#car wash consultant
amplifywash · 2 years
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safeblanket · 1 year
The Road to Growth: Partnering with Car Wash Consulting Services
We explore the invaluable role of car wash consulting services as strategic partners in achieving business objectives. As the car wash industry evolves and competition intensifies, the need for expert guidance becomes paramount. Car wash consulting services offer a wealth of knowledge, insights, and tailored solutions that empower car wash owners to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for growth. Through meticulous assessments, innovative strategies, and a customer-centric approach, these consulting services become the driving force behind operational excellence, enhanced customer experiences, and increased profitability. Join us on this path of transformation as we unveil the untapped potential that awaits when car wash businesses forge a partnership with consulting experts, paving the way for a future of unparalleled success and market leadership.
Strategic Vision: Charting the Path to Success
In this section, we delve into the crucial role of strategic vision in partnering with car wash consulting services. These experts work closely with car wash owners to identify their goals, strengths, and challenges. By conducting thorough market analysis and industry research, consulting services craft a comprehensive roadmap for growth. The strategic vision becomes the guiding force, steering the car wash business towards achieving long-term success and remaining competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
Streamlining Operations: Maximizing Efficiency
Explore the significance of streamlining operations through car wash consulting services. Consultants analyze every aspect of the business, from workflows and equipment to staffing and supply chain management. By optimizing processes and implementing best practices, car wash owners can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and maximize profitability. Streamlining operations enables the car wash to serve more customers with faster turnaround times, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Elevating Customer Experience: Retaining Loyalty
Uncover the power of elevating the customer experience with the guidance of car wash consulting services. Consultants emphasize the significance of customer satisfaction in driving business growth. By implementing customer-centric practices, such as personalized services, loyalty programs, and effective communication, car wash owners can foster a loyal customer base. Satisfied customers become brand advocates, attracting new clientele through positive word-of-mouth and contributing to sustained business growth.
Unlocking Marketing Potential: Expanding Reach
Delve into the realm of unlocking marketing potential with car wash consulting services. Consultants devise tailored marketing strategies that effectively target the right audience and expand the car wash's reach. From digital marketing to social media campaigns and community outreach initiatives, these strategies help car wash owners create a strong brand presence and position themselves as the go-to choice for car washing services.
Embracing Technology: Innovating for Success
Explore the significance of embracing technology and innovation with car wash consulting services. Consultants introduce car wash owners to cutting-edge technologies and systems that enhance operational efficiency and customer experience. From automated processes to mobile apps for customer engagement, technology becomes a driving force behind staying ahead of the competition and meeting the expectations of modern consumers.
Capitalizing on Emerging Trends: Adapting for the Future
Unveil the importance of capitalizing on emerging trends with the support of car wash consulting services. Consultants stay abreast of industry developments and consumer trends, advising car wash owners on how to adapt and stay relevant in a dynamic market. By staying ahead of the curve, car wash businesses can position themselves as industry leaders and meet the changing needs of their customers.
Measuring Progress: Tracking Success
Explore the art of measuring progress and tracking success with car wash consulting services. Consultants establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Regular performance evaluations enable car wash owners to celebrate achievements, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to further accelerate growth.
Building a Lasting Partnership: Navigating the Future
Delve into the significance of building a lasting partnership with car wash consulting services. Consultants become trusted advisors, working alongside car wash owners to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As the car wash industry evolves, the partnership becomes an invaluable resource for sustained success, empowering the car wash to remain competitive and drive continuous growth in the face of changing market dynamics.
In conclusion, the transformative impact of forging strategic alliances with consulting experts in the car wash industry. By leveraging the insights, expertise, and tailored solutions provided by these professionals, car wash businesses can navigate the path to success with confidence and agility. From streamlining operations and elevating the customer experience to unlocking marketing potential and embracing technology, the partnership with consulting services becomes the catalyst for accelerated growth and market leadership. As car wash owners measure progress, adapt to emerging trends, and build lasting partnerships with consultants, they pave the way for sustained success and future-proof their businesses. Embracing the collaboration with car wash consulting services becomes the roadmap to unlocking untapped potential and forging a future of unparalleled growth, innovation, and prosperity in the competitive car wash industry.
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charliepaigeb · 1 year
Raising the Bar: Achieving Excellence with Car Wash Consulting Services
We embark on a journey of transformation and progress, uncovering how these specialized services can elevate your car wash business to new heights. With a focus on innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, car wash consulting services offer valuable insights and strategic solutions to help you surpass industry standards. In this introduction, we delve into the power of consulting expertise, paving the way for you to optimize operations, enhance profitability, and create a unique brand identity. Whether you're a new player or a seasoned entrepreneur, join us on this quest to raise the bar and discover how car wash consulting services can be the catalyst for achieving unparalleled success and excellence in your car wash business.
Uncovering Untapped Potential: The Initial Assessment
In this section, we delve into the first step of car wash consulting services: the initial assessment. Discover how consultants meticulously evaluate every aspect of your car wash business, from operations and equipment to customer experience and financial performance. Through comprehensive analysis, they identify untapped potential and areas for improvement. By shining a light on strengths and weaknesses, the initial assessment lays the foundation for a strategic roadmap to raise the bar and achieve excellence.
Innovating the Customer Experience: Elevating Service Standards
Explore the art of innovating the customer experience with car wash consulting services. Consultants offer creative solutions to enhance service standards, ensuring customers are delighted at every touchpoint. From streamlined processes to personalized experiences, discover how these innovations foster customer loyalty and drive word-of-mouth referrals. By raising the bar in customer satisfaction, your car wash gains a competitive edge in the market.
Optimizing Efficiency: Enhancing Operational Performance
Delve into the realm of operational efficiency, where car wash consulting services fine-tune processes and workflows. Consultants identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, implementing strategies to streamline operations and reduce downtime. Embrace the power of technology and automation to boost productivity and reduce operational costs. As you optimize efficiency, your car wash achieves greater throughput, ensuring faster service delivery without compromising quality.
Revamping Marketing Strategies: Elevating Brand Presence
Explore the art of revamping marketing strategies to elevate your car wash's brand presence. Car wash consulting services provide expert guidance in developing a compelling brand identity and impactful marketing campaigns. Learn how to leverage digital platforms, social media, and loyalty programs to attract and retain customers. Consultants reveal strategies to showcase your car wash as the go-to destination for premium service and superior quality.
Talent Management and Training: Empowering Your Team
Uncover the significance of talent management and training in achieving excellence. Car wash consulting services offer valuable insights into recruiting, developing, and retaining skilled personnel. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and empowerment, consultants enable your team to deliver exceptional service and embody the vision of your car wash. Empowered employees become brand ambassadors, contributing to a positive and welcoming atmosphere for customers.
Elevating Maintenance and Equipment Standards
Delve into the world of elevated maintenance and equipment standards with car wash consulting services. Consultants provide guidance on optimal equipment selection, maintenance schedules, and upgrades. Discover how proactive equipment maintenance ensures smooth operations and minimizes downtime. By raising the bar in equipment performance, your car wash achieves consistent results and delivers an exceptional customer experience.
Embracing Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Practices
Explore the realm of sustainability, where car wash consulting services promote eco-friendly practices. Consultants reveal how adopting sustainable initiatives not only benefits the environment but also resonates with environmentally-conscious customers. Discover energy-efficient technologies, water conservation strategies, and eco-friendly cleaning products that align with your commitment to responsible business practices. Embracing sustainability not only showcases your car wash as a responsible corporate citizen but also enhances your reputation among environmentally-aware customers.
Measuring Success: KPIs and Continuous Improvement
Unveil the art of measuring success with key performance indicators (KPIs) and continuous improvement strategies. Car wash consulting services guide you in establishing measurable goals and benchmarks for success. Consultants provide insights on tracking performance, analyzing data, and making data-driven decisions to achieve ongoing growth and excellence. By implementing a culture of continuous improvement, your car wash remains adaptable and resilient in a dynamic market, consistently raising the bar to achieve excellence.
It unveils the transformative power of expert guidance in elevating car wash businesses to new heights of success. Through meticulous assessments, innovative customer experiences, optimized operations, and strategic marketing, these consulting services lay the foundation for surpassing industry standards and achieving unparalleled excellence. The focus on talent management, sustainable practices and continuous improvement fosters a culture of empowerment and growth, driving long-term success. Embracing the recommendations and strategies provided by car wash consulting services enables businesses to thrive in a competitive landscape, offering premium service and customer satisfaction. As we bid farewell to this exploration, we celebrate the journey of raising the bar and achieving excellence, where car washes are poised to make a lasting impact, leaving customers delighted and businesses thriving in the pursuit of greatness.
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piperrhalliwells · 1 year
Centric Quality with Expert Car Wash Consulting Services
Car wash consulting services, where innovation, expertise, and efficiency merge to transform your car wash business into a thriving success story. At we pride ourselves on being pioneers in the automotive industry, providing tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs and challenges of your car wash enterprise. Our team of seasoned consultants possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience, garnered from years of hands-on involvement in the car wash sector. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur seeking guidance to launch a new car wash venture or an established business owner looking to optimize operations and enhance profitability, our consulting services are meticulously crafted to address every aspect of your business. From site selection and strategic planning to state-of-the-art equipment recommendations and employee training, we are committed to driving sustainable growth and elevating your car wash to the zenith of success. Step into the fast lane of excellence with our car wash consulting services and unlock the full potential of your business.
The Growing Need for Professional Car Wash Consulting Services
In the fast-paced world of automobile maintenance, the need for professional car wash consulting services has never been greater. As the automotive industry continues to evolve and customers demand higher-quality services, car wash owners and operators are facing numerous challenges. This paragraph explores the reasons behind the growing demand for consulting services and how they can help car wash businesses stay competitive and profitable.
The Role of Car Wash Consulting Services in Maximizing Operational Efficiency
Car wash businesses often struggle with streamlining their operations to achieve maximum efficiency. This section delves into the role of car wash consulting services in identifying inefficiencies, implementing optimized workflows, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies. From the layout of the car wash facility to the integration of automated systems, the paragraph emphasizes how consulting services can revolutionize operational processes for increased productivity and reduced costs.
Enhancing Customer Experience Through Car Wash Consulting
Customer experience is paramount in the car wash industry, and it directly impacts customer loyalty and retention. This part discusses how car wash consulting services can help businesses create memorable customer experiences. By analyzing customer touchpoints, implementing personalized service strategies, and improving overall service quality, consulting experts can transform car washes into customer-centric havens, fostering lasting relationships with clients.
Navigating Environmental Sustainability with Car Wash Consulting Services
As environmental concerns grow, car wash businesses face increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. In this section, the focus is on how car wash consulting services assist in integrating eco-friendly solutions. From water recycling systems to biodegradable cleaning products, consultants offer insights into minimizing the ecological footprint of car wash operations while enhancing their green image.
The Art of Marketing and Branding in Car Wash Consulting
Building a strong brand presence and effective marketing strategies are vital in today's competitive market. This paragraph explores how car wash consulting services play a crucial role in shaping a brand's identity, devising marketing campaigns, and utilizing digital platforms for maximum reach. Consultants provide guidance on creating a unique selling proposition and crafting compelling messaging to attract and retain customers.
Financial Planning and Profitability: A Focus on Car Wash Consulting
Maintaining a healthy financial outlook is essential for any car wash business. In this part, the discussion centers around how consulting services aid in financial planning, budgeting, and optimizing revenue streams. Consultants analyze cost structures, pricing models, and market trends to ensure long-term profitability and sustainability.
Adapting to Technological Advancements through Car Wash Consulting
The automotive industry is rapidly embracing technological advancements, and car wash businesses must keep up to stay relevant. This paragraph highlights how car wash consulting services assist owners in adopting state-of-the-art technologies, such as AI-driven systems, mobile apps, and digital payment options. Emphasizing the importance of staying ahead of the curve, the consultants' expertise helps car wash businesses thrive in the age of technological disruption.
In conclusion, car wash consulting services play a pivotal role in the success and growth of car wash businesses. Throughout this consulting journey, we have explored the numerous benefits and value these services bring to the table. Firstly, car wash consultants provide invaluable expertise and industry knowledge, helping car wash owners identify and implement best practices, streamline operations, and optimize their overall business model.
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victoriavaleska · 1 year
Tailored Strategies for Success: The Value of Car Wash Consulting Services
We delve into the immense value that car wash consulting services bring to businesses in the industry. This blog post highlights the significance of tailored strategies that are designed to address the unique needs and goals of each car wash. We emphasize how consulting services offer expert guidance, drawing upon years of industry experience and market knowledge. By leveraging the expertise of consultants, car wash owners can benefit from customized solutions that optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and drive profitability. From marketing and branding to process improvement and employee training, consulting services provide invaluable insights and recommendations tailored specifically to the business's challenges and aspirations. 
Assessing Business Needs: Identifying Areas for Improvement
This section focuses on the initial assessment process conducted by car wash consultants. We explore how consultants analyze various aspects of the business, such as operations, marketing, customer experience, and financial performance. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, consultants can pinpoint specific areas that require attention and improvement. This tailored approach ensures that strategies are designed to address the unique needs and goals of the car wash business.
Customized Marketing and Branding Strategies: Standing Out in the Market
In this segment, we highlight the importance of developing tailored marketing and branding strategies. Car wash consultants work closely with businesses to understand their target market, competition, and branding objectives. By leveraging this knowledge, consultants create customized marketing plans that effectively promote the car wash and differentiate it from competitors. From social media campaigns to offline advertising, these strategies are designed to attract and retain customers while building a strong brand presence.
Process Optimization: Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity
This section explores how car wash consulting services help streamline operations and maximize efficiency. Consultants closely examine workflows, equipment utilization, staffing, and customer flow to identify opportunities for improvement. By implementing tailored process optimization strategies, consultants help car wash businesses operate more smoothly, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. This results in faster service times, improved customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.
Employee Training and Development: Building a Skilled Workforce
In this segment, we discuss the importance of employee training and development in the car wash industry. Car wash consultants recognize the significance of a skilled and motivated workforce. They create customized training programs that address specific areas of improvement, such as customer service, equipment operation, and quality control. Through tailored training initiatives, consultants empower employees with the knowledge and skills needed to provide exceptional service, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.
Financial Analysis and Planning: Maximizing Profitability
This part highlights the role of financial analysis and planning in driving the success of a car wash business. Car wash consultants conduct detailed financial assessments, analyzing revenue streams, costs, and profit margins. Based on this analysis, they develop tailored financial strategies that aim to maximize profitability. These strategies may include pricing optimization, expense reduction, and revenue diversification. By implementing these tailored financial strategies, car wash businesses can achieve financial stability and growth.
Technology Integration: Leveraging Digital Solutions
This section focuses on the integration of technology to enhance car wash operations. Consultants evaluate existing technological infrastructure and identify opportunities for improvement. They recommend and implement tailored digital solutions, such as automated booking systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and mobile applications. These technologies streamline processes, improve customer convenience, and enhance operational efficiency. Consultants ensure that the selected technologies align with the unique needs and goals of the car wash business.
Quality Control and Customer Experience: Elevating Service Standards
This segment explores how car wash consultants assist businesses in delivering exceptional customer experiences through tailored quality control initiatives. Consultants establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) and quality control measures to ensure consistent service delivery. They develop customized monitoring systems to track performance and gather customer feedback. By continuously improving service quality based on customer insights, car wash businesses can build a loyal customer base and enhance their reputation.
Long-Term Growth Strategies: Planning for the Future
This section highlights the value of long-term growth strategies provided by car wash consultants. Consultants work with businesses to develop tailored growth plans that align with their vision and goals. They analyze market trends, customer preferences, and industry developments to identify growth opportunities. By creating customized expansion strategies, consultants help car wash businesses navigate challenges and capitalize on emerging trends. These strategies may include market expansion, diversification of services, or the acquisition of additional locations. Through tailored long-term growth strategies, car wash businesses can build a sustainable and thriving future.
By providing tailored strategies that address specific needs and goals, consultants offer invaluable guidance and expertise. From assessing business needs to implementing customized marketing, process optimization, and employee training, consultants play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, profitability, and customer experience. Their expertise in financial analysis, technology integration, quality control, and long-term growth planning ensures businesses are equipped with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in a competitive market. With the help of tailored consulting services, car wash owners can unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable success, making it a valuable investment for the growth and prosperity of their business.
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amplifywashblog · 1 year
Drive Your Car Wash to New Heights with Strategic Consulting Solutions
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Are you looking to take your car wash business to the next level? Our strategic consulting solutions are designed to propel your car wash operations to new heights of success. With our expertise and industry knowledge, we can help you unlock the full potential of your business and achieve exceptional results.
Know More: https://amplifywash.com/
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llinguet · 1 year
Drive Your Car Wash to Success with Expert Consulting Services
In a rapidly evolving market, car wash businesses strive to deliver exceptional service, maximize efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition. That's where car wash consulting services come into play, offering a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to the specific needs of car wash owners and operators. Car wash consulting services bring together a team of industry professionals armed with a wealth of knowledge and experience. These experts understand the intricacies of the car wash business, from the latest technology trends to the evolving customer demands. They provide valuable insights and strategic guidance to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive profitability. Whether you are an established car wash looking to improve your processes or a new entrant seeking guidance on setting up a successful venture, car wash consulting services offer a customized approach to meet your goals. From site selection and design to equipment selection, marketing strategies, and employee training, consultants work hand-in-hand with clients to develop tailored solutions that elevate their business to new heights. Embrace the power of car wash consulting services and unlock the full potential of your car wash business. Let the experts guide you on a path to success, while you focus on delivering an exceptional car wash experience to your valued customers. Car wash consulting services continuously monitor industry trends and advancements, keeping clients updated on emerging technologies and innovative solutions that can drive growth and competitive advantage.
Understanding the Car Wash Industry: Unlocking Potential for Success
In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the car wash industry and explore the potential avenues for success. From market analysis to understanding customer preferences, our expert consulting services equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to drive your car wash business forward. With a deep understanding of the industry's dynamics, we help you identify untapped opportunities, optimize your operations, and stay ahead of the competition.
Crafting a Winning Business Strategy: From Concept to Execution
Developing a solid business strategy is crucial for the success of any car wash enterprise. In this section, we provide detailed guidance on formulating a winning strategy that aligns with your goals and vision. Our consulting services cover market positioning, pricing strategies, target customer identification, and branding tactics. With our assistance, you'll be able to translate your business concept into a comprehensive and actionable plan, ensuring the successful execution of your car wash venture.
Maximizing Operational Efficiency: Streamlining Your Processes
Efficiency is key to running a successful car wash business. In this segment, we offer expert advice on optimizing your operational processes to maximize productivity and minimize costs. From equipment selection and maintenance to workflow optimization and staff training, our consulting services help you identify bottlenecks and implement streamlined processes. By fine-tuning your operations, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce turnaround times, and increase your overall profitability.
Customer-Centric Approach: Enhancing the Car Wash Experience
Creating a memorable customer experience is pivotal to building a loyal customer base. This section focuses on understanding customer expectations and implementing strategies to exceed them. Our consulting services help you design customer-centric processes, develop loyalty programs, and leverage technology to enhance the car wash experience. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you'll not only attract repeat business but also generate positive word-of-mouth referrals, further propelling your car wash to success.
Leveraging Marketing and Advertising: Reaching Your Target Audience
Effective marketing and advertising are essential to ensure the visibility and growth of your car wash business. In this segment, we offer strategic guidance on crafting a comprehensive marketing plan that resonates with your target audience. From digital marketing strategies to traditional advertising techniques, our consulting services help you reach your ideal customers and build brand awareness. By leveraging the power of marketing, you'll enhance customer acquisition, boost sales, and establish a strong market presence.
Embracing Technology and Innovation: Staying Ahead in a Digital Era
Technology continues to reshape the car wash industry, and staying abreast of the latest innovations is crucial for long-term success. In this chapter, we explore emerging trends and technologies, helping you leverage automation, online booking systems, and other digital tools to enhance your operations. Our consulting services provide insights into incorporating sustainable practices and integrating smart technologies, enabling you to deliver exceptional services while optimizing resource utilization.
Financial Management: Driving Profitability and Sustainable Growth
To thrive in the competitive car wash industry, effective financial management is vital. In this final section, we dive into the intricacies of financial planning, budgeting, and performance monitoring. Our consulting services offer guidance on optimizing revenue streams, managing costs, and analyzing key financial indicators. By implementing sound financial practices, you'll drive profitability, ensure sustainable growth, and position your car wash business for long-term success
In conclusion, expert consulting services can be instrumental in driving your car wash business to success. With their extensive industry knowledge, strategic guidance, and specialized skills, consultants can provide valuable insights and support that can help you overcome challenges, maximize efficiency, and capitalize on opportunities.
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oliviachows · 1 year
Tips For Car Washing in All Seasons.
Keeping your car clean throughout the year helps keep it safe from corrosive salt, dirt, and grime. Cleaning high-touch areas like the cupholders and steering wheel can also help keep your car free of germs.
If at all possible, do not wash in direct sunlight because soap quickly dries and leaves water spots. Instead, pick a place to work that has some shade.
To do all your car wash and detailing in Kingston, Ontario, reach out to Maple Carwash. Now they are doing special offers like a $80 package for $50.
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Summer is the most active season for the majority of car washes in areas where snow is uncommon. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to thoroughly clean car interiors. Promoting additional services like spot-free rinse, tire/wheel cleaner, and protection products like UV protectants is a great idea at this time.
Dust is more likely to settle on the paint of automobiles and can easily rub off as the weather warms. Additionally, the migration of birds increases during the summer, and their corrosive droppings can harm automobile paint.
The best chance to wash a car in summer is in the morning, evening, or on shady days when it's not highly warm. Work quickly to prevent the soap from drying before you can rinse it off, which can result in water spots and film. Set up the washing region to be as productive as conceivable by having all the hardware spread out ahead of time, with containers of lathery and clear water set up alongside your cleaning brushes and wash gloves.
It is time to prepare your car wash for the colder months! Winter is not far behind spring, typically the busiest season for most car wash businesses.
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Staying aware of washing cars in the cold weather months is vital to keep salt and soil developments under control. This may result in rust and corrosion, which will shorten a car's lifespan.
Moreover, it's smart to utilize an enemy of destructive car cleanser added substance, for example, Lift from Ammunition New York City throughout the colder time of year to decrease consumption. It is also a good idea to inform your employees that it is preferable to warm up the car and defrost the windows before scrubbing and swirling the corrosive salt and dirt off when washing cars in the cold.
Additionally, washing a car in direct sunlight is a bad idea because the sun's heat can cause the soap to dry too quickly, resulting in water spots and streaks. Wash cars in the shade or under cover, like in a garage or carport, as much as possible.
Spring is a good time to clean your car off the snow and mud from the winter. Your car's finish can be damaged by road salt, slush, and the sticky hands of children; therefore, you should give it a thorough clean to restore its shine.
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Make use of two buckets: one pail for foamy water, the other for flushing your wash glove, or a wipe. Buying buckets with grit guards inside is a good idea: this will keep the coarseness from being spread back onto your car when you plunge into it.
Vegetable oil can be sprayed on your wheels after cleaning them to prevent future grime. Wipe down the interior, particularly the dash and any carpets, without skipping a beat. Also, don't forget the blades for the windshield wipers; breaking or wearing elastic is a terrible sign and will diminish your cleaning proficiency. Then apply a wax coating to safeguard your freshly cleaned automobile: this will support the sparkle and assist it with opposing water spots.
During autumn, it means quite a bit to stay aware of normal cleaning. Large temperature changes, steady precipitation, and slushy street grime can negatively affect a car's paintwork whenever left unprotected.
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During the autumn season, maintaining a clean car also improves safety. Filthy windows and lights can cloud driving vision, making it harder to see the thing that's inevitably coming. Before winter begins, it's a good idea to check the wiper blades and stock up on gallons of washer fluid.
Autoglym Ultra High Definition Shampoo is the best fall car washing product. Despite its clever design to remove dirt, it preserves the paintwork of the car and leaves it with a silky smooth shine even after being washed multiple times. When the weather is warm enough, it is the ideal way to get ready for a coat of wax. Always remember to wear thick pants, a hat, and gloves to protect yourself when washing in cold weather.
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sweatervest-obsessed · 11 months
New Shade of Green
Pairing: Spencer x Reader (gn!)
WC: 2.7k
TW: implications of murder, serial killer talk, mentions of abuse, crying, anger, swearing <3, Men sucking so bad
a/n: This was a request, which you can see here. Jealous Spencer was so fun to write! Enjoy babes!!!
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"Oh my god. Shut the fuck up! I didn't know you were the consultant for this case!" You hopped up out of your seat on the jet to greet the man you called your best friend. 
His eyes lit up when he saw you, wrapping an arm around you, squeezing you tightly. "I assume you didn't read the text I sent you last week."
You laughed and pulled out of the hug slightly, hand still on his arm. "I never read anything you send me."
Spencer, whose hand you had abandoned when you got up to say hi to Oliver, was zeroed in on the fact that your hand was still on Oliver's arm, and Oliver's arm was still slightly wrapped around your waist. 
"Team, this is Oliver Swerdanski, my best friend and specialist in classics--" 
"Norse mythology specifically." 
It was not lost on the team that you clearly had a type. Oliver was about 6 feet tall, in a sweater, and wearing wired glasses frames. He was slightly buffer than Spencer, but not as tall. (something Spencer noted the first time you had introduced the two)
The team nodded and said their hellos, more interested in the shifting dynamics of the plane since you hadn't left Oliver's side, opting to sit with him on the couch instead of your usual seat by the window, next to a certain green-faced Doctor. 
The flight was going to be a long one. 
Eventually, Derek felt terrible enough for Spencer that he stopped by you and Oliver on his way to get some coffee. 
"So, Oliver, how long have you known our dear Y/N here." 
Oliver smiled over at you with a glint in his eye that most of the profilers on the plane noticed. Except for you. 
"Oh, well. We go way back." 
You nodded enthusiastically, just happy to have the company of an old friend. "We were neighbors growing up--you could say he's my childhood best friend." 
"That turned into one of your now best friends..."
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “Don’t push it asshat.”
Derek smiled slightly, realizing this was going to be an interesting case “Well, it’s nice to meet you Oliver.”
He left the two of you alone, taking your abandoned seat next to Spencer, a slight smirk washing over his face as he did. 
“Aren’t you the picture of joy this morning?” 
“Not in the mood, Derek,” Spencer mumbled, staring intently out the window, trying not to let his jealousy get the better. It’s not like it mattered since he was surrounded by profilers who could read him like a book. 
“What do you think of Oliver?” 
Spencer’s jaw tightened, and Derek chuckled. “Good luck, kid.” 
And with that, Derek left Spencer alone, knowing he had his plate filled with more than enough shit for however long this case would be. 
And it didn’t help anything that you were completely oblivious to both men: both of them filled to the brim with envy of the other, having what they each thought the other had—your attention. 
Four years ago, Hotch had made you and Spencer share a bedroom, causing a chain of events to lead to the fact that you still share one now. 
Three years of dating had made you feel very comfortable in your relationship; You loved Spencer Reid. This was not some passing affliction, it was simply a fact of the universe. You would move hell and earth if he asked you to. 
But not right now. Right now? You kind of wanted to punch him. He was ignoring you, or at least that’s what it felt like. The car ride was completely silent. You could tell something was upsetting him, but you weren’t one hundred percent sure why he was so distant. 
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong.” 
He shrugged, effectively trying to murder the conversation before it even had the chance to live. 
You frowned slightly, shifting in your seat slightly, and looking over at him. 
“What’s going on?” 
You heard him mumble something under his breath, unsure of what he was saying, but it just made you even more upset. 
“Why won’t you tell me what’s going on with you?”
“I said. I’m fine.” Spencer huffed. 
“Well, clearly you aren’t.”
“Believe whatever you want to fucking believe then.”
And that’s where the conversation ended, leaving you effectively lost. Especially since he wouldn’t hold your hand in the car ride back and then didn’t wait for you as he walked straight into the police station. 
This was going to be a long case. 
And you were right. 
Spencer ignored you at every chance he could. Even in the hotel room, he’d go to bed without you, no holding one another, no late-night talks, nothing. He would just get ready for bed in silence and then turn away from you. 
And tonight, you couldn’t deal with it anymore. He had been ignoring you for over a week and now that it looked like the case was going to take longer, you couldn’t stand it. Instead of getting into bed, you grabbed your phone and wallet and stormed out of the hotel, slamming the door behind you. 
You went down to the hotel bar and ordered yourself a tequila shot, downing it quickly before getting your regular drink. 
Oliver slid into the seat next to you, hand on your arm. 
“I haven’t seen you do tequila that fast since freshman year of college.” 
You gave him a dry laugh and took another sip of your drink. “Desperate times.” 
“Want to talk about it?” 
“Not really. I’m just. I’m aggravated.” 
“Come on, babe, it’s me.” Oliver rubbed his hand up and down your arm. “You can always talk to me—so tell me what’s been going on. Boy troubles?”
You sighed. “It’s just…I don’t know what’s going on with Spencer. He’s barely said like three sentences to me since the case began, and clearly, he’s upset with me, but I have no fucking idea why since he’s being a stubborn ass and won’t talk to me. How the fuck am I supposed to fix something if he won’t even tell me what’s wrong.” 
Oliver rubbed his thumb across your arm. It felt intimate because it was, but this was Oliver, who only had the best intentions for you, who you had known since you were a little kid.
“He sounds like a douche babe.” 
You leaned away slightly, face becoming unrecognizable for a moment. “Okay, well, that’s not what I said. He’s clearly just upset abou—” 
“You kinda did. He’s acting like you don’t exist, and clearly, he doesn’t care about how all of this is affecting you.” 
You went to rebuttal his claims because Spencer would never be that callous; he’d never treat you like that. But he kind of was. “It’s only because something is wrong and…”
“So he treats you like this whenever he can’t communicate with you.”
“Well not…he doesn’t…” You were starting to doubt yourself, unable to keep up with the accusations. 
“He doesn’t what. Because it sounds like you’re saying he treats you like shit when he gets upset with you…”
“What are you trying to insinuate? That he hits me? Oliv–”
“I’m just saying that behavior–”
What? Oliver, no. Stop twisting my words.” 
“I’m not twisting your words; I’m just stating what I’m seeing.” 
“What you’re seeing? You’ve been here for a week. You don’t know the past three years.”
“It’s been a week and he’s still treating you like this. And honestly, whenever I come around, he…” Oliver moved his hand to your thigh, causing you to frown deeply. 
“Oliver. Step off.” 
He shook his head. “You’re upset. And I want to help.” 
You shoved his hand off your thigh and stood up. You left cash on the bar, standing up and moving away from Oliver. 
Oliver watched as you walked away, frowning once you couldn’t see him anymore. 
The next morning, Spencer was woken up, and you were curled into his chest, sleeping soundly. He couldn’t move. He ghosted his lips over your forehead, causing you to stir slightly, clinging to him more. 
“Morning.” He whispered to you. 
You hummed and gripped a bit tighter to him. “Don’t go.”
Your voice broke Spencer’s heart a little bit. It’s not that he didn’t feel bad about the way he was treating you, it’s just that Oliver kept provoking him, making him turn greener every single time he saw Oliver talking to you. 
“I wasn’t planning on it, sweetheart.” 
“Oh so now we’re back to nicknames.” You grumbled into his chest. “I’m still mad at you.” 
He signed and brushed your hair out of your face. “I’m sorry Y/N. Let me make it up to you, yeah?” 
“You can make it up to me when we get home.” 
“Deal.” He kissed your head again, just as your cell phone began to ring. 
After two grueling weeks on this godforsaken case, everyone was ready to get home. 
The rest of the case caused serious tension for the group because the mythology was the only thing tying these murders together, and your geoprofile was all over the place, meaning these two killers were too good at what they were doing. 
Once you had been shot at, and nearly grazed by a bullet, you would have expected Spencer to continue to speak to you, but all he did was stare at you from afar. It was infuriating. 
You couldn’t get a read on him. For the rest of the week, he had been speaking to you, kissing you, holding your hand; then after checking on you while you were getting checked out, he stopped speaking to you. 
The entire team watched you and Spencer shift back into the dynamic duo you were, functioning better than before. They watched as Oliver got more frustrated as you continued to ignore him unless it was a necessary part of the investigation. Maybe you had figured it out–they hoped you had.
Instead of trying to deal with even more bullshit, you opted to sit alone at the back of the plane, headphones on. It was one of those many unspoken rules about the plane that everyone knew not to disturb you while your headphones were on unless they wanted to get bitch slapped. 
Well, everyone except for Oliver. 
You were deep in thought, trying to mull over why Spencer wasn’t talking to you–both times– going over every scenario you possibly could and figuring out what changed during that first day. 
Oliver got up, ready to go and talk to you, his intentions pretty clear from the look on his face, but Derek grabbed his arm, effectively yanking him back down into his seat. 
“What the fuck man?” 
“Don’t bug Y/N while they have headphones on.” If Spencer wasn’t going to stand up for you, then Derek absolutely was. Oliver might have been your best friend, but Derek was your family. 
“It’s just music…”
“Yeah,” Hotch spoke up, not looking away from the report in his hands. “And no one wants to clean up your blood when you get murdered for trying to interrupt that music.” 
“Look. As Y/n’s best friend, I’m outside of most of their rules–”
“I don't think so.” Derek stood up, fully ready to restrain this man. 
“What the fuck is going on.” You had stood up, and turned around, headphones out of your ears, and my god did you look fucking pissed off. “I don’t know why is everyone arguing so loudly, but if we could keep the volume at a fucking minimum that would be fan-fucking-tastic.”
The team stared back at you, except for Hotch who just had a slightly amused look on his face as he filled out paperwork. You glared at Oliver and Derek, who were standing opposite of you. “Can I help you two or…”
Derek shook his head. “Go back to your music. We’re sorry.”  
“Thank you.” You grumbled to the group, sliding your headphones back over your ears, attaching a ‘sorry’ to the group as you did so. You moved further back on the plane, sitting on the couch, glaring at anyone who looked at you. 
This has been a stressful two weeks for you. Oliver was acting all weird all of a sudden, –causing you to reevaluate your entire relationship with him, considering he was trying to make Spencer sound like a villain. And then Spencer, acting like a villain and ignoring you all week, then acting like nothing happened, and then ignoring you again for another twenty-four hours. You couldn’t take it anymore. And, on top of all of this, you had lost two more victims to the unsub, because one of the killers worked in the station, using his knowledge to avoid the BAU. 
You were overwhelmed and frustrated, and you just wanted some peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask for? 
“I should go apologize–” Oliver didn’t move to sit back down.
Spencer stood up and shoved past Oliver, moving to sit on the couch with you, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him. 
“Can I help you?” 
Spencer shrugged and opened his book, knowing you’d rather have whatever conversation he was willing to have now, in private. He opted to just read and be in your company. It was easily recognizable as the beginning of an apology, and you would take it. You maneuvered so your back was up against his arm, initiating the amount of touch you were willing to have, but also not crossing a line. 
The plane ride was silent the rest of the way. 
“I’m sorry for this w–the past two weeks really. I-I’ve been really in my own head and–”
You let out a hefty sigh, tossing your keys on the counter and your bag down next to the door. Spencer followed suit, closing the door behind the two of you as you went into the kitchen to put on the kettle to make some tea. 
“Are you going to tell me what was going on? What the fuck happened?”
He sighed back at you, grabbing your hand and pulling you into a hug. 
And while you muttered your displeasure, you didn’t move away from him at all, opting to grouchily mumble in his ear, while Spencer ran his thumb up and down your back, listening to you mumble. 
“I–god Spence. You just dropped me like all week, and then suddenly—”
“I-I know. I was awful. I’m so so sorry.”  
“That’s not an explanation.” You mumbled into his chest.
“I….” Spencer swallowed whatever sort of pride he thought he would be saving and opted to tell you. “I…It was Oliver, and-and the way you were treating him, an-and you sat next to him on the plane and he was touching you and he was constantly holding you and stealing your attention away and—”
You pulled away slightly to get a look at your boyfriend. “Spencer Reid, were you jealous?” 
He cursed under his breath and rolled his eyes. 
You placed a soft kiss on his neck, causing him to hum. “You have nothing to be worried about Spence. You are it for me. No one can change that, especially not Oliver.”
Spencer looked down and smiled again. You smiled back at him, pulling him to you for a kiss. 
It was recentering your universe. Everything was the way it should be–your lips on Spencer's, his hands around his waist, and a glowing sunset peering through your windows. 
The kettle whistled loudly, causing the two of you to jump apart, startled at the sound. 
“That was a good start, Spence. Once I finish my tea, you can show me how else you can keep making it up to me.” You smirked slightly, turning around to take the kettle off of the stove and grab the tea and mugs. 
Spencer has never been so excited to drink a cup of tea, and honestly, neither had you. 
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honeygrahambitch · 2 months
"Where did this come from?" Hannibal asked. His hands were busy washing Will's hair. A bruise on his temple drew his attention, making him brush away the foam to get a better look. "It wasn't here yesterday."
"A guy we arrested showed some resistance. He hit me with the barrel of his gun." Will explained. His eyes were closed and he was almost purring in Hannibal's hands.
Hannibal made a disapproving sound.
"Shame you arrested him. I can't go after him now."
"You do realize you can't chase down every guy who touches me, right?"
"One can always try." Hannibal answered honestly and continued massaging Will's scalp.
"I never hear about stuff like that from you." Will suddenly said and opened his eyes.
"What kind of stuff?"
"About the people that do anything to you."
"That's because the people who do anything to me don't get to live too much, darling. I take care of them myself."
"Of that much I am aware." Will said and pictured the way the Ripper case file kept getting thicker and thicker on his desk. "It would be nice if you didn't. At least sometimes."
"Are you implying that you want to play the knight in shining armour? For me?"
"You're stupid." Will concluded. "But yes. Sometimes you are too elegant with these individuals. And I get it, that's your thing."
Hannibal hummed thoughtfully.
"You got me curious. I might take your offer."
"Do that."
"Alright. Now, let's discuss what the victims have in common." Jack said, looking through a few pictures.
Will's phone rang just when he was about to reply.
"Sorry." He apologized and was about to reject the call. Hannibal's name flashing on the screen made him do the opposite.
"Hey." Will greeted him.
"My dearest." Hannibal started. "There is a gentleman here at Walmart who left his shopping cart in the parking lot. Right in front of my Bentley."
"That... sounds annoying?"
"And agonizingly rude."
Will smiled thinking of the funny choice of words. He found it adorable that Hannibal had called to share that with him. Then it sunk in. He remembered about their discussion last night.
"You're at Walmart where exactly?"
"In Quantico. I wanted to pick you up later."
"I'm on my way. Don't let that son of a bitch go." Will said and hung up.
That was it. His knight in shining armour moment. The looks he earned from everyone in the room were mixed and confused.
"Sorry, I need to go. It's important."
"Of course. The serial killer can wait." Jack concluded as Will was already leaving the room.
"Hey." Will said as soon as he parked his car. "You."
"Huh?" The man who was already very bored with the conversation he was having with Hannibal turned his head towards Will.
"Yes, you. Grab your shopping cart quickly and put it where it should be."
"And who exactly are you? The shopping cart police?"
"I will be your worst nightmare if you don't do as I say. Trust me, this is me being nice."
"I'm not doing anything." He said and started walking towards his car. Will did not quickened his pace. He memorized the car plate and watched the man leave with a content smile on his face.
"That was me being nice." Will told Hannibal who looked like he was watching his favorite movie.
"I am looking forward to what will happen."
"Good." Will said, then kept on his shining armour. "Are you alright?"
"Bothered by this incident but I am slowly becoming more and more enthusiastic."
"I hope you understand why I also asked Dr. Lecter to consult on this case." Jack said as soon as Will and Hannibal arrived at the crime scene. "It's quite peculiar."
"The man was found dead in a shopping cart at Walmart. His liver is missing. The cut is quite sloppy so definitely not the Ripper." Jimmy explained.
"Was it really that sloppy?" Will asked unamused by the feedback.
"I mean, it shows that our killer has no medical training whatsoever. But he's good enough. Meticulous."
"What do you think, doctor?" Will asked, ignoring Jimmy.
"The crime scene shows high class. Power. It has something sensual to it. I would say that the killer must have been quite disturbed by a very specific behavior caused by the victim."
"What exactly?" Jack asked confused by the specific choice of words. He knew better than to question Hannibal.
"Maybe the victim left his shopping cart in the parking lot?" Brian suggested making Jack roll his eyes.
"I'm sure it's deeper than that."
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semisgroupie · 9 months
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higuruma hiromi x fem. reader
wc: 3.1k
warnings: coercion, heavy dubcon, power imbalance, higuruma is so scummy here (sorry/not sorry), sex is used as a form of payment, oral sex (f!receiving), unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, dacryphilia, choking, humiliation, spanking, office sex, dumbification, degradation, praise, overstimulation, reader is called and referred to as a toy
synopsis: don’t come to a high profile attorney without expecting to pay up
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You never thought a split second decision could turn into something big like this.
After going through a horrible breakup, your best friend was there to comfort you. Yuuji tried his best to get you out of that dark hole you were in and jokingly brought up that you should trash your ex’s car. You lifted your head from the mess of pillows you were buried in and nodded. At first Yuuji thought you were joking since he was joking but the look of determination on your face told him otherwise.
You gathered a few cartons of eggs and Yuuji drove you to your ex’s house. You both got out of the car and started throwing the eggs, yolk and shells covering the freshly washed car. Then you took it upon yourself to start throwing the leftover eggs at his front door then you took it upon yourself to go over to the car and dug your key against the driver’s side door, leaving an ugly mark on the side. You wanted to slash a tire too but Yuuji ran over to pull you away when your ex opened the front door.
You and Yuuji had put the event in the back of your minds then you received a text from Yuuji stating that he had gotten arrested. When he was released from police custody he explained everything he knew. Your ex had called the police to report the incident and when your ex showed the police the footage from his doorbell camera, your ex only identified Yuuji. When Yuuji was getting interrogated he never identified you and now Yuuji was getting charged with vandalism and destruction of property. Two minor offenses but they somehow added up to 4 years in prison.
You had to do whatever you could to help your best friend, it was your fault that he got in trouble in the first place. The first thing you did was look up all local defense attorneys in your area then upon calling them and meeting them, you realized that they were all horrible. They didn’t offer any good advice so you had to do a deeper search. Then you found a news report about a defense attorney who was able to free three wrongfully accused people within a month’s time. You looked him up and immediately called his office to schedule a meeting.
When the day finally came, you were extremely nervous. Meeting a high profile attorney like him was extremely intimidating but you had to do it for Yuuji. You walked into the office and you were surprised by how modest it looked, you approached the receptionists desk and smiled. “Hello, I have a meeting with Mr. Higuruma.” She looked over the schedule and nodded before grabbing the phone to make the call and you went to sit down as you waited for him. Only a few minutes passed before you heard footsteps approaching, you craned your neck to see who was there and your eyes widened a little when you saw him.
There he was, Hiromi Higuruma and he was more attractive in person. The photos on the news articles you read definitely do him enough justice. “Hello Mr. Higuruma.” He smiled and stuck his hand out for you to shake it and stepped aside so you could get up. “It’s nice to meet you, you’re here for a consultation and some legal advice right? Just follow me to my office and we’ll get started.” You smoothed out your dress and adjusted your cardigan before following him to his office. His suit and shoes were extremely expensive, you didn’t know who designed it but just by looking at it, you knew it was a designer suit.
He held the door to his office open for you and let you walk inside first before he followed in and closed the door behind you. He walked over to his desk and sat down on his chair and reached into his desk to grab a notepad and pen. “Let’s start with the story and then we’ll proceed to the charges and take it from there.” You nodded and played with the hem of your dress as you spoke, explaining everything from beginning to end but when you were done, he had an unreadable expression on his face. It made you feel uneasy as he lifted his notepad again and tapped his pen against his chin. He set everything down and looked at you, “so you’re telling me, you came here to get my help for these petty crimes? You do understand the cases I normally handle right? You know, murders, mobsters and gangs, anything high profile. This is just something minor. You couldn’t get any other lawyer?”
You wanted a hole to open up beneath you and swallow you whole. You felt so embarrassed and so stupid but this was for Yuuji. “I tried to and they didn’t give me any good advice. I just really need your help, you’re amazing at what you do, you can help get the charges off.” He looked at you and leaned back against his chair, another unreadable expression on his face. “I know I’m amazing at what I do, there’s no need to remind me of that. But, do you understand what it means to have a successful, high profile attorney representing you?” You furrowed your eyebrows at his words, “of course, it means that you’ll give a challenge to the prosecutor in the case.”
“Wrong. It means that it’s going to cost you. Do you know how much my retainer fee is? No, let me ask you, what do you do for work?” Your mind was spinning and it felt like your heart was crumbling. “I’m a barista at a local coffee shop.” You mumbled your answer and your response ripped out a hearty laugh from Higuruma. You felt the blood in your body rush to your face and you forced yourself to look away from him. Once he finally caught his breath, he lifted a finger to wipe at his eyes.
“My apologies but this isn’t a case I can take on. You can’t even afford my help. What I recommend is that you come forward as the accomplice to what happened and I wish you the best of luck with whatever public defender they’ll slap onto your case, hopefully they’ll take care of your case. You know the way out, good luck.” He ripped the page from his notepad and crumpled it up while you sat there completely frozen. From everything you’ve seen, he portrayed himself as a hero, the voice for the voiceless, but he was just a money hungry asshole that was too drunk on power. He tossed the paper in the bin beside his desk and he looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. “Something wrong? Or is there something you want to say to me? If not then the door is right there.”
You didn’t know what you wanted to do, you wanted to curse him out, call him out for the scumbag he truly is but you couldn’t say anything. You thought back to why you came to him in the first place, for Yuuji, for your poor friend Yuuji who you sucked into this messy situation. “I’ll give you half of my check every week until I pay up everything that I owe you. I’ll give you what’s in my wallet now to start off a payment plan and then I’ll give you money every week.” He raised an eyebrow and tapped his fingers against his desk. “You seem pretty desperate to help out your friend but I can assure you that paying me every week will just lead to a lifetime of payments. Shit, I’ll probably die before you’re all paid up.” He chuckled at his poor excuse of a joke and leaned in, “but I can think of another way you can pay me off. But tell me this first, are you willing to do anything to help your friend?”
You didn’t think twice before responding, “yes, of course I’ll do whatever I can.” A smirk grew on his face at your words and he nodded. “Get up and lock the door then come over to my side of the desk.” A wave of confusion washed over you as he made his demands but still, you got up and did as he told you. You locked the door and made your way over to his side of the desk, he turned his chair so he could look at you and lifted a hand to point at your cardigan, “off.” Your eyebrows furrowed again at his new command. “What?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at you, “I said, take the cardigan off. You said you’ll do anything to help your friend so I’m telling you what to do. If you don’t want my help then you can leave. It won’t make a difference to me.” He shrugged and threw one leg over the other as he looked at you, awaiting your next move. You chewed on your bottom lip as you hesitated but you still took your cardigan off, letting it hit the ground. “Good girl, the dress next.” Your breath hitched but you complied, you pulled the straps of your dress down your arms then your dress followed your cardigan on the floor.
There you stood in front of him, wearing only a bra and your panties. You felt shameful of your current situation. It was beyond embarrassing. He lifted a hand up and moved his index finger in a circle. “Turn for me and do it slowly.” You took a step forward and kicked your dress to the side then did a slow turn for him, you felt his eyes burn holes into your skin as you turned them you faced him again.
“Good, you have a very beautiful body. Curves in all the right places, such soft skin, and I can already sense there’s a wet spot in your panties. Take off your bra and sit on top of my desk.” He cleared off some of the paperwork on his desk and you took off your bra and set it down before sitting atop his desk. He moved in front of you and spread your legs, he was right there was a small wet spot on your panties that was starting to grow. “Actually, hop off my desk and bend over it, that’s how I want to have you.” He moved his chair back so you could get off and you bent over his desk, a wave of heat went over your body and settled in the pit of your stomach. He moved behind you and his hands started to grope your thighs before moving to your ass, massaging the soft flesh before bringing one of his hands down to spank you. You jumped and yelped as he spanked you and you looked back at him.
“Do you have something to say to me?” He raised an eyebrow and you shook your head as you faced away from him. “Good.” He hooked two of his fingers under your panties and pulled them to the side, strings of arousal cling to the soft cotton and he licked his lips at the sight.
“I think this is one of the prettiest pussies I’ve ever seen. So messy too. It’s a good thing that I hate messes in my office, let me clean you up.” He brought both hands to your ass and brought his thumbs to your lips to spread you open before leaning in close. He inspected your pussy, watching how your entrance clenched around nothing and how your clit twitched as he breathed through his nose. He got closer and opened his mouth, running his tongue along your folds until he reached your entrance. He probed the tip of his tongue into you and pulled it out, letting out a groan. “You taste as sweet as you smell. It must be my lucky day.”
He dove back in, he focused on sucking on your clit while his nose brushed against your entrance, getting your juices smeared on it. He groaned against your pussy and gripped your ass tighter as he ate you out like a man starved. Your toes curled and you clamped one hand over your mouth to try to muffle yourself. Wet smacks and groans along with your muffled cries filled the office. It all felt so good, you had never been eaten out like this before, not with such vigor. He brought his tongue up from your clit to your entrance and dipped his tongue inside once more before pulling away completely.
“What a sweet appetizer, now let’s get to the main course.” He stood behind you and pulled his cock out of his pants, you turned to look at his cock and your eyes widened. His cock was about average in length but whatever he missed out on with length, he made up for in girth. You’ve never seen a cock that thick and fat before and you salivated at the sight. He brought one hand to his mouth to spit on it then brought it down to smear the spit all over his cock before he lined himself with your entrance. He took his bottom lip between his teeth and let out a guttural groan as he pushed into you. You gasped at the stretch and dropped your cheek against the cold wood of his desk. He gripped your hips tightly as he continued to push into you. His self control was wearing thin the more he stretched you out, he wanted to take it easy on you.
But then it struck him. There was no need for him to be easy on you, your body became his payment so he could use it however he wanted. He gripped your hips tighter, tight enough to bruise them as he slammed the rest of his cock into you. The air was knocked out of you and you slapped your hand against your mouth to muffle the cry that threatened to escape as you came undone around his cock. He kept your hips pressed against the desk as he drilled into you, using you like you were a cheap whore. His cock hit your sweet spot over and over with precision and your legs shook. He moved one hand from your hip and brought it down to your ass, spanking you hard. Heat radiated from where his hand landed and it made you clench around him tighter.
He threw his head back and repeated the action, over and over again until the skin was hot to the touch. You kept your hand clamped over your mouth to muffle yourself and tears brimmed your eyes. You felt amazing around his cock but it wasn’t enough for him, he wanted to hear you as he ruined you. He moved his hands from your body and gripped your wrist and pulled it behind your back with one hand then used his other hand to wrap it around your neck and pulled you back to force you to arch your back. The new position made it feel like he was deeper inside you and your mouth fell open. With this position he regained his control over you.
He leaned in close to your ear. “You don’t get to muffle yourself from me. You’re my toy and I’m going to hear every single sound you’re going to make besides this sloppy cunt.” You nodded and moved your free hand down to try to grab something on his desk so you could ground yourself. He squeezed the sides of your throat as he started slamming into you again, his hips smacked against your ass and cries of his name left your lips. “Mr. Higuruma! Please! It’s too much! Too good!” Your cockdrunk babbles just spurred him on as he continued to pound into you, it was as if each babble that left your lips just released a more feral beast within him.
“I know it is, just keep taking it. Let that little brain of yours get all fuzzy, let it just leak out of this pussy. You don’t need to think with me, just feel.” He kept his grip on your throat and moved his other hand from your wrist down to your clit, rubbing the swollen bundle of nerves. “As extra payment for wasting my time today, you’re going to take my cum inside of you. You’ll get to hold it inside you for the rest of the day. But this won’t be it, you’ll need to keep coming back for more payments until I’m satisfied. Maybe I’ll even hire you as my personal assistant, I’ll get to use you whenever and as much as I want then. I think I’ll do that too.” You barely understood what he was saying as he continued to pound into you. Your mind was solely focused on the building orgasm that was burning the pit of your stomach.
You let out another cry of his name and your body shook and trembled against his as he fucked you through your orgasm. He thrusted a few more times before he released inside you. Warmth filled you and spread through the rest of your body as he emptied himself into you. He released your neck and helped you down onto the desk, letting you catch your breath while he caught his. After a few moments he slowly pulled out of you and reached over to grab a napkin to clean up some of the cum that leaked out of you. He tucked himself back into his pants and bent down to grab your clothes.
Once you caught your breath he helped you get dressed and helped you fix yourself. You stood up on wobbly legs and he sat back down on his chair. “Before you leave, hand me your panties. I’ll keep them. Also, I’m going to take on your friend’s case. It pains me to see the youth get tangled in the justice system over stupid mistakes. When you have the chance send me his contact information and I’ll see you next week around the same time. One session of this isn’t enough payment.” He stuck his hand out, open with the palm up and you took your panties off, placing them in his hand.
You pressed your thighs together to prevent the cum inside you from leaking out but you knew it would happen otherwise. “Thank you, Mr. Higuruma.” You muttered your thanks and went to his door, unlocking it and twisting the knob. “Also, call me Hiromi. We’re going to work closely from here on out so let’s get rid of any formalities.” You opened the door and walked out, you just signed yourself away to the devil but in a way, you oddly enjoyed it.
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taglist: @blueparadis @sunarc @kirishimasfiance @blondeboyfriend @suyacho @watyousayin @benkeibear @satmitsuplanet @milfguel @kaedeakeshisworld
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glossysoap · 5 days
(Quick rant—I’m sorry but I have to get this off of my chest. Pls ignore it if it bothers you)
Welp my whole street is flooded and I’m stressing myself bc I have an important appointment tomorrow and I can’t cancel it without paying the full price of the consultation. I also can’t really use any public traffic because most of the streets are shut down. It’s really bad in my district bc we have a big river near us and it’s overflowing so there’s also the fear of black outs and such. I’m okay but I haven’t had a wink of sleep and am literally on survival mode. (Istg this week can’t get any worse🫠)
Anyways to cope I was just thinking of firefighters 141. Just big burly men helping reader evacuate a certain area but reader is too stubborn and wants to get to their car bc they have important things in it and can’t risk loosing everything. And reader is just so devastated that the firemen 141 take care of them til they get relocated. Having reader hanging around the base and like a strange bond starts blossoming. The 141 firemen get so used to reader being there that they are reluctant on letting them go.
Anyways; To cut a long story short—Reader just gets comforted by big burly firefighters.
I hope atleast your week isn’t half as bad, Glossy. It’s always a treat to see your posts. Love u🫶
oh my god anon??? i’m so sorry that’s terrible!! you can’t catch a break 😭
i really hope things get better for you!!!
ohhhh SAVE ME big burly sweaty musky strong ass men SAVE ME. (forgive me, this took on more of a ‘they rescue you from a fire’ type of a thing but it’s not very specific so it’s still very much up to interpretation)
nah bc somehow i would have it end in a gangbang. a poly relationship for sure. maybeeee they see you at a bar later that night after rescuing you and they take you back to their place? that they all share of course because. poly.
like it’s not even dirty at first, they just genuinely wanted to talk to you again bc they were concerned after seeing you earlier.
somehow it ends with them all splitting you open on their cocks, in their spacious bed.
it’s not rough per se. it’s heated and passionate but not really rough.
price would be fucking you first and last. like always, captain’s dibs.
soap and gaz are laid on either side of you, watching price fold you in half. watching the tension in your face melt away, watching your eyes become dazed and your tongue lolling out.
simon took place near your head, letting you lay your head in his lap. he watched price’s body cast a shadow over yours as he pounds into your tight cunt, pulling you apart and yanking every shred of stress out of you.
“you’re alright, doll. everything’s alright now. it’s all over. there you go, let yourself go for us.” price murmurs against your lips, all warm and comforting as you feel your first orgasm of the night wash over you.
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safeblanket · 1 year
How Car Wash Consulting Services Can Boost Your Business to the Next Level?
Are you a car wash business owner looking to take your operations to new heights? Look no further than car wash consulting services. These specialized services can be the key to unlocking the true potential of your business and propelling it to the next level of success. Car wash consulting services provide expert guidance and support tailored specifically to the unique needs of your business. With their industry knowledge and experience, consultants can identify areas for improvement, implement effective strategies and optimize your operations to drive profitability and customer satisfaction. Whether you're facing challenges in streamlining processes, enhancing customer experiences, or maximizing revenue, car wash consulting services offer valuable insights and solutions that can revolutionize your business and set you on a path to sustainable growth.
Assessing Your Current Car Wash Operations
Car wash consulting services offer a valuable opportunity to assess and evaluate your current car wash operations. These professionals have extensive experience in the industry and can provide a fresh perspective on your business. By thoroughly examining your processes, equipment, and customer experience, they can identify areas for improvement and optimization. Whether it's streamlining workflows, upgrading equipment, or enhancing customer satisfaction, their insights can help take your business to the next level.
Implementing Efficient Systems and Processes
One of the key ways car wash consulting services can boost your business is by implementing efficient systems and processes. They can analyze your current operations and identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas of waste. Through their expertise, they can recommend strategies to streamline workflows, reduce waiting times, and increase overall productivity. By optimizing these aspects, you can improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance your bottom line.
Enhancing Customer Experience and Satisfaction
Car wash consulting services also focus on enhancing customer experience and satisfaction. They understand the importance of providing a positive and memorable experience to retain customers and attract new ones. By analyzing your current customer journey, from arrival to departure, they can identify areas where improvements can be made. This can include implementing customer-friendly technologies, offering additional services, or training your staff to deliver exceptional service. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can build a loyal customer base and increase word-of-mouth referrals.
Marketing and Branding Strategies
Effective marketing and branding strategies are crucial for the success of any business, including car washes. Car wash consulting services can help develop comprehensive marketing plans tailored to your target audience. From social media campaigns to loyalty programs, they can guide you on how to effectively promote your services and differentiate your business from competitors. By establishing a strong brand presence and reaching your target market, you can attract more customers and generate higher revenues.
Staff Training and Development
The performance and expertise of your staff play a significant role in the success of your car wash business. Car wash consulting services can provide valuable training and development programs for your employees. These programs can cover topics such as customer service, equipment operation, and maintenance, and safety protocols. By investing in your staff's skills and knowledge, you can ensure consistent service quality, reduce errors, and create a positive work environment. Well-trained and motivated employees contribute to increased efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Maximizing Revenue Streams
Car wash consulting services can also help you identify and maximize revenue streams beyond the traditional car wash services. They can analyze your current offerings and suggest additional revenue-generating opportunities. This can include services such as detailing, waxing, interior cleaning, or even partnering with nearby businesses for cross-promotion. By diversifying your revenue streams, you can increase your profitability and create additional value for your customers.
Staying Ahead of Industry Trends and Innovations
The car wash industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. Car wash consulting services stay up-to-date with the latest industry innovations and can guide you on how to stay ahead of the competition. Whether it's adopting eco-friendly practices, implementing automated systems, or integrating digital payment options, their expertise can help you embrace the latest advancements. By being proactive and adaptive to industry changes, you can position your business as a leader and continue to attract customers who seek modern and innovative car wash experiences.
In conclusion, car wash consulting services have the potential to significantly boost your business to the next level. By leveraging their expertise, you can gain valuable insights into your operations, implement efficient systems and processes, enhance customer experience, develop effective marketing strategies, train your staff, maximize revenue streams and stay ahead of industry trends. These services offer a comprehensive approach to optimizing your car wash business, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, improved profitability and a competitive edge in the market. With their guidance, you can unlock the full potential of your business and achieve long-term success.
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levi-supreme · 8 months
Levi taking care of you when you're sick
Characters: Levi x fem!reader
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Established relationship. Levi is the best lover anyone can ever ask for. A little self-indulgent. Use of nicknames (princess, baby, babe, love).
A/N: I'm down with a fever and all I want is to have Levi take care of me so, please enjoy this little drabble of Levi taking care of you <3 tbh this can also be for a gender neutral reader, but I decided to tag it as fem!reader because of the nicknames, so read it at your own discretion!!
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You woke up feeling like you got run over by a truck, your body unusually sore and aching. Your head was pounding and your throat felt as dry as sand. Weird, you thought. You felt okay last night before you slept.
"L-Levi?" you croaked, your voice cracking and your throat hurting. "Levi? Babe?" you called out, feeling hotter than usual under your layers. Your boyfriend stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes.
"Yes, baby? You're up early," Levi scooted closer to you, but his expression turned sour.
"You're sweating a lot." Levi jumped up and grabbed a thermometer. Touching your forehead, he realised you felt warmer than usual. As the thermometer beeped, he took it out and saw the reading on the screen.
37.8°C. You were having a fever.
"Get up, princess. Wash up. We're going to see Hange." Levi supported you up and carried you to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet seat and helping you remove your sweaty clothing.
"W-wait, it's only 8am, love... Hange's clinic doesn't open until 10—"
"I'm calling them in a while. Don't worry. Are you able to stand?" You nodded and stepped into the shower, assuring Levi you're fine. Levi quickly went to give Hange a call, and they said they would wait for you two at their clinic.
Once the both of you were done washing up, Levi blew dry your hair and forced you into a thick sweater and comfy track pants. The heat was unbearable and you could already feel yourself getting sweaty, yet Levi said it was better to sweat it all out. Putting on a surgical mask on you and himself, Levi quickly escorted you into his car and began driving to Hange's clinic.
"Oi, four-eyes," Levi pushed the door of Hange's clinic and the loud chime of the bell signalled his arrival. Hange was already at the counter.
"Friendly way to greet your friend who opened up their clinic an hour earlier for you," Hange replied without looking up from their computer, taking a sip of steaming hot coffee from their mug.
"I'm sorry Hange," you let out a few coughs, feeling the swell in your throat, "I know you only start work at 10 and—"
"I'm kidding! Don't be sorry. I was just teasing Levi." Hange laughed and waved their hand before opening the door to one of the consultation rooms, telling Levi to bring you inside. Hange then put on a pair of gloves and a surgical mask and took your temperature. Your temperature was now 38.0°C.
Taking a stethoscope, Hange began asking you questions about your symptoms and you recounted them to the best of your ability. Levi had an arm on your shoulder, giving you reassuring squeezes and rubbing your back whenever you coughed. Hange wrote the prescriptions on a small card before handing it to the pharmacist through a small sliding window. Opening the door, Hange told you and Levi to wait outside.
"Remember to take your medicine on time and you'll recover within the next few days, okay?" Hange smiled as Levi collected the medicine from the pharmacist. You nodded while suppressing your cough and Hange frowned.
"Don't do that, it's bad for your throat. Also, no cold drinks or food, no snacking, and no physical activities even after you've recovered." Levi grunted a word of thanks as you waved goodbye before walking you out of Hange's clinic, making a beeline straight home.
"Go take a shower, princess. I'll cook you some soup." Levi told you as he unlocked the door, helping you remove your shoes. You felt really lethargic all over and badly needed to nap, yet you knew you had to get a rinse to cool down your temperature. You slowly made your way to the bathroom and took a well needed cold shower, hissing in pain whenever the cold water hit your skin. When you were done, you made your way to the dining table. Levi was still in the kitchen, and you could catch a whiff of fragrant soup.
"I know you don't have much of an appetite, but you need to eat, okay? Drink some soup first. I cooled it already." Your boyfriend gave you a soft kiss on your forehead and pushed the bowl of vegetable soup in front of you. You took a good look and realised it wasn't the bowl you usually used for meals, but a smaller-sized one. You gave him an appreciative smile before taking a sip while Levi sat beside you.
"Mm... It's good," you took slow sips, coughing sometimes as Levi rubbed your back.
"Want more? I'll get you another bowl." Levi stood up and went to the kitchen with your half-empty bowl, coming back with a new piping hot bowl of soup. You took your time and finished your soup, feeling your throat less scratchy and dry compared to how it was in the morning.
"Come on, let's get your hair dried and you need to take a nap." Your boyfriend held you up and walked you back to the bedroom. You could feel your head spinning and the aches all over your joints, you couldn't wait to fall asleep. Levi helped you sit and began blow drying your hair for you, making sure he wasn't accidentally pulling your hair or scratching your scalp too hard. The soft pressure from Levi's fingers combing through your hair was so comforting that you nearly dozed off without realising. Once Levi was done, he quickly got you your medication and made sure you took all of them before tugging you into bed, making sure you were comfortable.
With your head on your pillow and your blanket covering your entire body, Levi was closing the curtains when you softly said "b-babe," after a small coughing fit, cringing after hearing how hoarse your throat was. Levi hummed in response.
"... can you nap with me?"
Levi turned around and gave you a grin, "yeah, of course, princess. Give me a sec, okay?" and he left the bedroom for a short moment before coming back with a huge flask of water and your water bottle, setting it on top of the bedside drawer. Levi got under the covers and gently pulled you closer, letting your back rest against his sturdy chest as he loosely draped an arm around you.
"Y-you don't—cough—you don't have to be s-so close," you shivered, "I'm really w-warm, and I don't want to pass my f-fever—cough—to you—"
"Shhh, it's fine," he pressed a fleeting kiss on your crown, "you're toasty." Levi let out a long breath before pulling you closer to him. "go to sleep, love. Before I knock you out." you bit your lower lip and tried to hide your laughter, instead you broke into a coughing fit. You briefly turned to look at your boyfriend.
"Don't be mean babe, I'm sick."
"And I'll take care of you until you recover," Levi gave you another small smile and pressed a kiss to your cheek, "go to sleep. I'll wake you up before dinner." you nodded and closed your eyes, listening to your boyfriend's slow breathing behind your back. Levi kept his eyes on you, watching you until the crease between your brows disappeared before joining you in dreamland.
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A/N: This is also a reminder to drink more water and eat your fruits and veggies, and take care of yourself!!! <3
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Tagging: @levi-lover @ack3rlady @cinnamonlevi @roralore @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @notgoodforlife @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @ack3rlevi @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @suukee @thesimpsstuff @ackermendick @greenfurret @evas-leslas @levisbrat25 @chaotic-nick @lilshades @svftackerman @youre-ackermine @ladycheesington
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Levi imagines, scenarios, drabbles master list | Levi main master list
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piperrhalliwells · 1 year
Modernizing Your Car Wash: Trends and Innovations through Consulting Services
Car wash consulting services, where expertise meets efficiency to transform the car wash industry. In today's fast-paced world, car wash businesses strive to provide exceptional services that exceed customer expectations while optimizing operational processes. This is where car wash consulting services come into play, offering specialized guidance and strategic insights to drive success in this competitive market. Car wash consulting services are designed to assist both new entrepreneurs venturing into the car wash industry and established businesses aiming to enhance their operations. These services are delivered by experienced professionals who possess an in-depth understanding of the industry's nuances and emerging trends. By leveraging their knowledge and expertise, car wash consultants analyze existing business models, identify areas for improvement, and develop tailored strategies to achieve optimal results. From selecting the right equipment and optimizing workflow to implementing cost-effective marketing techniques and improving customer satisfaction, car wash consulting services provide comprehensive solutions for every aspect of running a successful car wash business. By collaborating with expert consultants, entrepreneurs and business owners can unlock new opportunities, streamline operations, and maximize profitability.
Embracing Technology: The Role of Automation in Car Washes
In today's rapidly advancing world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and the car wash industry is no exception. This paragraph explores the transformative impact of automation on car wash businesses. From advanced touchless systems to robotic cleaning mechanisms, consulting services can help car wash owners modernize their facilities and capitalize on the benefits of automation. By streamlining operations, reducing labor costs, and enhancing customer experiences, embracing technology opens up new avenues for success in the competitive car wash industry.
Sustainable Solutions: Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices in Car Wash Operations
With the growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness, car wash businesses are increasingly seeking ways to reduce their ecological footprint. This paragraph delves into the importance of incorporating eco-friendly practices and solutions in car wash operations. Consulting services can guide owners on implementing water recycling systems, biodegradable cleaning agents, and energy-efficient technologies, ensuring a more sustainable and responsible approach. By adopting these practices, car washes not only contribute to environmental preservation but also attract environmentally conscious customers who prioritize eco-friendly businesses.
Personalization and Customer Experience: Enhancing the Journey of Car Wash Customers
In an era of personalization and exceptional customer experiences, car wash businesses must focus on enhancing the journey of their customers. This paragraph explores how consulting services can assist car wash owners in incorporating personalized touches and creating memorable experiences for their clientele. From loyalty programs and customized wash packages to advanced customer feedback systems, innovative strategies can be employed to build strong relationships with customers, foster loyalty, and differentiate the car wash from its competitors.
The Power of Data: Utilizing Analytics for Efficient Operations and Business Growth
Data has become an invaluable asset for businesses across industries, and the car wash sector is no different. This paragraph discusses the significance of data-driven decision-making and the role of consulting services in leveraging analytics for efficient operations and business growth. By utilizing data on customer preferences, peak hours, and equipment performance, car wash owners can optimize resource allocation, streamline workflows, and identify growth opportunities. Consulting services can provide insights into data collection, analysis tools, and strategies to help car wash businesses harness the power of data effectively.
Embracing Mobile and Online Platforms: Expanding Reach and Convenience
In an increasingly digital world, car wash businesses need to adapt to evolving customer preferences and embrace mobile and online platforms. This paragraph explores the potential of consulting services in guiding car wash owners to establish a strong online presence, optimize their websites for mobile devices, and leverage social media platforms for marketing and customer engagement. By offering online booking, personalized notifications, and convenient payment options, car wash businesses can expand their reach, attract tech-savvy customers, and enhance convenience for their clientele.
Industry Collaboration and Partnerships: Leveraging Networks for Success
In a competitive market, collaboration and partnerships can provide car wash businesses with a competitive edge. This paragraph examines the role of consulting services in facilitating industry collaborations and establishing beneficial partnerships. By connecting car wash owners with suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and other industry stakeholders, consulting services can help businesses access discounted rates, innovative products, and valuable resources. Through these collaborations, car washes can enhance their operations, stay ahead of industry trends, and create mutually beneficial relationships within the car wash ecosystem.
Staff Training and Development: Empowering Employees for Success
A well-trained and motivated workforce is essential for the success of any business, including car washes. This paragraph highlights the importance of staff training and development and how consulting services can assist in this area. By offering comprehensive training programs, coaching sessions, and performance evaluation frameworks, consulting services can help car wash owners empower their employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver excellent service. By investing in their staff, car wash businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, increase operational efficiency, and build a strong team for long-term success.
In conclusion, the car wash industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the trends and innovations that are shaping the way businesses operate. Consulting services play a crucial role in modernizing car wash operations, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving needs of their customers.
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fanfic-obsessed · 23 days
How Old?!?!?!
Remember Folks, disregard any canon that contradicts this.
Timothy Wayne Drake disappeared when he was 16. He was taken captive in Eastern Europe at a WE event. A magical shield cut off all electronic communication, sight, and sound of the building for 6 minutes. According to every Super consulted, Tim’s heartbeat vanished at that time, and never reappeared. No facial recognition ever showed him again. No magical spell could find him, or his remains. Eight years later he is presumed dead by most of those who knew him, though his family still searches frantically for their Baby Bird. It is only the fact that they knew how much he loved Gotham, that he would want the city protected, that they did not let their obsession with finding him take them over. 
According to his file, Neal Caffery has been operating since he was 18. There are no records prior to that. By the numbers he is now 34, and had been working as a CI for the feds for 2 years.  He has never admitted to anyone that his earliest memories are six years ago, though Peter, El, and Moz have all figured it out.  But his abilities, muscle memory, and knowledge seem to support what's in his file.  That must mean something, right?
It was not a White Collar case, not really. Though there were just enough white collar elements to justify assigning it to Agent Burke and his team, this really was an Organized Crime case. However it was leading to Gotham, and no one wanted to go to Gotham. 
So Agent Burke, his two junior agents, and his CI were bundled into a SUV and told to report to Gotham PD to coordinate the case.  Upon arriving at the main precinct and getting out of the car; Peter, Diana and Jones all get strange looks from the locals on the street, though they do not know it, it is clear they are outsiders. 
However Neal gets out with a strange look on his face, “Why does the air taste..”
“Pink?” One the pedestrian answers, suspicion washing away.
“Yes” Neal exclaimed, then paused, “That’s weird, right? I feel like that’s weird”
The pedestrian gave a half shrug, “Ivy and Scarecrow double booked downtown a few weeks ago. Made things super awkward for anyone not vaccinated against both, but the vaccines made the air taste pink for some reason. The news said that the unvaccinated shouldn’t see effects any longer and for the vaccinated the effect would be gone in two more weeks”
Then the pedestrian left and Neal, entirely unconsciously, murmured about wondering if Ivy and Harley were fighting. When Peter tried to get more information about Neal having been in Gotham as they walked into the Precinct, Neal made a joke to cover the fact that he has no idea when or where he got the vaccines/immunities to Poison Ivy’s pollen or Scarecrow's Fear Gas.  
They manage to make it to the main bullpen without incident, by virtue of the fact anyone who actually looks up from what they were doing focuses on Peter, as lead agent.  When they get to the Bullpen, someone notices Neal and the entire room goes dead silent. Commissioner Gordon comes charging out, eyes wild and clearly on the phone with someone (Oracle, who happened to see Neal/Tim on camera-it is important to note that the group who took Tim made it so that any facial recognition program that would run either face would skip the match between Tim and Neal, but a person looking through a camera is different) saying things like “Holy Shit” and “Yes I see him, too”. 
The White Collar team, including Neal, is so confused as Commissioner Gordon ushers them to his office and closes the door (Oracle has her fathers office bugged with better cameras and wired for sound, also they do not know how much cover they have already broken for Tim-they do not want to make things worse instead of better). 
Commissioner Gordon calls Neal Tim, and Neal/Tim seizes for a moment like he was hit with electricity and says, in a deadened tone, “That name cannot be used as an Alias” then slumps like he is going to fall over. Peter and Jones manage to catch him and get him into a chair that Commissioner Gordon hurriedly pulls over.  The confusion that the White Collar team is exhibiting, plus questions like “What was that?” and “What did you do to Neal?” and “What did you call him?” do convince commissioner Gordon that these, at least, were not the people that took Tim.  It takes a few minutes for Tim/Neal to come to.  A few careful call and response questions tells Commissioner Gordon that the man with Tim’s face (and scars, from what he can see) does not remember anything.  These same questions were also clearly making the White Collar team, particularly Peter, as protective as they were making Neal/Tim confused and more than a little anxious.
Then Dick Grayson burst into the room, looking like he might have run all the way from Bludhaven.  He stopped dead at seeing Neal, whispered ‘Baby Bird?’ then lunged to pull Neal into a tight hug. Neal may have had no memories of being Tim, but his muscle memory remembered Dick’s hugs. That he was safe while Dick was hugging him, Neal could not help but relax into the hold. 
Dick start talking about getting Neal to Leslie both to make sure he's not hurting and to verify his identity (sounding apologetic but, no matter if Dick is sure this is Tim, they have to verify it), that ‘B’ is out of contact right now (on a JL mission off planet, the watchtower is preparing to extract him, but it will take a few hours-the JLD is also preparing in case they are needed) but should be back soon. He talks about how Alfred will be waiting outside for them, but ‘everyone else’ is waiting so they don’t overwhelm him (read clustered, and pacing, on buildings around Leslie’s clinic).  
Neal brings up, still wrapped in Dicks arms, that he might not be who they think he is. Dick agrees but also says that he isn’t, it is a case of mistaken identity and it is clear that Neal is not trying to trick them. Dick then says if it is Mistaken identity, Dick will apologize for the forcible cuddling and be grateful that, even if they don’t actually find him, he got a chance to hug his little brother one last time (Every single member of the White Collar Team, Neal very much included, is a little uncomfortable with this sentiment). 
At Peter’s awkward insistence (these people clearly miss whoever they think Neal is, and he doesn’t know if they would think about Neal’s criminal activities) the White collar team accompanies Neal, still clutched to Dick’s side, to a car waiting with Alfed right next to it, who is clearly having an emotional reaction to seeing Neal/Tim again.  Over the course of the car ride to Leslie’s clinic, Dick asks questions about who Neal is now (and reacts weirdly well to the whole Conman/FBI CI thing). Towards the end, Jones hesitantly asks why Dick is trying to get to know Neal now, wouldn’t it make more sense to wait until they were sure who Neal was. 
Dick laughs and goes 1.) Even if Neal is not his long lost brother, several of his siblings are going to want to befriend him (if nothing else than being a world class master art forger would get Damian’s attention, and everyone else would 100% be encouraging the friendship to give Damian more non violent friends) and 2.) Baby Bird is notorious for trying to mold himself into who he thinks other people want him to be. Right now he does not know enough about Dick to try and tailor his answers, plus is likely convincing himself that this is a case of mistaken identity. Thus Dick is collecting information for when Baby Bird inevitably tries to fit himself into whatever weird mold he thinks their family will want him to fit.  
Neal, still clutched to Dick’s side, splutters as the White Collar team cannot help but laugh at him. Also this somewhat convinces Peter that this might not be a case of mistaken identity after all.  
They get to Leslie’s Clinic. She runs through all the tests (Genetic and comparing previous x-rays, signs of artificial aging-for cloning, signs of the specific type of molecules that means time or dimension travel, brain scans, the few hormone tests that can detect magic-you can’t tell me that Bruce Wayne and/or Tim Drake, before he vanished, were not told at some point that there is no way to detect magic by scientific means and took it as a personal challenge). By every measure that she is able to test, Neal Caffrey is the missing Tim Drake.  She is also able to tell that his memory loss was likely caused by significant and repeated electrocution reinforced by some kind of magic, but cannot tell what or if it is still active, though given Tim’s reaction to his birth name (which happened twice more during the tests) and the fact that the Supers were never able to find his heartbeat,it is likely. 
By this time, Batman has now been returned to the watchtower and is being told of Tims return.
Dick tells Neal outright that their entire family’s love languages are stalking and poor boundaries (both maintaining and respecting). Dick also makes it clear that, while the Batfam is ecstatic that Neal/Tim is alive and want him in their lives, Neal is not required to attempt to get his memories back or have anything to do with them if he does not want (All of their therapists, the family could not go to just one, had worked specifically with them on how to deal with a Tim that has made a new life, how to accept that he is safe and happy but not with them-which is a realistic assumption after 8 years), but that likely Neal would be putting up with some limited stalking for the rest of his life (Look, the best we are going to get from the Batfamily is stalking from the shadows if Neal doesn’t want to interact with them-Also Oracle has already hacked the FBI for all of Neals records and files, and is the middle of arranging for the White Collar office to be bugged with her personal cameras/microphones). Dick also asks that the White Collar team come back to the Manor and to at least let the Justice League Dark look Neal over to make sure that there is nothing that is going on that will hurt him. 
Now, to be clear, Neal is more than happy to at least meet the rest of the Batfam.  Yes, he has a good life now, people he loves and who love him. But that is a relatively new development and there are a lot of blanks in his past. I mean at this point Neal still thinks he is 34 (as opposed to 24), and only remembers the last six years. They have not even gone far enough into the explanations to realize that there is a 2 year gap between when Tim was taken and Neal's earliest memories.  Also, while Neal does not quite have the same level of abandonment issues as Tim did, there is something about how visibly happy Dick is to see him that soothing something deep inside (Because he has six years worth of memories, and for most of them he did not have anyone who would have noticed if he had vanished).
They get back to manor just in time for Bruce to come charging into the foyer, still in the batman suit but with his cowl down. Bruce also looks like he might have ran from wherever he was. He had at least absorbed enough of what he was told about Neal to not call him Tim, and pulled Neal into a hug.  This also means there is a brief interlude while the White Collar team gets the ‘Bruce Wayne is Batman, we’re trusting you with this’ revelation (And absolutely everyone is going to be making fun of Bruce ‘Paranoia’ Wayne being the person who accidentally let the secret slip).
By the time they reach the main sitting room, the rest of the family has made it back to the manor (Barbara, Jason, Cass, Steph, Damian, Duke) each waiting on their own chance to hug their lost member.   Neal blue screens a bit at Jason (who is both very pretty and very sarcastic, which is Neal's type).  Through the discussions that follow there are at least two arguments between batfam members about who gets to have Neal to sit with them.
Neal decides that he will meet with someone from JLD to see about what magic might still be affecting him and regaining his lost memories. He and the White Collar team do decline staying at the manor and go back to the hotel rooms that the FBI rented for them (never realizing that Oracle upgraded them as soon as she realized who Neal was) as they still have a job to do. It is at this point that  Neal starts whining to the others, much to their amusement (also to the amusement of Steph and Cass, who were hiding on the balcony-there is no way there will not be at least one bat/bird hiding in the shadows around Neal for a bit), about his new, hot brother Jason.  Peter calls El, just so Neal can have his crisis with her instead of him (Never mind that being siblings is not as big a deal as Neal thinks it is).
Now Gotham, and its people, have a reputation at the FBI for being actually impossible to work with.  Even regular citizens stonewall so effectively that most teams simply give up. They simply do not like outsiders, and Gothamites can tell if someone grew up in Gotham or not, even if the person in question does not realize it (there are unconscious ways of moving if you have lived in Gotham for a certain amount of time). This is what the White Collar team expects to go against, what they are bracing for, no matter who Neal might or might not have been.  To their surprise this is not what they get. Yes, most people still peer suspiciously at Peter, Jones, and Diana at first, but even that settles down quickly (Some of it is Neal/Tim, being from Gotham, clearly trusting Peter and co gets them some good will; some is them not being sanctimonious about gotham; the rest is the batfam being vocal about liking these FBI agents-for Neal/Tim related reasons).  They solve the case, which branched from White collar into one of the Mob Families (at least two of the traffickers got the choice to talk to the FBI team, or deal with The Red Hood-Red Hood plays it off as using the FBI to take a shot at that family’s territory and being personally interested in Neal Caffrey).
Before they leave Gotham, Neal does meet up with a few members of the JLD who are able to find and remove the spells that prevent Neal/Tim from being found by the Supers and the Spell keeping him from being addressed as Tim. His missing memories were not fully caused by magic (There was a lot of damage caused by electricity-no one took that news well), but the magic was preventing some of his recall. With the spells off, it is inferred that some or all of Tim’s memories may come back in time. 
The White Collar team leaves Gotham with new contacts in their phones and also the bomb that Neal Caffery was a full decade younger than he thought he was (They do eventually figure out that Neal/Tim never actually committed the crimes in his file-not that the crimes were never committed but that Neal/Tim was basically went straight from where ever he was being held to being captured for ‘Neal Caffery’s’ crimes).  Peter later finds a much more complete medical record for Tim Wayne Drake in his home, with an ominous note to keep this file out of the FBI records, it is for personal reference only. They also leave with the decision to keep Neal’s identity a secret (As no one knows who the ones who took them are, or what the end goal is), telling only Hughes, El and Moz. By the time the WC crew reaches New York, the Bats already have bugs/cameras in the FBI building, Neal’s apartment, and Peter’s house.  They have also put trackers in every single pair of Neal’s shoes. There is also a schedule for who gets to stalk/hang out with Neal when.  
As far as the rest of the FBI was concerned, White Collar gets a lot of strange new contacts for cases.  Also they seem to have made an impression on the Justice League, as they become the point of contact between the Justice League and the FBI, by request of the League.  Occasionally hardened criminals walk into the FBI and ask to confess their crimes specifically to Agent Burke and his team. And Apparently their CI knows the Red Hood, somehow (in that the Red Hood sometimes showed up at their crime scene to flirt outrageously with the CI, the first few times the CI got really flustered but after that he started to flirt back). 
Eventually Neal/Tim does begin to remember his past, oddly enough the trigger was a spleen in a jar that was left on his desk in the White Collar Office (Ra’s Al Ghul was…pleased that Tim was not dead and displeased with the Organization the abducted him and  tried to fry Tim’s brain).
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