#can he please start worrying about being a side character instead of worrying about being evil. please. im desperate
mummer · 8 months
hhdhhdhfdhfhhhhhhhhvvvvvvvs so in the books mat never finds about abotu egwene's vision of him hanging himself right? (which eventually turns out to not actually be suicide by a kooky coincidence) but in the show HE has the vision?? and FULLY wants to kill him self im gonna throwwww upppp??? alongside other visions where he starts thinking he's just like his abusive dad erm Also he might be evil due to wanting to die question mark Lol it's so funny that they just gave mat a completely different set of problems disorder than in the books like it's still compelling but WATCH OUT
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Pick me girls and Dateables - Part 3
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
Part 1 - Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 2 - Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, suggestive, mentions of sex, mentions of violence and threats, mentions of concubines (no concubines, tho), implied marriage (??), jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, the most ooc out of every part of the series, Barbatos's part is based on one of his chats (A patissier's suffering?)
A/N at the end.
So the Devildom had concubines, what about it? It's not like Diavolo had any concubines. You were his only partner and, apparently, the first one in a long while. You had nothing to worry about.
Still, it was impossible not to feel so dejected when every single one of the demons in his court buttered him up so blatantly, not caring that you were next to him, arms linked and fingers intertwined.
And he smiled. Of course, what else could he do but smile? He had a duty to fulfill and that probably meant keeping certain people happy, right?
At least, that was the mantra in your head. Your heart kept hurting itself, but having a reason made it manageable.
"Well? Have you thought about it?"
You turned to your side and stared at the demoness beside you. She was mesmerizing and looking at her directly made you lose focus.
Have I thought about it? I haven't stop thinking about it.
"Remember that I'm acting on behalf of his wellbeing" she said sweetly, caressing your wrist like she wanted to flirt with you "And I guess I could make you happy too"
That made you laugh without an ounce of humor. Both of you knew she wasn't being serious about that one and you wondered why she said it in the first place. Making her Diavolo's concubine would make her his wife in everything but paper. Did she expect giving you orgasms would make you happier about it?
"Leave me alone" you whispered against your drink, not trusting your voice to act decently.
"How can you be so selfish?" she spat, leaving you speechless "This is for his own good. How long will you live, human? Do you expect him to be alone after your death? My only wish is to keep him company once you're gone and starting now would make the transition easier. He'll still love you, sure, but this way he could be happier. How can you not understand something so simple?"
A demon she was, you remembered. Had you been a regular human, you would've believed her concerned face, but to you it was obvious how impatient she was and how much she wanted to leave you there, alone and breaking, so she could finally speak to Diavolo.
Both of you jumped, turning around just to see Barbatos's unfazed smile.
"Lord Diavolo asks for you" he informed when you didn't answer, too surprised to react. "Follow me if you please"
"If I may" intervened your companion, close to giving you a heart attack "I must speak to Prince Diavolo. It's an urgent matter"
The butler looked at you, asking for your permission, but you didn't know how to react. It seemed your throat decided to stop working at that exact moment.
"Very well, then"
The demoness eagerly jumped at his words, not wasting a second in leaving the corner you were occupying to look for the prince, who had finally stopped talking to his subjects and was sitting alone in his throne.
Barbatos stared at her before offering you his arm.
"You have nothing to worry about"
He seemed confident, so you believed him. However, the distance you walked towards the throne felt longer than ever.
Your boyfriend looked unnaturally serious at your arrival, an expression his face was not made for. It softened when he saw you, but, still, he didn't fully smile.
"My love, come here" he palmed his thigh and not in a million years would you reject that offer.
Diavolo smiled at the speed you moved, barely restraining himself from kissing you. Instead, he turned to the demoness and presented her to you.
"I believe you've met her already, MC. Did you know about her offer? Did you know she wishes to serve me?"
He patiently waited for your answer, holding you against his chest and caressing your hip bones with the pad of his fingers and the tip of his nails, making you shiver.
Serve? That's the word she decided to use? She wasn't lying, sure, but it was far from the intention she actually had.
"We talked about it" you said in the end.
There was silence for a few seconds, broken only by the sounds of people still drinking and dancing. Diavolo and Barbatos looked at each other, having a conversation no one else could hear.
"I take it you rejected her proposition?"
You nodded and he cupped your face with a sad frown. Your heart skipped a beat.
"That's a pity, my love"
For a moment you moved away from him, too lost in your incredulity to answer or even acknowledge the crazy smile on the demoness's face, but, not even a second later, Diavolo brought you back to him and continued.
"She would've make a wonderful lady in waiting"
"Wait, what?"
Both of you ignored the woman, who looked like she'd been slapped in the face with something rotten, which, in her mind, was probably accurate.
"I asked to serve you, my Lord, not the human..."
"Beware your words" interrupted Barbatos, his tail swishing behind him like a whip.
She stopped talking then, very obviously swallowing her opinions. Diavolo speaked again.
"By serving you, she'll serve me. Give her an opportunity to make you happy and, if she fails, we'll get rid of her"
What did he mean, get rid of her? You opened your mouth to ask, but he jerked his leg, making you jump. His smile was wide, but his eyes held a warning.
You decided to let it go.
Diavolo laughed as loud as he usually did, finally hugging you and ignoring both Barbatos's reprimanding glance and the demoness's sour expression.
But wait.
He said 'lady in waiting'. Like... Uh...
Were you getting married?
'I'll be waiting in the classroom'
That's what his last message said.
And you'd never be dumb enough to reject that invitation. ¿Spending time with your boyfriend and eating his homemade cookies? Hell yeah!
You just had to be careful not to catch Beel's attention, avoiding the main hallways and hiding between the taller students, which were almost everyone.
By the time you finally arrived to the classroom (you got lost, but you'd never admit that to anyone), you were fairly sure all of your classmates had already gone home.
Alas, you were wrong.
Barbatos's figure was as composed as ever, but you knew him just enough to know how irritated he actually was. Were you this late? It was never your intention!
But no, no, that wasn't the root of the problem.
You knew her, kinda. Not personally, but you'd seen her a lot of times in the castle, cleaning plates in the kitchen or clearing up the table after one of Diavolo's dinner parties. She looked weird in the school's uniform instead of the one the maids used, but you guessed they too had to go to RAD, just like the brothers did.
So why did Barbatos look so uncomfortable?
Both of them stared at you when you entered, walking towards him while staring at her in search of an explanation.
"MC! You're finally here"
He smiled at you with candid eyes, discreetly holding your hand and restraining himself from kissing you in front of the girl, who cleared her throat to break the moment and grinned at Barbatos like you weren't there at all.
Foolish mistake if you'd ever seen one.
Your boyfriend frowned before turning in her direction, clearly giving her one last oportunity before kicking her out of there and reclaiming his alone time with you.
The girl purposely made herself meek, lowering her gaze as if making visual contact with him was too much, something you could totally understand.
"Master Barbatos, please, I'm begging you. I just wish to learn"
You raised your eyebrows and waited for his answer. Instead, she kept talking.
"I'll follow every one of your orders, sir, I promise" arms behind her back and body slightly swaying, you now understood why he was in the edge of snapping "The others don't appreciate you as much as I do. I'll be your best student"
He stared at her, you stared at her, she stared at him, batting her lashes with a weirdly fake innocent smile.
Her demeanor vanished when the Royal Butler spoke.
"I recomend you stop this nonsense at once" he finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence "You're embarrassing yourself and Lord Diavolo's service's good reputation"
The poor maid gaped like a fish, although you weren't feeling bad for her.
You stayed behind him, closing the distance as much as possible while staring at her over his shoulder. If you ate a cookie now, would it be too much? He'd probably forgive you, but you'd rather not risk your chances.
"You will stay on cleaning duty as long as I say and you will stop the rumors that I know have been traveling all around the castle"
She lowered her gaze again, this time in submission and humiliation. His voice sounded venomous and you could swear the room's temperature dropped a few degrees. The air was still and smelled damped and rottening.
"If the gossip hasn't disappear by midnight, rest assured, I will make sure you keep your mouth fully shut"
The threat was clear in his words, something that shouldn't, but still surprised you. The maid trembled in response before bowing and running out the classroom.
You stared at the door in surprise, not turning around until he talked again.
"Do forgive me, my dear, but you know how much I dispise rats"
He sounded scarier than ever, letting his forked tongue slip between his teeth before he searched around the room, like he was trying to find more pests.
Then, he turned to you and smiled like nothing happened, holding a cookie to your mouth as the tips of his gloved fingers caressed your jaw.
"Let's forget about this ordeal, MC. After all, I saved these just for you"
If there was something worse than feeling jealous, it was Solomon knowing you were jealous.
You thought you could catch a break, uh? Well, you couldn't be more wrong: your boyfriend knew the moment he saw you staring at that witch.
She was cute, you guessed? Nothing exceptional, but not hideous either. You wouldn't mind at all if not for the fact that she used her appearance like a nuclear weapon.
"Oh, you're so cute!" she'd told you once "I wish I was as cute as you!"
And at first you thought nothing of it. She was just being nice! A little weird about it, sure, but who wasn't weird in RAD?
Except, she wasn't looking at you when she said that, but, instead, at your boyfriend.
Of course, Solomon, unbothered as ever, was too engrossed in the cooking book he'd borrowed from the library to pay attention.
(Later that night you had to order takeout, but you were already counting on that).
The point was: she was trying too hard. You couldn't blame her, really, you dated Solomon for a reason; but still. She was getting on your nerves.
"I'm so dumb... I'll never get it! Solomon, can you help me with this?"
Opening a door with magic? Difficult? Yeah, right.
"I've never dated a human before... How is it, MC? I bet Solomon is a great boyfriend"
He has his moments.
"Solomon! Sit with me, I saved you a seat! Why? Oh, I concentrate better when you're here!"
Shit, could she concentrate at all?
"You're so powerful! You'll have to let me have him for a night, MC! He could teach me a couple of things..."
You closed your fist, staring at her with a frown while talking yourself out of mauling her across the table. You didn't need Lucifer's rants about impropriety and self restraint on top of all of this.
"MC and I have a lesson tonight" the sorcerer said with a polite smile, unusually kind eyes and an unreadable expression "Would you like to tag along?"
She sighed and rolled her eyes, lowering her gaze in embarrassment, although you weren't sure if she was really embarrassed.
"Could we hang out alone, tho? I don't want MC to see how dumb I am. They're so much better than me! I bet I need you more than they do!"
Well, you didn't need to study with her to know she was dumb as bricks.
You looked at Solomon, opening your eyes so much in bewilderment that even the insides of your cornea were getting dry. Not a second later he turned to you, smiling with mischief, and then you remembered who were you actually dating.
"It's either this or nothing. Be in Purgatory Hall at 6, we won't be waiting for you"
The witch quickly looked at you, frustrated at his words. It wasn't ideal, you knew, thirdwheeling your crush and his partner in a study date, but what else did she expect? Every other option was plain stupid.
She snorted, trying to hide the disgust and disappoinment without much success. Once she left you alone, swaying her hips and her ponytail, you punched Solomon in the arm and reveled in his pain.
"MC!! Relax!"
"Don't tell me to relax!"
You tried to choke him, but he hid his neck under his shoulders before you could lift yourself to reach him better. He knew you too well.
"MC, I have an idea! You'll like it, believe me!"
"Oh, really?"
"I swear!"
Once free from your attacks, Solomon avoided your eyes and stared at his hands. It took him a couple of seconds before he could look at you again, cheeks red, while he spoke from his heart.
"I couldn't care less about her attempts, MC, but she's obviously making you uncomfortable. I won't let this keep going if I can do something about it"
"But why did you invite her to our lesson, then?"
He laughed in a carefree manner, still blushing while he took your hands in his, looking at you like he was about to uncover a precious secret.
"As your teacher, I want you to explore your potential to the maximum"
His voice lowered to a whisper and you got closer to him, letting your body shiver when his breath caressed the skin of your neck.
"Say, MC, wouldn't you like to have your very own training dummy?"
Oh, the privileges of being friends with the most powerful demons in the Devildom.
All you had to do was pout a little and act like you were miserable, missing the warmth of the sun and the familiar scenery of the human world. Of course, all of them knew you were exaggerating, but none would take the risk of actually making you sad.
So there you were, waiting for your drinks while Simeon sunbathed outside, sitting in one of those ornate metal chairs and writing some loose ideas for his next book in a napkin. After all, you'd be crazy if you ever went to the human realm without using the opportunity to have a date with your sweetheart of a boyfriend.
If not for the brightness of his suit, he would look like a college student from an old movie, all dreamy and focused in his own world.
And, apparently, you weren't the only one thinking that.
There were a group of girls outside the cafe, all of them young, maybe even fresh out of high school, staring at Simeon like he was some kind of celebrity. Maybe it was his angelic charisma? Maybe it was just his good looks? Whatever the reason, the girls seemed ready enough to conquer the world and they wanted to start with your boyfriend.
You studied your surroundings, realizing with an uncomfortable weigh in your chest just how busy the place was. There was no way you were getting your order in less than five minutes, even being the first in line, so the only thing you could do was wait and hope the girls wouldn't bother Simeon too much.
They stayed in a closed circle for a few moments until one of them finally dared to go and talk to him. She tried to sit in the second chair, but Simeon stopped her with a quick movement of his hand, probably saying he was saving it for you.
That made you laugh, but you were starting to get second hand embarrassment. You could tell she was trying hard to catch his attention, twirling her hair around her finger and hugging her waist to make her breasts look bigger.
You couldn't see Simeon's face, but, by the way he was scratching the paper, it was obvious he was losing focus on whatever he was previously writing, which would only make him irritated.
Fortunately, and rather rudely, the waitress finally gave you the styrofoam cups and immediately ignored you again, but you couldn't care less. The girl returned to her friends just as you stepped out of the cafe, letting you know part of what happened.
"He said he didn't know what part of him made him look interested in me" she snarled with a hint of hurt in her voice, trying to hide it with offense "That I should find someone that actually finds me entertaining"
Her friends gasped and you had to stop yourself from laughing. He wasn't usually that snappy, but she did interrupt his daydreaming.
"I don't even care what he thinks, he's just some dude! I can catch anyone I want, you know?"
Anyone but him, apparently, but the only thing her friends could do was agree.
Shaking your head and holding one drink in each hand, you stopped the eavesdropping and hurried towards him, leaning over his shoulder to kiss his cheek and smiling softly when he raised his hands to stroke your hair. He was warm from the sun, but he still curled close to you even after letting you sit next to him.
The girls audibly gasped at your actions, clearly offended by your presence as if Simeon would change his mind if they waited enough.
You couldn't bring yourself to pay them attention. Not when he was caressing your knuckles with such love in his touch and a feeling so deep in his eyes that it made your heart violently stop.
"So what were you writing?"
He smiled and eagerly showed you the napkin. By the time you turned around, the girls were already gone.
Tagging the party: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin @elaemae @eliciria @darkflowerav
Author's note:
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Simeon's part sucked the soul out of me (not in the good way), but at least it's well-written. Also, this will be the last part for now: I don't know Mephisto, Raphael or Thirteen enough, so they won't be in any of my posts (for now)
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itsmearia01 · 3 months
Past Love || Chapter 1
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Various! Yandere! Jujutsu kaisen x Sukuna's past wife! Yuji's best friend! F! Reader
A/N : English is not my first language, sorry if there are some wrong words. This is the chapter 1, you can read the prologue and Chapter 2. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Prolog | Chapter 2
Series summary : You always get the same nightmare over and over every night. You feel annoyed but can't do anything about it. On the other hand, your best friend who suddenly becomes the vessel of a cursed king brings your nightmares to reality. I don't know what happened but the people around you started acting strangely.
Series warnings : Non-con, dub-con, yandere, stalking, kinks, gaslighting, blackmail, overtism, smut, NSFW, Minors DNI, all character 18+ (but first years still first year, try to make sense), sex, rough sex, oral sex, dom/sub dynamics, blood, manipulation, corruption, mind break, forced relationship, yandere character being their own warning, mind control, possessive, kidnapping. ⚠️Jujutsu kaisen character was not my original, credit to Gege Akutami as original author! There's a few OC as my originally made character. If you don't like/ you hate this kind of story, please go.
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You are grateful because last night you prepared bento and breakfast you made by yourself for your father and your brothers. And even though you're in a rush, you don't forget to bring your lunch.
And you brought 2 bento. One for you and one for your best friend, Yuji Itadori. Yes, you are itadori's best friend or what you usually call Yuu. How are you not attracted to him? He's totally your type. He is gentle, kind, compassionate, and patient.
During lunch time, you visit his class. But did not find him. Someone from his class said he was on the field with the sports club members.
"Yuu!" You scream his name and he looks up.
He smiled and ran towards you. "(Y/N) Sorry I didn't tell you I was here."
Yuuji approached you. he explains his paranormal club is about to be disbanded and he needs to win the bet so that doesn't happen. "Really? You ask, with a worried face. "yeah, but don't worry bun. I win it!" He said with big smile on his face. You both sigh together and you both chuckling and laughing together.
It doesn't feel like you have arrived at the paranormal club room. There are also your two senpais. You all eat your bento together and you fall asleep.
"HAH-HAH-HAH- That dream again! W-wait where is Yuu and everyone else?" You woke realizing you're the only person there. And it's late, the sun replaced by the moon. You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed out. You searched the corridor hoping to find Yuuji. You think, why didn't Yuu wake you up and instead leave you? It's already night and the atmosphere is very quiet...
You can't help but get goosebumps.
You suddenly hear a loud sound. What's that? It comes from above. You see someone you don't know black hair boy. Suddenly something hit that person...
"YUU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING." you run towards your boyfriend but soon stopped when he looked at you. “T-that mark!”
That's Sukuna's mark! The one who's always on your dream.
"(Y/N)? You-Y-you (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
He approached you and you slowly back off to the edge of the building, you looked down and just swallowed done. "DON'T HURT HER!" say a boy behind Sukuna. Sukuna heeded the remark and Pressed your cheek with his hand. "Do you remember me, my dear (Y/N)?"
Suddenly someone kicks Sukuna from the side and pulls you in his arms when you almost fell off building. "Didn't I say to protect civilians, Megumi?” said that person. It turns out a black hair boy named Megumi.
You continue to see the person who is still hug you. Tight. White hair...
"Y-you're a member of the Gojo clan?" that person looking back at you. "How do you know, Princess?"
"We don't have much white hair in this country." You say. And he hummed. I don't know why you feel nervous to see, his smile more feels like a smirk.
"Hmm, interesting... What's your name beautiful princess?" he asked.
"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N) (L/N)"
When you say that he's a little surprised… Then his grin grew wider, wider than before as if he had just heard the most heartbreaking news his life.
"(L/N) huh? Is this fate? The Gojo family and (L/N) are business partners and establish close relationship." You freak out a little as he grabs your chin and gets closer to your face.
"So (Y/N), my name is Gojo Satoru. I was a jujutsu high tokyo teacher. Nice to meet you, Princess."
His face is getting closer and your lips almost touching, but prevented by black-haired boy around your age that you know his name is Megumi. "S-sensei..." he said while walking away balance towards you. he held stomach and as if awakening from hypnosis, You remember Yuji.
"YUU!" You screamed approaching Yuji releasing yourself from the young Gojo's arms. You approached Yuji's body that was lying down unaware. You see the wounds all over his body.
You took your hands out and placed them on Yuji's stomach. Light goes out from your hand and slowly closes and heal the wounds on his body. Megumi and Gojo looked at that with impressed. well, there are who have similar power, but nothing that really looks like a naked eye light produce.
You keep pacing back and forth in front of the room... You've already healed Megumi and are now waiting for Gojo and Yuji who are in the room.
"why are you so worried?" You were awakened by Megumi's voice. "I don't know... I'm just worried about Yujl..." You saw his expression soften and he smiled. Somehow you feel that's not a face he usually shows to other people.
"As long as there is Gojo Sensei, we will be safe... After all, we haven't met yet. My name is Megumi Fushiguro, what's your name?"
You're reminded of something... "Fushiguro-san? Have we met before?"
"Hmm? I do not think so? Why do you think so?"
"The only Megumi I've ever known in my life was from the Zenin clan..."
He flinched at your words and seemed to be trying to remember something.
"Could it be you... (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
You look at him confused when he suddenly looks at you with surprise. "Um... Yeah? Do you remember anything?"
"That's right, it's me! Megumi Zenin... I left Zenin and became Fushiguro... Do you remember when the Zenin family and (L/N) had a meeting? We always played together."
You look surprised, a happy childhood memory... "You're a Gumi?!"
"Shhh... Slow down, that call is a little embarrassing..." He said while his hand covered your mouth. He let go of his gag. He looks so cute with his blushing face, you think he's so embarrassed by that nickname.
"I think we meet again, (N/N)..." Megumi said. When you heard the call you chuckled. It was a call from megumi for you first.
"Hmm? What do we have here? You guys knew each other before?" The young Gojo comes out of the room where you guys are waiting, along with Yuji of course. You with teary eyes lunged at Yuu, hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Yuu! You don't know how worried I was!" You started crying while hugging Yuu. He hugs you back. Megumi and Gojo find the two of you a little displeased.
You two... are too close to be called friends. "I'm fine (Y/N)! Did the creature hurt you?" He kissed your cheek back making the two people watching you bend their faces even more.
"You mean Sukuna? No! He didn't hurt me. But..." You remember when Sukuna held your face. It feels weird, like deja vu.
"Megumi, did you tell Sukuna's name to (Y/N)-chan?" Gojo asked, caught your attention and Yuji. "No... I didn't tell her." After Megumi said that, Gojo who had been sullen smirk widely. "Then I think, not only Yuji who will move to high jujutsu."
After that you and Yuji visited your senpais to say goodbye. gojo-sensei already spoke with your Papa that you're moving to jujutsu high.
Your papa is worried about you because all this time he has been trying to hide you from becoming a jujutsu wizard which is a dangerous job. But yeah, maybe it's about time.
At the end of the day you and Yuji visit Yuji's grandfather's grave to ask for blessings. Next will be fun right?
To be continued
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Tags : @loaves4me @carminhadaavenidabrasil
A/N : hello everyone! thank you for all your excitement for my series! i'm working on the third chapter rn and i expecting this series would be 15 chapter? im still not sure, it can be change. but since i have other things to do in my life i would post the next chapter if i finish all of it till epilog. So, while you all waiting. Since i also read manhwa, playing hoyoverse games, and watching other anime, i'm gonna post short scenarios of those (mostly yandere tho hahahaha)
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grandline-fics · 6 months
Hii, can I have a scenario with Law please !! I'd like something where reader is jealous.
Law and reader aren't together like they both have feelings but are completely oblivious. They're in a bar with the crew and everything, and reader and Law are talking, a woman starts flirting with him and reader (a bit drunk) gets a bit possessive
DESCRIPTION: You both have feelings for each other but you need jealousy and liquid courage to finally let it show
WARNINGS: depictions of alcohol use
WORDS: 1,386
A/N: Thank you for the request! Hope you like what I came up with for this one
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It wasn’t often the entire crew of the Polar Tang got the chance to enjoy some proper down time and unwind in a bar. You relished these moments, when there was no fights or pressing matters to deal with and you could all just enjoy the adventure you were all on. You basked in the laughter and conversation with your crew as you all sat at table as the drinks flowed as easily. Eventually most of the crew began to scatter. Whether it was breaking into their own little clusters of conversation, finding the dance floor to enjoy, potential love-interests for the night to pursue, and alcohol infused antics to take part in. Which just left you and Law sitting at the original table in deep conversation and neither of you were complaining on that part. 
Both of you had feelings for the other but had yet to act on any impulses and any moment that could have potentially led to more. For you both, neither of you wanted to risk the rejection in case you were reading the situation wrong, and as a result ruin what you both already had. So you both lived in blissful delusion that everything was fine and that nothing would progress between you beyond the close friendship you could both enjoy. After finishing your drink you got up, offering to get another for your Captain too. You stood by the bar and waited to be served, content to wait your turn in the busy building. 
“Soooo, will tonight be the night you finally confess to our Captain?” You rolled your eyes at Sachi’s playful tone coming from your side. You didn’t even humour your crewmember by giving a verbal response and instead continued to stare ahead while waiting for one of the bartenders to make their way towards you. Your lack of an answer only spurred Sachi on and he grinned while lightly poking your arm. “Oh c’mon you know it’s eating you up. I mean it’s not like he’d reject you. He’s not that stupid.” Heavily you sighed, it wasn’t Law’s intelligence that was the issue here. You had your reasons for not making a move or even entertaining the thought of telling Law. Firmly you kept your mouth shut. “You know if you don’t let him know he’ll end up getting with someone else.”
“Sachi, the Captain and I aren’t an item. I don’t own him and he’s never made a move either. He can ‘get with’ anyone he wants.” You finally spoke, turning to lean against the bar and look at Sachi with a frown. You really didn’t get why he was being so pushy about the subject but after seeing the flush against his cheeks and large drink in his hand you decided to put it down to the alcohol in his system making him like this. You cast a glance around the bar to see the rest of your crew were letting themselves truly enjoy the evening and let the drink make them more relaxed and at ease. A night without having to constantly worry about the readings of the sub and having to do set rotations and watches was a godsend and one that everyone knew to make the most of. 
Finally you let your sight fall back to the table you and Law had been sitting at and your whole body tensed to see your seat was now filled by a woman who had her sights firmly set on your Captain. Worse still it seemed he was enjoying her presence, the fact that he hadn’t told her to get lost and instead seemed to be answering whatever she was saying was proof of that. You tried to bite back the bitter taste climbing your throat and forced your expression to remain as calm as it could even though you wanted nothing more than to glare at the scene. Like you’d said to Sachi, Law could have whoever he wanted. You didn’t own him. And yet your fingers flexed and tightly fisted against the edge of the bar’s countertop. “Hmmm she’s cute. If you want to give the Captain some privacy you can join us?” 
Law didn’t know what he could say to this woman to give her the hint that he wasn’t interested. He couldn’t outright say what he wanted to to this girl, with everyone enjoying their night of freedom the last thing he wanted was to bring trouble to their door. So he just had to give short, basic answers to his unwanted acquaintance while he waited for you. You were the only person Law wanted to spend time with, no one else made him feel the way he did. Thankfully he felt your familiar presence approach behind him and his hand instinctively lifted to take the beer you reached out to him without needing to turn and look. “Thanks, I’ll get the next round.” He told you and then blinked in confusion when you remained standing behind him. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, taking a slow sip of your drink and maintaining eye-contact with the woman still in your seat. It brought you swift satisfaction to see the nervousness in her eyes and watch her adjust her position. “Who’s your friend?” You asked while letting your free arm drape over your Captain’s shoulder, your fingers almost grazing against his bicep. Law’s eyes flickered down to your hand and said nothing. You were probably only doing it because of the fact you were still standing and your balance would be slightly skewed from your alcohol intake. The woman opposite you both tried to introduce herself to you but quickly forgot her name as soon as it was out of her mouth. 
“Are you just going to keep standing there?” She snapped, suddenly becoming defensive to your presence that she clearly didn’t want interfering with her hopes at getting to know Law better and you smirked at her. “You’re in my seat.” You answered simply with a smile, shifting your feet and making it so your chest was pressing a little closer against Law’s back. 
Law watched the woman splutter and look around the empty seats around them. “Well sit somewhere else!” She protested in annoyance, unable to really cause a fuss because you weren’t actually doing anything to intimidate or threaten her. Last time you’d checked standing wasn’t a crime and she knew that. At her suggestion you pouted, pretending to think about sitting somewhere else. Truth be told you had a moment of going to a different table when you’d first caught sight of her with Law but your jealousy and sudden spark of possessiveness only got worse and her whining only provoked you even more. “There’s tons of places for you to sit, just pick somewhere else. It’s really off-putting if you keep standing there.”
“Oh I’m so sorry! The last thing I want is to be off-putting!” You gasped in false concern before smirking as you stepped around Law and perched yourself with ease on his lap. “There we go, how’s that?” You asked sweetly while trying to ignore how rapidly your heart was beating. You’d been so focused on getting under this woman’s skin to get her to leave that you didn’t stop to think about what you were doing but it was far too late to go back. That was proven even more when Law’s arm secured it around your waist, effectively keeping you seated and his chest firmly against your back. “So, are you finally going to leave us alone now?” Law asked frowning at the woman who floundered and finally got to her feet storming off to find someone else to annoy. 
You waited a moment to be sure she’d left and prepared to stand only to freeze when Law’s fingers flexed against you in a silent sign for you to stay. Clearing your throat you looked up at him, questioning him and afraid to even speak. Law smirked down at you, deciding that maybe acting on impulse and having liquid courage wouldn’t be such a bad thing especially if it led to more of these kinds of moments with you. “You can’t get up now, I wouldn’t want to risk someone else coming by and taking your seat.”   
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proxima-writes · 6 months
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title: my tears ricochet | part i
pairing: husband's best friend!joel miller x female reader
rating: chapter - t; full work - explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 7k
summary: after moving from new york to texas with your fiance, you expect to jump right into wedding planning with his help. when he claims to be too busy, he suggests asking his best friend, joel miller, to help you instead.
you weren't supposed to fall in love with him.
author's note: this story is a three part fic inspired by the song "my tears ricochet" by taylor swift. this first part is reader's POV, part two will be joel's POV, and the third part will be dual POV. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging or commenting!
chapter tags: modern au, infidelity, emotional abuse, the fiance is shitty, no use of y/n, single POV (reader), wedding dress shopping and other wedding planning activities, angst, arguing, alcohol consumption/mention, kissing, no smut. please let me know if i've missed any!
major work tags: modern au, infidelity, explicit sexual content, character death
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You stare out at the manicured yard, watching as guests move about the grounds and waiters in black uniforms carry trays of food and drinks through the crowd. Your boyfriend -- wait, no, fiancé -- Alex laughs boisterously with your father, a hand on his back in easy familiarity. You know you should be down there with him given that this is your engagement party, but you were starting to feel overwhelmed by the constant smiling and greeting strangers and showing off your shiny new engagement ring that you needed a break.
The door opens and a man you don't recognize steps into the room, pale blue dress shirt stretched tight across his broad chest and a pair of wrinkled dress pants. He runs a hand through his messy dark curls.
"Sorry, I didn't think anyone would be in here," he says. As he looks you over, his brown eyes go wide with surprise. "Shit, you're the bride!"
You smile at him. "That's me," you reply. You hold a hand out towards him as you give him your name, his rough palm sliding against yours as he grips it firmly.
"I'm Joel Miller," he tells you. You know the name well, being that he's your fiancé's best friend. "Didn't mean to make our first time meetin' so awkward."
"No, no, it's not your fault. I've just been feeling a little overwhelmed with all the," you wave your hand towards the window, "festivities. It's great to finally meet you."
"I don't blame ya. They can get pretty stuffy down there. Congrats, by the way."
"Thank you." He lets go of your hand. "So, why are you hiding?"
He laughs, deep and full bellied. "Alex's mom doesn't like me much. I'm sure she was hopin' that we would stop bein' friends when he went to school on the other side of the country, but I’m like a stubborn tick."
"How could she not like you, Alex told me that the two of you have been best friends since kindergarten!"
"There may have been a few mishaps in high school," he says. "You ever tried eggin' your principal's house?"
"Can't say that I have," you reply.
"Well, it doesn't end well if you get caught." He looks out the window with a smile on his face. "We got arrested. Alex's dad had to bail us out. Probably had to throw some hush money around so that it wouldn't show up on his record when he applied to school."
"He's never told me that!" You say, laughing hard enough around the words that your stomach hurts.
The door opens and this time, Alex himself steps into the room. His serious expression morphs into a smile when he sees you and Joel.
"There you are," he says, crossing the room to kiss your cheek. He greets Joel with a hug, patting his back roughly. "What are you two doing in here?"
"I just needed a minute alone," you tell him.
"And I crashed her minute alone. Told her about the time we got arrested in high school," Joel adds. Alex's jaw tenses, his smile tight as his eyes flick to you, like he's worried about your reaction. "She laughed. It's all good."
"Right. Well, I came to find you because its time for the toast and dinner," Alex says. "Let's get back down to our guests."
A hand at the small of your back urges you towards the door before you can reply.
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"Alex, are you listening to me?" You ask. Your fiancé looks up from his phone.
"I'm sorry, baby, I was finishing an e-mail," he says. He sets his phone down on the table, dark screen facing up, and gives you his full attention. "What were you saying?"
"I wanted to schedule the cake tasting. Do you have any free time this week?"
He grimaces. "I don't think I do, sweetheart. Your dad's got my schedule pretty packed."
"I can just ask him to--"
"No," he says sternly. "You know I have to make a good impression with the rest of the firm."
"Babe, no. I can't do this week. Why don't you ask my mom? Or Joel?"
While your future mother-in-law is kind enough, you don't have much patience for the way she tries to take control of your wedding planning. Joel, however, might be a good idea. He knows Alex well enough to be a stand in for a decision like cake and icing flavors.
"Could you give me Joel's number?"
Alex smiles, seemingly pleased that he's off the hook as he takes his phone in hand and sends you his best friend's phone number.
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You meet Joel at the bakery that week. To your surprise he's there before you, dressed in worn jeans and a t-shirt and he smiles brightly at you as you approach.
"Hey," he says. "Ready to eat some cake?"
"I think this will be my favorite part of planning this whole wedding," you reply. He laughs as he pulls the door open for you to step inside, following in behind you.
"Welcome to Buttercup Bakery! Can I help y'all with anything?" A young woman with a name tag reading BEVERLY asks from behind the counter, pink and white apron tied around her waist.
"I have a cake tasting appointment," you reply, giving her your name for the reservation.
"Excellent! If you want to go ahead and take a seat anywhere you'd like, I'll bring out the tasting options and we'll get you squared away in no time!"
She disappears through swinging doors as you and Joel take a seat at a pink acrylic table with matching chairs. He looks around the shop with interest.
"What made you pick this place?" He asks.
"Had the best reviews," you say with a shrug. His brow furrows.
"Alex didn't suggest it? He helpin' you at all with this weddin'?"
He says it with a laugh, but the question makes you dig your fingernails into your palm. "He's just really busy with work. I've been doing a lot of the planning."
“What about your uh, what are they called? Bridesmaids?”
“They’re all back in New York. It’s just me.”
“I thought your parents were here, too? Isn’t Alex workin’ with your dad now?”
“It’s just my dad, he’s back in New York. His partner opened a firm in Austin and Alex is working with that office. He’s hoping to make partner soon, too.”
Joel nods, eyes scanning your face but you keep your expression as neutral as possible. The swinging doors open and Beverly returns with a marble tray, bites of cake artfully arranged on the surface. She sets it on the table between you and Joel.
“Okay! These are our six most popular flavor combinations for you to start with and if there’s something more custom you have in mind, we can totally make that happen,” she says. “Starting at the top, we have classic vanilla with vanilla buttercream, chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and chocolate buttercream, our signature champagne cake with strawberry buttercream, lemon cake with lavender buttercream, caramel cake with caramel mocha buttercream, and white chocolate cake with raspberry jam and white chocolate raspberry buttercream.”
Joel grins at you. “This might be the best thing anyone has ever asked me to help with.”
“I’ll leave you guys to it,” Beverly says with a wink, walking back to the counter.
“I don’t know which to start with,” you say, eyes scanning the selections.
“That chocolate one is callin’ my name,” Joel replies, spearing one of the chocolate cake bites with a fork and taking a bite. He hums appreciatively. “Oh yeah, that one is a winner.”
You choose the vanilla to start, taking a bite of the moist cake with buttercream that tastes strongly of vanilla bean with a hint of cinnamon. The simplicity makes it good, but overall the flavor doesn't stand out to you. Joel continues to take bites seemingly at random while you opt to go around the tray in the order that Beverly introduced the flavors.
"Any of them stickin' out to you?" Joel asks when you've reached the half-way point.
"They're all delicious," you reply. "I think Alex would probably like the vanilla best, though."
"I didn't ask what Alex would like, I asked if there were any that you liked." He spears the remaining piece of white chocolate raspberry with his fork and holds it up to you. "Here, try this one next."
You eye the fork dubiously. "I don't think--"
Joel slips the bite of cake into your mouth despite your interrupted disagreement, smiling at you triumphantly. You chew the bite begrudgingly.
"I think that one and the chocolate one are my favorite," Joel says as you swallow.
Beverly returns at that moment, a notepad in hand as she pulls up a third chair to the tiny bistro table.
“So? What are your thoughts?”
“I think I’m going to get the vanilla,” you tell her. Joel’s jaw ticks, almost like he’s upset you’ve chosen the flavor that you said Alex would like. “But, could I get alternating tiers of the white chocolate raspberry, too?”
Joel’s lips quirk up in a small smile and you try to ignore the way it makes your stomach flip.
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Joel: Have you picked flowers yet?
Not yet.
Joel: I know a place. You busy today?
You stare the at the message in surprise. You weren’t expecting to hear from Joel again, but his name on your screen has you fighting back a smile.
I’m not busy. When did you want to go?
Joel: They open at noon. Here’s the address.
“Baby, have you seen my blue tie?” Alex calls from upstairs. You drop your phone to the counter like you’ve been caught doing something wrong.
“Which one?” You reply, pressing a hand to your chest.
“The plaid one!”
“Should be in your tie drawer!”
“It’s not here!”
You pinch your nose, making your way to the stairs to join him in your shared bedroom. He’s standing in front of his tie drawer, hands on his hips as he stares at the contents. You peek over his shoulder and reach into the back, pulling out the neatly folded blue and green patterned tie.
He takes it from your hand. “That one should be towards the front. Can you remember that next time you put away dry cleaning?”
“Sure.” You bite your lip to hold back the sigh that threatens to spill. “You want me to tie it for you?”
“No, thanks, I need it to be perfect. Big meeting,” he says, his lips tilted in a smile that feels condescending. He leans into you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” you murmur, watching his back as he enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
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Joel is waiting outside of a dark green storefront when you arrive at the address he’d sent you. He smiles when he sees you, a true one that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle slightly, and it gives you this strange feeling of emptiness because you can’t remember the last time Alex smiled at you like that.
When you’re close enough, he pulls you into a hug that envelops you in strong arms and the scent of woods at nightfall with a hint of citrus. Your eyes flutter shut as you hug him back and breathe him in.
He releases you and immediately you feel a chill in losing his warmth despite the oppressive Texas heat. You look at the shop as he steps back, taking in the gorgeous floral arrangements in the window and cursive script painted on the glass that says PETAL TO THE METAL.
Joel opens the door to the shop, a brass bell ringing to announce your entrance. A man at the counter in the center of the store looks up and grins at you both.
“Joel! Nice to see you,” the man says. You watch as they shake hands with familiarity, the man behind the counter smiling kindly. “You must be the bride. I’m Frank.”
You give Joel a look of surprise before introducing yourself and shaking Frank’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Do you two know each other?”
“Joel’s an old friend of ours.”
A back door bangs open, someone emerging with their arms so full of potted plants you can’t see their face. A deep voice let’s out a series of curses.
“This is my partner, Bill,” Frank says. “He’s not much of a people person. Great with plants, though.”
“A little help would be nice,” Bill grunts. Frank rolls his eyes but leaves the counter to take a couple pots from Bill’s hands, revealing a man with long brown hair and a grizzled expression hidden amongst a thick beard. Frank leans in and kisses his cheek.
“You need only ask,” Frank says. Bill’s cheeks turn pink beneath his thick facial hair. Despite the annoyed expression on his face, his eyes are soft as he watches Frank. “Let me grab you the event portfolio and we can talk about your wedding. Have a look around.”
As Frank leaves and Bill busies himself arranging the new plants, you and Joel wander the shop and take in aisles and shelves of different flowers with little gold name cards in their pots or on their buckets.
“So,” Joel says, “How are you liking Austin?”
“It’s…hot,” you reply. “Really, really hot.”
“That’s the south for ya, sweetheart.”
Your face grows hot at the endearment and how it seemed to just roll off his tongue. “Have you lived in Austin your whole life?”
“Texas born n’ bred,” he says proudly, puffing his chest out.
“You never wanted to live anywhere else?”
“I’ve always thought Wyoming sounded nice. A farm that I built, some sheep, no neighbors for miles,” he says wistfully. “Maybe someday.”
“Building a farm, huh? You good with your hands, Joel?”
He blinks at you. “Y-yeah. I mean, I’m a contractor. I gotta be.”
“That’s impressive,” you tell him, biting your lip to hold back your laughter at his flustered response.
Frank approaches, lifting a heavy book in his hands. “You ready to pick some flowers?”
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Joel holds the door open for you as the two of you leave the flower shop an hour later. He waves goodbye to Bill and Frank with a promise to visit them for dinner soon before following you down the sidewalk.
“You wanna get lunch?” Joel offers. “My treat.”
You pull your phone from your pocket to check your messages and finding none from Alex, you think to yourself, why not?
“Sure,” you agree.
That's how you find yourself sitting on a bench in the park with Joel Miller, your husband's best friend, talking to him about everything and nothing as you eat street tacos from a food truck nearby. He makes you laugh so hard you choke on birria, the sauce dripping down your chin. He reaches out, wiping the mess with a brown napkin while he smiles so bright it puts the sun to shame.
Later that night, while you're in bed, you can't help but think today was the best day you've had in a long time.
And you're not sure what that means.
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You begin texting Joel regularly. You ask him for his opinion on things that Alex can’t be bothered with — the suit colors for the groomsmen (navy blue), the invitation stationary (the linen finish), and favors (miniature bottles of hot sauce - Joel assures you this will be a hit with the Texas crowd). In between those conversations, he sends you pictures from his construction sites or asks you how your day has been and whether you had gotten the chance to check out that show he recommended.
When you tell Alex about the wedding decisions you've made, leaving out the extent of Joel's help, he hums and nods at the appropriate intervals, feigning attentiveness while his thumb moves rapidly across his phone screen. It should bother you, you think, that your future husband is so uninvolved with planning his own wedding, but then your own phone lights up with Joel’s name and a goofy photo he sent from a construction site, his hard hat askew on his head and his eyes crossed, and your annoyance with Alex fades into background noise.
There’s one last item on your checklist that you’re more nervous to ask Joel for help with than the others — dress shopping. You could probably fly back to New York and be with your friends for the momentous occasion but you’re certain that Alex wouldn’t appreciate your absence for something he considers so frivolous.
Not that you say anything when he’s gone for his golfing trips.
You’re staring at Joel’s contact screen, working up the nerve to call him and ask him if he’d be willing to come dress shopping with you, when it lights up with an incoming call, his name at the top of the screen like just your thoughts summoned him. You answer on the third ring.
“Hey, I was just about to call you,” you tell him.
“So that’s why my ears were itchin’,” he laughs. “You need somethin’?”
You take a steadying breath. “I just have one more thing I need help with and then you won’t have to deal with me.”
“I don’t mind helpin’ you, sweetheart.” You stomach flutters at the nickname and he clears his throat to fill the loaded silence that follows his words. “Now, tell me what you need.”
“Could you come dress shopping with me?”
“That all? Just tell me where and when,” he says. You breathe a sigh of relief, giving him the details of the appointment you made at a local boutique. He promises to meet you there this weekend before hanging up.
The word sweetheart in Joel’s deep voice echoes through your mind for the rest of the day.
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Joel looks hilariously out of place on the pristine white couch located in the middle of the dress boutique, a dainty glass of champagne held in his large hand. You sit beside him, your legs touching as you watch the sales associate flit around the store, pulling hangers of dresses from the racks.
“That’s a lot of dresses,” Joel comments, taking a sip of champagne.
“You not up for the challenge?” You tease. He laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling with his wide smile.
“Trust me, I’m up for the challenge. We’re goin’ to find you the best damn weddin’ dress Texas has ever seen,” he promises.
“Alright, I’ve got some gorgeous choices here for you,” the associate announces, holding up a handful of ivory hangers draped in all types of fabric from satin to chiffon. “You wanna follow me and we’ll get started?”
You follow her to the fitting room and she sets the hangers on a rack, fanning out the dresses so that you can get a better look. There’s five of them in a variety of styles, including an impressive ball gown boasting layers of tulle that trails to the floor.
“I’ll try that one first,” you tell her, pointing to ball gown.
“What’s your fiancé’s name?” She asks as you undress, taking the gown from the hanger and arranging it on the floor for you to step into it.
“Alex,” you reply. She drags the bodice up and instructs you to hold it to your chest while she laces up the corset back.
“I think it’s sweet that you’ve brought him with you.”
“Oh, no. That’s Joel, he’s my husband’s best friend.”
“Really?” She asks, the strings tightening around your waist. “The way you two look at each other, I would have bet money he was the one marrying you." You're about to ask what she means when she finishes tying off the bodice and says, "Wow, this dress is stunning on you."
Her comment retreats to the back of your mind as you look at yourself in the mirror. The strapless white gown hugs your chest and waist, flaring out into a layered skirt with lace appliques. There's beading on the sweetheart neckline that trails down the bodice in intricate patterns that catch the light of the fitting room. The dress is stunning.
Marnie leads you back out to the showroom, helping you step up onto a raised platform in front of a trifold mirror that shows you your reflection from multiple angles. You twist and turn, taking in all the details of it before finally facing Joel.
"Damn," Joel says. "That sure is one hell of a dress."
"It's...a lot." You twist your hips from side to side, the heavy skirt swishing across the floor. "I feel like a cupcake and I don't know if I'll be able to dance in it."
"You wanna test it out?"
He's standing before you can respond, reaching a hand into yours to guide you down from the pedestal. When you're on the floor, he wraps an arm around your low back, pulling you close while swaying side to side.
The world around you goes a little blurry and the only thing in perfect clarity is Joel. The feel of his hand in yours, the weight of his arm at the small of your back, the clean smell of soap and citrus, everything is just....Joel.
"How's it feel?" He asks, voice low. You tilt your head back to look up at his face.
"The dress...dancin'...how's it feel?"
The question drags you back to reality, where you're currently dancing around a bridal salon with a man who isn't your fiance. You pull away from him, returning to the pedestal as the bridal associate joins the two of you again.
"Uh...I don't think this is the dress for me. Can we try the next one?"
You try on two other dresses in quick succession, neither of them leaving a lasting impression. It's the fourth dress that really gives you pause as you look at yourself in the fitting room mirror.
"Honey," the associate says, adjusting the off-the-shoulder sleeves of the dress, "This dress was made for you."
The scooped neckline highlights the lines and curves of your neck and shoulders, the corset bodice hugging your curves in satin folds. The skirt fans out from the waist, similar to the silhouette of the ball gown without all the additional weight and fabric and a thigh high slit allows for some extra movement.
She leads you back out into the showroom and helps you once more onto the pedestal. You grin at your reflection as she fixes the skirt into place.
"Well?" You ask, catching Joel's eye in the mirror. His mouth is set in a serious line, brows pinched together and his arms crossed over his chest. You own smile falters. "You don't like it? What's with the look?"
He shakes his head, his serious expression morphing into a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "You look..." His voice trails off and he clears his throat. "Alex is a lucky son of a bitch."
You laugh, lifting the skirt so that you can step off the pedestal. Joel's eyes drop, his gaze fixing on the skirt as you walk towards him.
"You think so?" You ask quietly, stepping in close.
"Yeah, sweetheart," he murmurs. A single finger runs down your arm, goosebumps erupting over your skin in its wake. "I know so."
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With the wedding plans finalized, your attention returns to your work as a web design consultant. Your client portfolio starts to build once more, keeping you busy in the months leading up to your big day. Alex remains focused on his work at the firm, working long days and longer nights that have him arriving home well after you've gone to bed, the two of you just ships passing in the dark. You would feel lonely, you think, if not for Joel.
The two of you still message each other frequently, though you don't see him again until a month before the wedding, when Alex invites him over for dinner one Saturday night.
The doorbell rings just as you put the chicken in the oven and you wipe your hands before going to answer it, your heart racing. Joel's sweet smile greets you when you open the door and seeing him across the threshold has the tension in your shoulders easing the slightest bit.
He steps across the threshold, strong arms wrapping around your waist in a tight hug. Footsteps on the stairs have him releasing you far sooner than you would have liked.
"Joel, my man! Glad you could make it," Alex says as he reaches the first floor. "Honey, is the table set?"
"No, not yet," you reply.
"You need any help?" Joel asks. You open your mouth to respond, but Alex jumps in to say, "No, she's got this. Let me give you the tour."
You watch as Alex leads Joel upstairs, commanding his friend's attention. You swallow down the anger that rises in your throat at your fiancé's dismissal and return to the kitchen, gathering the place settings and arranging the table to his liking.
"It's a nice place," Joel says as the two men enter the living room, which opens to the kitchen and dining areas.
"All that work finally paying off," Alex comments. You roll your eyes, fighting the urge to mention that you were the one who fronted the down payment for Alex's choice of home in Texas. The oven beeps and you pull out the chicken parmesan that had been baking.
"Smells good," Joel comments. You look up, catching his eye. A wordless understanding passes between you, a quiet appreciation that makes your blood run hot.
You plate the food while your fiancé uncorks a bottle of wine and pours it into the wine glasses at each place setting. Alex settles in at head of the table and Joel takes the seat to the left, leaving you with the seat to Alex's right, across from Joel.
The three of you make small talk between bites of dinner and sips of wine. Alex asks Joel about the contracting work he's been doing, Joel asks him about his work at the new office and how he's settling in, being back in his home state. It's halfway through dinner that Joel looks to you and asks, "Are you excited for the wedding next month?"
"Of course," you reply, fingers tangling in the cloth napkin resting across your lap. "Planning it was a labor of love."
"Right, thanks for helping her with the cake, man," Alex chimes in.
Joel chuckles. "Helped with a lot more than just the cake."
"What do you mean?" Alex asks, glancing between the two of you.
"Well, I helped get the flowers, the cake, pickin' out the stationary. Dress shoppin'," Joel clarifies. Your stomach drops as Alex's jaw grows tense, his brow pinched as he nods and pastes on a forced smile.
"Wow, I didn't realize you'd been so involved," Alex says. He removes the napkin from his lap, setting it on the table. "Would you excuse us for a second?"
Alex stands, looking down at you expectantly. You smile at him and Joel in turn, but the expression feels hollow and you taste bile in the back of your throat. As soon as you're on your feet, Alex has a strong hand wrapped around your wrist, urging you along behind him as he makes his way towards the stairs.
Once he's reached your shared bedroom, he turns to you, eyes filled with rage. “What the fuck is that about?”
“What do you mean?” You ask. He laughs, the sound devoid of any humor.
“He helped you pick out your dress?” Alex paces the length of the bedroom like a caged animal and for the first time in your relationship with him, a frisson of fear courses through your veins. “You can’t possibly be that fucking stupid?”
“Excuse me?” You snap. “You told me to ask him for his help!”
“With the cake!” Alex shouts. “Not the entire goddamn wedding! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”
“You weren’t exactly offering much help, Alex!”
His eyes narrow. “I thought you would be perfectly capable of planning shit on your own, but I guess that was giving you too much credit.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask. “Why are you being such a fucking asshole right now?”
“Because you’re my fiancé, not Joel’s!” He steps in close, towering above you as he hisses, “Did you fuck him?”
“No!” You shout.
His eyes search yours and whatever he finds seems to extinguish his anger, his coiled muscles loosening. He grips your shoulders, pressing his forehead to yours.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “Why don’t you head back downstairs and I’ll stay up here for a minute to cool off, okay?”
The sudden switch leaves your head spinning but you manage to nod. Alex kisses your forehead and you take that as your cue to leave, escaping the confines of your room. In the hall, you grip the banister of the loft that overlooks the living room and take the first real breath in what feels like ages, your eyes squeezed shut as you try to calm your racing heart.
You return to the kitchen and Joel’s head snaps up when you enter. He rises from his seat at the table, rushing to your side.
“Are you okay?” He asks, low voice filled with concern, his brows pinched with worry. “What the fuck was that?”
“Just a misunderstanding,” you murmur, pushing past him.
“That’s bullshit,” he hisses. “Is he always like that?”
“Like what?” You sigh.
“An asshole. Yellin’ and threatenin’ you.” His fists are clenched at his sides. “He ever hit you?”
“What? No, of course not.” You take a deep breath, beating back the wave of tears pressing at the corners of your eyes. “He’s just got a lot going on with the move and work and the wedding.”
Joel is quiet, watching you with keen brown eyes that you, for once, wish weren’t focused on you. He steps close, voice low as he says, “Be honest with me, sweetheart.”
“I’m fine, Joel,” you tell him. The lie claws at your throat and sends your stomach into a tailspin. “I promise.”
Footsteps echo on the stairs and you step away from Joel, busying yourself with loading the dishwasher, clearing the counters, anything to keep your hands occupied and stop their shaking. Alex enters the kitchen with a sharp smile.
“Hey, man, sorry about that,” he says, clapping Joel on the shoulder. “I think we’re ready to call it a night. Ain’t that right, honey?”
You force yourself to keep your eyes on Alex as you smile and say, “Yeah, baby.”
“Let me walk you out, Joel,” Alex says. “Honey, say bye.”
“Goodbye, Joel.”
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Joel: Hey
Joel: You having a good week?
Joel: Been a while. You doing okay?
Joel: You’ve been quiet
Joel: I need to know you’re okay.
Joel: Just let me know
Joel: Please
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“Just two more days until you’re my wife,” Alex says, pressing a kiss to your lips. He smiles at you and you mirror the expression as best you can.
“I can't wait,” you reply.
"I gotta get going," Alex says. He presses a kiss to your cheek as he passes where you're sitting at the bar. "Love you."
"Love you," you repeat, out of reflex more than affection.
The front door slams shut and quiet settles over the house. All you want to do is crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head in the hopes that it protects you from the way time continues to creep forward despite your uncertainties. Maybe, if you lay there long enough, time will move on without your involvement.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a heavy knock at the door. You’re not sure who it could be — your dad is scheduled to fly into town in the late afternoon and your friends arrive early tomorrow morning and you’re fairly certain you don’t have any deliveries scheduled. Sliding from the bar stool, you leave the kitchen to answer the door.
Joel stands on the other side of the threshold, haloed by the morning sun. For a brief moment, you wonder if you’re dreaming.
“What are you doing here?” You finally ask.
“Can I come in?” He replies, running a hand through his already messy hair. “I need to talk to you.”
You step aside and allow him to enter the hallway, shutting the door behind him. You avoid his gaze as you return to the living room with him following behind you. The silence that settles between the two of you makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
"Why haven't you been talkin' to me?" Joel asks. He takes a step closer, brown eyes searching yours for an answer you try to keep hidden.
"I've been busy," you say.
"Cut the bullshit," he snaps, surprising you. "Is it because of what happened at dinner?"
"No," you reply. Joel must sense the brief hesitation, hear the weakness in your voice. His eyes go soft, full of pity, and you can't fucking stand it. "Don't look at me like that."
"Look, I've known Alex a long time, and all those years weren't exactly peachy," he says cryptically. "I love him like a brother but even family ain't without faults.” He steps in close, his hands cradling your face in a delicate grip. “Tell me this is what you want," he demands. "Tell me that you're happy with Alex. Tell me that there's nothin' here between us."
The words are there, right on the tip of your tongue, but nothing can bring them to life. Your heart beats a frantic rhythm against your ribcage, the rush of blood in your ears the only thing you can hear. He leans closer, eyes dropping to your lips and you know what's about to happen next but you can't bear the thought of stopping him as he closes the scant distance between your mouths.
For the briefest moment, you allow yourself the chance to just feel. No thoughts, no panic, no worry. Just Joel's warm lips moving against yours, the trace of his palm from you cheek to behind your head, pulling you closer even though you're already tightly pressed to him. It's slow and deep, like he's trying to convince you down to your marrow that this is where you're supposed to be.
But it's not.
You push him away and he doesn't fight you, but the look he gives you damn near shatters your resolve. His eyes are dark, jaw tense, hands flexing at his sides like he's fighting the urge to reach out and pull you back, damn the consequences. Your eyes and throat burn with the effort of holding back the tears that threaten to spill.
"You need to leave," you whisper. "You can't do this, we can't do this. I'm getting married in two days, Joel!"
He runs a hand through his hair, pulling on the strands in frustration. "You think I don't know that? You think I don't lay awake at night thinkin' what a fuckin' asshole I am for fallin' in love with my best friend's fiancé?!" He shouts.
"This isn't love, Joel--"
"Don't," he snaps. "Don't you lie to me. I know it, you know it, hell, the fuckin' lady at the dress shop knew it!" He takes a deep breath. "I'm showin' you my whole hand here and you won't even lay down a goddamn card!"
"There is no card!" You shout.
"You kissed me back!" He counters.
You stare at each other for a long moment, like two scared, wounded animals. Eventually, one of you has to back down, retreat, lick their wounds until they've healed in a messy pattern of scar tissue that will serve as a painful reminder of what could have been.
Joel sighs, another pass of his hand through his hair as he says, "You know what? Fine." He turns to leave, the line of his shoulder lower, his head low.
A glutton for punishment, you call out, "Joel?"
"Yeah?" He asks, weary. Bone tired. You feel it, too.
"Will you still be there tomorrow?" You ask, unsure of which answer would be worse.
Another sigh. "Yeah. I'll be there."
The door slams shut behind him.
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Your rehearsal dinner is torture.
This should be one of the happiest events of your life but all your energy is being directed at avoiding Joel like the plague. He moves through the crowd comfortably, having known many people in attendance for most of his life, and you feel like an unmoored boat, hoping a wave doesn't crash over you.
Alex sits beside you, drinking from a glass of whiskey as he talks to one of his uncles that has been praising him for landing the opportunity to work with such a prestigious law firm right after college. A dizzying rotation of people approach you through the night - friends who chatter excitedly about the big day tomorrow, aunts who ask when you think you'll have children, uncles who tell you that they're proud of you for landing such a successful, promising young man. It's those last comments that have you hiding a frown in your champagne glass.
It drags on forever, this constant stream of polite conversation and forced smiles. When you finally return to the hotel that you're staying at for the night, you start to feel like you can breathe again. You have a suite separate from Alex's for getting ready early in the morning and he walks you to your room, hand on your low back, a smile on his face.
"I'll see you in the morning," he says, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. "My almost wife."
The sentiment has bile rising in your throat and as he turns to leave you're blurting the words, "I can't do this."
"Sweetheart, you're just nervous," he says, voice surprisingly calm. He squeezes your shoulders. "You just need to sleep it off and everything will be fine in the morning."
"No," you tell him, shaking your head. "No, it won't be fine."
His smile drops, like a mask has just been removed. "Where is this coming from? Everything was fine at the rehearsal."
"Everything was not fine at the rehearsal!"
Alex takes the room key from your hands, unlocked the door and ushering you inside. He flicks on the light to the sitting area and takes a seat on the couch.
"What's going on with you?" He asks, exasperation dripping from his words. "What do you mean the rehearsal wasn't fine? Did you not like the food or something?"
You stare at him incredulously. "The problem wasn't the food, Alex! The problem is us!"
"There's no problem with us," he says. "Unless there's something you want to tell me?"
"What do you mean?" You ask.
He stands, coming close. "Is this about Joel?"
"No!" You snap, perhaps too quickly. "This isn't about Joel."
"Then what is it? Because as far as I know, we're a perfectly happy couple."
"Perfectly happy? Alex, you didn't even help me plan this wedding. Not a single minute of it."
"Not this again," he groans. "Sweetheart, let it go. I'm sorry, okay? Is that what you need to hear?"
Your jaw aches with how hard your teeth grind together as he dismisses you so easily. A deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth steadies you enough to say, "I'm not marrying you."
"Baby, please," Alex says. For the first time, he sounds panicked. "Don't make any rash decisions, alright? Whatever this is, we can work through it. If I lose you, I lose everything."
Maybe he's right. Maybe the stress of the last few months has just caught up to you.
"Okay," you whisper. He breathes a sigh of relief and presses another kiss to your temple.
"I love you," he says. "Everything will be okay after tomorrow. You'll see."
You don't say anything back, and he doesn't wait around for a response. He leaves your suite, the click of the door shutting loud in the late night silence. You stand there for who knows how long, wondering if he's right. Would everything be alright after tomorrow? Could you sweep those lingering feelings for Joel to the side in favor of the life you'd been building for the last few years?
You know what the safe choice is, but is it the right choice?
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It's the morning of your wedding day and you've been poked and prodded with makeup brushes and your hair has been perfectly styled for the occasion. Flashbulbs have been going off on the cameras that are documenting your special day, capturing moments like your bridesmaids helping you into your dress and your dad's first look, a handkerchief clutched in his hand as he smiled at you.
For the first time in hours, you're alone in your suite. The makeup artist and hair stylists have packed up and taken their leave and your friends are downstairs, waiting for the limousine. You told them you would be just a minute longer.
A soft knock at your door has you realizing that you may have taken too long and you shout an apology as you rush to answer it. But it's not one of your friends on the other side like you had expected.
It's Joel.
Your mouth goes dry at the sight of him. His hair is styled, curls smoothed and slicked back into submission. His white shirt is a stark contrast to his navy blue tuxedo, matching bow tie tight around his neck. His boutonnière is slightly crooked where it sits pinned to his jacket lapel. He looks you up and down with a small smile.
"You look beautiful," he says. He reaches for your hand, fingers tangling with yours. Never quite folding together, but never quite letting go, either.
"Thank you," you whisper.
"Are you ready?" He asks. You wonder if he knows, if Alex told him or if he can just see it on your face.
It's a lie, one you've been repeating since your alarm went off this morning after a night of tossing and turning. His smile falters, but doesn't drop.
"Good, that's....good," he says. His hand leaves yours, and you feel like you've had an entire unspoken conversation that's left you both defeated. "Lets go get you married."
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Joel Miller masterlist
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divider graphic by @saradika-graphics.
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primofate · 2 years
Protective Lover Series Part 2 - His reaction to seeing you cry (and it’s not because of him) [Genshin Impact]
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Razor, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, gn!reader
Warnings: slight angst, more comfort and fluff than anything, not proofread, i appreciate people telling me that i missed to tag a character but the truth is i dont tag all the chars cause i think i have limited tags, no? some protective genshin guys
Personal Favourites: Tartaglia, Xiao, Zhongli
Other works in this series: (Part 1 - When someone badmouths you)
his heart breaks the same way as yours, if not even more
doesn’t say anything at first but will take you in his arms silently and make comforting sounds, rubbing your back up and down
his priority is making you feel better first, instead of bombarding you with questions about what happened.
When you’ve calmed down a little he’ll start wiping your tears and will give you a gentle smile
“You can talk about it whenever you’re ready, Y/N. In this world and the next, I’ll always be here by your side,”
Offers you a handkerchief and stays by you until you’re ready to talk about it.
When he sees that you’re clumsily wiping your tears he takes the handkerchief back and does it for you, patting your cheeks dry while he has a hand cradling your cheek.
The look on his face is sullen and downcast, as if he’s guilty he wasn’t able to protect you from whatever it was that made you feel this way. 
He squeezes your hand and urges you to tell him what’s wrong.
“Strange. Tears are a normal human reaction to emotions...yet when I see yours, I can’t help but feel that they don’t belong on your features...”
doesn’t look like he’s too bothered but is actually quite anxious inside. What happened? Did something transpire while he was away? Were you somehow affected by his status?
It comes with being busy all the time, he’s worried that he might not be taking care of you enough and seeing you cry hits hard for him.
hugs you protectively. One arm round your middle and the other gently pressing on the back of your head as you rest your face on his chest or the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry, love. Never in your time with me do I wish to see tears of despair in your eyes... Please, if there’s something I can do, tell me,”
flounders and doesn’t know what to do. The let-me-check-my-pockets-if-i-have-any-tissue-welp-no-I-don’t-so-I’ll-wave-my-hands-around-to-try-and-make-them-feel-better character.
Ends up awkwardly putting both his hands on your shoulders and giving you a forced smile.
“I-It’s alright. Everything will be fine. I promise! We’ll fix it together, okay?”
is stunned by your tears. This may sound weird but he thinks that something about them is beautiful, despite it being sad. Kind of reminds him of snow crystals.
Holds your hand and lets you cry, being careful of if your mood is getting worse or better
is worried, but is patient and will never rush you to ‘stop crying’
is not very confident that he can make you feel better but will definitely try his best
“...Y/N? If it’s okay...Can you tell me what happened? I... I just don’t like seeing you sad...”
Your tears are literally precious to him. Doesn’t matter if it’s happy or sad tears, both makes him feel a bit of sadness. 
will let you curl up in his arms as he soothes you gently, occasionally wiping away tears that cascade down your cheeks.
will press some kisses on your forehead while waiting for you to mellow down.
Will look at you while wiping your tears and
“No one should ever make you feel this way, not me, nor anyone else... Tell me what happened, my star, and I assure you I’ll take the hurt away,”
panic but on the inside. The instant ‘what happened?’ is written all over his face but doesn’t say it out loud immediately.
thinks you’re physically hurt, when he finds out you’re not, he’s even angrier cause something has upset you to the point of making you cry and he definitely wants to know what or who it is
cups your face in his hands and has a worried expression while watching your tears fall, trying to pat them dry gently.
is ready to go to war
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen? *sighs* I’m here, it’s alright. I’m not leaving...You’re my everything, do you understand that? If anything happens to you...”
startled but is incredibly downcast when he realizes you’re crying and it shows with his ears flattened down and his tail unmoving.
Something about his instincts makes him press his forehead against yours and he closes his eyes while holding the two of you in position like that. He thinks it comforts him more than it comforts you, but he hopes it helps you too.
doesn’t quite know what to say, but will ask politely about your feelings.
“...Is everything okay? I-I’m not sure how to make things better but I’m always here to listen. I promise,”
Wordlessly pulls you into a hug and rubs your back, hums a little tune or song to hopefully ease your crying.
already thinking about what could have happened while trying to comfort you. 
pulls away and gives exactly two kisses on your cheek. one on the right and one on the left then proceeds to pat your face dry.
“My charming Y/N, I’ve got a good idea of what might’ve happened...Hm? How did I figure it out so fast? *chuckles* You underestimate me, dear. Your utmost happiness is easily the most important job on my list,”
Freezes. Kind of doesn’t know what to do when he sees someone crying (though he has made a lot of kids cry before >_> it’s different when it’s you)
Will offer you material things to try and make you feel better. Candy. Lollipop. His onikabuto. 
When you tell him all you want is a hug he kind of melts on the inside but is also ridiculously proud.
Is still kind of concerned and is convinced someone has bullied you and will throw hands if that’s the case
“Well you’re in luck! I give the best hugs around here! Err... Only for you though. You sure you’re okay? Want me to go and teach ‘em a lesson?”
crestfallen. His usual grin has turned weak and he takes you by the hand, drags you over to the nearest chair or bed and pulls you onto his lap, cradling you in his arms as you cry.
validates your feelings and doesn’t make you feel stupid or weak for shedding tears. 
let’s you cry for as long as you want and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, no matter how damp it gets.
Mostly talks to himself, but kind of talks to you as well during your process of calming down.
“...What exactly has upset my snowflake, I wonder? Someone I have to talk to? Something I have to take care of? Anything to bring the smile back on your face, love,” 
takes you somewhere private or quiet. Comforts you first by sitting somewhere with you and letting you drape your legs over his lap while he cradles your upper half and shushes you gently.
Thinks you’re still incredibly attractive even when crying, but is also worried about your emotions.
Will talk to you about it and won’t push too much if you don’t feel like it yet.
While wiping your tears...
“Nothing will make me think any less of you, Y/N. This will pass, but whatever it might be, please let me do the honor of sharing your burdens with you.”
Instant hug and curls his body around you, literally in protection mode and not letting anyone else near you. 
Conceals you from the rest of the world until you’ve calmed down in his arms. 
He doesn’t look at your face because he’s on the lookout for anything or anyone who tries to approach you during a vulnerable time, but he knows you’ve calmed down when your breathing evens out
“...Y/N...will be okay...I will...protect,”
freezes, but out of anger, not concern. Probably trying not to stomp out of there and demand his subordinates to tell him who made you cry. 
Silently goes towards you and remarks/mumbles about how ugly you look when you cry, but he’s also wiping your tears.
Then tilts your still damp face up to look him straight in his murderous eyes. immediately goes to worst case scenario.
“Stop crying already and tell me who I have to kill,”
cold. but not towards you. Cold because he’s thinking about how he’s going to make the offender suffer.
Towards you, he’s gentle and whispers comfort in your ear. Telling you that he’s here now and he’ll make it all better, but only if you tell him what happened, and only if you point out the specific people who made you unhappy.
Showers you with kisses down your jaw and up again, then presses two last ones on both your eyelids.
“Now which unfortunate soul do I have to talk to and take care of to make things better, my love? Don’t be shy now, I’ll take care of it real quick,”
concerned. the type to approach you, hug you, rest his head on top of yours and gently or softly cradle/sway you side by side
it’s like a little slow dance but with less movements, hoping that it gives you more comfort, like a rocking chair type of thing.
it hurts him to see you cry and you can tell from his scrunched up brows and heavy facial expression.
Looks as if he’s about to cry as well.
“Whatever you feel, I feel it deeply too. When you’re happy and when your face lights up, my heart is at ease. But...seeing you this way...I didn’t think it would hurt me this much,”
still has a positive streak to him, but is mindful of your feelings. 
The type to say things like you look better with a smile or that tears don’t suit you, or that he misses your smiling face but will also tell you that you still look charming, tears or not. That’s just how he sees you.
the type to squish your cheeks together and try to get a smile out of you
“Awe there it is. See? That smile’s much better!”
After he has cheered you up will ask you what it is that upset you and will tackle the problem with you.
“Hm... I see. In that case, you can’t do it alone! This is a job for the two of us. Let’s go and make things better, shall we?”
shocked, then angry. He’s never seen you cry and you’re usually happy go lucky so when he sees you cry he thinks it’s a gravely serious thing.
despite that he still somehow doesn’t quite understand the purpose of tears. He knows what despair is but has the mindset that tears are not necessary, though he tries to understand how fragile humans are.
Will awkwardly stand in front of you while you cry, and later on will attempt to use one curled finger to brush away your cascading tears.
“...You humans...your resolves are too weak...too fragile, and yet...” 
will pause for a seconds to continue to observe you cry. He acknowledges the twisting feeling in his chest.
“...and yet why does it make me feel this way, watching you weep?”
surprised. will ask you to sit down and go through it calmly, will offer to do something for you: brew you tea, read your favourite book aloud.
Will ask you what he can do to make you more comfortable because he’d rather ask than do the wrong thing.
Will sit by you and rub your head and silently observe your mood.
will clear his schedule if there was anything on it.
“...Are you feeling better, Y/N? Would you like to stay here or go somewhere else? Take as long as you want, I have all the time in the world for you,”
calm but concerned. You can tell that he’s thinking about what might have gone wrong. At the same time, he’s trying to comfort you. 
Ideally he’ll take you to bed and let you curl up against him while he rubs your back, letting you get all your emotions out before he starts asking you questions, though he already as a lot on his mind. 
He lets you play with his hair, cause he knows that’s a kind of comfort for you. 
Will lay with you in bed for a while, even after you’ve calmed down, just to give you time to think.
“...Beloved, whether or not it’s a joyous occasion or a sorrowful one, for as long as I live, my promise is to love you and to always be the pillar you can rely on. Today is no different. Would you like to talk about what happened?”
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bitterchocoo · 8 months
Who is He..?
Wriothesley | M. Reader
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"A haunting face..... Is he a lost embrace..?"
The sound of the children laughing and playing together echoes throughout the place. Such a lovely and cheerful place. The children's joy is contagious as one couldn't help but smile as they feel the joy that radiates from them.
On this particular day, the children circles around a boy--their older brother--as he reads them a book they begged him to read. He read it to them with a warm smile on his face. The sight of his younger siblings being happy and serene faces makes him the happiest. They may not be related by blood but the bond they made, the memories they've created. That what makes them family.
The teen read the book with passion as he gave different voices for the characters, bringing out laughter from the children.
Suddenly the teen felt something or rather--someone--hugging him from the back. Turning his head to the side the teen glance behind him and saw a younger boy with short black hair.
The boy didn't look up, instead he just buried his on the other's back the teen saw the opportunity and took it to tease the younger. "The Knight, badly wounded from his battle goes to the Alchemist for help." He continues to read the book for the children with a little twist to tease the boy. "Seeing the Knight in such a bad state the Alchemist immediately got to work and start making a potion that could help the Knight get back on his feet."
Putting a hand on his head the elder ruffled the younger's hair with a grin. "Now fully healed, the Alchemist decided to help the Knight defeat the dragon and together they were victorious, saving their kingdom!"
The children cheered at the story. Overjoyed at the conclusion of the story.
After the others left to play, the two is left alone and now that they're alone, the teen let out a sigh as he run his hand through the other's hair who's still hugging him from the back. "Did mother make you clean the windows again?" He asked with a soft and gentle voice.
He waited for a reply only to be met by silence. He was about to ask again before he felt the other nod and with that the elder turns around to face the boy and hugged him, he knew for a fact that he was at the verge of tears, after all this isn't the first time he goes to the elder for comfort as he cries his eyes out. He comforts the younger as he cries on his shoulder. Holding him close, running his hand though his hair, rubbing circles on his back. After a while he decided to break the ice and asked the boy.
"What happen this time?" There's no malice or annoyance in his voice, instead his voice his soft and gentle, he's not mad--no--not even the slightest.
"I lost my temper..."
"I know that your friends and siblings can be annoying but please.. be more patient, okay? They mean well."
"And remember... but on a happy face. A smile is always a joy to see, especially yours." The teen added with a smile of his own as he put both of his hands on the younger's cheeks and making him look up. The tear streaks were obvious on his cheeks as the teen use his thumbs to wipe them.
The black haired boy sniffed as he gave the other a small nod in response as he could feel his face becoming flustered by the affection and the underline meaning behind the other's words.
"Thank you..."
"Your welcome, W--"
"Your Grace!"
Wriothesley snapped out of his thoughts as he heard someone calling for him. Turning his head to the sound he was met by Sigewinne, the girl look at him with a concern expression. "You've spaced out for a really long time and you didn't respond when I called you, is something on your mind, Your Grace?"
Letting out a sigh Wriothesley gave her a smile and said. "I'm alright, Sigewinne, there's nothing to worry about. Just... reminiscing about the past.." Sigewinne continues to look at him with a concern expression before giving him a nod as she sees it as a sign to drop the subject.
My... how time flies...
Before they knew it they've grown up to be adults and as time passes, his memory began to blur.
Shaking his head Wriothesley look at the file on his desk, a file regarding the newest prisoner in the Fortress, a file he was supposed to be reading instead of reminiscing about the past. Taking the file he opens it and is immediately stun by the photo attached to the documents.
A man with [H. Color] hair and [E. Color] eyes with a neutral expression. He looks empty almost emotionless. One could tell him that it's a photo of a statue and he would believe them. But the question now is...
Who... who is he..? He felt like.. he saw him before..
He's a misty memory. A haunting face.
The cold and indifferent expression he has doesn't ring any bells and yet..
He felt that...
The expression didn't suit him. A smile would be more fitting. It would suit him best.
After all... 'A smile is always a joy to see, especially yours.'
That too, he felt as if someone had taught him that.. but who..?
Who was that person..? And most importantly... who is the man in the photo? Who is he?
It's been a few days since the new prisoner and every time Wriothesley see him from the corner of his eye. It's almost as if a fog entered his mind as he sees a teenager instead of the indifferent, dead-like man. It's strange.. almost bizarre..
Just... who is he..? Or rather..
Who is the teenager he sees?
Wriothesley also began to hear something... a voice. A voice that echoes the words of what others said to him.
"You look stress." "Are you alright?" "Have you try drinking tea? It usually helps." "Here, I made tea for you, it usually helps calm your mind."
"Your Grace, you don't have to do this, really it's just a trivial thing!" "You don't have to act like the "Hero" every time... they may still be children but please... you don't have to exhaust yourself like this.. have more faith in them."
"The Duke, huh?"
The voice is disoriented but he could make out the care, gentle, and softness of the voice. Almost as if he heard it before. As if... someone had once told him.
"Who would have thought.... you who would come running to me.. crying whenever mother was being "too harsh.""
"Is the very same child who killed his adoptive "parents"...."
"Did you lose your temper again?"
"Hopefully you have learned how to control them now... after all you've become the most respected man in this Fortress, no?"
"Mad? No.. I'm not mad... I'm not mad that you killed them.. Why should I? We're both sinners."
"Both you and I have blood on our hands."
"You have paid the price.. and I haven't.."
"It's time for me to pay the price...."
"[Name] [L. Name] has been found guilty and is sentenced to death."
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I Think He Knows
Word Count: 5.2k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Sebastian helps Y/N with an interesting request
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters 18+ and in seventh year. I’m not an expert at flirting please don’t take any of this advice on board 
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Y/N found Sebastian in the Slytherin common room, tucked into a quiet corner next to the large windows with a book in hand. She smoothed her skirt down as she made her way over to him, thankful that the common room was almost deserted. It was a rare, sunny day and it looked like most of their house mates had taken the opportunity to sit outside, leaving only one or two stragglers to sit indoors.
“Hey, you,” Y/N smiled sweetly at him as she neared and took a seat next to him on the couch, leaving a considerable gap between them.
“Hey, yourself.” Sebastian offered Y/N a charming grin and sat up straighter, his book held loosely in his hands. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I need a favour.”
“Are you about to ask me to go out and battle trolls with you again for potions ingredients?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head with a quiet laugh. “Nothing like that, I promise.”
“Good,” Sebastian set his book to the side and crossed one leg over the other. “How can I help then?”
“It…it’s a bit of an unusual request.”
“I was wondering if you could teach me how to flirt.” Y/N shuffled in her seat nervously, tucking her legs beneath her so she had an excuse to avoid Sebastian’s surprised expression. She was eternally grateful that he liked being secluded and the other people in the room were too far away to hear her embarrassing request.
“You want me to teach you to flirt?” he repeated. He wasn’t quite sure what he thought she was going to ask him, but it certainly wasn’t that. “Why?”
“Why else?” Y/N feigned a laugh to mask her anxiety and fiddled with her hair. “There’s this guy. He’s quite charming, but every time he flirts with me I freeze up. I want to be able to flirt back and show him I like him.” She could feel her heart in her throat as she said the words and prayed that Sebastian would mistake her red cheeks for the sheer awkwardness of the request.
“So you’ve come to the expert.”
“Don’t start.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him. “If you’re going to make me regret coming to you for help I’ll go to Ominis instead.”
“Ominis?” Sebastian gave her an incredulous look. “Ominis can’t flirt.”
“He’s quite poetic when he wants to be,” Y/N shrugged one shoulder. “Some people like that.”
“I refuse to let you go to Ominis for this,” Sebastian sat up a little straighter and turned his body to face her. “Let me help you.”
“Do you promise to not be a pain?” she asked, one eyebrow raised. Sebastian sighed wearily and nodded his head, acting as if it pained him, when in reality he was trying his hardest not to grin.
“I promise.” He raised one hand and a rare serious expression crossed his face before he was smiling again. “Do I get to know who it is?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Why not?”
“Because I won’t have you teasing me for it.”
“Well, do I at least get to ask if I know him?”
“You can ask, it doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Y/N couldn’t help but to laugh at his mock affronted expression.
“So I’m meant to help and give you all my secrets without anything in return?”
“I did offer to go to Ominis instead.”
“Not a chance.” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her. “Can I know if he’s a student here?”
“He is.”
“Well, if that’s all you’re going to give me,” Sebastian muttered. He didn’t need to worry about upsetting her with his grumpy behaviour - he knew she could see through his act and that he was just curious as to who this mystery man was. “The key to flirting is to be subtle. You need to be able to get across to him that you’re interested, but you don’t want him to think you’re needy or desperate. Can you tell me a little about him? I can give you some tips based on what he’s like, but just know it’s down to you to make all the pieces fall into place. Not everyone can be a natural charmer like me.” Y/N rolled her eyes and flicked the back of Sebastian’s hand (which was stretched out across the back of the couch in her direction) and thought about how to describe the man in question without actually saying too much about him.
“He’s good looking - unfairly so - and charming, and smart, and funny and flawed but deep down he’s got this heart of gold that he keeps hidden from everyone who isn’t close to him.”
“But you’re close to him?” Sebastian asked, watching as Y/N nodded. “Do you think he likes you back?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N sighed as she admitted it out loud, a pale flush coming to her cheeks. “Poppy and Imelda both reckon he does, but I’m not sure. I told you he’s a charmer, he’s nice to everyone but sometimes he looks at me and it’s…it feels different.”
“You sound like you have it bad.”
“I do,” Y/N groaned and covered her face so Sebastian couldn’t see her burning cheeks. “That’s why I need your help. Please, Seb?”
“I already agreed to help you,” he chuckled. “It just so happens I know the type of person you mean and I can help. You need to start with subtle hints to gauge his reaction - a wink here, a cheeky comment there. If he catches on and looks like he’s enjoying the attention he should do the same back.” Sebastian watched as Y/N nodded thoughtfully, her head tilted to one side slightly as she took the information in. “I know that look. That means trouble.”
“No, it doesn’t,” she laughed and shook her head. “I just…can you help me practise? Pretty please?”
“Trouble.” Sebastian pointed at the expression on her face, but still smiled and patted the space next to him on the couch. “Come here. You need to get used to the proximity that comes with flirting and you can’t do that from all the way over there.” Y/N pretended to grumble, but slid over so that she was sat right next to Sebastian, their legs not quite touching. “What do you think you need help with the most?”
“I think I need help with my confidence.” She twisted her fingers as she spoke and Sebastian couldn’t help but smile softly at the endearing action. “He could literally just tell me my hair looks nice that day and I struggle to reply.”
“So you need to get used to him complimenting you?”
“Yes - but when you say it with that grin I have a feeling I’m not going to like where this is going.”
“Have a little faith, Y/L/N,” Sebastian chuckled quietly as he nudged her, silently asking her if she was ready. She nodded hesitantly and he cleared his throat before a sly smile slowly graced his features. “You know, I heard from a few people that you were beautiful, but I didn’t realise you would be Aphrodite incarnate.” He gauged Y/N’s reaction to his words and was delighted to see a pretty pink blush cross her cheeks. “Oh, you’re adorable.”
“Stop teasing me.” Y/N covered her face and looked away from Sebastian. 
“How can I when you’re so endearing?” He grasped her wrists gently and pulled them away from her face. “If you blush with him like you are now then I’m sure you’ve already won him over.”
“Well then why won’t he say anything?”
“Maybe he’s waiting for you to make the first move,” Sebastian shrugged casually and leant back in his seat again. “Would you like me to try again so you can respond?”
“No, because I’m going to blush again and you’re going to make fun of me.”
“Tease, Y/N. I would never make fun of you. You said you wanted to work on your confidence.”
“How am I ever going to be able to flirt back when I can’t even take a simple compliment?”
“I mean, you don’t necessarily have to. Some guys love leaving a woman speechless.”
“I’m always flustered and speechless with him when he flirts, I just want to be able to do it back and leave him blushing for once.”
“Catch him off guard then. All those things you want him to do - the compliments, the actions, the looks - you do them.” Sebastian was giving away most of his tricks at this point, but he found he didn’t particularly care as he taught Y/N what to do.
“So if I wished he would touch my hand I should just…?” Y/N casually brushed the back of Sebastian’s hand with hers, making it look completely natural as she shifted in her seat. 
“Exactly. Just like that.” Sebastian nodded with a large smile on his face. “You can’t let him have too much control, you need to keep him on his toes. Tell him how good he looks before he can tell you how pretty you are.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up, you’re gorgeous and you know it,” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her and ran his hand through his hair. “Some men don’t tend to get too many compliments, so when they get one from someone special like you it’ll stick. And you don’t just have to tell him he looks handsome that day - you can focus on his talents too. Don’t force it, a genuine compliment will earn you his favour far faster.”
“Why are you complimenting me?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Isn’t that the point?” Sebastian asked, “to get you used to him complimenting you.”
“Oh, so you just called me gorgeous and special because you’re trying to build my confidence, not because you mean it,” Y/N gave him a teasing smile and raised an eyebrow. Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle (but not unkindly) as her obvious flirting and shot her a disarming wink. 
“I mean, the fact that you are gorgeous helps. What talents does your guy have? Do you know if he’s good at anything? Does he care about his grades?”
“He’s incredible at duelling. He’s really smart as well, but doesn’t really focus on school work too much. He could easily be at the top of the class if he wanted to.”
“Is he in Crossed Wands?” The words slipped out of Sebastian’s mouth before he could process them, followed by a quiet chuckle when Y/N shot him a playful glare. “Compliment his duelling then, make sure he knows he’s good at what he’s doing. He’s not the top of the class but that doesn’t mean you can’t comment on his potential or intelligence. The goal is to let him know he impresses you.”
“So if I were to…” Y/N took a moment to think before a coy smile fell on her lips. “You were brilliant at the Crossed Wands tournament the other day, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone duel as well as you or look so good while doing so.”
“So he is in Crossed Wands. Wait, please tell me it’s not Prewett.”
“Prewett? No!” Y/N grimaced. “In what world is Leander Prewett charming?” 
“Good. I was starting to question your taste,” Sebastian wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Your admiration for his duelling skills was good, and you told him you find him attractive. That’s two birds with one stone.” Sebastian looked at her from the corner of his eye and a mischievous grin appeared as he turned his head to face her properly. “On that note, I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
“Not at all.” Y/N managed to tamper down the blush this time, and eyed Sebastian appreciatively with a soft smile. “You look pretty handsome yourself. Green is a good colour on you.” 
“Why, thank you. I do my best to dress well, although no one can look better than you do.” Sebastian winked at her, feeling slightly proud that she hadn’t gotten flustered at his words and had even managed to flirt back. “You’re getting better at this.”
“Practice helps. I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“Yes, well, I’m sure you remember how much I like having friends in my debt.” He gave her a smirk before looking out of the window they were next to and out into the lake. “Do you have anything else you want to ask me? Anything I haven’t mentioned or you think I’ve missed?”
“What haven’t you mentioned?”
“A lot,” Sebastian chuckled. “Mostly simple things. You’ve already got down how to respond if he flatters you without me even mentioning it. Give him that smile of yours when you say something nice to him and you should get him all worked up and right where you want him.”
“What smile?”
“That one.” Sebastian pointed at her lips. “Merlin, you really don’t know what effect you have on people, do you?” Sebastian didn’t give her the time to respond before he continued giving her advice. “You should make him work for it if he asks you something more personal - but know your limits.”
“What do you mean?”
“How well does he know you? Does he know your favourite colour, favourite flower, favourite animal? If he doesn’t then make him work for the answer and ask him to guess. Just don’t do it for every question or it’ll get annoying fast.”
“Do people still ask things like that? Do you even know my favourite animal?”
“It could be literally anything but for the sake of it…a horse?”
“Not quite.”
“You’re going to make me guess, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” Sebastian groaned as she toyed with him but couldn’t help but grin with pride at how fast she was picking all of this up. “Give me a hint.”
“It’s small and cute.” 
“Is it magical or normal?”
“A puffskein?”
“Almost,” Y/N laughed quietly and readjusted in her seat, her arm brushing Sebastian’s as she did so. “It has a penchant for shiny objects.”
“If it’s a niffler I might revolt.” He looked at Y/N from the corner of his eye and watched as she grinned widely and nodded. “A bloody niffler?”
“They’re adorable!” 
“Nifflers are greedy little shits that dig through the trash of the wizarding world. Why am I not surprised you like the one creature that was never intended to be appreciated.”
“Alright, what’s your favourite magical creature then?”
“Probably a hippogriff. Or a phoenix.”
“Phoenix’s are probably my second favourite. There’s something poetic about them rising and being reborn from their ashes.”
“Hm,” Sebastian nodded thoughtfully. “I think that’s why they might be my favourite. The idea of death resulting in a cycle of rebirth is strangely comforting when compared to the alternative. It’s nice to be reminded sometimes that life moves on without you, even if it means your own passing.”
“That was…really insightful, Seb. I’ve never thought about it like that before.” Y/N tilted her head at him with a soft smile before looking away with a sudden blush. 
“I do try.” He couldn’t help but be intrigued by the flush to her cheeks and wondered why it had appeared so abruptly. “It’s important to remain genuine even when it’s difficult or may not benefit you.”
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to ask me something that I’m not going to like.” Sebastian laughed quietly at this and his arm that was still stretched out along the back of the couch brushed Y/N’s shoulder gently.
“Well, in the spirit of being authentic…why are you blushing?” She pulled a face at the question and the flush on her cheeks deepened.
“The light from the lake was on your face when you were talking and I realised how handsome you look.”
“Oh.” Sebastian blinked once and felt his cheeks start to burn. The compliment had caught him off guard and now that she wasn’t simply responding to one of his own advances he realised how much he liked it.
“Do you want me to spare you the teasing?”
“Only because I’m a bigger person than you.” She watched the smirk appear on his face and gently flicked his arm. “Not one comment about my height.” Sebastian raised his hands in surrender and mimed zipping his lips.
“You said it, not me.”
“Alright you.” Y/N gently hit him with one of the throw pillows on the couch and let him grab it from her hands. “I have more questions.”
“Of course you do.”
“How do I know if he’s flirting with me because he likes me and not because he’s a flirt?”
“Ah, that old conundrum.” Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck while he thought about his answer. “To be fully honest with you, it depends on the guy. You can usually tell by how he acts around you. Is he quick to offer to help you with something? Does he smile and laugh a lot around you? You need to look at the whole picture to find the answer. Does he flirt with a lot of girls or just you?”
“He’s kind of charming with everyone. I don’t think it’s malicious or that he’s a player, he’s just naturally a charming person.”
“From the sounds of it I’d say he’s interested at the very least. Do you like spending time with him?”
“I could sit and talk to him all day.”
“That’s definitely a good sign, especially if he feels the same. Being able to stand a person’s company for hours without getting bored is something to note.” Sebastian placed his arms behind his head and turned to look at Y/N. “What kind of things does he talk to you about?”
“When he’s not flirting, you mean?” she asked. “Just normal things; life, family, school.”
“He doesn’t sound like a player, but you would know better than I do about his motives considering you won’t tell me who he is.”
“Maybe later.”
“I said maybe. I need to be sure of a few other things first.”
“Well, if it’s whether or not he likes you it sounds like he likes you plenty.”
“How do you know that without knowing who he is?”
“I don’t know many guys - let alone players - who would sit and talk about their family with a girl they had ulterior motives for. I can’t guarantee anything, obviously, but make sure he makes you happy before anything else.” Sebastian paused and raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you happy with him? Despite being a flustered mess, do you find yourself wanting to tell him everything?”
“And he does the same back? Does he share his life and hobbies?”
“Yes,” Y/N smiles and crosses her legs, her knee brushing Sebastian’s thigh gently. "He’s told me a lot about his family. He adores his sister and would do anything for her.”
“Hm.” Sebastian has a small smirk on his face, but didn’t voice his thoughts out loud, instead he turned to her with another question. “Are you always nervous around him, or is that just when he flirts? It sounds like you’re pretty comfortable most of the time.”
“It’s just when he flirts. When we’re just talking I’m fine.”
“That’s completely natural. I’ll let you in on a secret; men get nervous around women we like, too.” He saw the query in her eyes and continued on before she could ask. “Again, this changes from person to person, but if he’s the charming type he’ll probably maintain eye-contact up until you flirt back. If you catch him off guard he’ll more than likely blush and look away. He might become fidgety and scratch the back of his head or rub his neck. Everyone has different tells, but most people tend to have these. Have you noticed any of them?”
“A few.”
“I think you should take the plunge and ask him what he likes about you - you can always play that question off as being platonic. I think he’s flirting with you because he likes you.” There was a look in Sebastian’s eye that Y/N couldn’t quite read, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared as he turned to stretch his arms and legs out. 
“Am I bothering you with all these questions? Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
“No, nowhere I need to be - nowhere I’d rather be, either. Asking questions has never bothered me - how else are you meant to learn without them? Besides, I’m enjoying your company.”
“Well I’m glad, because I’m enjoying talking to you too.” Y/N brushed the arm that was resting on the back of the couch more confidently this time, and even Sebastian couldn’t play it off as an accident. He felt his mouth go dry and felt his face heat up slowly and tried to turn his head so that Y/N wouldn’t catch his blush, but of course, he wasn’t that lucky.
“Are you blushing again?”
“Shut up.” The words came out slightly harsher than he expected, but luckily for him, Y/N only laughed in response and tucked her legs back underneath her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…is it obvious?”
“Not really, it’s only because I’m sitting so close. It’s kind of sweet, you’re cute when you blush.”
“Alright, enough of that. I have a reputation to maintain - I can’t have people thinking I’m a blusher.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” Y/N mimed zipping her lips shut and winked at him. 
“Give me a secret in exchange instead. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Spiders.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I know you’re probably looking for an answer like ‘being alone’, but spiders creep me out.”
“I was looking for an honest answer and you gave it to me. I don’t blame you, to be honest. Remember all the spiders we fought in that cave in fifth year?”
“Don’t remind me,” Y/N shuddered. “Worst day of my life. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Being forgotten.”
“I don’t think anyone who’s met you could ever forget you, Sebastian. I certainly won’t.”
“I’m not that impressive,” he disagreed with a shake of his head. “You, on the other hand, are. You aren’t afraid to show who you really are, or step out of your comfort zone and be challenged. Don’t ever stop being you, Y/N, you’re one of a kind.”
“As sweet as that is of you to say, I’m not all that great at stepping out of my comfort zone. Battling trolls and Ashwinders is one thing but I can’t even tell the guy I like that I like him.”
“You’ve already made it past the first hurdle - admitting to yourself you like him. Sometimes that can be the scariest step. Now you just need a leap of faith and tell him how you feel.”
“I don’t know if I’m brave enough for that, yet.”
“That’s fine.” Sebastian’s fingers brushed her shoulder again as he shrugged. “Start slow and work your way up. Talk to him about something he’s passionate about and listen to him. He might be a guy but he’s still human at the end of the day.” Y/N’s knee bounced nervously as he spoke and tried to push out the words that were on the tip of her tongue. Instead, she was entirely distracted by the light from the lake shifting again to land on Sebastian’s face and lighting up his eyes. She couldn’t say what she really wanted to, but she could always express her admiration in other ways. 
“You have lovely eyes, Seb. They’re really pretty.” Sebastian swallowed heavily and silently cursed himself as he felt his cheeks start to burn again. This woman will be the death of me, he thought to himself as he stared down at the floor with a small smile on his face. He felt something shift between them and knew he couldn’t miss the opportunity to return the compliment - it felt too important to pass by. 
“You’re one to talk, Y/N. You have incredibly beautiful eyes. I love how they light up when you smile.”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. Your eyes are a kaleidoscope of golds and browns. I’ve never seen such a nice colour.” She leaned forward slightly as she spoke, her body shifting closer to him. Sebastian couldn’t help but to sit up so that he could be closer to her, their shoulders brushing gently with every breath. Her breathing had stilled and he could feel the energy radiating from her. Y/N blushed and looked away as his hand skimmed her knee gently.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked her, his voice low. “What do you think about me? Not as a friend, or a classmate just…me.” That look was back in Sebastian’s eye - the one she couldn’t quite put her finger on - and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was flirting with her. Of course, they had been this whole time while she ‘practised’, but something about his low tone made this seem different. It made it seem real.
“You are the kindest soul I have ever met, Seb. You’re funny, charming, ridiculously handsome…” she trailed off as she realised what she had said, her face flushing once more. Meanwhile, Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his face a matching shade of pink as he thought over her answer.
“You’re the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life.”
“Look who’s talking,” she pointed at him briefly, “you’re one of the best people I know.”
“Well now I know you’re lying to me,” he narrowed his eyes playfully. 
“I would never.”
“Never, hm?”
“Tell me this then, are you flirting with me?” There was a knowing smile on his face, but he wanted to watch her squirm just a little bit. He was enjoying her flirting immensely but a part of him wanted the girl back who got flustered when he so much as winked at her.
“I’ve been trying to for the past hour, but thanks for finally noticing,” Y/N laughed quietly and nudged his shoulder gently.
“As part of your ‘practise’ or…?”
“What do you think?” She gave him a levelled look and Sebastian placed a hand on his sternum dramatically. 
“I knew it, this whole time you were only using me for my knowledge. Shame on you for toying with me like this.” Y/N laughed again and shook her head at his theatrics, her hand coming to rest on his knee. She didn’t pull away this time, didn’t pretend she was only brushing past and so Sebastian covered her hand with his and laced their fingers together. His stomach flipped pleasantly at the contact, and he was absolutely enthralled by the colour that was blooming on her face.
“How ever will I make it up to you?” Y/N asked, hoping he didn’t notice how breathless she had gotten. 
“I guess I can forgive you if you try your best to win me over.”
“And how do I do that?”
“Well, I’d say you’ve made some decent progress by holding my hand.” He gave her a mischievous smile as he gently squeezed her fingers and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I’ll leave you to decide what to do for the second half, lest I make a suggestion you hit me for.” He didn’t think Y/N could blush any deeper, but he was delighted to be proven wrong as her face turned the most enticing shade of red as she looked down at his lips briefly. Sebastian felt his eyes slip close in anticipation as she began to close the gap between them, only for them to fly open again as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll take the final step to win you over on one condition.” She still hadn’t pulled away from him, her face was so close Sebastian could count the different colours in her eyes.
“Is the condition more questions?”
“A couple.”
“Make them good ones.” He gave her a lazy grin and reached up to brush some hair away from her face. 
“How do I know if he wants to kiss me? Not to say that he did, but because he wants to?”
“He’ll probably be holding your hand,” Sebastian squeezed her fingers again, “look into your eyes, look down at your lips.” His gaze drifted lower to watch as that maddeningly gorgeous smile slowly appeared on her lips. “You’ll feel it in the air too - the energy between your bodies.”
“Should I let him make the first move or do you think he’ll like it if I do it?”
“He would be thrilled if you made the first move.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I would love nothing more,” he said, a knowing smile on his face. He looked into her eyes as Y/N traced his jawline gently before slowly leaning in and giving him a feather-light kiss.
“I have a confession before I do that again.” 
“Darling, you have to give me more credit than that - I worked it out a while ago.”
“Would you just let me tell you I have feelings for you?”
“Well, if it helps, I’m a little fond of you myself.”
“Only a little fond?” Y/N asked, a teasing smile on her face. She covered it well, but Sebastian could see the insecurity in her eyes. He could see how unsure she was about how he felt after she had all but put her heart on the line. 
“Fine, you caught me, I’m completely fond of you.” Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to pull away, but Sebastian slid both arms around her waist and held on to her. “You are gorgeous beyond belief, and I’m utterly smitten with you, Y/N. Do you believe me, or do I need to prove it to you?”
“Prove it,” her answering grin was nothing short of wicked and Sebastian adored it.
“How would you like me to prove it to you?” He was playing into her game now, but he didn’t care. He watched as she faltered slightly, the same beautiful blush coming to her cheeks. He loved leaving her flustered and speechless. He never thought she would have the guts to approach him today and attempt to play him like a violin (because, of course he knew as soon as she mentioned him being the best duellist in the school) but he was ecstatic she had because he was crazy about her. “Well?” After all the progress they had made today he wasn’t about to let her struggle to find the words, but he was patient. 
“I…” She swallowed hard and he could feel her hands shaking very slightly. “I don’t just want pretty words and some kisses. I want you to prove it to me by giving me all of you. I want your heart Sebastian.” He paused, taking in her words - Y/N had just put everything on the table. What she wanted was exactly what he did - a bond that went beyond mere interest and was grounded in both physical and emotional commitment.
“Darling, it was already yours.”
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leclercstarrs · 1 year
𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀’𝐀𝐌 ( 𝐩𝐭𝟏 ! )
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characters -> kiri ! neteyam ! lo’ak ! tsireya ! ao’nung ! roxto !
synopsis -> the na’vi girls / boys calling you ‘ma’am’ !
warnings -> not proof read atm !
layout ib -> the lovely @qvrcll !
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ଓ — kiri
“yes ma’am.” those are the words that just slipped from kiri’s mouth, her eyes immediately widening. “what?” you turn towards your girlfriend. you were being slightly strict, just worried about her safety as she’s been fighting with some of the metkayina boys. “nothing.” she attempts to grin, hoping you didn’t hear her. “kiri.” you glare at her, “sorry, i know you’re just stressed.” she says. “correct.” you huff. kiri sticks out her tongue and rolls her eyes playfully, quickly running away as you just stand there, staring at her with a terrifying look in your eyes. “get back here!” you call out, starting to follow her. lo’ak witnesses the entire situation, praying for kiri.
ಇ — neteyam
“neteyam!” you huff, trying to hold your boyfriend in one place, grabbing his jaw and turning his head to the side. “it stings.” he hisses, gritting his teeth as you clean the cut on his cheek. “well, be more careful next time and you won’t have to go through this.” you start, “what did i tell you last time?” you raise your eyebrow. “don’t fight ao’nung and his friends.” he quotes you, rolling his eyes. “don’t roll your eyes at me. i was right, look at you now.” you say. “yes ma’am.” he doesn’t even think about what he just said, until he notices you pull away from him with a scowl on your face. “sorry, i-” just as he’s about to finish his sentence, you lightly smack his head. “ow!” he places a hand where you smacked him, “skxawng!” you yell. “i know, i know, im sorry.” he whispers, looking down at the ground. you want to stay mad at him, but you just can’t. instead, you gently place your hand on his face and make him look at you, before kissing his cheek.
ಇ — lo’ak
as per usual, lo’ak got injured while doing something reckless. now, you’re taking care of him and basically babysitting him. “you’re childish, lo’ak.” you scoff, your boyfriend just staring at the ground of the marui you’re sitting in. “i’m sorry.” he whispers. “you said that last time!” you raise your voice, immediately regretting it. “sorry, you just, you had me so scared.” you shake your head. “please, take care of yourself from now on.” you add. “yes ma’am.” he grins, knowing how much you hate when he makes jokes during dangerous situations. “lo’ak, i swear to eywa-” you start, lo’ak quickly standing up and kissing you before you can continue.
ଓ — tsireya
you’re currently on a date with your girlfriend, leading her through the forest in order to reach the special spot you discovered the other day. “this way!” you grin, tsireya playfully rolling her eyes, “yes ma’am.” she laughs. you don’t realize what she said at first, but just as you get to the surprise spot, you stop. “ma’am?” you raise your eyebrow, turning to face her. “it was a joke!” she raises her hands in worry, her smile falling. “oh, tsireya.” you whisper, a smirk forming on your face. you rush towards her, carefully picking her up and placing her down on the sand, tackling her and then tickling her sides. “ah! stop, no!” she laughs.
ಇ — ao’nung
“ao’nung, stop starting fights! you’re going to get hurt even worse next time!” you scoff, grabbing your boyfriend’s arm and leading him away from lo’ak and his siblings. “whatever.” he rolls his eyes, causing you to smack his side. “ow!” he hisses, his ears going back. “promise me right now that you’ll at least try and get along with the sully family.” you say. “yes ma’am.” he whispers under his breath, “sorry, what was that?” you stop walking, glaring at him. “im just kidding, yes, i will try to get along with them.” he mumbles.
ಇ — roxto
roxto loves joking around with you, his girlfriend, so when your overprotective side is revealed, he can’t stop playing around with you. as you’re sitting in your marui, cleaning the cut on his lip, you order him to lift his head up slightly, “yes ma’am” leaving his mouth in reply to your demands. your eyes widen and he tries to contain his laugh, ultimately failing and bursting out laughing,leaving you to sit there and shake your head.
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famwhy · 11 months
Right Way Up (03)
Stranger Things
Yandere! Steve Harrington X F!Reader, Yandere! Eddie Munson X F!Reader, Yandere! Billy Hargrove X F!Reader
Synopsis: You always hated when your favourite characters died in shows or movies; always longed to have the opportunity to save them. So when you're transported into one of your favourite shows of all time, what else are you supposed to do besides save your beloved characters?
Warnings: Threat/violence, Gore, Mentions of sexual content (implicit), Death, Manipulation, Depictions of toxic relationships, Drugs and alcohol abuse
Note: I know Steve's initials are on this chapter but that doesn't mean this chapter is focused on him, just a head's up.
prev part. masterlist. next part.
03. bring unto me altruism
trait: s.h.
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"YOU know him?"
Your gaze wandered over the top of the BMW, breaking away from the (very sturdy-looking) back of Billy Hargrove to instead lock eyes with Steve Harrington—the latter of which had his own optics thoroughly narrowed in your direction.
"The new guy—" he scoffed out, and you watched as his lips tugged down, brows furrowed very harshly, "—do you know him?"
Ah, shit. You have got to stop slipping up, Y/N.
"No." The response came out quick—and you turning around to face Billy again came quicker. He was still walking off—skinny jeans making it almost impossible to ignore his figure, very clearly outlining his... ahem just as they had in the show. "I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know him, though."
"Ew, gross."
"Oh please, like you can talk."
"I can talk, actually, and—hey! Where are you going?" 
Midway through his sentence, you had started off towards the school, strutting after the dirty blonde with just as much feigned confidence in your walk as he.
It was rude to walk off halfway through a conversation but that was probably the least of your worries right now. You had a plan and if you wanted to execute it, you couldn't let Billy out of your sight.
"Just heading to class, don't worry. Walk Nancy to her first period then head to yours, 'kay? I'll be fine."
What exactly were you doing? Simple—remember the other day when you had no clue where you were going and had to rely on Steve to get you to your classes? Well, today, you could follow Billy Hargrove and, with any luck, you'd end up finding the counselor without having to ask for help and sounding suspicious.
Although, the last of anyone's guesses as to why you were acting peculiar would be that you came from a whole other world; one wherein they were all characters on a screen with almost three-quarters of them being completely irrelevant to the plot and, therefore, not even paid the littlest of attention to by the audience.
Still, better to be safe than sorry.
You had many more worries running rampant in your mind, all loud and overwhelming, grand and all-consuming—almost to the point where you had bumped into the defined back of the 80s bad boy; a defined back which, all of a sudden, wasn't moving like it was just moments ago. 
Why did he stop?
The answer to that question was written clearly on the solid plate stuck to the blank, beaten door before you: COUNSELOR.
Your ears perked up as a jingle sounded from the metal knob, a strong, slightly-tanned hand wrapped firmly around it.
The door refused to budge.
"Ah shit," came the steady curse of the broad male. His body had shifted after that, and even an idiot could tell that he was about to turn around, so you did what any sane person would do—you flung yourself to the side and crashed your butt against one of the chairs snugly tucked against the wall.
Ouch... you'd think the chairs next to the guidance counselor's office would be a little more comfy to land on. 
If Billy had found your actions at all weird, he showed no signs of it—choosing, instead, to plop himself down on the seat next to you; pink lips pulled into a straight line and ocean-blue gaze as cool as steel. If eyes were the windows to the soul, then Billy's glass panes were sure-as-hell foggy beyond belief because you hadn't grasped a single glance at his soul.
But... you still knew what it looked like, the shattered crystals left behind in the wake of his past, ready to prick whoever dared come near with their razor-sharp edges—and that thought had your heart squeezing painfully, both in sympathy and guilt; sympathy for his unfortunate circumstances and... guilt for knowing so much about this boy who hadn't a single clue that you existed before... well, any of this.
"'S there a reason for your staring, princess?"
You blinked, all of a sudden being the recipient of a grin that didn't quite seem to reach the eyes of the sender.
"Huh?"—damn, caught lost in thought again—"Oh! Uh, you're my new neighbour, right?"
He arched a brow.
"Cherry Lane?" You added. "My brother told me someone moved in and you don't look like anyone I know."
His mouth stayed sewn shut and you chose to keep going.
"I think I saw you get out of your car earlier too, there was a California tag on it, is that where you used to live?"
Again. No words. Though, this time, his lips pulled taut and any sign of that previous expression had vanished.
"I always thought the Golden Coast was pretty." You weren't an idiot, you saw the change in his expression—the shift in his gaze—but you didn't let it stop you, continuing to speak with a small, gentle smile, "I'm thinking of going one day."
His eyes had softened a little at that, and he parted his lips—looking as though he was about to speak—when, all of a sudden, a sound reverberated through the near-empty hall, and he closed them once more, raising a brow before sending a pointed look your way.
You felt it coming, the rumble deep down in the pits of your stomach, but you were helpless in stopping it—in containing it—and it arrived before you could even blink—
—a low growl.
Your fist rose up, a light cough leaving your mouth as your gaze awkwardly drifted to the side. "I, uh, didn't eat this morning."
Then—to your utter surprise—soft, mirthful chuckles flooded your ears, causing you to whip your head around so fast, you almost sprained your poor neck. Beside you was a sight for sore eyes; one that resulted in your jaw dropping all the way to the floor and your eyes practically bulging out with how much they'd widened.
Billy Hargrove—the Billy Hargrove—was laughing.
His soft, golden curls bounced with each bout of snickers that left his mouth—beautiful, azure eyes crinkled and barely visible past his squinted lids—and yet—they still looked just as striking as usual, as mesmerising and jaw-dropping as on TV—if not, more so.
And then, it really sank in.
You made Billy Hargrove laugh.
And it wasn't some fake, obligatory giggle—nor was it that little, psychotic laugh he did when hysteria clouded his usually-cold gaze—no, it was full-blown, genuine laughter. And you caused it.
That thought had your chest swelling with a lot more pride than it probably should've—
"What's up with the tattoo?"
The question left his mouth much more comfortably than his previous words, flowing out with a small, slightly-smug quirk of his lips, and it took you a moment to register the fact that he had stopped chuckling, his gaze having drifted down—specifically, towards your wrist.
You trailed his gaze, finding yourself being met with the three, thick lines that had been there since the day you arrived in this world and—unsure of why they were there yourself—you shrugged. "Dunno, I think I got it while blackout drunk once."
Something about your response must've been funny because he officially chuckled for the second time since meeting you. "I didn't know you country folk knew how to party that hard."
Now, you might've not been from Hawkins yourself but... something about the way he said that had your eyes narrowing slightly in his direction, and you sprung up from your seat, the underside of your thighs suddenly being greeted by cold air.
"Watch it. We can party just as hard as you Calis."
Your pupils grew shaky as you stood there, watching the next set of his actions with a tingling feeling deep down in your stomach.
One hand on his denim-clad knee, defined biceps flexing as he slowly rose up—your eyes rising with him. And as he took a step closer to you—lips twitching further up with a glint in his eyes you couldn't quite discern—you found yourself starting to slowly lose your breath, hands growing just the slightest bit clammy with the sudden blaze of active nerves you were struck with.
You gulped. "Yeah."
You felt hyper-aware as a rough, sun-kissed hand slid around your waist—fitting perfectly against the curve of your back, slowly dragging you closer, and sending a flurry of pleasant tingles straight up your spine to meet with the group that started to steadily arise in your chest; a chest that was mere millimetres from the thin, cotton material that covered his own.
Then, he leaned towards your ear, lips grazing the lobe as he whispered—a sultry lull bleeding into his tone—"Why don't you show me just how hard you can party, huh?"
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat but—before you could fret over what he'd say next, how he'd respond to your silly, little fumble—a 'click!' sounded from your side, and you threw yourself straight out of his sturdy arms quicker than a bolt of lightning—just in time, too, for the face of an older woman emerged from within the office not even moments later.
"Ah," the lady nodded, "you must be William."
Your eyes flitted over to him just in time to catch the way his jaw ticked.
"It's Billy, actually." And when he responded, his voice came out cold, different to the playful lilt it held just moments before.
It didn't take a genius to figure out the name struck a nerve.
"Ah, my bad. Would you like to come in and grab your schedule, Billy?"
He didn't respond but did as she asked, brushing past you to walk into the smaller room, only sharing a brief few seconds of eye-contact as he walked past—but those brief few seconds were enough to grant you just a tiny glimpse into the thunderous storm hidden within the pools of his irises—
—and as the door shut behind him, your lips tugged down.
You couldn't help but let your mind wander to the way his muscles seemed to tense up at the mention of California, freeze in what you could safely assume was caused by his longing to return to the freedom of his home state.
To be forced to depart from your home was nothing new, but you truly felt for Billy and his circumstances. His dad was more than hard on him—he was downright abusive, and Billy was forced to endure it without a single soul in his corner to help him through it, to guide him down the right path and teach him how to break out of the cycle of abuse he was forced into upon being born.
He was only eighteen. A goddamn child. He shouldn't have had to go through what he did.
He should've had the chance to redeem himself.
But that chance was squandered in Season 3, ripped from him akin to how his life was—a grotesque limb of mixed flesh having pierced through his chest, several other messed-up tentacles latched painfully onto his sides, bleeding him dry, draining the life from his eyes.
He didn't deserve to die.
Officially bummed-out by your own trail of thoughts, you heaved out a sigh before your ears perked up at a familiar 'click!' and your head snapped to the door again.
Out came Billy, the smug twitch of his lips back on his face—it was so comfortably situated there, in fact, that if any other person had seen it, they'd have assumed it was there the whole time.
But, despite him looking perfectly fine as he walked out of the old office, you still felt the urge to fly into his arms and wrap him in an embrace filled to the brim with promises; promises to at least provide him some level of support for what he was going through and what he would go through. Though, unlike with Eddie, you couldn't act upon it.
See, Billy and Eddie were two completely different people—where Eddie had brushed off your sudden hug quite easily—happily welcomed it, even—Billy would definitely question it, especially considering the fact that he didn't even know who you were.
And so, although it took all of your willpower, you refrained from throwing yourself onto him—choosing, instead, to stand still as he sauntered over, fingers rising up to brush against your shoulder gently; teasingly.
"See ya 'round, princess."
Instantly, a flurry of tiny, winged creatures erupted in your stomach, sending tingles through your body—up your spine to seize you at your throat, clawing into your windpipe and rendering you motionless in astonishment and awe and—
Was it just you or was it getting hot in here?
"Y/N?" You blinked, attention turning to the dark-haired female suddenly stood before you. "What are you doing here?"
Forcing yourself to forget that... whatever that was, you let a small, sheepish smile curve onto your lips. "Actually, miss, do you mind if I ask for a reprint of my schedule?"
"A reprint?" She rose a brow, arms slowly folding over her chest. "I thought you already had it memorised."
"Oh, uh,"—cue a small, nervous giggle—"you see, it kinda like... slipped my mind, y'know? And I already lost my old one so... can I have that reprint?"
She stood there for a little while longer—letting you really bask in the glory of her heavy judgement—before finally heaving out a sigh through her nose, sounding like she just aged up another ten years as she spun on her heel, full, brown curls bouncing after her.
The ground was smooth, friction practically non-existant as you rocked on your heels, awaiting the piece of paper with bated breath. The ticks of the clock suddenly didn't seem so much like white noise anymore as impatience furrowed your brows and your teeth jutted out, sinking a little into your bottom lip in anticipation.
Then, with a loud, echoing, "Y/N!"—someone had called out to you, but their voice was too high-pitched to be the one you were looking to hear—not to mention the fact that it came from the hall to your right as opposed to the office in front of you.
Your head whipped around just in time to have your whole body jerk a little as a girl skidded to an abrupt stop right next to you, her brown, soft-looking hair bouncing with an almost unnecessary amount of volume.
In her hands were several pieces of bright orange paper, all inked with a few words you couldn't quite make out—not without squinting at least.
"Uh, hey..."
Who the hell was this again?
"How have you been? You haven't been to practice for a while now, the girls are pretty worried." As she spoke, she tucked a stray strand behind her ear and you squinted—trying to figure out where you'd seen her in the show.
"Oh, uh, I've just been a little sick, that's all."—seriously, who was this girl?—"I'm fine now though."
"That's great to hear!" She beamed, though her smile didn't quite seem to reach her eyes. "Listen, I'm having this party on Halloween and... I wanted you to be the first invite."
She extended one hand—flyer fit snugly between her fingertips—and you reached out, wrapping your fingers around the other end before she released it.
Eyes falling down, you took in the words written in... well, you didn't even know what font that was: TINA'S HALLOWEEN BASH. Come and get Sheet Faced.
Oh, so this was Tina.
"You'll be there, right?"
Your eyes flew back up and you were met with her intense gaze, swirling with a desperate, expectant plea you were almost saddened to see.
"Yeah," you nodded, "I'll be there."
If anyone saw the way her shoulders fell and the muscles on her face relaxed at your words, they would've assumed you took some sort of heavy anvil off her shoulders, freeing her of some sort of imaginary weight that was supposedly weighing her down.
"Thank you," she breathed out, voice practically inaudible over the air leaving her lungs.
Damn, were you that influential?—so much so that your presence would make or break a party?
"No problem?" 
If you were being completely honest, you had no idea what to think of Tina—her character wasn't very explored in the show considering the fact that her role was very minor, the only thing she was really used for was the Halloween bash. But just from these few minutes with her alone, you could tell she was someone who heavily valued reputation.
"Okay, well, I should go," her voice pierced through your thoughts. "I'm thinking of inviting the new kid."
You parted your lips—about to say goodbye—when she twirled around and took off running, not even bothering to spare another glance your way.
But as your gaze drifted down to the piece of paper in your hands once more, you found yourself uncaring of her rather unorthodox departure—too busy thinking about... something else.
"Y/N, here's your schedule."
Ah, nevermind the bash, you had your schedule now. You could finally know where you were meant to be for each period—albeit, it would take you a while to actually find the places but at least you knew what subjects you were meant to be in during the week. It wasn't much, but it was something.
Speaking of class, you were long overdue for your first period—
—and your teacher seemed to agree on that too, judging by the harsh glare situated on his face as soon as your sheepish form walked through the door. But hey, could he blame you? No, you were just trying to find your way around this stupid maze of a school.
Luckily, getting to your second class was much easier seeing as you passed it on your way to the first—but that didn't make it any less difficult to have to sit through. You were in Stranger Things—for fuck's sake!—what the hell did Newton's Third Law have to do with it?
You weren't ashamed to admit that you didn't pay attention to any of the other classes leading up to lunch—nor were you opposed to confessing the huge sigh of relief you let out once the long break period finally arrived, because—c'mon—who the hell paid attention to class when they just got transported to another world?
Not you.
So yes, you were currently happily strolling through the halls with your arms crossed over your books as you hugged said items to your chest, no sign of Steve in sight—but, you did catch a glimpse of a very familiar Lion's mane by a set of grey lockers in the corner of your eye.
Your voice must've come suddenly because he jumped as soon as you called out to him, head turning your way and one hand situating itself above his heart after he saw you. "Oh, Y/N!"
Your lips twitched up at just the sight of him. "What happened to 'sweetheart'?"
"Oh, uh, you want me to call you that? In front of all these people?"
And just like that, your lips tugged down. "Of course, why would that be a problem? Unless you're uncomfortable with it yourself—in which case, you don't have to call me by it."
Immediately, his head shook from side-to-side, messy hair bouncing crazily along with it. "No, no, not at all... sweetheart."
You'd be lying if you said that the nickname didn't garner a reaction from you; didn't result in your chest swirling with a blazing warmth.
Though, it also seemed to result in the jaw of the person stood next to him dropping to the floor; the same person you had just noticed was there in the first place. He had hair that was just as curly as Eddie's, but—unlike the male you knew—his was cut shorter, barely reaching past his ears really.
You knew this guy, he was one of Eddie's friends.
What was his name again? It started with a G. Let's see... Gavin..? No... Gary..? No...
"Gareth right?" Relief washed through your insides when his head nodded, eyes wide and seeming to look through you, almost as if he couldn't even believe you were there, "It's so nice to meet another friend of Eddie's!"
"Another?" He seemed to have shot out of his trance at that, and it wasn't long before he gave you an incredulous look, gaze flickering over from you to Eddie, to you to Eddie, over and over again.
Then, all too suddenly, he pulled on the other male's arm and yanked him to the side—not even 3 feet of you—before resuming, "You're friends with the Queen Bee? How the hell did that happen?"
"You think I know?!"
Eddie's response was enough to garner a chuckle from you, causing both boys to quickly return their gazes to your form. Before they could comment on their fuck-up however, another voice came bellowing down the hall, calling out to you.
Unlike with Gareth before, you recognised that pretty face paired with those luscious ginger strands of hair straight away. How could you not? You had practically seen a thousand edits of them along with the 'Chrissy Wake Up' song on TikTok. Kinda hard to forget her after the Internet did its magic.
Though, it wasn't exactly unpleasant to be meeting her, and so, you gave her as bright a smile as you could muster. "Chrissy! Hey!"
"Hi!" She beamed right back at you, but unlike Tina, Chrissy's smile genuinely reached her glinting eyes, even going as far as adorably crinkling them up a little. "Tina said you were feeling fine now, do you mind coming to practice today? Only if you're okay! I know you've been sick so take as much rest as you need and don't feel pressured."
How the hell could you say no to that?
"Yeah, okay, sure! I'll come with you to practice."
You weren't sure how it was possible, but she seemed to light up even further at that, almost blinding you like the little ball of sunshine she was.
In fact, she was so distracting, you almost forgot the presence of the two boys dressed in a completely different colour pallet to you. Keyword: almost.
"Looks like that's my cue." You turned their way—if only to save your eyesight from genuinely deteriorating due to the light that was Chrissy. "It was nice meeting you, Gareth. Good to see you again, Eddie."
Just before departing, you ghosted your fingers over the covered shoulder of Eddie, wiggling them about like you had done to Steve just the day prior; a signature goodbye, if you will.
And as you walked down the halls, you picked up on one last thing coming from Gareth's mouth... one last thing that was enough to drill your feet straight into the ground.
"Eddie? Eddie, wake up!"
That phrase... 
Flashes of Season 4 infiltrated your gaze; of the unfortunate victims that had their lives stripped from them; of the very girl stood next to you's body flying up, limbs distorting as they snapped irregularly, eyes not even having the pleasure of losing light with how unjustly they were gauged out from her.
Had you messed up somehow?
Had the events of Season 4 ended up being triggered too early by your mere existence?
The questions overwhelmed you—flooded through your senses and clogged up your airways with their untimely arrival. You were a puppet and they were the strings, ushering you to turn around; to rid yourself of the wool pulled over your eyes—of the blissful ignorance surrounding your form—and, helpless to their influence, you did exactly that.
Slowly, your head reared backwards—the room spinning around you—and your eyes were greeted by a welcome sight; one that breathed life back into your limbs.
Eddie stood there—eyes still very much on his face—with a familiar, light blush spread across his cheeks. Even as his form was being rapidly shook by his dear friend, he remained still, gaze trained on you. He only seemed to have snapped out of it after making proper eye-contact with you.
Two blinks. A small, shy raised hand. And a tiny wave.
False alarm. He was just flustered.
It made sense, your previous actions could be interpreted as flirting after all—and to be honest, you didn't really mind if it was (again, the Eddie Munson)—but, you'd be lying if you said he didn't just give you a bit of a scare there.
The sentence that just came out of Gareth's mouth was the very same, infamous sentence uttered by Eddie's lips just before the first death of Season 4—a rather brutal death involving the very ball of sunshine that was just tasked to retrieve you.
Speaking of that ball of sunshine—
"Y/N, you coming?"
You blinked, quickly returning Eddie's wave before whipping your head back around to face the ginger next to you once again.
You had to admit, it was very surreal coming face-to-face with people from the show who were meant to die—it felt kinda like seeing a ghost, and a part of you (just a teensy-weensy, little part) found it... well... unsettling.
But, that was just a small part.
"Yeah. Let's go."
You shook off the residual fear that lingered from that little moment before finally continuing to follow Chrissy down the hall. 
The whole walk was full of her detailing you on the failed practices of the cheerleaders in your absence. Apparently, Heather tried and failed to do a cartwheel into a back-flip as part of one of the routines before dramatically throwing her pompoms to the ground and angrily muttering that you could do it instead.
You had no idea who Heather was but you wished you were there to see it.
Oh, and—with you gone—it seemed as though a lot of the girls had taken to slacking off, opting to gaze longingly at the sweaty boys that played basketball just across the Gym instead of actually being productive.
You doubted that would get any better with Billy around now.
"Well, well, well," a high-pitched voice sliced through your thoughts and you blinked, finally noticing that you arrived at the Gym. "Look who finally decided to show up."
You recognised that puffed-up, blonde hair from the first day of your arrival, the stance she took on being an almost-exact replica of the one back in the infirmary.
"Finally done punching the daylights out of some random freak in school?" She scoffed out.
"Sarah," Chrissy hissed from beside you, "don't say that. Y/N's been sick recently."
"Sick of being just as aggressive as her brother?" Sarah rolled her eyes.
Before you could retort with your own defense, however, someone else had piped in—that person being a brunette with rather short, straight hair, "You're talking like you don't wanna fuck him."
"Jenny!" Your eyes flitted over to the blonde just in time to catch her reddened cheeks.
"What? It's true, isn't it?"
"Whatever, let's just..."
Sarah trailed off there, jaw hanging open as her eyes seemed to land on something not within your immediate eyesight. And when you found yourself following her gaze—you located the subject of her interest, the lack of words suddenly making sense.
Golden curls you had the pleasure of seeing up close just this morning were farther now, having just barely passed through the entrance. A cigarette hung loosely from his lips as the electricity in his eyes zapped through the Gym before finally landing on you, lips edging up into what you could only call a smirk.
It wasn't long before he sauntered over, practically demanding all of the attention in the room with his walk; attention which was happily handed over to him on a sleek, silver plate.
"All this time I've been calling you princess... when you've really been a queen," as he spoke—voice as husky as ever—a teasing lilt laced into his tone, intensifying his gaze and overwhelming you with his suffocating presence. "Why didn't you say anything, dollface?"
Breathe, Y/N, breathe. Stand your ground. 
You tried to, you really did—but, the only way you'd be able to keep your composure right now was by closing your eyes and pretending you didn't see him—
—so you did exactly that.
Your lashes fluttered shut and you envisioned a blank sea of darkness before uttering out a response, "Didn't think it was important."
"Yeah?" Now, while you might not have been able to see him, you could still very well hear him, and his voice was nothing short of the perfect mixture between smooth and rough and—
Stop. It.
For your own sake—and for fear of further falling apart—you chose not to say anything and only nodded.
That was a mistake.
Instant regret hit you square in the face when you felt the gentle touch of a few, rough fingers against your chin, tilting your head just enough to rest at an angle before a surge of warm air tickled your lashes.
And as he spoke—lips almost grazing your closed lids—those familiar flying pests made their home in your stomach, "Where'd those pretty eyes of yours go? Didn't seem to stop wanting to use them this morning."
Damn him and his smoothness.
In an effort to continue to save face, you resorted to squeezing your eyes even further shut—paying no mind to the blissful warmth slowly coating your form or the teasing snickers that left the bad boy's mouth; snickers which you could practically feel the vibrations of.
"What's the matter? Have I rendered Miss Queen Bee speechless?" 
Your vision was dark but you could still see the smug smirk on his face. Just wait until you gathered yourself, you were gonna make him ten times more flustered than you—just wait.
The light clearing of a throat suddenly served as a reminder that you two weren't the only ones in the room and you found yourself feeling a little... cold when Billy pulled away.
Cold? Ugh, once again, damn him and his smoothness.
Finally deeming it safe to do so, you opened your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light once more before you were finally able to make out the slowly-shrinking figure of Billy Hargrove. But just as he reached the entrance of the Gym once more, he paused, one hand firmly gripping onto the frame as he called out to you over his shoulder.
"Keep your bed nice and warm for me, will ya, dollface?"
Your jaw dropped.
Someone else then said something along the lines of 'oh my god' but—if you were being honest—you were barely able to hear it over the echo of Billy's snickers as he walked away, completely amused by your reaction no doubt.
He was so unequivocally bold, you almost couldn't believe it.
"Uh, guys, I think I'm gonna take a raincheck on practice today." But, it seemed as though the other girls definitely could—judging by how the very girl who said this rushed right after Billy.
"Me too!"
"Yeah, uh, I think I'm feeling a little sick."
"Well, I, for one, am chasing up that boy."
"Not if I get him first!"
And as a majority of them rushed after the handsome male, you found yourself deadpanning.
You definitely couldn't blame them though, the rest of your day was spent recalling all those scenes with him after all. Even Steve noticed your absent-mindedness in the last period of the day—trying several outlandish things to grab your attention that he only informed you of once the lesson was over.
You didn't even notice him waving his arms wildly in front of your face while the teacher's back was turned.
And even as you walked beside him, Nancy strutting ahead of the two of you after you'd picked her up from class, you still had your head roaming around in the clouds.
"Hey, Y/N?" 
You hummed, half-listening, half-not.
Steve then leaned further your way, shoulder brushing your own as he whispered against your ear. "Wish me good luck?"
You blinked up at him, having paid enough attention to scrunch up your nose in confusion and ask, "Good luck for what?"
"The dinner. At Barb's?" 
A few more blinks.
And then—
Nancy turned around at that, and Steve was quick to hush you. He only resumed talking when she faced forward once more—albeit, slower than she turned around.
"What are you doing? Trying to get me in trouble?!" His whisper came out harsh, and you winced a little.
"Alright, alright, gheez." 
His attitude seemed to be at an all-time high because he rolled his eyes after that. "I just... don't get why I have to go to this stupid dinner anyway."
"Steve." It was your turn to harshly whisper. "Don't say that. Nancy needs closure, this dinner is exactly that."
You felt for Steve just a tad bit, it wasn't his best friend that died after all (thank god for that) but that didn't mean he got to complain about attending a dinner his girlfriend wanted him to be at because he was there the night of the first attack; of the first murder.
See, Barbara (or Barb) had been Nancy's best friend—the two being practically attached by the hip—so of course the night she died would be one that Nancy deeply regretted, and of course she would want closure with the parents of her best friend. It just made sense.
In fact, the whole reason why she did any of what she did in Season 2 was so that she could inform Barb's parents (who still thought their child was out there somewhere) that their kid was, in fact, dead.
"Y/N, you there?"
Caught in a monologue? Seriously, Y/N? What are you, the main character?
"Yeah, I'm here."
Seeing as you were already outside and stood right by Steve's car—you slotted your hand between the cold of both the handle and the door before pulling it open, leaping straight in, and causing the whole vehicle to jerk in a symphony of loud clangs from sheer force.
"Hey! Careful!" It seemed like your music wasn't appreciated by Steve though.
"Relax. It's not like I broke it or anything—" feeling like messing with him—because duh—a smirk slowly twitched onto your lips, "—besides, it's excited to see me, aren't you, girl?"
Steve let out another hiss when you patted the seat a little too harshly—sounding akin to a pissed off feline which just made him seem less menacing and more adorable.
Ha, you tried, Steve, you tried.
The click of the passenger door drew your eyes over to Nancy's form, watching as her legs entered one at a time before she took a seat and turned your way—"We're dropping you off then heading straight over to Barb's."—then, turning to Steve, "Right, Steve?"
You could already hear the grumbled out 'yes' coming from him and you only sent him a grin seeping with amusement when he met your gaze through the rear-view mirror—your lips stretching further as he mouthed the words 'help me' with anguish in his eyes.
"You two have fun, yeah?"
You said the sentence to piss Steve off even further but when you caught a glimpse of the look on Nance's face, a pang shot straight through your chest.
Her eyes had this far-away look about them as her lips curved up by a very small amount—though there was no joy in it, only grief.
"Hey..." you placed one hand on the shoulder of her seat, using it to pull yourself forward as you furrowed your brows, worry clouding your gaze. "You alright?"
She sniffled a little before waving her hand and nodding in response. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."
Your lips tugged down and you shared a look with your best friend before he started the engine, breathing life into the vehicle as you slowly lowered your body back down onto the leather seat.
She wasn't fine; even without knowledge from the show, you could tell. She might not have been crying but her lip was definitely quivering a little and her eyes... well, they just weren't all... present in the moment.
But, she would be fine. And that was enough.
Besides, though it was cold to say, you had bigger things to worry about. Nancy would get help from Jonathan in order to come to terms with Barb's death—meanwhile, you had no one to help you out with all the spare knowledge you stored in your brain; with all the premonitions (if you could call it that) you were blessed with.
Perhaps it was time you started preparing for another bout with the demodogs—you were Steve's best friend, after all; that probably meant you'd most likely end up facing the dogs together with him later on in the Season.
You perked up at the call of your name, shaking away the thoughts clinging to your brain.
"We're here."
Lo and behold, so it seemed you were, the familiar sidewalk leading up to your house being visible through the clear glass panes beside you.
Clicking open the door, you took one step out before swinging the rest of your body to follow after, and once you closed the door again, you walked over to the passenger-side window—shoes barely making a sound against the ground—before your knees bent down a little and you tapped lightly against the glass.
"Let the Hollands know I wish them the best, okay?" You offered a gentle smile to the girl sat before you, and she tried her best to muster one up in return.
"See you guys." 
And with a brief wave, you quickly spun around and headed towards the relatively-normal house.
You now—thankfully—had keys of your own so there was no need to knock or anything. Well—it was more like you had them all this time but didn't know where they were and just so happened to find them the other day but—details, details.
After fiddling with the keys a little, you heard a 'click!' and pushed against the handle before entering, one hand moving behind you to carefully shut the door.
"I'm home."
Curt's voice was the first to greet you—albeit, not very genuinely. "Congratulations, want a trophy?"
Uh, yes, actually. You would very much like a trophy after coming back home in one piece in the world of Stranger Things.
"We're having pasta tonight!" Luckily, Cain's words were a lot more welcoming than the other brother.
So, as was your right, you ignored your second oldest brother in favour of responding to the first. "Ooh! Pasta?!"
You had to admit, his cooking the other night was rather good—okay, it was magnificent, you just didn't wanna admit it because you stormed off the other day before being able to properly finish it.
But now that you could—
Before you could finish that train of thought, three loud knocks resounded through the room, no doubt coming from the door behind you.
Was that Steve? Did he forget to say something?
You lightly wrapped your palm around the handle, turning it slowly before the door was open once more, a sudden, light breeze hitting you square in the face—
—though, the breeze could never be more sudden than who you saw at the door.
It wasn't your swooshy-haired companion to greet you on the other side—no—but rather, an older woman with barely visible bags underneath her drooping eyes; eyes which seemed to have lost all light, almost appearing chillingly lifeless—
—well, that was until they lit up at the sight of you.
"Oh, Y/N! Baby! I've missed you so much!"
And as she threw herself onto your form—arms engulfing you wholly, emotionally—you found yourself blanking out for once, only one thought popping up in your head:
What. The. Fuck.
@bdudette, @tanyaherondale, @killerqueenfan, @l3xiluve, @thedoubleexposurephotography, @xxqueenofdemonsxx, @briarsheart, @nickey-diano, @uselessbutinteresting, @steeldaisies, @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom, @patheticreative, @majestichugs, @eddiesbitch83, @secretdryrose, @bloodywickedvamp, @charlizekkelly
Did Billy give you guys butterflies or what? 😏 (Srsly tho, I need to know if I'm writing him well—)
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yurinaa-world · 6 months
hello! dan heng, blade, jing yuan with a cat hybrid reader
they found the reader abandoned on some alleyway like a kitten, they have cat ears and a tail, but other than that they have human features
they like taking naps, being petted,climbing to high places
platonic thankwyouu
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Characters: Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, and Blade platonic! x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: with cat hybrid reader
Warnings: Fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
Worries about you sleeping in the archive room since it’s a complete mess with books everywhere and his trashy 'bed', which would be akin to sleeping on the floor, but still falling asleep there? Even if he has a bit of a hard time going to sleep, you can sleep there seamlessly without a care in the world.
You want him to pet you all the time, stopping him from putting anything in the archive and just spending his time petting or brushing your ears or tail, the small sounds of purring coming from you. He’s awkward when it comes to doing this stuff for you; he doesn’t know if he’s petting you too roughly or not!
Tries to get off of high places. Yeah,  you may be a hybrid, but you are still part human. Your body is mostly human and just has the tail and ears, and you have extra agility, but your feet won’t land like an actual cat would, so please get off that shelf and don’t bother trying to land on your feet; just jump into his arms.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
You just randomly show up at his office, having nothing to do, so he gives you things to sort out files and other things, but you always end up falling asleep. On top of the files, you look pretty cute just lying there, but you should wake up since your face will get numb and have a mark on it, and you’ll complain about it.
Pets you a lot, gives you a lot of attention as much as he gives to Mimi, and has you spend time with each other. Mimi treats you like its own kid, also petting your ears with its paw and licking your face or pressing the side of its face against yours—how adorable! At least you play together without any problems.
You shouldn’t be in trees; you shouldn’t be there; you might get hurt, and you don’t have one of the workers to yell at you to come back down, but you don’t seem to trust anyone but him, so he’ll get you down instead.
Carries you back to your room whenever you fall asleep somewhere random; he just sighs, giving you a piggyback ride while going slow, making sure you don’t wake up, and trying to be gentle all at the same time.
“Blade, give me some attention!” You complain about taking his hand and putting it on your head, wanting him to pet your cat ears. He is such an attention hog, wanting all his attention on you, and sometimes he even pinches your ears in a mean way, making you whine! Why did he do that? Because he can.
Honestly, you're in a high place; it doesn’t matter to him. Do whatever you want; if you can get up there with ease, you can come down with no problem, but if you start asking him to help you, he won’t help unless you say please; if not, then too bad.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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lovelyney · 2 years
CHARACTERS: beidou, ganyu, hu tao, ningguang, shenhe, yanfei, yelan, yun jin
SCENT: headcanons
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2022 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: A huge sweetheart !! Despite her intimidating appearance, she’s one big softie (especially when it comes to you.)
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She always stresses that you can come to her about anything. Your burdens are hers and vice verse.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The crew members of the crux absolutely adore you !! They’re like your second family.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: You look after Kazuha a lot, making sure the samurai eats and whatnot; he actually started viewing you as his caretaker. (Which Beidou continued to tease you about.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Ningguang can only hope that you keep her out of trouble and not encourage it. (Rest assured, you don’t. . . Most of the time.)
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Is fully confident that you can handle yourself, but if someone yells at or hurts you, then she’s immediately stepping in.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: She nearly crushes you in her hugs.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Calls you “(my) princess/prince,” “(my) treasure,” and “honey.”
❝Hey there, honey! Woah, you sure do look irritated. Did something happen? Oh? Some drunk bastards wouldn’t leave you alone, you say? You don’t happen to remember how they look, do you?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You are her pride and joy, and she never fails to voice that.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She likes to walk around with you on her shoulder, her hand firmly holding your own so that you don’t fall.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: A really good listener; she’ll always lend an ear and shoulder for you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: If you ever get sea or homesick, she’ll be right there to comfort and soothe you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Whenever you guys are out together, she always keeps you closely knitted at her side, not wanting the crowd to separate you from her.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Takes you out drinking quite frequently, you being the one who normally remains sober so you safely get her back home and take her to bed.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Her hands are always warm—she’s always warm, so if you’re ever cold, just ask for a hug and she’ll happily oblige.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Although her motive was never the loot, she’ll always try and bring you something back from her adventures if you couldn’t come with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Shifts her coat on your shoulders whenever she senses danger nearby.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: She’s incredibly loyal to you. You do not have to worry about her leaving you for someone else; she loves only you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Please drag her away from her work ‹///3 The poor girl needs a break.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She acts like your mom, and you act like hers—you guys always go on and off taking and looking after one another.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She’s such a sweetheart omg ‹/3 Ganyu, my beloved.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: The girl doesn’t understand relationships all too much, but what she does know is that she loves you more than she could fully comprehend.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Cloud Retainer is thankful that you take such good care of her; mom approves of your guys’ relationship !!
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Struggles to fall asleep on her own, but when she’s snuggled up to you, she finds it much easier.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Wasn’t too familiar with the concept of affectionate nicknames until you called her one. Then she politely asked if she could call you “sunflower” and “sunshine.”
❝S-Sunflower? What-What are you doing? B-But I still have work to do! (Sighs.) Alright, alright. . . I’ll call it in for the night I-I do miss your cuddles. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Ganyu adores your cuddles !! She’s actually quite clingy with you; your touch tends to soothe her worries.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You have to politely decline munching on qingxins with her; instead she weaves you flower crowns out of them and brings you home bouquets of them !!
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Rest assured, if you’re stressed with work or stuck on something, your girlfriend will be at your side as soon as possible !!
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Loves getting her hair played with !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: The best way to help her sleep is slowly rub up and down her horns.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Arguments are very rare since she’s a peacemaker and is always soft-spoken.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Sometimes when you notice she’s overworking yourself, you’ll either do some of the paperwork for her or go to Ningguang personally and ask if she can give her a few days off. (She normally complies.)
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Her skin is always so soft !! Holding her hand is like holding a cloud.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: She always pushes herself to get stronger so that she can protect you better.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s very playful and mischievous !! Often playing little harmless pranks on you as a means to get your attention.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Quite blunt with how she feels about you; we all know she loves to express herself freely.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: However, she’s also incredibly sweet when it comes to you !! She’s almost a completely different person when it comes to you—being normally so energetic with everyone else and being rather soft and gentle with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: On the days you’re not doing commissions, she’ll drag you to the parlor so that she can spend the day with you. (Given if she doesn’t have the day off herself.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: If you have a heavy (or light) of death, she’ll try n’ help you overcome it !!
she’ll also try and cut back on talking about it so carelessly in hopes of not scaring you or making you uncomfortable.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Calls you “(little) crystalfly,” “(my) butterfly,” and “(my) love.”
❝Why, hello there, my butterfly! What brings you to the parlor at this time of day? Wait. . . What’s with that gloomy expression? Hm. Alright, my love, I’m going to need a name and location. What’s with that look for? I’m not going to do anything rash! I’m just gonna. . . offer them a limited-time offer, that’s all!❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: She ‘subtly’ threatens anyone who hurts you, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Sometimes she’ll beg you to come and advertise with her, claiming, “well, you’re so cute, crystalfly! How can they decline when you’re around?”
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves to play and dance with you in the rain !!
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She can be a little clingy sometimes. She loves to hold your hand and give you side hugs.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Butterfly kisses to the max !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Whenever you’re sad, she’ll tickle you relentlessly.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Squishes and kisses your cheeks a bunch.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Watches over your shoulder curiously whenever you’re doing something.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You sometimes have to drag her away from getting carried away with promoting.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: She likes to take you along with her to find spirits !! If you’re starting to get nervous, she’ll wrap you in a tight hug and assure you everything’s going to be fine and that’ll she protect you no matter.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Loves to brag and boast about you whenever she can. (Especially to Zhongli and Xiao.)
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Despite being all too familiar with death and passing, she’s terrified that she’s going to lose you to it earlier than she’d like; she won’t ever tell you that, though. (She doesn’t want to worry you!)
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Days off are either spent in each other’s arms or on a picnic date up on the cliffs, watching the sunset when it comes that time of day.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s a lot more flirty than you might think.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: As her s/o, you have special privileges to the Jade Chamber.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She spoils the fuck out of you; you only receive the most highest quality of gifts.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Initially, you two kept your relationship hidden from the public eye, but then someone started prying and spreading rumors.
of course, she didn’t mind telling people she’s in a relationship with you; she just didn’t want people to pressure you into answering any of their absurd and disrespectful questions and/or comments.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She’s naturally busy with meetings, making it hard to schedule time with you alone. As a means to it, if you're ever free when she's not, she’ll ask you if you'd like to tag along.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She likes to turn to you and see your point of view; she greatly values your opinion on the things she discusses with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: “(My) jewel,” “(my) dear,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Welcome home, my jewel. Hm, you look so exhausted. . . You haven’t been overexerting yourself, have you? Go take a hot shower, and I’ll brew you a cup of tea, alright? I’m free these next two days how about we spend some quality time together, hm? It's been a while since I’ve properly taken you on a date. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Whenever she meets with Beidou, it’s always accompanied by her teasing and asking questions about you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: She once told you, “out of every antique and piece of gold in this chamber, you, my dear, are the most prized and cherished.”
she doesn’t say such things very often because she doesn’t want them to sound excessive to the point where they’ve lost their meaning.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Like Zhongli, she already has an engagement ring made out of the most finest quality cor lapis stored safely somewhere in the Jade Chamber.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Despite all the compliments she gets, she always remains loyal to you and politely tells them that she’s with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Knowing your Ningguang’s lover, people usually avoid messing with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Her touches are always so warm and filled with love. Things such as slowly running her hands up and down your arms, her fingers gradually combing through your hair, and humming you to sleep when you’re stressed.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Loves to color coordinate your guys’ outfits !! She thinks it’s a cute, subtle way of showing people that you’re together.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: She can be a little protective over you sometimes.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She was very confused about what romantic relationships were and what they entailed; “I thought you were supposed to feel such strong feelings towards your friends. . .” Not if you have the overwhelming desire to hold them, Shenhe.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She went to Cloud Retainer for some help, the adeptus didn’t know much, but she did confirm what Shenhe felt was love.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She’s new to a lot of this, so you’re going to have to be patient with her ‹//3 She loves learning, though !!
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Quite protective over you; she fears that something out of her control will hurt you one day. And for that, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Reads a lot of books regarding romantic relationships.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Likes to follow along with you on your adventures and commissions.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Was very confused when she heard someone call their significant other “love” and asked you, “who would name their creation that?” So you had to explain to her that it wasn’t their actual name and rather a term of endearment.
and after reading more about it, she started calling you “xiào niâo” which means “little bird” and “(little) love.”
❝You know, xiào niâo. . . After being in a relationship with you for quite some time now and knowing what cheating refers to, I can’t seem to comprehend why someone would do such an awful thing to their partner. . . They’re dedicating their love and time to them, are they not? So why betray their kindness and commit your love to someone completely different?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Mhm, after you explained to her what cheating was, she was heartbroken because she couldn’t even imagine hurting you like that after you set aside so much of your love and time for her.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Even though she doesn’t care much of the rumors spread of her, you’re always quick to shut them down and in some cases, shut the said person up.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: (↑) However, regarding any rumors of you or of how she treats you, she won’t hesitate to bring them to a stop.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Isn’t very open with her emotions and how to show them, so most of the time you’ll have to directly ask her how she’s feeling.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Definitely a caretaker type; she likes to take care of you if you’re ever feeling unwell—severe or not.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: After feeling and knowing affection, she’s become a lot more accustomed to your touch, often leaning into your arms when she comes back home.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Will 100% show her love for you in public. She isn’t too familiar with the term PDA but why wouldn’t she want to show the world that she loves you ??
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You are the greatest and noblest thing that’s happened to her.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Without a doubt, your bodyguard. She’s rather protective over you, both from outside forces and inside. You are very precious to her and she will not have you getting hurt.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: She’ll take new things she sees outside, and try them out with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Cannot sleep without you after the first time. She’ll always look at you with pleading eyes if you’re not immediately coming to bed with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Loves to kiss the backs of your hands and your palms !!
𖠵𝟐𝟎: You both always like to stop in and see Yunjin’s performances !!
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s by far one of the best people you can go to for advice !! Whether that be legal advice or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She actually initially thought that a romantic relationship would get in the way of her work, but after growing closer to you, that idea quickly diminished.
Yelan also protested against it, saying, “if you do really like them in that way, then go for it. love waits for no one.”
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Gives you the best legal advice, hoping to keep you out of trouble, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Also quite new to the concept of relationships, not knowing what exactly they entail and what she should do.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Petty arguments are always peacefully resolved as she hates them more than anything, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She notices when something’s off with you almost immediately; it’s hard to hide stuff like that from her.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: “Belladonna,” “(my) dear,” and “(my) love.”
❝Welcome home, belladonna! How were your commissions today? You didn’t run into any problems, did you? Make sure you always let me know if someone or something bothers you I want to do all that I can to make sure you live a comfortable life. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Yelan likes to playfully pester her about you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: She loves to fall into your arms after a long day of work.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Sometimes you like to bring snacks and drinks to the law firm to make sure she’s taking care of herself and not drowning herself in work.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: She’s very analytical, so she thinks over each decision before deciding on one.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Will not have anyone putting a bad name to yours; she knows how kind-hearted you are and can’t fathom how anyone doesn’t see that.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: If she’s ever stuck on a case, she’ll turn to you for advice, whether you have intel or not; she loves to see your view of things.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Melts into your touch whenever you card your fingers through her hair or rub her antlers.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Mindlessly plays with your fingers and hands sometimes, it grounds her from all the petty cases that she has to deal with.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Memorizes just about everything you say, what you do, your likes, your dislikes. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟕: She can be a little awkward about receiving and imitating affection, but she’ll warm up (:
𖠵𝟏𝟖: If she feels overwhelmed with work, she’ll invite you over and ask you to ramble on about your interest—your voice often bringing a sense of peace and comfort.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: A really good caretaker !! Especially if you’re sick or injured.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Really cherishes small and intimate moments between you two.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Another one who’s surprisingly flirty. . . She loves to make you tick.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She keeps your guys’ relationship hidden from the public eye, not wanting to put a target on your back because of being affiliated with her.
the only one who really knows of your relationship is Yanfei since she knows and trusts her well.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: A protective mom when it comes to you. She wants nothing but for you to be safe and unharmed.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: If you’re out in public and she notices you’re getting apprehensive, she’ll slyly grab your hand and tap her fingers three times against your inner wrist, her code for “I love you” in public.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: If you ever get cold while you’re out, she’ll sling her jacket over you, hoping that it’ll help at least a little.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: When she senses danger, she’ll put her jacket over your shoulders and step in front of you protectively, her main goal being to keep you safe and unharmed.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: You ask her to hum you to sleep, she doesn’t understand why but she normally doesn’t argue, as long as you go to bed happy.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Darling,” “sweetheart,” and “(my) blossom.”
❝Hm? Why’re you all dolled up, blossom? Going somewhere important? Oh? A business meeting, you say? Why don’t I come along with you, hm? I dare say that I can strike a good bargain, if needed, of course. . . What? Of course, it’s not just so that I can keep an eye on the guys there. Okay, maybe a little. But can you blame them, darling? You’re awfully striking, you know. . . I’m so incredibly lucky to have you as my partner.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: If you happened to be with her in the Chasm, she would make it a priority to take care of you, also glaring at Itto whenever he seemed to get a little too friendly with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: To make up for her busy schedule, she always brings you food and little trinkets home to show that she’s thinking of you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: If she hears that someone’s bothering you, she’ll have them dealt with in about. . . 2-3 days.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Can cook some good ass food !! Yelan is hella wife material even if she protests she’s not. (Which she does.)
𖠵𝟏𝟑: When you’re not looking, she’ll stare at you with smitten eyes; she loves to admire your beauty.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Another one who’s an excellent listener and gives great advice; she’ll always lend you her shoulder to cry on.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: She either takes you on really expensive dates or really simple, cute/romantic ones. Her main goal is for you to enjoy yourself (:
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: 100% gushed to Xinyan and Xiangling when she started crushing on you; the two have never seen their friend so starstruck by someone.
even now, when you two are actually dating, she still squeals to them about how much she loves you and how you make her so much happier than she could ever imagine.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: You’re a new wave of inspiration for her, bringing forth new ideas to her mind whether you know it or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She loves to do your makeup !! She thinks the style magnifies your beauty by x10,000.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Had a long discussion with her manager (that I forgot the name of ‹//3) about how she should be paying more attention to her performances rather than relationships. Yunjin had never felt more offended in her life.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She had no problem whatsoever telling her fans that she’s in a relationship with you—happily telling them you’re her star in the night sky and the sun in the morning sky.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Teaches you how to act—giggling whenever you’re being purposefully overdramatic.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: This girl loves you so so much.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “(My) starlight,” “my muse,” and “(my) darling.”
❝S—Starlight? What’re you doing here? I-I thought you said couldn’t come to today's performance. . . O-Oh, you-you wanted to surprise me? Oh, (NAME). Thank you so much! I really love you, you know that? H-How about I treat you to lunch, hm? It’s the least I can do, really. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Really cherishes the time she has alone with you, given she’s normally busy with practicing and performing.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: At the end of the night, she likes to rest her head on your lap and tell you all about her day.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Loves to dress you up in her clothes !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: She also loves to buy you things !! One of her love languages is definitely gift giving (:
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Whenever you’re watching her perform, she’ll always find a way to lock eyes with you and give you a small wink.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Really wants you to perform with her one day !!
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Teaches you all different kinds of dances !! Dancing with you is one of her favorite past times.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: If she ever feels discouraged, she’ll always think of you and get back on her feet.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Speaks of you so highly to both her friends and fans.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Makes you the most finest quality of jewelry.
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jenosdaemi · 2 years
come back home | johnny suh
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Pairing: Johnny x female reader Word Count: 14k Genre: smut, angst, fluff Warnings: established relationship, language, a bit of aggression, oral (female receiver), gaslighting(?), physical aggression, mention of hunger, mentions of other members, taeyong love triangle, pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy
Summary: Your relationship with Johnny has been perfect for 2 years. He always made you feel loved and special. When with him, he always reminds you that you are the reason behind his success and happiness. Not until the media found out about your relationship and the Johnny you used to know started to change.
Disclaimer: The characters in the story are fictitious and do not reflect or resemble the idols mentioned in real life. It is not in the slightest way legit. Any resemblance to any actual life events and happenings is purely coincidence and is not intended.
AN: Okay pretty please do not expect too much because this story has been written years ago. I did try fixing this a little but I can only change much lol. Nevertheless, I still thank you everybody for waiting and I very much wish you like this!
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“Johnny please calm down.” You pleaded, tears about to fall as you watched him pace around his dorm room. Johnny brushed his hair with his fingers, brows knitted and visibly pissed. You used to find it hot when Johnny did that, but now you're scared of what's about to happen. 
“This is your fault.” He mumbled to himself, he knew you heard it loud and clear. One hand on his waist, the other gripping his hair. You couldn't believe what Johnny just said. You clenched your fist as you rested them on your chest and tears began to flow as you tried to convince yourself that he’s just mad, he didn't mean any of that. 
“Johnny, please don't say tha-” Johnny threw his bedside lamp at the wall and it shattered making a huge noise. You had your back against the wall and Johnny is on the other side of the room. You cannot hide the fear you are feeling right now, shaking that he might not satisfy his anger and resort to hurting you.
Johnny wasn't like this. You've already been together for 2 years and he never– not even once, raised his voice at you, he never showed aggression. You used to think that he’s this giant and soft guy, or at least that's how you remembered him. 
“I SAID THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” He instinctively threw another object that his hand touched and made an even louder noise. You know the members outside could hear Johnny screaming and blaming you, but you didn't care because you're blaming yourself too. 
2 Years Ago (Canada)
You weren't really the type of girl who goes out on a Friday night. You're not a total introvert, but you enjoy being alone. You have friends, but you don't have the type of friends you typically see in the movies that bond for life. You only have your parents, your brother Minho and that's good enough for you.
“Come on. Come with us. Halmeoni will look for you.” Minho is by your bed shaking the hell out of you trying to wake you up. 
He pulled your arm to sit you up. “I don't want to go out. I'm too lazy.” You grumbled and purposely collapsed on him. He almost didn't catch you, but you didn't worry, you know your brother will never let you get hurt. You heard him giggle as he tried to sit you back up.
“Please y/n wash-up. When's the last time you bathe? You smell.” He laughed as he pokes your armpit. You immediately jolted up, scared to get tickled more. 
“I showered last night, asshole.” You jokingly said as you stood up from bed and went straight to the bathroom. 
You’re not really a fan of family gatherings. You don’t hate it, you just prefer not to be there. Family gatherings overwhelm you when your relatives start asking you questions like when will you have your first boyfriend, or have you been promoted in your work yet. And they would always recommend you to marry someone rich instead of finding love. Even though falling in love and imagining cliche things associated with love makes you cringe, you had always hoped to be with someone worthy of all the cringiness.
You're only planning to stay at your grandmother’s house until they cut the cake. You took some finger foods in a ziplock ready to leave the party and looked at your brother for help. Minho already knew what to do in situations like this. You did your part showing up here and now your brother will do his part of helping you sneak out. 
He winked at you as a sign to stay prepared and then yelled. “Oh my god, who made this kimchi? It's bland!”
Everyone in the room looked at him. Grandma made that kimchi and no one dares to go against grandma’s kimchi. You wanted to stay and see what would happen to your poor brother but you took your chance and sneaked out. You ran to the bus stop and caught the bus right on time. You sent your brother a text that you’ll be back before guests start to leave. 
You went to an old coffee shop in your town that you frequently go to. Only a few people come here in the middle of the day and right now it looks like you're the only one's going to be dining in, just like how you want it. 
With a cup of cappuccino, you took out your notebook and started sketching imaginary creatures while listening to music. Just a little later you heard a noise of people coming into the store but you didn't even bother yourself to look up to see what’s all the commotion was about. You were so focused on your work that you didn't notice that there's a pair of eyes already looking at you. 
Mark and Doyoung were ordering at the counter while the rest of NCT 127 sat at the table across from you. Taeil noticed that Johnny was staring at you intently. 
“Pretty?” Taeil teasingly asked Johnny which made him blush. He tried looking away only to find himself staring at you again not a even a second later. 
You're thinking of something to sketch, but you are having a hard time putting it in drawing. You pout your lips and scratch your temple with the pen you're holding. Johnny suddenly felt a rush of warm feeling inside his chest and he hasn't even touched his coffee yet. You’re cute, he thought. He felt his lips curving into a smile while looking at you. Out of impulse, Johnny took out his phone and secretly took a picture of you. 
“Or you could just say hi.” Jaehyun said sarcastically which made everyone at the table laugh. Johnny didn't know that his members were watching him slowly developing a crush on you, it made him a little embarrassed but also proud. 
The loud laughter in front of you finally caught your attention. You looked up, feeling a little nosy wanting to see what's funny but instead you caught a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking at you. 
something sparked in you and Johnny felt that too. He didn't know how to react now that you know that he's staring at you, but he eventually managed to give you a smile. You timidly smiled back at him and nodded your head to greet him. You didn't even glance at the boys that’s with him, you only saw Johnny, his beautiful eyes, clear skin and smooth hair. 
You looked back at your sketch the instant you realized that you're staring. You increased the volume of your phone trying to drown their chatters and to get your focus back on what you're doing, but you can't help to think that there's a handsome guy in front of you and he just freaking smiled at you. 
Johnny couldn't take it any longer. He knew this could be the first and last time he's ever going to see you and thought he might at least give himself a chance to know the cute girl he saw at an old coffee shop. He stood up and walked to your way. The other members cheered him quietly while Mark was just laughing on his own. 
He put down a plate of chocolate cake at your table. You looked up to see him smiling again, you immediately took off your earphones eager to hear what he's about to say. 
“I hope you like chocolate cake.” The sound of his voice lingers in your ear, you can't help but smile and nod. You know he's flirting and you don't mind it, in fact, you like that he's flirting with you because you like him too. 
“I do. Thank you.” You wished he didn't see you eating greasy finger foods that you took from your grandma's party. You slowly put back the bag of Ziploc into your bag. Johnny saw what you did and thought it's funny but didn't say a word. 
“I see that you're alone. Do you mind me sitting with you?” You looked at him and looked behind him and saw 9 men watching the two of you talk. They all changed their gaze avoiding eye contact with you but they made it so obvious. 
“Aren't you with your friends?”
“We're always together. I'm sure they would appreciate the favour that I'm not with them for once.” He said which made you laugh. Johnny could swore that he felt butterflies in his stomach when he heard you laugh. You asked him to sit with you thinking it’s probably not gonna hurt little company while you wait for your grandmother’s party to end. 
The two of you talked like you've known each other for a long time. There is something about Johnny’s confidence that made him a little intimidating but also surprisingly comfortable. Johnny on the other hand feels like he’s himself again after a very long time.
Halfway through the conversation, he finally introduced himself as a member of a Kpop boy group. You didn't know that he’s an idol. You've heard about their group on one of The Late Night Show that your mom loves to watch, but you didn't really pay attention. Johnny saw that you were overwhelmed when he told you who he was and he visibly panicked as well.
He put his hand on top of yours trying to comfort you, which you found funny because Johnny looked like he needed the comfort more than you do. You assured him that you don't mind his profession and that your initial impression of him is what you liked more. 
Johnny couldn’t believe he would find a gem in an old coffee shop in a city he’s only been in because of work. He asked for your number and offered you a ride home in their trip bus. Johnny eventually needed to go back to Korea after two days. He made sure to take you out on a date for those two days and that's more than enough memories of him for you. 
He called you day and night as much as he could. You're always on facetime with him that it almost feels like you're with him all the time. He cherishes his special connection with you even though both of you were uncertain of what kind of relationship you share. Is it just friendship? Or is there more to it?
Johnny was scared to ask you to be his girlfriend over the phone. He knows you deserve more than that, so 3 months later he decided to visit you. 
You had a bad day at work and was surprised to see Johnny waiting for you outside. He was leaning on a car he rented, wearing a brown sweatshirt and denim jeans emphasizing the length of his limbs. He looked exhausted, but still handsome as ever, smiling from ear to ear. 
Johnny’s plan was to check in a hotel first and freshen up, but after he got his rented car he found himself driving to you with suitcases in his trunk. He brought you to the same old coffee shop you both love and wasted no time asking you to be his girlfriend. Just like that, over two cups of americano, you will go home with Johnny as your boyfriend. 
He can only stay in Canada for 2 weeks. Your family loved him dearly and invited him to stay at your house instead of going back to a hotel every night after spending the whole day at your house. 
Two weeks felt like two years. Hugs and kisses, laughter that you can hear throughout your house, his cologne lingers on your hair, Johnny is everywhere in your home and you love it. You have never been happier, you didn't expect to find love when you're not even looking.
You were watching Minho and Johnny play basketball in the backyard when your dad stood beside you.
“You're happy.” It wasn't a question, it’s a statement. You looked in his direction and you saw him watching your brother and your boyfriend play with a hint of smile on his face. 
“Your mom and I worry about you because you never showed interest in other people. Remember when your mom asked you why you never go out with your friends and colleagues? You simply told her that we were your friends. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful that you grew up to be such a loving and wonderful daughter- but your mom and I are worried that when it’s time for us to kick the bucket and when your brother decides to have his own family...” He sighed and met your eyes with a set of tears. “We’re afraid that you will be lonely. It would hurt me to leave my daughter all alone.”
Hearing what your father said brought tears to your eyes but you tried so hard to hide it. You hugged him and stared at the sky. “You don't have to worry about me dad. You know I'm okay alone.”
“Y/n, alone is okay. Loneliness isn't.” He looked back to the boys playing. He didn’t say anything and just smoothed out your hair and sweetly carresed your back. “Johnny asked our permission to bring you back to Korea with him.”
You looked in your father’s direction so fast it could snap your neck. “He did what? I didn't know anything about that, I swear!” you protested.
“It's okay, we're not mad. When I was your age your mom and I were set to get married.” He laughed. “You're old enough to leave the nest, but we told him that the decision is still up to you. This is your life y/n and we want you to make the most of it, make mistakes, try new things. Remember we’ll always, always support you no matter what. I just need you to know how much we love you.”
You didn't notice that you're already crying hard. You hugged your dad tightly and he returned it to you.  You’re happy that you’re going to start a new chapter in your life with Johnny, but at the same time you can’t help but feel bad that you’re leaving your people behind. Your dad assured you that they will be alright in Canada and they will always be one phone call away.
“Just try to refrain from doing anything illegal. Okay? It will be hard to support you behind bars.” You and your dad could only laugh. 
You looked at Johnny and saw him looking at you too, trying to read the situation you're having with your father. You smiled at him, tears of happiness still evident in your eyes. That gave Johnny a sense of confirmation. He smiled back at you and gave you a wink. 
You and Johnny decided to rent an apartment big enough for the two of you. You sent a request to your firm to transfer you to their branch in Korea, and luckily there is an opening there with better pay and benefits. 
Everything is going well according to plan- if not better- however you cannot deny that your first couple of months were a little hard for you. but you managed to get by with Johnny’s help. 
Your once empty apartment started to fill up with memories. Pictures of you and Johnny are hanging on the walls, there are also pictures of Johnny’s group members with you. For the first time you finally have friends you can depend on, who can listen to you and not judge you, friends that you know will never leave your side. 
Two years later
Your relationship with Johnny is what they call smooth sailing. You were very understanding of how demanding his job is and he’s thankful for that. You take care of him as much as he takes care of you. Your love for one another never wavered, but just like any other relationship, yours isn't perfect. 
You always wanted to go out on a date. Dates like you used to have when you're in Canada with him. You know that your relationship is secret, but you can’t help to get jealous when you see your workmates going out on a date or when they upload a picture of them with their husbands and boyfriends. 
Just like any other girl, you want that and crave for that too. You’re so proud of him that your heart physically aches when you can't do anything about it. You want to brag about him to the world and you want to show everyone that he’s in love with you, but you can't. You’re not allowed to. Not when his contract specifically said that he can't be seen dating. You might be just like any other girl but your boyfriend isn’t just like any other guy, he’s Johnny Suh.
“I just want a date babe. A dinner date is all I ask of you.” You were sitting on the couch, quietly crying while he’s kneeling in front of you cupping your face. 
“You’re making it sound so easy y/n. I'm sorry, but you know that we can't be seen dating in public. We already talked about this. I am crazy in love with you, you have me. Isn't that enough for now?” 
Johnny’s heart is breaking into pieces when he sees you like this. He hates it when he can't give you what you want. He hates it when he can't even take you out on a simple date. Yes, he had a dinner date with you before at your dining room, but never outside the four walls of your apartment. 
If you only knew how much he wanted to show you off but his career is just as important to him. He trained and waited 9 years to debut as an idol and NCT is just starting to get popular worldwide. He can't jeopardize the success of his whole group to go out on a date with you. 
“I'm sorry too if I'm being unreasonable. It's been two years since we last went out, I guess I just miss it.” Now that you're hearing yourself, you just sounded so stupid. How can you be this selfish and ask him something you know he can't do?
He pulled you closer and hugged you tight. “No babe. I'm sorry. Wait for a little more okay? I'll take you on the best date the world has ever seen, you just have to be a little more patient with me.” 
“I guess I can wait a little longer.” He looked at you and you smiled at him. 
He pecked your lips and looked you in the eye. “I love you so much y/n.” He kissed you slowly. A very passionate kiss that Johnny always gives you. It's almost as if he’s talking instead of kissing. You felt his love for you, and how much he’s sorry for not giving you what you wanted. 
You kissed him back, but this time the kisses went deeper making it obvious that you’re asking for more. You put your arms around his neck as you lay down on the couch without breaking the kiss. His hand is supporting your back and the other is gripping your thigh slowly spreading it so he can position himself on top of you.
He pressed his body to you as you two continued to kiss. You can feel his crotch getting hard. You break away from the kiss.
“Really? We're just kissing and you're hard already?” You teased him. He didn't say anything, he just smirked at you and pressed his crotch to you even more. You can feel his hard member on your clothed pussy, longing for you. Johnny on the other hand can feel your body starting to heat. You bit your lip and instantly, Johnny knew you're getting aroused.
He carried you to your shared bedroom and carefully laid you down on the bed. He took off your shirt and started kissing your chest. He purposely avoided your hardened nipples and it's making you crazy. 
“Please..” you pleaded. Johnny smirked, he loves it when you plead.
He stopped kissing your chest. He cupped your breast and looked into your eyes as he slowly licked your nipple. You couldn't help but moan louder when he softly bit it. He switched kissing and licking you from one boob to another while his other hand is taking off your shorts and underwear. 
He got up from the bed and looked at you completely naked in front of him while he’s still wearing his pants and hoodie. You were about to cover yourself when he pinned both of your wrists on the sides of your head. 
“Are you shy?” He asked you. You blushed so hard, but you didn't look away from his stare. 
He pecked your lips and got up again to admire your naked body, you didn’t move and just let him look at your nakedness. He loves every inch of your body, even the imperfections you are insecure about looks so perfect to him.
He put his index finger on your lips and slowly traced your body downward. His touch makes you even crazier. You closed your eyes and gripped the sheets around you as you anticipated his touch down there, but he stopped before he could even reach your pussy. He smirked at the sight of you aroused. 
While your eyes still closed. He lowered himself down to your pussy and licked it without touching it. You arched your back as you felt his warm tongue touch your clit. He licked you like there's no tomorrow while two of his fingers are going in and out of your hole. 
“Oh my god Johnny” you moaned his name as you feel getting closer to your climax. Johnny did his best as you reached your high. 
He quickly took off his clothes and his boxer. Johnny is big, and for someone dating him for two years you’re always still in shock whenever you see his member hard and ready for you. You never craved for him more than ever. 
He went to his bedside drawer and pulled out a condom. He was about to open it when you stopped him. 
“Can we do it raw tonight baby? Please?” You asked him oh so sweetly.
Johnny wasn't sure if it was a good idea. You rarely have raw sex that it's almost never, but he can't turn you down again twice in one night. You know that Johnny is having a hard time deciding. “Don't worry babe. I'll take Plan B tomorrow morning.” You assured him.
He smiled at you as an agreement and kissed you on your lips as he slowly thrust himself inside you. Just when you thought that's all he has, Johnny pushes more of him in you. You felt so full with Johnny inside of you.
You can never get used to his big dick, no matter how many times you’ve tasted it. Every time feels like your first time. It doesn't hurt, but you can feel the good stretch his dick has been giving you and it's very addicting. 
You glanced at him, his head looking down at you, eyes filled both with lust and love. 
The feeling of your raw pussy is something Johnny cannot explain. The moment he puts all of himself inside you, he can already feel like he’s about to cum. 
Johnny is going crazy about how tight you are and how you clench and unclench yourself around his dick. His thrusts are slow but balls deep, careful not to finish yet. Johnny keeps on whispering in your ear how much he loves you, how good you feel and how much he finds you beautiful.
Tonight isn't just sex. Tonight you are making love. All you can hear is soft pounding and soft moans from you and Johnny. 
You can feel you’re getting closer to reach your high, you moan his name louder as you beg for more. Your moans aroused him even more, his thrusts began to pace up and he’s fucking you harder. 
“Fuck baby you feel so good.” He whispered to your ear. Johnny is groaning to the sound of your wet pussy getting hammered by him.
“Cum in me baby.” You whispered back. Johnny is losing his mind, he’s having the best sex with you and didn't get to process what you just said.
He came inside you and you also finished just in time. You felt his warm cum blurted inside of you, it felt so good you screamed his name once more. Although both of you already came, Johnny didn’t immediately stop thrusting his dick in you, but he gradually slowed down. You're already shaking under him when he decides to stop and pull out. You love every second of it.
He kissed your neck then your lips. With weak knees, Johnny managed to get a warm damp towel to wipe you clean. He pulled the cover over you and he laid down beside you both still naked.
“I love you so much Johnny.” You hugged him and you instantly fell asleep on his chest with a smile on your face.
“I love you most baby.” He whispered and kissed your forehead.
The next morning feels different. It feels like you just got married and you're now on your honeymoon with Johnny. The sun softly hit your eyes. You wake with a smile on your face remembering  the amazing night with Johnny. You looked on your side and saw the bed empty. You took your robe on and went to the kitchen, there you saw Johnny cooking breakfast you smiled at the sight in front of you. 
Johnny heard the bedroom door open and looked your way. He smiled as soon as he saw you walking towards him. Sometimes he can't help but wonder how lucky he is to have you. Just looking at you in the morning makes him so happy, you are indeed the best thing that ever happened to him. 
“Hi, babe. Good morning.” You greeted him while you hugged him from behind and softly placed a kiss on his back. “You look handsome.” He’s wearing an oversized purple hoodie and purple sweatpants. He looked so handsome even when wearing the simplest clothes. 
You were seated at the table ashe put a plate of toast, eggs and bacon in front of you and another serving for him. Both of you ate quietly, hearts full of joy. The silence isn't deafening but rather enjoyable.
“Babe. I have a surprise for you.” Johnny said as you finished your freshly squeezed orange juice. You can hear the excitement in his voice and you can't help but feel excited as well.
“What is it? Please,not another piece of jewelry. You know how I feel about them.” You jokingly said. He laughed and shook his head. 
He took both of your hands and held them tight. For a moment you thought he was going to propose.
“Dinner reservation tonight at 9 PM. Capital Grille.” 
Your eyes went huge and you covered your gaping mouth with both of your hands. Johnny was over the moon seeing your reaction. You wondered what happened that changed his mind, but you’re thankful for it.
What happened is, Johnny woke up this morning full of love. He looked at you sleeping beside him and just thought that you deserve all the best things this world has to offer. He got up and went out to the balcony and made a bunch of calls to make this long awaited date happen. He spent his morning on call from picking restaurants to songs to be played on your date. 
You were so excited you jumped around the room. Johnny stood up from his seat and tried to calm you down, but instead, you jumped into his arms and hugged him so tight. Tears are starting to form in your eyes, but this time it's not from disappointment.
“Thank you, Johnny. You made me so happy.” You whispered as you buried your face on his neck. Johnny closed his eyes tightly, smiling from ear to ear, hugging you back. 
“Then I'm happy too.” 
You break away from the hug. Everything sank in and you started to panic. You don't have anything to wear. Your hair is extremely dry and your natural hair colour is now appearing on your roots. Your skin is dehydrated and almost ashy.
“Baby I have to leave. I'm going to prepare for tonight.” You said as you ran to your shared bedroom, changed clothes and kissed Johnny goodbye before he could even get a word in. He can only smile and shake his head as he was left all alone in the kitchen.
You and Johnny decided to meet at the restaurant instead of going together. It is safer that way so no one would see you both coming in. 
Johnny is nervously holding a huge 24 pink tulip bouquet arrangement standing beside the table he reserved for that evening. In fact, Johnny reserved the whole restaurant just for the two of you. He was so excited about your date he came an hour early. You're also ready by 8 pm but you wanted to come in late for suspense. 
You are wearing a tight white dress that hugs your body showing your beautiful curves. You dyed your hair to your natural colour and trimmed it just above your shoulders exposing your collarbones. You had your makeup done and they've done it so beautifully it looked so natural.
You walked into the restaurant and Johnny’s heart beats faster as he heard someone come in. You walked in slowly and you saw Johnny in the middle of an empty restaurant beside a single table holding a gorgeous bouquet. Your heart feels like it's going to explode. 
Like you he made changes with his look, Johnny had an undercut and he brushed back his hair. He’s wearing a white button-down shirt and navy pants. You can't describe what you're feeling, all you know is you're so in love with the man standing in front of you. 
Johnny gasped when he saw you. For a moment he forgot how to breathe. You're so beautiful he can't believe that you are real. 
“y/n, you're breathtaking.” Johnny greeted you and kissed you on your cheek. With that simple gesture, he made you feel extremely beautiful. 
The whole night was just perfect. It feels like the first time seeing each other. He loves what you did to your hair so much he couldn't stop talking about it. The two of you talked as if you never saw each other for years. As the night soon to end, Johnny handed you an envelope, you looked at it confused. 
“You asked me not to give you jewelry anymore, but I still want to give you something.” 
You gasped. “Is it money?” You joked. 
He threw his head back and laughed. “You wish.”
You carefully opened the envelope and peeked inside. It's a handwritten letter from Johnny.
He remembered that you have never received a love letter before, so he decided to be the first to write you one. 
My love,
I have never written a love letter before so you have to bear with me throughout the whole thing. 
To say that I love you is an understatement. If there is something greater than love, then that is what I feel for you. You are the most perfect person I have ever met in my life. Every night I pray that you're not just a perfect dream, but if ever that's the case, then I pray that I will never wake up from it. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm thankful that I’m the one you’ve chosen to love.
Your love made me realize things. You taught me to see colours in my black and white world. You helped me grow and you helped me reach the success that I have now. I am glad that after a long day of being an idol I can come home to you and just be me. John. The John that you love. With you, I feel like I can do anything, and I thank you for that. Thank you for guiding me and supporting me. 
The person I am today is because of you. 
I love you with all my heart and all I am. 
You are my everything. 
Your love,
Your eyes are pooling with tears as you read his letter. His words swelled your heart with love. It's simple but straightforward. You looked at Johnny and he’s crying too, he took your hand and kissed the back of your palm.
“I love you so, so much.” He whispered under his breath. It's so faint and sincere you almost didn't hear it.
The night ended and you went home together. You were supposed to go home separately but you don't want to end your night like that, especially when you're going home to the same place. Johnny did not insist on going separately as he didn't want to start an argument and spoil the night. He thought it must be safe now that it's already past midnight. 
The drive home is very quiet, both of you could hear your smiles, unable to hide your happiness. Johnny’s one hand is on the wheel and the other is holding your hand by his lips, kissing and sniffing it now and then.
The moment you and Johnny got home, he undressed you and then himself immediately while kissing you intensely. Both of you walked naked across your apartment as he leads you to the shower and had a steamy sex before continuing your business to bed. It was yet again the best night of your life. 
It's almost 1 PM when you wake up with Johnny’s side of the bed empty. You smiled at the thought of him making you brunch just like yesterday. You jumped out of the bed, wore your robe and went outside. You looked at the kitchen and it was empty, you went to the balcony but Johnny wasn't there either. The bathrooms are empty. It's Sunday, he usually doesn't have a schedule on Sundays. 
You went back to your bedroom and took your phone from the bedside table. You scanned through it hoping to see a text from Johnny but there's nothing. He's not like this, he never leaves without telling you or leaving a note. 
You dialled his number, it only rang once and went to voicemail. You didn't try calling him again thinking he might be busy so you left him a message instead.
Hi babe. I woke up without you here. Is it work? Text back, please. I love you!
An hour passed and he still hasn't called you yet. You decided to call their manager but it went to voicemail as well, so you ended up calling Taeyong and fortunately he answered only after a few rings. 
“Y/n? Hi!” He greeted.
“Hi, Tyong. I hope I'm not bothering you.” You thought he might be busy as well since he and Johnny are in the group and share almost the same workload.
“No, not at all. How are you?” He doesn't sound so busy, so why is Johnny not answering your calls?
“Not much Tyong, I’m just wondering if you know where Johnny is? He’s not here when I woke up and he’s not answering any of my calls and texts. It’s not very like him to leave home without writing me a note or at least sending me a text.”
Taeyong did not answer for a couple of seconds. It's almost like he’s thinking about what to answer next. “All I know is he was called at the office with manager Hyung.”
You were very relieved that he's somewhere safe, the tightness of your chest started to loosen up. “Oh thank you! For a moment I thought he's somewhere out there laying on the road.” You joked. 
Taeyong forcefully laughed but you didn't notice it. “Glad to help. Uhm, hey y/n, it was nice hearing from you but I have to go.” He ended the call before you could even say goodbye. 
All-day you waited for Johnny to come home. You ate the leftover lunch from yesterday and wondered if Johnny had breakfast before leaving. You ended up watching movies to kill time when you drift to sleep.
Johnny came home almost midnight. He’s at the agency's office for almost 12 hours. His head is aching and his stomach is growling. He saw you sleeping on the couch as he made his way to the kitchen to see what you cooked for dinner but there's nothing. He then saw the sink and there's a dirty plate from the lunch you ate. He couldn't help getting pissed when the thought of you staying all day at home and you did literally nothing but lay down. 
He decided to toast a couple of slices of bread and eat it with Nutella and warm milk to ease his hunger. After he ate, he left his plate in the sink and didn't bother with the dishes that are mostly used by you. 
He glanced at you sleeping so cozy on the couch. He didn't know why he's feeling so mad at you right now that he couldn't even look at you. He decided to let you sleep there as he slept alone on the bed for the first time since both of you started dating. 
It was 7 am when you woke up the next morning and to your surprise, you're still alone. You checked your phone and you saw a message from him saying he left early and he's already at work. You're hurt. He came home last night and he didn't wake you up? A lot of different scenarios run through your head, but you shrug them all off as you prepare for work. 
All day and you can’t get Johnny out of your head. You sent him texts in between your work, but he never texts you back even though it says that he’s already seen your messages. You thought he might just be having a bad day and he will talk to you about it tonight when you get home.
You came home thinking that Johnny is already there waiting for you, but you came back to it just like how you left it. No signs of Johnny anywhere, he hasn’t been home yet. You made ramen for yourself and cleaned up the stacks of unwashed dishes. You prepared Johnny stir-fried rice and bulgogi. You waited for him by the table, but he never came home. It’s past 1am and he still hasn't answered any of your calls and texts.
This is the first time that Johnny didn't talk to you for a whole day. You aren't stupid nor numb, you know he is avoiding you and you have no idea why. Yet you still gave him the benefit of the doubt. That night, you slept alone on your cold bed after two years of sleeping in Johnny’s warm embrace- praying that he’s just busy and you're not slowly losing him. 
Johnny on the other hand is trying to keep himself busy, taking all the work he can get so he can get you off of his head. He worked harder than everyone, tripling his practice time to stay late at work. He knows you're waiting at home, he knows you're probably wondering but he's shrugging it off. He’s reading your texts and purposely leaving themn on read so you’d know that he doesn’t want to talk to you. You could sleep on your own, he coldly thought.  
The members and staff are starting to wonder about Johnny’s sudden change of behaviour. He’s been quiet and grumpy when someone approaches him. He doesn't like to be joked at or with which is very unlikely because that’s his unofficial role in the group. They wanted to know what’s wrong, but nobody dared to ask. 
Everybody, including you, find this Johnny very unfamiliar… except for Taeyong.
Taeyong was with Johnny the day after your date. He was waiting outside the room where Johnny was, waiting his turn to be called in.
Johnny was summoned by the higher ups of the agency that day after your date with him. They found out about the little date the two of you had and Johnny is receiving the bad end of it. The company has been scolding him for jeopardizing his group’s success and for forgetting the contract he signed when joining the company. Johnny could only silently listen and absorb everything they’ve been telling and calling him.
The meeting was not really supposed to take 12 hours, but when the company suggested that Johnny should end his relationship with you, that’s when he started to talk back. He fought for you. “The date only took a couple of hours and it was just that one time!” Johnny explained.
“May I remind you that the contract you signed specifically stated that you cannot be seen dating in public! It was never stated that you can do it once and can get away with it!” 
“But nobody saw us! We were careful! This wouldn’t be a problem if none of you are making it a problem!” He stood up from his seat slamming his hand on the desk, leaning towards the people in the front of him.
“Johnny calm down.” Taeyong said as he tried to pull Johnny back to his seat. Johnny was visibly frustrated; he didn’t even notice that he’s already standing and raising his voice to his boss.
“If you think you’re being slick and no one saw you, how do you think we know what you did last night?” His boss answered him coldly. Johnny could only sigh. There’s a lot of things he wanted to say, but he refrained from saying them.
“I will not break up with her. You will not decide for the relationship we have and that’s final.”
The bosses could only look at each other and took their time to talk about what kind of consequences they should give Johnny. They doubt that Johnny wouldn’t do anything like this again, so instead of requiring him to break up with you they demanded Johnny to move back to dorms with his other members, but he insisted on staying with you. 
Johnny tries to say no, but their decisions are final and he has to meet them halfway. His career is on the line, the company is holding his solo debut at his head. He lost the trust of his company and earning it back would take hard work. Johnny felt like he’s back to square one, he felt like he’s back to where he was 10 years ago. 
He pleaded that he would move out gradually because he can’t just leave you all of a sudden when he’s all you have in Korea. He couldn’t think ways of how or in what way he would tell you that he’s in deep shit right now and hope that you accept this news lightly.
Taeyong guessed that Johnny never figured out how to tell you that he asked you to leave your life in Canada to move in with him in a country you know nothing about, just so he could leave you all alone in a home both of you built.
As much as Taeyong pity his friend, he feels sorry for you the most. He can see you struggling to find light in the dark where Johnny has left you, you had no idea what was happening, but he’s not in the right position to tell you what he knows.
In the end, Johnny never had the heart to tell you what the company has been pressuring him to do. He just stopped coming home and keeps on avoiding your texts and calls hoping that you will get tired soon and will eventually stop chasing after him. Johnny did his best to distance himself from you. 
Everyday is a struggle for him to the extent that he is now clouded with nothing but anger. He’s not realizing what he was doing and just started picking the easier but wrong decisions in everything. He bottled all to himself thinking that he was saving you from all the pain he’s going through. 
But he’s wrong. He didn’t make it easier, he didn’t save you from any pain. You’re not doing any better. You’re hurting and he’s the reason why. You have no idea why Johnny suddenly kept his distance from you. He never told you why he was never home anymore. You lost all the reasons to justify what he’s doing to you, all you’re left with are questions.
Two years in a relationship and one day he decided to disappear all of a sudden. You don’t even know if you’re still together with him. Why is this happening? 
His clothes are still hanging on the left side of the closet, but it hasn't been touched for over a week now. Everyday you wake up, go to work, go home and wait for him to come back. The days are longer and the nights are colder. You’re like a dead person walking. You never reached Johnny on his own phone so you feed yourself information about him through his members, mostly from Taeyong. 
Taeyong informed you that Johnny needed to stay at the dorm temporarily because their upcoming album has been demanding most of their time. Of course it’s a lie. A lie that Taeyong chose to tell you so you could at least get a wink of sleep tonight and stop waiting for Johnny to come home. 
Taeyong cannot tell you that Johnny has been telling everybody that he's broken up with you and now living a separate life from you while you're at home alone, sitting in your room waiting for Johnny to embrace you to sleep. 
“You've had comeback preparations before, but he never left home. Can't he just stay here?” You asked Taeyong, voice shaking, tears threatening to fall. 
Taeyong on the other line is gripping his phone so hard it feels like he could actually crush it. You have been very special to him since he laid eyes on you in that old coffee shop, but he never really paid attention to it, he never allowed himself to catch feelings for you because you’ve been off limits from the very start. 
“I wish I could answer that for you. I am sorry, I really am. Is there anything else I can do for you?” 
It’s hard for him to comfort you and keep his distance at the same time. Johnny asked him not to talk to you anymore but Taeyong simply couldn’t do that even when it feels like he’s betraying his friend.
Your sobs are getting louder, “Is-is he there? Can I talk to him please?”
Taeyong looked at Johnny, who seemed to be watching a movie in the living room. He turned his back and closed his eyes tightly. He had to lie again. The sound of your desperate voice breaks Taeyong’s heart into pieces. If only he could wrap his arms around you to keep you safe, he would. 
“He’s not here right now y/n.” Taeyong bit his lip tightly when he heard you sobbed again on the other line. “I’m so sorry.” is all he could say. 
“I understand, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. Thank you Tyong for staying with me. I’m hanging up now, I could use some sleep.” You said and ended the call.
Before you sleep, you send Johnny another text.
Babe, please. I just need to talk to you. Don’t do this to me. I love you.
Johnny saw your text and he could feel that you’re crying again. Before, the thought of you crying breaks Johnny’s heart but now all he can feel is anger. Why are you crying again? Can’t you do anything better than cry?
Every night you cry yourself to sleep. Hugging Johnny’s pillow that still smelled like him. You didn't know when it went downhill. Was it something you did? Was he not interested in you anymore? He could've just broken up with you, why did he have to just ignore you?
You're so weak and couldn't get out of bed anymore that you have to ask for sick leave at your job. You're barely eating, but you didn't notice your hunger or maybe you just don't care. 
For three weeks Johnny acted as if you didn't exist. You don't even know what's the situation of your relationship, is he even still your boyfriend? You’d rather be cheated on than to be treated like this. It's painful to not know what went wrong. Is it you or him? Is there a reason why or was he just fooling around with you all these years. Not knowing hurts, not knowing drives you crazy.
It’s been a month. A month of waiting for Johnny. A month has passed since you stopped caring about the world outside your bedroom. Your job has been calling you to get back to work but you never answered them. You can’t remember when’s the last time you ate, nor seen the outside of your apartment. 
The curtains help dim your room during the day, and the darkness comforts you at night. 
It has been a month since you last talked to your family in Canada, you've been giving them excuses why they couldn't get ahold of you. They knew something’s not right, but they didn't force you to talk, they comfort you instead. You don’t want them to know that Johnny has been treating you like shit, you don’t want your family to see him in any other way other than the Johnny they love. 
Your brother Minho assured you that he will be on the next flight to Korea if you ever need him with you. You wanted to tell them so badly but you're still hoping to fix everything with Johnny. A little more time is what you give yourself. A little more time to hope. 
It's 5 p.m. and you're still laying on your bed, eyes red and swollen from crying after you lied to your parents for the hundredth time. You reached for your water at the bedside table, but it was empty. You sighed and stood up slowly to fill it up but your head started spinning.
You knew this wasn't good and immediately dialled anyone in your phonebook hoping they would answer before you pass out because your vision is starting to get blurry.
“Hello y/n?” Someone answered. 
“P-please help me. Send m-me help.” is the last thing you said. 
You heard the other person calling out your name but you already lost consciousness and dropped on the floor. 
You woke up somewhere unfamiliar. You're hearing monitors and people chattering. The first thing your eyes looked for is Johnny, but he's not there. You looked to your side and you saw Taeyong on his phone sitting in a chair beside you. 
“Y/n you're awake.” He noticed your head moving and jumped up from his seat. “How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened?” You remembered, but you didn't have the energy to answer. “You called me for help before you blacked out. I was so worried for you I almost destroyed your front door if it wasn't for the maintenance guy who heard me screaming for help.” 
Taeyong tends to get talkative when flustered and he was obviously affected by what happened to you. He was in the middle of recording when he received your call and had to drop everything he’s doing to help you. He almost crashed his car multiple times driving to your place, his mind was all over the place hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. 
“Wait for me a second. Let me call someone.” He rushed outside the room. He came back with a doctor and a nurse. The nurse went straight to your side to check your heartbeat, breathing and the drips of your fluids. 
“Miss Choi y/n, how are you feeling?” The doctor asked you, sounding a little optimistic.
You didn't answer, you just looked at her. 
“You were brought here to the hospital because you fainted. We did some tests to find out what caused that and we found out that there’s a sudden drop of nutrients in your body due to extreme hunger and you’re also slightly dehydrated. Do you know when's the last time you ate?” You looked away and kept quiet. You didn't answer not because you don't want to, you didn't answer because you don't know what to answer. “Miss Choi?” She repeated. 
“I have no idea. Maybe yesterday? Maybe 3 days ago. I don't know, I'm sorry.”
You haven't been eating, Taeyong thought. He felt a rush of guilt, he thought of all the times he ate while you're at home starving yourself. He knows none of this was your fault, but he’s so disappointed at you right now.  Why are you apologizing? Why are you apologizing when the person should be apologizing to you is busy kissing his boss’s ass. 
“Miss Choi, I don't know what you're going through but you have to take good care of yourself because I have one more piece of news for you and I need you to be very brave, okay?”
You listened but you avoided eye contact. What else could she tell you that would hurt you more than you’re hurting right now?
“We also found out that you are in your first trimester of pregnancy and based on the size of your baby we were able to know that you are currently 4 weeks pregnant.”
You immediately looked at your doctor to see if she was playing with you, but no. The air in the room is serious.
You remember the night before your date with Johnny. You had unprotected sex that night and you were supposed to take a morning pill the next day, but you was so occupied with Johnny’s surprise that you forgot to take the pill. 
You're pregnant, alone, and scared. You're pregnant and Johnny’s nowhere to be found. You're so stupid for forgetting to take that damn pill. What will happen to you now? You can barely take care of yourself, you most likely don't have a job anymore for all the leave without absence you took and you have no one in Korea. 
Taeyong noticed the rush of emotions in your eyes. He didn’t know why he did what he did but he quickly held on to your hand tightly. You didn't look at him, but you accepted his hand and squeezed it so hard. 
“It's less likely that the pregnancy caused you to faint. We checked the baby’s health, it's on the right track and healthy. Even with that news, I still advise you to take extra precautions. If you can avoid stress, avoid it. And there will be little changes in your diet to keep you and the baby healthy.”
None of what she’s saying makes sense anymore. All you know is you're pregnant and you don't know what to do. You don't even know if Johnny still wanted you. Your body went cold and numb, you wanted to cry but you were so tired you physically can't cry anymore. 
You stayed at the hospital for another hour to finish the bag of drip they administered you. Taeyong never left your side. He let you hold his hand, no words were said. He sat beside your bed holding your hand and the other was brushing your hair with his fingers. The two of you stayed like this until the nurse cleared you for discharge. 
Taeyong is now driving you back home. He stopped himself from asking you questions that might overwhelm you more, he let you be with your thoughts as he didn't have the right words to say so he remained quiet. 
When he found out you're pregnant with Johnny, he thought it would be easier for him to deny that he likes you but to his surprise the news didn't change his feelings for you. In fact, he somehow feels more connected and responsible for you and your baby now.
You’re looking at the trees passing when you start sobbing. You’re feeling suffocated. The news that you're pregnant hasn't sinked in yet. Taeyong glanced at your direction and immediately pulled over in an empty park near Han River.He opened the locks of the door and you quickly ran out of his car, sat down on the grass and cried. You cried your heart out and questioned everything. Is this a punishment for something you did wrong? Isn't this a little too much? Why is this happening to you?
The night breeze is cold. Taeyong took off his jacket and placed it on your shoulder. You caught his hand on your shoulder and pulled him closer to you begging for support. Taeyong was caught off guard but he wrapped his arms around you tightly and just let you cry on his shoulder until you calmed down.
For what seems to be a long time you once again found solace in the arms of a friend.
When you arrived home, you invited Taeyong to come in. You thought it’s the least you can do for all the trouble you have caused him today. You made him a cup of coffee and sat across the table. “I'm sorry if I took too much of your time.” You broke the silence fidgeting with your fingers. 
Taeyong’s drinking a cup of coffee from Johnny’s mug. You can't help but feel sad again.
“No, don't say sorry. I wasn't doing anything anyway.” He lied. It's not his intention to lie to you, but you've been beating yourself up quite frequently and he doesn't want to add up to your guilt. 
“Di-did you tell Johnny?” 
“I didn't. I feel like it's not my place to tell anyone, even Johnny.” His jaw clenched as he thinks of what he's about to say. “I know how often you call him and how he purposely ignores them.”
Your heart broke into pieces. You know he ignores you, but to confirm it from Taeyong shattered you. 
You don’t want to cry anymore but tears rolled down your cheeks. You wiped them immediately, but more started to pour. No matter how hard you try to prevent yourself from crying, you just can't stop the tears from flowing. Sometimes it’s surprising how much tears you can cry. 
The silence is what you need, you don’t want pity, you just need someone to be there for you. You cried quietly, but this time you have someone to cry to, someone who understands you and a friend to console you.
Taeyong wanted to stay over the night and sleep on the couch to look after you but you politely declined. You've caused him too much trouble for a lifetime, you couldn't ask him for more. It’s almost 2am when Taeyong left your apartment and you found yourself alone in your house once again. 
You decided it’s time to ask for a lifeline, it’s time to ask for help. No more pretending that everything’s going to be okay. You are weak and you need support. You took your phone out and turned on facetime. 
Talking to your parents about the pregnancy is another thing to think of. After a month you finally contacted your family in Canada. You know you will disappoint them greatly but the only help you need most are theirs and the first person you thought of is your mom. Your best friend.
“Y/n? I missed you so much! You haven't been online lately. How are you?” The sound of her voice already brings you comfort. The fear and worry you're feeling disappeared. 
“I'm not okay mom.” You bit your lip as you admitted. You know you're not okay but when you heard yourself say that, you felt sorry for yourself.
“What's wrong hun?” She asked you. Worry can be heard in her voice. You also heard your dad and your brother behind asking the same question. 
“Is dad and Minho there? Can you put me on speakerphone please?” 
“You're already on speakerphone baby. What's the matter?” Your dad spoke. You closed your eyes as you heard your father’s voice. How much you miss him hits you so hard.
“Mom, dad. I'm so, so sorry.” You let out a deep sigh and your tears came with it. You’re scared but you know you don’t have to. “Johnny hasn't been home for a month now and.. and I just found out that I'm.. I'm pregnant.”
There was a moment of silence in the other line. You were so nervous about what they were about to say. Are they going to disown you? Do they hate you? You hoped they’ll scream at you and call you a disgrace rather than this silence. 
“I'm going to be an uncle?!” You heard your brother screams purposely ignoring the first news you told them and chose to focus on the good one first, your mom let out a cautious laugh while your dad remains silent.
“Dad?” You asked for him. “I know you're mad and disappointed in me. I know this isn't what we hoped for and I'm really sorry dad. I hope you still love me.” You cried. 
You heard your dad laugh on the other line. “I am not mad nor disappointed in you y/n. And yes I love you so much and right now it might be two times more than usual.” 
“He’s crying y/n.” Your mom teased your dad. “We're happy for you. We’re going to be grandparents!”
They didn’t ask anything about Johnny out of respect so you initiated the talk. You told them everything that happened between you and Johnny. You also mentioned Taeyong helped you greatly during the challenging times. You also told them your plan about telling Johnny that you’re carrying his child. 
Your mom felt so sorry for you, your brother was furious but your dad remained composed and neutral. They made sure that whatever happens, you have a home and a family to go home to.
For the first time after four weeks, you laid on your bed without wishing Johnny was beside you. You felt drained and empty, but you also felt a sudden charge of strength and courage. Now that you're near to becoming a mother, you promised yourself that all decisions you will be making will be nothing but the best for your child. From this day on you will pour out the remaining love you have left in you to your baby.
The very next day you went to a convenience store near your apartment and bought three packs of pregnancy kits. You have decided that you will finally pay Johnny a visit. You have decided to tell him about the baby, after all, he is still the father and you thought he somewhat deserves to know. 
You're scared to your wits how he would react, what if he doesn't want to own up and take responsibility for this. But then you keep reminding yourself that you owe this to your unborn child, you have to at least try to give your baby a father if not a complete family and if he doesn't want to do anything with it then you will leave.
Peeing on a stick and waiting for its result isn't as nerve-wracking as you expected it to be maybe because you already know what’s the result’s going to be. But as you start seeing two lines on it you started bawling. Yes you’re scared, but the tears you’re crying are not from stress anymore, they’re there because you’re happy.
The day seemed brighter, the air was cheerful and the sun that hits your skin feels warmer. You looked into the mirror and you saw something you haven’t seen in a while, there is hope in your eyes.
“That's right. Let's make a difference today.” You cheered yourself and changed your clothes to something comfortable, you put the stick inside your pocket and drove down to Johnny's dorm.
You parked your car in front of NCT’s dorm building and as you walked towards the entrance, you noticed people looking at you. You thought there was something on your face so took your phone out to check but instead you saw a few dozen texts and missed calls. Some are from your colleagues, some are from NCT members and some are from your family abroad. You didn't read the texts one by one but you scanned through them.
“Is it true you're dating Johnny Suh from NCT?”
“Hey, you're on the news this morning!”
“Why didn't you tell me you're dating Johnny Suh! I so wanted to go to their concerts.”
Your hands are shaking and you feel like you've been dumped by cold water. 
You read the most recent text. It was from Taeyong. 
“Y/n are you doing okay? Do you want me to drop by your house? Don't read any articles please, it's not good for you and the baby.” 
You didn't listen and went to read the articles anyways. It says there that you've been dating for 2 years now and was caught having an intimate dinner date 4 weeks ago. 
You started wondering how they'd know? There's a picture of you and Johnny at the restaurant smiling to your heart's content and another one where Johnny was kissing your hand after reading his letter to you. 
Suddenly all the eyes on you felt different. It feels like a piercing stare that could hurt you. You ran inside the building. You couldn't get to the elevators so you went to the stairs. You ran up to the 5th floor, you feel yourself catching your breath. You knocked so hard at their door you’re certain that the neighbors heard them but you didn’t care. 
Haechan opened the door and you can see the shocked look on his face. “Y/n what are you doing here?” He asked you but you walked past him. 
Tears are threatening to fall again but you stood your ground. No more crying. You have to be strong, you can't be weak, not right now. 
“Where’s Johnny?” You said loudly. Doyoung and Taeyong heard you and came out from the kitchen. 
“Y/n?” Taeyong called your name. You looked at him and asked him,
“Where’s he?” 
He didn’t answer but Doyoung pointed at the room at the end of the hallway. You walk to it and sighed before you knocked. 
“Johnny.” You called out his name with authority. 
Johnny on the other side of the door is facing what seems to be the biggest challenge of his career. Pictures have been leaked, he is reading tweets from fans and they're not taking the news very well. His company postponed his solo debut and they're deciding whether or not they'll put him on indefinite hiatus. He’s so overwhelmed and so mad at everyone. 
When he heard you knock and heard your voice calling him, his blood boiled. This is all because of you. All his hard work to get where he is now went down the drain because of you.
Johnny opened the door. It felt like years since the last time he saw you. Your beautiful face, your kissable lips, your kind eyes. He can still see your beauty, but he can't feel anything other than anger towards you. You came in and closed the door behind you.
You can see a lot of emotions in his eyes right now but love isn’t present. Seeing him for the first time after a month brings back all the pain. Memories of you alone begging him to come home went gushing in like a tsunami. You never imagined that one day your relationship will turn out this way. Tears are already at bay.
“This is your fault.” He mumbled to himself, he knew you heard it loud and clear. One hand on his waist, the other gripping his hair. You couldn't believe what Johnny just said. You clenched your fist on your chest and tears began to escape as you tried to convince yourself that he’s just mad, he didn't mean that. 
“Johnny, please don't say tha-” Johnny threw his bedside lamp at the wall, the lamp shattering made a huge noise. You had your back against the wall and Johnny is on the other side of the room. You cannot hide the fear you are feeling right now, shaking that he might not satisfy his anger and resort to hurting you.
“I SAID THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” He threw another object that his hand touched. It made an even louder noise, you know the members outside could hear Johnny screaming and blaming you, but you didn't care because you're blaming yourself too. 
“I'm sorry.” You started crying. “I'm truly sorry Johnny, but please we need to talk.” You walked up to him attempting to calm him down by touching his arms. You don't know anymore how to get his attention. You don't even know why you're still trying to tell him that you're pregnant at this point.
“YOU’RE SUCH A FUCKING BURDEN Y/N! A fucking burden! I don't want to see your fucking face ever again! Fucking shit! I've been working on my career for years y/n! YEARS! And all gone because of you! You're fucking selfish, you only think of yourself! HOW ABOUT ME?! You’re ignorant, selfish and jealous! I don't even know why I fell in love with you! I regret talking to you at that stupid old coffee shop! When I first left Canada, I should've ended things right there and then! I didn't know any better then but now? Now I do. I know you're a fucking worthless piece of shit that I wasted my life on.” 
Ears ringing, you slapped Johnny so hard you brought him back to his senses. You couldn't talk, you were crying so hard that even breathing is hard for you to do. You let Johnny’s hateful words sink in, you soaked up all he said and it's now drowning you. 
You have been wanting to hear something from him, but not this. Not like this. Not those words.
Johnny couldn't believe he just said all that. He stared at you and watched you catch your breath. He tried walking closer to you, wanting to help you breathe, but you stepped back and slapped him harder. You couldn't get a word out of all the crying, you hate this Johnny in front of you so much all you can do is slap him. 
Both of you didn't notice that Taeyong and Haechan had been knocking on the door quite loudly. Doyoung took out an emergency spare key and opened the door. Taeyong saw you clenching your chest, crying and couldn't breathe. He ran towards you, held you by your shoulders and took you away from that room, away from Johnny. 
Johnny looked at the door you went out from. Haechan tried talking to him but he couldn't comprehend what he's saying. He snapped and hurt you. Minutes ago he was mad at you but now all his anger is towards himself. 
Taeyong drove you away from the dorm. The media has been tipped off that you went to NCT’s dorm and there are a lot of people outside the building, waiting by your car. He borrowed their manager’s car, sneaked you out from the back building and drove you home. 
He was quiet the entire drive, the car was filled with the sound of you sobbing. You're sick and tired of crying. All you did for the past weeks was cry, but no matter how much effort you put to stop crying, you just can't. 
“WHY CAN’T I FUCKING STOP CRYING!!” You screamed. “I’m always fucking cry! I'm sick of this! I'm tired of looking like a fucking fool! I JUST WANT ALL OF THIS TO STOP!” 
He didn't tell you to calm down. Instead, just like what he always does he held your hand and squeezed it tightly. “Let it all out.” He said.
“I want to leave Taeyong.” You sobbed. Taeyong thought you just wanted to unwind, but no. As soon as you got back to your apartment, he saw you took your passport and put it in your pocket, you took your suitcases out and hurriedly packed your things. 
You know you're packing your clothes like an animal, but you don't care anymore. Your hands are shaking and your eyes are blurry from the tears. Without a word, Taeyong held you by your shoulders and sat you down on your bed. He looked you into your eyes and cupped your face as he wiped your tears away. 
He took the clothes your holding from your hands and folded them neatly before refolding everything you’ve already put in your suitcase. Even though he disagrees with this, he’s still helping you pack your things. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Taeyong asked you with concern in his voice.
You nodded even though you know he couldn’t see you. “Yes.” You whispered.
“You know that you don't have to do this alone y/n, right? I'm here for you.” Taeyong wanted to offer himself. You need someone to lean on and he’s willing to give that to you. He is willing to go the distance for you and your baby. He wanted to present himself to you, but he knows all too well that it will not help you in any way and will only complicate things
“I know Taeyong and I'm grateful for you but I need to leave. I need to get away from everyone and everything.” 
Your head is starting to hurt because of all the crying you did, but the pain in your heart is overshadowing it. Taeyong could only nod, who is he to stop you from leaving? Considering everything you’re going through he cannot blame you for wanting to escape.
You only took the things you bought for yourself and left all the things Johnny gave you. Your heart is heavy, but you know you have to do this. You have to think of your baby from now on and not just yourself.
Taeyong offered you a ride to the airport and is now waiting for you in the car downstairs, you took a glance at the apartment that has been your home. You can't believe your relationship with Johnny will end up like this. You saw the love letter that Johnny wrote you by the shelf. You read it once more and wrote your own message at the back of it and left it on the table for him to see. 
The stick in your pocket felt heavier, you don’t know if Johnny deserves to know about the baby. You were thinking of leaving the stick with the letter you wrote, but after what he did and what he said it left you wondering... Do you really need him? 
You took out the stick and looked at the two tiny lines. No, you’re no longer alone and you will never be alone again. You thought of your family back in Canada, they will be by your side every step of the way. You don’t need Johnny.
You teared as you smiled, you decided to move on with your life. In hopes that Johnny will also be able to live his life the way he wanted... As an idol. When you think of it, he was never yours anyway. He belonged under the spotlight. He is destined to perform. He belonged to the fans to love. 
Maybe he’s right. Maybe you are a burden to him, hindering him from reaching his dreams. 
Without any second thoughts you put the stick back in your pocket, left your apartment and didn’t look back. 
Taeyong helped you to disguise yourself before he let you leave the car. He put his hood then mask on and took your suitcase out from the trunk. You thanked Taeyong for all his help and asked him not to tell anyone about everything he knows which he promised he'll never tell a soul, but Taeyong did ask for something in return. 
He asked you to please stay in touch with him. All you could do is smile and nod at him before leaving him with a tight hug. Taeyong memorized the feeling of your hug, his heart is at ease and happy knowing that you’ll be reunited with your family soon.
You took a very deep breath before boarding the plane, leaving behind a big piece of your heart with Johnny. 
Taeil visited Johnny in his room right after you left and as soon as he saw Johnny sitting by his bed, he opened his arms to him. Johnny accepted Taeil’s embrace and cried on his shoulder, bending his neck low. Everyone tried to talk to Johnny but he answered to no one but Taeil.
“Johnny, you know that none of this is y/n’s fault. You are just mad that you cannot freely love the person you want to love and it's okay to get mad, your feelings are valid because it is frustrating. What’s not okay is to blame it all on her. Both of you went to that date, both of you wanted that date to happen.”
Johnny shook his head to disagree even though he knew all too well that Taeil’s right. His emotions were still high and to get down from it so suddenly will make him look like a fool. Even at this moment he still chooses to protect his pride.
“She needs you more than anyone right now. She is going through the same thing as you and no matter how much you deny it, you need her too. This situation only have two choices and the ball’s in your court.” He tapped Johnny’s shoulder as he got up from his seat. “You're a big boy now, Johnny. Think.” 
Taeil left him alone to think. Johnny needed time alone, he had to reflect on the things he said and did. 
He realized how much he fucked up. He knew he crossed the line and he knew he hurt you but his pride and his anger stopped him from running after you. He needed time to compose and calm himself down and thought you needed time for yourself too. As much as his heart tells him to go home to you as quickly as possible, his head tells him to stay at the dorm for one more night and he did. But Johnny didn’t even have the slightest clue that you left, he just assumed that you went home and cried as usual. 
The day ended quickly. Johnny’s phone was confiscated by Doyoung so he wouldn’t look at any more of the hateful things that the “fans” have to say. The other members from Dream and WayV were so worried for him and came to visit him but he didn’t meet anyone, he just stayed in his room alone. He doesn't have enough courage to face them, he already stained the name of their group. Why would they want to check on him still? 
Johnny did not get a wink of sleep. It is not new to him to not be able to sleep since the night he moved out of your apartment. 
But tonight is different, for the first time after a month, he thought of you. He remembered how you smiled at him, how warm you made him feel, how you hugged him behind his back, how you always cuddled him, he tried remembering how your hand fits perfectly to his. He tried remembering your voice when you tell him you love him, he smiled reliving his happy days with you. But whenever he closes his eyes, all he can see is how painful your eyes the last time he looked at them and how much disappointment they held. He saw how tears fell from your eyes, and how your whole body shook from anxiety. 
The sun was barely up when Johnny decided to go home to you. His career wouldn’t mean anything without you by his side anyway. His mind is set on fixing his relationship with you. He realized that it’s easier to fight this mess together than alone. He finally accepted the truth that he needed you more than you needed him.
With a duffle bag on his shoulder, he sneakily left his bedroom and was about to go out when he saw Taeyong drinking coffee alone at the dining table. Taeyong looked up at him and glanced at the heavy duffle bag Johnny was carrying. 
“Awake already?” Johnny asked. 
“Didn't sleep. Moving out?”
“No. Going home.”
‘Home? Too late.’ he thought. Taeyong tried so hard not to scoff. “Okay. See you around then.” He bid Johnny goodbye and went to his room. 
Johnny was thinking of things to say to you. He wanted to explain everything to you without making it sound like he's blaming you. There's a lot of ways he thought he could explain himself, but all of them start and end with an apology. Right now, what only matters is to ask your forgiveness and he would beg for it if he has to.
“Stop giving out useless reasons Johnny. You’re wrong, just apologize to her as if your life depended on it.” He talked to himself.
Johnny nervously stood by the door of the apartment both of you once shared. He wanted to ring the bell but he thought you might still be asleep so instead, he pulled out his key from his pocket and opened the door with it. He missed the smell of the apartment, the smell of your lavender candle welcomed him home. The place looks the same, the kitchen’s clean and the living room is tidy. He went straight to your bedroom and slowly opened the door, careful not to wake you. 
He thought he was hallucinating but you weren't there. The bed is empty. The bed is made as if it had never been slept on. His mind is racing, he’s trying to calm himself down but everything he thought of leads to one horrifying end. He didn't want to believe it. With shaking hands he walked quickly to the closet and that confirmed everything. 
Your clothes are gone. He looked at your bedside table, a picture of your family used to be there but now it's gone. The jewelry Johnny gave you is still there, the only ones that are missing are the ones that your brother and mother gave you. 
He went out of the bedroom and went straight to the living room. The books you owned aren't on the shelves anymore. The vinyls that you collected are gone. He looked around the apartment and he saw the letter he wrote for you on the kitchen table, he picked it up and saw that something new was written on it.
“I’m sorry if I ever kept you locked up and held you back, but here I am giving you what you deserve, this is me supporting you. I still wish for your success, Johnny. Reach your dreams.” 
Suddenly the apartment felt dark, cold and empty. Just like his chest, it felt like his heart was ripped out open. He was too late and the blame is all his. Regrets do always come in the end. Johnny sat down at the table and stared at your handwritten letter for what seemed like forever. 
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AN: There will be a sequel for this and if you want to be added on the taglist please let me know!
Take Me Back | Johnny Suh
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confusedemiposts · 5 months
hi! could you write something with a reader that's working at ada and they are always cheerful and happy and get along with dazai well, but one time they get sent to a mission (i just started the anime so i dont really know how things go, sorry!) and get badly injured so they are not as cheerful as before and dazai and others help them get better? it's my first time sending a request so sorry if I didn't explain well! feel free to change it up a bit! feel free to ignore this! take care!
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ᰔᩚ Get well soon!
Summery: You've been healed up by Yosano but you still feel troubled from your recent assignment and the ada members are here to comfort you
Contains: Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida, Atsushi, Yosano X Reader
Tags: platonic but can be seen as romantic, reader has an ability but not specified, fluff, not proofread, grammar mistakes, oc probaly
Format: short Headcannons
Notes: I feel that some are too short than others and probaly out of character, I'm not good at writing words of comfort so yeah
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
You come back from Yosano's clinic all healed up and fresh
No evidence of the broken bones and cuts you had gained from your first ever dangerous assignment
You may have been patched up physically but emotionally you were still wrecked
Just staring quietly at your empty report as the scene of the fight kept replying in your head over and over again
You kept wondering "why didn't I use my ability properly?"
You were too busy to notice someone staring right at you
Dazai would instantly notice the change in your behavior
how you've become more quiet
not a single word coming out of your mouth as you looked lost in thought
he'd try to comfort you to the best of his abilities but comforting others isn't his forte
He would try to comfort you in a rather silly way
Telling you a silly joke or pulling an innocent prank involving flowers or something that you like
Doing some overly dramatic scheme just to see you smile :(
He doesn't know how to bring comfort in any other way
He would let you talk out your feelings but if you're expecting some comforting words, you will not get any
Because he doesn't know how to
But you will get a hug in the comfortable silence
Obviously he would know you we're clearly bothered by your recent assignment
Coming back with a practically broken body and nearly failing the case that could've cause devastation to others had turned you extremely quiet
He's more actions than words
Will share only a little bit of his sweets
he'll share as much as you want
he'll tell you that you did a good job and that you're still one of the best out there
nothing was your fault
expect the best hugs and him staying by your side as long as you need
When you return from your case and are properly healed there will be a scolding
but in a comforting way?
it comes from a place of heart
He understands this pain
would like to address your feelings
unlike Ranpo its words rather than actions
"one moment of weakness dosent define you. Mistakes will happen"
"We all stumble and fall down from time to time but it is these stumbles and falls which make us who we are"
"its not the end of the world"
trust him
he would know
the one who brought you back from nearly being dead
You're feeling woozy on the bed of the clinic after
Physically you were fine but you still felt disturbed
Staring at the white ceiling of the room as replays of the same moment stay in your head
Yosano was in the room, hearing how silent the room instead of the usual chatter she would know that you were troubled
she would be the one to break the silence
Words of comfort and good advice
takes you out to go get your favorite food together
He is extremely worried about you
Checking up on you to see how you're doing
Seeing how upset you are makes him worry
“Hey, hey.. It’s okay… You didn’t know what was going to happen and it was your first case… Please don’t blame yourself..”
The best person who brings comfort
I don't know how to write that
He'd try to cheer you up any way he can
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
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1800-page-not-found · 7 months
"Who are you?" Yoo Joonghyuk x Reader
Summary: Assuming to find Kim Dokja in his fourth regression, Yoo Joonghyuk regresses. But Kim Dokja isn't there. Instead, you are.
Requested by anon
It took quite a few scenarios for Yoo Joonghyuk to realize that Kim Dokja did not exist in his fourth regression. The two of you met when the hidden scenario to kill the master of the Theatre Dungeon.
Yoo Joonghyuk had awoken after being controlled by the master of the Theatre Dungeon. He quickly grabbed his sword and pointed it at your neck. "Who are you? What have you done to Kim Dokja?"
You stared at him and sighed. "Please, calm down Joonghyuk. I'm also searching for him."
"Do not address me so casually. How do you know him if he doesn't exist in this regression? How do you know so much?"
You pushed the sword away from your neck and began to speak. "I'm similar to him, for example the way he seems to be omniscient. In fact, I wield more knowledge than him. I'm not going to hurt you."
His eyes widened as his skill told him your words were true. "What is your goal then?"
"I want to find Kim Dokja. And I want everyone to have a happy ending. Lets work together."
Yoo Joonghyuk relaxed a little after hearing your words to be true. "Alright. But if you dare to try anything on me or the others, I will kill you."
You chuckled softly. Yoo Joonghyuk has changed. If it was the previous regression, he would've probably killed you. It seems that this world really cannot exist without Kim Dokja.
"Say, is your constellation sponsor still the same?"
"Yes. How else would I be able to regress?"
"Oh right. Oops. That's intresting though..." You mumbled the last part.
Scenario by scenario, the two of you had gotten a little closer each time. It was nice to not have to worry about your companion sacrificing themselves at every waking moment you know?
He slowly started to view you as your own person, and not just 'the girl who replaced Kim Dokja.'
Perhaps because Kim Dokja was a man who could not be replaced. Or perhaps Yoo Joonghyuk started to feel a certain way towards you.
It's not like he didn't know what he was feeling, after all he did get married and have children in his previous regressions.
Maybe he should confess soon? You walked in front of him before turning around. "Oh don't worry. I know a way to get Lee Seolhwa on our side. You can marry her again!"
You instantly crushed this man's spirit in one go.
Why did you say that? Well, thats because you wanted nothing more than to see your favorite character from orv to be happy. You loved him more than anything, but you saw yourself as a mere pawn to try and fill the void of Kim Dokja.
"I don't...." Yoo Joonghyuk started, but slowly quieted down into a mumble.
"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you." You apologised.
"I don't like Seolhwa..." You gasped. Oh no! Did you change up the plot?!?!
"W-wait what??!" You stuttered, a little shocked.
He sighed, and walked up to you and flicked your forehead. "I like you, you stupid pufferfish."
(I tried to give you a nickname like how yjh has the sunfish and kdj the squid.)
"I'm not a pufferfish! And-hold on. You like me???" You stood, stunned and mouth agape.
"Yes, you stupid pufferfish. Hah, you reject the idea of someone calling you a pufferfish but not the stupid part? I can't believe I fell in love with someone stupid." He shrugged sighing.
Man, sometimes you wished he was more like his old crusty strict self. He became so sassy after Kim Dokja.
"Seahorse doesn't have the same ring as pufferfish. Besides you're just like it. You're clumsy, stupid, and you inflate your ego when someone verbally attacks you."
"DO-DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?" You cry dramatically.
"Yes, but im starting to question my taste. I mean, do you even love me back?"
"Is that even a question? Anyone who doesn't love you is on my hit list. Maybe you're the stupid one. I've loved you ever since I knew of your existence."
"And how long is that?"
You started sweating. "A-A few years..."
"What? But we've only known each other for a few months? [Name]? What do you mean?"
You laughed nervously and started backing up.
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PDA | Preference
Pairing: Slasher Men x f!reader
Notes: This is a semi short fic for the slashers, but I wanted to start off my blog somewhere! I’ll be back as soon as I can with some more. I’m going to be doing quite a few different chapters, and I’m always open to new ideas! 
Characters in this chapter include: Art, Billy, Stu, Brahms, Corey, Mark, Michael, and Pinhead. 
For my growing list of preferences and scenarios, you can follow along here! 
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Art The Clown
The two of you aren’t out in public together very often. With you having a busy work schedule, and Art being… well…
Instead, most of your time is spent in the safety and privacy of your apartment. Windows closed, shades drawn, lamps on and a movie playing while the two of you sit on the sofa together and you end up smooshed against his side when he pulls you in for a tight hug and presses a kiss to your forehead. On Halloween, one of the very few times you’re ever out with Art, he doesn’t do much. Truthfully, he’s too busy keeping an eye out for victims— as well as police. He will hold your hand, exaggeratingly swinging it between the two of you for fun, and he may dip to press a kiss to your lips as well— but it would be fast before he’s back on the lookout.
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Billy Loomis
When the man says that he doesn’t care much about displaying his affection for you publicly, he means it. There isn’t a time, it seems, that his arm isn’t snug around you. That his hand isn’t in your back pocket when you’re walking in public. When you’re not holding his hand and snuggling into his side. It doesn’t matter where you are, he’d going to hold you as he pleases. Now, he has limits when it comes to these things, especially with his kisses. Billy would only ever get too intense with you if somebody wouldn’t stop staring at you when it’s very clear you’re with him. His kisses are usually quick and soft. Only every now and then will he press a slower kiss to your lips when you’re out in public.
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Stu Macher
If there’s one thing that Stu cares nothing about, it’s the concept of PDA. His arm is always around you and it’s often in your back pocket so that he can give your ass subtle (not subtle) squeezes and see if he can make you squeal. He often kisses you whenever he feels like it, whether it be a quick peck to the forehead or if it’s a smooch on the lips. As much as he loves that you and Billy are good friends, Stu has always worried that you might change your mind about him and decide that you’re into his best friend, so when the three of you are together he stays rather attached at your hip.
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Brahms Heelshire
Rarely, and I mean very rarely, are you ever out in public. As far as Brahms is concerned, outside on the property with the chance of the grocery boy spotting you two together would be considered “Public.” With that being said, he doesn’t really care at all if the grocery man saw the two of you together; in fact, the more that man that likes to linger his eyes on you saw you kissing Brahms back in such a sweet way, the better. Whenever the two of you are outside of the house, his hand is locked in yours. It could be hot and you could be sweaty, but your fingers would still be laced together. And he’ll kiss you when he pleases. If that just so happens to be when the gate opens and a car comes down the driveway, so be it.
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Corey Cunningham
At the beginning of your relationship, he had absolutely no clue how to insinuate PDA. He didn’t even hardly know how to insinuate things when the two of you were alone. At first, it was nearly 100% up to you. To grab his hand and lace your fingers. To press a kiss to his cheek or his lips. To sit as snug as you could against his side and rest your head on his shoulder. Nowadays, after everything that happened and everything you’ve been through, he finds it much easier to grab you by the waist, pull you close to him and kiss you when someone is staring. After all, most people do— you were stunning and he knew even after all these years that he was the luckiest he could ever be to have you with him.
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Mark Hoffman
He’s a jealous man. A possessive man. A protective man. There’s not a single thing or person in this world that he’s going to allow to hurt you. At this point in his life, you’re really all that he has. Therefore, he makes it clear to everybody that you’re not up for grabs. That you spend every night with him and all of his days off. He always holds your hand when you’re out. He always has his arm around your waist in a safe, protective manner. He has a strong stare, one not many dare to go against. Anybody eyeing you up quickly turns away. This goes along with his public kisses; he isn’t afraid to claim you as his own. Kissing your forehead sometimes, pressing a quick smooch to your hand, pulling you in by the waist and kissing your lips. Whether it be in a jealous manner or simply because he wants to, Mark doesn’t care too much about people finding his kissing you to be a burden.
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Michael Myers
No. The two of you do not exist in the outside world together. Simply, no.
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You’re hardly ever out with Pinhead. And if you are, it’s when the beings are causing mass destruction and bringing Hell to earth. In that case, he keeps you by his side, not wanting you to get caught in the crosshairs of what is to continue coming for the people in the town. However, he worries about you. The Cenobites are everlasting. But you— you’re a mere mortal with little means to protect yourself. Therefor, you spend a good majority of your time with Pinhead. Kept safe from harms way by the Cenobites and close to your very own being. However, Pinhead is unused to human affection; you need to teach him what it’s like to feel a person again. Holding hands in public is something that is common. Kissing— well, it’s hard enough as it is in private…
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