#captain swan is the greatest ship
cathloves · 1 year
Every time I watch early Captain Swan scenes, especially season 3 when Emma is just point blank refusing to deal with any of her feelings for Killian. I always think to myself 'you will eventually go to hell and back for this man he's the love of your LIFE' and smile thinking this is honestly the best relationship development in the whole of TV history!!!
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x5 Good Form
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 745
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Killian touched his lips softly, almost reverently, as he sat alone in the forest. She’d kissed him.  She’d actually kissed him.  Killian reached for his flask, needing the familiar burn of the rum on his tongue to prove to himself that he was awake and was not, in fact, in the throws of a delicious dream.
He’d flirted with her, smiling his teasing smile and playfully touching his lips as he suggested a way she might thank him for his service toward her father, but he’d never expected her to take him up on his suggestion.
Not that he was complaining.  That kiss had been…. He blew out a long sigh.  Even for a man so normally silver tongued as he was, there were no words.
It was more than the kiss itself–that had been steamy, passionate, blissful, of course–but it was more than that. It was….it was what the kiss revealed.
He loved her.  He was in love with her.  She’d snuck under his defenses as stealthily as any pirate could have, and without his knowledge, she’d taken possession of his heart.
It was an uncomfortable feeling, if he were being honest.  He’d never been one to bestow his love lightly, but when he did, there was no going back.  He’d spent two-hundred bloody (often literally) years in Neverland because of love for Milah, for heaven’s sake.  The thought of moving on from her, of bestowing his heart on another and giving her the power to crush it as thoroughly as Milah’s death had done…
He took another long swallow.
Well, there was nothing for it now.  It had happened.  He’d fallen in love again.
As he continued to sit and ruminate on the events of the day, it occurred to him that while the revelation of his love was momentous, it was by no means the only noteworthy thing that had happened that day.
This place, Neverland, had a truly ghastly effect on its inhabitants.  It had a way of bringing one's worst fears, one's greatest insecurities, one's biggest regrets to mind.  This place was depression in physical form.  He’d survived his last stint here with the aid of one thing and one thing only–his revenge.  That goal, that singular purpose had allowed him to keep his wits about him.
This time around….well, the fact that he’d allowed the Crocodile on his ship, formed a tentative truce with him, proved that he had given up on that revenge.  Without that singular focus to ruminate upon, he’d spent the hours on this island this go around reminded of his sins, his faults, the fact that he was a villain whom the heroes tolerated only.
Hadn’t David said it himself this morning? “Let me give you a bit of advice, Hook. She’s never gonna like you.  How could she?  You’re nothing but a pirate.”
Though he’d tried to keep the mocking grin on his face, it had stung, and for the first time, Killian realized how very much he wanted to change his life, become the kind of man Emma’s father–a man who was so much like his own hero, Liam–would approved of.
But at that moment, the gloom of Neverland had descended, and he’d come to realize he’d never be that man; he’d never overcome his past.  He’d never reach a higher status than “the pirate with which we’ve formed a temporary but begrudging alliance”.
And so it had continued throughout the day.  David had taken pains to make his disdain and dislike known and felt, taking small verbal digs at him, even as he attempted to save his life.
So it was that the second most astounding event of the day–second only to the kiss–had happened.  When they’d returned to camp after achieving their ends at the top of Dead Man’s Peak, David had not only given him credit, but had toasted him, had bestowed on him the look of approval and gratitude Killian had never dared hope to receive from him.
It had embarrassed him a bit, having the entire company of heroes and Regina (he still wasn’t sure where upon the hero-villain spectrum she truly belonged) raise a flask to him, but the warmth it engendered had been as potent as his rum.
For the first time, he could see a way forward.  Maybe he didn’t have to be forever defined by his past villainous deeds.  Perhaps….perhaps there was a path to redemption available for him after all.
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4getfulimaginator2022 · 4 months
A big thank you
Prelude: I never wanted to watch Game of Thrones. I never planned to invest in any of the characters from the show, and I had zero interest in the story. Some years ago, I was a devoted Once Upon a Time (ABC) fan. I enthusiastically watched every episode, and I belonged to a fandom for the first time in my life. It was an eye-opening experience, and then my newfound shipper heart grew tenfold with Captain Swan, the pairing between Emma (main character) and Killian (Captain Hook). We only hoped at first they would become a couple, and then our greatest dream eventually came true: they were a canon ship. I was so proud and thrilled. I never dreamed I could write anything longer than a short story, but here I was, penning over 500,000 words of fanfic for them. They were a shining light guiding me through storytelling, and I will never forget that they inspired me to write novel-length fics.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. The fire died out. I had 3 unfinished fics left. And my original writing - the novels I wanted to create myself, apart from fanfic - was in shambles. My writing spark was disappearing. At some point these past several years, I wondered if I was actually meant to be a writer at all, or if I was just fooling myself. Was it all just a happy coincidence? My writer's block grew. I haven't written anything for the past 2 years.
Suddenly and quite unexpectedly, Jorah and Daenerys from Game of Thrones appeared in my YouTube recommendations just a few weeks ago. Only them, mind you. Maybe the algorithm had somehow figured out my previous obsession with Anastasia and Iskender from Magnificent Century: Kosem, a Turkish TV show with a doomed, unrequited love between a knight and the girl who would someday become his queen (beautiful score, by the way). Or maybe it wasn't that at all. My interest was piqued. Who was Jorah, and why was he so loyal to Daenerys? Loyalty intrigues me. It's one of the traits I treasure most in characters, so of course I went "down the rabbit hole" and found out everything there was to know about Jorah's relationship with Daenerys. Of course it had to be unrequited. Of course it never became canon. But I love it. It's a wonderful story of devotion, growth, caring. I get that people saw the age difference as an obstacle, but I think that Jorah's love was so rare in this world of selfish desires. It was refreshing - and very romantic. Cynic though I am in reality, I am at heart a romantic, and I always will be.
Continuing from YouTube and whatever I could glean, I found myself looking here on Tumblr for gifsets, fanfiction...and I visited AO3 after a prolonged absence to find every Jorleesi fanfic in existence. I laughed and smiled like I hadn't in such a long time.
Anyway, I'm so sorry to put this in the tags when I have nothing to offer but my sincere thanks. Thank you to all of you who love this ship. You helped a weary would-be writer get back on her feet and start typing again. Bless you! 💖 I'm so happy to be part of this lovely fandom.
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Highlighted Posts - Fandom Topics
For some explanation, see serious topics post.
Avatar the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra:
Aang, forgiveness and violence in The Southern Raiders (meta).
Aang’s (lack of a) character arc (meta) + same response, posted independently from the original chain post with a bit of revisions (meta).
Avatar, violence and last second anti-killing rhetoric (meta).
The actual advice the past Avatars gave Aang (meta).
Aang vs. Ozai final battle and Star Wars influences (meta).
The Great Divide is good actually (meta).
Aang being rewarded by the universe? (meta).
Third season Scorched Earth plan out of left field (meta).
Bloodbending and Energybending (meta).
Katara didn't have a “plot armor” in the final battle with Azula, she's the epitome of a warrior (meta).
Katara and non-lethal battle winning (meta/joke).
Katara didn’t beat Pakku (meta).
Katara didn’t choose Aang “over” Zuko (meta).
Anastasia!Zutara AU (headcanon).
Mai and Zuko, what should have been (meta).
Mai happily joined Azula to hunt Zuko (meta).
Kanna and Pakku... why??? (meta/joke).
Gender equality in the Fire Nation and WW2 equivalents (meta).
Legend of Korra, the status quo and the institution of the Avatar (meta).
Making Korra’s dad chief is just… awful (meta).
Harry Potter:
The Malfoys didn’t have a redemption in canon (meta).
Michael Gambon is great, you guys are just mean (meta).
Snape, Dumbledore and the Defence against the Dark Arts (meta/joke).
No thanks, I don’t need a young Snape movie (joke).
What Harry’s reaction to his name being pulled from the Goblet should have been (joke).
The Tri-Wizard tournament has no rules (meta).
Star Wars:
Star wars and Pirates of the Caribbean are the same story (meta).
Kylo Ren and redemption in the Star Wars universe and Hollywood [tlj post] (meta).
so... does Superman have an appendix? (joke).
Why Selina Kyle never goes to Arkham (joke).
The Scorpion King/Wonder Woman comparison (joke).
Infinity War and the horror of the snap (meta).
Who’s the avengers’ designer? (joke).
Black Panther and The Lion King similarities regarding women (meta).
Shipping in the MCU (joke).
Antman and family (joke).
Pirates of the Caribbeans:
Elizabeth and Will’s relationship is the heart of the movies (meta).
The best things about PotC (meta).
I sort of wrote a one-shot about the bimbettes from Beauty and the Beast (fanfiction).
Belle in the Hunchback of Notre Dame (meta).
Del Toro, monstrosity and Beauty and the Beast (meta).
Inner Workings is amazing (meta).
Frozen’s Anna and Hans (joke).
Quasimodo is awesome (meta).
Around the world with Captain Phoebus (joke).
Pocahontas’ ending is subversive as fuck (joke/meta).
Hercules didn’t know who Hades was (joke).
Bullshit “feminist” retelling and Mad Max Fury Road (joke/meta).
“Feminist” retellings explanation (analysis).
She-Ra and the inherently good protagonist (meta).
I hate the ending of She-Ra (meta).
Once upon a Time, Regina and redemption (two diverging threads of the same post) (meta): First and Second.
Ross Geller isn’t that bad, you guys are just mean. Or: The unbelievable cruelty of what Carol did to Ross (meta).
Bella Swan and Hermione Granger comparisons are bullshit (meta).
Twilight and depression (meta).
New Moon reread comments (meta).
The Good Place is the greatest show in history. But also I have thoughts (meta).
The single most beautiful Geralt and Jeskier art ever made [The Witcher] (fanart).
Dimitri wanted to find the real Anastasia all along in hopes that she survived the revolution [Anastasia 1997] (meta).
Godzilla, Pacific Rim and Hollywood: between grim-dark and camp (meta).
Wednesday Addams and the usurpation of the summer camp for rich white kids (meta).
Debbie Jellinsky is the best [The Addams Family Values] (joke).
Achilles and Patroclus sitting in an urn. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. (joke).
Of course the Jewish women are the witches in Oz the Great and Powerful… (joke/meta).
Bird Box and mental illness (meta).
My problems with Carmen San Diego (meta).
Ice Princess and teenage movie tropes. Or: They're lesbians Harold (meta/joke).
Lord of the Rings life goals (joke).
The School of Good and Evil and that little bit of antisemitism… (joke).
Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon genetics are weird (joke).
Why wouldn’t I keep talking about old fandoms? (joke/analysis).
I hate Barbie. Sorry. (meta).
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cssns · 1 year
CSSNS Get to Know Me
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Please welcome @iamstartraveller776 to the CSSNS!
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
I've been lurking at the edges of the CS fandom off and on for almost 10 years.
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
I saw the potential between them when Killian tied a bandage around Emma's hand with his teeth and told her that he's always a gentleman. But it was the kiss in Neverland during the next season that had me buying my ticket aboard the good ol' SS Captain Swan.
What drew you to this event?
I could say that it's because I love good AU's for this ship—the more fantastical, the better—but that's not the reason. I am participating because I adore the community, especially those running this event! They are the reason why I keep limping along with writing for this ship, lol.
What inspired your topic?
A few years ago, I signed up to participate in this event for the first time, but life got in the way. This is the story I was originally planning to write at that time, though it's grown to be much, much bigger than I anticipated back then!
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
Here's a little snippet: Gothel jerked farther back, flinging up a hand as if to ward off danger. “What have you done, Pirate?” she demanded. “You’re a fool if you think he won’t discover you.” Killian curved his lips into a deadly smile. "Is that any of your business, love?" he asked in a quiet voice. "Can you do the spell or do I have to find someone else?" She narrowed her eyes, but there was fear written there as well. “What’s in it for me?” He didn’t answer immediately but reached forward, feeling for that unseen thread that bound the two of them. There. A thin strand of dark energy that he wound around his finger. He balled his hand and yanked. Gothel’s breath tore out of her lungs in a croak as she lurched toward him, skin turning ashen as lines grew like spider webs across her smooth face. “Don’t toy with me, witch,” he bit out in a growl. “I can send you to Infernum with the snap of my fingers.” He tightened his fist and her mouth fell open in a silent scream. Electric vitality pulsed into him from her, demanding to be consumed. There were more witches, weren’t there? Others who could give him what he needed. He could drain this one, add her to the souls who gave him strength, and oh, there was plenty to take from her. The babe in his arms cried out, shattering the feral want that had nearly overtaken him. He released Gothel, and the witch crumpled to the floor in a tangled heap, gasping for air. He despised that craving for power, always hungering, always thirsting for more. But the bleak price was one of many means justified by the end he sought. Gothel looked up at him from her hands and knees, hatred warring with terror in her features as color returned to her skin, the cracks vanishing. He felt no pity for her. She’d known the cost when she made her bargain with him long ago. He turned his attention to the child, rocking her gently while Gothel rose to her feet. “Fortunately for you,” he said, glancing at the witch, “I’m feeling particularly generous at the moment. As a boon for this deed, I won’t call in your debt for, shall we say, another century. I’ll even let you keep your youthful glow.” He smirked. Vanity was one of her greatest weaknesses. She’d thought once to use her beauty against him in a woeful attempt at seducing more power from him, but he hadn’t been so easily swayed. She licked her lips. “Fat lot of good your generosity will do me when he’s figured out what we’ve done.” She made no further argument, though, as she crossed the room to heave a large, careworn tome from a shelf. She set it on the table, spine cracking as she opened it. Muttering under her breath, she leafed through the yellowed pages. Killian circled her home as he waited. The clock was winding down on this bold gambit, and it was only a matter of time before he was summoned by the very creature he hoped to thwart—nay, destroy. The Dark One wanted this child, so much so that he’d put a bounty out on her, something unheard of among the Fata. As Killian studied the babe in his arms, he couldn’t begin to guess why she garnered such single-minded interest from the strongest of the Fates. The soft white aura that surrounded her was dazzling, to be sure—brighter than he’d seen of her kind—but preventing the Saints from adding to their ranks was hardly cause for this feverish hunt. Whatever the reason, it had tipped the Dark One’s hand, and Killian wasn’t going to complain about the opportunity to circumvent the demon.
For our betas: Who/what have you beta'd before, or is this your first time? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
(I can't remember if I signed up to be a beta, but if I did, here's my answer.) I've been beta reading since I joined my first fandom nearly twenty years ago. I love getting a sneak peek at a story before everyone else does! I like to follow the writer's lead on what kind of beta reading they'd like to have from me. <3
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
The stories, of course! And being a little less lurk-y in the community, lol.
This sounds very intriguing. @iamstartraveller776​′s fic drops on August 12th!
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captain-hen · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
i was tagged by @lover-of-mine of mine, thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i currently write only for 911, but i've also written fic for once upon a time!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the feeling you can know so much (without knowing anything at all) — a 5x09 coda where eddie calls buck out on what he's doing with taylor 'cause you were never mine — a 5x14 coda where the instructor at the equestrian centre assumes that buck is chris' other dad dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round — my very first 911 fic! it's just pure fluff where buck and eddie get together while buck is babysitting jee (who has a different name in the fic since it was written before 4B, rip) hustling for the good life (never thought i'd meet you here) — different first meeting AU where buck and eddie meet at adriana's wedding, pre-canon how long (till we call this love?) — post s6 finale, where buck and eddie fight over natalia and marisol; have a ton of misunderstandings, but eventually get together
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i haven't always been the greatest at responding, but i've been doing my best on all my latest fics, because people are just so kind and i always feel like they deserve a response :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm, i haven't really written fics that end unhappily...but humari adhuri kahani (our incomplete story), where buck and eddie don't end up together
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm, maybe hustling for the good life (never thought i meet you here) because buck and eddie get together a lot sooner and they actually communicate in this fic xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i vaguely remember once getting a nasty comment on an ouat fic, but that was the only one.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i don't, usually...in my recent fic, but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down), i wrote a very brief description of a sex scene, but i've never written more than that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i've never written one
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
twice! one of them wasn't on ao3, but the other, humari adhuri kahani (our incomplete story) i co-wrote with @bieddiediaz and @queerdiaz!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
probably buddie xD but captain swan (ouat) comes pretty close!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my buddie flower shop AU that i started a couple of months back, but never had the motivation to write lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i have a strong grasp on characterization, which is something that people have often told me, and which is probably the most important thing to me while writing fic
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm...not Great at writing long fics xD most of my fics are less than 5k, and i have only a handful that have gone beyond 10k. i'm still struggling with the commitment and skill it takes to write a long fic
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i haven't tried to write in anything other than english, so i wouldn't know
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i think it was some anime fandom back when i was still going through that phase, but i barely remember it now
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
my most recent fic, but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down)! this fic is my baby and i poured so much into it, and the response to it has been so heartwarming :)
i don't know who's already done this, but no-pressure tagging: @tawaifeddiediaz @hattalove @henswilsons @messyhairdiaz @eddiebabygirldiaz and anyone else who wants to do this!
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
I was really hoping you'd send me that I have words for you madam
You're a great person to ceaselessly ramble to (a better term would probably be "good listener")
Thank you for logging back into tumblr and hitting me with various new ships to adore (goddamn you captain artist swan owns a corner of my brain now)
You're a great writer, you have provided my brain with much needed Milah content as that's most of your theme here
I mean this in the greatest way you are the dorkiest little shit (the proper term may be adorkable)
I thoroughly enjoy being sent all your headcanons and writing snippets
Overall you're super fun to chat with you absolute dork
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kotlc-fanfiction · 2 years
Nothing but a shadow?
Summary: “Some hid scars and some hid scratches
It made me wonder about their past
And as I looked around, I began to notice
That we were nothing like the rest...”
~ Mountain Sound, Of Monsters And Men
Biana Vacker ran away from home with her brother when she was fifteen. She stumbled, recklessly, onto a pirate ship leaving the port that night. She was pulled into the family on the ship like she'd always belonged there.
Tam Song ran away from home with his cursed sister when he was fifteen. He threw himself at the mercy of a pirate queen whose own son sought to destroy her. And when the regime of the Neverseen was overthrown, and Keefe captained his own ship, there was only one thing left to do.
The question is, would the new crew of the Neverseen ever find a way to best their adversaries, the greatest pirate ship on the sea, the Black Swan?
AKA: Self indulgent Tiana pirate au. With Swords.
My thoughts: I’ll be the first to say, Tiana is not my cup of tea. That being said, this fic was great. I’ve read one fic by @crymeariveronceagain before, and honestly I went in with high expectations. Those expectations were blown out of the water (perhaps by a cannon? I will make pirate jokes about this) Anyway, while incomplete, this fully drew me into the story, and I am deeply invested. Definitely a good read if you’re going to be free for a few hours because you will want to finish in one sitting. Tiana fans and everyone else, high recommendations.
Please heed the tags
The cover:
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write-nerdy-to-me · 2 years
For someone first getting into the ship, what would you say your favorite captain swan fanfics are? I guess I'm asking you because I've read the tags on some of the captain swan posts you've reblogged, and what seems to draw you to them as a couple hits me too. I lay myself at the mercy of your taste 🙏
oh gosh, i'm honored. captain swan have held a special place in my heart for years, and i'm delighted to hear that you've boarded the ship. but to be honest with you, i only started reading ouat fics semi-recently, so my rec list will be small. even at the mercy of my taste, if you don't vibe with any of these that is totally okay. (i know i am a picky bitch, which may or may not play into why the list is short.)
thank you for the ask, anon! 💜
(fics listed in no particular order below the cut)
something suspiciously like hope | rated G The moment Captain Hook opens himself up to the possibility of love (Season 2, Episode 9)
all love is time travel | rated T Killian has long been a captain, and so he does not show weakness or indecision unless he wishes to. Still, the desire to vouch for their chances of success is difficult to balance with the pressing need to school those uninformed of Neverland’s horrors as to the dangers that lie ahead. All this, under the sneer of Cora’s daughter and the reptile stare of his greatest enemy. All this, before Emma Swan.
wait for the morning (i'll be waiting for you) | rated T When Emma still feels like danger is just around the corner, even after Pan’s curse is averted, she takes to wandering Storybrooke’s streets at night. She’s not the only one. Differences in timing and circumstance can change everything - but some things are inevitable.
keep your heart beating | rated G A short missing/extended scene of Emma returning Killian's heart. A little angst, a little fluff. For anyone who watched that scene and needed it to be a million times longer.
learning how to breathe | rated G Set soon after Dark Hollow at some nebulous point. Emma confronts her parents about Neal, and it leads to a heart-to-heart with a certain pirate.
it would kill me (if you didn't know) | rated M (Blatant disregard of canon to follow--don't make me rewatch the show, please) They saved Henry but all got separated in the process, and when they finally made it back to the ship, Emma realized that they were down a man. She's just gonna have to save him. This features some pretty awesome Emma/David bonding, too. This is a classic 'Killian's been taken while saving them and now he's being tortured and Emma isn't gonna stand for it' fic. I've read them all, and I just needed more. POV switches 3rd person between Killian and the others.
killian, persuaded | rated T AU — Storybrooke — When a stunning betrayal forces Killian Jones to reevaluate his life, he finds himself unexpectedly rescued by his estranged brother. Traveling to Maine to meet the family he didn’t know existed, he immediately comes face-to-face with the woman he pushed away a decade before. This time around he’s determined to be a better man and, if he’s lucky, win back the only woman he ever loved. Basically a Hallmark movie with OUAT characters. (The Romance One)
in the offing | rated M AU - Storybrooke - Emma Swan is drafted to help Liam Jones clear his brother’s name in the disappearance of a former flame. As she digs deeper into the rash of missing person cases, she risks losing more than just her heart as she uncovers the truth. (The Mystery One)
a drowning soul will clutch at any straw | rated T Though this is far from Killian Jones' first encounter with a mermaid, he's never met any quite like this blonde siren. Together, can they break a cruel curse?
sea-foam eyes and a salt-water smile | rated T Killian Jones has seen a lot of things in his job as a private investigator for supernatural beings - but the selkie who walks into his office asking for help is something new and mesmerizing.
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legends-and-savages · 3 years
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Tag Dump
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Hi! I am a HUGE Captain Swan fan! What are the main reasons why you love Captain Swan/Hook?
Hi there! You've asked a question I could probably write an entire dissertation about, but it can all be summed up in one single quote:
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* added by @delenasalvatore Source: tumblr, via outlinedsilver
They are very much alike in the traumas they experienced when they were younger and the way it ultimately affected them. Granted, they chose very different paths, and they lived in very different times and places, but fundamentally they are the same and can relate to each other.
Because of this, they can and do accept each other for who they are--faults and all. Of course, love does not want the other to be mired in their past unhealthy (or unethical) ways of dealing with the issues in their lives, and Emma and Killian call each other out when needed.
Another thing I love about Captain Swan is the utter and complete devotion they have to each other. We see this most obviously in Killian in the early seasons. I mean, the guy spent two centuries trying to avenge the death of his first love. We know that when he loves, he LOVES. He's all in. Even before he'd decided to turn his life around, before he'd recognized or acknowledged how far gone he was for Emma, he chose to go to Neverland for her. And who could forget this moment:
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*Made by @hook-and-hope
Killian was willing to give up his ship--his home, his last connection to both Milah and Liam--in order to save Emma, when he knew she wouldn't even remember him and couldn't be sure she returned his affections even if she did.
In those early seasons, of course, Emma's walls were up. She'd been hurt so much before (stupid Neal!) that it was hard for her to trust that his love for her was genuine--and even more, that it would last. This was as much a reflection on her view of herself and how she saw herself as unworthy of lasting love as it was on Killian.
Fortunately, Killian understands her walls and is more than willing to slowly, patiently pull them down.
But Killian is not the only one who is devoted to the other. Even during the Neverland arc when Emma was so very closed off, it was clear that she saw Killian as someone she could turn to, someone whose opinion and whose judgement she valued and sought out. Don't forget how it was that she found the magic to light the candle in Dark Hollow: It was her fear for Killian and what the shadow was doing to him.
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And we haven't even got to the most significant moments yet. What other fandom can say one member of their OTP overcame the greatest darkness in all the realms and died for the other...
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...and then the one who was died for literally went to hell to save him?
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I mean, come on! That is next level epic!
In the end, Captain Swan was not some destined fairy tale couple, although they did get a pretty fairy tale wedding--complete with singing and dancing!
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--They were a real couple who struggled and had their off moments (writers, I'm looking at you for the absolutely unnecessary and stupid drama for drama's sake storylines of season 6), but as Killian told David:
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*Made by @shipsxahoy.
In the end, doesn't that really say it all?
(And on a more superficial level, it certainly didn't hurt that Jen's and Colin's chemistry was absolutely off the charts!)
*Note: The gifs used in this meta are not my own.  Most of them were found through a simple Google search, and I was able to track down the origins of most of them.  If your gif was used and I didn’t give you attribution, please let me know so I can change that.
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arofili · 2 years
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elves of arda ◆ misc. noldor ◆ headcanon disclaimer
back to middle-earth month 2022 ◆ textual ghosts bingo ◆ mother(s) of erestor
          Curulaer was a Noldo of Fëanor’s host who crossed the Sea upon the swan-ships. When her lord died, she attached herself to his sons and Maedhros in particular, following him to Himring. She was a talented archer, one of the few who matched Fingon’s followers in her skill with a bow, but her greatest strength lay in Songcraft. In Valinor, Curulaer (then known as Curulírë) studied under Maglor, learning Songs of Power, and it was he who recommended her service to his elder brother. Her voice was mighty, calling up intricate illusions and stirring the world around her, and her fellow soldiers greatly respected her musical abilities.           In Himring, Curulaer met the warrior Lagrieth, a Sinda of Mithrim who admired the Noldor’s dedication to waging war upon Morgoth and joined the Fëanorian host when they departed for the east. Lagrieth served as a captain in Maedhros’ army, and saw firsthand the power of Curulaer’s magic. She even saved the Singer’s life in battle, defending her from assailants as Curulaer Sang the earth to tremble around them and open up to swallow a band of orcs into the depths of Arda. Lagrieth and Curulaer became fast friends, and in time a greater love grew between them, and they were wed with their lord’s blessing.           After two centuries of marriage, Lagrieth and Curulaer began a family, retiring from the frontlines for a time. Curulaer bore her wife a son, Erestor, whom they greatly cherished. But Erestor’s youth would be marred by tragedy, for suddenly the Siege of Angband broke and dragonfire burst forth upon the Noldor and their allies. Curulaer and Lagrieth returned to Himring to defend their keep with Erestor in tow, and in the ensuing siege they both were slain. Maedhros honored all his fallen warriors, but these two especially, and learning that their son yet lived he took Erestor under his wing and promised to provide for him ever after.            Erestor grew to adulthood in Himring, fiercely devoted to his lord. Maglor told him stories of Curulírë in Valinor, and his mothers’ comrades affirmed to him their bravery and might in battle. Though his own skills lay not in fighting, Erestor showed promise in organization and management, apprenticing under Himring’s steward Ferior. When the fortress fell after the Fifth Battle, and Ferior with it, Erestor led many survivors east to what safety remained in Beleriand, settling in Amon Ereb long before his Fëanorian lords returned to the castle. Grateful for his skill in restoring Amon Ereb to a greater glory than it had before possessed, Maedhros appointed Erestor his new steward and gave to him the responsibility of caring for the fortress and its inhabitants.            Thus Erestor remained behind whenever his lords went to war, maintaining a home base for the sons of Fëanor throughout the end of the First Age. After the Third Kinslaying at the Havens of Sirion, Maedhros and Maglor returned as the last of their brothers with twin hostages in tow. It was Erestor who aided Elrond and Elros in settling into Amon Ereb, for he was a friendly face who had not been present amid the carnage, and they trusted him more easily than their captors. In time, the twins would come to love Maedhros and Maglor as their foster parents, but Erestor was always a dear companion to them.           As the War of Wrath descended upon the remnants of Beleriand, it was only a matter of time before Amon Ereb fell and what was left of the Fëanorian host were forced to flee. Maglor and Maedhros sent the twins away from the war zone with Erestor as their guardian, first dwelling in Belegost among the dwarves, and then when they insisted they were old enough to fight, among the Noldor under High King Gil-galad’s banner. Erestor and Gil-galad bonded over their mutual care of Elrond and Elros, and became closer than brothers by the end of the War.           When Maglor disappeared and Maedhros cast himself into flame, Erestor deeply grieved his lords’ deaths despite their ill deeds. He, Elrond, and Elros mourned them together, as few others could understand their loss. Erestor now swore loyalty to Gil-galad and Elrond both, and dwelt with them in Lindon throughout much of the Second Age, learning to be a counselor and administrator in the Noldorin court. He was instrumental to Elrond’s founding of Imladris, though he remained mostly by Gil-galad’s side until the War of the Last Alliance, where he took over leadership of the hidden valley while his friends were away.            Erestor was devastated by Gil-galad’s death in this War and retreated into himself as soon as Elrond could take over his duties as Imladris’ lord. It took many years for him to recover his quick wit and joy in life, and it was Elrond’s steadfast kindness—and a new friend’s bright presence—that taught him to hope and laugh again.
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tang0mang0 · 2 years
#9 and 20 for the ask game?
9. That (s) is very frightening because there are quite a few. I’ll just rant about the top one for now though. Most disliked would probably have to be Captain Hook. I think the only reason people like him is for his “good looks”, which, imo, blinds people to his actual personality and how gross and disrespectful he is. He has no regard for anyone’s personal space, for one, and he also creeps on every woman he looks at and its downright cringe-worthy. I don’t understand how this character is loved so highly. On top of this, he also goes through some fake redemption arc, where he is almost suddenly treated like he has made up for all of his misdeeds, but then, continues to be the same person? Continues to conduct misdeeds and be like “Ohh, I’m a better man now love, *smooch*. Did I mention I have a ship, the Jolly Rodger?”. No Killian. You are not. He has not once redeemed himself for any of the shit he has done, and any chance he gets to be malicious he hops at the opportunity, like the 3 or so times he went to Rumple to ask him to do something morally wrong? And during this, he still goes on about how much he has changed and how he is a good person now, without it being ironic in the slightest. Dead faced straight up stating lies and believing them despite them never being resolved. It’s really off putting for me honestly.
However. NOOK? New hook is literally the best rendition of Hook EVER. I LOVE HIM. Who knew that taking the sexual predator mindset of Hook out of the equation would make him a likable character? Crazy idea I know. Also, the whole plot of him just wanting to be with his daughter, who is one of my favorite characters since her presence in season 7, but not being able to because of the curse put on his heart. He literally would do anything for Alice, and he does in the most impactful way possible which I won’t spoil but omg. I love you Nook so much.
20. Absolutely Swan Queen hands down. Without a doubt. Emma and Regina have such immense chemistry that perpetrates through EVERY scene that they are together, and even in ones where they aren’t but can’t stop thinking about one another. Swan Queen is quite possibly the greatest queer-bait the world has ever seen (Although I don’t watch a lot of shows lol). Them being canon is all I could ever ask for, even though it will never happen. I just wanna see the Swan Mills family living happily ever after, they are soo cuteeee.
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it would kill me (if you didn't know)
I know. Trust me, I know. But I've been working on my novel, and when this fic slapped me in the face last night, I just went with it. And so should you.
Neverland AU - canon divergence for somewhere in 3a
(Blatant disregard of canon to follow--don't make me rewatch the show, please)
They saved Henry but all got separated in the process, and when they finally made it back to the ship, Emma realized that they were down a man. She's just gonna have to save him.
This features some pretty awesome Emma/David bonding, too.
This is a classic 'Killian's been taken while saving them and now he's being tortured and Emma isn't gonna stand for it' fic. I've read them all, and I just needed more. POV switches 3rd person between Killian and the others.
Thanks in advance for accepting the sidestepping of canon that I love to do.
Rated M for language and violence
length: 5k+
Read it on ao3
In retrospect, it wasn’t the greatest plan he’d ever had. But it also wasn’t the worst. Well, it could hardly even be called a plan, really, given that the consideration for it occurred in approximately three seconds, but he was hardly going to worry about it now. There were other things to worry about.
The thing that Killian Jones, pirate captain of the Jolly Roger and unofficial Neverland guide to Swan (and the others), needed to be worried about was the little demon child Peter fucking Pan who stood over him with that stupid evil smirk on his lips.
“Seems like you’ve finally lost, pirate,” Pan spat, but the amusement in his tone only sharpened the anger in his eyes.
Killian’s gaze flickered from the child to the grove in the distance, and when he saw not a trace of the others, he returned his attention to Pan. “Aye, I suppose so,” he said, his voice rough though calm and certain.
Pan’s brow furrowed. “Really? No witty remark? No promise to skin me alive?” he taunted. “You’ve changed your tune, Hook.”
He resisted rolling his eyes, instead gripping his wounded shoulder a little tighter. The arrow wasn’t poisoned—he’d have felt it working by now—but it wasn’t helping his predicament at all. Neither was the sizeable gash on his abdomen that Felix had been kind enough to gift him when he’d been distracted.
“Have I?” Killian asked. “I wonder what you’ll do with me now,” he added dryly. He knew. Oh, he knew.
Pan’s eyes flashed, and in an instant he was crouching towards Killian, his hand grasping the protruding arrow. “Now, I get to have my fun,” he declared with a cruel twist of his lips and an even crueler twist of the arrow.
But Killian Jones was no stranger to pain. They were intimately acquainted. That’s how he grit his teeth and buried it until nothing but a tiny grunt sounded from deep within his throat. Pan wouldn’t consider his torture much fun if he didn’t scream in agony, so he would keep playing until Killian could fight it no longer. And he’d let him. Because egging him on would make him lash out, and ensuring him of Swan’s victory would put her and the lad in danger. Pan had spent his time since their arrival playing games with them, distracting them from the important things they’d come there to do. It was only fair that Killian would return the favor.
So the demon could pull out all his toys, could whip him and carve into his flesh, could burn him until his skin was blackened ash, but nothing would stop Killian Jones from protecting his loved ones. And gods above, he loved Emma Swan.
All she wanted to know was how the fuck this happened. Their plan had been so perfect that even she couldn’t doubt it, but somehow the winds had shifted or their luck had run out or her luck had run out, and when they returned to the Jolly Rodger and the groups had reunited, they’d been down a man. Down a captain.
Neal, for all his talk of fighting for her, didn’t seem to mind not fighting for something that she actually cared about. He was running for president of the Let’s Leave the Pirate Here Club, and that wasn’t exactly a great way to get into her good graces, though that would’ve been hard enough as it was.
Regina, predictably, prioritized Henry to a fault—Emma was always for prioritizing her son, but not when it came to sacrificing her values or her morals or whatever, fine, she just didn’t want to sacrifice him. Henry was okay, he was safe, and they could take precautions to ensure that he would stay that way, but Regina just didn’t care or didn’t think it was worth it. A good option for Neal’s vice president.
In all her silent canvassing of the group’s feelings regarding Operation Save Hook (Henry was asleep, okay? He could come up with a better name when he woke up), Emma blatantly ignored Gold. For obvious reasons.
Tink was mostly for saving him, but not confident enough in any plan she could offer to make it stick. She’d tried to sway Regina, but that had been less than successful.
Then it was her parents. And, for once, they weren’t in total agreement.
Mary Margaret was sympathetic, to be sure, but not enough. She wasn’t in the Let’s Leave the Pirate Here Club, but she was Queen of Save My Kid and Her Kid Kingdom, so that was that.
But David—that’s what had caught her attention.
When they’d first discovered Hook’s absence and began discussing their options, Emma had held back and held her breath, unwilling to reveal her hand without knowing where the others stood. She’d gone into full Observant Mode, and that’s when she saw David, her father, and his reaction.
His face stiffened, an automatic move to hide his feelings, but Emma saw through it, even when Mary Margaret didn’t (or didn’t want to see it). It was a set jaw, a twitching lip that was almost a frown, tensed shoulders that eventually gave way to firmly crossed arms because apparently, Emma had gotten her Observant Mode from her father, and that’s what he was doing.
A few minutes into the conversation had nothing decided, but Emma shifted her stance, and her father looked her way. Their eyes locked, and while the others continued their pathetic excuse for a rescue discussion, father and daughter exchanged practically imperceptible nods, and then they were allies.
It’s what gave her the strength to step forward at last and disregard whatever half-assed ‘it’s too late’ speech Neal had been giving with a pointed clearing of her throat.
“David and I will go back for him while you guys get the ship ready,” Emma announced. Regina did that haughty half-step back that meant something between ‘I don’t care’ and ‘do whatever you want,’ and Mary Margaret’s only response was to look questioningly at her husband. Tinker Bell gave an enthusiastic nod of approval before busying herself with some bit of the rigging she may or may not have actually understood how to work.
Neal, however, was predictably Neal. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ems,” he said, that stupid nickname that he had no fucking right to use.
Emma’s head turned slowly to her ex, regarding him with the coldest gaze she’d ever offered anyone. Regina had some competition as head of the Looks That Could Kill Committee. “Hm, okay. Well, you don’t have to think it’s a good idea, because you’re staying here.”
“There’s no discussion, Neal. No discussion from anyone, but especially from you. You have no right to talk, or interfere, and you especially have no right to argue against saving the man who is the reason your own son is alive and safe now.”
Mary Margaret was staring at her when she turned away from him, her eyes wide and openly confused, but she said nothing. David, however, had his eyes cutting into Neal, narrowed and calculating and damn, he was putting pieces together and he wasn’t liking the picture.
“Ready?” Emma asked her father.
He forced himself to look away. “Just have to grab one thing,” he told her, shaking his head at something Mary Margaret had said before he disappeared below.
Neal had huffed away after Emma’s little scolding, and he pouted at the exact opposite end from where his father pouted. Regina looked disinterested and mildly irritated, but when Emma glanced at her, she nodded towards Gold with a raised eyebrow.
Emma’s lips curled in something like a grateful smile, and she passed her bewildered mother on her way to the Dark One.
“You have something,” Emma said as soon as she stood in front of him. “Something to get Pan.”
“I do, Miss Swan,” he replied, that stupid tone that told her he had tricks up those stupid sleeves of his.
She hummed. “No, there’s no deal this time. No price. I’m done with games. So you can either give it to me, or I can take it from you.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Take it from me?” he asked, entirely amused by the concept.
“I’m done with your shit, Crocodile. You can play Dark One with me all you want, but we both know it’s just easier to just hand it over.”
He glared at her for a long moment, but eventually he cracked, and he glanced at his son who looked out at the water and away from them both. “Fine. But only because I’ve no use for it anyway.”
She took the box he offered, resisting the urge to mutter, ‘yes, that’s why,’ as he explained how it worked. When he’d finished, she offered him a simple but genuine “thank you,” before joining her father once more.
“Here,” David said, passing her another cutlass, one she hadn’t seen before. “You need a new weapon,” he added.
“And I’m borrowing…”
“Hook’s. An extra,” he said. “Figured he wouldn’t mind.”
“Right,” she mumbled, taking it with a frown and securing it quickly. “Well then, let’s go.”
For all his talk of being intimately acquainted with pain, Killian Jones was doing a piss-poor job of hiding it. The cracks in his resolve were starting to widen, and when hums and grunts became groans and low growls, he knew it was only a matter of time before Pan started to truly have his fun.
He’d been more clever this time around, to be sure. It had to have been at least a century since Killian had gotten cozy with the demon’s knife (or arrowhead, or branding iron, or whatever particular weapon he’d chosen to use that time), but Pan had certainly honed his skills quite a bit since then.
But Killian was sure that Swan had taken her lad and the others far away by now, and the knowledge that he’d helped her, that he’d kept his word, allowed him the strength he needed to keep the screams from coming.
For a while.
Pan, though, had used a trick on him he’d never experienced, and the shock alone was enough to get it working for a little while.
That trick came in the form of her, of Emma Swan, and the name had fallen from his lips like a prayer, hope that he’d never felt before rising like a rushing tide in his chest, and she’d smiled at him, a radiant, lovely thing that he’d never imagined could’ve been gifted solely for him, useless pirate that he was.
But then she’d started talking, and he knew it was a trick (tides always come back, because when there’s a rise, there’s also a fall). Not at first, he’d give Pan that, because it was easy enough to believe that the smile hadn’t been for him, that she resented him, that she hadn’t meant to save him, that they were better off without him. It wasn’t what she said that tipped him off, it was how she said it. Because Killian Jones had studied her since the moment she uncovered his pathetic hide in that pile of bodies, and he knew her—more than she knew herself, to her dismay—and he could read her. She was an open book, after all.
When her eyes didn’t burn like he knew they should’ve when she spoke of anger and hatred, he knew. When her lips didn’t quirk in that one specific way when she mentioned abandoning him, he knew. And then she spoke about her parents and Baelfire, and it was all wrong, because Emma Swan had walls, and even Neverland wasn’t enough to break them down so quickly.
Wherever she was, Emma Swan wasn’t about to run into her parents’ arms and live happily ever after with them and her True Love, because she wasn’t there yet. He knew her. He knew how hard it was for her to open up to him, someone who understood her from such shared experiences, and that wasn’t something she could just overlook as soon as she returned home. They’d hurt her—here, in Neverland, with assumptions and confessions and automatic behaviors, but also before. And if she did wish to ride off into the sunset with Baelfire, Neal, it wasn’t going to happen right away, because Killian had watched her while she shifted away from Neal when he’d moved towards her. He’d seen the way she recoiled at his touch, how she’d narrowed those jade eyes at his words, how she didn’t trust him, not anymore.
No, the Emma Swan that stood before his beaten and bruised body was a copy, and a bad one. When she hadn’t achieved her goal, she disappeared, and Pan took her place, and though he knew the demon was mocking him and prodding him with insults and hoping they’d smash the last of his resolve, he wasn’t ready to give in just yet.
Killian Jones was waiting for something. He just couldn’t figure out what it was.
“What’d he do?”
Emma faltered, the blade missing the piece of jungle shit in her path she’d been trying to cut down. “What? Who?”
“Neal,” her father said, clearing the vines for her before they continued on.
“Oh,” she sounded, pulling her lips together as she considered what to say. He’d noticed it before, and she knew that. He wasn’t stupid, nor was he as hope-prone and naive as Mary Margaret could often be. And they had another few miles to go, at least. “He left,” she said.
David stopped, a hand on her arm that was more than just an attempt to stop her from walking, too. “He left you?” he asked, his eyes somehow tight with rage and tender with something she wanted to dub dad-ness, because no one had ever looked at her like that before.
Emma huffed, because now was definitely not the time for Feelings, now was the time to rescue a goddamn pirate from whatever the hell Peter fucking Pan was doing to him. “He set me up to take the fall for his crime and let me go to prison instead. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was already in jail.”
David blinked once, twice, and then his expression was consumed by dad-anger (because it was just a different brand of anger that she’d also never seen before). “Emma—”
“It was a long time ago, dad.” They both started at the name, dad, because she’d never really used it before. A few times she’d said it, but it was something she’d had to force, a correction or a pointed joke, sometimes a near-death thing, but this was different. Authentic. Slightly heartbreaking.
“We don’t have time for this,” she muttered as she turned away, but neither was surprised, and even her dad wasn’t hurt, because Emma had her walls, and that was okay, because she’d needed them to survive this long. And if he had to put in a little time and effort to help take them down, that didn’t bother him one bit.
“I was kinda surprised that you wanted to come,” she said after a while, unable to bear the tense atmosphere any longer.
David gave her a half-smile, slicing another thicket (because they’d grown over since they’d returned to the ship. Fuck Neverland, honestly). “He did save my life, you know. And he was saving Henry when an arrow hit him—before your mother and I got separated from the group. I wasn’t about to leave him for dead after he took an arrow for my grandson.”
Emma froze, nearly dropping the cutlass that wasn’t hers. “He saved Henry?”
Her father’s eyebrows furrowed. “I thought you knew that,” he said. “So why are you so eager to help him? If you didn’t know.”
Her lips parted only to press together firmly, and when she spoke, they both knew it wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the whole truth. “Because I don’t leave people behind. And even without the arrow, he still saved Henry. He brought us here.”
David studied her for a moment, and these pieces were coming together faster now, and quite suddenly, the picture made a lot of sense. “He came back.”
“For Henry. And Neal,” she replied.
“And you.”
She couldn’t deny it, and he knew that. But it surprised him that he didn’t mind it as much as he had before. Emma’s walls, no matter how much he wished he could change it, were in part because of him and Snow. They saved her, yes, but they abandoned her when they did it. And Neal had likely been the cause of the other fortress that surrounded her, because he’d abandoned her, too.
So if the pirate had gained her trust and her respect because he hadn’t abandoned her, then that was good. David had seen plenty of love and devotion in his life, but he’d never seen loyalty like the kind that burned in Captain Hook. Centuries in search of revenge for the one he’d loved and lost. That wasn’t the man who would turn around and abandon her the second the opportunity arose.
No, without him or the pirate realizing it, he’d pretty much gained his blessing. Because David knew damn well that if the roles were reversed, not even if Emma herself were in danger, but if Hook were here in his place and someone she loved was being tortured, there’s no one he would trust more than Captain Hook to help her. Neal had barely batted an eye. But he was apparently quite skilled at leaving people to rot.
David was just beginning to contemplate how to handle that particular situation when the screams started.
He took his daughter’s hand, meeting her huge and watery eyes, and they ran.
He’d held on so long, but it was worth it. It was worth it. No, she was worth it. Emma Swan was worth it.
Emma. Emma. Emma.
Her name became a mantra, a song in his head to fill the space between screams.
Killian Jones had loved Milah. He never doubted that, and his love for another didn’t negate it, either. He wasn’t sure what made his love for Emma Swan sharper, deeper, but it was just different. His working theory was that they’d both loved before, both been hurt before, both lingered in something that was slightly less than pure. Whatever had happened with Baelfire couldn’t have been perfect, because it hurt her. And she’d been so young when she’d had Henry. Milah wasn’t faultless, either. Ironically enough, that point was proven by Baelfire.
Killian had spoken to her about it for hours. She’d spun tales of rescuing the lad, taking him from his pathetic father and bringing him aboard, but it never happened. It wasn’t until Henry was taken from Swan that he realized the downfall of his Milah. He’d known it, truly, but nothing would have stopped Swan from getting back her son, and it should’ve been the same with Milah.
For a moment, the pain of his guilt overwhelmed the pain of Pan’s lash that sliced into his back.
But that was what made his love for Emma Swan different.
Try something new, darling. It’s called trust.
Be a part of something.
Too bad he’d never have the chance to explain it all to her.
Emma had seen so much in her life. So much pain, so much ugliness—it had made her start to believe that there was really nothing else. But then Henry showed up at her door, and things changed.
Now, standing in her hiding place with her father, she was forced to watch as the demon child inflicted brutal and unrelenting torture to Captain Hook—no, no, he wasn’t Hook anymore. Not after this. He was Killian Jones, and she was going to save him.
She just couldn’t jump in and do it. Not without a plan.
Once they’d decided who was the distraction and who was taking the box, they were ready, but she wasn’t. Each scream pierced her heart, and by this point, the tears were just a permanent fixture that neither of them acknowledged. You couldn’t listen to that kind of pain and not feel it down to your goddamn soul. And she knew that as much as it hurt to hear it, Killian was hurting a thousand times worse while he endured it.
It had only been hours, maybe, but she’d never seen a person look so broken and not be actually dead, and it felt like her fault. Because maybe if she’d been strong and reasonable enough to let go of Henry’s hand for even a second, she would’ve realized that he wasn’t at her side like he was supposed to be. Sure, they’d all been separated into groups that slowly returned to the ship, but she should’ve known. She should’ve been there. He shouldn’t have been here.
None of that mattered now. It was time to save him, and then she could worry about everything else.
Her father kissed her forehead, brushing her tears with his thumbs and offering her a reassuring nod that said we’ve got this, and then he disappeared to play his part. When she stepped into the clearing, she was much more confident than she had any right to be.
The kid snapped to attention, whirling around to look at her. “Really? You’ve come to rescue the pirate?”
His words, his face, his stupid grin pissed her the fuck off, but what really sold it, the thing that solidified everything for her was the sight of Killian’s hook tucked into Peter Pan’s pocket like it was a fucking souvenir.
“Well, you know what they say about us hero types,” Emma stalled, keeping herself from glancing at Killian where he lay in the dirt. “We don’t leave anyone behind. We come back for everyone. It’s just in our nature.” She had no idea what she was actually saying, she was just talking, just waiting until her father got into place.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you take the pirate, Emma. He’s mine, you see,” Pan told her, and she thought that he’d never looked less than a child with the straight-up evil in his eyes and the weapon in his hand.
She folded her arms across her chest, pulling on strength she didn’t have. “Hm, no, I don’t think he is,” she said, letting some of her anger seep into her voice. “He’s a pirate, sure, but you and I both know that he’s pretty determined about that good form nonsense, and he made me a promise, you know,” Emma continued. “He told me he’d see to it that Henry gets home safely. He can’t do that if he’s here.”
Pan’s shoulders shifted as his chest puffed out, and he wanted something. “How about this,” he said, “the pirate in exchange for your son.”
Emma scoffed. “As I told the Dark One earlier, I’m done playing games. No deals. I’m leaving this island with my son and my pirate and everyone else, and that’s it. You lose, kid.”
Peter Pan grinned, and if she hadn’t just seen David out of the corner of her eye, she would’ve been terrified. “How’s that? I’m not going to let you leave with Henry or the pirate, no matter how much you’re convinced I’m going to,” he said, almost petulant.
“Sorry, I should’ve been clearer,” Emma smiled, “I should’ve mentioned the part about you being captured. Whoops. Too late.”
Emma surged forward, snatching the hook just before Pan was sucked into Pandora’s box from David’s outstretched hand. Neither he nor Emma hesitated for a second before they rushed to Killian where he was no more than a pile of cuts and bruises on the ground, stripped of his coat and his vest and his bravado.
David rolled him onto his side carefully, shooting her a concerned look when he didn’t even flinch.
The hook fell from her grasp and onto the ground beside them. “Killian?” Emma said softly, her hand reaching out to ghost across his sweaty forehead. If she didn’t see the rise and fall of his chest in time with the shuddering breaths he took, she would’ve been certain he was dead, because anyone else would’ve been dead.
“Emma, I have no idea how we’re going to move him when he’s like this,” her father told her, and if he were someone else, that would’ve meant that they’d run out of options, but hope was the family motto.
Emma pushed out a breath, bringing her hands back to her face, running them over her hair and locking a few fingers around her necklace. “Alright, okay, lemme think,” she said, but of course that was when her brain turned to absolute mush.
Time, nonexistent here though it was, was marked with Killian’s shaky breaths, and several minutes passed before David spoke. “Emma…” he began, and when she looked at him, that family motto was shining in his eyes. “Emma, you have magic. You can heal him.”
“I—” I can’t, she wanted to say. But it didn’t matter that she’d never done it, that she had no idea how to, because she’d do it. She’d do anything to save this stupid, ridiculous, insufferable, amazing pirate. He promised that he’d win her heart, and she wasn’t about to lose him right when she finally had a chance to let him.
“How?” she asked, hoping—yes, Emma Swan did things like hope now—he’d know something helpful.
David hesitated, as if he were gathering everything he’d ever learned about magic. “Okay, your magic is about emotion, right?” At her nod, he continued, “Well, that’s good, because you’re feeling a lot of things right now. You want to help him, to heal him, so maybe think about why?”
Emma chuckled, and it was a watery thing, but she wiped the dampness from her cheeks. “I don’t think I’ve cried this much since…I have no idea when,” she confessed.
David met her gaze, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Use it.”
She took a breath, her eyes slamming shut so she could focus, but her hand didn’t leave her father’s.
Why was she crying now, this much, after everything? She wasn’t a crier (you couldn’t be in the system that long and still be a crier), so what had changed? All at once, she knew.
Captain Hook is what changed. Killian Jones had towered her walls, and now she was crying over him. Because she felt things. Things with a capital ‘t,’ and it was the first time in her life that she was finally, truly letting herself feel Things, the first time she honestly wanted to. There hadn’t really been a choice with Neal. He was just there, and that’s why she’d loved him. She was young, and he offered her this tiny piece of security and she’d latched onto it, and that was it. It wasn’t even about him, not really, not when she broke it down like that. Everything she felt for Killian Jones was about him.
Right from the start, he’d terrified her, because he could see right through her walls like they were made of glass. He read her because he already spoke the fucking language, but she hadn’t let herself understand that piece until later. But how many times had she been standing beside her family (she had that now), knowing that things were off or just not feeling right because they didn’t quite get it—but then she’d looked over and he’d been watching her because he got it. He knew. And he came back.
Killian Jones had never abandoned her. Well, there was that one time he locked her in a cell, but that was only because she’d just chained him up on the top of a beanstalk and it was honestly only fair, so that was different. Every moment when she waited for him to race off while in Neverland, when leaving her to her fate would’ve been the smart and easy thing to do, he’d proven her wrong (but she wasn’t really wrong, because she didn’t really believe it. She’d trusted him right from the start, and each time he didn’t leave her was somehow both totally surprising and totally predictable).
But it wasn’t just that. It was everything she saw in him when he thought no one was looking. The shadows that crossed his face when they ran into something familiar, the hesitance when offered assistance by anyone, the mysteriously filled waterskins that appeared by her bedroll after his watch. Everything he did for her and her family was a promise that he was no longer a villain—that maybe he’d never actually been one—and she could doubt everyone else (except for Henry), but she couldn’t doubt Killian Jones.
She was falling for him. Hard. She probably already would’ve fallen if she’d let herself, especially if she’d gone with her gut at the top of that beanstalk and trusted him, so she wasn’t about to let him die.
Emma raised her free hand, feeling all of her Feelings and thinking all of the Things, and she healed him, because she needed to. She felt the warmth that radiated from her palm, and when her eyes flickered open, there was a brilliant light that washed over his face and followed the path of her hand as she hovered along his body. The cuts shrank, sealing themselves while the blood seeped back into his skin, and when his breaths were no longer labored, she knew he was healed.
Her father gave her a proud smile (it was watery, too), but their attention was quickly brought back to the groaning pirate.
Killian’s eyes took several fluttering blinks before they focused correctly, and when he spoke, it was no more than a disoriented grunt. “Swan?”
“We’re here,” she said, releasing David’s hand to take Killian’s. “We trapped Pan, Henry’s safe on the Jolly Roger, and now all we need is for you to take us home.”
His eyes were stormy when he looked up at her, and his rough palm lined up with her soft one, and for a single, fleeting moment, it was as if he’d never felt pain in his life. The warmth, the ease, the life he felt holding Emma Swan’s hand made him briefly forget the hours of torture from Pan, and for what may have honestly been the first time in his life, Killian Jones felt safe.
There were many questions that he needed to ask, ones he hadn’t had the chance to think of with his present exhaustion, but he pushed them aside, because she was smiling that smile, the one he’d never imagined could be directed and him, and it lacked the tightness that Pan’s version had. Where Pan’s version had pranced around words, the real Swan was straight to the point and not flowery about anything. But what was most comforting about this Swan was that even though her smile was warm and lovely and nothing like he’d ever seen on her lips, he could see her walls hidden in her gaze, that lingering hesitance, and he knew. She’d come back for him.
“Think you can walk?” David asked him, and it almost made the pirate jump (centuries of always being on his guard, always prepared and aware of his surroundings, and Emma Swan gave him one smile and held his only hand and that was enough to block out the rest of the realm).
Killian nodded, and with some careful maneuvering by Swan and her father, he was upright. He wavered slightly—blood loss, he reasoned, because Emma had definitely healed him with her magic, but there was only so much magic could do—but they secured both of his arms without delay.
“Oh,” Emma paused, bending down to grab his hook. “Thought you’d want this back,” she added with a smile that was almost sheepish.
It was the way she held it that made him lightheaded (not at all related to the blood loss). Her hand was wrapped around the metal like it was nothing but also everything. She didn’t fear it, didn’t scrunch her nose at it—the way she held it was like the way she held his hand: a part of him, something she couldn’t quite bring herself to let go of.
“Thank you, Emma,” he murmured, and all three of them knew it wasn’t just for returning the hook. He gestured for her to attach it, and after a glance of confirmation, she did. And he couldn’t help but feel whole.
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courtorderedcake · 3 years
Things I'm Typing Thursday - @courtorderedcake edition
Trying to motivate myself to write more.
From Hallow, chapter XXIII
Emma hadn’t left her room in days, only appearing for meals where she acted as a grateful guest. Taking a bite or two of food, a careful mask of diplomacy on her face, Killian watched her push around the rest before taking her leave.
“If you’ll excuse me, I still have not recovered from our trip here.” Bowing slightly, she turned before any of their company could offer anything. He recognized fleeing when he saw it. Leaving the table to follow her, he gave a nod to Ingrid, cloak rippling behind him.
Knocking on her door in the smooth polished stone rooms, Emma called out from the other side, voice shaking.
“I’m feeling ill, please -”
“Emma. Open the door.”
“I’m alright, I’m about to take a nap actually -”
“Open the door, please.” He heard her sigh, and the door unlocked. Up close he was surprised how well she had covered her distress. Her eyes were red rimmed, cheeks stained. With the door open a crack, she returned to her bed and laid down curled away from him.
From MTFB, chapter 6
Dr. Hopper's words might have been a pack of mosquitoes for how they buzzed around Emma's head and tried to bite her in the ass before she could process she had even been a snack.
"Give your happiness a chance."
Happiness? It wasn't exactly like she was used to having the feeling in her life, and if not for her found family of friends, she most likely would not have believed it actually existed. She tries though, because her baby deserves the best she can get, and Emma will be as damned as any Demon if she can't make that happen.
(The problem? It's HARD - frustratingly, annoyingly, and deliciously difficult.)
From Riptide Sequel... 🤫
Esper adores her father from the moment she can smile up at him with a gummy grin that mimics Killian’s own. Both twins take after him, both have dark, thick, hair that curls down Esper’s fair shoulders, they both babble with their hands animatedly moving or rocking on their feet, have the same crooked smile under their mother's gift of green eyes and scrunched noses. Esper is content to watch the stars, to listen to his deep voice rumbling over heartbeat and sea as she falls asleep. It's his name she yells when the nightmares come and a monster chases her. 
It's her Mum she calls for if it catches her, the violent bursts of her own screams as cerulean flames moved like ghosts in her palms. The feeling of making them is electric, terrifying truly - as terrifying as the original nightmare if not more. It's Mum who teaches her magic; to turn shadows into light filled bubbles or how to produce controlled flame that licks the tip of one finger lazily. 
The memory of Mum holding their hands to the open air watching as above swirls of rainbow magic light a starry sky is a favorite and fond moment of time. It's something Esper finds herself using to conjure greater magic, pushing herself further with every spell. Emma Swan may have been the greatest wielder of light magic on the seas, but Esper Jones is not to be outdone. Wielding and weaving chaos magic with elemental summoning in ways that no one has dared, she learns quickly. It's under her family's careful watch and with their connections that she learns from the best around the realms, visits to castles and trips across the world bringing more knowledge and experiences. 
It is with pride that her Mum tells her that she has caught the attention of the Apprentice’s Academy, the college of magical arts created by The Middlemist Sorcerer himself. Her father isn't elated. Her father is pensive, and refuses to sit while they discuss her leaving to train
From Lt. Duckling A/B/O fic (Unbeta'd)
The man with the hook hadn't broken a sweat during his mad scramble away from the castle, moving like a cat as he carried her in shadow to the docks and then onto a ship. Emma couldn't see him, her chin and cheek pressed firmly to her captors shoulder, nose against the back of his neck. He smelled wonderful, and she knew that it was another cruel trick of nature that her kind was attracted to their predators. It was frustratingly barbaric to know some sense of her agency was replaced by want, and she resolved to bury the feelings deep, instead contemplating her feelings on if she was to survive this. If she wanted to survive.
Her parents would do everything possible to ensure her return, knowing this was a death sentence, but they had no idea who had taken her or why. Especially a smuggler like this pirate, who probably docked somewhere secret to bring in their goods. If Emma had time, a day or two, her parents would probably find her if luck was on their side. If she had hours… That would be it. Instead of dread, she felt a numbness creep through her skin. This life she was living, it wasn't a life any longer. Maybe this was fate providing her relief.
He gave orders as she drifted in thought, the smell of salt air and lemon oil only enhancing the spice, leather, wood and soap that lingered on his collar. It was rare that Emma was nostalgic about Neal, but the press of someone against her was a comfort she had no qualms longing for. If she had a way to ask she would have begged her parents for a companion just for the platonic touches like this, the ease that it brought when Emma longed for her mate and wept over the broken bond. Just to be near another heartbeat, feeling shoulder blades and muscles under her breasts, the way it calmed an ache that this life had burdened her with -
“What is it? A doll?” Someone asked, jerking her from her wonderings.
“No. I don't know what she is, but it's not a doll. She's breathing, and seems to have awareness. I'm going to take her to the soothsayer and ask for more answers. For now she can stay in my quarters.” Her captor’s voice was a rumble she could feel against her chest, his hand undoing the carefully tied knots to take her off his back. Holding her gently, he curled her against his chest. Emma could see the buttons undone on his linen shirt, coarse hair overflowing. Her mouth went dry while her mind chastised her for absolute weakness.
“The captain needs a trifle to amuse himself with? How about a chance with the crew for the beauty?” A man hooted, and her captor lunged, as if forgetting he was holding her.
“If anyone touches her without consent, they will have spat on my quest for revenge and thus me. They will be rewarded in death.” His eyes burned like a cold flame, the man who had been so lewd quickly turning tail at the display of temper. Emma held on to the glimmer of hope that she might succumb to rest with her body unused by these unscrupulous men. To want was one thing, the reality was a grim and dark other. At least he would keep her In the promise of some safety.
In a way, she was glad for her body's woefully designed biological impulses, for this at least. Only the Alphas on board, like the captain, could shut off her mind with the waft of pheromones or commands of pleasurable actions. If the captain decided to act on any devious intentions while she was captive, she might be able to imagine herself finding him attractive in another time or place. This was neither, but she let herself take him in.
The light of dawn made him look like one of the sculptures she had often gazed at when passing temples, angels, gods and goddesses cut from stone with unmatched artistry. His jawline was covered in stubble and his eyes were blue, but in the light she could see the different colors of his hair, the scar against his cheek, and the grim determination that burned just behind the ice in his irises. Even smelling like rum and with red around his eyes from it or lack of sleep, he did not seem drunk or unkempt, just touched by wind's invisible hand. Emma blinked several times in the growing sun, letting him survey her carefully before he adjusted her in his grip again. Walking down a set of stairs, he opened a door and placed her on a bed before walking to a desk.
@elizabeethan @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @ohmightydevviepuu @donteattheappleshook @thesschesthair @thisonesatellite @carpedzem @teamhook @jrob64 @mariakov81 @theonceoverthinker @wyntereyez @cocohook38 @bubblegum1425 @stahlop @laschatzi @profdanglaisstuff @winterbaby89 @gingerchangeling @peglegsjones
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scottishoctopus · 3 years
Nooooo I’m so sorry for upsetting you. If I had my way Davy would have fucked up Beckett and yeeted turner, swan, and jack off his ship
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Don't worry! I've got a solution to stop crying.
I believe right after Elizabeth Swann and the Empress crew arrive on the Flying Dutchman that all the events we next see is a dream sequence by somebody, probably a hungover Jack Sparrow.
So Norrington did his thing and let free the crew and Lizzie to escape to the Empress, however Davy Jones caught them and demanded what they were doing.
Lizzie and James convinces Davy to turn against Beckett and they think of a good plan. James and Lizzie escaped to the Empress and arrived at Shipwreck Cove. The movie then goes on normally except James does NOT die because he didn't deserve that death in the movie and he's present at the Brethren Court as he and Elizabeth tell everyone that Davy is on their side.
The scene goes like it does in the movie, with Elizabeth becoming Pirate King and them going to war and the parlay scene happens shortly after. Straight afterwards, Davy disappears off the Dutchman for a bit with Maccus informing Beckett that his captain is preparing himself for a battle. The lie seems to convince Beckett.
And Davy Jones teleports onto the Black Pearl and it turns out that he wants to release Calypso/Tia Dalma from her human bonds himself much to the surprise of literally everyone on board who hasn't managed to faint at the sight of him. Davy says the words and Calypso is released, just much calmer this time. She explodes into billions of crabs again and becomes the sea once more. Davy quickly returns to his ship right as Beckett and Mercer orders for the Dutchman to go forth and attack the Black Pearl.
Of course, in this part of the movie you're supposed to see Calypso's maelstrom however she's not as furious and enraged since Davy released her instead and provides a terrible storm full of rain and thunder and wind. The crew of the Dutchman decides now it's a perfect time to turn on the EITC soldiers on their ship. The crew of the Pearl see the struggle and decide to help get rid of the soldiers which they do and Will gets to be reunited with his dad who has partially some of his memories still intact and he recognises his son.
Davy and Maccus recover the chest and both the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman along with the pirate fleet turn to attack the EITC in one last intense battle that is the greatest you've ever seen. Cannons go flying, swords clash, pistols go shooting at people and the storm intenses each minute. Calypso summons a gigantic maelstrom and together, the Dutchman and the Pearl attack the Endevour. At some point, Jack Sparrow escapes the brig again and joins the final fight. The battle completes everybody's character arcs in the trilogy with no annoying and meaningless deaths. Of course, the EITC does go down and the Endeavour falls into the maelstrom and is destroyed. Some soldiers surrender to the pirates whilst others attempt to escape.
And the trilogy ends with Will getting his father back, Davy Jones not getting an undeserved death and going back to his ferryman duty whilst also fixing up things with Calypso slightly, Jack and Barbossa continuing to fight over the Pearl, and either Lizzie ending up either with James or Will.
Credits roll with the awesome POTC music that we all know and love.
But of course your way works too!!!!
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