#but yeah. sorry to rant it's not an anger thing it's bc i genuinely find it interesting
hella1975 · 2 years
I’m not exactly well versed in British culture, so I might be a bit off base here, but it might help some of your US followers if they frame the pervasiveness of classism within the context of the American south.
There is a very common and socially accepted assumption that southerners are stupid, backwards, toothless hillbillies with dumb accents.
Its often played off like a joke, but the insidiousness of it is real and harmful. I don’t think it’s too dissimilar to what you experience, either, though perhaps not quite as pointed or extreme.
When I travel, I do my best to flatten my accent so people don’t pick up on it as easily. As soon as everyone finds out where I’m from, I’m made into a joke. It fucking sucks.
i dont know enough about the american south and i would like to reiterate that despite similarities our class systems are still so different that blanket-comparing them isn't gonna cut it, but yes this sounds exactly right!! like class over here isn't just a money thing, in fact more often than not that's a very small part of it. it's dictated by income and region and accent and what school you went to and what your family do and who you know even down to what you wear and what supermarket you shop at, and if you dont meet the top marks in ALL of these then you will experience classism at some point
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
talk trash, get brass // george weasley
Summary: someone bad-mouthing George has make him a little insecure – it’s definitely time for the reader to step in
Request: can i request fred or george dating the reader and she's with her friends and he overhears one of them talking shit about him [he's worried y/n will agree and gets sad :(] but she defends him and says she genuinely loves him 😘 thanks xx
A/N: this took me forever because I can’t choose between the twins but also I was fighting making it a slytherin!reader bc the slytherin girls are written as catty bitches which would make this easier but we move also I wrote planked by his ravenclaw buddies and nearly had a stroke also I dragged Michael Corner’s character through the mud #sorrynotsorry also have I miraculously forgotten how to write in character????
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: swearing, bad friends, argument
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“Fred,” you said, finding him in the Great Hall with half of a ham sandwich stuffed into his mouth. “Why is George ignoring me?”
He rolled his eyes when you sat down, watching him with an expectant look as you drummed your fingers impatiently on the table.
“Lovely to see you too, Y/N,” he said, wetting his lips and waving the other half of his sandwich around in his hand as he spoke. “Me? Yeah, I’m doing just swell actually, cheers for asking. No, I wanted the beef really but McLaggen took the last one, the thieving bastard.”
You shot him a dry look, grinding your teeth together. He rolled his eyes again at your raised eyebrows.
“Not in the mood for jokes then, are we?”
“How would you know?” you asked, huffing. “You haven’t told me any.”
“Ouch,” he whined, placing his hand over his heart in mock hurt. “You wound me.”
You sighed, brushing your hair back from your face as your shoulders slumped.
“Come on, Fred. I know you know why he’s been avoiding me.”
For a moment, Fred didn’t reply. He just stared at you, gauging your expression with his level gaze. To say you were surprised would’ve been an understatement; serious Fred was not something you were well accustomed to.
“I don’t have a clue,” he said, leaning back and throwing the rest of his sandwich lazily on his plate. You scoffed.
“Bullshit, tell me.”
“Go ask George,” he replied quickly, gripping the edge of the table with his hands as your voices got louder.
“I can’t ask George, can I, Fred? He’s the one bloody ignoring me!”
You swore sometimes that Fred and George had one brain cell between them and even that could be a bit of a stretch.
“Fine then,” Fred threw his hands up indignantly. “Ask your friend Michael! I’m sure he knows all about it!”
“What?” you said quietly, visibly taken aback, your shoulders slumping. Fred groaned, his hands coming up to hide his face.
“I definitely wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“What did Michael do?��
Fred looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there, wilting under your determined stare.
“Fred…” you said, your tone decidedly warning.
“Your mate Michael was talking bollocks about George to all his Ravenclaw buddies – which is quite rich isn’t it, really? Coming from him, the little toad. Can’t believe he dated Cho Chang; I heard Ginny might be going for him as well… pfft, there’s no accounting for- oi, where are you going?”
You barely caught the end of Fred’s rant, already racing out of the Great Hall, undecided as to whether you were in search of Michael or George first. The universe chose for you, though, when you spotted Michael circling around a corridor, flanked by some of his Ravenclaw friends.
You and Michael were more acquaintances than friends. Truth be told, you only talked to him to start with to help Ginny out; she’d been looking for someone to help her get over her crush on Harry. You thought it was futile given how much she liked him, but you were always happy to help out a friend. It appeared though, that not everybody you called your friend was as friendly. Michael had been fine for a while and you found that sometimes you did actually get on with him, especially when there was nobody else around to talk to. Now, though, now you were questioning your standards.
“Hey!” you yelled, immediately drawing the attention of Michael, his friends, and the rest of the corridor. “Michael!”
“You okay, Y/N?” he asked and as you looked at him, genuine concern written all over his features, all you wanted to do was punch him.
“What have you been saying about George?”
He looked confused for a second and then guilty, and then a haughty look lifted his nose up and you were really, at that second, re-evaluating your decision not to hit him.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” he said, smiling. “You can’t be serious.”
You stepped closer to him; your hand lowered just in case you needed easy access to your wand.
“Tell me what you said about my boyfriend. I know you said something, so tell me, now.”
He looked to his friends as if considering whether you were actually serious before he scoffed.
“All I said was that you were way too smart to be with a bloke as dumb as him,” you huffed, fists clenching at his words. “I’m not wrong, Y/N, those twins are bad news and they’re hardly boyfriend-“
“Hey, Michael,” you said, trying desperately to control yourself as you frowned, head ticking to the side. “Do you remember two years ago when the Slytherin common room was pink for two weeks?”
He frowned, nervously glancing at his friends. “Sure,” he said, though he seemed anything but.
“Do you remember how they had to get Dumbledore himself to fix it because none of the other teachers could figure out how to make it green again. Do you remember that?”
“Yeah, why? What’s that got-“
“George did that. He used about eight different cloaking spells and spent weeks convincing Nearly Headless Nick to help him and Fred. Could you do that?”
He opened his mouth, but you weren’t finished. Ever since you started dating George, everyone seemed to have an opinion and you were tired of it.
“No, Michael, you couldn’t.”
With your voice raised and your determined gaze directed solely at Michael and his Ravenclaw buddies, all looking very uncomfortable, you didn’t even notice George lurking behind you.
“And you know that time that nobody could figure out how the Gryffindor Quidditch Team knew everything about the Ravenclaw strategies? That was George too. Between him and Fred, they made these things,” you found yourself getting distracted as you remembered how impressed you’d been. “These ears that you can use over massive, unprecedented distances to eavesdrop on people. That technology is legendary, regardless of what it’s used for.”
“And so,” you huffed, adjusting your robes as you leant back, aware that maybe you were being too hard on him. “You can shove your opinion, because George Weasley, my George, he’s a bloody genius. And he’s not bad news. He’s the kindest, sweetest guy and you’d be lucky to be half as patient or funny or amazing as him, alright, Michael?”
Michael looked taken aback by your outburst and even you were slightly surprised at your rant. His friends were equally caught off guard. Well, most of them. The boy on the right of him frowned, rolling his eyes. You wouldn’t have caught it had he not muttered under his breath.
“Weasley can’t fight his own battles, then?”
“What the fuck did you just say?” you reached for your wand and the boys in front of you stumbling backwards to avoid you. Before you could make them eat slugs like you so desperately wanted to, a hand caught your wrist. You spun around, brows furrowed at whoever was stopping you until you saw George’s face, all freckles and gentleness. All the anger that you’d had flooded away as he looked over your shoulder at the three Ravenclaw boys.
“I reckon you should piss off, now, don’t you?”
He didn’t have to tell them twice; within seconds they had disappeared down the corridor before you could hex them properly.
You turned to George as he slid his hand down your wrist to interlock your fingers together.
“Telling everyone my top-secret pranks, are we?” he asked, a crooked smile on his lips.
“Finally, not ignoring me anymore, are we?” you mimicked in the same tone, regretting it slightly as he sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“I’m sorry.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, your noses touching.
“I thought you’d agree with him, didn’t I?” he said quietly, pulling his top lip between his teeth. “I knew he was your friend-“
“He’s bloody not anymore, that’s for certain. He’s lucky I didn’t send him to Madam Pomfrey.”
Your anger sparked again thinking about it, but as always, George’s warm hand rubbing up and down your arm washed it away and you looked at him to see him already smiling at you.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because you think I’m kind and sweet and funny and drop-dead gorgeous.”
You smiled, shoving at him with your intertwined hands.
“I don’t remember saying you were funny. Or gorgeous.”
“I do. It was right before you called me amazing. And besides, gorgeous is bit of a given, isn’t it?”
You made a face at the way he flicked his hair and rolled your eyes but you couldn’t keep the fond smile off your face no matter how hard you tried.
“You really thought I’d agree with him?” you asked quietly, picking at your bottom lip with your teeth. He avoided your eyes. “Georgie.”
He sighed, facing you properly, his eyes trailing down your face.
“Everyone knows how out of my league you are, love,” he said, stroking your cheek with the back of his finger. “Just felt like I was punching above my weight, didn’t I?”
“Well,” you whispered, letting go of his hand to cup his cheeks. “Whilst I am objectively much better looking-“
He pinched your side, earning a grunt in response before his palms settled on your waist.
“I love you,” You pressed a kiss to his left cheek and then right. “And that,” another kiss to his nose then forehead. “Is all that matters.”
You finally pecked him on the lips, happy to see him smiling again, happy to hear his voice.
“So,” you grinned. “If anyone says anything else, just send them to me.”
“Oh, I will,” he said, wrapping his arms around you. “I like it when you get all feisty. Especially over me.”
harry potter tag list: <3<3
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Hi! A fan of your writing here. I just love the way you write Caroline. An Avoidable Heart is my comfort fic and I am constantly in awe with the way you write and craft the dynamics in that story. Caroline's inner monologue is just priceless and God! I just love that intro scene where Caroline is walking into the Mikaelson compound with vampires and hybrids in the surrounding ready to pounce on her.
I would love to hear how you would have visualized Caroline crossing over into TO or not? Like in what season and why? How it would have likely gone?
Thank you!
First of all lovely anon gimme a moment to breathe, asdfghjkl why are people so lovely 😭😭🥺✨ It means sooo much to me that you’d take the time to jump into my inbox and send these kind words, like please I’m not worthyyyyy, But you make me smile and feel really freaking warm so *handcuffs your hand to mine* you aint leaving 💖✨💞🙃
But OK ALSO oh my god dude THAT CAROLINE WALTZS INTO THE COMPOUND AND TAKES ON A COUPLE HUNDRED VAMPIRES BY HERSELF SCENE???? Ughhhhh I’m sorry but I have SUCH a boner for Caroline in that, like my badass -I admit kinda op- QUEEN IS HERE and she’s fucking shit up, I’m sorry but I love that scene so much it’s so dear to me I was killing myself over how self-indulgent and grossly Over powered Caroline is but like idgaf man it’s such a hot scene and Caroline is practically invincible and we just love to see that, so seriously lovely anon, you telling me you LOVE that scene??? Puts the biggest smile on my face and reassures me a LOT bc I was whining and cribbing over how absolutely unbalanced that scene is to literally everyone BUT LIKE YOU JUMPING OUT OF NOWHERE and pointing that exact scene UGHH…...meant to fucking be the both of us 💖💞✨
And ALSO Caroline’s monologue is quite honestly the easiest inner monologue out of the three voices I wrote for that work, Klaus’s is the real pain in the ass tbvh like it is NOT easy writing pretentious besotted losers with a Kardashian complex especially when you need to make them sound cool when they’re the lamest OP dude bros to ever exist - and no I don’t hate Klaus although I seem to try my darndest to convince ppl I do- I just personally believe that a feral fucker like that with a thousand years of existence under his belt can grow a pair and graduate from his kindergarten level of emotional maturity to adult sometime soon, But then on the flipside he’s so grossly adorkably smitten and feral for Caroline plus hella horny for her all the time that its usually easy to write the trashed and devoted idiot he is into something pretentious and powerful and potent when relating to his unflappable arrogance and his narcissism, but sometimes I also need him to be *deep* and ffs profound for the sake of the plot and jfc my muse just wont work with me on that, she’s like I’m sorry I’m not about to bust my ass to make this mongrel intelligible like no sir all I wanna do is make him uncomfortably horny for Caroline and leave him like that.
So smh yeah the struggle is real….but lmao Caroline is just so precious and fiercely protective and just so achingly lonely in that story, so desperate for connection and trust and intimacy yet so guarded and impervious to everyone like it hurts me to write her like that but it really challenges me as an author to balance out her inherent light with the “void” I create in her and through her, so yeah it’s a very fulfilling task and I wouldnt change it one bit, and also I had to balance out her physical op-ness w half a millennium of the ugliest emotional trauma lol so I guess that figures, but the point being….once again I am overjoyed knowing that you liked a facet of the story that I tried so hard to make as authentically Caroline and achingly real and moving as I can and I cannot possibly feel more accomplished than rn for it so ty ty ty ty for reaching out to me and telling me *tackle hugs* It makes me GIDDY knowing that you enjoyed that particular part of the story like ugh stab me please you're too sweet.
And ok NOW, coming to The Originals part of the ask, (also please note that when I say TO headcanon; Hope does not exist, Hayley is a dead in a ditch and ofc Klaus will stop being that lil bitch they tried to pawn off as Klaus in TO) 
Honestly my biggest headcanon when it comes to TO crossovers somehow always include non-humanity!Caroline like it’s just so perfect to me?? The opportunity to make shit BLOW UP b/w them like imagine the DEBAUCHERY, the heat, the SEXUAL TENSION, the repression of one Klaus Mikaelson, the EXPLORATIONS, and omg the role reversal when Klaus has to be the voice of moral reason between them and not bc he believes Caroline would not be able to stand herself if she does something heinous and monstrous but bc he wants her to be completely and utterly herself, and yk *aware*, when she DECIMATES ppl to the ground and is in full-on predator mode, like he wants her monster to come out and play with him when no part of Caroline is locked away or suppressed, so obviously when she is w/o her humanity KLAUS exercises restraint on her behalf, like can you imagine that, Klaus restraining himself and being the vague, extremely broken and just largely inaccurate moral compass between the two of them for ALL the wrong reasons- and the entirety of NOLA just standing there watching him herd this baby vampire who seems to be intent on riling him up and angering him when all she is doing is giving him a massive hybrid hard on, like IMAGINE THE GOODNESS of non-humanity Caroline wrecking NOLA and Klaus letting her wreck it bc he is helpless in the face of Caroline Forbes and also bc he is quite honestly *enjoying* the debauchery himself so why put a damper on the festivities.
-I might wanna add that I favour this headcanon a lot bc I genuinely do not even remotely *like* the idea of NOLA as Klaus's chosen place to set his roots so like I would love Caroline going to NOLA and destroying everything there just bc I detest NOLA and the storyline behind it in TO. (yes is it petty? Obvi, but like I am a petty soul and I make no apologies ma’am)
So yeah that’s my main TO headcanon, but my other one being, one I talk about very frequently, scream about in tag rants to an obsessive level, and like this is a cracky one but still very valid, where Caroline rolls up to NOLA humanity intact and all, finds Hayley preggo and is just laughing her fucking ass off bc anybody ANYBODY, with half a brain and a two minute convo w klaus would know how UTTERLY stupid the entire baby shit is especially when it’s with an immemorable one night stand, and Caroline’s just losing her shit about how like an entire city is obssessed w this baby and she just straight up tells Klaus he’d SUCK as a dad (which he really does tho like he was a shitty fucking dad canonically too) and Klaus is just like *sigh* girl tell me about it. I mean basically he’s finally relieved that someone is on his side about the whole baby thing and how he definitely does not want his entire millennium of life to finally sum up to this one squalling leaking stinky infant/unicorn Hayley is apparently baking in her oven, and I say this headcanon is cracky bc klaus would never have put up w this mess long enough for Caroline to come in and sort it out, there’s this preferred method of disposal of his called heart ripping that would've been employed quite early on and honestly saved us all a lot of brain cells and minused years of life, bc let’s be real any Klaus who’s NOT a lil snivelling bitch wearing a Klaus skinsuit would’ve yeeted the baby and the mama first chance he got, and that’s just how I see it.
Lmao I really hope I didnt scare you away w my *strong* opinions Ik they can be a bit much but I enjoy having them so theyre not going anywhere, anyways this ask answer got WAYYYY too long but I’m hoping I answered your question well with this or atleast left you slightly confused and bemused over my feral screaming....either ways I’m really really really happy to have got your ask and the chance to rant so much bs, Twas cathartic and honestly I had nothing to do today so I was more than happy to dish this baby out for you. Thank you so much sweet anon for putting a smile on my face today I am absolutely HONOURED by your words you’sa cutie 💖💞✨🗣🗣
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 4 years
Happy Medium (Part Two) || Rafe Cameron x Maybank!Reader
Part One
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Request: hi! um this is oddly specific but i had this idea so... can you possibly do an imagine where rafe and the reader are dating and rafe is like super super sweet (and she makes him a better person🥺), but the reader is also jjs sister and he gets really mad when he finds out about the relationship bc he is really protective of her, but at a party or something a touron messes with the reader and rafe sticks up for her so jj starts to come around to the idea of their relationship
“Babe come on. It’s your birthday, you have to have a party!” Rafe pleaded, pacing around his room as you laid on his bed reading some fashion magazine Sarah had given you.
“No I don’t. Lots of people don’t have parties on their birthdays.”
“Y/N you’ve had a party for your birthday every single year since like forever. It’s how I had your birthday memorized even before we started dating.”
“Yeah and no offense but most of those parties ended up getting ruined by kooks. Besides, it’s not like JJ or any of my friends will even be there so what’s the point.”
“But the kooks wouldn’t be there to ruin it this time. Please, just let me throw you a fun party for your birthday. It’ll take your mind off everything that’s been going on. You can get wasted off your ass and I’ll stay sober to take care of you.”
“Promise?” You ask, looking up from the magazine.
“Promise,” He grins.
“Fine. But I require fruity drinks that are going to taste like pure sugar but still get me fucked up after like five sips. Beer is getting really old.”
“Of course. Anything for you Sunshine. Hey I gotta go meet up with Topper and Kelce about something. I’ll be back in an hour, you good to stay here?”
“Yeah. Rose was gonna teach me how to make some Greek meal that she learned how to make when she visited there, since I’m always saying I want to go.”
“Alright well, have fun. I’ll see you in a bit,” He leans down to plant a kiss on your forehead before disappearing out his bedroom door.
“Oh hell no,” JJ growls, seeing Rafe standing on the porch in front of him.
“Wait,” Rafe sticks his foot out and stops him from closing the door, “Please JJ, it’s important.”
“What the hell do you want? I thought I made it clear that I don’t want you hear. Leave.”
“Y/N‘s birthday is in two days. I’m throwing a party and I want you and the other three to come. She’s been having a really tough time these past couple weeks and I know she’d be happy if you guys came.”
“A party at your kook house surrounded by other kooks, yeah not interested. Didn’t think Y/N would ever be interested either but I guess you got your claws deeper than I thought. I trust you’ll tell her happy birthday from me?”
“Okay dude, what is your goddamn problem? I get it, you don’t like me, but Y/N is your sister. You’re supposed to be there for her but no. Instead of supporting her and being happy that she’s happy you and your friends have all been complete assholes towards her. You guys have cut off all contact and have completely alienated her because you all have too much pride and hatred for kooks to accept that she’s in a relationship with one. I’ve sat and watched for two goddamn weeks as she’s been borderline depressed, struggling with the fact that you all have disowned her. You know you guys think we’re the bad guys but you have stooped so low as to treat one of your own like complete shit simply because she fell in love with one of us. This isn’t fucking Romeo and Juliet, get over yourselves. We’re not having the party at my house, it’ll be on the beach because I know she’ll be most comfortable there. And for your information, she didn’t even want to party. I begged her to let me throw her one so I wouldn’t have to watch her be sad on her own birthday. I came here to ask you if you’d come because I know it would make her happy but if you’re going to show up acting like that then don’t bother. Goodbye JJ,” Rafe rants angrily, stepping back to exit the porch while leaving your brother standing in the open doorway in shock.
“Jesus you look beautiful,” Rafe grins, watching as you do a little spin in the party dress he’d bought you. You told him not to but he insisted and who were you to tell him no.
“Stop, you’re making me blush,” You laugh.
“As you should be because you look gorgeous. You ready to go? I told everyone to start showing up at six.” You nod and he grabs your hand, dragging you out of his room.
When you get to the beach the sun is just starting to set and the beach is already packed. You and Rafe walk through the crowd, searching for Kelce and Topper, who were in charge of protecting your girly alcohol. You clutch your boyfriend’s hand, overwhelmed by the amount of people you don’t even know shouting happy birthday at you.
“Yo Y/N! Happy birthday! Don’t worry, we got the good stuff!” Kelce shouts as you near the pair of boys, handing a bottle of pink lemonade UV out towards you. (A/N: Fun fact, I got waisted off of Pink Lemonade UV on my 18th birthday and ended up puking all over my aunt. Good times lmao. Drink responsibly kids.)
“What, no mixer?” You ask, taking the bottle from him.
“Oh we got that covered,” Topper replies, holding up an old milk jug full of some pink liquid. Pink Lemonade probably, it’s a good thing that’s your favorite drink.
“Well thank you boys. I’m honored,” You smile, pouring a generous amount of alcohol into your plastic cup, followed by some of the pink lemonade.
You continue to hang out with Rafe and the boys, drinking, laughing, and just genuinely goofing around. While pouring your fifth drink you look up and watch as a familiar group of pogues walk along the beach, through the crowds of people.
“What the hell are they doing here?” You ask Rafe, pointing towards them.
“I asked them to come. I figured you’d like it if they came. With the way JJ reacted I didn’t actually expect them to show.” He replies, looking shocked to see them.
“Can you hold this for a minute? I’ll be right back.” You give him a reassuring smile while he takes your drink.
You head for your brother and friends, planning to confront them, until a random touron steps in front of you, blocking your view. He must’ve already been there for awhile, as he’s clearly wasted off of his ass.
“Damn girl, where you headed to?” He slurs as you gently trying to brush past him.
“I- um- can you just let me by please?” You ask politely.
“Now hang on a minute,” He grabs your shoulders, “Just stay a minute. You know, you’re one of the hottest chicks I’ve ever seen.”
“Thank you, but I have a boyfriend. Now can you please move?” You ask again, more insistent this time.
“What a shame. Surely he’d be okay with sharing though. I mean sharing is caring, right?” He looks up and down your body hungrily, making you shiver in disgust.
“No. Get off me.”
“Don’t be so mean. I’m only trying to have fun,” He leans in so you can feel his breath on your neck. You try to squirm away but he’s clutching your shoulders so tightly that you’re stuck in place. You whimper at the pain his death grip is causing. His lips barely make contact with your skin before he’s harshly shoved off and you watch in a blur as Rafe pins him to the ground and begins to punch him repeatedly.
You blink back tears as Sarah runs up to you and wraps her arms around you comfortingly. From the other side of the fight you see your friends staring at you with wide eyes, clearly they’d just witnessed that entire thing. Rafe doesn’t stop beating on the guy and nobody really does anything to try to stop him anyway. Blood splatters the sand as he screams angrily in the boys face.
“Rafe stop! You’ll kill him!” Sarah yells finally as the guy begins coughing and choking on his on blood. She turns to you softly, so nobody but the two of you can hear, “Y/N you have to tell him to stop. He won’t listen to anybody but you.”
“R-Rafe. Baby, please stop.” You plead softly. Immediately your boyfriend stops and stands so that he’s standing over the injured touron.
“Don’t you EVER lay a hand on a woman without her consent ever again. Now leave or I will fucking kill you,” He spits, watching as the bloodied boy scrambles up off the ground and limps away.
Everyone starts going back to their partying, bored as the fight has ended. Rafe walks towards you and pulls you out of Sarah’s arms and into his own, petting your hair soothingly.
“I’m sorry you had to see that. Baby, I’m so so sorry.” He whispered comfortingly.
“It’s okay,” You tell him honestly. You were a bit shaken up but you felt so much better the second you were in Rafe’s arms.
“Y/N,” JJ says cautiously, stepping towards you.
“Look man. She’s already dealt with enough crap in one night so if you’re gonna get on her ass about being with me then just go away.” Rafe tells him but JJ shakes his head.
“No. I- uh- I came to apologize. Y/N, I’m so ashamed of how I acted. You told me that you were dating Rafe and I just, I just lost my shit. But you’re my sister and no matter what I should always support you and be there for you. These past few weeks I’ve been a horrible brother and I feel so shitty. It’s just that after years of getting the shit beaten out of me by him I didn’t want to believe that you were actually dating him. I felt a little betrayed. These past two weeks I’ve expected you to walk through the door telling me you’d made a mistake, begging for my forgiveness. I was only thinking about myself. I didn’t think about your happiness and I’m so sorry.”
“JJ I don’t know what to say. You abandoned me. You turned all my friends against me. You made me feel like a bad person for being happy.” You reply softly.
“I was angry. Anger does horrible things Y/N and I’m not proud of it but I’ll admit that I got those anger issues from Dad. I know that I can never take back how I treated you these past two weeks but I want to make it up to you. Please Y/N, I know it might take awhile but I’m willing to do whatever it takes until you forgive me.” He pleads. You’d never seen JJ Maybank beg for anything in his life until now.
“What about Rafe? I know you don’t like him and I’m not going to stop dating him.”
He turns to your boyfriend, “I still hate you...but I’ll tolerate you. Seeing how you protected my sister tonight and listening to how you talked about her the other day I know you love her. That’s all I ever wanted for Y/N, for her to be happy and loved. Maybe someday I won’t dislike you so much but for now can we just agree to get along for her sake?”
Rafe nods his head, “Happy medium?”
“Happy medium.”
Taglist (I hope I didn’t forget anybody 🥺)- @butterfliesinthenightsky @copper-boom @khiaraaa-in-spacee @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @jj-maybabe @ilovejjmaybank @starrystarkey93 @outerbanx96 @delinquentstarkey @justcallmesams @starkeysgirl @yeslifeofateen @frankiebcanon @tovvaf
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Detroit Evolution Commentary Pt. 3 [FINAL]
It’s been a while, sorry. Life sucks ass sometimes and I had to do some transferring to my new laptop. I’ll write down some more fun facts as an apology. Disclaimer: This is all stuff I noticed, inferred, or interpreted. I didn’t write the film, anything I’ve interpreted is just that, an interpretation based on things I noticed using my experiences and knowledge. 
Fun fact #1: I have attempted to write in a proper novel style at least five times. After watching DE and watching @octopunkmedia ‘s script breakdowns and such, I've started writing scripts instead. I’m much farther along in those than I ever have been in books. 10/10 amazing for my visual based concepts.
Fun fact #2: My mental health was rapidly declining and I was losing interest in quite literally everything at the time the film was released. Watching the film and fixating on it for a month straight not only inspired me but helped me regain control of my life. Watching streams by the cast and Michelle while I worked for school made my productivity skyrocket.
Fun fact #3: I recently developed a tic that I now can’t get rid of. It was out of control for about twenty minutes right before I began writing this post. However, when I began re-watching the film (partially because it’s a comfort for me and I’m quite honestly terrified of what’s happening in the US right now) it stopped. So that’s fun.
As usual, spoilers and swearing under the cut! Quick note: If there should be a trigger warning on this or anything else I post, please let me know! I’m horrible at remembering to tag triggers. I’ll also be doing some quick posts on Umbrella Academy and my severe obsession with Jason Todd soon. Have fun!
As usual, here’s a list of people I know the users of in case you’d like to check any of them out. I’m likely missing people so feel free to let me know who I’m missing so I can add them!
Maximilian Kroger - Nines (@ maximiliankroger)
Christopher (Chris) Trindade - Gavin (@ trindabago)
Michael Smallwood - Chris Miller (@ michaelsmallwoodforever)
Carla Kim - Tina Chen (@ carlahkim)
Jillian Geurts - Ada (@ jilbobaggins_nyc)
Michelle Iannantuono - (@ octopunkmedia)
JJ Goller - Lazzo (@ quasar.cos)
Brett Mullen - Cinematographer (@ brettmullendirector)
Austin Butts - Sound Design (@ austinbytts)
Tiare Solis - Valerie (@ tiareleiana)
So I decided to put all of the rest into this post. It’s a long one. Not even that sorry about it bc I love this film with my entire heart. Warning for me getting sidetracked. I use a lot of Supernatural references but it’s because I’m visiting my dad and he’s binge watching the show. I like Dean and only Dean, don’t bully me for it.
The Wrist Grip™️ in the bedroom before Nines moves back
Shoutout to Maximilian Kroger’s muscles u go dude
Lighting Symbolism™️, big theme through the movie, honestly I think it’s beautiful and they did a wonderful job with it.
The little nod from Gavin as he starts talking about his nightmare 
You can see Gavin gearing up to move, like not in a normal way, in a “oh god I don’t know if I have the energy to do this” way and that’s Relatable™️
The little smile from Nines as they sit together
Nines being domestic, making coffee and breakfast, being Soft.
Shirt change??? Either I’m blind or he’s wearing a different shirt in the morning (He is. He’s wearing a t shirt at night and a buttoned collar shirt in the morning. Perhaps he changed? He’s wearing normal pants so he probably changed but he’s not wearing that same shirt in the next scene)
Ada eye rolling at them being passive aggressive dumbasses. Same. Apparently Jillian kept fucking with them which is,, so valid. 
The lighting in this scene (the office pt. 2) makes Maximilian look Android-white and outlined in the CyberLife blue-ish color. Very symbolic, I have no idea if it was intentional.
Another shoutout, this time to Maximilian’s eyebrows, the expressiveness is *chef’s kiss*.
“You can thank me later, Casanova.” Nines: *confused Android noises* 
Honorable mention to Michael’s Foo Fighters t shirt in the bar, it’s vintage.
Nines is in fact wearing a different shirt now. Not the same shirt from the morning bedroom scene. I also think he’s wearing a different jacket. Less of a peacoat and more of a leather jacket. Nice.
Shoutout to Tina’s (not irl) wife, Valerie! And her weird crush on Hank! I honestly can’t wait to see her in Seven Deadly Synths!!
Ada DODGING the questions that Nines is asking because she is SHADY. 
Also, he looks to Gavin when he talks about wanting to be more human. Recurring theme of him perceiving himself as lacking because of his ace-ness/android-ness, like he can’t give Gavin what he wants. Honestly I know that the android thing is a thinly veiled metaphor for race in canon but I kinda like thinking of it as a metaphor for being LGBT+ and in Nines’ case, specifically ace. Might not make sense but it does in my brain??
Gavin Senses Are Tingling and Nines is GONE. Leaving the bar for ur not-bf to try to talk things out like adults??? King shit.
Also electric lighter, fun, I genuinely didn’t know those existed
“You don’t want to help me, you want to fix me.” What a loaded line. Because in a way, it’s almost true? Like, Nines has this entire simulation of Gavin in his ideal world, and obviously that version of Gavin has probably been idealized at least a bit. Nature of humanity, and Nines might not be human but he’s got the Brain Things. And at that moment, it’s nearly true that Nines wants Gavin to be like that ideal Gavin. Obviously Nines wants Gavin as Gavin, but there’s the edge of that simulation there, still. 
But Nines does want to help Gavin, and that’s where he’s wrong. Nines wants Gavin to get better, wants to help stop the nightmares, etc. But by pointing that out, I think it’s partially why Nines can accept letting go of Simulation!Gavin when Ada attacks him. Because he knows that the simulation of Gavin will never be the real Gavin, and this line sort of helps him understand that he can’t really keep Sim!Gavin anyways.
Again idk if that’s legit but that’s definitely something I felt from that while watching.
Nines is constantly very controlled, but when he walks away from Gavin you can see him straining to keep that composure and not let his anger show. 
Ada looking So Done With This Shit when Nines comes back from talking with Gavin outside of the bar
“I’m sure this will be like...every other time.” Oh honey. Oh my sweet child. I am so very sorry. It most definitely will not be.
Ada’s exasperated Eyebrow Raise before taking a drink. If that ain’t the mood sis.
I love Ada’s bat wings on her outfits. 
Gavin being a stalker and putting his hood up. 
“I’m...certain that most of the credit can go to you.” IMMEDIATE ANGER. Must Defend Boyfriend.
Nines has Suspicion™️...press X for doubt... 
*Only vaguely related rant warning*
I do feel that we as a fandom tend to make Connor almost childishly innocent despite him being likely one of the least kind and least innocent characters. The characterization of Nines in this--and pardon me for the off topic rant--where he’s a fully grown man and acts like it is so much more realistic. Nines is a cop, as is Connor. 
Even post deviancy, they were designed and equipped to handle murder. Nines, in a lot of fandom content, tends to come off as an exasperated older brother or a gritty and mean detective, or even worse, essentially a sociopath who feels nothing in contrast to Connor’s childish and extreme innocence. I dislike both. Seeing Nines be a normal fucking person is so relieving, I’m serious. There’s still those elements of ‘oh he’s only been properly alive for like a year, right? He probably doesn’t get Chris’ Casanova reference.’ but it’s not to such an extreme that it overtakes all of his personality traits.
Like, yeah, ok, I get why a lot of fandom content does that. In order to balance what we see Connor do (and in order to further push the Hank as a father line) we over-emphasize the not getting references and such. Honestly I see the same in content for Castiel from Supernatural. Nines, when he’s added, often HAS to be a lot darker in order to make that seem not as jarring and unrealistic.
Doesn’t mean I enjoy it. If you do? That’s great, good for you, but I don’t like seeing those characters be portrayed as such one dimensional extremes. People aren’t like that. On the off chance that someone is such an extreme, there’s still other aspects of their personality.
DE has done an amazing job at not flattening their personalities. Nines and Gavin are three-dimensional and incredibly interesting characters I find myself invested in every time I watch it.
*Onto the commentary again.*
Gavin is still being a stalker
“Particular fascination with the RK line” AHAHA funny. She’s also an RK, and she likely knows more than Nines because her programming is based on information gathering. Her fascination begins and ends with what their programming can do for her.
The little computer details in Ada’s eyes as she copies Nines’ OS, and again in Nines’ eyes when he’s in the alley alone. I believe Michelle did all of that and I am just amazed every time I watch. 
The warped voice effect.
Gavin shifting to hold Nines as soon as he passes out
The ethereal colored lighting is very good for the mood, space hospital vibes
Shoutout to the latex suit they put Maximilian in! That’s not CG! He’s wearing a full body white latex suit. I’m so sorry.
Gavin looks so tired talking to Dr. Maria. His posture is defensive, pulled into himself. Shoulders hunched, arms pulled in. Eye bags, messy hair. Boy looked messed up. Somebody hug him.
Nines’ hair being disheveled and messy in the corrupted Zen Garden, rivaling his assertion that in his ideal world (Aka the normal Zen Garden) his appearance is polished, signifying the loss of control and the loss of the Zen Garden being a safe, ideal space for him. Same concept with Sim!Gavin being corrupted.
Nines: *wakes up in his mindspace*
Also Nines, immediately: GAVIN!!1!!1
Nines believes in CONSENT!! You do not go into someone’s program without asking, ADA.
Ada’s “poor widdle baby” face as Nines is freaking out because she trapped him. Mood.
Tina wearing a low turtleneck and a flannel is Peak Gay, especially next to Gavin “I wear the same leather jacket+hoodie combo every single day and probably the same jeans for a month” Reed, aka the most disastrous and chaotic bisexual I have ever seen. Again, a mood, I honestly felt that one.
The face when Nines realizes that Ada isn’t deviant yet. 
Gavin is blaming himself somebody stop this idiot. 
“Not without Nines.” What a softie.
“The last thing I said to him was ‘I don’t need you’.” BITCH WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART.
Gavin calling Tina “T” in that soft voice is so sweet omg
Ugh the bisexual LIGHTING is KILLING ME, ESPECIALLY as Gavin sits at Nines’ bedside
Tina encouraging Gavin. WLW/MLM solidarity. 
Fun fact: Chris Trindade told Maximilian not to react at all to the big speech but Maximilian literally started crying during it and there’s footage somewhere of the Dramatic Single Tear rolling down his face while he’s still ‘in stasis’.
Yes, I double checked the streams to make sure I got this right, I love the concept though.
Look I cannot get into the speech because I will write 1.5k words on it, but I will say this: It made me cry. The acting, the writing, it’s iconic. The amount of love and devotion they got without even saying the words “I love you” was amazing. Chris is so very talented. 
Tina is the best wingman ngl
The glitches in Zen Gavin are amazing. The sequence when he’s deleting the Zen Garden is also amazing. I use amazing a lot but it’s deserved.
Nines deleting the Zen Garden and Sim!Gavin is very symbolic of letting go of all of the fake stuff, letting go of the fear he was holding that kept him from confessing to Gavin and I love that
Nines sitting silently straight up. 
Gavin is highly intelligent and I’m so glad Octopunk embraces that. 
*another vaguely related rant warning*
Ok let me tell y’all a thing because this RUINS MY LIFE. People tend to take characters like Percy Jackson or Dean Winchester, whose intelligence isn’t outwardly obvious from the get-go, and remove it entirely. Percy is reduced to an idiot who can’t tie his own shoes and Dean is often shown basically unable to research without Sam. Both of those are bullshit. 
Percy has ADHD and Dyslexia, so when often we categorize smart as only book-smart, Percy’s intelligence as a battle strategist and his actual knowledge gets erased. Dean is usually the more physical and shoot-first-never-ask-questions type, and his intelligence is severely downplayed. He made an EMP detector from scratch. Made a shotgun, remembers how to kill things, is a very good hunter, especially on his own. But that’s thrown away because he’s not book-smart.
I despise when people take characters who are talented and smart in ways that aren’t just reciting the periodic table and reduce them to muscles and angst or drooling children. 
Octopunk having a scene where Gavin is working through a case, already having done the things that Chris, someone who was only recently promoted, suggests, is just affirming Gavin’s intelligence in a way I wish I could be not surprised by. Gavin is smart, and luckily I haven’t seen much downplaying that fact. He’s a detective for a reason. Unfortunately I think it might be because the fandom tends to turn Connor and Nines into actual children, but a win is a win.
Now I’m not saying I don’t love a good himbo character but I literally had to stop interacting with Percy Jackson content because people wrote him as incapable.
*Moving on*
“I think I can help with that.” Bitch why are you so dramatic I love him so much.
Nines’ t-shirt says “Detroit City Marathon” 
“You...undead asshole.” What an iconic line. I need a t-shirt. 
“I...hate you.” “You love me.” Harkens back to the beginning where the roles are reversed. Yes I used that unironically. Words are fun.
Gavin looking scared right before The Kiss™️ 
I thought that was cute when I learned it in one of the streams.
Nines’ LED spinning blue when they finally kiss asgladkaf 
“What dipshit programmed you to do that?” “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective-“ “oh you are such a fuckin’ prick!” “Takes one to know one.” I canNOT with them, I laughed my ASS off
The little broken laugh Nines does
Nines rubbing his hands over Gavin’s while they talk about Gavin’s jacket
Shoutout to Chris’ surprised pikachu face. (Tina is also there) That was a joke take, it’s in the gag reel, too. The face wasn’t supposed to make it into the film but Michelle added it. (In the gag reel, Carla yells “Let’s go to Denny’s!” At the end.) 
And Ada’s leather pants. Honestly?? She’s so pretty. I love her. They’re all really attractive it’s actually terrifying.
Nines and Tina being a part of the Gay Turtleneck Gang
Nines’ untucked turtleneck
Tina being a Smart Girl. (Nines calling her “Officer” and her replying with “I’ll make detective someday.”
Chris being Exhausted during the whole meeting. Me too dude.
Chris and Tina doing literally nothing while Gavin and Nines have a whole heart to heart
The WHITE COAT. Tina in her blues. Chris’ Foo Fighters shirt. They’re such icons but they absolutely look like a group of gay ppl who did NOT decide on a theme.
The fight sequence is impressive, considering that they’re literally not stunt actors. I’m not a fight choreographer or stunt person so That’s really all I have to say on that.
Chris patting Gavin’s gun after he explains what he’s doing. \
As a Jason Todd lover the crowbar is unfortunate (had to, sorry)
Nines’ smirk and the TURTLENECK as he spins away from Ada with the crowbar. Iconic. The Big Dick Energy. Especially for someone who doesn’t have a dick.
Chris being a Dad when Gavin runs off to go stop the body calibration
Ada just YEETS Gavin. Iconic.
Ada: *doing the villain “you won’t shoot me, you’re too moral” thing*
Chris: Shut the fuck up *shoots her*
Deviancy sequence, iconic
“You’re awake now” bitch get your own tag line, Markus became Robot Jesus for this shit
Gavin trusting Nines’ decision immediately. Amazing. THAT’S LOVE BITCH.
The SMILES after Ada leaves!! They know they made the right choice!
Ugh the COLOR SYMBOLISM!! This is one thing that Michelle has touched on herself! Gavin isn’t wearing white in this scene because he’s not ‘fixed’, he never will be! He has trauma and he’s just barely beginning to heal from it with Nines’ help. He’s wearing grey, lighter than his usual, but still grey because they aren’t pure or innocent and they’re not perfect!! And that’s the fucking point!! It’s also a contrast against Sim!Gavin wearing white! Sim!Gavin was an idealized version of Gavin in Nines’ idealized world!! Real Gavin isn’t that!! So he’s wearing grey!!
Gavin immediately understanding that Nines is Ace and that it’s ok!! Beautiful!
“You’ve been a whole person since the day you woke up” YES!! YOU DO NOT NEED SEX TO BE WHOLE!! FUCK YEAH!!! (this is ace excitement. In the months since writing this I realized I’m aro-ace and trans so fuck yeah for ace rep.) 
Gavin being a dick and making Nines tell him about the skin thing
THE KISS!! They slowly move more into the light!! Because they’re getting better TOGETHER!!
Ok before I sign off, it’s only 3 am so I think I’m awake enough to talk about this, I like that they bring up that Gavin has like, actual issues that he needs to get through. Let’s be 100% honest here, I see Gavin as having ADHD, depression, and probably a form or symptoms of PTSD. He’s kinda fucked up and I’m gonna be real here he needs some therapy. He’s got trauma and needs to work through it. 
I like that at the end they explicitly have Nines understand and accept that that’s what needs to happen. As someone who has actually had relationships ruined because of trauma (on both sides) that we were unprepared to work through together, if I had seen something like that? Game changer. As it was, most relationships I had seen were idealized and seemed to “fix” those issues by way of just being in a relationship. Thanks major media. 
Now that the Detroit Evolution post series is over, I’m gonna be a bit sentimental and say that this film quite literally changed my life. Seriously. Michelle is such a big inspiration for me and I can only hope to be the same for someone else. 
If you ever have a chance to check out any of the amazing people who worked on this film, please do. To put into context how big this was: I changed my ideal college major from Forensics to Film. 
That’s it that’s all, ending this post at 3:24 am before I literally start crying over it. Thanks for suffering through my long-winded explanations, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day.
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babyitsacrime · 5 years
1, 22, 23, and 43 for the OC asks.
First off, I apologize for my absolutely atrocious grammar here and also the fact that I just can’t seem to put things into words.
Secondly I wrote this in a different app and then copy pasted so the formatting is a little whack.
1. Your first OC ever?
Oh gosh this one is a little hard to answer. I think Natalia’s my first OC that I ever fully wrote well but me and my friends used to write a lot of stories/fanfiction in middle school so I have some characters from there too that might be older than Nat. Also there’s like three different versions of Nat (Quizup, Next Gen, and the Nat I have now) , and again the one I have right now is by far the most developed/closest to a whole character.
Okay but I talk about Nat a lot so even though I’m not sure which one actually came first I’ll talk about a character I had in the Homestuck fanfiction my friends and I wrote in middle school. (before you ask, yes it’s the 100 page one I’m pretty sure) (also I’m ignoring the self inserts me n my friends made for our other stories bc those don’t count as ocs and I refuse to accept them as characters dhdksjdjs) But basically she’s a troll named Ninmah Aurora. She was heavily based off of Kanaya Maryam, the iconic Homestuck vampire fashion designer lesbian character so that was interesting. And even though I didn’t actually write that much for her she’s one of my favorite characters because I had so much fun writing her with my friends. Anyways can’t believe I just exposed myself as a Homestuck stan on main but you know what it’s fine.
22. Is there any OC of yours that people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Okay there’s a couple and most of them are small things so I’ll just go by character.
Natalia -
let me just start by saying this: it still baffles me why y’all think she’s cool cshdjsj. She’s kinda a dumb bitch if I’m being honest. Like, don’t get me wrong, she’s super smart and could easily outwit me and honestly any of us, but she’s also plain stupid sometimes in other ways. But like, on the other side of the coin I feel like she almost doesn’t get taken seriously sometimes? I feel like that’s a little on me for usually making jokes at her expense but while she is clueless as to how people function she’s also not plain dumb. A lot of what she says and does is well calculated and even when she does something in the spur of the moment it’s always something logical to her. Hn I don’t know if I’m explaining this right but 🤷♀️. But basically she’s not really cool but also she’s not stupid. (Okay ig being good at Quidditch is pretty cool but that’s not my point)
Also I don’t know why but some people (very few people but it’s still annoying to me) seem to think that her being bi is a huge part of her personality when it’s really not. While she is bi, not everything she does is motivated by that fact if that makes any sense. Like for example, if she’s wearing be a rainbow dress it’s not because she’s (and I quote) "team gay" it’s because she liked the damn dress. Okay I’m rambling now but all I’m saying is that it kinda annoys me when people see her being bi as a hugely defining personality trait. Also she isn’t the only character I notice this happens to.
Ishaan -
Similarly to Nat, whole he does enjoy pranking and such, he’s actually a serious person most of the time. Think of him as more of like a serious and skeptical person who also has a good sense of humor. Although I will say that he does sometimes go out of his way to make a joke sometimes, that’s only sometimes and mostly just to annoy Priya.
Lysander -
Another case of the being gay isn’t his personality. Also??? He’s not gay??? I don’t really know where that came from (like I know who mentioned it to me but I have no clue where she got that from aside from just assuming?) for the record, he is also bi and has a slight preference for girls (mostly bc he likes having an s/o shorter than him but we won’t go into that rn). *slams fists on table* jUST BECAUSE HES FUNNY DOESNT MEAN HES THE TOKEN GAY FRIEND OKAY (okay okay I’m done ranting time to continue)
I also feel like his joking nature is often seen as a sign of him not being as a lack of intellect, but that is in no way true. While he isn’t a genius or anything, he’s a little smarter than average, yet still prone to making dumb decisions because he is still a child. But with more life experience he’ll make smarter decisions while still retaining a joking demeanor.
Priya -
I’m going to keep this one short, but she isn’t as cold and cruel as I sometimes make her seem when I talk about her. I feel like this one’s mostly on me but yeah, she’s a caring person for the most part, just a little misguided and/or dramatic at times.
~I think that’s all of them but I might be wrong? Also none of those explanations make a lot of sense I’m sorry 😔~
23. Introduce an OC that has changed from what your first idea considering what the character would be like.
*drags Nat out again* Here you go.
So I mentioned earlier that there’s like three different versions of her, but in all reality they almost feel like different characters with the same name. However I will say that Next Gen Nat and the Nat I have now (I like to call it her final form bc I think I’m finally happy with her) are similar in many many aspects. But I’ll talk about this Nat because I like her the best and she’s the only Nat I actively use. She was originally intended to be a lot colder/closed off than she is. (Think a lot closer to Aster, but I think pep also had a similar thing with him.) She just ended up becoming a lot softer and a little friendlier than I intended her to be. I’m not exactly unhappy with that though, I feel like this actually added a bit more dimension to her character and it actually gave me a little more room to improve her. It was also bound to happen anyways, especially with the characters she’s friends with/will be friends with. So yeah, it’s interesting and honestly I feel like I’m happy with the changes from what I originally intended her to be.
Hm while I’m here I guess I should also talk about Taemoon.
I don’t know that his personality changed much from my original intent, but his story and intent definitely did. He started as a character that exuded a lack of hope. I don’t know if that sentence makes a lot of sense, but he was originally going to have no chance at happiness in the end. He was supposed to let all of his anger and hurt consume him, making him hell bent on revenge, which would only push him further from anything that could make him happy, but I feel like the end of his story is a lot more hopeful now. I don’t know exactly what it is, but ever since pep asked if Jae Hong could adopt him Taemoon’s life story has become something a lot less disheartening. Now I’ve given him a lot more to live for, and a lot more to make him happy. First off, instead of being alone he now has a family that he quickly grows to trust, and a group of friends with similar experiences that basically become family as well. While he is still very revenge driven, he has a lot more to his life than just that; most importantly he has people he trusts that will keep him from becoming consumed by all of his anger. But yeah, he has become a much more hopeful character as a whole and honestly. I feel like that’s what I really needed. Idk about everyone else but I feel like changing his story to the way it is now really has helped me to feel a lot better in general.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favor certain traits or looks?
Oh god it’s time to confess 😔🤙
So, as most of you have figured out, most of my ocs tend to be very attractive and very capable (and willing) to step on me. If they’re not that then they’re in the minority.
Aside from being physically attractive as a whole, I’d say that in regards to looks, the more they look like they haven’t slept in weeks and are ready to kill a man, the better. If not that, then it’s an oc that looks like I could cuddle with them for hours on end. There’s no in between.
As for traits I tend to favor, probably the most popular is a bad attitude. If you take a look at some of my most used and/or favorite characters, you’ll find that in most cases the snarkier the better. Honestly this is true of characters that aren’t even mine, I just really have a type. At the same time though, I like these characters to have a secret soft side even if it’s only for one other character they care about. On the flip side, I also like writing characters that are genuinely the nicest people you’ll ever meet. I don’t know why but I just love them so much they are truly my children.
Also. Characters that grin in the face of danger? *chefs kiss* I like characters where you question if what they’re doing is out of courage or a death wish. For this reason so many of my characters play some kind of dangerous sport or enjoy dueling, you get what I mean. This goes for both my Edgy™️ characters as well as my soft characters.
Additionally, I do have a lot of characters that are wealthy. Uh. I think that mostly speaks for itself so I’m not going to comment on it any further than this.
Also. Flowers. For some reason I go for faceclaims that eat flowers. It’s not even something I actively seek out??? Like I’ll find someone cute and I’ll be scrolling through pictures and there they are. Eating a flower. This mostly goes for my guy fcs but yeah. Idk how it happens but it just does and I’ve come to accept it.
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emotchalla · 6 years
Nothing Like the Sun - Six
A/N: Almost the home stretch!! I’m done with finals next week which means more things for you coming soon (in this series, but also everything else on this blog lmao)! 
Summary: Everybody and their mama knows that Bucky has fucked up big time. Steve ventures to fix it. 
Warnings: Angst, baby. Just angst bc the one (1) man we stan is an asshole.
Word count: 1.9k+
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Bucky’s POV
When I walk into the house, Steve has “Nobody’s Fault but Mine” by Led Zeppelin blasting from his phone and is dancing at the sink while he washes dishes. He looks so happy right now, completely unbothered by me and my bullshit. I hate that I’ve gotten him involved the way I have, and I know that when T’Challa comes along and finds out how badly I’ve fucked up. I’d die before anything had to happen to Steve, and he knows that, but I also know he won’t let me go through this alone. And that pisses me off more than anything else. I’m tired of dragging people into my shit. I feel the sting of tears threatening to slide past my eyelids and I clear my throat as it starts to tighten. Steve turns around, looks like he’s ready to start yelling again, and then stops. He sees the look in my eyes and he shuts the music off immediately. It’s like a switch has been flipped, and all of his previous anger at me is gone and has been replaced with genuine concern. If I were feeling any better, I’d tease him about being a Mother Hen.  
“Aw, Steve, you shut it off at the best part.”
“Buck? What’s wrong?”
I shake my head.
“Nothing,” I shrug.
“Bucky, come on,” Steve sighs. “Don’t do this.”
“She broke it off,” I mutter.
Steve freezes. His eyes look like they’re about to bulge out of his skull.
“Shit, I’m so sorry Buck.”
I shake my head and clear my throat. 
“It’s fine. I’m fine. I don’t care,” I say just as my voice breaks.
I slump down at the table, knowing that I’m gonna lose it. My chest feels tight and my heart is hammering faster than it ever has. Steve notices I’m about to crack right before it happens. He shuts off the sink. He approaches me warily, waiting for the tears. I choke back a sob as my eyes water again. I can’t hold it in for much longer. Steve dries his hands on his shirt before sitting down next to me. He places a hand on my back, and it’s his obvious care for me that breaks the dam. My cries are more like howls that rip at my chest. I can’t breathe. Steve pulls me into a tight hug and that makes me feel worse.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” I mutter.
Steve shakes his head.
“Don’t you dare,” he whispers. “Let it all out, Buck.”
He sounds terrified. To be fair, I don’t think I’ve ever cried in front of him, or anyone else in the pack for that matter. I haven’t cried like this since my time at home with my father. As far as the pack is concerned, I’m not even physically capable of crying. 
“Bucky?” Steve asks.
“You alright?”
I shake my head and pull away from him. I’m sure I look a mess. Face all red and blotchy, snot coming out of my nose. 
“I’ll be fine, Stevie. I will.”
He frowns, utterly unconvinced. To be honest, I don’t even believe myself.
 “I don’t know man…you’ve never cried over a girl before.”
“I’ve never loved someone like I love her, Steve,” I mutter. “It’s a little hard to gauge how I’d react to something like that. I’ve-I’ve never felt this way about anybody. I don’t…I don’t even know what to do with myself, man.”
Steve nods.
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little freaked out. I’ve never even seen you cry before.”
“I know Steve. But I can’t shake her. You’ve seen what I’m like when she’s not around. She brings out the good in me. I can’t lose her. I can’t wake up everyday without knowing that she’s there…I can’t—”
More tears come before I can finish. Steve pulls me right back into his arms and I cry harsh sobs into his chest. I hate everything about this. 
“Shh, Buck. Shh,” Steve whispers.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t, Bucky.”
Steve pauses.
“Have you thought about what you’re going to do?”
I pull away to look at him. His eyes are earnest, kind. 
“I don’t know, Steve.”
“Are you gonna try to talk to her?”
I laugh to myself, knowing that that would be the stupidest thing I could do.
“I can’t do that. If I tried to go to her house, she’d slam the fucking door in my face. Better yet, she wouldn’t even open it.”
Steve frowns.
“Do you want me to try to talk to her?”
I shake my head.
“She’ll think that I put you up to it.”
“Can I still try?”
I can’t believe he’d ever want to actually help Belle and me stay together. As long as he’s known about the two of us he’s wanted us to go our separate ways. For your joint sakes, he’d always say. 
“Why are you even trying to help me? You’ve been trying to get me to break up with her since the beginning. Aren’t you happy?”
Steve stares back at me, wounded, as if to say how dare you think something like that? 
“Absolutely not,” Steve says. “I could never be happy with you broken up like this. She makes you happy, Bucky, happier than I’ve ever seen you. She’s good for you, and she loves you probably even more than you love her. Which is honestly unfathomable but shit, man, I can’t just sit and let this just happen. I can’t.”
He looks on the verge of tears himself. He grasps my hands in his and gives them a long squeeze. For someone who claims to not believe in love, he’s oddly defensive of it now. All of this is quickly becoming too much for me. I need to take a run or cry some more or punch something, even, but the need to sleep and forget everything is overwhelming. I nod, and pull away from Steve. 
“Do what you want, Steve. I need a nap.”
I push away from the table and head to my room. I can hear Steve’s chair scrape against the kitchen floor as he moves to follow me, but he doesn’t. I can hear the soft padding of his feet and then the slamming of the front door as I make my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. I collapse onto my bed and am immediately overwhelmed by Belle’s scent. My sheets are full of it. I close my eyes as more tears begin to fall, and will myself to forget. 
Belle’s POV
There’s a harsh knock at my window. I roll my eyes and turn my back toward it, cursing Bucky under my breath. I guess I thought Bucky would have a little more respect for me and my wishes than to not even wait one fucking day before he decided to pretend like things were alright again. Obviously not. The knock comes again.
“Fuck off, Bucky!” I groan.
I’ve been crying over him for hours; I thought I’d be safe here, at least. Another knock. Jesus Christ. I get up from my bed and walk over to the window. As I work to raise it, my tongue rattles off curses like I never have before. I’m sure I look like I’m foaming at the mouth.
“I swear to fucking God, Bucky, I told you we were done! You’re such a fucking selfish piece of shit and I don’t fucking understand why the fuck you can’t get it through your thick ass skull—Steve?”
He laughs as my eyes lock with his. 
“Finish the rant, please, I’d love to hear it.”
“Jesus, Steve, don’t hang outside of the window like that! Get your ass inside,” I mutter, reaching out to grab his hands.
He swings his body through the window and bounds over to my bed. He sits down and pats the comforter beside him. I cross my arms and stay where I am.
“Aww, come on, Belle. Don’t be like that.”
“Why are you here, Steve?”
He frowns. 
“I can’t just come by to say hi?”
“Earlier this morning you were threatening to kill me to prove a point about how scary werewolves are and now you want me to believe you’re here for a friendly visit?”
Steve chuckles to himself.
“You’re something else. Come sit, I want to talk.”
I stay where I am.
“Come on, Belle.”
“What do you want to talk about?”
“You know.”
I shrug.
“I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said.”
“That’s not true. Come on Belle, talk to me.”
“If you’re just going to invade my space and then ignore what I’ve said then you can leave.”
Steve sighs. 
“He’s a wreck without you, Belle.”
“Steve, if Bucky sent you over here to get me back or whatever you’re waisting your time.”
“That’s not—Look, Belle, Bucky didn’t send me.”
I roll my eyes at that.
“Yeah right.”
“He didn’t! To be honest, I don’t even think he actually believed me when I told him I wanted to come and talk to you. As far as he’s concerned, you never want to see him again. I don’t know what he did…but I’m begging you, Belle, please hear him out. Let him fix it. I’ve never seen him like this, all broken and just lost…I can’t…I can’t let either of you go through that.”
He looks almost moved to tears. I have no choice but to believe him, believe that he’s as disturbed by Bucky as he appears to be, but I can’t just back down as easily as he wants me to.
“This is about more than just what happened today, Steve. I’ve been putting up with this on and off and hot and cold bullshit with Bucky for years and I just, I can’t do that anymore. Not when I know how much you’ve both put on the line, not when we love each other like this. I love that boy,” I begin.
“I know you do. He—”
“But I can’t keep letting him decide when it’s convenient to love me back.”
Steve pauses. He sighs.
“I understand,” he says, nodding. 
“Thank you.”
He gets up from the bed and walks over to me.
“So you’ll talk to him, then?”
I wrap my arms tighter around my chest.
“I need time, Steve,” I sigh.
He nods again.
“Yeah, okay.”
He begins to head toward the window.
“Hey,” I call out.
He turns to me.
“Thank you. For coming here, I mean.”
His eyes are wide.
“I don’t…I’ve never really understood the whole ‘being in love’ thing, but I do know what it means to love someone. I love Bucky as if we actually came from the same mother. But the love he has for you, Belle…I’ve never seen anything like it. Honestly…I don’t think he’ll survive without you.”
Before I can respond, he’s out of the window and into the night. I hear the faint howl of a wolf as Steve sprints through the trees and there’s a dull ache in my chest. I hear another wolf’s cry off in the distance, more broken, lost. My eyes sting with tears as I walk toward my bed. As I nestle under the covers, the wolf’s howl is louder, harsher, almost but not quite human. Soft moonlight shines through the window and spills onto the floor. I think I’ll leave the window open tonight. 
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koishua · 3 years
i don't know how this will be helpful but i deal with what you are going through quite often as well, however, i kind of made my mentality to think that if nothing is happening and there is no feeling, it is good because i am not scared, worried or sad about anything. the world is calm, and my emotions in its listlessness is probably calm as well.
while this did backfire in the way i can't care if my emotions are not too big for myself but it was better than being sui because it took way more effort and hurt to think that no one would care. even though i was just thinking for myself despite my friends saying they would, it helped me to just find better things to loiter on whether it was mindlessly keeping myself busy or just lazing around on my bed by myself and to get intimate with my thoughts.
in this process, i learnt that the reason i felt so nothing, as i was so insignificant and have the guts to just not feel anything and be down for no reason, i figured it was because i didn't like being by myself and to be in my normal state when i am not feeling something external. talking to myself, in my mind and i even wrote down stuff to get it out of my system because i would lash out on my family when they tried to help and it strained our relationship but now we are better because i channel my nothingness into my anger for school work and boost through those.
even though i still think about that fact maybe it would be easier to just cease existing, no would care anyway because it's not like i have done anything to be worth remembering. i think that it helped me, personally, to treasure myself for feeling nothing because nothing means nothing is in need to my worry.
basically, it's okay to feel like this. i hope you can work with yourself to understand that you are more important than you think you are. if not to anyone, than to yourself because the only person who will be with you in your forever is yourself. i really want to give you a hug and tell you it'll be okay but it'll take time, to heal and to maybe get yourself to a better place.
i love you and your presence on tumblr is reallt one of my favourites, as a moot, i know you are more, in all your down time too, you are more and more than world enough worth to be alive and even feel nothing because humans don't always need to feel something.
it's true. everything feels oddly calm. mastering the art of not giving a fuck to the point where everything is grey and monotonous bc of circumstances is where it's at, people :/ rolling around on my bed, doing the most useless things to keep myself entertained in some form keeps me grounded too ig. i hate being all alone for too long, because then my mind starts wandering.
i was home alone for three days and it got so bad to the point where i was constantly on the phone with someone to keep my mind off things, but it ended up draining me of so much energy.
growing apathetic towards everything most of the time probably stemmed from the fact that i have always been one to hold my words back and just shut up and take everything in no matter how unfair i have ever been treated. now, anytime my parents ever compare me to other people or just get angry and annoyed at me, even if just a little bit, i tend to lash out on my own skin.
kind of a momentary euphoria, being in so much rage when all i do is just punching the floors and walls over and over and over again until my hands are swollen and wrists throbbing, touching the oven over and over again until my arms are lined with dark purple lines from the heat. it all feels so genuinely good in those moments.
then, i crash. for weeks, everything is just gray. it's either anger, or numbness. i can't seem to be in any other state ig. oh dear, i strayed away from you. nvm.
just, yeah. idk. my family are not bad people, it's probably just me ig. living is not so much a nuisance and pain, not does it give me any sort of pleasure?? i will try to think like you do.
sorry for ranting so much. thank you, this woke me up a little. it's good to know that there are others who feel just as shitty (quite a morbid way to thank you, but oh well. i am genuinely grateful for your existence)
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
i’m serious.
member: ong seongwoo genre(s): fluff, romance, college!au   summary: there are numerous perks of being his teasing, mischievous self but one disadvantage? he can’t seriously say how he truly likes you. (bullet point format) word count: 1.9k
note: ok so this is not a requested scenario but rather something my mind has been bothering me about for a long time and i need to dump it somewhere or else i can’t do anything else lmao. lowkey inspired by one of my favourite songs (click here) bc day6 songs are life and need more love and attention < 3 
p.s. i’m sorry if i haven’t posted a scenario recently, i got sick and while laying in bed watching wanna one videos is fun, not writing bc of a constant headache that made me take so many naps (which i don’t really regret ehehe) made me sad :’(( 
ong seongwoo
first thing people think of is his good looks 
i mean just take a look at his face
one smile and congratulations! you just turned into a puddle
but y’all srsly do you even know how good looking he is like oh my god 
the next thing people remember is his lit ass humour 
he’s the funniest guy you’ve ever seen 
besides, his humour was why you both got closer 
you weren’t necessarily the most social person in the world 
but he was 
and it was that one class that you shared together where everyone knows who he is
yet somehow he takes the seat right next to you 
“the other seats weren’t appealing enough. someone with looks as good as mine needs a chair that represents his shining visuals.”
ok first of all,,, 
what a c0cky hoe
usually guys who say such pretentious things would have met your fist but there was something different about him
and achievement unlocked! ong seongwoo made you laugh 
might not be a big deal to other people but your laugh indicated a lot more to him 
bc if he can make you laugh in one go you’re instantly his friend
hence the beginning of your blooming friendship 
eventually you ended up looking forward to that class bc seongwoo was there 
even if he did distract you all the time by pulling weird ass faces
and whispering jokes to make you laugh 
but that was the joy of befriending a guy like him 
really, it wasn’t that hard for you to get along with seongwoo
so what was simple class interactions became lunch hangouts to study sessions and everything in between 
you two matched each other really well 
you always laugh at his jokes
he drags you to his adventures 
you have a sense of humour that blended with his 
he has the funniest memes to combat your savage remarks 
you would always help him when it came to anything 
and he knows how to instantly cheer you up 
your best friend has to grab ice cream before she can hear you rant
yet when it came to seongwoo all it took was one mobile phone and fingers rapidly typing in allcaps to emphasise the anger in your body
and you’d feel a million times better bc he had the funniest replies that makes you happier than eating your favourite flavour of ice cream
so is ong snatching the best friend title??
yeah probably 
and while you two may consider yourselves as close friends
it doesn’t seem to be that way to the eyes of others  
the amount of times you and seongwoo have been assumed as a couple became so endless to the point where you two gave up on counting
and seongwoo being the prick he is eventually played along to people’s assumptions by wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “come on babe, i don’t want you falling for other guys.” he’d teasingly say, sending a cheeky wink before he’d drag you elsewhere
he does it anywhere, no matter who you two were with, just to tease you
you: you’re such a little prick, ong - i’m gonna end up jumped on by your admirers >:(
seongwoo: whoops my bad  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you: smh you’re deleted bye. i hate you so much-
seongwoo: love you too y/n ;) 
the closeness of your friendship was so tight that it was ultimately questioned by everyone else 
and kang daniel were one of the few who had enough of simply pondering and presuming so he bluntly asked you when he invited you to sit with him for lunch one day
“y/n....are you dating seongwoo hyung?” 
you were about to spit the water you were drinking at him bc of the sudden topic but you hurriedly gulped the water down, lightly choking along the way 
“is this a new approach on conversation starters?” you asked after having a coughing fit, “because i’m rating it a zero.” 
“no, i’m genuinely asking; nearly everyone on campus think that you two have something going on and i can see why they think that way.” daniel pointed out. 
you let out a seemingly forced chuckle as your eyes land on seongwoo who stood across the vicinity, surrounded by swarms of girls 
seeing the sight of seongwoo smiling and laughing with other girls, you pushed the giddy feelings aside by instantly shooting it down with your denial before you discreetly point at him 
“turn around,” you told daniel who obediently followed your instruction to observe his best friend for a minute before his attention returned to you
“see? ong treats me like that too, there’s nothing special - we’re just friends.” 
you took your gaze away from seongwoo to get rid of the sudden heaviness in your heart and met with daniel’s confused expression as he scratched his head.
“really...? but it doesn’t seem that way to me though.... i’ve known seongwoo for a long time and the way he treats you is different. for me at least.”
“daniel, what are you talking about?” 
“ah, forget it.” daniel remarked as he ruffled his hair, mumbling a little to himself before digging into his food, “hopefully you figure it out.” 
time skip bloop bloop
“hey, seongwoo!” 
a voice calls out to him and quickly he spins around, hoping that you’d be there
even if he already knew from the start that the voice didn’t resemble yours, disappointment still washes over him as he realises that it wasn’t you
but rather it was your best friend approaching him 
“y/n doesn’t feel well so she can’t come to today’s lecture but can you please take notes for her?” 
(ngl i got inspired by my flu and overall inability to properly breathe) 
the neutral expression on his face is visibly replaced with worry, “is she okay? what happened?” 
“she just needs to rest - i have to go now, my class is starting soon.” 
“wait!”  “the passcode’s 0000. bye seongwoo!” 
seongwoo furrows his brows together in confusion, “how did she know i was going to ask that...?” 
meanwhile you were casually dying on the sofa with multiple blankets wrapped around you
your best friend was the one who got you in the living room in the first place as you couldn’t get up in the morning
and before she could leave for her classes, she forced you to eat and made sure that you drink medicine 
now you’re just cuddling a tissue box as you try to watch television
but there’s a sudden knock on the door and you hear the door opening 
believing your best friend came back, you rise from your resting position, “oh why are you back so earl-” you abruptly end your sentence as you see who came entered in
“you look like a sad burrito.”
“i’m going to take that as a compliment,” you say with a sniffle, “what are you doing here?” 
he simply lifts up the plastic bags he’s been holding, “i’m here to take care of you, what else?”
“don’t you have other classes to attend?” 
seongwoo places the bags on the table, gently pushing you back down on the sofa as he kneels beside you
“first class was our lecture so i took notes and left as soon as it finished,” you watch him speak as his hand reaches out to touch your forehead, letting it sit there for a few seconds, “you have a slight fever...”
you remain silent as you observe his face at a closer glance; your gaze travelling from his eyes, his nose, the constellation moles adorning his face and down to his lips before you find yourself looking back at those dark brown eyes staring right at you
and suddenly you’re unable to breathe even more than your current condition was letting you.
bc in that moment, you finally accepted how much you liked seongwoo 
that it wasn’t even out of friendship anymore 
and knowing that you got caught, you begin to hide under the covers from embarrassment as you try to calm your palpitating heart
“oh my god, ong get out.” 
“but i just came??” 
“i’m just sick, this is nothing - i’m fine. my heart’s fine.” you ignore the fact that seongwoo’s presence still remains in the room as you talk to yourself under the blankets 
until he pulls it away from you and your eyes immediately land on the person you last wanted to see that day 
“what? are you okay, y/n?” 
you grab the blankets once again and hide yourself from him, “no i’m not okay. i practically look and sound dead, don’t do this to me”
“do what? we’re both dead inside- come on, just look at me and tell me what’s wrong.” 
“no thank you. i already caught the flu, i don’t need a broken heart.” 
“and what makes you think that way?”
words fail to escape your mouth as you’re unable to reply and you both fall into complete silence 
seongwoo takes this opportunity to hold onto the blankets and gently pull it away from you, “what makes you think you’ll have a broken heart?” he questions
although you’ve seen his serious side a number of times, it still sends chills down your spine 
because you know that this time he isn’t kidding 
you finally sit up curling into a ball, “because i’m just a friend - nothing more, nothing less.” 
you feel him sitting down beside you and you avoid his stare as much as possible by looking at the television that became a mere background music since seongwoo’s arrival 
his soft chuckle rings sweetly into your ear, “what’s so funny? did you just think of a weird joke in your head again?” you casually ask, pretending like nothing happened a few minutes ago.
“it’s funny because i don’t treat friends with coffee every morning. 
i don’t spend money to go cinemas just to watch a movie with friends, especially when there’s just two of us 
i also don’t think i’d spend fifty bucks in an arcade to cheer up a friend
nor do i send my friends pick up lines to brighten their day 
and of course, i don’t ditch daniel for friends. 
so if i ditch daniel for you then you’re very special to me - a lot more special than daniel himself and that’s a lot for me to say because that guy is like my brotp,, my soulmate even.” 
after his words sink into your head, you realise that everything seongwoo has listed 
he’s done them for you 
“so how many times have you ditched daniel?” you ask as you turn your head to him, instantly caught in his stare as you realise that he had been staring at you this entire time.
“never.” he starts off, “but for you? countless of times.” 
you feel your cheeks heat up and you were sure that it wasn’t your fever acting up, “i hate you, ong. do you know that?” you tell him. 
you hated him because of what he was doing to you.
you hated him because of what you were feeling towards him 
you hated him because you were falling for him
and you hated him because of the next words he says 
“i love you too, y/n.” he simply says as his lips curve upwards into a heartwarming smile as his gaze never leave you 
“and this time, i’m serious.” 
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stilestilikeslydia · 7 years
A Totally Objective and Unemotional Recap of Teen Wolf Episode 6x12: Raw Talent
@wellsjahasghost hasn’t gotten a chance to watch the episode yet, so I told her I’d write her a recap, and....... yeah, this is about as far from objective as it gets.
friends, i really hated this episode, and this recap is almost entirely negative, so if you really liked the episode, you probably want to skip this post lol. if you're also bitter and want to enjoy 2.5k of someone else ranting, please read on!
The real title of this text post: 
Anya Discusses Plot Holes, #recycledplotlines, and Casual Racism in Episode 6x12
The show begins. The0 R@eken, sleeping in his car because he is homeless and friendless and irredeemable, is awoken multiple times, in multiple locations and at multiple times of day, by police officers rapping on his window and telling him to get up and leave. It takes me three minutes to figure out that it's him for sure because he's grown out his hair a bit to look more Boyish, Unkempt, and Vulnerable and I can no longer tell white boys on Teen Wolf apart. By the time I've reached 95% certainty that it is, in fact, the white boy who literally killed Scott and is still stanned by tw fans everywhere, he's waking up in the middle of the night to a spider crawling on his hand. He watches it, fascinated and unafraid, probably because he's like "yo this thing looks as evil as I am lolol." Then the spider burrows under his skin.
Cue The0 breaking into Deaton's vet office to stab the spider crawling around in his back with a scalpel and pull it out of him. Cue me gagging. Then the spider disappears in a puff of black smoke/gunpowder dust bc like... why not.
The police montage continues. And continues. I'm bored. Then - gasp! - the next police are nOt In fAcT CoPs bUt mEN wItH gUnS wHo wAnT To kiLL thE0. They shoot into his car repeatedly, and the scene ends.
(This would be a good cliffhanger if tw trailers didn't already show him appearing in future episodes smh.)
I refuse to watch the episode again, so I'm just going to say that I'm pretty sure the mcmartate scene is next. I'm not going to recap it fully because it was actually pretty good and this recap is not about Accuracy, it's about Salt. In short, the Scott laser scene happens but it turns out that the lasers were actually police flashlight beams (why were they in the woods?!?! who the heck knows. oh wait p@rrish exists, i forgot. maybe he told them about getting beat up by a hellhound wearing matching boxer briefs) and he was hallucinating. he's panicked enough to wolf out before he realizes it's a hallucination and the entire police department sees his eyes glowing red. great great great my son is hallucinating yET AGAIN, i really needed him to suffer more. also he pockets the Argent bullet shell case and mcmartate decides to talk to Chris Argent before they involve Papa Stilinski.
Mcmartate is a Good group. "Maybe this episode won't be so bad," I think.
idk what order the next scenes happen in, so i'm just going to tackle each subplot separately lol.
Mason and Liam are chatting in the boys' locker room before lacrosse practice about the supernatural evil threatening Beacon Hills, surrounded by tons of freshmen who could easily overhear them. Liam's giving an extra practice to the freshmen so they have a chance of making first line, even though Mason thinks this is foolish. Liam explains that Brett is helping him, which makes no sense, but I don't mind because this sequence happens:
M: Brett? Incredibly... HOT Brett, with the 8-pack abs?
L (sounding mildly disgruntled... iS SOMEONE JEALOUS R U SURE UR STRAIGHT KIDDO): Pretty sure it's just Brett.
M: He has an 8-PACK. Do y- do you know how hard it is for the human body to have an 8-pack??? *music swells dramatically and then cuts off* ...God.
Also, at the end, Liam tosses Mason over his shoulder and carries him out of the locker room because he was accidentally discouraging the freshmen.
This is the best scene in the episode.
Next, both Liam and Corey failing to do a decent job at playing lacrosse. This is ostensibly an extra practice for the freshmen, and yet Brett, Liam, and Corey are the only ones playing. Brett outclasses them both in looks, swagger, and skill. Liam has no control as usual and Brett tells him to get it together. Audience reaction: Writers are recycling Liam's s4 plotline bc they ran out of ideas for his character; Brett is so clearly superior to Corey that we don't understand why Mason and Corey didn't break up during the hiatus so Brason could happen. Also, guidance counselor watches Brett score on Corey and hears Corey reply, "Wait, I'm not actually invisible right now, am I?" Nice subtlety, Corey.
Liam is pissed bc #recycledplotlines and punches out a locker. Somehow stays there all day because by the time Mason and Corey go to find him, it's after dark??? And since it's summer, it must be like 9:30??? "We need to study for a history test" hOW IS THE SCHOOL STILL OPEN THIS LATE i will never understand.
Oh yeah I forgot, while Liam was still working through his anger issues on the lacrosse field, a bunch of spiders crawl into a freshman boy's helmet in the locker room, and when he puts it on, they invade his body and then start crawling out of his mouth. So when Mason and Corey go to find Liam, they notice a smeared blood trail on the locker room floor and follow it to the showers, where there is an..... unidentifiable bloody mass on the floor. I am disturbed.
After obliterating Liam and Corey, it is somehow magically nighttime and he's heading towards his car when the guidance counselor shows up, holding a lacrosse ball that rolled off the field. She compliments his abnormal skill level and tosses him the ball.... which turns out to be covered in wolfsbane. She claims it's "nothing personal,” but no one deserves that much power, and then tries to kill him. I think she stabs him??? I forget the details of their fight. Anyway, he manages to escape.
Scott and Malia:
They go looking for Chris at his... house? bunker? who knows. He has crates full of guns, surprising no one. They have #wittybanter and #chemistry, surprising no one. (i’m sorry i’m sorry i just feel like sc@lia is forced i’m sorry) Scott tells Malia it's okay to break into Chris's computer to find his calendar, and she is turned on by his rule-bending. All of the passwords she guesses involve her capitalizing the first word and adding spaces, because that's how passwords work. Scott picks up a bow and has a Revelation, immediately going to Chris's computer to type in ALLISON as the password. It's the second #recycledplotine of the night. Not to mention that as much as Chris loves his daughter, he is much too practical to have such an easily hackable password.
Questionable computer security aside, they show up in the middle of one of Chris's gun deals right after his fake military buyers pull out their guns, realizing that Chris knows they're fake military and is trying to find out who their boss is. Chris is annoyed with them for intervening and claims that he had an inside man that they just took out while trying to help him, which is yet another plot hole bc Chris shouldn't need to ask about bosses if he has an inside man. In the following chaos-ridden action scene, Scott drops the Argent shell casing. Chris says it's okay and they'll just find the actual bullet in the woods.
Best line of the episode: After Scott and Malia ask if the shell casing belongs to him, Chris says, "I haven't stamped a bullet since Allison died." Our hearts all break a little.
Anyway, despite their plans to go to the woods TOGETHER, Chris is mysteriously nowhere in sight so Scott and Malia can have ~time alone~. Malia shows concern for Scott's well-being. They smile at each other, and thanks to compulsive heterosexuality, this clearly means they've just caught feelings. I'm definitely not still bitter that the writers didn't bring back Kira and give Malia a girlfriend instead.
(in all honesty, however, i can admit that this scene was objectively cute, and it was great character development that already happened in s5 but again #recycledplotlines to see Malia actively caring about other people. I’m really happy for sc@lia shippers because I know you were all really excited about that scene.)
Chris comes back. They find a bullet in a tree thanks to its infared heat signature or smthg (idk i'm spaced out at this point). It's a silver bullet, meaning that the guidance counselor is just a wannabe Hunter, not the Genuine Article.
Lydia and Toast:
At the sheriff's station, Lydia??? hears some noise in her premonitions and decides to tell Toast and not her bf's dad for??? some completely valid reason i'm sure??? tbh i have no idea what the premise of this scene is, but Lydia realizes that the noise she keeps hearing is the key card reader from Eichen House. Apparently that means something bad is happening there so she tells Toast that they need to go check it out. Toast tells her that there's no way he's "letting her" go back there - because clearly he owns her and she can't make decisions for herself - and decides to go alone instead, because once again, that clearly makes so much more sense than telling the Sheriff. The whole scene is written to make it sound like Toast is the only one who cares about Lydia's well-being - because it's definitely not like she has a pack full of friends who care about her and a boyfriend who would do anything for her - and therefore is in charge of protecting her in a creepily possessive way. Aka, tw writers are still pandering to M@rrish fans even after Stydia is canon, and I don't know why I'm surprised.
So Toast goes to Eichen, meets Creepy Doctor who accidentally released Other Hellhound last week, and tells him to let him into the closed ward after hearing a woman begging for help. Doctor refuses. Toast shows him his glowing eyes as an... intimidation tactic??? Doctor complies but locks the door behind Toast after he enters.
Toast finds the woman in a communal-shower-type room (which???? okay), lying on the floor with an open electric cable sparking her body every few seconds, surrounded by a bunch of other apparently dead supernatural creatures. When Doctor arrives and Toast tells him to help, plot twist! Doctor is the one who put them there. (Oh, look, electricity........ I wonder who would be helpful....... in this........ situation........)
Doctor gets Toast locked up in room where Other Hellhound used to reside and turns down the temperature, telling Toast that he'll freeze him from the inside out or smthg.
Meanwhile, Lydia's just been hanging out at the sheriff station and waiting for Toast instead of registering for MIT because according to a reminder on her phone, this is the ~last day~ for her to do so and Lydia "IQ of 170" Martin OBVIOUSLY would have put off registration until the last minute. OF COURSE. She ignores the notification bc apparently college isn't important and steals one of the deputies' walkie talkies after she hears strange noises emitting from it. Her absurd attempts to sneak casually would have made Stiles Stilinski proud af.
However, her next move would NOT have made Stiles Stilinski proud af, as she hears the Doctor threatening Toast and immediately decides to go after him alone instead of
1) calling Scott so that Scott and Malia can come with her or
So. Naturally. She goes to Eichen alone, and every sound she hears, every sight she sees, is immensely triggering. For the first time, Teen Wolf actually somewhat addresses the fact that Lydia has PTSD after everything she's been through. This is a good thing. I would be happy with this development if, again, Lydia wasn't alone throughout the entire experience. Clearly, Teen Wolf writers have decided that Strong Female Characters must always face their fears alone if they want to remain Strong Female Characters. Clearly, having her friends there to ground her would have taken away from her character development. Clearly, it wouldn't have been amazing to see Lydia accept her friends' help when s1 Lydia Martin never would have shown weakness around others. Clearly, having a support network when you've faced immense trauma isn't important at all. CLEARLY.
(Clearly I didn't have to pause my TV at this point because I was so horrified and angry that the TW writers placed her in a situation where she was surrounded by a myriad of triggers, on the verge of a panic attack, and completely alone.)
Anyway, Lydia reaches a turning point where she is somehow able to push aside all of those horrible memories and find Toast, who's been slowly freezing to death while watching Doctor hold a gun with shaking hands. Doctor's been explaining that he hates guns and has always been opposed to violence, but his fear of supernatural creatures has led him to believe that eradicating them all is the only way to ensure normal humans' safety.
End scenes:
2.0: Suddenly realizing that freshman boy (I think his name is Aaron) is missing, they go running around the school looking for him and eventually find him in a classroom, magically unharmed. "What are you doing here?" they ask. "Just remembered we have a history test," he replies. I thought this boy was a freshman. smh.
McMarTate: Clearly not scarred from her experiences at all, Lydia rejoins Malia and Scott to discuss their discoveries. Cue "what is everyone afraid of?"/"us" scene combined with a montage of everyone looking away from Liam in slow motion at school the next day, apparently afraid of him. Which is definitely because they magically know he's a werewolf, and not because they don't want to catch the disease that gave him his awful haircut.
Brett: Brett pounces on the guidance counselor, who's looking for him in the woods, and they start fighting. It looks like he's going to win, but then he gets shot in the chest with an arrow and runs off.
The arrow was shot by Gerard.
He tells wannabe hunter/guidance counselor that she has potential.
Huzzah, what a great episode.
Bonus casual racism: Now that Kira's gone, wannabe hunter/guidance counselor (who still doesn't have a name...... oh hey, look, mORE CASUAL RACISM) is the only woman of color on the show... and she's a Black antagonist. This is clearly Not Problematic At All.
Of course, thanks to theories that will be discussed in this week's episode of stydiacast, it's possible that this casting decision is entirely legitimate.
HOWEVER, one other poc was introduced in this episode...... and Aaron, poor young freshman lacrosse player, is now possibly being possessed by spiders and will likely also be a Black antagonist, albeit one with no control over his actions.
Oh, hey, doesn't..... that...... sound..... familiar? It's.... almost like..... another problematic #recycledplotline. *looks at s5 Mason Hewitt*
Thanks, Teen Wolf.
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mudaxolotl · 7 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well. For the Legend of Zelda ask meme, would you like to answer 1, 2, 5, and 30? Thank you!
Hi! I’m doing pretty good and I hope you’re doing well too! I’d like to preface this by saying that I’ve only played 3 zelda games so my knowledge doesn’t go a whole lot farther than what I’ve played
1. What was your first Zelda game?
breath of the wild because I’m always late to the party. I heard it was supposed to be really good and I love open world games so I went “why the hell not” and got it
2. Which game is your favorite?
I love skyward sword so much it doesn’t deserve the shit it gets like yeah it has problems and people are entitled to their opinions but there’s a difference between people saying “it’s not for me and here’s why” and just absolutely ripping it apart like so many people seem to like to do.
I put an under the cut for reasons I love ss so much because it ended up being a lot longer than expected whoops
5. What is your favorite Zelda moment?
ooooo that’s a tough one because there’s so many and I have a horrible memory. probably when zelda wakes up from the crystal in skyward sword and she, link, groose, and the old lady are all reuinited like I actually cried it was so sweet and everything was just happy and good
30. Who was your favorite sidekick and how did you see their relationship with Link?
I’m assuming sidekick means companion so I’m going with that.
midna was such a good companion and i think she’ll be hard to beat in future games. she was so much more than your usual companion who mostly gives you tips and info (not to say the companions that do that are bad). she was very much her own character and had motives, a goal, went through character development, and so on. hell, the game is even named after her. I loved her personality and I really like both of her designs. and about her and link’s relationship- I just see her and link as really close friends because they obviously care and worry about each other. in the beginning she only saw link as a way to reach her goal and link only listened to her because she was the only one that could help him (I think that was how it was. again, I have a horrible memory). over time they came to genuinely care for each other. 
skyward sword rambling/rant under the cut
this is probably really messy and all over the place but I really don’t care
I REALLY loved the characters in ss. there weren’t many but that can be a good thing. each npc, no matter how little, had a personality that set them apart from the others. everyone was different and I really enjoyed that because I could become more attached to them. groose had really good character development and man if I don't love me some “major asshole to good and caring person” character development. he was jealous of link and zelda’s relationship and was an ass about it, looking to get with zelda in an attempt to make link jealous. then in the sealed grounds after he sees link sealed the imprisoned, he realizes there’s nothing he can do. he walks out acting all calm but then you find him outside banging his fist against a wall upset that he couldn’t help and is useless. like the old lady said, he had his own role to play and he helps you with the imprisoned fights, works hard, and genuinely cares about zelda’s wellbeing. slso his relationship with “grandma” is so good like he really cares about her. also link????? I loved him in this because he had so much personality like the facial expressions add so MUCH. he’s doofy and caring but can be very serious. I feel his expressions above all are what really bring this game to life bc the usual “mostly blank face” we see in the other games isn’t very engaging or interesting. I feel that in games like zelda games, the playable character should be treated the same way as other characters because an expressionless character can ruin the illusion. the extreme rage and hatred on link’s face when ghirahim took zelda off right after link finally got her back? The look of pure anguish on link’s face after zelda sealed herself? good. fucking. shit. do that again nintendo. anyways, not only facial expressions but some of his dialogue options are great like insulting groose’s hair, saying “sounds bad” when peatrice described her symptoms when she thought about him, and saying “am I late?” when he saved impa. I love this sassy loser. I DID like this zelda but I really don’t feel like I can say too much since I really didn’t see enough of her to make an impression on me. I think her being hylia reincarnated is really interesting and I do really like that she and link go way back and are very close (i still don’t ship them tho sorry) which makes link’s motive really believable and is also a good motive for you the player. I really wish we could’ve seen more of her adventure. I thought they did really well with ghirahim both as a character and as an antagonist. I love the constant flip flop between calm and collected and angry/aggressive/violent like one second he’ll be acting all ridiculous and overdramatic and then he’ll suddenly explode or say something really violent. it’s often a mix with the violence and anger thinly veiled by a calm demeanor. it's like he wants to be that Cool and Collected Villain™ but is fucking horrible at it. something I really like is that there’s no bullshit at the beginning making you think “oh this is the ultimate evil of the game” like he straight up tells you he’s trying to bring back the thing that’ll ruin everything (not said explicitly but you know that whatever his “master” is must be a whole lot worse). his motive is clear, he plays a very active roll in the plot, and he gets what he set out to achieve.
Now onto the way the game looks. I absolutely love the colors and style of the game. I also LOVE the animation in it. there are a few moments where it’s not.... very good. but overall it’s smooth, dynamic, flows well, and looks natural. the facial expressions are also REALLY good (again, most of the time) and convey the emotions well are again, look natural. like the faces link makes in the situation I mentioned before- they’re extremely genuine looking and are just REALLY good. these two things work well to bring everything to life and make cutscenes VERY enjoyable and always had me looking forward to the next one.
finally the story. I’m not good at story analysis but I can say that it’s one of the few that really pulled at my heartstrings. fiction doesn’t make me cry very easily and this made me cry 5 times. I feel quite a few things needed more backstory and some things were not given an explanation that needed it but overall I felt it was pretty smooth and worked.
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serenagaywaterford · 6 years
6) a flip of the dime. The nasty parts were always there, but he concealed/controlled them. Maybe bc said parts wouldn't exactly make him endearing to others? Anyhow, your interpretation makes him quite the interesting antagonist/villain, so I'm rolling with it, lol. /// There was another thing that was bugging me about S2: the baby's name. Obviously, Serena chose Nic(h)ole as a "fuck you" to Fred. But June in the finale? Of course, she stuck to it for Nick's sake, but also bc she recognized
7) Serena’s selfless (well, if you can call it that) act. Thoughts on this? /// As for your older responses, I forgot to describe what an epiphany it was for me to realize the significance of Serena’s use of the word “rape” for the first time. The anger I felt after 2x10 blinded me to the VERY OBVIOUS connection between her realization in 2x10 and her outburst in 2x11. (Silly me!) Imagine how much more intense that fight would have been if they included the marital rape. I remember a writer
8) that June didn’t kill Serena, bc she actually felt sorry for her in that episode. (Ngl, June’s kindness baffles me at times.) I knew that she wasn’t gonna do it of course, but it was 50/50 whether I wanted her to shoot them or not. /// Something I have not addressed so far is how lukewarm I found their explanation for June getting away with all the shit she does. Well, she’s no Janine (who loses an eye) or Emily (who gets mutilated), but still. Like you said, Serena and Fred might get away
9) get away with a lot more bc of their privilege, but June? Hm. // I’ll start quoting later (or maaaybe tomorrow).
I always thought that was a really weird sort of thing for June to do. And it seems to be entirely because of Serena? Like, it was Holly, Holly, Holly. Even when she was talking to Nick. Then she has the exchange with Serena, and suddenly she adopts Serena’s supreme dickmove of a babyname? 
And I LIKED Holly. It meant something. Nichole (I HATE THAT SPELLING SFM LMAO) means nothing to June? Can you imagine the convo: 
“Mommy, why am I called Nichole?”
“Well, baby, you see, your Daddy’s name is Nick, so the lady that stole you decided to name you after him to eternally piss off her husband who she clearly hates and wanted him to be reminded that he’s impotent every time he looks at you.”
Like, on the one hand, Serena is fucking brilliant and it just shows the extent of her hatred for Fred. But then it’s kinda shitty to use a child as a pawn in that.
Then again, maybe there’s another reason Serena chose that name? I know there’s like a whole history about St. Nicholas and his role as a patron saint of childless couples, or something. (I can’t recall exactly rn). And there was something about St. Nicolette and babies. (Which is where the names Nicole and Collette come from.) Something like she raised a dead baby back to life. So, I guess, at a stretch perhaps that was her inspiration? I doubt it, knowing Serena. LOL.
It’s really curious June’s decision though. Despite EVERYTHING Serena’s done, June just wipes it clean and names her fucking baby after Serena’s choice? Maybe she was trying to retain the memory of Nick for Nichole? I dunno. And not only that, but she seemed 100% genuine when she said that farewell blessing and held Serena’s hand (again). 
I dunno, June’s own preoccupation with Serena is something I don’t truly understand but she clearly thinks there’s some odd connection or something. It’s funny cos I was reading a review about S2 and June’s choices in the finale, and her constant support of Serena despite ALL the reasons not to, and lemme see if I can find it… 
 Nah. I can’t. Anyway, it was something about how we all know June’s going back for Hannah, but this writer thought June was also going back for Serena.
I’m not convinced about that tbh, but I can see the argument cos June is strangely protective and compassionate towards Serena considering. I just have a sinking feeling that the show is gonna play that “Oops, Serena is evil again!! SHE WAY MAD JUNE GIVE BABBY AWAY trolololol!!!!” and make her despicable in order to get Nicole back. If that is the case, I’m gonna roll my eyes right outta my head. I have no issue with Serena having regrets, tbh. I think that’s pretty understandable and expected. But having Serena go hogwild with abuse and using Fred’s power to get back at June or something is just going to fucking piss me off cos like, c’mon my dudes, been there, done that. Over and over already. It’s the 3rd season and either you’re gonna put this bitch on a mild redemption arc or you’re gonna make her a full-on villain. Make up your minds. The will-she, won’t-she thing is old by now.
I dunno that was a random OT rant.
Also, TRUTH! Serena’s use of the word “rape” was important. Like, part of me is like DUH how did you JUST figure that out?! And, honestly I feel like the marital rape is sort of necessary for Serena’s epiphany to get recognised. I think, Serena is just wilfully ignorant enough to not truly consider the Ceremony rape. I honestly do not think she totally understood what she was suggesting with the 2x10 rape. (Serena really does lack forethought for like…all of her actions. That’s sorta her whole problem.) I think she thought it would be just like a sort of unsanctioned ceremony. But by the end she did seem to recognise what it truly was. And having her raped by Fred in the previous episode would have really helped with that. (Then again, it’s really hard to understand how a woman who was just raped turns around and basically suggests it. And this person is supposed to be not Satan. A pure evil woman sure. But Serena’s not meant to be that.)
I think Yvonne’s delivery of the line was interesting too. Part of it was like, “HOly shit it was rape” and part of it was like, “ha! you’re a monster!! you did that!” Like she had no culpability in it. I want to know if Serena has realised that ALL ceremonies are RAPE yet. I wonder if she’s got there. I’m not totally convinced she has. But… I dunno.
Oh! I hadn’t read that about June’s reasoning! That’s interesting. I mean, it fits with June overall but it’s a very odd thing. Like, to be holding a gun trained on the couple that literally held you down and raped you not 24 hours earlier… and feel SORRY for the woman (whereas the general population’s consensus is that Serena is even worse than Fred for doing that to another woman)? I went and watched it after reading your message I didn’t really see that on June’s face. (But that’s really neither here nor there since editing, directing, etc. all differs from what the writers/showrunners had in mind and those are the guys doing the interviews!)  I take that back! I watched it again and I can deffo see that if that’s what they were going for. Totally missed it and likely wouldn’t have picked up on it if not for this convo.
That said, I totally see June reasoning it out that way. For some strange reason, whether it’s Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, June seems to have a blindspot/softspot for Serena and she seems to have unlimited Get Out Of Jail Free cards for her. Like, c’mon, she literally held her down to be brutally raped, and at this point it seems like Serena could murder June and June’s ghost would just be like, “Hey youuuuu, wanna be my bestie in overthrowing the patriarchy?” (Okay, I’m not at all complaining cos I love their dynamic and I ship them soooooo… lol. On a personal level, it works very well for me and my crackshippy fantasies. I choose to believe June honestly sees something nobody else does and believes in Serena’s capacity for redemption–WHICH IS INSANE. But hey. I love it.)
So, for June to feel sorry for Serena, even after everything really does fit when you think about it. And also when you think about book!June’s attitude towards true power being in forgiveness.
I remember sitting around watching the ep the first time and thinking “I don’t want June to shoot them and be a killer” but also, “WHY ISN’T SHE SHOOTING THE FUCKING PLACE UP! DOES SHE NOT WANT TO ESCAPE????” And I was sitting there with the wifey and she was like, “She can’t. What if she misses? Then you’ve got 2 incredibly angry people chasing you.” And I was like… “Uh. Reload? Shoot them as they’re coming up the stairs.”
Because I have never fired a gun in my life so to me it seems really easy lmao. But to me, I didn’t even care about her shooting Serena but I did have an inkling she didn’t want to shoot Serena with the amount she paused. That would have been a perfect shot with teh type of ammo to take out –or at least injure– two people at once. I was like, “You gotta kill Fred and Serena is pretty useless then. It’s not like they have mobile phones! You can then choose to leave Serena to die there lol, or hostage her. And steal the car. You could get pretty far since nobody knows that Fred/Serena are even there.” To me, rationally, it didnt’ make sense not to shoot them. But… emotionally, obvs, I knew she wouldn’t cos a)the series would like… end rather abruptly lol, and b) that’s just not June.
AND yeah, June getting away with all her bullshit is insane in comparison. Janine literally lost an eye for backtalking once at the Red Centre! June has, well, done so much more and just kind skates away from ALL serious punishment. (Well, living with Fred and Serena is a pretty awful punishment in general.) And, sure part of it was cos she was preggers but … how Aunt Lydia/Fred/Serena/TPTB trust this crazy Handmaid not to KEEP breaking the rules is insane. I feel like nobody would trust her to just be a docile little thing after running away for 92 days. Not even Pervy Freddo. Despite all his creeptastic fetishes, he’d be like, “OMG she is way too high maintenance. i just don’t have the patience. give me that baby so i can shut my annoying wife up and then get me another more docile babyslave to play Scrabble and shave!” The plot armour is strong in this one!
Anyway! I got a bit carried away there…
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angelfacehobi · 7 years
Unique Questions Tag
Yes... its time again for another ‘get to know the blogger’ post :) Sorry if this is annoying, I just love to do it... 1)Press shuffle on iTunes & Give the first 6 songs that pop up: In Time - The Black Keys Ease - Troye Sivan Glory & Gore - Lorde Que Sera - Hannah Montana Dope - BTS Almost Midnight - Out of the Woods Soundtrack
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? if I can choose someone dead: Jackie Kennedy.. otherwise JHope!!!
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. ‘The Sistine Chapels frescoes’ - 14,000 things to be happy about
4) What do you think about most? Failure & love 
 5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?  Not that I know of
6) Do you have any strange phobias? None that are strange!!
7) What’s your religion? Wicca
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking to the shops
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band/group? BTS 
10) What was the last lie you told? Hmmm... I told someone I wasn't busy so I could come over but really I am busy (but I’m flaking out on that so I can see them so I guess its kind of nice?)
11) Do you believe in karma? Yes
12) What does your URL mean? Jhope has the face of an angel...basically
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? W:My anxiety and lack of motivation S:My devotion & caring nature
14) Who is your celebrity crush? Jhope & Nicki Minaj
15) How do you vent your anger? I don't get angry very easily... and if I do I tend to keep it to myself or rant to a friend
16) Do you have a collection of anything?  Funko Pops and Boardgames
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?  Fairly happy.... not completely yet.
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate the sound of people cracking bones (unless I’m doing it) and I love the sound of thunder storms or the busy road outside my bedroom window
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I hadn't gone to that sleepover years ago. (I was at a sleepover when my grandad passed away and I didn't find out till the next morning bc my phone was off)
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes & yes
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Right: wardrobe Left: curtain  (yes my bedroom is very small
22) Smell the air.  Clean skin (I just showered) and fresh air (my window is open)
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? When I went to the Christmas market in Berlin I was sexually harassed so that place has really bad memories for me
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? JHope, Jin & Tae (from BTS) and Wonho (Monster X)
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? Finding happiness
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I don't drive yet but I have been in a car accident  before
27) What was the last movie you saw? I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 just the other day with my friend @highkingnomnom buuut last movie I saw (on they recommendation) was Kingsman!!! ITS AMAZING
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Injury? Head cracked open when I was 6months old 
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? BTS.... thank you again @beth-is-trash
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Not that I know of but... who knows?
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes... I’m pretty stubborn but if you come & give me a genuine apology I’ll get over it
32) What is your astrological sign? Virgo
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? Chinese glazed pork for my dinner tonight!
34) Love or lust? Both are good, love is more important to me though (platonic or romantic idrc)
35) In a relationship? Single 
36) How many relationships have you had? 5 
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? I’ll let you know when I figure that one out...
38) Where is your best friend? I have 3!!! One is in a different city and the other two are both about half an hour away from me
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Chatting to friends on Tumblr & RIOTING over Portugals win (Eurovision.... Austria/or the Netherlands were ROBBED) 
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes I have no qualms over owning the fact I’m an amazing friend
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?  Obviously I’m gonna save the dog.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a. No I wouldn't want to make my last memories of them sad. b. Travel to either Canada or Korea c. No 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Cypher 4 by BTS (ITS SUCH A HYPE SONG)
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?  Effort, sacrifice & devotion
45) How can I win your heart? Be kind, funny & considerate 
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think it depends on the person... but no one should aspire to insanity for this reason (it shouldn't be romanticised) 
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To move on... deciding to move on within yourself may seem dumb but it honestly does help you move on faster if you commit yourself to being happy.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “i wanted to be cremated you FOOLS!’
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”   The organ
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? Purple, yellow & black
51) What is your current desktop picture? JHope.... :/
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Trump tbh
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? This question
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Invisibility
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? I’d go back to when I picked up my stuff from my ex-boyfriends and I wouldn't cry like a fuckinnnn wreck bc looking back now it was so ridiculous... like who cares?
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? I wouldn't want to bc otherwise I wouldn't be who I am now.
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? JHOPE OBVIOUSLY OMGGG
58) You just got two free plane tickets to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go & with who? Korea with @beth-is-trash
59) Ever been on a plane? Yeah! Quite a bit
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Jhope, Chris Pratt, Nicki Minaj, Jin, Taehyung 
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