#campground cat
nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
It follows you...
Yep. There it is. Bound to happen. This is still not as bad as Arizona - which, my followers should know, I fled due primarily to the concentration camps for tots, but this BS was ramping up as I got out and continued after I left. And, yes, the "children are identifying as kitty-cats" lie, baby-talk and all, has made its way here too.
Do you want to know why there's cat litter in some US classrooms, Canada? Because I know, and I'll tell ya.
It's so they can make an emergency bucket toilet in the event of a lockdown during a shooting. Children in the States go to school every day knowing they may die in any number of fun ways, and being shot is just one of them. To make them - and the rest of us - feel a bit better about that, ha-ha, we tried to make an absorbent material available for them to pee in while they're waiting for an active shooter to break down their door and kill them.
Now, you have much less of a gun problem, Canada, but that's a goal you can shoot for if you so desire! Ha-ha! I don't know what it is about the disintegration of American conservativism and the Republican party and democracy itself you find so attractive, but if you feel like you need that in your culture, you can have it! Your system has similar vulnerabilities to exploit! Adopt, adapt and improve!
We knew that, probably, we weren't going to find a safe place to land, just a relatively safer one. It's been good for me. I am finally getting healthcare - though it took a shitton of luck and perseverance. And I'm gonna need even more of it to keep fighting for a space for myself and others like me.
Canada, you are repairing the broken body of an anarchist who is willing to burn property and politicians to the ground to protect people. I don't want to show up to a protest and take attention away from others who need it by having a health emergency, so I'm relatively quiet right now. That will change (if my luck holds!). And, by god, you couldn't resist giving me a reason to get back out there, couldja?
Nobody is bothering to attack these "no gender or sexuality in school" liars on the basis of language. Which, inasmuch is they're trying to pen legislation, is the only way to go. If they get what they say they want, cis and het need to go in the trash right next to everything queer. That's... most of the curriculum. Everything referring to boys and girls, moms and dads, even the concept of children (where do children come from, again?). If nothing else, that should be rejected on the basis of how expensive it is.
But everyone in politics and the media seems willing to accept the comfortable fiction that cisgender isn't a gender and heterosexuality isn't a sexuality. It's implicit that we're only having a conversation about whether or not to teach the weird ones, but that is not what these people are saying. The protest signs and the rules and laws they write do not make exceptions. Well, that would look like discrimination! Because IT IS, motherfuckers.
I'm not ready to get out there and start making noise yet. I still got medication woes. Increasing the estrogen dented the amount of thyroid I'm able to absorb - as expected. I'm doing a little Flowers-for-Algernon and monitoring my symptoms so I can give the thyroid guy more information, probably I'll get back to him next week.
May I add that my hormone specialist does not deal with estrogen at all because, although it is a hormone, estrogen is gendered? I have to go to the lady doctor to manage my lady hormone, and then run back to the other guy for the rest of me. Conservatives, I would support a little less gender in society, if that was really what you wanted. I have a vested self-interest here.
Gotta make at least one more lap - gynecologist to endocrinologist and back - and then we'll see. Fingers crossed for a new angry NB in the new year! In the meantime, Godspeed to everyone out there trying to make a difference for the better.
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actual-corpse · 2 months
I'm so excited to move out....
I can't sleep😫
#bruh#i also just realized that I forgot to pack yesterday while I was off#so ill have to pack today#start some laundry#dump my ex's clothes out of my tote#unload dishwasher#pack my clothes#prep stuff for my dad to help me move#KITCHEN TABLE?! FUCK#im definitely moving the cat last to try and avoid issues with her#i need to buy cat food and food bowl#set up the gravity water for my ex's cat (just because you dont like your ex doesn't mean you abuse their pet... I fucking love his cat...*#* She's basically my baby now... seriously I have that cat spoiled lol... If I can work out a living situation where I dont have to move in*#* with my cousin.... Im GONNA adopt another cat. i love cats)#i shouldn't have too much to move since I've downsized... a lot... sold my mini-fridge 😭 made the -easy- decision to leave my furniture*#*(an old power-lift chair that no longer works. some Mainstays shelves and entertainment center - they're almost 10 years old. cost $50 and*#*are made from particle board. they've been moved 3 too many times and they're falling apart) these were hard decisions tbh#im leaving a complete set of Mainstays dishes (cheap. i dont want them. my ex needs dishes. etc)#my mind is awake with all these plans... but I have to work tonight and i need to sleep (luckily I went to bed early)#i need a shower caddy. another (dedicated) dressing gown. a Jeep Wrangler (i hate them but they can tow mid sized campers and like. if I en*#*enjoy living like I will... Maybe I'll just make it my lifestyle) I know well-off people have made unconventional living trendy. but like.*#*Im a poor and it's more viable to live in the camper my parents bought on relatively cheap campgrounds#bro
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grantourtuga · 8 months
In Lienz
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fancygirlplays · 2 years
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2travelingdogs · 2 years
Meow Thursday’s Dog Blog 🐱 🐶 #catdog #blog
This is Fruitycake The Raccoon. I love, love, love life. I love the magic of every day. I love the possibility of what can be. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cf-De2GDrxG/?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc= But what I love best about life right now is finding out who I can be. Brickle tells me that he is still finding out. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfM6km2j63x/?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc= Brickle tells me that…
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jnkgrnde · 5 months
— dating hc’s, clarisse la rue, pjo
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summary — dating hc’s w pookie
pairings — clarisse la rue x black!fem!reader (daughter of apollo)
authors note — some of this is inspired by a clarisse fanfic i read the other day w a child of apollo reader ☝🏾
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⭑ alr first things first y’all r the definition of black cat gf + golden retriever gf WALK W ME!
⭑ like when u first got to camp clarisse was v.. she thought u were different but in a good way.
⭑ she expected u to act like how an apollo kid would except u were like 5x sunshinier and smilier.
⭑ when u decided to hang out w her more often after u arrived people were starting to question things
⭑ like how clarisse wasn’t throwing you in the lake
⭑ the only reason she hadn’t done that yet was because she was starting to like having you around, even if she didn’t act like it
⭑ you’d talk to her about your day, spar w her, etc etc
⭑ that was up until the night you realized you liked her more than friends
⭑ you were pacing around your cabin, biting your nails anxiously; when you got to camp, you decided to read about your father, and that included all of his tragedies family wise and love wise.
⭑ you didn’t want to continue that tradition, so you came down to the decision of avoiding clarisse entirely.
⭑ it started becoming noticeable after about two or three days.
⭑ clarisse was more irritable, and people noticed you weren’t around her as much. a lot of the time you’d write in your journal about it.
⭑ whenever you were at the archery range, you’d up and leave as soon as you saw clarisse.
⭑ she wasn’t happy about this
⭑ this had been going on for what felt like forever; clarisse trying to subtly look for you, and whenever she found you you always managed to leave as soon as she was approaching.
⭑ she would’ve never admitted this to anybody, but she missed you. how you would talk non stop about your day and always ask how hers was going. she missed the way you would get shy whenever she called you sunshine because of your descent.
⭑ she ended up having enough when she called out for you at the archery range and you blatantly ignored her, which is how you two got where you are right now
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you cursed to yourself as you started walking the opposite direction, not even bothering to put your bow down.
she didn’t let you go this time, running up to you to turn you around. you had a slight look of anger and fear on your face, and it hurt clarisse to see you look at her like everyone else does.
“why are you avoiding me?” you avoided her eyes. you weren’t really prepared for what would’ve happened when or if she decided to approach you. “is there something you wanted to tell me? any explanation? at all?” she persisted. “i just- it’s hard to talk about, clarisse.” clarisse frowned. you almost never used her full name. “it’s just me, sunshine. just you and me.”
you breathed deep to calm your aching heart. “i like you.”
clarisse stood dumbfounded. “what?” “i have a crush on you, and i was scared to tell you because of my dad and his history with love. i didn’t want to possibly get you killed all because i loved you.” clarisse looked at you for a moment then put her lips with yours.
her hand found your waist as you gripped her forearm. why and since when was she a good kisser? it was getting heated so you pulled away. “why did you do that?” you asked her breathlessly. “we have more of a chance of dying solely because we’re demigods. if i have to die early, i’d rather die knowing me and you were together through everything.” you nodded. “okay.” you whispered out.
“okay?” she repeated. she looked at you with so much love held in her eyes. “okay.” you started grinning.
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⭑ let me wrap this up before it gets too long lmao
⭑ to reiterate what i said earlier, yall are the definition of black cat gf + golden retriever gf
⭑ whether its in capture the flag or just strolling around the campgrounds, clarisse is very protective of you
⭑ i’d like to believe she would steal some of ur lotion n stuff cs u got GOOD stuff don’t ask me how i know
⭑ you’d also help eachother out w ur hair like braiding them for games etc etc
⭑ she loved ur voice btw. like u had a naturally pretty voice bc of ur dad, so she’d love to hear u talk. bonus points if ur one of those ppl who sing peoples names instead of js saying them normally
⭑ it took her a minute to get used to it, but atp she does not care about pda; she’s showing u off whether u like it or not
⭑ okay thats it clarisse is my girlfriend #confirmed
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astarioffsimpmain · 3 months
Unsolicited Affections (Part 1)
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[Screenshots and Tav, Ban, by the lovely @brabblesblog]
Halsin x Plus Size F!Reader
Warnings: Body insecurity; internalized fatphobia; otherwise, floof (for now)
Synopsis: Your growing feelings for Halsin can no longer be ignored. Even so, that doesn't mean you don't try for your poor heart's sake. However, Halsin keeps bringing you closer, and you aren't sure how much longer you can take it without confessing... even though confessing is your worst fear.
Author's Note: Thank you so much to @brabblesblog for taking these screenshots and allowing me to use Ban in the header! For all readers, there will be a Part 2 to this fic and it will be the smut you all requested from the poll I took! This became a super duper indulgent fic for me, as I struggle with all of the insecurities the reader struggles with here. But I hope this little 2 part creation can act as a balm for anyone who has ever struggled with their bodily image, or wondered if they'd ever be seen as beautiful. This one's for you; for us. <3
Part 2 Here
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The battle had been bloody. Grime and viscera was spread across each body, hair color lost in deep dyes of red in the wake of the victory. You and your companions trudged back to camp in silence; exhausted. You had failed to obtain what the battle had been fought for in the first place, and you were certain that your mood was soured for the rest of the evening. Upon reentering your campground, Gale was the first to greet you all, thankful to see that everyone was alive, albeit roughed up; obvious disappointment creased his features for a moment when you told him the news that you had failed to obtain the magical object you had set out for, but he hid it behind an understanding smile and ushered you to sit by the fire as he finished dinner. 
You had reasoned that if the Netherese Orb in Gale's chest required the consumption of magic to remain stable, that the more powerful the object, the longer it would sate him. So you had taken a group and set out for the most powerful magical object in your direct vicinity - the Circlet of Blasting. You had recognized it the day previous on the head of a Drow with several of its companions near the Myconid colony in the Underdark. Once you found them again, you approached to inquire whether you could cough up enough gold to take it off their hands, but when they turned and pierced you with vicious red eyes that gleamed back at your group with a reflectiveness like a cat's, you knew gold would not satisfy them. And as they drew their daggers, you were proven correct, and the battle had begun.
You slumped over on the log next to the fire, too exhausted to properly stow your weight, as you removed your armor piece by piece. The second person to approach you carried a warm bowl of stew and placed it gently into your palms. The hands were tender and gentle, and much too large to belong to anyone but your favorite Archdruid. You raised your weary head to meet his beautiful bright green eyes, creased with worry, but soft with care as he lowered himself to the ground beside your legs, his muscular arm grazing the now-bare skin of your thigh as he adjusted. A flutter ran through your stomach at the contact, but you clamped down on it before you could get carried away. You knew his kindness was platonic. It had to be. Halsin was simply…kind. 
The tell-tale signs of complicated and painful feelings had risen within your chest since rescuing Halsin from the goblins, and although you had tried to deny them, recently it had proven impossible. But while you finally admitted to yourself that you had fallen for his disarming smile, the scratch of his well-worn fingertips against your softer skin, and how passionately he cared about every living creature in nature, you refused to admit it to anyone else. You would be sparing yourself that embarrassment this time around. Your chest ached, remembering the many times you'd fallen for someone and approached them with this truth, only to be turned away over and over again. Inwardly, you snarled, blaming the extra plush your body carried for your lack of luck in love. Whether the objects of your affection had been kind, polite, or downright rude, there was always a moment in which their eyes would quickly rake your body up and down before delivering their blow. Perhaps they didn't even recognize that they did it, but you saw. You always saw. 
So, while you knew Halsin would never be unkind to you, you had been trying to make peace with the very probable fact that he would only ever see you as a friend - never quite attractive enough to be anything more. It was something you were used to, but it never seemed to dull the throbbing pain in your heart whenever you thought on it too long. There was a part of you, somewhere deep, that knew you were not at fault; that knew you were not to blame; that perhaps if they had deigned to look beyond the surface for even a moment, that they would have seen how genuine your heart was, and how they never would have had to go without affection, love, or loyalty should they have chosen you. You weren't without this enlightenment, but the constant dissatisfaction of, or concern for, the body you carried from those around you - from well-meaning friends to pushy strangers - weighed heavy on your tired mind. 
This moment around the fire was no exception, your burning desire to curl around Halsin's broad shoulders like a cat and purr was strong, but overshadowed by the fear of rejection. You had him near, but pulling him too close was to risk sending him far away, and you weren't sure you'd be able to stand it were that to occur. An icy shudder ran through you at the mere thought of Halsin retracting his warmth from your side. "- giving you a chill?" His dulcet voice pulled you back to reality like a line reeling you in, but you caught only his last few words. 
"What?" You said, blinking as his image in your eyes grew sharper again. "Apologies, my mind was far away." 
"No worries." He chuckled. "I merely asked if the night air was giving you a chill. You were shaking, my heart." 
My heart. 
You melted a little. The nickname was fairly new. The first time he had called you that had been two mornings prior, after a late start and a quick bath in the bioluminescent pools near your campsite in the Underdark. You had come trudging back to camp in clothes that were quickly dampening due to being pressed against your still wet skin, wringing your hair out ferociously as you tried to hurry to catch up with everyone else's progress. You had just started to wrench your boots up over your clinging pants when Halsin had approached you, laying a warm hand against your wet-stained shirt. You had startled, your head snapping up to his in a surprised daze. 
"Slow down." He had said, running a soothing hand down your bent spine and back up, sending full bodied shocks through you like tidal waves. "You needn't worry, my heart. We will wait for you." 
As the memory warmed your cheeks, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes, praying he couldn't see the thoughts lingering just inside the colors of your irises. "No, I'm alright. Just- just a bit weak from not eating all day. Thank you, for bringing me this." You finally acknowledged the bowl in your hands and raised it a little. 
"Of course. Please, eat. I hear from the others that you had a rough skirmish. I implore you to let me check you over once you've finished your stew." 
Ignoring the way your heart jumped dangerously near to your throat, you nodded silently, opting instead to pick up the wooden spoon in the bowl and begin to eat. It was one of Halsin's spoons; one he whittled. It was smooth and beautiful and easy to hold. Almost all of the cutlery in camp had been fashioned by Halsin, and several of the stools you kept as well. It was his hobby and his form of relief, to create things with his hands. Subconsciously, you glanced down to where the hands in question rested on his knees; large and rough, his hands had seen it all and done it all through his 300 plus years of life, and you couldn't help but quietly admire how much they had learned and lost in the process. And after all of that, he chose to create beauty with those hands that knew so much. It made your heart clench with a new wave of affection. You swallowed hard, as if the feelings would force their way back down in the same way as the contents of your bowl. 
Again, you were drawn back from your reverie by the Druid's movements, one of his hands moving from his lap to yours. His palm came down to rest flat on your thigh, only a thin layer of fabric left to separate the blazing heat from your skin. You barely suppressed a gasp of surprise at the sudden contact, feeling much more intimate than it probably was, and locked eyes with Halsin, whose brow was worried into wrinkles. "You seem more distant than usual, are you sure you're alright?" He said, his thumb taking a slow drag across your leg, sending your poor heart racing in your chest. 
"Yes," you managed to respond, rather breathlessly. "I- I'm alright." Even you weren't convinced by your attempt at deflection, and Halsin's frown only deepened. 
"When you've finished your stew, come find me by my tent. I will have some healing herbs waiting for you." He said sternly and you nodded silently. His eyes softened at your wide-eyed expression and he reached up to gingerly tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Promise me you will come." He murmured quietly, his eyes never leaving yours, and your heart stuttered wildly in your chest. 
"I promise." You replied, and a soft smile graced his lips. He nodded in return and stood up, brushing himself off before walking back towards his tent. 
"Gods," you muttered under your breath, pressing your palm to your chest in an effort to keep your pounding heart inside. 
"You've been given the perfect opportunity, darling." A voice chimed lyrically behind you, and you turned your head to find Astarion eyeing you appreciatively. "Don't waste it." He grinned widely, putting his fangs on display as he did so. 
"Shut up, Astarion." You mumbled, your face heating as you pressed your hands over your eyes. You only hoped you wouldn't make a fool of yourself. 
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chans-room · 9 months
Stray Kids as Spooky Season Dates + kinks
Skz (all members) x reader
word count: ~3k
My first real post for Spooyfest is here! Each has a mood board, fluffy date, and the spicy end of the night with the kinks specified, so this work is nsfw. Minors do not interact. Lmk what other groups you might wanna see this for! Also thank you @kiestrokes for making sure my grammar isn’t fucked, ily. Happy haunting!
Chan // camping & bonfire // free-use + somno
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Chan would like the intimacy of camping. It’s just you and him, out in the woods, and the whole idea of forcing himself to disconnect from his obligations for a while is alluring to him. He would pick you up, and tease you the whole drive about the perfect weekend he’d planned. Once you’re at the campground, he would want you to watch him set everything up; he doesn’t want you to lift a finger. He just wants you to sit there, look pretty, and watch. When it gets dark out, he lights a fire and you roast marshmallows together and watch the stars. You spend the night in his arms giggling and getting tipsy before curling up in your sleeping bags together, passing out listening to the crickets.
But a few hours later, you’re woken up from your steamy dream by Chan grinding into your ass, fingers dipping into your underwear, and panting into your ear about how much he loves you and how hard you make him. He can’t help it. He’s hissing in your ear about how he’ll take such good care of you, and how you don’t need to lift a finger. Just let him please you. As soon as he gets a yes from you, he’s pulling off your underwear and sliding into you, groaning about how he’s wanted you all night. He makes sure you’re crying and begging him to cum after pulling countless delirious orgasms out of you before he finishes. After he’s done and he’s helped you through all the aftercare you need and desire, he’s tucking you back into your joint sleeping bag where you fall asleep naked with him wrapped around you, knowing the morning will bring more of the same.
Minho // pumpkin patch // pet play + car sex
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Minho is taking you to the pumpkin patch, but he won’t go to some shoddy nearby one. No, he’s driving you to the nicest pumpkin patch within a 2-hour drive from you. He’s playing it off like he’s doing it just because you asked, but you both know he’s doing it because he’s unbelievably soft for you. It’s also definitely not just because this specific pumpkin patch is known to have friendly cats roaming around. But you have a surprise for him — you brought matching bunny eared headbands to wear, telling him it’s so you won’t lose him while you’re out on the farm. He rolls his eyes, but puts it in anyway. And you see his smile when you beg to take a picture of the two of you together. At the end of the afternoon, he’s buying you all the pumpkins your heart desires and making plans for everything he’s gonna do with his pumpkin haul.
But on the way home, despite the fact that he’s already thrown his bunny ears in the backseat, he huffs in annoyance every time you fidget with yours. It’s only when you get home and you see the outline of his cock you figure out what he’s been so bothered by. Before he can get out of the car, you turn on him with big doe eyes — knowing exactly what it does to him — and the smirk you get in response proves you right. He tells you that you’ve been a good bunny, and you deserve a reward. He pulls you into the backseat with him and the next thing you know, you’re crying and drooling into the expensive leather while he rams into your cervix repeatedly. You can’t remember how many times he’s made you cum but you can tell by his grunts and groans he’s nearing the end. After he’s finished, he jokes about needing to find you a bunny tail to go with your ears before redressing you and helping you inside. He’ll deal with the pumpkins later — his bunny needs more attention first.
Changbin // Ghost tour // exhibition + praise
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It takes some convincing, but eventually you get Changbin to go on a ghost tour with you. He puts a brave face on when you’re at dinner beforehand, flexing his muscles and telling you he’ll protect you from any ghosts. However, once the tour starts, he has a death grip on your hand and every time someone steps on a branch or the wind blows his hood off, he’s jumping and cursing, loudly. But the moment you gasp or jump, he’s pulling you behind him and standing in front of you ready to square up with any ghost. The fact that he’s so scared but still willing to defend you melts your heart. After the tour is done, you shower some compliments on your big, brave Binnie; he deserves them.
But after you’ve sufficiently gassed him up, he’s rock hard and dying to take you home. But he knows he can’t last that long. He drags you into a bar playing something loud and aggressive, past the people dancing left and right and straight into the bathroom. He barely gives you time to question before your pants are around your ankles and he’s stretching you out on his fingers. He can’t stop moaning into your ear about how much he loves you, how much he loves fucking you, and how he could never ask for anyone better. Once he’s decided he’s stretched you out enough, he’s picking you up and fucking you against the door, ignoring the knocking and jangling door handle. Changbin barely even hears them, all he can think about is you. After he’s done blowing your back out, he’ll make sure to get you cleaned up and then carry you out of the bar, past all the angry people waiting for the bathroom, and right back to your car so he can take you home and show you again and again that he’s the best Binnie in the whole world.
Hyunjin // planning Halloween costumes // mask + fear play
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Hyunjin just seems like someone who’d live for the drama of Halloween and he’s planning couple fits for literally every outing imaginable. Corn maze with the group, pumpkin patch with your friends, even just an afternoon decorating session; you name it, he’s got an outfit ready for you to wear. But his absolute favorite is dressing up on Halloween and hitting all the parties and bars. He knows you both look good and he’s thriving under all the attention. Especially because you’re both wearing masks — he loves the rush anonymity brings and it makes him let loose a little more than usual. He’s got you dancing and drinking well past midnight before you’re dragging him home.
But once he’s got you home he says he has a special costume he saved just for you; and he wants to try something new. You have to play his game and beg him to show you the costume and tell you what he wants — it’s a routine you’re used to with him. But when he steps out of the bathroom wearing a ghostface mask, you know what he wants. Your heart shoots into your throat as you push yourself off the couch and start running. His heavy steps behind you push you forward until you slip on a rug and end up in his arms, being pulled to the floor. Before you know it, he’s got you naked under him, watching him pound into you in the full length mirror on your bedroom wall. He makes you cum twice before he’s ripping the mask off and flipping you over to finish on your stomach with a satisfied smile on his face. After he’s collected you and your tattered costume off the floor, he’s helping you into the bathtub with him where he soothes your bruised skin and frayed nerves with kisses and soft touches.
Han // coffee dates // auralism + orgasm control
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Jisung is such a soft boy, and he always wants you to be comfortable and at ease with him. So what’s better than a cozy coffee date? He’s picking you up, dressed to impress, and giving you flowers before whisking you away to your favourite coffee shop where he’ll treat you to coffee and pastries. It’s a quaint, cozy place you two go a lot and spend hours basking in each other’s company. Sometimes Jisung tinkers on his computer while you read, or sometimes you sit and talk to each other about everything and nothing for hours. After a while though, you decide to take your coffees to go and stroll in the park together before it starts to rain and you decide to head home to soak in the autumnal vibes the day has brought.
But after you get caught in the rain on the way home, you both decide taking a bath together is the only way to stave off the cold that threatens you both. You strip down to nothing and get in the tub with him behind you. You simply bask in the warmth with him until you feel his fingers slipping between your thighs, teasing you. The sound of the water with his movements mixed with his moans is mesmerizing and you close your eyes, letting the sensations wash over you. Eventually, it becomes too much and you bat his hands away before turning to face him and sinking into him. The sloshing of the water in the tub, the wet slaps of your skin meeting his, and his desperate whines are nearly enough to send you over the edge. But it’s his broken voice pleading for you to cum that does it. After you clean up the water that spilled onto your bathroom floor, you both curl up together in bed and fall asleep to the sound of rain pattering against your windows.
Felix // Pie Baking // d/s dynamics + face fucking
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Felix wakes you up with a phone call, asking you to come over and spend the day baking festive treats with him. Of course you agree. When you show up, he’s already on the second set of cookies. There’s soft, lo-fi music playing in the background, and it smells like a full bakery, and Felix is waiting for you with a soft smile and an apron just for you. You spend the rest of the day in the bubble he created for you both, full of laughter, snacks, music, and your favourite person in the world. Once you’ve gotten through all of his recipes for the day, you decide to give into one of your mischievous impulses and grab a handful of flour that leaves your hand headed in his direction before you can properly think it through. He gasps and before you can even think to run, he’s got his arms around you and is shaking his flour covered hair onto you, thoroughly coating you in the white powder.
But after you finish laughing, his eyes are hardening as he catches your chin in his hand. He asks if you thought there wouldn’t be any consequences, and the clench of his jaw tells you what type of mood he’s in. It’s serious. You fall to your knees in front of him, opening your mouth obediently, making him chuckle and shake his head. He’s not complaining though. Pretty soon he has you drooling with tears pouring down your face as he pistons his hips, holding you in place by your hair. Your jaw hurts, and your knees are starting to ache but the praises falling out of his mouth are more important than any discomfort you’re feeling. He’s praising how well he’s trained you, and complimenting your lack of resistance. Telling you how nice you look when you’re being ruined by him. And you love it. But he isn’t done with you yet — before long he’s got you naked, perched precariously on the counter and matching every thrust of his hips with one of your own. After you clean up the mess you made of the kitchen, you’re cuddling up with him on the couch with tea and all the goods you’ve baked.
Seungmin // Spooky movies // Choking + biting
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The boys had invited you over for a scary movie marathon, and while normally you would jump at the offer, you just weren’t in the mood to be scared that day, which led to a polite decline, and many many assurances to your best friend Seungmin that you were fine. You resigned yourself to a day of solo self care, but 20 minutes into your skincare routine, your front door is opening and Seungmin barrels in with bags of snacks, and his laptop tucked under his arm. He simply shrugs when you ask what he’s doing there, telling you that he wasn’t up for a scary movie day either, so he decided to hide away with you; the only stipulation is that you have to watch all of the cozy spooky movies his heart desires. Of course you agree, because you know he’s only doing it for you – of course your favourite person knows that spooky movies are your absolute favourite. You spend the whole day cuddled on the couch with him, eating junk food and doing face masks. And after the sun sets, and you break out the bottles of soju you kept after the last party you hosted at your place. You couldn’t tell if it was the soju or the soft orange glow from the lights you strung around your living room, but Seungmin had never looked prettier. The liquid courage swimming in your stomach loosens your tongue during Nightmare Before Christmas and you make a joke that you relate to Sally, pining for someone (him) who doesn’t see you. He scoffs, leaning over and planting a kiss on your mouth, making a joke that you should know that Jack and Sally end up together in the end.
But after the credits roll, you’re turning to him to ask what he meant by that, and what it means for you; but he beats you to it and is pinning you underneath him, hands ghosting up your sides. He tells you he’s always wanted you, and now that he knows you feel the same he isn’t so nervous. You tell him you want him, you’ve always wanted him. He nods, stripping you both of your clothes before settling between your thighs. He nips at the skin of your chest and neck, leaving bite marks you know you’ll feel for days while he works his way into you. His hand finds your neck as you moan his name, eyes rolling back as he coaxes you through your joint orgasm. After you both catch your breath, he drags you to bed where you spend the rest of the night whispering to each other until the sun comes up, secure in knowing your relationship has changed but only for the better.
I.N // Haunted House // dacryphilia + degradation/humiliation
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It’s not hard to convince Jeongin to go with you to a Haunted House, despite the fact that it’s definitely not something you’d agreed to when you started your arrangement. But it’s with a group of you, including his friends, and It’s one of those big ones that everyone goes to with actors who jump out at you. It’s really more surprising that you want to go to begin with — you hate being scared — but he loves to try and scare you. Despite everything, you and Jeongin are friends, and the benefits have never gotten in the way of that. But when you enter the haunted house, it’s not you who reaches for him, but him for you. And you know it’s not for his gain but for yours. Every jumpscare pulls a shriek out of you, followed by an embarrassed apology, and you can hear the blood rushing in your ears. But the whole time, Jeongin remains firmly by your side, holding you close to him and whispering calming things to you as you make your way toward the exit. He spends the rest of the night praising you for being so brave and you can’t help but feel butterflies every time he does it.
But as you’re leaving for the night, walking with the group in the dark parking lot, he decides to sneak up behind you and scare you. Which accidentally sends you into tears — which only makes you cry harder because you’re so embarrassed you started crying in the first place. Your friends chastise him as they all pile into their cars and leave you and a red faced Jeongin together, alone. You both stammer through apologies and an awkward car ride back to your place. You can’t even look at him until you’re standing in your entryway when you see that he’s been staring at you, and the zipper on the front of his pants is straining against him. He tells you that seeing you cry made him want to lick the tears off your face and made him so hard he could barely think, and he has something new he wants to try. You agree and find yourself bent into positions you could never imagine before, on display for him as he teases you into tears. You’re begging to cum, and shivering with every degrading comment but you’ve never been so wound up. All it takes is for him to lick the salty tears off your face as he gives you another painfully slow thrust to unravel with a scream. After he’s calmed you down and wiped your tears, he pulls you into his arms and reassures you he didn’t really mean all the nasty things he said and you fall asleep to him playing with the ends of your hair.
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museofthepyre · 4 months
Me thinking: “Camp Here & There”… what an odd name for a camp. What does it even mean? It’s both here… and there? Quantum superposition’d, what is this, Schrödinger’s campgrounds? Hehe. While the cat is inside the campgrounds its both alive and dead, we won’t know until it’s observed outside of—
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close to home | chapter two
close to home | chapter two
plot: the night takes a turn for the worse, Daryl is introduced and must decide to trust the reader, or to kill her.
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,651 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for reading!
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Trying to sleep for the night was useless, though Tora’s soft snores comforted you. At least someone was sleeping. Sleep was far from you, your mind thinking off too much and your stomach aching for more food. You wouldn’t touch the jerky you found, at least not until morning. It would be a long seven-mile journey back. 
The thrift store was still dark, and the rain was still hitting it hard. The building shook every so often with thunder. But other than that, it was quiet. Still, you were antsy. There was an energy in the air as if something was going to happen, and you were just bidding your time until it did. 
A soft orange glow filled the room as you finished picking dirt out from underneath your nails with a butterfly knife. Your eyebrows furrowed together, and you looked around the room. For a second, you thought it was electricity, and people would come into the room chatting about their days, and you’d awaken from the nightmare. 
But that was silly. 
The bedding shuffled as you stood up, and Tora’s head perked up, eyes adjusting to the new light in the room. It was coming from outside. 
You grabbed your gun, switching off the safety and raising it to eye level as you approached the front doors. Rain was pouring down so heavily it would’ve been hard to see ten feet out the door, but the library on fire across the street lit up the street. 
“What the fuck-” You muttered. 
Movement across the street caught your eye, and you saw a few people running about. People. Not dead ones. 
You swallowed the sudden lump in your throat and watched for another moment. Who were they? You’d been to this town dozens of times and had never seen another one. And now, suddenly, there were a few of them, just a hundred feet away. 
You grabbed the door handle and started to push the door open; unknown words on your lips when movement from down the road again caught your attention. Only it wasn’t alive, people. It was the dead ones. Hundreds of them. 
“Holy shit.” You said, backing away from the door. “We have to go now,” You said to Tora, who had just nestled back to sleep. You grabbed your bag quickly, threw it over your shoulders, and then scooped the cat in your arms. She meowed in protest for a second but settled quickly in your arms as you ran out of the thrift store. 
The rain hit hard, and Tora growled softly. You whispered apologies under your breath and started to run. Puddles of water splashed undertow, and your boots were soaked through within seconds. The bag was impossibly heavy and was only getting heavier with the rain. 
Thunder clapped again, and you stopped to look back. You couldn’t see the people running around anymore, but the dead were still there, the fire was taking down the building, and your heart ached at all the lost literature. But regardless, it wasn’t time to worry about that. 
You picked up your pace again, dodging the dead ones left and right. The fire seemed to be bringing them all out of the woods. You couldn’t tell the difference between rain and tears on your checks. 
The wind was picking up, and the air was full of smoke. It was getting harder to breathe, and the running didn’t help. But you could just barely make out the tree line. You could get Tora up a tree, follow her up there, and wait out the night. It was dangerous with the lightning, but so was the ground. 
Long shadows of trees cascaded on the forest ground, and they started to fade as you put more and more distance between you and the fire. Tora was meowing loudly, but you held on tight, not daring to lose her in the chaos. 
The path took you down a hill, and you tried to pinpoint where you were so you could get back to the campground, and find your way back to the lake. The dead ones were hot on your trail, and you couldn’t believe how quickly they appeared. You’d only seen the two this morning; now, there were hundreds. 
As you turned a bend, you slammed into something hard and fell to the ground. Tora escaped your grasp, and you heard the mechanical clicking. Your wet hair stuck to your face as you grabbed your gun and turned, ready to aim at the dead one. 
But your eyes didn’t meet the unforgiving frozen stare of death and instead met the top of a crossbow. 
forty-four minutes earlier
Daryl took a deep breath and leaned against the wet side of the building. The entire run had gone to shit when they stumbled on a herd a mile back. Luckily, they stumbled on the small town, with plenty of ways to get the herd off their backs. 
“We need to do something!” Rick yelled over the pouring rain. “We need to find something to distract them.” 
“‘aight,” Daryl cursed, redrawing his crossbow. “The walkers got us all cornered up. Where the hell is Glenn and Maggie?”
“I think I saw them go down the alley. They know how to handle themselves. They have to. We got to distract them.”
“This thunder is makin’ 'em go crazy!” Daryl yelled, “They’re all just spinnin’ ‘round in circles tryin’ to find us. We need to get ‘em all grouped up so we can get the hell outta here.” 
Rick looked around, the rain washing away the blood on his face. “Okay. Okay. There are a couple cars up ahead. Looks like this place fell early. There’s gotta be some gas in those tanks. Let’s light a fire.” 
No more words were needed, and the two took off, quickly siphoning gas into their empty water bottles. Thunder clapped overhead, and Daryl looked around. They had put a good distance between themselves and the walkers, but he didn’t feel safe. They’d be on them soon if they didn’t hurry.
Rick led Daryl to the closet building and laughed as he realized what it was. “I’ll knock over a few rows of books and spread the gasoline out. We don’t have much.” 
Daryl worked quickly and silently to shake the gasoline out around the room. When he’d returned, a pile of broken furniture and books were covered in gasoline. 
“Let’s light it up. We’ll make a breakthrough in the woods to return to the car. That’s where Glenn and Maggie would try to get to. If not, they’ll get to the prison on foot.” Rick said. 
Daryl nodded before grabbing a book, lighting it on fire, and then tossing it into the pile. It caught immediately, and Daryl and Rick ran from the building and into the back alley. Dozens of walkers were spread out, and the sight of the growing fire started to catch their attention. 
The archer followed Rick silently through the alley, clothes soaked through and dripping with water. Sweat, dirt, and blood ran down his face, and he kept wiping it clean as he ran. 
“Shit, shit, shit!” Rick yelled. “Walkers!”
The street was covered in the undead. The fire bringing more of them out of the woods. Daryl glanced at Rick, and he nodded. It would be a fight. It was always a fight. 
But the walkers were coming in every direction, the thunder was so loud, and the rain so heavy that Daryl lost sight of RIck. His arms were coated in blood as he brought down body after body. And still, they kept coming. 
“Rick!” Daryl yelled, his voice drowned out in the rain. He huffed and turned the corner to a quieter street. In the distance, he saw someone running into the tree line. His eyes narrowed, and he dodged an impending walker. “Rick!” He called after him. 
Another half dozen walkers were down by the time Daryl reached the treeline. He glanced back at the town drowning in water and blood. He had to get to the car. Whoever survived would be in the car. They’d all be in the car. 
Your eyes narrowed at the person before you, and you clicked the trigger into place. You couldn’t catch your breath and knew there wasn’t time to. He would kill you, or the dead ones would. Your throat was dry despite the rain on your face and the drops sliding over your parted lips. 
“Where are my people?” The man asked, “Who are you?”
You stayed quiet, your eyes looking around. There were dead ones in the distance, and you could hear the moans over the rain. “I’m nobody,” You finally said, “I was in the thrift store, and I saw the fire and the dead ones. Figured it’s best to get out of there while I still could.” 
“How many people are with you?” He yelled. 
“It’s just me!” You yelled back, “It’s just me, asshole. And my cat, but you scared her off.” You glanced around again for the cat. 
You dropped and swept your leg out in his second confusion, knocking him to the ground. The crossbow dropped, and you quickly kicked it away, raising your gun to the man’s forehead. He froze. 
You looked around quickly again; there were dozens of dead ones headed your way. You whistled that same three-note tune and heard rustling behind you. Your eyes didn’t leave the strangers. 
“There are dozens of them. Only two of us. We need each other if we want to see the sunrise tomorrow,” You shouted, thunder booming again. You dropped your gun and offered your other hand. “My name is (Y/N).”
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catherinetcjd · 1 month
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Here's one for Throwback Thursday:
Three Lake's Axe Wood Campground ...with Swimmable Lake
 Originally uploaded to MTS on July 25th, 2013.
My alter-ego-Sim, Cat, went on a relaxing camping trip a couple of weekends ago. Tent camping... no AC, mosquitoes, weenie roasts, cold showers, s'mores, dirty terlits, the whole nine-yards. Relaxing? Oh, right... 🦝
"Let's go for a swim!" she said excitedly. Sadly the campground owner told her the lake was not swimmable. "Why not? Is it contaminated? What about the fish?" "No, there's nothing wrong with the water - it's good, clean, crystal-clear mountain water. Some of the best eatin' fish in the world are right here in this lake, Ma'am. No... it's just that, well, there's no way to get into the water. And, if you do happen to 'fall' in, there's no way to get out!" He shrugged helplessly. "Can I..." Cat said without thinking, "I'll make you a deal. If I build a dock with all the necessary swimming accoutrements - can I go for a swim?" "I'm not sure what all you just said, but I know what a dock is... sure, go for it!"
And so, she did. You might even say she dived right in! *groan* 😹
Read more on my BLOG »
There is only one Custom Content Included: - Invisible Tile by Frillen @ MTS2-It's part of his "Triple Magic" set of building tools - a must-have for creating swimmable lakes!
Lot Size: 6x5 Lot Price: 62,778
Here is a great tutorial to use, if you want to try making lakes swimmable yourself: Easy Swimmable Lakes by Patul on MTS. Have fun!
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actual-corpse · 7 days
My eyes have fucking spots from where some asshole fucking brightlighted me with WHITES in the middle of the fucking daylight...
It's been at least 10 minutes, and I still can't really see well.
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grantourtuga · 9 months
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Impressions of Italy
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2travelingdogs · 1 year
The Story Of The Talking Cat Food
“You do not need anyone’s permission to live your life. Listen to the talking cat food.” The Story Of The Talking Cat Food Monday’s Dog Blog
This is Peanut Butter Brickle. I’ve been recalling a lot more happy memories of Digby lately. After over a year of missing him, my heart hasn’t healed. But my heart has begun to let some happy memories in too. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 2TravelingDogs (@2travelingdogs) And its been pushing out the last ones that are so hard to forget. View this post on Instagram A post shared…
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sistervirtue · 2 years
being a human in warrior cats must be fucking insane like when they dug up the old territory like. a fuck ton of cats died out there right. and were buried in legit graves. for decades. can you imagine being a construction worker and just pulling up dozens of fucking cat skeletons all over the territory are you shitting me id die
not only that but like. bloodclan???? yeah sure they were separate most of time but what about when they went to fight in the forest. mass exodus of cats with absolutely ranknasty swag. and even if it wasnt during that you cant tell me someone didnt stumble upon scourges bone trophy alleyway pile or try to feed a stray cat only to realize the spikes on its collar arent fake. thats so fucked right. and not only that but given its britain some of those were deff peoples pets like oh hey whiskers where are you going?? TO DIE IN GLORIOUS COMBAT FOR MY LEADER SCOURGE. yeah dude i think i live next to the fucking cat mafia
and then the clans lived near shit like campgrounds and suburbs do you think some dude camping ever got piss drunk and was trying to find a place to pop a squat and he just stumbles upon the tigerstar bone pile. those woods are fucking haunted man
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bleedingichorhearts · 3 months
𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 IX
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: If you like to be tagged on anything new in this Space Marine Sentience, you can ask/message/comment, I don’t bite. Not as hard as Solor anyways.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams(suffer your February), @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: If you are under the age of 18. Shoo! Go away! Skedaddle! Why you reading this in the first place? Be responsible for/of yourself. Not proofread either.
TW // Smut/NSFW, Filthy.
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The months felt like they went by with a breeze, and it was boring. There was no one to talk to beside Solor himself, but even then he went an these trips too.
Granted, I tried to use that to my advantage, and escape out of all the ways I found in this bunker. There was one in this room with the ceiling caved in, and that was a small fit. There was a vent-like passageway covered with vines that led from the ceiling of the main corridor to the outside world, and then the main room with the caved in ceiling with the most light shining through it.
I would use them every time he would go on his weekly trips. I’d crawl through one of them, and attempt my escape into the surrounding evergreen forest.
I would get very far from the bunker, especially in three days, but there hasn’t been anything in sight. No road, no town, not even a campground. It wouldn’t be long before Solor noticed, and came after me. So it seems like I would get far enough from the bunker, but I could never get far enough away from the Knight.
The first time I did it was… frightening. I thought I had made big progress within those three days. That Solor wouldn’t have a chance to track me down before I was in a town, but damn, was I wrong.
It was only a day or two later before his glowing blue visor was seen. His form stalking out of the tree-line looking angry with those very long strides quietly stomping over to my hunched form next to a stream. I didn’t even know he was there until he picked me up by the collar of my shirt. A choked yelp escaping my lips.
“These little games of yours are quite…rule breaking.” He had said to me while making the way back to the bunker. I definitely observed my surroundings better after that, and Solor didn’t go on his next weekly trip either.
Nevertheless, each time he went on his trips, I made an attempt. Each one failing, no matter how far, or which direction, there was nothing but the forest in sight. It almost became a game after a while.
I escape after a day or two when he leaves. I go out there and survive with what those books taught me in the bunker, and then anticipate Solors arrival. Hopefully to find a glimpse of anything out there at the same time.
I’ve also been seeing Solor become more…close? Then when he started off as. He was always trying to get closer to me. Trying to pull me in with these plates of food, and these new books to read in this practical dungeon. He also brings in more stuff? To put around the bunker like cloths, decorations, and even furniture? Was this regular for a Gray Knight? Or even a plain Astartes?
Shaking my head, I stood from the stream. Looking up at the moon that shone through the tree leaves. Having escaped from the bunker once again.
Though, it was too silent. Too silent for this chilly night to be quieted.
Looking around for the culprit that silenced the night of the forest. His glowing, blue visor popped out of the darkened foliage like some sort of cat looking at you in the dark. His steps, large, and swift. Almost like a march.
Maybe I should try and run? I have tried it before. Each one ending with me snagged up into his arms, but what if I can make this one just a little bit longer? Make it just a bit more interesting than a snatch, and grab?
His armored frame was suddenly engulfed with a cloud of dust. His visor disappearing within it.
Immediately booking it, I didn’t waste any time on getting details of this surprise bomb I’ve set up on him.
Vaulting over a fallen log, and crouching beneath it. His shadow was above me, his form rolling to slow himself, his visor snapping up to look back at me.
“Little maiden.” The robotic tone of his helmet dragged. Blue visor staring me down, sending a chill of adrenaline up my spine.
I grinned at him, a laugh threatening to escape my throat. Maybe he shouldn’t have left me with a bunker full of survivalist books.
Vaulting back over the log, I heard him follow quickly behind, nearly grabbing the back of my shirt before I took a sharp right.
If Astartes weren’t such a speedy tank, I probably would have escaped him already, but of course, they were.
I yelped out, body being pulled back into his chest. Water splashing over us while I laid on top of him. A giggle coming from me.
“My little maiden.” His helmet spoke. Body rising forward from the water, lifting me up with him.
“Solor.” I greet him back, shifting in his grip. Feeling how the water completely drenched my shirt, and pants.
“What? Have I earned my own title now?” He questioned me, lightly teasing as I looked up at him with a deadpan stare. “Though, you can call me whatever you like.” Whatever I like?
I didn’t even get a chance to open my mouth before I was being held bridal style in his arms.
“Except insults, my little maiden. Those are not names.” He quickly added on.
I huffed and mumbled. “No fun.” My head softly resting on his cold chestplate. The tiredness of my little escapade, and run catching up to me quietly.
“Wake up, my little maiden.” Solor voice purred at me as I grumbled at him, rather snug right where I was.
“Little maiden, you have to. Your clothes are drenched.” His tone amused, his argument putting some logic into my sleepy brain.
I groaned, leaning myself off his arms. Practically throwing myself off of him as I made my way to the table in front of me. Quickly taking off my damp shirt, eager to go back to sleep.
“Maiden.” Solors voice went quieter, almost like a whisper. A heavy tink going off loudly behind me, the ground shaking beneath my shoes.
Confused at such a sudden sound, I turned back around to look at him. His hulking form now kneeling on the ground, white eyes roaming every inch of my bare flesh shown to him.
His gauntlet twitched before it came forward and pulled me closer to him by my pants. A fluttering feeling erupting from my stomach.
“Please, my little maiden.” He had begged, half lidded eyes looking up at me with hunger. Hunger waiting to be filled.
I bit my lip, very unsure about this. This man- Astartes was supposed to be a kidnapper! A murder! Not some…fling! But that’s what it could be, right? Just a fling?
After some self debaiting, I nodded to the knight kneeling before me, and he didn’t hesitate to start.
His lips kissed my stomach first, dragging up a little as my hand came up to thread through his short, white hair. My nose nuzzling on top of his head. His wooden vanilla scent evading my senses.
I hummed while I felt him get a little bit more confident, slowly kissing his way up between my breasts. A familiar heat building up between my legs.
His lips suddenly wrapped around one of my breasts. Sucking at them, nipping at them, playing with them with his tongue. Soft moans falling from my lips.
His kisses trailed to my other breast, and given the same treatment as the other one. Leaving them wet with his saliva, wanting more while he moved up to my neck.
My grip tightened in this hair while he tried to find that sensitive spot in my neck. A hum leaving him.
His gauntlet wrapped around my waist while the other went behind my back, keeping me in place as he pushed me back into the table. His teeth, sinking into my neck.
“Solor!” I yelped at the unexpected bite. His teeth definitely creating a mark within a few minutes.
“Calm, my little maiden. There is more where that came from.” He grinned, his tongue lapping at his mark before he created another, and another on each side of my neck.
He hummed again, changing directions while he lifted me up onto the table. His lips dragging once more down between my breasts. Giving each one a little nip.
“Especially for you, little maiden.” He had stated. His gauntlet never bothered to properly take off my pants, and underwear.
A loud moan ripped from my mouth. My body leaning back on the table, elbows supporting my weight. The heat building quicker between my legs, his tongue lapping at my core definitely helping with that.
I cursed out his name, and couldn’t help using my hand. Threaded it through his hair to bring him impossibly closer. A low rumble coming from him, sending absolute pleasure up my spine.
Another curse, and I came undone. Legs trying to curl on his head, back arching as I let go of his hair, the hand coming up to shield my eyes. My heart trying to beat out of my chest.
Damn, I needed that.
“You taste just as I thought you would, but the thought never compares.” Solor spoke, his teeth biting into the side of my thigh as I winced.
I could hear him drop some of his armor off of him, landing on the ground with a thunk. His armored hand took my hand covering my eyes into his and pinned it above me. His other getting ready to line himself.
“Solor, stop. I’m not ready.” I told him, my free hand pressing up against his armor.
“Nonsense, my little maiden. You crave me, as I crave you.” He purred, his thumb of his gauntlet on my waist attempting to sooth me as he slowly himself pushed in. A curse from his language leaving his lips.
My lungs lost their air, my face scrunching up in discomfort. His girth feeling like it was ripping me in two.
“S-Solor, please wait.” I begged him, the burn of him filling me all too much.
“Relax, my little maiden.” He rumbled, his thumb pressing up against the small bulge that he created. Another curse of his language groaning out of his mouth.
I whined while he pushed through more. Eyes closed, on the threat of tears while I tried to remember how to breathe. He was just so big.
“There we go, my maiden.” He moaned, gauntlet tracing up, and down my sides. Occasionally brushing up on the bulge.
I could only lay there winded by the size of him. Trying to get used to his size as I felt him twitch inside of me. A breathless moan leaving my mouth.
He took that as a cue. His hand wrapped around my waist, and gave a slow thrust. Another moan falling from my lips.
“Oh, my little maiden.” He rumbled, his hips slowly dragging in, and out, going slightly faster than the last.
My hands moved up to grab a hold of his gauntlet above me. Desperate for any type of stability for his rising speed.
“Give me more of your pretty little sounds.” He growled, hips thrusting in a particular spot, as I cried out, scratching at his armor. “Yes, just like that. Give me another little maiden.”
He thrusted in that spot again and again, abusing it. His gauntlet on my waist kept me in place while I cried out. Cried out for him.
Solor swore in his language while I tightened around him. The unexpected orgasam hitting me hard. My mouth falling open with nothing coming out. Back arching into him. Eyes closed as tears slid down my cheeks.
I reopened my eyes when I felt him push a little deeper, his body curling to latch his teeth onto my neck. A growl rumbling through him as his warm seed coated my walls. The feeling short-circuiting my brain.
He stilled for a moment before he started up again. A tiny whine leaving my throat as I tried to push up against him.
“Cease your withering maiden. I have longed for you for too long.” Solor snarled into my ear before latching back onto my neck.
Overstimulation took over me quickly making me black out, and come back into the world to find myself in a completely different angle. My body, wounded with bites, and hickeys. That I knew for sure I wasn’t walking for a months worth. Maybe a year at this rate.
When the last time I woke up I was bundled up in the gray blankets that felt remarkably nice on my oversensitive skin. My body clean, and wrapped for the more serious wounds Solor had caused.
“I…am sorry, little maiden.” Solor had apologized, his fingers lightly tracing my form beneath the blankets, avoiding the wraps.
Too mentally, and physically tired to say anything back. I just settled slowly back into my blankets. The rising of his chest rocking me back to sleep.
“I’m sorry.”
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 X
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 VIII
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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