#can you imagine having 5 eggmans
tailshastwotails · 1 year
I love the Eggmans. There is bunch of chaos around them and I am enjoying it
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beatcroc · 4 months
today im mad about omega being TWO ENTIRE FEET shorter than the predecessor e-100s
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gamma on the left, omega on the right. imagine being a pissed off killer robot but youre not even 5 feet tall. and your kindly self-sacrificial nerd of a cousin got to be 7 whole feet.
like do you understand what that looks like.
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this is absurd. that's stupid. you'd think it's bad scaling on my part because gamma has no official art where he's standing mostly straight and at an easily-comparable angle, but no it's consistent with sigma's scrapnik ref, these guys are literally just fucking massive for no reason
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the sa1 e-series guys aren't even proportioned like 7' guys they look like they should be like 5'. look at omegas tiny fucking head. omega literally has the build and proportions to be a proper giant killer robot but hes fucking 4' 11'' because he has to play nice with the funny little furries and thus can only be a specific magnitude larger and more imposing than them. *i* should not be nearly a whole foot taller than omega. i could lean condescendingly on his tiny fucking head. maybe he would have been more willing to give eggman another chance if they hadn't shrunk all his rage into a 4-foot frame. im choosing to believe also this is why he's a solid 50% heavier than gamma as well. dude is compact. dude is DENSE. and he is so very full of guns and rage. i dont know what the doctor expected
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Nine Finds Sonic Boom
Nine discovers a web of multiverses beyond the shatter space. What if that lead him to Sonic Boom?
Nine has been in search of a new home. Somewhere safer, somewhere more kind to him. He is content with settling for a universe in the shatter space, but when he discovers a beyond, he can’t help himself! Nine chooses a portal and goes through it, being warped to a sandy beach. He gets out of his shuttle and sticks his feet in the sand for the very first time.
Nine kicks up some sand, mystified by it. Then he turns around and sees the ocean and the bright blue sky. Sonic wasn’t kidding! There is a blue sky somewhere! Nine zones out staring into the ocean.. this is truly incredible! He never knew there could be so much water in one place. He notices the buildings behind him and hopes whoever is there doesn’t mind him chilling out here for a bit.
Nine sits in the sand, picking some up and dropping it. He decides to start piling some up cause why not?
Nine turns around and to his shock, he sees Sonic! But taller, looking a bit tired, and has a bandana. Sonic approaches Nine looking just as shocked as he feels “how did you get here so fast? I JUST left you at meh burger. Did you find some way to beat my speed and not tell me?? Low blow, dude.” Sonic crosses his arms, then notices somethings off about Tails. He starts looking him up and down. Nine backs up “I’m… why do you keep calling me TAILS? You got a problem?” Nine raises his 7 other tails to threaten Sonic, who’s eyes widen and he backs away.
“Oh! Ah.. sorry? You just look a lot like someone I know. A LOT.” Sonic scratches behind his head a little embarrassed. Nine lowers his defences “I could say the same about you.. except the guy you remind me of would have already ran a hundred circles around me, and this.. weird. Place. He can’t sit still to save his life.”
“He sounds pretty cool! What’s his name?”
Pause. What? Sonic looks puzzled “but.. that’s. My name..?” Now they’re both confused. Out of all the places Nine has visited, he’s never seen another Sonic.
“Why is the multiverse lacking in Sonics..?” Nine mumbles to himself, trying to think.
Suddenly they hear someone approaching. “Sonic, did you find the-“ it’s Tails himself. The two foxes stare at each other for a moment before Tails rushes over “wow!! You’re me!! This is so neat!” Tails is immediately observing Nine, circling around him. Nine shrinks back “I guess I am.. you? Sorry. Just. Give me a moment to think here.” Tails stops. Then looks at the shuttle. Then back at Nine. Then back at the shuttle. He has so many questions.
Sonic leads Nine over to a beach chair “here, sit down. Collect your bearings.” Sonic sits on another chair, and Tails sits right next to him.
Nine looks back at the ocean “I’ve never seen.. anything like this before.. a large capacity of water and a blue sky. I.. I thought Sonic was pulling my leg.” He says sadly. Sonic pauses to think about what to say. Tails goes right into “what.. universe did you come from?” Tails can’t imagine a world without blue skies.
Nine looks back at Tails “back home, the sky is some shade of red. Polluted with factories and smog.. it’s been like that for as long as I can remember.. The Chaos Council took anything colourful that was said to have existed.” “The Chaos Council?” Sonic asks”
“The Chaos Council. They’re a group of 5 dictators that rule over the world with an iron fist.” Nine says. The other two are bewildered “where have I been this entire time?” Sonic asks, a bit disappointed with his other self. Nine shrugs “I don’t know. I met him when he somehow found my lab. He started calling me Tails and talking about blue skies, palm trees, Mr. Doctor Eggman, him and I being friends and beating up Mr. Doctor Eggman.. and even about saving me from bullies. The only part that I remember.. is being bullied. But he wasn’t there. I went through so many beatings just for having an extra tail..”
Tails notes all this down in his head. Sonic lowers his head “thats.. wow. You’ve been through it, kid.”
Tails asks “is your Sonic from another universe?” Nine nods “from all the evidence I’ve collected thus far, yes. And he somehow can’t get back. He looked very stressed out when he met me and the rebellion soldiers and we didn’t even know him. Yet.. he’s still facing everyone with so much optimism it makes me want to slap him sometimes.” Tails laughs and Sonic looks shook.
“AHEM.” The group turn to look at the entrance path to the beach from the village. There stands an unamused Amy, an annoyed Sticks, and Knuckles who’s just happy to be involved. Amy walks right over to Sonic and Tails and glares at them “you left to find my tip wallet, and you never came back! I told you exactly where it was, how hard is it to-“ she spots Nine who’s staring at her in.. so much confusion. Nine’s tails raise in defence. Amy gasps “oh hello! Tails I thought you weren’t gonna mess with the multiverse again.” “I’m not!” Tails stands up “Amy, Sticks, Knuckles, this is other me from some dystopian universe.”
Sticks gives Nine an ‘I’m watching you.’ Look. Knuckles goes and crouches next to Nine “hello other Tails! Aww, you’re so cu-“ Knuckles reaches to pat Nine on the head, but is interrupted by one of Nines mechanical tails slapping his hand away. Knuckles holds his wrist in pain. Nine growls “do that again, and you lose your hand.”
Stick pulls Knuckles back “see! This is what technology does to people! It turns them into crazy whack-a-doos! This is the future people! Wake up!” she yells. Nine looks at Tails who gives him a sympathetic look.
Amy leaves to go make Nine some tea. The others (excluding Sonic) help Nine build enough confidence to approach the ocean. Sticks runs into the ocean. Knuckles smiles gently at Nine. Nine has never seen Knuckles smile ever. Tails says “try touching it!” Tails crouches down and sticks his hand in the water. Sticks pops up from under the water with some seaweed on her head “its not gonna hurt ya. As long as you know how to swim, and don’t drink it.” Nine cautiously dips his hand into the water. It’s cold! He takes off his shoes and socks to wade into the water like everyone else. His tails are water-proof so they don’t have to worry about that.
A splash fight begins! It continues until Amy comes back with the tea. Everyone rushes out to enjoy it. Nine learns that he really likes peppermint tea! Amy gives him some tea bags to take with him on his travels.
Nine tells his story. The others are incredibly saddened to hear that Nine is from a careless dangerous world lead by such terrible people. Sticks also goes on a rant about the dangers of technology.
As Nine is explaining the Chaos Council members, Knuckles interrupts him “they sound a lot like if Eggman just separated into 5 different people.” Sonic groans “one is enough! Who decided that 5 Eggheads would be a good idea?” Nine shrugs “one of them is a literal baby.” “Hah, what??” Sonic snickers “yep. A small very angry tyrannical baby.” Sonic bursts out laughing “I think that council literally is Eggman in 5 people!”
Sticks asks something that’s been bothering her “if you’re not called Tails, what IS your name?”
“Nine.” Nine says
Sonic says without thinking “why, cause you’re like, nine?”
There’s a brief moment of silence before Nine is lunging at Sonic. Knuckles has to hold him back. Sonic has to say sorry a bunch of times while the others scold him for inappropriate timing.
Nine cools down and raises his tails “no. It’s because I have nine tails.” There’s mutters of “oh yea I get it” across the group.
Suddenly, laughing in the distance. Eggman pulls up in his eggmobile alongside some badniks. Nine is glad that the shard is hidden inside his shuttle.
The others get into battle positions.
“What is it, Egghead??” Sonic demands, upset that he would interrupt a visit like this.
Eggman laughs “oh I just feel like I haven’t been thrashing you enough lately! It’s been too long, Sonic!”
“Potato potahto. Robots A-.. wait is that another Tails?”
Eggman takes a second to stare at Nine who looks like he’s ready to take his head off. Amy nudges Nine to get his attention “Eggman is hardly a threat. Just kick enough robot butt and he’ll retreat.” Amy is incredibly lucky that Nine listened, because the moment there’s robots around, he’s tearing them to pieces. When he sees Tails just hitting the robots with kicks or a wrench, he decides that this just won’t do.
Time to pull a Sonic!
Nine gets to Tails in the air “hey, you know how to spin dash??”
“No, that’s Sonics thing!”
“Steal his thing!”
Nine scruffs Tails “SPIN!” and chucks him into battle. Tails is now ping ponging robots around in a spin dash. Sonic has a look of pride yet a ‘HEY HE STOLE MY THING!’ Look.
The battle is over in record time before Eggman retreats, grumbling about a stupid fox with his stupid spider legs.
Nine decides it’s his time to go. He does let Tails investigate the shuttle juuust a little bit. Not a lot. Ok maybe he just let him look at it. But still.
Maybe Nine will come back one day. Who knows!
This isn’t home. This is other hims home. Where he’s happy and gets to live in peace.
Nine thinks about how close Tails and Sonic were.. his Sonic is probably missing his friends like crazy.
Is it cruel though to still want to stay with him? The only friend he’s ever had?
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Your sonic the rot au-- You've stated that a person can be cured if they go super.. So this begs a FEW little questions. 1. Sonic has passed the point of no return HOWEVER the emeralds have restored his life before, so let's get to question #1.. if Sonic somehow turned super.. would he be revived or would we have an infected super sonic? 2. If super forms CAN kill the virus, how would the virus react to Fleetway? Since he IS super sonic, albeit evil. They wouldn't be able to infect him, right? Would it be afraid? 3. Back to question one in a way.. since the chaos emeralds have restored his life before, the same thing could be done for others. (If you're wondering when this was, it was in Sonic 06. And you DID say you're following the ingame continuity.) So would the chaos emeralds be able to wish everyone infected back to life if they were to use the warp topaz? DR. Starline said it himself that it can cause MASSIVe changes with just a little charge! Pump the power of super shadow through it, and he should be able to undo everything in one fell swoop. If it exists.. if not, shadow could do something similar with the phantom ruby. 4. Is Silver infected as well? If he wasn't I think it'd be cool if Silver and Shadow were some sort of apocalypse duo, surviving the terrors together. Also, how DID shadow get infected? Did Sonic get the jump on him?? Please answer both. 5. Lastly, how did Sonic get infected? He's patient zero so he had to be infected, I'm placing my bets that Eggman infected him with it, and possibly fucked himself because of that.. because if Eggman did create the virus, then it sure as hell isn't following his orders. I imagine Eggman staying locked up in his base if this is the case, if not.. he's very unprepared for what's to happen.
Well, this is a long one. I’ll answer this the best I can
1- perhaps. But if he runs out of rings he would drop dead, as his insides are hollow. There is nothing to restore. The Rot will never ‘go super’. Why would they do something that would kill them?
2-The Rot can’t infect pure chaos energy (which is what I assume super forms to be), so it won’t be able to infect Fleetway. Now, will it be afraid of him? No. As The Rot is incapable of fear. At least, that’s what seems to be the case.
3- the au only follows game continuity, everything outside of the main line games created by the sonic team aren’t cannon (despite tangle being cannon to Frontiers). And despite following main game continuity, it doesn’t follow the same cannon as the games do (just to keep the story a little more interesting so that it’s not just a ‘oh gee this character is better now the day is saved’ kind of deal. It’s meant to be bleak for a reason). The chaos emeralds can’t just magically heal a person when they become super. You could heal someone with them, but to create organs from nothing might be a stretch, even for that. As well, pretty much all of the phantom Ruby prototypes are gone post forces, I assume the real deal as well.
4- no comment
5- see previous answer
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creepercraftguy · 9 months
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Voice Actor Headcanons (Teal Mask and Indigo Disk Edition)
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So, the version of this post I did for the main game turned out to be one of my all time most popular posts on this platform, and I'm honestly super happy about that. The majority of people seemed to really like the voices that I picked for each of the characters, and there were some fun discussions in the reblogs and comments.
So it was only a matter of time before I got around to doing the DLC characters, and now that Indigo Disc is finally out, better now than never. Pokemon obviously rarely has voice acting in the main series, so this is the next part of the series where I assign English VA's to each of the characters.
Before I get into this, there are a few points I need to reiterate, as I often do with these posts.
This is NOT CANON. These are HEADCANONS and are unofficial. It’s just a hypothetical situation. If the characters were voiced, this is who I imagine would voice them.
Every major character in the DLC is included here, so there are HEAVY SPOILERS for the game’s DLC storylines. DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE TEAL MASK OR INDIGO DISC OR DON’T WANT TO BE SPOILED.
This VA Headcanons post is SPECIFICALLY for the characters from Pokemon ScarVi's DLC. If you want to see the characters from the main game, the post is here.
As was the case with Nemona and Penny, it's highly likely that the characters will get official English VA's in Pokemon Masters. Remember that this post was constructed prior to this.
So without further ado, I hope you enjoy my ideas. Or don’t. Your choice.
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Also Voiced:
Deku/Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Nico (Nanbaka)
Mikaela Hyakuya (Seraph of the End)
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Carmine - ANNE YATCO
Also Voiced:
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact)
Lola Metrose (The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter)
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Briar - EMI LO
Also Voiced:
Ruan Mei (Honkai Star Rail)
Lucy (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi: When They Cry)
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Also Voiced:
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie In April)
Celica (Fire Emblem)
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Also Voiced:
Macaron (Hi-Fi Rush)
Rock Lock (My Hero Academia)
Shin Yasuda (Horimiya)
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Also Voiced:
Lemillion/Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
Kotaro Tatsumi (Zombie Land Saga)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom)
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Also Voiced:
Tae Takemi (Persona 5)
Hisame (Naruto)
Naomi Kimishima (Trauma Center)
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Also Voiced:
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill La Kill)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Silica (Sword Art Online)
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Also Voiced:
Junpei Iori (Persona 3 ReLoad)
Hawks (My Hero Academia)
Hunter (The Owl House)
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Also Voiced:
Kyler (Class of '09)
Inu-Oh (Inu-Oh)
The Quadruplets (Tribe Nine)
Also Voiced:
Constance (Fire Emblem Three Houses/Three Hopes)
Skipper (Barbie)
Kibutsuji's Wife (Demon Slayer)
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Snacksworth - MIKE POLLOCK
Also Voiced:
Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Adon (Berserk)
Professor Ochanomizu (Pluto)
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smartzelda · 1 year
Sonic Prime theory time
(Because I'm going through it right now)
Specifically I want to talk about my own answer to the question "How will the show end?"
Thoughts/Analysis under the cut
Season 2 Spoilers
So, as I see it, there are about three possible endings.
Ending 1: Goodbyes are said. The universe is reverted back to its state before the shattering and Sonic gets his original friends back. (May also come with sonic being the only one who remembers what happened, but I can't rule out the concept of his friends remembering anything as well)
Ending 2: Sonic comes to terms with the fact that he can't bring back the original Green Hill and his old friends as they were. The shatterverse continues as is. (This most likely constitutes in a bit of a bittersweet ending where everything continues as is, but Sonic swears not to forget what things were like before)
And Ending 3: Sonic gets to have his cake and eat it too (He manages to fix ghost hill and bring his original friends back while the new shatterspaces and his new friends/all the new characters also get to stay around)
Originally, while being partial to option 3, I assumed option 1 would be most likely. After all, option 3 originally originated as my happy "everyone lives" idea. I liked (and still do) imagining the possibilities that would arise from the universe from Sonic Prime entering a Kingdom Hearts-like state (where either the characters can travel freely between worlds while still needing to be conscious of each shatterspace's order, or travel between them is nonexistent/extremely limited). While I liked the bittersweet nature/possibilities of option 2, I found that outcome to be more unlikely given the show's audience.
I'm not saying that shows that keep an audience of children in mind can never end bittersweetly or that it's never happened before. It's just more like I find it hard to see those involved in the show effectively rendering beloved characters as dead/gone forever and make Sonic move on while with "different versions" of said characters.
However, now I'm a bit more inclined to believe in version 3 (the "everybody lives" ending), and here's...my long winded way of saying why
So, about where I changed my mind is when I realized that Sonic Prime...isn't a typical alternate dimensions/multiverse storyline, especially with what seems to be it's basic framework.
So, when Sonic shatters the paradox prism, all of his friends and Green Hill are shattered as well. So it stands to reason that 5 different facets of his friends became splintered between 5 different versions of green hill, right?
I've seen a few different claims on what's going on here (usually to explain the other versions of Sonic's friends and their personalities). One of the most prominent is that each of the Amys, Tails, Knuckles, what have you, are meant to represent different pieces of those characters (i.e. that Rusty Rose and Thorn Rose represent different parts of Amy Rose's personality), and thus each versions of a singular character make up the whole of the original one. This of course functions on the idea that there *are* five different worlds of which there five different alternatives of any given person (or at least of those caught in the original blast) and that they all (personality wise and/or objective wise) are different necessary pieces to make up the whole of said characters (should Sonic want his original friends back).
But the inconsistencies in this framework (for which most of this theory's merit hinges upon) start beginning in the very first episode of season 1 "Shattered".
After "The Shattering" Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik returns as The Chaos Council (five different versions of Robotnik from seemingly different points in a singular lifespan, who refer to each other by nicknames). Of course it would make sense if these 5 (the chaos council) all came together after conquering their respective shatterspaces, using New Yolk as a central headquarters; however, we soon learn that this is not the case. The council only begins to learn about the shatterspaces and more about the shard energy they posses later in season 1, and season 2 elaborates upon the state of (formerly) Green Hill during it's conquering (building upon what the audience can gather from Renegade and Rebel's testemony of the event). Specifically we note that the five conquered (formerly) Green Hill and built New Yolk together. Evidence of course suggests that the five came to be in the same shatterspace, even possibly at the same time. No matter how perfect it is that there are five of them (one for each shatterspace as they set out to conquer the shatterverse), they all originated in a single universe rather than being split up across five separate ones.
And speaking of there being five eggmen, why don't we move onto inconsistency two?
Outside of Eggman, there exists only three alternate versions of Sonic's friends (this includes Amy, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, Big, and Froggy). The only alternates exist in New Yolk, Boscage Maze, and No Place. Otherwise, The Grim is devoid of all life and has a repetitive (but distinctly non Green Hill landscape), and "Ghost Hill" just contains...ideas or blueprints of Green Hill and Sonic's original friends. It's strange that the Eggmen would all originate in New Yolk while the rest are the only one of themselves in each given shatterspace, and stranger still that there would be five eggmen but only 3 of the rest, if we intend to follow the framework of this being a usual world shattered into multiverse story.
And so, there are two final inconsistencies.
The first is the idea that each of the alternates of Sonic's original friends (and Eggman) are just...pieces of the originals, that each piece represents a different goal or personality trait. I won't dig into peoples' complaints about the characterizations of the alternates in relation to the original characters, and another theory/analysis of mine (reasoning as to why each of the alternates in each shatterspace are the way that they are) is best left for another post. So for now, I hope you all settle on the fact that...the alternates aren't actually presented as separate facets of personalities or goals personified? There's no separation by "Oh this is is the impulsive Amy, and this is the loyal Amy, and this is the nature loving Amy" or "This is depressive Knuckles, and this is angry Knuckles, and this is hopeful Knuckles", or even "This Rouge who loves shiny gems more than life, and this is Rouge who gives her all to fight for her home, and this is Rouge who is a seductress" (please understand that this is just an example of what I'm talking about, not character analysis of Sonic's original pals). In fact, even after season 2's end there is still no mention (even from sonic's end) of the idea of them being pieces of his friends (and more to suggest that they are their own, whole, well rounded people). But, as I said, that's all I'll say about this until I get on that character analysis post.
The second inconsistency is Green Hill itself and (frankly) the mere *existence* of both Ghost Hill and The Grim. Like I previously mentioned, under the typical "multiverse x splintered universe/people" framework it would make sense that Green Hill would exist in each of them (especially given Sonic's fixation on it with it being his home, but again, Sonic's influence on the shatterspaces is an analysis post for another time) as well as his friends and Robotnik. Yet, there exists a shatterspace with nobody on it (and if we're going under the assumption that each version of Sonic's original friends are splintered upon each universe, needing each piece to be whole again, it would be tragic for one of those "pieces" to be dead before Sonic even arrives, wouldn't it?) and an embryonic shatterspace.
A shatterspace where no one and nothing exists, not even Green Hill. Sonic pinpoints the landmarks of Green Hill in each shatterspace (always the loop de loop and Hedgehog's pass, and sometimes Tails' lab), only to come across a shatterspace where...none of that seems to exist or ever have existed (and if so, there is no trace of it).
A shatterspace where nothing quite is yet. A shatterspace stuck in the stages of forming. A shatterspace that is...identical to Sonic's Green Hill and even contains his original friends?
Well, isn't that fascinating
It's almost as if the idea that Sonic's original friends and the new characters cannot possibly exist at the same time is a misdirection at absolute best and at worst–
Ah ah ah. We'll get back to that later. For now let's continue on.
So, these "inconsistencies". What does the existence of them mean? Bad writing?
Well...I think not. Stories about multiverses with alternate versions of the same people or ones that depict the future outcomes of different choices are not new or hard to find examples of. The animated Spiderverse movie did it, Marvel did it, DC did it, the Invader Zim comics did it, Futurama did it. Heck, even the Archie Sonic comics did that in the 90s. The same can be said about stories that feature horrible accidents resulting in singular people split into multiples of themselves or multiple personalities, or even stories that feature physical representations of a characters motivations, emotions, personalites, or goals. There are *too* many examples to draw from for inconsistencies like this to be on accident. Heck, anyone right now could write a multiverse story about a person who shatters their world into five separate worlds and the people on them into five separate people, that each dwell in the five different worlds, and each represents a facet of the original world and the personalities/motivations of the original beings that lived on the original world, after a freak accident, to which said person may need to merge the pieces of the worlds and people to restore the original world and the original people who lived there (now that I think about it...isn't this kind of one of the plots of Yugioh Arc V😅😂 I haven't fully watched that anime, but...random thoughts, you know).
So all of these "inconsistencies" I think are conscious choices by the writers.
Conscious choices that are *meant* to make us realize that *something* isn't right or usual here.
This story does not run upon the framework one would originally assume (and one that plenty of people think it is running upon even now). That's what I believe the inconsistencies mean.
So what does this have to do with the possible ending of Sonic Prime?
Carry forward our theme of picking the story apart from its assumed framework and analyzing what we see rather than what we initially assume or are told.
And let us begin with the season 2 finale before we backtrack.
So, uh
That finale, eh?🥲
I rewatched it again myself just today, and (although I did see it in my first watchthrough) it hurts to watch the buildup to it. It shows in the way Shadow distrusts Nine from the moment Sonic mentions him. It shows in Sonic and Nine's first conversation together in The Grim. It shows in the way different people try to get Sonic to stop trusting Nine, in the way Shadow tells him point blank that they likely don't want the same thing. It shows when Nine meets the other alternate versions of Tails and meets his apparition. And it comes to fruition the moment Nine finishes working on the paradox prism (save one shard).
Shadow was working towards the goal of reverting everything back as it used to be before the shattering (after all, he doesn't consider Nine and the others "real")
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Nine was working towards the goal of building a home—a new home for he and Sonic to be together in the Grim. (After all, he is real, he could care less about anyone that's not Sonic, and he doesn't believe it's even possible to ressurect what he believes to be gone)
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And Sonic was working towards the goal of restoring Green Hill and bringing back his friends while the shatterverse yet exists.
Yes, you heard me right.
Sure, way back in season one his goal was just to make everything "normal" again, and in a way that’s still true (it's just his definition of normal has shifted from "everything should be exactly how it was" to "my old friends and home need to exist again"), but his perspectives on the shatterspaces and the new characters are different from how they were back then.
Back in season one he'd considered them just *basically* his old friends shifted to the left or like his old friends were buried inside them. It took him a little while to call them by their own names/titles rather than referring to them by the names of his original friends. He'd believed that Thorn would come around to friendship because she was like his Amy deep inside, and that Dread would return to captaining his crew because he had Knuckles' loyalty deep inside him.
But we begin to see this shift in real time, and the proof of it all is something Sonic tells Shadow in their first conversation about Nine.
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Nine is real to him. They're all real.
And if Sonic didn't think they weren't, he would not have pushed Nine to take him back to New Yolk so he could save Renegade and Rebel and the people from being killed/beaten down. If they weren't growing on him, if he didn't still want them around, he would not have admitted that he wants Nine to meet Tails (or any of his original friends)
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But again, full character analysis (even that of Sonic) is best left for another post (so I don't go off on too many tangents). So, I'll make my point.
I think Shadow and Nine each represent two opposing goals/outcomes (the outcome where everything reverts back to how it was originally versus the outcome where everything continues as is and Sonic has to move on) while Sonic is stuck between them (no longer quite as willing to erase all of his new friends and their realities, despite how desperately he wishes to have his home and original friends back). And what this framework (of Sonic being stuck between two different theoretical outcomes and ideology (whether he should try to get everything back just how it was or move on and start anew, possibly even forgetting what was before)) seems to lead up to is Sonic's inevitable choice.
Our original choice of Option 1 and Option 2. Will Sonic choose to restore everything to as it was before, or will Sonic choose to keep everything as is?
And yes, some people think he's already made his choice (whether he's come to terms with the possible fact that he may have to sacrifice one for the other is irrelevant). Some people are already planning the funerals of our new characters as Sonic can't bear to choose anything over his old home and friends.
But...really. Who says he has to make that choice? Is choosing between reverting everything "back to normal" or moving on as if his friends/home are dead and gone really his only choice, or is it what the characters (and some of us by extension) have just assumed?
Let's go back to earlier Season 2.
While Season 1 primarily focuses on Sonic trying and failing to collect the Paradox Prism shards in hopes it might fix something, Season 2's focus (aided by Sonic now making acquaintances out of the once strangers of the shatterspaces) is primarily Sonic's race against the Chaos Council to gathering and assembling all five shards (so Sonic can restore his home and friends and thwart the council's plan to conquer the shatterverse).
But while in Season 1 Sonic's attempts to gather the shards often fail once he accidentally touches a shard,
In Season 2 Sonic's attempts fail because of the conscious choice he makes to protect his new friends over making off with the shards.
Season 2 Episode 2. "Battle in the Boscage". Sonic takes the Boscage shard in hopes of luring the Chaos Council and their eggforcers away from Thorn, Prim, and the Boscage gang, allowing their lives to be spared as he takes off with the shard. Not long after he begins running, Dr. Babble throws a tantrum, throwing around his own eggforcers as he continues to fight the Boscage gang and topple trees. Seeing that the council did not follow him, Sonic is given the choice to keep running and make it out with the prism without trouble, or to save his new friends. Upon choosing to come back for the Boscage gang, he saves them at the cost of the council stealing the Boscage shard from him.
Season 2 Episode 4. "No Way Out". Sonic and Dread (in the midst of the 3 way battle between Dread's crew, Sonic, and the Chaos Council) begin a one on one fight over the shard. Sonic, who sees Rusty Rose about to be ambushed by an eggforcer, gives up taking the shard from Dread in favor of saving her life instead.
And then again in Season 2 Episode 4 "No Way Out". The Chaos Council, who has Sonic surrounded, gives him an ultimatum. The lives of his friends, or the No Place shard.
But the other two examples mostly stand to show off to the audience Sonic's morals and that he cares about the wellbeing of his new friends (and are more subtle about it being a choice, given that in Boscage he didn't assume saving the gang would result in him losing the shard, and earlier in s2 ep4 he had technically gambled on still being able to get the shard back despite his choice). This choice is much more clear and on a grander scale. Mr. Dr. Eggman outright says "Hand over the shard, or say goodbye to your friends forever". This is not just a choice in the heat of the moment. This is "the shard, or the lives of your friends".
And this scene of "give us the ultimate power we want and we'll spare your friends" too is not an uncommon scene in media (the season finale of mlp fim s4 does come to mind here).
Except, once again, despite the numerous examples for the writing team to draw on, there is again an "inconsistency".
Because Sonic *doesn't* make a choice within the framework the council gives him. Unlike in the earlier examples, unlike in similar choices in media, the story does not go down the route of Sonic willingly and easily giving up the shard as some of his friends yell "No!"
Batten makes clear her stance that Sonic should hand the shard over for their lives, Rusty makes her stance clear that her life is expendable if it keeps the Chaos Council from taking over everything, and Nine motions at him to keep gathering the shards as in the plan, to not give it over.
And just as everyone thinks Sonic is going to give the shard over, he throws it, and he tells the council to get it themselves if they want it so bad.
Yes, in the end the council ends up with the shard again while Sonic's friends are safe, but he did not yield to the "this or that" choice. He was stuck in the middle of getting the shard (possibly necessary to save his home) or giving the shard to the council (and making his goal of restoring his original friends and home harder), and he took the middle road (a choice which seems to please even Nine).
Taking the middle road allows him more certainty that his friends (save Nine of course) will be saved and allows him to gamble with the possibility of also getting the shard back. It is a choice that gets him closer to what he wants on his own terms.
And the narrative rewards him for making this choice.
Because after choosing to protect his new friends, which are equally as real as the old ones, and choosing to take the middle path he's on rather than succumbing to the "this or that" choice he's been given, so happens season 2 episode 6 "Double Trouble" and episode 7 "Cracking Down".
Sonic is allowed to get all 3 shards (which includs the two he'd lost as a result of his choices) and save Nine, and the two travel with Shadow to ghost hill.
Keep this in mind. What could have been a season long endeavor of plan (or plans) to get the shards back from the council (even after Sonic let them go to protect his friends) became a successful escape plan in which he and Nine stole them away.
So, back to the season 2 finale and beyond.
Just like with Sonic's ultimatum in Season 2 Episode 4 "No Way Out", Sonic is idealogically placed between Shadow (who is distrustful of Nine and assumes Sonic is trying to revert everything to as it was before with him) and Nine (who doesn't share Shadow's goal and assumes Sonic is on board with his goal to turn The Grim into a new home for the both of them).
(Perhaps Sonic, Shadow, and Nine's problems with assuming one of the other is on the same page as them would be another good essay topic, or perhaps it would function as a small piece of the analysis topic on why Season 2 ends the way it does)
But Sonic...doesn't get to make a choice. The shard is almost finished, but it’s incomplete still, and Nine takes it with him. Shadow isn't even in the room to exert his opinion as before. The scene is well, frankly, filled with miscommunication on the same scale as Nine and Sonic's first conversation in the Grim, because they both get something different out of it.
But I want to make my view clear. Sonic is still fundamentally in the middle of the two goals I mentioned. He is *still* stuck between Shadow and Nine (the difference is just that Nine thinks Sonic shares Shadow's goals, and Shadow most likely thinks Sonic shares Shadow's goals, and Sonic just...wants everything to work out fine for everyone). And I think Sonic will eventually be raised the outright choice or ultimatum (or at the very least, these assumed outcomes will come back for him to wonder over).
In Season 3, we will most likely see major parties fighting over the paradox prism (the council, Nine, etc).
I believe it's possible that Nine (because he's more attached to Sonic possibly than he even believes, and because he'd *still* made plans with Sonic after S1, even after he had every right to feel left behind and betrayed by him) may attempt to use this power not only to transform the Grim into his home, but to bring Sonic to his side. Likewise, as with the miscommunication that began Sonic and Shadow's fight in S2 Ep1 in Ghost Hill, I think it's possible we could see a similar fallout from the s2 finale with Sonic and Shadow (because I believe Sonic will make it clear that he believes his new friends' lives can be preserved), and I can see Shadow also trying to get Sonic to take his side (because he doesn't understand what there is to be attached to).
And I think when Sonic is raised this ultimatum (save Nine and the shatterverse or save Green Hill and his original friends), I think he will make his own choice.
The idea that he even *has* to make one of those two choices is a red herring.
For what other than speculation suggests there is no middle road?
I mean, the fact that for a moment Ghost Hill becomes Green Hill, Sonic's old friends begin to exist in the shatterverse while the Chaos Council and Nine work unperturbed show us that perhaps Sonic *can* have his cake and eat it too.
Tl;dr: Sonic Prime isn't a typical multiverse x shattered universe story. The narrative is building up to an eventual choice Sonic will seemingly have to make between his old reality and his new reality as it pits him between Shadow and Nine's respective goals. However, the choice itself is a red herring, as I believe Sonic will make a choice on his own terms (the choice to allow his old friends and home to coexist with his new friends and their homes). I think this story can plausibly end with an "everybody lives" ending.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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beevean · 2 months
We saw your tags, i like to see your proof that Flynn ships Knuxamy but more inportantly sonegg
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IDW is literally Sonegg central. Things like Sonic insisting on muh mercy make 100% sense if you imagine him having a big fat crush on the doctor :P Eggman insisting that only he can kill that hedgehog also takes on a much funnier implication lol
I also remember a cover of an Archie issue with Sonic being tied up spread eagled by Eggman? The person whose tweets I quoted had a whole masterpost but they unpinned it :<
As for Knuxamy:
Sonic Universe #87-#90. I did not understand all of it because Archie, but they really have a lovely dynamic in that arc :3
And this is my proof Flynn lowkey ships Knuxamy and Sonegg :P
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multi-fandomsfreak · 9 months
Hi, It’s me the anon that requested the Xenophanes x Demon Reader that was friends with Fleeway.
I have another idea 💡
So continuing on from my previous request let’s say reader and Xeno are just hanging out and somehow Sonic stumbled into Xeno’s dimension and he sees the reader next to Xeno and he freaks out because he thinks Reader is Amy so he runs up and grabs Reader trying to save them from Xeno and both Xeno and Reader are confused and shocked by what’s happening. So now we have Xenophanes and Sonic chasing after each other because of Sonic’s confusion.
Meanwhile Xeno’s puppets (Eggman, Tails and Knuckles.) are just watching the whole thing go down while Majin Sonic and Unused Sonic (His name is just Unused but yeah..) are just silently making jokes and laughing at Xeno.
Once again, I hope you’re doing okay! 👍🏽 And I’m doing alright as well 😽✌🏽
Xenophanes with a demon reader (Part 2)
Hey there again! Thanks for the ask!
Honestly I love the idea you just said that I started writing this as soon as I saw the request. Although it’s almost 5:00am where I am and I should be asleep right now I don’t care. Just imagine Sonic having an Amy moment when she accidentally confuses others like Shadow for him. Kind of ironic when you think about it. Anyways glad to hear your doing well and once again hope you enjoy reading this! ~Blaze/Dawn
Here’s Part 1 of the Ask
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ❌ (Sonic has his Amy moment lol)
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Sonic + Xeno’s Puppets (Tails + Knuckles + Eggman) + Majin + Unused
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by OrcaTheArtist on Deviantart + Banner by 5macc13 on Pinterest
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- It’s been a while since you’ve met and eventually befriended Xenophane and you got to say you honestly don’t regret it. Pretty much after being ‘introduced’ to him by Fleetway you two have been attached to the hip. You even got to know his puppets which although at first they only got along with you because of Xeno eventually they did manage to genuinely get along with you outside of him.
- You even got to know some more of his ‘friends’ , for example people like Majin and Unused. Honestly you found the two of them interesting. It didn’t seem they did any harm yet they seemed to hang around people like Xeno. Just like the puppet gang they were actually decent to be around. Sometimes when you aren’t hanging out with Xeno or Fleetway you three like to have a get to gather and just talk. Kind of like the Unused and Majin Show (By Nominal Dingus on YouTube) just minus the talk show part.
- Surprisingly the two of them somehow don’t confuse you as Amy. Although they do see the resemblance just like Eggman they can distinguish the difference between you two. Plus they understand that you are your own person and understand that it can be annoying when you get compared to someone you aren’t. They respect that so they don’t do it.
- You’ve pretty much gotten used to hanging out with demented version of sonic and his friends as well as being one yourself you haven’t really had the chance to think about what would happen if you met the real deal. Although you couldn’t really care less if you met the actual Amy, however with someone like Xeno you severely doubt that he would be kind meeting the real Sonic or any of his friends. Considering what he did with his versions of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, who knows what he would do with the actual characters from the hit game series. However, you were about to find out what would happen and although nothing too violent happened it was definitely funny at least to you and those who witnessed it.
- Somehow Sonic found himself in the universe that contains all of you. Not recognising where he was and wondering where his friends were he immediately went and looked trying his best to not get caught by whatever could hurt him. After looking around he stumbled between all of you hanging out. At first he was wondering who the hell all of you were but when he saw you his eyes immediately widened. Although you didn’t have that much of Amy’s appearance, he saw his friend's silhouette and automatically assumed that you were ‘Amy’. He didn’t want ‘Amy’ to get harmed by Xeno and the others so he figured he risked his life and save you.
+ As soon as Sonic saw his friend hanging out what looked like disturbing versions of him he let his emotions get the of him and placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back. At first you were confused at who the hell was pulling you back and it seemed like the others were as well. “Amy! Be careful!” Sonic said hugging you tight, keeping an eye on the others still not paying attention to you who clearly wasn’t Amy. “Who the hell are you? And why the hell are you grabbing onto them like that?” Xeno said slightly growling at Sonic like a goddamn dog seeing another dog. “I’m not letting you get close to her or harm her so back off”. Everyone including you just looked at Sonic. The puppet trio whispering to each other about their friend confusing you for Amy, wondering what Xeno may or may not do to him. Majin and Unused slightly chuckling to themselves, well mostly unused and Xeno preparing himself to attack Sonic.
+ “What do you mean? They aren’t going to attack me?” You said as you tried to remove Sonic’s arms around you “What are you talking about Amy can’t you see…” Sonic was about to explain how clearly dangerous the others looked, however he quickly stopped himself and took a minute to take in what you said. Why weren’t you worried about them? Then he finally decided to look at you directly. That’s when he finally realised that you weren’t Amy. Well at least not mentally and sort of physically. “Wait your aren’t…” he said slightly, stumbled back removing his arms from you. “Unfortunately I’m not your friend ‘Amy’ I’m [Name]” you explained yourself giving a shocked Sonic a smile. You can hear Unused letting out a slight snort trying to hold in his laughter as Xeno approached him. Sonic slightly chuckled to himself out of awkwardness and slowly tried to get away apologising before quickly running off with a slightly pissed off Xeno chasing after him. The rest of you pretty much just stood still watching this whole shit show go down. “Should…we stop him?” Majin spoke up suggesting how to stop Xeno from harming Sonic “Nah just let him do it” Unused waves Majin off slightly entertained with what’s happening right now “Yeah I agree, let’s at least let him get it out of his system before stopping” You added on trying your best to conceal the smirk appearing on your face.
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blazehedgehog · 3 months
Removing/backgrounding the other characters was a mistake. Regardless of the extremely loud chorus demanding NO CHARACTERS besides SONIC AND EGGMAN, it was SEGA's job to be able to parse that criticism as being frustrated and not entirely level-headed, not to take it completely literally and fail to realize that what people were probably actually asking for was "no more side characters that play, act or sound like garbage."
And Sega has been historically extremely poor at parsing that criticism. I think they're better at it now than they used to be, but I think it also speaks to an international problem Sega struggled with for literal decades.
Like, I remember the complaints about Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast, and how the Japanese version of PSO was like five or ten patches ahead of the American server and they were getting exclusive quests. I think, to this day, there are quests American PSO players never got, which is why fan-operated PSO Blue Burst private servers use a translated version of the Japanese client instead of the official English one: because the Japanese players got way more content than we ever did.
And though you can look back and think about how charmingly terrible the dubs for House of the Dead 2, Sonic Adventure and Shenmue are, that also outlines a problem where the Japanese side of Sega absolutely did not understand or care about what they were giving Americans. It was a huge blindspot for them.
They hired guys like Tom Kalinske to crack the American market for them, and when Kalinske overstepped his boundaries and started threatening the Japanese mothership, Sega killed their ability to understand and support the western market. It feels like they have only just now, in the last 3-5 years, begun to correct that, when all that stuff with Tom Kalinske was 30 years ago.
So I can imagine it was very easy for them to misunderstand feedback. Especially because, even when you're native and you speak the language, often feedback can be so broad and diverse anyway that it's still hard to understand even then. You put a language and culture barrier on top of that and things fall apart even harder.
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Sonine Prime ... Part 5
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we just barely started Episode 4, so we'll be starting right back up where we left off and seeing how much of the season we can get through before Part 6.
<< Part 4 | Part 6 >>
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
I lied!
A bit.
We'll pick up right where we left up in Episode 4 still, I promise. I just still wasn't over the ending of episode 3. So, I've decided to use my allotted video per tumblr post this time around to shove it in your faces because I need people to witness this ending. That I am still not over.
Do you get it do you get it do you get it?
Okay, back to the show.
It's a tiny thing that makes me laugh more than it's relevant, but the scene where Sonic meets Mangey is funny specifically because Sonic is so desperate to find Tails/a version of Tails to help him in each shatterspace up to this point. In a way, it proves to us just how lost Sonic feels without Tails specifically, and just how much the idea of losing him freaks him out.
Sonic is so incredibly freaked out when he catches Mangey (similar to how he was when he thought Mr. Dr. Eggman was going to kill Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty Rose).
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"Tails...? TAILS!"
And yet, there's something a bit different about these scenes.
Let's put something into perspective for a moment.
Imagine being Sonic the Hedgehog. Raw talent, natural speed, badnik busting practice. You're aware that no matter what, everything always turns out fine, so you can afford to be cocky. And when things get too confusing for you and "winging it" won't cut it, you've always got your trusty fox best friend. Perhaps even you're a bit scared (whether you admit it or not), you feel lost, like nothing makes sense. But that's okay, because Tails is here. Tails is smart. You can trust him to comprehend what you cannot, to try to explain it to you. Whether you understand or not, at least Tails knows what's going on. And that's enough, because that means he can come up with a plan, and if he can come up with a plan, you just have to execute it. Simple. Easy. And even if he can't understand, can't come up with a plan, at least you have each other, right?
But Sonic woke up in New Yolk alone, has been struggling thus far to understand what's going on around him (one hedgehog with a spotty memory and not even 5% of the context the audience has). So he went to look for Tails first. Because everything is messed up and wrong and Eggman took over, and Sonic doesn’t know how. He doesn't know what happened. But if he can just find Tails, everything will be all okay. Tails can explain it, work out a plan, and Sonic can execute it. They can fix everything together.
But then "Tails" doesn't remember him, neither do his "other friends". He's lost and trying to understand what's happening because no one else can explain it to him.
Or in short, Sonic in Sonic Prime is just trying to seek out the familiar in the unfamiliar, find the one thing (or person, rather) that will make everything make sense, but he can't. Tails isn't around. He's not here (not in New Yolk, Boscage Maze, or No Place). But each time he seeks him out.
And after being ripped away from Nine, and remembering how he'd lost his all his friends before that, it just... Before he knows who Mangey is, when he sees Mangey falling, he moves without thinking, desperate to have Tails back. Desperate to make sure he (and his friends) never die.
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"Am I glad to see you. The world is all blgdyblublu. You gotta figure out what's going–"
Even by this point, when he's realized that there are multiple alternate versions of Green Hill, he still tries to seek out Tails/a version of him, hoping someone can make sense of things for him.
But that's the thing. He never finds Tails. Nine and some of the other residents of the shatterverse are helpful, but Sonic has to spend much of the episodes working things out on his own while just wishing things made sense (or he could find Tails, so Tails could make things make sense)
You feel?
Did anyone ask for more Sonic & versions of Tails and Sonic & versions of Amy parallels? Cool.
So I don't remember if I said this in a previous part, but here's my personal interpretation of Sonic Prime. In Season 1, Tails/Nine/Other Tails variants are paralleled to Amy/Amy variants in regards to Sonic, while in Season 2, Nine is paralleled to Shadow. Whatever your belief is on the relationships Sonic has to certain characters or how they feel about him (and vice versa) canonically, especially in Sonic prime, it remains that S0namy and Sonadow are two of the most popular Sonic the Hedgehog ships. And this is why these Amy/Tails parallels I've been mentioning since the first part matter to me (in terms of what they mean for each of the characters, AND what they mean for Sonic, as well as what the similarities and differences mean).
So. Let's take a look at Sonic's first meeting with Thorn vs his first meeting with Nine.
Now, the very first difference. How the first meeting went about.
It's important to note that Sonic was purposely looking for Tails back in New Yolk. So when he saw Nine, thinking he was Tails, he followed him to his lab, excited to have found "Tails" and glad one thing (the code to "Tails'" lab) was the same as before. He'd turned Nine's "chair" as he'd done to Tails in the flashback, expecting, well, anything other than for who he thought to be Tails to be attacking him. The idea that "Tails" would attack him instantly throws him off, leaving him confused and sad. But for Thorn? Sonic went into this fight expecting to fight a "monster". For the first minute of the direct fight, he doesn't see more of Thorn aside from possibly her hammer. You can tell how afraid he his by how the camera switches from the hammer to Sonic's face, and shows him desperately trying to crawl away and break free of the thorns keeping him from running. So in opposition to Sonic seeing glimpses of Nine before he meets him proper (and then starts a fight with him), approaching this initially with peace in mind, Sonic doesn’t see Thorn at all until after being hit around a couple times, until after going into all this initially expecting a fight with a "monster".
"Yes! There's my two-tailed genius friend. Surprise~!"
"Amy? You're the monster? Oh. Oh, those guys up above have really got it– Ughk. —wrong."
And then, after each of these, Nine and Thorn attack Sonic.
"Tails? It's me. Your best–"
"Tails, stop! We're buds—amigos! Best friends!"
"Amy, stop! We're friends! You liked me!...to some extent."
Nine and Thorn continue to attack Sonic. Nine and Sonic have a continuous attack on the underground train in the scareport (where Sonic continues to reason with him, tries to remind him of all they've been through together). Thorn sends Sonic up past the trees with her hammer, intending to end the battle altogether.
Now, a couple things to note here. Except when defending himself, Sonic never intends to actually fight Nine back in episode one. In fact, he spends much of the fight dodging and trying to reason with him. And it's clear that Sonic also never expected "Tails" to fight him. The fact that Nine does fight him, treat him like a stranger, throws Sonic off. But with Thorn? Sure, he never intended to fight her in the first place, at least not knowingly. But now that he does know who the "monster" is, he speeds down the nearest tree with clear intent to hit Thorn back. It's only because he flashes back to Amy and this suddenly makes him feel like he'd be fighting a friend does he decide against dealing that heavy blow. And while it throws him off for "Amy" to be so antagonistic, it's clear to me from the "You liked me!...to some extent", and that his first reaction was to hit Thorn back (rather than try to reason with her like with Nine), that the idea of Amy attacking him in general doesn't throw Sonic off. I'd wager that Prime Sonic has likely been at the mercy of Amy's hammer before, in the same way he'd likely never been attacked by Tails.
Now, after deciding he can't just "smash" (as Sonic puts it) Thorn with a clear conscience, he begins to try to reason with her as he had with Nine.
"Quick recap. I'm not from around here. Violence never solves anything. And where I'm from, you and I are buds. So how about we put down your big hammer and just talk, Amy?"
"My name is Thorn Rose, and you are finished!"
"What did you just call me"
"The name's...NINE!"
"Snap out of it, we go way back! All of my best memories of Green Hill have you in 'em, and you're not punching me! Don't you wanna go home? Blue skies, sunny beaches...palm trees?"
"I don't know what kind of mind games you're playing, but it won't work!"
And here's what's interesting about Sonic's demeanor. While he's hurt, confused, and panicked during the fight with Nine (and this shows when he tries to reason with him), he's much calmer when reasoning with Thorn. You know, it's as if to him "Amy" just got angry/lost herself and it's up to him to de-escalate the situation.
With Nine, it's reminding him what Sonic means to him (means to Tails really), of home, of their adventures. With Thorn, it's reminding her of what Sonic means to her (means to Amy really), and, when that fails, trying to calm her down (as Amy herself might) to get her to just talk instead.
Now here's another interesting tidbit for these two fights. When Sonic and Nine enter the scareport, the two of them are on equal footing for the fight. Neither of them really gains the upper hand as Nine fights and Sonic dodges. However, the fight between Sonic and Thorn mostly consists of Thorn hitting Sonic around. Even when Sonic switches from fight mode to dodge and reason with mode, it's a pretty onesided fight, and it's one that Thorn pretty objectively wins. They're not at all on equal footing here.
Luckily for Sonic, though, he's able to successfully appeal to both Nine and Thorn in the end. He saves Nine from being hit by one of the underground trains, and he saves a flicky from drowning in mud. Nine's first impression of Sonic was of a stranger, a bully, intending to harm him and take from him. Thorn's first impression of Sonic is of a greedy scavenger, one of those who would intend to hurt the forest and drain it of its resources.
The tie in? It's that between both moments (saving Nine and saving the flicky), Sonic convinces Nine and Thorn that he's...an outlier of a person.
After Sonic saves Nine, surprising him, Nine finds who he believes to be the only person who would save someone (him) when there doesn't seem to be any immediately identifiable gain for doing so, the only person who may have protected and helped him back when he was young.
While Thorn isn't fully convinced that Sonic isn't one of the scavengers, those who destroyed the forest originally, it's clear that Sonic’s action of going out of his way to help the flickies surprises her. After all, she finally begrudgingly agrees to help Sonic find his way home.
Although, it is also worth noting that while Nine begins to treat Sonic more like a friend than he's ever treated anyone like a friend (when he fixes Sonic's little problem and goes out with him to get the paradox prism), Sonic is treated more like Thorn's captive in episode 4 (one that she'll release out of the forest when his business is finished).
Finally (I apologize for the length of this section of parallels) we get to the bit where Sonic and Thorn find the green shard. So, final things to note. Yes, Sonic spent more time with Nine over 3 episodes than the small portion of 1 episode with Thorn, but I feel it's also pertinent to recognize that neither were actually particularly long stretches of time in universe. Regardless though, for the sake of the parallel, I'm only noting here that Nine has become at least a bit attached to Sonic in a way Thorn has not. Sonic and Nine marvel over the prism together. In fact, it was Nine who'd asked Sonic to "grab the shard already" so they could escape the coucil's fortress together. However, after Sonic digs up the green shard in Boscage Maze, Thorn doesn't marvel over the green shard for too long before hitting Sonic in the face with her hammer, claiming the shard as hers.
But I suppose this also comes back to one big difference between Thorn and Nine.
Nine cares pretty much only about self preservation and staying away from the general public back in episode 1. Thorn, on the other hand, cares about the forest. Thorn was quick to push aside Sonic for the shard, similar to how Nine decided for leaving Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty behind so he'd have a higher chance of escaping with the shard. Only their goals matter. It's just that Nine very quicky integrated Sonic into his plans, while Thorn had not.
Interesting, no?
Okay okay I'll say the thing. Parallels between a Tails and Amy variant both meeting Sonic for the first time and pursing a shard with him: IIII
So, Sonic goes for the green shard with a spin dash, yelling that he needs it, Thorn goes "as if I'd give the heart of my jungle to a stranger like you. You're a scavenger like the rest" and moves to attack, and so ends episode 4.
Putting the Sonine interactions from episodes 1-3 in comparison to all this with Thorn...really makes me embarassed on Nine's behalf for how telling his actions are😂
And now for a moment you've (me) all been waiting for (because I didn't find anything in episode 5 I wanted to talk about)...
Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 6: Situation: Grim!
I've been excited to touch on this episode since I started this little series about Sonine. Why? Because it's one of the season 1 episodes that gives me a lot of second hand embarrassment about Sonine (in a good way!), and it's just so fun to break down.
So, without further ado, let's return to New Yolk.
So, Sonic drops in, gets roped into the ensuing battle with the rebels versus the Eggforcers, and comments that New Yolk City isn't quite how he remembers it. Then, as he goes about explaining that he met "another you" (refering to Renegade), in another place, fighting another battle and the existence of other shards, he asks Renegade where Nine is.
"Anyway. Super stoked to be back to help with...whatever the heck's going on here. Where's Nine? I gotta pick his brain about this other shard I found."
Later, after Renegade brings Sonic to Rebel and the resistance's base, Renegade "informs" Sonic that Nine left them (Renegade, Rebel, and Rusty) "high and dry" after getting the shard. Of course, similar to the scene in which Nine attacked him in their first meeting (while Sonic thought him to be Tails, this revelation seems to make Sonic...sad (a bit of an understatement, I know). Like he just can't believe Nine would do such a thing.
"I didn't steal the shard!"
"But your fox friend did, right before he left us high and dry."
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Rebel goes on to explain how she and everyone else had trusted them (Sonic and Nine) as a shortened version of the end of episode 3, as well as a continuation of the scene, play out. The audience watches Nine grab the shard, stop and consider saving Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty, before deciding to escape alone with the shard rather than risk losing it over trying to save the three (but it's important to note that Sonic doesn’t see this scene. All he knows is that Nine took the shard and left). Then, Rebel explains that after the event, the resistance grew "without you or that traitorous fox".
Now, how Sonic acts and what he says next tells us a lot about how he sees Nine (or rather how he wants to).
"If they get that energy crystal back, we're done for."
"Nine won't let that happen!"
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After having his life threatened by Renegade and some of the resistance (which I may mention that Sonic never gives up anything he knows about Nine to save his own hide, such as the location of his base, even if it is true that he doesn’t know where Nine is currently), Rebel shows Sonic the palm tree. As of the Boscage Maze section, the palm tree has become a symbol to Sonic of what can be, and what he's lost. It's a symbol of the bonds he has with his friends, the memories he made with them, what he hadn't cherished properly before it was gone, and of hope for fhe future. Rebel showing it to him provides adequate motivation to help the rebels, showing him just what's at stake if they fall.
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"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me...but I'm not a traitor and neither is Nine."
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"Let me prove it to you. Let me fight by your side."
Sonic how does– how does you fighting with them also prove Nine isn’t a traitor Mr. "I don't want to believe Nine would leave someone to die"
In any case, the battle between the Rebels, Sonic, and the Chaos Council begin, and Nine shows up just like Sonic always hoped he would.
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"Sonic! Hang on!"
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*In Unision* "Nine?!"
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"You got a plane!...kinda."
In hindsight, we know Nine came to New Yolk to find Sonic and bring him back to The Grim with him. We know this is likely his intention, given how he yells Sonic's name immediately upon appearing in New Yolk, and then says "hang on!" when he sees him in danger.
Bit of a side note here, I actually almost wonder if Nine has the ability to track Sonic (perhaps through his regulators?). I say this because there is no proof, even by season 2, that Nine had gone looking for Sonic in any other shatterspaces and seen them before (in fact there's more proof he went to Boscage Maze and No Place for the very first time while he and Sonic were trying to make off with the shards towards the end of S2). If he was looking for Sonic specifically and just so happened to know not only what shatterspace he was in but also where he was, it makes sense that Nine would be able to portal to about exactly where Sonic was and to come out of the portal yelling his name.
As for Sonic, while Rebel and Renegade are (understandably) none too happy to see him, Sonic is just...so happy, man.
Now, for the next bit where Nine participates in battling the Chaos Council, I think the intentions here are so interesting. Because Nine? He came here just to find Sonic and bring him back. He's battling the Council to free up Sonic and give him an opening to join him. We know this because Nine practically portals out New Yolk the moment Sonic is safe in the cockpit. Basically, Nine only "helped" so he could return to the Grim with Sonic.
But Sonic? He's just got done asserting that Nine would never betray anyone. He wants to believe that Nine cares for people and fighting for good like he does (and like he believes Tails does, but how Sonic sees Tails and how Tails actually is is an essay for another time). So when Nine shows up and starts blasting the council, Sonic believes not that Nine showed up just for him, but that Nine came to help. To Sonic, Nine showing up in their hour of need proves that he's not a traitor, proves that Nine cares about spreading good and peace to New Yolk like Sonic wants to believe.
Understanding their differing points of view and stances on everything is integral to understanding the miscommunications to come in this very episode, and in the future. And, so does understanding how each of them badly want to believe in a version of the other that wants everything that they want and is the way they think they should be.
...And that will be it for part 5 of Sonine Prime, everybody! This was a long one, and it would have been longer if not for the tumblr photo limit, but no matter. Next time we'll be continuing Episode 6, and I'll probably mention a hundred more times how embarrassing Sonic and Nine are about each other (Mr. "I smile as soon as I see you again after time apart and wanted to see you again so bad" and Mr. "We barely knew each other for a day but I want to spend my life alone with you in a world of our own making").
See you in the next one!
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My Top 5 Sonic Characters: #5, Vector the Crocodile
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While Vector first appeared in Knuckles' Chaotix (with a strange origin involving God; I'm not making this up), Heroes was the game I started to appreciate his character. The development team re-imagined the Chaotix trio, and their personalities are clearer than in their first game appearance. Charmy's hyperactive, Espio's tranquil and proper, and Vector's sometimes loud; he's easygoing and the natural team leader. Sonic Heroes showcases this well with Chaotix's motto, "We don't turn down any job that pays!" He's focused and won't let anything distract them from the work, whether it's that Slot Machines at Casino Park or the Eggman's cannons at Bullet Station that Charmy wants to play with. He might have the temptation, like when he wants to ride one of Eggman's battleships in Egg Fleet, but puts the job first, showcasing his responsibility.
Character Dynamics with the Sonic Cast
Another trait I like about his character is his dynamic with other Sonic characters. I'll dive into his dynamic with the other members of the Chaotix members later because I believe that's one of his more notable characteristics. For now, I'll be talking about some other characters first, beginning with Miles "Tails" Prower.
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I'm all for the small details in storytelling, and Team Sonic Racing's story presents this well to me. While Vector looks like he's here for the prize money, that's part of the reason for joining the race. Tails asks him to complete a request: find and discover Dodon Pa's motivations. Why Tails doesn't let his team know? Here's why. Sonic's having too much fun in the competition and might not believe there's a reason to be worried. Knuckles can be hot-headed sometimes. So having Vector investigate while keeping a low profile isn't a bad idea on Tails' end.
"What is it? Do you mean Dodon Pa and Eggman? But what's the use of worrying in that?" (Sonic says this in the game's Japanese version when discussing with Silver in Haunted Castle.)
Another detail I like about this interaction is it reminds me of the classic era. At the end of Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic and Tails do end up appearing at the end of the game in the Tornado to see what the commotion was all about in Newtrogic High Zone, and this is where they have their first encounter with Mighty and Team Chaotix. While I wish we could see more of the classic interactions between the characters (It's more of a possibility as SEGA wants to bring back the classic era), I still appreciate this detail that elevates this moment. Even in the IDW comics, Tails and Vector have a common interest in detective work and solving mysteries. Tails even refer to Vector as "old chum," showcasing their history and how they have known each other since the classic days.
Speaking of history, he and Knuckles the Echidna go back since Knuckles' Chaotix. When the Babylon Rouges steal some relics from Marble Garden in IDW's misadventures arc, Knuckles goes to the Chaotix first. Why not Sonic and Amy? He can work with those two, but they tease him occasionally. The interactions here are subtle but showcase their dynamic well. Vector sticks to the Chaotix's motto, "We don't turn down a job that pays," and he has known Knuckles since the classic days. While Knuckles knows Vector can be a bit goofy sometimes, he trusts Vector and the rest of the Chaotix when handling certain situations. The three also respect his pride more than Sonic and Amy do.
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Let's move on to Team Chaotix. One of Vector's defining moments as a character is with his team. I'll start with Charmy, then Espio. Charmy's energetic, and while he sometimes gets into trouble with Vector, he means well. It makes sense from Charmy's perspective because of the locations they visit. Imagine you're a little kid seeing pinball machines as big as buildings, grinding rails at a canyon, and smashing up evil robots; Charmy's excitement is understandable. Vector gets annoyed at Charmy's liveliness, and leads to funny moments involving the two.
In Ocean Palace:
Espio: The foe is asleep... Let's proceed slowly... Everyone, keep your voices low...
Charmy: OKAY!
It's played for laughs because Charmy's just teasing Vector, but the two genuinely do care for each other. Vector values Charmy's abilities when searching for clues for their clients in games like Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. He's also fully aware of Charmy's excitement during adventures and appreciates his enthusiasm. Vector cares a lot for him and sees Charmy as a true friend, and anything bad happens to him, well... I talk about that specific moment with Espio.
With Espio, Vector knows he's a dependable friend and believes in his skills as a ninja. Espio acts as the voice of reason, and while he gets annoyed at Vector's childish side sometimes, he trusts his instincts as a leader when handling clients or during a dangerous situation. However, during the Metal Virus, when Charmy got infected trying to save a citizen of Seaside City, Vector couldn't think straight, and Espio was there to be by his side. When they eventually find Charmy because the Chaotix don't leave one of their own behind, things turn for the worse. Due to a monkey civilian not understanding the full context of the Metal Virus, his infection sends others into a panic, causing Charmy's containment pod to break. While trying to escape the commotion, Charmy is about to infect more people until Vector sacrifices himself to ensure Espio and the others have a chance to defeat the Metal Virus once and for all. Vector sends Espio off with a smile, and all Espio can do is look on in silence, tearing up over his friend. Whoa. Of all the Metal Virus infections, in my opinion, Vector's the one that almost made me tear up. Even as I write this, tears are filling up in my eyes over this moment.
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I could go about his diverse abilities (Sonic Roar, Hammer Down, how he has a pack of gum strong enough to carry the Chaotix) and the fun moments with the Sonic cast. However, I wanted to highlight the rare and unique moments of why I love his character. With a strong sense of duty and the teamwork presented with the rest of the Sonic cast, Vector is one of my favorites because he's a true team player. He's sometimes goofy and can act irrationally sometimes. However, he stays loyal to the Chaotix's cause of helping their clients while assisting others in need.
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000marie198 · 10 months
That Sonic and Leo ask from Anon is now living rent free in my head like all I can think of is the mischief these two would be. Especially with their loved ones like imagine-
Sonic and Leo bouncing different puns and catchphrases at each other making Tails, Knuckles, Donnie, Raph and Mikey all groan in affectionate annoyance.
Or them sassing enemies in their special, sarcastic smartass ways that they're known for.
Leo and Sonic talking about how amazing their brothers are and how they'd literally kill for them when in reality said brothers are the actual threats that enemies need to watch out for. Especially when said older brothers get hurt or worse. (God the possibilities there don't even get me started-).
Or how they could become friends, and possibly grow comfortable with one another to talk about the burdens they feel being the oldest brother as well as the leader of their groups and how stressful it actually really is.
Or them developing little habits from each other and using them in battle and whatnot.
Ohmigosh and the sacrificing thing. Just Sonic pushing Leo out of the way of danger, or Leo taking a nasty hit for Sonic.
Just bro. So many possibilities, so many things that could make them work out in the friendship department. Just......ohmigosh.
You, my friend, just unlocked the fangirl mode FYJGZSGJSSHSY
Sonic babysits Cream! He had attended tea parties, he would so join Leo to have tea parties with Chloe and being the hyperactive hedgie who gets adopted as honorary big bro of every child character in the franchise, has experience with keeping excited kids distracted. He'd be massive help when they gotta say goodbye to Chloe.
Leo tries to teach him stealth. It takes a whole lot of trials before he figures out that their method of stealth won't fit for Sonic. He's too impatient to sit still if he doesn't need to. Sonic makes an off-handed comment on how it was never a problem when he infiltrated Eggman's bases and the ninjas realize the method to teach stealth to the speedster was through his speed. He's swift enough to be invisible but not focused on stealth to be unrecognizable. Sonic and his friends were already formidable fighters but now they've learned forms and martial art techniques and stealth they're too powerful now.
The cons of this? Blue hedgehog is obsessed with scaring the living daylights out of anyone at any time and it's contagious enough to hit Leo and now they're both doing it. They almost gave Casey a heart attack twice in a span of 5 minutes.
Sonic starts feeling cooped up or heads out on a run and returns to find his little brother trying to placate four panicking ninjas and finds out this world isn't safe to be openly out and about in.
"But if the EPF finds out about you and your powers, they'll to capture you and dissect you-"
"Oh so this world's version of GUN then."
"What's GUN?"
"Military organization that pretends to be the protectors but they're just a bunch of single minded maniacs obsessed with firearms and experimenting on Mobians and making things worse"
"Ah, just like EPF. Got it."
Sonic and Leo spar quite often with swords. What are you talking about, of course they aren't fan-boying at each other's skills, what do you mean Leo can deflect blows with his eyes closed, what do you mean Sonic literally wielded Excalibur shut up this is so awesome.
While on patrol with Raph and Donnie, some thug calls Tails a freak and, having heard this demeaning term and knowing the effect it can have on you through personal experience, the turtles freeze, white sliding over their eyes in silent rage as Raph lower the upset fox from his shoulders and hands him to Donnie before turning around and taking out his sais, street lights glinting off the metal blade.
"Take the kids home, I'll catch up in a few."
Donnie gives an understanding nod before stepping back, one hand moving to hold Sonic's as the other arm gently holds Tails, the purple clad turtle disappears into the shadows.
The terrified screams of the purple dragon echoed through the alley and tunnels as Donnie took the two mobians back home.
Maybe letting Tails and Dee hang out without supervision wasn't the best idea. There's a molecular blaster in the lab and- are those blueprints of top secret EPF artillery?!
Leo and Sonic playing guitar together because they can and they have one.
Tails no. Tails you can't use Mikey to test your equipment when your brother is unavailable. TAILS WAIT NO HE'S TOO CHAOTIC-!
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antirepurp · 6 months
If you don't mind me jumping on this current band wagon, I feel like a character like Vanilla could be used as a character to help teach Sonic things like slowing down and thinking while Eggman could be used as the character to show how not slowly down or thinking has consequences. I'm not entirely sure how it would actually play out in game but it could also play into Vanillas role as The Mum™️ by having her as an advisor, I think you might be able to use Vector in a similar fashion but more in a 'been there, done that, had to deal with the consequences himself' role. Just giving the adult character more life experience would really highlight how Sonic and Co. are just kids.
Like I said, I'm not 100% sure how it would play out in the games as it could ruining the stories pacing if done wrong.
those are good points. i don't think something like it is impossible to tie into a game in the form of cutscenes and the like, if anything the worry i have with especially vanilla in a role like this would be the heavy-handedness of the theme. not saying it couldn't work, but some care would have to be put into the execution to give it the effect it needs
what i like about rise of lyric and how it shows that team sonic are just a bunch of kids is the subtlety of it. they don't take a lot of things as seriously as you'd think, they banter and chitchat and tease one another, they gang up on sonic in the most childish way when they learn about who lyric is. the only adult figures in RoL are eggman, who's still boom eggman and hardly the adult figure you'd juxtapose with the gang in the manner we're looking for; cliff, who's role in the game lasts for an entire 5 minutes and not much more than that (because dev hell, wii u porting, the rushed rewrite of the story towards the end of the development...); and lyric, whose maturity can be read as a foil that emphasizes how immature our heroes are. i couldn't tell you if that's intentional at all, i imagine it's more a side product if anything, but it works at least imo. even so that wasn't necessary to portray and point out how sonic and gang are just kids, they kind of already do it themselves
then again, that approach probably wouldn't work in mainline especially if the more serious tone from frontiers keeps up in the future, and perhaps for that a kind of mentor approach from an older character could work just fine for showcasing that sonic is still a kid and prone to acting as such. admittedly i may just be a slut for putting characters into uncomfortable situations to see what happens, so the eggman approach might be my favorite of the bunch lol
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
For the ask meme: Espio!
do I like them:
It actually took me some time to warm up to him, but once I began writing fanfics with Espio in a central role, absolutely!
5 good qualities:
I like his shtick as The Serious Straight Man amidst his much wackier colleagues, and the world they inhabit at large. But at the same time, he actually is just as whacky and silly as everyone else, he's just better at hiding it! His own brand of humour both stems from his serious persona and the fact he's still just as silly as the rest of the Chaotix, and I think that makes for a very interesting character.
He's a ninja. Ninja are cool! Honestly, he probably only is a ninja because ninja are cool, but you know, Rule of Cool simply is a thing.
He's an incredibly competent detective, but I like how the games do not pin all the good ideas and skills on solely him. Instead those are given to Vector (like how in Heroes Vector was the one ultimately realising their client was Eggman), and Charmy occasionally causes a breakthrough as well (like in the finale of ShTH with hacking the computer). It's nice to see that Espio is not put in a position wherein he does all the work where the others bumble around, but that instead it is showcased just why the Chaotix consist of three people, not one. It makes Espio more grounded for me; he has his flaws and he's not the perfect detective.
In Rivals 2, I really like how he was willing to hear Silver out, despite Silver being his suspect at the time. To me, it shows how Espio values finding the truth over simply dissing out justice for justice's sake. Silver ultimately was (partially, since Eggman Nega also collected Chao) responsible for the Chao disappearances, but because he did it for a good reason, Espio was willing to help him out instead of convicting him. It gives a nice balance between Espio's desire for justice versus ensuring no-one is treated unfairly.
I like how his ninja skills are not only presented as him being Super Ultra Cool; he is noted to also be opinionated, somewhat stubborn, and can definitely be smug. I think such things add a nice touch to his character!
3 bad qualities:
We don't see him enough... sigh. Honestly, in that way he is a little bit like Silver, except that here there is no excuse of him needing to travel from the future to play an active role. But to be fair, Charmy has it a lot worse than Espio in that regard, and the rest of the extended cast other than the main four plus Eggman also experience it. But I do feel like the Chaotix in general can be quite minor characters.
I can't really think of anything else, to be honest? Espio's portrayals so far have been solid, so I truly have nothing to complain about!
A mere personal gripe, but he's not shown enough with Silver. I'd love for more interactions between the two of them!
favourite episode/etc:
Rivals 2, for the reasons listed above!
Espilver, do I even need to say more?💕
With Vector and Charmy; they are the Chaotix for a reason!
I don't think I have one.
Same here!
best quote:
"I murdered Sonic the Hedgehog." because at that point in the game, legit everyone knew already. Rouge even lampshades it!
head canon:
Espio is the one responsible for all the housekeeping in the detective agency, because I can't for the life of me imagine that Vector and Charmy would pay any attention to it. Thus it falls on Espio's shoulders to clean, cook, and do the groceries; assuming they don't just get take-out. He occasionally tries to rally the other two into doing a bit more work, but so far the results leave much to be desired. On the other hand, Espio can be enough of a control freak to not mind the sole responsibility, because it means he can do things in the way he likes it best.
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 years
You got any Sonic or Shadow headcannons?
oh i have some, sure! with sonic it's mostly what order events happened in and how he grew up but shadow has more of what you'd expect from a headcanon
off the top of my head...
sonic was directly given to chuck by aleena rather than going through a secondary no-name family before meeting him. he lived on christmas island under chuck's care until he was about 5 or 6 years old
since he was raised by chuck, he knows more about mechanical things than you'd think, sort of absorbing that information by watching his uncle do stuff for friends and family. that's how he knew to work the tornado since chuck would bring him along when he went to help do repairs on paulie's plane
chuck made (and continues to make) his special shoes since commercially available ones just won't cut it. it's more so an issue of durability than anything else, but they connect to the ground surprisingly well for being more or less completely flat on the bottom (do you know how much it sucks to get a rock wedged in any cracks in the sole when you're going a million miles an hour?)
unfortunately at that 5 or 6 year mark, eggman attacked and stole chuck, but sonic ran away, so he was pretty much alone from that point. somehow he ended up on south island all by himself, and sonic 1 takes place when he's around 10 years old
because he lived alone on an island with a bunch of small animals for a good period of his childhood, sonic more or less understands what they're saying when they chatter at him when almost no one else does, thinking it's just noise. he'll have full conversations with birds and squirrels and stuff like it's no big deal
since he goes around rescuing animals all the time (and animals don't have as much of a reason as people do to stay in one spot), there isn't really a place he can go where the critters haven't heard of him. talk about him travels amongst them and he's friendly with most critters because of it
the same goes for talk about eggman, but that just results in squirrels purposefully messing up his wires and birds swooping at him in frustration when he least expects it. you can imagine that he isn't really that much of an outdoorsy person because of it
sonic is very good at mimicking other peoples' voices, and his changes in voice actors over the years are reflected in-universe. all of his friends think he's fucking with them because he'll just switch up what he sounds like on a whim. imagine that one scene from peter pan where peter is messing with smee in the cave and that's pretty much it. none of his friends know what his real voice is, but their bets are split between the jaleel white voice or the roger one
that being said, any objectively bad impressions he does are either because he's making fun of them in the process and saying they sound dumb or he can't reach that tone within his vocal range. he mostly does the purposefully bad impressions with eggman, knuckles, and shadow, the latter when they're being cartoonishly grumpy and he feels like poking bears
sonic can and will sleep nearly anywhere with little to no difficulty. he's really good at finding little safe places in objectively dangerous areas where he or tails (mostly tails) can catch a break
he has a little cabin in the woods somewhere near knothole, but no one except him and tails know where it is. he keeps all the stuff from his adventures there and goes there when he needs a break
he's surprisingly well-read and owns quite a lot of books. he doesn't have a lot of time to read as of late, but he still enjoys it
if he had to choose between extremes, he'd prefer hot places like deserts or volcanic areas over ice caves or the arctic, even if he is surprisingly resistant to the cold. the most he'll really do if he's chilly is put on a scarf
if we're going into specifics on what species he is, he's a vague mix between european, northern white-breasted, long-eared, and four-toed hedgehogs. his dad's half of the family is mostly mutts, but aleena is specifically a european hedgehog
sonic's favorite holiday is christmas! he's mostly in it for the family and friends aspect of it, and his folks have a big get-together at the end of the year for it. he invites pretty much everyone he knows that he's even a little bit friendly with (his parents are 100% cool with it and think it makes the whole thing better) and it's always really fun. his favorite thing to do is mess around when everyone's gathered up for a big family photo. he's always doing some kind of silly pose or making a face
shadow didn't just come out of whatever tube he was grown in at the age he is now. he was baby sized, but aged at an accelerated rate until the point we see him at now over the course of about 5 years before it slowed down dramatically
that being said, he does age, it's just on a time scale that isn't easy to see. if you took a picture of him in 200 years and compared it to him now, you'd be able to see the difference, but he doesn't know. he hasn't been alive long enough to actually see or feel any significant change outside of any injuries he may have acquired
while he's very resistant to damage and pain, he's still alive, and there's a (highly accelerated) healing process involved. while he recovers from most things without a scratch, more heinous injuries have the potential to scar over and leave lasting marks
him, rouge, and omega all share a pretty nice apartment in empire city where they live together. he's a very simple guy who couldn't care less about what's in the space outside of necessities so rouge chooses and arranges most of the furniture
shadow had to be convinced to put anything other than a bed and dresser in his room because he didn't feel it was necessary. he's not the pristine white aperture science kind of minimalist but like... he's certainly a minimalist
he refuses to wear shoes in his or other peoples' living spaces. take your shoes off at the door or he'll just stare at you accusingly the whole time you're there. same thing if you don't use a coaster
he uses lavender scented hair (quill?) products. maria really liked that smell so it reminds him of her and brings him comfort. that and it's just a relaxing smell. he honestly likes floral scents in general but that's his absolute favorite
he's surprisingly good with children and enjoys their company, despite what you would think about him. he's incredibly tolerant of loud noises and is very good at regulating his voice and stress responses. if he wasn't repurposed into a biological super weapon, he would have likely filled a similar role as a support animal for maria in addition to helping them find a way to cure whatever disease was making her so weak
some hobbies of his include gardening and cooking. i don't really have much else to say about that lol
he's prone to making deadpan jokes that none of his friends can tell are jokes, either that or he'll be unnecessarily abrasive or say something completely out of pocket and play it completely straight to get a rise out of people. he thinks it's funny even if the others are all worriedly looking at each other wondering if he's being serious or not
he does eat unprocessed coffee beans though. he wasn't lying about that during the twitter takeover
unlike sonic, he prefers the cold. he isn't very well-suited to extreme heat, be it from ambient sources or sun exposure. he's actually prone to heat exhaustion due to how he is biologically in addition to the environment he was raised in. you don't need heat resistance in a space station, but you certainly need to be able to deal with the cold radiating off the metal separating you from the empty vacuum of space
once again going into specifics: while most of his dna comes from a european hedgehog and a significant amount came from the black arms, he has some weird stuff in there as a remnant from the biolizard experiments that contribute to his healing factor and other quirks of his. if you look hard enough at the sequence you could probably find some leftover salamander dna somewhere
he doesn't really have a favorite holiday (he isn't the most festive person), but i've seen jewish people interpret him and the robotnik family as jewish and it all seems very wholesome
of course, sonic still invites him to his family's big christmas parties. he does come (even if he feels a little out of place) and is very readily accepted by sonic's parents and relatives. while he isn't super into it, he appreciates being included and likes to help prepare any food that still needs to be made. you can see him genuinely smiling in the background of some of the family photos
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chaoxfix · 2 years
Back when you were doing Sally redesigns/concepts, I think I remember you mentioning that you'd want Sally to have a more Sonic-y name if she were in the game-verse. If that's true, what do you think qualifies as a good mobian name?
thanks for asking!
this ended up taking a while, thanks for your patience-
i think a good mobian name is one that works as a description of the character. it should be related to what they can do (sonic, espio, blaze), or what they look like, usually a color (silver, shadow, rouge, cream) or a prominent feature (knuckles, tails). in other cases, they should be a noun or adjective that simply sounds like the character. charmy sounds fun and little-kidd-ish (the ee sound at the end), vector sounds like a cool mature adult (mathematical concept; he's the only adult aside from vanilla, as when he was created 20 was the age of adulthood in japan).
in the end, sonic characters' names should sound a bit like pet names or code names. descriptive and fitting in a way that we don't really get to name ourselves.
this is why i think amy rose doesn't gel as well with the rest of the characters, as it has a very human-sounding name. but in a way it suits her, as she's the most normal-seeming character by name and original power set, a bit like someone who happened to get swept up into sonic and eggman's battles -- which is kind of what happened.
sally acorn is a lot like amy rose in that respect; one of the only characters with a last name
i think if sally were sega-ified a bit more, in modern conventions she should have a "Name the Species" kind of name, which is important to keep in mind, as it should flow like Sonic the Hedgehog or Knuckles the Echidna does.
For her species, I think I'd prefer her to be a squirrel and for them to play up squirrel-y design aspects. she'd be cute with buck teeth and a bushy, curved tail. so whatever her first name is, it ought to flow well with 'the squirrel' .... which is difficult as squirrel doesn't really roll off the tongue well at all. for that reason i think we can also consider, 'name the ground squirrel' instead of just 'the squirrel' -- plus, we do already have ray the flying squirrel so idk. ... and i'm also preparing a backup 'the chipmunk' name as well (though she'll be compared to alvin and the chipmunks regardless with a name like that)
for traits sally could be renamed after... 1) she's a tough leader, and we'd fall on that, as she's never really had powers. she's also a princess. 2) she takes no shit and wants to be fair and just. 3) she has an affinity for computers 4) she is associated with the color blue (though i'd also redesign her to be orange rather than brown as a base, with hair that mostly blends into her orange fur), 5) wildcard, things that just seem to fit with her role
names about leadership: monarch
names about fairness: dawn, phi (φ)
names about technology: zinc, data
names about color: blue associated: sapphire, cobalt, sky orange associated: citrine, spice
wildcard: maps, gambit, echo
i bolded and italicized the ones i liked best. i think of all them, i like maps best.
maps the ground squirrel.
the reason i like this one best is because it doesn't fully give away what she does, and sounds succinct and precise. maps. you could follow a rebellion leader named maps, she'll tell you where to go and what to do.
i wanted to find more names related to royalty or tech or even stealth, but i really didn't find much that worked as a code name without being taken, or too on the nose it was cringe.
anyways. many of these i think would be great names for OCs or future characters. i could definitely imagine a character named gambit, whoever she is she'd have my whole heart. (maybe as a fiona fox redesign?)
my runner-up for sally might be citrine the ground squirrel, as it has an s sound to the name, and isn't too on the nose. i do still like spice (what i went with for a previous redesign), but i think it's my third place choice now, after looking into more of these.
anyways, thanks for asking and i hope u enjoy
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