#but yeah like. it takes someone who genuinely wanted to make it a serious and long-lasting thing
theamityelf · 3 days
I’ve had this au idea regarding Makoto for a while and I wanted to share it with you since you post a lot of stuff regarding Yandere and/or obsessive lovers for Makoto. Hope you don’t mind.
What if Makoto, instead of trying to dissuade the obsessive tendencies of Nagito, he indulged in it.
I'm picturing a timeline where Makoto met Junko when the two were young and and started dating in high school, but Junko was very emotionally manipulative and abusive, but always knew when to be gentler to give Makoto the idea that “old Junko” had returned before continuing to toy with him. Makoto’s hopeful nature being used against him repeatedly. Until one day the relationship ends. Maybe Junko got bored, or died, or maybe Makoto finally realised that Junko will not change because she doesn’t want to.
All that leading to a young adult Makoto who, while still similar to his nice canon self, is desperately hurt, lonely and with low self-esteem.
Then Nagito comes into his life. Perhaps the two meet in the waiting room of a psychiatrist’s office. Makoto tries to make conversation to feel the silence, and it’s awkward at first but gets better with time. Nagito learns more about Makoto and slowly becomes fascinated by the other’s quiet charisma and genuine care for complete strangers. And then he’s a bit too fascinated.
Makoto can be a bit dense as he is observant so it takes a while to notice, but eventually sees that Nagito is crushing on him. Nagito keeps praising Makoto and putting him on a pedestal. And the weirdest thing of all is… Makoto likes it.
Makoto’s spent years thinking that he was the problem and now here comes this tall handsome man who loves him and praises him to all extremes and sure it probably isn’t healthy, but it’s nice. Really really nice. So Makoto doesn’t saying anything, just happily takes it all in.
Oh, this is perfect! Thank you for bringing this to me; I love it! (I hope it's okay if I take Nagito a couple of notches farther in this, but if not, just ignore those parts, lol.)
First of all, I want it to be Makoto breaking up with Junko. I like the idea of her kind of seeing it coming. Like, she sees something new in him that starts to grow in the days prior, and she's fascinated by it. He breaks up with her. And he means it. He is serious about enforcing that boundary.
Junko indulges in the whole suite of breakup emotions, but when she gets tired of making a whole production of crying and eating ice cream, she eventually starts messing with Makoto again. First, I'm thinking she tries a guilt approach similar to the song "Someone Gets Hurt" from the Mean Girls Musical. When that doesn't work, she texts him saying, "Hey, this is Mukuro. Junko got in a really bad car accident, and she wants to see you before she dies," or something like that. Eventually he blocks her number. She indulges in heartbreak again.
She fully intends to get Makoto back, once she's exhausted the novelty of being dumped.
Makoto is reeling from the emotional fallout of that long-term relationship. Junko was as fun and loving as she was ruinous, and it's weird to have to bounce back from losing both things.
So yeah, he goes to therapy.
He meets Nagito in the reception area, because they're both early for their appointments a lot. They make conversation, and laugh a little. They've never introduced themselves to each other, but Makoto knows Nagito's name from hearing the receptionist call him in for his appointment. They're acquaintances.
Nagito likes Makoto a lot, and looks forward to seeing him before his appointments, but he just kind of assumes Makoto doesn't want or need his friendship.
Then one day, Makoto comes in and gives Nagito a book of puzzles, saying, "Hey, Nagito, I have this puzzle book I've never used, and I noticed you like doing puzzles while you wait, so..."
Nagito accepts the gift, and it totally reframes his understanding of what's happening here. The kind, brown-haired guy from the waiting room knows his name? And thought about him enough to bring him a gift?
I'm going to say Makoto also brought something for the receptionist, and Nagito smiles at seeing such genuine kindness.
He goes full sleuth/stalker mode. He learns Makoto's name from the sign-in sheet, finds out which psychiatrist he sees, even finds the psychiatrist's file on him. Ah, messy breakup. Manipulative ex. Low self-esteem? How could someone so wonderful not know how wonderful he is? There's a note made of the fact that Makoto refuses to say the name of his ex.
(I'm going to say Junko is still a famous model in this AU, just because it adds drama and spice, and I love the potential for public attention in these things, lol. Maybe she's making monochrome Instagram posts with captions about her ex who broke her heart, and no one knows who it is, but there's a growing attitude of "F this guy! Whoever he is!" that means at any time she can "accidentally" leak his name and expose him to her rabid fanbase. Makoto is doing his best to ignore her. He's blocked her on social media.)
When Nagito eventually makes an effort to get closer to Makoto, Makoto is excited to have a new friend. His new friend casually says things about him that are weirdly accurate, casually meets him in places he frequents, and texts him compliments and affirmations despite them never having exchanged numbers.
Makoto asks how he learned his number, and his address, etc., and Nagito is very open about snooping in his file and following him around. Makoto of course knows he's not supposed to do that, but he feels flattered, and...it's kind of funny in a weird way.
And he likes spending time with Nagito. Nagito is really smart and easygoing, and he has a great smile. When his eyes are really intense, it's...exciting. He notices things about Makoto. He goes on rants about how amazing Makoto is, and how he deserves better. Makoto isn't used to it.
Maybe one night, during a thunderstorm, there's a flash outside his bedroom window that isn't accompanied by thunder. Makoto goes and opens his window, and he sees Nagito in a tree, soaked with rain.
"You'll get sick!" Makoto exclaims. "Or...struck by lightning!"
Nagito doesn't say anything, still startled at being caught. His body is hunched to protect the camera in his hand from getting rained on.
"Come on," Makoto says. "Come inside. Here." He offers his hand, and Nagito climbs in through the window. "You need to dry off. You can borrow some dry clothes, if you want."
"Your clothes?"
Their gazes meet. They're both blushing.
Makoto says, "Do you know where they are?"
Nagito walks over to Makoto's dresser, points to each drawer without opening it, and lists out, "Socks, shirts, pants, underwear, pajamas."
Makoto's heart flutters. He got all of them right. "Have you been in here before?"
"I wouldn't dare break into your home uninvited. I've just watched."
"Well..." Makoto nods his head. "Put on some dry clothes. I'll, um...It's storming outside, so, you can sleep on the couch, okay?"
"Thank you. You're so generous!"
Makoto turns away from that face that glows with adoration and sets up a blanket on the couch for Nagito, while Nagito dries off and gets dressed in pajamas that are too small for him. He looks at the pictures on Nagito's camera. They're all of him.
He goes to bed, once Nagito has gotten settled on the couch. He wakes up to Nagito making him breakfast.
They start dating.
Nagito never mistreats him in the ways Junko did; he just disregards his privacy and praises him way too much. They're both happy.
All of this culminates in them running into Junko while they're on a date somewhere. Makoto is polite to her but very closed-off, while she's smiling brightly and needling, and Nagito is hostile. Maybe smiling hostile, maybe not. The interaction ends without much escalation, but shortly after, Nagito shows up at Junko's house.
She's expecting him.
Cue yandere vs. yandere, verbal confrontation.
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atthebell · 6 months
I love guapoduo but I remember why spiderhalo was gaining popularity at the start, I miss them interacting
i'm not watching them currently myself but they are very funny together, they're both incredibly silly and annoying so they work really well. i think they had no actual shot at anything canonical (bad is allergic to any solid relationship aside from his whole deal with skeppy and his situationships with foolish and forever, roier thought he was funny but wouldn't have gone for him in any serious way esp. if he wasn't going to either) but its fun to think about how they would work beyond just the insane teasing and kind of darling understanding they have going on (aka troll4troll)
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jungwondazed · 6 months
18+ only. jungwon asks if you read smut before.
jungwon had been staring at you a little too much as you both watched the tv together, giving him a few frowns made him only shake his head with a soft smile, raising his eyebrows in innocence.
you ignored his behavior and continued on with the many episodes of the night. he was eyeing you, looking away every time you turned to him and it was beginning to frustrate you because it obviously wasn't a serious enough matter for him to have that certain sly look on his face. he was plotting something and you were growing irritated.
when the final episode ended you stood up to put away your bowl of popcorn and jungwon lightly tugs at your shirt, not saying a thing but motioning you to stay put.
you look all over his face trying to detect anything wrong but he looked way too pleasant if anything.
"i wanted to ask you something" he says, and your heart is immediately racing, a conversation never goes well when it starts this way.
"how do i say this.." he puts his pointer finger to his chin all cliche like, cuter than you'd like to admit.
"you know before we started seeing each other, you were a fan right?" he continues and you almost laugh because bringing this up so casually was too random, he obviously knows you were a fan before this relationship happened.
""yes... where is this going? don't tell me you can't handle dating someone who was once a huge fan now" you dramatically roll your eyes and he giggles, bringing his hands to hold your arms lovingly.
"no no, not at all, you know i love it." his eyes looking very alluring in this light.
jungwon looks down at the floor, a grin creeping up on his face and you're three seconds away from hitting him with a couch pillow.
"did you ever happen to," he starts, chuckling a bit and looking up at you, turning away and laughing in his shoulder.
"happen to what? wonnie just say it already you've been acting strange all night, just say it" you mutter out while lightly rocking his body back in forth.
"you didn't happen to engage in any, adult content did you?" he asks, eyes directly on you and you can't tell what he's asking.
"what? engage in adult content? like did i watch porn before dating you?"
"no no no, not that, i meant like, when it comes to me. did you, did you you know.." he trails off. hand rubbing the back of his neck as he fights back a genuine laugh.
"i am beyond confused right now jungwon." you're about to get up again because it felt like he was just gonna tease you all night and the sleepiness was taking over.
he pulls you back on top of him this time, his face just inches away with his expression more serious.
"hey, why are you walking away from me?" he brings his thumb to caress your cheek while leaning in to kiss you, to which you pull back from.
"you're just gonna mess with me all night if i don't."
he feels bad, but at the same time he's enjoying your pout a bit too much. bringing his hands to firmly hold you by your lower back, he caresses you everywhere, making you gasp in the sudden transition to intimacy.
"wonnie, what-"
"i just wanted to know if you read any mature writing about me, i know that's a big thing you know" he's turned on, the smirk is less evident and his brows crease faintly.
your face heats up, turning away immediately at such a question because it was the last thing you expected. by adult content he meant smut?? and about him at that? you would never admit to this no matter how much he presses you into it, being a previous fan girl made you self conscious as is.
"hmm? what's your answer to that?" his head tilts, his eyes smiling.
"i don't, i don't know what you're talking about"
his actions still, a long pause before staring into your eyes. was he always this devious?
"ohhh," he's really smirking this time. "ahhh so you don't know that fans often read erotic media about their favorite members is that it? is that what you're saying? like you didn't have a clue this was a thing? based on your response it really seems like you don't know anything about this" and his lips are already tracing themselves over your neck and collar bones. he's turned on, to say the least, and you can't figure out why.
you let him have at you, not knowing what to say to that as he made his point very well. of course you knew what it was, if you hadn't read any you could've been honest and say you just didn't engage in it at all, but you did. and you're caught, and jungwon is gonna have a field day with this one.
he looks up at you through his sharp eyes, eyelids closing slowly as he licks right up your neck to your lower jaw, finally kissing you on your lips.
jungwon spends the whole night begging you to tell him all about the pieces you've read, what he does to the reader in them, the different kinks that people assume he has. you narrate all the ones you can think of, and he mirrors your words by doing exactly the things you read. you start off with mentioning a piece where he likes it really hard, to which he fucks you with great force. you talk about how you always thought he was one for loving head and he argues how he's a giver if anything, working his tongue in your pussy until you cum all over him. jungwon got off on the idea that you had these dirty thoughts before he even knew of your existence, and he promises that he can demonstrate all those fantasies you read in the past, as a reality.
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sorrelchestnut · 9 months
I've seen a fair number of posts both here and on reddit that question why Tav (or the Dark Urge) would end up as a group leader for any other reason that "game mechanics say so." There's the requisite "okay, well if you play a high charisma character I guess it makes sense," or on the other end of the spectrum, "if you're playing Durge and murder someone right off the bat everyone would be too scared to tell you no." And I get where people are going with this! I really do. But it also fundamentally misunderstands a facet of human nature, which is that the vast majority of people do not actually want to be in charge, because that means being held responsible for the outcome. Accordingly, most people will dither when a group consensus is needed: have none of you ever tried to get a group of friends to agree where to go for dinner? Yeah, it's like that, but waaaay worse.
A lot of times "leadership" is just the willingness to say, "fuck it, y'all do what you want, but I'm doing this." I see it all the time in a corporate environment, where people will go back and forth on group meetings without anyone making a decision until finally one brave soul goes "in my opinion the clear answer is x" and then everyone gratefully goes along with it. Because now it's not their responsibility when something goes wrong! They're just following along with someone else's suggestion, and maybe it works or maybe it doesn't, but at the end of the day they don't have to worry about the consequences unless they're personally affected. In which case they might step up and argue back, and then they're stuck being a leader, too. Welcome to adulthood!
Lae'zel is the only one who ever even tries to exert some kind of control, when she tells you to follow her lead on the ship, or calls you her subordinate in the Grove. But, crucially, she doesn't ever make any serious attempt to take control: you can just tell her, "lol, no," and she sort of confusedly gives way, because she doesn't know how to handle this scenario. In her world there are commanders and subordinates, and everyone knows where they stand and falls in line. She's never actually had to take control of a situation and so at the first sign of resistance she falls back on the dynamic that's familiar to her, which is executing the commands of someone older and more experienced. She goes through a lot of growth over the game, to the point that she can take over as a resistance leader in her own right by the end, but at the beginning she's a wet-behind-her-ears private with some decent combat chops and it shows.
Otherwise, your party consists of:
Shadowheart, who's trained in infiltration and assassination and does NOT want a lot of attention brought to her or her mission for a variety of reasons;
Astarion, who has literally been a slave for two centuries and canonically takes a while to realize that he can exert an opinion beyond complaining about it;
Gale, whose only friend is his cat and couldn't project-manage his way out of a wet paper bag;
Wyll, who was probably trained for command at one point but has been doing the lone-hero thing for a decade and has a very large secret that he's trying to conceal; and,
Karlach, who's only ever been a bodyguard and a soldier and is genuinely just happy to be here.
Honestly, it would be more a surprise if Tav/Durge didn't end up as their unofficial leader, given the general power dynamics at play. The first time Tav/Durge says something like, "fuck it, we need to do something instead of stand around arguing about it, let's go check out those ruins over there," it's a done deal. They're The Captain Now! As long as they don't make decisions that fundamentally oppose something dear and important to the other group members, they're not even going to get any argument. Because at the end of the day, not one of these walking disasters has enough trust in themselves and their decision-making skills to feel any kind of certainty that they can choose the right path forward. If someone else is going to take that decision out of their hands? They're going to follow, no questions asked, right up until the moment they can't.
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cheesiedomino · 3 months
RentABoyfriend.com ꙳ ੭ * ‧
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synopsis: you’re tired of being single so you to take an unusual route in helping with that— but what happens when you start catching real romantic feelings for your rental boyfriend?
genre: seo changbin x fem!reader | fake relationship/dating au wc: 5.1k tags/warnings: fluff, v minor angst, mild cursing, (kinda) nerdy changbin, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol usage, just overall very cute story dw <33
[this is part of my valentine’s series where i write a short story for each member surrounding themes of love, newfound romance, relationship hardships & more.]
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“I have a date tomorrow guys.”
Everyone’s head instantly lifts up from their phones at this sudden announcement, collectively drawing their attention at you. You weren’t expecting all of them to gasp and swap such looks of genuine confusion. It’s starting to make you think maybe this situation was a lot more serious than you’ve bargained it out to be.
You couldn’t fathom it either honestly, the realization of you going out with someone probably won’t settle in until you’re physically on the date. Based on their initial responses though, you might regret everything you’re about to say, but it’s far too late to retract any of your statements now.
“No way.. with who??” Danielle is the first out of everyone to ask.
Taehyung chimes in as well, “Yeah, who’s the lucky person? They’ve gotta be something seriously special to be talking to you.”
Well, you suppose you could put it that way.
You already have a preconceived notion of what they’re going to think of this “idea”. Mentally preparing yourself to receive a flood of questions and critique from your close friends.
“Actually… I rented him. For the week.”
Now they’re all looking at you like you’ve officially lost it. The room got scarily quiet, no one wanted to be the first to speak. You should’ve anticipated on their reactions being like this, it isn’t everyday someone just openly admits to buying a partner online. Nowadays there’s a lucrative market for just about anything, when you stumbled upon an ad for this service called ‘RentABoyfriend.com’ you didn’t think much of it. You laughed the concept off at first, thinking how lonely people must be to buy someone else’s time.
But the ads kept popping up, they wouldn’t stop showing in almost every YouTube video you were watching— even one of your favorite YouTubers promoted them before! So one day you finally decided to check this website out, you wanted to see what the hype’s all about so you signed up just for shits and giggles. You weren’t expecting to actually be somewhat interested in trying this thing out, but after going through a couple different profiles and reading hundreds of positive reviews you were practically sold.
“You rented out a boyfriend..? Seriously ___? I mean, I’m not judging but you’re a gorgeous girl you can easily get a boyfriend without paying for someone’s companionship, I don’t see why you need to rent one.” Mark bluntly expressed his opinion, he was probably the most outspoken out of all of you guys.
Taehyung and Danielle both agreed in unison, it’s practically 3 against 1 at this point. You knew you should’ve waited to tell them but you weren’t anticipating on them being this judgmental about it. You were hoping for a little more support, as they’re all way more experienced than you in the dating scene and could lend some helpful advice about your first date, ever.
See, the thing is you’ve never tried dating before so you wouldn’t know the first thing about it or what to expect from your future partner. You’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone held hands or kissed someone of the opposite sex. Being in your twenties it’s kind of embarrassing to say you’ve never done those things, but you thought what better way to try it out than renting a full-on experience that can give you just that? Well minus the kissing part, but you can make it work.
You were skeptical of doing this whole ‘rent-a-boyfriend’ thing at first because you didn’t think there’d be anyone you’d find suitable enough. A big part of the reason that you’re still single is because you’re extremely picky, you want to date a guy who’s so perfect that he must’ve came straight out of an indie romance film. Your friends would tease you for having such unrealistic standards when it came to dating but you were the all-or-nothing type, you’ll be single with fifty cats before you settle for less. Renting a boyfriend is definitely an unconventional idea of easing into dating but you thought it might be worth a try anyway.
What’s the worse that could happen?
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( 1 day earlier )
Hovering your cursor over the bold red text of the website, you read over the main rules before going on to select the person you want for your date.
‘The rules are simple:
You are allowed to see only ONE person at a time, if you want to switch boyfriends you’ll have to pay a $50 fee.
MUST be over 18 to rent a boyfriend, we have implemented an age verification system before the date as we do not tolerate anyone under this age to use our services.
NO kissing, or sexual intimacy allowed. If this is found out later on by our agency we will terminate your contract and ban you from using our services in the future.
Remember to have fun !! ^_^ Our services are great for people who are new to dating or have never been in a relationship. We provide the ~ultimate~ boyfriend experience to all our clients. Customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed ! (NO REFUNDS)’
Well jeez… they seemed a bit strict but you can deal with those rules and restrictions for the most part.
After hours of skimming through hundreds of profiles, you have a hard time choosing which you like most. Did you want an artsy, shy kind of guy? The tattooed, bad boy aesthetic type? You really couldn’t pick one until you stumble upon a particular profile that catches your eye almost immediately.
5 Facts About Me: I’ve traveled to over 50+ different countries and counting (ask me which my favorites are), I can speak 4 languages (working on my fifth), love to sing and used to have a rap trio with my buddies from college, I can & will easily lift you up ;) also have a secret talent for cooking, there’s nothing I can’t do!
Why Choose Me? First of all, why not choose me? I’m the best candidate for whatever kind of date you need, something casual, social gatherings, weddings, you name it! I’m very social and can make most people laugh (unless they’re the literal Grinch reincarnated), I’m able to get along well with anyone and just love to have a good time. I hope we can get to know each other and make great memories in the future :)
Going through his pictures you couldn’t believe someone was capable of being this humanely attractive. Don’t even get started on those impeccable muscles either… He really had to sport them in every other one of his photos, wearing the tightest shirts to show the outline of his insanely sculpted frame. You might have just been mesmerized from his godlike visuals alone. They even had a Valentine’s Day deluxe package that comes with seven dates in total for half the price, which they specified was for a limited time only.
$600 later you’ve got a full week of dates lined up with the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in all your years of living. You should’ve definitely went shopping before considering all this because now you actually have a reason to get dolled up for someone.
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You were so nervous about going on this date you almost cancelled last minute out of fear. Typing out several different elaborate paragraphs to Changbin on why you couldn’t make it. You didn’t have his real phone number, it was all through an app facilitated by the rental company that was included in the package. Even though you were feeling overwhelmed and practically shaking with anxiety about meeting up with a guy, you still forced yourself to go anyway. You didn’t just dish out all that money just to not show up and waste his time on top of all that.
Your rental boyfriend texted you the location to meet at, it was near a train station so you both could see each other out in a public open space. The outfit you wore was fairly simple, a black mini skirt with warm tights underneath and a cropped turtleneck sweater. You accessorized the look with some dainty jewelry, a thin scarf, and knee high boots to pull everything together. It wasn’t something you usually wore but you had certain clothes you saved for a special occasion like this.
Upon your arrival, you notice him standing near a vending machine and waves over at you with the biggest smile plastered on his face. You awkwardly wave back, giving a soft smile as you slowly walk up to him. He looks even better in person, you don’t even feel adequate enough to be in such a gorgeous man’s presence. No wonder he’s so popular on the site, he’s practically unreal.
“Hi, you must be ___. It’s so nice to finally meet you, might I add you look really beautiful today, I think you’re making my heart race just by looking at you. Happy Valentine’s Day!” Changbin introduces himself, buttering you up with some sweet compliments before handing you the most insane bouquet of roses you’ve ever seen.
You take the flowers and almost stumble backwards from how heavy they were, “Wow, thank you!” Changbin prevents you from falling, quickly coming up behind you to get your balance back.
“Careful honey, can’t have you injured on our first date!” He voices with concern, “I hope you love the idea I came up with, I’ve only been to this place once before but I’m sure it’s still as fun as I remember it, let’s go!” Eagerly grabbing your hand to begin the journey, he turns around again to examine your body language.
“You seem a little tense babe? Do you need a massage?” He asks in a concerned tone again, this is all really beginning to freak you out. You know this is what you signed up for but this was all starting to feel a bit too personal, all the nicknames and sweet talk he’s giving is just something you aren’t used to.
“Uh, no! It’s o-okay.” You shook your head, denying anything suspicious going on. Truth be told you were barely able to contain your composure right now.
Changbin keeps on insisting, “The massage is included in the package so you don’t have to worry about getting charged extra.”
“N-no it’s okay, really. I’m just nervous that’s all, sorry I just don’t meet up with guys…” you shyly admit, finding it hard to look him in the eye.
He nods in understanding, “No need to be nervous with me sweetheart. I’m here to make you feel as comfortable as possible.” The smile he flashes at you instantly makes you warm on the inside, he seems like a genuine, caring person. You think things might go well for you after all.
The rest of the night was full of only good vibes and laughter by the end of it all. Changbin took you to an adult arcade that had old video games like Pac-Man, Super Mario, and Space Invaders, the other side was a bar where people could sit, drink, and socialize. He bought all your drinks that night, let you use up most of his tokens and overall had the most fun you could’ve ever had with someone. He was so easygoing but also knew when to act super caring and would be all lovey dovey with you. He was gentle, nurturing, and could have conversations about anything. You loved that he’d randomly drop some interesting fact you never knew about, or talked about a certain niche topic that he’d go on multiple rants over. It didn’t feel like you were renting someone out to date you, it felt natural— like you’ve known him for longer than a couple hours. Changbin walked you home and held your hand the entire time, along with the flowers he provided a teddy bear and a heart shaped box of chocolates. If that didn’t scream boyfriend goals then you don’t know what does.
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The next day you wake up to Changbin blowing your phone up this morning. You had over 26 messages from him, which was pretty excessive in your humble opinion. The first thing he said was good morning then he goes on to express how fun yesterday was and he can’t wait to do it again. He even sent a couple mirror selfies of him at the gym, ‘conceited much?’ You thought. But then again, if you were Seo Changbin you’d probably be full of yourself too.
For today’s date you wore a pretty red sundress that made your skin glow in the sunlight. It’ll definitely get him to compliment you even more— which you secretly love when he does. Changbin calls you before he heads out to the date, letting you know how excited he is to see you again. You couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot on the train as you made your way to the destination, thinking about what he’s planned for you two next. This time you’ll be meeting up at a park but you still have no clue what you’re doing.
Changbin texts you where exactly he is in the park, it was pretty huge so it took you a while to get to him. As you get closer you see him sitting on a large blanket by the lake, on top of it were a bunch of different foods and snacks scattered all around that came out of a huge picnic basket. You were speed walking at this point trying to get to him. His arms opened out for a hug and you lean right into him, what you didn’t expect was for him to suddenly stand up and lift you in his arms to swing around you like a doll.
“Put me down I’m scared of heights!” You squeal out in fear of being too high up in the air. Maybe you really should’ve taken the bio on his profile more seriously when he mentioned certain things.
Finally putting you down after minutes go by of you protesting, Changbin sits you back onto the blanket. He brought an assortment of breads, cheese, fruits, lemonade that he made himself and a couple seltzers. You’ve never seen anyone put such time and effort into a date before, even being here with him is like living in a daydream. He was definitely succeeding in making you feel comfortable, which is something you never thought was possible with men. He actually took his time getting to know you and didn’t sound arrogant whenever he talked about himself, Changbin was so different than other guys who’ve tried hitting on you in the past. He was actually respectful, intelligent, and could easily carry a conversation without long, awkward pauses.
He was literally everything you’re looking for in a guy. But you’ll be seeing him for this week only then it’s bye bye forever. That revelation makes you a little upset, but you try pushing those thoughts in the back of your mind. It’s irrelevant and unnecessary to think about. Yet you can’t help but wonder about certain things though, wanting to know more about his job and what it’s like on a daily basis for him.
“Can I ask you something? I need you to answer it honestly.” You say out of nowhere, hoping that didn’t come out as weird as you thought.
Changbin nods, “of course, shoot.”
“How many clients do you usually get?”
This question definitely catches him off guard, he’s never really been asked this before and he’s debating on if he should as it might be a breach of privacy.
“I don’t think I can answer that, sorry.” He responds in the nicest way possible, but deep down he wants to know why you’d want to know how many other people he sees a day.
You were going to push him a bit more to try and get an answer but you decide to let it go and just enjoy the rest of the picnic. You didn’t want to bring the mood down with your odd questions and/or end up making him feel so uncomfortable that he won’t want to see you anymore. It was definitely something you shouldn’t have asked but you were curious to know anyway. Overall besides that small incident, you had another wonderful time with Changbin and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come any faster.
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Changbin had a foolproof way of getting you to blush like a giddy high school teen whenever he texted you. He’d always refer to you as ‘pretty girl’ or ‘princess’ which gave you insane amount of butterflies. You loved how clingy he could get and would double text when you don’t reply fast enough, always needing constant attention from you which you never minded giving.
He texted you at around three in the afternoon, proposing his next plan for today’s date.
‘Let’s go out for drinks tonight, it’s all on me ;)’
You liked his message, replying that you’ll be there and put a series of hearts at the end. Speaking of hearts, yours is fluttering at high altitudes from the way you can’t stop thinking about your “boyfriend” Changbin. This has been better than anything you could’ve expected, you never want this week to come to an end. It’s only been three days but you’ve begun to grow feelings for him, they weren’t too strong just yet but they were most definitely there. You couldn’t let that halt you from having a good time tonight, you’ll have to accept it soon enough he’s not your actual boyfriend. He’s doing this because you paid him to, if it wasn’t for your money he wouldn’t be here right now.
‘This relationship is purely transactional’ you unfortunately keep reminding yourself of the reality you’re in. Psyching yourself out of this sudden somber mood that’s consuming you, distracting your pessimism by raiding your closet for some cute clothes to wear tonight’s date. After what seemed like hours of tearing your entire room apart, you decide to settle on this sparkly black mini tube dress, pairing it with a leather jacket and more platform shoes because you’re obsessed with feeling tall. Once it’s 7 PM you head out to the bar you’re seeing Changbin at, he was already waiting for you inside the place. Eyes instantly lighting up when he sees you coming towards him, just like he always does he motions for a hug, pulling you in tightly like he hasn’t seen you in years.
His hugs felt so cozy, like sitting in front of the fireplace on a crisp, snowy winter’s evening. You never wanted to escape the warmth of his arms, it was one of those forms of physical touch that felt so overly personal to you. The thought of him hugging someone the same way he hugs you slightly enrages something in your spirit but again, it isn’t your place to get genuinely upset over him doing his job. You’re not entitled to him exclusively, but you feel like if you keep this up feelings will only continue to develop. This wasn’t something you considered when going into this and now you feel like you’ve just made a huge mistake.
“You okay babe?” Changbin notices you acting a bit strange, choosing not to pursue it after telling him you’re fine. He knows something’s wrong but doesn’t want to mess up the flow of the date, instead he orders a drink for the both of you and switches on to a lighter subject. “Let’s go shopping tomorrow at that new centre that just opened last week. I need to buy some new AirPods, I accidentally lost one of them in a taxi..”
“Sure,” you nod at his suggestion, in desperate need of some new clothes anyway. “Sorry about your AirPods, that sucks!”
He takes a sip of his bubbly drink that’s now on the table, “Eh, it’s okay this is probably the fourth time this has happened so far.” This has pretty much become a regular occurrence for him by now.
As the date progresses, things continue getting better. You’re both laughing, engaging in much deeper conversation than ever before. You definitely had more than enough alcohol in your system by now, feeling congested and claustrophobic as more people came into the bar. Changbin takes note of your discomfort and asks if you want to get some fresh air outside, you wasted absolutely no time to agree.
While you two were outside continuing your chat about some wild conspiracy he read about online, Changbin’s attention was soon drawn to a different building nearby. Gazing up in confusion at his sudden outburst of excitement, you wonder where he could be leading you next.
“Noraebang!” He shouts loud enough anyone miles away could’ve heard that, he’s now grabbing your hand to frantically drag you along with him.
You were never one to carry a tune but Changbin was actually very good at karaoke and singing in general, he had such a lovely voice. You could seriously listen to him sing all night— which you basically did since you kept begging for an encore until it hit 4 am. That’s when you both decided to finally call it a night, you wanted to pay for the Uber since he’s paid for all the drinks and every other expenses for today. You felt bad because you were the one renting him to be your boyfriend yet he’s constantly shelling out money left and right. He still insisted on paying and ultimately won the whole debacle, making you swallow your pride and get into the Uber with him. Changbin’s definitely not just someone you’re going to forget about after this week is over. You dread the day this all comes to an end, wishing there was a way to relive these moments again and again.
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“I’m a little under the weather today, sorry I can’t make it Binnie.” Your voice is hoarse from coughing and unbearable throat pain. You’ve already consumed half a bag of cough drops, throat lozenges, and random cold medicine you’ve found in your cabinets.
He sounds mildly disappointed, but springs back up with a new proposal, “I can come over and bring some soup if you’d like!”
You appreciate his gesture but still refuse, you know he’s only saying all this because he has to, not because he wants to. “N-no you don’t have to, I’m sure you can go see other clients today. One less person to worry about right?”
The call went silent for a minute, he wasn’t quite sure how to respond to such a deprecating comment.
“I don’t want to see other clients, I want to see you ___.” He sighs, unwilling to give up so easily, “I’ll be at your place soon, m’kay?” He hangs up before you could even respond or say no again.
You had no choice but to wait for Changbin to show up now. Before you got sick, the last two dates you went on were debatably the best so far. You had gone out shopping together, accidentally wearing almost the same kind of outfit. Changbin was wearing a white graphic tee with blue baggy jeans and you wore something practically identical. The two of you looked like a real, official couple and people would stare as you walked hand in hand, it really did seem like the perfect relationship on the outside.
You got even closer when he came over the following day, resulting in you two cuddling while watching movies and baking cookies. He’s expressed that he’s never been to another client’s home before but it wasn’t “technically” against any rules. The more you kept hanging out together, the harder it was coming to terms with the fact you’re actually falling for Changbin. He made every experience with you more exciting than the last, which he did exactly that night. When the cookies were done you fed a piece to him, making little airplane sounds as you do it, he eagerly takes a bite of the chewy treat and compliments both your efforts.
“These taste way better than I thought, oh my god they literally melt in your mouth. Try it!” He takes another cookie from the tray and feeds it to you this time.
There was something so overly domestic about that moment you couldn’t shake the feelings of wanting to kiss him right then and there. But you can’t. If you did such a thing you’d never be allowed to see him again, plus you don’t want to be known as that one creepy client who just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. As you were cuddling on the couch though, things may have taken a turn for the better… or worse?
Changbin would “yawn” at the movie and subtly wrap his arm around you, he’d subconsciously pull you in closer and it didn’t make it any better that you were under the same blanket. You weren’t complaining at any of this though, you were pretty much in heaven. It took everything in you not to look up and stare, gluing your eyes to the movie that was displayed on the TV. But as the night progressed you were practically snuggling up with him like he was your real boyfriend. The way he’d run his fingers gently down your back, soothing you in a way that could lull you asleep. His touch was the most relaxing thing ever, you were so calm with him and loved how he brought a side of you that’s never been shown. After this encounter you can no longer deny the way you feel— you are officially falling deeply in love your rental boyfriend, Seo Changbin.
The sound of your doorbell ringing alarms you of a new visitor, who was none other than your “boyfriend” waiting patiently outside the door for you. You feel and look like death itself, coming downstairs to answer the door still in your PJ’s and hair a disheveled mess. Every five seconds was interrupted with you coughing your lungs out, barely able to speak above a whisper. Changbin looks thrilled as ever to see you, even when you clearly don’t look your best he’s still coming up to hug you tightly. His hugs are always blocking off your airways from the way his muscles squeeze you, it’s even worse when you’re sick— practically gasping for air.
“Sorry babyy, I just missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day and soon as you said you’re sick I dropped everything to go make you this soup. It’s a specialty I make whenever my friends are sick, the perfect remedy to cure my princess.” He goes into your kitchen to heat up the soup in your microwave, making you wait patiently on the couch as you’re wrapped up in multiple blankets.
Your body feels like it’s -2 degrees, you were freezing. The crazy thing is your thermostat was set to 80 degrees, it was definitely you that was the problem. He propped your feet up on the table, rested a tray in your lap and set the bowl of soup on top. Brushing a couple strands of hair out your face he looks at you intently, examining your symptoms as if he’s a doctor.
“It’ll be okay soon love, I’m here to nurse you back to health again. Can’t see my pretty baby sick like this, makes me all sad.” He pouts, giving you a soft head pat like you’re a delicate kitten.
He takes a spoonful of the hot soup, slightly blowing on it before telling you to open up so you can eat. You don’t know what’s gotten into you but you feel like he’s gone too far with all this. It’s not fair for you to continue on if it’s just become torture now. He’s practically dangling in your face that you’ll never have a partner as perfect as him in your life.
“I- I can’t do this anymore Changbin..” you say lowly, refusing to eat the soup he made.
“What do you mean? I’m just feeding you soup, it’s my duty as your boyfriend to-”
“This isn’t real… none of it is. I’m stupid for even doing this but I was lonely.. I’m sorry but I’d prefer something that isn’t temporary.” You cut him off to express your pent up frustrations, ready to be let down and rejected by him as gently as possible.
“Then let’s make it real,” he proposes without any hesitation, “honestly I stopped faking it around our third date, it was all me after that. I never said anything because well… this is my job and I’ve never fallen for a client before so this is still all very new to me..”
You’d be screaming right now if you weren’t sick, instead you’re internally freaking out at this confession, it feels like your hearts doing cartwheels and somersaults.
“Seriously?” Eyes widening as you look at him, suddenly your body heat rises and you know it’s not because of the soup or the layers of blankets that’s covering you.
He nods, “I thought it was kinda obvious when we kissed yesterday..”
Oh yeah… you forgot that did happen. You thought it was another fever dream you might’ve just made up in your head. You shared your first kiss with someone you deemed so special and important to you, someone you never would’ve guessed could come into your life and shift the entirety of your world like magic. There was no one else in existence you wanted more than Changbin.
“Doesn’t that mean you’ll have to quit your job? I don’t want to be the reason you stop making such good income.. I’ll feel so bad.” You knew deep down you didn’t feel that badly about him quitting to date you instead. It was just the thought of him leaving something he’s been doing for years behind all for some girl he’s known for simply a week.
He shrugs at your comment, “I’ll be just fine, I was planning on finding a new job soon anyway. It gets kinda old after a while, I felt like I was on autopilot most of the time. You were able to get me to open up and show my true self, I could never thank you enough for that ___.” Changbin couldn’t resist the urge to plant a kiss to your forehead.
After everything that’s been said and done. What you’ve come to understand is that love is learned, a development that takes time to grow and blossom into something extraordinary. Just like learning a new language or a musical instrument, we learn love from society and cultures we’re raised in, it’s a beautiful thing once we know how to cherish it. Your newfound romance with Changbin is something you’ll learn to cherish forever and ever.
[End <3].
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txttletale · 5 months
roadhogsbigbelly is doubling down. genuinely incredible (yes i am aware how deeply funny it is to start a serious post with that sentence. it is my one allotment of levity)
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oh okay you just assumed that "loliporn" was involved and something that i deserved to be associated with defending and accused of making "integral to the queer identity" because of stuff that the OP (who i cannot stress enough i never followed or talked to or knew in any fucking way!) did that got called out months after i made my addition?
the rest of his post is just a very lengthy way of saying "umm if you didn't want to be called a pedophile because you were mean about stardew valley maybe you should be more careful about how you reblog from". yeah buddy im sure you apply that standard to yourself too huh. im sure you pull out your Bad Person detector every time you reblog a fucking post and beam OP with it. you literally screenshot my post about how as a trans women i get this standard uniquely applied to me and went "um its a good standard though. answer for the actions of every fucking person youve ever reblogged a post by".
and all this whole fucking schtick where he's like "ummmm im not calling you a pedophile :) i just assumed you thought 'loliporn was integral to the queer identity' based on source: i made it up and am going out of my way to repeatedly say you're agreeing with pedophiles and not being wary enough about pedophiles and that 99% of people who make the type of post im accusing you of making are pedophiles" is so fucking pathetic and if you fall for it you are a blatant transmisogynist like come the fuck on man.
i am no longer having a nice time on the computer, i am pretty fucking angry. and all this because he "doesnt have much skin in the game" but he doesn't like my stardew valley takes! yeah man real proportionate response.
not to mention the aside he makes to say 'wah wah someone told me to kill myself' amiguito do you have any fucking idea what my inbox has looked like since this entire transmisogynistic harassment campaign began a week ago? i delete those asks because i'm not into flaunting every piece of online abuse i get to make myself look like the victim in computer arguments but it has been constant and graphic! breaking news, women are people too, some of the most cutting-edge research suggests they might even have feelings!
"oh i censored her identity i dont know how she even found it" oh okay so you were anonymously pedojacketing me to your thousands of followers while vaguing about a post i made that had thousands of notes and using the same screenshot that an uncensored version of was passed around with thousands of notes as part of a transmisogynistic harassment campaign last fucking week?
how could anyone possibly have guessed it was me! it's a real mystery man it was basically witness protection. "oh but i didn't know, i didn't know she was trans", maybe he'll also say he didn't know about the harassment campaign, hey fucker, maybe apply some of the constant scrutiny you're reserving for women who are mean about farming game and apply it to yourself and consider looking into these things before baselessly making pedo accusations against someone!
this transmisogynistic crybully shit is absolutely fucking insufferable and i am absolutely sick of it and anyone who buys into it. i'm done assuming good faith or ignorance. i am not going to be a good placid little bullying target and acquiesce to this vile shit. it's truly fucking incredible that a tme guy can be found out as an actual pedophile and guys like mr. belly can immediately jump into action to use this as an opportunity to denounce a trans woman who had one interaction with him ever that consisted of five minutes spent typing an addition to a post and hitting ''reblog''. & if you don't find that sickening then straight up you are not safe for trans women to be around.
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
can u do one where the reader actually rocks Chris’ toxic girlfriends shit PLEASEEEEEE
and btw you an amazing writertrr
reader x chris who has a toxic gf (part 4)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing, violence, mention of sex
a/n: thank youuu and i hope you like :)
previous part
if someone told me two days ago that i’d be standing in my kitchen, baking cookies with chris and his girlfriend, i would’ve looked at them like they were crazy. yet here i am, doing exactly that.
it was chris’s bright idea for the three of us to spend time together, “i want you guys to try to get along” were his exact words.
i offered to do it at my house, so i could kick layla’s ass out when i got sick of her.
so now, here we were, baking cookies together. we hadn’t even been at it for longer than five minutes before layla started to piss me off.
“what the hell type of cookie sheet is this? it looks like you got it from the dollar tree” she snickered.
the sound of her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, she was obviously making it higher on purpose.
i gave her an odd look at this, “i did. why would i pay for expensive ass cooking sheets?” i squinted my eyes at her.
she looked taken aback, probably expecting me to take her words to heart.
“for real. who cares where you got it? as long as it works” chris agreed.
when he saw the look on layla’s face, his eyes widened slightly and he cleared his throat awkwardly.
chris grabbed the bag of cookie dough, starting to hand it to me.
i went to grab it before layla, who stood on my other side, reached around me and took it.
“great, let’s get started!” she spoke, an annoyingly wide grin covering her face.
i glanced at chris, giving him a look to express my annoyance without verbalizing it.
he gave me a pleading look, silently asking me to try.
letting her open the bag, i reached for the parchment paper, lining my “cheap” cookie sheets.
i watched as she struggled to open the bag, letting out dramatic huffs and puffs.
“baby, can you open this for me? my nails-” she stopped talking when i grabbed the bag from her, ripping it open.
my nails were longer than hers, however, i opened the bag without a problem.
“it’s not the nails” i spoke to her as i separated the pre-cut dough.
“and next time, if you can’t open something, don’t take it from someone who actually can” i finished.
she let out a sigh, her lips turning into a slight pout. “whatever” she said.
once the dough was separated, chris and i started to place it on the cookie sheet.
i glanced over at her, noticing that she was just standing there.
“are you actually gonna put the cookies on the sheet, or are your nails too long to do that too?” i asked.
her face dropped at that, her brows furrowing slightly. a deep frown grew on her face and she looked like she was going to cry.
“ok, i’m not just gonna stand here and let you belittle me” she said, catching me by surprise. she seemed like i genuinely upset her.
“and, you, chris ? you just let her talk to me however she wants. i’m not some monster, i have feelings” her voice broke when she spoke, “but all you care about is her”.
i pressed my lips together when chris made no effort to deny her statement, well this is awkward.
chris and i just stood there, staring at her with wide eyes.
“whatever” she shook her head, “can you just bring me home? i’m not feeling great” she asked as she looked at chris.
i squinted my eyes at her, confused. “didn’t you drive here? how is he supposed to take you home?”
chris shot a look at me that said are you serious?
“ok, forget it. never mind” i spoke, holding my hands up.
“i was asking if he could come home with me” she spoke quietly.
“yeah, just let me go use the bathroom real fast” he spoke quickly. he turned to me, “please just leave her alone” he said before walking towards my bathroom.
as soon as he left the room, her face turned into a light smirk.
my eyebrows rose as her eyes, which still had tears in them, held an evil glint.
what the fuck?
“isn’t he so gullible? all it took was a few fake tears to get him on my side” she said, her voice now at its normal pitch.
“see, the difference between you and me? you may have him wrapped around your finger, but i know exactly how to get what i want from him” she spoke.
“well, that and the fact that you’re a manipulative, lying bitch” i said.
“yet i’m the one in a relationship with him. i just know that shit hurts” she said.
her words definitely struck a nerve, but i’d never admit it.
“i’m the one who’ll be taking him home. and once he finishes comforting me, i’ll bat my eyelashes at him. tell him how much your words hurt me, and that i need a distraction”
“before i know it, i’ll be under him. i’ll hear him moan my name because, like i said, i always get what i want. call it manipulative if you want, i have needs” she shrugged once she finished.
“he’s a good fuck, it’s a shame you w-” she started but was cut off by my fist making contact with her face.
there was a sickening crack that echoed through the kitchen, as she fell back into the chair behind her. she held onto her nose, screaming out in pain.
“stand the fuck up” i told her, as she started to actually cry.
she didn’t listen, she just sat there and continued to sob.
“i told you what would happen, bitch. i don’t know why you thought i was joking” i said as i got closer to her, making her shrink away from me.
“you don’t get to talk about chris like that. your ungrateful ass doesn’t deserve him.” i grabbed her by her ponytail, making her cry out in pain.
i pulled her to her feet in one swift motion before letting go of her. i pushed her in the direction of my door, “get the fuck out of my house or i swear to god a broken nose will be the least of your problems” i said.
instead of listening to me, she spun around quickly. she swung at me, but i moved back quickly, only receiving a scratch to the face from her nails.
i swept my foot out, making her lose balance and fall to the ground. without missing a beat, i climbed on top of her and punched her over and over again.
all i could think about was the way she talked about chris, as though he was simply a thing that she used for her own pleasure.
if she thought i was just going to sit back and allow her to treat chris that way, she was wrong.
i got in a few more punches before a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from her.
“what the fuck are you doing?” chris yelled as he let go of me.
my face fell as i realized how bad the situation seemed. when he left she was crying and now here i was beating the shit out of her.
“chris, just let me explain” i said as he rushed over to her.
“explain? what is there to explain? when i left she was sobbing, and she still is. why would you do this?” he yelled.
i backed away from him at the tone he used, realizing how mad he was.
he picked her up bridal style, before walking towards the door.
when he walked past me, he mumbled something before walking out of the door.
“all i asked was for you to try.”
yikes 😬😬
i think i’m gonna make this a series, should i ?
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock
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babysukiii · 3 months
regina’s puppy (4)
// regina has a soft spot for you, but when she refuses to accept why, someone else might swoop in and take your attention away from her. //
warnings: soft!regina, fluff, pining, LOTS of pining, regina is falling for the reader hard, reader is a gay mess, regina is a lesbian who’s terrible at emotions. (don’t get too used to fluffy chapters this is the calm before the storm…)
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(this part 4 of the series, read part 3 here)
you end up replaying gretchen’s party in your head over the weekend. you can’t seem to stop thinking about the look in regina’s eyes when she saw you and dani talking. it was the angriest you’ve ever seen her, and then afterwards she just pretended as if it never occurred. yet it was engraved into your brain like a branded memory; permanently there for you to think about at night.
you couldn’t figure out why regina was so enthralled by you… if you could call it that. as you started to become more aware of what dani said on friday night, how you were regina’s “puppy”… it caused you to overthink a few things. this entire time you thought regina was getting closer to you all of a sudden because she enjoyed your company. now you feared it was because she just wanted some new pet to play with.
you and regina had developed a routine on the nights you couldn’t convince your parents to allow you to stay the night. she’d call you, and you’d talk for hours; sometimes till you fell asleep. though saturday night you used a flimsy excuse of being at your grandmas house; she new it was a lie. then on sunday, you barely texted her at all. she knew something was up right away, and she wasn’t going to tolerate it.
as soon as you walked out of your house to catch the bus on monday, regina’s jeep was parked on the side of the street. your heart immediately began to flutter as it usually does whenever you see the blonde. she rolls down her window, and you catch a glimpse of how gorgeous she looks. your legs have a mind of their own as you begin to walk up to her car, furrowing your brows. “don’t you usually pick up gretchen on mondays?” you question, and she shrugs, flashing you that colgate smile that makes your knees week. “she can take the bus. get in, loser.” she taunts you.
you can’t help but sheepishly smile as you get into her passenger side. “she’s gonna freak out. she was texting the group chat all weekend about how her parents found puke in her grandmas ashes.” you giggle, and regina lets out this strained laugh that isn’t her usual one. “yeah, i tried calling you but you were busy.” she grumbles, and you tense up slightly. “and you were dodging my texts. what gives?” she asks, as she begins to drive. she doesn’t turn on music like she usually does, only showing you how serious she is.
“i just couldn’t stop thinking about what happened on friday.” you start cautiously, and she frowns, an agitated expression etching itself onto her features. “seriously? that fucking bitch deserved a slap, y/n.” she defends herself, and you flash her a look. “i’m not talking about the slap… i mean, i’m actually surprised you didn’t do worse.” you joke softly, trying to lighten the heavy tension in the air. regina lets out this tiny exhale; if it weren’t so quiet in the car you may not have heard it. that’s when you take in how wrought up she seems, as if she’s been stressing over something.
surely she wasn’t stressing over you avoiding her for two days… right?
“then what is it? why are you being weird?” she questions demandingly, sounding genuinely upset. “because i can’t stop thinking about what dani said!” you huff out, sounding the most frustrated she’s ever heard. upon seeing your exasperated demeanor, she calms down slightly. realizing something was actually wrong. “y/n, everything that loser said was bullshit—“ she starts, but you cut her off, “she was right though! i am such a different person now and it’s only been a month.” you counterpoint, causing her to bite her tongue.
regina hates to be interrupted, but she really enjoys you and whatever it is that’s budding between the two of you. she doesn’t want to lose it because some stupid jock said something at a lame party she only went to in order to save face. “and you don’t like who you are? you don’t enjoy the way we’ve been hanging out all the time?” regina questions, you shake your head. “i love spending time with you… but dani called me your puppy, gina. is that seriously what people think of me now? is that what you think of me?” you ask persistently.
the blonde shakes her head rapidly in disagreement. “i don’t think of you as my puppy… just because you have the qualities of one, doesn’t mean i consider you one.” she tells you, and you frown. “how do i have the qualities of a puppy?” you can’t help but ask, and she shrugs. “loyal, obedient, always happy to see me.” she flashes you that infamous smile, and you roll your eyes in response. “y/n, dani is just jealous because you’re hanging out with me and not her. she only said that to get under your skin, and clearly it worked.” she states, and your silence causes her to reach for your hand.
her touch sends shockwaves throughout your body. “don’t be angry at me over some comment a dumb jock made because you wouldn’t go into a basement with her.” she practically pleads, and you know it’s the closest thing you’ll get to any sort of comfort from regina george. “besides, don’t you like hanging out with me?” she questions, and you throw her a look that says “are you serious”. “of course i like hanging out with you, you’re like my favorite person.” you admit, and regina feels something tugging on the heartstrings she didn’t even realize she had.
“then stop listening to what anyone else says.” this sounds more like a command, so you find yourself nodding dumbly. your brain always goes fuzzy whenever she tells you to do something, and the only coherent thought is to do whatever regina says. god, maybe dani was right, you are regina’s puppy.
you walk into school with the blonde by your side. you’ve adjusted to the gawking students that ogle regina as she walks by. you really don’t blame them; ever since freshman year you’ve been one of those people who gaze at her in admiration. until now. regina’s strange interest in you hasn’t gone unnoticed by anyone else, and you’re now beginning to adjust to all the attention.
“please never make me take the bus again!” gretchen exclaims as she storms up to the both of you, and regina rolls her eyes. “i had to pick up y/n today. you’ll survive.” the blonde sounds unamused, causing gretchen to huff in response. “i already said i’m sorry, even though it’s totally not my fault i have a totally hot basement that makes people horny.” she says, and regina narrows her eyes at her friend. “we discussed this already. i’m going to be taking y/n to school from now on.” her tone is up for no disagreements, and you shake your head in protest. “it’s okay, gina. i don’t mind taking the bus—“ you start, but she cuts you off.
“i like picking you up. hush.” she shushes you quickly, and you try to ignore the way the back of your neck heats up. gretchen pouts, but doesn’t argue any further. as the three of you approach regina’s locker, karen bounces up to you guys. “did you guys here about the new girl who’s transferring here tomorrow?” she asks curiously, and regina quirks a brow in clear interest. “a new girl? why wasn’t i informed about this?” she questions, and karen shrugs. “i heard it from arnold who says he heard it from elizabeth g.” she explains, and the blonde presses her lips together tightly.
“a new student nobody bothered to tell me about… huh.” she says as she thinks about it for a moment. “she better be more interesting than the last new student we had. jeanette renolds is such a bore.” the blonde adds simply, and that’s that. the topic of the “new student” doesn’t come up again. at least not in front of you.
during lunch gretchen begins to talk about how close homecoming is, regardless of it being 3 months away. “you’re running for homecoming queen again, right regina?” gretchen asks, and regina glowers. “of course i am. why wouldn’t i?” she responds with a question, before looking at you. “are you going to vote for me to be homecoming queen?” she asks, her voice flirty and sweet. your cheeks flush under her gaze, “of course, i voted for you last year too, gina.” you confess, and this elicits a large smile from your favorite blonde.
“everyone voted for regina last year, and this year it’s not gonna change. i don’t even think you need a campaign manager this time either.” gretchen says, and regina rolls her eyes. “i am my own campaign manager, idiot. but i have y/n to help me with more stuff this year, like what color scheme i should go with.” she says suggestively, as her gaze flickers over to you. your eyes widen in slight panic, “what?? i can’t pick your color scheme! i’m terrible at picking out stuff. i mean, you chose my entire wardrobe.” you remind her, and she shrugs.
“don’t care. your opinion is the only one that matters to me, so we’ll start looking at dresses next week. for you too.” her tone is left for no debates, and you don’t really pay attention to anything past “your opinion is the only one that matters to me”. the heat rises to your neck and face, and regina’s grin deepens. “are we still hanging out after school, or are you bailing on me today again?” regina pointedly asks you, and you nod eagerly. “we can try that new pretzel place—“ regina cuts you off, “you’re so cute, i can’t do too many carbs but i’ll get you pretzels on the way to where i’m taking you.” she declares, and your eyebrows perk up.
before you can question the blonde the bell rings, “i’m not doing anything after school—“ gretchen tries to say but regina cuts her off. “i didn’t ask, and you weren’t invited.” she hisses, and gretchen huffs. nobody dares question why regina is so adamant on spending time with you; especially alone time. honestly, you’re a bit scared to ask her as well. not because you think she’ll be mean to you, regina is never mean to you, no, you’re just afraid you may mess up whatever this is.
you’re ashamed to admit regina has become the center of your universe. she takes up all the spaces in your brain, and you can’t even go an hour without thinking about her. you and regina end up hanging out after school as promised. you end up sitting in the passenger seat of her car, a medium sized lemonade in your hand along with your mini pretzel bites. regina steals glances at you every now and then; you contentedly hum along to the song that’s playing as you curiously gaze out the window.
the only thought that keeps circling her mind is how much she likes this. just being around you.
“are we going on a hike?” you ask your hundredth question, and regina groans. “no, i hate walking.” she reminds you, and you have this adorable expression on your face as you think about other possibilities. the further from town you get, the further your mind wanders. “the beach?” you ask, and she shakes her head. “nope; i hate getting sand in my shoes and car.” she deadpans, and you go quiet for another few seconds. “we’ve been driving for almost forty minutes… what time are we coming back?” you inquire, and regina rolls her eyes, feigning annoyance.
“you already wanna leave me?” she responds with a question of her own, and you shake your head rapidly. “no! i love hanging out with you, i just gotta text my mom and let her know before we end up somewhere with no service.” you explain yourself, and regina pretends as if she’s thinking about it for a moment. “just tell your mom you’re gonna spend the night at mine.” she orders, and you flash her a look, “gina, i can’t spend the night on a monday.” you remind her, causing her to huff.
“fine, tell her i’ll have you home by ten-thirty.” she mutters begrudgingly, and you smile in satisfaction. you send the text to your mom right as regina turns onto another highway to leave town. “okay, now i’m really curious! please tell me where we’re going.” you sound more excited than before, and the eagerness in your voice tugs on the blonde’s heartstrings. “it’s just a little place i like to go when things are too much. todays like the first pretty day we’ve had in awhile, and i wanted to take you.” she reveals, causing something inside of you to melt.
“y-you wanna take me to your spot?” you sound genuinely stunned, and regina snorts. “duh, who else would i wanna bring there? gretchen talks too much, karen doesn’t know what’s going on half the time, and everyone else only hangs out with me because i’m “regina george”… it’s only natural for me to take my special girl to my special place.” she retorts easily, causing the blood to rise to your face. regina smirks as she notes how flushed your cheeks are; she doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of the affect she has on you.
“we’re almost there; finish your pretzels.” she commands, and you don’t have to be told twice.
the sun is nearly setting by the time you both pull into a secluded area off a random road in the middle of nowhere. you can’t help but wonder how regina knows about this place; how long she was driving to find it one day. as she drives further into a green grassy area full of trees, with beams of sunlight peaking through the gaps in the tree lines. your eyes widen as she drives further, only going deeper into the beautiful woods.
you roll down your windows excitedly, “oh my gosh this place is so pretty!” you squeal tempestuously. regina tries not look at you in fear she may swerve and ram into a tree, but your sudden uncontrolled behavior causes her to smile widely. if anyone she knew were to see it, they would hell froze over. she’s glad you aren’t paying any attention to her, because you would’ve seen the unusually soft expression on her face. you turn to look at her, catching her grinning from ear to ear, “we haven’t even gotten to the really cool part.” she tells you, and your eyes enlarge as they gaze into her.
“cooler than a literal forest out of a picture book!?” you ask and she chuckles, “you’re way too easy to impress. i’m starting to think i could park behind the 7/11 with you for an hour and you’d have fun.” she murmurs, and you shrug as you look back out the window. “as long as it’s with you.” you say this so easily, and it causes her smile to fall. her expression morphs into a baffled one, and she can’t stop herself from wondering why... why do you enjoy being around her so much?
regina makes a slight turn, and you let out this breathless gasp as your eyes land on a creek with a waterfall. it isn’t big, but it’s beautiful. “oh my god… gina! this is so beautiful!” you shriek erratically and you unbuckle your seatbelt as you the car comes to a full stop. you run out, and her eyes widen, “hey! i said i hate walking!” she hisses, trying to sound angry but she can’t even recognize herself.
if the girls heard me right now, they’d never respect me again.
“come on, gina!!” you order her, and regina— the girl who never takes orders from anyone— sighs as she turns the car off and gets out. “look at how clear the water is!” your enthusiasm causes regina to approach you, and act as if she hasn’t already seen this place a hundred times before you. it looks different when you’re here… regina can’t seem to place why. she isn’t sure if she’ll ever enjoy coming here without you again, and she doesn’t care. all she can do is stare at how the light of the sunset reflects off your big, wondrous eyes.
“if i would’ve known you liked this place so much, i would’ve brought you here awhile ago. i just never thought of bringing anyone till now.” she admits softly, and your smile deepens, which is something she didn’t even think was possible. “you haven’t bright anyone else here?” you ask timidly, and she nods earnestly. “just you.”
her confession causes you to wrap your arms around her, hugging her abruptly. her eyes widen a bit; she’s never been the hugging type… yet as your delicate grasp tightens around her lovingly, in a way she’s never felt, she can’t help the way her stomach flutters pathetically. she hugs you back, and can feel you practically melt into her. you’re so happy, and it hits her that you’re happy because of her. she’s made people cry, yell, curse, and run in the opposite direction… but she’s never made anyone feel happy.
the fleeting thought alone terrifies her like nothing else ever has. regina george is falling in love with you, and she isn’t sure how to stop it.
a/n: please don’t hate me but tumblr wasn’t letting me tag some of your accounts 😭💔
taglist: @xvyzxx @spideyznss @whateveryouwantsee11 @alwaysgoodnight @chaoticcoffeequeen @mcu-junkie @lottienatswife @vanessashands @natashas-whore @southelroys @dandelions4us @ylenabelxva @probs-reading-fanfics @dont-emily-me @luz-enjoyer @flocon-neigeux @jjiwoo06 @aminetil @pyro-les @tyler-06 @justlovemaths @teenybean @emskies @tulipatheticee @marvelwomenarehot0 @syddie-reads @slaysksmska @cas-is-weird-ig @scarlettbitchx @pianogirl2121 @puppy-danvers2016 @messsor @dmenby3100 @that-one-little-soybean
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darnell-la · 3 months
Forbid - Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington
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pairing: older!dom!billy hargrove x older!mean!eddie munson x secretive!steve harrington x reader
summary: a new app had surfaced worldwide, and y/n seemed interested. this hookup app threw Steve and Eddie over the edge to the point they forbade her to participate. knowing y/n, she did anyway, but what happens when it is someone her two coworkers have had past problems with? will she ignore the weeks of sexting and disobey her coworkers?
warning: Eddie, Steve, and Billy in their 40s, y/n in her mid-20s, hookup kink, sex in the woods, sex on a car, prey kink, slapping, hair pulling, force gagging, bondage, ass slapping, gripping, very rough sex, pleasurable crying, etc.
note: this is part one of forbid! if you guys want more, please comment, share, and follow us! also, please remember to send in requests. this is supposed to be a foursome, so please stay tuned.
3rd person pov
“It’s just a fantasy hookup. It’s like Tinder, but it’s not. It’s better if we’re being honest,” y/n tried explaining the app to her older colleagues. “Isn’t that dangerous? Like what if that person you’re meeting with is a serial killer?” Steve asked, very concerned about this new app that came out.
“Yeah, but that’s the fun of it,” Y/n said with an awkward laugh. “Hmm,” Eddie took a look at Steve before looking back at y/n. Eddie knows how y/n is. She felt comfortable talking to him about her more personal life, so he knew this was going to come up sooner or later.
“I heard about the app a few weeks ago. Didn’t think it was real, but here I am, bleeding my ears out,” Eddie rolled his chair away from the conversation and back to his tattoo station as Steve went on his phone to look this hookup app up.
The glasses on the lower bridge of his nose show y/n how concerned he is. When he brings his glasses out, that’s when you know he really cares about a situation.
“There’s no way this shit is real. Eds, look at this,” Steve turned his phone towards Eddie. The older man sighed loudly as he lazily rolled back over to y/n and Steve. His mood is already ruined.
“What do you even do? Oh, mister stranger sir, please fuck me behind a bar,” Eddie mocked before scoffing and rolling back to his desk. “So fuckin’ dumb,” Eddie said, only hating on the app because y/n has taken a liking to the idea.
“It’s kind of cool. C’mon, guys! What if there was a pretty lady on the app who would happily meet you two?” Y/n genuinely asked, knowing Eddie would take it, but Steve, he’s different.
Eddie has spoken to her about Steve’s past, and that he’s done with whatever hoe-phase he went through. He’s just a happy businessman, waiting to meet the perfect woman.
One thing Eddie hasn’t told y/n is that Steve has already met his perfect woman, but she’s not woman enough for him, but he’s willing to wait it out. This conversation isn’t helping him wait.
“Stevie here ain’t fallin’ for it, sweetheart, so stop askin',” Eddie said, trying to concentrate on his emails about appointments, but y/n keeps talking about this app. She was hoping they’d have a different reaction because now, they definitely won’t have a good reaction once she brings out the news.
“I signed up,” y/n said under her breath, but they heard her loud and clear. “What!?” The older men shouted, making her jump. “What the hell are you thinking, y/n!?” Steve asked as his fists tightened. She can’t go out there.
“Look, I’ll try it out one time, and if I don’t like it, I won’t do it again,” Y/n said, trying to convince them. “One time can get you killed. This is too dangerous. I forbid!” Eddie said in a serious tone.
“What!? No, you can’t forbid anything from me. You’re not my dad,” y/n laughed at the older man. “Yeah, well I’m your boss, and if you participate in this, you’re fired. There,” Eddie said with no care.
“What!? Eddie, you can’t do that!” Y/n said as Steve laughed. “This isn’t funny,” Y/n said, making them both laugh together. “Whatever, I’m going on break,” y/n walked out of the building, angry at the threat Eddie just gave her.
To give y/n a break from Eddie and Steve, she drove to the mall to eat at the food court and get some college work done in the seating area.
She knew the two wouldn’t 100% agree with what she wanted to do, but she didn’t think they’d take it that far. It’s not a secret that the women workers do their own thing on the side, but when y/n wants to be on a hookup app, it’s a problem? She can’t believe them.
“Haven’t seen you in a while,” a familiar voice said out of nowhere. Y/n took her AirPods out and looked up at the figure. Billy Hargrove. “Billy,” y/n greeted, not smiling at him at all.
“See you still have that attitude,” Billy smirked as he tilted his head to check her out. He’s always been interested in her, but Steve and Eddie forbid she talk to him. Now that she thinks about it, they forbid a lot of things.
“You know you’re a big girl, right? Eddie and Steve can’t tell you who you can and can’t talk to,” Billy said, knowing the two older men want a fine young woman like y/n all to themselves.
“I choose not to talk to you, Mr, Hargrove,” y/n said, making Billy chuckle as he placed his hands over his heart. “Now that one hurt. What makes you call me by my last name? You know, I’m not too old,” Billy said, not letting y/n go.
“You’re like 40. Fuck off,” y/n said as she placed her AirPods back into her ear. As y/n went to play one of her college videos, her phone notification went off. She paid no mind to it until she realized that the notification came from.
At first, she stayed silent, hoping Billy would leave because he wouldn’t know what the app was, right?
“Interesting,” Billy said with a look before he walked off. Y/n rolled her eyes and then went back to her work. If he knew the app, it’s whatever, right?
The whole day, y/n shoooed then went home. She didn’t even bother to go back to work. Steve and Eddie had pissed her off.
As soon as y/n came home, she emailed the two, saying she’d not be attending work for a few weeks. She’s taking all of her leave. Let’s see how they like that.
As soon as the two men got the email, they flipped. They tried calling her and messaging her, but she wouldn’t answer. They even left voice messages, and yes, she listened to them, but never called back. It’s not like they can take her leave away.
For the next few weeks, y/n has been out and doing normal college work. This free time gave her a lot of time to be on the hookup app.
She hasn’t met anyone, but she’s been sexting a lot of people and getting free money just for her body looks. She’s never shown her face until it came down to one dude.
@HotNStuff is a stranger y/n has been sexting every day. He gives good money, but even without the money, he’s amazing. His reply time, his texting, his calls, his voice, his cock… Everything is perfect for y/n.
“Why don’t we meet? Any way you want princess,” the stranger said through text, making y/n’s cunt throb, but she can’t. Eddie forbids it, and if she goes, she could get fired, and she can’t have that. She needs the money.
As y/n went to reply, a photo popped up on her phone. The stranger had sent a picture of sex toys all spread out in his bed. “If you say, yes, I promise you, I’ll give you the best fantasy fuck of your life,” the stranger typed right under the photo.
“Fuck,” y/n whined under her breath. She’s definitely wet by now. She hesitated, but eventually messaged him back. “Lovers Rock at 6pm tomorrow,” y/n replied before tossing her phone and screaming to herself.
There’s no way Steve and Eddie would know, anyway. They’re too busy always working and when not working, they’re at the bar, downing beers.
Y/n picked her phone back up after a few notifications went off. “I swear to god, I’m gonna fuck you good. Been thinkin’ about this for a long long time,” the stranger said. Y/n loves how addicted she makes these men feel on this app.
“You’ve told me all your kinks, so I know what to do and not to do. But I will warn you, I don’t hold back. I like it rough,” he sent.
“Let our safe word be red. Pretty basic but easy to remember because trust me, princess, you’re gonna fuckin’ forget anything else,” the man kept turning y/n on more and more.
“That’s fine with me,” Y/n replied, trying not to sound too excited. “How do we start?” She asked. “As soon as I see you, the movie starts. One thing you have to do for me is wear your prettiest skirt with the smallest panties. Wear a tight shirt and long socks. I know you have them, baby,” he replied. He’s basically seen y/n’s whole sexual wardrobe.
After a little more of texting the stranger, y/n got herself in the shower. She’ll shave tonight and shower again tomorrow to be extra smooth and clean.
She’s excited but also scared. What if Eddie was right? What if these are serial killers? Y/n was stressed for a little but kit too long to have her change her mind. She’s going to go rather he and Steve like it or not.
It’s now the next day and 5pm. She has an hour to get to Lovers Rock and she’s so ready to meet this man. He looks close to her age. No, she hasn’t seen his face, but his body says enough. He’s fit and his cock is just way too nice.
Y/n had already taken a nice shower and now she smells like flowers and fruits. She’s never been this ready for sex in her life. The excited girl is now getting dressed in her tightest panties and well-fitted lingerie bra.
Before y/n could put her clothes on, she got a FaceTime call from Eddie. Her boss is how she addresses him now. Y/n sighed before she answered, only showing her face.
“Hello?” Y/n asked, trying to sound professional and not angry. “Hey, sweetheart. Was just wondering when you were coming back,” Eddie asked, knowing he knew. “In the email I sent, I said I was going to be back this Monday. That’s in two days.” Y/n said.
“Ah, okay,” Eddie said as you/n tried her best to not roll her eyes. “So, what are you doing tonight? Wanna eat out for dinner? Steve can’t come because he has work to do,” Eddie hoped y/n would take it.
“No, I’m sorry sir. I already made some plans,” y/n spoke, shocking Eddie a little. Sir? “Oh, uh, are you good? You kinda never call me sir,” Eddie awkwardly laughed. “Yeah, I’m good. Look I have to go so, see you Monday,” y/n fake smiled at the screen before hanging up.
Y/n placed her phone down and took a deep breath. They haven’t spoken since the day she left work, and all of a sudden, he calls now? An hour before she leaves to do what he forbids?
Y/n overthought a bit before her al went off, telling her that she was cutting it a bit close, so she grabbed her things and headed out of her door.
On the way there, y/n played some music to calm her down. It’s still light outside, so it’s not like this situation is totally bad.
Y/n drove for a good half an hour before she parked near Lovers Rock. People don’t come here anymore, so she thinks this place would be good for her sex fantasy.
The pretty girl walked her way up to the location and sat on a nearby bench, awaiting the stranger. She can already feel herself grow wet at the situation she’s in, and she loves it.
As soon as the clock hit 6pm, a car drove up the hill, heading her way. This must be him. Y/n stayed seated on the bench table as she kicked her legs back and forth, a little nervous.
The man in the car instantly grew hard at the sight of her. He’s been waiting a little too long to just not get what he wants tonight. This will be a fun night.
The man parked his car before leaving in his back seat to grab his duffle bag. Y/n waited until he slowly got out of his car. That’s when her face dropped. This can’t be.
“Hey, princess,” Billy spoke as he dropped the duffle bag and lit a cigarette. “HotNStuff?” Y/n asked his user name as he nodded. “If you want confirmation, you’ll find out soon,” Billy said as he took his jacket off and threw it through his window that was rolled down.
“There’s no way,” y/n pushed herself off of the bench, now standing and thinking to herself. It makes sense. She’s never seen his face. The way he texted her seemed like he already knew her as well. Now she’s kind of regretting putting her actual name as her user.
“You’re so easy to find and even more easy to impress,” Billy began walking towards the girl, taking a few hits of his strong-smelling cig. “Wait, no, this is a misunderstanding,” y/n said as she backed up just one step before she hit the bench.
“No, I don’t think it is,” Billy smirked as he scanned her body and blew out smoke. Fuck. “Wore what I told you to? Good girl,” he licked his lips now in front of her. “I-I thought you were someone else,” y/n said, trying to lean back, but she could only go so far.
“And that was who? Some stranger? God, you really are a whore,” Billy laughed to himself. They told the truth, and now he’s here to teach her a lesson. “I’m going to give you two chances,” Billy said, taking a step back.
“Safeword,” Billy spoke. “What?” Y/n asked, confused. “Say the safe word and we can leave this behind,” Billy said, giving her a chance. As y/n went to open her mouth, she stopped and thought to herself.
“If you leave, you don’t get what you want. You don’t get that special fantasy fuck you’ve been begging for,” Billy said, not making this choice better for her. “5 seconds,” he spoke, so he could start this movie he’s been waiting for.
“So now that you took your sweet ole time, I’ll give you a chance to run. If I can’t find you, you get to go him safe and sound, but once I catch that fine ass of yours, you’re in for a long night. Trust me,” Billy said, knowing he had much more planned for her that she didn’t know about.
Y/n’s mind got foggy but she ran. Why did she run? She doesn’t know, but she did. He told her to right? She can get out of this right? This was the only way, other than just saying the safe word… Why didn’t she just say the stupid fucking safe word?
“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!” Billy shouted as he took his belt off and threw it near his duffle bag. “You don’t understand how hard I am right now, baby. I’m so fuckin’ hard,” Billy could barely keep himself together as his cock began to hurt.
“Billy, I-I made a mistake, okay? Just let me go and I swear this will be the last you hear from me,” y/n begged. “Now why would I want that, baby? I’ve wanted to fuck you for so many years, and now that I finally got you, you think ima let you go!? Fuck no,” Billy said now picking up his speed.
Y/n hid at Lovers Rock, hoping Billy would get tried as he walked up the slight hill, but she then remembered how fit he was. She’s definitely not getting away. She hasn’t run in years.
“You suck at this game, baby. Or maybe, you wanna be fucked. What am I kidding. You do,” Billy walked up the hill, so close to y/n, she could barely breathe. “You’ve never looked pretty. All scared and helpless. God, I’m gonna have the best night,” Billy spoke, getting closer to y/n.
For some reason, y/n decided to turn and try to run again, but it was too late. Billy had already gotten to her, grabbing her hair and pushing her right to her feet.
“Don’t worry, baby. Let’s get through this part so your pretty knees won’t bruise,” Billy said as he reached into his jeans and pulled his cock out. Y/n’s eyes widened at how much bigger he looked in person.
“I-I can’t do it. I actually can’t,” y/n tried sounding serious, but Billy ignored her. The man sighed as he forced his cock between y/n’s lips, making her take him whole. She instantly began gaging at the length he was.
“Fuck, y/n,” Billy chuckled as he rubbed his face with his free hand. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. She’s finally on his cock. “So fuckin’ good, fuck,” Billy cussed a storm full as he grabbed y/n’s face and began fucking into her mouth.
The young girl gagged harder as spit drooled down her chin. “You don’t understand this feeling, princess. I even took a few pills to last in you, baby, but they’re not help,” Billy admitted. “Fuck, I should have taken more,” Billy felt his knees buck. He wasn’t ready to cum, but her mouth feels too good.
“P-Please,” y/n’s words were muffled. She had no idea why she started begging now, but after she came to her senses that Billy was going to fill her mouth, she had to say something.
“Look at me,” Billy said, so close to the edge. Y/n closed her eyes, trying not to enjoy this, but it was hard. This is exactly what she’s wanted. “Look!” Billy slapped y/n’s cheek hard but soft enough so his cock wouldn’t slip out of her mouth.
“Disobey me again, and I’ll hurt you,” Billy threatened as she looked up at him with glossy eyes. Every vein rubbed against her throat as his thrusts got a bit sloppy until he finally pushed all the way down her throat.
He watched as she cried in his cock. She couldn’t take it, but he knew she liked it just like that. As Billy pulled out, a few strains of cum shot into her face and chest. “So pretty,” Billy admired her.
“My keys are in the car. If you can get to it, and drive to your car that I watched you park down the hill, I’ll let you go,” Billy said. “Hurry hurry,” Billy evilly smirked at her.
She knew this had to be some trick, but she did as told and ran as fast as she could back to his car. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” y/n stressed as she opened his car door and tried looking everywhere before he comes.
“Oh my god! Fuck!” Y/n grew angry. There’s no way he hid it. He got out of the car too fast to hide the keys. Y/n looked up and towards the way she ran from to see if Billy was coming, and he in fact was with a smirk as always. Always that fucking smirk.
“Times up, baby,” Billy said, but y/n continued looking. “Don’t cheat now. I said-“ Billy stopped for a second before he grabbed her ankles and pulled her out of his car as he said, “Time is up!”.
“Always knew you were hard-headed. God, aren’t you like in your mid-20s? And you still don’t fucking listen?” Billy pulled y/n to her feet before pushing her down onto the front of his car.
“Stay,” he demanded as her cheek grew cold on his metal front. Billy stepped back and then stepped to the side to look around in his duffle bag that he had ready and prepared for her.
“You’re in for a crazy night, baby,” Billy laughed to himself as he grabbed some things out to lock her up. “W-What will you do to me?” She asked, a bit scared but that’s what turns her on.
“Once I put this one, everything goes on for tonight, okay?” Billy tried getting her to speak and agree to this, but she kept her mouth shut. “You’ll regret that,” Billy gripped y/n’s ankles hard, causing her to whine out loud.
“Shut the fuck up,” Billy got into character, as he’s been waiting for this all day. Billy began locking y/n’s ankles up that had a bad in between the cuffs, forcing her to keep her feet apart.
“What the- Wait, Billy. Billy!” Y/n began freaking out. “Oh, now I’m Billy?” He laughed to himself as he continued with the set. The next two sets had straps so he could strap them around her knees and the other around her thighs.
“Billy, y-you can’t do this! I-I can’t even get free!” Y/n said, but the last time he checked, she was into any and everything. Billy stayed silent as he grabbed the handcuffs.
Without speaking, he grabbed her wrists and cuffed them behind her back as she tried wiggling to prevent him from getting what he wanted, but deep down, she was going easy.
The older man couldn’t stop laughing at the weaker woman, knowing she was faking this until she made it. That’s what he likes.
“Once I stretch this cunt out, you’re gonna want more,” Billy had leaned over y/n’a hear and whispered. “As if,” y/n said and seconds later, earned a smack on her ass.
“Let’s see what this ass looks like,” Billy lifted the pinned girl's skirt up, instantly letting out a rough groan in his throat. “There’s no way you’re not taken. Are you sure you’re not married and skipping around Hawkins acting single? I wouldn’t put it past you with your slutty kinks,” Billy grabbed y/n’s hair and pulled her back.
“I-I’m not married,” y/n whined as her hair ached. “I didn’t care anyways,” Billy stayed truthful as he grind his hips huh against her ass. He’s still hard, but he probably won’t be able to cum again. She’ll get cum either way tonight…
“You still okay with this baby?” Billy asked but quickly spoke again. “You’re not gonna answer anyways, since you’re a little bratty bitch,” Billy pushed y/n’s upper body down hard before pulling his jeans down this time.
“You’re gonna end up telling me how much you wanna sink on my cock, rather it’s sooner or later,” Billy said as he pulled y/n’s tight panties to the side before pushing at her soaked entrance without warning.
The two maimed at the feeling of pleasure. “God,” y/n moaned as a tear ran down her cheek. “Yeah, tell me about it,” Billy pushed further into her until she was too full of cock.
“Ssh, baby. Don’t want strangers hearing you being slut out in the middle of the woods,” Billy said, knowing she wouldn’t do anything to stop him if anyone came around the corner.
“O-Oh god,” y/n cried in pleasure as her cunt gripped Billy’s cock. “Fuck, don’t do that. I’m too old for those,” Billy said, but y/n couldn’t help herself. His cock feels too good.
“So inconsiderate,” Billy slapped at y/n’s ass once again before grabbing her waist to push her down in his car and fuck her into it. “Oh, you gonna cum? Gonna fuckin’ cum in my car like a desperate little bitch, hmm? Do it. I fuckin’ dare you to,” Billy snapped his hips harder into her.
“S-Shit!” Y/n shook as she came all over his lower body and car. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Y/n’s vision became blurry for a good while before she came back to her normal eyesight.
At first, she had thought ahead was a dream as she saw her boss leaning up against a tree. She went to ignore it and lay her head back down on Billy’s car until she realized he was actually there.
“Took you long enough,” Billy had slowed his thrust down as he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “E-Eddie?” Y/n asked, terrified before he pushed himself off of the tree and slowly made his way over to the two.
“You’re fired,” Eddie said, making y/n’s heart drop. How could he still fire her as Billy’s taking her from the back right in front of his face?
“Wait, Eddie, I can explain,” y/n said, but she had nothing to say to save herself. “I said what I said,” Eddie said now on the opposite side of Billy’s car, watching every second of y/n’s body jolting against his car.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n’s eyes began to water at the disappointment. Eddie just fired her yet she can’t stop clinching around Billy. Billy even chuckled as she clenched around him. “Still a slut. Even unemployed,” Billy picked his paste-up once again.
“P-Please, Billy, stop it,” y/n tried demanding as her voice cracked, but he ignored her, and he’ll continue to until she says the safe word she’s been refusing to say.
“Billy, please stop! I-I can’t do this anymore,” y/n tried speaking up for herself and seemed strong, but she was not. Her body was so weak against his. She probably couldn’t even walk back to her car after the fuck Billy was giving her.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Eddie said as he walked around the car. Y/n felt Billy pull out of him and step back. Eddie smirked at the locks on her, knowing she was not getting out of this.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie,” y/n kept tearing up. The poor girl was crying so much that she didn’t notice someone right behind her ass until the person pushed fully into her.
Y/n tried lifting her body up, but a hand instantly gripped the back of her neck and slammed her down in the car as the other dug into her waist. It’s Eddie. His rings are giving it away.
“Now that you’re not associated with my job anymore, you’re open to fuck,” Eddie spat before snapping his hips against her ass. How does he start off this fast, she doesn’t know, but she couldn’t stop moaning.
“E-E-Eddie!” Y/n basically screamed as his grip tightened on her skin. “Yeah? Like this? Like being a free-use bitch, waiting to be found and fucked. Wanna be filled by strangers, hmm? Huh!?” Eddie grew aggressive.
The older man let y/n’s neck go then reconnected it in her hair. “Look at this shit,” Eddie pulled y/n’s head back, causing her back to arch the furthest she’s done. “Do you not see yourself slitting yourself out? This belongs to me and whoever I allow to fuck it,” Eddie growled in her ear.
“Yeah, keep moaning. Keep fucking crying for my cock, and I swear to god I’ll give you a baby. Maybe then you’ll settle down,” Eddie kept saying mean things to her to get in her head, but she liked it. She likes it so fucking much.
“When we’re done here, we’re gonna head to Stevie’s house. See what he has to say about this slutty situation. Maybe you’ll listen to him,” Eddie pushed y/n’s upper body away from him before connecting his now free hand on the opposite side of the hand gripping her waist and leaving bruises.
“You’re so fucked, y/n, you have no fuckin’ idea. Steve tried giving you a long leash, but after he find out you disobeyed my orders, he’s gonna ruin you, and you won’t be able to handle it. Trust me,” Eddie threatened y/n once again.
“We used to call him King Steve for a reason,” Billy spoke up. There’s no reason he’s bigger than these two. Eddie’s right, she won’t be able to take it, but right now, she has no choice.
Eddie’s fucking her like a monster from hell as Billy, the supposed man he hates, watches him. They’re both getting off of this view and in y/n’s head that she will not admit to, she loves it. This is what she wanted.
part two?
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hysteria-things · 4 months
hi! i recently found your account, and i js wanna say omg ur so talented, like ur fr my new fav writer. could u maybe write something about a virgin reader, whos only ever fingered herself, and so when matt (or chris but im a matt girl and im being self indulgent about this), and she squirts, and is super embarrassed about it and he comforts her about it? u dont have to, but idk i js think u could do this idea rlly well:)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x virgin!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and matt have been together for quite sometime, but never had sex. he knows you’re a virgin and he’s so patient with you, but now you think you’re ready
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT but fluff!, making out, mini panic attack, praising, p in v, squirting
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,066
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: for anon and @mattsleftnipple03
these were pretty much the same so i combined them! hope you like :)
thank you and love you guys🫶
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the pen in your hand scribbles on the piece of paper in front of you as you ponder. you’re in art class and your best friend sits across from you at the big table.
art class is basically a free period because let’s face it, you guys don’t do anything except gossip and draw for fun.
you’ve been asking your friend a series of questions about what losing your virginity is like since she has experience. the only experience you’ve ever gotten was your fingers, and to be honest, it gets old after a while.
you’re not embarrassed about being a senior in high school and still a virgin, but your boyfriend who graduated last year lost his with his ex a while back. you guys have talked about having sex for the first time for quite some time, but you were never ready.
no words can describe how grateful you are for matt. he’s been super patient and understanding with you.
but now, you think you’re ready.
“is there a reason you are asking me these questions?” your best friend asks, raising a brow.
you shrug, your hand still having a mind of its own with the pen. “i’m thinking about going all the way with matt.”
she smiles, genuinely looking happy for you. “oh my god! when?”
“i told him i plan on this weekend.”
“that’s so exciting!”
“yeah, but,” you pause to take a deep breath. “i feel nervous.”
she reaches over to stop your drawing hand. “it’s totally normal to feel nervous. matt’s such a sweet guy. i’m sure if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, he’ll stop immediately.”
you smile at the mention of your boyfriend. she’s not wrong. matt will do anything to make you feel comfortable. he’s not one to force anything on someone. “you’re right.”
she gives your hand a light squeeze. “let me know how it goes.” she winks just as the bell rings for dismissal.
the rain outside is pattering on the window, you and matt cuddling comfortably on his bed. you guys just woke up from the best nap of your life.
you nibble on the inside of your mouth. “matt?”
“hm?” he hums, picking up his head that was resting on your chest.
“i want to do it.”
he beams at you. “positive?”
you bite your lip in excitement and nod. matt lifts himself to get more serious. “don’t be afraid to tell me to stop, okay?”
“i know,” you reply. he leans in and kisses you passionately with a hint of hunger. he breaks the kiss to take off his and your shirt but goes back at it to unclip your bra.
the skin-to-skin contact felt warm and comforting, but your anxiety is starting to take over.
you try to brush it off until matt reaches for your pants. yanking his hands away, you cover your top half with the comforter as you feel tears start to form.
matt freezes, a hint of guilt on his face. you try your best to take as many deep breaths as possible. “i’m so sorry, y/n.”
he carefully places his hand on your arm and rubs soothingly to calm you down. “n-no it’s not you.” you take three deep breaths before continuing. “it’s silly. the thought of a penis about to be inside of me freaks me out.”
you chuckle along with him, the humor helping you relax. “we don’t have—”
“i want to.” you say truthfully. “i just need a second.”
he goes through different breathing techniques with you until you calm down from your mini panic attack. he asks if you're okay at least a hundred times before you shut him up by kissing him again.
he hesitates with your pants not wanting to trigger you again, but after a beat, he pulls them down with your underwear.
his pajama pants soon end up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. he comes under the blanket with you and pecks you on the temple, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. “so proud of you.” he starts, making you blush. “you ready?”
you give him the okay, and he slowly starts pushing into you. the stretch makes you cringe and hiss, causing him to halt. “hurts?”
you shake your head. “pressure… keep going.”
dampening your lips by licking them, he continues to move. his eyes are dead set on your face to sense any discomfort. you let out a ‘mmph’ when he’s all the way in.
when he doesn’t see any bad signs, he starts moving his hips. you moan softly, the pain turning into pleasure.
“you can go faster,” you whisper, and he does. your nails leave crescent marks on his shoulders as he peppers kisses on your chest, neck, and face.
you squeeze your eyes closed, the softest of sounds leaving your lips. then, your legs twitch, and a watery liquid squirts out of you. your eyes widen, and matt stops the second he notices. “what’s wrong? need me to stop?”
“no. i think i…” your cheeks burn, too embarrassed to admit what you’re thinking.
“that’s okay. it’s completely natural.” he reassures, grabbing one of your hands to interlock with his above your head. “you’re doing so well, y/n. so fucking proud of you.”
he continues to rock his hips, this time pulling out more and thrusting back in a smidge harder. “oh.” you moan, arching your back when he starts hitting a certain spot. “oh shit, matt. just like that.”
he tries his best not to pick up speed to scare you, so instead he keeps the rhythm you’re comfortable with. he grunts, taking the hand that’s not holding yours and placing it on your hip.
the grip you have on his hand tightens, indicating that you’re close when his tip keeps abusing your g-spot.
you whimper, your legs starting to quiver from pleasure. “i’m close.”
“cum, baby. you’re doing such a good job.”
you sigh of relief when your cum slowly starts to ooze around him. matt’s right there with you with just a few more thrusts before spilling into the condom.
the feeling of him pulling out of you makes you wince, but then you two giggle. “i did it!” you say proudly, holding up your hand to give him a high five.
he laughs. “damn right you did.” he takes your high five, followed by a handhold.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72
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cringe-but-proud · 5 months
Hi! I have a request, can you please do a Willie Wonka x reader? Maybe they are complete opposites and nobody thinks that it will work but somehow do? Like the reader in serious, blunt (that can come off as rude), and pessimistic. I’m a sucker for sunshine x grumpy trope.
Willy Wonka with s/o that's his opposite (Wonka 2023)
A/n: Y'all know the drill. Requests are open
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When you guys first got together, a lot of people were suprised
Most people in town think you're rude and impolite, so the guy who's a walking ray of sunshine starting to date you is surprising, to say the least.
The difference between those people and Willy is that he actually gave you a chance
Were you a little rough around the edges? Yes. Did that stop him from always being nice to you? Absolutely not.
That's why you began treating him differently than most people.
One thing led to another, and you guys started dating.
He loves making you smile or laugh, because he knows you don't do those things unless you're genuinely happy. And knowing that he's making you happy is one of his favorite feelings.
Willy is a very nice person. It takes a lot for him to speak up about something bothering him. So, you're the one who defends him a lot.
"He asked for NO pickles 😠" Type beat
Whenever someone starts talking about you, saying You're rude, or mean, or whatever, he's the one defending you.
He'll go on a rant about how you're a amazing s/o and a wonderful person.
Yeah, he is NOT ashamed about being with you at all.
He wants everyone to know that you guys are together.
He talks about you a lot, isn't afraid to tell people that he's in love with you.
And he's all for PDA
If you're not into it, he'll respect that, but if you are???
You guys are constantly holding hands, when sitting next to each other he's got an arm around you
Omg he loves kissing your cheek
He'll literally be in the middle of something and he'll just look over, give you a little peck on the cheek, and then go back to whatever it was he was doing.
Returning the gesture is greatly appreciated.
But, yeah. Grumpy x Sunshine. 12/10
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myung-heee · 8 months
manipulation c.yj
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kinktober: day 9 + manipulation
pairings: yeonjun x f!reader
warnings: manipulator!yeonjun x (kinda) innocent!reaader, manipulation, unprotected, (noncon at first), oral (f receiving), missionary
yeonjun is your closest friend since high school, both of you are complete opposites. he was popular, athletic, and had good grades, making him every girl's ideal type. Well, you can't blame them. yeonjun is a total package, embodying everything one could desire in a guy. he's like the living standard of a man.
both of you are quite close, and the reason why he was close to you and never broke your friendship remained a mystery to you and the other students around you. imagine being friends with the most idolized man on your campus while you consider yourself just a potato. however, yeonjun doesn't see you that way!! he views you as a cute potato.. (lol) he likes you as a woman, as a lady. he just hasn't found the right time to tell you
on the other hand, there's kai, your new friend who recently transferred to your class. initially, yeonjun didn't pay much attention; he would casually greet kai with a smile or a simple 'hi' whenever they crossed paths.
your friendship with kai seemed to flourish as yeonjun got busier with his basketball practices.
"let's hang out at my place," yeonjun approached you while you were sitting at your desk, copying the notes kai had lent you. you looked up at him and said shortly, "sorry, can't," before returning your attention to your notebook.
he raised a brow and asked, "can't? why? do you have something important coming up today?" he replied, "yeah, I'll be studying with kai," you said without even glancing at him. his expression faded, and he scoffed, "kai? the new guy, huh?"
"are you replacing me, y/n?" he asked. You looked up at him, trying to find a joke in his expression, but he seemed genuinely serious, gripping his towel, eyes fixed on you. "it's just one time.. i can always hang out with you, you know?" you explained. he sighed and looked away. "that's the point—just one time. this is the first time you don't want to hang out with me and choose someone you met just weeks ago?" his voice grew louder, drawing a few glances from your classmates. you sighed and looked around.
"jun, let's talk about this tomorrow. i have something to do," you said, showing him your notes. he just scoffed, wiped his face with the towel, and walked away. Before he could leave the classroom, he said, "i'll see you at the gate after class. i won't take no for an answer," and left.
your brows furrowed as you were about to say something, but the door had already closed. you sighed, put down your notes, and placed kai's notebook on his empty desk.
you told kai you weren't able to study with him tonight because something urgent came up. luckily for you, kai didn't actually mind it and told you that it was all fine.
you smiled at him. after class, you went to the gate right where yeonjun told you to. you saw him on his phone, a basketball on the side of his waist, and he had a towel hanging over his shoulder. you cleared your throat; he immediately looked in your direction and smiled, putting his phone in his pocket and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"i really thought you didn't want to be friends with me anymore," he chuckled. you looked down. he was your only close friend, so of course, you would choose him over anyone else.
you had been debating with yourself earlier about whether you would hang out with him or kai, then a thought came to your mind. yeonjun was a popular guy, yet he chose to be friends with you. you felt bad, so you thought that maybe you had to choose him too.
"well, you're my best friend... why wouldn't i hang out with you?" you smiled. he patted your head. "i am your only best friend, so you'll choose me over anyone, okay?" he whispered. you nodded.
"that's what i thought," he smiled. you looked at him, confused about what he meant, but you just brushed it off. as you arrived at his home, his parents were there, and you greeted them.
"we'll just study together," he said and guided you upstairs into his room.
as you entered his room, you immediately made your way into his desk. you put your bag on the table and sat on his gaming chair. his eyes were fixated on you. "do you really think we'll study?" he chuckled. you furrowed your brows and threw a glance at him. "wait, we won't?" you asked in a confused tone.
he put his towel on the doorknob before clicking the lock. "yeah.. we'll hang out, remember?" he smiles innocently. you looked over at the doorknob, confused about why he locked the door.
when he saw your doubting expression, he slightly scratched the back of his neck and looked at you. "i just wanna have some privacy, so i could make up for the time i should've been with you instead of my practices," he sighed. you slightly nodded. "it wasn't your fault though.. besides, we're best friends, it doesn't really matter. it's not like i am your girl or anything," you said quietly.
best friends. he smiled at that word.
"yeah, best friends," he replied. you smiled and stood up. "what should we do then? we aren't going to study, right?" you asked. "do you want to play games? multiplayer?" you continued.
he shook his head.
"there's, uh, thoughts in my mind that i want to ask out loud, but at the same time, i can't" he softly said. you tilted your head in confusion. "what is it? Tell me, I'm your friend," you smiled.
"yeah, that's why I can't tell you because you're just my friend," he sighed. you stared at him for seconds. not knowing what to say. "what.. should i do then?" you asked, his face lit up like a candle. smiling at your response as if it were the exact words he wanted to hear from you.
"are you sure you can do anything i'll ask?" he raised a brow, making his way towards you.
you slightly nodded; you trusted him. so why not?
"you know.. you've been spending a lot of time with kai, and it makes me.. jealous." he sighes. he stops walking. he's in front of you, towering over you. you looked up at his tall figure.
"you feel jealous?" you asked, confused. he nodded.
"yeah." he places his hands on your chin and looks at your eyes deeply. "i wonder if he's being this close to you." his voice sounds like it's hypnotising.
you immediately shook your head. "n-no.. he doesn't," you said. he chuckles. "he better be," he says, lowering his head. "you won't let him, right?" he whispers in your ears.
"no," you shortly said. "good girl," he said as he kissed your temple. "that's what i thought, hmm?" he smiled.
you nodded. with each second, you grew more desperate and needy for your best friend. all the signs of battling from your thoughts that he was just a friend disappeared. every word that leaves his mouth feels like music to your ears.
"i know you like me, y/n, so why don't you show how much you do?" he held your shoulders and sat you on the bed
"h-huh? right now?" you asked, confused. you held his arm and shook your head. "we can't.. your parents are downstairs." you whispered.
"let's just be quiet and quick," he said reassuringly. he gently kissed your neck down to your shoulders, your hands holding on to his shirt.
you said, stopping him from removing your shirt. halfway through it, he paused and looked at you. he can see that you were hesitant.. you were about to say something, but he cuts you. "don't you trust me? come on, y/n.. i'll take care of you. hmm? you'll love this," he confidently said, kissing your nose before completely removing your shirt.
he traces soft kisses on your shoulders, leaving soft marks. "trust me, okay?" he said softly. he cupped your clothed chest and massaged it softly before removing your bra. you blushed, feeling all shy and embarrassed.
"you're so pretty," he whispered, giving both of your chests equal attention, sucking and licking, leaving bite marks all over them.
he knelt on the bed and pushed you on the mattress, back touching the comfortable sheets. he rubbed his palm against your inner thighs. you're still wearing your denim shorts.
he was about to pull them down when you stopped him again, holding his arm. "wait—i don't think—" you were stopped when you met his eyes; his eyes are dark, staring into you. he seemed to be losing his patience now.
"don't act like you didn't do these with kai. Such a whore." his words hit like a brick as he pulled your shorts down. you rubbed your legs together, and you knew deep down that you didn't want this at all. but you can't do anything. you like him, and you trust him.
you bit your lips as you felt his finger rubbing your clothed sensitive spot. you've never felt this way before, not with your best friend.
you gasped when you felt him pull down your panty, revealing your wet core. he laughed softly when you covered your face embarrassingly.
he said before completely diving into your wet entrance, covering your mouth to muffle your moans, the other hand gripping to his sheets.
"kids! dinner's ready!" your body froze as you heard his mom shout from downstairs. your brain is getting fuzzy. your eyes shut, you force yourself not to moan so hard.
"yeonjun," you moaned his name quietly, making him look up, his mouth still on your entrance. your eyes met, you could see how his jaws move up and down and the way he eats you out.
he groans, and he can tell that you're getting close. and he has a bad idea. as you were about to release, he removed his mouth from your core, your hips chasing his mouth. you whined at the sudden loss of pleasure. "junnie." you glanced at him, brows furrowed.
he chuckled at the view. he ran his fingers through his hair before lowering his sweatpants, just on his thigh. he took out his hard erection. you were about to say something but were stopped when you felt him rub his shaft against your wet pussy.
when he entered his shadt inside you, you couldn't help but whine. "hnggg!" you whine loud enough that both of you stopped at the same touch, eyes meeting with each other full of lust.
the surroundings were all quiet until you heard him chuckle, "keep quiet for me, y/n." he kissed your forehead and pushed himself deeper.
as he found his pace, he began thrusting fast enough that you could hear the bed creaking. your brows furrowed, hands on your mouth, and the other one is holding his arm.
you were so lost in pleasure, yet you remained conscious, forcing yourself not to release a sound.
"fuck. im near, fuck!" he groans. you shook your head. "please pull out," you said quietly.
the case is that he won't come unless you go first. he held it in and began thrusting harder and faster, hissing. "come on, cum for me," he said desperately.
you can feel yourself getting closer and closer until a wave of pleasure hits your body, making you moan out loud. yeonjun immediately covers your mouth and chuckles. "shh.. you're taking me so well," he says, still fucking you through your orgasm.
he closed his eyes and pulled out, exactly as his seed spurted out on your thigh.
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sunaluv · 6 months
someone's looking at you looking at him
feat: connie & eren, wakasa & shinichiro
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connie watched curiously as you laughed at whatever it was eren said to you. you threw your head back and cackled as your unfiltered laughter was heard over the music. ironically enough, you had that same, unashamed laughter when he fell for you. every time he thinks about how he fell in love with you, he finds himself covering his cheeks like a bashful little school girl.
he can't really blame eren for getting to you first, he had only told sasha, ymir and historia about his little crush on you. and you were so attractive in your own way, it was a matter of time before someone else would make their move on you. ‘yeah,’ he convinces himself, ‘if i had acted first, maybe she would be laughing at my jokes right now.’
connie had been so deep in his thoughts, he hadn't even noticed you approaching the kitchen island he was sat at.
"you alright, con?" he felt a blush coming on at the sound of your voice. "what'cha thinkin' about?"
maybe it was the remnants of alcohol in his system, but he swore you've been looking at him a little differently lately, like there was a hint of lust in your eyes.
he cleared his throat, calming himself down. "nothin' really," he wiped his hands on his jeans. "what've you been up to?"
he listened intently as you told him about the past week, about the pile of assignments you've been neglecting and the girls trip you went on recently (he smiled as you whipped your phone out, swiping through albums and he had to act like he hadn't seen the ones you uploaded on your finsta). he had to hold back the hurt on his face whenever you mentioned eren though.
time seemed to pass whenever he talked with you. he found himself genuinely interested in what you had to say, and became more of a listener than a talker when the two of you conversed.
jean elbowed eren, nodding towards the two of you chatting by the counter. "you ever noticed how con looks at your girl?"
eren looked between jean and the pair of you, shrugging his shoulders. "no? how does he?"
"like he wants her," he laughed at the glare eren shot him. "my sources have told me that he's had a crush on her before you two started talking."
eren was silent, taking a sip of his drink. jean would've probably considered what he meant, but a call of his name from the bros at the beer pong table managed to grab his attention. with a heavy pat on eren's shoulder, he left the said boy alone with this newfound information.
old eren would've pulled the two of you up on it immediately or caused a giant scene which was sure to embarrass the three of you. but since getting to know you, he had become a calmer person, more rational even. instead of storming over to the kitchen, he decided to let you be. he trusted you, and you obviously trusted him as you already told him about you and connie when you started getting serious.
he let connie get a feel of what it was like to be with you, just for tonight. it was as far as he was going to get anyway.
sometimes, when you come into the bike shop with your cheery greeting, wakasa likes to pretend you came for him, despite the fact you greeted everyone.
he likes to daydream about you prancing in your summer dresses which heavily contrasted his oil-stained overalls tied at his waist. he likes to daydream about you scolding him about overworking himself, your pretty, plump lips drawing into a pout complaining about 'how you'll forget about me one day...'
to which he'd respons with 'you know i never would' before hissing that pout away.
yeah... this man was in deep.
instead, he nodded his head at you as he passed, to which you reciprocated with a smile of your own. the faint scent of your perfume hypnotised him, his eyes following your figure as you lovingly embraced your boyfriend, shinichiro, who was tinkering away at his own bike.
the slithers of conversation he could grasp closely resembled the ones he has with you in his daydream, he sometimes gets scared someone can read his thoughts.
with a heavy sigh, he tore his gaze from his leader and his girl, putting the finishing touches on the automobile in front of him.
wakasa didn't imagine this to be the first time he got to really embrace you.
"it'll be okay," he spoke your name tenderly, drawing small circles into your arm. "we'll all look after you for as long as you need, alright? we all know how much shin adored you."
at the mention of his name, your cries grew harsher and louder. you squeezed at his waist harder, burying your face in his chest as if to take out all of your hurt on him.
"what will i do, wakasa?" his heart shattered at the defeated look on your face. "my boyfriend is dead..."
wakasa was stuck. he didn't know how to console you right now, not when he was feeling so guilty for thinking about your flushed body against his whilst you were crying over his late leader.
so he said nothing, letting you fall into him once more. he only hoped takeomi would get to your place soon, anyone other than him would probably be a better support system for you right now.
takeomi arrived shortly after, a fruit basket and other comfort items with him, along with his condolences. you told the boys you were going to lie down, giving wakasa the chance to excuse himself from you.
the two of the stood in your kitchen, speaking in hushed terms.
"you're such an asshole for what you're doing, ya know?"
"i know," wakasa breathed out. "...i know."
"shinichiro died, wakasa."
"i said i know, damn it!" he finally looked up at takeomi, a mix of rage, guilt and disgust swirling in his eyes. his eyes widened as he lowered his volume.
"boss left her in our care," takeomi breathed out. "do you really think it's wise to do what you're doing?"
whether or not it was a rhetorical question, wakasa did not answer. the silence mixed with with the tense mood left the air heavier than usual.
wakasa knew he still held strong feelings for you and it seems others are starting to catch on as well. thus he had to distance himself from you and let you grieve shinichiro properly.
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totheblood · 1 year
jealous!ellie headcanons
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a/n: these are modern headcanons sooooo... and this isn't jealous gf ellie, this is pining loser lesbian ellie... lol also super inspired by the talented @rxllingstones and @whore-era after reading their amazing fics tonight... pls go read them.. and for u fiends... there is ai audios at the bottom... more uploaded on sc bc tumblr hates me
ellie is incredibly hard to read
or at least that's what she tells herself
it's almost written all over her face how much she hates the people you date when she's in a five-foot radius of them
she tells herself she doesn't care (she's lying) but she can't ignore how her grip tightens when she sees you lip-locking some loser you met at a party
but she always finds herself at your side, pulling you away from them and back into the corner with her
"hey there, pretty girl. having fun?"
"i was until you cock-blocked me."
"there wasn't much to block... i heard his dick's small."
but the curse of having feelings for you was that you were always dating someone
it always comes up when the group goes out to dinner and the topic of who you're dating comes up
like it does every week...
"i actually really like him for you" dina shares, a genuine smile on her face
"yeah, dude's cool" jesse agrees, slinging his arm around dina in the booth
and then all the attention is on ellie as you stare at her with your wide eyes waiting for her approval
"what? you know you're not going to like what i have to say." she says taking a sip of her dr. pepper
yes ellie drinks dr. pepper
"cause you hate everyone i date!" you reply, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout
it was clear you were slightly tipsy but your face still made ellie smile
"yeah, cause you only date fucking losers." she would say smile on her face but anger blooming inside
ellie tries to be mature but she can't help herself
what makes it worse is that you really do date literally everyone except for her
so she doesn't really make an effort to be nice to the people you introduce her to
one time the same guy came around twice and all ellie could say was "oh it's this fucking guy again! hey man, glad to see you made it to a second date."
you scolded her after
but in her defense, you really are with someone new each week
until it's been three weeks and you're still dating the same girl
and ellie is a fucking mess
you started inviting her out to group hang outs and smoke sessions so ellie just stops showing up
she doesn't like the way it feels when her stomach flips upside down at the sight of you sitting on her lap, a beer in your hands
so she decides to opt-out, get high alone and avoid seeing you as much as possible
but it's short lived because your drunk ass is banging on her door
"ellie, let me in!" you yell over the tv playing from inside her dorm room. "i hear you watching shark tank!"
reluctantly, she gets up and opens the door for you
"can i help you?"
"yeah you can fucking help me. you can help me by telling me why you've been MIA for the last few parties. i miss you." you don't miss a beat and are already storming past her and sitting on her unmade bed
"you miss me? does arcadia know about that? you missing me?"
"is this seriously about you not liking another partner of mine? seriously ellie? grow up. you're supposed to be my friend and support me but you have done any of that?" it was obvious you had been hanging onto that for a while
she'd laugh but upon seeing your stone cold face her anger would rise
"oh, you're fucking serious. are you really that blind? you really think i want to be your fucking friend? i mean, my god i couldn't have made it clearer for you. i like you! like actually like you, like i want it to be my lap that you sit in. not hers. every person you have ever dated i have wished was me! but nooo, you just don't seem to notice."
she doesn't even realize it but she's shaking
she's actually just confessed her three year crush on you without even thinking about it
"ellie..." you begin, a worried look all over your face
"no, i don't really have it in me to get rejected by you tonight so please just go." she cuts you off, unable to meet your eyes
but then you're there next to her holding her shaking hand
"i'm not rejecting you, ellie." you whisper
"you're not? what about your little girlfriend."
"this might be absolutely toxic of me to say but... she's not you." you giggle
"you're absolutely right it's fucking toxic to say that…. but it's also EXTREMELY fucking hot."
ai audios:
extra ai audios:
there wasn't much to block..
oh, it's this fucking guy again!
oh you miss me?
you're not? what about your little girlfriend
you're right it's toxic to say that...
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xeeroo08 · 9 months
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 3
Grass Talks (Literally)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: Soft, lowkey ooc Bakugou but thats bc I imagine him to be a lot more mellow as an adult. Little bit of a serious talk, but nothing crazy. Readers quirk is also mentioned
Word Count: 1k
previous chapter
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The date had been going well so far, and the sun was even beginning to set since now it was almost 7:00 pm.
You two were currently lying on your backs together, looking up at the sky filled with clouds, stomachs full of yummy food.
"That one looks like a giraffe, or something else with a long neck." You said point up at a cloud.
Bakugou hummed, "Nah, I think it's a flower or something. Don't you see the stem? And there's even petals around it."
Tilting your head at a different angle, you tried to see what he saw.
"I don't see it! I thought I would, since I'm used to seeing flowers all the time..." You said while still looking up in wonder.
Bakugou sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, "That's right. You're a florist ain't you? What made you wanna do that?"
You stayed lying down and answered him, "Yeah, I've been a florist for a few years now. I chose it because of my quirk."
"What is your quirk anyways? Is it something with plants and all that crap?"
"Yep. I can talk to plants, so taking care of them is much easier and I love being able to help others that are struggling with their own plants."
Bakugou rubbed his hand along the grass, "So me doing this... is it hurting the grass?"
You closed your eyes and listened, hearing the grass ask what it was that was rubbing all over them.
"It's not hurting them, but they can feel it."
He pulled his hand away. "What about walking on the grass. Does that hurt 'em?"
"Sometimes it can. If you're walking normally, then no. But if you're stomping all over them, then yes it does hurt them." You said, finally sitting up and facing him.
You leaned over and ran your hand along the top of the grass very lightly, hearing the voice of the grass sigh at the feeling. You learned early on after developing your quirk that most plants actually enjoy being pet, if you can call it that.
"They like it when you do this to them. Just make sure you do it really gently." You said while showing him how to pet the grass.
He followed your directions with a grunt and did the same motion as you.
You laughed lightly, "Petting grass is kind of silly now that I think about it. I guess it's different since I know that the grass likes it."
He shook his head and pulled his hand away, "It's not. I think it's interesting. I have some plants at home, now I'm wonderin' if they're happy with me."
You giggled at that, "I'm sure they are. But thank you. I always felt like my quirk wasn't super useful since I couldn't be a hero, y'know?"
"You don't gotta be a hero to have a useful quirk. Everyone can find a way to use their quirk, trust me."
You smiled softly, "You know what, you're really sweet. You don't portray yourself like that on the media at all."
"I ain't sweet." He said looking away shyly.
"If you say soooo." You cooed.
He smirked lightly and looked at you, "Thanks for uh, being genuine by the way."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be genuine?"
"I mean like, almost everyone I've met just wants to be with me because I'm a hero. It just makes dating a lot harder, I guess."
You frowned at his words. You knew there were people who were out for money, but to play with someone's feelings like that? That was just heartless. You knew Bakugou was a grown man and fully capable of handling himself, but you couldn't help but feel bad.
You place on of your hands on top of his and said, "I understand what you mean, and I want to let you know that I don't have any bad intentions at all."
"I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of you as a hero," You continued, "but right now I'm getting to know you as Bakugou. So I hope you'll continue to allow me to."
Bakugou genuinely smiled. No smirk, or sly remark following it. Just a smile.
"Thanks. That means more than you know. But on that same topic, I also wanted to talk to you about a boundary I have if we're going to continue seeing each other." He said seriously.
You nodded your head and listened attentively.
"Because of my line of work, I just ask that you be honest with me about things. I fuckin' hate liars in general, but I really need you to understand that I can't have someone around if they're gonna be keepin' secrets and shit." He said frowning, almost as if he was thinking of a particular person when speaking about liars.
You nodded and smiled. "I promise, I'll be completely honest with you. I really wanna keep seeing you and if that's all it takes then I'm willing to do it."
He grunted. "Good. Let's clean up now, I'll take you home."
Just as you were about to start cleaning up, your phone went off. You picked it up quickly and saw that it was an email, a notification from the site you write fan fiction on.
You bit your lip and thought about what Bakugou just said. Deciding to ignore the notification, you just continued to clean up.
After Bakugou had dropped you off back at home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and got comfortable.
You said goodnight to Cheerios and your plants, who said goodnight back.
When you got in bed, you looked through your emails and at the notifications from HeroFiction.com that you had received earlier.
You began to think about Bakugou's words again.
"I fuckin' hate liars."
You shook your head and tried to rid away any negative thoughts you had. This secret wasn't that big of a deal, and it was probably for the better that he didn't know.
Keeping one secret wouldn't hurt, right?
next chapter
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authors note
i had fun writing this chapter :) i hope you liked it! i also hope you liked softer bakugou here, hehe.
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19
(those in pink are not able to be tagged unfortunately)
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