#calamity fic
st-hedge · 10 months
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(Calamity au) *tosses ganlink chibis like confetti*
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michoodles · 7 months
So basically, this was Aspects of the Past for me
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He is his new therapy lion man brother, good for them.
Thanks so much @tashacee for the new brothers, now Aryll can play as the Hero, Matin as the villain and her two brothers as the princess <3
I love happy endings.
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snail-studios · 1 month
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miphlink week day 3: fairy|gala
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
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Apparently I’m just… I’m the mood for lineups?? Anyways, I did the champions for my king of the Gerudo au! This au is basically AOC but totk :)
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gimblerthe · 4 months
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Art commission by the magnificient @Ro_ka_ro_ka on Twitter!
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linzerj · 8 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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piedoctorcow · 2 years
I love moshang as much as the next guy, but whenever they’re mentioned with the main three mxtx couples, I can’t help but think of the tgcf bit about including Qi Rong as one of the great calamities to pad the number up to four.
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mastercucco · 8 months
Hateno Boy - Part 1 - Link x Reader
The Calamity is gone, but so is Link’s purpose. He feels completely lost in post-Calamity Hyrule where everyone but him seem to have found their new place.
It certainly doesn’t help his restless nights that you, a young Hylian whom Zelda has hired as the new teacher at Hateno School, are slowly taking up more and more of his headspace with each conversation you two have.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link x fem!Reader Raiting: Mature (might go up, might go down, let's see) Contains: feel-good, slow burn romance; platonic Link/Zelda; Link being an angsty retired hero Chapter Index | Read on Ao3 A/N: Very excited to write something possibly disgustingly cute. The story takes place after the events in BotW but before the beginning of TotK. All characters are adults! I hope you enjoy the story! xx
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Chapter 1 - Purpose
Contains: Link being an angsty retired hero; Zelda being embarrassed by Link's inability to talk to girls (or other human beings in general) Word count: ~1,3k A/N: Please look past any weird sentences, English isn't my first language :p
A breath of warm air blows from the sea, gentle on skin and smelling of sea salt. The wind hurries over the hills of Necluda, tall grass bowing before it like waves on an emerald green ocean. Once it reaches Link sitting on top of the hills, it gently tugs on his hair and pushes his hood down.
He has been sitting there for quite some time now – so long that the tips of his ears are starting to redden from the wind, as gentle as it is. The sun that was high up when he arrived at the hills, is now hanging low over the horizon. It is soon time for him to go; Zelda asked him in the morning to stop by the school before sundown.
He is alone, as he is on most days nowadays. There isn’t much for him to do: Zelda is busy rebuilding Hateno, the recently finished village school her new pride and joy. And when she isn’t mingling with the villagers, she’s kept busy with her research at the Tech Lab. She doesn’t require an escort anymore, not after Purah hired a young researcher to assist them decipher ancient Zonai texts anyway. The man rarely leaves Zelda’s side when the two of them are together – which is often. Very often.
Link was jealous at first. After all, he is the Princess’ appointed knight, and he is the one who wields the Master Sword, and he is the one who saved Zelda’s life – not some overly excited, self-proclaimed explorer with a stupidly tall frame and an apparent distaste for wearing upper garments that hide his muscles.
Eventually, his jealousy morphed into loneliness – something he did a terrible job of hiding from Zelda. She asked him if he wanted to return to Hyrule Castle to help the Royal Guard in training new soldiers. Link said no, that he likes it here in Hateno.
“I wouldn’t mind if you go,” Zelda said, gently placing her hand on top of his, “I can see how lost you are here.”
Somehow, Zelda seeing straight through his lies and offering him kindness hurt more than her asking Link to leave in the first place. After that, Link couldn’t help but feel even more uncertain and disconnected. Everyone had seemingly moved on, everyone but him. While he still remains close with Zelda, honoring his duty, accompanying her whenever she travels outside of Hateno, even living with her, he knows deep down that she doesn’t need him anymore. The Calamity is gone, and so is his purpose.
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The sun hangs low when Link arrives at Hateno School. The sky is flaring in shades of red, reminding Link of a cozy fire under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be. The school’s front doors are open, but the playground is silent and the windows are dark, all except one. It has been a while since Link last visited the school. The children adore him, which is exactly why he prefers to stay away. Their looks of admiration and curious questions make him uneasy. Ever since moving to Hateno, all he has wanted is to lay low, going as far as to hide his head-turning Champion’s tunic in the bottom of his drawer. He wanted to throw the tunic away, but Zelda wouldn’t let him.
He can already hear Zelda’s excited chattering when he reaches the open doors and quietly steps inside. Zelda is having an eager conversation with a young Hylian woman – you – whom Link doesn’t remember seeing before. He does remember Zelda telling him about a new teacher she hired a few months back, and he figures it must be you.
You notice Link arriving before Zelda does and give him a polite smile in greeting. Only when he lightly taps on Zelda’s shoulder does she stop talking and turn around.
“Oh, Link,” she smiles. “You have impeccable timing. We were just talking about you!”
Link furrows his brow. Great, just great, he thinks, already feeling the tips of his ears growing warmer.
“Only good things,” you assure with an awkward laugh. “The Princess told me you made the apple pie she brought the other day.”
Link hopes that the dim light of the oil lamps is enough to hide his red ears. He clears his throat, though not even intending to say anything.
“I don’t think you two have met before, have you?” Zelda says, giving Link an encouraging nudge.
Even after all the years spent in royal banquets practicing formal pleasantries with Hyrule’s nobility, Link still feels awkward having to introduce himself. Nonetheless, he extends his hand for a greeting. When you offer him yours, he brings it to his lips and gives your knuckles a polite kiss. Your skin feels soft and pleasant, he thinks, now horribly self-aware of just how sweaty his own palm is.
When he looks back at you, even he can pick up the awkward tension in your smile and words as you introduce yourself. He feels his whole face heat up, not really understanding what he did wrong but knowing he must have, because even Zelda has the same tension in her smile as you do.
“He is very accustomed to his formal greetings from his days at the Castle,” Zelda says with a forced smile and gives Link a look. Only then does he realize that a hand kiss, though adequate in greeting a noble woman, is not something you, a village school teacher, was expecting from a Royal Knight. He would apologize, but his mouth is dry and no words come out.
“And, well, you probably already know of Link,” Zelda breaks the uncomfortable silence after it becomes clear Link isn’t going to introduce himself.
“The Hero of Hyrule,” you say, knowingly. “We have actually met before.”
We have? Link thinks, the heat of embarrassment getting unbearable. All he wants to do is run home and hide under his bed covers for the rest of eternity. This is why he rarely leaves their home or willingly socializes with the villagers. He would cringe if he wasn’t too embarrassed to move his face muscles.
“You have?” asks Zelda out loud, her disapproving eyes boring into Link’s.
“It was years ago,” you are quick to add. “He took refuge in our family home once. I wouldn’t blame him for not remembering.”
Zelda doesn’t appear quite as understanding when she shoots another scolding look at Link, the pink in her own cheeks deepening as well. “Please,” she says as she turns back to you, “accept my apology. Link can be awfully forgetful sometimes.” She gives him a final glare that, at last, makes him drop his head. He’s not sure if dying of embarrassment is a real occurrence, but if it is, then he must be very close to leaving Hyrule for good.
“It’s quite alright, Your Highness,” you say with a slightly uneasy laugh that fails to fully mask your discomfort. “I don’t mind it, really. Like I said, it was years ago.”
There is an uncomfortable silence between the three of you. Then Zelda claps her hands, and the tension breaks like a taut rubber band. Link sighs, relieved.
“Well,” Zelda says, “now that we are done with introductions, perhaps we can show Link the curriculum we’ve been working on? I’m sure he can give us his opinion on the section about monster parts and their usage in elixirs.”
When you turn to look for something from your writing table’s drawers, Link grabs Zelda’s sleeve and gives her a pleading look. Zelda narrows her eyes and shakes her head.
“Do not even think of fleeing” she hisses in his ear before she hurries over to you to help you with a pile of scrolls close to toppling over. Link lets out a silent grunt and looks longingly at the open doors. The sun has gone down, the sky now the same shade as embers cooling down under a cooking pot – somewhere he would much prefer to be.
Chapter 2 - Heromania »
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critical-birb · 2 months
Fic rec of the week
Gale of Destiny by Kizoomtite
I have been obsessed with their world building and lore around the Rito for ages, and it's a legit tragedy that they have so few readers and are swarmed with bots. Plese go show them some love if you fancy some facinating and super unique reading about our favourite bird bitch boi!
My favourite part no context is traumatic baby Link unboxing.
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add1ctedt0you · 9 months
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Sucker for pain
That's for all the writers who look at jiang cheng and decide to put him through other unimaginable woes. <3 As if his life wasn't rough enough lol.
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multi-fandom-simp · 2 years
Chapter 11: Let's not be dramatic
PAIRINGS:  Aegon x OC, Heleana x OC, Aemond x OC, Jacaerys x OC, Jacaerys x Cregan, Luke x Sara
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters. I do not claim any of them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
TW: Profanity, mention of abuse, shitty father figure, mention of sexual acts, Lillianna’s terrible coping mechanisms(I feel that should be a warning, lmao)
Synopsis: As if the week couldn't get any worse, the twins’s father drops some awful news in the family GC. Causing everyone to lose their shit, and Lillianna to revert to unhealthy coping mechanisms.
(A/N: Hello, besties💞! I thought I'd drop a bit of a filler chapter while I work on parts for my other fics. Things are going to go downhill and get a bit saucy for both Lillianna and Leon after this chapter, so stay tuned🤭. Anyways, enjoy!)
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st-hedge · 1 year
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Calamity au Ganon and Link but I drew them as a shitty animation cel (a remake of old art)
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froggibus · 2 months
once again no pressure or rush!!!! but could you maybe do either ashe or sombra smut with a gn/trans masc reader? they're both so pretty and i love them aaaaa
ps: make sure to drink water and do self care!!!!!!!!
Ride Em' Cowgirl - Ashe
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Pairing: soft dom! Ashe x gn! reader
Genre: smut/nsfw
Word Count: 1k
Summary: ashe won't let you cum until she gets to ride your perfect, perfect face
CW: bondage, soft dom! Ashe, gn! reader, oral, face sitting, slight suffocation, Ashe calls reader ‘buttercup’, abrupt ambiguous ending, pure smut no plot
hey puppy anon! so sorry it took me so long to get to this one! i was really excited to write some ashe on this blog but i've yet to try writing a trans reader & wasn't sure how to navigate it! (if you have any tips i will gladly take them! i just didn't wanna accidentally trigger someone) i would love to write some more ashe in the future if you have any ideas! hope you're doing well ^^ also it is CRIMINAL we don't have an ashe comic yet
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“Well,” Ashe coos, her usual Southern drawl thick with lust, “don’t you look good enough to eat?”
Your body heats in response, sending a thousand volts of electricity through every nerve in your body. You squirm from where you lay on the bed, straining your wrists against the soft silk ties that bind your hands to the bed frame.
She drags a long, manicured nail up your thigh. The motion is soft but deadly, just enough pressure applied to make it sting, but never enough to actually wound you. Your teary eyes stay glued to the red of her nails as they drag up your leg, landing dangerously close to the line of your underwear. 
A small, desperate whimper slips from your lips and you find yourself wishing your hands weren’t bound so you could hide your embarrassment in your palms. Ashe chuckles, the sound so foreign from her usual lighthearted, teasing laugh that it sends a shiver down your spine.
You swallow thickly. “A-ashe.”
Red eyes meet yours through a mess of dark lashes and eyeliner. She hums in response, staring through you as she waits for what you have to say next. Her gaze is piercing, shrinking—making you feel small in that delicious way only she can.
“I need you,” you say softly, surprising even yourself by the meekness of your own voice. “Please,” you add.
She considers this, tapping her chin as if in deep thought. You wait with not a breath in your body, trying to exercise patience despite the aching between your legs. Though she always takes such good care of you in the end, sometimes she can be the absolutely cruellest on the journey there, and you have little patience left.
She sighs, as if she’s just made the hardest decision of her life. “You take good care of me,” she states, a devilish smirk on her lips, “and I’ll take good care of you.”
You nod eagerly, shifting through your restraints to slide further down the bed. You watch her through hooded, lust filled eyes as she slowly slips out of the black, lacy panties that cover her glistening pussy. The dark fabric sticks to her core from the wet of her own slick and a gasp leaves her lips as they detach and drop to the floor to pool at her ankles.
You swallow once more, wetting your lips with your tongue in anticipation as she stalks her way over to where you lay helplessly on the bed. She reaches over, cupping your face with her hands, and presses a hot, needy kiss to your lips.
You lose yourself against her, whining into her mouth and smearing her perfect red lipstick all over the both of you. She drags a nail down your cheek, running it along the length of your jaw. Her familiar taste of warm honey and sweet whisky floods your mouth, reacting like pure alcohol in your bloodstream.
She pulls away, a sloppy string of saliva falling from her mouth and sticking to your skin. You’re given only a minute to catch your breath before she’s straddling your chest, sliding back until her soaking, sweet pussy is hovering an inch above your face.
You don’t need her to tell you what she wants, you’ve been in this position often enough. You strain against your binds, lifting your head enough to prod at her clit with your nose. She moans at the contact, lowering her hips even more so her cunt just barely sits on your lips.
You dive in, lapping up her hot slick like it’s the only thing you’ve ever tasted. You swirl your tongue in figure eights around her sensitive clit, dragging it down to your throbbing entrance, and repeating the motion again. Despite the way her thighs muffle your ears, you can hear her panting above you, hear the moans that slip from her lips.
“Fuck.” She groans, voice barely more than a purr. “S’like you were made for eating pussy, buttercup.”
She digs her cunt further into your face, pressing down so hard you can barely manage a breath between your laps around her folds. Heat flares in your core at her words and you clench your thighs together in an attempt to get any sort of relief, any sort of friction.
Ashe rolls her hips across your face, digging her fingers through her silky white hair as she rides your lips to orgasm. Each flick of your tongue and each hot breath taken when she lets you up for air only spurs her closer and closer to the edge. She almost finds herself wishing your hands were free, if only so you could thrust them into her cunt and curl them into that sweet spot inside of her.
“That’s it,” she says through shaky breaths. “So good for me, chokin’ on my cunt. Fuck.”
You choke, the warmth of her pussy pressed so tight against your face you can’t possibly breathe. Still, you love it. You shut your eyes tightly and nuzzle further between her legs, taking every thrust and bounce of her hips in stride and using it as leverage to further shove your tongue into her core.
Her thighs tighten around your face, squishing your cheeks until it almost hurts, and then she’s gushing on your face. Wave after wave of sweet slick gushes onto you, soaking your lips and nose and chin and neck. You drink it all up, sucking at her entrance as she comes undone around you.
Finally, her thighs relax and she lets herself roll off of you, sweet air hitting your lungs at last. You gasp for it, drinking up the oxygen almost as greedily as you drank up her cum. Your skin feels impossibly hot, the cold air of the room like pin pricks against your post pussy-eating flush.
She props herself up on shaking thighs and pulls you in for another devouring kiss. Her tongue pops into your mouth, swirling around and tasting herself on your gums. She moans into the kiss, whether at the taste or at the way you wrestle her tongue against hers, you’ll never know.
She pulls back, red eyes peering into yours so intensely you almost forget how to breathe. Her hand trails down your bare stomach, nails just barely dipping into your underwear. “Now,” she says, mischief glowing in her eyes, “my turn to take care of you.”
You gulp, a shiver trailing up your spine in anticipation. You strain against the restraints and wonder what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into. 
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masterlist | overwatch masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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zappychild · 10 months
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Here is my piece for @tgcf-reverse-big-bang!
I got to work with the amazing @pureu-pi, and by work I mean I dumped weird wulian vibes on the floor and she turned it into an incredible fic.
This illustration goes with chapter 2, but you can read chapter 1 here
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The 2024 Pitch Perfect SpookFest is coming.
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theregencywriter · 7 months
Lost in Silence 1 - Theo Sharpe x Reader
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A/n - Okay so I'm obviously rewatching Bridgerton (are we surprised???) and I realised there's really no fics of Theo???? I mean of course there are but not many and I feel like he's underrated so I needed to put this out there! Still not completely sure which direction to take this in so pls message or comment if you have literally any ideas but uh, yeah! Hope you enjoy <3
The air was thick with tension. Y/n’s mother paced back and forth whilst her daughter Y/n, only ten, sat watching. The cobbled streets of London were cold and unforgiving but with no more room available in the room they were forced to wait outside. Hours passed before the doctor came out, his already stained robes marred with a fresh tint of crimson blood. He romoved a glove and placed his hand onto her Mothers arm as he spoke. “The bleeding was too much. There was nothing we could do and yet we still exhausted all options. I’m sorry.”
And then began a shriek from her mouth that young Y/n could swear rattled the nearby windows, as she shrank to the floor. It was odd, Y/n would recall years later, she never believed her mother to be truly extraordinary, and yet seeing her reduced to a blubbering mess on the floor was an unbearable sight. Y/n took off, her feet taking her as if by their own volition, running down twisted streets until she was pounding on a door.
“Y/n?” Theo asked, puzzled and tired as he opened his front door. He looked at his friend, and before she replied he was holding her in a deep embrace. Though he was only two years older than her he was naturally protective of her like no one ever had been. “He’s, he’s, oh my god!” It was as if by saying out loud for the first time it would become real, concrete and solid. “He’s what? Who’s what? Y/n please” Theo begged, his already panicked face deepening with worry. “Father!Oh Father, he was stabbed by a highwayman on his way back from the countryside! He’s gone!” Theo pulled her in closer. He had known that Y/n’s father, a coworker of his own at the butchers, was going out of London to look for work elsewhere. He also knew how worried Y/n was, and heard from his father that she was seen pleading with her own for him not to go, out of fear of a robbery.
Theo held her for a while until her mother came looking, and when he looked at her though mere hours had passed the once vibrant face of Y/n’s mother was sunken and worn. Before Y/n left with her, Theo gave her a vibrant blue notebook. “For company, when I myself am not there.” He smiled, only faintly as she left.
Y/n fidgeted with her bow. “Is it not too garish? I thought so all night” She asked. “Nonsense Miss Y/n, it is beautiful” Her maid replied as she helped fix it into her updo. In the years that passed since her fathers death her mother had remarried to a Lord Reginald Harrington, his wealth only matched by his cruelty. They had one child together other than Y/n, an Arrabella Harrington, now nearing twelve. Her birth was scandalously close to their wedding, yet she seemed to finally snap her mother out of the haze she had been in. To say having Arrabella had saved her would be a stretch, Y/n often lay awake at night worrying what could’ve happened had her mother not fallen pregnant and found a new purpose in life.
It was no surprise to anyone then that Y/n would be treated lesser than her sister by both parents. Y/n’s mother, now Lady Isadora Harrington, saw Arrabella as a second chance, whilst Lord Harrington naturally leaned towards the child that was his through blood. Despite this, Y/n was still sent through the marriage mart each season, attending balls and accepting callers. It wasn’t that she tired of it, per se, as she did find comfort standing on the sidelines with her two friends. It was moreso the matter of feeling like an imposter, knowing if it werent for a terrible accident that she wouldnt be here. That was something Penelope and Eloise simply couldnt grasp seeing as they were born into the lavish life they lead.
Whilst Y/n wasn’t closed off to the idea of marriage and preparing for life as a dutiful spinster, any man who attempted to court her never made it past the first two weeks. There were too many differences, she supposed, in their upbringing. After the first five men came calling it was clear they wanted a wife, not a companion. Seeing how regular people saw love most definitely shaped how Y/n saw the marriage mart. In the lower classes marrying for love was more common, as there were no titles to be exchanged. The marriage mart seemed to be just that in comparison- a business exchange. 
It was after one of these balls where Y/n found herself, being undressed by her lady’s maid. It was a remarkably unremarkable one, where she was once again stood by the edge like a wallflower. “I just don’t understand miss,” Her maid, Rosalind spoke. “Is it not a great honour to attend?” “I suppose,” Y/n replied as wrangled out of the embellished dress “Yet at the same time it feels so futile. There is no use in pretending, it is simple. I am an imposter.” Rosalind looked up, puzzled as Y/n continued. “I do not feel love, or anything. It feels like business there. No emotions to be had.”
Rosalind stopped pulling down Y/n’s stockings and paused. “Miss, I have been attending to you almost since you first day at this house. You have always been so closed off to everyone, were you like that before the?” She quit her sentence but they both knew she meant the accident. “No, not really” Y/n confessed. “I used to be open and vibrant before it all. It wasn’t even the accident in truth it was the whole combined affair. Not only losing my father but just mere weeks after losing all of the people I had ever known by moving to Mayfair. Even now I feel as though I am playing a role, that one day I might return back to the old house.” Y/n was smiling as she reminisced, unaware Rosalind was done.
“Miss, excuse me for speaking out of term if I do, but you cannot return. You have no reason to. Goodnight” Rosalind shut the door behind her as she left. Y/n sat on the edge of her bed and looked up at the vast array of books on the wall to her right. Tucked away, hidden in the very top corner, was a notebook. A vibrant blue with gold embossing on the spine it seemed to shine in the candlelight. Rolling her bookshelf ladder across to retrieve it she ran her fingers across it, taking in the delicate imprints where the gold pigment lay. After Theo had given her the book, she had never written in it. She had never even seen him after he had given it, seeing as they took no callers for their mourning period and soon moved to Mayfair to be with her new Stepfather. Y/n clinched the book in her hand and contemplated.
As she snuck out of her family home’s side door and caressed the dim streets of London it dawned on her the severity of what she was doing. She was unsure what would be worse, to encounter a madman alone of fall victim to the quill of Whistledown writing about an unchaperoned outing. She found her way towards Bloomsbury after several wrong turns, and while some landmarks were vaugley familiar, the majority were not. As she entered the only place on a street that had its lights on, a pub, she asked one of the patrons where to find Corral Street. The patron in return said a couple of slurred words, before turning to the stage and cheering some half hearted gibberish as a woman took to the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, If I may steal you from your drinks for just a moment, I find myself compelled to speak on a matter of great importance - the rights of women.” Y/n drew closer, as if entranced, and sat on the second row of benches. “In this new age of enlightenment, where minds are expanding and horizons are broadening, it is imperative that we do not neglect the rights and freedoms of one half of humanity simply based on their gender. For too long, women have been relegated to the sidelines, their voices silenced, their aspirations thwarted by societal norms and expectations. Let us not forget the brave women who have come before us, who fought tirelessly for the rights that we now take for granted. Let us honour their legacy by continuing their struggle, by raising our voices in solidarity until every woman, regardless of class or station, is granted the respect and dignity that is her due!”
The place erupted into cheers, and Y/n joined them, though restrained due to her latter years of education. As she rose up and looked around, confused on where to or how to find directions, her eyes fixed onto a man. Though taller and more rugged than the sensitive boy she once knew, it was undeniable. 
It was Theo.
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