holylulusworld · 3 months
Star-spangled man with a plan
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Title: Star-spangled man with a plan
Written for @fluffystevefest – Day 4
Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: lots of teasing, Steve feels old, pining, fluff
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He watches the years pass by. Another season. Another year. Another year older.
More birthday candles on the cake than he’d like to count. Steve never thought he’d turn one hundred and six years old. And if he imagined growing old, he saw himself sitting on the veranda of his house, in an old rocking chair, wrinkles in his face, and his legs weak.
When he looks in the mirror, he can see the years in his eyes, but not his face. He’s still a young man in the eyes of the people. But he feels his age every year more.
Or is it the longing for a change?
“Come on Capsicle, why the long face?” Tony pats Steve’s back. “You know that this is a party, and you are expected to enjoy it. Go and get a nice girl. Ask her for a dance before you turn one hundred and seven years old.” Tony cackles before walking off.
“I hate to admit it, but Stark knows how to throw a party,” Bucky steps next to his best friend, offering a drink to Steve. “Here, down it in one go to feel the burn. We can’t get drunk but the taste ain’t bad. Stark has a great taste too when it comes to booze.”
“Did you ever wish for something more?” Steve dips his head to look at Bucky. “I mean, we are fighting the good fight, but something is missing.”
“Steve, be honest with me,” Bucky knits his brows together while looking at his friend, “are you in a midlife crisis, buddy? Do you want to buy a fast car and sleep with women half your age?”
Bucky grins. Steve makes a face.
“I think you are confusing me with a younger Tony Stark,” Steve scoffs and finally takes the drink out of Bucky’s hand.
“Well, Capsicle, in your case a woman half your age would be fifty-three, not exactly my type,” Tony cackles from the other side of the bar. He grins before walking off.
“Yeah, because your wrinkly ass prefers a twenty-something bimbo,” you snicker and raise your glass on Steve. “Leave the captain alone. It’s his birthday.”
Tony sticks his tongue out. “If I remember right, I’m throwing him a party. It’s my right as the host to roast the birthday boy. Cheers, Capsicle. I hope your ass stays wrinkle-free for another year.”
“It’s America’s ass after all,” you grin at Tony. “A nice ass too. Cheers on Captain America’s ass and the man himself.”
“Uh-oh, I think Y/N is a little tipsy,” Bucky nudges Steve. “Come on. It’s your chance. If you stammer this time, she won’t remember and just laugh it off.”
“What do you mean?” Steve grunts.
“You have been pining over her for years,” Bucky rolls his eyes. He can’t believe his friend sometimes. “How much older do you want to grow to ask her out?”
Steve glances at you in your dress. You’re wearing a navy blue sleeveless retro vintage 1950s swing dress with white stars on it. It’s a beautiful flare dress with a dress halter pushing your cleavage up. You’re wearing a red neckerchief to complete the look.
His heart beats a little faster than usual when you grab two glasses of champagne and walk toward him. Bucky immediately leaves Steve’s side, giving his friend a thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd.
“Happy Birthday, Captain,” you smile at Steve, putting on your sweetest pout. “I hope it’s a good one, and that we can spend more birthdays together. I hope all of your wishes come true, Steve.” You hand him a glass of champagne. “I know you can’t get drunk but we should raise our glasses to your birthday.”
Steve’s eyes are glued to your crimson lips. You’re wearing a little more make-up than usual. Of course, it’s all fifties style.
“You look beautiful today,” he manages to get out and curses himself. “You always look good, but I like that dress.” His cheeks dimple when you put your hand on his chest. Steve prays you cannot feel his heart beat so fast it might jump out of his chest.
“Thank you, Steve,” you smile while saying his name. “Do you like your party?”
“Now that you’re here with me, I like it better,” Steve flashes you a sweet smile. He’s nervous, you can see his hand tremble, but you don’t mind. It’s kind of cute that this strong and handsome man is nervous around you.
“If that’s so,” you move a little closer to look up at Steve. Batting your eyelashes you purr his name. “Why don’t you dance with me? I have waited all night for you to dance with me.”
Steve clears his throat and straightens his back. “Y/N, would you give me the honor and dance with me.”
You giggle when he puts the glass of champagne away and takes yours out of your hand.
“Yes, Captain,” you take his offered hand. “I feared you’d never ask. What can a girl do but wait for a gentleman to ask her for a dance.”
Steve leads you toward the dancefloor, catching everyone’s attention as he finally makes a move. They don’t know you asked him for the dance, but it doesn’t matter the moment you place your arms on Steve’s shoulders. He smiles and puts his hands on your hips.
You start to sway, to the soft music they play. Getting lost in the song you rest your head on Steve’s chest and wrap your arms around him. He embraces you and welcomes your warmth while murmuring your name.
Steve closes his eyes. Having you in his arms is the fulfillment of his dreams. Everything falls into pieces for Steve. He’s the spar-spangled man with a plan after all. Even though, he needs years to finally have a dance with you…
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shadefish · 11 months
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A Transformers OC for my friend @capsicle-on-the-rocks !
Burn Out! his pronouns arew he/him and he turns into an F-117 Nighthawk!
ooo cool links you wanna click one
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siremasterlawrence · 25 days
Who’s The Real Hero Here?
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The boat hit the shores as Captain America lands on to it with a small boat as he crawls upward scaling the rocky area to the top of the clips grabbing one rock at a time and he finally reaching the top of the hill he climbs up higher. He now plants his feet as he peers in to the window staring down at empty room even though he was sent on a mission by the old school ways of being by Shield even he is aware of how crazy it is and he took his shield upward smashing it in to the window. He throws himself following that as he flips barreling in to the room descending done a field of stairs he grabs on to the rail flipping in to alley oop on the staircase in a perfect ten I am watching through my camera in my basement as the room begins to widen up.
Getting even bigger and of course he has the body stamina of a Olympic Champion as he leaps to the ground floor racing across the end of the steps on to the ground floor with so much determination in his eyes and his heart. The floor literally opens from under him as he descends miles down floor by floor in the air as Steve needs to make a emergency like strategy grabbing hold on to edge of a floor he manages to getting stiff lifting upward on to the bridge because as we know Steve can do it all day. Yanking himself with a bit of a struggle he is able to land back on to the brighter he race in to dthe room as he finds himself in midst of a elongated hall way calling to him a voice in the sound system all he can hear is S-t-e-v-e.
Steve unhooks his shield launching it in to the air as he kicks it hard smashing across the room it ricocheting from wall to wall at full force downward of the hall way as it is slamming in to the elevator doors and Cap breaks through and the heat of the building steams up. Loading on to the elevator shaft as the door closes instantly shaking a bit before the lift starts to speed upward to the top floor of the elevator bank the lights begin to blink blinding him and the buttons begin to blink on and off in a strange aura of colors giving Steve a minor headache. The elevator door pops to the side allowing him to access to the floor as he walks in to the room clinging his back to the wall his shield is already to go and he is uses both of arm and shields what he is not expecting is the figure in the dark lit up translucently before him.
Something triggering electrical out put of the locks of the building are shuttering the him as he locks down the world keeping Steve in his place and in his heat and Steve can feel it in his soul that his life is about to go through a significant change as he walks further in to the room as the temperature drops causing Cap to become the Capsicle Iron man calls him. The figure comes into picture now in a fuller, brighter and special effect thoroughly as it’s obviously a sneak attack by him the mystery new villain who has appeared on the scene from no one in particular because it is totally obvious and we all he is The Spectacle a super villain man of supernatural power consuming him in all ways. Steve does his best to resist the man who’s eyes glow emeraldintensity as they go spiraling out of control ensnaring him easily his eyes follow him in deep forgetting everything else that has happen as he dropping deeper, faster and harder then he ever thought in a mixing a swirl pool of craziness drowning Steve in it a sea of pure power.
“Oh Captain! That daring look in my eyes.”
“You are remnant of the past, I can’t shake it off.”
“Do not compare me to…the red skull.”
“You are more evil then…”
“Why are you so interested then?”
“You found my case, you had to track me all the way here.”
“I can stand idly bye”
“Mwahahahahaha…goody two shoes”
“I am Soldier…fuck off”
“Do you honestly think I would care?”
“ Typical of you “
“Why Cap?”
“It’s Captain”
“Captain “
“I am a hero”
“Let me show you “
“Would a hero do this?”
“I failed yes”
“Your friends are dead Cap”
“They are gone…no you did this”
“I can’t prevent the truth “
“Even I tried”
“Can’t handle the heat ?”
“I am only saving you “
“I can make it go away “
“I won’t surrender “
“One kiss Captain”
“I am not you puppet”
“So you say”
“No! I am in control “
“Why are you standing up?
“Walking towards me”
“Kissing me”
“You love it, give into the lust”
“Oh fuck! Whatever! Who am I ?”
The man snaps his fingers as the walls rise receding upward in to the ceiling as a white light covers the room in a sea of color blinds Steve as he backs up when a figure walks up to him. The light flashes in to the room as he witnesses who the man it is ole pal Bucky Barnes who stood up facing with him in utter rage in his eyes and Steve looks with joy but is soon met with a massive punch to the face. Steve manages to take most of the power of the heat from that punch as he smacks his pals hand a side and they go toe until our guy Steve grabs him by his arm.
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As he back flips to the end of the ground slamming his foot on to him. Bucky burst out loud barrels throughout the room bouncing wall to wall as he uses his foot to kick him in the shin as Steve cries in pain and Bucky uses it to pin him down.The man laughs bit as Bucky wides his arms open up when he jumps in to Bucky’s body as they merge in to one taking Bucky’s own appearance to Steve is completelyleft in sea of horror at this revelation and he will regret it. He has no time to react when a barrage of bullets hit him head on as he backflips to his feet using shield to launch forward hitting Bucky hard as it shreds over the room and slams him into the wall in a unique permanent way.
“Bucky STOP!”
“Bucky is no longer here”
“Get to the point”
“I want you to serve me and be mine”
“Never gonna happen”
“How fowl Cap!”
“Bastard! Release me”
“As if!”
“Release Buck and I”
“You will serve me eventually “
“Excuse me! No who you are …”
“Speaking to you?”
“Bucky hear me”
“He Can’t!”
“What are you a dunce ?”
“Watch yourself I am…”
“Sentinel of justice?”
“Fuck off”
“Oh well! Bucky end him”
“Yyyyeeeesssssss!” NOW mwahahaha “
“Oh Master! Your power surges through us my king. “
“We are compelled! You erased us forever “
The end
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Any Fan's Dream, Part 4
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
"Hey, kid." Tony greeted you as you walked into the workroom.
"Hi!" You cursed in your head, stop sounding so excited! It's not normal!
He raised an eyebrow at you, eyes glancing at you then returning to the object on the table. "You sound happy."
"I know," you nodded, "I think I'm sick."
He snorted, "alright. Well, we should get started."
The two of you spent the next couple hours talking and working, taking the occasional breaks in between. Your heart was so full, you felt like you could burst. It was so easy to talk to Tony, in fact, it was easy to talk to all of them(well, as soon as you were able to stop tripping over your words while fan-girling). It even made it so that you were able to push the Loki encounter from the night before to the back of your mind
Tony played music the whole time, AC/DC of course, but also other rock bands. Sometimes, he would dance while he was working and you would smile at the purity of the situation. There was no trace of the trauma haunting his features as the two of you hung out. It was perfect.
A knock sounded at the door, which neither of you heard because of the music. The knob twisted and in stepped a super soldier.
"Hi?" Steve raised his voice, trying to get the attention of the two of you. FRIDAY paused the music, and Steve again tried to greet you two. “Hello?"
"Capsicle," Tony's voice had an edge of annoyance. "Are you the reason my music is paused?"
Steve stiffened, "I didn't do anything to your music. I just walked in here and neither of you heard me so FRIDAY must have stopped it."
"Well, why are you here?" Tony's voice was sharp. 
You looked between the two, surprised at the palpable tension between the two. Then you remembered, Civil War, not to mention their usual opposing attitudes. You could only guess what could have the tension so high. Especially considering the amount of News vans outside of the Tower earlier. You and Peter had used another entrance to get into the building, but the crowd of reporters was hard to miss.
Wanda must have bombed the building already.
Of course, you knew it was an accident. That she was only trying to help Steve. And she did. But she wasn't able to control her powers quite enough and it exploded in that building, sparking the beginning of Civil War.
Both Steve and Wanda blamed themselves for it, and the rest of the world had no problem blaming them either. 
Steve cleared his throat and looked at you. "Today for your training we're going on a run. You should go get ready. Natasha said she left out some workout clothes for you on her bed."
Your eyes moved from him to Tony, observing the man's expression. "Is that ok? I don't want to go if we still have work to do."
Steve interjected, "actually, Tony has other-"
"She asked me," Tony cut him off, "one would think a person of your age would have manners but I guess not.
"Can we not do this now?" Steve asked through clenched teeth.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I have a convention to get to." 
Tony left the room, leaving you with an annoyed super soldier. Steve had a disgruntled look on his face, but he looked at you and tried to hide the expression. 
"We should leave soon," he stated, "could you go get ready, please?"
You nodded, exiting the room with thoughts swirling through your mind in a torrential hurricane. If Civil War is happening now, how long before everyone is fighting each other? 
When Steve said he was taking you to the compound, you weren't surprised. After all, with all the press in NYC, the two of you probably wouldn't even be able to jog a couple feet before someone stopped you.
What you didn't expect, was that he planned on driving you there on his motorcycle.
Your plan to interrogate him in the car was thrown out the nonexistent windows. The wind was rushing by, making it too loud for you to attempt to start a conversation. All you could do was hold on to him tightly, which felt really nice because like it was Steven Grant Rogers for goodness sake and you were holding onto his waist and you could feel his fucking six pack through his t-shirt. Like what the hell? Does he sharpen the damn things?
Unfortunately, you didn't even have the chance to fully appreciate the man seated in front of you because that stupid interaction with him and Tony was buzzing around in your mind. 
An unexpectedly short drive later, the two of you arrived at the compound. When you got off the motorcycle, your legs were stiff from the unfamiliar position you were in while riding the motorcycle, which didn't at all help the soreness in your body. Sheesh, soreness is such a bitch. Like I just exercised for you, body! I did it to keep you healthy! And now you repay me with this pain? Not cool.
Your mental grumbling was cut off when a certain man came jogging around the corner of the compound. He spotted the two of you and ran towards you two, your smile growing because you knew exactly who it was.
"(y/n), this is Sam. Sam this is (y/n)," Steve introduced.
Sam smiled. "Nice to meet you."
Your mind short-circuited because after he said that, he winked. HE FUCKING WINKED!
You tried to collect your thoughts. 
"You're hot."
You tried to own it, act like you actually intended to say that. "Nice to meet you too."
Sam let out a small laugh when you said it, "thanks."
"No problem," you tried not to sound too dazed. 
"Ok," Steve interjected, looking between you and Sam. "(y/n), you have to do 8 laps around the compound."
Your jaw dropped, did he know how big the fuckin compound was? "8 laps? I'm not a super-soldier, Steve."
"I know," he responded, "if you were, you'd be doing 20."
You were too out of breath to curse Steve out loud, but that didn't affect the torrent of insults swirling in your mind as you cursed that Star-Spangled-Shit.
"Jeez, Cap doesn't mess around." Sam said, jogging next to you.
You nodded, unable to speak, unless gasps and wheezes counted.
"I'll run with you until you finish," he stated, "it's easier to run when you're running with somebody."
A while later, you were hunched over, trying to catch your breath. You had just finished the 8 laps and you could barely breathe, your lungs complaining while your legs burned. Those laps were huge! Sam had informed you that the laps you were running were 0.75 miles/about 1.2 km each. That meant you had run 6 miles/9.65 km! Back in your world, you spent all your time doing schoolwork and watching TV, your body was not ready for the training.
"How was it?" Steve asked, standing there. He didn't look even a little out of breath, the only indication he had just 15 miles/24.1 km was that he had a slight sheen along his face from sweat. 
You tried to respond with, "I loathe you," but with how you were breathing it just sounded like, "I oatoo."
He smiled. "Don't worry, your body will get used to it."
Sam patted Steve on the shoulder and whispered something to him.
You couldn't hear most of it, but one word- or should you say, name, caught your ears.
You knew that Sam had been helping Steve try to find Bucky since the events of Captain America: the Winter Soldier. And you also knew that because of Bucky's experience with staying off the radar, they wouldn't end up finding him until Civil War when Bucky gets framed for the bombing while he was shopping for plums. 
The events of Civil War had already started, what with Wanda bombing the building on accident. You could only guess that the convention Tony had mentioned earlier was the one where that woman confronts him about her son's death in Sokovia. You frowned, Tony had been so carefree and happy when the two of you were working on the suit. That confrontation would bring to the surface all of his guilt, after all, he felt guilty because of all the bombs, like the ones that had killed Wanda's parents, and now he would deal with the guilt of Sokovia.
You didn't know how you could change Civil War, or even if you should. As much as it pained you to think, the Avengers being split up played a major part in Infinity War. What if you somehow managed to keep the team together and because of that, you screwed something up and they lost to Thanos permanently? What then?
"(y/n), are you okay?" Steve looked at you, worried. You looked like you were having a panic attack.
You looked at him, trying to calm your breathing. Which wasn't an easy task considering how fast your heart was beating from the run and now from the panic of the future. You plastered on a smile, hoping that it didn't look as stiff as it felt. "I'm good. Just not used to this much exercise."
Steve nodded, not looking entirely convinced but not wanting to pry. "Well, it was nice to see you, Sam. I'll be back in a couple days," Steve bid him good-bye.
"Bye, Sam. It was really awesome meeting you." You waved.
"You too, (y/n)." He grinned at you and waved back.
"Are you really ok?" Steve questioned, voice hesitant. He didn't want to bother you.
You had been silent since the two of you had arrived back at the Tower, a troubled expression on your face.
You forced a laugh. "Yeah, just worried about how my mom is gonna react. I'm 80% sure that if I go home and I'm limping from being sore, she's gonna show up at the Tower and beat Tony with a shoe."
Steve wasn't sure how to respond to that.
"Anyway," you added, "how about you, Steve?"
"How are you?"
"Oh," Steve let out, "I'm alright."
He was clearly lying. After all, Steve didn't exactly like lies so he wasn't the most gifted liar. "I saw what happened."
His face dropped, his eyes darting away before going back to you. "You did?"
"Yeah," you affirmed, "it wasn't your fault, you know."
"But I-" he stopped, "what happened was horrible. People want someone to blame. Better me than Wanda."
He couldn't tell you about how he had frozen when Rumlow had mentioned Bucky, afraid of you looking at him differently for his blunder. Little did he know, you knew all about it.
"It's not either of your faults," you spoke honestly, "it was that annoying fucking dick monkey, Rumlow. If anyone wants to blame someone, they can blame that stupid ass bitch."
Your hatred for the man was more than obvious, disgust practically dripping off each loatheful word. 
Steve glanced at you, surprise apparent on his face at how vocal you were about despising that man. 
"C'mon, Steve." You tugged his arm. "Let's go inside."
You exited Natasha's bathroom, once again clothed in a pair of her sweatpants and another one of her shirts. You smelled good, whatever the scent of the body wash was, you loved it. 
You exited the room and wandered the Tower, exploring the space. "Your" phone, which you had found on the nightstand in "your" room, buzzed in your pocket. You had been worried about the password when you turned on the phone, but you had been able to guess it easily because of your obsession with Marvel and the other you's obsession with the Avengers.
You unlocked the phone, opening the messaging app.
Peter had texted you:
Husband: ever just drink mustard cuz youre bored?
You: howd you know?
Husband: what?
You: what?
You turned off "your" phone, slipping it back into one of the pockets of the sweats. 
Your stomach growled, commanding you to go claim nourishment. "Alright, alright, I hear you."
Your stomach continued to growl, pushing you to find food. Everything still hurt from the training the day before, and you were worried about whether you'd be able to walk tomorrow.
You arrived in the kitchen, looking around for the pop-tarts you had put away after Thor had left. To your dismay, the two boxes were gone. Dammit. Who has stolen my pop of the tarts? You heinous monkey lard- wait a minute. What the fuck am I even thinking about? OH. Right, pop tarts. Popitty tarts popitty tarts. WHERE ARE THE POPPITY TARTS?
"(y/n), are you good?" Clint asked, "you look like a bird that fell out of a tree after getting high."
"I'm looking for the poppity tarts," you responded, "and that is oddly specific."
"I learned from the best."
That's when your mind forgot about the damn poppity tarts and you realized you were talking to CLINT MFING BARTON! Him and Nat were so underrated, you loved them both so much. Though, to be honest you loved so many of them so much-
"You're getting the look again."
"I've gotta go, Laura wanted me back home 10 minutes ago." Clint said. "See ya."
And just like that, he was gone.
Your jaw dropped. 
You grumbled, cursing the world for the unfairness then stopping quickly once you realized what you were doing. You didn't want to be sent back to your home world, that would suck. You quickly apologized to the world, taking back your curses. 
The phone in your pocket rang, prompting you to stick your hand in and grab it. You answered the phone when you saw the contact.
"Hey, honeybun."
"Hi, (n/n)." 
It was silent for a second. 
"I'm downstairs." 
You nodded. "Ok, cool."
It was quiet again.
"Waiting for you." Peter added.
You facepalmed at your stupidity. "Right. I'll be there quickly."
"Ok, see ya then, (n/n)."
"See ya, husband."
He was cut off by your phone dying.
You smiled, you were calling with Peter Parker! And he seemed to enjoy your company a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
You loved this world.
Would any of you be interested in me making a taglist? If you do, just comment that you do and I'll start one.
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juiles · 2 years
My world in my arms
Summary: just a pure fluff shot with accidently (but happy) ScarLizzie in it. You finish set early while filming Black Widow with your mom and you go home to have a girls night.
Type: fluff, fluff and more fluff.
Age: 16
Triggers: a little mention of blood at first but other than that nothing.
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Scarletts POV
I watched as y/n preformed the same stunt she had been doing for the last 5 years. I know she is golden at it but that can’t stop the nagging at my brain as she was raised on the platform. “Remember kid! Do the flip and land in Natasha’s pose then pull a Yelena and stand up shaking it off making a face.”
“Yeah I know Joe. I’ve only been doing this for the last 5 years.” She yelled out rolling her eyes shifting so only I could see her.
“Young lady!” I yelled out making her cover her mouth with a little smirk chuckling. The Russo brothers called out action and she did her normal flip however before she could land today, her hand slipped and got trapped against her harness so when she went to catch herself, she stumbled forward and smashed her face against a prop rock. Her body was shaking and she wasn’t moving which scared me, making both me and Lizzie (who had joined us on set today) ran over to her but before we could get very far, her head popped up and she was laughing.
“You little shit!” I called out plopping down beside her pulling her chin up to face me.
“Your nose is bleeding dumbass.” Lizzie said casually sitting on her other side. “Y/n are you ever going to not be clumsy?” She asked raising an eyebrow making me let out a bark of a laugh making both of them turn to face me. “What?”
“You can’t say shit about being clumsy Elizabeth Olsen.” I motioned to her before she blushed slightly and rolled her eyes. The medic sat down in front of y/n and did a quick check on her nose telling us she can clean off the blood and she’ll be fine.
“Hear that mom?” She smirked over at me as the medic handed me pack of wipes. “What! No! I can clean my own face! Mommy!!!!!!!” She whined crossing her arms with a pout.
“Clearly not.” I said motioning to her current position. “Also, you still got hurt and I’m still your mama. I will always clean you up when you get hurt.” That made Lizzie coo and my daughter blush under the wipe that I was currently using to clean up her blood.
“Mama….” She whined as I hit her nose softly by accident. “That hurt…”
“Almost done baby…” I cooed placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Once she’s cleaned and changed out of her costume I think you two should take the day off. We’ll get the suit drycleaned and ready for tomorrow morning to try that shot again.” Joe said crouching down in front of my 16 year old. “That trick has been done a million times kid. What got you today?”
“My hand caught on the wire… I guess I’m just tired…” She shrugged. “Finals are kicking me in the ass.”
“Language.” I said as I pulled away shoving all the wipes into a bag that an assistant had handed me.
“Alright Capsicle.” She said casually as she stood up from her position without missing a beat.
“You know what Romanoff?” I said with a smirk making her give me an identical smirk back.
Lizzie and Joe who were used to our antics merely rolled their eyes shaking their heads. “Alright mama. I’m gonna change then I’ll meet you at the car?” I nodded and she turned to run off before she stopped and turned to face us with a grin. “We get to see Rosie earlier than expected!!!! We can have a girls night!!!” She squealed before running off.
I laughed shaking my head before turning to talk to Joe about the last minute changes then turned to grab my purse from my seat. Lizzie walking beside me. “You joining us for a girls night?” I ask searching through my nag for my keys.
“You sure?” Lizzie asked hesitantly.
I just laughed shaking my head. “Duh. Rose would love to have her Lizzie there. Itll be a proper girls night.” I said making Lizzie’s face break into a giant grin and she nodded quickly. “I would love to!!”
We walked towards the car and before we even got to touch the door handle we hear a voice calling out. “Mama!!” My daughter called out skipping towards me. “Can Lizzie join us? And can we stop at Target and get snaaaaaaaaaaacks?? I have my wallet.” She pulled her wallet out of her pants pickets with a shit eating grin on her face. I laughed nodding.
“I already invited Lizzie, I figured you and Rose would want her there. Of course we can stop at the store bubba.” My kid flung the back door opened and climbed in before grabbing the aux cord and plugged her phone in. “Lets goo. Car ride with the best DJ!” She said dancing a little. I laughed getting in the drivers seat as Lizzie slid into the passenger seat. I started the car and backed out of the set. I drove on to the highway and made my way towards the exit that’s got the Target closest to our house and my kid started playing music.
She put on what she claims to be her “Feel Good Songs” playlist which contains a bunch of upbeat songs from the 2000’s and earlier. My kid has good music taste and I’m quite proud of her. As we pulled into target, we all got out putting baseball caps and sunglasses on before making our way towards the store and once inside, we made our way to the snack aisle and before I could say a word, y/n was already digging through a pile of candy bags before pulling out a bag and holding it up with a grin.
“I found them mama!” She declared, her green eyes seeming to shine. “I found the Mike and Ikes!” Can we get some M&M’s too?” She asked with the biggest pout on her face. I only laughed and shook my head before nodding.
“Yes bubs. Pick out your m&m’s.” I motioned to the chocolate section and she instantly turned around. Lizzie and I quickly grabbed what we wanted before the three of us moved to the aisle with the chips and the pop. We all grabbed what we wanted, y/n picking out Roses as well as the two would happily share the candy and chocolate.
We walked to the till but something caught y/n’s eye making her stop, turning to look at it making me stop and eye what it is. “Something you like there bubba?” She bit her lip before glancing down at the treats in her hand before she shook her head and looked up at me with a small smile.
 “I’m good mama. Shall we go get our treats and go have our girls night?” She said before walking towards the till again. I turned and my eyes landed on what she was looking at. A black marvel blanket, but this one was different, it had my symbol, but it also had the Scarlett Witch symbol and her characters. That was it, just the three of us, something that we never saw.
I grabbed it with a small smirk and made my way to the tills, we all scanned our items before I scanned the blanket, y/n’s eyes widening. “Wait. But it was like 80 bucks! I couldn’t ask for that! The treats are enough mama.” She said with a soft but sad smile.
“I’m buying it bub. I can see why you like it and its massive, we can all cuddle under it tonight before it moves to your room.” Her face lit up and she threw herself into my arms repeating thank you over and over again.
I laughed and placed a kiss on her forehead and paid the items before we all walked back towards the car, luckily we weren’t noticed at all so we we’re able to get in the car and head home. We pulled into the house, y/n ran inside after grabbing her bag, the bag with her and Rose’s treats and the blanket. I got inside after grabbing my belongings and locking the car. Liz grabbed her stuff and as we got inside I thanked the babysitter, paid her and made sure her car was safely out of the driveway.
I hadn’t been greeted by my youngest yet I knew she was okay because I heard her squeals in the living room along with my eldest and Lizzies. I walked in and plopped down next to my youngest who was staring at the blanket in awe. I coughed slightly making her turn to face me and squaled. “MAMA!!” She threw herself into my arms and I laughed hugging her tightly. “Y/n/n said we’re gonna have a girls night!” She said bouncing after pulling away.
I laughed and nodded with a grin. “Y/n/n got a little hurt on set so Joe let us go early so we decided to have a girls night!”
After that we all settled down beside each other, y/n sitting between me and Lizzie, Rose cuddled up onto her lap. I pulled out snacks and we all dug in after Lizzie pulled the new blanket over the four of us. Y/n turned on Disney+ and turned on The Little Mermaid, knowing it was Rose’s favourite making the younger girl squeal. I laughed and we all settled in for the night.
After plenty of junk and a few Disney movies I looked around and noticed all three of the girls around me asleep. I just smiled softly, placing soft kisses on all their heads and turned the tv off before settling in. Loving my world in my arms.
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lotsoflokilove23 · 1 year
The Journey Begins - Marvel Roleplay
April chuckles and shakes her head, “I’ll just stay a wolf, it will be fine,” 
“Maybe if they question it then I’ll just say that I tamed you,” Zöe said, slightly grinning, “Although this means that you can’t speak, you’ll have to… Woof?” She tried not to laugh.
April rolls her eyes and shakes her head, “Very funny,” she thought for a moment, “I’m not sure, I'll just have to stay silent.” 
Zöe chuckles and shrugs, “I thought it was a pretty good one,” She smiled, “That works too, up to you though, I mean you could always just freak them out by being a speaking wolf,” Zöe laughed. 
April shakes her head and sighs. 
“We’ll see,” Zöe smiled, leaning back and laying down on the cave floor, her magic marks growing brighter. 
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“Jarvis, what the heck is going on? What is that infuriating beeping?? It’s giving me a headache!” Tony Stark said, looking through a few different screens. 
“It seems that someone has sent an emergency rescue signal by tapping through our firewalls,” Jarvis, the Al said. 
“An emergency rescue signal? Bring up the location,” Tony said, slightly glancing behind him on the Helicarrier where Bruce Banner was watching what he was doing. 
Bruce looked up at Tony, “Sorry hang on,” Bruce pressed a button and a screen popped up with the location.
That minute Steve Rogers had been pacing around when he heard the beeping, he walked into the other area of the ship and stood at the door. “What is that terrible sound and why won’t it stop!?” 
“Thanks,” Tony said, slightly nodding at Bruce. He focused his attention on the location, “Oh, I know where this is,” he muttered. When Steve came in and spoke Tony slightly rolled his eyes and looked at him. “Oh, nice of you to come to help us,” Tony said with a little sass, “It seems that there is someone trapped inside of a mountain that collapsed about 30 minutes ago and they somehow sent us specifically a distress signal. Those rocks are gonna be hard to try and move, we’re going to need Jolly Green here’s strength, and you, Capsicle, are going to stay here on the ship and watch the live satellite footage and warn us of anything unnatural.” Tony said, already making up his mind about how this was going to be done.
Steve rolls his eyes and sits down in a chair, “Whatever you say, boss,” He replies in a sarcastic tone. 
Bruce nodded and narrows his eyes, crossing his arms, “Jolly Green…?” 
“Yes, Jolly Green, you’ll get used to the nicknames,” Tony said with his usual business tone to his voice, “Now, get suited, or should I say, get green- we’ve got people to save,” he said, turning around walking over to the door and down the Helicarrier’s hallway, he pulled up a screen in front of his face and called one of his many suits to the landing pad on the top of the Helicarrier. 
Bruce stood there and looked at Tony, “You want me to turn into the Hulk, right now?” He asked, crossing his arms. 
Tony slightly rolled his eyes, “No, if you do it now then you’ll set the entire place to lockdown,” He frowned, “It’s a figure of speech for let’s get going,” Tony smirked and tipped his head towards the door, “Shall we, Jolly Green?”   
Bruce shook his head and followed Tony, “Let's get this over with,” 
Tony nodded and went out the door. Before getting far he poked his head back into the doorway, “Oh, and Cap- Don’t break anything, I know that you’re pretty technology illiterate so,” he slightly snorted and then left, walking to the Quinjet and getting in. A random agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. was in the front. 
Bruce follows Tony and looks outside of the ship, “So how do you plan on getting over there?”  
Tony thought out his plan for a second, “Well, we’re going to on this plane, fly over the area, I’ll get into my suit at that point and I’ll lower you to the ground and then we’ll assess the situation and then you’ll get green,” He summed up, “Sound good?” 
Bruce crosses his arms and sighs, “I suppose so,” He said following Tony towards the plane. 
“Do you have a better Idea?” Tony asked, cocking his eyebrow and looking over his shoulder at Bruce. 
Bruce rolled his eyes and looked at Tony, “No,” He said, opening the plane door and getting onto it. 
Tony smirked, “See, that’s what I thought,” He lightly chuckles, “Let’s get rolling people!! Or should I say flying?” He smiled and waved a hand in the air as he got onto the plane. The pilot nodded and started clicking the buttons on the dash. 
Bruce rolls his eyes, “It’s literally just us,” He said, closing the door of the plane and taking a seat up front. 
“No, there’s a pilot, you have to acknowledge the pilot, you might hurt his feelings,” Tony said looking at the cockpit, at the pilot, “Actually I don’t think he can hear us anymore, but that’s fine.” 
Bruce crosses his arms, “Let's get this over with.” 
“Ooo, So grumpy,” Tony said, giving a slightly lopsided grin. 
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priceofreedom · 4 years
I like playing the old FF7. I’ve got it on original disc set. I’m just terrible at turn-based gaming 😭
oh that’s too bad :( it’s perfectly valid if you don’t wanna play those kinda games tho!
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miyku · 6 years
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Mᴀss Eғғᴇᴄᴛ 2 | Mᴀss Eғғᴇᴄᴛ 3 | ▶
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Flower Crown Thunders is valid from a Flower Crown Roddy :3
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werewolf-cuddles · 6 years
Hey how much does that premium roosterteeth sub cost? I’m obsessed with RWBY vol 6 rn and I feel bad having to pirate things
I think it’s around $5.
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forgedmedic-blog · 6 years
Love you, Amica!!!
Love you too! slldkjfsh I can’t believe how lucky I am to know you
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officialrodimus · 6 years
Hi! Ur blog is super sweet and I see you cross my dash like a lot!
Omgggg thank you!! I really appreciate that!!
I love your icon btw!!
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glassrunner · 7 years
I like Max as a protagonist, but until I played BtS, I always thought Chloe was just being kind of bitter and dramatic. Now that I have context from BtS, I have to sit back and just think: wtf Max? She really did hardcore abandon Chloe
I totally agree with your thoughts on Chloe, I couldn’t empathize with her much until BtS, and then I completely fell in love with her as a character and her story in general. And it sickens me that Max didn’t even reply back that often, her lack of compassion for somebody she claims is her best friend really pisses me off. I guess BtS and Chloe/Rachel just mean so much more to me than the main game and main ship. Looks like it’s time to ignore canon!
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tinycoffeebiggun · 4 years
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© ― stevienick
▌⋆⁺˚*⎊🌱 𝚘kay give me smooch for good luck i might not make it back .   ∕   𝚖.𝚒.𝚗.𝚝.𝚢.   ∕   my edits . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊🌱 𝚊m i the only one who did the reading ?    ∕  𝚖.𝚒.𝚗.𝚝.𝚢.   ∕   fanfiction . ▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚢ou gotta run before you can walk   ∕  𝚏.𝚛.𝚒.𝚍.𝚊.𝚢.    ∕   occ answer . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚐enius . billionaire . playboy . philanthropist.   ∕  disposition . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚝here’s one thing you can never take away from me: I Am Iron Man   ∕  dialogue . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒 am iron man. the suit and i are one   ∕  armour . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚐ive me a scotch. i’m starving   ∕  event . ▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚌ontrary to popular belief i know exactly what i’m doing  ∕  ic answer . ▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚊 famous man once said ― we create our own demons  ∕  tongue . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚏ollowing’s not really my style.  ∕  study . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚎verybody wants a happy ending. right? but it doesn’t always roll that way  ∕  headcanon .
𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜 .
▌⋆⁺˚*⍟ 𝚢ou’re a lab rat rogers . everything special about you came out of a bottle !      ∕   capsicle   ∕  steve rogers . ▌⋆⁺˚*ϟ 𝚍oth mother know you weareth her drapes ?     ∕  point break  ∕  thor odinson . ▌⋆⁺˚*✇ 𝚒’m a huge fan of the way you lose control & turn into an enormous green rage monster     ∕     hulk     ∕   bruce banner . ▌⋆⁺˚*⧗ 𝚒 want one      ∕   natalie rushman   ∕  natasha romanoff . ▌⋆⁺˚*۞ 𝚠hat is your job exactly besides making balloon animals ?      ∕   the wizard   ∕  stephen strange . ▌⋆⁺˚*✮ 𝚐ive me back my rhodey  !      ∕   rhodey   ∕  james rhodes . ▌⋆⁺˚*⋆   𝚍on’t ask me again the whereabouts of a flying car.      ∕   manchurian candidate   ∕  bucky barnes . ▌⋆⁺˚*४     & 𝚕oki he's a full-tilt diva right?       ∕   rock of ages   ∕  loki laufeyson . ▌⋆⁺˚*➳ 𝚋etter clench up legolas.        ∕   legolas   ∕  clint barton . ▌⋆⁺˚*⋇⋆ 𝚒’m on happy time  .      ∕   happy   ∕  harold hogan .
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜 .
▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚠e're connected   ∕   kid    ∕    harley keener . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚝here’s a little grey area in there that’s where you operate    ∕   underoos   ∕  peter parker . ▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒 love you 3000   ∕   maguna    ∕    morgan stark . ▌⁺˚*⎊  𝚠e reconfigured 𝙹.𝙰.𝚁.𝚅.𝙸.𝚂.' matrix to create something new    ∕    vision  . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚢ou’re a winner !    ∕  nebula . ▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒'm sure i can conjure up a maniacal laugh if it will help you   ∕   ironheart    ∕    riri williams .
#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊🌱 𝚘kay give me smooch for good luck i might not make it back .   ∕   𝚖.𝚒.𝚗.𝚝.𝚢.   ∕   my edits .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊🌱 𝚊m i the only one who did the reading ?    ∕  𝚖.𝚒.𝚗.𝚝.𝚢.   ∕   fanfiction .#▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚢ou gotta run before you can walk   ∕  𝚏.𝚛.𝚒.𝚍.𝚊.𝚢.    ∕   occ answer .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚐enius . billionaire . playboy . philanthropist.   ∕  disposition .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚝here’s one thing you can never take away from me: I Am Iron Man   ∕  dialogue .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒 am iron man. the suit and i are one   ∕  armour .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚐ive me a scotch. i’m starving   ∕  event .#▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚌ontrary to popular belief i know exactly what i’m doing  ∕  ic answer .#▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚊 famous man once said ― we create our own demons  ∕  tongue .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚏ollowing’s not really my style.  ∕  study .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚎verybody wants a happy ending. right? but it doesn’t always roll that way  ∕  headcanon .#▌⋆⁺˚*⍟ 𝚢ou’re a lab rat rogers . everything special about you came out of a bottle !      ∕   capsicle   ∕  steve rogers .#▌⋆⁺˚*ϟ 𝚍oth mother know you weareth her drapes ?     ∕  point break  ∕  thor odinson .#▌⋆⁺˚*✇ 𝚒’m a huge fan of the way you lose control & turn into an enormous green rage monster     ∕     hulk     ∕   bruce banner .#▌⋆⁺˚*⧗ 𝚒 want one      ∕   natalie rushman   ∕  natasha romanoff .#▌⋆⁺˚*۞ 𝚠hat is your job exactly besides making balloon animals ?      ∕   the wizard   ∕  stephen strange .#▌⋆⁺˚*✮ 𝚐ive me back my rhodey  !      ∕   rhodey   ∕  james rhodes .#▌⋆⁺˚*⋆   𝚍on’t ask me again the whereabouts of a flying car.      ∕   manchurian candidate   ∕  bucky barnes .#▌⋆⁺˚*४     & 𝚕oki he's a full-tilt diva right?       ∕   rock of ages   ∕  loki laufeyson .#▌⋆⁺˚*➳ 𝚋etter clench up legolas.        ∕   legolas   ∕  clint barton .#▌⋆⁺˚*⋇⋆ 𝚒’m on happy time  .      ∕   happy   ∕  harold hogan .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚠e're connected   ∕   kid    ∕    harley keener .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚝here’s a little grey area in there that’s where you operate    ∕   underoos   ∕  peter parker .#▌⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒 love you 3000   ∕   maguna    ∕    morgan stark .#▌⁺˚*⎊  𝚠e reconfigured 𝙹.𝙰.𝚁.𝚅.𝙸.𝚂.' matrix to create something new    ∕    vision  .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚢ou’re a winner !    ∕  nebula .#▌⋆⁺˚*⎊ 𝚒'm sure i can conjure up a maniacal laugh if it will help you   ∕   ironheart    ∕    riri williams .#tags
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
a heart like yours part 1: the mission
Summary: You're on a mission with Steve, Wanda, Natasha, and Loki to apprehend a healer who's been performing extreme acts of vigilante justice. Your altercation with her makes your life take a turn for the worst.
Pairing: Steve x Reader; Loki x Reader (eventually)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: cringe bf Steve and his god-awful nickname for you, childish petty jealous bf Steve, angst [let me know if i missed anything!]
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"Hold on, so why are you going on this mission with the rest of them? And Romanoff, too?" Tony asked Steve, who was currently briefing the entire team on the mission that would start in the morning. "I mean okay I understand Rock of Ages and Maximoff because they have magic that can fight against this…what does she call herself again? The Sin Healer? Can I just say? Terrible name." 
"Craptastic," you butted in, leading Tony to bump fists with you. 
"And you," Tony pointed your way. "I understand you going. You speak the language like a local. But your boyfriend here?" He pointed at Rogers. "And Romanoff?" He pointed Nat's way. "I don't get it. You're better off replacing yourself with Thor on this one, Capsicle." 
"I can assure you that I can keep Lady Y/N safe, Steven," Thor spoke from his chair, munching on a pop tart and effectively getting crumbs everywhere. It was a godsend that the staff were so efficient in the tower or else he would've caused an ant problem years ago. "You have my word that between my brother and I, we'll bring her back in one piece for you. Isn't that right, Loki?" 
"That is correct, Brother. What ever magic this Sin Healer wields, I should be able to deflect it with no issue. I will stay close to Y/N and ensure that she will not be in any grave danger." He gave you a soft smile that you couldn't help but return, causing Steve to let out a barely audible groan. Despite all your reassurances throughout the eight months that you'd been together, Steve still maintained quite the sour attitude when it came to Loki's very obvious soft spot for you.
You were the only one that he didn't speak to with an air of superiority, as if he was looking down on you, as if he saw you as someone with an inferior mind. And you were also the only one who didn't treat him like he was a time bomb set to go off if you so much as breathed wrong around him. 
That, and he called you by your first name. With the exception of his brother, Loki only ever called everyone by their last names. 
The thought of him protecting you grated on Steve's nerves something bad, and he'd never tell you, but that was the only reason he assigned himself on this mission. It was no secret to him that you liked the god, perhaps even held a tiny crush on him when he moved into the Tower two years ago, something that you'd never admit to so he never bothered asking you. 
But what was also no secret to him that was for some reason completely oblivious to you, was that the god had feelings for you. Maybe even loved you. 
Despite what the rest of the team might think, he wasn't some naive old-fashioned "howdy how do you do ma'am" rootin' tootin' naive boy from the 40s anymore. He put in the effort to adjust and understand the world around him. And that included the cues that anyone displayed, human and god alike, when they were hiding their feelings. 
"I will go and I will stay close to Y/N," he insisted, reaching over and weaving his fingers through yours. "We're gonna be fine, babe." He really said it more to himself than to you, but it got you to send that smile his way, and that was enough. "Natasha and I are joining this mission because the Sin Healer can turn people into her own personal puppets and with the power she's been displaying, she might have a troop at her disposal. Those who aren't going will stay in the Tower on comms to assist remotely. As for the rest of us? We leave at 0500 hours." 
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You barely slept that night, thinking about various strategies that you could employ to weave your way through the crowd and smoke out the Sin Healer.
Honestly the biggest atrocity at the moment was that sad excuse for a villain name. If she wanted to sound menacing she shouldn’t have tried to sound like she was Christ Incarnate—
"Y/N, Couchie, go to sleep, I'm begging you. I can hear the wheels in your head turning," Steve grumbled, throwing his arm around you and spooning you. "We have 12 hours to battle plan on the jet, and I don't want you falling asleep mid-flight again. Last time you nearly split your brow on Laufeyson's armor."
You groaned at the memory. No one wanted to take the seat next to him, still acting like he was two steps away from throwing them out the emergency exit doors mid-air, so you parked yourself in the vacant seat, much to your boyfriend's panic and dismay. Next thing you knew,  you were waking up with the raven-haired god holding you in a gentle and cautious embrace, one hand supporting your head, and your faces inches from one another. 
Naturally, you righted yourselves within seconds and pretended nothing happened. Really, nothing did. But it did paint quite the suspicious picture to anybody looking at it from an outsider's perspective. It definitely caused quite the argument between you and Steve the minute you entered your apartment in the tower, with him asking you point blank if anything was going on between you and the Asgardian. 
You two nearly broke up that night. Had it not been for Steve apologizing hours after he stormed out of your place, telling you that Loki himself had approached him and explained that he only held you like that because when the jet hit some turbulence, your head had swayed so dangerously close to the metal adorning his armor and he didn't want you slicing your face open on it.
"I'll just make sure I don't fall asleep next to Loki then," you retorted. 
"Just try to sleep, baby," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
You tried. You failed. Something in you had a niggling feeling that this mission would end badly for at least one of the members of the team. 
And a large part of you felt so conflicted because instead of worrying about the well-being of yourself or your lover, or even your friends Nat and Wanda. No. Instead you found yourself foolishly worrying about undoubtedly the most powerful person on this mission. The thousand-something year old god who could probably perform this mission in his sleep, the one who didn't need worrying over. 
That silent unnecessary worrying was what led to where you were now, head leaned back against the wall of the Quinjet, strapped in as secure as can be (maybe a touch too tight for comfort) thanks to your overly cautious boyfriend, trying desperately to catch some winks while you and Steve waited for the rest of the team to board. 
"I told you to sleep earlier," he gloated in a tone similar to that borderline annoying 'more superior than thou' tone that he used in that star-spangled PSA. 
You felt someone occupy the seat next to you. "Hey, Couchie." You groaned at Nat's teasing. Everyone who knew the nickname Steve had taken to calling you had their opinion on it. It was atrocious. And you had to agree. 
Unfortunately he insisted that the name would stick, continually using it with his soft voice and puppy dog eyes. He said that he came up with the name because as a kid he always preferred to sleep on the couch because it was the more comfortable than his own bed, so couches were a haven for him, a place that reminded him of safety. Security. Home. "That's how I feel with you. So I guess you're stuck with it," he explained back then with a sweet smile on his face. 
And stuck with it you were. As cute as the backstory was for it, the only thing you held on to was he liked to fall asleep on couches. So did that mean that I bring him to sleep? you thought to yourself once. You didn't know whether to be flattered or offended. 
"You wanna use my shoulder as a pillow or should I empty my seat so that Laufeyson can stay here instead?" Your eyes shot open to glare daggers at the master assassin, who had a smirk on her face as she stared at you right back. "He even stashed the metal on his suit to wear later when we actually land. Pretty sure he did that for you." 
You groaned again. A few months after Loki moved into the tower, you had a few too many drinks with her and Wanda, letting slip that you found the god "devastating infuriating panty-dropping levels of attractive". They relentlessly teased you now every opportunity they had, and that incident with you falling asleep on him was just the cherry on top.
But what really fueled their jokes was something unknown to you. Shortly after you started dating Steve, the two women had stumbled upon the god asleep in the library and Wanda had the devious idea to try reading his mind. He was dreaming of you, dancing with you and whispering confessions of undying love in your ear. She immediately exited his mind after, and told Natasha everything she saw. 
Natasha stood up and vacated the seat next to you right as Loki stepped into the Quinjet, signaling to the empty seat with her eyes which caused the god to look at her with a confused suspicion. She hid her smile as he took her cue and strapped himself in beside your sleeping form, taking her seat beside Steve, who was now visibly seething at the sight of his girlfriend once again dozing next to the god of mischief. 
"You could've stayed there, instead," he grumbled at his friend. "You and Wanda could've flanked her."
"Flanked who?" Wanda asked as she took the seat beside Natasha. One look in your direction, at the god who was currently eyeing you the way people looked at puppies, and she knew exactly what Steve was talking about. It was as if you were something so precious and deserving of love and he just wanted to hold you. "Oh. I see," she said with a sly grin as she strapped herself in. 
As the Quinjet took off, the sudden jostling of the aircraft forced you to sharply throw your body forward, pulling you away from your leaning position against the metal wall. Had it not been for the seatbelts keeping you strapped in, you would've gone flying through straight into Natasha. But then they all watched as your body recoiled against the straps and your head throw back towards the wall again.
The three Avengers sitting on the other side of the aircraft watched as Loki leaned over and put his hand up to catch you before your head hit the wall and you awoke with a sharp gasp as he did so, your eyes widening as you saw that, once again, your faces were inches away from one another.
"You nearly knocked your head on the wall," he explained, keeping his voice even as he pulled away from you. "You need to be more careful where you fall asleep, Y/N. There may not always be someone to catch you." 
"I'll keep that in mind," you answered softly as you kept your eyes front, noticing that your boyfriend was currently looking at you with simmering jealousy. 'What?' you mouthed. He merely pouted and turned to look away from you. "Child," you murmured to yourself.
"He is," Loki spoke in a low, hushed voice. Had you not been seated so close together you wouldn't even be able to hear. "You're far too good for him, darling. You deserve a partner who would at the very least check on you instead of sulk as if he were a toddler in a soldier's body." 
You pursed your lips to keep the chuckle from escaping. But you nearly choked on your own spit at his next words.
"And  you most definitely deserve better than someone who would call you such an atrocious moniker. A woman like you deserves to be likened to sirens. Muses. Goddesses. Not furniture."
You were grateful you weren't drinking anything because otherwise it would have most likely sprayed the three people sitting across from you. You let out a few wheezy chuckles before composing yourself and sitting back upright. 
"I overstepped," he murmured. "Apolo--"
"Don't apologize," you whispered back. "It was funny. And you're more than welcome to poke fun at the name. I do." 
You struggled to keep your tone light, your mind lingering on his words. Sirens, muses, goddesses. Did he really see me like that? You hoped he did, you always hoped he did. But you'd also always known better than to hold on hope for the impossible. 
And Loki Laufeyson loving you back? Yeah. That was impossible. 
That was precisely why you chose to say "Yes" to Steve asking you out in the first place. 
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It was another ten hours before you landed in Sorsogon. There was a clearing that was just large enough for the Quinjet to land in, about two miles away from the nearest cluster of houses. You all walked towards the little cottages cautiously, trying to stay hyper aware of your surroundings just in case the Sin Healer had puppeteered some unsuspecting villagers to be her foot soldiers. 
Once you reached the cluster of cottages, Steve spoke up. "There are six cottages. Let's all take one each and take the last one together?" 
His instructions infuriated Loki. What ever happened to "I will go and I will stay close to Y/N"? Now he sent you into an old cottage in the middle of practically nowhere all on your lonesome? He decided to enter the cottage closest to the one you chose so that if you needed backup he would come sprinting, keeping true to his word last night of keeping close to you and ensuring that you weren't in any grave danger.
When he was satisfied that there were no signs of life in the small house, he exited the cramped structure and made his way over to yours. He already knew that the other houses were empty thanks to the benefit of his heightened senses, but a selfish part of him chose not to help your three teammates and instead look out for you in silence.
And then he heard you speak and it was as if he felt his heart stop beating. He listened closely to the conversation, translating what he heard in ease thanks to his Allspeak. 
"Hindi po kita sasaktan," he heard you speak. I mean you no harm. 
"Kilala kita," an elderly sounding woman answered. I know you. "Nakikita kita sa balita kasama mo ang mga Avengers." I see you on the news with the Avengers. "Masmaganda ka sa personal." You're more beautiful in person. "Parang dyosa." Like a goddess.
He smiled to himself. That she was. 
"Salamat po. Kung hindi po masyadong abala para sayo, pwede mo po ba kaming tulungan?" Thank you. If it's not too much of a bother, I was wondering if you could help us?
"Syempre naman. Ano kailangan niyo?" Of course. What do you need?
"May hinahanap po kami. Tawag niya sa sarili niya ay…Sin Healer. Marami na po siyang nasaktang tao." We're looking for someone. They call themselves Sin Healer. They've hurt a lot of people.
"Dumaan siya dito kaninang umaga. Kaya lumayas na ang mga kapitbahay ko. Nanatili lang ako dahil…matanda na ako, tumanda akong mag-isa. Wala na akong mapupuntahan."They were here this morning. That's why my neighbors ran away. I merely stayed here because I'm old, and I lived my whole life alone. I have nowhere to go.
There was a pregnant pause before the old woman spoke again. "May kalungkutan akong nakikita sa mata mo. Ang kasama mo sa buhay…hindi ikaw ang mahal? At ikaw naman…nasa iba ang puso mo?"There's a sadness in your eyes. The person you're with…they do not love you? And you…someone else has your heart?
"Ang kinakasama ko po…alam ko naman po na nagpapalipas lang siya ng oras sa akin. May iba na syang minahal at…wala na siya sa mundong ito, at inaantay na lang nya na dumating ang oras nya para magkasama na sila muli. At yung minamahal ko…alam ko naman na wala akong pag-asa doon. Walang parte sa akin na may karapatang makatanggap ng pagmamahal nya."  The man I am with…I know that he is only passing time with me. He loves another and…she's gone, and he's only waiting for his time to come so they can be together again. As for the one I love…I know that there's no hope there. There is no part of me that deserves his love.
You sounded like you were on the verge of tears with your last words, and the dull ache in Loki's heart grew sharp and devastating. He burned with rage at Rogers for how dare he simply see you as someone to pass the time with? He loathed the man who thought you undeserving of his attention, his affection. If you were his--
But that is the tragedy of the situation, isn't it? he thought bitterly. She's not mine. Much as I long for her to be.
"Saan ka natuto ng lengwahe namin?" the elderly woman asked. Where did you learn our language?
"Ipinanganak ako dito. Ipinalaki ako dito. May mga kamaganak ako na tiga-Sorsogon." I was born here. I was raised here. I have relatives in Sorsogon. 
"Ibig sabihin pamilyar ka sa sumpa ng puso?" Does that mean that you are familiar with the heart's curse?
A moment of silence passed before you answered in a solemn voice. "Hanggang sa maihayag ang katotohanan, ay mananatili kang parang patay. At pag lumipas ang pitong araw na hindi ka pa nagigising, ay mananatili kang tulog habangbuhay." 
A chill ran down his spine as the words sunk in. Until the truth is revealed, you will remain like the dead. And if seven days passes with the curse unbroken, you will never awaken.
He heard your muffled cries and it was as if his entire world stopped when you whispered, "Ikaw." You. 
"Ang siyang makakagising lang sayo ang siyang minamahal ka ng buong puso. Siya na nagmamahal ng puro at totoo." The only one who can wake you is the one who loves you with their whole heart. The one whose love for you is pure and true.
"Parang sinigurado mo na mamamatay ako." It's like you made sure that I would die. 
And then he heard you through comms. "If anyone copies, I've been compromised. She got me." 
"Y/N?!" Romanoff and Maximoff yelled from their ends. 
Loki heard a thud from inside the cottage, feeling like his own heart had stopped beating as he went off sprinting inside. He had no care for the elderly woman who was now casually walking out the back door plainly within his view. 
His only focus was your nearly lifeless form on the ground.
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A/N: Ahhh it's begun! I can't wait to finish writing and share the rest of this story with you all. It was so much fun to write a good bit of this chapter in my mother tongue and weave it in as a plot element. Currently writing an outtake for 'relinquish the crown' but after that I'm diving right into Part 2!
Also a big thanks to @lokisgoodgirl for that nickname. I asked for cringe and you, my friend, DELIVERED. It's so cringe it needs its own warning and I wouldn't have it any other way 🤣
Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @redbluekjw @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
Okayyy, potential trope for you. Let's see if I can get your gears turning.
It's nice to meet your idol, right? Maybe it's your favorite actor or musician.
Say, our dear reader finally scores tickets to a meet and greet of some sort. She's been saving up for a while and she's very excited to meet [guy of your choosing]. Said man takes an interest in the reader and invites her to an after party. While initially excited, once there, the reader sees this isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be.
One specifically for Cap. Similar to the plot above but not an AU. Captain America saves the reader's life in one of the many attacks on New York lol. The reader delivers baked goods to Steve as a thank you, but it seems he has other plans. American's Golden Boy may not be as sweet as everyone thinks.
Title: Baker’s Dozen
Pairing: Dark!Steve x Baker!Reader
Wordcount: 1,378
Summary: You just want to deliver a personal thanks to the man who saved your life.
Warnings: Dark, Implied Noncon, Drugging, Burnt Fluff, Meet Cute, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, MINORS DNI
A/N: i had so much fun writing this, even though it took three tries! Unedited and unbeta’d, I do not consent for this or any work to be posted anywhere else by anyone but me. Read at your own risk, and mind the warnings. Enjoy!
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The elbow narrowly misses the box of cupcakes in your hands, but only because you turn away just in time, taking the unassuming blow to your side instead. You grunt with pain, and the blonde who’d elbowed you looks back over her shoulder. Her eyes track over you like she’s sizing you up.
 “Sorry.” You can tell by the curl of her lip that she isn’t sorry at all. “We’ve just been waiting here so long, I was stretching out.” She’s wearing a Captain America t-shirt, Steve’s smiling face looking out at you soullessly from the image. “Have you been here long?”
 You’d been waiting longer than she had—but unlike her, you weren’t there as a fan, not really. 
 “Yeah,” you reply tartly. “A while.” Her obligational apology complete, the blonde turns back to the tower entrance, standing on her tip-toes to catch a peek of the heroes inside. You were in awe of them, but not like her. Last year, during the invasion of New York, Steve Rogers had personally saved your life. The memory is still so vivid that it sours your stomach. 
 Horrible, alien chattering, the smell of charred flesh—no thoughts, only cold, clear panic—bodies, under the rubble, under cars, in the street, running—and then him. Cutting down your pursuers with a precision that chilled you to think about. 
 “It’s okay, doll. Let’s get you out of here, okay?” 
 You wouldn’t be here without him. 
 The crowd begins to murmur, people jostling you as they begin clamoring for a glimpse of the people approaching the tower. The low murmur rises, becoming a dull hum and then louder as the street began to echo with the shouts of adoration. It’s like the Avengers are celebrities, not heroes, the way people scream and fawn. You clutch your container as the sea of people rocks you, praying you don’t lose hold of it. 
 All of them are there—Natasha, the Black Widow, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor—and Steve Rogers. You try to go over your script in your head again, trying to remember all the parts. Hi, I just wanted to thank you for—
 “Tony! Tony Stark!” Someone behind you screams. “I love you!” His head swivels in your direction, and your face burns with secondhand embarrassment. 
 “These for me?” He asks you, smirking as he gestures to the box. 
 “I, er, well actually—” The blonde elbows accidentally-on-purpose again, and this time your box slips from your grasping fingers, and tumbles face down onto the concrete. 
 You bite your lip as Tony bends down to collect the card inside, swiping a glob of frosting off of the front of it, before his eyes flick up to you. 
 “Not for me, then.” He looks over his shoulder. “Capsicle, this one’s all you.” Your heart hammers in your chest at his words, and embarrassed tears begin gathering in your eyes. You’d gone to a lot of trouble to wait here, just to thank him. There were others he’d saved, you know that, but… still. 
 This was stupid anyway.
 Steve pulls the card from Tony’s fingers, and your face heats as his eyes move over the thank you written on the inside. You’d rather hoped you wouldn’t be around when he read it, but then again, you’d hoped he’d actually be able to eat the cupcakes you’d spent the better part of this morning—and yesterday night—slaving over. But instead, they were smashed on the sidewalk, and he was reading your card right in front of you. 
 “I, I—”
 “You made these for me?” He asks, and you swear steam must be pouring out of your ears, from the heat of your cheeks. 
 “Yes,” you murmur, clearing your throat before repeating yourself, louder. “Yes. I wanted to say, um. Thank you. For saving me.” He flashes you one of those million watt smiles you’ve seen him give on television, and your chest tightens. 
 “Well I’ll tell you what. Since I didn’t get to eat these, why don’t we try this again?” 
 “Again?” You repeat stupidly, your brows knitting together. 
 “Again.” He confirms with a nod and a wider smile. “Why don’t you come by again tomorrow evening?” His eyes flick to the blonde beside you. “Less chance of any more accidents.” Steve winks at you, and you stammer out a yes. “Perfect. Lookin’ forward to it, doll.” 
 This time, security escorts you into the building, your last two cupcakes clutched against your chest. The same blonde is out there again, and she glares daggers at your back as the black paneled doors close behind you. Steve is waiting for you in the lobby. 
 “You made it,” he says, waving. “Good.” 
 Stiffly, you hold out the container. “This is, um. For you.” He takes it, and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear nervously. “I just. I didn’t get to say thank you, that time. I know you probably don’t even remember, but—”
 “Thirty fourth street.” He says, softly. You don’t realize he’s talking to you at first, until his eyes find yours. “Right? That’s where you were.” Your heart is pounding so loud you’re sure he can hear it. “I remember you.” 
 You swallow thickly. “O-oh.” 
 “Why don’t you come up? I can’t eat both of these by myself.” He says, wiggling the container a little. The delicately frosted roses inside are some of your best work, it had been a particular blow to see them get destroyed yesterday. 
 “I, I shouldn’t, I—”
 “Nonsense. Please, I insist. I won’t consider myself properly thanked unless you eat one of these amazing looking cupcakes with me. Please.” 
 You hedge for a moment longer before nodding. “Alright. It’s just… I eat too many of them anyway,” you joke, trying to ease the tension. He smiles, heading for the elevators. His room is high up, on a floor that makes you dizzy when you look out of the window and down to the street. It’s more like an apartment than a room, and you wonder dryly if Tony Stark is a decent landlord. 
 Steve steers you over to the kitchen, seating you at the island. “Anything to drink?” 
 “Water, please.” 
 “I’ve got… sparkling? I think Tony stocks this stuff,” he mutters, and you laugh.
 “I’ll take one off your hands.” 
 You fiddle with your phone as he pours it into a glass, and slides it across the counter to you. With barely concealed anticipation, you watch him open up the container, and remove the blue rose cupcake from its wrapping. You take a sip of the water, immediately regretting it as the bubbles spark and burn against your throat. 
 “You like to bake, doll?”
 “I had my own bakery,” you say, chasing a few stray droplets of water from your lips. “You know, before.” 
 “I’m sure your boyfriend is very proud of your success.”
 Your face goes hot. “I, um, I don’t—”
 “No? I find that hard to believe.” His gaze feels heavy as it rests on you. “You’re so sweet.” He takes a bite, and the resounding moan makes you want to squirm in your seat. “That’s amazing. Knew it would be,” he wipes a dot of frosting from his cheek, and you take another big swallow of your water. “You know, out of all the people I saved, you’re the only one to come and thank me personally?” 
 You blink slowly at him, processing the words. You don’t know why it takes you a moment longer than it should. 
 “N-no? That’s terrible.” The words feel clumsy in your mouth, like there are too many syllables in them. 
 “Oh yes. You know, I remembered you,” he reaches across the counter to touch your arm, and his hand lingers. “Sweet, soft,” his voice drops lower. “Alone.”
 Your stomach lurches, and the room tilts as you try to scramble away from him. The floor—how did you end up on the floor?—is cold beneath your clammy palms as Steve comes around the island. 
 “You’re sweet on me, doll, admit it. I don’t mind,” he says, dropping to a squat in front of you. Steve licks the rest of the icing from his fingers, taking his time with each. “Because I think I’m sweet on you, too.” 
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