#carl isn’t dead in my eyes
carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you and carl go on an important mission.)
tags: fluff! slight angst maybe? warnings for like blood and stabbing things i suppose IDK there’s walker killing up in this one so watch out yall
masterlist here!
(this one is carl’s biting incident but just as a close call, so enjoy!)
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The Savior War was brutal, there was no doubting that. Constantly fighting and the risk of dying at any given moment was just exhausting. That never stopped Carl from being him though. He always knew what would be right, even when situations like this war had him torn.
He had talked about how he’d come across this man and he wanted to help him but his dad had shot at him, scaring him away. He’d felt so frustrated he couldn’t help him in the moment so he had gone back later to leave the man food and water.
Now, he was trying to convince you. He wanted to find him as well as for you to meet him. According to Carl he had talked about his mom and everything she told him before she died. “May my mercy prevail over my wrath” was something he’d told Carl (then he mentioned it was actually from the Quran but that was besides the point). He couldn’t stop thinking about it, about the man.
“Carl now is definitely not the time to be wandering in the woods when we don’t have to, not with the Saviors out there.” You explain as he leaned his back against the island. He shakes his head. “No, you’re wrong. We do have to.” He crosses his arms. You sit there and think of a way to get him to just consider the fact that this is the worst possible timing for his morals to take control of him.
“I’m going, whether you go or not.” He reasons. “Don’t put that pressure on me, what am I supposed to do if you don’t come back?” His hands fall to his sides and he walks over to you. He gently holds the sides of your arms as he looks at you with a soft gaze.
“Just come with me. Think about it, we’ll save him, we’ll have more people for the war. We’ll have saved a life.” You look at him as he does his best to convince you, accepting you’d be going with him already in your head, you just didn’t want to fully commit. But, at the end of the day, you’d have to give in to him. You’d never let yourself forget it if he’d gotten hurt and you weren’t there to stop it.
And off you went. You got everything you needed , you had your gun and knife, as well as your backpack full of stuff you might need but also food and water for the man. You had walked through the woods with him for a while, his hand in yours occasionally giving a reassuring squeeze. He let go when he had spotted something. It was him, the man.
Carl walked ahead and the two of you slowly approached him, noticing his walker traps. You’d gotten close enough to approach him and introduce yourselves. His name is Siddiq. Carl tosses him the food and water, which confused him.
“Why?” Siddiq asks. Carl explains how his mother told him that he’s gotta do what’s right, even though it’s hard to know what “right” is, but sometimes it’s not. And you believed that. You’re glad you went with him.
The two of you ended up asking him some questions, the usual. How many walkers he’s killed, how many people and why. Oddly he knew he’d killed two hundred and thirty seven…but you guys found a bit of humor in it. You could tell Carl was happy, he loved helping people and it was obvious with how soft his voice had gotten when speaking to Siddiq.
You had began to lead him back home when you were interrupted by the sounds of the dead. Just like you were worried about. Carl stops and begins walking towards the sounds and you stop him by grabbing his arm and shaking your head. “We have to. For his mom.” He whispers, gesturing to Siddiq. You’d forgotten what he had said about his mom. She believed killing them freed their souls.
So you guys had a plan. Clear the walkers from the dead deer it was eating and go home. That’s all. The three of you made your way over to the walkers, pulling out your knives. You were always good at this, you liked to believe that’s why you’ve survived so long. You immediately plunge your knife into the walkers soft skull, pushing it away for it to fall to the floor. You look around to see Siddiq pushing one away, Carl attempting to help to just get shoved into another.
You panic, not realizing there’s a walker to your left. You quickly handle it and once you do, you notice Carl is on the floor. Siddiq finally handles his walker and you rush over to Carl to help him. You see one approaching him while he struggles on the floor and you handle that one as well, pushing it off to the side.
Finally you’re able to get to him. You shove your knife in to the top of its head, pulling back your knife swiftly. This caused a bit of blood to splatter on Carl’s face but that was something to deal with later. You pull the walker off him and stand up to realize you’d done it.
You all bask in the fact that you were all alive and well.
“W-wait are you clean?” You question the both of them. They pat around their bodies and you feel the urge to just double check Carl to ensure he’s okay. He lifts his shirt up to look himself and there was nothing. You let out a sigh of relief.
That was great and all, but you needed to get back to Alexandria, and you needed to do it fast.
Back at Alexandria, Carl had settled Siddiq into the sewer so he had somewhere to stay while Carl convinced Rick to let him in. He’d also learnt that Siddiq was a medical resident, meaning the two of you had just saved a doctor. Carl met back with the you at the house. You were in the kitchen, scrounging for something to make when he walked back through the door.
“Hey.” He smiles. “Why’re you all giddy?” You ask, confused as to what has him so happy all of a sudden. “Oh nothin. Just that we saved a doctor.” Your eyes go wide and you smile brightly. You celebrate for a moment over that fact before you walk over to him at the table with a wet rag to wipe his face. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he sits. He kisses whatever is directly in front of him, so at the time it was just your abdomen. He places a couple before pulling back to let you do what you need.
He smiled at you gently as you wiped the blood off his face. “Sorry about this, by the way.” You giggle, patting his skin dry. “It’s fine. You couldn’t help it, you were too busy saving the day.”
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a/n: damn this shit is so long and boring i’m so sorryyyy T-T thank u sm anon for requesting bc i’m so pissed he’s dead so i need smth to make up for it. also there are two more requests that will be out soon!
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intoxicated-chan · 8 months
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐞
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Summary ➳ You and Daryl have been sneaking around your brother’s back, even more when he isn’t home. But your brother begins to become suspicious and worried, even more when Shane gives him a good idea of the guy you’ve been hiding from him.
(A/n) ➳ I’ve decided to make my last post have a third part, I’m not sure if you guys are a big fan of reading long works. This isn’t my favorite works but hopefully you guys like it. P.S, REQUEST FOR THE TWD S1-3 ARE OPEN!! Read rules firsts! You can also check out my oncoming worms coming soon, expect the series ones. They might take awhile.
Word Count ➳ 1.5k
Content Warnings ➳ Female Reader, Season 2-3 Daryl/MODERN AU, angst-to fluff? Swearing, sexual content, overstimulation, protective sex, pet names (Darlin’, good girl, sunshine), biting (once), little blood, nonconsensual photo taking (Shane), swearing, mentions of a criminal investigation…
My The Walking Dead WIP
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You clutched Daryl’s shirt as he relentlessly pounded into you. Your eyes rolled back, arching your back as moans escaped your lips.
Daryl gritted his teeth, his brows furrowing as he inhaled sharply. He panted heavily over you, holding onto your hips tightly..
Your body felt uncomfortably hot, the cracked window kept you cool. The winter breeze leaves goosebumps across your sweaty skin. Your thighs shook, you found it difficult to focus on one thing without Daryl taking you out of your thoughts with his cock.
You spoke incoherently, begging him to go harder, as if he wasn’t fucking you so hard that the headboard was slamming against the wall. He was a little surprised that no one came knocking to complain.
“D-Daryl!” You sobbed, tears falling from corners of your eyes.
He chuckled at your state, just moments ago, you were bragging on how you could take him for hours and hours with no break. You should really think before you speak.
“C’mom, use ya words.” Daryl teased you. “Beg for it darlin’.”
You let out a frustrated whine. “M-My brother is going to be home any second!” Daryl rolled his eyes, stopping his movements and pulled out. You whined again. “Daryl-”
“Quiet.” He hushed you. Daryl flipped you over, using one hand to push your head into the pillow and the other to grip your hip. He leaned down, his hot breath tickling your ear. “Words.”
“Just fuck me Daryl!” You cried out, now holding onto the pillow for dear life.
Daryl chuckled. “Good girl.” Then he slammed right back inside of you.
Your loud moans were muffled against the pillow, you shut your eyes at the overwhelming feeling. The coil in your stomach is growing, nearly unbearable. Even more when he’s pounding into that spot deep inside of you.
The sound of muffled moans, Daryl’s hushed grunts, and skin slapping was all that was heard… Besides the loud headboard.
You’re squeezing around him, it was pure bliss. Daryl bit into your shoulder so hard that he could taste blood.
You were on edge, it was almost to the point of hurting. Daryl could feel you clenching around him, he knew.
He too was about to come with a couple of hard and fast thrusts. “Daryl- I’m goin’-” You felt your entire body shake as Daryl came along with you as well.
You gasped when he slowly pulled himself off of you, you felt dizzy and breathless. Your heart pounded as you felt light headed.
Daryl slipped off the condom and tied it, tossing it into your little trash can. He came back to your side, his hand running over your back. “Can ya move?” You give him a slight nod.
That’s when you heard the front door opening and closing. Your heart dropped and you looked at Daryl with wide eyes.
“(Y/n)?!” Rick called out, you could hear Carl’s laughter running through the house. “Are you home?”
His only point of escape was your window… You pushed Daryl with whatever strength you had left. “Go, go.” You whispered. “Before Rick sees you.”
“Ya kiddin’ me.”
“I ain’t.” Giving him another push. “Rick is an officer, who knows what he’ll do to you when you’re caught.”
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” Daryl grinned, ear to ear. “‘Cause I ain’t done with ya yet.”
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“I don’t know, (Y/n)’s been actin’ suspicious ever since last night.” Rick ran his hand through his hair, holding his hot cup of coffee in the other. “I heard her stutterin’, refusin’ to get out of her room…”
“I think it’s obvious.” Shane replied, sitting next to him, watching over Carl who played in the yard. Rick looked at him curious. “She’s hidin’ someone. A man.”
“...No.” Rick shook his head. “She wouldn’t, she’d tell me if she was at least interested in someone.”
Shane scoffed at him. “When’s the last time (Y/n) told you she was seein’ someone? Or tell you anythin’ else about her life?”
Rick was ready to retort but he took a moment. When was the last time you told him anything? It would’ve been years ago…
He sighed, taking a small sip of his coffee. “...Who would she be seein’? Have you seen the people ‘round here?”
Shane begins to count with his fingers. “There’s Travis a block over… Matt-”
“The creep Matt or the mailman Matt?” Bringing his cups to his lips.
“Mailman Matt… Annie… Daryl-”
Rick choked on his coffee. “Daryl? As in Daryl Dixon? The one who’s place of work is under investigation?”
“Yeah, the guy has been ridin’ out ‘ere often.” Shane chuckled louder as he saw Rick’s horrified face. “He parks his bike a couple of blocks over. Makin’ sure no one sees ‘im.”
“How the hell you know this?”
“Who do you think brings you home after a night out?”
Rick groaned, setting his coffee down on the porch. “You thinkin’ to catch them screwin’?”
“No, I’m thinkin’ to catchin’ Daryl leavin’.” Shane leaned in closer. “Act like nothin’s wrong. You’re workin’ all night thursday, I have a feelin’ that Dixon is gonna pay a visit.”
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“I keep warnin’ you Daryl.” You huffed, crossing your arms as Daryl sat on his bike. “You’re goin’ to get yourself into trouble with Rick.”
“Ya worried for me sunshine?” Daryl snickered, putting on his jacket. “Think Imma get hauled away?”
“Daryl-” He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt to bring you closer to him, placing a quick kiss on your lips.
“Quit yer worrin’, ain’t nothin’ gonna happen to me.” Daryl sat back as the bike roared. “I’ll see ya soon.” Its distinctive hum of the motor loudly echoed.
You playfully rolled your eyes and waved him off, standing on the sidewalk as he rode away. You continued to watch until he was no longer in sight, you turned back to the house you shared with Rick, walking to the front door.
Minutes later, Shane looked over the photo taken of Daryl kissing you. He sighed, disappointed that his suspicions were right. You could’ve chosen any other person to sleep with, why did it have to be Daryl Dixon.
Shane knew that Rick wasn’t going to be happy with this news, he had to come up with a way to approach it with him.
He comes home in five minutes.
Rick was expecting to pass Daryl on the way home, but with his car window down to feel the warm breeze of Georgia’s summer, he heard a distant hum of a motorcycle.
He muttered no on his way, muttering no as he parked, no as Shane approached him, and no as he was handed Shane’s phone to show the photo taken.
He took a minute to breath and collect his thoughts, thinking of various ways to approach you about this. Once his mind was set, he took one deep breath and entered your room.
Rick looked around first, nothing seemed to be out of place, except new bedsheets.
You eyed your brother, confused on why he’s looking around your room. “Are you okay Rick?” You asked him, sitting up on your headboard.
“You ain’t gonna lie to me when I ask you somethin’. You ain’t gonna dodge the question, and you sure as hell ain’t gonna say that the woman in the photo kissing Daryl ain’t you.”
“Rick-” He shoved his phone into your hands, showing the said photo. Your heart dropped, it caught the perfect view.
“You gonna say anythin’?”
You looked back at the phone and Rick, handing it to him. “I’ve been seeing him for a couple of weeks.” You admitted.
“Where did you meet him?”
“The bar-”
“Does it really matter?” You picked at your lips, trying to keep eye contact. “Look, I’m sorry that I’ve been sleeping with him behind your back.”
Rick ran a hand over his face, taking a moment to process. “...I ain’t gonna stop you. But that means you can deal with the consequences. I sometimes be forgettin’ you’re grown.” You knew when he turned his head, he was stopping himself from crying.
You gasped, rushing over to Rick. “C’mon Rick! Don’t cry on me, I should be the one beggin’!”
He wiped his eyes and faced you again, collected. He placed his hands on your shoulders. “The brothers are known to get deep into shit. They got terrible reputations.”
“Don’t say you love him.” Rick cut you off. “Love ain’t gonna always enough, understand?”
“Go see him again, decide if this is what you want.”
“But I already decided.” You replied. “I know what I want, and it’s to continue whatever I have with Daryl.”
Rick took a moment before nodding. “Okay, okay. If this is what you want then I ain’t stoppin’ you.” He gave you a quick hug before leaving your room.
You looked him in the eye and said what you thought was right for you. Why was the doubt creeping in now? After weeks screwing Daryl behind your brother’s back, why now?
“Is this all a mistake?”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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cultofdixon · 8 months
“I love you” told in a silent way
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Eldest Greene!Daughter • The archer and eldest Greene daughter grew close when they met and even turned into a few things. Little did they know that they were expecting • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Implied Sex / Quickies / Hickeys / Biting • TW: Canon Violence / Injuries / Self Harm Scars / Nausea / Talks of Abortion / Amputation / Pregnancy & Birth
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl tried to be sneaky when it came to getting one of Hershel’s horses. He thought it be easier to maneuver through the woods on horseback instead of his bike. Wouldn’t be as loud either.
The man didn’t know anything about horses. Especially with putting the saddle and reins on. But he was trying to be quick so that none of the Greenes would notice.
Little did he know he was being watched.
“You forgot the saddle pad. Protects their back from the saddle…the friction and all”
The youngest Dixon quickly dropped the saddle and didn’t think of aiming his crossbow given the woman he turned toward didn’t seem to be armed.
“Who the hell are you?”
“The owner of the horse you be takin’. Don’t care if you do just thought you might need a hand before you take off”
“I’ve got more questions first—-“
“You want a name or somethin’? Or like why didn’t I show my face when your group stumbled into the ranch with a half dead boy?” She tilted her head after saying all that, watching the man’s body relaxed when she said all that. “I’m Y/N Greene. The eldest Greene daughter and I didn’t show my face because I’m not all too friendly with strangers and my old man isn’t all too proud of me”
Now Daryl was completely relaxed for some strange feeling growing in his chest. This total stranger didn’t leave out anything in the initial meeting…he didn’t feel like he had to pull it out of her.
“Can I at least get your name?”
“Daryl. Uh Daryl Dixon”
“Well nice to meet yea. Let me help you get the saddle on and you can take’em wherever you need to go”
“Ain’t gonna like…question why I’d be takin’ your horse?”
“The best thing about being invisible…is I already know why you’re doing it so I’m gonna help in my smallest way” Y/N got the saddle pad from the open cabinet in the stable approaching her horse to get him set up. “You’re trying to find that Carol woman’s daughter? I’d be careful when riding. Nelly is skittish sometimes”
“That’s understandable when a sicko comes by”
“I’m saying…be more careful with anything as small as a mouse when ridin’” Y/N warns as she tightens the saddle on carefully before taking the reins and handing them to Daryl. “If you don’t come back before nightfall, I’ll come and get yea”
“Not gonna need it” Daryl frowns gripping the reins keeping his gaze to the floor until she started to walk away when he brought his eyes back on her.
When Daryl left the farm, Y/N made her existence known to the others from his group given only Lori and Daryl knew of her. Lori only knowing because she accidentally stumbled across her when she needed air after learning what happened to Carl.
The eldest Greene still kept to herself but started to be help to these new people whenever it was asked. She even understood what Maggie was talking to her about when it came to how strange some of them were with one another. But also being mainly an observer, she told her sister more details.
“Have you seen that Dixon guy recently?” Y/N asks her sister Beth watching her shake her head, leading her to leave the house heading toward the stables.
To her surprise, Hershel stood in a bit of a mood when noticing their horse was gone.
“You know who took her?”
“Yeah and I gave the okay. Now I gotta—“ Y/N went toward one of the stalls when Hershel grabbed her upper arm. “Seriously old man. What now?”
“I don’t trust these people” Hershel sung the same tune ever since this group joined. Y/N quickly pulls her arm out of his grasp avoiding eye contact as she pinches the bridge of her nose to contain herself from exploding. “First we lose another of our people because they were left alone with this guy”
“To save the sheriff’s son—-“
“Then the Glenn fella is hitting on my precious Maggie—-“
“She’s a grown ass woman who can make decisions for herself—-“
“Then your stupid decision to let one of them use one of our horses led them to ask for—-“
“SHUT IT” Y/N hissed. “I ain’t bein’ blamed for stupid shit, dad. You’re a sweet old guy that wouldn’t turn away good people but of course it’s driving yea nuts how high maintenance it is. Now get out of my way”
Her father didn’t leave the stables and watched her go into one of the stalls to push over some hay to reveal her hunting rifle strapping it on her.
“What are you doing?!”
“Going out to save one of them from whatever bullshit he got himself in”
“Seriously?! How can you easily let someone in? How can yea risk your life—-“
“I have given too much to this world that I’m not about to let it take from me. Yeah…I may not know much of this guy but some cosmic whatever is telling me he’s worth it” and with that Y/N left for the woods.
Y/N didn’t walk aimlessly like the Dixon fella might have because she grew up in these woods. She’s seen his crossbow and knows he’s a hunter but unless you know your surroundings, you’re learning as you go. Which meant the fall that Daryl took when Nelly bucked him off, Y/N knew the spot he’d fall into. Daryl had just pulled the arrow out of his side to take out the walker trying to get him but when the sounds of another undead came, he knew he was done for.
Until the sound of gunfire rung through followed by a thud. Daryl in his exhausted state looked up from where he fell finding a blurry blob that was Y/N with her rifle still in a readied position. He scoffs slightly out of annoyance toward himself mainly but a bit toward her that he directed to her when she slid the side of the slope reaching him.
“You’re an idiot…”
“Says the one bleeding” Y/N frowns setting her rifle down beside her, helping Daryl sit up with some resistance. “Gotta close that better or you’ll bleed out before we get back”
“Why do you care? If Merle were here he’d make jokes about a girl touchin’ me”
Y/N sort of ignored his words. Merle? Must be family or at least someone close he’s thinking of because of the blood loss. Least she didn’t have to worry about hallucinations…at least when she’s there.
“I just do. Is that a good enough answer for yea?”
“For now”
“Good” Y/N shrugged off her flannel leaving her in a tank top making the heat rise to Daryl’s face as he turned away when she brought her shirt around his torso to apply pressure to the wound. “When we get back, the old man will patch you up”
“How’d yea even know I’d end up here?”
“I know these woods a bit too well, Dixon”
“So…yea could’ve warned me?”
“Nah. Then that would be doubting your abilities now wouldn’t it?” Y/N frowns bringing his arm around her shoulders hearing him groan when getting back on his feet.
Getting back to where they were was a struggle and resulted in Y/N carrying Daryl on her back to the best of her ability. A few bumps along the way but they made it. Now it was a slow walk back to the farm.
Though neither of them could’ve calculated what’s about to happen, to happen.
Once the two were in the clearing, Y/N heard muffled shouting while Daryl clung onto her really feeling the blood loss get to him. His feeling instantly changed when he felt her tense beside him when the group of men came running over. Daryl scoffs straightening up the best he could, glaring at Rick who held his colt in his face once again.
“That’s the third time you pointed that thing at my head” Daryl scoffs. “Gonna pull the trigger or what?”
Then the ring of a shot powered through and nicked Daryl in the head. The force caused him to fall over and Y/N to instantly approach his side to get him on his back making sure he was still breathing.
“I was kidding” Daryl groans, squinting his eyes from the pain in his head as Rick and Shayne quickly came over to help the guy onto his feet while Y/N got up continuing to carry his gear and grow an unsettling taste in her mouth when Andrea came running over admitting to her firing.
Dale noticed the look in the Greene’s eyes and felt the need to step in front of Andrea when she made her way over to them.
“Next time, if you’re ever unsure about the shot you’re about to take? Don’t take it” Y/N kept her cool and even shot the girl a temporary smile that faded into the resting neutral while she caught up with the others.
The poor guy laid uncomfortably in the bed while Hershel got to work on his stitches. Once the info about Sophia’s possible whereabouts, Hershel couldn’t help but speak his mind.
“If you didn’t go out in the first place, my daughter wouldn’t have felt obligated to save your ass”
“No one told her to come and save me. I would’ve come back somehow”
“Given your injuries, Dixon. Be a little more thankful that Y/N girl went and saved yea” Rick scoffs picking up the map from the bed and leaving to give the man some time to rest without people bothering. Hershel followed behind Rick watching him bother Y/N to get her input on their whereabouts regarding Sophia.
Night came and everyone was having dinner in the dining room while Daryl stuck in the room he was in. Carol came and went, gave him food and thanked him for not stopping his search for Sophia. He didn’t wait to leave until the house fell quiet indicating everyone was asleep. But right as Daryl was about to sit up, Y/N quietly pushed the door open resulting in the archer scrambling to cover his back.
She’s seen them but before his sake, she wasn’t going to say anything. Y/N tossed a bottle of Tylenol in Daryl’s lap making him relax and the sheets fall from covering him. “The old man is gonna want to check your bandages later. Change them and check for infection. Yknow, the good stuff”
“At this hour?”
“Man was a vet. Overnight shifts to check on the more critical asked for late night checks. Yeah you’re a person but it’s just how he does things”
“Can’t…You like check them for me? I hate being in here”
The pondering look on Y/N’s face took a minute before falling into a neutral expression with a hint of a smile followed by a shrug.
“Your tent is the furthest from the group yeah? By the bike?”
“Wild guess”
“But I’m right, right?” Y/N smiles warmly. “I’ll have to get some stuff then meet yea there. But go out the back, that door doesn’t squeak when opening it” she tells him back on her way out of the room.
It took him a bit to get out of the house given he was stitched up and sore from the incident still. But he didn’t think he took that long when finding Y/N leaning against the tree closest to his tent smoking.
“How long—-“
“I just got here. I am faster than you given the circumstances”
“I wasn’t the one that fell on their ass after carrying me up that slope” Daryl scoffs approaching his tent to unzip it but bending slightly caused a whole lot of pain that he stopped. Y/N tapped his shoulder indicating for him to move as he did with a groan followed.
The Greene tossed her cigarette to the ground and stomped it out before opening the tent letting him in first obviously then entering herself.
“You’re gonna have to take your shirt off again, or at least unbutton enough just for me to get to your bandages”
Daryl sat on his cot with a huff and a bit of an annoyed look infused with self-hatred. “You saw’em”
“I only saw what you’re willing to show” Y/N brought herself to her knees setting her first aid box next to him on the cot watching him from the corner of her eye take off his shirt dropping it on the floor next to her. “You’re not the only one riddled with a past, or…scars that explain it. Alright, may I?” She reached to touch the bandage waiting for his approval which was a nod from his end.
Her touch is so…light Daryl thought watching her work with taking the bandage off with wetting the adhesive so it wouldn’t tug at his skin. Gentle… he held the new bandage for her watching her double check her dad’s handy work. The slightest concern graced her features but immediately dissolved.
“My stitches would’ve been neater. But it’ll do the job” Y/N comments as she took the bandage from his hand and started applying it.
“You also some form of doctor in this family?”
“Fuck no” Y/N laughs lightly. “I’ve lived in the city for so long that I’ve encountered my fill of chaos probably within the first year. But ten years later is when I decided to sell my soul back to this fucking farm”
“You hate it here?” Daryl questions instantly, watching Y/N clean up her stuff before leaning back on her hands on the ground. “This shit is a luxury. Even before the apocalypse”
“Mm. I don’t know you well enough to go into grand detail about why this place is really just a burden. But you’ve seen how the old man is. Imagine being his kid on the receiving end to his bs”
“I guess that’s fair” Daryl slipped his shirt on when listening to her speak. “Some parents aren’t fit to be parents”
“As much as that is true, maybe even speaking from your own experience. Most situations involving multiple children, there’s always a favorite. But in this case, there’s the disappointment and the two perfect daughters”
“Why are you sharing this with me?”
Y/N shrugs reaching into her back pocket taking out her pack. “You’re relaxed aren’t you?”
She got that right. She got him to stop thinking about his injury, and a little bit about how his search was pretty much a failure.
Once Y/N put her lighter away after lighting her cigarette, she only took two puffs before Daryl carefully leaned over taking it from her mouth to give it to himself.
“I’m taking that as my leave” She laughs lightly as she brought herself to uncomfortably stand in the tent, hunching over just a bit.
But as Y/N reached to take her kit, Daryl took a hold of her wrist tugging her into his lap catching a bit of a confused look from her. Making his anxiety rise slightly that he read her kindness wrong and part of her didn’t expect much.
“Do what you plan on doing, Dixon” Y/N brought her arm around his shoulders as her other hand gently made sure his bandage was secure but also place itself on his cheek.
It took him a second longer to think about his action before pressing his lips against hers. The softness of her lips against his made his heart start racing and her hand moved from his cheek to his chest to confirm such.
When the morning came, Daryl woke with a groan sitting up in his coat to find beside him being empty but Y/N still remained in the tent getting her jeans back on. He admired the work he done on her neck but his eyes fixated on the burn scars he caught a glimpse of resting on her thighs. She could sense the staring and tensed only for a moment until her pants were back on.
“There’s not enough make up in the world to cover your attack on my neck and chest. But I don’t give a fuck who notices”
“Don’t know about your family, but these folk don’t know when not to include themselves in other’s business. They are def gonna ask where mine came from” Daryl chuckles lightly bringing himself to completely sit on the cot referring to his own hickeys that were more on the neck and shoulder. Including a bite mark that Y/N couldn’t help herself last night, it was either that or wake the whole tent city. “It’s still early”
“Yeah but just like your folks, my family is nosey. Especially my sisters.” She sighs while buttoning up her flannel even if she does prefer it open, just needs a minute to get inside and in her room before the interrogation starts.
Y/N turned to Daryl once she sat on the ground to get her shoes on as she could sense the hint of worry coming from the man and she could only assume was toward what he saw.
“We’re not so different” Y/N states finishing tying her shoes. “Mine were just. Self inflicted”
He couldn’t contain his concern even if in his own special way it was only noticed through his eyes and body language. Y/N could read him and part of Daryl worried about that.
“You stop?”
“Don’t be—-“
“I ain’t gonna be one of those nut jobs that tell yea “please stop for me”. Only you can really make that decision”
“Well, I did. When I moved back”
“And how long ago was that?”
“Three months before the world ended” and with that Y/N took her leave, leaving the first aid kit with Daryl giving her a reason to come back.
Even if a part of him wanted to go after her.
The two had their alone time a few times before news of “walkers in the barn” spread to the group. Daryl felt a sense of betrayal since Y/N cares so much about their safety in the past few days that she didn’t tell him anything about it. But when he went to the back door where he’d usually meet her, he heard shouting from inside coming from her.
“Walkers in the goddamn barn, old man?!”
“People are in that barn. Good people. I’m protecting the—-“
“They’re already gone! They stopped being themselves the second the infection spread from the bite”
“You don’t know that”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Y/N scoffed pinching the bridge of her nose trying to contain her anger and failing. “I swear to god if I open it—-“
“—You wouldn’t—-“
“—-and find mom in there after you said she just “disappeared”. I’m going to prove you she’s not mom anymore”
Daryl couldn’t help but flinch when he heard the ring from the slap that came from Hershel’s hand meeting Y/N’s cheek. Normally one would cry but instead she kept her composure and decided to reframe from saying another word or she would’ve acted instead. He quickly stepped away when the door flung open seeing the anger in her eyes and body language. The single tear that rolled off her cheek made him act without realizing and gently brushed it away watching her relax but not enough to fall into his arms and stay there. She pulled herself away shooting him a temporary smile before walking into the woods behind the house to clear her head.
The eldest Greene only returned to the shouting happening and then sudden gun fire which led her to grabbing hers on the way over to the commotion happening by the barn. Y/N froze beside her father watching Maggie comfort him while the others started shooting down the walkers that flooded out. She heard quick footsteps coming as she stopped whoever, Beth, from going any further as she held onto her. She held her as she sobbed watching the dust settle and one walker left started stumbling out.
Daryl quickly latched himself onto Carol before she could even get close to her daughter. Her sobs grew louder the more she was restrained from seeing her little girl that was soon ended by the sheriff that left her all alone in the first place. Rick will forever take that as his fault and won’t ever forget it.
It took them all a second to adjust to what happened as Daryl helped Carol on her feet only for her to thrash out so his grasp from anger and loss. Y/N did her best to keep Beth away from the carnage but she slipped from her grasp causing her to follow her little sister to the pile of walkers.
“Beth, no that’s not—“
“That’s our mom!” She cried as she brought herself to her knees beside the corpse pushing the one on top of it off her. “Ma…”
Her screaming caused everyone to act. The men quickly grabbed at her pulling her away from the reanimated corpse as Y/N quickly came through and slammed her foot into the skull of the sicko. There was a pause in the chaos of Beth screaming, Carol sobbing, and a few of them bickering. Just a pause to let what happened sink in.
“Y/N…” Maggie exhaled watching her fixated gaze to her foot coated in the aged blood as she slowly lifts her foot and stepped away. “Y/N, wait!” She quickly followed her as Y/N made her way past their father.
“I never should’ve come back” Y/N frowns continuing on her way to who knows, and on her route she took the pack of cigarettes out from her back pocket tossing them to the ground which only those who knew would understand.
But she kept her lighter.
After taking care of a few things, Daryl was finally left to take care of himself. Even if he wasn’t going to. His anger feasted mainly on himself compared to being toward others, granted he doesn’t have any reason to be mad toward anybody except for maybe Rick or Hershel for that barn bullshit. Or Shane. Hell he was frustrating himself. He wasn’t going to do anything with her in that sense but needed to find her.
It didn’t take much searching because as much as she hated the place, Y/N stuck close for a lot of reasons. Daryl only found her when she tossed an acorn at his head from above where she sat on one of the branches.
“Obviously looking for me”
“Not for that though.”
“I didn’t do anything if you’re thinking—-“
“No. Well, not entirely” Daryl shrugs watching her climb down the tree to be level with him. “You stalled. Stayed in…the corpse”
“If your mother turned, and you had to end her the way I did…you wouldn’t move right away.”
“Thankfully my mom died in a fire she caused”
“Thankfully?” Y/N scoffs watching him shrug again which made an ill laugh escape her lips. “I wish she didn’t die that way.”
“I wish you didn’t have to be the one to end it. Entirely. I’m sorry”
“Daryl…” Y/N frowns looking him dead in the eye waiting for it. Waiting for him to say it even if his anger started to get the best of him in the moment. “It’s not your fault”
“It’s not”
“But it is!” Daryl snapped in her face realizing she flinched and given all the feelings in the air that day, she couldn’t keep her guard up in that moment. “She wasn’t even mine. Not my daughter. How could I blindly care so much?”
“I was like that in the beginning of whatever we are”
“Caring so blindly. I didn’t know you and I came and saved you. Well until that annoying blond put a bullet in you…almost. Then I saved you. In my own way.” Y/N crosses her arms bringing herself close enough to lean against the tree she was just in. “Sometimes, you just care and don’t need a reason. Then the more you know a person all the reasons come to light”
“I care about yea, yknow. Even when I didn’t know a thing”
“You cared about her, without knowing a single thing. From what I heard, there is a person at fault but even then? Rick shouldn’t bully himself for a child running from danger. Kids don’t listen. That’s why they have parents to care for them. Or siblings. It’s harder when the kid has to care for themself. But that’s beside the point…” She turned her head in the direction of the house. “It’s all a shitshow. The end of the world. But we make do with it. Care about those we’ve just met or learned more about in such a little time”
“We need all the people in our lives for as long as we can” Daryl frowns bringing himself closer as Y/N moved her arms to her sides watching him get close enough that she could feel his breath on her. But he brought his forehead to rest against hers, feeling her hands find purchase on his neck. “You’re allowed to fall apart”
And she did. In the comforts of his presence then his arms…and his warm embrace. Things continued to escalate at the farm that eventually, it was set ablaze. All the commotion caused everyone to scramble, lose a few, and meet up on the highway. Daryl’s anxiety shot up when he couldn’t find the eldest Greene sister with her other sisters that were driven to “safety” by Glenn and Hershel.
Then the rustling of the woods were heard and few thought it was more of the walkers. But suddenly, Y/N stumbled out falling against the slope that led to the freeway and before any of her remaining family could rush to her…Daryl was already at her side helping her stand and she was met with a tearful gaze coming from the man that she didn’t care about keeping it a secret anymore…Y/N pressed her lips firmly against his for a short lived kiss before he brought her entirely in his arms holding her.
“Oh you so owe me” Maggie made the comment toward Beth as she glares at her sister. A bet was made. If that wasn’t clear.
“How long have—-“
“No time to act like a father right now. We need to find shelter for the night.” Rick cut off Hershel and gave Daryl a look to start the ride with his bike since he can maneuver and find a path easier. But instead of Carol being on his bike, Y/N took that spot rightfully and not like Carol was complaining.
It was a short ride but long enough for Daryl to realize Y/N’s trembling from the shock of watching her home burn and the struggle of getting out of there alive. She didn’t go unscathed but the cuts were small and not so deep. Daryl still took care of them.
After Rick’s whole speech, it was time to call it a night and stick close to everyone. Daryl took first watch which meant Y/N sticking with him.
“Your old man didn’t look too happy about us”
“He’ll have to get used to it.” Y/N whispered to him feeling his arm snake around her shoulders keeping her close. “Cant believe it’s gone”
“I’m sorry”
Y/N shrugged a little before bringing herself closer to him enjoying the warmth he emitted. “Least I got these on my way out” she pulled out her pack of cigarettes which made a laugh escape Daryl’s lips.
It took some time to get used to the idea that they were going to be moving a lot until something more permanent came along. But they also needed something permanent to come by the end of nine months because Lori was pregnant.
Everyone noticed how stressed Rick would get when Lori would shut him out for his decision making that lead them here so a few did their best to keep that level low.
“Daryl and I are gonna go hunt for dinner while my old man and Carol set up camp for the night” Y/N informs Rick on her way out. “Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog should be back soon with whatever they scavenged from the few houses around”
“Thanks Y/N, be back before nightfall” Rick stated watching her nod before following Daryl out of the house they decided to make their shelter for the night.
As much as they did what they told Rick what they were going to do. They planned on other things.
“Fuck—-“ Y/N cursed adjusting herself against the counter even with Daryl pinning her against such. “Maybe we do this on the floor next time” her hands slipped resulting in Daryl picking her up still deep inside her velvety walls and forcing her against the wall.
“Better?” He huffed watching her arms move to find purchase around his neck.
“Yes, please continue” Y/N begged as Daryl instantly latched his lips against hers picking up the pace thrusting inside of her using the wall to his advantage so he could bring one of his hands to her clit helping her reach her release.
Her toes curled and heels dug into his back when she reached her high and felt Daryl remove his hand from her clit to have a better grasp on her while he quickened his pace and thrusted harder reaching his own release, spilling inside her warmth. They held onto each other catching their breaths.
“Holy shit…” Y/N gasps softly when Daryl adjusted his stance still inside of her. “So…”
“Round two?” He smirks followed by one appearing on her features pressing her lips against his. Before the two suddenly flinched to the sound of a spring lock. “Shit”
“Mm. Maybe later?”
“Imma hold yea to that, sunshine” Daryl kisses her once more before pulling out of her helping her gain her balance using himself as her steady.
After helping clean up, Daryl checked the trap they set pulling out a raccoon that unfortunately met its end. Y/N stepped out carrying a few finds that would help a few with keeping warm during the colder nights. Blankets, sweaters, etc.
“Think we should set up a few more traps before we head back”
“Sounds good” Y/N extended her hand for Daryl to hand off the raccoon so he could set them up. “I’m gonna put some of these things by your bike so I can sweep around”
“Be careful yeah? I’ll join yea when I’m done”
Y/N kept the catch attached to her backpack on her while the blankets and clothes were left on his bike. She went through a few houses near the one they both were in and stopped in one of the few two stories finding a few more canned goods and took note of how secure the building was. Maybe they could move there for a few weeks? She thought while stepping through the place some more, stopping at the fireplace finding the photos coated in dust. She extended a hand toward one deciding to dust it off and find an old married couple behind the glass. They looked happy. In love. Y/N didn’t quite understand the feeling she was feeling in her chest when staring at the picture of a random couple.
“Anything good?” Daryl’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she sets the picture back where it was.
“Nothing I haven’t already put in my bag. I’m ready when you are”
Heading back was quiet and that didn’t concern Daryl much given it was getting late. But Y/N started to act off that it even concerned her. She was more exhausted than usual, finding herself sleeping more in her spot of the house wherever they moved, she ate less, took more of the first night watch shift, and went out less with Daryl. Every time she did, Daryl mainly kept an eye on her and their conversation was smaller than usual. This has been going on for a month, and they’ve been house hoping for three so far. It was about to become winter.
Y/N was taking a longer night watch given Rick, Daryl, and Glenn decided to head out for a small hunting trip to bring back enough game to last them through winter. Even if Daryl said he was going to hunt through the cold months just not as frequently. She was once again lost in her thoughts while looking out into the darkness staring occasionally at the trigger line. Worrying about the group, missing Daryl, fearing what could happen—
“Sweetheart?” Hershel whispered for those sleeping inside but was loud enough to get Y/N’s attention. “How are you feeling?”
Ever since the fire, Hershel has been trying to rekindle the father daughter relationship with his oldest. Even if in her head, he’s always going to be her dad and it wouldn’t take much to repair it. He’s already apologized enough. But she expected it again tonight.
“I’m tired”
“I’ve noticed. Are you falling ill with somethin’? I can go out with Maggie to go look for—-“
“No, no. I’m not sick” Y/N frowns watching her dad take a seat with her. “I don’t feel good. Yeah…but the other thing is just. I love him but I’m afraid to tell him”
Hershel couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him which only brought a glare and a huff out of his daughter. “I told your mother that I loved her, first. She didn’t say it back and honestly? I didn’t expect her to. I just want her to know that I loved her. Then a few months later she tells me she loves me too. For some they say it immediately back, or they take a while. But that doesn’t mean what they do for you, has zero trace of love toward you.”
Y/N couldn’t help the little tears that spilled from her eyes when her dad said such. Hershel gently brought his arm around her shoulder bringing her in so she could rest her head on his shoulder continuing to cry if she needed.
A couple more days passed and the sick feeling turned into vomiting and migraines every other day. Y/N couldn’t shake a feeling and decided to act on it.
“Y/N…” Beth shook her older sister awake as Y/N slowly sits up looking to the other side of her seeing Daryl still fast asleep then she turned to the window finding it still dark out.
“What’s wrong?” She whispers tucking the loose hair in Beth’s face behind her ear.
“I started my period…and I don’t have anything…”
Y/N nodded knowing exactly what she was asking as she tugs her pack over to them rummaging through it. She then realizes she missed her period.
“Uhm. I don’t have anything, love. Maybe ask Mags in the morning? I’ll ask Carol if she’s stumbled across any”
“Okay…” Beth frowns watching her sister go into her bag knowing she at least had pain meds and gave it her to see a small smile form for a moment before she shuffled back.
Her anxiety started to eat at her and she knew the only way to know for sure is to get a test. But that will wait for the morning.
“Hey I’m gonna take a car into the nearby town. Sweep the place one last time before we move again before the weather goes from just cold to snow”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Rick stood up grabbing his coat. “I’ll tag along with you and Daryl”
“If Daryl wants to tag along. I was gonna ask Mags” Y/N states receiving a confused and concerned look from Daryl while her sister lights up with a smile. “Maybe you and Glenn can do one last hunt and check the traps before we move?”
“Alright. But he’s gotta keep up with me like yea do”
“He will” Y/N laughs softly smiling as Daryl snuck in a kiss on the cheek when no one was looking. “We’ll be back before nightfall”
“Yeah I’ll make sure to get some baby stuff if we come across it” Rick tells Lori only to be met with an avoidance in her gaze as her hand stayed on her already showing belly. Y/N couldn’t help the staring toward the two before squeezing her eyes shut and quickly stepping out once she got her backpack and a coat.
Maggie took care of driving and Rick took the passengers, leaving Y/N alone in the backseat scribbling in this journal Maggie found for her on a run with Glenn. She mainly wrote her concerns and the obvious one plaguing her mind was
Is she pregnant?
They were reckless, now he’s going to leave her.
Does he even like kids? He doesn’t talk much to Carl…
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong” Rick frowns looking out the window as Maggie turned to him for a second with a confused look. “She’s mad about it all. What happened with Shane and being pregnant in the apocalypse. She thinks because she had a c-section she’s more likely to have another and we don’t have the tools for it. So it stresses me out…thinking I’m gonna lose my wife. But I can’t voice those concerns because she’s mad at me. Pregnant and mad”
“Pregnancy makes women feel all their emotions times 100, Rick. It’s going to be rough for a while” Maggie pats his shoulder glancing back to find Y/N looking a bit more pale than before. “Sis, you alright?”
Without another word, the second she felt the car stop…Y/N quickly ran out ditching her things and going to vomit into the near by bushes. Maggie frowns unbuckling her seatbelt and about to check on her when she noticed her journal in the backseat. Her hesitation made Rick get out to check on her older sister while she picked up the book to read it.
Maggie wasn’t going to tell Y/N she read it. But then read those entries and felt the same anxiety her sister felt for a moment.
Maggie gave Y/N some time to recollect herself after bolting out of the car. But she didn’t mean to corner her in the pharmacy section of the mini grocery store.
“Mags what’s up with that look on your face?”
“I uhm. I’m sorry”
The apology caught Y/N off guard until Maggie just let it out.
“You’re pregnant?” Maggie frowns and the negative look on her face only made Y/N feel so much worse on the matter. But instead of tears, it was anger.
“AND?! So what if I might be pregnant? Like that isn’t going to be a fucking issue when we already have a pregnant woman in the group and look how she and her man are doing. I haven’t even said I love you yet to Daryl and I don’t even know if he wants kids” then the tears suddenly broke out as she stared at the pregnancy test box she had in her hand. “I can’t get rid of it. I don’t want to lose him. The universe took too much from me already, I can’t lose anymore” she sobbed, Maggie didn’t wait another second bringing her sister into her embrace holding her protectively.
“Y’all are gonna try and see if that car works? Just the two of you?”
“It’s not the first time I hot-wired a car by myself” Y/N stated with Maggie nodding to confirm such.
It’s not that Rick didn’t trust the two, it was going to be night soon and that was his concern. But he also needed to get all their findings back.
“Fine. But you have to camp out if it gets too late”
“We’ve got this. If the lights work, we’ll drive back” Maggie smiles as Rick sighs letting them rock and leaving.
The two gave each other a look and Maggie went into her bag taking out the few pregnancy tests handing them to Y/N. She went back inside one of the buildings to do her business while Maggie got started with hot-wiring the car.
“Y/N I don’t feel good…”
“Yeah I know, bug. I’m sorry I’m working as fast as I can” The sixteen year old Y/N tugged on the wires from under the dash to get the car started while her baby sister Maggie continued to groan in the backseat. Being left to babysit while the folks went into town was killer. Especially when no one expected Maggie to have a skyrocketing fever.
“Sis…” She cried the entire drive as Y/N did her best to be a smooth driver into town and to the nearest ER.
“I’ve gotchu, bug. Everything’s gonna be alright”
“Everything’s gonna be alright” Maggie frowns rubbing Y/N’s back as she did her best to contain her tears while they drove back.
“It won’t…it just won’t” Y/N wiped away her tears taking the remaining time back to collect herself. She took out the cartoon of cigarettes from her bag staring at the thing knowing her sister’s gaze to burning a hole into the side of her head. “I’m not going to do them, bug” she frowns rolling the window down and tossing the box out hearing the sigh of relief.
“Good…I need to keep you safe. So it keeps my niece or nephew safe”
The smallest joy brought a temporary smile to grace Y/N’s features even if the uncomfortable anxious feeling clawed at her back over how Daryl will react.
When they arrived back, both Glenn and Daryl were waiting outside the house that was lit from the fire T-Dog got started in the fireplace to keep everybody warm. Glenn instantly went to Maggie’s side checking her in his anxious way that was immediately reassured. But Y/N remained in the car with her head down, driving Daryl nuts internally until he noticed Maggie give him a look to join her and that only made his anxiety worse.
“What’s wrong with—-“
“Just let them be. Cmon, gotta give Beth something” Maggie smiles tugging Glenn along back inside until it was just Daryl and Y/N.
The archer shut the door once he entered and before he even said a word, the eldest Greene daughter exhaled.
“I’m pregnant”
Daryl expected more from her but was met with her silence and honestly, that made him worry for her instead of thinking of his feelings about the news. This explains why she hasn’t been feeling well—-but she could’ve let him in. Makes sense why she wanted to go on a run with her sister—-but he could’ve been there for her. Y/N found out alone for a moment—-yet Daryl could’ve help her the second she did.
“You thought I would leave yea”
Y/N instantly shot her head up turning to him as if he read her mind. Daryl gave her a bit of a disappointed look that was met with brimming tears.
“I’m not gonna leave yea. Never.” Daryl stated as fact which led the tears to spill. “I just wish I help you through it. Yeah you had your sister. But you mean so much to me and this is our future. I wasn’t gonna go anywhere before, I definitely ain’t now” he finished his thought as he stepped out of the car rounding to Y/N’s side and gently pulling her into his arms letting her sob into him as he protectively held onto her.
The winter started to present itself and the news stayed within the three (four if you count Maggie blabbing to Glenn, which was only a matter of time before they all knew). Which led to once they found their home to hold off the winter, Daryl brought himself inside after checking the one trap he placed sitting down beside Y/N.
“There’s something we’ve got to say to you all” Y/N started and felt anxious with everybody staring. Guess the fire took away more than just their safety, but her confidence.
“She’s pregnant” Daryl finished resting a hand on her thigh gently rubbing his thumb in a soothing motion for her to relax.
Before any positive thing said can be thrown up in the air. The shocked expressions turned instantly to confusion and toward Lori when she scoffed toward the news.
“Seriously?” Lori beckoned Y/N to confirm it herself as she did with a nod even if her expression fell when the woman started laughing. “Great that’s just great”
“No, shut it Rick. It was already trouble taking care of my pregnant self. What makes y’all think we can take care of two? You two should’ve been more careful and found abortion pills”
“Woah! You don’t get to get to be a bitch just because you’re pregnant” Carol hissed drawing a shocked expression out of the Grimes who quickly turned to her husband for a defense. “No you started this on your own and you will finish it”
“None of us asked for you to be pregnant.” T-Dog adds abruptly. “That shit just happens sometimes. No timing is ever perfect”
“But still—-“
“No you don’t get to talk to my——“
“girl like that” Daryl snapped cutting Hershel off. “Don’t take a good thing and fucking stomp on it just because you’re miserable. You have to remember a few of us have some bullets against yea and I ain’t afraid to fire every single one of them if you come at her again” he frowns bringing his arm entirely around Y/N keeping her close, ignoring the tense look on Lori’s face as Rick’s disappointment turned to a bit of sadness when hearing such. But it was quickly shifted to a smile when his son turned to him then toward the two.
“Congratulations?” Carl laughs the tension away resulting in Beth quickly moving over to hug her sister as Hershel made his way patting Daryl on the back before kissing the top of Y/N’s head.
They were going to be okay. Their village will make sure of it.
The winter months were brutal and miserable for everybody. They had to move once through the cold because the roof collapsed in a section of the old house that made it dangerous for everybody. The group ditched their cars and stayed in the neighborhood just for the winter because of the snow. They’ll go back to the cars later, T-Dog and Beth took care of carrying their extra items that weren’t apart of everybody’s individual packs. Carol and Hershel took care of getting the fire going and getting food for the day ready, Hershel also took care of checking both Lori and Y/N every now and then to make sure they are alright. Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and Daryl were the ones in the watch rotation and as much as he protested, Y/N would tag along with Daryl.
“I’m not that pregnant yet, Daryl. I can go out with you.”
“It’s snowing”
“I go huntin’ by myself all the time and I’d rather yea stay warm than suffer with me”
“And you think it’s going to sit well with me having you suffer the colder conditions?” Y/N glared at the man getting frustrated with the back and forth, Daryl was going to argue again when he noticed both of her sisters shaking their heads not to try. Pregnant or not, she will continue to argue until she’s blue in the face.
“Fine. But layer up” Daryl states letting her get ready as he goes into his pack taking out his poncho to put it on over his layers.
The two went through the center of the neighborhood, Daryl hating the snow and Y/N enjoying it. He only hated it because it made tracking animals difficult and before he could tell her about heading back…
“I love you” Y/N tells him watching him freeze in his place as she anxiously adjusts the rifle on her back gripping the strap. “I don’t expect you to say it back now or in a few months or years. I just needed you to know that I love you and you mean so much to me”
Daryl brought himself close pressing his lips firmly against hers bringing his arms around her. They enjoyed themselves for the moment until Y/N heard shuffling and expected a walker but when she looked behind him. There were deer. But when Daryl got a look, he stopped her from readying her rifle which brought out a confused look from her until she noticed a buck making its appearance along with two babies.
Now they were watching the family just be, making Daryl look over to Y/N watching her smile at the display as he brought his hand to rest on her small bump. She glance to his hand for a second before smiling more and resting her hand over his before continuing to look at the deer family. Thankfully on their way back they got a bunny and a few squirrels that made themselves known in the winter.
It wasn’t long before the warmer months came back and Y/N couldn’t ride on Daryl’s bike anymore. She stuck with Glenn and Maggie and with the moving from house to house increasing. T-Dog and Rick took lead with sweeping the houses they come across before the group resided but Daryl followed behind after checking on Y/N. But when herds came through, they didn’t wait and went straight back into the car and only the road.
“Let’s go hunt” Daryl tells Rick watching him nod as Hershel held him back to talk about Lori’s condition given she’s in her ninth month compared to Y/N in her seventh.
Daryl picked up his canteen from his bike going to Y/N and making sure she kept hydrated when the weather got dangerously hot.
“Gonna go hunt with Rick. We’ll be back soon”
“Stay safe, yeah?”
“You too” Daryl quickly kissed her cheek before going with Rick.
The two stumbled across the prison, which then led to the group taking out walkers in the field to give them shelter for the night before heading inside. The group huddled by the fire talking about Rick, what the prison could do for them, and a few miscellaneous things. Maggie happily let her older sister use her lap as a pillow as she laid on her side using her blanket to cushion her belly from the ground.
“Lot of movement today?”
“Yeah…fucking think this baby loves kicking my ribs” Y/N huffed out a laugh as Maggie brushes back her hair smiling at her watching Daryl return to the group with Carol. He knelt behind her resting his poncho over her before getting comfortable. “Done with watch?”
“We’ve got a gate. Besides, if shit happens it’ll alert all of us and Rick hasn’t left the gate”
“You check on him?” Y/N whispers to Daryl when she moved onto her back for a moment to look at him.
“Do I have to?”
“No, but he shouldn’t have to burden what’s going on with him alone. Even if you don’t quite understand it”
Her words rung in his head especially when they dealt with the prisoners, then the Walker outbreak, losing Lori, almost losing Hershel and Carol…it was a lot. Things seem to only escalate and it didn’t help that all the commotion rendered Y/N speechless and she hasn’t spoken a word the moment Lori died.
She could die too
He will raise this baby alone
What will happen to her family?
She can’t die
She won’t die
Y/N stayed by the gate when they left and she knew her dad and Carol were watching her every move that when the cars pulled in she stepped away after opening one of the doors herself even when Carol came with her protests.
The car pulled in and Y/N waited for Daryl to come out but when everybody except him, she gave Rick a confused look while he hung his head.
“Daryl’s not coming back” Glenn ripped the bandaid off watching his partner shoot him a glare for not taking easy. But in Y/N’s head he did the right thing by just going for it.
“We ran into his brother and he’s not a great guy” Rick started. “But blood is blood from what Daryl told us…we just. Can’t let someone like Merle in the prison with us. He’s not a good guy and I’m sorry but Daryl’s not—-“ when he reached to lay a hand on her shoulder, she immediately smacked it away.
“You touch me and I cut your goddamn fucking hand off” Y/N glares at the retired sheriff watching him nod and step away. She glances down to her belly shutting her eyes tight turning away from everybody and started walking back to the prison.
This baby is half her and half him.
If the roles were reversed, she would’ve left with her sisters.
But that doesn’t make it okay for him to go.
“Has she spoken to anyone? Was snapping at Rick the only thing she said?” Carol asks Maggie as she nods while the concern grew on her face.
“Our daddy went to check on her and the baby. Heartbeats good. But going from a lot of movement to it being still…He thinks we should only worry if it stops for the remainder of her pregnancy.”
“Someone should get her to move. Walk around the prison or somethin’. Sitting there will make it worse for her” Hershel shared his concern as the three looked at Y/N sitting on the mattress Daryl pulled out for him originally on the catwalk.
“Nah. Get in an actual bed” Daryl protested Y/N sitting on the mattress but she did anyway.
“Last I checked a mattress is an actual bed”
“Don’t be smart with me, woman” Daryl sat up leaning into her space watching her stern look fall when he started showering her in kisses. “Least lay down with me”
“I wasn’t gonna stay sat up this entire time” Y/N playfully shoves him.
Y/N brought her attention to the young grimes bringing himself up with stairs with two bowls of food. Carl sat down beside her handing her the second one but she refused.
“Please?” Carl frowns watching her gaze turn to him with a look of ‘why?’ as in why would he be doing this for her. “We’ve…uh. We’ve lost enough people”
A sigh escapes her lips as she gently caresses the young one’s cheek giving him a small thoughtful smile before taking the bowl from him and eating.
“Y/N whisperer” Maggie whispers to Beth as the two were the ones to have Carl send up the bowl because Y/N wouldn’t snap at somebody who recently lost their mom.
They both froze when her gaze turned onto them when she finished the bowl of stew. Y/N handed the bowl to Carl as he stacked the empty bowls getting up but noticed her get up with him. She struggled at first and gestured toward one of her sisters to help as Beth quickly made her way up the steps helping her.
“Take a walk with me?” Y/N asks her youngest sister as she smiles nodding. Once the two met the end of the steps. “You too?” She asks Maggie watching her smile warmly.
Soon the three sisters were on the other side of the prison walking in silence and staring at the occasional walker but kept their focus on what’s in front of them.
“If something happens to me. The two of you will take care of them yeah?”
“Nothing is going to happen to you, sis. Nothing” Maggie’s smile instantly faded when her sister said such.
“I know, bug. But please”
“This is your first. Nothing like what happened to Lori will happen to you…” Beth frowns trying not to cry at the thought of losing her older sister. “Can’t lose you…I won’t have it”
“Beth, sweetheart, I know everybody is going to do everything they can to not let the worst case scenario happen…I just. Need the reassurance”
“They will be loved and cared for…if worst comes to worst.” Maggie brought her arm around her sister as Beth did the same, both on either side of Y/N. “We all will be okay”
The moment they got close to the main entrance, the gates were being opened to let in Daryl with his brother Merle shortly behind him. Y/N watched Maggie retract at the sight of the older brother as she brought herself over watching Daryl light up slightly but avoid her gaze.
“So you’re Merle”
“And you’re the woman my brother knocked up. Boy would not shut up about you being the reason he needs to come back. Who woulda thought someone softened my baby brother” Merle smirks and before another word came out of Y/N, everyone around watched her sock the man hard enough in the face that the force knocked him on his ass.
“Your brother is amazing to me even if I want that punch to also be at him for leaving” Y/N frowns looking down at Merle as she held her belly a moment followed by a sigh. “But that was a hundred percent meant for you”
“You just fucking met me”
“You kidnapped my sister and her partner. Beat him to a pulp and let that disgusting man touch my bug.” Y/N stared blankly at the man as it held so much anger that made him nervous. “Just be glad Daryl is your brother. Or I would’ve put a bullet in yea” she stepped away with Beth and Maggie following her while Daryl helped his brother to his feet.
“I like her” Merle smirks and was immediately manhandled by Rick to be put in their makeshift cell since they’re living in the actual ones. The same cell Michonne was in until she got on their good side.
Daryl hesitantly went to the catwalk finding Y/N there as he brought himself to sit with her. The silence was killing him but the way she soften when he returned to her. She couldn’t help but take his hand into hers while the other continued to rub circles on her belly.
“Are you—-“
“Oh I’m mad. But I have to keep calm or the baby won’t move” Y/N frowns feeling him let go of her hand to bring his on her belly thinking it will work…and it did. It was the smallest kick but it got tears to form in Y/N’s eyes making Daryl wipe them away and try to contain his own for his actions. “Are you okay? You ain’t going to leave again right?”
“Right. I ain’t leaving…I promise. I really promise this time” Daryl brought his arms around her holding her as she adjusted to lay comfortably in his embrace.
The plan about the governor escalated and succeeded. He was no longer a threat, but they lost so much in the process. Y/N found herself in the field where they buried their own, holding a flashlight for Daryl as he was burying another body. But it was his brother. The others wouldn’t approve but Y/N knew how much Merle sacrificed and thought he should be honored in a way. Daryl appreciated it. Even if he couldn’t control the tears that fell when he finished burying him. Y/N the best she could, wrapped her arms around him resting her cheek against his back.
“He did good”
“He did good…”
About a month went by and the Woodbury infusion went smoothly, and those started helping making the prison more of a function home. The one finished thing was the water plan that T-Dog brought up, thankful for him.
“You’re hovering”
“Okay?” Daryl scoffs leaning against the cell door to their room. “It either me or your old man”
“As if he’s not already there” Y/N turned to him with an annoyed look listening to Daryl sigh before Hershel made himself known. “I’m not going to fucking pop”
“That’s a creative way of putting it. You’re close to your due date. We want you to be safe”
“Yeah whatever.” Y/N pushed herself up and off the bed as they both were quick to her sides. “Okay I will kick that fake leg and make you fall and kick him in the balls if you both don’t stop hovering”
“Okay I will listen but I ain’t stopping him” Hershel pats Daryl’s shoulder. “Call me or Dr. S for any change”
Daryl nods watching him go as he gave a blank look to his girl crossing his arms. Y/N instantly glared at him but he kept his stance.
“I want to take a walk”
“I’ll go with yea.”
“Fine. But I’ll punch you over if you pick me up when I’m too tired” Y/N waddled past as he crossed his heart before following behind her.
There was a lot of commotion outside. Rick started working on the farm with Maggie, Glenn and a few Woodbury folk were clearing walkers, Tyreese was helping Carol build the outdoor grill along with Sasha helping with getting tables in, Beth was taking care of Judith as Carl rambled on about some comics that Michonne found for him, and Michonne was out on her weekly runs. Daryl helped around but mainly took the morning and night shifts when Y/N was asleep so that he would be there for her the rest of the time.
“Nah, we ain’t having a boy anyway”
“I get it. But if it happens we still need a name”
“Robin goes both ways”
“God you’re so fucking lucky I like that name. And Fallon. But not for a boy name”
“Mmm…” Daryl glanced around thinking about a name for her sake. “Mark”
“Do you like Mark?”
“Then why did you—-“ Y/N scoffed. “Hunter’s mark?”
“You wanted boy names” Daryl shrugs. “Mark is a name. Hunter is also a name”
“Next thing you’re gonna say is Striker and that’s because of a brand of crossbows” Y/N continued to walk leaving Daryl a bit surprised that she knew that before catching up with her.
They were walking for two hours and Daryl was confused for half of the walk wondering why she even decided to walk for that long. Until she went back inside grabbing onto his shirt giving him a pain filled look.
“I thought it was nothing”
“What was nothing?”
“The fucking pain, Dixon. It’s too much”
It clicked a little late for Daryl but he instantly picked up Y/N only for her to start punching his chest in protest. “HERSHEL!” He shouted for the man while bringing his girl to the infirmary of the prison.
“Stop” Y/N whines hunched over in the bed as the contractions were awful for her. She smacked away Hershel’s hand when he tried to get a blood pressure cuff they found on her. ��It’s too much. I’m not ready” she sobbed.
“I know sweetheart but the baby is. I’m gonna—-“
“Hell fucking no. I’m not having my dad check down there” Y/N covered her lower half with the blanket as Daryl felt her squeeze the crap out of his hand. He can take it.
“Beth. Get Caleb right now” Hershel shouted watching her exit the room as a small group formed at the entrance. “Unless you’re helping. Keep that area open”
When the other doctor arrived, Y/N was already reaching an uncomfortable amount of pain as she leans into Daryl feeling him rub circles on her back not like it did much. The words the doctor was saying weren’t registering but when he gestured for the blanket to look making her nod quickly.
“Yeah baby ain’t waiting. She’s crowning. We have anything for gloves?” Caleb asks as Hershel shakes his head before handing him a towel to catch the baby in. “Well alright.” He set the towel down for a moment and dunk his hands into the bucket Glenn got once he was asked earlier so it would be a bit more sterile. “You have to push on the next contraction”
“No…” She whined gripping Daryl’s hand tightly again. “It hurts I don’t want to”
“You have to sunshine. You have to push”
“But I’m tired” She whined followed by sobs as Daryl brushes the hair out of her face pressing his forehead against hers.
“Cmon sunshine. We gotta meet our little one” He whispers to her looking her in the eye as her voice started to tremble. “I love you. I love you so much Y/N. You’re being so strong right now and gotta continue to be alright? You gotta push now”
Y/N started to sob even more from the pain, the anxiety, the deceleration. She nodded listening to her partner as she waited for the next contraction to push resulting in her screaming which had a bit of an echo through the parts of the prison close to the infirmary.
“Good almost there” Caleb reassures. “One more big push”
“One more sunshine. One more and our little one is here”
One more push…led to the room filled with sobs. Tears from Y/N continued, tears broke out from Daryl, and the loud sobs that erupted from their baby girl being handed to the mother. Soft congratulations left the doctor’s mouth but nothing registered as the two’s attentions were glued to this little girl. A healthy little girl.
“You did good, mama” Daryl choked up wiping his tears looking at their little girl in her arms finally calming down. “She’s perfect, yeah?”
“So perfect” Y/N sobbed through a smile turning to him as he instantly kissed her. “I love you…”
“I love you” Daryl smiles keeping his family close.
When night fell, they moved back into their cellblock once everything was cleaned up and Y/N was well enough to walk. She was fast asleep in their bed as Daryl was wide awake sat up in the bed beside her holding their little girl that looked up at him with the same blue eyes he had.
“You are…so perfect, Robin”
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nonesenseushi · 1 year
My first time posting. I wrote a thing and got told to share it.
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The Walking Dead x Male Mute!Reader HC’s
Daryl probably didn’t trust or like you right off the bat:
• He didn’t like how quiet you were, like deadass you never made a sound, even while walking
• Doesn’t realize your mute at first and figured you just thought you were too good to talk to anyone
• Probably has beef with you because you use a bow and arrow
• He soon comes to respect you when you prove your willingness to help protect the group
• Even more so when he realizes you don’t talk because you just 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵
Rick probably trusts you right away, although he isn’t much of a fan of how you just kinda do your own thing:
• He likes that you’ll usually do what he asks(orders) - little does he know that what he tells you to do, you were already planning on doing it
• Because of your quietness, you can easily get in and out of places without being noticed - be that by walkers or people - and he 100% uses that to the group’s advantage
• Rick doesn’t like that you disappear from the group at times, even when your hunkered down somewhere; the prison for example, you’d sometimes just vanish and no one could find you
• When you come back though you usually have stuff that the group needs or wants, so they can’t be too mad
Glenn is pretty neutral towards you at first, although you somehow become pretty good friends:
• He was really unnerved from you at first, with how quiet you were and the hard RBF you got
• Because you both were quiet and quick, you often got sent on runs together and he 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘥 it
• Glenn realized you weren’t so bad when you made a joke one time on a run;
You both were in some sort of hardware store gathering supplies when Glenn bent down to grab something. A fart noised sounded in the store and with how quiet it was, Glenn heard it loud and clear.
He stood up and looked at you in embarrassment, truly believing that sound had come from him, only to stop when he saw the grin on your face and the playful glint in your eye. You repeated the noise, blowing a raspberry at him before your shoulders shook in silent laughter.
• After that you both became good friends
• He also realized that you weren’t some hardass that was constantly judging people
• Although he’s definitely caught you staring at the others when they did something questionable, definitely judging them.
• Glenn always found those moments funny, seeing the look of confusion or disbelief on your face
Carl likes you, he thinks your really cool:
• He thinks it’s really cool how you use a bow and arrow (something Daryl is totally not a little jealous of)
• Would beg you to teach him how to use it
• You would, only to grin and silently laugh when he somehow smacks himself in the face with the bow string
• You of course would apologize for laughing and properly teach him how to use it, although he can’t for the life of him draw it back at first
• Carl also thinks it’s really cool how quiet you are as he gets older
• Young Carl was definitely afraid to approach you because of your RBF
• As he gets older though he admires your stealth and will even ask how to be stealthier like you
Other characters:
• Merle was convinced that you were lying about being mute
• He probably followed you one day while you went for a hunt or something to confront you
• You beat his ass six ways till Sunday
• He didn’t pester you after that, although Daryl tried to kick your ass for beating up his brother
• She probably thought you were kinda weird at first
• But she was also really curious about you
• Her and Glenn both went to you about the other, Glenn to be an absolute simp, and Maggie to see if Glenn was truly a good guy
• Bro hated you from the start
• Because of how quiet you are, he felt like he was always being watched (he was)
• You always had this blank stare when you looked at him, it made him feel like you knew all his secrets (you did)
• You knew about him sleeping with Lori, at first you didn’t care for it but then Rick showed up and turned out to be her husband
• Shane was only a little thankful that you were mute so you couldn’t tell everyone what you knew
• He still knew that you could destroy him through, so he was very careful
• You only tortured him psychologically a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦
• Especially after Otis died
• You had gone with them on the run and had supposedly gotten separated from them when the walkers showed up
• Shane knew better by that point though
• You seemed to know everything
• Just like the rest of the group, he didn’t want you on his farm
• He seemed to like you the most though because you didn’t carry a gun - at all - and you weren’t aggressive like Daryl
• It helped that you put your bow and arrows down whenever he asked for no weapons
• Overall you were just respectful towards the man and he appreciated it
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mozzeralla-stix · 3 months
i am begging you for some carl angst to fluff/comfort
where like the reader almost got killed in the lineup because they tried to stop negan from killing glenn so the reader and carl start arguing when they get home but all the reader can do is cry because of everything that's happening to them carl just comforts them.
sorry if i'm making it confusing this is one of my first requests ever
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Carl Grimes x N! Reader Hurt/Comfort
WARNINGS: Character death, Gore, Parental figure death, Yelling, Fighting, Panic attacks, Non-sexual nudity, Emotional turmoil, Swearing.
The rocks underneath my knees threaten to cause my collapse. I feel bright lights being shone directly into my eyes, only adding to the heat that the now far gone sun added to the Georgia air. There are several strange men surrounding me and my loved ones, each holding a grim, serious face.
Suddenly, a man in a leather jacket steps forward. He appears to be carrying around a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. He swings it around with an unearned confidence- acting as if the thing isn’t dangerous.
I begin to slip into my own mind while my fear overwhelms me. I start to think about all of my important memories as realization of my own possible death takes it’s grip on me. All of me and Carl’s precious moments together. Babysitting Judith, cuddling while reading comics, surviving out in some of the worst conditions- but doing it together. All of that would just be gone. I lift my head and look to my right, catching Carl’s eye. The tears that had been unknowingly filling my sight begin to drop. This might be the last time I get to see Carl.
My train of thought is rigorously interrupted by the man introducing himself to us: Negan. I can’t help but scowl at the sound of his name, disgust and hatred taking their place within my mind. He begins to walk around, discussing our past actions and the killing of his men. I let my anger and boldness get the best of me.
“Of course we killed your men! They were a danger to us!”
Negan suddenly turns his head towards me, slightly leaning back while he raised his bat in my direction.
“Well shit! Looks like we have a little talker over here! Isn’t that adorable?”
I look him dead in the eyes, tears still dripping down my face. I turn my head to look at Carl, who has a worried gleam in his eye. He shakes his head at me softly, begging me not to continue. I can’t help but listen to his please, knowing how much turmoil we are both already in. I look back up at Negan again- only to place my head back down towards the ground. He chuckled and continues down the line, seemingly attempting to choose a target.
“That’s what I thought, kid. Now! I do have to kill one of you in return of the men I lost. Only fair right. And I’m thinking you.”
Negan points his bat towards Abraham. Rosita and Eugene cry out, unable to contain the emotion tugging at their souls. I feel my own sobs start to come out, thinking of how life would be without him. All of those times he’s saved me, saved the group. It all is going to be lost.
“Suck. My. Nuts.”
With that, Negan’s bat comes down on Abraham’s skull and creates a bloody mess in front of everyone. Despite Abraham already being incredibly disfigured, Negan doesn’t stop. The sound of the weapon gliding through the air and hitting the remains of Abraham creates a loud thud, adding to the disturbing essence of the situation. I feel nausea creep up my throat- my eyes not letting my look away from the terrible sight. My breathing labors and I feel utterly powerless. Seeing someone you loves life being taken away right in front of you is never easy. Dread fills me as Negan then makes his way over to Glenn; the man who took care of me the most.
Glenn and Maggie were always there for me, taking me in as their own when it seemed like no one else would. They had ensured my safety indefinitely; never even letting me get close to a walker bite. Glenn had especially been protective, saving me from disaster after disaster. Together they took the place of the parents I had lost so long ago. My throat tightens- not ready to go through such a loss again.
“NO! Don’t hurt him! Please..” I sob out, scrambling onto my feet to go run to Glenn. I am quickly stopped by two of Negan’s men, holding me back from saving Glenn.
Negan shakes his head and looks me in the eyes, swiftly pulling away while he forces his bat onto Glenn. I can’t hold back my sobs while I struggle against the men, desperately trying to break free despite Glenn already being long gone. When Negan is finished he whistles at the men, signaling them to drop me.
I am roughly dropped on my knees again, my head feeling heavier by the second as the overwhelming grief fills my mind. Rage soon takes its place when Negan grabs my face roughly and forces me to look at him.
“Fuck you! Look what you’ve done. You’re disgusting! I hope you rot in hell when I get the privilege to finally kill you.” I spat out, not even daring to look away from him.
He shoved me back into the ground with a grimace on his face, clearly passed at my lack of fear.
“Well, you’ve given me no choice, kid. I can’t have a mouth like that running around here. Where’s my respect, huh?”
I look down at the ground, readying myself for the intense pain about to come. The shadow on the ground reveals Negan lifting his bat, preparing to end my life. Out of all the ways I thought I would die, this was certainly not one of them. I hear the whip of the bat coursing through the air, flinching at the sound.
I am met with no pain, rather a horrid laugh ringing through my ears.
“Shit, kid! I can’t kill you after a badass line like that! We will see about next time, though. Alright men! Pack it up!”
The tears start to stream down my face at a rapid pace while Negan and his men begin to drive off into the night. I can’t control the noises escaping me, a mix of sobs and screams erupting from my throat. I’m breathing heavily, and it hits me that I’m having a panic attack. Normally, Glenn is one of the few people that could calm me down. But he’s gone now. He’s gone forever.
I feel my vision go blurry with each choked breath that struggles it’s way through my lungs, and before I know it the work goes black.
I slowly open my eyes, instantly recognizing the room I am in. It’s Carl and I’s room, filled with comics and dumb collections we’ve developed from scavenging over the years. I can still feel the wetness crowding my eyes- memories of earlier in the night filling my head. More tears threaten to fall, until a loud slam of a door rings into the room.
“What the hell were you thinking? What’s wrong with you?!”
I recognize the voice as Carl, and I begin to hyperventilate again. I can’t stand those cruel words, especially not coming from him. Especially not now.
“Please. I…”
“Save it. You’re so dumb, do you know that? You could’ve gotten yourself killed! We sure as hell don’t need another death.” Carl announces as he interrupts me.
I don’t find the strength to respond, only sobbing harder into my arms. Every emotion suddenly came crashing into me. It felt like someone was tearing my heart out. I can feel my rigid and cold body begin to shake at all of the exertion on my body. I long for someone, anyone to help. I feel so powerless. Even though Carl is in the room with me, I feel alone. There is something missing in me that I am afraid I will never get back. Flashbacks of watching Glenn die replay in my head, and another panic attack overwhelms every part of my very being.
“I.. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry!” I begin to choke out, chanting the phrase as if it’s the only words I know.
Carl’s expression softens, realizing what he has done to the person he loves the most. He quickly makes his way over to me- desperate to fix what he had broken.
“Oh no no.. sweetheart I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It’s gonna be okay. It’s not your fault.” Carl whispers softly as he pulls me into his arms, holding me impossibly close to him.
I lean into his touch, feeling comforted by the support of my beloved boyfriend. I turn my head to his chest and allowed my tears to stain his shirt, grabbing on to him for dear life. His hand reaches to the top of my head, gently petting my hair. I begin to calm down, my hyperventilating soon turning into shallow, choked breaths.
“It’s okay.. I forgive you. I love you, Carl. I’m glad you’re okay.”
His arms wrap around me tighter as he kissed the top of my head. The once empty hole i felt within myself feels a little less painful, and the soothing fact that I am loved seeps into my once tense muscles.
“I love you too, baby. It’s all gonna be okay. I’m right here. You’ve been through so much.”
I nod softly and remove my head from his chest, looking up at him. I find myself getting lost in his blue eyes, slowly leaning closer to him. Our lips connect in a sweet kiss, filled with passion and apologies.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up, ‘kay?”
I nod once again and allow Carl to take me into his arms, carefully lifting me up and walking us over to the bathroom. He sets me down on the counter and makes his way to the bath- turning the water on so that it may fill the tub. I watch with tired eyes as he searches through the bathroom cabinets, eventually pulling out a small bath bomb with a look of pride. I feel a smile creep onto my face at the sight.
“Where in the world did you get that?”
He giggles and begins to open it, the sweet lavender aroma filling the room.
“On a run quite a bit ago. Wanted to save it for a special occasion. I think our day calls for a bit of soothing, yeah?”
I nod in agreement and watch as he places the bath bomb gently into the tub, turning the water off shortly after. He walks over to me and kisses me on the top of my head, places his hands on my waist. He looks at me for permission and gently removes my clothes, doing the same to his own once mine were littered on the bathroom floor.
I get off of the counter and wait for him to get into the bathtub, joining him moments later with his delicate guidance and help. We both settle in and i lay my back against his chest- the warm water soothing my aching muscles. Carl then grabs some shampoo and begins to massage it into my scalp, turning his head to look at me with a soft smile. I look back at him and smile back. I can’t wait to cuddle up with him in our warm bed, safe in his arms.
First request! I hope you liked it!! This was a very emotional write, but I hope the comfort at the end is worth it. Thank you for the request <3
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
Wildcats (part XIV)
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XIV. Alexandria
Summary: Those weeks in the road had made you… weary
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, cannibalism, plots, might miss some warnings, in the case of this fic I MIGHT MISS SOME BIG WARNINGS, but you know what this is about, immaright?
Notes: Here it comessss muahahaha, I might delete the slowburn tag, I’m not gonna lie I want them to get frisky already… but I’m not gonna do that yet. I love this fic, and i can’t wait for you to read what comes next, I’m super hyped… hejehe
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“Do you really need to record this?”, nothing against it, you were just not so camera friendly, you believed, “yes? alright then”, you smiled nervously at the nice looking woman, you took a quick look over yourself and realized you were really dirty
“Why don’t you take a seat?”, she asked gently, you looked at the chair nervously
“I don’t want to ruin your upholstery”, you said with a chuckle
“I’m sure it will be fine”, she said kindly. You only nodded, and sat in the comfortable chair
This was surreal.
You looked all around, it was a nice house, a nice living room
“I love that Le Corbusier print”, you said softly, pointing to the wall behind her
“You know your architects”, she said softly
“I’m trained as a designer”, you muttered
“You know, my husband is an architect, I think the both of you, together, can make great things”, you smiled, excitedly
“I would love that”. you said, as was the reason you became a designer in the first place. But then her face got serious
“Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself… but I do get very excited sometimes”, she said gently, you smiled at her some more, much more that your cheeks started to hurt, “You.. don’t look like you would survive out there”, what was it? she was like the third person to say this to you, “how did you meet the rest of the group?”
“I found Carl while we were scavenging the same house”, you said softly, “he brought me in to Rick and Michonne”, you said with a soft smile
“And before that?”, she asked
“I was alone”, that seem to truly surprise her
“Alone out there?”
“Yeah”, you whispered.
“Tell me, what do you want from this place? Do you want to stay?”, she asked seriously
“I just want my family to be safe”, you assured her, “I feel like… I’m a fish out of the water right now, but I think… we can make it work”
“It sounds like all or nothing”, she said, her eyes were a bit unsettling to you, she seemed like she could see into your very soul
“Well, if one of us doesn’t…”make it” I want to believe, none of us will”, you said, she frowned, truly interested, “we are a package deal”, you assured her.
“It’s incredible to me how many people, so different, could form this…”
“Family”, you completed, she smiled, “we were sort of… compelled to come together”, you said, “for survival, but… we formed a type of bond… a bond of survival”, you said with a nervous smile, but she seemed to read your thoughts
“You seem concerned”, she stared
“I’m scared this isn’t… going to be a good fit”, you confessed, frowning
“We have been out there too long”, you said, “the things we have done… the things we have seen”, your eyes filled with tears, “There might be humans out there, but humanity… humanity is gone”
You took a long breath when you got out of Deanna’s home, they were waiting for you, except Rick and Carl, who had been the first ones to go, behind you went Glenn
“Are ya’ alright?”, asked Daryl, you nodded
“Sure”, you said with a smile.
You didn’t know what to feel, when the gates opened and… you saw houses, big houses, gardens, greenery, life… children playing, pets being walked… you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. It seemed nothing had gone wrong here at all, it was some sort of dream. 
You had surrendered your weapons to a nice looking woman with a cart, you had watched Carol fumble with the strap of her rifle, and smiling kindly at everybody, you didn’t know what she was playing at, but it made you a bit scared.
“Stay close”, Daryl whispered to you, he looked everywhere, like snipers were going to pop up and blow your brains out… well… like in Terminus really.
You looked at him and nodded
“What did you talk about?”, asked Carol, “what did she asked you?”, you only looked back at her
“That’s cheating”, you mocked, but you could tell she was not in the mood to joke around, but since there were other people around, she smiled
They were eighteen of you, so the interviews took time, a bunch, as you were ready with yours, they “let you go”, but still, as Daryl has suggested, you didn’t go very far, even though Aaron had offered to take you to your new home.
Your new home
They gave you two of them
They were big.
You walked towards the houses, and you saw Daryl, talking to Rick and Carol
“They took our weapons and now they are splitting us up”, said RIck, “we will all stay in the same house tonight”
“Hey”, you greeted with a soft smile, but you whistled loudly when you saw Rick, “damn Rick!”, he sighed with a grin, “looking good!”
“Thank you”, he said with an amused grin
“I will catcall you when I see you walking down the street”
“No you won’t”, you giggled still, “Did they give you a job?”, he asked
“Yes”, you said excitedly, “I will be working with Deanna’s husband in “developings”, isn’t that cool?”, you asked, “I will be making blueprints and designing things again!”, you said, you were extremely excited. But Daryl and Carol where looking at you with weird looks on their faces
 “You will do great…”, you could tell they were talking something serious before you interrupted, “we will sleep together today”, said Rick, “in the biggest one”
“Fine”, you said with a big smile, “a nice pajama party or something”, you have been having “slumber parties” with your family since you met them, but this is not the point
You entered the house like it might be filled with walkers, slowly and carefully.
It was a beautiful house, very nice, well lit, well, decorated, it was surreal. Not even “in the real world”, you could have lived in something like this, it was insane… There was a freaking washing machine! FOR YOUR DIRTY CLOTHES! it was bananas! you’d believe you were going to cry or something, of pure excitement. 
And then came this gut wrenching feeling… as something wasn’t right… As… what happened if something went wrong? What would happen if it didn’t work out?, you walked towards the bathroom, thinking about taking a shower, and in a long, decorative bench along the corridor, you saw a pile of various clothes, which you gathered, they left for you to find, luckily, you found quickly a good pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt, on your size, so you grabbed them quickly, there was even brand new underwear in various sizes, and this is when you shed a couple of tears. You couldn’t believe this, it was everything you ahd hoped for and even more.
Even if it didn’t work out, at least they couldn’t take this away from you. This clothes, and the bath you were going to take
And “homemade” soap, like exfoliating, lavender and oat milk or something soap, that smelled so delicious you wanted to eat it. 
When you walked out of the bathroom, your entire family was already there, making themselves comfortable in the living room, Beth was actually cooking alongside Carol for the lot of you, and you smiled.
This was so… comforting… so beautiful, it’s like you were a real family. 
You finally saw them staring, and you smiled at them, with your new clean clothes, and your fresh face. 
“And this is how a look all cleaned up, very nice to officially meet you all”, you said comically, and to your relief, they did laugh when you made a 360 degrees turn so they could see the length of your cleanness 
“You clean up nice”, said Michonne by your side
“You tooi”, you said with a wide smile, wrapping one of your arms around her. and she did the same around your shoulders. “I brushed my teeth for like an hour!”, you giggled
“Mee too!”, she said back 
The one person you wanted to look at you the most, just glanced at you and then kept looking at the window. Daryl was always going to be on watch, you believed, especially now, in this new place.
Deanna appeared at the door with a soft knock, her presence being known by the small windows at the door
“Rick I… wow”, as everybody, she was impressed, “I didn’t know what was under there”, you discovered that Rick was quite handsome under all the hair and guts, “sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling”, she said looking around, finding all of you there in the livingroom. “Oh my, staying together, smart”
“Nobody said we couldn’t”, defended Rick
“You said you were a family, that’s what you said”, she said with a smile, “it’s absolutely amazing to me how people, with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that, don’t you think?”, she asked
“Everybody said you have gave them jobs”, said Rick
“Yeah, part of this place, looks like the communists won after all”, she said with a chuckle
“You didn’t give me one”, he said
“I have, just haven’t told you yet”, she said, she was so nice it was kinda creepy, “same with Michonne, I’m closing in on something for Sasha, and I haven’t figured out Mr Dixon yet, but I will”, Daryl barely look at her, to keep gazing through the window. “Good night”, she left quickly after.
You looked at the corner of the room and you almost cried when you saw a little crib, just for Judith. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, really, but… you couldn’t lose this. For Carl and Judith, you had to make it work for them
Maggie seemed to read your thoughts, as she squeezed your shoulders with a soft smile.
You found your corner, and you went to sleep for the first time, you slept peacefully, and for more than eight hours straight. 
You couldn’t believe you got to start your day with a shower, like the days of old. And you also couldn’t believe, as your hip felt really weird, when you didn’t put the holdster back on your belt. You felt like you were naked, like something was missing without your weapon, you even thought about grabbing your ax, but then thought better of it. It was not a good idea. 
With that nice soap in the shower.
With clean clothes
you took a deep breath as you left the house, not even a glimpse of the smell of rot, death and blood, which you had grown accustomed to.
You found Daryl seated on the porch, everybody had already left
“You don’t want to see what this place is about?”, you asked him softly
“Nah”, he answered simply, you barely nodded, and walked away, you were curious, and as such, also because of your instincts, you wanted to check the whole place, take mental notes of the weak spots, not even for security, but to have in mind in case you needed to make a run for it. Also, of all the houses
Everybody greeted you, or waved, your face got tired of smiling so much.
But the community was gorgeous, they even had a small pond, connecting a river through it, and many green spaces where you could plant, or keep animals, and beautiful houses, of all kinds and styles.
This was like those houses you found, but ten times better, with a big fence, and solar panels… If you still had your phone, you might even be able to charge it, but you didn’t, not anymore
You chuckled to yourself when you actually threw it at a walker and you managed to make a dent in his rotting skull.
Good times in Atlanta…
From Atlanta to here… seemed like a lifetime ago right now
You spend the day alone, you were good at being unnoticed, so that’s what you did, you sat on clean grass, touched clean water, you enjoyed the soft sun… for the first time in years, you could enjoy being on the outside, safely, not worrying about walkers coming at you.
You didn’t even notice when the sun started to hide, and you returned to the house (you got lost actually, somebody had to give you directions), this place was huge!
Tonight, most of you had jobs, and you were excited to share with the group, apparently, Noah, Tara, and Glenn were going to go on runs, Maggie and Tyresse were going to work with Deanna, Carol was going to cook for people who couldn't, Beth was going to work in the infirmary, Abraham in construction, Eugene was going to work with an engineer, in another stage of your same group “developments”, so was Rosita. Gabriel was minding the church of course. 
She hadn't give jobs to neither Rick, Michonne, Sasha or Daryl, the last one concerned you 
He seemed weary. You saw the rest of the group joining into the community, even Carl had a little group of friends now, but not him, he barely left the house. 
He watched you, as he did before, but this time, stood in the sideline, didn’t mutter a word, didn’t even try to approach you at night, and Rick seemed… also weary, as he should be, given everything that happened.
And even though you got a job you might enjoy, and found peace in the community today… that bitter feeling was still installed in your belly, turning it to knots, you didn’t know what it was.
Tonight, you felt Daryl’s absence by your side, you didn’t like it, you had grown accustomed to having him near, especially at night time, and now he was guarding that baywindow like a guard dog.
You got out of the house the next morning at the same time Carol was talking to Daryl on the porch, but she went down the stairs and started walking away.
Carol was behaving weirdly, dressing all nice, and smiling a lot, you didn’t know if she was just… adapting extremely well, something that she had hid from you, or rather, if she was acting because she didn't trust anybody. 
“I’m gonna hose you down in your sleep”, she said quickly as she walked away
“You look ridiculous!”, he yelled back, he then looked at you and smiled
“Is it weird that I’m even more afraid of Carol now?”, you asked as you watched her walking away. Daryl chuckled
“You’r afraid of Carol?”, you looked back at him with a frown
“Damn right I am”, you said with all the certainty in the world, he chuckled some more. He watched you with curiosity, “I have a meeting with Deanna’s husband, Reg”, you said softly. 
“Good luck”, he said, now uninterested, fixing his crossbow
“Thanks”, you smiled at him, even though he didn’t see it, “see you later”, but he didn't acknowledge you, and it hurt. You walked away from him as well
You were nervous, you had to make this work. 
You were far from an Architect yourself, but you had always been close to the practice, so you were certain that you could make it work.
So you met with… Reginald? everybody called him Reg, and to your surprise, they had met with Noah first, without you. They were waiting for you at a beautiful gazebo near the pond.
“Hey!”, you greeted
“You got ourselves an apprentice!”, he said with a soft smile, he seemed like a great person, he did. He focused on the important things, and he was the one that built that wall. “You two, will help me turn this community, we will make it grow, to fit all the people that Aaron and Daryl are going to bring”
“Daryl?”, you asked with a soft smile, he smiled at you
“He is going to become the new recruiter, well, if he says yes”, he said with a soft smile, and you couldn’t agree more, that was definitely Daryl’s best fit, and you were happy for him.
Today was an exploratory meeting more than anything, he measured your expertise and what you could do. Sadly, you had to learn a bunch of things anew as you didn’t have computers anymore, but nothing good paper and pencils couldn’t fix.
He seemed content with the both of you, and Noah didn't know anything at all, but he was so excited to learn, it was refreshing. 
Could this really work? Daryl getting a job? everybody settling in…
You walked back to the house from your meeting, thinking about cooking something to eat, you wondered if you could just go and ask the pantry for things, how things worked around here. But you also wondered where you could go out there again, and you wanted to. 
“I SAID STOP!”, you ran to the gates, you did, as you heard screaming and a commotion. You instinctively went for your holster, and then you remembered you didn’t have it with you. 
Daryl had that guy Nicholas on the ground, choking him, RIck was grabbing onto him, and Glenn and Aiden were like in a standoff
Deanna’s son had a bloody nose, so you could only guess Glenn had punched him in the face.
“Hey, what’s going on?”, you asked Daryl once he released Nicholas and pushed Rick away from him
“Nothin”, he said angrily. Of course, this didn’t look like nothing.
You turned back to the group
“RICK’S PEOPLE ARE PART OF THIS COMMUNITY NOW!”, Deanna said out loud, talking to everyone there, “AS EQUALS! UNDERSTOOD?”, she then turned to Rick, “I told you I had a job for you, I want you to be our new constable”, she said to Rick.
“What does that mean?”, you asked Daryl, you truly didn’t know what that meant
“A cop”, he said shortly
“Will you accept?”, she asked him, and Michonne
“I’m in”, she said with a soft smile
“Of course”, Rick said softly. Daryl snorted, and not in a friendly way, in a mocking way, and walked away from you angrily
You grabbed Tara, and took her with you, away from the scene
“What happened?”
“They are dicks, that’s what happened!”, she said angrily, Noah hadn't been with them, he had been with you instead, and you wondered if that changed anything.
Even though Rick seemed more relaxed now.
Oh but you didn’t know.
You didn’t know Rick, Carol and Daryl were plotting to take this palace, you didn’t notice everybody were freaked out, you didn’t notice the signs. 
You noticed their worried faces that night, as you all curled up in your spots, nobody said anything, they talk amongst themselves… it was such a weird stance… you didn’t know what to do now, you didn’t want the family to split, but… you didn't know what to think. Today, the whole day you had been thinking you could have a future here, but maybe, they didn’t think so.
When things were too good to be true, they probably were, Immaright?
And then Rick showed up, with his windbreaker, and in full uniform. Nobody dared to say anything, but you didn’t like the looks on the people’s faces. For you, Rick was already the authority, he was your leader, the group’s leader, so it wasn’t very odd, but the rest of them didn’t think so. 
Something was going on with him as well, as you were curled up on the floor next to Tara and Rosita, and you saw him sneak out of the house with Carol and Daryl.
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could you do one where daryl and rick are like father figures to the reader? she goes to try to kill negan instead of carl and when she gets back rick and daryl are really mad and she gets into an argument with them?
that’s it!!🩷
Hi! Thank you so much for the request!!! 🖤🧟‍♀️💕
A/N: it’s been like MONTHS since I’ve written so sorry for literally disappearing, but thank you all for the love! Love you all. Sorry for how long this took to get out… but I’m finally finishing it at like 1am after so many weeks… so please excuse any spelling errors! Tysm. I adore all of you xx
Rick + daryl x fem! Reader (reader is 19)
Trigger warnings: argument, zombie stuff, gore, usual twd stuff. If any of it discomforts you please read at your own discretion!
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Pinky promise
You knew it was a dangerous mistake. You shouldn’t of been so ambitious. But Negan deserved death and you believed you could kill him… but it all became clear that it was a mistake. You had made a dangerous and incredibly stupid decision and you knew as soon as you got home Rick and Daryl would certainly have a go at you if not kill you then and there for being so reckless. You knew you were absolutely insane for doing something so unthinkable but Negan had to die. Rick was taking his sweet time and Negan was just going to get stronger, and that scared you, so you wanted to take it into your own hands and kill the man yourself…
And so here you were gun in hand, pointing it at the clear sheet covering the back of the truck your finger trembling slightly as you waited for the voices to get closer. “There isn’t enough in the truck, we’ll have to go out again. Get more supplies and shit. Alexandria is so big yet they can’t even supply us enough shit.” “Yeah… don’t know why Negan won’t just kill them all. That way we can actually have a good home…” the voices spoke back and forth and you tightened your hold on the gun jaw clenched tightly watching as the blurry figures got closer and as a hand poked in through the clear sheet you pulled the trigger bullets spitting out as the men began shouting, followed by multiple ‘thuds’ proving you had killed a few of the bastards, you continued shooting, even as you jumped out of the truck the bullets flying around mercilessly- some saviours dropping to the floor, dead, and others just falling for the sake of their lives. Your eyes were narrowed as you breathed heavily your teeth slightly gritted together before suddenly a body shoved against yours, Dwight knocking you down onto your back, your gun falling from your hand as you groaned out glaring at the man. “Y/n….” A voice sung out, mockingly and your eyes snapped to meet with Negans. His hazel eyes gleamed with amusement, Lucille lightly hung over his shoulder as he grinned at you “didn’t I get my point across to you before that I really do not appreciate my people being killed…” he spoke your eyes narrowing as you scowled at him. He was a rotten bastard and deserved to be knocked down a peg or two, and so that’s why you abruptly tried to grab your gun again only for Dwight to kick it out of the way “not so fast” he muttered glaring down at you, Negan staring at you the amusement seemingly growing further and further before he exhaled
“I like you, you don’t mess around do you? You just do… I like that…” he smirked before stopping just in front of you holding his hand out for you to take “you’ve actually got balls… unlike someone else we know.” He spoke that stupid fucking grin remaining on his face and you just glared hoping to punch his teeth in, but instead you reached out, grabbing his outstretched hand before he leaned back pulling you up with his movement as you got onto your feet your eyes boring into his with anger “we were planning on heading to Alexandria today so you’re in luck. I’ll get you home safely.” “Rick isn’t home. He’s out.” You spoke, that wasn’t the truth, rick was at home but you didn’t want to see him… not when you know he will indefinitely be beyond mad at you. “Oh isn’t he? How disappointing. Guess I’ll have to wait around with you then huh?” And that’s when you realised just how much you had screwed up… Negan wasn’t going to kill you because he knew that Rick was going to get angry at you… “god dammit…” you whispered under your breath, Negan smiling still before he turned around “c’mon. Follow me. I’ll give you a tour of the sanctuary…” and so that’s exactly what happened, you were shown around, introduced to a few scary people and then given some food much to your surprise… it was odd. Being looked after for by your friends’ killer. It made you feel sick but what made you feel even sicker was what was happening right now… you were sat in the truck beside Negan, driving down the familiar road leading to Alexandria. Your heart was drumming in your chest your face pale and lips slightly parted… you were in deep shit and you knew it.
Breathing soon became nonexistent, your lips slightly parted eyes wide as you watched multiple people on outpost begin to shout… oh dear god. Heavy breaths slowly left your lips your eyes filled with complete fear… sure Daryl being angry at you was enough but Rick too- you couldn’t handle both of their wrath’s. You didn’t even want to experience it but you knew you were going to experience it. “Are you coming into to talk to them?” You soon asked glancing at the man, his hands which were warmed by the leather gloves he wore squeezed at the steering wheel and he grinned at you soon shoving his foot onto the brakes the truck coming to a screeching halt just in front of the gates leading into Alexandria “nah, kid. That isn’t my shit to do. You pulled a stupid fuckin’ decision and now you’re gonna face the consequences. I told you I don’t ap-“ “appreciate you killing my men I know.” You cut him off glaring into his eyes the man looking somewhat impressed before he raised his brows “at least you can learn.” He chuckled out looking forwards as the gate was slowly pulled open “go on then, your friends are waiting.” He spoke and you looked to the gate as well seeing Rick, hands on his hips, jaw tightly clenched and eyes a sea of worry. You glanced back to Negan knowing he wasn’t going to help before you pushed the door open only for the asshole to grab your wrist forcing you to stop “you not gonna thank me for bringing you home safe and sound?” He asked with a cocky grin and you glared at him “thank. you.” You spat out through gritted teeth and he smirked “you’re welcome.”
You then jumped out of the truck before storming towards the gate of Alexandria your eyes landing on Rick and a very infuriated yet terrified looking Daryl but you ignored them- you didn’t want to deal with their anger right now. “Y/n where the hell have you been?” Rick asked, hands remaining on his hips his eyes practically piercing into your soul yet you refused to speak or even look at him because well… let’s face it… he was terrifying. “Y/n where the hell do ya think you’re goin’ huh?” Daryl soon asked gruffly and you glanced at him “home. You wanna give me a lecture. Fine. But not in front of everyone.” You snapped, both men sharing a look, as if questioning whether you had really just used that tone with them but nonetheless they followed after you, you attempted to slam the front door but Rick was quick to catch it before it could latch “cut that attitude out right now, y/n.” Rick spoke calmly his body language however far from calm “I don’t understand why you’re both so unhappy! Jesus Christ can’t I try and help out!” Rick and Daryl stood side by side shoulders brushing against each other and Rick tilted his head slightly “do you realise how incredibly foolish it was to go out there and do… whatever you did… do you?” He raised his brows his blue eyes piercing into your soul and you rolled your eyes “ah ah, no, y/n, eyes on me.” He demanded and you looked at him “you aren’t hearing me- you could’ve been killed. What you did was very stupid. Irresponsible.” He spoke and you glared into his eyes “well I wasn’t! I’m here- am I not? I’m fine!” Daryl then took a step forwards “enough. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fine or not. What matters is the fact that you pulled some stupid death wish shit…” his eyes searched yours before he shook his head “it was stupid. You might’ve been helping or thinking you were helping… but what would we do if Negan brought back your dead body huh?” Daryl asked and you looked away, uncomfortable at that question, because you knew there was no right answer to such a question
“What did you do?” He soon asked and you looked back at him “machine gunned down a bunch of his men.” You murmured shamefully as you looked down, Daryl almost unresponsive whereas Rick was immediately pinching the bridge of his nose his eyes squeezed shut before he exhaled loudly showing his pure discomfort of the entire situation “oh my god…” he squeezed his eyes shut even more before looking at you “how irresponsible are you? Are you unaware of the fact that Negan has killed many people from this community?” Ricks tone was dangerous, frustrated, bordering on the line of anger and protectiveness “what do I have to do to get it through to you that we’re working together to make this safe! We’re doing everything we can y/n,” “no we aren’t! What about the lives we promised we’d get justice for! Have they just all gone down the drain?! We can’t just keep up this bullshit! Either he dies or we die! He’s overpowering us Rick! We need to do som-“ Rick soon held his hand up at you “no! Don’t you-“ “y/n. You’re getting ahead of yourself.” The man reminded you and you breathed heavily your eyes rage full Daryl moving behind you as he slowly rubbed up and down your back trying to sooth you yet your whole body felt as if it was on fire “we get that you want to protect us and this community but-“ “no! It isn’t just that Rick! It isn’t! I want to get- I- I want…” your voice cracked as your heart began to slowly split into pieces ricks expression softening, sure he had seen you open up before but not like this… he hadn’t seen you like this often… nor had Daryl- it surprised both men. “Tell me.” Rick spoke taking a step forwards this time, as he slowly reached a hand out resting his hand atop of your shoulder “I-…. I…” Rick remained silent searching your eyes allowing you to take your time watching as your face contorted in all ways imaginable the anguish, pain and fear slowly creeping up on you “he killed Glenn! He killed Abraham! He killed our friends! Shouldn’t we be trying to kill him! He killed Glenn! He killed-… he killed the guy who saved your dumbass!” You yelled shoving his hand off of your shoulder, ricks expression showing the pain, he hadn’t fully healed- in fact he hadn’t healed at all. He hadn’t allowed himself to grieve anyone’s deaths but especially Glenn’s. Or Abraham’s. He was too busy being a leader. Too busy taking care of his people.
“Y/n we can’t change that… I’m sorry… but we can’t… but what we can’t change either is the fact that if you died we would’ve lost a key part of Alexandria…-“ “we’ve already lost a key part!” Your voice cracked and Daryl stared at you “you’re both bullshit! I can take care of myself! Why don’t you think I can’t take care of myself?!” Your voice grew angrier before you ran off upstairs Rick running a hand over his face and Daryl just watching you run off “don’t go after her…” he shook his head “let her cool off. And you cool off too” Rick spoke and Daryl nodded knowing he was right. He needed to calm down… if he didn’t he would’ve said something he regretted.
A couple of minutes passed- maybe five, or even ten, before Daryl was sent up to console you. You didn’t even hear him come in but you felt the bed dip down before you heard his soft breathing “I did what I thought was best.” You spoke more softly and Daryl nodded “I know… but it was also…” “stupid I know… don’t need to tell me again…” you murmured softly and Daryl exhaled softly “you know we just care about you. That’s why we’re so worried about you… you matter to us.” His hand rubbed up and down your back slowly and gently as you remained curled up in a ball arms wrapped around yourself weakly his touch soft and caring, his rough calloused hands rough against your skin but you didn’t care. He was comforting you… that’s all that really mattered.
“I just-… why do you keep treating me like a damn child?” You asked clearly upset about that and Daryl frowned slightly his stern features growing more soft as he saw the true confusion and frustration in your eyes “because we’ve lost people, Y/n…. Glenn, Abraham, Sophia, Dale, Hershel, Merle, Olivia… too many people to count..” he fell silent before speaking again not allowing you to say anything “and we can’t lose someone else. The stakes are set high. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you, Y/n. Rick wouldn’t either… today was stupid… sure you did what you thought was best but it was a little bit silly… but there’s always room for improvement” your head slowly turned to look at him a small smile tugging at your lips before you laughed softly “who knew you could be so sentimental, Dixon” you murmured and he stared at you unamused “I’m being serious,”
You smiled softly “I know… but I promise I won’t do this again alright? It was stupid… I know but it won’t happen again…” Daryl stared at you with a ‘yeah, sure’ look before you rolled your eyes soon holding your hand out towards him sticking your pinky out at him “fine. Pinky promise…” you raised your brows the older man staring a softness soon consuming his eyes before a little smile tugged at his lips, shaking his head but nonetheless he locked his pinky with yours
“Pinky promise.”
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topazy · 6 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, blood and violence
Chapter: 6.01
You try your best to pay no mind to those staring while you explore the different streets of Alexandria. Carl doesn’t seem to notice as he pushes Judith in her pram, or if he does, he doesn't let on. The first few weeks in your new home have been hard on everyone. Noah was dead. While on a supply run, he was torn to shreds by walkers. A few others had died, including Jessie’s husband Pete, whom Rick shot for killing Deanna’s husband, which resulted in your group getting the cold shoulder from a lot of people who had lived in Alexandria since the beginning, and they no longer thought your people belonged in their home.
“I’m glad Maggie isn’t making you go anymore.”
Since Carl was no longer going to ‘school' Maggie said you didn’t need to either, on the condition you help out with different chores, one of them being looking after Judith. “Me too,” you say, leaning down and tickling the baby’s cheek. “It means I get to hang out with my favorite girl.”
“Carl, y/n.”
You turn to see Father Gabriel walking over. Maggie had overheard him telling Deanna that your people were dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed in the community a few nights prior, so it was surprising he would speak to any of you.
Carl’s tone is sharp. “What?”
“You heard what I told Deanna about your group.”
“What is it you want?” You ask.
“It was about me, not you or your group. I know that now.” Gabriel admits, “I want to help. You tried to reach me back at my church, but I’m ready to learn now.”
“I think you need to tell everybody.”
The older man’s eyes gloss over slightly. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
Carl starts to push the pram again, but strops and sighs. “Come by around three. We’ll start with the machete.”
When Gabriel is out of earshot, you say, “That was nice of you.”
He shrugs, “Suppose we gotta keep being nice to each other since we are all going to be living together. Besides, I think he’s still struggling with what happened at his church.”
You smile softly. Carl has always remained kind to others, even when he’s angry. “Yeah, I think you're right.”
“Y/n, Y/n!”
Hearing your name being called, followed by a thumping noise coming from the bathroom door, you turn off the water and go to step out, but slip on the shower, stubbing your toes on it and letting out a string of curse words.
The banging continues. “Y/n! Y/n! You need to get out of there now!”
Hearing the urgency in Carl’s voice, you grab a towel, and you step behind the door and open it a crack to hear him say, “What’s going on?”
“We are being attacked; you gotta help me keep Judith and Enid safe.”
The fear in his voice causes your heart to start beating faster and faster. Scrambling, you start pulling clothes on, doing your best to ignore the blood coming from your toe. When you open the door, you see Carl looking towards the staircase, directly at the front door, one hand tightly wrapped around his gun. Hearing you flinch while putting shoes on, his gaze jumps between you and the door. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” you lie, trying your best not to whine in pain as you tie the laces on the dirty, worn-out white converse. “Who’s attacking us?”
“I’m not sure. They climbed the wall and just started killing people. Enid saw a man kill Shelly with a machete. They are worse than the dead.”
A large part of your new community, including Rick, Michonne, Daryl, and Abraham, had left Alexandria to lead a herd of walkers away, meaning you were lacking fighters to defend your home. At least you still had Carol, Rosita, Maggie...
“God, Maggie!” You hold onto the banister and pull yourself up. “I need to find her.”
“You can’t go out there; it’s not safe.”
“But she’s my sister.” Tears well up in your eyes. “I can’t lose her too! I’ve just lost Beth; I can’t, I can’t.”
Attempting to comfort you, Carl holds you and places his hands on your shoulders. “Maggie is one of the strongest people I know; she will make it. I promise.”
You knew Carl couldn’t promise you that, but you needed to pull it together because right now nothing was more important than keeping Judith safe. You wipe away a fallen tear. “Okay, let’s do this.”
When you went downstairs, Enid informed you that the group invading Alexandria was called the Wolves. It wasn’t clear what they actually wanted; some members of the Wolves were looting houses, and the others were tossing petrol bombs and destroying everything they could.
Sitting back to back in the hallway, watching the front and back doors while Enid kept an eye from upstairs, Judith slept blissfully unaware of all the chaos going on in her crib.
Hearing a loud noise, you flinch. “What was that?”
“It sounds like a car horn.”
You chew on your bottom lips, and the blast of the horn would draw any nearby dead to the scene. “This is just going to keep getting worse, isn’t it?”
“No, my dad will be back soon, along with everybody else, and we will all be fine.”
You let out a deep sigh. You didn’t want to be so negative, but the fear of something bad happening to those you loved weighed heavily on you. Slowly, you look away from the back door and face Carl’s head. A few seconds pass before you lean in and kiss him on the cheek, “Thank you.”
He blushes, and you return to watching the back door. You’re unsure of how long you will wait for something to happen when Carl jumps to his feet and runs out of the front door.
You catch a glimpse of a wolf chasing Ron. Just as you reach the front door, Carl shoots the man in the leg and aims his gun at him, but the wolf tearfully starts begging for his life and for help with his leg. You watch in horror as Carl hesitantly lowers his weapon, and the wolf viciously grabs the barrel of his gun. You sprint to them and pull the trigger, shooting the man in the head.
You just killed someone.
You offer Carl your hand and help pull him to his feet. “Oh shit, your foot.”
You look down and see blood soaking through your shoe. Gulping down, you say. “It’s fine. Ron, you need to come inside with us now.”
“Come on, man, it’s not safe out here.”
Ron thinks it over as you go back towards the house, with a slight limp in your step, and Ron goes to follow but spots Enid in the doorway and storms off.
Carol came by to check on you, Carl, and Judith. She informed you that they had taken one of the men prisoner, but the rest of his group had either run off or been killed. You were even more thankful when she told you your sister was fine.
“Thank God,” you say sincerely.
Carol smiles at you and says, “I’m glad you kids are alright. I’m going to go let Maggie know you are here; she was looking for you.”
Just as she leaves, Carl comes back into the room with a first-aid kit in one hand and a note in the other. “Enid’s gone; she left a note sharing, ‘Just survive somehow.’”
He sits on the edge of the couch. You go to grab the first-aid bag from him, but Carl keeps a tight hold of it. You roll your eyes playfully at him and say, “I can do it myself.”
Carl gives you a doubtful look. “You won’t do it right because you’ll not want it to hurt.”
He had a point.
After you were sure there was no more immediate danger, you removed your shoe and sock to assess the damage you had done coming out of the shower, and to your disgust, one of your toes had bruises and was swollen, and one of the nails had split, causing the bleeding.
Not wanting to seem like a big baby, you bit down on your tongue as Carl cleaned your foot and wrapped your toes together with a bandage.
“You know, I really could have done it myself.”
He shrugs. “I know, but I don’t mind. I remember watching my mom bandage a woman called Jacqui’s foot up after she tripped and fell in camp one day.”
“What happened to Jacqui?” You ask curiously, since you hadn’t heard him mention her before.
“She killed herself.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“She had given up.” Carl shakes his head. “I sometimes think about the camp I stayed in when the outbreak first started. I miss it. The day my dad found us was probably the best day of my life.”
“I miss the farm; I miss my daddy.” Feeling your eyes start to tear up again, you pat at Carl’s hand. “But if you hadn’t left that camp, then we never would have met.”
You sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments, then Carl moves closer to you, saying, “Thank you. For saving me.”
“Don’t thank me; you would have done the same thing.”
Closing your eyes, you try to push the memory of what happened to the back of your mind. You take a sharp intake of breath when you feel Carl press his lips against yours lightly. He pulls away after a few seconds and says, “I…I… shouldn’t have...”
You kiss him back. You remain lip-locked with Carl, your best friend, until someone clears their throat. You jump back, and Carl stands up, his face flushed red with embarrassment. “Hi Maggie,” he says nervously. “I’m just going to go and check on Judith.”
Maggie has a wide grin on her face; she found it amusing how awkward you looked. “I came as soon as Carol told me where you were; she said you'd hurt your foot.”
“I hurt it earlier, but it’s fine now.”
“Really?” She sits down on the edge of the table across from you. “Carol said it was bleeding and bruised.”
“It was, but Carl bandaged it.”
“With his mouth?” She laughs.
Maggie tries her best to hide her growing smile with her hand. “Okay, so I gotta ask, do you know how protection works?”
“You sure? Because I remember what it’s like to be a teenager with raging hormones. You are both smart kids, but you’re almost nearly sixteen.”
Heat rushes to your face. “Oh my god, Maggie, seriously?”
“Y/n, I’m being deadly serious. This is an important subject, and I just need to know how much you learned before.“
You cut her off. “Of course I know how babies are made. Why the sudden interest in my sexual education, aside from trying to embarrass me to death?”
“I’m pregnant.”
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Hierarchy of Needs.
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Daryl Dixon x F Reader.
Notes: originally, i was gonna keep this one between me and my google docs, but it's kinda cute ngl so everyone gets to see it Tags: Not SFW, set at the start of Alexandria era, takes place from Daryl's POV. Word count: 10.5k.
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Daryl is a hands-on type of man.
He was never one to dawdle, sitting in one place for too long made him squirm. He swore it could be an allergy or some shit. Gets him all itchy and shifting his weight from foot to foot. The problem is, given the general uncertainty surrounding their current living arrangements, Daryl’s limited on what he can and can’t do. For the first time since the dead started walking, he’s caught up in the invisible net of “social expectations”.
Normally, he wouldn’t give a damn, but this isn’t just about him. This is about Judith getting the nutrients she needs. Carl not having to figure out how many sips of his rapidly diminishing water canteen to take to avoid dehydration. The group that’s come to be his family, in every sense of the word, having a roof over their heads and some peace of mind at night. There’s too much on the line for him to screw this up.
So he’s just got to grin and bear it (without the grinning).
Another particular individual comes to mind — all bright smiles and what seems to him to be the physical embodiment of all that’s good in this decaying world — but he swats the thought away like a pesky gnat. In his heart of hearts, he knows he’s dealing with the uppity bullshit for everyone’s sake, but… maybe there is one person he’s putting in the extra effort for. The person that kept him from glaring at some old folk who were looking at him earlier this morning like he was some escaped convict, the person who he’d kill for if it ever came down to it. Someone he already has killed for.
“Got room for one more?”
Daryl almost jumps out of his skin at the abrupt awakening from his thoughts, though from anyone else’s perspective, it probably just looks like he’s scowling harder. It’s wholly unlike him to not notice someone’s approach, human or otherwise. He’s about to give a grunt of indifference before it clicks in his brain just who is standing before him.
It’s you, the person he’d swear he wasn’t thinking such mushy thoughts about even if someone tried to waterboard the information out of him. He has to blink a few times for your newly freshened-up appearance to sink in. Your skin is clean, not a spec of dirt or grime in sight, the same going for your hair. He can’t remember the last time he’d seen you wear it down. Since the colder months in the prison, maybe? It’s a good look on you. To be fair, he’d think just about anything would look good on you.
One of his shirts, for instance. He can envision it picture it now, clear as day—
He has to stop himself from chasing after that line of thought, recalling with mild embarrassment how he still has yet to answer you.
“Can’t stop ya.”
You roll your eyes at that, giving him a look that screams ‘oh really?’, but take a seat nonetheless. Daryl’s set himself up on the porch of the house the group’s been granted. Given the position of the sun in the sky, he figures it’s about noon now. The shift in time brought a volume change. This morning, he could hear the chatter coming from within like he was in the room, everyone having finally received a proper night’s sleep for the first time in who knows how long. It quieted down when the group dispersed to their newly assigned jobs, or in the case of others, to sightsee.
Daryl takes a long drag of his cigarette while you situate yourself next to him on the porch’s steps. He eyes your outfit from his peripherals, an odd wave of something inexplicable rushing over him at the sight. It’s a nice white blouse with some jeans maybe a size or two too large for you. He can’t help but give his garments a once over. They still show evidence of the rough past few months spent living on the road. Now that he thinks about it, everything about him probably sends that message. He’d yet to take a shower or do so much as clean his face.
Is that why the Alexandrians had been giving him the side eye? Everyone else had practically been tripping over each other at the opportunity to shower, whereas he couldn’t bring himself to care. He’d disregarded Carol’s comments about it and would likely do the same if anyone had the balls to bring it up to his face, but for some reason, having you in his general vicinity is making him feel uncharacteristically self-conscious. You’re not looking at him with disgust, or looking at him with anything really, just your trademark smile that made him feel like melting into a pile of happy goo.
“You didn’t feel up to going out and exploring?” You inquire, hugging a knee to your chest. He shakes his head. At this, you scoot closer, excitement radiating from your being. “Want to come check it out with me, then? It feels… weird going places by myself. We’d always pair up in twos at least. I feel like I’m betraying our unspoken buddy system.”
He snorts at that. “Nah, ‘ve seen all I need to already.”
He knows he needs to change the subject before you decide this is a venture worth pursuing. If you gave him those damn doe eyes and asked sweetly enough, he’d do just about anything you asked. Hell, you didn’t even need to do all that for him to almost always cave. This weakness of his went mostly unnoticed to himself (or maybe he didn’t want to acknowledge it), until Merle put two and two together. It didn’t take him long either. He’d asked none too quietly how his little brother ended up pussy-whipped in his absence. Daryl had almost converted when he realized some higher power stopped you from overhearing the comment.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the last smarmy comment about you Merle was destined to make. If anything, that was one of the more forgivable remarks, since the brunt of it was directed at him.
No, the worst had come when Merle had been tasked with taking Michonne to The Governor. It was a regrettable final exchange between brothers all around. Daryl can’t recall exactly how the conversation had shifted to you, or the exact words that led up to that final gut punch, but he can still hear his brother’s mocking voice speak the sentence that’s haunted him ever since.
“You've been so busy drooling over her to realize, so let me spell it out for ya nice and slow. She ain't ever gonna want you the same way you want her. We're freaks to people like that. Nothing but redneck trash. And don’t you ever forget it.”
Daryl inhales deeply, the scent of cheap tobacco mixing with the shampoo you must’ve used. It’s light and sweet. Nothing could fit you better.
“Thought you’d be at the infirmary by now,” Daryl isn’t sure who he’s trying to distract anymore — you, or him. “Got ran off already?”
Your closed-mouth smile falters for a millisecond. Anyone else might not have noticed the nearly imperceptible change, but Daryl’s got a hunter’s eye, not to mention how attuned he is to your every mannerism. He’s ready to shove his personal woes aside if it means making room for yours.
“Well, that’s a way to describe it,” he can tell by your tone that you’re trying to keep the conversation lighthearted. How very like you. “When Deanna interviewed me, I not-so-subtly hinted at everything I had learned from Hershel. Although, to be fair, I talked up everyone from our group. I even defended Eugene’s honor like the man had won a Pulitzer. I would’ve said anything if it meant not getting thrown back out there.”
He nods, listening to your every word as if the secrets to the universe were held within.
“Anyway… I guess my sales pitch went purposefully unnoticed. She did say that she’d let the resident doctor know, but that he was ‘particular’ about how he goes about his practice. I think that’s politician talk for ‘not gonna happen’. She seemed eager to move on from the subject. So, for the time being, we’re both unemployed.”
Daryl has to will himself not to get distracted and laugh at your joke. He knows you don’t like to be ‘a downer’ (your words, not his), which leads you to hide negative sentiments behind that pretty smile. He gets it, because he does the same thing, utilizing a gruff exterior instead of your near-blinding charm.
“‘S stupid. Don’t let it get to ya.”
“Oh, I won’t,” you grin at him genuinely enough. He temporarily reassesses, wondering if he read you wrong, when your shoulders slightly slump. “I just really want this to work. We need this to work. The fact we lasted out there for so long, with a baby, is almost enough to have me asking Gabriel if he can send my regards to the big man in the sky.”
“It’ll work,” he tells you, his tongue working faster than his brain. You give him a hesitant nod. You know just as well as he does that there’s no way to make guarantees like that. Still, when Daryl’s so used to seeing you in bloom, having you wilt beside him hurts. Worse than a knife being twisted in his gut.
“Yeah,” your voice drops to a whisper then. You glance around, as if checking for prying eyes and ears, then continue when satisfied there are none. “I hope everyone else thinks so too. Rick looks to me like he's been thinking 'Viva La Vida' ever since we first set foot inside.”
Daryl searches the recesses of his brain to grasp at what your vague term means, squinting while he does so. He thinks he may have heard it in a history class at some point, in between playing hooky. Sensing his confusion, you elaborate, but not without throwing in a shitty French accent that has no business sounding as cute as it does.
You’re more perceptive than you let on, aren’t you? He wonders if Carol has been taking notes, considering the friendly-totally-not-threatening-cookie-and-casserole-making façade she’s recently adopted. He supposes it’s a bit different. You don’t actively hide your strengths, but you don’t go around advertising them either.
It was one of the first things Daryl noticed about you. In truth, he hadn’t given you much thought when he initially met you back on the side of the highway in Atlanta. He mentally categorized you as some city girl who’d probably complain about how the mosquitos are constantly biting or whatever. While you did express your fair share of disdain over the bloodsucking bugs, it was more of an icebreaker than anything. A way to loosen people up. Lighten the spirits when things got too heavy.
You were the opposite of Daryl in that way, a bonafide people magnet. He hadn’t given this quality of yours enough credit until he saw you bring a smile to Carl’s face soon after his mom’s tragic death. Then there was the way you cared for the people he found out on the road back in the prison days. They were often understandably closed off, disbelieving of the security the chain link fences supposedly provided. You made it a point to help bring them into the fold. No one asked you to, you just did it, because that’s the type of person you are.
Daryl brought people in, you made them feel at home. He cherished that little connection he had with you. It made him feel warm and fuzzy, like he’d downed enough liquor to feel buzzed without getting drunk. Everything about you was similarly stupefying and addicting.
When the prison fell, he thought all possibilities of restoring that connection fell with it. A silly thing to mourn, but he mourned it nonetheless, another line on a seemingly infinite list. Maybe… maybe it doesn’t have to be a figment of the past. If this place, Alexandria, is where your group decides to kick up their feet, he could start recruiting again. Look forward to seeing how you run over to greet the fresh faces upon hearing of his return.
It’s a nice thought. He’ll have to see if reality is anywhere near as kind.
“Rick’s just wary, ‘s all. Hard not to be. Y’know how it was out there. What we saw.”
“… Yeah,” you shift in your seat. “Well, at least these folks didn’t break out the salt and pepper when we walked through the gates.”
“Jesus Christ, woman.”
He can’t stop a single chuckle from slipping out, though he still cringes at the Terminus callback.
“Heard they got a shrink somewhere ‘round here. Might wanna look into that.”
“Hey, I said I’m trying to make this work, not end up in a Hannibal Lecter getup.”
You and your damn movie references. At least he’s familiar with this one. Sometimes he swore you and Eugene were speaking in another language when you two got on the topic of entertainment. Not being able to share that interest with you made him feel a certain way — a real shitty way.
“You’re the last one of us they’d throw out,” Daryl muses. You tilt your head at that, furrowing your eyebrows like when he’d first recounted the chupacabra story. He decides not to expand on the subject; it has too many of his feelings intertwined. Not worth the risk. “Unless they catch wind of your shitty sense of humor. Can’t say what’d happen then.”
You place a hand to your chest in faux indignation. “Well, Dixon, you laugh at my ‘shitty sense of humor’ more often than you don’t, so what does that say about you?”
A lot of things he can’t bring himself to admit out loud, mostly.
You give him a playful punch in the shoulder when he doesn’t dignify you with a response. The touch is so innocent, a mere brush of your knuckles against his skin, yet it throws his mind into temporary disarray. The effect you have on him could be subject to study; it’s as if every nerve in his body is set on fire. He feels warm, from his face to the tip of his ears. Then that heat drifts steadily downward. It’s then that he becomes fully aware of how close you are. How he can see your collarbones, and if he tilts his head at just the right angle, the start of some cleavage.
It’s got to be wrong, how much he desires you. The ways he desires you. It makes him feel ickier than the months without a proper shower ever could. You’re so bright, so kind, so good, he shouldn’t be lusting after you like some boy whose voice hasn’t broken yet. You trust him, he knows you do. He’s overheard you go so far as to call him one of your closest friends. Considering the far better options you have out there, he should feel blessed you even give him that much. Wanting anything more than that isn’t just greedy, it’s downright risky.
Daryl would never forgive himself if he made you the slightest bit uncomfortable, he’s given people shit for less. Someone could look in your general direction for too long and he’d start glaring.
Right when he starts willing himself to pull his head out of the gutter, you go to tie your hair up, effectively shutting any possibility of him doing that down. Your chest arches forward at the movement and he’s treated to a lovely view of your neck. You must sense the heavy way he’s staring at you, for you turn your head towards him. He doesn’t make the situation any better by shifting his attention ahead fast enough to almost give him whiplash.
“Are you planning on coming to that welcoming party tonight?”
Daryl has to bite back a groan at this topic of conversation. Why is everyone so damn interested in his attendance to some yuppie soiree? He knows that if the request is coming from you, it’ll steadily break his resolve down.
His facial expressions must have betrayed his thoughts, for you laugh. “I didn’t think so. I can’t blame you. I’m actually planning on bailing at the first opportunity I get.”
He raises an eyebrow at this. “Really? Can’t believe ’m hearing that from Miss Social Butterfly.”
“I think I’m more of a social caterpillar for the time being. It’s just, uh, a lot. I’m pretty sure Rick wants to put me on display as some sort of standup citizen like back on the farm. That I could handle. This, I’m not so sure. I don’t know the first thing about croquet. I feel like I’m lowering the GDP just by being in the general vicinity.”
He has to stop himself from gawking. He can’t fathom why you of all people would feel this way. That elderly couple who was staring him down probably would’ve fawned over you, pinched your cheeks and welcomed you in for quinoa. He’s about to voice this when your comment about the farm catches his attention more.
“The hell’d he have you do on the farm?”
“Oh, that’s right, you may not have noticed. I’d mostly situate myself in the areas Hershel was bound to come across with a Bible in my hands. Y’know, nodding my head and stuff, looking really into it. Worked like a charm. Tensions were high, but I think he felt slightly less inclined to send us packing knowing there was a God-fearing individual among us.”
He snorts, shaking his head in disbelief. You really were something else. He swears he could talk to you for hours if you allowed him.
“Try the Bible-thumping again. Might just do the trick.”
“Somehow or another, I doubt that. You’ve noticed it, haven’t you? The staring. I swear I saw some blinds being drawn when we all came out earlier.”
Of course he’d noticed. He’s likely half the reason behind it. “That’s what you’re ‘ere for. To get ‘em to stop looking at us like a damn circus act.”
“You and Rick are overestimating me. Maggie and Glenn have got it covered, little Judith adds brownie points too,” you tilt your head back to look at the cloudless sky. “Anyway, I figured if you planned on ditching, I’d invite myself along. Buddy system, remember?”
He flicks the cigarette out of his hands and onto the ground, extinguishing it beneath the sole of his boot. “Like I said earlier — can’t stop ya.”
Daryl silently praises himself for keeping up the cool and indifferent front when he’s internally celebrating over the prospect of having more alone time with you. What he wouldn’t give for more of that. He hasn’t the slightest damn clue why you seem to favor his company, but if there’s anything the apocalypse has taught him, it’s to accept a miracle when he’s handed one.
You smile at him as if he’d just offered you the world on a silver platter. It does too much to his poor heart.
“Great! It’s a date then.”
He almost chokes on his spit from how casually you say that, his eyes wide blown and jaw slacking. Fortunately, you’re none the wiser, standing up and patting the dirt off your jeans. The realization you’re about to leave makes him feel pathetically empty. He’d spent just about every moment of the past few weeks by your side, yet it wasn’t enough, he doesn’t think anything can be enough. The more of you he gets, the more of you he wants. You’re worse than the drugs his brother used to sing the praises of.
“Heading out?” Daryl can’t stop himself from questioning, no matter how obvious it might make him look. The porch steps already felt a whole lot emptier without you sitting beside him.
“Yeah, I promised to save Michonne if she wasn’t back in ten. She’s getting swarmed by children curious about her sword.”
“Good luck on your search n’ rescue.”
You give him a silly salute then, finishing the pantomime off with a bout of giggles. Then you’re off. Daryl exhales shakily, cursing himself for the way his heart’s pounding like he’d just run a marathon. He knows he needs to squash this lovesickness before it’s too late — if it isn’t already too late. He didn’t agree with Merle on a lot of things, especially when it came to you, but that last remark rings true. It’d be laughable for him to delude himself into thinking you feel anything but platonic affection toward him.
Especially with the options you have here in Alexandria. It may have been slim pickings before, but now, you might as well have an entire buffet laid out. You’re bound to catch the eye of some of the folk around here. If you could get him to like you, he figures you could win over almost anyone. Why would you give him the time of day when there are those clean-shaven, college-educated men running around like they own the place? If the world hadn’t gone to shit, that’s probably who you would’ve gone for.
It’s only because the world went to shit that you even know his name.
Watching how some Alexandrians wave at you, a gesture you animatedly return, he reaches for another smoke.
His brother’s words echo in his head, falling somewhere between a taunt and a warning.
“She ain't ever gonna want you the same way you want her.”
He would do well to remember that, wouldn’t he?
If someone told Daryl he’d died and gone to heaven, he’d believe them.
You’re leaning against one of the porch’s pillars, humming a tune to yourself, not having noticed his presence yet. He decides to keep it that way if it means he gets to admire you a while longer. You’re wearing a dark blue dress (he can imagine you correcting him and calling it ‘indigo’ or some shit), looking like an angel incarnate beneath the moonlight. It’s such a simple garment, stopping right above your knees, but to him, you might as well be wearing a ball gown. You’ve got those white tennis shoes that he saw you furiously scrubbing grass stains off of earlier today, the outline of a knife tucked away in them. His chest swells with pride at the knowledge you’re always ready to take care of yourself, thanks in part to his teaching.
Eventually, he manages to break himself free from his you-induced reverie, calling out your name to catch your attention.
You spin on your heel, placing your hands on your hips at the sight of him. “There you are. I thought my ditching buddy ditched me.”
He has to stop himself from saying he’d cross a river of broken glass barefoot if you were standing on the other side, instead settling on, “Aaron and Eric invited me over, figured you’d still be at the party. Did I keep ya waiting long?”
“No, you didn’t, I’m just being dramatic,” you revert back to your usual posture and grin. “It’s good. That they invited you over and you accepted it, I mean. Aaron’s a cool guy. Eric is too, from what I can tell. You guys have some manly bonding time?”
He rolls his eyes at the teasing lilt in your voice. “Mhm, sat around chuggin’ beer and talking ‘bout sports for hours. You?”
“Nothing of much note went down, just a lot of handshaking. I did get stuck talking to one of Deanna’s son for a while, though. I had to practically jump through hoops of fire to escape.”
Daryl swallows down the unpleasant taste that revelation leaves in his mouth. “You don’t like ‘im?”
“He’s… fine, I guess? Harmless enough. Just a really dry conversationalist, which to me, is a cardinal sin,” you stretch your arm above your head and Daryl has to stop himself from staring at how your skirt lifts up, revealing more of your shapely legs. Shit, he really does drool over you. “Oh, you’ll get a kick out of this. He invited me to a game of croquet. I was joking about that earlier, turns out I was right on the money.”
“You’re shitting me,” he deadpans.
“As much as I wish I was, no. God. I knew they’d be a bit sheltered here, but this… I don’t know. It worries me. I wish I could tell myself they can keep living this way, because that’s what they’re doing. Living. They really don’t know how bad it is. And if the bad ever makes its way here…”
You trail off, not needing to fill in the gaps for Daryl to piece it together. He gets what you mean. The entire group does. Carol thinks they’re children and Rick’s ready to take over at the drop of a hat. No one aside from you has expressed concern about their wellbeing out loud, although it’d been in the back of his mind when he saw there were children and old folk here. It’s this compassion of yours that brings him in like a moth to light. After everything you’d been through, you had every right to become a bitter husk of the woman you once were, but you haven’t.
And he thanks the God he isn’t sure he believes in for it.
After a moment’s deliberation, he sets his hand on your shoulder and squeezes. “It ain’t too late for ‘em. You learned. So can they.”
“Well, it did help that I had an excellent teacher.”
He grumbles a ‘shut up’ despite wanting you to do anything but.
Silence sets in for a few beats then. It takes him longer to notice this than it usually would, his head caught up in the near-euphoric experience of receiving a compliment from you. He realizes that he has yet to take his hand off your shoulder and has undoubtedly let it linger too long. He clears his throat, detaching himself from your person with some reluctance, suddenly taking an acute interest in the floorboards you’re both standing on.
Why is it still silent, save for the buzz of cicadas and the chirps of grasshoppers? Shit, did he cross some invisible line in the sand?
He grunts at that, not trusting his voice when his thoughts are at war with one another.
“You really are a good man.”
His head shoots back up and he’s searching your countenance for any signs of deception. You’re always teasing one another, this could be another instance of that. However, when your eyes meet his, he sees nothing but unabashed admiration shining in them. He doesn’t think he deserves to be looked at that way, much less by you of all people. You were looking at him like he was the second coming of Christ or something. It makes his stomach do backflips and his poor heart might go into cardiac arrest.
He tries to dismiss your claim with a lighthearted ‘nah’, not because he can’t accept the compliment, but because he doesn’t think it’s true. If you knew the way he thought about you, you’d take your words right back. Look at him the way people have his entire life. Disgust, maybe some pity. Doing what anyone would’ve done doesn’t make him a saint, no matter how hard you and Carol try to argue otherwise.
“You might not believe it, but I hope me thinking so suffices in the meantime,” you say, doing that creepy mind-reading thing you tend to be good at. “I’m truly grateful I met you. You make this life worth living.”
Should you keep going on like this, you might make him well up with tears. He’s glad there aren’t any reflective surfaces nearby because he can’t fathom the expression must be making. What is this? What are you doing to him? Those soft, kissable lips of yours must’ve casted a spell. You’re reaching forward now, pressing your palm against his cheek, and he considers pinching himself to see if this is all a dream.
If it is, he might not want to wake up.
Out of some primal, base instinct, he leans down, wanting nothing more than anything to get a taste of you. It’s when his lips are a few inches from yours that his brother’s words come hurling his way, knocking him off balance and making him jerk backwards. He sees something flit over your face — hates himself for it, too — the sight further reinforcing the prophecy spoken over him.
You deserve more. You deserve some man who knows how to speak what’s on his mind, who doesn’t shy away the second a conversation gets the slightest bit personal. Daryl doesn’t know how to do that, he might never figure it out either. If he does try, you’d have to bear the brunt of his inexperience, and your patience is bound to run out. He can barely put up with it himself sometimes, he can’t fathom putting you through it too.
“Are you okay?”
You’re staring up at him, your eyebrows knitting together, a frown that he so desperately longs to kiss away on your lips. He should be the one asking you that. From your perspective, you must figure he’s rejecting you. And still, you don’t stomp off in a huff or put him down. The tenderness emanating from those three words melts his heart like snow come spring. He opens his mouth, then closes it, licking his lower lip while trying to decide the best approach. Catching those damn hogs back at the prison was easier than getting a few words dislodged from his throat.
“You… you’re sure?” Daryl winces at how unlike himself he sounds when whispering this. “You feel that way ‘bout me?”
The pad of your thumb runs over his cheekbone. “Mhm. Guilty as charged.”
No matter how nonchalant you’re trying to act, he can feel the way your hand shakes against him. See the lines of worry you try to cover with a smile. Hear your every shallow breath. This must be fucking terrifying for you, baring yourself before him like you did, granting him a glimpse of your heart. His mask is one of indifference and yours is one of charm. You’re trying to keep things light like all those times on the road. When he saw you tossing and turning in your sleep, fighting back tears when you thought no one was looking.
He knew. He’s always known. He just never knew what to do about it, how to provide the same comfort you gave others.
“I wanna look out for you,” Daryl’s larger hand envelops the one you’ve placed on his face, causing your eyebrows to raise ever so slightly. “Wanna… wanna keep you safe and smiling. Want you to feel like you can do more than that ‘round me too. You can cry, get angry. ‘S alright. I know. I know.”
Tears well up on your lower lash line, and maybe he should feel a bit guilty for thinking so, but damn, you look beautiful. “See? This is what I meant when I said you’re a good man.”
“Cut it with your shitty jokes, woman,” he knows his bark is worse than his bite when you laugh at him, tilting your head back and revealing more of that tempting neck of yours. He swears to burn this image into the recesses of his mind for as long as he lives. You’re being you, he’s being him, and there’s nothing better.
All his bravado slips through his fingers like sand when you stand up on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. You breathe a taunting command against the shell of his ear and he shivers.
“Make me.”
That successfully ignites the competitive streak you know he has.
For how coquettish you were acting, you return his kiss in a gentle manner, and he reciprocates the pace you set. His hands find their way to your waist without daring to go lower, no matter how loudly his instincts urge otherwise. He’d sooner breathe his last breath than make you feel uncomfortable. If this sweet kiss is all you want, he’d count himself a blessed man from this day forward. It’s you who parts first, leaning back just enough to give your lungs some much-needed air. You stare up at him through your eyelashes, giving him that look that would make him agree to anything you ask.
“Do you want… to take this inside?”
Your voice dies off toward the end and he swears his brain temporarily shut off at the implication. Barely a second earlier he was thinking how he’d die a happy man just for getting a simple kiss from you, he’d written off the possibility of anything more than that. He nods his head, his hand going to the small of your back to lead you inside, when you turn and start making for the front lawn.
Reading the confusion on his face, you explain, “We were given two houses, remember? It might be a better idea to use the empty one for this.”
Daryl really had forgotten the rest of the world exists when he was in that bubble with you. The streets may be empty, but who knows how long that welcoming party will last. He’s grateful one of you has a head clear enough to consider these things. You’re his smart girl for a reason.
“Ya plan this?” He can’t stop himself from asking when he half-jogs after you. The thoughts that run through his head when you bend over to pick up a key hidden beneath a welcome mat will stay between him and God. You slot it into place, turn, then open the door, beckoning him to follow with a finger. He feels his pants growing tighter by the second.
“I’d be a liar if I said yes, though I wish I could take credit for everything,” you lock the door behind him. “No… it just felt like it was time. I’d been waiting for my moment for ages. Guess I got a little impatient.”
Your back is up against the door the second that last word is out of your mouth. He takes your lips for his own again, something like a gasp leaving him when you lift a leg to curl around his waist. He steadies you with his hands to ensure you don’t fall over, the air in the room feeling thicker than those humid Georgian summers you spent together. When he senses you’re stable enough, he lifts one hand to cup your cheek like you did to him, pulling you as close as he physically can. Your arms are around his neck once more, playing with the ends of his hair that he’s grateful he washed hours prior. He hadn’t anticipated this, yet knowing he had plans to spend time with you gave him the motivation to clean up.
Rick teased him for it earlier. The former sheriff had walked in on him shaping up his beard, a knowing smile on his lips.
“Saw [First], didn’t you?”
“Shut up, man.”
Officer Friendly had called it. Carol gave him a nod that made him figure she knew it too. So much for being covert about his feelings for you. Deep down, he knew it must be obvious, the extensive special treatment he gave you. His brother wasn’t too far off with his pussy-whipped comment, crass or not. Daryl would offer you his last bite of rations, final sip of water, hell, he asked if you wanted him to carry you on the grueling walk to DC when everyone was at their wit’s end. You had given him a weak chuckle and said he wasn’t in any shape to do that.
Regardless of how true that was, had you said yes, he still would’ve found a way to make it happen.
You were that precious to him.
Daryl starts tugging the hem of your dress, revealing the tantalizing sight of your bare thighs beneath. Before he can pull it up any further, your hand is on his, and he stops in fear he’d done something wrong.
Those self-doubts are washed away by the sheer neediness in your next word. “Bedroom?”
You don’t need to ask him twice.
The noise you let out when he lifts you up has got to be one of the cutest damn things he’s ever heard. Your response is immediate, you encircle your limbs around him, clinging on like he’d ever dare to drop you. The house doesn’t have any lights on, but Daryl’s eyes are good in the dark. He carries you up the steps while you bury yourself in the crook of his neck. He finds an empty master bedroom, shuts and locks the door behind him, then brings you over to the queen-sized bed.
You start to take your sneakers off when he touches your wrist and shakes his head. Before you can question his intentions, he kneels in front of you, getting down on his hands and knees. This here is a gift you’re giving him. He’d be damned if he didn’t act accordingly. He takes your shoes off with a surprising amount of patience, pressing a chaste kiss to your shin when he’s done.
“You sure you’re alright with this?” His voice comes out deeper than he’s ever heard it. “That you want it?”
“I’m absolutely positive. I’ll even beg, if you ask nicely enough. I’m nice like that.”
He squeezes your thighs. “There you go, running that mouth o’ yours again.”
“You could always make it so I can’t.”
Daryl raises an eyebrow at the insinuation, his cock twitching inside his briefs at the mental image it conjures up. You, sitting pretty on your hands and knees, mouth open and waiting for him. Knowing you, you’d probably rile him up first. Kiss his tip and apply the bare minimum amount of pressure. Would you take him in slow? Lick him up and down the side while staring up at him with those gorgeous eyes?
Tempting as it is to find out, he’s got other plans in mind. He wants to see your face twist in pleasure and hear his name fall from your lips. It’d do his pride some good to know one as sought over as you chose him.
You start playing with the straps of your dress, pulling him from his fantasies. “Do you want to take this off, or should I?”
He bites his lower lip hard enough that it’s a miracle it doesn’t start bleeding. He had intended to unwrap the present before him, but when you put it like that… it makes him curious about the alternative. He’d love to see what little show you’d put on for him, he’s got front-row seats, after all.
“Alright. Let’s see it.”
Daryl gets up from his kneeling position and takes a seat beside you on the bed. You get the hint, standing with legs that wobble ever so slightly. You don’t look surprised when he chooses to poke fun at your current state.
“Woah there, you good? Legs still work?”
You stick your tongue out at him. “Better than ever, thank you very much.”
He leans back, making himself comfortable for whatever comes next. “Mhm. Whatever you say, princess.”
At hearing the sarcastic nickname, you go stiff as a board. He catches the way your pupils dilate. You press your face into your hands to muffle a groan, hiding a very noticeably flustered expression from his prying eyes.
“I haven’t heard you call me that for ages. I think it may have awoken something in me,” you confess, pulling your hands away at his prompting. “I may or may not have developed the biggest crush on you when you called me that back at the prison. It got me riled up every time. Even if I was laying on my ass ‘cause you flipped me over for the umpteenth time that day.”
Daryl snorts at the memory. “Ya always did seem to be out for blood after I said it.”
He keeps the fact that he found your frustration cute. It was a hidden ace up his sleeve that he utilized when it looked like you were about to give up, his training regiment admittedly brutal. He couldn’t risk going easy on you with the world being the way it is. You’d be down on the grass, soaked in sweat, groaning for him to call it a day because ‘you think every bone in your body is broken’. Apparently, all it took was a little taunting for you to hop right back on your feet again.
Your competitive streak might be as bad as his.
“Did you like me then, Daryl?” You question, dropping the left shoulder strap just enough to give him a treat. “You must’ve, if you never shooed me away.”
Damn freakishly perceptive woman. “Why ya asking if you already know the answer?”
“Because your voice is the best sound I’ve ever heard. Can’t blame a girl for wanting to hear more of it.”
He grunts, unable to meet your eyes after an embarrassing proclamation like that, his face flushing. How is it you say half the stuff you do? You and your stupid silver tongue would be the death of him. There are worse ways to go, he figures. He struggles to keep his eyes focused on the wall when you lean forward, granting him an unrivaled sight of your cleavage. His embarrassment still slightly outweighs his burning desire to ogle you. Sensing this, you splay your fingers against his clothed chest. Slowly, ever so slowly, your hand ghosts upward. Over his jugular then settling on his jaw. You move his face until he’s looking you dead in the eye again.
“Hey handsome,” your voice pours over him, sweet and thick like honey, “Eyes over here. I get jealous rather easily.”
God, he hopes you don’t notice the goosebumps dotting his skin. Maybe you were a cross between an angel and a witch, what with your ability to enthrall him. His boxers have never felt more uncomfortable in his life. He balls his hands into fists by his side, utilizing every ounce of his self-control to stop himself from picking you up, throwing you on the bed, and utterly ravishing you.
“That so?”
“Mhm,” you confirm, the next strap falling victim to your ministrations. The front of your dress starts to slip down. His Adam's apple bobs from how thickly he swallows. The swell of your chest comes into view, pushed up by your nude-colored bra. His knuckles go white from how tight he’s grabbing the comforter to keep himself in check. You’re treating him to a show, it’d be rude to interrupt your performance now.
Without the support of the straps, the fabric continues falling, revealing more and more of your beautiful body for him. The wet patch of your panties isn’t lost on him — you’re relishing in every second like he is. While never looking away from him, your hands disappear behind your back, fiddling with your bra strap. He swears he’s never felt less like a man and more like a beast when he’s finally able to see your chest in its entirety.
You walk to him as if you have all the time in the world, your knees hitting the bed’s side not nearly fast enough for his liking. Finally, you take a seat on his lap, your crotch pressing perfectly against his. He lets out a low groan then, grateful for any pressure to relieve the near painful hard-on you’ve given him. His hands settle on your ass, grinding you against his clothed length, and you stifle a moan by biting down on your lower lip.
Daryl tuts, stopping before he’s even begun. “Nah, I don’t think so. Don’t go getting shy on me now, girl. Ain’t like ya.”
After a moment’s consideration, you nod your head, your eagerness apparently outweighing the shame he didn’t know you had. He grins at you, resuming his previous actions and earning those debauched noises he’s longed to hear. Your panties might be staining his jeans, but he can’t find it in himself to complain, he’d wear it like a damn badge of pride. You’re his woman now. He belongs to you as well — heart, mind, body, and soul — if you asked, he’d happily hand it over.
“It feel good? Hm?”
“Like everything I ever wanted and more,” you confess, the breathiness of your voice making his brain feel hazy. “You’re— god— I adore you, Daryl. You’re so good to me.”
His lips are on yours then, this kiss being the messiest yet. His tongue pokes at your lips, and when you part them, ready to receive whatever he’s willing to give, his tongue goes to explore the newfound territory. You taste sweet (is that chocolate?), like the best treat he’s ever been given. He swallows your little gasps and whimpers, giving your ass a firm squeeze to ground himself.
Daryl can’t believe this is really happening. That you want him as much as he wants you and have no qualms showing it. He might be drunk on lust, but there’s something else in there, a flavor he’s never experienced before you stumbled into his life. It’s sweeter than the chocolate, more addicting than the bottle.
He loves you. He has for the longest time.
He slows down his maneuvering of your body, letting you catch your breath and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.
“You okay?” You ask in between huffs, peppering his hairline with featherlight kisses.
“Better than ever,” he repeats your words from earlier, albeit with a southern drawl. Faster than you can process it, he flips you over, kicking his shoes off to lord knows where. You get over your surprise fast enough and shuffle back to make room for him. He hovers above you, almost uncertain of where to start. You must be feeling particularly gracious, for you let him drink in the sight of you without making any smart comments. Your body is pure eye candy and he’d be damned if he didn’t get himself a nice taste.
His lips are feverish against your neck, alternating between bites and open-mouthed kisses. He’s finally able to lavish your chest in some well-deserved attention, his rough palms pressing against the flesh, feeling you up like his life depended on it. You, being the perfect creature you are, grind up against him, drawing out a growl from his throat.
“It alright if I mark you up?” He breathes against your skin in between kisses. “Show everyone you’re mine?”
“Yes, please do.”
Never one to deny you anything, especially when you ask so nicely, he gets to work leaving proof of this tryst on your neck. Little bruises start to form where he’s concentrated his attention, right above your racing pulse. Content with its appearance, his lips start adventuring down. He takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks, more than pleased at the gasp you let out in response. While his tongue swirls around you, his hand makes its way to the hem of your panties, the last clothing item keeping you from being entirely bare. He detaches himself from your chest with some reluctance, so he can witness this final barrier being torn away.
“If you look at me like that, I might just get embarrassed,” you laugh at the halfhearted glare he gives you for the comment. He supposes it wouldn’t be you if you weren’t actively trying to rile him up. You were coy like that, frequently looking for a way to get him going, not that he minded. It’s starting to add up in retrospect. You’d been flirting with him all this time, a fact that went right over his head.
“‘S fine by me. Would probably do you some good.”
Your eyes crinkle from how wide your smile is, unadulterated affection gleaming in your eyes. He can’t help himself — he bends down to peck your now pouting lips. Tempting as it is to kiss you silly for the remainder of the night, he’s a man on a mission. You lift your legs to help him get that final undergarment off. He sets it aside so you won’t have any difficulty finding it later. Then he’s drinking in the beauty that is your glistening folds, subconsciously licking his lips at such an appetizing display.
A soft call of his name breaks him from his stupor. “Hm?”
“Don’t, uh, feel like you have to do that,” you give him a sheepish glance. “It’s okay if you just want to, y’know.”
If he were a cruel man, he’d tease you until you squirmed for how adorable you’re acting, but he decides to have mercy. Gotta be gracious with the love of your life and all that. Still, he can’t help feeling slightly miffed you’d think he’s going to eat you out over some obligation. Your pleasure is his pleasure, your happiness is his happiness. He thought his desperation for you soaked into his every action since you confessed on that porch. Then he remembers he hasn’t got much room to talk, the voice of insecurity could be brought down to a whisper, yet never entirely silenced.
He gives your pelvis a kiss. “I wanna. Simple as that.”
Daryl’s reassurance comes out gruff, and while it might not be dripping with romance, it visibly puts you at ease. He doesn’t do anything until you nod. Then he’s in between your legs, feeling more at home by the second. He kisses you up your inner thigh, his beard tickling over the smooth expanse of skin. Finally, his tongue slips between his lips, pressing flat against your cunt. The way you shudder encourages him to repeat the action, testing the new waters with care.
His technique isn’t the most refined, but he’s eager, lapping you up with unmatched zeal. The wet sounds of him feasting himself on you fill the room, and he thinks it might be one of the best sounds to grace his ears. He alternates between licking you and pulling on your folds toward him slightly with his teeth. Whatever it is he’s doing, you seem to be enjoying it, if the way your legs go wide for him is any indicator. He pulls you flush against his mouth by your love handles, delighting in how you moan so prettily for him. He’d tried to imagine what you might sound like if he ever had a chance with you, what dulcet tones your voice would take on.
Those thoughts were enough to satisfy him on lonely nights, but they pale in comparison to the real thing. You’re a force of nature. So beguiling, so easy to love, that he’s once again reminded that it’s a miracle he’s the one you’ve chosen. Never has he felt so grateful. People had tried, yet you never went for it. Was he on your mind in those moments? Steering you away from anyone that isn’t him? He could only hope so.
Daryl pulls back, chuckling at the whine you let out at the loss. “Needy thing, ain’t ya?”
“Only for you.”
Once again, you prove to him that you always know what to say. You and your feminine wiles.
“Think you can handle my fingers?”
At this, you nod. He gathers your slick in his pointer and middle finger. He starts with his pointer finger, watching with something like awe as it eases inside you. Once he’s certain that it doesn't hurt, his middle finger is next, stretching out the walls that envelop him. A sinfully delightful sound is produced when he takes his fingers out and slides them back in. He eyes the slick coating his fingers, and after realizing he misses how you taste, dips his head back down to messily kiss your clit. Your hips are thrusting to meet his fingers halfway, an action that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Close,” you breathe out in between moans, “I’m close.”
He hums against you, the low vibration adding to your mounting pleasure. He doesn’t care if his wrist hurts for the foreseeable future, he wants you to feel good, to completely unravel and show him he’s done a good job. The muscles in your thighs go tense and he hears you let out the most depraved whimper of his name. He doesn’t let up, hellbent on seeing you through the entirety of your high.
Your body goes limp as a ragdoll against the bed. Gently, you pull him back, combing your fingers through his tousled hair. He removes his fingers from you and plops them into his mouth, content to savor your taste a while longer. It’s second only to the taste of your lips. Once he’s finished cleaning them off, you guide his hand to your face, and he watches the act with muted confusion. He lets out a sound like a choke when your mouth wraps around his fingers, hollowing your cheeks while you do so.
“Christ, woman. You tryna kill me?”
A quiet pop sound resonates in the room when you detach yourself from him. “Of course not. I’m far too enamored with you.”
Daryl still can’t entirely fathom why exactly that is, but he keeps the thought to himself.
In his fervor, he neglected to shed his own clothes, a fault he works to remedy. There’s nothing he wants more than to feel your skin against his without any barriers. He stands up to make the process easier, starting with his vest, then the halfway decent shirt he picked for the night. Next is his buckle and jeans. He doesn’t have time to feel self-conscious, not when you’re laying there, waiting for him so well. The scars and other various imperfections marring his skin must be difficult to make out in the low light, anyway. He knows you wouldn’t judge him — he feels it in his bones — yet that’s a can of worms he’d prefer to leave for another day.
He lets out a sigh of relief when his cock is freed from its restraints. Copious amounts of pre-cum leak from the tip, a testimony to your influence on him. He gives himself a few strokes, yet stops when he releases how sensitive he is. He wants to make this last. He needs to make this last. He knows that every second he spends inside you is bound to feel like heaven on earth.
Daryl crawls over to you. You part your legs without him needing to ask, your eyes lidded and hair messily framing your face. He lines himself up at your entrance yet makes no movement beyond that. This isn’t an act that’s meant to be rushed through — no, he intends to savor every second as if it were his last. The intensity of his stare can only be matched by yours. It’s an intimate moment, this little reality you carved out together, apart from the struggle and anguish you’d both become so familiar with.
He knows it won’t magically go away. You know it too. But if you have one another, you can both start living again instead of surviving.
“Still sure you want this?”
“I’m sure,” you whisper in a voice meant for his ears and no one else’s. “Please.”
Daryl handles you with care he didn’t even know he was capable of. He begins to push into you, sucking in a breath while he does so, his eyes glued to your face for any signs of discomfort. Your warmth wraps around him and draws him in. When he’s halfway inside, your hand grabs his, fingers intertwining. He stops, rubbing circles into the top of your hand with his thumb, silently admiring every way your face contorts while adjusting to his length. You inhale and exhale shakily before nodding your head, giving his hand a squeeze. He groans when he’s sunk all the way inside you.
You both stay like that for a moment, breathing in each other’s air.
“Have I ever told you,” he almost sounds pained when he speaks, “That you’re fuckin’ gorgeous?”
You give him one of those melodious laughs that makes his heart do things. “This’d be the first time.”
“Won’t be the last.”
You crane your neck to give him a chaste kiss. He’s about to chase after your lips when you pull away, but the words you say next cause all his higher thought to temporarily cease. “You can move now. Fuck me, Daryl.”
He feels himself twitch inside you and curses under his breath. It’s slow at first, so he can gauge what sort of rhythm you might like. The roll of his hips is sensual, his admiration of your facial expressions bordering on worship. Your hands go to his back to find purchase, unintentionally pulling him even closer in the process, and he grunts. He sets a steady pace. You throw your head back into the pillow, letting all your pretty noises out for him unabashedly. Praises fall from your lips, reassuring him of how good he’s making you feel, and how you want everything he’s willing to give. The encouragement makes his chest swell with pride.
You chose him. Out of everyone you could’ve pursued, you gave your affection to him, and that knowledge alone almost feels better than the way your walls flutter around his length.
“I care about you,” he pants into your ear, a declaration that makes you whine. “Have for so long. Want— want to show you. How much you mean t’me.”
Daryl hears you try to muster up a response in between your gasps, but it’s no use, you’re too lost in the throes of pleasure. He notices the way your moans grow higher in pitch, the sound music to his ears. Utilizing what little brain power he has left, he figures you must be getting close. The fact you’re going to come undone around him spurs him on. His fingers find their way to your clit, rubbing rushed circles around it. You tighten around him and it takes all the strength he has not to collapse on you, lost in the dizzying feeling.
There’s no more precision to his movements, everything is messy and frenzied.
You let out a cry of his name, and then a high-pitched whimper of, “I’m—”
And just like that, you unravel for him, nails digging into his skin and hips thrusting forward to meet his. He wills himself to stave off his own release so that you can enjoy yours. The sight and sounds you let out might be the most erotic thing he’s ever seen, he etches every detail of it into his memory.
He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
Daryl pulls out once he’s certain you’re done, fucking his fist like a man possessed. It doesn’t take much for him to come undone after witnessing what you just showed him. A gruff rendition of your name leaves his lips as he spills out onto his hand, his release coming out in spurts, coating his palm in white.
You both stay still for a few moments, taking the time to catch your breath. You’re the first to move, sluggishly at that, sitting up on your elbows and giving him a content smile. He’s about to cradle your face and put his forehead against yours when he recalls his release is still on his hand. He shifts to get up, noting the attached bathroom in this room. You stop him before he gets the chance, gingerly wrapping your fingers around his wrist, stilling his hand in the process. He gapes like a fish out of water as you lick the remnants off his skin, closing your eyes and humming as if it was the best thing you’d ever tasted.
When you finish helping yourself, you give each of his knuckles a kiss. “I think the bones in my legs are broken. For real this time.”
Daryl snorts at the callback to your prison days, fond nostalgia swirling in his head.
“Need me to carry ya?”
You outstretch your arms for him. “Yes, please.”
He knows you’re being dramatic but can’t bring himself to care. He lifts you up, taking care not to trip on any of the clothes strewn on the floor, then sets you down on the sink’s granite counter. You both help yourselves to some nearby washcloths to get cleaned off. He kisses your shoulder when you’re done. Once back inside the bedroom, he slides his boxers back on, and you, your undergarments. You throw your back onto the bed and stretch, letting out a cute little noise while you do so.
Daryl’s feeling exhausted himself, but he figures you both shouldn’t be missing for too long. It’d make the others worry.
“I’m claiming this as our bedroom,” you fluff out a pillow before laying it down. The way his heart skips a beat at your usage of the word ‘our’ almost embarrasses him. Almost. “I’m not going to let you keep sleeping out on the porch. It hurts my back just thinking about it.”
He makes his way back over to you, footsteps silent against the hardwood. The second he lays down, you’re cozying up against his side, resting your head on his chest. His arms wrap around your frame as if he’d done it a million times before. It’s divine, hearing your steady breathing, feeling the warmth of your body. Despite everything, you’re still here. So is he.
He’ll do anything to keep it that way.
You lift yourself up to get a good look at him, your hair tickling his face. “Hey.”
He grunts to prove he’s listening.
“I love you,” you give him a kiss on his forehead, then his nose, and finally, his lips. “Thank you for letting me.”
The words from his brother on that sweltering day breathe down his neck. For some reason, the specific verbiage can’t form in his mind, it’s more of a muffled voice coming from another room. The sentiment is still there. Piercing, meant to hurt his heart in ways a weapon never could. That deep of a wound won’t heal itself overnight, yet if you’re the one holding the thread and needle, he thinks it can finally start closing.
He only whispers his next words when you press your forehead against his.
“I love you too. More ‘n anything.”
There’s a mischievous glimmer in your eyes which makes him nervous. Uh oh. He knows that look.
“… Enough to be my croquet partner tomorrow at noon?”
“Hell no.”
Unfortunately for him, you know as well as he does that if you keep asking nice enough, he’s bound to give in eventually.
He always does.
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A/N: Had this one in the drafts for a while, so I finished it. I hope it’s good. And I hope there’s no typos and grammar mistakes. But I’ll talk soon! ❤️
(This one has no title as of right yet)
Pairing: Carl x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Imagine it being (Y/N) who got captured by the Saviors instead of Daryl, and Carl tries not to let them take her.
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“But first we have something- oh, my apologies. Someone that you might want to see,” Negan motions for his men to take someone from out of the truck and pushed them forward, so they were standing unbearably close to him. Before pointing Lucille in my direction. “Avert your eyes if you need to, kid. She is in baaad shape.” He chuckles, removing the bag off her head.
I turn my head and eye my Dad, begging him with my eyes to do something, anything. He doesn’t meet my eyes, and continues to stare at Negan. Turning my head to look at (Y/N), as she looked around, like she’s seeing everything for the first time again. She looks up and meets my eyes, then immediately looks down at the ground.
She probably didn’t want me to see her cry, that’s something she’d always hide from me. She had told me everything bout, how she wounded up in Alexandria, and what happened to her group.
She even answered the three questions, my Dad usually asked people that wanted to join us.
But her crying? Was never something she’d admit to anyone, that included me. She always wanted to show everyone how badass and brave she was. I told her countless times that crying is showing bravery too.
Her crying now, truly did mean that these assholes did, in fact, bring her to the edge. And I, so desperately, wanted to kill Negan and the Saviors for that.
“(Y/N), here..oh, may I call you that?” He asked me, and I just chose not to say anything, and it didn’t stop Negan, from smiling wide. “(Y/N), here has a chance to come back and join the fine folks of Alexandria, if she so wishes.”
What game are you playing at, Negan?
“All she has to do is say, ‘yes.’” He finished turning to look at her, but she still didn’t meet anyone’s eyes.
Say, ‘yes.’ Please say ‘yes.’
I hoped and prayed she would say that one word, that would let go of there hold on her, but nothing happened. Nothing was said by her. And Negan smiled wide, as if it could get any wider, draping hand around her shoulders.
“Looks like (Y/N) here, is enjoying my company and doesn’t want to leave, ain’t that a shame?” He ended, with a deep chuckle.
“Isn’t that right, (Y/N)?” Negan asked, and (Y/N) did nothing but stare at the gravel on the ground. And Negan began to get mad with (Y/N) not saying anything, so he crouched down next to her and got close to her ear.
“Isn’t. That. Right?” She didn’t say anything else, and Negan stood up straight, with a quickness, and told some of the Saviors to take her away after putting the bag back on her head.
“Don’t you touch her! You fucker!” I exclaimed, if no one else was going to help her, I will. And nothing was going to stop me.
“Would you look at that? Those are big words, for a little boy like yourself.” Negan said, as he stopped his men from moving (Y/N).
“Why don’t you stand up? And tell it to me again. Y’know face-to-face? Man-to-man.” Negan said. “You are a man, aren’t ya?”
“Carl don’t-”
“No, no, Rick. I got this, it’s alright. We’re just going to have a little discussion, that’s all.”
I stand up not listening to my dad, and stood right in front of Negan, staring at him, dead in his eyes. “Now, what was it you said? You called me a fucker?”
I said nothing to him, and just breathed heavily. I was not playing any of his games.
“Oh, so we’re playing the silent game now? Alright, I’ll bite.” I watched him as he turned around then turned back and hit me in the stomach with the other end of Lucille. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees, coughing profusely.
“I take it you’re not very good at this game.” He says and hits my back with the end of the bat, and I fell flat on my stomach. I look up to see (Y/N) wincing and turning away not wanting to see what Negan was doing.
He gets down on my level and whispers to me. “This. This right here, is a warning. You ever think you can step up to me again? I can promise you Lucille and I will not go easy on you. You will learn your place, that being the bottom of my shoe like the little piece of fucking shit that you are.”
I lift my head up and huff as I met his eyes, “Now get back in line, like obedient little boy that you are.” He said, as he spat on my face.
“Now, that’s taken care of, where were we- oh, right! Put her ass back in the truck.” Negan started. “Now Rick, I need those supplies, in 2 days time. Now, taa motherfucking taa.” Negan began to laugh as they took (Y/N) away, and I couldn’t do anything about it.
“Carl, what the hell was that about? You could’ve gotten yourself killed.” My dad exclaimed.
“And you guys didn’t do shit, to help her! Are you kidding me?”
“You got a death wish or some’m?” Daryl asked me grabbing my shoulder.
“I did it to save her life, and you guys sat there, none of you were probably thinking about saving her.”
“Now, you know that’s not true.” Michonne said.
“Oh yeah? Then maybe try and save her then maybe we’ll see where your priorities lie.” I replied and walked off away from everyone.
I was done, I was going to find a way to say her, with or without their help.
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uzi-x33 · 2 months
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They are so alike omfg. im beginning to hyperfixate on twd again so yeah:33 uhhh trust me on this😭🙏
here’s my reasoning why they’re very similar (im bored ok)
✩they both have a bandage covering one of their eyes, though Carl’s is bc he was shot, and dazai’s is (according to him in wan) bc he had a stye 💀 (rlly tho?? I stye FOR LIKE 4 YEARS💀💀)
✩they’re both depressed. uhhh Carl’s trauma is so so overlooked. He was 12 when the apocalypse started, similar to the age that Dazai was when he joined the mafia (15 it’s similar🤷🏼‍♀️) like Dazai Carl had had breakdowns, he’s not mentally well but, if ur in an apocalypse how can you be mentally well💀 ✩they have both had breakdowns where they shot a dead body. ok, in the 15 era, i forgot what episode, Dazai is shooting the enemy, when the enemy is dead, he continues shooting it. laughing and smiling like a flipping maniac. Carl does practically the same thing. He shoots a walker (zombie :P) and even when it’s dead he continues shooting it, breaking down and crying while shooting it, his dad having to stop him, similar to how chuuya stops Dazai from shooting the dead body.
✩they have both lost some of the most important people to them. carl losing his mother, and having to kill her to make sure she didn’t turn into a walker, he leans over her crying just like dazai does to oda, and his mom gives a sort of speech to him, just like Oda does to dazai.
lmk if yall think of any more similarities between them, I got rlly bored and was thinking about them lmaoo💀 this isn’t some wild theory that these two are the same person, I js like the similarities between them, I find the fact that these two are some of my top kins to be very funny💀💀
Ty for coming to my ted talk!!🎀🎀
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angel of small death, chapter two
Daryl x OC Slowburn
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
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Around two hours of work around the camp went by, with Lori suspiciously avoiding eye contact and having hushed conversations with Shane, him glaring at me. I keep staring over in their direction, observing, and trying to figure out what has happened.
“…What’s that about?” Amy asks, making me jump.
“Jesus! You scared me…” I reply, “I’m not too sure… I asked him about his shift last night and he got cagey…”
“Very…” I keep watching them both until I notice Shane walking away out of sight and Lori approaching us, me and Amy pretending we hadn’t been watching them.
“I’m gonna head out and try get some…mushrooms…” She picks up a red bucket from near Amy and we both nod, mumbling out okays as she walks off alone into the woods. Amy and I look between ourselves and then to the woods, pulling confused looks to each other, continuing to gossip amongst ourselves as we keep sorting through food for everyone tonight.
An hour later, meal prep had been finished and we decide to have a much-needed break, walking over towards the slope leading to the water, but we stop in our tracks when the radio starts echoing a strange man’s voice.
“Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?” Amy takes off towards the sound and tries to communicate with the stranger as everyone in the camp gathers around, with Shane and Lori coming out of the woods together.
“I tried to warn him, he couldn’t hear me.” Amy stresses to Dale as he approaches.
“Come on son you know best how to work these things.” Dale calls Shane over to the radio. He tries to speak and fails to connect. “He’s gone.”
“There are others…It’s not just us…” Lori says, holding Carl near to her, “I’ve been saying we should put up signs on the roads to warn people away from the city.” Everyone’s attention is on her, as she gulps and stares at Shane. The tension between the pair could be cut with a knife.
“We knew that, right? It’s why we left the CB on? We don’t have the time to go out and help others.”
The two continue to argue until Lori storms off, clearly pissed at Shane, and he follows her towards her tent in the camp. Amy and I share a glance and I raise an eyebrow, both of us giggling. We both end up going to the water, putting our feet in and chatting for a while until almost two hours have passed and Dina disturbs us to say that everyone is looking for us to start cooking dinner for the camp. Huffing, we both grab our shoes and make our way back with Dina, them both walking ahead of me joking and laughing with each other as I look out onto the water. It is so relaxing. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, soaking up the view, until my brain break is interrupted by the radio going off again at the camp, T-Dog’s voice rattling through the camp.
“Yo, this is T-Dog- Anybody out there hear me?” I rush up to the camp and see the worried looks on everyone’s faces while Dale asks him to repeat himself.
“W- Tra-ed- Depart- -ore” He tries to get through us as the radio breaks up.
“Trapped?” I repeat, looking around for reassurance from the camp that they heard what I did, locking eyes with Lori, who responds that she heard him say they were in the department store.
“I heard it too” multiple people around the camp agree and chat amongst themselves, everyone looking to Shane for an answer.
“We need to send help-“ Amy pleads to the officer, who shakes his head at her, “She volunteered to go- to help the rest of us!” She continues to try to reason with him but he isn’t listening.
“So she knew the risks, right? See if she’s trapped, she’s gone.” He coldly says staring into her eyes with a frustrated look.
“She is my sister, you son of a bitch.” She runs off upset, Lori shouting after her and following her to try and comfort her while everyone else scatters. You glare at Shane. He is supposed to be our leader, yet he wants to leave half of our group stranded in the middle of the city? He is so willing to let go of people it just doesn’t make sense- he puts himself and his family first when he should be protecting ALL of us.
“What? Got sumn you wanna say?” He asks me, breaking me out of my trance. I pull an irritated face at him, “Yeah actually, I do.” He scoffs at me and walks off, but I follow him, “Who gave you the right to lead us? You are supposed to be keeping everyone safe, but you don’t care that half of our manpower are stranded and in danger!” I rant at him and he suddenly stops in the middle of the tents, turning around to face me and clearly frustrated with me.
“Who else would you have lead us? Huh? You? You ain’t got the first clue on how to lead, so you best stop putting your nose where it ain’t belong.”
“You threatening me again, Walsh?” You stand your ground this time, earning another scoff from him. We both stare each other down until he gets sick of it and walks away, muttering that he has real work to do.
Not too long after the argument, a siren bounces across the mountains towards the camp. Dale looks out towards it, saying it was a stolen car, followed by a bright red car with race stripes speeding round the corner and parking up at the entrance of the camp. Everyone is shouting asking questions as Glenn gets out the car holding his hands up.
“Pop the damn- POP THE DAMNED HOOD!” Shane repeats, getting louder every time he orders.
“Where is she? Why isn’t she with you?” The worry is coloured over Amy’s face as the siren stops and Glenn catches his breath.
“She’s fine- Everyone’s fine!” He looks around as if waiting for someone else to come up behind him, “Well…Merle not so much…”
Shane and Dale continue arguing about how it was dangerous to drive the car to the camp, as it could have drawn walkers to us, but Amy and I are just silently appreciating that everyone made it out of the city.
Not too long after this, a large truck parks up behind Glenn’s car and everyone is reunited with their family and friends. Seeing the heartfelt reunions, my sister grabs my hand and we just smile at each other, and I lean my head on hers.
Out of nowhere, a new guy dressed in a sheriff’s uniform steps out from the cars and Lori and Carl run to him screaming “DAD!”. The man, Rick, begins sobbing and holds them both close, making everyone smile.
The reactions of Lori and Shane, however, were ones of guilt and shock, and even some resentment from Shane. He catches me watching him and snaps out of his trance, contorting his face into a fake smile with eyes glaring daggers into the back of Rick’s head and then at me. I look away from him but keep him in my peripheral.
As everyone made their way back into the camp to get back to business as usual, I get grabbed by my arm and roughly dragged behind the RV out of the view of everyone else and slammed against the vehicle with a hand over my mouth by none other than Shane Walsh. Heavy breathing from shock and anger, he keeps the hand over my mouth for a while longer pulling a serious face and lifting a finger to his mouth to tell me to stay quiet. Glaring at him I nod; he slowly removes the hand from my mouth and glares right back at me.
“You’re gonna listen to me an’ listen good,” He traps me in place with his arm leaning against the RV next to my head, “Whatever you have against me, Ima need ya to keep that mouth of yours shut. If you don’t, people will believe me when I tell them you got bit or tried to kill me. I know how to get rid of you without people finding out.” My eyes go wide and confused. What the fuck is he talking about? Were me and Amy right about him and Lori? Does he really think I would spoil her husband and child’s family reunion based on a hunch…? This is worse than I thought…
“You understand, darlin’?”
“What’s in it for me? Your word you won’t kill me?” Squinting at him I cock my head while he continues glaring a hole into my skull. We keep staring at each other intensely until we both jump at the sound of Dale asking what’s going on and saying that he needs to talk to me. Without missing a beat, Shane is now forehead to forehead with me, “I meant what I said, girl.” He whispers into my face as he caresses my cheek. “All yers, Dale.” He shouts to him and walks away without looking back at us.
I look up at the elderly man and ask what’s up, embarrassed, only to be asked if I have any tissue paper or wrapping paper, explaining that it’s Amy’s birthday in a few days and that Andrea has a gift to give her. “I’ll have a look round mine and Dina’s stuff for you.” I say with a fake smile and leave. What am I gonna do about this? If Shane is that worried about me spilling his secret, then surely he will try to get rid of me regardless of if I keep it or not…
That night we all are listening to Rick’s crazy story of survival before the subject of Merle Dixon comes back up. I feel some guilt towards him, I mean I told him that he should get lost out there…I put that out there, people heard it, now I feel awful- yes he deserved to not come back to the camp, but not chained and stuck to the roof of a building in the middle of the city full of the dead.
“…That’s on all of us.” T-Dog finishes telling everyone about his guilt as well and walks away from the fire after a long day.
“I’m gonna turn in.” I say quietly to Dina to which she nods, and I say goodnight getting up and walking away, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
What a long day.
I awaken by the sun shining through the thin tent material and hitting my face. Dina is still sound asleep, so I quietly get dressed and slip out to start my chores for the day. Glancing around, I see that there are only a few other people awake and up. I go down to the water in the quarry and seeing that it is void of other people, I get out of my socks and shoes and dip my feet in the water, sitting just out of it to wake myself up and reading a novel that Glenn got me from his run into the city.
Walking up after time to myself I see that everyone is up and around the camp, and see that Glenn is desperately pleading his case and trying to stop Dale and Jim from stripping his new car, only to fail miserably, earning a pitiful pat on the back from me as he complains about it.
“You never know, you might find a better one next time.”
“It’s the coolest car I’ve ever driven…” he mutters to himself as they start to take it apart, “Look at them…vultures…Yeah, go on, strip it clean!” suddenly Rick appears behind us both. “Maybe we will get to steal another one someday.”
I leave them both to it and go about helping Amy, Andrea and Lori with putting wet clothes out to dry and folding others. Lori and Rick end up getting into a conversation about Merle and he says that he wants to go back and save him, only to get cut off by the children of the camp screaming for their mothers. Immediately everyone drops everything and sprints towards the wound into the woods, Lori and Jaqui holding them close as the rest of us run towards where they were coming from. There was a walker feasting on a deer with arrows in its body. Standing back from the action with Amy and  Andrea, we watch as Dale beheads the walker.
Rustling from the bushes startles everyone.
“Son of a bitch- That’s mah deer!”
“Easy son…”
“Whaddaya know abo’ it old man? Take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond!” Everyone is silent as none other than Daryl Dixon rants on, kicking whatever undead life was left in the walker out of it and shooting the reincarnated head with an arrow.
“Gotta be the brain, ain’t yall know nothin?” He collects his arrows and glances up at us, glaring in disbelief at everyone’s stupidity, until locking eyes with me for a second but then immediately putting his head back down.
“Yo Merle! Get yo ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel” Everyone in the camp tenses, waiting for the inevitable argument to ensue. Which it does. Between himself and Rick Grimes.
“Lemme process this- You sayin’ ya handcuffed mah brother to a roof- an’ you left him there?!”
Then, Daryl lunges at the officer with a knife, getting taken down and held in a chokehold by Shane. I watch in disbelief as he continues holding the distressed man on the ground, shaking my head and covering my mouth. Daryl looks around at everyone watching the violence and his eyes seem to avoid me, face flushing and closing his eyes.
Once everyone has calmed down, he lets him go and a small group of men build a rescue team for Merle and a mystery bag of guns and a radio. Watching him sharpening his knife, my mind winds back to the squirrel left outside of my tent, and I want to ask him about it but it doesn’t feel like the right time, so I sit alone with my own thoughts, hearing everyone argue and volunteer for the rescue team.
I wonder if everyone would send out a search party for me life this when Shane gets rid of me.
A/N its been a few days since an update, so this chapter is extra long- not too much daryl content yet but i promise there will be soon guys
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deansapplepie · 11 months
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 6
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 5 Chapter 7
Chapter 6: Are ya blind?
Summary: The group continues the search for Sophia in the next day, everybody is tired and stressed and a few quarrels happen here and there. Also, some accidents in the worst moment for the group bring more worry while they’re still looking for the little girl.
Warnings: swearing, fluffy, angsty, violence, mentions of death, blood, injuries, a child is hurt, pain. Minors do not interact.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s Sister)
Word Count: 3,806
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love. I’m consulting a timeline of everything that happened, but it can happen that I put events out of order, but I don’t think it’ll make much difference in the story. ALSO, I’m praying my Daryl isn’t too out of character.
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The next morning the group agreed to go together into the woods and look for Sophia. Rick and Shane were arming everyone while you took your gun, put it on your waist and on the other side your knife. You had your backpack ready just waiting everyone to go in the search.
Andrea was arguing with Shane, Rick and Dale because she wanted a gun. You understood her grieving and all, but she was starting to get on your nerves. You didn’t want to stress so you chose to stay away from the discussion. Why couldn’t she understand that the gun was to be used as a last resource and you were better off using anything silent? You tried to not enter on the discussion, it was until Andrea brought you into it.
“How come Y/N can have a gun?” She said, you rolled your eyes and before Shane or Rick could say anything you saw yourself in the quarrel.
“Because I have a fucking license Andrea! I was trained, I know how to use a gun. This isn’t because you’re a woman or I’m being favoured because I’m Rick’s sister or whatever is going on your mind.” Your blurted out, she tried opening her mouth many times, but you didn’t let her speak without listening what you had to say. “I hope we don’t need to use the guns, and can do everything silently, but if we need I’d rather have a walker head shot than mine.”
“I’m gonna wait you guys in the woods, I’m tired of this shit. When you decide we’d better be looking for Sophia and not arguing, you can find me there.” You left. You were a little surprised for your outburst, but all this situation was beyond stressful. When you were in the woods you heard Luna’s cries and it broke your heart, but she was better staying behind with Dale and T.Dog.
After a while the others appeared in the woods and you started your searching for Sophia. The search was long and felt like you were going nowhere. If you were already stressed in the morning now you were like a time bomb. You came across a campsite and you just prayed that Sophia was there, but she wasn’t and it ended all of you.
You were continuing your search when you saw Shane being harsh with Carl and the boy running to his mother to complain about it. You yanked Shane by his arm and stayed behind.
“What’s your problem?” He asked.
“I’m the one that needs to make this question. What’s your problem? Why are you being an asshole to a child?” You confronted him, he was not going to treat Carl like this, not in front of you.
“I’m… Lori doesn’t want me close to her or Carl. I’m doing what she asked.” Honestly, you could punch him right at this moment and it would have made you feel so much better, but you chose to breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
“So you need to be a bitch to the kid? Did you listen or thought about any of the advices I gave you?” You were mad, and you couldn’t blame Lori, because if he did what you think he did, in her place you’d want him to be in hell. “Look, both of you put yourselves in this mess, and you know the correct thing to do. I love you Shane, I really do. But if I see you treating Carl badly again, I swear… I’ll forget all our years of friendship and I’m going to give you hell.”
With that you left him behind and caught up with the group again. You were all hopeless already, but then you listened to some bells, church bells and you all filled with hope, running in the direction of the sound. Arriving there you found nothing, just some walkers inside the church, no bell, no Sophia… Soon you heard the bells again and discovered it was a bell timer. You were upset, to say the least.
You all decided to go back to the road, but Rick didn’t want to stop, he was feeling guilty, you could see. Shane decided to stay back with him. Carl also asked to stay with them, you didn’t think it was a good idea. It was going to be dark soon, he was just a kid and should go to a safe place. For starters you didn’t even think he should have come with you to this search, even if he insisted Sophia was his friend and he should help. But, you were not his mother, you were his aunt and if his parents weren’t against it, who were you to say otherwise?
On your way back things got heated again because of Andrea being annoyed for not caring a gun. Lori told everything that she was thinking about all this gun thing and people blaming Rick, when he was the first to run to help Sophia. She was right. Since Lori had told Andrea off, you continued to walk without Daryl’s guidance, he was waiting for the others to continue their way. You heard a shot in distance, your heart jumped and you felt an anxiety building thinking that maybe something happened with them, but you tried to convince yourself that walkers don’t have guns, so who was probably hurt was a walker, not them. You walked a little more before deciding to stop and wait them by a tree, the last thing they needed right now was for you to get lost too. You walked in the direction of the tree to lean on it and when you were close… you let out a scream as you felt a sharp pain on your leg. You looked down and saw your leg, a lot of blood and a bear trap.
“Fuck me!” You shout, how could you be so careless and not look where you step? As soon as you screamed everyone ran in your direction, Daryl and Glenn were the first to arrive.
“Are ya blind? How the fuck did ya step in this?” Daryl was angry, from all the people with him at the moment you weren’t the one he was expecting to do some stupid shit. Don’t get him wrong, he was concerned, but he couldn’t help but feel angry.
“I’m making myself the same question, now it’s hurting like hell and I already got my punishment. Can you just take this thing from my leg?” It was such a horrible pain that it made you want to puke and tears that you were not able to control drop from your eyes.
“Glenn, listen to me. I’m gonna open it, so ya need to be fast and put this latch down.” Daryl instructed. “Pup, it gonna hurt more than hell but I need ya to take yer leg from it once I open it.”
“Ok” You nodded.
“Glenn, be prepared.” Daryl got on his knee and used his strenght to open the bear trap. You didn’t need to take your leg from the trap, because once you felt the stabbing pain of it coming out of your flesh you lost your balance and fell to the ground. Glenn put the latch down and the thing wasn’t at you anymore.
Daryl took a rag from his back pocket and put it around the wounded part of your left leg. He knew it wouldn’t be enough, but for now it was the best you could get. He didn’t even bothered to ask if you could walk, you were already in his arms being carried when he spoke. “Let’s go back now, we can’t stay here with Y/N bleeding this much.”
“I’m sorry” you said, you leaned your head on his chest and had your arms wrapped around his neck.
“About being blind and getting hurt?” He mocked you.
“That too, and for making you have to carry me.” You hated to bother people, but now you couldn’t do anything but rely on him.
“Ya’re not making me do anything, I’m doing it cause I want to.” It was true that the better thing for the group was to get as fast as possible to the road, you were bleeding and you’d walk very slow if you were to walk. But even if the world was like before and there were no blood thirsty dead people walking around, he’d not let you go by your own.
“Did you want to carry me Daryl?” You provoked, just a little and it was enough to make his cheeks tint lightly in red.
“Stop, or I’ll drop ya here.” He threatened you and you couldn’t help but laugh.
After some more minutes you were almost arriving at the highway when Andrea got attacked by a walker that pinned her to the ground. When you were going back to help her, a young woman in a horse hit the zombie with a bat saving Andrea. She stopped and gave the news, Carl had been shot and was in a farm with Rick and Shane being looked by a doctor. Fuck. That feeling you had, something really happened and it was with the most pure human being you knew.
Lori didn’t hesitate and got in the horse with the girl. Daryl tried to object about she going with a stranger, but you couldn’t blame her it was her son and the woman knew her name. She gave you instructions about how to get to the farm and left with the Lori galloping as fast as she could.
“She’ll be fine, the girl knew her name and talked about Carl. If they were in danger they would never tell where to find us and any of our names.” You tried to reassure Daryl, and one more time he asked himself if you were real, because your nephew got shot and he knew how much you cared for him, but still you were trying to calm him.
“How are ya feeling?” He asked you were the one that should be taken care of.
“The pain is a bitch, but I’m good.” You replied, that was not the answer he wanted.
“About Carl…” You felt the anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
“When I heard the shot, I knew something bad had happened… he shouldn’t have gone.” He felt your hot tears on his shirt, and the only thing he could do was caress your side where his hand was holding you.
“He’s gonna be fine, he’s young and strong.” He wasn’t so sure of his words and he didn’t know if they did any good to you, but he needed to try anything to make you feel better, even if it was just a little.
As soon as you got back to the RV, you told Dale and T.Dog about what happened. T.Dog wasn’t very well and needed antibiotics urgently. That’s when Daryl got some antibiotics from his bike, they were Merle’s.
“Glenn, T.Dog and Y/N ya should go to the farm. Ya both need medical care and Glenn know the directions to take ya there.” He handed T.Dog the medicine and then commanded you, “ya should take one too”
You all decided to let a signal for Sophia in case she returned, but you couldn’t stay more in road, so the others would head to the farm by the morning. You took your backpack and Daryl helped you get inside the car, you were followed by Luna that now wasn’t tied anymore, and you left.
Once you arrived at the farm Glenn helped you out of the car while Luna was already outside running circles around the car. The three of you went up the stairs and the boys were contemplating if they should knock on the door.
“Of course, this is someone’s house and we’re civilized people.” You said already going with your hand to knock on the door when the woman from earlier revealed herself sitting in the dark.
“Close the gate up the road when you drove in?" she asked.
“Yes.” That was what Glenn answered.
“Let’s come in.” She said with a smile. “I’m Maggie Greene.”
“Glenn Rhee, Y/N Grimes and T.Dog.” Glenn introduced all of you.
When you entered the house you saw Rick, Lori and an elderly man that you supposed was the doctor, at the bedside of Carl. When your eyes landed on your nephew so pale and weak, you couldn’t help but become emotional. You couldn’t fall apart right now you needed to be strong for Rick and Lori, but you couldn’t control your tears.
Rick got up and came to you hugging you. You could feel that the guilty was eating him. You tried reassuring him it wasn’t his fault and that Carl would be good. You went to Lori, feeling a stabbing pain at each step and hugged her too, God she needed that hug but what she needed the most was for her baby boy to wake up.
“I’m Hershel” the old man presented himself to you. “I know you want to be with your family right now, but we must take care of your leg first.”
You presented yourself and followed him, T.Dog did the same. He called a woman called Patricia to help him.
“Please take care of T.Dog first, I cleaned his wound yesterday, but today he had fever.” You informed. “I think he needs stiches, but I didn’t have the material or tools to do it.”
“Are you a nurse?” Hershel asked, by the way you spoke it seemed that you understood about.
“No, actually I’m a vet.” You confessed.
“Oh, I understand. Me too.” When he said he was also a veterinarian you were quite shocked. A vet was going to make a surgery on your nephew. “Quite shocking I know, but it have been useful for us medically speaking. I know I’m not the best option to save Carl, but I’m the only hope he has. I’m going to do everything I can.”
“I’m sorry for my reaction, it’s just that as a vet I’d never thought about taking care of people, but that’s probably the best we can do at this new world.” You said, he wasn’t wrong. A doctor probably was a rare thing to find nowadays and what use would veterinarians have in this world if they didn’t use their knowledge to help people.
When he saw T.Dog’s wound he instructed Patricia to clean and stich it. After he asked to see yours and states that you needed to clean it and get stiches too in the places the bear trap harmed you. While Patricia took care of T.Dog you stayed there in the kitchen’s chair waiting for your time, when Maggie came into the kitchen with Glenn and Luna following them.
“I see Luna already made a new friend” you commented. Maggie smiled petting her.
“She’s a very friendly dog. We used to have one too, I miss him…” she said with a look like she was remembering her old fur friend. “I’m surprised you came without your boyfriend, when he saw me earlier he was holding you like I’d steal you at any moment.”
“Oh, no! He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just friends. He was probably just concentrating on carrying me, I can be a little heavy sometimes.” Glenn and T.Dog exchanged a look, and Maggie had a knowing smile in her face, as if she knew everything about Daryl and you just with one interaction.
“They always say they’re just friends, but it’s not what it looks like.” Glenn sing songed and you gave him a small punch on his arm. “Ouch, I’m not lying.”
“I always tell, nobody have the courage to call him my boyfriend right at his face.” You said. “You’re all lucky I’m nice and I like you.”
Maggie giggled, you were a funny group, she thought. But she also knew they should be careful because they didn’t know any of you. After T.Dog was taken care of, Patricia took care of your leg, stitching all the 4 deep cuts the bear trap left. It wasn’t pleasant at all, but it was necessary so you had to be a big girl and bear the pain. You were relieved when she finished. She gave painkillers and antibiotics for you and T.Dog, also something to eat so your stomach wouldn’t hurt.
Later, Maggie showed you a bathroom and said you could take a bath. You lost no time. You took your backpack and cleaned yourself from the last days. When you finished you went to the living room and sat there waiting for any change or news. They were waiting Shane and a man named Otis to come back with the equipment so Hershel could do the surgery and increase the chances that Carl would survive.
Worry was consuming you… Carl was getting out of time and Shane hadn’t come back yet. He had already a seizure and Rick had donated to much blood, you offered yours, you had the same blood type. They didn’t accept, Hershel said you had lost much blood with your injuries.
Soon they decided to do the surgery without the anesthetic, Shane and Otis were taking too long. You headed outside, you didn’t want to stay inside, you were so afraid of the out coming of it. The possibility of Carl not surviving… you couldn’t bear it. When you stepped outside you saw a pick-up arriving and soon it was parked in front of the house. The others came outside to receive Shane, he had arrived just in time. But… where were the guy named Otis?
Shane explained he couldn’t make it, he sacrificed himself so the equipments could arrive to save Carl’s life. You learned the man was Patricia’s husband and Hershel asked for you not to tell her yet. When Shane stepped on the porch, you hugged him and thanked for getting what Carl needed. While some of them entered the house you opted to stay outside, you sat at one of the rocking chairs, Luna at your feet and closed your eyes feeling the cool breeze of the night.
When you opened your eyes it was day. ‘God, I slept on the porch!’, you thought. You got up and got inside, you saw Rick right when you entered.
“How was the surgery? How is Carl? I slept, I didn’t want to.” You said, your hands on his shoulders, analyzing his face trying to look for answers.
“Everything is good. He’s good…” Rick was emotional, you hugged him. Relieved The surgery went well. “I… I was so afraid.”
“I know… I know.” You caressed his back. “Me too, I’m so happy he survived.”
Beth, Hershel’s younger daughter, offered you Coffee and some toast, you thanked her and accepted. After that you took your medicine, your leg still hurt, a lot, but now it was a little bit better than the day before. You passed in the room to see Carl a little, you gave Lori a hug and kissed Carl’s temple. Then you let Rick and Lori with him, you were family, and loved the kid to the moon and back, but you didn’t want to be in their way or ruin their moment or anything.
You left the room and went to the porch, seeing Shane, Gleen and T.Dog collecting rocks for Otis’ grave. You shouldn’t be walking much, but you felt useless if you stayed doing nothing so you went in their direction when you saw the rest of your group were arriving. Daryl on his motorcycle and Dale, Carol and Andrea in the RV. You knew it must have pained Carol a lot to leave the last place where she saw Sophia, but you were happy to see they arriving.
You waited them to park and went in their direction. As soon as Daryl got off of his bike, you hugged him, you didn’t even thought about it. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him, well you missed everybody. Also, you were worried about him, even if you were more in danger than him with your injured leg. He jumped at your hug, but when you were going to pull away, he hugged you back.
“How’s him?” He asked and it took you a little time to answer, you felt real good in his embrace as you exchange energies between you. Good energies.
“He’s good. He’s sleeping. Hershel did a surgery in him. We were so afraid he wouldn’t survive.” He was relieved to listen Carl was well. It would crush the group if he wasn’t, you already had a missing child and if Carl died, it wouldn’t be just sad for everyone, he knew it would break you.
“And ya? How’s yer leg?” He would be lying if he said he didn’t worry about you. He couldn’t see you, he didn’t know if you were alright. Carol spent the night crying and he also couldn’t stop thinking about her little girl. He even left at night with Andrea to look for Sophia, because his mind couldn’t just stay quiet.
“It’s good. I got stiches, painkillers and antibiotics. It still hurts, but that’s the consequence about stepping on a bear trap.” You left his embrace a little and he put one of his hands on your cheek. You eyed his face in awe, this moment, even in the worst time for your group was very intimate, even more intimate than the kiss you shared at the CDC.
Your parted from his embrace when Hershel appeared, presented himself and showed where you could set you camp. Your group left to the side of the property and started setting your new camp. It was good to have a new place again, even if it was temporary or in one of the worst situations all of you experienced.
Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2
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the-delta-42 · 1 month
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Kenny, Clementine and AJ ended up in Alexandria?
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What if Kenny, Clementine and AJ ended up in Alexandria? Submitted by Soundwavefan113 on AO3
“You okay, Clem?” Kenny’s voice jerked Clementine from her thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” The thirteen-year-old looked in the mirror at AJ. They’d almost lost the car while Kenny had been teaching her how to drive, she supposed she should be glad they missed the tree and took out a rather large Walker.
“You sure?” Kenny glanced at her, “Your still upset about almost hittin’ the tree, aren't you?”
Clementine tried to shrug it off, “It’s nothing.”
“Clem,” Sighed Kenny, “You can’t focus on any possible mistake that may have happened, it’ll distract you—holy fucking shit!”
Kenny veered out of the way of a guy in a motorcycle, “What the hell was that?”
Clementine twisted in her seat, as the motorcycle rider stopped, “What?”
Kenny scowled as the man reached them, he looked at them through the window, before knocking on the glass. Kenny glared at the man, “What?”
“Y’all alright?” The man’s voice was gruff, tilting his head to keep his hair out of his eyes.
“Er, yeah.” Kenny glanced at Clementine, “We’re fine.”
“Right,” the man nodded, “you have to turn around.”
“What?” Growled Kenny, his irritation growing.
“We’re diverting a massive herd, your gonna drive into it.”
Kenny blinked up at the man, “…Right…er, thanks for the head up.”
The guy nodded and walked back to his bike, as Kenny turned the car around. They were trailing behind the guy, when the first few Walkers appeared. They followed the man for a while, until they came to a stop near an abandoned gas station.
“Thanks for the heads up.” Said Kenny getting out of the car, “You gonna be okay?”
The man went to answer, when he spotted Clementine pick up AJ, “You’ve got a kid?”
Kenny turned and spotted Clementine and AJ, “Yeah…what of it?”
The man looked at them, “We got a community, somewhere you can wait out the herd before ya move on.”
Kenny opened his mouth to refuse, but after glancing at Clementine, he nodded.
Carl paused, seeing Daryl lead a car into Alexandria. He heard Carol walk up next to him and sigh. They’d had a herd go through them a month earlier, Carl absently rubbed at the gauze covering his missing eye.
“This isn’t good.” Muttered Carol, crossing her arms.
“Maybe they’re just travellers.” Said Carl, as a one-eyed bearded man stepped out of the car, followed by a girl around his age.
“But they could be thieves.” Stated Carol, as the girl opened one of the back doors and pulled out a toddler, “Or kidnappers.”
Carl frowned at her, as Daryl walked over to Rick, “I’m gonna talk to them.”
“Don’t.” Said Carol, as Carl walked over to the car.
“What d’you make of this place, Clem?” Carl heard the man ask.
“High walls, solar panels,” The girl, Clem looked around, “they’ve got kids. Seems safe.”
“So?” The man looked at Clem.
“See if they’re willing to trade something for gas, then head back out when the herd’s passed.” Said Clem, as the toddler fussed, “Hey, hey, don’t cry, Goofball.”
The toddler whined, before he abruptly threw up on her.
“Oh.” Clem stiffened slightly, “Wonderful.”
Carl stopped and looked at them.
“I’ll…” Clem looked at ‘Goofball’, “see if they’re willing to give us some food for AJ, something that hasn’t expired.”
“You can change as well, if you want.” Carl spoke without thinking, making the girl and man turn and look at him, “Er…hi?”
“Hey.” Clem waved, before looking down at her front, “…and it’s alright, I’ve had worse on my front.”
Carl blinked, looking between them, “Do… do you have a change of clothes?”
Clem and the man looked at each other.
“Er… no.” Clem sounded confused, “We try to keep moving.”
Carl nodded, “I’m… I’m going to see if we have any to spare.”
Clementine adjusted the flannel shirt she’d been given, along with the boots, jeans and underwear. A woman with short white hair, Carol, had let them use her shower. Clementine grabbed the red leather jacket she’d found a few months back, and her hat.
Rolling her shoulders, Clementine stepped out and winced at her dirty clothes. She hadn’t noticed how bad they smelt until now. Looking around the house, it almost felt like the world hadn’t ended. Sighing, Clementine made her way down the stairs, with Carol looking up when she heard Clementine walk over.
“Er… I… erm…” Clementine didn’t know what to say, when Carol taking the clothes from Clementine.
“Aren’t you going to wash that?” Carol looked at her hat.
Clementine adjusted it, “I… no, it’s… this is going to sound weird, but it’s got some of my… friend’s blood on it. It’s kina, the only thing I have left of them.”
Carol blinked, “Oh, care to tell me about this friend?”
Carol seemed like her mom, before her parents went to Savannah, so Clementine sat down across from Carol.
“His name was Lee,” Said Clementine, “He found me hiding in my treehouse when all this started, he looked after me during the first few months of the outbreak. I made the mistake of trusting the wrong person and it got Lee killed. The bloodstain on the brim, there,” Clementine pointed at a dark spot on the brim of the hat, “that’s Lee’s blood, I was nine and I had to put him down, all because I was an idiot.”
“You were a child.” Said Carol, “There are adults who’d make the same mistake.”
“I got two members of our group killed while I was with that stranger, then I got another killed because I was careless with my gun—” Clementine stiffened, “Shit, where’s my gun?!”
“It’s over there.” Carol pointing at a cabinet, where Clementine’s gun was sitting.
Clementine got up and quickly grabbed it, freezing slightly as she held it, “It… it’s been cleaned.”
“I thought you’d like a gun that would actually work, considering the amount of muck and grime on it.” Said Carol, getting a sigh from Clementine.
“We don’t have any bullets.” Shrugged Clementine, before looking at the couch, where AJ was sleeping, “Huh, I guess he was tired.”
“How old were you when you had him?” Asked Carol, crossing her arms.
“What?” Clementine frowned, “His parents died, I promised them I’d look after him. His dad was killed by some asshole and his mom died shortly after giving birth to him. Kenny and I have been looking after him ever since.”
“What’s Kenny to you?” Asked Carol, looking at Clementine.
“He’s… I guess he’s like my dad,” Shrugged Clementine, “I met him with Lee, I became friends with his son, his name was Kenny Jr, but we all called him Duck. I got separated from Kenny while I was with that stranger, I thought he was dead for a while, before I ran into him again. I’ve been with him ever since. He took over from Lee, after we found each other again.”
Carol seemed satisfied with Clementine’s answers, opting to watch AJ sleep.
Clementine spun in a circle as Carl showed her around, staring at the community, “This place is a fucking fortress.”
“Yeah, I think we all had that impression when we first arrived here.” Said Carl, as they approached a group of people their age.
“Who’s this?” Asked a brunette.
“This is Clementine,” Said Carl, “She and her… what is he?”
“Kenny?” Clementine looked at Carl, “Closest thing I have to a dad.”
“They were brought here by Daryl.” Said Carl, “Since the herds going to be a while, they’d going to wait it out.”
“Isn’t she the girl that can’t smell?” Asked a dark-haired boy.
“I can smell.” Responded Clementine, “We just walked through a bunch of Walkers before we found a car.”
Carl frowned, “There weren’t any coats in the car.”
“What?” Clementine looked at him.
“The coat with the Walker guts on it.” Clarified Carl, “There weren’t any in the car.”
“Why would I need a coat for that?” Asked Clementine, looking around them, “What?”
“They’d apply it to their clothes?” Asked Michonne, as Carl told them about Clementine.
“Yeah, it’s crazy.” Carl looked down, before frowning, “What’s Kenny like?”
“You mean aside from constantly swearing and being an asshole over the cars?” Asked Rick, “He hasn’t spoken much. But he’s mentioned some other communities.”
“Really?” Carl looked up, “Where?”
“He mentioned a place called Wellington and a group based in Richmond.” Said Rick, “He called the latter group a cult though.”
Across the settlement, Clementine rummaged around the trunk of her, and Kenny’s, car. Frowning, Clementine pulled out a machete and a large hunting knife. Humming to herself, she put the blades back, and looked in one of the bags.
“What’cha looking for Clem?” Clementine jumped and looked at Carol.
“They need to put a bell on you.” Clementine went back to the trunk, “Kenny and I haven’t gone through the trunk yet, since we were trying to find a quick way to escape some Walkers, look at this,” Clementine pulled a mace out of the bag, “Who the fuck carries this?!”
“A re-enactment society?” Suggested Carol, getting a huff from Clementine, “Have you and Kenny been travelling long?”
“Yeah, we were looking for a boat.” Clementine found a handle in the base of the trunk and pulled it open, “What the fuck?!”
Looking over Clementine’s shoulder, Carol saw a large cache of guns packed together.
“Ooh.” Clementine reached in and picked up a sawn-off shotgun, “Dibs.”
“Is it loaded?” Asked Carol, as Rick walked up to them.
“Is what loaded?” Asked Rick, before spotting the inside of the trunk, “What the hell?”
Clementine levelled her shotgun with a Walker’s head and obliterated its skull. Glancing around, she walked back towards Alexandria. Kenny, after some convincing, had agreed that they’d stay in Alexandria for a while longer. Especially since AJ was getting proper food and was around a couple of kids his own age. At the moment, Kenny was away from the community, along with Rick and ten others. Clementine had a bad feeling about their trip, but decided to ignore it, assuming it was nothing.
“You alright, Clem?” Smythe, one of the guards, greeting her when she walked through the gate made her jump.
“Yeah, just thinking.” Clementine looked down the street, frowning at the Walker she’d dealt with last night, “I thought Mike said he was going to move that.”
“Spencer told him to leave it there,” Said Smythe, “Said Rick will need to see it when he gets back.”
Clementine nodded, walking towards the house her, Kenny and AJ were given, getting accosted by Spencer.
“Where were you?” Clementine sighed and looked up at the man.
“I was trying to find where that Walker got in.” Clementine gestured to the corpse, “I couldn’t find a hole, so it could’ve just slipped past whoever was on guard.”
“No, it couldn’t.” Dismissed Spencer, frowning, “Where’d you learn to fight Walkers like that?”
“What?” Clementine frowned, “By kicking their knee?”
Spencer nodded.
“Someone I knew taught me.” Clementine shrugged, she didn’t think she could call Jane her friend, not after what she did, “Do you think they got Maggie to Hilltop?”
“Why else would they be taking so long?”
An RV trundled into Alexandria, Clementine spotted Glenn at the wheel. As the vehicle came to a stop, Michonne stepped out, followed by Sasha, Aaron and Carl. Frowning, Clementine got up and walked towards them.
“How’s Maggie doing?” Asked Clementine, as the woman in question stumbled out of the RV.
“Clem,” Glenn walked around the side of the RV, “something happened.”
Clementine recognised the tone, usually it was assigned to Kenny when he did something stupid, “Who’s Kenny punched now?”
“He…” Carl found himself unable to look at her, “We…”
Clementine looked over the group, she assumed Rick, Abraham, Daryl and Kenny were still in the RV, while Eugene and Rosita stepped out of the vehicle. Glancing around, and noticing that Enid was glaring at Carl, Clementine sighed.
“Okay.” Clementine tried to push past them, only for Glenn to grab her shoulder, “Look, whatever stupid thing Kenny’s done—”
“We ran into a group.” Interrupted Glenn, “They…”
“When you say ‘group’ do you mean like another community or a bunch of nutcases?” Asked Clementine, not liking the looks they were giving her.
“They call themselves the Saviors.” Continued Glenn, making Clementine freeze.
“You know about them?” Asked Sasha, getting a nod from Clementine.
“Christa and I ran into them a few years ago,” Said Clementine, looking between them, “but they were in northern Georgia and Tennessee. Are… are you sure that’s what they called themselves?”
“Does…” Glenn swallowed, “Does the name Negan mean anything to you?”
Clementine sucked a breath in, “Shit.”
“They took Daryl and he…” Maggie’s voice was weak, “He killed Kenny.”
Clementine felt her throat constrict, shaking her head, “You’re lying.” Without waiting for a response, Clementine pushed her way onto the RV. Rick and Abraham looked at her, while Kenny’s lifeless, and headless, body lied on the floor between them.
Clementine stood near Negan, watching as he gutted Spencer. She didn’t react when Rosita tried to kill Negan, only for her to be knocked to the ground by one of his thugs. He demanded to know who made the bullet, before ordering the same thug to kill someone. Clementine didn’t know Denise very well, but she knew she didn’t deserve to die.
Seizing her chance, Clementine rushed at Negan, raising her knife to stab him. Negan got stabbed in the arm, which earned Clementine a backhand.
“Don’t you people lear—” Negan stopped abruptly, recognising Clementine, “Well, holy shit! I know you! You’re that little girl that stabbed me.”
Clementine glared up at him.
“I got a nasty scar on my back because of you.” Negan looked at the thug, “Gimme your machete.”
Clementine quickly scrambled to her feet, picking up her knife with her left hand. She went to stab him again, only for him to grab her left forearm and slam it on the pool table he and Spencer had been using.
“I think this is appropriate.” Grinned Negan, before bringing the machete down on Clementine’s left wrist.
Letting out a scream, Clementine tried to wrench her hand free, only for Negan to tighten his grip and add more force to his chopping. As soon as her left hand had been severed, he let her go and she stumbled back, holding the stump of her left arm close to her chest.
“You know what?” Negan looked around, “I think we’ve had enough killing for one day. Someone make sure she don’t bleed to death.”
“What were you thinking?” Asked Glenn, as he tended to her arm.
“He killed Kenny.” Said Clementine, “I got the drop on Negan before, I thought I could do it again.”
“Well,” Carl looked at her, “You didn’t.”
“Oh, gee Carl, why don’t you point out something else that’s obvious?”
“It was stupid.”
“Stop it!” Glenn raised his voice, “Arguing isn’t going to help any of us!”
“Where’s my hand?” Asked Clementine, looking at Glenn, “Where is it?”
“It should still be on the pool table.” Said Enid, making Clementine wrench her bandaged stump from Glenn’s grip and stalk outside.
A couple minutes later, Clementine returned with her dismembered hand and threw it at Carl.
“Okay!” Yelled Glenn, as he got up, “Both of you, homes, now!”
Carl and Clementine glared at each other, before Enid decided to guide Clementine back to her home.
Clementine looked down at the knife that’d been welded to a metal cast, as Rick fastened it to her arm.
“Daryl’s brother had something similar.” Said Rick, before looking around, “Why’d you try and take a stab at Negan?”
“I met someone like him before,” Said Clementine, “A guy called Carver. He’s the one that took Kenny’s eye. I thought, if I could, I dunno, injure him enough, I could trick the Saviors to fight amongst themselves.”
Rick sighed, before looking over at the dead Scavengers. They’d tried to form an alliance with the other communities, he didn’t know what would’ve happened if The Kingdom and Hilltop hadn’t come through.
“Do you think Jadis is still alive?” Asked Clementine, staring down at her shotgun.
“I don’t know.” Confessed Rick, “Maybe.”
“I mean, I hit her in the gut and blew the head off that other one.” Continued Clementine, “Thinking on it, I could’ve taken Negan out.”
Rick nodded, before looking around, “How many?”
Clementine shrugged, “I heard Glenn and Abraham were still counting. How’s Michonne?”
Rick sighed, “Carl hasn’t left her. We’re hoping she’ll pull through.”
“Where’re you going?” Asked AJ, making Clementine jump.
“I’m watching Carl’s back, I’ll be back soon.” Said Clementine, before slipping out of Alexandria. She followed Carl, before coming to a stop as he started talking to a man.
“So,” Said Clementine, getting Carl and the man’s attention, “Who’s the boyfriend?”
“The sewers are practically deserted.” Said Carl, as he led Siddiq towards the gap, “Maggie and Aaron came through here a while ago and Clementine found it after a Walker got in.”
“Really?” Asked Siddiq, looking back at Clementine.
“The same day I heard that…” Clementine trailed off, unsure on what to call Kenny, before continuing, “my dad had been killed.”
“I’m sorry.” Apologised Siddiq, “I didn’t know.”
“Don’t worry.” Clementine wave him off, “Besides, you’re not the one that killed him.”
Siddiq nodded, before Clementine looked at Carl, “So, how do you tell your dad?”
“About what?” Asked Carl, shifting, uncomfortably.
“About how you almost got bitten, you’re welcome, by the way, and how you, alone, managed to sneak a stranger into the community, while he and the others were away fighting.” Said Clementine, folding her arms, fully intent on Carl being the only one in trouble, before noticing her missing knife, “Shit.”
“How’re you going to explain your knife going missing?” Asked Carl, giving Clementine a defiant look.
“I hate you.”
Clementine limped around the sewers, trying to avoid stepping on anyone. Judith and AJ were with Carl, who was having shrapnel removed from his arm by Siddiq, it turned out he was a doctor. Negan had come by and bombed Alexandria, they lost some people, but the majority had managed to retreat into the sewers. Both Clementine and Carl had been knocked down from the wall by the Saviors bombs, Clementine had twisted her leg, when she landed, but her injuries weren’t too major.
“Clementine?” Rick’s voice got her attention.
“Rick.” Clementine twisted, “Thank fuck. What happened?”
“Gregory sold us out.” Said Rick, “But things went to plan, but they bounced back faster than we expected. The others are at Hilltop, I think. Where’s Carl?”
“He’s getting bits of grenade removed from his arm.” Clemetine pointed in Carl’s direction, “Er, Rick, there’s something you should know. Carl… brought a guy back here. A doctor.”
Rick paused, but nodded, before he and Michonne walked past her.
Clementine let out a low whistle, looking around Hilltop, “Nice.”
“Glad you think so.” Said Glenn, limping towards them, “Your new doctor’s looking at the injured and we’ve got some Saviors tied up by the fence. That includes Gregory, by the way.”
“Can I take ‘Kenny’ to him?” Asked Clementine, looking at Rick, grabbing her shotgun.
“No.” Rick shook his head, “Go help Siddiq.”
Clementine glared after Rick, before following his orders. Enid smiled at her, before she helped a patient sit up.
“Clem, can you get some more water, please?” Asked Siddiq, “We’re running a bit low.”
Clementine nodded, grabbing a bucket and heading outside. She nearly bumped into Carl, who was carrying bandages, but managed to avoid falling.
“The Scavengers are all dead,” Clementine heard Rick talking to the others as she filled up the bucket, “Jadis apparently turned after Clementine took ‘Kenny’ to her gut, and the ones that came with me to attack the Saviors were massacred on Negan’s orders.”
“All of them?” Asked Glenn, “Since when has Negan gone all scorched earth?”
“The people at Oceanside said they experienced something similar,” Jesus spoke up, “the Saviors killed every male above the age of ten, maybe they went pulled the same trick.”
Clementine finished filling up the bucket and made her way back inside, she still had a job to do.
“So,” Clementine looked at Carl, “troubles in paradise?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Asked Carl, scowling at the gun he was cleaning.
“You and your girlfriend seem to be avoiding each other.” Said Clementine, looking over the Militia. There’d been an attack by the Saviors, with their weapons covered in Walker blood, she’d received a tainted crossbow bolt to her left ankle. She was lucky, Glenn had spotted that the bolt was covered in Walker blood, the majority of the wounded were hit on their torso, but those who, like Clementine, were hit on their arms and legs, were able to get the infected limbs amputated.
She heard Rick mention that Dwight had slipped them some more intel, including how Father Gabriel was being held prisoner. Clementine looked around for her crutches
“We broke up.”
Clementine’s head snapped back to look at Carl, “What? Why?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
The war was over. Eugene, one of theirs that had defected to the Saviors, sabotaged the Savior’s bullets. Only Negan tried to fight, resulting in Rick slicing his throat open. Negan was taken into custody, Clementine watched impassively, as Maggie argued with Rick that the man should be killed.
“Clem,” Carl’s voice got her attention, “Are you alright?”
Clementine gave Carl a flat look, “I’m fine.”
Carl looked like he didn’t believe her, he glanced down at her leg, “Are you sure?”
The flat look turned into a glare, “Yes, I’m sure.” She looked over at where the community leaders were talking, “I’m just, trying to come to terms with all this being over.”
“Me too.” Said Carl, “Do you want something to drink?”
“I drank seven jars of moonshine when they cut my leg off, I think they’ll have a problem with it.” Answered Clementine, watching AJ toddle around with Judith, “I’ll be glad when they’d finished rebuilding.”
Carl nodded, before tentatively putting an arm around Clementine’s shoulders. Half-heartedly rolling her eyes, Clementine rested her head on Carl’s shoulder and let out a sigh.
“So…” Carl glanced at Clementine, “are you doing anything tonight?”
“We’re having a moment, don’t ruin it.”
Next Story: What if Lilly was the leader of the Boarding School?
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carl-grimes-fav-wife · 5 months
You and me Always, Forever Part 2 Carl Grimes x Female reader
THESE AREN'T MY CHARACTERS THEY ARE FROM THE WALKING DEAD SHOW Warnings: NONE N/n stands for nickname TEXT MEANING Purple: Y/n speaking Blue: Carl speaking Green: Other characters speaking Red: Sexual content/Topic Pink + Italics: Thoughts Black/Regular: Actions TIME PERIOD: Season 5 after Terminus on the way to the church Requested: No
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Y/n's POV "I thought all of this was a little sketchy. We both did. We took turns holding his baby sister as we walked to some guy's church. He told us his name was Father Gabriel. He didn't let me get too far away from him. I guess he was just trying to protect me which was nice of him. God were his eyes pretty. They were the prettiest color. They were the bluest eyes I've ever seen. But enough about his eyes. I still can't believe he told me he loved me. Maybe he meant it platonically but still! He said he loved me. I don't think I'll ever have a chance with him but a girl can dream.  But anyways. His baby sister,  Judith, was the cutest baby I've ever seen. I haven’t been around to many babies in my life but if I had to choose she’d be my favorite. Carl was so excited when he found out Lori was pregnant. I was just excited for them. I didn’t think I could become friends with someone so fast. But in my opinion the first time me and Carl met we instantly clicked." -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Carl's POV "This guy. Is the last thing we need. He seems really sketchy. But that’s not the only thing on my mind. She’s on my mind. Y/n. My Y/n. She was holding my baby sister. And she looked so, so, so pretty. I can't even find the words to describe how pretty she is. She's nice to. Nicest girl I've ever met. I think its cute when she talks about the most random things. But I'll always listen. She has the prettiest voice. Its really calming to. Dad says I'm to young for a girlfriend. I heard Daryl tell her she's way to young as well. But it wouldn't hurt to tell her right? Oh it probably would. She probably doesn't even like me back. I could always hope she does but still. Would it make it weird between us if she doesn't like me back? I just won't think about it. I don't have to ask her now. I'll ask her eventually and it'll all be fine. After all we've been friends for a while." -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--
Carl's POV
“Whatcha thinking about, Y/n?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I know you’re thinking about something. You’re biting the inside of your mouth. You always do that when you’re thinking.”
“I’ll talk to you about it later, Carl.” As she said that she switched Judith to her other hip. I tried to stay as close as possible to her. I put my hat on her head and she laughed. God she had the prettiest laugh. Her smile alone makes me happy. I wish I had the guts to tell her how much I loved her. I had said it before in the past. She said she loved me too but what if she only means as a friend?
Y/n’s POV
“Whatcha thinking about, Y/n?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I know you’re thinking about something. You’re biting the inside of your mouth. You always do that when you’re thinking.”
“I’ll talk to you about it later, Carl.”
I switched Judith to my other hip. I loved Judith but I loved her big brother even more. It annoyed me a little how he always knew when something was on my mind. Which was a lot of the time. I’d been thinking about him nonstop recently. I’d found myself dreaming about him even. I really was head over heels in-love with this boy. But cmon can you blame me? Just look at his eyes. This boy is actually perfect. I just wish he liked me the way I liked him.
I’m so sorry this is so short and it took so long for me to finish. I just had no motivation. BUT I finally finished it! Once again sorry this is so short I just didn’t really know what to write. Sorry if this isn’t the best I’m trying though. I’ll start working on part three soon. Hopefully.
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Requests: Rick Grimes- That Girl
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Pairing: Rick Grimes x Y/n Dixion
Pov: Reader / 3rd pov
Warnings: Season 3, Death, protective sibling, motherly attention, fluff.
Summary: Rick takes solace in the youngest Dixion after Lori passes.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers
The Walking Dead Master List // The Law Master List // Request Master List
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I could see the way Maggie looked as she walked out of the prison door. Carl's hands bloody and his knife just barely dangling his hand. The silence was grand and the only thing we all looked at was the baby in Maggie hands. Daryl was close by me, his eye scanning over Ricks face. Rick was trying his hardest to not fall apart, all while the only true amount of his family had just killed his wife and was a new born.  
Things were getting real, too fast and all to soon in the world we now lived in.  
Rick just barely stumbled over to Maggie, the baby in her arms was still covered in blood and just cooed as she was moved between arms. From then on out everything seemed to change for me and Rick. I tried my hardest to keep a close eye on the Grimes kids. But there was something that I couldn’t put my finger on.  
It didn’t take long for Rick to notice how closed I had gotten with the kids. Even Maggie had mentioned “You’re getting pretty comfy with the kiddos.” She said as I changed Judith. I didn’t look over my shoulder, but I do agree with her in a soft hum. My eyes staying trained on Judith her wiggling her arms, and legs. The coolness of the prison isn’t great for the little one.  
Carl on the other hand didn’t really want a new person in his life just for them to be taken from him like his mother was. So, he had guarded himself. From Rick and every other person around, I tried to be a comfort for Carl. Even Rick.  
It took a while though for the boys to come around. Rick had settled his way into my cell, almost every night he’d walk in gun on his hip and a growing smile on his face. He had become more open with me about things. The late nights we spent talking he missed his wife, but he was glad that his son and daughter were here. He was happy that he’d kept us alive as long as he had.  
We become each other solace. The only one we knew that we could relive on in the heat of the battle. I would say that my brothers were always there, but sometimes that was even hard to say. The reality of it was that Daryl was a quiet and reserved person, and Merle well he was my older brother but he was a straight up asshole. Merle knew that, so did everyone else here at the prison.  
And as the weeks went on things between Rick and I just started to feel normal. We felt the same on so many levels, but things changed when Merle didn’t come back one day. I could feel the difference, Daryl face was different. Rick trailed behind him; a sad expression laid on his face.  
“Y/n, we have something that you need to know.” Darly said his voice low and almost on the verge of tears. I stood frozen, my eyes franticly moving from Daryl to Ricks face. “Where’s Merle?” I asked finally the silence too much for me to bare. Neither boy could manage to look at me. “Rick? Daryl?” I tired.  
The way my heart fell into my stomach, when Rick said that Merle was dead, a zombie that Daryl had to kill. I nearly fell to the ground my legs giving out on me. Daryl couldn’t look at me, and Rick was right there at my side.  
We had lost a lot over the years before the zombie came, but now we had even lost more. Finally, I think I understood a tad bit of the pain that Rick experienced when Maggie walked out with his two kids and no Lori. Rick hugged me deeply. His fingers making or least trying to make comforting circles into my skin. My sobs echoed around the small concrete walls of the prison. Carl and almost everyone else came out of their respective rooms. It was becoming a scene, and it was harder knowing that I was being watched.  
Rick swooped me away, his arms supporting under my knees as he walked towards my cell. That night Rick stayed with me, in his arms I stayed. A tear-stained shirt that Rick wore wasn't ruined but it felt like everything was happing to fast. My brother was gone and now life couldn’t get any worse.   
From then on out I spent my time in the garden that Rick had built. It was a sad start, but a start nonetheless. Rick visited me every morning when I made my way out into the fresh air. Sometimes I’d even grab Judith early in the morning and take her out there with me.  
She was always in my eye line. She’s sleep most of the morning before waking up when her father came down to visit me for the first time that morning. I planted veggies, and tired my hardest to find flowers. Something, well anything to spruce the place up. I think Rick enjoyed the way that I tried to get away from the pain of my oldest brother.  
Enjoyed might be the wrong word, it was more like Rick admired me for my ability, a small ability that I was able to push those drastic and horrible emotions to tend to things that grew, and that were growing.  
Within that time things become better, yes, we lose more then we win. But we are together. Carl begins to enjoy the time we spend together; he’s always asking to go on trips to track down more important things. He doesn’t openly say that he enjoys that time. I can tell he does, “You must know that Carl adores the time you guys spend together.” Rick mentioned. It had taken months and yes, I had come to realize it but Carl wasn’t about to say those words outside. “Rick, you know that I’m aware of that, but I we both know that Carl won’t be admitting any of what you have said.”  
Regardless of that though, Rick had watched as I stayed close by the sides of his kids. Judith had grown up in my arms. Slowly growing out of diapers, and into her first set of big girl shoes. Maggie watched from afar, “You act like such a well-tuned mother to the grimes children.” She commented one day as we walked through Alexandria. “Daryl is more than impressed with you almost every day he says it.” Maggie said as we walked together one day.  
Daryl had watched his youngest and only sibling grow into a woman in the past few years. A woman with a man that loved her, his best friend, and children that even though they might not be hers she still loves them, teaches them like they are hers. 
 A trusted companion of Ricks, a confidante, and a mother. Y/n Dixion had become something better over the years, since the start of the zombified world that she knew more now. What had been was no longer. Rick had fallen for the girl that protected his kids; Maggie was Y/n's best friend because she adored the way she indeed was herself regardless of the shit either of them had been through together and separately. Daryl wouldn’t know what to do without his baby sister, and only sibling left in this horribly, dark and scary world.  
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Completed on: 10/25/22
Posted on: 10/28/22
The Law-
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