#by mikah
willow-schmillow · 11 months
Hi, I'm Willow (collectively - Willow is the amalgamation of every part of me). This is a side blog to talk about my struggles with trauma and a dissociative disorder - I follow back from m***l**t.
I'm 22 years old, Chinese-American, and use the contextually funniest pronoun for the situation. I perform gender for the bit.
I am being treated for a complex dissociative disorder and PTSD. I'm looking forward to talking about my experiences to people with similar struggles on their recovery journey.
My goal is final fusion, although I am not opposed to stopping at functional multiplicity if it turns out I'm part of the group that cannot maintain fusion.
My syscourse stance is two-pronged: I have a job so I don't really care, and I believe other people when they tell me who they are.
Less sad shit and more fun facts about me under the cut;
I like CRPGS and fantasy computer games in general. Currently, my favorites are Dragon Age: Origins, Baldur's Gate 3, and FFXIV.
I like indie horror: this includes analog/digital horror, indie horror movies and shorts, and indie horror video games.
I enjoy space horror as well.
I also like Star Wars (OT and prequels) and Mass Effect.
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Izukus first time...
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Grabbing a plan B!!
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Izuku hurriedly jumped from building to building trying to rush to the nearest convenience store, he was on a mission and this mission was for the love of his life. He wouldn't fail you.
He jumped down into an alley next to the store before leveling his breathing and walking inside. He cleared his throat which caught the attention of the young girl at the front desk. She looked at him with a raised brow before her eyes blew wide, she got to see izuku with gray sweats on and a wrinkled black tank top. He kind of looked like bakugou [not that she knows who that is.]
She ate up the sight of izuku and bit her lip as he walked down every aisle he came to, he didn't bother reading the signs because he was in a hurry. He rushed down one then another before finding what he was looking for.
"yes! plan B, plan B, where could you be..."
He murmured to himself looking down the feminine hygiene aisle, he seen pads pregnancy tests tampons and many other things and he read every single name of everything that he could and none of them read plan B.
"what the hell??"
He was getting irritated, he had a job to do and wanted to get back to you as fast as possible to ensure not only that you were okay but that neither of you would get in trouble for even having sex and being in the same room unsupervised and without others in the first place.
He sighed in annoyance before walking up to the lady at the front desk who was happy to talk to the greenette. She smiled and perked her chest up to appear bigger. Sucks for her, izuku not only was not interested but didn't have time for her. Izuku was simply going to ask where he could find one before looking past the girl to see a plan B behind her. He was elated! He could finally get out of there and get back home to you!! He cleared his throat and gave her a polite smile before speaking,
"may I please have a plan B?"
She gives him a smile before her eyes widen. She looked him up and down and giggles, he felt rather uncomfortable but wouldn't let it show. He was nervous, anxious and terrified, he didn't have time to play games.
"what does a cutie pie like you need a plan B for??~"
She leaned against the table and smiled at him biting her lip and looking him up and down. Izuku tried not to let it show but he was getting very annoyed with everything. He had his mind set on two things. Grab plan B. Head home to girlfriend. That was his mission yet it was being stalled by some fucking lady who won't do her god damn job and give him what he's trying to pay for.
He sighs heavily to himself, the anger and annoyance threatening to spill from him if he uttered another word.
"my girlfriend."
The lady's smile falters as she looks him up and down once more before scoffing and grabbing the plan B with a smirk, she slowly handed it to him before yanking it out of his hand. Izuku looked at her with the most spiteful look in the world. He was literally mean mugging tf out of this girl chat. Stop why am I breaking character...
He groaned before standing on one leg with a hand on his hip and a shrug to his arms. What the hell was that for. He has someone to be, he was being rather polite, and he didn't have time for this. So why the fuck was she playing with him like he's a cat begging for a treat?
"money? Cutie pie?~"
She flirts with him, twirling one of her fingers in her hair and holding the box behind her back.
"you have to pay, big boy. However, there is another way you could pay for this.. if you don't have the money~"
She hints to the box, biting her lip and giggling. Izuku could not believe he was even stomaching this bullshit. He wanted to yell at this bitch and put her in her place, but he didn't have time for that. He wanted what was his so he could make it back to you.
"I'm perfectly capable of paying thank you."
He slams the money on the table making her jump and clear he throat. He gave her a rather forced smile with his hand out asking for the box that was now rightfully his now that he technically paid for it.
"fine. Whatever."
She rolled her eyes dropping the box in his hands before going to the back to 'check storage's or whatever the fuck. Izuku truly did not care, as long as this bitch got the message and left him the fuck alone so he could get back to you, he was as fit as a fiddle.
Izuku left the store before jumping on a trash bin and climbing on top of one building and jumping away. He was trying to make it back to you as quickly as possible and this dumb fucking whorish ass walking STD was wasting his time. He groaned to himself thinking about it. But it'd all be worth it once he got to lay in your arms!
He finally made it back to his window before bursting through it, he nearly fell over on to the floor due to how fast he was going he caught himself on the bed before looking around, he expected you to have gotten up to wash all of the cum off and out of you so he checked the bathroom. No sign of you, he checked his closet, under his bed and he even quietly opened his dorm door to see if you'd walked out just now because he took too long.
That was izukus first thought, that you had left because of how long it took. He sighed defeated, thinking of how much faster he could've been if that dumb, slut faced, glory hole, HIV having bitch hadn't wasted his time.
He set the box down on his bed side table before getting in bed. He sat down and instantly felt your weight in the bed. He whipped his head around to see you underneath his cover with your head covered snoring lowly and completely knocked the fuck out.
He chuckled to himself and let out a relieved breath. Izuku was so glad you were still there, so not only was he not too late, but you had simply just fallen asleep in his bed! He chuckled to himself before taking his shoes off, then his sweats, and finally his tank top, leaving him in his boxers. He scooted closer to you and grabbed you by your hips to get you as close as possible.
You groan and try to scoot away, you were kind of sweaty due to being underneath the cover and it was kind of warm in his room due to him leaving his window open so he could have an opening to come into. He didn't care how sweaty or sticky or icky you were or felt he wanted to be as close as possible. He kissed your sticky forehead and laid his head on top of yours sighing in content. He could finally lay with his girlfriend in peace.
He chuckles to himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about how he can't wait to tell you about his adventures of grabbing your plan B.
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princessofxianle · 9 months
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2ha spoilers without context pt.2
pt.1 | pt.3
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Drawn Apr 26 - 28 2024 me when I am very normal about the media I like and definitely did not become autistic about this webcomic (/lying /lying /lying) uhhh anyway lemme talk about this art Image 1: we were absolutely robbed of Cameryn wearing that outfit in the snow kingdom lmao
Fletcher wanting nothing to do with these idiots as per usual~ his drawing has nothing to do with the Cameryn drawings to the left of him but I put him there specifically because it was funny to me
not me having a pose in mind and then neither fully drawing it nor fixing it with Lance there. Anyways Mikah. Does he even know??
~ Image 2: I did this one before the other one and I was actually going to draw those other things on the same image! however as it turns out clean colour takes me fucking forever and I decided I just wanted a seperate one for the rest
They can still fight or whatever (well, I don't actually know if they still will in-story), but I want to see Mikah and Hilda as best friends. They both have braids in their hair so it made me want to draw Mikah braiding Hilda's hair. I wonder if Lance ever braided his brother's hair…
Lance wears mostly cool colours (warm tones are more Poko's thing), but pinkish red colours and dark blueish green/teals are my favourite colours. By extension similar colour combinations are also my favourite, since they just so happen to also be complimentary. What I am saying is Lance would look good in reds and pinks and also I am extremely biased on that front
Hey protip you guys! did you know if you've got any clothes or piercings or anything you want but don't have? just give them to your favourite characters! it's completely free!
Nomads is by @captain-juuter ...Did you know if you search 'nomads webtoon' on here, tumblr lists me as the sole related blog?
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ageless-soul-au · 2 months
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What if Mikah and Alose’ir worked at a Waffle House.......
Inspired by events in the asau discord. I had to draw it.
Mikah (they/them) and (young) Alose’ir/Waker (he/him) are from @ageless-soul-au! Please don't tag any other AUs!
Unblurred closeup under the cut
Kio's kofi
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They are insane, your honor.
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endthestarlight · 6 months
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Just us, together.
Sprout Fight Palette: April Showers
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astraphone · 2 months
just started my replay of da2 and immediately it's so much richer for having the origins context. i knew in theory that rogue or warrior hawkes had been at ostagar but just like. the horror. hawke leading their family through the wilds infested with the darkspawn that they just saw decimate an army. trying not to panic because they know if they do her family will too. just barely dragging their baby brother out of the battlefield alive only to watch him die to the darkspawn ANYWAY and not being able to DO ANYTHING anyway i'm normal and i am going to enjoy this replay a normal amount
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fanged-cotl · 7 months
cult of the lamb yuri (REAL)
one of the lamb's disciples has fallen in love with a soldier <3
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(lambi AU)
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mccall-me-maurice · 7 months
roger and his dad for requests! i feel like nobody draws parents ☺️☺️
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his dad died far before roger could ever know him, but somehow, he’s just like his dad
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knightlycr0w · 5 months
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some old art of some gym leadersonas I did for a couple friends awhile back
Grass and Ice type gyms respectively :)
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willow-schmillow · 5 months
templars will see you unlock the full potential of blood magic and say "he is trying to unseat the maker"
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princessofxianle · 1 year
can we please get a round of applause for canon aroace Xue Meng who still proceeded to pull not one but TWO pretty fine ass men that would choose him over their own positions in their sect in a heartbeat...?
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1: Drawn Aug 1st 2024. This was on my birthday! Just so happened to land on a day that Nomads would update this year :] Doodles from memory, with a bonus Molly Blyndeff (from Epithet Erased). I like the goofy looking Mikah 2: Drawn Aug 28 2024. Love the outfits on current banner. I drew Lance as well and also shaded both but you don't get to see any of that. this is all I feel like sharing They were also initially traditional sketches, I lined over 'em digitally to try that method out instead of what I did last time I mentioned trying a style more realistic than I normally do this was the second drawing doing that 3: Drawn Aug 31 2024. I love this new outfit too!! Continuing experimentation from this post 4: Drawn Sept 1 2024. The two nomads ocs on tumblr! Just some very quick scribbles The girl with black/white hair is Leelae Ryzinion (belonging to @kutie106) and the girl with blond/brown hair is Olivia Valora (belonging to @rion-isnot-an-ai) Nomads is by @captain-juuter
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red-might-be-dead · 1 month
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my turn when 👀? soon? my turn? 👀👀🙏🙏
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parkore · 7 months
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my princess
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the-ultimate-squish · 11 months
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