#but yeah I’ve always vibed with furries
brooklynisher · 4 months
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Initial sketches
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chiropter36 · 27 days
Uuuurgh okay so I’m working on a follow-up to “three or more foxes form a skulk” and it’s slow-going but it IS going… and then a few nights ago as I’m laying in bed, an entire freakin’ scene forms in my head, and it’s NOT a part of what I’m working on and CAN’T be because it involves both Nine and Knucks being at a point character-development-wise that they won’t be at until AFTER that… but the scene won’t get out of my head so I’ve decided to write down a bare-bones version and hopefully this’ll satisfy my brain and I can get back to the fic I’ve actually committed to finishing.
So yada yada sometime after “three or more foxes”, something something the chaos council returns/some other threat happens, something something Nine and Knucks get split off from the others and have to take shelter somewhere, they’re out of immediate danger but are going to have to stay put for a while, whatever structure they’re hiding in gives a view of the night sky, blah blah they’ve settled in and taken care of all the practical stuff and are now sitting in half-awkward half-comfortable silence, ’cause like they’re basically friends by this point but obviously haven’t done anything silly like say that to the other’s face, then…
Knucks, staring at the night sky: “Y’know, there was a time I doubted I’d ever get to see the stars again.”
Nine is surprised and not sure how/if to respond to that, so just quietly listens as Knucks continues talking, in a tone like he’s only half-aware he’s speaking out loud, reminiscing about how his mother used to tell him old echidna stories about warriors and adventurers and beasts that were immortalized in the stars; and how even after she died when he was still young, he kept the habit most nights of picking out all the constellations she had shown him and reciting her stories in his head.
He’s quiet for a bit after this, and the Nine of only a few months previous would have easily just left it at that, but now surprises himself when he suddenly finds himself whispering:
Nine: “’Least you knew yours.”
Knucks starts, as though just remembering Nine was there, and frowns. Even though Nine has become MUCH more open with him and Rebel and the others in the months since their return to the city, it’s still very unlike him to volunteer information about his past unprompted, and this is uncharted territory for both of them.
Nine doesn’t elaborate, so after a moment Knucks tentatively decides to test the waters.
Knucks: “You ever… have anyone else? A dad, or grandparent or somethin’?”
Silence, then a single quick headshake, the minimal amount of movement to convey the answer. No elaboration seems forthcoming, and Knucks assumes the conversation is over, but then a quiet sigh reaches his ears, and:
Nine: “All I know is at least one of them was around long enough to give me a name – which I don’t use anymore, so don’t ask – then at some point left me at a group home and never came back.”
Slight pause, then he continues:
Nine: “I assume it was ‘cause of... well, the obvious…” – he parts his mechanical tails and gives the two furry ones a little wave – “But I don’t actually know for sure. The caretakers always got annoyed at me when I asked about them. Well, when I asked questions in general, but they seemed to get especially snippy on that subject. Probably mad that my parents saddled them with me, whatever their reasons. Anyway, I learned pretty quick to stop caring.”
He shrugs, trying to affect an unconcerned vibe.
Another stretch of silence as Knucks digests this information. Before he can figure out a response, Nine speaks up again:
Nine: “So… did you have a dad around? You mentioned your mom, but…”
So Knucks thinks, well, apparently we’re doing this now, and tells him that yeah, he has some memories of his father, playing with him as a puggle or smiling down at him in his mother’s pouch… but the pleasant memories are few and too soon he reaches the point where he either stops talking or delves into why all this is in past tense.
For some reason, he feels like he has to push forward in this right now.
Knucks: “I was about four or so… some bandit crew attacked the village we were stayin’ at. Pop went out to fight ’em, but they were apparently pretty tough an’ outnumbered him, so Ma left me with some friends and went to help. In the end, they fought ’em off an’ saved the village, but… Ma was the only one who came back.
“An’ she didn’t get out unscathed. One of the bandits was a platypus, see, an’ during the fight he got her with his spurs. Didn’t kill her – there were some other platypuses in the village who had some antivenom on hand – but… it did some lasting damage. So a year or so later, when she got sick...”
A brief glance at Nine tells him he doesn’t have to finish.
Another stretch of silence. Then, Nine’s voice, barely a whisper:
Nine: “Sorry.”
Knucks stares for a moment at the fox kid he once saw as nothing more than a villain to be taken down. He looks back up at the stars, his reply gruff but just as quiet.
Knucks: “Is what it is.”
Knucks: “But for the record… same.”
Nine stares for a moment at the echidna he once saw as nothing but an aggravating foe trying to stop him from making his perfect world.
He mulls things over for another stretch of silence.
Nine: “So, I only really know about constellations in concept… What are some of them? The ones your mom told you.”
Knucks: *quiet, sad sigh* “That’s the thing… I don’t remember ’em anymore.”
He goes on to explain that when he and Rebel were trying to get the rebellion off the ground, he’d used to look up at the ceiling of whatever place they were hiding out in that night, and imagine the night sky and try to keep doing what he’d always done, pick out the constellations and tell himself his mother’s stories… but the day to day grind of life under the Chaos Council’s regime got harder, and he had more important responsibilities than making sure he kept up a childhood habit…
Knucks: “Didn’t even realize I’d fallen outta the habit, until the skies finally cleared up – thanks to your tech an’ all – and I looked up, and… I still couldn’t see any of ’em.”
And he’s sad, but also apparently just resigned to the notion that the last of his people’s stories have been lost forever because he couldn’t keep them in his head. The conversation appears to end on that depressing note…
Nine: “I think I… kinda see some kind of warrior-type figure there?” He points at a group of stars. “See, those four stars in a line, could kind of be a sword, then… I mean, if we’re being extremely generous, that cluster there could be a person wielding it or something…”
And Nine’s fumbling but genuine attempts to invent new constellations brings a small smile to Knucks’s face, and he starts joining in, and lightheartedly ribbing Nine’s ideas which gets him snarking back, and shooting ideas back and forth for stories behind the new constellations, and the scene ends with Nine sleeping comfortably with a slight smile on his face, as Knucks keeps watch, looking up at the stars with a less somber feeling in his heart than had been there since the sky had cleared.
Okay that’s all I got. Go, plot bunny, be free! I love you but I just need you to leave me alone for a bit.
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bucketsofmonsters · 2 years
You can totally ignore this if you don’t have time or energy to do this but may I ask for a little dabble with subject 251 involving the reader being cold and wanting to cuddle? Just absorbing his body heat and savoring the quiet time with him? The season of autumn has came with its cold wind and I wasn’t prepared for it at all 😭💔 again you don’t have to do this, I just thought it’d be a cute thing to read about :) have a good day! ❤️
Sorry it took me so long to respond cupid, everything’s been crazy this week, I hope you like it!! And thank you so much for the ask <3
(also I saw you’ve been feeling sick so I hope you get well soon! I’m sending good vibes your way)
It wasn’t abnormal for him to be gone when you came home. He didn’t exactly keep a clock on him and you didn’t expect him to keep himself cooped up inside, waiting for you to arrive. Still, every time you came home to an empty house you could help the pang of worry that ran through you. 
You pushed it down as best you could, telling yourself he’d be back soon. Normally, his sixth sense that you didn’t quite understand had him home pretty quickly after you got there. 
You did your best to settle in and wait, you really did. In the end, you didn’t sit there for nearly as long as you should have before you were grabbing your coat and heading out into the woods.
You ventured outside, set on finding him. Or maybe he’d find you, whatever got the two of you back together the fastest. You just wanted to get rid of the worry in your chest that had settled there when he hadn’t come running. 
You couldn't help but feel silly as you looked. You didn’t need him to be back the second you got home, you just needed a sign, any indication that he’d just lost track of time instead of the alternative. You couldn’t help but scan the ground for any signs of a struggle, the worst case scenario plaguing you incessantly. 
You hadn’t quite mastered the art of being separated yet, still too afraid he’d be snatched away from you. 
The newly fallen leaves crunched under your feet as you walked. You could just barely see your warm breath fogging up the air in front of your face, the dark of the night mostly hiding it away from you. 
As the cold autumn air gave you goosebumps you realized that you should’ve brought warmer clothes but it was too late for that now. It got colder here in your new home that you were used to and you felt woefully prepared, unlike your lovely mate. Right now you’d kill to have that warm coat of fur, or even just to be able to feel his. 
The neverending noise of leaves and stick crackling as you walked became like white noise after a while. 
You had no idea how your mate didn’t trigger the same crunching noises underfoot but somehow, with no warning whatsoever, you were being swept off of the ground and pulled into a warm, furry chest.
You couldn’t help but let out a little shriek of surprise as the ground was pulled from under you.
“Holy shit, you scared me!” Your heart started to slow and your adrenaline subside as you settled into his familiar arms. 
“You weren’t home, I tracked you here.” You knew you should have waited longer, that he’d return. You imagined it probably was disorienting to him too, returning to a home that smelled of you while you were nowhere to be found. 
“Yeah, well you weren’t home either, I was looking for you too,” you justified quietly. 
“Is that what you were doing?” You could hear him fighting back laugher at your poor attempt to track him. 
“It’s not my fault I'm bad at it, I’ve never learned how,” you responded defensively.
“You don’t need to learn, I’ll always find you.”
Part of you wanted to protest and tell him that you wanted to be able to find him too but that was a proposal for another time, for now you were content to just be found. 
“I can walk, you know,” you added without much force behind it, enjoying the closeness him carrying you provided. 
“It’s too cold,” he said, pulling you even further into him, surrounding you in his arms as he took you home. “You’ll get sick if you keep wandering around at night like this.”
“I’m fine,” you objected, despite the fact that as the adrenaline faded away you realized that you could barely feel your fingers and toes any longer. 
He didn’t fight you on it but he didn’t put you down either, keeping you close to him even when your home was in sight. 
As soon as he pulled you back inside and let go of you, you collapsed into his nest of pillows on the floor with a sigh. 
You watched him move towards the stack of blankets you’d accrued over the past few months and a little whine escaped you. 
“Just c’mere,” you pleaded, reaching out towards him, arms open. 
You had half a mind to try and convince him to lay on top of you, convinced that the weight would be comforting, but in what was perhaps a wiser decision he picked you up and pulled you on top of him.
It wasn’t just wanting to be close to him that motivated you, although you couldn’t deny that was part of it. It was much easier to warm up this way than with your piles and piles of blankets.
It wasn’t just the fur, he ran far hotter than you did. He was like your own personal heated blanket with the added benefit of him being the love of your life. Two in one. 
You were happy for the contact, cuddling even further into him and burying your face in his chest, his body heat a comforting reminder of his presence. You’d never get tired of this, of being able to be close to him and to touch him, treasuring every night you were able to fall asleep on top of him. 
“You scared me,” you muttered into his fur. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that," he conceded.
You yawned as you felt his heart beating steadily next to your ear. “No, not that. You weren’t home, I was worried I lost you.”
“Nothing’s getting to me, you don’t need to worry.”
You were aware of that. You knew full well exactly how strong and menacing he was. “I know, I can’t help it.”
The tips of his claws ghosted over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. “I won’t be late again.”
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tailsrevane · 2 years
my favorite queer relationships in media
this was another patreon-exclusive post that i'm posting here now because i'm not on patreon anymore. this one was a belated pride month post from july of 2022 where i listed my favorite queer relationships in media. i would probably list some of these in a different order today, but i'm just gonna share the post in its original form. enjoy!
what up, gay nerds!
today i’ll be talking about my favorite queer relationships in media. we’re talking couples, we’re talking throuples, we’re talking polycules, and we’re also talking non-romantic queer chosen family. this is obviously a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart, so i’m super excited to talk about it!
also, because of the relative dearth of queer relationships in mainstream media, i’m also going to talk about characters i ship. this will be in a separate section, though, so let’s start with the main event.
my favorite canon queer relationships
14. piper/alex (orange is the new black)
i’ve only seen the first few seasons, but yeah, at the time having actual gay relationships on a tv show i was watching was such a blessed relief.
there’s a line early in i think season 2? where piper and alex are being all domestic together and piper says, “this is so nice, and so gay!” and it more or less sums how i felt about the whole thing.
13. david/keith (six feet under)
six feet under is a very slice of life show, and the romantic relationships it depicts are accordingly presented with an aching realism. david and keith have their issues but they deal with them responsibly, engaging in couples counseling and doing their best to get better.
it’s a very healthy portrayal and it doesn’t seem like the show is going for brownie points or anything, they’re both just valued characters whose stories the show wanted to tell.
12. lady tohru/kobayashi (miss kobayashi’s dragon maid)
this would be higher, but tohru and kobayashi have never really been the main draw for me? i’m hella into the family vibes between the two of them and their adopted child kanna. kanna is just a gloriously adorable child and she’s so sweet and her family is so good and argh. feelings!
the show (and presumably the manga it’s based on) is so well-written, though. they always put kobayashi in a position to just be the sweetest butch mom and it’s so freaking good.
11. violet/allie (her story)
this was rather by the numbers, i get it, but seeing a trans girl in a healthy lesbian relationship helping escape from her abusive boyfriend was super life-affirming to me for… reasons.
actually, just seeing another trans person on screen was so what i needed at that exact moment in time, it actually helped light a fire under me to get started on hrt.
10. ivanova/talia (babylon 5)
literally the only thing holding this back from being higher on the list is that thanks to 90s homophobia it had to be largely implied, and that it ended tragically.
in her last appearance on the show, talia slept with ivanova, and in a later episode when everyone on the crew has to tell a deep, personal secret ivanova says that she loved talia. so it’s more than you might expect given the limits it had to work within. and ivanova is my favorite character on the whole show and always has been, so yeah, this meant a lot to me.
9. nomi/amanita (sense8)
the joy of seeing actual transgender people on screen in a mainstream streaming series directed by two trans people is matched only by the joy of that trans character getting absolutely railed by the best/prettiest doctor who companion with a strap-on in her first scene. fuck yeah.
and then their whole first arc is about nomi’s bodily autonomy being threatened and amanita coming to her rescue and she rescues her in the most emotionally satisfying scene ever and oh my gosh you guys it’s so good.
8. dev/lee (out of position) & volle/xiller (argaea)
at my first furry convention i discovered that there was a thriving small industry publishing specifically furry books. we’re not talking zines here (though those are also awesome in their own right), we’re talking novels, anthologies, short story collections, etc.
at the time i was still hella into sports, so i was immediately drawn to one that had a buff tiger in a football uniform hoisting a fox femboy onto his shoulder with one arm. ironically at the time i was a tiger (though certainly not the dumb jock musclegod dev is), and today i’m a fox femboy? funny how things work out.
anyway, turns out the author of that book is one of the most prolific (and definitely the most popular) furry writers, and i actually liked his argaea series even better than the football nerd one. argaea is set in a fanciful renaissance-ish world and full of palace intrigue and mystery and kidnappings and whatnot. very fun stuff there.
7. baz/simon (simon snow)
there’s been a harry potter-shaped hole in my heart for years now, so when i heard about this series i was immediately in.
the way magic works in this certainly doesn’t really square with how i think about it, but it’s definitely a creative approach. and i super approve of how these books handle the enemies-to-lovers romance of the two dumb gay boys, as well as how it depicts one of them having crippling depression and how they navigate the relationship difficulties this often results in. extremely good stuff here.
(also i’m almost done with the last book and i’m pretty sure there’s a couple of useless lesbians happening!!! exciting!!! there’s also one het couple in the last book if you’re into that kinda thing.)
6. galo/lio (promare)
what if we were a dumbass himbo and a powerful femboy and did an enemies to lovers thing to become an incredible anime power couple and just kicked all of the ass. all of it. what if that?
5. harley quinn/poison ivy (dc comics)
honestly the only reason this isn’t higher on the list is because i’ve seen very little of their actually in a relationship stuff, and that’s a me problem that i really need to fix asap. but i’ve shipped them forever, basically ever since that animated series episode. you know the one. so when i heard they were canon i squeed so loudly.
4. luz/amity (the owl house)
the owl house feels like it was made specifically for me. this show also saw the harry potter-shaped hole in my life and came along and was like “okay but what if we made something drastically better and more imaginative instead and also basically everyone was gay?” and uh, yeah! obviously!!
so obviously it’s being canceled because some dumbass homophobic executive had a problem with it and omfg disney is the fucking worst. can they please just stop.
but yeah i’m so glad kids get to grow up with stuff like this and she-ra and etc, but also i’m so glad i get to watch it too okay? witchy gay bullshit is entirely my jam.
but yeah amity and luz are the sweetest useless lesbians and i love how flustered they get around each other despite having no problem having badass magic fights and just ugh they’re so good i love them so much.
i also want to give a shout-out to lesbian wine aunt eda and her ex-enbyfriend/hopefully-soon-to-be-ex-ex-enbyfriend raine, i’m really rooting for them!!!
3. adora/catra (she-ra)
no big deal just the main hero and main villain of a science fantasy swashbuckling magical girls show who swordfight like literally all the time and are super blatantly gay for each other the whole time and have emotional turmoil over each other and constantly try to assert their dominance over each other.
also there’s a prom scene in the first season where the villain shows up in a messy tux and dances with the hero girl while verbally needling her and dips her really low and it’s so gay and i’m so jealous because i want a villain like that to be all homoerotic with.
and then in the last season of the show catra finally switches sides and apologizes to adora and then adora comes and rescues her and she has this badass transformation scene and it’s one of my favorite scenes in television history and ugh i am so gay and in the last episode they kiss and confess their feelings for each other and fuck i love these two and this show.
there’s also another canon lesbian relationship between netossa and spinnerella, and the series creator said rogelio, kyle, and lonnie are a polycule! and they’re all such good boys and one of them is a really hot lizard boy and aaaaaaa.
2. basically every relationship (dragon moms)
so uh yeah one of my partners is an author and basically all of her characters are queer (with a few exceptions) and a lot of them are trans or nonbinary and i love her writing so much, if you have similar tastes to me you’ll probably like it too. everything is just very emotionally satisfying and character-driven and just… she’s the best, guys. i’d be a fan of her writing even if i weren’t dating her.
anyway her most popular and probably best work is dragon moms which she serialized online but also published as an ebook with extra content and it’s so good and so gay and yeah, she also has a lot of other short stories and stuff on her website and a few other ebooks available and i unreservedly recommend anything she’s written she’s so good.
1. star trek: discovery’s queer chosen family
i’ve gushed about them a bunch in my discovery reviews so there really shouldn’t be any surprise here, but yeah. when lieutenant stamets and dr. culber were shown as a couple in season 1 of discovery it belatedly fulfilled an almost 31-year-old promise by gene rodenberry. in season 3 of the show, they also introduced gray (a trans guy) and adira (an enby) and made them gay for each other on top of that, and i love them so much, i would die for them. and on top of that they all came together as a surrogate family with stamets and culber just being amazing surrogate space dads and jet reno popping in every now and then as their weird butch lesbian aunt and i am so, so glad i lived long enough to see star trek get this gay, guys!!
while i’m talking about star trek i do want to mention that i didn’t forget about seven and rafi, and i do love them, but i don’t love that them getting together basically happened off screen? like they get plenty of screentime in season 2 but that was in full figuring their shit out mode and idk i just don’t like that all we got for them becoming a couple was them holding hands at the end of season 1 like it feels like you skipped the whole romantic part of their relationship and that kinda sucks?
queer relationships i ship
(cw: some of these characters will have canon age gaps and/or are minors in some canons, just assume there's an element of au-ification here. cool? cool.)
14. finn/poe (star wars)
look i don’t care about star wars anymore but wow how could you not make these guys gay come on.
13. bella/alice (twilight)
again i don’t really care but especially in the movies alice is literally the only person that seems right for bella like seriously their relationship is so much better than her relationship with either of the two boys.
12. kota ibushi/kenny omega (professional wrestling)
to be super clear this is very much about their characters, not them as a people, i don’t ship real people that’s creepy.
their characters have this amazing wrestling love story and i just want it to be even more explicitly gay than it already is, but also it’s already kinda explicitly gay??? and that’s amazing.
11. femshep/jack (mass effect 2) & pc/kaliyo (star wars: the old republic)
this one is moreso about two times bioware queerbaited me, like i met both of these characters while playing female characters and was immediately like “wow okay they are totally lesbian doms like you can tell me they’re bi and i’ll believe you” but i was just so sure they had to be romanceable for my female characters and then i found out they weren’t? and in both cases i was just like, what the fuck guys, this is cultural appropriation.
10. riker/worf (star trek: the next generation)
this started out as a joke but i’m kind of firmly committed to it at this point. there is at least as much reason to think that riker and worf are hooking up on the regular as there is that riker and deanna are, and riker and deanna got married later sooooo…
9. georgiou/burnham (star trek: discovery)
i mean, burnham has more feelings about georgiou than she does about any of her actual on-screen romantic partners, whether it’s for her gentle mommy domme prime universe georgiou or her badass mean domme mirror universe georgiou.
8. dick grayson/jason todd (dc universe)
i literally wrote fanfiction about these two when i read nightwing: year one and jason kept bratting the fuck out of dick to the point where dick literally tied him up.
jason is a bratty power bottom and dick is a service top. i will not be accepting questions or feedback at this time.
7. garak/bashir (star trek: deep space nine)
i don’t even give a shit about bashir when he isn’t interacting with garak. he might as well be a non-character.
i fucking love garak he is such an amazing bratty dom. i love watching him play with his food (his food being bashir).
6. legolas/gimli/aragorn (lord of the rings)
it’s that thing where you take a very homosocial book and add expanded roles for some of its female characters to make it less homosocial but you change exactly nothing about how emotionally intimate the homosocial relationships are and y’know whoops they’re clearly gay now, we decided.
5. bruce/clark (dc universe)
how is this not canon? there is so much blatant textual support for it, holy shit, look at literally any interaction they’ve ever had with each other.
4. neo/trin (the matrix)
yeah they’re on-screen canon, i just mean i headcanon both of them as enbies. so like. they aren’t actually queer in their portrayal onscreen (but like, come on, this is the gayest “straight” couple ever), but they are in my headcanon? if that makes sense.
3. tim drake/jon kent (dc universe)
yeah, they both have boyfriends who aren’t each other, but tell me you didn’t immediately think about these two cute superhero boys kissing the second you heard they were both openly bi. i don’t believe you.
2. flick/cj (animal crossing)
i actually questioned whether to put this as a canon relationship considering that the game frequently seems to stop just short of saying it and i’m reasonably certain that the creative team considers them an item. but i’ll leave it under this section because they don’t just come right out and say it. 
1. sonic/tails/knuckles/shadow
i mean, this is a pretty obvious one right? i mean okay polycule shipping is pretty rare, but like, sontails is obviously correct and sonshad is obviously correct and sonknux is obviously correct and knuxtails is obviously correct and shadtails is obviously correct and i’ll grant you there isn’t as much on-screen evidence for knuxshads but still just put it all together and there you go. like i said. obvious.
please don’t ship sonamy it’s so creepy she’s literally a stalker it’s not okay. i mean do what you want but i’m judging you. my favorite interpretation of amy’s feelings btw is a comic i saw on twitter once where amy is coming out as a lesbian and she apologizes to sonic for being all weird and overcompensating by being over the top into him and he’s super understanding because he’s gay and he gets it and idk it just feels so real and good to me.
anyway, yeah! happy belated pride! i love gays and being gay.
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elvensorceress · 2 years
5, 17, 27, 29 :D
ILY! Thank you! 🤗💕 (AO3 Wrapped! Send me some numbers and I’ll post my answers!) 
5) What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Probably The Heart of a Man. My whole Orpheus/Eurydice series was never very popular, not many people read it, but I was really attached to the idea so I wrote it anyway? But I had quite a few people this time around tell me they loved the s4 Buck POV half of it. So that was surprising and very nice! :) 
17) Your favorite character to write this year?
Eddie in general is my favorite! But I also had a lot of fun writing Karen and Ramón. 
27) What do you listen to while writing?
My furry children screaming at me that they’re starving even though I fed them 10 minutes ago? 🤣 Which is not a planned thing but is what always happens. Sometimes I’ll put on some kind of rain or ocean sounds or something instrumental though. If I put on anything with lyrics, I’ll get distracted and want to sing with it. 
29) Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
ajsdklf This is a hard question. I am very partial to Eddie from The Definition of Love ( “All I know about the kind of love you’re asking about? Is you. Love, to me, is you.”) Because damn Eddie always has the best love confessions omg.
But I also liked writing all the mythological fantasy imagery in the Orpheus & Eurydice series. One of my favorite lines being ( Buck flinches, hit with divine lightning meant to divide and tear in half. ) for the moment Eddie gets shot because it’s an allusion to the Symposium and the Origin of Love story and I thought it was fitting for the epic love story I was going for in that one. 
But also?? There aren’t very many things I’ve written more fun than this part, from Eddie vs Feelings, drunk Eddie & Karen 🤣
“You had a girlfriend for two months or something, didn’t you?” Karen asks him suddenly. As if she’s just remembered. Her forehead gets crinkled and confused.
Eddie was crinkled and confused. His head is a little foggy but he’s pretty sure it was longer than two months. Far too long.
“I didn’t buy that. At all. Ask Hen. When she told me, I swore. Swore she was lying to me. I told her. You, Hen Wilson, are lying. To your wife,” Karen’s tone is the most affronted and she’s so funny. Eddie loves being her friend. He loves that she and Hen are married and happy. It’s nice that two women can be married to each other and happy together. “But then we stalked Annnn-esthesia? Anaemia. Analog? Anachronism! No, no Anathema’s social media. Just a little. We found pictures she posted of both of you. And what does Denny say? Bad vibes. Those aren’t the vibes.” She hums dissent and shakes her head. “I said, that? You and Anaphylaxis? That was all wrong. Didn’t buy it. Nope.”
“I…” He looks at her, and she is a very smart scientist. Rocket scientist. She does actual rocket science. Maybe she would know. She knows all the things. “Do you think I’m…” What’s the word? What’s his question? He has so many questions. “Do you think I’m like you? But with men? Do you think I should be kissing men?”
She giggles, sips her mostly empty glass, and then frowns hard at it when she finds it without wine. “Do you think you should? I didn’t like it. Men are bad kissers. I only kissed two. But they were bad. Teenage me didn’t know. Very sad for poor teenage me.”
“I kissed a woman once. My…” What was she? Besides heart palpitations and gasping for air and chest pain and dizzy, bad, falling over, feeling faint? “My girlfriend? I guess?”
“Anamorphic, Anatoxin,” Karen says. “Yes, her.”
“Yeah. Her. And I really didn’t like it.” Maybe because she wasn’t Shannon, but maybe because she was Ana. Maybe because she wasn’t Buck. He loved Shannon. He loves Buck. He did not love Ana. Anaemia. Anathema. Whatever.
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King Falls AM Episode Twenty-Two: Somewhere Under the Rainbow
King Falls AM Transcript
Episode 22: Somewhere Under the Rainbow 
Run time: 24:26
First Aired: Mar 15, 2016
Summary: The Rainbow Light’s continued presence has King Falls on edge and the action heats up at Lake Hatchenaw over what Herschel and Cecil reeled in two weeks ago.
(For a list of characters and references from this episode see the end of this post)
[King Falls AM theme plays]
Ben: And, of course, please use caution and common sense regarding the Rainbow Lights. 
Sammy: And, you know, with everything else in life. 
Ben: Right. Mayor Grisham is asking residents to not look directly into the lights and also to not harm and harass them in any way.
Sammy: Idiot! How do you harm and harass a light?
Ben: Sammy, I know you’re sore at the mayor but-
Sammy: Shouldn’t he be doing more than press releases about this? There have been rainbow lights hovering over the town for two straight weeks. Where’s the national guard, man?
Ben: I don’t know Sammy, I-
Sammy: Where’s his caution and common sense? We have lost people to these lights before. 
Ben: I know you’re frustrated, Sammy, but I think that’s what he’s, he’s getting at. I-
Sammy: No, no no no no no. The only thing Mayor Grisham is doing is posturing to look like he cares because the election is this year. It’s despicable.
Ben: Dude, I agree with you! You’re right. But don’t forget about the positives!
Sammy: Such as?
Ben: The bronys man!
Sammy: (exasperated) Oh come on…
Ben: What? You have to admit it’s pretty cool that hundreds if not more of these brony guys have made the pilgrimage here because of the rainbow lights.
Sammy: Oh yeah, it is simply thrilling. Almost as thrilling as the fact that I was nearly stampeded by a herd of their mustangs when I was coming out of Rose’s yesterday.
Ben: Maybe they thought you were with them.
Sammy: Maybe so, I don’t know. I give off more of a furry vibe.
Ben: Very true.
Sammy: You get it folks, so to right this train please be aware of your surroundings, try to travel in packs-
Ben: Strength in numbers, people.
Sammy: And use caution and common sense regarding the rainbow lights and whatever is projecting them.
Ben: Stay safe King Falls!
Sammy: Alright, we’re taking your calls ladies and gents. Are the constant bright rainbow lights disturbing your sleeping patterns?
Ben: Much like Sammy. 
Sammy: I’m tired man.
Ben: (laughing) I know, man! Have you or anyone you know gotten close to the lights or seen the UFOs up close and personal?
Sammy: We are here to listen to your issues and to offer help if we can. Give us a call, (424)279-3858.
Ben: And, as always, you can hit us up on your social media of choice at King Falls AM.
Sammy: Line three you’re on King Falls AM.
Caller: Hello, King Falls AM.
Sammy: Howard Ford Beauregard?
Beauregard: The third.
Ben: It’s an integral part of the name, Sammy, as you know Howard Ford Beauregard the first and Howard Ford Beauregard the second are probably still milling about in a dungeon or somewhere under town.
Beauregard: I’ll have you know-
Ben: Because they’re undying vampires!
Beauregard: Ha! More of your charming, paranoid wit. I suppose your five listeners enjoy your slander and degradation.
Ben: The lights must really be messing you up. Can coffins keep out bright as the sun rainbow lights from UFOs? Or-
Beauregard: Stevens, please alert your man and tell him I shan’t be addressing any of his inquires this evening or otherwise.
Ben: Your man? Ha! What century is this, Beauregard? Seriously, just tell me!
Sammy: Mr. Beauregard, may I ask why you’re gracing us with your presence via the telephone?
Ben: How did you pester people before the telephone, Howie? Telegram? By letter? 
Beauregard: The reason behind this call is simple. I’ve been made aware of rumors swirling about that, well… that the townspeople are talking about me. More so that I may possess something that may cause this outbreak of colors in the sky.
Ben: Uh, it’s a rainbow. You’d know that if you’d seen light in the last milenia.
Beauregard: I don’t understand why, but I know that a large number of the residents listen to this show of yours. And I wanted to assure yourselves, and the lowlies, that listen to this rubbish that the rumors are unfounded and untrue!
Sammy: We actually haven’t heard this rumor, Beauregard, so-
Ben: Oh I have! I just wasn’t going to waste airtime on this petrified bloodsucker and his idiot manservant. Nobody has a ray gun that can shoot rainbows and can turn off electronics.
Sammy: A ray gun that can turn off electronics?
Beauregard: Now see here! This is exactly how things get out of hand. Stop talking about this. Stop thinking about this. I can hear you thinking… I have nothing of the sort! 
Ben: Sammy we’ve had lots of tweets about a frequency beaming into ours and the listeners hearing it. Do you think this-
Sammy: What are you doing up there, Beauregard? Did you cause the 2015 electrolocaust with this thing?
Ben: (baffled) Oh man, is this true?!
Beauregard: (stammering) I uh, well you can’t, I don’t uh-
Sammy: Answer the damn question, Beauregard. Did you do something that knocked our entire town off the map?
Ben: Seriously, I had to get a whole new iphone, man! What’d you do, Howie?
Beauregard: I absolutely will not stand for this. I am not here to be persecuted and grilled about a transmorgrifier electrode-
Ben: You did this! This has you written all over it! But why?
Beauregard: Now see here.
Sammy: What’s a transmorgrifier?
Beauregard: I don’t know, how would I know? Nobody said anything about that.
Ben: Are you causing the rainbows and UFOs too? What the hell is going on up there in that manor of yours?
Beauregard: I will not tolerate this insolence! I will be calling my personal friends Mayor Grisham and Sheriff Gunderson, and they will not take kindly to how you are treating me! I came in peace, you degenerates!
Sammy: Are you saying they won’t appreciate you asking us questions about your involvement in all the weird stuff that happens in King Falls?
Ben: Not all, Sammy. Just some.
Sammy: Right.
Ben: What else are you doing up on your mountain?
Beauregard: Enough! I tried to use your media outlet, as primitive as it may be, to dispel a terrible rumor and all you’ve done is multiply the accusations. I will not stand for this. I will crush you. 
Ben: (laughing) Oh ho ho! 
Sammy: With your rainbow electrolocaust ray gun?
Beauregard: With all of my power and every fiber of my being! You fools should not doubt me!
Ben: Is this a threat? It sounds like a threat, right, Sammy? Will your personal friends-
Sammy: Mayor Grisham and Sheriff Gunderson.
Ben: Yeah, will they be cool with that? Do they know about your ray gun?
Beauregard: There is no ray gun! And these are no threats! 
Sammy: I’m not really buying either of those statements. 
Beauregard: There are only promises here, Stevens. Howard Ford Beauregard-
Sammy and Ben: The third!
Beauregard: Ugh, you fools! I am not a man to be taken lightly! I am not a man to be bullied. I am not a man-
Ben: But a vampire!
Beauregard: Mark my words… if you can refrain from your tomfoolery for one damn minute longer. 
Sammy: Uh yeah, timer’s on, you have our undivided attention.
Beauregard: This is not the last time you’ll hear from Howard Ford Beauregard the third. Being the gentleman that I am, this is my fair warning to let you know this is far from over.
[The phone hangs up]
Ben: It’s funny he wants to keep talking to us yet his idiot yard-boy Pete can’t wait to stop listening.
Sammy: It really is sending mixed messages. 
Ben: That was ten out of ten as crazy as it gets!
Sammy: I hope you’re right.
Ben: There’s no way we top that tonight, he is olympic gold medal winning levels of crazy.
Sammy: Okay, you aren’t wrong, but I’ve also learned to never count out anything in King Falls.
Ben: Huh, want to make this interesting?
Sammy: You wanna bet?
Ben: Just a, a friendly wager.
Sammy: I don’t know, I’m just not sure, I mean can you ever really count out any of this stuff?
Ben: Ten bucks man, call it! If you think something is going to top HFB3 tonight that’s easy money.
Sammy: For scientific purposes, I am in.
Ben: Ooooohh! Suckah! Rainbow lights, UFOs, electrolocaust? He’s literally the last person on the face of the earth I would trust with a potato gun! Much less a-
Sammy: A possible weird-ass weapon of mass destruction?
Ben: Correct. You will be funding my breakfast, sir.
Sammy: We’ll see. So moving on, another call?
Ben: Yeah. One more short one before the break. Line five, welcome to King-
Caller: Oh yeah? And I’m telling you to get the hell of my land if you don’t have a warrant!
Ben: Ron Begley?
Ron: This is my property, that lake is my property- And you can get the hell out of my face! 
Sammy: Hmm, still sure about that ten bucks?
[The sound of buzzing, talking, and sirens in the background]
Ron: Ah, stupid government… Hey guys, you there?
Sammy: Hey, Ron. You’re live with us, sir, what’s going on?
Ron: Hell if I know. There’s a sh-(beep) ton of unmarked cop cars pulling up and making a god awful racket. I was sleeping, and it was a sweet dream of John Stamos, until these donut eating sacks of dogsh-(beep) woke me up! Please tell me you guys know what the hell is goin’ on.
Ben: Uh, Ron, we haven't heard a thing all night. Especially out by you and Kingsie. 
Sammy: You said they’re unmarked, they’re not with the sheriff’s office?
Ron: Not that I can see. It would have been one, two, three… three, four, five of these x-filey f-(beep)-s now! And not one of em will even look at me. Just charging on past me to the lake and it’s like, it’s just me up here, you know! I don’t need the damn sirens squealing-
[The sound of sirens]
Ron: Here comes another f-(beep)-ing one! Come on!
Sammy: I’d put the ten dollars I’m about to win on Howard Ford Beauregard and his Dr. Evil rainbow lazer.
Ben: Not so fast with the money, Sammy, but I don’t think you’re wrong.
Ron: Hell no, look at that pinskirt! Agent Scully you are not, sister. 
Ben: Uh, I’ll call Troy for you Ron, hang tight.
Sammy: Wait a minute, do you think this has something to do with the body Herscell and Cecil found a couple weeks ago?
Ron: Don’t bother calling him, Ben. And the hell if I know, Sammy. These pigs just can’t come onto private property and start doing as they please. All they have to do is talk to me, damn it! I’m an American! I don’t have to put up with this crap.
Ben: You don’t want me to call Troy and find out what’s going on?
Ron: Nah, cause the goofy son of a b-(beep) just showed up! Troy! What’s going on here?
Troy: I came as soon as I heard, Ron. These guys are F. B. I..
Ron: I don’t give a flying f-(beep) if they are President Lyndon B. Johnson’s personal pants makers! Hey! Yeah, you! Don’t step on those- not only are they environmentally safe, but they are pleasing to the eye! Hey! I’m about to go have some words with the Mr. and Mrs. doing to foxtrot on my begonias. Talk to Troy.
Sammy: Bye, Ron. Be careful out there.
Ben: Begonias?
Ron: Glad they sent the b-team out here to deal with this sh-(beep).
Troy: Hey fellas.
Ben: Troy, what’s going on over there, man?
Troy: I only came up to alert Ron about the alphabet boys coming, but apparently these g-men and g-ladies beat me to it.
Sammy: It sounds like bedlam out there, Troy, what is going on up there, do you know?
Troy: My buddy, I’m not completely sure I could talk about that live on the air. 
Ron: (in the background) I don’t give a damn! Show me a warrant!
Sammy: Fair enough, Troy. It sounds like it’s pretty serious out there? Maybe you’d better go…
Troy: Oh yeah, I’d better go, if Ron keeps getting in these FBI guys faces he’s bound to get tased!
Sammy: Or worse I don’t know if Ron’s the type to take to guantanamo very well.
Ben: Give us a little hint before you go, man! Ron’s tough, he can take it!
Troy: Man, we’re live, right? You know I can’t talk about official police biz anymore on the radio.
Sammy: Ben, would you stop? It’s fine, Troy. Just please go make sure Ron stays out of trouble.
Ben: Damn it!
Troy: Ten-four, Sammy. And you fellas make sure to maybe, I don’t know, give Doctor Jeffery Rosenbloom a call ‘cause he can and should talk about… well, not official police biz.
Ben: Oooohh! Thanks Troy!
Sammy: You are a child.
Troy: Take her easy, guys. These constant rainbow lights are making me real uneasy.
[The phone hangs up]
Sammy: Stay safe Troy. You heard it here, folks, seems like there’s a bit of a commotion going on at Lake Hatchenaw, at Begley’s Bait and Tackle in particular. So if you happen to head that way at this ungodly hour, I don’t know why, then you may want to change your plans. 
Ben: I got Dr. Rosenbloom’s number, Sammy. Should we call him?
Sammy: This is the same Dr. Jeffery Rosenbloom that works at-
Ben: The King Falls coroner’s office. So… should we?
Sammy: I don’t know… he kinda creeps me out. No offense, doc.
Ben: Cause of the zombie thing?
Sammy: I wasn’t even talking about the zombies! I was just talking about him. If the zombie thing were true, which it obviously isn’t, I don’t-
Ben: It was. Troy confirmed it.
Sammy: Troy is…
Ben: Are you calling Troy a liar, Sammy?
Sammy: Not at all, I’m just saying Troy is excitable. Who knows what those two saw that night and-
Ben: I’m pretty sure he saw the reanimated corpse of a John Doe from the lake try to eat Dr. Rosenbloom.
Sammy: Allegedly. That’s all I’m saying, and I’m leaving it at that.
Ben: (laughing) Come on, man! Try to earn that ten spot! Rosenbloom is a fan of the show, I’m sure it’ll be fun!
Sammy: Exciting, even?
Ben: Let’s not get carried away, how about, uh, interesting. Troy dropped us a big fat clue, man! It’s a King Falls scavenger hunt!
Sammy: No.
Ben: After the break we’ll call him.
Sammy: We really shouldn’t bother him.
Ben: After the break!
[Patriotic music plays as the commercial break begins]
Commercial: Hi, I’m Stephan Grisham, resident and mayor of our great little mountain town King Falls. Under my watchful eye King Falls has prospered. Crime and unemployment rates have fallen, and streets are virtually clear of all the apparition gang wars that plagued our beautiful town in the past. Regardless of what certain detractors might have to say, there’s simply no better choice for our town if we want to keep it growing and flourishing. That’s obviously why I ran unopposed the last two elections. Vote Grisham 2016 for a better tomorrow today. I’m Mayor Stephan Grisham, and I approve this message.
[Patriotic music fades, King Falls AM rock music plays then fades out as the commercial break ends]
Sammy: Unopposed the last two elections?
Ben: Don’t get all riled up, Sammy.
Sammy: This is ridiculous! This man is the definition of sleezy, slimy, political rhetoric and very little action. How could anyone with a brain vote for that guy?
Ben: But tell us how you really feel.
Sammy: I can’t. I can’t deal with him right now. And you knew that ad was about to run, man! A little warning, please.
Ben: I will gladly tell you to catch a bathroom break next time we run the mayor’s-
Sammy: Propaganda.
Ben: Political ads, but yes, that too.
Sammy: (sighs) Moving forward-
Ben: (loudly) Dr. Rosenbloom!
Sammy: Come on, Ben, the phone lines are all lit up, let’s just take some calls.
Ben: Oh, one call man. You’re destroying my journalistic gumption with every word. Cronkite, Brokaw, Ben Arnold!
Sammy: Alright you, just call the guy. I know you’re not going to drop it.
[The sound of a phone dialing]
Ben: (cheering) Yessss!
Sammy: (sarcastically) Thanks, Troy.
Ben: Yeah, thanks Troy.
Rosenbloom: Good evening, King Falls coroner’s office.
Ben: Uh, Dr. Rosenbloom?
Rosenbloom: Is this Ben Arnold?
Ben: You bet it is! You are live on the air with Sammy and I.
Rosenbloom: (without emotion) Wowzers. How exciting. To what do I owe this pleasure?
Sammy: Dr. Rosenbloom, there is a commotion going tonight down at Lake Hatchenaw. Seemingly a police investigation? 
Ben: We were told that you might know what’s going on. Is that true?
Rosenbloom: I don’t know the first thing about a police investigation, gentlemen. However, I believe you may be referring to the FBI looking into the body of one Rich McGuff found in-
Ben: Wait, did you just say Rich McGuff has… died?
Rosenbloom: Not in so many words, but his body was found in a lifeless state by two elderly gentlemen out motor boating on Lake Hatchenaw just a few-
Sammy: Herschel and Cecil found Rich McGuff dead?
Ben: This is terrible news!
Rosenbloom: It is rather disturbing to say the least. 
Ben: Kingsie didn’t… uh… you know…
Sammy: He’ll get to it, Ben. Dr. Rosenbloom, uh, would you happen to have the official cause of death for Mr. McGuff?
Ben: Had to be foul play man! Nobody that could grow a mustache that lucious and shiny can have any sickness in him. Please, just please, Dr. Rosenbloom, tell me Kingsie didn’t have anything to do with this.
Rosenbloom: There was no evidence of Kingsie having had her way with the body.
Ben: That’s good news. Oh man, should you even be talking about this? Does Rich’s family know? This is breaking news we don’t wanna-
Rosenbloom: Rich McGuff had no known next of kin to be found, so while it’s definitely sad when one shuffles the mortal coil, at least there wasn’t family to find out about his murder.
Ben: I’m sorry, what?
Sammy: Dr. Rosenbloom, are you telling us that Rich McGuff was murdered? This wasn’t a drowning or…
Ben: This is crazy!
Sammy: A murder in King Falls.
Rosenbloom: Obviously it’s a very concerning matter. The strangulation is what did it in. The gunshots, the knife wounds, the bludgeoning were such overkill. Really uncouth in my professional opinion. Once Rich awakened, I tried to speak and see if he knew who had done such heinous and despicable act, however there was only a slight hissing but guttural sound emanating from the exposed chest cavity
Sammy: What?
Ben: Dr. Rosenbloom, are you saying that not only was Rich McGuff murdered, but he also turned into a zombie too?
Rosenbloom: We don’t like to use the ‘zed’ word in the office, but yes, the body of Rich McGuff did reanimate after some time and stimuli.
Ben: Sammy take your ten bucks man, you win!
Sammy: Am I understanding correctly that Rich McGuff turned into one of those…
Ben: Zombies!
Sammy: Reanimated corpses like the John Doe?
Rosenbloom: You are correct, Sammy. Mr. McGuff being the tenth such instance in the past year since the Hatchenaw Doe is a pretty exciting time to be alive, believe you me.
Ben: Or undead.
Rosenbloom: That as well. However there really is nothing behind the eyes after the initial passing. The lights are on, knock knock, but nobody is home. It is the ultimate metaphorical ding dong ditch.
Ben: Wait, you said tenth instance? What the f-(beep) is going on here?
Rosenbloom: Apart from the obvious, not much Ben. It’s not like I’m quietly amassing an army of undead to do my bidding or anything as crazy as that. Aha, ha, ha, hm.
Sammy: (slowly) Okay… I think that’s about as much as I can take tonight. Thanks for the information, doc. Folks, please keep Rich McGuff in your thoughts.
Ben: Or just go down to the coroner’s office and throw uncooked meat at him! He’s a zombie, man!
Rosenbloom: You two are a riot, trust me everything down here is more than under control. I mean, except that there is a murderer on the loose in King Falls. The undead are certainly properly contained and accounted for.
Ben: Oh my… This is the worst!
Sammy: Dr. Rosenbloom, please give us a call should… I- I don’t know, I’m at a loss for words here.
Rosenbloom: I hate to be the life of the party and run, gentlemen, but I hear a slight rustling coming from the cold chamber, and I haven't seen my assistant Zoe in a little bit. Hm. Haha, ha, ha.
Sammy: Unbelievable. Stay safe, Dr. Rosenbloom. We’ll be in touch soon.
Rosenbloom: Duces. And I’m out.
[The phone hangs up]
Sammy: Jack-in-the-Box-Jesus! Can we go to break, Ben? I don’t know what-
Ben: The hotline is lit up, Sammy.
Sammy: The hotline? Do you have an interview scheduled?
Ben: I don’t, man! Only a couple people have that number.
Sammy: F-(beep) it. It can’t be crazier than the last twenty minutes.
Ben: Wanna go double or nothing?
Sammy: God. No. Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM.
[Dogs yipping in the background]
Caller: Finally! I’ve been dialing your slowpoke asses all night long!
Ben: Archie? For the tenth time, you know if this is an emergency you should call the Sheriff’s office. Or Troy.
Sammy: I think they even have a special number you can call. It starts with a 9 and ends with a-
Archie: I know all about that, you silly Sally. And don’t get snarky with me! I’m literally calling you fools with the biggest damn piece of news in your little radio show’s history.
Ben: What’s going on, Archie? Is it the werewolves? Princess VonBarktooth?
Archie: It ain’t the damn werewolves! Thank heavens. I think the rainbow lights kept their furry butts in their trailer yard thank god, probably doing furry trailer park things… I’m sure they’ll stop now since the rainbow lights are gone.
Sammy: I’m sorry, did you say the rainbow lights are gone?
Archie: You bet your buttered up ass they are! I mean it just happened so maybe-
Sammy: Ben, you wanna check this out? Archie, thanks so much for breaking this news, this is a big deal!
Archie: Well, you’re welcome and such, but that ain’t the story you’re gonna be on your hands and knees thanking me for.
Sammy: There’s more?
Archie: Oh you bet your custom tailored britches there is! You see, oh my! They’re gonna to be sending the King Falls Gazette to take pictures soon! Oh I just know it! I need to get gussied up and fix my hair and put the Princess’s tiara on. So much to do, so little time I-
Sammy: Not if you don’t tell us, Archie.
Ben: They’re gone, Sammy! I can’t believe it, after two weeks the UFO’s lights just up and leave without- anything?
Sammy: Oh man, the bronys are going to be so disappointed.
Archie: May I speak now? I mean I don’t wanna interrupt your damn rainbow lightbrights commercial.
Sammy: Sorry, Archie. Ben, Archie was just saying that he has more news, it wasn’t just the lights leaving.
Ben: Is it good or bad news?
Archie: If you closed your damn trap I’d tell you. 
Ben: Trap closed!
Archie: Well, I’d been soaking in my bathtub for just the longest damn time. Rufus and I were watching youtube videos, trying to lock down that stanky leg dance. Have y'all ever heard of that?
Sammy: Stanky leg?
Ben: I don’t know, keep going, Archie.
Archie: Well, long story short I mighta stanked it up a little too much and I pulled a hammy so I was taking a hot bath when I hear the loudest damn banging outside. I thought it mighta been the wolves, or even worse, the puppy babies come back, so I limped out as quick as I could, and at my door was the craziest thing I ever saw!
Sammy: Which was?
Archie: A fully nude man! Just dangling and banging on my front door and asking me for help, and I mean not a stitch of clothing on him.
Sammy: I have to believe that isn’t the craziest thing you’ve laid eyes on.
Archie: Well in this instance yes, trust me.
Ben: Archie, you didn’t sign up for Billy Sherwood’s naked yoga, did you?
Archie: That’s none of your damn business, Ben! But I might have. Anyway, this was a man that needed some help. More-so, I think it was a man you boys might want to talk to.
Sammy: Um… okay, and who would that be?
Archie: You boys better appreciate this! Cause I could’ve called Channel 13 or any other news outlet in town-
Ben: Channel 13 isn’t a news outlet, man. The main eleven o'clock news story was about the slushy machine getting retired at Nick’s Exit 13 Oasis. But we do thank you for calling us first, Archie.
Archie: Y’all just remember who loves you b-(beep).
Other Caller: Are these the men that can help?
Archie: Here, darling, take the phone. These boys will get you sorted out.
Tim: Hello? This is Tim, uh, Tim Jenson. Do I know you? Can you help me? I- I’m trying to find my way home, but… I just can’t remember where home is.
[An eerie tone transitions into the King Falls outro music and credits begin.]
Brony: a male My Little Pony fan
Furry: I’m not explaining that one…
John Stamos: an American actor
X-files: science fiction television show
Agent Scully: X-files character
President Lyndon B. Johnson: a US president
Foxtrot: a type of dance
Begonias: a type of pink flower
Alphabet Boys: people who work for the government
Guantanamo: a US military prison in Cuba
Cronkite: an American journalist
Brokaw: an American journalist
Ben Arnold, Sammy Stevens, Howard Ford Beauregard III, Ron Begley, Troy, Dr. Jeffery Rosenbloom, Stephan Grisham, Jeffery Rosenbloom, Archie
3 notes · View notes
Pangolin grass type starter
Roots for ears and underside of tail
Baby is Oblossum. Final evo is grass steel
The baby sticks it’s tail in the ground to like. Regain energy or heal. The middle form is that awkward teenage form where it’s got some over sized petal scales that cover its eyes like an over sized helm
Wooly bear caterpillar that turns into a cat moth cause Virgin tiger moth is what wooly bears turn into
Rhino beetle hyena big dark maybe?
It’s baby is a grub puppy
Water starter goes from like a leopard gecko to a ribbon eel dragon. Coral horns and bits. It’s sleepy and likes to put others to sleep
Final type is water psychic the baby form’s tail is like. Bubbles that are stacked on top of each other to mimic the fatty shape of gecko tails. The middle stage is kinda monitor lizard shaped with just ridiculous coral eyebrows
Fire ferret into fire couatamundi or what ever or like. Civet something long with a big tail that’s fire rock with lava and rock making the tail stripes baby fire ferret tail is a sparkler and the more excited it is the faster the sparkler burns down and when it burns all the way down the ferret just passes the fuck out and sleeps for 18 hours like a real ferret.
Spider with a grass knot or a tumble weed for a butt
Psychic beluga
A vaguely dragon flavored Whaleshark that is dark electric, a type I’ve always wanted to mess with. Basically it’s a whaleshark w a black hole inside of its mouth. I have a lot of fish and sharks I know so maybe I’ll do something else but definitely like the typing and the general concept.
Water grass type loch ness shape based on lotus flowers growing up above the muck
It’s baby form is just a little messy leafy plesiosaur or something
Fighting type babirusa 2 stage
Catnip cat
Shadow thing under blanket/coins/etc like has a mimic vibe it’s like mimikyu like u never see it’s true form it’s just little grabby hands that reach out from under the piles.
Thylacine fossil? Solo fossil like Aerodactl
Rock dark type. Has a long tail that it keeps curled up that looks kinda like an ammonite but it can unfurl so it can hang from things. Like I know possums don’t even really hand from their tails but it’s a marsupial like. Trope? Idk but it’s just to keep it from being an animal in design and more of a Pokémon
Coffee bean that is either grass psychic or grass dark
Grass fire incense Pokémon. Named Intsints kinda shaped like a porcupine, it’s tail is long and on fire like charmander and it lights it’s spines that are fragrant wood.
Rat king three stage. More rat? More rats. This one is gonna be pretty weird like it starts as a little rat with a ruffle around the neck then it becomes two rats connected at the tail like it’s almost a girafarig situation. Then the last one is a Cerberus style three headed rat that’s bipedal. Has three tails as well and the middle head probably has little horns that look like a crown or something. I feel like this is the least fucked up way I can do this tbh. The LEAST body horror.
Grackle to dragon pipeline final evo looks like it fucked a bedazzler. Very bird faced and feathered but also kinda wyvern shaped.
Honey pot ants that r like eevee so I’ve figured out how it works. The first evo or the ‘eevee’ is just a little normal bug type ant that is sort of fluffy and honestly has p good stats. It’s based on a velvet ant that. Yeah I know they’re not ants they’re wasps but it’s Pokémon please don’t @ me about this. Anyway in the ‘game’ there’s new fruits that are vaguely themed as fire water and electric like maybe the water one is a pun off watermelon. Anyway like u just have to feed ur little ant 5 of any one type of the fruit and it evos into a honeypot ant with that type.
Anubit solid ground type little bipedal little puppy that looks like it’s made of sand. Anubold is QUAD haha take that furry bait I bet you all thought this would be a fucken palette swap Lucario but NO it’s all fours and it’s ground rock and it’s very fast because rock types are usually slow but this one is gonna be like greyhound jackal shaped so zoomies.
Tenneric poison electric pikachu clone super cute but has the personality of the tv show pikachu. Like. Will be a problem.
Psychic olm pseudo legendary dragon
Starts as a little axolotl. Very fat an slow and honestly hard to train because they have rly bad stats. The middle form is vaguely cocoon shaped like lots of the earlier pseudo legendary dragons like tyranitar. It has a vague butterfly wing thing going on. The final form is. Slow. It has admittedly bad speed for a PL but it’s special attack is absolutely kooky. It’s very long and serpentine and has no eyes. Vaguely skeletal patterns along its body.
Mythic trope like celebi or victini that is a cuttlefish that changed type depending on the environment or the weather effects so like it would completely wreck a team built around sandstorm it’s a kittlefish like it’s tails are like the tentacles of cuttlefish and it’s eyes are OwO eyes it’s a cute baby cat. Like it’s kitten shaped and around it’s body length there’s a little drill like uh the fin around the mantle of the cuttlefish and then the kitten’s tail is actually the tentacles of the cuttlefish.
Fairy flying golden heron 2 stage maybe ghost fairy because like. They’re said to carry souls to the after life. The first form is kinda like an ibis, small and cute. Known to sing very beautiful but melancholy songs. It’s second form is tall and golden and almost raptor like to keep it from just being a bird. But anyway it’s songs are less somber than it’s previous forms and have a lilting hopefulness to them.
Grass whale. It’s like a hump back cause they’re my fave two stage. The first form is almost dog shaped because lmao u kno. Real life evolution. Pure grass or maybe grass water. Idk I think we need more pure types but grass water is neat. The final form is big
Two headed fawn that turns into the two headed unicorn like that one taxidermy
I want it to split apart and be connected by a spine and like ectoplasm and the girls get little ectoplasm unicorn horns and the boys get ectoplasm antlers
Lamb of tartary Pokémon 3 stage grass wife the 1st is like a little radish or cabbage like oddish middle stage is still mostly grassy but with little goat horns. The final is the furry bait I subverted with the Anubis Pokémon. It’s an anthro lamb with like cotton and wheat for the wool and it has little horns and a fat ass
There should be a water fighting type based off of a betta and the adult evo can have different color patterns assigned at random like Spinda yes I know another gimmick pokemon I’m sorry. The first stage a a liddol guppy with big big angry eyebrows
Fairy rock konpeito
Water steel hippocampus the baby form is just a little pony but with a dolphin tail the full stage is just like. A hippocampus or a Capricorn? I know somewhere on this list I say Capricorn but that’s basically just this but a goat instead unless I do something new which I might. Anyway it’s more dolphin or orca than fish so kinda thick tailed
Poison steel based on mercury. What body types don’t we have. I have a lot of serpentine and insect and like. General mammals. It’s basically like ditto so it’s amorphous but I can do something with it more creative than a blob. Ohhhh my gosh it’s a snail and it’s shell can mimic like a test tube or a thermometer vaguely.
Pure steel type that’s just a mailbox. They’re delivery Pokémon. The little red flags are on both sides and are like. Puppy ears.
Scarab beetle that imitates luxury balls when baby form. Adult form is opulent very fancy black and gold bug rock type
Solid dark type Minotaur two stage. The baby is just a liddol calf very cute and normal type. The full Minotaur is almost ghostly and shies away from light. It’s not quite upright almost a like. Werewolf shaped. Long bent forward neck and a shaggy mane.
Dark poison type two stage based on the shaggy inkcap mushroom. I want to avoid the human shape they did with uhhh what ever that one pokemon was but still have a fairy feeling. So maybe something like cradily. Like it’s mushroom shaped but maybe the top of the mushroom can open up into a mouth? Ok hear me out. Giraffe shaped. Shorter legs thoooooOkapi. It’s a mushroom okapi. The small form is like a baby giraffe tho like it’s neck can’t hold up it’s head and it’s always a little wobbly.
Also I want a fairy type that’s pure fairy because monotypes are actually p important to cannon Pokémon games anyway. Fairy type two or three stage. I can’t do the deer idea I had because now that’s the legendary basically. So like. Shooting star/sea angel. They’re like a little bit like willowisps in the first stage, and then they become like ethereal sea Angel or sea butterfly shaped fairies. Almost human but. Clearly not.
Split evo spider one is bug fairy one is bug dark both jumpers just the fairy is a peacock spider the dark is a bold jumper
Fire steel red river hog two or three stage. The final evo has huge steel tusks and steel hooves and maybe like. Steel bristles down back. Very beefy and cool.
I want a Pokémon that evolves differently if it’s in the wild vs if it’s caught and trained
And now that I’ve decided to make Pokémon based off my cats there we go like the base is normal and it’s a kitten like it’s a very small baby super baby tiny and if it’s caught as this baby and raised by someone it turns into a big soft normal flying but if it’s left to the wilds it becomes a normal fighting and it’s like. A Bamf
Hummingbird mouse griffin that’s flying fighting because grasshopper mice and hummingbirds are both so Aggro it’s a single stage, high speed and high attack but total glass cannon.
Gold orb weaver that can use a move like pay day that gets you money it’s baby form is often mistaken for gold nuggets it’s adult is gonna kinda look like a gold skulltula from Zelda, but like I want it to have long delicate legs and be kinda pretty.
Normal type that is a like. A harp like idk deer with harp antlers or something with strings between spines on its back idk idk
I kno I have a couple mushroom Pokémon already I think but like what about a lion with a lions mane mushroom for a mane tho
Like the region is already kinda apocalyptic feels so maybe it makes sense there’s a lot of mons that are kinda fungal. Idk. …
Make a quest beast that isn’t a giraffe
Mahoganbee. It’s not a bee it’s a mahogany wasp it’s a solo Pokémon and it’s bug and grass and it’s a friend
Water fairy solo Pokémon that’s a manta ray with like rainbow elements so like when it breaches the water it leaves like. The wrainbows in the air and idk I’m sleeping
An object Pokémon that’s a snake Made outta horse shoes. Solid metal but then the evo is steel dragon and you add spurs as spikes on the back to make it bulky and sharp
Also maybe a Capricorn cause like. Fish goat. Oh maybe a foil to the hippocampus
The difference is it’s water fire and it’s got big Ram horns that have steam vents and it has some inspiration from deep sea thermal vents and the weird worms that live around them like. The white and red ones.
Grass type that is a lion with a mane made of peacock feathers. Actually I can’t do this one the legendary is a lion now so I think this could be one of the fossils like. A frilled lizard with peacock feathers? Idk this one is on thin ice tbh
Shrimp horse. Water normal type. It’s a shrimp but it has hooves so. A little ugly and a little cute.
I already have Anubis so like I kinda wanna do set or like a typhonic beast so like the baby is pure dark and then the evo is dark electric or dark dragon but these also stay quad. Take some giant ant eater insp. As a secret shout out to Kingdom Hospital.
I Dont think there are any rock ghost Pokémon so like a ghost that is fused with a tombstone? Ough maybe a stego that has headstones as it’s back fins and it can have like a Celtic cross for its tail this isn’t a fossil Pokémon tho I don’t vibe with a fossil being revived just to be a ghost maYBE it’s Jersey Devil shaped. Like idk idk idk but I’m scheming this feels close
Regional variant one is a deaths head hawk moth and one is a Luna moth yeah like. I know another bug pair and another region exclusive thing. It’s my region I love bugs I’m sORRY
Ok but a fire type that is a lava lamp like maybe a giraffe with lava lamp neck or a Fox with a lava lamp tail
Baby bat that is normal type that just has a big honking nose like big v shaped nose it can’t fly yet it’s head is like the size of the rest of the body it’s all shnoz and all ears the grown up form has like frilly wings like a parasol
European starling that is flying steel because the gold on the wings the end form is steel fairy or psychic? Something what ever it’s gonna be spacey
Wait another shark that is water ghost and it’s a shark with ghost fins because of shark fin soup and let it be thresher shark shaped cause it will make it a little more unique
Psychic poison scorpion. The baby is bug poison. There’s eyes inside the claws and like the lore is that people use it as a psychedelic. Is that too much for a Pokémon game? Oh well I guess.
Rock water type that’s like. The baby is a grotesque and it’s just rock but the gargoyle is rock water because. Architecture. Idk.
The regional rodent is raccoon based and it gets more rabid looking as u go. It starts normal but it ends up electric type because l bet everyone is gonna guess it’s dark type but nope it’s electric
A pair of pokes that’s like. One is a wolf in sheeps clothing one is a sheep in wolfs clothing. The wolf in sheeps is dark fire and the sheep in wolfs is grass fairy so they’re both effective to each other somehow
Pure water type that is a brittle star sea star that like. Walks around like u used to walk ur hand around U kno? Like it is just a little creachur
Legendaries maybe growth and decay themed so the decay legendary is mushroomy and the growth is flowery ofc But like what animals the third legendary is based on like the pure core of life and I want it to have a crazy god particle feel it’s got like a double helix tail and maybe horns oh maybe it’s a kirin. The decay Pokémon is maybe named Endrophy
Manticore Pokémon but instead of a human face it has a baboon face because I don’t like human mons and also baboons are cool as fuck. I feel like I have a lot of single stage so maybe this one has a baby form that’s just like a little normal type lemur
I want a shark Pokémon that’s fairy and very sweet because everyone loves dolphins and they’re shitty and sharks are good
Bug dragon that’s like. The frills of the face are the moth wings with like the eye spots like it’s. Complicated but it’s good it’s very cool ok I swear. The other bug influence is it has six legs otherwise it’s like. Very western dragon shaped.
Ghost that is a chameleon that is like. Glow in the dark skeleton idk maybe it’s body and shape is like made of smoke like the gengar line
Normal grass type that’s a terrarium. Maybe a turtle shape. I don’t want it to be too similar to torterra tho. So maybe a like. Bearded dragon because they’re kinda pancake shaped in the middle.
Ice type that’s like a wooly mammoth but no. It moose. Wooly moose.
It’s probably got a first evo that is like some sorta little baby yak that’s just a shuffling carpet of fur with yak horns that are low enough to be ground level. Like. They are little snow plows or something.
I want a white rabbit with red eyes that looks at first glance very fairy type but it’s actually dark/fighting type and it’s not a rabbit it’s a hare so it’s inherently rly fucked up the baby form of it is like a little puff ball dust bunny or mochi bunny or something that’s strict normal
Firefly shooting star Pokémon it’s bug lightning the baby is just a little sparkle star the middle is a uhhh it’s a rock like it’s a meteor u kno and yeah shooting star firefly
There is a sheep Pokémon that is the like. Poster child for Delta Pokémon it’s a normal type but at any point u can take it to a Modico station and change its type and form. Like froufrou or what ever it was called. It’s a sheep because of dolly the cloned sheep
I need a fire type that has spikes like maybe a stego? But basically the spikes are made of fire and like high intensity torch style flames so they look sharp
Abrice the ice psychic abra and koldabra there isn’t a third evo because the psychic power is dampened
Fairy fighting or flying fighting swan that is based on like. Swan lake and also the fact that swans are so fucken scary
Rock water type that idk what animal shape but it’s got like drippy fur that’s actually strings of crystals that are shaped like water drops it’s. A complicated concept but it’s fine. It’s fine it’s ok I’ll work it out. Maybe it’s like a kelpie but with a croc face.
The evil corp is called Modico Corporation
They front as a company of good will and change progress etc etc I feel like because I know how people are and I know that if I had a chance I would absolutely give myself a tail or like cat ears like. Yeah I feel like there’s a trend of people getting modded to have like eevee ears and pikachu tails. So like now that Pokémon games have character customization I could see you going to Modico buildings in different cities to get different Pokémon parts. Like I’m not gonna add this to the region probably because I feel like people would shit themselves about it especially a certain YT channel but what ever it’s fine. I’m just saying it would be very much a thing people would do.
The evil _team_ like the grunts and the shady gang that is connected to Modico but like secretly is called Team ChimeRNA
Cause like. DNA and rna like. And they’re doing gene splicing. Anyway team Chimerna are notorious for causing a lot of damage when ever they go on a rampage and often steal Pokémon so people assume they’re just a less organized team rocket but turns out the truth is team chimerna are literally just there to cover up when ever a Modico experiment escapes or goes crazy. Like they just destroy everything to destroy evidence that would leak back to Modico. Most of team chimerna are a lot more capable than they let on so people don’t get wise to the methods behind their madness
Some of the original canon pokes u can catch you can also take to a Modico station ‘modicubes’ that are like in Pokémon centers and stuff anyway u can take them and some you can change to like Entolian Forms and some you can just change their types. Not all can be changed like there will only be like 20 or so and the company says it’s because cracking the Genome of different Pokémon takes time because Pokémon vary so widely.
U can see delta Pokémon in the wild as well tho it’s not common. When a Pokémon is delta variant it has a different color or pattern so it’s like easy to see. It’s kinda like finding a shiny but it’s not that rare. They also don’t sparkle when u find them just different colors. If u breed a delta there’s a percentage that u can breed a delta. Some Pokémon can only get one delta type but some have like idk maybe three options. It’s not like. U can take any Pokémon and add any element. That’s what Modico wants but they’re not there yet.
The region is a series of islands. Not like Hawaii more like. Iceland and Greenland and like. A third idk. Anyway most travel is don’t by bird like that’s the fast travel mechanic and it’s by a giant condor themed bird that also takes flavor from bearded vultures. The babies are a sit stupid cute but useless. They’re dodos. Like I almost want to make the islands connected by crazy wild ‘roots’ that turn out to be mycelium but you walk across them to get from one to the next but then like the surfing Pokémon mechanic would be useless? Idk idk idk.
I need a thistle Pokémon. It’s my fave flower? Why don’t I? Like a little nondescript mammal with a lot of thistle spikes and a big fluff butt like a thistle flower. Maybe a capybara?
Dumbo octopus rock type it’s like a bat it flies with its flaps it’s so good and cute
So I have a few redundancies like several sheep adjacent and sharks and so many bugs and like this is a valid issue I’m admitting I have, it’s clear I have preferences but like if I don’t end up diversifying I can just say that it’s because right after a mass extinction there’s often less diversity as like. Existing species start to fill now empty niches. Like a weak excuse but like it’s a fakemon region that’s like FOR ME so.
So three islands that are the main path the gym challenge takes, there’s a handful of islands that only appear at certain times when the waters recede. This is where you can find nuggets pearls etc as well as some rare Pokémon. Not the legendaries cause that would suck having to wait wait. It’s a cluster of small islands that have a lot of mangrove trees and ancient ruins scattered around as a little story hook showing how grand the world used to be. I want it to be kinda solemn and quiet in tone like it’s still a Pokémon game but my fave parts of early Pokémon games were lavender town and the burnt tower like these. Stark and quiet places. Something bad happened. But it’s important to remember. I think it was a like natural disaster cause it prolly wouldn’t be cool to have Pokémon go through nuclear winter. Tho. It would explain why there’s like so many weird ass Pokémon … maybe It was something like. A Pokémon that absorbed infinity Energy at such an advanced rate that it became unstable and it like. Fractured and the energy released was like a nuclear fall out and it warped a lot of the Pokémon in the region. Like eevee is said to have weird dna so maybe the unleashed energy altered Pokémon dna around the region and made it less stable
Unrelated to anything but since my self insert is the big type elite four. Page gets a self insert that is the dark elite four
Nine can be steel type and holl can be psychic. She’s blind and has a seeing eye psychic Pokémon because that’s cute. Hell can be the last gym leader that’s dragon type
Town and island names
Whole region: Ento Region
First Island: Ourasph island (named for Ourasphaira. The oldest known fungi)
Willowbark Town: first town. Named for willow tree bark that has medicinal properties. Ties in theme of healing and recovery. Small and fairly rural town that is right next to a marsh with lots of willows and a river. The marsh is kinda like a viridian forest. A place to catch some different Pokémon than u would see just on route 1’s tall grass. The town has a small community, a Pokémon rehab clinic which is actually where you get your starter. The region’s Pokémon professor works here and lives right next door. Her name is Prof. Maple and her wife is Prof. Laurel who is the more tech savvy prof who gives you a Pokédex.
There’s a person who will plant berries for you in their garden here and this is a way to get the berries that evolve the ants.
Echinacea city:
Barely a city but it’s got it’s pride. This is the first gym, fighting type. There’s a Pokémon center here and also an arena that is being built. After u ‘beat the game’ you can come back and challenge harder versions of npcs that u have already fought.
Second island: Pleuro Island (named for Pleurotus aka oyster mushrooms. The fastest growing mushrooms.
Nova Sotis: a play off of Myosotis which is the name for Forget Me Nots. I almost just named this town forget me not but maybe that’s on the nose idk. Anyway. This is the first city you come to on the second island and this is where you first see how much damage was really caused In the Event. While the first island is slightly overgrown and there’s a lot of Buildings that are seen abandoned and ruined, this island is desolate. This island wasn’t hit with overgrowth it was drained of life by the unicorn. Nova Sotis is a port and more of a city than a town or village. There’s kind of a lot happening here as it’s a turning point in the tone of the ‘game’. There is a memorial shrine here and it’s sort of like Pokémon tower in lavender town, it’s a place of reverence and remembrance. This city also has a library where u can read up on the lore and get some details on the legendaries and the Event. Either in the library or as a building all it’s own there’s a small museum like there was In pewter town. This is where u revive fossils and buy ‘souvenir replicas’ of some of the items for Pokémon like the griseous orb or the ancient sword. Idk if Like any of these pokes are gonna be in the region but I’ve always liked the idea of finding a real relic in a kitchy souvenir shop.
Coriolis Valley-
Third Island: Clados Island (named for Cladosporium, a radiotrophic fungi found in Chernobyl.)
The elite four is here there is ofc the victory road. Idk what else there might be.
There were two eggs. One black one white. One produced tons of infinity energy to you know. Help the world thrive. One absorbs infinity energy to keep things from. Idk exploding like keep things from going too off the rails.
Somehow the absorption egg (black one) is cracked. Damaged. It starts pulling in more and more and more. It hatches. It’s beautiful and looks like a regal lion that’s primarily pink and gold and white but it is actually, despite its pure look, the destructive Pokémon. It’s covered in black thorns and spikes like briars that haven’t been pruned.
When it hatches so does the white egg. It’s a deer like unicorn that is delicate and fragile looking. It’s covered in mushrooms and looks like absolutely rotten. The lion egg took too much and while once it was the source of infinity energy and grown it’s now been used up and is just a shell of itself.
At first glance people look at the lion and assume it’s like a protector etc but it’s corrupted, too full of infinity energy that everything it does is fueled by its anguish. Like how mega evo is said to hurt and make Pokémon aggro. Same same but different. The lion isn’t a killer it doesn’t hate people it’s just too beefed up. The unicorn tries to sequester itself away because where ever it goes it seems to wither grass and cause rot as it’s body tries to like. Stay alive after what was taken.
The eight badges also come with shell fragments. The gym leaders all kinda mention like. Idk these have been passed down or this came to me to keep but for some reason I feel like I need to give it to u etc. the 9th fragment comes from like. Maybe the prof or a rival. Anyway you put the bits all together and make a special pokeball to catch the lion to let it rest and become uncorrupted or you catch the unicorn and like let it regain its former strength and then u fight the other and can like use the master ball on it or what ever.
I’m debating on them having ‘pure’ forms after you heal the one you catch in the egg like the lion becomes it’s true form where it’s all ghostly and dark but still like. Regal and now it’s in balance so it doesn’t sap life like the corrupted unicorn does. And ofc the unicorn becomes floral and soft and it emits like gentle light because it’s no longer corrupted and now it’s back in its proper role. But people might like the forms as they are so maybe it’s like with the griseous orb for giratina and the Pokémon only changes appearance when holding it. Like that way u can still get the story plots but people can choose if they want the rot unicorn or the flower unicorn for their team.
The theme of the region is like.
Building after disaster. It can probably be seen as an allegory for healing after trauma or disaster. Like it’s been some 150-200 years since the egg cracked and there was like the explosion of infinity energy where the lion basically. Took every last bit the unicorn had which like. It should have been limitless but the lion just stole it all so fast it like snuffed out the flame of growth or what ever. And in that instant when both Pokémon became corrupted it like. Destroyed 3/4 of the region. Now in the present the two Pokémon have gone into hiding and people are rebuilding and like the towns are bustling and the world is starting to heal but there’s scars. There are still places that the unicorn lingered too long in that are basically like Chernobyl. Dead zones. Wastelands. Some barren some full of fungus and warped trees. The places the lion razed are too overgrown with too much energy buzzing within. Like homes covered in kudzu and trees bursting up through the hearts of sky scrappers. So like you get to see both sides of disaster u kno but mostly. People are just trying to rebuild. The Pokémon league remains mostly as an echo of tradition but it’s purpose is also to train Pokémon trainers who are strong enough to protect the people if the lion or unicorn (depending on which version ur playing) ever wake up.
There’s the evil company or what ever tho that, like it says up there, wants to fuse people and Pokémon so the people themselves can defend against what ever and also because it’s a Pokémon game; for money and to take over the world.
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mazojo · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Opinions
As always its that time of the year I pretend to be an anime connoisseur and leave my review on this seasons anime so take it with a grain of salt asdfgh from the one I enjoyed the least to the most.
Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!! (TV)
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You are seeing currently the only probably best thing about Wave asdfghj Tanaka bby I am SO sorry you got stuck here,,,,, Its bad because I had so many expectations for Wave but it just...... isn’t very good? The characters feel 2 dimensional, animation is veeeery average and the plot is all over the place? Dont even get me started on the Shou situation plot device that they just brushed over and went on with and,,,,,big sigh
Urasekai Picnic
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To be honest is not very fair to compare this one to the rest as ive only watched the first 2 eps but ill catch up eventually asdfghj its not bad just that the plot didnt capture me as much as I hoped but the two main characters cutiess the plot just confuses me asdfgh but I don't have much to say about it
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
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So uh anyways Chile I don't wanna talk about it the only reason this is not dead last is because RayEmma cute moments but yeah don't watch this clown show go read the manga for self care ✨
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
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The only reason this is here is because she. The main girl I cant remember the name of sucks and main dude is very normal asdfgh the plot is basically “Want people to like you? change everything about yourself and become a normie robot!!!” ASDFGHJ Like its so over the top and cringe at times it becomes very confusing but hey I am not caught up either so I may change opinions (x doubt tho)
2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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From this point onwards I basically like everything. 2.43 Started suuuuper strong for me, definitely thought it would be one of my favs this season but as the eps went by I just.... kinda lost interest asdfgh? Like its not bad, but its a sort of mix between Stars Align and Haikyuu where I would have loved a more character based story with dark subplots like Stars Align but got the parts I always criticize about Haikyuu were there was a point I didn't really knew any of the characters? ASDFGH like the enemy team is super cool and Love their designs but if you ask me to tell you anything about them I already forgot rip. Its still cute and the animation is cool but yeah it kind of disappointed me in the end a bit ;w;
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
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AOT Is so sexci because it keeps on hurting me and I come back every-time for it ASDFGHJ Not much to say that hasn't been said, characters are super interesting, plot is a bit confusing at times for me to follow but amazing and I just :))) could go on about certain characters :))))) but I wont :))))
Wonder Egg Priority
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Wonder egg priority is very talked about right now so I wont get too much into it other than definitely give it a watch if you like the more philosophical and “makes you reflect on your life choices” sort of anime ASDFGHJ the visuals are stunning and the characters very well build, although I am very confused at times I am still enjoying it tons ^^ Trigger warning however for some heavy topics I recommend checking the warnings before watching it <3
Kemono Jihen
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I LOVE THEM OKaY? asdfghjk Kemono Jihen gives me the found family topes and I eat them all right up, I love the characters , their designs, the plot, everything. To be fair tho, I did enjoy the manga more than the anime but maybe its a pacing thing? idk but I definitely recommend 100% taking on the manga and maybe after watch the anime but I am enjoying it tons!!
Kai Byoui Ramune
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This one may come as a surprise lol?? Like I haven't seen a single soul talk about Ramune but like??? I am actually enjoying it a lot?? and look forward every week for the ep? asdfghj Like yes I will be the first to admit the animation isn't really the beeeeest out there but the plot is funny while also being serious, the characters are quirky and interesting to keep the flow going and I am liking the undertone heavy messages? the soundtrack also slaps imo and yeah I would definitely say to watch the first ep and if you like that sort of dynamic take it up on the rest!
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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Okay I will be the first one to admit this is just me being trash for the idol shows but like?? its my list so I get to decide which found family I am screaming about next ASDFGHJ. As an avid A3 stan this gave me serious vibes of my boys (plus they were made form the same company so like not very surprised there loll) and like I think the characters are cute with adorable relationships and cute songs and its just a lighthearted show I sit down every Wednesday and smile through the 25 minutes so yes I Chu deserves a high spot and yes I recommend it even if it has like a 6.3 on myanimelist sksksks
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Look at Gen!!!! enough reasons to watch dr stone!!!! ASDFGH but in all seriousness I....... love them okAy? The plot is amazing and the characters are super entertaining (hiiii Ukyo Gen Senku and Chrome muak) and although it may seem a bit slower paced than first season the arc is gonna get better and better and the finale is gonna be great if they stick to the manga. Only sad that I dont get to see my pirate fuckboy but we better be getting a third season
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
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when I say this is the happiness of all my Tuesdays I ain’t even exaggerating ASDFGHJ Does this have an important plot? no. Is it transcending to animation? not really. Is it BSD content I've been starving for? absolutely!!! Tbh I see my favorite anime characters in chibi version and I go feral, go watch BSD pogg!!
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Me?? searching for that one gif of the side ship scene am obsessed over?? more likely than you think ASDFGH Horimiya holds a special place in my heart because it was the first manga I ever read and the nostalgia is stroNG,,,,,, The plot isn't anything really transcending but the way the characters are captured the feelings just,,,,,, stan!! Also Yuki x Tooru supremacy !
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Okaaaaay this is also me being a bitch for sports anime but like, again, are we surprised?? ASDFGHJ It may be my love for Hayato speaking but ive absolutely loves Skate Leading Stars, I love the group, the main characters, the ships, the routines and its so pretty and they are in love and like the competition and asdfgh its gOoD OKaY??? Watch it if anything for Hayato 👉🏻 👈🏻 My bastard bitch I love the gremlin.
Beastars 2nd Season
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I think we are all sleeping on Beastars brushing it off as a furry show. I don’t speak enough about it and I am not one to go about poetic cinemaness on main but beastars is a very poetic cinema show and yall sleeping on it. Coming from someone who was uncomfortable at first with the whole animal relationships part at first, just know beastars is so much more than that, it has a complicated plot with critics about the society within the show with amazing characters, great soundtrack and animation plus banger plot. Pina, Jack, Juno and Legoshi best characters and every week I look forward for the next eps so I hope yall go give it some love.
SK8 The Infinity
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If it wasnt clear from my spam every Saturday that I am absolutely in love with this show I dont know what to tell you ASDFGHJ. Sk8 has an amazing range of characters I find fascinating, specially Reki, very much so everything Reki asdfgh but yeah!! Its super entertaining with an interesting plot and its definetely becoming one of my favorite animes because the amount of times ive rewatched the episodes to cope is kind of embarrassing lmaooo, definetely give it a try although I understand its not for everyone but like,,,,, do it for Reki? 🤧👉🏻👈🏻
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Hello to the new mods! I saw that requests were open and I had this one on my noggin for a while now. How about Fuyuhiko, Peko and Gundham with an S/O who has a cat that's like an ABSOLUTE UNIT?? Big, fluffy, soft and super friendly! How would they react to the cat just randomly sitting down on their lap??
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A B S O L U T E U N I T .
This is so!! Adorable!! I have a chonky cat myself (he’s perfectly healthy, don’t worry!) and I love cats in general- he’s sitting behind me as I’m writing this. Mans knows what’s up.
I hope you enjoy it, my buttercup baby!
TW for some slightly vulgar language because Fuyuhiko exists.
- 🌺💖Mod Rantaro💖🌺
Fuyuhiko, Peko and Gundham with an S/O who has a chonky, friendly cat!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu :
You were hanging out at your place, the usual.
Fuyuhiko knew you had a cat, but he’s never seen it. He just assumed it was skittish or shy and didn’t really question it. 
But as you two were casually watching a movie on the couch, a wild chonky baby appeared!
Fuyuhiko heard the jingling bell on it’s collar, and as he turned around to look where it came from, he heard you cooing: “Hello, buddy~! Did you sleep well??”, and then felt a weight on his lap.
Oh my god.
The cat was just... Vibing... With all that CHONK-
He froze for a few moments, then pat the top of the cat’s head, a rare, soft smile appearing on his face.
It’s so fat and fluffy that his heart can’t help but feel warm.
Don’t point it out though or he’ll never come in contact with an animal ever again-
He kept asking you questions about the cat. Like it’s name, where it came from, how you got it, what breed it was, why he’s literally never seen it before-
You explained that your cat was an extremely heavy sleeper, and that whenever Fuyuhiko came to your house, it was somehow always in the middle of a nap. So it just slept through his entire visit in a random part of the house-
Oh. Yeah, that kinda makes sense-
He and the cat become pretty close really fast. It was following him around everywhere, ran to the door whenever he came over, sat on him all the time, slowly blinked at him, etc. It was like no one else existed when he was around.
I don't blame the cat though like me too no thoughts only Fuyuhiko
Congratulations, your boyfriend has stolen the heart of your cat!
He never got why you’d just coo at it like it was a baby though.
And then he started doing it.
But like... In his own way.
And now he can’t stop.
“You’re so goddamn fat. Look at you, you dumb lil’ fatty!” 
You cursed him to swear at and insult your cat in a baby voice I-
He also has literal arguments with the cat sometimes-
Tends to go like:
“I know you ate my sandwich while I wasn’t looking, you damn fatass.”
“What do you mean you didn’t do it?? Look at how thicc you are! You walk into a room and your ass walks in five minutes later!!”
Never-the-less he loves that cat with his whole heart, even if he’ll never admit it. 
Peko Pekoyama :
You and Peko were walking to your house, taking in the fresh air.
You had just recently, around a few months ago, let a random cat into your house after you found it outside.
It looked well-taken care of, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find any signs of an owner. So, you decided to adopt it!
You still haven’t told Peko, since you didn’t know if you would be keeping the cat or not, but you were planning to tell her today.
 So, the two of you made it to your place. You went inside, and got ready to play some videogames, when you told her you needed to go get something.
That something was your new fluffy friend.
You were looking around the house, but... Couldn’t find the cat anywhere. You started to panic a little bit. 
Until you got back to the living room, where you saw Peko still sitting on the couch, your cat comfortably laying in her lap.
“Oh, there it is!”, you breathed out, relieved the cat was still inside and ok.
Peko was... So astonished. She stared down at the cat with wide eyes, unsure if she should pet it or not. It was... So fluffy...
Animals were usually afraid of her, and she didn’t wanna scare off your furry companion.
You giggled at her. For some reason, the fact she was the Ultimate Swordsman, yet was so captivated by your cat was adorable.
“You can pet it, Peko, don’t worry.”
“Won’t... It get scared and run off?”
“If it chose to sit in your lap, I doubt it!”
So, she slowly pet it, and heard it start to purr so loudly it sounded like a little motorcycle.
And that was the start of their friendship.
The cat, like with Fuyuhiko, follows her around a lot. But unlike Fuyuhiko, she points it out every time because she’s so surprised-
The cat loves to just vibe on her shoulders. If she’s walking around your house the cat IS sitting up there, no I don’t make the rules.
She also has conversations with the cat. She doesn’t coo at it, but she talks to it a lot.
Something like in this one video I found-
That cat looks so sweet I’m crying-
She’s really glad that that precious kitty came up to her.
Gundham Tanaka:
You were heading to Gundham's place, cat carrier in your hands. You and Gundham have been planning to move in together, and wanted to help your cat get adjusted to the various other animals that were in his care.
When you got there and Gundham greeted you, you got to work. You opened the cat carrier, letting your fluffy friend out, as it started to carefully sniff around the new environment.
The other animals were kept in a separate room. You were trying to do this slowly, after all! You didn't want to overwhelm the kitty.
Yes, that also meant the Dark Devas. He was worried they would be put in danger. Even if they were all-powerful, their mortal forms were incredibly fragile. He just put them to sleep in their little bed and let them vibe there-
Gundham could only look at the cat, astonished, and proudly say: "No wonder, someone as divine as you tamed even the most powerful of beasts!"
He's just being extra he's amazed by the chonk
But, of course, he had some worries about the cat's health.
He wasn't trying to say you were a bad owner, not at all! He just wanted to make sure that the cat was in top condition, despite it's weight.
And, thankfully, it was! So his worries were for nothing.
When it got used to it's surroundings, the cat immediately went to Gundham's side. He was used to animals naturally gravitating towards him, so he wasn't that surprised, but he was overjoyed that your cat also liked him.
You and the Ultimate Breeder spent time together, playing with the cat and letting it roam around his home and pick up the scents of the other animals.
And when you two moved in, your cat fit in like it was around since the beggining!
It easily got along with the other animals, found it's way around the house with no trouble and adjusted to Gundham's presence very quickly.
And Gundham was very surprised, but glad to find out that the cat?? Took care of the Devas, in a sense?? Almost like a parental figure would. You could always find the Devas either piled on top or around the cat and sleeping in it's fur, or the cat grooming them.
It was a really cute sight let's be honest-
And like with Peko the cat vibes on Gundham's shoulders a lot.
And he sometimes rolls it up into a purrito with his scarf because it's funny and the cat lowkey loves it-
Getting the cat to adjust did take a while, but Gundham was glad that, in the end, it became a part of your joined animal family.
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Yay, another request done! I hope you enjoy this one! I'm also sorry for kinda,, Not posting, I procrastinated on writing this and am still procrastinating on writing the other requests I've claimed sgshdg-
Make sure to drink some water, take any meds you may need to, and maybe eat some fruit or candy! Lotsa love from me, my buttercup baby! <3
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solarsynthm · 3 years
thoughts/headcanons about clay terran
since capcom literally introduced a character that was supposed to be Apollo’s best friend and then sealed him away forever, I’ve taken into liberty of headcanoning the shit out of him and forming him more as a character so here we gooo
This is sort of a long post (ALSO INCLUDING IMAGES OF JACKETS N SHIT) so if you really wanna read this click the read more button and enjoy !! :]
• clay has adhd you cannot change my mind
• He can beatbox. really well. And he can also do whatever the hell MC Mental at his best is almost perfectly
• Also can fortnite dance. he does not stop fortnite dancing it’s like back in 2018 when every kid under the age of 14 was fortnite dancing in a walmart you couldn’t escape it
• He gets distracted very easily and also sucks at volume control he’s almost as bad as Apollo
• he probably had a fnaf phase in middle school
• he/they/star/rocket/space + other space neos, demiboy and pansexual
• i do not think that clay (or apollo) ever really had a crush on each other? i feel like they had more of a gay best friend/brother relationship moreso
• Has a mild animal allergy. anything furry makes him stuffy. that does not stop him from loving mikeko or any dog ever
• speaking of animals I see clay as more of a dog person? I’m not sure why but he strikes me as loving border collies specifically
• Clay is chaotic and can be very unhinged (but in a funny way) at times and overall just super hyperactive. However if the time comes to be serious then he quits clowning and faces the problem in a mature manner and tries to help to the best of his extent. 
• gamer /j (god im crying this is reminding me of the time patrick star’s va went “yeah patrick is definately a gamer”)
• idk why but clay gives me the kind of vibes that he’d wear anything from coats to hoodies to just cool looking stylized outfits, always something different. i feel maybe like these kinds of jackets?? 
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(like, the blue and purple ones specifically too, I think he’d go for something colorful or something darker, because there’s no way in hell that he’d just wear this one simple bootleg nasa jacket all the time)
• he would also wear merch from games he likes and pull it off without looking like a loser (i could never)
• freckles he has freckles i dont care if this is canon or not i love the idea of clay with freckles
• he is the one who got apollo into astrology clay loves ANYTHING space and he’ll ramble to you about it any day of the week if you ask. he’ll also give interesting facts
• hes awesome and all but i can kinda see him being a bit of a himbo ngl. not incredibly stupid but like, sometimes you wonder
• in school clay always bit his pencils and like. apollo would never accept a pencil from clay like. He loves him like a brother but there’s no chance in hell he’s gonna touch a bitten up pencil. clay had no idea why and thus apollo never told him
• also in school Clay constantly tried to get apollo like a boyfriend or something because like i think it was especially around the time everyone on the fucking planet and within the school hallways thinks they are ready for a relationship and wants one, so like clay did try to get but only ended up causing Apollo bad experiences with people leading him on and instead making fun of him and then leaving him like a week later. He most certainly kicked their asses after seeing apollo get hurt repeatedly  - this eventually led to clay giving up and just realizing that maybe whoever will eventually come along instead of trying to set it up
okay im done for now thanks for coming to my ted talk
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gulfportofficial · 3 years
Watched a doc on furries with my gf the other night, and we kinda liked it. It was critical of the scene, critical in particular of the attempts to make the subculture mainstream by presenting a particular image of furries to the world. This was of interest to me, as I’ve always been more sympathetic to an honest weirdo than I am to someone who tries to insert their weirdness into inappropriate spaces and claim there’s nothing weird about it. People who let their freak flag fly and are like, “you know what? I like to pretend to be a dog, and it’s hella sexy to me. I’m off to do that with my friends who like it too. See you later,” are just a million times less annoying to me than people who are like “actually, there’s nothing sexual about my dog suit, you have the wrong idea, perhaps you should participate in the subculture before you judge. Many of us are respected members of society and...”
(See also: kinksters. I have no interest whatsover in regulating the rainbow of depraved shit people do in their own bedrooms. But if you bring it up in general public spaces, I’ll shame to my heart’s content and I will not feel the slightest bit bad about it.)*  ANYWAY I mention this because there was a guy in the doc who was... he had some pretty weird vibes but mostly I cruelly laughed at him because he got bullied at work for telling people he was a furry (and they then found him online). I entirely believe it’s possible that people bullied this guy in a really cruel way, that was also most likely pretty homophobic given how many furries are gay. But I also thought, Jesus Christ man, why would you tell people you’re a furry? You can bang on and on about the fandom being “not sexual” all you like, but you know that’s most people’s impressions of it, and hence you shouldn’t bring it up at work! I’m a lesbian and I play a loooooooong pronoun game before I ever mention my partner at work (if I ever do), and that’s something I actually SHOULD be allowed to bring up, I just have a sense of self preservation and enjoy employment. How are people ever thinking it’s acceptable to bring up being a furry in the workplace environment? How? Do you think it’s the same as mentioning your same gender partner? It’s not! Were the other people at work talking about their weird kinks first or something? Report them to HR! 
So long story short I was skimming through a blog by a furry guy documenting other furries with incredibly shitty politics, and it turns out this furry from the doc is an extremely racist Trump loving MAGA guy who open carries a gun bc he walks around in perpetual fear of being attacked by Black people, is mad misogynist to boot, and, this is fun, loves to piss in his adult diapers while in a fursuit, and then put on other people’s already soaked diapers on top of his. Which is not something he keeps to his DMs. Oh no. It’s right out there.
So yeah he sure left that part out of the “fursecuted at work” story. Lol. - *Kinksters in particular doing this I don’t get. Isn’t the taboo what makes it hot? Why would you tell everyone and try to normalize it as an oppressed identity like the adult babies keep trying to do in Huffpo Queer Voices? Doesn’t a kink lose all sex appeal if it’s not naughty and deviant anymore? Is that just me being a Catholic and, crucially, not an adult baby?
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Maybe You're My Enemy (Diamond Chaney) - Ortega
a/n: hey, hi, hello! welcome to the first canon compliant thing i have written since 2017, i am *~ petrified! ~* . i had to write something to fix these two though after the events of episode 8 because i just love them dearly (and the fact in the subsequent episode Lawrence just dropped in the fact they’d shared a bed didn’t help this at all). thank you so much to @purecamp for reading it over and reassuring me it’s not a heap of shit (so if it turns out that it is then just blame her xo). also the song it’s set to is enemy by Charli XCX in case u want to get the immersive vibes!
fic summary: On one side of Scotland, Lawrence disappears from social media. On the other, Ellie reflects.
They say, “Keep your friends close”
But you’re closer, I love when you’re here
I’m so far away sometimes, I’m distant, yeah
The sky is grey. The clouds are grey. The stagnant water of the quay is grey, and so’s the metal rail that Ellie’s holding on to as he narrows his eyes, tries to stop the wind from hitting them and making him tear up.
As if the wind would be the only reason.
He brings his gaze into focus on the HMS Unicorn, sat in the water in front of him like some massive whale that’s been planted in a bathtub. It’s a fucking ugly ship; a glorified tugboat on steroids with a big bowsprit sticking out at the front all out of place, but he likes the little bust of the once-white unicorn that sticks out from under it. Ellie remembers getting brought here for a school trip in Primary 3, pointing to the unicorn all excited and getting laughed at by the boys in his class that he knew were going to grow up to be the ones that gave the teachers lip and got suspended in high school.
He remembers that Bryce made up the fact that one of the boys had “said the f word” in the gift shop later that day, just so Ellie could have the satisfaction of watching them get screamed at by their teacher. Ellie still fucking loves him for that.
Ellie thinks the unicorn is out of place in all this grey. He remembers the time he did his unicorn mix when he opened for Willam, how nervous he’d been and messaging Lawrence about it and getting a “this you coming out to me as a furry?” in return which made him laugh and forget why he’d even been nervous in the first place. He can’t help the smile the memory brings to his face even if he wants to.
And he wants to.
Lawrence always could make him smile, get a laugh from him even when he didn’t feel like it. He remembers with a blow to his heart what Lawrence had said on the show- “you’re not terribly funny? Like you don’t have…zinger-y punchlines?” - and how Tia had laughed and Ellie had wanted so much to bite back but didn’t.
Because he always could draw a laugh out of Lawrence. Granted he was usually laughing at him rather than with him, but Ellie could still put a smile on his face by acting dumb, saying things that Lawrence would subsequently repeat in a screech of disbelief that would always make Ellie laugh harder anyway. He’d always self-impose ridiculous dares on himself in front of him: in Hive, “here, what if I did the entire shot rainbow?”, in Nandos, “d’you think I could do the wing roulette by myself?”, in Glasgow on the Subway on the way to a gig, “dare me to get off at Ibrox and I’ll go to the Louden Tavern dressed like this?”. Ellie had been used to being the class clown for Lawrence, the jester for the queen.
Or maybe just a fool.
Ellie’s always hated the colour grey.
You might help me, intimacy
I’ll admit, I’m scared
Maybe, maybe you can reach me, yeah
His surroundings turn to silver as he shoves his hands in his pockets, heads towards the V&A museum that’s still glinting despite the lack of sunlight. He’s stopped by two teenage girls that are polite and shy and squeaky-voiced as they ask for a photo- he supposes that’s what he gets when he goes out wearing the pink and purple fur coat with the hearts on it. Ellie forces a smile and thanks them for supporting him and they tell him he’s their favourite in return.
After they walk away he thinks they must have been lying, but then he feels the frown etch itself onto his face as he shakes his head. The self-doubt is a hangover from filming that he needs to shake off.
He squints at the museum as he walks past, fleetingly thinks about going in and looking at some of the old fashion to cheer him up. A’whora’s promised to go with him when he’s eventually allowed to come up to visit, and Ellie snorts at the idea of the fashion queen of the London scene in Dundee. The thought of A’whora’s reaction to the Wellgate shopping centre- the Credit Union, the B&M, the Jobcentre Plus- puts the first smile on his face he’s had in days.
Lawrence had gone round the museum with him too, when Ellie had dropped him off at the train station the day after a gig and they’d been killing time. It had been weird to just dick about like that together the first few times. Weird the fact there was no makeup, glue and wigs, no alcohol or gay anthems to yell over. Just two boys walking around a museum together. Like a date.
Ellie makes a face before he even realises. Not this.
The first time they did all of it together was weird. Just like everything Lawrence had written. Nandos, cinema, staying at his. That last one especially. Ellie can still remember the way he’d stared up at the bumpy ceiling from his position on Lawrence’s couch in the pitch dark, street lamps from outside casting shadows through the blinds. The room was too cold and the blanket was too small and he hadn’t slept a wink but he’d still do it all over again.
The first time they’d both lain on Lawrence’s bed the morning after the night before, cracking up at Scottish You Laugh You Lose compilations on Youtube and Ellie being unable to help the tears that streamed down his face at Lawrence imitating “big shoe, big shoeeee!”. The way they’d been close and the way their arms had touched and the way Ellie had felt ridiculous for the way his heart was hammering. Just a friend.
The first time they’d found each other under the dark lights of CCs when they’d both been through in Edinburgh to support Alice by chance. The way Ellie’s heart had lit up like a firework when he saw him. The way they’d laced their fingers together without even having to ask permission first, the way everything just seemed to be as simple as tequila rose shots and pink lights and leaning against the wall as they smoked outside.
The way everything else had just happened so easily.
Ellie squeezes his eyes shut before he can realise what he’s doing. The memories have forced their way in, kicked down a door in his head that he’d been sure he’d bolted shut.
He needs to change the locks.
Maybe you’re my enemy
Now I’ve finally let you come a little close to me,
Maybe you’re my enemy
You’re the only one who knows the way I’m really feelin’
Ellie is in the same Stitch onesie he’s been shrugging on since the last episode aired. It stinks. He’s joked to A'whora that he can probably smell him through the phone, and A'whora’s asked if he just sweats out Mango Loco Monster. Ellie makes some joke about wringing out his clothes into a pint glass if he did, which makes A'whora retch on camera.
He’s glad they made up at least. They didn’t have too much of a choice, to be fair. Apart from the way they get on so well, their bond and their friendship, A'whora’s the only other one who knows what it’s like to be in Ellie’s situation.
Except A'whora never stabbed Tayce in the back.
“You should talk to him,” A'whora insists, bringing the whole sorry situation up in a pause where Ellie must have looked as if he was about to make a vodka bleach mixer.
Ellie looks pointedly back at him through the screen. “I’ve been telling you to talk to Tayce for months.”
He watches A'whora pull an awkward face and he’s satisfied he’s hit a nerve. “That’s different though. You and Lawrence don’t live together.”
“Yeah. Least I wasn’t stupid enough to move in with someone I fancied, how’s that going for you?”
A'whora splutters a laugh that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Ellie feels guilty all over again. He feels like that’s his default these days. “Sorry, chick, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, I mean. It’s fine. Just have to act as if I’m not in love with the bitch every time I’m around her, it’s not hard,” A'whora deadpans.
Ellie frowns. “You know Tayce feels the same. Everyone knows it.”
“No I don’t,” A'whora says instantly back to him, shaking his head and dissolving momentarily into pixels. “Besides, even if she did, like…it’s easier if she didn’t, y'know? All this…publicity, every move getting analysed. It’s easier to just…not.”
Ellie narrows his eyes. “You’re doing a smashing job making the case for me and Lawrence.”
“You know what I mean! You don’t get people asking where Lawrence is in every live you do. You don’t get people going through the show fucking…frame by frame and then editing every time you breathe around each other together and setting it to a bloody Little Mix song.”
Ellie bursts out laughing and starts singing Black Magic down the phone to him, which makes A'whora look pointedly at him before clearly being unable to hold it for long and instead laughing with him.
Both their laughter dies down and Ellie watches as A'whora smiles sadly, sincerely. “He’s worth the risk, Els.”
“Oh my God, prison. Who the fuck are you, Nicholas Sparks?”
The reference flies over A'whora's head and Ellie starts explaining the plot of the A Walk to Remember, steering the conversation out of the waters it had become marooned in, the captain of his very own HMS Unicorn.
He feels more like he’s aboard the Titanic with every message that goes unread.
Now it’s really clear to me
You could do a little damage, you could cut me deeper
“It didn’t get you a badge though, was it worth it?”
Ellie’s asked himself that every day since the episode aired. Since he made the decision, pretty much. Financially? Yes it was. It’s pretty well-known at this point in the grand scheme of Drag Race that with each week you’re on the likelihood of securing more bookings is increased, and now with his slot at Drag Fest he feels as if he’s hit the jackpot.
Everything else? Not so much.
Ellie still feels his stomach drop if he thinks enough about that untucked, which he does all the time. Too much, in fact. The aggression in Lawrence’s voice which Ellie knew all too well was a manifestation of hurt on so many levels. The way Lawrence chose the conflict that Ellie wished he could have avoided. The way Lawrence left his feelings bare while Ellie couldn’t trust himself to do the same in case he said something he might regret.
The fact Lawrence had thought Ellie had set him up to fail was maybe what hurt the most, though. Ellie had wanted to ask him how he thought he’d be able to do that after everything they’d been through together. He’d tried to tell him he didn’t think it was possible for him to fail at something he shines at. He’d wanted to grab Lawrence’s pink fucking headpiece and bash him over the head with it until he realised that he’s Lawrence fucking Chaney, he is the Scottish drag queen. Lawrence is the one who will say something at a gig one week and it’ll be common drag parlance across the country by the next. Lawrence is the one getting booked by the BBC Social to make educational videos. Lawrence is the one on posters across Glasgow, for fuck’s sake.
Ellie might not have been thinking about the worst case scenario in that moment, but only because he genuinely didn’t think there could be one.
After all, he’d had his opportunity to sabotage Lawrence. Ellie remembers the first day when the producers had wanted to set up the Scottish queen rivalry, asked for something shady they could use as a soundbite. The way he’d sought out Lawrence on a smoke break and told him about the situation and reassured him that he hadn’t given them anything, and the way Lawrence had just smiled back at him, softly and genuinely, and told Ellie he’d done the same. The way they’d minutely linked pinkies together before breaking them and walking back inside as if they’d barely shared so much as a glance, neither of them wanting to draw any suspicion their way.
And he could’ve been harsher in that untucked if he’d wanted. Could’ve said how for someone that was meant to care so much about friendship and sisterhood, Lawrence had been doing a great job shitting on him from a great height about his lack of challenge wins and his run on the show.  
But he didn’t, because…well. He knows why.
Because the knowledge that he’d hurt Lawrence and lost his trust had done more damage than any joke Lawrence made at his expense could ever do.
Ellie goes live on the Tuesday afternoon. A comment on the chat reads, “are u A’whora and Lawrence still friends???”
“Yeah, me and A’whora are still friends!” Ellie bats the comment away with a fake smile.
He’ll blame his lack of comprehension skills if he’s asked about it.
I feel guilty, I feel nervous, I feel certain now
Maybe, maybe you can reach me
He doesn’t know what possesses him to do it.
Maybe it’s when he wakes up on Friday and Lawrence’s Twitter isn’t loading. Maybe it’s when he reads the other Scottish girls condemning the fans, the word fatphobia leaping out, grabbing Ellie’s heart and wrenching it tight.
Surely not this?
Ellie searches Twitter and what he finds makes him feel ill. He doesn’t know what he had expected- he’d known the frantic tweet urging the fans to be kind that he’d typed out before he went to sleep hadn’t exactly been going to create world peace overnight- but he hadn’t expected any of this. Everyone loves Lawrence, surely.
Although perhaps he’s just talking from experience.
Maybe it’s when he shoots Lawrence a message that goes unopened. In all honesty Ellie doesn’t blame him. A flimsy sentiment about hoping he’s okay that clocks in at under 250 characters isn’t going to cut it, and he’s grateful when Bimini, with all their empathy and ability to read a situation as clear as day, texts him and tells him that Lawrence has replied to them and he’s…well, he’s managing.
Maybe it’s when Ellie goes live with A’whora and he manages to mention Lawrence entirely too many times. A cry for attention or an old habit that’s dying hard? He can’t tell. Perhaps it’s both.
It’s definitely got something to do with the Facebook post.
Whatever it is, Ellie finds himself stuffing any old random items of clothing in a backpack and hoping it makes an outfit, shoving the spare key into the soil of the plant pot outside his front door and texting Anne to tell her where it is in case…fuck knows, the flat goes on fire while he’s away or something. He looks up the train times as he’s on his way to the station; a terrible decision, really, as when he’s still fifteen minutes away he discovers there’s one in ten. Somehow he manages to make it to the station with just a minute to spare and his heart lifts to find that the ticket barriers are open, so he dashes through them and hurtles onto the train that’s waiting at the platform. He catches his breath as he slumps into a table seat, having to take his mask off for a couple of seconds just so he can breathe properly. The way his heart is going at the rate the train’s about to isn’t helping.
The chimes of the train announcement cut through his attempts at slowing his heart down, and the little robotic woman’s voice confirms that his ridiculous, spur-of-the-moment decision is actually happening.
“This is Dundee. This train is for Glasgow Queen Street.”
Because this is all so last minute, but he needs to see Lawrence. He’s apologised probably ten times by now but he knows he needs to make it eleven. He knows (he hopes) that Lawrence needs that eleventh time too. He knows that Lawrence needs Ellie’s persistence, knows that it’s all just an attempt at self-preservation. Lawrence’s attempts at shutting Ellie out are just inviting him to bring a battering ram. At least, he hopes. But like A’whora had said…he’s worth the risk.
The train starts moving, and even if he wanted to back out now he couldn’t.
So cold at the surface, I’m scared of nothin’
Underneath, I’m nervous
Can you reach me?  
Ellie waits for the subway at Buchanan Street and his glazed-over eyes focus on a massive poster of Lawrence on the platform opposite. He briefly considers throwing himself under the next train.
The journey down had passed somehow in the blink of an eye and also agonisingly slowly. Too much time to sit and stare out of the window but not enough time to figure out what he’s going to say. He still doesn’t know. He’d said it all those months ago, he’s said it through texts and DMs. This time feels different, though. This time is different. This time there’s no cameras or runners or pink tables, or distance between them or tension at the fact nothing had aired yet.
It’s going to be the pair of them and Lawrence’s flat. Just like it’s been so many times before.
Ellie thinks he’ll probably just open his mouth, say whatever gets there first and hope it hits the right notes; a terrible decision arrived upon as a result of the lack of any other option. His mind is a messed up ball of television static, a knotted yarn of white noise that he can’t find the end of. He feels as if it’s made of the noise the train makes as it screams into the station, metal on metal and the low whoosh of the wind through the tunnel and the rickety shaking of the doors as they slide open and people stream off.
He picks up his bag and sinks down into the horrifically patterned upholstery of the seats, settling himself in for the journey. The little metal tin can of a train doesn’t take long to fire through the seven stops before Govan and with each one that passes Ellie can feel his nerves spiking and his mouth growing dry.
What if Lawrence isn’t even in? What if it’s all got too much and he’s gone back to Helensburgh for the foreseeable? Ellie could get a train up there, he supposes; he’s already on this side of the country, although he doesn’t know if Lawrence would appreciate the gesture or call the police on him.
Ellie concludes it would be worth it anyway.
He emerges from the Subway and the grey seems to hit him all over again, seeping into his clothes and forcing him to fight through the sadness that hits him like a wave. There’s a little beam of sunshine fighting to escape the clouds though, and Ellie hopes it’s some form of pathetic fallacy. Or whatever that one about the weather matching your feelings was. Fucked if he ever paid attention in Nat 5 English.
The streets of red brick tenements feel like pens of hostility as he passes windows that serve as frames for Union Jacks and Red Hand of Ulster flags. Even being raised in a Christian household doesn’t equip him to identify with this form of religion; where the disciples are football players and the gods are flags and the hymns are about killing Catholics. Ellie has always worried about Lawrence living here, told him as much, but he’s always been met with a bark of a laugh back and some comment about how he’s only saying that because he’s lived such a sheltered little life in Dundee and wouldn’t last five minutes trying to inhabit Glasgow and all its cheerful sectarianism. Lawrence has always had a very blythe attitude to the whole thing, and Ellie remembers when he’d held his hand on the way back from the Subway in full drag after a gig like it was nothing, the way some dick in an orange and blue scarf had shouted at them from across the street and Lawrence had just yelled back with an “awrite, babes?” as if he had a death wish.
Which is what makes this whole thing so grim. The Lawrence who drunkenly and sarcastically greets bigots at three in the morning from across the street doesn’t marry up with the Lawrence that’s holed up in his flat in the face of negativity. Ellie supposes that one homophobic Rangers fan is one homophobic Rangers fan, but Twitter can seem like the whole world’s population, and if Lawrence thinks the world hates him just because he’s reacted to something that was Ellie’s fault…
He feels his gut wrench.
Ellie turns into Lawrence’s street and feels ill. He could always go home. Turn and walk back to the Subway, train back to Queen Street, back to Dundee, back to the flat. Like nothing had ever happened. Like he hadn’t even consciously made the decision, like it was all a dream.
He sleepwalks to Lawrence’s close door anyway, just like he knew he would.
His hand shakes as he presses the buzzer too hard, and the panic rises in his throat as the seconds pass agonisingly slowly. When there’s a crackle from the intercom, he freezes in fear.
It’s Kiko’s voice. Of course his flatmate had to be the one to answer, drag out the humiliation of the whole thing. Ellie can hear the shake to his voice as he replies.
“Hey, it’s Ellie.”
He chooses to ignore the disbelief, acts as if it’s normal for him to have travelled across the country to turn up on Lawrence’s doorstep in the middle of a pandemic when there’s a travel ban in place. He’s considering this essential travel anyway.
“Is Lawrence in at all?”
Kiko, for her part, seems to pick up on the way the whole visit is masquerading as routine. In the split second before she replies, Ellie finds himself holding his breath. He steels himself, prepares for a “no, he’s actually…”, to send him back to Dundee like a crumpled sheet of paper tossed into a bin.
So Ellie feels like his throat’s going to close up when Kiko replies down the intercom. “Yeah, two secs. I’ll buzz you up.”
The dread settles in his gut like a weight as the buzzer rings out into the street, harsh and loud and doing nothing for Ellie’s derailed train of thought. He pushes on the door, takes his first step into the close and the echo seems to hit him deep in his chest. He finds himself wishing Lawrence lives four up but he’s only on the first floor, and as Ellie puts his foot on the first step of the staircase he keeps his eyes trained on the stairs because he knows the moment he looks up he’s going to see somebody standing there holding the door open and even though he’s had hours to prepare himself, weeks even, he’s not ready for that in the slightest.
And when he finally brings his gaze onto the front door with four steps to go, he’s not ready for the way the sight of Lawrence almost knocks him straight back down again. He’s slumped against the doorframe and has very clearly not slept- since when, Ellie couldn’t guess. A black hoodie is swamping him and a pair of navy sweatpants are doing the same, making him seem smaller than he already is. The sight of his hair up in that tiny bun hurts Ellie’s heart because it makes him want to smile, reminds him of the Lawrence he’d dick about in the workroom and the smoking area and the hotel corridors with before it all went so wrong. His arms are folded and he’s looking at the tiles on the landing floor until Ellie reaches the doorway, shifts awkwardly.
Lawrence doesn’t quite meet his eyes. It’s a minute detail that hurts Ellie more than he would have expected. He doesn’t reply for a second, then seems to relent. “Hey.”
Another pause. The atmosphere makes Ellie wish he’d worn a thicker jacket.
“You’re not meant to be here, you know. Wee Nicky’s probably had snipers trained on you since you got off the train,” Lawrence says, delivering the quip with a bitter, barbed edge that makes Ellie think it’s less of a joke and more wishful thinking.
“Wouldn’t be any less than I deserve, I’m sure,” Ellie smiles sadly, unable to make it meet his eyes. Lawrence’s expression remains unimpressed.
“So why are you here, then,” he not so much as demands an answer but disinterestedly inquires. Ellie bites his bottom lip before he replies, as if he’s forcing himself to make sure his words are perfect.
“I just came down because…well, I wanted to see how you were. I know the past week must have been shit for you.”
Lawrence raises his eyebrows, his eyes growing wide as if to really drive home to Ellie how much of an understatement he already knows he’s made. “Yeah.”
Ellie sighs, wanting desperately to get the next part right. “And I felt like I needed to say I’m sorry. Y’know, in front of you.”
“You said sorry back when we filmed. We’re over it, it’s fine,” Lawrence says flatly, conveying that everything is not fine.
“It’s not fine, though. I wouldn’t have come down if it was fine. Things haven’t been fine since that day, and like…I miss you, Lawrence, I don’t want to lose you as a friend, or as a sister, or as…” Ellie stumbles, looking to the floor as he tries to articulate the other facet of their relationship. “…whatever else we are. Whatever else we were. I’m sorry for fucking everything up.”
There’s a silence in which the pair of them freeze and hold their breath. Time could very well be standing still for all Ellie knows. He immediately regrets bringing up all of…that. He should’ve kept it to friendship, shouldn’t have added anything on. Before he can overthink any more or begin to backtrack, a small sigh from Lawrence makes him look up.
“I thought you hated me,” he says. His voice is small and the words are unexpected. There’s so much Ellie could say in response. He settles on a joke.
“No, I think you’re a cunt. There’s a difference,” Ellie smiles tightly, the joke tentative. The snort it gets from Lawrence makes his smile grow without him being able to help it. “Was that a good one? Thought I was the unfunniest person on the planet?”
“We weren’t talking about your Bake Off improv,” Lawrence raises his eyebrows as he smirks, and Ellie fakes a wounded laugh.
“Shady cow.”
“I’m sorry,” Lawrence says out of nowhere, his smile gone all of a sudden.
Ellie tries to drag the joke out a little longer, hold onto the sparks they’ve just created. “Nah, it was shit, you’re right.”
“No, Ellie…” Lawrence shakes his head, worrying his lip between his teeth a little. “I am sorry.”
Ellie feels the panic wash over him when he clocks the glisten in his eyes. “It’s fine, girl.”
“It’s not fine. I was a dick to you so many times, no fuckin’ wonder I thought you’d set me up. I would too if I had somebody talking down to me like I did to you,” Lawrence says gravely. His gaze is fixed on his floor and just as Ellie is about to speak he catches sight of two tears that fall onto the red carpet, the darkness akin to blood. His horror grows as Lawrence finally snaps his head up, tears shining in his eyes as he sighs helplessly in a shaky voice. “You’re amazing, Ellie, you’re such a talent, and…fuck, I missed you.”
His words mean more to him that Ellie had expected them to. He doesn’t want to let that show, though, because that’s too much, that means too much for the situation just now and he can deal with that realisation at a later date. For now, Ellie points at him in mock-accusation. “Hey listen, I’m the one that got the train down to come and make a big speech to you and say sorry. Buy your own damn train ticket for that.”
Lawrence’s voice is thick with tears as he lets out a short laugh. “Sorry.”
“Wee bitch. Always have to make everything about you,” Ellie rolls his eyes, getting another teary laugh out of Lawrence and raising his hopes that maybe they’ll be okay.
And then the banks break and Lawrence makes a little choked-up noise, a sob that’s not fully a sob. His eyes meet Ellie’s and they’re full of so much sadness and regret that just looking at them creates a crack in Ellie’s heart, one that matches the crack in Lawrence’s voice as he speaks again.
“This has all been shit to do without you.”
Ellie doesn’t think before opening his arms out, shaking his head affectionately. “Don’t be silly. C’mere.”
When Lawrence immediately opens out his own and they meet each other in the middle and hug tightly, Ellie feels like a balloon that’s been let go and is floating up to the sky.
The clouds aren’t grey.
The way they’re holding each other brings back too many memories. Seeing each other at gigs and feeling butterflies take hold of his stomach. Coming off stage after a number and conveying his pride in him without even having to say a word. Saying goodbye at train stations with disappointment lodging itself in his heart. All the nostalgia makes Ellie want to cry, but he can’t start now. Instead, he breaths a shaky sigh, shakes his head before he speaks.
“You’ve always had me, okay? You’ve always got me. We’ve said sorry now, that’s the end of it. Periodt,” Ellie murmurs against his shoulder, adding on his trademark at the end. The laugh he gets muffled against his chest in return makes him feel lighter.
“I’ve not showered. I definitely stink. You don’t have to keep hugging me, you know.”
“You don’t. I want to,” Ellie says back. He means it.
It’s Lawrence that slides out of the hug first but he’s still standing close as he quickly wipes away his tears, looks Ellie up and down with a smirk on his face. “So where’s your Travelodge, hen?”
Ellie’s sheepish when he makes eye contact with him again, shrugs one strap of the rucksack off before replying. “You know damn well I’ve not booked anywhere.”
“Fuckin’ hell. Right, come on,” Lawrence shakes his head affectionately, stepping back into his hallway and letting Ellie finally cross the threshold to drop his bag like an anchor in the flat. It’s the physical manifestation of the burden finally being lifted off of him, the guilt and the regret melting away in favour of the flutter of his heart and a few small sparks that he wants to put in resin. “I get to choose the film later as reparations. Don’t trust you since you made us watch Cat In The Hat.”
Ellie gives a shocked gasp, genuinely offended. “It’s good!”
“Is it fuck. In fact, just for that I’m going to make you sit through something sci-fi and geeky and you’re gonna hate it,” Lawrence smiles with genuine glee, and Ellie can’t even bring himself to be mad about it. As the pair of them walk through to the living room, Lawrence jumps onto the sofa and fixes Ellie with a look that is clearly meant to be serious but that simultaneously Lawrence can’t commit to and Ellie can’t believe. “You’re sleeping here tonight, by the way.”
Ellie raises his eyebrows as he fakes his agreement, going along with the charade Lawrence is beginning. They both know they’ll end up curled up together on the sofa with neither of them having an explanation for how it’s happened, but at the same time knowing they don’t have to explain themselves. They know that Ellie will end up falling asleep slumped against Lawrence and that he’ll have to gently shake him awake, that he’ll wordlessly offer Ellie a hand to drag him off the couch with and that they’ll go through to Lawrence’s room like always. They know that they’ll wake up tangled together like the sheets and that Ellie will be there for him, that he’ll help Lawrence piece himself back together and they’ll go back to the start. Well, maybe not the start. Perhaps somewhere better.
Ellie keeps his friends close, but Lawrence is something a little bit more. Something a little bit closer.
Baby, you’re my enemy.
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Ramble away, cause I feel the twisted head rot, I kinda wanna see what you think about our bois. ~ a pocket sized dragon hops in excitement.
A POCKET SIZED DWAGOOOOOONNNN 😭💞💞💞 That’s so BLESSED, and tysm omg, I’m very glad to just spill out my barking on every boy, bc yEAH THE BRAIN ROT SKDHAKDB
Everything I breathe ends up relating to TWST in some way, like at this point just let me take my friends, cousins, and pets, and of course Lulu and Seb, and I will have 1. A Gottdamned Harem, 2. So Many Children, and 3. NEVER WANT TO LEAVE. Kwfhskdhjwek
Ok this is gonna be long bc I gotta cover all my boys, so rip lol.
Dorm Leads:
GOD, my Fucking Baby, my CHILD, my SWEET BABY BOY, I’M 👁💧👄💧👁
I would die for him, beetch, he is PRECIOUS ♥️
He reminds me of how I feel Ciel would behave if S/O took the place as Sebastian’s contracee, too, so like 🥺 Lots of feels 😭
Is Son, I have adopted him now. If you mistreat him, don’t ever speak to me or my son ever again. I’ll FIGHT his MOM, don’t TEST me. I’m his new mom now. His BIRD mom. So proud of him, he’s like...one of the few that’s actually shown growth in canon after his overblot kshdkadjs
.....I am a Mere Simp....
Ya’ll.... I swearh to ghOD I simped hard for Scar back when I was a wee thing, I did NOT expect to simp for him AGAIN LATER IN LIFE, what the FUCK aidhskdhskdj
Like shit bitch, damn, you may not be king of Afterglow honey, but you can be king of my heart if you wAnt to bb....
Leona: *smiles once, even if it’s smugly*
Me: *WEEPING* Look at hiiiiiiim!! My sunshine booooooy! 😭
Does this make me a furry
I am too Simp to Care Anymore
Call me a Herbivore again, bully me //SLAPPED
He secretly a lil shit sometimes, but tha’s ok, it’s mostly in a silly way, especially post overblot~ UvU
The sweetest bby everytime I read fanposts on him, like god, ah 💜💜💜 WHOMST COULD BULLY SUCH A CUTE CHUBBY OCTOBABY I’LL FIGHT ALL OF EM!! A sweetheart 10/10 would be his friend 💗 Not making contracts with him tho, lol
...ok maybe SOME after his overblot, but they’re able to be easily reversed now, so it’s way more chill andhsjdj
He is literally so sweet, anytime anyone was like “you’re so nice it’s annoying” I WAS READY TO COME FLYING IN TO BITCH SLAP THEM LIKE AJDHSKDHSJ (even if I also loved them lol)
Like NO you are WRONG whfksjd
He has also grown so much, and I am proud ♥️🧡
Jesus Christ, canon Vil is Hurting Meeeeee ajdhskdhsj
My fave fanon Vil is the one that recognizes all different types of beauty, though~ uvu and is v encouraging to anyone that may be struggling with self hatred 💜
Canon: Vil is pretty~.
Me: Wow, wtf???? He IS so pretty... How rude I didn’t think you were serious! Wow him??? Pretty??? Wow??? Wow...
I’m not sure yet, as I haven’t seen him very often, but of the few times that I have: BIG same, huge mood, and Me FUCKING Too, goddamn akdhakdj
Idia is my Anxiety and Anime Nerd personified tbh lol
What Ortho is to him are what all my comfort characters are to me, honestly.
Like what would you like bby, you want that singing voice?? Ok here comes a synthesizer just special for you~. Ily, mwah~ u3u 💕
Ok maybe it’s just the lack of story/info out on him yet, but I don’t currently simp as hard for him compared to Leona, I’ll admit jajdkajd
He Is Baby... And I Lob Him....
I am going to smooch those horns and forehead crown of beautiful scales 🖤🖤🖤 I am going to do it!!!! Here I go!!!
This man is too precious for words, and I have so much childhood nostelgia to ‘enchanted’ woods, and being in the mountains, so he has Old Fae Friend vibes to me~🖤
Ngl I ship him and Leona a lil bit lol
No, not just bc that makes a poly with my two faves easier, but that is a bonus factor jadhajdj
Vice Dorm Heads:
Oh my god, the Daddy to my Mommy with all these newly adopted lil kids of ours, ya know??? What a wholesome sweetie and funny lil shit jahdksdh~
I love him, I would gladly make tarts with, AND for him 💚💚💚
The kind of boi who I’d ship HARD with anyone he started dating bc My God it would warm my heart So Much 💞💞
Ruggie (unofficial but may as well be at this point lol)
He took a while to grow on me kadhskdhsj
But I think he’d be a sweet, if a trouble-maker of a friend to have~.
Dank you for taking care of my sweet lion bby, honey, I’m sure Farrena is a sweetheart, but boi I hope he gets his shit together to fix up where Ruggie lives 😭
I think if I met his granny, I’d CRY jadhajsh 💗💗
Leech Twins (?)
Idk if they’re vice leaders, but who cares lol
THESE are the older Big Brothers in every sense of the word. (My canon ages most everyone up just a bit, save for Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Jamil, Cheka, and anyone already 20+)
The ANNOYING older big brothers, lol.
The ones that hug you to death (Floyd), or use you for an arm rest (Jade), and specifically Do the thing you asked/told them NOT to Do.
This is fine with me tho, I’m an only child, please give me the experience of annoying older brothers lol 💙💚
I used to hate you bby, I’m so sorry akdhskdhs
I’ve adopted him now, and I’m v proud he’s trying, but making clear what his boundaries are, and trying to come out of a shell he was made to be in for so long 😭
God. FUCKING Rook, lol.
IDK IF I SHOULD TRUST YOU, but I also kinda wanna be your friend akdhakdjs
HE CONCERNS ME but he also seems nice and v sweet sometimes, lmao
Blz don’t stalk me tho 😬
Also, if he DARES hunt cute animals around me, especially BIRDS, I am going to GRIP him jahdkahdsk
He’s like if Lord Druitt was a Little More Nice and a Little Bit Less Creepy ajdhak
I absolutely hc him as nonbinary w/masc pronouns, I absoLUTELY do.
I adore him, I love him, I haven’t gotten a squish (hardcore desire to be someone’s friend, lol) this hard for a character since AngelDust, I-
Pwease be nonbinary friends with me, Lilia 🥺
Anyone know Corpse and how he plays Among Us? That’s how I see Lilia playing his video games with friends and I JUST I JUST I J U S T
The Spencer to your Carly.
He and Crowley are free to compete as Dad with me too like honestly kshdkadjjs
He’ll always be granpa tho uvu 💚💖🖤
God, the Fucking Annoying Middle Brother that pranks you ALL THE DAMN TIME, but I love him andhakdhsk
The Josh to Ace’s Drake. The Cody to Ace’s Zack. The Freddie to your Carly and Ace’s Sam.
If he and Ace started dating, tho, I would CRY.
But regardless who they end up dating, it’ll be slow burn friends to lovers, and literally the most adorable shit to watch EVER 💞💞💞😭
Seems Like A Womanizer But Actually Drinks His Reapect Women Juice And We Stan That 🧡
Can always count on him to help tou get the best Magicram shots, bless you Cater 🧡🧡
Also rly wanna be his friend, ngl 😭 Even IF he pranks me a lot kadhakdhsj
If all three Savannaclaw bois got in a cuddle pile with me, I would Not Be Mad
How can I give this boy love, tell me and I will Do It
Gift him all the cacti’s he WANTS💛
God he drinks that respecc women juice bright and early on his run every morning, you KNOW he does 💛💛💛
I wawnt to pet his ears an tail an fwuffy wolf form 😭
He is a v devoted guard tho, we love to see it UvU
I don’t have more info on him hekdhskdj but his fanmade content seems v v sweet~ 💚
Him being raised by Lilia and Malleus literally gives me so much Fucking Seratonin....... God 💞💕💗💗💞💞💗💗💕💞
He is so FUCKING CUTE what the FUCK!
Leonaaaaaaa... 🥺 Your NEPHEWWWWW 😭
I might steal him from Farrena tbh, lIKE MY CHILD NOW~ 🧡🧡
I just sob and hug him every time I see him honestly 😭
Dire Crowley
Ohhhhhh god oh god oh god
Be my dad. Please. Be my dad. PLEASE be my dad. Ya’ll think I’m joking, I’m not. Please adopt me. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
This man as a father gives me so much dopamine and oxytocin and seratonin??? I have been weeping for WEEKS, please adopt me, Sir
Fathers with zero braincells being wrapped around a daughter’s little finger makes me so weak, and I am just here with Daddy Issues like ajdhakdhsj BLEASE ADOPT ME MISTER BIRD MAN
Forgive me, I haven’t seen much content with him in it/that could be considered wholesome, bUT JADHWKDJSJ
Please keep the kink talk out of the classroom, S I R
Call me puppy one more time, see what happens, I’m not scared to fight a teacher akdhakdhsj
The Dad Figure that tries to be the stern part to Crowley’s blumbering kahdkqrhsjdj
Don’t feel as much attachment to him emotionally, but I like him~
Just let me pet your cat sometimes and give you holiday presents, and we’re cool~ ♥️
Found the womanizer //SMACKED
And of course, I can’t forget Grim~!
He’s grown on me, and if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in the room, and then myself 😭
I will pet and snuggle and hold him all he wants and feed him all the tuna his heart desires uvu 💙
43 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 莫弈 SR [松雪童话] [Tears of Themis] Mo Yi SR [Snowy Pine Fairytales] Card Story Translations (Part 1)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mo Yi’s Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Check out Chapter 1 of Mo Yi’s Private Story here!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / SMS 
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Location: Country Villa
MC: It nothing but snow as far as the eye could see the entire way here. This place’s snow really does make it live up to its name. It looks very simple and minimalistic, but it really brings out the vibe of the place.
MC: And this villa’s been completely furnished with wooden furniture.
Mo Yi and I were currently stood inside a magnificent villa. I surveyed the furnishings around us, unconsciously breathing out a sigh of appreciation.
MC: This is all thanks to you, Dr. Mo! And of course, your generous friend who was willing to lend us his villa!
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Mo Yi: It’s great that you like it. I’ll pass your gratitude on to him.
MC: Yeah! It’s brilliant that we can spend Christmas here!
Mo Yi: Let’s go look around later and pick up a suitable Christmas tree along the way.
MC: Sure, sure! I can’t wait!!
The place we are in right now isn’t Stellis City, but the outskirts of another City, located a couple hundred kilometers away from it.
Mo Yi was here to attend a seminar on Child Psychology, and had invited me to come along with him.
And as to the reason why, well, we’ll have to go back to a month prior.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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MC: Looks like the snow has already stopped, Dr. Mo.
Mo Yi: You don’t sound very happy about that. Do you find it sad that it has?
MC: Quite. Stellis City doesn’t see much snow and we’ve only gotten some light snowfall this time too.
MC: I want to see a heavier snowfall. Better yet, one so heavy that I can build a snowman.
Mo Yi: Judging from this year’s weather forecast, it’ll be quite hard to make snowmen in Stellis City.
Mo Yi: But perhaps it may be possible somewhere else.
MC: Where?
Mo Yi: I will be out of town next month for a seminar. That place has snow all-year-round regardless of winter hits; I’m sure it’ll be to your liking.
Mo Yi: The date where the seminar’s taking place happens to be close to Christmas, so you can spend it over there. Just treat it as a short vacation.
Mo Yi: How about it? Interested to check it out?
MC: A white Christmas sounds pretty nice!
MC: Let’s go check it out together, Dr. Mo!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
And that was how I came here together with him.
After the seminar, he had enlisted the help of his friend, who had managed to provide us with an unused villa where we could spend Christmas at.
After putting my luggage aside, I hurried out the door to see the snow.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Country Woods
MC: So, there's actually this big of a pine forest near the villa!
Mo Yi: From what I know of it, there are many different species of pine growing here, and it's very famous for how scenic the snow-capped pine trees are.
Mo Yi pointed to one of the big trees to the side. I looked all around, only to see trees with ramrod straight trunks and layered canopy of leaves, stacking atop one another like layers of a pyramid.
Pure white snow was dusted in between the green of the leaves, making it an absolutely beautiful sight to behold.
Mo Yi: Of course, the same species of pine that's often used as Christmas trees are also among these trees here.
I raised my eyes. The spectacular sea of trees before me was all I could see. The many different varieties of pine were all shaped differently, each standing tall and unique, making them an absolutely breath-taking sight to behold.
However, As someone who doesn't research much into Christmas trees, I didn't actually know where I should even start looking…
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MC: Dr. Mo? Um, are there any conditions when it comes to choosing a Christmas tree? Like, how big or small it should be? It's color? Or maybe something related to its shape and the like?
MC: All these trees look almost the same in my eyes...
Mo Yi: There aren't any particular conditions to speak of, but generally speaking, the larger the base of the tree and the lusher its leaves, the better it'll look once it's decorated.
Mo Yi: But this is merely a suggestion. It’s a Christmas tree especially for you after all, so you can just choose whichever one that catches your fancy.
Heeding his words, I walked into the Forest, closely surveying the trees it had to offer.
MC: Hmm, this one’s way too big and this one’s still not green enough...
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MC: Ah, ahh―! What is that!?
Suddenly, something flashed before my eyes; it kind of looked like a shadow,  zipping through the line of trees.
The next moment, I felt a weight land atop my head.
???: Squeak, squeaaak―—
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Mo Yi: ……
I tried reaching up to touch whatever it was, only for my hand to brush against something small, furry and so very warm...
Mo Yi: There’s no need to be afraid. It’s just a squirrel.
MC: A… A squirrel?
As if answering Mo Yi, the squirrel jumped a couple of times on my head, as if trying to prove its presence there.
Mo Yi: Don't move; I'll get it down for you.
Mo Yi: Come, slowly. Come here.
Those words of his weren’t directed at me, but to the squirrel on my head.
There seemed to be some sort of magical property to his voice, for I felt the weight lift off my head, as if something had just jumped down from it right after.
He carefully ran his hands through my hair. It was only after he had ascertained that I was unharmed, that his countenance returned back to his usual self.
Mo Yi: Great, looks like you’re not injured either.
I heaved a sigh of relief before I finally had the mind to look at the little "culprit". Turns out, it really was a squirrel; a tan-colored one.
It was currently perched atop Mo Yi's palm, it's sparkling black eyes glancing left and right, sizing us, strangers, up.
MC: It’s really a squirrel… It really scared me when it leapt out like that earlier.
MC: But it's actually pretty cute, now that I’ve gotten a closer look at it.
Mo Yi: Look, it's wearing a ribbon on its neck. Seems like it’s a pet.
Mo Yi: Maybe it ran off?
MC: You're right… The owner of this squirrel must be quite worried upon finding it gone. Dr. Mo, let's bring it with us and search for its owner as soon as possible.
Mo Yi: Yes, it hasn't gotten much snow onto it's pelt, so it probably hasn't been long since it ran out on its owner. The owner might be nearby, for all we know.
Thus, we proceeded to try finding its owner nearby. However, we didn't manage more than a couple of steps before a voice yelled at us to halt.
???: Stop right there, both of you! Return Demon King back to me.
I curiously turned my head to see a little boy around the age of 10 vehemently glaring at us.
His round face was flushed from the cold, and even though he still possessed the innocence of childhood, it was tinged with the indifference and annoyance he expressed.
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Little Boy: Hey, did you not hear me? Hurry and return Demon King to me.
MC: D-Demon King?
Mo Yi: Is Demon King it’s name, little buddy?
Mo Yi smiled, pointing towards the squirrel on his shoulder.
MC: (It's obviously a squirrel, yet it's called "Demon King"; is this what they call gap moe…?)
Demon King: Squeak, squeak―—
Upon seeing the little boy, the docile squirrel suddenly bounded down as quick as lightning, burrowing itself into the gap of his coat.
The boy reached out to pat the squirrel on its head, his eyes softening as he did.
Little Boy: Demon King's answering you; it says yes.
MC: (He’s… Translating what the squirrel’s saying?)
I pondered over it as I surveyed the area, yet I didn't see any adults that might be his parents around the premises.
MC: (Appearing in the snowy mountains with only a squirrel in tow? He's really no ordinary kid.)
MC: What’s your name, little buddy? Can you tell us where your home is? We’ll send you back.
Little Boy: ……
He shot me a look before turning and running off without even so much as a reply.
MC: ...Dr. Mo, there’s nothing but snow everywhere, and I’m kind of worried about him being all alone out here, so let’s follow him.
Mo Yi: Okay, let’s follow his footsteps so that we don’t lose him.
We headed in the same direction that the boy fled, chasing after him; but he was too fast for us, so all we could do was to resign ourselves to watch his retreating back.
The squirrel named "Demon King" perched upon his shoulder, occasionally turning back to look at us, seemingly watching this "race" with great interest.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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We took a good many turns before a small village appeared before our eyes.
The houses of the village were scattered throughout the snowy grounds of the pine forest, but the little boy had disappeared without a trace.
Mo Yi: He might be a villager from here.
Mo Yi: I've previously heard my friend mention that there was a village called "Snowy Pine" near the snowy mountains. Looks like this is the place.
MC: Snowy Pine Village? So it really does exist.
Just as he had said that, I spotted a road sign that stated "Snowy Pine Village"; I suppose it also served as a nameplate for the entrance of the village.
MC: Logically speaking, that kid won't be facing any danger now that he's back in the village...
MC: But we should still go into the village and check for ourselves, just to be safe.
I looked around inside of the village. It seemed very quiet, with not many people pedestrians out on the streets.
MC: We don't know which house he went into, and it's not like we can just go around house-to-house knocking on their doors either…
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Mo Yi: This village isn't big, so the villagers should probably know each other quite well. So, you don't really have to be worrying his safety.
Mo Yi: But since we're already here, how about we do some stuff you want to do and go back a little later?
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Country Woods
Mo Yi: But since we're already here, how about we do some stuff you want to do and go back a little later?
MC: Huh?
Mo Yi: While chasing after the child earlier, I saw that there was a small open-space area by the road which should be very suitable for building snowmen.
Mo Yi: Haven't you always wanted to build a snowman?
Just now? I was completely focused on the little boy earlier that I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings at all…
MC: I won't forgive myself if I miss out on an opportunity to build a snowman! Let's head over there and take a look!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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We followed the path we took to come here and backtracked until we arrived at the location where Mo Yi was talking about.
It was an open space where the snow had piled on thick, the pure white snow sparkling brightly under the sun's rays.
MC: Awesome! I want to build a gigantic snowman!!
Stepping into the soft snow, my mood immediately shifted into one of giddy excitement.
I rubbed my palms together in anticipation, only to see that Mo Yi had already gotten a step ahead of me. He reached out, grabbed a handful of snow, and lifted it up.
Mo Yi: It's such a rare opportunity, so let's build one together.
I saw him undo the buttons on his windbreaker, letting it hang to the ground as he started to shape a ball of snow in his hands rather seriously.
His expression was one of utter focus. He was so intent on what he was doing that he failed to notice that the hem of his clothes was dragging on the snow.
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MC: Dr. Mo, your clothes—!
Mo Yi: It's fine. You'll lose the fun of playing in the snow if you're too conscious about whether or not you're getting your clothes dirty.
Saying so, he patted a complete snowball into shape.
Mo Yi: We should pile the base on like this first, add another freshly rolled ball up on it… And it’ll slowly start taking shape.
Mo Yi: Hurry and come on here, (Y/n).
MC: Dr. Mo...
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Mo Yi: What? You aren't coming?
MC: I suddenly feel like you're not really being your usual self, but when I think more about it, I realize that you aren't actually all that different from before.
Mo Yi: Hm? And how am I to understand that?
MC: Building a snowman doesn’t look like an activity you’d participate in, but if you think of it as creating a work of art...
MC: Then, building a snowman suits someone like you to a T!
Mo Yi: How about you, then? Are you willing to make a "work of art" together with me?
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MC: It would be my pleasure!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
After working on it in full swing for a while, all the snowman was missing was a nose “to dot the eyes of a painted dragon in”, as the saying goes.
I found a pinecone in the pine forest nearby and brought it back while Mo Yi worked on placing the finishing touches onto the snowman.
MC: Dr. Mo...
His pale forehead was slightly beaded with sweat, his usually neat and untouched hair hanging in slight disarray.
A stray strand fell in front of his forehead, but he was so fixated on fixing up the snowman’s facial features that he appeared to have not noticed it at all.
MC: (He's really quite different from his usual self when he's like this…)
MC: (But it must be rather uncomfortable, since it's rather easy for the stray strand of hair to get in the way of his sight.)
With that in mind, I instinctively reached out towards him, helping him push the stray strand of hair, tucking it back to the side.
Mo Yi: …….!
Mo Yi's hand froze in its movements upon feeling my touch.
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MC: Okay, it won't be getting into your eyes anymore now.
Mo Yi: You...
Faced with his warm, gentle gaze, I suddenly realized what I had just done.
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MC: Sorry, Dr. Mo, I just—
Just, what? It was as if I was tongue-tied, unable to continue the rest of my sentence no matter much time passed.
Mo Yi: Thank you, I never noticed that my hair had mussed itself up.
MC: You're welcome...
I had thought that I'd tide over the embarrassment of what had just transpired with that, but never would I have thought...
Mo Yi: Still, why is your face so red?
MC: !!!
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▷Choice: It's because I was active
MC: It’s probably because I was running around quite a bit searching for the pinecone just now, so my temperature shot up...
Mo Yi: Tie your scarf tighter around your neck, least you catch a cold after sweating and being exposed to the cold winds.
MC: Y-Yes, it's a little cold...
Mo Yi: Pass me the pinecone, I'll put it on the snowman.
Mo Yi had finally stopped “digging” into the matter, and I inwardly heaved a sigh of relief.
But his earlier question, paired with that look he gave me had deeply imprinted itself in my mind, and I... Pretty much knew what he was hoping for. But, it's just that…
I just didn’t know how to answer him.
Mo Yi: Some things are just like building a snowman; do it one step at a time, there's no need to rush.
Mo Yi: I'll patiently wait for you, until you find the right pinecone that best fits this snowman.
MC: Yeah, okay.
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▷Choice: It’s just the different lighting
The gears in my head started turning at breakneck speed, finally coming up with an answer that even I thought flawless.
MC: My face is red? ...Actually, your face is actually a little red too.
MC: I think it’s because the light reflects off a snowy ground differently, so our skin tones appear different from usual.
Mo Yi: The lighting? That sounds reasonable enough, but I’ve never witnessed anything like this happening before.
MC: It’s probably because...
MC: (I can’t keep up this lie anymore no matter how I try to fib...)
I lowered my eyes, avoiding those golden eyes of his that one would easily find themselves absorbed by.
The hope within those eyes of his… I saw it; I did, but I haven't yet thought about how I should go around answering it…
Mo Yi: I’m guessing that your temperature increased because you were running around looking for pinecones back in the forest just now.
Mo Yi: Tie your scarf tighter around your neck, least you catch a cold after sweating and being exposed to the cold winds.
In my panic, Mo Yi had found the most appropriate explanation for me. I inwardly let out a sigh of relief.
MC: Yeah, that seems to be the case.
Mo Yi: Pass me the pinecone, I'll put it on the snowman.
After “settling” the pinecones on the snowman’s round head, our creation was finally brought to a successful completion.
MC: It’s finished! You have most of the credit for this snowman!
Mo Yi: Rather than comparing who contributed more to it, I’d rather call it a collective masterpiece.
MC: I honestly never thought that you’d be willing to play around with me like that. I thought you’d think me childish for wanting to do that.
Mo Yi: I don’t think it’s childish at all. Plus… I’m not just playing along with you, I’m also very happy about this, personally.
Mo Yi’s expression turned serious.
Mo Yi: We also had heavy snowfall back in my country, and building snowmen was one of the things that children enjoyed.
MC: So… Did you build them with your little friends back then too?
Mo Yi: Yes, I suppose I have.
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MC: You suppose?
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Mo Yi: I didn’t have many friends of the same age who were able to play with me when I was young.
Mo Yi: Laughing from the bottom of my heart while building a snowman, that was also a somewhat rare luxury for me back then.
Mo Yi: Hence, every chance I get to enjoy the simple things, like building a snowman, is a precious and treasured experience of mine.
MC: Is that so...
MC: Then let’s retain this snowman forever!
Saying so, I took out my phone and sought for the right angle, snapping a photo of our “collective masterpiece”, I immediately sent him a copy.
MC: I’ve sent it to you, Dr. Mo. I’ve snapped quite a few pictures of it, so you can pick and see which one is to your liking.
He looked at the picture, laughing lightly.
Mo Yi: Thank you, I’ll treasure it.
After that, we ended up building many other things aside from the snowman. For example, small houses, little animals, and the like…
The snow completely relieved me of the stress that I had in my life.  This was also a very precious experience to me, just like how it was to him.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
It was only until we got closer to the villa that we saw the little boy from before again.
The only difference was that he appeared very frantic, as if he’d just met some trouble.
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MC: What’s wrong, little buddy? Did something happen again?
Little Boy: Demon King! I can't find Demon King! Can you guys help me find him?
MC: Demon King… Did it run off again?
Little Boy: Yeah, but it’s not the same this time! It's never disappeared for so long, and I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t find him...
Little Boy: Demon King doesn’t hate you guys, so could you help me find it?
Mo Yi bent down to meet the boy’s eye-level.
Mo Yi: First, don’t panic. You’re much more familiar with it than us, so could you bring us to the places it always goes off to play?
Little Boy: No, I can’t go.
Little Boy: My granny has a bad leg, so I can’t go too far…
The little boy hung his head, his voice so filed with grief that he looked was on the verge of tears.
Little Boy: Demon King can’t be without me, else it’d get itself hurt...
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MC: ...Don’t cry, little buddy. We’ll agree to help you find it.
The boy appeared to have grasped onto a glimmer of hope after hearing what I’d said.
He reached into his pocket and produced an old wooden whistle, hoarsely passing it to me.
Little Boy: Blow on this whistle and call Demon King by it’s name; he’ll come then. 
I took the whistle from him, nodding my head in attention. Mo Yi stood at one side, patiently asking the boy questions.
Mo Yi: Then, do you know where it likes to go? For example, where should we go, so that we can meet it?
The boy thought for a while before pointing behind our villa.
Little Boy: Demon King and I often go behind this big house to play.
Little Boy: Just bring it to Snowy Pine Village when you find it! Gran and I live right there!
Mo Yi gently patted his head.
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Mo Yi: Got it. We’ll help you look for Demon King, so hurry on back and look after your grandmother.
Little Boy: Okay, it’s a promise then! My house is the one right in front; I’ll be waiting for you!
The boy pointed to us where his house was located before hurriedly running back. However, he hadn’t taken more than two steps before he turned back again and shouted.
Little Boy: You must bring Demon King back, okay?
MC: Got it!
The boy finally left for real this time after receiving affirmation from me. Watching his retreating figure, I still felt a little worried.
MC: Dr. Mo, he said that he had to take care of his grandmother...
Mo Yi: Are you trying to say that he’s a child that’s been left behind?
MC: Yes. Based on what he said, it’s possible that there’s only him and an elderly member of the family back home.
Mo Yi: Let’s go look for Demon King first. We’ll still have to go to his house and have a look after we’ve found it.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Country Woods
After parting with the boy, the both of us headed into the forest to look for Demon King. This particular forest was very dense, and adding on the fact that it was snowing, it made it very hard for us to distinguish one thing from another.
In the end, as unfamiliar with the forest as we were, we spent half the day searching, yet we didn’t see so much as a squirrel’s shadow.
MC: Demon King―— Demon King―—
I held the small whistle tightly in my grip, blowing and yelling out its name at the same time; but no matter how many times I tried, there wasn’t a single response.
MC: We’ve already searched everywhere; just where has it gone…
Mo Yi: Pass it to me, let me try.
Saying so, Mo Yi smoothly took the whistle from my hands and gently blew on it.
And with this, that was how the melodious, yet crisp sound of a whistle reverberated through the snowy pine forest at a pace that was neither too fast, nor too slow.
Once, twice… Another moment passed, but Demon King never appeared, making me feel even more worried.
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MC: Dr. Mo, is Demon King… not here yet?
Mo Yi: Let’s wait for a little while more. I believe he’ll come.
After another whistle, I noticed a cluster of pine branches shaking, and part of the snow that had rested on the branches falling along with it.
MC: Doc…
Mo Yi placed his index finger in front of his lips, signaling for me to not make a sound, probably so that I wouldn’t spook our little visitor.
I waited with bated breath. A few seconds later, a small figure emerged from among the trees, only to disappear just as quickly a split-second later.
MC: ……
I was attempting to look for it when Mo Yi’s voice sounded by my ear right at the same time.
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Mo Yi: Look, (Y/n)——
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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I turned around at the sound, only to see a small squirrel squatted on his hand, boldly looking back and forth.
Said squirrel wore a familiar-looking red ribbon around its neck. No way, isn’t that Demon King!?
MC: Oh! Demon King! That's great—
Demon King: Squeak, squeak, squeak!
Before the sound of my words had faded away, a small clump of snow suddenly fell from the pine branches that it had disturbed earlier with a muffled “thump”.
Demon King immediately stood up, ever-so vigilantly, as if it was going to flee yet again.
MC: Don't—
Just as I was stuck as to what the best course of action would be, Mo Yi acted quickly, swiftly calming Demon King down.
Mo Yi: It's okay, don't be scared. It's me, I won't hurt you.
Mo Yi: You friend has waited very long for you; he told us to come bring you back home in his stead.
Mo Yi: How about coming back together with us if you've had your share of fun, hm?
MC: (He's… Talking to the squirrel?)
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
35 notes · View notes
moonlightchn · 4 years
𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘, 𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘
and basic shit you should know before interacting I guess~
*Disclaimer: all the information this post contains will be based on things I’ve learned over the years and my personal modifications are NOT to be taken as the general rule. This is MY abo concept for this bot in particular. Yall are free to agree, disagree, take ideas, adapt to your own bot, etcetcetc. Bye. Also sorry this doesn't have a read more;;;; I tried :(
Hello, this is (not) JYPe,
and welcome to the first episode of “Admin’s abo concept isn’t probably what you think so we gonna go in dept on this shit hehe ”. This was originally going to be a one part documentary but I realized I would probably keep coming up with or remembering stuff and these would be so LOOONG so I decided to just do it as I go and I’ll use the hashtag “admins abo tmi ” for this yeah. But also remember you can ask questions if you have any or if you don’t understand something because I usually ramble a lot.
Today we’ll be talking about 3 things that seem to be the most important since they’re the most brought up on my RP’s and they are:
Heat vs Rut.
So let’s begin!
🌙 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌/𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌…
There’s two meanings to this concept, one is the concept of turning from human form to wolf form, and the other one is being transformed into a wolf by different means (these usually depends on which story you’ve heard, it can be being the 7th boy child in a family, it can be a bite or a scratch, it can be eating raw meat, etcetcetc).
*This change has now also been added to the Chan’s pack introduction.
What are the definitions of this words? Cambridge Dictionary defines them as:
Turn: to (cause to) become, change into, or come to be something.
Example: “Chan turned into his wolf form”
Explanation: Chan, already a werewolf, turned and changed into his wolf form.
Transform: to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
Example: “Changbin was transformed into a werewolf.”
Explanation: Changbin, a regular human, was transformed /by a wolf/ into a werewolf.
In the classic folklore, turning consists of 2 phases, human with NO wolf characteristics whatsoever, (which is what makes it so hard finding out who the werewolf in town is) and fluffy wolf with some human like characteristics (being biped, having arms instead of four legs, body structure humanlike. The best examples I can think of are the underworld lycans mmm tasteful). Another general rule for classic werewolves was that the person and wolf were two different minds, the person never remembered turning and had no idea they were the werewolf terrorizing town. While being human, the person didn’t even have the wolf skills like hearing or strength. They were just regular boring humans. Another thing was that they had no control whatsoever and ONLY turned during full moon, but I’m not getting into that yet.
Here are some examples (it’s basically furries oop).
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Moving on to my concept, I decided to have 3 phases of turning, consisting on:
Human: Basic, simple, boring human. No presence of wolf features whatsoever. YET they can still make use of their skills such as sensitive hearing, smell, extra strength among others.
Half-turn: Heavily inspired by Teen Wolf tbh, SOME features are present and can generally be controlled, such as eyes, ears, tail, fangs, claws. Can even be confused for hybrids. (sumn like this please appreciate my art)
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Full-turn: they become big scary fluffy puppies. Let’s remember how they look like.
Channie Chan Chris
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As mentioned before, transforming depends on which story you know and what you’re settling for. Generally we always talk about bites and deep scratches. Some of the most known stories about how to become a werewolf are being the 7th boy child born in a family on a full moon, or in Greek mythology, Zeus transformed some dudes into wolves after they tried to feed him human meat. There’s many different stories you can pick from, they’re just one Google away~
On my concept, though, the only way to transform is through a bite, even though I always keep options open.
I will probably be talking about the 3 types of wolves and deepening this a bit more later on.
🌙 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖛𝖘 𝕽𝖚𝖙.
Imma give you a wolf biology class because I know too much useless info and I WANT TO.
Rut: The rut is the mating season of certain mammals. The rut is characterized in males by an increase in testosterone, exaggerated sexual dimorphisms and increased aggression and interest in females.
Heat: The estrous cycle or oestrous cycle is the set of recurring physiological changes that are induced by reproductive hormones in most mammalian therian females. Estrous cycles start after sexual maturity in females and are interrupted by anestrous phases or by pregnancies. This cycle presents four phases, the one known as “heat” being the second one, estrus or oestrus, that refers to the phase when the female is sexually receptive.
What are seasonal breeders and what is mating season?
The breeding season is when seasonal breeders reproduce. Seasonal breeders are animal species that successfully mate only during certain times of the year. These times of year allow for the optimization of survival of young due to factors such as ambient temperature, food and water availability etcetc. Male seasonal breeders may exhibit changes in testosterone levels, weight, and fertility depending on the time of year. Female seasonal breeders will have one or more estrus cycles only when she is “in season” or fertile and receptive to mating.
Wolves fall in all of these descriptions.
What does all of this shit mean and why do I care lmao?
This means that if this was a logical bot I should only be doing NSFW like one week during 4 months a year LMAO no frfr
This basically means that RUT and HEAT are the seasons when the MALE and FEMALE respectively are ready to mate with each other to reproduce.
I’ve seen many male idol hybrids having heats instead of ruts, which I have no problem at all with and am sure no one else does really, but I think you should KNOW that a heat would not make them want to fuck, but get fucked. Heat would be the need to be filled and not fill others. A heat and a rut does NOT have to equal dominance or submissiveness in bots, anyway, that would be like saying being top or bottom determines who is dom/sub and that’s wrong, so just a PSA I guess.
Now, how does this affect my CB and ABO concept?
I’ve never, anyway, read anywhere of classic werewolves reproduction, which leads me to believe that they’re probably sterile. So I will stick to real life wolves rules but on my own way. Wolves are even monogamous and I dont go by that one lmao.
Reproduction rules on my ABO are really simple, ruts are once a month, around 5 days, and each of the guys have different characteristics for them. They’re only capable of getting someone pregnant during ruts, too. I just generally believe all girls are on the pill tbh and I never really use condoms but guys irl please practice safe sex wrap your or your partners willy before going freaky and stay safe.
Not sure if there’s something else to mention here? Let me know.
🌙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘…
Mates are the wolf equivalent of soulmates, but that’s bullshit. I mean, I’m not gonna say they’re not real, I just mean that the general idea of only one person for the rest of your life and if it’s not them you’re miserable is dumb when we’re talking about beings with feelings. Did you know wolves irl are monogamous and mate but if their mate dies they just look for another one and move on? Now you know.
The thing with mates and marks, in my humble opinion, is that they don’t mean anything. Peoples hearts change, feelings come and go, and my wolves are NOT about to drop everything they have for some person they don’t know who happened to be their true mate. In fact, Channie is the only one who believes in them. The mates issue is a bit complex if we think about it over each of the Chan’s, but on a general idea, the mates are not exclusive for the guys, and I’ll probably make a tmi on the boys at some point, but Chan met his mate and it didn’t work out, for example. Mates go further than the marking, btw, mates are a special, cosmic bond. Marks are just that, marks.
And talking about that, we do not vibe with marks. The original folklore states marks as the way a wolf has to claim their partner as theirs and keep away others, especially from an alpha, and they’re supposed to go both ways, so marks between human/wolf, for example wouldn’t be possible. There’s also two marks.
The first bonding mark is generally given during sex between mates and heals, and the second one in front of the pack (there’s a whole social status thing involved here but were not touching that yet) and its permanent. Also marks are literal WOLF BITES so no, they’re neither small nor cute. Just look at these teethies and picture the scar in a neck-shoulder. That’s your bonding mark.
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(they're cute tho I uwuuu)
What I’ve been reading around in fanfics and seeing around is that bots have been mated and claimed with marks, which is ok if you’re into that. My chan’s, though, find physical marks archaic, possessive and toxic. And honestly I personally do too.
You may have noticed by now that even though the boys are quite possessive, they’re never trying to scare away others and their sole way of marking is love marks that heal eventually and scenting. Permanent marks are a nono.
They will NOT mark anyone as their mate. Especially Channie plz he’s baby.
This is a personal decision and it does not mean that marking is RIGHT or WRONG. I just personally see marking bites as marking your partner with fire or something and I dislike the idea a lot.
ALRIGHT I THINK THAT’S ABOUT IT FOR TODAY I FEEL LIKE I WROTE TOO MUCH ALREADY??? Feel free to ask questions or request certain topics! I think next topics will be Social Structure, Skills and maybe Self control or Moon Cycles.
If you read all of this WOW CONGRATS??? I LOVE YOU EXTRA MUAH
One question I got on the asks was “since their fur color seems to correspond with their hair color, what happens if they dye their hair?”
Nothing happens babe! When they’re half turned they will have really funny colorful hair, but when they fully turn their fur stays the same! hehe Don’t worry, Chan won’t be a clown red wolf heh
Tags (hmu for removal:] if you don’t care about this hehe)
@yandereminholee @bunjihyo @shinhaneul-oc @sub-chungha @song-mingi-cb @grungeyuta @yourhwaa @bunny-woong @princess-yeji @xash-axx @7deadlysins-chan @camgirl-jihyeon @hybrid-wooyoung @vampirehhj @ghoulxbaekhyun @mafiaxnct127 @deadly-skz-gods-cb @mafia-chaeyoung @vampiresanha @sub-minho @starsirah-oc @femboy-minho @subbyhyunjinchatbot @weeb-wonwoo @yandere-wendy @musiclovermino @galaxy-ateez @chanlix-koalas @vampirechangbinnie @mafiafelixlee @madmanwoodam @sweetandsleepyjamie @yanderedahyun @hunter-chaeyoung @hwangyeji-cb @artsydahyun @gamer-yeji @yourminju @seulgi-foxy @kittensua-cb @softbabieinnie @softboyfriend-cb @iceskater-sana @irregularchatbot @yandere-miya @doll-seungmin @skz-cb @subbylino @babie-sanie
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xamaxenta · 3 years
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
go for it B)
It’s about Judai fam
It’s always Judai
I just think his design is neat, the fact hes the only protagonist with a normal hair colour and no blue on his clothing at all is really neat, I don’t count his S4 design jeans I know those are blue jeans - and his name doesn’t start with the Yu theme its his family name instead that starts with the Yu part
Idk it just makes him seem really special compared to everyone else this is totally not me being biased except that I am, I’m currently half way through 5DS (someone kick my ass into finishing help) and although I love Yusei too it’s not the same kind of love I have for Judai
Judai is my precious bean my lil meowmow and I love to see everyone’s take on him, the Judai multiverse is alive and well no one Judai fan has had the same headcanons as each other every fic or art I’ve seen depicts him differently and its so good he’s just that versatile - cuz alot of the time people latch onto a few popular tropes for a character like Yusei is the cool guy with golden heart, hardcore milk and mechanics obsession and ofc card games on motorcycles but Judai seems to have a different set of tropes each time
Also he’s a furry artist i forgot to mention the at in headcanons i will die defending because he is - also let Judai be artistically gifted, and I mean actually really good if he tries but I guess he loves dueling more than art which honestly good choice
I stopped half way because my boss yelle at me but here we are I forgot half the things I wanted to say but yeah I like Judai lots he’s my cringe comfort character except he’s not cringe im sorry bby youre the least cringe
Also the GX cast in general is so fun I love their personalities and I can and will write an essay on why Manjoume is the best character in ygo history period because of his design his dreams his family history and of course because hes the best in general
Edo phoenix is another incredible cast member just because he’s a shit talking vengeful short king and as a short man myself who only wants to be a big bastard he vibes so goddamn hard I love that guy
The openings for GX also slap the first Kaisei Joushou Hallelujah is aight gives you the funky bunch vibes but thereafter all the others are specifically great idk if y’all remember me talking about how the electric guitar is Judai’s character sound and not just because his theme has it as the focal instrument
But ya GX openings with that jrock aesthetic works wonders
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