’s watch something else. Getting cold out here.” Harry wouldn’t be able to see many stars since it was getting cloudy out and he was more concerned with getting her in his bed and kissing on her for a while. They brought their plates inside and Harry left her in the bed as he went down to put the dishes away. He came back up to see her laying upside down, a smile rising to his face. “Alright, silly bunny. If you’re staying here, gotta be comfy, hm?” He walked to his drawer and grabbed a tee shirt of his. “You want boxers with this? Sweats?”
Y/N smiled and rolled over so she could sit up properly, looking at him with a raised brow. “Do I need them?” She asked with a raised brow, deciding that she’d be just fine in a T—shirt and panties. She decided to change in front of him, seeing as it wasn’t really much. Y/N took off her jeans and slipped off her sweater, pulling on his shirt and took her bra off from under it. She folded her clothes and put them off to the side as usual, climbing up into bed. Y/N could see the look on his face but she wasn’t sure why he was so surprised. It was then that she remembered that when they first met she would never do something like that. Now though? She was entirely comfortable around him, she could be naked all she wanted with him. He made her feel beautiful. “What?” She giggled, sitting up and crossing her legs, smiling as muffin came to get her pets and cuddled from Y/N. “Hi sweet girl.” Y/N cooed, scratching behind the kitties ears. It was here that Y/N felt most comfortable and most at home. With Harry.
It was odd. That he felt so comfortable with her. That this was normal and cool and comfortable and he was happy to see her on his bed. 
“Nothing. I just like seeing you in my stuff.” Harry never had wanted anyone in his bed or his clothes and looked so comfortable. When he got into the bed, muffin ran off, looking annoyed Harry had interrupted her cuddles. He was quick with grabbing Y/N’s waist and hauling her to sit on his lap as he sat against the headboard, pulling her against him. “Mm. Hi.” He murmured. His kisses started at her cheeks and moved down her jaw, her neck. He bit down gently, knowing he couldn’t mark her just yet.  Not visibly anyways. “You look really good, wearing my stuff.” He muttered, hands not shy about going underneath the shirt and holding her hips. He had taken his shirt off before getting into bed. He usually always kept something on, even if it was a tank top. But there he was in sweats and nothing else and Y/N felt her heart in her throat it was beating so heavy. Y/N squeaked a bit, placing her hands on his bare chest and hummed. 
“You look really good... not wearing a shirt.” She mumbled out shyly, relaxing into his kisses and touches. Her heart was so full, she couldn’t believe it. Here with him, alone with no worries at all. It was then against the world. They were untouchable together. Y/N let her hand tug at the roots of his hair, making him look at her properly again. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him how she felt so bad, she didn’t want him to think that she just wanted him for sexual favors, she loved hanging out with him too. Y/N wanted to show him, wanted him to understand. 
“Wanna make you feel good..”
Harry hadn’t let her touch him at all, in the sense of pleasing him. Sure, he had cum all over her but he hadn’t had her mouth on him. It had felt too intimate oddly enough. He was worried that no one else would compare if she never broke up with him. Now? All bets were off. 
“Yeah... okay.” He murmured. “We can try that.” All other times had been no. “Just...” he was surprised at how eager she was to get in between his thighs, looking eagerly up at him as her hand rested on his waistband. Had she truly been this deprived? “Okay— okay, bunny.” He smiled. “Go ahead. Do you want me to tell you want to do or do you just wanna... explore.”
Y/N hadn’t expected him to agree so easily, of course she was eager to get his pants off and do as she pleased. She’d never done it before but she knew the basics. No teeth, take as much as you can, the tip is most sensitive. Y/N looked up at him with a bright smile, finding a place between his thighs. 
“Wanna find out for myself...” She spoke with a blush, “want to see what makes you feel the best.” Y/N explained, hands moving to pull his pants down. She was met with his cock which was rather big even soft, but she could tell that he was getting hard just watching everything unfold. She had remembered how he said he liked a mess, so she gathered as much spit as she could and let it drip down onto his cock. Y/N kept eye contact with him, moving her hand to wrap around him gently, adding a little pressure when she got a positive reaction.
Harry could die happy. Already. His breathing got heavy as he looked down at her, spitting thickly on his cock and stroking him slowly, watching his face. 
“Yeah... I like that.” He whispered as she got him messy. Spreading her spit on him, she looked lusty and excited to finally be touching him. He thinks perhaps this is the claiming rights. That she knew in her head that it was her cock now. Hers to lick and suck and ride whenever the fuck she wanted. Because there was no way he could say no to her now. “That’s good.” He felt himself get harder. It wasn’t difficult. Y/N got him aroused so easily. So perfectly too. She was a wet dream. “I’ve thought about this so many times.”
Y/N was happy to hear him react to her actions. He was always vocal in bed and she loved that, especially when he was stroking her ego. She let more spit travel down his cock until she felt him get hard in her hand, being bold enough to lick from the base to the tip. His moan was music to her ears. 
“I love it when you make noise for me...” Y/N hummed, going back in with her tongue all innocently moving up and down his cock just seeing what he liked best. It wasn’t until she started focusing on that little spot right on his tip that she realized the power she held. She remembered the first time he pleasured her, how he was relentless and continued on doing exactly what made her twitch the most. So she did the same, sucking and licking at his cock, taking as much as she could at a time.
“Fuuuck me. That’s it, Y/N. Good girl.” Harry hissed. His hand was on her head, gently caressing her hair and watching her tongue lick over the spot and suck when she felt like it.
“Nothing is prettier than that mouth stretched around my cock. Hm— not until I get inside your cunt and make you feel it. But you’re doing so well. Driving me mad.” He muttered, helping her move her head down a bit lower when she felt like it. He gently fisted her hair, not pushing too hard but having a steady grip of it. He liked that bit of power he had even if he wasn’t using it yet. He loved having this type of power. She was suckling at the tip of his cock, tongue rubbing against the most sensitive spot. “You gonna let me inside of you today? Or not yet, baby?”
Y/N was very much enjoying sucking on his cock. It was satisfying getting a reaction out of him and his praises made her feel even more special. She was getting the hang of it too, felt like if she did this more often she’d be a pro, but she was just taking it easy and seeing where it went. 
Her mouth popped off of him when he asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“You wanna?” She asked, feeling herself get all blushy. “I—I know you said it earlier but..” Y/N sat up properly but let her hand continue working over his cock. Of course Y/N wanted to let him inside. God, she’d been begging him to fuck her for weeks now and he was finally giving her what she wanted. It was her virginity, but she still felt special when he said he would be her first. She knew he would be gentle and would make it really romantic for her.
“I’ve wanted to for weeks. I wanted to fuck you the first day. But I had to wait and now... I can.” Harry wanted her pussy so badly. Of course he had fucked before but this was different. There was emotion and heat and everything in it. He knew that she would love it. “It’s up to you if we do or not, darling. I’m happy with your mouth on my cock. Can lick out your little holes too, if that’s what you’d like to do instead.” He offered. Y/N deserved that. The choice was hers. “I just want to be buried in you. S’gonna be so good. And then... I can take you everywhere. In my car, at the skate park behind the tree... I want to have you so many places. Mark them like that.” He purred. Maybe she would be adventurous with him.
“I—I want to.” Y/N nearly choked out from excitement, “I want it so bad.” Y/N knew that he’d take really good care of her like he always did. He’d make sure she was comfortable and make sure she felt beautiful and cared for and special and just all of those good things he always did. She understood that when having sexual for the first time you bond with that person in a way, grow attached. Y/N wouldn’t mind growing attached to  Harry because she already has. She felt like when he was finally inside of her, she could really show him how she felt about him, feel as close as humanly possible to him and feel entirely wrapped up in him. It was that level of intimacy... she wanted it so bad. She moved up so she was on top of him, straddling his lap with her clothes cunt pressed against his cock. “Want you to take me..” Make me yours. She wanted to add, but she hoped her eyes could communicate that for her.
“I will. Let’s get you prepped, hm?” Harry gently rolled them over so he was on top. He moved down her body, kissing over the clothes and stopping at her panties. Placing a kiss right over the mound, he pulled the panties down her legs to reveal her cunt. “Always wet for me.” He felt pride in that. Especially because she was always soaked and he barely had to do anything to get her that way. Granted, it was the same for him. “Good girl. I love this cunt.” He rubbed his cock against it as he moved back up her body. He had grabbed a condom and gently ripped it open, sliding it onto his length. One day he would do it without the covering but he wasn’t sure if she was on the pill or not. Didn’t want to ask. “S’gonna feel odd. Hurt a little, maybe but it’ll stop once I’m all the way in. It’s normal. Once I get going it’ll feel a lot better. I promise, I’ll make it good. I’ll make you cum.”
Y/N looked up at him and nodded, watching as he rolled the condom on. He was now properly naked and she still had her shirt on. He had yet to see her tits bare... they’d always done stuff with clothes somewhat still on. So she sat up and pulled her shirt off, she wanted to be skin to skin. 
“Okay..” She laid back down and got comfortable, cupping his cheek as she looked up at him. Y/N didn’t think she would want to be doing this with anyone else, it was all so real. All the weeks that they’d spent together, every sexual act they did lead up to this. She gasped a little when he pushed in, squeezing her eyes shut a bit at the discomfort but it passed after a few seconds. Y/N softened, trying her best to relax. It was... an interesting feeling to say the least. He was slowly filling her up, touching places she’d never touched before herself. “H—harry..” She whimpered, arms hooking under his shoulders.
“I know baby. I know. S’a lot.” Harry knew it would be overwhelming. Especially because he was so big. She was quite tiny in the pussy and he knew that it would be uncomfortable at first. “Just hold on to me.” Pressing kisses to any spot he could reach, he was trying to soothe any discomfort as he finally sunk all the way in. A deep groan of pleasure left him as he finally did fill her up. She was clenching like crazy and it felt ungodly good, but he needed her to relax. “Just relax around me, baby. Know s’hurting a little bit, focus on how good it feels. You’re full of me, yeah? Feels good to be full.” He knew that would be a different way of looking at it for her. He hoped that this was going to be as good for her as it would be for him. “There you go, bunny. Relax yourself. Feels better.” He moved slightly and she whimpered again. “Want me to move a little? Get you used to it?
Y/N was taking slow deep breaths, trying her best to relax herself around him. She let out a happy whine at his kisses, loving how warmth sprouted wherever he placed them. She felt more at ease with them.
“‘m so full..” She breathed, “feel you in my belly, daddy.” She always thought people were joking when they said that it changed you chemically, but Y/N was definitely much more soft and floaty, more willing to listen to him. “Feels good.” She told him, letting out a little ‘Mhm’ when he asked if she wanted him to move. 
He hit a spot. She wasn’t sure what it was because she’d never felt anything like that before, but it felt so incredibly good. The more he moved the more she began getting used to the feeling of him stretching her out. There was something so erotic about the little noises she was letting out. So repetitive, every time he was hitting that spot deep inside of her. ‘Oh’ and ‘uh’ and ‘daddy’ with the whimpers, shaking slightly in his hold. 
“That’s it. You’re taking it so well. Said you can feel me in your precious little tummy?” Harry hummed, hips gliding in deeper so she could feel the full effect of it. It was beautiful. He couldn’t get over it. She was giving him every little bit of her body. He was kissing on her and whispering sweet and dirty things. “Best pussy, baby. Feels so good. So right and wet... love filling you up. Gonna feel me for days.”
Y/N was overwhelmed with feelings. They seemed to keep flooding in the more she thought about how Harry was making love to her. With slow, long, accurate thrusts he was gently coaxing it out of her. The part of her that is human and was born to do this. 
“Can go faster...” She breathed, wanting him to speed up a bit now that she had properly gotten used to the feeling of him inside of her. He was so good to her, so patient with her, and knew exactly what she needed in any given moment. They’d bonded so much and this was just solidifying it. They were very much going to be a part of each other’s lives. Y/N was a moaning mess once he got a rhythm going, writhing in pleasure beneath him. “It’s so— oh daddy!” She whined, clenching around him when he hit a particularly good spot. “You’re—” She wasn’t one to talk dirty, but she wanted to. She wanted to learn and be dirty for him.
Getting Y/N to babble dirty things was a highlight for sure. Harry was going faster now, harder. She was warmed up and ready to take more. He was fucking into her eagerly, whispering filth to her. 
“That’s what I like. Precious little cunt clenching around me like that. You’re so hot around me too. It’s meant to be fucked by my cock, fits me perfectly inside of you.” He whispered, thriving off her whimpers and her nails digging into his back. “Are you going to let me fuck this pussy when I want it?” He muttered. Dirty talk but also a slight claim of ownership. “Let me bend you over or spread your legs open for me to slide in again? Cause... you’re a horny little girl. Been so needy for me and now m’obsessed with you and your pussy.”
Y/N was obsessed. She loved the feeling of having him inside her and knew she would crave it whenever she could get it now that she had it. She was thankful that Harry had made her wait, it felt so much better having him now than it would have ever before. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. She came with a loud scream of his name, squirming and writhing beneath him. Y/N swore she was in love with him, or would be shortly. Maybe he was right about the bonding thing, because now she couldn’t think about doing this with anyone else... Ever. He satisfied her every need.  All she could manage to do in her post orgasmic state was kiss all over his face, whimpering as he moved his hips every so often. She couldn’t believe it had finally happened and that he was actually able to make her cum on her first time. He was amazing. 
Harry had known that their first time would be amazing but this was a whole other level. He was in awe of just how incredible it felt to be inside of her. The other sex he had had couldnt compare to that. Emotion in sex had been the key. It unlocked so many emotions and needs he hadn’t realized he had and he was gone for her. Y/N was his. Completely his. When they’d both calmed, he took care of her. Cleaning her up and picking up his shirt from the side to let her slide on. Giving her a water bottle from his mini fridge. It soothes him, taking care of her like that. 
“S’the first time I’ve had sex in my room.” He admitted to her, pulling her close. “The only person I want to touch is you. So... you’re the only one.” He kissed her forehead. Y/N was ultra sensitive, he could see that her body was still shaky and she would be sore tomorrow. “Gonna run you a bath in the morning because you’ll be sore. I didn’t go as gentle as I should have. It felt too good.”
Y/N felt nice and floaty, every touch was welcome. She was like a little kitten, purring as he cleaned her up and gave her his shirt to wear. It felt so nice, to be completely wrapped up in his scent. She felt so safe, so warm and cared for. 
“You’re the only one for me too..” Y/N murmured against his chest, nuzzling close to him. Of course he was the only one, she was just loopy. “A bath?” She hummed, “that's very nice, Harry, you’re so nice.” Y/N noses at his skin, sponging gentle kisses to his chest without moving her head all that much. “It’s okay... I felt really good.” She giggled, curling her leg around his. “You’re my best friend, you know that? I really care about you...” Y/N told him, getting all sentimental. Timmy has been her best friend for years but Harry... Harry had been there for her through all of this. Was so supportive and waited for her, even when she was being stupid. She felt like she loved him.
Harry really liked her but he didn’t know how to word it right. How to tell her that he felt attached to her and hated that she ever left him at all. For food or to sleep. He was selfish with her. 
“My best friend too.” He promised. It felt more than that though. It felt like kisses and sex and honey and all the good things. Intense emotion that was foreign to his heart. At first he had genuinely thought it was heartburn but it was the overwhelming amount of affection he had for her. He felt like he could burst. It was incredible. He wanted her to be with him. He couldn’t verbalize that properly so, he was quiet and kissed on her gently. “Care about you so much. More than anyone.” That was the best he could do for now. “Can do that all the time, if you want.” He knew sex with her would be mind blowing always.
“All the time?” Y/N questioned softly, he would have to be careful with that offer. He knew better than anyone that she was  constantly horny, but Harry never said no so maybe he had met his match. Y/N felt properly relaxed now, feeling herself gently fall into a sleepy state. She knew now that they both cared about each other a whole lot, realized that the two of them were essentially exclusive, but putting a label on things now seemed too out of place. Y/N really wouldn’t mind, though everyone at school would be thinking Y/N left Timmy if she just started kissing all up on Harry at school. They needed to wait a bit and figure things out. “Good night, Harry..” Y/N hummed, knowing she’d be asleep at any minute especially with the sound of his steady heart beat lulling her to sleep. It always felt so comfortable with Harry, felt like she belonged whenever she was with him. Was this what it was supposed to feel like?
Harry stayed up for a bit thinking. Realistically, he knew he couldn’t just kiss on her at school. They’d have to sneak around for a bit. He didn’t mind if people talked shit about him but Y/N has a gentle heart and it would hurt her to be talked about like that. He didn’t want her to be hurting at all. He stroked her hair as she slept on his chest. It felt like much more of a big deal now. It wasn’t just child’s play. This was a real adult emotion and Y/N was victim to his affection. Not that it seemed like she minded but, still. It was a lot and he knew that.
A/N: FIN. 
let us know what you think!
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whump-a-la-mode · 4 years
Villainsicle | Part 9
One day, I will learn to write comfort. That day is not this day.
Sorry that this isn’t especially plot-heavy, more of that will be coming soon. Tbh, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one, but I hope you guys enjoy!
CW//Superhero whump, villain whumpee, conditioned whumpee, drugging, (offscreen) syringes, biting, dehumanization, feeding tubes, implied blood drawing, blood, restraints, unreality
Trainer’s fingertips pressed into Villain’s chin, curled gently around their jaw, gentle but firm, as an artist considering a piece. Their thumb stroked down, along the line of Villain’s jaw, tracing old scars that metal wires had again and again carved into skin.
Villain’s breathing was slow, pushing against the hold ever so slightly, but not fighting it. Merely molding around it. Their eyes were closed, tightly so, their teeth clenched with similar force.
For a few seconds, they breathed, simply and steadily.
The flow of a dripping faucet sent feeling back through Villain’s fingers, pins and needles flooding them as they again felt the sterile leather beneath. The sensation of pressure returned to their jaw, reminding them of the hold placed there, supporting their head.
With a few questioning blinks, Villain opened their eyes. Trainer smiled.
Though Villain could not understand the words they spoke, the tone itself was enough to send a flush of warm through their chest. They had tried-- they hadn’t been exactly right, but they had tried, and they had gotten close. They knew they had; Trainer’s face told them all they needed to know.
Without a thought, Villain nuzzled their head into the hand wrapped around their face. A gentle scratch on the chin responded.
It wasn’t often like this-- not so gentle, not so patient. Learning new commands would generally follow a simple pattern. The expected behavior would be demonstrated, whether through hand gestures or video or some other medium, and the command word given. They would do their best to follow through, their errors corrected, until they understood. When the command was next given, they would perform.
The process was simple and curt. For most behaviors, it only took a matter of hours. If it was especially complicated, such as when they had learned to perform off-leash reconnaissance, the training would be spread out over several sessions over several days, but such was uncommon.
This command, though... They could hardly remember how long they had been working towards it. Days, at the very least. Weeks, maybe. Yet, their every attempt failed.
And, still, Trainer smiled. There was no correction-- they did not so much as hold their crop in their off-hand. Only smiling. Only scratches. Only reward.
With their other hand, Trainer pushed a small item between Villain’s teeth. They held it on their tongue.
They bit down, the flavor of artificial fruit washing over their tongue. A treat-- a reward they weren’t often given.
They had done well. Villain smiled.
Trainer gave them a moment to swallow before straightening themself. Villain fought back the urge to whine as the hand on their jaw moved to place itself on their shoulder.
Villain closed their eyes.
From their shoulder, the pressure of fingertips bloomed into a swarming numbness, flushing through their arteries and leaving their digits tingling, just for a moment. Just a moment, until their numbness overtook all.
Around them, the world was blue. They took a breath. Their body did not. The air here was thick, moving like a gel through their windpipe and settling in their lungs. There, it stayed, searing with cold as ice against bare skin.
Cold. Too cold. They shivered, feeling, for a moment, the smoothness of leather beneath their fingertips. The blue around them brightened, white spiderwebs running along its walls, blaring light seeping in through the cracks.
Another breath in sent more chilled air into their lungs. The cracks grew. Villain screwed their eyes closed, snapping their hands to their temples, choking down more cold air. Through their eyelids, they could see the cracks, the light, the webs. The facade breaking. They willed it together, willed plaster in the cracks and shadows over the light, but the damage did not so much as slow.
They choked on their own breath.
Villain gasped awake, jerking upwards, before nearly immediately falling back onto the bed beneath them. Sharp lights ran circles around them as they shook their head. When the world was at last clear, their thoughts felt to have been mixed in a blender.
They blinked a few times, raising their head, only then realizing that a figure had been standing over them, likely for quite some time. Medic’s face cleared up along with the last vestiges of their field of vision.
Villain flinched as the snap of fingers echoed through the air. Again, they shook their head, only then truly awaking.
“I thought they trained you to snap out of it quicker than that.” The doctor tutted. Behind them, a door drifted closed, clicking as it did. “You’ll get used to it again, I’m sure.”
A whine fell dead in their throat. The hospital room was empty asides from them and Medic-- upsetting them would likely lead to... behavior corrections. Or worse. Just because these people spoke to them didn’t mean they wanted them to speak back.
Especially not Medic.
“That’s that, then.” The doctor turned away, striding across the room. Every clack of shoes on tile sent shivers along Villain’s spine. “Leader finally gave into sense.”
Villain clenched their teeth.
“Or... hm. I thought you would be more upset about that. I suppose they trained you not to listen, either. Hm.”
Medic hummed, messing about with something on a countertop before turning back. A syringe was poised in their fingers, but notably missing its needle. They returned to Villain’s bedside.
“They were awfully worried about your collapse. Agreed to let me keep you here, under observation, until I deem you healthy again.”
They adjusted the syringe in their hand.
“I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.” Medic smirked to themself, just for a moment. “I don’t think you’re even listening.” Their shoulders slumped.
A thumb forced its way between Villain’s teeth, pulling their mouth open. They fought to shake their head, to release themself, but found an unseen array of hands pressing down on them, holding them down to the headrest below, fingers digging into eyes and pulling and hair and earlobes.
Pathetically, a whimper escaped their throat. It prompted no response.
Vision blocked, they could only feel the next happening.
The taste of plastic filled their mouth as it scraped along their tongue, forcing itself further and further into their throat, scratching along the length of their esophagus until, at last, it stopped. Their desperate urge to cough was only stopped by their complete inability to do so.
With nonchalance, the finger forcing their mouth open removed itself, allowing Villain to snap their jaw closed. One by one, the other hands drifted away, leaving them panting, eyes locked upon the white ceiling above.
“Good. That should help you behave.”
Villain blinked, a bitter taste of medicine and plastic quickly dissipating from their tongue as they returned to wakefulness. Medic moved to cross the room once more, the syringe in their fingers notably missing the liquid that had formerly filled it.
They couldn’t help but notice the numbness creeping along their tongue and up their fingertips.
“You know, Supervillain had somewhat of a point. You are quite the little marvel. Let’s get some samples before you drift off.”
The doctor returned with a glistening needle in hand-- this one far thicker than the last.
Villain bared their teeth.
The heartbeat monitor harmonized with the throbbing in their head. With each tug they made against their restraints, the throbbing was ignited anew.
Firm straps were stretched across them as a spiders web-- curled around their wrists and forearms, ankles and legs, chest and neck and forehead. Each was pulled tight enough that the slightest inch of movement was impossible. That didn’t stop them from struggling, though.
Every moment that passed, though, their protests grew significantly weaker. They pretended not to notice, to compensate by applying even greater effort, but they couldn’t deny it. They dared not look at their arm, but the feeling of warmth draining from their veins was plenty to know what was happening.
Though they could not move their head, they were able to see as a lab-coated figure appeared into their periphery, clipboard in hand.
“Let me go! You fucking sicko, let me go!”
They looked at Villain. They had no face.
As the doctor moved from their field of view, Villain felt, helplessly, as the warmth thrumming in their veins slowly dripped away, as did their consciousness.
“That should be plenty.”
Medic held a small tube at eye-level, squinting to look at the crimson within, as if the liquid was some sort of discovery. As if it had not been stolen from Villain’s veins.
Though they were not restrained, they did not dare look at their arm. The feeling was awful enough.
They had expected it to hurt, but, if anything, it felt as little more than a tingling sensation. Like the volume had been turned down... they tried to shake their head to clear the fog from their mind, but forgot their intentions before they could carry them out.
“I’ll see what Leader was making such a fuss about, then. Are you asleep yet? No, not yet. Hmm.”
Villain laid their head back against the pillow below, gaze locked on the ceiling above. They could’ve sworn that the cracks in the plaster above were swimming.
Medic placed the vial and needle down, moving again to Villain’s side, this time at the foot of their bed. They knelt down, taking the edge of their pant leg in their fingers.
Villain took a step back, finding their heel met with the cold steel of the wall behind them. They trembled in chorus with their own heavy breathing.
“Leave me alone.” They pulled back their upper lip, baring their teeth. “Please, please leave me alone.”
The figure across from them took a step forth. Their facial features were difficult to make out-- especially since Villain had already destroyed the room’s only light.
“Capere.” The figure spoke, tone even, measured, yet clearly intended as a threat. One of their hands was occupied at the moment by a stick, made of metal, with a loop of wire at the end. They swung it back and forth, bouncing it against their leg.
“Please, please, I don’t know what you’re saying.”
Villain tried to take another step back, but found that there was no room left to retreat.
They shook their head as violently as they could manage, hoping it would, at the very least, demonstrate something.
The figure moved closer, raising the catchpole.
From up close, their face could be seen much clearer.
The catchpole moved closer, closer.
Villain lurched forwards, sinking their teeth into Medic’s hand.
Medic stumbled backwards, nearly tripping on the slick tile floor. Villain returned to consciousness with the taste of blood in their mouth.
They felt shallow breaths wrack their body, breaths that they could hardly control. Even with the taste flooding their mouth, the feeling in their tongue had been replaced nearly entirely by an overwhelming sensation of numbness.
Villain looked up, their head full of cotton and their nervous system flowing with static.
Medic panted for a moment, holding one hand with the other, scarlet seeping between their fingers even so. If they were afraid, they did not show it.
Instead, their countenance reflected nothing but fury.
“We-” They panted. “Have a lot of training to catch up on.”
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crowtrinkets · 4 years
There are No Ghosts at Fathom Castle
The barista cannot sleep because something or someone is making noises late at night. Felix tries to convince them there are no ghosts. But is it true?
Gender Neutral Reader as always
I hope people laugh at the BuzzFeed unsolved quotes as I did lol. I don't have a set time that this takes place, just sometime after the MC yknow *dead sounds*The trash house story is actually based on a house my friends and I found one, we all dicked around in it like a bunch of idiots and I'm p sure something followed me home :)
Tags: @sadnhvibes @uselessbeanies
Words: 3,514
I am roused from my sleep, sitting up quickly, frantically looking for the source of the sound. Nothing. What was I doing? I glance down and notice the book in front of me. Right, I was reading and I guess I must have fallen asleep.
"Stella? Did you break into my room again? You better not be knocking Felix's books over again you know how he hates that," I call out. I don't hear the telltale sign of Stella's meows so she must not be in here. I sit up properly, stretching my sore muscles, groaning with my aching bones. I stand and stumble over to my bed, if I'm going to be asleep it should at least be somewhere comfortable. Curling up in my blankets, I let my eyes flutter shut and slowly drift off.
I snap my eyes open when I hear the sound a second time, this time it's followed by footsteps. That definitely was not Stella. I grab my blanket and wrap it around myself, grabbing a nearby lit candle. I hastily put on my shoes and cautiously approach the door. I slowly push it open, enough that the hinges don't creek.
Stepping out of my room, trying desperately to remain quiet and unseen, I cup my hand around the flame to protect it and shield the light from whoever is lurking in the halls. The steps are getting louder, approaching me ever so slowly. Like its taunting me. I back up against the wall, just before the corner turns, and take in a deep breath. I should have brought a weapon but maybe I can scare the intruder, I grab the corner of my blanket so I can throw it if need be. The steps are louder now, just before they reach the corner I swing around to catch them by surprise.
"AAAAH-AAUGHHHH!" I drop the candle before I can get a good look at the intruder's to face. In an instant, green flames are thrown at me, along with the intruder's screams, I fall backward and toss my blanket at the flames, scooting backward, frantically trying to get away. My blanket catches alight and falls to the ground, a flurry of green flames and feathers. I look up and meet the intruder's eyes, my breath labored and heavy.
"Felix!?" I say. Felix has his hand supporting him against the wall, trying to catch his own breath. He meets my eyes and speaks my name.
"What are you doing attacking me with your bedding in the dead of night?" Felix tries to remain whispering, but his voice is high-pitched with fear.
"What are you doing stalking around at night? And what's with the thumping?" I point at him accusatorially from the ground. Felix eyes me up and down, his gaze dropping to my blanket, which is still very much on fire. The flames illuminate his expression. Casting green light and shadows on his tired yet confused expression. I finally get to my feet dusting myself off.
"I could not sleep… Anyhow, are you alright? Not singed or injured in any way?" Felix's concern seems serious but I can't help but still feel shaken.
"No, but I feel like I lost 5 years off my lifespan," I run a hand through my hair trying to calm my violently beating heart.
"Well, yes, dying and coming back will do that to you,"
"What?" Felix's eyes snap to mine, the hallway filling with an awkward silence.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," I say with a sigh. Just then the fire from the blanket goes out. "Oh great now its pitch black, and I dropped my candle too," I grumble. I hear metal clinking and then suddenly my candle is alight in Felix's hand, who hands it to me.
"Oh um, thank you," I say, reaching to take it from his hand. Our fingers graze and I suddenly feel more awake and aware, or maybe it was because I had the bejeezus scared out of me a second ago. Taking the candle holder from Felix I clear my throat.
"So um, couldn't sleep? Does thumping around relax you or something?" I try to joke.
"Thumping? I'm afraid I don’t know what you're talking about?" Felix states, crossing his arms.
"Well, it sure as hell wasn't Stella,"
"You'd be surprised what she can do," his tone turning serious.
"Well if you weren't making those thumping sounds then who was?" Felix gives me a shrug. I chuckle slightly. "Maybe it was a ghost,"
"Oh please, if there were ghosts here I would know, and besides they wouldn't just make things go bump in the night,"
"Says the man that turned into a ghost and followed me from Porrima back to Fathom,"
"I was not-!" Felix cuts himself off with a sigh. "Trust me when I tell you this dear barista, there are no ghosts in Fathom castle,"
We both jump, inching closer together, frantically looking around in the darkness, I hold the candle up to see if I can illuminate the hallway a bit, but it remains dark and shadowy, much to our dismay.
"That definitely didn’t come from Stella," my voice barely above a whisper.
"Please, if anything it's probably Sage trying to mess with us," Felix takes a step forward, trying to appear brave, but I can hear the shake of his voice. "Hilarious Sage, you can stop your charade now though, no need to frighten out friend, the hour is late,"
No response.
"Felix I don't think it's Sage,"
"Isn't there a particular bar calling your name about now?" Felix shouts down the dark hall. Still no response. His shoulders drop as he takes a step back, his eyes still scanning the darkened hallway.
"Maybe it was a ghooost" I mimic my best haunting voice and wave my free hand ominously at Felix who only scoffs.
"If there were ghosts here they would not be able to move objects on their own, and they do not sound like that!" Felix states, but I can sense a hint of a smile in the candlelight.
“Well, I won't be able to go back to bed now, fancy some ghost hunting Felix?” I nudge his side. Felix lets out a sigh as he glances at me, eyeing me up and down.
“Well alright, but don’t get your hopes up, I doubt we’ll see anything,” I can feel the excitement, or maybe fear, well in me, we begin to walk down the hallway together, looking for the source of the sound.
“So Felix, tell me about Fathom's ghostly history?”
“What other than the thousands of Starsworn who died?
“Right… Well, every haunted place has a story of some sort, it explains why it’s haunted,”
“Oh really? Such as?” Felix’s tone is almost teasing, as a smirk form upon his lips.
“Well, hmm… Oh, one time when I was a teenager my friends and I went walking in the dark. We found an abandoned house that was absolutely filled with trash and other items,”
“What does this have to do with hauntings?”
“Well, someone wrote 'it's under the house' on one of the walls,”
“And what was under the house?”
“I’m not actually sure, none of us wanted to go digging in trash, but I'm sure something followed me home, I would always hear weird sounds at night after that day,” I hear Felix scoff once again.
“Even if there were ghosts in that place I doubt they would follow you home, you were probably paranoid,” I shrug off his comment and we continue to walk down the corridor in silence.
Our shoes echo off the walks, the only sound other than the wick of the candle, popping occasionally. We continue to walk in silence, almost like we have run out of things to say. And neither one of us dare to break it. But the thump comes once again, stopping us in our tracks, wind flows through the corridor putting out my light. Without thinking I reach for Felix’s hand in the darkness as I let out a startled gasp. I can hear Felix’s breath hitch as he grips my hand as well.
"Felix, you're not doing that right?"
"No of course not!" the thumping becomes more frantic and louder. It's getting closer.
"Well, I'm not staying to find out!" I grip Felix's hand and book it back towards my room. Dragging Felix back with me, throwing the candle holder in the direction of the sound. He yelps in response but follows me through the dark halls. We finally make it to my room and I close the door behind us.
"Why did you run? I thought you wanted to find the ghost?" Felix says between gasps.
"I'm not fond of being attacked in the dark" I say.
"Well, now you've tossed away our light source,"
"Oh, Ummm," I think for a moment and walk to the table in my room, I rummage through my backpack which is placed on top. I pull out my house keys and remove the miniature flashlight from the key ring. I flick it on and shine it on Felix, avoiding his face, he squints at the sudden light facing him.
"Gods, what is that?"
"It's a flashlight, just a handy dandy Earth invention,"
"Your Earth 'slang' as you call it, never ceases to baffle me,"
"You wouldn't happen to have holy water? Or even a crucifix?"
"A what?"
"Ok, maybe we can just will the ghost away?"
"What? What are you talking about,"
“So we can banish the ghost!” I say almost a little too enthusiastically.
“There is no ghost!” Felix sounds exasperated at this point.
“You’re right, it can’t be a ghost…. More than anything it’s a poltergeist or a demon,” a smile creeps across my lips. Felix lets out a long sigh, he stares at the ceiling almost like he’s asking the heavens ‘why’.
“C’mon Felix it’s just for fun, and besides something is making that sound so we have to find it,” I approach Felix, hoping he’s not too annoyed and will go with me. His eyes meet mine and he stares just for a second.
“Fine, yes, we really should find the source of the noise,” I return Felix's grimace with a smile as we exit my room.
The hallway is just as dark and ominous as before. I scan my flashlight as far as it will reach. It’s a cheap dollar store flashlight I got for emergencies, so it doesn’t reach that far, but it's better than nothing.
“Hey there demons, it's me, ya Earthling,” I call out into the hallway.
“What? What does that even mean?” Felix sounds utterly dumbfounded. I’m now reminding myself to brush him up on the great Earth classics.
“Its nothing, just a little friendly greeting for the ghosts,”
The sound again. It comes from one end of the hallway. Felix and I glance at each other and with a nod, we head towards its direction. I light up what little I can of the hallway as we make our way to the source of the sound. Our breath shallow so as to not allow whoever's there to hear us approaching. We make our way around a corner, peaking just before we move forward.
“Do you hear that?” Felix puts a hand out in front of me.
“What I don’t hear-“ I stop when the sound of a wailing echoes silently through the hall. “I-is that a woman crying?”
“It must be the wind, there’s a terrible draft in this castle,” Felix’s voice wavers slightly, but he clears his throat as though to mask it.
“No… that sounds like a woman crying,” I feel my nerves bubble in my stomach, telling me to go back to the safety of my room. But I have to know what this sound is, and even then I don’t think I'd be able to fall asleep. I suddenly feel warmth on my hand, even in the dark I can tell it's Felix. I squeeze his fingers in mine.
“Let's keep moving,” he whispers to me, we then continue down the path, towards the crying voice.
“Yknow back on Earth there's a famous ghost called La Llorona, she wanders the streets at night wailing for her dead children,”
“I guess grief can transcend the grave as well,”
“Well, some people say she killed them,”
“...Maybe we should talk about something else,”
As we continue down the halls, the wailing seems to travel, never in one spot or room, it’s almost as though it wants us to follow. Eventually, we end up outside of the castle, where we approach a rather rickety-looking bridge connecting two sections of the castle together. We walk into the moonlight, the chill air nipping at our skin. I am suddenly mourning my blanket.
Felix pulls his hand away from mine and walks over to the ledge of a wall near the bridge, looking up at the sky. Turning off and pocketing my flashlight I stand by his side.
“Are you usually up this late?” I break the silence.
“Usually yes, my sleeping habits are temperamental so I tend to take walks, hence why I was out and about when you frightened me,” Felix says, eyes never leaving the stars.
“Right, sorry about that, you do owe me a new blanket though,”
“Yes, I suppose,” Felix chuckles. I lean forward on the wall and look at the surroundings of the castle, lots of water, I can also see the forest I occasionally take walks in. Taking a deep breath I start again.
“If you ever can't sleep you can always see if I'm up, and if I am we can take a walk together,” I glance over at Felix who stiffens slightly, but then a small smile forms on his lips,”
“I would very much enjoy that,” he states. The moonlight shining brightly on him, casting his frame in cool blue light, fitting to the cold air surrounding us.
Suddenly a rattling sound startles us. Both straightening from our spots Felix and I look at the bridge, which shakes slightly. Felix and I approach it, gawking at the bridge which starts to shake more and more violently, almost like someone is jumping on it. I look across the other side and see a door in the castle wall, slightly ajar, something white flowing in the corner.
“What is that!” I point across the bridge. Felix squints.
“I’m not sure, but there must be some explanation,” at this point the bridge is rattling loud enough that Felix and I have to yell.
“Is there an explanation for a bridge moving violently like this?!” I wildly gesture at the bridge. Felix winces at my comment.
“No I don’t think so,”
"Screw this," I take a deep breath and grip Felix’s sleeve.
“FUCK YOU, GOATMAN!” I shout at the top of my lungs, running as fast as possible across the bridge, dragging Felix in tow. The bridge continues to shake but I keep my balance and speed. As I run towards the door frame the white object disappears behind the door, I kick in the door, and once Felix and I make it inside I slam it shut. I scan for whatever disappeared behind the door but I don't see it.
“Goatman?” Is all Felix can blurt out.
“Oh yknow, another famous Earth ghost. He attacks people who play on his bridge, thought I would cover my bases and scream at him,”
“Earth is quite obsessed with death and the afterlife, and you call me morbid,” Felix retorts. I look around the room for any doors or hallways, but there are only stairs that lead back to the inside of the castle.
“I guess all we can do is head down,” Felix nods and once I bring out my flashlight, we descend the stairs. Once we reach the bottom I notice a white blur disappear behind a door. I grab onto Felix’s sleeve and pull him close so I can whisper into his ear.
“I saw something go into that door Felix, I think it’s the ghost we saw earlier,”
“I didn’t see anything,”
“Well, I did! And at this point, I'm tired of chasing it!" I storm towards the door, Felix whispering protests behind me. I kick open the door and scan my flashlight around the room. It seems we're in a small mess hall of sorts. There are tables and benches everywhere, but I don't see anyone else in the room.
"I don't see the point of chasing something that potentially isn't even there!" Felix comes up behind me, sounding very done with our hunt. Just as Felix makes his way in, the door slams shut behind us. I shine my light at the door and see no one behind us. I approach the door and pull on the knob, trying to get it open, but it won't budge. I shoot Felix a worried glance, his lips forming into a grimace.
"Open the door!" Felix's voice wavers between scared and annoyed.
"I'm trying it won't budge!" I continue to pull on the door. Felix approaches and pulls on the door as well. But it remains closed. I suddenly feel the hairs on my neck stand, almost like someone is watching me, I tense my shoulders daring not to turn around. Put a hand on Felix's shoulders, I lean in to whisper in his ear.
"Felix I think someone is behind me," without waiting for a beat Felix turns around, his eyes going wide, he backs against the door and grabs my arm pulling me close. I turn around to see what he's looking at. There stands, the shape of a woman, standing a few feet away. White cloths drape her figure shielding her face. She reaches a hand out to us and the wailing we heard earlier in the castle starts to emit from her. At this point, my whole body is shaking.
"Felix I think that's the ghost,"
"N-no! It cant be, it must be Sage," Felix continues to grip my arm, holding me close to him or maybe he's shielding himself but at this point, I'm too scared to question it. "Ok Sage you can let up now, we're trapped in this room so there's no reason to keep going with your little prank," But the figure continues to advance on us. I reach behind me and continue to pull on the doorknob, hoping it finally opens. However, my prayers are answered too soon and the door does open. Felix and I falling backward, our backs hitting something behind us.
"Boo," a deep voice growls into our ears.
"AAAUGH!" Felix and I both jump and swing around to see…
"Sage!!" I shout, my thoughts catch up to me and I turn back around only to see.
"Annie!?" Felix retorts. Anisa pulls the cloth from her face and bursts out laughing, Sage, following suit. In between shaky breathes Felix and I look at the two of them and back at each other, confusion and fear plastered on our faces.
"I think I need to sit down," I stumble over to the wall and lean against it, sliding down until I'm sitting on the floor.
"I knew it was just Sage messing with us, but Anisa! How could you,"
"I'm so sorry! It's just Sage had the idea and I couldn't resist having a little fun," Anisa says as she wipes tears from her eyes. Her fangs poking through her smile. Sage is now on the floor, having difficulty containing his laughter.
"Oh, the look on your faces! And Felix trying so hard to open the door!" Sage grips his stomach until his laughing subsides to which he lets out a sigh and sits up, using his left arm to support himself.
"So the wailing in the castle? That was you?" He gestures to Anisa who nods in response, trying to stifle her laugh.
"What about the bridge that couldn't have possibly been you?" he turns to Sage.
"Tied a rope to the bridge and pulled on it from the moat! I got a little wet in the process but I feel it was worth it," Sage sends a wink in my direction. To which I roll my eyes, still trying to calm my nerves.
"I do hope you'll forgive us," Anisa walks over to me and crouches by my side. I let out a sigh and look between Sage and Anisa.
"I guess it was kind of funny," I say.
"Nothing funny about scaring the lights out of someone," Felix mumbles under his breath.
"I think I can recall a certain someone setting many things on fire as a "prank", Felix?" Anisa shoots him a smug smile. Felix flushes slightly and shrugs. Anisa calls my name to get my attention. "How are you feeling?" I finally sit up from the wall and look at the three of them processing the night I just had with Felix.
"Like, you all owe me a new blanket,"
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