#but you can use them anywhere in the EU
therivergirl · 1 year
So, in Croatia we recently switched from Croatian Kuna, the Croatian official currency, to Euro.
And I can't describe how much of a mindfuck is it to see the new prices. I mean sure, we had a transition period in 2022 when, even trough we still used Kunas, the prices were written out in both Kuna and Euro. But, really, a lot of people didn't have time or energy to pay much attention.
And the weird thing is that €1 equals about Kn7,3. So the prices are REALLY different.
Usually, if I went to buy something bigger, like my entire hair routine or I was going to a sushi place and knew I was going to splurge a bit I had bills with numbers like 100 or 200 on them.
Now I have, like, €20 or maybe a twenty and a ten in my wallet and that's it.
Even weirder is that, before, if I'd get change, AKA coins, I'd be like "oh, ok, that's not that much." Like, if someone hands you a handful of Kn1 coins you can maybe buy a bag of chips, or a really cheap coffee or a croissant.
If someone hands me a handfull od €1 coins, that's a small fortune!
Like, a few days ago, I payed for my lunch with a twenty and the cashier returned me all in change. And I was like "Wtf, that is so little!" and then, the very next moment I thought "What are you talking about, idiot! You could buy a week worth of lunches for that money! And still have some money left!"
Anyways, the closest thing I can think of is if you're watching measures in a system you're not used to. Like, if you used imperial and now you see meters or if you're used to the metric system (like me) so you're like "wait, how much is 5ft again?"
That, but worse.
Like, I got my paycheck yesterday and I was ready to go fight the HR because WTF IS THAT NUMBER. then I realized...those are euros....that is your normal paycheck...you're rich, dumbass!
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Day Six - Hybrids | Cuddling
Roier finds out that Cellbit is a cat hybrid literal seconds after finding out that Cellbit used to be a serial killer, because, apparently, those two things are the most important secrets in Cellbit's life.
Cellbit's cute little straw hat is off for the first time all day, and his hair sticks to his forehead- sweaty from a day of partying with everybody else at the Favela.
Roier's breath catches because right there in front of him for the very first time are two cat ears the same color as Cellbit's hair. They're ragged, torn in some places and nicked and with small chunks missing, and they twitch nervously- pressing themselves down towards Cellbit's skull- as Roier doesn't say anything.
Cellbit wrings his hat in his hands and pointedly looks anywhere but at Roier.
"It's just... hard, you know?" he quietly asks. "I'm not in prison anymore, but old habits die hard, I guess."
And, really, Roier should be more concerned about the fact that his fiancé is a literal serial killer. That is, objectively, really fucking concerning. Like, what if he relapses or something and starts murdering the shit out of everybody on the island starting with Roier himself? That's stuff he should be concerned about, right?
But, for whatever reason, all Roier can think of is the fact that, every time he and Cellbit have met up, Cellbit has had his goggles on.
"Hey," Roier softly says.
He reaches out for Cellbit's hands, freezes inches away, lets out a breath and properly takes them. The hat falls to the floor, settling on Roier's feet; the goggles attached to it bump against Roier's leg, ever-present.
Cellbit's breath catches, and his hands instinctively grip Roier's tightly. His ears perk up in surprise- absolutely adorable, what the fuck?
His voice is reverent: "Guapito..."
"Gatinho," Roier warmly replies. He smiles as Cellbit's eyes dart up to meet his; now that Roier knows to look, he notices the way Cellbit's pupils are less round than they should be and more, well... catlike. "Muy lindo..."
Cellbit flushes and tears his eyes away, ears flattening again.
"That's the problem," he says. "I'm not cute. I'm a killer."
"Sí." Roier nods seriously. "But you know what else?"
"That's fine. You don't have to be cute. You can just be handsome. And sexy."
Cellbit cracks a small smile at that, face going even more red.
He's beautiful. Roier can't believe that he gets to marry him. His hands are rough, and he's covered in scars, and he has the sweetest smile, and he has cat ears that automatically swivel towards Roier every time he speaks.
With a quiet little 'mrrp'-ing noise, Cellbit lets his head fall forward onto Roier's shoulder. The tips of his ears graze Roier's cheek just momentarily, and they're so soft that Roier's mind goes blank outside of thoughts of Gatinho Gatinho Gatinho Gatinho.
Roier is brought back to reality by a weird little rumbling sound that he realizes is purring.
"Eu te amo," Cellbit murmurs, voice distorted by his purring.
He's just so easy with the verbal stuff, Roier doesn't know how he does it. Just thinking about telling Cellbit he loves him is enough to make Roier's heart stop and his blood boil and freeze and his face flush and his stomach fall out of his ass and his lungs explode. It shuts his brain down, but Cellbit? He's so good at it! (And he says he doesn't know how romance works, tsk tsk.)
Roier, unable to verbalize the billions and trillions of words flying around in his heart, just presses a hesitant kiss into the crown of Cellbit's head and hopes that it gets his affections across. It should, because Cellbit already knows Roier better than Roier might know himself, but-
A bashful kiss against the side of Roier's neck.
Roier swoons, just barely catching himself from melting into a gooey little puddle on the floor. He's gotta look goofy, he can feel how wide and ridiculous his smile is, but who the hell cares?
"Do you have a tail, too?" he hears himself asking, mind a million miles away. He can just picture himself and Cellbit kissing at the altar- their first ever real kiss ever- and just the thought of it makes his knees weak.
"Mhmm," Cellbit responds. He yawns against Roier's throat. "But you'll have to wait until our honeymoon for that."
Oh, God, the implications of that... Cellbit isn't into sex, and that's cool, but they'll be sharing a bed. A bed!!
The thought of finally getting to sleep with Cellbit (in the proper way, of course) makes Roier giddy enough to giggle into thin air.
"It's a date!" he happily says.
(A week later when they're finally in bed together for the first time, Roier spends a solid fifteen minutes properly admiring his husband(!!!)'s hybrid features for the first time, much to Cellbit's embarrassment.
"You're ridiculous," Cellbit whines, face hidden in his hands as Roier gently scratches him between the ears. He might sound annoyed, but he's purring, and his tail has already wrapped around both of Roier's legs, and he keeps dragging Roier's hand back every time he tries pulling away, so there.
"Maybe," Roier admits. He moves two of Cellbit's fingers away to kiss his forehead. "But you love me, anyway."
Cellbit doesn't argue, because he does.)
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
A new rule to increment discrimination
Public healthcare is one of the places where the most Catalanophobic interactions are reported. In 4 years, more than 100 Catalan speakers have reported that they have been denied healthcare or otherwise discriminated against for speaking Catalan, or were unable to access any healthcare in Catalan in a Catalan-speaking territory.
From disabled people who only speak Catalan being refused any medical attention unless they speak Spanish (which they don't know how to speak), to a man calling the ambulance but the healthcare worker who answers the phone spends the time scolding the caller for not speaking Spanish instead of calling for the urgently-needed ambulance, to many, many, many, many, many, many doctors telling patients "either you speak in Spanish or you leave", and many others given choices that link their language to shame: "would you rather speak Catalan or your son get cured?", "do you want to speak Catalan or do you want a vaccine appointment?", or being told "[derrogatory/infantilizing word for "woman"], you're making me waste time" for seeking medical attention as a Catalan-speaker.
Lack of access to healthcare is a systemic problem for Catalan people, who are often forced to use Spanish if we want medical treatment in our own country.
People should have the right to access public services (that they pay for with their own tax money) in the language of the country. Can you imagine an English speaker in England not being able to see any doctor or nurse who can attend them in English? Or in French in France, or German in Germany? It doesn't happen because speakers of the dominant language have the State on their side, but Catalan speakers have the Spanish (and French, in the case of Northern Catalonia) Government actively working against us.
And, more than anywhere else, in a moment of great vulnerability like the medical setting, it's very important that patients can speak their own language and not have to worry about translating concepts, they need to have the confidence to speak clearly on what happens to them and be focused on the issue, not on word choice or accent of this second language. Even less be worried about possibly facing discrimination for it.
The new rule:
The new Government of the Valencian Country (a coalition of the right-wing party PP and the fascist party Vox, both Spanish supremacist parties who make the hatred against Catalan/Valencian one of their main campaign points) has announced yet another way to increment that discrimination.
Until now, to decide who to hire for public jobs, there was a system of points, where each kind of certificate and qualification gave you some points. Speaking the local language (Valencian/Catalan) was already not a requisite —legally creating the situation where doctors and nurses can not know any of the language spoken in the place where they work. But, until now, speaking the local language at least gave some extra points.
Now, this new Spanish supremacist regional government has decided that knowing Valencian in the Valencian Country to work in a job with public interaction is worth less than speaking any language of an independent EU state. This means that you get more points for speaking, for example, Latvian, Swedish, Maltese, Slovak or Lithuanian, than for speaking the language of the place where you will be working and where you will be talking to people.
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My full respect for speakers of all these languages, but (as an example) a hypothetical Estonian speaker who you might never even encounter in a Valencian town should not be worth more than the very real Valencian speakers that you will surely encounter working in the Valencian Country.
This rule is another step to legally protect systemic discrimination and to make it continue in the future.
Note: Valencian and Catalan are two names for the same language. They're being used interchangeably.
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theaceofwords · 6 days
Like. We do very much all understand that Russia is trying to interfere in all western elections, right? Russia, China, and Iran have ideological and territorial goals which they cannot realise in the existing global status quo.
Russia wants Ukraine (and really I think they want as much of Europe as they can get). They want to own it, stomp out everybody who fights back, and force them all to speak Russian. But they know also that the EU (and, I guess, NATO, the e bugs of the situation) will supply Ukraine with weapons as long as they keep fighting (which I also think is monstrous, frankly, but that's another thread).
China's government wants Taiwan. The US has been one of Taiwan's most vehement allies (which. you know. not always a good thing), but until recently it was taken as a simple fact that any move China made towards Taiwan would get stomped into the channel by the nearest US aircraft carrier.
Iran's leadership wants more regional control--they sponsor a variety of, let's say passionate nongovernmental activists, throughout the surrounding nations, and their current government is pretty strongly opposed to "modern" (Western) values like freedom of speech, human rights, etc. They're also pretty boxed-in by nations which are propped up by oil money, mostly US oil money.
These nations are coordinating. We know this for a fact; in the most obvious example, Russia is using Iranian drones and Chinese manufacturing to supply its ongoing violence against Ukraine. They all understand that their foreign policy objectives are perfectly compatible, and in fact more than compatible, are mutually reinforcing--because the cases of Ukraine and Taiwan are analogous, these industrial/agricultural centers which are not ostensibly part of regional alliances but which have been trying to join the modern world for decades.
But here's the thing. Now we have these hard-right political movements brewing throughout Europe and the Americas. Not by accident--hard-right groups are coordinating and sharing notes in south, central, and north America, as well as in the EU. And these hard-right political parties are not at all interested in the status quo of Western force projection--they take an isolationist, authoritarian view of foreign policy where the great powers do what they like and the small countries deal with it and are absorbed.
Russia, China, Iran, and the smaller, shittier nations that work with them (the governments of which are shut out of the modern world largely for being such shitbag authoritarian despots that even the US can't swallow working with them)--these nations all recognize that their best chance to achieve their goals is to help the hard right win in Europe. In America. Everywhere. Anywhere they can get someone into party who, like Trump, will refuse to honor treaties with Ukraine and Taiwan--who will go on record saying that he doesn't give a shit about Europe, that the US should pull out of NATO.
This is the state of the world. Do you understand that this is the state of the world? This is why Russia/China are pushing such massive disinformation on the internet, why there is so much pro-PRC and pro-Russian brigading on reddit and Twitter and Tumblr. It's not because they're nebulously evil Red Threats that we think are malevolent for no reason. They have extremely specific policy goals which they cannot achieve without a shift in the current world order. This means they have a strong interest in changing the world order as quickly and radically as possible.
These relationships are not the matter of speculation. These are not my personal conspiracy theories, they are facts. The A to B in this situation is extraordinarily clear.
The internet is not a neutral ground. There are hostile actors here who have decided that the internet is one of the best means by which to realise goals which are antithetical to free, open, and civilized society. You cannot take information here at face value. You must do your own research, confirm facts across multiple sources with different interests, draw and hold your own convictions and change your opinions when the evidence dictates it.
And above all else, do not be taken in by the idea that the world is awful and nothing can be done to save it. That nihilism is being pushed upon you. If you believe the world can do nothing, there is no point in defending Ukraine. If you believe the world is beyond saving, there's no reason to recognize Taiwan. If you believe both sides are awful, there is no point to pressing for Palestinian statehood.
Apathy does not serve a brighter tomorrow--because the world never remains good. It is made good every day by the effort of billions. The world we live in is the result of centuries of people giving their lives to push the needle further to peace. To international cooperation and understanding.
Get your head in the game. It's the only game going around here. You're playing whether you like it or not, so you might as well know who you're playing against.
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fairuzfan · 25 days
The problem with the Schengen discussion is that everyone (Europeans) are taught the benefits and only the benefits of it and don't really realise the downsides of it until something like a genocide witness gets blocked and barred in a single airport with no way to go anywhere. And even then the extent of such a ban isn't realised. What isn't realised is that the great freedom of movement they have also has the ability to become the greatest blockade for those who can't apply themselves to the privilege of being a European citizen BECAUSE the European countries have decided that they have shared autonomy on the topic and no more national sovereignty.
Something Americans understand very well if you view the EU (and the Schengen, which isn't the EU but covers it and more) as the federal government and the member states (countries) as the states of America. States/countries need to give up their authority/sovereignty. So that argument someone made is invalid as well.
It is in the same way that 'Brits being baffled' at how many 'privileges' they lost was because the same Brits voted for more autonomy on the entry of refugees. Supporting my earlier point that people are simply not understanding the two sides of a coin that their rights and privileges come with.
Not an EU-hater and I am happy for the Schengen Agreement (treaty) to exist, but it does stand for some criticism.
I hope Ghassan Abu Sitta manages to leave the airport and the country and isn't forced to be stuck like Mehran Karimi Nasseri for eleven years (at the same airport even!!! For shame!)
Yeah, I was thinking that this sounds like a federal system vs a state system in which the state can decide the federal system laws. Like in the case of for example, Alabama, just because Alabama made abortion illegal does not mean it imposes their laws onto other states.
But in this case, the country does not give up authority to the larger Schengen agreement, which is why that's so odd to me. Maybe this is because I grew up in the US but the idea that one country can enforce onto other countries different rules by enacting a rule within that country, seems so odd to me. Maybe that's an oversimplification, relating it to US states? I don't especially care either way, its not an area of interest beyond the enforcement of colonialism that has occurred within the last few decades (remember, the Mediterranean is a mass grave because so many European countries refused to accept refugees), but it's a viewpoint of someone from outside Schengen looking in, considering the political histories of these individual countries and how none of them, including Germany, really reckoned with their hateful pasts.
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juana-the-iguana · 7 months
Navigating media during war
Here are some tips to navigate the conflict without a paid subscription. Disclaimer, I am based in the United States and this advice is for people in the US. These tips may apply for all wars, but I wrote this with the Israel-Hamas conflict in mind.
My qualifications: I am a reporter who has worked on both local, state, national and international stories. I have covered breaking news, and have done enterprising news and investigative journalism. I will graduate with a MA in Journalism in a month. 
Reasons to question my authority: I have less than five year of professional experience. I have never reported on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or anywhere else in the Middle East. I speak neither modern Hebrew nor Arabic. 
Moving on:
The best tip I can give you is pick a few good news sources and wait two days after any given event or incident before claiming to understand what happened.
In the United States, our news industry is incentivized toward breaking news, which means that organizations sometimes air information without having time to thoroughly fact check it. This becomes especially evident in times of war, when it is hard to obtain information and even on-the-ground reporters don't have the full picture of what's happening.
You are not going to find a perfect news organization. They're all going to fuck up in some capacity. If you have a strong stance on this issue, you're going to be more sensitive to those mistakes and real or perceived biases. (And, for the record, it is possible for one organization to hold multiple biases depending on the time of day, presenter and facet of the war being discussed.) That's why it is genuinely important to consume multiple news sources.
So if you're wondering why I chose these sources it's because a) they're free, b) they issue corrections when they're wrong and c) they do not engage in disinformation.
In no particular order: BBC, Reuters, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, AP. You should not rely on only one of these. You should fact-check these against bias sources that don't outright lie. 
Now onto the sources you should avoid. Let's get into disinformation: What is it? 
Disinformation is the intentional spreading of false information. It's lying. Misinformation is inaccurate information that is spread around, but not done with malice.
All news organizations have misinformation at some point. You should NEVER trust a news organization that engages in disinformation, about anything, unless several years have passed, the people responsible for the disinformation have been thoroughly purged from the group and they cite every goddamn thing they said.
The two big organizations I recommend avoiding because they engage in disinformation are Fox News and Al Jazeera.
Fox News lied about the 2020 election in the United States and actively contributed to an attempted insurrection. Al Jazeera is an arm of the Qatari state and has lied repeatedly about, well, just about everything of interest to the Qatari government, but especially Israel. They have made several highly consequential lies in this ongoing conflict that have had tangible, catastrophic consequences on the entire globe. 
Advocacy groups are not news outlets.
Also, don't trust terrorist organizations. Yes, the UN, WHO, Amnesty International and pretty much every NGO under the sun and the vast majority of news organizations cite them, but that's not because they're reliable, it's because they're the only group releasing information from Gaza.
You shouldn't take the IDF at face value either, but if what the IDF is saying is verified by the US, EU and/or other reliable, third parties, then that information is probably true. 
No news source is perfect. That's just a fact. I cannot stress the importance of looking at multiple sources.
Here are some things to look out for when watching/reading the news.
- If a news source is attributing facts to two different sources, ask yourself, "why?" Information is hard to come by. Sometimes one source doesn't report everything you want to know. But sometimes you know your source is unreliable, you don't have any alternatives, so you want to distance yourself from that. What does this look like? 
You might see people cite two sources to report death counts in Gaza: the Palestinian Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas, and Save the Children which analyzes information about the number of children killed. Save the Children gets the estimated number of deaths from Hamas. 
- Does it make sense to have this information at this time? If there was an explosion and a government states that 500 people died in it, well, how much time did it take them to count those bodies? Does that sound feasible?
- When you're listening to eye-witness interviews, do their perspectives or narratives match up with the physical scenes you are seeing? They might not be lying, it could be a miscommunication, but for the context it is presented in, it might not be accurate.
Language to look out for:
Occupation, blockade, siege, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing, legitimate military targets and apartheid are all distinct things. All of them, with the exception of apartheid, have specific legal definitions. If people are using these things interchangeably, maybe they're sharing opinions. That doesn't mean that what they're saying isn't valuable, but it does mean that you probably shouldn't cite them when debating international law.
Now let's elaborate on "occupation" for a second. Egypt occupied Gaza from 1949 to 1967. Then Israel occupied Gaza until 2005. In 2007 Israel started the blockade on Gaza and last month, after the 10/7 massacre, they started a siege. As noted above, these are distinct things.
If people are talking about occupation or settlements in the context of this conflict it means either one of four things:
- They are talking about the West Bank, which is under occupation and where settlements do exist
- They are talking about the history of Gaza pre 2005
- They do not know that Gaza isn't under occupation and that there are no longer settlements there (which means that they are not an informed source)
- Or they assume the entire Israeli state is occupying Palestine which, whether you like it or not, is not factually or correct
Just because something feels wrong doesn't mean it is illegal. Occupations, blockades, sieges, the use of white phosphorous and bombing areas where you know there are civilians are all legal in certain contexts. 
Legality might not matter to you personally, but when you're watching the news and trying to assess who is sharing facts and who is sharing opinions, you should keep this in mind.
Other notes:
- Rockets need fuel. Ventilation systems in tunnels need fuel. 
- Movies and tv shows are filmed in Gaza and the West Bank. If you see a photo of someone in a body bag texting or women laughing while painting a baby doll red, it might be a behind-the-scenes video from one of those things.
- There are a lot of AI generated pictures being used, especially in propaganda. Count fingers, arms, legs and look at backgrounds to see if what you are seeing makes sense. But for the love of god, if you don't like something, that doesn't mean it's AI.
- There are a lot of photos circulating from past wars. Be careful before you reblog. Reverse Google image search is your friend. 
- If you are not sure if something is real or not, wait a week. If the US, EU and dozens of journalists say it is true, believe it.
Finally, social media. When is it appropriate to use social media for news?
News aggregates are usually okay. I'm talking places like r/worldnews. They are pulling from other news organizations, so they can repeat those flaws, but they give you a mix of headlines from multiple sources. And they'll very often post large parts, if not the entirety, of articles from sources from the New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal that have paywalls in the comments. But also beware the comments because they can be disgusting.
Social media is also very good for sharing the individual human experience. The issue with that is that you can't always vet the person on camera or being spoken about, so they could be lying, spreading misinformation and it isn't the whole picture. 
This needs to be said again and again: social media dehumanizes people. You know this, but you will fall victim to it anyway. Your algorithm will do its best to show you the best versions of the people and groups you like, and the worst versions of the people and groups you don't like to make you feel justified in adopting dehumanizing beliefs. 
For anyone interested, I'm going to update the list of news sources I think are trustworthy in the next few days. I've found a few small, independent and/or foreign outlets that use open source intelligence (OSINT) in their reporting and they seem pretty reliable to me, but I want to vet them a bit further.
EDITED: Removed the name of a news organization that I previously said I thought was reliable. They did not issue a correction after uncritically repeating Hamas's lie that the al-Ahli hospital parking lot bombing was an Israeli airstrike that killed 500 people, and spent days repeating these false claims as if they were fact.
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bcacstuff · 7 months
So P says Sam was on the way back to Scotland " yesterday" from a source. She did say because of time differences yesterday could have been Sunday. What do you think? Is he home or still in NYC? He posted on IG about 7:11ish NYC time. Based on what you posted before you didn't seem to think he was headed home.
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Let me first rehash, or clarify perhaps better, or whatever term is preferred, what I was saying last Sunday.
I answered an Anon question:
Hi :) because you are good at knowing his patterns in sm I’m curious if he’s been on much today or last night. And the timings? Is it plausible that he’d still even be in nyc? Or do you think he’s headed back home to the UK?
I showed what I could show, namely the comments he left early that morning, and the post he posted on his own IG showing the times of posting. To be clear, I use a very simple and free browser extension called 'exact time viewer for instagram', it shows the exact time when hovering your cursor over the time of posting in a more exact way than Instagram does itself.
I then answered:
It's not plausible he's heading back home today. Don't ask me why, as I can't tell you that 🤐
Simply saying, I saw some more but I can not show you that. Now it seems that this fandom gets collectively stung by a bee when you say it's not plausible to me he's heading back home today. And goes bonkers when you say I can't tell you that. Making it more than it is, implying I know more, implying I must use some shady software, and i don't know what else. It was nothing of that kind. I purely added it to prevent all kind of discussions and assumptions that to me were needless, because of a small piece of info I can't show nor tell but convinced me he wasn't leaving or heading somewhere that day.
I tried to explain, but I guess whatever words I would have used, it wouldn't matter. Again the only thing I said is that it's not plausible he was heading home that day (or anywhere else for that matter as people were trying to fuel a rumor of him being in TX with a certain woman). I did not say I know what he was going to do the next day or the next week or whatever people made from it. I've seen comments on other blogs referring to me saying I knew where he was and with who. I never wrote anything that said so. Hence my comic about the telephone game, you know where people hear something and after a few hours it turns into something completely not true and not said by the first person. (I can't believe I have to explain this).
Now over to today. Yesterday I got many Anons making all kind of assumptions because 'he was quiet on sm all day'. I did not post them, chose to wait and see. And yes late last evening he returned back to sm posting a story and a post shortly after midnight CEST (makes 6pm NYT or 11pm UK)
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Both timezones were still possible, so my motto at that point, wait and see. And he returned this morning at 12.42 CEST (or 11.42 am UK) which is too early for NYC time
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So I think from that it's safe to draw the conclusion he flew back home or at least to the UK yesterday, with a small option he could have taken a late flight out of NYC on Sunday. But that's all the same to me and not really interesting I think. I don't use any apps to track flights, and I don't have him chipped so I know or more of these fantastic allegations I've seen.
And at Anon 2, the assumption he was on vacation is on your account. I answered that somewhere in a previous post how his times on sm could match both timezones (NY and UK/EU). And with a lack of evidence like a sighting or a fan pic, there is no way anybody can say for sure what he was doing or where he was exactly. You can have your own beliefs, I wont stop you at that. Just don't make it sound like I said so here on my blog.
Okay, sorry for the long answer Anons, but it seems I have to explain myself in length in order to be as clear and transparent I can be.
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clonewarsarchives · 14 days
Hello there!
I just wanted to write in to express my gratitude and ask a couple questions.
Long story short, I gave up on both the EU and Disney Star Wars canons some time ago, instead choosing to vet the works myself and add them to my own list. This has brought me much joy and breathed new life into this franchise for me, because now, anything I don't like, I can just ignore.
My focal point for vetting is involvement from George Lucas, and so naturally The Clone Wars (Seasons 1-6, anyways) got accepted, and is a huge part of my own canon.
But in doing the research for this project, I have discovered so much more Star Wars to take in than I ever had before. Case in point is the webcomics for The Clone Wars, which I had no idea existed before doing the research for all this in the past year or so.
I was looking for these webcomics in an idle way for a little bit, and finally sat down with Google, and what should I find but your blog?
It's a treasure trove of all materials related to The Clone Wars, so I wanted to say thank you! I am especially grateful to get to read these webcomics, since they were tied to Adobe Flash in some way on the official website, and cannot be viewed there any more within the limits of what I'm willing to do, and so I had accepted that that was lost for me. But your blog has made it not so! So thank you very much! And now, my questions:
Do you mind if I save the webcomics from your blog onto my computer?
Do you happen to have, or know where I could read, copies of Bait, Act on Instinct, or The Valsedian Operation? These were the only complete comics that I could not find on your blog.
Could you tell me more about the UK Magazine? This is another thing about which I know nothing and would love to learn.
Are you aware that the last two pages of webcomic #6, The Fall of Falleen, seems to have the last two pages swapped?
Is there a page missing from your post of Hunting the Hunters, Part 1? Parts 2 and 3 have the pages with the game tease lines at the bottom, but then have another page afterwards, whereas Part 1 does not.
Regarding both the Dark Horse monthly series and the graphic novellas, do you know if these have been collected anywhere, if they remain in print, and where I could buy them online that isn't Amazon?
Thank you very much, and clear skies!
Thank you for the message! Glad to be of help. To answer:
Is it okay to save posts from this blog on my computer?
Yes! Please save anything you like on this blog rather. I started this to offload my hard drive and prevent them from being lost media lol
post issues:
Bait should be the S1E11 accompanion? I did post it just forgot to tag 😅
I swear a few years ago Act on Instinct and The Valsedian Operation were availabe just on dubious free read comic online sites... don't seem to be anymore. here you go
Fixed the pages in Q4 & Q5. Thanks for telling me!
UK Magazine
Its proper name is Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic. UK got a Clone Wars magazine because the publisher, Titan Comics, is a UK-based company, the one that makes Star Wars Insider.
The monthly issue features episode guide, games and an original comic strip. It was later reprinted in the US as a bi-monthly. The blog followed the UK publishing order since that's chronological and collected in full. Some issues were left out in the US reprint.
Dark Horse series
Both the monthly series and novellas started in Sept 2008 but the monthly series only lasted to Jan 2010 while novellas continued every few months until after the Disney buyout.
No omnibus were made or planned. So if you want a print version, you could only look in the library or the second-hand market.
dubious free read comic online sites have the full set fyi
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The Re-Opening Of Handmade Hearts
It’s been an icy hot minute since I wrote a proper update, but I won’t complicate this one. The update series started with the presence of a workspace and the first shop opening; the second post was about the progress and success so far; the third was almost a year later because so much had happened, and I’d moved, and the store was on standby, and I was getting married, usw.
I’ve since not only moved countries, but I’ve also moved my main storefront from Ko-Fi to the Artisans Cooperative. (But you’ll still find patterns on Ko-Fi.) Like I have from the start, I do the math and show my work in the description of each item listing in a breakdown of the price: In bullet list form, I state the material costs, the platform fees, the time I’ve estimate I could most efficiently take to complete one of each item (which will almost always be less time than it actually took), and the wage per hour that I’m paying myself. If you add it all up, it’ll equal the price in the listing — minus a tax based on your area that the marketplace adds automatically.
There are six fixed shipping prices based on size and location, with the least expensive being within Germany and the most expensive being anywhere outside the EU. I’ve got two different sizes of box, but I really should get me some envelopes and offer a cheaper no-tracking alternative for certain (very small, mostly not-yet-existing) items.
Here are the listings so far!
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(Photography by @ablondpanda)
I’ve done the math, and I have made just shy of 370€ in earnings in the time I’ve had Handmade Hearts open. I haven’t been able to work since 2019, so that’s 370€ in earnings within the last five years.
Well, I have chronic depression, but I’ve managed to carve myself into an optimist; I’ve not had the chance to really grow yet as an indie seller, so having earned anything — not operated at a loss (at least within business expenses; general life expenses is another beast) — is a bright shining star to me.
My parter and I are waiting on job applications and government assistence. In the meantime, I’m hoping to gain more eyes and start making at least one sale every month in the middle and/or latter half of 2024.
I’ve yet to sell anything through the new storefront, so I’m trying to get more eyes on it. I’m considering opening a secondary storefront with Products With Love, a Germany-specific handmade marketplace, to get more eyes that won’t have to pay more than seven euros on shipping for any given thing.
Shipping is, unfortunately, not something I can do for free. To take a moment for personal politics: I really think mail should be one of those things governments work together to pay for and make free on the most basic level, like public infrustructure, roads and such. It shouldn’t cost $24 for me to send you a snake shaped neck pillow if you’re in the US.
That said, it does cost me 23€ (which is $24.53 as of writing this) to send you a snake shaped neck pillow right now. I want to emphasize that because it’s so common when shopping online to find something “underpriced” whose shipping is blown way up for profits, and I think sometimes it’s become habitual to assume that’s the case when shipping is over what Amazon would consider normal.
Another thing people do is including the shipping price within the price of the item to artificially remove shipping costs. That’s something I don’t do because A) I like transparency, and B) that would increase the platform fees you have to pay, increasing the overall price for no reason.
Ultimately, I hope that the way I do things helps people be more mindful of why things cost what they do.
To close out...
In preparation for posting this update, I’ve uploaded my tenth listing on the Artisans Cooperative marketplace. For my trans siblings, and for the pedants who have noticed that none of my wares have hearts on them:
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sibyl-of-space · 2 months
The San Francisco tech scene is completely beyond satire. I'm in a discord server for game developers based in SF because even though I don't live in the bay area anymore it's still the closest hub for indie developers near me. I went to one of their meetups once, the talk itself was completely useless and I left about 30 mins in, but I did get two people to playtest my demo beforehand so it was still worthwhile. One of those things where you're in a sea of 50 people who annoy you and are able to find maybe one or two people who are cool to talk to.
Anyway, I just received a ping about their next meetup, which is-- I literally could not make up something more on the nose than this if I tried--
brought to you
✨ J.P. Morgan ✨
Actual quote from the event page:
Are you a developer looking to accept payments and monetize your users effectively? We are excited to announce this unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor and learn about how to monetize your payment flow for your gaming applications at scale. As you may be aware, the Apple App Store and other stores are now allowing outside payment methods within iPhone apps due to "anti-competitive" laws in the EU. As a result, if you are part of Apples small business program, you may be eligible for a discounted percentage fee on IAP instead of the normal 30% fee. We hope you can attend to explore these concepts and learn how you can save money on payment processing fees with J.P. Morgan Payments.
Food is sponsored by J.P. Morgan and drinks are available for purchase at the DNA Lounge bar. All proceeds from drink sales go directly to the venue which helps them keep the lights on, and also helps us continue to host events in their space. DNA Lounge is over 3,000 sqft and is the largest venue we've ever hosted our events at. Speakers will go on stage at 7:00pm. This is an all ages event, is open to the public and is a professional networking event for game developers, artists, students, indies, or really anyone interested in game development. ASL Interpretation services available upon request via email.
Speaker Lineup:
Alan Lee | Developer Relations at J.P. Morgan Payments
Enhance your Payment Experience with J.P Morgan’s Payment Developer Platform
In this session, The J.P Morgan Payments developer relations team will showcase how the Online Payments API allows you to seamlessly accept, process and settle payments from the large suite of supported payment methods. We’ll explore the extended capabilities like tools for fraud prevention, recurring payments and demonstrate how these features can help you improve authorization rates, secure transactions, and gain valuable insights into your payment flow.
so anyway if anybody needs me I will be basically anywhere except at this particular event
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bridenore · 2 years
HD Mostly set outside the UK fic recs - Others
Here are a few drarry recs that are mostly set in outside of the UK, North America or the EU. Listed in alphabetical order.
Aeternus Solem by @onbeinganangel  [36k]
On December 1st, Harry Potter gets sent halfway across the world to attempt to break a possibly fatal curse on an unnamed British Unspeakable — except said Unspeakable is not unnamed at all and Harry has been in love with him for over four years.
Ai by talkplaylove [18k]
Harry Potter wanders into a bar.
Call Me by Your Name (And I’ll Call You by Mine) by @acupforslytherin [35k]
My dearest Harry, because no matter how far we are, even two different worlds apart, I can never tell where you end and I start.
Draco never expected Potter to find his way back to his life, especially after seven years of no contact, but here he was. With Potter’s will in his hands, his own name written in that untidy scribble he recognized anywhere, Draco had to accept this was his time to reopen an old wound, revisit painful memories, and relearn everything he thought he knew about his past.
Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by sleepstxtic [15k]
Magic is going haywire after ley lines all over the world are mysteriously failing. A cross-border Task Force is set up by the League of Wixen Nations with Expert Cartologist Draco Malfoy and Ley Line Specialist Pansy Parkinson being called in from Britain to work with Magi-Geographers Harry Potter and Parvati Patil in India. But can they get to the root of the issue before it’s too late? Featuring: an excessive use of holograms, numerous references to food, and lots and lots (and lots!) of travel.
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla [40k]
When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
Harry goes back to India to rediscover some of his lost roots. He meets Malfoy there. Hijinks ensue!
The Great Magic Sex Mushroom Fiasco by Magnolia822 [6k]
Lost in the Siberian wilderness without food, Aurors Potter and Malfoy are forced to improvise, with unexpected consequences …
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre [122k]
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic [32k]
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around.
Sæglópur by @femmequixotic [34k]
After a difficult breakup, Draco finds himself dragged to the land of magic, law, and natural wonders where, of course, nothing goes as planned.
The Spider and the Moth by marguerite_26 [10k]
Young Auror Harry Potter is sent to Morocco to investigate a potion smuggling ring. He quickly realises he’s in over his head with both the assignment and the primary suspect.
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 [46k]
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea.  The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant.
Ticking Time by calrissian18 [5k]
Draco moves to Egypt to escape his past. Of course Potter has to come along and be a tangible representation of it.
Through Worlds by @rain-beee [42k]
Harry is looking for a new start, and he’s travelled the world to find it. Now in Japan, a chance encounter with someone from his past threatens to distract him from his goal, but when he runs into them again and again, he begins to wonder if maybe he’s found what he was searching for all along.
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship [24k]
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige.
But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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grootficguy · 8 months
i know the big bang theory isn't made for geeks and most of the scientific information presented in the show is incorrect but the big one that really prodded my gallbladder until bile ejected itself forcefully and violently from the nostrils is the episode where they're playing world of warcraft. as a wow player of 16 years, here's everything wrong below the readmore. idc if this gets notes im autistic and needed to vomit this out of my brain.
howard (i think) is lured by a troll woman under a bridge and gets mugged for all his gold. due to the language barriers in-game, this would be inter-faction PvP which can only happen by accepting a duel. also, players cannot be looted when they die. you can't even die in a duel. this shakily implies that he traded her all his gold, then followed her to a bridge and got ganked. if that is the case, he would be an alliance player with pvp flagging on. also, alliance can't trade with or speak with horde. (unless he was playing a demon hunter, in which case the troll would also have to be a demon hunter, and trolls cannot be demon hunters.)
raj says he's talking to an orc under a bridge in thunder bluff. the bridges in thunder bluff do not have ground beneath them. if you're "under a bridge in thunder bluff", you're about 50 feet beneath thunder bluff, in mulgore.
sheldon mourns the loss of his "battle ostrich" named "glen", implying that his level 85 blood elf was a hunter, and had a pet ostrich. these don't exist in the game. pets cannot be stolen, either.
howard says he found a tavern where black market weapon trades happen. the black market is a real thing, but it's never in any taverns. also, weapons that can be traded can just be put on the auction house. meeting someone in a tavern to give them the gold for a weapon is just way more difficult for everyone involved for no reason?
raj says other players are undressing his (female) character with their eyes, and howard tells him to stop dropping her sword and bending over to pick it up. if you "drop" (i.e., trail the weapon off your character screen and into the world) your weapon, you'd be asked if you're sure you want to delete it, and then it gets deleted. /bend isn't even an emote. raj also says he'll have sex with the goblin that raided sheldon's account. this is also something you cannot do. again, goblins are a horde race, and it seems they play horde. a goblin can't kill you if you're both players in the horde.
the main four arrive at "the gates of elzebub". not a place.
leonard tells everyone not to panic as this is what the last 97 hours of gameplay have been about. it takes 10 minutes maximum to travel anywhere in the game. unless he's referring to raid prep time. if this is the case, they would be wiped instantly. 4 players isn't enough for one dungeon, let alone a raid. also, you'd need to be really sucky at farming for potions, gems, vantus runes etc., if it takes you four days to prep. i raided with a high tier mythic guild EU and i prepped for like half an hour every raid night?
howard says a horde of goblins are guarding the sword of azeroth. weapon doesn't exist. virtually all goblins in the game are neutral and only attack you if you attack them. (venture co. and horde guards upon aggroing to an alliance player being notable exceptions.)
howard tells raj to "blow up the gates". nowhere in the game requires you to blow up gates to gain access, except uldum. raj then presses CTRL + Shift + B to cast whatever his gate blowing up spell (doesn't exist) is. not saying you can't do this, but STRL + Shift + B is such an awkward and clunky keybind. you'd use Q, E, R, F, V, Z, X and sometimes S before using B.
they're pulling off a highly challenging and intense raid with four players on laptops without mice. no.
raj begins spamming a cast key at a speed MUCH quicker than the cooldown for ANY spell in this game.
leonard says "my tail is prehensile, i'll swat him off". there are only four races in the game with tails: draenei, tauren, lightforged draenei, highmountain tauren, dracthyr, and vulpera. none of them have prehensile tails. in fact, nothing in this game has a prehensile tail that i can think of. there's like one hozen in pandaria that swings from a tree.
"tonight i spice my meat with goblin blood" you don't need to eat in wow for any reason other than gaining a stat buff, or to regain health. also, goblin blood isn't a reagent for cooking.
Sheldon gets the sword of azeroth, which isn't a thing. Also, Leonard tells him to use a "sleath spell". (reading from a transcript here.) i have no idea what this is. he also describes himself as a "rogue night elf". aside from putting the class before the race which is icky, rogues can't cast spells. also, above, sheldon was a night elf, not a blood elf. he also had a pet, making him a hunter, not a rogue. if he was a night elf, he wouldn't be able to play with the others as they seem to have horde characters.
15. sheldon couldn't just take the sword. the game would ask everyone to roll need before greed. or else it would be personal loot, where there is a small chance of the sword dropping for any player. he then sells the sword on ebay, which wouldn't be possible, as the only people he could trade a soulbound item to would be the others in his party at the time, within a 2 hour window. to be fair, howard buys it immediately so like, whatever. but it's still weird that he put it on ebay.
so yeah i hate this show for being so distinctly not made for geeks, but this stabbed me right in the autism.
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formulatrash · 1 year
Hi Hazel, what do you think is wrong with McLaren? There's so much stuff from Daniel fans and Lando fans and I just want to know if my boy Oscar is gonna live peacefully.
let me never claim to be able to diagnose what is wrong with an F1 team. that needs more than a medical degree. but sure let's do the equivalent of a 'what mental illness do you have' uquiz.
what's going on is: they said their car was a bit sucktastic and it is. the hydraulic issue they had on Lando's car was obviously terminal from the second it happened, they were just trying to keep running for the data in race conditions, even if by that point he wasn't really racing anyone. the electronics failure on Oscar's car was just shit. but then again, both Red Bulls stopped on the final lap of Bahrain last season and we know how that played out for the rest of the year so let's not get too bleak too quickly.
I know Daniel fans are in a lot of pain rn but the McLaren being bad this year doesn't mean it was just as bad last year. and if it did, then that'd make Lando some sort of supernatural presence, in F1 terms which I'm pretty sure is not what Daniel fans want to hear. but there is a connection between the two and not just that the MCL60 is an evolution of the MCL36.
the reality is: the struggle McLaren are having with themselves now is connected to what happened with Daniel, though. when Daniel was struggling at McL they just didn't have the capacity to work out how to help him.
the way the car has gone this year, with development having headed in the wrong direction, also suggests they couldn't work out why Lando was doing well. he was scoring points, so it would've come under less scrutiny in terms of not being a problem per se but also clearly McLaren took too long to work out the direction they could make a better car in. which is why they've arrived at the start of the season with something they're unhappy with and some reliability gremlins.
McLaren still don't have a wind tunnel, which is insane (they literally take stuff to Cologne, Germany to test it in the wind tunnel) and a huge limitation on development. all the stuff they could take advantage of in terms of extra wind tunnel time is mitigated by the fact they have to fill in 3000 billion EU forms in order to go test parts (cheers, Brexit - remind me again why on earth McL did an advert for the Tories) but when a team like Mercedes is struggling to make the right choices with their car, you know how big the problem is.
if Daniel had been closer to Lando on track then they would have had more usable data. but if they'd been able to get Daniel closer to Lando on track then they wouldn't have so obviously had a problem with interpreting and correlating their car. it's all symptoms of the same thing, which is that McLaren's recovery wasn't ever going to be a permanent upward trajectory.
what's positive for the team is that they now seem able to acknowledge that, that Andrea Stella as a leader has the right technical background to be good at directing the team during this time and that it might be good for the whole team to have a lower-stakes year.
Lando's contracted until shortly after the heat death of the universe and Oscar's a rookie who they've probably at least got a second year option on. neither of them has anywhere better to be in the near future and they're young enough they can wait out a season to actually fix some of McL's problems. it's better to think of this like the 2019 season, with Lando and Carlos in a position to help the team reset, than as a continuation of 2020 and 2021.
or they'll turn up with the new upgrades in a couple of races time and blast the whole field out the water. it's F1, sometimes you just don't know. but if I had to try and explain it using the analytic equivalent of what Taylor Swift lyric I think the team most vibes with ("it's me, I'm the problem") and its favourite white guy from a film franchise (Tony Stark) then that's how it'd come out.
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gay-ppl-real · 3 months
For Eu look up:
Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up:
US campaign for Palestinian rights
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:
HP (Hewlett Packard)
Israeli produce
We will be ending our call to boycott PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.
(Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out)
Hiya Anon, you're sending this to a UK-based blog :) So! Here's the UK-based resources that I've been using, for anybody else with the misfortune of answering to Westminster.
I like to have a few Email templates in rotation if I can - though I also urge people to do their own research and make sure that you send an UP TO DATE template to your MP; I did my research several months ago so these might be old:
Here's some links to boycott guides:
And here's some financial support links I've been collecting for those of us who can swing it:
All this being said, let it be known that I am NOT Palestinian. I do my best to uplift the right voices (thus why I'm mostly linking and reblogging) and to speak up in support, but please do not listen to me over actual Palestinians.
Hmu if I've made an error anywhere, my goal is to provide the most accurate, helpful and genuine information.
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
The conservative nationalist government of Poland has had a major scandal explode in its face just a month before elections for parliament.
Apparently visas were being sold to migrants who could then use them to travel anywhere in the EU.
The irony is that the ruling Law and Justice Party is very anti-migrant. The party is known in Polish as Prawo i Sprawiedliwość and it often goes by the unfortunate acronym PiS.
The government has released few details but media reports say migrants paid up to $5,000 (£4,000) each to speed up their work visa applications. Seven people have been charged so far but none are public officials. The country's Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk was sacked last week following the allegations. His dismissal came the same day that Poland's Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) carried out a search of the foreign ministry. The director of its legal service has also been fired. The ministry, which is facing an audit in relation to the scandal, said it would terminate all contracts for outsourcing companies handling visa applications since 2011. Opposition MPs said up to 250,000 visas for people from Asia and Africa were issued irregularly by outsourcing companies. The government disagreed with this figure, saying only several hundred were issued. "Anyone who wants to get from Africa to Poland goes to our embassy, ​​buys a stamped visa at a special stand, fills in their details and off they go! PiS [governing party] migration policy," wrote Donald Tusk, the leader of the opposition Civic Platform party, on X (formerly Twitter).
If you check out the Polish media, two words you'll see quite a bit of are "afera wizowa" (visa scandal). The scandal has dominated the news lately.
Journalist and author Anne Applebaum explains afera wizowa in plain English for its effect on the United States.
Apparatchiks in Poland's "anti-immmigration" ruling party were reportedly selling multi-entry Schengen visas to Indians for $25-40k. These can be used to enter Mexico, and from there to attempt entry into the US.
It's at least theoretically possible for a migrant to have bought a Polish visa, flown to Mexico, and then tried to enter the US illegally.
Unlike some countries with conservative nationalist governments, Poland takes a hard line against Russia and has been supportive of Ukraine. Historically, there is no great love for Russia in Poland; Poland has been a target of Russian imperialism for centuries. So Ukrainian refugees have been the one legal exception to the anti-migrant policies of PiS.
This is one on the memes circulating in Poland these days...
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^^^ That's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the left and Jarosław Kaczyński, head of PiS, on the right.
Elections in Poland will take place on Sunday October 15th.
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hanleiacelebration · 2 years
Time for Han/Leia Tricks and Treats!
We bid you all dark greetings* in this special season!
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No, we don’t mean pumpkin spice latte season – we mean that it’s time to create some fanfiction tricks and treats featuring our beloved Han and Leia.
Once again, we’re happy to host the 2022 Han/Leia Trick or Treat Prompt-a-Thon – a fun, low-pressure opportunity to create some seasonally-inspired fics featuring our favorite Star Wars couple.
Here’s how it will work:
Check out our list of prompts here. They come both in “tricks” (smutty, naughty, or NSFW) and “treats” (sweet, fluffy, cute, or at least SFW). We’ve tried to include a variety of things that might give you that All Hallows Eve feeling – costumes, candy, pumpkins, scary stories, ghosts, witches, and bumps in the night. If these prompts look familiar, it’s because they’ve been gathered from the prompts suggested by the Han/Leia community over the last several years.
Write a short Han/Leia fic of anywhere from 500 to 5000 words in response to your chosen prompt. Feel free to combine prompts and to interpret them however you like! And multiple people can write for the same prompt, so no need to limit yourself. All Star Wars canons are welcome (EU/Disney/AU/your own personal canon), but they should be tagged appropriately and should center on the relationship between Han and Leia in some way. We’re all about celebrating this couple, so submissions should come from a place of genuine love for these characters.
Post your fic (or a link to your fic, if it’s on AO3) on Tumblr anytime between Sunday, October 23 and Monday, October 31 and tag it #hanleiatrickortreat2022. (If you want to make sure we see it, make sure to mention @hanleiacelebration in your post as well.) Please also include whether your work is a “trick” or a “treat,” as well as the rating of your fic. If your fic is NSFW or contains potentially upsetting content, please put that part under a “read more” on Tumblr, or post a link to the fic on AO3 with an appropriate rating and tags. We’ll reblog your post here, and we’ll also include it in our masterlist of fics and create an AO3 collection where you can add your fics as well.
Show some love to the other fics in the prompt-a-thon by reblogging and commenting on other fics once they’re posted! Our community always creates some wonderful content, and it means a lot to writers when their work is appreciated.
All are welcome! This one is a great event to try your hand at Han/Leia fic if you’ve been thinking about taking the writing plunge, or if you used to write but it’s been a while. The usual rules will apply; check out our general rules (although this is not an exchange, the content guidelines still apply even if the logistics work a bit differently) and FAQs for fic events to learn more.
Happy writing! And if you need help or have questions, send us an ask or contact one of our coven of mods for this event (@lajulie24​, @otterandterrier​, and @hanorganaas​) and we’ll do our best to help you out.
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*Note: “I bid you all Dark Greetings” was used by Grand Moff Hissa in the Legends/EU book Queen of the Empire to greet the Imperial Grand Moffs at an event known as, no kidding, a “Mofference.” Weird, but a very useful Star Wars greeting in the spooky season as well!
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