#jack maynard dirty imagine
Noise - Jack Maynard
Where you live in the apartment a level lower than Jack and you can’t sleep because Jack has way too much fun with a girl.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Ugh, I know it’s short, but I’m thinking about making a part 2 maybe...
It was nearly 2 am, and Y/N couldn’t sleep. She lied awake, actually having to study for her upcoming finals tomorrow, but she was too tired for that. She really wanted to rest, she needed to, but she couldn’t. And there was only one reason why.
Jack Maynard.
Out of all people, he had to live in the apartment above hers. He was the loudest person she had ever met. She didn’t even know when he slept, because there were people over yelling and cheering in the middle of the night, or he would bring random girls home literally 24/7. Two days ago, it had been 9 am, and they were so loud that she did not only hear them in her bedroom, but in her living room, too. Today though, they reached a whole new level of noise. It sounded as if they were about to break the bed. She didn’t mind him having an active sex life, she had one herself, but she didn’t do it so loudly that everybody else in the entire building lied awake and was forced to listen.
Enough was enough. She had an exam tomorrow, she could not go there completely sleep-deprived, so she decided to go up there and disrupt their little... encounter.
She took the lift, went one floor up, and rang his bell. Y/N was surprised that she couldn’t hear them as well as from her bedroom below. When nothing happened, she rang again. And then she just kept ringing until finally, the door opened, revealing a thoroughly fucked out Jack.
“What do you want?”, he asked as he recognized her. She had caught his eye once or twice as they met at the mailboxes or as they shared a lift.
“Look”, Y/N said, “I’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed? Thanks.”
She wanted to turn around and go back to bed, finally getting some sleep, but there was something that caught her eye. It was a very prominent, purple hickey that started right at his collarbone. She took a closer look at his state now, finding that his face was flushed, his hair a mess, and his body was bare except for a pair of boxers that he apparently had put on in a rush.
She suddenly became very aware of her soggy pajama pants and her top that, as she discreetly looked down, revealed way more than she wanted. To top it off, she didn’t wear a bra and the chilly air in the hallway made her nipples stand out through the thin fabric. She felt herself blushing, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
“Look, I know we might have been a bit louder, but... we’re done soon, okay?”, Jack said and tried to shut the door.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She placed her foot in between Jack’s door and the frame, wincing slightly as the door squeezed her foot. She hadn’t bothered to put shoes on, she just went up there in fuzzy socks.
“No”, she said. “No, it’s not okay. I have a bloody exam tomorrow and I can’t sleep because you choose to ruin your bed right above of mine. I don’t care what you are doing to her, but keep it low”, she stressed the last few words, “or I’m calling the security guy.” Then she turned around and stomped back to the lift.
Jack really was an idiot, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had had when she saw him like this. Still, she reminded herself, he was an idiot.
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Based off this post from @dailyau
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Quickly : Jack Maynard Smut
(y/n is really close with conor but one night when he’s asleep she goes into the bathroom to find his horny brother)
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You and Conor first met on a tinder date. At first you really fancied him, and over the last few months you have both taken it slow but have gotten really close. You have both discussed your commitment issues and Conor totally agrees. You would love to be a in a relationship with Conor, you really would, but you love the freedom of being single. You were a very sexual person and so you have many one night stands. The first time you and Conor had sex was after a night out together – it was such an amazing feeling to finally relieve all of the sexual tension that had been building up between the two of you. Lets just say you honestly struggled to walk the next day.
To be honest, yours and Conor’s relationship was a bit complicated. You were basically together, but sometimes you did get with other people. It did annoy you when Conor had sex with other girls because you did really like him – the jealousy would always bubble through your body yet you couldn’t do anything about it as you also slept with other people.
You both agreed not to kiss anyone in front of each other to rub it in your/his face. Conor always got jealous, too. One time when he caught you kissing a guy at Joe’s party it totally went off – the guy left with a nose bleed.
However, one thing that you really struggled with was Jack fucking Maynard. Conor’s little brother was the most irritating shit you had ever met. He always knew how to get under your skin and how to piss you off. You have no idea why he decided to be a dick to you the moment he met you, but he always has and you’re sure he always will.
It started off with little digs and rude comments that did actually offend you, but as you spent more time with Conor you realised what his brother was actually like. His comments did not offend you nowadays and you would normally tend to say something back – leading to an argument.
Conor normally laughed at your little arguments with Jack, but sometimes when they got too personal he’d have to stop them. Jack knew exactly how to wind you up and you hated it.
You were sat in your London apartment watching some TV when your phone buzzed. It was Conor.
‘What you doing tonight? Xx’
‘I have nothing planned, why? Xx’
‘Wanna come out? Me and the boys xx’
‘Sure xx’
‘Good, get ready and meet us at ours in an hour? Xx’
‘An hour? I cant get ready in an hour!! X’
‘Well hurry then babe ;) xx’
You sighed and put your phone on the side. Walking to your wardrobe, you thought about what you were going to wear tonight. You didn’t even know where you were going – most probably a club.
1 hour and 23 minutes later, you were in an uber on the way to Conor’s. You had chosen to wear a simple black dress. But you were starting to doubt it as it was really tight and showed your chest off a lot. You had to keep pulling it up at the top.
You thanked your driver and stepped out of the car, buzzing the apartment you needed and making your way up. It was quite hard to walk in the shoes you were wearing as they were so high. When you walked in, all the boys were there.
“Hey Y/N!” Joe greeted you as he was the first one to see you.
“Hi!” You replied just as Conor spotted you. The music was up quite loud so it was no surprise that the others didn’t hear you come in.
“About time.” Conor laughed when he reached you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and wrapping his arms around your waist. His hair was in it’s usual style and Conor was wearing a white t shirt under a black leather jacket along with some black ripped skinny jeans.
“I’m only like 20 minutes too late!” You defended yourself, snaking your arms up around Conor’s neck.
“Mmh whatever.” He hummed and kissed you again. He lightly pushed you up against the front door as the kiss got more intense and that’s when you had to pull away, shooting him a warning look to say not in front of his friends.
“Can we go now? Oh hi Y/N!” Caspar said, sending a small wave to you.
“Hi Casp.” You smiled.
“Right, lets go then.” Conor said quickly before grabbing your hand and opening the door.
“What is up with you?” You asked Conor as you were walking back down the steps of his apartment block.
“Nothing. You just look really good tonight.” He grinned, tightening his grip on your hand.
When you all finally got to the club, Jack insisted that everyone does shots. You all sat in the corner around a large table, of course you were next to Conor. Jack arrived to the table with a tray full of shots as everyone cheered and took one.
Throwing your head back, you downed the shot quickly. The alcohol burned your throat and you pulled a disgusted face. Everyone sat at the table for a while, enjoying their drinks.
“I wanna look for some girls.” Jack told everyone as he slammed his empty cup down on the table.
“Of course you do.” You snorted, not thinking he would hear. But when you saw his eyes connect with yours as he pulled an evil look, you knew he had heard you.
“Excuse me?” Jack asked.
“Nothing.” You smiled sarcastically at him. You felt Conor’s hand go to your thigh.
“Didn’t think so, slag.” Jack replied.
“What the fuck did you call me?” You felt yourself getting more and more angry at him as he sat there with a smug look plastered across his face.
“Oh, you didn’t hear me? I called you a slag.”
“Says you?! Jack you have slept with way more people than I have so I don’t really think you’re in a position to call me a slag.” You argued back, taking a sip of your wine.
“All I’m saying is I know a slag when I see one.” He put his hands up, trying to look innocent.
“And all I’m saying is you’re a dick head. Go find a girl then, like you wanted.” You said to him, wanting nothing more than for him to go away.
“I’d rather stay here and piss you off.” He grinned. For a second, you almost smiled back. You hated yourself for it – but you secretly found Jack very attractive, and when he grins at you like this it makes your heart melt a little.
“Right, well you two can stay here and argue but I’m going to have a good time.” Conor announced as he finished his drink.
You hadn’t even noticed, but everyone else had gone to dance. Conor got up, pressed a kiss to your cheek and went to join the others on the dance floor. For some reason, Jack scooted closer to you on the seat.
“Notice how he didn’t even defend you? Because he knows you’re a slag.” Ouch. Jack’s words hurt you a lot, but you wouldn’t let him know that.
“Shut up.” You mumbled, feeling yourself becoming weaker in this argument.
“You know I’m right. It’s why he doesn’t want you to be his girlfriend,” Jack came even closer. “He just wants you to stick around so he can have sex on tap.”
“Fuck off, Jack, seriously.” You sighed.
“I’m his brother, so I would know.” He added, placing a hand on your thigh which suddenly made your breathing increase.
“You’re just trying to wind me up. Stop.” You replied, pushing his hand off and turning to try and locate Conor. Your heart dropped when you spotted him, dancing very intimately with a brunette. You quickly looked away, knowing that they’ll be kissing any time soon and you didn’t want to put yourself through that.
“See? He doesn’t fucking want you.” Jack growled, his lips so close to your ear. You felt so fucking hurt, the alcohol and Jack’s words were really getting to you and you hated it.
Suddenly, you felt Jack’s lips against your neck. This is the last thing that you had expected to happen. As he kissed and nipped at your skin with his soft lips, your eyes fluttered closed and you felt yourself biting down onto your bottom lip. This was Conor’s younger brother doing this – and you suddenly felt super guilty when you felt your underwear getting damp.
“Jack,” You breathed. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Jack pulled away from you and you almost whined at the loss of contact. He stared at you for a few seconds with no expression, just blinking. You didn’t know what the hell he was thinking but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
“I just came over to say that if I were you two, I wouldn’t be doing that. Conor is just over there.” You looked up to see Joe, drink in his hand and a concerned look on his face.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, mate.” Jack replied as he stood to his feet.
“Just saying.” Joe replied, holding his hands up as though he was defending himself.
The night was coming to an end and you all made your way out the uber. After your little incident with Jack, you decided to spend the night with Josh and Joe, downing lots more shots and dancing like idiots. They both made you laugh a lot, helping the fact that Conor was in the corner busy with another girl. Thankfully, Conor climbed into the uber by himself.
“Hey babe.” He slurred, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
You almost wanted to push him away. But you remembered the rules, Conor wasn’t doing anything wrong and you weren’t in a relationship. Jack’s words came back to you, stinging a little. As the uber had to fit all of you in, it was kind of like a mini bus and so you had to sit opposite someone. Unlucky for you, you were sat opposite Jack.
“Had a good night?” Conor asked you, rubbing your thigh.
“Yeah it was alright. You?” You replied, sending him a small smile.
“Really?” Jack snorted, interrupting your conversation with Conor. “Of course he did, did you see him with that girl? Mate, she was a solid nine out of ten!”
As Conor laughed at his brothers words, you felt yourself doubting your relationship with Conor more and more – but that was the thing, you Conor weren’t in a relationship. Maybe it was just Jack messing with you tonight or it was your true feelings coming out because you were drunk. You’ll just have to see how you feel about the situation in the morning.
“Stay over?” Conor asked you as the uber was nearing his, Jack and Josh’s apartment block. “Please?”
“OK.” You agreed.
Even though your head was a mess right now, the chance to have sex with Conor was something you’d never turn down. That boy was amazing in bed, you could not get enough. He laced your fingers together and smiled at you when you agreed.
It was a nice feeling to finally get home (to Conor’s) after the club. You had no idea what the time was and you were still feeling a bit drunk. When you all got inside, you immediately went to Conor’s room and got out of your clothes, throwing on a t shirt of his and leaving your legs bare – his t shirt came down to your mid thighs anyway.
You went and joined the three boys in the living room where they were eating a cold pizza from dinner. Josh and Jack were sat on the sofa and Conor was laying down on the rug, next to the coffee table as he was munching on a slice of pizza.
“Is Conor alright?” You laughed, noticing how drunk he actually was.
“Think he’s had a few too many shots tonight.” Josh replied as you took a slice of pizza.
You looked over at Jack – instantly regretting it. Even though he had his phone up in front of him, as though he was on it, his eyes were on you. He looked up and down your body before his tongue poked out, swiping across his bottom lip.
Not only did this make your cheeks go bright red, but it also sent wondrous feelings straight to your core. You tried to ignore Jack as you all finished up the pizza, just scrolling through your phone and watching the TV.
The time was 2:34 when Conor picked himself up off the floor and announced he was going to bed. You almost sighed at the fact that Conor was clearly too drunk to have sex tonight. You probably should have just gone home instead of agreeing to stay round.
“I’m also going to head. Night you guys.” Josh spoke up and you Jack both replied saying good night to him.
About ten minutes had passed and you had had enough of the tension within the room. You wanted to ask Jack why he kissed your neck earlier, but you had a strong feeling he was just trying to mess with you. With a sigh, you got up and headed off to the bathroom to brush your teeth, leaving Jack alone.
You shut the door of the bathroom, not bothering to lock it as you never did. You decided to quickly style your hair into a single French plait before bed, helping yourself for tomorrow. You wiped all your make up off of your face and quickly cleansed it, using a face scrub that was there.
When you started to brush your teeth, the door flew open, revealing Jack in nothing but his boxers.
“What are you doing? I’m using the bathroom.” You told him, having to take the tooth brush out of your mouth.
“Well, you’re taking too long and I need to brush my teeth too.” He replied.
“You’re so annoying.” You rolled your eyes at him, carrying on brushing your teeth.
However, when Jack leaned over to grab his toothbrush, you felt something hard poke into your ass. Your eyes widened when you came to realisation that Jack had a hard on.
“Jack!” You squealed.
“What? It’s not my fault.” He shrugged.
“Well, it is your fault.” You replied.
“No it’s not.”
He leaned into your again, his hard member poking into your ass once again. It was kind of turning you on a little bit – OK, a lot.
“Stop pressing it into me, seriously.” You warned him.
“You’re the one taking up all the room, I can’t get to the sink.” He pointed out, gesturing to the fact that you were in front of him.
“I was here first!” You defended yourself.  You felt Jack’s hand go to the bottom of the shirt you were wearing, pulling it up a little so that your ass was now on show. “What the fuck?”
“I didn’t mean to do that.” He lied, grinning a little bit as he leaned into you more.
He knew exactly what he was doing. He was teasing you – and it was working.
“Jack, what are you doing?” You turned round so that you were fully facing him now, he looked good. His hair was now messy, his bare chest and stomach was exposed which was possibly the hottest thing you had ever seen and his length was so visible as it was straining against his boxers.
“Nothing, why?” He replied, ignoring the fact that his hard cock was against your ass.
“Can you please get rid of that, or do something!” You groaned.
“How am I supposed to get rid of it? It’s not like I can do anything with you in the room.” He defended.
“At least stop pressing it into me.”
When you turned around, trying to carry on with your teeth, you felt Jack’s hands on your hips.
“Unless you wanna help me out a bit.” He mumbled into your ear.
“Are you serious? You’re Conor’s little brother and he’s literally in the room over there. Don’t be ridiculous.” You replied quickly, even though a huge part of you wanted to say yes – you were aching for him at this point, literally soaked.
“Shame. Would have loved to take you right here against the kitchen sink. So fucking hard for you right now, Y/N…” Jack groaned out, pressing his hard on into you once again.
This was when you almost lost it. His words went straight to your core, and you pressed back into him, hoping to get some friction between your legs. Fucking the little brother of the guy you were seeing was such a hot concept to you, and you were so fucking horny right now.
“Fine!” You gave in, dropping your toothbrush in the sink.
“Fine?” Jack repeated, sending you a questioning look in the mirror.
“You can fuck me quickly.” You clarified, grabbing the sides of your underwear and pulling them down your legs before pulling your – Conor’s – t shirt up.
You put one leg up onto the counter, allowing Jack to have a better access to your soaked pussy. You felt his fingers go your exposed slit, collecting your wetness.
“Fucking hell, see how wet you are for me. You’ve always wanted me to fuck me, haven’t you? You’re so dirty.”
You ignored his words as he pulled his length out of his boxers, pumping himself a little before pushing himself into you. His actions made you hiss at the feeling, trying to get used to his size. Both of his hands went to your bare ass, one of them slapping down onto the exposed skin.
As Jack slammed in and out of you, you couldn’t help but watch the scene unfold in the mirror in front of you. Jack’s eyes were screwed shut and he was biting down onto his bottom lip. What a sight.
The fact that you were in the bathroom, being fucked by his little brother than actually laying in bed with Conor right now made you feel a bit guilty. But the pleasure was too good for you to care right now.
Going on birth control was one of the best things that you had decided to do as the feeling of Jack’s bare cock against your skin was amazing. He started to hit your g-spot with every thrust and you had to refrain from moaning out. His grip on your ass was getting tighter and tighter but it felt good.
You gripped onto the sides of the sink as Jack roughly thrusted in and out of your soaked pussy. You copied Jack, biting down onto your lip to try and stop yourself from moaning. When the pleasure got too intense, you felt yourself draw blood from your own lip.
“Y/N, babyyyyy…” Jack moaned, keeping a good rhythm with his hips as he fucked you from behind.
“Oh my god.” You breathed out, trying your absolute hardest to stay quiet.
You felt one of Jack’s hands creep up your t shirt and take one of your breasts in his hand, squeezing before roughly massaging. This only added to the pleasure and you loved the feeling of Jack touching your body. He knew exactly how to handle a woman and it only excited you more. For a second you found yourself wishing that it was Jack you went on that first tinder date with a not Conor.
You didn’t think the sex could feel any better until Jack’s hand left your chest and went to your clit, rubbing his fingers over the skin at an impressive pace. This was when you really struggled to stay quiet.
“Fuck, Jack, oh…” You moaned quietly, even though you really wanted to scream out his name so everyone could hear.
“Conor could never fuck you as good as this, could he?” Jack asked. When you didn’t reply, his hand slapped your ass again before repeating himself, “Could he?”
“N-no.” You stuttered out, your whole body moving with Jack’s as he picked up the pace.
“Baby I’m-.”
Jack calling you baby honestly made your heart melt. You knew exactly what he was going to say as you felt his thrusts getting sloppy before you felt a warm liquid running down the back of your leg. He continued to move in and out of you a few more times, patiently waiting for you to finish.
As Jack continued to work faster on your clit, you felt yourself high your high as your orgasm washed over you. Keeping your mouth shut, you let out a small cry as it was the most intense orgasm a man has ever given you.
“Oh my god, Jack.” You breathed out when he pulled out of you.
You turned around so you were now facing him again. His eyes looked tired and his cheeks were flushed red.
“Thank you.” He said to you as he tried to catch his breath.
You smiled before stepping towards him and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Jack’s eyes fluttered closed and savoured this moment with you. You felt your stomach do flips as Jack wrapped his arms around your waist, deepening the kiss. And that’s when you knew which Maynard you really wanted to be with.
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fanficaddict-ed · 7 years
Buttercreams as the 7 Deadly Sins- Preference
Joe- Wrath
Josh- Envy
Jack- Lust
Conor- Pride
Caspar- Sloth
Oli- Greed
Mikey- Gluttony
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reggiesflannel · 8 years
Dirty Laundry | Part 2
Summary: A run in with Jack in the elevator leaves both of you feeling a certain type of way
Word Count : 1445
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"Don't you think you're being a little ridiculous right now?"
Annie's head snapped up to glare at her boyfriend as he leant against the kitchen counter, her eyes narrowing at him over the rim of her glasses as she continued to cut up the chicken for their dinner. 
"No I don't, I think I'm perfectly warranted in keeping your brother and his dirty dick away from Evie," she grumbled at him.
"What do you think he's gonna do to her?!" he groaned exasperatedly, running a hand through his hair as he looked over at his girlfriend. All week he had been listening to Jack go on and on about how silly it was for Annie to assume that he'd fuck Evie over, and then he'd come home and hear his girlfriend rebut all of his arguments as to why Jack didn't deserve a chance with Evie.
"You know what I think will happen, how many times do we have to have this argument, Conor?" she snapped at him, tossing the chicken into the bowl and stirring it rather aggressively to coat it in the marinade.
She had been doing this all week and she was sick of it, after a long day at work, the last thing she wanted to do was come home and argue with her boyfriend, yet that had been what she'd done all week.
"I know you care about her, but they're both adults, babe, you can't control them like that," he said softly, reaching out with one hand and rubbing her arm gently. He didn't want to have this argument any more than she did, he hadn't wanted to in the first place but Jack had made a good point.
Scoffing loudly, she put the chicken in the oven and closed the door loudly, smiling slightly when she saw Conor wince out of the corner of her eye. 
Spinning around, she leant back against the kitchen counter and looked across to her boyfriend, "Do you remember what happened last time she went out with someone that you and I brought into her life?" She pointed out, raising an eyebrow at Conor.
Suddenly his girlfriend's actions became abundantly clear to Conor as a series of memories rushed through his brain; double dates and get together's transforming into Evie sitting between Annie and Conor on the bathroom floor and crying her eyes out as Annie bandaged her wounds. The memory of him having to comfort and console Annie as she cried into his chest about how guilty she felt and how she was never going to let anyone ever hurt Evie like this again.
Pushing himself away from the wall, Conor crossed the room to where Annie was standing, her eyes suddenly focused solely on her nail beds and the dark burgundy painted on them. 
Bracing his hands on either side of her body, Conor leant down and pressed the gentlest of kisses to her forehead, "You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened," he whispered to her softly.
"How can I not?" she whispered back thickly, her hands gripping the bottom of Conor's shirt tightly, "I introduced them, I brought him into her life and I stood by while he destroyed her, I can't let that happen again, Conor," she said as her voice cracked, her breath leaving her in a whoosh as he pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head.
"I can't stop him from making a move, and I can't stop her from falling for his charm, but I'm not going to encourage it, and if he hurts her in any way, there will not be a safe place on earth for him to hide," she mumbled against his shirt, already lost in her own mind as she visualised having to put her best friend together again.
"I know, baby, I know," he whispered to her, his fingers running through her hair gently as they stood together in the kitchen, both lost and worried in the depths of their own minds, wondering and hoping that Jack was not going to damage the girl whom they had grown to care for both separately and as a couple.
Conor couldn't help but wonder if maybe she was exactly what his little brother needed.
Evie shuddered as she braved the icy London wind on her journey from the tube to Annie and Conor's apartment, deeply regretting her decision to forgo stockings and a long sleeved blouse that morning in favour of the strappy top and a pair of pantyhose instead. 
She wrapped her arms around her slim waist tightly as she focused on hurrying towards her destination as quickly as she could in four-inch heels. She couldn't help but think of her warm and cozy apartment that was only around the corner from her work as she walked in the opposite direction, the visual of the fluffy warm bed she'd left this morning haunting her as she had to remind herself that tonight would be fun, equally as fun as binge watching Chicago P.D again.
A grateful exhalation of breath left her lips as the apartment block came into view, her heels tapping against the concrete a little more as she hurried towards it, letting out a relieved gasp as the wind finally stopped whipping at her cheeks. Pressing the button for the elevator, she felt the warmth crash over her in shudders as her body temperature began to return to normal. 
She had just pressed the glowing number three in the elevator when a hoarse and tired sounding "hold the lift!" came from down the hall and she figured that holding the elevator for a couple of extra seconds was the least that she could do for this person.
It was when a slightly windblown and dishevelled Jack Maynard pushed his way into the elevator that she was secretly glad that she hadn't bailed on dinner tonight, despite the fact that his eyes hadn't even met hers yet, too focused on his phone to look up.
"You're a friend of Annie's, right?" She spoke up nervously as the lift began to move, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest at the forwardness she had uncharacteristically exhibited.
Jack's head immediately lifted as he looked at her with a grin on his face, a soft smile greeting him when he did so, "So are you, Evie wasn't it?" he confirmed as if he hadn't spent the past four days religiously looking at the selfies on her facebook page. "I didn't think Annie would let you anywhere near me this soon," he snickered, enjoying the slight pinkish tinge to her skin far too much, not to mention the plunging neckline of her blouse.
Evie gave him a small, shy nod as the elevator began to move again, her fingers fiddling with the strap of her handbag, "She's a little .. overprotective over me, I guess," she laughed slightly, feeling the familiar swooping in her stomach at the sight of his blinding smile.
"A little? She all but threatened to canonize me if I cracked onto you, and I don't know about you, but I'm rather attached to that particular piece of my anatomy," he snickered, glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes and smirking at the small grin that was pulling at her lips. He didn't understand how some guys struggled to understand girls, once you knew the right buttons to push, they all fell apart the exact same way.
Letting out a small laugh, she stepped up beside him as the elevator stopped on Annie and Conor's floor, the silver doors sliding open slowly. "I think you mean castrate because from what I've been told, you're pretty bloody far from a saint," She giggled before stepping out of the lift and making her way down the hallway, her hips swaying slightly as she waltzed towards the flat.
Jack smirked to himself as he stepped out of the lift behind Evie, enjoying the view that her tight pencil skirt and four-inch heels provided him with from the back. She wasn’t like the girls he usually brought home, in fact, if he came across her in a club he'd probably barely make it past the first dance. He didn't put in an effort for girls unless it was for his own sexual gain but this was different.
She were Annie's friend and therefore was off limits and he was expected to respect that and keep his distance, but if he could get her into his bed, then he'd have bragging rights for the rest of his life. He loved a challenge and she might be the most delicious challenge he'd ever seen. Just because he wasn't looking for a relationship, it didn't mean he couldn't put on one hell of a show.
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ravenempress101 · 8 years
So I wrote a part of my story with a whole chapter a smut
I think something might be wrong with me but I really don’t care jack smut keeps the tag alive!!!!
I’m so weird whats happening to me
love yourself
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
01. we never go out of style
This is a 1989 series imagine 
          I look at my cellphone so I can guarantee the minutes didn’t stop passing or something like that. I know Jack is awful with schedule stuff, but as soon as the white slim numbers change from 11:59 to 00:00, I hear knocks on my door and I know it is him.
           I open the front door and he gives me that smirk of his, leaning on the doorframe, his blue eyes just sparks and, that easy, I am lit.
           “Hey babe,” he says.
           I roll my eyes a bit because he knows that “hey babe” doesn’t work to me anymore. He tries anyway in the hope it begins to move me like it used to.
           I tell him to wait for me to pick my purse and he snaps back the fact that I won’t need a single thing to where we are going, to what we are going to do. The fact that I know he is right is ignored by my pride and I go back to my bedroom to do what I said I would.
           “Let’s go,” is all that came out of my mouth, worried that my roommate will wake up with my little activity.
           I wish I could say that Y/R/N is one of my best friends, but we both know that we are not some of those “I live with my bestie” cases that everyone seems to enjoy. Bullshit. We just live with each other because we need to and most of the people who have a roommate just do it because they need to. And I know that if I say my thoughts out loud to Jack, he will point out that he had a pretty good experience with his former roommates, also remembering me that Joe doesn’t need to have Byron. Maybe he would let a “you know” slip out of his mouth at the end of his sentence, just to make the whole thing a bit more “Jack Maynard” and maybe I would shut my mouth and roll my eyes again.
I’m playing hard tonight, something that me and Jack know that is just an act. I don’t care that he disappeared for a few weeks, he doesn’t care if I care as well. We pretend we do so I can hold my pride up high, what we know that makes sex a lot more interesting.
“Where are we going?” I ask him, watching all those London fake lights slipping outside the car.
“Where you wanna go, princess?” Jack gives me a side look.
I give a little laugh. “Does it even matter?”
“Of course it does,” is what he answers and I couldn’t be surer that he only does that to please me. He knows he fucked up and he continues our little play. I love it.
I stare at my driver and give a dirty look. “Heaven, Jack.” I shrug. “I wanna go to Heaven,” I look away as I laugh again “but we both know I can’t go there anymore.” And the lights continue to pass by us.
“Well, you can be an angel…” he tells me as he stops the car in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. A romantic choice, I could say.
This time, I laugh out loud. What the fuck? “Since when you are so cheesy, Maynard?” I open the car door. “What did you eat those days you didn’t call me?” I begin to step out of the car, but Jack grabs my waist.
“Y/N, listen…”
           He is holding me tight, however, where he chose to grab is the exact spot he knows that drives me crazy.
           I look at him over my shoulder and I can see his odd expression. I don’t want to do this right now, we gotta go.
           “C’ mon, Jack,” I take his hand out of my waist. “I want some French fries before you fuck me again.” I hear Jack sigh as we get out of the car.
We enter the place with his hand around my waist, placing it there just to announce we are together. All the people with faces washed by the terrible fluorescent light look at us. It is always an impression wherever we go, especially because of the continuous tension we have. You can’t ignore it, it catches your attention without your permission, just as Mr. Jack Maynard.
I order my fries and a soda, I don’t mind to notice what Jack is having. We wait for our dinner and eat it just making small talk. I ask about Conor and Anna, he asks me about my grades at university.
I was a good girl, a smart girl before I met Jack. It is really easy to be one without meeting the Devil himself, but once he puts his hands on you, you are doomed. It is something he knows it’s going to happen and you do as well, but it is irresistible. All the sins mark your skin and you fall in the blink of an eye. Jack Maynard fucked me in all the possible ways and, if I could, I would do it all over again. That’s why I picked his phone call sooner this evening, that’s why I accept whatever he says to me.
We finish eating and go to his apartment. He promises he had another plan, I don’t buy it. He looks in my eyes to say “I really did” and I can feel he is being honest, but I don’t want to be a fool who trust in feelings.
The yellow lights on his hallway light up his dark apartment, which I know the map by heart, so I won’t trip.
I know I have a red mark on my neck already because of the kisses we had in his car in his parking lot and my hair is probably a mess since Jack pushed me against the mirror on the elevator. Our clothes begin to fall on the floor before Jack turns around to close his front door.
It clicks and now we only have the London lights that come through his window. I bit my lips when a thought passes through my mind, remembering something that someone said to me in one of those weeks we’ve been apart and Jack thinks I am biting my lips is because I want him to kiss me (it is something I tend to do a lot, the biting and the wishing), so he puts his hands on me again, but I turn my face to stop him from kissing me indeed. He frowns and steps away.
I say: “I heard that you’ve been out and about with some other girl.”
He says: “What you heard was true, but I can’t stop thinking about you”
And I say “I’ve been there too a few times”. I give a little smirk and go put my hands around his neck again to go back to our business, but, to my surprise, he is the one who pushes me away.
“No, you didn’t understand, Y/N” he announces and passes his right hand through his hair. “I don’t want anyone else.”
“Jack, it is fine,” I say, just wanting to put the whole thing aside. “I’d never demand you to be faithful to me.” We all know it wouldn’t work out, he wasn’t made to be tamed,  that is why we keep playing all those little games, we keep rewinding the song, we tried each other taste for real once and we got used to it.
Jack stares at me and I have to trust my feelings, because those blue eyes were never ignored, now that I can see they are tormented, my emotions scream inside me, urging because of his pain. He is being honest, he is hurt.
It isn’t an act anymore.
My mouth opens and he can see I’m shocked. “Oh.” I can’t move, I barely can breathe.
Seeing I won’t respond to his statement, he goes to his sofa, sitting on it tired. It takes me a few more seconds, but I go sit beside him. Jack hugs me with his right arm.
I thought we were pretending to care because we were over each other, we were still “together” because it was convenient, but we were actually pretending to not care.
I can see it now, the way I fell so hard that I thought I need to protect myself so I tricked me to believe I was sheltered against Jack. I never was, I never will be.
“I want you.” He whispers in my ear.
And I know I want him back.
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crinkled-emotions · 6 years
Autumnal Asks
I was tagged by @its-me-theicequeen
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
So, I met my oldest best friend when I was 7 (I'm 17 now damn) and basically we started talking because we both liked horses I think. We fought like crazy and we're in completely different states of Australia now but I still love her heaps and love talking to her when I get the chance.
The second best friend I made when I was 12. We actually didn't talk until I was 13 or 14 when I properly became friends with her. To this day I still consider her one of my closest friends. Fun fact; we hated each other for a period of time.
Oof, now the girl I could seriously consider my second sister at this point- we met at the start of the year due to being one of the only four new kids in our dorm at school. We met during orientation, and haven't separated since. She's hilarious and always up for a fight, but luckily the mum friend in me always stop her before she does something stupid haha.
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
Mate, you've got a lot to learn. I know it seems like your life is great and you know everything there is to know, but tone down the know it all and actually give people the time of day to talk to you. You never know, maybe you'll stop being lonely.
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
You know, I actually really love netball; the sport, if you haven't heard of it before. My friend plays it and I got to be good at it when I was younger, but I hated the girls at my school therefore I didn't pursue it, so my netball career never exactly started off. Would definitely give it a good go now, in fact I'm starting next year. It's never too late!
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
I can't answer this. Personally, I relate to Georgie from Heartland; gosh, I love her. She is mature and level headed, but underneath that calm personality shows a girl who doesn't know what she's doing the next day, let alone with her life.
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
Hm. My style is really simple, so it'd probably be full of comfy t-shirts, 5sos merch, SuggLife hoodies, black skinny jeans and Converse. Maybe a pair of vans or my slippers. Life would be great my dudes. Ooh, actually I would love to have a shit ton of makeup just to experiment and play around. It's a lot of fun tbh.
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
I was going to say nothing, but then I thought about this tomato pasta thing my mum makes and I used to HATE it- like my mum would threaten me with bed or eating it and I'd just go to bed- but now I actually adore it and it's probably one of my favourite meals; especially with heaps of parmesan cheese. Yum.
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
I'm one of those people that doesn't really have unpopular opinions- either I think of them right before they become popular, or I see someone say something and I just agree with it. That being said, I ship Joe and Byron hardcore and no one really seems to so I guess that counts?
fog - how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
I would die on the first day. I'm no good when I'm camping, I can't imagine how I'd be in that kind of situation. I'd probably hide somewhere and never come out.
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
Anna Maynard! She is so humble and shy and relatable and GORGEOUS. Her eyes look gorgeous against her blonde hair, and she always wins with her makeup. Total babe, 10/10 would recommend. Also super happy for her with her new gig hosting a talent show, that sounds awesome!
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
Yes, actually! I used to dream that the house on the end of my street was haunted- I moved before I could explore it sadly. I might try when I go back there for the Summer
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Well actually, it's spring for me oops but hey. I can join the Americans/ the Brits for a while. Honestly, this spring for me would be the prime time for me to work on my horse riding, especially my jumping since that's my favourite thing. I'd also like to start my first full- length Joe x Byron story after my exams.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
Math. I HATE math and I'm the dyslexic where I only struggle with math (I mess numbers up constantly, can't keep track of formulas, think a 7 is a 1 sometimes etc etc...) so if I could improve anything it would be my math. My ATAR score would soar up. That or my plant production course- I'm not the best at that course and I don't enjoy it but I'd like to try harder in it and improve my grades.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
I'm one of those sad people who are either in the middle of the city with everything accessible, or a farm with a tiny town fifteen minutes away. I'm kind of leaning toward the farm (I'm at agricultural school so I'm biased lmao) so that my kids have plenty of room to run around, get dirty, and learn how to take care of themselves. I'm big on independence but also being able to scrape your knee etc. I'm not a bubble wrap-type of person, I don't think.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
You know what? This is going to sound so random, but I would love to visit the 1850's during the gold rush in Victoria, Australia- a lot happened and I would have loved to experience it. I've done a lot of research about those times and they were rough, but I think it'd make you a better person in the long run.
cobweb - (if you’ve graduated) do you miss high school?
I graduate next year lol, not sure I'll miss it for a couple of months after that.
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
My eyelashes and my eyes! Since I'm Irish, my hair is really thick and it's dark so my eyelashes are naturally long and thick. I always get lots of compliments on them which is really nice for an insecure little shit like me. My eyes also get lots of compliments since they change with my mood hahahaha.
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
I was standing in line for Maccas and one person tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and she complimented me on my SuggLife hoodie! It was really nice of her but super sudden. I can't really call that weird but I still remember it. It's either that or the time a guy pushed me out of the way as he ran from the cops. That was terrifying.
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)?
I hate tea (with a passion), and I don't drink normal coffee since it reacts badly with my anxiety medication. I drink decaf though, and I put in two teaspoons of both coffee and sugar, sometimes a little more sugar than coffee. I'm more of a hot chocolate person to be honest.
pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
I've seen a lot of shit, been through a lot of shit, but I don't believe humans are inherently bad. I think there's always a breaking point for everyone, and once it's reached it's hard for someone to go back to the way they were.
moonlit - are you a neat or messy person? Is your room / house orderly?
I'm freakishly neat a majority of the time, but when I'm sad I don't clean my room or change my sheets and it gets really gross. That reminds me, I need to clean my room again.
flannel - have you ever gone on a bad date?
To go on a bad date, you have to have been on a date right?
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
I wish I still had my long hair! I recently chopped all the ombre off and now my hair barely goes past my shoulders which sucks. I'd love to redo my ombre when my hair is a lot longer and healthier. I want it healthy before I damage it again.
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
Yes, actually. It sounds random but I grew up with this guy since we were born (he's two months older than me) and we sort of hated each other but I was honest with him and he was honest with me, we had a good system. Our parents were close friends and I haven't talked to him at all since I moved from Victoria, but I wish him all the best. He was one of the rudest, asshole-ish guys when I was a kid, but it kept me on my toes so I guess that's a good thing.
I'm also tagging people on Wattpad! For Tumblr, I tag: @seductivebuttercreams. Good luck
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Jack Maynard - Flowers
Prompt(s): “Stop being so cute!”
Requested: Yess
Warnings: I don’t think so
A/N: I have a new prompt list check it outttt! Hope you like this!
Word Count: 1171
Heres the prompt list requests are always open
but you can request an imagine without a prompt if you would like xx
Heres where you request x
It was Saturday morning 11:30, “He’ll be here soon” you thought to yourself.
The elevator stopped on the floor you knew the boy with dirty blonde hair lived on. Someone got off the elevator so you were currently all alone and as usual he didn’t turn up until the doors began to shut.
“Almost missed!” He laughed as he ran onto the elevator. 
“So unlike you” You replied and rolled your eyes.
This was the conversation you had almost every Saturday morning since you moved into this apartment block.
“So plans for today?” You asked as the elevator doors closed, like you hadn’t had this conversation a million times and his plan were the same every Saturday. Eat breakfast, go see friends, work then getting really drunk.
Despite talking to him every week the only thing you knew about him was his Saturday routine. Neither of you had ever actually exchanged names.
“Well I was thinking about doing something different today” He laughed “...Yeah never going to happen.”
“May I ask why every time I see you you’re holding a bunch of flowers?” He asked and gestured towards the gorgeous purple flowers you had just bought.
“It’s my thing, I buy a new bunch of flowers every week.” You answered as the elevator doors opened on the ground floor.
“Well see ya” He said as you both got of the elevator.
“Bye!” You replied.
You were stood outside the elevator doors later that day waiting for the it to arrive when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Hey flower girl!” You turn around to see the boy from the elevator with a bunch of people who you were guessing where his friends.
“Hey” You laughed.
“Look I actually have friends” He said and gestured to the people stood with him.
“I’m surprised” You teased which made all his friends laugh.
He smiled.
Then suddenly the elevator doors opened. You all managed to fit into one elevator.
“Hey so I’m having a bit of a party at my apartment at about 10:30, come round?” He asked shyly.
“Sure” You replied.
You were trying to play it cool but really you were really excited to be invited to this party, to get to know him more.
“Cor, Jack on the pull” One of his friends said.
As he was leaving you realised you didn’t know which apartment lived in.
“Wait!” You said loudly and he turned around “Which apartment?”
“Number 44″ He replied as the doors closed between you.
You looked at the clock on your wall and realised it was 11pm. Crap you were late! You quickly shoved on your converse and ran out the door, you hadn’t really dressed up, you were wearing ripped jeans and a cute top.
When you arrived on Jack floor and began walking down the corridor to his apartment you could hear the music that was being blasted.
“Well at least I won’t go to the wrong apartment” You thought.
You knocked on the door and almost as soon as you knocked the door was swung open by Jack who was holding a can of beer and looked tipsy.
“Flower girl! I thought you weren’t coming, it’s my thing to be late no yours!” He laughed.
“I’m fashionably late” You laughed.
“Anyway come in!” He held the door open for you.
You walked in and looked around. There were tons of people dancing, making out, and drinking a lot. There was a ton of alcohol laid out on the kitchen worktops.
“Wow I thought you said a small party?” You laughed, shocked by the amount of people in his small apartment.
“I have a lot of friends” He winked and you rolled your eyes.
He walked into his living room where most of the people were and you followed.
“Hey guys flower girls here!!!” He announced to the room.
“Y/n, my name is y/n” You corrected.
Not many people seemed to care you were there other than the boys you had seen earlier.
“Hey” A few of them said and nodded at you.
“Y/n?” Jack said.
“Yes and you’re Jack right?” You asked.
“How do-” 
“Your friend said earlier, I’m not a stalker I promise” You laughed.
“Well y/n this is Mikey, Joe, Oli, Josh, Caspar, Byron and my brother Conor” He introduced you.
“Wait you guys know each other but you don’t know each others names?” Joe laughed.
“It’s complicated” Jack replied.
“Lets go get you a drink” He said and dragged you towards the kitchen.
That was the first drink of many more. You had a great time, drank a lot and danced with Jack a lot. Jack had drank a lot less than you and was only tipsy. He had said he was trying to be ‘responsible’.
You were currently sat on the sofa and Jack had one arm around you and was holding his phone with the other.
“Why is she staringgg at me?!” You slurred loud enough so the girl that was death glaring at you could hear.
Jack looked up to see who you meant and she looked away.
“Ohh thats Missy, I used to sorta date her, we weren’t really that offical” He explained
“She is death glaring me” You laughed.
“Hey lets go outside” Jack suggested.
“Outside?” You asked 
“The balcony” He said and got up and dragged you with him.
“Okay thennnn” You replied.
You sat down on the floor against the fence thing around the balcony and Jack sat opposite you.
“The suns rising!” He laughed.
“Whattt it hasn’t been that long!” You went to check the time on your phone “Shit where my phone!”
“Here, chill” Jack laughed and pulled our phone out his pocket “ I put my number in it by the way” He winked. Then put your phone back in his pocket.
“Anyway you never told me why you buy flowers every week” He said.
“Ohh yeah. It’s a thing me and my mum used to do. I buy flowers weekly based on what mood I’m in. Flower colours have meaning, they represent different emotions.” You explained.
“Aww stop being so cute! That’s adorable” He chuckled.
“How is that adorable?” You laughed.
“Because it is.” He laughed.
The sunlight hit your eyes, making it difficult for you to see.
“Come sit here” He patted the floor next to him after he saw you squinting to see.
You went over and sat near him.
“Tonights been good” He said.
“Yeah” You replied.
Neither of you said anything for a second. You got lost in his eyes. You saw him glance him at you lips, you leaned in slightly and so did he.
Before you knew it you were kissing. 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His touch leaving your skin tingling. He kissed you soft but passionately. 
You pulled away as the sunlight hit your faces.
“I like you a lot flower girl” He whispered.
“I like you a lot too” You replied.
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buttercreamscenes · 7 years
Three or Four - Conor Maynard
Request: Hi! If you’re able to could I please request an imagine with either Jack or Conor where they have a fight with the reader and if you could base it off the song ‘Wait’ by Maroon 5? A happy ending/fluff would be amazing! I love your writing and this would honestly make my shitty week so much better, much love darl x
Wait by Maroon 5
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
It had been days since you’ve spoken to him and honestly, you didn’t even miss him. It felt like such a weight lifted off your shoulders and any time he’d call, you had no trouble ignoring it. Honestly, he made it easy with the things he had done. You were never one for dramatic scenes or airing your problems out in public but when she showed up and he couldn’t stop looking at her, you couldn’t help yourself.
“Just go be with her, you clearly still have feelings for her!” You yelled to him in the middle of the bar.
You didn’t think it would be this easy to shut him out but you didn’t feel the need to pick up his phone calls or listen to his messages. It was over for you.
“Darling, that dress looks amazing on you.” Your mother said, walking into your childhood bedroom. You had returned home for one of your father’s business parties, something you thought you were done with when you moved to London. “The colour makes your eyes pop nicely.” She said, playing with your hair to make it even more perfect than it already was. You smiled at her and looked over at your phone, rolling your eyes as you saw Conor’s name pop up. “That boy was never good enough for you.” You mother explained as she gave one of her famous dirty looks. “Now hurry up, everyone’s waiting for you downstairs.”
You stared at your reflection as your mother left the room and your phone started buzzing again. He had been calling at least four times a day since you last spoke and every time you ignored his calls, it became easier to pretend you were okay.
“Can you call me please? ‘Cause I wanna be with you.” You rolled your eyes as his message came to an end. You didn’t know whether or not he was trying to convince you or himself at this point.
“Ah, there she is.” Your father said to you as you made your way into the dinning room that was filled with people who thought they were way too posh. “Darling, have some champagne.” He encouraged, handing you a flute. You smiled as you took it, saying hello to some of his business partners before heading towards the window. 
The front yard of your parent’s house was always your favourite thing to look at. It was a view you only wished you could have in the future...well all but one thing. There he was standing in the middle of the unnecessarily long driveway, in jeans and a t-shirt and you couldn’t help but panic. If either your father or mother saw him, they’d freak out.
“Can we talk for a moment?” He asked as you walked towards him, after managing to slip away from the party unnoticed. 
“You can’t be here.” You explained, trying to get him to leave.
“I know, I’m not invited but I’m glad I’m here, okay? I’m tired of holding onto these feelings that I’ve been too afraid to tell you. I know you think I’m a bad guy but I’m not. The reason I kept looking at her was because I was remembering what it was like to be with her-”
“Oh my gosh,” You said, turning around and beginning to walk away.
“Just wait,” He said, taking your wrist in his hand. “I was so unhappy when I was with her; I can’t even explain the way I felt back then. And as I was looking at her, it was reminding me how thankful I am that I’ve got you and that there is no one who has ever made me as happy as you do. Look, I’m not wasted but I’ve had a couple drinks in order to say this to you ‘cause I won’t do it otherwise, I’m in love with you and all this,” He said, motioning to the surrounding areas. “These parties, dresses in colours I’ve never seen on you before and making fun of people who think they’re too posh for...anything isn’t exactly what I want in life but as long as I’ve got you next to me, I’m perfectly content with all of that.”
“You came all this way to tell me that?” You asked, quietly. 
“I came all this way to beg you to forgive me and take me back.” Conor said, stepping closer to you. “Can we work this out?” You looked into the blue eyes that you fell in love with 9 months ago and although you didn’t miss him before, seeing him in person showed you just how much he meant to you and just how much you actually loved him. As you let out a sigh at how stupid you had been, you placed your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
“I love you too.” You whispered against them.
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Drunk Regrets // Conor Maynard
Word Count: 1947
Summary- Never Have I Ever with your best friend let out some unwanted emotions.
Warnings; swear & mention of sex/drinking
A/n; This took so long. I’m so sorry.
Requested; Yes.
req;  Can you write an imagine where Conor and the reader hooked up when they were drunk and started to ignore each other after that. So Jack, unaware of what happened, brings them together to film a dirty Never Have I Ever video, including Caspar, thinking it would be fun. One question is about hooking up with a close friend, and they both answer 'I Have' and glance each other for a second, but Caspar sees and obliviously asks them if they had sex, causing an argument and confessions about feelings.
“Hey Y/N!” Jack said, opening the door wide enough for you to enter. He pulled you into a hug, greeting you happily. “Is it okay if we film a video with Caspar and Conor today? I’ve had a video idea for a while now and it’s rare that I can get one of my best friends, let alone two, and Conor in the same room because of your busy schedules.” He said, and your breath hitched at the mention of Conor. You brushed it off, plastering on a convincing smile and nodding.
You were Jack’s best friend; you’ve known him for years. When you became friends, you were just finishing school, and Conor hadn’t lived in Brighton anymore. He’d already moved at that point. All you knew about him back then, was that he was Jack’s older brother who was a singer. Of course, you’d heard his songs and couldn’t wait to meet him.
However, things didn’t exactly go to plan. He was nice, exactly as you thought. He was talented, exactly as you thought. The thing you didn’t expect? For you to fall head over heels for your best friend’s brother. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want to be that typical girl in the movies who falls for the brother. Unfortunately, it wasn’t your choice who you fall in love with.
Back then, despite your growing feelings, you pushed them away. You were in no way going to jeopardize your relationship with Jack. Not to mention, Conor never showed any signs of liking you back. If he did, it was brief, then he’d return to London, leaving you, Jack, and your feelings, back in Brighton.
Now, things weren’t much different, besides the fact you and Jack lived in London, and Conor was almost always at Jack’s flat. After a few years of learning to hide your emotions, you formed a friendship with Conor; not nearly as strong as the one you have with Jack, but still a strong one. Still, recently something had happened between the two of you, and you couldn’t help but lose control of the wall you’d built of your emotions.
Jack led you into the living area, where he had his camera and lights already set up, ready to go. Conor was sat on the far side of the couch, scrolling on his phone. He had an arm lazily slouched on the backrest of the couch, and a leg folded over the other. You couldn’t help but think he looked really good in that position; the lighting was hitting just the right spots and making him look like a literal angel. (Insert Joe’s intro for Conor here)
Jack sat down next to Conor, making him look up. “Hey Jack.” He greeted, and looked at you. He scanned you up and down, and returned his gaze to his phone. You sighed quietly, sitting down next to Jack and plastering on a smile. If Jack knew anything was wrong, he’d be able to figure it out what happened in an instant. He could read you like a book; Conor as well.
Caspar bounded in, a huge smile on his face as always. He plopped down next to you, greeting you with a side hug. Conor made a sound similar to a scoff and a huff, but played it off as something on his phone, so the boys wouldn’t question it. You however, knew it was directed to you. You rolled your eyes. You were cut out of your thoughts and the quiet by Jack beginning his intro.
“Hello everybody!” He greeted, repeating the same intro you’ve heard many, many times before. “Today, I’m joined with Caspar, Y/N, and my older brother, Conor!” He introduced, the three of you waving along with your name. “Today, these three don’t know it yet, but..” He started and you sighed. “Here we go!” You said, teasingly. “Shut up, Y/N! Anyways, we’re going to be playing Never Have I Ever! All these questions were randomly selected from Twitter, YouTube Comments and Instagram Comments, so let’s get right into it!” Jack said, and you tensed immediately. You calmed yourself, there was no chance of that question coming up. Right?
Wrong. Halfway through the video, all was going well. You didn’t answer too many embarrassing questions, you still had your dignity. That is, until the next question was asked by Jack. “Never Have I Ever hooked up with a close friend.” Jack said, grinning evilly as he held up an ‘I Haven’t.’ Caspar did the same. You gulped nervously, switching your papers so you had an ‘I Have.’ being shown to the camera. Conor did as well.
It was late at night in a random bar in London. To say you were tipsy was an understatement. No, you were full on drunk. The unfortunate part, looking back, was you weren’t quite drunk enough to forget the events of that night. You, somehow in your drunken state, found Conor among the crowd of dancing bodies, grabbing onto him for support. He was as drunk as you were. “Let’s go.” He slurred, pulling you gently through to the doors.
As soon as you left the building, his lips pressed against yours, in a rushed and sloppy kiss. “Come home with me, love.” He said, swaying side to side slightly as he ordered an Uber. You wanted to say no, of course you wanted him to reciprocate the feelings you hid, but not in your drunken state or in this matter. Still, your mind couldn’t process the words so you only nodded, following him into the Uber.
You woke the next morning, only wearing a shirt too big for you; it fell past your thighs. You had a pounding headache. You had no idea where you were, until you looked down at the long shirt. Your breath hitched. You knew this shirt. It was Conor’s. A groan was heard from behind you, and you looked back, startled. Conor furrowed his brows as he let his eyesight adjust to the light, looking at you. When he processed who it was, his eyes widened. “Fuck.”
“This never happened, agreed?” You said, even though you were basically ripping out your own heart with the words that left your mouth. He looked almost hurt, almost, but it disappeared as soon as it came. “Agreed.” He said, sliding out of the bed. You followed suit, collecting and changing back into the previous night’s clothes. You and Conor didn’t speak another word, but you grabbed your stuff and left. You hadn’t talked since.
You glanced over at him quickly, and he did the same. Your eyes connected, and you saw a flicker of nerves run through his eyes. He probably saw the same in yours. You broke eye contact, not wanting to catch the other boys’ attention. Too late. “Wait.. Conor, Y/N?” Caspar asked, suspiciously. Jack looked up from his phone, confused. “Did you two have sex?!” Caspar asked, jumping up in surprise.
You and Conor tensed visibly, causing Jack to give both you two a look. “You slept with my best friend?!” He yelled at Conor, standing up. “And you.. You slept with my brother?!” He yelled at you, causing you to jump in surprise. Jack was hardly ever mad at you; besides the teasing way, of course. You’d seen him at his worse, and at his best, but never have you seen him so.. Protective.
“I can’t believe this..” Jack muttered, running a hand through his hair. “It was a one time thing, Jack.” Conor said, calmly. “Yeah, I wish it wasn’t though..” You muttered, but all three boys heard and looked at you. “Fuck, did I say that out loud?” You asked, cheeks flushing. “Yup.” Caspar said, simply. “Y/N..” Conor said, but you got up and left. “Sorry, Jack.” You said, grabbing your bag and running out the door.
“Wait, Y/N!” Conor said, running after you. “Please, just wait!” “Why, Conor?!” You exclaimed, turning around. “Let me speak!” He huffed, pausing in front of you and hunching over to catch his breath. “I really need to go to the gym more..” He huffed, and stood up to look at you. You were tempted to laugh, but refrained. “You’d think for a singer, you would know how to control your breathing.” You spat. He chuckled, but stopped when he noticed you were waiting, arms crossed, an eyebrow raised.
He sighed. “Look, I’m an idiot okay?” You let out a bitter laugh, your tears blurring slightly. You blinked in an attempt to keep yourself together. You had kept all these feelings for so long, it felt like every little wall or defense you’d put up, had fallen. “You’re telling me.” You spat, looking away, but staying still. As much as you wanted to leave, you cared too much to walk away. “I’ve liked you for years, Y/N. Ever since the day I met you back in Brighton. Jack called me and told me he found someone.. Someone perfect for me,” He paused, as if questioning himself. You motioned for him to continue. “and when I saw you, I knew he was right.” he whispered, and now he was the one looking away, while you couldn’t tear your eyes from him. “Excuse me?” You asked, unsure.
“Y/N, seriously? I love you. I’ve loved you since the first day. You had me wrapped around your finger and I didn’t know your name! I had to leave Brighton for my career, but every time I left I couldn’t help but worry that when I came back, you wouldn’t be there, or you’d be in a relationship with someone else. My biggest fear? That someone else would be Jack. Then two weeks ago, I got everything I ever wanted! We were together, and I loved it! Then you said a few words, and my heart felt like it snapped! You’re the one who wished it never happened!” Conor shouted, and there was now a crowd formed around you, not that you payed any attention to them.
Your tears you so desperately tried to fight trailed down your cheeks, and Conor’s eyes softened. “I wanted to forget it because I’ve dreamed of it for years, Conor.  I always loved you. My biggest hope, it came true. I was scared you’d regret it, I couldn’t take that sort of rejection, Conor. Every time you left Brighton you took a piece of my heart. I hardly had anything holding me together, I only had Jack. Every time I looked at him though, I saw your eyes. Anna too. It was hard, you were gone but still, I saw you everywhere. I pushed away everything to hold myself together.” You said, choking back sobs.
Conor ran over, cupping your face gently and pulling you into a much-needed kiss. You heard a few “awws” and “let’s leave them be” from the crowd, which consisted mostly of elderly people smiling as if they’d done the same all those years ago, (which they probably did, it was a movie cliche), You pulled away, leaning your forehead against Conor’s. “What took you so long?” You whispered, looking into his eyes. “I told you Y/N, I’m an idiot.” He chuckled, and you did too. “Come on, Jack’s gonna worry soon.” You said, slightly pulling away.
Conor grabbed your arm, spinning you gracefully and making you squeal in surprise, spinning your back into his arms, where he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close. “He can wait.” He whispered, kissing you again. You didn’t argue; you were waiting for this for a long time. He was right, Jack could wait.
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High : Jack Maynard Smut
(basically jack & y/n get high and horny)
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You got out of your Uber, walking over to the unfamiliar block of apartments. Your best friend Jack has just moved into his new apartment and so he invited you over to celebrate.
You have both been very close friends for a while now. You met him when he first moved to London, the night he had gone out clubbing to celebrate his move. You both got talking and discovered he only lived down the road from you. Since then, you guys had hung out most days apart from when you’re both busy or Jack goes away.
“Who is it?” You heard Jack’s voice through the little speaker after you had pressed the buzzer for his apartment.
“Who do you think it is?” You laughed.
“I don’t know, one of my tinder girls?” Jack joked. “Come up.”
You laughed at him before walking up the stairs. The apartment block was really nice and you could tell that Jack’s apartment was also going to be lovely. Thinking about Jack’s joke, it really wouldn’t surprise you if Jack did ask one of his tinder girls to come over just hours after he had moved in.
“Hey babe!” Jack greeted you at the door before you could even knock. He was wearing a plain white, long sleeved t shirt and black jeans. He had the happiest grin on his face which made you smile.
“Hi! Nice apartment.” You complimented straight away as he pulled you in for a hug. He smelt like an expensive cologne and weed.
“Thanks, it’s a bit of shit tip right now though.” He laughed, pulling away from you and running a hand through his hair.
You walked further into the room, revealing both the kitchen and living room area. Even though the rooms were joined, it was still pretty big and spacious. It was only Jack living here anyway.
Jack had got all the main things like sofas, TV, kitchen appliances etc it was just little things that he needed to add to the place to make it feel more cosy.
“It’s cold in here so can we chill in my bedroom?” Jack asked, heading off to his bedroom.
“Are you not going to show me around the place?” You laughed, following him.
“It’s not that big. Living room, kitchen, my room, spare room, bathroom. Done.” He pointed to all the doors of the rooms.
“Well, thanks for that.” You laughed, going into his bedroom.
“You’re welcome.” He replied, going to sit back on his bed.
“Jack it stinks of weed in here!” You noticed as soon as you walked in. You knew that Jack smoked weed, but he’s only been here for a few hours.
“Yeah, you interrupted me, I just sparked one up.” He joked before pulling a long blunt from the ashtray.
“You were going to have it without me?” You pretended to be hurt before kicking off your shoes, putting down your bag and climbing onto Jack’s bed next to him.
“Of course not, babe.” He grinned before putting it between his pink lips, inhaling as he closed his eyes. What a sight.
Nothing had ever happened between you and Jack before, but you couldn’t deny he was very good looking. Just watching him now - resting his back against the headboard and blowing out puffs of smoke with messy hair and tired eyes, it really made you appreciate his beauty.
“What are you staring at?” Jack grinned, passing you the blunt.
“You.” You replied, taking a drag.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow. You rolled your eyes at him before laying on his lap.
As you took a few more puffs, you started to get that familiar feeling again.
“I love getting high.” You admitted, handing the spliff back to Jack.
“I can tell,” He laughed. “Your eyes are so red.”
For a little while you and Jack just spoke about life and what you did today etc.
“Can’t you put your phone on silent?” You huffed, annoyed with Jack’s phone as it kept going off every 2 minutes.
“Sorry, its all my tinder girls.” He snorted.
“You’re not even joking, are you?”
“I’m not, but it’s only because I haven’t shagged anyone in ages so I messaged all of them earlier.” He shrugged, throwing his phone to the side.
“What do you class as ‘ages’?” You asked him, looking up at him but still laying on his lap.
“Few weeks.” He shrugged again.
“I guess that is a long time for you.” You agreed.
“Why? How longs it been for you?” He asked, his blue eyes looking rather bloodshot.
“Like, 4 months I think?” You thought about it.
“Fucking hell, Y/N!” He was shocked.
“I don’t see the point in sleeping with random people.” You replied with a sigh.
You both got onto a different subject about Conor’s new music but a weird feeling started to take over your body. When you noticed Jack swipe his tongue out and wet his bottom lip, you realised you were horny. Even worse - Jack was turning you on.
“Are you OK?” Jack asked as you sat up, not wanting to get too close to him. But when he ran a hand through his hair, you could feel yourself getting wet. Fuck.
“M’fine.” You replied, getting very frustrated all of a sudden.
“No you’re not, what’s up?” Jack grabbed your hand, lacing your hands together as you sat next to him.
“What was in that?” You pointed to the ashtray.
“Just weed, why?”
“I feel fucking weird.” You breathed out. You had gotten high many times before, but it has never made you feel this horny before. Even though you felt like you were dreaming, you also felt like you needed someone right now. And that someone was Jack.
Maybe it was because and Jack were talking about sex earlier... Who knows.
“Like what? Are you alright?” Jack looked a bit worried.
“I’m fine, I just...” You were now aching, shuffling a bit on the bed to try and feel some friction against your core.
“What? What are you doing?” He asked.
“Jack.. I feel really fucking turned on right now, I don’t know why.” You weren't really sure why you’d admit that to him but you had bigger problems now.
“Fuck, babe, I hate it when weed does that to you.” Jack let out a laugh.
“You’ve had this before?” You asked him and he nodded. “When? What did you do?”
“Remember that time we were at Joe’s? I got so hard all of a sudden and I really needed to fuck, I rang up this girl called Christina and went over to hers.”
“Oh, that’s why you left.” You understood now.
You couldn’t even help yourself as you started to grind against Jack’s pillow. It’s like you couldn’t control your body anymore.
“Babe, is it really that bad?” Jack asked as he noticed.
“Uh, Jackkkk.” You whined, your soaked core grinding against the soft material. You were so thankful that you were wearing a skirt today.
“Come here.” Jack grinned, patting his lap.
You didn’t have to be told twice. You instantly straddled Jack’s lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Fuck,” You moaned, grinding against Jack clothed thigh. “Is this weird?”
“No, you need me. I’m here for you.” He smiled. “You’re soaked.”
“I know, fucking hell Jack.” You cried out, really needing some relief.
“I hope you don’t regret me doing this, but fuck - You're really turning me on right now.” Jack mumbled before crashing his lips onto yours and grabbing your hips - pushing you onto the bed so he was hovering over you.
His lips were hungry for you and your hands instantly went down to his length, rubbing your hand onto him. Moving your hips upwards, you began to grind against Jack’s semi-hard cock.
“Jack, please.” You mumbled against his lips.
This encouraged him as he then pulled his shirt off, revealing his milky white skin and toned stomach. Within seconds his trousers were gone, then he eyed you.
As he sat up onto his knees at the end of the bed, his hand went into his boxers and he kept eye contact with you. Your mouth watered as he pulled his boxers down, revealing his hard, long cock. He wrapped his hand around his length, pumping himself at the sight of you.
“Fuck, Jack.” You moaned before pulling your shirt over your head and unzipping the front of your skirt - both pieces of clothing going to Jack’s bedroom floor.
“No bra? Naughty girl.” Jack grinned as you were only in your underwear now.
“Get a condom.” You pleaded. Jack reached over to his bedside table and grabbed one. As he did this, you quickly got rid of your underwear leaving you naked and ready for Jack.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck you, you know.” Jack admitted as he rolled the condom onto himself.
“Well do it then.” You whined, sitting up and wrapping your arms around Jack’s neck, pulling him down with you.
You both kissed slowly before Jack slammed into, making you moan out in pleasure. Jack continued with slow, shallow thrusts as he breathed out at the pleasure of being fully inside of you. His lips went to your neck, nipping at your bare skins, guaranteed to leave a mark.
You writhed beneath him, your nails going to his back to relieve some of your sexual frustration. He moved back up to your face, resting his forehead against yours.
Jack completely pulled out of you before he rammed back into you, capturing your moan in his mouth as he captured your lips between his. He made his thrusts a little shallower so that he had room to slide his hand down between your bodies and toy with you clit, adding more pressure towards the pit of your stomach - where you could feel your orgasm was forming.
Jack tilted himself up a little bit, bucking his hips again and caused you to gasp as he hit your spot, almost sending you completely over the edge.
“Jack, baby...” You moaned out, and he knew. He knew you were close.
“Cum for me, babe..” He mumbled into your neck, picking up the pace of his thrusts entirely.
You threw your head back against the pillow and cried out in pleasure. This was the most intense orgasm you have ever had and you didn’t know whether it was from the weed or because of Jack.
Within seconds after you had hit your high, Jack joined you as he released into  condom.
A few minutes had passed and Jack layed down next to you on the bed catching his breath.
“This isn’t going to create weird vibes between us now, is it?” Jack asked.
“Nope. I just really needed you. That’s it.” You clarified.
“And it was great sex, may I add.” He grinned, taking your hand. “Feel free to get desperate for my cock again.”
You laughed, already knowing you and Jack were going to sleep together again... Because who would deny sex when it was that good?
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fanficaddict-ed · 7 years
South African Sandwich: (Part 2)- Caspar Lee, Josh Peters (smut)
"What the actual fuck?" My head snapped towards the voice. The door was wide open with light spilling around the figure standing in the door frame. I half sighed half groaned in relief.
"Oh thank god you’re here Josh." I grab onto the back of Caspar's neck to try and steady myself. "You’ve got to help me out here." I breathed out.
"What do you mean? Why are you still fucking I'm literally standing right here?" Even in the dark I could see Josh turning as red as his hair.
"He's asleep and I don’t want to wake him up because I heard that people can die if they are woken up." I could sense Josh's eyes staring at my exposed breasts.
"What the fuck am I meant to do?!" Josh's voice rose an octave as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I don't know pull him out of me for one!" Josh's face fell.
"He's inside you?" He shuffled from one foot to the other.
"Yes, he's inside me! He's penetrating my vagina with his cock and as pleasurable as that is right now I don’t particularly enjoy taking advantage of drunk, unconscious men!" Caspar continued at his fast speed causing my eyes to roll back into my head. "Oh fuck me…"
"I'm not touching my best buddies cock." Josh decided, only slightly edging towards the bed.
"Yeah well I've done more than touch it so I'm sure you can sacrifice your ego for one minute." Josh opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it. Slowly shuffling his way over to the bed, he approaches Caspar.
"Casp, wake up." He said lightly.
"You don't think I've already tried that you idiot?"
"I'm trying my hardest." Josh growled. Caspar proceeded to push my leg further increasing the angle at which he was penetrating me. Breathing out in short sharp breaths I smacked my hands down on the bed and grasped at the sheets. A wave of tingles ran through my nether region. Seconds after my body ran cold then hot before a sweet release. I convulsed slightly underneath his body as wave after wave of pleasure ran throughout my system, my mouth slightly open and eyebrows furrowed. Caspar was still aimlessly pounding into me. Slightly coming down from  my high I regain a somewhat normal breathing pattern before remembering Josh was still in the room.
"Did you-Did you just… umm." He stuttered out. I noticed that he was slightly covering his groin.
"Josh now is not the point in time to be turned on by me." He coughed in response and crossed his legs as he sat on the very edge of the bed. "Can you try and pry him off of me?"
Josh jumped off the bed and wrapped his arms around Caspar.
"He won't budge." Josh gave one more tug before coming and laying down next to me. "I'm sorry y/n."
I watched Josh as he laid next to me. Now that I really looked at him, he was extremely attractive and I could find mysef growing even more wet at the sight of Josh's visible bulge. I received an idea and looked at Josh straight in the eyes. I felt his eyes meet mine.
"What?" He said cautiously.
"Josh I have an idea, but I need you to trust me." I held his gaze as he nodded slowly.
"Well if we can get him off faster, the faster he will ignore me. So we need to get him off quicker."
"And what does that have to do with me?" Josh asked. I gave him a reassuring smile before continuing.
"Help me get off." His eyes bugged out.
"You want me to do it?" He guffawed.
"Well yes." I smiled at him. He rolled back onto his back and contemplated for a minute. I reached over and rested my hand on his chest.
"Please Josh." I moaned out as I could feel Caspar's pace pick up again. He faced me again.
"How do you like it?" I smiled at him.
"Anyway, just touch me." I closed my eyes and reached behind to unclasp my bra and throw it away. I feel a hand start to creep down my navel and slowly inched closer to my bundle of nerves.
"Are you sure?" The hand slowly came to a standstill. Breathing out irritatedly, I rolled my head to the side to watch him.
"Yes now hurry up before I do it myself." The hand still refused to move so I decided to take measures into my own hands. Reaching over I grabbed at Josh's groin and gave a tight squeeze to encourage him. I could hear him take a sharp intake followed by a small squeak at the back of his throat. "You get me off, I'll reciprocate. How about that?" I felt his package swell after my words followed by a small thrust and growl.
Josh gave a small hum of satisfaction before continuing to grind into my open palm. He rolled over slightly so that his side was facing me. I felt my eyes flutter closed and mouth part as Josh's warm fingers slithered further down my navel, past my pubic bone and finally entering my soft pink lips. His touch, so gently, started to accumulate all of my wetness and swirled his fingers around my sensitive nub. I could feel his hot shallow breath against my neck as his fingers slowly started to pick up their pace. Swirling, pressing, loving. As much as I loved this slow paced devotion to my body, I wanted it rougher.
"Be mean with me Josh, give it to me hard…" I breathed out. Suddenly a low growl escaped the back of his throat before he leant down and pulled my face towards his, his fingers coming to a stop. My eyes widened in shock at this sudden change in demeanor. Our eyes held contact before he slowly leant down and started to close in on my exposed breasts. I watched mesmerised as his tongue darted out of his luscious lips, before lowering himself to my nipple.  I felt the warmth wetness of his tongue come into contact with my erect nipple as it gave a long lick. I arched my back as shivers ran down it from the erotic gesture.
"Josh…" I moaned softly as I reached out and grabbed his cock through his jeans. A sharp gasp escaped my lips as I felt Josh clamp over my nipple with his teeth, totally encapsulated by his mouth. His fingers started to move once again but more harshly this time that left me writing on the bed sheets. His sucking became stronger and stronger until it felt as though he could lift up my whole body purely with his mouth. My free hand ran through the short length of his hair from his forehead to the nape, urging him to continue. I could still feel Caspar above me rocking at a slow monotonous pace.
"Please, Josh…" I felt him quicken his pace as his mouth then latched onto my other breast and repeated the same torturous process. I reached with my other hand to try and unbuckle his pants to try and release his hot length. Realising what I was doing, Josh released his hold on my nipple and fumbled to undo his pants eagerly. He stood up and ripped off his shirt like a horny teenage boy before yanking his pants down and disregarding them across the room.
 Josh stood there side of the bed cock bobbing up and down from his sudden movements and I couldn't help but stare in awe and lust.
  Josh's POV
Gosh, I had no control. Just watching her being fucked by my best friend made me so fucking horny. And I just rubbed her clit. I absentmindedly rubbed my fingers together and sure enough her wetness was still there. The smell of sex was pungent in the air causing my dick to twitch a little. I was mesmerised and I couldn't move. I am about to fuck this godess. This had to be the most memorable night of my life. I was brought back to life when y/n and Caspar suddenly changed positions so that Caspar was now fucking her from behind while she rested on all fours. A loud groan came out of my mouth at the thought of what I could do to her. Y/n was obviously quite shocked at the sudden change but soon could be seen rolling her eyes into the back of her head, bouncing back off of Caspar's pelvis. I reached down and subconsciously started to stroke my dick to release the pressure of my tight balls. Moans and groans were now being hummed from all three as each of them pleasured themselves. Y/n looked up at me through her lashes and beckoned me forward.
"Come here." She indicated with two fingers. Slowly I inched forward and came within 30cm radius of her. Her smile lit up her face as she peered at me. Her tongue cautiously exited her mouth and reached out towards my hard, waiting cock. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she kitten licked my bulbous tip. I shuddered slightly as she continued her assault on my cock by licking it from base to tip and back and forth. It felt glorious, her moist tongue slid over my smooth cock with ease. I was taken aback when she engulfed half of my cock in one go. She then proceeded to bob her head back and forth over my sensitive length. By then I was rock hard and I was almost ready to let go. She took me out of her mouth and grabbed it with a free hand before looking up at me and taking a big walloping spit onto my knob. I almost came just watching her do that. She pumped me more before taking me back into her mouth and deep throating me. I couldn't take my eyes away as I watched her nose touch my ginger bush.
 I heard a sudden mewl and as I looked up Caspar was kneeling behind her, fist wrapped around his cock as he jerked off violently. Y/n soon realised that Caspar was no longer inside of her as she released me from her mouth with a pop and turned her head around to watch him. There was a look of total concentration on Caspar's face before a gutteral groan escaped his lips and long streams of white cum fell onto Y/'s plump ass. I couldn't take my eyes off the shiny white substance on her backside. Once Caspar was finished he collapsed onto the other side of the bed and began snoring again. Both y/n and I turned back to each other and stiffled a laugh. As the humour wore off we soon began to realise the situation we were in.
"Sooo." I drawled out, scratching the back of my neck trying to avoid eye contact.
"Ready for round 2?" I turned around to her gobsmacked. I watched the wicked smirk fill her features before laying down next to a sleeping Caspar. "Come on buddy what happened to I'll get you off, you get me off?"
I looked down at her beautiful supple body finally being able to take in her beauty before resting on her face. My face mirroring hers.
"Well, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting then." I smirked before advancing on her gorgeous body.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Always Working || Jack Maynard
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.2k+
A/N: queueing this for when i’m taking some time off, enjoy loves xo
“Oi, oi! Here she is!” Mikey cheers as you walk around the corner and into the open plan apartment that your brother had moved into a few months previously.
You motion to the phone you were holding up to your ear and mouth a silent sorry before walking into the kitchen and flicking on the kettle, rolling your eyes to yourself as you patiently listen to your assistant ramble on about something she’d scheduled for you.
“You want me to list all the dates?”
With a tired sigh, you nod your head as if she wasn’t on the other side of London before rubbing your chin and nodding. “Yeah, sure. I’m putting you on speaker.” You quickly pull the phone away and place it on the counter, putting it on speaker and turning up your volume before turning around and continuing to make your drink as she cleared her throat and begin to read out the list.
As you stirred your coffee, Joe threw his controller onto his coffee table and stood up, kicking Oli’s legs out of the way before he walking into his kitchen and nudged you gently. You smile up at him slightly before turning your attention back to your phone and furrowing your brows at her words. “I don’t like the idea of the meeting being held on a Tuesday; it’s really inconvenient for most of my team. Could we get that changed?”
“I’m sure I can work something out.” She agrees speedily, eager to please. “I think that’s all I needed from you for now.”
“Thanks, love.” You smile politely, ending the phone call and immediately after yawning loudly, throwing your head back and running your hand through your hair. You take a small sip of your coffee before putting the mug in the sink and giving your brother a hug. “Sorry I’m late, the underground was absolutely jam packed and my uber driver didn’t know his hand from his ass.” You exhale loudly, and Joe simply rolls his eyes and pulls a beer out of his fridge as you lean back against the counter.
“Shut up, you’re literally five minutes late.” He snorts in amusement.
You shrug carelessly, turning on your heel and walking into the adjoined living room and smiling at all of the boys widely as you collapse onto Jack’s lap with a sleepy yawn. “Hey sluts.”
Multiple different responses were thrown her way, most halfhearted as they all continued to stare intently at Joe’s TV screen. You rolls you eyes and turn to look at Jack, kissing him softly as he hums and smiles at you. “How was your day?”
“Busy.” You frown, sitting up a little straighter in his lap and running your hand through his hair. “Did you manage to film?”
“Mhm. We played Cards Against Humanity, youtuber edition.” He grins, and you can’t help but laugh just imagining some of the questions and responses the boys would’ve come up with.
“Sounds dirty.” You smirk, and Mikey looks up from his phone and nods with a very Mikey like smile on his face. “Get up to anything else today?”
“Not really.” He shakes his head. Pulling you closer to his chest as Joe walks back into the area, tossing you the TV controller with a playful wink; knowing just how much you hated watching the football.
You fiddle with the controller for a second, not pressing any buttons and simply chewing on your bottom lip silently. You couldn’t stop thinking about everything that was going on at work, that alongside the fact that you’d had to cancel four meetings today after finding out that your visa had run out without you even realising.
Joe’s the first to realise how quiet you’re being, and maybe it was something to do with what Zoe had labeled your ‘weird twin senses’, but somehow he could just tell that you weren’t as constant as usual. “(Y/N), what’s going on?”
You look up from the controller in surprise and scrunch up your face in his direction as Jack frowns behind your head and tightens his hold on your waist. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m okay. Like I said earlier, I’ve just had a really busy day.”
Mikey looks at you. “Corr, you look exhausted (Y/N).”
“Thanks.” You smile at him sarcastically for a second before sighing and sinking back into Jack’s chest. “M'tired.”
He looks down at you, worry etched onto his features as he pushed some strands of your hair out of your face and traces the dark circles under your eyes that had become visible throughout the day as your makeup rubbed away. “Babe, when was the last time you got a proper night’s sleep? And don’t lie to me, because you know I can tell.”
You puff out your cheeks in thought for a moment before scrunching your face up into a yawn, causing the concern on each of the boys faces to grow. “I can’t remember, Jack. But I’m fine, okay? I knew what I was getting myself into when I started this business, and I can handle it.”
Your twin looks at you and nods. “We know how capable you are, (Y/N), don’t ever doubt that. But when you come home every night exhausted but still don’t give yourself time to relax and continue to work even when you’re supposed to be sleeping; that’s when we have a right to get worried.”
“He’s right, babe.” Jack adds, causing you to look up at him with a frown. “You work so hard every single day, and compared to you, we do shit all. That’s why I love when you come home at night, so I can look after you and show you how loved and appreciated you are after a really long day. But you don’t let me do that, because all you do is worry about work.”
You part your lips to come up with an excuse, something to make it sound like you were right, but as you think about it, it slowly starts to sink in that actually, they were right. But the truth was, you didn’t know how to turn your brain onto 'home mode’, or at least, you’d never tried.
You think about it for a second, before you look up at them all and bite your lip hesitantly. “Maybe I could take the day off tomorrow, and we could all do something together? I’ll pay, of course, it’ll be like my treat for ignoring you all for the past few months.” You smile and stand up from Jack’s lap after kissing him quickly on the lips. Walking over to your brother, you sit down next to him and snuggle into his side. “You really think I’ve been pushing myself too hard?”
“Yeah.” He nods, as a matter of fact, and you exhale slowly before nodding in understanding. “Also, just curious, is there any way that you could get some time off soon and come back to Wiltshire to spend some time with Dad? He misses you.”
“That sounds really nice, actually.” You smile up at him, and he beams back down at you, pulling you into an obnoxiously tight hug that left you gasping for air.
The boys all laugh at your expense, and you look over at Jack and poke your tongue out at him, though you can’t help the loving glint in your eyes as you glance around the room at all of those boys who you loved and cared about so much and yet had been pushing away unwittingly for the last few months.
You were glad to be home.
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maynardtrash · 7 years
Happy Hour~Jack Maynard
A/N: eyo more imagines this week wassup. this was requested idk how long ago sorry dood
     I polished some rocks and martini glasses quickly to keep up with the crowd. The club I bar tended at was unusually packed tonight and I didn’t have a single idea as to why. It’s not like it was some dive bar, but it wasn’t exactly a modern night club. It was a just your average bar, yet the usual manageable crowd were now an explosion of mostly women, some looked questionably younger than the legal age limit. I turned to my co-worker for some answers. “Steve,” I said, getting his attention. 
     “What’s up, (Y/N)?” he asked, irritation and exhaustion threaded in his voice.
     “Is there a specific reason we have such a large crowd tonight?”
     “Yeah. There’s some YouTube dude coming to perform. Popular with the ladies, if that wasn’t clear.” I huffed in disbelief. I had somewhat of a disdain for youtubers. In my mind, they were popular assholes that piqued in middle school. They displaced their unhealthy and immature attitudes into their shitty videos. Their “sketches” just highlighted the existence of rape culture and excessive toxic masculinity. “What’s his talent, then?” I asked Steve. “Pranks? Stand-up ‘comedy’?”
     “Singing, actually,” Steve answered, chuckling slightly at the latter question. “And I think he’s pretty good.”
     “Then I guess I have to take your word for it.” We continued to try to quench the mass crowd, but I knew they were thirsty for something else once the main act came out on stage. They rushed to the stage, screaming. My eyes widened at the behavior of these grown women. I was taken aback by how they were acting. This was just some guy, and they were all at least 18 from what I knew. Then he began to sing. The passion he put into the music, the strength in his voice. I felt almost hypnotized. “He is pretty good,” I spoke up after being distracted for so long. 
     “You in love?” Steve teased. I scrunched my nose and shook my head. “Not my type,” I said. “His voice is beautiful though.” I continued to watch his set in between the now occasional customer. Just like me, the people in the crowd were just as enchanted watching the performer. At the end of the set, he took a bow and smiled at the crowd. “Thank you, everyone!” he exclaimed through the mic. “My name is Conor Maynard, and that’s all time we have!” 
     “Conor Maynard,” I thought. “Gotta remember that.”
     “But, before I go, I’d like to thank my brother Jack for DJ-ing!” Conor then went to the back of the stage to bring his brother into the front hot lights. Once Jack stepped out from the shadows, the crowd went wild again and my jaw dropped. He was a lean hunk of man, and I wanted a nice, healthy bite. “Now you’re in love,” Steve chimed in, interrupting my dirty thoughts. I shot him a dirty look and an evil smirk. “You stay out of this!” I scolded him. “This is between me and my perverted mind!” He laughed at my response and handed a scantily clad girl a drink. He made some quick shots, placed them on a tray, and handed them off to me. “Well, I guess this is destiny,” he said, lifting the tray to refer to it. “Your stud and his clearly invisible brother ordered these. Go to the back room and deliver them.” I quickly yet carefully grabbed the tray and rushed to the back.
     I entered to find Jack holding a camera up and talking to it. “A youtuber,” I thought. “Not the best, but he’s cute enough to make up for it.” I knocked on the open door and smiled. “A little present from the club,” I said, placing the shots on the vanity. “Aww, hell yeah!” Conor cheered as he walked over to the tray. Conor’s cheer got the attention of his older brother. Jack came gliding over and gave me a smirk. “Thanks, love,” he said in a flirty tone. 
     “Anything for the greatest duo I’ve seen play here,” I replied coyly. 
     “Oh, stop,” Jack responded bashfully. “You’re probably just saying that.”
     “Maybe I am. Anything to get you to talk to little ol’ me.”
     “You don’t need to do much more to impress me.” We shared a longing expression. We were then interrupted by the sound of mock gagging. “For fuck’s sake, get a room!” Conor shrieked. Jack laughed and I went along with it, but I was a little startled. “Shall we get a room?” Jack asked.
     “I don’t know,” I said hesitantly. “I am on the clock.”
     “Eh, the crowd’s probably clearing out as we speak. They’ll be fine without you.” I just stood for a moment, then put my tray down. “What the hell,” I said with a shrug. Jack’s face lit up as I ushered him to the other dressing room across from the one in use. “But no funny business!” I scolded, wagging my finger at him. “I know your type all too well, Mr. Maynard.”
     “No promises,” he responded with a wink. I just shook my head as I was bursting internally. 
     We sat next to each other on the soft couch and talked. That’s all we really did. We talked until 3 in the morning when my coworker found us. “Alright you two!” he warned playfully. “I better be able to take a black light to that couch after you guys leave!” It was my turn to giggle at the niche humor and for Jack to laugh nervously. As we collected our things, we exchanged numbers, and I had never been happier to deliver shots to someone.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Fixed - final part
Fixed - part 2/2 | Jack Maynard | Imagine Word count: 2986 Request: Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a tickle fight? | Can you do a jack one? A/N: This imagine is inspired by Fixed by New Hope Club! Thank you for those whom asked me this! I loved write this one, so if you have something in mind about Jack, be my guest: requests are open! If you don’t remember the first part, let me refresh your memory in here! Bye bye sweeties! See you soon! You can find my other Buttercream Squad stuff in here | Requests are open
        “Conor…” You started speaking to the phone.
        “Hi, Y/N!” He picked up. “How are you?”
        “Fine. You?”
        You bit your lip, hesitating. “Ok, so, please, don’t freak out, but I…”
        “Kissed my brother?”
        “Hum… Yes?”
        “Yeah, Jack told me.”
        “Oh, the bastard! I wanted to tell you myself.”
        “So… Are you ok?”
        “Yes.” You knew Conor were only asking because the last thing he wanted was stay between you and Jack or, worst, have to choose one of you. “We are not serious or anything. I mean, fine, we spent the night together and, oh boy, he doesn’t have the reputation he has out of nothing, you know…”
        “Y/N, you’re still talking about my brother, please, stop.”
        You laughed. “We are fine, Con.”
        “Great then. I’m really happy for both of you. I mean, Jack is a player and you are one too. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
        “We won’t.” You assured.
        “So…” Jack started saying, sat on the sofa by your side.
        It was Saturday. Jack arrived at your place by morning and you decided to watch a film after lunch.
        “So…?” You encouraged him to continue, not really paying attention in what he was about to say because you were watching the movie.
        “You met Andrew yesterday.” He pointed out.
        “Yes.” You smiled, seeing where the conversation was going.
        “And how it went?”
        “Since when are you interested on my love life?”
        “Since you decided to kiss dickheads.”
        “I don’t kiss dickheads, moron.” You pushed him softly. “I mean, I kissed you, didn’t I?”
        “Yeah.” Jack gave a smirk. “But, first: I don’t throw up if I’m insecure; Second: I’m a great kisser.”
        You laughed. “I don’t know… Andrew is a pretty good kisser too…” You teased.
        Jack looked at you astonished. “What?” He turned his body to you, not starring the TV anymore. “Are you saying I am not the best kiss you had on your entire life?”
      “You are so convinced of yourself.” You rolled your eyes, knowing he was only kidding.
      “Oh, am I?” Jack asked, approaching you.
      You started giggling. “Yes…”
      “You just love to play with fire, don’t you, Y/N?” He asked, his hands getting closer to your body.
      You were laughing as if Jack were already tickling you. “Jack…”
      He started tickling you for real, you couldn’t breathe.
      “Say who was your best kiss, Y/N.” He ordered.
      “No!” You exclaimed, laying down on the sofa with Jack on top of you.
      “You don’t want to admit it to me? Fine. I will just continue to tickle you then.”
      “Jack!” You whined.
      “Say, Y/N.”
      “Ok, ok! I’ll say it, I’ll say it.”
      He stopped and you smirked.
      “Say…” He suggested.
      “I will! But…”
      “I will start tickling you again, Y/N.” He threatened.
      “No!” You protested laughing. “I will say you are the best at kissing, however I’m not sure of it.” You smiled your flirty smile. “I think I need a test proof.” You argued and Jack responded to your actions by bending down.
      “You think so?” He teased when his lips were almost touching yours.
      “Yes.” You told.
      Without a shadow of a doubt Jack was the best kisser ever. The way he moved had the right precision and the right speed and, when he bit your lips, he almost drove you insane. This kiss thought wasn’t for real. It took all your strength to concentrate and move your hands to fit your original purpose: In the middle of the kiss, you started tickling Jack.
      “Y/N!” He complained while laughing and getting out of the sofa. “You play dirty!”
      You couldn’t stop laughing. “You should know that by now.” You teased with a wink.
      “We need to have a little chat, young lady.” Jack declared, turning the TV off.
      “We need?”
      “Yes, we do.” He affirmed. “A little chat on your bedroom.”
      You gasped. “Jack!”
      “Come on, on your way.” He started lift you up. “We have some business to solve.” He told and started tickling you again while carried you through the apartment.
      Jack was kissing a random girl on one corner of the club. The music was loud and there was one of the only places that were empty enough to fit both of them.
      “Yeah, not quite like that, love.” He said, pushing the girl away. “You need to…” Grab my hair, scratch my back, move your hips. That was how Jack would be addicted to a kiss, that was how he would be crawling for more, that was how… His eyes glimpsed you on the dance floor. That was how you kissed him. And drove him crazy. “Excuse me.” He asked before walking away and letting the girl alone.
      Your hair flew everywhere and you had a wide smile on your face, after all it was your favorite song playing at the club. You always loved when the right music came out, it gave you confidence and you would be even more excited than you normally was. When it was your music through the speakers, you could have the whole crowd staring at you that you wouldn’t even care.
      Jack went to you, interrupting your dance moves. Without saying a single word, he pulled you to him and gave you a kiss, a profound one, not only catching you by surprise because of the moment but also because of the intensity. He proved that sweet naughty kiss only you could give, the one he missed if he didn’t taste it every day.
      “What was that for?” You asked laughing when you finished kissing.
      He was looking at you, noticing how your eyes shinned. “I don’t know.”
      “When will you give up in going out with him?” Jack asked you with an arm around your shoulder.
      You were at the supermarket doing your food shopping for the week. Jack was at your place and agreed to go with you.
      “Stop being against Andrew.” You asked while you were choosing what type of bread you wanted. “He is a really nice guy, you know.”
      “What I know is that he throws up more than the average people.” Jack teased.
      “Oh my God, when you will give up remembering this?” You complained, putting the package on your basket and walking through the shop.
      “Maybe when you admit to yourself he is just a route mistake you made.”
      “What if he is the one for me?” You asked going to pay your stuff.
      “He isn’t.” Jack said.
      “How can you be so sure of that?” You raised an eyebrow and putted your shops on the bags, Jack helped you carry those.
      “Well, if he is the one for you, why you keep liking going to clubs and being with other people?”
      “We agreed we would take things easy, Jack.” You told going out of the supermarket and walking through the street. “I am fine with the things now and he is too. We don’t need to rush.”
      “That’s what I’m saying, Y/N.” He pointed out. “If he is the one, you shouldn’t want to be with anyone else besides him and, let’s face it, you and me make out more than you and him.”
      You laughed. “So what are you suggesting? That you are my true love?”
      “Who knows? Maybe I am”
      You rolled your eyes. “You go out with more girls in one week than I go out with boys in one month, Maynard.”
      “Yeah…” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s quite boring wait for you to realize I’m the only one, Y/N. You’re quite slow, you know?”
      “Yeah, ok, Jack.”
The fact: Last week
        You were craving for a cupcake after seeing Zoella’s Insta story. She was having a lovely lunch and had a marvelous dessert, so you decided go get one for yourself before losing your mind.
      You and Jack now were boyfriend and girlfriend, though only the close friends knew that. It was a bit hard date a youtuber and with everything going on in your lives, like his channel growing and you having your college stuff, you didn’t want any pressure about having a relationship open to the public eye.
        “Y/N! You heard someone calling you and looked around the shop, trying to discover who the source of it was. “Over here!”
        You were about to pay your order, Brittany, an old friend, was sit on a table on the other side of the place. You waved at her and she went towards you.
        “Hey, Britt.” You smiled to her.
        “Hey girl! How are you?”
        “Fine.” You thanked the employee that was charging your order. “What about you? I saw you went to Spain last week.”
        “Yes, I went!” She smiled. “It was amazing! I’m starting to have a thing for that country. I know it’s my philosophy never go to a place twice until I complete my wish list, but it was so pretty in there!” You laughed at her enthusiasm, was really cute.
        “It seemed really nice. I loved your pictures on Instagram.”
        “But, girl! This is not about me! I mean, yeah, I went traveling and it was amazing, but I heard you are dating Jack Maynard! Is it true?”
        You blushed. “Yeah, we are kind of hanging out together…”
        “Are you crazy or something?” She asked. “You two look adorable, I get it, but you know how that worked out to Shelly.”
        You felt like Britt has just punched you on your stomach. Shelly was Jack’s ex girlfriend. You met Jack when they were broke up already and you never really thought about it.
        “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Britt apologized. A little late for that now, love. “I really think you two make a beautiful couple, Y/N.” She took your hand into hers. “I’m worried because I think you deserve more than a cheater.”
      You knew Britt considered cheaters the worst specie on the planet, she was cheated once and never wished that for anybody else. You knew that she was only saying that because she was in fact afraid of you getting hurt.
      What Britt didn’t knew though, was that you never thought about Jack being a cheater. You forgot it. You knew he was, but you completely disassociated him from that image. Now, it hit you.
      “That’s fine.” You forced a smile and took the cupcake you ordered. “I gotta go now, but I see you around, right?”
      “Text me if you need anything, Y/N.” She asked, realizing the mess she made. “I’m really sorry.”
      “It was good, Britt.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I just needed a little remind of one of the reasons why I avoid Jack Maynard at the first place.”
        You sighed, finally sitting on your sofa. You were really tired of thinking about that subject by yourself. It was burning your mind, corroding your thoughts, eating you inside out.
      You always knew Jack wasn’t the type of settle down. He went to a club, kissed a few girls on the same night, and then chose one to go home. You were alright with this fact, after all, you hooked up with a considerable amount of people at the same night too… But you never cheated.
      Cheating was something you always felt it would be horrible to do. It was something worst than a heartbreak, it was humiliating. Not only the person who promised to be faithful to you had broken this vow, but he/she chose to kiss another, thinking he/she was better than you.
      You get that the feeling of cheating should be amazing. Being with someone while having another waiting for you? It sounded really powerful and seductive. However, how you could handle the guilt afterwards? How could you look at your boyfriend/girlfriend knowing you did that to him/her?
      And, you couldn’t argue: Everybody knew your boyfriend was a cheater.
      Jack sat next to you.
      “I don’t want to be the insecure girlfriend who doesn’t let her boyfriend have night outs or stuff like that. I’m fine with you going out with the boys and everything, but honestly? I can’t say I’m not worried. I love you, but since last week, I have trouble sleeping.” You admitted.
      “Why since last week? I didn’t even go out last week.”
      You bit your lip. “Okay. I might have met Britt and she remembered me about Shelly.” You confessed.
      It was Jack’s turn to sigh. “I knew it.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I knew something triggered you.”
      “But it doesn’t matter, Jack!” You exclaimed. “You don’t understand? I sincerely don’t know how to deal with it.”
      “What are you trying to say? Do you want to break up?” He asked, looking at you afraid of the answer.
      “The last thing I want to do is break up with you, however it’s not because of it I won’t. I won’t wait for you to get sick of me and throw me away.”
      “Y/N…” He exhaled. “I will never get sick of you.”
      “How can you say that? How can you be sure of it? I doubt you didn’t like Shelly before you went sleep with other.”
      “It wasn’t like this.” He defended himself.
      “But you cheated her anyway, Jack.” You could feel the pain throbbing in your heart. “I love you, but I can’t handle this, babe.”
      He took a deep breath. He needed to say something because he felt you slipping through his fingers and he would never forgive himself if he let you go away just this easy.
      “Y/N, look.” He said, taking your hands into his and looking into your eyes. You were almost crying when saw that beautiful pair of jewels staring at you. “I won’t lie to you, ok?” Your heart started racing. “I am not good at relationships. I probably will forget our date anniversary and eventually gonna say something I won’t think about and hurt you and be stupid and stuff like that. But honestly? I won’t cheat at you.”
      “I know you and me seems something that came out of nothing for you, that we were really casual and, suddenly, we weren’t. But for me, it wasn’t like this that things happened.” He told you. “It started really calm, really quiet. I flirted with you for the first time and you blushed, something that I found really cute. Then I was noticing how beautiful you are every time you would hang with Conor and we started talking about the most silly things like ‘I hope the club won’t be crowded’ and shit like that when we met because we didn’t know each other.” He gave a soft smile when the memories invaded his mind and then again he was serious as you two were on the edge.
      “When I started flirting for real, you showed me that you weren’t an only-blush girl: You shutted me down every single time because you thought it was nothing, that I was doing that just because I wanted to bang you. And let me be honest with you now: I only wanted to bang you really.” You let a little laugh escape and he smile from seeing you better, a little relief coming to his heart. “But you didn’t let me, because you were worried about how it would affect you friendship with my brother and, in the extent to which our conversations evolved, my heart would race a little more when you showed up.” You felt your feelings squash inside you. “Since our first kiss I knew something would be different. I didn’t know what exactly, but it would. It felt so… Real.”
      “I was chilled about how things were, even with the Andrew guy around.” You rolled your eyes, Jack couldn’t let Andrew go. “Don’t roll your eyes to me, okay? It’s real. You never saw me in that state. Honestly, I don’t want to go back for that either. Not because I would get more drunk than ever or because I would be with any girl that showed up, but because it would mean we would break up and it is something I never, never, want to do, Y/N.” Your heart broke seeing him say that in that way, it was something that you never knew Jack felt and never knew he was able to feel.
      “You have your doubts, I get it. You can call me a dick if you want to, Y/N,  but I didn’t even care about Shelly. I thought I liked her, but now I know I didn’t and I’m fucking in love with you, Y/N.” You felt your breath escape through your lips. “It isn’t something I was looking for, I admit it too, but it happened and now I don’t know how I would work things out in my life without you. You put everything in balance.” He caressed your cheek. “I know words are only words and it is not much however I need you to trust me when I say that I won’t cheat on you.”
      His blue eyes were staring at you with such intensity, as if his whole soul was depending of your answer. He looked anxious and scared, but also relieved. You didn’t have doubts at all in that moment.
      “Why you didn’t tell me this before?”
      “I thought it was quite obvious.” Jack said, turning shy.
      “Silly.” You hugged him, finally crying. “I’m sorry, I was such an ass in the past week. I didn’t want to though.”
      “That’s alright, babe.”
      “I love you. I’m so afraid of you breaking me. I’m not sure I will be able to recover if you break me.” You confessed.
      “You won’t need to.” He promised, holding you tight.
      “Thank you.” You said breaking the hug.
      Jack smirked exactly how he did before kissing you for the first time: “You’re welcome.”
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iheartmyyoutubers · 7 years
Not So Rude Awakening- Jack Maynard Imagine
Word Count: 1,164
Request:  Hey🌸 I was wondering if you could write one where jack and y/n accidentally set their alarm earlier than they had to so they just cuddle and talk until they actually have to get up? 
~~~ *Alarm obnoxiously beeping*
You lift your head groggily in haze, unsure where you were. Only to realize it was Monday morning and you had to get ready for work. You went to roll out of bed, but you felt yourself being tugged back down onto the mattress. You looked back to see you blonde, bed headed boyfriend pulling on your arm.
“Jack come on! I have to get up. I can’t be late!” you said, trying to escape his embrace. It was no use, he was stronger than you. He tightly brought your body over to his.
“No sorry. You’re not allowed to leave. Call in sick. We need to have cuddles.” he groaned, wrapping his arms around you.
“Jack seriously? I promise we can cuddle when I get home, but I really have to go.” you whined, trying to roll over off the bed.
Jack just pulled you back, “No.” he pouted, giving you puppy dog eyes.
His face met yours, playfully attacking you with kisses. He started from your neck, then moved up to your cheeks until he reached your lips.
You giggled as you felt his morning stubble against your face. “You’re cute babe. As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, I can’t. And if I don’t get up and get going, I’m going to have to go to work in my nighty.”
He looked you up and down, giving you a cheeky smirk. “Oooh kinky.” he laughed, tickling your sides, making you jump.
“I’m seriously going to kick you, if you don’t let me go! No cuddles later for you either.”
“Fine.” he moped, releasing you from his arms.
You finally stood up and glanced at your phone,seeing how much time you had left to get ready. This can’t be right. You slumped back onto your side of the bed.
Jack looked over at you confused. “(Y/N) what are you doing? Don’t you have to get ready for work?”
You slowly put your phone down beside you and covered your face with the duvet.
“Jack do you know what time it is right now?” letting out a muffled laugh.
“Isn't it 8:30?”
You reached for your phone and tossed it over to Jack’s side, making him jump. He fumbled around, looking for where it went with his hand. When he finally found it, he looked at the screen.
The time read 6:30 am
“You set the alarm last night for 6 instead of 8, you idiot! I could have slept longer!” hitting him in the face with a pillow.
“Oi!” he shouted as you gave him a good whack on the head. “Alright! Two can play at this game!” he charged, hitting you a couple times with a pillow before pulling you back in his strong arms. He squeezed you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You felt his stubble again, making you shrug your shoulders up and giving you goosebumps all over.
Things had calmed down a little bit, you just laid there, gazing into your boyfriend’s baby blue eyes. You ran your fingers softly through his disheveled hair, sweeping it back in place.
You loved moments like this. Of course pillow fights and silly times were fun, but sometimes it’s nice to just sit and take in the moment. You appreciated the time you got to chill and spend time with Jack. You both were pretty busy most of the time with work. So anytime you could just sit or snuggle up, was absolute heaven.
“Be honest, did you set the alarm early on purpose?”
He shot you a sarcastic surprised look. Trying to hide the smile growing on his face. “You did! I knew it!” giving him a playful punch in the shoulder.
“Ow!” he rubbed his arm where you hit him. “Excuse me for wanting some time with you!” he gave a fake cry, pouting his lip.
“Aw poor baby. Let me kiss it better!” you teased, puckering your lips.
Jack pulled away from you still holding his arm, “No, no I don’t need your pity kisses!”
“You are such a drama queen! Do you know that?” finally being able to sneakily kiss his arm.
“Feel better?” giving him a smile.
“I mean, I guess I feel a little bit better” he huffed while rolling his eyes.
You leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, “How about now?”
He just sat with his arms crossed in front of him.
You kissed his jawline, “How about now?”
You notice him start to squirm, knowing that tickled him and he was just trying to keep his composure.
Finally, you kissed his neck, “Now?”
That broke him. He shrugged his shoulders up in response. You knew that was one of his weak spots. Jack couldn’t resist neck kisses. Neither could you.
“You play dirty. Do you know that?” he smiled at you.
“Yeah I know.” you said sassily winking back at him.
Since you had another hour to kill before work, you and Jack didn’t leave your room. You just stayed in bed together.
You cuddled.
Your bodies entangled and snug in the duvet.
You chatted shit. Like, would you let each other turn into a walker in a zombie apocalypse? Or if you were on a desert island what would you do?
You also talked about some serious things,like your relationship and where you saw things going in the future.
It was an amazing morning. Just you and Jack with no interruptions or distractions.
*Actual alarm went off*
“Ughh no! Now I don't want to go to work!” you groaned, stretching out your arms and nuzzling back into Jack’s chest. He held you close, resting his head against yours.
“I know gorgeous, but I’ll tell you what. When you get home, how about we go out to dinner? And then after that we can have a nice bubble bath.” he whispered sweetly in your ear.
You smiled into his kiss,“That sounds amazing.” you slowly rolled out of bed, walking toward your wardrobe.
You could feel Jack’s eyes staring at you as you walked away from the bed. Quickly glancing back, you caught him red handed. “Maybe you should take a picture. It’ll last longer.” you laughed, shimmying your body back and forth.
“Maybe I will.” sporting a cheeky grin.
You made your way back to his bedside, “Well, right now I really have to get dressed and get to work. But I promise you’ll see me in this later, okay?”
He nodded with delight at what you just said. You shared a kiss and then continued to get dressed.
You were in the bathroom doing your makeup when you heard Jack yell, “Did you know that I love you crazy girl?”
Standing in front of the mirror, you laughed to yourself. Thinking about how lucky you were. You loved this boy so much.
“Good! Because you’re not getting rid of me Maynard! You’re mine forever.”
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