#can't wait to finish them and read them again to put the pieces back together
messmagu · 1 year
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Recently got into the locked tomb, it was only a matter of time, so now i have to figure out how to draw them! And a ton of other characters too, probably
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Welcome to the Grand Opening of Freddy Fazbears Balloon Circus!
After an array of previous undisclosed incidents at the Mega Pizzaplex, ending with the sudden collapsing of the building due to an unexpected earthquake, Fazbear Enterprise has demolished the old mall and rebuilt a new and improved carnival on the property! But just because the attractions above ground have been overhauled, doesn't mean the secrets beneath the surface have magically disappeared.
Reblogs appreciated!
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MANY more rambles about this AU under the cut: would much appreciate if you read them, but there's no obligations!
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EVERYTHING HERE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! This AU has just been pieced together by my insane ramblings to my friend over the past few days, so everything in it's early stages of development, and this post is being written VERY late while I'm very sleep deprived and just trying to finish it in time to schedule it! If some things are a bit weird or inconsistent then please keep that in mind! Thank you! :D
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Gregory, Vanessa, and Freddy all return to the now renovated lot where the Pizzaplex once stood, having been called back two years after their last failed visit too save a long lost friend, too repair their old creation known at the M.X.E.S after it was suddenly and unexplainably shut down again. Upon entering the new-ish carnival, they'll quickly find it hard to safely look for the entrance to the layers below as the friendly mascot suits above chase after them for being unwanted guests.
Above ground, they're hunted by the mascots- new suits built for both performers and endoskeletons to be able to wear. This night, controlled by corrupted endoskeletons, they've been ordered to chase after the intruders by someone lurking below the carnivals ground. As well as finding the littler animatronics, known as Balloon Babies, to be quite the inconvenience.
Below ground, they're hunted by the old Glamrocks, still functional after all this time, and now under a new threats command that's also trying to keep the 3 star family from reaching M.X.E.S; Vannie. Aka, Cassie. Still here in the ruins of it all, waiting for the her perfect moment to lure the family back in and get her revenge for what they did to her all those years ago.
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The mascots are the new faces of the Freddy Fazbears Balloon Circus, their costumes built to be worn by both endoskeletons and actors- but in a safer way than the springlock suits. The actors are used during the day for greeting and interacting with guests, putting on performances, etc etc. While the endoskeletons are used at night as a replacement for security guards and STAFF bots, kindly, but forcefully, escorting any intruders off the premises. Under Vannie's control they, of course, are much less kind and gentle with how they "escort" the 3 star fam out of the carnival.
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Balloon Babies are smaller, almost Helpy-like animatronics in appearance, built to keep lost and lonely children happy and entertained while waiting for their guardian to arrive. They can't speak, but they can play song, games, sound effects, blow up balloons with their fingertips, etc etc. They found Gregory after he had been forcefully split up from Vanessa and Freddy by the mascots, and upon the family reuniting, the Balloon Babies more annoying feature kicked in: The Emergency Alert System. Whenever a child they are playing with is approached by an odd looking adult or other figure that seems like they could be a potential threat to the child's safety, whether that be a kidnapper, unfit guardian, bully, etc. the Balloon Babies will use their emergency alert system to call one of the mascots over and deal with the threat, kindly guiding the threat away and bringing the kid to a safer area away from potential danger where they can stay with staff until a proper guardian arrives. The Balloon Babies had decided in their time with Gregory that Vanessa and Freddy were unfit guardians for leaving Gregory scared and alone this late at night, and any time Vanessa and/or Freddy is nearby, their alert system will sound off and call a mascot to their location. The problem, other than the obvious, is that the Balloon Babies are fixated on Gregory. They will always be attracted to him and find their way back to him no matter what, with the only exception being when he's under ground. Which means that, until they can find a way to deactivate or otherwise get rid of these guys, Gregory is forced to be split up from Vanessa and Freddy above ground, and regroup underground.
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The only exception is Goldie, a soft yellow version of the Freddy Balloon Baby that doesn't follow the others. Goldie is the only one of the Balloon Babies that can go underground, Vannie specifically programming him to be able to do so. He follows Vannie around and provides her with much needed company, being her only real friend down here besides Roxy. Later on, Gregory will find Goldie, but instead of calling for the mascots whenever Vanessa is near, he'll send out a signal to distract the other Balloon Babies away from Gregory so they won't call for the mascots or overwhelm him. Goldie can tell that Vanessa and Freddy are fit guardians that love Gregory very much, and can also tell that they're afraid of the mascots, though he can't compute why- it's his job to make sure that kids and their families are safe, so he's doing his best to ensure their safety however he can. Later on, Vannie will come looking for her friend after a long period of time of him being away and find him with the 3 star family, causing more conflict between the two parties that Goldie can't understand- Cassie and Gregory are supposed to be friends, aren't they? That's what Cassie said. Friends aren't supposed to fight each other, they're supposed to protect each other. That's what Goldie believes, at least.
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Random trivia;
-Gregory, Freddy, and Vanessa have been living together for about 3 years now. 1 year by the time of Ruin, and 2 years after the fact leading up to Balloon Circus.
-Cassie has been gaslit into thinking that all the stuff Dr. Rabbit did was actually Gregory himself with no outside influence, only fueling her want for revenge, not only for the elevator incident, but everyone he hurt. This will affect Gregory greatly(he has not 100% recovered and this Does Not Help).
-Cassie still doesn't fully trust the Mimic, despite being under its influence. She let the M.X.E.S stay up after the 3 star family put it back up after Ruin despite Mimic's demands for her to shut it down again, assuring him it was "part of her plan". She wasn't entirely lying, shutting down the M.X.E.S was how she wanted to lure the family back, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't also partially because she wanted to keep "that old endo" sealed away. He's not completely free from fault either.
-Gregory and Vanessa both have chips implanted in their heads, it's how Dr. Rabbit and Vanny took over way back when. Those same chips gave them VR vision, but the chips have since been "domesticated" and can't go full VR mode anymore. Despite this fact, they do still have a few side effects of the VR vision, such as some walls and objects simply not existing, despite them looking perfectly normal and real. They can phase through them without trouble, and this helps them navigate the Balloon Circus, becauseeeeeee;
-Cassie was there during the construction of the circus and set up VR walls in certain spaces to help her hide out and travel around undetected, even during the day. The 3 star family can also use these now as an easier way of navigating through the circus, but also as a way to hide from the mascots and even sometimes the Balloon Babies.
-The entrance to the underground levels is behind a VR wall, but it's one set up by the construction workers so the patrons wouldn't notice it. The reason an intentional opening is there is because the new entrance is now used as a dumping ground for stuff from random items from the ruins of the Pizzaplex to unused stuff from the circus to anything the employees with access to the area want to throw in there. It's how the ruined Glamrocks ended up there.
-The Glamrocks were being slowly reintroduced to the public, the biggest attraction so far being 'Chica of the Sea', a tent for the underwater hologram show of a prerendered mermaid Glamrock Chica that would swim around, wave at guests, and do a few preset moves that employees could turn on whenever. There's hints of them wanting to reintroduce the others as well that haven't been shown off to the public yet, with the new roles being; Glam Freddy and Bonnie are the co-ringmasters of the main tent where the mascots performances are held, making sure everything runs smoothly. Roxanne is the mascots and glamrocks make up artist, as well as offering to do make up/face paint for any patrons that came by her tent (for a price, of course). And Monty would roam around the circus grounds as a strongman showing off his incredible strength. He also has a tent for this, but he was mostly supposed to roam around and sometimes try and make people swing by his tent, mostly so they would buy his merch.
-Chica being the first to be reintroduced has an effect on her character below ground, with her hearing the news and trying her best to dress herself up in whatever scraps she could find to look like her mermaid counterpart, practicing her singing and dancing despite her condition so she could prove that she could be just as good as the hologram if she just got a few repairs.
-Roxanne is headless, having lost her head in her tussle with the Mimic. But she still has control of both her body and head, carrying around her decapitated head in her arms.
-Vannie/Cassie cares about Goldie soso much that's her new bestie<33 Friendship ended with Gregory, Goldie is new best friend<3 (I'm so sorry Gregory)
-Vannie is also known as Vengeful Vannie, but usually shortened to just 'Vannie'. A callback to the "Vengeful Spirit" aka Cassidy, because I think the parallels between the two are neat<3 (THIS MEANS NOTHING LORE WISE IT'S JUST A NAMING THING.)
-Some of the stuff at Balloon Circus was bought from the carnival mentioned to be across the street from the Pizzaplex in the TFTPP epilogues, and rebranded to fit with the new Fazbear theming
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I wanna talk more about these guys later- not sure what else exactly to do with them, but if anybody has any questions then feel free to send 'em to my inbox! I'll be more than happy to reply to the best of my abilities<3
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softevnstan · 2 years
(nsfw) random prompt event generator for bucky!!
Bucky and Y/N going back to one or the other's house after a date, where they eventually end up dry-humping on the couch. Y/N only intends this as foreplay, but Bucky is already getting overwhelmed. Y/N finds this amusing and endearing, leaning close to whisper something teasingly into Bucky's ear. It turns out that Bucky is more excited than Y/N thought, and hits orgasm without any further stimulation, to the surprise of Y/N and the embarrassment of Bucky. What happens next?
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pairing. bucky barnes x gender neutral! reader
summary. After a date night out with Bucky as you explore your new relationship, you unintentionally wind up taking your makeout session a little too far. Quickly you learn it's been far too long since Bucky has had a partner.
warnings. SMUT - minors DNI. kissing, praise kink, dirty talk, size difference, beefy bucky, dry humping, masturbation (bucky and you), implied/referenced trauma, reader has v but still gender neutral. p with plot, recovering!bucky barnes (half-way).
a.n. ok, i have other things to write and originally i was gonna let this wait... until i read the prompt again and saw this as an opportunity for some mild bottom/fluffy bucky. (bucky is a bottom you can't change my mind, but i'll write top for you all i promise) starts a little fluffy at first because idk how to not write some sort of context to situations, and bucky is still in recovery reasonably so
w.c. 7.6k howdidthishappen
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Your date with Bucky exceeded your expectations. Wary that things would potentially be a little rough around the edges while the soldier was still trying to put himself back together, you were pleasantly surprised when he picked you up at your apartment with a bouquet of flowers - specifically an interesting combination of sunflowers and roses. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had bought you flowers, and after running them inside so as to not ruin them by taking them on the trip, Bucky held your hand all the way to his motorcycle and helped you settle comfortably before embarking on the evening together. No awkward pauses or tense, heavy moments with Bucky; It was sweet and a dream come true that you didn’t even know you’d had.
He’d surprised you on where you both were going initially. Blindly trusting Bucky with wherever he chose your date location, he decided that the Art Museum was the safest choice. Dinners could be awkward - what if you don’t like the way someone chews their food? Movies hardly left time to actually get to know one another, instead just sitting in the dark with occasional spared glances. Anything too physical could be exerting and hinder you from another date with Bucky. So after indecisively pondering, Bucky had chosen that an art exhibit was the best way to go.
You loved it.
So many classic paintings and countless mediums of art filled the halls as you two strode hand in hand. Bucky was on the quieter side, but not enough to deter you. He’d smile and watch the twinkle in your eyes when you both came across a particularly marvelous work of art that you loved. Bucky had listened smittenly as you gushed about the way some pieces of art made you feel or the message you interpreted behind it all. Eventually, Bucky had begun to open up throughout the night to do the same. What felt like hours of enriched conversation and two people simply being in the moment.
Sometimes people don’t need candles and rose petals, sometimes people just need someone to talk to and feel just as down to earth with. 
Unfortunately, neither of you had finished going through the whole museum together in one sitting.
Bucky had used that as the opportunity to salvage the situation; “I guess that means we’ll just have to come back together.” He’d said fondly when you both stopped at the mini-cafe built in the museum before you both left.
Instead of letting the date die down when the museum began closing for the night, you offered to bring the party back to your apartment instead. Tempting Bucky with a bottle of wine sitting in your kitchen so you two could just spend some more time together, he didn’t need too much convincing. Any excuse to stay close to you, to steal some of your time just a little longer before returning to his dull apartment. 
‘How could I say no to you, doll?’ He had said, and you’d beamed at the small victory.
Truly, you hadn’t meant for it to end up where it was (not that you were complaining). When you asked Bucky to come into your apartment building, when you’d walked together hand in hand, you didn’t think you’d wind up like this. But somewhere between being plastered against Bucky’s backside and having the privilege to let your hands wander and explore tight leather hiding thick arms or the adrenaline of feeling the wind whipping in your hair, you’d started to become insatiable on the trip back.
Bucky had this way with you that made you feel like a teenager in love all over again.
Sure, he was quiet, but he was misunderstood. Soft and sweet, he had a compassionate heart and an intelligent mind, the gentle giant. 
It’d taken some time to help Bucky bring down those walls initially - countless weeks you’d spent just trying to be his friend before he finally caved and agreed. He was a private person, you learned, but once peeling back all the layers, Bucky was amazing and worth all the work that went into opening him up. Creative and smart, a book-lover and funny, he was gentle and tender and emotional in every way that a man could be if they let themselves. He wasn’t afraid to be honest, but was instead afraid to voice that too loud. He wasn’t afraid to be emotional or vulnerable with those he trusted - not the unfeeling machine that so many had made him out to be. Bucky had simply needed someone who understood him - or was willing to if nothing else.
Once you’d gotten past all of it, all of the rough nights and moody days, it was worth it. You’d watched Bucky become something he never was before…
He was the one who had taken your relationship a step further. 
Tentatively and timidly, might you add. Always endearing. He’d been anxious asking you to come out with him - as though he’d been fighting with himself for a long while on whether or not he should even ask. When he finally called you and asked if you’d like to go out on a date with him tonight - yes, he’d used date - you’d been elated. 
And sure, you were moving a little too fast at that moment, but life is short and he’s already on seventy years of borrowed time. Bucky deserves to be loved.
Warm hand had rubbed up the length of Bucky’s bicep, and you gave his shoulder a squeeze when getting off of his motorcycle with a teasing glint in your eyes.
When he walked with you into the building, you hugged his left arm to your side - refusing for any additional space to come between the both of you as you prattled on about 'Birthday', by Dorothea Tanning and how you interpreted it as the door into the imagination, and Bucky was busy trying to remember which painting it was you were talking about - it was 'the winged scared cat-creature on the floor' that rejogged his memory.
Bucky was just happy you clung so easily to the cold and hard metal of his vibranium arm as if it were his own.
Turning into your hall, you’d begun to pull Bucky by the arm. Turning on your heel and offering him a smitten smile when you tugged him closer to your body in a backward walk. His eyes crinkled at the corners with his smile, his smile wide and showing off pretty white teeth. Even the sheepish duck of his head was precious when you led him into your apartment, finally excited to have time where it could be just you and Bucky without prying eyes.
"If you were eager to get home, you could've just said so," Bucky teased you, and you gave a playful smirk in response.
"M'not, I'm just excited to finally be alone with you." you'd cooed, attempting to make the words seductive but honestly they came more sentimental than anything.
The door gave way behind you when you twisted the knob with your one hand, the other still clutching to Bucky's sleeve. It didn't give Bucky a chance to respond to your retort when you tugged him right on into your apartment. Instead, it earned a chuckle that snapped into a gasp with your pull.
It was when that door shut that something came over you. Tucked into your own little corner of the world, you didn’t fear overwhelming Bucky with affection that made him uncomfortable. No worries about people gawking and making him feel out of place (or him being afraid of gawking, really). 
When you both were just past the threshold of your apartment, you turned and used your foot to push the door shut. Fingers sliding up Bucky's arm, you used the moment to grab the lapels of his leather coat and step back - coming flush with the door and dragging Bucky right on into your tight space.
Hardly giving him a chance to protest. Wide cobalt eyes study you when you both are finally still, Bucky's hands hovering a little uselessly briefly and while shocked, still pleasantly surprised by your bravery.
"Someone is a little impatient," Bucky comments, expression softening. "Not impatient, just excited." You defend with a loving smile. "I could've sworn there was a bottle of wine mentioned..." Bucky trails. "Can you even get intoxicated?" You rhetorically question with a curious tilt of your head and a knowing grin. "Can't I drink for the taste like most people do?" Bucky retorts. "Touché."
You both fall into a small fit of giggles and soft laughs, the small talk helping to alleviate some of Bucky's nerves. His hands slowly come to settle on your sides since you're not budging from where you'd pressed flat against the door. Enjoying being wedged between a door and Bucky - you'd be crazy not to.
Despite the way, your mind is running a million miles a minute and your gaze can't seem to draw away from Bucky's pouty lips, Bucky doesn't seem to be picking up as easily on your advances. That's okay. He's always been worth the wait.
“...Did you have a good evenin’, doll?” he asks, flesh hand smoothing down to delicately rest on your hip.
“I was with you, wasn’t I?" Bucky looks at you for a beat as if slightly unconvinced... "Yes, Bucky. One of the best dates I've ever been on... ‘S a shame, I don’t want it to end.” You coo, drawing Bucky in closer until you’re both flush against each other. His left-gloved hand lifted to push your hair from your face tenderly. 
“Who says it has to end right here?” Bucky hums with his signature playboy grin - no wonder why he had every girl in Brooklyn creaming their panties.
The low husk of his voice strikes you to your very core, allowing your imagination to run wild with the countless thoughts of what the man before you could really do if he tried. Really, it wouldn’t take much; Bucky already had you curled around his finger, whether he knew it or not was another question.
“I thought you’d never ask,” pleased, you lay your hands flat on Bucky’s chest. Feeling under his open coat and hands finding the expanse of muscle. You tilt your head back, biting your bottom lip seductively with a cheeky grin.
You aren’t ready to find Bucky’s eyes watching you so intently. The way he wets his bottom lip before worrying it between his teeth and releasing that pouty lip of his. Eyes boring right into you and keeping you pinned between him and the door. Ever so carefully, Bucky cups your cheek in his large gloved palm. There’s hardly a missed beat when you turn your head and nose affectionately into his palm, able to hear the soft whirring of the machinery before pressing a chaste kiss to leave behind.
“I had fun tonight,” You reiterate to him softly - the drag of your lips accentuated with every word against his palm.
“M’glad. You look good when you’re happy.” Bucky murmurs, but he seems distracted. Cobalt eyes follow every drag of your lips, Bucky exhales a shallow breath. 
“I bet I could think of a few ways you could make me even happier, Bucky,” you singsong, hand sliding up over Bucky’s that hold your cheek to press affectionately into his touch. Always grateful for anything, nuzzling into him like a needy kitten. 
Part of you is waiting for the next step. For him to make the next move - that’s the dance between you two. You step, and Bucky steps one more further. Playing off of each other. It doesn’t come.
“M’sure you could, sugar,” Bucky starts, and you’re waiting for the ‘But’... “But,” There it is. “Maybe we should slow down just a little. It’s been such a good night…”
“We could make it better,” you offer, and Bucky flushes slightly at the implication.
“...I don’t want to move too fast,” Bucky says after a pause in a hushed whisper - as though scared if he speaks any louder, the universe may come in and rip this good thing away from him as it has a history of doing.
“Listen, I care about you. And I had a really, really good time with you - I’m still so happy you agreed to come out with me. But you’re not- Not some dame. I’m not just trying to get into your pants, Y/N…” Bucky elaborates tentatively, and you watch him with understanding in your gaze.
“I know,” You softly lament. “You’re not that kind of fella, Bucky…” “I want you to feel comfortable with me - happy,” Bucky emphasizes, and for half a moment your heart hurts for the man in front of you. So convinced he’s still capable of doing harm, even after all of this time. “I can’t think of a time I’ve been uncomfortable around you at all, actually,” Softly you contest, and Bucky offers you a briefly amused smile. 
“We can take our time,” Bucky presses; You can tell it’s more for him than it is for you. “Anything you need.” No questions about it. Nuzzling into Bucky’s palm, your lips form a chaste smile. “You’re too good to me, sugar…” “Funny, I’ve found myself thinking that all night.” Bucky finds humor in the words; expression softening and some of the tension that had begun to rebuild in him falling away. Bucky laughs. Soft, but rich. He leans in and presses a lingering kiss to your temple; Protective and loving. “Earlier, you said you had fun… So did I. This was one of the best nights in a while for me,” The admission comes with the feel of Bucky’s lips ghosting your skin. It’s distracting.
“I’m glad; You deserve good things, too, Bucky.” Something you tend to try to remind Bucky of often; You’ll slam that fact into his head until he one day decides to believe it for himself and see what everyone else sees. “You are my good thing,” he whispers even quieter; Unintentionally dropping the tone of his voice and sending shivers down your spine.
No words are exchanged when your hands lift and find Bucky’s defined jaw; cradling him gently and drawing him in for a deep but loving kiss. The first of many tonight.
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Both you and Bucky had soon migrated from the door in the foyer to your cozy living room. You both struggled to keep space between one another; Lips meeting together over and over again. The only sound was your own heart pounding in your ears and the soft breaths between you and Bucky. 
You were planted in his lap. Sat on strong, thick thighs - your arms draped around Bucky’s broad shoulders. His hands sat comfortably on your sides; gloves abandoned on the coffee table when he’d wanted to feel you. Not leather obstructing him from feeling the proper warmth of your flushed skin. His head tipped back to accommodate the way you had gained a few inches on him upon being seated in his lap.
Despite the way you two were entangled, it was nothing more than kisses. His hands hadn’t dared to venture below your belt, and while the kisses were definitely full of passion, it wasn’t the flame you were yearning and burning for. To respect Bucky’s request though, you didn’t proceed any further. Content with the taste of Bucky on your tongue, the warmth of his breath, and the barely there noises you were able to draw out of him that rumbled in his chest. His lips were soft and moved naturally against one another - It was a moment of euphoria.
Just the way your mouths slotted together alone was enough to rile you up; It’d been so long, and no one was as tender a lover as Bucky was with you. Each time he touched you, it was with consideration and care for what you wanted, what would feel good. Never in the means of his own self-gain. It made you that much more desiring of him; the connection that you both maintained had been there for months, it was simply that you both had finally begun to act on it. 
You’d told yourself you’d be slow. Take this at your own pace. No one wants to rush into a relationship that has the potential to end messy. But there you were; Necking in your living room with Brooklyn’s finest bachelor since 1936. Truly, you were only human, and it hadn’t escalated further than that. Breathing each other in, heated and heavy. You hadn’t even done it intentionally.
One could only fault you so much when your hips rolled into Bucky’s. Formerly nestled still in his lap, you found yourself moving without thought. Grinding down into the soldier’s lap, it elicited a deep groan from his throat, and tilted his head down to pull your lips apart. His hands instinctively moved to your hips; Clutching moderately tight to still your ministrations. You relished in the subtle pressure that came with Bucky’s hands securely enough to hold you still for hardly a moment. It was enough time for you to have realized the mistake you’d made.
“Shit, I’m sorry–” you stammered between the both of you, and Bucky instead took a shallow inhale. “No, no– It… It was good. It felt good, it’s-... It’s just… been a while.” Bucky timidly expressed, cheeks flushed and breathless. You noticed how he struggled briefly to maintain a heated gaze with you, eyes averting before pinching shut altogether.
“Do we need to stop? It’s okay if we do, Bucky…” Let him know that he had that out if he needed it; You wouldn’t be upset.
That option left Bucky shaking his head profusely. “No,” he rasps out, and you can feel his breath fanning your face. Can still taste him on your lips. You’re both still so close… You can feel the faint flex of his fingers holding you. “I want to keep going… Just… Give me a moment, alright?” He requests, and you give him a comforting smile and an understanding nod.
Your fingers card up into Bucky’s disheveled locks and brush thick hair back from falling in his face. Some of the tension leaves his body when you press a chaste kiss to his temple. 
“Whatever you need,” you softly let him know. You’re both still for a minute or two. Simply letting Bucky hold your hips while you kept some of the pressure on your knees - dug into the cushions on either side of his thick thighs. Soothingly rubbing your fingers through Bucky’s hair and giving him a tender hug he relishes in.
Then, slowly, he pulls you back down. Guiding your ass back into his lap and bodies coming flush together. The moment is experimental and you allow Bucky to take all the time he needs even if there is a burning in your thighs from the awkward position. Basking in the relief with a soft sigh and nosing into Bucky’s hair. His hands experimentally dare to explore a little further down. Rubbing from your waist down over your hips to the tops of your thighs. His hands feel like that of a bear's paws in comparison to your physique. 
“How are we feeling…?” You ask, checking in on him. “A little better… I’ve been using that 4-7-8 breathing method my therapist recommended, actually,” Bucky says, and you can tell for a moment he just needs to play it by ear. Even if you both don’t do anything tonight, he’s worth the wait.
“Really? That’s good,” Indulging in the moment of chit-chat as his hands still continue the back-and-forth motion. Hypnotizing and leaving your thighs tingling.
Bucky’s reply comes in a soft hum, tilting his head down to nudge his nose at your neck. You tilt your head enough for him to burrow in the hollow of your throat and nose affectionately there. His warm breath makes your skin break out in goosebumps. You let out a shaky exhale before a sappy grin spreads across your face.
He begins to slowly mouth at the sensitive skin of your throat. Gentle kisses and the faint scratch of his stubble that initially tickles enough to make you wiggle in his lap. 
“Bucky!” You squeak and you feel the grin against your skin.
“Easy, easy…” Bucky lowly tells you and it burns into your core. It’s easy to go lax when he’s the voice coaxing you back. “Good doll,” Bucky says with a chuckle - clearly teasing but it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. 
“M’ticklish,” You defend as your arms squeeze around his shoulders. “I can tell. Might come in handy one day…” His lips still ghost over your skin; ever so distracting.
“You wouldn't.” “I might,” Bucky says, his voice smooth but thick like honey.
A playful pinch to Bucky’s shoulder makes him surrender with a laugh before tipping his head up to press your foreheads together again. This time you’re surprised to find his eyes meeting yours head-on.
“Thank you for being understanding,” Bucky addresses the elephant in the room, traces of anxiety in those gray eyes. “I’m still trying to learn how to let myself be with someone else…”
The words feels so raw; A hushed confession and a moment Bucky is being fully honest with you. Not hiding from it or skirting around it - communicating his boundaries and being able to give himself the time he needs. Your chest swells with pride for the man before you in his growth; You’re so inlove. 
“It’s okay, really. I’m not here just to get into your pants, Bucky. I care about you, and we can go as fast or as slow as you need.” You affirm, always wanting Bucky to know that. That he’s safe with you the way you are with him.
“I know,” he whispers, tipping his head up a little further to let your lips brush. “It’s why I like you so much…”
You smile, unable to help but feel a fluttering in your chest. Bucky draws you the rest of the way to press your lips together again. Starting from scratch so that Bucky is able to be more expecting and prepared this time. The build-up doesn’t bother you in the slightest, and it doesn’t take the both of you long to build up where you once were. Bucky’s comfortable kissing you. It’s everything else that daunts him.
Bucky is the one who holds your hips tight against his lap as he gives an experimental roll of his hips up into your ass; feeling the semi-bulge through his jeans. You gasp against his lips, and he seizes the moment to lick hot into your mouth. He doesn’t do it again; Teasing you and inviting you to take the next step. Experimentally, you return the gesture when you grind against Bucky’s lap. It draws a noise from both of you at that time.
“Yeah..,” Bucky huskily groans. “That’s good, fuck…” Bucky’s praise eggs you on to keep pressing down into Bucky. Rotating your hips to allow both of you to grind through your clothes; Traces of Bucky’s arousal evident in his jeans.
He steals your breath with a claiming kiss. Strong hands trailing up your thighs to test the waters. Feeling over the swell of your ass and encouraging you to keep pressing down into him. Rutting against his constricted and half-swelled cock. You’re unsure what to do with your hands other than planting them firmly on Bucky’s chest as you grind your sexes together. Fingers curling into bunch fabric of his shirt as Bucky’s head tilts to deepen your kiss further.
With each second that passes, you feel dizzier. High on the endorphins and lack of oxygen - your chest felt warm and fuzzy. Kissed senseless as Bucky’s firm hands squeeze the globes of your ass and rips a needy keen from your throat, drawing your grinds to a controlled halt. Right when you fear as though you might be too light-headed from the lack of air, Bucky shows some mercy. Freeing your lips and leaving you to gasp; Bucky licking his lips with a satisfied grin.
“I think I taste mint, did you pop a tic-tac earlier when I wasn’t looking…?” Bucky breathlessly teases, both of you so close that you can feel his smile. In that moment, you’re simply trying to return to Earth for a moment between soft, airy breaths. 
When you will yourself to finally look at Bucky again, his eyes are blown. His black pupils swallowing the blue of his eyes; leaving behind a thin ring. Something inside of him looks livelier than you’ve ever seen, Bucky’s cheeks flushed and lips swollen. 
“Jesus, Bucky,” is all you manage, earning a cheeky grin from Bucky - proud. “Speechless? I’m relieved to know after nearly a century I haven’t gotten rusty… It’d be embarrassing if I was 107 and didn’t know how to kiss,” Bucky jokes, and something inside of you feels so warm and fuzzy.
That you both can joke while still being in the moment and grinding into each other moments prior.
“Cocky, are we soldier?” You hum after regaining some of your composure, hands lifting to hold his face. Before Bucky has a chance to speak, the wiggle of your hips draws a reminder of the length in his jeans. Bucky chokes on a stifled groan low in his throat at the way you frott into him.
“Very funny,” he asks, still slightly out of breath.
“You took me by surprise,” you admit softly, “You never seem so brave…” “Frankly, sugar, it’s… Been a really long time. I’ve spent a too long runnin’ and not getting to actually feel alive - I’m not just surviving anymore. It’s taken time and it’ll still take more, but you make me feel better.” Bucky confesses fondly, and you snort with amusement. Pressing a loving kiss to his lips.
“Sap.” You murmur between soft pecks. “Only you could turn something hot into something sweet.” “Can’t we have both?” Bucky cooes. “Absolutely.”
This time, you take lead. Pecking kisses down from Bucky’s lips, over his stubbled cheek and defined jaw. His head tilts back to accommodate the way you nudge, leaving open-mouth kisses in your wake. Sucking the salty skin to leave behind loving bruises that will only last so long with Bucky’s healing factor. He groans; Adam’s apple bobbing when you stamp kisses back up his neck to the juncture of his ear and jaw. A soft kiss before you take a playful nip at his earlobe and send shivers racking through the man under you. “Oh, babydoll,” Bucky sighs airly, taking it upon himself to guide your hips. You move on your own accord as Bucky grinds you into his lap; Moving you back and forth to rut together through your clothes. You don’t have to do any of the work, instead just taking some time to give Bucky the loving he deserves.
When you peer at his face, his eyes are closed. Lashes kissing the tops of his cheeks and lips parted with soft breaths; the occasional clench of teeth pulls out a gravelly rumble from his chest. All of it has you so hot, so riled up. It’s just the two of you alone in the apartment; The air is charged with electricity between the two of you. The scrape of your teeth makes Bucky’s lips curl into a devious grin.
“You’re doin’ so good for me,” Bucky praises. “My pretty baby, yeah… God– Do you feel what you do to me, honey…?” Bucky’s voice was hoarse, the friction working him up just as much as it was you. The throbbing between your legs was becoming insatiable - your answer coming in a whimper as you sucked another purpling bruise into Bucky’s throat.
Your hips move enthusiastically. Trying to meet Bucky for every grind; Becoming too much for him to handle at one point. 
“Sl-Slow down, baby… Easy, we’ve got time,” he attempts to coax, but you’re busy chasing that high at that moment. You want to make Bucky feel good - this is doing that for him; Pleasing him. 
“What’s wrong, big guy?” You ask with an airy giggle, nosing up to Bucky’s ear. Your lips press against the shell of his ear; “I can’t get enough of you touching me, Bucky. I just want to make you come, thinking about it turns me on so much…”
You don’t realize until it’s too late what the words do to him, whispered out right in his ear. Bucky’s nose scrunches up and his jaw goes slack. His body becomes taut underneath you; Hands clutching hard and leaving a dull ache in your bones despite the way you’re still trying to move. Bucky’s hips stutter harshly, and suddenly he’s gasping out. Moaning low and breathy as he rides out his orgasm with half-hearted bucks up into your ass.
Your eyes widen with a sense of wonder as Bucky comes undone in those short few seconds. His lips curl into a perfect ‘o’ and he shudders, eyes pinched shut. “Ohhhh fuuuck,” Bucky moans, long and drawn out, and there’s not a hotter sight than Bucky Barnes coming because of you. You smile; Pleased with yourself and priding yourself on the fact of being able to be the one to do this to Bucky. You continue the grueling roll of your hips into his hard dick - little left to the imagination while your fingers tangle in his hair and you hold him close. Watching his face all the while; Not wanting to miss a single moment.
Bucky rides it out until he’s left with beads of sweat misting his hairline, panting with the rise and fall of his chest. Taking his time, licking his lips before seemingly becoming sheepish of how easily he’d just fallen apart. No warning; It’s been so long since he’s had another sexual partner to experience these things within a positive environment.
Your hips only stop when he’s well and done, knowing that most guys half the time are one-and-done. “That… That felt really good, m’sorry, it’s– it’s different. With, y’know, someone else… Versus alone…” Bucky manages awkwardly, and you simply draw him in for a lingering kiss. 
“I understand,” You murmur comfortingly against his lips. “You can clean up in the bathroom; I don’t have anything in your size for underwear, unfortunately, but I can find a pair of flannel bottoms that might fit…” “What about you?” Bucky asks, raising a brow. “Me?” “You.. You didn’t get to… Y’know.”
It’s oddly endearing how he worries about the fact that you weren’t able to get off the way he had. “What, we’re afraid to use adult language now?” You tease, and Bucky rolls his eyes. “M’bein’ serious. I want you to feel good…” Bucky says, rubbing your thighs soothingly. “I can get it up again if you give me a minute.” He adds, and for a moment you’re confused before placing the answer upon a super soldier refractory period.
“You’d be comfortable with that..?” You ask with a curious tilt, and Bucky bites his lips together; you can see the lingering daze in his eyes from the post-orgasm haze. “No,” he answers almost nervously. “I… Tonight has been a lot already. I don’t think I want to go there yet…” And you expect it to end there, but: “I have something else in mind, though.”
“Oh, do you now…?” you muse, curious. “Have you ever heard of mutual masturbation…?”
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You’re both sat facing one another on the couch; One of your legs tucked under your body and pants long abandoned to the floor leaving you in nothing but your underwear. You’d felt far less reluctance than Bucky had when it came to stripping down; The layers shed easily as your anticipation festered more and more to the surface. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited. You’ve known Bucky for a while now, and let’s not lie to yourself - He’s a good-looking man who can do things with a single look. The ‘Barnes Charm’ he was so popular for when he was young was still there; Showing itself in small flickers of moments from time to time. The only instances in acting on it on your behalf were in the comfort of your bedroom, alone in the sheets. No one’s business but yours. 
But now you’re there with him and no one else. No one to disturb your private moment.
Touch was something that was hard for Bucky - he’d expressed that to you when he stammered over what he’d been asking of you. That he’d rather watch one another right then.
Bucky had no problem drinking you in, either. His eyes were fixed on every movement you made - when you’d peeled your shirt off his eyes followed the expanse of glowing skin and studied it all. Every curve and slope of your body; There was no question of how enamored he was with you. It was the first time in a long time you’d felt truly seen. Someone who wasn’t just trying to get into your pants but found you breathtaking.
It was flattering; You could feel the heat in your cheeks and the way it flustered you to be looked at in awe. There was something about Bucky that made you feel perfect. He was a man that was genuine in everything he did; Not much of a people-pleaser if he doesn’t have to be. Arguably a little stubborn, actually. You knew nothing about the way he looked at you was feigned.
He chews his lip as his eyes study you. Leaned more forward from where he’s sat sideways on his half of the couch. Left hand clutching the back of the couch cushion, Bucky had that familiar bulge in his jeans (which were now unbuttoned and peeled open to show off his navy blue briefs). 
“You look so perfect, doll…” Bucky murmurs lovingly after a moment, and your heart melts in your chest.
The words felt too intimate for you to accept easily, but you didn’t want to reject the compliment either. So rather than reply verbally, you leaned back into the cushion propped up behind you and drew your right leg up; Pressed into the back of the couch. Your right leg dangles off the side of the couch and leaving you exposed to Bucky. A welcome invitation if he decides to change his mind and wants to touch you. 
Bucky breath hitches; shuddering out a slow exhale through his nose. His gaze is hungry, his hand thoughtlessly moving to his own groin to palm the returning erection.
“I’ll love you right, one of these days, sugar.” Bucky promises with a lick of his lips. “This is just fine for tonight, Bucky,” You reassure him, and his gaze racks up to your face. “Thank you again for understanding,” And the softness in his hungry eyes sends a cold desire to your core - something more intimate about that look than the one threatening to eat you whole. “Anything for you.” You tell him, meaning every word.
With that, you make a deliberate show of teasing your fingers down your chest and tummy before slinking between your legs. 
“Aww, that’s it, sugar,” Bucky hums fondly with a breathy chuckle. “Eager little thing, gonna put on a pretty show for me..?”
“Only if you promise to do the same; This is just as much for me as it is for you,” You tease affectionately, mood defiled when you trace your hole with your middle and ring finger. The pads of your fingers are cold on sensitive skin, leaving you to shiver and sigh out an airy moan.
“M’not in nearly as a rush as you are, sweetheart.” Bucky hums, and you catch the way his hand slides down to palm at his cock through his underwear. “So excited to be on display, are we?” “Just for you,” you exhale, preening at the way he looks at you while experimentally dipping the tips of your fingers into your wet and wanting hole.
“Thank God, might have to wring someone by the neck if I gotta share a sight as sweet as this...” The tone is playful and joking, but there are traces of genuine possessiveness in Bucky’s voice. The idea alone is enough to have you showing off; gathering the wetness and making a deliberate show of smearing it over glistening skin. Bucky licks his lips with a look as though he wants to eat you alive. 
Atleast it’ll give him something to look forward to for when you both do get to the point you can be physically comfortable with intimacy. You can have more than enough fun with this. 
“Mother, mary, n’ joseph…” Bucky drawls; that Brooklyn accent of his coming through thick with the rumble of his words. He relaxes back into the couch while you continue the steady stroke of teasing yourself, playing with your clit and leaving your cunt throbbing. Bucky properly slides his jeans down his thighs and bunches his briefs along with them.
The evidence of his previous orgasm smeared in his soiled briefs, his cock thick and bobbing at the cool air. Bucky hisses through his teeth before spitting into his hand and stroking himself off languidly. 
“Don’t stop, sweetheart. Keep touchin’ yourself for me, I wanna see how you like it…” the words were hummed low, squeaking a moan out of you with just the way he spoke to you alone. “Aww, did you like that, baby? Like the way I talk to you..?”
You bite your lip, swallowing back the noises and answering Bucky’s question in a profuse nod. Fingers still insistently tracing yourself to that sweet spot, you could feel the slow knot building in the pit of your tummy.
“Ah, ah, ah… If m’gonna talk, I wanna hear those sweet noises, babydoll. Sing for me,” Bucky cooes with a breathy chuckle, still fucking his fist on the length of his cock. Pre-come beading at the slit and making the tip glisten with the signs of his arousal.
“Oh, Bucky,” You wantonly mewl out, surprising yourself with how helpless you sound. Trailing your slick fingers down to press the tip of your middle finger into your weeping cunt. Experimentally pressing in, having been pent up for what felt likes ages and aching for relief.
“That’s it, baby,” Bucky’s hand begins to speed up over his aching cock; His thickness jerking in his palm whenever you make a particularly sweet noise. “Show me how you stuff that needy cunt; I wanna see how you - fuck - take care of yourself…”
You moan for Bucky; needy and high and airy. It just feeds into his own arousal as he jerks off across from you. His own groans deep and rough - Piercing gaze keeping you pinned to the couch. Unable to look away from the way Bucky’s gaze bore into you.
His eyes watch you expectantly; Waiting for you to do what he’s asked. You oblige.
Your fingers press knuckle-deep into your cunt; Experimentally thrusting into your channel and leaving your back to arch slightly off the arm of the couch.
“Oh,” you mewl out, fingers driving into your hole, stretching your tightness and leaving your arousal to spill out. 
Bucky jerks his thick cock, hand sliding easily and the ministration made easier by the pre-come that spills over his fist. He shifts his hips, licking his lips and grinning at the way you fuck yourself open.
“Look at you, such a pretty baby,” Bucky breathes low between pants for air. “If I didn’t know any better I’d have thought you – mmh, god - were waitin’ for this. So eager to get that hole wet…”
The way Bucky talks to you makes your chest flutter. Your face feels hot, gasping as it drives the way you fuck your hole. Watching the up-stroke on Bucky’s cock - imagining the length sliding home into you and whimpering at the thought. Your eyes screw shut, the room filled with the slick sounds of your fingers in your hole.
“Oh no, babydoll, open those pretty eyes. I want you to watch me,” Bucky demands, and your eyes open on command. “Yeah, that’s it… Good baby, see this?” Bucky stops the stroking of his dick to let his fingers wrap around the girth and give a little tap of the tip to his thigh. Showing off the girth and his thick balls.
“Yeah, yeah this is all for you, honey. M’so hard for you, all for you…” The rumble of his voice was soothing as it was arousing.
“Bu-Bucky,” you squeak past trembling lips. Thighs softly quaking — Bucky’s words could get you off alone. Who knew he was such a filthy talker?
“I’m right here, sugar. ‘S okay, make yourself feel good. Don’t gotta hold back for nothin’, show me, pretty thing. I wanna see it all…” It’s permission if you’ve ever heard it, and suddenly at that moment, you realize how dependent Bucky’s say was over your building orgasm. As if your body knew it was waiting on his approval before you could let yourself come undone. 
Your legs draw up to clench your thighs – Stopping yourself when you remember Bucky’s eyes are still fixed upon your flushed body. Watching the hypnotizing display of the quick work you made fingering your needy cunt while he relished int he display. Stroking his cock languidly before building up a pace that matched your own; Wanting to follow your arousal with you. 
Just because you both weren’t touching doesn’t mean he couldn’t work with you.
It doesn’t take much; Not that it surprises you. You’d been pent up from the previous grinding into one another; hot and bothered by kisses that gave you a hint of what more could be like. 
While your one hand is busy playing with your nub, your free hand smooths up to ruck up your shirt. Bucky’s dilated eyes light up even more when your hand moves under your top; Rolling a nipple between your fingers and drawing even more whorish noise from your swollen lips.
Bucky downright growls, hips arching subtly off the couch as he fucks up into his fist.
“Fuck, you like to play with your nipples, baby? Aww, bet you’re so sensitive… Mm, fuck, yea… M’gonna love gettin’ my hands on you when we’re ready. Gonna learn every nook n’ cranny of you; Wanna worship that pretty body of yours.”
He keeps talking like that; each word straight to your aching core and leaving you soaked. Bucky picks up on it in the way you get louder — noisier.
“You like that? Of course you do — who knew you were so fuckin’ filthy, sugar? Aw, m’gonna come, baby,” Bucky’s voice even until it begins to find a sense of urgency towards the end. A sharp breath from him, both of your hands moving while you watch one another. Pleasuring yourselves and being your most intimate selves; On display for one another.
Your jaw is slack, gasping and moaning out pitiful squeaks while you touch yourself. Bucky’s hand moves smoothly over his arousal, the sound of skin on skin as he jerks himself off.
“Oh, oh fuck, please, I-I’m gonna come, Bucky,” you cry out, and Bucky thumbs at the tip of his cock; wrist twisting towards the head. 
“Come for me, baby. C-Cream all over your pretty fingers — come for me, come for me,” Bucky’s words drive you over the edge.
Your walls flutter emptily; begging to be filled as you come undone under your fingers. It’s cloud nine, riding out your high on your familiar fingers. Thighs trembling and soaked with your wetness, hips canting up into nothing as you finish on your fingers. Gasping and squealing out until you’re reduced to pathetic whimpers.
Bucky watches you all the while. Fucking his fist and growling out through his bared teeth when you come. Reaching his own orgasm and painting his fist in thick stripes of creamy white that you want to lick clean. He pants, face flushed as his cock spills his heavy load. Staining the denim of his jeans and leaving a mess (though he’s careful of the couch). 
You both slump into the couch, still facing one another when the high has passed. Panting for air, the smell of sex and sweat heavy in the air. You’re the one to break the quiet with an airy giggle, which Bucky grinds widely in response to.
“Are you alright, honey..?” Bucky asks curiously, his own voice hoarse and quiet. “Perfect. How’s about a shower…? You’ve already seen me from the stomach down, I’ve already seen your dick. That’s practically all we have. Nothing to hide,” you offer with a roughness to your own voice, swallowing thickly. You smile, still lingering in the soft air of the post-orgasmic haze.
“Sounds perfect, baby. I’ll go get the shower runnin’, okay?” Bucky offers, tucking his mess back into his underwear (he won’t be wearing them much longer anyways). Scooting forward, he uses his clean hand to cup the back of your head and press a gentle kiss to your temple. 
You nod with a soft, ‘mhm’. Enjoying the settling moment's peace and serenity despite the cooling wetness coating your thighs. Moving will be awful but it was well worth it.
Bucky certainly leaves an impression. Kicking off the evening with flowers and a ride to the art museum, strolling the halls lovingly with him while partaking in art, only to come back to your apartment and masturbate together. Bucky might be more full of surprises than you thought. You couldn’t be more excited.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
hiiii could i possibly request something with the good ol' "steve is insecure with his place in the group/his intelligence/his worth compared to the rest of the party" cliche with reassurances in the form of copious amounts of cuddles and kisses and pet names from eddie? you're so great for doing these and i'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter of call me sunshine <3
Not Steve "self-doubt" Harrington convincing himself he can't be loved because he doesn't fit in or provide "useful" things to the group!!! I am lowkey hoping someone maybe adds to make this explicit because something about them having to be quiet in a tent just sounds like it has potential idk. Eddie is so in love in this it makes me SICK. - Mickala ❤️ (@scoops-stevie)
When Steve suggested that they do something fun together for the weekend, he meant maybe going into the city or renting a lake house maybe.
He definitely didn’t mean camping.
Outdoor camping was Dustin’s idea, and all the kids had agreed quickly. Robin bowed out the moment she could come up with a decent excuse and he could tell that Eddie wanted to do the same but wouldn’t abandon him.
Eddie had quietly offered to steal another RV, but Steve turned it down.
“You just started getting back in the good graces of most of the town, let’s not give them a reason to hate you again.”
So they packed up the van with all the camping supplies they collectively had: three tents (one for the girls, one for the boys, one for Steve and Eddie), a couple coolers full of drinks and food, a few chairs, flashlights, sleeping bags, and clothes.
Steve wasn’t great at reading maps, so he let Dustin ride passenger to help Eddie find where they were going.
He sat with the girls, mostly because he liked the way they just ignored everyone and everything and talked amongst each other about mundane things.
He may not always understand what they’re talking about, but he liked being a part of it.
He almost never understood what they were talking about actually.
But it was better than having everything the boys were talking about go right over his head.
Especially when they started arguing about stuff and talked so fast that Steve had no chance of keeping up.
Steve just kind of watched as everyone around him had conversations.
He tried not to think about how everyone was existing without him in a way.
He was here, but he wasn’t needed.
When they arrived at the campsite, it was even more secluded than they thought it would be.
It was also only a couple hours until sunset and they all had to make sure the tents were set up properly before it was too dark to see.
Steve got started with his tent while Eddie helped the girls. Max still had limited movement in her wrists so she was given the task of setting the chairs around the fire pit that Lucas and Mike had formed.
Steve was struggling.
He’d only put up one tent before, and it was at summer camp where the counselor and four other boys had been helping. In all honesty, he’d pretty much managed to watch the whole time instead of help.
He would manage to get part of it up, but it would fall apart when he tried to do the other side. He kept losing the pieces to keep it tied down to the ground.
He was losing against an inanimate object.
Everyone else was doing fine; Joking and laughing and finishing up their tasks like they didn’t have to put all their focus into one thing at a time.
El wordlessly started helping him, and he knew she wasn’t judging him, but he couldn’t help the small part of his brain that was telling him that she thought he was stupid.
He was quiet for the rest of the evening.
They cooked hot dogs over the fire that Will started, then made s’mores since El had never had them before.
He watched and listened, smiled when everyone else was.
But he felt overcome with sadness that he just didn’t belong here.
He was the babysitter, he took care of them, and drove them around, and helped them survive alternate dimension monsters.
He didn’t know how to talk to them about the stuff they liked, or play their stupid dragon game. He could barely keep up with half the things they said.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna turn in for the night,” he said suddenly, interrupting something Mike had been saying to everyone.
Everyone looked at him with sad looks, but Eddie looked concerned.
“You okay? Is it a headache?” He asked.
Damn, he hadn’t even thought of a good excuse. At least Eddie was providing him one for free.
“Yeah, just a little one. I think if I sleep now it’ll be fine by morning.”
The taste of the lie in his mouth made his lip curl slightly. The words “friends don’t lie” replayed in his brain as he stood up and made his way to his tent at the far end of their setup.
No one tried to stop him, but he could feel their eyes on him as he unzipped his tent and then zipped it back up behind him.
They’d set up lamps inside each tent so that they could reserve flashlights for bathroom trips or emergencies. His was the kind you can dim, so he did. He took off his shoes and jeans, changing into the t-shirt he brought from home that was probably Eddie’s now that he was looking closer at it.
He’d brought his pillow from home because he couldn’t possibly sleep flat on the ground, and Eddie had brought one of his own because he still had some back pains when he slept wrong.
He curled up in his sleeping bag, holding Eddie’s pillow against his chest.
He felt a tear start to run down his face without his permission, not even sure why he was crying right now.
He heard the zipper and tried to shut his eyes quickly, hide his face in the pillow in hopes that Eddie would think he was really asleep.
“Hey darlin’. Mind if I join?” Eddie whispered.
Steve couldn’t ignore him, so he nodded and started to move the pillow from his chest and face.
“Oh, sweetheart. Why are you crying?”
Steve shook his head. He couldn’t even begin to explain.
“Can I hold you?”
Steve let out a sob, and Eddie didn’t wait for him to answer.
He was laying down next to Steve, pulling him against his chest and running his hands up and down his back.
“Is it a migraine? Do you need me to get some ice from the cooler? Or medicine from the van?”
“No, not a migraine.”
“Okay. Is it just a bad night?”
Steve couldn’t help the fondness he felt at that.
Eddie was so understanding, and incredible, and perfect. Steve didn’t deserve him just like he didn’t deserve the rest of these people.
“Stevie, it’s okay to have a bad night. Sometimes they just happen, right? That’s what you always tell me.”
Eddie’s hand had found its way to Steve’s hair, slowly running through the strands, occasionally looping the ends around a finger.
It sent chills down Steve’s spine when his fingers brushed against his neck so gently.
“I just don’t belong here.”
“I’ll admit the outdoors is not really my favorite place either, but-”
“No, not. Not the outdoors. Here. With everyone.”
“Why wouldn’t you?” Eddie’s hand had frozen in his hair and on his back.
“I’m not smart. I’m not good at putting things together or fixing things. I can’t even be in most of their conversations. They keep me around because they don’t know how to get rid of me. I mean, they don’t even need a babysitter anymore!”
Steve’s tears were dripping onto Eddie’s shirt, making a mess.
Another reason he shouldn’t be around.
Eddie tilted his face up, nothing but love in his eyes.
“I want you to listen to me. You are needed in this group. You are wanted in this group. You are loved in this group. Do you really think a bunch of teenagers would be wasting a weekend camping with you when they could be going to the movies or the arcade or getting into trouble?”
Steve didn’t answer, but he sniffled as he watched Eddie get more passionate.
“And it is absolute bullshit that you’re not smart. How many times have you been the one to figure out something, whether it was during Upside Down shit or not? How many times have you been the one with common sense? You’re more than a babysitter, my love. You’ve always been more than that to all of them.”
They laid there in silence for a few minutes, Steve soaking in Eddie’s words as Eddie continued to comfort him in the way he needed.
“I just feel like I need to be more useful. I don’t want them to get bored or annoyed because I can’t be part of their world,” he finally said, his voice shaking.
“Angel, they love you for who you are. Just like I love you for who you are. You fit where you fit because that’s what the group needs. They don’t need another Dustin to always make connections because of one obscure fact relating to something he read once when he was nine. They don’t need another El to fight their battles.They need the Steve who is going to go along with whatever they want to do so he can protect them if and when things go wrong. They need the Steve who is always there to support them even with the most mundane things.”
“I couldn’t even set up the tent by myself.”
“None of us could. I had help. That’s why I told El to help you. None of us can do stuff alone, love. You’re putting expectations on yourself that no one else is putting on you.”
Steve shuddered.
He’d been pretty famous for doing that for years.
Once his parents stopped caring at all, he started caring too much.
And now he expected more of himself than anyone else ever would.
He’d set himself up to fail. At least in his own eyes.
“Did that finally get into that concussed brain of yours?” Eddie said, smirk evident in his tone.
Steve playfully slapped his chest and hid his face against his tear-soaked shirt.
“I guess maybe it did. A little,” he said.
“Good. You know I love you more than the stars, right?”
“And the moon?”
“And the galaxies in space.”
Steve settled further against Eddie’s side.
“I love you, too,” he sighed out, feeling content for probably the first time this entire trip.
In the morning, he’d start over, let his brain rest. He’d make everyone breakfast and then help them all make sure they were prepared for their short hike. He’d pack them sandwiches and extra water bottles in case they ended up walking further than they planned. And when they all got back to the campsite the next night, he’d make s’mores with them.
He’d ignore the voice telling him that he wasn’t enough for any of them, and he’d be enough for himself.
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fivie · 8 months
I keep thinking about how well grantaire and anna would get along (before she gets re-brainwashed)... i know you've moved away from spn canon with UMW but do you have thoughts on how your characters would theoretically interact with spn characters?
ah yes, the re-brainwashing was very unfortunate 😔
my main headcanon re. UMW characters meeting SPN characters is that if Enjolras and Grantaire met Sam and Dean, based on Enjolras's personality and him having the sword, they would absolutely assume he was the angel of the pair 😂 Dean would probably commiserate with Grantaire about the challenges of hanging out with a socially challenged angel, and Grantaire would absolutely go along with it. Then Cas would show up and be like 'hello brother 😐' and spoil his fun.
I think Enjolras and Dean would butt heads, but Sam and Combeferre would probably get along quite well. I hope the spirit of Victor Hugo can't see me typing this.
Ages ago I actually started writing a little crossover story just for fun but I found it really weird 😂 I don't know if I'll ever write any more of it so I'll put what I have under a cut here if anyone wants to read it lol
(it is definitely not UMW canon 😂)
Grantaire is in a long-abandoned barn in rural Belgium, idly sweeping up the ashy remains of the shapeshifter that had been terrorising the nearby village in the guise of a local cryptid legend, when Combeferre pops into his mind with a bemusing prayer:
Don't come back to my apartment right now.
Grantaire pauses, awaiting further details. If Combeferre were in danger, he's sure he wouldn't bother beating around the bush, so Grantaire isn't overly worried, but Combeferre has never told him to stay away before and so he waits, curious. A minute or so later, an even more bemusing continuation:
Or if you do, make sure you come in through the front door like a human would.
Sometimes Grantaire desperately wishes that the prayer communication line went both ways. Combeferre feels distracted, like there are many other things demanding his attention and he is snatching at quiet moments to send Grantaire fragmented intel. Finally:
Other hunters here.
With that, the pieces slot together. Grantaire personally thinks it would be kind of funny for him to drop in on a room full of Musain hunters, especially the ones who'd written him off as a drunken waste of space years ago, and he could always erase their memories after if it was going to cause problems, but he supposes that Combeferre's solution of just keeping him away for a while is simpler. He finishes his clean up and is just about to return to Jehan's house when Combeferre reaches out again.
Could use your expertise for this. Come back if you're able? But please be discreet.
Grantaire snorts. He thinks he'll enjoy having a conversation with Combeferre later about why it's okay to pretend that he's human to other hunters, but not to Enjolras or Combeferre himself. He's well aware of the difference and the reasoning, of course, but he does like watching Combeferre wrestle with a moral quandary.
Enjolras is here, too.
This last part sounds like a warning, and Grantaire supposes it is, and one he should be thankful for. He braces himself before flying back to Combeferre's building, going up the stairs with pointed emphasis and hoping everyone in the apartment can hear his very normal, very human footsteps approaching. He opens the apartment door, calling out a greeting, and he steps inside and the world stops.
The other angel in Combeferre's living room stares at him, his human face registering only mild surprise even as his luminous true form roils and sparks in shock and alarm and, of course, horrifyingly, recognition. Grantaire stares back for a wild, world-tilting moment, and then he flies in a mad flurry, grabbing Enjolras and Combeferre and taking them to the furthest side of the room, pushing them behind him. Combeferre, who had just expressly told Grantaire to be on his best and most human behaviour, calls his name in confused dismay, and Enjolras is saying something too, demanding to know what he's doing, and there are two other humans here too, making their own noise, but then—
"Hello, brother," Castiel says, and all the humans in the room fall deathly silent.
Grantaire doesn't answer. His hand instinctively twitches to curl around the handle of a blade not currently in his possession. He can feel the presence of his sword burning in Enjolras's coat pocket and he wonders if the split second it would take for him to get to it will mean fiery death for all of them.
Three thousand years, he thinks. Three thousand years he successfully kept his head down, and then Combeferre goes and invites another angel into his living room—!
"Aw no, brother?" one of the new humans repeats. Grantaire doesn't dare take his eyes off Castiel, but the human sounds exasperated. He also sounds American, which raises many questions but also answers the one of why they are all here and not at the Musain. Grantaire can only imagine the Musain hunters' reaction to Americans descending upon their home base. "Cas, are you serious?"
"He's pretty clearly serious." The other human puts himself in Grantaire's line of vision, stepping between him and Castiel with one hand raised placatingly. He's uncommonly tall and more than broad enough in the shoulders to be considered physically imposing by human standards, but his posture and expression are currently extremely non-confrontational—he looks nervous, and sort of concerned. He looks at Grantaire first but then, clearly finding no invitation in his stony face, tilts his head to look past him at Enjolras and Combeferre instead. "So, uh. Got yourselves an angel."
"As do you, it would seem," Combeferre says with measured calm. It's strange to hear him speak English. Out of the corner of his eye, Grantaire sees him take half a step forward and hisses back at him, "Don't."
"Hey, who are you? Do we know you?" the first human says suddenly. "Are you an old douchebag in a new meat-suit?"
"Dean," Castiel says in quiet admonishment.
"What? It's not like we can tell."
"You don't know him," Castiel tells him before turning back to Grantaire. "This isn't necessary. I'm not going to harm you or these humans. You should calm yourself."
"And if you want to harm Cas then we're going to have a problem," the tall human says.
Grantaire makes no attempt to calm himself. "Are you alone?" he demands of Castiel, whose vessel affects a faintly puzzled expression.
"I'm here with Sam and Dean," he says slowly, and Grantaire scowls.
"I mean," he says, "where is your garrison?"
"I no longer serve Heaven, Rachmiel," Castiel says in oddly gentle tones, as if he's just realised why Grantaire would be so horrified to see him.
"Do not call me that," Grantaire snaps with a sharp shake of his head. "You—what do you mean?"
"I am...fallen." There's a strange mixture of pride and shame in Castiel's voice as he says it. "My loyalties were tested and I found them to lie more with humanity than with our brothers and sisters."
"You…" Grantaire's mind, emerging from the initial shock, starts to piece things together, starts to remember. "I saw you. Last year. You were killing angels and humans. Hundreds of them."
"Hey, that wasn't Cas," one of the humans, Dean, starts to protest, while Grantaire hears twin sharp intakes of breath from Combeferre and Enjolras as they apparently make the connection between the God-Monster they'd seen on screen all those months ago and the mild-mannered man standing before them now.
"Look, okay, let's...We didn't come here to fight," says the other human, whom Grantaire assumes, through elimination, to be Sam. "It's complicated, okay? But Castiel is with us. He's not the bad guy. He's saved our lives more times than I can count and—hell, he helped us stop the apocalypse."
"Did he say the apocalypse?" Grantaire hears Enjolras mutter behind him.
"What did you two have to do with the…?" Grantaire looks at the two strangers properly for the first time and feels a fresh wave of hysteria. There is a lot to be read from their souls that he will unpack later, but most pressingly, he can see who they are—what they are. "You're the vessels." His undoubtedly wild-eyed gaze swings back to Castiel. "You're walking around with Michael and Lucifer's vessels? You brought them here?"
"Michael and Lucifer are both in the cage," Castiel says. "I do not expect they will be coming looking for their vessels."
"And they already know that they do not have consent to take either of us for a ride," Dean says with a grimly sardonic smile.
Grantaire's head feels like it's going to explode, which wouldn't kill him but would undoubtedly be very distressing for Enjolras and Combeferre to witness. He wills his vessel to hold it together.
"Grantaire," Combeferre says quietly—even that makes him jump. Combeferre speaks to him in soft, rapid-fire French that the Americans clearly do not understand and that Castiel politely pretends not to hear. "If he's really broken with Heaven, isn't that a good thing? For you to not be the only one?"
Grantaire casts a somewhat tortured glance back at him, not anywhere near ready to accept the idea that running into anyone from his family could ever be good, before looking inevitably back to Castiel, unable to keep his eyes from returning to the perceived threat in the room.
"It is good to see you," Castiel says, horribly earnest. "I believed you dead."
"Yeah, that was the idea," Grantaire snaps. Castiel tilts his head to one side like a confused puppy, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.
"You've been in hiding," he hazards finally.
"Pretty successfully, up until now," Grantaire says.
"Hey, just like Gabriel," Dean remarks. "You gotta wonder how many other angels flew the coop."
"Gabriel," Combeferre repeats in tones of disbelief that match Grantaire's own feelings. "The archangel? He also…?"
"Gabriel is dead," Grantaire says bluntly.
"Yeah, but he had a good run hanging out down here pretending to be a trickster god," Dean says with a smile that suggests not-so-fond remembrance. "What've you been hiding out as? Some other deity?"
There's an agonising sort of pause, and then it's Enjolras who says, not without bitterness, "A human."
Dean whistles. "That's a bold choice."
"Rachmiel," Castiel says, and Grantaire wants to scream. "Heaven will not hear of any of this from me. You and your humans are safe. Please. I—Here."
He puts one hand up as if in surrender while his blade falls from the sleeve of his coat into his other hand. He holds it up, slowly and demonstratively, before setting it down on Combeferre's coffee table and stepping back.
There is a very strange, very awkward moment where Castiel and his two humans look at Grantaire expectantly, waiting for him to return the gesture and disarm. Finally, Enjolras steps forward. He catches Grantaire's eye questioningly and, at his nod, takes Grantaire's blade out of his own coat and lays it next to Castiel's. Dean and Sam's eyebrows shoot up and Castiel gives a slow, considered blink, but mercifully all three of them refrain from saying anything about the matter.
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lomllover · 2 years
snow on the beach.
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summary: y/n is on tour and harry joins her for one of her songs pairings: singer!yn x boyfriend!harry warnings: so so much fluff - You had been on tour for a total of five months and this was your final show for a little bit.
"Alright, Chicago are we re-" You began to say and saw a sign that made you laugh. "Wait hold on.. can I read your sign?" You asked the fan in the crowd and waited for their answer.
"Yes!!!" The girl shouted back at you and held her phone up higher to get a better angle of your guys' conversation.
"Her sign says, 'Y/N please reject me so I can move on'.. What's your name?"
"Charlotte!" She responded.
"Well Charlotte, you'll be very upset to hear that I have a boyfriend," You smiled as the crowd got louder at the mention of Harry. "And I think he would also be upset and a little jealous if he read your sign. What if we brought him out to confirm that?" You said with a smirk and watched as Harry walked onto the stage.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and gave it a light squeeze. "Now what's this I hear about you trying to get with my girlfriend?" He asked once everyone settled down.
Charlotte laughed and shrugged. "Have you seen her?"
"Have I seen her?! Of course I have! She's smokin' hot."
You buried your face into Harry's side as your cheeks turned red and shook your head. "Shhh.. okay.. We have one more song for you and I was going to bring H out to sing it with me so your sign was amazingly timed, Charlotte." You turned to Harry and gave him a small nod. "Ready baby?"
He nodded and you both put your mics on their stands as the band started playing.
"One night, a few moons ago I saw flecks of what could've been light. But it might just have been you passing by unbeknownst to me." You started singing and smiled at Harry. "Life is emotional abusive and time can't stop me quite like you did and my flight was awful, thanks for asking. I'm unglued, thanks to you." You shifted your weight from one side of your body to the other to start singing the chorus. "And it's like snow at the beach weird, but fuckin' beautiful. Flying in a dream stars by the pocketful you wanting me tonight feels impossible but it's comin' down no sound, it's all around."
Harry couldn't help but smile big at you singing that he almost forgot to start singing his part. "This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen. I searched "aurora borealis green" I've never seen someone lit from within blurring out my periphery," He watched as a couple in the pit started dancing with each other so he couldn't help taking his microphone off his stand and moving closer to you. "My smile is like I won a contest and to hide that would be so dishonest and it's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'til you do, 'til it's true." He sang as you turned to face him.
"Now it's like snow at the beach, weird, but fuckin' beautiful. Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful. You wanting me tonight feels impossible. But it's comin' down no sound, it's all around." You both sang together. "I can't I speak, afraid to jinx it. I don't even dare to wish it."
You both moved down a couple of stairs to the cat-walk part of the stage and sat down on them then Harry started singing again, "But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet. Now I'm all for you like Janet. Can this be a real thing?"
"Can it?" You finished the lyric and held his free hand. "Are we falling like," You started this lyric for him to finish as small pieces of white confetti started falling down from the ceiling to act as snow.
"Snow snow at the beach? (Snow at the beach) Weird, but fuckin' beautiful. Flying in a dream (Flying in a dream), Stars by the pocketful. You wanting me (You wanting me). Tonight feels impossible, but it's comin' down. No sound, it's all around." He finished the song and you both stood up to bow to the crowd and blow them kisses.
"Thank you everyone so much please get home safe tonight, I love you all so much. Thank you for the best 5 months of tour I could ever ask for." You looked down at Charlotte and blew her a kiss. "Thank you." You mouthed to her and she smiled big.
You and Harry left the stage and went back stage to your dressing room. "That was so much fun, H. Thank you for coming and singing with me." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.
"Anything for you, honey." He nuzzled his face into your neck. "I love you."
sooo what'd you guys think?? pls make sure to lmk and reblog this story if you did like it to help my account grow! i love you all so much and thank you for taking time to read my stories. <3
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romione-trope-fest · 6 months
Can't Do This Without You
Title: Can’t Do This Without You
Author: adenei
Trope: Cockblocker Harry
Summary: DH Missing Moment after Harry’s retrieval/Seven Potters. More angsty than anticipated.
WC: 1,790
Rating: M
TW: Implications of death/dying
Hermione would have thought she’d have a good night’s sleep now that Harry was here—now that they’d successfully completed their retrieval mission—and everyone was once again safe under the Burrow’s roof, but that wasn’t the case at all. She’d tossed and turned all night. 
  Dreams turned into nightmares where Ron was the one who was hit with the killing curse, falling off his broom and tumbling hundreds of feet to the ground. She’d woken up in a cold sweat, praying she hadn’t screamed or woken Ginny. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the image of Ron’s lifeless eyes staring into nothing. It was the worst thought imaginable—even more so than wiping her parents’ memories and sending them halfway across the world.
  Because what would be left to fight for if he was gone? The fear she’d grappled with in those never-ending moments before he and Tonks appeared in the field just beyond the Burrow’s garden had been excruciating. She couldn’t lose him—her lifeline to everything. If something happened to him, she’d be useless to Harry, better off as dead too.
  She tries to shake the dramatics from her mind, but it’s no good. She knows she’s overreacting herself into an unnecessary spiral, yet she can’t help it. Ever since she finally admitted to herself that she was in love with him—back when he’d been poisoned—the need and want and desperation to repair their mangled relationship had occupied the forefront of her mind.
  It really shouldn’t. Not when there’s a war on and she needs to put all of her focus into helping Harry find Horcruxes to destroy them and defeat Voldemort. 
  Right. The mission.
 Hermione blinks her tired eyes and refocuses on her porridge. Now that Harry’s here, they have to talk, plan, have things ready to go at a moment’s notice—all while Mrs. Weasley is trying to keep them apart.
  She glances down at the list she’s been given, chores she’s meant to accomplish today before the arrival of Fleur’s parents. Ron and Harry have lists too, no doubt not aligning with her own. A sigh escapes her lips and her gaze drifts to Ron, who happens to be watching her with a concerned look in his eye. She offers a feeble smile, but it’s obvious he sees right through it when his brow furrows even deeper.
  As much as she’d been looking forward to the relief of finally having Harry with them, she misses the two weeks they had together—alone. It didn’t matter how much she tried to prepare herself for it, how realistic she’d been about its expiration date, she’s still mourning the loss of the time they’ll no longer get together. And now she’s left questioning her decision to let him that far in to begin with, knowing that it can’t continue with Harry here. Maybe it would have been better to keep him at a distance—to protect her heart. 
  Ha, her heart. That’s the whole reason she’s in this mess to begin with. She forces herself to finish her breakfast with minimal lamentation in her mind, but it’s no use. Her brain won’t let up. So, she magics away her dish and gets up, hoping the tasks she’s been assigned will be a better distraction.
  But as she’s halfway to the door to go collect and fold the laundry that’s been hanging out to dry, Ron also moves around the table, headed for the stairs, but passes her a little too closely. His hand slides into hers for a brief moment, leaving a ripped piece of parchment in her grip. Then, he continues on his way as if nothing happened.
  She waits until she gets to the clothesline before unfolding the wrinkled paper and reads his note.
  Meet me in the broomshed in 10 minutes.
  Folding it hastily, Hermione shoves it in her pocket, worried that Mrs. Weasley might round a corner or open a window and become suspicious. She sets about to take the clothes off the line, then uses the table outside after Scourgifying it to fold everything. It’s only been eight minutes when she’s finished, but she doesn’t care. It’ll be less noticeable if one of them sneaks in there first. Looking around, she takes the basket with her to the shed under the guise of dropping off a freshly-cleaned pair of knee and elbow pads. 
  Ron joins her soon after, though it feels like she’s been waiting a lifetime when he finally opens the door and shuts it quietly behind him. “No one saw you, right?” he asks.
  “No.” She shakes her head. “You?”
  Hermione waits, expecting him to ask her what’s wrong—he clearly knows something’s bothering her—but when he turns to face her, his eyes darken as they search her face. She knows that look, knows it so well, but the relief she feels upon seeing it is nothing compared to the way it finally feels to have his mouth on hers again.
  The way Ron kisses her now is different from every other time. She thought she’d experienced every possible kiss he has to offer by this point, but the desperation as his lips hungrily capture hers is brand new. With the looming threat of death and scarce opportunities to continue activities such as this coming soon, she wonders if this might become the norm.
  Instinctively, her hands tug at his shirt as his fingers claw up her sides, his thumbs teasing her as they brush the underside of her breasts. Even through her bra, it sends shivers throughout her body, and she arches her back in a request for more. He removes his hands long enough to let Hermione take his shirt off, then splays them on her back and presses her against his body. 
  In between the shower of little pecks along her jaw, he asks, “What’s wrong?
  Her eyes flutter shut as she focuses on the sensation of his hot breath on her skin. She wants to lie and tell him nothing so they can continue doing this, but she knows better. They promised—no more lies, no more hiding things. They have to be honest with each other.
  “I can’t stop thinking about—if it’d been—when you didn’t come back on time, I—” The tears begin to slip out of her eyes.
  He wipes them away with his thumbs and cups her face. “I didn’t. I’m right here.”
  “I know, but what if—” a sob escapes her mouth. “Ron, I can’t do this without you.”
  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here. Right here.” He solidifies the fact by guiding one of her hands to his chest, placing it over his steadily beating heart.
  It’s funny how he always knows what she needs. The gesture does wonders to calm her. “I know, I know, I—we shouldn’t be doing this.”
  He smiles against her cheek. “Probably not, no. Want to stop?”
  “Good.” His lips return to her neck, kissing down to her clavicle as his hands find their way back up under the thin cotton of her shirt. “Missed you last night.”
  “Me too,” she breathes as he kisses the swell of her cleavage. Her hips dig into his, grinding against him. “More. Please.”
  Ron groans, the vibrations sending shockwaves to her center. Her fingers find the button of his jeans and begin to fumble when there’s a crack, then a commotion outside the door. The handle jiggles, but thank Merlin Ron locked it. Her eyes widen as she looks at Ron, her hands still frozen at his jeans.
  “Guys, are you in there?” Harry calls.“I could have sworn I saw—maybe not. Damn. Then where…”
  His voice trails off and they both exhale in relief. “That was close,” Ron mutters.
  “Yes, it was. Maybe we should…” she looks down at his bare torso and her hands halfway down his pants.
  Ron kisses her cheek. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
  “We knew this was going to happen,” she commiserates, immediately missing the contact as he bends down to pick up his shirt.
  “I know. I just—maybe we can find a way…at night? After everyone’s asleep?” She contemplates his suggestion, weighing the plausibility of getting away with a late-night escape out here. But when she takes too long to respond, he follows with “Not that we have to do this—I mean, that’s not all—we could just—”
  She places her pointer finger over his lips. “Stop. I’d like that. As long as we can get away with it.”
  “Oh. Right. Brilliant.” His cheeks flush scarlet, ears turning pink.
  Despite having expressed themselves in more ways than just words over the past few weeks, Hermione’s heart still melts over the awkwardness. It’s these moments that remind her how real this is—how genuine his feelings are too—and how sometimes he has a hard time believing they’re here right now as well.
  She leans forward and presses her lips to his, kissing away any of his lingering doubt. For a moment, she wonders if they should just tell Harry, but then she remembers he broke up with Ginny because of the mission, and she knows it’d hardly be fair for her and Ron to be together while he can’t be with her.
  Sneaking around it is, then.
  But then another thought occurs to her. “Ron?”
  “If Harry was looking for us and thought he saw us go in here…but the door was locked…did he not realize—does he know?”
  Ron shakes his head. “No! No, I swear I didn’t—I don’t know why he didn’t try to—oh bugger—”
  “But why else would he just—”
  “I don’t know. Maybe—er, maybe he thought Mum put a charm on it so we can’t get our quidditch stuff until chores are done or something? She used to do that when we were younger…”
  Hermione bites her lip. “Maybe. So then how do we—”
  “Give me a minute.” He furrows his brow and thinks. Hermione watches him carefully, seeing the crinkle of the corners of his eyes and the curl of his lips when the plan formulates in his head. “I’ve got it. I’ll Apparate back to my room from here, and you leave the same way you came. If Harry’s lingering, just pretend you were crying or something. He asked if you were okay at breakfast, so he knows something’s bothering you.”
  “Oh, that’s brilliant. That could explain the locked door too!”
  Hermione throws her arms around him and allows herself to get lost in another deep kiss until he’s the one who pulls away this time. “If we don’t stop now…”
  “I know, I know.”
  But they both stay there, neither attempting to move first. Then Ron squeezes her hand and smiles. “Tonight?”
  “Yes, tonight.”
  And hopefully, there won’t be any more interruptions.
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boltupbitches · 4 months
We Can't Be Friends - Justin Herbert (angst)
Her hands shook as she grasped the box tightly in her hands. Inside it were various belongings of her now ex-boyfriend. It was surreal as she carefully folded away the dark green Nike sweatshirt he left at her apartment. The other items included a Nike ballcap she borrowed from him, a spare phone charger, a book he forgot to finish reading that always sat on his side of the bed in her bedroom, and a jewelry box with the diamond necklace he bought her recently.
The last one she knew he’d protest accepting… yet it seemed fitting to give it back to him. Unlike the other pieces of jewelry she owned, this was the first expensive gift he ever got her. She didn’t want to wear it and be reminded of her heartache. 
She looked around her apartment, her heart aching at the odd spots where photos of them once were, now bare or replaced with something else like a decorative vase or photo of something else. The throw blanket he had made with her cat on it was also folded and put away in the closet, out of sight and out of mind. The apartment felt strangely empty, the absence of his presence palpable, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the changes.
Her apartment looked oddly bare now with the various signs of him now missing from her daily life. Photos were gone, furniture re-arranged, and traces of him were in the box, ready to be returned to him, except along with it was her heart. The most precious thing she wished she could take back from him.
During her ponderings, she hadn’t realized there was a knock at the door. She frowned, realizing that it was likely Justin on the other side of the door. Part of her wondered why he didn’t use the key he had, but another part of her knew he probably didn’t feel comfortable doing so now that they were broken up.
Emma sat the box down on her coffee table and moved to the front door to let him in. As a precaution, she looked in the peephole first to make sure it was him.
He stood there awkwardly, shuffling from foot to foot as he waited to be let in.
Emma sighed and opened the door, preparing for the pangs her heart was about to experience all over again. The mere thought of him hurt, yet the sight of him felt like she was struck down by a bullet.
Justin smiled gently at her, his eyes were showing sadness and uncertainty as he stared into her eyes. In his hands was a box of her things. 
“Hey, come in…” Emma backed away from the door for him to enter, her one hand holding the doorknob tightly and the other tucked to her side. She felt so vulnerable in that moment, allowing him both physically and metaphorically to re-enter her space.
Justin shuffled through the doorway and stopped to slip his shoes off before continuing into her apartment. He gently sat the box of her stuff on the coffee table before he took a moment to stare around the room, his eyes catching the sight of missing photos of the pair that once decorated the walls and shelves of her living room.
It was odd. Emma was sure that’s what he was thinking as she quietly watched him gaze at the corner bookshelf that once had a photo of two of them after a fishing trip - her first ever fishing trip at sea. They were posing together with her catch, her face beaming with pride and his eyes on her, so much adoration in his smile and his eyes. She loved that picture… but now it sat in a box underneath her bed with all the other photos of them together.
“I… um… I think I got everything that was yours.” Justin rubbed his neck nervously as he finally stared in her direction, “If I find anything else I’ll send a text.” He offered with a strained smile.
Emma could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t want to do this - the awkward silence as two people who spent the last two years always together could not find the words to say what they wanted to say. She opened her mouth to thank him but the words would not come out. She just stood there with her lips parted as she searched Justin’s eyes for something, anything.
“You said you had my stuff?” Justin asked. “I-I mean no rush! I just remember you saying that in your text.”
“Y-yeah. It’s right here.” She lifted the box and handed it over to him, watching as he glanced into the box, his face pulling into a frown at the stuff that filled the box.
Justin reached in for the box that held the necklace he had gifted her. “Emma… this is yours. You don’t have to give it back to me.” He looked at her sadly. 
Emma looked down at her sock-clad feet before looking back at him with a frown. “Justin… we broke up. I… I don’t think I could ever wear that again without thinking about you.”
He nodded as he thumbed the small box, “Still, you could pawn it or something. I can’t accept a gift back, Emma. That’s not right.”
“You could regift it.” She said stubbornly, “I don’t want it, Justin.”
“Who am I going to regift this to when it’s meant for the woman I love? I mean, that’s an odd thing to consider, Emma.” He was starting to get frustrated. “It’s just a necklace, why can’t you keep it?” He pushed.
“Because I don’t want to feel this way forever and that necklace hurts to look at!” Her voice raised slightly, “because it reminds me - never mind.” She stopped herself. “Never mind.”
“Reminds you of what?” Justin pressed. 
“It reminds me of all the false promises you made to me.” She admitted, her voice cracking with the emotions bubbling up. Look, I don’t want to argue. Just please take the stuff.”
Justin stared at her blankly as he was processing what she said. “Emma, I… I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did,” She bit back a sob. “You did and it still hurts so badly. You ignored me and iced me out when all I tried to do was support you. You took two years of happiness and flipped it on its head. You treated me like a stranger and slowly but surely, the circle of friends I built with you… I felt like an imposter, a stranger. I’m a fool because I realized that you didn’t understand me. How could you ever even try when I was no longer not even in your top 10 priorities.” She started to cry more. “I had to tiptoe and hide this monstrous lie about my life to my family and friends so that you could have peace from the media. I gave so much to you but you never considered giving that much in return. The jewelry? The trips and restaurants? I didn’t care about those things. I only ever wanted you, Justin.”
He stood in shock as she unloaded on him, the floodgates spilling over as her emotions hit him like a tsunami wave. He could barely stand straight as he felt his own heartache at the pain he caused her.
“I just wanted you and that’s why, that’s why this is over. That’s why we can’t be friends. I'd like to just pretend… But I can’t wait for you to like me again. I can’t wait for your love anymore. I’m tired and I’m hurt.”
He said nothing as he gulped and looked down.
Emma breathed heavily and fanned her face in an attempt to cool down.
“I know right now there’s nothing I can say or do at this moment to fix this, Emma.” He looked up with earnest eyes, “But for what it is worth, I am so sorry for taking you for granted these last few months. I’m sorry I made you feel trapped and isolated at times. I’m sorry I shut down and focused only on football. I’m sorry I was a shit boyfriend to you when I should have done better. I’m so sorry.” He blinked back his tears.
Emma closed her eyes in pain and nodded at his apology. “I appreciate that, Justin, but I think it’s time for us to cut this off now. We are both hurt and I need time for me… away from you.”
Justin nodded in agreement, although a huge part of him didn’t want that. That part of him yelled in his head ‘fight for this! Fight for her!’ Yet, he knew at that moment that Emma didn’t want that. She wanted out of this. She wanted away from him. He couldn’t force her to stay with him. He wasn’t the type. It hurt, be he’d let her go if that’s what she wanted.
“I’ll head out then.” He gestured to the door as he slipped his sandals back on. He turned to see Emma opening the door for him, her eyes saddened at the sight of her now ex-boyfriend leaving her apartment and her life. It was what she wanted but still, it hurt so bad for it to end like this. 
She knew Justin wasn’t inherently a bad man. It just became a situation of when times got tough for them, he didn’t do his part in keeping the relationship alive or trying to reciprocate Emma’s love and affection. The months that went on were tortuous, as were the arguments that came with them. An angry Justin was a rarity, but the rare times he did appear, the anger doused quickly, followed by avoidance. Emma couldn’t deal with it anymore. She knew she also had to work on herself and her own problems before trying to make Justin address his own. She needed to grow away from him.
“I’ll wait for your love, always, Emma.” He promised softly as he turned and walked away from her, hoping it wasn’t the last time he’d see her. He still loved her.
Emma closed the door quietly and slid to the floor against it. It was over and it hurt like hell.
It was what she wanted and needed, but it didn’t feel right. She wasn’t sure how she’d navigate just as herself, but she knew she had to.
It's something like a daydream But I feel so seen in the night So for now, it's only me And maybe that's all I need
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clemkruckinnie · 1 year
HI! just finished reading your nami fics, and dude I literally live them sm😭😭❤
please give us more nami fics ! we need them 😪
maybe nami x f r
where it's just domestic fluff really (the tangerine one was so cute we need more like that😭)
maybe cuddles (facing each other) and hugs! r being shorter than her tho if u add any description bc that's so cute
thank you can't wait to read any other nami fics🤭
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angel of the morning- nami x reader
(slight allusions to smut again LMFAO)
nami’s never considered herself much of a religous person. if she believed in heaven, she’d have to believe in god, and everything else that comes with it.
but if she did believe in all that, she’d swear she was in heaven right now. your sleeping form in front of her, early rays of sunlight peeking in, shining on your face. that’s what eventually wakes you up, (e/c) eyes focusing in on the bright blue ones watching you.
“mornin’, baby.” nami greets you, brushing a piece of hair away from your face. you smile, putting your hand over hers, holding it to your face and leaning into her touch.
“good morning.” you greet her sleepily. “how long have you been up?”
nami shrugs, genuinely not knowing. watching you tended to blur hours and minutes together for her, all the time in the world not feeling like enough to take in your beauty. “everyone else is still asleep. it’s just us.”
“we better rest up before luffy wakes up.” you tell her. “not a moment of peace with that one.”
nami laughs softly, nodding. “turn around.”you oblige, nami scooting in behind you, putting an arm around your waist to pull you close. “better?”’
you nod, blissful and content. “better.”
nami smiles, tangling her legs with yours as she closes her eyes again. just before she’s about to drift back off, a door slams open down the hall from her.
“good morning, crew!” luffy’s voice booms, the two of you groaning sleepily as he makes his way down the hall, still talking about something or another.
“nami, y/n! wake up! sanji’s making breakfast—sanji! don’t fall back asleep, cmon!”
“i wonder what it’s like having that much energy.” you marvel, sitting up in bed. you run a hand through your messy hair, trying to keep it from falling back in your face.
“here,” nami offers you her bandana from her bedside table.
“can you tie it for me?” nami obliges, taking a moment to admire her handiwork when she’s done.
“prettiest pirate on the sea.” nami marvels, heat rising to your cheeks.
“you’re tied with me.” you counter. nami leans in, pressing a sweet, loving kiss to your lips. just as you’re about to lean back in, there are three more raps at your door.
“okay guys! he’s up for real this time! sanji, come on, i’m—we’re hungry!”
the two of you walk hand in hand to the kitchen, sleepy as ever, but content. there are two cups of tea already set out, sanji being used to you two waking up first. nami leans her head into your shoulder as you sip yours, you resting your head on top of hers.
“could you two at least wait till noon before making the rest of us feel single?” sanji teases you, laying out the ingredients for breakfast.
“never.” nami deadpans. “you’ll see, you get a girlfriend like this, you won’t want to be apart from her either.”
“oh, the rest of us know just how much you don’t want to be apart from her.” zoro chimes in, taking his own mug and sitting across from you two. “didn’t i just talk to you two about how thin these walls are?”
“what’s wrong with the walls?” luffy asks, not catching on to zoro’s implication.
“oh, PLEASE tell him.” sanji laughs, nami scowling before she whips her head back around to zoro. “don’t you DARE-“
“well, luffy, when two people love each other very much-“
“if i have to suffer through it-“
you watch the two of them bicker, their voices increasing in annoyance while luffy’s face grows in confusion, and amidst all the chaos, you laugh.
mornings on the going merry with your friends and girlfriend couldn’t get better.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
just thinking about the "xue yang never cared about xiao xingchen he doesn't have real feelings and just thinks of him as a toy" take again and @ameliarating pointed something out to me namely:
Xue Yang broke into peals of laughter. "Wei-qianbei, you're merciless!"
"Fine, laugh. Even if you laugh yourself to death, Xiao Xingchen's soul will still be too broken to put back together. He found you repulsive, yet you still insist on dragging him back so that you can play games with him."
Abruptly, Xue Yang swung from laughter into rage. "Who wants to play games?!"
"Then why did you kneel in front of me and beg me to fix his soul for you?"
Of course, someone as clever as Xue Yang must have been aware that Wei Wuxian was trying to bait him. First, distracting him with anger, and second, provoking him into shouting, Wei Wuxian made it possible for Lan Wangji to deduce his location and strike. But still, Xue Yang couldn't help replying. "Why? Hah! As if you don't know. I want to turn him into a fierce corpse - under my control! Didn't he want to be a pure, virtuous cultivator? Then I'll make him endlessly slaughter people, so he'll never find peace!"
"Ah? You hate him that much? Then why did you kill Chang Ping?"
Xue Yang sneered. "Why did I kill Chang Ping? Do you need to ask, Yiling Patriarch? Didn't I already tell you? I said I was going to kill the entire Yueyang Chang Clan - I wasn't even going to spare one dog!"
[...] Wei Wuxian said, "You sure came up with a good explanation. Too bad the timing doesn't match up. Someone like you, who can't even let a dirty look go without avenging yourself a thousand times over, someone who strikes so swiftly and ruthlessly - if someone like you really wanted to kill off an entire family, why would they wait so many years to finish? You know perfectly well why you killed Chang Ping."
"Then tell me, what do I know? What do I know perfectly well?!"
He shouted this last sentence.
"You killed them, yes. But why lingchi? Killing someone that way signifies that it was punishment. If you were only getting revenge for yourself, why did you use Shuanghua and not your own Jiangzai? Why did you have to dig out Chang Ping's eyes and make him like Xiao Xingchen?"
Xue Yang shouted himself hoarse. "Bullshit! It's all bullshit! It was revenge - was I supposed to let him die comfortably?"
"Indeed, it was revenge. But whose revenge were you seeking? How ridiculous. If you genuinely wanted revenge, you should have sliced yourself into pieces!" (MDZS, Chapter 42)
so if we're meant to buy that interpretation, then...what is the point of this passage? what is it trying to say? is it just to give Wei Wuxian a means of distracting Xue Yang and making him show himself? then why this means? and why are we taking the line that Xue Yang himself, a famously reliable narrator (?) gives (re: wanting to turn Xiao Xingchen into a fierce corpse and control him) as the truth of the situation, as opposed to Wei Wuxian's own interpretation (where Xue Yang is taking revenge on Xiao Xingchen's behalf, albeit expressed onto a different target)? and what is the point of Xue Yang's reaction after this, where he suddenly goes silent and stops responding, meant to indicate? the fact that Xue Yang gets angrier and angrier at Wei Wuxian for pressing the point?
these are all cues present for a narrative purpose, not "just because," and they're pointing in a direction that indicates that Xue Yang in this scene is lying through his teeth, whether or not he admits that to himself.
furthermore, since inevitably "but adaptation" comes up in these conversations, CQL actually retains this scene in a remarkably intact form:
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coming to the conclusion based on this scene alone (not even touching the narrative surrounding the events in the past) that people who claim that "xue yang had no genuine feelings about xiao xingchen whatsoever" is to be taken as truth are not just taking the most boring possible read of this text but also at least a little actively reading against it.
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abbysleftbicepp · 8 months
What Did I Ever Do To You
A post outbreak day abby x fem reader.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, fluff, swearing, I can’t think of anymore so lmk if I missed them!
Part 2! Read part 1 here.
When you arrived to your room, Nora was nowhere to be seen. She was probably out on another night shift. You kicked your slippers off and climbed into bed, hoping you could sleep away any thoughts that would come to you. Unfortunately, you were restless. More and more memories of Boston filled your brain, making it hard for you to sleep.
What do you mean they're dead?!" You yelled at Marlene, top firefly in Boston QZ.
She had found you in the hideout after she found Ellie and Riley in the mall.
Riley was with us. She wasn't dead while she was gone. She must have payed Ellie a visit and then took her to the abandoned mall. I found them both infected, I had no choice but to shoot them." She explained with a somber tone.
Your heart shattered into tiny pieces. Riley and Ellie were the only people you had after your parents were killed by fedra.
"I don't fucking believe you. They can't be..dead." Tears fell from your eyes as Marlene wrapped her arms around you. "It's okay. You can come with us, we're going to the Salt Lake City outpost. There are other kids your age, I'm sure you'll settle in just fine." She announced, soothing you by rubbing your back. You felt weak. Nothing made sense anymore, why would they go to the mall without you? Why would that just leave you out? At least you would have died with them if they only took you.
el°ve already sent one of my people to grab your belongings, we're leaving tomorrow night. You can either stay the night here in your hideout or you can come with me to our safe zone." She explained softly.
"I think I'll stay here tonight. Are you going to pick me up tomorrow?" You ask, wiping your tears.
"Yeah I'll send a group to collect you a few hours before we head out." She finished before walking out the door.
~end of flashback~
It had been an hour since you'd returned to your safe place, but you were restless. The thoughts of Ellie and Riley couldn't leave your head, you hated them for not including you, but you couldn't hold it against them.
You dragged yourself out of bed, deciding you were gonna go on a short walk around the settlement to clear your mind. Putting on your shoes, and grabbing your Walkman, you headed out the door.
A few minutes passed when your head collided with someone's back, knocking you to the floor and breaking your Walkman.
"Ow-..shit!" You yelled, scurrying to your now smashed Walkman.
"No no no no no!" You said, trying to hold yourself together. You still didn't know who knocked you over. You picked up the pieces of the beloved Walkman and stood up, facing the girl who you bumped into.
Calm down it's just a Walkman, can get you another." Abby spoke.
"Just a Walkman.?! Abby this has sentimental value. Nothing can replace it to me." You whisper yelled, trying not to wake up the whole WLF. Your voice was wobbling as you tried to keep your cool in front of Abby.
"I don't understand what your fucking problem is. You spat, walking back towards your room.
Before you knew it, you heard footsteps behind you.
For fuck sake Abby can you not take a hint?" You spat again, stopping in your tracks.
“Y/n just wait please..” Abby spoke, sincerity laced in her voice.
"What do you want?" You asked, clearly pissed off.
“I’m sorry." She started. You're joking, right?
“Just leave me alone..” you demanded, your voice wobbling as you ran back to your room and cried yourself to sleep.
“Y/n!! Hey. Riley is waiting for us at the hideout. We have a surprise for you!” Ellie announced in a sing-song voice, dragging you by the hand. “Cmon! We don’t have all day.” She said impatiently.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’.” You giggled, following Ellie. When you arrived, all the lights were off and Ellie was navigating you around with your eyes closed.
“What’s going on els?” You asked, clearly confused.
“Shhh just trust me okay.” Ellie replied.
When you finally arrived to the main room of the hideout, you saw a birthday cake on the table, lit up with candles.
You covered your mouth as you gasp, you couldn’t believe they did this for you.
“Happy birthday!! We’re not gonna sing because we know how awkward that would be. Hurry up and make a wish so we can give you your gifts!” Riley said confidently.
“Gifts?” You asked, surprised.
“Hurry!!” Ellie yelled with excitement.
Once you blew out the candles, Riley turned the lights back on and they both handed you a present each, both wrapped up in old Christmas paper.
“I cant believe you both. You’re too kind.” You said, trying to not get emotional. You opened Riley’s first, revealing an old, but working, Walkman. You started jumping around happily, before hugging Riley and thanking her.
“Open mine now!” Ellie hurried you.
“Okay okay okay.” you giggled.
You opened her present to reveal a cassette, which you could play on the Walkman.
“No way! Is this queen?!” You gasped. You hugged Ellie, thanking her and Riley took the cassette and Walkman, connecting it to a speaker.
“How about we have some more fun?” She smiled before playing the first song; Bohemian Rhapsody. You all sang along, dancing. You had no care in the world in that moment, for you were the happiest you’d been in a long time.
~end of flashback~
There was a light tap at your door, shaking you from your sleep. Groaning, you dragged yourself out of bed and opened the door, immediately rolling your eyes.
“What do you not understand about the words ‘leave me alone’ abby?” You asked frustratedly.
“I just need to apologise and explain myself. I’ve been a really shitty person to you for no reason and i am not okay with myself because of it. It’s not fair for you, or anyone around us who has to listen. Just please, hear me out.” She begged, sincerity laced in her voice.
You sighed, interested in what she had to say before letting her in.
“Whatever you have to say, you better make it quick. I’ve gotta help out at the nursery in an hour.” You explained, sitting down and signalling for her to sit too.
“So why have you been such a dick to me since I got to Salt Lake City?” You asked.
“I was intimidated by you.” She said, not looking you in the eyes.
“Intimidated? Elaborate.” You demanded.
“You had lost so much in such a short amount of time, yet you had such high spirits. When you arrived to the outpost, Marlene explained your situation and asked me to befriend you. But when I met you, I felt intimidated by how strong you were mentally. I envied your cope, I envied your way with knowledge and i guess to make it go away, I had to push you away.” She explained slowly, to try and leave room for you to understand.
“When my dad died, I was in bits. I didn’t understand how you could move on so fast from your friends back in Boston, I’m still not over my dad and I’ve already gotten my revenge.” She spoke, finally looking you in the eye.
“I put on a mask Infront of everyone. It was a fresh start, I didn’t need my emotions to get in the way. Behind the scenes I was drowning in my own tears every night. It’s not so bad anymore but I still miss them a lot, and I still can’t allow myself to forgive them for leaving me.” You spoke. Abby’s face softened into a sympathetic, worried one.
“I am so sorry for how I’ve treated you. It probably didn’t help your grief, and it definitely didn’t help your mind. Me being a dick was the last thing you needed. I am truly sorry.” She spoke.
This was a side of Abby you had never seen before, she spoke with so much care and adoration in her voice, and there weren’t any snarky comments or sarcasm. It was all true to her mind.
“I can’t erase what I have caused and I don’t expect you to forgive me now, or ever. I just hope that one day we can maybe be friends? And start over?” She asked softly, looking in your eyes with care and concern.
“I’d like that.” You replied.
Tysm for reading part 2! This was mainly flashback based, but I feel like it was necessary for your backstory. Part 3 will hopefully be out before the end of the week. Lmk if you wanna be tagged! 🫶
Also, they have gotten rid of the gif I used :{
Tag list:
@lia-winther @paqerings @littlegingerperson2 @gaptoothedlesbo
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
feeling angsty lately, what if reader is having low self steem and slowly she changes her habits or clothes, until matty notices and brings the topic
Uff this hits too close to home 😅
Warning: low self-esteem, intrusive thoughts, fuck society.
"Going to take a shower before we head out, Matty." you inform him.
Matty has all his focus on his phone, reading some article he just mentioned...laughing about how absurd it is. You hear his quiet 'aha' walking upstairs.
You turn the knob, the water falling and hitting the bathtub, meanwhile you get naked in front of the mirror. Your eyes tracing every body part.
The scrutiny is harsh. You hate the reflection, you hate how your skin looks dry...how your stretch marks are showing every day a bit more and all around. The intrusive thought repeating 'should've exercised more'...'what does Matty see in me?' 'he's probably disgusted'. You can't stop butchering your self-worth, until a sound downstairs startles you....going to shut the thoughts under the water.
Weeks go by before Matty starts to put the pieces together. You wear long sleeves and baggy clothes, so they can swallow your form. He also notices you don't want to get naked in front of him any more, but he tries to downplay it as you being tired or stressed with work.
Although everything finally makes sense for him, when after coming home early he founds you inside your shared bedroom staring at your self...your face full of disgust looking at every part of you he adores.
"Hi, love."
Matty watches her eyes widen through the mirror, before Y/n quickly reaches for a towel to shield her body from him. His heart breaking.
"Everything alright?" he keeps his distance.
"Yeah...yeah..." she doesn't make eye contact, too embarrassed. "I'll- I'm going to get change. I'm-"
"Y/n?" Matty cuts her, she can't help but look at him like a deer spooked by headlights. "What's going on?"
She holds the towel close as if her life depends on it. "What do you mean?"
"Baby, please." he begs, taking one step closer.
"I- I'm sorry." when tears pool around her eyes, Matty doesn't wait a second to round her with his arms.
"I don't know." Y/n cries into his shoulder.
"Please talk to me so I can help."
You take a step backwards, staring at him. "What do you see in me?"
"Y/n?" Matty looks between your eyes, looking for answers.
"I...You can do so much better than me."
"Baby, no."
"Yes!" she shouts. "Look at me, I'm fucking horrible...and I keep pretending I'm enough for you when I'm clearly not..."
He waits until you finishes, giving you the space to speak freely. Matty hears you huff.
"That's all?" your heart freezing thinking he's not interested about your true feelings.
"I- Yes! I don't know."
For a few minutes, you two stand close, looking into each other's eyes.
"Can you drop the towel, baby?" he suddenly asks.
"Trust me."
You do. The air inside his lungs getting stucked, his veins pumping rapidly...even though Matty tries to keep the composure, this is about you, not him.
"Turn about, Y/n."
The mirror is behind you. Looking at your body again, in front of his eyes, is not something you want to do at the moment.
You obey his order, feeling how his clothed chest comes in contact with your back. Matty's arms rounding you, closer but not in contact with your skin.
"Tell me what you see..."
The air is lacking around you. All you can sense is his presence and his hands closer.
"I-" you stutter. "My hips are very wide."
You wait for Matty, but his only response is a quiet 'mhm' encouraging you to continue. His hands founding a home on the place you mentioned, and chin resting on your shoulder.
"I hate the stretch marks because there's anything I can do to get rid of them..."
You keep going and going about the stuff you hate. Matty's eyes following every spot you name without saying more words.
When you finish the list of things you hate about yourself, Matty attaches his lips to your neck and his hands roam around your stomach. Your body coming to life, your body heat rising.
"Matty." you breathe out.
"I know there aren't enough words I can say to make you see how beautiful you are, Y/n." Matty whispers, the air coming from his mouth caressing your skin. "But if me repeating them every single day of our life can slightly convince you of how breathtaking you're, I'll not hesitate, my love. You're not only drop-dead gorgeous...you're my soulmate, Y/n. You're the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with...soul and body. Even when our skin wrinkles, because time passes and our bodies can't fight that, I'll spend hours touching you, loving you, Y/n."
Your head fells forward, feeling tears streaming down your face. "I'm sorry." you tell him.
Matty softly lifts your head, touching your chin with two of his fingers. His eyes burning yours through the reflection.
"I understand, Y/n. Sometimes this happens to me-" you shake your head. "Yes. But that's normal...I hope next time this happens, you don't hide from me, baby. I want to help you if I can...I want to show you how much I adore you...would you let me do that?"
"Come on, baby." Matty says, taking your hand and guiding you towards your bed.
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oyesmendes · 2 years
loved us more
a/n: this is it, the second instalment to "heartbreak anniversary"! some warnings may include - mentions of anthione hubert, flowers, grieving; its a sad/angry piece :") don't hate me!!!
masterlist | heartbreak anniversary
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i miss you too.
he read the words again and again. pierre remembers the feeling of waking up to that text from you, the slither of hope that he felt extinguished all the pain in his chest. he remembers picking up his phone to call you, and it rings once before going straight to voicemail.
"hi, you've reached my voicemail! i'm probably taking a nap so... i'll call you back?"
that was a month ago.
now he was here, in spa, the last stop of the triple header this year. he walks into the red bull hospitality building, greeting the team members as he passes them. valencia spots him first, and she makes a beeline towards the frenchman.
"i've got your flowers, they're in the room."
"grazie," pierre thanks her, making his way up to his drivers room. when he opens the door, the first thing he spots is the bouquet laying on the table - brown paper encasing the white and pink chrysanthemums. his heart drops, knowing that the triple thread twine holding the flowers together was your signature.
"mon ange, we could really just go to a florist for this." pierre tells you as he watches from behind.
"tonio would appreciate this." you say, placing the flowers gently on top of each other.
you had the privilege of meeting anthione when you first started dating pierre, and you immediately hit it off with his childhood friend. the three of you had grown close over the course of a couple of months, and the accident had hit you and pierre equally hard. it was the first year without him, the first race back in spa, and you wanted to make something special for him; and you know flowers were the only way to show your love for the boy now.
pierre continues to watch as you arrange the flowers with care, wrapping them in brown paper, cutting up the three strands of twine to finish the bouquet. you put it in a jug of water to keep the flowers fresh, taking a step back to admire it.
pierre hugs you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. he sighs softly, "yeah, he would."
his fingers touch the flowers gently, and pierre is almost sure that you were the one who put this together. but were you really here, in spa? he shakes the thought out of his head, he knows he can't be hanging on to that slither of hope this weekend. after the last two races that he underperformed in, he needed to focus.
there's a soft knock on the door just as pierre picks up the bouquet, and pyry sticks his head in the room.
"time for the track walk." pierre nods.
his friend looks at him sympathetically after recognising the bouquet. he holds the door open for him and pierre walks out, holding the bunch of flowers in his hand.
he walks quietly with the team, bouquet in one hand as they make their way down to the garage. he was clutching on to the stalks of flowers so tightly, trying his best to push all thoughts behind as he made his way down to the track. but he couldn't help it, he scanned the garage, the places you would usually stand while waiting for him; and you were no where to be found.
its as if suddenly pierre realised that you were really not there anymore.
his team decides to do the track walk on foot, and they make their way down - chatting about the previous race and following up with the new one. they come up right before eau rouge, and whatever strategy spoken before that long forgotten when pierre sees a silhouette he's all too familiar with, walking next to a tall frame that he knew was esteban.
"so coming right up here there aren't too many changes, just a couple-"
"sorry hang on-" pierre jogs forward but doesn't get too close as they arrive at the top of eau rouge. he watches from a distance as the girl in the blue dress squats down to place the flowers on the ground.
pink and white chrysanthemums.
"y/n?" pierre almost did not want to call out your name, in fear that he was just seeing things, hoping things. but the silhouette turns at the sound of his voice, and it was indeed you.
he jogs up the rest of the distance between the both of you, and there's a gentle smile on your face.
"hi there," you say softly. pierre doesn't speak, but he just watches you, his eyes fixated on yours. esteban looks between you and him, and he wants to say something, but decided against it, letting the pair take in the moment.
pierre scoffs, "hi? after all this time all you can manage is hi?"
esteban's eyes widen, and so do yours. you take a step back from him, eyeing the man up and down. esteban steps closer to you but you turn to him, letting him know it was okay.
"tu me manques aussi. i miss you too. you forgot about that?" he says flatly, completely ignoring the stares he's getting. you sigh, breaking eye contact with him as your eyes trail to some of the flowers that were already laid on the ground.
"let me talk to tonio first, we can talk about that later." you say, pushing past him as you knelt on the ground. and it's suddenly when pierre remembers that he's here to pay respects to anthione, so he steps back, knowing the importance of this moment to you. he laid his bouquet down, and he steps back before walking off. you look at both bouquets - almost identical to one another, and tears start to form in your eyes.
"grazie mille, y/n. i know this was very last minute. the boy didn't even tell me he hadn't gotten flowers until yesterday." valenica hugs you, holding the bouquet you just handed to her.
you knew in the moment that pierre would recognise your work immediately, but you still handed it to her, "its no big deal. least i could do after all these years."
esteban squeezes your shoulder, "i'm going to wait up front, join us when you're ready."
you nod, turning your attention back to the flowers.
"hi tonio," you sigh, bowing your head, "you've got two bouquets this year, lucky you huh?"
you laugh humourlessly, "i know, i know, if you were here, you would've nagged my ear off already. but i had to let him go, and i think you would've agreed with me," you run your fingers along the petals of the flowers, "hopefully."
"you know, there was a part of me that thought i could work it out. there was a small part of my heart that wanted to crawl back to him, to tell him i love him, that i forgive everything he did. but there's another part - a bigger part of me that knows i could never forget it." you sigh again, blowing a kiss to the flowers, "i love you and miss you tonio."
you stood up from the ground, joining esteban as you both made your way back to the pitlane. he shows you one of his tiktoks that he just curated while waiting, and you couldn't help but giggle. pierre hears your laughter fill the air first, before spotting you as you walked into the pits. he makes his way towards you, and your heart sinks.
"i'll see you later. call me if you need me." esteban whispers in your ear. when esteban leaves, pierre comes closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours.
"come to my room." he said in a low voice.
you tug at the lanyard around your neck, "i'm with alpine this weekend."
"then i'll come to yours." he said nonchalantly.
"arrête ça s'il te plait." stop this, please
"alors ne dis pas des choses que tu ne penses pas" then don't say things you don't mean.
"comment savez-vous que je ne le pensais pas?" how do you know i didn't mean it? you clap back, folding your arms in front of your chest. there's a pause, and you take it as your cue to walk off, but you hear him shout from behind,
"est-ce que tu m'aimes encore?" do you still love me?
you spin around, walking towards him furiously. he looks at you, his eyes empty and void of any more emotion. but the attention that you've gathered from the multiple teams around you made your blood boil.
you poke his chest, speaking through gritted teeth, "you don't get to say that when you're the one who cheated on me."
"but you miss me, no?"
you scoff, pulling him into the alpha tauri garage, away from prying eyes.
"yes pierre, i miss you. is that what you want to hear? is that what will make you happy?" you pretty much exploded in front of his team, but you couldn't care less. pierre is still staring at you and he wants to say something, but a person emerges in the corner of your eye, and for a moment you couldn't believe it.
the same fucking brunette.
you snap your head in her direction, and she's like a deer caught in headlights. pierre turns in the same direction, and the look in his eyes changes - was it fear? or disappointment? you couldn't really tell. but you knew you had to leave. you turn to him, for the last time.
"don't- don't fucking call me, text me or even attempt to talk to me anymore, pierre gasly."
"s'il te plait, mon ange." please, my angel. he grabs on to your arm, pulling you towards him. you try to squirm out of it, but he wouldn't let go.
"s'il te plait? you brought her here, mon amour. after all that we went through, it only took you three weeks before you brought a new girl to a race. and it's her, pierre. i know it's her."
"i- i couldn't- you didn't pick up the phone so-"
"so you brought her here? to the one race you know was of importance to the both of us? you ruined us, pierre. with your own bare hands, you ruined us. the poor girl didn't even do anything wrong and now you're parading her around like some arm candy, something to fill the void in your heart." every word you said was laced with venom, used as ammunition against the person you still loved.
"when did we get so bad pierre? what happened to us?"
pierre looks down on the floor, "i'm sorry, mon ange."
you sigh, knowing that going on isn't going to bring either of you anywhere.
"yeah pierre, i'm sorry too." your eyes meet the brunette's as you speak to pierre for the last time,
"i hope you treat her better, because god knows she deserves more than you ever gave me."
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vewyscawywriting · 2 years
Two's a Crowd - Part 2
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's - Security Breach
Pairing: Sun x afab!Reader x Moon
Wordcount: 2309
Tags: double penetration, tentacle dicks (of course, I wrote it), not beta read (aka uploaded as soon as my drunken self finished the piece), threesome
Summary: Sun and Moon get a much needed upgrade, and they can't wait to show it to you- the security guard, and their lover.
Part 1 (old blog)
(EDITED 02-12-22. No more restarting cum count lol)
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Moon had you in his arms instantly, hooking himself to the tether to lift you both to the balcony attached to their room, but this little action soon proved to be a problem.
There was only one cable now, and two animatronics.
"Nooo," whined Sun as he, too, reached for the tether, only to be denied. "Take me with you as well, Moony~" and you were squished in Moon's arms while Sun wrapped himself around the two of you, desperate not to be apart for even a second. 
"Sun, you're being a baaaby," Moon grouched, but flew upwards anyways, the cable and the hook straining at the weight of the three of you combined. No one cared too much about that at this point, too eager to get to their room. The moment his feet landed on the balcony, Sun jumped off, taking you from Moon, who sighed and unhooked himself.
"Come, come, hurry!" he urged you, as if he wasn't carrying you right now, you just giggled at his excitement as he skipped over to the huge nest of blankets that you'd come to know so well.
You were put down quickly, with Sun hovering over you instantly, mouth seeking out yours to capture it in a kiss so intense you had to move away for breath. It seemed he got used to his new faceplate quickly, and when he licked his lips with that damn tongue, you pulled him in again to kiss him deeper than before. He was practically putting his tongue down your throat, and when you pulled away he whined, a string of drool connecting the two of you. You realized he was so pent up he was humping the blankets below you, seeking out your mouth again with a desperation you weren't used to.
"Get a griiiip, Sun," Moon said as he crawled on your left side to the nest you were on, but when you looked over you saw he too was barely held together. Drool was dripping from his open maw, tongue flicking out to lick his sharp teeth as his glowing red eyes were glued to you, crawling with his knees backwards towards your prone form. Their eyes and the light from the daycare below were the only things illuminating the room. 
"Sweeeeet but naughty Starlight," Moon cooed, cradling your head in his large, clawed hands. "If you had any idea what you are doing to ussss... Have been doing to us allll this time."
You wanted to address the elephant in the room; namely... why the fuck did parts and service give them dicks? When Moon kissed you with much more of a feral quality than Sun did however all thoughts flew your mind. Especially as you felt Sun's deft hands undress you quickly, leaving you naked under them both. You pulled away for air, having practically been mouth fucked by Moons tongue. He seemed quite pleased with the state he left you in, and pulled you on top of him, turning you so your back was to him and your front to Sun.
"Sunflower..." Sun whimpered, "Sweet, sweet, precious Sunbeam... Please allow us. Please, please, please."
Despite being sandwiched between the two you still managed to have the leash of control over them. You knew that there was nothing that would happen against your will, and you always felt high when this extremely strong and dangerous animatronic bowed to you so easily. Of course, you'd have to battle for his favour, especially Moon's, but that's a story for another time. Now that both had their own body it seemed no different. 
"Sun, my sweet Sunny, please, take me as you please." You told him. "Moony too. You have my permission."
You fully let them take the reigns. They'd wanted to do this for so long, you would not take this moment from them. Also, you really wanted to see how they'd behave, trying out these dicks for what you assumed was their first time. 
After you said those words you were hugged close to both animatronics, sandwiched between the two tightly, as Sun put his face on your left, and Moon put his face on your right side. Sun licked a long stripe from your chest to the top of your ear, making you shiver, while Moon decided to bite down on your other shoulder, marking you for the world to see. 
"Our little precious Star." Moon hummed in your ear, his large clawed hands dragging over the front of your body, kneading your breasts and moving down to your thighs, where you needed their touch most. Sun had your head in his hands, throbbing lower body now rubbing up against your legs. He was shivering and rutting against you, and you were sure he was going to come this way if you didn't intervene. So you decided to grab his hips, guiding him to you with a peck on his nose and a look so sinful he stuttered out your name with a lovestruck expression on his face. His eyes were looking so deeply into yours, his new blue optics boring into yours so intently you cast them down, trying to escape his gaze. You got an eye full of his dick though, and you gasped. It was more like a tentacle, glowing a soft orange, and you slowly saw it inch its way into you. Sun was a mess, whining your name and trying his very best not to impale you onto his dick too harshly, but it was so difficult. You felt so good, and he was so overwhelmed with the feeling. Getting you off before had felt good to him, and when his wires were touched a certain way he certainly felt pleasure, but this was more than he'd imagined it would be. It almost overloaded his systems, and when he finally pushed all the way in he needed a moment to collect himself. 
Meanwhile Moon was purring in your ear, just muttering words of encouragement and just sweet nothings as his eyes were glued to the sight of Sun pushing his way into your slick opening. He was trying to compose himself, but he wasn't sure if he could. It looked so good, and he honestly couldn't really wait anymore himself. He wasn't aware the new parts were gonna be feeling this intense, and he could only imagine what it felt like for Sun who was inside of you right now. 
"Sun, you're doing so good~" you mewled at Sun as he slowly started moving again, his forehead against yours. His eyes were unfocused but full of love as he coo-ed at you between groans and gasps. He had to bend over you quite far, but you were used to their strange contortions. 
"Dewdrop, you're... so tight..." Sun huffed, and Moon groaned in your ear. His hands had started rubbing all over, claws digging into your thighs, opening your legs further for Sun as if you weren't already trying to do that yourself. You could hear Moons panting in your ear, and his dick crawling across your ass. Fuck, the feeling of their prehensile cocks was a strange feeling, but one you could definitely get used to. With a deep sigh as Sun hit a particular spot inside you, Moon tilted your head his way, kissing you deeply while you tried to breathe through your mouth. 
"My turn now," Moon growled as you broke apart, but Sun whined, not wanting to leave your plush heat. 
"Nooo, not yet," he whined, grabbing your hips, and pulling you closer to him, thrusting in harder than he had before. You cried out as he hit a spot in you that made you see stars, your right arm coming around Sun's neck as your left grabbed Moon's nightcap, tugging at it as Sun brought you closer and closer to the edge. 
"Spoiled little brat." Moon growled, voice so low you could barely hear it being growled at Sun, and you tugged a little harder at his hat, wiggling your ass against his dick that was leaking against your back. "Fortunately Starlight has more holes to fill."
You gasped at his words, but the fog in your brain was too thick to think through. The pleasure Sun was giving you was multiplied as Moon dragged a clawed finger over your clit, and you sobbed out their names. 
"Ahhh, please both of you, I want the both of you-" you said between gasps of pleasure, you were so close, and Sun's expression or Moon's growling in your ear wasn't making it easier on you.
"Now, relaaaaax little star," Moon murmured in your ear, seemingly composed, but had you been a little more attentive you'd notice Moon was as riled up as Sun, drool falling from his mouth, hitting your shoulder as his sharp teeth worried his lower lip. He was so absolutely focused on your body, your noises, his trashing dick against your soft ass as he tried to push it in without hurting you. Thankfully both animatronics had lube to spare, and he slid in surprisingly easy, as Sun relaxed your body. Moon's fingers remained on your clit, distracting you from his insertion from the back, but honestly you were on cloud nine. The only thing on your mind was Sun's panting, his gasping of your name as you realized he was trying not to come too quickly, Moon's fingers rubbing your clit with his growling groans at your ear. Not to mention the absolute fullness you felt as he finally pushed inside, fucking you open with small thrusts. 
"Sunshiiiiiiine~" Sun whined, his voice about as wrecked as the expression on his face, and you realized he was about to come. Well, so were you. And as you grabbed his head to pull him in for a deep kiss, he came inside you with a full body shudder. Spurt after spurt was unloaded inside of you, and Moon took this moment to push in fully. The feeling was too much, and you came, pulling away from Sun to gasp for air and moan out a combination of their names. 
"Fuck, fuck," you gasped as Moon set a steady pace while Sun stayed inside you, hardening almost instantly at the sight of you getting fucked by Moon. 
"Oh, Dewdrop you look so pretty getting f̵̛̬͘u̴̥͐̿c̵̹͊̏k̵̻̂̽e̸͙̽͒d̸̛͔̰̒ by Moon," Sun moaned, absolutely ruined and lost in pleasure. The static filling his voicebox at saying fuck made you groan even harder, throbbing around his member, and moving against Moon's hips that were slamming mercilessly into your backside. 
"Starlight, you take me so wellllll," Moon groaned into your ear, voice low and growly, his fingers rubbing harder and harder into your clit, until Sun's kiss made you come harshly again, throbbing and quivering around Sun, who said your name like a prayer as he began moving again after a second of relief. Your juices mixed with Sun's and ran down your legs and Sun's dick, making a mess of the nest the boys had made for you, but how could you possibly care if you were brought to the edge so quickly again after the first time this time thanks to Moon? His thrusting was aggressive, but a lot more controlled than Sun's thrust, but now Sun had started up again, having enough energy to go once more. 
You were in heaven. Having come twice, you were so close to coming again, being filled so well by both animatronics. Their pacing was so different, and yet so in sync, and you sobbed out your pleasure, pussy quivering, making more fluids leak down from your pussy down onto the nest, saturating the pillows and blankets. 
"Moon, Sun, please," you begged, as if you had any idea of what you were begging for. You were overstimulated, but the promise of more still made you go. Your core was throbbing so good.
"Almost there, little star," Moon growled, voice tighter than you were used to from him. Oh he was so close too. The feeling of you. The sight of you. He was practically feral; drooling, grinding his teeth, his tongue coming out to lick your shoulder and to lick up his own drool. He wanted, no needed, more, more, more- 
Sun had his face against you, mouthing at your lips as he came a second time, spending himself fully inside of you once again. He thought he'd never thank the mechanics at Parts and Service but now he was considering it. Your name was on his lips as he tried to kiss you between both your breathless moans you two gasped out. 
And then it was Moon's turn; snarling his pleasure into your shoulder as his teeth buried themselves as deep as his dick did. Biting down and marking you as he came harshly, thrusting staggeringly into your backside as he too spend himself fully inside you. His fingers twitched against you, stopping their teasing ministrations. Glittering cum gushed from your front and back, and you managed to come a third time at the feeling, sobbing their names as you barely held on enough to kiss Sun back sloppily through your intense pleasure. Your body went limp almost instantly after, and you barely realized you were gently laid down on clean blankets, both animatronics cleaning you up without disturbing you too much. 
And then you felt the warmth of not one, but two animatronics, spend, pleased, absolutely in love with you, curled around your small body, warming you as you drifted off.
You were sure this wouldn't be the last time you would be shared between the two like this, but for now you just enjoyed the safety of being cradled by both of them. 
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wetcatspellcaster · 4 months
Congratulations on finishing Pieces! This was an amazing journey, and I can't wait to go on another one with your writing, and continue those that are already going!
It's incredible how much work you had put in it, it still blows my mind how nicely everything resolved, how satisfactory, because for the life of me I could never imagine Rose being with Ascended on her own violation. And this way, there is still so much angst, but now with promise they are alright anyway, and they are working on their traumas together. It's so reassuring.
And, as to fill the void, I reread An Honest Lie, and notices just how spontaneous Rose is with Astarion there. Just like in the final chapter of Pieces 😭 Just how much they inspire each other, how they make each other better, supporting and caring, not without hiccups of course, because everyone needs something to grow, and just. Oof. Love them.
I adore how happy they are together, still awkward and still gentle, still learning to be together ❤️❤️❤️
Also. Rose's parents. Love them. How sweet and open they are, I can just imagine how they will spoil Astarion now, and how much blush there will be and facepalms from Rose, and teasing from Astarion.
I wish those two the very best, and thank you again and again for braving this fic and taking risks. It was an unbelievably fulfilling read. Thank you so much, dear author! ❤️❤️❤️
hey beloved, thank you so much for messaging, dear reader!! :D I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
Your comment about 'how nicely everything resolved' is very interesting to me :) I think this is the very funny thing about having an outline. It was also the very strange thing of having a story get popular while in progress, during a period of active fandom (before, I was more used to the standard 'people only really start reading once it's a complete work so that they can binge'). I think I could let Pieces as 'dark' as it did, in places (I mean, other works actually go there, I just hint heavily like a pussy lmao), bc I knew my destination. I knew about Imelda Frostsong lmfao. So when people were like "I see no possible happy ending" I was like "I literally have it written down in my gdocs babygirl don't worry!!!!". I don't mean this in a bad way! more just a wonderful difference between writing, reading a complete story, and reading a serially updating version of the story.
All this to say, I'm so glad other people can now have the same experience I did, and read all of the angsty bits knowing what will eventually come :)
I'm hoping to update An Honest Lie sometime this week, I'm really happy to hear you enjoy it. It's nice to move back to a default dynamic in away - I love AUs for the thought experiment of it all, but making new slightly altered versions of a character means that the OG ones feel like coming home! It was nice to get the Pieces timeline closer to that original dynamic in the final chapter, and it's nice to return to it generally for a bit to play around with :D
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butterflyintochains · 2 months
To Have And To Hold
Before they both became Penguins, not wanting to wait any longer, they made a decision. It's been ten and a half years, and it's finally time to get this done. If they can't be teammates yet, they can at least do this, right? All they know is that they're ready, they love each other more than life itself, and it's time to finally do this.
Even if their teams won't be there for it. Even with just four witnesses. They've got each other, and that's all they'll ever need. So, they fly to Vetlanda, as if it's just any other summer vacation.
This is bullshit, that's what this is, it's pure and utter bullshit. Erik thinks to himself as he turns onto his side in bed again in some effort to get himself to sleep. Because, despite this being some bullshit tradition Flower insisted on them observing. He's marrying the love of his life tomorrow. Erik can barely believe this is actually happening, after all this time, after all they've been through, they're finally doing this. Planning this from opposite ends of the league has been a bit of a nightmare, but that's fine. But, Flower, in his wisdom, has them sleeping apart for the night, and it's bullshit. Erik and Kris have always slept together when they've been in the same place. Why is this night any different? Groaning again, he gets out of bed, and sneaks down the hall to Kris' room. Gently, he knocks the door, hoping Kris is awake as well. Kris opens it, and beams at him, pulling him inside with a kiss. ''Was waiting for that, you know?'' Kris says.
Erik kisses him again. ''Flower is an idiot.'' Kris quietly chuckles, hoping they've not alerted Duper, Victor, Flower, and Danny. ''That's what I've been thinking since curfew.''
They get into bed together, how they should have in the first damn place. Deeply aware that in twelve hours, everything changes for them, they're going to be married in twelve short hours. Kris kisses Erik's cheek. ''We should sleep, big day coming.''
Erik nods, and presses his lips to his partner's shoulder. ''The biggest day.'' Finally, in the same bed, they manage to get some sleep. Feeling like those two young men who fell in love back in 2011.
Sunlight pours in through the open window in Kris' room as he wakes up, the northern sun has always taken his breath away, Sweden is truly a wonderful place. One he owes a great debt to. 7 AM, and Erik is curled up next to him, still fast asleep. This is their day, the day they've been secretly planning for all season. By day's end, they'll be husbands, they'll be married! The eternal third wheels to Sid and Geno, and Danny and Jason will be married! To each other! Erik wakes up, looking beautiful already. ''God morgon, alskad mitt.'' Kris says, caressing his hair.
Erik smiles, still sleepy. ''God morgon, hjartat mitt.'' They linger in bed for a while, Erik twirling a lock of Kris' long hair around his finger. Their wedding is at eleven, so they've got plenty of time to relax together. ''I can't believe this is happening today, we're actually doing this.'' Erik says.
Kris laughs softly, relaxing into his pillows. ''I know, to think it's been ten years, and we're finally doing this.''
Erik remarks. ''Then, once my contract is done, I can become a Penguin!''
Kris nods, and kisses Erik on the lips. ''I like the way your mind works.''
Their little confinement is broken by Duper coming in with Kris' breakfast. He chuckles like an amused big brother. ''How did I know you'd be here, Erik?''
They're separated to wash up, eat, and get ready. They'll be wearing matching white three piece suits today. The only difference being their ties. Kris' is red and white, Erik's is blue and gold. Erik finishes tying his tie, and pockets his vows and Kris' ring. Kris finishes his bun, and re-reads his vows, and puts Erik's ring in his pocket. This private handfasting is so much easier than the theatrical affair Sid and Geno had back in 2015. Kris will never forget how nervous they looked before their vows.
At eleven, down by the lake surrounded by trees, they finally get to see each other in their wedding suits. Erik's always known how lucky he is, how gorgeous his Kris is, seeing Kris like this has his heart pounding already. For his part, Kris can't help the tear that comes when he first sees his beautiful Erik. This? It's like catching lightning in a bottle. ''Hi, sweetheart.'' Erik says, in English, because why not? Kris beams. ''Hello, darling.''
Danny, in charge of the ties, says. ''Left hands, please, boys.'' They present their hands, linked as practiced, and Danny ties them together with cords of red, white, blue, and gold. For love, unity, loyalty, and wealth. They recite the first vow in unison. ''We came here as two souls, and here we become one. We are one when parted, we are one when together. We pledge our love, loyalty, and protection to each other. We hold in our bodies, hearts, and souls the making of this union. We will be forever one, for all time to come.''
Erik says his vows first, his whole body buzzing. ''Kristopher Letang, from that wild weekend in Raleigh, to the end of time. I am yours, and yours alone. I swear my eternal love, loyalty, support, and protection to you. You are my soulmate, my other half, my best friend, my inspiration. I would not be me without you, and I will always love and treasure you above all others.'' Kris dries his eyes with his free hand.
Kris, feeling like he's floating on air, says his vows. ''Erik Karlsson, from that amazing All Star Game, until forever. I am yours, and yours alone. I swear my eternal love, loyalty, support, and protection to you. You are my soulmate, my other half, my best friend, my forever. I cannot be myself without you, and I will always love and treasure you above all others.'' Now, it's Erik's turn to dry the tears away.
Duper unties their hands, and says, smiling wide. ''Now, for the rings.'' Kris goes first this time. ''With this ring, I - Kristopher Letang - pledge myself to you forever, I take you as you are, come what may.'' He slides the gold band onto Erik's left ring finger. Then, comes Erik's turn. ''With this ring, I - Erik Karlsson - pledge myself to you forever, I take you as you are, come what may.'' Erik slides Kris' gold band onto his finger. Then, looking to Danny for confirmation, they pull each other in for their first kiss as a married couple. Their third first kiss now. A lifetime of love promised within it.
They sign their certificate inside, while their witnesses get the barbecue set up outside. Victor dries his eyes, so fiercely proud of Erik for coming this far. Flower risks a look inside, at his brother and new brother-in-law. The happiest men on earth today surely. And, he'll gladly kick the ass of anyone who tries to take this away from them. The group relax outside with a family lunch, Victor saying to Kris. ''You take care of him, okay, Tanger? Remember we're in the same conference, y'know?''
Kris laughs, registering the threat, but not dignifying it. ''Oh, don't worry, Victor, I will.''
Flower adds to Erik. ''Same goes for you, Karlsson, be good to my brother.''
Erik casts a loving glance to his husband. ''Always, Flower.''
Kris and Erik retire to bed early that night, wanting to savour all the time they've got together. It's only now that it sinks in for them, they're married now, they're husbands now! Locking the door behind them, Erik pulls his husband in for a kiss, reaching to undo the bun he put his hair in for today. Kris manages to untie Erik's tie, and toss it to the floor.
They wake up slowly the next morning, the lodge has gone quiet, everyone else must either still be asleep, or have left for their flights out. Once given a few moments to come around, they share a laugh together. Feeling very much like teenagers who have just gotten away with something. Neither brought home a cup this year, but this is so much better. ''Bon matin, mon amour.'' Kris says, kissing his husband on the lips.
Erik bites his lip, he loves hearing Kris speak french. ''Bon matin, mon coeur.'' He responds, also in french, the language he learned for his husband all those years ago. Just as Kris learned swedish for him. Because, that's what you do when you love someone. ''So, we actually did that yesterday.'' Erik says, admiring the gold band on Kris' finger. Kris nods, and presses a kiss to Erik's hand. ''We did, any regrets?'' He jokes.
Erik shakes his head. ''Not even a little bit. How about you?'' Kris points to the hickeys dotting his neck. ''Nope.'' Both are acutely aware that this is going to be a bitch to explain to their teams come training camp, but neither can find it in themselves to care too much.
After breakfast, their witnesses leave for their flight out, leaving the newlyweds alone for the rest of the summer break. They decide to relax today, the travel and excitement catching up to them a bit. Erik absentmindedly fiddles with his wedding ring while they watch a movie. ''Wonder if Sid and Geno felt a disturbance in the force yesterday?'' Erik muses.
Kris bursts out laughing. ''Me too, actually. They'll be in Miami right now, with no idea what we've just done together.'' Erik gives his husband a devious grin. ''Text me as soon as they see your ring, I need to know what they said.''
Kris admires his wedding ring, easily the best thing he's ever worn. ''Oh, you bet.'' Good to see being married hasn't dulled their chaotic streak at least.
A few peaceful and happy days pass in the newlyweds' little honeymoon bubble. One day, they decide to grab their skates, and head down to the local rink for their first skate together as a married couple. Neither know yet when that first game against each other will be, they lace up, and hit the ice. Taking it easy, they're not training, just skating together. Erik looks to Kris, they share a beaming smile. Erik has no idea how they've done this sometimes, kept this up over the last ten years long distance, with nearly two years of a breakup. Kris is just glad they've lasted this long with no media attention, none of the idiotic questions his brothers have to deal with, or inane headlines. They stop at center ice, arms wrapped around each other. Kris never knew he could feel like this until he met Erik. ''I love you, Erik Karlsson.''
Erik says, to the man who turned his entire world upside-down. ''I love you, Kris Letang.'' And here, on the same ice Erik grew up on, they kiss. Totally lost in each other, coddled in that flame they lit in 2011. Held in the arms of the only person they've ever felt like this for.
Their honeymoon is quiet for the most part, until one late night, they're both fast asleep after a day out in the town together. The lodge has fallen silent, and they're wrapped in each other's arms as usual. Kris vaguely registers his phone buzzing on his nightstand, he cracks his eyes open, and checks what's going on. Sid's calling him from across the ocean. He'd usually answer it, but, he's too tired and comfortable with Erik to care, so he declines the call. ''Who was that, sweetheart?'' Erik asks, voice hoarse from lack of use.
Kris says, putting his head back down. ''Sid, it can wait.'' Erik asks, yawning. ''Are you sure?''
Kris assures his husband. ''I'm sure, darling, yes.'' It doesn't take long for them to get back to sleep. Whatever Sid wanted, it can wait until they're in the same timezone.
In the morning, they're in the middle of making breakfast and watching some stuff from this past season. Kris has no idea how they both managed to play so well while also trying to get this wedding and honeymoon set up. But, somehow, they pulled it all off without a hitch, and here they are. ''Not that I care, but how long until we go back to Montreal?'' Erik asks over breakfast.
Kris checks the calendar on his phone. ''Middle of July now, so three weeks? God, how the hell are we going to get back to work now?'' Erik laughs, and says. ''We'll manage, I wondered that the year we got back together, actually.''
Kris confesses to Erik. ''I dunno, on one hand - I'm really looking forward to seeing the boys again. But, I don't want to leave my wonderful husband.''
Erik nods, understanding fully. ''Yeah, like, I love San Jose, I really do. But, I love you more. I'm excited for our first game, though, that's gonna be fun.'' Kris nods, he still has no idea when exactly that will be, especially since it's one of just two. ''Especially since we'll be the only ones who know why that game is so important.'' Kris says. Erik laughs, they've always loved knowing things others don't. ''But, for now, honeymoon time, so no more work talk.''
Kris nods, turning his ring on his finger, still not used to it just yet, but in love with it all the same. ''Right, no more work talk.''
As they're doing some housework, Erik goes to get some post from the postman, a thick envelope with their wedding pictures. Victor and Flower sent their photos to a print shop in town. Now, they've arrived! there's plenty of pictures from them saying their vows, their kiss, from lunch, and of them in their suits. ''Holy shit, my husband is beautiful.'' Kris says, breathless.
Erik leans over to kiss Kris on the temple. ''So is mine.'' They decide to split the photos half and half for their houses in Pittsburgh and San Jose.
One night, they decide to have dinner outside by the lake. Summer in rural Sweden is just too beautiful to want to waste it indoors all the time. They're not talking much, they've never really needed to, but the world falls away for them. Kris opens his arm to Erik, and Erik snuggles up to him. That's something interesting they've noticed since they got married two and a half weeks ago now. They want so badly to be with each other. As though something is missing when they're parted. ''Kris, can I ask you something?''
Kris presses a kiss to his free hand. ''Always, mon amour.'' Erik asks, thinking back to when they first met. ''Did you have any idea we'd be here back then?''
Kris thinks for a few moments, he never even imagined there was someone in this world for him until then. ''No, I knew you were it for me when you asked me to start teaching you French.'' He asks, probably tempting fate. ''How about you?''
Erik smiles, and says, after pressing a kiss to his husband's jaw. ''Same for me, you had me forever when I first started teaching you Swedish.'' They relax back into that comfortable silence, it's getting darker and colder, so out come the blankets. To anyone else, it'd be almost comical, the sight of two franchise defencemen on honeymoon in Sweden, huddled under blankets under the stars. But, to them, there's nowhere else on this planet they'd rather be. This is their natural state, and it's only for each other's eyes. ''Any wishes to make, amour?'' Kris asks, nodding towards the stars blanketing the night sky.
Erik thinks, there's always that one wish he has, but that'll need to wait. So, he says. ''Not as far as I can think, hjartat, no. How about you?''
Kris ponders it, that same wish hovering in the air, but it's still a ways off for now. ''No, not right now.'' He says, but corrects himself. ''Actually, there is something.''
Erik smirks, and registers the glint in his husband's eyes. ''That being, sweetheart?'' Kris raises an eyebrow, and runs his thumb across his husband's lips. ''Oh, I think you know, darling.'' Erik just nods, and they close the annoying gap between them with a kiss under the stars. Just like that magical summer in 2019.
Their time in Sweden comes to its end far too quickly. But, they'll be flying home to Montreal together and staying there for a while, so it's not all bad. They start packing the day before they're due to leave for Montreal. And, are back in Canada the following evening. The first thing Kris does once they've both returned negative covid tests, is get a hair cut. He loves his hair long, Erik really loves his hair long, but it's time. Daphne gets finished with her work, and says. ''There you are, Mr Letang. Or, is it Letang-Karlsson?''
Kris chuckles. ''We're keeping our surnames. Thank you, Daphne. Amour, what d'you think?'' He playfully asks Erik for his opinion, knowing all too well that Erik prefers his hair long.
Erik runs his fingers through his shorter hair, as though testing it out on his hands. ''I think I can get used to it, hjartat.''
Daphne asks, laughing while she accepts payment and cleans her stuff up. ''Do you prefer his hair long, Mr Karlsson?'' They share a held gaze, Erik turns pink. ''Uhh, yeah, kinda. He also likes my hair long, you should've seen his face when I cut my hair earlier this year.'' Kris hides his blushing face in his hands, and says. ''Thank you for that, darling.''
Erik laughs and kisses his head. ''You're welcome, sweetheart.'' Daphne smiles, barely able to believe that these two flirty newlyweds will go back to being ruthless hockey players in a few short weeks.
Their time in Montreal is far too short, just a couple of weeks, then it's time to split off to their team cities. Their flights leave late this morning, and they're all packed up to go. There's an air of sadness in the house as they get ready to head out to the airport. This sucked in the past, now it aches. Between them both, there's this urge to make this last hour and a half together last forever, to slow the time down, to drag their honeymoon out as much as possible. Kris finishes loading his car up, and comes back into the house. ''Well, that's me ready to head to Pittsburgh.''
Erik sighs, this is going to be harder than they thought. ''Yeah, I'm all loaded up for the flight to San Jose.'' He pauses, and takes his husband's hands. ''You know, we could always just... stay here? Go AWOL for a bit?''
Kris smiles, and says. ''We could, you're right. But, that doesn't mean we should. We'd get two weeks, and they'd send out a search party.'' Erik shrugs, face brightening up a slight. ''You're right. It just... sucks, y'know?''
Kris nods, and kisses Erik's wedding ring. ''It does. But, like we said. We're one when together.''
Erik mirrors his husband, pressing his lips to Kris' wedding ring. ''We're one when parted.'' They share one final kiss, that same lifelong promise in it, they are one, come what may. That is something nobody can deny them anymore.
Finally, they get on their flights, one going south, one going west. Sure, they will miss each other like crazy until their first game in January. Does it hurt? Yes. But, even across a continent, they are united forever now, and nothing is going to change that.
Training camp begins in Pittsburgh a week later. Kris is up early for a morning run before he showers and eats. If his math is right, Erik is still in bed over in San Jose. Asleep in that house in California, by himself. The image of that is some sick mixture of tempting and mildly infuriating. But, Kris packs his bag, and jumps in the car for the drive to Cranberry. The late summer sun glinting off the gold ring on his finger. He's gotten used to it quicker than he thought he would. He arrives at Cranberry, strangely, he's not the first one there. Shrugging, he parks, and gets going inside. For the first time since he became part of the leadership, he has no idea what to expect this season, he and Erik barely kept up with news during their wedding and honeymoon trip. Too busy with being married and wrapped up in each other to be bothered. He arrives in the common area, and greets his boys. ''Bonjour, mes amis.'' He puts his bag on a table, clocking the slack jaws of Kappy, Teddy, and Evan. He looks himself over, and checks around himself. ''What? What's wrong?'' Nothing, the three forwards are totally dumbstruck. ''Kappy, hey, kid, what's up?''
Kasperi clears his throat, and says. ''There's something different...'' Kris finally realises, and runs a hand through his newly short hair. ''Oh, yeah! Cut my hair, like it?''
Teddy blinks a few times. ''Yeah, but, that's not it.'' Jake comes in, looking happy as always, and greets the boys. Evan whispers something in his ear, Jake says. ''What d'you mean, ERod... oh, my God!'' Jake's eyes blow wide.
Sid comes through from the offices, and gives Kris a huge hug. ''Good to see you again, brother.''
Kris breathes a sigh of relief, finally, someone who is being normal around him today. ''Good to see you too, Captain.'' He asks Sid, needing the help of someone his age. ''Sid, any idea why our kids are being weird about me today?''
Sid furrows his brows. ''No, not really. All I heard was Jake say 'oh my God.' and came through.'' He turns to the younger Penguins, and asks. ''Care to explain, boys?''
Some part of Kris wonders if Erik will face this when he arrives at the training rink today, whenever that is. He turns his wedding ring on his finger, and sits down. Kasperi takes a breath, and says. ''Sid, are you not seeing what we're seeing?''
Sid looks his brother over, sure, Kris cut his famous hair, but so what? He just looks like Kris, the same guy he's known since junior. ''No? What's to notice?''
Geno comes in, and envelopes Kris in a bear hug. ''I missed you, Legend.''
Kris smiles into the hug. ''Missed you too, big man.'' It's now that Sid clocks it, the simple but shiny gold band on Kris' left ring finger, what the hell happened over summer? ''Uhm, Kris, what's that on your finger?'' Sid asks.
Kris flashes an ethereal smile, looking lovingly at the ring, his dark eyes glistening. ''Oh, this? This, mes amis, is my wedding ring.'' He checks his watch. ''Anyway, if you need me, I'll be in the gym. See you guys later.'' He swans off to the gym. He's married, Kris is married to someone, he got married over summer. That's why nobody heard from him all summer. ''Well... plot twist of the century.'' Jake says. Ain't that the truth?
Training camp gets fully underway with a morning skate the following day. Sid and Geno sitting in the GM booth, neither will be starting this season until much later. Sid will be undergoing wrist surgery, and Geno will be going in for an operation on his knee. Kris shares a look and a smile with his brothers from the rink, and fiddles with the ring on its chain around his neck while Sully gives the usual lecture about back checking. Jason, Rusty, and Dumo clock the ring now. Kris is almost meditating over it. Dumo never took his defence partner for a jewellery person, but it's no great surprise. It is a surprise, however, when Kris kisses it before tucking it into his jersey for scrimmage. Which Team Black wins 10-9 in a shootout. ''Alright, good work today, boys, hit the showers, and grab some lunch.'' Sully says.
After showers, they change into team tracksuits. The trio keep an eye on Kris and his new shiny ring. He gingerly removes it from the chain, and slides it onto his left ring finger. Rusty raises an eyebrow, Jason's jaw drops, Dumo just smiles. ''You okay, Zuck?'' Dumo asks.
Jason says, clearing his throat. ''Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Dumo. Tanger, how about you, are you okay?''
Kris furrows his brows, and gives an unsure smile. ''Yeah, I'm good, why'd you ask?''
Rusty asks Kris a different question, nodding to the ring on his finger. ''How was your summer break? Get up to anything... special?'' Kris smiles, a wistful smile, the one he gets whenever he's on the phone to whoever he's always on the phone with. ''Yeah, went to Europe, handfasted, had my honeymoon, now I'm here with you guys!'' John Marino asks, still one of the young guns on the dcorps. ''What's handfasting?''
Kris briefly explains, standing up to go for lunch. ''A type of wedding, Johnny.'' He uses the silence to go for lunch with Boyle and Carter. Dumo, shocked, says. ''Tanger! Get back here, please!'' Kris must be long gone, because he doesn't come back. ''He's married? Tanger's married now? What the fuck happened over summer?'' Rusty asks, sitting back in his stall.
Jason jokingly says. ''Well, for one thing, Kris had a wedding in Europe.''
Johnny says, rolling his eyes. ''Yeah, no shit, Zuck.'' He asks the group. ''Who do we think he got married to?''
They pose the question to Jake and Evan as they go to lunch. ''Our working theory is Flower.'' Jake says, one of the lucky few on the team who was able to play with Flower before he left for Vegas. Carter says to them. ''It's not Flower. Marc's already spoken for, and has been since 2008 or 2009.''
That's news to basically everyone, Chad asks. ''Wait, who's Flower with, then?''
Sid answers, joining the little gossip circle while Kris is texting someone. ''Max Talbot. And, no, Geno and I don't know either.'' Oh, okay, that shoots that theory down in flames. Then, who the hell did Kris get married to over summer? Jake, Evan, Tristan, and Johnny share a look.
The team-wide game of 20 Questions only sort of comes to its end when the season begins in early October. They're on the plane to Florida for a short road trip before a big home stay. Without Geno to play cards with, Kris is fast asleep. That dream coming to him again, now of all times. That painfully beautiful dream of arriving at the rink one day, only to see Erik looking beautiful in a Penguins jersey, 65 in gold on his back. Sharing a kiss after a goal, going home together. Kris jerks awake at some turbulence. ''Je t'aime, mon amour.'' He whispers, still half asleep. He reaches for his phone, and calls Erik. ''Hello, hjartat mitt, are you alright?''
Kris says, sniffling. ''Yeah, I just miss your voice, mon amour, that's all.'' He adds, because he never keeps anything from his husband. ''I just had that dream again, the one I told you about.''
Erik hums, and says. ''I had a similar one last night, actually. Coming over to you, wearing that jersey for the first time, kissing you after a goal.''
Kris fiddles with the strings of his hoodie. ''You think anything will ever come of it? They've got to mean something, right?'' It may seem stupid, but they'll never stop hoping to become teammates someday. ''I do, no idea when or how, but this will happen for us one way or another.'' Erik asks him. ''How have your guys been lately?''
Kris chuckles. ''It's been 20 Questions lately. Yours?'' Erik laughs as well, seemingly proud of the gossip they've inspired. ''Same, Logan still seems astounded that I'm married.'' Erik trails off, and says. ''I miss you so much, sweetheart.''
Kris sighs, looking out the window at the view from above. ''I miss you too, darling, I feel like I'm wandering around without one of my limbs.'' Erik says. ''That's how I feel too. But, like we said: we are one when together.''
Kris finishes the line of their vow. ''We are one when parted.'' Erik says, in his beautiful french. ''Je t'aime, mon coeur. Say 'hi' to Victor for me?''
Kris smiles, he almost forgot they're playing Tampa tomorrow. ''Jag alskar dig ocksa, alskad mitt. Will do.'' He says, aware of one game at least. ''I'll see you in January.''
Erik says, a smile in his voice. ''Looking forward to it.'' They hang up, Kris puts his head back again, that ache in his heart finally calming down. It's odd, the heart defect never bothers him, it's missing Erik that pains him most.
After they beat Tampa 6-2, Kris goes to talk to Victor briefly. It's a weird friendship they've developed over the years he's loved Erik, but, somehow, they get along really well. They discuss news from the league, family stuff, and how their summers went after the wedding. ''Erik said 'hi' by the way. And, thank you for being with us on the day.''
Victor smiles and says. ''Can't wait to see Karl again myself, and it was an honour to be at your wedding, you two looked so wonderful and happy together.''
Kris says, his heart doing that thing again that it did on the flight over here. ''We were, and still are. Excited for our first game too.'' Kris doesn't exactly love that it's after New Year, and three weeks before their eleventh anniversary. But, it is what it is. ''Tanger! Bus!'' Dumo shouts over. Kris says a quick farewell to Victor, and joins the boys on the bus. It's odd having to take on Sid's captain duties already, at least it's not permanent. ''What were you talking to Hedman about, Tanger?'' Jason asks.
Kris takes his phone out, and puts his earphones in. ''Summer stuff.'' That seems to satisfy the peanut gallery, Kris gets some music on, and rests his head on the window of the bus, closing his eyes as they ride off to the airport.
That first game against each other since their wedding comes just after New Year. Erik's Sharks making the journey to Pittsburgh. Kris would love to go see his husband right away, but they'd probably never get anything done today, it's been months since they last were together. So, for their sakes, they observe their customary no-contact period until the game is over. As much as it sucks, it's the right thing. The team arrive for the game, Kris is eminently aware of his husband, his other half, his Erik in this building mere yards away. But, he contents himself with fiddling with his wedding ring. ''You okay, Kris?'' Sid asks.
Kris smiles brightly. ''Yeah, I'm fine, Sid.''
They suit up together, and get out for warmups. And, in an instant, Kris feels it. Those beautiful dark brown eyes upon him. He searches for Erik, and shares a long held gaze with him. Erik, for his part, winks across the ice at Kris, admiring him from afar, he'd not trust himself to get too close with him right now. That would not make for anything remotely family friendly. No, that must be saved for later. Kris goes to lead warmups, and Erik gets back on with his own.
The first faceoff is no less charged. Sid gets ready to take the faceoff against Couture. Behind the two captains, are their secretly married alternates, trying their hardest not to drop everything and kiss each other for the first time in months. Logan wins the drop, and it's off to the races. A minute in, Evan scores a beauty to open scoring. Two minutes later, Rusty and Sid feed Jake for a second goal. ''Good job, boys, keep it up!'' Sully shouts to them.
Evan scores another, then Kris and Dumo help Rusty get on the board. In all, they end the first period up 6-1. The second period is a physical battle, Burns netting one late for 6-2. At 6-4 in the third, Erik passes the puck to Jake Middleton for 6-5, he casts a challenging look to his husband. Kris just smirks at him from his end. Late in the third, Rusty sends a pass to Kris, he says. ''ERod, you're up!'' Evan makes the pass count, notching up a hattrick to score for 7-5. In all, Pittsburgh win the game 8-5. Kris looks to Erik, who nods.
After press, showers, and changing, Kris slides his ring back on, and says to the boys. ''Don't wait up for me, see you all later, good game, boys!'' He goes to the door.
Sid halts him in a way only a captain can. ''Hold it, team dinner, Tanger? Evan's paying tonight.''
Kris quickly says, not wanting to keep Erik waiting outside in the cold too long. ''Oh, yeah. I'm busy tonight, so have fun without me.'' He runs out to his car, seeing Erik leaning against it, on his phone. Erik looks up, a beaming smile on his face. ''I've missed you, hjartat mitt.'' They meet in an embrace. ''I missed you too, mon amour.'' Finally, after months apart, they get to kiss each other. Their no-contact period finally over. In an instant, a cold winter's night in Pittsburgh gets much warmer. After, they jump in Kris' car, and get going to his house. They eat quickly, and head to bed. Letting loose the months apart they've had to put up with together.
Before they get to sleep, Erik asks about the All Star Break. ''Are you going to Vegas at the end of the month?''
Kris yawns, and says. ''Nope, Jake and Jarry this time. You?'' Erik smiles softly. ''Meier got the selection. So, what would you say to spending anniversary week in San Jose together?''
Kris chuckles, and presses another kiss to Erik's neck. ''I'll never say 'no' to a free week with you, darling.'' Erik lets out a long, contented sigh. ''Good to hear, sweetheart.''
That week off comes as a blessing to them both. Kris flying privately to San Jose. Finally, a week to be married instead of having to be opponents. Erik wakes up early on their first day together, and gets a nice breakfast ready for them, he decides to take it upstairs. Kris was pretty tired when he landed, so he'll want to relax today. Kris wakes up when he enters the bedroom. ''God morgon, alskad mitt.'' He says, in the swedish Erik taught him all those years ago. ''God morgon, hjartat mitt.'' Erik says to his husband. Kris goes to brush his teeth before they eat in bed. ''Got anything to do today, darling?'' Kris asks, sipping his coffee.
Erik happily says, finishing his waffles. ''Nope, I'm all yours for the week. How do we want to celebrate eleven years together?'' They did technically get married in early July, but, they've agreed to keep having their primary anniversary in January. ''I think we should celebrate it exactly as we are now.''
Erik asks, liking the sound of a lazy week together. ''Just a quiet and lazy week together?'' Kris nods, they've got lots of time for going flat out. ''Yeah, is that okay?''
Erik leans over the tray with their plates on it, and kisses Kris on the cheek. ''Of course it is.''
And, they get that week together. Their first since their honeymoon, and their last until summer. So, they savour it as much as they can. Relaxing with gifts and movies on their anniversary, late nights and sleeping in each morning. Erik can barely believe his luck sometimes. He got drafted amidst so many others, won two Norrises, got to be a captain, and found the one who completes him when he least expected to. Kris, for his part, never knew this life was awaiting him back in 2005, three cups, over a decade with his brothers, being an alternate, and now finding his other half over one wild weekend. Sure, they're not teammates yet, and they've decided to keep this private. But, they love each other, and that's all that they'll ever need. After all, they're one when together, and one when parted.
So, it took longer than I expected to get this done. Trying to fix my sleeping cycle, and nursing a sore wrist on and off have kinda hampered things a bit. But, I got it done! I had to rework several parts of this story to make it flow a bit better, I had a moment of the Pens playing 20 Questions with Kris to figure out who he married, but I scrapped it because it felt too slow and invasive. I knew I wanted them to handfast in Sweden, and that I wanted to end this story during the 2022 ASG (neither of them went, wtf?) The rest was filling in the space. Their wedding vows wrote themselves, and so did the skating scene.
I also image Sid and Geno had this whole big fancy wedding, as any royal hockey couple would. They loved their wedding, but would have preferred a simpler ceremony with just close teammates and friends present. Kris and Erik basically get the wedding Sid and Geno actually wanted, in a way.
Anyway, enjoy!
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