#but you have to admit they were the weakest links
pythiaswine · 2 years
CAN I JUST TALK ABOUT HOW BAD I WANTED LMM TO LEGITIMIZE LAMS but i kept being let down over and over again like ughhhh. first he gives the Angelica relationship a whole song and subplot and yes it was great, the whole musical's a lyrical, compositional, choreographed masterpiece BUT WE AREN'T HERE TO DISCUSS THAT. we are here to talk about how his source material was biased because Chernow gave breath to the Angelica thing, as improbable as it was (especially compared to the probability of the Laurens/Hamilton relationship? homophobia.) but then picture it, I'm a young, naïve teenager, I'm very fixated on lams and history, I loved the Hamilton musical, was a Hamilton teen and that part of me is irreparably burned into my brain. then LMM drops this sneaky little tidbit like the beacon of wisdom his fans see him as bc he wrote a historical self-insert fanfic for broadway, he says the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real. great! but he didn't actually put it in the musical and that disappointed me. And damn, okay, he had a few lines here and there in the off-broadway version that were cut but maybe that wasn't his fault or maybe he planned on fleshing it out more and had to cut it down to make it more palatable for the people sponsoring his ride to broadway, a pathetic excuse but it could make sense. For all that, I could have forgiven, forgotten, etc etc... but I will NEVER forget naïvely believing during the year the Hamildrops were released that we'd finally get a Laurens/Hamilton song. In April it didn't happen, I thought okay, maybe pride month. Didn't happen in pride month. Didn't even happen in September or October, or as a last-minute gay reveal in December. It just didn't happen at all. We even got some covers of songs that already existed without notable variations on the lyrics and it's like... bro couldn't have done the bare minimum and had a Laurens cover of Satisfied? That's the moment I was let down for real. I had truly BELIEVED that because he said himself that the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real, he'd actually follow through on something that could be digested by the fans more than a forgotten tweet. but damn it hurt. absolutely no queer representation in a musical about Alexander Hamilton. bro. to play devil's advocate, there is no way to "prove" hamilton wasn't straight (eye-roll) but it's not like Hamilton: An American Musical is historically accurate in the least. It's embellished, fun, glamorous. It paints people in their best (unless you're charles lee lol) considering it's about a bunch of people who definitely were not kickass abolitionist BIPOC, but because LMM found it important to represent America today, he made the cast very inclusive to cultures and ethnicities of those these historical figures oppressed. so why can't he fictionalize the story a bit more? it's not even FICTION BRO it's literally more provable (and less problematic and more interesting) than the Angelica/Hamilton affair so WHYYYY. all i mean to say is, i was very let down and i can't appreciate the musical or LMM the same as I did when i was younger because now it gives me the straight-man ick. the "yeah they were gay!" for ++ points with the lgbtq+ fans but a severe lack of action. i hate that shit. real allies would say "fuck your homophobia, i'm publishing my art as it is even if i face backlash and censorship," because that's how shit gets done. it really really let me down, that's all, good night.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Get in the Water prompt Storm alternate version Animatic Fanart
There was a spell, Constantine had explained after his own trip to the afterlife. Something to contain Danyal's soul long enough to resolve his unfinished business, to keep him still and away from the influences of his fellow dead. And if that didn't work, Constantine continued, then there were ways to force a spirit to rest. It was better for a ghost to move on by themselves, but if there was no other choice...
Damian hoped Danyal would choose to rest on his own. That he'd let him explain, finally.
Danyal had been weak. Strong in a fight, but too weak to kill, and that infuriated Damian. But he was scared more than he was angry. Because that weakness would get Danyal killed, could get Damian killed, could get the League killed. Even the newest recruits had a stronger desire to kill than Danyal.
He was the weakest link in the chain. And while their mother had taught them to be ruthless, Danyal had remained limp with mercy.
They needed Danyal's body. It would be Danyal's tie to the earth, Constantine explained as he joined them on the Batplane. The souls of the dead don't often linger on the mortal plain. The magician had speculated that the only reason Danyal had managed to manifest in the waters below Gotham was because of Damian's presence, but his remains would keep him stable this side of life for however long it took to heal his soul.
But was that even possible?
"I don't know, kid," Constantine admitted during the plane ride. "Wish I had a better answer for you, but... Your brother is a siren now. And from the sound of it? He really wants you dead."
"Then why didn't he kill me?" Damian argued. "He had hours to do it... or minutes..." The time he spent in that green world felt longer than the ten minutes Father couldn't find him, but... "He had me in his grasp and let me go. Doesn't that mean he didn't want to-"
"Have you ever heard the phrase 'Playing with your food?'" Constantine asked instead. "Sirens aren't known for letting their prey go. If we're out here, its because he wants us here."
They--Damian, Father, Constantine, Grayson, and Todd--landed in Nanda Parbat after a few hours. There was a crypt inside for members of the Al Ghul family who didn't use the Lazarus Pits. It was there Danyal's body was entombed. They would have to steal it.
And it was unfortunate that Constantine got them caught within five minutes of entry.
Damian glared daggers at the man as they were led towards the Lazarus Pit. Constantine shrugged. "What? I don't want assassins chasing after me because of some light grave robbing! Besides, we need to explain the situation anyway-"
"And what, precisely, needs to be explained?" asked a woman from inside the chamber. The heroes were pushed inside, only to see Talia Al Ghul standing where her father should have been. The Lazarus Pit hissed and boiled behind her, casing the cave in a ghoulish light.
Damian could hear laughing.
Father stepped forward. "Talia. Where's Ra's?" Grandfather was the biggest threat to their plan succeeding.
Mother... looked away, unable to meet his gaze. "I do not know. At the present moment... the Demon Head is missing."
You could hear a pin drop. "What do you mean?" Father demanded.
"It's as I said; he is missing. Yesterday, he was alone in the Pit, and hours later, no one could find him." She glanced behind her, at the waters, before looking back at them. "I had assumed he'd left to care for the League's interests. Now-" She tilted her chin up, looking down at them. "What exactly do you need to explain? What is so important that you break into my home to tell me?"
Stepping forward, Constantine explained. Mother looked grim as he spoke of Danyal, but did not interrupt. "We want to put his soul to rest. But for that, we need access to his body-"
"You dare ask for such a thing?" Mother snarled. "As if I even believe you. My son would never-"
"Your son?" Grayson snapped. "From the looks of it, you didn't care for either of your children!"
As the group descended into an argument, Damian heard laughter again, Danyal's high pitched giggle harmonizing with something deep and bone shaking. The Lazarus Pits loomed over him, beckoning him, whispering. Damian took a step towards it as his mother said, "I don't even have his body!"
"What?" Damian snapped at his mother, focusing back on the conversation. "But the crypts-"
"After your brother's murder, the Demon Head ordered for the culprit to be found. But they were never discovered." Because the culprit was Damian, he knew, and no one else ever learned about it. "I wanted to place him in the Pits immediately, but I was ordered to stay my hand until the murderer was caught. But..."
"He never was," Damian finished for her. "And then you put Danyal into the waters?"
"Yes." She closed her eyes. "And he never came back out. Even if it was too late, he'd still come back as the undead, but he never rose from the waters."
"Then this is entirely my fault."
"Finally," Danyal whispered in his ear, breath chilling his skin.
Damian did his best to ignore it. Danyal was haunting him. Danyal needed to be put to rest. If they couldn't do it Constantine's way, then they had to put him to rest another way.
Grayson looked troubled. "Robin, it's not your fault-"
"I'm the one who killed him," Damian confessed. Everyone stared at him. Grayson, horrified; Mother, blank; Father, betrayed. Damian continued, "I overheard you and Grandfather arranging a fight to the death, and I knew who would win. I couldn't... I couldn't allow Danyal to die without the Al Ghul name, in disgrace as the one who wasn't good enough. So I killed him, assassinated him, and now he's haunting me for revenge." Damian looked at the Pit. "So go ahead, Danyal."
"Damian, what are you saying?"
"Danyal wants revenge on the person who killed him; I'm giving it to him." Todd was staring at him. Damian might not be able to see past his helmet, but he could feel the respect coming off the man. "Danyal, I know you're here. Please come out." If he focused long enough, he could just making out wheezing breaths. "I can hear you, please-"
Father grabbed Damian by the shoulders. "Damian, listen to what you're saying! You're offering your life up for nothing!"
"B's right." Grayson placed a hand on his shoulder. "There's got to be another way. You don't have to do this!"
"Yes I do!" Damian ripped himself out of Nightwing's grip. "I'm the one who killed him! I'm the one at fault! My brother is suffering because of me, I have to save him-"
Stepping between them all, Mother slapped him across the face.
And the Pit's whispers fell silent.
Damian stared up at his mother, cheek throbbing with pain. She glared back. "Cease this behavior at once," she snapped. "There's no need to get so worked up over a ghost, of all thing-"
"T̴̯̃al̵̬͂ị̴̿a̵̮̕ ̵̼͐A̴̗̕l̷͈̆ ̴͚̓G̵͎̀h̷̻͒u̶̜͋l̴͍̀."
This time, everyone could hear Danyal's voice, filled with static and corrupted. Damian swallowed as his dead brother continued,
"D̸͕͠o̶̪̅ ̸͍̆ỹ̵̗ö̸̲ũ̸̧ ̶͖̚k̶̻͊ņ̸͐o̸̹̚ẘ̸̙w̷̛̹ḧ̸͚́o̷͉̅ ̵͈̑I̶̪̽ á̵̞m̶͙̂?̸̻͂"
The cavern shook as the Lazarus Pit bucked, a wave forming in the absolute center of the water. The wave rose, pillaring up above their head and brushing the ceiling. A cold wind rushed through the room and blew out the torches on the walls, leaving only embers and the occasional florescent behind. Damian braced himself for the waters to rush out and flood.
Instead, the water fell back into the pit, like it had never risen in the first place, leaving behind a lone figure in its wake.
"Danyal," Mother whispered.
And the dead boy glared back at her with pure contempt.
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sunnasweet · 7 months
Sienna and The Scientist
We've gone from Androids to 🥁🥁🥁 aliens! This one's a little weirder than my last post but such is life.
Literotica summary: Sienna is experimented on by an alien anthropologist.
Critiques are always appreciated I'm trying to improve so that one day I can write an actual novel!
5.5k words, non-con-ish?, oviposition, alien x female reader
Sienna woke with a headache and the smell of ammonia.
Her eyes fluttered open, just barely cracking her lids before they widened at what she found herself looking at.
A white padded room. It wasn't just the cold tile that gave Sienna the chills. She was staring at a prison cell. Every corner had a camera pointing at her, there was a twin bed and a metal sink that had a toilet bowl protruding out of the side.
If the room wasn't enough there was also the fact that she was stark naked, stark naked and shaved. What was once her pussy covered in soft tufts was now completely bare. She rubbed her thighs together and could feel the way her cunt lips rubbed together from the movement now that there was no friction or barrier.
Sienna shook her head, she had bigger problems than her naked pussy.
"H-hello?" she rasped out, "someone?"
She stood and did a full 360, all around her were squares of padded white. No door, not even a gap to suggest one.
She stared at the cameras. Not only was she naked but she was being recorded naked, she banged on one of the padded blocks, and when that did nothing she shouldered against it.
She paced around the room before shouting, "Hello?" she waved her hands, "I know you're watching me!"
She waited for a response.
Sienna began to feel restless, she shouldered the wall once again and hissed when she sunk into the wall. She banged her fists against the material, which was just as useless as all her other attacks.
She walked around the whole square box of the room, looking at everything, which was to say–not much.
How did she get here?
Sienna sat on the bed.
She tried to retrace her steps but the thing was, Sienna had no recollection of the events that led to this room. She could remember her name, her birthday, and the leftover Chinese takeout she ate for breakfast that morning but not anything that happened within the past few hours.
Sienna wasn't going to last long. She was already going insane–she could feel it, that familiar craze you feel in the heat of the moment when you think a man is following you but instead just passes you by.
She started calling out for help again and there was nothing but the echo of her own words. With panic and a twisted gut, tears sprang to her eyes. She pulled at her hair.
She was already breaking, Sienna was not the final girl.
It was so typical really, to be kidnapped. If it was going to happen to someone, of course, it happened to her. She was the weakest link, she could admit that. She didn't do cardio and she didn't lift weights. Her thighs jiggled and her belly was soft.
So sick of her own breathing, Sienna decided to test a theory.
A stupid theory, her brain chimed in.
She looked at the camera, "please let me out," she begged.
She stared off for a moment, one second–two, then three.
She crawled back to the floor, crouched down, planting her palms on the tile. Then. Unceremoniously, craned her head back and slammed it onto the surface.
Sienna groaned, and then she did it again. The pain was agonizing and she could no longer see straight. She was pretty sure her forehead was bleeding. But the sound of the hiss of depressurizing made it all worth it.
Whatever she was here for, it wasn't to be tortured and murdered which made self-mutilation a no-go. She was merchandise.
Sienna tilted her head and nearly blacked out but she saw there was now a long door-shaped hole in the wall.
She almost grinned at her plan to get her kidnapper's attention succeeding until something inhuman stepped through the door. Her eyes bulged. She must have been hallucinating. Green, pale green skin, tall and lean. Four arms. She had just bashed her head into the floor, there was no way what she was seeing was real.
No, it was walking closer, and…and it was talking.
"What do you think you're doing?" hissed the creature.
Sienna gaped like a fish. He spoke a different language, all clicks and hisses, and yet somehow she could understand him!
What the hell was going on?
Sienna scrambled away but she was weak on her feet and stumbled, she was going to pass out. She wiped her nose and realized it was bleeding.
"Let..lemme go." she slurred.
The four armed being moved closer to her. It was prowling forward, baring its sharp shark teeth at her. Holy shit.
Sienna's eyes rolled back and her face fell forward.
The second time Sienna woke, she was strapped to a table and staring at her reflection. There were panels of mirrors on the ceiling. She craned her neck and her eyes widened. She hadn't been hallucinating, there was a tall green…something, staring at her.
"You're awake."
"That wasn't a question." the creature spoke, once again not in her native language but somehow her brain translated the words for her.
"W-who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here?" she questioned rapidly.
The green being stared at her, she almost thought he wasn't going to answer but–
"You're in a laboratory," he said unhelpfully, "I am the scientist assigned to you, and you are here as my test subject."
"A… laboratory?"
"You are on the planet Zorkis."
Sienna's eyes bulged further and her heart rate spiked. She knew that not only from the pain in her chest but because of the incessant beeping of a machine she was connected to. She practically choked on her spit.
"I"m on another planet?" she asked genuinely. Because. Frankly. It was very hard to believe, but then again she was staring at a green 4-armed monster. So what did Sienna really know?
She wasn't getting home, that's for sure.
"This is correct." The alien scientist responded.
Sienna started to struggle against the leather straps horizontally draped over her body. The alien calmly watched her seemingly not caring that she was attempting to escape.
"You will not get out of those." the alien spoke, "not even I would be able to escape those straps and I'm far stronger than you are, pet."
She gasped.
Pet? Is that what he had just called her?
"I'm not your pet!" she hissed, "Let me out of here! Why are you doing this? Huh? Why me?" her voice was getting shrill and she was exhausting herself.
The alien gave a very human shrug, "Why not you?" she swallowed. "Besides…" he trailed, one of his long fingers trailing up her calf, "You're the first human to ever try to self-mutilate so soon," he says like that's a good thing.
It made her interesting.
He was fascinated with her.
"What are you testing me for?" she croaked.
"I've been assigned to learn about your reproductive and mating habits," he said lowly. Reproductive habits? Oh no. No. No. No.
She shook her head, "You can't do that. You can't." she said, the panic once again building up within her.
"I can and I will." he paused, pulling his finger away from the leg he had been stroking. "You see my species has gone through a plague very recently. Nearly half of our population was decimated and we need to rebuild our numbers if there's any hope for the new generation," he explained. "So we have been searching all over the galaxy to find a successful host body. Humans fit the bill."
Sienna stiffened.
No, no, no.
She was going to have a panic attack or throw up or both. Sienna had been brought here to be some sort of baby maker? No way, she couldn't–she wouldn't.
"Now," he spoke, "I am Dr. Xorad and you will address me as such. I will be responsible for you during your stay."
Her ears perked at his words, "My stay? You're going to let me go home at the end of all this?" she could deal with that. Pop-out some half-alien, half-human baby, Whatever it took to make sure she was good to go back home. Fine. Sure. Awesome.
"No." He said, crushing her hope. "You will likely never return home to your home planet but if everything goes well you will be assimilated into my species' society."
Sienna gasps, "No!" she shouts. "Please don't do this, please let me go." she was trembling now, her hands fisted and she began to wriggle around again. "Let me out!" she demanded. "Let me out right now!"
The alien–Dr. Xorad did not respond to Sienna's tantrum, instead, he merely waited until she once again exhausted herself. Sienna breathed heavily.
She was restless but all of her fight had been yelled out of her.
"What are you going to do?" she asks direly.
"I'm going to give you an ultrasound," it says, "then I am going to draw your blood." the way Dr. Xorad speaks makes it all sound so clinical though she was unsurprised that he was unsympathetic to her cause.
"That's it?" She asked nervously."
"No." Sienna's stomach twists.
She licked her lips, "You're a doctor? You've been to medical school?"
"Medical school?" the alien asks, picking up a squeeze bottle, "What is medical school?" Oh god. Was this a translation error or had he really not been given any formal education?
The doctor snaps on a glove and then squeezes a sizable glob of cool blue goo on her stomach. He spreads it around and she shivers.
"It's a place you go to learn to be a doctor," she explains.
"So, did you go to a place like that?"
"No." it says, "Zorkis has no such thing."
She inhales, "Zorkis?"
"The planet we are currently on. My home. Your home."
Before she could say this was not her home, he was gliding a probe over her naked belly. Dr. Zorad seemed very focused on what it was doing.
It didn't wear a lab coat which is what made a doctor in Sienna's mind. In fact, it was completely naked like her. He had a defined torso and nice biceps but where his cock and balls should be was Barbie doll smooth. His thighs were thick and his legs were digitigrade with 3 clawed toes just like the amount of fingers he had. Though she supposed it didn't matter considering he had four arms.
Those arms worked in tandem. One hand was gliding the probe over her stomach, another was scratching at his angular jaw and a third was holding some sort of electronic tablet. She had no idea how a person–or–not person, but an alien, could control four limbs simultaneously like that.
"Do not worry however, I have plenty of experience." he rattles, "I have studied under a mentor for many years. I worked by his side until his death." Oh.
"You have a gender?" she asked curiously.
Dr. Xorad paused. "Yes." it–they, spoke stiffly, nostrils flaring. "I am a virile male.
Sienna's lips thinned. "Virile" is not something she cared to hear, nor did she like the fact that this being was a man–male, whatever. What was clear however was that she had bruised his very human-like male ego from her ignorance because he seemed downright icy instead of cold. Speaking of cold….
"Did you shave me?"
She shivers.
An alien shaved her pussy.
"You didn't shave my head," she remarks.
"I was informed it was ornamentation for your kind and it would cause you distress if I did." the monitor beeped. One of Dr. Xorad's hands wrote something down on the clipboard.
"Well, if you didn't want me distressed you should have locked me in a padded cell or strapped me down to this table," she says. He looks at her, his black eyes boring into her soul. Finally, he shrugs.
"Maybe not." he merely says.
"I mean why did you have to shave my…?"
"For better access." Sienna made an outraged noise.
"It is easier to see now."
"You're a sick bast–Oh!" she gasped as he pricked her with an IV needle. "Ow." Sienna could've sword she saw an upturned curl on his lips when she was startled.
"Mm." the doctor hums and Sienna sighs.
What was she going to do? How was she going to escape this? She did not want to be poked and prodded at. She didn't want to be tested or assimilated into and she certainly did not want to play human incubator.
"Am I your first human test subject?"
"First and only," he responds as her blood goes up, up, up into the tube, and fills into a blood bag. "It's my job to research you personally."
"But there are others?"
"Yes, and you will meet one soon."
"Just one?"
"For now."
Sienna was beginning to feel nauseous. There were more humans here? How many? The look on Sienna's face must have been obvious because Dr. Xorad freely offered up. "You could be quite happy here. Our older humans have adapted very well, pet," he said in a way she could tell was trying to be reassuring.
"I'm not your pet," she says flatly.
"Then who are you?" he asks.
"Sienna." she offers.
"Sssee-en-nah." he hisses. "It is nice to meet you. You will learn soon that I plan to treat you very well." Sienna eyed him wearily. She didn't want to be treated well, she wanted to get the hell out of there.
Dr. Xorad turns around, pressing some buttons on his machines before saying, "You've come up all clear. No pregnancies, no illness, and no abnormalities." Sienna was surprised. Could he seriously test her blood that quickly? Just what kind of alien tech did they have? Dr. Xorad turned back to face her. "Now we can get started."
"W-what?" she stammered. That sounded way too ominous for Sienna's liking. "I thought that was it…"
"No. Those were merely tests to make sure you were fertile and healthy," he says straightforwardly. Fertile. She was nothing but a baby-maker to this male.
Sienna was snapped out of her depressing thought when one of her straps was unbuckled. He lifted her sleeping wrists above her head and then cuffed her there. He did the same thing with the strap on the bottom, cuffing her ankles. She was spread apart. Finally, he got rid of the middle strap altogether.
She began to hyperventilate.
"Stop," she said.
He did.
"Yes?" he looked down at her. His bottom hands were absently rubbing her ankles and it was distracting.
"I don't want this." she croaks. She wanted to kick him off was what she wanted. "I have a family." Lie. "and a boyfriend." Lie. "A future." Another lie.
Sienna Smith was a 25-year-old shut-in with no friends, a dead mom, and a no-show dad. The only time she left her small studio apartment was to go grocery shopping or to work. She didn't entertain co-workers and she certainly didn't entertain men. If it weren't for her therapist–who would be getting a hefty phone call when she figured out a way home–she'd go through life talking to someone less than twice a month.
"I will be careful," he said soothingly. It didn't help. "I have seen many demonstrations in the following weeks. I know what I am doing."
"Demonstrations…of what?"
He moved his bottom hands from her ankles to her calves, rubbing his palms over her up and down.
He spoke gently, "Human mating." What. "I understand this topic is very taboo to your species but there will be no judgment here in my clinic." her stomach dropped. He was going to fuck her?
She grimaced. She was in for a terrible ride.
"What is the problem?" he murmured seeing her face, he spoke…different than mere moments ago. Instead of the clinical stoic anthropologist he now sounded..kind. Caring. His eyes were looking–which you had to pay attention to or you'd miss it–straight between her legs. Her face heated.
"I–oh!" he was leaning forward now, stroking the tops of her thighs. Sienna squirmed.
"Good." he purred. "This is good." Oh god.
She tried to close her thighs but had no such luck due to her restraints. She could just barely bend her knees inward and that was her only range of motion.
Sienna looked back up to the doctor and gulped. He looked transfixed. She glanced at the ceiling and that's when she remembered the mirror panels. All forcing her to watch this happen to herself.
Somehow watching it from the reflection made it feel more intimate than impersonal so she closed her eyes.
His hands were inching closer and closer to her bare newly shaved–sensitive pussy. She bit her lip and breathed out. Oh god. Oh–
"God!" she gasped out when his knuckles stroked up the seam of her cunt. "Ahgn." her hips wriggled and she strained against her bindings.
"Good," he murmured once more. "This is a good reaction." it seemed like he was talking more to himself than to her at the moment. He dipped her fingers inside of her labia and was met with slick. She whimpered.
His hands were working in tandem. The bottom pair were in her pussy and rubbing her hip and the top pair were travelling up her belly to the valley between her breasts before squeezing them.
"These will grow when you are heavy with my young…" he murmured and her heart stopped.
"Y-your young?" she gasps, "I thought you were my doctor…?"
"I am pet, but I will also be the male who inseminates you."
Sienna couldn't focus on that piece of information at the moment, not when he traced over her clit and her hips bucked.
"Found it."
Sienna laughs then moans. Maybe he wasn't so different from a man after all. He circled her nipples the same way he circled her clit and her eyes rolled back while her hips tilted.
"Mmm…yeah." she moaned.
He glanced at her face, "Positive response…" he murmurs, "Next step.." he slowly edged the tip of his finger into her cunt. She groaned and he slipped the entire digit inside–knuckle deep.
"Good…" he said to her, "you are doing very well." he praised and she shivered, maybe this was unlocking a new kink for her. His praise seemed to get her into the moment. When had she started to get into this?
Her eyes were still closed but it wasn't easy to forget that this was not a human doing this to her. Not with his four hands stimulating her everywhere. Her thighs splayed out. She was pulsing around his single finger and it felt amazing when he curled it upward.
Another squeeze to her breast, "Do you want more?" he asked.
"Yes…" she moaned without hesitation, "Please yes."
When she was rescued she wouldn't include this part.
At her acceptance, he prodded her with another finger, but he prodded her excellently. His two fingers curled and his other hand started circling her clit fast at the same time. A noise that couldn't be described as attractive burst from Sienna's throat.
She pulled against her restraint and he chuckled.
"Easy pet," he murmured.
"Aghnn, please untie me!" she begged. He eyed her, his eyes flickering between her contorting face and what was going on between her legs. "I should…"
She whimpered, "please? I want…I need to touch you."
Dr. Xorad's eyes widened. It had not occurred to him that was even an option or possibility. He kept her legs strapped to the table but unbuckled both her wrists.
Immediately, Sienna's hands began to reach for the doctor's.
She held them against her breasts and showed him exactly how she liked to be caressed here as she panted, squirmed, and whined.
"Doctor…" she moaned, "I need more.." she whispered, "More please."
"More…" she whined.
He looked down at her. There had been another thing he wanted to try…but every lesson he had learned on human reproduction advised against it until a deeper bond was formed with his assigned charge.
Still. Dr. Xorad could not help himself. He unstrapped her left leg, draped it over his shoulder, and gave her pussy a lick.
"Ye-ES!" she hissed. She bucked into his face, nearly sobbing. It had been so, so long since she had someone else touching her. Years of masturbation just wasn't the same and at the age she had finally gotten around to doing her firsts, it wasn't exactly great.
Dr. Xorad removed his fingers and replaced them with his wiggling tongue.
"Doctor!" she gasped. He let out a rumble in response, his head buried between her legs. She was spread and ent open, the last restraint was on her right ankle and she didn't even care that she was nearly free.
All she cared about was enjoying this for as long as possible.
Her eyes opened and she watched as Dr. Xorad ate her pussy from above. His back muscles flexed and his ass looked tight. He was groaning from between her thighs.
He pulled back, "I should be recording this session," he said quietly, giving her clit an opened-mouthed kiss. "You're being an exemplary charge. This would have been a very informative document to have." Sienna agreed.
Dr. Xorad was doing a wonderful job at licking Sienna's weeping pussy. She could feel her own slick running down her slit to her ass. The fact that she was hairless made it even better. She'd never been bare before but she felt so much more sensitive shaved like this. Everything was hypersensitive.
Sienna was overwhelmed by all 4 of Dr. Xorad's hands, her breasts were being groped, her pussy licked and clit rubbed. She was going to explode soon. Her hips were thrusting to meet his tongue inside her cunt. God help her but she was going to cum because of an alien anthropologist.
"Doctor!" she called again, her voice high and shrill. She could repeat nothing else but a combination of expletives, his name, and god's.
"Because you're being such a good girl–" he pulled back and she nearly cried, her hips were still humping the air, her pussy pulsing on nothing. He looked down at her, captured for a moment. She could feel tears welling in her eyes.
"Please." she croaked. "I need you!"
That seemed to do the trick. He wordlessly nodded and was now holding a squeeze bottle of some sort of gel that reminded her of the ultrasound goo. He goated his gloved fingers in it, then, he was fucking her again with his fingers. Something was happening inside. She felt warm, tingly, and filled.
She screamed, her inner walls contracted against her own volition, she was twitching and she held onto Dr. Zorrad's shoulders for dear life as she jolted up to a sitting position. Her eyes closed, squeezed tight and her toes began to curl.
She was clenched so tightly, panting and wailing until it all relaxed and warmth filled her abdomen, then, she was gushing.
Dr. Xorad had just made her squirt with his magic fingers and magic gel.
She was crying. Full ugly tears as her hips met his fingers thrusts.
He was right beside her, soothing her with praises, telling her how good she was doing but she wasn't crying because she was in pain or distress, she was crying because this was the best orgasm of her life.
He was guiding her through her orgasm, inserting and curling his fingers inside of her and hitting her g-spot over and over, his thumb rubbed over her clit at the same time and he had gone from groping her breasts to stroking her face. It felt..intimate.
Especially with all his crooning into her ear.
She was gasping, her body still pulsing as she sucked his fingers deeper into her
channel. He let out another rumble.
"Very good," he hummed.
Sienna was spent. She looked at her body from the mirrors above her and she was splayed out loosely, her limbs limp. The doctor ran a hand through her hair and muttered something she could not discern.
He unstrapped the other buckle on her right foot, then, dragged her forward so her bottom half was hanging off the edge of the table.
"What're you doin..?" she asked, lifting her head and her eyes widened.
Dr. Xorad did not appear to be as sexless as he appeared. In fact, currently, there was a slit opening–pulsing as she watched him dip his fingers inside, teasing something out while he lowly hissed. She watched as his fingers stroked the inner walls of his slit. It reminded her of her own pussy, wet and pink on the inside.
Instead what emerged was his cock. Long and already hard, completely hairless like the rest of his strange body. One of his hands stroked himself root to tip while the others were positioning her once again.
"Ohh..wait I don't think I can…"
He stood between her legs, rubbing his lubricated cock against her sloppy slit. She whimpered, her eyes rolling back.
"Fuck it…just stick it in," she said plainly. Her body was trembling with anticipation and the aftershocks of her first orgasm.
He grunted in response and nodded. But before he inserted himself inside her, he fingered more of that magic gel inside her pussy and she was whining again. Her pussy pulsed on nothing and she already felt close to orgasm.
He slid inside her in one ruthless motion.
They both groaned out.
"So tight." he hissed, "You already milk my cock."
"Mmmm…" she had no words for him, she was too busy enjoying the ridges of his cock inside her that she hadn't noticed. She bucked when one of those ridges rubbed her g-spot.
He bent over her and began to thrust, out slowly then in hard. Their skin slapped together and she could feel not only the gel mixing with her fluids, but his as well. This moment cemented Sienna as the weakest link.
But if being the weakest link meant getting fucked like this she didn't care. She was ruined. She was addicted to Dr. Zorad's fingers and cock, with–preferably–or without the gel.
She was making an awful keening noise in the back of her throat, a whine that reminded her of a dog begging for a bone. Tears were still trailing down her eyes and she was sure her face was scrunched in the ugliest ways.
Sienna did not think about being sexy for Dr. Xorad, she simply enjoyed what he was giving her and he seemed to have no complaints. In fact, he seemed to be having a wonderful time if the groans above her were any sign.
He lifted her legs, pushing the backs of her thighs so the tops pressed against her belly, her calves rested on his shoulders and Sienna screamed at the deep reach he now had.
"Oh, yes, yes!" she gasped, "Please keep fucking me, doctor!"
He gave her what seemed to be a pained smile, "I don't think that is the problem, pet." she moaned. "It's stopping I fear for." he thrusted, once, twice, three times–and then there was a warm watery liquid being sprayed inside her. She yelped in surprise.
He had cum and given her absolutely no warning.
When she expected him to stop however he didn't. He was still hard and still pounding at her pussy like a madman.
"Mmm, what's happening?" she moaned.
"I..hngf, I am quite built up," he spoke, his brows were furrowed and he was giving her fast shallow strokes now. "I predict I will need to ejaculate 4 times before we can complete this session."
"4 times?" she questioned bewildered, then her back arched and she could feel the familiar ache in her abdomen, "why so many?"
"I cannot fertilize you until I am completely spent," he explained clinically. The air whooshed out of Sienna. She remembered her purpose here. Baby-maker.
"Wait–" she spoke panicked, still breathless any whiny, "You can't do that! I don't want to be pregnant!"
He stroked her cheeks with his top hands, "Calm now, pet." he crooned, "I assure you I will take very good care of you during your gestation."
"But doctor!" she wailed, her legs were locking again and her thighs began to tremble, "I-I don't want–Ah!" she screamed, releasing once again. Pushing his long cock out momentarily before he forced himself back in. He groaned and once again she was filled more with that cool watery substance that leaked out of her along with what she produced.
Sienna's eyes rolled back and all the fight in her had vanished. She was far away from this room now. Far away from Dr. Xorad and only concerned about her aching pussy that still craved another release.
She laid there limply while Xorad kept pushing. Her body jerked, being shifted up and down as he worked above her. She could do nothing but take it.
There was a gentle squeaking sound mixed in with everything as the metal examination table she was on was completely covered in their fluids and her skin was rubbing against the material.
"Nearly there, pet," he murmured. "This will all be over soon."
She wasn't sure if she wanted it to be over.
"Then you can take a nice rest."
Well, that did sound nice considering her eyes were beginning to fall heavy. Of course, she couldn't sleep. But she could do little more than whine and slowly roll her hips to meet Xorad's.
His top hands were squeezing her breasts and teasing at her nipples while his bottom hands gripped her thighs. He did all the moving for her, pulling her back and forth on his cock. She was like his personal fuck toy.
From everything she had heard about the experiment, baby, and assimilation, that statement seemed to be far more accurate than she originally thought.
Another blast of watery liquid flooded through her and she groaned. Dr. Xorad momentarily collapsed atop her. His head resting on her chin. She absently stroked his bald head.
He purred.
"Turn for me," he murmured, seemingly tired in his own right as his voice was turning lazy.
Sienna had no idea what that meant until he was pulling out of her. A gush of fluid came out when was unplugged.
He gently moved her onto her hands and knees and Sienna wasn't so sure she could maintain this position for very long but she had always liked doggy more than missionary so she would try.
"I've seen humans do it this way as well." he says, running a hand over her ass, squeezing it, "Is this suitable for you, pet?"
"Yes…" she sighed, "It's very suitable."
She nearly fell face forward when the examination table began to lower. She looked around and realized Dr. Xorad had pulled a level so his cock could be at an equal level with her hole.
He aligned himself with her, then, slid home. She moaned roughly, backing up against him, impaling herself. She rocked back and forth on his cock and he began to breath heavily.
"This is not how I saw it done," he murmurs.
Sienna moaned, "This is how I like it." she arched and unarched her back, controlling the pace this time. She was steady and a little weaker than usual but she felt more awake now that he was so deeply buried inside her.
"This will be good for insemination," he seemed to be thinking the same thing, "my eggs will be buried deep inside you."
"Shuddap." she slurred. He was ruining the moment for her.
"Hm." he hummed, not seeming to be offended but not amused either.
They moved together.
"Pull on my hair." she murmured, "I like that, and…grip my hips."
Dr. Xorad did exactly as she asked and Sienna moved faster, the alien behind her groaned. Praising her in his hissed language. It made Sienna feel like she was more than mediocre at sex, it made her feel like a pornstar.
She didn't mind fucking an alien so much.
At least not until he started bucking against her and dug his sharp nails into her hips.
"Oh!" she exclaimed.
He growled with a thrust. Moving so fast against her she could barely even feel him inside because of how slick she was. The only thing that told her he was still inside were the ridges that scraped against her inner walls
Finally, something seemed to snap in the doctor, he let out a long drawn-out hiss and he slumped forward. He was pressing against her back as he let out a high whine. He was cumming again, but this time it was not the watery liquid she had grown familiar with.
This time, she filled her up in a completely unnatural way.
She was being inseminated.
It was overwhelming, the eggs he was talking about putting inside her were pulsing in their own right and she could feel them travelling inside of her. They rubbed and scrubbed around her walls and her eyes rolled back as she too slumped forward.
She fell belly first against the table, twitching as she was being impregnated.
"That's it, pet." he slurred, "you're going to be a wonderful host."
Host. Dear god, what had she done?
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weemssapphic · 1 year
You Make Me Feel
Larissa Weems x f!reader
Summary: At 49 years old, Larissa Weems is the principal of Nevermore Academy - a successful career woman whose dominating energy demands respect from everyone she comes into contact with. She is also a virgin. What happens when she finally meets someone who wants to have sex (and so much more) with her?
Words: ~6.6 | ao3 link in title
Content/warnings: virgin!Larissa, internalized homophobia, hurt/comfort, nsfw (sickeningly sweet smut) - cunnilingus, vaginal fingering
A/N: after reading Hot Chocolate on ao3, I couldn't get the idea of virgin Larissa out of my brain so... here we are lmao
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Larissa didn’t really know how it happened - the years had simply passed her by in a blur. She was a studious teenager, scoffing at her horny, unfocused peers. It’s not that she never had the opportunity, per se - there were boys who asked her out, who tried to ‘seduce’ her in that awkward, teenage boy way. They all disgusted her - she would wait until college, she reasoned, where she could find someone more mature.
So she left Nevermore behind for her studies. Here, the men - if they could be called such - were just as crude, just as unappealing. The thought of being touched by any one of them filled her with disgust. 
It wasn’t until her senior year of college, when she found herself smitten with one of her female professors, that she entertained the thought of being anything other than straight. It was a thought that had only crossed her mind once before, when she’d accidentally caught her roommate at Nevermore, Morticia Frump, getting undressed. She’d felt oddly… aroused at seeing the girl’s bare skin - and immediately pushed down those feelings. Larissa Weems was enough of a freak as it was - she didn’t need the label ‘lesbian’ stamped on her as well.
But at the age of 22, Larissa had to admit that it was strange she’d never wanted a boy to touch her. She’d gotten close once, during a heavy drunken make-out session with some boy at a freshman party - before freaking out completely and leaving the poor boy squirming uncomfortably at the edge of the lake. And so, at the age of 22, Larissa finally had to confront her very un-platonic feelings for women.
By the age of 49, she’d gone through all the stages of grief regarding her sexuality: she’d vehemently denied entertaining the very thought of being anything other than straight. She’d been angry, oh so angry - at herself, at the world, at Morticia, at the boy she’d kissed. She’d gone through all the what-ifs: what if she’d made a move on Morticia, what if she hadn’t been so uptight, what if her family had been more accepting. She’d even fallen into a bout of depression, realizing how sad and pitiful she was for being a lonely virgin who hated herself for something she couldn’t change.
She’d finally settled on acceptance. Larissa had accepted that she was a lesbian. But, through all those years, she’d been too busy hating herself and throwing herself into her work to entertain thoughts of actually dating. So now she was 49. And a virgin. And who would want to be with a 49 year old virgin?
Sometimes, Larissa could ignore those thoughts, push them down. Sex and dating aren’t everything, she’d reason. She didn’t need anyone else. She had a successful career that kept her busy enough, after all - it was her dream as a teenager, wasn’t it? 
Some days, though - days like today - it was harder to drown out the lonely, self-pitying thoughts. Days where she had a one-on-one meeting with you, for example. 
As one of the teachers at Nevermore, Larissa found you particularly alluring - everything about you seemed to draw her in, leave her wanting more. You carried yourself with such confidence, you challenged Larissa in ways that both delighted and aroused her. You were kind and chatty, interested in what Larissa had to say - she felt she could talk to you for hours.
And you looked so delicious. In her weakest moments, Larissa imagined how it would feel to have a woman’s hands on her body - and more often than not, it was your hands she pictured, your face that surfaced in her mind as she pleasured herself. She yearned to feel your lips on her own, your body pressed against hers. How delightful it would feel to finally, finally be touched, to finally feel desired.
Today was no different - when you knocked on her office door for the start of your quarterly review, Larissa had to take a moment to compose herself before calling out “come in.” Her breath hitched in her chest as you strode up to her desk, grinning widely and taking a seat across from her.
The review of your performance took no time at all - you were honestly one of her best teachers, well-liked by the staff and the students (even Wednesday Addams had yet to cause an issue in your class). With twenty minutes left of your scheduled meeting time, the two of you began to chat about various, non-school-related subjects. Larissa found herself relaxing more and more, and before she realized what she was doing, she found herself asking if you’d like to join her in her quarters at the end of the day for a glass of wine and a chat.
“Of course, Larissa.” You beamed, sounding eager - was it Larissa’s imagination, or had a faint blush crept up your cheeks?
After agreeing to come by at 7, you took your leave to prepare for your afternoon classes - Larissa walked you to the door, which she leant against as soon as it shut behind you. Oh God, what had possessed her? An entire evening in your presence would be torture for her… 
The worst part, somehow, was the fact that she knew you liked women - you’d brought up an ex-girlfriend once, Larissa had been taking a sip of coffee at the time and had nearly begun to choke. It was entirely plausible that you could… Larissa quickly shook the thought from her head. Even if you returned her affections, surely you’d hightail it out of there the second you found out how little experience Larissa had.
The afternoon passed quickly and soon Larissa found herself nervously pacing the length of her office, smoothing her sweaty palms over her dress to remove non-existent wrinkles.
Your knock sounded for the second time that day, and Larissa jumped at the sound. With a deep breath, she slipped into the persona she’d begun to adopt when dealing with the Mayor and other important figures - authoritative, even slightly seductive. It was the only way she wouldn’t crack under her nerves.
“Hello, darling,” Larissa husked as she opened the door and stepped aside to allow you to enter.
“Hey!” You’d changed out of your clothes from earlier into a low-cut blouse and a short skirt. A pair of simple black heels added two inches to your height, a fact that Larissa couldn’t help but find incredibly alluring. In your hand you held a bottle of Chianti, which you offered to Larissa. “Didn’t wanna come empty-handed,” you added with a nervous giggle.
“Oh…” Larissa’s heart fluttered at the kind gesture. “You didn’t have to.” She accepted the bottle with a grateful smile, hoping her blush wasn’t too obvious.
“I know, I wanted to.” You grinned at her, finally stepping into the office and closing the door behind you. Larissa reached past you to click the lock - and immediately paled as you smirked at her.
“My, my, Principal Weems, trying to trap me here and get me drunk?” you teased. Larissa’s panic must have been evident on her face because you burst into laughter and placed a reassuring hand on her arm - her skin burned at the contact as if it had been branded.
“I-I just don’t want students bursting into my office after hours, I…” Larissa trailed off lamely, unable to focus when your hand was still on her arm. It was so warm, so soft… she found herself imagining that hand on other parts of her body, trailing along her skin…
“Relax, Larissa, it’s okay,” you said, your face softening. “Either way it’s fine by me.”
Either way? Larissa nodded, swallowing thickly and trying to regain her composure. You’d always been very friendly, borderline flirty even, but something about being alone with Larissa outside of school hours seemed to relax you even further.
Larissa took a deep breath. A bit of teasing she could do - she was no stranger to a healthy bit of flirting to get what she wanted. Granted, her heartbeat was a bit more erratic this time, as she was actually attracted to the person across from her. Regardless - a bit of flirting couldn’t hurt. It didn’t have to be more than that.
“Would you like to take this to my quarters?” Larissa purred, plastering a seductive smile on her face and nodding in the direction of a door at the back of her office.
“I would love that.”
Minutes later, you were settled on the couch in Larissa’s living room and she was pouring two generous glasses of wine. She kicked off her heels and made herself comfortable beside you - you followed suit, taking the liberty to scoot just a bit closer. Larissa noticed, quirking an eyebrow - you laughed in response.
“Sorry, too forward?” You were still smiling as you made to shimmy back a bit - Larissa found herself placing a hand on your thigh, stilling your movements.
“You may stay,” she replied airily, grateful you couldn’t pick up on the way her heart was thundering loudly against her ribcage, seconds away from bursting. You placed your hand atop Larissa’s and she took a sip of her wine to mask the blush that was spreading across her face. Out of the corner of her eye, Larissa could see you mirror her movements, bringing your glass up to your mouth and taking a sip, watching her intently over the rim of the glass.
“Didn’t your parents tell you that it’s rude to stare?” Larissa murmured playfully, watching your cheeks go pink.
“No. They didn’t, actually,” you teased, before turning slightly more serious. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just… you’re really beautiful. Just want you to know that.”
Larissa felt butterflies erupt in her stomach and she turned to face you fully - you looked so cute, staring into your wine glass, cheeks pink… It had been so long since Larissa had been called beautiful - she was so careful not to put herself into situations where rejection could be the possible outcome. “Thank you.” You looked up and Larissa smiled.
“I don’t know why you invited me here tonight. I was hoping… Well, I have to confess something, I want to be open with you.”
Larissa could feel her heartbeat in her throat, and she nodded slowly, suddenly becoming aware that her hand was still on your thigh.
“I’m interested in you, Larissa. Now maybe I’m interpreting this all wrong, and if so I’m very sorry - I promise I won’t let it affect our professional relationship. But maybe the feeling is mutual…?”
She could hardly believe her ears. Of course the feeling was mutual. Larissa felt warm and tingly all over, her heart pounding and her head reeling. All she’d ever wanted was suddenly in her grasp  - it was now or never…
Larissa’s eyes flicked down to your lips. Something in her expression must have given her away, for you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers - Larissa was helpless to stop you. It was just as she imagined - better, even. Your lips were soft and warm against hers, gentle - a stark contrast to the boy she’d made out with in college.
You quickly deepened the kiss, licking at Larissa’s lips which she parted almost out of instinct, allowing you to explore her mouth. You tasted of red wine and the lipstick you were wearing - Larissa couldn’t help but let out a soft noise of pleasure as heat pooled in her core. She felt you take her wine glass out of her hand and briefly pull back to set the two glasses on the coffee table - then your lips descended upon hers once more, the kiss quickly gaining intensity.
A wanton groan escaped your throat as you pushed yourself into Larissa - it was a beautiful sound, and Larissa could feel her underwear growing damp. She squeezed her thighs together for some much-needed relief, an action which you immediately noticed. 
“Where’s your bedroom?” you rasped against Larissa’s lips. Her heartbeat stuttered in her chest - this was moving so fast. She wanted to protest but with the way you were looking at her, eyes half-lidded, pupils wide, cheeks flushed - she found she couldn’t summon up the courage to deny you, despite how her stomach began to burn with anxiety.
Instead, she stood and led you to her bedroom, allowing you to guide her backwards onto the mattress. She felt your fingers toy with the zipper of her dress and push it down to pool at her hips - then, suddenly, your lips were everywhere at once. You planted urgent, demanding kisses down her chest, her stomach - your hands caressed the bare skin of her waist. 
These were the touches Larissa had yearned for for so long - your soft fingertips leaving marks on her waist as your warm breath caressed her skin, your lips and tongue and teeth peppering her body with kisses as evidence of your desire. But she wasn’t enjoying them. It was too much, too fast - she was overwhelmed with sensations. The throb between her legs no longer felt pleasant - it felt daunting, dirty even. What would happen when you’d fuck her and notice how skittish she was? What would happen when you’d expect to be pleasured in return and she would, inevitably, fail miserably?
As your lips moved up her body again, Larissa knew she needed to slow this down and confess, before her inexperience became evident and disappointed you. She took a deep breath.
“I don’t have much experience,” Larissa confessed quietly - the words sounded foreign to her ears. She could feel her nerves rising further as she wondered if you would hate her for it, leave immediately and never touch her again - she waited with baited breath to see what you would say.
“A woman like you? I find that hard to believe,” you murmured playfully, your voice low and sultry as you began to trail kisses all along Larissa’s jaw, as your fingers dug into her hips.
You weren’t getting it. Larissa felt, for the umpteenth time in her life, shame well up inside her, warming up her skin and pricking at her eyes. She felt her throat begin to close as panic overtook her body, and she tried to no avail to calm her racing heart with deep breaths as her eyes glazed over with tears.
“Larissa? Larissa?” Everything sounded like she was under water, your voice was so far away. Eventually, she recognized her name and turned to meet your gaze. You were no longer kissing her - you looked down at her in concern, brow furrowed, frowning as your lips sounded out her name.
Larissa took a deep breath to steady herself. She felt foolish for getting so worked up - surely you would think she was some sort of freak. 49 years old and unable to even so much as make out with a woman without having a panic attack.
“Yes?” She tried to sound normal, nonchalant, but her voice betrayed her as it gave out, even on that one syllable.
“Where’d you go? What’s going on up there?”
Your fingers caressed her cheek in a soothing gesture and she allowed her eyelids to flutter shut, leaning into the warmth of your touch. She found herself craving it so, so badly, but she couldn’t allow herself to enjoy it - not when it would surely be the last shred of affection she’d ever receive from you. She stared at the ceiling, a hollow feeling settling in her chest.
“We don’t have to do this, we don’t have to do anything. You know that right?” You shifted off of her, lying on your side to face her and propping yourself up on your elbow. When Larissa failed to meet your gaze, she felt your fingers grip her chin, urging her to face you. “We could just watch a movie or something?”
I don’t want to watch a movie. I want to fuck you. I want to be fucked. I want my body to let me have this. 
Larissa nodded numbly.
You sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Larissa moved as if on autopilot, pulling her dress back up and sliding off the bed, guiding you wordlessly back into her small living room. She gestured to the couch and you took a seat. 
“Would you like something to drink?” she asked, clearing her throat. 
“Just water, thanks.” You offered her a grateful smile, and Larissa winced - she was going to need something stronger than water to get through the evening now, but she didn’t want you to think she was an alcoholic either, so she nodded and padded to the kitchen to grab two glasses of water.
When she returned you were focused on the television, flicking through Netflix. You paused to take one of the glasses out of her hand, careful not to allow your fingers to brush against hers as you did so - Larissa swallowed nervously and averted her eyes, taking a seat next to you - close enough to feel your body heat, but not touching you.
“I feel like Netflix took all the good movies off,” you whined with a slight pout - if Larissa hadn’t been so in her own head, she might have chuckled, finding you quite endearing. “Is there anything you want to watch?”
Larissa felt herself shrug. Her mind was elsewhere, replaying your interactions leading up to now, internally berating herself for letting on that she wasn’t okay. If she’d only been able to play along better… it was something even teenagers did, for fuck’s sake - it shouldn’t be a big deal. If she could just get it over with, then maybe -
“Are you more of a romcom or action kinda gal? Ooh. Maybe you wanna watch a horror movie or something? What about-”
“I’m a virgin.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
You hadn’t heard her. Larissa once again felt the sting of oncoming tears. “I’m a virgin,” she repeated, a bit louder, unable to stop her voice from rising in pitch, eyes trained on the floor in front of her.
The silence that enveloped the two of you was deafening. 
A warm hand was placed on her thigh - she whipped her head around to face you, confusion and insecurity marring her features.
Your own eyes shone with care - Larissa felt her heart pound wildly against her ribcage.
“Thank you for telling me,” you said softly. “I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you earlier - I shouldn’t have moved so fast.” You looked almost ashamed, which confused Larissa further… What were you apologizing for? Clearly she was the one with the issues. She shook her head lightly, a bit dazed.
“No, I’m sorry…” Larissa hesitated, swallowing against the lump in her throat and fighting back tears. “I’ll walk you to the door, we can forget this ever happened.” As she stood, she felt your fingers gently encircle her wrist.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Larissa. You don’t have anything to be ashamed of.”
Larissa scoffed, but she made no move to extricate herself from your grip. Not when your warm fingertips were the only thing that could bring her comfort.
“I’ll leave if you want me to… but I’d rather stay and make sure you’re alright - if that’s okay?”
A part of Larissa was screaming, begging, pleading with her to kick you out so she could do what she always did - drown herself in her own self-pity (and maybe half a bottle of wine) and cry. But when she glanced down at you and saw the worry in your eyes, the adorable little crease between your brows that deepened at whatever you saw in Larissa’s own eyes, she nodded and sat back down.
“Is it… would you rather I not touch you right now?” you asked as you dropped Larissa’s wrist. There was a healthy distance between the two of you on the couch - it couldn’t have been more than a foot or two, but it felt like miles to Larissa, who felt the crushing weight of loneliness descending upon her again as you retracted your fingers.
“You can touch me,” she whispered, ashamed at how desperate she sounded. She felt the couch cushions shift next to her, and soon your warm thigh was pressed against hers - then your hand found her own, intertwining your fingers together. Your skin was so soft, your hand fit so perfectly within Larissa’s that it made her breath hitch in her chest, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of your small, feminine hand clasping her own. She wished her hands weren’t as clammy as they were, but you didn’t seem to mind.
“I hope I didn’t scare you away,” you said timidly. “I really like you and I… I didn’t mean to push you into anything. Fuck, I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I thought…” You trailed off, watching Larissa apprehensively.
“You really like me?” Larissa’s ears had perked up as you’d said it, she figured she must’ve misheard you. You smiled shyly then, and Larissa felt butterflies in her stomach. “Even… even now?”
You let out a low chuckle, giving Larissa’s hand a squeeze. “Even now? Is you being a virgin supposed to change my mind?”
“I’m 49…” Larissa whispered in anguish, her heart constricting in her chest as she realized she was admitting things to you now that she’d never told anyone.
“And? I mean I guess I’m curious why - it can’t be your looks or your personality, because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and you’re so easy to talk to… But it doesn’t bother me or anything.”
Larissa sighed, dropping her gaze to your intertwined hands. When she spoke, it was barely audible. “I was never attracted to men, so I didn’t want them to touch me. I didn’t realize I could be attracted to women until college and by the time I’d come to terms with that… let’s just say I’m certain no one would want to deflower someone in their 40s.”
“I would,” you said with a shrug, so nonchalantly that Larissa whipped her head around to face you. You chuckled at her bewildered expression. “Come on, Larissa. I don’t care about that. I like you as a person and I find you attractive. I want to have sex with you, if you also want to have sex with me. I don’t care how many other people you’ve been with - I really don’t care if the answer to that is zero.”
Larissa took a moment to mull over your words. They sounded almost too good to be true - she never thought she’d find someone who would be so calm, so gentle, so unfazed about the whole thing. And, well, that it just so happened to be the woman she had a crush on… she could feel herself nodding at your words.
“But we don’t have to have sex if you don’t want to. Obviously.”
“I want to,” Larissa said firmly, if a little too quickly - it made you smirk, and her cheeks turned scarlet.
“We’ll go at your pace then.” You brought Larissa’s hand up to your lips and pressed a tender kiss to her knuckles. The soft brush of your lips made a rush of heat pool in Larissa’s abdomen. “Only what you’re comfortable with. And if you want to stop, we stop. I want you to have fun, Larissa. I want this to be good for you.”
“Thank you,” Larissa whispered. The smile she received in return was blinding, and her heart felt just a smidge lighter. 
“Do you want me to leave for tonight?”
Larissa shook her head no. You snuggled into her side and picked up the abandoned remote again, flicking through a few more options before finally settling on Carol - Larissa felt herself slowly begin to relax as the film started.
A few minutes into the movie, Larissa felt your fingers begin to trace absent-minded patterns on her knee. She shivered at the touch - she could feel herself start to get worked up. She wondered if there was any way to salvage the evening - her attraction to you had only grown through your show of empathy, and maybe now that you knew her secret, her body could feel safe enough to let go.
Larissa turned towards you - your head was resting against her shoulder, it would be so easy to just lean in and-
You turned your head and met her gaze. “Now look who’s staring,” you teased. Larissa’s eyes were glued to your lips as you spoke. You were such a good kisser, you tasted so good. She leaned forward, focused on her goal - your lips curled into a smile as you leaned in as well. Larissa’s eyes fluttered shut the moment your lips met and she let out a breathy moan. You didn’t deepen the kiss - you simply pressed your lips to hers, humming and gently cupping her face in your hands.
Larissa felt emboldened by your gentleness - she parted her lips slightly to lick at yours. You opened your mouth for her, allowing her to explore your mouth before gently flicking your tongue against hers. She felt a mad fluttering in her abdomen at the deepening of the kiss, a little whimper escaping her throat at all of the sensations once again flooding her body.
Pulling back once she’d run out of air, Larissa rested her forehead against yours. Your hot, heavy breaths mingled with her own, her skin tingled with electricity.
“I want to try this again,” she whispered resolutely.
“Really?” You pulled back, your eyes flicking between hers. Your expression was a mixture of concern and excitement, and Larissa nodded.
You stood, extending a hand for Larissa to take and helping her up.
This time you climbed onto the bed first, settling against the pillows and waiting for Larissa. She followed suit, lying down next to you and pressing a hesitant kiss to your lips. She could feel the affection and tenderness with which you kissed her back and quickly relaxed, allowing her hands to rest on your waist and tugging you closer. You wound your arms around her and held her tightly - she felt safe in the minutes that you spent making out, heat slowly building within her.
Larissa froze as your fingers played with the zipper of her dress, her breath quickening. Noticing the change, you removed your hand and sat back on the balls of your feet.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked - there was no judgment detectable in your voice, only sweetness and worry. “Yes, I am, I’m sorry.” Larissa took a deep breath, trying to relax again.
“What if I got undressed first?”
She considered for a moment - yes, perhaps that would make her feel less vulnerable. She nodded and you began to unbutton your blouse.
“May I?” she asked. You smiled and dropped your hands, shimmying a bit closer. She unbuttoned the blouse the rest of the way, pupils dilating as it fell away from your front to reveal your lace-clad breasts. You slid the blouse from your arms and reached behind yourself, unclasping your bra and tossing it aside - your breasts jiggled slightly as you did so, and Larissa felt her mouth go dry.
Shimmying your hips, you slid your skirt down your legs and tossed it aside, before doing the same with your underwear. There you sat, completely naked, thighs parted slightly to reveal the wetness that glistened between your legs. Larissa’s own pussy throbbed with desire at the sight - she felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria at the fact that you were so aroused, in spite of everything that had transpired that evening.
“All for you,” you purred seductively, smirking as you noticed Larissa’s eyes glued to your cunt. Larissa snapped her gaze up to meet yours and you leaned forward again, pressing a soft kiss to her lips as your fingers once again found her zipper and began to drag it down. She moved her body accordingly so you could slide the dress down her body - nodding as you cocked your head in question when the dress pooled at her hips. You slipped her out of the dress completely, then crawled up her body and settled next to her, toying with the clasp of her bra. 
“You can take it off,” she whispered, almost amused at how fast you complied. 
The hunger with which your eyes roved over her torso, drinking in the milky expanse of her soft stomach, the swell of her breasts, her pink nipples that slowly hardened at the chill in the air - it felt like a drug to Larissa. She’d never had anyone look at her like that - no one had ever seen her naked in such a context, and she felt her chest flush.
Part of her wanted to cross her arms over her chest, her anxiety rising at the unabashed attention - but then you lowered your mouth to her right nipple and gently soothed your tongue over the bud, and her brain short-circuited.
Arching her back off the bed, Larissa let out a strangled, breathy sound - your tongue on her nipple felt like velvet, divine and soothing, and it sent tingles down her spine. Then she felt you roll her other nipple between your fingers and groaned - it was a filthy sound, and her hand shot up immediately to cover her mouth.
Your tongue stilled and you looked up at her with a smile. “No, I want to hear you. That was a very pretty sound you made.” Larissa blushed, removing her hand from her mouth. Your tongue resumed its ministrations, slowly causing the small, pink bud to harden, and Larissa whimpered at the shocks of pleasure that originated behind her navel and rippled outwards in waves.
“Does it feel good when I do that?” you murmured, moving your mouth from one breast to the other, and Larissa nodded fervently.
“Please, keep going,” she breathed, a tightness coiling in her abdomen as your hand joined your tongue to knead at the soft flesh of her breast.
Once you’d showered each of her breasts in ample attention, your lips began trailing down her stomach - much gentler this time, much slower. Larissa almost felt embarrassed at how her body was reacting, how excited she seemed to be getting, as your lips left a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“Can I take these off?” You toyed with the waistband of Larissa’s underwear - she paused for a moment, before finally nodding again.
Your fingers brushed against her skin as you tugged her underwear down her legs, then settled between them. With you suddenly this close to her pussy, Larissa began to worry whether she should have shaved. She felt her nerves rising again as she waited for you to tell her how disgusting you found her - then she felt your lips begin to press reverent kisses to the little curls, as if you could sense her anxiety and were trying to reassure her that it was okay.
“Is it okay if I use my mouth?” you asked sweetly. Her eyes widened and her face suddenly felt hot - you were being so considerate, asking all these questions, making sure she was okay with everything, and Larissa wished you didn’t have to do that - she wished she could just be okay with whatever you wanted to do to her.
“I’m sorry, this must be terribly tedious,” she mumbled, her voice dripping with insecurity that, in any other context, she simply did not possess - she hated herself for it right now, and she was unable to meet your gaze because of it. A light slap to her thigh shocked her into looking at you, however. You frowned up at her from between her legs. “Hey. Don’t say that. Making love to you isn’t a chore, Larissa. I want this. So bad. And I want you to enjoy yourself as much as I am. Understood?”
“Yes,” she replied, breathless at your display of dominance.
“Good girl.” Larissa let out an involuntary moan - she had never considered that she would enjoy being called a ‘good girl’, but she couldn’t help the way her cunt throbbed at your words. “So. Is it okay if I use my mouth? Or do you want to stop?”
“N-no, I don’t want to stop… you can use your mouth.” 
You beamed up at her, before carefully hooking one of her legs over your shoulder - Larissa could feel herself being spread open at the action.
Soft lips began littering her inner thighs with gentle kisses. Larissa tried her best to stay still, not to squirm - but when your mouth finally met her cunt, your tongue slowly trailing up her slit, she couldn’t help but buck her hips into your face.
A soft groan left her lips when she felt your tongue flick against her clit - she was so sensitive, and the touch was so different than when she pleasured herself - it made every hair on her body stand on end. Your lips closed around the sensitive bundle of nerves, sucking gently and drawing little whimpers from Larissa’s throat as her back arched. She felt herself quickly getting lost in the sensation.
“Does this feel good?” you murmured, pulling back for a moment.
“Y-yes,” Larissa panted - her breathing was already beginning to get heavier.
“If anything doesn’t feel good, if you don’t like it, tell me, okay?”
Larissa hummed and you began licking at her folds, gathering her juices on your tongue and letting out a loud moan of delight. “Fuck, you taste amazing.” Larissa couldn’t help but blush again, but her embarrassment was forgotten the second your tongue circled her clit. She shut her eyes and tried to focus on relaxing.
She found herself unsure what to do with her hands - she briefly brought them to your head, then fisted at the sheets next to her. Then she felt something brush against them and opened her eyes to see your own hands blindly reaching out and grabbing for hers. She intertwined your fingers, her heart leaping in her chest as you gave her hands a squeeze.
The coil in Larissa’s stomach was tightening by the second. She felt herself growing more comfortable with every passing minute, allowing unfiltered moans to pass her lips, spurred on by the noises you were making - the breathy groans, the wet sound of your tongue lapping at her folds. When you gently circled her entrance, she couldn’t help but whine and buck her hips.
“C-can you go inside?” she asked quietly, rolling her hips against your face. You groaned in response, slowly pushing your tongue into her hole. Larissa’s walls fluttered against your tongue and she let out a guttural moan. 
“Good girl,” you purred between thrusts of your tongue. “You’re doing so well for me, love.”
Larissa could feel herself getting closer, her thighs trembling - she tried to keep her legs open but the next thrust of your tongue caused her to snap them shut around your head.
Slowly she began to unravel, her release cresting like a wave as you alternated between teasing her hole and sucking her clit. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she lost herself completely in the feeling of ecstasy overwhelming her body.
She felt your tongue soothe over her folds, then her thighs, lapping up the evidence of her orgasm. You gave her hands a gentle squeeze, before gently extracting your fingers from her grip and crawling up her body. Larissa’s eyes were still closed when she felt your lips on her own. At your tongue’s insistence she parted her lips, whining at the taste of herself as you licked into her mouth.
When you pulled back and cupped her cheek, Larissa opened her eyes. She was almost shocked at the sheer amount of affection and adoration that swirled in your pupils as you searched her face - it made her heart flutter in her chest.
“How was it?”
Larissa hesitated - what was she supposed to say to that? It was everything I’ve ever wanted and more, because it was with you… She buried her face in the crook of your neck and sighed, inhaling the scent of sweat and your sweet perfume on your skin.
“Really good, darling,” is what she settled for as she contentedly nuzzled her nose into your pulse point. She felt your arms wind around her and allowed herself to be held as her breathing slowed. A chaste kiss was pressed to the crown of her head and she smiled against your skin. 
You shifted next to her, wrapping your legs around hers, and Larissa could feel your slick rub against her thigh. Tentatively, Larissa allowed her hand to trail down your bare waist, over the swell of your hip. She could feel you shiver against her as her fingertips brushed against your mound.
Larissa reached between your thighs and pulled back to get a look at your face - you watched her intently, pupils blown, lips parted to let out shaky breaths. Slowly, Larissa spread your folds with her fingers, gasping as she felt how wet you were. She gathered some of your juices on her fingertips and massaged them over your swollen clit, enraptured by the soft moan you let out, the way your eyes fluttered shut and your hips twitched seemingly of their own accord.
With your eyes closed, Larissa allowed herself to admire your beauty, the way you gave in to her touches. She touched you the way she normally touched herself, and it seemed to please you - your face was gorgeously flushed, the most obscene noises slipping from between your swollen lips. When you arched your back, Larissa’s eyes fell to your nipples, hardened with arousal. She lowered her mouth to your breast, flattening her tongue and soothing it over the pink bud, drawing a moan from your chest.
“Bite,” you murmured. Larissa paused, glancing up at your face - then felt your hands on the back of her head, pushing her into your chest. She licked your nipple once more, before grazing her teeth against it and gently biting. 
“Fuck, just like that,” you mewled, and Larissa bit down again, the heat within her own body building at the string of obscenities dripping from your lips.
You rolled your hips against her hand as she continued to stroke your clit. She felt your fingers encircle her wrist, guiding her to your dripping hole. “Two fingers,” you instructed breathily.
Larissa complied, first pushing in one, then two fingers, inadvertently biting down on your nipple again as she felt your walls draw her fingers in. She curled her fingers, experimenting with the pace of her thrusts until she heard your breathing stutter.
“Shit, you’re so good at this,” you praised, your thighs beginning to shake and the rolling of your hips becoming more and more erratic. Your face contorted with pleasure as you rode Larissa’s fingers - she felt your cum drip down her hand as you tensed around her, then you sighed and relaxed into the mattress.
Larissa sat up, pulling her fingers out of your cunt - the needy mewl that left your lips caused a shiver to run down her spine. Your eyes met hers, full of affection and desire, and she felt emboldened - she brought her fingers up to her mouth and licked them clean, moaning at the taste. It was intoxicating - she knew she could get addicted to that taste.
“C’mere,” you murmured, holding your arms open for Larissa. She settled into them, slinging an arm around your bare waist and tugging you closer. You pressed a kiss to her lips. “That-” kiss “felt-” kiss “incredible” kiss. 
Larissa felt herself blushing at your compliment - she couldn’t have asked for a better experience for her first time. It might have come some twenty years later than she’d hoped for, but if it meant she could be here with you right now, your fingertips tracing soothing patterns on her back, your breath tickling her cheek - she’d wait those twenty years all over again.
“I’m glad it was you, you know,” she whispered.
“I’m glad, too,” you whispered back, a gentle smile tugging at your lips.
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speedybeta · 6 months
Being the sixth member of Beta squad
PART 2 , MASTERLIST 𖦹ׂ 𓈒 / ⋆ ۪
A/n This was inspired by another post I saw so if it sounds like I'm copying I'm not I just got inspired by them. The reader is female in this. Also sorry if this doesn't sound accurate I tried my best. There's nothing romantic in this I view this as a platonic post but you could view it however you want. Sorry if this is cringe
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Let's say you joined beta squad when it first started. Maybe you know Sharky for a long time and we're introduced to the others then instantly clicked
At first you were hesitant when you were invited to join. But you made the decision to join, which changed your life forever
They weren't friends they were family to you
They'd always look out for you like you were their little sister
You had a bond with each and one of them. You would hang out off camera and talk to them whenever
So much teasing
If you're the youngest they'd sometimes joke about it regarding the age
If you're shorter than AJ you both get teased and made fun of
If you're taller, my gosh AJ would be an absolute joke of the group for being shorter than you
They are all overprotective and view you as a little sister. They want you to be safe and want what's best for you
Maybe they had a little crush on you before..
Being close friends with Nella, Darkest and Filly. You all are good friends
You and Chunkz are the duo who cooks with each other.
You, Kenny, and Sharky being the duo in the jungle video that makes the video 10x entertaining
Niko and you are absolutely hilarious together and people fear you both for your pranks and the type of content you both make
You and Aj being the ones who get teased the most
But you and AJ sometimes have a violation battle over the stupidest things
Your Kenny's number one support. You'd work out with him and keep him company during his training and encourage him
Chunkz and you are super loud and chaotic. But he sometimes brings you around to his family dinners and lets you hang out with his family
Sharky's sisters love you. I imagined you doing Shakira's makeup on stream before
Also feel like AJ is more comfortable with you and will sometimes hug you (like in the mukbang video where he was hugging Chunkz when Sharky was laughing at him almost drowning )
They'd never do anything without you
They would never admit it but they're your biggest supporters and would give you their honest opinions about decisions you make
They definitely would try to be annoying commenting rude things on your Instagram posts
Them being rude to you as a joke but fans take it seriously and make dramatic edits about it. (Just like the AJ edits but 10x dramatic)
When you all lived together you would always cook for them so they wouldn't always order take out everyday
They loved your cooking and sometimes show up to your house uninvited just for you to cook for them
Unless you're a bad cook, I could imagine you attempting to cook but end up burning the food. Which leads to them making fun of you for it and it becomes a huge joke
You and Harry pinaro having the worst relationship ever to the point where people actually think you two hate each other
You two don't get along (I love/hate Harry)
In the weakest link videos I feel like you'd get the hardest questions since everyone knows you have the most intelligence out of all of them
Sometimes when a person collaborates with the channel and they end up flirting and the boys would either tease or get weirded out
I feel like they'd tease depending on the person
If it was stormzy, KSI, or anyone else they'd definitely get weirded out by it
If it was Trent they'd tease you about it till the day you die. They'd bring it up in almost every sports related conversation or video.
You being the mom of the group and making sure everyone is okay. You'd text them everyday to make sure they're doing fine
Since you're a fan favorite and have good video ideas, they like to hear your opinion in videos since you're actually smart and your videos get a lot of views.
Chunkz gets jealous over the fact your Smarter than him
Unless your dumb
you win come dine with me and Niko gets absolutely so upset that you won over him. He accused you of cheating and supposedly hiring someone to cook the meals you made
Them calling you for advice before dates and advice about girls in general. They come to you when they need help with any life situations since they know they could trust you
(Niko definitely would ask u advice if his girlfriend ever got mad at him)
Speaking of his girlfriend, you two are best friends.
if you ever got in a relationship they'd do a full integration on them
They want what's best for you. They have to know what type of person you're dating and need to know if they're treating you right. It's their job to make sure their friend is happy and in a healthy relationship. Especially if you're like a sister to them
If you're ever feeling down they do anything to try to make you laugh or brighten up your mood
Imagine filming the box video with amp
You leaving the box after AJ left since you landed on leave the box. But you genuinely felt like Niko had a better chance at winning since he won the first one
But if one of the amp members flirts with you they'd get weirded out and annoyed because everyone knows how amp is (love amp though especially Chris & agent)
I don't say they would be jealous, they just feel like they should protect you from getting your heart broken
Or maybe they do get jealous (up to you to decide)
In the cooking video for amp channel let's say you and Duke teamed up (sorry filly)
Duke is Duke so obviously he flirted with you trying to get your number and use his cringe "rizz" on you
But before the video, you, Chris, and Davis had a conversation. You gave them advice, out of all the amp members they connected with you the most
But the amp cook off was chaotic especially with you
You actually tried for half the challenge before giving up and just having fun. It was better to just entertain the viewers instead of actually trying to win
You decided to annoy everyone by moving their stuff
I imagine you, aj, fanum, and Niko get in an argument and start throwing flour each other
you and Duke losing which leads to you threatening the person who switched out everyone's cakes
you and Niko both manage the beta squad Instagram and tiktok since you know all the popular trends
Even though everyone is behind Instagram and tiktok, you are mostly the one posting on it, and the one who replies to comments
Niko and you are both know for being menaces and immature. Especially when you two are filming together, you both make the most craziest pranks. Your friendship with him is so adorable and wholesome. You both always joke around and add on to each other's jokes to make it more funny. Always having laugh attacks with him.
You and Chunkz are literally the duo who randomly burst into a song together. You two both send songs to each other and both show a huge interest in music. I like to imagine you and Chunkz going on a drive or just hanging out to sing to music. You two also know a lot of people and are the ones who know a lot of celebrities. You two are the ones who message famous people to Collab with the Beta squad.
You and AJ love hating on each other, even though he'll leave positive messages on your Instagram to be funny, he bashes you and insults you at the same time. It's a bit confusing at times to tell if you're completing each other or insulting. But you two never get offended and know when to stop.
Man, you and Kenny have such a bond. You were his biggest supporter during his Boxing matches and Practices. If you love to work out or get exercise, you both go to the gym together or you'll go on diets with him so he won't be alone. He always goes to you for advice on girls. You two laugh at the random things and can't take anything serious. You and him always are always whispering things to each other during filming.
Sharky and you are known to laugh so hard where you can't even breathe. You two laugh in serious situations and always look at each other before bursting out laughing. He likes to drag you outside for a walk and just listen to music with each other. Similar to Chunkz, he sends you songs that he thinks you'll like.
overall the boys are grateful for you and everything you've done for them. You're like family to them. They all love you. They are family, not just a friend group to you. They love you and always will.
━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━
Note: Uhm so I'm working on a Niko agnst fic so please give me ideas for it because I'm kinda concerned on if it isn't good enough
I hope this is good!! I tried my best 😭 I had fun writing this since I wish for a friend group like them and always imagined what it would be like to be in the beta squad. I might make a part two but idk yet 💚 I kinda rushed the ending and put random things down. Lmk if I should add something or you have any suggestions or headcanons I should make
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fuckingstrange · 29 days
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Just me and you, Alone.
WARNINGS: Spencer has Scopophobia, Fear of being watched, Spencer links it to Schizophrenia, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Many Many Worries, so so stressed, Kissing, Non-sexual pinning(?), Ulcer mentioned one (1) time bc Spencer's gonna end up with one if he doesn't relax, BETA-READ + EDITED BY @ralvezfanatic UR WORK IS APPRECIATED TYSM???? WORDS: idk 700+
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (Might be M but I forgot I apologize so much)
a/n: ANYONE KNOW THAT ONE SONG?? ITS ALL LIKE "Just me and you and you and me alone, we're just playing hide n seek"— OR SMT SMT?? MY STEP SISTER PLAYED IT IN THE CAR AND I CAN'T FUCKINGING REMEMBER THE NAME
Spencer just got done showering after a long and boring paperwork day, daring to peek his head out of the bathroom to look around the bedroom. You're still cuddled up in his bed reading, the bedroom door is still locked, and the blinds are shut. Good. Just how he likes it.
He steps out of the bathroom, wearing a simple white tee with cliché blue and white striped pajama pants. Oddly enough, he had bought them for you, but wears them much more than you get to.
He speedwalks to the bed and climbs in, sliding under the covers with you to hide away. The book you were reading gets taken from your hands and set down on the end table so he can push himself into your arms, which is done easily from a lack of refusal.
You pull the covers up to his shoulders and slide down to properly lie on your side with Spencer, an arm draped over his waist and the other curled beneath him to cup the back of his head. You notice that it's harder to soothe him by being held than it was a few months ago, and it makes you wonder if he's starting to struggle again.
Moving the arm from his waist to push it beneath his shirt, to glide your open palm over his back in an attempt at helping guide him into relaxing a bit more, he tenses and hides his face in your shoulder. Your worry only worsens at the response, and you lean in close to whisper in his ear, “What's up with you?”
Getting the usual stumbled response of “Nothing, I'm- I'm just tired,” makes you pull back from him to force him to look up at you.
“.. Uhm, bullshit? I'm not stupid, Spencer.” You huff, gently squeezing his side to try and prompt him to tell the truth.
Spencer squirms when you squeeze his side, hesitantly reaching down to guide your hand out from beneath his shirt, but not letting it stray far from him otherwise. He sighs before trying to cover with “I'm just not feeling well”.
Now, there's some truth to that, but it's not what you want. A small glare finally gets him to speak up and admit, in the weakest tone you've ever probably heard, “I'm.. scared?”
“.. Scared of what?” Is your first question, but he doesn't even have to verbally tell you for you to understand through the recent months of behaviors. Constantly needing to double check if the doors are locked, always keeping the blinds shut, always wanting to hide beneath the covers when in bed.
He feels like people are looking, watching from afar. He's paranoid.
“..I just feel like.. there's eyes on me, like I'm being watched. It's- It's a phobia, scopophobia, and- and it has links to schizophrenia that just make me feel worse about it,” Spencer starts to ramble, and you only stop him when you notice the tears prodding at the corners of his eyes.
Cupping his face and brushing the tears out of his eyes has him stopping mid sentence. He just told you he thinks this is a symptom, and you're still caring enough to wipe away his tears? That just makes even more flow down his cheeks.
“I promise you, nobody is looking but me.” You whisper before kissing his forehead, pulling it to rest against yours afterwards.
Spencer freezes up at the kiss to his forehead, only a shaky breath slipping past his lips. His mind runs wild trying to make sense of why you dare love him when he fears he'll end up like his mother, but all those thoughts shut down when your lips press against his.
It's a soft graze, barely felt, but it's there. It encourages him to lean into you while tugging the covers up even further, wanting to make sure he's hidden. He adjusts them to allow you to roll on top of him when he feels you pushing on his shoulder to get him on his back.
You settle yourself on your forearms to hover over him, pulling back from the kiss when you feel him pull the covers all the way up to your shoulders to allow him to be completely caged in them. The way he looks up at you is almost heartbreaking, the look of vulnerability is almost heartbreaking. God, you feel so worried about him sometimes. He's gonna give himself an ulcer if he keeps stressing himself out this much.
Lowering your head to kiss him again, you rest your bodyweight down on his as well. Only then does he finally relax.
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mymoodwriting · 8 months
Omega!Reader x Werewolf!NCT
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Violence, Physical Violence, Burns, Kidnapping, Magic, Shape-Shifting, Sedatives, Anxiety, Stalking
Words: 3.1K
Chapter Four
(Prev//Next) (@peanutpinet @starillusion13)
Prompt: By removing the weakest link, werewolves were able to grow far more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. They lived in peace knowing they were top of the food chain. That is until a certain pack made an unbelievable discovery, causing them to question their past, present, and future. Omegas aren’t supposed to exist anymore, but they couldn’t deny the fact they had found one.
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“What happened to y/n?”
“I… I don’t know.”
As soon as Taeyong got back to the house he called out to the others. Everyone rushed over in a panic, gathering in the living room, although confusion settled in when they noticed the cub in his arms.
“What do we do?” Jaehyun asked. “How do we fix this?”
“I’m not sure.” Taeyong admitted. “She said her master was coming and then this happened.”
“A witch wouldn’t dare to come into werewolf territory without permission.” Sicheng stated. “Could another pack have done this?”
“No one really knows about y/n. And none of us are capable of this type of magic.”
“So what do we do?”
“The only thing we can.” Taeyong said. “Jisung, Chenle, get some of y/n’s belongings and go to the elders. Tell them we have an omega.”
“What!?” Chenle questioned. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, now go!”
The two were confused but then rushed off to do as they were told. The others were confused though, and worried.
“Are you insane!” Ten yelled. “If the elders find out about her we’re all gonna be in trouble.”
“That’s the least of our problems right now. If a witch is coming we need to prepare.”
“We can handle a witch.” Jeno said. “It’d be one against twenty-one.”
“Have you ever fought a witch?” Renjun questioned. “Cause none of us have, and I doubt it’d be easy even if it was all of us against one.”
“Our priority is to keep y/n safe.” Kun reminded. “So what we’re gonna do-”
A sudden crashing sound caught all their attention, followed by all the windows in the house shattering. Taeyong held you close to his chest, wanting to shield you from everything. Once things settled they all looked around for the source, and then they heard footsteps. The crash sound was the front door, and now someone was walking in. Soon enough the intruder came into view, standing at the opposite end of the hall.
“Apologies, but you have something of mine.” The intruder stated. “So just hand over my familiar, and I’ll be on my way.”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“The cub in your hands is my familiar. Now hand them over.”
“I won’t ask again.”
Fire ignited from the intruder’s hands, many of the boys snarling and baring their fangs. As much as Taeyong wanted to avoid a fight, it seemed that wasn’t going to happen.
“Taeyong?” Doyoung questioned. “What do we do?”
“We protect our pack.”
Those closest to the intruder roared and shifted, storming down the hall. A few others ran behind them with their claws drawn. Taeyong and the rest made their way out through the back door, needing to get some distance. There wasn’t really much of a plan. Werewolves haven’t fought witches in a long time. They were far stronger than their ancestors but Taeyong was more focused on protecting you. There were still so many things he didn’t understand, and he certainly wasn’t going to hand you over to some random witch. He needed help, and he could only think of going to one place.
Although just as he feared the witch caught up to them. A blast of energy knocked them all off their feet, but Taeyong was quick. He managed to land on his feet and keep running, only to be met with a fireball hitting him in the back. Taeyong stumbled to the ground, doing his best to shield you. He tried to get back up when he had his senses back but he was kicked in the face and wound up in agony as his burn mark was poked by the forest floor. He could only watch as the witch picked you up and coddled you. To his annoyance it seemed you were finally waking up and he didn’t like this at all.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long.”
You whimpered and opened your eyes, surprised to see a familiar face. You were so happy, wanting to say something when you realized you were in your wolf form, but not just that, you were incredibly small. Your master had always been able to change your size when you were a wolf, and you knew they liked to turn you into cub since they could carry you with ease. You whined happily, pressing your nose up against their neck.
“Let’s go home.”
“Not gonna happen.”
Taeyong gathered his strength and lunged at the witch. He wasn’t expecting to tackle them to the ground, but he got close enough to claw at their feet and cut into their ankle. He also didn’t hesitate to bite their leg.
“Ah! You fuck!”
“That is enough!”
A booming voice startled the two fighting, causing them to freeze. Jisung and Chenle had returned with two older gentlemen in tow. Taeyong knew who they were, but it seemed that the witch did too. Before he could speak and explain himself the other spoke first.
“Apologies for the intrusion. I am merely here to get back what was taken from me.”
“And what would that be?”
“My familiar.”
“The cub in your hands?”
“Yes. She’s a wolf, and my familiar.”
“So you say. I’m not quite happy with this intrusion, but I shall give the chance to explain how you came to be here today, witch.”
“Elder Suho, please, she’s not his familiar, she-”
“Silence.” Suho growled. “Now go on.”
“I do apologize for this intrusion, it was not my intention. A few weeks ago my familiar and I were attacked by hunters. We got separated while making our escape. I tried to find them with a locator spell, but nothing came up. I feared the worst until I got a hit. My spell pointed to the edge of your territory. Of course entering this place was not my first idea, so I searched the surrounding area to no avail. I cast the spell again and came up empty, but then it pointed to the outskirts of your territory once again. After some deliberation I made the decision to step into your territory and I immediately felt a connection to my familiar.”
“So your little wolf was here the whole time. That doesn’t explain why you attacked my pack members.”
“I was hoping to find my familiar and leave without incident. Unfortunately your pack members refused to return my familiar to me, so things got complicated.”
“I see.”
“It’s no issue to repair the damage I have done, and I do apologize for this, but I would just like to take my familiar and leave now.”
“He’s lying!” Taeyong spat. “He attacked us! But most importantly, she’s not a wolf! She’s an omega! She’s one of us, not some familiar! You know I’m telling the truth, my pack mates gave you her belongings, you know her scent-”
Suho raised his hand to invoke silence. “I’m well aware of your claim, Taeyong. But there is only one way to know for sure. Witch, what is your name?”
“Well then, Seungcheol. If you would hand over your familiar for a moment, and then you can be on your way.”
“And if I refuse?”
“You’re already on thin ice for entering my territory without permission and injuring my pack members. Now hand over the cub.”
“No? And why is that?”
“Because I don’t trust any of you.”
“The feeling is mutual. If the cub in your hand was truly a wolf, you wouldn’t be denying my request. So, care to explain how it is that an omega is your familiar?”
“I’m afraid I can’t give you the answers you want.”
“How come?”
“Because I don’t know everything. It would be in your best interest to speak to the elders of my coven before you do anything rash.”
“Is that so?”
“I will personally escort you, but I am not handing over my familiar.”
“She’s not yours!” Taeyong yelled. “She’s an omega! A werewolf, and she’s part of my pack!”
“You kidnapped her!” Seungcheol snapped. “If not for you I would have found her weeks ago!”
“She would be dead if we hadn’t found her!”
“My familiar? She is connected to me and my magic, she would have healed and survived on her own!”
“Enough!” Suho stated. “I don’t like this situation, but given the peace witches and werewolves have maintained over the decades I am willing to speak to your elders before making any sort of decision”
“Suho, you can’t be serious.” Taeyong pleaded. “She’s one of us, she recognizes me as her alpha!”
“She does?”
“Yes, yes, I can prove it.”
“That’s a lie.” Seungcheol cut in. “She only listens to you out of fear. You’ve kept her prisoner here for weeks!”
“She’s part of my pack!”
“Then why don’t we ask her?”
Seungcheol’s eyes glowed white for a moment and then you were sitting on the ground in your half-shifted form. It took a second for you to adjust to your limbs, but once you had your head on straight you jumped up to hug Seungcheol.
“Master!” You exclaimed gleefully. “You’re alive, you’re okay.”
“Yes, I’m alright. I’m glad you are too.”
“I was so worried…”
“You know it’s not that easy to kill me.”
“She has ears and a tail.” Suho commented. “Why is that?”
“I don’t know.” Seungcheol admitted. 
“There’s a lot you don’t know. So then, little wolf, do you recognize Taeyong as your alpha?”
“I… I don’t understand the question…”
“Tell me what happened.” Seungcheol said. “How did you end up here with these werewolves?”
“Uh… well, they said they found me in their territory and took me in. They helped heal my wound and told me I could stay with them while I figured out my next move. I was thinking of staying with them until I felt your connection again and realized you were alive. I wanted to go find you but…”
“Taeyong didn’t want me to leave…”
“How come?”
“He… he said it was dangerous, and that I was part of his pack…”
“Are you part of his pack?”
“No, I’m your familiar. I want to go with you, master.”
“I know. I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”
“You’ve raised her with quite a delusion.” Suho mentioned. “Although she isn’t at fault.”
“What?” You questioned. “Master, what is he talking about?”
“There is something that I need to tell you.”
“No, no I’m not an omega, that’s not true.”
“Y/n, there’s more to this. I’ll explain it later.”
“What do you mean? It’s not true! It can’t be.”
“Sh, it’s gonna be alright, I promise.”
You were freaking out. The last few days had been a nightmare, and having your master here meant it was finally over. Yet to hear him say what everyone else had been telling you, it made your heart sink. It really couldn’t be true. Everything that had happened before could be explained away one way or another, but this, it hurt like you had been stabbed in the heart.
Seungcheol gave you a smile and leaned forward to press a kiss to your head. You felt his touch and began to feel dizzy, your world quickly fading to black. You collapsed into Seungcheol’s arms, passed out. He gently brushed some hair out of your face and then used his power to turn you back into a cub, keeping you in his arms.
“She has no interest in your pack.”
“There is still much to discuss.” Suho said. “Repair what you’ve damaged, and then let us get going.”
“I’m coming too.” Taeyong stated. “I’ve been looking after her and she’s part of my pack! I deserve answers too.”
“She’s not part of your pack.” Seungcheol snapped. “You heard-”
“Fine.” Suho interrupted. “A few of your pack mates may come along. That’s not a problem is it?”
“Only a handful.”
“Very well, Xiumin.” Suho turned to the other at his side who had been silent all along. “I’ll leave you to look after the pack in my absence. There shouldn’t be trouble.”
“You’ll be taking the trouble with you.” Xiumin commented. “I’ll take care of everyone here and check in with the other packs to make sure this is contained.”
“Good. Hopefully I won’t be gone long.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I’m worried. This raises a lot of questions, but I’m uncertain of many things right now.”
“Let me know before you make a decision.”
“We make those together. I’ll return and brief you on everything.”
“Alright. I’ll wait for you.”
Seungcheol kept his word, healing those around him, and making his way back to the house. Everyone else followed. In order to keep you close he summoned a sling, tucking you in and keeping you on his chest. He was well aware that Taeyong’s eyes were glued to him, to you specifically. He did his best to ignore the stares as he repaired the house. No one liked the fact that he had you so close, and unconscious. They had gathered to talk, always glancing his way.
“Why does he have her?” YangYang growled.
“Cause that’s what he came for.” Doyoung said. “He’s not really going to take her, is he?”
“I don’t know.” Taeyong admitted. “Y/n is an omega, that witch confirmed it, but things are not quite what they seem. Suho will be going with the witch to speak with their elders about this. But only some of us can go with them.”
“And?” Mark questioned. “What then?”
“I don’t know… but I’m not letting y/n go.”
Taeyong made the decision to have Johnny, Yuta, Ten, Xiaojun, and Jeno come along with him, the rest would remain home and would behave themselves. They’d all do their best to keep in contact and keep them updated.
“I’m ready when you are.” Seungcheol said. “A travel spell won’t cause any lasting damage, but you’ll feel a bit dizzy afterwards.”
Suho agreed to those that would come with and then gave Seungcheol permission to proceed. They all gathered together, and then a flash of white blinded them all for a moment. When they regained their sight they found that they were still in a forest, just not their own. The smell in the air was different, and so were the sounds around them. They all took a moment to let the dizziness pass before continuing.
“My coven is this way.” Seungcheol explained. “The other witches might give you some looks, but as long as you stick with me nothing will happen.”
“And y/n?” Taeyong questioned. 
“She stays with me.”
“And when are you going to wake her up?”
“When we get to my coven. She probably misses home.”
“This isn’t her home.”
“You aren’t her home.”
Seungcheol ignored Taeyong’s growls and started walking, guiding the others. It wasn’t a long walk before they came to a small village in the forest. Many eyes were on them, some throwing nasty looks.
“What’s their problem?” Jeno commented.
“Just cause we have a treaty with witches doesn’t mean they like us.” Ten remarked. “Don’t you remember why we’re here?”
They kept to themselves and paid no mind to the onlookers. Soon enough they came to a house near what seemed to be the center of the village.
“Let me inform the elders of your arrival.”
“What about y/n?” Johnny asked.
Seungcheol smiled as he gently picked you up out of the sling, petting you gently as he coaxed you to wake up. Your vision was a bit blurry as you opened your eyes, but seeing Seungcheol made you happy.
“Hey, guess where we are?”
You tried to look around, seeing Taeyong and the others, as well as some familiar houses. Everything didn’t quite hit until you caught the scent of the area. Your tail began to wag and you realized where you were, excitedly looking over at Seungcheol who nodded.
“We’re home. Why don’t you run along and see your friends, I’ll call you back later.”
As Seungcheol put you down you grew to your normal wolf size and then ran off, knowing where you wanted to go. Once Seungcheol put you down Taeyong immediately grabbed him.
“Where is she going!”
“Wherever she wants, this is her home, and I know she’s safe here. Now excuse me.”
Seungcheol ripped Taeyong’s hands off him and stepped into the cabin, leaving the others to wait. Taeyong wasn’t happy about this, none of his pack members were.
“Xiaojun, Yuta, find her and keep an eye on her.”
The two agreed and headed off to follow your scent. It was probably dangerous to separate from the group, but as long as they didn’t cause trouble nothing should go wrong. Soon enough they caught up to you, taken aback by the scene. You had shifted into your half form, hugging a boy who looked similar to you, just different colored ears and tail. He swung you around and your laughter filled the air.
“Seokmin! I’m so happy to see you!”
“Where have you been!?” Seokmin said. “We’ve all been worried about you.”
“I’m alright, just got a little lost.”
“A little lost, you’ve been gone for weeks.”
“But I’m back now.”
“Yeah, and you’re not leaving again.” Another spoke. “I’ll make sure of it.”
You ran over to hug Jun, squeezing him tightly as he kissed your head. It was so good to be surrounded by friends. Seokmin ruffled your hair and played with your ears a bit, making you whine happily.
“We were all seriously worried about you.”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure I could come back without my master.”
“This place is your home.” Jun reminded. “You are always welcome here no matter what.”
“Thanks, so what have I missed?”
It was certainly strange to see you in a different light. You weren’t shy and reserved, you were comfortable here. This was who you were, it was a side to you they hadn’t really seen before. They probably wouldn’t have for a long time.
“She’s happy.” Xiaojun mumbled. “She’s smiling and everything.”
“So this is where she’s been all these years.” Yuta added. “Those two are omegas too, aren’t they?”
“How are we supposed to get her to come back with us?”
“No idea…”
Taeyong kept staring down the path you had run off on, wishing you’d just come back on your own. He was interrupted out of his thoughts when Seungcheol opened the door, inviting them in. Suho went in first, the others following behind him. Despite the cabin size on the outside, the place seemed bigger inside. Seungcheol led them down the hall and into what appeared to be a conference room. A semi-circle table was placed in the center where five gentlemen were seated.
“What’s all the commotion?” One asked. “It’s rare for our kind to ever meet each other.”
“Well the situation calls for it.” Suho said. “Your witch here recommended it.”
“And what is this situation about?”
“You having omegas as familiars. Care to explain yourselves?” 
“Well, this should be interesting.”
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Anyone saw the trend where people post about their stay in the mental hospital and get shocked when it's not people with cutesy depression but people with actually heavy problems and get scared off? It's such a weird trend for me.
I had self admitted myself to a mental hospital when I was 17 because of how bad my mental health had gotten. Mind you, I was in the children's ward, so it's probably much worse in the adult ward, but still, the experience still stands.
The types of stories I heard from the people admitted in there were heartbreaking. I roomed with a girl that had severe paranoia and learning disability. I would get woken up several times at night because she would get so scared and doctors wouldn't help her.
The nurses and personel wouldn't treat you like a person, if I'm being completely honest. I've never felt as dehumanized as when I was in the mental hospital. It's a place that really pushes you to your limits both mentally and physically.
Because I was in the children's ward, there where actual toddlers in there. If you think the old teens and the under 10 kids get separated, you're really wrong. And those kids suffer. Suffer fucking a lot. They get heavily mistreated by the older kids and the nurses do nothing.
I was one of the only ones that looked after kids (I've always wanted to work with kids and still do.). I helped them eat, put them to bed and walk them to the bathroom if they got scared. Even stood up to the older kids, which isolated me from most, so I stuck with the younger kids or the queer folk that were neutral.
I'm not even going to talk about the sexual harassment in depth I've experienced there from the other patients, from having my chest groped to having them peek at me as I showered.
What I'm trying to say is that the mental hospital isn't some cutesy place where you'll sit in circles with other depressed folk and talk about stuff. It's going to be a place you encounter people of light severity and heavy severity mental health and they are all kept in one place.
The nurses don't treat you like a person, and I'm not even going to talk about the male handlers, cus they are there specifically to manhandle you if you misbehave and even tie you to the bed if needed.
Here are some rules I gathered from my stay and I can only hope it may help you if you end up there.
Don't overshare. Especially on your first day. People will be curious and swarm you. They'll ask you what you're in for. Don't overshare, try to keep it simple, until you make connections. Most of the times they are there for gossip or will label you as an easy prey if you have heavier mental illness.
Don't cry or show too many emotions. Even being too happy will be a red flag. They will keep you locked up for longer or may even tie you to the bed if you're deemed violent.
The nurses and doctors aren't your friends. Don't overshare. They are trained to get info out of you and may keep you in for longer. talk in case you're feeling suicidal or if your meds aren't working, but otherwise, try to keep it to a minimum. they aren't a therapist, every word can prolong your stay by weeks or months.
Try to make one friend or more. If you're a loner, you will become a target for groups. Everyone in there is frustrated, scared and have no healthy way to deal with all of that shit. It's only natural they may seek to bully the weakest link.
Don't gossip about your roomies or someone you talk with. If someone overshares to you and then others ask about that person, and you say stuff, you can easily make that person's stay worse. I had made this mistake on my first day there and they bullied the poor girl relentlessly which made me feel very bad.
Try to befriend people who are being excluded or harassed. Not only will you make someone's stay easier, but there's strength in numbers. The more people you have on your side, no matter their age, the less people will target either of you.
Follow the rules. There are cameras everywhere, and people will rat you out just to be seen in a better light and get out sooner. Just follow the rules and don't get in the way of the staff.
Don't rat anyone out. It may seem like the best way to be seen in a good way to the staff, or that you're helping someone, but you really aren't. You'll become excluded from groups, and you will become a target. If you're worried for someone's health, talk to them. Ratting them out will make shit worse for them.
If someone you don't get along with invites you to meet up somewhere, especially if they are a group, don't fucking go. They won't come to you, because the doctor's will notice a huge group of kids swarming a room as a red flag, and if you go there and they do something to you, it's going to be too late by the time the doc's check the cameras. It's just safer.
These are my personal rules that helped me with my stay at the hospital. Of course, every mental facility is different, but these are the things that worked for me.
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ladylooch · 3 months
"The weakest link is your favorite so... I don't see that happening."
Can we get a little blurb on Nico and Sophie’s relationship? Or a cute Nico and Sophie moment?
On a cold Swiss night, Sophie Hischier sits on the stairs in a light blue dress. Her hair is curled into wavy brown tendrils that flow way down to her mid-back. On her feet are Louboutin’s her mom let her borrow for the occasion. Her makeup is done, heavy and slightly overdone, with a special occasion in mind for the evening. The wood stairs are hard beneath her butt as she sits with her knees together, eyes trained on the front door, with her chin propped in one of her hands.
He’s late for their date. 
Although to be fair to her father, he isn’t expecting this. 
As as surprise for his birthday, he is going on a date with his youngest. Both his older girls are gone. Lucie is in New York and Mack is away for a work trip. The only one home is Sophie, but she had told her dad she would be at her friends for his birthday. Lexi was away with her aunt. Nico was supposed to believe he was alone for the evening. It was all part of the plan for the man who is so good at pulling of surprises. 
Sophie hears the garage door lift, perking up in excitement of the telltale noise. She can hear his shoes hit the wood floor in the kitchen, followed by a weeks worth of mail slapping against the stone counter. A heavy sigh echos through the hallway as her dad shrugs his jacket off. He opens the closet door, stuffing it onto a hanger and hurriedly putting it away. 
When he turns around, he jumps at the sight of Sophie staring at him.
“Soph!” He exhales in relief. “You scared me. I thought you were at Naomi’s?”
“Nope!” She admits, popping the p in the word. “I fibbed! I’m here to take you to dinner!”
“Oh.” Nico chuckles. “You’re going to drive?” He questions with a raised eyebrow. Sophie is not a big fan of getting behind the wheel. She doesn’t take after her older sisters that way.
“Yep. I’ve been practicing with mama all last week. I’m gonna be brave.” 
“Wow.” Nico walks to the stairs, holding his hand out to help her down the remaining steps. “When did you grown up, sweets?”
“A long time ago.” She says stubbornly, trying to look older as she stands up taller on her heels.
“Mmm, yet somehow you still look five to me.” Sophie rolls her eyes.
“Are you gonna wear that?” Her tone and upturned nose suggest he should swap his workout pants for something nicer.
“I guess not. What’s the vibe?”
“Vibe… who says that?” Sophie wonders, giving him an unimpressed look.
“I was so cool back in the day. You and your sisters have no idea.”
“We have seen the brown and white shirt, daddy. There is no way any of us are gonna buy that.” Nico huffs, stepping around her to go upstairs to the master bedroom.
“Well, that shirt got your mom, so…”
“Mama was a nurse! She was too tired to care about fashion then!” She lifts her black high heel as if to point out how things have changed for her mama. 
Sure, Nico mutters to himself as he heads into the bedroom. 
Despite his teasing of his daughter, he is quite excited for tonight. He returns downstairs, dressed appropriately, giddy at the idea of uninterrupted time with his youngest. 
Keeping her promise, Sophie drives the five minutes into town to bring them to the Italian Bistro that is her favorite, but Nico doesn’t have the heart to tell her he doesn’t particularly enjoy the restaurant. The whole way there, she taps and slams the breaks, causing Nico’s seatbelt to jerk him back into place. Nico bites his tongue to prevent from blurting out that he will drive the rest or the way. She is trying. His brave little girl has a look of deep concentration while her knuckles turn white on the black leather. Every time the seatbelt locks into place, Sophie mutters an apology.
“Good job, Soph. I can tell you’ve been practicing.” Nico compliments her when they arrived safely. She grins at him, exposing her blue braces. A whole year left of those means these big smiles from his baby will continue to be rare. He’ll take that as his birthday gift tonight.
Inside the restaurant, Nico wines and dines his little girl, even though it is his birthday. He wants her to experience what it means to be taken care of. It won’t be long before Sophie is dating and he wants to set the bar impossibly high for the teenage boys who think they are worthy of his daughter. It’s only fair they find out early enough that they aren’t.
They share appetizers and get their own entrees, but return to a sharing mindset with dessert. There are two equal bites of tiramisu left, but Nico can’t possibly put another spoonful of anything in his body. He slides the bowl to her, smiling softly as she happily eats it up. She’s been a chatter box all night. Story after story of her return to school from winter break flows from her. Then she shifts to her conversation with mama early and oh yes! She talked to Lucie this morning and Lucie said it was okay if Sophie wanted to come for her off weeks in the spring. 
Nico smiles through it all, soaking up all of Sophie that he can get. 
“Daddy?” Sophie asks, after rummaging around in her little purse when the bill comes. “Um, I lost mama’s card… Can you pay for dinner?” Nico chuckles. Like it wasn’t all the same account anyway?
“Sure, baby. You get next time.”
“Next year for your birthday, I’ll be almost 18!” 
“Ah. Closer to 17 though.” Sophie huffs, rolling her eyes as he swipes the pen across the signature line.
“Why won’t you let me be grown?”
“I will when you are.”
“You were grown at 18. You left home!”
“I technically left home at 16.” Nico reminds her, putting his wallet back in his dress slacks. “But mama and I like you so we wanna keep you longer.”
“I’m not gonna leave you like Lucie and Mack did, daddy.”
“Promise?” He asks her, holding up a pinky to her. She grins, locking their last digits together.
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achaotichuman · 10 months
A tamsand au, where rhysand gets a reality check from tamlin and he ends up trying to court tam-tam but is met with suspicion and raised eyebrows from tam's fam ( alis, lucien, feyre- what she's doing is up to u).
My apologies for this ask taking so long to be answered. Your wish is my command, Anon.
The Spring Court was back in order. Or a as much order as it could be at this time. Once word spread that the Spring Court was back in action, the people began to return. At first the return was slow, only a few who were desperate to return to their homeland, then after a few months of patiently earning their trust back, the population flowed back in. Soon the towns were being reconstructed, villages were brought back to life. The lakes, rivers, and forests were filled with Fae again. The Spring Court was bustling.
Finally, his Court was back together and busier than ever. It did, however, mean that Tamlin was also busier than ever.
There was no time to stop, not now, not when the Spring Court was almost back to its former glory.
Tamlin was in his study, toast in his mouth, barely able to eat as both his hands were busy, one holding paperwork for him to read, the other writing like his hand was on fire. He was working on two hours of sleep, two pieces of toast (including the one in his mouth) and sheer will.
He barely checked the darkness in the corner of the room until he finally glanced up and saw Rhysand standing there.
Then everything in the world stopped.
Rhysand hadn't been around as of recent times. Tamlin's rebuilding and rallying of his Court had seemed to drive away the Night Lord. Tamlin had decided even if Rhysand came back, he wouldn't let him get into his head. His end wouldn't be because of Rhysand.
But now as his violet eyes shone as he looked Tamlin up and down. Tamlin felt his knees go weak. He felt a tremor run through his veins as every nerve in his body yearned for the approval of the male across from him. His body had never really stopped wanting for Rhysand, even after the trauma of that night so many centuries ago.
"What do you want?" Tamlin's voice was better, less sore, less scratchy, he'd been actually talking to people regularly. Not just speaking with Rhysand on the odd occasion while he laid in the ruins of his Court.
"I wanted to know how our newest ally was coming along with the rebuilding of his Court." Rhysand drawled as he came closer to Tamlin, hands in pockets and eyes darting over the office, almost like he was impressed.
Impressed, as if the very idea of Tamlin acting like the High lord of Spring was impressive.
Ally?! He fucking thought Tamlin would ally with him, after all his little mate had done to this Court?!
"Who said I would ever ally with you?" Tamlin growled.
"You will, once you realize your Court is better off with powerful allies, such as myself than it is on its own."
Tamlin tilted his head to the side, he looked Rhysand up and down slowly, carefully, "You really think Spring is completely alone?"
"Is it not? You're the weakest link in the chain here Tamlin, at least you can admit that." Rhysand purred as he came closer, close enough that Tamlin could smell his cologne, filling every pore with his scent.
"Rhysand, has your Shadowsinger slacked off with his recon over this side of Prythian?" Tamlin purred back, the tiredness in his bones evaporating for this very moment.
Rhysand's eyes narrowed, locking into Tamlin. Green on violet, such a violent combination.
"What are you-"
"I have my allies; do you want to know where they are? There are in Summer-" Tamlin pointed towards the Summer border, "They are in Autumn-" Tamlin pointed towards the Autumn border, "They are in Winter, and they are in Day. I have allies."
Rhysand's smirk finally dropped from his face as he finally understood. Tamlin had been working, really damn hard in fact. His armies were growing rapidly, Spring was back on its feet and its political climate was better than it ever had been before.
"You think you're so much better than me." Tamlin grinned at him, jutting his pointer finger into Rhysand's hard chest, "You think because you generate the most power you can do whatever the fuck you want but there are no consequences, because your word is law. God forbid someone speak badly about our dear High lord of Night. He's our savior!"
"But you wanna know something, Rhys? You are fucking nothing to me. Nothing more than another problem that needs solving. You're an inconvenience who reared your ugly head during Amarantha's reign and then slunk back into Night once she was gone. You showed up as another inconvenience to my life when I was with Feyre, and then when I was lost because of what she did, you decided to be even more of a pest."
Tamlin stood up on the tips of his toes, looking Rhysand dead in the eye as he leaned forward, so close their lips were just barely not brushing. Tamlin slid his hands up Rhysand's chest, feeling the hard muscle underneath his shirt. Rhysand's scent deepened as arousal peeked in. Tamlin smiled, "You're nothing more than a pest to me, but all I have to do is touch you a little and you'll come crawling back."
Tamlin pressed his lips to the outer shell of Rhysand's ear and whispered, "Thats my power, Rhysand. I can have the most powerful High lord helpless with just my touch."
"That-Thats not true," Rhysand breathed.
Tamlin let out a light chuckle, then he abruptly pulled away, Rhysand found himself faltering and nearly stumbling after Tamlin. The High lord of Spring laughed.
"I am doing better than ever without you. You were always just a nuisance. Now..." Tamlin flicked his fingers and a sudden gust of wind knocked Rhysand back, "Get the fuck out of my Court.
"Do you know what's happening with him?" Cassian asked. Feyre looked up from her painting to see who Cassian was pointing at.
Rhysand was sitting by the window, staring out at the gardens whilst his coffee sat on the sill beside him, slowly going cold.
Feyre furrowed her brow, "Yeah, I don't know about that. I've tried getting him to talk but he just shuts down."
Then Feyre went back to her painting, Cassian put a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up again, he looked even more confused and concerned.
"Are you not more concerned? What if somethings going on?" Cassian insisted.
"Cass, its Rhysand, he broods all the damn time. Leave him, he'll start complaining about whatever it is he's upset about in due time."
Feyre turned back to her painting, and Cassian finally left.
At least when Rhysand was being so still, he made for the perfect muse. And the way the sunlight hit his nose was oh so fun to paint.
"Letter to Kallias, check. Letter to Tarquin, check. Eris, check. Helion and Lucien, checkity check." Tamlin crossed off his to do list as he wandered back into his office. It was late. Night had fallen upon Spring and Alis had told him to leave it and go to bed multiple times, but Tamlin wasn't about to quit when he was getting things done at such a fast rate.
Tamlin closed his study door, not looking up from his list as he walked into his office. That was a mistake. As Tamlin slammed into someone as he walked in. The High lord jumped back holding his clipboard back and preparing to swing it when he saw who it was.
"Relax, darling, I won't bite." Rhysand hummed, holding up his hands as he feigned innocence.
"Rhysand. What did I tell you last time?" Tamlin snarled, claws beginning to poke through his fingertips.
"To get the fuck out of your Court." Rhysand tilted his head to the side, "But it's just such a lovely night, I thought I might come around."
"I figured the nights would be lovelier in the Night Court rather than Spring." Tamlin snapped, "What do you actually want?"
"Always straight to the case, aren't you, my love?" Rhysand said, "Alright, I simply thought I would drop this off."
Rhysand plucked a rose from the pocket between realms. Except, it wasn't any ordinary rose, of course it wasn't. This was a rose from the gardens deep in the Hewn City, where the plants grew in complete darkness, learning to creature their own light. It glowed a light, shimmering blue from in between the petals, the stem and leaves a deep black.
"What is that?" Tamlin said, disgust on every word. He wasn't disgusted though; he was actually intrigued. What was Rhysand playing?
"A rose, for you." Rhysand said softly, pressing the rose into Tamlin's chest. Against his better judgement, Tamlin held onto the flower.
"If you wish, I can get you the seeds for those flowers, you can have your own bioluminescent garden if you ask for it." Rhysand said.
"And why would you do that?"
Rhysand gave him a devilish smirk, "Well how else will I convince you to join the dark side?"
*********** Rhysand would not stop coming back. At first it was every week; at some point he would show up. Rose in hand, very quickly Tamlin had a study full of those damn roses. He didn't know why he kept them but... he couldn't get rid of them. Even though at times he wished to simply toss them into the fire and watch the petals shrivel as they burned. He contained himself and simply set them either on the coffee table or a shelf.
At first Rhysand's visits were bearable, at least he wasn't telling Tamlin the world was better off without him in it. But very quickly, the visits increased, going from weekly, to daily.
Tamlin yawned and stretched his arms up high, arching his back as he walked into his study. Prepared for another long day of working.
As he rubbed his eyes, Tamlin suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, then a near feral noise escaped his throat when he saw who was back again.
Would it kill Rhysand to not ruin his day by seven in the morning.
The Night Lord was sitting in one of the small lounges Tamlin kept in his study. One of Tamlin's books in his hands as he ate Tamlin's breakfast which was set on the coffee table.
"Why are you back here?!" Tamlin rushed over and snatched the book from Rhysand's hands.
"I wished to see you," Rhysand drawled, taking a bite out of a piece of toast.
Tamlin drew in a deep breath, calm, calm, calm, "Rhysand, get out."
"Oh? So soon I've only just seen you."
"You saw me yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that." Tamlin snarled, "Go home, see your wife, your son, Cassian probably thinks you're dead!"
Rhysand laughed as he stood up, "Oh alright, I'll be off, but allow me to leave one thing-"
"I swear to the Gods Rhysand if you give me another rose, I will burn it in front of you."
"First of all, you don't believe in God. Second, it is not another rose."
Tamlin rolled his eyes, feeling the familiar pressure of his claws coming to the surface. '
Then what Rhysand pulled out from the pocket between worlds made that anger just... drift away, just for a moment.
He pulled out a necklace. A beautiful silver necklace with a dark gem in the center. Tamlin, caught off guard, stared at it for a moment before blinking up at the male grinning down at him.
"Look at the back of the gem." Rhysand whispered. Tamlin paused for a moment, hesitant. Then he forced himself to life his hands up to touch the necklace in Rhysand's warm hands.
The Spring Lord turned the gemstone over to see on the silver back was a name, Rhysand's in swirling letters.
"You engraved it." Tamlin stated with as little emotion as he could muster.
"I did."
"I am not wearing a necklace with your name on it." Tamlin said, crossing his arms, his eyes never straying from the piece of jewelry, it wasn't extravagant or over the top, but it was beautiful. Even Tamlin could admit that.
"At least try it on, just for a moment." Rhysand insisted.
"Just for a moment."
Tamlin didn't know what possessed him to allow it, but he looked up into Rhysand's eyes and just nodded. Turning around he felt Rhysand's fingers brush his hair to sit over his shoulder, then wrap the cold silver around his neck. With quick precision Rhysand clasped it and pulled Tamlin's golden hair to spill down his back again.
"Turn for me." Rhysand whispered. Again, Tamlin listened, he turned around and watched as Rhysand's eyes went up and down along his body. A heat in his gaze that could have set Tamlin alight if he had less pride.
"Beautiful." Rhysand finally said, sliding a finger underneath Tamlin's chin, "Deliciously beautiful."
"Oh, fuck off." Tamlin's face was now a splotchy red. He purposely stepped away from Rhysand, "Go back to the hellish place you reside in."
"Of course, I'll see you again soon, Tamlin darling." Rhysand promised before he winnowed away to the Night realm.
Tamlin wrapped his fingers around the gemstone, wanting to simply snap it off. But... he couldn't find the strength to do so.
Oh well, he'd take it off eventually. Then it he'd burn it along with all those godforsaken flowers.
"Where did you get that necklace?" Alis asked.
Tamlin nearly choked on his pasta. Lucien hit his back and the Spring Lord glared at him, "Thanks."
"You're welcome." Lucien hummed, taking a bite out of his own meal. They were in the kitchens, Alis was busy washing up and both Tamlin and Lucien wished for her company tonight. So, the two ate at the countertop whilst Alis worked.
"Didn't answer my question." Alis pointed out.
Tamlin swallowed, biting into more of his food to try and avoid answering. Lucien now narrowed his eyes at him and Alis seemed more suspicious.
Then something sparked in Alis' eyes, Tamlin couldn't tell if it was amusement or anger, "Don't tell me the Night Lord gave you that."
"The Night Lord what?" Lucien whipped around, dropping his fork onto his plate, disregarding Tamlin's personal space, Lucien leaned in close and snatched up the gemstone observing it closely.
"Get away from me, you bastard!" Tamlin tried to shove him off, but his grip on the necklace stopped Tamlin from using any real strength for fear it may snap.
Then Lucien turned over the jewel and his eyes went wide as his jaw dropped, "Tamlin what in the Mother's name is this?"
"What?! Tell me!" Alis insisted, putting the dishes back into the sink water and rushing over to the two males.
"Nothing! It's nothing-!"
"Rhysand's name is engraved on the back of the gem, if that wasn't enough this is most certainly Night Court jewelry." Lucien said.
"You're kidding me, Tamlin, please tell me you aren't wearing his name on that necklace."
"I am not 'wearing his name' Alis. It is just a necklace." Tamlin stood up from the counter, his appetite lost.
"Just a necklace with his name on it." Lucien mumbled.
"I am done with the two of you, I have actual work to do." Tamlin said as he stormed out of the kitchen.
As Tamlin shut the door and headed for his office, his fingers found the necklace. Wrapping the chain around and around his hand, squeezing the gem. He wanted to rip it off. He wanted to keep it on forever.
What was this strange, strange sensation? Why did he hate how much he loved it?
"Feyre, have you noticed something off about Rhysand?" Lucien asked. Helion was throwing a large celebration for his niece's engagement. All were invited to attend, and Feyre found herself sprawled in a lovely lounge, drinking champagne and talking with anyone and everyone, and now currently Lucien.
"Funny, quite a few people have asked me that these past few months." Feyre laughed as she drank from her glass.
Lucien settled into the lounge beside her, a flute in his own hand, "Truly?"
"Yes, everyone has said there is something off about him." Feyre revealed.
"Do... do you see it to?" Lucien asked hesitantly.
"Well of course I do, Lucien, I am his mate after all, I see everything he does."
"Well then, may you enlighten me on what has caused this change?"
Feyre shrugged, "Something, something Rhysand and Tamlin. Isn't that how it always is."
"I... suppose?" Lucien said, "I think they have become... far closer in the past months."
"They have," Feyre agreed, the bubbliness now leaving her body as seriousness took over. "Lucien, may I tell you something in confidence?"
Lucien seemed taken aback for a moment, then he quickly nodded, "Of course, anything Feyre."
"I believe Rhysand is in love with Tamlin."
If Lucien had a drink in his mouth he would've spat it out. Eyes nearly budging out of his head he said, "Oh, oh... What-what has led you o this conclusion?"
"He always goes to visit Tamlin now. He is constantly looking for things for him, always talking about him. Always thinking about him... I don't believe he is in love with me any longer."
"Feyre," Lucien breathed, "I... I'm so sorry-"
"Oh, do not be, we opened our relationship quite some time ago. I just thought perhaps he was still somewhat in love with me. Perhaps that has changed." Feyre spoke with an ease and casualty one would have if they were simply commenting on the weather.
Again, if Lucien had a drink in his mouth he would have spat it out.
"You... opened your relationship?" Lucien questioned.
"Yes Lucien, oh don't look so surprised. When we came together it was quick, rushed because of the war. Neither of us had much time to reflect on ourselves and much of our relationship was fake feelings curated by the bond wanting us together. It was a beautiful facade that eventually fell apart. We won't ever leave each other's side, believe me I love him, it's just... more friendly than it ever was before."
"Ah, I see." Lucien said, "So... Tamlin and Rhysand."
"20 marks Tamlin jumpstarts their relationship." Feyre said.
Lucien let out a loud 'hah' "Thirty."
"Deal." Feyre grinned.
The night was silent, not even a cricket chirped. As if everything int he Spring Court knew how sacred this small moment was. Rhysand stood before Tamlin, in amongst the gardens. Alone for just this moment.
"Tamlin." Rhysand breathed. He couldn't prevent his hands from cupping his face. Pulling him just a touch closer.
"Rhysand." Tamlin murmured.
"I..." Rhysand faltered, why was he so damn nervous? He had never been nervous before, not even when their friendship was still strong so many centuries ago.
"Yes?" Tamlin bit back the grin on his face.
"I... Gods." Rhysand breathed a laugh.
"Ask your question, Rhys." Tamlin breathed, standing up on his tip toes to meet his eyes. The motion made Rhysand's breath catch in his lungs, he could barely inhale let alone speak a sentence.
Tamlin finally slid his arms around Rhysand's neck, "Fine, I'll ask, Rhysand will you do me the pleasure of calling me yours and vice-versa."
Rhysand laughed, he laughed, and the sound was sweet like honey. hands falling to Tamlin's waist he pulled him close and whispered against his lips, "Yes."
Rhysand kissed him, it was slow, but deep and sensual. He tasted like cool mint, and his lips were like silk moving against his. He knew exactly where to push, where to pull. When to hold him tighter, and when to wrap his arms right around Tamlin, encasing him in his embrace. Playing the Spring Lord like a fiddle.
Down in the gardens, Tamlin and Rhysand remained entranced by one another, oblivious to the three laying on the rooftop watching them.
Feyre held out her hand to Lucien, "Pay up."
Lucien grumbled as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a bag of thirty marks. Alis laughed as she reached over for the bowl of popcorn they had brought up.
Thank you for the prompt! Had a bit of fun with this one.
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shaybreezy-17 · 1 year
Straw Hat Monster Trio + Usopp Getting Turned On by You
Trigger Warnings: Sexual content, fluff, inappropriate language, potential aggression, substance use, suggestive behavior, etc.
- Please refrain from reading if you are younger than 18. Viewer discretion advised.
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Finds himself wanting to be near you more often, and by near you, I mean on you. That boy knows nothing about personal space, so the fact that he’s attracted to you and doesn’t even realize it calls for lots of tight hugs where he often ends up with his face buried in your chest.
His hard on mixed with his natural animalistic nature makes him dry hump you whenever he gets the chance. He doesn’t know why, but it’s sweet relief whenever he does it. You guys could be laid up on the deck and next thing you know he’s thrusting into you as you’re both clothed, in agony, yearning for more skin to skin contact.
Luffy loves to eat, that’s no secret. So when he sees you stuffing your face during one of your many parties, he instantly falls in love. He always wondered why most girls avoided eating when he was around, but you ate without a care in the world. You were also incredibly drunk and high as fuck, so the munchies were getting the best of you, but he didn’t mind that, being pretty buzzed himself. Drool started pooling around the sides of his mouth and his penis started growing as he marveled at the sight of his two favorite things, you and delicious food.
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You’re secretly the object of his desires but he would die before admitting it. This causes him to be sort of distant and mean, because he’s annoyed that he wants you.
Tends to warm up after a long night of drinking booze when he’s feeling properly wasted. You often bump into him when you find him alone during these nights, out on the deck away from the crowd, because he actually asks you to stick around with him. He usually ends up pulling you into his lap as you both stargaze and he falls in and out of sleep, having the wettest dreams of his life, with a half-assed hard-on that you can feel, but ignore, because you don’t want your first time with Zoro to be when he’s drunk.
You offer him a massage after catching him finishing up a particularly tough workout. As you work out the knots in his back, his dick twitches every time your fingertips touch his skin. He gets really hot all of a sudden too and his cheeks get all red, but he blames it on the post-workout hot flashes even though his mind is running wild picturing himself on top of you, pinning your arms to your sides, while he rearranges your guts as you look helpless. He loves that you’re so frail compared to him, it drives him mad.
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You find Usopp to be the most stylish Straw Hat boy so whenever you guys dock on an island, you drag him shopping with you. You don’t mind having him in the dressing room with you, as it makes judging outfits together easier, but this always proves a challenge for Usopp and the raging boner he tries to hide while you try your next outfit on.
He’s a little scaredy cat, so whenever the seas are particularly aggressive during bedtime, you let him sleep with you. He tries his hardest not to check out your sleeping body, but he can’t help but admire how good you look in your panties. He puts a pillow in between you two because he’s scared you’ll wake him to him poking the hell outta your back.
Usopp always feels like the weakest link in the crew, so whenever you’re in a vulnerable state or you find yourself crying into his arms, he finally feels like he’s doing his duty as a protector. It turns him on so much, seeing that he’s like your knight in shining armor when you need a shoulder to cry on. It’s a win-win situation for you too, because you love when his toned arms wrap around your body and pull you into his chest where his musky scent instantly provides you comfort.
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Sanji can be a gentleman or a total perve, there’s no in between. Most girls know this, so they don’t give him the time of day or the chance, but you’re quite fond of him and his doggish antics. You get a kick out of inviting him to bathe with you, as popping the question results in a major bloody nose from the French chef. Despite the initial heat of being naked with a beautiful girl in his presence, he actually makes bath-time a pretty relaxing experience. He can’t help but stay hard pretty much the entire time, but he still manages to keep cool as he massages your hair, working in the shampoo. You take turns washing each others backs, and you always let him feel you up, as it’s enjoyable for both of you.
When you dock on an island, you accompany him while he goes grocery shopping. This also gives you the chance to flaunt your cute little summer outfits while you walk throughout the town. It just so happens to be sundress season and you’re totally not wearing underwear either. As you bend over to check out the different herbs and spices, Sanji catches a glimpse of your exposed booty. He lets out a gulp, sweat dripping down his curly brow. He wants nothing more than to get behind you right now, but his eyes shift over to the dairy section instead. Being with Sanji always gives you a confidence boost because you know he wants you, so you don’t mind throwing him a bone or two. As he stands behind you in the checkout line while you wait together, you back into him and wrap his arms around your waist. You can feel him growing harder and harder, but you pretend to be clueless. You even lean back and rest your head into his chest. Grocery shopping with a hot girl? He’s in literal heaven.
Being around the boys, Robin, & Nami for so long now, means you’re all pretty comfortable. All of the Straw Hats had pretty much already seen each other naked before, so it was pretty normal for you to walk around the ship in your panties, especially on hot days. On occasion, you’d ransack Sanji’s closet and take one of his dress shirts to wear, half-assed buttoned up, in just your undies and it drives him wild. Seeing you in his shirt with nothing under except a thin piece of fabric covering what’s in between your legs that he so desperately wants to be in right now. You’ll even take his cigarette and place it in between your lips in attempts to jokingly imitate him. He would normally never share his cigarette, but he’d give up his legs for you at this point when you look like that.
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missdeepend · 1 year
Gray Fullbuster is the Weakest Link Currently
I know what you are all saying, what about Happy and Carla? I am not counting the two cats, and I truly do wish those two would get a decent power up at some point. I am counting this on the fact of team Natsu characters, which include; Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Wendy Marvell, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Happy and Carla. As I stated before the last two I am not counting, but the other five are all up for discussion. 
In terms of the group as a whole, they all have their greatest strengths and weaknesses, but there is one who sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the group. Gray Fullbuster. Not only does this go down to his magic and the difference in strength as of recent (I’ll get to later), but this also goes down to overall plot relevance even with the 400 year connection.  Each of the main set of the other characters have a set connection to 400 years in the past and the dragons, except Gray. I find this funny and it doesn’t really mean much but it is a detail I wanted to point out. Even Erza has a connection to Irene and was technically conceived all the way during the war. Then you have Natsu and Wendy who are obvious and Lucy with her connection to her ancestor and her mother who opened the Eclipse Gate. Gray has no connection, which I find unfortunate but there is not much that needs to be discussed there. On the other hand, there is the power difference and the plot relevance as of currently which is t he biggest hinderance to his character. I always adored Gray’s character from the beginning and felt sympathy for his character. His history with Lyon was always interesting and the pain he felt when he saw the old Ultear is still one of the harder scenes for me. His potential grew even more when we discovered who his father was and he gained the Devil Slaying Magic, meant to kill E.N.D who we found out was none other than Natsu, his best friend whether he would want to admit it or not. However, it is safe to say that as a character Gray has not grown at all since the 100 year quest began. The only thing that seemed to grow is his bond with Juvia (which is another issue I’ll discuss in the future). Its upsetting as there was so much potential for his character but each time his spotlight seems to be stolen away up until recently. He had nothing to show against the Dragon god of Water and most likely will not against Ignia, which you would think he would have something up his sleeve. Up against Selene’s minions he had nothing and when he could finally have his moment vs Wendy, Carla, and Happy it was stolen away. Until recently you could say his battle with the member of Gold Owl, but even then it was interrupted by nonsense with Juvia. I can’t think of any recent battles Gray has had that wasn’t interrupted by something with Juvia or another character when he finally had his chance to shine, but maybe my thoughts are just blurry. My biggest issue is that everyone has grown. Wendy has of course as well as Natsu who of course does because he is the center character. Lucy is basically one of the strongest Celestial Wizards Fiore has ever known and Erza... well she is Erza and so is always going to have a new armor up her sleeve. Meanwhile, Gray has nothing. He has his Ice Devil Slaying powers, but we have had nothing to show it. We have no history on Devil Slayers to know how strong his potential is. We have hardly any demons as it is. In fact, there are only three known users of Devil Slayer Magic. The other two are dead, who were Silver and Bloodman from the final season. There has not been a mention of another user let alone any without the ice as its main element.  There is so much potential for Gray and yet he falls behind the group due to the writing being so focused on Dragons. I know Gray will always have Juvia and Juvia will always have Gray but it would be nice if they both had their scenes to shine, or at least give them a boost of strength.  Anyways, let me know what you guys think. I’m curious about your current thoughts of Gray Fullbuster and the Devil Slayer dilemma. What are your ideas to fix it?
I’ll see you later in the Deep End!
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stillresolved · 2 months
@ptternminds sent in: If María had a table to do it on, any kind of surface, she'd slam the pin down on it. Completely misplaced rage, the usual. Arrogance, a sort of elitism she doesn't recognize as such, when she approaches an Avox because everyone else is making her want to set fire to the entire damn place. Her arm doesn't shoot out, but the motion with which she lifts her hand between herself and Aeri is just as sharp. Her fingers unfold to reveal the pin the Avox had adjusted the last time they'd met. "What you did last time...," her voice doesn't bite off as much as her expression would have foreshadowed it to. It's tight. But tightly controlled as well. Putting in an effort. "Could you fix my hair again. Please. It actually held when you did it and they're driving me nuts over there." ((I LOVE SENDING YOU THINGS, DON'T WORRY ABOUT HOW OFTEN I AM IN YOUR INBOX, I'M BLESSED BY GETTING TO HOP IN SOME MORE >:33333 also GOSH María having Aeri's pin is something I can NOT let go, it just had a way too violent effect on me, hope this is okay ♥))
SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN STRIPPED OF HER TITLE, but does not mean the heiress has been beaten out of her. Not completely at least. Kang Aeri would throw herself into the river first before admitting that the brat lifting her hand is enough to make Aeri flinch. It turns out that avoxes are more than less of indentured servants and more like…property. It’s not like her family would go out of their way to rescue her anyways. Meaning one step out of line with any of the guests and it’s a guaranteed punishment of some kind. Usually physical.
Sometimes it’s worse.
( And if it is, Aeri does not tell her love. It’s better that way. Aeri refuses to let her see Aeri sink any lower. )
But still, Aeri bites the inside of her mouth, clipped fingernails digging into calloused palms. It’s atrocious: aside from the mandatory red gowns they’re all required to wear, all with the skirts loose ( she can’t even style it to her own liking ), avoxes aren’t even allowed to paint their nails. It’s as if they want the avoxes to be the walking versions of traffic cones.
Tragic. And infuriating really. For a country that values appearances above all else, one would think to elevate the style of their servants. One is only as stylish as their weakest link after all.
( Not that Aeri ever thought of them. Not until she became one of them. )
The brat reveals a hair pin though– Aeri’s hairpin. She remembers that one: sleek, gold, with a caprice of diamonds on the end sticking up. It was supposed to be worn the day she would have made her debut in the Capitol. 
Of course, that had to go to shit. And of course, her pin ( and now that Aeri thinks about it’s probably her dress too ), had to end up in the brat’s possession. Aeri glares at her. It should be Aeri in those clothes. Just watching the brat’s behavior over the course of the months, Aeri bets the 74th Victor would relish wearing an avox’s dress. The brat’s so obsessed with fighting anyone and everyone in the Capitol, why not let her descend to the people at her level? Most people in the districts don’t know how to appreciate luxury when they see it.
But alas, the brat still is a guest and if Aeri were to refuse, who knows what her ‘supervisor’ might do. She takes a step forward, one loud enough to reverberate across the floor, had she been in high heels, and snatches the hairpin out of the brat’s hand.
( Just because it’s an order doesn’t mean Aeri has to be nice about complying. )
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She studies it. The diamonds shine in under the electric lights and the gold, it looks like it’s been polished. Not recently though; Aeri can see the fingerprints over the middle. It’s probably either the brat’s or her idiotic stylists– none of them would think to wash their hands before handling such luxury, would they?
Lips crease together in disapproval before she grabs the girl by the shoulder and spins her around. Now just looking at the pin just pisses Aeri off. Slotting the pin behind her own ear, Aeri gathers the brat’s messy– but what can Aeri do about it; the brat didn’t even bring a hairbrush along– hair into a ponytail. 
The bun forms itself under Aeri’s calloused fingers and once she knows it’s secure, she sticks her hairpin back in. A strand falls over the brat’s ear, much to Aeri’s annoyance, but she doesn’t try to fix that. The brat likes her hair looking half-assed anyways. 
Satisfied with her work, Aeri shoves the brat towards the dressing room once more although she’s quick to follow behind.
They better not be dressing María Castro in her designs too.
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fuckingstrange · 29 days
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Just me and you, Alone.
WARNINGS: Spencer has Scopophobia, Fear of being watched, Spencer links it to Schizophrenia, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Many Many Worries, so so stressed, Kissing, Non-sexual pinning(?), Ulcer mentioned one (1) time bc Spencer's gonna end up with one if he doesn't relax, BETA-READ + EDITED BY @ralvezfanatic UR WORK IS APPRECIATED TYSM???? WORDS: idk 700+
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (Might be M but I forgot I apologize so much)
a/n: ANYONE KNOW THAT ONE SONG?? ITS ALL LIKE "Just me and you and you and me alone, we're just playing hide n seek"— OR SMT SMT?? MY STEP SISTER PLAYED IT IN THE CAR AND I CAN'T FUCKINGING REMEMBER THE NAME
Spencer just got done showering after a long and boring paperwork day, daring to peek his head out of the bathroom to look around the bedroom. You're still cuddled up in his bed reading, the bedroom door is still locked, and the blinds are shut. Good. Just how he likes it.
He steps out of the bathroom, wearing a simple white tee with cliché blue and white striped pajama pants. Oddly enough, he had bought them for you, but wears them much more than you get to.
He speedwalks to the bed and climbs in, sliding under the covers with you to hide away. The book you were reading gets taken from your hands and set down on the end table so he can push himself into your arms, which is done easily from a lack of denial.
You pull the covers up to his shoulders and slide down to properly lie on your side with Spencer, an arm draped over his waist and the other curled beneath him to cup the back of his head. You notice that it's harder to soothe him by being held than it was a few months ago, and it makes you wonder if he's starting to struggle again.
Moving the arm from his waist to push it beneath his shirt, to glide your open palm over his back in an attempt at helping guide him into relaxing a bit more, he tenses and hides his face in your shoulder. Your worry only worsens at the response, and you lean in close to whisper in his ear, “What's up with you?”
Getting the usual stumbled response of “Nothing, I'm- I'm just tired,” makes you pull back from him to force him to look up at you.
“.. Uhm, Bbullshit? I'm not stupid, Spencer.” You huff, gently squeezing his side to try and prompt him to tell the truth.
Spencer squirms when you squeeze his side, hesitantly reaching down to guide your hand out from beneath his shirt, but not letting it stray far from him otherwise. He sighs before trying to cover with “I'm just not feeling well”.
Now, Tthere's some truth to that, but it's not what you want. A small glare finally gets him to speak up and admit, in the weakest tone you've ever probably heard, “I'm.. scared?”
“.. Scared of what?” Is your first question, but he doesn't even have to verbally tell you for you to understand through the recent months of behaviors. Constantly needing to double check if the doors are locked, always keeping the blinds shut, always wanting to hide beneath the covers when in bed.
He feels like people are looking, and are watching from afar. He's paranoid.
“.. I just feel like.. theres eyes on me, like I'm being watched. It's- It's a phobia, scopophobia, and- and it has links to schizophrenia that just make me feel worse about it,” Spencer starts to ramble, and you only stop him when you notice the tears prodding at the corners of his eyes.
Cupping his face and brushing the tears out of his eyes has him stopping mid sentence. He just told you he thinks this is a symptom, and you're still caring enough to wipe away his tears? That just makes even more flow down his cheeks.
“I promise you, nobody is looking but me.” You whisper before kissing his forehead, pulling it to rest against yours afterwards.
Spencer freezes up at the kiss to his forehead, only a shaky breath slipping past his lips. His mind runs wild trying to make sense of why you dare love him when he fears he'll end up like his mother, but all those thoughts shut down when your lips press against his.
It's a soft graze, barely felt, but it's there. It encourages him to lean into you while tugging the covers up even further, wanting to make sure he's hidden. He adjusts them to allow you to roll on top of him when he feels you pushing on his shoulder to get him on his back.
You settle yourself on your forearms to hover over him, pulling back from the kiss when you feel him pull the covers all the way up to your shoulders to allow him to be completely caged in them. The way he looks up at you is almost heartbreaking, the look of vulnerability is almost heartbreaking. God, you feel so worried about him sometimes. He's gonna give himself an ulcer if he keeps stressing himself out this much.
Lowering your head to kiss him again, you rest your bodyweight down on his as well. Only then does he finally relax.
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mymoodwriting · 11 days
Omega!Reader x Werewolf!NCT
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Magic, Blood Magic, Knives, Incantations, Nomad Travel, Fire, Kidnapping, Soul Damage, Amnesia
Words: 3.3K
Chapter Seven
(Prev//Next) (@peanutpinet @starillusion13)
Prompt: By removing the weakest link, werewolves were able to grow far more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. They lived in peace knowing they were top of the food chain. That is until a certain pack made an unbelievable discovery, causing them to question their past, present, and future. Omegas aren’t supposed to exist anymore, but they couldn’t deny the fact they had found one.
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“Y/n, snap out of it!”
    Yuta was shaking you, trying not to be so aggressive. He was terrified, and the bond wasn’t providing much comfort. Besides the physical pain he couldn’t feel much else from you, as if you weren’t truly awake. If that was the case then he needed to try something else. Without hesitation Yuta leaned in for a kiss, holding you close and hoping such an intimate action could bring you back to him. For a moment he could forget why he was kissing you, that is until you shoved him away.
“Yuta, what are you-”
  �� Your own words were cut short as you felt this pain in your arms, becoming aware of all the blood on you. Panic started to overtake you, but Yuta was trying to calm you. He took your head in his hands.
“Look at me, look at me, you’re okay, you’re okay, let’s go clean you up.”
    You could only offer a subtle nod, still paralyzed in fear. You could tell Yuta was trying to be calm for the both of you, but this whole situation was worrisome. As you tried to stand you wound up slipping, the floor wet with your blood and muddy. Now that you were face to face with the symbols on the ground you knew what they were, and what had happened. You didn’t voice your revelation, unable at the moment. Yuta got you back on your feet and took you into the house. By now others had woken up, the smell of blood now very prevalent in the house.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know.”
    Yuta had taken you into one of the bathrooms on the first floor, getting you in the tub and starting to wash the blood off of you. Of course he didn’t have answers, and all the stares turned to you. This whole time you had been quiet but you had to speak up.
“I… my master possessed me…”
“Excuse me?” Johnny questioned. “He did what!?”
“I was asleep so it wasn’t… bad… but-”
“Does that mean they found us?” Jungwoo suddenly asked. “We should be getting out of here.”
“No, no, possession is different. He doesn’t need to know my location, just have a strong connection with me, or use objects that are meaningful to me in order to inhabit my body.”
“The protective barrier is still up.” Taeyong mentioned. “And it’s dark out, so possessing you doesn’t give him any information about our location.”
“Which is why he was trying to break it… through me…”
“He didn’t manage though.”
“But he might have done something else… I don’t know how long he had control of me.”
“Then it’s best we leave this place.” Kun stated. “One way or another, we’ve likely been compromised.”
“I’m compromised.” You admitted. “I didn’t think he’d go as far as possessing me to find me…”
“Are you alright?” Doyoung asked. “I can’t imagine doing such a thing wouldn’t leave discomfort.”
“I’m okay… but he could do it… and I don’t think I could fight him…”
“There should be a spell in my book that can prevent that.” Taeyong said. “So it shouldn’t be a problem. Although I’ll need to cast another cloaking spell to-”
“Taeyong, you need to stop.” You cut in. “You’re not a witch, you can’t keep doing magic. I don’t even know where you got a spell book from, but you keep hurting yourself. The barrier spell you cast made you extremely ill.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not. Witches have magic in their veins, they draw power from the world around them, you only draw from yourself. As a werewolf you have power, but it’s not enough for such spells, you’re practically drawing from your own life force, you could get yourself killed!”
“And what would the alternative be? You think we could outrun witches on our own?”
“You could ask for help… the more who participate in a spell… the less of a burden you’d take on… that’s why covens are so powerful, the witches share power and protect one another. Just cause you’re the pack leader doesn’t mean you should take on all the responsibility… doing magic like that will only get you killed.”
Taeyong sighed. “And what would you suggest since you’re clearly an expert on witches and magic.”
“Uh… well, I can show you how to include others when you do magic… and I think there’s a different cloaking spell we could try… as for me… I need to cast my own anti-possession spell.”
“You can’t-”
“It doesn’t really work any other way.”
“Fine. Just clean yourself up, we’ll get back to this subject later.”
    The others left, leaving you alone with Yuta once more. You had certainly been brave to talk back to Taeyong in such a manner, and now the nerves were hitting you. Speaking to your alpha like that could lead to trouble.
“You’re alright.” Yuta chuckled, sensing your distress. “You said what we were all thinking.”
“Did I?”
“We’re werewolves, yet he’s over here doing magic like some witch. It has helped us in the past, but it clearly hasn’t been good for him, especially that barrier spell. I guess he needed to hear it from our omega to listen, so thanks.”
“I guess…”
“So you learned all that stuff about magic from your coven, right?”
“Yeah, we’re taught young and learn alongside our master. Understanding the fundamentals of magic is important, as a familiar we’re a source of power for them too, so we should know what our title entails.”
“Did they ever hurt you?”
“Uh… well the branding mark from our master tends to hurt at first, but other than that, not really. Drawing magic from a familiar is a rather painless process.”
“I suppose that’s good. I don’t want to know they hurt you.”
    Yuta finished cleaning you up, noting that you were healing, so you’d be alright. He went off to get you some clean clothes, wanting you to stay close. Everyone was awake and moving around the house, packing up their things and getting ready to move. You wanted to find Taeyong and get this spell book from him. He seemed a bit reluctant to hand it to you, but you were just trying to help. While everyone else was busy you skimmed through the book, looking for an anti-possession spell, as well as a cloaking one. You looked around the kitchen for ingredients, gathering everything you needed.
“Okay, since we’re gonna travel, it’s best to do an individual cloaking spell on everyone.”
“That sounds complicated.” Jaemin said.
“It’s actually not. I just need everyone to put some of their blood in the bowl, and we can all do the spell. We’ll all probably feel weird for a moment but that’s normal.”
    The others followed your instructions, cutting their palms and placing some drops of blood into the bowl you had set out. You went over the spell with them, and then you began the incantation. Taeyong had wanted to take the lead but you told him you’d need him strong for something else. You set the bowl on fire, adding in a few items and everyone held hands, following you through the spell. When it ended the flames dispersed, cinching some clothes, but everyone was okay. To test things out you did a little locator spell with a map, trying to track a few of the boys but you got no results.
“You really are a witches’ familia.” Jaehyun commented. “Good job.”
“Thanks. Now for the hard part…”
“Show me the anti-possession spell.” Taeyong ordered.
“I still have to do it myself.” You turned the page. “It can’t be casted on me.”
“Why not?”
“Cause whoever casts it is unaffected. You could cast it but still be able to possess me. By doing it myself it guarantees no one else can possess me.”
“How do you-”
“Don’t you think witches cast anti-possession spells on their familiars?”
“Ah, right…”
“I’ll be fine. I just… I’m gonna be out for a while…”
“How long?”
“Just a few hours.”
“And you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll carry you.” Yuta assured. “So don’t worry.”
“I know.”
    You gathered a few more things and did a new spell. You certainly felt a bit off given the previous incantation, but you needed to do this one too. It was a little more complicated as you had to burn some herbs and then eat them, but you assured the others you were okay. You cut your hand once more and spilled your blood and then began the spell. It created some discomfort, but it was a sensation you were familiar with. When you finished you collapsed, Yuta catching you in his arms.
“… thanks…”
    At least you had the strength to do one more thing before passing out. Everyone was a bit confused, but Yuta could understand your intentions. You had shifted, making yourself smaller and easier to carry. He picked you up, pretty much swinging you across his shoulders and carrying you like a scarf. It was kinda cute, but they didn’t have time to go around and pet you, they had to move.
“Where are we even going?”
“I’m not sure.” Taeyong admitted. “But as long as we stick together I’m certain we’ll be alright.”
    You remained unconscious until sunrise, a bit startled by your position but Yuta let you get down with ease. You ran around a bit and stretched before shifting back, joining the others. You insisted on carrying your own items, but Yuta refused to hand them over.
“Come on, you were also carrying me, you must be exhausted.”
“I’m fine.”
“Give it.”
“Ugh, fine. Hand it over when you’re tired.”
    You all stuck to the forest for most of the morning, making a few stops here and there. It was like a nice little trip, but no destination in mind. There were some things to scavenge for food, but also some nearby civilizations to get food from. You spent a whole day on the move before it was decided to set up camp for the night. It was nice to sleep under the stars all together. Although it wasn’t easy for you to just fall asleep. Your sleeping bag had been set out next to Yuta, but once you were sure he was asleep you carefully got up, going over to Taeyong.
“… hey… are you awake?”
    Taeyong smiled and let out a low chuckle, opening his eyes and giving you a questioning look. He knew you wanted to talk so he got up, the two of you stepping away from the group for a little bit.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?”
“I know we’re kinda just on the move here but I know of this place… it’s where witches gather when they don’t have a coven, or were cast out from their home.”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“I know, but they might be able to help us, or at least give us real options here. Wolves aren’t really meant to travel around, but have their own territories.”
“And their own cubs to protect.”
“Taeyong.” You hissed, feeling your face burn. “I’m being serious here.”
“Me too, but I understand what you’re talking about. I’m sure the cloaking spell isn’t forever, and it’s only right for us to have a place to call home.” Taeyong sighed. “We can talk about this with the others in the morning, but we both need to get some sleep. Come on, let’s go back.”
    In the morning you made a note of the location for Taeyong. It wasn’t exact, but he understood. Exiled witches certainly had to be careful when meeting, but there were places that existed for them to congregate. You were on the move again as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon, but Taeyong wanted everyone to eat before talking about this possible trip. You walked side by side with Yuta, holding hands and trying not to think about everything else going on. If you stayed in the moment, it was easier to get by. That is until you suddenly felt dizzy, stumbling in your steps.
“Woah, woah, I got you.” Yuta sat you down by a tree. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…”
“It was the magic.” Renjun commented. “You did a lot of spells the other day.”
“If it was that this should have hit me sooner…”
“Hm, you’re not sick.” Yuta checked your temperature. “Did you sleep okay last night?”
“Kinda… but-”
    Your words were cut short as a ringing sound filled your head. You reached up to cover your ears, but that did little to help you. When you glanced at the others you could see they were also in a similar position as you. Then you watched as the area around you became engulfed in flames. Panic started to build, and then you felt a hand on your shoulder, providing you with clarity. You slowly looked over, seeing Seungcheol kneeling down at your side.
“… master… how did you… find us…”
“My magic is in your veins, you think I wouldn’t be able to track it once it was used? You can’t really cloak that.”
“I’m sorry I let you get taken from me. It won’t-”
“No, no, stop it! This isn’t what you think!”
“What are you-”
    Seungcheol couldn’t understand your pleas, but then he saw it. He reached over and pulled your shirt collar aside, revealing the bite mark. You tried to hide it but he wouldn’t let you, anger starting to appear in his eyes.
“Who did this to you?”
    You couldn’t look him in the eyes, and that just aggravated him all the more. Instead he attacked the nearest wolf with fire, causing you to scream.
“Don’t hurt them!”
“They hurt you!”
    A loud voice filled the air, seeming to silence everything and everyone. The boys began to regain their sense as the ringing sound ceased, but they were still majorly disoriented. You looked around for the source, although you noticed four silhouettes beyond the fire, probably witches maintaining the flames. Then you saw three figures walking towards you and Seungcheol, stepping through the fire without issue. Your eyes went wide when you recognized the elders, quickly falling to your knees and lowering your head. You of all people had no business facing the elders, and you were certainly afraid.
“What seems to be the problem?” Onew asked. 
“They… one of them marked her.” Seungcheol responded. “She won’t tell me who.”
“There are other means of discovering that.”
    You suddenly felt a pain in your chest, screaming and curling up on the ground. Seungcheol was about to ask why such a thing was necessary but then he noticed Yuta screaming as well. Magic was used to bring over the boy, having him kneel down before the trio. The pain stopped and you could breath, Seungcheol tending to you for a moment.
“The guilty party.” Key scoffed. “I’m rather amazed the bite took. You don’t see something like that anymore.”
“What do we do now?” Seungcheol asked. “They’re bonded and-”
“Simple. We break it.”
“What!? Won’t-”
“It’s fine. Neither will have any recollection of such a thing.”
“… no…” You cried weakly. “… please… please…”
“It’s okay.” Seungcheol assured. “Everything is going to be alright.”
    You were pulled up onto your knees, trying not to let the tears flow. You felt someone grab your chin, forced to meet the gaze of one of the elders.
“It’s alright little one, this will only hurt for a moment.”
“… please… don’t… I don’t…”
“Sh, just relax.”
    The hand on your chin moved over to your shoulder, right over your mark. You felt a small tingling sensation, and then it grew in a burning pain. A scream was ripped from your throat, but you couldn’t get away, paralyzed in agony. Tears blurred your vision, and you found it difficult to breathe. You couldn’t describe the ache you felt in your chest, and you could barely make out the screams of the boy next to you. When it ended you couldn’t tell, the visceral pain lingering as you floated through it. You collapsed into Seungcheol’s arms, breathless sobs being choked out.
    Seungcheol examined your shoulder, seeing that the bite mark was gone, but the area seemed darker than before. Still, he knew you were suffering, and he couldn’t let it go on. He placed a kiss on your head and then put you to sleep, using his magic to ease your pain. While he was at it he turned you into a cub and held you closely in his arms, worried about what the future would hold. Of course it was hard for the wolves to ignore the suffering of their own. Hearing you and Yuta screaming snapped them out of their daze. Now they were all growling at the witches, a few trying to get close to Yuta. One of the elders tossed him closer to his packmates, letting them tend to their injured.
“You won’t get away with this.” Taeyong snarled. “I’m going to kill all of you!”
“I doubt that given you won’t remember any grievances.” Minho stated. “I’d prefer to kill you, but as a favor for an old friend we’ll show mercy.”
“You won’t get any in return.”
“If you say so. While on the subject you should also be informed that your previous pack has chosen to cast you out for your actions. You can remain as nomads and find a new place to call home, all on your own. I’m sure you’ll be happy to start over.”
“Fuck you!”
“Let’s not meet again.”
    You inhaled sharply as you regained consciousness, snuggling against your pillow and blanket before opening your eyes. You were met with a familiar room, a sense of calm and peace spreading throughout.
“Are you finally awake?”
    You glanced over to see Seungcheol entering the room with a tray of food. You happily sat up, although he told you to take it easy.
“How long was I out for?”
“Quite a while, you had me worried.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I’m sure I worried you too, but I assure you I’m fine.”
“I should have done better to protect you…”
“Dealing with hunters is always complicated, you know that.”
“What matters is that we’re both home, safe and sound. Someone has been waiting for you to wake up too.”
    Seungcheol gestured to the other side of the bed. You leaned over and glanced down, seeing a very familiar wolf curled up on the floor, sleeping peacefully. 
“He’s been by your side since you got here. He’s a very good mate.”
“You should eat and gather your strength. The others have been waiting to see you too.”
    You weren’t all that hungry, but knew you still needed to eat. Apparently you had been too loud as you suddenly heard some whimpers and looked over to see Seokmin up on his hind legs, trying to steal some of your food. You giggled and pet his head, letting him have the rest. You looked yourself over real quick, not seeing any major injuries, before shifting and following Seokmin outside. The fresh air and sunlight were very comforting. This was home, and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
    You went along with Seokmin to find the other familiars, wanting to say hello and catch up on what you’ve missed. You were happy to see them all, but deep in your chest you felt something off, something wrong. It’s like there was this pit in your chest and you didn’t know why. It kinda hurt, and you hadn’t noticed any tears until Seokmin was whimpering and licking at your face. There was no reason to be sad, you had to remind yourself of that. It was probably just some lingering feelings of inadequacy from not being able to protect your master. The feeling would likely pass, so for now you should just focus on the good things before you. This was where you belonged, and where you were happy to be.
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hammah-head-shark · 5 months
Idk if anyone will care because this is very niche BUT
Here is my interpretation of "Foreign Language" by Nothing But Thieves from a Jearmin POV <3
If you have any alternative interpretations, I would love to hear them!!! (Plus if there are any other AoT fans who love NBT I would be so happy lmfaooo)
DISCLAIMER: This is all just my own thoughts and headcanons, a lot of the analysis I have isn't necessarily keeping to the canon story, and has a lot of assumptions based on things we don't see in the anime/read in the manga! It's all silly fun because I love Jearmin, and I feel like this song fits them :) <3
Sometimes I don't understand you Same road, just different direction Same note, but different vibration I've gotta admit, you're not all it seems You've got planets in your eyes Guess it's not my thing But you make it look alright
From the perspective of Jean
“Same road, different direction / Same note, different vibration” -> Jean and Armin work really well together as co-leaders of the Paradis team during season 4. But sometimes Armin says/does things that Jean doesn’t understand/agree with at first, but he trusts Armin enough to go along with it. This could also be interpreted as the fact that Jean and Armin were originally meant to be one character, but Isayama decided to separate the personalities into two separate characters. So whilst they are in sync a lot of the time, there will be moments where they differ from each other.
“I’ve gotta admit, you’re not all it seems” -> Armin is stereotyped as the weakest link, and is treated like an underdog (he himself has very little confidence in himself), he’s not physically strong, but he proves that his intelligence and ability to come up with good plans is incredibly useful. And Jean misjudges him at first.
“You’ve got planets in your eyes” -> Armin’s ambition and dream to see the ocean. The childlike wonder and fascination, he can’t just stay behind the walls forever. He is his parents’ son, after all.
“Guess it’s not my thing / But you make it look alright” -> Jean doesn’t have the same fascination as Armin does. He only became a scout to make a difference, to help people and further humanity, not necessarily to explore outside the walls. However, seeing Armin’s absolute bliss when they reach the ocean makes Jean much more interested in the world outside the walls.
And I know that we've been so tired lately Want a change and like those movies from the old days You've been making us watch Well, it's a foreign language to me, baby But I love hearing you talk
“And I know that we’ve been so tired lately” -> In season 4, the Paradis squad have been too busy trying to stop the Rumbling and everyone is exhausted. Jean and Armin haven’t had a chance to talk about their relationship?
“Well, it’s a foreign language to me, baby / But I love hearing you talk” -> Reiterates that Jean and Armin don’t always understand one another, but Jean loves hearing Armin talking about whatever it is - whether it’s his theories (like when they were talking about the female titan in season 1), his dreams (seeing the ocean), or leading the scouts like a true commander. ("Foreign language" is also a reference to a previous lyric "those movies from the old days you've been making us watch", and also a later lyric, which mentions an Italian film which is *obviously* in Italian, and therefore, a foreign language)
I'm intoxicated by you Day drunk, hit the double feature A "life sucks then you die" t-shirt And a stolen kiss That's not all you need I've seen the look in your eye L'Avventura dream (L'Avventura dream) I hear it call you in the night
“I’m intoxicated by you” -> Reference to when they were drinking with the refugees. Armin and Jean spent a lot of time together in Marley during their undercover mission, and this moment in the tent is symbolic of their evolving relationship. Jean’s initial impression of Armin was that he found his friendship/obsession with Eren creepy, but now Jean and Armin have a closer bond than ever before.
"A "life sucks then you die" t-shirt -> Jean is a pessimist, and has a dry sense of humour. Armin isn't, he's just tired of his current life.
"And a stolen kiss / That's not all you need" -> a reference to the film mentioned on the next line. Maybe Jean and Armin's relationship starts out as a kiss that was an 'in the moment' type of kiss, maybe after a near death experience? Armin isn't that kind of person, he can't just kiss someone for the hell of it. It has to mean something. And maybe Jean also realises that when he kissed Armin, it wasn't just an adrenaline-led moment, but it had deeper undertones to it.
“L’Avventura dream (L’Avventura dream)” -> this references an Italian film from the 1960s (‘L’Avventura’, or ‘The Adventure’), and is described as a film where events happen with very little explanation or signals. This idea that things just happen and you should just go with the flow. This could relate to Jean and Armin’s relationship, as there’s no big gesture that shows a shift in their relationship. One day they were just a lot closer than before. This theme of “going with the flow” could also be a call for spontaneity, doing things just because. Living through a war could make someone want to do something they wouldn’t normally do, because they don’t know if they’ll live through it. For example, Jean and Armin getting together?
[Chorus repeated x2] And I know that we've been so tired lately And I know that you've been looking for a new way to, to make the world stop Well, it's a foreign language to me, baby But I love hearing you talk
“And I know that you've been looking for a new way to, to make the world stop” -> Throughout season 4, Armin didn’t want to resort to violence to stop Eren and the Rumbling - he was sick of the fighting and bloodshed. He wanted to talk to Eren and sort things out peacefully. Jean (and the other Paradis members) wanted the same, but deep down, they all knew that they wouldn’t be able to get through to Eren. Jean just had sympathy for Armin and his useless hope.
Essentially, this song talks mostly about their relationship throughout season 4, and the shift from small moments they have together pre-season 4, to their relationship (/friendship, you can interpret this however you want, I suppose!) being more focal and obvious to the audience.
I had so much fun doing this analysis, and I have a couple of songs in mind for other ships (currently have 2 contenders for Eremin..👀) so if you liked my analysis, feel free to suggest other ships/songs that you’d like me to interpret for aot ships!! :)
(I probably won’t analyse for Eremika or Aruani, because I’m not a huge fan of those ships- but anything else lemme hear them!!)
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