#by mean i mean he's more likely to insult Peter or isolate himself in his room and such
scoliosisgoblin · 4 months
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Peter and Jay doodles feat. T.K. and Lucy (headcanons for what I think they'd look like as humans.. gonna change their designs though)
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sciderman · 6 months
I feel like we don't talk about the fact that Peter and Flash didn't really have a typical "bully/victim" relationship, but more of a "jock asshole on nerd asshole violence" type, where they were more equal in the sense they both insulted the other one, where Flash basicly called him a loney bookworm loser and Peter called him an idiot like 50 different ways. They even kinda paralel each other in the sense that Peter is a self-isolating asshole nerd with an ego, while Flash is a popular and social muscle man.
I still remember my shock at Peter and Flash having a fucking boxing match in issue 8, or that time Peter jumper Flash and tried to rip him open like the gift-wrapping on his new chemistry set.
i think there's a balance of powers you have to take into account here - in that, yeah, at the point you're looking at, eight issues in - peter didn't take flash as a threat to him anymore because he knows full well that he could crush flash thompson in his palm like a can of dr pepper.
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that wasn't always the case and we don't really get to see a lot of what their dynamic was like, pre-spider-bite. but yeah - the fact that, actually, peter is physically more powerful than flash and, post-spider-bite was in a more cocky mindset means that yeah. they don't have your classical bully/victim relationship. peter can't really be a victim. he could break flash's arms like little toothpicks. but that's not to say anything about their relationship prior to that dynamic shift.
i think the elation to finally be able to actually cut flash down to size and not have him be a threat anymore might've felt great to pete. i kind of seriously doubt he was half as sassy in his sad little bookworm state.
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i'm kind of just - not about flash. yeah, i know peter and flash are both jerks to each other but - i still see flash as a bully figure. that's definitely what he's intended to be, initially. and no matter what justification there is - even the weird argument that somehow peter brought it upon himself - god. i'm just not about it.
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no matter what anyone outside of this dynamic says - peter definitely did see flash as a bully. and that's kind of all that matters to me.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
okay this is by no means a formal analysis, which i do want to do, but i find it so fascinating that henry carpenter’s tape is a narrative with such a deep understanding of the world that it often gets turned into a literal conversation between him and his mother and yet it’s in those moments where she’d finally take the shot to the head that the narrative slips and henry’s tape keeps playing despite the events no longer lining up. everything functions and everything syncs up till those points — both with the practice target and glenn. but his goal is fulfilled anyway
so much time and energy and research and fear and love and hatred was compiled into that notebook and so much understanding and delicacy was put into the formation of the tape but the only parts that really mattered were when susan finally saw the abuse herself and forced glenn to confront the consequences of who he is. glenn dies either way, and henry gets what he wanted, but rather than making susan a murderer it led to glenn’s suicide
henry’s overall attitude towards violence is the belief that violence is a necessity if the only other option is ignorance or apathy. he was only 11 when he’d filled an entire notebook with the process of trying to get glenn arrested and free christina — so much of this movie is dedicated to acknowledging the flaws of the system that continue to allow men like glenn to keep abusing kids like christina and that was the intention of the notebook. violence was henry’s last resort, his final option
susan makes a point when she finally and completely diverges from the tape. henry was just a child. no matter how smart he was, he still would’ve laughed at peter drawing a mustache on a piece of art and he still insulted the lady he thought was pretty. henry himself says that he’s a child over and over. henry was blind to the power of the common people because he was focused on using systems to help christina. susan would’ve gone to the newspapers. she would’ve gone to a community
henry creel was isolated from society, so he didn’t have the option of community either. but it’s so interesting that henry carpenter only saw the abuse others faced and never saw the stuff he faced as his mother relied on him for literally everything despite being a ‘good mother’ where as henry creel’s abuse was so prominent in his life and everything else was so lacking that he was forced to try and kill virginia
like i need to think about it more but these narratives are so strange when you put them next to each other. henry fulfills both the role of henry and christina, but who is susan then? what about peter?
susan seemed like she would’ve paralleled virginia at first, but she loved her son. honestly, she felt a lot more like victor than anyone else. and peter was his little brother, the person he trusted most, the only person he ever actually told about the red notebook. is there someone who henry told about any of these things? someone he trusted most?
there’s so much being introduced in this movie it’s insane. ESPECIALLY christina being nicknamed butterfly by susan . like that’s what’s nicking my brain the most. christina is the butterfly and im ohshdcjhdhfhdbd about it already
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nbymop · 1 year
I just REALLY want to talk about how Matthew Lloyd is the only "Main Kid" who doesn't have at least one solo. Other than his duet with Peter and his valedictorian speach we don't really get to see him by himself.
The first one to have a solo was Peter, A role of a life time. In this song he is alone until the very end in which some productions have Jason going back to Peter to kiss him. Peter is singing about him and Jasons relationship, wondering how their relationship will end up. He is scared that both of them have to play a role like an actor for the rest of their lives, and cutting each other off. "White picket fences and a dog a trophy bride and children, I know thats what he wants"
The second? Nadia, A quiet night at home which is soft and grieving, she is alone and shows how she's always almost left out, you can here pianos and cellos in the background, she references "princes" and "princesses" which reminds me of the isolation that most Disney princess have, mostly Rapunzel. It contrasts Plain Jane Fatass, which starts off with an electric guitar(? I think?) She uses humor to cope and overall just almost insults herself and talks about her isolation and her parent's neglect in a more agressive way. While A Quiet Night At Home talks about it in sadness.
The third is Ivy, a portrait of a girl. We are not alone with Ivy in this song. she is feeling these emotions while the rehearsals go on. She talks about how she feels objectified. She has to be this perfect "being", not human. She is almost treated a symbol for The Biblical Woman, The Trophy Bride. Like I said she is not alone, Matt is also there singing with Ivy so really it's not a solo but what I mean by "Solo" is a song that digs deep into what it's like for these characters being alone, but like I mentioned earlier...Ivy isn't alone in this song, Matt is also with her, but they aren't singing together like what you'd expect in a normal duet, they sing not with eachother but to themselves.
Unlike songs in bare like You and I, are you there, bare(etc) the characters are singing To each other but Ivy and Matt are singing To Themselves or rather, to us-- Which is interesting to be since in every other song that Ivy is in she is never alone.
Ivy is never alone with herself she's always with the big crowed or her inner circle of friends, the closest she has to being alone in the opera was when Matt carried Ivy to the van right after she fainted. That was the first time she was al
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Addicted to Me
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Alpha SIM Tony wants Omega Peter for himself. But when the boy resists his advances, he'll use whatever means necessary to bind the Omega to him.
Rape, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Tony Stark, Omega Peter Parker, Superior Iron Man Vol 1. (2015), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Breeding, Cum Addiction, Non-Consensual Drug Use
Thanks @the-mad-starker for being my wonderful Beta!
Read on AO3 Here
Since becoming Superior, Tony had not wanted for much. It was easy to put on a mask, smile at the right time and no one even noticed his eyes went from brown to blue or that he'd practically stopped aging. Nor did the few people he still cared about notice when he spiked their food with a watered down extremis at his birthday party. After Obie, and Killian, after New York, Tony wasn't willing to take chances any more.
And it turned out to be a very good thing after something tried to crash his systems and kill JARVIS. With his link up, he'd been able to initiate a complete shutdown of everything, isolating the threat quickly and with prejudice. The alpha played it off as a hardware failure, working quickly to restore everything even as he tightened his security around his files.
Time passed and Tony continued to shore up his power behind the scenes, schmoozing the right politicians, investing in everything from green energy to education, all the while building his reputation with the public. It was funny how no one noticed that it was only his image he was building, not the Avengers or even SI. He stood back as Rogers and the others drove themselves to ruin in the public opinion until he was the only hero worthy of being venerated with War Machine and the Falcon at his side. And oh had stealing Wilson from Rogers been the feather in his cap.
Now, he stood at the pinnacle of success with everything he wanted. Except for one thing.
Peter Parker.
The little omega had originally popped up on his radar years ago when he had started his Spider-man gig. He had been genuine enough that Tony had sponsored him discreetly, providing a new suite with an AI, ostensibly to help the pup stay out of trouble, but also to monitor him in case he started to stray from the path like so many heroes before him. And yet, as the years passed and the boy finished high school, he never strayed. Tony updated the suit on occasion, and repaired it when the AI deemed it necessary, but otherwise, he simply stood back.
Tony offered him a full ride to a school of his choice as a reward for his good work. Peter tried to turn him down but Tony insisted and in the end, he paid for Peter to attend Columbia. It was the first time in a long time that anyone had even tried to tell Tony no, and it intrigued him.
Unable to stay away, Tony started trying to court the Omega, only to be rebuffed constantly. It would have been insulting if he hadn’t realized that Peter was so shy and not used to Tony’s lavish lifestyle. The alpha changed tactics and started inviting Peter for lab time. Still, the Omega seemed to hold back from the Alpha and that wouldn’t do at all.
So Tony started the next phase of his plan. Omegas were very susceptible to bonding through exposure to Alpha semen, and Tony had synthesized a harmless tranquilizer that he slipped into Peter’s drink when they were working late one night.
“You ok, Pete?” Tony asked, watching as the omega’s eyes drifted closed, only to blink open, then start drifting again.
“Guess I’m just tired, Mr. Stark,” Peter yawned.
“Well, the guest room is always open,” Tony said, doing his best to appear concerned. “I don’t want you trying to swing back to your dorm when you’re this tired but I’m sure I can wake Happy up if you don’t want to stay.”
“No, that’s ok, sir,” Peter was quick to assure him. “The guest room is fine.”
As he escorted Peter up to his penthouse, Tony privately congratulated himself on having had the forethought to offer the room from the start so it wasn’t suspicious to the omega at all.
Tony let the boy get settled, changing into comfortable clothes while waiting for JARVIS to alert him when Peter’s vitals evened out to sleep. Then he slipped into the guest room and closed the door behind him.
“There’s my princess,” Tony murmured, appreciating the view in front of him. Peter lay spread on the bed, having had only enough energy to strip down to his briefs before he passed out on top of the blankets. His creamy skin was flawless and his body was sculpted to perfection thanks to the omega’s special genetics.
Tony stalked closer, letting his fingers brush gently along Peter’s legs before stopping at the briefs. He debated removing them but for today’s plan, it was best to keep things minimal. Instead, he gently re-positioned Peter on his back, then pulled his cock out, bringing himself to hardness quickly. He imagined fucking the omega in all of his holes, stuffing him full until he’s cum drunk and unable to think of anything but Tony.
It didn’t take long for him to empty himself over the omega’s chest. An endosym tentacle formed, scooping up a bit of the cum. Tony gently opened Peter’s mouth, feeding the cum coated strand down his throat while stimulating the outside to ensure it was swallowed. He scooped up more and fed that to Peter as well, his cock thickening again just from the visual.
Tony took his cock in one hand and continued slowly scooping cum to feed to his pretty omega. When he came again, he made sure to add it to the remnants on Peter’s stomach. Then he moved down the bed, running his hands gently over the boy’s briefs. Carefully, he lifted the band away from the boy’s cocklette, though he didn’t remove them.
A strand scooped through the fresh cum and snaked down past the little cocklette and into the omega’s vagina. He was careful not to insert it too deeply, and made sure it was rubbed into the warm wet heat. Another scoop was rubbed in before Tony shifted to stuffing Peter’s ass instead. He threaded a nanite tube deep inside that he fed the remaining cum into. Once it was done, he retracted the endosym, swiping it over Peter’s stomach to remove any traces that were left. Then he rolled Peter back onto his stomach and grabbed a blanket from the foot of a bed and draped it over the omega.
The next morning, Tony saw Peter off, and the omega didn’t act like anything was wrong so Tony considered it a success and started planning his next night. He couldn’t do it every time the omega was over, so he waited another week and a half before Peter stayed late again. Tony was quick to offer a drink and for Peter to stay so they could finish the project they were tackling.
The boy happily agreed, and soon, Tony was ushering him up to bed once more. As soon as the omega was asleep, Tony was back in the guest room. Again Peter was only in his briefs, and Tony couldn’t help but grab a handful of the omega’s firm ass. Then he rolled him over and climbed on top, though he was careful not to put his weight on the omega. He pulled his cock out and dragged the head over the omega’s chest, smearing precum along the whole length of it.
Tony bit back a moan, wishing he could do more, like shove his cock down the omega’s throat or even fuck his thighs, but he knew he’d have to be patient for that. Instead, he quickly finished himself and started feeding his omega.
It took another three weeks of weekly marking for Tony to notice a change in Peter. The boy went from visiting two- three times per week to nearly every day, and when he was there, he stood closer to the alpha, taking conspicuous inhales around him.
Tony hid his smile and didn't say anything, though he always left space for Peter and focused on emitting a soothing scent. When Friday finally arrived, Tony offered the guest room and Peter immediately accepted.
Tony felt the anticipation thrumming through him as he stepped into the guest room. This time he carefully stripped the Omega and removed his own pants as well. Then he positioned Peter on his stomach with his hips on a pillow, ass up in the air. As Tony knelt behind him, he imagined how Peter would whimper and whine for his alpha, begging for more when they finally mated.
Tony gave himself a quick stroke before sliding down so he could taste his pretty omega. He started with gentle licks to the outside of the Omega's pussy, moaning softly at the sweet taste of slick. Peter might have been out but his body still reacted, more and more slick pouring out of his hole as Tony stimulated it. Tony lightly fingered the entrance, encouraging more to drop down Peter's thighs. When there was enough that it glistened in the soft light of the room, Tony pushed Peter's legs together, anchoring them with Endosym tendrils before shoving his cock between them. The alpha was careful not to hold too tightly, not to leave a mark as he fucked his omega with only slick to ease the way. When Tony came, he pulled back and aimed it directly at Peter's ass, letting it drip down to his wet hole before using more tendrils of nanites to stuff the cum into his princess.
He used his nanites to clean up the extra again, and slid Peter’s underwear back up. Then he turned the omega over and moved up the bed so he could capture Peter’s lips with his own. Tony nibbled on the omega’s lips and kissed down his neck.
“Soon, my love,” Tony whispered, placing one last kiss before slipping out of the room.
Tony continued on, marking his omega regularly and encouraging Peter to visit as much as the boy wanted, never shying from whatever contact the omega initiated. They grew closer and while Tony knew it wouldn’t be much longer for them to start their relationship properly, he found that he couldn’t wait to claim at least a little bit more of his omega. So the next night Peter asked to stay, Tony offered him a drink and then waited for it to kick in.
He stripped the boy and then arranged him so that his head was just at the edge of the bed. Tony slipped his still semi hard cock into the omega’s mouth, sighing at the warm wet feel. He gave tiny thrusts, careful not to cut off Peter’s air or go too deep. His cock continued to harden in the kid’s mouth, and precum mixed with saliva dripped down Peter’s face. Tony pulled his cock out and traced along Peter’s face with it, marking him as much as he dared.
Then Tony rearranged Peter again, this time on his stomach with his shoulders down and hips up, presenting like the good omega he was. The alpha started with a single finger pressed into the boy's vagina, stilling as the boy whimpered beneath him. JARVIS confirmed that Peter was still sleeping so Tony continued stretching him, getting two and then three fingers in as the little omega moaned in his sleep. Slick dripped everywhere, and Tony used it to wet his cock as he rubbed the head along Peter's wet hole.
Beneath him, Peter squirmed and whined like a bitch in heat, so Tony pinned him down with Endosym bands before returning to rutting along the outside of Peter's vagina. He pulled back slightly, grabbing his cock and smacking Peter's dangling cocklette with it, causing the omega to jerk and whimper. Then Tony slowly dragged the head of his cock from Peter's cocklette to his ass, making slow swipes up and down. Precum and slick mixed as he made an utter mess of his boy. Occasionally, he'd pause to tap his cock on the omega's wet hole or cocklette, watching with pleasure as the omega writhed for him.
When it sounded like the omega was getting close, Tony completely covered his cocklette with an endosym case, then pushed just the tip of his cock into the omega's wet hole. He kept his thrusts shallow, but even that was enough to push Peter over the edge. Feeling his boy come around the tip of his cock had Tony emptying himself into Peter as well.
Nanites surged around Peter, cleaning him up, though a few dedicated strands were gathering up anything that escaped his pussy and burying it in his ass instead. Tony knew he should stop there but he wanted his princess stuffed full of him. With that in mind, he settled Peter on a pillow, his head supported but angled for easy access. Nanites trailed down and hooked Peter's mouth open, giving Tony even easier access.
He knelt above the boy’s face and started stroking himself while sticking first one, then two fingers into Peter’s mouth. When he got close, he pulled his fingers out and eased the head of his cock in. Nanites massaged the omega’s throat, encouraging him to swallow as Tony filled his mouth.
Satisfied that he had fully claimed his omega, Tony placed a gentle kiss on the boy’s forehead and arranged him back on his bed.
Things seemed to build much faster after that. Peter was over at the tower nearly every day between classes, and he was always near Tony when he visited. Tony continued to encourage him, reiterating that he was always welcome, and his company was always appreciated.
He kept his sessions with the omega to no more than once a week, though it was harder to resist the beautiful boy with how much he was around. His patience paid off though, when not even a month later Peter finally approached him.
The omega had been antsy all afternoon, and Tony was actually a bit concerned.
“Is everything alright, Pete?”
“Yeah,” the omega practically squeaked. “Yes, it’s fine. I’m fine. There’s nothing.”
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” Tony said, moving closer to the boy. “I’m here for you, however you need me.”
Peter whimpered, his eyes dropping to the floor as the alpha stood in front of him.
“Pete, please. Tell me what’s going on,” Tony encouraged. He didn’t like seeing his omega so on edge.
“I- IthinkI’mattractedtoyouandwanttokissyou,” Peter said, the words tumbling out too fast to be properly understood.
“Can you try that again, baby?” Tony asked gently. “A little slower?”
“I, I like you, Mr. Stark. Like, I’m attracted to you,” Peter said quietly. “And I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.”
“Just kiss?” Tony couldn’t help but tease. “Because I adore you and would love to do more than that if you ever think you might want that too.”
Peter’s head shot up so fast that Tony was worried he was going to hurt himself.
“I would never lie or joke about something like this, Peter,” Tony said seriously. “You are so amazing, I would be lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one,” Peter said, leaning in shyly to place a kiss on Tony’s lips. Tony enjoyed the innocent kiss for a few moments before taking over and deepening it. Peter moaned, and Tony pulled back, taking in the look of pleasure on his face.
“So beautiful, baby,” Tony said. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Peter blushed an even brighter red, and mumbled a response that Tony couldn’t make out.
“Why don’t we go upstairs and we can explore a bit more if you want,” Tony suggested, offering his hand to Peter. “And if you’re not ready, we can watch a movie and just cuddle a little.”
Peter nodded, slipping his hand into Tony’s and letting the alpha lead him upstairs to the couches in the living room. As he sat, Tony pulled Peter down onto his lap gently, guiding the omega to put a leg on either side of Tony’s.
“Hey, no need to be nervous,” Tony reassured the boy. “We’ll go at your pace.”
Peter nodded and immediately leaned in to start kissing Tony again. It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen and for the omega to start rutting against him, the smell of slick and arousal filling the air.
“Alpha,” Peter whined above him. “I need you.”
“Need me how, baby?” Tony asked, nipping at the boy’s neck as he ran his hands over the boy’s body. “What do you want?”
“You, need you,” Peter panted.
The boy continued to squirm in his lap and Tony caught a different note to Peter’s scent.
“Fuck, baby, you’re going into heat.”
“Alpha.” The omega whined and whimpered, rubbing himself all over Tony. “Please, Alpha, take care of me.”
“Are you sure?” Tony tried to ask, but Peter didn’t respond, so the Alpha tried again, speaking firmer. “Omega, are you sure? Because I won’t be able to hold back. I will fuck you and I’ll bond you.”
Peter seemed to focus briefly at his tone, and his reply was clear.
“Yes, Mr. Stark, please, I’m sure. I want you to be there for my heat and bond me during it,” Peter said, panting as he ground against the alpha.
“Tony, baby. If you’re going to be my Omega, you should call me Tony.”
“Tony, please, fuck me,” Peter begged. Tony savored the boy’s voice and the desperate look in his eyes.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Tony said, picking the omega up and carrying him to the master bedroom.
Peter splayed out in his bed, begging for him, was definitely the sexiest thing Tony had seen yet. While he had loved taking care of his omega before, this was so much better.
“Tony, pleeeease,” Peter begged, squirming on the three fingers Tony had buried in the omega.
Tony added a finger, stretching Peter’s hole carefully even as the boy cried for him to go faster. He had to make this perfect though. He had been waiting so long to finally claim his princess.
Finally though, he deemed Peter ready.
“Turn over, baby,” Tony said, nudging Peter until his shoulders and stomach were down while his ass was up, presenting his wet pussy.
The omega whimpered as Tony teased the edges of his hole, rubbing his cock in the slick before pushing himself in.
“So tight, baby. Fuck, look at you, such a good omega,” Tony said. He pounded into Peter, egged on by the whimpers and cries of his soon to be mate. “Gonna fuck you so good and make you mine.”
He could already feel his knot forming, so Tony focused on getting as deep as he could, and then draped himself over Peter’s back so he could reach the omega’s mating gland.
“Ready, princess?” Tony asked, licking at Peter’s neck.
“Ye-es, Alpha,” Peter panted. “Mark me, alpha.”
Tony made a pleased noise, then started fucking into Peter harder. Pleasure burst through him as his knot caught and he marked his mate, biting until he tasted blood. Peter screamed beneath him, writhing as orgasm overtook the Omega as well. Tony shuddered as his knot was milked, his hips grinding against Peter. Finally though, he was able to roll them both onto their sides. Tony ran gentle hands along his boy’s body, soothing lingering trembles.
“I love you, omega,” Tony whispered. “I’m so glad you’re finally mine.”
“Love you too,” Peter murmured, purring in his arms. “So happy you’re m’ alpha.”
“Rest, love,” Tony said, rumbling in response to the purr. “You’re going to need the energy.”
Most days, Peter would sit on his cock as they worked, though sometimes Tony would have the omega warm his cock with his mouth instead, especially if Tony decided Peter needed a more relaxing day. After work, they’d head home, eat dinner, and then Tony would fuck him one last time, stuff his pussy and plugging it with nanites. His boy was insatiable but Tony didn’t care.
Tony looked down at his mate, the omega’s lips wrapped around his cock as Tony fucked his throat. Tears slipped from the boy’s eyes but his hard little cocklette made it clear how much he enjoyed his mouth being stuffed. It was their morning ritual of sorts. As soon as Peter woke, his lips would be on Tony’s cock, sucking and licking until the alpha would wake up. Then Tony would either flip them over and fuck into Peter’s throat, or he’d lay there comfortably and let his Omega take what he wanted. Once his belly was full of cum, Peter would get ready for work with Tony, and they’d head to the lab.
Everyone had been so happy for them when they had announced their mating. Peter matched Tony’s brilliance, and anyone with eyes could see the alpha doted on the omega. Of course, if they knew just how dependent on him and on his cum Peter was, some of them might protest, but Tony didn’t care. He had a system that kept his baby addicted to him but still able to function. After all, his brain was one of the things Tony loved about Peter, and he’d never take that from him.
Peter was the hardest thing Tony had needed to work for since becoming Superior. The first one to have told him no in so long, and now, Peter was his too. Exactly as it should be.
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67 for the kiss prompts 👀
of course it's another safehouse fic! warning for some self-loathing on the parts of jon and martin. 
67. When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More.
Jon's on the phone with Basira in the other room. Martin can hear the rise and fall of his voice through the walls. He halfway wishes he'd said yes to Jon's offer to put her on speaker—he wants to know how bad it is. Wants to know exactly how badly he fucked up when he followed Peter into those tunnels (in more than just the obvious ways). 
Jon's said it wasn't his fault. Said that this morning, over the eggs he'd scrambled on a whim that were going cold on Martin's plate, covering Martin's hand with his: "It wasn't your fault, Martin. It wasn't. I-it wasn't even just the Not-Sasha, it… Trevor and Julia…" And then he'd stopped, a pained expression on his face, and Martin knew he wasn't the only one feeling guilty for everything that happened at the Panopticon the day before. 
The reality of Jon being here is still so new, so strange, after not talking for months, for a year, what with the coma, and the Lonely… Martin doesn't think he ever even had Jon to his flat before this; he thinks he suggested it once, after a drink one night, if Jon wanted to come back and have some tea, and Jon had politely said no, thank you, with a look in his eyes that made Martin think maybe he was thinking about all the kidnappings. So, yes, this is the first time Jon's ever been here. After months of silence, months of Martin talking himself out of going down the hall and talking to Jon, telling Jon how glad he was that he's alive, how sorry he was that he couldn't stay, how much he hated this, every bit of it… After it all, Jon came for him. Peter's dead, and there's no reason for them to stay away now. 
It's a relief, beyond what Martin will ever be able to articulate, but it's still strange, after all this time. Waking up in his bed to find Jon lying on the other side, stiff and tentative under the covers. To find Jon in the kitchen after a shower, making eggs and tea. To have Jon halfway holding his hand. Even after everything—after that period before the Unknowing where they were really sort of friends… this is surreal in a way Martin can't really explain.
Jon had actually held his hand all the way out of the Lonely, all the way back to his flat. Had reached for it over the expanse of Martin's mattress and held on. Martin doesn't remember him letting go. He doesn't remember ever wanting him to. It's a good surreal, he thinks. It's good. 
Jon comes out of the kitchen, now, his hand clutched around his phone, his face grim. Martin startles a little, his hands clenching together in his lap. "H-how was it?" he says. "Is it… d-do they have any sign of…" (Basira had filled them in on Daisy last night.)
"No, no, no sign." Jon sighs a little. Sits down on the couch beside Martin, so close their knees bump together. He doesn't meet Martin's eyes. 
Martin feels a habitual lump of worry rise in his throat. "You can tell me, Jon," he says, in case Jon is trying to shield him somehow. "It's… it's bad, isn't it?"
"I… yeah. Yeah, it's not good." Jon looks at him finally, his expression suggesting that’s all he’s going to say, like he’s going to try and protect Martin no matter what Martin says. “Basira… Basira says they’ll blame me,” he adds. “Again. She says they were already asking questions, they… sh-she said they’ll be looking for me again.”
" What? " Martin's aware his voice sounds insulted, and he is, on Jon's behalf, framed again for murders he didn't commit. (Well. Jon did kill Peter, but. Martin's not mourning that, not at all, he deserved it, and Peter isolated himself enough that the police shouldn't be looking for him. And the thought of Jon being blamed again for something he didn't even do…) "You didn't do anything, h-how can they blame you?"
Jon laughs a little, quiet bitterness in there. "It's easy. A-and it is my fault, sort of. I'm the one who antagonized Julia and Trevor. I'm the one who… who kept that stupid table, and then destroyed it and let that thing out. I'm the one who…" He stops. Winces, shakes his head a little. "I-it doesn't matter," he says. "Basira's sure they'll blame me. She says I need to get out of London." 
Martin latches onto that, his heart leaping in his throat. Maybe he has no right to be this concerned, considering he's holed himself up for months, ignoring Jon and working with Peter for a plan that didn't even do anything —but he can't help but panic at the idea of Jon leaving again, going somewhere else, somewhere where they can't keep him safe… Not that Jon isn't entirely self-sufficient, he's been fine all this time, he's saved Martin, and not that Martin's been doing a good job at all, considering everything, Jon came into the Lonely because of him and could've just as easily been lost, and it would've been his fault. But after everything… America, Ny-Alesund, the Unknowing, every time Jon went somewhere and Martin didn't, and something horrible happened, and Martin just… 
He tries to force the panic out of his voice, tries to speak levelly when he says, "Leave… leave London? And go where? "
"Scotland, apparently. Daisy has a safehouse that she… that she obviously won't be doing, and Basira said…" Jon swallows hard, looks away. "Well, she said I should leave right away. She said she would bring me the key here, and I should leave on the next train." 
"Oh," says Martin. A part of him is nearly shouting, Don't go, don't leave me here, but this is ridiculous, Jon has to go, and he can't ask… not after everything Jon's done… (But he doesn't want Jon to leave, he doesn't want to be alone again.) "I… y-yeah. Yeah, that's best," he says, because he can't, and he'd rather have Jon alive and somewhere else than arrested or dead, again, and his throat is closing up a little. "If they're looking for you, you should leave as soon as possible." 
"Right," says Jon. "Right, a-and I would…" He's staring down at his hands, intently, like he's trying to find answers in the lines of his palms. Martin is thinking absently that he does that, too, and isn't it funny how many habits he and Jon share that he's never realized, when Jon looks up abruptly. He's got an expression that's almost shy on his face; he says, "I-I was wondering if you'd like to come with me."
They're quiet for a moment.. Martin's staring; he thinks he definitely might be staring. His mouth might be hanging open. Jon starts talking again, too fast and stammering and anxious: "O-obviously if you don't want to, th-there's no obligation, of course, i-it's just that I… well, I haven't seen you for such a long time, Martin, and w-we just started talking again, and I… I thought you might want t-to get out of here, maybe, the Institute, it's… and I don't want you to be alo—" 
Martin kisses him. Leans forward, just like that, and abruptly kisses Jon, cutting him off mid-sentence. Jon makes a little sound, a punched-out gasp, and his hand moves up, resting suddenly against Martin's jaw. 
It takes a moment for Martin to fully connect his actions— Jon just asked me to go to Scotland and You just kissed him —and he pulls away abruptly. "I-I'm sorry," he says wildly, thinking I should've asked, thinking Martin, you idiot, just because he followed you into the Lonely doesn't mean he wants to… 
Jon's looking at him. His eyes are dark and wet and full of some emotion Martin can't place, and he's just looking at him. His hand is still on Martin's jaw, his fingers warm against Martin's chilly skin. Martin's eyes dart to the side—to Jon's fingers, his bitten nails, resting against Martin's cheek—and then back to Jon. "I'm sorry," he says again, and Jon shakes his head, just a little. Rubs a thumb over Martin's cheek. 
The gesture is enough to make Martin want to break. Just shatter in a dozen little pieces inside. He's not sure what to say—his brain, wildly grasping, comes up with, "Are you sure you—" And Jon leans forward, just as abruptly as Martin did, and kisses him again. Kisses him gently, sweetly, with a sort of underlying desperation that sounds like it did in the Lonely last night. We need you. I need you. His hands are still on Martin's face. 
Martin makes a little sound of shock. Fumbles up with shaking hands to cover Jon's hand with his, to grasp it gently and desperately (the way Jon is kissing him) and not let go. Not this time.
Jon's the one to pull away, first, just far enough to rest his forehead against Martin's. He laughs a little, nervous energy, and doesn't let go of Martin's hand. "You don't need to apologize, Martin, you…" He laughs again, quietly. "I'm very sure. I am. I've been wanting to do that for… quite a long time."
"Oh," Martin says faintly, his thumb tracing the line of Jon's palm. "You have?"
Jon nods, his forehead thunking lightly against Martin's with the motion. Martin chuckles. "Me… me, too."
"Oh," Jon says softly. He squeezes Martin's hand. 
Martin looks down at their joined hands (on his knee, now), leaning into Jon a little. (Just a little.). "Yes," he says, and there is no tremble, no hint of hesitation in his voice. He's sure about this, maybe the surest he's been in a long time. "Yes, I'll go to Scotland with you."
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Hey. I don't know if you are still taking prompts... but if so, I may have a challenge for you. 😉
Remus has to stay in the hospital wing for longer than usual. Sirius is secretly dating Remus and can't stand being away even though Madame Pomfrey says no visitors.
Thank you for such a cute prompt. I hope I have written just like you wanted. <333 Happy Reading! Stay Magical!
Rating: Teens and Up Audience.
The night was befalling as the walls of Hospital Wing started darkening, and the torches around the room ignited flames automatically with a thud. The room is filled with utter silence of the unoccupied beds with Remus Lupin being an exception, laying exasperatedly awake with bandages wrapped around his left leg. His stomach growled but it was the least he cared about because of the aching on the tips of his fingers and toes as his chest was in a constant state of agitation. He wanted something. No, he was craving for someone. He couldn’t stop his brain from the race of unwanted thoughts.
What if he doesn’t want me anymore?
What if he has realized that I’m not worth dating?
What if he is better off with my absence?
Suddenly, his thoughts came to a halt when his senses heightened with someone’s fastidious and highly familiar presence. Remus didn’t even have to look to recognize because it was none other than Madam Pomfrey. He loved her but not momentarily—infact not from the past five days who had strictly banned any visitors since his and Sirius’ fight. Speaking of, he shut his eyes as the memory enrolled in his mind all over for the hundredth time.
“I could have killed you!”
“But you almost killed yourself!” Yelled the boy who Remus was in love with.
“That is the last thing to be worrying—“ But he was not finished when the boy lunged at him and yanked him by his fists clutching his hospital dress, bringing him eye to eye and nose to nose as he growled, “Don’t you ever fucking say that. If you don’t care a shit about yourself then at least care about me! Us! But you don’t! You don’t care about us! Fuck you, Lupin!”
Remus’ heart was hammering in his chest, the pain of his broken leg was long forgotten. The tears glistened in the boy’s hard eyes. And before he could lift him his hand to hold his jaw, to soften the clenched face, to wipe his hurt away, Madam Pomfrey burst inside with her raging thunder.
“Mr. Black! Hands off this instant! How dare you bully a patient like that!? And within the Hospital Wing!” And he loosened his grasp which left Remus with an empty feeling in his chest. Even if he was being held brutally, he didn’t care because he was held by the foremost person in his life. The person he would never wish to leave.
“He’s my—“ He tried but his voice was a whimper in comparison to Madam Pomfrey’s.
“A week’s detention Mr. Black for scaring my patient like that! None of your friends will ever visit the Hospital Wing! Now off you go before I take away the house points!”
He gave Remus one last look of misery, tears still swimming in his heaven-made silver eyes, and scurried away from the hospital.
Remus numbly watched Pomfrey re-bandage his wounds. He suddenly felt so despondent and lonely after rethinking everything. He had hurt his favorite person in the world. And all that person had done was the care and love him with his deepest sincerity. He also knew that his lycanthropy had always been on his mind that even led him to convince the rest of his friends to become Animagis just to protect Remus from hurting himself. And now Remus had done the very same thing by not allowing his pack to accompany him to the last full moon. His broken leg and severe wounds were the aftermaths of his isolated transformation
He didn’t want to admit that he regretted his decision because deep down inside he had been unbound from the usual fretfulness of hurting his friends. He’d been better off hurting himself than hurt them, especially Sirius Black.
Now, it had been five days and Remus had not seen him. Neither James nor Peter.
“Ma’am?” He didn’t realize he had called her before she looked at him in question while applying the salve on the half-healed wound. He hissed in pain but asked anyway, “When am I getting discharged from this bed and these walls?” The bitterness cut through his voice sharply which made Pomfrey look up in surprise.
“Well, Remus. I expect to call me Poppy instead of Ma’am after five years I’ve been treating you.” Remus suddenly felt hot with embarrassment, “And it will take few more days until your walk starts, and then you’ll be well enough to join your classes and friends.”
The way she spoke, Remus felt like he had centuries to wait. He flopped down on his bed again with disappointment, the hollowness in his chest created a bigger void. A Sirius Black void. He needed it to be filled by that very person. The longing was more than Remus expected, intense enough to cause burning in his eyes as his throat began to constrict gradually, tightening his chest. He held himself until his throat had turned thorny. He let out a shaky breath and tears spilled down his temple, founding their place in his already messy hair. He cried silently. He ached and ached until sleep drifted him away.
Even in his dreams, he saw dark hair rippling like the black sea, shiny grey eyes like silver orbs, and fair skin like snow accompanied with pink flushes on the dips of the body. And then he saw a hand reaching out to him and just as he tried to grasp it, the hand flew away with a burning brush on his arm. The sensation was warm enough to jerk him from his unconsciousness. Remus’ eyes opened up to the same ceilings of the hospital wings. The room was still inky blue. He saw his dinner tray on the nightstand in which the food had gotten cold and dry. He immediately touched his left arm where the same sensation was tingling his skin. Or maybe he just felt it in reality? But no one was there. Remus was alone and cold.
He tried closing his eyes again, feeling no appetite at all, but he sensed a faint noise of rustle. He ignored it before it came back again with a feeling of fingers brushing his arm again. He sat up abruptly, clutching his sheets to his chest. His eyes were scanning the room desperately when—
“Moony?” Remus screamed when he saw Sirius’ head appear in the mid-air. Sirius rush ahead to put his hand on his mouth, “Shh! Please! I don’t want to get more detentions, Moony!”
It was all too much to process; Sirius appearing like a genie with no body—before he pulled off the Invisibility Cloak, and Sirius’ warm and sweaty hand on Remus’ mouth, and most importantly, Sirius was here in front of him after five fucking days. He removed his hand once Remus calmed down.
“Look, Moony, I’m sorry—“ He never got to the end of it because Remus shoved Sirius in his embrace. The embrace that was yearning for Sirius only. He thought he might have thrown away anyone if they had tried hugging him before his boyfriend. Remus squeezed him impossibly closer and tighter. He was clutching him like a lifeline. He had his face nuzzled in Sirius’ chest. His fragile arms were strongly wrapped around Sirius’ torso. He was relishing the scent, the touch, the love, and everything he had missed.
“Fuck, I missed you, Pads.” He grunted in his collarbone, “I was longing for you…”
“I’m here.” Sirius cooed in his ear, pressing a kiss beneath it, “And I’m not going.”
“You’ll have to,” He chuckled, traveling his hands to find Sirius’ and intertwined them both.
“Eventually, yes but don’t ruin the moment, Moony.” Remus was torn between tightening his embrace or pulling away to gaze at Sirius’ face but then he felt the other move away. They parted from their lingering hug, and Sirius delicately held Remus’ face and bent down to kiss him. Remus felt his body was set on fire. They kissed languidly at first until their desires amplified their passion. Sirius dug his knees on the bed while Remus complied by pulling him in his lap. Suddenly, his boyfriend gasped and jerked away.
“Remus! Your leg is broken and—I’m sorry!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just my calf area. I was not hurt okay?” Remus shushed him, peppering kisses on Sirius’ hands. The other boy nodded but frown still sitting on his face. He sat against him on the bed and Remus didn’t leave his hand. He just wanted them to be touching like an assurance of never parting again. They sat in silence. The flaming torches on the walls had already died out.
“Why did it took you so long?” Remus asked sheepishly, running circles on the outside of Sirius’ palm to make him sure that he was not mad.
“It’s not like I didn’t try,” Sirius spoke softly, “Had to sneak out from James’ hell hound eyes. And the last two days were spent in getting caught by Mrs. Norris. That fucking cat.”
“I love cats, okay? Don’t insult them.” Sirius cocked his eyebrow at him, “Yeah but she is such a pain in the arse.” They giggled. Remus couldn’t avert his eyes from Sirius who was avoiding his gaze, “Last two days, huh? It’s actually been five days. Are you mad at me?”
“Moony, how can I be mad at you?” The gentleness in his voice was powerful enough to cause Remus to feel hot behind his cheeks, “But yes, I admit that I was angry. I thought you didn’t want to see me. I thought that you’d want some space. But then I couldn’t stay away from you for so long. Life has been terrible without you.”
“Life has been terrible without you too, Sirius. I missed you so much. I felt bad the second you left this room. I felt so sorry to hurt you like that—“
“Your pain is my pain, Remus,” Sirius said sternly. His eyes are hard as steel. “You can’t isolate yourself like that. I know you fear hurting us but Moony, can’t you see? You are already hurting us like that. James has been quiet lately and Peter…well, he is just following his pursuit. What I mean is, none of us can see you wounded in hospital for like a week because of us. That we weren’t able to protect you.”
“It’s not your responsibility—“
“It is. You are mine.” Sirius squeezed their already entwined hands. The words were like a gush of affection in Remus’ heart. He was suddenly out of arguments. He smiled at the boy before him who smiled back weakly, “And yes, it’s been only two months since we started dating, but you already feel like my responsibility now.”
Remus arched an eyebrow at his flustered expression, “Wow, that’s quite patriarchal with few amendments since a man is claiming his supremacy on the other man.”
“Wha—you dominate over me all the fucking time!” They broke out in fits of laughter but then immediately clapped their hands on each other’s mouths to keep it down. Funnily, the more they forced themselves to be quiet the more laughter bubbled out of them. Remus suddenly grabbed Sirius by his collar and crashed their lips together. Their giggles were turned muffled until they were silently devouring each other’s mouths. Sirius was now moving from his jawline to his neck, and Remus turned into mush as the warmth began pooling into him. He just wanted to stay like this forever.
Suddenly, they both froze when the sounds of approaching footsteps came from the hall. Sirius lunged down to the floor to grab the invisibility cloak, and suddenly the door swung open.
“Mister Lupin?” McGonagall?
“Professor McGonagall.” Remus’ voice shook.
“I am sorry for barging into the Hospital Wing just like that, but I wanted to ask if Mr. Black might have stopped by here?” Even in the dark room, Remus was able to see the grave creases on her forehead. He gulped and eyed down the floor to found Sirius was nowhere to be seen.
“Umm…No, Professor.” He stammered.
“Well, that lad is one hurricane, isn’t he?” She sighed, “I hope you are recovering well, Remus.” Her voice softened and a hint of a smile passed her face. He nodded and then she was out of the hospital.
After he had made sure that there were no sounds of any footsteps he said, “What did you do now?”
“I came during my detention with McGonagall.” Sirius peeked through the cloak, with his entire body invisible.
“Okay, you look very creepy like that.” He stood, brushing off the dust from his trousers, “Come here, now. I want to relish you till my heart is contented. You are getting more detentions anyway.” He opened his arms for Sirius who fell into them with the goofiest smile on his face.
“You are such a masochist, Moony.”
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An Introduction to the Marauders Tragedy For New Fans Part 2: Sirius Black
Sirius Black was born to Walburga and Orion Black
He also had a brother one year below him, Regulus
Sirius noted they were not close but Regulus was the “better son”
The House of Black were a notably pure-blood family who were advocates for pure-blood elitism and hated muggles and muggle-born
They were so pro-pure-blood, in fact, that they often married within their bloodline to keep the family “pure” (side note: Walburga and Orion were second cousins which is nasty and illegal in muggle law) and disowned squib and “blood traitor” children
Sirius rejected these ideals from a young age, much to the dismay (putting it lightly) of his parents
While not much is known specifically about Sirius’s home life, many feel it is implied that he suffered emotional abuse, especially from his mother who it is suggested he holds particular hatred toward
Sirius did not get along with his family for the most part with the exception of his cousin Andromeda (sister of Narcissa and Bellatrix)
However, when she married the muggle-born wizard Ted Tonks, she was disowned from the family and he rarely saw her, making him feel isolated
In 1971, Sirius joined Hogwarts and was Sorted into Gryffindor house, the first in his family not to make Slytherin house
This further ostracised him from his family and caused more issues for his home life
Silver lining: he met fellow Gryffindors, Remus, James and Peter
Over time, Sirius became really popular and was noted to be very handsome and intelligent
By sixteen, Sirius’s home life had become so unbearable that he ran away and moved in with the Potters
James’s parents, Fleamont and Euphemia, loved Sirius and took him in as their own
Following Sirius’s choice to move in with a “blood traitor” family, his mother removed him from the family tree, officially disowning his as her son forever
Like the other Marauders, Sirius joined the Order immediately after finishing school
In 1979, Regulus died
Sirius believed that Regulus had been killed because he became a Death Eater, but was too cowardly for it and thus executed
In truth (though no one would know until 1997) Regulus had, at sixteen, discovered the truth about Voldemort’s horcruxes and had died tragically after trying to destroy one
Sirius never knew this and died believing his little brother to have died a Death Eater
Fast forward and he’s James’s best man, and the Godfather to his son, Harry
Euphemia and Fleamont, the only parental figures who had ever loved and cared for him, died shortly after the wedding
The war was more brutal than ever. Everyone was tense. People were under the imperious curse. Brothers betrayed brothers. Families were slaughtered.
This took a toll on Sirius and, when they discovered a ‘rat’ in the Order, he grew suspicious of Remus Lupin
This one mistake would result in murder, wrongful imprisonment, and a child being orphaned
The prophecy was (partly) known by Voldemort who swore to kill Harry Potter, believing him to be his downfall
James and Lily went into hiding and asked Sirius to be their Secret Keeper
Here’s what ‘secret keeper’ means -
James and Lily could choose ONE person as their “secret keeper” and would tell them where they were hiding. As long as the SK told no one, it would be impossible for anyone else to find them. Even if Voldemort pressed his face up against the window, he would not be able to see them unless the SK told him specifically where to go
This is where Sirius’s mistake came in...
Sirius declined the offer to be SK as he said everyone knew they were the closest and he was sure to be the first person interrogated
Instead, he suggested they let everyone believe that he was the SK, but to ask someone else
At this point, he (wrongly) mistrusted Remus, so suggested they use Peter who was (unbeknownst to them) the real spy in the Order
On Halloween night 1981, Sirius went to visit Peter and felt some was wrong when he was not there
He went to Godric’s Hollow and found that Voldemort had killed an unarmed James and Lily but failed to kill Harry
He saw the lifeless body of the man he considered a brother, and a woman he considered a great friend, and his crying orphaned son...
...and he blamed himself entirely
Despite the guilt and grief, his first instinct was to protect Harry and, as his Godfather, immediately intended to adopt him and care for him
At this point, Hagrid arrived to take Harry away to which Sirius fought, declaring himself as Harry’s guardian
Hagrid told him that Dumbledore had arrangements for him and (since everyone trusts Dumbledore for some reason) Sirius finally handed him over
He set off to confront Peter who had betrayed them and indirectly murdered James and Lily who had loved him
Despite what many believe, Peter was not dim witted. In fact, he outsmart Sirius and framed him for the murder of himself and twelve muggles
Before faking his death, Peter shouted that Sirius had betrayed and killed the Potters, framing him for his own crimes
Sirius was captured and given no trial
Despite having access to veritaserum (truth potion) no effort was made to question Sirius and he was sent to life imprisonment
Adding insult to injury, while Sirius was imprisoned for the murder of two of his closet friends, the true criminal Peter was awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class
Everyone, even Sirius’s last friend Remus, believed that it had been Sirius who committed the heinous crime
He spent twelve years in Azkaban in solidarity confinement with dementors who are the embodiment of depression
During this time, he kept sane by focusing on his innocence
In 1993, Sirius discovered that Peter (in animagus form) was with Harry at Hogwarts, and he immediately escaped to go to Hogwarts
To clarify, Sirius had the ability to leave Azkaban at any point over the previous twelve years, but he stayed willingly
He voluntarily tortured himself for twelve years as he blamed James and Lily’s deaths on himself
After a year of hiding and trying to confront Peter and talk to Harry, Sirius was finally successful and even Remus realised he was innocent!
He was about to be proven innocent, and would be able to adopt Harry who still lived with the abusive Dursleys
End of story! Happy ending!
Ha, I wish
So everything was going well and it seemed like Sirius was going to be proven innocent
Until a series of unfortunate events (see Remus Lupin) happened and Peter escaped, and so did his chance of freedom
Snape, who still hated him, would not listen to Remus, Sirius or the Golden Trio, and was visibly delighted to announce Sirius would have his soul sucked from his body (extremely painful) via the Dementor’s Kiss
He escaped with help, but had to remain in hiding and thus could not adopt Harry - something that devastated both of them
Sirius rejoined the Order in 1995, but was unable to leave the house due to being the most Undesirable (wanted) Wizard in the UK
He fell into a visible depression and felt useless
Before Harry’s fifth year, he gave him a present, but Harry never opened it
In 1996, Voldemort tricked Harry into believing he was torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries
Due to a variety of unlucky circumstances, Harry was unable to contact Sirius and left to go protect him, walking right into Voldemort’s trap
Sirius, along with other Order members, went to the Department of Mysteries to help Harry
He was shot with an unknown spell by his cousin, Bellatrix, and subsequently fell through the Veil in the Death Chamber, killing him
After Sirius’s death, Harry found the present he had never opened and decided to look at it
It was a two-way communicating mirror which would work similar to muggle video chat, meaning Harry had a way to contact Sirius and never would have gone to the Ministry and thus Sirius would not have died
This also means Sirius spent his last year waiting for Harry to talk to him, but was instead lonely
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sourwolfstories · 4 years
Hey! Do you have long fic recommendations? Can you involve some soulmate fics but AU are welcome too Long like 50k, 100k+ but really ill read anything
Soulmate fics (at least 50K)
When the Universe Comes Knocking (It’s Polite to Open the Door) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
It was like a door he’d nailed shut in his brain suddenly exploded open, all of his past confusion and anger and hurt and adoration flooding out at once. Stiles? Was it actually Stiles?!
Stiles, the guy he’d had a crush on for fucking years growing up. The guy who’d been an absolute dick to him their whole last year of high school.
The guy who’d told him he loved him in a dirty men’s bathroom on prom night while drunk and upset because he thought Kira was Derek’s girlfriend.
That Stiles? But it couldn’t be!
Marks and Mics by DLanaDHZ
Hale siblings Derek and Laura have been hired to run security for Stiles Stilinski's music tour. Business as usual, except someone is trying really hard to prove they're incapable and hurt Stiles. Derek finds himself curious about Stiles' bitter attitude and a strange illness that plagues the singer. And on top of that, Derek's soulmate remains elusive.
Written Can’t Be Denied by lookslikenico, winglesswarrior
Since time immemorial the story of ‘soulmates’ has persisted. In short, the idea that somewhere out there is your perfect match, the one person who can complete you and with whom you can find total happiness.
The story goes that, the first time you meet your ‘soulmate’, the universe will give you a sign in what should be the most obvious way - somewhere in your immediate vicinity the word ‘soulmate’ will appear. If reports of ‘soulmates’ are to be believed, rather than being written of as hopeful delusions, then this ‘obvious’ signal is anything but, fleeting as it is. The word seemingly only appears for a matter of moments and only when two people first meet. There is no guarantee that they will be looking in the correct direction to see it, nor that they will have any idea who their supposed ‘soulmate’ actually is.
A fact that causes havoc the day that up and coming actor, Stiles Stilinski holds up a bottle emblazoned with the word 'soulmate' in the middle of a press conference where Derek Hale is working as a photographer, in the middle of the worst day of his life...
Connected by readridinghood
After the death of his wife, Stiles finds himself left alone with their three children, struggling to keep from being sucked into a void of grief and despair that her death left him with. Knowing his children are safe in the pack's arms under Derek's watchful eyes, he struggles to regain his footing. What do you do when the world keeps tumbling over you and what you've thought of as fact no longer holds true? As the world comes back into focus, so does the love for Derek he thought he'd long since conquered and now with his eyes open, what he thought was the end of him, is only a new beginning. A decade after he fell in love with Stiles, countless days of keeping himself restrained while building a friendship with him, Derek finds out with absolute certainty that Stiles is his mate. You only mate once in your life, so how is it that Stiles was mated to Sophia, his wife and mother of his three children, the woman he is grieving the loss of at the same moment that Derek makes his discovery.
Three Marks by sanam
"And then there was pain again, but this time it was in only three places—his arm, below his clavicle, and next to his heart, all on the left side. It felt like the skin was being sliced apart, ripped open, flayed off— And suddenly it was done. Derek looked across the room and saw the boy on the floor, looking about as bad as Derek felt."
Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
Other fics (at least 50K)
Rich Man, Poor Man by TyReed
During a first date gone horribly wrong, Stiles Stilinksi realizes that the snarky guy he's been asked out by is actually Derek Hale, an heir to Hale Industries, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in the son of a teacher and a cop, a loser who spends all weekend watching movies in his pajamas, and who is also possibly one of the biggest dorks on the Internet.
At the same time, after screwing up their first date horribly, Derek Hale realizes that the funny guy he's asked out is Stiles Stilinksi, the warmest and kindest individual he's ever met in his life, with a family just a loving and caring. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in a guy who screws up everything he does, lacks any semblance of a backbone, and who is possibly one of the biggest history dorks in all of the United States.
These rich and poor men will come to experience a taste of each other's lives, and learn where the real blessings in the world can be found.
Feel it like a fever, burning through the night by LunaCanisLupus_22
“That was my favourite fern,” Deaton declares and Stiles glances at Scott for clarification that such a ridiculous statement just came out of his boss’ mouth.
“You could have just told me not to touch it,” Stiles points out sensibly, squirming inside with something he refuses to believe might be guilt.
Not about the dumb plant, but the instant devastation he’s currently overwhelmingly and inescapably capable of. He can destroy with one touch now.
This is going to complicate things so much.
Or the one where Stiles tries to do the noble self-sacrificing thing: gains a new power, a spectral skin colour and basically ruins his own life. 0/10 would not recommend.
It’s (Not) a Cult by lhr111
“Well Stiles, you told me a few weeks ago that you thought Derek was leading a cult.”
At that Derek whipped his head toward Stiles in shock. “You thought I was a cult leader?”
Stiles will not be shamed. “Well, either you or Peter. Peter made more sense, but since he deferred to you that one time I was a little unsure. I mean, what else could I think with all the weird shit going on. You, hanging out with random high school seniors, doing secret things, ordering them around like you are their parent, them actually doing what you tell them. It’s really weird, okay?”
“Are you familiar with Harry Potter?” Derek asks.
Talk about a non sequitur. “What? What does that have to do with anything? And, of course I know Harry Potter!”
“Well to quote Sirius Black, ‘Once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.’"
The Sheriff starts snickering, and Stiles is both insulted and also a little in love.
Call Me (Cliché) by SomewheresSword
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
There’s No Escape for the Potato Man by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Who is this? Where’s Erica?”
“Wrong number, asshole!”
“Stop calling me an asshole,” the man on the other end snapped aggressively.
Stiles could understand. He’d be pretty aggressive too if he’d murdered someone and texted a wrong number to ask for help burying the body. This guy obviously failed How To Be a Serial Killer 101.
“What kind of idiot thinks I murdered someone?”
“The kind of idiot who got your text messages, you fucking dumbass!” he retorted hotly. “Maybe double check your contacts before sending a random stranger details on your nefarious plans to dispose of a freshly cut up body!”
“What?!” the guy on the other end demanded, crossed between horrendously confused and livid.
If you want more soulmate fics you can check that tag here
you can also find more long fics here and here
Happy Reading :)
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melmoths · 4 years
james and thomas can build a happy life together post-canon.
i'll go out on a limb and say that it's the only plausible scenario for them - and not simply because i feel like they deserve it, but because i feel like their narrative arcs lead to that conclusion no matter what. 
of course the road to recovery would be long and hard, considering how deeply traumatised they both are, but once you accept that james mcgraw and james flint are not two separate people, that both james and thomas knew this, and that thomas is not a static character, no other future makes sense for them - whether they choose to retire and live a cosy domestic life or to dedicate themselves to another cause bigger than them both.
first things first: when silver claims that the man who reached savannah was not james flint, but james mcgraw he's lying. it's a lie! and not in the sense that it's something that he knows "deep down" even if he wishes things were different: it's a plain, old-fashioned lie, and he doesn't believe in it, not even for a second! he stands in front of madi, after having destroyed everything she's ever worked for and condemned her people (and many others) to centuries of oppression, and he lies.
'cause if he truly thought james was out of control and blinded by his rage over losing thomas, if he truly thought that getting thomas back would "kill" flint and his desire for revenge, if he truly thought thomas' death was the only reason he was fighting england, why bring james to savannah in the first place? why sell him into slavery? silver could have simply freed thomas (a man that he knew was innocent, by the way!) and let the two of them start a new life together wherever they wished - but he didn't, because he knew that james was truly fighting for the cause at that point, that he would have finished what he'd started because it was the right thing to do (and that thomas would have probably joined his efforts). killing him would have turned him into a martyr for the cause, so he had to remove him from the action entirely and spread the rumour he'd retired, and the fact that he chose for james the prison thomas was already in doesn't make it any better (eat my whole entire arsehole if you think otherwise).
i also want to stress the fact that not even james thinks james mcgraw and james flint are two different people. sure, james talks a lot about creating a persona that he later wants to get rid of, but he never truly believes he can separate himself from his own actions; that's why carrying their burden becomes harder and harder as time goes on. and on top of that, an element of performance is always present in the way he thinks about himself: he's a closeted gay man in XVIII century england! he's forced to live in a state where he has to lie constantly if he doesn't want to experience systemic violence. 
but he's always fully aware of who and what he is (despite being ashamed of it, at least before meeting thomas). he knows he's got a tender, gentle side and a much more violent, flawed one: he knows he possesses the potential for great violence - maybe he's not aware of how far he can go, but he knows he's capable of causing great harm, although it doesn't necessarily bring him joy (in fact he tends to opt for violent solutions only when he feels trapped, but changes his mind when shown another way that might lead to his desired outcome). james flint is his persona in the sense that he's a version of james mcgraw in which his "good" side isn't allowed to exist - a hyperviolent façade that doesn't fully match his true self, and a façade he has to keep up almost everyday until he's done what he needs to do (i know people like to call him "unhinged" a lot, but if you exclude his mental breakdown after miranda's death he's always in control of his actions).
and again, i think thomas and miranda were aware of james' violent side. miranda might have seen it first-hand, but i do think thomas knew about it as well. their connection is so deep ("my truest love," hello?) and they seem to know each other so fully that i don't think a relationship between them could have worked otherwise. maybe thomas heard of the fight that broke out between james and the officer that insulted him and miranda, and that got him thinking; maybe he worked it out otherwise (although i do believe they eventually talked about the fight, and about hennessey's weirdly protective attitude); but the fact that he's the one to come up with the pardons, unbeknownst to james, is pretty telling. it shows that despite his privilege thomas is instinctually more capable of understanding why disenfranchised people might turn to violence (i.e. piracy). and if he's ready to forgive all the pirates, all the violent men, why would he not extend the same courtesy to the one he loves? 
when he wrote "know no shame" he wasn't simply telling james not to be ashamed of being gay; he was telling him not to be ashamed of any part of himself, including the one that's more prone to violence, because at that point i don't think james truly believed himself worthy of being loved in his entirety, and thomas felt he had to fix that. and he succeeded - not immediately, of course, but by the time he'd come back from nassau james had fully internalised his message, based on the way he talks about his relationship with thomas to miranda and his wish to get away from london with the both of them (and ten years later, when james and miranda fight, he tells her that he does not feel ashamed of having loved thomas, but only of his inaction once thomas had been locked up in bedlam).
for this reason i don't believe that thomas would be "disgusted" by james' actions when they eventually reunite in savannah. i'm not saying he would enthusiastically condone all of them - he wouldn't go "hey, darling, good job on snapping your quartermaster's neck!", for example - but he would understand the motive behind them. he would understand why james - james who believed him dead, james who'd been stripped off the career he'd worked so hard for, james who had truly lost everything - felt like he had no other choice and put himself through so much pain. when james arrives in savannah i don't think thomas believes in reconciliation with england anymore.
i've noticed a weird tendency in this fandom to idealise thomas, to deny his growth in order to present him as flawless, as exclusively kind and "good" and stuck in time (often in opposition to post-london james). i hate it! 
first of all, i feel like this angelic persona does not fit his characterisation at all. he is a good man, but when his father says he's impertinent and self-righteous, or when miranda talks about how he'd basically make people wish they were dead during his salons, i don't get the impression that thomas is a tall giant who simply smiles at everyone and can do no harm. he's an extremely opinionated man that wants to do the right thing even if that makes him unbearable to the people in his proximity because, as james says, he truly believes in what he's saying and, just like james, he's shown to change his mind when presented with new facts; he's open to new ideas, and that's why he comes up with the pardons. 
second of all, we're talking about a man who's been betrayed by those closest to him, who's been imprisoned, tortured and dehumanised to the point that no one questioned his apparent suicide, who's been enslaved for ten years and subjected to yet more and more horrors. why would he not be a changed man, in the same way james is? why would his own ten years of hell not have stripped him of any trace of naivety he had left (the naivety inherent to his privilege and that had led him to believe that gradual change was the best solution), in the same way james was stripped of his after learning of peter's betrayal and seeing miranda killed in front of his eyes? just because this change happens offscreen for thomas it doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. 
if anything, i would say that the conceptual passage from gradualism to revolution might have happened sooner for thomas than for james. let's also remember that when silver asks james if he'd trade the war to have thomas back again, james says thomas wouldn't want him to. he believes him dead, but he knew him well enough to be certain that if he were alive he'd agree with him that no compromise can be made with a colonial empire.
i'm also convinced that thomas always knew (or at least very strongly suspected) james was captain flint. he was imprisoned and isolated from the rest of the world, sure, but plantations didn't exist in a bubble where no news about the outside world could reach them (and the show makes it clear so many times). thomas is an extremely intelligent man. i doubt he would have had a hard time connecting the murder of his father, the rise of captain flint, the events of charlestown, the existence of an army of people still willing to follow a pirate captain in battle despite the pardons and tom morgan coming to look for him in savannah (although i suppose he thought james had found out he was alive and was going to get him out). when james shows up looking very much like a pirate, thomas is clearly happy beyond belief - but he doesn't strike me as someone who had no idea james might come to him someday.
that's why i think that any scenario in which james and thomas drift apart is not only completely unjustified, but extremely cruel and partly motivated by a desire to justify silver despite all evidence of him being a massive piece of shit. and justifying silver is justifying the english empire and all the atrocities it has inflicted - and i can't stand for that. in truth, i can't stand for any scenario in which two people who loved each other so dearly and were so harshly punished for it and for wanting to better society, even if just a little bit, don't get some measure of peace and happiness in which to heal together.
on a side-note, all the people who claim thomas was exactly like woodes rogers and that james' war was not really revolutionary because he was only waging it for selfish reasons fail to understand that:
1) thomas was trying to challenge the status quo and to defend a group of disenfranchised people in an age where criminals were seen as less than human and death sentences were extremely common, while woodes rogers was trying to preserve the status quo and to get rich in the process without giving much of a shit about pirates at all; 
2) every revolution or civil rights movement is at least partly motivated by selfish reasons: people don't want their loved ones and future generations to go through what they've gone through, and often seek some form of retribution in the process. and frankly, i don't care how "selfish" someone's motivations are as long as their actions lead to a more equal world and to better conditions for the people who inhabit it - and i'd rather fight alongside those who try to challenge hegemonic powers, whatever reasons they might have to do so, than be a passive observer of all the horrors that happen around me as long as they don't affect me directly.
anyway, love is real, james and thomas burn that plantation to the ground and silver sucks me good and hard through my jorts 
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Just leave it up to you
Summary: McVries ignored the question. “You can forget the heels though. My feet wouldn’t look so hot in those strappy’s being that all that’s left of 'em is blistered skin with red goo in the middle like a donut.” He clicked his tongue and Ray found a bit of anger well up from that ‘bee-sting’ again. “The point here, Garraty, is...” What was either a clap of thunder or a gunshot rang out (honestly who could tell the difference at his point?)
Ships: Gavries 
Word Count: 3,789
Not until some time after the incident with Jan & his mother did Peter McVries attempt another conversation with Garraty. But when the sky bled from blue to black, the boy had drifted his way back to Ray’s side. Nights on the walk were lonely & scary, it did one well to have a buddy. And Ray didn’t prefer anyone above McVries. 
“I’m jealous, Ray.” Pete--McVries slanted his grin to the right as he spoke, looking like a boy trapped inside an oil painted night sky. His eyes seemed gravely distant, glazed over & being hung out to dry. The promise Abraham mentioned burned deep in Ray like an internal bee-sting. ‘Number 61 coming up the road is lookin’ about ready to pop, wouldn’t you say?’
Garraty swallowed a thick ball of mucus. “Of what?” He whispered with hesitation. No one was all that close to them but something about what was coming seemed personal. 
“Jan.” A guttural sort of chuckle broke up his throat. 
That answer shocked Garraty some...maybe a lot. McVries hadn’t ever seemed interested in talk of Jan let alone...the girl herself. “Well, I’m sure a lot of guys here would’ve loved to grab onto a chick like her-”
McVries shook his head, the hair which wasn’t plastered down by sweat flayed out and sprinkled. “You’ve misunderstood me, my dear.” Turning then, his eyes were fully alive again. They once more reflected the hot inside Pete’s internal organs like a Jack-O-Lantern. “I wish I was your girl back home, Ray.” The cynical joke was hard to find under the tender voice but Garraty was almost sure that it had to be there. 
“Don’t know if you’d look as good in a skirt, Pete.” He chuckled, unwavering but nervous at the same time. 
“Oh, I would.” Pete shook a finger under his chin, smirking proudly. “These legs love to tease, Ray-Baby.”
Garraty blushed hard. “Why do you say shit like that?”
McVries ignored the question. “You can forget the heels though. My feet wouldn’t look so hot in those strappy’s being that all that’s left of 'em is blistered skin with red goo in the middle like a donut.” He clicked his tongue and Ray found a bit of anger well up from that ‘bee-sting’ again. “The point here, Garraty, is...” What was either a clap of thunder or a gunshot rang out (honestly who could tell the difference at his point?)
“If it wasn’t for you, Garraty, I’d want to die a whole lot more than how badly I actually want to live right now.” Earnest & hoarse emotion sang in his voice. So much it began to frighten Ray to a shocked silence. 
“You could win this damn thing. Though, I’m still a bit of victim to cynicism for thinking Stebbins might just run us all down...Ray, you have a real chance.” Pete looked like he might just stop to shake him by the shoulders which turned Ray’s stomach. “If I was your girl back home...”
Garraty waited for the big joke from the cynically insane. Something like ‘Then I could jerk you off’ because it would validate everything McVries had said was bullshit. All of it. That would be ok...Ray might be able to live with that. 
“Then you could come home and hold me when this hell was over.” 
That....That was what he couldn’t live with. Thoughts of Jimmy Owens danced through his panicked mind. “Pete, are you ok?” A damn insult of a question. 
Pete’s eyes blazed with anger. “What? I express an attraction to a guy so that must mean the walk is starting to get to me?” He challenged but gave no time for argument. “Priscilla and I had a threesome once.” Was added onto the end of his statement but not to brag...
Ray didn’t really know what it was for. That sticky-dryness began to coat the pink of his throat again. A hot blush crept over his ‘innocent’ face but something like anger beat hard in his chest. “What did he look like?” It was the dumbest question to possibly ask but it’s what he vomited out. Even Pete looked a little dumbfounded. 
He took in some air. “A bit like Stebbins.” He tilted his chin to the blonde, much closer than he’d been at the beginning to their conversation. “If I’m being honest.” He shrugged, keeping a neutral expression and pace. “The point is that I found them both attractive, Ray.” 
“Who? The guy and Stebbins?” 
Pete laughed again, not harshly but with amusement. “The guy and Pris, dear-one.” He melted with some exaggeration. “You though...” He looked Ray up and down. “You, I could eat with a spoon.” 
“Could you be serious for once?” 
McVries pulled away, looking almost insulted. “I’m not asking you to confess something back to me.” His voice hitched. “You got a girl back home, I know that. Just meeting you and being your friend’s been enough for me.” He closed his eyes like a sharp pain had cut through him. “So if you’re looking for the punchline, there isn’t one. This ain’t a joke.” Pete smiled, miserable & soft, shoved his hands into his pockets and left. 
Ray was the most confused he’d ever been in his entire life. 
Stebbins quickened his pace to join his side with something like joyful vigor. He very well could’ve started skipping. He hated the boy for it. “The masochism continues. McVries claims his love before succumbing to his suicidal ideations.” His laugh was manic yet calm. 
“Fuck off.” Ray growled with anger yet barely paid him any mind. His eyes stayed focused on the back of McVries. 
Stebbins had been walking in pace with Ray ever since Abraham had gotten his ticket from Scramm’s contagious cold. Garraty missed him. Five more boys had lost their lives & the weirdo kept busy.
“Another one down.” Stebbins whistled casually, talking up at Ray like they were the best of friends. It annoyed him to no end but at least it was better than silence. That was until he glanced at Garraty with an eager-push. “How’s the bittersweet love story, huh?” 
Frustration pumped into his body as it so often did when interacting with the headache of a person. But a part of his head drowned in the thoughts of actually missing the boy when the time came to win or die. Ray silently hoped for death before having to ever witness McVries’s come to pass. He looked at the sad remains of his feet. “What do I do Stebbins?”
The blonde’s stare grew cold like an old dinner, astonished and nothing short of it. Ray guessed Stebbins wasn’t expecting such a show of vulnerability now from him now. In all honesty, he’d shocked himself with that one too. Boiling tears attempted to pour down his cheeks as he stared ahead at Baker and McVries. Poor, poor Baker covered in his ‘rain’ being accompanied by a haunted friendly escort. For a maddening moment, Raymond Garraty felt the flood of ‘rain’ break from his nose & waterfall down his clothes, warm & wet. 
He panicked, organs twisting deep in his gut as he gasped for a breath that didn't gurgle. 
Stebbins cold hand on his shoulder woke him up from his bloody hallucinations. "Hey, what are you doing old boy?" 
Ray spit up plain clear mucus (no blood) onto the road and coughed into his fist. McVries had turned to watch in subtle alarm. He walked backwards, still next to Baker, with adoring eyes for the boy with spit running down his chin. 
Stebbins couldn't help but roll his eyes fondly at the idiots until Ray dribbled the mucus onto his shoes. He picked up his toes and frowned. "Aim with the eye, shoot with the mind, kill with the heart.” 
"-What?" Ray wiped his sleeve against his lips. 
Stebbins shrugged, pursed his lips and walked off towards the others. 
Garraty pleaded for more time with Art Baker but that didn’t give him shit. Sobs painfully ricocheted through his body but ultimately made no change in his pace which was difficult but the art was masterful now...upsettingly. Turns out a person got good at shit like that if faced with enough practice time. 
Ray nearly vomited for the millionth time. “Walk a little longer, Art.” 
A glimmering sheet of tears filled Art’s eyes like a final curtain. “No--I can’t.” He shook his head, covered in rusty ‘rain’. He spoke more unrehearsed lines which broke whatever the hell was left of Ray’s heart. 
McVries found his way back to him though. That was something at the very least. The dark haired boy came upon Ray with enough leg-room in the hell-hole hint contract to press a small kiss onto Garraty’s temple. He received a warning for slowing pace but didn’t seem too concerned. 
The heat from his mouth alone caused a shutter through Ray’s body. 
“Another time, another place.” Stebbins repeated Art Baker’s final words without even a hint of emotion. Pete & Ray intended to ignore the rabbit but the kid made it difficult. He glanced at the only other boys left in the walk, something awakening inside him. Garraty habitually darted closer to McVries. 
While Stebbins kept on mumbling to himself; words that Garraty didn’t completely understand, Pete started drifting towards the crowd. The hand Ray wasn’t even aware was grabbing his, started to fall from the grip. Skin sliding against skin as it dropped.
Helplessly he grabbed whatever he could reach and yanked him back straight. He expected Stebbins to protest--to let him alone--but the kid was still isolated in his own world. “Pete, no!”
McVries opened his eyes, squinted like an old cowboy and smiled. “No, Ray. It’s time to sit.” Horror struck Garraty so badly that it nearly knocked him onto the road first. 
He did what only he could. He blubbered. “Pete--please, walk a little longer. Please, please-” Hopelessly he grabbed onto his boy. The boy who just wanted to be held by Garraty was getting a twisted sense of his wish now. “Please, Pete. I-...I love you.” He whimpered.
McVries broke into the most delicately beautiful smile that Ray had ever seen in his life. 
“He’s right. Time to sit, Garraty.” Stebbins finally woke. Ray turned with venom but found the kid was standing lone within something gentle & true; no gross selfishness marked in his tone. He lost interest in staring at Ray and spoke into the air past the soldiers. “We are ka-tet. We are one from many...” He mumbled. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!” Garraty turned back to McVries, scarred and beautiful but looking ready to die. “Honestly, shut the fuck up for once, Stebbins!” 
Pete giggled at that, still walking but wilting towards the ground all the same. Stebbins ignored Garraty and spoke to their only friend left. “McVries can you wait ten more seconds?” 
Pete blinked. But his loud-mouth remained shut, feet still pounding against the road. Stebbins took that to mean yes and aligned his eyes with Garraty’s again. “I’m going to win this.” He spoke, winningly but added. “So are you two fucking assholes.” a smirk then he began to count-down quietly. 
The crowd hushed but still couldn’t manage to hear Stebbins. The soldiers drew closer but there wasn’t much to do in the case of three boys still continuing to walk in pace. 
At the number 6...Ray finally clicked on to the meaning & couldn’t believe what was happening. Never once had the idea crossed his mind and hell, maybe Stebbins was pulling a fast one on them but he found that it did not matter if he could die with Pete. This gave him an out. 
Three boys from different states & in different states of mind, dropped like falling boulders. Ass first onto the road at the exact same time. In a perfect semicircle with their backs up against each other, they let out horrendous sighs of pain-relief. 
For a long time, the only sound was their low breathing & hesitant stomping of soldier boots, up and down the road. Men so unsure of what to do that it ignited terror through Ray’s gut but he kept his eyes closed. His head leaned against Stebbins & McVries’s.
Two seconds before The Major himself came upon the group...one of many...Ray supposed, Stebbins spoke up again. “A long road, like a tall Tower, must be most be conquered one step at a time...” He took in air like a balloon. “Forgot where I heard that, Ray but we got to the end of the road--to the top of the Tower--” 
McVries hummed. 
“I knew it was time for the wheel to run Peter over. But I figured the plan. Ka is a wheel but I am a driver...Ha!” He wasn’t making a lick of sense & Garraty would’ve gladly reminded him of the other Musketeers he let die before his little ‘revelation’ but...
According to The Major, they had to decide which two of them would be sacrificing themselves. ‘Ha! What a laugh, huh?’
They would not be celebrated. 
They were to quietly be paid off & to have their lives spared. 
It was to never happen again. 
Rules would be re-evaluated for the next go of The Long Walk.
The boys were to be treated in hospital for what was needed and no more. Garraty--Maine’s own--laid in bed hoping that Art Baker got his wish. That it wasn’t dark & that he could remember them. Too he hoped for his friend not to be mad. Their plan could’ve worked for him...though Ray excepted that Baker would’ve had to have been saved before the rainfall of blood. 
He thought that all over in the morning just before Jan--sweet & kind came to visit him for the very first time. 
“You pulled quite the stunt.” She spoke two seconds after the nurse left the room, wasting no time. Her smile was full of love that Garraty hated being on the receiving end of for the first time. 
“Stebbins did.” He clicked his tongue, grabbing her soft hand. 
“Which one was he?” 
Garraty bit into his cheek. “The blonde. Purple pants.” 
Jan nodded, looking to the TV in the corner of the room with quiet debates going on in her mind. “He’s the one with no visitors.” Turning back, her expression lost all joy. “Heard some rumors he’d gone manic.” 
Not surprising. Garraty frowned. “Hope that isn’t true. He was basically already in manicville at the start” He shrugged. He tried to think of anyone but Pete but it was just about the hardest shit to do--besides the damn walk itself. 
He blinked up at his girlfriend still sitting on the edge of the white-sheeted bed with a matching skin-tone. “The other boy’s parents & little sister have come today.” 
It was as if she knew & she most likely did. “Talked about how happy they were in the elevator up. The staff accompanying us--I think he was a male nurse--” She looked off in thought before deciding it mattered none & came back down on him with despair. “He said they ought to be ashamed. Raised a cheater, he said. Nobody likes a ‘hero’ who does only to serve himself.” Her hair fell against her chin. “97 sons--their mother’s boys--lost their lives thinking only one boy got to win. Not three queers who decided they were bigger than The Major.” 
“And what do you think, Jan?” He muttered. The girl rolled her eyes. 
“I’d be agreeing if I thought the same, wouldn’t I?” She let one tear loose. “Screw The Major.” She wiped down her cheeks and Ray vibrated from pure astonishment. “It wasn’t in the rules. And three boys were saved. They were given second chances.” 
That idea terrified Ray. He was given a second chance curtesy of Stebbins & how in the Hell could he make-up for the 97 lives gone?
“If this is the part where you break up with my because you’ve grown past me or-or grown tired of me, please just do it quickly.” More tears threatened to spill but she kept those ones in. 
Ray felt sick to his stomach. “If it helps, it’s neither of those things.” 
Nurse Barnes was a bitch. 
Garraty found that out rather quickly considering she had he own opinion on the Long Walk end results. ‘But it barely effected her work, great news!!’ She just did everything expected of her extremely aggressively like petulant child. 
Ray allowed her to escort him to Pete’s room and did his best to ignore her grimaces, annoyed sighs & mutterings. It could not dampen his great sense of relief and joy to see the person he turned out to love more than anyone else in the world. 
When Barnes turned the door-handle, Ray nearly fell to the floor in a heap of nervous sweat. “Give us privacy, please.” He would’ve mumbled the request, usual of him but a new fire burned inside him since he awoke in the hospital. Barnes slammed the door shut after him. No words. 
Pete McVries was getting up from his bed with caution for feet that still ached with pain but were getting better. He’d been on Garraty’s mind like nobody had ever been in all his life & he was the most beautiful sight in the world. 
“I’ve been focusing on getting my feet stable for weeks now.” Ray spoke slowly, eyes never leaving Pete. 
“Way to show off, Ray.” He managed a laugh. 
“Meaning, I can hold you now if you want, Pete.” He opened his arms wide. “That is, if you’d still have me?” 
McVries got up like the wind, almost as if his feet weren’t bloody and basically useless just some weeks ago. Ray assumed Pete was betting a lot on his recovery because he wasted no time jumping into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist. 
Unfortunately Garraty wasn’t quite there yet & the cute moment lasted just five seconds before they collapsed together onto the clean white floor. Their laughter blended together effortlessly in sweet harmony. Pete climbed atop Ray slowly, bumping their thighs together in the process. 
It killed most every calm nerve in Ray’s body staring up at the man he’d fallen in love with. His dark hair waved in contrast to the stark white of the ceiling as he drew closer & closer...noses touching. 
“I thought Priscilla was my great love...” he whispered, breath against Ray’s lips. “But Ray, you changed my life. I don’t want to die anymore. Every night, I kept walking just so I could see your face in the sunlight one more time.” He scrunched up his face in the cutest way. 
“Sappy shit sounds so cute coming out of your mouth.” Ray giggled, reaching a hand up to stroke his cheek along the scar. 
Pete pulled back, sitting now on Garraty’s lap. Ray brought himself to a seated position. “What about Jan?” his voice was small and almost accusatory but Ray could hardly blame him. 
“I broke it off with Jan.” 
Pete tried to hide his grin, seemingly sick of letting all his emotions pour out like a broken faucet. But Ray caught a gorgeous glimpse. “I love you, Pete.” He added, brushing his hand against the boy’s hair once more. 
“I love you too.” 
“Can you accept the thank you or not? I’m never giving you another one.” McVries huffed, staring down at Stebbins who was merely sitting in his bed and flipping through a paperback. Garraty was sitting at the edge of the bed, knitting him a ‘Thank you’ scarf because it helped with his anxiety. Plus, he figured the blonde wasn’t much one for facing his own rewards. He might just take a lame scarf for it though if it meant no talking about his generosity. 
He looked up. “I’ll accept your compliment of a good plan because I’m a fucking genius for it.” He smiled, crooked yet nice. “But no, I won’t accept a thank you for saving your asses. I couldn’t have been in my right mind for that one.” He chuckled. 
Pete groaned. “Great. Good.” His eyes rolled as he gently scooched Ray over to sit next to him on the bed at Stebbins feet. Pete watched his boy knit with adoration that almost sickened Stebbins. “You gonna let him talk to us like that, Ray?” He poked him. 
Garraty held up what he had of the scarf so far and smirked when Stebbins just nodded. “Do you remember what you said?”
Stebbins looked off towards the wall and shrugged. 
Ray ignored his clear indication that he was done talking about it. “You called us a Ka-tet? What did you mean by that?” 
Peter McVries vowed to keep Ray safe & happy. 
Once out of the hospital & freshly encouraged to keep as far from the public as possible, he moved his boy into his boyhood home until they could get on their own feet. It was strange but the McVries family was warm and welcoming. Garraty enjoyed this stage in his life immensely. 
After that, came a cabin-style home nestled deep in Boulder, Colorado. Far from Maine but Ray’s mother was welcome to visit all she wanted, same with Pete’s parents and wonderful little sister--who had never looked so happy before as she did that first day in the hospital. Her big brother was alive and could still hug her.  
Stebbins had gone off on his own but was likely to pop by for visits, Garraty was almost sure of it. McVries felt he owed the strange boy something for what he’d done no matter how many times he rejected the idea. So he hoped to see him again. But for now...
Pete’s ebony hair dripped water down in a slinky path against his dewy skin, tired droplets paused and waited as flybys sped down to collide against them. Smoke breezed from Pete’s mouth and settled into the air. He took a deep breath, eyes fluttering closed with satisfaction as the heat in his chest returned. 
He brought his legs down to stretch as his back straightened, making his body a true reflection of his current state. Tiny pins and needles poked from under the bottoms of his feet, He wiggled his toes. But after a few seconds, he let them be. Sometimes it was a little euphoric to feel that little vibration of sleeping limbs. 
Ray carefully came into the bedroom looking tired from a long day of his new little life & slipped the cigarette from Pete’s fingers, taking his own drag. He coughed as he handed it back. "Cute.” McVries mumbled happily. 
Ray hummed, neck hot from a lingering blush and life truly felt amazing. 
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My problems with Avengers Endgame
For the most part, I like it. Could’ve been better. But here are my problems with the movie
The bad taste Thor fat jokes and mocking jokes about Thor's PTSD and depression....like really? Also nice of the Russos for throwing Thor's character arc out the window and abandoning his people....TWICE. Instead of taking responsibility and rule with Valkyrie as his equal, Thor just abandons his people just to be a Guardian....for reasons??????
Sidelining Carol. WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF TEASING HER ONLY TO LEAVE HER ON THE FUCKING SIDES. NO SERIOUSLY, FUCKING WHY???  Why does Wanda get to unleash on Thanos, but Carol gets knocked around by Thanos? Fucking seriously? What kind of fucking bullshit is this. What kind of actual fucking disrespect is this horseshit?
Not making Carol and Maria married and being the representation fans wanted.  Carol’s butch lesbian look was more representation than a nameless guy saying he was seeing another guy. 
Fridging Black Widow before her fucking movie even comes out, jesus fucking christ, they really went "you're getting a Black Widow movie lol lmao bitch you thought" it’s not just that. Natasha isn’t even given respect after her passing. She isn’t given a goodbye. All she gets is the men turning into whiny pissants and Bruce tosses a bench into the lake. Natasha sacrificed her life for her family and to stop Thanos and THIS IS THE FUCKING THANKS SHE GETS??? 
Gamora is still fridged. Past Gamora is loyal to Thanos. That makes no fucking sense. Did the Russos even WATCH Guardians Of The Galaxy? Gamora in 2014 was working AGAINST Thanos. She plotted on hiding the power stone away from Thanos. Present Nebula didn’t even need to convince her, she should’ve helped Present Nebula from the beginning. There was no need for it. Even worse, Strange couldn’t just bring Gamora  from a time before she went to Vormir. Gamora couldn’t have been spared her fate. And even worse. Both Gamora and Nebula are denied the revenge of the man who has abused, manipulated and gaslighted them their whole lives and they couldn’t be allowed the opportunity to kill Thanos? Fuck you.
Hank and Pierce's bad toupees
Not making Loki the rat who frees Scott and having it revealed and having Loki's grand dramatic slut return entrance. Loki just escaping with the Tesseract and  not doing anything with it is just dumb. But what’s really dumb is not having Thor and Loki escaping together in Infinity War while Thanos is fighting The Hulk. He had it and he didn’t use it. It just feels like Loki’s death was ultimately pointless now. And apparently Loki escaping with The Tesseract  was pointless, Loki is seen in his cell in Asgard....how the fuck is this supposed to make any sense at all? So honestly I would just have Loki be the very last one to return and reveal himself as the rat who freed Scott. It would make more sense than anything. Loki is the very thing that started The Avengers, it makes sense that he returns to help them against Thanos.
That fucking Hydra Cap reference, he needed to stay in cover, I know but we wanted to forget it ever happened
Once again the shows are screwed over. No Quake, Ghost Rider or The Defenders
Nebula does not kill Thanos.....fucking bullshit fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Nebula should’ve killed Thanos. Nebula by far suffered the most and the hand of Thanos. She was abused, manipulated, and isolated because of him and he killed her sister. Additionally, all of her movies, but especially Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Endgame flesh out and develop her character quite well, giving the audience ample time to connect with her. Furthermore, a great portion of Nebula’s body has been replaced with metal, which we already knew from previous films but was highlighted in Endgame itself, when Nebula simply sticks her hand in the energy field surrounding the power stone to retrieve it, destroying the “skin” on her hand but leaving her “skeleton” intact. Because of this, it is likely that Nebula had a better chance of surviving a snap than any other Avenger (except for maybe Bruce), and the cinematic payoff of allowing her to be the one to kill Thanos would have been far greater than letting Tony kill Thanos. You could even have Thanos say “I am inevitable daughter” Nebula could have a Eowyn moment “I am not your daughter” and finally Nebula would kill him. Nebula deserved to kill Thanos. And since Nebula was the one who snapped, we know Gamora would return, maybe since they worked together, Nebula would bring back Natasha. Like they all fought to bring an end and bring everyone back. Gamora and Natasha deserved to return and reverse the bullshit fridging. Tony could return to his family and once again they didn’t have to make Far From Home of making Spider-Man be “the new Iron Man” Tony could retire in peace and tell Peter “the world is in safe hands of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”
Steve Rogers abandoning his found family and the horrible implications of Steve staying in the past. Before I talk about the implications, I just need to say it makes no sense. Steve made peace with his life in the new world. Peggy wanted Steve to move on, Steve grew as a character. He even saw Peggy was happy in Endgame(however I would’ve had Peggy be seen with her wife Angie, yes fuck ABC I am still bitter) and Peggy herself said she was happy with her life. It makes no sense for Steve to just abandon Sam and Bucky just to be with someone he kissed once. I honestly would’ve been happy if he chose to sacrifice himself to bring Natasha back. I would even be happy if Steve came back, married Sharon and chose to retire, and pass on the Shield to Sam. Just anything is better. It’s not a satisfying conclusion to Steve Rogers’ character arc.  A satisfying character arc means more than giving the character a prize at the end of the story. Women are not prizes. Peggy Carter is not a prize. Peggy Carter would slap the shit out of Steve Rogers if she knew he threw his life away just to be with her and ruining her own life in turn. Even if I didn't like how they paired Peggy with Daniel, even I understand that Peggy moved on and found love and married a man who lost his leg for his country without superstrength or fame, and they had kids. Steve took away Peggy's agency, destroyed her family and ruined his own journey. Even more insulting is the fact that Bucky Barnes was brought back to life and Steve barely acknowledges him. Ever since The Winter Soldier, Steve’s journey has been focused on Bucky and he barely even acknowledges him. He fought a fucking war that split The Avengers for him and he STILL does not even have one last moment with him? What the fuck? But you know the real stupid thing about this? Tony and Natasha died just so to make the world a better place. The better place that Steve then leaves at the end of the movie. Steve’s entire character arc throughout the MCU would be opposed to altering the timeline for his own selfish desires. This is not the Captain America I know. You’re seriously telling me that Steve Rogers didn’t value his present friends, possible girlfriend and life even a little bit? What has been done to Steve Rogers is unforgivable and I would rather Steve dies sacrificing himself in bringing Thanos down. That would’ve been a better send off than ignoring everything about his character arc. As for the implications about going to the past? He knows about the future, he knows HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD, he knows Bucky is being used as their weapon and will kill the Starks, he knows that Peggy, Howard and Hank are surrounded by Hydra,  he even knows about the civil rights fighting. it’s a little alarming Steve Rogers’s idea of a retirement plan was to go back to the jim crow era to cuddle up with his old flame. Apparently a happy ending for Captain America is a white man in the US. He went back to an era where a cis het white man would feel very safe and comfortable. He doesn't choose to fight for Civil rights in the 60's(how is Sam supposed to feel that Steve did nothing for the movement?), Steve and Peggy don't crack down the Hydra infestation and there isn't a Bucky rescue. Like really bad implications
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naferty · 5 years
Final part!
(Stroganoff au, a/b/o dynamics, stony, Gregory comes for a visit, nobody is happy)
“How dare you,” a voice in the gathering speaks his thoughts. It’s Nana Roberta. Her voice shakes from her fury. “How dare you come here and behave this way. You eat his food and get drunk on his wine and this is how you show your thanks. If this is how your family acts, I am so damn happy Tony got far away from your ignorance and selfishness. I have never seen someone so disappointing in all my life.”
“I’m disappointing,” Gregory scoffs. “I am the son of Howard Stark. I am a genius, a billionaire, an alpha and I am better than he will ever be. What does he have?” He finishes with a sneer and a taunt. His words aren’t slurred yet, but it’s evident that’s the direction they’re going with how close his pronunciations are.
There is a brief pause among them all until a voice rings through the gathering like a shot. “Friends for one.” Jan’s eyes are as hard as steel when she says this. “Friends that actually care and don’t just put up with him. He didn’t pay any of us to be here, but you wouldn’t understand how that works.”
“A family,” Nana Roberta adds. “A real family. One that loves him for just being himself. He has a real brother and a real father in us. You - you have nothing.” Uncle Rhodey and Nonno Terrence straightened at their mention.
“A loving husband,” Peter has never seen his Nana Sarah so furious before. Her sweet and caring voice twisted from her anger. “My Steve would move mountains for him and their two beautiful children. Anyone you could possibly marry will only stay until the money runs out, and then what? I don’t pity the person who gives you a chance. Only a terrible person will be able to stand you.”
“Family,” Gregory repeats with a scoff, “family doesn’t create a successful business or an empire. Only an omega would care for the useless things in life.”
Uncle Rhodey moves forward, “and yet, Tony went off to create his own business all on his own from the ground up. I watched him take every step. He didn’t inherit anything from daddy dearest. He studied and worked his ass off to get where he is. What did you do? Get wasted on daddy’s plastic and claim success when it’s all put on your lap.”
“Last I heard, your title of a billionaire has been renounced,” Aunt Pepper says, “Isn’t Stark Industries down in the millions now?”
Jan takes the question. “I have read Stark Industries has moved lower in the fortune five-hundred and their stock has dropped from the previous month. The CEO’s uncontrolled outbursts sort of has a play in it.”
“That's right. Don't forget about that little rumor proven true of Stark Industries selling under the table. Who was behind that again?”
“Obadiah Stane,” Uncle Rhodey answers. “Some partner there, huh? Didn't you have a public meltdown during your press over that? I remember a lot of yelling involved and hardly any answers.”
“And here you said omegas are the ones who can’t control their emotions,” Uncle Bucky does not look impressed, “or can’t run businesses. Sounds like you can’t run yours either.”
Aunt Natasha shakes her head. “Tony sounds better in general. I pick him to handle things over you any day.”
Gregory’s face is steadily growing redder. Peter isn’t sure if it’s the alcohol or embarrassment. He hopes it’s the latter. This alpha deserves to be embarrassed.
Uncle Sam moves forward, calm and in control as ever but clearly very tired of all this. “Man, do us all a favor and just leave. You’re not helping yourself here.”
Gregory spreads his arms out, apparently composed and ready to start trouble again. “I’m not going anywhere. I was invited, remember? It’s rude to kick out a guest.”
“He’s a Karen,” Shuri whispers to them. It’s very fitting to Gregory’s image.  
At that point, Peter’s had enough of this alpha. “Why did I even invite you? I take back my letter. I take back everything I wrote. We’re not happy for you to be here. We’re the exact opposite of happy and you need to go. Like, now.”
Gregory smiles very smugly, as if he’s just been proven right for something. “You better calm down there, Pete. It’s not healthy to get so emotional.”
The choice of words is no coincidence. Not with the way Gregory constantly mocks omegas and their ‘emotional outbursts.’ Peter is an omega and apparently ordering someone to leave his home is far too emotional for Gregory. No one appreciates the alpha’s words.
Gregory looks ready to say something more, but a voice, a very stern and disappointed voice, stops him in his tracks.
“Just. Be. Quiet.” Gregory sobers up really quickly when Nana Maria speaks. She is breathing deeply and her shoulders are trembling. Her eyes are glistening. They’re not happy tears.
“Mother -”
“Stay silent,” she orders. “I have never been so… humiliated in all my life.” Everyone is looking at her now as she moves forward. Nana Sarah, Roberta and even Winnifred are holding her arms in support. As if any second Nana Maria would fall from the anger. “You have insulted and mocked my family. You’ve embarrassed me and I am so ashamed to call you my son. Had I known this is how you’d lower yourself to…”
With a blink, a tear trailed down her cheek. “Howard was right. Stark men are made of iron. They rust over time because of their bitterness and become hideous. On the inside and outside.”  
Peter didn’t understand, but he got the meaning behind what his Nana meant. The saying must be important to Gregory - what with the way the alpha looks gutted. Nana Maria must have hit hard. Her aim precise and with no mercy.
Gregory doesn’t move, not until Jarvis makes his way to stand next to him. “I think I speak for everyone when I say you need to leave, Master Gregory,” the alpha looks at the elderly man, “and please accept my resignation as of now.”
Peter tunes the rest out. He’s said his peace and his family can handle kicking the man out. Right now, his focus needs to his Mam. He grabs Harley’s arm and drags him back towards their house. Along the way, they’re stopped by their Uncle Clint.
“Hey, I’m sending you a video. Make sure to show that to Tony. I think it’ll cheer him up.”
They nod before continuing their way. Up to the stairs they go once inside and head directly for their parents’ room. There they find their Mam sitting on the edge of the bed with their Pop’s arm around his shoulder in comfort. The sight squeezes Peter’s chest. It makes him feel horrible to know he’s responsible for that.
Quietly, he and Harley join them. Their Pop takes one side and they both take the other.
“Is he still here?” Their Pop asks after a moment.
“Everyone is kicking him out,” Harley tells him. “He won’t be here for long.”
“I’m sorry,” Peter looks at his hands. “I didn’t know. I thought it would make Nana happy and - I don’t know… give us a family moment.”
“We understand, Pete. It’s partly our fault for not telling either of you anything. You weren’t supposed to know until your Mam was ready.”
Mam waves him off. “They were going to find out eventually. I was just delaying it.”
“But not like this, Tony.”
“Doesn’t matter. They know now and they’ve met Gregory. Can’t be helped.”
“I hate him,” Harley cuts in. It makes their Mam laugh.
“I do, too, Har. Trust me. Hate that man with a burning passion, but he is your Nana’s son. We can’t show it in front of her.”
“Actually,” Peter thinks back to what their Nana said, “you might be surprised about Nana. She wasn’t happy with how he acted.”
“We won’t see him again, right?” Harley almost implores them.
“No,” Pop says in a stern tone. “Not if I can help it. He’s not stepping anywhere near our home.”
“Good. I’ll use my potato gun on him if he does.”
Their Pop nods in approval. Their Mam shakes his head. “Bloodthirsty little thing, aren’t you? You’re taking after your father too much.”
“That’s a good thing, Tony.”
“Not when I have to hide the body.”
“You leave hiding the body to me. I’m the one with the experience, after all.”
“That’s not reassuring, Babe.”
As their parents start to bicker, Peter gets his phone out and clicks on the new message his Uncle Clint had sent. A video pulls up and from just the frozen frame he can tell it’s a recording of what just happened with Gregory. He’s confused at first. How is this supposed to cheer his Mam up?
He trusts Uncle Clint, so he gets their attention and puts the video on full screen. “Uncle Clint wants me to show you this.”
Within seconds of hitting play they hear the angered voice of Nana Roberta. “How dare you come here and behave this way.”
The video continues to show the entire scene Gregory had created and their family fighting back. Now Peter understood. His Mam wasn’t there to witness their entire family fight for him. His Uncle Clint thought ahead and recorded while everyone else isolated Gregory. This video showed how much their family loves Tony Stark. Not the Starks, not the money, not Gregory. They love his Mam. They love Tony.  
Uncle Clint was right. It does cheer Mam up.
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loki-sun · 5 years
Some Scott & Peter being roommates headcanons
A while I ago I stumbled upon a post or something which implied that Scott and Peter shared a room together after Apocalypse and I've thought that needed to be explored a tad. This almost turned into a fic whoa
Their first meeting after the whole Cairo and apocalypse crisis is less than stellar
When the mansion’s finally ready for students to move back in, Scott’s given his own room. Again, which pleases him. The company of other mutants doesn’t bother him, Jean, Kurt, Jubes even the newcomer Ororo, they’re all nice and great, but he prefers having a place he can call his own.
A day after that when he and Jean go for a walk she tells him she now shares a room with Jubilee and that it’s kinda cool she now has someone, so she’s not completely isolated, but she’s still afraid she’ll unintentionally hurt her in her sleep or something.
Scott playfully boasts that he still managed to keep his own room.
That doesn’t last long
That same afternoon there’s a knock on his door.
It’s the silver haired guy; the exact same one who saved almost everyone from the explosion.
At first he doesn’t say anything, just watches him coolly, leaning against the doorframe.
 Scott’s a man of action “Yeah?” “Summers?” “That’s me.” In a millisecond the seriousness disappears from the guy’s face and all of a sudden he’s standing in the middle of Scott’s room, buzzing around and he reminds Scott of some kind of a bumblebee that took a dip in a jar of silver color.
The silver guy scans the room “Kinda boring but it’ll do.” He points at the tidy desk by the window “You’ll need to move that tho, I’m gonna have my bed there.” “I’m sorry, who are you?” Scott rebukes at the stranger wandering in his room like he owns the place “And what are you doing in my room?” “Peter Maximoff.” The guy suddenly appears in front of him, a strange glint in his eyes “and I think you mean, ‘our room’.” “What?!” “Oh, I’m guessing Charlie didn’t tell you? Oh, this is awkward.” “Told me what?” Peter smirks “We’re roomies from now on.” Something inside Scott promptly dies.
 Scott goes to talk to Charles about it, who tells him that Peter, while no longer being a student, will be staying at the mansion and join their X-Men team. There’s a shortage of free rooms but Charles is sure that Scott doesn’t have a problem with giving half of his to Peter.
Scott, in fact, has a problem, but Charles doesn’t need to know that.
When he returns to their room, he notices Peter has already set up his stuff and oh hello, there’s even a bed there and a few video game arcades where his desk and sofa used to be.
At first Scott’s semi okay with it, because Peter seems like a good dude.
 “So, Summers, I’ve noticed that you don’t talk much, huh? That’s OK; I talk enough for two people.” Scott mentally groans. This will not end well.
He’s right.
He soon finds out that Peter, fucking Peter, doesn’t sleep much or at all. He can go days without even a little nap and while Peter’s totally okay, Scott’s bags under his eyes have bags because the speedy asshole is just not quiet throughout the night. He’s either loudly munching on food, listening to music at top volume, playing videogames, tapping his foot impatiently against the floor, shuffling around….he’s. not. Still. At. All.  Jean and others notice Scott’s exhausted appearance of course. “So, what’s like to bunk with Peter?” “I’m more likely to catch a unicorn than a good night’s sleep.” “That bad?” “I lost my peace, most of my room and my ability to sleep at night. What do you think?”
Jean suggests him to talk to Peter about this issue.
He takes her advice. Peter doesn’t really get it.
“Remember sleeping? Sleeping was nice.” Scott says to him when he comes back to their room ”Perhaps you should try it. When’s the last time you slept?” “When was the last time I slept? Well, let’s see…it’s a Thursday…so…” “Today’s Monday.” “Today’s a what?!” Oh boy.
Unfortunately, despite Scott’s best tries, It doesn’t go well at all. In fact, it all goes downhill from that point on.
A few days later Peter, high on energy, takes a good look at Scott, who’s barely standing on his own feet. “Jesus, what happened to you?” “You did.”
 Another thing Scott soon learns about Peter. He was right. He. Never. Shuts. Up. Seriously. He’s always muttering about something, singing along to a song, talking to himself, chuckling while reading a comic book…Scott feels a volcano of anger inside him ready to erupt. “Do you ever shut up?” “Do you ever say anything besides asking me to shup up?” Peter shoots back “Oh, sorry, I forgot that you’re shy.” “I’m not shy, I just don’t like talking to you.”
 It all goes to hell from then on.
Scott’s annoyed with Peter and Peter’s annoyed because Scott’s annoyed with him.
“I went from having an entire basement to myself to having to share a room with a fucking baby!” “I was here first!”
They both ask Charles to give each of them their own room.
Charles refuses.
One day Scott’s sugar drops and all of a sudden the currently abandoned box of twinkies on Peter’s bed look curiously inviting.
It was the last straw.
“You bastard!” “I’m not going to pick a fight with you.” “Well, too bad because I’m picking one with you. Square up, dipshit, let’s get rowdy!”
They use duct tape to evenly split the room in half. Peter even took the door. “How the fuck am I supposed to go out now?!” “I left you the window, use that! Be happy I didn’t take that as well.” “How generous of you.” “You know it.” “Seriously, you’re the human equivalent of those lumps that form in rancid milk.” “Wow, what the fuck Summers!? Rude?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be.”
The tension between them’s obvious and it comes to a point when Charles sits them down and asks them to at least pretend to stand each other for others’ sake. 
They try but fail miserably. “You are a disgusting individual.” “I will not stand here and be lectured by a 12 year old.” “I’m 18.” “You’re literally a baby!”
“Hey you got an award in the mail.” “Really? Where’s it from?” “The National Council on Assholing. It says here you won Best Asshole of the year.” “...Why are you such an asshole? Do you like getting hit or something? Wait! Don’t answer that, I don’t wanna know.”
At one point even Raven asks Charles if putting the two of them together in the same room was a good idea. “They balance each other out. Trust me, Raven, they need this.
Turns out he’s right. 
It takes a while but much, to everyone’s surprise, they mysteriously, somehow manage to work it out without killing each other in the process.
A few days later Scott’s studying for one of his exams and his pen dies. He realizes he left the rest of his pen stash in Jean’s room and isn’t feeling up to go get them. Peter nonchalantly gives him one of his own. True to his poor luck Scott breaks it. “Hey, um...I broke your pen. Sorry” “That’s okay – I stole it.” Peter doesn’t even look up from his comic book. Scott blinks. “...Why are you Like That?” “Look, I have superpowers. That’s not going to change. What else am I supposed to do with them, sit in our room and watch tv? Don’t judge me.” “...I’m not.” Peter finally looks up from his comic and takes in Scott’s disheveled appearance.  “I take it studying isn’t going well?” A groan’s his only reply. “Dude chillax, you're more nervous over this stupid exam than when we were in Cairo. The fuck?” Scott sighs “If I have to choose between saving the world and passing my chemistry exam…the end of the world is bad and all, but McCoy is scary.” For the first time since moving in Peter laughs. Sincerely.
Scott fucks up then and accidentally hurts Peter’s feelings “You know, you kinda remind me of my brother.” “Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?” “Both.” Peter doesn’t take offense but just stares as Scott’s face crumbles. “Your brother?” “Alex.” Scott replies “You know, the one you left to die.” Scott doesn’t mean it literally, he knows Peter’s not responsible for Alex’s death, but his words cut the speedster like a knife. For the first time since he’s moved in, he’s quiet throughout the entire night. Scott doesn’t question it at first. He has an exam to study for.
Peter’s nowhere to be found in the morning. When he doesn’t show up for training, that’s when others take notice and become worried. Charles doesn’t seem to be though, but he’s sporting this sad smile and it’s not a good sign.
His disappearance bothers Scott more than it should because the room is suddenly too quiet, there’s no one to bother him. He keeps on waiting for a certain silver blur to come by but he. just. doesn’t.
During one of their many daily strolls around the mansion, Jean brings the topic of Peter up and asks him if perhaps he said something or done something that might suggest his whereabouts.
Initially, Scott shakes with head.
Until he finally realizes.
He feels like a dick.
Jean assures him he’ll probably return soon, but reprimands him anyway.
When it’s evening and Peter still doesn’t return Scott considers going to Charles, but just as he’s about to do it, there’s a knock on the door.
It’s Peter.
Scott is relieved and immediately starts apologizing. Peter tells him that it’s okay. 
Peter actually sits down and apologizes for not arriving in time to save Alex. 
It turns out Peter’s feeling extremely guilty over what happened to Scott’s brother.
Scott tells him that he doesn’t blame him and that there was nothing he could’ve done.
It takes a while for both of them to calm down after this emotional talk. Peter honestly appreciates Scott’s words.
“You’re not so bad Summers. You know, for a baby.” “You’re not so bad yourself Maximoff. For a grandpa.” “Oh, the hair, I get it.”
“So I take it you’ve missed me.” “Everyone’s been wondering where you were. They knew that if I’d killed you, I’d keep the body for display.” Peter snorts “As if you could catch me.”
“Sorry for fucking off by the way. I tend to do that sometimes.” “It’s okay. It was my fault anyway. Just...don’t do it again, okay.” “Can’t promise, but mmkay.”
Seeing Peter and Scott actually getting along for the first time since they became the X-Men is shocking. Jean’s a telepath so she kinda already knows why they’re suddenly on good terms. Kurt and Ororo are clueless. “Since when are you two buddies?” “We’re kindred spirits” “By which he means that we utterly disgust each other.” “Yeah.” “But you’re always bickering and fighting with him.” “Yes, and I would also die for him. Try to keep up, blueberry.”
They’re best buddies.
Peter soon figures out that Scott as this not so secret crush on Jean. He doesn’t bring it up though, waits for Scott to slip up or admit it out loud.
He does.
“Can you keep a secret?” “Sure, but why would I?” “I’ll ignore that.”  “So, what is it?” “I...kind of like Jean.” “Dude, I thought you said it was a secret.” “Is it that obvious?” “You need to stop making googly-eyes at her all the time. It’s weird and frankly, kind of creepy.”
“Scott I need to tell you something as well.” “Go ahead.” “...Magneto is my father.” Peter blurts out “Just thought you should know.” Scott stares at first and then burst into a laugh, thinking it’s another joke. He stops when he sees Peter’s serious expression. “You’re not kidding.” “I’m definitely not kidding.” “...You know that explains so much about you.”
Peter is slightly scared Scott will turn on him again because Erik was kind of involved in Alex’s death.
Scott tells him again that Alex’s death was an unfortunate accident and he doesn’t blame either Magneto or Ororo for what happened. He also assures him that he doesn’t care who his father is.
Peter’s relieved.
“Also my nameisnotPeteritsactuallyPietro” “...What?”
“Let’s just say I’m not a ‘you must reach friendship level 5 to unlock my tragic backstory’ person. I’m more like  ‘you have to reach friendship level 5 to know my real name’ type of a person.”
He prefers to be called Peter though so he asks Scott to keep that to himself.
Scott promises to keep it a secret.
Peter promises to help him win Jean’s heart.
Turns out he’s the best wingman Scott could ever have.
When they’re hanging out together, Peter mentions to Kurt that Scott has a crush on Jean and doesn’t know what to do. Kurt, ever the romantic, suggests him to write her a letter. 
“Blueberry, no, JUST NO. Bad idea. He has the artistic ability of a short-sighted mongoose.” “Thanks Maximoff.”
Peter comes up with his own idea.
“What do you mean you hit on Jean for me, what the fuck Peter!?” “SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT SCOTT!”
Peter succeeds and Scott gets the girl.
“Ok, Pete, I’m going to have Jean over tomorrow night, so if you don’t mind-” Scott begins one day, weeks after their first date. “I don’t.” Peter winks “Ohhh I see where this is going.” “Don’t tell anyone, you know Xavier has rules and shit.” “I won’t IF you don’t tell him about my hidden stash of stolen sweets and the arcades.” “It’s a deal.”
“Just leave my bed alone. It’s a sacred place.”
Peter spends the night in Kurt’s room who finally starts to understand why Scott suffered from lack of sleep in their early days.
“Why exactly are you here?” “You’re too pure for this, blueberry.”
In the morning Peter decides he’s done enough waiting and barges in their room, waking up both Scott and Jean.
“Don’t you knock!?” “Considering it’s my room as well...generally, no.”
“I brought you two breakfast by the way.”  “I, um…thanks.”Jean seemed to genuinely appreciate his gesture. “It’s no trouble at all! Well, as long as you don’t make noises swallowing that the same way you did last night.” “PETER!” “dO YOU EVEN HAVE AN IDEA HOW THIN THE WALLS ARE HERE!?”
He runs off to Ororo before Scott could test his powers on him.  “Hey ‘Ro, what do you think I should do if somebody told me they were going to peel me like a potato.” “And by somebody, I meant Scott.” “Honestly Peter, I thought I knew a lot of threatening words, but that one’s new.” 
Peter continues teasing Scott for the rest of the day. Scott thinks he’s a menace. “Sometimes I want to tell you to go find someone to date already so you’ll stop pestering me, but then I remember what an inexpressibly annoying person you are and how no one deserves to deal with you.” “Thanks Scott, love you too, buddy.” “You know what, maybe you should find someone.” “I would rather be tied up, covered in honey, and left near a hill full of red ants. Naked.” 
Scott decides to return the favor and find Peter a date.
Turns out Peter does have a tiny crush on Ororo. “No, I don’t. The only crush I have is the crushing weight of my existence.” “But it’s a perfect match! You’re single and she has low standards!” “Is that supposed to be an insult, you unimaginative dishrag?!”
Peter’s known for staying up late, disrespecting the few sets of rules Charles has given to them. He hates the confined feeling of the mansion and seeks the comfort of the outside world all the time. Thus, he always comes back sometime past school curfew. Usually, no one but Scott notices, but even he has come to his breaking point.Plus he’s still mad at him for the stuff with Jean. So one day, when Peter’s way past his curfew again, Scott absolutely refuses to open the door to their room. “Summers, it’s me, a shambling mockery of a mutant being. I know you’re awake. Open the door.” “Sorry, I can’t help you, we’re closed for the day.” “That’s very funny, Scott. I get it, you’re mad I stayed out past school curfew, but you’re not really going to make me sleep in the hallway, right?” He does.
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hereticalheraldry · 5 years
Disney Princesses’ trauma types
IE, definitely the darkest take on Disney I have ever done!
(see this post on trauma types)
Lots of Disney characters have had Adverse Childhood Experiences (death of mothers, to start with!) and exhibit signs of traumatic stress. Below are my guesses as to their chosen coping mechanism.
What 4F trauma type is each Disney character below (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn)
Snow White (dead mother, dead father, abusive and neglectful stepmother, stepmother literally tried to have her killed): It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this, but I’d say it’s Fawn-Flight. She is unerringly sweet. Her immediate reaction when in any form of danger (with a strange man, the huntsman, or the dwarves) is to try to appease, appeal, and make friends. She also has a ton of energy (flight), which she channels into obsessive cleaning, though she doesn’t seem to edge far enough into that to call it OCD. She also literally ran away in a segment that makes obvious how her fear drives her to flight.
Cinderella (dead father, abusive and neglectful stepfamily treats her as a slave): another Fawn-Flight. Unfailingly kind and sweet. So desperate for friends that she befriends the MICE. Also an incredibly hard worker (though tbf, her stepfamily forces that on her). When traumatized by stepsisters yanking to pieces her clothing (both a destruction of her hard work and a physical assault) she literally runs away into the garden to cry. She also runs away from the ball at midnight rather than turning back right there and explaining to the prince that she only got to go to the ball through magic because her family is abusive and probably stole her inheritance. Cinderella gets the wish that many with CPTSD have: that somebody would swoop in and rescue them! She gets rescued twice: by her fairy godmother AND by the prince.
Peter Pan (abandoned in Kensington Gardens and brought up by fairies, who are not the most emotionally stable beings out there): Flight. Classic ADHD: response: runs all over the island fighting, flying, and crowing. (Also literally flies.)
Ariel (dead mother, controlling and abusive father): Freeze-Flight. Instead of trying to please her excessively harsh father, like her hard-working singing sisters, Ariel ditches not only practices but CONCERTS in order to get away from her father and lose herself in her collecting hobby. She has a secret place where she hides in order to fantasize about having a different life in an entirely different place, away from her family. Her friends attempt to persuade her that life on land is impracticable for her. But when her father destroys her hidey-hole, she is retraumatized and resorts to flight to someone she thinks can fix her problems for her by making her human and sending her to the surface: she therefore literally runs away, and tries to get both Ursula and Eric to save her and get her away from her father.
Prince Eric: Surprisingly non-traumatized! I mean, as far as I remember.
Belle: non-traumatized? (at least to start with. I mean, we can always suggest Stockholm Syndrome later...) DOES seem to think she’s entirely different from everyone else around her (a common CPTSD symptom). Maybe traumatized by mother’s death? Bullying from the neighbors? Becoming a parentified child to take care of her absent-minded (though affectionate) father? Unaccustomed poverty? In any case, except for the trauma of her father’s near death and her own imprisonment, she is unusually competent and calm. If she edges toward anything, it’s probably Freeze-Flight: she has a pronounced capacity to become absorbed in fiction and ignore everything around her. When irritated by Gaston’s insulting and bullying proposal, she physically retreats entirely from the village in order to sing about how she wants to leave her poor provincial town for the great wide somewhere. She is fixated on escape, either mentally or physically.
Beast (dead parents, raised by servants who deferred to him rather than parenting him): Fight-Freeze. Hides in his castle; when encounters people is an ASSHOLE. Interestingly, Fight-Freeze types are notoriously hard to treat. Belle might have a future in psychotherapy if she can build better boundaries.
Aladdin (dead parents, has to eat to live, has to steal to eat, ostracized by his community, frequently threatened with death or maiming for theft): feels entirely different from the rest of the world. Flight. frequently in a state of frenetic energy, though a lot of that is because he’s stealing food and escaping the cops. His idea of a great date is to get Jasmine away from the palace: to escape and help her to do the same. intense feelings of shame and inferiority (despite his insistence that there’s so much more to him). He tries to hide from Jasmine the truth of his low-rank identity, though he does eventually recognize the need to tell her the truth.
Jasmine: surprisingly untraumatized (mostly just a healthy assertive), considering what she’s been through (dead mother, parentified child of a nice but absent-minded father who, judging from his looks, is closely related to Maurice; isolated from peers and almost everyone but her pet. I mean, there MUST be servants in the palace, but all you ever see are the guards...) She recognizes when people are treating her unfairly and says so, which makes her unusual among Disney heroes and heroines!
Simba (father died, was told it was his fault, was forced to leave home, almost died in the wilderness, subsequently raised by a couple of irresponsible weirdos): Flight. Literally runs away from his problems instead of facing them. Keeps himself busy with Timon and Pumbaa in order to occupy his mind.
Pocahontas: Non-traumatized! (Dead mother, but strong emotional connection with father and strong emotional support system in her community. Not to mention a maternal figure in the shape of a talking tree in whom she can confide.) DOES feel different from everyone else in her community, though. (Are you sensing a theme?)
John Smith (father died when Smith was 16, he left home, went to sea, served as a mercenary, engaged in piracy, fought the Ottomans): Flight. Constantly on the move: seeing new places, meeting new people, and killing them. Overachiever. Can’t sit still in England. However, he does have some healthy assertive skills and is able to stand up to people in power.
Quasimodo (holy emotional abuse, Batman!): Freeze. Taught that the outside world is cruel and wicked and that he can only be safe inside the cathedral. Daydreams to the point where he almost believes the gargoyles come alive and talk to him. Manages to overcome his Freeze instincts to save Esmerelda.
Esmerelda: Not traumatized, despite apparent lack of living parents and her position as an oppressed social minority. Probably the result of loving parenting while they were alive and strong community support from the rest of the Roma of Paris. Another heroine with healthy assertive traits!
Phoebus: Not apparently currently suffering from traumatic stress (though may have had periods of it in the past: he’s a crusader, after all). Surprisingly well-adjusted.
Hercules (kidnapped at a very young age and taken away from a one life to be placed in another, ENTIRELY different life. Despite strong emotional support from adoptive parents, has been rejected and bullied by his community. Feels he is entirely different from everybody else [I mean, he kind of is]): Flight. Yes, that’s right, flight, not fight. Hercules may be a “fighter” but he is a SUPER non-aggressive guy. Gentleness embodied. Feels he has to achieve something huge in order to be worthy of love and affection from the world (and especially from his divine father, who has literally told him that he has to earn his way back to Olypus by becoming a True Hero). Tendency toward despair when the people whose love and affection he thought he had (Phil and Megara) abandon and betray him. Eventually earns everybody’s love and affection--which is not the greatest lesson ever. Shouldn’t Disney be teaching us that we deserve love even if we never become heroes?
Megara (super traumatic history): Fawn-Fight. Puts the good of the people she loves WAY before her own, to an unhealthy level (sacrifices her own soul in order to save a man, who then abandons her). Seems sarcastic and rough, but heart of gold underneath. Acts like she’s superior, but actually feels enormous guilt and shame, with low self-esteem. Won’t say she’s in love.
Mulan (inconsistent expectations from her family and community. Sometimes her family supports who she is, defends her, and puts up with her unusual behavior; at other times they join with her community in criticizing her [lightly if frequently]. They apparently did not teach her society’s gender roles but then expects her to abide by them in public): she feels entirely different from everybody else and that she has to prove herself. Doesn’t know who she is inside. CANNOT behave the way she has been taught she should; is clearly triggered by a criticism from her father. Flight. Seems almost hyperactive, can’t keep silent when her society tells her she should. Driven to act and to succeed in order to prove her worth and bring honor to her family. Again, EARNS everybody’s love and respect in the end.
Shang: Possible inferiority issues from his relationship with her father. Not enough data.
Mushu (constant criticism; scapegoated by the ancestors): Flight. Has channeled this coping mechanism into ADHD (and humor). Feels the need to prove he is worthy of his spot (I mean, the ancestors TOLD him he did...)
Tarzan (storm and fire killed everyone around him in his infancy; parents had to resettle entirely alone in an alien land; parents were brutally killed right in front of him; he was nearly killed and eaten twice by a leopard; adopted by nonhuman animals; rejected by father figure and much of his nonhuman community): Realistically, I WOULD say that Tarzan should not be able to learn to SPEAK, since he doesn’t appear to have acquired language until his mid to late twenties. However, the film makes clear that the gorillas have a complex spoken language that can convey complicated thoughts like, “Jane will stay with Tarzan”. Feels entirely different from the rest of his community (he is). Scapegoated and constantly criticized for being different. I genuinely don’t know what his style is. lol
The elephant in tarzan: It’s been too long since I’ve seen this film, somebody do this one lol
Cuzco (dead parents, running an empire in his early twenties, nobody has apparently ever taught him limits, appears to have a very emotionally isolated life): Fawn-Fight. Extremely narcissistic, though his character development reveals that he does have a conscience underneath there somewhere. Charming but highly self-centered. Good with words and fast-talking, so may be Flight or gifted. Behavior improves quickly and immensely when provided with the emotional support (and healthy boundaries) of an ersatz family.
Lilo (loss of both parents; being parented by a highly stressed and very young adult who is struggling with poverty and her own trauma): Flight. Gifted, imaginative, ADHD, constantly into everything, constantly in trouble. Sometimes slides into Fight with defiant behavior.
Nani (loss of parents, pressure of having to parent her little sister and provide income for both of them at a very young age): Fight. Her temper gets the better of her when she’s upset, but she’s really trying.
Marlin (loss of his wife and all his children but one): Freeze. Constantly hiding from the perceived dangers of the world and trying to teach his son to do the same. Very nurturing of his child, despite his difficulty overcoming his own trauma. Considering he is a Freeze type, going on a big journey to save his son demonstrates ENORMOUS bravery.
Dori (???): Flight-Freeze. ADHD, constantly on the move, can’t sit still, just keeps swimming, just keeps swimming, swimming, swimming. I include Freeze because her difficulties with her memories may be a dissociative effect of trauma, and dissociation falls under Freeze.
Tiana (loss of beloved father, poverty, traumatizing lifelong experience of systemic racism, somewhat ameliorated by loving and supportive mother): Flight. The classic driven, achievement-obsessed workaholic. Always seems to only be halfway there. Fate helps her overcome these tendencies by forcing her to fail in her quest to become human again (and therefore to open her restaurant), though she actually does succeed soon after anyway. Actually, DID she overcome these tendencies? Like, she toned it down enough to maintain an apparently lasting romantic relationship, but she might still be a workaholic...
Naveen (highly critical parents): Flight. Constantly traveling care-for-nothing that can’t seem to stick to anything. Deep down has low self-esteem about his lack of achievement and how he can’t seem to please his parents. Demonstrates some symptoms of ADD or ADHD. Tiana and Naveen demonstrate how “Flight” behaviors can results in two very different character types!
Rapunzel (holy shit: kidnapped in infancy and raised by a woman who is demonstrably emotionally abusive and negligent and literally is only keeping her alive for her hair. Imprisoned in a tower almost entirely without company her ENTIRE LIFE. Demonstrates painful mood swings between delight and horrific guilt when she finally escapes for the first time. I seriously wonder how long her mental recovery took after Mother Gothel’s death...): Flight-Fawn. Overachiever, constantly doing EVERYTHING, EXTREMELY QUICKLY (cleans the entire place top-to-bottom between 7:00 and 7:15 AM). Literally runs away. Makes friends immediately with almost everybody she meets, including a gang of hardened, violent criminals. Wants desperately to be loved, but believes very quickly that Eugene doesn’t like her after all and has abandoned her. Note that it is not Rapunzel that kills Mother Gothel but Pascal. Rapunzel is so emotionally traumatized that she probably could never bring herself to “betray” Gothel in any real way.
Eugene Fitzherbert (orphaned; raised in an institutional setting, which is notoriously traumatizing. Poverty, social rejection): Flight. Channels his immense energy into complicated and daring heists. Adrenaline junkie. He thinks he wants to rest on a deserted island with an enormous pile of money, but I can guarantee that he would get antsy after a week (at most) and go back to his life of crime in order to distract himself from his pain.
Merida (was in a life-endangering encounter with a bear as a young child; her father was maimed. Has emotional support from her father, but her mother--primary caregiver, especially of a daughter--is highly critical): Flight. Tons of energy, adrenaline junkie, climbs a frickin WATERFALL, overachiever in her chosen hobbies. Greatly dislikes quiet pursuits like embroidery, possibly because they leave too much time for contemplation, and she needs more distraction.
Elsa (almost killed her beloved younger sister by accident, treated by her parents as dangerous and frightening, almost entirely isolated for most of her life): Freeze (HAHA) and Flight. Has been taught to retreat alone from a world that will reject her. Experiences enormous shame and guilt for herself, her gifts, and how dangerous she can be. Classic perfectionist. Attempts to protect herself and others by shutting down all emotions. When she fails, she literally runs away to live entirely alone forever to escape the storm of the rest of the world, because the cold of isolation “never bothered her anyway” (an obvious lie she has taught herself). “Let It Go” sounds like an anthem of freedom, but Elsa is actually literally running from her problems and from any human connection.
Anna (almost died as a small child, which she doesn’t directly remember, but may still cause her traumatic reactions. her beloved older sister SUDDENLY refused even to SEE her, and her parents wouldn’t talk about it, so she probably felt in some obscure way that there was something wrong with HER,  that it was all her fault. Then isolated almost entirely in the palace, and certainly isolated from other children, followed by the death of her parents and the CONTINUED isolation from her sister and anybody other than servants): flight-fawn. she seems possibly a little ADD, a little hyperactive (rides her bike around the halls), impulsive. VERY friendly and sweet to almost everybody she meets, desperate to make friends. Dreams of being rescued through marriage to a prince that she loves at first sight. Desperate to be loved.
Moana: probably NOT traumatized, for the most part. She DOES feel entirely different from everybody else (”what is wrong with me?”) because her instinctive love of the ocean has been criticized and squelched by her father and her society. However, despite her father’s clear struggle with his own trauma from the survivor’s guilt of his best friend’s drowning, this is one of the healthier families/societies we see in Disney! The silence around the death of Chief Tui’s best friend is meant to be kind, but I think Tui probably needs to talk it out more, and while I understand why they didn’t tell Moana about it as a young child, I feel like she SHOULD have been told before her father’s reactions to her hurt her own self-image: he’s actually just projecting his own guilt onto the daughter who is so much like him. She is less traumatized than she might otherwise be because she has both her mother, and especially her grandmother, to confide in. If Moana has a trauma style, I would say it’s Flight: she’s an overachiever who is constantly rushing from one task, one way to help, to another. In a deleted song, she also talks about walking around the island so much that she knows exactly how many steps it is to the ocean. She always wants to get away. All of this is classic Flight. Chief Tui is Fight. he’s not aggressive, but he IS controlling.
Maui (Most of the trauma in this film comes from Maui. he was abandoned as a baby, and probably almost died. grew up with the knowledge that he was not wanted by his parents. grew up away from human society): Flight-Fawn. Has spent the rest of his life trying to earn acceptance, love, and gratitude from humans. Constantly does crazy and death-defying tasks to try to win them over., but It never brings him true fulfillment. He clearly DESPERATELY wants to be recognized, celebrated, and loved for his achievements and his gifts, which makes him into a brash show-off.
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prblynvr · 5 years
hey hey hey hey so like..... “great. perfect. nice. Fuck this” for the 5 word prompts??? eldonado preferably???? I loved ur last fic and like.......... angst please 💛💛
dretfgyui okay so i totally failed at angst, but have a kind of broken down version of this prompt! i wanted to try an exercise in recognizing jealousy in different ways and i sorta maybe did it? idk, but i hope you enjoy! read it here on ao3
feel free to send me more 5 word prompts!
It wasn’t very often- and there was usually a catalyst- but Sam realized that sometimes Peter was incredibly selfish.
It was never in an obvious ‘hoards wealth and resources from the less fortunate’ way, but rather in a utterly human and teenage way. And Sam knows he’s shouldn’t be one to scorn others- lest he become a complete hypocrite- but Peter has always been an oddball. So naturally, the ways his selfishness showed up wouldn’t be that of a Typical Teenager.
The first thing Sam noticed was that Peter was selfish with his time. He would turn down Sam for an after school hang out because he had a test the next day he needed to study for and No, Sam. You’ll just distract me so you can’t help me study. Even if he knew Sam had actually understood Macbeth, he still wouldn’t let him help.
He would spend time on what he wanted, feeding his drive to be successful at video making by losing countless hours of sleep over edits that don’t need to be done for days. He knew that he had to manage himself, and a lot of the time Sam felt like Peter was isolating himself because of it.
Next Sam noticed how selfish Peter was with his belongings- especially with others. He was selfish with his electronics- rarely letting people touch his laptop, phone, or camera. Sam was one of the few who had an all access pass to Peter’s stuff. Maybe it was part of the Gen Z/Millenial need for privacy in an extremely public era, but Peter seemed to take it up a notch. Sometimes, he would get huffy if Sam so much as turned the volume up when they were editing together, reaching around Peter to touch the keyboard himself.
Most important of all, Sam realized Peter was selfish with his feelings. His resting bitch face was widely known and those that interacted with him on a daily basis knew that Peter was not one to emote in blatant ways. Sure, he was defensive of his insecurities and could be provoked by outside sources, but his robot-esque exterior was hard to crack if the response wasn’t anger or rage. Peter hoarded his emotions and bottled them up tight, waiting for a day he could explode and blame it on something that happened, rather than deep seated repression and the hormonal imbalances of a 16 year old body.
It was one particular afternoon that Sam realized jealousy in Peter could be monstrous. In that moment, Sam thought Peter was being extremely unfair. He knew better than most what mood Peter was in at every given moment- it comes with the best friend territory- but he had rarely seen Peter like this, and never directed at Sam. There were targets of this sort of passive-aggression in the past, but Sam has never been on the receiving end. It seemed insane to Sam once he finally figured out what new emotion he was picking up  from Peter.
What would drive someone into an almost manic state, enough so that he would make an exposé on his best friend? Of course Sam understood the principle of the situation- evaluating your own bias- but why did he have to bring Gabi into this? Why did he have to act so smug when presenting the video, like he had placed the final piece of the puzzle that was Sam? Why did he have to smirk at Sam while he presented it, driving Sam up a wall in absolute frustration?
He’s jealous, Sam thought later that night. Not ‘he’s just jealous’- writing the interaction off as a petty emotion, but rather a full statement of truth. Sam had come to realize that something in Peter was deeply bothered by his friendship with Gabi. And now it was in the doc- for all to see and assume from.
And the kicker of it all was that Sam wasn’t in love with Gabi, not at all. He was in love with Peter.
Eventually- meaning several days later after Peter reached the end of his rope and made a breakthrough on the video from Nana’s party- Sam and Peter were talking again. They were talking to each other about the case. About the dicks. And that was it. There was only one aborted apology between the two which helped ease them back into casual conversation, but the thrill of the mystery was a good jumping off point.
Then the mystery was over. The case had been finished, albeit not completely solved. Dylan had still proven to be an idiot, even though his friendly and sweet nature had grown on Sam, just not as much as it had grown on Peter. Netflix had swooped in and suddenly Peter and Sam were expected to be actual professionals who do things for their productions, rather than pass out after finally finishing edits at 3 A.M. and just posting the damn thing.
The Netflix party was swanky, if Sam’s standards were anything to go by. Sam had always assumed his first suit would have been for prom, yet here he was, summer between Sophomore and Junior year, decked out in formal wear. Peter was fidgeting next to him looking unfairly good. His suit wasn’t as fashionable as Sam’s, but it didn’t matter. Sam was attracted to Peter when he was awake in the middle of the night, decked in sweatpants and a whole day’s worth of face grease. So when Peter put in the effort, Sam’s heart beat just a little bit faster.
Peter kept biting his lip and it was driving Sam kind of crazy. His hair wasn’t flopping in his face like usual, courtesy of a small bit of product, his eyebrows were actually contained and his stupid long-
“Sorry, what?” Peter asked leaning into Sam’s space and asking loudly in his ear.
“What?” Sam replied.
Did I really say that outloud?
“You just said something but I missed it.”
“Oh, yeah I- just uhhh said…. uh…. there’s a lot of flashes.”
Good save.
“Yeah, there’s a lot of cameras here tonight.” Peter commented, leaning further into Sam. He slipped his arm over Sam’s shoulder as they continued their circuit around the room. “Are you okay? Not too nervous?”
“Oh, my dude,” Sam said jostling back into Peter, “I am living it up! Look at what we’ve created!”
“It’s crazy to think that 27 dicks could have done this.”
Sam laughed, leaning into Peter further.
Even if I can’t tell him, at least I still have this.
Although Sam was an extrovert who enjoyed meeting new people and being around many at once, tonight felt different. This wasn’t just a party, it was a professional party- one that seemed to drain him with every passing minute instead of fill him with excitement.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” Sam said slipping out of Peter’s arm. “Want anything?”
“No, I’m good. I’ll find you in a bit.”
Sam walked away, shooting Peter a set of finger guns accompanied by a grin before scooting towards the bar. The line wasn’t too long, but all he wanted at that moment was some water and a place to sit down. Sam was taking stock of the three people in front of him in line, patiently waiting to get refreshments as well, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Excuse me? Are you Sam Ecklund?” A voice from behind him asked.
He turned his head and shoulders just enough to see a blonde, vaguely familiar girl. She was dressed as if she had a reason to be at the party and maybe she did. Sam only really knew Peter and a handful of the Netflix representatives there. Besides that, he had no idea what the guest list was.
“Oh, uh- yeah that’s me.” He said, finding her eyes. In a split second he schooled himself into standing up straighter and faking a little enthusiasm. The night had been incredibly long so far, but he and Peter had stayed up later.
Just half an hour, he promised himself, half an hour then you can probably convince Peter to leave.
“Oh, awesome! I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your work on the doc. Like Peter was always so serious but you really stole the show with the comedy aspect!”
“Yeah he seems that way, but Peter’s really just a big jokester too.” Sam said, feeling a little hurt that she would think insulting Peter would gain her favor with him.
“Hah okay, I mean sure, but you really did a great job. Like, without you I don’t think Peter would have ever solved the case.”
Some part of Sam agreed with her- he and Peter were a partnership. But there was something about the way she just kept dismissing Peter that almost pushed Sam over the edge. If he were in a cartoon, you would see his eye twitching in annoyance as this girl continued to talk.
“Nah, Pete’s brilliant. He could have gotten it himself- eventually.”
The girl laughed loudly and brightly, like Sam had said some hysterical joke rather than just a plain comment. Her hand came to rest on his elbow as she continued to giggle. His insides were suddenly knotting up as his eyes flit around the room. Finally, they landed on Peter, who was milling about on his own.
“You’re too funny Sam. Guys with humor are so attractive. Like, there’s just something about you that’s drawing me in. Y’know?”
Peter still wasn’t looking at him so Sam looked back at the girl. The line moved and Sam was able to politely shrug off her hand as he stepped forward. Instead of taking the hint, she simply stepped closer.
“Uh…,” he said, eyes moving and finally connecting with Peter. He widened his eyes and put on a nervous smile. He hoped Peter would come over and interrupt the conversation with some emergency so he could make a quick get away, or at least text him a meme to cheer him up. The line moved again, causing him to have to look away from Peter for a moment
“So, what are your plans for the rest of the night,” she pressed. He stepped further away. “Any cool after party or fun events a girl looking for a good time should know about?”
Saying ‘falling asleep in the same room as my best friend/crush’ probably wasn’t the best way to respond to her question and Sam was a bit stuck.
“Hey Sammy! Thanks for holding our spot.” Suddenly Peter was right next to him, sliding into the space between this girl and Sam.
“Perfect timing.” Sam hoped Peter could feel the waves of gratitude he was trying to beam straight into his psyche.
“Yeah, I forgot to ask for a water before you left. I don’t think I should be having anymore caffeine tonight.” He joked. Sam took a moment to study Peter’s face as a smile carefully graced his lips. It was a publicity smile, one Sam knew he practiced in the mirror as to not look like a murderer when he was in the press. It was one Peter used when trying to be polite without offending anyone.
But, his eyes were crinkled just slightly- something Peter’s public smile never had. That was a private smile, one reserved for his mother or for when he discovered a clue he had been trying to track for days. It was a movement that happened only in the close vicinity to those he trusted. It was just another thing Sam loved about Peter.
“Hi.” A voice cut in- and just like that, Sam’s internal monologue that was about to categorize everything about Peter that drove him crazy was cut short.
“Oh sorry,” Peter said, extending his hand to the girl, “Peter Maldonado.”
“Pleasure,” she said, quickly shaking his hand before stepping back. Sam slung his arm around Peter’s shoulder as he dropped her hand.
“My friend here was just asking about if I knew of any good after parties.” Sam said. “I didn’t quite know how to tell her our boring plans for the night.”
“Well, you are the stars of the show tonight,” she laughed, “And my name is Allison. Allison Keller. But you can call me Alli.” She scooted away from Peter and seemed to gravitate back towards Sam.
“Well Allison, we’d love to help you,” Peter said. Sam watched Allison’s face flit through a range of emotions before landing on a passive smile. “But Sam and I have to get ready for an early flight tomorrow so we’re going to head out soon anyway.”
Suddenly it was their turn at the bar. Peter turned them around enough to ask for two waters before slipping his arm around Sam’s waist and whispering in Sam’s ear, “You okay to leave now?”
Please don’t be blushing right now. Please don’t be blushing right now. Please don’t be blushing right now.
Sam grabbed the two water bottles before turning back to Allison to say, “It was great talking to you but we’re going to head out. Enjoy the rest of your night!”
They walked away without waiting for a response. Sam dropped his arm from Peter’s shoulder, but Peter’s stayed put around his waist until they were near the door. Once they were clear of the room, Peter finally dropped his arm. They chatted a bit about the party as they left and made their way back to their hotel for the night, but not about Allison. Sam wasn’t sure if Peter wanted to avoid the topic all together and didn’t want to be the one to bring it up.
Peter’s mom was in the adjoining room to theirs as they made their way in.
“Hi boys, how was the rest of the event?”
“It was great, Mom,” Peter said, poking his head through the door to her room.
“Yeah, it was crazy how many people were there,” Sam added, shucking off his tie and jacket as he moved into the room.
“Any crazy things happen after I left?”
“Sammy got hit on by some girl.”
“Hey! Why is that so crazy?” Sam responded as he heard Ms. Maldonado’s laughter coming from the other room.
“Not crazy that it happened, Sam,” she said, “Peter, be nice.”
“Yeah Pete, be nice,” Sam joked knocking Peter through the doorway. “I’m a catch, dontcha know?”
Peter laughed small but bright. His polite public smile was shed for a real one, lips slightly turned up as he giggled. His eyes were locked with Sam’s as they stood in the doorway, each leaning against the opposite jam. Peter’s nose crinkled for a second as he used it to move his glasses up his face. Sam’s traitorous heart began beating way too fast.
“Well, I think I’m going to turn in. I am beat! Night, Ms. Maldonado.” He finally turned away from Peter to look at his mother. He waved at her as she said “Good night!”
Sam bumped Peter again on his way back into their room, the contact sending a spark through his shoulder. Peter walked all the way into his mom’s room as Sam went about changing into his pajamas. By the time Sam was ready for bed and back out into the room, Peter had changed and was lounging on his bed. The door between the two rooms was shut, leaving Peter and Sam alone again. Sam turned off the lights flopped down on his own bed. The TV softly hummed in the background, casting Peter in soft light as he turned and faced Peter.
“Thanks for doing that, by the way,” Sam said, “That girl was driving me up the wall.”
“Yeah, of course dude.”
Sam laughed. “Like usually I’m okay with talking to girls, but she was just terrible! I didn’t expect you to get so… possessive though. She probably thinks we’re like dating now.” Sam’s brain to mouth filter had apparently taken an eternal holiday, since it would have never let him actually turn his honest to god feelings into the butt of his own joke. An intense sense of dread sent a rock to the bottom of his stomach as he clenched his jaw.
Luckily, Peter just laughed. “Yeah, well, she was getting a little too friendly with you.” The end of his sentence was more of a mumble than anything.
Sam hadn’t missed it, but being one never to let Peter off the hook he said, “What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
Peter huffed before he spoke, “I mean, she was touching your arm and being all… I don’t know. It’s dumb.” He rolled back over facing away from Sam.
“Dude, it’s not dumb. She wasn’t even being very nice about you so I don’t know why you’d be nice about her.”
“What do you mean?”
“She was all, ‘Oh Sam, you’re so funny. You’re way better than Peter!’” He could feel Peter rolling his eyes from across the room.
“Yeah, okay whatever, I get it. You didn’t need me.” Peter pulled the blanket more over himself and turned onto his back.
“Hey,” Sam called out, “I’m serious. She tried to compliment me by insulting you. Like, what kind of plan is that? You’re my best friend. Bros before hoes, dude.”
“Aww, dude.”
“And I thanked you for your help. I was too tired to come up with an excuse. So like, if you were jealous of her you have no reason to be.”
Just the thought of Peter being jealous over some girl drove Sam a bit wild. But Peter just hummed in response and the conversation was over. It hadn’t gone perfectly, but things rarely did with Peter. Sam had said his piece, and maybe Peter believed him, maybe he didn’t. But Sam knew that Peter had been jealous. He knew that even if Peter didn’t reciprocate his exact feelings, he was still feeling strongly enough to react so fiercely. He even pulled out his press smile just to help Sam out of a sticky situation.
So it wasn’t perfect, but Sam thought it was nice.
Perfect. Nice. What’s the difference?
Sam had been content to let it sit. He had been fine with Peter and him living out their lives as film partners/best friends until they retired rich and powerful. All throughout their second season, living with Peter was driving him wild. They weren’t just some weird sort of hometown heroes anymore, they were certifiable documentarians, and with that came a very different sense of self.
They had been out of practice for almost 2 years. The schedule and filming and equipment were different, but when they lights went out, it was just Peter, Sam, and their subject. Watching Peter light up the room and run down an interview like it was a sneaky interrogation drove a spike in Sam’s resolve. It had been a long time since he realized his feelings for Peter. It had been a long time since he realized that maybe- just maybe- there was a chance Peter liked him back. So why was he so scared?
It all came to a head one night when planning for the next day’s shoot. They were going to return to St. Bernardine’s the next day to do some more interviews of the students there and finish out the afternoon by returning to Kevin’s. It was going to be a typical shooting day, nothing out of the ordinary - if you think documenting poop crimes wasn’t out of the ordinary.
They had mapped out their route, let the crew know of the plan, then gotten ready to eat. So far, they had mostly made it on pre-cooked meals or take out, but tonight was different. Tonight, Peter Maldonado decided he was going to cook dinner. For Sam. (Well, for them both, but it was only them.)
Oh fuck.
Sam caught a glimpse of him in the kitchen, stirring something on the stove as he listened to a podcast playing from his phone. He had told Sam he was going to cook, which recently meant either Ramen, Kraft Mac & Cheese, or frozen chicken nuggets, but tonight meant some pasta dish that wasn’t recognizable. Peter was cooking chicken in one pan while boiling pasta in a pot.
“What’s this?” Sam asked from where he was lurking in the doorway.
Peter jumped a bit before turning to meet Sam’s eye, “I was tired of the packaged stuff and asked my mom for some suggestions.”
Sam smiled at him before asking, “Need any help?” He was quickly swept up in Peter’s instructions to cut up some vegetables to be cooked after the chicken. They carefully moved around each other as they prepared the meal, commenting on the podcast playing as they went, and in what felt like no time at all, they were done. Sam moved to plate the pasta and set it on the counter by Peter who then added the sauce, chicken, and vegetables. It was all extremely domestic, and far too much for Sam’s traitorous brain to handle.
‘What if-’s began flooding his mind with unplanned scenarios of a life he didn’t feel like could ever truly be his. Lives unattainable, yet so powerful to him, he was jealous over his fictional self for living them.
What if we were already dating and I could grab his hand right now as we ate? What if we lived together and cooked dinner together every night? What if the documentary never happened? What if I never talked to him that first day in middle school?
With every question he would imagine a scenario with the same ending. He and Peter would still be together, still a dynamic duo that could accomplish anything. They would spend as much time together and were dedicated to each other. The journey would be different, but the ending the same.
What if I told him?
The last one stuck with Sam the most. In all seriousness, he wasn’t sure the answer to the question, and he couldn’t exactly predict what Peter’s response would be, but he was falling deeper down the rabbit hole trying to be realistic. All through dinner, Sam’s mind kept wandering to how that night could go. How maybe he could just grab Peter’s hand and tell him. Maybe he could. Maybe.
They finished up and began cleaning- back to domestic chores. Peter collected the dishes as Sam rolled up his sleeves to get to work scrubbing the pots and pans used. As he finished, Peter moved to taking them from Sam and drying them off. Sam had two more pots to go and his heart was beating- hungry for some sort of emotional resolution.
Fuck this.
“Hey Pete?”
He hummed a response.
“I…” Sam lost his resolve. He had been so ready to finally come clean, but this wasn’t a fantasy. This was real life and once he said his piece, there was no going back.
Then Peter’s eyes met his and he asked, “What’s up, Sammy?”
“I like you, Peter. Like, in a more than friends way- and not a ‘bro, I like you, no homo’ like- I mean- a full homo- a full homo way.” The words tumbled out of his mouth and he watched as Peter’s expression turned from something soft and open, to something charged.
His eyes squinted just a bit as his mouth opened ever so slightly. Sam waited for Peter to respond, to say something- anything - but he didn’t. All Peter did was set down the pot he was drying off, wipe his hands on his jeans, push his glasses up his face, and kiss Sam in one swift movement.
Wait - what?
He had missed slightly, lips landing closer to the corner of Sam’s mouth rather than square on, but with his mouth came his hands. They cradled Sam’s face, adjusting the angle so that they met perfectly this time. Sam’s brain finally caught up to the situation, causing him to drop the pan into the sink and splash them both with soapy water.
His hands clutched at Peter’s waist as he responded in full. They pulled back a second later, wet and soapy. Peter’s shirt has wet splotches and wrinkles where Sam’s hands had been, as well as an assortment of other spots resulting from Sam’s poor reflexes.
“So… like…do you-”
“I full homo you too, Sammy.” Peter said, laughing his way through the end.
Sam just smiled back and pulled him in again - wet shirt and dished be damned.
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