#car ride is over earlier than expected so. here
2truehearts · 1 year
do you ever just. associate ur friends with a memory or scene or line or feeling or habit u saw bc i do that and one of my friends is the line from a fic i wrote. the other is a scene from little women where laurie proposes to jo. another is the way my heart flutters when i get hugged and kissed and i have this one friend where whenever i think of them im reminded of car rides and windy days and a blur of dresses dancing and overlapping with the different lacy hems and silky fabrics and laughs holding unto the other as if it were a scarf being threaded together like. do u ever just. think of them and weave them into u like u would with making a scarf?
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winterarmyy · 2 months
Sleepy Heads
A series of random Bucky Drabbles that I can't let go but don't have the brain to make the whole complete plot of.
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Summary: That time when the reader accidentally fell asleep on a stranger’s shoulder in the subway ride home. The stranger in question, however, is none other than the former Winter Soldier, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
Words: 1.4k++
Pairing: tfatws!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: none? just a really short fluffy moment with bucky.
Inspiration: Commuting home via train after long day of work makes me wish i had a shoulder to lean on while on the journey. And so, this idea was born from that thought.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Y/N’s gaze was empty, staring to the distance, seemingly being swallowed by the void within her headspace. She had another long day at work; like any other weekday, grinding through the endless lines of words for each of her client’s documents until her eyes blurred.
The platform was noisy, filled with the clamour of people, the distant roar of the approaching train, and the faint buzz of conversations. The lights above her head flicker occasionally, casting brief shadows that danced along the walls. 
The subway ride home was her daily ritual, one she usually endured standing among the crowded commuters. When she saw the train coming her way, relief washed over her. “Finally, I can go home,” she thought.
The doors slid open, and she was immediately pushed by the crowd behind her. It was as if her feet were lifted in the air, her body was effortlessly being dragged into the train. Since it  was rush hour, the train car was packed. She had expected that but still, she couldn’t help but to let out a long sigh of exhaustion.
She slipped and weaved through the mass of bodies, knowing that it’ll be pointless. There’s no way she could get a seat now; she had to endure the 40 minute ride standing on the ache of her feet. 
Her thoughts immediately stopped when she unexpectedly found an empty row of seats. Well, to be fair, there was one man sitting there, but regardless, it was empty enough for her to sit.
How fortunate she was.
A passing thought echoed in her head, questioning why it was empty, but she was too tired to think too deeply about it. The exhaustion from the long hours at work had dulled her curiosity, leaving her with just enough energy to be grateful for the peace and quiet. Too exhausted to question her luck, she sank into the seat, letting out a sigh of gratitude.
As she settled in, her mind couldn’t help but to dwell on the earlier question. Why does no one want to sit next to this man? She briefly considered the possibility that he might be a weird pervert or something. Thinking about it now made her slightly uncomfortable.
However, that discomfort didn’t last long as she overheard whispers around her, saying how brave she was to sit next to the Winter Soldier. Her eyes widened in realisation, and she discreetly glanced at him, noticing the telltale signs she had missed in her exhaustion: the gloved hands, the intense expression, the aura of danger that surrounded him. 
She had heard of him. James Buchanan Barnes. 
She studied about him in history class back when she was a school girl and saw him on the news in recent years. A member of the Howling Commandos. Steve Roger’s best friend. The Winter Soldier. The victim of Hydra’s atrocities.
Perhaps it was the fatigue numbing her instincts, or maybe it was the hint of vulnerability in his eyes that contradicted the ruthless image painted by the stories. Surprisingly, there was a burning sensation in her chest the more she heard the foul whispers around her. “These people really need to shut their mouths or…”  She didn’t finish the thought.
Honestly, she was too tired to care if the man next to her was the Winter Soldier or Captain America himself. She was simply grateful that he wasn’t some sort of creepy pervert.
Next to her sat a lone man, his posture tense and his gaze averted. James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier, was accustomed to people avoiding him, their fear and whispers a constant reminder of his past. Today was no different, until Y/N sat down next to him without a second thought.
There were very few people who willingly sat this close to him: Sam, Mr. Nakajima, and perhaps his therapist. Strangers who were aware of him would never sit near him willingly. So when he saw her making a beeline towards him, he thought, “No way…” 
Now, he couldn’t help but be aware of her presence. 
Bucky straightened, expecting her to move away once she realised who he was. But she didn’t. She just sat there, her head lolling slightly as she fought to stay awake.
Bucky stole glances at her, noting the dark circles under her eyes and the way she seemed to radiate exhaustion . He noticed how her weary seemed to mirror his own, although for completely different reasons; hers from long hours of work, his from long hours of sleepless nights. 
Despite her weariness, there was a quiet beauty about her that captivated him.
His eyes widened in realisation that he’d been staring at her. He noticed the concerned looks of the people around them as they caught him, their thoughts clear on their faces.
He chastised himself for staring. “Stop it, Bucky. You’re being a creep.” But he couldn’t help it. When her head finally drooped and she fell asleep, he felt a pang of concern.
“Where’s her stop?” 
“What if she misses it?”  
“What if someone tries to take advantage of her while she’s sleeping?”
As the train jolted, her head swayed dangerously close to the pole beside her. Instinctively, Bucky’s metal arm shot out, catching her head before it hit. She didn’t stir, her breathing steady and soft; he could feel how close her body was to his own.
Bucky froze, his body tensing as he tried to process the situation. His eyes widened; he didn’t know why but he felt his heart racing in his chest. 
Before he could fully comprehend what was happening, her head lolled to the opposite side, landing gently on his shoulder. He felt a surge of panic, his breath hitching, but then she snuggled closer, her hands roamed along his right hand until her arms wrapped around his like he was a pillow. 
Bucky’s heart continued to race, violently.
He felt a blush creeping up his neck, his eyes widening in surprise. His fists balled up into tight, clenched knots as he felt the softness of her breasts gently squishing his biceps in between them. “Oh god, what do I do now?” he panicked.
But time passed, feeling her steady heartbeat and the warmth of her body pressed against him, he found himself relaxing. 
He began to notice the faint scent of vanilla that clung to her, a soft contrast to the sterile, metallic smell he had grown used to. Her breathing, initially steady, became slower and deeper; a rhythmic sound that somehow soothed his frayed nerves. He could see the faint traces of paper cuts on her fingers, remnants of a long day at work.
Despite her obvious fatigue, there was a certain grace in the way she moved, a gentle determination that intrigued him. Her soft, steady breathing started to sync with his own, creating a strange sense of calm that he hadn't felt in a long time. He admired the delicate curve of her eyelashes, the way her lips parted slightly as she went deeper into slumber. 
This simple act of trust, falling asleep next to him, a man feared by so many, stirred something deep within him. It was a small, fleeting moment of normalcy that he found himself cherishing against his better judgement.
He relaxed into the seat, allowing himself to savour the unexpected comfort of her presence and touch. He decided to let her sleep. As the time passed, the crowd around them began to lessen.
The previously hostile atmosphere of the train car softened, and the once frenetic energy of the rush hour turned into a more subdued, calming environment. The stares and whispers faded into the background as Bucky's attention became entirely focused on the woman resting beside him.
His own fatigue began to catch up with him, his eyes grew heavy, a rare sensation for him these days. And before he knew it, his cheek was resting gently against her head, and he was drifting off too. His plans and destination were long forgotten, overshadowed by the soothing presence of the woman clinging to his arm. 
He didn't mind if they both missed their stop; the thought of walking her home crossed his mind. Maybe he could introduce himself properly, maybe ask her out on a date, and see if she wouldn’t mind spending more time with him.
The idea, though fleeting, brought a sense of warmth and contentment he hadn’t felt in years. When his consciousness drifted further into the dreamland, a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his heart lighter than it had been in a long time.
And in the end, as the train continued its journey, people left the sleepy heads in their peaceful slumber, content in the rare moment of tranquility they had found together. End.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Thank you for reading this very short drabble! Hope you enjoyed it ♡
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sturnsdoll · 3 months
𝙍𝙄𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙍𝙔-`♡´- -c.s & t.y x reader
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requested?: i've been bombarded to write another. so here y'all go!
pairing: dom!chris x dom!tara x sub!reader
summary: during a car ride home, your two friends get in a ridiculous arguement over who's better at pleasing women. both of them decide that you'll be the judge of that when you get to tara's.
warnings: no use of y/n, smut, threesome!, oral (f! & m! revieving), fingering, petnames (honey, good girl), cocky!tara&chris
word count: 4,446
authors note: ANOTHA ONE!! (don't like? don't read!)
"pink" = reader "orange" = chris "purple" = tara
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it had felt like an extremely long day out despite it only having been a few hours you'd actually been with your friends. earlier, your friend tara had invited you out to do a little shopping and get some food. already being at the triplets home, you chose to invite them- however only chris had been free to come for the day.
the three of you got along surprisingly well, it'd been yap city the entire day between you guys. now though, it was time to head to tara's to sleepover. it had taken some convincing but you'd convinced chris to come for the (not so) girls night at hers.
dominic fike played lowly through the car, chris's choice of course but one that you and tara didn't particularly mind at all. she was currently driving her hot pink detailed vehicle. chris was in shot gun and you'd taken the back, wanting the space for a little nap.
"i think it's insane that some guys just like... can't make a girl cum?" tara said outlandishly, a little giggle on the end. chris laughed, a little taken aback at the odd conversation starter but not necessarily put off by it.
chris nodded subtly "yea, it's a little insane" he said, not a ton of interest in the conversation, he seemed mildly uncomfy talking about it. tara eyed him suspiciously, making a face that implied she was thinking about something. "you ever made a girl cum?" tara asked the younger man bluntly.
chris looked a little nervous, or more so slightly uncomfortable with the conversation. he shrugged, hesitating before nodding with a "yea?" like the answer was obvious. tara glanced at him again, eyes squinted. "hm."
chris looked at her for a few seconds, expecting her to continue. when she didn't, he decided to question her back "have you?" he felt odd asking it the second it left his lips but she didn't seem to mind, more than open to talking about it.
tara rolled her eyes "obviously. women know their shit when it comes to hoo ha's" she noticed that after her comment, chris had grown silent, side eyeing her clearly. "i'm sure you know your shit too, i'm just saying i'm better at it cause i'm a girl" she explained cockily.
"mhm" at chris's bland response, tara looked him up and down almost with slight judgement, her eyebrow raising slightly "you don't think so?" she questioned challengingly to which chris shrugged "i just know i know my shit. just cause you have a.." he hesitated, not wanting to be disrespectul with his choice word "..have one doesn't mean you automatically know more" chris's body language showed discomfort but his words and tone of voice said that he was sure in what he spoke.
tara almost looked appalled. it was a red light so she whipped her head to look back at you "are you hearing this-" she quieted her voice, cutting herself off when she saw you curled against the car door, practically drooling in a deep sleep.
chris smiled a little at your state "i bet you she'd agree with me" he stated. tara shrugged with a cocky look on her features "guess we'll see when she wakes up" she stated, making an unspoken agreement with chris that your opinion would be their tie breaker.
once you'd woke up and arrived at tara's, they didn't immediately bombard you with the ridiculous question. instead, you all made your ways to tara's living room, taking seats and talking about the day out, the only illuminants in the room being moonlight splashing through the windows mixed with low lamp light.
right after debriefing your day out, chris and tara seemed to exchange looks and simultaneously fall silent. you looked confused, smiling at your friends almost awkwardly "something wrong?" almost the second you spoke, chris piped in. "do you think that being a girl automatically means you're better at.. pleasing women?.." chris had an awkward smirk, almost more so a smile as he questioned you- he knew it was random.
looking between the two of them in shock you shrugged "i mean- i've been with both and some women suck too so, i guess not?"
tara groaned half playfully. "noo, you were supposed to agree with me" she complained. chris had an 'i told you so' look as she spoke. you put two and two together and realized this was a debate between the two.
you shrugged with a quiet "sorry" before sipping on the water you'd been neglecting to drink all day. chris opened his mouth to say something (that probably would've made tara flip.) but before he got to speak, tara interuppted "still doesn't mean that you're any better" she responded, crossing her legs and arms with an annoyed glint to her brown eyes when they fell on chris.
chris leaned back in his seat, legs spreading as he brought his pepsi can towards his lips "guess we'll never know" he told tara, a small shrug following.
you watched the way he leaned back in his seat, the way tara's crossed arms pushed her boobs up for a better view. finding your mind running, you wondered who's really better at pleasing. they're the one's who'd inflicted the idea afterall. in a spur of the moment, spontaneous decision, you decided to say something that'd either ruin or make the night.
"why don't we find out?"
both their eyes snapped to yours. you looked at them like it hadn't been you who just said it, your eyes widened in instant regret, looking almost petrified of their inevitable reactions.
tara was the first to snap out of the shock of your words. her lips curved to a smirk as she slowly turned her head to chris "yea, why don't we?" she questioned "unless you're scared you'll lose?" she directed at him challengingly, a daring glint in her eyes.
he licked his lips, opening his mouth like he had a million things to say. yet, all that came out was a choked laugh, practically a scoff. your eyes had been so focused between the two of them that you didn't even notice his hand creeping along the couch till it firmly rested on your knee.
his eyes locked on yours with question of if you were okay with this. you took hold of your bestfriends hand and guided it further up your thigh, a sign for him to do as he pleases.
and oh was he was going to.
in the blink of an eye his lips were on yours, free hand on the side of your jaw. all the while you heard shuffling behind you, then the cushion of the couch sunk down. tara's perfume clouded your senses as she moved up against your back.
you heard a light smack and chris's hand dissapeared, replaced by tara's on your thigh. you assumed she'd swatted his hand away. "my turn first" she demanded, confirming your suspicions. chris didn't protest. he broke away from your lips and got up when she nodded for him to. if he had to wait to please you that was fine with him, he was sure it'd only be better if he went after tara anyways since then you'd be all sensitive for him already.
tara's delicate fingers found the strings on your sweats, pulling them loose. she muttered for you to lay down, head on the arm rest and you did. as she worked on discarding your pants, your eyes wandered to chris whom was removing his belt.
you wanted to question what he was doing but you were caught off gaurd by tara's thumb gently pressing onto your clit through your panties. you watched as she took her glistening thumb to her lips with a smirk. she sucked the residue off lightly. "already soaked for me, honey?" tara cooed softly, earning a glare from chris.
jesus you were already soaked through your underwear? well that's not embarassing at all.
tara only smiled, leaning down between your legs. you watched in anticipation as her hands grabbed the insides of your knee's to push them apart. then one hand came down to hook the front of your pretty thong and pull it to the side. she practically drooled at the sight of you, throbbing at the thought of how wet you'd gotten for her- well for both friends already.
with a bat of her lashes she met your gaze, a sickeningly sweet smile as she leaned down and attached her lips around your clit. a surprised whine left from your lips, head tilting back on the arm rest. that's when you were met with the sight of chris.
(if anyone gets confused about the position, click here)
"you feel good?" he questioned, his face hard to read as his eyed roamed your body, from where your shirt rolled up your stomach all the way down to tara's head buried in your thighs.
upon trying to answer, she un-expectedly began flicking her tongue over your throbbing bud. "yea.." you said, voice high pitched and needy for more. he stood behind the arm of the couch so you had to look upside down at him from where your head lay.
your eyes roamed down his body to find his clothes still on, but jeans boxers pulled to his thighs as he stroked himself slowly, mouth agape at the sight of you.
his waist was level with where your head rested on the arm of the couch. chris shuffled a little closer to gently grab your chin, tilting your head back. you came face to face with his angry red tip that was leaking from the sight of you being devoured infront of him.
he stroked your cheek soothingly as he spoke "can i use your mouth, gorgeous?" despite his sweet tone of voice, his tip forced your bottom lip up. you could already feel the blood rush to your head from having it tilted back over the arm of the couch. your mouth opened for him compliantly, tongue darting out to run over his length.
he took that as a yes, thrusting half the length of his dick through your lips at the same time tara sucked your clit through her teeth, nibbling almost painfully.. almost.
your hips lifted as you choked out a moan around your friends dick. you could feel the smirk on tara's lips against your heat and your sure chris's expression matched. your male friend used his large hand covering your chin, practically on your throat, to keep you where he wanted as he completely thrusted his inches down your throat.
you clawed at the couch as you gagged lightly around him. he pulled out before slipping his dick right back in your mouth, quickly finding a slow pace to fuck your mouth at. although you couldn't see it, his mouth was hung open at the sight and feel of you. contrasting that, tara's tongue sucked and flicked fast enough to have your thighs reactively trying to entrap her head.
she smacked your thigh lightly, releasing your clit with a wet noise. you couldn't speak, so instead tried to whine around chris's cock apologetically. it didn't matter though because your clit was momentarily neglected. however, your dripping hole was invaded instead.
as tara's tongue fucked into you, you choked around your other friend, pulling your head back from him. he let you get to the tip to take a breath. your eyes were glossy with tears from having your throat abused, lips red and puffy. "you okay?" he asked, swiping your hair from your face. you nodded quickly, quickly regaining composure. his voice came out low with arousal, but soft at the sight of your cock-drunk features "gonna keep takin' me like a good girl?" his thumb caressed your cheek sweetly as he asked.
you whined, hips rolling into tara's mouth in reaction to his voice. chris was loving how much such a simple thing got you going. he tapped your cheek with his pointer finger gently, reminding you to respond. once you nodded your head for comfirmation, he went right back to chasing his high, slipping himself through your messy drool and cum covered lips.
speaking of chasing high's, your hand slid down shyly to find tara's hair, gripping lightly through her shiny black locks, which she had no protest for at all, even letting a whine out into your cunt that made your hips jolt up. the feel of her tongue was enough to have your head spinning as is, but having your head uncomfortably tilted back to take chris had you feeling like passing out.
as your hips squirmed up, tara placed her arm on your stomach, pushing you back to the cushions. you tried forming incoherent words around chris's cock, making tara chuckle into you. the vibration from her lips made you whine, you tried pulling off chris to inform them of your need to finish but he only pulled you back
(gentle enough that you could indicate to him if you really needed a break or if you were just trying to speak.)
tara watched with amusement as he kept you quiet. "shh, i know it feels good honey" she silenced you, her tongue plunging right back into your tight walls once done speaking. your cries of ecstasy came more frequently now and it was driving chris insane. you could tell by how his pace began to falter that you weren't the only one approaching your high.
knowing you were at the brink of breaking, her tongue entered you one last time, her hand pushing onto your lower abdomen in synch with it. you couldn't help it, this time you pulled your lips off chris and let out a high pitched cry, propping yourself on your elbows to let the blood flow back to your body from your head.
"fuck" you murmured as you held your friends face against your now-leaking cunt, riding your high while watching as she lapped at every drop leaking onto her tongue.
she soon came up your body with a satisfied grin on her lips. those same lips met yours, forcing you to tase yourself. mid kiss you both heard chris groan, causing tara's eyes to open and lips to leave yours. she watched as cum dripped down his dick, minstrated by his now stilled hand. she crawled over you, leaning forward over the arm rest with her tits in your face as she stuck her tongue out to clean up chris.
with them being right there, you took one of her nipples in your mouth. she finished cleaning up chris and then sat up on your hips, making you release her tit with a subtle pop. "this is about you, honey" she states as she gets up off of you and the couch "or at least it was till he shoved his dick down your throat..."
chris rolled his eyes, ignoring her comment and playfully shoving her aside as he approached you, pulling his boxers and jeans back up. "good luck topping that." tara said cockily, referring to how fucked out she'd already caused you to be.
chris only looked at you and smirked. he may not have been yappin' like tara was, but his confidence in outdoing her was pretty damn high. he motioned for you to sit up, so you did. he took a seat beside you and patted his lap. this hadn't been what you were expecting. gladly though you straddled him, hovering slightly.
"made such a fucking mess" he muttered to you. along with his comment, two of his long fingers came out and unexpectedly pushed all your juices back into you, ripping a whine deep from in your throat. his fingers experimentally curled and his name drawled out of your mouth the second they had. he figured you were already all worked up, there was no need to make you wait right?
his blue eyes locked with yours as he repeated the action again, and again.. and again. your hands gripped at each of his shoulders nails surely leaving marks through the fabric. "you like that?" chris's voice sounded patronizingly cockily. his eyes trailing to give tara a shit eating grin when you couldn't even get out a simple 'yes' your head nodding and hips grinding down into his hand instead.
tara was a little further down the couch now from you guys, her eyes locked on the two of you as her hand snaked into her own shorts to rub over her panties. she wanted to be mad at his cocky demeanor but instead, she found herself practically leaking at the over confident smirk he gave her. (not that she'd ever admit it)
your legs shook lightly as you tried to chase his movements with your hips. almost every curl of his fingers elicted some kind of needy noise from you. chris watched in both awe and satisfaction at how overstimulated you were, his fingers purposefully pushing as deep as possible just for a reaction.
your head dropped down to his shoulder, a gutteral moan as you gripped at the sleeve of his hoodie for any kind of stability. "'m not g-gonna last long" you hardly managed through pathetic little whines in his ear.
chris shook his head "no, you're gonna finish with your friend" he told you, eyes glancing between tara, then back to you. you shook your head gently in protest "but-" "shh, you'll live."
when you rested your head sideways to see your female friend, her legs were spread, hand in her shorts and head tilted back as she bit down on her lip to silence herself. but most noteably, her brown eyes were locked on chris's free hand that was currently running along your side.
tara's eyes took in the length and perfect thickness to chris' fingers, the way they gripped at your skin. the sight had her legs closing back up, thigh's squeezing her own hand as a strangled desperate whine finally slipped her glossed lips.
but you weren't the only one who caught sight of tara's wandering eyes. chris's look darkened at it, feeling his ego puffing up at knowing what she was thinking.
"gonna keep gawkin' orr you wanna come here?" there was a newfound cockiness to his tone that made tara smirk, quickly releasing her hand from between her thighs before shuffling down the couch where you and him sat. she was the first to make a move on chris, gripping the younger brunette's jaw gently to place her lips on his.
while his lips messily pressed back to hers, he slyly slipped his arm around tara's waist, pulling her in so her side was rested right against his. she lifted her hips to remove her black denim jorts, slipping them off onto the floor along with her (now wet) panties.
you were far from neglected during this entire interaction, rutting your hips all the way down chris's fingers as they curled into you with just the right amount of pressure to have your nails clawing further into his hoodie. the sight of your two friends messily swallowing each others mouths eagerly was like having a porno unfold right before your eyes.
chris' hand grazed down tara's stomach, agonizingly slow all the way to her waist. he intentionally missed where he should have been heading to go straight for her thigh's.
she wasn't really in the mood for it right now, further evident by her clutching his roaming hand into hers, forcing it to cup her soaked cunt instead. her hips greedily pushed into his hand, causing them to both to smile into the kiss.
now you tried not to get jealous of the both of them as you watched but it was becoming increasingly hard. tara's eyes momentarily flashing to catch your needy stare caused her to break off from chris' lips.
her soft fingers went for your throat, wrapping with just enough pressure to make you gasp in surprise. with that same grip she forced you towards her, her mouth coming to yours. instead of connecting your lips, she gently bit your bottom lip. sinking her teeth in gently and tugging your lip back, grinning when your gasp turned into a whine from both the sting of the bite along with the overwhelming feeling of chris's fingers.
which speaking of, were now circling tara's clit with his other hand. she was constantly gasping, her lips now trailing your jaw and her hand squeezing your neck tighter in response to chris's movements.
feeling the need to join in, chris' began mouthing at the unoccupied side of your neck, his eyes fluttering shut, soaking in the sounds of both your pleasured noises. he felt a sense of pride knowing it was because of him.
your body was hot all over, nearly feeling like you could pass out from but too caught up in being finger fucked by your friend to care. chris could tell you wouldn't be able to hold off much longer, so he tauntingly moved his wrist further forward to curl his digits deeper into you.
"'m-" you cut yourself off with a moan as they both sucked down on different parts of your neck in synch. you'd think they planned it with how in unison their mouths worked dark purple marks onto you.
forgetting to repeat yourself, your jaw just fell slack, gripping chris' arm warningly. "close?" he mumbled in question against your bruised skin. upon hearing you breathing out an "uh huh", he knew he was gonna need to get tara there faster if he wanted you both to finish together. so he switched to circling your friends clit with the pad of his thumb instead, slowly fucking two fingers into her.
tara parted from your neck to look at chris like she had something to say about it but was quickly shut up when his fingers brushed the spongey spot deep inside her, having her reeling for more of it.
she had already been close from her own previous work on herself so she wasn't gonna last much longer either, announcing it by mumbling next to chris' ear that he was "doing so good" her voice lacked the same cockiness from earlier, sounding needy now,
chris bit his lip to suppress a smile at the praise for how good he was doing at pleasing the both of you. now the only rivalry with chris that tara could care about was if he was making you or her cum first, the argument from earlier long lost in her mind.
he himself had been trying to contain himself from growing hard again at the gorgeous sight of his two friends falling apart on top of, as well as beside him. he wasn't sure when or how he started but his hips were subconciously rutting up into your thigh in rythym with the pace of his fingers inside you.
the sight and sounds of both of you was almost too much, he spoke up to try and talk you both to the edge "c'mon, look so pretty taking it" he started breathlessly, his head was now dropped onto your shoulder, but facing toward tara. so as he spoke, you and tara both assumed he was speaking to yourselves. (which was his intention)
he didn't think about his words as they spilled from his lips, eager to feel you both finish "'know you can cum for me together" his voice was lower, clearly more affected by his clothed dick against your thigh than he'd like to admit.
with an aggresive amount of sudden pressure to both your clits, he got his wish.
walls fluttering around his fingers, your head tilted back, a babble of noises that were meant to be words came strangled from your lips. the hand of yours that wasn't grabbing chris's sleeve reached over to find tara's free hand and grab it, which she happily held, squeezing your hand back with a breathless giggle as her own walls closed and convulsed on chris's knuckles too.
you became overwhelmed quickly, having already came once before this. chris caught on to this by the way your hand was sliding down his arm to his wrist, wordlessly grabbing it in warning. he observed the way your brows knitted together, lips puffing out when he slowly removed his fingers from your fluttering walls.
only seconds later he released his hand from between tara's thigh's too. before chris could process it, tara took his fingers drenched in her slick to her mouth, wrapping around them. his lips parted in a gentle gasp and you took the opportunity to guide his own fingers from his other hand to his lips, encouraging him to tase you as well.
he gladly complied. his blue eyes locked on yours as he sucked his own digits dry of your juices. once he released his fingers, tara realeased his from her mouth as well.
panting, your eyes raked chris in disbelief, this is when you saw the huge wet patch on chris's sweatpants. you giggled teasingly, tara clearly having observed the sight to because she was giggling right along with you, shaking her head as she said "noo way" tauntingly
chris's cheeks tinted a dark shade of red as he groaned "shut the fuck up" to both of you, clearly a little embarassed. his hands quickly found your hips to lift you off him onto the couch. he stood up, rushing to the bathroom.
you and tara both combusted into laughter, wheezing and smacking at each other due to laughing so hard as you watched him walk away, uncomfortably grabbing his crotch.
"i hate you guys!" grumbling like an angry kid he slammed the bathroom door shut.
"love you too!" both of you yelled back in unison to the bathroom door.
tara shuffled to face you as she began putting her clothes back on "okay it's just us, be honest, i was better right?" tara asked wish a raised eyebrow. you had to look away from her as you spoke your truth "you were great!" you responded enthusiastically to avoid the question.
tara knew what your avoidance meant. chris had 'won'.
tara gasped dramatically (mostly) pretending to be offended "girl! fuck you" she playfully shoved your arm as you both giggled, knowing it wasn't that serious.
and despite being 'quiet' (neither of you were.) chris had most certainly heard the conversation from the bathroom and was more than pleased to hear it.
not that he wouldn't have gladly fucked some sense into you another time but, still glad he'd proved his point.
he won.
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thank you to everyone for being patient. i was having writers block so this took a longggg time to come out but i'm back on my shit so send more reqs!
tagsᥫ᭡: @mattsrod @sturncakez @watercolorskyy @pettydollie @sturniol0s @6ix9inewiturmom @sonicsmacks @fratbrochrisgf @eyelovedher89 @bernardsbendystraws @riversandwinds
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hysteria-things · 6 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you get into a pickle when you get poured on, but don’t worry… somebody comes to save you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY, swearing, making out, p in v, ass grabbing, faux sympathy, cum eating (🙈)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,400
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: meant to post earlier but tumblr decided to close the draft without saving as i was proofreading/editing🤣
hope you enjoy @sluttyformatt :)
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rain trickles down your hair to your shoes; workout clothes soaked.
you wanted to go on a late-night walk, then suddenly it started pouring out of nowhere. currently, you’re standing under a roof edge, arms crossed while you wait for your ride.
your brother isn’t around to pick you up, so your last resort was his best friend. he’s your brother’s age, who’s two years older than you. he’s known him ever since high school, yet your mother always said matt was a bad influence.
although, you do see where she’s coming from. matt was the type to always get in trouble in school, and overall he’s just a big grump. he’s only been nice to you, your brother, and of course his siblings.
headlights glow down the street, getting closer until the minivan stops in front of you. you quickly head over to it, open the door, and get in on the passenger’s side. “hi matty!” you beam. “thank you so much for picking me up. i didn’t know it was going to rain.”
he looks at you, wearing the leather jacket he’s had for as long as you can remember.
he truly doesn’t understand how you can be so happy no matter what, even if you are drenched in water. “you should’ve checked the weather before you left.” he mumbles, putting the car in drive.
“well, it was sunny all day. i didn’t expect rain. it’s okay, though. it’s like a surprise shower.” you smile, fastening the seatbelt.
“uh oh,” you say, looking through your fanny pack that you have strapped to your stomach.
he sighs, still focusing on the road. “what is it now?”
“i may or may not have left my keys home and locked myself out. nobody’s home.” you lick your teeth. “can i come to your place until my brother picks me up? pretty please, matty?”
“fine.” he inhales sharply. “and stop calling me matty.”
it’s silent as you two sit on the couch. your brother texted you saying he’ll let you know when he’s on his way, but god knows how long that’ll be. (despite it being almost midnight)
matt notices a shiver, taking his eyes off of his phone to look. your hands rub up and down your arms trying to warm up, but the chattering of your teeth indicates that it isn’t helping. “go to my room and grab one of my hoodies and pajama pants. they should be in my dresser.” he says coolly.
you smile. “it’s okay, i can wait. i’m fine.”
“put them on.” he demands. “you’re soaking wet and freezing.”
staring at him, he keeps staring back because of your silence. “go.”
you sigh like a child, getting up from the couch and walking down the hallway into his bedroom.
matt’s clothes are far too big on you, but you do feel warmer and more comfortable. his pants hang low just past your waistline. the hoodie on the other hand is long, causing the sleeves to give you sweater paws.
you sit on the chair he has in the corner, scrolling on your phone. matt can’t help but stand at the doorway, watching you.
not in a creepy way, but the fact you’re wearing his clothes has his dick reacting from the view. the way it’s too big for your body turns him to fuck on.
he cannot feel this way toward you. your his best friend’s sister, for god’s sake. but he can’t help it.
“feel better?”
you get startled by his voice. “yes, thank you.”
“told you so,” he grumbles.
rolling your eyes playfully, you stand up. “i didn’t mean to linger in here. i got distracted.”
as you start to walk by him, he grabs onto your shoulders to stop you. your breath hitches at the feeling of his rings; the way they drag down your arm makes you subconsciously clench your thighs together.
his cologne floods your nostrils, and the way he’s looking at you is different now.
he’s always been a grumpy kid and had a resting bitch face, but now he’s looking at you seductively and with need.
the hand that was on your arm now cups the front of your neck. there’s no pressure, but the fingers with no rings go over your bottom lip.
he sighs sympathetically. “it sucks that you’re off limits. i would so fuck you right now.”
your eyebrows raise high from the sudden courage he had to just blurt that out. however, you smirk.
“if you kiss me.” you shrug. “i might let it happen.”
he groans, leaning down to smash his lips on yours.
still intact, you grab his jacket and pull him in closer, your bodies moving at the same rhythm.
he starts to push you back to where the chair is, turning you 180° so he’s the one sitting in it while you straddle his lap.
your hips grind, rubbing just the right spot on not only you but him also. you smile into the kiss when you feel him hardening beneath you.
tugging at the pants you're wearing, he pulls away. “take these off.”
you shimmy them down your legs as he unbuckles his belt and pulls his bottoms down below his thighs. he grabs your hips to hover you over him, but stops and teases the tip.
you wiggle to get some friction as he smirks. “manners.”
“please.” you whine. “please let me ride your cock. i’m so fucking wet for you.”
matt sinks you slowly onto him, your walls immediately stretching to his size. “i didn’t know you had such a dirty mouth.”
you mumble something into his chest, bouncing uncontrollably on his dick. your sweater paws ball up on his biceps. your ass slaps repeatedly on his skin, the sound echoing off the walls.
he tuts, grabbing your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. “why so quiet?”
“stop.” you mewl, nuzzling your face even deeper into his body. your face is hot from embarrassment.
“is somebody embarrassed to be fucking her brother’s best friend? it looks like ms. goody-two-shoes is a little naughty.” he says lowly into your ear, causing you to start whimpering and going even faster.
it doesn’t take long for his tip to brush against the right spot “oh, fuck.” you moan, legs shaking at his sides.
“better not get this chair dirty, otherwise i’ll make you clean it,” he warns, knowing that you can’t control your orgasm.
pouting, you clench hard. of course, your release runs down his thighs and onto the seat. your eyes are glassed over while you look at him, who’s shaking his head. “you’re making a mess.”
somehow so quickly, he lifts you off of him and onto the floor. now, he’s behind you, and your cheek leans against the chair.
he again nudges at your entrance, this time you buck your hips back but he grips them tight. “clean up your mess first.”
he doesn’t ask. he orders while pushing your head down further into the cushion.
obeying, you flick your tongue onto your arousal. normally, you’d find this gross, but you’re so wet and turned on that you’ll listen to whatever he says. his presence feels like you are under a spell.
a sweet and salty taste fall on your tongue, following his instructions to a t.
a hum of approval is heard behind you. he spreads your legs wider, slamming into you with no warning.
you moan loudly, arching as much as you can in this position. “m-matt! shit, matt!” you yelp.
he grunts, taking in how well your pussy feels engulfing him.
tears threaten to spill from your eyes once they roll back, moaning loud and clear when your g-spot gets abused already.
strings of curses leave your lips, the way he’s balls deep inside of you right now have you quiver a lot. “you feel—” you pause, licking your lips and shutting your eyes tight. “so good. like… holy fucking god.”
he chuckles, placing his hand on your shoulder to drill into you harder. before you even know that it’s happening, you cum for the second time, shaking uncontrollably from the pleasure.
a deep breath later, matt makes sure to pull out and paint your back white.
“you can keep the clothes.” he says, jiggling your ass to play with it. “so you can wear them the next time i fuck you.”
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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loaksky · 1 year
— 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 & 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆 | 𝒂. 𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏
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emt!abby x fem!reader, smut (mdni or i scream) / fluff / established relationship, wc: 3k
synopsis: you didn’t think you’d get away with baiting abby before dinner, did you?
content warnings: language, strap-on sex (reader!receiving), fingering (reader!receiving), oral (reader!receiving), abby has a filthy mouth & reader’s a tease, brief mentions of a breeding kink brrrr, basically pwp but like also maybe a lil ? idk, i’m still new to tagging 18 + content AH.
author’s notes: i’m back!! and with smutty continuation of this oneshot! the abby brainrot is very real, i fear, so i couldn’t help but expand. there’s a lil surprise at the end hehehe. also! pls feel free to chat with me thru my ask box! <3
main masterlist | tlou masterlist
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Abby’s patience is admittedly wearing thin.
She’d managed to keep it together during the car ride to the restaurant, kept her cool while ordering through lingering touches and hooded gazes. Hell, she’d somehow breathed through a coy hand resting against her thigh, sneaky pinky nestling in the seam of her taut trousers while Nora and mutual friends chatted about their recent endeavors.
“You’re cutting it close,” Abby whispers a warning to you after you’d brushed something from the plump of her bottom lip and dragged.
You popped the pad of your thumb past your glossed lips and Abby had to swallow hard before she choked on her bite.
The smile you give her is sly, makes her rub her thighs together as your shoulders roll back and your chest pushes forward. She’d been too preoccupied with ordering, with downing water after water because, christ, it was hot in here, to notice that maybe she was the only one burning up.
Gooseflesh ripples over your arms and your nipples are pebbled against the satin of your dress. She could nearly drool, thinking about all the things she’d love to do to you in and out of that flimsy little gown.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you reply, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Your lips nearly brush the shell as Abby spears a cut of dessert and bites hard to maintain her facade. She hums.
“M’not wearing anything underneath,” you divulge, eyes twinkling when Abby leans back in her seat and watches you with her jaw set.
“And what would you like me to do with that information, angel?” Abby bites, playing into your game easily.
“Whatever you wanna,” you reply softly, gaze far too dreamy for Abby’s sanity. “I’ll be good.”
And then you have the audacity to smile at her like you haven’t lit a fire in the pit of her belly. Like you aren’t tempting her to clear every available surface and bend you over the table. She’d been doing so well, had made it through every course. But now, as everyone socializes and finishes Nora’s birthday cake, she feels her resolve crumbling.
“You guys are so cute,” one of Abby’s friends coos, absolutely oblivious to the little cat and mouse game you’ve started before the two of you even walked into the restaurant.
Abby laughs humorlessly behind a sip of her drink while you preen under the attention.
And she should’ve known better than to relax once you’d leaned back in your seat, wine glass wrapped in your slender fingers. The both of you are equally floored, but for vastly different reasons, when your hand slinks under the table top to grab right under the buckle of Abby’s belt.
Abby hadn’t expected you to be so blatant and you definitely hadn’t felt that when you straddled her earlier in the evening before the two of you left for dinner.
The ball’s in her court, she realizes, when she clocks the way you shift in your seat, arousal pooling between your thighs, no doubt. Your eyes are glazing over and your lips part.
“Everything alright, love?” Abby asks, feigning concern as her head tilts to the side.
She watches the way you rub your legs together involuntarily and she has to suppress the wicked grin that threatens to split her golden features.
You don’t answer and some of Abby’s friends who aren’t engrossed in conversation are watching from across the table in curiosity.
“Cat got your tongue?” she whispers into your small little bubble, teeming with sexual tension and ready to burst.
She sees the way your throat bobs, thinks to herself that she owes it to herself to mark you up after the shit you’d been pulling all night.
“My stomach hurts,” you say softly, and she knows exactly what you mean.
Knows that the ache isn’t from a bad appetizer or wine that just won’t seem to settle. No, you’re needy now. Worked yourself up so much trying to tease your girlfriend that your skin is dewy under the lowlight.
She glances at Nora who sits at the head of the table. Something gleams in her gaze and Abby knows that she knows. Hasn’t been able to shut up about you since the two of you made it official last fall.
“Might be time to get this one home,” Abby covers, merciful in front of friends because you’re not the only one desperate. “It’s a little past her bedtime.”
And typically, you’d be petulant, annoyed because even if you’re Abby’s girl, you’re not a child. But god, you can practically feel her inside despite clenching around nothing.
“Aww,” one friend frowns, you think her name is Mel. “It was nice getting everyone out for Nor’s birthday.”
Abby smiles, something genuine that only makes your toes curl because your girl is absolutely devastating, especially in a black button up that shows a dangerous amount of expanse and fitted black slacks that hug the most delicious part of her thighs.
“Definitely,” Abby agrees easily. “We have to grab lunch before you head back home, Nora.”
Nora winks and your cheeks warm because if there’s one person you can’t get anything by, it’s Abby’s closest friend.
“Just shoot me a text.”
And you know that she’s just in her element, being surrounded by her friends and people she’s grown up with, but as she makes her rounds and says her goodbyes, you can’t help the desire that bubbles.
What started as a slow simmer, something you could tamp down during the journey here and throughout dinner, was now a raging boil that warmed your veins from the inside out.
It’s why the two of you barely make it to the car before Abby’s hand is up your dress and her fingers are circling the heat of your slick slit.
“You’re already so fuckin’ wet,” she whispers breathlessly, leaning over the center console to slot her lips with yours.
“Been wet,” you admit against her mouth, throwing your head back against the headrest when the tips of her fingers push past your entrance.
She breathes a laugh when you let out a cracked moan.
“Fuck,” you whimper.
“Yeah?” she taunts. “All it takes is a couple of fingers in your pussy to get you to behave?”
You’re watching her through hooded eyes, heels coming up to rest on the edge of the seat. And it’s such a dirty fucking sight, seeing the soft satin of your dress pooling around your hips as you spread your legs.
“More,” you beg, fingers wrapping around her wrist to hold her still. “Fuck, Abs, I need more.”
Abby’s brain nearly short circuits when you start rolling your hips, the heel of her palm bumping your sticky and swollen clit.
“Yeah, want more, angel?” she taunts. “Could’ve had this taken care of earlier if you just let me fuck you before we left. Now what, you’re all needy and wet.”
“S–ah, fuck!” you hiss when she adds a third finger and curls hard. “Please, please.”
“Yeah, you wanna cum, pretty girl?”
You nod eagerly, hips bucking desperately. Your cunt glistens under the fluorescents of the parking garage and Abby’s salivating as she watches you use her to get off.
“Want it, Bibi,” you whisper brokenly, that stupid fucking nickname rolling from your lips. “Wanna cum, please.”
She laughs breathlessly, boxers soaking through as she takes in the sight of you winding tight. She knows you’re gonna unravel soon, can feel it in the way the soft walls of your pussy flutters around her digits.
Then, like you’ve committed the most cardinal sin, she’s punishing you, withdrawing from your heat to slip her fingers past her lips to savor your arousal.
“You taste so fuckin’ good,” she sighs, leaning back in her seat to slot the key into the ignition.
“Abby, please,” you cry out, clenching around the loss of her knuckles stretching you out.
“Gonna have to be patient and wait, pretty girl.”
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Despite the AC on full blast, your balmy skin is sticky with sweat. Abby’s got you right where she wants you, naked and between her spread knees at the foot of her bed. The silk of the oversized scarf you’d used as a cover up earlier in the night binds your wrists together at the small of your back and Abby thinks you look so fucking lovely like this.
“You’re so pretty like this,” she murmurs, thumb reaching out to brush the plush of your bottom lip. The pad slips into your mouth and her eyes widen a fraction when you look up her through your lashes. “You’ve been such a fuckin’ brat all night, y’know that?”
The dainty gold chain around your neck glints as your chest heaves, ‘A’ pendant catching a sliver of the moonlight as Abby presses her thumb down your throat.
“M’sorry,” you whimper around her digit. “I’ll—”
You swallow when your eye catches the silicone of Abby’s strap. It’s a new addition, a pretty purple that she’d picked out with you in mind. It’s got an obscene amount of ridges and fuck it’s—
“So big,” you choke.
A lazy smile spreads across Abby’s face.
“It is, isn’t it?” she entertains you, fist closing around the shaft. “Saw it and thought of you. Thought of all the ways I’d stretch your tiny little cunt and fuck you stupid.”
You’re drooling now, tears pooling the corner of your eyes and smudging your eye makeup.
“Want it bad, Abby, please.” Your hips roll over nothing and Abby’s licking her lips when she notices the little pool that glistens against the hardwood. “I’ll do anything, please, just— fuck, let me ride you, anything… I—”
“Think you deserve it?” she hums. “I was being generous earlier. Wanted to make you feel good, but you wanted to be a fucking tease. And for what? For you to soak through your dress and make a fucking mess on my floor.”
The moan you let out makes Abby’s breath hitch, almost makes her drop the act.
One more, she thinks to herself.
She pinches your cheeks between her fingers, forces you to come face to face with the lines of her cock.
“Spit,” she hisses.
And her eyes roll to the back of her head when you do, the string of saliva that connects your lips to her strap making her hips buck involuntarily.
In one movement, she’s yanking you to your feet and tossing you against the mattress. With your hands still bound, your cheek presses against the duvet, back arching and knees spreading to give her the perfect view of your ass and your pretty little slit.
“You get to have your fun after you cum around my cock,” Abby husks, large palms settling on the swell of your ass as the tip of her strap prods your entrance.
“Nnngh, Abby, fuck, pleasepleaseplease,” you keen. “All of it, please.”
And hearing you beg, hearing you so eager to be filled has Abby nearly feral. Has her pressing her length past the folds of your needy pussy and throwing her head back when you moan around the resistance.
“Jesus, fuck, you’re taking it so well,” she says shakily, sinking hilt deep.
“Please,” you sigh breathlessly. “Fuck me, Abby. I want you to use me and—”
Abby’s blowing out a forceful breath, can never get used to your filthy mouth. Her hips start rolling, finding a pace that has you moaning so loud she’s certain her neighbors can hear you doors down.
It doesn’t take much, just one of her hands snaking to your clit through her strokes to get you locking up and an incoherent mess.
When she pulls out, you collapse against the sheets, and she melts. Can’t be mean to her pretty girl for too long. She’s unfastening the silk around your wrists, hands smoothing over the swell of your hips to guide you onto your back.
You’re looking up at her with that fucked out look on your face.
“You can do another one, can’t you, angel?” she coos, doing an absolute one-eighty as she kneels between your thighs and licks a fat stripe up your slit to suck your clit past her lips. “You’re not gonna tap out on me after working me up all night, are you?”
And when you nod eagerly despite your body feeling so heavy, Abby’s heart swells. She’s kissing on your inner thighs, watching as your hole flutters deliciously.
“You said you’d be good,” she whispers, laving languidly at your your cunt. “So be a good girl and take it, hmm?”
“Anything, Abs, I’ll be good.”
She’s smiling a genuine smile, knows you’re a brat for the attention. And she can’t help herself, wants to give you anything and everything.
Her lips travel from your clit, presses gentle kisses up the soft flesh of your tummy, past your navel and between the valley of your breasts. She takes one nipple in her mouth and sucks hard as she tweaks the other one between the calloused pads of her fingers.
“You’re my good girl?” she whispers against your skin.
Your freed fingers tangle in her hair when she pops free from your nipple and bites hard on the juncture between your shoulder and your neck. She’s been desperate to add fresh purple blooms to the yellowing ones, doesn’t want anyone to get the wrong ideas.
“Always,” you swallow, arching into her touch.
One of her hands slides up the sheets and tangles with yours, and you’d think the gesture is sweet as she continues her ministrations up your throat, but she’s sliding the blunt head of her strap between the puffy lips of your cunt. She catches the arousal that pools there before sinking in slowly.
Doesn’t matter how many times she fucks you, how many different ways she folds you and has her way, the fit is always snug like a glove and it itches a part of her brain desperate to be sated.
“Don’t know how lucky you are,” she hums in your ear as her hips roll slowly, making sure you feel every last inch of her cock slipping through your needy little pussy.
You’re panting, sweaty chest colliding with hers as she braces part of her weight on the arm tangled with yours and settles the rest against your spent body.
And having Abby like this, pressed to you and taking care of you, you agree. You’re so lucky. But then she mutters something new that has your toes curling.
“So lucky I can’t knock you up,” she says softly, biting on an especially deep stroke. “Because if I could, angel? I’d be breeding you like clockwork.”
Your chin juts upwards, exposing more of your neck to Abby as she picks up the pace. The broken sob that leaves you has a shiteating grin lazily spreading.
“You like the idea of that, huh?” she whispers. “I bet you’d be so fucking pretty all swollen. All mine.”
One hand slides between your bodies and presses down hard over the bulge of Abby’s strap. You’re clawing at her bicep as she leans up to get a good look at you.
“C’mon, pretty girl, one more,” she almost begs. “Gimme one more.”
And it’s a mixture of her words, the sweet drag of her cock along the warmth of your gummy walls, and the pinched expression on her face that sends you soaring over the edge. Her name leaves your lips like a prayer, body wound so fucking tight as your second orgasm rips through you mercilessly.
Abby’s smiling gently at you as you come down, body falling slack against the sheets as your chest heaves lungfuls of air. She’s still fully sheathed, smoothing your hair from your face as she peppers kisses along your cheeks and over your eyelids.
“You’re actually unbelievable,” she murmurs, arms wrapping around your waist as she settles back against the mound of pillows strewn at the head of the bed.
“Am I?” you ask breathlessly, ear pressing against her sweaty chest to hear the thrum of her heart.
“Extremely,” she affirms, catching your bottom lip between her teeth. “Love you, angel.”
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“Are you gonna use your charger?” you call from your spot in Abby’s bed, wrapped in a new duvet and wearing one of her sweatshirts.
“Yeah, but I have another cord and charging block somewhere,” she responds from the adjoining bathroom, finishing her routine before she settles in.
You only hum in response, crawling over to her side of the bed to throw open the drawer to her side table. Your fingers blindly grasp at foreign objects in search for the telltale square of the charging block and the wrapped chord, but instead, it smoothes over something like velvet.
“Huh?” Your eyebrows twitch when you grab the object, unwedging it from where it’d been tucked into the very back of the drawer.
And you hadn’t known what to expect, but your eyes are as wide as saucers when you find a small little velveteen box. You don’t want to be presumptuous, don’t want to get your hopes up, but when you flip the lid and find the most beautiful green gem set in a thin gold band, you’re choking on the sudden wave of emotions.
“Did you find i—”
When your gaze swings to the doorway, Abby’s figure blurred by the tears pooling your eyes, she’s cussing.
“Wait, fuck.”
“Is this what I think it is?” you ask shakily.
And Abby’s usually so good at reading you, but she can’t tell what kind of tears are spilling and she’s absolutely frozen with fear because she’d been waiting for the right time to ask. But it seems like the universe has other plans as you hesitantly stand to your feet, the hem of her ‘I Love Seattle’ sweatshirt falling midthigh.
“Abby,” you grill.
“Depends on what your answer is,” she says weakly.
The silence that blankets the two of you is suffocating, has Abby feeling like her heart’s in her ass. But then you’re closing the distance, ring box still tight in your hold as you’re pushing up on your toes to throw your arms around her neck.
“Yes, Abby, what the fuck?” you hiccup.
And the relief that floods her system has her brushing the tears from under your eyes and winding tight around your frame.
“Way to ruin my surprise, asshole.”
You throw your head back with a watery laugh before pressing further into her chest.
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neng ©️ 2023
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denjjisgf · 8 months
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megumi fushiguro x reader
SYNOPSIS ✧˚⋆。 in an unexpected turn of events, you find yourself falling into the sheets with a new friend. as the days get shorter and nights no longer sticky and hot, your insatiable summer hookup appears to be more than just a seasonal arrangement.
CONTENT WARNINGS✧˚⋆。 general: 18+ minors dni, alcohol consumption, megumi is a fuckboy sex!! minors dni!!! nsfw: afab (she/her) reader, vaginal sex, oral (m&f! receiving), 69ing, m! masturbation
AUTHOR'S NOTE✧˚⋆。 hihi! it's been so long since i've written anything. this a repost of a series i decided to scrap, i've decided to come back from the dead to finish it in a one- shot! i hope everyone likes it __〆( ̄ー ̄ )
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notification center:
[ suguru:: we’ll be there in ten. make sure to bring sunscreen! ]
[ satoru:: and make sure to wear something skimpy ;) ]
you set down your phone with huff, trying to suppress a chuckle at your friends. checking the time one last time, you scramble to get the last of your things, tossing everything and anything in your bag. three rasps at the door stops you in your tracks, your sandal clad feet patter to your front door as you wonder who could possibly be here. standing in the frame was gojo, forearm lazily propped against the wood, leaning into you with a proud look on his face. 
“you guys said ten minutes, it’s been three, satoru. i’m still not ready.”
cerulean eyes peer down at you over gojo’s staple circle frames, a smug smile adorning his face as he gives you a quick up and down look. “well, good thing you still have time to change. i said skimpy, i know you can do better,” he says with a smile and mocking tone. almost as if it was rehearsed, the lanky silver fox’s partner in crime pops his head out behind gojo’s shoulder. “don’t be mean satoru!” suguru says with a playful slap on gojo’s shoulder. “you look great, y/n. let’s head out!”
the car ride to the docks is just as you had expected: chaotic. the two men argued the entire way, each one convinced they knew the best way to a place they have never been too. and at gojo’s instance, the three of you ended up taking a twenty minute detour in the wrong direction. when you finally pull into the dirt parking lot, suguru turns in his seat to face you in the backseat, “we’re here,” he says, a hand scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “sorry about the confusion earlier. satoru said he looked up directions before we left, but i should’ve known better than to trust him.” 
“what are you talking about? look! we are here!” gojo’s exclaims pridefully, swinging open his door and stepping out. he stretches, hands linking together over his head with a sigh, his loose t-shirt raising just a little to expose his milky white skin and toned body. “and it’s all thanks to my great directional skills.”
your door opens suddenly, suguru’s head peeking inside wearing his gentle and familiar smile, linking his arm with yours to pull you out of the backseat. “so,” you turn to suguru questioningly, “how exactly do you two know these people?” 
instead, gojo replies, quick and concise. sneaky almost. “close friends. we go way back. i practically raised those kids, taught ‘em everything they know.” suguru snickers at his friend’s words, the pair exchanging a dangerous glance that, if you didn’t know them as well as you did, you would’ve missed. “almost a little too well, if you asked me,” the dark hair man added, lips upturned into an innocent smile, but eyes deadly and secretive. all too knowing if you said so yourself. the two men continued on the path towards the docks where the party was being held, long strides keeping themselves paces ahead of you, ending the conversation abruptly. 
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you shout expectantly, patiently waiting for an answer, but dying on the inside to know.  suguru stops in his tracks, head looking over his shoulder and gaze falling on your own.
“what’s the fun in telling you now?”
ᰔ summer was megumi’s favorite time of year. it always brought his favorite things: reckless decisions and girls in bikinis. he made a sport of feeding hot girls sugar sweet words like frozen strawberry daiquiris, serenading them into his bed night after night. his friends’ annual summer kickoff party was his ideal playing field, so many people, so many choices, he never knows where to start. 
you see, there are several factors that went into the tradition of their party. now that he and nobara left for college, yuuji, commuting locally, prepared the get to together in their arrival. a proper summer kickout. on the surface level, it appeared to be a fun, festive way for people to get shitfaced, washing away the stress and anxiety of finals with clear liquor and cheap beer, but for megumi, it was so much more than that. when summer finally rolls around, the heat melts off layers of clothes, making everyone hot and bothered in other ways besides the weather. it’s everyone’s fantasy to have a silver screen summer fling, after all, no one wants to spend the hottest time of year alone. this party was the perfect setting for lonely women to lay some groundwork and find the perfect rent-a-boyfriend for three months. and what’s better than horny, hopeful women?, megumi thought. 
megumi plays his role of the cool, calm, and collected silent guy like a pro, having girls all on him or stealing glances and fluttering their lashes when he comes around. he smiles to himself, scrolling through the new additions to his contacts list. the familiar ring of laughter causes his ears to perk up, raising his head to find the friendly faces of gojo and suguru. trailing behind them was someone he had never met. 
who, are you?  
his stare drifted to meet gojo’s, the white haired man pushing his sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose and raising an eyebrow with a taunting smirk. megumi didn’t need words to know what gojo was telling him- come say hello, i know you want to. he turns to face the other direction, legs moving to walk as far away from you before curiosity gets the best of him and he caves into gojo’s all too tempting game. 
nursing a solo cup filled with god knows what, megumi stalks you the entire party. he can’t seem to take his eyes off you, being short and brash when girls come up to him, focus completely astray and only on you. his eyes widen, swallowing thickly as he watches suguru and gojo tug and pull at your coverup, nudging you to undress and get in the water with them. gojo pulls your hands into his own, holding them up above your head. he yanks you closer, bringing your face inches from his own causing you to recoil into suguru’s chest, ass pressed firmly to the front of his hips. turning to look his younger friend dead in the eyes, the smallest glint of daring challenge reflecting in suguru’s dilating pupils, fingers teasingly playing with the hem of your sundress. 
megumi glares. hard. jealousy disguised as irritation, his jaw ticks at the spectacle his friends are putting on. regardless, he feels himself get warm, fidgeting with the collar of a shirt that he wasn’t wearing and readjusting the discomfort in his swim trunks. he watches, making eye contact with suguru, who has long since abandoned his hovering position and settled below you, face in front of your ass. large hands slide the flowy fabric up your thighs, bunching it at the tops of your hips and sliding a finger under the waistband of your bikini bottoms, snapping it against your skin. you gasp at the sudden smack to your sensitive skin, your mouth making a pretty o shape that has megumi’s eyes rolling. “oops, my bad i didn't mean to snag you there,” the dark haired man purrs, soothing the sting with a careful rub. you shove the two of them away, a scowl dressed on your face, “i can undress myself without the help of you idiots. what are you doing?” despite your tone, megumi can clearly see your frazzled state, red blush spread across your cheeks and chest. 
you dirty girl, i bet you liked that, huh?
megumi’s mind was running a hundred miles an hour. he couldn’t stand to be here anymore. you had long abandoned your dress and your bathing suit left little to the imagination. the straps of your top digging into your neck, triangles cover the bare minimum of your breasts leaving them spilling out the sides. sitting down in a lounger, he faked innocence, sunglasses set high on the bridge of his nose to cover his wandering eyes. he kept a close eye on you throughout  the party, observing the way your body moved as you danced, as you emerged from the water, wet and dripping.
the last straw was when suguru and gojo convinced you to join them at the makeshift bar on the shore. the two men took turns mixing you drinks in plastic cups, laughing at your pinched face as you downed drink after drink, the bitter taste of alcohol making you stick your pretty, pink tongue out in disgust. yet, you continued to take cups from your friends, enjoying the light fuzziness and lowered inhibitions taking over your body. raising your cup to you lips, suguru tipped the bottom to make you down the contents, the burning sensation of liquor running down your throat and trickling out of the corners of your shiny lips. long slender fingers pluck the plastic cup from your hands with a chuckle, “woahh, slow down there. you’re making an awful mess of yourself.” gojo tilts your face up to his own and checks to make sure megumi is watching. he brings his thumb to swipe away the remnants of the sticky liquid running down your chin and licks it off his finger. that’s it, megumi thought, standing up from his seat to leave the party, his nerves beyond irritated from his friend’s incessant dick measuring. 
“yo! megumi!” yuuji calls out, running towards his raven haired friend. “do me a favor and run up the road to get some ice bags! the beers are drowning in warm water right now,” with a firm grasp on your wrist, the energetic boy spins you away from your conversation and straight into a stranger with a thud. your hand laid flat against the expanse of their chest, holding yourself steady from yuuji’s previous uncontrolled movements. 
“i even found you a buddy to go with you! megumi, meet y/n.”
“it’s, uhm-” he falters, hints of crimson bashfully spread over his cheeks, conscious of the heat your palm emanates onto his bare skin, manicured nails scratching lightly over his peck and sending shivers down his spine. he felt like a fool, finally getting the opportunity to have you and all he can do is fumble over his words. your doe eyes were wide and glossy from the alcohol, and what only you know as desire. looking into his eyes, dark and narrowed, attention solely focused on you, you feel yourself get hot. shy almost. you chalk it up to being tipsy bordering on drunk. 
“c’mon bro, take the keys,” the jingle of car keys cut short as megumi brings his hand up to catch the lanyard haphazardly tossed at him. “now hurry up! everyone’s waiting!” megumi rolls his eyes and takes your hand in his own, dragging you towards the parking lot. “hold on, let me tell my friends i’m leaving! what if you kill me or something?” 
“don’t worry about it, gojo and geto were invited here by me. you’ll be fine.” you stop in your tracks, almost losing your balance in the soft sand, “wait, so you’re the one who invited us.” 
“invited them, you mean. just,” he sighs with frustration,”let’s go, i want to get there and back.” he drops your hand and begins to walk away, leaving you in his shadow. “are you coming or not?” he asks, looking over his shoulder, low eyes and the smallest of smiles, willful temptation written all over his face. 
“yea. i’m coming.” 
leaving a few steps of space between yourselves, megumi leads you through the maze of the parking lot. stopping at a car you can only assume as yuuji’s, you watch the dark haired boy squeeze his way to the passenger’s side door and opening it. “i’ve been drinking, i really shouldn’t drive.” 
he sighs, shoulders dropping in exasperation as if he can’t believe the words that just came out of your mouth. in an instant, you feel his hand wrapped delicately around your wrist, fingers hovering over your pulse point, your heart beating faster as he slides you front of him and ushers you into the seat. he leans into you, faces inches from yours and eye contact never breaking. for just a moment, the two of you drink in the sights of each other. you admire the faint scatter of sun blessed freckles on the bridge of his nose, the curvature of his lips, soft and slightly pouted. and in this moment, you can’t help but find him attractive. just for a moment though. 
“don’t you think i know that? you practically crawled on all fours to catch up.”
he moves swiftly, pulling the seat belt over your lap, clicking it into place. you look to the side, avoiding his stare and he can do everything but ignore the subtle pink dusting across the highpoints of your face, the smallest of indents forming as you bit the inside of your cheek, deep in thought. you were bothered by his words and he loved it. something about seeing you like this, annoyed and bothered. he needed to see more. as wrong as it was, he was losing it, he could feel himself being pushed to the edge, the threads of intricate control being snipped, leaving him loose and fraying. megumi loved his flirtatious games too much, but needed more time to pull you apart, like lovesick girls do to flowers, petal after petal till nothing was left. bare. 
“too tight?” he asks. you shake your head, unable to speak, words unspoken on your tongue and thoughts void from you mind, plucked away by his nimble touch and wrapped around his finger. “let’s go then.”
ᰔ “soo,” his hand meets to back of your headrest. “do you like to cuddle?” he cranes his neck, hooded eyes low and lazy as he searches the back windshield, reversing from the parking spot. 
your faces twists with displeasement, jaw dropped and eyebrows knitted together, “what kind of fucking question is that?”
“the kind of question to get you to make that face,” his voice honeyed and teasing as he counters your expected response. silence fills the car, satisfaction spread out in a small smile and slightly crinkled eyes as megumi soaks in your frazzled reaction. he likes to see you irritated, to push your buttons. megumi likes to toy with headstrong women, to make them whining messes for an arrogant man. an asshole. you could practically hear the winning bell ring: megumi, one. his game of banter beginning with your speechless defeat. 
but he was gorgeous. his hair dark and perfectly messy, his bangs swooped low enough to shape his face but show off his eyes. colored like a storm, you could stare into them for hours. the summer sun did his justice, his tanned skin glistening under its magnification. a physique of the gods, you try not to stare and he pretended not to notice. 
you settle into your seat, the alcohol catching up and sending your head spinning. watching out the window, you fall into your thoughts, figuring out a way to break the silence. “so what’s your deal?” you exclaim, folding your hands into your lap and turning to look at megumi, focused on the road and contently ignoring you. “i know you have so much going on inside that pretty little head of yours.”
“y’know, i saw you drink a lot, maybe you should stop talking and save these questions for later? maybe when you’re sober?” 
you roll your head to your shoulder to turn to him with small smirk. oh, so he wants to be like that, “and i saw you talking to a lot of girls, maybe you should stop being a slut?”
he chuckles, side eyeing you with a playful glare and a tick in his jaw, clearly enjoying the banter. “i bet you think you’re real funny.” 
“and you must think you’re cute. we all have our flaws, megumi.” 
he slides his palm along the wheel, turning into a parking spot and bringing the car to a stop. he hops out of the driver’s side, jogging around front of the car and opens your door. he follows you over to the white cooler in the front of the convenience store where you play with the padlock, the hinges creaking as pull the handle open. 
reaching into the ice cooler you tug on the bag relentlessly. megumi brings his hand to grip onto the door’s frame, leaning in behind you, his breath shallow and warm against the shell of your ear. “do you need help?” the sheeted ice cementing the plastic down to the bottom of the container loosens as it cracks, “from you? no thanks.” you lean down into the cooler to yank on the bag with better leverage, determined to prove a point: you did not need help, and you didn’t need megumi either. the plastic tears from the bag and your hand flies up causing you to stumble backwards, banging your head on the roof of ice box. you yelp, quick to bring a hand up to your throbbing head, wincing at the touch. you turn to lean your back against the cool metal only to be met by megumi, who takes the opportunity to get closer, his hands cupping your face with concern. he makes room for himself between your legs, inching closer to you, “are you alright? does it hurt?”
he leans in closer as he flits his gaze from your eyes to your lips as if he’s done this a million times.
it all happens so fast. you blink and he’s rushing you, pressing his lips firmly against your own. you tug at his shirt, opening your mouth when he runs his tongue over your bottom lip tantalizing slow, tasting you thoroughly. you both walk backwards, lost in the kiss, until you feels the hood of the car hit the back of your calves. you break away from each other panting lightly, your hand caressing alongside his jaw and his own planted firmly on your waist. you nod your head, motioning towards the car and he smiles.
he can’t keep his hands off of you. his hand scrambles to open the door, too distracted by the curves of your body, missing the handle a few times. you grab onto his shoulder, ushering him a few steps forward, pushing him in front of you to make room for the door as it swings open. “get inside,” he whispers shakily. his mind is racing, his voice long gone of its normal confidence to command.
you fall back, your skin making contact with the leather, hot to the touch and sticking to your sweat sheened back. you run your fingers through his hair as lowers to meet you, his knee bent between your legs, one hand parting your thighs, inviting himself in. scrambling back to make room, you seat yourself back pressed against the inside door. his hand comes up to the window with a slap, bracing himself above of you. your hand cradles his face, your thumb stroking along his jaw, before enveloping his lips with yours once again. you taste sweet like peaches, hints of tequila on your tongue as you take turns welcoming each other into your mouths. you mimic his breathless moans of pleasure and fill the car with your whines, your hips colliding with his thigh as you mindlessly grind against him. your kisses become sloppy, teeth gnashing and spit everywhere, desperation and need filling both of you to the brim. 
clutching his shirt in your fist, you use the momentum to push him into seat position, swinging one knee over his leg, and grounding yourself in his lap. he kisses you feverishly, his head light and spinning, completely overwhelmed by the intoxicating taste of you. adrenaline coursed through his veins at your movements, hips grinding slowly on top of him, relieving the pain of his aching cock. you thread your hands through his hair, carding through his soft locs before tugging his head back to expose his neck. a moan slips from his lips, pink, spit slicked and swollen while you smear kisses on his collarbone. he paws at your chest, he pulls your breasts out from your bikini top, taking a moment to admire you. 
“you’re so hot. i haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you since i saw you,” he groans, a palm pressed to the small of your back he leans into you, taking your nipple into his mouth. you bring a hand up to rest on the crown of his head, moans spilling from your lips, coaxing him to continue. he eats up all of you. mentally recording every inch of your body, every cry sounding heaven in his ears, just to shamelessly replay this moment for his convenience. his hips cant with yours, messily grinding for relief when he reaches to pull his trunks down. “m-megumi, wait,” you plead and cup his face with both hands. he stops, panting between the valley of your chest, catching his breath while nuzzling against you. “not now, not here.” 
the two of you drove back to the lake in silence. separately your thoughts run wild at what just happened. pulling into a parking spot, megumi turns to you in the passenger’s seat, mouth agape slightly, the words you both want to hear on the tip of his tongue. he needs to see you again. the last thing megumi had expected this morning was to share a heated makeout session in the backseat of his best friend’s car with a borderline stranger. he never acts out of impulse, every decision thought out and calculated with precision. what you both had done crossed so many lines in megumi’s mind. honestly, what was he thinking?! it was broad daylight, parked in front of a mini convenience shop, while on a trip the two of you managed to stretch 20 minutes longer than it should have. he should be racked with guilt. he should be ashamed of his lack of self control. and if he was smarter, he should have never agreed to leave with you when yuuji asked. but something festered deep inside him, flipping up every stone of reason and leaving the boy on his hands and knees, grasping at the cool, level-headed persona he once had down to a t. 
twisting your head slightly, you scanned his face, searching for a clue- anything- to what he might say next. your fingers drummed on the car door, suddenly self conscious under his scrutinizing gaze. almost as if he sensed your discomfort, megumi drops his head down low to meet your eyes, a feather light slide of his fingers under your chin to draw you closer. a breath stops dead in your throat at his close proximity, noses grazing against one another as his takes his lower lip in between his teeth before looking sideways out the windshield. yuuji comes barreling at you two with an open smile, two cans held sloppily in both hands.
“‘s about time! what took so long? were you guys fucking or something?” he stutters out, a drunken flush to his sun kissed skin. megumi chokes at his friend’s comment, his adam’s apple bobbing nervously and guilt so obviously displayed on his face. you elbow him, motioning to grab the bags of ice in the backseat. you watch his arm reach down, the muscles in his bicep and forearms flexing deliciously, making your head spin and the dull throb of your arousal grow steadily. you have got to get out of this car. it was hard enough to keep your hands off of him in the parking lot earlier, but he was just too close. too accessible. too desirable. the things you wanted to do to him, the positions you wanted to bend into for him making you swoon. 
lost in your daydreams, you had failed to notice yuuji’s perplexed face and megumi’s shameful pout, like a puppy that chewed up its owner’s shoe, the energy now tense. “we forgot to buy the ice.”
ᰔ the worst part about apartment buildings are the thin walls. unfortunately for the neighbors of megumi’s current conquest and tomorrow’s history, they are the ones being royally screwed over that evening. bangs and thuds came from mutually sharing walls and laminate wood flooring belonging to a girl whose name megumi can’t seem to remember. rolling off her body and over onto the sheets, megumi stares up at the ceiling, a blank expression worn on his face. 
a hand creeps up his chest, a singular finger dragging up over the valley of his abs and scratching lightly over his chest teasingly. his mind begins to race, arousal causing his dick to twitch under the thin cotton sheets. megumi is no stranger to scores of nail shapes and crescents on his skin, littering his body, but this time, it just feels…well, it feels wrong. since your encounter the other day, he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind, his body buzzing with the excitement of a chase, of someone who won’t cave in right away and give him what he wants, of someone different. the physical gesture of the woman lying besides him so genuine can’t be anything but superficial when it’s your handprint branded into his skin instead. 
as soon as light snores fill the room, megumi rises from the bed, picking up his scattered clothes, eyes adjusting to dark. his phone buzzes on the nightstand next to him, the low vibration close to inaudible, but his ears pique up in anticipation. the screen illuminates a long awaited text message from an unknown number followed by another incoming notification; “come over.”
he had begged gojo and geto days ago for your number, swallowing his pride and stooping low to get the chance to see you again. at first, they had told him no, savoring the moment of keeping you their little secret and away from their junior’s prying eyes and wandering hands. it wasn’t often that the two had something megumi couldn’t. but after some calculated bribery and forced compliments and praise, gojo had slid your contact card into megumi’s messages. he had texted you immediately, too impatient to wait any longer and all too eager to get you underneath him, but his only response was a delivered text and empty chat. 
copying the address you sent, he pastes it into the maps app on his phone, his fingers shaking, adrenaline and desire replacing the blood in his pounding heart and sending it straight to his head. he’s delirious, head spinning and eyes blown out from lust. he feels like a teenage boy again, completely void of control and arousal raging throughout his entire body, consuming him whole. grabbing his keys, he opens the front door of the apartment and takes off. 
ᰔ you’re deep into summer now, the buzz of power lines gentle while the world spins on around you. everyone has settled into the season, your city now booming with vacationers– seasonal and first timers– while locals stick to tradition. you love it, the late night bonfires, the crowds along the pier, seasonal fruit stands and sunrises. july is a constant stream of life and excitement, you thrive in the feeling of endless possibilities. 
shortly after the first time megumi pulled up to your place, he found himself tapping his homescreen, waiting for your texts nightly. you’d call for him and he would show up, the gas tank full and heart beating fast. he’d drive you to the not so secret secret look out spot, a perfect view of the valley and the lake, before unfolding you in the backseat with lust alone. yet only he knows this himself, deep down, that megumi would’ve gladly ripped open his chest and handed you his heart if it meant you could stay by his side in the eternal summer heat.
over the past month, you realized you hadn’t learned much about megumi. you knew he was simple. liked what he liked and didn’t what he didn’t. he never did stuff he didn't want to do, but acted selflessly at times. he was smart, always the most intelligent person in the room, for better or for worse. there was an unnerving edge to the man’s impenetrable walls that irritated you. despite the lack of intimate exchanges of emotion, you could no longer deny the feelings you had when you were with him. you had to tell him.
you couldn’t shake the fear of everything crashing and burning, your heart being stomped on when you inevitably find megumi buried in another person. he shamelessly used women, gardening a persona of the stoic playboy while away at college. if someone asked for proof, he’s got more than enough ‘are you up?’ messages and shameless videos reeking from his phone, the stench of his sexual conquests known without the visuals. he’s been spending so much time with you. he wouldn’t have the time to be messing around with other people, right? you tell yourself. just have fun, it’s a fling. it’s just sex. nothing more… right?
most nights, you’re straddling megumi in the driver's seat, one hand bracing yourself on the wheel, the other sliding against the center console, and both of you moaning at the sight of you slowly sinking down on his cock. 
“god, you feel so good. this all for me?” he slurs at the warm hug your pussy greets him with, “just accept it, this filthy pussy is mine.” he fucks you open with precision, molding your insides to fit him and only him. you pant, your lips open in the prettiest shape and drool collecting in your mouth while the stretch of him burns just right. veins prominent like he’s pumping iron, he grips on the fat of your hips to hold you up, your legs shaking while you slam down to meet his hips halfway. everything is so lewd, sweat perspirated on your foreheads and pressed together to breathe the same air. your eyes meet and he whines, the slapping sound of his balls hitting your ass fills the car. 
leaning back a little, you arch your back and let the moonlight bathe you from the foggy windshield. the coolness of the air relieves you from heat of his body moments before. he’s slowed down now, pushing his cock up to bury itself deeper inside of you with a slow grind. bringing his hand up to smack your tit hard, he leaves you red before smoothing away the pain with a tug on your nipple. a free hand finds comfort on your back while he takes your breast it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and nipping playfully when he pulls away. meeting your gaze, megumi’s dick throbs inside you at the sight and you feel him thicken and speed up his pace. 
“ah! o-oh my,” you’re cut short by the graze of his teeth along your bare chest, ghosting bites and leaving wet kisses. your walls coax him in with every thrust. you’re close and he’s gone, you feel him chasing after his orgasm as he draws you closer to yours. 
“megumi please- don’t stop! right there, megumi, -ah!” 
megumi moans, ropes of hot cum spilling over his hands as he falls back his pillows. it’s been a week since you’ve texted him. it’s been a week since that time in the car and he’s still chasing that feeling of your slick dripping down his dick while you squeezed him of everything he’s got. he feels unsatisfied while he takes a tissue and cleans himself, longing for your tongue wrapping around him, swallowing the load he haphazardly tosses into the wastebin. 
raking his hands through his hair, loose strands fall back to cover his eyes, and he searches his bedsheets for his phone. chains of messages and attachments crowded his notification center but none from you. he was disinterested in everyone but you; he thought about you constantly, wondering what you were doing at any given moment. he was infatuated and beyond annoyed. why are you suddenly playing hard to get? why do i miss you so much?
he never worked this hard, he was overly confident in his skills of making women scream and curl in his hands. but your quiet remarks of praise, the smallest “yes, megumi” or “megumi it feels so good” he’d do anything to hear that breathy tone you used just for him. now it’s been a week and he’s starting to miss you more than ever. 
ᰔ everyone has their favorite time of day. there are people that chase dawn like a dream and those who thrive in the mid hours. there are people who wait, soaking in the maturity of time till the late hours. and yours, were the times of day you laid in bed with megumi. 
a few midnight dates later, the boundary between you two was redrawn as megumi chased your up the stairs to your place. after a long night of 21 questions and the pad of mad libs you bought together now complete, you had settled into the car seats with heads turned to share a gaze for what felt like an infinity. summer lived around you, the sounds of insects and faint traffic in the background but inside the car with megumi, you were forever frozen. his phone chimes and the moment faded under the fluorescent light. “do you want to get that?” you asked, looking at the phone and back at him. 
“no. not really.” he reached for your hand, flipping it so his palm is flat against yours. locking eyes with your own, he spoke softly, “i was wondering if i could stay the night.”
graduating from the backseat, the two of you learned your bodies moved in sync, following the same mess of footsteps in the hall and onto your bed. he spun his hands over every inch of your body, devoted all night and getting lost in you as if it was the first time all over again. afterwards you’d laugh hours into in the morning, waking to outstretch in an empty bed, wondering what time he left this time.  
 from the very night you slid into his passenger seat, you were trapped. locked in by seatbelt, megumi became the driver of your summer’s escapade. night after night, days turned weeks, you grew to purr for the sound of his engine pulling up to the street in front of your house. his smile, those words of adoration he lets slip when you touch on him just the way he likes. what was once playful was treading dangerous waters. you chewed the cherry stem of your milkshake and woke up in the concerned look drawn on gojo’s face. 
“have anything you wanna share with the group?” he teased, gesturing to the empty booth. you two would take a break in the week to catch up and meet at your favorite diner. normally it was all jokes and gossip. you made it a rule not to talk to gojo about his friends, the messy group being a tense subject for him at times, a can of worms that explodes into angst and a soured mood. you felt off based to talk to him about megumi, since all you know about their relationship is that it’s rocky. but a part of you is dying for solace and gojo knows megumi better than anyone, so you decide to take a chance. 
“i’m worried my feelings for megumi are more than a crush.” gojo looks up at you quick, surprised by your forthright response. “oh, we’re getting straight into it,” he pushes his drink out of the way and folds his hands attentive on the table, grinning like a fool. you hadn’t talked to him about megumi since he asked for permission to give the man your number. “shut up, you asked- and it’s not like it’s love or anything! we’ve only been hooking up, y’know, here and there.” you ramble, filling the silence with excuses and filler, dancing around what you truly mean to say. gojo could see right through you. the truth was, you did love megumi. you wanted to be with megumi more than anything.
“what if this isn’t just a summer fling?” you voice goes soft, breaking at the smallest words, “what if i’ve gone and fallen for the guy who was supposed to be temporary?” when you were with him, you felt so good, so real, something you had never felt before. the sex was incredible, but looking past that, things were different now from before. the situationship you signed up for was different. small talk turned playful in the late nights. suddenly, you were texting each other good night and awaiting at the photos he’d send at work or smiling with yuuji and nobara while hanging out, letting you know he was busy, but couldn’t wait to see you that night. 
“are you sure you want to get into something serious with that certified hoe? you can never trust them when they leave for school,” your friend laughs at his joke and you smile small. gojo can be nothing more than an antagonist at times, an echo of the voices screaming at you to end things with megumi. maybe they are right, you think.  “but maybe you should just talk to him.”
ᰔ on day eight of radio silence from you, megumi broke his double texting rule and asked you to hangout. he was driving himself crazy, no longer able to stand the silence without you. he stared at the empty chat, hovering over the unsend button when three bubbles appeared on the screen. 
i’m free around 7. i think we should talk
talk?, he thought, what would we be talking about? he panicked, you must’ve met someone else. you were leaving him even though there was nothing to truly leave. ever since megumi has met you, his entire world has turned upside down, unable to find his heartbeat steady around you. at first it was lust, he couldn’t help but crave your touch. but as he tries to ease himself of this foreign feeling, megumi realizes his mistake.
your relationship had thrived off the simplicity of no strings attached, free from lingering feelings and unrequited love. but somewhere along the way, megumi got lost in tangled limbs and soiled sheets. you had woven every fiber of your being into a tight leash around his neck, reeling him back in every time. he wanted you to think he was a changed man. he is a changed man! he smooths his hands down his pants and sent you a short response back. he was determined to see you later that evening ready to convince you the best place for you was in his lap, with him. forever. 
you eyed the clock with dread, each tick crawling unbearably slow as you wait for megumi to arrive. when he texted earlier, you felt your stomach drop. after unintentionally ghosting him, you didn’t expect him to text you. it had been over a week since you had left his message unread, hoping he would get the hint and all your blossoming feelings would fade away with the memories of him in the fall.
so in the hour prior to his arrival, you pep talked in the mirror, you made lists of pro and cons, and battled with yourself on how to tell megumi you couldn’t see him anymore. when he got there, you were going to be firm and assertive, and tell him that you simply were not interested anymore! you were going to be honest about you feelings and lay all cards on the table, despite your anxiety saying otherwise. it was the mature thing to do, you told yourself.
when you open the door, megumi is on you, swallowing you whole by taking his head into your hands and locking your lips with his. he pushes you out of the door frame and the entire time you’re welcoming him deeper into your mouth. he kissed you with a thousand words of love and hoped you got the message. you break the kiss, lightly panting against his mouth. his hands were still holding your head close to his own, keeping you close and in arms reach.
“it’s been eight days,” he says low. “where have you been?” you’re surprised. from his initial kiss at the door to this now sudden care and concern. you search his eyes for clues and turned up empty. he was as distant as ever with a hint of fear swirling in his dark eyes, leaving you shrinking into your skin. he walked forward and you stepped back, moving further into the hall. meguimi’s arm reaches to block your passage in the hall, cornering you towards your bedroom. “well? are you gonna answer?” your heart quickens, all of your preplanned speeches disappearing from your mind when he’s looming over you. is he angry?
you’ve reached your bedroom, the door ajar. “i- i didn’t know how to tell you. can we talk please?” you sputter out, nervous now that he’s got you trapped against the door frame. megumi’s brows are knit together and his nostrils flare in irritation, you’ve never seen him angry, much less upset. his eyes looked cloudy and you desperately yearned to reverse time. you’re stepping into the dark room and he follows. 
from the moment the door shuts, he’s tearing yours and his clothes off and pushing you onto the bed. he’s more eager than normal, his pants tight from his erection and hands shaking just slightly. he takes ahold of your chin and ushers you into a kiss, shimming out your pants. you slide a hand to his cheek and let his tongue meld with yours. “i don’t want to talk right now,” he says like a secret. he exhales and lets his mouth shift to smear open mouthed kisses against yours and down your neck. you lift your arms up to let him take off your shirt, catching you as you fall back to the bed. he pulls off his own and lowers himself to kiss down your chest. 
he suckles on your skin, love bites and bruises swelling in his wake, while his grip is tight on your waist, dragging your hips against his erection and guiding your legs to wrap around his body. he looks up at you with pleading eyes,“ just let me love you. one last time,” he breaths against your tummy, hugging your middle tight. you feel heat bloom in your gut, your walls clenching under his gaze. you look away, shy, and attempt to cover the blush dusting your cheeks. he smacks a wet kiss on your cheek before rolling onto the bed beside you. in that split second, the room spins and your heart beats with the warmth of his body besides you. your heart swells, did he just say love? 
the belt clanks as he undos it and pulls his pants down in one movement. he situates you on your knees around his head, blown pupils lost in the other as you look down at him. “are you ready?” he asks. you nod and he hums with acknowledgement. with that, you rise up to all fours and let his arms weave between your legs. he repositions himself to have his face aligned with your cunt and exhales with satisfaction at the sight. 
almost as if he’s seeing you for the first time, megumi’s heart pumps desire through his body. you knew exactly how to get him riled up more than anyone else and you’ve barely even touched him. “it’s been so long since i’ve tasted this pussy,” he groans, drinking in the view of you, legs wide and trembling at the strain of the position he has you in. “i missed you.” 
his eyes float back to your weeping cunt in front of him. he feels your body tremble with anticipation, his breath fawning over your skin and stare burning into you. he moves his index finger around your hole, inspecting it, pulling your sticky lips apart and licking them clean and you gasp.. you lower yourself down to elbows and let a glob of spit fall onto his cock, stroking him as he pulls your pussy apart by the threads. “fuck, that feels good,” he sputters, thrusting up as you take him into your mouth. you gag on him, tears collecting in your eyes, “did you miss me too?” he teases, his voice low and sets the hairs on your body on edge. the blood is rushing to your head and megumi’s teasing leaves you hot and dizzy. matching sloppy circles with your slurping of his cock, megumi slots his fingers in your hole and focuses on your clit throbbing and pulsating in his mouth. 
“mm.. you did. look at this mess,” your moans vibrate around his shaft when he pushes two fingers inside you shallowly. he lets them tease you and focuses on the erect bundles of nerves at the top of your pussy. he peels the hood of your clit back and lets himself suck on you further, lets his head get crushed between your locked legs no longer slack in his grasp. his fingers are deep, further in you than before, dragging sweet pressure along your walls. the pleasure he’s giving you making you grind along his face. he ruthlessly slams his hips up into your open jaw, balls hitting your chin as your spit pools pathetically out of your mouth from the overstimulation of everything. his dick slips out of your mouth while you choke out for air, your throat stretched from his rough thrusts. you rest your head on his thigh and watch his cock bob while he buries his face between your legs.
your resistance wearing thin, your mind spins with each stroke along your walls. “megumi, i’m gonna cum!” he’s coaxing you open, letting your slick drip down his fingers, squelching and filth fills the room. you unfurl in his hands into a wet mess, and megumi eat you like a man starved. you can feel your orgasm hurling towards you when he sucks your clit back into his mouth, letting your mind go numb with pleasure. megumi groans when you spill into his mouth, he watches you cream around his fingers before licking them clean. 
cleaning you of your sugar sweet essence, spread thick and shiny on his lips and chin, he throws you forward to face the foot of the bed. you feel his bare chest slide along your back, allowing one hand to trace the curves and dents of your body. he feels up every inch of your exposed skin before laying his palm flat on your shoulder, shoving you flat against the mattress. “tell me you want me,” you can’t breathe and his fingers walk up your arm meeting in the crevices of your knuckles.”tell me you need it, you need me to make you feel this good.”  your ass is up, pussy fluttering in response to his airy voice, hot and slow against the shell of your ear.
 “ y/n, tell me you need me.” 
he rocks his hips against your ass, pushing his cock down to slide between your folds and coat himself. he fucks your wet thighs, groaning selfishly while you vibrate for him. you’re so sensitive and his tip catches your clit with every stroke. you're wrapped up in his scent, his sweat, every sensation and brush of his body on yours more than you can handle. all of his actions are so drawn out and agonizing, his very touch leaving you raw, your senses overloaded. interlocking his hand over yours, he laces his fingers so tight it hurts. 
“please, hurry, i-” he slides himself inside of you without warning, pushing past the resistance of your walls and letting your initial pain manifest in tight squeezes instead. “oh my god, it feels so good,” you gasp out, moans cascading from your lips while you adjust to his length he hisses and pulls your ass apart to watch the rest of him get enveloped in your silken pussy. you twitch and reflexively rut back against him, chasing your orgasm, and using him for pleasure. “i need you, megumi. please, don’t tease anymore,” you whine and let your ass bounce back against him once more. he grins wicked and his eyes rolls at the needy cling of your heat around him. 
both hands grab at your waist, pinching it tight as he fucks you rough, dragging your body along his shaft without forgiveness. he works his hands in your hair, pulling at the roots to yank you upright, your limp body a whimpering wreck, like putty in his hands. with you against his chest, he angles himself just right to continue thrusting into your sopping pussy. his hand holds your hips down and your back bows when the other forcefully cups over your mouth, muffling your moans. megumi has never been this rough with you, more often than not, gentle and serving, not handling you without a care. your thoughts are screaming his name and your body is on fire under his touch. with every thrust, he finds heaven between your soft thighs. 
his hips fumble and are sloppy as he ruts into you, “i’m gonna cum. oh fuck- cum with me.” messy fingers meet your clit as megumi rushes to pull another orgasm out from you. you’re seeing white when megumi spills his cum inside of you, warm and thick, your pussy milking him. panting, the two of you fall to the bed in a tangle of limbs, exasperated and smiling. you whine when he pulls his half hard cock of out you, your pussy sensitive and sore when you feel his cum push out of you with every achy throb. 
stillness settles in the room, but the awkward silence is suffocating. after sex, you’d have to pry megumi off of you, his still sweaty body stuck to yours while he peppers you with kisses and adoration. he treated you like the most precious woman in the world and laying beside you is another man. you turned your head to look at him. his stare was focused on the ceiling, unmoving, his body looked tense. your let your hand skate to his side, where you nestled your fingers within his. your fingers are soft and comforting, all of his nerves soothing at the slightest touch. 
“is everything alright?” you ask with concern and megumi wants to cry for the first time in a long time. was he ready to lose you already, he asked himself. he mourned the memories you hadn’t created together in the ceiling fan whirs. he can’t speak, all his words on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t seem to muster the strength to tell you about his feelings. you sigh and release his hand, tucking yours together in your lap. 
“i wanted to talk to you about us. summer is coming to an end and i’m afraid i can’t keep doing this. i think it’d be best, for the both of us. things can just go back to normal,” his ears are ringing, the blood drumming so loud it’s drowning out your voice. megumi feels like he’s sinking in the ocean, watching your body float above him and leaving him to drown in murky waters. “you’ll go back to college and i’ll stay her. i’m sure you have a bunch of.. people waiting for you,” you force a smile and he sees insecurity crack in it. of course it’s about his (erm) history with women. he feels the shame and pain of every woman he had left broken, making them feel alone. to make matters worse, you’re so calm and collected, he feels like he doesn’t even deserve your kind rejection. he wasn’t ready to lose you. not yet. 
“megumi, are you listening to me?” you ask. when his face turns to meet yours devastation written all over it, his eyes look misty like he was on the verge of crying. “megumi! what’s wrong?” 
“so that’s it? you’re done with me? i don’t want things to go back to normal. i love you! i love you and- and you’re just afraid! after all everything we’ve been through, our time meant something to me. i thought we had something. not just a summer fling.” his words knock the air from your lungs– love?! of all the things you had prepared for, having your feelings be reciprocated was last on the list. you tingled with joy, the sensation making you high. 
“i haven’t been with anyone else. it’s only been you, since we met. i don’t want to be with anyone else” megumi rolls onto his side to stare at you, hoping his words reached you, and that you’d receive them with open arms and change your mind. your hand knots itself in his hair when you kiss him, fast and overly excited. he smiles against your lips and deepens the kiss.
“i love you too.”
- a few months later
“baby, can you believe it’s december 5th already? i’ll be home in two more days.” megumi pulls his scarf up to cover his mouth, cold air puffing from his mouth. he was on his way home from class when he called you, relieved from finishing his last exam day and hearing your voice. his smile is hidden from the camera, but you see it anyways  
“i can’t believe the semester is over already. i can’t wait to see you,” you giggle while tying the slipnot of your current crochet project, it’s a hobby you’ve recently picked up, gifting out mittens and hats to all your friends when the temperatures dropped. 
“i’m ready to be home with you.” he says. things with megumi have been more than expected. since he’s left for school, you talk daily, receiving the same adorable photos, most of the time of him studying or out on campus. you share pictures of you on the quad with yuuji and voice memos telling him how you miss him. he’s come back twice for long weekends, surprising you after your last friday class, and taking you for lost time. things couldn’t be any better. 
the two of you chat all the way to his dorm, making plans for his return, and reminding him not to forget gojo’s birthday gift when he leaves. 
“i love you megumi! i’ll see you soon”
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footygirl114 · 9 months
Abrir (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Surprise? Here is part #4 in my body guard series! I guess the inspiration was flowing and got me to write today so enjoy (I think)
Check out Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
At 630 on the dot you were standing outside the building leaning against the SUV, when Alexia comes out she’s dressed more casual than you were expecting for a date. The tight jeans, cropped top, and oversized jacket complete with white sneakers. It was an outfit you appreciated, and you had a hard time keeping your eyes off the smooth skin that was shown off over her abdomen. 
You don’t say anything as she walks closer, deciding to turn and open the back door for her. She looks at you with a shake of her head and a small smile and gets into the back silently. You turn and get into the front seat. The driver was always used when you were going places other than the field where the parking was secure. Any new place you went with Alexia, you also got out with her when she was dropped off to remain by her side. 
The drive to the restaurant was silent, you were quite happy to have a third party in the car allowing you to be a bit grumpy in the front seat. When the car pulls up to the restaurant you know you have a furrowed eye brow when you see the crowd out front. You see multiple news outlets and what looks like a media wall set up for the walk in. 
Still confused you get out and open the back door for Alexia, she smirks at you and says quietly “FC Barcelona are hosting a media event for all the media that cover our games, my presence is mandatory but I won’t be long” She walks away from you toward the media wall where she meets up with Mapi and Ingrid and they pose for pictures. 
You stay back and feel quite silly for feeling jealous over nothing. You spend the rest of the time at the restaurant leaned against a wall near the entrance keeping one eye on Alexia the whole time. When she’s ready to leave you also end up bringing both Mapi and Ingrid back to Alexia’s apartment. The ride is filled with the three of them laughing in the back, you get out and open the door for them following them into the lobby of the building. 
“Have a goodnight Ms. Putellas” you tell her as you walk towards the elevator to the rest of the building. 
“Y/N, come have a drink with us?” Mapi asks stopping you in your tracks. 
Slowly turning around you meet Alexia’s eyes over her shoulder who is smiling softly at you, but it reminds you of how silly you reacted earlier and you shake your head saying “another time.” 
Mapi smiles and says “I will hold you to that.” 
You turn and wait for them to board the private elevator before you press the button to call yours. The rest of the night was spent thinking over the day, how jealous you actually felt when you thought Alexia was going out with someone else. But you were also thinking about what Michelle said, how maybe you should let it happen naturally and see where things go. 
On Monday morning you had a whole speech planned for Alexia, and when she walked out to the car where you were waiting you immediately blurted out “I am so sorry Ms. Putellas.” 
She smiles and responds “What not even a hello?” 
“Hi, but I mean it, I was not very professional in how I acted on Saturday and I apologise” As you finish she walks towards the car stopping about a foot in front of you.
“It’s okay Y/N, it was actually a good thing.” 
“what do you mean?” You ask her opening the car door for her.
She chuckles and moves to get into the car, as she steps by you into the car she says “Jealous means you have something to lose, and that you care” as she finishes she hops in the car and you automatically close the door behind her. 
You shake your head with a smile and move to the drivers side of the car, hopping in you meet her eyes in the rearview mirror and say “I do care about you Alexia” and you shift the car into drive pulling out of the parking lot into the roadway. 
When you get into traffic you meet her eyes in the rearview mirror again and she smiles at you with a wink and says “I care about you too.” 
The rest of the drive you sneak glances at her in the rearview mirror but there is no more words spoken just your eyes meeting in the mirror. When you get to the training centre you follow the usual procedure of dropping her at the door and watching until she enters the building, the only difference is she turns and looks back at you with a smirk and a wink before she disappears behind the door. 
Shaking your head with a laugh you park the car and move to gather your stuff to enter the facility. When you walk in you are met with the PR girl who smiles and says “Hola Y/N, were you briefed on whats going on today?” 
Shaking your head “No I wasn’t” 
“I thought so, we have an open training session today, fans will be in attendance and then we have some ticket holders that will be allowed to field level for an autograph session with the players. It can get a bit hectic at the field level but everyone has bought a ticket to be there.” She says and she hands you another pass “this will get you to field level, more security here today to help control the crowds.” 
Nodding you say “thank you for the heads up.” 
She smiles and says “see you in a bit” and she turns and bounds down the hallway.
A few hours later you have worked out and showered, and are now sitting in the stands watching the end of the training session friendly match. You can tell the payers are putting on a bit of a show for the fans watching now, but it's a good environment for the young girls watching. When it ends you wait a bit for the crowds to thin knowing there is extra security for the players. 
After watching the players move to the benches where the special fans are waiting, you move and walk down the sidelines towards the benches. You spot Alexia as you get closer, with the biggest crowd around her for an autograph, she’s down on one knee signing a young girls jersey with that beautiful smile on her face. 
You stay back and admire her interacting with the fans for the next little while. When the crowd starts to thin a bit you can see the extra security guards around, you nod knowing that at least the club has the players safety as a priority. When your eyes stop on a certain security guard in a ball cap you have to rack your brain for where you recognise him. 
When the lightbulb goes off in your head you immediately move into action, you move closer to Alexia and keep an eye on him. He hasn’t noticed you yet as his eyes are locked on Alexia. You move towards her and when you get close enough she looks up and meets your eyes, she must see something in them as she stands and says her goodbyes to the fans she’s talking to. 
You get up beside her and place your hand on her lower back, and slowly push her away from the security guard who has now been alerted to your presence and is moving closer. You speed up and Alexia keeps up with you and when you round the corner towards the change rooms you push her into the closest room. 
It’s dark and you know its a supply closet and you push her body against the wall beside the door, you cover it with your own and she goes to speak but you shake your head and cover her mouth with your hand. You can hear the heavy footsteps moving down the hallway and you wait holding your breath for a few moments. 
Once you don’t hear any footsteps you can feel your body relax, and you notice where you are. You can feel her breasts pressed against yours, her hands are on your hips and one of yours is pressed on her abs the other is still covering her mouth. You meet her eyes and let your hand fall from her mouth, you look down at her lips and back up to her eyes. 
She nods subtly and you move to lean in, before you can close the distance you hear a commotion outside and the security guards escorting the fans out of the building ending their autograph session. You spring back from her and watch her chest rise and fall, as you also take a moment to catch your breath. 
“what the hell was that Y/N?” she asks you. 
You shake your head and move to the door, you pause beside her, and put your hand on her cheek and say “I promise I will tell you later, but I need to get you home safe first.” 
She nods and leans into your palm and turns her head and presses a soft kiss to your palm. 
“lets get out of here” you tell her and move your hand to open the door and step out first looking around and then waving her out. The rest of the time at the stadium goes by without a hitch and you get her back to the apartment. When you follow her into the lobby, she gives you no choice and pushes you towards her elevator. 
You ride up to her apartment in silence and follow her into the living room, she doesn’t say anything but moves to the kitchen and you watch standing there as she get two wine glasses down and grabs the bottle of wine. She then turns and smiles and nods her head to the outside balcony. You nod following her outside, she sits on the couch there and pours you each a glass of wine. 
Sitting down beside her you take the glass she hands you, and you watch as she leans back and gets comfortable on the couch. A few moments of silence pass and she says “I love looking at the stars, it reminds me how small we really are and how much there is out there going on we have no idea about. It also helps when I travel so much, I can always look up and see the same moon and the same stars no matter where I am.” 
You turn towards her and meet her eyes, you see the care and understanding reflecting in them and you can feel how much you want to open up to her. So you do “When I first joined the army, it was nice having the structure after growing up moving from foster home to foster home having some order in my life was a needed change.” 
She shifts and moves closer to you, but stays not touching you as you continue “I rose quickly threw the ranks, and after my first tour I was recruited into special ops. I lead a team for a while and was able to help a lot of young soldiers find their way. I never had someone like that and I always wanted to be like that for others, but it came with heavy consequences. I lost a lot of good people over there, and It felt like I wasn’t able to protect them.” When you get that part out you can feel the tears gather in the corner of your eyes. 
She shifts on the couch beside you and reaches one hand forward to entangle with yours as she says “you don’t have to talk about it.” 
You shake your head, not meeting her eyes as you say “I need you to understand why I take this so seriously Alexia, why I need to keep you safe.” 
“Okay” she says softly and moves closer and you can feel her body heat beside yours. 
You take a deep breathe and keep your eyes locked on the night sky “I was in the middle of my third tour, I had a squad under me, a lot of new younger soldiers. They would do anything for me, not just cause I was their superior but because I had taken them under my wing. One night they needed an extra squad for a night patrol. My team was eager and wanted to help so I volunteered them. We went out on patrol and the next thing you know I am watching the lead vehicle go up in flames.” 
You can hear her gasp beside you and her arm reaches out to start running up and down your hunched over back, as she softly says “Y/N.” 
Shaking your head you continue, still staring out at the sky, “We were ambushed and I couldn’t protect them, I lost 8 members of my squad that day, 4 in the vehicle and the other 4 following my orders trying to save them. I couldn’t protect any of them, I was supposed to protect them.” You barley get the last bit out before you can feel the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
Alexia immediately pulls you into her and she wraps her arms around you softly whispering in your hair, letting you cry it out against her. 
You’re unsure how long you remain crying in her arms, but when you finally feel like you can talk you pull away from her. When you meet her eyes you can see the care and understanding in them as she reaches out and uses her thumbs to wipe your tears. You allow your self the moment of comfort before you pull back and stand up. 
You start pacing the length of the balcony in front of her and say “Today, that security guard was the same one who was at the fund-raising event, he was the one who was supposed to be guarding the door. He let those guys into the hallway where you were alone. I just saw him and immediately knew I needed to get you out of there Ale, I was not going to let him get you again, I needed to keep you safe.” 
When you finish you look up and she’s watching you with a small smile, it causes you to pause in the pacing. “Come here Y/N” she says to you, and pats the couch beside her. 
With a raised eyebrow you ask “what?” 
“Come here, I need you to stop pacing and come sit with me Y/N” she says firmly. 
Nodding you move to the couch and sit beside her, she immediately moves one hand to your hand and she squeezes, and the other she pushes a piece of hair behind your ear. You squeeze her hand back and say softly “I’m sitting Ale.” 
Chuckling softly she squeezes your hand again, and places her hand on your cheek saying “look at me, I am here and safe because of you. You always make me feel safe Y/N, whether its right here or when we are out, I just meet your eyes and it’s like everything in me settles down. You make me feel safe.” 
You can feel tears gather in the corner of your eyes and say “I do?” 
Nodding she says “you do Y/N, you do protect me and you make me feel safe.” She moves both hands up to your cheeks and pulls your face closer to her as she whispers “I know you will do anything to make me feel safe, and you will do anything to protect me. Now let me help you Y/N.” 
“Help me?” you ask with a raised eye brow. 
She chuckles and pulls your face closer pressing a kiss to your forehead whispering “You are not alone Y/N, I am here for you.” 
You smile and whisper “thank you.” 
She press a kiss to your nose and stands up and holds her hand out saying “now come with me.” 
“What?” you barley get out before she pulls you with her, you follow and she leads you into the bathroom attached to her bedroom. She leaves you standing there and you watch as she moves out of the room and comes back with a pile of clothes and a towel. 
She moves and turns on the shower as she says “You are going to get into the shower, and into the comfy clothes.”
She moves to leave the bathroom and you say “thank you Ale.” 
“I’ll be waiting for you, don’t take too long” she says with a wink. 
You smile to your self and hurry up in the shower. Finishing up you put her clothes on and you take a deep breath of her scent lingering on them. Walking out of the bathroom you are towel drying your hair and you see her sitting under the covers on the bed. You put the towel down and move towards the empty side of the bed. 
“get in Y/N, let me hold you” she says with a smirk and pats the empty side of the bed. 
You get in and she immediately guides you not your side and she slots her self behind you spooning you. One hand on your stomach rubbing softly one holding her head up over you. You close your eyes and lean into her asking “how did you know?” 
She presses a kiss to the back of your head and says “I wanted to hold you, and I hoped you did too. Plus I see the bags under your eyes Y/N, I am safe here with you. Now let me protect you and let you sleep.” 
You press back into her and turn your head enough to meet her eyes as you say “thank you Ale.”
She smiles and presses a kiss to the corner of your lips and says “Lets get some sleep.” 
Nodding you settle back on the pillow and feel her breathe on the back of your neck, you reach down and tangle your hand with hers on your stomach. You didn’t even know you needed it, but you can feel your body fully relax into hers, and you have a feeling it’ll be the best night sleep you have had in a long time. 
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
manbun | H.S blurb
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my masterlist
summary: you and harry are about to fuck in the back of his car, and you want his hair out for it. little do you know how much he likes a bit of hair pulling.
warnings: SMUT, car sex, quickie, hair pulling (m receiving), unprotected PIV, swearing.
a/n: just a little snack for y’all while I work on far from sober’s second part! manbunrry is so underrated.
“Baby—“ you hiss as Harry’s teeth come in contact with the junction of your neck and jaw.
His hands are on your hips, gripping tight since the moment he slid you up his lap.
You were making out in the back seat of his car— an impromptu decision to drive out to the nearest city lookout has quickly turned into, well… whatever you call this.
You weren’t together, the two of you. But it’s complicated to describe what you even are. He’d invited you over to watch a movie, so you did that, and nothing sexual had even happened.
Quickly that changed, after driving out here, the middle of butt-fuck nowhere and all the sudden being all over eachother.
Well at least since he joked about the both of you fucking in his car. Pretty sure he was just really into the idea.
He hums in the back of his throat, it’s gravelly, laced with the pleasure he’s evidently gaining from this. You can feel him plumping up beneath you.
You’re salivating over his half unbuttoned shirt. It’s borderline slutty, the way he walks around like that. Teasing his pecs and the top of his butterfly tattoo.
Sometimes you don’t know how people have a coherent conversation with him while he looks like that outside. Hair out, abs peaking through— it makes you almost nauseous.
He’d probably had his hair down during the earlier hours of the day, and then tied it up before you’d come over, since it’d been up since you went over this evening.
As much as your a fan of the manbun— trust me, no one loves that bun like you do— you want his hair out.
So your hands lace behind his neck, sliding up to where the hair-tie securing his hair was. You start to tug on it.
It was in tighter than you’d initially expected— causing you to be practically just pulling on it— and nothing could’ve prepared you for the moan that comes out of him.
“God— you’re— shit.” His hips snap up against you. Hard. You almost laugh at how unexpected it was.
“Harry,” You begin, and there’s a teasing yet aroused edge to your voice, “are you getting worked up over me pulling you hair?”
He can’t even verbalise the heat that flushed through him as that happened, his jaw gone lax.
Your fingers wrap around the hair-tie again, tugging it out, earning another groan from him. You don’t stop there though, not after seeing him react like this. You gather up his hair into a make shift ponytail, pulling on it, gauging his reaction again.
His lips scrape up your neck as he tilts his head back to follow the pull.
“Didn’t know you liked getting your hair pulled, huh.” You said, tightening your grip and bringing his eyes to lock with yours.
“Fuck— I didn’t… I didn’t know.” He hissed at your teasing, pushing his hips up to your core again, trying to relieve a little pressure.
“Seems like a pretty submissive trait if you ask me? Like being a bottom hm?”
“Shut up.” He huffs, but you just grip his hair tighter.
Reaching down, you undo a few more buttons on his shirt, “Already half undone for me.”
He pulls at your sweatpants, tugging them off with only a minor struggle. Beginning to palm over you through your underwear, which is damp already.
“Already so wet. Feel it through y’underwear, babe.” He groans, kissing your neck.
You start unbuttoning his jeans, and he lifts his hips and helps you pull them down below his thighs.
“Want me on top? Want me to ride you in the backseat of your car?” You pull his cock out from his briefs, salivating at the sight.
The two of you seemed to be dancing, swapping who was leading every few steps and it was weird to experience. But it was hot regardless, seeing him act so submissive yet dominant in a span of moments.
“Jesus, ‘course I do.” He takes his hand, pushing your underwear to the side, sliding his fingers through your slit.
He drags your arousal up to your clit, drawing fast circles over you that has your stomach clenching. You move his hand away, replacing it with the head of his cock, earning a shared moan from the two of you.
One hand is still tangled up in his hair as you sink down his length about half way before allowing a moment to adjust and take a breath.
“Still so fuckin’ tight Y/N. Anyone would think I’d never fucked y’with my cock before.” He moaned, hands cupping your ass and squeezing.
“Y’still feel huge, H.” You feel him pulse within you as you slide a little further down.
As you feel the stretch, you let out that tension on his hair— yanking it back more.
“Don’t— baby— you’re gonna make me come.” He moans, thighs tensing under you.
“Hold it.” You say, getting to the very base of him and rolling your hips against him.
“Shit…” He curses, and you lean forward to kiss his adams apple, licking a stripe up to his chin.
You begin bouncing on him, starting up a rhythm that has his eyes rolling back into his head.
His hand slides forward from your ass, and down to play with your clit.
The car was genuinely swaying, and with the way the both of you were panting, you were beginning to fog up the windows.
He pinches your clit, and you give a rough tug on his brown curls.
The two of you are undoing eachother, so fast it’s giving you whiplash.
The groans coming from him are unmatched though, and you never thought he’d be so into this.
“Fucking dirty, Harry. Didn’t think you’d love getting pulled on like this. Like a slut would.” Jerking his head back to meet your eyes again, his pupils are blown out with pleasure.
“Y/N—“ he moans, and you purposefully squeeze around his cock.
“Cant admit it, can you? That you’re just a fucking slut.” You say, holding him in place.
“I’m gonna— Jesus Christ— gonna come if you keep pulling on me like this.”
You bounce harder over his cock, kissing his jaw and lips as you ignore the burn in you legs and the pit of your stomach.
His fingers are fucking your clit with a matched pace to your bounces, and your resolve starts to crumble beneath you.
“Harry—“ you cry as his fingers slip all over your absolutely soaked clit.
“Come. Just fucking come on my cock, please!” He begs, and your whole body tenses as it happens.
You thighs are shaking as you come around his dick, so hard your digging the nails of your free hand into his shoulder. The other has got his hair in a vice-like grip.
That combined with the clenching of your cunt, Harry can’t hold it a second longer— his own moans are sounding seconds after yours.
“Fuckfuckfuck—“ he hisses, abs clenching as his warm ropes of come shoots into you.
It takes a moment to come down from your highs. And you’re both still shaking as you begin to untangle yourselves from one another.
“You’re probably gonna have a sore scalp tomorrow.” You laugh a little as he tucks himself gently back into his briefs, wincing a little at the sensitivity of his cock.
“Worth it, I guess…” he admits quietly.
“It’s hot you know? You pulling on my hair like that. Nearly came when you first did it.”
“Well fuck, I think it’s hot you like having your hair pulled.” You shrug, kissing his lips.
“M’ glad. Means you’ll do it again.”
“Anytime, Harry.” You smile, half joking, half not.
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notsopersonalcharlie · 2 months
Won't Let You Go, Belle
Biker!Bucky Barners x afab!reader smut
Summary: A flashback to Bucky and Belle's first date... and to fulfil some of Bucky's longstanding thoughts.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, porn with plot, kinda long, mentions of previous shitty boyfriend that i've referenced before, Bucky is bad at dates but good at sex, daddy kink, fingering, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, praise kink, p in v sex, i think that's everything
Notes: bringing anon (and my) dreams into reality. It did end up a little sweeter than expected but its because im a SAP. More Biker!Bucky content here
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You stared at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom. You had put on makeup in a way you never did for other dates. You were usually very internally strict about what you did to make a date go well. Something about Bucky though... After he had ensured his extra helmet was strapped comfortably across your chin and your feet were in the right place, so you didn't burn your calves, it had felt uncomfortably natural to wrap your arms around his thick chest. You were sure he could feel your heart beating overtime in your chest when you leaned forward. You just hoped the rumble of the bike made it impossible to feel it.
Bucky was an experienced biker. He knew that. His friends knew that. Every piece of his instinct that came from riding across the country, in war zones, and across the city all came in handy as soon as he felt your hands tighten around him. You chest against his back made his heart beat so loud he thought there was no way you wouldn't hear it over the rumble of the bike.
"I've never been on a motorcycle before," you said quietly when you stopped in the driveway of the garage. The hum of the bike stopped made everything sound quiet in your ears. You understood Steve's loud projection which had startled you earlier.
"Well, I'm glad you had a good trip. Steve should be here soon," Bucky said gruffly, taking the helmet gently from your hands and stowing it away. He led you into the office of the shop. There were a few people sitting with bikes and chatting or working on cars inside the garage, who watched passively, but you followed into a closed office and Bucky left the door open behind you before sitting down on the other side. You felt awkward, but sat in the seat across from him. It felt odd after being so close to him for ten sweltering minutes. You could feel it between your legs.
"Steve'll be here soon." Bucky looked down at some papers and pulled open a binder.
"You said that already." His blue eyes flickered to you and you tried to take a full breath, but it ended up being loud and strange. You tried to stifle the expression you wanted to make out of your awkwardness.
And now you were standing in the bathroom of this steakhouse, feeling exactly the same way. Bucky had been nothing but sweet, interested in what you did and ordering what you wanted. It felt good, but there was a barrier between you that you hadn't felt when you sat behind him on that bike, chest to his back.
"Get yourself together," you muttered to yourself, carefully wiping away the dark lipstick you had opted for. It had felt appropriate when you thought about the biker the man was, and the vibe of the bar he owned next door. You only had it because of a Halloween costume. You felt a little bit more like yourself when you stepped out of the bathroom and took your seat at the table. Bucky was taller than your ex and you knocked your knee against his thigh as you crossed your legs.
His head tilted, scanning your face before his blue eyes focused in on your newly glossed lips. He chose not to comment.
"Dessert menu?" He was sweet for asking, but it had felt like the night flew away despite how physically uncomfortable you had felt the whole time. It felt natural.
"Of course! I love chocolate." Bucky smiled, reaching for his scotch and taking a long sip. You tried not to stare at his lips.
Bucky stared at the letters, but they felt like they were swimming on the page. He flipped the binder to a random page. He could still feel where your thighs had sneezed around his hips when he turned a corner too quick.
"I have to take a look at the car before I can give you a quote. The restaurant-" he looked at his watch, "-the bar next door is open and we'll come in and let you know when we have a diagnosis on the car." You blinked at him before nodding and slowly rising from your seat.
"Okay, uh, could you-" Bucky stood rapidly and nodded, showing you out the side door and into the Howling Commando Bar and Grill. Sam gave him a little smirk when he left you at the bar, and Bucky bared his teeth before heading back to the garage to wait for your car, and maybe take a few deep breaths and resolve the issue in his pants.
"And a dessert menu?" You blinked, trying not to think again about Bucky's warm hand at the small of your back when the waiter had led you to the table.
"Yeah, and a coffee for me," Bucky said.
"Me too," you chimed in. Your eyes met again as the waiter walked away. You second guessed the want in his eyes. Maybe it was just- His knee brushed against the middle of your thigh, then the other from the other side. He leaned forward, dangling his empty scotch glass from his fingers. His lips were wet again. You thought it should be illegal.
"Do you..." he took a quick breath, "I think you should come home with me." If it had come from anyone else, you thought you probably would have rolled your eyes and left him with the check, but you swallowed.
"I know I should." You stared at each other, Bucky's other hand resting on the side of your knee waiting for the waiter to arrive. When he came back you stuck out your card, which caught Bucky by surprise.
"We actually decided to skip dessert if you could take this for the check." The waiter looked shocked, but she walked away quickly.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I figured it would be quickest."
The two of you walked out into the humid air, and Bucky slid his extra helmet on your head, carefully strapping it below your chin. His tongue stuck out between his lips just slightly as he made sure it was tight enough. He put on his own helmet and then stepped over to sit astride the bike. He had now driven you on the bike four times, and it had gotten easier to use his shoulder to lever yourself onto the back, your feet naturally sliding onto the little foot rests. Your knees knocked his hips and he reached back to squeeze one of them.
"You're getting to a natural," he laughed, the bike starting over thought and drowning it from your ears. It wasn't a long drive, and you saw that he lived within spitting distance of the garage and bar. He let you get off the bike first, and then got off himself, helping you pull off the helmet again. He smiled sweetly at you as he pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. You were sure it looked a mess, but you couldn't help but stare a little moon-eyed up at him.
"I owe you back for that dinner," Bucky muttered as he unlocked the door to his apartment. You bit your lip, considering if you should let the statement out of your mouth before you decided it was the correct choice and said, "I was hoping maybe coming back here would do exactly that." Bucky's blue eyes were dark with... something when the door swung open and he pushed you in before him.
"I think I could make it worth it, depending on how badly how you want it, pretty belle." His voice was raspy, focused. You couldn't help but feel the heat between your legs growing. The nickname was warm and wrapped in affection that should have sounded out of place from this man who was a stranger only a few days ago.
"I want it very badly." The door shut behind you two, plunging you both into darkness, the only light coming from the streetlights through the window. You thought maybe you ought to be scared, but Bucky's arms were suddenly around you, his hot mouth on your neck, mapping its way up to lips against yours. The kiss made you breathless, the first in years, and you were at his whim.
"What do you want, pretty belle?" His lips continued on what felt like a natural path back down your neck and following the hem of your shirt.
"I want you, Bucky," you whined, your head lolling back as your fingers found purchase in his hair. He made a sound of displeasure in his throat, despite his hands pushing restlessly against your shirt, fingers skimming your now bare waist.
"I want you, daddy," you groaned again, knowing your fingers had gone still against his scalp. There was a stillness between the both of you for a moment, before Bucky moved, his hands tight against your thighs, pulling. You jumped and suddenly your only tether to the ground was him.
"Fuck belle, I want you too." It was dark, and you had no idea how long you were kissing down Bucky's lips to his neck before you were laid down on his bed. His jawline was sharp and the stubble tickled your lips and the feel of his pulse against your tongue as your traced the line of his neck was intoxicating. You could feel how wet you were as you shifted your hips against his. His groaned before pulling away reluctantly.
"Sorry, one second close your eyes." You followed his instructions and you could feel the lights turn on. He was muttering to himself and you opened your eyes to see him shooing a gray cat off the bed.
"For fucks sake Alpine, do you really want to ruin my chances," he was whispering as he closed the door behind the cat. He looked absolutely delicious now that you could see him. His blue eyes were entirely overtaken by lust, his cheeks pink under his stubble, and his lips wet. There was hickey forming at the hem of his shirt and you were certain you could add a few more.
"Sorry. Alpine's bedtime was like two hours ago." You smiled up at him, suddenly feeling a sweet flutter in your chest.
"Where were we?" Bucky over you in the light was entirely different and even more enticing than it was in the dark. He was in all black, his leather jacket tossed to the floor, his tshirt showing off tattooed arms that you knew you would be drooling over shortly.
"You were about to entirely fuck me up," you responded, bottom lip between your teeth. Bucky took a breath that read as controlling himself. Not at all what you wanted.
"I mean that," you repeated. His eyes met yours.
"You gotta be sure about that, honey." He was being honest, his arms bracketing your shoulders, halfway to a kiss.
"I mean it," you said again, your eyes refocusing on his lips, waiting for a reply. Instead you got a strong, warm body against yours, lips near attacking yours before they traced down your jaw and throat to your shirt. His hands were tugging at your hair.
"Fuck, belle, I want to see it all." You were happy to oblige as he pushed up your shirt leaving hungry kisses against your stomach and ribs, you undid your jeans and kicked them away. Bucky forced your arms up and pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in only the matching set you had put on in the hopes that the night would go anywhere. He stared at you, licking his lips as eyes raked over your near naked body on his bed.
"God, I think you're an angel sent to me," he mused, retuning his lips to yours. Your hands wandered, feeling out of place but very aroused but the fact that he was fully dressed but you were entirely naked. His shirt came off, and you didn't have nearly enough time to stare at the tattoos that covered him. Again you thought about mapping them with your tongue.
Bucky's hand explored as much as his tongue before you managed to wrestle his black jeans came off to reveal more of his tattoos.
"Please, Bucky, I want more," you whined, the slick between your legs making you shift your hips against him. You could tell he was huge in the confines of his jeans.
"How'd ya want it, honey? I gotta pay you back." You wanted to balk at the way he insinuated this was a favor, but you were near gushing between the legs.
"I want all of you," you whined, "Daddy, please. Anything." Two of his fingers ran against your panties, and he groaned at the wetness on contact.
"You are soaking, belle. I bet you taste as good as you sound." Bucky was quick to kiss down your chest, his hands' singular focus on getting your panties off. You groaned at the way he stared at you from where he knelt against the floor.
"Good thing we skipped dessert," he chuckled to himself, his hand wrapping around your ankle to pull one leg over his shoulder before his mouth pressed against your clit. You couldn't suppress the loud whine that you let out, already close as he teased your clit before his hot tongue made practiced motions down to your slit, his nose pressing to your clit. Your hips bucked and his big hands slid up your legs to press you back onto the bed.
"This is my treat, honey, I'm going to make you feel good." The baritone of his voice was a drug and you could feel your mind getting hazy as the feeling of your orgasm built in your stomach. Bucky's tongue moved back to your clit, a sinfully slow pace keeping you satisfied, but not doing enough. Once he was satisfied that you weren't going to try to wiggle away from him again, one of his hands joined his mouth between your legs, a finger pressing into you and providing delicious pressure right where you needed it.
"Oh you like that, huh belle?" Your voice was breathy through your panting, but you managed a, "please, more daddy." Bucky's chuckle against your clit in combination with another finger joining the first sent you over the edge and you came hard. Bucky's fingers slowed, pulling you through your orgasm while he pressed soft kisses to your thighs.
"Was that good, pretty girl?" You nodded and his fingers paused, blue eyes intent on yours.
"Words, honey." You blinked, the demand sending another jolt through you. Bucky obviously felt it based on how he smirked, his sinful wet lips now wet with you. It was the hottest thing you had ever seen.
"So good."
"I bet you could give me another one." It wasn't a demand, but a challenge, and even in this state you were certainly not one to back down from competition.
"Please, daddy." Bucky was back between your legs, another finger pressing into you and his tongue soothed the sting by running smooth and slow figure 8s on your clit. It was clear immediately that Bucky had paid attention to what you liked because after a few moments, his fingers crooked in exactly the right way and you moaned, and thought you might be embarrassed if it didn't feel so good. He leaned back, his other hand taking over the motion on your clit.
"Quiet, belle, we wouldn't want the neighbors to hear how good you sound. They might try to come take ya." Bucky added a fourth finger, an indication of what was to come and you came almost immediately, tight around him as your head threw back, hips moving to meet his finger's thrusts.
"Honey, you are gonna feel like fucking heaven," Bucky muttered as he slowly pulled his fingers away from you, "I'll be back in two seconds." You could still feel the orgasm in your toes when he came back, a towel and condom in hand.
"We can stop there if you want." You leaned up, leaning back against your elbows as he walked towards you. His expression was sincere, but you could see his cock straining against his jeans.
"Absolutely not." The wicked look returned to his eyes as he tossed the items beside you and then bowled you back over onto the bed, his lips finding yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he kissed you, quick fingers ridding you of your bra. Your hands found purchase over his strong shoulders and you managed to roll him onto his back.
"Taking control, honey?" He sounded condescending and it was hot. You straddled his thick thighs, focusing your actions on getting the button and zipper off his skinny jeans. Your eyes were wandering across the tattooed expanse of his chest. There was every kind of tattoo, and you were certain you had to ask about every single one when you got the chance.
"Need help?" He asked right before you managed to get the zipper down.
"Move." He laughed, lifting his hips, with you on him, and slid the jeans past his ass, pulling your hips forward so your swollen pussy ran right over the cold zipper and left you straddling the bulge in his black boxers. You both groaned at the contact and you rolled your hips, eliciting a delightfully hot sound from his lips as his eyes closed. He kicked his pants the rest of the way off and his hands were back on your hips, guiding their grinding till both of you were moaning and his boxers were soaked. Your head was thrown back, hands on his hot chest as his fingers left marks against your hips.
"Ya ready, belle?" You nodded fervently, and let him gently lay you down on the bed, leaving an intimate kiss on your lips before reaching to where he had tossed the condom. You stared hungrily as he pulled the boxers down and your eyes widened at how big he was. His thighs and all the way down his v-line had tattoos, which made the contrast of his flushed cock more distinct.
"Please, fuck me daddy." You thought you might be drooling.
"Oh, honey, I will." He rolled the condom down his own cock, pumping once before pushing your knees up so they were rested on his hips. You looked down and couldn't look away as he slowly pressed into you, the burn of his fingers nothing compared to this.
"Fuck, god... belle you feel so good, you're so tight." You wanted to push down against him, force him in faster, but he was gentle and slow and by the time he bottomed out his cock was pressed against just the right spot to make you want to moan.
"You were made for me, fuck." Bucky's right hand gripped your thigh and the other arm leaned on your left so he could press a feverish kiss to your lips.
"Please move, please." You could feel yourself squeezing around him. You were certain neither of you would last long based on the euphoric expression on his face. He took a focused breath and then his eyes opened, blue almost entirely overtaken by his pupils. You licked your lips, leaning up to kiss him. When you shifted it pushed him further and it was as if a dam broke. Bucky pulled away from you till he was up on both knees, the delicious drag of him inside you nothing compared to his first thrust. It was hard, unrestrained, and the sexiest thing you had ever seen.
"Belle, ain't no way this can be a one time thing," he muttered before pushing back into you. He set a brutal pace but he hit right where you needed him every time and you saw stars the first time you came, gushing around him and adding to the chorus of sounds that two of you were making. Bucky pressed through your first orgasm and then one hand slid up and found your clit.
"I want you to come with me, can you do that for me honey? I'm- fuck I'm so close." You nodded, barely able to keep your eyes open.
"Words, belle, fuck."
"Yes, daddy, yes please."
"Good girl." You both came together, Bucky's thrusts getting sloppy till he was leaned back over you, his forehead rested to your shoulder as he pressed one last time into you before pulling out. He grabbed the towel and quickly cleaned you up before himself and tossing it somewhere in the direction of the bathroom he had gone into before.
It was a few minutes before either of you spoke, wrapped in blankets, your head resting on his arm, facing one another.
"So much for being quiet." Bucky laughed, and closed the small gap to kiss you.
"I meant it when I said this can't be a one time thing." His dominating demeanor had dropped to that same sweet look from dinner. You nodded, feeling the sleep sliding across your eyes as you cuddled closer to him.
"I agree." You closed your eyes, getting as close to Bucky as you could. He smelled like sex and sweat and everything you had ever wanted.
"Good, because I don't think I could let ya go now, Belle." You giggled, his arms wrapping around you.
"Wouldn't let you."
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Coming your way! <333
Good News
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It was a grueling couple of months for Pablo. You made sure to be besides him through all of it and show your support.
Oftentimes you couldn't do much about the pain but after the long physicals you would cuddle him and play with his hair while he sleeps on your chest.
You also tried to talk to him through more depressive steps where he would watch his old videos with teammates and reminisce of the times he played for Barça.
"I want to go back amor ... I'm lost without them ... and so tired" one night he cried after a very intnse physical feeling his whole body trembling from how much pain he had to push through.
"I know, cariño ...and you will just rest now" you reassured him while he kept swiping through pictures enjoying your hands in his hair.
Today was a talk with his doctors who will give him an approximate return date and Pablo was so nervous about it. It was scheduled for ten in the morning but he was already up at five twisting and turning in bed until you woke up as well.
"Pablo, it's not even morning ...go back to bed cariño porfa" I said and he pulled you closer starting to kiss all over your face not letting you sleep.
"I can't sleep amor ... I'm so anxious!!!" he whined and you giggled opening your eyes and pulling him into a kiss.
"Want me to make some breakfast then?" you ask and he holds you tight not letting you move away from him.
"I want you here with me ... just tell me everything will be fine porfa" he said twirling a piece of your hair around his fingers.
"Of course everything will be fine cariño ... you're recovering nicely and I'm sure it won't be too long until you return to the pitch" you said and he smiled praying to God you were right.
"Thank you, princesa ... what would have I done without you?" he said and you giggled kissing him.
"You wouldn't have anyone to torture at five in the morning!" you said and you both laughed while enjoying your time in bed.
When it was time to leave, Pablo's dad noticed his son's nervousness as he opened his car door.
"Did he sleep at all?" he asked you and you smiled saying he was just a bit anxious but will be better after the meet. You sat besides him holding his hand the whole ride.
Once arrived at the camp, there was a crowd all yelling "good luck Gavi!" while he nodded holding your hand tightly and limping inside carefully. There all his friends waited and gave him a reassuring hug before we were invite into the office with the doctors.
"Let's not crowd the room" the doctor said and you offered staying out but Gavi wouldn't let go of your hand now really starting to panic.
"Can she come inside with me, doctor?" he asked adorably and the older man smiled nodding his head and letting us both in followed by his father.
"First, I want you to know these are good news so don't be nervous" he started and Pablo finally relaxed. The doctor explained that his recovery is moving better than expected and that he will be ready for preseason maybe even earlier.
"So I might play Euros too?" Pablo was already ready to jump back in but doctor told him that would be a cardinal mistake.
"Cariño, remember we need to be patient" you say touching his cheek and he nods still a little disappointed but knowing this was all a blessing.
'You just keep listening to your lovely lady, and you will be back in no time kid" his dad says and Pablo kissed the top of your head lovingly while you smiled with red cheeks.
"I couldn't of done it without her ..." he said and everyone smiled at the two of you while you rested your head on his shoulder thanking God for there good news <333
Barcelona, Spain
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From being his biggest fan to being his girlfriend ... my champion is coming back in June and I am thanking God for such a blessing every day. Love you, cariño ❤️❤️❤️
pablogavi: i love you mi amor!!!❤️❤️❤️
pedri: welcome back brother!
ansufati: the best!!!
fcbarcelona: waiting for you with open arms gavi❤️
aurorapezg: her love healed him❤️
gavisfans: love them together! come back strong champion
I'm so happy to hear he's coming back stronger! ❤️❤️❤️
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cilliansmesoftly · 5 months
worst way
pairing: riley green x fem!reader
summary: riley needs you after a long month of tour and missing you
warnings: smut!, pining, yearning, breaking stuff, multiple rounds, etc.
wc: 4.4k
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tonight was the night riley was coming home. after a month long of not seeing each other, well besides facetime. he couldn’t wait another minute. tour was long. and it isn’t even over, he just has a few weeks before he’s out on the road again and he intended to spend every minute of his time off with his girl. his y/n.
he could picture her now.. standing in the kitchen, or maybe even the living room, comfy clothes on with her favorite show playing on the television. she’d be chewing on her bottom lip, no doubt leaving cherry red imprints from the pressure, just itching to be back in his arms.
at least, he was itching to be back in hers. he didn’t know what had gotten into him. on the ride from the airport, his sweatpants had been doing no good hiding the excitement he was feeling. to shield from even more humiliation, he took his carry-on bag and held it in front of the growing need. his hands were sweaty and he kept pushing his hair back with his hands, a nervous habit he’d picked up since growing it out.
why was he so nervous?
it’s not like you haven’t been together for about a year now, and friends longer than that. but, god, he was feeling like a teenager going on a first date.
the ride was shorter than riley anticipated, and he could feel his heartbeat in his throat as he got out the truck and hauled his bags and guitar case up the steps to the farmhouse he got built a couple years back.
home never felt so good.
and he knew it would feel even better once he got y/n back in his grasp.
however, when he opened the front door, no television was on, no sounds were heard, and no beautiful woman was standing there waiting for him. he sighed, setting down his bags in the middle of the room and fishing his phone out of his pocket.
he clicked y/n’s contact and brought his phone up to his ear.
ring…. ring…
he was starting to get worried. did she meet someone while he was away? no, she’d never do that. maybe she’s out getting some groceries, because god knows what was left in the fridge from the time he left to now. right as his heart rate picked back up, he heard a click and then her gorgeous voice through the speakers.
“hey, baby.” she said softly. “what’s up?”
“hi, honey. well, i came home expecting you to tackle me to the ground and shower me with love and kisses like you normally do, but there’s not a soul here.” he walked to his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. it was made, but he could tell where her pretty little head had been laying on his pillow.
“oh, shit. i’m so, so sorry. i went to pick up some food for us. you’re a little earlier than what i was planning for.” she sighed into the phone, he heard a car door shut and then an engine ignited. “i’m on my way back now, though. i’ll be home in, like, 10 minutes?”
“okay, baby. i can’t wait to see you.” riley had a small smile glued to his face, a blush coating his cheeks all the way down to his tanned chest. “be careful, i love you.”
“i love you, more. bye.” he could hear the shy grin in her voice and he could feel his heart clench at the sound.
he figured he could kill some time by taking a quick shower and washing off all the dirty airport germs off of him. so, he stood to his sore feet and grudged into the bathroom. he stripped himself of his sweatshirt, then his sneakers and sweatpants. he looked at himself in the mirror while the shower water ran. he’d worked out a lot during the times he wasn’t performing, just out of boredom and partly because he hated being in that cramped bus for 10, maybe even more, hours a day.
as he stepped into the shower, he let the water run down his face and back, washing off his worries and stress down the drain along with it. he was so happy to be home. so happy to have a break. and so happy he was about 7 minutes away from being with his best girl again.
y/n walked into the house with bags of takeout in her hands. she huffed as she tripped over riley’s bags in the room.
“riley?” she called through the house, setting the bags onto the counter. when she didn’t hear a response from anything but water running and humming, she knew exactly where to go. she tiptoed into the bathroom and started to take off her clothes. she could see riley’s silhouette through the white curtain hung up and even from that, her body ached for him. she quietly pulled back the curtain, he was facing away from her, so she slid her hands around his body. from his back to his torso, she ran her fingers all over the soft, tan skin. he jumped at first, but quickly turned around and gripped her cheeks in his hands.
“hi, baby.” she smiled up at him. he had shaved his beard into just a mustache and she could feel her stomach flutter at the dirty thoughts running through her mind. she pictured that mustache on her lips, kissing her wildly and so loving that her mouth would be bruised. she pictured that mustache kissing down her body, going between her legs and loving on her like she hadn’t felt in so long.
she was broken out of her fantasy by riley’s lips capturing hers in a searing kiss. the bathroom was filled with hot fog and was suffocating her lungs, but that kiss allowed her to take a deep breath that she hadn’t been able to catch since he’d left.
riley laughed as she squealed when he picked her up so her legs would wrap around his torso. his cock was already hard at the thought of having her right then. against the cold tiles of the shower. “my girl.” he breathed into her neck once they had broken the kiss. “you don’t know how much i missed you.”
“don’t i?” she was scratching the back of his head with one hand and clinging onto his back with the other. riley groaned into her skin as she pulled his hair gently. “take me to bed.”
he didn’t have to be told twice. he shut the water off and stepped out onto the cool floor. he laid y/n down gently on the bed and leaned back, captivated by the sight of her. her hair, a little wet from stray water droplets, was splayed behind her head onto the sheets. her body was tanned from the summer sun, no doubt taking advantage of the deck out back.
“see something you like? just take it.” she kicked her feet up to place them on his chest as she giggled. she admired his body, too. strong arms with veins running all the way down to his forearms and hands. tanned chest with a thin gold chain dangling from his neck. his body was work of god.
“don’t threaten me with a good time, honey.” riley grabbed her ankles and kissed each leg before leaning down against her. her skin against his felt like heaven. this was better than what he imagined. he pushed the hair against her forehead away, taking in every part, every detail of her face. it was an intimate moment, one that neither of them took for granted. it’s like they were falling back in love all over again.
“you seriously have no idea how much i missed you, riley green.” y/n sighed, brushing a hand through his hair. he grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, melting into her touch.
“how much did you miss me?” he was already panting, trembling even. y/n was so turned on she could barely stand it she kept trying to rub her legs together to ease some of the ache, but riley kept his hands on the inside of her thighs with a such a firm grip that she couldn’t move a muscle.
“enough to call you every night and listen to your voice. pretend it was your fingers all over me, making me wet, playing with me.” riley groaned, laying his head down on her chest. his wet hair was cold and it sent a shock through her, but it did wonders to cool down her blazing skin. “did you touch yourself to me?” she asked into his ear.
“‘course i did, baby. couldn’t go through a single day without you there with me. don’t matter if it was through a screen.” he kissed her chest, sucking a dark mark onto her skin. she moaned softly and it caused riley to ground his hips into hers, the head of his hard cock hitting her clit just right. “god, baby. gonna fuck you on every square inch of this house tonight.”
“please,” she whimpered, closing her legs tighter around his body, trying to bring him closer to her.
“we got all the time in the world.” he leaned back and cupped her cheek in his hand. she cuddled into his touch with a pout on her face. “let me take my time with you tonight, honey.”
she nodded softly, leaning up to catch his lips with hers. he slid his tongue over her lower lip, begging for entrance and when she granted it, he stifled a moan into her mouth. she tasted like strawberries and heaven. he couldn’t get enough of this girl. he moved his mouth down to her cheek, over her chin, down to her neck where he sucked another tattoo kiss onto her skin, left to be purple and bruised tomorrow. he brought his mouth to her nipple and she jumped at the sensation, she hadn’t been touched in so long. he licked around the bud before sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a soft pop.
“you’re gonna be the death of me.” she whined into her hand. her hips were restlessly trying to gain friction from anything they could reach. riley sat down on his knees and hooked his arms around the back of her legs. she gasped as he dragged her to the edge of the bed. her thighs were trembling as he kissed the inside of them, breathing her in as he did. y/n felt the facial hair on his upper lip tickling her skin. he was driving her crazy. she hadn't seen this man in a month. he didn't do anything extravagant, he didn't bring home flowers, he didn't bring wine. he just wanted her.
she was broken out of her thoughts by the feeling of his tongue licking a straight line up her core. she gasped and her hips jumped off the bed. riley shook his head against her, his nose brushing her clit back and forth as he did so, and laid his muscled arm over her hips to hold her still.
"you're so sweet, honey." he moaned against her. the vibrations made her throw her head back against the mattress, eyes rolling to the back of her head. she bit her lip as he sucked her bundle of nerves into his mouth, his fingers finding their way to her entrance. he spread her arousal with his thick digits, licking off what was left. "mmm." he prodded at her entrance again, just barely entering before pulling them back out. he was teasing her and it was torture.
"riley, please." she breathed out, panting. she lifted her head up just so she could catch his gaze and that shit-eating grin he wore made her groan and throw herself back against the bed.
"please, what, sweetheart?" he smirked. he knew what she wanted, he just wanted to hear her say it.
"just fuck me, please." she whined. he smacked her thigh and she hissed.
"that's all you had to say." he smiled, kissing her clit and the inside of her thighs sweetly before leaning up and capturing her lips with his. y/n hummed into it, taking a grip of his hair and pulling slightly. he groaned, reaching down to stroke his cock a few times before lining it up with her pretty pussy. he looked back at her eyes, her mouth open and panting, her cheeks rosy and flustered. she was so beautiful. even when she wasn't trying to be. he was suddenly taken back to the first day they met. sophomore year of college and he thought she was the most breathtaking thing at jacksonville state.
"what's going on in that handsome head of yours." y/n huffed, pushing a stray hair behind his ear.
"i just love you." he shook his head, grabbing her hand and kissing her wrist. "so much."
"you have me for the rest of your life, riley. you are the most precious thing i have." she leaned up to kiss him, slow and passionate. "i love you."
he pushed into her, moaning loudly from how tightly she enveloped him. she sucked a breath in through her teeth, the stretch was delicious and what made it even sweeter was riley leaning his forehead down onto hers, locking those deep blue irises onto her e/c ones. he slowly started to thrust into her. the tamed patch of hair below his stomach was brushing against her bud of nerves and she bit her lip to contain the graphic noises begging, screaming, to be released. she could feel the imprint of him in her stomach and she grabbed his hand and placed it on the point so he could feel it. riley whimpered and thrust harder into her.
"god, yes." she yelled out, wrapping her ankles around his back to keep him close to her. her nails were raking down his back, no doubt leaving red marks in their wake. "harder."
riley quickly obliged, hiking her leg up around his waist further to hit an angle he hadn't before that had y/n moaning almost pornographically. "you have no idea how much i missed this pussy, sweetheart."
"you have no idea how much i missed this cock." she retorted, turning her head to the side so she could kiss his stubbly cheek. she pushed his head to her chest and he could hear her wild heartbeat. he could hear her whimpers right in his ear and he wished he had something to record this so he could cherish it forever. his hips picked up speed in their ruts against her. he felt like a mad-man. he was touch starved for too long and so, so wrapped up in her. she might as well be tattooed against his skull from how much he thinks about her.
his thrusts were so forceful, the framed picture above his bed frame was hitting the wall repeatedly and eventually just fell back behind the bed. they could hear the glass shattering, but they could care less. riley picked y/n up and turned her around so she was sitting on her hands and knees. she laid her head down onto the soft sheets, arching her back softly so her ass was in better view. he rubbed the soft skin soothingly before smacking it lightly. y/n giggled and then groaned when he pushed into her again. his had one leg on the floor and the other was propped up and bent. his hands were wrapped around both of her hips and he pulled her back against his cock. he was hitting so deep inside of her and y/n could feel the coil inside of her tightening even more. riley was no better than her, he could usually last a while, but, because of the prolonged distance, his tummy was fluttering and his cock was twitching relentlessly. his body was begging for a release.
"y/n." he whimpered, his pounding thrusts against her were getting sloppy and he reached around her to toy with her clit.
"oh, i know, baby. me too." she was breathless, her knuckles were white from gripping the sheets so hard and she was sure she would have bruises all over her backside tomorrow from how rough he was pushing into her. "cum inside of me. please, please." she begged. she wanted all of him, she was so close she had tears in her eyes.
"oh, my." he threw his head back before leaning down against her back. he kissed all over her neck, her shoulders. his fingers were still rubbing circles onto her clit and her body was collapsing beneath her. "i'm gonna cum, honey." he thrust a few more times, working her clit harshly. she was screaming his name, a thin sheen of sweat coating both of their bodies. the coil in her belly snapped quickly at one particularly hard thrust and she curled into herself while riley was milking her for everything she had. a few more thrusts and riley was completely undone. he released into her, pushing his cum into her further before laying down against her back. she turned her head so she could kiss his lips. "i love you. i love you." he muttered against her skin.
"i love you." she kissed the top of his head. riley leaned up and pulled out slowly, watching the mix of their climaxes leak from her core and onto the duvet. "i broke home takeout."
they sat at the island in the kitchen, ravishing their food like two starving cavemen. she got riley and her some burgers from his favorite spot in town. they laughed and shared fries with each other. they fed each other like an annoying couple they would've made fun of back in college.
"do you think we would've been friends in high school?" she wondered, taking a sip of her cold busch light. riley brought his lips to his drink, too. one thing he loved about her is that she actually enjoyed drinking beer, maybe even more than he did.
"absolutely not," he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "i was a little shit in high school."
"you were a little shit in college, too." she giggled, pushing his shoulder. they were just sitting in their underwear, but nothing had ever felt more comfortable. more like home.
"i was worse in high school. ask momma." he laughed. "got cops called on me one time for poppin' fireworks in my principal's yard."
"riley green!" her jaw-dropped. "and to think, the worst thing you did in college was get kicked out of a bar for fightin' a guy."
"he was hittin' on you. had to do somethin'." he shrugged, smiling while taking a bite of another fry.
"you didn't even like me like that back then... did you?" she side-eyed him suggestively.
"baby, i've liked you since we first met at the gym." he slipped his hand up her leg, rubbing her thigh with his calloused fingers. rough partly from years of playing guitar and partly from the hard work he's done in his life. "when you didn't know how to work the equipment, i was hooked on you."
"oh, ew!" she scrunched up her nose. "i was wearing stained sweatpants and an old lynyrd skynyrd shirt."
"hence my attraction." he breathed out a laugh, his fingertips still rubbing over her skin. she clutched her hand to his and brought it up to her lips, kissing his the pad of his fingers.
"why didn't you tell me?" she asked softly, placing his hand against her cheek. it was warm and she leaned into his touch.
"thought you were out of my league, to be honest." he rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone, tracing her freckles from the warm alabama sun. "i thought you were the prettiest thing i'd ever seen and i didn't wanna embarrass myself by askin' you out, so i figured being friends was a good way to keep you in my life."
she fell into a fit of giggles and riley scoffed with a smile on his face, pulling back from her. "yeah, laugh at my misery. it's fine." he went to stand, but she pulled him back down, trying to calm herself.
"no, it's not that! i swear!" she bit down on her lip to contain more laughter. "that first day," she took a breath. "i fell in love with you, too."
"pft, nah." he stood up, collecting their food wrappers and walked to the trash can to throw it away.
"pft, yeah!" she stood up, too. she watched as he washed his hands and he shook his head. "you don't believe me? you were starting quarterback and completely jacked, might i add. plus, you helped me with gym equipment without making me feel stupid. i texted mom about you that very night."
"you serious?" he braced his hands on either side of the sink and she couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the veins running down his arms, she licked her lips and looked back up at him, nodding. "alright," he threw his arms up in surrender. "i believe you."
"so that means we wasted.... what?" she started counting up the months.
"at least 10 months." he finished her thought for her and she brought her hands up to her face. she could've been with him from the very first moment they met, but they both thought too lowly of themselves to make a move.
"riley, that's awful." she groaned through her hands. he laughed and walked up to her, pulling her hands away from her face and wrapping them around his body. he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips sweetly.
"we got all of our lives to make up for that time, baby." he mumbled against her. she moved her hands up to wrap around the back of his neck. his fingertips tickled down her sides before picking her up and sitting her on the counter top. he laid her down gently and kissed down her neck, all the way to her navel. she brought him back up to her and captured his lips with her own, licking over his bottom lip. he opened his mouth further and their tongues danced together, even though they tasted like their dinner, they couldn't care less.
"make love to me." she whispered against his lips. he let his hands trail around her body before moving behind her back and unclasping her bra in one swift move. he bowed his head to kiss around her breasts, then down to her belly. he traced the hem of her panties, blue and lacy, his favorite. he pulled them down her legs, his fingers causing goosebumps to raise on her legs and follow the path he took down to her ankles. he threw the undergarments somewhere towards the living room and kissed his way back up to her lips. he kissed her lips and pulled his boxers down his thighs, letting them drop and pool around his feet. he grabbed the back of her thighs and slowly dragged her further to the edge of the counter. she leaned up to slowly stroke his cock. he leaned his head back in pleasure and she kissed the open space of his neck, licking around the stubbly skin. he lifted his head back up and kissed her sensually. this was a different kiss. it was passionate, but it was more like a promise. a promise of 'i'm yours'.
she lined his cock up with her entrance and he pushed into her slowly, laying her back down flat against the cool marble counter. his thrusts were slow, but rough. he left his branding kisses on her neck and chest. their moans were soft and intimate, a low, but intense sound of pure adoration and infatuation. y/n stretched her arms out behind her head, accidentally knocking off the decorative wooden bowl in the middle of the island. "sorry." she whispered.
"ain't worried 'bout nothing but you." he responded, his face tucked into her neck and his cock working wonders on her. she was already close. she was so full of love, so full of him. she wanted to cry, she loved him so much. and he was thinking the same because he whispered in her ear, "i love you."
"i love you so much, ri." she whined. she felt his cock twitch inside of her, but she wanted him to hold out. she wanted this feeling to last so much longer than it could. "don't cum yet." she breathed out, brushing through his hair with her fingers. "wanna feel you."
"yes ma'am." he kissed underneath the lobe of her ear and she shuddered, trying to prolong her peak. he slowed down even more and y/n could feel every vein, every curve of his cock. they felt like puzzle pieces, perfectly made for each other. the way he pulled out just to push roughly back in was driving her mad, it was getting harder to hold back. "cum for me, sweetheart. know you need to. can feel you squeezin' 'round me."
she whimpered softly and all he had to do was reach down to circle her clit and she was done for. her climax hit like no other had and she was clenching around him so tightly that riley came right after she did, kissing all over her face, her neck, and chest.
"we're makin' a mess of this house." she laughed as she looked at the mess of clothes around the floors, the bowl spilled out onto the hardwood, not to mention the fact that they had to pull the bed out from the wall sometime to clean the glass up from the picture frame.
"y'know i'm gonna have to write a song 'bout this." he chuckled and she rolled her eyes. "even though they're all about you already." he kissed her cheek and she blushed.
"let's keep it that way, baby." she kissed his lips then hopped down from the counter, brushing her body up against his. she leaned down to pick up her bra, pushing herself onto his pelvic bone with a grin on her face.
he grunted and she leaned back up, but he grabbed her arm before she could walk away. he caught her lips with his and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. she shrieked and kicked her legs, trying to get him to put her down. she was in a fit of laughter by the time he tossed her onto the couch. "i still want you in the worst way, darlin'. you ain't getting away from me for the rest of the night."
hey everyone! i know this is different from what i usually post (aka austin butler ahaha) but i noticed on tiktok that riley green usually gets a lot of attention from all the clips of his concerts, but there's hardly any content of him on tumblr, wattpad, etc. so if you don't know who this is, he's a singer. i went to his concert recently and just completely fell back in love with him, so i wanted to write for him! if you enjoyed the idea, you can totally picture someone else for the role of riley. if you want more of riley, let me know! and do your research on him because this man is something else oooh lord
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dearharriet · 7 months
hi hi you’re so lovely!!! i had to think on this one for a while but i think i like how it came out! james seems much more like cameron than patrick, i hope u don’t mind <3 (wc: 1.2K)
You get the sudden feeling that you’ve been completely messed about at this stupid house party.
Down the driveway, your so-called friend is climbing into the passenger seat of a Porsche, leaving you behind in less than ideal autumn-garb; A red dress that falls too short and clings too thin to your wind-whipped torso, and a sad excuse for a shawl are all you have for warmth.
And if things could get any worse, you’re likely going to have to walk home in the kitten heels you insisted on wearing.
Behind you, a clunky wooden front door heaves open, producing the sweet but hopeless guy who’s been following you around all night. James, you think is his name.
He’s relatively attractive, in a sort of lost puppy way. Big brown eyes and pouty lips, a softness to his tone that could probably buckle knees if he took better advantage of it. Still, he’s thinner and scraggly, and lacks any kind of social quip to make that likely.
He skips down the steps, his dress coat flung dejectedly over his shoulder, and a frown tying his brows together. His friend from earlier is nowhere to be seen.
“Hey,” you say tentatively and his hung head picks up, though his mouth only hardens its angry line. He takes in your unlucky state, and any trace of the puppy-love softness he’d shown you all night is gone.
“Where’s your boyfriend?”
You scoff. “Please. He’s not my boyfriend.” His face remains stony and unaffected. “I don’t know what I ever saw in him.”
James reaches his free hand up to push back his hair, and you stare at his tensing arm without really realizing it.
“Yeah, neither do I,” he says, hiking his jacket further over his shoulder and walking past you.
In a small window of time, you realize he has keys that he’s fishing out of his slacks pocket—car keys—and your aching feet override your nerves.
“Uh, James?” You both spin towards each other, your back now to the house and his to the cars. You realize that’s probably not the only thing that switched between you tonight. Ironically, you’re the one chasing after him now.
“Yeah,” he says, agitated, when all you do is stare. You look to the empty space where your ride once was, and back to James.
“Could you give me a lift home?”
Something about the way his expression slackens turns your insides out. When was the last time someone looked so disappointed in you? As far as you know, most of the decisions you make go over very well, and no one is ever upset with you (save your sister, who is never happy if she can help it).
But here is James, with eyes holding the most loathing likely ever directed your way, and with every right.
He shakes his head, but says, “Yeah, whatever.”
Somehow that might be worse.
Trailing after him, you come up on his old sedan, a car that seems like it’d have a myriad of mechanical problems. He has to stick his key in the driver’s door to unlock it.
When he gets his door open, he unlocks the rest of them, and you slide awkwardly into the leathery bench beside him. James seems to notice your unfamiliarity and shreds your self esteem further with a scoff.
“It’s not a convertible, I know. Sorry to disappoint.”
“No,” you immediately defend, warm from his apt assessment of you. James gives you a sideways glance of warning. “I mean, yes, I was expecting something else, but it’s—I’m not…”
“It’s fine,” James sighs, turning the car on, “it’s just a lift home. You made it pretty clear that that’s all you want me for.”
As James pulls into the street, you watch the house slip away, party like a fizzling ember fighting the midnight cold.
“That’s not true,” you say, though you’re not sure you feel it at all. Your voice is overly sweet, an attempt at the voice that serves to get you what you want, when you want it.
You’re not entirely sure what you want anymore, but James brushes it off anyway, like it’s a revolting bug.
“Yes, it is.”
It astonishes you how easily he can cut you down. He’s hardly speaking loud enough to be heard above the radio, just a bitter rake of a comment, but you’re floored all the same.
The car falls silent, and you stare at your lap instead of out the window. You feel thoroughly scolded, dissected and left to put yourself back together. You don’t think you’ll cry, but you’re not ruling it out.
When James pulls past a stop sign, approaching your neighborhood, he glances over at you.
“Yknow.” He pauses, licking his lips. “I didn’t even expect you to like me back.” His eyes return to the street “And it’s fine that you don’t, but—but you could’ve just told me.”
You rub your hands over the hem of your dress, a foreign set of nerves gripping your chest. Realistically, you could weather the storm until he drops you off, but for some reason you desperately want to rectify the situation.
You want to tell him that yes, of course you liked him all this time, because that should be true. Except it’s not.
James’ car rolls up to the curb outside your place. He sighs, gripping the steering wheel.
“I really cared about you. I went to that party for you, and I ignored everyone who said I was stupid for doing it.” Shaking his head, James looks at you, anger peeling back to reveal raw hurt. “But you’re so conceited.”
You expel a painful breath, all the wind knocked out of you.
“I know.” Breaking eye contact, you flick your eyes to your shoes. Flattery and shame twine together in your throat. “Did you really go to the party for me?”
James nods.
“Went to the party, got that guy to date your sister,” he lists. “I even learned French for you. And what did it get me? A whole lot of—”
Without really thinking, you surge forward and pull James’ lips onto yours. They lay warm and firm over your mouth, and you can’t deny how right it feels.
You’re expecting James to pull back, to push you away, but he does the opposite. One hand laces into your pristine hair, holding you to him, and the other wraps around your back.
It’s a perfect kiss, the kind that you always dreamed of, and it makes a giddy laugh bubble out of your mouth.
When you pull away, you’re dizzy and a little self-pitying. You could’ve been kissing James like this whole time instead of chasing after some pea-brained asshole in a nice car.
James seems to watch the thought wash over you, because he kisses you one more time to remind you that it doesn’t matter, that you’re here now. Then he lets you go, and you relish in the way his hands linger over your waist, your neck. The giddy feeling comes back twofold.
“Night,” you say through a prim smile. “Thanks for the lift.”
James’ eyes crease a little at the edges from his returning smile. “G’night, beautiful.”
thank you for reading! xx
join the celebration!
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christronomy · 1 year
Hi!! Its the anon who sent in the chan car ride hard thought with the insta reel, if u remember me. But i have came to give u a new hard thought. First off, HAVE YOU SEEN THE VID OF CHAN DOING THAT LIL FINGER MOVE IN HALL OF FAME?!? i feel dizzy. 😵‍💫 anyways, onto my hard thought, picture this, y/n is scrolling on twt and that tweet that says imagine chan fingering you till you cry (or sum like that i hope you know what tweet im talking abt) and it has the chan vid attached to it, THEN BANGCHAN COMES INTO THE ROOM AND CATCHES Y/N AND FINGERS HEER OMGGGG (also i jus noticed that i used twt and tweet instead of X, sorry lol)
of course i remember you! hi, love! and YES, of course i saw that tweet, and i feel totally not normal about it! i would link them but i can't remember which accounts they're from sigh. also i hate calling it "x" bc cause wtf is that. LMAO
but onto this gem of a thought. honestly, he'd tease you so much if he caught you gushing over those tweets, he'd be so sweet about it though. if you don't mind i wanna add some more to this under the cut cause it just came to mind hehe (it's so long and i didn't proof read. help).
he caught you trying to finger yourself in his dorm room after spending almost hours scrolling through your timeline. you weren't really expecting to see anything interesting, but the only thing that popped up was the clips of him and that finger movement that caught your attention and immediately drove you insane. you couldn't help but keep watching the same clip over and over again in awe. it was just so attractive, especially when he made that certain expression and looked right straight at the camera, almost as if he were looking right at you.
so here you were now, desperately bucking your hips up against your hand, sticking your fingers as far inside your cunt as you could, palming your clit to gain some extra friction. you whined exasperatedly as you failed miserably yet again, not being able to get that stimulation you so desperately wanted.
chan got home a few minutes ago, so he's already been watching you, chuckling to himself softly cause you just look so cute like that—legs spread, face flushed a bright red, fucking your fingers in and out of your sopping hole. you keep going for a few more minutes, until you finally toss your head back to groan in frustration because it's just not enough.
his cock is already twitching, straining in his pants at the sight of you, so he can't help but open the door, and he finds it cute how you immediately close your legs and draw your hand back, the surprise of having been caught in the act showing on your face. he laughs softly and sits next to you on the bed. "what's wrong, love? you upset?" he asks, his tone teasing, yet sweet, and you can tell it's because he knows exactly what you were doing.
you nod and sigh, trying your best to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why you were naked on your boyfriend's bed, alone, when you knew he'd always expected you to wait for him whenever you needed to get off. "i was scrolling through twitter, and i saw these tweets about you... i got curious so i spent a while looking at them, and then..." you trail off with a gasp as he suddenly grabs your phone from where you'd put it next to you on the bed. you try to snatch it back, but he's a lot quicker than you. he scrolls a little bit, his expression serious, and then a smug smile plays at the corner of his lips as he looks at you again.
"aw baby, is this why you were so hot and bothered?" he asks, as he shows you one of the clips he was looking at, the same one from earlier, and your face turns an even darker shade of red as you nod. "that why you were using your cute little fingers, even though you know they're not good enough? you've got me right here. you could've asked me instead of just watching videos of me. i'll do whatever you want as long as i can make you feel good."
you feel like you're melting at the way condescension practically drips off his tongue, and you let him spread your legs for you again, this time using his own fingers to tease your swollen bud. he's such a dream come true. "'m sorry i couldn't wait for you," you start, but he shushes you softly. "that's okay, baby. i'm here now. i can help you," he says, and you want to thank him, but your words are cut short by the almost embarrassingly loud squeal that escapes your throat when he suddenly sticks his pointer and middle fingers in without warning, curling them just right, just like in that clip, finally giving you that pleasure you'd been chasing for hours now.
he watches you intently, from the way your back arches, to the way you clench around his fingers, but his expression stays blank. it doesn't take you that long to cum, and when you do, he doesn't stop. you look at him with furrowed brows, whining from the overstimulation, and he simply chuckles at your expression, not saying anything as he keeps torturing your walls with his fingers mercilessly. he's pushing you close to the edge all over again surprisingly quickly, and once you reach your second orgasm, you're already asking him to slow down, stop for a minute, so you can catch your breath. still, he doesn't. by the time you reach your fourth orgasm, you're already a sobbing stuttering mess as he makes you even more dumb on his fingers, begging him to stop, but that only makes him go much faster, his palm smacking your clit as he does so.
"this how needy you are for me? wanting to get yourself off without me cause of some video? you poor thing, thinking your fingers alone would satisfy you. you know you can't do it without me. guess i just have to remind you, hmm?"
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lunicho · 6 months
OK SO WHAT IF.. hanbin has lots of patience, as in ALOT. but one day, you decided to test it and get him pissed off by making him jealous, so of course, he punishes you! he turns mean & rough instead of the usual sweet, kind of mean dom he is 🤭 degrading & praise combined too!
im a firm believer that hanbin is very very stern. he has a lot of self control and he doesn't give in easily. i've given my friend like a full on comparison of how i think hanbin is as a dom vs jiwoong cuz in my mind they're complete opposites (lmk if y'all wanna hear what i think) but yeah like hanbin can keep his cool for sure. he doesn't give in to your tactics easily because if he tells you to wait or if he tells you to be patient then he expects u to respect that. usually he's able to laugh off your advances or he'll give u a warning and usually things like that help, they at least get u to settle down but if u just keep on pushing it he won't be able to keep it together. he doesn't play about the jealousy stuff, ur his baby and only his baby. he knows ur gorgeous so other guys looking at you or even throwing little flirts at u usually isn't a huge problem for him, he may say smth slick but it's usually not a big deal. but when you're the one showing off and flaunting it with other guys he's like??? it very quickly goes from "aww that's so cute" to him being very very unhappy with you. he'd for a second thing that you're just feeling yourself but when you go as far as to lean in close with another guy or even put your hand on the other guys chest or smth while u laugh,,, yeah he's not having it.
he'd stay back at first, watching you with the most stern look on his face. he's mad as hell and you know he is too, you could feel him burning a hole in the side of your head. when you walk back over to him he'd pretty much have a forever frown pasted on his face. what would really get him to the point of just being straight up mean is that you act dumb when you come back to him. you're asking him what's wrong knowing Exactly what the problem is. he wouldn't even be able to look at you, he'd just be like, "say bye, we're leaving." and he's dragging u out to the car. he's not gonna talk the entire car ride but his body language does enough talking. his hand would grip the steering wheel extra hard and his eyes would be dark and worst of all he would not be looking at you the entire time 😭
when u guys get in the house is when he finally talks. he'd let you take your shoes off, he'd let you place your purse on the hook, he'd hang up the keys and take his shoes off as well and then he'll just watch you. he'll watch how you fiddle, how you look so shameful all of a sudden and he'll just scoff. he'll tell you to get on the bed, his voice would be so stern, almost echoing off the walls as if he yelled at you. he'd tease u so much when u do things like this, he'd have no remorse for you. he'd lazily pull your clothes apart, probably tearing the material in the process. he'd mark you up so much too, you'd have those deep deep colored hickeys all over your body. he'd say things like, "show these to that guy you were talking to. what was so interesting about him anyways?" and he'll have you explain to him what you were talking to him about and he'd break you down to the point where you have to admit that you were just trying to get hanbin's attention. he'd laugh at you, pulling your legs apart slowly. he's mean in times like this, not giving in when you beg and definitely not when you cry, if anything when you're crying he gets even meaner. taunting you and calling you names, saying things like, "what happened to that little act earlier? isn't that why you're here now? wanted to act like a slut infront of other guys.. thought i taught you better than that." he has a crazy amount of stamina in times like this, his thrusts stay sharp and harsh, making you cum faster than you ever have before. he holds you down too, the way you squirm annoying him.
he'll only soften up at the end after you're completely fucked out, covered in his cum and yours, he'll kiss you gently, helping you get all cleaned up. he's the best at aftercare, no matter how mad he was before he'll be so so sweet and gentle and make sure you know you're loved by him <3
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mxqdii · 1 year
i can see you - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: reader suddenly develops feelings for chris sturniolo (based off of t.s song 'i can see you')
warning(s): fluff, mutual pining, kissing.
not proofread
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i've been friend's with the triplets for as long as i can remember.
but lately things have been different.
"this is bad, this is really bad alahna" i say with the phone up to my ear, ranting to my best friend
"okay calm down, it's chris, you know chris, you gotta tell him" she says and i let out a shakey breath
"alahna i-" i start but get interrupted
"y/n, you and i both know you guy's have always been something a little more than friends, its obvious, now tell him how you feel." she prys.
the call ends shortly after that, leaving me time to think about what alahna was saying.
i've never seen chris like that, right?
i've always thought of him as a friend, i just feel like now i can see him, like my eyes have been opened.
my thoughts are interrupted with my phone vibrating, seeing a text from chris.
chris: yo, we're going to see a movie and you're coming, i already bought your ticket.
y/n: fine but only if you pick me up
chris: i always do princess
my eyes widen at the last message, princess?
calming myself down at that comment that got me way too flustered, i tell myself it was a joke and start getting ready for the movies.
for some reason, for the first time in forever, i put thought into what i wear.
i take the time to look good, which is odd considering it's just the triplets.
i mean, ive known them since i was 6, what's with the desire to 'dress to impress" now?
the doorbell rings and i jump
shit they're here.
i open the door with shakey hands, being met with nick, letting out a breath of relief knowing chris is in the car
a breath i didn't know i even had in.
"heyy- wait what's wrong" he asks and i groan
"don't worry about it, lets go" i say, grabbing his wrist dragging him back to the car.
"helloooo guys thank you for the ride" i say with a smile to cover up the fact that i'm dying at the sight of chris.
the car ride goes faster then expected, not much talking being done considering nick had his playlist on blast the whole ride.
nick saves me once again.
"okay me and matt will get the tickets you and chris get snacks" nick says to me.
i officially take back every good thing i've ever said about nick
"okay" i say, feeling the dryness in my throat
what the hell is wrong with me, i am too nervous around chris and i've never even felt this way before today??
what is happening.
"hey" chris says snapping me out of my trance
"hm?" i hum in response
"you're quiet, what's up?" he asks and i ponder as we wait in line.
"well, i- i don't know i've just been feeling different towards something" i try to explain and he nods in confusion
"okay.. care to explain a bit?" he pry's and i sigh
"chris i-" i start as i'm interrupted
"hello! what can i get for you two today" the concessions girl says
"a gun" i mumble and chris nudges me
"right! snacks... uh, i'll get a blue raspberry slushy" i say
"what did matt and nick want?" i ask chris and he orders for them
"then just a cherry slushy for me and that'll be all" he says smiling making my heart flutter
i reach into my purse searching for my wallet
"that's funny y/n" chris says making me look up
"what?" i ask
"you paying" he says, and i see that everythings already payed for as he pulls his card out of the machine
"chris-" i start but he interrupts
"shh, not a word" he says, putting his fingers over my lips to quiet me.
i cant help but feel my cheeks flush at the action though.
we walk back to the lobby, waiting for nick and matt
"so... what were you gonna say earlier?" he asks and i freeze
"uh, i kinda had to tell-" i start to speak but matt and nick come up to us handing us our tickets.
"i forgot! that's all" i say to chris with a smile
we walk to the movie theatre and take our seats, chris pulling our seat separator up.
"wha-" i say in confusion looking at chris and his open arms, like he's waiting for me to lay with him
i forgot this is something we do.
"cmon you don't wanna get cozy?" he says making me cringe
"ew." i say back knowing i don't mean it at all, just stalling from him being able to feel my heart racing.
the movie starts and i lay with chris feeling my clammy hands and shakey body distracting me
also chris's colonge, the sound of his heartbeat, his arm around my neck.
okay you get the point, i am going crazy.
"i-im gonna use the bathroom" i say, almost a mumble, frantically getting up and letting out a big breath of relief
i hear doors opening behind me and turn around seeing chris
it's too much- this is all just too overwhelming.
i feel tears brim at my eyes just getting worked up and just feeling overall upset
"chris no-" i say, his presence being too much
"y/n, you've been acting weird all day. i know something's up, you seem so nervous and i wanna help you but you have to tell me what's up." he talks and i snap
"i like you, okay!? and it kills me that i couldn’t do or say anything about it because i know you don't feel the same. the whole day i've been just going insane and i can't keep pretending i see you as my best friend"
i finally broke.
the tears start streaming down my face and chris looks at me in pure utter shock, making me feel worse.
"y/n-" he starts but i interrupt
"you don't have to say anything" i say and he sighs
"okay, then i'll do this." he says and cups my cheeks, kissing me passionately.
the world spins as i feel his soft lips on mine, a feeling i've been missing my whole life, one i won't ever forget.
he pulls away, smiling.
"chris-" this time he interrupts
"you don't have to say anything" he says, teasingly, as he kisses me again.
i think this whole thing has opened my eyes in a way they never would've originally been opened, seeing chris like this, it's something i needed, something i longed for and now i know that it's not just me.
chris can see me too.
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queenshelby · 2 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 43: Oscar Scandal
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (47) x Reader (24)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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Following the unexpected news, Lucy took the rest of the day of to accompany you home . It was a silent car ride, with Lucy checking on you, every now and then with a gentle smile, trying to reassure you. She knew how overwhelmed and frightened you were feeling.
"It's alright babe, I'm here for you and Cillian will be too. He asked you to move in with him so, clearly, he is serious about you," Lucy observed with a small, supportive smile, her eyes twinkling with warmth and understanding as she parked her car outside the apartment building.
"Being serious about us and being ready to start a family are two different things, Lu," you said as you took a deep breath and slipped out of the passenger seat.
"I know that, but realistically, he is almost fifty and he might not actually have that much time to start a family again, so perhaps this is a blessing in disguise," Lucy smiled gently as she walked you to the entrance of the building where you now lived with Cillian, at least for now.
A sudden wave of nerves and fear washed over you. How do you tell Cillian that not only had you been pregnant for quite some time, yet unbeknownst to yourself, but that he would be a father sooner than he might have anticipated. The gravity of the situation suddenly hit you, leaving you feeling weak and almost powerless, like the wind had been knocked out of you.
"I don't know how to tell him," you said, your voice shaking a little as you confessed your fears.
Lucy put her arm around you, giving you a warm, reassuring hug. "Why don't you take a moment for yourself and then let's figure out the best course of action, okay? This might seem overwhelming now, but I promise you it will all work out in the end," Lucy proclaimed, her smile continuing to exude warmth and understanding.
With that, the two of you walked into the apartment building and headed towards Cillian's apartment.
Lucy held onto your arm, offering silent support as you made your way inside, looking pale and featuring a tear-streaked face. 
Upon reaching the apartment, you took a deep breath and braced yourself for the talk you knew you had to have with Cillian, although you did not expect him to be home just yet.
Unfortunately for you, however, you were mistaken. He had returned home much earlier than expected and was already waiting for you when you entered the apartment with Lucy. He was cooking dinner, but as soon as he saw you, he sensed your distress and immediately stopped what he was doing.
"What's wrong?" Cillian asked, his expression concerned as he took in your appearance. He could see that you were upset, and he knew that something was troubling you and quickly walked over to where you had stopped. 
"I... I," you simply stammered, your voice faltering slightly as you looked away from him, focusing on the floorboards. 
"Should I go?" Lucy whispered, understanding that you probably needed some privacy for this kind of conversation with your boyfriend.
You nodded, still shaken, and Lucy backed away slowly, keeping a watchful eye on your every move.
Once Lucy left the apartment, Cillian stepped closer and wrapped his arms gently around you, pulling you into a warm, loving embrace
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong," he begged, his voice full of concern as he stroked your hair.
You pulled back slightly, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your sweater before taking a deep breath. "Cillian...I need to tell you something," you said quietly.
Seeing the apprehension in your eyes, he frowned. "What is it?" he asked, holding you tightly before motioning to towards the couch. 
You nodded, stammering some incoherent words and sat down, taking a deep breath before turning to face him. "I... I don't know how to fucking tell you this, but...," you began to cry .
Cillian, still holding your hands, frowned in concern as he listened quietly. "Y/N, please tell me what's going on," he urged softly.
You took a deep shaky breath, looking up at Cillian through tear-filled eyes. "I...I'm pregnant," you said, your voice trembling slightly as you delivered the news and, immediately, Cillian's face turned pale as well.
His jaw dropped and silence descended between you two, the gravity of the situation hovering over you.
Cillian looked stunned. He blinked hard and glanced around the room, trying to process the information.
You watched him, your heart pounding wildly in your chest as you waited for him to say something, anything.
But he just sat there, not moving or speaking.
It seemed as though the words had paralyzed him. You could see the myriad emotions playing out across his face, surprise, shock, disbelief, and uncertainty - all swirling in those piercing blue eyes. Eventually, he blinked again, as if waking from a stupor.
"Okay, uhm, well, that's ... wow, I mean, we had a few close calls but, fuck...," Cillian stammered, trying to gather his thoughts. His heart felt like it was pounding a hole in his chest, and he could feel a lump forming in his throat.
You reached out and touched his face, feeling the familiar lines that marked Cillian's handsome, age-worn visage glow under your fingertips before breaking out in tears once again. 
"I am halfway through the pregnancy already. I can't even terminate. I would have fallen pregnant before the accident already and...I, I am so fucking scared Cillian. I am not ready for this and I am so sorry...," you whispered with a shuddering sigh, your tears falling silently down your cheeks as you looked anxiously up at him.
Cillian let go of your hands and reached up to gently wipe away your tears, an unreadable expression on his face. 
"Sshh, it's okay. It's okay," he whispered, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you protectively. "We can figure this out Y/N," he reassured, with a tone that spoke of calm, measured confidence despite the bewildered expression that still lingered in his eyes.
Your heart pounded louder and wilder in your chest, making it difficult to breathe. What should you do? After all, it wasn't just your life that changed with this surprise pregnancy, but also Cillian's. 
"I am not ready to be a mother, Cillian. I have plans. A career and," you began to say
to Cillian, neglecting to finish the sentence as you felt a lump form in your throat. "This...This changes everything," you sighed, turning away from him and looking out the window instead.
Cillian pulled you towards him once more, comforting you by running his hand through your hair. "It does change everything, yes, but not necessarily for the worse. You will be an excellent mother, you will see and I can take a year off, be a stay at home dad, so that you can finish med-school . I know that you have always wanted to achieve this, and you still will," Cillian said, his eyes shining with determination as he watched the tears stream down your face. You closed your eyes and sighed, feeling a wave of gratitude and warmth towards him.
"I love you," you said, whispering the words in between your sobs, clutching him tighter.
Cillian smiled against your hair, feeling his heart swell with love.
"I love you too Y/N and I know that we can do this," Cillian whispered, and he held you a little tighter with every word uttered.
You listened to him, taking in his words of comfort and reassurance. Each sentence was like a gentle caress that calmed and soothed you down, alleviating the heaviness weighing down on your heart.
As he reiterated his love for you, you let out a shaky sigh, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you. Despite everything, he was there for you, expressing his willingness to stand by your side - no matter what.
"Plus, you will probably look absolutely incredible with, well, my child inside you,"  Cillian joked, breaking the tension that had filled the room for what seemed like an eternity.
You snorted and looked up at him, your eyes still glazed with unshed tears. "Stop it, you will make me cry again and stain your t-shirt even more," you said, with a small, feeble smile.
Cillian leaned in and gently pressed his lips to your forehead. "I don't mind you ruining my shirt, I just want you to be okay. I want us to be okay," he whispered, with his arms still wrapped protectively around you.
The words rang in your ears, giving you a sense of comfort, despite the chaos of emotions coursing through you.
"We will be, I promise," you whispered back, burying your face into his chest and wrapping your arms around him tightly as if clinging to the one steady thread in the whirlwind that had become your world.
Cillian's body felt warm and safe; his heart thrumming steadily against your cheek provided an anchor preventing you from becoming completely lost in the raging sea of anxiety within you.
"I know this might be poor timing but, since you are half-way along already, I am curious, do you know what we are having?" Cillian asked cautiously, steering the conversation cautiously towards potential positives that could help lighten the mood. You looked up at him, feeling a surge of hope inside you.
"I...yes, I do," you replied shyly, still huddled in his embrace.
Cillian's face lit up with a smile, the weight of his worry fading away as you nodded.
"And?" Cillian questioned, a hint of mischievousness in his voice.
"It's a boy," you announced, a small, surprised smile appearing on your lips as the words escaped. You hadn't realized just how curious you had been about the sex of the baby yourself, but now that you knew, the weight of this growing life inside you suddenly felt a little bit lighter, like a tiny ray of sunshine breaking through clouds of uncertainty.
Cillian's face lit up at this revelation and he ran his hand through his hair, a proud smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I think I can handle that, "he chuckled and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"I still don't even know how this happened. I swear, I rarely ever forgot to take my pill and the chances were astronomical really," you told Cillian, your voice cracking as you tried to convey your feelings, but Cillian managed to take it with some humor. 
"Well, I guess that even at my age, I still have some strong swimmers," he laughed at his own weak attempt of a joke, and you could help but roll your eyes even more.
"You are an idiot," you said affectionately, leaning back against him, a small, feeble smile appearing on your lips. 
The following day, after some vivid dreams and long conversations with Cillian about your collective future as a family, Cillian and you met with your stylist Gared again in preparation for the Academy Awards. 
You had decided that, for now, you would keep the pregnancy under wraps as Cillian was a little concerned about a backlash from the press as well as some hatred from his son Max. 
Yes, you were well aware of the father-son tension between the two, and while you wanted to believe that Max would one day come around, you knew it was better to proceed with caution.
And so, you did not mention a single word to Gared and Cillian's team either, but they quickly picked up on a few cues.
For starters, you needed a new dress as the one that had been prepared for you  initially now did not fit you.
"You, my girl, have put on some weight," Gared said honestly, but with a chuckle in his voice, as he began ushering you into a dressing room with his assistant Mary to assist you.
Whilst your weight gain was not really something you had picked up on before, the black gown you chose was rather snug around your abdomen now and even though you did not think that you were showing yet, it was more difficult for Gared's assistant to close up the zipper on the back of the dress.
You let out a sigh, feeling self-conscious as she worked to get the zipper to attach securely just before Gared looked through the dressing room, sighing deeply and shaking his head. He knew that this was not going to work and so did you.
Gared looked thoughtful at you for a moment before stepping out again and darting his eyes towards Cillian.
"Is she...?" was all he said to him and, before he could even finish the question, Cillian nodded quietly. 
"Yes, she is pregnant, " he whispered, his eyes shifting away from his assistant's inquiring gaze as she too had now overhead the conversation between her employer and his stylist.
"Fast work, man. Congrats," Gared quipped, clapping Cillian on the shoulder with a big grin before comparing some shirt options for Cillian. 
"Thanks," Cillian responded quietly. "But let's keep this under the wraps for now, alright? We don't need any more drama at the moment," Cillian said to Gared, shooting him a pointed look.
"Well, if you want to keep the rumors from surfacing during the Awards, she will need a new dress man. She looks pregnant," Gared replied matter-of-factly as you stepped out of the dressing room, looking deflated.
"This is bullshit. I look like a bloated whale and nothing fits right," you exclaimed, feeling the frustration build within you.
"You don't Y/N. You look as stunning as ever," Cillian reassured you with a smile, but his words failed to calm the tempest brewing in your mind. The uncertainty had taken root inside you, burrowing itself deep within your heart.
"Cillian, let's just be realistic here. I cannot wear this dress. Why didn't you tell me that I look like..., you know, ...never mind," you huffed, upset about the fact that you hadn't picked up on how your body had changed in recent weeks. You had put these changes back to the accident, the medication you were taking and the change in your routine, but even just that kilo more made all the difference in the world when it came to wearing that dress.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, a frown etched on your face. The black gown made you feel fat, but when Cillian stepped up behind you, and placed his hands on your belly, your mood shifted slightly.
"I think you look incredible, like this, pregnant with my child," he whispered in your ear, so soft and tender that it brought a tear to your eye.
"But I still can't wear this dress Cillian," you repeated, feeling vulnerable with his hands still resting on your belly. The intimacy of the moment made your heart race and your head spin.
"Okay, then let's find you something else," he smiled while Gared was already on the phone with one of the London designers he often worked with.
Within hours, a few more dresses were sourced for you, and by late afternoon, you stood once again in front of the mirror, examining your reflection critically. One dress in particular caught your eye: a shimmering black gown that draped elegantly over your curves, accentuating your little belly slightly without drawing attention to it.
"That's it!" you exclaimed, your eyes shining and Gared nodded in approval. 
"I think that dress looks fantastic," he confirmed and Cillian, too, smiled approvingly, admiration glistening in his eyes. "And the best thing is that she can wear flats with it without anyone noticing," he chuckled, seeing how you were not yet capable of wearing heels again, not after the accident anyway. 
Days later, you of course, got to wear that dress again , for the Oscars. You felt radiant and beautiful for the first time in a very long time as you looked at yourself in the mirror right before leaving the hotel.
Cillian was nervous, although he pretended not to be and when you first laid eyes on him in his suit, you couldn't help but smile at how handsome he looked. He had aged so gracefully, gaining a silvered cast to his hair, he exuded an air of sophistication and maturity.
"Fuck you look hot in that suit," you told  him, walking up to him and admiring his simple yet elegant attire. The sleek black bowtie set off his eyes, bringing out their piercing blue hue, and you found yourself gazing into them for a moment too long, losing yourself in their depths.
"Uhm, thanks, I guess," he chuckled, blushing slightly since Gared was in the room with you too, applying some finishing touches to Cillian's hair while you stole a kiss from him.
"No no, hands off him. Don't you mess up the make up," Gared  scolded good-naturedly as you playfully tugged on Cillian's tie, trying to steal another kiss from him. 
"Sorry, sorry. I'll behave," you whispered before kissing your man one last time. "He just looks so handsome, you know," you added, walking past Gared to grab your clutch and purse.
As you were about to leave the hotel room, heading to the awaiting limousine, your phone beeped, indicating a new message. You retrieved your phone from your purse and skimmed through the text. It was Lucy, your best friend, wishing Cillian the best of luck and telling you how good you were going to look tonight, since you had sent her a photo earlier.
"Everything alright?" Cillian asked as he saw you frowning slightly.
"Yes, everything is fine. It's just Lucy. She is wishing you good luck for the evening, even though you really don't need it. You've got this," you replied, putting your phone back in your purse, before turning your attention back to Cillian and giving him a reassuring smile.
"And I think you are overconfident," Cillian chuckled, still thinking that there was no way he would win, but in the end, winning he did. 
Hours later, the category for Best Actor was Cillian's and he looked completely dazed as he took to the stage to collect his award.
You sat there clutching your own hands, suppressing your own excitement as he stumbled his way through his acceptance speech. You couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for Cillian as he stood at the podium, beaming with love and appreciation, thanking his family, Max and then you at the end of his speech which made your heart flutter and warmed you beyond words.
You were extremely proud of him and his accomplishments, but at the same time, you knew the weight this award brought upon him. There was not going to be any more privacy for him or you soon as his career had entered a whole new level of stardom, and the public would be even more eager to know about his personal life.
And so it happened that, just days after the awards, a whole new article surfaced, evaluating the relationship between the two of you as something rather inappropriate and shameful. 
Oscar Winner Cillian Murphy's Strange Dating Habits
In the world of glamour and fame, it seems that every Oscar winner has a few skeletons lurking in their closet. And this year, Cillian Murphy, who received his first ever Academy Award this week, is facing the heat like never before.
The actor had already been at the centre of a scandal that began earlier this year when the details of an affair had surfaced and the plot then thickened when his ex-wife, Danielle Murphy, was charged with assault against the unidentified woman reportedly involved with Cillian.
Now, the mystery about the actor’s unnamed love interest has been unravelled, and the truth is more scandalous than anyone could have imagined.
During the Academy Awards three days ago, Cillian made headlines not just for his cinematic achievements in his role as J Robert Oppenheimer, but also for his controversial decision to attend the event with the new woman in his life, med-student Y/N Y/LN.
Y/N Y/LN is in her early twenties and happens to be no other than the former girlfriend of Cillian’s son, Max Murphy. Yes, you read that right. Cillian Murphy not only cheated on his wife, but he did so with his son’s former girlfriend. Talk about keeping it in the family!
Sources close to the family reveal that Max is livid with his father, feeling betrayed by the man who raised him. “It’s one thing to cheat on my mom, but to do it with my girlfriend? That’s beyond despicable,” Max told reporters yesterday after having been asked to comment.
The affair, which began about five months ago, took a darker turn when Danielle discovered the truth. Fuelled by rage and heartbreak, her alleged assault on Y/N Y/LN was a desperate cry for justice in a situation that left her feeling utterly betrayed.
As the story unfolds, many are left wondering about the implications of this scandal for Cillian Murphy's career and personal life. The actor has long been regarded as a family man, and this revelation has shattered that image for many fans. The situation has also raised questions about the ethics of dating within circles of family and friends, particularly when it involves such a complicated web of relationships.
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