#but yea i woke up at 9 am today and like this is cool. i feel better when majority of my waking time is in sync w those in the house
gaslysainz · 9 months
Lost (PG10) pt.3
Summary: The world is utterly unfair. He was her most prized possession, her life, her first ever commitment of love. But to him, she was just a mere person lost in his big world.
warnings: ; unrequited feelings; Pierre is a douche , arrange marriage, angst, explicit scenes and languages.
Author's Note~ Heya guys! So it's finally here! Tbe 3rd part of my fanfic.I posted the first chapter of my first ever fanfic! And I'm overwhelmed by the response ❤️ Really Thanks a lot to everyone who had liked the story so far. It's just the beginning of the journey, there's a lot to come. Love You All 😘 Here's my first ever story for you guys. As soon as I finish this one, I'll start taking requests maybe! Till then please show your love and support for "LOST".
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Journal Entry - 3
Pain is something that can be forgotten if that one person that you love gives you a smile. Butterflies, jitters, rainbows! Yea, that's my heart right now. I can melt right away. Right in front of him. Pierre Gasly has a beautiful smile!
Those sparkling eyes when he smiles has the power to light up my whole world. But why did he smile at me today?
Let me tell you what exactly happened.
I woke up a little late today because of all the crying I did yesterday. I went into the washroom to take a shower and freshen up and when I saw myself in the mirror I was scared of myself! Like seriously I look like a fucking zombie! Tear stains and melted mascara stains all over my face. But what's worse are my eyes. They were blood red and super swollen. No makeup, no face wash could cover that shit up. But I couldn't let Pierre see me like that. So the only thing that I could think of was wearing sunglasses. BIG BLACK SUNGLASSES! That too inside the house cause I wasn't allowed to go anywhere outside unless it was one of his races or events, where we'd have to pretend to be a super happy and In love kind of a couple. Life Sucks for me. Anyways I changed and was going to go down when I heard noises coming from the kitchen. Other than me no one usually goes inside the kitchen , so who might it be?
A little bit curious and also frightened I went inside the kitchen only to find my ever charming husband sporting the brightest radiant smile I've ever seen. My Husband Pierre Gasly! Standing right there with black shorts and a tight fitting black tshirt. His muscles stretching and struggling from it. The tshirt seems to be too tight but he still looks like a prince.
To be very honest it was a bit weird for me. Okay chuck it! It was very weird for me but I just played it cool by returning a very awkward smile to him.
" Good morning and thanks Y/n" Woah! That was the first time he actually wished me good morning. I seriously felt like I was on cloud 9 but I don't really keep high hopes in life anymore since I have lost a lot of things in this journey.
"Good morning to you too , but why thank you?"
"Oh! Yes, actually thank you for yesterday. You prepared the soup and the medicine for Julia" those words made me want to stab myself . After a whole night of torture and tears he finally finally smiled at me for the first time and that too the reason was Julia. That bitch of a step sister. Who is stealing my husband day by day from me. But who cares if the person who's supposed to actually care does not care about me.
I sometimes think if he ever thinks about me? About my happiness or, I'm just a mere housemate for him? Actually what's funny is that even the housemates are treated better than I am . Also I'm a bit disappointed. Why did he not ask me why was I wearing those hideous sunglasses? Why was I late to wake up this morning? But no, no questions of such were asked by him.
But you know what? I'm not complaining cause this was the first time he actually smiled at me properly.
That's all I've ever wanted. A little bit of genuine recognition from him. Not because of the camera's, not because of the families. Not pretentious.
And so I , Mrs.Y/n Gasly is again LOST!
LOST in His Radiant Smile!
PS - Please lemme know what do you think about LOST and also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list ❤️
@peachiicherries @crimeshowjunkie @oblomovissad @torossosebs @janeholt3
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nathank77 · 2 months
7:18 p.m
I passed out around maybe 8 a.m potentially earlier. On the half MG without anything else.
I probably woke up about 4-6 times but I kept my eyes closed and I heard weird hallucinations like screaming or laughing-thats how I know I am about to fall back to sleep........ it's all the same volume but I can still make out what I hear. A scream is still the same volume as a whisper.. but yea I kept my eyes closed despite needing to pee cause I knew I was done for bc of those extra hallucinations.... I don't hear those during the day.
I woke up at 4:45 p.m..... my HSV2 inhibitor test and gonorrhea/chlamydia urine test was today at 4:40 p.m..... I ran out the door... drove to Quest, it's close... thankfully I had an extra pair of glasses in my backpack... I didnt have time to grab my glasses out of my case on my desk before I ran to Quest bc I really wanted to get it done. So this is one of those time where the whole having spare pairs of glasses is really helpful.. they saved my ability to be able to see when I was driving.
Luckily Quest did the tests..... I hate circadian rhythm disorder... I didn't want to open my eyes, I usually wake up to my alarm and I didn't this time. Back before I had psychosis I didn't wake up to my alarms but since Xanax I've been waking up to them almost everyday... when I opened my eyes I truly thought it was like 3 p.m... bc my alarm was set to 3:30 p.m.
My hallucination really is, "happy birthday," "I've got a birthday present," "that's the depressing part," and hearing my own thoughts being repeated which is maddening. I'm starting to regret aligning with it bc it makes it hard to say listen to a song/tv while thinking something out like what I got to do to today, etc... even without other types of chatter..
Anyways I await the results. I don't have chlamydia or gonorrhea. I know that hsv2 test was a false positive, yet I'm still worried..
I hit CVS, and then took a shower. I'm home now writing. I have an appt with apple later about my phone number bc it's associated with another account.
I was going to check out some Eyewear places near me but of course with my circadian rhythm disorder, and the time frames its impossible. Maybe I'll start with lens crafters on Saturday and then next week my schedule is less busy and maybe I can make it work.
I'm anxious about oversleeping tomorrow bc of my T-Shot... at 3:45 p.m... I'm so sick of being tied down to this appt every other week. It can't be later than that.... if I could do it myself or have my gf/family/ or anyone reliable do it, I would have significantly less obligations to fulfill every single month. I mean it's a fucking chore. This month alone in total its 3 appts..... it's actually really a huge source of stress. If I could do it myself or have someone else to do it, well I would have had 2 ultrasounds this month, 2 Quest appts, and one dentist appt...
Anyways, maybe I'll game later. Maybe I'll just stare at the TV mindlessly. I got to take a 1MG tonight/tomorrow at like 4:30 a.m so hopefully I can fall asleep earlier and get 7 hours and wake up before 3 p.m.....
I have that stupid dentist appt bc the doctor couldn't see me the day of the cleaning on Friday... I might just cancel and reschedule I need down time. All these optical centers near me close at like fucking 5-6......... it would be cool to be able to swing by a few. They are close together. Maybe I really will reschedule cause like if I go to the dentist, I expect to get my teeth cleaned and see the doctor that same day and only come back if they find a problem...
I still have my ultrasound next Wednesday at 4 p.m on my lower region. I'm worried about that... making the appt. Then them finding something... despite their being no reason for me to think they'll find something.
I just feel like between circadian rhythm disorder, sleep issues, the voice always screaming to get my attention. My constant auditory hallucination forcing me to drown it out and my ocd always being there forcing me to make rules, avoid things, my life is so stressful.
I got my refund back and I can afford glasses. How can I fit going to a few stores locally into my schedule when I'm always going to the doctors and oversleeping...
I have my disability appointment on the 16th at 1:30... idk if I'm just going to reschedule it, maybe I'll take 1 mg and try to make it so the damn thing gets off my fucking to do list and I get my fucking back pay. I'll feel like fucking shit...
Beyond that my arm still hurts from my fall. The x-ray came back clean. I waited until my doctors appt and had her send me in a MRI... it got denied so I sent in the appeal paperwork...
But yea I'm trying hard to stay on the ball, everything is counting against me.
I thought something, what if Elise brings up brendan if I ever run into her. Well if she excessively brings up their plans. I'll assume she's happily married and I will be happy for her but I'll have to cope with that potential of us being together not ever happening.
If she brings up he is with the girls I'll assume nothing. If she says they talked about divorce I'll just listen and say I'm sorry. My jaw might drop a little. That's what I'd do..
Although I don't expect her to show up Saturday. I hope she does.
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three--thirty · 2 years
how come no one told me that when you dont sleep for 11 hours you have more time in the day
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thewildomega · 4 years
Doughnut of lies ch.9
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"OW! No damnit leave it alone." You growled, smacking his hands away from you and glaring at him. 
"Hold still." he told her in a deep voice, wrapping his legs around hers while his arm moved around her middle, holding her in his lap. 
Letting out a noise that was something between a growl and a whimper you hissed through clenched teeth when he worked on cleaning the painfully deep claiming mark on your neck with the wet washrag. "grrraahh, Kata it hurts." you whined. 
"I know but I have to clean it y/n." 
Hearing no room for discussion in his voice you instead tried to focus on the rippling water in the massive soaking tub made for the sixteen foot man. The hot water was steaming, filling the room with the relaxing scent of lavender that your husband had added to help sooth you. It had been working, relaxing your sore body after your first time mating with your now alpha. Sitting in his lap with the water up to your collarbone you had been lounging back into his body, almost asleep again when he had decided he needed to torture you. At another burning pain you flinched and let out a snarl. "Okay it's clean now leave it alone." you snapped. 
Sighing he dropped the rag to the edge of the tub and moved his hand under the water to massage her back and shoulders. Feeling how tense she was he dipped his head to kiss just over the large bite in apology. Hearing her let out a long sigh he gently pulled her back to his chest. Rubbing her hips and then down to her thighs he kissed her head. 
Closing your eyes you relaxed back into his chest, his large hands kneading your fatigued muscles. You were sleepy, it had to be the middle of the night, or at least it looked like it outside. You didn't know how long you both had been sleeping but your don't think it had been too terribly long. He had woken you by lifting you into his arms and carrying you to his... your shared bathroom where he had a hot bath waiting. Now though you felt like you were going to fall back asleep any second. 
"When is you heat?" he asked in a low voice. Feeling her flinch he knew she had been close to sleep and lifted his hand to rub her head. 
Blinking slowly you turned to sit sideways in his lap, nuzzling his chest to get comfortable. "mmm seven or so weeks I think... why?" 
"I was just wondering when I need to take off." he told her, casually twirling her hair around his finger he thought of something and knit his brows a bit. "What did you do before when you went through heats?"
Closing your eyes you listened to the sound of his strong heart and took a breath, "Well most of the time I was away. I'd have us dock somewhere and tell the crew to go take a few days off while I stayed in my cabin."
"You were alone then? You stayed alone, unprotected while in..."
"No, Vex stayed on ship with me, kept watch and brought me food afterwards." 
Gritting his teeth he felt his brow twitch, "He knew as well?"
"Yes." you answered honestly. Feeling him stiffen you sighed, your fingers moving to trace the tattoo on his chest "I didn't tell him Kata, he guessed. His sister had been an omega growing up so he knew the signs. When I told him that I wanted it kept a secret he respected it and never treated me any differently." 
Hearing this he relaxed again. "What is it like for you?"
"I don't know really, I've never been through one without my necklace to help ease it. I guess if I'm being honest I would have to admit I'm a little afraid of how it will be." you told him. 
Rubbing her side and hip he looked down at her. "We do not have to spend your heat together if you do not want to y/n. I am in no rush to try for little ones just yet." Seeing her blue eyes look up to him, her eyes searching for any lie there he cupped her head and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I am contempt with simply enjoying each other for the time being. When you are ready you tell me." 
Feeling a warming in your heart you crawled up his chest to kiss him. Taking each side of his face into your small hands you felt his scars under your palms and his large teeth against your thumbs. Keeping your eyes closed you peppered his lips with kisses before moving to hug his neck. "I love you Kit Kat."
Wrapping his arms around her small frame he closed his own eyes and took in a deep breath, "I love you too sweetheart." The two of them just sat there for a while, the water cooling until he decided it was time to get out. Standing he again felt her startle. "Come on darling you need to eat something." 
"Sleep." you grumbled, tightening your hold on his neck so he couldn't put you down. 
"No, eat then sleep." he told her and heard her whine. "I'll make you eggs." he said an heard her stop instantly. 
"Scrambled with cheese." you grumbled.
Chuckling he grabbed the blanket, wrapping her in it before carrying her downstairs, "Yes omega." Sitting her on the counter by where he would cook he walked to the fridge to grab the eggs, cheese and milk. Starting to whisk the eggs and milk together he saw her yawn and grinned a little before yawning himself. "Quit it, your making me yawn too." he said in a teasing manner. 
"It's your fault, making us get up outta bed. I was having a good dream too." you told him, snuggling up into the blanket and watching him pour the egg mixture into the skillet.  
"And what pleasant dream did I pull my mate from?" he asked. 
Not being able to stop the big smile on your face when he called you his mate you looked to him, looking over his naked body in all it's glory. "I was dreaming about that island we were at when we were kids, you know the one with all the flowers..."
"The one in the south blue?" he asked, beginning to cook the eggs. 
"Yea, well I was there and I was running through that field and when I got across the hill I saw someone sitting under that old tree we used to climb. I ran over there thinking it was you and everyone else but it wasn't, it was my mama. She was all healthy again and smiling. I was just sitting with her for a while and then White... my dad came over and sat down with us." you told him with a sad smile. "It was nice, it felt real." You told him looking down to your hands and seeing your two rings, the one Katakuri had given you, your wedding ring and then the one your father had given you, your mother's. 
Seeing the slightly sad look on her face he furrowed his brows and leaned over to nuzzle his face against hers. "I am sorry I woke you from it." 
Grinning you turned to kiss his cheek, "It's alright, the bath was nice, other than you torturing me." 
Humming he started adding the cheese to the eggs. 
"You know what's kind of ironic?" you asked and heard him hum again. "The fact that our parents had us while they were all on Rocks' crew. I mean what were the chances that we would have met like we did."
Platting their food he turned to her, stepping between her knees and moving his hands under the blanket to rub her bare hips, his hands encasing the majority of her abdomen and back. Dipping his head down to stare deep into her blue eyes he felt that warming in his chest that happened every time he looked at her. "Fate brought us together. You and I were always meant to be. When I was running away from those slavers that night I almost ran straight past your home but something told me to hide in that shed."
Smiling you wrapped your arms around his neck, "And to think I thought you were some racoon." 
"A racoon?!" he chuckled. 
Before you knew it a few months had passed and winter had set in. You felt off today, anxious, emotional. Glancing to the clock you saw it was only three in the afternoon, still a few hours till Kata would be home for the day, if nothing happened that was. tapping your finger against the book you had been trying to read you let out a sigh and stood, snapping it close and placing it down on the table by the now empty tea cup. Walking to the door you pulled on your new coat Kata had bought you, a a leather jacket that went down to your mid thigh and was lined to keep you warm. Glancing to the matching boots you groaned, you were already feeling jittery as it was you didn't want to add to it. It was cold out yes but you didn't plan on being out long and besides what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"Going out Mrs. Y/n?" a kind voice said.
Turning to the older lady who worked for both you and Katakuri you smiled softly. "Yes Bella, only for a quick walk." you told her, knowing she had been told by your husband to keep an eye on you.
"Alright my lady but please make sure you don't stay out too long, you know master Katakuri doesn't like you being out alone." she said.
"I won't, an hour tops." you smiled to her. Opening the door you stepped out and closed it behind you. Walking along the path you made your way to the small forest that bordered the sea. As you walked for a bit you started to feel a little more at ease but more tired than usual. "See what you are doing to me you overprotective ass, making me stay in the house all the time and now I'm getting all lazy." you grumbled to yourself. Sighing you kept on your way, maybe some fresh sea air would help freshen you up. Walking over to the large piece of driftwood you jumped up to perch yourself on it so you could look out over the crashing waves. Shivering as the cold wind blew you tightened your coat around you some. You had been sitting there for a while when you heard a noise from in the forest. Furrowing your brows you looked into the trees, waiting to see if you would hear it again. When nothing else was heard you blinked and turned your head back to the ocean but snapped your attention back to the thick woods when you heard it again. It sounded like muffled crying. 
Hopping down from the log you pulled out your knife that was tucked away in your belt. Quietly you started towards the noise, your senses on high alert. The deeper you got into the forest the more crying you could hear. A loud thump was heard and then a deep gravely voice of a male telling someone to 'shut them up.' Peeking around one of the larger trees you saw what looked to be three men loading things onto two boat. Glancing down to the ground, on the roots of some of the trees you saw something that made you see red. Children, five small children all tied up and gaged with tears streaming down their faces. Seeing one of the men kick one of them when they continued sobbing you growled. 
" 'urry up an' load 'em on the boat so we can get out of 'ere."  A voice that sounded like a woman said. 
"Aye, won't be long till someone notices them missi..."
"I think we are past that." A deep male voice growled out from behind you.
Being shoved forward hard you fell to the ground, dropping your knife in the process. Going to push yourself up from the ground you stopped when something cold and hard was pressed to the back of your neck. 
"Now you just stay right there girl." the man from behind you commanded.
"Shit. Are there anymore?" the woman asked, her voice sounding rough and gravely. 
"Fuck if I want to find out, just hurry up and finish getting these brats on the boat so we can go." 
"What about the bitch?" 
"Kill er'." the woman hissed. 
Growling you shrunk down quickly, flipping over and growing to your full size so you could land a hard below the belt kick to the man that held the sword. Seeing him fall the the ground, curling up and holding his manhood. 
"She's got devil fruit powers." 
Standing quickly you grabbed your knife and sliced at the man that next tried to attack you. Dodging the swing of his sword you thrusted your knife up and into his exposed throat, a gurgling sound leaving him as he fell down. Grabbing his sword you turned to the other two and quickly cut through the rope that was tying the kids to the tree. "Run!" you yelled to them and saw them all quickly stand and start running back towards town. 
"NO! Catch them!" The man told the woman who started to run after them. 
Gritting your teeth you went to stop her but cried out when a sharp pain was felt on your thigh. Looking down you saw blood quickly coming out of a deep gash on your left thigh. Before you could look back up you were again being knocked to the ground, a hard punch to your temple making the world spin. You felt as the sword was snatched from your grip and tried to blink away the haze. 
"Fucking bitch! We were so close!" one of the males grunted, kicking the woman as he was filled with anger. 
"I know her, I've seen her wanted poster...She's married to one of them Charlotte's..." the man with the deep voice said, looking down at the woman. 
"Whitebeard's daughter?!" 
"Yeah and wait a second..." Dropping down to his knees he leaned over the woman to sniff at her neck. "No fuckin' way... this whore's an omega." he huffed. 
"What?" the second man said, moving to smell at the woman himself. 
Snarling you tried to lash out against the men but felt one of their hands hold your throat so hard it blocked your airway. 
Breathing in the female's scent he chuckled and looked to the omega darkly. "You sure do smell nice honey. Sweet and... fertile." he growled. 
"She's in heat?!" the male asked with wide eyes. 
"Not yet, in the beginnings of it."
Feeling your breath hitch in your throat you tensed up, was that why you felt so off? You were going into heat? A sudden tug of your shirt and a ripping sound snapped you out of your thoughts and you felt your eyes go wide when you felt the cold air on your skin. 
"What the hell you doin' Hal?" the other male asked. 
"What does it look like?" he grunted, tugging at the female's clothes.
Trying your best to fight away the male's hands as he tried pulling away the rest of your clothes you went to scream for your alpha when a dirty hand covered your mouth. 
"You... you can't be serious?" 
"I ain't gonna give up the chance of ruttin' a damn omega that's in heat..."
"But this ain't no ordinary omega Hal, she's Whitebeard's daughter and Big Mom's daughter in law. If they find out we did this they'll...."
"They ain't gonna find out now hold her down." Hal growled. 
Screaming behind the man's hand you felt as the other male held your hands down. When your pants started to get pulled down your legs you felt tears fill your eyes. Biting down on the man's hand you felt him pull it away for only a moment and took your chance. "KATAKURI!!" you screamed as loud as you could before something was being shoved into your mouth and his hand was back over your mouth and jaw. 
"SHUT UP!" Hal snarled. Pulling the front of his pants down he looked down at the female and chuckled. "Let's see if you omegas are as good as everyone says you are..."
He had been feeling on edge all day, ever since he had left home this morning. While his wife never left his mind, today he had found it especially hard to concentrate on anything but her. By three O'clock he finally had enough and decided to call it a day, he had all of his work caught up anyway and nothing had seemed out of the ordinary on his island. Heading back home he walked inside and was greeted by one of the staff. 
"Good afternoon Master Katakuri. You are home early today." 
"Yes I..." stopping mid sentence when he was moving to hang up his cloak he saw Y/n's jacket not on the hook where it normally was, her boots however where still in their place. Snapping his eyes down to Bella he blinked his eyes, "My wife, is she home?" he asked. Perhaps her coat was simply being cleaned. 
"No sir. Mrs. Y/n left not fifteen minutes ago." she told him. 
Stiffening up he narrowed his eyes. "Do you know where she went?"
Feeling slightly afraid by the massive male's piercing eyes she rose her chin some, "She said she was going for a quick walk sir. She has been very... restless today, she wouldn't allow anyone to make her anything for breakfast or lunch and she seemed to have a hard time relaxing." she spoke truthfully. 
"Is she sick?" he asked, she hadn't seemed sick last night, on the contrary she had seemed perfectly fine.
"She hasn't said anything about feeling ill sir." Bella told him. 
Humming he pulled his cloak back on. "I am going out to find her, if she comes back before I return tell her to stay here." 
"Yes sir."  Bella nodded. 
Walking down the streets he looked for his female everywhere but he didn't see her. There was this strange feeling inside his chest like something was wrong and he didn't like it. She wasn't at her favorite café' or the bookstore or even the market. As he looked for his female he noticed a pair of women who seemed to be looking for their children, hearing them ask people if they had seen them. Brushing it off as children who just wandered off he kept on his way. Deciding to go try the beach where they normally went for walks together he turned down the path towards that way when a group of children came running out of the forest. They were clearly out of breath and very frantic with tears streaming down their faces. When he stepped over to them he noticed ropes binding their hands and gags hanging about their necks. "What is going on?" he asked. 
"Mika! They are over here!" a woman yelled. 
Seeing the two women and one man come running over to the children he furrowed his brows.
"Where have you all been?"
Something was wrong. "Why are you all tied up? What happened?" he asked in a deep voice. 
"They grabbed us, they were gonna take us away!" one of the younger children cried into her mother's chest. 
Seeing one of the older boys look up to him he stepped closer, his heart hammering in his chest.
"Mister Katakuri you have to go help her, she saved us, told us to run but they got her!" he panted. 
"Who?" he asked, silently begging it wouldn't be who he thought it was.
"Your wife sir!"
"Where are they?" he asked, his voice rougher than he intended. He didn't mean to frighten the child but right now there were more important things.
"In the forest sir, on the edge of the sea. "
Not wasting another second he took off into the trees. Running as fast as he could he came across a woman who looked to be searching for something or rather someone. Seeing her eyes go wide when she saw him and go to run he used his mochi to grab her. Lifting her from the ground he growled and grit his teeth behind his scarf. "Where are the others!?" The female only whimpered and clawed at his hand. Going to ask again he heard a familiar voice scream his name and froze. "Y/n." he muttered. Wrapping his mochi around her he threw her into the tree and saw her body fall limp before he started running in the direction of his love's voice. She had said his full name, and she had sounded afraid. Pulling his trident out he held it tightly, ready to put it to use to save his mate. 
Breaking through a thick patch of trees he saw something that made his vision go red and all sense leave him. His blood boiled in his veins and a loud roar left his throat when he saw the two men over his wife, one holding her struggling frame down to the ground while the other was fighting to get between her legs, his pants hanging low on his hips. From here he could hear her screaming and crying around the makeshift gag in her mouth, see the tears spinning from her eyes and her ripped clothes. Charging forward he saw the man holding her down look to him as he threw his trident through the air and into the male's chest, impaling him on the tree behind him. Turning to Mochi he flew through the air and slammed right into the other man, knocking him from y/n and to the ground. Holding him to the ground with one hand on his throat he pulled back his other arm, balling up his fist and slamming it down so hard on the man's chest, crushing it and filling the air with a sickening crunch. Watching the light leave the man's eyes he moved away and quickly went over to his omega who wasted no time crawling up into his arms and nuzzling into his neck. He could feel her shaking, hear her crying as her small hands fisted into any fabric she could find. 
"K..k...kata..." you tried saying before it turned into a sob. 
"Shhh... it's alright sweetheart. I've got you." he said in a low, deep voice but heard her still gasping, "You're safe omega." 
"A...alpha.." you whimpered, nuzzling his chest and pushing your head under his vest to feel his bare skin, hear his heart. 
"Yes." he said affirmatively, kissing her head through his scarf and closing his eyes. Sitting there for a few minutes he held her close, purring to help calm her down and himself. Once he had taken a few deep breaths to damper his burning rage he stood. Holding her with one arm he pulled off his cloak with the other and wrapped her in it to both hide her near nudity and keep her warm. Her face nuzzled under his scarf, hiding away from the world. Walking to the man impaled on the tree, he pulled out mogura from the male's chest and watched him fall forward to the ground. Glancing back to both of the dead men he felt his lip lift into a snarl for only a moment until his omega let out a small whimper and he ceased the noise and turned to walk away. 
Getting back to their home he quickly called for Bella. 
"Oh my... what..."
"Call for the doctor." he said in a deep voice. Seeing the elderly woman quickly nod before hurrying off he took his beloved up the stairs and to their room. Going to place her down she held to his neck like he was about to toss her off a cliff. "Y/n... darling." he said in a low voice. Hearing her whimper he went to speak before he heard his sister's voice calling from the hall and took a deep breath. 
"Big brother? Y/n?" Brulee called, hurrying down the hall towards her brother and sister in law's room. Pushing open the heavy door she saw Katakuri standing there holding what she knew to be her best friend wrapped up in his cloak. There was blood on his arms and staining his abdomen but he himself didn't look to be hurt. "What happened? Everyone on your island is talking about ..." 
"Later." he said, interrupting her and glancing down to his omega who was still trembling slightly. Seeing Brulee nod he heard a knock and looked around his sister to see Bella and the island doctor standing there. Bidding them inside he again tried to sit his wife down on the sofa but she wouldn't budge. "Let go sweetheart. Come on little one, the doctor is here to look at you." he told her but she only made a small whine. He had never seen her like this. Knitting his brows he burrowed his face deeper into his scarf to talk closer to her. "Omega no one is going to hurt you, I promise. I will be right outside okay?" he said in a low, deep voice. When she finally loosened her hold on him he moved to sit her down on the sofa, keeping his cloak wrapped around her. Kissing the top of her head he pulled back and glanced down at her. Seeing her clothes ripped and blood on her he grit his teeth but said nothing for now. Leaving her in the doctor's care he stepped outside with Brulee, Bella staying with Y/n. 
Once the doctor had finished with Y/n he had came out of his room and walked over to where he and Brulee had been speaking. "How is she?" he asked the older beta.
"She is shaken up, I wouldn't say she is in shock but the events definitely took a toll on her. There was a deep gash on her thigh that I had to stitch close as well as a few bruises and smaller cuts, the one on her temple being the worst. Other than all of that I would say she is need of some rest, her oncoming heat probably making the whole situation harder on her and..."
"Wait. What did you just say?" he asked, tensing up. 
Looking up to the large male he furrowed his brows "That she is in need of rest."
"No. You said her oncoming heat..." he said, his voice becoming deeper.
Nodding he looked to the deadly pirate. "Yes, your wife is in pre heat. Mrs. Bella said that she has been restless today, that she wouldn't eat. Going by that and her weakened state I am certain that your female will be in heat by tomorrow at the latest, if she doesn't start it tonight." 
Noticing her brother's body turn stiff she blinked several times before she looked to the doctor. "Could she take represents?" she asked the doctor.
"No, it is simply too late. This is her first heat without her concealing stone correct?" he asked and saw both Charlottes nod. " Then it is likely that she did not realize she was going into heat, that she has never experienced the symptoms before so she didn't know what was happening."
His heart was hammering in his chest and the alpha in him was trying to take charge. Clearing his throat he looked to the older beta. "How long will it last?" 
"Every omega is different from what I have ever heard Master Katakuri. Some only stay in heat for two days while others can take as many as four." 
Closing his eyes he took a shaky breath, "If we did not wish to go through this heat together would it be possible to skip it?"
Shocked by this the doctor opened and closed his mouth a few times. "Ah well... yes. I mean it is possible but you would have to understand that it will not be easy Master Katakuri. It is a primal instinct for the both of you and it will be extremely difficult to restrain yourselves. If you were to go forward with it then I would highly advise you both stay in separate homes until she is through with her heat." 
Knitting his brows he glared down at the male, "You expect me to leave my wife in our home alone, unprotected while she is in heat?" he said, a slight growl to his voice. 
Swallowing thickly he thought carefully over his next words. "No sir, not unprotected, perhaps one of your sisters or brothers would be willing to stay with her while you were away."
"Why couldn't he just stay in another room?" Brulee asked. 
"Master Katakuri would still be able to hear her, to smell her and it is very unlikely that he will then be able to restrain himself."
"Hear her?' he asked. 
"Yes sir, omegas are in quite a lot of discomfort while in heat, pain even. Being this is Mrs. Y/n's first true heat she will surly not understand how to deal with it alone... She will cry out for you, for her alpha to help her." the doctor told him in the most respectable way he could. 
She would be in pain. His wife, his omega, in pain. Closing his eyes again he clenched his teeth shut. He couldn't do it, he wouldn't. Nodding hid head, he opened his eyes and looked to the doctor, "That will be all." he said in a deep voice and saw the doctor nod before he walked towards the stairs to leave. 
"So what are you going to do? Do you want me to stay..."
"No. Thank you sister but I will not be leaving her to suffer alone, I can't." he said with a sigh. 
"I thought you both wanted to wait?" she asked. 
"We were but the plans have changed." Rubbing his face he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Could you tell mama what is going on, tell her I will be taking the next few days off while y/n is in heat." he asked. 
"Of course." she told him. "If you need anything, either of you let me know." 
"Thank you." he said before she walked away. Taking a deep breath he turned to his bedroom door and placed his hand on the knob. 
69 notes · View notes
thesomberfest · 3 years
Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea 
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence 
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier 
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream? 
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened? 
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting? 
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized 
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what 
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool 
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it 
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader. 
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
13 notes · View notes
Keep in mind I was about 12-13-ish when I wrote it and I was in my angsty stage so this gets a bit dark pft
here are the first 2 chapters -there are like 9 in total I think- if ya want the fnaf one then tell me bc I actually have to translate it and everything bc I wrote it in Spanish lol 
TW mentions of abuse sorta and alcoholism
"Come back here you lil' shit!!!"
"I'll kill ya, I swear to God I'll kill ya!!!"
I could hear him behind me, stumbling and crashing into things, with that stupid glass bottle in his hand.
I have to keep going or he will really kill me. I kept running zig-zagging through the trees trying to lose him.
"You little fuck!!! How dare you run away from me after all I've done for you?! I was the one that gave you a roof under your head, the one that fed you and took care of you and THIS is how you repay me?!"
Yea right. I'd rather be in the streets than have to live with you in that damned house again. C'mon (Y/N) you're almost there!!
"I'll do the same thing I did with them to you!! You'll end up like all those kids, like all those dirty bastards!"
A flash of lightning crashed behind me.
Keep going, keep going.
Suddenly, as I keep climbing up I see something.
A cave.
Yes!! Now I can finally get rid of him! I quickly started climbing, finally getting into the cave. It was really chilly, but it would at least protect me from the rain, and since it was nighttime and he was drunk he'd have no chance of finding me.
Or that's what I thought.
"Ahh, there you are my dear (Y/N)~ You are quite slippery you know? You remind me so much of her, my little Frisk. But you both had to escape from me didn't ya. Do you know what happened to Frisk dear?"
He chuckled and came closer, while I was walking backward trying not to stumble.
"I killed her." He smiled. " It was an accident, I didn't want to, but she was being a naughty little girl~ [EW WTF WHY DID I WRITE IT LIKE THAT LMFAO GREAT WAY TO MAKE HIM CREEPY AF AMANDA]" he came closer, and the smell of booze reached my nose.
"G-get away from me you creep!"
He laughed and pushed me, making me stumble and fall down. I tried to crawl away but then he started kicking me.
Basically, he said more creepy shit bc I wanted to make him a huge asshole, but I still don't feel comfortable putting it and I'm sure for other ppl its uncomfortable too so uh, lets just say the guy was just really really bad and wanted to do really bad things to uhh, the reader 
This, this guy had the nerve to- ugh!!
"S-stop it"
He quickly grabbed me by my hair and brought my face closer so we were locking eyes.
"Y'know no one cares about you! You're nothing! But if you stay with me you'll see I can be a good guy! I promise I  will treat you better! I will do anything for you. You just have to be a good girl and stay in your room."
I quickly spit on him and kicked him in the stomach. I was not going back there, not going to suffer through all that again. I got to my feet and ran deeper and deeper into the cave
"You can't escape (Y/N)~" I heard from behind me.
I ran faster. I'm not going to let him win. I'm not.
" You'll just end up like Frisk!"
I yelped and tripped on a vine, falling into a hole, hearing his echoed taunts getting farther and farther away.
Is this it?
Is this how I die?
Will I really end up like Frisk?
I won't die. I can't die. Not today.
Those were my last thoughts before I was surrounded by darkness.
Chapter 2 [this one is more fun  I lol]
"You little bitch!"
"Come back here!"
"You'll end up just like Frisk"
"I promise we'll get out of here....
I woke up with a start. My head dizzy from the fall.
Where...am I? Who's Frisk? Why can't I remember anything...? Hold on, did I loose my memory? What the-
"Heck!!" I heard someone say behind me. I quickly turned around, and saw a kid who looked to be around my age, floating a few feet away from me. Their hair was up to their shoulders and they were wearing shorts with a cute green stripped sweater.
"Seriously?! And just when I get used to being dead?! Do you hate me that much world!?" The kid yelled while waving their fist at the top of the cave.
Am I dead?
If so where the heck am I?
Is this what the afterlife is like? Being stuck with a 10 year old ghost kid? Is it because of that one time I stole a ring pop from John? Because if it is he totally deserved it, he wasn't even gonna eat it!
"Am I really dead..?" I whispered.
Suddenly the ghost kid turned around and looked at me.
"Wat?" They asked.
"Am...am I dead?" I looked at my palms trying to figure out what was going on.
The kid sighed.
"No. You're not dead you dummy, you just fell down into the Underground, and somehow that awoke me...huh... that's weird."
Oh. So I'm not dead. That's nice I guess.
"Um, wait, the Underground?" I stood up, and stretched a bit, trying to check if everything was alright.
"Yea. With monsters and stuff. You just fell down from Mt.Ebott. You'd be the second human here to fall down."
Wait. The second one? I thought six more had disappeared in here a while ago.
"You mean the seventh human." I corrected them.
"Noooo, I mean the SECOND human, jeez are you deaf or something?"
They glared at me as if I was the dumbest person they had ever met.
"Nuh-uh. If there's one thing I remember is that 6 humans had fallen before me"
"Well then you remembered wrong because last time I checked I was the only one. That fall must've really damaged your brain" they chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. They really were stubborn and they were pretty rude too! If it were up to me I would've walked away by now but since I am down here somewhere I don't know with MONSTERS, I should really have an ally and they seem to be my only hope. Maybe they're nice once you get to know them, so I should really try to befriend them.
"So uh, ghost kid...what's your name?" I looked at them with a sweet smile, trying to be friendly.
"My name is Chara. And I was the first human to fall down here. What's yours?"
"My what"
"Your name, you idiot. Don't tell me you forgot that too." They smirked.
"Pshh I didn't forget my name!" I puffed my cheeks and looked the other way. I honestly had no idea what my name was but I wasn't going to let that ghost kid treat me like a dumbass again.
"Fine then, what is it?"
"U-um i-its uh..."
Let's seeeeee... what's a good name? Oh jeez what are some good names I could use right now?
As I was panicking suddenly something came to my mind.
"Frisk." I said.
I have no idea who Frisk is, but it felt just right. And it was the first thing that popped into my mind so.
"Oh. That's a peculiar name. But we'll then, Frisk. What are you going to do? Do you want to go back to the surface?" They eyed me with curiosity. I honestly had no idea what I would do. But I just had this urge to go back to the surface. But there was nothing up in there for me was there? I mean maybe I had a family or something's that's looking for me right now. Or maybe I could just be a homeless nobody.
"Do you promise me we'll get out of here?" "Yes. And we'll go and look at the stars in a field of golden flowers, like the ones in your book. It's a promise."
"I want to go back up."
That seemed to get Chara's attention.
"R-really? You want to go back up there? With those assholes?" They scoffed.
"Yep. I just feel as if I have something important to do over there. Like a promise."
"Ah...well, if you want I can show you the way! We can go meet these monsters, they took care of me while I was in here! They could help you!" They smiled and started going ahead of me.
"Uhm, sure, I guess! That'd be cool!" I said as I started walking behind them. If I manage to get those monsters' help, I'll be out of here and try to get my memory back and fulfill my promise.
Chapter 3 
"So uh..Chara..will these people have food?" I asked while walking behind them.
"Food?" "Yup" "You're stuck in a place full of monsters and all you can think of is food?"
Before I could answer though, my stomach let out a loud growl. I giggled.
"I guess that answers your question."
We became quiet again until Chara turned around and looked at me.
"So how old are you?" "I'm about to be twelve" "You're pretty mature for a twelve year old" they scoffed. "Well you're pretty immature to be whatever age you are." Chara laughed.
"I'm thirteen. So that basically means you have to do everything I say since I'm the older one" they stuck their tounge out.
"That's not fair!" I proclaimed. "The world isn't fair." The smirked. "Your face isn't fair"
"Damn, Frisk, you got me" they said with mockery.
"Shut up"
They laughed and then looked at me with a serious expression. "No but really, if you want to survive here you'll have to listen to me or else you'll die. And if you abuse the SAVE point it'll stop working. If you loose determination too."
"Woah. Wait what? A save point? Determination? I am really confused right now"
"Ugh, I'll explain later. Right now we have to get to the RUINS."
"Is that were you lived when you were stuck down here?"
"Tch, why do you care? And I wasn't stuck. I lived here because it's the only place were murder isn't the first option and monsters aren't assholes."
"Hey, stop being so rude, I just want to find out more about you! I really want us to have a good relationship if you're stuck with me for a while!"
"Just mind your own business."
"Ughh you're so-"
I suddenly stopped walking when I saw a single gold flower in the middle of the path.
"Why'd you sto- ohh that's creepy."
"It's just a flower. It won't do anything."
I kneeled down to look at the flower better, for some reason this flower looked different than all the other ones.. I was about to reach out for it when all of a sudden the flower turned around and smiled at me.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"
What. The.
This flower could talk?! What?!
"Oooook Frisk this is definitely creepy, don't touch it and walk away."
I ignored Chara and smiled at the flower. They seemed friendly, so why not?
"Hey there! I'm, um, Frisk. I'm new around here."
Flowey noded and smiled at me.
"Oh! So since you're new you probably don't know how the Underground works! I guess lil' old me will have to teach you! Ready?"
"Frisk I'm not really getting good vibes from this guy." Chara said again, this time a little bit more serious.
"Shhh" I stood up and looked at Flowey, nodding.
"Thank you Flowey!! You're really nice! So how does this all wo-?" Suddenly I was being surrounded by darkness, with Flowey standing in front of me.
"Where is-" I suddenly stopped talking when I saw a red...heart? In front of me.
"See that red heart over there?" Flowey asked me.
I nodded.
"That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"
"Woahh, that's so cool!"
"Your soul starts off weak, but it can get stronger if you gain a lot of LV."
Suddenly Chara appeared beside me and shook their head.
"Frisk I don't think he-"
"Frisk! You may be asking: Flowey, what does LV stand for? Well, for LOVE of course!!"
Oh. I guess in here is not that bad if their policy is like the place where the Carebears live.
"You want some LOVE don't ya? Well don't worry! I'll share some with you."
After he said that a few white pettals appeared in front of Flowey. I guess that's how you get some LV right?
"Frisk, I'm serious right now, do not touch the bullets."
I looked at Chara.
"Thanks but what bu-"
"DOWN HERE" Flowey yelled to get my attention. I turned to look at him with a nervous smile, he just rolled his eyes and kept talking.
"LOVE, is shared through some....little...white... friendliness pellets!"
Ok. Now that was definitely suspicious. And where those the bullets Chara was talking about before? Jeez this guy really got me, but I mean. He's a flower why in the world would he kill me?
"Are you ready Frisk?! Catch as many as you can!" Then, the...white friendliness pellets, started moving towards me. How in the world was he doing that?! This place is so weird, filled with talking flowers and dead kids suddenly becoming alive again. I just want to go home!
"Frisk!! Watch out!!" Chara yelled beside me.
I looked at Flowey and saw the pellets getting closer to me. Before I had the time to dodge they got me and I felt a huge amount of pain. I fell to the ground on my knees, gasping for air, trying to make it go away.
What was happening?! I quickly looked behind me when I noticed that the yellow bar that was once full, was suddenly empty. It said 1/20.
Chara rolled her eyes.
"You dummy! Those were bullets! And to even top it off you have literally one hp left!"
"One hp...? Wait Chara what is goin-"
"You idiot." I heard a creepy voice say behind me.
I slowly turned my head around, looking at Flowey, with my eyes widening.
"In this world, it's killed or be killed!"
"Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?"
"Chara!" I yelled trying to get up, but a couple of bullets appeared beside me and surrounded me, trapping me where I was.
"DIE. " I heard Flowey yell, while the bullets started closing in on me.
Maybe I could dodge them? Or find a way to escape? Where was Chara and why weren't they helping me?
I heard Floweys's laughter get louder and louder while the bullets got closer and I shut my eyes.
I guess this is the end now. I will really die. Did I seriously think I would survive in this Underground world? Really? They're monsters for God's sake! Of course I would die here. And I wouldn't be able to fill my promise. My eyes started tearing up. I could feel the bullets really close now, about to touch me when-
All of a sudden, a fireball hit Flowey in the face, making him disappear with the bullets. Chara appeared beside me.
"Phew! That was close! At least she got here in time! I told you he wasn't a good person Frisk! If you want to survive here you'll have to do exactly what I tell you to do, or else you'll die." They nagged me.
I tried standing up once again, trying to see who saved me.
"What a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." Came a sweet voice from above me. I felt their hands go in my back and a weird warm feeling surrounded me.
When the warm feeling was gone, I didn't feel pain anymore. That was weird. I finally managed to stand up, and looked at the lady who saved me.
She's a.....goat? Lady? Monster?
She had a really pretty purple tunic, with a weird white symbol in the chest area.
She smiled at me and waved her hand.
"Ah do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker or the RUINS. I pass down here everyday to see if any humans have fallen down."
I looked at Chara, who looked to be about to cry. Maybe this was the monster they were talking about before? The ones that took care of them probably?
I shook my head and smiled at Toriel. She did look like she had good intentions, and yes, they did save me from that wretched flower. But I wasn't going to be dumb enough to fall into the same trap again, so this time I had to be cautious.
Toriel smiled back, and turned around, grabbing my hand.
"Come, my child, I will guide you through the catacombs!"
And with that, she grabbed my hand and walked with me, leading the way.
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
👻ghost part 4👻
Sammy was reading and taking notes off his books when his Uncle opened the door and told him it was lunchtime. He came down to the kitchen for lunch and meet his new caretaker. “Sammy this is miss. Polk. She will be your new caretaker. And this is her son, Norman Polk.” His Uncle introduce them officially.
Sammy looked at miss. Polk and waves at her. “Hello miss. Polk.” He spoke quietly.
She knelt down to his high and smiled. “Hello dear Sammy.” She held out her hand and he shakes it. “How are we doing today?”
Sammy glances around the room then back at her and gave her a smile. “I’m well. You?”
“I’m the same. Now. Why don’t you two go wash your hands for lunch. Mr. Wyatt has paired a lovely meal for us.” She replied.
Sammy and Norman both went out of the kitchen into the bathroom next door and washes there hands with soap and water. When they were walking back Sammy herd a whisper behind him. It sounded like his name was being called and turned quickly around. But there was nothing there. Just and empty long hallway.
“Your alright, Sammy?” Norman ask a few feet ahead.
Sammy turned back to him and nodded. ”y-yea..I’m fine..” he mumbled. Then there were on there way to the kitchen again.
Sammy sat at the table next to Ms. Jade to his left and Norman to his right. He begins to eat as the grown ups chatter away and trying to ignore the demons. He wanted to ack normal so the polks wouldn’t think he was strange but he really didn’t know how to be Normal.
Once they were finish and excuse from the table Sammy and Norman spent the rest of the day. Sammy showing Norman the cool places he found. The lake in the trees, an abandoned shack and the tree he found to be the perfect one to climb and sit in.
They had to come in once dinner was ready and after they had to wind down for the day. Get there bath down and change into there sleep clothes and brush there teeth. After that they can read a book, draw, do a puzzle before bed.
Sammy and Norman worked on a puzzle until it was bedtime. He. went into his room which were across Sammy’s room. Peter had put the polks in rooms close around Sammy’s to check on him faster if needed. Miss. Polk Came and tucked Norman in and told her son goodnight. Then she went into Sammy’s room.
Sammy claws into bed and lays down. Miss.polk comes over and tucks the blanket up to his chin. “Goodnight Sammy. Get ready for your first day of school.” She smiled
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight Miss.polk” Sammy replied. Miss.polk ruffles his hair and leaves, closing the door
Sammy was sleeping peacefully for a good long time then suddenly awoke in the middle of the night by a bad feeling creeping within him. He found he couldn’t move. He couldn’t set up. Couldn’t turn over. This worried him a lot. Was he dead? Paralyzed?
He looked around with his eyes in the darkness. At first he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary but after a few seconds he saw something that made him terrified. A pitch black figure darker then the darkness around was in the far left corner watching him. Calling for him.
Sammy screamed.
He screamed to the top of his lungs. Until Miss. Polk open the door and flipped on the light, making the figure disappear and making Sammy able to move again.
Miss. Polk Came to Sammy’s side after checking his room and wrapped her arms around him. “Shhh. It’s ok now. You only had a bad dream.” Her voice was kind.
Sammy was sobbing and hugging the woman like a mother. He knew it wasn’t a dream but he couldn’t tell her without sounding mad. She could leave him or hurt him or send him off to the Loony bin. listening to her calming voice made him feel safer though. Norman came to the open door. “Is everything ok With him mama?” He ask
His mother looked up at Norman. “Yes dear. Sammy just had a bad dream. That’s all.” She smiled and he came over and crawled into bed next to Sammy. Sammy felt a lot better with them around. Like nothing could hurt him every again.
Nora Polk stayed with Sammy until he was mostly back asleep. He puts him next to Norman and tucks them both in. “Goodnight you two.” She gets up and flips off the lights and closes the door.
By 8 o’clock Miss.polk entered Sammy’s room and woke they boys up for there first day of schooling here. “Come on you two. Time to get up” she said.
They obeyed and got out of bed. “Sammy make dear your bed and get dress alright?” She ask.
“Yes ma’am.” Sammy nodded and started making his bed as norman and his mother left Sammy’s room.
Sammy finished and got dressed. Once he was done he meet Norman and Miss.polk by the stairs. They head down to the kitchen for breakfast. There Miss.Polk explains to Sammy and Norman how she will teach here.
“School hours will be from 9 o’clock tell lunch. At 12.” She takes a bite of her French toast. “The first two hours with ether be spilling and reading or math in one day. Another day it could be Science and history.” She took a sip of her coffee. “The last hour is for the arts. Music, drawing. Stuff like that.” She finishes.
“That sounds fantastic Miss. Polk.” Sammy smiles.
Nora Polk looked at him. “Well I’m glad you think so dear.”
Once they were finish they all headed for the school room. Peter Lawrence had added in another desk for Norman as well with his own pencils and notebooks. Today the first hour was math. Miss.polk wrote problems on the bored and one after the other the boys came up and answered them. Sammy struggled a bit but Miss. Polk helped him with the counting.
The second hour Miss.polk had them name the states on an empty map. Norman got 15 he knew by heart and Sammy only got 6. After they Copied off a map in a different colored pin so they know what to work on.
The last hour Miss.polk taught them the notes of music in the music room. They played the notes in order on the piano, taking turns and watching the other. Sammy found himself loving this subject the most. He wanted to get better at music. He paid really close attention to Miss.polks instructions so he could learn.
After the last hour was finish they all headed back down for lunch. “ How was your first day of school?” Mrs.jade ask Sammy as they were all eating.
“It was great! Fantastic!” Sammy smiled then turned to Miss.polk. “I’m happy to have you as my caretaker Miss.polk.”
“Aww well thank you dear.” Miss.polk smiled.
Sammy turned to Norman. “I’m happy to have you as a friend.”
Norman smiled and hugged him. “ I am to.”
As they boys told the other grown-ups what they learned in the classroom the ghost there watch. And they listen. And they want.
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spoopy-butterfly · 4 years
I can't believe you haven't gotten any asks >:/ (so i sent many ily) yellow, golden deep, cadmium red, blue, umber, sepia
Napes yellow- Where do you feel most at home?
I probably feel most at home at the park near my house. It has a small wooded area right next to a river and it’s my go-to place when I need to calm down.
Golden deep- What’s your favorite season?
Fall, one, it’s my birthday season, two, I love that little transition from warm to cold. And the trees are absolutely gorgeous at that time.
Cadmium red- Do you have a “type” for dating?
I don’t have a type I think most all people are great (as long as your not an a**hole), but man am I weak for gingers and redheads.
Blue- What’s the most recent dream you remember?
Ok fair warning, I haven’t had a “normal dream” since I was like 9, all of them are this weird in between of a nightmare and a good dream. So basically it was a bit of a medieval time (I’m assuming cause there was a castle) and the castle was situated of a cliff by the water. I was like this half mermaid half human person that could switch between forms. I’m not to sure what happened but I was friends with this one guy (whenever there’s a guy in my dream they never have names and I’ve never seen them before) and so I’m like the prince or whatever. and the maids are giving me sh*t cause I won’t wear a dress, and I’m like “I’m not gonna wear it cause it’s girly and I’m not a girl” and one of them responds “ you wore a dress yesterday” “ that’s cause I wear dresses cause they go swish but I want to wear pant today” and their just like “ fine we don’t get paid enough to deal w ur antics”. So I’m running out of the castle down to the water and that’s where I meet said dude and for some reason I go “ hey guess what I’m a mermaid” and then jump in the water and turn into a mermaid and he’s like “that’s cool!” And I go “yea I know, but don’t tell anyone or else they’ll probably kill me cause I’m a freak and then I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life” this freaks the guy out but for some reason we become friends. So somehow people find out and for some reason the prince being a mermaid results in the ENTIRE ROYAL GAURD searching the town to find me ya know instead of like the water..........dumb b**ches. And the guy is like “oh yeah I told them” then I get really mad and he’s really hurt that I’m mad and I then I go under water. Then I woke up. (Sorry that was long but u literally asked for it)
Umber- Have you drank enough water?
...........*gets up to grab a glass of water*
Sepia- 5 things that make you happy
Daydreaming/making stories
My friends
Bike rides while blowing my ears out with MCR
Also here’s the drawing with the colors
Tumblr media
thank you for the ask!! (ilyt)💜
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fishmech · 4 years
to Dancing-in-Your-Dust.net. The name comes from the AFI song Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings). This is just a place to express my thoughts and ideas, if you don't like it..simply leave. If you do however, stick around and enjoy =D
Lizzy. Arizona. sXe. Vegetarian. Sarcastic. AFI. Tiger Army. Nekromantix. <3 <3 Davey Havok. Make-Up. Music. Movies. <3 Johnny Depp. HUGE Dork. Despair Faction. TNBC. Lock, Shock & Barrel. Jack Skellington. Halloween.
.x.Site Stats.x.
June 20th, 2003
Hits: Listed:
Featured Site:
Brush Credits:
Sign it!
Twi5ted Reality Awards
.x.About the Layout.x.
This is the 9th layout for DIYD. It features the Movie Sleepy Hollow ! =). The pictures are from
johnny depp online
and google image search.
Come's in a Pop-Up
Hiatus (Be Back Soon)
.x.Web Cam.x.
.x.Link Me.x. .x.True Fucking Love.x.
<3 Sadey
<3 Cristal
<3 Alyssa
<3 Carol
<3 Ashley
<3 Stacey
<3 Krista
<3 Karla
.x.Current Events.x.
08-11-03: My B-Day 09-09-03: Jeanelle's B-Day 09-10-03: Work @ Merch Booth 4 the Starting Line 09-20-03: EdgeFest 03' 09-24-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Fresno 09-26-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Las Vegas 09-27-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Utah 10-13-03: Kevin <3 <3 & Ashley's Birthday 10-14-03: Nightfall 10-30-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Universal CA for Halloween Eve show 10-31-03: Halloween AFI'S Halloween Show??
.x.Playlist.x. Smile--AFI Jack of all Trades--Hot Water Music Unstoppable--Death by Stereo The Power of Moonlite--Tiger Army True Romance--Tiger Army Who Killed the Cheerleader--Nekromantix A Single Second--AFI Darkangel--VNVNATION Dirty Magic--The Offspring Anabelle Lee--Tiger Army The Man Who Sold the World--David Bowie Can I Say?--Dag Nasty .x.CD Player.x. Art of Drowning--AFI Sing the Sorrow--AFI Shut your mouth and open your eyes--AFI Moonlite--Tiger Army Can I say?--Dag Nasty Empires--VNVNATION War of all Time--Thursday .x.Stalker.x.
.x.At the Moment.x. Date:October 1, 2003 Mood: Tired Eating: Nothing Drinking: nothin Watching: nothin Hearing: Transplants Wearing: Night of the living dead Shirt and duck pj's Thinking: AFI IS ONLY 28 DAYS AWAY!!!!!!! Talking to:  nobody Drooling over: Davey Havok Wanting: The 30th to get here! Surfing: Nothing .x.Tagboard.x.                                      Name:               URL:              Message:                      
I believe in ¤
Aliens, Ghosts, and Magic
Horror Movie
The Lost Boys & The Bride of Frankenstien
REAL men paint their nails.
AFI is my obsession
Morningstar by AFI is MINE
My Song::Morningstar
.x.Last Look.x.
October 6, 2003
Hello all..thought I'd write in here since I have pretty much nothing else to do. I've been up to pretty much nothing. Sadey and I went to the mall and bought our AFI limited edition Art & Artisha dolls..which cost an arm and a leg. We also talked to kevin..just him tho cuz Bobby-o wasn't there today. It was hilarious because when we were leaving I go to hug kevin and I accidentally hit his nose...he's all like "oh great she's trying to beat me up too!" good times man, good times. Anyway in other good news, Sadey's mom is thinking about opening a store sorta like Hot Topic @ the mall..and it's gonna be hella rad cuz well, I can work there =D We'd carry much more cooler things than Hot Topic..I mean I like that store at times but, they never really carry anything that cool now. Speaking of HT im gonna start working there prolly in mid november. Im putting my 2 weeks @ Target in tommorow. Anyhoo while I was at HT I saw this rad velvet black dress with like flared sleeves and I want it for the show in Universal but I checked the price and its like 90 bucks so I was like hell no..so Im gonna have my mom make one for me and im adding shit on it like red laced trim...its gonna be so super awesome =D Im trying to think of what else that has happened..Oh I was sick this weekened and I called in for work and Nickey (the LOD) got all pissed and told me im not taking my job seriously anymore and all this other BS and she hung up on me...so she basically called me a liar....and im telling you, I was really sick! So I woke up the next morning and it was already like 11:00am and my shift was supposed to start at 9 and I was like shit...they're gonna fire me. So I called Nickey and she apologized for hanging up on me and that she doesnt wanna lose me as an employee and that she values me and shit..I was just like yea, well you're in for a rude awakening cuz im quitting haha..no I didn't say that but I was thinking it..so she told me to just take the day off. I was like cool ok. So I guess thats all that really happened...I went to this wedding party thing on Saturday night w/ sadey a whole bunch of Italians from brooklyn...awesome as hell im in love with their accents..lol. There was this annoying kid there that was trying to impress Sadey and I by acting all drunk and telling us how much he had to drink when in all reality he wasn't really drunk he was just pretending because all his mom would let him have was one drink..little does he know we're sXe..haha loser. Alright anyhoo I guess thats all for site news.. my wonderful katie (rapturous voice davey fansite) is leaving me ::cries:: she bought a domain,
Ill miss you much Katie =D Go visit her now BTW. But the good news is that I got a new hostee,
. She's gonna open the fanlisting for AFI's
which I am very happy about..it's about damn time someone decides to make a fanlisting for that song cuz it is such a beautiful song =D Alright so..enough of my rambling im out, later =D --Lizzy--[Deadjournal] | [Plug]
(8) are dancing in the dust
October 1, 2003
Ok Im taking my blog down because it was wayyy too long and for some reason my ftp is not letting me write anything else on to my notepad sorry kids..if ya wanna know what happened just drop me a line on AIM @ dancinginurdust or email me at [email protected] and ill be sure to tell you everything...you can still click the pics and look at those if you like =D
[/EDIT] Happy October..new layout in spirit of Halloween..ill have loads more halloween ones than this..being as this is my fave holiday =D
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,21,  22,  23,  24,  25 click here for autographs =D --Lizzy--[
] | [
(7) are dancing in the dust
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frisbee-camp · 5 years
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 9 Unresolved 
"What do you mean you saw them kiss!?" Cyrus had practically yelled, Nala jumped. Andi and Buffy had told Cyrus that they saw Jonah with Walker the entire night, practically attached to the hip. "He's been avoiding us a lot lately," Andi frowned and bit her lip. Buffy nodded and added, "Plus, Marty said there were rumors that Walker was dating a boy." "But, Jonah?" Cyrus said, slumped, "Jonah Hercules Beck is straight..." "No one's straight Cy," Andi said as they pointed between themselves and Cyrus, "we would know." "Yea, but..." Cyrus trailed off. He had totally believed Jonah Beck™ was 100% straight. But now that he knew he was with Walker, he felt a sudden urge of jealousy. He was the complicated one, he was the gay one, not perfect and popular Jonah Beck. Cyrus grimaced, his cheeks felt hot. "Cyrus?" Buffy said, "are you alright? It's OK to be jealous." "Yeah Cy, we all know you liked Jonah, it was pretty obvious," Andi said smiling, "but now that means you can focus on TJ! Who has a total massive humungo crush on you!"  "Guys, I don't know why I said I liked him, I think it's because he defended me. It's because he defended me right? I mean no guy will ever like me," Cyrus said as his friends gave him shocked looks. "You've got to be kidding right! You've got the toughest guy in all of Jefferson basically in love with you and you don't even see it? You're all he sees Cyrus! D'you think he'd punch his longest friend over anyone? Don't be so oblivious," Buffy huffed, clearly over Cyrus' lack of self-esteem. After that, their conversation shifted to Buffy complaining about all of the girls that flirted with Marty and Andi complaining about never being able to see Amber because of her work schedule. Cyrus stayed silent for most of it, thinking back to when he woke up in his own sweater. Any other jock would have thought it was embarrassing or dorky, but TJ had kept it. His heart skipped a beat. Maybe he did like TJ? But, at the same time, he thought about how Jonah was going out with Walker, and that made his skin burn. It was worse than when Andi dated him, at least then he thought he had no chance, but now? Now that Jonah was, bi? pan? questioning? Whatever, Cyrus was still bitter. He envied Walker. What did he have that Cyrus didn't? Art skills? He could take a class. He's an artist! He'd won an award for his screenplay. Whatever, he thought, I'll just make Jonah jealous, we'll see how he feels then.  When his friends had left after telling him that their "relationship intervention" was over, Cyrus received a text from TJ.  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Hey Cy, hope you got home safe and everything, I'm sorry I punched Reed... Are we still cool? 😬 To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yes :0 thanks again,,,,,sry i was a mess lol. see you tomorrow?  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Of course :) See you at lunch? To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yup WOOP WOOp 💥 Cyrus couldn't help but frown at his own text message. Ugh, I'm such a dork. He immediately texted Buffy and Andi for help.  To GHC👩🏻👩🏾‍🦱🌈❣️: Cyrus 💕🕍✨: I think I just said I liked him because he defended me, so I'm overthinking it right? Like we're friends, so nothing will happen PLUS HES A HET!!1 ANDIII😽: cyrus stop overthinking everything, this happened with me and amber too remember???? BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: HE LIKES YOU DONT BE A DUMBBASSSSSS, THE ENTIRE SCHOOL KNOWSSSSSSSS LOOK AT THE VIDEO I DMD YOU ON IG GODDAMN  ANDIII😽: Buffyyyy we weren't supposed to show him that.... BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: he needs to know Cyrus was never into social media, he only went on to comment encouraging things on his friend's new posts. He even had his notifications off, but once he opened the underused app, his screen was filled with dm's, new followers, and comments. He quickly scrolled through most of them. Many of them asked if he was Dating TJ?! One said Hi cy i know u dont know me but ur like really brave another said idk who ur kidding, tj is straight lmaooo and another said hey is it true? His heart raced, he suddenly needed to stand up. Where would people get such an idea? Sure, people must have seen TJ fighting with Reed, but he didn't think people would connect that to him. TJ was respected, Cyrus wasn't, why would Tj's actions be caused by Cyrus? Cyrus opened Buffy's direct message, which had been pushed to the bottom of his feed by the time he went looking for it. It was a dark video, but Cyrus managed to catch an out of focus TJ and Reed standing in Iris' living room. He turned up the volume,  "-somewhere else!"  He heard Tj say, he looked disheveled and sweaty. "GOD, What is with you. Do you like him or something?" Cyrus gasped at the same time as the camera person. Is this the source Buffy and Andi were talking about? "So we were right, you do like him! And now you're choosing him over us?! We've been friends longer than you have with that loser-" Cyrus' eyebrows raised as he saw TJ's fist come in contact with Reed's face. The rest of the video was a blur of curse words and drunk teenagers chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"  Cyrus sat down on his bed, unable to comprehend what had just seen. Now he knew why he was getting so many notifications. He didn't know TJ could resort to violence like that. Hearing about a fight is much different than seeing that. But, he smiled. TJ had defended him, plus someone liked him! Him! Anxious, depressed, confused Cyrus Goodman who hated loud noises and sports. He felt light and airy, but most importantly he felt needed, more needed than ever. He had almost wanted to come out to his parents right then and there. They were all there, of course, sipping their wine about twenty feet away. He had quickly texted his friends a shocked cat gif and turned off his phone as he walked out of his room with newfound confidence.  "Hey Cy," one of his parents had called to him suspiciously, he didn't care which. TJ Kippen liked him and maybe he liked him back.  "Hello parentals," Cyrus said cheerily as he sat in an empty dining room seat, they were still having brunch, which had now turned into wine and ice cream. Cyrus picked at the leftover grapes and popped them into his mouth grinning.  "You look very happy today Cy, what did those girls do to you in there?" Norman joked. Cyrus shrugged and chucked uncomfortably.  "Whatever happened to that girlfriend of yours Cy? Ilene was her name?" a mom said. "No Sharron, it was Ivy," Todd said. "No, I'm pretty sure it's Isa," Leslie said. "Guys, you're all wrong. It's Iris. And we were never really together and I don't want to talk about this with my parents right now," Cyrus got up to leave, but one of his parents called out to him.  "Wait! Cy! Don't close us off so quickly. Just tell us, are there any new girls we should know about?" Shannon wiggled her eyebrows, Leslie nudged her side. Cyrus laughed a little too loud, "NO," he said, "no girls mom, never."  "Never?" Todd said, quizzically. Cyrus stopped. Did I just out myself through a joke? Am I really boo boo the fool?  "Cyrus?" His mom said, "do you want to tell us something we might already know? You know you can trust us." Cyrus thought about how his parents were trained in observing and analyzing. He knew that if he didn't answer, then they'd know he was hiding something if he answered too quickly they'd also know, and if he said anything at all they'd also know. He stood still instead, hoping that some being would impossibly teleport him to a different planet. Maybe Pluto? he thought Pluto is cute, and very far away from here.  "Cyrus?" His parents called again. Cyrus stared at the wall behind them, unable to speak. He gave one last chuckle and turned to walk a little too quickly to his room. He put on his headphones, played his playlist titled I'M A BIG FAT HOPELESS ROMANTIC and looked at the messages left on his phone. They ranged from encouraging Bitmojis to angry girls telling him to back off.  Oh my god, tomorrow is going to be hell. Cyrus spent the rest of the day nervously doing his homework in anticipation of tomorrow. Normally, he'd text TJ whenever he was nervous, but now that he was the reason for his anxiety, he stuck to his history notes. He had come out of his room only when he knew half of his parents were gone. Monday morning was relatively quiet, his parents had decided to not ask him about what had happened yesterday, which he was eternally grateful for. However, that was not the root of all of his worry.  Once he got to school, Cyrus immediately knew something was different. For the first time in his life, people his age noticed him. Everyone's eyes followed him down the hall, to and from his classes, and even during the peak hallway traffic. Thankfully, he had Buffy and Andi the entire day to protect him. Sure, they could protect him from direct attack, but he could still see kids whispering and pointing at him.  During lunch, Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus sat at their usual spot.  "Okay you guys, things are different now, be prepared." Buffy had warned them both. Cyrus felt uneasy, he knew something was about to happen, but he didn't know what. They had been discussing how to address Jonah's new boyfriend without being overbearing. They decided to not bring it up.  Just then, Marty and Amber walked up to the table and sat next to their respective partners, leaving Cyrus alone with his muffin for the millionth time. He thought about texting TJ, but he didn't know what to say to him.  "Cyrus!" Amber said, "I'm glad you're feeling better. TJ should be here soon."  Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened and in came Jonah holding hands with Walker. Cyrus made a fist. They sat down a little too happily, Cyrus looked down at his tray. He felt tears pool in his eyes.  "Hello there," Buffy eyed them. Cyrus tentatively looked over at Jonah who seemed grounded. There was something different about him as if a light he didn't know existed had been turned on. He watched as Jonah talked to his friends, he didn't listen to what they were saying, he was too busy looking at how Jonah looked at Walker every so often just to smile at him. Cyrus wanted that. He wanted someone who understood him, someone who grounded him in reality, someone that didn't make him feel so lost.  "So," he heard Jonah say in his direction, "I heard that TJ likes you. I thought you guys were already together?" Cyrus thought he heard a twinge of jealousy in his voice, but it might have been his imagination.  Cyrus suddenly couldn't handle it anymore, from the stares to the questions, to gently coming out to his parents, it was too much. He silently stood up. His friends eyed him. "I need," Cyrus started but couldn't seem to verbalize his thoughts. What did he need? Something, he needed something. "Something," he said, before quietly packing his things and walking towards the cafeteria exit. Before he could exit, he saw TJ walk in. Cyrus saw the confidence oozing out of him, his stomach churned.  "Hey," TJ smiled at him, "Where are you headed? Lunch just started." "Oh, I was going to uh-" Cyrus looked up at Tj, Did his face get cuter? "I uh, was going to go sit with Andi and Buffy and them," he looked for an escape, but TJ was already turning him back around to join his friends.  "Come on then silly, they're the other way," TJ grinned. Cyrus hid behind TJ for most of the walk back to the table, the whispers they were getting were becoming unbearable, he wanted to cry. He couldn't make himself look his friends in the eyes when he sat back down. "Is this the something you needed?" Marty chuckled, Buffy jabbed him with her elbow. Cyrus fiddled with a broken spork as his friends continued talking about Jefferson gossip. Tj had inched himself closer to Cyrus, he let him. He hadn't noticed how different he felt with TJ around. How much easier living seemed to be. Before he knew it, he and TJ were shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg. He still couldn't bring himself to look at his friends, but they were used to his daily mini meltdowns. TJ started to laugh at something Walker had said, Cyrus grinned slightly He fits in so well. He saw Tj look down at him worried, he gently pried the spork out of his hands, it had started to draw blood. Cyrus hadn't noticed.    "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?" Tj softly asked him. Cyrus gave a small nod, his heart lurched. There were too many eyes on him.  Tj quickly packed away his things and gave his friends an excuse. Before walking away, Cyrus saw Jonah frown at them.  Cyrus didn't know where Tj was taking him, but he didn't really care. In the hallway, Cyrus thought he heard a noise. Once they rounded the corner, he saw Reed, Lester, and a couple other boys he didn't know. He gulped. TJ moved in front of him. "AYYYY look who it is!" Reed said, throwing his arms up.  "Leave me alone Reed," TJ said, trying to walk through.  "Bro, we're still bros. I forgive you for the other night. I know you were drunk and shit." Reed leaned in closer and said something to TJ that Cyrus couldn't hear, but made TJ look back at him.  "Dude, leave him alone," Lester said, pushing on Reed's shoulder.  "Hey, I just want to know what we're all thinking. So Teej, what is it? Are you still choosing this dork over your bros?" Reed said. The rest of the gang looked apprehensive, they didn't care enough to cause a scene. "Dude, just leave it," One boy said worried.  "Shut up," TJ said quietly, "Just shut up." Cyrus saw TJ ball his fists and tense up. Lester moved towards Tj, but Reed stopped him with his arm.  "Tell us," Reed said.  TJ stayed still. "Teej-" Reed had said before Cyrus heard bodies hit the floor. He closed his eyes. There was yelling, sneakers hitting the floor, and eventually, he heard the voices of teachers. Someone pushed him against the wall, someone else called his name, someone else touched his hair. He didn't want to open his eyes. 
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wesurekilledthepain · 2 years
Literally all of them, 1-50, and go!
1. If you have a lighter what color is it? My lighter is a dark grey with a Grateful Dead skull on it.
2. Pepsi box blue or Cheetos bag orange? I think orange is the ugliest color so Pepsi blue
3. Do you like pasta? I was not aware that people didn’t like pasta. But yes I do.
4. How often are you on tumblr? I believe everyday currently. But sometimes I skip days so I guess it depends.
5. Are you only doing this because you’re bored? Umm no not really?
6. What blogs do you mostly interact with? I guess it depends on who’s also on at the time but the one I know for sure is wereall-allright.
7. Can you swim? Yes but I almost drowned once saving a friend so I don’t really do it anymore. I’m more into kayaking anyway.
8. Have you had any water today? Yes I’m actually drinking a bottle currently.
9. Which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake? Oh funnel cake 1000%
10. Insert question I didn’t get an insert for lol.
11. Bass or drums? Well I have a bass guitar so I’m gonna go with that.
12. Favorite tv commercial? The bud light real men of genius commercials from the late 90s/ early 2000s. Those were fucking hilarious.
13. Can we be friends? Ummm we already are.
14. Do you admire the clouds and the color of the sky? Yea I do but I’m nocturnal so I really only see the sky when it’s dark.
15. What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you? I once woke up on a side walk in a neighborhood I’ve never been in with a Kit Kat in my pocket that had a huge bite taken out of it.
16. A Netflix series that’s your favorite? Afterlife. Watch it you won’t regret it.
17. An earlier obsession you remember? I mean all my childhood obsessions really kind of followed me into adulthood but idk I’d say maybe GI Joes? I had like 20 of them.
18. Do you play video games? Not as much as I you used to but elden ring is life so yes.
19. Zombies or vampires? Probably vampires. I feel like vampires just want to be left alone for the most part and I respect that.
20. Insert question
21. Your first celebrity crush? Anna Sophia Robb
22. Do you have a collection of cool rocks? No I only have one and it’s because I’m too superstitious to get rid of it.
23. Five words that describe you? Umm shit idk dude.
24. What have you learned about yourself? That I’m not the person everyone seems to think I am.
25. Can you tie a knot in a cherry stem? I know I used to be able to but I haven’t had cherrys in so long so idk.
26. Do you believe in aliens? Yes statistically speaking the odds of there being no life in the vastness of space is so fucking low dude. But I doubt they give a shit about us. Humans are stupid.
27. Books or films? Both.
28. An unusual song that’s your favorite? Seven by army of the pharaohs.
29. The last thing you ate? Peanut butter and crackers.
30. Insert question
31. Have you gotten bit by a dog? Like sort of? I had leather gloves on and I was trying to stop two dogs from fighting.
32. Do you right better with a pen or pencil? I have terrible hand writing period. No change in writing instrument is going to fix it. I just try to write as fast as I think and it doesn’t correspond as well as I hope it does lmao
33. A song that gets stuck in your head? Currently it’s that tik tok song WYD Now? By Sadie Jean.
34. When you hear peace what do you think of? You.
35. A school subject you’re good with? I was honestly pretty decent at all of them I just never showed up.
36. How many alarms do you have set? None but I usually only need like two. 1 telling me I should get up and then another telling me I need to get up.
37. Do you shop at thrift stores? Yea I think it’s dumb to buy work clothes at full price.
38. What the meaning behind your url? It’s a bright eyes lyric from a song called lua
39. Is there wise words you live by? “Do not speak Ill of yourself because the warrior within hears that and is lessened.” - David Gemmell
40. Insert question
41. You gotta have a favorite Beatles song what is it? 8 days a week or yesterday. It depends on my mood.
42. Earphones or speakers? Both? I mean it depends on the situation really.
43. What do you remember from your childhood? Umm my child hood. Idk dude that’s a vague question.
44. Do you collect anything? I collect books. I want a personal library so I never get rid of any book I read.
45. Favorite tea? Arizona raspberry iced tea.
46. A Christmas song you secretly like? Lonely Christmas by Scotty Sire.
47. Book stores or record stores? Both. You literally can’t make me choose that’s inhumane.
48. How weird were these questions? I mean I’ve had weirder.
49. What scents do you like? The smell of rain, fresh espresso, and the smell of tattoo goo.
50. Insert question.
I want you to know this took me like an hour lol.
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nyobzoochufue · 4 years
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Day 17 - 9/27/20
*Stream of thought and consciousness* 
Remnants: Fund or Defund? We’ll never know. 
Woke up at 8:00 am. Chilled until I got to work at around 11 am. 
Today I bought 2 red bulls (one for me and my co-worker). There was a deal going on for buy 2 for $5. 
I didn’t buy much food today and ate at the restaurant. Also had a beer on my break lol... I’ve decided that I’m clean eating rather than doing a full plant-based diet. ^_^ More greens and more meats! I wanna eat healthy! 
I found out that BLACKPINK released a playlist of their favorite picks which is AWESOME! I feel like they’re given alot more access to their fans which is amazing... probably because they’ve made their way into America! I’m planning to listen to all their songs they’ve chosen. So cool because the playlist is sectioned off into 4 different parts (for the four girls!). I really hope that they chose the songs themselves. ^_^ Loving Jisoo’s playlist so far and I’m excited to listen to the entirety of it! 
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Work was work but I watched My Best Friend’s Wedding with my mom yesterday night! Only watched towards the end of the movie tho, but still liked it! 
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The dude in it was so cute too omg... HELLO!?!?! 
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Tonight... I also prayed to my ancestors. <3 
I also spent $60 on Bdubs! The lady was working alone... because people called off lmao... but yea.. I gave her a big tip! 
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Birthday Surprise [Jinyoung and Youngjae]
Though the intro says boyfriend, Jinyoung is a fiancé in this!
Moving to South Korea was one of the hardest things she had done. She left behind her parents, family, and some of her closest friends. If it wasn’t for her best friend, Amber Liu, who lived in Seoul near her, she wouldn’t have adjusted as fast as she did. Through her friendship with Amber, she met idols and non-idols. One group of people she grew relatively close to was the members of Got7 before ultimately dating one of them. Due to her teaching job and her relationship, she extended her stay in South Korea for another year.
As her birthday and Christmas neared, her boyfriend wanted to do something amazing for her. She didn’t have the money to go home to see her family and he knew that she was feeling homesick, so he called her mom. His original plan was to fly her mom out to celebrate her daughter’s birthday as well as Christmas. Luckily, while talking to her mom, her boyfriend found out that her dad would be returning home from his deployment.
Her father has been in American Army and ever since 9/11, her father was deployed several times to Afghanistan. It had been three years since she last saw her dad when she graduated from her university. He was gone most of her childhood and teen years, but he was her hero and she loved him to pieces.
Her boyfriend knew his girlfriend’s biggest wish was to see her father again and now he had the once in the lifetime chance to make her dream a reality. He booked the flights for her parents and anxiously awaited for the day of their arrival which fell on his girlfriend’s birthday…
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Melody never noticed how she would slip into a season depression whenever she neared the holidays or her own birthday. However, her fiancé, Jinyoung, did and he absolutely hated seeing how upset she would get during those times. He was able to help her last year as he sent her home for the holidays even though she had at first protested on using his money. However, she was thankful he did because seeing her mom made her feel so much better. Though, her dad was off on training during that time.This year would be different, Jinyoung told himself. This year not only would Melody see her mom, but her dad as well and he knew it would be a mood booster she didn’t know she would need.
For her birthday, Jinyoung had insisted on throwing an intimate birthday party. He’d only invite some close friends at the house and they could just hang out. Melody wasn’t too thrilled about celebrating her birthday, but she agreed nonetheless. Jinyoung made all the calls he needed to. Called the other members of Got7, Amber, and a few other friends that Amber suggested would help raise Melody’s mood.
The day of the party, everyone knew what was going to happen and thankfully their excitements could be looked at as having a great time at the party. Melody was making the rounds to her friends when she heard the doorbell. She looked for Jinyoung, but when she couldn’t find him, she headed off to the door. She didn’t realize the music turn off or the voices that were once loud and thunderous were now low and muffled. She swung open the door and let out a strangled gasp.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” She was greeted with her mom’s wide smile. “I brought the cake!” Melody hugged her mom tightly barely missing the cake that Jinyoung was able to grab from out of no where. “There’ also another surprise” her mom whispered lovingly in her ear as she let her daughter go and moved out of the view of the walk way.
Melody’s eyes widened as she felt her knees go weak. She pressed her hand to her mouth as she let out a cry.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MELLY JELLY!” His husky voice shook her. The same voice she heard whenever he would phone her and skype her. The voice she had wanted to hear in person for the last few years. She didn’t even realize her legs began to make her walk towards him until she broke into a quick sprint. Her arms wrapped around her dad’s neck as she cried into his shoulder. He rubbed her back and let out a chuckle that shook them, “Since when were you such a cry baby, Melly Jelly.”
She let out a laugh through her tears, “Shut up, old man.”
“Ah, there’s my Melly Jelly.”
Melody pulled away from him and wiped her tears as she stared at him. She was so afraid that if she blinked, he would disappear from her view again.
“Ah, you must be my future son-in-law?” Melly looked back to see Jinyoung approach them with a grin.
He bowed respectfully, “I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself to you sooner. I’m Park Jinyoung.”
“Hey, no formalities! You’re part of the family now. We give hugs.” Her dad hugged him and gave him a hard pat on the back before Jinyoung lead him inside the house.
Melody rushed behind them overwhelmed with happiness as she went to the guest and introduced her parents to them.
After the party and the clean up, Melody went looking for Jinyoung to find him outside on the back porch with her dad. She knocked on the door before he pulled it open, “Am I interrupting?”
“No, Melly Jelly. We were just talking about you as a baby.”
She took her seat next to Jinyoung and he reached over to take her hand in his. She moved her hair over her shoulder and laughed, “I hope it’s nothing too embarrassing.”
Jinyoung pressed a kiss on the top of her head and gave her a small smile, “Nope nothing. You enjoy your party?” He squeezed her hand in his when she gave him a nod. Her dad quietly got up and headed inside leaving the couple alone.
“I loved it. Thank you for everything” she flashed him a wide smile.
Jinyoung looked her way with a relieved expression. “You’re smiling again. I’ve missed it.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, “You know I love you, Melody, right?”
Melody chuckled, “I know. I love you too, Jinyoung.” She leaned up just as he leaned down to press a kiss on her lips. They let out a small chuckle as they kissed each other again.
“What are you looking at?” Melody’s mom asked as she rubbed her husband’s arm lovingly.
Her husband patted her arm as he continued to watch the two kids outside. He had a proud expression on his face, “She looks so happy.”
Her mom hummed, “Jinyoung does his hardest to make our baby girl smile.” She patted his arm, “Come let’s leave them alone for some time.” She lead him away from the backdoor to leave Jinyoung and Melody alone to sit and talk for a bit.
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Youngjae planned out his girlfriend’s, Josephine, birthday surprise to a T. It took a lot of convincing to let his boss agree to give him two weeks time off because of all the award shows that were nearing. However, with the help of his group leader, Youngjae was given permission to go on a two week break. It was all he needed to get the ball rolling.
“Why are we going to Hawaii?” Josephine laughed as her boyfriend rushed through security to their gate with his hand intertwined with hers.
Youngjae said nothing as he focused on not missing their flight. It was his fault they were a little late, but even so. He could not miss this flight. If they did, booking a second flight won’t be so easy as it would ruin his entire timeline. He saw their gate in view and sprinted faster with Josephine following close behind.
Josephine woke to the smell of freshly made coffee and groaned as she twisted in the king size bed. There was a peck on her cheek just as her eyes fluttered open to see Youngjae beside her on the bed with two cups of coffee. “Morni…”
“Good morning. Happy birthday!” His eyes mirrored his grin as she shuffled up in bed and took a coffee from him. He leaned over and brushed his lips over hers in a quick kiss before he moved away to take a sip of his coffee. “We have a lot to do today.”
Josephine took a sip of her coffee and hummed approvingly. “And what exactly have you planned for today? Do I get to know this time?” Youngjae shook his head with a knowing smile and she sighed, “Of course not. What am I supposed to wear today?”
Youngjae put his finger on his chin as he thought, “Swimsuit and anything you want to wear over it.”
“Noted” she chuckled as she sucked down the rest of her coffee and hopped out of bed to get ready.
They arrived at the beach and Josephine fixed her beach hat she wore as she admired the view. “I could live here just to see this view every day” she sighed. She watched the surfers on the waves and smiled, “My dad loves surfing. I could see the man retiring here just to catch the waves.” She reminisced. “We used to go to Hawaii at least once a year just so he could catch the waves.”
She looked over at Youngjae who looked over the surfers. His face lit up as he wrapped his arm around her waist, “Let’s go over there, yea? That looks interesting.” He lead her towards a lone surfer swimming out to catch a wave.
Josephine watched in amazement as the surfer took the wave and guided along it like it was their second nature. The surfer returned to the land and headed towards the two of them.
The surfer grinned widely as he approached them. “Josie baby! Happy birthday!” His deep voice echoed through the air as he belted out a laugh, “Have you grown taller?”
Josephine’s eyes widened as the surfer took off his sunglasses. “Dad!” She ran through the sand and in her dad’s arm. He let out a chuckle as he patted her back.
“YOO HOO!” Her mom hollered as she made her way to the trio, “There you guys are!” She took Josephine in her arms after her dad let her go. “Come on, I got a great spot for us” she ushered the three towards her area.
“What are you guys doing out here?” Josephine asked still in shock as she took a seat in one of the chairs. Youngjae grabbed the sunscreen from her mom and began spreading it on himself as he watched the family.
Her mom grinned, “Well, your dad decided it was fine time to retire, so we looked into places to retire” there was a twinkle in her eyes, “And you should know what your dad decided on.”
“Hawaii of course” she flashed a smile at her dad who had a guilty grin. “But that’s cool. You have a home and everything already? Is that why you haven’t emailed me lately.”
“I couldn’t ruin the surprise. Youngjae had everything all planned out and I knew I would blab if given the chance.” Josephine looked over at Youngjae and flashed a smile.
“But enough talk, Josie, come surf with me!” her dad stood up and extended his arm to her. “Let’s ride some waves.” Josephine grinned as she took off her hat and sunglasses before she took her dad’s hand.
The two rushed off to the ocean with their two surf boards. Josephine’s mom chuckled, “Those two are far too similar. You sure you can handle being with my daughter.”
Youngjae watched with a small smile as he watched his girlfriend, “I can. I love her too much.”
Part I || Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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sambashua · 7 years
92 questions/random questions/8 things tag~
hello friends !!! i’ve done the first two tags before but it’s been quite a while so ?? let’s see if i can come up w new responses i guess?? also these all have similar-ish questions so i thought i’d combine them so i don’t clog up everyone’s dashes~
tagged by (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(ilya so dang much my favorite muffins)
92 questions: mariel! @jaehyunscult kelby! @yooncheoly and claudia! @s-lay-ing 
random questions: kolbo! @yooncheoly ommo! @strawberryboo​ and cloodoo! @s-lay-ing 
eight things: em! @seoulscapes mj! @jungnoir and kat! @atshinee
i’m going to tag @everyonesabiaswrecker @hoshi-ssi @king-hao @moonhyook @taeismyking @honestlay @yoonsunha @amessence @kylamassie1 @peachesandkili and also the beans who tagged me above!! you can do one of the ones you didn’t tag me in hehe(≧◡≦)
you guys can choose whichever tags you want!! or all of them ? idk it’s basically either long, easy or creative so whatever you feel like doing… or do none of them!! that works too! if you don’t want to be tagged just let me knowwww also you rlly don’t have to read this whole thing it is so damn long… but w/o further ado…
92 questions
the last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my grandma !
3. text message: “THEBOP OF THE SUMMER” (sic)
4. song you listened to: ‘love paint (every afternoon)’ by NU’EST started playing before i got out of the car last night… WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED I WATCHED MX’S NEWTON THIS MORNING OH MY GOD THE BOP OF THE SUMMER THAT’S WHAT THE TEXT WAS ABT BTW
5. time you cried: hmmmm not monsta x surprisingly ? but we have some rlly spicy food in LA and @everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking and i had to hide our eyes from the waiter lol
have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo (as i said last time i’ve never dated so these are all no’s so you can skip around a bit i suppose)
7. been cheated on: nooo
8. kissed someone and regretted it: nooo
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: nope
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drinking makes ya do bad stuff kids
list three favorite colors (12-15)…
grey, light blue nd light green !
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yeAH SO MANY! irl and online i’m so thankful for everyone i’ve met~~ since i started uni i was rlly nervous abt meeting people and although i have one (1) new friend irl (shoutout to my main main main kat @atshinee literally where would i be w/o you i probably woulda gotten stuck at camp bc of the hail storm) i’ve met countless lovely individuals online that i am forever grateful for;;; now i’m being all sappy someoNE STOP ME
16. fallen out of love: nooo
17. laughed until you cried: almost everyday~~
18. found out someone was talking about you: oh yea
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your true friends are: yeah!
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooooooooope
general stuff
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk like probably actually 80% but they’re not people i talk to now ? (kat still yells at me abt my answer last time)
24. do you want to change your name: i like my name a lot tbh (there’s so many endless nickname possibilities honestly)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got gelato w two of my closest frandssss and also listened to nct dream like the whole day it was the best
26. what time did you wake up: um m m i think 9? yesterday i went to bed at 3:30 and woke up at 7:30 so i slept in more today lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to read a soonhoon fic from eep and messaging ivy:D
28. name something you cannot wait for: uM IDK EVERYTHING I WAS WAITING FOR ALREADY HAPPENED i guess just moving back to school and starting classes??? i’m so anxious ugh
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 4 ? hours ago ?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: um idk i think i’m pretty blessed to be completely honest
31. what are you listening to right now: there’s construction going on in the distance idk what they’re doing but it is LOUD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’m so shook people haven’t talked to any toms i’ve met so many i don’t undeRSTAND
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance *finger guns*
34. most visited website: tumblr (i haven’t been on youtube much lately cry)
35. elementary school: yeahhh
36. high school: yeahhh
37. college: yeahhh
38. hair color: blonde 
39. long or short hair: it’s so long rn i’m constantly choking on it
40. do you have a crush on someone: crushes are for noobs
41. what do you like about yourself: “everything, love yourself.” -kat
42. piercings: ears but i never wear them
43. blood type: idk my parents are both AB so my mom says we’re that too but mom that’s not how genetics work
44. nickname: i have so many but my most common one is mir~ i answer to anything tho
45. relationship status: engaged to jeon wonwoo
46. zodiac sign: cancer~
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones or below deck (watch it it’s a reality show abt a yacht crew it’s so entertaining) 
49. tattoos: nope i’m too indecisive
50. righty or lefty: right
51. surgery: i had surgery junior year of high school
52. piercing: did they not already ask this oh jk this is first well i still only have ears
53. best friend: in the womb bitchhh (-8 months would be the official age)
54. sport: i think karate ? my dad is super sporty tho so sister and i tried every sport known to man
55. vacation: probably washington bc i have a lot of family there
56. pair of sneakers: literally who knows this tho
right now…
57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: now i’m drinking tea
59. i’m about to: eat a bagel maybe
60. listening to: good luck by aoa (yessss my girls)
61. waiting for: jordyn to get off work so i can see her new dorm:D
62. do you want kids: i always have
63. do you want to get married: i don’t really know marriage seems so outdated…
64: what career do you want: journalist (yay)
which is better…
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: i don’t have much preference but i’m tall and i like being tall
68. older or younger: i don’t really care bc some older people are really immature and some younger people are really mature so~
70. nice arms or nice stomach: i really really don’t care
71. sensitive or loud: these honestly aren’t even antonyms
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: i’ve never been a troublemaker so ?
have you ever…
74. kissed a stranger: nooo
75. drank hard liquor: neh ?
76. lost glasses/lenses: i have above average vision boiiiii
77. turned someone down: i mean;;;; i think most people have at least indirectly
78. had sex on the first date: nooo
79. broken someone’s heart: i really doubt it lol
80. had your heart broken: jeon wonwoo breaks my heart daily
81. been arrested: nooo
82. cried when someone died: yeahh
83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in…
85. miracles: maybe ?
86. love at first sight: not even a little bit
87. santa claus:
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i don’t see why not
89. angels: maybe ?
90. current best friends name: sister n em n kat n cass n jords n val :3
91. eye color: grey ish
92. favorite movie: the proposal was my favorite movie for so long;;; i liked moonlight a lot too go see it
random questions
dude i fucking forgot abt this one i thought i was done fuck (why is this font so tiny)
relationship status: single for 19 years bishhhhhhhh favorite color: grey!! but i’ve been feelin orange lately hmmmm lipstick or chapstick: i like tinted lip balm:) but i even use vaseline sometimes try it okay it makes yo lips so soft last song you listened to: well i already said so i’ll do what’s stuck in my head rn: coffee by bts (it’s so good i get such calming vibes from it) last movie you watched: BABY DRIVER it was so ffffff good 100/10 would rec~ the car chases were so cool dude also ansel elgort is such a cutie top 3 characters: i’ll as april ludgate from parks n rec (are you happy jords), celaena from throne of glass, ndddd risa koizumi from lovcom:) top 3 ships: jejun ! soonwoo ! MARKHYUCK(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ books you are currently reading: rnnnn i’m STILL reading heir of fire (don’t worry cass i will finish it in time) top 5 musicals: mulan is endlessly iconic okay, hsm, phantom of the opera, the sound of music nd mama mia !
eight things
last movie watched: baby driver hoo hoo last song listened to: me gustas tu bitchhhhh last book read: Crown of Midnight still oops sorry cass i’m so damn slow these days  last thing eaten: fig newtons (buy newton by monsta x on itunes) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: wherever @atshinee​ is because i want to support her for her test but i know i would probably just distract her:(((((( a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: probably dorian from throne of glass bc he just seems like such a lovable dork i want to give him a big ole hug he needs it  what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: i used to be obsessed w the series Gregor the Overlander as a kid and i’d really want to spend a day there that would be so awesome esp the one where they travel through the one rainforest jungle… but also Harry Potter bc i rlly want to go to hogwarts and just;;; look around? it’s so pretty and i want to see all the paintings and staircases and the people it’d be great last video game played: i’ve never rlly played video games… i used to play the sims does that count rip
well it’s finally frickin done i doubt anyone bared w me for this trainwreck…….. i’m so tired now will i even do more of these today jk i gotta i am so behind but no selfie tags i look trash
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simsstuffmarie · 7 years
100 Questions To Invade My Personal Life
I haven’t been tagged by anyone but I just thought I’d give it a go as I’m bored! Found this on @angelisims Simblr 😁
1. What's your middle name, and do you like it? My middle name is Marie and I do quite like it actually...it's pretty common lol
2. Are you artistic? Yeah I love doodling and just drawing random things occasionally
3. Have you had your first kiss? Duhhhhhh! I have a boyfriend!
4. What is your life goal? To be successful in my personal goals
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person? I met Princess Diana when I was little, and a few years ago when I was doing my family tree I found out that my 5th cousin is Michael Douglas lol
6. Do you play any sports? Only if sleeping is classed as a sport?!?!
7. What's your worst fear? Being unhappy and unsuccessful....oh and spiders and heights
8. Who's your biggest inspiration? Myself....never aspire to be anybody else because it will never make you happy
9. Do you have any cool talents? Not really....I can fit my fist in my mouth! Does that count?
10. are you a morning person? HELL NO!!!
11. How do you feel about pet names? Me and Will have them....so I don’t really care. I never really call people by their proper names anyway 12. Do you like to read? Yes. But I rarely get time to sit down with a good book without being interrupted by someone 13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. Grey's Anatomy - I’ve loved that show since episode one Band Of Brothers/ The Pacific - Just amazing True Blood - Yeassss Vampire Diaries - Ermmmmm....is their one member of that cast who isn’t hot?!
14. Do you care about your follower count?
I’m not overly obsessed with it, but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I see I’ve got a new follower (love you all btw!!)
15. What's the best dream you've had?
I can’t really remember my dreams
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
I always kiss my girlfriends....not in a passionate way, just a little peck! Especially when we’ve been out for the night haha
17. Do you have any pets?
Not personally, but I treat my boyfriends' dog like he is mine
18. Are you religious?
19. Are you a people person?
I get a bit anxious and stressed out/ short tempered if there is a lot of people around in large crowds
20. Are you considered popular?
I don't think so..............
21. What is one of your bad habits?
22. What's something that makes you feel vulnerable
Being around people who “look better” and are in better physical shape than me
23. What would you name your children?
Girl - Raynor Boy - Finn
24. Who's your celebrity crush?
Tom Hardy, Kellan Lutz, Charlie Hunnam, Shemar Moore, Jamie Dornan, Henry Cavill, Tyson Beckford.....I could actually go on forever!! 
25. What's your best subject?
Human Biology, physiology and anatomy
26. Dogs or cats?
27. Most-used social media besides Tumblr?
28. Best friends name
Vikki, Hayley and Nikki
29. Who does your main family consist of?
Me, my mum and my older brother
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. Have you ever been on a date?
32. Do you like rollercoasters?
Only if they have over-the-head supports....not just the lap bars
33. Can you swim?
Yes, but not very well
34. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse?
My boyfriend and me actually always have this discussion and have it all worked out! There's an old prison near where we live and an abandoned army base just up the hill - and the town centre is only 10min walk away! Perfect!
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder
Anxiety - increasing at the moment.
36. Are your parents together?
Nope - divorced when I was really little
37. What's your favourite colour?
Any warm colour
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
39. Favourite singer?
P!NK, Adele, James Arthur
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
41. Do you like dresses?
Yeah, as long as it isn't too tight
42. Favourite song right now?
Thunder - Imagine Dragons Skin - Rag’n’Bone Man
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
No, if you’re old enough to do it, you should be mature enough to talk about it.
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
I was quite late starting. I was 15.
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
46. Have you ever done yoga?
47. Are you a horror girl?
I don’t mind them, but they can all be quite similar
48. Are you good at giving advice?
Great at giving it. Crap at taking it!
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
My dad used to be in the army and we lived several places. When we lived in Cyprus we used to visit the old ruins and amphitheatre and there were loads of lizards that used to hide in the cracks of the old buildings. I decided I wanted one of them to take home so I grabbed hold of its tail, but it was stuck and I kept pulling and pulling and eventually the tail actually came off of the lizard! Immediately I started crying.
One Christmas 9also when we lived in Cyprus actually) I wanted snow on the Christmas tree, but we didn't have fake snow, so I decided to use my mum's expensive face cream and smothered the tree in cream. 
The same Christmas, me and my brother woke up before my mum and dad and decided to “sneak” into the front room to open the presents. When we got to the front room door, the handle had been taken off the door and closed, so we decided to go around the back door, which was also locked. Then tried looking through the windows but they had put bin bags all over the windows and drawn the curtains. We went back in and decided to sit my the front room door until they woke up, but we fell asleep and they found us asleep by the door on the floor.
50. How are you doing today?
Yeah, I’m OK. Thanks for asking
51. Were you a cute kid?
Newborn - yea I think I was Toddler - I was cheeky Child - Scrawny Teen - awkward
52. Can you dance?
When I’ve had a drink
53. Is there anything you do that you can't remember ever not doing?
Breathing? Eating? Drinking?
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yeah quite a few times actually, just not for a long long time now
55. What colour are your eyes?
They change depending on my mood - green/blue/hazel/grey
56. What's your favourite animal?
Hedgehogs - I want one
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
All the time!!!
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
My mum and I are close (even though she annoys the hell out of me) But me and my dad not really because he left when I was young. We still always saw him, but it sometimes feels like I don't know him properly...IDK....
59. Do you have good friends?
The most amazing friends....
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
I know loads of different people...I don’t really label anyone. If you’re decent to me then I’m cool with you...
61. What's your favourite class?
I don’t really have class at university....
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
Love Island, Big Brother, OITNB, Sons Of Anarchy, Prison Break, Benidorm, Grey’s Anatomy
63. Are you organised?
I try to be
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
Split....it was actually quite good
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
I have no clue
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
Travelling the world
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
Nothing....because every decision I made before has made me who I am now
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
I don’t care if nobody judges me
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
My bed
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
I got off my arse and got myself into university
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Everything! Nurse, Air Hostess, Vet, Super Model, Ballerina, Solider, Farmer, Roman, Pop Star, Barbie, Nightclub Owner, Architect, Interior Designer..... 
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
Nothing...because real friends and family support you no matter what.
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
That's really personal and I don’t wanna talk about it.....sorry.....
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
Finish my degree, get a job, buy my own house, get married and have children
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
Seeing new things, trying new food, living!
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
Same as above - maybe invest half of it and buy a new house and treats for my closest
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
Future - there is no point in trying to change the past as it got you to the place you are now....Live and Learn
85. What motivates you to succeed?
My family, friends and boyfriend
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
It was an awful nightmare - about my brother and mum being murdered in front of me
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
The woods - because it's peaceful
88. Do you believe in life after death
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
They all thought I’d fail. Love proving people wrong. It makes me fight for everything
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Living in Cyprus
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
My Grandad - I miss the old grumps
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
Some of these really beautiful videos about people helping in the time of need, really romantic marriage proposals, and probably my first ultrasound scan if I was pregnant
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
You need to make a decision for yourself. Never be pressurised into it. It may be a tough one to start with and it will probably make you cry for years and years to come. But somewhere it was the right decision for you. 
94. What do you think happens after we die?
Life carries on....
95. What would you do if you could be invisible?
Sneak into loads of celebrities houses because I’m nosey
96. What's something you can't do no matter how hard you try?
Roll my tongue and roll my R’s
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
Nope - they'd be perfect no matter what
98. How did your first crush develop?
Not very well lol
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
Anxiousness and regret
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
At the moment I just exist - but I’m trying to live
I’d like to nominate people, but it is actually really long, and took me forever to do. So if you fancy doing it, just tag me because I’d love to read them all.
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fanofafan2ff · 7 years
48: Big Daddy
Tumblr media
“Baby, stop moving.” I grumbled. A nigga was trying to sleep and kept trying to wiggle out of my hold. “Chris, I have to pee.” She whined trying to pry my hands from around her waist.  I kissed my teeth and released her reluctantly. She hopped out of the bed quickly and scrambled to the bathroom. I chuckled as I watched her push the door closed. 
I looked over at the alarm clock on my night table, 10:30 am. I was surprised Christian hadn’t busted into our room yet. He normally woke up around 9, 9:30 on Saturdays. Our room was his first destination. I hopped up and headed to his room to check on him. 
Sure enough, he was sprawled out in his bed, knocked out. His arm behind his head, just like me. Our trip to Disney yesterday was a success, so it was no surprise to see him like this. My mama, my sister, Tasha, and the crew got to the park around 12 and we didn’t leave until closing. 
Christian rode all the rides he wanted to, ate all the candy he wanted to, and overall had a great time. All of us did. Madi and Lytrell were the only two that stayed behind most of the time. Madison hated roller coasters and there was no way she was about to get on, and my sister- well, that was self explanatory. It was great to be around my family and friends after being away for so long, for real. 
Four weeks. That’s how long they had me sitting in that bland ass, cold ass jail cell. How the fuck do people spend years at a time, locked up in there, without going crazy? I didn’t know, because for the short time I was there, it felt like I was going crazy. There was nothing to do, other than stare at the dirty, beige walls, rattled with graffiti. Motherfuckers were bound to go crazy in here.
Being on probation was no joke. Whenever you fucked up, the consequences were major. So, when Mark popped up at my house that day, telling me about my warrant, no lie, I was shook. I knew for sure I was going to jail. The only thing that popped in my mind was leaving my family. I’d miss Christian growing up, Madi and I would grow apart, and my mama... man. I didn’t even wanna think about it.Thankfully, he had a plan. He advised me to turn myself in, and we’d go from there.
After I turned myself in, hours later, I had my bail hearing. I had to be the world’s unluckiest man, because of course I had to get stuck with the judge that hated my guts. Judge McHale. We’d seen each other before. That nigga hated my guts. So, I wasn’t too surprised that he denied my bail. I expected it. I wasn’t going nowhere.
I sat in my cell for almost 20 hours a day. I only moved to shower, work out, and call my family. My day started at 6:00 am. I brushed my teeth and thirty minutes later was breakfast. After I ate, I was back in my cell until lunch. After lunch I’d go out side for a little bit, then back indoor. Dinner, and then a shower, then it was lights out. That was my routine for these four weeks. Nothing more, nothing less. I read here and there, wrote, that was the only way I was keeping my sanity.
The day they told me I was being released, I couldn’t move fast enough. I had to get the fuck out of there. Darius bitch ass dropped the charges just as this shit was supposed to go to court.
Mark explained to me that although I did beat his ass, this whole thing turned over on him. He waltzed his ass in an event that was hosted by me, knowing I’d be there, and was antagonizing my girlfriend, who has a restraining order out on him. See where I’m going with this? Even if we did go to court and fight this thing out, he either might end up paying fines, with money he doesn’t have, and/or get a misdemeanor charge with jail time for violating the restraining order. Karma was a bitch though, and he was gonna get his.
I looked over at Christian again before heading back to our room. Madi still wasn’t back in the bed, but I climbed in anyway. “Baby.” I called out for her. Instead of responding, she swung the door open and walked out. “What?” “What? That’s how you answer your man?” I smirked. 
She rolled her eyes and slipped back into the bed. “My bad. Yes massa Chrissypha. What can I’s do fa ya suh?” The look I shot her made her laugh. She drew closer to me and threw her arm over my chest and her legs over mine as she continued laughing. I let my hands wash over her lower back and ass. 
“You swear you funny.” I mumbled. “I am funny.” She retorted. “You corny.” “Chris! If anybody’s corny it’s you!” She giggled. I fanned her off and turned on the TV. “Is everybody still sleeping?” She asked. “I think so, I just checked on Christian and he was still knocked.” I replied flipping the channels. 
I settled on a reruns of Martin and put my hands behind my head. “Baby.” Madison called from below me. “Huh?” I answered with my eyes still glued to the television. I knew she was speaking, but for whatever reason, I could only focus on Martin clowning Pam for the millionth time. When I chuckled, she sat up and gave me the stank eye. 
“Christopher, are you listening to me?” She asked. “Yeah, baby I’m listening.” I lied. “What’d I say then?” She crossed her arms over her breasts. “Uh...” I started. “Something about Christian’s school right?” “No! I said, we need to get new furniture for Christian’s room.” 
“For what?” I asked finally paying attention to the conversation. “We just bought all this shit not too long ago.” She had a field day in that furniture store when we bought this house and decorated his room. Shit, she put a dent in our account decorating this big ass house. 
“He needs a new bed. That race car bed is already too small. Plus, I wanna get a few other things for the house. Like, the second guest room could use an armchair and an ottoman.” She said pushing her hair out of her face. “Why I feel like you gonna drag me around to do this shit with you?” “That’s cause I ammmm!” She giggled. 
She got on her hands and knees and leaned over to peck me quickly. “You don’t have a choice either. I want us to make a decision together.” I sighed, “Alright. But, come here.” I gripped the bottom of her tee shirt. “Uh uh, lover boy..” She pulled away from me and rolled over on her side of the bed. 
I kissed my teeth but still managed to pull her back to me while she laughed. “Chris, our whole family is in the house.” She reminded me while I feasted on her neck. “Everybody sleep.” I grumbled. I moved my lips from her neck to her lips, carefully slipping off her shorts.
Before I could get some shit going, there was a knock at the door. I let out a frustrated groan and threw myself back against my pillows. A nigga couldn’t catch a break. Madi only laughed and pulled her shorts back on. She pulled the covers over us and told whoever was at the door to come in. 
My cock-blocking ass sister waltzed in, with a sly look on her face. “I’m not interrupting nothing, am I?” She asked as she crept in the room slowly. “Hell yea-” “No. What’s up Ly?” Madi cut me off. I kissed my teeth and shot her a look that only made her laugh. 
“I was gonna make breakfast, but y’all ran out of eggs. Soooo.... brother can you take me to the store, please?” She smiled. I groaned but got up nonetheless. “Let me brush my teeth.” I shoved the covers away from me before heading towards the bathroom. I peeped when my sister made her way into my spot, making herself comfortable with my wifey. 
I shook my head and shut the door. I took a piss, brushed my teeth and washed my face before reemerging from the bathroom and sauntering into the closet. I picked up some sweats and pulled on a white tee, and the first pair of sneakers I saw. 
“Come on.” I yawned picking up my wallet. “No type of manners. I’m telling mommy so she can get you together.” She rolled her eyes before climbing out the bed. “I’ll be back wifey.” She let Madi know. “Okay bae.” Madison played along. “Y’all annoying.” I muttered. 
“Okay, I need eggs, pancake mix, some sausage- remind me to get the maple syrup ones too, Chris. Um, what else?” She asked as she waddled next to the cart. “Pickles! I knew I was forgetting something.” She jotted it down on her phone as we finally made our way through the entrance. 
“Yo, what is with pregnant women and pickles?” I questioned. “I don’t even know honestly. I real life hated them, but now they so good! Especially with peanut butter.” She basically moaned. I gave her the nastiest side eye. “Peanut butter? That’s nasty as fuck man.” I shook my head in disagreement. “But have you tried it?” “That’s not the point. It’s two different-” “But have you tried it?” She repeated her question. “You got it.” I laughed. I wasn’t even about to argue with her ass today. 
“Madi used to eat them shits with marshmallow fluff.” I laughed as I reached for some eggs. “That sounds so good!” She moaned again. “We gotta get some marshmallow fluff too then.” She made sure to ad that to her list on her phone. I just shook my head at her. 
We made sure to get everything we both needed before heading to check out. I paid for everything and we were on our way back home. “Let me ask you a question, sis.” I spat out randomly. Well, it probably seemed random to her. But, this was something I been meaning to ask her for a minute. “Shoot, little big bro.” She said removing her eyes from her phone. 
“You and Madi cool right? Like you love her right?” “Chris, what kind of question is that?” She laughed. “I love Madi like the sister I wish I had. That’s my baby for life.” “Alright, cool.” I nodded. “I need a favor then.” I said turning the corner. “Anything.” She retorted. “I need you to help me pick out an engagement ring.” 
The screech she let out was so damn ugly, I had to laugh. “What?! Are you serious?! Oh my Godddddd! Baby brotherrrrr!” She sang. “Chill out.” I chuckled. “Oh my God! Oh my God! Finally!” She grinned. She kept clapping and cheesing like she ain’t have no damn sense. “Finally! I knew she was the one! I knew it! I knew I loved my sister for a reason. Now we about to be sisters for real! Won’t he do it?” She continued to clap her hands. 
“Ly, chill.” I continued to laugh. “Sorry, I’m just in shock. I can’t believe it. Are you sure you’re ready?” “I never been so sure about anything in my life.” I was being honest. Madison had my heart from the moment we met. And it may be corny to say but, I knew I’d marry her from the day we met. She was literally my better half. She completed me in every way possible. She gave me the world with her love and all that was left was to give her my last name. 
“So why didn’t you ask one of her bestfriends? Trust me, I’m coming with you but, don’t you think they know her better than I do?” “I trust you big head. Not saying I don’t trust them. But, I just want this to be a surprise to everybody. Plus they all got they own thing going on right now.” I admitted. If I have to ask one of them, if push comes to shove, it would be Kaya since she was the closest to Madison. 
“Okay, so when are you trying to propose? How are you gonna propose?” I sighed, “I don’t know.” I was thinking sometime soon while our parents were all together so they could all witness it. But with everybody leaving in a week, I feel like I would have to rush everything. I wanted everything to be perfect, so rushing things was out of the question. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure everything out.” My sister assured me. 
“Daddy, I have bacon?” Christian asked from my lap. We all were all in the back yard having breakfast. And glue couldn’t have my lil man sticking any closer to me. When I got back from the store and Ly started breakfast, I jogged upstairs and could hear the TV on in his floor. When I walked in he looked up and his eyes lit up. He been on me ever since. 
“Yeah buddy. Here you go.” I said breaking my last strip in half and handing it to him. He sat back against my chest and enjoyed his food, while I smiled. I couldn’t help it. The kid was cute. I looked around at everybody sitting at the table, chatting it up and laughing. I really was glad to be home. 
I looked over at Madi, my wife to be, and grinned. She was laughing at something my sister said, and the sun was hitting her just right. She had this glow about her. I made my mind up about this marriage shit, I was ready. I wanted to be with this girl for the rest of my life. 
After breakfast, everybody decided to chill in the living room. Laughing and chatting it up, Christian needed a bath, since he decided most of his clothes should have breakfast this morning too. “Look at my pumpkin!” Madi gushed as I towed a towel clad Christian into his room. “Daddy got you all nice and clean.” She tickled him. 
“Tell her cute is for puppies little man. You fine just like your daddy. Tell mommy you fine.” “I fine.” Christian grinned making the both of us laugh. “Your mom is taking the dogs to the dog park, she wants Christian to come.” “Aight.” I nodded and pulled up his pull ups. He was still getting the hang of the potty training thing. 
I zoned out for a minute getting Christian dressed and when I looked up, Madi was just staring at the both of us and grinning. “What?” I chuckled pulling out Christian’s tiny pair of Vans. My little man was fresh. “Y’all are just so cute. You’re the best daddy ever.” She smiled. “Mommy right little man? I’m the best daddy ever?” Christian nodded while I tied his shoes. 
“And who’s the best mommy ever?” I asked him. “Mommy!” He grinned. Little dude was smart. “Thank you, pumpkin.” She took a seat on the floor next to me. “You love being a daddy?” She asked me. “Hell yeah,” I chuckled. “What kind of question is that?” “I’m just asking.” She shrugged. 
She started fidgeting and I knew she was nervous. “What’s going on baby mama?” I let Christian go and he immediately went for his blocks in the corner. She looked up from the floor and she looked like she was ready to cry. “Babe, what happened?” She was starting to scare a nigga. 
“I wanted to tell you when you were... away. But, I was so scared, an-and I didn’t want anything to happen and then you would have to deal with-” She sniffled. “Babe, what’s going on?” I asked again. She took a deep breath and looked me in my eyes. “I’m pregnant.” 
“What?” “9 weeks.” “What?” “I’m pregnant.” She repeated. I don’t know why, but it took a second to hit me. Pregnant. “You serious?” She nodded. “9 weeks?” She nodded again. “And.. everything alright? Like not like last time right?” I asked. “So far, everything is good. I’ve been to the OBYGN every week since I found out just to be safe.” I pulled her into a hug. 
“Thank you God.” I muttered. “I know you scared baby, but I got you. Don’t worry about anything. Our baby is gonna be alright.” 
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