#cameron works better with literally anyone else
atomicradiogirl · 7 months
are there really hameron shippers in our year of the lord 2024? it is literally the only house ship i am actively against she isn’t meant for him!!!!! GET AWAY FROM HER
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ahhnini · 10 days
pls do a part 2 to real man
yes ofc! thank you for reading!
the way things go - rafe cameron x reader
— he wants you back
warnings - angst, regretful rafe, arguing, happy ending, not proofread!
real man
if you want to read about how reader got her locket check out no one knows!
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“y/n, please!” he pleads, eyes red, pupils dilated. he’s high again. “rafe, stop! i’m trying to work! leave me alone or i’ll call security,” you snag your arm away from his grasp, wiping down a table. he scoffs, following you, “rafe, I swear to god—” “how many times do I have to say it?! I’m sorry, okay! please, just—let’s give this—us—another chance, yeah?” “no! how many times do I have to tell you, no!” you argue back, and rafe genuinely looks like he was about to cry. hearing him sniffle, he turns away, not giving you one last glance.
rafe stops coming into the club for a while after that, most likely opting to hang at barry’s instead. you got promoted, no longer working as a beverage cart girl, but as a hostess to the bar. better pay, and you get to stay air conditioned all throughout your shift.
the bike home was the same, passing by figure eight; all the manors and paved roads, a stark contrast to your neighborhood — broken houses and dirt paths. you see a familiar black range rover parked on the side of your house, and you can’t help but scoff.
barging into your room, you find rafe, fidgeting with some of your plushies on your bed. “rafe, what the hell! I told you to stop bothering me—” he stands up from your bed, cornering you to a wall, “i’ve missed you, so much. what I did—hiding our relationship—it was dumb. I just—didn’t want anyone to know I’d been dating a pogue—” you burst out laughing at his words, “rafe, are you kidding me? ‘didn’t want anyone to know i’d been dating a pogue’ then why’d you start dating one anyways?” you chuckle at him. he looks to the side, “b-because, when I laid eyes on you for the first time, I wanted to have you. all to myself. and,” he drags his hands down his face, “I couldn’t let anyone else have you,” you see tears form in his eyes and you sigh. he continues on, “please, i’d do anything to get you back. you were the greatest thing i’ve ever lost, I literally cannot function without you,” you wiggle out of his grasp, shuffling awkwardly to the bed, sitting down. he sits down with you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. you speak up, voice soft and meek, “I hate seeing you like this rafe,” he nods his head, eyes scanning your face intently.
“so…I think…I’ll give you another chance, but we have to be public now, no more hiding,” you look into his eyes. what turned into sadness quickly transformed into a look of surprise, and a smile formed on his gloomy face.
“of course, you have my word. thank you, thank you!” he chuckles, moving his hand down to your waist, pulling you in for a kiss.
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taglist - @nemesyaaa @julie123456897 @mfdoomdickrider @grxnde-dwt
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stewy · 4 months
i saw your tags about cameron being more similar to house than wilson and if you have any notes or explanations on that i'd love to hear them! cameron is such an interesting character and i feel like she's really not analyzed enough
she isn't! idk if it's because people simply forget the earlier seasons as they progress with the show, but they forget cameron is an actual character who is written as consistently as any other character in the show save for house himself. not liking her is one thing but to dismiss her as if she isn't one of the most important people in house's life when her love literally got him out of that building is. lol
cam and wilson have a lot of similarities: they’re self-sacrificing to a detrimental extent, they value social niceties and acts of kindness, caring and empathetic, multiple marriages, in love with a sewer rat, etc. but they sort of stop there. cameron is a strongly moral character; wilson’s morals are flexible to the point of being barely there. cameron won’t sacrifice her values for the sake of making anyone feel better; all that wilson cares about is making other people feel better, preferably to his own detriment. cameron is much more sensitive and emotionally driven than wilson imo, you can see her actively struggle to put her feelings in the backseat in pretty much every situation, while that seems to come as second nature to wilson (though cameron gets better at that through experience). but she is also much more stable and true to herself than wilson, who struggles with letting his true feelings show with anyone other than house (simply because he knows his friend won’t give a shit). you see house call cameron “pathetically sincere” and that’s something you’d never hear him say about wilson considering his pathology is that he loves Everybody, with no discrimination. i think their specialties also speak to their own personalities: wilson is an oncologist, all of his patients already have cancer and most likely will die from it; his job is to treat them but it’s also to make them feel better about their imminent fate. cameron is an immunologist, taking care of someone’s autoimmune system with the sole focus of getting them stronger. this is also their approach to house himself btw
house and cameron are two sides of the same coin. a lot of people would disagree with me & hugh laurie in saying that house is a strongly moral character, but he is. the difference between himself & cameron is that he doesn't care what people do with their lives. if someone wants to kill themselves after he's done treating them, that's their problem. even when she despised the patient, she couldn't dare to see them live in pain (informed consent) or to play god and kill them herself (the tyrant). they're both extremely sensitive, stubborn and closed off. isolating themselves to the point of making their significant others (stacy and chase) feel lonely in the relationship. they both often look insane to everyone else, but have an innate understanding of each other. cameron opened herself up to house in a way she could never do with chase because she saw him, and she was the only person he truly emotionally connected with other than wilson. she was bothered by his impersonality and he was bothered by her sensitivity, because she wore with pride something he thought made him (and other humans) lesser. they tried to bring characters like masters & adams (even park?) to act as foil to house but it didn't work because they lacked what cameron and house had: a relationship.
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writersundersiege · 8 months
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The New Girl in Town: Part 2
Rafe Cameron x F! Reader
if you would like to to keep reading:
The New Girl in Town - Masterlist
Warnings: Drug use implied, talks of stalking,
Summary: It’s been a week since Rafe has seen you and he’s craving just a moment with literally anyone in your family. What will happen when all in the same moment he’s granted the opportunity of your phone number and some time spent with your mom and a mysterious friend from home? Can he change the towns talk to those who are close to you before they decide who he is? Or will Rafe need to fight harder to really become a better citizen in the community for you to take notice?
It’s been a week since Rafe watched you disappear in the car with Jason, your loud music and your lively spirit trailing behind you. Every day, Rafe has been bugging Topper to come back over, and every day, it’s another excuse of “My mom wants me to mow the yard” or “Sarah asked me to help with the fundraiser happening at the county club” an endless amount of excuses.
Honestly, it’s gotten to the point where Rafe asks Sarah himself if she’s asking for Top's help, which is his last resort since conversations with her are always aggravating when she says that she indeed was pestering Topper with plans for the beginning of summer family fundraisers for families in need of new summer clothes and essentials. During this whole conversation, Rafe is getting more annoyed, trying to think about when he’ll be able to make the sly move of asking your dad and brother to golf or really anything to get to know you more before he makes the actual moves on you.
Here is the thing about Rafe: he has a reputation on this island for being a problem child, a loose cannon-rich boy who doesn’t care about anyone but Rafe and his best interest, but somehow, the second he sees you, it’s like a switch clicked. He knew you were the only other thing he may ever care about like this.
You seem so bright despite the horrible thing he’s heard you recently endured; he doesn’t want to see anyone else break that light from you. Another thing about Rafe is that he doesn’t like things he admires ruined, and he admires a lot about you.
At the end of the grueling conversation with Sarah, she asks, “Will you come to help us then?” he gets frustrated, shaking his head and walking to the front door to go to Barry’s for a bit and see if maybe getting something will clear his mind “No Sarah I don’t want to help with some stupid Pouge’s getting summer clothes if they want them they should work harder to get it themselves just like we have and I’m not playing along with your dumb im a philanthropist act” slamming the door behind himself hopping on his bike and peeling off.
Unfortunately, Rafe's undoing was that you were the one who suggested the clothes drive for this year's country club summer service act. At this very moment, Sarah was finalizing plans for that night to be able to distribute clothes to people along the cut with younger kids and some of the teens who are struggling to get new stuff with how prices are.
Sarah shakes her head, reflecting on the infuriating conversation with Rafe, trying to understand why her brother must always be so aggressive with everything. She notices her phone buzzing on her vanity, runs over, and picks it up, not even looking, saying, “Helloooo!” She hears your slight laugh through the phone
“Hey Cameron, I was just calling to tell you everything is ready to go here at the Country Club. Mom and I just finished organizing boxes based on size, and it was a great turnout. Thank you so much for those men, small and medium. Mom was panicking. We wouldn’t have enough of Jason and Dad’s nice shirts to spare.” Sarah agrees, saying, “It was no problem at all. Rafe never cleans his clothes bins from the garage, so he had many things to give things he probably won’t even remember he owns them.” You laugh over the other end of the line. Which unintentionally makes Sarah smile. “Jaz and Rafe sound like two peas in a pod. Maybe we should get them together sometime, although the combination may be a recipe for disaster.” this makes Sarah laugh, and she shakes her head, saying, “Surely it would. The loose cannon and goofball sound like a mess and kinda like that one film you showed me and topper of the two guys making a mess of things.”
Sarah hears you laugh so physically loud through the phone she’s laughing with you; it seems so contagious. “Abbott and Costello,” you say through giggles. “They were my Pop Pops favorite comedians. I have to show you, Laurel and Hardy. That is more so Rafe and Jason, two bafoons who are completely oblivious.” Sarah laughs, humming in agreement with you, not knowing what you are talking about but knowing there is always something new and exciting you're teaching her that she’s never heard of.
All of a sudden, she hears you clearing your throat “You still there, Cameron?” she sits up, realizing she is completely zoned out thinking about the times she’s spent with you and your family, and everything about you guys seems new and exciting, she says, “Yeah, sorry just getting ready to head your way” You hum something small and then turn to something behind the other end of the phone “Alright see you here soon Sarah and Oh—don’t worry about bringing any more volunteers my friend from home made a surprise stop to help me settle before he’s off to Costa Rica for a month so he picked up the spot” Sarah smiled and told you she sees you soon and hung up.
As Sarah prepares to spend her entire evening with you, enjoying your welcoming presence. Rafe sits across from Barry at a small pit fire beside his camper, doing a few lines complaining about everything going on, like Ward paying no mind to him, Sarah playing goodie two shoes to the whole island, Topper following her around like a dog, and most of all he can’t seem to find you or your family anywhere.
For the past week, Rafe has been going places like the market, even the one closer to the cut, to bump into either of your parents; he went to the library twice, hoping he’d maybe see your brother since he remembers he’s in college. Lastly, every day at sun up and sun down, since the day after you left for the ocean, he’s gone to the beach to check for you in the waves. On multiple occasions, he could swear he saw you riding a wave, laughing like you always are (H/T) sticking to your neck and face as some fly behind and around you in the wind and (E/C) squinting as you look forward and balance. In the next second, he blinks, and you're gone like a ghost haunting him, but he never knows if it’s truly there.
Barry sits and listens to Rafe talk about you and the previous time you met and how he’s trying to see you again when he finally cuts him off. “You’re telling me you’ve been on a lowkey stalk fest for days but haven’t even talked to the girl.” Rafe stands looking at him over the fire. As he starts talking, he paces back and forth. “I’ve spoken to her, you fucking idiot, just not enough. I want to make a good impression with her family in hopes-“ Barry chuckles at this part. That’s when Rafe's eyes snap to him, looking enraged enough to jump over the fire at him.
“Chill, Country Club. I find it amusing that you don’t want to smash and pass along with this one; that’s you’re usual motto there, pretty boy. so what makes this girl so different?” Barry is leaning forward, studying the boy across from him. Rafe shakes his head, sitting down and looking at his feet, saying, “You haven’t seen her.”
Suddenly, Rafe's phone rings; an unknown number calling. And he was just about to decline but thinks better of it just in case, by the grace of some god looking over him, it’s you. When he raises the phone to his ear, he hears the slightest sniffle. With his lower tambur, he says, “Hello, who’s this?” he hears what he assumes is a girl's voice clear her throat and then a shuffling of a phone and a man’s voice he knows but can’t place behind the other line “here honey let me do it sweetheart—“ and then the tone as clear as day comes to him as the man speaks.
“Yes, Hello Rafe. Is this Rafe Cameron?” Your dad Charlie was calling him, but why, how, and whose number were you calling him from? He immediately stands at the recognition. “ Yes, sir, this is he. What’s going on? Is (F/N) okay?” he asks in quick succession. Charlie chuckles and says, “Woah, slow down there, son; everybody’s fine (F/N) is not feeling well and needs to lay down, but she was leading the fundraiser, and she knew the only person she could call who’d be kind enough to show up is you” Rafe looks up at the sky cursing every constellation for him not fully listening to Sarah just this once to know it was you who was doing this the whole time, while saying “ I would miss it for the world, sir tell her she can count on me always” Charlie smiles behind the call knowing the implications Rafes makes “ I knew you would my boy I knew you would talk soon” and with that, your Dad hung up.
Rafe was scrambling to grab his bag and helmet, pulling some cash from his pocket and throwing it at Barry. “Thanks, I’ve got to go. Don’t ask.” catching the cash and pulling it from its money clip, Barry laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Country Club, I never did.”
Rafe paid no attention to this comment, though he was too busy strapping his helmet starting, and peeling off to the Country Club in the Upper side of Figure 8 to play a giving hero in hopes you’ll recognize his oh-so-generous and noble acts of community
Or maybe you won’t forget the chatter you hear around town about Rafe and his unfair and unrequited actions towards many before you, but he’s looking forward with hope for the first outcome to blossom into something bigger.
All rights belong to the owners of Netflix and the Outer Banks. I do not own any characters except the family. The fiction is simply for fun. All copyrights belong to the original owners.
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Ex!Rafe Cameron x Kook princess!Reader
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Rafe is the Kook king and like any good king he needs a queen, who better than Y/N?
Too bad she ended things with him.
Y/N is little miss perfect, everyone knows her and everyone loves her.
Rafe knows Y/N is the only girl who is in his league.
In Rafe’s eyes no one but him is good enough for Y/N.
Rafe expects everyone to fall at his feet but Y/N doesn’t.
Her family is equally wealthy and respected as the Cameron’s, she was well educated and she’s was gorgeous.
Rafe is his usual douchey overly confident self when he’s with Y/N.
Y/N gave Rafe one chance because she she thought he was charming at first.
Y/N thought there was something more behind his ass hole he persona she learnt the hard way she was wrong.
They fought all the time and Y/N had to deal with all of Rafe’s crazy mood swings until it became too much.
Y/N knew how to stand her ground against Rafe.
Rafe fucked up his one chance but that doesn’t mean he’d give up.
Rafe is always showing off how much money he has, even to Y/N thinking she’ll realise he’s as good as it gets.
She couldn’t care less obviously, Rafe had nothing to offer to her that she didn’t have already.
“Rafe, no. I’ve told you 100 times, go away I’m hear with my friends.”
“Let me buy you a drink, I’ll get your table whatever they want.”
“Wow. How sweet Rafe, no thank you though.”
“Woah, I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”
“We both know you are far from a gentleman, Rafe. Goodbye.”
Y/N upholds everything her parents believe in.
Y/N respected herself, her parents and the people around her.
Rafe didn’t respect anyone, not even his own body.
Rafe believes in money and power he doesn’t have to prove himself to anyone.
Rafe thinks Y/N just doesn’t realise how perfect they could be together she just has to give him another chance.
Rafe doesn’t see the problem with going to every party, doing drugs and getting in fights.
Rafe sees Y/N at parties dressed up in skin tight dresses, perfectly manicured nails and fresh long braided hair and it pisses him off because what did he even do wrong? She should be his girl.
Sure Rafe did drugs 24/7 and they argued a lot but if she really cared about him she would have stayed with him and worked it out.
Rafe talks to his friends about Y/N like they’re still dating.
“My girl is so perfect.”
“Your girl?”
“HA!! Y/N Y/L/N?! She wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, dude she’s done with you.”
“She’ll get over it. I just gotta reel her back in.”
“You’re dumb as fuck, man.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Y/N was the girl every guy wanted. Rafe but Rafe would never let anyone else on the island touch what’s his.
No guy on the island is dumb enough to try anything with Y/N, everyone knows she is Rafe’s girl even if she ended things with him.
Y/N is the sweetest girl in town.
Y/N is so polite when she rejects Rafe time after time.
“Hey angel, you wanna go outside and smoke?”
“No.., not with you.”
“Aw..come on babe, I just wanna talk.”
“Rafe no. I’m done trying to work things out.”
“What I’m not worth your time? I thought we had something?”
“Yes we did. That was a misjudgment on my part though Rafe.”
“So what..?”
“You fight, do drugs and you’re so immature, what would my parents think? Maybe you don’t care what people think about you but I do.”
“So you think you’re better than me?”
“I know I am, Rafe. And I’m sure there are many people on this island who are dumb enough to give you what you want but not me, not again.”
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Rafe literally wants to shake some sense into Y/N.
How could anyone think they’re better than Rafe Cameron?
Why does Y/N want someone else when Rafe has everything that matters?
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all-pacas · 25 days
Unpopular opinion:as a Chase fan,I don't like his fanon self much. He seems too... Soft,for the lack of a better word? People seem to erase his harsher edges and bad attitudes in favour of a fragile person who wouldn't survive a second under House.
lmao god his fanfic self is so funny. he’s so sweet and prone to self harm and uwu. like mind you, i also see plenty of stuff on tumblr that’s like “this SPOILED RICH KID who is SO DUMB and SO ENTITLED” and i’m like calm down about that also. i’ve been reading a lot of ffn stuff recently and it’s fascinating to see what was written during the show’s run. chase really does get polished to a shine.
i think it’s easy to make chase soft on the one hand: he cries more on the show than anyone else (love that for him), he’s also kind of quiet. weirdly, i think the cam/chase romance is also a factor: the show pretty consistently… does some interesting things with that ship, but, cameron is generally (if gently/sympathetically) shown to be in the wrong, and chase to be the patient and forgiving boyfriend, right? (and this is because the relationship is shown thru cameron’s pov and lens and in terms of her character development; she gets to Make Mistakes so that she grows; chase is largely just her accessory). and then when she leaves, we get to see him be upset about it, which of course only adds to the uwu pretty sadboy filter.
but yeah! chase is prickly! like post-divorce everyone is being really nice and he is super rude and sarcastic and dismissive. he makes sarcastic little comments constantly. he is prone to sulking and passive-aggression. he wants validation and is kind of needy and when he doesn’t get those things he starts rolling his eyes and making weird comments (”works for spaghetti!”). chase also, i think, thinks… pretty highly of himself? like i don’t think he’s arrogant exactly, he’s no foreman. but he clearly doesn’t struggle with self worth. he knows he’s a good surgeon, he knows he’s got money, he hilariously thinks it’s his personality and not his looks that make women like him. he knows he is very good looking. while that isn’t to say he can’t be insecure (he really can be, at least when cameron is concerned), he isn’t self loathing. he knows he’s good at talking to people and doing his job and being pretty.
he’s pretty good at putting on a charming front when he needs to, but it’s very much a front. one of my favorite little things is that in poison he’s chatting up the patient’s mom, lightly joking, being friendly. she gets him removed from the case and he’s outraged, quote: “She complained? About me?” He is literally so mad that someone wouldn’t like him. he is offended. not hurt. not upset. it makes him angry. he is charming, intentionally, he is doing a strategy (his words), people complain about him? it comes up in the mistake, too; stacy mentions he always gets great patient reviews and foreman complains it’s because chase is fake as hell. and other times! chase is so polite and friendly to house, he is completely dismissive of foreman. he barely manages a polite front to park and masters, he can’t wait to not talk to them. he’s (affectionately) fake as all fucking hell. i love the scene in s5 where foreman/13/kutner want him to do a surgery and chase is like lol you’re not house fuck off. like he’s so dismissive. chase gets accused of having no backbone all the time, but the fact is, he has no issue sticking up for himself or being dismissive. when he likes someone he will do anything and everything with no complaint (see: house, cameron), but he doesn’t really like most people. foreman sure as hell never gets a single favor from chase, lmao.
and then to flip-flop, that isn’t to say he can’t be genuine or soft. like, he definitely bonds with children almost whenever he sees one. he hugs house with no ulterior motives. it’s also not to say he can’t be an uwu sadboy, although whenever he is depressed he tends to cover it with as much avoidance/sarcasm/sleeping around and drinking as possible. but like! the kid has been through a lot in his life! just the fact that he moved around the world and left everything behind is actually pretty tough! he’s had to take care of himself since he was a kid, he had two abusive parents, if he was to have a sadboy breakdown it sure wouldn’t be because of house. he’s a fucking survivor. he ratted to vogler because he would rather house hated him than be unemployed, and had no regrets. he’s great and i love him and he deserves it every time he gets punched in the face or called useless
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#10: Felicity Evergreen
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The sea calls to you, it always has. The call of journey has always been an afterthought, but when you grew bored of your home’s waters you took it up all the same. You’ve never wanted for much in life, never gifts nor companionship but experiences that you can cherish until you die. Journey, like a hearty stew, that you can savor. Your job is perfect for you; out and about, always moving and exploring, never ceasing so you can continue to quench your thirst. Some may wonder if you’ll ever settle but the road has always had your name.
“felicity” means happiness. “evergreen” means never fading trees.
34, nb femme (she/they), romance: no, but qpr friendly, sex: kinda a gray area? she doesn’t mind it but she also doesn’t think about it or ‘need’ it, preference: feminine
her hair in the picrew is kinda incorrect because her hair is more teal/seagreen and it comes down in waves to the middle of her back. she wears it in a variety of differing styles though she usually has two pieces in the front as bangs. her eyes are a soft brown color, nearly matching the color of her rich dark brown skin, and she’s quite tall, standing at 5’8”. she is lithe but extremely clumsy so and kind of notion of grace goes out the window when you see her trip over her own two feet. still, she’s extremely graceful in the water—water dancing is one of her favorite things to do.
SCOUT, though she mostly became one because she wanted to stick by cameron in everything that she did. truthfully; she probably would’ve been better off staying as a fishing woman in their hometown of Kost, but she’s always longed for adventure, and to see the other bodies of water that Terrae has to offer; so she saw it as a good excuse to go. Pinella’s Pass being so landlocked did drive her up the wall a bit though. in terms of weaponry, she uses a modified fishing lance, which she built herself and named manumari which translates to something like “the hand of the sea.” because she’s quite proficient in vis (magic of the force of will) she will bring the sea to her in a battle, calling forth waves and wakes or even flooding areas when she needs to to best opponents. she doesn’t like to fight as much as she likes to travel though, so most of the time manumari acts like an oar for her when she goes rafting or boating, because it allows her to control currents and direct her to where she needs to go. this is all her magic though; mari is just her channel for it. she works as the procurement officer in the AGoE, which basically means she gets to travel to different dealers throughout the city and its general surrounding areas (within a certain mile radius) to get the necessary materials that the guild needs to operate. potions, salves, standard weapons, bedding and toiletries, all of those kinds of things and more she oversees. she hopes one day that the AGoE will become as big a guild as one like the KoV (knights of virtue and the oldest and largest guild in all of Terrae) so that she can have an excuse to travel further than just the mainland.
humble, kind hearted, and a bit dreamy, felicity loves the call of adventure more than literally anyone else. she tends to wander off on her own because her curiosity gets the better of her (which gives cameron a heart attack most days) and she always seems to end up in some ridiculous situation or another trying to find her way to where she needs to be; but it also means she’s very good at storytelling. she loves to regale others with any kind of tales, whether it be from the lore and myths of their world, to just what happened to her last week when she ran into someone she didn’t realize she knew. she’s easy to get along with in that way and is generally easy going. her laugh is contagious.
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escapismqueen · 1 year
Don’t know if you’ve seen any discourse surrounding this topic but what do you think of people comparing Jere to John (Belly’s dad) to prove that if the “safe option” didn’t work for Laurel, it wouldn’t work for Belly..? It’s an odd comparison for one but, while I know they divorced.. are people forgetting that Laurel and John were married for 15 years and have 2 children together? They ended things amicably and remain close. That doesn’t feel like a failure of a relationship at all.
I had a feeling this might come up at some point. In my opinion, jere is never going to be the ‘safe’ option. There’s so much more to lose with jere if it weren’t to work out/ they’ve been best friends for ages and they’re such a rock solid important relationship in each others lives. Belly ‘knows this boy better than anyone’ she’s Jeremiah’s ‘best friend’ he can read belly’s mind but really he can just ‘read belly’. Her and Conrad don’t have anything close in comparison to their relationship. If it weren’t to work out with jere, belly would lose her world. If it weren’t to work out with Conrad, belly would just lose Conrad.
I think the conversation that laurel had with belly has been taken way out of proportion. Laurel never describes John in a negative way, she describes him as ‘like curling up in front of a warm fire where you know you’re safe’ or something like that. Idk about anyone else, but that sounds rather lovely. But I don’t think that John and laurels relationship is supposed to represent belly and Jeremiah’s anyway. If anything, the ‘safe’ option would be cam Cameron. Laurel described having another love that ‘burned too bright’ and what happens if you’re in a fire that burns to bright ? You get burned. You get hurt. This is the Conrad/belly reference.
Susannah was the love of laurels life and vice Versa, wether they realised it or not, and this is where I see so much of Jeremiah and belly. Plus, so we all remember that scene where they were high and it was jeremiah that found them and he called belly to laugh at them. They watched them both together, laughing and smiling. And I’m that moment, belly and Jeremiah were a literal mirror of laurel and Susannah. Laurel has called Susannah her ‘soulmate’ before I’m pretty sure, and this is what makes me more sure about the mirroring.
Both Jeremiah and Belly and Laurel and Susannah are best friends, love each other endlessly and are the happiest when around the other.
I’d also like to mention the little part that Laurel read from her book where she said that Susannah ‘dropped everything’ to be with her for belly’s birth. I would now like to mention Jeremiah’s ‘I’ll always come and get you’ to belly. is anyone else SEEING THIS ?!!!
Jeremiah is in no way the safe option, because there’s so much more riding on him and belly being together. If they don’t work, they lose the one thing that’s always made them happy and at peace in the world. If they work, they get the love of their lives.
Plus, I know what bonrads are wanting to get at here with the whole ‘safe’ thing and I want to just raise them this; let’s stop calling good, loving, kind and passionate people ‘safe’ because there’s no drama for you to consume and purely because you prefer the toxic LI. What you need isn’t a bonrad endgame, what you need is therapy.
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 3: Walks in the Cold
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 3648
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: I'm sorry this chapter is entirely based around a party but SPOILER there's non-text writing!!! so get excited babes, its heating up now.
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Jimmy Jabbers
[02:29pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: how do they dig graves?? Pineapples: at this point in time they cant use shovels anymore thats insane Pineapples: but a whole excavator in a graveyard seems risky bc what if they hit a headstone
RoRo: they get like 10 dogs in
Queen G: what if they still use shovels tho?
Four Eyes: They do get excavators in; it does look a little bit weird but there’s not really any other efficient way to dig a grave Four Eyes: 1 image attachment
Pineapples: if anyone sees me laughing at the grave digger machine no u don’t
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:32pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: amy r u awake?
Cameron: Yeah, why?
Ferris: idk im just worried
Cameron: About what?
Ferris: what if i dont finish all the assignments in time for break Ferris: i dont wanna be kicked out
Cameron: Firstly, they don’t kick you out. You just don’t pass those classes and have to retake them (or drop out, of your own free will) Cameron: Secondly, we’re going to get them finished. You’ve been working hard and I am sure they’ll all be done in time for winter break
Ferris: but what if they arent???
Cameron: What if we put some stakes on it?
Ferris: theres already stakes
Cameron: Stakes that you’ll enjoy a lot more than an existential crisis
Ferris: im listening
Cameron: If you finish all of the assignments in time for winter break I will go to Terry’s annual New Years party AND match you drink for drink. If you don’t finish them, you have to jump in the fountain in the courtyard
Ferris: ur literally a genius Ferris: i do not want to jump in that fountain and i absolutely want you to go to that party
Cameron: I’ve not been to his New Years parties and for good reason
Ferris: you better start dress shopping then ames because this is ur year
Cameron: Part of me hopes so
Ferris: ill let u sleep now Ferris: gn
Cameron: Goodnight, Jake
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:30pm, Thursday]
Pineapples: amy and i are in the library if anyone wants to join
RoRo: what are u doing in the library?
Pineapples: studying duh
Mr Grapes: on my way now!
Pineapples: see u!
Queen G: our school has a library??
RoRo: why wouldn’t it??
Queen G: because theyre boring
Four Eyes: I take offense to that
Queen G: of course u do
Dance Squad
[4:40pm, Thursday]
Scary: so charles, now that you’re in the presence of them Scary: how close are you to winning this bet because by my calculations you’ve got about three days
G-Hive: oh damn! rosa coming in hot with the trash talk
Charlese: I will not give up hope yet, three more days is enough
Scary: with the way they are now three days is nowhere near enough Scary: gina how are you feeling?
G-Hive: as confident as ever <3
Scary: i admire that
[11:59pm, Sunday]
G-Hive: and its a tough loss for charles on this fine evening
Scary: knew it
Charlese: alright alright I get it Charlese: severe underestimation but in my defence they should’ve gotten together over a year ago
G-Hive: no they shouldnt have
Scary: so g, its just you and me left
G-Hive: if we’re being fair then charles does have a grace period before its closer to your guess than his but my calculations dont swing in charles favour
Scary: tough break charles Scary: maybe next time
Charlese: crying my self to sleep tonight Charlese: gonna start bugging Jake about his feelings for Amy
G-Hive: violation of the rules!!! G-Hive: no meddling G-Hive: ur such a meddler
Scary: no interference or else
Charlese: got it got it, no interference
Sexy Bitches
[10:34am, Tuesday]
Ter Bear: Hey Gina, just giving you a heads up that Liam is having a thing for his birthday at his place this Saturday
Sexy: seriously?! Sexy: thank u for the heads up
Ter Bear: And don’t tell them I told you but if you cozy up enough to him, he might let you DJ Ter Bear: He’s seen the playlist and didn’t mind it
Sexy: I LOVE U TERRY Sexy: i owe you big time
Ter Bear: You always owe me, I’m good to you guys
Sexy: you really are
Jimmy Jabbers
[10:39am, Tuesday]
Queen G: i have just received some amazing news!
Pineapples: can i guess! terry is having a party
Queen G: yes!
Pineapples: well technically its his friend liam Pineapples: its his bday Pineapples: terry text me too lol
Queen G: but i bet he didnt mention that im gonna DJ!!
Pineapples: NO HE DIDN’T
Four Eyes: That’s great news, Gina, congrats. I’ll be there to listen to your amazing playlist
RoRo: me too
Mr Grapes: finally someone who will listen to my requests!
Queen G: if ur request is not from a musical and from the last 2 years then i might consider it
Mr Grapes: best party ever already
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:45am, Tuesday]
Ferris: u gonna be alright with a party?
Cameron: Yeah of course, as long as I get at least three drinks in me haha
Ferris: thats the spirit ames!
Sleuth Sisters
[10:47am, Tuesday]
Amy: Does Jake have a nickname for you?
Rosa: no
Girls, Girls, Girls
[02:16pm, Saturday]
Gina: when r u guys gonna be at mine?
Rosa: closer to when we have to leave
Amy: I’ve got some work I need to finish up, lets say around 7-7:30?
Gina: it doesnt even surprise me that u guys dont take more than 2 hours to get ready Gina: we’re leaving at 9 and u guys are getting here at 5 at the LATEST
Rosa: only if I can pregame
Gina: of course u can
Amy: Yeah sure, I’ll be there at 5
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:19pm, Saturday]
Cameron: Has Gina always taken multiple hours to get ready to go out or is it just a development in college?
Ferris: hahahaha oh no Ferris: shes always been like that Ferris: ever since she discovered makeup and curling irons
Cameron: That makes sense haha Cameron: She’s making Rosa and I be at hers at 5pm at the latest to start getting ready for tonight
Ferris: arent we leaving at 9??
Cameron: Yep!
Ferris: oh amy… Ferris: hahaha Ferris: itll be fun tho
Cameron: Yeah it will be
[07:18pm, Saturday]
Cameron: She has a curling iron so close to my scalp right now, help me
Ferris: hahahaha sorry ames ur on ur own
Cameron: You’re the worst!
Ferris: if i had to get my hair braided when i was 11 then u have to get ur hair curled now
Cameron: That is an amazing piece of information that you have willingly given up, thank you so much
Ferris: amy no Ferris: what r u doing Ferris: ur not telling rosa right?? Ferris: amy please Ferris: i thought we were friends
Bi Besties
[07:23pm, Saturday]
El Baboso: shut up
Dagger: I bet you looked so cute with your braids too
El Baboso: of course i did!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[07:24pm, Saturday]
Ferris: youll pay for this
Cameron: Uh huh, sure I will haha
[09:12pm, Saturday]
Cameron: Gina is finally ready, how are you and Charles going?
Ferris: charles and i are on our way to the party already.. Ferris: sorry
Cameron: That’s okay! We’ll meet you there
Ferris: see you there!!!!
The walk to Terry’s was cold but the bottle of gin that the three of them were passing between each other helped warm Amy’s insides. She was feeling angry that Gina had talked her into wearing a dress and envious of Rosa’s warm and comfortable looking leather pants.
“Longest 10-minute walk of my life” Rosa said grumpily, arms crossed in front of her.
“Two more minutes and we’re there” Amy reassured Rosa (and herself).
“Its cold but its also party time! Let’s get excited ladies, we look hot and I’m DJ-ing, the night is young and I have a good feeling” Gina proclaimed into the night, making Amy laugh.
“You’re right, its gonna be a good night” Amy agreed, and she even saw Rosa crack a smile out of the corner of her eye.
Finally, they arrived at Terry’s and the place was already pumping, the music loud and coloured lights glowing in the windows. The first thing Amy registered upon entering the house was the amount of people moving around; walking from somewhere to get somewhere else, dancing to the music, or talking loudly to each other. If it weren’t for the gin on the journey over she’d be overwhelmed immediately, but her senses were dulled and the warmth promised by the alcohol was finally blossoming in her stomach.
She was feeling good as the three of them made their way through the house to the kitchen where they found Jake and Charles laughing about something. Charles lit up upon seeing them and it made Jake turn around, he looked happy to see them before his eyes landed on Amy. He froze, quickly looking her up and down before continuing with a loud greeting and offer of drinks.
Gina took a few swigs of the remaining gin and said she was going to find the speaker system and get the music really going.
“There’s four of us left!” Jake yelled over the music, Amy gave him a confused stare in response, “Its time for beer pong!”
Amy was immediately on board, as was Rosa. Charles needed some convincing, and after a hype speech from Jake and gathering all the cups they could find they were setting up beer pong on the dining table. A small crowd had begun to gather as they were setting up, raising the pressure to a level Amy thrived on.
The four of them gathered next to the table to discuss the terms; losing team gives $40 to the winning team.
“Looking forward to my $20, lunch is on me next Tuesday” Amy teased Jake as he always asked to get lunch during their study sessions.
“It will be on you, because you’ll be giving me $20” He responded smugly.
“In your dreams” Amy scoffed before they made their way to their assigned sides of the table.
Amy and Rosa were given first throw, a decision Jake and Charles would quickly grow to regret. The game was full of trash talking and celebration dances. Charles gagged on the cup Rosa secretly filled with vodka which made even Jake laugh despite the loss of a cup.
After intense back and forth, and the crowd growing increasingly invested in the outcome of the game, both teams were down to one cup each. But after the number of drinks, it was difficult for both teams to aim properly.
It was Charles and Jake’s turn, Amy was nervous and watching Jake intently, hoping to psych him out. Just as he was leaning his arm back to throw, Amy tossed some of her hair over her shoulder. The small action was enough to make Jake falter for a moment and his throw was off, Amy and Rosa (and the half of the crowd rooting for them) cheered.
Finally, it was their turn again, Amy volunteered to go first. She took a deep breath as she bent her arm back and lined up her throw, everyone waited with bated breath to see if this was the one. The pressure and tension gave her an odd sense of calm, she threw the ball as calm as ever and it landed right in the cup. The crowd erupted into cheers as Amy and Rosa celebrated with cheers of their own as well as high fives and fist bumps.
Jake and Charles hung their heads, Jake volunteered to take the last cup for Charles who looked grateful. After their celebrations had finished Amy revelled in Jake chugging the last cup and trudging over her to give her the money owed. She heard Charles say something about paying Rosa tomorrow and Rosa threatening that she’ll remember.
“Here you go, Ames, a well deserved twenty bucks” He handed a $20 note over to her.
Amy took it happily and tucked it into her bra, Jakes eyes followed her hands the whole time.
“Thank you very much”
Jake nodded to signify a ‘you’re welcome’ before Amy continued.
“I’m gonna ask Gina to put on a victory song!” She laughed, and Jake laughed with her.
“I’ll come with!” He yelled over the music which suddenly got louder.
They both journeyed through the house to find where the music system was. Gina was standing behind a table with who Amy assumed was an actual DJ, they were both bopping their heads along to the music and pointing to something on Gina’s phone.
Amy pushed her way through the crowd with Jake in tow in the direction of the table. Once there Jake gestured for Gina to lean in close, and so she moved so that she was leaning across the table with her face close to Amy and Jake’s.
“Rosa and I won beer pong, we need a victory song!” Amy yelled, hoping Gina could hear her.
Based on the satisfied smile that graced Gina’s face she did hear.
“I told you tonight was gonna be good!” She stood back up properly and began looking through her phone once again with the DJ.
Amy couldn’t help but smile because Gina was right. Jake then jerked his head towards the makeshift dance floor and Amy nodded in response. The two of them moved away from the table a little bit and began moving to the music.
The song changed to what Amy assumed was the victory song and it got her blood pumping, she wasn’t thinking about how she was dancing she was just moving the way she felt like it. Jake seemed to be doing the same thing, taking the loss incredibly well.
The lights got dimmer, the various colours now being the primary light source in the room. Someone bumped into Amy, she stumbled into Jake who caught her and held onto her arms. He gave her a look that asked if she was okay and she nodded in response before continuing to dance, now closer to Jake.
He kept one hand on her arm before sliding it down to hold her hand, he lifted their arms up in the air for her to spin under. Amy spun around while giggling, once she was done he let go and a part of her was disappointed.
They continued to dance for so long Amy lost track of time and how many songs they had danced to, Jake knowing every word to all of them and her knowing some. The dance floor had become more crowded as the night went on, her and Jake had been slowly bumped closer to one another, now standing just inches apart.
Amy’s brain was foggy but she managed to hold onto various thoughts of how nice Jake’s arms looked in his shirt, and how thirsty she was getting after all the singing and dancing. She leaned close to Jake’s ear.
“I’m gonna get a drink!” She told him.
He nodded in confirmation and mouthed what Amy assumed was ‘I’ll come too’. Amy turned around and started shoving through the crowd, wondering if it was Jake who had his hand on the small of her back or some creep. A quick look behind her showed that her intuition was correct, Jake following closely behind with a hand on her back sending a tingling feeling up and down her spine.
These were all feelings Amy decided to unpack tomorrow, or the day after, or never.
Once they were in the kitchen Amy raided the fridge and found some bottles of water, handing one to Jake. He opened his and chugged half of it in one go while she wrestled with the lid of hers still.
“Can you open it for me, please?” She held out her bottle of water, looking slightly defeated.
“Sure” He smiled and grabbed the bottle off her.
He opened it with ease and Amy’s eyes widened slightly, she hoped Jake didn’t notice as she quickly took the bottle back from him and took a few mouthfuls. It cooled her down and she was finally able to think properly, asking Jake what the time was.
At almost 1 in the morning, she was debating on going home or staying for a bit longer, voicing this debate to Jake standing across from her, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“You can’t walk home by yourself Ames” He countered.
“I can’t force Gina and Rosa to leave, I actually think Gina is gonna be here forever” She joked, Jake laughed with her.
“How about, three more songs and then I’ll walk you home” He offered, and Amy had to admit it wasn’t a bad deal. She was concerned about walking home alone.
“You’re sure you want to leave?” She asked, not wanting to inconvenience him.
“Yeah. Charles is off with a girl – texted me like 20 minutes ago – and like you said, Rosa and Gina are gonna be here forever. I’m almost ready for bed” He reasoned, and Amy couldn’t say no.
“Alright then, three more songs” She agreed with a smile, having another mouthful of water and turning to make her way back to the dance floor.
Jake once again followed close behind, not touching her this time Amy noted. They found a small empty spot on the dance floor and resumed their dancing as if the small break hadn’t happened. The two of them were once again just inches apart and Amy took note of it immediately this time.
She felt heat in her cheeks at this note and thought about it the whole time they danced to the first song, then the second song came on and Amy couldn’t ignore an ABBA remix. Both her and Jake sang every word loudly with wide smiles on their faces, gesturing and throwing their hands in the air when they felt appropriate.
If someone were to ask Amy she’d say it was the most fun she’s had at a party in a long time.
Finally, as the third song faded out and a new one began, Jake gestured his head towards the front door and Amy nodded in agreement. She quickly got her small bag from where she’d safely stashed it near Gina and followed Jake out of the house.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:07am, Sunday]
Pineapples: amy and i leaving Pineapples: have fun party animals
The cool air and quietness of being out of the house was almost jarring to Amy’s senses. They walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, but it wasn’t long until the cold got to Amy and she began shivering, arms wrapped around herself.
“You look cold, here” Jake stopped to take his leather jacket off.
“You don’t have to-“ Amy began before being cut off by him.
“I do, what are friends for”
She let out a small laugh and looked at the ground for a moment, trying to hide the heat spreading in her cheeks despite the cold. He held the jacket out for her and she accepted it happily, putting it on and crossing her arms in front of her to keep the front closed.
“Thanks” She said quietly.
“That’s okay”
They continued the walk this time talking about the party, specifically the beer pong match, recounting the highlights and lowlights of the game with a lot of laughter in between. Amy found herself not wanting the walk to end, despite how cold, tired and tipsy she was.
Finally, they reached a divergence in the path and Amy expected Jake to go the opposite direction to her towards his dorm but he continued walking by her side.
“Isn’t your dorm that way?” She interrupted his sentence and pointed to the left.
“I said I’d walk you home, I’m a man of my word Ames”
“Oh.. okay then” She accepted without argument and continued walking to her dorm with Jake by her side.
It was only when they were right outside the building doors did Jake feel comfortable leaving her, confident she could get to her dorm by herself, a comment he said which made her laugh. They said a quick goodbye and Amy watched Jake walk away for a moment before turning and entering the doors of the building.
She took the elevator up to her floor, only realising when the doors closed and she saw a blur of her reflection that she was still wearing Jake’s jacket. It was too late to go after him now, she’ll probably see him tomorrow and if not tomorrow then Monday at the latest to give it back to him.
Once in her dorm she sighed heavily, ready to take her makeup off and put on comfy pyjamas as the exhaustion began to weigh down on her. She got unready as quick as she could, hanging Jake’s jacket over the back of her desk chair, and climbed into bed.
When she was comfy she got her phone off the bedside table to check her messages one last time before what she predicted would be at least a 10 hour sleep.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:28am, Sunday]
Queen G: ugh some guys started to yell at each other Queen G: rosa and i made a quick getaway
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[01:32am, Sunday]
Cameron: I assume you made it back to your dorm alright?
Ferris: i was brutally murdered as soon as u went into ur building actually
Cameron: Damn… Cameron: Now who will I annihilate at beer pong..
Cameron: Hahahaha Cameron: Goodnight, jake
Ferris: gn ames
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: EEEK!! I am excited on their behalf because w h a t will amy be thinking tomorrow???? i sure hope these dummies start to figure it out soon mwahaha
Thanks as always for reading, next chap will be out whenever I can get it out <3
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ntls-24722 · 10 months
attention number(???) of the DJ community
I have a special question for you 2 in fact,
how did cameron & Miguel really really mad like how was the start the very very start
(number one question is devoted into two)
and what did cameron family thought about her I know one time you said all his brother was OK with this or what not I don’t really remember pretty well, but I want to really know how they felt about their son having a relationship with something out of this universe(pretty powerful relationship to me)
Number 2
how does Fritz really sound like? His sound his voice because I tried to have a conversation in my head between him and BB and I tried to stick really deep sounds into him. But I can’t imagine anything but an old man found. But I don’t know which sound work with him, especially my voice isn’t helping.
(BB had so many conversations about human organs, and which one of them taste better when you cook it with him)(they even went on “ buried corpse adventure” in the woods and they come out with one human head that was completely gone and do rabbits)
I know so many questions, but I love them
I felt very curious
and I feel that cameron would you read us a story in front of warm fire and will make small silly jokes that will make us laugh. We share cookies and milk. “ and he would be the Santa clause for the year.”
Last but not least I hope you have a very good day/night, eat healthy ,enjoy your holiday ✨
So, Cameron met Miguel like everyone else who has met Miguel. By pure chance, walking in some random direction to get to some random place, he went one of Miguel's viewpoints (aka, points where Miguel and our universe connect).
There is no way to determine where Miguel's viewpoints are, they are random spots in random places. The only way he found it is because he took a detour walking to work because he saw his favorite butterfly and followed it - by pure chance, while following it, he stepped on one of Miguel's viewpoints, and landed in one of Miguel's levels.
The infamous backrooms picture already looks vaguely like a spot in Cameron's workplace. So when he woke up there, he thought he had already got to work. For like an entire hour, he just wandered trying to get to the front before he realized that there is no front. It took him 4 months to get out of there, because similarly to Miguel's viewpoints on earth, the viewpoint to get back is unmarked, isn't in a particularly unique place, andit looks identical to everywhere else - the only reliable way to find it at Cameron's time was to just step in every square foot of the place. And eventually Cameron did. He came back to our universe at the exact time he left it, to his surprise. He returns home, extremely weirded out, because he just spent 4 months in some weird place yet spent no time in his own world.
(To answer an earlier question of yours, Cameron and Miguel met on neutral terms - Cameron just thought Miguel was weird, and Miguel didn't care about Cameron's existance or presence)
He's on his way to work. He thinks he's crazy. So he goes back there just to confirm that he was just dreaming... and confirms the opposite! He ends up back in Miguel in a completely different level and spends another 4 months or so in Miguel.
Generally, that's the maximum amount of times people visit Miguel. They find her by accident, are surprised and go back to her again to confirm it wasn't a dream, they find out it wasn't a dream, and never come back because before Cameron started dating Miguel, It took a month or more to leave because you had to have stepped literally everywhere to find the exit. This isn't enjoyable for anyone.
Well, it isn't enjoyable to anyone except Cameron Filali who already fucks around empty abandoned buildings on the weekends.
To Cameron, he just found a way to freeze months of time. Sure, he's not doing a lot in those months, but with the way he's using it, he personally feels like he only goes to work every couple of months.
Miguel starts to take interest in him because he is the only person who visits her in such a high frequency (every other day compared to maybe once or twice every 5 years) and he also doesn't seem to be visiting her for any real purpose - from her perspective, all Cameron does is go in and... live in her for awhile, and also spend much time photographing and admiring her. Eventually, this person also starts to monologue to her and be physically affectionate to various objects within her.
I feel the need to mention that Cameron is not aware that Miguel is actually sentient at this point, but that doesn't stop Cameron from falling in love with this mystical place that seems to not abide by the laws of physics, even if it never stays the same everytime he visits (which is no surprise, at least to me, far less interesting objects and places have become the apple of his eye before). Despite him being unaware that Miguel is actually sentient, he kind of interprets Miguel to be sentient in his own head and personifies everything in her, including... her! This is the point when Miguel is officially named Miguel and Miguel is both flattered and intrigued by this.
So, Cameron monologues to Miguel, complimenting her, but also points out inconsistencies between Earth and Miguel ("Paintings usually are hung on nails back home. There's a string on the back and you can hang it up. Though, you seem to be doing just fine without them") that actually slowly make Earth and Miguel similar (he also points out that he can't see miguel's exits, and that is also promptly fixed, to his surprise). Miguel indirectly shows her affections to him with lovey dovey decorations and food, and while Cameron takes notice, he doesn't realize the larger force at play until eventually, Miguel decides to semi-directly tell him her feelings with a little pie and a note that had his name in hearts.
Which, for a few seconds, scared the everliving shit out of Cameron. But immediately afterwards, he was estatic that his feelings were actually mutual and the rest is ✨history✨.
Though when it comes to his relationship and his family? Cameron hasn't told anyone in his family about his relationship other than his brother, and his brother didn't take it well (basically just called him delusional/stupid), but his brother promised not to tell anyone else and at least he has kept that promise - the rest of his family would ridicule him for it. He's already very openly effeminate and single (his family has just assumed the reason why he's single is because he's gay, but when it comes to people he's actually pansexual) and his family is not very queer friendly. He doesn't imagine they would be objectum-friendly, either. They would just think he's crazy and further ostracize him.
I don't actually have an official voice for Fritz. He does have a deep voice, though, so you were on the money on that one! I can't say much other than that but he speaks in a particularly monotone delivery with most people except for people he likes.
And, about that last line, I confirm that Cameron would do that. He doesn't have kids of his own but he's a fun great-uncle and often takes care of his nieces/nephews, though he is still awkward around other adults even though he's 65.
enjoy your holidays too!! :]🎉✨
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sansloii · 1 year
Rules, tag 10 followers  you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @fanaticist​​ Tagging: @skxrbrand @celestialspitfire @dcviated @hhemeraa @nezumivc103221 @soulsxng @feraecor @soraeia @fatestouch @desiderium-eden + and anyone else that wants to share deep dark personal lore
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Name: marshy, morsh, mushy, marshabelle, whatever mispelling you want of "marshy" because i will respond to it all
Star Sign: gemini (sun) + scorpio (moon) + aquarius (rising)
Height: 5'6/5'7-ish
Middle name: that's between me and the fbi agent in my laptop
Put your itunes/spotify/youtube on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up? ( my youtube playlist is a fucking mess do not judge me )
hated by life itself by Iori Kanzaki
blessed messiah and the tower of ai by Hitoshizuku-P × Yama△
Ressurections by lena raine
don't threaten a bitch! ( mashup of panic at the disco & marina and the diamonds )
last remote piano arrange by nana takahashi
use me by diplo ( feat. dove cameron + johnny blue skies
Ever had a poem or song written about you: nnnnope!
When was the last time you played air guitar: god i don't even know when the last time i did that was djfsdfs
i'm more the type that will dance in my seat or in place when i'm feeling a song
Who is your celebrity crush?: don't have one. i'm boring sorryyy and if i do, i don't remember it right now
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: you know those obnoxious pricks that refuse to get a muffler or whatever for their car? so when they're driving really really fast in their super nice "fuck you" car, the exhaust or engine pops just as obnoxiously loud?? that. i hate that. I personally think that i should get to kick you down the stairs if your car does that.
as for a sound that i love, i like rain noises and ambiance. often times, i use it to write or do coding tasks at work. it lets me block things out and really focus on what i need to do, because i'm prone to getting distracted.
Do you believe in ghosts?: not really? all the spooky shit is already happening and this world is scary enough without the addition of spectres from the beyond
How about aliens: kinda? but more in the sense that there is no way in hell this planet is the only planet with sentient life because there is so much of space that we haven't even touched. that said, can they pop up after i exit this mortal coil because i will not have my life be derailed by an alien invasion. no ma'am
Do you drive?: nnnnope. but i live in a city where i don't have to yet
if so have you ever crashed: n/a
What was the last book you read?: i literally never read anymore so i couldn't even tell you.
Do you like the smell of gasoline: no. it fucking stinks
What was the last movie you saw?: uuuuhhhh by the time this posts, i'll have watched the super mario bros movie. but if not, I watched lights out ( thank you @hhemeraa )
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?:  when i was in middle school, i ran face first into a glass door at home and it shattered. a large chunk of glass landed on my shoulder and i had to get stitches for it at like... 11pm on a school night. mom was a nurse tho so she got me in and out of the emergency room relatively quickly because she took me to the hospital she worked at. i was Not a happy camper, regardless, tho and after i got back home, i avoided that part of the house for a solid month. i also only got to stay home for like. a day or two before i was told to go back to school
it didn't help that i kept hearing that with the way it landed ( the scar is just shy of the junction of my neck and shoulder ), it could've been potentially fatal. and i was really lucky. so that was nice.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: tears of the kingdom!!!! i got it day one and have been OBSESSED with it. i haven't been able to play it as much as i would like but!!! i'm having fun with it--especially when the game lets me make a large ass bridge of logs so i can scale something i don't have enough stamina to climb.
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bloodykora · 2 years
tw/cw: grooming. this is specifically for my mbav fans and followers
for those that do not know, a victim came forward about Atticus Mitchell and his grooming behaviour towards them. i don't necessarily wanna spend this whole post speaking about my feelings because i intend to speak about my content and what i plan to do but. i am so mad. i used MBAV (and DMC) as a comfort because of a grooming experience i went through from someone who was very much a person i looked up to and he very clearly had power over me because he was over a decade older then me, etc.
it so fucking pains me to now know something that has been a comfort for 8th grade me and on, is now tainted. i hope the victim(s, in case anything else comes out) is in a better and healthy place now. i wish them all the support and love because i can assume how much fear they had speaking out about it.
okay my content. i plan on keeping most of it up, i had a benny oneshot in the works which i will be scrapping. i can separate character and actor but currently it pains me for that. if anything comes out that Atticus or anyone in the cast/crew did anything while the show was in production i most likely will distance myself from mbav. (i wont delete my fics for Rory or my mbav blog unless literally Cameron also did something similar to what has happened.)
i might eventually write for Rory but don't expect anything full soon, i understand if people unfollow because of this news, i get it.
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I've spoken often of Gail saying that the hotel corrupts people, because that is kind of like the thesis statement of the Lassiters hotel storylines but what Elle said before that is also what I consider to be a pivotal line in the way I read her character.
Gail: Come home. Elle: I can't. I've put in too much hard work to walk away now.
I really think Elle is the personification of 'You can never go back your mothers house' because...well because it would kill her. This line is about the hotel, but it has a double meaning when you read it in context of what happened in 2006.
Gail can't move on. That's the crux of her character. Why she can't stay. Can't get along with Elle. Can't have a relationship with Harlow because all of these things would have an element of moving on, accepting, and perhaps even taking responsibility for what happened with Robert and Cameron. Gail says she can't lose half of her life by staying with Paul, she has to go back to Hobart, and her home, and her memories and stay there. At the expense of her living daughter.
Elle's the opposite. The only way she could survive losing Cameron is to move forward. To keep moving forward. To not let herself...Be consumed with grief. And that was not easy for her. She was literally on her knees in front of Paul begging for him to get revenge, and when he couldn't...She did. And we know how that turned out for her.
For Gail, the triplets childhood, it was a good time in her life. Hard work, clearly, but she loved them and did her best. She wants to relieve that, relish in it. For Elle, her childhood seems to have been very difficult. Everything she says suggests Gail was only slightly less absent that Paul, that she was drinking and partying from ~15, that Robert made her life difficult...Why would she want to go back there? Tasmania, for better or worse, is not her home any longer. Her home, also for better or worse, is Paul.
Gail did the right thing convincing Paul to talk to Elle, that she is a symbol of the love they used to have and all that. It doesn't take long for Paul to fall back in love with his favourite daughter, and Elle of course forgives him, because she loves him more than anyone else ever has or ever will. Even Gail admits, they are very alike...More so then perhaps she wishes they were.
Ultimately, this small storyline from 2007 is the end of Gail's motherhood over Elle. By leaving, Gail chooses to leave not just Paul, but also Elle. Next time we see her, the two of them are on the outs and don't seem to have been close for a long time. Elle and Paul meanwhile seem to be as tight as ever, with Elle being the one who suggests he move to New York before the fake finale. She can't go back. Gail can't move forward. Sometimes, you and the people you love just get stuck at an impasse.
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reformedvoid · 3 years
Okay I know that it’s been almost 13 years since the release but I’m talking about it now. And I’m also not very good at talking so if I made any mistakes I’ll correct them.
I decided to give James Cameron’s Avatar a watch. And..I liked it, however here is what I’d think would’ve made it better. And what the problems are.
But before I go into that I want to say what I enjoyed about the movie. I love the atmosphere and scenery of Pandora, it’s an absolutely beautiful place and if it was real I’d definitely visit. I love the creatures and I especially love the Na’vi. Those are the elements of the film that drew me in.
Now, like any film it needs to have a drawback, and I feel like the biggest drawback for me and probably for many others was the story itself. To simply put it, “white man mingles with the indigenous people, earns the trust, realizes that the white people are shitty and ruining everything, joins indigenous peoples sides as the saviour.” The white saviour archetype being Jake Sully. Who basically does just that, engages with the Omaticaya Clan, earns their trust, fights against who he was working with (RDA), and then happily ever after, he joins the Na’vi for long terms days. Thanks for that Jake.
Something else that pissed me off was the almost lack of accountability Jake took when he exposed himself as a spy working for the RDA, I mean yeah The Omaticaya bounded Jake as punishment and Neytiri barred him from coming back for a hot minute. But literally he earned back the trust of the Omaticaya simply because he could ride the Great Leonopteryx and that earned him the title of TORUK MAKTO. And you can’t get mad at the Toruk Makto right? Also, the Toruk Makto in Avatar is kinda like the “Avatar” in ATLA. Just thought that was interesting. But literally Jake “simp” Sully had outed himself out as basically a traitor, but it’s all okay now because he earned a godlike status simply by jumping on the back of the Leonopteryx. Dude could’ve at least done something more and had more responsibility to take for his wrong doings. I felt for Neytiri in that scene, imagine putting your trust into someone and then that’s broken. It would take more than something majestic to earn me back.
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Now, when the humans who came to Pandora were sent to Earth again. It was almost like they made it seem there wouldn’t be any need for defense anymore, Toruk Makto was no longer needed and everything was peaceful. But is it really? I mean they could come back at at any given time to do everything all over again simply for that Unobtainium lust. But nope, it all seems well after the Pandoran War. And I know they were exiled but is that really going to stop them?
One last thing I disliked was Tsu’tey dying, man I hated that.
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Now, what could’ve been done differently?
With the plot I feel like I would’ve preferred that from the beginning that Pandora was a place that was freshly new to anyone, no one had even made it there yet. Because it seems implied that Pandora was already known to the humans. But what if from the start Pandora hasn’t even been stepped on by anyone from the outside world. And there was a first person to ever step foot on Pandora and make contact with the Na’vi, that being Jake, his brother (if he was alive), or even an entirely different character would be interesting to see. They go to Pandora and they meet the Na’vi for the first time, and the story can go on from there. I’d like to go in a way that the main character learns about the Na’vi’s culture and then there’s a conflict of some kind but in the end it is resolved and the character becomes an ally to the Na’vi, kinda like how Grace was. Or even a story about a Na’vi character native to Pandora and the journey they are faced with. Either being contact with the humans or something else entirely. If someone to make an alternate plot with either one of these in mind I’d love to see it.
Also I just prefer to forget Tsu’tey is dead. So if it was up to me I would’ve kept him alive, along with Eytukan. Like, we barely got to know those two.
Overall, the other things I had mentioned basically explained themselves and I wouldn’t know how to describe them, my main issue was the story. I still think it was a good movie, but I would change a lot of things. I’ll give it a 6/10
Oh and by the way, who remembers those McDonald’s toys? CURSED ASF!!!
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
I absolutely LOVE your GoodGirlxBadGuy!Rafe and I have to ask. I would love love love if you could do something with JJ again, but like where the Good Girl asks Rafe to back down/do something for her & he does it & all of his friends or whoever is there is like woah. Sorry if this literally makes no sense. You do whatever you want with this. I don’t really know what I’m asking for, but you’re the bomb so I have faith you’ll make it amazing
A/N.: You absolutely do not need to worry about making sense in this blog. I will not ever judge anyone by what they write to me. I know how confusing it is to ask someone for a request, I’ve been there.
Soft [Part 1] - Rafe Cameron
Words: 3.6k+
Type: Fluff & Angst
Warnings: Swearing. Female!Reader. Rafe vs JJ. Annoying as all hell non canon JJ. Sorry, it had to happen. Bad boy x Good Girl trope.
You should read this before reading this imagine just for some context. 
Part 2
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Today is a beach day. Something you can never get enough off. Especially with your friends.
Rafe, like every other day of summer break, has only been able to get out of bed after midday, so let’s just say that you’re a little late. 
All because, Mister Cameron thought yesterday was a good night to play COD with Topper and Kelce until 5.
You have been awake since at least 10am, and Rafe only let you get off bed at 10:30. His arms are like complete iron around you when in bed. It’s almost impossible to get out of there. “Almost” being the keyword.
You had your breakfast, put on your bikini/bathing suit and waited around the house for Rafe to get off his ass and start getting ready to leave. 
You did try to pull him out of bed but to no avail, that man did not move a muscle.
And when he was out of bed, the clingiest person ever. You could be screaming in his ear that he needs to go get ready, since your friends are already waiting for him, but he does not even flinch.
Walking around your house with only boxers on, whining about not knowing what he wants for breakfast and then grabbing you out of nowhere and throwing onto the couch “to cuddle”, as he had said.
Your phone was already blowing up with messages from his and your friends, because they were already at the beach waiting since 11am. 
An hour as passed and you’re only walking to the beach now. How amazing.
Rafe is not even half awake yet. Dark sun glasses hide his half open eyes, heavy with sleep, and you’re almost dragging him down the dirt path so he doesn’t fall to the side.
“You’re unbelievable” You giggle as he sighs dramatically at how much you still have to walk.
The walk wasn’t as bad as he thought. It just took you less than 5 minutes to get to your friends. But that isn’t going to make him stop whining about how tired he is.
“Look who decided to show up” Topper screams from the towels, drink on his hand, “What’s wrong with him?”
“I’m tired, leave me alone” He groans at his best friend, who completely ignored him.
You all walk closer to everyone’s towels. Your friends are all sun bathing, sitting up to greet you and Rafe, while his, are all at the water.
You give Rafe his towel and he’s quick to lay it on the ground and lay down, probably planning to go back to sleep as soon as he rested his head over the sad. 
You, on the other end, took your sweet time with your towel and talking to your friends, siting away from the harsh light of the sun under the umbrella, just for now, right next to Rafe.
Rafe, sensing you close, lifts his head from his towel and decides to use your leg as his pillow instead. Not that you’re complaining, at least his head is not all that heavy.
You talk to your friends about everything and anything, and Rafe is more than asleep beside you in less than 5 minutes. Peacefully going into his dreams.
“Of course, they had to come to this beach” One of your friend comments, sitting up and bringing her glasses up to see whoever she’s talking about.
You follow his gaze to find none other than a group of Pogues, John B, Kiara, Pope and JJ. People you supposedly met at a party, but you do not remember of. You just remember Topper telling you to stay away from them the day after that.
“What’s so wrong about them?” Your other friend asks.
“They’re just not these guys’ favorites” She answers, pointing at Rafe and the vacant towels next to him, his friends’.
You decide not want to listen to anything else since it only sounds like trouble to you, and you look down at Rafe. Still fondly asleep, eyes closed and face squished on your leg.
You lay your hand over his head and, for your entertainment, you start playing with his hair.
The infamous group of Pogues scream something in the distance to each other, and you look up at them, seeing them all run to the water, leaving their things scattered around the sand. One of them stay behind, the girl. You assume, Kiara.
She starts picking all her friends’ stuff from the ground while shaking her head, putting them all in a pile before she starts taking off her clothes to join her friends in the water.
“Why the fuck are they here?” Kelce asks from in front of you.
He had just come back from the water, and you didn’t even notice him walking this way before his question.
“No idea” Your friend answers.
He lifts his eyebrows as if to not act annoyed and takes a look at the naked back of the man sleeping beside you. 
A grin appears over his lips and he looks at you, he has a plan. Oh no.
“Has he been sleeping for long?” He asks you and you shake your head, not wanting to be caught talking in the alteration that is about to happen. “Good”
He reaches from his empty cup from the towel beside Rafe and does a run for it, going to fill his cup with the cold salted water before saying anything else.
He comes back not even a whole minute later with his cup filled to the brim, guilt eats you up inside slightly as you watch him, and as he gets close enough to do it, Rafe lifts his arm in the air.
“Don’t you dare” He groans.
Kelce looks at his half asleep friend in shock and Rafe turns his head to take a good look at him. The girls beside you fall into laughter, as you try to hold in your own.
“How did you even know?” Kelce asks in shock, eyes widen in shock.
Rafe turns on the towel, now laying in between your legs on his back, head resting a bit on one of your legs.
“I have super powers, remember?”
It has been an hour. 
Rafe has already slept everything he needed and now he’s in the water with the guys. You, after much convincing, decided to stay with the girls instead.
You sip Rafe’s cold drink, which rests on your hand, and you try not to cringe at the taste of the alcohol. 
Can he drink anything that does not have alcohol?
You were so distracted with the bright blue drink that you didn’t even notice who is walking right past you and your girls.
“Can we help you?” Your friend asks the pair.
Kiara, the only one you can identify by the name, is standing next to a guy. Someone you have no idea who it is. Is he JJ? John B? or Pope? 
As they walk by the towels of all your friends, a few feet away, Kiara keeps looking at you.
“No, thank you” She answers, “We just someone we recognized. Y/N, right?” She asks pointing at you.
All your friends look at you confused and you look at her with no emotion that can explain anything to them.
“Yeah, that’s me” You answer.
Your tone was enough to make Kiara understand that you weren’t recognizing them as well as they recognized you.
“We met at last week’s party remember?” She asks, trying to help you out. “At the bonfire pogue and kook party?”
“I remember the party, but I... don’t really remember talking to you guys” You answer with a slight forced smile, “Sorry?”
“No need to apologize” The boy says, holding his hand up as if to dismiss you, “You probably were just a little too drunk than we were” He says as he sends a glare at Kiara, almost as if he was telling her to shut up.
You nod at the silence and your friends sense the tense air building up. 
And the sight of all the guys coming back from the water isn’t making anything seem better either.
“Well, I believe you guys can go now” Your friend says, eyes hidden by her glasses as she steals glances at the guys to check how close they are.
“Yeah, we should” The guy says, grabbing the girl by the wrist.
You look over at the guys walking back to the towels and your heart speeds up slightly at the idea of this causing a scene. A violent one, to be more precise. Rafe is such in a good mood, you really don’t want anything to ruin that.
“Heyward and Carrera, what the hell are you two doing here?” Topper asks in a malicious playful tone as the pair walks away, or rather, as the supposed “Heyward” pulls Kiara away.
Your view of all the pair walking away is cut short as Rafe stands in front of your towel, catching your attention. He walks carefully between towels and takes a seat in front of your seated form, letting some cold droplets of water fall into your warm skin.
You hiss at how cold the water and your boyfriend are and he takes the drink from your hand with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you wipe the water from your skin.
“Sure did” He says before downing his whole drink in one go.
He looks back at you to find you frowning at him. The fact that you fought a whole cringe and body shiver with a small sip of that drink and Rafe just took it all in one swig is... concerning. 
“What?” He chuckles, leaning in closer to you to be under the umbrella that is shielding you two from the sun.
“That was... disgusting” You say slowly with your frown and he chuckles.
He leans in quickly and steals a kiss, making you close your eyes for a bit. You don’t push him away, but it doesn’t take him long to pull away to look at you. 
Some of the guys turn to look at you as they hear the sound of the kiss.
“Find a room, Jesus!” One of the guys screams with a playful tone, making the guys join as well.
“Every fucking time we go out” Topper joins in. “Always the same thing with the two of you” And also does Kelce.
You roll your eyes as Rafe laugh along with them.
Not too far from you, Pope and Kiara get back to their towels, one more visibly concerned than the other.
“Stop staring, JJ” Pope warns his friend.
“I’m not” The blonde says while looking away.
Kiara takes a seat with the boys.
“I still don’t see why they’re dating. She’s, like, the nicest person I know” Kiara groans, again, making the boys look at her.
“Did she say anything when you two went over there?” John B asks, thanking Pope, for the drink he gave him, right away.
“Yeah, she said she didn’t remember us. And it looked like she was saying the truth too. Her friends are just straight up garbage, though” Kiara explains, leaning against Pope.
“Maybe she really doesn’t remember us” Pope starts with a shrug, “And maybe, she’s actually happy with Rafe Cameron- Guys, this is ridiculous. Since when do we care about what the Kooks do with their lives?”
“This is all because JJ got a crush on her” John B says with a chuckle, gaining a glare from the blonde, “What, dude? It’s true. You always go for the most expensive and most difficult meat to get in the market. It’s your fault why we’re all doing spy work today”
“Whatever” JJ says while shaking his head.
“No, guys! This makes no sense, we need more people if we’re going to play like this” One of the guys’ says as everyone walks around and ducks under the net to move to the other side.
Everyone decided to do a game of volleyball not too long ago, but since the guys want to play with larger teams, and the girls’ smaller. 
This is all taking way too long to decide.
Rafe has his arm over your shoulders, holding you close as everyone yells at each other about the rules and who is on what team.
“We have to separate the power couple. Ain’t no way I dealing with both with their result. I can hear so much whining from losing” Another guy yells while sending a look at the two of you, making you laugh beside Rafe.
“Okay. But you guys, ugh! We need at least 3 more people to play with us! Don’t you know math?!” A girl from your group screams.
“We can join”
Everyone shuts up and looks towards where that voice had just came from, behind you all. 
Exactly where the certain group of Pogues are standing confidently. Well, all of them except for that “Heyward” kid. He really looks like he doesn’t want to be here.
You don’t judge him.
“Since when do you play volleyball, Maybank?” Topper asks the blonde guy from the group.
“I always played. You’re just not that acquittanced with all my skills” The guy answers, making Kelce laugh.
“Using big boy words, ugh, JJ? Since when did that happen?” Kelce butts in.
The blonde, you mean, JJ, ignores him.
“Are we playing or not?” He asks. Silence, “What? You’re scared of losing to a Pogue”
With that, JJ sends a quick glare over at Rafe, who seemed more than unfazed with all of this, having his fun with playing with the volleyball on one of his hands.
“Alright, who’s playing from your group?” One of your friends asks.
They split, Kiara steps forward, just like the other guy, a brunette.
“Okay, let’s do the teams then” Topper says, “Rafe. Give me the ball”
Rafe snaps back to reality and throws him the ball, letting his arm fall from your shoulders to your waist.
They spend a few minutes all discussing, which made you learn everyone’s names in Kiara’s and JJ’s group. The “Heyward” kid is Pope, who will not be playing but sitting on the sidelines, and the brunette kid is John B. 
Everything makes sense now.
“Okay” Kelce announces, “Rafe let go of Y/N and go to the other side of the net” He starts, making the boy beside you scowl and take a step back. “John B go with him and...”
He names everyone, pointing at each one, and you stand with your team. The team that has both JJ and Kiara. Doesn’t seem all that bad. For now at least.
As everyone scattered around to their positions, JJ stayed on the position behind you and you can’t help but find his sudden glances a bit too strange. 
Are you supposed to start a conversation with him or something? What did you even do at that party, good God!
The game begins and almost everyone’s competitive spirit jumps out of their skin. 
From doing way too much for just a innocent beach game to insanely loud celebrations. This game is just going to end badly and you know it.
Bad thing for you when you did a quick forearm pass to save your friend from any complaints from your team, and it hit one arm more than the other close to your wrist. Meaning: it hurt like a bitch for a good moment.
As everyone talks between themselves as one of the girls runs to go grab the ball, you look down at your arm and cringe a little at how it stung with the slightest touch of your fingers.
“You okay?” Someone asks as they step close to you and you look up to find JJ, walking up really close to you.
“Yeah...” You say with a shy smile, “I just hit my arm wrong”
As his hands were about to reach your aching wrist, a shout stops him.
“Don’t touch my girl, Maybank!” Rafe shouts from his side of the net, eyes glaring at the guy next to you. “Stay the fuck away!”
JJ looks up at your boyfriend and doesn’t even flinch at the glare or the shout. Kiara hisses his name and the boy just holds his hands up almost as if in surrender.
He doesn’t say anything back to Rafe, which surprised everyone from his friend group. You, on the other hand, are just expecting the worst to come crumble down, now that you know how much they don’t appreciate each other.
The game continues once your friend is back and, now, many points later, both Rafe and JJ stand as middle blockers. The blonde walks to stand in front of your boyfriend, who is trying to not even spare him a look.
Your friend starts talking to you right in the same second as JJ opens his mouth to whisper at Rafe, distracting you enough not to catch it.
“Nobody can touch your girl, uh, Rafe?” He whispers, “I knew you were bad with women, but, my god, you treat them like property too?”
Rafe scoffs at his words.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, uh?”
“Funny” JJ says with a smile. “How long have you two been dating?”
“That doesn’t concern you”
Rafe looks away from him at you to see you talking to your friend, completely entertained. All of that while he fights his urge to shut up the guy in front of him as the two stand in silence.
“Is she any good?” JJ pokes the bear again, “Sure, does look like it”
Rafe looks at him as he clenches his jaw.
“Ooh, did I struck a nerve?” He continues, now gaining the attention of some of the people around them. “Come on, bro, I’m sure you can share” He shrugs, laughing a bit.
Rafe’s blood is boiling in anger with all of JJ’s words, plus his little innocent laughs that just make his voice even more obnoxious.
“Just shut up” He says, shaking his head a bit.
“Or what?” JJ continues, “What are you going to do, uh?” He tilts his head to the side amused, “What are you going to do if I just grab your little girlfriend and take her with me?”
Rafe keeps quiet, almost in physical pain from holding back so hard.
“I’m sure she would like that” He smiles widely, “To be my own little slut”
That’s exactly what it took for Rafe to snap and take a step forward, closer to the net and closer to JJ, who as a reflex stepped back.
“Where are you going, uh?” Rafe asks with a fakest smile he could pull off, “You had all of that to say and now you’re backing up?”
Everyone looks at the two guys as JJ steps back and Rafe ducks under the net to get to the guy.
“Come on. Keep talking. Keep saying all you were just whispering to me” Rafe says, making Topper and Kelce duck under the net too to be his back up.
John B follows them and stands beside his friend. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
Rafe gives JJ a slight push as the blonde smirks at the taller boy in front of him, and stumbles back a little.
“Rafe” You start while walking close to him. 
He is not doing this here. Oh, hell no.
“Come on, let’s go! You were so brave a few seconds ago and now you’re backing up like a little bitch, let’s go, bro.” He continues.
“Rafe, stop” You hiss at him as you try and get closer. “Please, don’t do this”
He looks away from the boy in front of you to look at you for a slight second, chest moving rapidly in pants of the adrenaline circling his system.
You move past Topper and Kelce and stand in front of him, not giving a crap that a whole fight is about to start right where you’re standing.
“You promised” You whispered only for him to hear, giving his chest a slight push.
He looks away from you to send a glare at JJ and slowly takes a step back from the altercation.
“No fucking way” JJ says out loud before letting out a chuckle, “She got you whipped, uh? Oh my god” He whispers in disbelief the last part.
You fight your urge to turn to the boy yelling behind you, and just lay your hands over Rafe’s abs, pushing him back further.
“What happened to big bad Rafe? The little Kook prince who used to beat everyone up?” He continues to bicker.
“Ignore him, please” You plead as Rafe rests his hands over your wrists, “You’re better than this”
He looks down at you for a second and nods, gaze softening a little as he takes a little breath.
“Daaamn, you’re really her little bitch, dude! I can’t believe it” He continues, “You’re actually going soft. Rafe Cameron is going sooooft!”
You shake your head at the words and push Rafe again for another step back. Rafe doesn’t do much, he steps as you push him and keeps quiet.
After some staring, he turns back and walks over back to the towels, probably to get his things.
“Damn!” He exclaims from behind you, exaggerating once again, “Come on, sweetheart, you can do so much better!”
You finally turn around and face the boy, who seems to not want to shut up. 
The large group people that are your friends and that aren’t also walking away to get their things, open up like the Red Sea so that you could glare at JJ.
“What? There’s a lot of free guys out there who-”
“Yeah, no shocker that you’re one of the them” You say back, “Just grow the fuck up and move along, you’re nothing but obnoxious at this point”
Some of your friends and Rafe’s stare at you in awe, right as JJ shuts his mouth.
You turn back around to go after Rafe, who is already putting on his shirt, and walk over to him..
You get to your boyfriend and grab your things. Trying to be as quick as you can, taking his hand in yours once you have everything in your other hand or over your shoulder. 
And now, only home awaits you.
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Is this any good? I feel kinda judgy over my work today, and I’m sure if this is good. Hope it is!
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t4t chameron hcs?
FUCK YEA LET'S DO IT, transmasc cameron and nonbinary charlie, both afab because uh so am i and i'm projecting.
ok. okokok.
we're still doing welton but modern era for uh. obvious reasons.
charlie was one of the first people to come out in the group, everyone's known they were nonbinary since they were like 13
cameron was uh not the same. it actually took him a while.
it helped that they've always called him cameron, even when he went by his deadname which he then changed but was still mostly called cameron since he liked it better anyways
but ever since he came out charlie made an effort to call him richard every once in a while because cameron's coming out process was very slow, he came out to the group but didn't want anyone else to know so they still had to use she/her pronouns for him in front of other people and stuff, he still presented feminine for a while, charlie made sure to call him richard when they could so he knew that like. y'know, they acknowledge that he's a boy, even if he can't let anyone else know yet.
once cam did feel more comfortable and started publicly going by he/him pronouns, charlie suggested they cut his hair
and cam was really scared at first because "what will people say?" and all that other cameron stuff
so what charlie did was they cut their own hair short as well. and then cam let them cut his.
they were like "see, now they won't focus on you cutting your hair i've done it as well" and cam was like ok fair
by 17 they're both pretty much fully out, which is great :)
cameron knows not to bind for too long because he knows it's not healthy, and as much as he hates when he's not binding richard cameron always follows directions, you know that, he'd never ignore something that's important for his health
charlie on the other hand,,,,,,,,,, does not, mf would literally never take off their binder if cameron didn't remind them
literally every time cam walks into the dorm "how long have u been wearing your binder for"
",,,,,not much-" "charlie"
"oh c'monnnn"
cameron spent a while not being out so u bet he has a SHIT TON of big sweaters and hoodies
he'll always let charlie borrow one when they're not binding cause he knows it makes them feel better
there are times where they'll both feel very dysphoric at the same time which always leads to a lot of cuddles
they just sit together on the bed and watch netflix on charlie's phone
and if anyone walks in they'll just glare at them and they'll know better than to bother them
charlie's parents are supportive of them, they don't really care what they do anyways, but cameron's parents are uh. yeah it's not fun.
whenever cam's back home for the holidays and stuff he'll literally be on the phone with charlie or texting the group 24/7 and when they get back to welton he'll just look so miserable and charlie feels so bad
eventually charlie can't just sit there and let cameron listen to transphobic comments from his parents so they ask him to at least spend the winter break with them instead.
which is pretty convenient since charlie's parents are like rich as hell and always working so they practically spend the winter holidays alone
it's nice to have cam around
needless to say that once they graduate they get an apartment together and stay as far as they possibly can from cameron's family
and cam's so happy he can finally be fully and authentically himself
and they're in love
and i love them sm
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