#california lawyer
amslaw · 13 days
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Our experienced Uber and Lyft accident attorney serving California is here to provide guidance and advocacy to those who have been injured in rideshare accidents. 
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uglycryinglawyer · 1 month
heyyy tumblr,
class of 2024 law student here. no offense but you know things are bad when i take it to tumblr. law school really does something to your psyche and i hate to say it but despite this whole movement on social media to be more transparent, i don't believe anyone will be completely honest about their experience when their words can be traced back to them. being believable as 100% genuine & honest while being anything less than to followers that cling to every syllable of yours does more damage than good imo.
ill start this page with some honesty that i would label as a 6/10 on the "how embarrassed would i be if someone from my post-grad job were to see this" scale i just made up.
my first semester i felt like the smartest version of myself i had ever been because i got 1 online award from a fake company (seriously what business does this "computer-assisted legal education" company have hosting awards for schools around the country & why are they receiving our grades to begin with) for having the highest grade in my class. mind you, this company/award is not at ALL affiliated with my school, its literally made up. but its something that is made PUBLIC (as in if you knew my name you could google me and this stupid award shows up), and so many schools still acknowledge it to, idk, create further divisions between students that i guess the whole system of making everyones grades 100% based on their finals and curved (not in a good way) doesn't do enough for?
now here i am, having finished my 6th semester & walked the commencement stage a few days ago ugly crying over a grade because i might have just lost my honors status. when in actuality .... ~ kim, there are people that are dying ~ why does any of this matter?? this is what 6 semesters of slowly having your confidence in your own intelligence chipped away at does to a person.
its not over yet though - bar prep starts last week :). actually it starts on may 20th officially, but no ones being honest about the fact that they really started studying the day after their finals ended, if not earlier.
so i've decided to document my experience for you all here. with bar prep & my foray into big law (you know this field was meant for babies because that's what we unsarcastically call a career at a top law firm) on the horizon, & 6 semesters of pure chaos behind me, i have a lot to say!
im not sure who this is going to reach because, again no offense tumblr, but i doubt this site has the reach it once did. maybe this will just end up being a time capsule for myself, which i would love. or maybe this will help 1 person cope, which i would love even more.
regardless, if you read this far, thank you & tttys. going to throw some random hashtags in now don't mind me.
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remembertheplunge · 3 months
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Me at age 25 or 26 in 1981 in my first law office in Placerville, California. I would not come out as a gay man until 1984. I was in private practice in Placerville for 3 years. I would marry my wife Nina during that time.
In 1984, I moved to Modesto to take a job with the public defender’s office. I would come out in February 1984 and leave my wife as a result in August.
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solarpoweredheart · 7 months
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Sorry for being MIA for so long! But I come bearing good news: I passed the Bar! 🍾
Excited to be more active again in the other aspects of my life!
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mesrianilawgroup · 11 months
Employment Law Thought Exercise | 9-1-1 on Fox and the Season 3 Lawsuit Arc
There has been a lot of discussion and debate among fans of the hit tv show regarding this particular plotline. Today, we’re going to talk about Disability Discrimination laws and Reasonable Accommodations and how they are explored on the show.
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*This is not meant to be any kind of legal advice or even as serious as our articles. It’s just for fun! Not only does fiction not always line up properly with reality, but also our firm does not handle government employees. This is just going off of standard federal and California employment law. Anyone with more information on city employees or specifically the real LAFD, feel free to join in!*
Buck was injured on the job
He went on leave, and when he was cleared by his doctors to go back, he had a right to be reinstated to his previous position or one equal to it.
Due to the nature of his job, his employer required him to undergo recertification. It appeared to be the same standard type of qualification test that all trainees undergo to ensure they are qualified for the job. He passed, and he was reinstated.
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So far, so good
Then, before returning to work, he experienced a pulmonary embolism and was put on blood thinners indefinitely. He was deemed unable to return to his previous position and was offered the choice to go back on leave or take a temporary light duty position. At the time, he tried to quit. He is very lucky for many reasons that Bobby did not take that seriously.
Light duty is considered a reasonable accommodation. In fact, the fire marshal position would likely have paid better than a firefighter position. But Buck wanted to be a firefighter again, and so he argued that there must be some kind of reasonable accommodation to put him back in the field.
Which brings us to the phrase “Undue Hardship”
While on blood thinners, less severe injuries could be life threatening. When this is explained to him, Buck argues that if that happened, there would be multiple paramedics around him. The thing that he is not taking into account there is that those paramedics are there to attend to the civilians that they are rescuing in the first place.
We see this later in Season 6 when Buck is gravely injured, and Bobby has to call in another house to come take care of the fire they were fighting at the time. This example does also point out that yes, this is an accepted risk of the job and does happen from time to time.
The issue is the extremely increased risk of it happening when a firefighter is on blood thinner medication. And Bobby knowing how many risks Buck already takes on the job. Sure, Bobby knows that Buck knows his limits. But Buck is not taking into account that his limits are a lot lower while on those meds. (Which is something that seems to finally hit home in the following Halloween episode.)
Bobby is essentially arguing that accommodating Buck’s disability in the field would create an undue hardship to the team, splitting their resources and his own focus.
Illegal Discrimination
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Buck tries to sue for Wrongful Termination, specifically Constructive Termination. He points out that several other members of his team have faced injury and hardship and were able to come back to work with no problem. This actually works against his argument a little bit, but one could argue that it was discrimination against the specific disability, as it was the medication itself that was the issue. However, it could then be argued that it was a valid concern. The motivation behind not allowing Buck back on the team yet was not that he was disabled, but that his disability created a very real and serious risk to himself in the field that could not be reasonably accommodated.
Does Buck have a case? Maybe. Is it a strong one?
His employer followed standard and reasonable protocol
His employer gave reassurances that his position would be held for him to come back when he was ready (and you know Bobby would have put that in writing if Buck had asked)
The medication Buck was on posed a real safety issue
His employer gave him a temporary light duty position that could even be seen as a promotion
Buck has a documented history of acting recklessly and disobeying orders in the field that would support Bobby’s concern
Would the city have settled so quickly and for so much in real life? Who knows.
Would any of this have gone down this way in real life? Who knows. That’s what happens when you mix fact and fiction. Procedurals often tend to start with truth and reality and then alter it to suit the story. It can be interesting to work it backwards and try to see how the story can be applied to reality. This brings up several questions such as:
Did Buck ever send a detailed discrimination complaint to Human Resources?
Did Buck ever call the chief after finding out it was Bobby’s decision not his?
Did Buck ever file a claim with the EEOC or CRD?
Did Buck ever file a grievance through his union?
Did Buck ever contact his union rep at all?
Does Buck even know that he HAS a union?
Could all of this have been avoided if Buck had just spent ten minutes researching California Employment Law?
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Bonus Fun Fact!
For those who might not know, when the lawyer is first introduced, and Hen tells him “You might wanna wait until they’re in the ambulance before you start chasing it” she’s not just calling him out on doing something awful, she’s calling him out on doing something illegal. California is one of 21 states (including Texas for Lone Star fans who were wondering) that has laws against ‘ambulance chasing’ – when attorneys solicit clients at accident scenes or in hospitals. In the other 29 states, it is still considered unethical by the Bar Association.
California in particular has strict laws and regulations about when, where, and how attorneys are permitted to advertise. Which reminds me: If you are a California employee and were terminated after being injured at work, call Mesriani Law Group today for a free consultation.
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j-animates-stuff · 9 months
// blood in the bayou spoilers!!
Timothy Rand!!
Including some minor headcanons and a small au thing 😁
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bandcampsnoop · 10 months
Here's another Bay Area band - Oakland, California, specifically. We posted about Half Stack 5 years ago. Plenty of time for me to forget the band or the fact that I was quite smitten by them.
I previously mentioned a Australian dolewave feel - I compared them to Dick Diver - and that still holds. But they also fit right in with fellow Oaklanders Rob I. Miller, Blues Lawyer or even Dick Stusso.
This release is being handled by both Forged Artifacts (Minneapolis, Minnesota) and Royal Oakie (Oakland, California).
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miawashere · 9 months
weird laws passed in the U.S.
a weird but funny law i recently found out about is that it’s illegal in Los Angeles, California to go moth hunting deliberately under streetlights. however, i can’t find the reason as to why it’s against the law, so if anyone knows please feel free to let me know!
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timpaxew · 4 months
If Matt Murdock were born in the aa universe he’d just be a normal lawyer
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frommybookbook · 2 months
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I have a lot of opinions on Perry's time on the bench but I am glad that at least the movies finally gave us one scene of him in robes.
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always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 11 months
I love when you watch a legal eagle analysis of a piece of fictional media and a fan whips out the lore reasons that modern American law doesn’t apply to the characters and setting. Like yes girl, explain the fine details of your media lore! Look at this person be passionate!
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amslaw · 13 days
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Ridesharing services have transformed the way we travel, offering convenience and accessibility to millions of passengers across California.
However, with the increasing popularity of these services comes the risk of an Uber or Lyft car accident and injuries.
If you’ve sustained injuries in an Uber or Lyft accident, it’s crucial to understand your rights and seek rideshare and Uber accident lawyers to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. 
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uglycryinglawyer · 1 month
flame emoji
ok hiiiiii ... good2know that that blaze feature works .... will unlikely be using it again while im unemployed </3 (my big law job officially starts in the fall).
welcomeee. whether you're a future ugly crying lawyer or not, im so so happy youre here :)<3.
ill be studying for the bar for the next 11 weeks but ill post something each day for you all.
please lmk if you want me to talk about anything in particular, otherwise, you'll only be subject to my random ramblings & musings.*
*you'll be subject to my random ramblings & musings no matter what - first rule of fight club (aka a career in law it seems) is qualifiers. are. everything.
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
Mia Frances Yamamoto
Last Saturday, I attended the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice conference in San Fransisco, California.
There were several speakers that day devoted a variety of issues and topics. regarding practicing criminal law.
‘One of the speakers was Attorney  Mia Frances Yamamoto.
I have heard her talk twice before at similar conferences.
She is a trans woman. She said she was the first trans woman lawyer in California legal history, if I heard her right.
She told us what it was like to enter a court room full of people who had know her as a man for the first time as a woman. . She was nervous about doing it , but , realized she had to just do it.
The reception by the lawyers and the judge was beautiful. They stood in line to give her a hug, including the judge. The female lawyers said “Welcome to the club!”
Her clients, who included gang members charged with murder I believe, after discovering their former male lawyer was now a woman, fully accepted Mia. One said “I want you for your brain, not for your mmmmfff.”
She said that among gays in general, all of us have considered killing our selves to save the world from our vile selves.
There were a group of maybe 150 lawyers in the room at the Nikko Hotel where Mia spoke to us.
Some of the lawyers I knew from my  decades of work in the Stockton and Modesto court houses.
They know I am gay.
As Mia spoke, I looked around the room feeling oddly exposed. I wondered what my straight lawyer colleagues were thinking. Did Mia’s words open them to how huge a factor being out and gay in Central Valley courts is?
After the talk, I got a chance to talk with Mia briefly. I reminded her that I had told her about the book I am writing at a past conference she spoke at. I gave her my Tumblr blog information.
I have been a lawyer since 1981 and have been to many many legal conferences through the years. The topics of being a gay or trans lawyer was never mentioned. Never discussed. Until Mia boldly put it on the table for the first time a few years ago.
This is a huge and a welcome step forward.
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karnsandkarns12 · 7 months
Karns & Karns Injury and Accident Attorneys: Your Trusted Legal Partners in Valencia
Unexpected mishaps can throw off the rhythm in Valencia, a bustling neighborhood where people live life at the speed of opportunity. How to Find the Right Texas Personal Injury Attorney for Your Case? Having trustworthy legal allies becomes critical when dealing with the fallout from auto accidents or personal injury situations. Here are your dependable Valencia advocates, Karns & Karns Injury and Accident Attorneys. Our dedication to quality has made us the top personal injury attorney Valencia, with a focus on cases involving personal injuries, especially those resulting from auto accidents.
·        Unmatched Expertise in Personal Injury Law
We at Karns & Karns take great satisfaction in leading Valencia's personal injury legal field. Our group of knowledgeable lawyers is prepared to handle the intricacies of personal injury claims, and they bring unmatched experience to the table. We have the best lawyers in Valencia. Whether you were hurt in a slip and fall, a vehicle accident, or another occurrence, our devoted legal experts are committed to getting you the money you are due.
·        The Best Lawyers in Valencia
Karns & Karns is the finest law firm in Valencia for legal representation. Success and satisfied clients are the cornerstones upon which our reputation is based and are the best lawyers in Valencia. We have earned the respect of being the most outstanding attorneys in Valencia by continuously providing our clients with positive results. Our steadfast dedication to quality and in-depth knowledge of local legislation establishes us as the preferred legal partner for anyone looking for excellent representation.
·        Personal Injury Car Accidents: Our Specialization
Personal injury car accidents are a common worry, and there is a lot on the line when there are personal injuries. Valencia personal injury claims resulting from auto accidents are the area of expertise for Karns & Karns. We are aware of the financial, emotional, and physical toll that these occurrences can have. Our skilled personal injury lawyers know how to settle cases in court and negotiate with insurance carriers to get our clients the most money possible for their losses and injuries.
·        Compassionate Advocacy for Personal Injury Victims
At Karns & Karns personal injury attorney Valencia, we take a compassionate approach to every case, understanding the difficulties that victims of personal injury encounter. Beyond the courtroom, we genuinely care about our client's well-being as part of our legal advocacy. We make an effort to lessen their hardships by offering unwavering assistance during the legal procedure. We stand out from the competition thanks to our compassionate approach, which transforms Karns & Karns into dependable partners dedicated to helping you navigate the complexity of personal injury law.
·        Customer Testimonials: Evidence of Our Achievements
The happiness of our clientele is the best indicator of our performance. Testimonials from clients we've worked with are very telling regarding the caliber of our work. The people Karns & Karns has assisted in Valencia have trusted and appreciated us because we have continuously produced results. These endorsements serve as a tribute to our commitment, expertise, and individualized attention we provide to every case, solidifying our standing as the best option for people looking for legal counsel in personal injury cases.
Karns & Karns Injury and Accident Attorneys are your dependable legal partners located in the center of Valencia. Being the most outstanding attorneys in Valencia, we are known for our unparalleled knowledge of personal injury law, especially when it comes to matters involving motor vehicle accidents & personal injury car accidents. Our successful track record and dedication to empathetic advocacy make us stand out in the legal field. You can rely on Karns & Karns to provide you with unshakable attention and legal prowess as they navigate the complexity of personal injury law when life takes an unexpected turn.
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
got followed by a new bot and I am laughing my ASS off because
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1. It appears to be a political campaign bot. A political campaign. On Tumblr. What insane or cruel intern thought this was a good idea.
2. It appears to only be following and liking posts that are related to lawyers. I’m imagining this politician was like “yeah, it would be great to have lawyers on my side!” Apparently unaware that 90% of the posting on this website about lawyers (and in the bot’s likes, and on the accounts the bot follows) are Ace Attorney.
Please. Someone tell this poor man. He’s not in the right place.
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