#Buttercream Squad Smut
buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Locking Lips - Joe Sugg
Request: hi could you please do an imagine where joe and the girl are caught making out by the buttercream squad and they all tease joe thx 😍😘
Smut: Mild
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
He was your first everything; first best friend, first kiss, first time and first love. Although he knew about the first three, you refused to let him know about the last. He was someone who avoided serious conversations at all costs. He hated letting someone know how he felt about them and when it came to commitment, he dodged it faster than one would dodge a bullet.
You started out as best friends; late night drives for ice cream. During Christmas in year seven, the mistletoe hung directly above you; the kiss was a quick peck as everyone in the room was watching, trying not to laugh at how awkward you two were but that one quick peck meant everything to you. After your cousin got married and a couple of alcoholic drinks later, Joe was pushing you up against the wall and attacking your neck with his lips. The last first happened quite gradually and although you knew you were falling, you promised yourself Joe never would.
Frequently it would happen again. Nights with Joe seemed to happen after night outs and would never be spoken about the next day. He would just gather his things and leave, texting you later in the day to see what your plans were. However, on the odd occasion, they would happen sober. It was never established but you considered it Friends With Benefits and a little more from your side. But along with the drunk nights, the sober ones were never spoken about.
This morning, he left like he usually did and as you sat up in your bed, gripping onto the sheets and holding them against your bare chest, you wondered if you could keep doing it. You began to wonder if your heart could continue on like it meant nothing to you. He texted you throughout the day; sending you funny memes, asking what you were doing and if you wanted to hangout with the boys later that night but for some reason, you didn’t feel like replying. You ghosted him all day and you were finally getting a chance to clear your mind and decide how you really felt about the situation.
“Can I come over? I really need you.” His message read. Your fingers danced along the screen of your phone and as you debated whether or not to reply, you jumped at the sound of your front door being swung open.
“Joe-” You began to say but you cut off by his hands cupping your face and his lips connecting to yours, hungrily. Your mind told you to stop and push him away but your heart knew it was easier said than done. You pushed Joe onto the couch, straddling him without breaking the kiss as your hands unbuttoned his shirt. You ran your fingers down his chest as you began grinding your hips against his. You felt him grow inside his jeans and he switched positions so he was now hovering over you on the couch.
“And then I said-whoa!” Caspar shouted, causing you and Joe to jump apart. You pushed your shirt down back over your stomach as the group of boys stood there staring at you.
“Are you guys together?” Mikey asked, pointing at the two of you.
Joe stood up from the couch, buttoning his shirt back up and shook his head. “Nah, we’re just friends.”
“Friends who like to do that?” Josh asked, also pointing around at the awkward situation.
“Yeah,” Joe nodded. “Friends. Right (y/n)?” He asked, grabbing a beer out of your fridge.
You looked over at the boys, straightening out your hair as you nodded. “Yeah...just friends.” You lied, allowing the words to finally break your heart.
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Jack Maynard-Having Fun
Requests are still open guys let me know if you have any I really enjoy writing these! Also check out my wattpad. I write things on there!
Thank you for the request I changed it a wee bit but I hope you like it!😜 This is a lot fluffier than I thought it would be😂
Jacks POV
“Okay guys I gotta go, I’m starving and my wonderful girlfriend is in the kitchen, making me dinner. See ya later MERRY VLOGMAS!” I said to my camera. “Say bye y/n.” “Bye guys merry vlogmas.” Y/n my lovely girlfriend yelled from the kitchen.
I turned off the camera and set it on the charger in my room. After that I found my way to the kitchen smelling y/f/f (your favorite food) cooking.
I stopped in the doorway just watching y/n. I love her more than anything, we’ve been dating for almost 2 years now. She was staying with Conor and I at our flat for the holidays, and she’s been cooking all day for a dinner we’re having tonight with all the boys.
Y/n’s POV
I giggle to myself after I say bye to Jacks camera, he is really excited for Christmas, lord I love that boy and I’m glad to be staying with him.
I hear the door open pulling me out of my thoughts as I stir some of the food for tonight, but I don’t here footsteps afterward so I assume Jack stopped in the doorway.
It’s been five minutes and Jack still hasn’t said anything so I speak up. “Just gonna stand there and stare all day?” I ask as I glance back to see Jack smirking.
He shifts his weight to lean on the wall instead of the doorway “Maybe I like view,” he says cockily.
I giggle as the doorbell rings. “The boys must be here early can you get the door Conor is napping.” Jack groans deeply turning me on a little, but he does it none the less. I sigh and get back to work.
Around 10 minutes later Joe comes into the kitchen. “Hey y/n I figured you’ve been in here all day cooking by yourself so I came to help since they’ll burn anything they touch.” Joe says as he points at the door, talking about Jack and Conor.
“Oh thank you Joe that’s really nice, if it’s not to much trouble can you cut the carrots?” I ask him while handing him a knife. He nods his head and starts helping.
Not long after Jack comes in and hugs me from behind. “Hey sweetie,” I giggle. He kissed my lips then proceeds to say, “Oh come on Joe really you’re making me look bad in front of my girlfriend!”
“Hey back off, least I won’t make a mess everywhere like you would,” Joe fights back jokingly and we all laugh. The doorbell rings again. I just look at Jack and he goes to get the door.
Joe chuckles from the other side of the kitchen, “You’ve got that boy whipped y/n, he is wrapped around you’re finger.” I playfully glare over at him. “Don’t give me that look, you know it’s true.”
I laugh it off as Jack and Casper walk in the door carrying food. “Here’s the turkey, you asked for and Oli is right behind us with the potato salad.”
“Thanks Caspar, Oli set that on the table please. And Joe will you check the casserole?” Caspar and Oli put the food that’s done on the table, Joe nods and checks the casserole and I go wake Conor up while Jack goes to call Mikey to see when he’s getting here with the drinks.
Jacks POV
It’s busy here and I feel bad for not even thinking about helping y/n when all the boys brought food and Mikey bringing drinks while Conor sets the table.
I’m trying to help the best I can now but I’ve never really cooked before and I don’t want y/n to get frustrated from my constant questions.
Y/n’s POV
It’s been really busy around here. When I woke Conor up I put him straight to work setting the table, Jack was trying to help with the cooking but kept messing up or asking a lot of questions, and as adorable as I thought it was I sent him out to finish the Christmas decorations I never got to so I wouldn’t be distracted.
Mikey and Josh rode together to get the drinks and as soon as they got here I put them to work. Joe helped me prepare the last bit of food and we started chatting.
“You know what y/n, I’m glad you’re here because if we didn’t have you here it wouldn’t be a big party like this, we would have just gone out clubbing. Since your here, we really have a woman to set things up and make it feel like Christmas.” He quietly chuckles and continues. “And you know you’re just like a mother ordering all of us around. You’ve got Oli and Casper cleaning the the dining room and setting out food. Conor setting the table. Mikey and Josh getting the drinks, Jack putting up Christmas decor and me helping you cook. I never thought I’d see any of these guys doing stuff like this for anyone but you’ve rounded us out.”
Joe smiled at me, when he finished. I smiled back very big and genuinely. “Thank you Joe so much for helping me with everything.” We washed our hands and I hugged him.
*Skip to Dinner*
We all sat down with dinner finally ready and I decided to make a toast. “Before we begin eating I have a toast to make. I wanna thank all of you. Starting with Joe, thank you for showing up two hours early to help me finish cooking. Caspar thank you for taking the time to make a turkey to go with the Roast I made. Oli even though I know you just went to the store and bought it thanks for bringing the potato salad.” Oli blushed. “Conor thanks for setting the table just the way my picky self asked you to, Mikey thank you for buying the drinks, and Josh thank you for babysitting Mikey to make sure he didn’t spill them everywhere.” We all laughed and I finished my speech. “And thank you Jack, my best friend for trying to help cook and running around doing everything I asked of you, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you.”
That was the end of my speech and I kissed Jack as they all cheered. We had a good laugh and everyone dug in.
Later on we all sat in the living room singing along to cheesy Christmas toons and Conor showing off with his lovely singing skills. I was sitting with Jack on the couch my legs draped over his with my head on his shoulder. “I’m gonna go clean up the table a little.” I whispered to Jack who nodded and kissed my lips before I got up.
After I’d taken all the leftovers and put them in containers I started washing the dishes. Shortly after that Jack came to hug my waist from behind. I dried my hands and turned around to talk to him.
“Hey, baby, need something?” I asked him still tightly holding on to me.
I looked up into his eyes and he seemed upset. He tried to hide it with a smile but I could tell he wasn’t okay. “Hey Jack what’s wrong? Don’t say nothing because I know you.”
“I don’t know I guess I just feel kinda bad for not helping you as much today. I heard you tell Joe thanks so much for everything and I just started feeling bad that you made all the boys help you and didn’t even ask me to. It made me feel useless so I tried helping you and Joe cook but I don’t really know how and you sending me out of the kitchen made me feel even worse.” He admitted.
“I feel so bad now this is all a big misunderstanding sweetie.” I tried to jump up on the counter behind me but I’m kinda short so I missed. Jack chuckled lightly and grabbed my waist to set me up there.
I pulled him in between my legs and made eye contact. “Jack what you heard me say to Joe earlier today was me thanking him for saying that he was glad I was here and said that I was the reason you guys had a real Christmas, and I asked all the boys to help me because none of them were doing anything I didn’t know it would bother you but I wanted to give you a break from all the stress of trying to make your new songs with Conor perfect.
And when you tried to help cook I loved that you were trying to help even though you didn’t know how it was adorable but I sent you out because I was getting distracted watching you. I’m so sorry I never realized that I was happy and all day and you were suffering, baby next time please say something. I’m so sorry please forgive me.”
“There is nothing to forgive. God how did I end up so lucky. I don’t deserve you. I love you so much. You didn’t do anything wrong it was just a misunderstanding as long as you were happy that’s all I need to make me happy. I love you so much. Please don’t ever leave me.”
*Waring making out beyond this scene but nothing more than that*
“Never.” I whispered and kissed him passionately. It started out slow but got increasingly faster and more intense. Jack had one hand on my cheek and the other holding my waist. I had my legs tightly wrapped around his waist and my hands on his neck, because I was still on the counter.
We continued kissing and he bit my lip and I granted him entrance. At that exact moment Conor walked in the door. “Hey guys need any help.” Jack and I pulled apart just in time for me to see Conor’s eyes widening.
“Having fun I see,” Conor said before turning around and walking out.
Jack started trying to kiss me again then moved to kissing my neck. “Jack come on if we don’t go out now they’re all gonna think we’re having a quickie.” I tried to reason. “So,” he mumbled into my neck. “Jaaaaaaaaack,” I whined. “Okay Okay,” he quite kissing me and helped me down.
When we walked back in everyone started teasing us. I ignored them and sat on Jacks lap on the couch and stayed there until after everyone left. “Now can we go have sex?” Jack asked. I giggle loudly. “Bro I’m still in the room!” Conor yelled.
Jack picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed loudly and Jack took me to his room.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Night series: Shades On
Shades On | Jack Maynard | smut Night series are a little thing I’ll be doing today because of The Vamps’ new album, Night & Day. It will be 7 imagines, one new song for each Buttercream boy, and you can check them here. A/N: Okay guys, things are about to heat in here! Are you ready? This is the only smut of this series and, of course, it’s with Mr. Jack Maynard by that other radio hit of Night & Day, Shades On. Hope you enjoy it!
⇢ Buttercream masterlist can be found here
As soon as you spotted the boy, you knew he would be your nemesis. You were quite a Conor Maynard’s fan back in the good days, when you were younger and he seemed to be so amazing with that voice and that style, so you followed him on Twitter and, as soon as his younger brother hit Youtube, you found out that the good look thing was something in the genes. Now you were older, Jack Maynard was little bit more interesting than the first Maynard, because, although he couldn’t sing, he could fit better your purposes. None of them involved singing. Or speaking in general.
“Oh, fuck off.” Y/F/N complained when she saw where you were looking, well, to whom you were looking. And who was looking right back.
You laughed. “What?”
“You are going to hook up with Jack Maynard? Really? I mean, I’m so jealous! I hate having you as a friend.”
“Oh my God, I’m not hooking up with anyone. Calm down.”
“Yeah, I see your looks, Y/N. Don’t try to deny it.”
You giggled. “Just looks, Y/F/N.”
“And it will be just looks if you continue to stand here like some stupid girl.” She told you.
“What you want me to do?”
“Go in there, say ‘Hi, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you’. For God’s sake, woman.”
You smirked at your friend. “You know one of my lemmas, Y/F/N. If he doesn’t come to you, it’s not worth it go to him.”
She stared at you. “You deserve a long walk through hell, Y/N. It’s Jack Maynard, get your ass out of here!”
“He will come to me if he thinks I’m the best in here.” You said with your confident smile. “And I’m feeling quite good today.” You winked, taking the last sip of your drink before hitting the dance floor.
Jack Maynard was a statement. And he knew that. One thing he didn’t know was when exactly he started to build his confidence, but he had that now and he also knew exactly how to use it. Jack wasn’t the most empathic person in the room, however, once he chose you to talk to, you couldn’t resist. It was the Maynard magic or some shit like that.
Jack was feeling particularly marvelous that night, especially when he saw you on that club. Hot looking and eyes that could kill. He could tell that you knew the good stuff, what fitted his mood. Just as he fitted your purpose.
He watched your movements on the dance floor, sometimes you smiled like you were having fun and others like you could have him as fun. Some random guy approached you and you raised an eyebrow to Jack, should you accept that dude? Jack shrugged and you took that as a challenge. Fine, maybe it was exactly what Mr. Maynard needed to take an action.
For one moment you forgot Jack’s existence. You wouldn’t be there all night and he should be doing something about you two, not only stand there seeing your movements. You proved him already that, yep, you got moves! And, maybe, if he was smart enough, you could do your movements on him. So you started dancing for real with that strange man, looking through your shoulder just once to glimpse at Jack and let him know exactly what you were thinking. He was starring you like you had a spotlight all to yourself. Well, you should have one.
You did that little game for two songs and then you were done. You pushed the guy without saying a single word, bored already with him. You decided to go to the bar again, you had only one drink and it was time to get another. You enjoyed dancing anytime in any day in the week, however dancing on Fridays’ nights required a good amount of alcohol, otherwise, it wouldn’t be worth it. You were at a club, weren’t you? If you wouldn’t be getting drunk, you could just stay at home.
The bartender who attended you was quite hot, so you smiled at him and flirted a little by saying you wanted the tastiest liquid they had in there. He smiled back to you, promising the second tastiest liquid they had in there, adding his thoughts about being sure that you could do some stuff that would taste even better. You could really.
He went away to prepare something you didn’t know yet, so you waited, looking around to see who could be interesting. A smile spread through your face when you captured gorgeous blue eyes coming right at you.
“Hello.” You said to the guy who stopped in front of you.
“Hey.” He winked. “I’m...”
“Jack Maynard.” You completed, not afraid of showing you knew his name. “Nice to meet you, Jack. I’m Y/N.” You held out your hand.
He laughed and shook your hand. “Can I buy you a drink, Y/N?”
Just like the bartender could hear the question, he got right in the timing and poked you to hand your drink, you said thanks with a nice smile, his eyes flinching yours.
“Maybe the next one?” You suggested while taking a sip of the mixture, still not knowing what the heck it was. You looked at the glass while tasting it in your tongue, deciding you liked it or not. Definitely was stronger than something you would order to yourself, something you found good because it meant you caused an impression in the bartender, but bad because you wanted to actually know what was getting out of your mouth while talking to Jack.
“I will need to be around when you end this one then,” Jack commented, you shrugged.
“It’s up to you, I guess.” You told him like you weren’t interested if he stayed or not at the same time showing you were up to whatever he wanted to.
“Therefore, I think I’m staying a little bit more. Is it okay with you?”
You looked into his eyes and drank the lilac liquid you were holding. “Sure.”
You were way too drunk to know what you were doing and for caring if someone was watching you or not. The song which was playing was strangely slow and sexy, at least, it was in your head. Jack seemed to listen to that same song because his hands were grabbing your hips really tight while you were swinging it against his body. You had one hand holding his hair and the other one passing through your own body while Jack kissed your neck, going up and down it, sucking, leaving marks, blowing and driving you insane.
Suddenly, he turned you around and started kissing you. You pulled yourself like you could make you and Jack become one, starting to breathe heavily against his lips. Jack put his right hand in your ass, seeming he wanted you two to be one as well, and the left was grabbing your hair.
“Jack, mate, not in here, please.” You heard someone saying to him, making you two stop kissing. The club had that many lights when you closed your eyes for the last time?
Jack was as stunned as you. “Huh?” He asked.
For your surprise, the guy who was splitting you two was Joseph Sugg. He laughed at his friend’s face.
“Don’t have sex in the middle of the club, Jack.” He recommended as you two got back into your pieces.
“Don’t spoil my night, Joe,” Jack mumbled.
“You will thank me later.” Joe smiled and gave a tap on Jack’s back. “Won’t you introduce me to this beautiful lady?”
“Y/N, Joe. Joe, Y/N.” Jack said, kinda moody, as he held your hand.
“Hi.” You smiled at Joe.
Jack gave you a side look. “What? No ‘Nice to meet you, Joe. I’m Y/N?’” He teased, Joe was confused.
You smirked, not letting him shook your confidence. “I only do this move one time at evening. I don’t usually need to do that twice.”
He smiled at your answer. Yes, it seemed that he had picked exactly the right girl.
“Well, we really got to get going, Joe,” Jack announced, your smile grew bigger. Now you were getting where you wanted to get. “Thanks for the help.”
“Anytime, mate.” Joe laughed at Jack’s urge. “Nice meeting you, Y/N.”
“Same.” You nodded your head to Joe while Jack pulled you out the club by the head. “See you around!”
You needed to remember to send Y/F/N a text saying you wouldn’t come back with her.
“Need some help with that, honey?” You asked with an eyebrow raised. Jack wasn’t able to open the door because he was too busy kissing you.
He snorted and pushed you to concentrate on opening his flat’s door. Finally, he could and you two entered. Well, entered was the soft verb to describe it, since it looked like you and him were a cannonball. No time for taking a breath, no patience for having space between you two.
Your back hit a wall and then his back hit a wall. Even you couldn’t say where you started or where you ended. Jack was pretty good at tracing his path through the place, you guessed that he could recognize what wall was it with his back because somehow you reached his bedroom.
“Jump.” He ordered and you did as the command.
You took his jacket off while you were in his lap, his hands playing with the rubber band of your panty underneath the dress. You also took his white t-shirt off, something you wanted to do since you put your eyes on that piece of fabric. And soon you felt the soft mattress against your back, really different than the roughness of the walls.
He bit your ear and you felt your breath going away, Jack’s hands held your waist while you scratched his shoulders. Once again he was at the bottom of your neck, but now he could go further down, therefore he went. He gave little sucks through your chest and pulled your dress to clear his way.
“No bra, huh?” He approved with a smile.
“No time to waist.” You explained, just before you let a moan escape because he started sucking your nipple. Oh, boy.
And, for a moment, you let your mind think about the other he. Think about him. Just for that short second, your ex-boyfriend passed through your mind. You were sure you and Jack should look like a mess right now. What a shame, your ex would think. You smiled, delighted that you broke up and now could taste the clouds, sure you were in Heaven.
You grabbed Jack’s hair and pulled him to a rough kiss, switching your positions in bed. Your legs were one in each side of the boy, your clit being stimulated through the thin fabric of your panty as you slide your body until you reached Jack’s belt. You removed it, as well you did it with his jeans, so glad you had only one piece left to take off.
You bit your lower lip, your nails tracing Jack’s abdomen, your mouth salivating, your hands sweating from the expectation. You could feel his muscles contracting according to your moves and, by the time you entered one hand into his boxers, Jack was almost craving for your touches.
“Are you kidding with me?” Jack snorted. “Stop playing.” You slipped your hand out of his underwear.
“What?” You pretended you were confused, sitting in his member. “Don’t like waiting?” You questioned, biting your nail while you moved your hips. Jack moaned loudly. You laughed.
He looked at you and your expression of fun. “No time to waist.” He played back, holding your waist while quickly switching the positions in bed again.
He was on top now and the first thing he did was tear your dress apart. Literally. The strings which held the piece in place no longer existed, but you hadn’t time to think about if the tightness of the dress would be enough to make it useless yet (you would certainly need that later to go home), because Jack’s mouth was doing an amazing job by exploring the part that once was covered by your clothes.
When Jack got into your Paradise’s path, you couldn’t handle it. You were rubbing your thighs to create any friction you could. Jack’s finger once more was playing with the rubber band.
“Tear it.” You wished with a sigh.
Jack smiled. “What?”
“Tear it apart.” You asked. “Please.”
“No time to waste?” He teased.
“No time to waste.” You confessed.
And he really ripped your panty, something you found delicious to hear and delicious to feel. Apparently, Mr. Maynard had no worries about clothes and their welfare. Now on, neither did you.
Jack started massaging your clit with his thumb, making you whine loudly, it wasn’t enough though.
“C’mon, Y/N.” He said. “You can get louder than that.”
“F-fuck off.” You mumbled, barely making the words get out from your mouth because you couldn’t think straight. “You don’t... You don’t know about... that.” You argued, your fingers intertwined in the blonde hair of the boy.
“You don’t seem to be a quiet girl.” He said with a smirk.
You were intoxicated, the alcohol and the pleasure becoming one in your veins. “Use your mouth and find out, Maynard.” You suggested, thinking that he would come and give you a kiss.
In a certain way, Jack did kiss you... It wasn’t in the lips you were thinking of when said those words though. You felt your whole body get weak when Jack threw your right leg through his shoulder and sucked your vagina. You took a deep breath and suddenly you couldn’t shut your mouth, groaning like a wild animal. You didn’t even know that you were able to do such noises.
Jack had one hand into his underwear, the other one was holding you in your place. You were pressing your own boobs, something that Jack seemed to enjoy to watch.
“I’m... I’m about to c-come.” You revealed, not wanting to do it without him on you. You were out of breath.
Jack put your leg back in the bed and kissed your abdomen, making the reverse way he traced moments before. You pulled him to the last kiss before getting down his busyness.
His cock wasn’t in his underwear anymore and you were glad because you would be a bit guilty if all this time he would be confined in the boxers. Boxers you soon get totally rid of. You went over him and you licked Jack’s length before holding it and going up and down. Then you watched Jack close his eyes and moan as loud as you, making the temperature of your own body go up.
While you stimulated Jack’s penis, you gave him little kisses through his body, feeling him shiver each time you pressed your lips against his skin.
“C’mon, baby girl, let’s get into it.” He asked and you stopped holding his dick.
“Condoms.” You remembered.
Jack nodded to you and rolled into bed to take a package of condoms in the bedside table. As soon as he put the condom, he got under you again and held your waist to position you right.
You decided to go slowly for the first time, fully enjoying the sensation of Jack penetrating you. Your head hanged back and you heard Jack be out of breath. You bit your lower lip to stop you from howl. You started moving your hips before start riding for real. First as slow as the first entry, then fast like you needed it to be.
Jack grabbed your waist really thigh and it was delicious, but to your surprise, he took his right hand and gave you a slap. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, although you definitely felt something when he did that. You squeaked with shock, and you were even more shocked that it felt so good.
“Sorry.” He said as putting his hand on your waist again. Jack thought you were used to it.
“Do that again.” You asked, trying to catch a breath.
Jack smiled at you, his blue eyes shining right into yours. You felt his hand leave your waist again and really screamed this time when the slap was harder. You started ride even faster, now you really needed to come.
Jack’s hand held your ass exactly where the slap was. “I knew you would scream.”
You didn’t worry yourself for replying to that comment, especially when your legs started to tremble and you needed to switch positions once more. Now you were under, Jack didn’t spare any strength, pushing him into you harder and harder. If you screamed when he slapped you, you didn’t know what the heck you were doing now, all you knew was that however people describe it, it would be related to the word “loud”.
Jack wasn’t quiet either and hearing him roar only made you hotter. His grip was strong and you felt the bed shake beneath you. You were flooded with the pleasure, couldn’t form one single word properly.
You didn’t just come, you felt like you were running and threw your entire body out of a cliff, diving into a deliciously cold ocean on the hottest day of summer. Jack came after you, shivering and sweating while sighing.
He laid in bed on your side, gasping as much as you.
“This was...” He was out of words.
“Something.” You completed.
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Your muscles were melting into that bed, you never felt so tired in your entire life. Maynard magic. You would buy that crap if someone offered you.
You two stayed like that for a few minutes, then Jack stood up to throw the condom away. When he returned to the bedroom, he found you out of the bed searching your clothes.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Going home?” You weren’t really paying attention to him.
“Already? I thought you were staying until the morning.”
You shrugged, taking your dress from the floor and putting it back.
“Not my style, really.” You smiled at him, seeing he had a glass of water in his hand. He offered it to you.
“Well... This is... unusual.” He was kinda of confused, deciding it was better to put his boxer on again too.
“Yeah, I don’t like to bother others.” You told Jack and drank the water.
“So you never stay until morning? I mean, morning sex is the best.” You laughed, Jack was almost sad he wouldn’t have sex the next morning with you.
“I’ll pass it. Thank you.” You returned the glass of water for him.
He watched you finish to pick your stuff, not saying nothing more. You noticed he starring your ass when you were looking in the mirror trying to hide the damaged straps of your dress. You rolled your eyes.
“Can you open the door for me, please?”
He blinked, finally realizing he couldn’t stare your body forever. “Oh, of course.” He got up from the bed and followed you when you made your way to the door. “Won’t you even tell me what is your last name?” He questioned with a smirk while opening the front door.
You smirked back to him and approached his body, sliding your hands in his chest and whispering into his ear. “I guess you will need to call me to discover that, Jack.” You stepped away and winked, passing through the door.
“But I don’t have your number!” He complained when you were already walking down the aisle.
You looked over your shoulder. “You should look on your bedside table in that case.”
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“I Missed You”~Jack Maynard
I woke up early today as my boyfriend of 2 years would be returning home from his holiday in Croatia. I was so excited as he’s been gone for a full week and I’ve been very frustrated, sexually frustrated. So today I planned to go into town before he arrived home, and buy myself the sexiest lingerie I could find. 
--------TIME SKIP TO TOWN--------
I was in Victoria Secret looking around when at last after nearly 2 hours of looking I found the perfect matching set. It was a white lace bra and panties and I absolutely adored it. Luckily they had only one of my size left so I picked it up and brought it to the check out. I was so happy with my purchased and I couldn’t wait to show Jack my surprise. When I got back I looked at the clock to see that I only had around an hour until he would return. I ran downstairs and look at my appearance. I was only wearing natural make up that I applied earlier this’ morning. So I added a liquid red lipstick and did a quick cat eye. I then let my hair fall down my shoulders and gave it a fluff up to make it look fuller. I sprayed my favorite perfume around my body. I grabbed my red stilouettes to match my red lips. I walked up the stairs and looked at the clock to see that Jack should be home any minute. I soon heard the keys in the door and a sexy Maynard walk through. 
“Y/N, I’m h--” 
“I missed you...Daddy”
His eyes were now quite literally popping out of his head. He roamed my body and I could see the hunger in his eyes.Jack came up to me kissing me with hunger and passion. He pulled away and looked at me, once again, in the eyes.
“I love you” He whispered “I love you so fucking much”
“Aren’t you going to help me daddy I need you to touch me”
Jack grabbed me by the legs and lifting me up so my legs are now wrapped around his waist. He carried me downstairs while kissing me down my neck soon finding my sweet spot making me moan out his name.
I could feel him smile against my skin and then he lightly bit my sweet spot earning another moan from me. While doing this he managed to walk us to the bedroom without walking into any walls. He laid me gently on the bed hovering over me. I began to thug on his t-shirt hinting to him to take it off. He removed it in one swift movement and began kissing me again. His hand found my breast and he played with me nipple through the thin lace fabric. Which caused me to moan quite loudly into his mouth. I felt his semi against my leg, I brought my hand down slowly going over his toned chest making my way past his six pack and began to palm him through his trousers earning a moan from him. I undid the button and  the zipper of his jeans and he sat up pulling them all the way down leaving both of you now in only your underwear. I stood up to faced him and undid my bra letting it fall to the floor. I watched as his eyes travelled down to my breast and my own eyes travelled down to his now rock hard in his boxers. He knelt down onto the ground and slowly pulled my panties down leaving me fully naked. While was still on the ground he gently pushed me onto the bed, once again, with him now sat in between my legs.
“Y/N, you’re so wet” 
“It’s all because of you, daddy”
He bend his head down and began to lick my slit while keeping eye contact with me. My hand went to his hair grabbing it and moaning his name when I was getting closer to an orgasam he stopped. I let out a little whimper at the lost of contact. He  stood up removing his boxers and he pumped himself a couple times before moving to hover over me. Without warning he began to thrust into me while moans of pleasure and pain left my lips. The pain soon faded and the pleasure took over leaving us both a moaning mess. 
“I’m c-close...” I managed to get out.
As I hit my high i screamed out Jacks name certain that the neighbors heard. Jack pulled out laying beside me.
“Ride me Baby”
I then sat up onto his lap, slowly sliding down onto his cock and bouncing up on down starting my second orgasam.
“Fuck...Y/N you feel so good”
I was moaning loud and my legs were beginning to shake from the pleasure. I was rolling my hips making the feeling greater than what it already was. As Jack was nearly his end I felt him thrust up into me harder and making me moan louder.
“I’m gonna cum again”
“Me to...ah..on 3...”
“1..2..3..ahhh FUCK!!”
I sat there for moment before getting of Jack and laying down beside him.
“That was...Amazing”
“It was, wasn’t it?”
You both were breathless about the events that just occurred and laid there in silence as our eyes got heavy.
“I love you Jack”
“I love you too Y/N”
And that was the last thing I heard as sleep took over.
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Dating Jack Maynard might include...
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going on many adventurous dates together
he would always want to show you something new he found or do something with you that he had heard of
with him, nothing was ever boring
when you knew him for a bit longer, he would also love to just stay at home with you though
so much netflix and chill that you actually had to rewatch some episodes three times or more
finding out that he is actually really good at cooking
I’m talking surprise dinners here
and amazing breakfast after even more amazing nights
deep conversations
mostly in totally random moments
like you could be falling asleep anytime soon, and Jack would ask you: “If you had a chance to live your life again, would you change something?”
it’s in that moment that you know you won’t go to sleep for another hour at least
but you loved it
slowly exploring different sides of him
because he was so much more than just a pretty face
finding out that he was actually quite the fluffball underneath of his image
starting to get completely comfortable around each other
talking about anything, knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it
feeling like you dated your best friend
he’s a very physical person, so there is so much pda when you are going out
literally always touching
flirty glances your way
not so much kissing though, he would rather hold your hand in public and save that for when you’re at home or with friends
having the boys roll their eyes at you when you are around
so many sexual remarks
some are really cringeworthy though, so you scold him
him laughing very hard at that
he would be so jealous of each and everybody
because you were his and only his
it was not that he didn’t trust you, it was that he did not trust any other guy
so he made it pretty clear where you would belong
he wouldn’t hesitate to punch a guy if that would be what it takes
whenever he got jealous, you knew you were in for something special in the bedroom
like he would give you the kinds of hickeys that would last for days and would be really hard to cover up
you would most likely be to sore to walk or sit or do anything else than spending the rest of the day in bed next to him
because he loved to cuddle you
although he would never admit that
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elsehuggs · 5 years
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safe to say I am in fact
joe sugg’s bitch
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Jack Maynard- Club Night
Summary- You meet Jack and his friends in a club and things get interesting.
a/n- I wrote this ages ago and forgot to post! Hope you enjoy. Feel free to send requests not just for the buttercream squad but for the Dolan twins too!
"Omg y/n look its Jack and Conor Maynard with all their friends!" Your best friend, Olivia squealed as she pointed over to a group of rather attractive guys.
You were out at a club called Drama having a bit of fun with all your friends. You didn't know much about this group of boys your best friend was currently basically hyperventilating over but you'd heard their names and been shown their videos once or twice by her.
"We've got to go talk them they're so hot! Oh my god, we're in a club with celebs!"Olivia screeched.
"Sure but I call dibs on Joe!" Your other friend announced.
"If they're as famous as you guys say why are they gonna want to talk to us-" Before you fully finished your sentence Olivia grabbed your arm and dragged the group over to them.
You were trying to act uninterested but as you got closer a blond boy with piercing blue eyes caught your attention.
Your friends rushed over to talk to them and ask for photos but you lingered at the back.
While Olvia and your other friend were gushing over two boys with curly brown hair the blond was slowly made his way over to you.
You looked down at your drink pretending like you hadn't noticed him.
"Hey, are you with them girls?" He asked, looking you up and down; you felt his eyes linger on your body.
"Yeh, I am" You smiled up at him.
"Don't want a picture?" He winked.
"Not to be rude but I don't really know who you are"
"Wow I am so offended" He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes, he nodded over at the bar "Come to get a drink with me?"
You hesitated for a minute but mentally said fuck it and followed him over to the bar.
"So I am Jack and you are?" He asked.
"Y/n and you're famous for what?"
"I'm a YouTuber, and my brother's singer."
"Ohh so you're known for having a famous brother and being hot?" You teased.
"Woah well I would be offended but you called be hot so I'll let you get away with it" He chuckled.
You two continued talking for a while, he was funny and easy to talk to. The way he watched you as you spoke made your stomach fill with butterflies and every so often you'd notice him biting his lip. You could already tell he was quite a flirt.
Awhile later your friends came over with each with a boy with his hand wrapped around their waist.
"Aye mate we're all heading back now," Said the one next to Olivia how you thought might be Conor, Jacks brother.
"Have a good night" Said the one next to your other friend, you presumed he was Joe; he looked over at you and winked.
You all said your goodbyes as they got in cabs, leaving you and Jack standing outside together.
"Want to come back to mine?" Jack smirked.
"Mmh okay but don't get any ideas!" You joked making him laugh.
Jack called a cab and you stood in the chilly weather waiting for it, you shivered.
"You look cold," He said as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
"What a gentleman" You giggled "Thank you'.
Finally, it arrived and Jack held open the door for you to get inside and then got in.
You were rather excited to be going back to his apartment, he was a celeb after all and well he was .. attractive to say the least.
He sat close to you in the taxi, his knee gently brushing against yours every so often. You were pretty sure he was doing it on purpose.
When you got to the apartment Jack ordered pizza and you sat on the sofa eating it.
"Jesus have we really been out that long," He said and pointed towards the window.
There were deep orange colours beginning to appear on the horizon. You got up and rushed over to it.
Jack was watching, thinking how pretty you looked a the glow from the sunrise hit your face.
"Come, look at how beautiful it is!" You called.
"Sure the views pretty but you're prettier" He joked, causing you to laugh.
He turned you to look at him and tucked the hair that was on your face behind your ear. He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down slightly, bringing his face closer to yours. He lingered for a moment as if checking to see if you were going to stop him, you didn't.
You thought he was going to kiss you but instead, he planted kisses up your neck and just under your ear. You pushed your body close to his, closing what little space there was left between you. As you tilted your head slightly you crashed your lips into his.
The kiss got heated as he ran hands down your ass and grinded his hips into yours. You two ended up making out more on the sofa.
And let's leave the rest to the imagination shall we, hah.
If you’d like to read some more of my work my masterlist is here!
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Jack Masterlist
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Look At Me
Snapchat Slip
Is This Weird?
Pixie Cut
A Little Broken
Dating Jack Would Include
What If?
Traffic Jam
Happiest Place on Earth
SD Card [Maynard!reader]
Bestest Friend [dad!Jack]
Something Beautiful
The Long Haul
Trial Run [dad!Jack]
Ball Pit Games
Always Been You
It’s Just a Prank
Little Black Dress*
She Tastes Better
By My Side
Scarlett [dad!Jack]
Morning Person
A Fuck and a Goodbye
A Little in Love
Still Here
School First*
Drunk Shopping
You’re a Child*
A Lost Tradition
I’m Sick
A Nice Fan Account
Vidcon Surprise
How It Happened
Bath Time For Two*
Don’t Freak Out
Like a Virgin*
I Miss You
All I Want for Christmas is You (12 Days of Imagines)
You [part 1] [part 2] (dodie series)
Wake Me Up (Sheeran series)
Mistletoe (Christmas series)
Halloween Video [part 1] [part 2] (Halloween series)
Crazy (Mendes series)
The Tutor (college series)
Jack Gets Married (wedding series)
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jackncon · 7 years
Friends or more?
Can you do “Are you trying to turn me on?” from that prompt list with Jack Maynard? Please and thanks
You were lying on the couch at your best friend, Jack’s house, only dressed in your underwear. You had stayed at Jack’s the night prior, and there didn’t seem like a better time to chuck you clothes in the wash than when Jack was out for his brunch with Mikey. You would have waited until you got home, but spilling tomato sauce all down your front changed your plans. Of course you weren’t expecting Jack to walk in, but as the universe had it, he did.
“I’m bac- Holy shit you’re not wearing any clothes.”
Your cheeks flushed as you looked around for something to cover yourself with, “Sorry! I didn’t expect you to get back this soon!” You squealed, finally spotting a blanket.
“Are you naked?” Jack asked, a grin on his face.
“My clothes are in the wash. I’m not just walking around your place naked, unlike some of the girls you invite around” you shuddered at the memory of walking in on Ashley - or maybe it was Brooklyn - naked one morning.
“She was a bit odd.” Jack admitted, placing your brunch that he had gotten on the counter as you checked the progress of your clothes. “So is there a reason you’re naked or did you just want to get in my pants?” 
“I spilt tomato sauce down me.” you admitted, to which Jack laughed. 
“Of course you did.” he smiled, jumping onto the couch. 
“You mind if I borrow some clothes?” You yelled over your shoulder, already searching through Jacks messy room.
“I mean you can, but I prefer you wearing what you’re in now.” 
You rolled your eyes as you reentered the room, wearing a shirt of Jacks.
“Are you trying to turn me on?” Jack asked, raising his eyebrows.
“In your dreams.” You laughed, jumping on the couch next to him. 
“Oh every night, baby girl.” He said, resting a hand on your thigh.
You raised an eyebrow, but before you could say anything about it Jack muttered out, “It’s working you know.” 
You felt a shiver run down your back in anticipation. “Well I guess we’ll have to do something about that then, won’t we?”
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teaglcwn · 7 years
Pinch me  ( Jack Maynard x Reader )
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Jack Maynard x Reader Genre: fluff Word count: 517 | Requested: Could you do Jack Maynard fanfic where the reader is a dancer and she's very popular and one day the reader collabs with him. | 
a/n: Ahoihoi, so i’m just warning that this isin’t my best work ! and there are mistakes i am sorry. i wrote this on my phone cause my laptop is broken and yeah. <3
You walked into the dance studio and saw your manager with 3 guys that you recognized. Jack Maynard, Conor Maynard, and Josh Pieters. Being the fangirl you are you literally squealed and immediately covered your mouth.
All the attention went to you and you just walked to the couch where you threw your jacket and backpack. You cleared your throat and walked to your manager,
'' Hello, '' you said smiling at them trying to calm yourself. '' Yes, meet Y/n. One of our youngest and the most, let's say known, dancers. '' your manager told the Youtubers. You smiled and looked down. Your head snapped back up when you hear your name come from Jack's mouth.
'' Why are you shy? ''  he said laughing. You smiled, '' I'm not shy, I'm the opposite. '' you replied to him, he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
''Alright Y/n, you're gonna make a video with Jack, I'm gonna then show Conor and Josh the rest of the group and their gonna make a video.'' your manager smiled and then walked out with Conor and Josh.
The door closed and you looked towards Jack who you caught checking you out.  '' Oui, stop looking me like you're gonna take a bite of me, '' you said laughing. Jack looked up and smiled '' Alright, so, I thought we could do like a Q & A with like questions for dancers which are you gonna answer, and then like teach me something. I literally came here with no ideas so let's see what's gonna come out of this.''
The door opened and Conor and Josh walked in, '' Hello!''  you screamed. '' I don't get it !!'' Jack said frustrated, you laughed and walked beside him, '' Okay, put your hands on your hips- '' you both put your hands on the hips '' - then lift your right hand and make a circle in the air and while you're doing that put your left arm behind your back. '' You both did the move.
''There you go!!'' You said excited and loud. Jack looked at you also towards Josh and Conor  '' It actually wasn't that difficult'' he said kinda shocked. '' Of course, it was easy, it would've been easier if you didn't flirt with the camera or me.'' You fired back making Josh and Conor laugh and Jack looking at you shocked.
''When are you gonna upload that video?'' You asked Jack, '' Tomorrow when we go to dinner, so i'll pick you up at 7 '' he replied bold. '' Ahh okay I'll look forward- WAIT WHAT?!'' your eyes went wide, you cleared your throat '' I mean, okay? I don't really know what to say. '' you said looking down.
'' Don't worry about it, '' Jack said walking towards you '' Wear something comfortable '' and with that, he left you shocked and confused. You sighed and whispered,
'' Someone pinch me. ''
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buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Relaxation Session - Joe Sugg
Request: Smut involving Joe’s recent trip to Dubai because him and that gorgeous hotel room are a dream come true. Please??????
Smut: Mild
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Being in Dubai was a dream come true. However, being there with Joe made it that much better. He decided to surprise you with a trip for your birthday and arriving at the hotel, you could already tell it was going to be the best birthday you had ever had.
“This way.” The hotel employee said, leading you and Joe away from the lobby. You looked around. The hotel had an amazing view of the aquarium, the ceilings were so high, you couldn’t even see the design on them and the matching colours of everything little detail was so aesthetically pleasing, you could have slept in the lobby and still had an amazing time. After a couple minutes of walking across to what felt like the other side of the city, you finally arrived at the room. “Your keys.” Joe smiled at the employee, tipping him before sliding the key and opening the door, allowing you to enter first.
Walking in, you couldn’t believe your eyes. The room had a king size bed and facing it was a full size window of the aquarium. On the bed, there was a bottle of champagne with some flowers that had a Happy Birthday note attached to it. You walked into the bathroom, following the window and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the window carried over into the bathroom. The bathtub sat perfectly in front of it and you immediately knew you and Joe were going to put that tub to good use.
The day went on as planned; you and Joe heading out for some sight seeing activities before hitting the pool for a quick relaxation session. As you arrived back at the room, you stared out the window, watching the fish as they effortlessly swam by and you smiled, seeing Joe’s reflection appear next to yours. His hands wrapped around your waist and he rested his head on your left shoulder.
“Happy birthday, babe.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You turned around, facing Joe and softly kissed him. You had been dating for a couple of years now but you never, in your wildest dreams, thought he would do something like this for you. You pulled away, smiling at him but the look in his eyes told you he wasn’t finished yet. 
He hungrily pressed his lips against yours once again, this time placing his right hand on the back of your head and using his left to pull your body closer to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and allowing for the gap between your bodies to disappear. Taking control, Joe guided you towards the bed, laying you down before climbing over top of you.
Beginning to lift your shirt, Joe moved his kisses from your lips and towards your neck, allowing you to be able to look towards his shirt and lift it as well. Sliding one leg in between yours, Joe placed all his weight on the left side of his body so his right hand could begin to roam your skin. Piece by piece, clothes were falling to the floor of the hotel room and you and Joe were getting closer than ever.
Laying down beside you, pulling the covers over top of your bodies, Joe wrapped his arm around you, pulling your body towards him so your head was now on his chest.
Drawing little circles on his bare chest, you whispered a soft “I love you” before placing a kiss against his skin.
“I think they enjoyed the show.” Joe said, smiling. You looked towards the window and laughed at the amount of fish that were swimming by the window.
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Josh Pieters Jealous
Warnings: smut getting tipsy
Requests open
Being best friends with the guys in the buttercream squad can really wear a person out especially all the parties.
Right now I’m at a night club with the them. Everyone is getting a little drunk. After years with these guys I have a high tolerance for alcohol so I order a another shot of tequila. Some random guys comes and sits beside me.
He is really attractive and I’m a little tipsy so I thought I could have some fun with him. “Hey you here alone?” I ask in a flirty voice. “Ya my girlfriend just broke up with me so I’m kinda on the rebound what about a pretty lady such as yourself?” He replies.
I’m starting to feel bad about flirting with him because I actually have a really big crush on Josh that only Casper knows about. He tries to tell me I have a chance but right now I’m just going to forget about him and have some fun. So I reply back with “I’m here with some friends. What kinda girl is dumb enough to dump a handsome man such as yourself?”
“A bitch that’s who. You wanna dance?” He queried “Sure” I giggled back. He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I we started dancing really close to each other and getting very touchy. I swear I can feel eyes burning into my soul but I can’t find who it is.
I was watching y/n with that stupid jackass with his hands all over her. I HATED it. I know she’s not mine but I want her to be and all the boys tease me about it. All I can think about right now is him touching and and I’m shaking with rage.
Casper suddenly pops up out of nowhere. “Man you got to calm down just go over there and get her she’s drank a lot more tonight then usual she’s just looking for someone cause you won’t make a move. I promise she really likes you man she’s just trying to forget cause she thinks she can’t have you. Now go get her.”
Still pissed and a little buzzed I thank Casper for the pep talk and walk over to her and Jackass.
The alcohol was really starting to get in my system when someone came up behind me a said in an angry voice “Hey dude get lost she’s drunk and you shouldn’t take advantage of her like that.” I immediately recognized that voice as Josh. The guy looked ready to tell him off until he looked up to see how tall and mad Josh was so he said bye and ran off.
I turn around to see Josh with a very angry look on his face as he scolds me and pulls me really close until the guy was on the other side of the bar. I may have been kinda drunk but I swear he looked jealous. When he finally let me go I spoke up “was Joshua jealous?” “I was not I just didn’t like him with his hands touching you and trying to pull you closer” “josh that’s jealous” i deadpanned.
“Come on I’m taking you back to my place I don’t want you driving home this drunk.” He said. I didn’t say anything back I just followed him, he told Conor we were going back to the flat and picked me up. I didn’t say anything about it Josh does this a lot especially when he’s buzzed or drunk because he gets REALLY touchy.
When we got back to the flat I had a headache forming josh gave me a t shirt and a pair of drawstring sweatpants for me to wear and went to make some tea for us to help with my headache. I got changed and took off my bra cause I didn’t want to sleep in it and figured Josh wouldn’t care. I threw my clothes in the wash and sat down on a stool at the island in their flat.
Josh handed me some tea to sober us up, and sat next to me. I leaned into his side and he put his arm around me. I got an idea and decided to go with it before I lost all my drunkenness and got to scared I leaned up and whispered in his ear “I’m so glad you got jealous and possessive and scared that guy away.” I leaned back so I could see his face and bit my lip suggestingly and added “it was really hot”
Josh turned away and blushed before he answered with “God you really must be drunk.” “ Josh I want you to look at me I’m not drunk I really have liked you for a long time and seeing you get possessive really turned me on.” His eyes widened and I thought he didn’t feel the same way. I was about to turn around and walk away when he pushed me up against the wall.
“Y/n I have loved you for so long and have waited for this day but I couldn’t stand his hands all over you because your mine.” Josh said in a really deep voice with his eyes almost black. He kissed me very suddenly and roughly but it was also passionate like I always dreamed it would be.
He whispered “jump” so I obeyed and wrapped my legs around his waist with him hands on my bum. He took me away from the wall and started to walk towards his bedroom while I kissed his neck and nibbled on the sweet spot behind his ear lobe as he moaned. I tried my best to move my hips to create some friction as he tried to open his door he moaned again and I felt him getting harder by the minute.
He finally opened the door and ran to the bed and dropped me while he crawled on very quickly after and attached my neck sucking and nibbling on my sweet spots as he growled in my ear “mine.”
I have never seen him so possessive I don’t know what’s gotten into him but I like it he is usually sweet and kind but he is acting very possessive and rough. I buck my hips and moan some more.  Moaning his name he starts kissing down my body until he reaches the hem of my (his) shirt and rips it off of me.
He realizes I don’t have a bra on pretty quick and I blush but soon he just attacks them with kisses and swirls his tongue around one nipple and nibbles it as he massages the other one then switches. The whole time I moan his name in pain and pleasure from his roughness.
I tug his shirt over his head and he undoes his belt and takes off his pants. Leaving me in his sweatpants and him in his boxers. Without skipping a beat he pulls my (again his) pants down and slides them off my legs. He kissed in between my thighs and spreads my legs apart. He very slowly pulls off my underwear with his teeth and then his tongue finds my clit. I moan and he says “who makes you feel like this y/n who”
Barely able to think straight be cause of the pleasure he was giving me I managed to say “only you josh” “That’s right baby your mine and only mine” he growls as he eats me out.
He comes up and leans down and takes off his boxers. His large member flies up and I lowly gasp as he smirks and within seconds he plunges into me and I feel so much pain I bite shoulder and scratch his back. But it quickly turns to pleasure as he thrusts hard and deep into me each time. I starts to scream his name and he starts giving me hickeys all over my body and I scratch his back, sure to leave marks in the morning.
I can feel my orgasm coming and I say “J-josh I-I-I’m gonna” and he says “Cum with me baby and that’s sends me over the edge and he spills with me. He lays there in me and resting on me with his forearms on either side of my head to not put all his weight on me for a few moments until he pulls out and rolls over wiping the sweat off of both our faces.
I whimper at the loss of contact and he pulls me on top of him and I quit. "Y/n I love you and have loved you for a very long time so when that guy started talking to you it made me mad and I got jealous I know you probably feel like this is just a one night stand but I was wondering if you’d be my girlfriend.”
I was astonished he’d asked me “Yes of course Josh I would never just want a one night stand with you I love you and would love to be together.” That night i fell asleep on top of Josh. When i woke up I was super SUPER sore. I rolled off of Josh and groaned really loudly.
This woke up Josh and within a matter of seconds he hovered over me “are you okay” he asked worriedly. “Ya I’m just kinda sore from last night.” “I’m so sorry you should have told me to stop or go easier” he said as he looked at all the bruises and hickeys he left all over you.
He got up and grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on. I told him “It’s alrighty baby I had so much fun last night and I don’t regret a thing you shouldn’t either.” He smiled and replied “I don’t deserve you.” And handed me his shirt as I reassured him he does deserve me and I’m the lucky one.
I tried to get up but very quickly fell back down in pain. Josh caught me and apologized again I wish he wouldn’t do that if I was having a bad time I would have told him it was my decision too. 
Josh picked me up and carried me to the kitchen and made me breakfast, when Conor and Jack came in.
“Really getting at it last night weren’t you guys.” Conor said and I blushed and hid my face with my hands. Then Jack added “OH JOSH OH JOSH OM MY GAAAAAAAAA JOSH” I’m a really high voice. Josh walked over to me and handed me toast and I thanked him and kissed him.
All the sudden Jack looked at Josh’s back and called Conor over and they gasped and touched his back and he flinched and hissed. I immediately turned him around to see what was wrong and there were deep scratches and dark red marks. “Wow y/n has hickeys and bruises all over her and can’t walk and Josh has got scratches and bite marks on him I didn’t know you guys were so rough.” Conor said
I hid my face in Josh’s neck and apologized profusely. “Baby it’s alright it’s not that bad you can’t even walk!” Josh told me. “Wait really she can’t walk!!?” Jack said surprised and Josh nodded them they highfived to which I just hid my face in Josh’s chest. He carried me to the couch and we lazier around and watched movies all day.
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buttercream-fanfic · 7 years
Something Unexpected - A Conor Maynard Imagine - SMUT
This is imagine prompt number 10 with Conor for @huge-waste-of-time - please let me know what you think of it, sorry it’s short. It contains smut and swearing!! Please don’t read if you are easily offended by these subjects or underage! Also I can't believe I've got 20 follows already! Thank you so much!
10. Walking out of the bathroom after a shower, half-naked and wreathed in steam, and he immediately dropping whatever he’s holding.
You arrive home after a long day at work & all you want to do was relax & have a nice, long hot shower.
“Hey Y/N!” Conor, your roommate, shouts from the kitchen.
“Hey you” you reply back to him as you walk into the kitchen.
“How’s your day been? You look tired today…”
“It’s been so stressful & long. I’m gonna take a shower just to chill for a bit if that’s ok? I thought we could do a bit of netflix & chill?” you say.
“Netflix & chill?” Conor cheekily replies.
“Oh Conor you have such a dirty mind!” You say laughing. You & Conor have always had a flirtatious relationship but you didn’t act upon it since you thought Conor would never fancy you.
“Sure whatever! Dinner’s cooking at the moment so it’ll be done when you finish.”
“Thank you Conor. You are the bestest roommate in the world!”
“I know!” Conor replies laughing.
You jump in the shower & let the water wash away today’s events. It had been a tough day at work making you tense but the hot water instantly relaxes you. About 20 minutes later you get out of the shower & dry off. You wrap the towel around you & leave the bathroom.
Conor’s POV
Lately Y/N has had a bad week at work so I thought it would be a good idea to cook her favourite dinner tonight & chill out watching her favourite tv shows. I was just about to walk past the bathroom to put the drinks we’ve got for dinner into the living room & that’s when Y/N walked out, loosely wearing a towel. I’d walkways had a crush on you because you were just perfect in every way. Then the glasses smashed on the floor.
“What the hell Conor?!” Y/N shouts as she looks down to the smashed glass & liquid sprayed all across the floor.
All the sudden I couldn’t help but run over to you, grab her waist & press her up against the wall.
“Fuck you are so beautiful.” I say as I stroke the side of your face. I slowly move your hair to reveal your neck & I start to nibble on it.
“Shit Conor. We can’t do this.” you say with the sound of regret in your voice.
“Why not? I’ve always wanted to do this. You are all I’ve ever wanted babe” I reply.
All the sudden she grabs my face & our lips meet & our tongues dancing together in each other’s mouths. It was a passionate yet sloppy kiss due to all the tension that has been building since the beginning of our friendship.
This all felt so wrong but so right. As we were kissing your towel falls to the floor & Conor’s hands were roaming your entire body. The kissing is messy & wet but all you want is more. It then suddenly stopped & you see Conor slowly kiss down your body, kneeling on the floor & lifts your legs up over his shoulders so he has full view of your throbbing wet pussy.
“Fuck” he whispers.
You can feel Conor slowly breathing near your clit & then he starts to suck on it slowly, almost as if he’s making out with it - using his tongue to flick it & teeth to bite it. You felt like you were in heaven. As Conor sucked, the louder your moans got & soon you felt like you were having the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had. Without warning, the fire alarm in your flat went off, piercing through your ears.
“Ah fuck dinner’s still cooking! This isn’t over Y/N!” Conor shouts as he runs back into the kitchen to put out the food on fire.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Testing limits
Testing limits | Joe Sugg | Smut Word count: 6715 Request: Hello! I just had an idea popping into my head for an imagine! Y/N is Joe's girlfriend and the whole buttercream gang loves her. Joe introduces her to KSI and he gets a little inappropriate about her during a QNA and joe turns into a really protective boyfriend. A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who sent me this! I spiced things a little bit (sorry). I had a hard time making this (and that’s why it took me so long) because I hate how JJ talks about Zoe (and Theodora in Caspar’s deleted video), although I really think he isn’t usually like that. Anyway, hope you guys like it! If you want more Buttercream Squad imagines/smuts, click here | Requests are open!
“Hello everyone!” Joe greeted. “So today I’m joined by Y/N.”
“Hello!” You waved to the camera.
Joe made fun of you: “You all know her, whatever.”
“Joe!” You protested laughing.
“Sorry, love, but that’s true.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, fine.”
“The star of today’s video isn’t her. It isn’t even me, actually... Oh, that’s sad, isn’t it? This is my bloody channel and I’m not the main character on my own video...”
“It never was, Joe.” you teased. “All your subscribers are here for the videos your sister are featured.”
“Shut up.” He told and you laughed hard.
“You are going to zoom in your face and cut the shot now, aren’t you?” you provoqued again.
“We have a fan over here, guys!” Joe joked with the viewers.
“Shut up.” Apparently, you and him said that a lot to each other, because you two were always trying to be the most annoying as you could.
“C’mon, guys!” Caspar shouted. “Finish this soon, we are hungry!”
You were all in Joe’s flat. JJ was in town and the Buttercream Squad were in your boyfriend’s living room waiting to go out and enjoy the sweet night London could give. You decided to film before leaving because of course no one would be capable to say one word right by the time you got back and Joe needed it ready to edit in the next day. It should be really quick because Q&As usually didn’t take long to film.
“Let’s go with this video.” He asked. “Anyway, guys! We are here with… KSI!”
The tall man came running and jumped in Joe.
“Hey motherfuckers!” He exclaimed as got up and sat down like a normal person.
“Yeah, here he is!” Joe cheered.
“Oh, that’s a nice bed, isn’t it?” JJ commented, going up and down, making the bed tremble.
You gave a smirk. “Me and Joe have a lot of fun on it.”
“Y/N!” Joe complained and you laughed.
“I thought you guys didn’t told your viewers you were together.” JJ mentioned.
“We didn’t.” Joe grumbled.
“That’s why I love say stuff about us in his videos,” You gasped seeing your boyfriend pissed of. “Joe needs to cut out afterwards.”
You made JJ laugh. “Well, in this case…” He smiled.
“Oh, no.” Joe mumbled.
“Okay, let’s finish this.” You told them.
“Thank you.” Joe said to you and JJ calmed down. “So what are we going to do today is a very original thing of mine called… Q&A!”
“You called me all the way to here to do a Q&A? Are you fucking kidding with me?” JJ asked.
Joe laughed, not believing in what a poker face his friend was. “You literally done this to me once in your channel.”
“We were in LA already! It doesn’t count.”
“You didn’t come to London just to film with me, JJ.” Joe argued.
JJ looked at him, without words. “Hum…”
“Oh, he got you in there!” You exclaimed.
“Damn it!” JJ said and you all laughed.
“Let’s go to the questions then.” Joe said.
What is your favorite color?
“So, I will start with the easy ones, because we have a lady in here today, so KSI won’t say a lot of… Inappropriate things.” Joe explained and your smile grew bigger.
“Oh, thanks, Joe. That’s really sweet of you.” You said.
JJ laughed. “You wish I would say less of that. Sugg, you know nothing.”
You and Joe were together in a few months now, but you already expected to him not wanting anyone to know about you two. He was right, privacy was subestimated, however you wanted to go out with him holding your hand even it was on some youtube event.
KSI arrived in town the day before Joe decided filming with both of you. You thought it was a good idea, after all you got along very well with all of Joe’s friends, including the Buttercream. Actually, especially with the Buttercream.
“Just answer the question, please.” Joe asked already regretting the video.
“I like blue.” You told. “But, like, it depends. Sometimes I like pastel blue, or turquoise or midnight blue… It’s always blue but in different shades of it.”
“You just don’t have the ability of responding ‘blue’, do you? You need to make things more sophisticated than they are.” you rolled your eyes to Joe’s speech.
“Well, my favorite color is grey.” the special guest said before smirking. “And, as Y/N, I like different shades of it… Fifty, to be more exact.” You laughed and so did Joe, but them JJ turned to you. “I could show you the specific ones I like, Y/N.”
You blushed. You usually would turn JJ down with some sassy answer, but you just met him and now you were on camera in your boyfriend’s channel, so you giggled and just said: “Hum… And what’s your favorite color, Joe?”
“Red.” Joe answered. “As JJ’s blood.”
You laughed and so did JJ.
“Next question, please.” You said.
What is your favorite type of chocolate?
Your face lit up, you loved chocolate. “Okay, but, like, just chocolate, right?” Joe looked at you, you could see him holding back some kind of joke. “Because I usually like all types of chocolate, but I love melted chocolate with strawberries.” You gave a smirk to the camera. “Joe likes melted chocolate with strawberries too... Although he prefers it when it’s on me.”
Your boyfriend grumbled. “Y/N!”
You laughed, JJ gave you a high five. “Nice.”
“That’s how you drive Joe insane.” You told. “That and black lingerie.” You winked, making JJ (and yourself) burst into laughs again.
“Guys!” Joe protested.
“Sorry, babe.” You said, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll behave now…”
“Thank you. Let’s finish this.” He said, but then you completed your sentence:
“Not something I usually do on bed.” Joe was pissed, but gave a smirk anyway. He knew you were right.
“She’s savage, bro.” JJ commented while laughing.
“You should see me working hard, JJ.” You teased again, feeling more comfortable with JJ now.
When silence (finally) fell and you three were calm, JJ decided it was his turn to answer the question (and piss Joe a little more).
“I like all types of chocolate too, but I think Y/N should try more of the dark ones. They taste more… rough.”
You chuckled. “Oh my word, JJ.”
“Fuck off, JJ.” Joe complained, he was laughing but passed an arm around you. “Let’s go with this.” He asked again to the video to continue.
What is the last song you listened on Spotify?
“I actually know this without even looking at my phone.” You giggled. “It’s ‘Are You Sure?’ by Conor Maynard, Kris Kross Amsterdam and Ty Dollar Sign.”
“Conor!” Joe called loud.
“Yeah?” the singer responded from the living room.
“How much are you paying Y/N to say she likes your music?” he joked.
“In your video?” Conor asked.
“Yeah!” Joe told.
“I guess not much! It’s my newest hit, mate, I don’t need the marketing, it will be better than Ed Sheeran’s on charts!” you could hear Conor’s laugh, listening to the rest of the butter boys as well.
“That is not true, is it?” Joe asked you and you laughed, picking your phone and showing it was.
“I’m not a liar, Joseph.” you stated. “Now tell me your song.”
“You see, I actually was telling the other day on my vlogging channel that I hate when people ask me about music, because I listen to a lot of things, so…”
“Ok, whatever.” You interrupted him. “Say yours then, JJ.”
“Y/N! This is my channel, excuse me.” Joe said ironically.
“You will take ages to answer it, I’m taking your channel for a moment.” you explained, ignoring his turn still.
JJ got his phone in his hand, looking at it and screwing things. “Well… Actually…”
“JJ is cheating!” Joe accused. “He’s just looking through all his Spotify to find something.”
“Oh my God, is a dirty song you don’t want the viewers to know, right?” You teased.
“Y/N, you know that, if it was a dirty song, I would be the first to reveal it.” JJ told.
You shrugged. “True.”
“It’s a love song, isn’t it?” Joe asked, his face lighting with joy for getting JJ.
“It’s a country song.” JJ revealed.
You and your boyfriend bursted into laughs.
“Let me explain it, though.” JJ begged.
“No.” Joe didn’t let him.
“It was to...”
“No, you can’t explain.” Joe interrupted the guest. “You were listening to a country song. The subscribers to your channel are dropping right now after you said that.” he didn’t let JJ be heard. The friend was trying so hard be listened, you were laughing hard. “Next!’ Joe exclaimed.
Do a rematch of the race you had last time.
“So, for this, Y/N’s participation will be momentarily suspended.” Joe informed the viewers.
You three got down to the flat’s parking lot, as Joe and KSI did for the first one. Josh was holding the camera to film all of you.
“I’ll be the hot chick that waves the flag.” You joked, showing a piece of fabric to the camera.
“And what a hot chick, huh?” JJ commented and you rolled your eyes.
“Keep the small talk, JJ.” Your boyfriend said. “I’ll be winning if you keep going like this.” You knew Joe was just trying to get his friend to stop talking dirty with you.
“JJ won’t even realise the race started.” Josh complemented, laughing without knowing Joe’s true reasons. “He will be ‘Oh, is it on?’”
You helped Joe with his situation. “You can try as much as you want, JJ, I won’t be going home with you.” Then you winked. “But you can keep the compliments, I not only like them, but Joe will be more than glad when you lose the race.”
“Oh, that’s the only way Joe can win from me, Y/N.” JJ told you, getting ready.
“I heard he won the first round of the last time.” you teased, walking away from them so you could wave to the competition start.
In the first round, KSI won; In the second, it was Joe’s time to taste victory; In the last one, you couldn’t help: JJ won again.
“I told you, Y/N.” He smiled. “I’m faster, I’m better.”
The four of you were heading back to the elevator now and you could see Joe was a little upset when the camera wasn’t on him. He held your hand discreetly so it wouldn’t be on the takes. Josh was laughing from the provocations that Joe and JJ had while filming.
“You know, JJ… “ You gave a wily smile. “Being fast is not really an advantage in my world.” You shrugged again.
“Woah.” Joe chuckled, surprised by your answer, Josh laughed.
“That one was harsh, Y/N.” JJ complained.
“You’re attacking my man, JJ.” you smiled, showing you were kidding.
“So she protects what is hers, huh?” he teased. “Like a lion mama? What about letting me hear you roar, Y/N?” You rolled your eyes again and the elevator’s doors opened. You walked straight to your boyfriend’s apartment.
Do a dance off.
“Ok, since we are on the living room already, how everyone feels about dancing a little bit?” Joe asked when he was inside his own house, facing all his friends sat down on his sofa.
“Yeah!” They exclaimed.
You went upstairs to pick your phone. “What song you guys want to dance?”
“Y/N, please.” Conor said with that strange accent he used to joke. “Of course we are listening to my music.”
You laughed. “So Conor Maynard it is.” You announced and “Animal” was listened through the speakers. “A little trip down the memory lane.”
“Oh no.” Jack complained but he got up to dance anyway.
You and all those enormous guys (and, of course, Conor, Jack and Joe) formed a semicircle to do the dance off. Everybody was doing silly moves, each of them worst than the last one, it was really funny.
“Thanks guys.” Joe said after a couple of songs.
You were all sweaty and had trouble for breathing.
“I’m too old for this, babe.” You told while laid on the floor.
“You did well, Y/N. I’m proud of you.” Oli said, laying next to you.
“Thanks, Oli.”
“This is my exercise for the whole week.” He declared.
“Mine too.” You agreed.
“Can I join you?” Asked Josh.
“Be my guest, Josh.” You smiled and now you were surrounded by one side by Oli and by the other with your ginger friend.
“C’mon, love, we have a video to end.” Joe said, offering you his hand so you could get up easier.
“Babe…” You complained.
“C’mon, Y/N.” He smiled at you.
“I don’t want to…” You ignores his hand.
“You want me to carry you?”
“Yes.” You said, doubting he could do that.
“Fine.” He dragged you by your ankles so you weren’t besides Oli and Josh anymore, you shrieked.
“Joe!” You complained.
He laughed. “You asked for this, love.” He told you as lowering to pick you. His hands started to hold you and you gave up.
“Fine, fine! I’m going, I’m going!” You announced, not giving Joe the opportunity to lift you up. All his friends were there, you weren’t making a scene. “We will be back soon, guys. I promise.”
“Please!” Jack exclaimed. “We are hungry.”
“Oh my God, you talk like there’s nothing on fridge.” You rolled your eyes. “C’mon, JJ.” You called the guy who was laid on the sofa. “We gotta go.”
Best book ever?
“I don’t think you guys read. Do you?” You asked them.
“I do!” Joe exclaimed.
“Oh, yes, you really do.” You pretended to remember, you always saw him reading now and then, not as much as you, of course, but sometimes… “You really do read.” You nodded and then turned to the camera. “But Joe only reads boring books.”
“No, I don’t” He countered and you rolled your eyes (it was one of yours bad habits)..
“What about you, JJ?”
“No, books aren’t for me.”
Favorite character of all times?
“Whatever movie Y/N be on.” JJ said instantly.
“I am not an actress.” You argued, frowning.
“I can think some films you can act with me. In my bedroom.”
Joe rolled his eyes, getting closer to you in bed. “Next!”
Can you lick a lemon?
“Bring it to me, baby!” Joe exclaimed and he picked a lemon you didn’t notice it was in the table behind the camera. He probably should got this before filming. He cut it in 4.
“It’s just a lick, bro!” JJ complained about the size.
“Just suck it.” Joe frowned as looking to his part. “On three, ok?” You and JJ nodded. “1… 2… 3!”
The taste was horrible. Maybe not the worst thing on Earth, but still...
“It would be so much better with a pinch of salt and a shot of tequila after.” You commented.
JJ was laughing really hard, so you looked at him, he was holding an entire piece of lemon, he didn’t lick his.
“Fuck you, JJ!” Joe told.
“Sorry, I couldn’t do it after you said suck it.”
“Well, now you will see what I will make you suck.” You said to him, angry. It wasn’t your best choice of words.
“It can be you, Y/N.”
“Alright.” Joe said, looking directly to JJ. “That’s enough, JJ. Really. Stop it. I know you’re only joking, but please, I don’t like to hear your flirting to my girlfriend.”
JJ smiled. “I am just testing your limits, Joe.” Then he turned to you. “I’m kidding. I’m sorry if I offended you, Y/N. I just want to see how much Joe can take without freaking out. He’s one of the most chilled guys I know, he was laughing while I was saying bad things about his own sister.”
You sighed, you were getting annoyed now with him. After he apologizing, you were relaxed again. Actually, the way Joe started being protective with you was kind of amusement, so you gave a smirk.
“Yeah, that’s fine… I know how nice can be test Joe’s limits.” You winked. “By the way… How much you want to see Joe getting mad?”
JJ laughed. “A lot.”
“A lot is enough to you agree shot a video with me?” You asked, the idea popping in your head.
“I would film with you even if I didn’t wanted freak Joe out that much.” JJ said, being gentle.
“Oh, thanks!” You smiled. “Fine, I will join you on the dark side, JJ.”
“Y/N!” Joe complained.
“Sorry, honey.” You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and turned to camera. “Let’s continue this.”
What is your favorite fruit?
“Oh, what the hell I was thinking when I picked those questions?” Joe moaned, upset. “I can answer you I wasn’t thinking straight.” He took a deep breath and faced the camera. “Well, after that, it isn’t lemon, for sure.”
“My favorite fruit is…”
Joe interrupted JJ. “I swear that if you say your favorite fruit is Y/N or tell her she should like some African type of banana…”
“Some African type of banana?” JJ laughed.
“I don’t know!” Joe exclaimed. “I’ve never been to Africa, I don’t know you have some kind of strange fruit in shapes of pennies.”
“Joe, you go to South Africa every year now.” You told your boyfriend, holding his hand.
“Oh, you understood me.”
“In my defense,” JJ started. “I wasn’t going to say my favorite fruit is Y/N… It’s strawberry.” He smiled. “With chocolate. Especially dark chocolate. It will make you stop liking any other chocolate, Y/N. I swear. Normal chocolate is too sweet, you need some roughness on your life to make you scream.”
“It takes a lot to make me scream, JJ.” You shrugged your shoulders and turned to the camera. “Well, JJ has a point. I just said I really enjoy strawberries with chocolate, but actually I love a lot of different fruits. However, I’m such in a watermelon vibe.”
“No, you’re not!” Joe exclaimed, you ignored him.
“I heard it’s from Africa… Is it, JJ?” You asked, pouting.
“Oh, I see what are you doing, Y/N.” Joe commented, JJ laughed.
“Yeah, it is, Y/N.” JJ said. “And by the way, I will do that. Make you scream. Day and night. You know that Ariana Grande’s song? That one she says she can’t even walk? That will be you when I smash you. I could bang you in so many ways, you will be crawling for more. You will scream my name so loud when you think of me that I will be able to hear when I’m home.”
You laughed, oh my word, JJ was playing hard to get.
“Shut up, JJ.” Joe said. “Let’s do the final question of this.”
Who’s most likely to run down the street naked?
“What the hell?!” You chuckled. “Joe, what this stands for?” You asked. “Well, I have to say that KSI is the one who’s running around naked.” You told.
“Yeah, I agree with Y/N.” your boyfriend said.
“I have to say that Joe is the who’s running around naked.” JJ answered. “Although I really think that Y/N is the one who should do that… Especially if it is for going to my house. I am ok to do a threesome anytime, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You asked, Joe held your hand once again. “I might bring my boyfriend then. We can have a little fun, although you said you’re against normal chocolate… He’s quite the white chocolate type.”
“You like white chocolate? You shouldn’t. It’s too sweet, white chocolate can’t do what dark chocolate can… That’s why you think it’s hard to make you scream, white chocolate can’t do that. He’s lucky, still. Bang you anytime he wants? Man, I wish that. I would fuck you everyday if I could.” Joe squeezed your hand hard and you could tell he was about to explode. “I would fuck you right now, actually. In this bed, I don’t even care if the camera is still on.”
“Fuck off, JJ.” Joe said, getting really mad. “You lost in there, mate. Are you fucking insane?” He asked, getting up from the bed and you did it too, holding his hand so he wouldn’t lost his mind completely. “This is my girlfriend you’re talking about. I don’t care if you’re only joking, but you are crossing borders in here. Stop it, right now. Stop. I’m serious. I asked you to stop and you continue to do that. What the fuck are you thinking? It’s not fun anymore. She is mine. Don’t say that about her. Never.”
JJ started laughing. “Oh, man! You are so tough to crack!” He got out of the bed too, standing up (and now Joe was really glad he didn’t beat KSI because he forgot how big his friend was). “I’m sorry, Joe. You know I would never be with Y/N. I respect you and, besides the bullshit I just said, I respect her too. Sorry again, Y/N, if I took it too far.”
“Yeah, it was a little across the borders, but that’s fine.” You gave JJ a smile and kissed Joe in the cheek. “Relax, baby. You know that I’m all yours. I would never be with JJ and JJ would never be with me.”
Joe took a deep breath and KSI completed: “She’s not even my type, bro.”
You rolled your eyes but then smirked. “And I really like more a white chocolate, sweetie.” You caressed his right arm. “C’mon now, let’s finish your video.”
Joe needed to take another deep breath as he sat down. “You are so annoying sometimes, JJ.” Joe told, a little more relaxed.
You rewinded the whole thing in your head and then you started laughing.
“Some day, one of  these jokes will get you killed, JJ.” You told him.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s ok.” You knew he said ugly things, but you teamed up with him so whatever. He would be a dick if he really thought those things and you knew he didn’t. You had a plan anyway... “Go and do your job, babe.” You told Joe.
He sighed and smiled to the camera. “So, I hope you guys liked this video, I certainly didn’t. Stand this two… Urgh, I only do that because KSI is a thing on Youtube and her…” He pointed to you. “I don’t know.”
You laughed. “Shut up!” You gave him a soft slap.
“If you did enjoy, please, give a thumbs up. Also, subscribe to me. Y/N’s and KSI’s links will be on description, so subscribe to them too, although I really doubt you didn’t already... So thank you, both of you, to make this with me.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” JJ said, smiling.
“Nah, I’m here to get more subscribers, you don’t need to thank me.” You joked.
“This is it for this week, guys.” Joe concluded. “I’ll see you next week with another Sugg Sunday. Cheers, goodbye!”
“Finally!” You exclaimed, laying down on bed.
“Yeah, but we have the video on your channel to film now.” JJ remembered.
“You know what? We can go out now.” You said.
“It isn’t because of me, is it? I’m sorry and I mean when I say it.”
You smiled. “No, it isn’t because of you, JJ.” You didn’t want to speak your idea out loud right now, you would wait for it.. “I actually think that is better if we film it latter. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Perfect.” he agreed.
“Now, let’s get some food!” You said. “I’m craving for some strawberries with chocolate.”
“Maybe I can help you with that.” JJ said.
“Yes, maybe you can.” You said, just to tease Joe, he was annoyed still.
Joe got up to turn the camera off, quite silent. Maybe he was really upset. The guilty started consume you.
“JJ?” You called, the guest was checking his phone.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Could you, please, tell the rest of the boys we finished recording?”
“Of course.” He said and then left the room.
You went help Joe with the equipment.
“On a scale from 0 to 10, how angry are you with me in this moment?” You asked while turning the lights off.
“7.” He told you, grumpy, as he checked the footage on his camera.
“7, huh? 7 is a high number.”
“Yes, it is.”
“I’m sorry, honey.” You said and went to him. “But you will like a lot what I’m thinking to tomorrow.”
“What are you thinking to film?” He questioned, not really interested in what you had to say.
You hugged him. “I can’t tell, but I will make JJ struggle a little, yes.”
Joe didn’t want to, but he couldn’t avoid, he opened a little smile. “Some intelligent way to make him surfer?”
“Yes, baby.”
He finally hugged you back. “Never let a guy flirt with you like that again. I know you wanted to piss me and that’s why you didn’t stood up to yourself, but, please, Y/N, JJ said a lot of horrible things.”
You raised an eyebrow. “He said worst things of your sister, you know?”
“Yes…” He sighed. “I’m thinking of deleting this video like Caspar did.”
You nodded your head, no. “It won’t make difference, Joe. I guess that what you could do is stop liking this kind of stuff.” You smiled again. “But you know what?”
“I really enjoyed you being all protective over me… And when you stood up to stop JJ… Well, I’m kinda hot right now.” You admitted.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, laughing. “I can’t believe it.” He rolled his eyes. “C’mon, we gotta go. The boys are waiting us downstairs.” he argued, breaking the hug.
You gave a ladino smile, holding Joe’s shoulders and giving a kiss on the bottom of his neck. “I mean…” You started whispering, no way you were going to let you boyfriend slip through your fingers in this moment. “JJ’s thoughts about dark chocolate were kind of interesting too.”
Joe’s face turned serious and he looked at you, angry.
“Y/N…” His voice was lower than before.
You continued to give him kisses on the neck. “Babe…”
“I’m not feeling really well.” You told, scratching his back a little. “Could you, please, say to the rest of the boys I won’t be able to join you today?”
You opened that smile, the smile that you used to get away with things even if you were wrong, the smile that seemed so innocent but was filled with dirty ideas and wrong conceptions. It was your straight flush.
You started to walk away from Joe, making the bed because it was destroyed after the video. You moved your hips so it would swing provocatively, putting your ass in evidence. Your boyfriend sighed, passing his hand through his hair, and got out of the bedroom.
You heard with a little smile on your face Joe tell the boys you weren’t well, maybe because of something you had for lunch and he, as an amazing boyfriend, needed to be with you. It boosted your confidence, you knew how to push the buttons of Joseph Sugg.
While Joe waited to the boys gather together and leave his house, being with them because of the good manners, you took all the film equipment down. You noted Joe saying goodbye to his friends and you decided to make things faster, so you took of your shirt and your jeans. It wasn’t for nothing you said Joe liked black lingerie, it was what you were wearing that day.
Now you were almost naked, the room felt cold, making you shiver, something that turned you on even more. Why were you so horny, dammit? You listened the front door close and you laid on bed and bit your lip, you could hear Joe’s footsteps through the house.
When he appeared on the bedroom’s door, you smiled.
“I see you put the camera and the lighting away.” He said, admiring you.
You got up, barely able to walk because the minimum amount of friction drove you crazy. You went towards Joe and enlace your arms in his neck, his hand held your waist automatically. “You liked JJ’s idea of filming a sex tape?” You pouted once again, now with a look that dripped lust. “Maybe you enjoy the idea of a threesome. I bet the boys aren’t far away, I can call JJ and ask him to join us.”
Joe squeezed your skin in his hands, almost carrying you away from the floor. “No.” He said. “Not JJ, just you and me. Don’t make me jealous, Y/N. You don’t like the idea of another one with me either.”
You felt the heat of your body concentrating where Joe’s hands were. His grin was deliciously tight. “It’s a threesome, babe, JJ would be with both of us. I don’t care with that.” You continue to tease. “He promised make me scream.”
Joe kissed you hard. Scream was the key word to drive him mad. He sucked your lip with so much strength that it started to tingle, you two moved around the room and soon your back was pressed against the wall.
“So you like this thing of test my limits, huh Y/N?” He asked while giving you neck kisses. “What about I test yours?”
You smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Game on, Sugg.”
His hands were pressing your waist still, but then he slid them and grabbed your bum. You knew what it meant. You jumped and he caught you, the aggressive kiss was back and you almost couldn’t breath.
You felt your hair flutter, Joe was spinning you through the bedroom. He broke the kiss and threw you in bed.
“Time to get rid of these clothes, baby.” You told.
“I enjoy see you only with lingerie while I’m full dress, dear.” He responded.
You accepted the challenge, biting your lip with a smirk. “That’s a shame, babe.” You shrugged your shoulders and moved in the bed, leaning on the headboard. “You know that, if you are dressed, you can’t have all this.”
Joe got in the bed and crawled to you, whispering in your ear. “I guess it is already mine.” He told, passing his right hand through your hips and then in your clit, the panties only make the movement worse.
You let a moan slip and it’s not fair. You were a competitor, you were playing to win. You turned around, putting your body against Joe’s, his hand wasn’t teasing you anymore now that you moved. You start to shake your hips against his jeans and, for his surprise, you take his teasing hand and put his middle finger into your core, making it go in and out with your help, you and him stimulating your hit.
“Where’s the fun in only taste a little, Sugg?” You ask with a hoarse voice, it Joe’s turn to let a moan slip. You took his finger out and sucked it, making your boyfriend shiver. You went to the other side of the bed. “You don’t wanna help, babe? Fine, let’s test your limits first then.” You smiled and got out of the bed, getting up.
Joe looked at you curious, you took off your panties and putted a leg over the bed, so now all your vagina were exposed. Joe could see it shining because of the wet. You pass the finger you were putting inside it with Joe through your core and your head hang back, you let a loud moan make it’s way out as closing your eyes.
The worst thing you knew you could do with Joe was showing him you getting an orgasm. You passed your hand in your neck, slipping it until grab one of your boobs and then you started to stimulate it. It was getting harder to breath.
You opened your eyes to find Joe was having a hard time. You stopped your movements and gave your ladino smile again. “Don’t you wanna taste it all?” You asked and the sucked your own middle finger.
Joe lost his mind with the view. He started to make his way up to you and you could see his pants tight, making harder for him to move. He grabbed your hips and pushed you to the bed again, making your back hit the mattress hard.
He started to kiss your body and you nodded with your head. “Oh, no, Sugg. What did I just said?” You ask, holding his hair and pushing him up to look you in the eyes. “Clothes off if you want to taste it.”
As response, he grunted. “You’re not getting away with this. Y/N.” You kissed him and took off his shirt, after, you took his pants and his boxers. It’s inevitable, you smiled by seeing him so excited to you.
“I guess I’m already, babe.” You said, switching positions and making him be under now. You sit in his hips, close to his penis, but not on it. You bended, feeling his member touch your chest as you gave little kisses in his abdomen. You licked it and started to give kisses closer and closer to Joe’s groin.
You got up again, the grip of Joe’s hands in your hips was only getting tighter. He had his eyes closed and almost couldn’t hold back his moans. “Let me test your limits for real now.” You said, ready to put Joe on you.
Suddenly, your boyfriend opened his eyes. The light blue was almost gark grey now. “No.” He said before pull you to bed.
You let a scream scape. “Joe!” You complained.
“You said you wanted to scream, Y/N.” He explained. “Shall we discover how loud you can get?”
You bit your lip, what you had done? The excitement in your belly made you tremble.
His legs were holding your hips, he kissed your neck and sucked it, you were sure it would leave marks all over it. His hands were on your boobs, rubbing and squeezing it.
“Not so sweet now, don’t you think?” He asked before licking your right boob, you shivered. “You still want dark chocolate, love?”
“N-no.” You answered. “Suck Joe, I’m ready, just…”
“I said to you we will be testing your limits now, Y/N.”
“Joe…” You whined.
“Let me show him how you won’t be able to walk after I’m done, after we fuck so hard that he can’t even imagine it is possible.”
Joe was playing with tits while saying that and it almost drove you insane. The grip, the dirty words, the hit.
His hands slipped through your body, pressing you hard, you could feel the possessiveness in every touch of Joe. The way he did that made you think that you were all his, not because he wanted you to, but because no one could ever be as good as him.
He started kissing your abdomen, then your groin and he licked your clit, making you moan louder than you already were. He putted his forefinger and the middle one into you, you screeched.
“We know you can get louder than that, Y/N.”
“Joe, please.” You asked, holding his hair and moving his hips to cause more friction.
“You know how I was suffering while you were touching yourself? How I wanted to be me instead?” He teased, his movements still slow, growing the anxiety in you. “Now it is me, Y/N. How you feel about that?”
You couldn’t answer him, you couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t do nothing. You were gasping, you weren’t able to do nothing more than be a victim in Joe’s actions. Your vagina were throbbing in a way it never did, you couldn’t handle Joe teasing you anymore.
“Joe, I give up.” You admitted. “I’m all yours, you know that I am. Now, please, fuck me.”
Joe laughed, you felt his tongue move away and you looked at him. He smiled. “I’m glad you said that, Y/N.” He took his finger off of you and you whined.
“Ask again.”
“Ask what?”
“Ask me to fuck you once more.”
“Fuck me, Joseph. Fuck me hard, fuck me until I forget my own name.” You said, your voice barely being heard because you were so hot.
“Suck it” he said, giving his hand to you. You did. You looked at him straight in his eyes and you suck it, feeling your own taste. He pressed his penis with his hands and all you wanted to do was grab his dick yourself, make him feel all the pleasure you were feeling. “That’s my girl.” He said, pulling his fingers out of your mouth.
You saw Joe open your legs and position himself in your enter, the expectation almost killing you. He grabbed your hips once again and pushed him until he wasn’t able to go further anymore. That’s when you screamed.
Your back arched, your mind exploded. You couldn’t think in nothing else other than Joe being in and out of you.
And now you two weren’t teasing each other anymore, there wasn’t time enough. You needed to be him and he needed to be yours, you two needed to have an orgasm or you might burst into flames. It hadn’t a way back anymore, it was in full speed, full strength, nothing to stop you to scream, nothing to stop you feel the pleasure. And now you weren’t screaming anymore, you were roaring.
Joe were growling like a wild animal, later you wondered how no one knocked on the flat’s door asking if you two were okay. Not only the noises you were making, but the bed was trembling so hard it could be heard over the whole apartment and the apartments around, you were sure of it.
With one final scream, one final roar, you felt the orgams hitting you. Joe came with after, holding himself on your shoulders, pressing it hard.
He laid next to you, none being able to speak because were out of breath.
“Never try to test my limits again.” Joe said.
“I don’t know…” You giggled. “I enjoyed this little thing that happened now.”
“Well, I can make you scream anytime you want, Y/N.” He turned to you, looking in your eyes. “Just stop trying to tease me. It will drive me mad.” You could see in his eyes he was asking this seriously.
You smiled. “There’s no need to be mad, babe. I won’t test your limits anymore…” He sighed. “Well, not anymore, but I would say I won’t be doing that every time.”
“Y/N!” He complained.
“It’s just to make things fun, honey.”
He smirked, hugging you. “Being fun is my job, love. You should got this by now.”
“It’s my job too.”
Joe leaned his head on your neck and you caressed his hair.
“What are you thinking to do with JJ tomorrow?” He asked.
“Well, about that…”
“Hey there, people! How are you today?” You said to the camera in front of you, excited. “Today I’m joined by a very special guest… It’s KSI!”
The man entered in the scene. “Hello!”
“He has no idea of what is going to happen in this video…”
“I haven’t, really.”
“Well, I saw this idea on Saffron’s channel and I thought it would be nice to do because JJ is being a naughty boy lately….
“I can continue to be naughty to you if you want, Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow to the camera. “You see, this is what I am talking about.” You rolled your eyes. “Today we will be doing the… Guessing the price of girly stuff!”
“Oh, no!” JJ complained.
“Don’t complain yet, JJ. It gets worse because we have a little forfeit! Not only you should get the price right, but if you don’t, you will be using the object you are guessing about.”
“Oh, fuck.”
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vlogsquadaf · 7 years
Alright, I’m working on a cute (but also hot af) imagine about Josh Pieters and I can’t wait to finish!!
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Noise - Jack Maynard
Where you live in the apartment a level lower than Jack and you can’t sleep because Jack has way too much fun with a girl.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Ugh, I know it’s short, but I’m thinking about making a part 2 maybe...
It was nearly 2 am, and Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lied awake, actually having to study for her upcoming finals tomorrow, but she was too tired for that. She really wanted to rest, she needed to, but she couldn’t. And there was only one reason why.
Jack Maynard.
Out of all people, he had to live in the apartment above hers. He was the loudest person she had ever met. She didn’t even know when he slept, because there were people over yelling and cheering in the middle of the night, or he would bring random girls home literally 24/7. Two days ago, it had been 9 am, and they were so loud that she did not only hear them in her bedroom, but in her living room, too. Today though, they reached a whole new level of noise. It sounded as if they were about to break the bed. She didn’t mind him having an active sex life, she had one herself, but she didn’t do it so loudly that everybody else in the entire building lied awake and was forced to listen.
Enough was enough. She had an exam tomorrow, she could not go there completely sleep-deprived, so she decided to go up there and disrupt their little... encounter.
She took the lift, went one floor up, and rang his bell. Y/N was surprised that she couldn’t hear them as well as from her bedroom below. When nothing happened, she rang again. And then she just kept ringing until finally, the door opened, revealing a thoroughly fucked out Jack.
“What do you want?”, he asked as he recognized her. She had caught his eye once or twice as they met at the mailboxes or as they shared a lift.
“Look”, Y/N said, “I’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed? Thanks.”
She wanted to turn around and go back to bed, finally getting some sleep, but there was something that caught her eye. It was a very prominent, purple hickey that started right at his collarbone. She took a closer look at his state now, finding that his face was flushed, his hair a mess, and his body was bare except for a pair of boxers that he apparently had put on in a rush.
She suddenly became very aware of her soggy pajama pants and her top that, as she discreetly looked down, revealed way more than she wanted. To top it off, she didn’t wear a bra and the chilly air in the hallway made her nipples stand out through the thin fabric. She felt herself blushing, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
“Look, I know we might have been a bit louder, but... we’re done soon, okay?”, Jack said and tried to shut the door.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She placed her foot in between Jack’s door and the frame, wincing slightly as the door squeezed her foot. She hadn’t bothered to put shoes on, she just went up there in fuzzy socks.
“No”, she said. “No, it’s not okay. I have a bloody exam tomorrow and I can’t sleep because you choose to ruin your bed right above of mine. I don’t care what you are doing to her, but keep it low”, she stressed the last few words, “or I’m calling the security guy.” Then she turned around and stomped back to the lift.
Jack really was an idiot, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had had when she saw him like this. Still, she reminded herself, he was an idiot.
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Based off this post from @dailyau
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