#butt hoi
bonkin · 1 year
check out this difference yall
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first drawing of him ever im pretty sure (2021) to today
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luxthestrange · 17 days
TWST Incorrect quotes#711 Tu si sabes Quererme~
MexYuuX Ruggie Bucchi first adult date going like-
Ruggie*Seeing two men about stealing his Old Blastcycle*DAMN THEY'RE STEALING MY BIKE!!-
MexYuu*Putting a hand on his chest*Dont worry, Guapo I'll solve this!
Rugg: No we gotta call the police-
Thugs*Raised their hands in fear and nodded at your threats*!?!
MexYuu*Pointing the Ray gun at his pants*"ASI KHE A CHINGAR A SU MADRE!?ORALE!"
MexYuu*Stops them at the last minute*Wait wait!YOUR WALLETS!!
Thugs*Both eagerly giving you their wallets*!?!
Rugg*Seeing one of them has new cool boots*NO WAY BRO,COOL BOOTS!~
MexYuu*Turns around with a smile*You like them?~
Rugg: Yes~
MexYuu*Growls and louds the laser gun at a higher level*THE BOOTS!? HURRY UP AND SCRAM!?
The thugs leave...Ruggie has new boots,you have two wallets filled with cash, and a happy boyfriend clinging to you
Rugg*Wrapping his arms around your neck and tail wagging*-Your my hero/ine!~
MexYuu*Hugs back but hands sliding down his back to his lay on his butt*You know it Guapo~You know the internet and the Lights arent gonna be paid just like that~
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Hi! How are you? First of all, I love your way of writing, it's amazing! I wish I had that magic that you have. UwU <3 Can I ask you to write a Bi-Han x Chubby!Afab!Reader? Where the reader is Liu Kang's apprentice, but since he does not have time to train her, he takes her to Bi-Han and he mocks her for not seeming strong, but when they face each other, things change and for the first time Bi-Han meets He is attracted to her and wants her for himself. But the reader feels insecure, thinking that this was some kind of mockery. There can be a lot of fluff and a possessive Bi-Han. Please :3
Thick Thighs Can Change Lives
Prior notes: Hoi!! I’m doin fine just trying to finish the semester strong. How bout you? And thank you for liking my writing! (´・ω・`)
Pairing: Bi-Han x Chubby! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: KICK HIS ASS!!! AHHHH
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It’s an honor to be an apprentice to Lord Liu Kang. He treats you well and always saw potential in you no matter what. Your body did not change the fact that you had a fighting spirit. There was strength in you that was hidden. Though others will doubt you they will eventually find out the truth that you are mighty.
If only Bi-Han saw that from the beginning.
You were unsure of Liu Kang’s decision to send you to the Lin Kuei for more training. He apologized profusely for not having enough time to do it himself. You understood since there were many others that he had to train. He trusted Bi-Han to take good care of you during your stay. If only the first interaction was good.
“This is the woman? Are you sure she is capable of fighting?” Bi-Han looked you up and down with a look of uncertainty.
“Trust me, Bi-Han. She is more than capable. There is a reason why she is my apprentice. Do not judge, lest ye be judged.” And he means it.
Bi-Han grumbled at Liu Kang’s response. He thinks the god is foolish for taking you in. You have proportions he hadn’t seen before on a warrior. He expects abs and flat stomachs, not chubby bellies. He circled you, checking you out from all angles and not in a good way. He pokes you to check for any muscles. You keep hearing a disappointed sigh.
“If this task is too hard for you, Bi-Han, I can always have the monks at the Wu Shi train her.”
Liu Kang’s words infuriated Bi-Han. He makes it sound like he can’t train you himself. That this task is impossible for a man like him. Forget it, he’ll take you in.
“No, I will take her in. She will be better than before. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and yanked you before you could even say goodbye to Liu Kang.
There were many in the Lin Kuei who questioned their grandmaster’s decisions. You were not like them, that was evident.
He didn’t even work with you at first. After about two days you had to go up to him to ask if he was actually going to train you or not. Clearly it’s not that he’s into training other cause when you found him he was watching all the other Lin Kuei assassins train.
“Grandmaster, when are you going to train me? I thought that was the reason Lord Liu Kang brought me to you.” You reminded him of his purpose.
He groaned as he remembered that you were still here. If he’s going to train he will do it separate from the clan.
“Fine, come with me.”
You followed him to a secluded area of the temple. Your heart was pumping. You were excited to show that you are capable of anything but afraid of failing. Liu Kang’s words echoed in your head telling you to focus on your actions, not the outcome. Give it your best shot and kick his butt!
“Show me what you are capable of. I hope you can show me that you are a worth opponent.” He sounded like he already had little faith in you.
From the start of the fight you were already proving him wrong. You were blocking every attack. Bi-Han was going easy on you for now but seeing as you could at least defend yourself he was hoping you would attack soon.
Hell, you were even dodging his ice attacks. He couldn’t even freeze one of your legs in place. Looks like he was wrong to think that you would be an easier target to hit.
Throughout it all you watched as he grew more and more frustrated. He set the bar too low and seeing that he was wrong was the worst thing he could have expected. Though your special move was probably way worse than having his ego be tampered with.
You finally attacked him. A palm strike to the jaw caused him to fall back. Before he could comprehend what you just did and get himself up you were already above him. You pressed down on him which put one of his legs in an uncomfortable position. You pinned his arm down before swinging your right leg behind his head. With all your strength you managed to flip both of you before locking his head in with your legs. And there you have it, you got him in a triangle choke.
This was just humiliating for Bi-Han. He didn’t think it was possible to lose to you. You had him right when you wanted him. Your legs made him feel like he was being squeezed by a vicious anaconda. The more he struggled the more he lost his breath. It didn’t stop there oh no. You started bending his arm and leg that were trapped between you two. You bent them in directions that would be impossible to achieve unless you broke his bones. His free hand came and slapped your thigh. He tapped out. He couldn’t take it.
You unraveled your legs to set him free. You were panting a bit and felt a bit sweaty. But compared to how he was now you looked like you never even fought him.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster, if that was too much.” You apologized even though you didn’t need to.
Once you were back up on your feet you stuck your hand out to help Bi-Han up. He looked up at you, taking in all your details for once. Maybe he lost too much oxygen when you were chocking him because for some reason you seem so cute right now. Yet he was still upset from being beaten by you. He didn’t take your hand but got up himself and walked away. Not a word was said from him and you were left wondering if you did something wrong.
I can guarantee you didn’t do anything wrong. Bi-Han just needs time to think of where he went wrong and what kind of woman he is attracted to. Looks like he might have an unexpected type.
No matter how many breaths of fresh air Bi-Han got his new stance on you didn’t change. He has enough oxygen going into his brain this new liking is not a delusion.
He was wrong but he won’t say it out loud. You have the strength of a warrior with a heart of gold. It was all hidden in that plush body of yours. What a fool he was to doubt you.
Now his eyes are always on you. Without the mindset of you being weak he sees now that there is much more to you.
Why didn’t he see it before! Just look at that cute face of yours, especially your cheeks. He wants to squish that face and not in a skull crushing way. And those legs good heavens! Those thighs could kill a man yet he would gladly put his face between them again. Your chest is a good alternative as well. He won’t deny he noticed that from the beginning but he would remind himself about it constantly. It just took him a while to realize the whole package was enticing. Screw it, let him get his hands on your tummy.
Look, Bi-Han likes his women strong. That’s one thing. But if chubby is the new strong well he won’t hesitate to take it. And don’t tell him that’s wrong he can’t be wrong two times in a row.
You did notice his stare. It was different now. You noticed one of his eyebrows would raise as he looked at you. His eyes wandered up and down. Before he could even walk over to have a word with you, you would start walking away. You were concerned he would insult you about your looks. Why else was he checking you out like that?
No one walks away from the grandmaster. You will listen to what he has to say. Bi-Han walked quickly towards you before yanking you back by your shirt.
“Where do you think you are going? Do you not see that I am trying to talk to you.” He is giving you his gentlest voice but it still feels like he will rip your spine out.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster.” You turned around quickly to look at him.
Suddenly his hands were at your face. He had a good grip on your soft cheeks, pinching and squeezing them. You looked up at him with confusion. You brought your hands up in an effort to remove his hands only for him to quickly slap them away. Bi-Han isn’t done admiring your beauty.
You thought he was being mean to you again. He was taunting you by bringing attention to your round face. This ain’t the first time something like this has happened. The only difference is that Bi-Han seems determined to look at you. He’s not saying anything which confuses you even more.
Yes, yes, she is perfect. She will look perfect standing next to me. No one will dare touch her unless they wish to feel her wrath. if anyone dares to say something negative about her weight I will make them pay for their disrespect. They will be forced to watch their hands lose function when I freeze them-
“Bi-Han, what are you doing to her?” Tomas’ voice rang out.
Bi-Han broke away from his inner monologue. He wasn’t done making plans on making you his. His eyes caught onto the sight of Tomas’ hand reaching out to grab your wrist. You looked at him in desperation as you were so confused by what was happening. But suddenly you were flung over Bi-Han’s shoulder. He did it as if you weighted as much as a kitten. He started walking away but he had something to say to Tomas.
“Mind your business, Tomas.” He snapped at his adopted brother before walking off with you.
You were humiliated by the fact that all of the Lin Kuei were watching their grandmaster carry you away. His arm was wrapped around your thighs. You didn’t see his face but he was satisfied that his arm was squeezing your thick thighs.
“Please…just put me down already. I got it you’re strong enough to pick me up.” Your disappointed voice was muffled by your hands covering your face.
“Silence. I will put you down when I want to.”
Were you silent or were you silenced?
Bi-Han brought you all the way to his office before placing you down on the ground. Don’t think you can catch your breath now because his arms quickly wrap around your waist and pull you onto his lap. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
“What are you doing?! Don’t you think I’m a little too heavy to be sitting on your lap?”
He looked offended by your words. As if you were the one who was calling him heavy. It only made his grip on you grow tighter, making sure you won’t leave now.
“Do you see me as a man who is unable to handle anything? Don’t be so foolish. Just sit here and look pretty for me as I work.” He instructed you.
Pretty? Did he just call you pretty? Maybe you hit him too hard during practice. But right now you don’t feel like disobeying any orders from him now. Even if this is a joke you rather wait to get pushed off than get off yourself and face a possible punishment. So just sit there and look your prettiest. You already are a gorgeous lady so there is no need to push yourself.
It’s not a joke anymore. It stopped being a joke a long time ago.
Every day since that weird interaction it’s like Bi-Han can’t keep his hands off you. He would go near you just to squeeze some part of you. It started with your arms which you really hated at first. You thought he was pointing out how he couldn’t feel muscles in that area. Wrong, he just liked the feel of it.
In general he likes the feel of you. But may the gods help anyone who tries to grab at you. Only Bi-Han can do that.
The one and only time you practiced with the others in the Lin Kuei it ended with someone’s face being smashed in and you being dragged away. Hey, he shouldn’t have smacked your stomach and called you names. He was just a sore loser who couldn’t comprehend losing to you. Well now he just lost his face privileges and respect from the grandmaster.
If anyone doubted you they had to face the fury of the Lin Kuei grandmaster. If fact they can’t even look at you at this point. If they looked at you for at least five seconds Bi-Han would start holding onto you like a child who is afraid their favorite toy will get taken away.
Wherever he went, you had to be with him. He needed to keep his eyes on you. In his mind you are already his, there is no arguing about it. You didn’t even know that’s what’s going on. It just happened.
Bi-Han loves to have you on his lap. It shows everyone that you are his now. He loves having his arms wrapped around your waist and squeezing it. Occasionally he would rest his head against your shoulder. That’s the calmest anyone has ever seen him. He would compare his hand size to your thighs. You thought it was another insult before you felt him squeeze them.
Squeezing, poking, squishing, grabbing, holding, secretly loving, that’s all he seemed to do. If you ever asked why, Bi-Han would silence you. You’re not allowed to question his actions nor hint that there was anything wrong with you. The only time you were allowed to have space was when you need to use the bathroom, eat, or sleep. And even getting him to go away so you could sleep was an issue.
You thought your saving grace would come once you heard Liu Kang would be visiting. He wanted to check on your progress and see if you wanted to return to the fire temple. He manages to make more time for you. No matter how much time you were away from him you were still Liu Kang’s apprentice.
Though that depends if Bi-Han will let you go.
One of the clansmen alerted Bi-Han of the god’s presence. Liu Kang soon came walking into the office. He was shocked to see you sitting on Bi-Han’s lap. Clearly it wasn’t fully your decision since you looked shy about it.
“I see you have gotten along with my apprentice. Is there any reason she is sitting on your lap instead of training?” Liu Kang addressed Bi-Han.
“Is there an issue with this. You brought her to me, I make the decision on what she is supposed to be doing right now.”
“I mean, I think I should have been training at this point but you were barely letting me do that.” You talked back, barely caring about what is happening anymore.
Liu Kang’s glowing eyes kept shifting between you and Bi-Han. If what you say is true, which it is, that means the grandmaster has been lacking in his duties. Though to Bi-Han he hasn’t lost anything from this experience.
“If that is the case it might be best to come back with me, my apprentice. Perhaps Bi-Han has other things he would prefer to attend to.” Liu Kang gestured for you to come with him.
The moment you tried to get off, Bi-Han pressed your body against him more. He glared at Liu Kang who looked back in shock. There is no chance in hell that he will let you walk out of this temple. No one will take his strong, chubby woman from him.
You sighed, realizing he will never give up. It dawned on you that he wasn’t making fun of you. He genuinely liked you now that you have shown your potential. You shrugged your shoulders at Liu Kang since you didn’t know what to do now. You would like more training but it might be a whole battle just to get Bi-Han off you. In a way you’re not complaining all that much.
“What is the meaning of this, Bi-Han? You have lacked in your duties to-“
Bi-Han didn’t want to hear anymore from Liu Kang. He carried you in his arms like a princess and walked out of the office. Liu Kang followed close behind him, still scolding him for his actions. All Bi-Han would respond with was a blunt no and continued walking on.
You’re left to think while this madness is going on. There is one thing you are certain you are feeling. Pride. Pride in the fact that you not only beat Bi-Han and proved your worth but proved that you are worth his affection. You changed this man’s perspective and his type. His eyes have been opened to the possibility of having a bigger figure in his arms and in his life. This is the way.
In an effort to get Liu Kang off his back he walked into his bedroom and slammed the door shut before Liu Kang could get another word out. He placed you on the bed before laying down next to you and resting his head on your chest. It’s hopeless, he’s too attached to you. I mean just look at that face. You didn’t think he could unfurrow his eyebrows. This is a moment in history!
“You’re not gonna let me go I’m guessing.” You asked.
“No.” Plain and simple from Bi-Han.
You held yourself back from chuckling. He’s clearly the possessive type. And if he can see that there is beauty in you then you will take it even if you had to beat him up first for him to see that.
“Fine, you win. Just this once.” You said softly.
Are you happy with your prize, Bi-Han?
After notes: Good amount of people don’t expect me to be strong because I’m chubby. A lot of my strength comes from my legs. But I’ve had instances where I have slapped and even punched people by accident. Literally told a story yesterday of how I punched someone I knew by accident and they folded. Anyways I was very happy to get a request like this. I hope you are happy with the outcome I did my best! I’m sorry i didn’t post yesterday I was very tired and mentally drained from all the bs. Hopefully that didn’t affect what I wrote. Adiós!
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ratedfleur · 4 months
mIKHAAAAA omg the sunoo pool thing is giving me an idea of ganda and pogi playing pool.. like whoever wins gets to top the other.. and pogi being really mayabang and whispering dirty talks in ganda's ear which makes her miss the cue ball hehehe
HOY 😭 i could so envision hao just standing behind her, close enough for his crotch to be against her butt and he would whisper the most nasty words into her ear, practically caging ganda flat on the pool table. 
“stop it.” she says as she clicks her tongue, trying to focus on aiming the cue ball towards the red striped ball on her queue. hao only smiles as he continues to whisper more dirty words to get ganda to grow weak in the knees. 
his eyes are fixed on the ball that ganda’s trying to hit, hao tries hard not to take the pool stick away from her, instead he watches as she strikes the cue ball hard only for the ball not to hit the red striped ball.
her groan is loud as hao chuckles, “paano ‘yan? 'di pasok?” he says as he gets up, moving a few steps away from ganda who shoots daggers at him. “looks like kulang ang baby sa kantot~” hao whistles as ganda puts back the pool stick on the stand, “bye, umuwi ka mag-isa.” she rolls her eyes as she walks away from hao who chased her as he laughed. 
“kakantutin naman kita mamaya eh!”
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gigamuffin · 10 months
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[The Villains] [Landlubbers] [Media links]
You may recognize the name Kaptein Sabeltann in some of my posts and may have wondered "Hey who is that totally sick and awesome pirate?" Well here's a (mostly objective and unbiased) introduction to our main crew!
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Kaptein Sabeltann (Captain Sabertooth) himself is the most feared and revered pirate of the seven seas and the self-proclaimed king of the sea. He is known for his love of gold and the ability to literally smell it + the catchphrase of the show "Hiv o' Hoi". He is a stubborn, decisive pirate who expects everything to follow his way. There is a rumour that Kaptein Sabeltann has sailed the seven seas for a hundred years, but this is often dismissed as scared landlubber tales.
Kaptein Sabeltann sails onboard Den sorte dame (the dark lady) with his crew: Langemann, Pelle, Pysa, Benjamin, Skalken and a young cabin boy Pinky. They reside in a port called Abra Havn, hidden away on an island surrounded by fog and through a narrow passageway only Langemann knows how to get Den sorte dame through. This place is called “Det usynlige land" (the invisible land)
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Den sorte dame (the dark lady). Fun fact her skull actually opens and closes it's mouth, and if you don't think that's cool you're not real. They sail her around for the show at night and in the daytime, she is free to ride in the park itself!
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Let's talk about Kaptein Sabeltann's first mate and right-hand man: Langemann (Longfinger) (pictured on the left). He is Kaptein Sabeltann's most trusted man and helps keep the crew and sometimes the captain himself in check. He is the only other person with free access to Kaptein Sabeltann's castle. Langemann is known as "Sabeltann's shadow" because "Where Langemann is Kaptein Sabeltann is close by."
Langemann is very serious about his job and makes sure the usually incompetent crew actually does their duty. But off duty, he knows how to joke, flirt, sing and just be an average guy, which is something he uses to his advantage to spy on landlubbers (one of his main jobs is to fool them for information on treasures). Langemann is Pinky's father figure, and behaves very much like dad in general.
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And this is Pinky (Tiny, pretend his english name isn’t real), he's technically our main protagonist and has the overarching plot of the show. Pinky was found on a shipwreck as a baby by Kaptein Sabeltann and his crew (but mostly by Langemann). He grew up in Abra Havn amongst pirates and dreamed of becoming the world's youngest pirate, which is something Kaptein Sabeltann scoffs at. Kaptein Sabeltann only sees Pinky as "the kid that Langemann picked up in that shipwreck" and doesn't take his wishes to become a "real pirate" seriously at all. Langemann on the other hand does try to encourage him to become a pirate someday. He is currently 11 years old in canon. After he realizes he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore he dreams of finding his biological dad, Morgan, instead. This is his overarching plot of the show.
Langemann used to be close friends with Pinky's biological dad Morgan and raises Pinky assuming Morgan is dead. Pinky lives at Langemann's house and often follows him around when he's in Abra Havn. Pinky looks up to both Langemann and Kaptein Sabeltann a lot growing up. Pinky is valued for his ability to read but other than that he is just a cabin boy in Kaptein Sabeltann's eyes.
Now we can move on to the other crew members.
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Pelle and Pysa (Wally and Wimp) are twin brothers and huge mama's boys. They can't read, write or count, which is often the butt of some joke. Pelle (Wally) sees himself as the "older brother" of the two, despite being only a few minutes older. He is often very bossy and mean to his brother Pysa. Pysa (Wimp) as his name implies is more of a coward. Other than that they are very similar. They are the stereotypical stooges, comedic reliefs, and love food, especially their mother's cooking. They are always bickering and even have a whole song dedicated to just that.
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This is Benjamin (no yeah he's Benjamin in english too we're blessed), he is lazy first and foremost, and boisterous. He usually tricks Pelle and Pysa into doing his job for him. Despite doing very little he often brags about being one of Kaptein Sabeltann's most famous and talented crew members. He often twists words or cracks jokes (often referencing things from modern day, aimed at the adults in the audience) that annoys Kaptein Sabeltann and the crew. He very much prioritizes fun and jokes over doing his job and being serious. If Pelle and Pysa are the physical comedy he is the verbal comedy. Benjamin also has the best eyesight of the crew and is often stationed at the crow's nest.
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Finally there is Skalken (Tully, his name actually translates to crust)...... Skalken is the ship's cook, and just by looking at him you can guess he isn't very good at it. Skalken only cooks food that makes the rest of the crew squeamish. He is often on the hunt for rats and cockroaches to put in his "famous" rat soup. According to him, rats and cockroaches are nutritious meals and a necessity to pirates. Despite everyone verbally and physically hating his cooking he just laughs and goes on believing he is a first class gourmet chef. He is our gross-out humour guy. Skalken, like Benjamin, often makes jokes that go over kids' heads, only Skalken has the ability to break the 4th wall.
And that's the main crew of Den sorte dame! I plan on writing another post for the villains, the side characters and the shows themselves in the near future. I will also have a short post with links to some of the media up soon. See you then!
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
I'm being greedy
— sharing a pillow and waking up with their faces only centimetres apart
(don't have to!)
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The campfire crackles amidst the subtle crash of the waves against the rocks and Iris wanders the beach, scouring for any type of dry wood to keep the fire going long enough to get a meal in. But the sun hangs low on the horizon and if the fire keeps ablaze through the night, her location will quickly become grounds for a monster’s feast. Finding a few choice pieces, she carries the wood back to where Raghnall finishes skinning a tideswimmer.
“I need to ask something,” she says, throwing the small sticks into the fire.
“Whatever it is, ask it,” he replies, skewering the fish on the end of a dagger. He balances the butt of it on some rocks, heating the fish in the coals.
“Did my father send you?”
“Believe it or not, I go where the coin flows and that coin flows from more than just your father.” He stands and scratches at the back of his neck.
She stands too, eyeing him closely. “Well that is certainly an answer but not to the question I asked.” She takes a step closer to him. “Did. My. Father. Send you.”
“He might have made mention—”
She huffs and storms off to the edge of the rocky shore, scooping up pebbles and tossing them into the ocean. Raghnall sidles up beside her.
“What can I say?”
“You could say no to glorified babysitting. You are worth more than that.”
“Is it babysitting when you are five and twenty?”
“Six and twenty. And I suppose not in technical terms but it is basically the charge my father gives you.”
“Your father pays so handsomely for me to kill monsters with you. How could I say no?”
She tosses another pebble into the water. “You are infuriating.”
“Get used to it, cos.”
“I cannot believe I am stranded with you here until morning.”
“You seem pent up even after that goblin fight. Perhaps a bout would relieve some of that stress and pass the time. Then it’s just a singular sleep until the morrow and you will be free of me. What do you say?”
The rest of the pebbles slip from her fingertips. “No weapons,” she says, rounding on him. “Just fists. No blows to the head.”
Raghnall grins and bows ever so slightly. “On my honor. I look forward to testing my mettle against yours, cos.”
Iris spits on the ground, removing her dagger strapped around her leg. Raghnall removes his shield and weapons as well, including his armor. He stands bare chested and she notes the tattoos there, but the one with goblin heads skewered on a sword makes her smile. She fucking despises goblins. They are only a monetary thought though as her eyes follow the trail of hair down his abs that disappears beneath the ties of his waistband that could be undone so easily. Her wandering eyes don’t go unnoticed by him as he smirks knowingly at her. Briefly closing her eyes to clear her head, she reopens them and plants her feet firmly against the ground.
“Ready if you are,” she says.
He saunters her way and she plays dirty, scooping up a bit of sand. She tosses it in his face. More than half of it blows away but it disorients him enough.
“Hoy, thought we agreed no hits to the face?” He claws at his eyes and she takes her chance.
A swift sweep of her foot and she knocks him on his ass. She jumps, straddling his hips and grasps his wrists, pinning them to his sides.
“I did not hit your face. Sand did.”
His head slams into hers and she loses her grip. “Pardon me, my head slipped,” he says, flipping her.
She’s on her back, dizzy and panting, unable to move.
He has her secured and rubs it in when he grabs both of her wrists, pinning them above her head with one hand. She scowls and he smirks. Chest heaving, all she can think about is how pretty his brown eyes are, especially with the way the firelight dances in the reflection of his pupils and alights on his dark skin. He’s beautiful and she doesn’t know why this is the first time she’s noticed. Probably because she’s never been pinned beneath him after losing a ridiculously short bout.
“I think you won,” she mutters, her eyes falling from his eyes to his lips. She hopes he doesn’t think anything of the way her words come out breathlessly or how her heart beats erratically in her chest.
He doesn’t move, eyes roaming over her face. “Shame. I thought you would have bested me, cos.”
“You are not the first to be disappointed in me and I hardly think you will be the last.”
“Still. I worry your heart was not in this.”
He is still insanely close, hand still closed around her wrists, breath dusting her lips and she is trying to focus on his words. But his body is on hers and she thinks about what he said earlier in the day about battles—the simplicity of it. There’s naught else like it. The clashing of bodies and wills. She can think of a few other things that are simple and very much like the clashing of bodies and wills and she’d very much like to try it out. Her mind travels there in a matter of seconds and she wonders just how salty his skin would taste on her tongue if she ran it along his neck before biting and kissing it tenderly.
She writhes and struggles in his grasp. An attempt to disperse such thoughts.
“You can speculate all you want later. For now, you should get off me so we can eat, put the fire out and try to get some shut eye. Let us hope we will not have to face an ambush mid sleep.”
Wordlessly he climbs off of her, making his way back toward the fire and she follows, taking deep breaths to calm herself. They share their charred fish and an apple she had in her pack before settling in against the ground for some sleep. She rolls up her scarf and they lay down together, using it as a pillow, backs facing one another as they close their eyes for sleep.
Morn comes with bird song and just a touch of orange on the horizon. Iris squints her eyes closed trying to keep out the sun and rolls. Her body brushes against Raghnall and he stirs. Slowly she opens her eyes, hoping he’s still asleep and won’t mind if she siphons some of his body heat but as her eyes trail up from his chest to his face, he smiles at her sleepily, lips closer than they were during their little bout. Her thoughts immediately descend into lustful territory.
“Mornin’,” he says, his breath touching her lips.
She kisses him on impulse. It’s utterly foolish, she thinks, especially if he is not into it. But he cradles her face with his other hand and kisses her back. Slowly and oh so soft and very much into it. She melts into him, her fingers crawling up his shoulder and resting gently there while her leg hooks up and over his hip. Though there’s fabric between them, the throb of his cock flutters her pulse and she presses herself into him, needing all of him. Her hand slips away from his shoulder and skims his skin between their bodies and blindly tugs at the strings on his pants.
Pulling away with a little chuckle, she frowns at him, missing his lips on hers. “That is quite the greeting. Eager are we?”
“Need to go slower?”
“No. You know I hunger—,” he kisses her once, nibbles on her bottom lip, “—for you.” Clamps his hand on her ass. “For your body.”
“Then what is with all the chatter?”
“Just a little exchange of banter. It is a different kind of bout you know. One of wit.”
“Please, shut up and just kiss me.” As she utters the words, she’s smacked with a slimy fluid to the face and Raghnall is already scrambling to his feet while she’s still trying to swipe it away with the back of her palm.
“Saurians,” he says, frustrated and hurries off to fetch his sword.
Iris sits up and notices they are much smaller saurians than what she’s used to, not even half the size of the ones she is used to fighting, and they don’t have any weapons. “Wait! I think they’re babies. Probably newly hatched too. Look how cute they are.” She smiles. “Hello there little ones.”
Two out of the dozen warily crawl up her leg but Raghnall returns, swinging his sword and the one bites while the other digs its claws into her right thigh. She screams in pain and reigns her volume in while he hacks and slashes away at the saurians. The two that injured her are now just bits and pieces scattered in her lap.
“Are you alright?” Raghnall asks, barely out of breath.
“Yes. But do you not think that was over doing it? Just a tad?”
He nods, grinning. “Maybe a tad.”
“Help me up.” She wriggles her hand at him and he clasps it, helping her to her feet. “I need to clean these wounds and we need to get out of here before the next dozen eggs hatch.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” he says.
They gather up the remainder of their belongings and make their way off the beach. They have another cave to pass through and a part of her wishes she could have him for just one more night. But to his point, her father pays a handsome sum and he is impatient. He will need his report.
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Before going anywhere else, I stop at Frittte to drop off some more tare.
🎵 Fritte
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The yellow roses in the window -- those aren't the flowers that were left for Klaasje.
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VISUAL CALCULUS - The tracks are as they have ever been. A bit more worn, perhaps. Fortunately, the street sweeper still hasn't noticed their presence.
"This is where I started off with my motor carriage... before sinking it in the sea."
I think I got it. [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "No wonder the cafeteria manager seemed frustrated when he was giving us directions to the yard."
"Well," he gestures toward the gaping hole in the fence, "you did provide us with a very convenient access point to the crime scene."
Not sure how else we would get there, to be honest.
🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 pm
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We should be able to deal with the two winning options at once here...
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Except we haven't paid for a room today, so we're locked out.
🎵 Miss Oranje Disco Dancer
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KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I was just thinking -- what a nice day for questions." She lights a cigarette. "Pertaining to a murder investigation."
"Can I ask more about you? For the record."
"I need to talk to you about your room again."
"Let's talk more about this so-called assault."
[Volition - Legendary 14] Look her in the eye.
"Titus Hardie gave us a recording where the deceased states his intention to commit rape."
"What is this wild flower?" (Show her the flower.)
"Let's return to this later, miss."
Huh, did we... have that check before? I don't remember it.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - She puts her coffee cup down.
PERCEPTION (HEARING ) [Easy: Success] - With a soft ring, as the porcelain meets the metal table.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - This does not surprise her.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Did he?" A smile flits across her face. "I never said he was a good man. Or that he had good intentions -- only that he was never bad to me."
"On this tape he specifically identifies *you* as the target."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Mmm. Where did they get this recording, exactly?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's intercepted radio chatter of the deceased -- recorded via a de-encryption station. It's authentic enough."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Does he says he's gonna do it *Soldier of the Apocalypse*-style?" She arches her brow.
"Those are the exact words he used."
"Something to that effect, yes."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yeah... That was practically his pick-up line." She picks the cup back up.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] - A memory surfaces in her tired neocortex -- it's not entirely unpleasant.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Did he say *whores* a lot?... Was he pretty much on the verge of *doing it Co Hoi-style*?"
"Yes. The word *whore* was used."
"Co Hoi *was* mentioned."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "He liked the way it *sounded* when he said it. As to Co Hoi..." The young woman lights a new cigarette with the butt of her old one.
"He wasn't *actually* there -- he didn't do a tour, or at least didn't tell me he did. Would've been overkill anyway. He lived his own little Co Hoi. It was in his... *everything*."
"Why say things like that? Machismo?"
"Do you think he was trying to scare people?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes -- was he bragging?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Oh no, I'm pretty sure he *did* all those things -- then integrated them into his idea of normalcy. To keep on living. Until they just... sort of turned into his..." She thinks. "What's the word I'm looking for?"
"Coping mechanism?"
"Catch phrase?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Running joke. I was gonna say running joke -- and it sounds like you didn't even get the good bits. Lely's punchlines got way, way funkier than that."
"He was like the Semenese conflict, the Co Hoi massacre, and the '36 famine in Yeesut all rolled into one person, then cast in Oranjese ceramic armour. Which he wore in bed *and* in the shower..."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - When he said he was *done* and *done mentally* it didn't sound like a joke. Sounded like a deeply troubled man.
"Hold on, he said he was *mentally done*. That's sounds like a broken man to me."
"Weren't you afraid?"
"You like this kind of stuff?"
"And you spent time with this person? Romantically?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Well..." She smiles. "Maybe I pieced him back together -- with my magical personality?"
"Weren't you afraid?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Afraid of what? That tape the Hardie boys recorded? Your mother probably never told you this, but girls are *evil*."
"Had I the physical robustness and social support I'd be *in* Co Hoi, *I* would be tearing it up *Soldier of the Apocalypse*-style..."
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - She wouldn't, she doesn't have the Full Hoi in her.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Did he tell you he had actually *done* any of those things -- here in Martinaise, I mean?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No. We were too busy laying waste our own nervous systems to direct any of the *fury* outward. He seemed..." She thinks. "He seemed happy, I guess. At ease. As much as a man like him could be."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - There is a small measure of pride in her. That she could quell the rage in such a being.
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - What kind of man *was* he? Before you go, ask for details. She seems okay to talk about it.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Thank you for clearing that up, miss." He turns to you. "Whenever you're ready -- I'm interested to hear what Titus Hardie has to say now."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - She takes a very small sip of her coffee and smiles.
Before we ask her any more, let's try this Volition check.
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4. [Volition - Legendary 14] Look her in the eye.
+1 Slight confusion about bullet.
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VOLITION [Legendary: Failure] - She looks back, time moves slowly. The triangles of her face rearranging into a weary smile...
SUGGESTION [Trivial: Success] - Don't worry. We will protect you from her beauty. We will *consult* you through the reefs and sounds of her persona.
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - We will see through deceits. You are shielded. You are wise.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - You are advised. There are muscles on long white bones that line her limbs, just below the silver jumpsuit...
What is... happening?
Avert your eyes.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Nothing. Just time passing. Don't worry.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - Anything out of the ordinary and you would be notified.
ENDURANCE [Trivial: Success] - Air moves in your windpipe. Your heart beats. You're a detective -- get back to detecting.
Am I being... beguiled?
Avert your eyes.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - She presses her elbows against her waist and slowly turns her head.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Medium: Success] - Her hair brushes her shoulders, making a small hissing sound, almost imperceptible...
2. Avert your eyes.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - The strange moment ends. It was brief, no longer than 2.2 seconds.
5. "Now that you've had some time -- can you tell us more about the victim?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Like -- for example -- his name?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Actually, officer, I didn't know his name. I just called him Lely."
KIM KITSURAGI - "A nickname?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I guess. He came from Lelystad -- it's short for that. And it was his *army name*, apparently. He said his real name wasn't *his*. I tried to pry it out of him, but it was no use."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Lelystad. That's a good start..." The lieutenant writes it down in his notebook...
…then tears out a page and hands it to you. "We have a few questions you can help us with. A few things a field autopsy alone can't answer."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - The young woman cranes her neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the page the lieutenant passed to you. On it is a list of autopsy observations, recorded neatly in blue ink.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - The last missing pieces of a puzzle of flesh.
"Where is Lelystad? The place, I mean?"
"How old was he, miss?"
"His eye colour?"
"He had a tattoo -- what did it mean?"
"Tell me something odd -- did he enjoy his death?"
"Could it be love that *did him in*?"
"We requested a semen screening from Processing."
"I think we're finished with this line of questioning." (Hand the lieutenant back his notes.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "In Oranje, officer. It's a... I think *municipality* is the term? A nowhere-town there."
KIM KITSURAGI - "You were *almost* right, officer." The lieutenant shakes his head, like you just missed a shot in darts. "That means his race was Occidental, not Mondial. I'll update the form."
(Look at Klaasje.) "You were both from Oranje?"
(Look at the autopsy paper.) "Moving on..."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yes. We were compatriots."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Did that bring you together?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No. He was too old for that -- and from another part of Oranjenrijk. I didn't even understand his accent. What brought us together wasn't Oranje -- it was bad habits."
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] - Sex, alcohol...
2. "How old was he, miss?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Forty-two? Are you sure? I would have had him above fifty..."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "He had many scars that made him appear older. But no." The memory makes her smile.
"We even celebrated his birthday, like, some weeks ago… It was a funny two days. He had little reason to lie to me."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Looks like you were right, officer." The lieutenant taps on his notebook once. As though assigning some kind of *point*...
PAIN THRESHOLD [Easy: Success] - Points are good. Have one, you old dog! Before we all die...
+1 Health
"I did not know this was a competition, Kim."
Better not to mention it...
KIM KITSURAGI - "It isn't. Police work is a *cooperative* sport."
3. "His eye colour?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Blue, light blue. They were like..." She stops, her eyes half closed, then continues: "Like little blue galaxies, you know. It was strange, seeing those eyes in his fucked up face..."
"Pardon the swearing." She takes a drag. "I do him an injustice -- he wasn't ugly. And he had a beautiful, soft voice. Very surprising, what with all the scarring. It was quite something, watching him speak."
KIM KITSURAGI - "He had a combat wound -- on his chin and mouth?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yes. *Severe*." She seems to enjoy the word. "It made him look like half his face was cracking away in some strange smile. That and those eyes..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Oh yes," the lieutenant suddenly remembers. "His hair -- if you can remember?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It was light brown, almost blond. He darkened it with brilliantine. Made it oily. Not nice to stroke. I couldn't convince him to leave it alone."
"Interesting -- I too have stroked his hair."
"Kim, I said to put the brilliantine on the form -- do I get a point?"
"Let's get to the rest."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Oily, isn't it..." She says, unfazed. She draws on her cigarette and lets the smoke linger for a moment in her mouth. "We have that in common now."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - She understands what autopsies entail. It doesn't get her off-balance.
"Kim, I said to put the brilliantine on the form -- do I get a point?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "No," he answers dryly.
"But I put it down, there…" (Point to the red autopsy slip.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay. Sure. Here you go. What else are we missing, officer?" he asks, trying to get the questioning back on track.
+5 XP
4. "He had a tattoo -- what did it mean?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Oh." She smiles. "*That*."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - It's clear she *liked* it.
"You liked it?"
"It was an Oranjese Map of the Waterways?"
"It was a map of his service history?"
"What did it represent -- do you know?"
"It was an Oranjese Map of the Waterways?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Sure, waterways... It was mostly for showing off to chicks though."
"For showing off to chicks? How so?"
"Thank you. A few more questions..."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "How?" She leans back. "Imagine him lying in bed, *freakish* musculature laid out on the sheets. Scarred, of course. Tattooed. The sheets are dirty for some reason."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Is this Oranjese lit?
"Is this Oranjese lit?"
Don't interrupt.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yes. This is the very *essence* of Oranjese lit -- a moment's respite. Dark and hopeless as the struggle itself." She leans even further back to demonstrate.
"He's smoking and drinking, of course. And his chest and shoulders and arms are studded with stars. Tens, hundreds of them. Maybe even thousands."
"And the woman goes like..." She points at the air with her sharp-nailed finger, picking out an imaginary tattoo-star. "'What was *this*, baby?'"
"And he says..." She lowers her voice, comically. "'That was *too* hard core. Don't ask me about that.' So she goes: 'Okay. But what's this, baby?' And he's like: 'Saw some bad shit there, killed some loincloths.'"
"And so it goes -- star after star, port after port, third world country after third world country. And he's done horrible things in every single one of them."
"You were the woman in this?"
"Can you tell us precisely what these mean?" (Hand her the photo.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No thank you." She does not take it. "I've seen enough of him dead. I can tell you what they *meant* without looking at them." She pours herself some more coffee.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "He was a blue-eyed boy with thick arms. From a small town. He was also *poor*, and the government of Oranje needed some people killed, so they turned him into a grotesque killer -- for money."
"He went to Killer Academy in Vredefort. Then he killed some people on the Semenine islands. And on other islands too -- all of the islands. After this he came to Revachol and got killed himself."
"Not a very fun story."
"Good story. Thanks."
"Thank you for clearing that up."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It *is* when you're high. It can be very exciting then -- you have the tools to deal with it. It's not a very nice story to remember when you're sober." She smiles faintly. "A change of topic?"
4. "Tell me something odd -- did he enjoy his death?"
VOLITION [Mediium: Success] - Just have her answer the question. Don't give explanations.
"Please answer the question, miss. Did he enjoy the moment of his death?"
"It's just a feeling I have. Indulge me."
"It came to me in an *occult vision*."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It very well could be, yes."- "I don't think he *enjoyed* dying, officer. He had too much left to do -- too many third world conflicts. Couldn't tap out just yet."
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - Everything checks out here. It's all A-Okay. Good answer.
5. "Could it be love that *did him in*?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It very well could be, yes."- "It very well could be, yes."
"What do you mean?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "What *do* I mean?" She raises an eyebrow. "I have no idea. I don't even know what *you* mean. Love did him in? What does that mean?"
"He told me -- love did him in."
"Okay then. Another question."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "That's not funny, officer."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Her voice is like a slash through the air. Her shoulders tense up.
6. "We requested a semen screening from Processing."
KIM KITSURAGI - "What do you think it will tell us?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I don't know how a semen sample works, officers. How many days after intercourse does it have to be -- I don't even know if he had sex with someone else. We didn't *go steady*."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Is she avoiding anything? Technically not.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - See? There's something off here. This one *must* know she's deploying flares and countermeasures.
7. "I think we're finished with this line of questioning." (Hand the lieutenant back his notes.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Alright." The lieutenant puts the slip back in his notes and observes the young woman for a moment.
Task complete: Question Klaasje about the dead man
+10 XP
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - Coolly, gracefully, she pours herself more coffee.
7. "Let's return to this later, miss." [Leave.]
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Why not? I'll be here until 23.00, drinking coffee most likely..."
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VISUAL CALCULUS - Wait, stop -- that man, bloated beyond all recognition, was 42?
It's what she said, yes.
[Discard thought.]
VISUAL CALCULUS - Below the damage, the weeks of decomposition, all the swollen indignity of mortality -- he was 42 years old?
Where is this going?
VISUAL CALCULUS - How old are *you*? That's where this is going. Forty-five thousand litres of raw alcohol has left its disfigurements. What lies beneath, you wonder.
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - You could ask either one of them.
"Kim, how old do you think I am?"
(Turn around.) "Miss, how old do you think I am?"
I got this, I got this... My age -- I think I'm...
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Huh?" She leans in closer. "How old do I think you are?"
"I don't know... 40? I was like 9 when OO peaked. That was, what? Nineteen years ago? I liked them when I was 9. You couldn't have liked it when you were 40..."
"Let's say you were twenty-something. Twenty five. A good disco age. Twenty five plus nineteen is forty four. I'm gonna say you're 44."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - Wow!
"Forty four? I'm young!"
"Forty four? You think so?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yeah. I have a university degree, you know." She flicks ash from her cigarette.
"Forty four? I'm young!"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Absolutely. Age is just a number, man."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes miss, but..." The lieutenant disagrees. "For him that number is *56*."
VISUAL CALCULUS - Wait! This requires *scientific* measurements.
Bring it on. I am not afraid of the truth.
I don't want to think about this any more.
VISUAL CALCULUS - To the Laboratorium!
Thought gained: Date of Birth Generator
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Temporary research bonus: None Research time: 7h 15m
Your face looks like it’s 58 and your body feels like it’s 60. Your mind feels like it’s lived for one day or a hundred. Both longer than they ought to be, the day and the century.... But for how long, then, has this thing attached to your sentience walked the planet’s crust? Time to start racking those brains of yours, Elder One. When and where were you born?
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scorpionoesit · 2 years
Hoi. I live
Anyway, new fic dropping soon! AND it’s prewritten, which means there will be a— dudududuuu —upload schedule! WHOOO
So yeah, it’ll be uploading every weekend on Saturday or Sunday.
Also, while this fic is being posted, I’ll be working on the next chapter of Vagabonds. IF all goes according to plan, Vagabonds will be ready to update by the time this fic is fully posted.
(That’s the plan, but I make no promises, because this fic was supposed to be finished literal months ago and I have zero self control.)
Also, I would like to clarify that Vagabonds and Braided Realities have not been dropped. I didn’t mean to leave them alone for six months, I just...lost the motivation to write for a while. For obvious reasons.
Also also, might be responding to a lot of asks that have been piling up in my inbox that I just realized is a thing (oops), so uhh don’t be surprised if you get a butt ton of notifications out of nowhere okay? okay!
EDIT: We’re live folks! Enjoy!
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ladiekatie · 7 months
🚧 WIP Wednesday🚧
tagged by my bestie @acountrygirlsfun.
I mean it's 11:30pm. It's still Wednesday. Uuuuhh, this is a 5+1 I'm working on. I live in El Paso so Eddie being from El Paso means a lot to me, so this is a bit that includes a little saying that my grandparents always said to me when I got a minor boo boo.
This is my first Buddie fic, despite being a fan of the show for a few years now. Alas, here we go....
“Ow!” she says. “It’s hot!” Eddie laughs and takes her hand in his. In the light, he can see it wasn’t even a burn. Still he held her hand and starts to sing. “Sana sana, colita de rana,” he rubs the tip of her finger with his. “Si no sanas hoy, sarañas mañana.” He brings up her finger and pecks a soft kiss onto it.  When he looks up, Shannon is blushing.  He drops her hand, “sorry.” “No, that was… sweet,” She takes her hand back and holds it close to her chest. Eddie back away and moves to lean on one of the poles that’s holding the lights up. “What does it mean?” She asks as she takes the spot on the other side of the pole.  “Um, it’s a nursery rhyme. It’s like umm, kiss kiss make it better. It’s just something you say when someone gets hurt.” “Okay, but what does it mean?” “It’s silly,” Eddie says, looking away. “It doesn’t really translate well.” “Oh,” Shannon says, “Is it like… bad?” “No! It’s just—” he pauses, “it means you’re healthy, you’re healthy, little frog butt. If you’re not healthy today, you’ll be healthy tomorrow.” “Little frog butt?!” Shannon says with a laugh.  “It rhymes in spanish!” Eddie says, her laugh infecting him. 
I won't tag anyone, but if you wanna do it go for it!
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jcurneysend · 10 months
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Hoi! I'm alive! Holidays kicking my butt! I promise once the holidays are done and dead with activities gonna pick back up a lot faster then expected!
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So. Survival is my mission, and I'm gonna do my best. Thank you guys for being patient with me..!!
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bonkin · 2 years
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schibi12 · 1 year
I just watched Spiderman Across the Spider-verse and hoy shit this movie is a work of art and we are in an animation renaissance!!!
The story is just a great follow-up to the first one, firstly with Miles sense of self not only as Spider-Man but as his own person, love how they made Gwen to a co-protagonist and the character arc she gets, secondly how they connect it with the history and lore of Spiderman and how it gets meta with the canon, and it's a big ol love letter to the mythos of spiderman.
Characters are all great and lovable, some old and some new but my favorite newcomer has to be Spiderman India he is such a fun and charming character, honorable mention Spider-Punk he stole every scene that he was in especially with his paper cutout animation.
Speaking of animation, holy mother forking shirt balls!! What can i say that hasnt already been praised!! This movie is a visual and technical marvel, the fact that each universe and spiderperson has it's own distinct art/visual style from Gwen Stacy's watercolor style that changes with what the characters going through or feeling, a lego universe (nice reference to Lord and Miller who worked on the Lego movie), the renaissance sketch style for the Vulture, the fact that you can see the sketch layer of The Spot and how his style changes with how much more powerful he gets and just so much more like kudos and applause to the animators who i know overworked their butt offs and i know some quit during the production and i do hope that the studio treats them better for the sequel.
Even though it's a 2 hour 20 minute movie you don't really feel it, the pacing is great in this movie my one problem with this movie it's the ending, it's not bad by any means is just leaves me wanting for more to know what happens and i wouldnt mind a cliffhanger ending if it wasn't so dependent on the third movie, like i wished this movie could have an ending and be it's own movie than it being a 2 piece with the third movie, i dont know if i made myself clear.
Overall an amazing sequel, with outstanding animation and visual and with a superb story, i give it 4.5 spiderwebs out of 5 spiderwebs
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thebladeblaster · 1 year
Shin Digimon Tensei (SMT X Digimon)
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Finally another chapter 😅.
Chapter 5 Fight For Freedom Part 2
The next day…
Flynn looked determined as he stood in Naraku with Masakado. Navarre had challenged them to see who could complete a certain three quests the fastest. Thankfully Flynn had one of the moss he needed for one of the quests and he just needed two more. However, before that he spotted the big strong demon he needed to beat. It was an adult demon which looked like a black and brown Doberman with red eyes and metal spikes.
He held in a wince as he watched the demon from behind cover. Flynn formed an angel statue in his hands which he launched at the demon while it wasn’t looking.
“Now, Masakado!”, Flynn said as the demon winced in pain from Flynn’s attack.
“Vee Headbutt!”, Masakado called out as he jumped at where Flynn struck the demon with a head butt.
“Gray Noise!”, the Doberman demon called out as it barked at Veemon.
Masakado gasped as he felt something was wrong. He hit the demon with his fist, but it lacked the same strength as normal. As the demon charged a black beam to fire at Masakado, Flynn suddenly formed two angel statues in desperation.
“I won’t let you kill, Masakado!”, Flynn thought as his heart beated rapidly against his chest.
“Freezing Wing!”, Flynn called out.
The demon looked stunned and surprised as Flynn launched the two statues which swiped at him multiple times before crashing into him.
“Now, I got ‘em!”, Masakado said.
Masakado bombarded the demon with a barrage of punches. His punches stabbed the shards of the statues further in as the demon cried out. Masakado roared as he was determined to beat the demon for Flynn. Flynn’s eyes widened as Masakado’s eyes glowed for a moment and he delivered a crushing blow to the demon’s jaw. The demon fell over as it howled in pain. The Samurai froze feeling bad as he felt it howl in pain.
“W-wait!”, Flynn said, for a moment as he put his hand out.
Masakado stopped looking confused as Flynn approached the demon. The dragon was wary as he stood in front of Flynn.
“Umm…just surrender and leave. If you don’t want to get hurt stop trying to enter Mikado.”, Flynn said as he put his hand over his chest.
“You…arrogant, Samurai scum! These lands aren’t yours to begin with! You're the invader! Black Beam!”, the Doberman demon replied before it fired at Flynn.
Flynn’s heart rate increased dramatically as he was right in the line of fire. He sweated as the beam neared him. The Samurai bent backwards narrowly avoiding the beam in time. Masakado roared in fury after seeing the demon attack Flynn.
“Why you!”, Masakado roared, before he punched the demon harshly in the stomach where it was already injured.
This made the demon fade away into particles. Flynn looked pale as he stood back up. He looked down at his hands.
“It could have killed me…”, Flynn murmured.
“Why did you do that, Flynn? I thought you said we need to beat the bad demons!”, Masakado said, sounding worried.
“I…I just thought…you’re right…I’m being silly. We just need to defeat them. It’s obvious they can’t be negotiated with.”, Flynn said as he shook his head and Masakado looked confused.
“You look like you’re overthinking things again.”, Masakado said as he pouted.
In Kiccigiorgi…
“Hoy, have you seen, Nathan? It seems like all the young folk are vanishing.”, a Casualry man asked.
A bearded balding man looked wary when he heard this.
“That deadbeat Issachar has been missing too. You don’t think…”, the man said as he suddenly stopped working.
The two looked nervous for this to happen after Flynn left. They had a very bad feeling about this.
Outside Naraku…
Isabeau looked around the streets warily. Her guard had been raised after finding that demon yesterday. That meant there could easily be more.
“Mistress Isabeau, I’m detecting a demon nearby.”, Burroughs said as Isabeau looked at an inconspicuous bakery.
“There’s no way…this is…”, Isabeau thought as she sweated nervously.
She remembers coming to this bakery since she was a kid. There’s no way it’s been…
Isabeau dove behind a building as she looked over at the bakery. She sneaked over into the back door. Renamon was silent but she could detect even more demonic energy. She summoned Renamon who sniffed around the place as she snuck around.
Renamon stopped over a piece of false ground which she moved to reveal a secret passageway.
“I sense the most demon energy down there.”, Renamon whispered.
“Hoy, Isabeau, what are you doing here?”, a round man in an apron asked as the two flinched.
Neither of them even detected him approaching. Renamon tensed as she threw her Diamond Storm at him without hesitation. Isabeau was about to say something before a metallic beast head hand opened up on the baker’s hand and ate the attack. She looked down at her chip deciding she couldn’t afford to hesitate.
“Even if I know him…he’s become a demon. So I need to defeat him!”, Isabeau thought.
She jammed the chip into her gauntlet.
“Initializing…Armor Digivolution activate!”, Burroughs said.
“Renamon digivolve to…Kabukimon!!!”, Renamon said.
Renamon was suddenly surrounded in petals which formed a red and yellow kimono and mask. The mask had red markings and fake red hair. Flowers bloomed from her hands.
The baker growled before another of his hands turned into a skeletal beast head.
“Cherry Blossom Storm!”, Kabukimon said as she blinded the baker with a stinging light from her hands and a storm of petals.
“Ah!!! How could you do this to me, Isabeau?!”, the baker said.
“Don’t fall for his tricks, Mistress Isabeau. He has become a demon through and through.”, Kabukimon said as she saw Isabeau’s hesitation.
She could easily blast him with Diamond Storm now that he was blinded, but should she?
“I…”, Isabeau thought as she remembered getting bread at the bakery as a kid.
She remembered the baker’s satisfied face as he served his customers.
“Wedge Attack!”, Kabukimon called out as she hesitated.
She made a circle with her head and launched her petals at the baker like a shuriken. It cut him and he cried out, making Isabeau’s eyes widen. Kabukimon looked back to her for a moment.
“I don’t know what kind of relationship you may have had with this man, but he must be stopped. If we don’t stop him now innocent people shall die. So, you must fight.”, Kabukimon said as the baker got to his fear growling.
Isabeau shook for a moment before she looked at the baker whose skin turned blue.
“Diamond Storm!”, Isabeau called out, before striking him with various shards she materialized.
They stabbed into the growling baker’s wounds causing him to bleed more profusely.
“That’s it! Wedge Attack!”, Kabukimon said, before firing more petals at the baker.
The baker roared in pain as he started to fade away still mid transformation. Isabeau looked away as the baker faded away. Kabukimon was silent as she returned back to Renamon.
“We need to get the others.”, Isabeau said, sounding quiet.
In Naraku…
Flynn and Masakado gathered the rest of the mosses and defeated demons as per the quests. They returned to K’s Tavern.
“…Pardon me. You there, the prentice.”, a Master Samurai said, drawing Flynn’s attention.
“Another Master Samurai. Hopefully he’s nicer…”, Flynn thought.
“I saw your outstanding performance in those challenge quests.”, a Master Samurai said.
“Does he not know about the trial?”, Flynn thought.
“And I have a favor to ask of a Samurai of your skill, Flynn. You see, Navarre has actually gone missing in Naraku…Would you please go find him?”, a Master Samurai said.
Flynn’s eyes widened in shock hearing this and he nodded.
“Definitely.”, Flynn replied, though he felt wary of the Master Samurai.
“There is a catch, alas. You must do this as quietly as you can. Navarre is very proud of himself. Even should you rescue him safely. If such a stain to his reputation becomes public knowledge…He may go so far as to choose death over the humiliation it would bring.”, the Master Samurai explained.
“I see…I shall be careful then…”, Flynn replied.
“I must ask that you begin searching for Navarre at once in Naraku.”, the Master Samurai said.
“I’ll register that as a new quest to the list.”, Burroughs said.
“Do you really trust this guy, Flynn?”, Masakado questioned inside his gauntlet.
The Master Samurai held in a snicker glaring at Flynn’s gauntlet. Fortunately for him Masakado had Flynn’s attention.
“Damn demon…”, the Master Samurai thought.
“Just because he is a Master Samurai that does not mean that he is the same as sir Kenny or Wilson.”, Flynn replied in a neutral tone.
“But he’s acting real suspicious to me.”, Masakado replied.
“Don’t jump to conclusions. We’ll see for ourselves.”, Flynn replied.
He didn’t want the Master Samurai to know about his suspicions. The Master Samurai tried to hide his annoyance and put on a smile.
“I would never try to trick my fellow Samurai.”, the Master Samurai said.
“Bleh…even just pretending that Casualry is my fellow makes me sick.”, the Master Samurai thought.
Flynn was silent for a moment as he stared at the Master. He put on a light smile.
“Of course.”, Flynn replied, before he left.
When they entered Naraku…
“Do you really trust that fellow?!”, Masakado questioned.
“Not in the slightest.”, Flynn replied.
“But you said-“, Masakado replied.
“I didn’t want him to know that I distrusted him just in case he’s being genuine. If Navarre is really lost I shall save him. If not…we both need to keep our guard up.”, Flynn replied as he summoned Masakado.
“Oh okay…I’ll be extremely cautious!”, Masakado replied as Flynn sweat dropped.
They looked throughout the first and second floors killing demons on their way. Flynn and Masakado stopped before the third floor.
“He isn’t on these two floors so that only leaves the third floor…Commander Hope told us not to go down here until we have adult demons but I suppose we don’t have a choice.”, Flynn said.
“I’m detecting very strong demons nearby. Are you sure you want to proceed?”, Burroughs said and Flynn nodded.
The two shivered as they felt an ominous wind and a disembodied roar. Masakado looked nervous and Flynn kept a neutral expression though he was wary. They descended to the third floor noticing some purple liquid on the ground.
“What is that?”, Flynn questioned.
“Let’s see-“, Masakado said.
“Wait!”, Flynn said, putting his arm out as a yellow ape demon with a bone club appeared and swiped at them.
“Bone Strike!”, the demon said.
Flynn got in front of Masakado and was sent flying back. He gasped in pain coughing up spit when he crashed against the wall.
“Why you…Vee Headbutt!”, Masakado said in anger as he launched himself at the demon.
The demon laughed in amusement as he raised his club. Suddenly something cut the club in two. It was angel statues which Flynn had summoned. Masakado hit the demon’s chest head on. The demon growled as he punched at the angel statues and got shards stuck in his fists which bled.
“Vee Punch!!!”, Flynn and Masakado said as they punched the demon in the face while he couldn’t guard.
Flynn grabbed Masakado by the nape and ran further in.
“Woah we could have beat him!”, Masakado said.
“We don’t have the luxury to fight ever demon here just look!”, Flynn replied.
Masakado looked around and noticed every demon on this floor was fully grown. They were all adults. Flynn winced when he stepped into the purple liquid. He looked paler as he didn’t feel very good all of the sudden. His adrenaline allowed him to keep running. He stopped when he saw Walter on the ground and DemiDevimon flickering. The latter seemed to be near death.
“Hoy, Walter wake up!”, Flynn said as he tried to snake him awake.
“DemiDevimon, are you okay?!”, Masakado questioned.
Suddenly an energy beam hit both Flynn and Masakado, sending them flying back onto the purple liquid.
“Energy Cannon!”, they heard.
When they looked up they saw hooded men. They paled from the liquid and seeing a group of hooded men with adult demons. Flynn felt worse as he was exposed to the liquid more. He felt very lightheaded. Masakado jumped up standing in front of Flynn.
In Kiccigiorgi…
More and more young people disappeared with the older folks looking everywhere for them.
“Where have they run off too?! We need to finish lending these crops.”, a villager said.
In Naraku…
“It’s you! That jerk! Vee Punch!”, Masakado said as he tried to strike a demon which appeared to be the same one Kenny had.
However Masakado was suddenly barraged on all sides by multiple attacks making him cry out in pain.
“Ah, it’s you, the Casualry. I shall show you that there are limits that cannot be overcome by exerting oneself.”, hooded man 1 said.
“Sir K-Kenny…why…? Are you trying to kill us?”, Flynn questioned as his vision was becoming increasingly blurry.
His limbs felt like jelly and he could barely stand. He felt like all his strength was being sapped out of him.
“How do you like the third stratum’s poison? It was laid by a very powerful demon, it can affect you through any clothes and can kill a full grown man in mere minutes.”, hooded man 2 explained.
Masakado was face down on the ground looking extremely pale. Flynn reached out for Masakado.
“Hehe. That weird demon of yours is toast. It’s so small he’ll die in seconds.”, hooded man 3 explained as Flynn’s heart skipped a beat.
Flynn’s heart rate was accelerating rapidly. The hooded man laughed over them.
Suddenly Kenny’s demon cried out in pain as blood rained. Its cannon hand had been severed. The other demons ran at Flynn who had a dangerous look in his eyes as his body seemed to be in autopilot. He created ten statues which he launched at the demons. It was more than he’s ever made before making the hooded man and demons gape.
“Freezing Wing!!!”, Flynn called out.
He made more statues than there were demons. They bombarded all of them and swiped at them and the hooded men completely overwhelming them.
“What the hell is going on?! How are you doing th-“, Kenny questioned.
“Vee Punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, Flynn called out punching Kenny on the cheek and sending him flying back and hitting the wall.
The punch left a massive bruise on Kenny’s face. Kenny shakily got to his feet.
“You filthy Casualry…ohh…”, Kenny said, his rage giving way to a smirk when he saw than Flynn froze in the stance he was in.
His normally olive skin was white as a sheet. His eyes were very hazy as blood dripped from his mouth.
“It seems all that moving around made the poison spread even faster. You’re dead.”, Kenny said with a smirk.
“F-Flynn…”, Masakado murmured worriedly as he rolled over to see his master frozen in place.
The statues vanished into nothing and Flynn collapsed on the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. There was a loud thud when he fell.
Masakado tried to crawl over to Flynn who was unresponsive.
“Boom bubble!”, they heard before the hooded man and remaining demons were blinded by bubbles.
“Flynn! Walter!”, Isabeau called out.
Isabeau hastily pulled out a dis-poison. She tried to make Flynn eat it, but he wasn’t responding. Worry soared within her as she tried to think fast.
“W-what? Jonathan? Isabeau? Why are you helping this Casualry scum? ”, Kenny questioned.
“The only scum here is you fellows! To think you would try to kill your fellow Samurai!”, Jonathan replied with Patamon sitting on his hair.
“We weren’t just trying. That one over there is already dead.”, hooded man 2 said.
Renamon force fed a dis-poison to Masakado which cured him. He instantly jumped up in tears.
“You’re lying. There’s no way Flynn could be dead!”, Masakado cried.
“I have too…”, Isabeau thought as she put the dis-poison in her mouth.
She blushed lightly as her lips touched Flynn’s and pushed the dis-poison in. He swallowed but he still wasn’t moving. Isabeau checked his heartbeat and paled. His heart wasn’t beating which made her panic. She did chest resuscitation to desperately try to make his heart beat return.
Masakado looked absolutely furious as he roared. He attacked the injured demons as Patamon blinded them again.
“Diamond Storm!”, Renamon called out as she hit the ones nearing Masakado with her shards.
The adult demons were pushed to near death before they were hastily de summoned and their masters looked fearful. Masakado glared at the hooded man with hatred about to attack them too.
“Stop, Masakado. They’re human. The demons of the Samurai aren’t allowed to harm humans.”, Jonathan said, putting his hand in front of him.
“Those jerks are bad! They k-killed Flynn and hurt Walter and DemiDevimon…they deserve it!”, Masakado yelled full of emotion.
Kenny swung his blade trying to kill Masakado as he moved at rapid speed. The others didn’t notice until the blade neared the dragon.
A blade stopped Kenny’s.
Kenny’s eyes were wide in disbelief as he saw who stopped the blade. He staggered back.
“Flynn!”, Isabeau called out as she hastily got to her feet.
“Vee Punch!”, Flynn called out as he sent a barrage of the punches at Kenny.
There was a loud crack as Kenny’s bones were shattered by Flynn’s fists which rained down like meteors.
“Vee Headbutt!”, Flynn called out as he slammed his car against Kenny’s chin.
Kenny had bruises everywhere and he coughed up blood. Flynn was breathing heavily, seeming to be in the feral state he was in before. Jonathan stopped Flynn holding him back and shaking his head before he could strike him again.
“It’s over. You beat him.”, Jonathan said as Flynn blinked.
“W-what?! Where am I…?”, Flynn thought as he slowly started to regain himself.
“What…?”, Flynn questioned shakily and Isabeau forced him to sit down.
“You and Masakado need to relax. You just recovered from the poison so you’re weak right now.”, Isabeau said.
“This is beyond the pale…”, hooded man 2 said fearfully as he stepped back grabbing Kenny.
“Your vile actions against your fellow Samurai is beyond the pale.”, Isabeau said as Jonathan touched Walter’s gauntlet and made it de summon his demon.
Walter just seemed beat up. He wasn’t poisoned like Flynn was. Jonathan was trying to wake him up.
“You fellows are jerks!”, Patamon said.
“You really could have gotten them killed. Thankfully we got here in time to save them.”, Jonathan said as Walter’s eyes started to open.
“Why did you do this? You fellows are the ones that started all of this.”, Flynn said as hooded man 3 snickered.
“Because there’s no way a true Luxuror would accept Casualry pigs among their ranks!”, hooded man 3 replied as pointed.
“Your actions don’t make sense. You seriously tried to kill an ally because you don’t like his social class?”, Renamon questioned.
“Shut up, demon!”, hooded man 2 said.
Suddenly some demons grabbed many of the hooded men except hooded man 2 and Kenny. The prentice’s gasped hastily, getting up including Walter. The hooded men grabbed were gruesomely torn apart and eaten by adult demons. The two masters cried out hastily running towards them and away from the demons. They completely bailed leaving the prentices alone.
“Those jerks…!”, Walter said, before they turned their attention back to the demons.
Their demon’s stood in front of them except Walter’s and they had their swords drawn.
Deeper in the third stratum…
Navarre, his demon Candlemon, and a master along with his demon were tied up by webs. They all looked fearful and horrified as a giant spider demon approached them.
To be continued…
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mocham-sims · 2 years
Our 11/11 💐Wedding Anniversary - Vol.1
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(English / Traducción - Español / メインブログ - 日本語)
Today is 1st wedding anniversary in real time of Freddie Sim & Guidry the human.
(In Sims time, it is the 16th day of winter. We celebrate that day as well. So today is their 3rd wedding anniversary in total!) This article is a list of photos and a few explanations, not a narrative.
So, I would like to keep an archive of their photos on this page.
We begin with a rehearsal. They was once walking down the aisle when they just disappeared without a trace. That is why the reason for do the rehearsal.
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Apparently it works fine.
Here it is again.
💐Welcome to our wedding anniversary!💐
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Freddie Sim is dressed in black as if for a funeral, but I will explain why later.
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Oh yes it was! Only household members were in attendance to ensure that the ceremony would run smoothly without any bugs.
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It is not a very appropriate coordination for the occasion, including Fredfie Sim, but they chose it themselves. And I respect their choice.
Becuase one of our family mottoes is that autonomous action is the highest priority.
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Then, after the exchange of rings, they kissed naturally, as a matter of course.
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(Did they kissed after the exchange of rings before? Has the system changed? I can't remember...)
Back to the story. And what happened that surprised me.
And the second kiss began with an autonomous act of suddenly hugging waist!
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But the kissing ritual kissing, well…
Each time, a head-butt occurs! XD
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However, the second time was a success.
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This photo archive will be continue to next..
If you are a person who understands Japanese, more photos and imaginative writing are available on my Japanese blog here, if you like. Tysm<3
(さらに多くと写真と、想像創作記で構成されている日本語ブログはこちら 宜しかったらどうぞ)
⬇️ Traducción - Español
Hoy es el primer aniversario de boda en tiempo real de Freddie Sim y Guidry the human. (En tiempo de los Sims, es el 16º día de invierno. Nosotros también celebramos ese día. Así que hoy es su tercer aniversario de boda en total). Este artículo es una lista de fotos y algunas explicaciones, no es una narración. Por lo tanto, me gustaría mantener un archivo de sus fotos en esta página.
En la mañana del día, se llevó a cabo un ensayo de caminar hacia el altar. Una vez estaban caminando por el pasillo cuando simplemente desaparecieron sin dejar rastro. Eso es la razón de hacer el ensayo.
Al parecer, ha funcionado bien.
Freddie Sim está vestido de negro como para un funeral, pero explicaré por qué más tarde.
Sólo asistieron los miembros de la casa para asegurarse de que la ceremonia se desarrollara sin problemas y sin ningún fallo.
Han elegido su propia coordinación de la moda, incluidos Freddie sim, lo que no es muy apropiado para la ocasión. Sin embargo, respeto su elección. Porque uno de nuestros lemas familiares es que el comportamiento autónomo es primordial.
Y después del intercambio de anillos, se besaron. (¿Antes se besaban después del intercambio de anillos? ¿Ha cambiado el sistema? No me acuerdo…)
Volviendo a la historia. Y me gustaría contar lo que pasó que me sorprendió mucho.
Eso es...
¡El segundo beso comenzó con un acto autónomo de abrazar la cintura de repente!
Pero el ritual de los besos, bueno… ¡Cada vez, se produce un cabezazo! XD
Pero finalmente lo consiguieron.
Este archivo de fotos será continuar a la siguiente..
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twohitgames · 2 months
Bare Butt Boxing ya está dispoible en Nintendo Switch y PC
Bare Butt Boxing, el juego de lucha multijugador caótico del estudio AAA Tuatara Games, trae disparatadas travesuras alienígenas con nuevos mapas y modos de juego en su lanzamiento en la versión 1.0 para PC a través de Steam con un descuento de lanzamiento del 30 %, así como en Nintendo Switch por primera vez hoy. Seis extraterrestres excéntricos sin pantalones se enamoran del deporte del boxeo,…
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bonkin · 1 year
shoutout to the users who see one piece of my art who then go on to like a bunch of shit in my tags
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