#some of you are CONVINCED that he is an absolute psycho
forcebookish · 1 year
feel like i'm being gaslighted by the ofs fandom like where are all these wild think pieces coming from we can't possibly be watching the same ONE EPISODE of the same drama
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#the amount of baseless fanon is... wild#and by baseless i really do mean like. two sentences and a trailer#i feel like.......... bl fandom has never seen a couple like. actually be in the dating phase#so everyone is interpreting their little dance as two MASTER MANIPULATORS when they're just like... feeling each other out?? lmao#also some of u really think that mew is lying about being a virgin#so either he's been lying to his three closest friends for 4+ years or they're lying for him even during private moments with no one around#on the off chance that some hot guy is going to learn about it and want to date him because of it#that is breathtakingly bad writing#(of note: said hot guy was already interested in him before learning he was a virgin and still would've gone home with him had he not known#and if mew is so much of an unreliable narrator that we can't believe ANYTHING that is on screen that is also unbelievably bad writing lol#some of you are CONVINCED that he is an absolute psycho#?????????#ofs liveblog#i use that gif and then these are my tags#also i don't say all this like i know who mew really is. because it's been one episode lmao but he's definitely guarded and intuitive#i'm open to being wrong about MY interpretation of him but if any of these headcanons are true i probably won't finish it lol#(but i find it really unlikely... especially from how many of these takes are from people who hate top...)#(which tells me that you're not actually interested in understanding him as a character and want to cling to your own ideas of him)#(an attitude that i have a hard time believing you don't apply to all the characters. especially mew)#ANYWAY
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shigayokagayama · 26 days
What are the biggest losses between the manga and anime? I just finished watching mp100 and I'm curious what the manga has!
ok biggest losses are kind of hard to define because like. anime and manga are two inherently different mediums and there are a good amount of cuts that improve pacing and then a good amount of cuts that people sort of argue over the merit of so im just going to go for biggest differences. i would also highly recommend reading the manga just because it is a pretty different experience tonally along with the minor plot differences and cut scenes + theres a bunch of omakes that both flesh out characters that dont get too much focus and have some really good bits in them. putting the rest of this post under a cut bc i ramble
mogami arc
this one is kind of inescapable i feel like but the anime version of the mogami arc had a LOT of things trimmed for a couple different reasons. season 2 already got an extra episode in order to do the fire scene as a cliffhanger so with the way things shook out the director had to choose between a. cutting a bunch of stuff out of separation arc to make it one episode so mogami arc couid stay three episode or b. cutting a bunch of stuff out of mogami arc so separation arc could stay two episodes. imo they made the right choice, whats even the point of adapting mob psycho if you dont get confession arc right, but some of the cuts to mogami arc will be dearly missed and others will be fought over to the end of time. cuts include:
minori being established as a brat in a video everyones shown and the video being part of how reigen deduces shes possessed (reigen deducing her possession in the manga is generally just a lot better done and after you read the manga the scene in the anime feels so awkward because you know whats missing
the psychics deciding to band together to beat this little girl to death to save themselves and shinra stepping between them to protect her and getting utterly thrashed, not by mogami, but his fellow psychics
reigen trying to convince mob to leave without him and call for help while he distracts him which leads to this
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the general mogamiland section lasting a lot longer and being more brutal (notably the stray cat mob feeds getting killed in front of him)
mob getting fucking torn to pieces by spirits during the fight instead of ambiguously dying offscreen
generally would recommend if nothing else reading the manga version of this arc and confession arc because i feel like these are the only two where you lose like. a significant amount of the story and themes from the cuts. speaking of....
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maybe its just because i reread this arc on its own probably 50 times before the anime came out but this is the only arc where the cuts actively piss me off because there is absolutely no reason they had to do it. they cut a bunch of important shit, left in things that didnt need to be there, and added scenes that contribute literally nothing to the overall point. if they just did any one of those things or combo of two of those things i wouldnt be as mad but it feels like they put a bunch of filler in then speedran the actual story
cut #1 that pisses me off: HOMOPHOBIA?????
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the lack of inclusion of the first panels dialogue along with the cuts to the mob and shigeo conversation (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) make me think the person who adapted this arc fundamentally misunderstood what was happening. this line. is. THE POINT. THIS ISNT SOME SEPARATE SCARY THING. THIS IS MOB. HE IS CHOOSING TO DO THIS BECAUSE HE IS SCARED AND ANGRY AND HURT BUT HE IS IN CONTROL OF HIS ACTIONS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.
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this entire conversation is so good and i was looking forward to watching it voice acted for so long and its just. gone. for me the "i am shigeo kageyama who are you" reveal felt like a gut punch because the opening being "i knew i would be needed" made me go "oh hes like possessed or his powers are sentient or something" and this conversation was the slow unraveling of my view of these as two separate people and instead as a scared, traumatized teenager who has convinced himself that the parts of himself he hates are something else outside of his control instead of an intrinsic part of who he is because if he's convinced that the parts of him that are able to feel desire and frustration and anger and malice are him then he'll lose all these relationships he's worked so hard to cultivate as his perfect, non confrontational self. and of course that isnt true. all his friends and loved ones are making their way to the center of a damn hurricane because they see he's in distress and want to help him. but he cant see that so he pushes them away. ugh. mob. protagonist of all time.
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can you imagine how beautiful this would be in motion. just. god.
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cut #6 the bowling arc
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so the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is supposed to be a lot more solemn bc like. taking your shoes off before killing yourself is a trope in japanese media (ive heard it started in media and bled over into real life but i might have it backwards?). reigen knew he was probably going to die. anyway i cant take this scene seriously because of this edit
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the bowling arc.
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cut #8 homophobia again
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rip pensive fruity tea sip
cut #9 mob threw the cake directly in reigens face on purpose
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i literally experienced every stage of grief realizing this got changed. why. its so perfect. why would you change this.
3. World Domination arc
so WD arc is in a very interesting place where it had a lot of scenes cut but unlike the other two most of the cut content youre like. yea probably best not to include that. ill start with the good content that got cut then go into the weird content
serizawa got his power drained by toichiro. i am quite sad this scene didnt make it in because its sorta heartbreaking
teru fighting off the claw assassin is shown and we see that teru can both make shadow clones AND hold a barrier while attacking, he seems to be the only esper with this ability!
the reason dimple could tell mob's family was alive is that there was no sense of grudge at the house which would have been left behind by people passing in a violent manner
mob briefly goes unconscious during the start of the toichiro fight and dimple possesses him and says "shit"
dimple possessing mob shoots shibata with a gun
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we get mukai lore.
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it doesnt make any sense and just raises more questions but we get it.
toichiro has a team of telepaths to recap where everyone is because this arc took an entire calender year to update
literally everyone shows up to fight shimazaki. i cannot stress enough how many people show up to fight shimazaki. it would be faster to list espers who dont show up to fight shimazaki
the middle school delinquents show up and start fighting the claw grunts literally completely out of no where and this is never brought up or referenced ever again
when mob and ritsu get home ritsu says all their stuff is in boxes and they need to hurry and redecorate the house before their parents get home which implies that shou packed the entire households worth of belongings into boxes and hid it somewhere before lighting their house on fire which is such a funny mental image that i cant even be mad at it. loony toons ass plot point.
4. other random interesting cut things
takenaka is just generally more of a bitch during alien arc. "ah i think they took him" remains one of the funniest goddamn panels in the manga
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alien arc overall is a lot funnier in the manga, i have a slight preference for the manga version just bc theres a lot of really good bits that didnt make it to anime but the anime version is so heartfelt and nostalgic it makes me happy
between omakes and small things that got cut or changed for the anime teru just feels way more fleshed out in the manga. like. anime teru is a completely different person. its hard to explain if youve never read it.
the all girls school part originally went right before the ghost family stuff and was the beginning of mob's existential crisis about why spirits and people get different treatment but tbh it works well where it is i just wish it werent. like that.
the scene where ritsu and teru shake hands was teru draining ritsus power which he seems to have learned to do from encountering ???%
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thats all i can think of off the top of my head, im sure ill realize i forgot something some time after posting this but. yeah. read the manga its good
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crushmeeren · 8 months
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♡ Master List Link
➳ Warnings; Mentions of injuries, Cursing, Kissing, Marijuana Use, Vaginal Sex, Dirty Talk, Squirting, Fem Reader
➳ Or: You just want to spend one more easy night with Dabi before the entirety of Japan goes to hell.
♡ Note; this is a completely re-edited, revised, reworked version of my previous Dabi/Reader — I deleted the previous one.
♡ Touya / Fem Reader
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It’s almost funny, you think, as you lean against the wall of the Leagues newest hideout. The reason you were convinced to join the A team in the first place—to go a long with Shigaraki’s convoluted plans.
It wasn’t Stain. Hell, it wasn’t even Shigaraki himself. It sure as fuck wasn’t All for One.
No, it was the scarred, absolutely deranged, blue eyed psycho that has daddy issues. The man who creates flames that burn over 2500 degrees celsius at their hottest, higher than Endeavors. The bastard.
To be fair, you didn’t know he had daddy issues when you saw him on TV for the first time. Yet, you saw the emotion in his eyes. Rage.
It flared, crackling brightly—hotter than the flames he produces himself.
It forced something to melt and seep into your bones, making your skin feel too tight, itchy, in an all too familiar way. You recognized another emotion on his face, one you were well acquainted with. Revenge.
You stopped at nothing to seek him out after that. Inevitably, you found him.
Now here you are, watching Dabi make, what equates to, a self-introduction video.

You’ve heard the story from him multiple times, you’ve seen him make the video over and over again. He’s shared his past and you’ve shared yours. You know people say Dabi may not feel much, hell even he says that. They say he’s heartless, cold, insane.
And—he is, but he’s also much more than that to you.
He’s kind to you, in his own twisted way, but he loves you, as much as he’s able to.
Which compared to “normal people” is actually quite a lot. Some would place him on the level of obsessed, unhealthy.
Although, who are you to judge? You act the exact same way towards him. Both of you would incinerate the world for each other, literally.
You also know he wants this video to be his own version of Dantes Inferno, about his journey navigating through hell since he was a kid.
You’ve had many conversations with Dabi about how much of a toll this takes on him. As if he’s weighted down by concrete tied to his ankles. Usually he gets so worked up that smoke ends up seeping through the seams of his staples by the end of it.
Nevertheless, he’s releasing the video tomorrow—whether it’s time for Shiagaraki to wake the hell up or not. No matter what, it’s going to rock the hero society. It’ll crumble the facade they have worked so hard to maintain. You’re lucky enough to know who he really is, the rest of the league, and the world, doesn’t. Yet.
You’re here for support, to make sure he actually gets the video fucking done, before you’re heading off for the day. Doing some sort of asinine errand for the Doc to help keep Shigaraki’s ass alive while he soaks in that vat.
You already decided that later tonight, you’re going make sure Dabi remembers he’s got you to come home too. No matter what happens after the world sees behind the veil.
After some time, you’re still leaning against the wall on the side of the room. Letting little flames ignite from your fingertips, just playing around, having one flame dance from finger to finger.
It’s another thing that had attracted you to Dabi. Even though flame quirks are a dime a dozen, and his flames burn hotter, it made you feel like you were similar, in a way.
Noticing that he’s stopped talking you look up, putting out the flame with a wave of your hand. You watch him walk to the camera to turn it off.
He was shirtless for the video. It shows off how lean he is, but it also shows all the burn scars that cross his chest and torso, up his neck and under his eyes. His hair is white right now and the staples holding him together shine under the light from overhead.
For a beat you remember how cool they feel pressing against your skin when Dabi pins you face down on the bed.
Your body flushes, warmth churning in your belly.
Being in love with a man like Dabi means he takes up most of the space in your brain, running wildly through your thoughts constantly.
To add on it’s not just Dabi you love, it’s Touya too.
You’re desperately aware of the fact that you’re not doing a very decent job of hiding the way your eyes trail his body when he speaks up. His smooth, smoky voice rumbling from his chest.
“You know, it’s rude to stare baby,” Dabi murmurs, inclining his head slightly to look at you. His gaze is sharp but his lips are pulled into a lazy catlike grin.
Embarrassment shoots through you, burrowing into your cheeks. A swarm of butterflies ravages you.
Using your hands, you set them behind you and you push off the wall, trying to form a response. Nobody else but Dabi makes you act like you’ve swallowed your tongue whole.
“Maybe I just like what I see,” you tease, trying to ignore the obvious flush of your chest and neck. Dabi turns to face you as you walk up to him.
You can’t get over the way he looms over you, forcing you to crane your neck to look up at him. The grin never leaves his face. He tugs playfully at a lock of hair that had fallen from your bun, making it seem as if you’ve swallowed cotton balls.
“Oh? You’re one to talk. I could fuck you where you stand and you’d let me,” he flirts, looking oh so casual the whole time.
Dabi twirls the same strand of hair around his finger tightly, before letting it go.
The man radiates fucking heat and it’s a bit like standing too close to a bonfire. It toes the line of too hot, as if your skin would start to melt if you got too close.
Your eyes flutter shut from the familiar warmth, and you taking a deep, steadying breath — willing away the lust that threatens to turn your insides to ash.
You desperately try to remember that now is not the time to let Dabi fuck you silly.
You reluctantly take a step back, only now realizing how close the two of you had gotten. Later, you remind yourself, trying to cool down.
Dabi pushes out his lower lip, pretending to pout.
“Dabi, c’mon, you know I’ve got to go soon. I just wanted to make sure you got this finished today,” you say with hesitation.
Dabi rolls his eyes, no doubt irritated they have you doing bullshit errands. You get it, you feel the same, but you know it’s just less of a hassle to get it done.
It’s not like you don’t want Shigaraki to wake up soon. The crazy, itchy fucker has grown on you.
Besides, you want to get the plan moving and all. Dabi knows this, yet it still pisses him off. He waves a hand dismissively, before turning back to the camera.
“Whatever, go on then,” he bites coldly. Your lips press into a line, the sting of hurt pulsing in your chest briefly.
You shove your hands in your pockets and turn to leave without saying much else. You’re not willing to get into it with him right now, the video has clearly already got him riled up.
Before you can take a step, a blistering palm grabs your forearm, turning you back around. You raise an eyebrow as you meet his intense gaze.
“Yes?” you bite back. Dabi stares down at you, hand trailing down to grip your wrist, wrapping his fingers around as a bracelet. His expression stays sharp, blue eyes piercing.
“Just come back to me tonight, okay?” Dabi demands, an underlying note of concern lacing his tone.
You can’t hold back the smile that pulls at your lips, previous hurt washed away by your adoration for the deranged man in front of you. You nod.
“I will Touya,” you whisper softly.
You tend not to use his real name often, only when you need him to know you’re serious.
It makes his eye twitch, his stomach more often than not twisting in fury when he hears it.
Not with you though. The way his name falls from your lips—he’d be remiss if he didn’t admit it soothes the open wound it’s left behind.
Without another word, Dabi bends down, brushing a kiss over your cheek, letting your wrist go. Your skin tingles where his lips were, the rough texture of his lower one always tickles. You smile softly.
Swiftly you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth in return.
“Love you too, dickhead!” You call out playfully, letting the door swing shut behind you. Dabi scoffs watching you go, but he wears, a small, loving smile at your jab.
He already wishes for the night. As long as can be with you again.
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You’re covered in soot and ashes. Smelling like a fucking bonfire gone wrong. The flesh of your hands is singed, stinging, and you curse internally when you curl them into fists.
Generally, it happens when you overuse your quirk. The skin sizzles, steam rising from the reddened flesh. You shake your hands out as you walk, thanking God that it looks worse than it is. It’ll heal relatively quickly.
You’ve managed to procure only a couple bruises though, so you count yourself even luckier. You know Dabi will be fucking pissed either way.
You always have to talk him down from eviscerating the Doc when you wind up coming home banged up from one of his errands.
To top it off, it’s way later than when you normally return from these idiotic missions. It’s well past midnight and you’re sure Dabi is close to committing arson.
The job was a waste of your time. Granted, you admit you may have been a little distracted. You couldn’t stop thinking about the night that lay ahead of you and Dabi.
It’s hard to burn down that many buildings, discreetly, when you’re not focused 100%. You almost got caught at the last building.
Hence the new dark purple splotches covering your left bicep. They throb slightly when you accidentally brush your fingers over them. It’s a miracle you made it out, but you’re not telling Dabi that.
Walking into the front door of the, more or less mansion that is the hideout, you notice it’s quiet in the living room.
None of the usuals that hang out are down here. You look around quickly, thinking maybe you’d catch a glance of Dabi. You scowl when you don’t see his spiky white hair anywhere. You swiped something on the way home, an item that will help the two of you relax. It sits heavy in your back pocket.
You desperately want the two of you to enjoy the night before the world explodes into chaos tomorrow.
You slip your hand into your pocket, just to make sure it’s still there. Your finger tips trace the pre-rolled joints you snagged. You smile coyly to yourself, feeling your heart beat harshly against your rib cage.
A pleasant shiver rolls down your spine as you recall the last time you and Dabi had sex higher than a kite.
Smoking weed isn’t necessarily something you and Dabi do often, but when you get the chance you certainly take advantage of it.
How could you say no? Your body feels relaxed and warm, like your joints are made of butter. The pleasure is always dialed to a 10.
You know Dabi fucking loves it, the one chance he gets to truly relax. You make your way to the stairs as you chew on your bottom lip, mulling over your thoughts.
You’re hoping that once Dabi sees you’re okay, and that you have joints, he won’t be too tempted to set the mansion on fire.
You walk swiftly to your room. You pass by Mr. Compress on the way, the two of you wave in greeting. The sound of your combat boots echo on the wooden floor as you round the corner, stopping at your door.
The door is closed but that’s not unusual. Eagerly, you turn the handle and push open the door. It’s pitch black inside. That…is odd actually. Your grin quickly fades as you step inside, curious, you flip on the low light to the room.
Dabi’s not here. You feel an unwarranted flash of irritation at the realization.
As cliche as it sounds, recently you’ve been finding him playing some sort of game on his desk top computer. You’re not sure he’s ever played one before now and he seems to thoroughly enjoy it. Your chest warms as you think about him getting to experience some sort of normalcy.
However, he’s not at the desk. He’s not anywhere in your room. You shut the door behind you and walk in further. Shoving the feeling of annoyance down your throat, you remind yourself that the villain has got to be somewhere around the hideout.
Hoping he’ll pop up soon you decide it’s best to take a shower. To wash off the layer of disgusting ash you’re covered in.
Setting the joints on your dresser, you strip your nasty clothes off and throw them to the side. You grab one of Dabi’s shirts, one with a skull on it and nothing else before making your way into the en-suite bathroom.
As you stand under the spray of the scalding water, it feels unbelievable. The water acting as a much needed massage for your sore muscles.
You scrub yourself clean, hissing as the soap causes a burning sensation in your hands. You examine the newly pink, sensitive skin of your palms and flex your sore fingers.
The curtain suddenly rips open halfway and you scream loudly, arms flailing wildly. Your head whips to the side, heart in your throat as you see a smug looking Dabi. You place a hand on your chest, pulse thundering.
“You fucking jack ass! You scared the shit out of me! Where the hell have you been?” you shout, angrily flinging water at his face.
Dabi laughs as he brings his hand up in surrender, covering his face from your retaliation. You let out a frustrated noise, quickly turning the water off to face him. You push roughly at his chest, wetting his shirt and he grips the shower curtain with one hand for balance. He’s still fucking laughing.
“I got restless waiting for you. I was with Spinner, who wouldn’t stop yapping about some new video game. I saw Compress and he told me he saw you on your way up. I wanted to fuck with you.” He grins wolfishly, pretending to wipe a fake tear of amusement from his eye. The staples near the corner of his mouth tug at his skin.
You scowl, glaring at him playfully.
“You’re the biggest dick I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting, ya know that?” you chastise him, unable to stop yourself from grinning widely at his relaxed demeanor.
Truthfully, you know nobody else sees this playful side of Dabi. The fact that you’re privy to it, it’s like knowing the world’s greatest secret. You want to put it in a box and keep it safe forever.
“Is that right? And yet, you’re the one who continues to stay with me, princess. I’ve just got you that cock drunk for me, don’t I sweetheart?” You blush violently at his teasing, but there’s absolutely no denying it.
Dabi smirks, taking the chance to let his gaze lazily trail up and down your wet, naked body. Slowly appreciating your form, and biting the tip of his tongue.
You wiggle your eyebrows playfully, popping your hip out, placing your hand there. It pulls an amused laugh from him and he winks at you. The sound of it sets your nerves alight.
Suddenly, you feel Dabi go stock still. The air raises a few degrees as his expression distorts into something feral, his happy mood vanishing.
Your stomach knots up and you shift your weight from foot to foot. You know he’s found the new, rather large, bruises peppering your left bicep. Delicately, he trails his fingers over them with his free hand. You wince.
The sickening scent of burning plastic starts to flood your nose. You glance over, panicking slightly when you see Dabi’s melting the shower curtain in a death grip.
“Touya!” You gasp. “I’m okay, really, I’m fine. Please, look at me baby,” you soothe, gripping his wrist to try and yank him free, but he doesn’t loosen his hold. You place your free hand on his cheek, forcing his manic gaze to meet yours. “It was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention,” you continue in a gentle voice, running your thumb over the scarred flesh under his left eye.
His snowy white eyebrows pinch together, and he lets out a pained sound, hesitantly letting go of the curtain. You swiftly take the opportunity to lace your fingers with his.
You take a peak at the curtain again, noticing a hand print has been permanently melted into it. Touya tugs on your hand harshly, asking for your attention.
He stares intensely at your face, pupils tracking back and forth rapidly, looking wild. When he speaks, it’s as if he’d swallowed a handful of gravel.
“Those goddamn idiots!” He snarls. “Sending you out, letting you get fucked up. If I fucking see that Doc again before Shigaraki wakes up, I’m incinerating him,” he manages to get out through clenched teeth. He’s furious, tone low and menacing.
It definitely does not turn you on.
Touya tangles his fingers through the wet hair at the nape of your neck, squeezing painfully. Your breath catches, scalp tingling.
A torrent of warmth rushes through you, pussy clenching eagerly around air.
It never fails to turn your brain to mush when he’s like this. Protective, possessive. It makes syrupy heat drip down your spine.
You shiver, not just from the chill of being naked, when you realize you’re still dripping wet. Unfortunately, you need a towel.
“I know Touya,” You laugh shakily , wanting to redirect his anger. “ I won’t stop you, promise. Let’s not allow those dumbasses to ruin our night, okay?” You squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I brought a surprise for us to share! So can you be a good boyfriend and please hand me a towel?” You plead, looking at him through your lashes.
Touya doesn’t move for a moment, narrowing his eyes slightly as considers your words, before his expression mellows out. He sighs heavily.
Touya releases his grip on your hair, trailing his rough fingers over your jaw and patting your cheek twice softly. He frees your other hand and turns to grab a towel from the cabinet.
You lift up your arms, very relieved, and wiggle your fingers happily as you wait. Touya sweetly wraps the cloth around your back and crosses it over your chest, tucking it into itself so it stays in place. You beam at him, letting your arms fall to hold it in place.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me not to commit murder tonight. Show me the surprise,” Touya concedes, catlike grin settling into his expression once again. You breathe another sigh of relief, stepping out of the shower. You balance with a hand on his arm.
“I got us joints! I figured some good weed would help us relax and,” you trail your finger over his jaw, biting your lip coyly. You lean in, whispering sensually to him. “I was hoping we could have some fun later, if you know what I mean.”
Standing up straight, you smile smugly, wrapping the towel tighter around yourself, watching his reaction. His head tilts back in delighted laughter.
“That’s the best idea you could’ve had. Let’s go get high out of our minds baby, and then I’ll fuck you into the mattress,” he purrs, grabbing the shirt you left to change into and tugging you along out of the bathroom.
You watch his lean frame from behind, admiring him as he walks. Your man is stupid hot, and you don’t just mean literally.
Once you’re near the bed the two of you release each other. He hands you your shirt and you let your towel unwind, tossing it to the side.
Touya’s hand comes out of nowhere to roughly smack your bare ass. The pain flares, making you yelp.
“Touya!” You scold. “Fuck off for a second will you?” you joke. “Let me at least put my shirt on.” You slip the clothing over your head as you speak, gathering your wet hair into a braid.
Touya snorts. You look at him with a raised brow as he’s taking his own clothes off. Your eyes linger for a moment on the V shape that disappears into his underwear. He winks at you in return when he catches your stare, but you just roll your eyes.
“Why are you even putting clothes on? You know I’m just going to get you naked later,” Touya complains as he crawls onto your shared bed. He leans his back against the headboard. Touya looks at you expectantly, patting the spot next to him as he shoves his long, pale legs under the blanket.
“Yes I know, but I still get cold sometimes, plus I like this shirt, it’s soft,” you reply, picking up the joints from your dresser, turning the overhead light off, and shimmying up the bed to him.
You make it a point to sit so your thigh and arm are squished against his as you recline next him. You use a pillow to support your lower back.
“You know I can keep you just as warm baby,” Touya coos, pulling up the soft fuzzy blanket that covers your bed so you can get your own legs underneath. He lets it rest at your waist.
Touya gently warms the space beneath and you swallow a moan. It feels amazing. Turning your head to look at him, you smile lazily. He wiggles his eyebrows as you hold up a joint to him, urging him to light it.
“I know, and later on you’re gonna make me sweat,” you tease, watching as he smirks.
He doesn’t even pay attention as he uses his finger to light the joint. A little blue flame that instantly eats the paper, setting it alight.
You kiss his cheek in thanks, selfishly taking the first drag. Fuck, it tastes like heaven. A twisted version of lemon flavor bursts across your tongue. It’s sweet, but also bitter.
You let the smoke swirl in your lungs while you hold your breath. Letting it out in a long exhale, the smoke ghosts across Touya’s face. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, groaning as he breathes out.
After a joint and a half in, you’re feeling the perfect level of high. You’re leaning your head on Touya’s shoulder, studying your fingertips.
You’re something akin to the warm butter that melts on top of pancakes. Your head feels fuzzy and you know Touya is in the clouds.
”Baby,” Touya softly calls for you, smooth like whiskey. His honeyed voice sends a shiver down your spine. Your head feels heavy when you lift it, looking at him with a dopey grin.
“Hmm?” you try to ask. Managing to giggle in response. He tilts his head down towards you. He’s wearing a matching lazy grin, his eyes half-lidded.
“Let me shot gun that pretty mouth,” he murmurs, taking the last large inhale from the joint. He holds his breath and puts out the joint on his palm, laying the roach on the bedside table.
You nod happily, stomach unbearably warm as you lean towards him. You let your mouth fall open obediently.
Touya looks sly, meeting you halfway. His different textured lips pressing to yours easily, slightly opened as he slowly pushes the smoke out of his lungs and into your mouth.
Your eyes flutter closed as the tendrils of smoke roll into your mouth. It makes you feel a bit feverish and everything feels like it’s rolling in slow motion.
You inhale equally as slow, taking your time, pulling it into your lungs. It makes you feel dizzy. You hold it for a moment, until your chest starts to burn and then you break from the kiss.
Turning your head minutely, you let it all out in one breath. Your tongue slips out to lick your lower lip, the aftertaste from the joint making your mouth water.
You slide your gaze to Touya’s. He brings his hand up, letting his fingers rest on your jaw as he runs a thumb over the lip you just licked. His eyes burn with a low heat, like embers.
“Feeling high princess?” he whispers, leaning a bit closer, lips only a couple centimeters from yours. He’s gentle, holding your jaw, fingers pressing in on both sides now.
Your eyes are lidded and it feels like his rich voice physically melts through your skin, into your veins. You admire how pretty his face is, feeling your pussy throb. You bite your lip and nod, tickling a hand over his collarbone. He shivers.
“So high,” you giggle and whisper your next sentence, as if you’re telling him a secret. “Will you fuck me now Touya?”
Touya’s fingers twitch before they slide down to wrap around your throat, squeezing lightly. The staples on his wrist scratch at your neck. He’s studying your face, letting his lips pull into a wicked grin as he inches forward, brushing his mouth against yours.
“With pleasure baby girl,” he rumbles, pressing the words into your lips. You moan into his mouth, kissing him slowly over and over.
You’re just starting to lick into his mouth when he puts pressure on your windpipe and you get the message, breaking the kiss with a whine.
He laughs softly as he releases your neck and you shift until you’re lying down flat on the bed, head resting on the pillow.
The change in position makes the room spin and you blink your eyes slowly. You’ve planted your feet on the bed, letting your legs fall open. Moving around makes your shirt rise up to your hips, slick pussy on display for Touya.
You’re vaguely aware of how wet you already are, and it’s too hot in the room, your face heats again and sweat trails down your temple.
The only light in the room is from the TV you had turned on absently. Yet, you can still see Touya’s chest. He has his own light sheen of sweat covering his skin, nipples stiff and perky.
The white haired man maneuvers to get in between your thighs. He sits back on his calves, palms resting on the tops of your knees as he takes a look at your soft pussy.
The sight makes his cock ache, straining to be free from his briefs. He feels his tip positively leaking, sticking to the soft material.
“C‘mere Touya,” you whine softly, reaching your arms out for him. His expression is relaxed, loving as he bends to your will, resting his forearms on either side of your head.
You wind your arms around his neck, pulling him down into another kiss. Your lips slide together eagerly, the heat between you blazing.
His bottom lip is rough but the texture makes you moan every time. He easily slips his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them together, and you bite the delicate muscle briefly.
A husky moan pushes past his lips, causing him to break the kiss.
“Goddammit baby, I wanna fuck you so bad,” he groans, voice wrecked as he sucks dark marks in a line up your neck, gripping the hem of your shirt.
“Please,” you beg, the word sticking to the roof of your mouth. Touya doesn’t hesitate, sitting back momentarily to free you of your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him.
The air brings a slight chill, making your nipples harden. Goosebumps erupt along your chest and you whine. Touya rests his hands on your soft belly, dick jumping, drooling as he takes in your naked body. His large, warm palms cover most of the skin there, fingers splayed on your ribs.
His eyes are red and glossy as they trail over your tits, noticing your nipples are pretty little pebbles. God, he’s so hard he could cut diamonds.
He quickly shoves his underwear off, the urge to be naked swallowing him whole. His cock bobs free as it catches on the waistband of his briefs. You watch, catching sight of the curly white hair resting just above the base.
He settles again between your legs, gripping his shaft and squeezing briefly for some relief. His own touch feels electric and he moans through his teeth. He knows you’ll feel a thousand times better than his hand.
He’s quick to swipe his thumb between your pussy lips, parting them as he drags it up to your clit, starting to massage slow circles there.
You choke on an inhale, head feeling heavy. Your limbs feel like jello, warmth flowing through you. You hum, reaching out to wrap a hand around the silky smooth skin of his shaft. He lets out a broken moan when you pump his cock, letting his foreskin pull back.
“Touya, c’mon, pretty please? Don’t wanna wait,” you say with breathy sigh. You keep stroking his cock, twisting your wrist upwards and he groans again, sounding breathless.
“You don’t have to ask me twice baby, you know how much I love fucking you,” he purrs, looking exactly like the Cheshire Cat.
He places a hand on each of your inner thighs, spreading you open a little more. You tilt your hips up a little, so you can guide his thick cock inside of you. You tease yourself, sliding his tip over your swollen clit. You let out a low curse as it sends electricity up your spine.
A short whine slips through Touya’s lips as the head of his cock presses in smoothly. Removing your hand, you give him the reigns to do the rest as he stretches your pussy completely. You tilt your head back on the pillow as you start clenching around him.
“Oh,” you say as if you’ve been sucker punched. “Touya, you feel so good!” you cry out, thoughts disjointed. You tremble at the overwhelming pleasure, white knuckling the pillow under you.
You’re sure you could cum just from the stretch of his cock alone, your sensitivity at an all time high. You chance a look at your boyfriend, panting.
His eyebrows are scrunched and he’s gritting his teeth, eyes locked on where he’s disappeared inside you. Warm pussy wrapped around him perfectly.
“Shit,” he curses lowly. “You’re so fucking tight,” he laughs incredulously rocking his hips shallowly.
His own mind is fuzzy, body high so intense he could sob. You lay there and take it beautifully as he starts to fuck you for real, slow and deep.
Your limbs are like lead, and you’ve all but become one with the mattress, the pleasure all you can focus on. The sound of your skin smacking together makes your ears burn. You’re watching the way his fingers grip your thighs, the way the muscles in his lower abdomen flex with every thrust.
“You’re so fucking hot Touya, God - I can’t,” you all but sob. You can’t focus on anything else but the way his cock drags in and out of your pussy. Touya hums softly and leans forward, bracing his hands on the bed, caging you between. You look up at him through your lashes.
“What do you want baby? Hmm? Tell me,” he pants, voice smoldering. Your entire body flushes even hotter. Quirk raising up just below your skin and you keep your hands from the sheets for fear of turning them to ash.
Letting out a low moan, you grip his forearms, he can take the heat of your quirk. He sucks in a breath through his teeth when your scalding palms make contact with his skin.
You’re able to keep it under control for now. You take note of the way your tits bounce with each of his thrusts. He watches them, eyes almost unfocused, unfazed by the blistering heat of your palms, before his gaze locks with yours when you start to speak.
“Want you to fuck me from behind, please,” you mumble, words blending together as you try to keep your eyes open. The pleasure is making your brain feel thick.
“Fuck yes, turn that pretty ass around,” he agrees, leaning back and pulling his cock free. It bounces slightly and you notice he’s glistening from your slick, notching your arousal up by a few degrees.
You don’t waste a second, rolling over onto your belly. The sensation of moving underwater is what you would compare it to.
You raise up on your knees, showing off the curve of your spine as you rest your cheek on the mattress below. The sheets are soft, caressing your skin as you nuzzle against it, distractedly.
You’re gripping the sheets by your head when you feel Touya’s palm crack harshly against your ass,forcing you to jolt forward.
“Ah!” You whine into the sheets. He must’ve heated his hand, because you can feel your ass almost blistering from where he spanked you.
You assume that’s some sort of revenge from what you did to his forearms earlier. Not that it matters, the pain and pleasure mix together even better.
“Look at you, so obedient. You want me to fuck you like a dog, don’t you?” He teases, words sitting heavy on his tongue.
He grips the base of his cock and rubs the head between your lips, parting them easily.
You open your mouth to answer but you’re cut off. He’s already bullying his way back into you without abandon.
Touya grips your hips tight enough you worry he’s gripping the bone. His cock throbs, your pussy feels tighter this way.
It’s making his head spin, watching himself pull out, cock shiny and slick, before filling you once again. His heart thumps hard in his rib cage, thinking about just how much he fucking loves you.
“Oh god.” You shove your face into the mattress as Touya starts to move hard and fast. His cock filling you out perfectly with each thrust.
The friction is blistering, pleasure burning through your limbs. He presses his hands into your lower back, pushing the arch in your spine to its breaking point and he uses his weight to fuck you.
His cock bullies your sweet spot again and again, ripping muffled screams from your throat and into the mattress.
You’re starting to squirm under him, overly sensitive while he pushes you closer to your peak. You unconsciously try to crawl away from him, but he notices. You’ve started to fist the sheets again, for any kind of leverage.
“That’s the spot, isn’t baby? You’re so cute, trying to crawl away from me. You’re not fucking going anywhere. Be good, baby girl,” he demands, huffing lightly. He leans forward to brace one hand on the back of your neck, pinning you down.
He lets his other hand rest on the middle of your lower back, pressing down there too. How you’re able to keep your knees under you is beyond you. The first heavy thrust after that has you wailing, eyes stinging with tears.
“Fuck! Touya, right there, don’t stop,” you beg, feeling small underneath him. The pleasure is overwhelming. It’s not long at all before a knot starts to wind up taught in your lower abdomen, and you struggle to try and warn him.
“Go ahead princess, I’ve got you. Cum for me, I want to feel it,” Touya purrs, bending forward to brace one hand by your head. The other still pining you down by the back of the neck.
The staples adorning his wrist feel cold against your overheated flesh. Oddly enough, the difference in temperature is what pushes you over the edge.
You cum, brutally. Pussy fluttering, gripping Touya so tight you can’t believe he’s still sliding in and out of you. Heat gushes through you in waves, curling your toes.
“Oh!” you gasp, a pressure building in your bladder. “You’re gonna make me squirt,” you say in surprise. Fingernails bite into your skin, warm breath is against your ear.
“Then fucking do it baby,” he breathes, never slowing his pace. A thrill runs through you, fingers curling in the sheets.
Pleasure ripples through you as you squirt. Soaking the sheets and Touya’s inner thighs. Your mouth stays open in a silent scream.
Touya moans in your ear, whispering words of encouragement as he works you through it. You notice his cock start to twitch inside you as you come down from your high.
Touya murmurs sweet nothings against your ear, letting you know he’s about to cum.
You tell him just how much you want it, how much you need to him to fill you up—and he does just that. Pressing all the way in until his balls fit snugly against your pussy. 

Touya cums with a noise that sounds like it’s been punched from his chest. Panting as he nudges your knees out from you, so you both collapse to the mattress.
You both catch you breath for a moment, Touya letting himself go soft before he makes a move to pull out. 

Touya rolls off you gently, onto his back. You breathe a sigh of relief, turning your head to see if his face.
“Are you okay?” he asks, cheeks flushed from the strenuous movements.
“I’m great,” you laugh, poking his ribs. He chuckles, giving you a half smile. “Can you get me a towel? Seeing as it’s your fault I’m a mess now,” you tease. Touya rolls his eyes playfully.
You flip over onto your back as retreats to get a towel, returning swiftly.
”Thank you,” you hum, cleaning yourself the best you can, not bothering to put clothes back on as you get under the blankets.
You sigh happily, turning on your side as the bed dips. Touya settles down facing you, snaking an arm around your waist to tug you closer.
“I love you,” you whisper, trailing your fingers down the side of his face, stopping to press on one of his staples under his eye. 

“I love you,” he replies, just as softly.
”I’ll follow you to hell, you know that, right?” You say, raising an eyebrow. He sighs, leaning forward to brush a kiss over your forehead.
“I know. I’ll incinerate the world for you, you know that, right?” He teases, placing his forehead on yours. You laugh gently, nodding as you kiss him once more.
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selineram3421 · 10 months
*giggles like a psycho*
First Day
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor and Child Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ children (lol), reader being a menace ☺, blood/gore, ALL CAPS Bold red Italics = SOUND AFFECTS, red italics= Alastor's thoughts, fake crying, food mention(desserts), mention of murder, mention of kidnapping, mention of torture, murder of test demon ⚠
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You saw the school bus and it was filled with shouts and screeches of other demon children. Making sure you of the item in your pocket, you readied yourself to begin the plan.
Stage one: Have some control over the school bus.
The door opened and you hop up the steps, the screams even louder now that you were inside.
It was absolutely unhinged.
I can do better. You thought, taking a quick glance to find a seat.
"Hurry up and sit down brat.", the bus driver yelled.
"Quiet before I cut you open.", you said to them without missing a beat and walked towards the back of the bus.
You were calm as the other children were acting like drug addicts.
One was bold enough to try and trip you with their leg out. Looking at them, you see that they have a cocky grin.
"Can you please move your leg? Its in the way.", you ask.
"No. Just go over it.", they laughed.
With a shrug you do just that, they try and lift their leg up higher to trip you but you jump at the last second and aim for their knee.
They scream like bloody murder as they cry, grabbing the attention of the other children. All eyes are on you and the broken leg that's spewing out blood.
"I did ask nicely.", you say before continuing on your way to the open seat in the back.
Finally, you arrive at the school and find your classroom, now you were standing next to the teacher as your new classmates make a mess with paper planes and other items.
"Everyone SHUT UP! This is the new student.", the teacher Ms. Mayberry introduces you to the class. "Go on and say hello, then take the empty seat over in the middle."
You nod and smile as you face the children.
"Don't cross me or you might end up like Mikey!", you say cheerfully and go sit down.
Stage two: Assert dominance and be kind to those who are kind to you. *weed out any snakes*
Alastor got ready to pick up his little demon.
I wonder if they had fun. He thought before leaving the hotel.
On his way over, he picked up some pastries from their favorite bakery. Now the Radio Demon was just a few feet away from the gate that had a few lingering children, that's where he saw his little one waiting with the teacher who was smoking.
They spotted him and lit up.
"Alastor!", they cheered before running up.
The teacher had backed up a bit after noticing who he was.
"Good afternoon mon petite!", he said and picked them up. "Did you have a good time? Hm? Were there any pests?"
"I took care of it! But all of them went home alive.", they replied as he began walking back to the hotel. "Bye Ms. Mayberry!", they waved to their teacher.
They had started to tell him what happened on the school bus as they got closer to the hotel, that is when the deer demon reminded them to look sad.
"I don't think I can keep a straight face but I can still cry like I'm sad.", the little demon said. "I know what to do."
They hid their face on his shoulder and started shaking their shoulders, making convincing sniffles and sobs.
Alastor opened the hotel doors, finding the princess and her partner, one of them holding a cupcake.
"Oh no, what happened?", Charlie asked after noticing the little demon's shaking shoulders.
"There was a bully that harassed them today.", he answered and made his way over to the stairs, lifting up the bakery box. "I've already bought them sweets to cheer them up but you can leave the cupcake for dessert after dinner."
Once in the hotel room, he sets them down and put the box of sweets on the small table near the door.
"Wash your hands before getting your sweets.", he says before helping them take off their school bag.
"Ok!", they nod and run over to the bathroom.
Taking the box, the demon in red snaps his fingers to conjure some plates on the coffee table. He sets up the table before putting the pastries on the plates. Making sure to get their favorite cup for their drink.
They went to their room before coming back out with no coat and taking a seat on the couch.
"Now, tell me all about your day.", he said giving them a plate with a slice of cranberry pomegranate curd tart. "What kind of drink would you like with your sweets?"
They ask for their favorite drink and proceed to tell him about what happened after the "tripping" incident.
The deer demon prepares a cup of coffee while getting their drink.
"Some of the kids tried to act tough and pick a fight with me during reeses. The supervisors don't care if there's a fight as long as no one gets killed.", they said before taking a bite of the tart. "I broke a lot of bones today.", they add.
"Don't speak while chewing dear.", Alastor hands them a napkin, placing their cup next to their plate before sitting down.
They go into detail of all the injuries they caused with a wide smile. Telling him that they want to learn more tactics of intimidation to scare some of the staff.
"Finish your homework and I'll take you out so you can have hands on experience.", he says and sips his coffee.
"Really!?", they ask excited.
"Of course! Its the best way to learn."
After dinner (and their desert), they headed out and found a demon to test on.
"The best way to intimidate someone is through fear. Give them something that will always remind others not to try anything. Breaking the boy's leg was good, but remember that it is on school grounds that you cannot kill.", he says as both of them watch the test demon scream as they are being taken apart limb by limb. "Of course you have my permission to kill anyone that tries to kill or kidnap you. Or other terrible things.."
"Can I torture them a little bit?", they ask.
"Yes, but don't let your guard down.", the Radio Demon says, using the tendrils to rip the test demon's head off. "Remember mon petite, prey can bite back."
On the way back to the hotel, he got them a new plush, a small mouse to attach to their school bag.
"Mr. Squeaks."
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~Seline, the person.
Extra: Dessert image
Extra EXTRA: Art
@willowaudreykeyes @kiraisastay @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @scary-noodlesblog @naelys-the-aster @ducky-died-inside @biromanticboba @roo-bi @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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norawriteswords · 13 days
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notes:: I love literally all of you🫶🫶 thank you SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING!!🫶🫶🤭 this is a part two but it can be read as a standalone because nothing really connects to the last part <3 really similar themes to part one but with a bit more going on… kinda..😭 just under 900 words, fem pronouns used. Mentions of blood & brian cuts his palm in a kitchen setting!
Brian chopped up some tomato, his knife skills precise and practiced. He had some oil and aromatics in his pan, preparing some pasta sauce. You, his ever faithful helper, sat on the stool at his kitchen island, peeling some carrots.
Brian liked to take charge in the kitchen, and it was a great explanation as to why he had a massive walk in refrigerator- one you’d never seen the interior of. In reality, he didn’t mind cooking, but Rudy Cooper? He loved cooking.
“So, how was your day? Spare me no details.” Brian said as he began to cut up an onion. His cutting board was on the island facing you, his pan on the stovetop sizzling behind him. “It was alright.” You swished around your wine in your glass. “I know you’re probably sick of hearing me talk about the ice truck killer.” You mumbled, taking a sip.
Brian could never be sick of you, especially not when you were talking about him. He could listen to you talk for hours, regardless of topic. It was just a little added bonus he was the subject.
“Absolutely not. I could never be sick of hearing you talk doll.” He smiled affectionately, gently pinching your cheek. You felt your own little grin as you looked down to your carrot pile bashfully.
You cleared your throat. “It’s hard. You know? He’s just- smart. Annoyingly smart.” You sighed and sipped your wine. Brian nodded, turning his back to you to add the onions and tomatoes to the pan. Frankly, you were sick of thinking about the ice truck killer. “I mean, what kind of psycho has this much precision?” You huffed. 
He liked this. He liked when you inadvertently stroked his ego, it felt nice to hear it from you. His detective girlfriend. So intelligent. So close to the truth, but so far.
Brian hummed in acknowledgment, turning back to you after giving his pan a little stir. “Well you’re smart too. I have no doubt you’ll get him.” He grabbed the carrots from your little pile, cutting them into small cubes.
You sardonically exhaled in response. It had been weeks and the Miami Metro PD were getting nowhere. You looked around the kitchen, trying to be of use. You felt stumped at work, but that didn’t mean you had to be idle at home. You spotted a couple unused onions sitting on the counter.
You sprung to your feet, walking up beside Brian to grab the onions. He quirked brow at you. “What’re you doing?” He asked, genuine confusion striking his features.
“Taking the onions back to the cold room.” You announced. Before he could protest or convince you to sit back and relax you turned your back to him, already making way to the freezer.
Brian’s pulse quickened. What was he going to say? How could he manipulate this? You were going to find out. Like this. No. It wasn’t right. He had a plan. A plan to help you. He felt a cold sweat on the back of his neck.
In a split second Brian grabbed the kitchen knife, slicing open his palm. He winced loudly for dramatic effect, feeling practically nothing. He was used to far more pain, but this would do for now. You whipped around, dropping the onions as you rushed over.
“Rudy? What happened?” You stared at his slightly hunched over figure. You eyed the blood dripping down his forearms, your eyes going wide. “I cut my hand.. grabbed the knife the wrong way..” he lied, loving how much attention you were giving him.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the kitchen sink. “Wash it.. clean it, just, let the water run over it… I’ll go grab your first aid kit..” you said, shaking slightly. You ran over to his bathroom, rummaging under the sink for any gauze or a first aid kit.
You pushed bottles of cleaning products out of the way, looking for old, white first aid box you’d seen countless times while sleeping over at his place. You spotted it, grabbing the kit as you made haste back to the kitchen where Brian had his hand under the running tap. “Let me see..” you peered over his side.
“It’s fine doll, really..” he titled his palm to show you the deep gash. You scrunched your face, feeling queasy at the sight of his blood. “I brought gauze. We’ll wrap it up tonight and get it checked tomorrow.” You mumbled. You looked around the kitchen, grabbing a clean hand towel. You turned off the tap and gently wrapped his hand up with the towel. “Keep it high and just make sure it’s all dry.” You instructed. “Yes detective.” He flashed you a little smirk, and you rolled your eyes fondly.
Opening up the first aid kit you grabbed a roll of gauze and some antibiotic cream. You motioned for him to come closer and he obliged, unwrapping the towel and resting his hand in your smaller one. “Jesus Rudy. That’s a big cut..” you mumbled, spreading some of the antibiotic cream on his palm. “I’m such an idiot. I was just trying to grab the knife..” he explained. You looked up at him, a little frown on your lips.
God, you fell into his trap so easily. You were just eating this up. It was adorable how easily you believed him.
You wrapped up his hand, gently, with such care and love it almost hurt his heart. “Thank you doll. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He smiled reassuringly. You looked up at him, tenderly rubbing his cheek.
He leant in, kissing you tenderly. You smiled, slinging your arms around his neck as he peppered kisses along your face. You giggled.
It wasn’t much, but it kept you out of the freezer. That was all that mattered. His secret wasn’t just a secret, it was a gift for you- and you have no business spoiling it before it comes to fruition.
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thedensworld · 11 months
Post Magazine | K.Mg
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Pairing: Photograper!Mingyu x Actress!Reader
Genre: fluff
Words Count: ±700
Summary: It was an honor for Mingyu to collaborate with a well-known magazine. But this job made him realize that love at first sight is real.
Mingyu's got a face that screams "bad boy," and he's given up trying to argue otherwise. He's got that classic playboy look, and an occupation of playboy, a photographer, no less! So, when he tries to convince people he's got an old soul and a sentimental side, they just give him the side-eye. Mingyu's decided to let his looks do the talking, after all, it's all about that first impression, right?
He's snapped shots of so many celebrities, and they all ooze glamour and charisma. Last time, he was working with Cha Eunwoo, an idol-actor who's now a buddy thanks to being the same age. But there's been zero post-work chit-chat with any of his models, except for Eunwoo. So, it raised an eyebrow when he waltzed up to the editor asking for your digits.
"I'll pass along her management's info," the editor said, conveniently hiding the fact that he's got a bit of a soft spot for you after that last shoot. Okay, maybe it's not just a "bit" anymore, it's a full-blown crush.
It started when Mingyu gets the call that he's in charge of the photo shoot for a rising starlet, Jang Y/n. It's your first time gracing a big-time magazine, so Mingyu tries to do some sleuthing about you. Mostly cast as a villain or a bit unhinged, your online pics aren't exactly flattering. Mingyu's scratching his head trying to figure out what style you'd vibe with.
When the big day approached, Mingyu's armed with a couple of style ideas for your shoot, hoping they'll match your vibe and brand. He's deep in discussion with the editor when your manager shows up.
"Y/n has those magnetic and charismatic aura that makes people think she's a tough . But she's really a soft and timid person," your manager spills the beans, enlightening Mingyu and the editor.
"It'll be good to show the side that people hasn't known about. Let's roll with these," the editor picks out two mood boards, going for dark academia and chic stylings.
And your manager wasn't kidding. You're like a total 180 from the roles you usually play. You're not some evil assassin, psycho girlfriend, or creepy stalker. If Mingyu could describe it, you're just radiant. You step into the studio with a grin plastered on your face, and your hair's practically glowing. Mingyu swears, your eyes are like a novel waiting to be read, and he's itching to turn the pages.
Just the night before, Mingyu decided to check out one of your films - the one where you played the mad stalker. He was blown away by your acting skills, even if you looked more like a scruffy vagabond. And now here you are, dressed to the nines, portraying a powerhouse career woman in front of him. As soon as Mingyu looks through the viewfinder, he sees his future. Love at first sight might be pushing it, but let's just say he's smitten.
"Could you lean in a bit, Y/n?" Mingyu asks, second-guessing if that was the smartest move ever. You lean towards the camera with this sly grin, and Mingyu's heart does somersaults.
Mingyu lets out a dramatic sigh, "Let's call it a wrap." He mumbles and dashes over to the monitor, trying to cool off his racing heart. And this is just the first outfit; there are four more to go.
"Is everything alright?" You ask the crew as you step onto the set with your last outfit. "I've never worn something like this before," you admit. Mingyu shoots you a reassuring smile, "You look stunning, absolutely stunning," he assures you.
The rest of the crew is in awe, and you playfully cover your face as if you're blushing. But Mingyu, with his photographer's eye, spots a genuine flush of pink on your cheeks and ears. Maybe he's got a touch of it too, but he's too busy being in awe of your beauty to care.
"It would be amazing if you could strike a pose like Ma Jooahn," the assistant director suggests, referring to one of your past roles as a ruthless assassin. You slip right into character. Your eyes shoot daggers, your smile vanishes, and you look ready to take on the world.
"I'll just pretend there's a pesky fly to squash right here," you mutter while turning to your right, earning a laugh from the crew.
"I wanna be that fly," one of the crew members chimes in, making you burst into laughter and breaking character. Mingyu shakes his head, looking at the monitor beside him; his weakness is a woman with wit and grace. You seem to have both in spades.
"You're absolutely smitten, buddy." Eunwoo clinked his can against Mingyu's, chuckling at his friend's infatuation with you. For almost an hour, Mingyu's gaze hadn't strayed from your portrait.
"Come on, focus on your work," Eunwoo urged, playfully nudging Mingyu, who seemed a bit unsteady.
"I am!" Mingyu retorted, gesturing to his laptop, where he was diligently editing photos from your previous shoot. "Staring is also part of my job," he added with a smirk.
Eunwoo let out a dramatic sigh. "There's something you should know about her," he began, catching Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu's brow raised, then quickly furrowed. "What?" he inquired.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Mingyu interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.
Eunwoo shrugged. "I'm not certain," he admitted. "But there's some gossip that floating around the actors."
Mingyu fixed Eunwoo with a steady gaze, silently urging him to continue.
"She's a mom," Eunwoo dropped the bombshell.
Mingyu's head drooped, disappointment evident on his face. "So what if she's a mom? Is she a widow? That just makes her even hotter, honestly! Ack—" Mingyu began to enthuse before Eunwoo playfully smacked his head.
"Come on! Seriously! I personally haven't worked with her, but some actors say she has a kid, or that she's often busy taking care of them, which might be why she hasn't taken on lead roles. But, i'm not sure either," Eunwoo explained, offering the tidbits he'd gathered.
Mingyu scoffed, "If you're not sure, don't spread it around."
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, a little surprised by Mingyu's strong reaction.
"You've got it bad, my friend," he teased, shaking his head.
After a few weeks, what was once a rumor turned into a nightmare for Kim Mingyu. Dispatch, a popular Korean media outlet, released photos of you with your daughter. Some of the pictures were taken in front of a daycare, park, and even a hospital. Mingyu isn't happy seeing your privacy violated by the media, especially as you're gaining more fame. But what Mingyu despises the most is that the pictures are real, with zero editing.
There are two possibilities:
1. You have a secret husband.
2. You're a widow with a child.
Mingyu is perfectly fine with the second possibility. He believes he's good with kids and loves the idea of being around them. But the first possibility? Dang, It hits Mingyu like a punch in the gut. After nearly a month of being your biggest fan, he can't believe he has to remain just a fan. He hasn't even mustered the courage to call you. His heart shattered before he could offer it to you.
Didn't Mingyu mention he's a very sentimental person? Oh yes, he certainly did.
"I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly?" Mingyu asked during a phone call to the other person.
"We noticed you worked with Y/n on her last photoshoot sessions, so she might be comfortable with you," the other person, a representative from your management, explained to him.
Mingyu shook his head, "No, I mean... Did I hear... So, Y/n wants me to be the photographer for her release?"
"Yes, Mingyu. She believes in you for this release, and we want the best for her and her daughter."
Mingyu was left speechless after receiving the phone call. He immediately cleared his schedule for you after the call ended. He still remembered the tone of your management team as they stated, "We want to release a statement regarding the spreading rumors about our artist, Jang Y/n. She personally recommended you as the photographer. You know, the rumor is pretty sensitive for her, and the last thing we want is to make her uncomfortable during the photoshoot."
Mingyu couldn't stop smiling once he saw you arrive at the studio with your daughter in your arms. Mingyu guessed she might be 3 to 4 years old. Putting the rumor aside, your daughter is the cutest little human in the world.
"Thank you so much for accepting the request. It means a lot to me, Mr. Kim," you approached Mingyu after putting Jihan, your daughter's name, down.
Mingyu bowed, "No, it's an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me. And you can call me Mingyu, please be casual with me. No formality needed," he said to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Deep inside, he was the one who needed reassurance here, as his heart pounded like crazy.
"We're here today to shoot a beautiful portrait and video for our release. Be careful not to hurt yourself, let's work together for us," the director gave a brief direction before the photoshoot started.
Mingyu took beautiful pictures of you and Jihan. He stood behind the camera as they shot a video of you talking about Jihan, clearing up the misunderstandings.
"Jihan was almost three years old when I adopted her. I used to volunteer at the foster home when I met her, and she was so little. I found out that she's suffering from a physical disability due to harmful substances during her pregnancy."
"There's a long process in adopting her. I had to run a few tests to make sure I was an appropriate adopter, and I was so grateful that it didn't take longer time for me to finally have her."
"I actually didn't want to break this news, but the news broke itself, right? I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with having a kid, whether you're married or not. Everyone has a reason. Doing this interview is also hard for me, but I want to encourage all parents, single parents out there, that having a kid is not a sin but a blessing. And I'm very blessed to have Jihan."
Mingyu smiled as he saw Jihan, who was sitting behind you, playing with Legos. She now approached you to show you her Lego creation. "That's amazing, baby." His heart melted once he heard you compliment your daughter, completely distracted from the shoot and focusing on Jihan, which spoke volumes about your personality.
Maybe Mingyu's weaknesses boil down to three things: witty women, graceful women, and you.
He'll start by making a move toward Jihan. She mentioned his height earlier, expressing a desire to be held by him. He's all in! If Jihan wants to call him "dad" immediately, he's a goner.
He's definitely going to ask you out after this.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Rom-com, doubts and older brother complex : Dick Grayson x sister!reader
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„Hey you, how was the movie?” Dick grinned with the brightest smile upon seeing his sister back from the cinema. Said sister however was far from being happy. “Y/N?”
“Yes? I mean, yes, sure, hi Dickie. It was fine, I guess.”
“Oh no.” he muttered
“You got that face.”
“What face?!” involuntarily she glanced at the mirror just to check whether her older brother was serious or just trying to prank her.
“Please tell me you are not psychoanalyzing the movie.”
“Psycho…..? What? Me? Pfff, never.” She scoffed
“Mhm. Sure.”
“I’m sorry, what is your problem here, Grayson?” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. “Honestly I came home hoping for some peace and quiet and I feel so attacked right now.”
“Are you doing this… what was it called….?” Dick scratched his head searching for the right word “watcher insert!”
“Well, it was a movie, so definitely watcher insert. And you practically admitted you do.”
“You didn’t have to. Like I said, you got that face.” He shrugged, absolutely not convinced and unimpressed by her yelling.
“Ugh! You are insufferable!”
“Part of my charm, you know that. Now come on, come sit here and tell me what got you spinning, huh? As a big brother…..”
“Please, spare me the talk about oldest sibling and all the duties that come with it. I can handle my own shit.” She hesitantly perched on the armrest of the sofa, but Dick was not satisfied with that and grabbed her by the waist pulling next to him.
“Come on, sis, don’t be stubborn” he pinched her stomach getting a slap on the hand in exchange “that hurt.”
“Serves you well!”
“Ok, I’ll stop. Jokes aside. Get out of that head of yours and walk me through it ‘cause I don’t get it. You went to the movie theatre to have some fun ….unlike someone we know….. and came back stuck in thinking and, let me put it simply, melancholic. Not really a normal reaction after a young adult movie. It’s young adult, right?” he frowned
“You got that one right.” She sighed “I … I don’t really know. I mean, this movie was as cliché as possible and only confirm my belief that it’s not for me.”
“How come?”
“You know… nice girl, A-grade student, not knowing the bad side of life changes the surrounding, most likely moves out of the small town.  And in the city, she meets a guy, a well-known trouble-maker and more often than not, a womanizer. Of course, she swears she wants nothing to do with him but after an hour or so, couple of fights and few misunderstanding they end up together, most likely in a X-rated scene. And after another half hour, some family drama or demons from the past emerges, but all ends well and you get those fucking singing birds, shining sun, doves and all that shit. I’m so too old for that. And I think I’m starting to get bored with such films.”
“Are you?” he looked at her carefully, voice turning soft not to startle her.
“Yes.” She made a face at him
“Y/n. You say you hate it, but …”
“Don’t you dare say it!” she jumped on the couch and jabbed his chest “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“I won’t. I’ll leave that to you. Come on, say it out loud so we can process that. No one else is here.”
“I’m sorry, since when are you my therapist?”
“Since Bruce provided all his kids with trauma and forgot to equip them with the specialist to fix it. Say it.”
“I wish I have a cliché love story.” She looked down and hid face in hands because of the embarrassment. “But I’m not exactly a material for it.”
“Why not?” Dick asked, grabbing her hands and making him look at her ‘is it because you have four vigilante brothers? That can go well in a movie.” He grinned “I bet Bruce would love a cinematic work of art about himself. Can you imagine the movie “Batman?” Two and a half hours of him brooding on the screen and saving Gotham, all while looking like a sad, tormented cat” he laughed and waved his hands around
“I got this at the manor whenever I want. And when I don’t want as well. So hard pass on that movie, thanks. Jason would love it though. It would give him an opportunity to point out everything wrong with Bruce. And Tim…”
“Nice try, but stop getting off the track. Why do you think you can’t have a love story?”
“Cause I can’t define myself.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Dick’s eyes widened in disbelief “you think you need to put a tag on yourself? My lovely, crazy, irrational, foolish sister…”
“Look Dick, I’m a mess, all right? I can do hundred different things, but cannot excel in one. I start so many projects I don’t finish. I am disorganized, got plenty ideas per minute and it’s extremely hard to keep up with me. I'm stubborn, hot-headed and always need to do things my own way. ”
“So?” he shrugged
“What do you mean by so?" Y/N frowned "I don’t have routine, and apparently I’m supposed to. I’m not the best version of myself, I hate motivational quotes and I’m not sophisticated or elegant or even close to it. Shit, I hate dresses and skirts, my make-up is limited to the most basic one and I don't feel like I'm woman enough.”
“Ok, stop right there.” He cut her off “that last one is bullshit and as for the rest, why in the world would you think that eliminates you?”
“I… It just does.”
“Why?” he insisted
“will you stop this interrogation! Let me remind you, you are not a cop anymore!”
“Old habits die hard.” He blew a raspberry.
“Be a brother Dick. Sock me for wasting your time or hug me, just don’t do this….”
“Do you need a hug?” he asked opening his arms
“Yes, please” she mumbled, diving into his arms and hiding face in his shirt, smelling that familar scent. “This feels nice.”
“Told ya! Oldest brother. Now, since we are taking the comforting approach to the problem… all the things you mentioned are those what makes you, you. All right, pumpkin?” he bopped her nose “you could adopt someone else’s lifestyle, but would you feel better then? Doing all those things that does not seem like they are yours?”
“No…” she muttered
“See? You just keep doing your thing, ok? Cause when you do something that makes you happy, even if it seems like you’re a mess, you’re just glowing and that is what makes you special, you know.”
“You were writing, last night, and you had that focus and spark in your eyes. Nothing but you and your ideas, put in words on the sheet. You were just beaming. That was you. You don’t need to put  a tag on yourself, believe me. It's not a competition or anything.“
"Really?" she pulled back and eyed him, raising one eyebrow "'cause you are absolutely not the one who would join The Bachelor, right?"
"That's irrelevant..." as much as he did not like it, her words made him blush a bit. (did she find that application form he hid under the bed?!)
"Let's agree to disagree" she grinned "I'll importune you for explanation on that matter later. And since we're on the subject, what about....?"
“Do you think me the role model on relationship advice?” he smirked, but a bit of sadness crept in “I made a lot of mistakes and speaking from experience, I can tell you just can’t hurry that. Just keep your mind open?”
"Did you just admit defeat in the romance matter, Dickie?" she mocked.
"Romance? Hell no! Just long-term relation..."
"Don't worry, big brother" she his his shoulder playfully "you keep my secret safe, I keep yours. But still, that’s the worst advice I ever got.”
“Maybe…” he tickled her tummy making poor girl squeal “think Damian would have better one?”
“He’s younger than me, sure as hell I’m not gonna ask him!”
“I’m serious, sis. Once you figure out who you are inside, even if it’s a bit complicated and come to terms with it, everything will fall in place.”
“Still the worst advice ever, but thank you for trying, Dickhead.”
“Doing my best for my little princess.”
“Ugh! Stop calling me that name!”
“You used to like it.”
“I was 7 years old!!”
“All right, fine, hold the fire” Dick raised his hands in surrender “Gosh, for someone who got so much fire inside, you suffer from too little self-value.”
“Four vigilante brothers can do that to a girl.”
“Y/N? I need you to promise me one thing.”
“When you get in a relationship you will let me act like big protective brother.”
“You may have to wait a while, but sure, it that’s your dream…”
“How about I play that role in a Nightiwng suit?”
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foliosriot · 11 months
pairing: ghostface!noah sebastian x reader
warnings: talk of death and murder. brief knife-play. vaginal fingering. p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it, my friends). pre-kink. fear-play i guess. let me know if i missed anything else! 18+ only MDNI or i’ll block you.
a/n: (that one tiktok sound like-) “he was the best guy around” “what about the people he murdered?” “what murdahhhh”
tags: @starsomens @fvckmeorchokeme @cncohshit @concretenoah + everyone else who didn’t know they needed ghostface!noah in their lives ;)
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You will admit: the recent string of murders have had your guts twisted with fear and anxiety. Because what if it’s someone you know next? What if it’s one of your friends? What if it’s you?
It has been terrifying just trying to exist the past week and a half. Three people were already dead, and who knows when the next person would be found mutilated? The last one was just down the street from you, for fuck’s sake! What’s stopping that masked psycho from claiming every other life — including yours — on your street?
Nothing, you’re sure. Serial killers are hardly ever satisfied. And this one is absolutely fucking insatiable.
However, right now, it’s a little hard to think about a psychotic killer with your boyfriend looking the way he does. He’s standing in your little kitchen, a mug of tea in one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of his sweatpants.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea if you stay over, Noah,” you finally manage to say. Noah had asked if he could stay over for the night what felt like an eternity ago. You had struggled to comprehend what he had said, and were only able to respond when your best friend and roommate, Olivia, had walked up next to you.
“Why not?” Noah asks, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.
“There’s a murderer on the loose, remember, dickhead?” Olivia snaps at him. “I would rather not come back to find my best friend all dead and bloody, then adding you into the mix just to make it worse.”
Olivia had a family reunion she had to go to, something that had been planned in advance long before any of the murders had taken place. She wasn’t able to get out of it, nor was she able to convince her parents to let you tag along, even though they love you like you were their own. She was heading to the airport later tonight and coming back in two days.
You watch Noah shoot a glare at Olivia as he says, “Yeah, I’m aware there’s a murderer on the loose. But I, also, would rather not come back here to see my girlfriend dead.”
As Olivia is clearly gearing up to launch herself into a heated debacle with Noah, you stop her with a hand on her shoulder.
“Guys, I’ll be fine,” you assure them, hoping they can’t hear the waver in your voice. “After I take Olivia to the airport I’ll lock the doors and windows, turn off all the lights, then sleep with my dad’s old baseball bat next to my bed. Besides, Noah has a label meeting early tomorrow morning, so he should just head home to get some sleep for once.”
Neither of them look particularly convinced. But the mention of the metal bat seems to be enough for their tense limbs to relax.
This is the exact reason your dad gave you his bat when you first moved out, anyways. He wanted you to be safe and to protect yourself in case of an emergency. And this seems to be an emergency worthy of the beloved metal bat.
Olivia sighs dramatically from beside you. “Fine. The bat is better than nothing.” She returns Noah’s glare. “You better be gone by the time we leave for the airport in an hour.”
Noah clenches his jaw. “Got it,” he says.
With an annoyed grumble, Olivia turns on her heel and stomps towards her bedroom. Your boyfriend and your best friend have never really gotten along, simply because they both want what’s best for you and they both tend to believe they know exactly what that is. They butt heads a lot when it comes to you. Thankfully, they know they can’t have you without the other, so it’s become a resigned acceptance between them, however uncomfortable they may be about it.
You are finally able to relax your shoulders after you hear Olivia shut her door with a loud thud. Olivia is very overprotective of you and would just have you attached at the hip if she could. But sometimes her worry is suffocating. Like now. So you know she just needs a few minutes to herself before she gets on her flight.
“Did you have to be such an asshole?” you say to Noah.
“How was I being an asshole?” Noah fires back as he sets his mug down by the sink.
“You never seem to know when to stop antagonizing Olivia.”
“Well, excuse me for being worried about your safety. She’s not the only one who gets a say in this shit.”
“And you do?” you scoff, resting your hands on your hips. “So would you be okay with me unlocking every door and opening every window? Turn on each light so I’m just a fucking beacon for the murderer to come and get me next?”
Noah narrows his eyes as he stares at you. You’re now beginning to forget any thought of a psycho killer, and instead thinking of letting Noah stay tonight anyways. Let him keep you safe while also letting him do whatever he wants to you. The idea is very enticing.
“But if you don’t want that to happen, just stay the night, ‘cause I know you want to,” you encourage Noah, a small smirk making its way onto your face. “You’ll still be there for the label meeting. Olivia doesn’t have to know. Come over and keep me safe.”
Silence falls around you. Noah just continues to look at you with a dark gleam in his eyes, and you can feel a white hot knot beginning to coil down in the depths of your stomach. You shift slightly under his gaze.
“You’re being a brat.”
“Oh, fuck you,” you spit at him immediately, knowing with 100% certainty that he is going to make you pay for that comment.
“I will if you stop being a fucking brat,” Noah counters sharply. “Unless you want to keep being one, and end up being punished for it.”
You remain where you’re standing. You have zero intentions on obeying Noah, nor do you plan on dropping the bratty act. Noah loves it when you’re being a bratty bitch and defying his orders, even if he doesn’t outwardly say it. You know what it does to him, so why stop?
“Stay tonight.”
Noah doesn’t say anything. His eyes remain fixed on you, and you can feel the searing sensation of his irises roving over every inch of your body. You shift once more, hoping he doesn’t catch the movement, but you know he does.
“Come here.”
His tone is almost casual. It catches you slightly off-guard that he appears to be mildly bored, when he would normally be demanding you to approach. But you’re feeling defiant, because what is he gonna do if he doesn’t get dominant with you?
“No, I’m okay,” you say with a sickly sweet smile. “I’m not feeling very passive at the moment. Thank you, though.”
That earns you a glare. You can see the way Noah takes a grounding deep breath as his gaze darkens even more. You watch him cross his tattooed arms over his chest as he settles his weight back against the kitchen counter. He angles his head downwards, his eyes still trained on you.
God, is he trying to scare you? Because if that’s the case, he needs to rethink his fear tactics.
“I’m not afraid of you, Noah,” you practically scoff at him.
“Have I ever given you reason to be afraid of me?” he asks lowly. The tenor of his voice hums in your ears.
Noah doesn’t say anything in response. He just continues staring at you intently, his dark gaze fixed on you wholly. You aren’t able to detect any emotion in his eyes or facial features. If you couldn’t see the subtle rise and fall of his chest you’d think he were a statue — a man carved from marble with numerous, intricate paintings spanning across the beautiful stone.
As the silence drags on you begin to grow uncomfortable. Noah staring at you isn’t what’s causing you discomfort; no, it’s the anticipation and sense of the unknown he’s letting fall over you. You roll your bottom lip into your mouth and begin chewing on the skin.
But then the corner of his mouth twitches upward. The action is sly and riddled with intention.
“Then I won’t start now,” he finally says. “Unless you want me to.”
His word choice is deliberate, each one laced with a level of teasing you don’t think you have ever heard come out of Noah’s mouth. He knows what he’s doing. And he knows it is finally getting to you in the way he had initially wanted.
“So what’s it gonna be?” Noah asks. His voice is firmer as he speaks. “You gonna come over here like a good girl … or will I be giving you a reason to be afraid of me? Either way it’ll be worth it, I’m sure. But hey, your choice, princess.”
Now, there is the commanding voice you had been expecting from the start. And your heart is pumping uncontrollably now. The pulse buried beneath the surface of your neck is throbbing and vibrating, making the blood roar loudly in your ears.
He’s giving you an obvious choice: admit you were being a brat and surrender. Or, run like your life depends on it. Because it might at some point, in a manner of speaking, you realize.
“Oh, but I don’t wanna scare you too bad,” Noah continues nonchalantly, like he’s talking about the weather or something. “Especially with that psycho killer on the loose and everything, y’know.”
You’re gonna kill him. He’s being a complete ass but being so unreasonably cool and collected about it. He knows he’s getting under your skin, burrowing further beneath your veins and tendons. It has you growing enraged and annoyed with his antics, despite that searing hot coil deep in your belly.
When Noah casually pushes away from the counter, you stagger back a few steps. His grin slowly grows as he makes his way in your direction. Your feet seem to be glued to the floor as Noah is now towering over you.
“You’re gonna pay for that, by the way,” he murmurs. He brings his hand up to your face, and grips your chin between his fingers. “But not tonight. You said it yourself, princess: I have a label meeting early in the morning.”
Noah uses his grip on your chin to tug your face towards his. Your lips meet in the middle, and Noah already has his tongue in your mouth before you can process what’s happening. And you have half a brain to kiss him back, but he’s pulled away by the time you manage to catch up. You can’t control the whine that bubbles up from your throat.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” Noah says with a grin. “I love you.”
Then he’s stepping out of your space and leaving through the front door.
He leaves you breathing heavily. You nearly sprint outside and stop Noah from leaving when you hear someone walking up behind you.
“Oh, good. He’s gone.” Olivia’s voice nearly startles you. “I’ve got my stuff ready so let’s just go now. I don’t wanna get stuck in traffic.”
You nod in acknowledgement, but your brain feels fried. Your entire nervous system just got short circuited because Noah thought it would be fun to mess with you. He knows you want him to stay over while Olivia’s gone. And, you know he wants to stay over. So why did he just blow you off like that?
You don’t give yourself time to think it over before you’re following Olivia outside. You let Olivia drown you in conversation on the drive to the airport. She doesn’t appear to notice your weird behavior, or, if she has noticed, she doesn’t mention it.
But then she’s getting out of the car with her bags and you’re hugging her and you watch as she walks inside the airport and leaves you behind.
You feel like screaming.
The drive home feels like a blur. You wish you would be arriving home to see Noah waiting for you, but the house is empty. Annoyance strikes your intestines as you do what you promised initially: lock the doors, close the windows, turn off all the lights, put baseball bat at bedside.
It still feels wrong somehow. You want Noah with you, even though he has that meeting very early in the morning. In order to remedy his absence you tug on one of his sweatshirts before climbing into bed.
The next day drags on. Olivia had texted you when her flight landed and when she was reunited with her family. Noah had sent a good morning text and nothing else. You were growing increasingly angry as the hours ticked by.
You were off work today, so you had the entire day to do what you want. But your brain was vibrating with anxiety and had you stuck on the couch. You were able to get through an entire season of your favorite show, though! It still didn’t feel right.
The sun had long since fallen beyond the horizon by the time you’re rummaging through the kitchen to find something to eat for dinner. You settle on making some mac ‘n cheese, and get to work.
You’re pouring the small pot of hot noodles and water into the colander that sits in the sink when the phone rings. Another thing your dad had insisted on when you moved out: a fucking landline phone. You thought it was ridiculous, but you had humored him anyways by getting one.
With the noodles in the colander and the hot metal pot set aside you reach for the phone. You press answer and stick it between your ear and shoulder as you continue making your dinner.
“Can I help you?”
“Who are you?”
“I dunno, who are you trying to reach?”
“I’m not sure.”
“That’s okay. Must be wrong number. Don’t worry — it happens.”
You’re quick to transfer the phone back in to your hand and end the call. Dialing the wrong number happens all the time, so the oddity of it doesn’t irk you.
Not until you have the mac ‘n cheese all ready a couple minutes later and the landline rings once more. You furrow your eyebrows as you go to answer it.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number again.”
It’s that same voice. There’s a familiarity to it you can’t quite put your finger on.
“It’s alright. I’ll let you go so you can try again. Third time’s the charm, right?”
You’re about to put the phone down when the person on the other end stops you, saying, “Wait! Aren’t you gonna tell me your name?”
“Why do you wanna know my name?”
“Just in case I accidentally call you again, of course.”
“Well, I’m confident you won’t. You’ve got this.”
“In the meantime, as I’m trying to remember the correct number, let’s play a game.”
You roll your eyes. “A game? Why?”
“‘Cause it’s fun,” the person says simply. “Plus, I think we’re friends now, so it’s only fair, isn’t it?”
“I guess…”
“Good. Answer a series of questions correctly and you win. Answer incorrectly, and I win.”
“What does the winner get?”
“Whatever they want.”
You consider this for a moment. Because what’s the harm in answering some meaningless questions from a stranger? But you find yourself anxiously rethinking your decision even as you agree.
“Good. I’ll give you a couple warm-up questions. Starting with: do you have a boyfriend?”
“I do.”
“Hm. Pity. What’s he like?”
“First you wanna know about me, and now my boyfriend?” You’re growing more and more irritated with every passing second you are on the phone with this person. “You planning on stealing him from me?”
“No, of course not. Just tell me about him.”
“Oh, my god. I’m hanging up now—“
“Hang up and it’ll be the last thing you do.”
The sheer aggression and violence that ripple through this stranger’s voice forces you to stop. The phone begins to gently rattle against your ear and you can’t suppress the shaking that overcomes your body. Panic is now flowing through your veins as you stand in your kitchen in silence.
“Good girl. Now, where were we? Right: tell me about your boyfriend.”
“Um, he… He has tattoos, a-and he’s really tall. Uh, he— He’s in a famous metal band, and—“
“Yeah? What band?”
“B-Bad Omens.”
“Oh, I know them. Don’t they sing that song Just Pretend?”
You nod, even though you know they can’t see you. “Y-Yeah. Yeah, that’s them,” you murmur.
“Well, let’s start the actual game, shall we? First question: your boyfriend was at a meeting this morning with his band and their label. Who’s their label?”
The question stuns you. You’re suddenly frozen in place and you can’t gather the air in your lungs to even breathe, let alone speak. How the fuck do they know that? Why do they want this information if they obviously already have it?
“S-Sumerian,” you choke out.
“Correct. Next question: what band member left before the production of their second album began?”
You now feel sick to your stomach. You suspect this has to be some crazed fan with an unhealthy obsession with Bad Omens. If that’s the case, they should know already know the answer to this particular question. So why are they asking you?
“Good. Final question: where am I?”
“Wh-What? What do you mean where are you?”
“Where. Am. I?”
Dread floods your body. “Are you in my house?!” you practically yell in to the phone speaker.
“Come find out. But if you find me it won’t count as answering the question.”
You’re quick to tear the landline from your ear and jab your thumb against the end call button then tossing it onto the kitchen counter. Your hands are shaking as you take a few steps away from it, silently hoping it won’t ring again.
But it isn’t the phone’s shrill ring that makes you jump. It’s a sound coming from somewhere else in the house.
Your fight or flight response kicks in immediately. You rush to flee through the front door when you hear slow, heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. They sound calculated and deliberate, and you have no choice but to stand there in terror.
From the direction of yours and Olivia’s bedrooms comes a dark figure. They walk out of the shadows and into the dining room. Their body is covered in a black cloak, with a hood up over their head and a white mask on their face. The mask is a simple depiction of a screaming face. But it’s not any less mortifying as you watch them.
The figure comes to a stop when they catch sight of you. Their head tilts to one side, almost they’re considering their next move of action.
But you move first, suddenly booking it for the opposite end of the house towards the laundry room, the extra bathroom, and the garage. You hear them give chase a moment later.
You scramble your way into the garage in hopes of getting the large door to slide open. But the masked figure is one step behind you, and prevents you from hitting the door controls. They have you tripping forwards, and you nearly face plant into the concrete but you catch your weight on your hands. You push yourself up just as the intruder goes to grab you.
Darting around your car, that still sits idly in the middle of the space, you are being taunted by the figure in the hood. They stay near the door back into the house which keeps you on the other side of the car.
Then they’re skirting around the vehicle straight for you. You make a last second decision and make a break for the door inside. The intruder races back after you.
The figure chases you down the hall towards your bedroom. You go to slam the door shut before they can reach you, but you didn’t anticipate their strength. They shove the door open all the way, making you scramble back to your bed. You’re panting as you scoot backwards on the mattress.
The black-cloaked figure says nothing as they slowly stalk towards you. Adrenaline in coursing through your veins and you’re panicking. You are rendered silent as they reach the bed and continue their hunt across the sheets until they’re looming over you. The white mask is haunting as it stares down at you with that soundless wail.
“P-Please… I-I don’t wanna die…”
No response. Whoever is underneath that mask does not seem interested in listening to your pleas.
One of their hands reaches back behind them and reveals a shimmering hunting blade. The metal is clean and shiny, and you can see your fear reflected back at you through it.
Their unoccupied hand goes for your shirt, and you flinch at the contact. Your heart is pounding relentlessly as your shirt is lifted from your body. You couldn’t help but be compliant, especially with how they’ve got you situated between their legs.
You watch as they point the knife at you, then have the fine tip poking at the indent at the center of your collarbones. The barely-there feeling of the cold metal on your skin is sending your brain into overdrive. They then slowly, lazily, drag the blade downwards across your bare chest. You see how they’re clearly enamored by the goosebumps flaring across your abdomen as they continue dragging the knife down, down down…
Suddenly, there’s a hand gripping your throat. But it’s not with the murderous intention you were expecting. Instead, there is almost a gentleness to how their squeezing your neck, with the way their thumb grazes your pulse point.
You’re horrifically confused.
You nearly say something to them, but they’re taking the hand holding the knife to their mask. And then they tug off the black hood and this is the end, oh god—
And yes, that is your boyfriend kneeling above you with a wicked grin on his face and a knife in his hand. The terror and anxiety you had been feeling begins to melt away, and you can feel nothing but anger and embarrassment.
“Told you I’d see you tonight, didn’t I?” Noah says casually.
It’s a struggle to comprehend his presence. You can’t understand why he’s doing this or why he thought it was okay with a murderer running rampant.
“Wh-What the fuck?” you stammer.
“Oh, what’s wrong, baby?” Noah takes his gloved hand away from your throat and uses it to brush aside the stray hairs that were clinging to your skin. “I thought you wanted me to stay over? Keep you safe?”
You did want that, yes. But this is not what you meant. Never did you say you wanted Noah to stalk you like he were the predator and you were the prey.
But you can’t stamp down the exhilaration that is igniting your insides. You can’t get rid of it, especially with how Noah is looking at you. You suddenly want to turn in to jelly and be completely and utterly obedient to his every word.
And that sort of terrifies you.
“I-I did, but you didn’t have to do this,” you tell him. Your body is slowly relaxing beneath the weight of his own, now that any imminent danger has been found folly.
Noah looks at you quizzically. “What do you mean?” he asks you innocently. “I just wanted to make sure you were safe and sound.”
Noah begins tracing lines across your stomach and chest with the blade’s edge once more, a careful hold on the hilt in order not to pierce your flesh. The sensation has your brain faltering and not fully processing his words. Your hands inch towards his thighs.
He notices your hands moving in no time. He doesn’t stop you and says nothing.
You slither your hands under the cheap black fabric, and you immediately grip at his legs. You boldly glide your hands upwards until you reach the waistband of Noah’s pants. Noah watches as you tug lightly at one of the belt loops, then going for the zipper.
“Did my little charade turn you on, baby?” Noah moves the knife under your chin and gently pushes up so you’re forced to make eye contact with him. “Did you like me chasing you?”
You nod. And you see him grin.
“Shit, and who am I to deny you?”
But you know Noah. He’s going to tease you and get you all worked up, have you in near hysterics before he finally gives you what you want. And he doesn’t seem to be in a very generous mood at the moment.
Noah drops the knife to pull off the entire costume. He tosses it aside before getting rid of his shirt as well. A part of you knows this is what he wanted from the beginning, when he first offered to sleep over. But you can’t be bothered by that, not when he’s moving back enough to pull down your pants.
When he gets your pants off, and they join the rest of the clothes on the floor of your bedroom, Noah drags his tattooed hands up your legs agonizingly slow. He stops briefly when he reaches the top of your thighs, but then he proceeds to dig his fingernails in to the soft flesh and tugs you towards him. You yelp in surprise and are promptly shut up when you find your legs slung around Noah’s waist and his hand resting at your throat again.
“Good girl,” Noah says quietly. The hand not on your neck has begun making its way to your clothed core, which earns a weak whimper from you. “Are you gonna keep being a good girl for me?”
You whine when his fingers start stroking at you through your underwear. You think you answer him, but you don’t care enough as you are now grinding into his hand.
For a moment, you feel Noah remove his hands from your body. You whimper and whine at the loss of touch, until his hand is back at your throat and there’s a sharp cold resting on your hip.
The knife harmlessly glides against your skin once more. Then the pressure from the waistband of your underwear vanishes, to be replaced by the metallic cold of the blade in Noah’s hand. It slowly travels down past your pelvis, making you jerk in surprise.
Noah chuckles at the way your body reacts. You almost begin bitching at him when the knife disappears and is then substituted for his fingers. And his fingers feel so much better against your folds than that stupid knife could ever dream of.
And he’s just lazily stroking, avoiding slipping any one of his long, tattooed digits inside of you. You try your best to grind back against his hand, but the one at your throat squeezes for just a moment. It makes you pause, whining at the unexpected dizziness you are now experiencing.
Then his fingers are inside you, stroking and rubbing and searching for that bundle of nerves deep within. You cry out at the sudden intrusion. But then you’re pushing back on Noah’s fingers and the pressure on your throat eases a bit.
“Such a good girl,” you hear Noah murmur. “Can you cum for me, sweetheart?”
You nod frantically and he thrusts his fingers harder into your pussy. You’re moaning and writhing at his touch, and then that same pressure is applied once more to your throat and it’s just too much. Your body clenches around Noah’s fingers and you ride out your orgasm as he slows down his strokes.
The feeling of suddenly being empty is overwhelming. But you don’t have to worry about that much longer when Noah maneuvers your body off of him and onto your stomach. You feel the bed shift as he moves, and the sound of him taking off his pants has you gripping at the sheets.
Then the bed dips from Noah’s weight and he’s suddenly right above you. His bare legs are caging in your thighs and his hands are gently roaming over the expanse of your back. You can feel his cock against your ass; it takes a little too much self control to not push back into him, although you end up failing.
“You look so hot like this, baby,” Noah says. His hands halt at your hips, and he’s digging his fingertips into the bone. “So, so good for me.”
Noah doesn’t hesitate when he begins pushing his hard cock into you and using your hips as leverage. You’re crying out and moaning weakly as he adjusts slightly and then bottoms out.
There isn’t any warning given before Noah is pulling out just enough then slamming back in. He sets a brutal but steady pace as he fucks you. Your knuckles are whitening from your tight grip on the bedsheets. You quickly become a moaning, blubbering mess beneath Noah as he keeps going and going.
He keeps hitting your cervix perfectly and it makes you see stars. His hands on your hips is currently the only tether you have on reality.
Suddenly there’s a hand in your hair and it tugs at the roots until you prop yourself up on your elbows. Noah’s grip on your hair is sending spikes of pain from your scalp all the way down to your shoulders. But each thrust of his hips is another tug on the strands of hair entangled in his fingers. It’s a mashup of sensations that has you chasing your high again.
“Ah— Ah—“
God, you’re so close. You need to cum so fucking bad.
“Ah, Noah—“
“Come on, baby,” Noah breathlessly encourages you. “I want you to cum with my name on your lips.”
And with that, your pussy is clenching around him and you’re coming with a cry of his name. Then his thrusts get sloppier until he’s coming inside of you. You feel all warm as you are filled with nothing but Noah.
Noah then pulls out and the feeling of his cum dripping out of you is definitely the best thing you’ve ever experienced.
His hands are then forcing you to turn over and rest on your back. He straddles your weak body, and the sight of him above you like that makes you want to go again.
“Such a good little slut for me,” he says quietly. His chest is heaving as he drags one of his hands upwards, starting at your stomach and stopping at your tits. He palms one then the other, playing with each for but a moment. “Always so good for me, baby.”
Silence settles over you while Noah continues to just touch you. It’s calming and has your eyelids growing heavy.
But there’s still something that is gnawing at your brain. And you have to say something.
“Are you the killer?” Your voice is fragile when you verbalize your question.
It doesn’t seem to bother Noah, though. His hands are still wandering and touching you as he seems to process what you said.
“Yes. Does that scare you?” he replies. His eyes dart up to meet yours, and the dark glint has your heart pounding. “Do I scare you?”
You don’t have an answer for him, so you remain quiet.
“Are you afraid of me?”
He’s referring to what you had talked about yesterday. A part of you wants to yell out and tell him you are utterly terrified of him, that you cannot fathom the horrific atrocities he has committed. You can’t stand the thought of how much blood stains his hands. The hands that are touching you, caressing every curve…
“No,” you whisper.
Noah’s mouth twists into a lopsided grin. Your answer seems to satisfy him, and you can’t help the satisfaction you also feel spreading throughout your chest.
“Good. I would never want you to be afraid of me,” he tells you as he leans down so your faces are parallel. “You’re mine. And I’ll get rid of anyone that thinks they can take you from me.”
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated :)
a/n: happy halloween, my fellow noah whores >:))
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lemotmo · 2 months
Okay it has a bit more of their lunacy but more importantly it looks like we also got one of the reasons why some people are jumping ship, and it makes sense. Also we should all totally start saying that is who these people really are, haha. They would die.
Q. What does it feel like to ship a couple of playground bullies? You must be so proud.
Q. Wow Oliver's true colors are so disappointing. What an utter lap dog he is to Ryan. Hope they enjoy one another because no one will want anything to do with either one of them when Lou comes out and says how awful they are to him.
Q. I just feel so bad for Lou. He tried so hard to fit in with them and be friends and they went out of their way to exclude him and make fun of those of us who genuinely love and appreciate him. They can have each other. I'm all for the show giving Tommy a different love interest. He deserves better than Oliver/Buck.
Q. So I was a B/T shipper because it was the canon ship. But I was there for Buck and those psychos wanted us to start going around and bashing Oliver and spamming Twitter and Instagram with how awful he is. Yeah they can keep their crazy. I'll go back to happily waiting for Buddie. What a brunch of losers.
Q. Current canon ship or not, I'm out. I don't play about Oliver/Buck. I was happy to ship the current canon but I draw the line at openly hating on Oliver. They're crazy.
Q. You come for my boy and the other boy I have loved for 6 years and I'm out. I shipped it because it was the current canon. You want to try and force me to turn on Oliver and Ryan you're sadly mistaken. You freaks can have each other. What a complete waste of my time.
A. Once again this has all resulted from a mustache Instagram filter. I cannot make sense of you people at all. So I've decided that you are not actually Lou/Tommy fans. I think Lou got together with a couple of his friends and decided he wanted some attention. So he asked his friends to go online and pretend to be massive Tommy fans to see if he could force the show's hands. Only no one cared so you all double drowned and decided to try and prove that the audience actually prefers Tommy to Buck. But that has backfired spectacularly and now you and Lou are stuck because he can't come out and say he made all of you up for attention because that would be pathetically embarrassing. So instead you all just have to pretend to become more and more detached from reality. I hope he paid you all well for this because yikes. Don't try to convince me that you're not actually Lou and his friends. I've decided that makes sense in my head so it is now fact, and you're all bigots if you try and disagree with me (did I do that right, guys?).
Anyway, to the Oliver anons, that was always going to be the problem for the Lou diehards. The majority of you were going to be there for Buck. And the more obvious it became, especially with Oliver, that it isn't anything to really invest in most of you were always going to walk away. That's why they were so desperate to start a fandom war. Their only hope was to try and turn people against Oliver and Ryan. It was the dumbest of dumb strategies and watching it completely fall apart for them over an Instagram filter Oliver and Ryan were having fun with is absolutely fitting. They deserve their demise to be this utterly ridiculous.
I know I'm repeating myself over and over again, but still-- thank you so much Nonny for dropping this into my inbox.
A bit of a follow up to the previous ask and-- yeah, I just. No. I promised myself to not lose anymore brain cells to this lunacy. I can't anymore with these people.
But I am so thankful and happy to see that a lot of the more mainstream BT shippers who love the show, who were mostly in it for Buck and because they enjoyed the BT dynamic (Nothing wrong with that by the way. Ship and let ship!) have seen how this small subset of Tommy fans is behaving towards the cast. I know that some of the shippers weren't sure about the stories and rumours going around about Tommy stans being blocked and things like that. Today we have seen enough proof of that kind of behaviour to leave no doubt.
Anyway, on to better things I hope.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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grxmreaperx · 11 months
ive been stuck in the airport for 8 hours and awake for 29 hours so i have deleriously begun thinking of domestic Mark Hoffman on a vacation.
To me he definitley screams airport dad, he’s holding everyones passports and boarding passes, he’s weighing everyones bags , quadruple checking everyone has everything they need and the whole kit and caboodle. but on the flip side the second yall are actually in the plane in the air he becomes normal cocky Mark Hoffman again, whispering in your ear about joining the mile high club and honestly probably doing it lolllll ,, his hand permanently gripping your thigh or having you sleep on his shoulder
anyway thats the end of my delusional rambles about my fav psycho bastard <33
ok this is so fucking funny and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since this hit my inbox so have some headcanons (might make this into a full goofy fic at some point we'll see)
first off, i hope you get some sleep soon!!
domestic Hoffman has me WEAK
he gets so stressed
"did you pack this?" "did you pack this?" "did you pack this?"
"for FUCKS sake Mark why don't you just pack?"
has to be at the airport like 8 hours early
wears the most outrageous Hawaiian shirts he can find
i have a headcanon that he dresses fairly darker on his days off (probably old band tshirts type of look) but on vacation this man would look like a stereotypical tourist
i'm just imagining you and Mark going on a vacation with all of the other apprentices (and Adam because i said so)
he's considered putting one of those kiddie leases on Adam because he always wanders off
the only person he doesn't yell at for walking too slow is John
he and Amanda are fighting because she tried to bring a knife through the metal detectors and now you're all stopped by security and he's worried you're going to miss your flight (it's four hours away)
the only people he doesn't get annoyed with are you and Lawrence (who he has put in charge of Adam)
"Amanda did you pack sunscreen for John? I don't want to listen to either of you complain if he gets burnt"
"babe i'm gonna kill them, someone is not making it on that plane."
he's internally screaming when Amanda and Adam start playing monkey in the middle with his wallet cause they're bored
"John control your children for fuck's sake"
"Lawrence would you control your boy toy my GOD"
you, John, and Lawrence are just sitting, patiently waiting to board the plane and watching Mark die a little inside
definitely said he would "turn this car around" at least once when you were on your way to the airport
once you're on the plane (and you've made sure he's not sitting next to Amanda or Adam) he's back to normal
absolutely makes a joke about you two joining the mile high club
(and you probably do if we're being honest)
will not stop whispering things in your ear just to entertain himself
Adam makes fun of you later after he saw you both sneaking out of the bathroom
you try and convince him to sleep on the plane ride but he refuses
it starts all over again once the plane lands
"babe someone is not going to make it to the hotel why didn't we just come by ourselves"
tag list: @bee-who-isnt-french, @enigmatic-blues, @kujofam, @aliengutzstuff, @mysunfishpeedinmyroom, @slut4hoffman, @schrodingersjigsaw, @hoffmansnightmare, @karmaswitch, @mrs-hotforhoffman, @returntodustsblog, @capan-deveraux2, @switchbabeeexo, @librababe99, @honimello
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misterragny · 5 months
I recently reread the Fairy Tail manga...
Well, what can I say, from the very beginning of this anime / manga, I liked a couple of Natsu/Lucy and I were scared of their long-term relationship for a while 
My fanatical desire for their relationship lived in my heart for a long time, until I realized a simple truth 
They will be 100% together, I am no longer afraid of such a long development of relations, because it is already clear and understandable that everything will be fine with them
I'll explain:
In all my long (25 years) life, I have not seen so many hints from the author about their relationship
(How do I want to see so many hints about Kogami and Akane from the Psycho Passport🥲)
How many times did Lucy calm Natsu down, how many times did Natsu rush into battle, seeing that Lucy was in danger
You can say no, he was eager to fight for the guild and for his friends, yes you are absolutely right 
But look at it from the other side, Mashima supports NaLu's day, he painted NaLu's daughter, can this not be considered a wild hint at their canon?
I believe that at the end of all 100-year quests and the continuation of these 100-year quests, Natsu will finally understand that it's time to take the relationship to a new level (to the level of Edolas, otherwise, knowing Natsu, he will transfer them to a completely different, unknown level) 
So why am I doing this, just recently I was in a misunderstanding and even in a panic that they are not being made a couple, but after looking at several sites and blogs, I am convinced for the first time that they are canon and will be canon
A few facts:
• The author made bold allusions to their relationship several times throughout the manga (how many screenshots do I have on my phone, God)
• The author drew his daughter NaLu and adheres to their day, celebrating it annually with fans
• NaLu is officially canon in Edolas!
(After a while I expect it in the original world)
• Plus another chapter from the 100-year quest, which shows alternative characters from the original, where Lucy and Natsu have an interesting relationship, if you understand what I mean 😏
 I will also present some screenshots in addition 😁
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Well, thank you all for your attention 😄
Sorry for the mistakes, I'm working with a translator 🥲
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mswyrr · 11 months
THG is the only pop culture story I can think of where the heroes (Katniss and Peeta) are disabled* and their happy ending doesn't require that they be "fixed" in order to be happy. IMO, part of why there's such controversy over the ending of the books in particular is that Collins wrote the pov of Katniss as a woman who is content and loves her life and her spouse and kids, but she's still very clearly mentally ill (and arguably somewhere on the spectrum). She has coping strategies and her life is good, but she will never be "normal" and Collins doesn't let the audience think that.
The one part, where she talks about how she handles the darker days, when she's really struggling, never fails to move me:
I’ll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I’m afraid it could be taken away. That’s when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I’ve seen someone do. It’s like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play. (Mockingjay, 332)
It's hard to express how important that is to me. Someone doesn't have to be "normal" to lead a good life. Someone doesn't have to be "normal" to have a life worth living, to give and receive love in good ways.
And, so, when people look at the villain in the prequel and say "he's just crazy, that's why he's evil. He's just a psycho, he's nuts," it's so out of place, it's so dissonant to me -- I think that's absolutely not the kind of story Collins would tell, given her prior handling of disability.
I don't think she's suddenly turned into a Victorian writer where you can know someone is evil because they're disabled because the writer thinks disabled people are warped creatures incapable of doing anything but bringing evil into the world. And the way people assert this, as if it's the pure, wholesome, most politically advanced reading of the prequel, is just - it doesn't compute for me. I don't understand how people get there.
I studied (for years) the treatment of mentally ill people in the mid-20th Century US. It was horrific. US forced sterilization and eugenics laws actually inspired N/azi Germany's forced sterilization, eugenics, and mass murder campaigns against mentally ill and disabled people. Nice, normal people have repeatedly convinced themselves that torturing and killing disabled people is how they will "purify" their society - they've done great evil in the name of rooting out the people evil is supposedly located within biologically.
Is it so hard to believe that people with normal brains do evil? Is it truly so impossible? Even in a story where the Games are about how a lot of people, the majority of whom are neurotypical, can be brought, via media presentation and entertainment techniques, into taking pleasure in their participation in evil? It's so hard to fathom that evil can't simply be located in someone being "psycho"?
Ballad already has Dr Gaul, who is evil and clearly neurodivergent. If Snow is too then the message starts to get kind of worrying? IMO, Coriolanus is more effective as a kind of “everyman” as an 18 year old - an example of the incentive structures (rewards and punishments) and propaganda that motivate “normal” people to go along. Of course, he will later become something far worse than that, someone who takes control of this thing, who uses his intimate knowledge of it and his insight into other “normal” people to make it worse, but that’s not the part of his life we see the most of. The part the book focuses on provides what I consider a powerful depiction of how ordinary people are acculturated into corrupt societies.
It's fiction so there's all kinds of interpretations that the text can support and exploring those is good. It's a stronger text because it has ambiguities and can be interpreted more than one way. But the intensity of some of the rhetoric is an unsettling contrast to what I've thought, for over a decade, Collins' themes and pov are as a writer.
*Shame on the films for removing Peeta's physical disability, though; in the books he lost a leg during their first Games
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conniesministallion · 4 months
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☆☆𝓘𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉𝟣☆☆
Warnings: Violence! (Rafe/Ward)(Rafe/JJ) Angst!
Pairing: Rafe x Black reader
This is y/n's POV for now
Summary: Waking up in the hot tropical sun, y/n makes her way to enjoy the rest of her summer. Rafe is keeping it together but struggles on his own. This is just the beginning and I like detail so bare with me lol.
A/N: So sorry it's late I scheduled the post and somehow someway it didn't save :((
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
" I really could get used to staying here." I manage to croak out of my wine dried mouth. These past few months have been absolute paradise. Trying to convince myself that this isn't better than Kildare is ridiculous. I wish I could stay here for a bit longer but school was starting and I knew I would have to get back to the hot Carolina heat.
Slowly turning on to my side to the ivory colored night stand and grabbing my phone. Finally deciding to check snapchat, the first one is JJ's. I'm not surprised to see his bloody nose but hold on, why the fuck am I tagged.
" Your bestie is a psycho but I'll get my lick back @y/nkitty"
What the fuck? So, your bold enough to tag me but not the one that clearly beat your ass?
First of all, I'm not even there. Second I am not that mans owner, the fuck is he tagging me for! Wait, mkay so back to the fighting shit again? Rafe really ugh.
MayJ: Tag the one you beefing with if you bold mf not his bsf.
I quickly switched to messages and tried to hold myself back from raging on Rafe. He knows damn well I don't do fighting unless it's necessary and knowing him. The fight was obviously over something small.
Rafeybby: Dude are you serious? Got mfs tagging me cuz you don't know how to keep your damn anger in check? 7:42 a.m. Rafeybby: Seriously what was it over? Are you okay? I can't patch you up this time but we can call if you're free. 7:43 a.m.
Being so fed up with his antics combined with him not responding, I swing my feet over the plush mattress making my way towards the white bathroom doors. Washing my face with some coconut facial scrub, brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower. I make out of the restroom when I hear my cousin's high pitch scream from downstairs.
" Y/n your mom made breakfast and we're heading out towards the island to shop in the village hurry!"
"I'm getting dressed be down soon!" I yelled back.
I hurry and get dressed as I grab my phone of the dresser. Realizing that Rafe has yet to respond to me.
Grabbing my purse and making my way downstairs I briefly glance at the polaroid of Rafe and myself sitting on the beach.
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
" Is it possible that you have this in gold and silver as a pair?"
Already into the village, I decided to get a piece of the island for me and Rafe to share. Not knowing when either of us would be able to come back together. Summer in Kildare meant more parties, more clients for rafe to sell, and more drama around my friend group. Speaking of, I need to call Ki and Jade to catch them up with my summer. Plus....I wanna know the messy tea that been popping off while I was gone. I turned my attention back to the lady realizing that I spaced out.
" Of course love, give me one second to wrap them for you."
I haven't been to the village since I was a child and standing here at the booth makes me a lil anxious. Much more people here than back a figure 8.
The sun is illuminating over the sand filled roads with taverns covering the coast. Merchants on every end of this small corner of the village. People of all ages gathering and talking amongst one another and even though the heat is suffocating everyone seems pleased.
The scarf around my locs is loose on my head, the thin fabric of my skirt makes the heat feel cooler as the breeze hits my skin. I settled for a tube top my granny made me as a plus. It reminds me of the summers we spend together while fishing for dinner.
" You're all good to go dear! These are the perfect gift for a lover if you have one in mind." She expressed to me. Reaching out her small hand and placing the glitter wrapped bracelets on the counter.
I smile at the old lady who looks at me with beaming eyes.
" I have no lover but I do have a best friend. I'm sure they'll be happy to have a thoughtful gift." I softly spoke. As I grab the bag off of the wooden counter. I thank her as I make my way to find the rest of my family.
" We're heading to Seaside Oasis. Did you get everything you needed?" My mom says as she checks her phone for the reservations.
"I got some gifts and tons of clothes hopefully they'll fit in my suitcase." I giggled back.
Heading to lunch while my dad constantly talks his head off does not sound so pleasant but drinking does.
As we made out way towards the seating area and settle down. I ordered first while my family followed. Of course as soon as the food comes my father starts to talk about his collogues. Choosing to ignore him while sipping on a margarita. I start to think about Rafe, which is what I've been doing constantly while away. I miss him of course but, the constant fights and selling is what makes me worry.
On top of his reputation of sleeping with anything that walks, unless it's a pogue doesn't make it any better. This man spoils me constantly, he doesn't need to but he does. Not with just money either but affection....which I wouldn't be surprised he does with the rest of the girls he whatever I'm getting pissed just thinking about it.
.。ping ping.。 Rafeybby: Nice to hear from you too mama. I'm all good how's your trip? Rafeybby: That mf tagged you but has be blocked is crazy. Why do you have him on snap anyway. Thought I told you to block him before you left. 10:30 a.m.
Me: Just call me when you can and don't worry I'm having fun. Just wanted to make sure you were good. Rafeybby: You just gonna skip over what I said? Rafeybby: Don't worry mama we'll talk about it later. Going to Barry's, call when I can.
Umm.....who the hell, does this mf thinks he is? My Daddy???
I stared at the phone with my head tilted sideways. I'm not even gonna respond to his ass. Constantly thinking that I'm going to listen to him is gonna get his ass cursed out. Especially since he knows that it won't work. But for now instead of thinking of what kind of timing Rafe is on, im gonna sit back, sip my drink, and
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
Enjoy my summer <3
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
☆ Introduction ☆
Hi! You can call me Starz! (I have a few other names but this one is funky lol)
I'm 22 years old, I use them/them pronouns and if you just give me a nudge, i Will talk your ears out about my hc about the valkyries and the black sisters. Oh also fuck Joanne, hope you choke <3
Working on a register of marauders nicknames because it gets confusing :(+ new idea for the girls.
I'm mostly into:
✦ The Valkyries
✦ The Black Sisters (and their parents & partners)
✦ The Marauders
✦ And a sprinkle of Slytherin Skittles, Batfamily and Golden trio era (mostly Drarry)
(✦ Merlin is always in my mind but also I don’t wanna interact with it too much bcs they genuinely make me sick like I feel so strongly about them.)
Favorite ships:
Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Jegulily, Quillkiller (+ Zabini on the weekend), Nobleflower, Noblesilver (Narcissa x Zabini), Wolfstar, Poppy x Minnie, and Sybill x Peter.
But honestly I can be sold anything that isn't icky (big age gap, power imbalance, INCEST, etc) if you’re convincing enough. I’m not a big fan of straight ships tho I’m gonna be frl… but any queer ship? Slay!
Fav platonic ships: Marlene & Peter & James, Marlene & Sirius, Moonflower
Favorite characters:
✶ Marlene McKinnon
✶ Peter Pettigrew
✶ Narcissa Malfoy
✶ Evelyn Zabini
✶ and honestly all the girlies ( Lily, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, ...)
Beliefs, favorite headcanons and stuff under this (take a peek) :)
Things i believe in that can be controversial(?):
Begging people to stop making Peter fucking skinny I'm being so serious, I WILL block you. (also when people don't include Pete as a member of the group like he was chosen as Secret Keeper because he was their BEST FRIEND be frl)
Lily Evans is polyamorous and she's so real for that (with maybe a hint of aromantic vibes tbf)
PANDORA DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AS LUNA *cries* no but frl like Xenophilius is right there being a fucking Luna clone and you're gonna give her personality to Pandora?? (i need to get more into how i see her, will make a post at some point lol) Also I don't believe in the hc that she's a Rosier and Evans twin.
If you're gonna redeem Barty and Evan, you cannot go and shit on Bellatrix like let's be serious. You definitely can not like her but why are you over there calling her a psycho (derogatory).. have you seen your boys? (also people are sleeping on the Black Sisters as a whole)
Sybill Trelawney is such an interesting character and I think giving so much of her characteristics to Pandora water them both down. Also the angst is so good? Like come on guys (more on this)
I actually think Severus Snape is an interesting characters.
You shouldn't buy official merch or tickets to events or anything that would give money to jkr because that makes her believe people support her in her views about Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:
✮ Peter, James and Marlene being childhood best friends
✮ Fat Lily my beloved <3
✮ Dorcas and Marlene doing each other's hair every month after getting together (Dorcas dye Marlene's hair blonde and Marlene learn how to braid so she can do new protective styles for Dorcas)
✮ Bellatrix, Rita and Evelyn being the Diamonds and terrorising Hogwarts when they were there.
✮ Peter k!lling Marlene :)
More about me:
My first language is French. I have the shittiest sleep schedule known to man. I am a professional yapper.
I'm absolute shit with tone so might use tone indicator (but tbf the wonder of # here are making this much easier)
If you couldn’t tell from my choices up there, I fucking love angst. I’m writing sad shit and giggling, I’m writing happy shit so the angst is sadder. I Will make you cry (hopefully).
I’m also mad silly.
I have a few others account in the marauders community (Insta, Tiktok, Ao3, ...) but it's a secret (lol)
If you’re interested in what I like to say here, just look up the #starz yap tag, it’s what I use when I have ideas that I write more deeply about. :) + #starz hc for when it’s a personal add on headcanons. Using @starztakes for reposting just my hc and yapping without all the extra stuff.
Alright i think that covers it up. Hope you enjoy my account! P.S: idm stalking of my page and spamming lol so go for it (I do it by accident all the time… #starz struggle)
oh also i'm a Marlene kinnie. kiss.
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beesmygod · 5 months
do the forbidden woods have any connection to the beasts or great ones, aside from being geographically adjacent to byrgenwerth? Are the snake infested fellows just "normal" as far as yharnam is concerned? Like before yharnam got all bloodborney, was the Yharnam Cartographer's Guild map of the woods still just a big circle with SNAKES written?
this is a really good question because, as a lore psycho, i think the understated lore implications of the woods are genuinely fascinating. i think there's a lot to unpeel, even if we take into account that it was one of the places in the game that was chopped up at the 11th hour and scrambled before release.
as always for these lore posts, important nouns are bolded and speculation is in italics. we are going to discuss the woods in three parts: from the gatekeeper to the windmill is "the village". from the windmill to byrgenwerth is "the woods". the subterranean cave shortcut back to yharnam will just be called "shortcut." i'll expand on this shit GREATLY when we reach this part in "you hunted" (I HAVENT STOPPED WORKING ON IT I PROMISE IM JUST SWAMPED) so considered this a light overview. feel free to ask for more details on things and ill do my best to fill in the blanks.
-from the jump, the village gatekeeper is a fucking weird little blip in bloodborne's narrative. i haven't thought about him enough to figure out if he's more than just a spooky, unexplained element but he has some cut dialog that sheds some mindboggling information about yharnam: he seems very confused about WHEN it is and will cite the last time he had a visitor as anything from a year to a century.
-the lamps in this area lighting the way to the village are little burning fetal beasts of some sort.
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i'm starting to understand more and more about how fire operates in the world of bloodborne, since most of the time it appears in the game, it's seemingly impossible. the thing that confused me the most was how old yharnam was still burning if it happened a long time ago. i think it's time to start thinking of the old blood as impossibly combustible and a great source of light/fire. this isn't the first in-universe example of creatures being used as fuel: the lamps in the fishing village are slugs (also infants? they strongly resemble the hunter's appearance as a baby great one in the "childhood's beginning" ending). this is a whole fucking like, thing. it's its own post.
next, the huntsmen enemies here are dressed funny. you probably noticed it but couldn't pin down how. they're dressed in white church clothes! the first model here is used only in the forbidden woods. the two on the left are from central yharnam. note the gloves on the first two; these are church doctors!
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(this post goes on like this for some time)
the white church doctors are the ones that were doing "experimentally backed blood ministration". the butcher's garb further defines it as "forbidden research". these white church doctors are the citizens of this "village". in the clustered buildings where the majority of the huntsmen are, you can find blue elixir and beast blood pellets in abundance. both of these items can only be purchased from the store after obtaining the choir's badge, drawing a firm connection between the white church doctor's research and the goals of the choir.
although, this probably isn't too much of a surprise; it's almost certain that this is where fauxsekfa came from. she took the same shortcut we did, right? i'm not really sure i understand the shortcut too much. but let's talk about it.
although not explicitly stated, i am strongly convinced that this cave is the entrance to the hintertomb. at the very least, it is absolutely an entrance to the labyrinth. the presence of tomb mold, blood gems, parasite larva, and pthumerian giants/corpses makes this very clear. the root chalice for the hintertomb describes it as "a cesspool of noxious snakes and insects"; i think it's likely that the snakes came from the hintertomb given they can be found in the swamps there.
the giant graves here and further into the woods are referred to as "tombstone[s] of a great one".
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the hunter's mark i think would suggest these are pthumerian made. its possible that the hintertomb is spilling out into the world above but frankly all of the graves here are baffling. grave placement and appearance needs more research. the graves in the woods only are developing a strange sort of honeycomb rot pattern not unlike the head of an amygdala. this pattern shows up enough that it warrants more investigation.
the slow poison-inducing "water" here has similar properties to the slow poison pool in the research hall. they are different colors, but have similar origins: the poison pool in the research hall is from the decomposing bodies of the patients, who were exposed to bizarre blood ministration and parasitism. the pool here is likely from decomposing great ones. with this in mind, perhaps the silvery liquid is mercury.
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the ladder leading out of this area is fucking insane and i have a hard time understanding what occurred there. like what in the hell is up with that grave you exit into in yharnam. who popped it open. why is it so cavernous. what happened to the contents.
anyway, let's just go back to the woods.
there's really only two more things to mention here before we move on: first, beast roar can be picked up here. it's the undead, still twitching hand of a darkbeast. nothing touched by the old blood can truly die, and these severed limbs are no exception.
second are the butchers. these are the people who collect specimens, hack them apart, and present them to the church doctors for research. they show up in three different ways: the surviving madaras twin wears the butcher's set (the hunter picks up the set from the other twin's corpse), the "executioner" enemies (REMINDER: a better translation would have been "butchers" [or, literally, "dismantling men"], i have no idea why they went with "executioner" outside of their superficial appearance) wear the cape with the popped collar, and there are huntmen enemies skulking the streets below the grand cathedral hunting for victims dressed in the garb. they literally only appear there.
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ah, one more thing. this is the place where you can find the suspicious beggar and interrupt him while he's in the middle of chowing down on one of the biggest families i've ever seen in my life. at first i thought the devs hysterically fucked up the sizes of the corpses, but they're dressed like the citizens of yahar'gul. while not outright stated, evidence strongly suggests that the beggar is irreverent izzy or one of his followers such as the close proximity of one of izzy's inventions and the beggar's clothing reflecting his past as both a veteran tomb prospector gone mad and former church agent. there's a lot of meat on that bone, but for another time.
this is the part you probably remember the most bc it's snake hell. the first thing we absolutely need to keep in mind is that the snake-infested guys you meet are a reference to doobie from jojo. the snakes are parasites to people, but the snakes themselves are also being parasitized? they are covered in ticks, those are the huge bloated blobs all over them. given that the augurs of the great ones are invertebrates...what does that imply about the inclusion of the ticks narratively?
there's something absolutely fascinating happening to the flora and fauna in this section of the woods but it's hard to know what it all means. some notes:
-when enemies in bloodborne die, the game handles their corpse in different ways. some of this is lore related, some of it is to reduce hardware strain. some corpses turn into ragdolls, some explode into blood, some explode into white particles (sometimes with blood but not always). snakes explode into white particles. i got way too into the fucking weeds with this, but (outside of the slime scholars....kind of) all of these enemies either appear or were intended to appear in the chalice dungeons, the nightmare frontier, or the nightmare of mensis (the lecture hall containing the scholars connects the waking world to the nightmare). all of these locations are, arguably, the nightmare.
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-there are statues of amygdala and a presumed evolution of the celestial child sprouting out of the ground. i am almost certain these are original versions of the statues in the grand cathedral and yahar'gul, respectively.
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-remember that strange pond with the fireflies? the only place in the game where there's fireflies? what the hell is up with that lol. i kind of have an answer:
most concrete is this: back when the original boss of the woods was snakeball, you would have faced a rematch in this pond.
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insane theory crafting moment: look, this is stupid complicated and a reach so if i have to get into really defending it it, ill do it in another post. but in bloodborne people can be teleported around via "communion". communion is the means of entering the chalice dungeons and requires three things: ritual blood (or perhaps just liquid, if rom's arena is anything to go by), something to hold the blood (typically a chalice, but sometimes the "chalice" is a skull), and light (this is almost always achieved with candles). this pond is probably full of blood, if the rotten bodies nearby are any indication, and the fireflies offer light. but, look, this shit was cut so don't think too hard about it.
-its in the art book but also in the game (but hard to see): the wall separating byrgenwerth from the rest of the world is melted.
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wait wtf there's dudes in it. lol. what da hell!
oh my. the name for this asset is "wall of divine tomb". cool. every day i lean some new insane shit about this game, for real.
anyway the only other point of interest is whatever the fuck valtr and the league are doing. too deep of a topic for now. anyway, those were the points of interest in the forbidden woods. i hope this was....whatever counts for informative when it comes to video game trivia
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onmyyan · 11 months
🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon, here again!
Here’s some Ashley Hunt brain rot cause I adore this man too. Not sure if you’d like it though, so lemme know…
So I was thinking about all those cliche hallmark movies and similar ones where a big city girl is forced to go to the country for some shit. Like a family reunion or she sent there to “connect to her roots” or some bullshit reason. And the entire movie is just city girl having some weird spiritual journey falling in love with the country and some farm boy beau, literally abandoning her entire established life to go pick flowers and get fucked by cowboy dick. It’s like some conservative feverdream propaganda to be honest. City=bad country=good. So what if that’s what us readers were in a AU? A hardcore city girl who wanted to get the fuck out of hick town after helping grandma. And so here the brain rot I had with how Ash is gonna pound us and make us his lil stepford wife…
We are hella terse upon arrival to our gran’s house. Meetin Ash we still polite but we ain’t here to make friends n shit. Ash bein the fine gentlemen he is, still offers to help fix stuff. We ain’t stupid, cause anything to help gran settle faster means we get to leave the hicks faster. We agree and offer to reimburse financially Ash for the extra work he’s doin. Ash ain’t stupid either and wants our time instead of money. Wants to take us out to see the town and country to show us that it ain’t as bad as we think. We reluctantly agree, cause the Wi-Fi is shit in the house and we might die from boredom otherwise…
Ash purposely fixes the house slowly each day and afterwards takes us on different outings. Sometimes it’s to the town to show us places and to introduce us to everyone. Other times it’ll be around his farm, around beautiful nature landscapes, etc. Man is an intelligent and fuckin fine ass manipulative suave, cause he’ll purposefully take us around dusk when the sun be settin when the sun be in the low with that horrible glare in your eyes…if you don’t got a hat on…And that what he do. He knows we got no hat, so every fuckin time he puts his cowboy hat on top of our head to “protect our eyes n face” and we don’t know the fucking cowboy hat rule! So here he is flauntin us aroun town on his horse with us wearin his cowboy hat sittin in front of him as he guides the horse from behind us. Smilin n shit to all the locals who obviously know something we don’t…
Durin these outings we gradually be openin up to Ash. Not because we want to. But cause we gotta as he’s the only person to talk to aside from gran. Lack of socialization be real torture…We still dead set on goin back to the city. Cause we ain’t some cliche movie protagonist. We gotta life we love back home. It ain’t shit to contrary belief. We tell him we appreciate everything he’s done for us and we’ll leave in a week since gran should be alright by then. Now this is when Ash is starting to go full yandere at this point…
As we helping Ash one day fix one of the last issues in the house, so conveniently we get injured on the head and have to be taken to the local doc for some stitches. Like the entire town, the doc loves Ash and Ash easily lies and convinces the doc to remove our IUD too while we’re knocked out from the anesthesia. We had told Ash during one of our conversations that we didn’t need to go to the pharmacy for birth control pills as we had an IUD instead. So Ash being the lovable bastard he is, told the doc that we were wanting to try for a baby asap and that I had a horrible time gettin the IUD originally inserted. So it was better for me if I was unconscious for the procedure. And so now we have no IUD but alas think we still have birth control when we left absolutely defenseless…
We get the stitches too, wake up, and Ash takes us back home and takes care of us with the small help of gran. We gotta stay a bit longer now from the urge of our gran and Ash unfortunately so we do just that. Ash is very stellar at takin care of us even though our injury is still minor and we don’t have broken legs or anything so we can navigate and take care of ourselves just fine. But Ash insists sense he blames himself for our injury. He makes sure to feed us and hydrate us and give us our medication the doc prescribed to make sure we’re fine. A while passes a bit more and we are just itchin to get the fuck out of town. We tell Ash we’re finally going to leave tomorrow. And that’s that…
Ash wants to give us a proper farewell so invites us over that night to his house for a few drinks. We see no reason to decline and blissfully go over. We get drunk easily cause we’re a light weight and in the midst of our intoxication confess to him that we find him “damn hot” and we’d have loved to pursue a relationship with him if he was livin in the city and not out in hickville. He coaxes out of us our true feelings about him and we shyly admit that we think we’d fallen for him over the time we’ve gotten to know him. And this sends this motherfucka over the final edge. He was already gonna make us his from when he first saw us, but the confession solidified our mutual attraction and “love” for each other…
Ash then proceeds to take our face gently into his hands and gently kisses our lips in response. We lean into it, letting our drunk poor decision making skills taking over. We leaving tomorrow, so why not let this happen? What’s the worst that can happen? Let’s just ride the cowboy for fucks sake. We got nothing to lose…
Ash is romantic and hella skillful. He can work our body easily and gets more passionate as we totally let loose. He picks us up and latches our legs around his waist while still kissing, all while walking easily to his bedroom to do the deed. Artfully he unwraps us and himself and he makes the best fuckin love to us we’ve ever had. Nobody ever has come close to what this fine ass motherfucka has performed on us. Our pleasure was constantly put first, the aftercare was a godsend, and we were almost having second thoughts leaving the town so soon. Almost…
We wake up hungover and sore in the best ways possible with cum still pouring out of our pussy despite it being late into the new days’s afternoon. Some tablets and water is by the bed for us to drink, which we happily do. A note from Ash is there saying he’ll be back later since he’s out working on the farm and that we should take it easy. We spend the rest of the day till he comes back bein a blushin mess rememberin last nights events. The confession, the fuckin, holy shit the fuckin…
Ash comes home and it’s a bit awkward at first. But eventually we’re both able to be mature adults and talk about the past nights events. Ash also confesses he’s been in love since he first saw us, and that he’s happy that we like him and did what we did last night. We panicking inside though cause while we still have pretty much fallen for him, we still don’t think he’s worth trying to have a relationship with being so far from the city and all. What’s a girl to do? So we try to let him down easy and explain that we just don’t think the relationship could work in the end with our different life styles and all. We still really like him, but it wouldn’t be fair to pursue something that’d probably end in heartbreak…
He understands and tells us he figured he couldn’t hold a city girl like us down. It’s so late now that he wants us to spend the night again since it’s a bit away from our home with gran. He says we can still sleep in his bed as there are other rooms in his available, cause he got a large large residence since he got a gigantic farm. He gets us fixed up with dinner and all our needs and tells us he’ll take us back to gran in the morn…
Mornin comes and we go back to gran’s. Unfortunately…she’s not doing well and the doc is immediately called over. She passes away the next mornin. We are heartbroken n a sobbin mess. We knew she was in bad condition hence why we came out to the countryside to take care of her for a bit, but we didn’t think she was that bad and would be gone so soon. Luckily…we got our loving cowboy by our side to console us. And once again our trip is prolonged even further. It takes about 2 weeks to hold the funeral for gran, with some friends and acquaintances of hers comin out of town. Then another 2 weeks to finish cleaning out the house to put it up for sale as we don’t have the money to keep it even though we inherited it. And wouldn’t you know…the stress and constant work finally caught up to us and made us ill for a solid week. Ash once again took care of us and told us just to relax. Relax and stay for as long as we need to as we were staying with Ash for the time bein…
The house finally sells when we finally get better and we take the next week to tie up any loose ends. Including those with Ash…And as we prepare to find him…we have the urge to throw up? Thinkin we’re just sick as we empty our stomach into the toilet from all the horrible stressful events that’s been happenin. But we never throw up even when we sick…so why now? And so a terrible thought quickly flashes in our head. Pregnancy? No. It’s not uncommon to miss periods especially when a person is super stressed or has gone through trauma. And besides we got a birth control that has a 99% pregnancy free rate. But for some illogical reason, we still feel so shitty and decide to go to the local pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test…
In the bathroom at the pharmacy, we take the test and sure enough it’s positive. We pregnant. And we are shaking in confusion and fear. This wasn’t suppose to happen. How did this happen? We sobbin drivin home Ash’s place panicking about tellin him. He’s already there at the door consoling us when he sees us in tears. And through incoherent cries and sentence structures we muffle out the news to him. He’s “shocked” and tells us that he’s not upset or anything and is actually happy to hear he’s going to be a father. We still a mess tryin to process everythin and just let Ash hold us in a large sofa and whisper sweet nothings into our ear…
It’s very late at night now after we’ve woken up from our trauma induced nap layin in Ash’s bed in more comfortable clothes he easily changed us into. Now that we done cryin for the most part, logic finally takes over and we know we ain’t ready to be a mama. Especially giving birth to a baby to a man we practically just met a lil over 2 months ago. We dead set on gettin an abortion n leavin this hick town for good n never coming back. Town given us way too much PTSD understandably…
Ash comes back home and we do our best to front a brave face n explain our decision to him. We ain’t keepin the baby. We’re never coming back. We sorry to break his heart like this but we thankful for everything he’s done for us. He’s visibly upset but understands our decision. The rest of the night passes with an uncomfortable atmosphere and we don’t get a lick of sleep…
Dawn comes and we get an early call that we’re being evicted from our apartment!? The price has gone up exponentially the past month and we failed to make the payment and certainly don’t have any rainy day funds to cover it. We’re just learning about this now, no new notification about the price change a month ago, so what the fuck is going on!? The only “good” highlight is that our stuff is still there to be collected and hasn’t been trashed n dumped. What makes the morn even worse is just a while later we get another call that we’ve been fired from our job cause we’ve been deemed inadequate for the job since we’ve taken too much PTO even though we saved up so much annual leave and our family member fuckin died! Corporate havin empathy, challenge impossible!
So now we a sight to behold. A fugly hysterical sobbin mess. We homeless, jobless, and prego. The holy damned trinity of what every woman strives to be at the same time. Ash obviously comes into the room as he can’t ignore our sobbin party now as it’s so fuckin loud it rattles the entire house. We sound like a banshee puttin on the opera show of the century. Takes a long time to finally have the brain cells to reiterate the events to Ash. And lucky us he the finest beau in the land and does nothing but console us. Is our giant fuckin teddy bear, tissue, life coach, etc. He obviously tells us that his home is our home for as long as we need it. And we finally just take him up on that…
Next few days just go by mindlessly for us. We don’t know what to do. We don’t know what we can do. We’re such a wreck mentally we don’t know where to begin on reconstruction. Ash takes care of us though. Like he always has. He even offers to pick up our stuff from the city and at this point we just let ‘em. Too tired to be bothered with all the bullshit life has thrown at us we just wanna be a cow and graze all day with no worries. And Ash…beautiful Ash easily convinced us to take time off before job huntin again. He doesn’t mind bein the sole provider for us. He got plenty of money and resources for us. I don’t have to worry my pretty little head. And I don’t ever have to think of repayin him back…
Some more time passes and now that we’re out of pity party comatose I can focus on gettin back on my feet. Startin with dealin with the unwanted pregnancy. So Ash takes us to town to see the doc, cowboy hat still always on our head and all. And this is when the doc does the usual rural town schtick on us. Doc shows us that the embryo has become a fetus on the ultrasound, talks to us about the beauty of life, birth, motherhood, sends us home with photos of our fetus and an immense sense of terror in our minds…
We’re well aware of pro-life propaganda cause we’ve seen it in the streets protests back in the city. But now that we’re the ones dealin with it first hand it’s a completely different feelin. What makes it worse is that we’ve undeniably fallen for the “baby’s” father, Ash. He’s been nothing but loving to us thick and thin. Expecting nothing in return. Supportin us in all our decisions. We never found a man who came even close to Ash in performance in bed, and most certainly never found a man who was as great a friend or partner either. So would it really be all that bad to have his child? We know that he’d make a great father. He’s been great to us and we aren’t even officially his girlfriend…
Goin around town to eat something after the doc visit was an experience…Locals asking Ash when the wedding will be as life in the hicks tends to move fast. Unsurprisingly we’re seen as a couple as we’ve been living with each other, always out with each other, and doin other local courtship laws I don’t know about (like the fucking cowboy hat from day 1). And durin that ride home we make some tough decisions in the head…
When we get home and settled for the night, we tell Ash if he serious about bein happy about wantin the baby from when he first found out. There not a hint of dishonesty on his face when he pours out all his emotions on us. He wants us. All of us and what bears fruition to our love. Been wantin us since he first saw us and that’s never changed. We happy cryin and show him the photos of the fetus and tell him we’re keepin the baby then since he also wants us. Ash knows our courtship was extremely short but makes sure to let us know we’ll never regret it and he’ll make us the happiest wife in the whole world. And so he proposes right there…
And we spend all night fuckin. Chasin ecstasy highs. Ridin each other like there’s no tomorrow. We’re basically rabid feral animals at this point. And we made the sims romance marriage speedrun world record look like a fuckin joke. Going from friends to significant others to engagees in a minute…
Next day we just giggling to the local courthouse to file for the legal marriage work. We can have a fancy formal weddin later, but for now with a baby comin along and life showin how fast it changes we think it best to just ensure we’re taken care of in the eyes of the law. We’ve let our friends know of the situation after basically bein MIA for the past month. Givin them all crazy twighlight zone whiplash and glazed and confused congratulations to my new life. And with Ash’s silver tongue, he’s once again convinced us to not find a job for the time bein. Focus on ourselves. Our health. The baby. He’s got everything else covered. He can provide for us just as he always can and will…
And so the rest of the months fly by. We becomin the most domestic partner ever since we don’t have any other job. And we found out we not having 1 baby but 2. Twins! So we’re not taking a formal out of house job and bein a stay at home mom n wife instead since we’ll have a lot on our plate now. Ash is even more thrilled with this. And can’t wait for the rest of our lives to be filled with marital bliss. And many more kids as he plans to give us at least another 5…
Ash will also take to his grave what he did to keep us here. The IUD removal and head injury weren’t the only things he did. He also got the doc to give him ovulation fertility drugs. So all those times we were thinking we were takin pain killers or meds to make sure the stitch wounds wouldn’t get infected were really something to help boost Ash’s chance to “nail” us down. And boy did they work…And for poor gran? The apartment eviction? The firing from the job? Anything else? Did Ash really do anything else to manipulate things to his favor? Is he just that intelligent? He is loved by everyone, has great connections and charisma. Or is he just god’s favorite and the universe loves him unconditionally? I’ll let you decide the extent of his “yan” side…
Either way. That’s our HEA for us and Ash if we were to be a city girl who was hesitant to be with Ash in a AU. Thanks for readin. And feel free to use this and the previous smutty Delmont brother ideas I submitted in your works if you want. I don’t mind
Love 🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon
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