#canon quality content
alecz-obssesionz · 9 months
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♡ Grollow in-relationship hijinks!
The one's with Grimm on a dress belong to something @pinktrapped and I have planned, stay tunned for this little mischief of ours~
Kinda late for my usual posting hour but I didn't want to leave you without some food🙏✨️
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callonpeevesie · 9 days
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Post-case sleepies (and pining)
Please click for better quality
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lexosaurus · 2 years
canon danny: im a human boy with ghost powers! so quirky! sometimes i can be an angsty teen but ultimately i love my family and friends and i know that push comes to shove, they'll always have my back! phanon danny: im a dead ghost child with human powers. my existence was born from a trauma that is tattooed onto my skin as a constant reminder of my death. i've never known a day of happiness in my life. one time i met my parents and they tried to dissect me.
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ribbononline · 8 months
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Small snippet of Mother Earth and Her Infinite Sky (preview) by @silverjirachi ! Admittedly very compressed down to fit into a single page. But still!
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
i am begging every good omens fan that hasn’t read the book to please pick it up. it is so fucking good.
is it an exact mirror of the show? not exactly. but if you enjoy the show i cannot imagine that you’d dislike the book.
there’s so many little tidbits and scenes that aren’t in the show/are more fleshed out in the book (eg the paintball scene is way longer and way funnier in the book)
and i know some people struggle with books but the full cast audio recording exists! and it’s so good! i promise!
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 2 months
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Koala 🩵💜🩷❤️🧡
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mangio-formaggio · 3 months
at this point I absolutely don't want to know the actual canon story of how bertha and george met and fall in love. this fandom feeds me so well with many wonderful versions from childhood enemies-to-lover to amazing canon divergences. I don't need julian fellowes to tell me his headcanons I already have delicious pick for every mood.
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sparky-is-spiders · 9 months
The thing I love so much about Jonsasha dual archivist AUs is how easily it becomes a "them against the world" situation. Falling into the Beholding at almost exactly the same time, developing similar (although perhaps not identical) powers, having the same inhuman diet, driving away their coworkers...
And yeah that last one IS super vital to Jonsasha because I think they would. Jon's paranoia combined with Sasha's stalking skills? Their intelligence and reckless knowledge-seeking? It would be a mess. Tim losing both his close friend and his (work friend? acquaintance?) at the same time, right after a traumatic experience? The others watching as they start withdrawing into each other more and more (even as they're each monitoring the other for signs of betrayal). Do you think Sasha "lets hang with my creepy monster stalker at midnight (without telling anyone)" James would catch on to the blink-and-you-miss-it reference to the possibility that the web table traps the Not-Them? I am not totally convinced she would even bother getting a weapon before investigating it (which is... exactly what she did in canon, actually??).
I want them to hear the Jurgen statement together. I want them to go out and share a smoke and a charged conversation while Elias does his thing. I want them to go tearing through the London supernatural community with reckless abandon. I want Elias to have to frantically restructure his plans while he tries to figure out how the hell having Two Entire Archivists might mess with his plans. I want them to rack up marks shockingly quickly. I want Sasha to encourage Jon to hop over boundaries with her. I want them to drag each other down. I want them to be feared and hated by the remaining archival staff because Sasha keeps Knowing deeply personal information about them "accidentally" and Jon can't stop compelling people and they have the same freaky eyes and they're chasing each other down the same destructive path.
I want Jonsasha taking solace in each other, exchanging statements about their respective supernatural encounters (look it's cute ok?) and coming to Know each other in a way nobody else ever could. I want them to anchor each other. I want them to make everything worse forever. I want them to always defend each other, even as their own guilt keeps piling up and their friends keep getting angry and hurt. Dual archivist Jonsasha is two sides of the same coin, coming together even as they drive everybody else away. It's so juicy and I think about it constantly.
I think Elias finds a way to pull off his plan and when he does they slowly give in to their natures and enjoy their apocalypses after a lovely and long mutual corruption arc. That is all.
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mirsvintagesonytv · 2 years
Alternate universe where Chuuya joins the ADA w Dazai. The flags never found out that info on his past so chuuya still has no idea where he is from, and dazai just shows up at his door one day like "im leaving come w me" and chuuya is like "bro wtf no i need to find out abt my past" but leaves w dazai anyway. They join the ADA and Dazais tryna become a better person but chuuyas only motive is to find out about his past, which he has no idea about, bc the events of stormbringer never occured in this timeline.
Also that for 2 years Kunikida Ranpo and Yosano have no clue what in the gay shit is going on between the new recruits, since none of them know about their mafia ties, so they end up placing a bet for when theyre gonna get together, and pool together a prize pool for whoever is closest. Even Fukuzawa places a bet. But it goes unsolved for 2 years until Atsushi arrives. And atsushi just.. asks because apparently the others never thought of that, not even genius Ranpo. And dazais like "Yeah we're together" which sends the agency into a MELTDOWN BECAUSE WHEN THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN AND WHO WINS THE PRIZE POOL??? Turns out Dazai and Chuuya had been together for like the entire time and knew about the bet, but found it funny so didnt say anything to see how much they could get away with before being caught out.
Dazai: Hm im stuck on this case.
Chuuya: *solves it*
Dazai: *grabs chuuya by the cheeks in front of the whole office, kisses him on the lips for 3+ seconds* Your so smart Chuuya this is why your my.... (the agency is holding their breaths thinking this is the moment).... BEST FRIEND. what did i do to deserve a friend as good as you Chuuya?
They ended up getting away with it too, because the whole ADA cannot for the life of Odasaku distinguish between platonic and romantic affection.
*another instance*
Chuuya and Dazai are late to work, so Fukuzawa sends Kunikida to get them from their shared apartment. He walks in, using the spare key, and finds the two together under the covers of Dazai's futon just cuddling together. Like the most sappy gay shit you've ever seen.
Kunikida, getting his hopes up bc holy shit he's won the prize pool: ...What are you two doing..?
Dazai, smirking bc this is way too funny: It's cold. We have no heating. Chuuyas skill makes everything warm so im using him as a radiator
Kunikida believes this despite knowing about Chuuyas ability, overlooking the fact that Dazai literally just lied to his face because Chuuyas ability does nothing to the room temperature.
In the end the prize pool goes to Atsushi for his bravery, whilst Kunikida is just sobbing because how did he not realise. And Atsushi does not know whats going on he's just happy to be there honestly.
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snivel1 · 5 months
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
With stick!Alan I think one of the things I'm curious about is whether or not he still works. Like, did he just seem to drop off the face of the planet? Does he email his clients to apologize? Does he try and take on more? C!Alan what are you going to do with that commission money, you don't have much besides keeping the power on to use it on anymore-
ngl i have no clue lol--
i mean, i suppose keeping the power on is a good thing considering they kind of need it for the computer, but i think it's kind of funny if he just vanishes?
there's also the really funny possibility of him uploading shorts still but they're just filmed from inside the computer ljflsgkfjdsgjdf
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 months
I wrote a longer and more overwrought version of this post when I was slightly drunker (yay distillery book club) but the shorter, more sober-clarity version is: it's so ridiculous that about 50% of my current fandom experience is based on things that are now 25 years old (thanks for the reminder, lucasfilm) and yet I'm terrified of being left behind because I 'can't move on' from something that is now barely 5 years old
you could probably attempt to make some sort of sweeping statement about this, like the lifespan of media now versus the early 00s, but what it's really about is my own issues with abandonment which is affecting both my ability to move on (I really struggle with the 'crew breaks up between installment thing', always have) and also the general fear of behind left behind, rather than any real trends in fandom as a whole
ok I think that's enough for superb owl sunday
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secretnimh · 2 years
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Red Robin (Tim) time travels to the past for a mission and ends up as a 10 year old kid - no matter what, he can’t make any major changes to the timeline, or get caught... In Scooby Doo style shenanigans, Robin (Jason) and Beast Boy (Garfield) end up breaking into his house, which they think is haunted.
If anyone wants to join our DC roleplay discord;
Tim’s trip to the past inadvertently and irrevocably alters the timeline! All DC and original characters are welcome - the server is for ages16+, and just starting out!
Taken characters are as follows; Tim Drake (Red Robin/Civilian), Jason Todd (Robin), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy), The Joker
“Basic Bitch DC RP is an open Detective Comics Roleplay group that's friendly to members of all levels of experience, and set in a very loose, more-or-less canon timeline (Post-Crisis, Pre-A Death In The Family - Jason Todd, as Robin, is about 13 years old).
Pick any of your favorite DC characters to roleplay, or even an original character of your own making, and hit the scene running! From Midnighter to Mr.Miracle, Catwoman to Queen Bee, the world is your oyster!
If your character does not yet exist within our timeline, you're welcome to squeeze them in via shenanigans. Alternate earths, time travel, perhaps they simply hit the scene younger... 
 Every roleplay here should be considered as if it's in the same universe, but you don't necessarily have to roleplay with everyone. Whether you're planning epic showdowns with all your greatest nemeses or a small coffee-shop date, you're free to explore!”
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suddencolds · 1 year
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rarren · 2 years
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average ptv fan
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kindledrose · 11 months
me when i go into a fandom tag and it’s all. it’s all shipping
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