#can I ask you all to refrain from tagging anything weird in reference to the ''you know the secrets to my body thing'' thank you I am trying
everymadara · 2 years
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Chapter 560
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echodoesstuff62333 · 1 year
Hello! Our collective names are Cage/Kage/CK, though we don't mind being called Echo or Koi. We are a fan of Undertale, TMNT, SAMS, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, and more! We collectively go by They/them, It/Its, or Neos
We write fanfic, and draw. The two current fics we're posting are 'Love You 'Til the Blood Dries and the Bones Decay' and 'The Sun Wants to Set' [currently going through a rewrite] (aha this part is outdated but theres too much we're writing to list it all)
Fanfiction does not have a schedule, and might take a while to be updated!
Feel free to ask us anything! Just not anything weird. (Please refrain from sending chain stuff, we will not respond.)
Post explaining some things being added
I hope you enjoy our tumblr! Have fun, and have a wonderful day/night!
(DNI, boundaries, and shortcuts below)
《 ☆ F A N F I C T I O N S ☆ 》
Love You 'Til the Blood Dries and the Bones Decay
The Sun Wants to Set
Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian
《 ☆ T A G S ☆ 》
#Koi catastrophe - rants, vents, pretty much just random stuff not fandom related
#Choi Dianzar - any posts that have to do with my TMNT oc, Choi. (Please note that now they are an alter so this tag may not be used.)
#Arrow Ace - any posts that have to do with my ROTTMNT oc, Arrow! [Currently inactive tag, also see above]
#bittwbbwftt - any posts that have to do with our ROTTMNT story "Blood Is Thicker Than Water But Blood Won't Feed The Thirsty"
#Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian - any posts about our series VOAMV aka Veteran Of A Mutant's Veterinarian
#Adoption contract - the offical contract to adopt us.
《 ☆ S O C I A L S ☆ 》 [sorta not really but shh]
Twitter [inactive]
Draw Box
What's this?? Choi has a toyhouse profile? 100%! Not the best but hey, I tried! [Unupdated due to personal reasons]
《 ☆ S I D E B L O G S ☆ 》
@echos-hell-hole (Warning - Gore + Suggestive things)
《 ☆ D N I ☆ 》
Transphobes, Homophobes, Racists, Ableists, pretty much anybody who is mean or hurtful to others without justifiable reasons.
《 ☆ B O U N D A R I E S ☆ 》
Please respect that at times we may have littles or others children (like) alters or such on here. We would prefer to keep sexual references to a low, a few jokes here and there are fine but overall just try to avoid it. (this doesn't apply to private messages :D). Also we can get triggered by certain tones, or words, so if we ask you to stop please do.
Theres an infestation
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Sysboxes made by @/sysboxes ^^
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coverfossils · 1 year
📋Greetings, I am Dahlia. A Pokémon Researcher hailing from the Unova Region though I was born in another far off region. My research is not corresponding to just one subject but multiple.
I have recently have become more intrigued with the hidden potential of Pokémon as well as what the general public refer to as ‘Fossilmons’.
📋I made this account to gather data and information from others. That is all. I’m not here for any…funny business.
📋If you have any inquiries then my inbox is open. May it be about a Pokémon’s behavior, catching a Pokémon or something else? I will do my best to use my knowledge to assist. Pleaseaskabouttirtouga.
📋If you are weird to me I will ensure my Magnezone locks on to your house and destroys it thoroughly. Do not test me. I’m a grown woman and a researcher so treat me with respect, I’ll do the same for you.
📋Also. I have no clue what Team Plasma was on about so please refrain from asking me about them. I solemnly swear I was never involved with them :).
📋I take donations, finding a good source to fund my research is hard these days. People can be quite rude when your research branches out instead of sticking to one thing.
📋If I need to tag anything to filter out something you wish not to see then please do let me know. My last wish is to make someone uncomfortable or upset.
(Writer’s Note: giving a shot at this pokeblog/Pokémon irl thing as it seems real fun! Decided to use one of my latest ocs, the stoic researcher lady.
This is also a sideblog as so will be any more of these pokeblogs I make, so apologies if I don’t follow back! Doesn’t meant I won’t interact.)
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Uh why do minors follow you?
Be.... because they want to...?
I assume this is in reference to me answering an ask earlier where one of my long-time anons mentioned that they had just now turned 18. I am amused (if irritated) by the implication that it is my fault, and I should have scrupulously policed my followers, anyone who ever interacts with me, and so forth, all to make sure that They Are Not Minors, Because Then They Might See Something Bad.
Oy vey.
While I absolutely 100% respect the rights of grown-ass adults to designate their blogs/fandom spaces as 18+ and request that minors don't interact with them, I don't do that myself, and there are a few reasons for it. First, for god's sake, not every single interaction between an adult and a child is inherently wrong, morally suspect, predatory, or evil. If a child feels that they can NEVER talk to an adult without being judged (or the adult being judged), then guess what! They won't talk to anyone and they will feel more isolated and be cut off from support systems and people who could be able to help them! Either way, if minors want to follow me, that's their responsibility. I put explicit text beneath cuts, tag for content warnings, provide external links to clearly-tagged and rated AO3 fics, and otherwise perform the usual housekeeping tasks to be sure that if someone is reading something rated M, they have decided to do it of their own free will. If that person is below 18, that is their own responsibility. I am not the internet's babysitter and cannot (and will not) refrain from producing adult content just because someone somewhere might see it. Sorry.
Also: I used to be that 15-year-old kid who read stuff that was way too old for me, and that was, all things considered, probably not things my parents would have approved of (if they had known, because I was good at covering my tracks). I was a sheltered teenager in a sheltered town and there was no way I was going to encounter this stuff otherwise, and sorry to say this, but kids are curious. Kids are also people. Kids have the right to read whatever they want (yes, you heard me) and to think about it, question it, whatever they want to do. I definitely didn't grow up into some weird malformed morally deranged person who somehow thought everything that I read about in fiction was now morally okay in real life, because I am someone who can tell the difference between these two things. As are most children. I don't know how to tell Tumblr that they, again, are real people. Young people with limited experiences, and adults who interact with them in real life or on a consistent basis obviously have duties of care toward them, but if I ever end up having children for whatever reason, they will be allowed to read whatever they want, full stop. They will know that they can talk to me about it, and that there are certain preconditions that come with having that responsibility, but I am very firm on this point. Progressives trying to reinvent conservative evangelical purity culture and ban books/texts/AO3/anything whatsoever that Might Be Bad are exactly what the right-wing whackos are doing right now with their book bans and interfering in what public schools are and are not allowed to teach (basically, anything to do with racism and gay people, the end). This shared hysteria that the Children might Learn about Sex!!! is... honestly, baffling, since last time I looked, this was not 1880.
Basically: if you're a minor and you're following me, that's your choice, you know what you're in for by now, I trust you to make your own decisions about what you do and don't want to see, and I hope that I've provided a space where you can feel comfortable asking me questions about things that you want to know. Because as I said, if children are told that every adult is wrong and evil for even thinking about talking to them (which is totally absurd on many, many levels, but welcome to Anti Logic!), then... again, what are they going to do? Struggle along as best they can? If I am here and I can help, or just offer an ear as a caring adult(ish) person, I am happy to do that. Growing up is scary, especially fucking right now. I don't need to make it harder on them. As I said, I was once that kid, and I didn't have anyone to talk to. Besides, how on earth is this whole "the children can't find out about sex!" thing even supposed to WORK? Not to mention that it enables sexual abuse by the people who ARE up to no good, if kids are taught that it is bad, shameful, and should never be looked at or discussed. As I said! Straight-up conservative evangelical purity culture! And by now, I think we all know how much that screws people up, and the long, long time that it takes to undo that damage.
Tl;dr: Censorship is always wrong and I don't do it. Children are people. Please go outside and meet another human being sometime.
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green-meanies · 2 years
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This event is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated!
So! To celebrate reaching 100 followers, I want to do a little something for you guys :)
From now through July 19, I will formally be taking art requests! You can request any character(s) from either PPG, PPGZ, or Gorillaz. OCs are fine as long as they were created for any of these fandoms. More on that below.
You must be following me as of the time this is posted in order to make a request. Anon requests will be accepted since I know some of you are shy, but I’m trusting y’all to be honest with it 🙏
For now I would prefer to keep it at one request per user. I’d like for as many of you as possible to have a turn :)
Try to keep requests simple! Nothing too crazy, please, I’m only one person and I work full-time ;;
No NSFW or anything *weird* (I feel like this goes without saying, but just in case!) If it sounds like a fetish or I’m otherwise uncomfortable, I’m not going to draw it
If you request an OC, please include a reference of some sort! Even if it’s written, that’s perfectly fine! A short description of their personality would be nice as well, otherwise I'll just go by vibes lol
In addition, I’ll be running a sort of AMA to get to know me a little better. Normally I refrain from off-topic stuff on this blog, but for the duration of this event I will make an exception. You can ask me pretty much anything, as long as it's not too personal! These asks will have the additional tag #100 followers ama, so if you do not wish to see them, you're welcome to blacklist.
Thank you all again, and let’s get this party started!! 🎉
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HSMTMTS 2x9: so dreaded, so exciting, 'Sword!' (yeah, I went there, I've been thinking about this scene - you know the one - since yesterday for some reason)
After two computer malfunctions and a very tough, very sleepless night, here I am with a third attempt to write this post. The universe is against me today. Is Mercury in retrograde or something? Ugh, I just want to get this over with already. And I haven't even managed to see half the episode yet. You better like this cursed post because it's taken me two hours at this point, and will probably take another to finish - and that is if nothing goes wrong this time. Please bear with me. This is my reaction to HSMTMTS 2x9, take 3. Let's hope and pray it's the last one.
I'm normally [unpopular opinion alert] a very spoiler-positive person (it's the combination of anxiety and ADHD and a bunch of other stuff, I suppose), but for this one I've been refraining from looking at the tag all morning, so by now I'm simply bursting with impatience. But before we dive in, I need to get some stuff off my chest.
Some pre-watch thoughts and feelings (let's see how well they will have aged by the end of the episode):
Seriously, what is with whoever writes this show? I know it's impossible, but I feel like they've been toying with my emotions specifically all season. Like:
Ah, so you were a Rini shipper last season? Great, now we'll make them obnoxious and borderline toxic to the point where you actually want them to break up, but then their old chemistry will be back just for the breakup scene so that you can cry your eyes out over the one couple you couldn't stand - even though you can't seem to relate to a single song from Sour, we'll make you feel like you do for a hot second. At least it will remind you that you loved Ricky.
So you say Redlyn own your heart and soul? Great, we'll make you dread something going wrong with them for a week straight, and mess up your sleep schedule beyond repair over it. You're welcome!
We heard you said Rodfini give you life? Perfect, how about a big Seblos fight? And would you like a side of questioning your choice to stan Carlos with that? Because what is life without a little anxiety, a bit of doubt of your ability to read people, and a pinch of existential dread, right?
Ah, so you claimed not to ship Portwell romantically, is that right? Brilliant, we'll make you ship them and then we'll use that to torture you, too.
You've been excited about ABF and Asher Angel guest-starring ever since they were announced? Magnificent! We'll make you hate ABF's character to the point where you can't even look at him, and we'll make you call him names you thought yourself incapable of uttering. And as for Asher, you'll be left waiting for him until the last third of the season, and then you'll dread the possibility of hating his character, too. Do you love us yet?
Oof! Right then, I've got that out of my system. Time to dive in.
Miss Jenn playing around with the backgrounds is, like, 90% of the people who had online school this year, and honestly, I love that for her.
Wait, why is Nini first on this call? Are they going through with the Rose thing? Cos like, the song is nice and all (and, might I add, much more to my taste than nearly all of Sour, don't @ me), but if they use it, it will get them disqualified. They’ve been told that! Gosh, please let me be wrong about this.
We get it, Carlito, rich and fancy and over-the-top is kind of your thing, but have you stopped for a second to think about how others will feel about this? Especially Seb, whom you claim to care about. Seriously, though, I love Carlos and would not hesitate to die for him, but I’m getting the feeling that, unlike my other favourite (you know the one), he wouldn’t do the same for me. Oh well, he’ll figure it out. He’s just a kid. Give him time.
Wait, Milky White? Is that an Into the Woods reference I smell? Cool! If I had a cow, I’d totally name her Milky White (or Gertrude, but don’t ask me why). I just hope they don’t have to, like, take her to the market and exchange her for magic beans, if you catch my drift.
Ahhhhh, Caswell cousins content! We love to see it!
‘You guys are watching, like, old old movies’ WTH, Nini (or is it Nina)? Scary Movie is literally younger than me. But what do you know about it, you 21st-century baby! Ugh, I don’t know why I’m being so hostile today... must be the lack of sleep. Hope it doesn’t influence my reactions to the episode so dramatically as to make me forget how much I love this series. Because I do.
Yay! Big Red is here! I can finally smile. And did Ash just say they’re soulmates? Because yes they are! Ahhh my heart is going to explode.
‘Nini, have you heard from [Ricky]?’ Yikes, awkward... but of course, Big Red can be counted on to save the day here, too.
Ok, so that was a cool cold open. Time for some nice in-person scenes, though. I did not spend all of three semesters doing online school just to have the characters of my favourite series do the same.
Wow, Gina is really embracing that French accent thing! And I really don’t want to think about, erm, ‘Napoleon over here’ right now, but I really think the fact that she’s doing it better than him will be another piece of evidence towards my theory of fake-French!Antoine... ugh, I said his name. Oh well. Back to Gina. Too bad the French thing didn’t work out for her.
Ahhhh, Portwell with Ash in the background! And Ash is going to paint EJ’s nails! I feel like he’s going to end up loving that, despite what he says right now. But seriously, I just love how comfortable these two are with each other. Can you blame me now for shipping them as friends? Well, I mean, it’s obvious they will be more than friends, and somehow, despite the amatonormativity of it all, I’m here for it.
Wait, was that Asher? That was Asher, I’m 100% sure of it. And Gina said ‘a sign’ and then looked at him, even from the back... what am I supposed to think and feel here? I’m confused. Moving on.
Ahh, poor Ricky being a burrito... good thing that breakup scene last time reminded me that I love him, because the entirety of the season before that was very good at making me forget that.
Wait, did she say ‘the Bean’? As in, that Bean? The infamous Bean? LOL.
‘So the only time you two talk to each other is to gossip about me’ Boy, did I feel that. I once got my hands on my dad’s mobile and I... kind of went through his texts with mum. Yep, all about me and my brother. At this point I feel like they’re only together because of us. But this is getting too personal. I’m here about the episode, not to rant about my family. Moving on.
Yikes, looks like Nini’s got writer’s block all over again. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I kind of don’t. I mean, no hate towards her, none at all, but that entire scene just felt awkward and unnecessary. And not just because it’s her first time going live. That I can understand. What I don’t understand is why the writers can’t seem to do anything creative and interesting with Nini. Olivia is being wasted there. Idk, that’s just how I feel. Again, no hate.
Ahhhhh it’s Asher! And well, he’s not Jonah, but I kind of really like him as Jack. I wonder if that will last.
So is it just me, or is anyone else not quite sure how to feel about Ricky’s mum? I mean, their interactions seem kind of awkward and strained, but that’s how it’s supposed to be given their recent history, and yet something just doesn’t sit quite right with me.
‘You there, Muse? It’s me, Nini!’ Ah, so it’s Nini again? I didn’t get the memo. Gosh, this episode is kind of really underwhelming. The most exciting thing so far (but not nearly as exciting in practice as it was in theory) – Asher and Sofia’s on-screen reunion. The second most exciting thing? The thought of Ash painting EJ’s nails. Everything else? Kind of ‘whatever’. Is this what I tossed and turned about all night? Totally not worth it. This episode better get, like, 300% better right this instant. It’s just not worth all the frustration and excitement and dread so far.
Looks like my prayers from just now have been heard! That improv scene was hilarious! Guess it was lucky that Miss Jenn had them do improv before this moment. But I need to know more of Jack’s backstory now.
Ok, so that was awkward! So Kourtney is talking to Howie again, I guess. And I guess I know now what Carlos did that was all public and no subtle. Still, what’s wrong with posting photos from your holiday? Guess I don’t exactly know yet what Carlos did to piss the others off so much.
Great, now I’m tempted to google butterfly faces. Good thing I’m not eating anymore. *** Ughhhhh this was a mistake! Please don’t ever look a butterfly in the face if you want to stay sane. Don’t be like me.
Ahhh the Duke sweater! ‘Is that your boyfriend’s?’ Well, not quite yet, it’s not... *screams in Portwell*
Oh, now we’re talking! But seriously, Ricky? The ‘my friends think’ card? Why don’t you just say ‘I think’? It’s clearly something you’ve thought about a lot. I feel like I’m going to love this scene or cry over it or both.
Ooh, therapy. It’s not just... basically the entire fandom... who says it now. Please tell me that means Ricky will be going to therapy at some point. Says the girl who is currently firmly refusing to go to therapy in favour of hyperfixating on HSMTMTS and getting back into the good old practice of having imaginary friends... yeah, I’m one to talk.
My, my, my! Seb has really had it now. I mean, it was about time, but... not quite like this. My heart is starting to do some weird stuff, I can feel it. I might need to lie down.
Ok, so as much as I envy North High for getting to see so many shows on BWay – basically living out my dream – stalking East High on Instagram and being shady about them taking a well-deserved break... just goes beyond all limits. I mean, if you’re so into Broadway shows, you should know as well as I do what happened the last time a certain founding father did not take a break. Maybe you’re the ones in need of a break here.
Nini on the call with the Caswell cousins, though... ‘I’m obsessed with both of you’ – first relatable thing she’s said or done all season. And EJ playing with old toys is pure gold.
Oh, so Jack’s dad is a pilot. Makes sense, I guess. I’m kind of intrigued by this guy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to come between Portwell before they’ve had the chance to happen, you know...
Ashlyn might need to stop swooning over Nini’s songwriting or Big Red might get jealous... I mean, I would not have pinned him as the jealous type before 2x7, but ever since then... I guess insecure + dating a girl like Ash = the jealous type. And although that looks good on him, I’d bet anything it doesn’t feel particularly pleasant on his side. So... wait, why am I talking about Big Red? He hasn’t even got anything to do with the scene at hand. But then again, there’s been so little Big Red content in this episode that I seem to be trying to make up for it. Still. Stay focused.
Ooh, so Big Red did edit that video! Is there anything my boy can’t do? Ok, now I feel like he’s even more criminally underappreciated than he was before. But let’s look at the video. I’m curious to see the whole thing because that sneak peek from yesterday simply hasn’t been enough.
That was... really, really cool! I love how they took the ‘when they go low, we go high’ line from last time and run with it. Now if only they were putting as much effort into BATB... North High wouldn’t know what hit them.
Hmmmm... I guess Gina and Jack could be what I originally wanted Portwell to be... really cool friends. Unless it’s one of those ‘airport magic’ things. Oh well. It probably is. Was that all we’re seeing of Asher here? I did not wait 2/3 of the season for this. Though it was nice.
Ooh, Ricky’s solo song... why is there more Rini chemistry in this song than there was in all the season? Not counting the breakup scene, of course. Also, I feel like it’s just as much about him and his mum as it is about Nini. Some say music is the best therapy. I think they might be right. And no, I’m not crying. You are.
The granola bar, though... this episode might have been very underwhelming in the first half, but... it delivered in the Portwell front, and the music was *chef’s kiss*, so I’m willing to let it slide that the advertised Seblos ‘big fight’ was not touched upon nearly enough. Maybe next week...
Ok, now that we’re done watching the episode, let’s see how my feelings from the beginning have aged:
The Rini breakup: apparently, along with reminding me that I love Ricky, it has rendered me unable to look at Nini. What’s up with that? If this is some sort of tactic along the lines of ‘Olivia might be leaving the show so we’re making you hate her character so that you won’t miss her’, it’s not really working. Because I don’t want to hate Nini. Believe me, I don’t.
Redlyn: ok, so there’s nothing wrong with them whatsoever - we even got a ‘soulmates’, which I loved - but first they’re being swept under the rug, and then the antis come at us with that ‘their relationship is underdeveloped’ nonsense. Individually, though, I liked them in this episode (even if there was a significant shortage of Big Red), and Ashlyn collaborating with Nini again was cool, but... what I really wanted to see was her painting EJ’s nails. Did she even get the chance to actually do it? Maybe next week.
Seblos: I’m still failing to understand exactly what Seb thinks Carlos did wrong (please enlighten me if you did catch that, I’m kind of slow), but he (Seb) does have reasons to be mad at him (Carlos)... and at other people, too. Still, if you want to have a fight between two people in a relationship, you could do much better than whatever this episode was. Maybe next week. I notice I’m saying that a lot. Guess I’m putting a lot of hopes on 2x10. I just pray it doesn’t disappoint.
Portwell: boy, am I happy that my frustration on this front did not age well! What I mean is, apparently they’ve decided to bless us, not torture us for once. Even a rather disappointing episode like this one had to have some sort of silver lining. And Portwell is it.
Asher as Jack: well, luckily I didn’t hate him, but... it’s kind of the opposite problem. I loved him and now they’re taking him away from me. Guess I just can’t win here. Oh well. At least he didn’t have the screen time to get in between Portwell...
All in all: 2x10, my hopes and prayers are with you!
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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The next Cinderella AU part is here...and I am so thrilled about this part, because not only do we get a new character (who I’m quite sure you can identify from the sketch above -- only my second time drawing him ever, and I’m actually pretty happy with it!), but we’ll also get a nice serving of drama! Goodie!!
Robin Hood as a legendary figure first originated through the oral tradition, so its history is a little hard to plot out, but his first reference in writing is a ballad from the 15th century. Although our modern image of Robin Hood is that of a chaotic good heroic figure, his original incarnation was decidedly less saintly -- he was a bandit, and although he did refrain from stealing from women, he was rather violent, reckless, and hot-tempered, as well as flagrantly against both clerics and all nobility. Robin Hood’s backstory of being a disgraced nobleman who turned outlaw after losing his title and land and who remains loyal to the “good king” Richard while opposing the unlawful regent Prince John was added later, presumably to make him a bit more “approachable” to an Elizabethan audience who was more accustomed to hearing tales about nobility (just look at a lot of Shakespeare’s plays from that period -- many of them center around royalty or the upper class). Plays about or referencing Robin Hood then increased in popularity on the British Isles throughout the 16th and early 17th century, until the rise of Puritanism in the 1640′s put a halt to theatrical productions. (Bloody kill-joys.) For more information on the history of Robin Hood’s development, I strongly recommend this analysis done by Overly Sarcastic Productions (...actually, just watch everything on their channel, it’s all great XD).
Previous part is here -- whole tag is here -- Katriona “KC” Cassiopeia belongs to @kc-needs-coffee -- and I hope you enjoy!
Carewyn had a lot of trouble returning to her daily routine at the palace the following morning. Getting so close to the border with Orion and hearing about how much scarier it was likely to get on the battlefield made her all the more worried for Jacob’s well-being. Even if the spell Charles Cromwell had paid for nine years ago made it so that Jacob would stay alive as long as he willed it, Carewyn dreaded the thought of what harm, physical and emotional, that Jacob might face. If she only had some idea which battalion he was a part of and where on the front he’d be, then she could always just try to send a letter his way...maybe even ask Orion to drop it off to the camp for her, since his father was an officer. But Carewyn had combed every military roster she could get her hands on, but hadn’t been able to find a single record of Jacob anywhere.
‘He must be under another name,’ Carewyn told herself. 
It wouldn’t be too unreasonable that Charles wouldn’t want Jacob to advance in the ranks on the back of their family name. And really, Carewyn knew full well how displeased her grandfather would be if he found out she was trying to reach out to her brother without his approval -- he could’ve even forced Jacob to take on another name, just to try to make it that bit harder for Carewyn to contact him without his approval...
Carewyn’s friends noticed a rather abrupt shift in her mood. She was singing as always, but her choices were a bit less upbeat and her voice sounded oddly distracted and nostalgic. At one point, Andre mentioned offhandedly that he’d been designing themed outfits for his friends to wear to his mother’s New Year Eve’s Masque Ball, but Carewyn had trouble putting much attention on it.
“I’ve already finished some ‘owl wings’ on a cape for KC and a fur-trimmed wolf mask and gown for Erika...I was thinking perhaps a stag for Bill, a dragon for Charlie, and a lioness for Ginny? I considered a horse at first, but I think a pale gold would make her just glow, don’t you think? Yours I’m most excited for, though...I’m hoping to actually make your newest pair of shoes with fabric on the inside for comfort and diamond on the outside for sturdiness, if I can manage it!”
“Mm...that sounds great,” said Carewyn absently.
Her gaze was drawn out the nearest window, as far out as she could.
“...Andre,” she said slowly, “I realize this is very last minute, but...may I have this afternoon off, to go see my family?”
Andre blinked. “Is something the matter?”
“Oh no, no,” Carewyn lied with as pretty and reassuring of a smile as she could. “It’s just...well, it’s nearly Tristan’s birthday. My uncle keeps him very close to home, compared to my other cousins...I merely thought I might stop by and bake him a little something, as a surprise.”
Andre frowned slightly. “You...get along better with your uncle and his son than with Iris, then?”
“No, but Tristan is only a boy. It’s hard to hold any bad behavior against him. And well, maybe if he and the others don’t know I made it, he’ll enjoy it better.”
Carewyn could see Andre still looked confused and a little dismayed, so she quickly added, “I’ll be back by tomorrow morning, in time for my rounds. I won’t allow it to interrupt my duties.”
Andre offered a hesitant smile. “Well, all right...if it really means that much to you.”
Carewyn’s eyes softened. “Thank you, Andre -- I really appreciate it.”
Fortunately for Carewyn, Andre wasn’t the best at picking up on other people’s pretenses. Unfortunately for Carewyn, two of his most regular confidantes were his cousin KC and fencing instructor Erika, and they did pick up on Carewyn’s odd behavior.
“She said she wanted to surprise her cousin with something for his birthday?” asked KC, frowning deeply. 
“Well, yeah,” said Andre. “I admit, it seemed a little weird to do something so nice without even wanting credit, but Carewyn is an awfully selfless sort. From the way she made it sound, she just wanted to do something nice for him.”
“And you believed her?” said Erika rather coldly. 
She whacked Andre’s practice sword out of his hand with her own, making the Crown Prince hiss in pain. 
“I’ve told you before, Prince Henri -- you all may think Carewyn Cromwell’s nothing like her family, but that’s absolute bunk. She might be more pleasant than them, but she’s not stupid and she’s not honest. Or did you not notice that that weird guy she hangs out with keeps calling her ‘his lady,’ as if she weren’t the penniless orphan of a deadbeat merchant?”
Erika picked up Andre’s sword and tossed it back to him with ease. 
“Then of course that guy himself is shady as all get out.”
Andre frowned. “You mean Orion? Come on, Erika, he isn’t that bad -- I thought he seemed quite amiable, myself. Don’t you agree, KC?”
“He is,” said KC fairly. “But Erika isn’t completely off-base. There is a lot about Orion that we don’t know -- that even Carewyn herself doesn’t know. She admitted as much to me, after I first met him. That being said,” she raised her own sword and got into position to attack Andre, “I don’t think Orion’s a threat. You would think anyone with the ability to sneak over the palace walls not once but twice would’ve tried to make some move to attack you by now, but he’s only ever come looking for Carewyn. And although I don’t completely understand the reason behind why she’s acting like a lady around him,” she shot Erika a faintly reproachful look as she and Andre traded blows, “I’m pretty sure it has more to do with her own insecurities than because she’s a terrible person -- ow! Damn it!”
Andre had successfully disarmed KC. 
“Insecurities?” he said, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. “What is there for her to be insecure about? I mean, yes, she has no dowry, and taking Orion’s wardrobe into account, I’d suppose he has to come from a family with modest wealth -- but Orion seemed to enjoy the Weasleys’ company quite well, and their family is poor. I think they’d make a lovely match, really,” he added with a rather smug grin. “They even matched at the Festival, without realizing it.”
KC massaged her wrist, frowning a bit sourly. “Yes...but Carewyn is solely under Lord Cromwell’s charge. He’s the one who sent her here. He’s the only guardian she really has. And I think it’s quite clear how much influence he has over his family -- even his daughters who married into other esteemed families still live at his estate with their husbands and children, rather than moving out onto their own estates. And in Carewyn’s case, she doesn’t even have a parent to help shield her from Lord Cromwell’s will. She doesn’t have a penny to her name. So that means, in effect, she’s chained to him, and in those circumstances...well...”
She hesitated. 
"Well what?” Andre prompted her. 
KC looked incredibly uncomfortable. 
“I didn’t want to say anything before without knowing for sure...but I think someone’s been looking at our military ledgers, documenting troop placements. Everything’s neatly put away the way they should be, but there are more fingerprints on them than before. And usually I’m the only one who has much use to look those up, whenever I’m ready to suggest a new war strategy...”
Erika’s eyes narrowed very sharply and she got right up into KC’s space. “And you’re only just saying this now?! That information could be critical to Royaume’s enemies! What if that guy Orion sneaked in not just to see Cromwell, but to get his hands on those? Or what if it was Cromwell herself, working in collusion with him?”
“Impossible,” Andre said forcefully. “Carewyn would never be a spy for the enemy -- it’s not in her character.”
“And I don’t think Orion would know where those documents would be, even if he did sneak in,” said KC. 
Erika, however, looked unconvinced as she made for the door. “You can coddle those two all you want, but I plan to tell the King and Queen -- they’ll want to interrogate Cromwell and this ‘Orion Freeman’...”
“Erika, belay that!” Andre said in a suddenly much sharper and more authoritative voice. “That’s an order.”
Once Erika had stopped walking and turned back around, the Crown Prince exhaled heavily and crossed his arms in a business-like manner. 
“I’ll get to the bottom of this,” he said firmly. “If Carewyn is heading to the Cromwell estate, she’ll have to take the road through town, correct? I’ll simply take a horse and follow the road after her.”
Erika and KC looked startled. 
“Uh, Andre,” said KC, “you haven’t forgotten that you’re not allowed to leave the palace, have you?”
Andre smirked. “No. I’m just sneaking out.”
Before Erika and KC could articulate an argument, he added in a much sassier voice, “Look, I’m doing it whether you come with me or not. I’d appreciate the company if you want to come along -- all I expect is that you’ll dress appropriately. I hear linens and cottons are fashionable for those who don’t wish to attract attention.”
And so Andre, KC, and Erika made preparations to follow Carewyn...completely unaware that a half-hour earlier, Bill and Charlie Weasley had -- after having a similar, but much more concerned conversation with Badeea Ali about Carewyn clearly lying to Andre’s face -- decided to take their horses and tail their friend themselves. And sure enough, the two eldest Weasleys soon enough found themselves following Carewyn on the road heading northeast, avoiding the Cromwell estate all together.
At the very same time, in Florence, Orion had finalized his plan. Today was the day he was going to request a formal audience with Prince Henri, as Prince Cosimo VII. As Carewyn had said, he’d need to act fast if he was going to stop his father from finding a way to complete his own ruthless strategy -- the battlefield itself would be a difficult place for Orion to make his case, with so many distractions, but he knew a more balanced, peaceful setting wouldn’t be. And so he wrote a long letter to the King, explaining everything that he had learned from Royaume and its people as well as Florence’s own, so as to make a case for peace. He then had the court magician Severus Snape deliver it to the Florentine camp in his stead, while he dressed in his finest and prepared to leave for Royaume. 
When he made as if to take his own horse, however, Orion found Skye and McNully waiting for him, a black coach already prepared. 
“If you’re planning on going to meet Prince Henri, you really should arrive in style,” said McNully with a wry smile. “A good first impression to the King and Queen would help your case by a good 45%.”
“And you have to know there’s no way in Hell we’re going to let you go out and expose your true identity to the enemy without back-up,” Skye added, her arms crossed over her chest. “
Orion’s black eyes softened. “...Thank you.”
As he climbed into the carriage, both McNully and Skye’s faces nonetheless betrayed some hesitation. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” McNully asked. “There’s a 74% chance they’ll respond badly to it -- I reckon there’s a 39.5% chance they’ll try to arrest you on the spot and hold you as a prisoner of war...”
“I carry no weapons with me, and I come with the explicit purpose of diplomacy,” said Orion levelly. “Therefore I’m not an enemy combatant. As long as I follow their direction while under their roof, then any harm they might do me would be violating the conventions of war...and the Royaumanians, for all of their flaws, do have honor.”
“One could make a case for you having been involved in espionage, though,” McNully pointed out, but Orion ignored him and settled down in the carriage, crossing his legs offhandedly. 
“What about Lady Cromwell?” said Skye, her voice a bit lower and more concerned. “She’ll find out you’re a Florentine. And not just any Florentine, the Prince of Florence.”
Something sad flickered through Orion’s confident, unflappable expression.
“She was going to learn the truth sooner or later,” he murmured. “If our time together has come to an end...then at least I may have the memories to hold onto...and the knowledge that by ending this War peacefully, I may have spared her of more heartache.”
He closed his eyes and began to meditate, clearly having said his piece on the matter. Skye and McNully, however, couldn’t help but exchange a look that was both anxious and very sad. 
As long as they’d known Orion, he’d always been a little reckless, but he was also passive and avoided direct confrontation. This plan to directly appeal to Royaume’s royal family, however, required a lot of guts  -- far more than either of them had thought Orion possessed. And they knew such courage could only have been encouraged by one person...the very same person who Orion loved so much that he would choose to follow her example and protect what she loved, even if it meant destroying their relationship forever. 
Orion meditated during most of the journey to the Royaumanian palace. It was merely fortunate that, as they approached, McNully broke him out of his trance by tapping him on the shoulder and pointing out the window. If he hadn’t, then Orion would not have seen a rather familiar trio of riders on horseback, riding through town past them -- a short, stocky lady with dark red hair and freckles; a very tall blonde with a square jaw and sharp eyes; and a very handsome dark-skinned man dressed in a purple tunic, emerald green pants, and gold-buckled black boots. 
“Stop the carriage!” said Orion, his soft, level voice nonetheless very firm despite not rising in volume. 
He barely waited for the carriage to completely stop before slamming the door open and jumping out.
“Andre! KC!”
Andre, KC, and Erika all stopped their horses in an abrupt halt and turned around as Orion dashed up to them.
“Orion?” said Andre, startled. 
KC looked from the rather finely dressed Orion to the expensive-looking black coach behind him and back. Erika’s eyes narrowed critically upon Orion as he came to a stop in front of them, his hands clasping in front of him. 
“I...had not expected to see you out and about,” said Orion, trying to put on his most pleasant, calm expression. 
Andre glanced over his shoulder up the road, frowning deeply. “Yes, well...some business has come up.”
“Orion, have you seen Carewyn?” KC asked him, her face very serious. 
Orion blinked. 
“Not since last night,” he said. He could feel his heart starting to beat faster. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Never you mind,” barked Erika, as she turned back to the road. “Come on, we don’t want to lose the trail -- ”
“Erika,” reproached Andre, before he turned back to Orion, his face visibly concerned. “...Carewyn asked for the afternoon off to go see her family, but it was very last minute, which isn’t like her. And according to what we’ve heard in town, there’s been no traffic down the road toward the Cromwell estate in the last four hours...”
“So Carewyn had to have been lying about where she was going,” finished KC, her face much more stoic but her voice no less tense. “We need to find her and figure out why.”
Orion’s eyebrows had furrowed over his widening black eyes. His heartbeat was slamming in his ears as the memory of Carewyn in the woods returned to him -- looking northward, toward the army camps, as if longing to run toward them --
“I know where she’s gone,” he said at once. 
He rushed back to the coach, grabbing onto the window frame and standing on the boot of the carriage. 
“To the northern border,” he urged Skye, who sat in the driver’s seat. “Quickly!”
“The border?” repeated Skye as a sharp whisper. “But Orion, your meeting with the Prince -- ”
“Can come later,” Orion told her very firmly under his breath. “Both he and I must get to the war front.”
He shot a significant look over his shoulder in Andre’s direction. McNully, putting two-and-two together, nodded and inched himself up to the window of the carriage. 
“If you tie one or more of your horses to the carriage, we should decrease our travel time by a good 21% per horse,” he told Erika, KC, and Andre. “If Carewyn left an hour ago, then with one horse, we should be able to overtake her within an half-hour -- two, within twenty minutes, and three, within ten. Though with Orion on the boot, there’s a 12% chance he’ll fall off if we ride at full speed, so we might have to go at 95% instead -- ”
KC fixed the blond-haired man with an incredulous look as she leapt off her horse. 
“Are you really calculating all that on the fly,” she asked, looking as if she wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or amused, “or are you just pulling those numbers out of fat air?”
McNully couldn’t help but grin. “Excellent! Now I can officially say that I’ve been asked that question over a hundred times before.” 
Still looking faintly bewildered, KC moved to help Andre, who’d quickly started attaching his, Erika’s, and her horse’s to the front of the carriage with the two black ones already pulling it, ignoring Erika’s incredibly sour and distrustful expression. There was no time to lose. 
From the boot of the carriage, Orion directed Skye down the same road he’d taken with Carewyn the previous night, Andre, Erika, and KC riding with McNully inside the coach. Once they’d reached the forest, Orion caught sight of a familiar-looking golden eagle with a bandaged wing -- at the sight of the Florentine prince, the eagle gave a loud shriek and flew down into the trees, and Orion urged Skye to pursue him into the woods. The road took them deep into the trees, until at last the eagle landed on a branch over the heads of two familiar-looking ginger-haired men, who were bound with thick rope to a tree. 
Bill and Charlie were stunned at the sight of such an elegant coach, but were absolutely beside themselves with relief at the sight of Andre, KC, and Erika. Erika immediately yanked a knife out of her ankle boot and set about sawing off their bindings -- once she’d cut Charlie free, he immediately rushed forward and grabbed Andre’s shoulders. 
“We’ve got to hurry!” he said anxiously. “They’ve got Carey!”
“‘They?’” said Andre, very startled. “They who?”
“This band of Florentine bandits,” said Bill, his voice very low and urgent. He kept maneuvering his bindings as Erika cut them to try to sever them faster. “They cornered us so they could try to rob us -- they were willing to let Carey go since she was a lady, but she bartered with the leader, saying that they could take her so long as they left us alone. Claimed that they could probably get more money from holding her hostage than us, given her family...”
Both Skye and McNully glanced at Orion. The Prince’s face had lost most of its color -- he’d turned his face away and closed his eyes, breathing in and out slowly as he tried to stabilize his emotions. 
“The bandits in these woods are Florentines, so I doubt they will harm you,” Baroness McGonagall’s words returned to his mind, “but I cannot be sure how they would respond to a Royaumanian, especially one related to one of their wealthiest noblemen.”
“They took all three of our horses and tied us to the tree so that we wouldn’t follow them,” growled Charlie. “They left us a knife so that we’d be able to cut ourselves free, but it’s so dull I reckon it would’ve taken us hours to do it ourselves...”
Bill succeeded in snapping the weakened ropes in half and leapt back to his feet, massaging his wrists. 
“They must have taken her to a camp of theirs,” said KC, her dark blue eyes narrowing. “Even bandits need some base of operation.”
McNully nodded, resting his arms on the edge of the coach’s window. “The lady is right. Given where we are, I’d say the odds are fairer that it’s southeast of here.”
“Closer to the Florentine side of the border, you mean,” presumed KC, and McNully nodded again. 
“They were heading south through the woods,” said Bill. “But we won’t want to bring the coach. They stopped us because they wanted money -- if they have any reason to think any of you have it, they’ll no doubt want to imprison you too...”
“On the contrary,” said Orion in a very low voice, “this carriage may be just the thing we need, to ensure that they don’t imprison us.”
Everyone looked at Orion, their faces all a mixture of incredulity and revulsion, but he seemed disinterested in explaining himself. 
“We must be quick, McNully,” said Orion, and although his voice and face were as level and unreadable as ever, they both betrayed a slight edge. “Time is not on our side.”
With Bill now sitting with the driver’s seat next to Skye and Charlie hanging off the boot with Orion, the black coach set off again. Overhead Orion caught sight of the wounded eagle again, which shrieked at them warningly -- the Prince thought it must mean they were close, but did not respond fast enough to the trap set out in front of them. 
The coach rode right through a certain cluster of vines, and within seconds, they had magically sprung to life, lashing themselves around the limbs of the five horses pulling the coach. The steeds reared back, panicked -- Skye immediately yanked out a sword from her belt and began hacking away at them, and Erika and Andre both leapt from the carriage with their own swords to help, but it was no use. The vines only lashed onto them, binding all three of them fast and making it impossible for them to move. And when things seemed like they couldn’t be any worse, without warning, a group of green-dressed men and women had swung down from more vines attached to the nearby trees, surrounding them in a tight noose-like circle and pointing their arrow-decked bows at them. 
They were trapped. 
“Well, well,” said a voice from the trees above, “we don’t often see coaches that ritzy out here.”
The voice’s owner leapt down to the ground. Unlike his companions, his hooded tunic was yellow instead of green. When he lifted his head enough that they could see his face, it was the host of a mischievous smirk. 
“Especially ones crafted in Florence,” the dark-haired and eyed bandit said breezily. 
Andre, KC, Erika, and the Weasleys all stiffened. 
“Florence?” breathed Bill. 
They all as a unit whirled on Orion. His face was remarkably calm and solemn as he stepped off the coach and in front of the others and faced the bandits’ leader, his hands clasped in front of him. 
“We do not come seeking trouble,” he said. “We merely come to retrieve a lady who surrendered herself to you. Frame like a robin’s. Hair the color of a red sunset. Eyes the color of the sky.”
The bandit’s leader raised his eyebrows curiously. “The maid called Cromwell?”
“That is her.”
“And what reason would you desire her in your custody?” challenged one of the green-dressed bandits with a cocked eyebrow, a dashing man with tanned skin and dark brown hair. 
“Wants to ransom her off himself, no doubt,” sneered another woman with messy brown hair and cold magenta eyes. “He probably works for Lord Malfoy -- we all know he’s the sort to make money off illicit enterprises and keep it all to himself, rather than give it to anyone who actually needs it...”
Two of the other bandits -- a pair of women with long red and short pink hair, respectively -- exchanged a sour look. 
“We have nothing to do with Lord Malfoy,” spat Skye, vainly tugging against the vines binding her. “We wouldn’t collaborate with that rat if you paid us -- !”
“Skye,” said Orion in a quelling voice. 
The last bandit, a very strong-looking man with dark red hair and emerald green eyes, frowned deeply at the leader, who considered Orion carefully. 
“I know your face,” he murmured. 
Orion inclined his head, his black eyes boring into the other man’s face. “I’m sure you do.”
The leader’s thin-lidded eyes narrowed critically -- then they widened, realizing. 
“Bring out Lady Cromwell at once,” he said abruptly. 
The others all whirled on him. 
“What?!” cried all three women and the dashing man. 
“Jae, are you mad?!” said the woman with the magenta eyes. 
“Do it,” said the leader called Jae firmly, without flinching. 
The strong bandit -- the only one who hadn’t questioned the leader’s direction -- grabbed a vine, which immediately retracted back up above them. 
Jae glanced at the magenta-eyed woman. “Merula, have the vines set them loose.”
Merula looked rather scandalized. “What? Oh come on, you know how much of a pain it is, to have to recast a spell after it’s broken -- ”
“Better that we do it now than wait around for the spell to expire on its own,” Jae said dryly. 
Still looking very reluctant, Merula nonetheless did as she was told, holding up her hand, which glowed with light green. 
“The terms are now invalid,” she muttered sourly at the plants. 
The plants sparkled with a similar green flare before falling limply off of the horses, Andre, Erika, and Skye. KC and Bill moved to detangle the now harmless plants from their companions and around the horses’ legs, and Charlie moved to soothe the frightened steeds. 
Within a minute, the strong bandit was back, holding onto the vine easily with one hand and holding Carewyn under his opposite arm. She had her ginger hair tied back in a loose bun and was dressed in the green peasant dress she’d worn to the Festival and her slightly oversized brown shoes -- no doubt because it was the most comfortable dress for travel she had. Orion was also beyond relieved to see that she was perfectly unharmed -- not a single cut or bruise. 
“CAREWYN!” cried KC, Andre, Bill and Charlie in relief. 
All three of the men immediately dashed right over to her and threw their arms around her in a group hug. 
“It’s all right,” Carewyn reassured them with a small smile. “I’m all right.”
“They didn’t hurt you?” Bill interrogated her. 
“You must have been terrified -- ” said Andre. 
“Where are the horses?” asked Charlie. 
“Tied up in a makeshift stable over there,” said the pink-haired bandit with a wry grin and a vague hand gesture. 
“A bit tricky to lug them up into treehouses,” added the red-haired one cheekily. “And no, for the record, we did not hurt Carewyn Cromwell. She may be a stick in the mud, but she’s a decent sort.”
“And brave too!” said the muscled man, beaming. “She wasn’t scared at all, not even when Merula stuck a knife in her face!”
“I was only getting fed up with her smart remarks,” huffed the magenta-eyed bandit called Merula. “You’d think she was the Queen of Sheba, with how she acts...”
“She is a proper lady, to be sure,” said the dashing bandit, shooting Carewyn a rather Casanova-like smile. 
Carewyn tried to stifle a snort of laughter behind her hand as Jae approached her. 
“Seems you’ll have an escort after all, Carewyn,” he said, lowering his bow with a slightly more serious look. “I don’t think I can convince you to reconsider, but under the circumstances...well, just make sure you’re careful. I’d hate to hear of Royaume losing one of its only honorable citizens due to their own stupidity.”
Carewyn inclined her head to him, her blue eyes very solemn. “I’m far from Royaume’s most honorable citizen, Jae, nor from any other country, I daresay. But thank you.”
Jae nodded. He then looked up at Orion. 
“By your leave then, your Highness,” he said with an abbreviated bow. 
He then nodded to the other bandits, and one by one, they all disappeared back up into the trees. 
None of the people on the ground, however, gave them much mind. All of them had turned back around to face Orion -- Carewyn felt like her heart had stopped still as she stared, taking in his neat ponytail and finely tailored black doublet and hose and boots. 
“...‘Your Highness?’ ” repeated Charlie, shocked. 
Andre’s eyes widened. “Then...then you’re...?”
Orion swallowed, but somehow managed to keep his composure as he nodded. His eyes were locked on Carewyn’s face, never shifting and as turbulent as a black ocean. 
“King Cosimo’s new heir,” KC breathed, her face flooding with fresh understanding around her amazement. “Cosimo VII.”
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katherynefromphilly · 3 years
for the get to know your author, 4, 9, 17, and 19 (I'm sorry if these are a lot, I'm barely refraining from typing all numbers tbh xD)
*enormous hug* for your enthusiasm.  :) :) :)
4) favorite character you’ve written
My favorite OC is Eleanor Godwyn.  She is the woman I aspire to be when I’m older, and she is also based upon quite a number of feisty older women who I have been blessed to know in my lifetime.  Find yourself a feisty older woman mentor.  You’ll be happy you did.  Feisty women over 40, 50, 60, 70, 80... they only get sassier and wiser and more fun to be around.
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Reading, mostly.  I have a ton of AO3 bookmarks tagged as “well-written”, and those authors inspire me to try and write as well as they do.  Watching YouTube videos by writers is pretty inspirational too.  Plus reading posts about the craft of writing makes me want to write, so that I can evolve my writing and editing style.  But really I get inspired to write by getting obsessed with and rewatching a particular show.  Especially the episodes that make my heart ache (Diamond of the Day).
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
I’d tell my 13-year-old fanfic-writing self that OTHER PEOPLE WRITE STORIES ABOUT TV SHOWS AND MOVIES TOO.  See, I grew up Before The Internet, and didn’t have much access to the places where printed fics were available, so I didn’t know that fanfiction was a thing other people did.  I thought it was just me, a weird girl, unable to let go of Star Wars, writing Luke Skywalker stories in her notebooks.  I thought there was something wrong with it, wrong with me. If I could, I’d tell that young girl to STOP BEING ASHAMED OF WHAT MADE HER HAPPY.  Not only fic writing but all the other stuff that got me mocked in the 70s and 80s, which incidentally is all mainstream now.  (star wars, computers, comic books, video games, superheroes, etc.)  Being ashamed was such a huge waste of my mental energy.  Don’t be ashamed of your passions.  Celebrate them. 
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, etc.?
Quite hysterically, every story has been written a different way.  We Begin Again was a “pantser” thing where I just sat down and wrote the whole thing as I saw it in my head.  But when I was done, I realized it didn’t work, so I rewrote the entire thing, using “scene cards” for each chapter, listing character goals and quotes from the show and plot points.  Our Destinies was a stream of consciousness with not enough editing, and it really shows.  Ever Onward was plotted out carefully in advance, with each small scene having a goal, and that’s the one I’m satisfied with the most, structurally.  The new Merlin story I’m working on (which is on hold because Life), is very extensively plotted because there’s so much movement and plot points.  I’m using a Beat Sheet and Character Sheets and have a whole folder hierarchy of reference stuff.  Even with that, I’m still a bit stuck in the middle.  So honestly I’m not sure what approach is best.  I’m still learning as I go.   :)
Thanks for the ask! 
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So, this is a drabble I’ve been sitting on for a little while, mostly because I wrote it while in a “mood” and thus it’s kind of personal. However, I do still like it and want to share it.
It does involve Erron Black and Cassie Cage from “Mortal Kombat,” so if you’re familiar with them then kudos, I suppose. If not, then it’s no a big deal. You don’t need to know all about them to understand what’s going on in this drabble. 
I didn’t tag this writing with anything Mortal Kombat related because it’s kind of...bashing BlackCage (Erron Black x Cassie Cage) and doesn’t paint Cassie Cage in the best light. I don’t want the drama and bullshit that could result so I am keeping the MK tags far away from this drabble.
Now, this fic DOES involve Arkham Knight Riddler, so it’s a crossover, and I am 100% ok with tagging him and Scarecrow (Yes, he’s in it, too, sort of). Neither of them are portrayed in a way that would piss people off. 
Now, the fic is very personal to me and technically it’s a self-insert, but I refrained from using my real name or my alias, and has just referred to myself with pronouns. Why? Because I’m kind of shy and weird like that. Plus, it’s super personal and emotional to me, this drabble, and I just don’t feel comfortable directly attaching my name -- or even my alias -- to it right now.
This isn’t on AO3 for the reasons I’ve already mentioned, and I am honestly ok with any feedback on this, be it positive or negative. Seriously, if you have thoughts, then share. If you happen to be a BlackCage fan and/or Cassie Cage then feel free to send me hate -- no anon hate, though, as I have turned off anonymous asks.
I will warn you now, the drabble deals with self-esteem issues, and the ending, if you are familiar with Scarecrow (and if you’re reading this, I sure hope you are), the ending is kind of.....dark. Nothing actually happens but it is heavily implied someone is in for a traumatizing time.
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” she said, sounding as defeated and drained as she looked. “I tried my best yet I still only managed to be in the friend zone. He said it’s not that I’m not good enough, but that he had liked her for a while and she finally said ‘yes’ to going out with him so…”
“What does this girl look like?” Edward asked, displeased with the situation.
“Hang on.”
Edward had to admit he wasn’t shocked by this news. From the start, he knew Erron Black was that type of guy, one of those dim-witted pretty boys who had no sense or reason. However, Edward didn’t say anything to her as she was an adult and could make decisions on her own -- even if they were the wrong ones. Besides, she was so smitten by Erron that Edward suspected she wouldn’t have listened to or believed his warnings anyway.
She searched on her phone and found the (infamous) girl’s Instagram profile and then handed it to Edward. Looking through Cassie Cage’s photos, frowning, shaking his head, he found himself unimpressed. This was the woman that got Erron’s attention? Honestly? She was a spoiled, bratty, self-centered blonde with the IQ of a donut! 
Although, seeing as how Erron’s IQ was clearly no higher than that of Cassie Cage, Edward figured birds of a feather flocked together...one dodo for another.
“Ugh, I’ve seen enough,” Edward said, handing her back her phone. “She’s a social media brat who has fluff for brains and probably uses her looks to get what she wants. There’s no way she’s actually an intelligent, fascinating person. Anyone who takes that many ridiculous selfies is, without a doubt, an idiot.”
Edward noticed she didn’t appear to be relieved by his words, so he quickly thought of something else to add, hoping it would provide some sort of window to clarity that she desperately needed for this situation.
“So, this Cassie fits society’s shallow and pointless standards of beauty,” Edward said. “She’s an absolute bore, I tell you! She’s got a pretty face and an attitude, probably only is successful because she’s relied on her parents for everything.”
She still looked upset, and maybe even more so.
Ok, Edward, think! thought the criminal genius, chewing on his lower lip as his anxiousness grew. There’s got to be a way to get this through to her. This is a waste of her time!
“I mean...I wouldn’t want to spend time with her,” Edward said, placing a hand on his chest. “I’d probably lose my mind after listening to whatever pointless drivel would inevitably spill forth from her mouth. As for her looks, well, let’s be realistic here: they won’t last, and then what? She’ll be stranded with her own deflated ego and nowhere to go.”
Edward could tell that she was nearly crying now much to his dismay, and she kept her head down to hide the tears gathering under her lashes. This was absurd, he thought. Why did she feel so hurt by a guy who was a complete moron and a girl who looked like every other blonde girl out there? It was a waste of time, energy, thought, and emotion to dwell on such people. Why couldn’t she see that?
“I understand what you said,” she said, sniffling. “I agree with a lot of it but...it still hurts, maybe more so now that I realize how much of a bimbo Cassie is. And Erron chose her? I’m not blonde...is that what he wants?” She gripped her phone tightly. “Do I need to start acting like an obnoxious brat, taking selfies and posting them online for attention?” The grip was now threatening to crack the protective outer case of the phone. “I did all I could to be a good friend to him, was there for him, listened to him, treated him well….and yet, I’m still not good enough to earn his...his love? He waited a long time for Cassie...well, I’ve waited even longer to stop being rejected because I’m not good enough!”
Not wanting her to injure herself, he reached out and placed a hand over hers, watching her fingers loosen around her phone.
“I don’t feel good enough,” she said softly, finally crying. “I’ve never been good enough. I don’t know why...I don’t know...I try and I try but it’s never enough...”
Edward watched her sob quietly to herself, unsure of what to do but his internal panic was growing worse. This wasn’t exactly his area of expertise, and he still thought she was wasting energy on two idiots. However, there was nothing he could do about that, not right now, not when she was still overwhelmed by emotion.
So, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling a little awkward doing it but it was all he could think of at the time.
“It’s going to be alright,” Edward told her. “I promise.”
A few weeks later….
Edward was typing away at his computer as she sat at a table nearby working on one of her custom dolls. With her headphones on, she drowned out the world around her, entirely focused on painting the face of the doll. Because of this, she didn’t notice him get up from his chair to “greet” the ignorant Neanderthal standing outside under the security camera mounted on top of the main door.
Edward opened the door to see a worried Erron Black standing outside.
“What do you want?” Edward asked in an exasperated tone. 
“Have you heard from her?” Erron asked. “She hasn’t responded to my texts or calls, and it’s really botherin’ me. I wanna know if she’s a’right.”
Edward crossed his arms, sighing in annoyance.
“Yes, I have seen her and spoken to her,” Edward said. “And it’s her right to ignore you if she chooses to.”
“I...I know that but…” Erron rubbed the back of his neck. “I...I want to speak to her...there’s somethin’ I got to say. I...I just...I need to see her and talk to her, face to face.”
“Haven’t you done enough?” Edward demanded. “No, you can’t speak to her. You’ve done enough damage to her psychological state with your puny, insignificant brain.”
Erron looked taken aback but said nothing as guilt consumed him further. As much as he hated Edward’s callous words, the cowboy wasn’t in the mood to pick a fight.
“Now, run along, Little Cowboy,” Edward said. “Go back to your vapid Selfie Queen where you belong.”
With that, Edward closed the door in Erron’s face, smirking triumphantly. Why that idiot thought he could just walk on back with his tail between his legs and beg for forgiveness, Edward had no idea. Then again the other man was too selfish to realize the error of his ways, so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise he tried that.
As Edward made his way back to his computer, he suddenly got an idea; a beautiful, incredible, ingenious, devious idea. Taking his phone out of his pants pocket, he searched for and dialed the number he had in mind for this situation.
“Hello, Crane,” Edward said, smiling wickedly to himself.
“Ah, Edward,” said Jonathan, who was fully expecting to be hit with Edward’s ego. “I am surprised to hear from you. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I’ve got something, or rather someone for you.”
“You said you were working on a new variation of that fear toxin of yours, am I correct?”
“Yes, and it’s nearly ready. Perhaps just another day more and it will be finished.”
“Great! Then I have a candidate you can test it on.”
“Oh, yes, do tell. I am always looking for ‘volunteers,’ as you know.”
Edward gave Erron’s name and description to Jonathan, his smile turning into a malicious grin as he did so. As much as Edward wanted to teach the dumb cowboy a lesson himself, he also thought it wasn’t worth the effort and Scarecrow loved having ‘volunteers’ for his silly little gas...
“I will have my men apprehend him right away,” said Jonathan.
“Just don’t leave any permanent damage,” Edward said. “Otherwise...have at it.”
“I would never do such a terrible thing,” Jonathan said, chuckling darkly. “I take good care of all of my ‘volunteers.’”
“Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
“Before I go, may I ask why you are recommending this man to me? Is he one of your henchmen? Did he steal from you? Fail to complete a job?”
Now this caught Edward off guard. How was he going to explain this? He couldn’t even fully explain his feelings about this -- about her -- to himself. Yet, he didn’t want to deny Jonathan an answer, either. It was a perfectly valid, logical, albeit nosey question.
“This man, he…” Edward began, his words catching in his throat for a moment. “He, um...he...damaged something...something very valuable to me. And...and as much as I want to discipline him myself, he is too far beneath me for me to waste any of my precious time dealing with him further.”
“Ah, I see,” said Jonathan. “I must be going now, but thank you, Edward. You are too generous.”
With that, Edward hung up and made his way over to her, lightly tapping her shoulder. Turning around, she smiled up at him and removed her headphones.
“Hi, Eddie,” she said. “Did you need something?”
“No, no,” he said with a charming smile. “I just wanted to get a closer look at what you’re working on. It looks impressive so far.”
“Really?” she looked delighted, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink. “It’s not done yet but...thank you! You have given me a little confidence boost.”
“And you deserve it,” Edward said, patting her shoulder. “I look forward to the final result.”
Back at his desk, Edward continued working on code for upgrades to the Riddlerbots, humming to himself contentedly. Maybe what he did was a bit much, but the cowboy needed to be put in his place. Men like Erron -- people like Erron -- always did. Besides, she would forget about the fool in time. Edward was certain of this because that was the nature of things: you forget about what no longer has any meaning or purpose in your life, and seeing as how she wasn’t at all interested in conversing with Erron anymore...well, it didn’t take a genius to figure out the conclusion.
“Just dance,” she sang softly to herself. “Gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm...”
Edward nodded to himself upon hearing her, smiling.
Yes, it’s going to be ok, My Dear, he thought. It’s all going to be ok…
And that’s the drabble....Now, think of this: Riddler could fuck Erron Black up. I mean, he has a goddamn robot army. And Riddler is a criminal genius -- well, even without the “criminal” part, he’s still a genius. Erron is....he’s not. No offense but he’s not. 
In this drabble, Eddie is aware of all of this, but -- and this is where the self-insert part comes in so forgive me -- he does have strong feels for myself (which sounds weird but, like I said, this is a self-insert type of thing and I self-ship with this Riddler so......), as I’m the only friend he’s got (only friend he’s probably ever had, really). So, he’s very protective. 
I can see Arkham Knight Riddler being this way if he actually cared for someone. They’d be special to him for a lot of reasons and he wouldn’t want them to be hurt. He’d be devastated because he cares for them, they care for him...it’s the last the he’d want, for them to be hurt in any way.
And we know Riddler isn’t above getting revenge, and this is personal. 
Yes, I know Batman pissing him off and humiliating him over and over is personal, but I think this sort of situation would be even heavier for AK Riddler for the reasons I already mentioned. 
Some idiot dared to make his one and only friend, the only person who has been both kind and respectful towards him despite his flaws, feel awful about themselves and for no good fucking reason? 
A guy who reminds Eddie of the bullies he had to deal with growing up (I do think AK Riddler was bullied growing up -- it seems to be implied, and with how poor his social skills are, I think he would have sadly been a target for bullies in school)? 
A guy who is so beneath both Eddie and his dear friend, that said guy doesn’t deserve to walk away from this without paying a price?
But Edward isn’t a master of mental torture like Scarecrow is, and we know Scarecrow’s fear toxin makes people hallucinate terrible, terrifying things, including their worst fears and possibly any traumas they have endured in life. Erron Black didn’t have the best childhood based on his intros with other MK characters. It seems like he grew up in an abusive household, has trouble being open with anyone, has trouble forming serious relationships, chases cheap thrills over and over like he’s filling some sort of void....
Something tells me Erron wouldn’t have a good time under the influencer of Scarecrow’s toxin, and while Eddie doesn’t know about Erron’s unpleasant childhood, he...also doesn’t and wouldn’t care because, AGAIN, of the reasons I have already mentioned. In Eddie’s mind, he’s getting revenge for his only friend, the only person he actually cares for, and he’s getting it in a very fucked up kind of way. 
Phew...that was a real fucking ramble. I apologize but I have a lot of feelings about this drabble and its subject matter.....
And let’s be fucking REAL, Bitches: Erron should be glad we’re dealing with Arkhamverse Riddler and not Telltale Riddler. If it were Telltale Riddler.....omfg Erron would probably beg for the fear toxin.
Because Telltale Riddler doesn’t fuck around. 
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infinity-and-luck · 3 years
Oh all mighty Percival, show us your peterjames wares? 👉👈
Your blog is a delight thank you
Firstly, thank you; you’re a delight!
Secondly, I have ideas! Not much in the way of wares though, as I’m no artist or writer, but I do have many ideas for these two. 
If this is in reference to that post I just reblogged and tagged about how every night I imagine this very specific peterjames au, I will tell you it but I will put it under a read more because it is incredibly self-indulgent, but in a weird way that will make you go, “Percy, what the fuck?”
Either way! Context! So a while back (over a year ago now...) my partner and I did a lonelyeyes rp. It was just Peter coming back home from sea and finding that his husband James is now dead and Elias has taken his place. It was supposed to be crack. You see, I had said, “Oh! That reminds me of a fic I love! It’s funny!” And the fic in question was “This Year I Lost My Dear Husband, James (QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD)” I had said “It’s funny! You’ll love it!” 
Twenty minutes later, she tells me to go on vc and I find them there…crying, going, “That’s not funny, you bastard. You said that was funny!”
And so to get revenge on me, they made the rp very angsty instead of crack by making Peter genuinely upset over James’ death. 
This spurred in me a great love of James Wright. So later I asked to do an rp that takes place not long before the events of the previously mentioned rp. Basically, Jonah knows he’s going to get rid of James soon but he keeps not telling Peter, even though Peter suspects something is up. Eventually he leaves without ever getting the chance to say goodbye to James.
Now, I later on wanted to do an au of this rp where he does tell Peter. I still, nearly a year later, go back and reread this rp because I love it so much. In it, James tells Peter what’s up the night before he leaves and Peter decides to stay to be with James until the end, and he ends up assisting in the bodyhop. 
The scenario in question that I imagine a lot is an au of this au of an rp that’s partially based on a fic. In this au, there are no entities. These are just normal, human people. 
But the story is the same. James is dying; he refrains from telling Peter for a while; when he does, Peter stays to be with him; James dies. 
Every night for the past year, I have imagined James Wright dying. I love to kill him. I love to make Peter suffer the pain of the first person he ever loved dying and never coming back. 
Every night I like to imagine an old man dying because I have fucked up taste I guess….
Either way! If you got this far and actually read all that drivel, Thank you! I have many more ideas for these two that do not involve me killing James Wright for angst purposes. You can always aask me anything!
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bzz75 · 5 years
A New Start ch.9
Chapter 9
Bruce POV
While in his office filling out paperwork a notification came on his computer. ‘So, as planned MDC will be staying with us for the next school year so next month there will be a new addition to the Wayne household. This would be a good test for the boys but hilarious for me and Alfred. They have been at this for weeks to no end. Tsk tsk tsk, they will regret ditching me at the galas. I guess I have to inform Alfred to get a room prepared for her. I wonder how far the boys are in their search?’
Dick POV
Staring at the computer Tim yells “How come we cannot find out the identity of MDC. We are one of the greatest detectives, beat Ra’s Al Ghul BUT NOT FIND MDC!!!”.
“Timmy just give up I couldn’t find out, Damian couldn’t find out, you couldn’t find out. This is one of the most private people on the planet. Just give up. When was the last time you’ve slept? It is not healthy.” Dick said worriedly. “Maybe we can work together and discard the bet” waving his hand in the air “We only betted for ice cream…I don’t really care if I have to pay for it. And plus, the exchange student who won will be coming next month. Bruce did an extensive background check so all we know that it is a girl.”
“Great, less work for me. Remind me to thank Bruce later because he probably noticed that I have been getting no sleep. By the way, Dick after I wake up let’s get ice cream. Night.” Tim said tiredly off to bed.
“So, Damian how long have you been standing there” Dick said knowingly.
“About the entire time when Drake had his absurd outburst. So, Grayson, you are just giving up?” Damian said while coming out from the shadows.
“Yeah. Tim is burnout and we’ve been at this for months. Apparently, you have to be in this inner circle to know who MDC is and we are not apart of. But Tim and I are working together to find out, so far it is nada. And we have to welcome the guest for next month.”
“Do you even know who this person that is coming. You only said it was a girl. And knowing my father probably one with dark hair and blue eyes. <tt> I swear that man has a problem”
“Don’t be like that Damian. He probably picked her because she had good references and application, not by looks? He would never do that.” Dick said shaking his head at the thought. ‘Just to be safe I should ask Bruce what the girl looks like. No way he can be that shallow. I mean he does have that with Tim and Jason. “Damian no matter what you have to be nice to her” at that statement a motorcycle came in the cave.
“Sup Dick and demon spawn” Jason said as he took off his helmet. “What is this that I am now hearing about because Alfred just called me saying that a girl is moving into the manor? I swear that man has a problem” looking around Jason asks, “Where’s replacement isn’t he near the batcomputer?”
“Drake is sleeping. He had an outburst that made him look like the Penguin. All because of this stupid bet between him and Grayson. And Todd please refrain from saying anything that might refer us to our secret identities in the next month.” Damian said while leaving the cave to his room.
“So yeah Bruce put this scholarship out for foreign exchange students and a girl won. So I will get a temporary sister for a year. And we will have to act like a family for the year to not raise suspicion. I am so excited but Damian is less enthusiastic about it.”
“Okayyy. So what is this bet between you and replacement? And I’ve only been gone for a couple of months and I’ve missed so much.”
“Yeah, so we are trying to find out who MDC is so we can have an original.” Dick sighed
“OH! You mean like this?” Jason says as he pulls out his new leather jacket
“W-w-what! How did you get this Jay? Can you tell us who MDC is?” Dick said surprisingly and unbelievable. “TIM come down here at once Jason KNOWS WHO MDC IS!!” Dick yelled from out the Batcave.
“Sorry, Dicky but I can’t. I signed an NDA and MDC is a really cool person who you do not want to see mad.” Jason says as he shivers. Then there was a crash coming down from the door.
“Dick you found something about MDC?!?” Tim said as he went to Dick shaking his shoulders.
“Sorry Timmy but Jason did apparently. And he KNOWS who MDC is and already has a JACKET from them.” Dick said accusingly.
“Yeah… Jealous Replacement? But I cannot say who they are, you have to meet MDC yourself. So night and just know that me, the great Jason is better than his replacement.” Jason left to his room as he snatched his jacket away from Dick.
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crow-writes-stuff · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Izumi Kyouka & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), possible Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Chuuya joins the ADA, Chuuya is basically a big brother for Kyouka, Protective Izumi Kyouka, in a cute way, Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Stressed Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya gets a hug, from Kyouka, Future Armed Detective Agency Member Nakahara Chuuya, Caring Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya-Typical Swearing, Light Angst Series: Part 2 of Affirmation Summary:
Chuuya is awaiting the decision of the ADA's president. At least Kyouka is happy to see him.
Sequel to Death Sentence
Everyone is staring at him. Chuuya has to force every muscle in his body to stay still, do not fidget. He wants to tell them all to stop looking at him. He can't.
Dazai left him with the rest of the Armed Detective Agency to talk with the president in private. Chuuya feels like he's been thrown to the wolves. And he can't fucking do anything about it! He can't tell them to fuck off, he can't threaten them. Because for some fucking reason, Dazai thinks he should join them.
Someone moves. Chuuya doesn't react. It costs him almost everything, but he doesn't move.
"Chuuya-san." Kyouka. It's Kyouka who moved, standing now in front of him. Chuuya relaxes. He can deal with Kyouka. She's one of his. Not in the sense of belonging to the Port Mafia (or not anymore). She is one of his just like the Akutagawa siblings are. People to take care of.
She looks so serious. "Are you alright, Chuuya-san?" He smiles at her. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." She nods and lowers her eyes. She's fidgeting with her phone. "Really, it's okay," Chuuya adds. "What about you? How are you doing?"
He's still painfully aware of all the eyes watching him. But he can focus on Kyouka. Even if it's just to distract them both.
There is a moment of more fidgeting before Kyouka looks up. "I like it here." Chuuya nods. He understands what she's trying to say. "That's good to hear."
Kyouka suddenly dashes forward, wrapping her arms around him. Chuuya has to take a step back in surprise, before hugging her in return. He isn't sure what this is about, but he's not going to push her away.
Before she can explain, the door to the president's office opens. Because, of course, it does. Chuuya wonders if Dazai planned this timing. He couldn't have, right? It's Dazai. Of course, he could.
Kyouka scrambles to let go of him but doesn't move farther away. Chuuya finds himself silently grateful for at least one person not being horribly suspicious of him. Not that he can blame anyone. He'd be doing the exact same thing in their place.
He straightens his back and turns to look at the president. Dazai is standing right behind him, with an easy smile on his face. That's a good sign, Chuuya supposes.
It's also Dazai who speaks first: "Kyouka-chan, I have a question for you since you're already here." Kyouka visibly stiffens, and Chuuya has the urge to tell Dazai off. She shouldn't be pulled into this. Dazai continues undisturbed: "If you had to choose right now, between Chuuya and me, who would you want to stay?" This time, Chuuya can't hold back. "Dazai," he warns lowly. But Kyouka surprises him. She pushes her chin out and looks at Dazai defiantly. "Chuuya-san."
Chuuya looks at her, amazed. There are some murmurs behind them, but he ignores them. Dazai just keeps smiling. "Thank you." Kyouka nods stiffly and moves minimally closer to Chuuya. He's going to have to ask her how Dazai's been treating her. Chuuya is not above kicking Dazai's ass, even now.
"Nakahara-kun," the president finally speaks. The room goes absolutely silent. Chuuya can feel his own muscles grow rigid as he looks at the man. To be perfectly honest, he has no idea what to expect. His previous interactions with the man didn't exactly paint Chuuya in the best light. He would not blame him for just sending him away right now. If it wasn't for Dazai, Chuuya wouldn't even have tried talking to anyone here. "Dazai has made the proposition of you joining the Armed Detective Agency. I am going to be honest: I was and still am sceptical."
No shit. Chuuya glances over to Dazai. He's still smiling. Alright then.
"However," the president continues, "Dazai has made several good points." It's Dazai, he could argue for almost anything, and most people would start believing him. But Chuuya doesn't think the president that foolish.
"I have agreed to let you stay for now." Chuuya stares at him. "With a few conditions." Of course. "You will stay with Dazai at all times until we have determined if you truly are suitable to join us. You will follow any orders you are given by the Agency members. And, though I hope this is a given, you will refrain from killing anyone."
That... That's it?
Chuuya blinks. "Okay," he says because he has no idea what else to do. Dazai grins at him. Kyouka's hand finds his, and he looks down at her to find her smiling as well. The president nods at him and turns to leave.
"Uh, thanks," Chuuya adds lamely. Dazai's grin turns amused, and Chuuya glares at him. The president nods again and returns to his office, the door closing behind him.
Chuuya continues staring at it until he feels a tuck on his hand. Kyouka is looking at him, worry written all over her face. "Chuuya-san, do you need to sit down?" "I don't know," he answers honestly. This day is so far removed from anything he had expected to happen. He has no idea what he's supposed to do or how to feel.
Dazai appears next to him, puts a hand on his back, grounding him. Chuuya looks at him. "What the hell did you say to him?" he finally chokes out. Dazai's smile turns soft, and something twists inside Chuuya. "Just the truth." Chuuya's eyes widen, and Dazai is quick to add: "Nothing too personal, of course." They both know exactly what he's referring to, and Chuuya finds himself surprisingly grateful. Grateful for Dazai. Not a thought he expected today either.
"Alright," a voice interrupts. "Dazai, care to explain what is going on here?" It's Dazai's new partner. Kunikida, if Chuuya remembers correctly. He looks justifiably pissed off. Though more at Dazai than Chuuya, to his surprise.
Dazai grins at him. "Isn't it obvious?" This causes Kunikida to start yelling at Dazai that, no, it is not, explain, dammit. Chuuya feels a weird kinship with the man. It is undeniable that he has been working with Dazai for a while. Dazai sighs in that infuriating way of his, only it's not directed at Chuuya. "Fine, fine. Short version: Mori wanted to get rid of Chuuya, preferably by him dying. Chuuya said no and left, and I suggested he join the Agency. And the president agreed to let him stay, as you just witnessed. It's really not that complicated, Kunikida." The man is fuming at this point.
Kyouka pulls gently on Chuuya's hand. She leads them to a small couch and sits down, Chuuya following. Dazai is still being yelled at. He clearly doesn't care in the slightest, only causing Kunikida to shout even louder. It's awfully familiar.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Agency, clearly used to this sort of thing, move closer towards Chuuya and Kyouka. The tiger boy, Atsushi, Chuuya reminds himself, is the first to speak up: "So, uh, welcome to the Agency, I suppose." He clearly tries to sound cheerful, but his nervousness is painfully apparent. "He hasn't really joined yet," interjects the detective. Edogawa Ranpo. Chuuya is not particularly fond of him. For obvious reasons. "But he's staying, so we should all be nice to him!" That's the farm boy, Kenji. Chuuya likes him. They didn't get to seriously fight but what he saw was impressive. Also, the kid's too genuine to dislike.
Dazai grins at him from where he's still getting yelled at. The bastard knows Chuuya has a soft spot for children. Speaking of children, Kyouka is silently glaring at Ranpo. Chuuya almost laughs. Instead, he just squeezes her hand slightly. She still hasn't let go of him. She blushes and looks away.
The doctor, who up to this point has been silently watching, steps forward. "I'm just going to say this once: If you hurt anyone in the Agency, I will personally rip you piece to piece, skin you alive and then do it all over again." Chuuya nods at her. "Good." This seems to take not only her by surprise. Chuuya shrugs. "What? I wouldn't trust me either if I was in your place. It could all just be a trick, as far as you know." "Is it?" The detective looks at him. "What?" "Is it a trick?" Chuuya looks back, just as intently. "Not as far as I'm aware." "What's that supposed to mean?" The doctor glares at him, but the detective nods. Chuuya is self-aware enough to know he's intellectually not on par with Mori. This could all be part of some kind of convoluted plan. He doubts it, be he can't discard the possibility. The detective understands. And so does Dazai, he's sure.
"Well, Dazai's going to keep an eye on him, so I'm honestly not too worried," says a new voice. "I'm Tanizaki Junchirou, by the way." Chuuya nods. The one with the illusion ability. "And this is my sister Naomi." The girl clinging to his arm smiles adoringly before turning a far colder look towards Chuuya. She's clearly not impressed. He can live with that.
Finally, after having yelled enough at an uncaring Dazai, Kunikida also stalks over. He stabs a finger towards Chuuya. "I will also keep an eye on you, and if you do anything suspicious, I will not hesitate to end your life." Chuuya is honestly a bit surprised by all of their confidence that they could hurt him so easily. That said, they do have Dazai on their side. And as much as he hates to admit it, the detective also successfully tricked him before. So, Chuuya nods. "Got it."
Somehow, now that everyone that wanted got their threats out, the atmosphere seems to relax. Dazai joins them finally and lets himself fall down on the couch next to Chuuya. He throws one arm around his shoulder and grins at him. "Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, Chuuya."
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Takara’s Hero Academia [S02 E06]
Well, well, well. Here we are at least! I finally got over some writer’s block and am back with a new chapter for you guys! I’m so sorry this took so long. I just couldn’t finish this chapter for some reason, but I think Season 4 kicked me out of that funk so here we are!
 Alright, lemme tag my wonderful supporters @dailyojiromashirao​, @elite-guard-hardygal​ (who is letting me borrow her OCs, the Teichidas, very sweetly as well as being basically a beta-reader for me cus they’re just that awesome!), and @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99​! Sorry again for the wait! 
Here is the Masterlist for this story for those who want to reread/catch up on previous chapters. 
I now also have a Ko-Fi account if anyone wants to support this story. It should even mean you get chapters faster. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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My teammates were walking toward us and I wave at them. 
"Sorry about that, guys." I say, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. Chiharu smiles sympathetically at me. 
"No sweat. You okay now?" 
I nod. "I got gummies." I reply shortly, clearing my throat. "So...where’d we place?" I ask. Hiyoko sighs, her arms crossed and an unreadable emotion on her face. 
"We tied with Team Tetsutetsu." Hiyoko explains, almost listlessly. I nod. 
"Cool." Was all I could think to say. Hiyoko groans. 
"This was our chance and we blew it!" She huffs. "You need to take this seriously, Takara!" I was too stunned to acknowledge that she used my first name. She thought...she thought I was…
"Hiyoko, I am taking this seriously! It sucks! I hate it cus it’s partly my fault! I should have used my Quirk better so we would’ve had a place in the finals! I’m sorry! I just can’t let myself get hung up on the past or I’ll--I’ll break down again!" I exclaim. Silence reigned and I have to walk away or I’ll break down in front of them or say something else I’d regret. Shinso follows, motioning everyone to stay.  
"Your dad said there was an hour lunch break, so we better get food now before the line gets too long." He muses. Feeling as bad as I had when I went into the bathroom, I only nod, looking at the ground as I plod along, eyes prickling as a warning of advancing tears. Hiyoko was right; no matter how positively I tried to spin it, I couldn’t deny the fact that I failed, that we wouldn’t go into the final game. And it still sucker-punched me in the gut just thinking about it. "C’mon, you said it yourself; you can’t get hung up on the past. Let’s get lunch and- -"
"Shinso, I’ve been meaning to talk to you, actually." I interrupt, finding something to distract myself with; the way he used his Quirk on his teammates instead of letting them be themselves. He raises a brow as I stop and turn to him, crossing my arms. "You brainwashed your teammates." I point out sourly. 
He shrugs. "That’s what my Quirk does, yeah." I grit my teeth, reaching out and smacking his shoulder. 
"Baka! What were you thinking?!" I hiss, unsure whether this sudden frustration was at myself or Shinso, but either way, I needed to let it out. 
"Ow! So what? I want to show people what I can do! I don’t see the problem, Takara." Shinso replies, rubbing his shoulder. My eye twitches. 
"Dude! You want people to know you’re an aspiring hero, right? So don’t brainwash everyone you need to team up with! Let them be themselves and build up a mutual trust as equals! It looks bad when you go around just brainwashing people cus you need a team!" 
Shinso frowns. "I know what I’m doing." 
I glare back. "I don’t think you do!" 
"Okay, fine! Look, unless we’re in combat or something, I won’t use my Quirk again, alright? Happy?!" 
I sigh heavily, the emotions fading a little. "Yes. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have exploded at you. I’m just...frustrated and...and I guess disappointed. I should have been able to think rationally and ensure we made it to the next game, but I blew it and now I’m stuck on the sidelines, without much hope for recruitment." 
"Based strictly on your performance in the Festival, maybe not.” 
I wince, knowing that blunt truth already. 
“But,” Shinso continues, stepping a little closer, “keep in mind, people also saw and heard that you were involved with that sludge villain attack a while ago, and then in the USJ incident. If they’re smart, they’ll look at your history and see how amazing you are and give you an offer for an internship. Plus, you did pull off some amazing moves in the obstacle course and in the cavalry battle." 
I take a breath. He was right. This doesn’t mean my chances at being a pro are gone. 
I manage a smile at him. "Okay. Okay, yeah. You’re right." He nods and we head back to our class waiting rooms to grab our wallets in silence, promising to meet at the entrance to the food court, where I assume we’ll run into my other teammates and maybe some of 1-A, too.
Suddenly, I hear someone growl "All Might." I pale and instinctively inch closer out of curiosity. 
"I haven’t seen you since that press conference ten years ago." Toshin-Oji replies.  "Been a while. I saw you and figured I’d say ‘hi’." 
Whoever Toshin-Oji is talking to huffs. "Did you now?" The person says in a mocking voice. "Well, if that’s all you wanted to do, we’re done." I hear footsteps receding and the grumbling male voice muttering to themselves, then Toshin-Oji laughs and I hear motion and then a fairly heavy landing. 
"C’mon, why the cold shoulder?" All Might asks. Did he seriously not pick up on the high level of ‘I don’t want to talk to you’ this guy’s giving off? Or is there a point my uncle’s getting at here? "You should be thrilled; after all, your son’s doing very well out there, just using half his power." Was Toshin-Oji referring to Shoto, cus Shoto has two powers? If so, was he talking to- -wait...he’s talking to Endeavor?! I didn’t know those two didn’t get along to this extent. "You must be a great teacher!" I blink. Was he serious? Did he seriously just want to talk to Endeavor about teaching methods? Was he that unsure of his own teaching abilities? 
"Are you implying something?" Endeavor growls. 
"No!" Toshin-Oji replies. "I want to know your secrets. How do we train the next generation of heroes?" 
"Do you really think I’d tell you anything I’ve taught the boy? You’re all flash and no brains as usual. Outta my way!" I almost come out of my hiding place and snap at Endeavor, but manage to stay in place and bite my tongue. It was very disrespectful to talk that way to your elders, no matter how deserving they are of a lecture.
"...Okay." All Might mumbles. He finally decided to stop pressing Endeavor into talking to him. The receding footsteps halt. 
"Let me assure you of one thing, All Might." Endeavor growls, halting. "Whatever it takes, that kid of mine will beat you someday." I blink. I wasn’t terribly close to Shoto, but hearing this exchange, I might have to change that. His dad sounds like a scumbag! "I’ll make sure of it. That’s why I created him." I have to put my hand over my mouth to suppress a gasp of shock and disgust. I didn’t like the sound of that at all! If that’s Shoto’s home life...no wonder the kid’s a bit...reserved. So this sleazeball just married and had a kid so his kid could do what he couldn’t? Good God! Poor Shoto! I decide that was enough and move to walk away. "He’s in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place." Is the last thing I hear. Slightly horrified and disturbed, I walk away and jog to get my wallet. That feeling didn’t go away.
"Hey, are you okay?" Shinso asks when I see him. I nod. Obviously, that conversation wasn’t meant to be public, so I shouldn’t spread it around. 
"Yeah, just hungry." We walk to the cafeteria, neither needing to speak.
I hope I can still get my food now before Mom and Dad get there- -I stop short when I feel a buzz. I’d gotten a text and reluctantly open it to find it’s from Dad. 
Oto-san <3333: 
Hey Tik-Tak! You rocked it out there! Your mom and I are heading down the food court! Mind meeting us there so we can eat together???? 
I wince. The more question marks, the less option I had. I bite my lip to hold in a groan. Mom and Dad meant well and surely they knew that not everyone could get into the final game, right? They wouldn’t be mad, right? I then jump a little as I feel a hand on my shoulder. 
"Hey." Oh shit! I was feeling...weird after everything that had happened today, and who else should show up but Eijiro?! I put a smile on (genuinely happy to see him) and turn. 
"Hey." I reply, putting my phone in my pocket. "Whassup?" 
He sighs. "Saw your team’s ranking." 
I bite my lip. "Yeah...um...congrats on getting second!" I say without a whole lot of emotion. I was too drained for that. 
He chuckles. "Yeah...I’m really sorry- -" 
"Let’s not talk about that, okay?" I feel bad for interrupting him, but Eijiro just smiles a little and nods. 
"Right, right. You getting lunch?" I smile. 
"Yeah. Mom and Dad wanna meet…" I then sniffle, feeling that damn prickling again. Crap why am I crying?! My parents won’t care, right? They just want to eat with me! I’m their kid, so it’s natural! 
"Hey, hey! Don’t cry!" Eijiro cries, thankfully not too loud as he moves to hug me and I break and clutch him to me. It was stupid, but here I was, crying again over this stupid Sports Festival! I look up to see that tears were forming in Eijiro’s eyes. "Takara, really, it’s gonna be okay. I know it sucks, but I promise it’ll turn out okay, just keep your head up." 
I try to get a hold of myself and nod, wiping my tears away. "Th-thanks, Eijiro." I mumble genuinely, sniffling again. I then spot a water fountain and take a long drink from it. Again, it made me feel a bit better. Now, to lunch. Eijiro walks with me and I find my hand inching toward his, wanting to hold it, but I refrain from grabbing it. We hadn’t crossed that boundary yet. He’d think I was weird if I just grabbed his hand.
And yet, he was here, just walking beside me and being there. 
Much as Shinso had been for me, but this was different. Shinso was an amazing help but Eijiro was a different but equally valuable type of support. 
We slowly make our way to the cafeteria, not needing words, just each other’s presence and then I saw both my parents and my teammates. 
I wave, feeling my heart skip in anxiety as I approach. Mom smiles at me, and Dad’s first to reach me, scooping me up and swinging me around. 
"You did awesome out there, Tik-Tak!" He exclaims. I blink as he sets me back down. I spot Shinso giving me a ‘told you so’ look in my peripheral vision.
"But...but I didn’t...I didn’t get into the final game." I mumble, my heart wanting to believe they weren’t going to be upset, but my head unconvinced just yet for some reason. 
"These things happen, Takara." Mom says, hand on my shoulder. "Next time, though, don’t let your emotions get the best of you and be able to think on your feet." 
"And don’t make yourself pass out!" Dad snaps, playfully smacking my shoulder. "That was really foolish, sweetheart!" I rub the smacked shoulder and nod. 
"Yeah I know." I blush at being scolded in front of my classmates and those I’d teamed up with. Mom then comes to my rescue. 
"Well, enough about that; who are your new friends?" She asks. 
"We’re not quite friends, Ma’am, but my name is Hiyoko Teichida and this is my stepbrother, Ryuji." Hiyoko replies before anyone else can. I roll my eyes. 
"Don’t pretend you don’t love me." I tease. Hiyoko scoffs. 
"I’ve never pretended to do or be anything." I laugh and throw my arm around Chiharu’s shoulder. 
"Suuurrreee...Anyway, this is my friend, Chiharu! She’s that third year I bumped into’s little sister." Mom and Dad nod. 
"We’re the Yamadas, if you didn’t know." Dad says, gesturing between Mom and himself. "We teach- -" 
"I know." Chiharu interjects gently. "You guys kinda have a rep around the school." Dad laughs. 
"I see." Mom frowns. 
"I understand Hizashi having one, but how do I have a rep?" I raise a brow, chuckling. 
"You expelled an entire class." I retort. Mom has an ‘ooohhhh’ face and nods. 
"Right." Dad puts his arm around Mom and I’s shoulders as I release Chiharu. 
"I don’t know about you guys but I’m starving!" 
I laugh. "Yeah me too!" We get food and find a table to sit at, but couldn’t find one with enough room for my friends, so I sit with my parents. We were close to the girls of 1-A, and I wave at them. 
"You okay after passing out?" Dad asks, hand on my shoulder. I nod, looking down. 
"Yeah. Um, I got gummies and water and feel better." 
"That’s good." Mom replies, thankfully not pressing me for details. "Eat." I do, and look directly at my parents. 
"...Thanks for not focusing on me in the commentary." I mumble. Mom nods. 
"I know the audience made things worse for me during my first Festival and I didn’t want to subject you to that if I could avoid it." I smile at her. 
"Thank you." I reply, feeling relief flood me. They weren’t upset at all that I hadn’t made it into the final game. Deep down, I’d known that, but it was so reassuring to hear it directly from them, in their own way of saying it. 
We enjoyed the rest of our meal in silence before it happened. 
At first, I thought nothing of Denki and the creep walking over to the girls’ table, though I noted it out of the corner of my eye and through my earth quirk. 
Then I overheard what they said. 
Mom had gone to the bathroom and Dad went to get a refill on his drink. Seemingly by chance, the boys chose right then to approach the table. 
"Yaoyorozu, Jiro." I hear Denki call. I look over curiously. He sounded serious...
"Uh-huh? Did you need something?" Momo asks, turning to look at him as well. I sip at my drink. Mineta motions to the cheerleaders passing by. 
"Well, I’m sure you already know, since you’re, like, the class rep, but they said all the girls have to wear those uniforms for the big cheer battle this afternoon." That did it. There was no cheer battle! Those perverts just want to get the girls in those skimpy outfits. I slam the chair back and stand, stalking over. 
"Uh, h-hey, Takara!" Denki cries. They weren’t counting on me interfering, apparently. I cross my arms and tap my foot, making a show of thinking. 
"You know...I just can’t quite remember…" I mumble. Denki’s stupid enough to take the bait. 
"Can’t remember...what, exactly?" I whirl on him angrily. 
"Remember when either of my parents told me about this quote-unquote cheer battle!" I snap, arms stick straight at my sides, my anger clear on my face.
"W-well, they probably assumed you- -"
"Don’t try me!" I snap. "They said no such thing and you know it, you perverts!" The boys stutter and stammer for a reply and I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Go back to your lunches before I smack you two!" I growl. The boys slink off, muttering to themselves as I sigh heavily and put my hands on my hips. 
"God, they’re idiots." I grumble, turning to the table of girls. 
"Those little perverts!" Kyoka growls, crossing her arms over her stomach. 
"I almost fell for it. Thanks, Takara." Momo adds, hand over her chest in relief. I nod. 
"Anytime. Someone needs to put those two creeps in their place. Honestly, I’m surprised Denki was a part of the scheme, but I guess all boys have that side, to some degree." I mumble to myself, roll my eyes, then turn to the girls’ table and smile. "Enjoy your lunch!" I chirp, turning to walk off. It struck me then that Eijiro most definitely wouldn’t have been a part of that scheme. He’d have put a stop to it sooner than I did, if he knew it was happening. He was a gentleman who had respect for women.
"Thanks, Yamada!" Ochaco calls after me, interrupting my thoughts. I wave back and sit down just as my parents come into my field of vision. I sip at my water and pretend I hadn’t moved. 
"Something happen?" Dad asks as he sits down, chuckling. "Kaminari and Mineta look scared to death." 
I shrug. "They probably got called out on something." I reply, unable to help a smirk. Mom and Dad crack a small smile and chuckle. Figures they'd see through it.
"I see. Well, let’s hurry up and finish. I want a little nap before the finals." I bite my lip. I’d be stuck in the stands the entire time. 
"Yeah, you’re right." Dad replies, standing. He smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder. "We’ll see you later, Tik-Tak." He says, drawing me in for a hug. I hug him back. 
"See you." I briefly hug mom and walk over to the table Eijiro sat at after throwing my garbage away. He smiles at me and I feel warmer all of a sudden. 
"Hey, Kara!" He greets. 
"Hey. You all about ready to head out?" I ask. Eijiro nods, standing. 
"If you are, sure!" He grabs the last few bites and swallows almost without chewing, then grabs his tray and all his trash. I smile and hold up my hands. 
"Don't mean to rush you, Eijiro." I reply. He comes back to me, smiling. 
"Seriously, Kara, I was leaving anyway." He then starts walking and I catch up. This time, I swear Eijiro's hand inches toward mine, even barely touching it, and I can't help feeling like his touch was magical, warming the skin his hand touched.
“Get those hands in the air! It’s almost time for the last round!” Dad cheers from the commentary booth, and I can’t help smiling in amusement. He absolutely loved commentating. 
One of my favorite memories involved pretending I was saving an entire city while Dad played the part of the frazzled but awestruck news reporter who was caught up in the action with his cameraman, and man did Dad ever dive into the role. I shake myself and pay attention. “But before that, good news for those who didn’t make the finals!” I knew what he was about to say; there were games to play.
As soon as he explains the next game to the finalists, I’d leave. I didn’t feel like playing any games. 
“Have fun competing in those side games, everyone!” Dad encourages. The screen then displays a tournament-style ranking system, and I realize what the final ‘game’ is. It’s a sparring tournament. “After they’re over, the 16 students from the top four teams will be duking it out 1-on-1 in a tournament style competition! I promise you’re not gonna want to miss these epic matchups!” I smile. I’d be watching and cheering my classmates and Shinso on. 
“Aww yeah! Finally getting a chance to show what we’re made of!” I almost forgot I was so close to Eijiro, scooting just a little away to give him some space. His eyes and his expression shift into something like elation and excitement, the area seeming lighter as a result. I blush a little, accidentally staring at him. His eyes were locked on the screen, though, so he didn’t seem to notice. “I’ve watched these finals every year and now I’m finally in them!” I smile, feeling happy for him and his excitement. It was hard not to, given the look on his face.
“So, wait...is it always a tournament?” Mina asks curiously. 
“The final’s always a 1-on-1 competition, but they switch it up every time.” Hanta explains, smiling in excitement as well. 
I nod. “When my parents were in the Festival, they had to spar with foam boxing gear and could use their Quirks to distract or block their opponents, but not attack directly. It was a weird way to fight but it taught them new applications for their Quirks.” I add, not feeling a bit resentful or jealous of those around me who were finalists. 
“Come closer and draw lots to see who you’re up against.” That almost breaks my good mood, but I maintain it by thinking of getting to watch and take notes on all the amazing fights. It’ll be fascinating to see how each of my classmates and the other classes that were in the finals fight and interact. “Then enjoy the pleasure of the Recreational Games before we start. The 16 finalists have the option of participating in those activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I’m sure you all want to converse your stamina.” Oba Nemuri continues, then walks a little closer. “I’ll start with the first place team.” She says, but suddenly Ojiro puts his hand up. I turn to look at him, surprised. What was he up to? 
“Um...excuse me.” He murmurs, seeming nervous. “Sorry, but I’m withdrawing.” That sends a shock through everyone. 
“What? That’s crazy!” I exclaim before I can stop myself. 
“No way!” Izuku adds. 
“This is a rare chance for you to get scouted!” Tenya protests. Ojiro puts his hand down, staring into space. 
“It just wouldn’t be right.” I suddenly remember he was on Shinso’s team, if I’m not mistaken. “I barely remember anything from the Cavalry Battle until the very end of it.” I wince. He was definitely on Shinso’s team. “I think it was that guy’s Quirk.” Thankfully, he doesn’t point out Shinso. I spot him in my peripheral vision and meet his eye. I glance to Ojiro with a stern look to say ‘see what I was talking about?’ and Shinso looks only a little remorseful, but not terribly concerned about the consequences of his actions either. I sigh and refocus on Ojiro. “I know this is a great opportunity. I wish I could take advantage of it, but my conscience won’t let me.” I have to admit, I could see where Ojiro is coming from here, but at the same time…
“Just think about this.” Izuku pleads, stepping a little closer. 
“I have, okay?” Ojiro replies, and I can tell he was upset that it had come to this, but his mind was made up. “Everyone gave their all in Round 2, but I was just someone’s puppet. No way. I don’t want to advance if I don’t even know how I got here. It wouldn’t be far.” 
“That’s not true!” I chime in. “Ojiro, please. You don’t remember, yeah, but you still did good! You still earned a spot in the finals! There’s only 16 kids here that can say that! Do it for them if you have to, but please don’t waste this chance!” 
“Kara’s right!” Hagakure adds, shaking her gloved hands around. “You’re making too much of this! Just kill it in the finals and prove you should be there!” I nod my agreement. 
“Yeah, what the girls said.” Mina is next to speak, smiling. “I didn’t do much in the battle either.” Ojiro puts his hand over his eyes, seeming to shake slightly in emotion. 
“That’s not it.” He replies. I decide to leave the decision ultimately up to Ojiro. After all, we were kind of dog-piling on him. “I’m talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up.” Everyone seems to join me in giving up trying to change Ojiro’s mind. Before Oba can decide what to do with Ojiro’s withdrawal, there’s another development. 
Another kid walked closer to the stage Oba was on. “Nirengeki Shoda from Class 1-B. I think I should withdraw for the exact same reason. Regardless of how strong I am, this isn’t how I wanted to get here!” I blink. This kid was as moral as Ojiro, unwilling to sacrifice his pride or personal values just to get into the finals. “It would go against the values of the festival to advance without earning my spot!” Ojiro seems more relaxed now he had someone agreeing with him and joining him. 
Beside me, Eijiro seems emotional, tears brimming in his eyes. 
“Listen to these guys!” He murmurs, “They’re so manly!” I chuckle and pat his shoulder. 
“No need to cry, dude.”
“I can’t help it.” He replies, wiping his eyes. “Sorry.” 
“You’re okay.” 
“Well now,” Dad says over the PA, unsure where this was going, “this is another weird turn of events.” Mom hums. 
“We’ll have to see what Midnight has to say about all this. She’s the one in charge.” 
For her part, Oba seems to be thinking it over. She then holds out her whip. “This sort of talk is incredibly naive, my boys!” She reprimands sternly, cracking the whip to punctuate what she was saying. “That turns me on!” I turn bright red. 
“Can she not talk like that on live TV?” I moan, facepalming as everyone takes in what she said. 
“Shoda, Ojiro, you’re withdrawn!” She doesn’t seem to be in the least affected by what she said. She then puts his hand to her chin in thought. “Let’s see...we’ll have to move up two students from the fifth-place cavalry team so we have enough contestants.” That was true. That was...Kendo’s team, right? Wasn’t she the red-head I took the headband from? 
Confirming my thoughts as if on cue, the girl I took the headband from raises a hand a bit. Yeah, she’s Kendo. 
“We were frozen most of the time.” She points out. “Honestly we barely did anything in the calvary battle, right girls?” It seems Ojiro and Shoda’s withdrawal inspired students to act on their morals and pride. Kendo looks to her teammates for confirmation, which was provided in nods. “You should choose from the group that kept fighting the whole time.” Wait... didn’t my teammates and I tie with Tetsutetsu? That means...maybe I have a chance! 
“Kendo!” Tetsutetsu protests, shocked his classmate would give up her chance in the finals too.
“I’m not doing this as a favor.” She explains, “It’s just fair.” Tetsutetsu seems as emotional as Eijiro had gotten. 
“Seriously you guys! Thank you!” He cries. 
“Hmmm,” Oba all but purrs, tapping her finger on her chin, “Team Teichida and Team Tetsutetsu were tied in the match.” She announces, seeming to think it over a bit. “Now...what to do about that…” She then snaps her fingers. “Oh, I know! We’ll add a thrilling wildcard and open four slots!” Everyone is shocked and Oba wriggles delightedly. 
“Wait what?!” Dad exclaims, “Midnight, what are you thinking!?” 
“Just what I said; a wild card element will be so much fun!” Oba runs a hand through her hair, licking her lips and making everyone uncomfortable, “Besides, it’ll work out as long as there are still an even number of contestants. It just means one extra match!” She explains, waving aside any concerns. “Now, Team Teichida and Team Tetsutetsu will have to vote who goes into the finals! Two from each team to make it fair!” She announces. “Teams, get together and discuss it!” Suddenly, Hiyoko was in front of me, Ryuji not far behind. I jump a little. 
“So?” Hiyoko asks, getting straight to the point. I notice Chiharu walking up behind the Teichidas and wave at her. Hiyoko huff impatiently. “Who’s going into the finals?” She presses, crossing her arms. I sigh. 
“Honestly, Chiharu can go. I screwed us up in the cavalry battle, so she should go.” I mumble. Chiharu instantly grabs my shoulders. 
“Are you crazy?! I’d be eliminated first round I fight in! I know that! I don’t have that much physical might. Compared to the others in the finals, I’m not up to the task.” She replies. I frown, gently peeling her hands off before she gave me whiplash. 
“Chiharu, really, I- -”
“You’re going, sis.” She interrupts, smiling at me. “Just kick butt for me, okay?” I look her in the eyes, really wanting to take her offer but wanting to make sure she actually wanted me to go to the finals. 
“You sure? This is a big deal...” It was a moment in the spotlight, and an opportunity to get recruited by pro heroes for an internship. 
“Yes!” She barks before I could press her further. “Honestly I know my limits and this fighting competition thing is beyond me. You do your best and have fun. Don’t worry.” I sigh. 
“If you’re sure, then...thank you.” She pats my shoulder. Hiyoko nods, then turns to her step-brother. 
“Alright, now that that’s settled, you go, Ryuji-boy.” Ryuji seems taken aback. 
“Wait what?” He asks. “Hiyoko-nee...are you...are you sure?” She nods. 
“Yeah.” It was clear she didn’t actually want Ryuji to go, but she was being a big sister. “This is your time in the spotlight, so don’t waste it, baka.” She grumbles. Ryuji looks his sister in the eye. 
“Hiyoko, seriously. I know what you’re doing. I want you to go.” 
“No! This is your chance to show yourself for once, you idiot! Now get out there and kick ass!” Ryuji shakes his head. 
“Not this time. Look, you need to do something for yourself here, Hiyoko. I know what this means to you. I promise I’ll be fine. You deserve this. Besides, there’s always next year.” Hiyoko seems to be trying to contain herself, but I think she appreciated the sacrifice Ryuji was making. She playfully smacks his shoulder. 
“Don’t get mad at me when I’m in the spotlight, okay?” 
He smiles. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” I look to Hiyoko. 
“So, looks like we’re going to the finals.” I muse, smirking. 
“If we fight, and we might, I’ll take you down.” I scoff. 
“We’ll see.” 
With Hiyoko, sometimes you had to return fire with fire. We watch Team Tetsutetsu discussing which members would go, soon reaching the conclusion that Tetsutetsu and some girl with vines for hair were going to the finals. Together the four of us approach Oba. “So, you four were agreed upon unanimously?” Oba asks. I nod. 
“Yup!” She smiles, cracking the whip. 
“Perfect! It’s been decided that Teichida Hiyoko, Yamada Takara, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and Ibara Shiozaki are to fill the open slots in the final round.” We all quickly draw lots and file them to see who we had to fight. She then points with her whip to the screen, where the lots were filled in. “Take a look at the brackets, my dears! That’s who you’ll be fighting!” The crowd cheers as they read the screen and who will be fighting who. I scan and spot my name...right next to Hiyoko’s. Crap! She jinxed it! 
I then continue across the brackets and spot Eijiro’s name and see that he’s fighting Tetsutetsu. I laugh. “Seriously?!” Eijiro growls. “How does this keep happening?!” Tetsutetsu was nearby since we were the finalists. I laugh harder. 
The other pairs assess each other, exchanging brief words of various subjects, mostly ‘I’ll do my best to beat you’ type talk. 
Appearing once again like magic, Hiyoko’s voice comes over my shoulder. 
“We’re against each other.” She murmurs, eyes on the screen. I jump. 
“I need to put a bell on you or something.” I grumble, hand on my chest. 
“Don’t be a whimp.” Hiyoko sniffs. “I expect a good fight, Yamada.” So she was back to calling me by my last name. Great. 
“Just remember you asked for it.” I reply, crossing my arms and smirking. “Tell you what; I win you call me Takara or Kara. I lose, you can call me Yamada.” She frowns. 
��What?” I chuckle. 
“I prefer Takara to Yamada, so let’s make a bet.” I explain. She chuckles. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll take that bet, Yamada.” She walks off before I can reply, and I shake my head. Always a mystery, that one. 
I then notice that Izuku is against Shinso. I look around and find Shinso walking over to Izuku. He acts casual, glancing at the board like that was why he was there. 
“That is you, right?” He asks calmly. “Izuku Midoriya?” Izuku jumps, startled but manages a nod. Shinso smiles. “A pleasure. So, you excited?” I notice Ojiro walking over like he knew what could happen. I walk faster to get over there. Izuku opens his mouth, but before I can call out or Izuku can speak, Ojiro has his tail over Izuku’s mouth. 
“Not so fast.” He grumbles, glaring at Shinso like he’d been about to hurt Izuku. I finish my approach. 
“There you are, Shinso!” I call. Ojiro is so startled, he releases Izuku. 
“Hey, Takara.” Shinso replies, smiling. “So you got in after all. Congrats.” I chuckle. 
“Yeah, pure luck.” Ojiro looks ready to pop from either confusion or anger. 
“Wait, Takara, you know this guy?” I frown at Ojiro. 
“Yeah I do. We went to middle school together.” 
“So you know his Quirk?” I sigh. 
“Yes. I do. He’s never used it on me, though. I know you don’t believe me, but Shinso’s a good guy.” Ojiro scoffs, then walks away. Izuku looks between us before going after Ojiro. I decided to stay with Shinso. 
“Thanks for that.” I sigh. 
“No problem.” 
“I know what you’re gonna say.” He says before I could say anything else. I raise a brow. 
“Oh?” I ask. 
“Yeah. It’s because of me brainwashing my team for the cavalry battle that the tail guy is suspicious of me.” I nod. 
“Well glad you know that.” I mumble. “Look, Shinso; you keep pulling stunts like that, people will never see past the Quirk. I’m sorry to be blunt but it’s true. You have to earn people’s trust, make them see how good a person you are.” He chuckles. 
“You keep saying that. I know that in my head, but sometimes I get carried away.” 
“That’s gonna happen but you have to keep a level head here. I get you’ll have to use it in these fights, but use it sparingly, okay?” Shinso smirks. 
“Takara, I’ll win. No one knows how to break my hold on them, so I’ll win easily.” 
“Unless you fight me. I know how to break free if you use it on me.” I point out. 
“Takara, I’ll keep my promise. I’ve been looking at fighting styles, so I’ll try my best at physical fighting if we’re paired up.” I nod. 
“To make it fair I won’t use my Quirk on you, either. It’ll be a normal fight.” Shinso ruffles my hair. 
“Trust you to play fair even when you know it’s not the smart play.” He notes. I roll my eyes. 
“Whatever, dork. You’ll see what I can do when I fight.” 
“Yeah yeah. See yah around.” I wave him off. I then went to find Izuku. 
“Okay, let’s push pause for a momentary interlude!” Dad cheers. “Before the battles begin, it’s time for some pulse-pounding side games!” I take that as a cue to leave, not interested in the games. The less my blood sugar yo-yos the better. 
Arriving in the 1-A waiting room, I find Izuku and Ojiro there. 
“Can I beat something like that?” Izuku was asking as I take a seat as if I were meant to be here. The boys look surprised, but they accept my presence readily. I tilt my head. 
“Sorta. If it were any other circumstance than 1-on-1 fights, you could be able to.” I explain automatically. Then realize the question was at Ojiro. “Sorry.”
“No you know him better, apparently.” He replies. I nod. 
“He’s actually pretty powerful, in a way. People who don’t know his Quirk wouldn’t be able to break out of his control. You answer a question, you’re his, but there is a way out. Simply put; you need external stimuli, like a push or pinch. Something to jolt your adrenaline and stimulate pain. It doesn’t need to be something extreme, just a little.” Izuku nods. 
“Which means I can’t rely on that.” I nod. 
“That’s what I meant by you maybe winning in anything but a 1-on-1 match.” I reply, sighing. “Honestly, your best shot is saying nothing to him and fighting him hand-to-hand.” I then run a hand down my face. “I don’t know who to root for, but I guess I wanted to even the playing field.” I continue. Izuku sighs. 
“Even though you know him, thanks for telling me.” 
“Don’t sweat it. Understand if Shinso asks I’ll tell him the basics of your power.” Izuku seems to pick up what I was saying (I wouldn’t reveal his secret but I’d give Shinso something to go on) and nods. 
“Of course. Thanks again.” I smile. 
“Good luck. He’ll try to get you to talk.” 
Izuku fist-bumps Ojiro and I and we walk together back out to the arena. 
“You told him?” Shinso asks after I separate from my friends. I stop walking. 
“It felt fair. I’m sorry.” I reply softly. 
“You know what doesn’t change my strategy, right?” 
I nod. “I guess that’s why I told him. I knew it wouldn’t matter to you, but I felt it fair to warn him.” 
Shinso sighs. “Fair or not, it’s done. Honestly, it won’t matter. I’ll still find a way to make him talk and get him under my Quirk.” 
I smirk. “You’ll try. I’ll watch you. Honestly, I don’t know who to vote for.” 
“I don’t expect you to vote for anyone. It’s enough that you’re watching and not judging me by my Quirk.” I ruffle his hair. 
“You know it!” I then wave and make my way to the Class 1-A seating and sit down, sighing contentedly. 
“I saw your ranking, Takara. It’s fortunate you got into the final round.” Comes Tenya’s voice behind me. I start a little and turn to look at him. 
“Yeah...congrats on getting into the finals too!” I reply, genuinely happy for him. He deserved it. He smiles a little. 
“It was thanks to Todoroki’s leadership.” He says humbly. “But thank you.” I nod. 
“Anytime.” One of the things I liked about Tenya is that he never forced conversation, always saying what he wanted to say then leaving it at that. I turn to watch the games, almost feeling bad for skipping them, but I needed a rest. I still felt a bit tired from all the excitement of the day. 
“I saw you’re up against someone from your cavalry team, that right?” 
I nod. “Yeah. She was the leader of our team She’s a nut, but I like her.” 
Tenya smiles. “Trust you to make friends of your enemies.” 
I roll my eyes. “She’s not an enemy. No one here is really an enemy. This is a friendly competition at heart. This isn’t meant to divide people.” 
Tenya chuckles. “I suppose so. Still, it is a competition. You have to treat it like one.” 
“I know.” The relative quiet of the arena settled between us again. I watch Cementoss begin to create the platform for the coming matches using his Quirk. “I hope to have that kind of control of my Quirk one day. I mean he’s not even trying and he’s making an entire structure.” I’d spoken without thinking, leaning back in my chair in the row with the best view of the arena. 
“Hmm, full control of your Quirk is an admirable goal, Takara. I think you have the drive to achieve it, based on what I’ve seen so from you.” I smile, looking him in the eye. 
“Thanks, Tenya. That means a lot.” I tell him. I then see Cementoss create the last little bit of the platform and stand. 
“That’s it. I’m pretty much done here.” He says. 
“Thank you, Cementoss!” Dad cheers, the screen showing him smiling happily, waving his arms, and in general being Dad. “Hey, sports fans! Are you ready?!” The response is instant and loud, the cheering almost rattling the entire stadium. “After all the action you’ve already witnessed, it’s time for the real battles to begin! Can you feel the excitement! Our competitors are on their own now. Sometimes heroes only have themselves to rely on. Heart, skill, strength, wisdom, courage! They’ll have to use all these things to rise to the top!” My class had been filtering in while I was focused on what was going on, I notice, as Dad pauses for the cue that the fight could start. It comes fairly quickly, Dad having timed things fairly well. The cue, flames from the corners further from where the actual fight would be held. “Alright, audience! Let’s cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer!” Dad spreads his arms. “Welcome our first fighters!” 
The screen displays Shinso and Izuku. We’d had our picture taken before being shown to the waiting room. We were all decidedly nervous, but Izuku showed it a bit too much. He looked like someone had threatened him. “Whoa! He looks kinda scared in that picture, doesn’t he?” Dad teases as the boys walk toward the platform. “It’s Izuku Midoriya from the Hero Course, versus Hitoshi Shinso from General Studies, a guy who hasn’t done anything to stand out yet. The rules are simple! Immobilize your opponent or force them out of the ring! You can also win by making the other person cry ‘Uncle’!” Dad smirks. “Bring on the injuries cus we’ve got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don’t be afraid to play dirty!” I sigh. Did he really have to talk like that? “But of course no life-threatening crap, folks. That’s not allowed! Real heroes use their powers to throw villains in jail, not kill them!” 
Cementoss sits in the referee’s chair, waving a little as he did. “I’ll stop anyone who gets too rough.” He murmurs. Izuku takes a deep breath, preparing for his match. 
“So you can just give up, huh?” Shinso asks. “In a way, this is a test of how strong your spirit is. If you know what  you want your future to hold for you, you can’t worry about what other people think.” I smile proudly at him. I think I said something very similar to him once. I’m glad he’s taking it to heart. 
“Ready?!” Dad cheers, about to officially start the match. 
‘That monkey was going on about his pride earlier,” Dad talks over Shinso to start the match, but neither fighter moves to engage the other, “but I just think he’s an idiot for throwing away his chance like that.” 
I bite my lip. Shinso had said he’d try to get Izuku to talk, but this seemed over the top in some ways. Talking so negatively about Ojiro was a harsh way to get Izuku to talk and fall under his Quirk. 
Unfortunately, Izuku was taking the bait, eyes narrowing in anger. He starts walking forward, livid. I bite my lip, knowing what was about to happen. 
“Don’t you talk about him that way!” Izuku roars, slowing and appearing listless as Shinso’s Quirk takes hold. Shinso smirks as Izuku eyes gloss over. 
“That’s it. I win.” I sigh. It was just like Shinso said; he’d get his opponents under his Quirk, and then it would be over. With no one close enough to jolt Izuku out of Shinso’s control, Shinso could secure victory fairly easily. 
He might even be able to win the entire festival just using his Quirk. As long as he could get people to talk to him he’d win. 
“Aaahhh! I warned him not to say anything!” Oijiro groans, hands on his head. He was hoping he’d helped Izuku win against Shinso. 
To be honest, I’m not terribly surprised at this outcome. Shinso knows how to get people to talk, even if it is a bit harsh. 
“Hey, what’s the dealyo?!” Dad cries, “This is the first match, and it’s started with a bang! The fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen!” 
I watch as Izuku remains still, awaiting Shinso’s order to walk out of bounds. If something doesn’t change, Izuku will lose this match and be out of the tournament!
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smollittledinorawr · 6 years
95 Questions Age Regression Tag (no cgl(re) or DDlg interaction please!)
I’ve never seen anything like this yeh
choose to answer them all or ask your followers to pick a number based on what they want to know!
Do you like to be called nicknames when regressed? If so which one?
Regression age range (if you have one)?
Favorite movie to watch when Smol?
Favorite kiddie cartoon to watch when smol?
Nick or Disney jr?
What kind of your animal is your favorite plushie? (Optional: include their backstory {how you got them}, their name, their age, etc)
Do you like to listen to songs when regressed? Which ones? What song is your favorite?
Do you have a carer? If yes: what do you call them? If no: are you currently seeking a carer? (Cheeky winks)
Babas (bottles), sippies (sippy cups) or cute kiddie cups?
Pacis or no?
Favorite color?
Would you ever wear a diaper or a onesie (like adult bodysuit onesies)? Just one? If so which one and why? (Why is optional)
Crayons, markers, or colored pencils? (Or other?)
Coloring or crafting?
Favorite snack when smol?
Favorite bedtime story?
Showers or baths (and if you like baths, bubbles or bath bombs)?
Favorite Disney character? (Or any character in general that makes you feel teenie)?
Favorite animal?
Netflix or YouTube?
Anime? (If so which ones)?
Do you like Pokémon?
Do you like to pretend play when you regress?
What is your regression like? (What do you usually do when regressing)?
Favorite toy?
Things that help you regress?
Cuddles with people or with stuffies?
Communities or no?
Any friends irl who are also age regressors? (How about on tumblr)?
Are you a sib? (If so big or little)? Do you have any sibs? (If so, how many)? Are you searching for sibs?
Favorite Netflix tv show (for little kids to help you regress)?
Do you sleep with any plushies? (If so how many)?
Does anyone irl know you regress? (Optional: if so, who)?
Any irl age regressor friends?
Three blogs you recommend that aren’t necessarily age regression but are still cute (and safe{according to agere league standards}/sfw)
Do you google things to help you regress (other than YouTube or Netflix videos)? If so, what?
Do you have a bedtime? (If so, what time is your bedtime)?
Favorite onesie? (If you have one {and I mean the one’s they sell at target or any store chain during xmas})
Sanrio or Disney?
Based on your answer above, favorite character from your chosen answer?
Can you regress on your own or do you need help regressing (from outside sources, from others, etc)?
Thoughts on glitter?
Overalls or shorts?
Tutus or regular skirts?
Lolita fashion? (Thoughts)?
Favorite toy stereotypically meant for the opposite sex? (Ex: girls are stereotypically meant to like barbies)
LGBT? (If not do you support it, know anyone in it)?
Squishes or slime?
Super hero shows or shows about creepy talking vehicles?
Spongebob or FOP?
Phineas and Ferb or Star Vs the forces of evil? (Random Ik but I forgot the name of the other show the creators or p and f made)
Favorite app on your phone that helps you regress? (Please specify if not free)
What communities are you in?
What communities would you like to exist but don’t?
Favorite candy?
Coloring books or filling out those books kids use to learn?
Are you a tall smol or a tiny smol?
Are you a carer? (And are you seeking)? {totally asking for a friend...}
Care Bears or care bear cousins?
Finger paint or regular paint?
Kawaii or cute? (In reference to you)
Spirit animal while regressing?(bonus points if you name both a big and a baby animal)
What do you call the time in which you’re regressing? (I call mine my smol space)
Do you have any community reccomendations?
What are you unhealthily obsessed with when you regress (you freak out every time you see something or think about something involving this character/thing)?
(Optional) why do you regress?
(If you are socially awkward) are you more or less socially awkward when you regress? The same?
Say the first thing that comes to mind, go!
Do you speak with a different voice when you regress or no?
Do you use different text when you regress (like baby talk {chu, wike, etc}) because I know a lot of people find it annoying but I’ve seen a few people do it so idk?
What is your dni? If you don’t have a dni why not? (You should fix that)
Is Kermit creepy or cute? (Same with Barney)?
Do you have any pets? What kinds? What are their names?
Are you comfortable regressing around others? (or are you more of a lone wolf)?
How high can you count when you’re tiny (if applicable)?
What emoji describes you in tiny space?
What is your favorite color when you’re regressing?
Favorite holiday? (Bonus, do you believe in Santa Claus?
Favorite big kid movie, tv show, etc? (Please refrain from any triggering answers)
Favorite chire/agere hashtag to use on tumblr?
Follow for follow (As long as you abide by my dni)? {I’m lonely}
If you’re seeking for a carer, do you want a romantic or platonic carer?
Do you constantly need attention when regressed or are you a lone wolf?
How do you buy things that help you regress (if you live with others, without them finding out)?
Favorite coloring book? (Optional: include picture)
Longest you’ve ever been fully regressed?
Do you often regress fully or only halfway?
Do you have any kins (If so, with who)?
Favorite nursery rhyme?
Park (like, entire park) or only the playground?
Insomniac or early riser?
(Optional) how many followers do you have? {I’m morbidly curious}
Weird things that help you regress that are not meant to help you regress (horror movies, creepy pasta, etc)?
Would you ever try an adult pacifier or has kink ruined all fun adult age regression products?
What do you eat when you’re regressed?
512 notes · View notes
inkxlenses · 6 years
Regarding post/172299066623/istj-hedonist-samlick23-istj-hedonist-when I don't get why people would compare mbti with astrology and shit. It's as flawed as any other personality theories but it's still a system that works. Astrology doesn't even deserve to be called a personality theory 😩 And just like u said it's never about 'personality' anyway?? That test clusters people yet only considers people's behaviors as if nobody doesn;t have shit like that
Okay. These are among the most exciting asks that I have received so far. I would like for this blog to be as drama-free™ as much as possible because it’s just my virtual escape™. I have also always expressed that I don’t consider this blog as solely an aesthetic™ and inspiration blog. In fact, I was very humbled to be encouraged by my friends and followers to continue including topics that interest me in this blog. But even though this is my blog, I know that I have the responsibility to check what I post here to ensure that nothing would negatively affect someone else’s mental and emotional health (especially as I have observed that most of my followers are minors). So I would just keep my response under the line—and because it’s just really, really, long. HAHA. Also, just for future reference, if you oh-so-hate MBTI [or whatever piece of knowledge I feature here/ if you’re only interested with the aesthetic™ content], you could blacklist my *mbti*, *text* and *photo* tags.
Coincidentally, I would be having a mini-hiatus, and this would be my only response regarding this topic because I’m not really fond of tumblr drama™. I would be temporarily disabling anonymous asks during my break, so if you have anything you would like to discuss with me, kindly contact me via private messaging (but please be patient with my response. I promise I would get back to you as soon as I become online). My only request is that you should first read what I have to say before reacting to anything, because I might have already discussed what you are trying to ask. No worries, I wouldn’t judge nor hate you for your opinions. I actually welcome and enjoy healthy debates (as it is part of my real-life job lmao). And I’m not a fragile snowflake™ so you could really talk to me about anything, I wouldn’t mind :P 
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Firstly and most importantly, I want to apologize to anyone who had been offended or had felt attacked on my rant. I was not describing a particular person in the *inner dialogue*, and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. So if anyone had felt this way, again, my apologies.
So what is this post about?
I had recently reblogged an MBTI post where I was referring to the function theory—not the common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions circulating over the internet. And just like what I had mentioned over and over again [and on my tags on that particular MBTI post], online MBTI tests are not accurate and should not be taken seriously. It’s disappointing how 16personalities have been profiting from this by selling misinformation to people. This was OP’s topic, in which I had just agreed with their views and had personally shared my opinions as well. Yet it seems to be that there had been some misunderstanding regarding said topic. Literally OP’s argument—and the same criticisms we continuously read regarding MBTI *points to some of the anons above*—are exactly what we are critiquing as well, because these are common misconceptions and stereotypes which are not related to the theory anyway. So I don’t really understand the intense reaction regarding our opinions on the letter dichotomy and online MBTI tests, because we actually disapprove of the same things as well. Weird -_-
I never mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. That’s just.. funny. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Just like how everyone else has their own beliefs and interests that others simply don’t agree with as well. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
I could easily brush this off because I truly believe that people are entitled to their opinions, and I respect that. More importantly, I had studied typology for several years now that I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it. Thus, I won’t easily be shaken by criticisms about the theory—which I’m very much aware of anyway. Sadly, it’s seems to be an automatic impulse in tumblr to hate, rather than communicate. My friends had told me of someone publicly posting something defamatory with regards to the MBTI post that I reblogged. I don’t know what that particular blog had been aiming for, but clearly their hateful intent had failed miserably. I didn’t expect the support of my friends, more so, the consideration of people from the MBTI community. I really want to thank everyone who had supported and understood me even if I wasn’t online during that time. My friends are so protective of me, and the responses of people from the MBTI community had been so funny and adorable I’m SO flattered. Watch as my face turns vermillion xD
With that said, I felt like I should at least explain my part and answer the anons who aren’t in favour of MBTI. I just want to stress that I don’t plan to forcefully persuade you to believe MBTI. My only intent is so that you could look into my perspective as I share my knowledge and understanding after many years of studying the theory, in contrast to the misconceptions and stereotypes about it, which I believe is what these anons were referring to. I emphasize that if MBTI is not your *thing*, then you could simply ignore it. This topic is very important to me because it had helped with my well-being, introspection, relationship with others, career, and general outlook in life. So I just want to clarify some points with regards to the asks above^ because I believe some misunderstandings had occurred. So thank you very much @hueristix​, @clumsynix​, @ckatharcis, @tzeentchs-secretary​ and anons for your messages. I am really so thrilled to discuss my views with you.
The cognitive function theory—more commonly known and referred to as MBTI [especially here]—explores the human cognition, NOT outward behaviours and personal preferences. Contrary to what the first anon had said, I believe that we cannot compare the theory with astrology because the former never categorizes how humans act the way they act, more so, it never simply propose their “ personality traits ”. The theory recognizes that every person has their own free will, inherent capabilities, traits, emotions, and preferences (etc. I could go on and on, I swear), and would be constantly affected by personal struggles, life circumstances and other external factors through out their life.. and well, basically just like what Jeanne (ckatharcis) had referred to, it acknowledges that humans cannot be “ clustered ” simply through their behaviours, personal preferences, traits, etc. because again, the theory is NOT about that. Thought process is the essential and primordial reason why outward behaviours, personal preferences, emotions, etc. are easily observable in a person, and NOT the other way around. Thus, it’s also the reason why your type cannot change contrary to common misconceptions, and essentially the reason why tests are not reliable. [Link 1, Link 2—I highly recommend this post.]
I think the first anon is not familiar with the function theory, but, instead, with the letter dichotomies (i.e. I vs. E, etc.) which is the general principle on the said 16personalities site [and other online MBTI tests]. This was exactly what OP had criticized and what I had discussed on my *inner dialogue*. Again, I do not blame the first anon or anybody else who are familiar with this concept because misconceptions and stereotypes are easier to be accessed, contrary to the theory itself which would definitely require time and in-depth research to get acquainted with. I understand that not everyone would be interested to invest time and effort on something that they would just like to casually learn. And it’s okay.
However, I would like to clarify that I [and I truly believe that OP as well] have no intention to humiliate, condemn, mock or ostracize people who had only been familiar with MBTI stereotypes (the letter dichotomy) and/or had only taken online MBTI tests, because we understand that [again], sadly, those misconceptions are disappointingly perpetuating in the internet and even on some books. OP had clearly stated that their only issue was how people who aren’t really familiar with the function theory should refrain from initiating any MBTI-related discussion. Even if I personally agree with OP, their premise was repeatedly contradicted by others who were justifying the validity of 16personalities. However, I believe that asking questions and expressing genuine interest to learn more is different from spreading misinformation to others. As long as you do your own research first, the MBTI community here is actually very welcoming of people who would like to learn more of the theory. The MBTI community here also encourages critical thinking, exchanges of different ideas, and endless rational debates—which is exciting, right?
I think OP had been very honest with their opinion (though may had been perceived as *offensive* and rude by some) and I truly concur with their points. I’ve said in my *inner dialogue* how I believe that spreading wrong information is destructive. It is damaging to other people who have only been starting to learn the theory, to take advice and information, or be mentored by people who had been misinformed as well. Why? Because above all else, the theory is used for self-evaluation and understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses (with regards to their cognitive process), to provide clear direction on how to advance towards their personal growth and development. For that reason, if one is mistyped, and they generally believe that their thought process works this *particular* way and that they have *certain* strengths and/or weaknesses, then they are not only failing to seize the opportunity to recognize their *actual* strengths and weaknesses through fully understanding how their cognition works, but they could also potentially damage their mental health and well-being because that is not how their thought process operates. It worsens when spreading misinformation like that is increasing exponentially.
We would never dismiss nor humiliate anyone who have only been starting to familiarize themselves with the theory, because we had been beginners as well. Mate, my blog is not an MBTI blog, but I have two mutuals who had been so humble to admit that they had fell for that abomination-of-a-test, and had asked me about the basics and other resources to study the theory. I never ridiculed them; contrary, I was so proud of their humility to admit that they had been misinformed, and of their willingness to learn. There is no shame in that. I really admire people who admit their mistakes or ignorance because I know that people who think this way are really the ones who have the desire to learn and improve, and have insatiable thirst to absorb more knowledge.
I’ve been studying the function theory for about 3 or 4 years now, but I still consider myself to be a newbie at this. Even if I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it, I know that I still have a lot more to learn [and that’s exciting]. But OP and other legit MBTI blogs here have been studying this theory for many years now, and they are considered as reliable resource persons for other MBTI enthusiasts as well [at least in tumblr]. Which is why I think [just my opinion], they could easily retaliate on insults or misinformation thrown at them by people who don’t even make an effort to read just the basics and/or have poor acumen to just believe everything they read on the internet, yet have all the liberty in the world to whine and be [passive-aggressively] defensive to rationalize their misconceptions of the theory. These legit MBTI blogs know what they’re talking about, and I think you could be the judge as to how they could react to insults thrown at them by people who don’t even understand the topic itself. I’ll just quote hueristix here, “ laziness should not be an excuse to ignorance ”. As I’ve said before: be receptive to different ideas, yet skeptical enough to question everything before accepting any piece of information as real™. And yes, that includes everything I say. After all, I’m just responding to opinions as well and we’re all just stating our subjective views here. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
Yes, I am passionate about this theory and I know it is fine. But never had I mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. I don’t know if what the first anon actually meant was: since I’m so passionate of this theory, then MBTI must be My Favourite™ personality theory, thus, I propose that it should be held true above all else.. but uhm I just want to clarify that MBTI is not My Favourite™ (I even prefer Enneagram over it, sorry haha). I am aware that it’s not the most recognized personality theory in the field of Psychology. And I had said it before, and I’ll say it again: just like any other typological theories, I know that MBTI has its merits and flaws. Though there is qualitative neuroscientific research intended to point evidence to the existence of cognitive functions in the human mind, MBTI is still not 100% considered to be scientific by some [because according to them there is no physical manifestation of cognitive functions. Uhm. I’d just leave it like that.. For now]. No personality theory is infallible. And again, as I had said in verbatim on my *inner dialogue*: “ The human mind is so complex. And to propose that a person’s *personality* could easily be identified through a 10-minute test is just absurdly.. laughable to me [not to mention that that test is focused more on NATURAL HUMAN behaviours and not cognition—which is what the theory is about anyway xxxx xxxx xxxx] like wtf so amazeballs that they could identify my *personality* with such an overly-random question that any other person could have strong preference over the other. ”. So I don’t really understand what the first anon’s critic was, because what they had pointed out was exactly what OP, I, and basically all the people who had studied this theory are continually expressing. Based on my tags alone, we’re actually on the same team™ here.
How? (1) I had said earlier that the theory does not limit human free will. It understands that people have innate imprints in them that manifest on how they act, talk, feel, etc. In the same way, it also understands how people and their preferences are constantly developing and changing [and yes as the first anon said, “ evolving ”], because humans will continue to encounter and be exposed to several personal afflictions, relationship struggles, disappointments, successes, gratifications, religious beliefs, cultural conformity, and other life-altering situations and external factors throughout their lifetime that will heavily affect their behavioural makeup and adaptability to their external environment. Everyone—whatever their type may be—can behave any way they like depending on the situations and circumstances that they are dealing with, because there are many factors that affect and influence how people behave, not only a person’s type. BUT their cognitive functions have been there all along, constantly operating, even if their *functional stack* could fluctuate on their healthy and/or unhealthy states depending on how they had adjusted and adapted to these circumstances [uhm more advanced topic of the theory—see the beauty of this theory? It’s never obsolete. Contrary to misconceptions, the theory recognizes the erratic human nature. It pains me how people could outright dismiss and insult the theory without studying it first, because they fail to realize its usefulness in a person’s life, more than what that shite site says *ho hum*]. (2) I agree with most of the principles of the function theory because it doesn’t “ categorize everyone into 16 cutout personality types ”, nor does it have a manual that says “ ‘here are a few common personality traits, be free’ aspect ”. MBTI stereotypes and ideas from the 16personalities assert that; the function theory does not. (3) [uhm this is getting so repetitive now] The theory is not about what our external behaviours are, nor does it dictate what our *personalities* are. Rather, on the simplest terms, it analyzes how we think. It analyzes how we make decisions, through our cognitive process, when we encounter a particular situation.
Hopefully, my explanation would be enough to clear up some misunderstandings from the aforesaid post. However, I believe that this explanation alone would not suffice for anyone who are still confused with the theory and/or for those who are interested to learn more. Hence, the next section is really just for reference and further clarification, just in case there are still some questions that others are still confused about. That said, I know that I would not be able to articulate these ideas the way this particular blog do [and I don’t want to sound like a bot if I would just be reciting their ideas exactly as they had expressed it], so I’d just be quoting one of the most reliable MBTI blogs here and a personal favourite of mine (mbti-notes), to give insight on some issues that had been critiqued on that post. These are really interesting and thought-provoking ideas so I hope you could take time to read them. Also, I highly-recommend their blog!
[With regards to common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions]:
Anonymous: Stereotypes give people wrong assumptions about what types are. They don’t define what your personality or your actions are going to be like. They don’t even define what thoughts you have. It’s simply the pattern and the functions you use to come to conclusions. I’m an ENTP (22) and my best friend is an ENFP (23). Yet people would probably switch our two types because I tend to be very gentle and kind around others while she appears more tough and openly says what she thinks.
I appreciate your point. Part of the reason for the stereotyping problem is that the information online and even in books is dominated by two main schools of thought that focus very heavily on behavior at the expense of cognition (Myers-Briggs and Keirsey Temperaments), so a lot of people do not realize that there are other (better) interpretations available. My first exposure to typology was through Keirsey and, although I thought it was interesting at the time, I wasn’t able to see the full potential of the system because everything was masked behind simplistic labels (stereotypes) that didn’t seem to connect with real life to the degree that I thought was necessary to be a truly viable theory of personality. I think a lot of people get interested in MBTI because of its practical applicability in situations like personal relationships or group/work environments and MBTI is good for learning some general rules of thumb that can help you improve the ways in which you deal with different kinds of people. However, general rules of thumb very easily morph into stereotyping and pigeonholing when people do not understand the finer details of the theory and then apply the ideas and principles too carelessly. The human mind is prone to lazy overgeneralizing or drawing invalid conclusions as it is and the lack of depth in the information available unfortunately encourages that laziness. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s *accuracy*]:
Anonymous: Do you think that other personality identification types such as Alignment and Global 5/SLOAN are more, less, or just as accurate as MBTI can be?
“Accuracy” is not really the right question. Every theory of personality that is developed by academics is put together very deliberately to serve a particular purpose, and it must be used as intended in order to preserve validity. Unfortunately, when the ideas trickle down into mainstream consciousness, the original purpose of the theory often gets lost in translation, with the general public using it more like a horoscope or fortune cookie and then complaining about the inaccuracies. Every kind of theory has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the Five Factor model is a trait theory, which has the advantage of being easily quantifiable and very reliable for statistical analysis. However, there is no actual theoretical underpinning for it because the traits are derived from factor or data analysis, which offers no explanation as to why traits exist, how they arise, why there are only five, and so on. Trait theories are limited in what they are able to explain about human behavior but they remain very useful for doing replicable research studies. There is of course some overlap of concepts between trait theories and type category theories like MBTI.
Cognitive function theory is a qualitative and holistic model of personality that sprawls into other related areas of psychology. Qualitative research excels at theoretical analysis and depth of detailed explanations and is less conducive to statistical analysis/prediction. Jung developed psychological types as a part of the psychoanalytic tradition, however, that tradition fell out of favor in the US to make way for more popular quantitative research methods, though it continued to expand in certain European circles. Myers & Briggs and David Keirsey brought it back to life in a more digestible form but it was never meant to be distilled to such an extreme degree; MBTI essentially turned into a corporate money making tool and Keirsey rejected the notion of cognitive functions in favor of behavioral descriptors. Many of the criticisms that are leveled at MBTI are legitimate but not actually applicable to cognitive function theory because of not seeing the full extent of it and how it is embedded firmly within the long history of psychoanalytic theory, a school of thought which has done more than any other to reveal the qualities of the unconscious mind. Now that there is emerging neuroscientific research that confirms some of these old ideas about the unconscious, there is some resurgence in their popularity within research circles. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s basics, development and “scientific” basis]:
Anonymous: The J/P dichotomy is particularly interesting because, say, you have already three letters I N F, the last letter decides not only your dominant and auxiliary functions, it flips the stack; INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) vs. INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se), and then we read that according to descriptions those types are very different. But then we also have a lot of people who can’t really decide if they’re INFJ or INFP. It’s all very strange to me.
It’s strange to you because (judging by the earlier question) you haven’t understood what the J/P distinction really means and you haven’t properly distinguished cognition and behavior. Two different cognitive functions can manifest similar looking behaviors on the surface (as I have explained numerous times in the guides, please read them carefully). E.g. Any introvert can be reflective but the reasons WHY a particular individual is reflective, the motive and explanation behind it, differs according to the cognitive functions involved (Fi vs Ni). If you don’t know the details of their inner cognitive processes, you cannot see the differences because, just looking from the outside, all you see is that they are both reflective in demeanor. xxxx xxxx xxxx MBTI type descriptions are purposely simplistic because newbies don’t know the theory and therefore must identify themselves through simple behavioral descriptors. MB designed their system in part to sidestep the complicated process of learning function theory so that more people could access it, a noble intention, therefore simple type descriptions do not include all the info you need to type accurately because they do not address variations within type and cognitive function specifics. In other words, problems with typing stem from lack of knowledge of the theory, usually because of not going any deeper than the simplified descriptions/tests. The test was meant to be administered and interpreted by an expert, which means that people run into all kinds of problems when they try to self-type with limited to no knowledge of type theory.
[continuation of the ask] Is there any real scientific proof that Jungian cognitive functions exist? Dario Nardi’s attempts are certainly interesting, but it’s a common knowledge that EEG method is far from being reliable. Also, on one of his AMA discussions on reddit he presented instances when he was testing midlife INFJ adults who he couldn’t differentiate from of ISTPs, which he attributed to the use the second most common pattern (Ti-Se for INFJs). So, which model is true, or is this a combination of dichotomies and functional stack model? Can you shed some light on those issues and inconsistencies? Additionally, I’d really like your opinion on Reynierse’s articles (“Preference Multidimensionality and the Fallacy of Type Dynamics”, etc.). Thank you. The question of “science” has already been beaten to death over and over again so I’ve grown impatient with this can of worms. I don’t have much to say about Nardi, he’s pursuing his ideas and more power to him, but his work is not particularly interesting to me because it is getting away from other aspects of type theory that I am more interested in. xxxx xxxx xxxxx Some people latch onto him because they desperately want some kind of “scientific proof” of the functions. Some people dabble in typology and keep demanding “scientific proof” but don’t understand the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. There are different kinds of theories, with different kinds of objectives, with different standards of measurement, with different methods of application - the scientific method is only one valid research framework and it should not be the measure of all things. Traditionally, science often includes the concept of falsifiability but you can’t falsify that which is not within the realm of empirical fact, e.g., you can’t falsify human valuations or subjective meaning/experience, so are these things not “real”? Do you understand the difference between facts and values? Do you believe that only scientific measurements can imbue ideas with value? Do you believe that materialistic explanations of human psychology are the be-all and end-all? Not everything about human experience can be reduced to neurons and electrons. If you think it can, then feel free to dismiss type theory as crap because it’s not going to fit well with your assumptive worldview. Also, abstract and concrete knowledge are different and should be treated differently. No idea is “real” because “real” implies concrete, and ideas are abstract. One can easily claim that any idea is not “real” depending on how you want to set your standards of measurement. xxxx xxxx xxxx Similarly, people claim that “types” or “functions” are not real even when they themselves: behave as type theory describes, suffer the problems that type theory describes, feel attracted to the relationships that type theory describes, follow the developmental path that type theory describes. 

Before you ask for “scientific proof”, you should first define exactly what standards of proof would satisfy you and make you believe that cognitive functions are “real”. It is quite often the case that people who like to harp about scientific “proof” don’t even understand what they’re asking for or to what end, they demand proof but no matter what proof is offered, they keep moving the goalposts because they are actually more interested in criticizing than understanding (see climate change deniers as the perfect example). Just so you know, many mbti bloggers are tired of dealing with such people, we’ve already gone through all these arguments a million times. I’m not saying you’re one of these people but beware that you’re stepping into a complex discussion and don’t seem sufficiently prepared. Instead of making people explain or educate you, state your exact criteria of scientific proof and I’ll happily tell you if type theory passes. Type theory is a big theory and some people find it hard to understand even the basic type concepts which barely scratch the surface because the theory goes far beyond simple typing. It is an incomplete and fragmented theory, with many people working on it for different reasons in different directions. Many people have found elements of type theory very useful and accurate in their lived experiences, even using it to permanently solve long running psychological issues, even using it to deftly cure relationship problems. There is piecemeal neuroscience evidence which does not directly relate to type theory but nonetheless corroborates it. I wouldn’t know if any of this is enough “proof” because you haven’t specified exactly what proof you’re demanding. If the book falling on your head doesn’t prove gravity is “real”, then I suppose all the people whose thought processes match the principles of type dynamics don’t count as real proof either. The results say a lot. I run a popular typology blog and have dealt with thousands of people, so I at least don’t suffer from sample-size-1. Type dynamics describes very specific problems and offers workable solutions, and I’ve witnessed many different kinds of people from different backgrounds, cultures, walks of life apply these ideas with great success. Is this “empirical evidence”? I’ve had the most hardened scientifically-minded strangers think I’m a magical wizard when I can knit together their life story and reveal their innermost insecurities based only on four letters, yet all I’m doing is applying and extrapolating from the theoretical ideas as I understand them, nothing more. 

All I will say about arguments against type dynamics is that they usually can’t see the forest because they’re stuck in the trees: they get wrapped up in granular details and superficial inconsistencies; they don’t see the historical big picture of how every model evolves from and contains the same set of ideas; they don’t see how some disagreements between models are merely semantic and actually address the same underlying concept; they don’t fully grasp the principles of type dynamics and then produce strawman criticisms (some of the points in those articles actually support, add to, or help clarify type dynamics rather than debunk it); they perceive the explanatory flexibility of type dynamics as a flaw, not a strength; they probably prefer trait theories because they are easily quantifiable (and then completely miss the point of type dynamics); they don’t see how the ideas could potentially fit with mathematical dynamics and energy flow. Any theory worth its salt should remain open to criticism, development, and further clarification but, in order to critique a theory successfully, you must first understand it, and I don’t think the author of those articles has understood type dynamics well enough. (Source)
Again, I apologize to anyone who had been offended of what I said in my tags. And thank you very much for taking the time to read this post! :)
P.S. I have no intention to answer that anon who made a sexist comment about M & B. I have already discussed what my points are regarding MBTI Tests™, so I wouldn’t really judge them or anyone else for having fun with taking multiple personality tests. But since I think this anon have zero knowledge of the theory anyway, I have to clarify that it wasn’t created by M & B [who, by the way, even if they had not been psychologists by profession, had made extensive research of the theory—probably more than you would ever do, anon. Then again, I don’t really adhere to M & B’s approach], but was devised by one of the best minds psychology has ever known. FYI that person was a man—if anon would feel more validated™ to know that their own sex is the perfect authority for objective™ measurement of intelligence or competence *cough* it actually isn’t *cough*. Also, I really am so tired already to rebut something that is completely illogical, it’s even barely understandable. *ho hum* I’m very open to discuss opinions that differ from mine, but if you are trying to establish your argument through a sexist comment, then don’t expect that I would answer you with respect.
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