#can't believe i'm actually writing these tags
leandra-winchester · 23 hours
I'm wondering how there are people who think killing off Tommy would lead to Buddie. Like for one outside of Shannon the show hasn't killed off any other love interest to write them out of the show and two the show would get so much negative press for it. Like I do not take people seriously when the bring up Tommy dying or Buck cheating as a way to facilitate Buddie canon because it would not endear most of the audience to them as a ship (not to mention Oliver Stark specifically said he doesn't want to go down the queer trauma route here so like I don't get why some people cite these as possibilities)
Yeah, I don't even know man. Fanfic brainrot or something (not that there's anything wrong with fanfic, obviously, but when you consume so much of it and it being very specific to your very personal liking, and then can't separate the expectations you have for fic from those you have for the show).
And I guess in a way I maybe fell for it too, with my past expectations for Buddie canon, because, in hindsight, I'm not sure Buddie canon - especially now after so much time has passed - would have feasibly happened. Not just because of studio politics or limitations on how many canon queer characters you can have among the main cast, but simply because you cannot believably pull off a mutual pining/slowburn romance in an ensemble show.
Buddie would only have worked if Eddie had taken some time to unravel all that repression, bit by bit, and we would have to see it, and that would have taken up too much room and time in a show that has a pretty big main cast.
It might have worked at the end of s5 when he went to therapy and all that, planting some seeds there and then fully following up on it in s6, but now? AFTER the whole Marisol and Shannon/Kim stuff? It would take A LOT to sell it not just to the general audience but, frankly, to people like me as well.
So I dunno, but I'm pretty convinced it's never going to happen. Both Oliver and Ryan have said/hinted that they wouldn't want it to happen purely as fan service; it would have to really make sense and be true to the characters and their journeys, and I agree.
But the BoBs don't listen; they take fragments of sentences and interpret them to fit their own agenda.
And then some of the most unhinged ones of them go and think killing off a love interest is one way to get there. And a lot of those comments or tags didn't read like purely 'jokes' either; there was sheer vitriol and hatred behind them. Which has very little to do with genuine or in any way valid outrage at the 'daddy kink' joke, but everything to do with someone getting in their way of their ship, and this time being an actual threat.
With female love interests, you could always write that off as the show being cowardly about it and not daring to make any of them queer. But now we have that queer representation, Buck is officially bi, and has a boyfriend with whom things are getting really serious, really fast.
And I get being sad and disappointed about Buddie not happening, but the amount of toxicity that has been directed at a) other fans b) the fictional characters and c) the actors/writers involved is ridiculous. This is a fucking TV show, after all. It's not real life, it's not politics or activism. It's just fiction (that gives us an unusual amount of queer rep for a mainstream network TV show!). If it doesn't spark joy, take a step back, stop watching, read and write fic, but don't be a toxic asshole about it.
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gmobanana · 6 months
Did this stupid ass shit since me and my friends are watching fnafhs.
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unicornpopcorn14 · 13 days
Ppl don't realize that if you want to write skk's dynamic properly, just picture a cat vs dog fiasco and run with that.
They are the definition of black cat and golden retriever energy. It's literally canon.
(Oda describes Dazai as a burnt black cat. Chuuya gets called a dog every other episode he's in. Asagiri isn't even trying to hide that fact.)
And while I think Chuuya's got more of a chihuahua energy than anything, it doesn't erase the original point of this being my go-to drive force whenever I write them.
Dazai's upset? Think of what your cat would do. Sulk and ignore, give you the silent treatment, either avoid you at all costs or confront you with bared claws and an intent to destroy, depending on the situation.
Chuuya feeling threatened? Let him growl or snarl, bare his teeth, lunge squarely at whoever's imposing the threat. Let him be possessive of who he's protecting, let him be vocal and the loudest person in the room.
What happens when a cat and a dog clash? Yeah, exactly. Disaster.
Yet at the end of the day, when their energies dissipate, you'll find them cuddling with each other, asleep with no care in the world, because they're together.
You're literally writing about a black cat and a ginger Chihuahua, skk writers!!!
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lesovyart · 1 year
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im so obsessed w them that I made fanart AND my own playlist
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zukkaoru · 7 months
🖤 the body i'm in 🤍
Once the coughing has subsided, Ryuu whispers, “My body is a warzone.” He sets the glass down. “It cannot even hold enough food to improve my health. My lungs are rotting. I cannot run for more than a few minutes before I must stop to catch my breath. I must rely on my ability to compensate for my physical disadvantages, but in doing that, I will never be strong enough for Dazai-san. You do not want my body; yours is everything I wish mine could be.” It would be worth it, Gin thinks, if it meant she could feel at home in her own skin. She would take Ryuu’s terminal illness, she would take his dysfunctional lungs, she would take his too-thin frame and his skin that bruises at the slightest pressure and his perpetual cough and his weak immune system. She would take everything he hates about his body and wear it with pride because at least she wouldn’t be so feminine.
or: ryuunosuke and gin find themselves, over the course of seven years.
🖤 akutagawa & gin ft. minor sskk and tachigin 🤍 3 chapters, 18.2k words, complete 🖤 written for @aktgwsibsweek days 2, 5, & 6
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lost-my-sanity1 · 10 months
desis assemble cuz this is kinda hilarious.
so it was a totally normal day and then I suddenly had a thought and I wanted to know if anyone shipped those two boys from student of the year and-
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socialmediasocrates · 4 months
happiest of birthdays @negentropies <3
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whattraintracks · 2 months
(im pumpkinpie59 btw fjdkdkd)
Heck yeah, I'm a Buffy stan!! I loved "Poor Little Rich Turtle" because I loved her. Absolute crime we didn't get more of her. I am constantly haunted by the fact that I must create the content with her that I want to see. So thank you for your adorable art!!
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forcebookish · 10 months
feel like i'm being gaslighted by the ofs fandom like where are all these wild think pieces coming from we can't possibly be watching the same ONE EPISODE of the same drama
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#the amount of baseless fanon is... wild#and by baseless i really do mean like. two sentences and a trailer#i feel like.......... bl fandom has never seen a couple like. actually be in the dating phase#so everyone is interpreting their little dance as two MASTER MANIPULATORS when they're just like... feeling each other out?? lmao#also some of u really think that mew is lying about being a virgin#so either he's been lying to his three closest friends for 4+ years or they're lying for him even during private moments with no one around#on the off chance that some hot guy is going to learn about it and want to date him because of it#that is breathtakingly bad writing#(of note: said hot guy was already interested in him before learning he was a virgin and still would've gone home with him had he not known#and if mew is so much of an unreliable narrator that we can't believe ANYTHING that is on screen that is also unbelievably bad writing lol#some of you are CONVINCED that he is an absolute psycho#?????????#ofs liveblog#i use that gif and then these are my tags#also i don't say all this like i know who mew really is. because it's been one episode lmao but he's definitely guarded and intuitive#i'm open to being wrong about MY interpretation of him but if any of these headcanons are true i probably won't finish it lol#(but i find it really unlikely... especially from how many of these takes are from people who hate top...)#(which tells me that you're not actually interested in understanding him as a character and want to cling to your own ideas of him)#(an attitude that i have a hard time believing you don't apply to all the characters. especially mew)#ANYWAY
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ranboo5 · 1 year
Anyway [stretches] under a cut because it got Long as usual; tl;dr at the bottom
The thing abt c!Ranboo is his motivation and his actions don’t always align and that is bc of the eternal nature of c!Ranboo as living in a society and Balancing Priorities. He is always self-compromising in its relationships w/ others; more often than not when it agrees to do smth with someone it is doing it not bc it believes in the cause but because it has priorities it needs to mitigate. (Ranboo has not believed in any of the causes put forth by Someone Else in their life the closest they get is the Syndicate and even there it’s only reassured to bc it is reassured it can share opinions)
This starts off wayyyy early with it agreeing to help grief despite not really having a personal reason to do it, and with it collaborating w/ New L’Manberg even through things like the Butcher Army. It consistently does not want to be seen as In Opposition. It works with Tmmy and Techno in large part bc it doesn’t want to come off as opposed 2 them, and bc it has personal investment (+guilt) in Tmmy. Ranboo will literally act like this
- as self preservation - out of a desire to help+spare the feelings of ppl it doesn’t trust to negotiate with - especially later, so it can try to mitigate the parties it’s collaborating w/ -- if he’s involved in the effort, he has more traction 2 attempt to mitigate anything terrible it might do (even when most of the time he doesn’t manage to do this)
This is part of why he initially joined th Syndicate and this is why he worked with Wilbur over th course of the burger arc. Some combination of this is also why he works w/ Dream, smth that is frequently overlooked in Ranboo Analysis; Ranboo volitionally[1] collaborates w/ Dream despite, obviously, having a lot of Active Dislike for Dream and what he is doing, out of a combination of a) he would not want 2 frame himself as Opposed To Dream in any interaction w/ Dream, b) he is generally sympathetic and pitying, c) ideological agreement w/ some aspects of Dream’s goals, and d) desire to mitigate/stay close to Dream. Ranboo keeps his friends close and enemies closer 2 some degree
His relationship w/ Tbbo is not an exception to this it is part of the pattern. It’s just one that has much more present, personal, and consistent stakes. Ranboo complies w/ Tbbo the same way he complies w/ the Syndicate when he’s worried they’re threatening, the same way he complies w/ NLM, the same way he complies w/ Wilbur in the burger arc, th same way he complies with Tmmy early on, the same way he complies w/ Dream offscreen. This is a Known Tactic Ranboo pursues; their project is ultimately of survival and compassion and survival and compassion are both things they have to sacrifice to keep
Tbbo is a unique priority to Ranboo almost in the same way all of the aforementioned r slightly different, unique priorities; in Tubbo’s case, Ranboo is extremely invested in keeping Tbbo safe from others and from Tbbo’s own self with a particular fervor for a very long time. I’m not rehashing the entire beeduo meta here but Ranboo does have particular interest and a particular prioritization for Tbbo for a long ass time; arguably post-NLM and thru burger arc, Tbbo is its first priority bc Ranboo loves him and has convinced itself it’s the only one who can fix him and has also mostly-correctly observed that no one has really been looking out for him. Tubbo is an urgent target in Ranboo’s projects of compassion and of survival both
When those stakes r released, tho, in the burger van conversation (the “you weren’t happy before?”) Ranboo no longer has Tbbo at the same priority level irt the project of survival especially, and, despite how guilty and upset it makes them, prioritizes their 5D chess game with Wilbur instead (ironically sacrificing a solid chunk of its project of survival). Its motives @ the end of Ho16 r commonly cited as being abt Tbbo but that’s not entirely what he says and if it was Ranboo HAS the kind of analytical presence of mind to know that it Killing Himself doesn’t help Tbbo as much as it deals with Wilbur
Ho16 is abt Ranboo winning aforesaid 5D chess game; Tbbo is only part of the stakes 4 that and Mitigating Tbbo is no longer Ranboo’s top priority w/ that. Ranboo’s final monologue is more than anything reminiscent of his earlier arguments about sides and collateral. It’s part of the larger project of compassion, and it’s about the distorted version thereof tht comes with Ranboo getting stuck in its head and its machinations, too; like Tbbo is important to Ranboo and the carelessness abt Tbbo is something unacceptable but to claim Ranboo’s motivations revolve around Tubbo specifically is reductive of his other relationships and actual larger ideological motivations 
I have a problem w/ framings of this as positive/romantic devotion that amkes Ranboo better or as devotion at all bc repeatedly it is shown it makes him Worse, and is in fact the opposite of devotion it's disingenuous by nature. Ranboo is lying. This is so essential to all of this when Ranboo acts like he is in step with you specifically he is lying you are never guaranteed to be the priority. This is him at his worst, th project of compassion at its most compromised, and it’s a state that they explicitly don’t like. Ranboo does not like compromising itself and when they do that they Get Hurt (NLM and outpost arc having the most confabulation we’ve seen in Ranboo in general, Ranboo hating himself for this, Ranboo complying w/ shit like the experiments, Ranboo in all these environments where he is playing this being Constantly Markedly Afraid)
Even throughout the time period where Tbbo is technically priority #1 Tbbo is still . Priority Number One as opposed to like a genuine devotion. Tbbo having a handle on Ranboo in this way is not devotion it is fear and it is again not a mechanism tht Ranboo Only engages for Tbbo it’s just a mechanism, that again IS BAD FOR RANBOO BOTH IRT MENTAL HEALTH AND MORALITY, that has thru circumstance become one tht Tbbo is best at unintentionally activating. Ranboo Does This When You Are His Project. And When He Had A New Project Aside From His Husband That’s What He Did To Him
Ranboo does comply with Tubbo in various activities tht he doesn’t believe in but this isn’t ? Unique to Tbbo this is just Ranboo’s general socialmeta+ what allows it to move in the world the way it does
Ranboo cares about Tubbo deeply and this is relevant to his motivations but that’s only one part of his larger motivations
It’s also honestly not great to frame this complianceas romantic or good bc it’s actively smth that Makes Them Worse in multiple senses
It takes out a ton of Ranboo’s decision making and the negative effects thereof
Anyway stream
[1] No, one dumb as fuck line from Dream Of All People in that lame ass excuse for a finale does not negate All The Things In CRanboo’s Story including working w Dream being part of this consistent pattern, Ranboo’s story being abt agency responsibility and decision in such a way tht it is completely undercut by mind ctrl plots, Ranboo’s ideological agreement w Dream on some matters, the alliumduo parallels, and everything we do know abt the enderwalk as a concept and Ranboo how he acts in and out of it
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mishy-mashy · 1 year
I think it's a funny detail that Joshua is older than Subaru. Also, a big "huh?" over Joshua for gaslighting himself so much into liking Julius that it's literally his whole personality
Imagine hating your brother and deciding to have a complex over him for WHATEVER REASON and it sticks.
He is now a brocon. Lost soul if he were awake while Julius's Name is eaten. Secretly hates Julius for throwing his apple away. But he will take the mere mention of "brother" and NYOOM
Joshua GASLIT HIMSELF into literal oblivion, especially if he wakes up
He's a strange boy, is all
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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That’s her father, thank you very much.
#literally the entire thought behind this was (verbatim)#'what if Tuvok's kids were haters'#hehehe...he's LIKE a dad to you?? he /IS/ my dad. - Tuvok's kids#Asil wouldn't actually act like this she'd be like Pretty Women.....and be very gallant as is her way#also idk when/if I'm gonna draw or write this#but I've had this persistent scene in my head#wherein Tuvoks kids meet the Voyager crew upon their return to the quadrant#and Tom challenges Elieth to a drinking contest and Elieth accepts#he wins without much effort (but with a LOT of booze) and after Tom is like completely knocked out#Harry's like wow. I can't believe he forgot Vulcans don't get drunk off of human alcohol.#and Elieth's like 'Indeed.'#also while that's happening B'Elanna is worried that Asil is flirting with Seven and getting all in her head about this beautiful Vulcan#stealing her away but it turns out Asil isn't interested in Seven at all - she thinks B'Elanna is the cute one v_v (nothing comes off this)#bea art tag#st voyager#st voyager art#B'Elanna#Seven of Nine#Kes#Asil#[REDACTED] family shenanigans#also I don't really see a father-daughter relationship between Tuvok & B'Elanna/Seven nor do I find it particularly interesting#as having every relationship between Tuvok and another person being 'mentor-mentee' is boring & a bit reminiscent of the magical n trope#really the only person I see him in a consistent 'fatherly' or 'mentorship' role with is Kes#You could argue Janeway but I'll argue that when it's shown he's more her friend and advisor than a mentor to look up to + be taught by#I wrote about my ideal seven-tuvok and b'elanna-tuvok relationships here but it got SO long that it wouldn't let me put anymore tags RIP#HEHEHEHE
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mzannthropy · 1 year
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Would you like an apple? (Sam Claflin as an original character x reader)
His eyes haunt you. The deep pools of green and grey, the intensity with which he looks at you, those eyes see you, the whole of you.
You’ve been drawn to him ever since you first met. Every time he smiles, something stirs in you. Smile as seductive as it is dangerous. You know what he is, you have no illusions. It’s only harmless fun, you reassure yourself. You’ll be able to stop when you’ll need to stop.
But now you dream about him every night, you carry with you the sound of his voice everywhere you go. When you’re together, it’s as if a new dimension opens, a world that you had no idea existed. You tread carefully, allowing yourself to see mere glimpses of it, you pull away before you get in too deep. But where is the line?
Then comes the day when you come to his place, he’s casually leaning against the doorframe, an apple in one hand, and in the other—a knife. The sharp blade glistens in the setting sun, almost blinding you. He smiles at you, as he always does, as he cuts a slice of the apple. He places the slice on the blade and extends his hand, the hand that holds the knife, towards you. “Would you like an apple?”
You look at him and your eyes lock and you know he can see deep inside you, deeper than anyone else ever has. You can say, no thanks and walk away. Or—
You take the piece of fruit, slide it off the blade, and bite into it.
And you know now that there’s no going back…
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banannabethchase · 7 months
Steady Love - also on AO3
Adam, with Nick as his roommate, starts off his sophomore year of college with a crush, actual friends and a whole lot of shenanigans. He ends it with, somehow, more.
Welcome to my 300th fic on AO3! I decided to combine elements of my 1st, 100th, and 200th fic on AO3 to create this one, and thus, a college AU involving 5 of my all time favorite ships across 3 of my most special fandoms. I hope you enjoy this continuation of The Rumor of Us for those of us who remember me from back then, and the continuation of the Quintis College AU I briefly wrote. Title from Look After You by The Fray, one of my all time favorite romantic songs.
Adam turns to see Nick throwing the basketball at him. He catches it and dribbles around the other team’s defense, which isn’t that impressive knowing who the defense is, and shoots.
The ball bounces off the rim and toward Nick, who makes the save and a three pointer.
“Yes!” Nick yells, dropping to his knees with his fists in the air. “I’m the effing king of this!”
Adam walks over and shoves Nick to the side with his foot. “Lucky shot,” Adam says, grinning down at him.
“Was not!” Nick scrambles to his feet. “I’ve been practicing my three pointers all summer.” He nudges Adam in the shoulder. “Anyway, we’re basically out of time for the gym. We only booked an hour.”
Adam checks the time on his phone. “Damn it,” he mutters.
“Are we done or something?” Toby asks. “Please say we’re done.”
“Wimp,” Happy says, grinning. “You don’t have to play next time, you know. I think I’d do better if you weren’t on my team”
“I do have to play!” Toby says, scrambling after Happy as she steps toward her bag on the side of the court. Adam’s kind of baffled he missed the insult entirely. “I have to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.”
“Toby, let’s be real here,” Happy says. “The only reason I play basketball is because you made me socialize with people other than you and the rest of the Cyclone, and you decided your roommate’s weird brother was the right call. You’re just mad I’m doing better with these friends than you are.”
Toby pouts. “Hey!”
“And I am not the weird one here,” Nick says.
“Bye, y’all,” Happy says, grinning over her shoulder. “C’mon, Curtis, to the showers.”
Adam rolls his eyes as Toby’s pout turns into unshielded excitement. They scamper away.
“They’re really weird,” Adam muses, dribbling the ball absently. “I like them.”
“Right?” Nick says. “Toby’s a TA, but he’s our age. He skipped a bunch of grades.”
“That explains some of the,” Adam shoots the ball and misses, pausing to find the right words, “socially awkward moments.”
“No kidding,” Nick says. He chases after the ball and chucks it back at Adam, who manages to make the three pointer this time. “There you go, dude. I knew you could do it.”
“It’s because he’s tall.”
Adam turns at a voice that makes his entire body light up. “Matt!” he says, trying to hold back before getting too weird. “Hi.”
Nick glances over at his brother. “What the eff are you doing here?” he asks, bouncing the ball. Adam fights the urge to tell him to shut up.
“You always make fun of me for not being able to play,” Matt says. He looks incredible; Adam’s never seen him in basketball shorts and a tank top. “So I figured I’d come and learn from the self-proclaimed best this year.”
Nick rolls his eyes. “You have awful timing. We only rented the court until five.”
Matt shrugs. “So, like, rent another hour?”
“That’s not how it works.” Nick belts Matt with the basketball, and Adam is impressed that Matt at least can catch it. He doesn’t dribble though. He just holds it in his hands. “Somebody else will have rented it out.”
“We could ask to share,” Matt says. With a quick flick of his eyes, he chucks the ball in Adam’s direction. Adam has to jump a little, feeling his shirt fly up as he does do, but he manages to catch the ball.
“You can’t – Matt, go away.”
“No!” Adam says. Matt and Nick look at him. “I mean, we could go to the outdoor hoops, right?”
“It’s ninety seven degrees outside,” Nick deadpans. “Let’s just go do something else.”
“Can I shower first?” Adam asks, wrinkling his nose. “I’m all gross.”
“I’m sure you’re fine,” Matt says, waving him off. “Dining hall should be serving dinner by now.”
“It’s five o’clock,” Nick says. “We – really?”
Matt shrugs. “I’m hungry.”
“Me, too,” Adam adds.
Nick sighs. “Whatever. Fine. Dinner.”
“I hope they have the pasta bar this time,” Matt says. And Adam knows, in that moment, with that smile Matt throws him, he’s doomed.
Matt flounces off to the pasta bar, almost skipping.
“Dude,” Nick says, elbowing Adam. “What is your deal?”
“Deal?” Adam asks, trying to keep himself from blushing. “There’s no deal. I’m – why?”
Nick stares at him. “You’ve hung out with Matt before and never been this twitchy.” He study’s Adam’s face. “Do you have a crush on my brother?”
Nick’s expression goes from curious to annoyed. “You have a crush on my brother,” he says, definitively. “Oh, my god.”
“I – don’t!” Adam says. “And shush.”
“If you don’t have a crush on him, then I can say it as loud as I want.”
“No!” Adam says. “Damn it. Just – don’t tell him.”
“Are you gonna tell him?” Nick asks.
Adam presses his lips together and shrugs. “Maybe? I don’t know. I don’t…yeah.”
Nick sighs so deeply his shoulders slump. “If you make him cry, I have to kill you, you know that, right?”
“What?” Adam asks. “I’m your roommate!”
“Roommate and friend always comes second to brother,” Nick says, shrugging. “It’s biological. I am genetically wired to care about that dumbass.”
They look over, where Matt is very possibly flirting with the cook making the pasta, from the way he’s smiling and leaning against the counter. Adam can’t decide if he’s jealous or distracted by how good Matt’s butt looks in his shorts.
“Believe me,” Nick says, grabbing a slice of pizza, “I am the most annoyed about it.”
They grab some extra fruit and vegetables, because Adam’s mom’s voice is always in his head, and they find a small table near the hydroponics station.
“You ever get tempted to, like, grab a leaf of lettuce off of there and eat it?” Nick asks, shoving half the slice of pizza in his mouth.
Adam blinks. “No, but I am sort of fascinated at your impulse to eat public leaves.”
“They’re not public leaves!” Nick scoffs. “It’s lettuce grown by the college, and I pay tuition, so they are my leaves.”
Adam nearly stops breathing when Matt sits down next to him, like he doesn’t care Adam’s covered in sweat and his hair is a wreck. His heart is racing as Matt flashes him a smile.
“The pasta guy is really nice,” Matt says, mixing what appears to be something with vegetables and pesto. He shoves a giant forkful in his mouth and makes a face so pleased Adam has to turn away and take an unreasonably huge bite of pizza. “And he gave me extra pesto.”
“Yeah, because you were flirting with him,” Nick says, rolling his eyes. “God, you’re worse than Piper at that one party.”
“Am not!” Matt argues.
“The one when she stole all that toilet paper last year?” Adam asks, once he’s swallowed the pizza. ��That was hilarious.”
“I was not flirting with him,” Matt says, and Adam doesn’t miss the way he flicks his eyes toward him. “Shut up. Eat your pizza, Nick.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
Adam snickers as the two of them bicker back and forth, finishing most of his plate before they get under control. Matt’s got his lower lip stuck out, Nick’s glaring, and Adam, mostly, is entertained.
“Are you two done?” he asks, because he wants to know what happens next.
By the start of September, Matt’s been to every single basketball court hour that they’ve had, and Adam is…technically handling it. The amount of times Matt has pulled off his shirt mid-game and Adam either missed a pass or immediately fell over is in the double digits.
He’s regaling his friends in class with the most recent story of Matt making a moaning noise during stretching when Annabeth and Piper both begin laughing at him mid-lecture, which feels excessive.
“Oh you legit like him,” Piper says, with a sharkish grin. “Pro tip? Act on it now. Otherwise you’re fucked like me and Reyna for the first semester of school.”
“Based on what I’ve heard before I’ve knocked,” Annabeth says, flipping to the right page in her notes, “nobody fucks like the two of you, but okay.”
Adam laughs as Piper rolls her eyes and slumps into her seat. “You all suck,” she grumbles.
They pass notes and tease each other through the lecture, which Adam would feel bad about but he scored a 95% on the first anthropology test and was only outscored by Annabeth, so he figures he’s fine.
Annabeth pokes him in the ribs when he snickers at a sex joke Piper makes.
“They’re going to hear you,” Annabeth says, scrolling her phone with one hand and taking notes with the other. “He’s not even using a mic now. And I really don’t want to get yelled at.”
“You’re on your phone looking up – oh, my god.” Adam leans back. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t see you putting lingerie in your cart.”
Annabeth smirks and shrugs. “Don’t look at my phone screen next time.”
By the time class is over, Adam knows he’ll be begging Annabeth for a copy of her notes, but he’s in good spirits to go for their basketball time.
“I gotta go,” he says, smiling at the two of them. “Basketball hour, you know.”
Piper immediately starts making kissy faces.
“It’s just basketball!” Adam says, suddenly wishing his hair was down to cover his likely pink ears. “He needs help with it.”
“You know what he needs?” Piper says, grinning.
“Don’t say it,” Annabeth says. “It’s a cheap joke.”
“He needs your dick.”
Annabeth and Adam sigh in tandem while Piper cackles.
“One of these days I’m going to tell on you to Reyna,” Annabeth grumbles.
“About what?”
“Bad sex jokes,” Adam offers. “Making fun of me.”
Piper scoffs. “She likes it when I do that. Reyna loves my stupid jokes.”
“Yeah, if you guys do go abroad,” Annabeth asks, adjusting her backpack on her shoulder, “you’ll have to learn a whole new language to make sex jokes in.”
Piper wrinkles her nose. “Reyna really wants to, but I’m not sure. She’s looking at France.”
“I’m sure there’s sex jokes in French,” Adam says, shoving his books in his backpacks. “Or you could just say ‘oui oui’ all the time and look like a dork.”
“Coming from you, that’s great.” Piper hits him on the arm with her notebook, grinning. “Go play homoerotic sports with your future boyfriend.”
The first set of tests by the second week of September hit, and Adam realizes he has a little collection of friends that makes him feel cozy, but a bit confused. He’s not exactly sure when his and Nick’s dorm room became the place where everybody hangs out, but he keeps trying to hide things like his teddy bear and his dirty clothes while Kenny and Piper try to kill each other in Street Fighter.
What’s even more difficult to manage, though, is Matt, sitting right next to him. On his bed. While Nick keeps glancing at him. Adam thinks that’s silly, because Happy and Toby are quite literally making out on top of his desk.
“Where’s Annabeth?” Reyna asks, yawning. “She and I have that Chem lab in the morning and I really want to go over our methodology.”
“Lame,” Piper says, twisting the controller and immediately killing Kenny’s character. Adam thinks that’s impressive, based on Kenny’s shriek of horror. “She and Percy are out on a date. She’ll be back soon.”
Reyna sighs. “She forgot to tell me. Jerk.”
“That’s because I was supposed to tell you, and I forgot, because I’m beating this wimp’s ass at every video game possible,” Piper says. She claps Kenny on the shoulder. “Actually, victory makes me horny. Reyna?”
Reyna snorts, but she jumps to her feet. “Why did I expect anything else?”
Piper throws a grin over her shoulder, short blue hair flying everywhere. “Later, nerds.”
Kenny’s still staring at the screen, open mouthed and miserable. “She beat me,” he says, horrified. He turns to Nick. “Why’d you – I brought my console here just so she could beat me?!”
“Piper’s weird, man,” Happy says, shrugging as she pulls away from Toby. Toby still looks super dazed. “Blame Adam. He’s the one who became best friends with her first or whatever.”
“Hey!” Adam says. He’s still trying to deal with the fact that Matt is pressed up against him. “She’s your friend, too.”
“That is beside the point,” Nick says, sliding to the floor. “Scoot over, Kenny. You can beat me.”
“It’s not the same if you let me beat you,” Kenny grumbles. “But, since you suck, I’d beat you anyway.” He hands Nick the controller.
“Hey, Hap?” Toby says, playing with the edge of her tee shirt. Adam rolls his eyes, meeting Matt’s in a knowing grin.
“Your roommate’s out, right?”
She snickers. “God, you’re predictable.” She waves at them. “Later, everybody.”
The room is quieter, less intense now that it’s only the four of them, and Adam can feel Matt relax into his side. Nick and Kenny are fervently battling each other. Adam feels like this is a good moment. For what, he’s not sure.
“So,” Adam says, picking at a frayed end on the hem of his shirt. “How’re classes going for you?”
“Great!” Matt says, sending that megawatt smile in Adam’s direction. “Well. Pretty good, at least.”
“Only pretty good?” Adam asks.
“Yeah, math is kicking my butt,” Matt says, sighing. “I’m an ed major, so I have to take a class on how to teach math, which would probably be fine if I could memorize all the stupid vocabulary words.”
“I, um. I can tutor you, if you want.”
Matt turns to him. “You can?”
Adam nods. “I had a whole business in high school about it, but you’re my friend so I wouldn’t charge.” He smiles. “That sound good?”
Matt nods so hard his ponytail slips out. “Yeah!”
Adam leans behind.
“What are you doing?” Matt asks. He’s still smiling, though, so Adam thinks he’s in the clear.
“Oh,” Adam says, picking up the hair tie. “This fell out when you were nodding.”
Matt flushes the cutest pink Adam’s ever seen. “Thanks,” he says. Adam watches, probably too closely, as Matt ties his hair back up.
“So, um, how about tomorrow morning?” Adam asks. When he rests his hand on the bed next to Matt’s, the dip of the mattress makes his hand slide on top of Matt’s. Neither of them move. “For tutoring, I mean.”
Matt nods. “Yeah. That sounds good.”
Nick flicks his gaze over at Matt and Adam, frowns, and opens his mouth. But Kenny’s screaming in victory before he can say anything.
“Oh, that’s how it goes, baby!” Kenny yells. “Victory doesn’t make me horny, but it does make me hungry. Anybody want to go pick up pizza?”
They do. They get pizza and sodas and bring them back to the dorm room. Kenny and Nick hang in Nick’s bed while Matt’s with Adam on his.
Adam feels like he may just combust.
They put on Five Nights at Freddy’s, which Kenny insists will be good because of the game it’s based on, but Adam’s a little hesitant.
“They’re giant toys, Kenny,” Adam says. “How could they possibly be scary?”
An hour later, Adam is more than pleased that it’s actually scary, because Matt’s buried his face into Adam’s chest and is halfway in his lap. He exchanges a glance with Nick. And gets a smile back.
Kenny and Matt sleep over. And Adam thinks this might be what college is supposed to feel like.
Matt and Kenny leave after they get breakfast in the morning, but Matt reminds Adam of their tutoring date before he leaves.
“I’ll stop by around one?” Matt asks. “You know. Since we slept in.”
Adam nods. “Yeah, I gotta shower.”
Matt makes an interesting face, pressing his lips together. “Okay.”
Nick grabs his arm and yanks. “Dude!”
“You are in love with my brother.”
“Am not!”
Nick yanks harder.
“You like him,” Nick says. “You like Matt. I know how weird you are about your bed, and you let him sleep on your pillow.”
Adam frowns. “I’m not weird about my bed.”
“You have to remake it every time you sit on it funny and you change the pillow case every time somebody touches it.”
Adam stops in his tracks and turns to Nick. “You noticed that?”
“Of course I did,” says Nick. “You’re my friend. It’s why I tell people, usually, to stay off your side of the room and not to touch your folders on your desk. But Matt walked in there and sat down, and you didn’t even react.”
Adam opens his mouth, but then steps forward and grabs Nick in a tight hug. “Nobody’s ever noticed that and been nice about it before,” he says, words muffled by Nick’s shoulder.
“Course, man,” Nick says, patting him on the back. “You’re my best friend.”
Adam won’t let himself cry. “I am?”
Nick nods, like it’s the easiest thing to say, to believe. “You are.”
Adam exhales. “Even though I have a crush on your brother?”
“I knew it!”
Adam laughs and runs back to their dorm with Nick chasing him, feeling at home with a group of people for the first time ever.
Around 1:05, Nick’s left for reasons he won’t tell Adam, and he’s got the room to himself. Matt’s not technically late, he guesses, since he’d said around one. But the possible anxiety of being stood up triggers his need to clean and organize. He’s in the middle of putting away his last few books into his mini bookshelf when there’s a knock.
He stands and opens the door to see Matt, hair in a neat little half ponytail, smiling at him.
“How’d you get in?” Adam asks. “Um. I mean. Hi.”
Matt, miraculously, laughs. “The RA here knows me,” he says. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, definitely.” Adam moves so Matt can step by him, and his heart has never beat faster. Matt sits gently on the bed. There’s nothing in Adam that wants to move him or clean the sheets. It’s strange.
“I brought my homework,” Matt says, swinging his backpack to the floor. He pulls out a notebook and sets it on his lap, unopened.
Adam makes his way over to the bed and sits on his desk chair so he has a little extra space to set up on his bed. He shoves his glasses up his nose and forces himself not to look at Matt. “Um, so,” he says, clearing his throat. “Your class is kind of different than math that I take, since it’s learning how to teach math from it’s foundation. What are you stuck on?”
Matt blinks at him. “You know I don’t actually need help with math, right?”
Adam blinks and turns to Matt. “What?”
Matt’s smile is far too intriguing. “God, you’re cute.” Adam can hear his heart pound in his ears. “You – you’re smart, yeah, and I’m sure you could help me with everything. But I know the differences between subtrahends and addends and all that.” His eyes are too pretty under all those eyelashes. “I guess I wasn’t clear enough, but this was a ruse to hang out with you more.”
Adam’s mouth falls open as he looks at Matt, trying to process what all of it means. “You – hang out with me?”
“Without Nick, I mean,” Matt explains. “He always wants to tag along.” He turns to Adam. “This way we could have some time just us.”
“Just us?” Adam doesn’t know why he can only repeat the last thing Matt said. But Matt doesn’t seem fazed.
Matt nods, smiling. “I figured, after last night, you might like me too.”
Adam reaches out and rests a hand on Matt’s arm, trying to prove this is real and not a dream. Matt leans in and kisses Adam before he can process what’s about to happen. Matt’s lips are soft and warm against Adam’s, more than a dream. Adam almost falls over with how perfect it is. When Matt pulls back, his heart is racing and he can’t stop looking at Matt.
“Was that okay?” Matt asks. “I, like, have been trying not to want to kiss you for a really long time, and I almost did last night but Nick was there, and then you touched my arm and everything, so I figured –”
As much as Adam loves hearing Matt talk, he thinks he’s rambling and would appreciate being helped to quiet down. So Adam leans in and kisses Matt again, getting a cute little squeak of interest before he throws his arms around Adam’s neck. Adam breathes into it, leaning into Matt. He doesn’t know when he throws his arms around Matt’s waist, when he drags Matt into his lap, when Matt starts leaning into him, just that it’s happening.
Something about their combined weight is too much for the chair and it slides backward, the two of them falling to the floor. Matt giggles.
“I think you broke my office chair,” Adam says, grinning up at Matt. “You are the worst person I’ve ever tutored, I think.”
“Am not!” says Matt, and Adam tries not to feel miserable at the lack of contact anymore. “Plus, it’s been, like, fifteen minutes, and it was a ruse I kissed you in the middle of, so that gives me bonus points.”
“I was going to tutor you the whole time,” Adam argues, and he adjusts his chair back up. It should be okay. “I just also wanted to kiss you.” He shrugs, leaning against his desk as Matt makes himself at home on his bed. “I was sort of worried the tutoring thing meant you didn’t think of me the same way.”
“Well, that’s just not true.” Matt stretches out in his bed, arms behind his head. Adam’s pretty sure he’ll have this image burned into his memory for the rest of his life. “I only started coming to basketball because Nick told me you were there.”
“So we have Nick to thank for this,” Adam says, grinning. He sits down on the bed, most of his weight still on his feet as he tries not to overstep Matt’s boundaries. “Good to know.”
Matt’s grin goes a little devious. “If you want to come snuggle right now, it’s your bed. Or I can move. But you don’t have to sit so awkwardly in your own dorm room.”
Adam opens his mouth. “I – I’m not awkward.”
“You’re a little awkward, but it’s what I like about you.” Matt’s eyes are pretty and big, his smile honest. He scoots over and pats the side of the bed. “Come on. Forget math. Come snuggle.”
Adam carefully lowers himself into his bed next to Matt. They’re above the blankets, it’s the middle of the day, and Nick will probably be back from the gym any time now. It won’t go farther than either of them want.
When he settles, Matt turns over and cuddles into him. Adam automatically wraps his arm around Matt’s back and finally relaxes into the moment. “Hi,” he murmurs.
“Hi,” Matt says.
“Your hair smells nice.”
“Your sheets smell nice,” Matt says. It’s a sweet sentiment, but Matt’s face is shoved into Adam’s chest so he’s not sure how much of that sentence is real.
Adam doesn’t even know how to react. He’s spent weeks trying to get this moment to be anything near possible, and now it’s here in front of him. And he’s got no fucking idea what to do.
“Are you okay?” Matt asks. He scoots over, sitting up. “I’m going too intense, aren’t I.” Adam watches Matt curl up on himself. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re not too intense!” Adam blurts out. Matt tilts his head to the side. “I’m just sort of freaking out a little bit. Not because of you. Because I’m…me.”
“Because you’re you?” Matt asks, and he scoots back over to Adam. “That’s why I’m here. Because you’re you.”
Adam turns around, finding himself nose to nose with Matt. “I like you because you’re you, too.”
Matt tilts his face and they kiss again, soft, gentle, and intentional. Adam feels warm and cozy. He lets himself reach up and rest his hand on Matt’s waist. Matt scoots closer to Adam and sighs, sending a thrill of exhilaration through Adam’s body. He angles his hips away, because he isn’t willing to screw this whole thing up, and keeps the kisses under control.
He doesn’t know how long it is, only that he wants this to last forever, with Matt curled up in his arms, his little giggles, their brief breaks to talk.
“So, does this mean we’re boyfriends?” Matt asks, red faced and hair mussed after a particularly enthusiastic make out. “Just to clarify.”
“I – I hope so,” Adam says, and he feels his face heat up. “I’d like to, I mean.”
“Good,” Matt says. “Then we’re boyfriends.” He leans in and kisses Adam again, and it feels like they could do this forever.
Forever in a college dorm is impossible, though, and the door swings open.
“Have you talked to Matt? He’s not answering my texts.”
Matt and Adam separate, and Adam freezes. “Um.”
Nick breaks into a giant grin. “Oh, damn,” he says. “I knew it. I knew it. Matt, you’re as subtle as a freight train.”
“Shut up, Nick,” Matt says, but he pulls Adams arm more tightly around him. “Let me have some time with my new boyfriend.”
They come back from Thanksgiving break to a chill that only seems to be fixed by holding Matt’s hand in his. He’d missed Matt more than he realized possible in that week, and the way Matt had thrown himself into his arms when they saw each other that first Sunday afternoon they were back was more than he could imagine.
“Come on,” Matt says, pulling away. “Nick’s doing, I don’t know. Something to do with class, probably. Let’s go get lunch.”
“Diner?” Adam asks, taking Matt’s hand. “I tutored over the break so I have extra money.”
“Ooh, are you going to take me on a fancy date to the local greasy spoon?” Matt giggles.
“We can get really fancy and buy the real maple syrup when you drown your pancakes.” Adam pulls Matt in and kisses his forehead.
They sit at one of the shiny vinyl booths for two, and Happy comes over.
“You’re a waitress here?” Adam asks. “Since when?”
Happy blows her hair out of her face. “Since I realized my bike needs repairs I can’t afford, and I wasn’t willing to wait until summer.” She clicks her pen. “Alright, dorks. What do you want?”
Adam and Matt order pancakes and hashbrowns and all other things that will make the chill outside feel a little more tolerable. Matt sips his hot chocolate with a smile on his face.
“What?” Adam asks.
Matt shrugs. “I missed you.”
Matt’s in the middle of a story about how Nick got his hand stuck in the turkey when his mostly empty mug of hot chocolate flies to the ground and shatters.
“Oops,” Matt says, eyes widening. “Uh. Do you see Happy?”
Happy whirls around the corner. “What the hell was that?!”
“Hi, Happy,” Adam mutters, sheepish under her furious gaze. “We, um. Broke a mug.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, no shit,” she mutters. “Wait, pretend I didn’t say that. I’ll go get a mop, but go check in with the front to see if they have anything to clean up the mug.” She frowns at it. “I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you idiots to pick it up on your own, even though it was your fault to begin with.”
“Yeah, I’ll go check,” Adam says. “You can stay here, Matt. Keep your sneakers clean.” He grins a Matt.
“No, I’m coming with,” Matt says. “It’s my mug, after all. I should let them know I dropped it.”
They make their way to the front space of the diner with barstools and a window into the kitchen where…where Adam…sees…
Adam’s mouth drops open, and he barely has the sense to throw out an arm to keep Matt from stomping through the door to the kitchen, but it’s no use.
“I’m sorry,” Matt says, and Adam should probably not be turned on by how bitchy Matt sounds, “since when have you been banging Mox?”
Nick sighs and adjusts his shirt and hair. “Since, like, the beginning of the semester. Took you long enough to figure it out.” Adam thinks back to the semester – other than when it was time to sleep or play basketball, Nick was pretty gone. He’d put it up to hanging out with Reyna or Happy or something, but nope. “How do you know Mox, by the way?”
“Not important.” Matt says, leaning against the wall and folding his arms over his chest. “By the way, Mox is short for…?”
“Moxley,” the guy says, and his voice is sand and smoke in one. “Jon Moxley. You his big brother or something?” He sticks out his hand. “Shake it. I’m a cook, not a monster. My hands are clean.”
Matt throws a hesitant look at Adam, who shrugs, then shakes Mox’s hand. “Hi,” Matt says, still with a little frown on his face. “Are you – what are your intentions with my brother?”
“Jesus Christ,” Nick mutters, dropping his head into his hand.
Adam watches as Mox’s grin goes a little…weird. “You really wanna know?” Mox asks.
“I – no,” Matt says, blushing furiously. He grabs Adam’s hand. “We, um. If you hurt him, I’ll kill you. Just for the record.”
“Sure you will, sweetheart.” Mox winks at Matt.
“Hey!” Adam says. “Be less weird about my boyfriend.”
“You sure about that?” Mox asks. He’s weirdly confident, almost too casual, as he leans against the stove. Adam secretly hopes it’s on. “Anyway, I’m supposed to be cooking, so it’d be great if all of you left my place of work.” He smacks Nick on the ass. “Except for you, baby. You can stay as long as you want.”
Nick nods. “Yeah, goodbye, roommate and brother. I have someone – something – things to do.”
“I should have known you were out getting laid when you were late to our study parties,” Adam says, but he can’t make himself be mad about it. He grabs Matt by the bicep and turns, leading him back to their seat.
Matt fumes silently as he picks up the shards of mug without any hand protection.
“The hell are you doing?” Happy asks. “I told you to ask the front to take care of that.”
“Your cook is making out with my brother, so he appeared otherwise occupied,” Matt says, glaring down at the puddle.
Happy snorts. “Oh, you didn’t know? Oops.”
“You knew?!”
“Only so many times you can hear weird noises from the kitchen before investigating,” Happy says, mopping up the puddle. It’s mercifully small. “Plus, me and Toby tried to hook up in the supply closet and the two of them were in there last week.”
“And when did that start?”
“Me and Toby?” Happy asks. “Like, last year.”
“No!” Matt says, throwing his hands in the air. “The Nick and Mox!”
Happy pauses mopping. “Don’t know. Don’t really pay attention to things like that. Mostly I’m focusing on how to make people tip me more. Toby’s been teaching me psychology tricks.”
“I can guarantee,” Adam says, “telling people about your tip related psychology tricks is not a way to get them to tip you more. I’ll tip you, like, 25%, but that’s because you’re my friend.”
Happy grins. “Then it worked!”
Adam avoids the urge to tell her it didn’t work the way she’d intended, but he does leave the big tip.
As they walk back into the windy chill of the day, Matt ramps himself up again.
“I can’t believe Nick is – is sleeping with the diner guy!” Matt says, immediately going red. “I – this isn’t – why?!”
“Is this a classist thing?” Adam asks, walking down the street back to his dorm. At the very least, he knows it’ll be empty for a while. “Are you mad your brother for sleeping with a townie?”
“No!” Matt says, and his hair is getting in on the drama, too. “I – that’s – not it.”
Adam studies Matt’s face for a few minutes. “Oh,” he says grinning. “You’re mad because you had a crush on Mox first.”
“I – did not!” Matt says, but he won’t meet Adam’s eyes.
Adam flashes his ID at the desk attendant as Matt stomps ahead of him. “You did,” Adam says. “Oh, this would be so funny if you weren’t dating me.”
Matt gets to Adam’s door and gestures to it angrily. “Open the door.”
“Why?” Adam asks. “So you can tell me how bad you want Mox to fuck you?”
Matt whines and stomps his foot. “No, because I want you to eff me, okay?”
Adam pauses, key halfway twisted in the lock. “Come again?”
“I – I liked Mox, a while ago,” Matt says. “Okay? I did. I thought – shut up.” Adam turns away and keeps opening the door and decides not to mention he hasn’t actually said anything. He pushes it open. “You’re not allowed to talk right now. Let me explain.”
Matt shoves past him and throws himself on Adam’s bed. “Before Nick went here, Mox and I flirted a few times at the diner when I was a freshman and all, so, yeah. I kind of liked him. But then I met you at the beginning of this year, and now I like you.”
At least, that’s what Adam heard. Matt’s face is shoved into Adam’s pillow so he can’t be certain.
“I know you like me,” Adam says, sitting on the bed next to Matt. It’s strangely reminiscent of the night they kissed the first time. “I was just teasing.”
Matt rolls over. “That’s the thing, though,” he says. “I don’t just like you.” He presses his lips together, and Adam thinks he can hear his heart racing.
Adam leans in and kisses Matt without pausing to think about it, laying across Matt’s body. He – he can feel that Matt’s hard against him, and his entire body electrifies with it.
“You know what I’m saying, right?” Matt asks, pulling back and tucking rogue curls behind Adam’s ear. “I love you.”
Adam nods, head spinning with all of it. “I – I love you too,” he manages to say. He didn’t know he did, not yet, but now, with Matt under him, with everything.
He’s sure.
Their clothes disappear in favor of roaming hands and lips. Adam doesn’t know what’s going to happen next, but he knows he’ll say yes to anything Matt asks of him.
“Are you,” Matt asks, lips parted and eyes bright underneath Adam. “I mean, I want to – do you want to?”
Adam brushes Matt’s hair away from his face, suddenly so glad Nick is busy. “Yes,” he breathes. “Yes, anything, with you. I want to. But, um. I’ve never – I mean, I’ve, like, kissed. Obviously. And- well, it depends – what do you want to do?”
Matt smiles. “Am I gonna be one of your first times?” He reaches up and plays with Adam’s hair where it’s fallen out of the ponytail.
“First time,” Adam whispers. “When it mattered.”
Matt’s eyes widen. “Oh,” he says. “Oh, okay. If you want to slow down, we slow down.” He reaches up again and cups Adam’s cheek, and it’s so sweet that Adam almost loses it right then and there.
“Do you want to slow down?” Adam asks.
Matt shakes his head. “Not even a little bit. But if you want to slow – ”
“No,” Adam says. “I want – I want you.”
Matt exhales, eyes deadly serious on Adam’s face. “Okay,” he says quietly. “I’m all yours.”
Matt is immeasurable kind and gentle, talking it out with Adam, explaining what to do, all while their hands are lined and Adam kisses along Matt’s body.
“You – you’re incredible,” Adam mutters. Matt throws an arm around Adam’s neck. “You know that?”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Matt says. “I – oh, okay. You’re doing so good at this.”
Adam feels himself turn pink. “I am?”
“So good,” Matt says. “And I’m ready, if you are.” He looks a little smug. “If you have what we need, that is.”
Adam flashes back to the beginning of the semester, when he, Toby, and Piper had found themselves at Walmart.
“I, um. I do.”
Matt’s face lights up with excitement. “You do?”
Adam nods. “Piper told me and Toby we were too – I think she said vanilla?” He feels his face burn pink. “She made us get a bunch of lube. Condoms.” He forces out the last word. “There’s a couple vibrators in there, too.”
Matt giggles. “Yeah?”
He nods. “She’s very persuasive, Piper.”
Matt stands and walks over to his desk. “In here?”
Adam presses his lips together and nods. “Yeah.
“Can I open it?” Matt asks quietly. “I know you don’t like people in your stuff.”
“You’re not just people,” Adam says. “Go ahead.”
Matt takes out the lube and some condoms, wordlessly looking to Adam, who nods. Matt’s always got a way of getting Adam’s heart racing like this.
“I’m ready if you want to,” Matt says quietly, coming over to the bed. He sits down on the bed, eyes on Adam’s.
Adam has to steady his breathing. “You are?” It feels too soon, or too fast, for Matt. He doesn’t want to over do it, but Matt seems confident.
“I just – tell me what you want,” Matt says. “I want to make sure you know, so I know, and so we, like, understand each other.”
Adam laughs as he slots himself in between Matt’s legs. “I want to fuck you, you idiot.”
Matt beams at him. “Okay. Yeah, perfect.”
Adam’s never felt like this before, when he and Matt connect. There are fumbling fingers and limbs, some laughter, pauses to kiss. His entire mind is consumed with how Matt looks and feels, how he tastes when they kiss, how he sounds when Adam tries a different move with his hips.
He’s watched a lot of movies. He’s read a lot of books. But none of the words spoken or written are enough to explain how this moment consumes him.
Matt’s little encouragements, praise, gentle touches, anchor him to the moment. Without them, he thinks he’d float away somewhere else.
“Matt,” he warns. “I – I think I’m…”
“That’s okay,” Matt says. “I, um, I can take care of myself after.”
“Definitely not,” Adam says. “I’ll take care of you as long as you want.”
Matt makes an interesting, irresistible little whine, and Adam can’t hold it back anymore. His mind and body coalesce into spinning, whirling bliss with Matt’s name on his lips, and he gives himself a few seconds to breathe. It feels real, overwhelmingly so, and he has to lean down to kiss Matt.
“Hold on,” he whispers against Matt’s lips. “I – give me, like, three seconds.”
“Take your time,” Matt says, beaming up at Adam, and god isn’t that a sight he wants to see every day.
Adam ties off the condom and chucks it in the trash can, then comes back to Matt. “So, um, I’ve never – like jokes with popsicles and whatever –”
“I promise,” Matt says, “whatever you do will be amazing.”
Adam ducks down and tries his best to get this right. He will admit it’s messy, but Matt’s got a hand in his hair and is squirming, which makes him think he’s doing okay.
“Adam,” Matt whimpers, “you’re – oh my god – you’re really good at this.” He whines and twitches his hips. Automatically, Adam throws an arm across Matt’s hips to still him.
“You have no idea how hot this is,” Matt pants. “I’m gonna – Adam, I’m about to –”
He has a decision to make. Adam picks up the pace and grins when Matt cries his name with a hand resting on the back of his head. It’s not exactly what he expected, a little startling, but it’s worth it to hear Matt breathless and giggling farther up on the bed.
“You’re glowing,” Matt says, smoothing his hand over Adam’s hair. “Like, you usually have a sunshiney thing going with the long blond hair, but you’re really glowy right now.”
Adam ducks his head, the intensity of the eye contact almost too much. “I am?”
Adam lifts his head to see Matt with an angelic smile on his face. “You are, too.”
They kiss and hold each other, and Adam decides this might be his favorite moment of his life. It’s important to him to remember it so he can keep it as his favorite memory, too.
“So,” Adam says. “You excited to go back to classes tomorrow?”
“I can’t believe you’re asking about classes right now,” Matt laughs, draping a leg across Adam’s. “You’re such a nerd.”
“And?” Adam asks.
“And that’s what I like about you,” Matt says.
The last bit of the semester goes by too quickly – two weeks aren’t enough time to study, take midterms, and spend time with Matt. They go to a few smaller parties, lose to Kenny and Piper at every video game known to Kenny’s game collection, and stay up to late studying in the library until they get so giggly they get kicked out.
On his last day, two hours before his parents are supposed to pick him up before winter break, he grabs Matt as he’s leaving his last final.
“You done?” Adam asks. His last final was the day before, but their little group had a study party at Toby’s apartment the night before and he and Matt had had some time of their own afterwards.
Matt nods. “It felt good. Must be all that tutoring you gave me.” He winks, and Adam blushes.
“I can’t believe you called sex ‘tutoring’ in front of your brother last night,” Adam mutters. “Like, that was so transparent even Happy picked up on it.”
Matt shrugs. “And?”
Adam pulls him in and kisses him. “I love you,” he murmurs against Matt’s lips. “I’m gonna miss you so damned much.”
“Me too,” Matt says. “But it’s only a month, right?”
Adam nods. “Only a month.” They kiss again, then Adam reaches for his pocket. “I, um. I was hoping you could open your Christmas present now.”
Matt nods. “Okay.”
Adam did a terrible job of wrapping the picture frame, but he hands it to Matt anyway. Matt opens it carefully, unpeeling the crumpled paper with gentle fingers, and looking at it.
“It’s all of us,” Matt says, fingertips brushing over where he and Adam are next to each other in the cover picture of the photo album. “It’s the picture of all of us from the Halloween party.”
Adam nods. “That’s the first night we all took a picture together.” He brushes some hair from Matt’s cheeks. “Very found family of us. The rest is other pictures from the semester, so you – so you can look back if you’re lonely.”
Matt dives in and kisses Adam, arms thrown around his neck. “Thank you,” he murmurs. “This is the best gift ever.” He steps back. “Yours is in my apartment, though.”
“Oh!” Adam says. “That kind of gift?”
“Well, yes, that too,” Matt says, rolling his eyes with a smile. “But, like, the actual gift is in there, too. They wouldn’t let me bring anything into the test room.”
They walk, hand in hand, to Matt’s apartment that he shares with Toby, and Matt all but shoves him on the couch. “Wait here,” Matt says. “I’ll go get your gift.”
“Still feels like you’re gonna walk out naked and say I’m all you want for Christmas,” Adam yells after Matt, but he stretches out on the couch.
Matt comes back and holds out a smally, square box. “Here.”
Adam opens it and pulls out the keychain. There’s a picture of him and Matt at the top, and, below, a Spotify code etched into the metal.
“Scan it,” Matt says, bouncing on his toes. “It’s, like, a 2020’s version of a mixtape.”
Adam scans the code and sees a playlist called Adamantium.
“Because you make me strong,” Matt says beaming. “It’s songs that make me think of you.”
Adam reaches up and yanks Matt down. “This is the best gift ever.”
He and Matt are really ramping up when the door crashes open with a bang and they pull apart to see Toby and Happy making out and running into the kitchen.
“Oh,” Matt says. “Alright, then.”
“Shut up,” Happy says. “You have an apartment, right Cowboy?”
“I – yes?” Adam says. “Cowboy?”
“You and the stupid fuckin’ belt buckles,” Happy says. “Out. I have a boyfriend to fuck.”
“I’m the boyfriend!” Toby says, and Adam is surprised he managed to bag such a smoke show as Happy freaking Quinn.
“We can go to your dorm,” Matt says, grinning. “I have it, unfortunately, on good authority that Nick is otherwise occupied.”
They fall together in Adam’s dorm, the lingering feeling of the last time until they see each other next sticking in Adam’s heart, but it’s good. It’s always so, so good.
And he’s always so, so in love.
Matt helps Adam pack up the essentials, and then Adam’s parents are texting to say they’re here. “Probably too soon to meet the parents,” Matt says, small smile. “Maybe next semester?”
“Okay,” Adam says, exhaling. “I’ll see you soon, right?”
Matt nods. “So soon.” He stands on his toes and yanks Adam in for what is clearly one final kiss, their hair messed up and hearts full. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Adam rests his forehead against Matt’s. “Thank you for being the best part of my semester.”
Matt tilts his head up and steals one last, perfect kiss.
Mini Playlist:
Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter
Kiss You - One Direction
Look After You - The Fray
I Think I'm In Love - Kat Dahlia
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orchideae · 5 months
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(We've all seen the first one, but the source for the second one from the official artist is here)
Yelan. Yelan, Madame Yelan, what on earth is this outfit. Granted, please don't get me wrong, I loved and was enthralled when I first caught a glimpse of her (also any glimpse of Yelan thrills me) in it, but geez. And yet, they're so consistent with her design;
— The single-sleeved jacket is a brilliant little nod to her mantle but making it something utterly hers within something that is an AU. No mystical beasts or Tsaritsa here! — The straps near her neck are a very different, but quite nice, summer-like rendition to Hoyo's consistent choice for Yelan of a halter/high neck (even the Pizza Hut ad had her in a turtleneck). A lower neckline is something that they actively seem to avoid for her so far. — The amount of see-through fabric is simply a call-back to her default outfit, but rather than spots of it left and right, it's her full-midriff and leg. It fits, it's nothing new. And if anything, funnily enough, I'd seen numerous artworks pop up of Yelan in swimming attire, and all of the designs felt a little off. I don't actually envision her in a bikini like many draw her, but instead, something like what you see here from her neck, to the midriff to the hips. Much more fitting in my opinion, actually, so I like seeing that concept in an outfit in circumstances where you'd expect a lot of summer influence. — And a detail that makes me laugh: the hand that has the white glove in her canonical outfit is also white here, and same with the black one. Also, the bracelet. God, I love consistency even if it seems trivial. But nothing's ever trivial to me guys, you know this.
All in all, thirst trap, sure, but also, good decisions were made.
#[ mini study. ] that which hides inside her… that constant calling; it is the blood of heroes which has been howling for 500 years.#[ i can't believe i'm tagging this with mini study but it is! ]#[ also can i talk for two seconds about how mUCH I LOVE HER HAIR? ]#[ and also point out this thing of-- i think she's arguably one of the female characters that oozes this enthralling femininity. ]#[ but she has short hair; she's one of the very few across the board that has actually short hair. not tied back or cheating in any way. ]#[ but actual short hair. and out of the tall female model users-- i think she may be the only one? ]#[ and yet she /oozes/ something so different. i think they did a wonderful job. ]#[ i just point this out because while i personally definitely don't think long hair automatically makes a woman more feminine-- ]#[ i know it's still a common societal assumption/opinion. and yet here she is. and despite one stupid twitter post... ]#[ i never see her referenced as a tomboy. if anything; she's described as being the exact opposite. ]#[ i just think it's perfectly chosen. it's a magnificent longer bob. i love the angled bangs all the way across. ]#[ i love that one larger strand swept straight across that adds texture. I LOVE THE BRAID. I /LOVE THE BRAIN SO MUCH/. ]#[ i love the color. i just love everything about this woman's design. and i also love how she does not look like she's from liyue at all. ]#[ if we look at colour schemes. but she is. we know she is. yes yes i know; /most/ designs are because of their elements. i know. ]#[ but still. ]#[ granted-- i'll even counter that take with one of my own: 'night orchid'. :) ]#[ okay okay i'M DONE SIMPING over one yelan. ]#[ i guess. ]#[ let's see if i can get some writing done. it's high time. ]
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cobwebinthecorner · 8 months
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the button is right there guys
i called you over because it's literally impossible to do this on my own
for fuck's sake, someone press it
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