#carol Danvers x you
Sugar Rush
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Family is More Than Blood Masterlist
Summary: Carol needs advice on how to ask you on a date.
Warning: fluff, some amount of angst, mention of past abuse from the Red Room and Dreykov, Val is a good friend, everyone loves to tease the reader, gay panic
Word Count: 5.3k
Maybe Carol was overthinking it. This wasn’t foreign territory to her. It was easy for her to get a girl into bed with her. Yes, it built her a reputation as a playboy, but no one got hurt. In her eyes, she was entitled to a bit of fun after all the hell she’s been through. But you were different, so Carol needed to be different. Carol found you attractive. She believed anybody was an idiot if they failed to see your physical beauty. However, it was your heart that drew her in.
Her time was between patrolling the stars and helping the Avengers on Earth. Somehow, you were all Yelena talked about when she was at the compound. Since the fall of the Accords, Yelena has painted this picture of you. Her older sister gave herself up to Dreykov, so she and Natasha could be free. Carol was intrigued by you. She wondered how someone who was captured by the darkness so young and for so long was good.
It was easy for you to capture Carol on your web; she knew you had no idea what you were doing. At first, it was the way she caught you staring at her when she got done meeting with Steve. The blush on your cheek was Carol’s new favorite color. Then, it was the way you confronted the Widow after exposing her to the red dust. You opened your arms to her without hesitation. You comforted her and reassured her that it was not her fault.
At the bar, where you thankfully agreed to get a drink, it was your smile as you tried to hide it. The way your eyes lit up when you talked about your sisters. Even when she spoke of her life, you hung on every word she said.
What she told your sisters was true. She wanted to be your friend. If it led to more (which she hopped), then she would be grateful. But it would be on your timeline; she wouldn’t force you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with.
So here she was, on her ship and lost on what to do. You were visiting the compound for a few days, and it linked up to when Carol was coming back to Earth. Your friendship was growing through text messages or short phone calls. Carol wanted to plan something fun to do together. She called Valkyrie for help. Was it wise to call her ex-girlfriend and her first girlfriend since Monica? Unsure, but there weren’t other people she could ask. Besides, she and Val ended things on good terms; they were better off as friends. “Oh captain, my captain,” Val teased when the call connected and her hologram came up. “What do I owe the pleasure?” Carol rolled her eyes.
“Am I interrupting?”
“Oh, you are, but being a king is trying work,” she sighed dramatically. “What do you need? You never call.” She winced and made a mental note to be better at that.
“I need advice.”
“Is this about the Black Widow you fancy?” Val asked.
“I don’t fancy her,” she stood up from her bed and moved around her ship. “Also, who says fancy anymore?” Val laughed. “But yes, it’s about her,” she picked up a toy for Goose and threw it. The flerken ran after it. “I want to plan something but don’t know what to do.” Val hummed.
“Is the endgame to sleep with her?” Carol slapped her hand against her forehead. “What?” Val asked while laughing. “It’s a valid question, and depending on the answer, I could give different options,” Carol sighed, picked up the toy Goose brought back, and threw it again.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But not right away. She’s special, Val, and I don’t want to fuck this up like I normally do. If I do, I will have two very pissed-off Black Widows after me,” Carol paused. “3 if her mother decides to join in on the hunt,” Val laughed so hard, she almost fell out of her chair. The sound made Carol smile. Val was a pain in her ass sometimes, but she was grateful for her.
“Goodness, I forgot how funny you are.” Carol wasn’t sure if that was a compliment, so she kept her comments to herself. “So we want friendship to possible lovers’ date ideas, right?”
“Yes,” Carol sighed, shaking her head. She was starting to regret asking Val.
“And she’s the one who gave herself up for her sisters,” Carol hummed. “Heroic,” Val was silent beside the click of her pen, and she leaned back in her chair. So Carol kept throwing the toy for Goose. “Take her to an arcade.”
“An arcade?” Carol questioned, froze mid-throw, and looked at Val’s hologram. The flerken yelled at her, so she threw it at him. Val was leaning on her desk with her hands crossed.
“Yeah, she’s probably never been to one. You guys can be all cute and competitive; then you can woo her by winning her a prize.”
“I hate you,” Carol deadpanned, but it wasn’t a bad idea.
“No, you don’t, or you wouldn’t have called me,” she had a point. “Let me know how it goes.”
“Thanks, Val,” Carol smiled. “I’ll come visit soon.”
“Bring the new boo thang,” Carol hung up before Val could say anything. Sighing, she sat down in her chair with her hands over her eyes. She felt a little silly, acting like a teenager with a crush. But she was nervous and a little anxious, and these were feelings she wasn’t used to. Goose ran over and jumped on her lap, rubbing his head against her hand to get the captain to pet him. Carol smiled.
“Maybe I should take you with me. She does want to meet you,” the flerken meowed. “Do you promise not to eat any of them?” Immediately, Goose jumped off her lap. “That does not provide me with any confidence.”
“Hey stranger,” you turned around from your spot in the kitchen to see Carol. While you were in Russia, you missed your sisters. You missed spending time with Wanda, but you missed Carol the most. These feelings were something you were still trying to understand. While apart, your friendship was forged over text messages and phone calls. You worried your friendship wasn’t going to work in person.
“Did you bring him?” You asked. Carol shook her head but chuckled at your frown.
“Stark doesn’t like Goose,” she said and took half of the sandwich you made. You could give two fucks about Stark’s feelings. You wanted to meet the cat or Flerken or whatever. “Goose tried to eat him last time.”
“Good,” you shrugged. “He probably deserved it.” Carol laughed and took a bite. “Is it good?” The captain nodded with a smile. You rolled your eyes and took a bite of your half. She was right. It was good. Another thing about the compound is that your food was never safe.
“Do you have plans for tonight?” Usually, you would spend it with whoever wanted to watch a movie or play video games.
“Nope,” you said. “Do you want to do something?” You watched her smile grow, and you enjoyed it.
This is the first time you’ve done this. You only looked at someone and enjoyed their mannerisms by analyzing every detail for a mission. Slowly, you were unlearning those behaviors while leaving with the Avengers. Wanda liked tea before she went to bed. Steve always had a sketchbook next to him. When Yelena was nervous or anxious, she played with the rings on her fingers.
You liked learning about Carol. When she was reading over a mission report, she was spinning a pen between her fingers. Her eyes would light up when she was asked about Monica or Goose because she loved them both. She was playful, snarky, and wasn’t afraid to tease your sisters or Tony. “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” She asked.
“Do I get to know where we are going?” you countered. Carol shook her head. “It sounds like you are kidnapping me,” the captain smirked.
“Do you think I could kidnap you and get away with it?” You shrugged. It would be a challenge, but it would be fun. Besides, she could not get very far. Carol laughed.
“Do you trust me?” It went against your training to trust anyone, but you wanted to trust her.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Good, wear something casual, and I’ll pick you up at 5,” she winked at you, leaving you alone in the kitchen. You shook your head with a smile and ignored the way her playful gesture filled your stomach with butterflies. Instead of focusing on the upcoming hang-out with Carol, you began to clean the kitchen. It was a simple task that kept your mind busy and present. You were so distracted that you didn’t realize someone else entered the kitchen.
“Why are you cleaning?” You jumped at the sound of Wanda’s voice. “I am going to brag for years that I was able to sneak up on you,” you rolled your eyes at the witch and splashed water at her before drying your hand. “That was uncalled for.”
“Are you hungry? I can make you something quick,” you said, ignoring her question by opening the fridge and pretending to look through it. But you felt her eyes on your back. “Stop that,” you said.
“Then answer my question,” you sighed and closed the fridge. Wanda sat on a chair, and you leaned against the counter. Thankfully, Wanda gave you time to collect your thoughts. It seemed wild that these people cared about you when you hadn’t been in the compound for long. It was a feeling you were getting used to. You’ve been on your own for so many years. Sighing, you twisted the ring your sisters gave you for your birthday.
“Carol asked if I wanted to hang out tonight, and I said yes,” you said slowly.
“You guys hand out all the time,” Wanda said with a slight tilt of her head. That was true. If you weren’t with Wanda or your sisters, you were with Carol.
“Her asking me felt different,” you told her. “I think she asked me on a date.” A smile grew on the witch’s face.
“Finally!” She threw her arms in the air. “I’ve been so tired of listening to her thoughts whenever you guys are in the same room.” You felt your body heat up.
“She thinks about me?” You questioned.
“All the time,” she answered honestly. “Some thoughts aren’t very PG,” you groaned and snapped a towel at her. Wanda laughed and took your weapon of choice. “I will be fine,” she said. “Besides, she is in your mind just as much, if not more.” You flipped Wanda off as she took an orange from the fruit bowl and left.
You tried to keep your thoughts at bay around Wanda. Yelena told you the story of how they met the witch. You trusted her, especially since your sisters did, but your mind was filled with so much bloodshed you caused that you did not want to subject her to that. Of course, she was right. Carol always seemed to be on your mind. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing after all.
“An arcade?” you questioned and looked at Carol. You stood at the entrance, amazed by the sounds and lights.
“Yeah, I thought it would be fun and a little competitive.” Carol walked over to the counter and bought two game cards from the high schooler. You were busy looking at the lights flashing and the sounds of the games. “Is this okay?” she asked and handed you a card that looked like an ID.
“I’ve never been to one,” you followed her to where the prizes were. They had candy, stuffed animals, and fidget toys. Above everything else were the more expensive prizes like game consoles and household products. You weren’t sure what a kid would do with an air fryer. “There was one in the mall in Ohio, but I wasn’t allowed to go in.” You were so jealous of the kids that were running around being kids.
“Is this okay?” Her question snapped you of your thoughts. She looked concerned.
“I’m gonna kick your ass in that shooting game I saw.”
You won the shooting game, but she got more tickets than you. Combined, you had enough for a small teddy bear that she gave to you, and after the arcade, she took you to dinner for food. You had a great time. Not that you feared you wouldn’t, but this felt different. You weren’t afraid to hide your glances at her as you watched her concentrate on the silly games. She was adorable, and the smile on your face hurt your cheeks.
“Hey,” Carol’s gentle voice pulled you out of sleep. “We are back at the compound.” You opened your eyes and blinked away the sleep.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you rubbed your eyes and Carol smiled.
“It’s fine,” she said and turned off the car. You looked cute.” It was reflexes when you punched her arm softly, but you felt your body heat up at the compliment. Her laughter followed you as you exited the car with her teddy bear in hand. Out of the car, you heard the weather—the pounding of the rain against the walls. There was the distinct sound of thunder.
“It’s raining,” you said.
“Yup,” Carol closed the door of the car. “We seemed to have followed the storm.” A smile grew on your face. “Why are you smiling?” You loved the rain. You loved laying in bed and listening to the weather back in Ohio. Sooner rather than later, Yelena would end up in your but that moment of peace you cherished. Without answering, you placed your prize on the car’s roof and walked to the garage door. The hum of the garage opener filled the silence. Then, the smell of petrichor filled your lungs. “What are you doing?”
You glanced over your shoulder with a mile and walked up the driveway. Immediately, the rain soaked your clothes. A gasp left your lips as the temperature of the rain startled you. Soon, your body got used to the cold. “You are going to get sick,” Carol said with a smile and crossed arms.
“I can’t get sick,” it was a half-truth. It was more challenging for you to get sick. “You can come keep me warm,” you smirked. You held your breath as you watched Carol think it over. Maybe you were being too forward. Perhaps all she wanted was to be friends. The captain shook her head. With a smile, she ran up the ramp and into you. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around her neck, and she spun you in a circle. Carol placed you on the ground. Your laughter died down, and you stared at her lips.
You couldn’t remember your first kiss. It was before Ohio, you thought - a short kiss between you and another Window. As you got older, kissing was used as a tool. You would make out with a target and slip a sedative in their drink. Now you wanted to kiss someone and have it mean something. That scared you. Would kissing her change what you already had? You would rather stay friends than ruin it.
“Tag your it,” you said, tagged the Avenger, and ran off. Running seemed like the more straightforward thing to do.
Carol sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet from the shower, but she had time to dry and style it. Her phone rang when she changed into gray pants and a white sports bra. “Hey Val,” she said, placing the phone on speaker. “I find it rude that you aren’t at this party.” Val laughed.
“Maybe Stark shouldn’t plan something so last minute,” Val had a point. “Turn on your camera. Let me see what you are wearing.” Carol rolled her eyes and placed her phone against the lamp to turn on the camera. She was finishing buttoning her white shirt when her friend’s face appeared on the phone. “I like the gray suit,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Is she going to be there?”
“Not sure,” Carol stood in the bathroom to dry her hair and brushed it out. “She’s returning from a mission. Nat isn’t sure if she’ll be back.”
“But you are still trying to look hot,” Carol shrugged.
“Always good to be prepared,” she returned to the closest to put on her gray vest. It was more than just looking good. She felt confident in this suit. After the almost kiss in the raid, she needed all the confidence she could get.
“What’s wrong?” Val asked. “If you keep frowning like that, you will get more wrinkles.” The captain flipped her friend off. “So what’s the matter?” Carol sighed.
“We almost kissed last week, and we haven’t hung out since then,” she told her. “I don’t want to force her into something she isn’t ready for. I’d rather be friends than lose her.” Val was watching her closely.
“You aren’t forcing her, Carol,” she said. “If she did not like you, she wouldn’t hang out with you. " That was true, but Carol was worried. She is her own person.” You were, and Carol was lucky to see glimpses of the person you were becoming. “Goodness, you have it bad for her.”
“Shut up,” Carol mumbled, but she did not deny it. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Let me know how it goes!” Carol waved and ended the call. She had it bad for you, and it was so worth it.
“There she is!” Yelena cheered. Carol watched the blonde run over to you. Something short-circuited in Carol’s brain. It wasn’t her proudest moment; the way her jaw dropped, a bit of her drink fell down her chin.
“Damn, you got it bad, Danvers,” Steve laughed and handed her a napkin. Carol snatched it out of his hand.
“Language, soldier,” but he wasn’t wrong. It was hard not to look at you. She saw the politicians glance your way. The red dress highlighted your figure with a thigh slight and spaghetti straps. She could tell you were wearing little makeup, but you never needed it, in her opinion. Steve chuckled.
“Maybe you should tell her how you feel,” he said. “You never know what could happen”. Carol looked at Steve and then back at you. Natasha and Maria joined the small group around you. You caught her looking, and you waved. She raised her glass to you with a smile. It was embarrassing how often she thought about kissing you or holding you in her arms. But she promised your sisters and herself she would take it slow and not force you.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “Maybe you’re right.”
God, you hated parties with politicians. The dress wasn’t helping your situation, but when Sonya discovered your slight crush on Carol, she suggested the red dress. It was working. Her eyes were on you as soon as you arrived, but she hadn’t moved toward you. You sat at the table with your back to the wall, nursing a rum and coke. Yelena was with Sam and Wanda. Natasha was talking with some politicians whose names you couldn’t remember. You weren’t worried. She could handle herself around men like this. Men who valued power over personal values. It was hard to find a good politician these days. Maria and Steve were with her.
Honestly, you were so exhausted - mind, body, and soul - which wasn’t helping your mood. The past three days were late nights chasing down Widows, exposing them to the red dust, and then helping them settle. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep for a week, but luck was not on your side. Tony was having a party with a few politicians. You could have gone back to Russia, but it was packed with Widows, and you would get no rest with Alexei being annoying. So, the compound was the best option. Even though Yelena wanted to see you at the party. “Well, well, well,” a man said, walking over to you. He was drinking an old fashion. “Mind if I join you?”
“It’s all yours, sir. " He smiled and took the empty seat. I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”
“David Palmer,” he extended his hand for you to shake. Before you could introduce yourself, he cut you off. “I know who you are,” you said, keeping your smile on your face and tapping into your training. To everyone here, you were a businesswoman from Boston. The fewer people who knew you were with the Avengers, the better.
“Who am I, Mr. Palmer?” You asked and sipped on your drink. You saw Carol looking at you over the man’s shoulder.
“You are Dreykov’s spider,” he whispered as if he were telling you a secret. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but you kept on smiling. It was only a matter of time before you ran into someone who knew your past. You wished it wasn’t happening here. You circled the liquid in your glass and leaned back in the chair with your right leg crossed over your left. His eyes trailed up and down your body.
“If I am who you think I am,” you said. “What will you do with that information, Mr. Palmer?” He sipped on his drink and looked around the party.
“Do they know?” He questioned. “Do they know everything you did for him?” Natasha and Yelena knew a fraction of what occurred between you and Dreykov. But you wanted to keep that a secret for the others, especially Carol. “I’m guessing they don’t because you are among the heroes here.”
“What do you want, Palmer?” You asked. You were done with being nice. He wanted something. It was the only reason he was here. David placed a hand on your thigh. You fought your instincts not to break every one of his fingers. You hated the way his hand felt on you.
“Just one night with you,” he said. “Or I won’t go to the press. No one will know that the Avengers are harboring a killer.” His hands squeezed the flesh of your thigh. “You can imagine how bad that would look for them.”
They would lose their credibility with the public. Everything would be questioned. As for you, well, you could not care. You had to protect them, but you hated the idea of sleeping around to keep a secret. “Thank you, Mr. Palmer, but I’d have to decline your very generous offer.” You removed his hand and stood up. Before you could walk away, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back, flesh to his chest.
“Do you think you are better than us, slut?” He asked. You’ve dealt with men like this before. Men that weren’t used to hearing no. “You are a nobody without the men that made you. So get on your knees and start serving me.”
Before you reconnected with your sisters, you would have done it. You would have gotten on your knees and pleased him because that was how you were trained. You were different now. Your life was different, and you hated the way this man touched you. You twisted out of his hold and grabbed a pressure point on his wrist. The man crumbled to his knees. The irony. “It’s not nice to grab someone if they don’t want to be touched.” You felt the eyes of everyone at the party. You were causing a scene.
You quickly turned around, put your half-finished drink on the bar, and walked to the stairs to the roof. Even with the Red Room gone, that place was still haunting you.
You liked the way the cold weather felt on her arms. It was like a gentle embrace, a crisp and refreshing touch that awakened your senses. The air’s chill contrasted with your skin’s warmth, creating a delightful shiver. There was a sense of tranquility in the coolness, a quiet calm that settled over everything. Each breath you took felt clearer and purer. “What did he say to you?” Carol asked, walking up behind you.
“Nothing, I haven’t heard before,” you answered, not looking at her. Even when she stood next to you.
“You can tell me if it would make you feel better.” You shook your head.
“I don’t want you to look at me differently,” you admitted. She was quiet as you both stared into the vast darkness.
“I could never,” you glanced at her, and she looked at you. “Do you need a hug?” she asked. You nodded, and she was quick to pull you into a hug. Her warmth was intoxicating. Your body relaxed, and muscles loosened as if you had shredded a heavyweight. Her hug felt safe, a sanctuary where you could feel relaxed and at ease. “I almost punched him,” she broke the beat of silence that passed between you and her.
“Better you than me. He’s a slimy piece of shit,” her chest vibrated as she laughed.
“Oh, I know. I hated how he looked at you,” so did you. It was like you were a piece of meat to him. Then again, it wasn’t a look you were unfamiliar with. You pulled out of the hug to look at her better. “You do look stunning in this dress, by the way,” you smiled and fixed her tie and gray vest that you had messed up from the hug.
“You don’t look half bad yourself, Captain.” You liked the way her cheeks blushed. “I wore this for you, by the way,” you walked away, fingers running across the metal railing. You felt her eyes on your back.
“Wait, wait,” she jogged to catch up. “What did you mean by that?” You shrugged as she gently grabbed your wrist but immediately let go of you. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you.” You frowned at her statement. You offered her your hand, and she took it. “Why did you wear this dress for me?” She asked. You concentrated on the way your hand felt against hers. Her hand was rough but warm. It showed years of hard work.
“I wanted you to notice me,” you whispered.
“Notice you?” Carol questioned. “I am always noticing you. I can’t keep my eyes off of you,” a small squeak left the back of your throat. Carol smiled. “Do you want to go on a date?”
“Like a date-date?” You questioned. “Not as friends, but maybe as something more.”
“Do you want to be something more?” The question stumped you. But Carol was patient and played with the ring your sisters gave you on your finger. Did you want more? Did you want to go on dates? To fall asleep in her arms? To wake up to the feeling of her lifts on your skin? The idea terrified you. Before Carol, you ‘dated’ two other people. One was a girl in your class in Ohio. You both were too young to understand what it meant. The second person was a Red Room guard who trusted the man’s loyalty. He failed, so he was killed. There was a brief moment when you thought you were in love with the Winter Solider, but Carol could be different.
She would be someone without the influence of the Red Room, someone who understood a life of fighting, someone who could like you and look based on the scars on your body and the blood on your hands. “Yes,” you finally said. “But I’m not sure if I’ll be good at this,” Carol smiled and hugged you again. Immediately, you slummed into her warmth.
“I’m in the same boat,” she chuckled. “We can learn together.” Her lips briefly touched your forehead. The spot tingled, and it made you smile.
Your eyes closed as soon as your back hit your bed. Carol walked you to your room, kissed you on the cheek, and wished you a good night. You were frozen to the spot for a split second, and touched your cheek. Finally, you entered your room, showered, changed, and flopped onto the bed. The exhaustion of the past few days was catching up to you. But your eyes were forced open when there was rapid knocking on your door. “Come in,” you called out. The door opened. Suddenly, a body jumped on you, and blonde hair covered your vision. You groaned. “Get your fat ass off of me,” you pushed your sister off, and she fell onto the floor with a grunt.
“First of all, I am not fat,” she stood up. “Second, you are just jealous of this ass.” You rolled your eyes, and she sat next to you. “We wanted to make sure you are okay.” You pushed yourself up to your elbows and saw Natasha. Your sisters were changed and freshly showered.
“Stark threw that jackass out, and Maria is working on getting him removed from office,” it was a start, and you were grateful they were taking it seriously. But you knew it was only a matter of time before another dirty politician took his place.
“I’m okay,” you told your sisters. You watched Natasha close the door and sit down next to you. “What he said to me is stuff I’ll always hear.” You were numb to all of it. You’ve been called a monster, a slut, a killer. Everything from A to Z was thrown at you. It was something you were used to.
“I thought Carol was going to kill him,” Yelena said. “Steve had to stop her.” The mention of Carol made you smile, biting your lip, which Natasha noticed.
“What happened on the roof?” You shrugged, but the smile gave you away. Natasha nudged your shoulder with hers. “Come on, tell us.”
“She asked me on a date,” you said slowly. “And I said yes.”
“You said yes?” Yelena questioned. You nodded. There was silence before Yelena squealed and put her arms around you. She shook you from side to side.
“You and Natasha could go on double dates,” Honestly, that was the last thing you wanted to do. You pushed Yelena to the floor again. “Stop doing that!” You laughed and looked at the redhead. You weren’t sure why you looked for Natasha’s approval.
“I’m so happy for you,” she squished your cheeks. “Look at you dating. I love seeing you all happy,” you pushed her hands away and glared at her. That was payback for your teasing with Maria.
“I hate you,” you deadpanned. Natasha smiled. She stood up and moved to the top of your bed. “What are you doing?” You asked.
“You need sleep,” she answered. “Melina said it had been a long few days.”
“Alright, Mom,” you crawled up to the headboard. “Are you going to tuck me in?” She flicked your forehead. “Fuck off!” You said and rubbed the spot she flicked.
“Move over,” Yelena said, pushing you to the bed’s edge.
“I’m gonna need some room, too,” Natasha added. Yelena pushed closer to you, and Natasha laid down next to her. “You need a bigger bed.”
“I wasn’t expecting sleepovers all the time,” you said, closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep to the steady beat of Yelena’s heart. Then you felt Natasha’s hand on your shoulder. You opened your eyes to see Natasha looking at you.
“I hope you know we don’t think you are any of those things that man called you,” she whispered. “No one here does.” You forced a smile.
“Thank you, Nat,” you whispered. “Now go to sleep,” she chuckled, and you closed your eyes. It did not matter what they thought of you. You knew who you were. You knew you were a killer. The blood on your hands runs deep. No matter how often you tried washing your hands, the blood remained.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
Could you do: beefy!gp!Carol who gets jealous after seeing you flirt with one of the avengers?
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PAIRINGS: Carol Danvers x reader
WARNINGS: smut, Carol has a dick, angst, break up sex, fluff, secret love, jealousy, captain!C, praise, smut, cumming on body, jerking off, no protection, pregnancy, think that’s all :)
“That’s not fair, Y/N.” Carol proclaimed, and you had to bite your lip to prevent further disagreeance.
“You can’t just walk around and- and act like you’re all up for grabs, that’s not fair.” You clasped your hands together at her dejected face, and she plopped on the bed with a sigh.
“Carol, we’re not together anymore, I- I can talk to who I want without consequences.” She shook her head and placed it in her hands, her fingers digging at her scalp as red nearly exploded across her face. She was angry, you both knew that, but it wasn’t just anger and frustration that coursed through her veins; it was sadness, betrayal. She had no reason to feel this way, like you said, you weren’t even hers anymore. But she still felt a lingering pain deep in her chest, it felt worse than any bruise you’d tend to.
“But I still love you-“
“But you can’t, Carol. You can’t keep doing this to yourself, you deserve to move on and be happy.” There was a silence filling the room, and for a moment you thought she might’ve wanted you to leave. Which you began doing before you heard a mumbled whisper. You turned, asking for the repetition you needed.
“But I want to be happy with you. I am happy with you, why won’t you just accept that? Why won’t you accept me?” You gulped, your voice seeming to hide with it as you shook from a sigh.
“We weren’t good for each other.” She stood suddenly, and your hand was taken in hers for a soft peck.
“But you were good for me. You made me feel things I never felt before, and I want to be with you again. Please, I- I promise I’ll change! Whatever you need, I’ll do it all. I’ll do anything for you, dove.” Her pleading eyes had always been impossible to ignore, and the same continued even now. You couldn’t resist her, she was the love of your life, after all.
“Just one last time, okay? We’ll have sex, and in the morning I’ll be gone, deal?” She wanted you to stay, but she knew this was the best chance she’d have at seeing you again. If she said no, who knows if you’d ever come back.
“I’ll make it worth your while then, Y/N.”
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“Fuck, I’m- I’m so close, baby.” The woman mumbled, and you had to stifle a moan that still found its way out of you.
“I know, Carol, I know, sweetheart.” Your fingers dug threw her hair, your nails scratching her scalp softly in a soothing manner. Her eyes fluttered shut as her free hand fell to your hardened nipple, the other landing on your cheek as she used her thumb to stroke the soft skin.
“Can I…can I kiss you?” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. But you nodded, and she instantly drew you in for a passionate, loving kiss. She noticed the goosebumps along your skin, and she drew back for only a moment, her lips lingering against yours as you begged internally for more.
“I know you’re cold, just hold onto me.” Your arms went around her back, your legs wrapping around her ass as tears threatened to escape you. You sighed in relief when her mouth met yours again, and her body heated up to the perfect temperature to keep you warm.
“Please, captain, I want you to cum in me.” She shook, and her thrusts were coming to a halt. But she kept up, determined to force your quickening arrival first. And the moment you hit your peak and eventually regained your breath, she immediately drew out, stroking her cock until reaching her peak. Her coil snapped, and her release painted your body. You looked up at her, confused as to why she dismissed your request.
“I don’t want you to make a decision you’ll regret. If you’re serious about..about leaving me, then I’m not going to get you pregnant and force you to handle something you can’t.” She seemed hurt at the thought, you always knew she wanted a kid, a family. She wanted that family with you, however, and you caught yourself daydreaming about the same possibility she offered you.
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“You didn’t leave.” She noted, and you turned to face her with a grin, the towel covering your wet body. The shower had streaks of steam running down it, and she could tell by your looks that you had just finished taking one.
“No, I didn’t.” She sat up instantly, and you bit your lip at her exposed chest through the see-through tank top. Her nipples were hard under the cold aroma, and all you could imagine was wrapping your lips around them and hearing her groans of pleasure.
“Are you going to?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“…I know a good diner if you’re willing to stay long enough for breakfast.”
“Sure, I’d like that.” You never would’ve expected close to a year later that you would continue to lie next to her, your hands interlacing as her free one was set on her book. Her reading glasses were on the brink of her nose, and you looked out the window to admire the scenery.
“I still can’t believe you took me to space.” She chuckled, placing a kiss on the back of your palm as she followed your gaze.
“It’s pretty great isn’t it?” You hummed, receiving a wrap of arms around your body. Her book was now in front of you, and she read it quietly in your ear. You cuddled into her chest, poking her strong biceps that she teasingly flexed.
“Thank you for not giving up on me, Carol.” She paused, taking a moment to leave soft pecks on your neck.
“I could never give up on you; on us.” She rubbed her thumb over your swollen stomach, smiling softly as she spoke a greeting to the arriving young girl.
“The moment we land on Earth, nothing can stop me from meeting my little one.”
“As long as I have you two, I’ll be okay.”
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scarlethexelove · 5 months
Hii, can you write Jock! Intersex!Carol x virgin (and innocent about sex) reader where they are dating but reader is stressed to do it with Carol because of Carol's past reputation on campus, so the reader thinks that she will be directly rought but when Carol starts touching reader to initiate sex, reader told Carol that she's virgin, and Carol becomes soft and take her time with the reader to not hurt her too much, even if the reader will feel pain during the first penetration (including Carol who doesn't want to wear condoms so reader asks her why and Carol says that she hates it and that condoms kill the feeling of the walls, unprotected sex, breeding, Carol calls reader babygirl/princess )
I'm Ready
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Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2752
Warnings: Intersex!Carol, Smut, P in V, Virgin!Reader, Fingering, Oral, Breeding, Soft!Carol, Little bit of degradation, Little bit of a Daddy kink (Said once)
A/n: I'm so sorry I didn't add much of the Jock part but it is mentioned a little. My brain is mush and I'm having a hard time thinking of what warnings there are. Please if I forgot something really important let me know. Hope you like it and sorry it has taken me a bit to get to this. I have been so busy and then got sick.
You turn to walk backwards behind in front of your best friend Wanda. “I think I’m ready.” You tell Wanda her face is puzzled at your words. “Ready for what?” She asks you. You slightly blush at the thought. “I want to have sex with Carol.” You say just above a whisper. “You want to have sex!” Wanda says loudly. “Wanda.” You whine with how loud she was. You look around to see people looking at you making you look down in shame. “I’m sorry Y/n/n. I was just shocked. Are you sure?” She says softly and you nod. Both of you stop walking to talk. “I’m ready. I want it to be with Carol… I think I love her.” You say shyly. 
Wanda can’t help but slap your shoulder excited. “You love her? Oh my god. I’m so excited for you.” Her words make you smile. “Thanks Wanda.” You hug her before pulling back, keeping your arms around her. “You know I will admit that I was hesitant on you dating Carol because of her reputation but I have seen the change in her and in you.” Wanda smiles, hugging you again. 
“You can invite Natty over tonight. I’ll be at Carol’s tonight.” You wink at Wanda. She shoves you as she starts to walk away. “Just don’t have sex in my bed.” You laughed and Wanda winked which caused both of you to burst out laughing. 
You find yourself sitting on Carol’s couch cuddled into her side as you two watch a movie. You keep sneaking glances at Carol which doesn’t go unnoticed by her. She can’t help but smirk. The next time your head turns to look at her she is already looking right at you. Taking your breath away as the light from the tv illuminates her face. “Do I have something on my face baby girl?” She smirks knowingly at you. “N-no.” You mumbler looking down. Your nerves are eating away at you. A finger slips under your chin, bringing you to look back up into her brown eyes. She leans in kissing you soft and slow. 
It takes no time as the kiss deepens and you both become more desperate for each other. You shift your body over into Carol’s lap as her hands grip your hips and your arms wrap around her neck. Her tongue exploring your mouth and a small moan being swallowed by Carol. You can feel her length hardening under you pressing up against your core. When your lungs start to burn you both pull away. Carol starts to kiss down your neck. You’re panting above her as her fingers dig into your hips, grinding up into you. “C-Carol.” You try to get her attention. She keeps kissing and leaving dark reddish purple marks on your neck. “Carol, w-wait.” You mumble out again, but all she does is hum against your neck. “Stop.” You finally manage to say. Carol immediately pulls back looking at you concerned.
“Is everything ok princess?” Carol asks you concerned, her hands cupping your cheeks as she looks at you. “I-I’ve never.” You mumble. “You’ve never what?” Carol questions not quite following along. “I’m a virgin.” You whisper looking down ashamed. It’s silent for a moment. “Y/n/n.” Carol says softly, but you don’t respond. “Princess please look at me.” Your eyes finally drifting back up to your girlfriend's face. Her smile is soft as she looks at you. “Do you want to stop?” She asks you which has you shaking your head. “I want to do this.” She smiles at you. “Are you sure?” Carol questions again not wanting to push you. “Yes.” You nod your head. 
Carol picks you up which causes you to squeak, wrapping your legs around her waist and your arms tightly around her neck. She carries you to her bedroom and gently lays you down on the bed. For someone so experienced and larger than you you expect her to be a bit more rough and uncaring. But she is a total contrast to every word you have ever heard about Carol from other girls' mouths. Always the big jock on campus who could pull any girl she wanted. She is a badass on and off the court. But you have seen a different side than the rumors. Carol is sweet and caring, she has never pressured you for anything. You’ve been together for 3 months now and she hasn’t once asked for sex when you know with others that is all she wanted. 
Carol leans back on her calves as she looks down at you sprawled out on her bed. She pulls her shirt over her head leaving her just her sports bra on. She reveals her beautiful sculpted abs and toned arms. You’re pretty sure you're drooling just looking at her.  She gives you a wink which makes you blush before she is shuffling her basketball shorts off. Her toned thighs are only covered now by the boxers she is wearing, her large bulge confined by the fabric. 
Carol leans down kissing you softly just hovering over you. “If at any time you want to stop, just tell me okay?” You nod your head in understanding. “Baby girl, I need your words.” Carol smiles reassuringly at you. “Yes I understand.” She smiles, pecking your lips. Carol’s hands move to the hem of your shirt and stop looking at you for permission. You nod with a small yes. You sit up helping her with taking your shirt off. Soon your bra follows being thrown somewhere in the room to be found later. You help Carol to finish stripping your clothes leaving you completely naked. You try to cover your body but Carol pulls your hands away. “You’re so beautiful princess, don't hide from me.”
You pull Carol down kissing her which she gladly accepts. She pulls away starting to kiss down your neck nipping and sucking as she travels down. Your breathing picks up the further she kisses down your body. Soft kisses trailing down your stomach down to your thighs. Settling herself there as she looks up at you with a lustful look in her eyes. Your breath hitching as you look at her nestled between your thighs. 
A breath of hot air hits your wet folds as Carol releases a breath sending a shiver up your spine. Your naked body in front of her for the taking. The desire to take and claim you running through her mind. But she holds back only caring for your comfort. Your first time should be special and she wanted to make it the best. She knows she loves you but it does scare her because she has never felt like this for anyone. She only sleeps around and not falls in love but you caught her heart and she wanted nothing but the best for you. 
Carol licks a strip through your folds moaning at your taste. You gasp at the new feeling, so different but so good. She circles her tongue around your clit before wrapping her lips around your sensitive bundle of nerves. She sucks harshly which causes you to moan, your hand flying to her hair and lacing your fingers through her hair. You can feel her smirk against you as she continues to work over your clit. 
Breathy moans escaping your lips as Carol continues to lick and suck. One of her hands trailing up your body as she cups your breast and tweaks your nipple. Her other hand moving between your legs. Your wetness coating her finger as she teases your entrance. She slowly probes her finger at your entrance before slowly pushing one in. Your gasping as your grip on her hair tightens. She slowly pumps it in and out. Working on stretching you out to take her cock, not wanting to hurt you. She slowly adds a second finger, the stretch foreign with very little sting. “Mmm.” A tight grip on her hair as she lets you get used to the feeling. 
You have never felt like this before the pleasure building in your lower stomach as Carol brings you closer to the edge. Her tongue working your bundle of nerves and her fingers thrusting in and out of you, her fingers curling up and pressing into the sensitive spot inside of you. Your moans filling the room as Carol laps at your cunt. “Please.” You whimper as you feel so close to the edge. “I-I think I need to. Mmm fuck.” Your walls clamp down on Carol's fingers as she lightly scissors them inside of you. “A-Ahhh.” The extra stretch is slightly painful but still building you towards your high. “Cum baby girl.” Carol moans against your core, sending you over the edge. Your back arching as your thighs clamp around her head and your fingers tighten their grip. The sting in her scalp caused her to moan. Your cum coating her lower face as she laps at your folds. 
Carol works you through your high her tongue lapping at all the cum you could give her. As she slows down you come back to your senses, your chest heaving. “You did so good princess.” Carol smiles as she pulls back. Your juices coating the lower half of her face which has you blushing. You cover your face with your hands. You feel the bed shift before your hands are pulled from your face. She smiles, leaning down and kissing you roughly. You moan into her mouth when you taste yourself on her lips. This kiss is much more desperate, almost needy. You can feel her hardened length still in their confines pressing against your core. 
A whine escapes your lips the longer you feel Carol’s length pressed against you. “Please.” You mumble against her lips. She pulls back looking you in the eye as she hovers over your body. She smiles at you leaning back as she pulls her sports bra and boxers off her cock springing free as she kicks them off her feet. You lick your lips when you see her cock springs free. She leans back over you and kisses you gently leaning her head against yours. “Baby girl it’s going to hurt at first but it will feel good eventually. If it becomes too much, tell me and we will stop.” She tells you gently her length rubbing through your drenched folds. “I’m ready.” You nod.
Carol lines her length up with your entrance, the head catching lightly as she coats it in your juices. “Carol, what about a condom?” You question as she slowly pushes the head in. You grunt and hold onto her shoulders the sting and fullness just from that little bit already overwhelming. She shakes her head. “It takes away from the feeling. I hate them.” She pushes in more. “F-fuck you feel so good.” You dig your nails into the skin of her shoulders the more she pushes in. “I’ll pull out, I promise princess.” Carol says which has you nodding a tear slipping down your cheek from the painful stretch. 
You can feel the head of Carol’s cock on every ridge of your walls. Her cock slowly fills you full until she has sheathed herself inside of you. As a few tears fall she wipes them gently from your cheeks and kisses you softly, waiting for you to give her the go ahead to move. Your stretched walls feeling every vein and ridge of her cock. The pain slowly dissipates to something more manageable. You wrap your legs around Carol’s hips and grind lightly gasping at the feeling. Carol smirks slowly pulling back before lightly thrusting back in. She keeps a slow pace, her walls still stretching around her cock. 
Small moans fall from your lips as your walls get used to the feeling of being stretched. Carol snaps her hips a little too hard when she thrust which has you whimpering. “Sorry baby girl, so sorry.” She moans. “You just feel so good. So fucking tight.” All you can manage is a nod, words hard to form. Carol slowly builds her thrust up to a nice steady pace. The pain melts into pleasure. 
“Fuck so good for me. This pussy was made for me princess. Wraps around me so perfectly.” Carol grunts the gentle slapping of her hips against yours. Your hips bucking on their own accord the new found pleasure intoxicating to you. “S-so good.” Carol’s head pressed against yours as she continued thrusting. Her eyes fixed on yours watching your face morphing into one of pleasure. Your hands slipping to her back and digging your nails in. She moans at the sting as her hips speed up more. There is still pain mixed with pleasure as she pounds into you. A new feeling you never want to stop. 
Both of your orgasms are building. Carol angles her hips to where the head of her cock brushes against that spot deep inside of you, having you moaning loudly, closing your eyes and dragging your nails down her back. “O-ohhhh.” Your back arching closer as you feel Carol’s chest against yours. Your hurtling towards your second orgasm as your walls flutter around Carol’s length. “Fuck princess your squeezing me so good.” Carol pants above you, her cock twitching as she gets close.
“I’m going to fill this pussy so good. Fucking fill you so full of my seed. Maybe just get your pregnant so you're mine forever.” Carol grunts with every thrust. Your mind turns to mush as you nod along to the words falling from her lips. “Please Daddy.” Your nails are digging deeper into her back, drawing some blood. Not even noticing the words that slip from your mouth. Carol smirks her hips rutting into yours. 
Carol’s hand slips between your bodies reaching your clit and pressing her finger into the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your whimpers and moans echoing off the walls. With the added pressure on your clit you're so close. “Please s-so close.” You whine desperate to cum again. Carol is right there with you. “Cum with me princess.” Carol moans as she thrust a few more times before her hips stutter. Your walls squeezing her length so tight as you cum. Your nails scratching more at her back, your back arching impossibly closer to her. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your body trembles below her. Carol feeling you cum follows not that far behind you filling you full as her hips twitch. 
You're both panting as you both come down from your high. Your eyes open to see Carol’s wide slightly panicked eyes. Your eyes widening when you realize why her eyes are so wide as you feel her cum dribbling out around her cock. “I-I’m so sorry Y/n. I got carried away a-and you felt so good.” Deep down she actually hoped that maybe you would get pregnant from this but knows that you might not be ready for that. You're quiet for a moment processing what just happened. “I-it’s okay. You didn’t mean to.” You try to reassure her still being panicked since you aren’t on any birth control. 
Carol pulls out of you slowly as you wince feeling a bit sore. “Sorry princess.” Carol says seeing you wince in pain. She gets up quickly going to the bathroom and getting a washcloth to clean you both off. She comes back before gently cleaning you up before she wipes herself off. She throws the washcloth on the floor to clean up later before crawling into bed. You instantly move to curl up into her side, laying your head on her chest. She wraps her arms around you tightly. 
The room is quiet for a few minutes before Carol breaks the silence. “I’m sorry.” She mumbles. You look up at her with your chin on her chest and a small smile on your face. “It’s okay. It felt really good actually.” You blush, hiding your face in her chest which makes her laugh. “I love you.” Carol chuckles until she realizes what she said. You lift your head to look up at her with a smile on your face. “I love you too Carol.” You lean up to kiss her, both of you smiling into the kiss. You pull back, settling back into her arms as you draw patterns on her chest. Both of you are happy to be in each other's arms and in love.
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screaminglygay · 10 days
third time is a charm, right? (part six)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, wanda maximoff x fem!reader, natasha romanoff x wanda maximoff, carol danvers x fem!reader (platonic), past carol danvers x natasha romanoff
summary: you feel like there is something more to your relationship with wanda and natasha, but in reality? there is not.
warnings: swearing, nat being mean, kinda toxic!nat, alcohol consumption, ankle injury, crying, just some angst!
word count: 4k
an: this one is a bit angsty, just cause i felt like it:P
(italica = your thoughts)
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Wanda and Natasha have kept their promise, showing up at your workplace a next day. They sit in a small corner of the café, their presence commanding attention despite their casual demeanor. Wanda is sipping a coffee, her fingers wrapped around the cup, while Natasha leans back in her chair, looking around the room.
You steal glances at them whenever you have a free moment, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in your chest. The sight of them together, so effortlessly confident and undeniably alluring, fills you with a warmth that spreads from your heart to your fingertips. It feels like you never made a coffee in your life, how nervouss you are around them.
Finally, after a rush hour you have a small break, you make your way over to their table. Natasha spots you first, a slow, appreciative smile spreading across her face. Wanda's eyes light up as she looks up from her coffee, her lips curving into a welcoming smile.
"Hey," you greet them, your voice tinged with both shyness and exitement.
"Hey yourself," Natasha replies, her tone playful. "How's your day going?"
You shrug, feeling more at ease in their presence. "Busy, but seeing you two here makes it a lot better."
Wanda's smile deepens, and she reaches out to touch your hand briefly. "We're glad to hear that. We've been looking forward to seeing you in your element."
Natasha nods, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And we have to admit, we were curious about where you spend your days."
As you chat with them, the conversation flows easily, filled with light banter and genuine interest. You feel a sense of belonging, as if these two extraordinary women have carved out a special place for you in their lives. Their attention is unwavering, making you feel seen and appreciated in a way that goes beyond words.
But you can´t hide the little voice in your head, that is once again overthinking… they wouldn´t be so nice if it would be just sex to them… right?
After a while, you reluctantly mention needing to get back to work. Natasha glances at her watch and then back at you. "We don't want to keep you from your duties, but we were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner after your shift?"
Your heart skips a beat at the invitation. "I'd love that."
"Great," Wanda says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We'll be waiting."
With a final smile, you head back to the counter, the prospect of dinner with Wanda and Natasha adding an extra spring to your step.
Oh my god- oh my god! (Y/N) calm down, it´s just a dinner. Friendly dinner. Or is it?
The dinner goes well, filled with laughter, playful banter, and an undeniable chemistry that crackles in the air between you. As the evening progresses, the conversation becomes more intimate, and the touches more lingering. Natasha’s hand grazes your thigh while Wanda’s fingers trace delicate patterns on your arm, sending shivers down your spine.
The moment soon turns more heated. Natasha leans in, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, her lips soft yet demanding. Wanda’s hands slide up your back, pulling you closer into the warmth of their embrace. It’s a cycle of kisses and touches, pure lust taking over as the three of you explore each other with an insatiable hunger.
Weeks pass in a blissful haze. You find yourself spending more time at their luxurious apartment, each visit is shared with pleasure. The bond between you three deepens with each kiss, each tender touch.
During one of your visits, as you lie entwined on their couch, Wanda’s voice breaks the serene silence. She speaks about a heavy business case they have tomorrow, her tone tinged with worry. Something about the Danvers company taking their customers and main sponsors, especially at glorious gala nights, that are arranged every month for companies like theirs. You can sense the underlying tension, you have never seen them this… worried about something. And you´re glad you could make them forget about it for a little while, but your heart wants to help them more.
The next day, driven by a desire to support them, you decide to go to their office. Finding your way to the sleek, imposing building, you eventually spot Natasha, her demeanor taut with stress.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, her voice edged with irritation.
“I came to support. Wanda said it is really important for you, so I came to support the two of you.” You smile.
Natasha’s eyes narrow, frustration evident. “Yeah, it is important, but I don’t have a clue why you are here. I didn’t ask you to come.”
“You didn’t, no, but I just… thought that maybe it would be nice.”
“You thought wrong. We are not together! You can’t just show up here.” Natasha scoff and your heart sinks.
Wanda arrives, sensing the tension, and looks at you with concern. “Nat, she was just trying to do a nice thing.”
Natasha's frustration spills over. “No, Wanda. She feels like we are together, but we’re not! Jesus, what will people think? We have her just for sex, god dammit! She can’t just show up in here and act like our girlfriend.”
Your heart feels like it’s being torn in two. “You did show up to my work too.”
Wanda’s voice is gentle but firm. “That was different.”
Natasha’s voice is sharp. “It was a coffee shop, (Y/N). This is my company! Important place.”
“So I’m not important?”
Wanda reaches out, trying to calm the situation. “(Y/N)-”
Natasha cuts in, her voice cold. “No!”
Feelings clash and collide within you, leaving you messy, hurt, and heartbroken. The realization hits hard— you were never more than a convenience, a thrill for them.
“It would be better if you’d leave, (Y/N),” Wanda says softly, her eyes filled with regret.
“Right… okay, I- I’m sorry, I didn’t know it is embarrassing to be seen with me.”
The walk back to your apartment is a blur. Anger, sadness, and a deep sense of betrayal swirl within you. You feel used, discarded like a mere object. What you thought was a connection was nothing more than a facade, a cruel illusion.
In the quiet of your room, you let the tears fall, each one a testament to your broken heart. The sting of their words echoes in your mind, making you question everything. You hate yourself for being so naive, for believing that you could mean something more to them.
After a few hours of crying in your own bed, you decided to go for a drink or two. Sitting in a bar nursing your drink and drowning in a sea of regret, sounded like a better activity than just cry in your apartment. The sting of Natasha’s words still burns in your mind. The bar is dimly lit, a perfect reflection of your current mood. Your thoughts are a chaotic mess, replaying the harshness of Natasha’s dismissal and Wanda’s helpless gaze. The alcohol numbs the pain slightly, but not enough to stop the tears from silently streaming down your face.
In a moment of reckless impulse, you decide to send a text to Natasha and Wanda, something along the lines of, "Thanks for making things clear," but you delete it before hitting send, knowing it would only make things worse. You drain your glass and stumble out of the bar, the night air hitting your face like a slap. The streets are blurry, and your mind is foggy, filled with anger and sadness. As you make your way from the bar, you miss your next step, causing your ankle to bend in 90°C.
Not sure if it´s the alcohol or the heartbreak, but you don´t feel any pain at all. Just a set of hands that are supporting you right now.
"Careful!" A tall blonde lady caught you, she look a bit familiar to you.
"I´m all good-" you clear your throat.
She chekcs you up and down, "oh! You're with Maximoff and Romanoff, huh?" Her hands still on you.
"No," you say sternly, trying to steady yourself as you eventually sit down on the curb on the sidewalk.
"Oh… um, my apologies. Do you need any help with that?" she asks, her eyes filled with concern.
You take a moment to process her words, finding her beauty distracting. "NO! I- sorry, no… I don't think- I'm fine, I'm okay."
She looks down at you. "You're crying, obviously drunk. I saw you in the bar, you looked like shit. You still do, by the way. Let me drive you home."
"No." You quickly mumble as you wipe your tears.
"Okay, then I can call you an Uber?"
"Taxi? Or anything else you´d prefer?"
She sighs, clearly slightly irritated. "Can you say something else other than 'no'?"
"Okay, cool." She sits down next to you, and you wince as you realize your ankle is starting to hurt slightly. She notices too and frowns.
"What are you doing?" You ask, your eyes meeting hers.
"Staying… I'm not leaving you alone in this state. No buts… I don't want you to get more hurt."
"Why?" you ask, genuinely puzzled.
"Because," she replies simply, not offering more but somehow making you feel a bit safer.
You nod, accepting her presence, and for a moment, there is a peaceful silence between you. Her calm demeanor is oddly comforting.
After a while, she breaks the silence. "I have to ask… did the big CEOs make you feel like shit?"
"What?" you respond, confused by the question.
"Natasha and Wanda."
"I don´t know what you´re talking about," you look away from her, but can´t really concentrate on anything since you´re vision is still pretty blurry.
"I´m Carol, used to be their friend and I'd hate to burst your bubble, but you're not the first one." She states, still looking at you.
You look at her skeptically. "W-what do you mean? Y-you too?"
She smiles and shakes her head. "I wasn’t in their relationship, no. But I am an ex of Natasha’s."
It finally hits you, "Ohhh, Carol Danvers?"
She nods with a small smile, "you heard about me?"
"A little bit, Natasha was mentioning you, while she was talking about some gala night."
"Small world, huh?" she says with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah…," you reply, still processing the revelation.
And another moment of silence was set, your world was still spinning like crazy, but at least you coudln´t fall from your position.
"She's not much of a romantic person… Natasha." Carol speak up again.
"No, not really," you admit, the bitterness creeping back into your voice.
"I'm sorry about that." Carol looks at your ankle.
"It´s okay…" You mumble.
"I meant the ankle, but uh… about them too."
"Oh right… did Natasha broke up with you because of Wanda?" You are curious, is the redhead acting in a normal relationship like this too?
Carol shakes her head. "No. I broke up with her, because she just wanted more and more of me. And then she wanted someone else, someone I'm not willing to turn into, just because I was deeply in love with her."
"Oh… I'm sorry to hear that," you say, feeling a pang of empathy.
"Eh, don't be. It was a few years ago. And it looks like she hasn´t change a bit." The blonde shrugs.
"I wish I was straight," you blurt out, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down on you.
Carol chuckles at your words. "Oh really? So in another universe, you wouldn’t cry because of Natasha, but because of Nathaniel. What is the difference?"
You can’t help but laugh a little at her response, despite the pain in your heart. The simplicity of her words brings a momentary clarity, a reminder that love and heartbreak are universal, regardless of the specifics.
As you sit there with Carol, you find yourself growing more curious about her history with Natasha and how she managed to move on. "How did you manage to get past her?" you ask, your voice tinged with curiosity.
Carol takes a deep breath, looking thoughtful. "It wasn't easy," she begins. "Natasha is… intoxicating. She's strong, confident, and when she focuses on you, it's like the world fades away. But I had to remind myself that it wasn't healthy. She didn't want me as an equal partner; she wanted me as an accessory to her life, someone she could control and use when it suited her."
You nod, absorbing her words, feeling a connection to her struggle. Just as you open your mouth to ask another question, your phone buzzes. You glance at the screen and see a text from Wanda: "I’m sorry about what happened, can we talk?"
A bitter chuckle escapes your lips as you read the message. Carol raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What is it?" she asks.
You show her the text, and she sighs knowingly. "Let me guess," she says, leaning back slightly. "They’re going to apologize, make you feel needed, convince you that you’re special to them."
You frown, feeling a mix of hope and skepticism. "And then what?" you ask, needing to hear her perspective.
Carol looks at you with a mixture of sympathy and firmness. "Then, they’ll draw you back in. You’ll enjoy their company, feel like you belong with them. Natasha will apologize because she sees you as something she needs. Something she owns. She’ll make it seem like she can’t function without you, and for a while, you’ll feel important. But it’s a cycle. She craves control, and as long as you’re under her influence, she’ll keep you on that emotional rollercoaster."
You feel a pang of recognition at her words. "So, what should I do?" you ask, feeling lost.
Carol reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You need to decide what’s best for you. If you can handle the ups and downs, if that’s what you want, then maybe you can find a way to make it work. But if you’re looking for something real, something where you’re valued for who you are and not just what you can provide, then you need to think hard about whether this is the right situation for you."
You nod, feeling more sober now, but your emotions are still messy.
"You deserve to be with someone who sees you as an equal, not just as an accessory." Carol adds.
You chuckle, "you don´t even know me."
Carol smiles gently. "I don’t have to know everything about you to see your worth. It’s clear you have a big heart and that you care deeply. But don’t let that heart be trampled on by people who don’t appreciate it."
You nod, feeling the sincerity in her words. "Thanks, Carol. I guess I just got caught up in the idea of being with them, you know? They seemed so perfect."
"They’re magnetic, for sure," Carol agrees. "But perfection is often an illusion. What really matters is how people treat you, especially when things get tough."
Your phone buzzes again, another message from Wanda: "Please, (Y/N)?"
Carol notices your hesitation and sighs. "Look, if you feel you need closure or even just one last conversation, that’s okay. But go in with your eyes open. Know what you want out of it and don’t settle for less."
Taking a deep breath, you nod. "You’re right. I think I need to hear what they have to say."
Carol smiles approvingly. "Just maybe drink some water, get an ice for your ankle and take some bubblegum."
You chuckle, "oh… yeah, I need that, yeah."
With that, you send a brief reply to Wanda: "Okay, let’s meet. When and where?"
As you wait for her response, you agree and ride with Carol into the nearest shop for some cold water and bubblegum for you. During your not so long drive you share stories about life, work, some old memories from drunk parties. Carol seems like a super nice woman, who stands her ground, something you have trouble to do so.
A few minutes later, your phone buzzes again: "How about our place in 30 minutes?"
You look at Carol, who gives you a reassuring nod. "You’ve got this," she says. "Just remember what we talked about."
"I don´t want to go inside," you shake your head.
"You don´t have to." Carol and you get out of her car as she goes to buy you the stuff that you need to freshen up.
You hum and quickly type an answer to Wanda: "Okay, but we will talk outside."
Carol gives you an ice pack on your leg, "better?" You can just nod.
After 30 minutes Carol drops you near their apartment complex, your nerves are killing you once again. You feel less drunk and more scared. To be fair you feel the same way you look, horrible. Your ankle is now swollen and your makeup is just messy.
As you´re zooned out, you don´t notice them walking towards your secured spot on one of the benches.
"Hey," Wanda says softly, bringing you from your thoughts.
You look up to see both Natasha and Wanda standing before you. Natasha’s eyes immediately fall to your swollen ankle, her concern evident. "What happened to your ankle?" she asks, her voice laced with worry.
You brush it off, trying to appear composed. "What do you want to talk about?" you say, straightening up and attempting to steady yourself, even though you’re still feeling the remnants of your earlier drinking.
Wanda kneels down beside you, her gentle hands examining your ankle with care. "We should get you some ice for this," she says, looking up at Natasha, who nods in agreement.
Ignoring their concern, you persist, "I´m okay, what do you want to talk about?"
Natasha sits beside you, her eyes searching yours. "We want to talk about what happened earlier, and about us," she begins, her tone sincere. "But first, let us help you. You’re hurt."
You sigh, knowing they won’t let it go and in your state… no one can blame you for nodding. "Fine," you concede, allowing Wanda to help you to your feet. Natasha wraps an arm around you, supporting you as you hobble towards their apartment.
Once inside, they guide you to the couch and prop your foot up with some cushions. Wanda disappears into the kitchen, returning shortly with a bag of ice wrapped in a towel. She gently places it on your ankle, her touch tender and caring.
Natasha sits next to you, her eyes never leaving your face. "We’re sorry," she starts. "For everything. For how we made you feel and for giving you a mixed signals."
Wanda sits on the other side of you, her hand resting lightly on your shoulder. "We’ve been thinking a lot about what happened and how we can make it right," she adds.
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of their words. "It hurt," you admit, your voice trembling slightly. "I thought I meant more to you."
Natasha’s expression softens. "You do mean more to us," she says. "But we’ve been selfish, we´re sorry. I am sorry."
No. I won´t fall for this. I can´t...
Wanda nods in agreement. "We want to make things right, but we also understand if you need time or if you decide that this isn’t what you want anymore."
You take a moment to process their words, the sincerity in their voices and the care they’re showing you. "I need to think about it," you finally say. "I need to take care of myself first."
Natasha nods, her eyes understanding. "Take all the time you need," she says. "We’ll be here." Natasha´s hand fall on your knee, squeezing it slightly. Oh how you missed her hand on you, but… does it mean more to you than your of sanity?
"I uh… I should get going." You stand up while Natasha´s grip on your knee tightens.
"You´re not going anywhere, you´re hurt." She speaks firmly.
"I´m going home." It was your time to stand for yourself, which shocks you a bit, but today was the worst rollercoaster of your life, you just need your bed.
"Can we drive you at least?" Wanda´s soft voice warm your heart.
"No, I´ll uh.. take an Uber." Shockingly they agreed.
Natasha and Wanda help you to the door of their apartment complex, your swollen ankle still giving you trouble. As you reach the entrance, you pull out your phone. "I’ll call an Uber," you say, trying to sound nonchalant.
Just then, you notice a familiar car parked nearby. To your surprise, Carol is still there, waiting for you. Natasha and Wanda exchange glances.
"Is that your Uber?" Natasha asks, a hint of skepticism in her voice.
"Yeah, it is," you reply quickly, not wanting to explain the full situation.
Wanda looks at the car, then back at you. "That was fast."
You manage a weak smile, hobbling toward the car. As you get in, Carol chuckles, a playful smirk on her face. "I have admit, I was invested."
You chuckle, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, Carol. I didn’t expect you to wait."
Carol shrugs, "I figured you might need a ride. Plus, I wanted to make sure you were okay."
You carefully shift yourself into the seat, wincing slightly as you adjust your ankle. Carol glances at you with a playful grin, then back at the door, where Wanda and Natasha dissapear. "Oh, you didn’t want to get inside their apartment, huh?"
You roll your eyes, laughing despite yourself. "Shut up."
As Carol starts the car, you feel a sense of comfort knowing she’s there for you, even though you met her like two hours ago. But you can´t shake the safe feeling you have with her. It might be the alcohol, the situation or just your nature to trust a beatifuly looking woman. "Thanks for being here," you say softly.
"No problem." Carol smirks.
You look at her, "what?"
"First of all, I don´t know where you live, second of all… I´m waiting for some storytime of a verdict or something." She chuckles.
"Oh right, sorry." You shake your head a bit, "Just drive to the Library and then I´ll tell you from there." Carol nods as she starts to drive. "And… um I told them I´ll think about it."
"They were sorry, hm? I mean I don´t blame them, the past ladies before you- well let´s say they weren´t the most kindest souls."
"What do you mean?" You look at Carol.
"Two biggest CEO´s, lots of money, lots of power…" Carol glance at you quickly.
"Oh… I never really thought about it that much." You shrug.
"And that´s why they´re so sorry. And that´s why I would be more careful." Carol honestly states.
The rest of the car ride is peaceful, the city lights blurring past as you reflect on the evening’s events. Carol’s presence is a steadying force, and you feel a little more grounded with each passing moment.
Once you arrive back at your place, Carol helps you inside, making sure you’re settled comfortably. "You sure you’re going to be okay?" she asks, her concern evident.
You nod, managing a small smile. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks again, Carol. For everything."
She gives you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "Get some rest. And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call." She gives you her bussiness card.
As she leaves, you feel a strange mix of emotions—hurt, confusion, but also a glimmer of hope. You have a lot to think about, but for now, you’re grateful for the support you’ve found in an unexpected place, but you will definetly think about it more tomorrow, when you´ll be sober. You glance at the card that Carol gave you.
Ceo Carol Danvers.
Turns out you might have a type.
Thank you for reading! How do you think it will continue?
taglist: @arualdcg, @beholdagaywriter, @snowdrop1026, @itsdoni, @newawakening9​, @aliherreraaa, @zzswiftyzz, @lesbiantothemoonandback, @maggieromanov,
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ncis-nerd · 7 months
Desperate Bunny
Note- Did not proofread. I think I called Nat daddy once but Wanda is daddy, Nat is mommy and Carol is captain.
Ship: Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanov x GN!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Degradation, small use of feminine pet names, aftercare, fluff. Reader has a uterus.
About: What happens when y/n is needy and tries to be slick about it? Wanda teaches them a lesson. Fluff and aftercare after!!
Wanda smiled as her fingers brushed along y/n's face. "Awe, is our dumb little puppy needy?" The redhead cooed. Y/n whimpered in response. Carol and Nat huffed. "Of course they are, look how they're just rutting themself on my boot. So pathetic" Carol growled. Y/n desperately rode Carol's once shiny boots, now covered in her sticky wetness. "They're definitely cleaning this later" Carol mumbled to Nat. Carol lifted her boot, causing it to hit y/n's clit. They gasp softly and plead. "Please Carol, please. I need it, please captain-" they spew out. Carol smirks "Captain?" Y/n began to blush in embarrassment, their face turnt tomato red. "Awe our dumb little slut gets flustered so easily" Wanda murmured. "Stupid mutt doesn't even know what they're begging for." Nat hissed.
Y/n continued chasing their high, attempting to get off before anyone could notice. Unfortunately, their act was not subtle and was put to a stop immediately "The dumb whore thinks they can do whatever they please, get off whenever they want. They don't know their body belongs to us and we're the only ones that can bring it pleasure." Nat growled.
Wanda snaked her arms around y/n, lifting up, to her level. "Ladies I think we need to teach our puppy a lesson." Wanda purred, caressing y/n's body. Her arms light as a feather, enough to leave y/n squirming in their place. "Oh yeah? What did you have in mind, baby?" Carol inquired. Pressing a soft kiss against Wanda's lips. Wanda pulled away, and glanced towards Nat, motioning for her to get closer. "I think..." Wanda whispered, dragging the two closer, all y/n could hear were a bunch of hushed voices, they whined, not liking being excluded. "it's okay detka" one of the woman's voices said in a comforting tone. Nat left the room, y/n looked at Wanda confused, scrambling their brain to figure out what the three were planning.
Nat returned with rope and a vibrator in her hands, Carol began to move y/n to the bed. Nat started to tie up y/n and moved closer to their eye. Whispering "if you need to stop at anytime, you can call your safewords. Remind me what they are, my love?" Nat asked, her words tickling against y/n's ear. Y/n, stuck in their thoughts, neglects to hear Nat. "Honey?" Nat pulled away, looked at y/n concerned. This caught y/n's attention, "yes mommy?" Y/n squeaked. "Angel, I asked to hear your safewords." Nat said. "Red if I want to stop completely, Yellow to slow down and green means I'm okay." Y/n spoke. "You're doing great baby, if you need to stop then call red, detka." Nat praised.
Once Nat finished tying up y/n, Wanda turned on the vibrator that was between their legs all the way up. Y/n jerked immediately, squirming and moving all over the bed. "So responsive, so sensitive" Carol noticed. "What's the matter baby, thought you wanted more? Didn't you wanna cum, puppy?" Wanda pouted with fake sympathy and teasing y/n. They nodded in response, "p-please daddy, please- can i cum- gonna cum.." they exclaimed. "Oh..don't worry little one, your daddy decided that since you want to get off so badly, you can cum as much as you want baby." Nat smirked.
A few orgasms later, y/n was realizing what Wanda's true plan was. To make them cum as until they're begging her to stop. Until it's too much. "Have you had enough yet, puppy?" Wanda cooed, going over to y/n and admiring the tears dripping down their face. "So wet, is that for us detka?" Carol mumbled, her hands running all around y/n's soft body. "Of course it is, the whore loves this." Nat purred, latching onto y/n's nipple. Biting it softly and tugging on it. Her tongue circled their breast, coating it in saliva. Nat moved away and flicked the bud with her finger. Y/n groaned softly, arching they back and moving towards their daddy's touch. Nat smirked in response, noticing y/n's little show.
"Did you learn your lesson puppy?" Wanda spoke, moving the vibrator and putting it directly on their clit. Y/n squealed "Daddy, too much!!" They exhaled in a shakily breathe. Wanda continued, for one final orgasm. They felt that rush come over them and whined they still felt the vibrator on them. Wanda let them ride out their high, then turned off the vibrator.
Y/n laid spaced out, sprawled all over the bed. "God look at our little slut." Carol admired. "So pretty, only we can make you this way. Isn't that right baby?" Wanda cooed, not expecting a response as you were entering subspace. Nat began to loosen y/n and left little kisses on her wrists and legs that were previously tied up. Carol went to get water and lotion for their wrists, Wanda put the toys away, to be cleaned up at a later time.
A cold washcloth touched y/n's skin, they whimpered and tried to move away from the cold piece of cloth. "Shh.. it's okay detka. You did so good my love. Let mommy clean you up, hm? No more playing, all done." Wanda whispered, looking at y/n. Admiring the mess they made out of their angel, before cleaning them up. The cloth dragged through y/n's folds, they continued to whine but no longer protested and allowed Wanda to clean them up.
Carol walked in with the water and lotion. She joined y/n on the bed, pulling them into her lap after putting the lotion on them. She held the opened bottle to their mouth "Drink, baby." She murmured. Y/n took large sips. "'M so proud of you my love, ya know that?" Carol praised.
The three woman cuddled y/n. Y/n was in the middle of Wanda and Nat, their head pressed against Wanda's chest, legs intertwined with the redheads' legs. Hands drawing shapes on Wanda's unclothed stomach. Wanda smirked. Carol held Nat, and the four fell asleep.
"Still feeling floaty babes?" Carol spoke in nothing louder than a whisper. Y/n hummed in response, looking around. The bed felt lighter, Wanda and Nat were nowhere to be found. "They went to food babes." Carol spoke, noticing the way y/n was searching the room, scanning their eyes for the pair that were gone. "Wanna watch a movie in the living room, baby?" Y/n nodded against Carol's chest. As Carol stood up, she nodded y/n still laying in the bed. "Cmon babes, get up." Carol spoke. Y/n whined and did grabby hands, reaching for Carol. "Oh? Want me to carry you, bunny?" Carol questioned. Y/n nodded. Carol bent down and lifted y/n, they wrapped their legs around Carol, laying their head on Carol's head. They signed in contempt. "Oh is this more comfortable, bunny?" Carol smirked, carrying them to the living room. Carol put them down on the couch, they whined in response, from the loss of touch. "I'll be right there detka, let me just grab the remote" Carol promised, seeing y/n's distress.
"Want popcorn babes?" Carol spoke, turning on the television. Y/n shook their head and whined, they just wanted Carol. The captain laughed in response and joined them on the cough. "My clingy baby, so cuddly. Like a koala." Carol teased. Y/n hid their face in embarrassment. "Hey, hey. No need to be shy, bunny. Let me see your pretty face. Hm?" Carol cooed, removing y/n's hands from their face. "Ah! There you are, my gorgeous little bunny. What to you wanna watch baby?" Carol asked, scrolling though the list of movies. When scrolling, y/n's favorite movie comes up. Immediately, they point at the screen "Tangled!!" They exclaimed. Carol laughed at this "Oh, so you can speak now? Hmm.. are you pointing at Tom and Jerry? I can't quite tell what you're pointing at. Can you repeat that, bunny? Carol teased, wanting to hear more of their voice. "I said-" They were cut off, being attacked with tickles by Carol. They squealed. "Carol!!", squirming, breathlessly.
Wanda and Nat walked into the house with a brown baggie filled with Chinese takeout. The redhead met the eyes of the green eyed spy and smiled when they heard the voice of y/n laughing. Wanda dropped the baggie on the counter and they went to investigate. They were greeted with the sight of Carol on top of y/n, trapping them beneath her and tickling them. "So this is what you did while we were gone?" Nat teased Carol. "Hey, what could I say? They are just so tickleable!" Carol exclaimed. Wanda sat next to them on the couch "Tickleable? Huh.. Don't think that's a word detka." Wanda spoke, leaving a kiss on the captain's forehead and latching onto y/n's hand. "Hm, how is our bunny doing? You still light or out for subspace, honey?" Nat asked, sitting next to the others. Carol got off of y/n. Giving them some space to answer. "I'm here, I'm back. Still feel a little light though, more cuddly though." Y/n spoke, as their tummy growled. Suddenly, they noticed the smell of low mein and shrimp wontons. "Mm that smells so good.. you got my favorite!" Y/n spoke, happily. "Mhm, only the best for our bunny." Wanda hummed, leading them to the kitchen. The movie long forgotten about.
A/N: If you liked the fic then heart, reblog and comment!! This is not apart of my series inspired by song titles au.
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brooooswriting · 8 months
Carol Danvers x reader (romantic), Monica Rambeau x reader (platonic), Kamala Khan x reader (platonic)
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Kamala was secretly snooping through Carol's ship while the rest were downstairs when suddenly somebody appeared in front of her. She couldn't stop the squeak that left her as she nearly crashed into you. “Wh-Who the hell are you?” she asked once she stepped back.
“Who the hell are you?” you asked back, questioning the audacity of the girl in your girlfriend's ship. You hadn't heard from her in days, which scared you, so you decided to come back and check if she was alright.
“I-I am Ms. Marvel,” she stuttered out, her answer confusing you significantly, but before you could say anything, Carol and a woman came running up.
“Kamala, are you alright?” the captain called out, her first already glowing as she shoved the younger girl behind herself. “Omg, y/n,” she swooned as soon as she saw you. “What are you doing here?” she added as she let go of Kamala, signaling to them that you weren't a threat.
“What I am doing here?” you asked sarcastically, picking up a dishcloth on the table beside you. “You haven't reached out in days, not answering my calls, not texting back. Nothing. Jeez. I thought you died,” you growled at her, hitting her with the cloth you picked up before.
“Alright, alright, can you calm for a second? I want you to meet somebody. This is Kamala Khan, and this is Monica Rambeau, also known as Luitenant Trouble.” She pointed to each of them so you could reach out and shake their hands. You couldn't help but smile when she said Luitenant trouble; she had always told you about the girl and how much she missed her. “And now, how about we go down? So we have a bit of privacy.” Without saying anything, you started to walk toward the stairs. Carol following you like a lost puppy.
You crossed your arms once you stood across from the blonde, an annoyed look on your face. She stood still for a moment, contemplating what to do next. “Don't ever. And I mean ever. Ghost me like that again, or I am going to kick your ass into the next universe,” you threatened, your tone serious.
“I'm sorry, it's just… a lot has happened, and I was so stressed that I didn't even have time to check my phone, love.” She took a step closer to you before continuing. “Now come here; I missed you.” Carol quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss. Without a second thought, your body reacted and kissed her back, your arms wrapping around her neck. You didn't even notice that tears started to stream down your face, the fear of something happening to her finally disappearing.
Once your girlfriend noticed your tears, she pulled away one of her hands, finding your face to wipe away your tears. “It's okay, I'm alright. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't wanna scare you like that. I promise I'll never do it again.” Her muscular arms wrapped around your waist again, her skin touching yours as she scooted them under your hoodie. Her hands rested on your back as you buried your face in her neck, your sobs slowly dying down as she used her powers to heat up her hands. Something she knew calmed you down and helped with your constant back pains. You finally felt content until suddenly the body pressed against your felt… well… different.
Before you could pull back, the other person pulled away. “Iuh, please tell me you didn't do anything sexual,” you recognized Monica's voice and couldn't hide your small smile when you saw that she had her eyes closed.
“You can open your eyes; we were just hugging”
Before anyone could say something else, you heard the captain scream out of annoyance. “Monica, powers. Now,” and a second later, Carol stood in front of you again.
“I-what?” your head tilted to the side, and your brows were furrowed as you tried to piece together what just happened.
“I'll explain in a moment. It's a long story. But first, I want another hug and kiss, this time without switching. I promise.” You fell into her arms again, pressing several small kisses against her lips.
After that, you went back upstairs and joined the other two. Each of them sat on a beanbag while you and Carol sat next to each other on the bed, the blonde's arm wrapped around you while her hand rested on your waist. They, mainly Monica, actually explained what the deal was, and you were more than confused.
Turns out, Carol was not the only one who played with her powers when she was nervous or bored. One moment, you stood in the bathroom with your girlfriend behind you, a hand on your waist as both of you brushed your teeth. And the next a confused teenager had her hand on your waist and stood behind you. You, as well as the teenager, let out a yelp and jumped away from each other before groaning. Kamala immediately started to apologize as she avoided your eyes.
You quickly spit out the toothpaste so you could calm down the girl. “Kamala, Kam- it's alright. It's not your fault, hon. We all have to get used to it.” Your hands landed on her shoulders to stop her pacing. “Now, come on, let's go to the others.” You walked out with the girl behind you. Carol was sitting on the bed with an annoyed look. The moment you stepped out, hell broke loose, the three girls arguing and discussing without listening to each other. You rolled your eyes before whistling loudly, making them stop.
“OK, we will need some rules. While I find all of you lovely, I’d appreciate it if you all weren't constantly in my girlfriend's place. So, first rule: no playing around with your powers out of boredom, Carol, no heating up your hands while hugging or anything.” You threw the blonde a glance before continuing. “Second, if you use your powers, just call out quickly so nobody gets hurt, alright? Last rule, before you guys fight any fight, you'll train how to deal with this.” You saw in their eyes that they wanted to start again, so you spoke up again. “Now, go brush your teeth, and then go to bed. Everybody.” All three of them nodded, Monica and Kamala, making their way to brush their teeth.
“She’d be a great mum,” Kamala whispered to Monica, making you laugh.
While the rest got ready for bed, you and Carol got into bed. Your head rested on her chest as she wrapped her arms around you, kissing your head softly. “Tomorrow, you have to tell me how your see-again with Monica was.”
This would be a wild week in which Kamala couldn't keep eye contact with you for even a second.
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avidfics · 10 months
Chasing you
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Summary: You’ve been on the run from Carol after sending a drunk voicemail. A month later, Carol has found you and doesn’t plan to let you go.
A/N: Came out of a writing hiatus cause I love this woman. There’s not enough carol x reader fics on this app and she gives me the warm fuzzies. Comments and reshares are appreciated :)
Warnings: Pretty PG-13, playful teasing, fluff, some tears, few misspellings, mentions some characters from The Marvels
Three things were painfully obvious as you woke up. This wasn’t your bed. These weren’t your clothes. The “Space Girls Do It Better” sleeveless crop top didn’t belong to you. 
Oh, and there was a fluffy, orange flerken licking its genitals ontop of your chest. A pretty deep cleaning by the looks of it.
“Um.” your voice croaked, the result of a long nap. “Mr. Flerken sir, I’m going to move you and place you on the floor-” Three tentacles shoot out from the confines of its mouth, wraps around a nearby metal dresser, and swallow it whole.
An audible nervous gulp can be heard from your throat. “New plan. Leave when it pleases you.” 
Armed with the killer fluffball, you creep along the cramped halls of the spaceship and take in the colorful murals that are painted inconsistently through the halls. One reads vaguely familiar, “New Jersey.” 
What’s a New Jersey?
In the back of your mind you have a nagging suspicion of the identity of the owner of the ship. But if you were right, then that would be a bigger problem than someone undressing you while you were unconscious. 
You enter the main pilot room as a childlike scream jars both you and the flerken. 
Kamala Khan’s wide eyed, all teeth smile shines from across the room. “OMG you’re awake!”
“God, no.” you groan. You plead to the heavens that this is all just a stress conjured dream even as the teenager morphs a hard light disk to propel her forward to tackle you into a warm hug. “Kamala, please tell me you're the owner of this ship and you’ve gotten your spaceship driver’s license early?
Her lips curve. “Sure.”
A relieved sigh depletes from your body.
“Sure, I missed you. But this is Carol’s ship. After you left she’s been tracking you for the past few weeks. We got an alert that you were involved in a bar brawl on the planet Aladna yesterday. When she found you, you were already beaten unconscious and bleeding from the attack. Carol scooped you up and took care of your injuries in the med bay.” Her signature dopey smile returns. “She nearly blasted the whole bar apart when she found you. It was epic.” she sighs with a faraway look.
Her smile wouldn’t be so bright if she knew you had no interest in being on the same planet yet alone on a small ship with her honored captain. Your frantic eyes start to scan every nook and cranny of the room. As if Carol would materialize from the launch keys at any moment. You drag Kamala to the control panel and start to hit buttons at random. “No, none of this is epic. Kamala, afraid we need to cut this reunion short. Drop me off at the nearest planet or station. Shoot, give me a space jumpsuit and I’ll simply float outside in outerspace. But I Can Not. Be. Here.” 
Kamala gives a sly look at how you’re acting. “Carol said you’d try to jump ship once you woke up.” she smiles as she pets the flerken still in your arms. “Something about you being embarrassed over something moronic.” 
And there it was. Until now there was a slim grasp of hope that Carol hadn’t known what you did but this just confirmed not only did she know but she wasn’t going to let it go. Goody. No way would you tell the whole story of how you’d gone out drinking with some Skrull girls because Carol was driving you crazy in her freaking halter tops. Then you found out she was married to a prince! Sure, it was only a political marriage but still the revelation made you want to punch something or someone. So drunk out of your mind, you left the most pathetic voicemail of all time sounding like a teenager with a crush. Talking about how she attracts you more than the rules of gravity. What was that! The voicemail ended with your declaration to take the prince of Aladna in a fight if that’s what it took to get her attention.
In your defense, she does like to fight. So you did punch someone…or several someones at the bar.
“It’s nothing.” you blink away the memory. “Carol didn’t have any right to kidnap me off the planet”
“Aren’t you a little old to be “kidnaped?” the dreaded voice calls out from behind you both.
You whip your head around, guilt written all over your face even as your jaw slackens at the hottest, yet fatigued, space hero in the galaxy. 
But at the moment Captain Marvel just looked like Carol. A half smile gracing her lips even as she leans against the entrance. Bare arms out, another damn crop top that barely covers her belly button, and an empty space of tantalizing skin at her stomach before the top half of her supersuit hangs limp at her hips. 
It was giving off duty lesbian about to repair an engine and it was making you absolutely feral. 
Which is why you held the flerken outstretched in her direction.
“Not another step, Danvers.” you warn. “This flerkin here has taken a liking to me and isn’t afraid to defend me.”
Carol tilts her head and her full teasing smile tasks force, causing a full quiver in your heart.
Taking slow, meticulous steps toward you, not caring about the fur-covered danger dangling from your hands. “You’ve taken a liking to my pet, sweetheart?” 
A spurtle of incoherent nonsense leaves your mouth. “It found me when I woke up. I even named him Ginger.”
“Real creative.” her deadpan sarcasm does not go unnoticed. “Put Goose down before he decides to eat you.” You get ready to fight the command but ‘Goose’ does a loud meow and you decide that’s him agreeing with his apparent owner. 
Her eyes flicker to the noisy teenager next to you. “Kamala, go find another wall to destroy.”
“Aye aye, captain.” You make a desperate attempt to grab Kamala but the small betrayer just mouths “You’re in trouble.” before prancing away. 
With Kamela’s exit the room is too quiet and the once spacious room feels tiny and empty, leaving only the bruising reminder of why you’ve avoided Carol for weeks. Sure, your friend can fly, shoot rays of energy from her fist, and literally crush you with her bare hands but none of that ever scared you. It wasn’t your physical body you were afraid she would break, but the fragile, sensitive heart you always protected. But then there was Carol with her small, gentle smile and her laughing eyes and a warm presence that made you want to be soft instead of sharp with pointy edges.
Under Carol’s gaze you were a giant raw wound that was left open and too exposed. You just knew Carol could see it. 
Which is why getting off this ship was imperative. With a new, hardened resolve you turn around and commerce pressing every button in sight.
“You trying to order a pizza? Because there’s an easier way than having us crash into the nearest asteroid.”  The pull of her voice is so strong after weeks of zero contact but you ignore it nonetheless. Not that it deters Carol. “But maybe your bad driving is a result of getting your ass whooped down on Aladna.”
She’s baiting you. Do not give in.
“I mean the fact that you got your butt handed to you by a group of people who normally only fight in song has to make you mad, right?” The silence in response finally gets to her as she stomps up to the dashboard controls and undos every button you’ve pushed in concession. Each time she reaches for a button near yours, fingers a centimeter from touching, you yank away and take a step away. She grunts in return and counters with another step closer. 
Her next jap finally hits her mark with stinging precision. “Maybe next time you should ask the Prince for backup.”
A response fires out your mouth even as you slam your hand against a particular shiny button. “I had it handled, okay? That pretty boy prince might’ve impressed you somehow but his presence in a fight is as needed as yours is to me right now.” The lie turned your stomach and made you feel like Goose’s shit. “You had no right and no reason to take me off that damn planet because I had it covered. Just drop me off at the nearest planet.”
Carol could smell the lie a mile away. The words bounced off her chest. If anything she was trying to hide her arrogant grin at successfully getting your undivided attention, knowing it would make you more pissed. Which was always an adorable sight.
When her sources flagged a sighting of you on Aladna she’d left the spaceship at supersonic speed to reach you after hunting your trail down for the past month. 
At first, friendship was all she needed. But time spent together on various missions gave her deeper understanding on how darn sweet you were despite scratching at anyone who tried to get close. 
But once she clicked play on that cute, yet slightly violent, voicemail any vague restraints of being only friends were dashed. Now here you were, her prickly kitten, and she wasn’t going to be deterred by any of your rounded jabs. 
Now here you stood. Causing internal issues to her ship's mainframe. Slight bruises marring your delicate skin. All reminders that you’d rather be dropped in outer space than occupy the same room with her. Well tough luck. Patience was never her strongsuit. 
A blur out of the corner of your eye was the only warning before the sudden warm body surrounded you from behind. Two unyielding hands grasped yours in an attempt to halt any further error messages from appearing on the dashboard. “Are you not satisfied with my ship, sweetheart? Because you’re awfully determined to break it.” In another determined step she removes any space separating you two until her front is flushed against your back. Tense doesn’t begin to describe how rigid your body gets as you realize, to your detriment, she’s forgone a bra. Even the tiniest move from her causes her soft, malleable breast to move against your back. Your knees buckle even as you silently curse Carol for completely smashing the boundaries of your personal bubble. 
Warm fingers grasp each of your hands and her thumbs caress circles on each hand that shoots straight to your flamed core. A whisper of her lips speaks into your ear, tingling all the way into your spine. “Six. There’s six bruises across your delicate body from that stupid fight. But you didn’t need me, huh?”
The touch and slight reprimand in her voice makes your body shiver. “T-that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh?” You peek behind to see her face as her fingers gently travel down your arm. Brows furrowed with an intense glare as she inspects your minor injuries in detail. “But that’s what you said, no?” 
In an effort to clutch the last remaining shreds of your pride you squint up at her but end up lowering your glare. “Even if you helped me, that didn’t give you the right to take me off the planet.” you murmur. “And who changed my clothes!” 
The gentle hand remains on your arm but the dark look is dashed away, replaced with a serene smile. “Obviously that was me. Like I would allow anyone else to get a peek at what’s mine.” she snorts. As if the idea was simply absurd. 
All fight leaves your body at the new startling news that Carol, your Carol, just called you hers PLUS  she’s seen you naked? 
You gear up to start a rant but two arms twirl you around and hefts you up. Your legs and arms cling to her even as you yell at her to set you down.
Bullheaded Carol ignores you and instead leisurely walks to her pilot seat. As if this was just a normal Tuesday. When she plops in the driver seat, she settles your weight to straddle her hips. Immediately, you try to scramble away but she wraps her arms around you in a metal vise. That damn innocent smile returns. “The chast act ends now. Because I was prepared to let you go but then you left me this.” It’s like a slow motion car accident as she pulls her cell from her pocket and the dreadful voicemail is played at full volume. 
Renewed vigor allows you to break out of her arms but you're too slow as one hand holds you in place on her lap. Making you listen to your drunk declaration of love.
The tears come as you're forced to helplessly listen, already anticipating the mockery that was soon to come, except Carol didn’t laugh. Instead, you felt soft, slow kisses press against your wet check, trailing your tears.
Carol nuzzling your neck is the only thing stopping your crying as you realize she wasn’t laughing. Her tired smile and fatigued smile returns. “You're so dramatic, kitten. Don’t ask me what “right” I have to kidnap you and bring you on our ship after you left a message like this for me. 
Sensing you were no longer a flight risk, her hard grip releases your wrists. Instead, she traces your face, rubbing away your tear trails. “For now on, you're coming back and helping our missions, warming my bed, and if you start anymore bar fights you better finish them or have your girlfriend there to finish the job for you.”
For the first time in a month, a genuine smile graces your face. Brave enough to fully settle your weight on Carol’s lap, you grasp the nap of her neck to angle her lips for a kiss. When your lips finally connect a deep, dragged out moan leaves Carol’s mouth. Her hands slide up your thighs and squeeze your ass. “Don't run away again.” she warns.
“Aye aye Captain.”
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hard-core-super-star · 10 months
bare your soul 'til it's naked [C.Danvers]
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pairing: sub!carol danvers x dom!reader
summary: you and carol experiment with switching up your usual roles and accidentally discover something new.
warnings: SMUT -> minors, don't look [porn with feelings; bondage; strap-on sex; an exploration of carol's submissive side; strapwarming; a dash of denial; carol's praise kink goes brr; captain kink because duh]
wordcount: 1.8k
a/n: no, i didn't disappear for like all of november, what are you talking about?? anywho, this happened and...i have no reason or explanation for it lmao. also, i'm not even going to pretend to be an expert on dom/sub dynamics but just labeling carol as a bottom felt wrong considering the more...intense route this took. ANYWAY, usual,"this is my first time writing for this character, please give me validation if you liked it," warning applies.
* * * * * * *
It had started as a joke.
You had told Carol how unfair it was that her superhuman abilities always led to her overpowering you after she had effortlessly picked you up and plopped you down onto the couch to stop you from washing the dishes. It had been an almost nonsensical joke that the blonde took a little too seriously. 
It’s not something that genuinely bothers you, in fact, you love how quick Carol always is to pick you up and carry you everywhere. However, you had mentioned how much you’d love to have a turn at being in charge for once and your girlfriend took it upon herself to give you exactly what you wanted. (Like usual) 
You weren’t sure why she was so dead set on doing this, especially considering how much she loves having the upper hand all the time, and yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell her to change her mind. Mainly because you’d have to be an actual fool to deny her anything but also because there’s been a look in her eyes that you can’t quite decipher that was born from the mere thought of switching roles for once.
So, your one meaningless joke had earned you a sight you’d never thought you’d see: Carol Danvers naked and bound on your bed.
It should be ridiculous. She’s a goddamn superhero, for crying out loud, she could easily rip apart those ropes like nothing. And yet…she remains motionless. You’d go far enough to call her stoic if it weren’t for the smirk she hasn’t yet wiped off of her face.
You both know the massive amounts of power she holds inside herself and she still chooses to pretend. To give in to the fantasy. To act like you truly hold all the cards when she’s the one with literal superpowers. 
Your girlfriend huffs as she watches you admire her toned body and the intricate knots that hold her in place. She’s been sitting in the same position for what feels like hours, with her hands tied around her back and her legs spread open, showing off the strap attached to her hips.
“You gonna do something or just stare?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” you reply, shamelessly staring at her jawline while she throws her head back and groans.
“I’m going to lose my mind if you don’t touch me right now.”
You’re tempted to just walk away like she’s done to you countless times but you have other, more important, ideas on your mind. 
You approach her in two quick steps, smiling at the way her eyes literally light up before tangling your fingers in her blonde hair and gently pulling. You’re rewarded with the sound of her gasp and you can practically see the way her veins pop out as she clenches her fists. 
“I think you’re forgetting our deal, Captain,” you whisper. “I’m in charge, you just have to sit there and behave.”
She lets out a soft groan, her eyes fluttering closed for the briefest of seconds. You don't know if it's the hair-pulling or the use of the title that affects her so much but it’s obvious her reluctance melts away in an instant…which means your need to have her begging for you increases tenfold in that same instant.
“Are you going to need a reminder, baby?”
A long second of silence goes by before your girlfriend gives in. You’re more than willing to wait for her, especially once her eyes open again and you’re able to make out the specks of bliss that make her eyes sparkle more than usual. “No…I’ll behave.”
“Good girl,” you hum.
The whine that escapes her doesn’t reach your ears but the way her hips buck is more than noticeable and you can’t stop yourself from reaching out and wrapping your hand around the large toy. The fact that it’s fake doesn’t stop Carol from thrusting into your hand and she looks far too good for you to even think about making her stop.
That doesn’t mean you’re not going to tease her, though.
“Are you needy already, babe? I haven’t even done anything.”
“Maybe that’s why,” she replies, attempting to hold on to some of her usual snarkiness.
Something that would be more effective if she wasn’t bucking her hips in search of some friction. 
The calm and controlled persona she so easily wears out on the field starts to slip and with it comes the barrage of thoughts that never allow her to give up control. It’s subtle but the sparkle in her eyes can’t erase the furrowing of her eyebrows or the tension in her muscles. 
That desperation that makes her thrust up into your hand isn’t unfamiliar. Her need to give in to it is.
So, you do the only thing you know will help her focus on the moment instead of on her unspoken fears. 
“Carol.” Her name leaves your lips as a mere whisper, the grip you have on her hair loosening just enough for the change to register in her unfocused mind.
She takes a deep breath before lifting her eyes up to look at you. You expect her to pull the plug on this whole thing, to put her walls back up and call it a day, but she doesn't. She does the exact opposite and leaves your mind spinning in the process.
“I need you.” The hushed tone she speaks in does nothing to hide her desperation. It’s not the kind you’re used to, though. It’s less about the physical and more about the emotional. It’s about the stability she’s always looked for but has never found in all the countless planets she’s visited. 
The only place she’s found it in all her life is with you.
The second the thought enters your mind, you climb onto her lap, momentarily forgetting about the new dynamic you're forging and merely focusing on your vulnerable girlfriend. Despite your urge to help ground her, you can’t help but notice the way her hips instantly buck once again.
You still decide to wait, though, much to the blonde’s dismay.
“What do you need from me, Captain?”
“Need you…” She trails off and you half expect that to be the end of it until she continues a second later. “Need you to own me…use me…please.”
There’s no doubt in your mind of the strength it took for her to get the words out which only adds fuel to the fire burning in your core. A fire made up of desire, trust, and so much lust it could fill a small planet.
“As you wish,” you mumble before finally giving both of you what you really want.
Carol’s eyes watch you closely while you grip the toy attached to her hips and slowly tease your entrance with it. She technically can’t feel anything yet but she still takes every second in, rotating her hips in an attempt to bring you as much pleasure as she can.
You leave the dildo soaked in less than a minute and the sight of your girlfriend’s abs contracting with every movement does nothing to satisfy your growing desire. Your body shifts until you’re hovering over Carol’s dark blue strap, pretending like you can’t see the way she attempts to slam herself inside your already fluttering walls.
“You wanna fill me up, Captain? Is that what my good girl wants?”
It’s like a switch is instantly flipped inside her brain. Like everything else disappears until she’s left hanging onto your every word. She’s never been like this with someone else, much less felt like this. Felt such an intense devotion that she genuinely longs to submit to every one of your wishes and commands.
You could tell her to jump and she’d leap into the air without a second thought, ropes be damned.
She nods rapidly. “Yes! Yes, I want to fill you up so bad. Please, y/n.”
“If only your little Avengers friends could see you now, all tied up and desperate for me…” You trail off as you sink down onto her, relishing in the unashamed moans she can’t hold back.
You know how much she loves fucking you in this position and you also know how crazy it’s making her that she can’t control your speed. She can’t control anything in this moment. Not the speed of your movements, not the sounds she makes, not the unrelenting bucking of her hips.
The power rests in your hands despite how much of it runs through her veins.
“Fuck-” Your groan brings her back to reality. “You’re so good for me.”
Carol stares at you with wide eyes, plump lips parted just enough to allow all her sinful sounds to slip out unrestricted. Her entire world revolves around you, around the pleasure only she can give you…even when she's not allowed to touch you.
It would be so easy for her to break free, you both know that, and yet somehow, her choosing to remain trapped beneath you makes everything feel ten times stronger than usual. 
Maybe that's what makes the coil in your stomach tighten faster than usual or maybe it's the way the blonde can't stop herself from messily thrusting up into your drenched cunt and burying her strap inside of you.
You’re both lost in each other, your nails digging into her shoulder in search of some stability while she works tirelessly to bring you to new heights. Heights she couldn’t even dream of reaching despite her love for flying.
“y/n,” she mumbles. “Please, I want- I need you.”
“Yeah? You wanna cum already, Captain?”
She shakes her head, the thinnest layer of tears gathering in her stormy eyes. “No, I want to make you cum. Please, can I?”
The mere question has you clenching around the toy but it’s the devoted look that’s plastered onto her face that makes you fall apart. For that brief moment, she’s not Captain Marvel, she’s not an Avenger, she’s just the woman you love more than anything else in the universe, the woman who loves you enough to trust you like this.
You fall over the edge without warning which triggers an avalanche of feelings inside Carol. The two of you slump into each other in a mess of shaking limbs and hoarse voices that cry out the other’s name.
It’s messy and loud and perfect.
It’s unclear how much time you both spend in the throes of your powerful orgasms but when you finally come back to yourself, you find your girlfriend’s face buried into the crook of your neck, trails of salty tears staining her warm cheeks. It takes you another second to realize what she’s mumbling but the second the words register, all your worry melts away.
“I love you-” It comes out more like a broken sob than a beautiful confession but you don’t mind. 
You gently run your fingers through her messy hair, silently watching the shudders that your affection creates. “I love you too. You’re perfect, Carol.”
She doesn’t reply but she also doesn’t argue. She just stays in your arms, basking in the feeling of being loved.
Of finally being home.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 11 months
The stars
Summary: I see my lover when I look at the stars.
Pairing: Carol Danvers x female!reader
Warnings: sexism, men, it’s the 80s, some angst
Word count: 3902
a/n: second chance romance trope, I’m so happy with this you guys!!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Pancho’s bar wasn’t the fanciest place to work at as a young woman, especially because most of the customers are men from the air force. Their favorite past time besides drinking is trying to seduce Y/N, and get her number. But she isn’t interested in them, and never will be, though that’s something she’ll keep to herself. At least the constant flirting leads to good tips, which will eventually help her get out of the bar.
Y/N dries a glass with a rag now that she has some downtime. The rush time will start soon, so she wants to prepare for it to the best of her abilities. There are few regulars sitting either at a table or by the bar, but she knows they’ll let her know if they need anything, otherwise they like to quietly drink to their sorrows.
When the bell by the door rings, Y/N quickly glances at the new customers way, she only sees the air force logo on their clothes, making her roll her eyes. They’re out early today. She sets the cleans classes to their places and washes her hands, taking a deep breath, she gets ready for the onslaught of vulgar words.
“Hey, could we get two beers?”
Her head snaps up when she hears the feminine voice. Two women are standing in front of her with the air force clothes on and friendly smiles on their faces. Y/N stares at them with wide eyes for a moment. Sure every now and then women wonder into the bar, but she has never seen air force women come in.
Y/N regains her composure and grabs two beer glasses. “Sure thing! Which beers would you like?” Her customer service voice is cheery and slightly more high pitched than her normal one.
“Sierra Nevada, please.”
“Coming right up.” As Y/N moves to the taps to pour the beers, the two women start whispering and throwing looks between each other. Without Y/N noticing, the blonde woman’s gaze moves to places her eyes shouldn’t go. “Here you go.” She sets the beers in front of them.
“Thanks,” the woman glances at Y/N’s name tag, “Y/N. I’m Carol.” She hands some bills to pay for both of the drinks. “And this is Maria.” Carol states when she gets nudged to her side by the other woman.
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N says, her voice slower as she tries to figure out her intentions. Carol’s tone is similar to the multiple men who like flirt with her, though more genuine sounding, but surely that’s not what she is doing with her. “Here’s your change.”
“Keep it.” Carol winks before she and Maria go over to a table and sit down, leaving flustered Y/N at the bar.
She pockets the tip and start rearranging the dishes, trying to occupy her mind from wandering to incredibly good looking Carol.
When the clock strikes midnight, the bar is already at full swing. People are dancing to the loud music coming from the jukebox, and occasional bursts of laughter can be heard from the tables full of men, drunk men.
Y/N has been moved from behind the bar to the floor, bringing back empty classes and taking people’s drink orders. Because the other workers are men, they believe having a woman on the floor is better for business.
“Hey, sweetheart!” A drunken air force soldier shouts from a table full of them. He is waving his hand around in a come here motion. With a sigh, Y/N puts on her best smile and makes her way over to their table. “How much for a pretty girl like you to sit with us?” He waves a wad of cash in the air, his mouth formed in a grin that show his teeth. The others are staring at the two like it’s the best entertainment they’ve ever seen.
“Unfortunately I don’t have time to sit with customers. Is there anything else I could get you?” She smiles, holding a tray under her arm. She wants out of the situation, not liking the feeling of all the men’s eyes on her.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart.” The way the man says sweetheart makes Y/N want to gag. “Aren’t you supposed to do anything the customer want, eh? Besides, girls love money, don’t they?”
“I have to go help other customers, let me know if you want more drinks or something to eat.”
As Y/N goes to walk away from the table, the man grabs her arm. “Well hold on a second,” he slurs his words, “I ain’t done with you yet.”
Huffing, she glares at the man. She’s starting to get annoyed. “Listen, mister, I’m working right now, and have to attend to other customers as well.” Her voice has lost its cheery tone. “So, let me go.”
“Ooh, feisty!” One of the other man at the table comments. It makes the other laugh loudly, and enrages Y/N. She is aware this is a man’s world, but she is not going to be their entertainer.
Before Y/N can retaliate, someone else steps in to her rescue. “Hey. She said to let her go.” Carol stands next to her with her back straightened and shoulders pulled back. “So let her go.” Her voice is low, and her eyes are cold. She looks like someone you don’t want to mess around with.
“Well look at you,” the man scoffs, “it’s the wannabe soldier.” He sneers.
“Let the lady go, I’m warning you.”
“Oh, you’re warning me?” He stands up, still holding onto Y/N’s arm. All the humor has left him. “And what are you going to do about it?” He stands slightly taller than Carol, but it doesn’t seem to deter her.
The tension between the two start to grow. Y/N stands there, frozen, keeping her eyes on Carol. She doesn’t want to deal with this right now, her shift is supposed to end soon.
Suddenly, Carol raises her fist, and punches the man square in the jaw. He stumbles backwards into the chair he was sitting in, finally letting go of Y/N. “You bitch!” He shouts, wiping blood away from his lip. He goes to stand up, but before the situation escalates any further, one of the other bar workers come to escort him out.
“You okay?” Carol turns to look at Y/N once the men are out of the bar.
“Yeah,” she rubs the spot the man was holding onto, “thanks for helping.” Her mouth grows into a small smile. “That was kinda amazing.”
Grinning, Carol shrugs. “I have a things for saving pretty ladies who happen to work at this bar.”
Y/N lets out a small laugh as she shakes her head. “Okay, superhero.” Her voice is playful, but she can feel her cheeks flushing. “I have to get back to work now.”
“When do you get off?” Carol follows Y/N around while she picks up empty glasses.
“In twenty minutes.”
“I’ll walk you home,” she states, “me and Maria, I mean. You shouldn’t walk alone this late at night.”
Y/N bites the inside of her cheek. She glances at Carol, feeling warmth rush over her body when she sees the hopeful look on her face. “Alright. I’ll see you in twenty.” Giving her a smile, she returns back behind the bar.
Carol has a huge grin on her face as she stares at Y/N work. “What did I miss?” Maria walks over to her, having been occupied by beating a man’s ass in pool.
“We’re walking her home.”
Maria glances at Y/N, and nudges Carol’s side with a smirk. “You like her.”
The front door of Y/N’s small, crappy apartment slams shut as she comes home from her shift at Pancho’s bar. It’s late at night, Y/N is exhausted, and she is sweaty, and she just wants to fall asleep without worrying about anything.
She throws her keys somewhere on top of the dresser she has next to her front door, and kicks her work shoes out of her feet. “Jesus!” A shout leaves out of her mouth when she turns around. Carol is standing there with a sheepish smile and a bouquet of flowers. “You scared the crap out of me.” She mumbles, holding a hand on her racing heart. “What are you doing here?”
“Sorry.” Carol sets the flowers next to Y/N’s key. “You gave me a key, so I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t remember you were working so late.” Her voice isn’t radiating the confidence it usually is. It’s softer and nervous.
The bouquet is big, it has more flowers Y/N has ever gotten before, and it’s wrapped with pink paper. “Thank you.” She smiles, picking up the bouquet and going to her so-called kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.
Carol follows her, staying close by, but still giving her space, she can see how tense Y/N’s body is. “Tough day at work?”
“Something like that.”
It turns quiet while Y/N fills a vase with water from the tap. The apartment doesn’t have any separate rooms besides the bathroom. All the kitchen appliances, a bed, small couch and a television are within reach of each other. It’s definitely not something Y/N wants to spend her whole life in, but she can survive in it, and that’s enough for now.
“How long were you waiting?” The vase gets set down to the single counter she has in the kitchen area.
Glancing at the clock, Carol hums. “Like, a couple of hours, maybe.”
“Carol,” Y/N sighs and rubs the space between her eyes, “you should’ve gone to sleep, don’t you need to be at the base tomorrow?”
“I took a day off.”
“Why would you do that?”
“To spend time with you.” The way Carol’s voice is so gentle makes Y/N want to cry after the day she has had.
Today’s shift felt ten times worse than any other shift in the past, it was full of drunk men and angry customers who genuinely believed in the fact that customer is always right, even when they aren’t. On top of that, her manager thinks the customers are more important than his employees, so he always found a way to satisfy the angry customers, which made them see Y/N as the bad guy.
“Hey,” Carol’s hands go to her cheeks, rubbing them softly, “why are you crying?”
“Sometimes I can’t handle it all.” She gets pulled into a warm embrace. “I was supposed to get out of here ages ago and see the world, but I just can’t get out of here.” Y/N sobs quietly, trying to hold herself back so she wouldn’t ruin Carol’s clothes with her tears and snot.
But Carol doesn’t care. One of her hands is rubbing Y/N’s back, while the other rests at the back of her head. She stays quiet, letting Y/N sob it all out in peace.
The two have been officially seeing each other for a while now. For the first year and a half they mostly danced around each other, both too anxious to make the first move in case they got the wrong impression, and the other person wasn’t interested in women after all. However, during that time, they became very close friends, so when Carol finally did do the first move—thanks to Maria—they moved forward pretty quickly.
Once Y/N tears start to subside, Carol whispers, “take a shower, I’ll make you a snack and ready your bed for us, okay?” Y/N nods, gives her a small peck to the cheek, and makes her way towards the bathroom.
Carol and Y/N are laying on top of each other on the bed as they watch a random movie that’s on one of the night channels. They should be asleep, but they really wanted to spend time with each other, as they don’t have a lot of opportunities to do so.
“Can i ask you something?” Y/N’s quiet voice almost goes past Carol.
“Why air force?”
“I’ve always wanted to fly.”
“Isn’t it scary?”
“No.” Carol smiles. She loves the feeling of being free in the air, having the possibility to go anywhere in the world she desires. Y/N hums quietly, not saying anything. “Why do you ask?” Carol tries to move her head in a way she’d be able to see Y/N’s face in the light coming from the television, while not disturbing her position on top of her.
“I just think it’s dangerous is all.”
“Are you worried about me?” She grins.
Y/N’s hand is resting under Carol’s shirt, tracing different shapes on her side. “Kind of hard not to be when i’m in love with you.” She whispers. The grin on Carol’s face falls at the words. She isn’t sure if she even heard her correctly, but she really hopes she did. Y/N moves her head up to see her. “I don’t want to lose you.”
The sentence assures Carol she heard correctly. “You won’t lose me, because I’ll always come back home to you. I love you.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
They kiss, both feeling the smiles on each other’s faces. Carol tightens her arms around Y/N as they pull away. She closes her eyes and listens to the soft sounds of Y/N’s breathing melting in with the sounds of the television, as they fall asleep.
Y/N paces around her house, ruining her nails by biting them. Her eyes are locked on her phone. She is waiting for a call, from anyone, as long as someone calls her and tells her she is overthinking things, that Carol is okay. She has called Maria three times by now, and the air force base once, but none of the calls have been successful.
Carol was supposed to come over four hours ago, straight from work, but she hasn’t arrived yet, nor has she called Y/N to let her know she’ll be late, that’s what she usually does.
Groaning, Y/N picks up the phone and punches in Maria’s number, calling her again. “Come on, come on.” She mumbles, tapping her foot to the ground in a rapid pace. “Damn it!” The phone drops to the table with a crash, few plastic pieces flying off of it from the impact.
No one is answering.
She sits down to the couch, it creaks slightly every time someone moves on it, which had led to some uncomfortable make out sessions with Carol.
Most of her nails are already too short to bite, so she moves to the skin around her them, biting them until she bleeds. Her eyes are locked onto the muted television, desperately trying to distract herself from her thoughts. She is aware of her tendency to overthink and catastrophize things, she always thinks Carol is dead if she hasn’t called by the time she promised to, but that was never the actual situation. This is the same case. Carol isn’t dead, she just got caught up at the base. Nothing horrible has happened.
A knock on the door makes her body relax. Carol is finally here. She lets out a relieved laugh and goes to open the door, however, her face turns to a frown once she notices Maria standing behind it.
“Hey, where’s Carol?”
Maria looks tired. “Can I come inside?” As Y/N nods, she steps in and looks at the floor. “I think you should sit down.”
“Please,” she looks up at her, “sit down.”
Y/N sits back down on the couch, while Maria stays standing up. She is gathering her thoughts while trying to take deep breaths. “Carol volunteered to pilot with Doctor Wendy Lawson on something important, and the plane, uhm..it-“
“Don’t you dare say it, Maria.” There are tears gathering in the corners of Y/N’s eyes. She knows where this is going, but she wishes she didn’t.
“The plane crashed.” Maria sits down next to Y/N when she starts properly crying. “They couldn’t find anyone, Carol is classified dead. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I wanted to come tell you because no one else would’ve.” No one else knows about their relationship.
Not being able to say anything, Y/N just leans against Maria, who has started crying as well. The person they both consider closest to them, is dead.
It has been a week since Carol helped the Skrulls to get out of the Kree’s line of fire, which means it’s been a week since she got her memories back. Ever since then, only one thing has been in her mind, her lover.
It’s early morning as Carol and Maria drink coffee in the latter’s kitchen, Monica still sound asleep upstairs. “What happened with Y/N when I disappeared?” Carol asks, her voice quite hesitant.
Maria sets her cup down. “I’m not sure. She was obviously pretty devastated when I told her what had happened.”
“She doesn’t still work at Pancho’s, does she?”
“I don’t think so,” Maria frowns, “but Carol, I haven’t talked to her in a long time. She stopped answering my calls three years ago. I don’t know where she is, or how she’s doing.”
Sighing, Carol stands up. “I have to find her.”
Naturally, the first place Carol goes to is Y/N’s apartment, though she really hopes she won’t find her there, that she moved on and started travelling the world like she planned to.
She knocks on the door and waits. Nothing happens, so she knocks again, just in case. She’s almost ready to let out a sigh of relief, but soft sound of footsteps coming from inside the apartment stop her. As the steps grow closer, a small, selfish part of her wishes it’s Y/N who opens the door.
Somehow she feels more pain than relief when the door opens, and Y/N stands before her.
They stare at each other, both stunned by the sight in front of them. Y/N has bags under her eyes, and her hair is messy. She is wearing an old t-shirt that once belonged to Carol, her legs are bare.
She goes to slam the door closed, thinking she has finally gone mad, but Carol’s hand stops it from moving. “You aren’t real.” Y/N’s voice is shaky. Her eyes are closed, she doesn’t want to see the person standing in front of her, because it can’t possibly be Carol.
“I’m real.” Carol whispers, but Y/N only shakes her head as an answer. “I didn’t die, I was captured by Krees after we crashed.”
“You aren’t making any sense, you aren’t real.”
“Can you let me in, please?” Gently, Carol sets her hand on top of Y/N’s hand, that is still holding onto the door. The touch makes Y/N open her eyes, and turn them towards Carol. She stares at her for a long while before opening the door wider.
As Carol walks inside the familiar apartment, she looks around for any changes, but it looks exactly the same as it did six years ago. She hates it. While Carol walks deeper into the tiny apartment, Y/N stays by the front door. Her arms are crossed over her chest in a protective kind of way.
“You weren’t supposed to stay here.”
“I couldn’t leave y-“ she stops herself, “Carol.” She isn’t entirely sure if the woman in her house truly is her Carol. “What happened? Who are the Kree?”
“It’s a long story.” She has a gentle grin on her face, one that reminds Y/N so much of the way Carol used to look at her. “You might want to sit down for it.” Y/N shakes her head, staying right where she is. Carol frowns, but nods, sitting down to the couch. It still creaks anytime weight gets put on it. “Shorter version of it is: when we crashed, Dr. Lawson told me the truth about her mission before he was shot by a Kree. Before he could kill me too, I destroyed an engine, which made me absorb energy of a Tesseract, so the Kree took me with him to their planet Hala. I was integrated to their society, I had no memories of my human life. A bunch of years later, I crashed back to Earth, a lot of fighting happened, I discovered my true power and my memories, and helped the Skrulls.”
“I don’t know what any of that means.” Y/N whispers. Any time Carol used to talk about air force things with her, she felt dumb, but all of this is making her think they aren’t even speaking the same language anymore.
“I was in space, and I have powers now.”
“Like a superhero?”
Carol smiles, nodding. “Yeah, I’m a real life superhero now.”
“You already were a superhero in my eyes.”
Standing up, she takes a few tentative steps towards her. All she wants to do is hold her, kiss her, tell her she’ll never leave her again. But Carol can still see the hesitation in Y/N’s eyes, she can see the years of pain and exhaustion in her expression.
“But then you died.”
Carol stops. She’s close to Y/N, but too far away to touch her. Oh, how desperately she just wants to feel her soft skin under her palm again, even if the years without her have hardened it. “I’m here now.” She pleads with her eyes—please believe me.
“You won’t stay,” Y/N states quietly, “if you’re a hero now.”
“I can take you with me, wherever I go. I won’t leave you again. I’ll help you get out of this place.” Carol takes another few steps forward, reaching her hand towards Y/N. “Please give me another chance.”
Y/N stares at her hand. It’s more calloused than before, rougher. She grips the skin on top of her ribs tightly, trying to ground herself, she feels like ripping herself apart.
“Please.” Her voice cracks. Her eyes are wet with unshed tears. “I can’t live without you.”
Y/N grabs her hand with her own shaking one. Carol squeezes with a smile, pulling her close slow enough that Y/N can stop her if she wishes to. Once they are chest against chest, she pulls her into a full embrace. The waterworks start from the both of them the second they’re in each other’s arms. Carol letting out all of the pent up grief she wasn’t even aware she had, and Y/N still trying to grasp the reality of the situation.
“I missed you.” Y/N chokes out between her sobs. “I missed you so much.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Carol holds onto her girl so tightly, pressing her against her body like she’d disappear if she let go. “I’m going to show you the world now, because you deserve so much better than this place. I’ll never let you go.”
Although, Y/N doesn’t trust in promises anymore, some small part inside of her sparks hope, that she’ll truly never be separated from Carol again. She’ll even go all the to the stars for her if she has to.
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teaaagan · 1 year
Carol: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.
Y/N: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Natasha: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Pet Play
Pet! Wanda Maximoff x Dom! Natasha Romanoff x Dom! Carol Danvers x Sub! Pet! Amab! Reader
Warnings! Smut!!! Shameless Smut!!!
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @legendsofela @natleft
Y/N woke up tied up to a chair, cold shivers as they felt the cold air over their naked form. Trying to break free of the binds that held them to the chair, soon hearing footsteps approaching but unable to see through the darkness.
“Our pet is finally awake.” A raspy voice spoke as they heard the sound of a whip cracking.
“Can we please play with them now?” A soft voice begged as they soon felt a hand run down their chest, long nails scratched at their skin.
“Not yet, little witch.” Another voice spoke, soon a single bulb lit up the room as it hung low from the ceiling.
“Why am I here?” They asked as they struggled against the woman behind them.
“I need something from you.” The once soft voice growled in their ear. “And only you can help me.”
“Come on, witchy.” The raspy voice groaned, soon a redhead approached, ridding herself of her robe. “You know we like to play first.” She pulled the brunette around, she only looked around 25 but she had bags under her eyes, pain within her irises as she listened to the older woman. Y/N soon watched as a blonde woman came into view, all three of them naked.
“Look, I don’t know any of you.” They tried as they looked at the blonde. “I honestly don’t, so please let me go.”
“You know, we may need to do some extra work first.” The blonde spoke as she looked at the redhead before she forced the brunette to her knees.
“You know what you need to do, little witch.” The redhead spoke tenderly as she ran her fingers through her brown locks.
“You don’t.” Y/N started as they shook their head as Wanda looked up at them with a smirk.
“Oh, but I want to.” Her eyes never left theirs as she started to rub their hardening cock before wrapping her lips around the tip.
“Fuck.” They whispered as the other two smirked, both deciding to sit side by side on the bed.
“Eyes open.” Natasha ordered them. “And eyes on us.” They did as they were told, soon groaning as they watched the two spread their legs, getting a full view of both of their glistening pussys.
“You will not cum until we say.” Carol told them firmly as the two women started to rub their clits, eyes remaining on both Wanda and Y/N.
“That’s enough Wanda.” Natasha barked as the brunette pulled away from Y/N, leaving a string of saliva as she looked up into their eyes.
“What?” They whined as the three women smirked. They watched as Carol got up from her seat, moving behind Y/N as Wanda approached Nat.
“The girls want to put on a little show for you.” Carol told them as she bit their ear, making sure their eyes never left the two women on the bed making out. “You see, Wanda is our little pet who deserves a reward.” They watched as Nat kissed Wanda roughly, making her moan as she pulled her onto her lap, her hands kneading her breasts roughly as her kisses descended down Wanda’s neck.
“Oh.” She moaned as Nat pushed two fingers inside her aching whole, groaning as Nat thrust her fingers at a steady pace, Wanda was a panting and moaning mess as she leaned her head on the redhead’s shoulder.
“Do you like that kitten?” Nat husked out as she curled her fingers as she pulled out, slamming three back inside causing Wanda to let out a guttural moan. “Words.” She spoke harshly as Carol massaged Y/N’s shoulders, keeping their eyes on the women on the bed.
“Yes.” Wanda mewled as Nat increased her pace, the sound of Wanda’s moans, the squelching of her arousal and the heavy uneven breaths from Y/N filled the room.
“Are you close, baby girl?” Carol cooed as she moved away from Y/N and approached the two on the bed.
“So close.” She answered as Nat smirked.
“Beg for it.” She growled as Wanda whimpered.
“Please, please let me cum.” She whined pathetically as she soon bit her lip harshly. “Please.” She whispered in a broken voice. “I need it.” Carol smiled as her hand ran up and down Wanda’s back, her other hand moving to grip her jaw, forcing her to look in her eyes.
“Cum for me sweet girl.” She told her before pressing her lips to hers, muffling to sounds coming from Wanda as she came hard on Nat’s finger. “Good girl.” She smiled before she pulled Wanda from Nat’s lap, forcing her to stand on unsteady legs as she pushed Nat to lay down. “Use your sweet mouth for me.” She caressed Wanda’s cheek. “Make her cum.”
Wanda did as she was told, moving Nat’s legs over her shoulders, diving straight in as she licked a strip through her folds, making her moan as Carol walked behind Wanda, massaging her ass as she soon pulled her hand away and brought it back to the soft flesh harshly.
“Fuck.” Nat groaned as Wanda was pushed further into her, the vibrations of Wanda’s moans sending vibrations through her, adding to her pleasure.
“Uh.” Wanda mewled as Carol pushed her fingers inside her, thrusting three fingers in and out at a steady pace. All Y/N could do was watch as the were painfully hard, ready to combust at any moment.
“You see, Wanda here is craving something more than what Nat or I can give her.” Carol told them as she smirked at Y/N’s state, ready to go feral if they were untied. “She wants to bear a child.” She turned her attention back to Wanda briefly. “And you can give that to her. A baby for our little pet.” She taunted as Nat screamed as she came, squirting as Wanda couldn’t stop as she was reaching her own high. “Will you do that if I untie you or will you run?” She increased her pace as Wanda soon became a mess as she remained between Nat’s thighs. “I think your primal need to procreate will overcome you previous desire to flee.”
“Just get me free.” They growled as Carol tutted, approaching them and forcing her fingers inside their mouth, smirking as they moaned at Wanda’s taste on them. Once she removed them from their mouth, she slapped them hard across the cheek, sure enough to leave a mark.
“Don’t. Disrespect. Me.” She growled, enunciating each word as she gripped their jaw. Nat was already moving from the bed to the sofa as Wanda lay on her back, her legs spread as she waited for Y/N. “Once I untie you.” She held up a knife that was situated on the drawers beside her. “You will fuck Wanda, fill her as many times as she needs it.” She smirked at them as their eyes never left the blade. “Or I will stab you, but not before I cut off your little friend here.” She spoke as she grazed their thigh with the sharp edge of the blade. “So we need you to behave.”
She released them, soon pulling them to their feet and pushing them towards the bed, Wanda watched as they approached her with her lip between her teeth, her eyes watching their every movement as they soon became eye level. Sensing some nerves within them as she wrapped her leg around their waist.
“Fuck me.” She told them, looking in their eyes. “Hard.” Both Nat and Carol watched as Y/N soon pushed their lips together in a hard kiss, their hands roaming her body roughly as she soon moaned. Allowing them to move their kisses down her jaw to her neck, grazing her skin with their teeth. Her hands rested on their shoulders as they soon inserted their length. Wanda gasped at the sudden intrusion, her nails digging into their skin as they thrust their hips at a fast pace, pulling all of the way out before slamming themselves back inside of her.
“Fuck.” The four of them gasped in unison, both Nat and Carol had their clits rubbing against the other on the sofa as they watched the other two on the bed, the bruises forming on both of their bodies as Y/N fucked Wanda as she wanted. Wanda screamed as she squirted beneath Y/N who soon came, filling her up. Soon Nat and Carol followed shortly as their juices mixed together. Y/N remained inside of Wanda as both Nat and Carol got their robes, heading towards the door as Y/N and Wanda remained still on the bed, both fast asleep as the two locked the door behind them, smirks on their faces at the thought of their new pet.
“Are you sure they won’t escape?” Nat questioned as the two sat down with a glass of wine.
“They have nowhere to go, the world already thinks that Y/N Y/L/N is dead.” Carol smirked as she glanced out of the window over the now sleeping city. “So we may as well enjoy our new pet.” The two clinked their glasses before finishing the bottle as the other two remained sleeping in each other’s arms.
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thatonebrazilian · 1 year
Tolerate it
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Summary: Everyone assumed you were fine, but what would they do if you just... broke free?
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader; undertones of Carol Danvers x Reader; Platonic Clint Barton x Reader; mentions of platonic Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
Word count: Around 6K
TW: Deep angst, assassination attempt, betrayal of trust, suicidal thoughts, dealing with grief, self sacrifices.
A/N: I've been in the mood for angst, apparently. And I actually wasn't planning on writing anything (I shouldn't have, I was short for time as it was), but I was listening to Taytay and the fic just came to me. This will probably hurt a lot. Just hurt, not much comfort. Let there be pain.
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You didn't know what you did wrong. You didn't know how you could fix this. You didn't know if it even could be fixed.
All you did, all you could do, was just sit there and watch her. She was reading, her head low, almost as if she was trying to keep a barrier between you two.
You sat in the corner of the room, watching her as she immersed herself in reports. The soft glow of the lamp cast a delicate halo around her, illuminating her beautiful, beautiful features. And yet, on that night, as on many before, the light seemed unable to reach her eyes. 
You knew she was struggling, you were too. Everyone was. The Blip had taken many from their families, and the toll it took on those who stayed made many more lose their loved ones. The remaining Avengers lost Clint to his own darkness, and you lost the love of your life to what you could only describe as self-isolation.
Natasha had always had an unhealthy work-life balance, yet you always managed to counter that… But not anymore.
You had been together for what felt like an eternity, intertwined in a love that once knew no bounds. Now, though, there was a growing chasm separating the two of you. Natasha would only engage in conversations that revolved around missions and saving the world, and none of those came from you.
You used to be an Avenger too, with powers so astronomical that you never learned to control them. Bruce and Tony had to create some sort of inhibitor for you, lest you destroy the world by mistake.
You were probably one of the most powerful beings out there, but having no control whatsoever of your powers would only bring destruction, so you learned to live without them, the bracelet Tony made never leaving your wrist.
Being a somewhat powerless avenger was hard, but it was worth it. You saved people, you helped your friends.
But since the Blip things have changed. 
After watching Wanda, one of your best friends, disappear right in front of your eyes; after seeing Clint's descent into darkness, you didn't feel like fighting anymore. So you decided to stop, you stopped so you could take care of yourself, take care of Natasha.
They were small, the things you did for her, but meaningful nonetheless. You'd wait by the door every day to greet her like a god-damned war hero, to show her some love and comfort after a hard day at work; you'd make her favorite dishes, lay the table with your best cutlery; you even took upon painting as it seemed to ease your mind, and you'd use your best colors for her portraits (and there were many)... And yet, all Natasha gave back were lukewarm smiles; hums, and nods in acknowledgment of your attempts at conversation, and a lackluster "thanks". 
She seemed to simply… Tolerate it.
You woke up in the wee hours of the morning, the sun hadn't risen yet, and the moonlight shone through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Your gaze fell upon Natasha, who lay beside you sleeping lightly. The rise and fall of her chest matched the rhythm of her breathing, a calming sight that used to bring you comfort.
But then, as you watched her, you noticed a subtle alteration in her breathing patterns, something that would go unnoticed by anyone else. The steady rhythm became irregular, interrupted by moments of slightly shallower breaths and the briefest of pauses. There was a tension in her muscles that hadn't been there a second ago, almost as if a silent battle was being waged beneath her immaculate skin.
Natasha's eyes remained closed, her face serene as if she was lost in the most peaceful of dreams. But you knew the truth. She was pretending to be asleep. It felt like she didn't want to wake up beside you, like she simply tolerated your presence, but now even that tolerance seemed to be waning.
You wanted to reach out, to offer her solace, to take all the pain away, but the invisible barrier between you seemed impossible to break through. The distance that had grown between you now felt like a vast expanse, impossible to bridge. Her closed eyes spoke volumes, a silent plea for space, for time, for avoidance.
Your heart ached with the weight of unspoken words, your eyes burned with the sting of unshed tears. You missed Clint, he'd know how to deal with this, he'd help her, but he'd help you, too. He'd hug you and tell you that everything was gonna be ok, he'd make sure it'd turn out that way. You missed Wanda, she'd take you out to eat ice cream, watch silly sitcoms with you, tell you the stupidest jokes just to see you crack a smile, she'd even threaten Natasha if she imagined the other redhead was hurting you in any way, shape or form.
You missed your life, your old life, before the Blip.
You turned away from her, not wanting her to see the tears in your eyes in case she opened hers.
As it turns out, the first time Natasha had a semblance of a real conversation with you in… You don't even know how many weeks… Was to ask you to join a team to take down whatever new evil had shown up.
You didn't even think twice about it, you took the job, you'd do anything to get closer to her again.
The team consisted of you, Steve, and Carol, who was visiting Earth. You didn't even know where you were headed or who you were facing, you just wanted to come back with an excuse to actually talk to your fianceé. 
As you prepared to get into the jet, you saw her there, giving off directions before everyone boarded. You wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between respecting Natasha's need for distance and the overwhelming desire to break through the walls she had erected. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder then, too warm to be Nat's, and you immediately felt the comfort she radiated.
Carol wasn't the most sentimental person, she wouldn't tell you that everything would be fine, she wouldn't offer comforting words, but she'd be there, a warm unwavering presence amidst the chaos (even if you rarely saw each other in person). She was the one good thing that the Blip brought you.
"Don't think too much about it," the blonde said, already knowing what was on your mind. "Keep your head in the game, I don't want you getting hurt out there, ok?"
You nodded while managing to keep to yourself the strong urge to hug her, to seek comfort in that friendly and familiar warmth of hers.
She nodded back, turned and boarded the jet, having already reviewed with Natasha her role in the mission.
You looked at your fianceé only to find her eyes already on you. You didn't think too much into it, though, she was probably just reviewing in her head the role you'd have for this mission.
Once again you found yourself wanting to go to her, but the fear of rejection loomed over you, a haunting presence that whispered of the potential pain that awaited if you ventured too close.
You turned away and stepped in the jet.
You stumbled into the Avengers' compound, a dull ache radiating from your wounded shoulder, the bloodstained clothes doing nothing to give you comfort.
The mission had taken an unexpected turn, and both you and Steve got shot. Multiple times.
As soon as you stepped through the quinjet's door Natasha was there, the worry in her eyes making you question if you were hallucinating. She walked to you, her eyes never leaving yours, it was almost as if you could feel her again, the old Natasha, your Natasha.
"What the fuck happened? You weren't supposed to get hurt!" she exclaimed in a mix of anger, desperation and concern. She ran her hands through her unkempt hair. It was an uncommon sight, indeed, to see her so disheveled.
You knew she had been worried, the moment Steve reported back you could hear her pacing back and forth through the comms, you just didn't know it would affect her this much. You didn't think she cared anymore.
Almost as if sensing your thoughts, Natasha took a hesitant step closer and reached for your hands. "You got me really worried." She said, her eyes looking deep into yours, her hands soothingly cold to the touch. 
You could see she wanted to say something else, but almost as if she was waging a silent war against herself, she shook her head, released your hands and sighed. "Go to the med bay. I'll meet you there."
You nodded weakly, too tired from blood loss to argue. Too tired in general.
As you made your way to the medical facilities, the pain in your shoulder intensifying with each step, you couldn't help but think of all the times Clint saved your ass from stupid bullet wounds like these, or how Wanda would literally create a shield around you whenever you faced danger.
You missed them, you missed Wanda so much, and you couldn't help but wish it was you and not her. And Clint, god, you hated what he became, you hated the Ronin, you hated that he wasn't there to heal by your side, to heal with Natasha, but you still missed him so much.
As you entered the med bay, you were greeted by a warmth that made you question how she could have gotten there first.
"Bold move, jumping in front of a sea of bullets like that" Carol said, there was no warmth in her voice though. You closed your eyes.
"I couldn't let them shoot that child," you said, sitting on a cot and looking apologetically at her.
Carol gritted her teeth, her eyes scanning your wounded shoulder, the part of you that got the most hits, with a mix of worry and anger written across her face.
"So you just deemed your life less valuable than hers and decided to throw it away?" She clenched her fists.
"That's not it and you know it," you said in a small voice. It was worse, but no, she didn't know it. She didn't need to. You didn't want to burden her too.
Carol's eyes softened, she took a couple steps towards you and touched your uninjured shoulder. "I just worry about you, sweet girl." She said and sighed, "Look, I know you don't have much to live for right now, but you're one of my best friends, I wouldn't be able to deal with it if something ever happened to you. And by the looks of it neither would Natasha, despite all the shit she's been pulling."
It was amazing how Carol, just like Wanda before her, was able to fill you with lightness. With them, as well as with Clint, you felt cherished, cared for. You could never be more thankful for the blonde in front of you. Without Clint and Wanda here to support your near Natasha-less life, Carol was the one thing keeping you sane.
You just wished being sane was enough.
You managed a weak smile, though, and even if felt forced, it still seemed to have convinced Carol that you were ok. "I'll be fine, Carebear. Just a flesh wound. I know I haven't been in the field for a while, but it's nothing I can't handle."
Carol fought off a smirk. "Promise me you won't pull shit like that again, at least".
You saluted her, a mocking smile on your face, despite the ache you felt inside. "Aye, aye, Captain!"
She chuckled and shook her head, "You're the worst".
"But you love it!" Your answering smile was more genuine this time.
Her smile grew bigger, and you wished you could see it in person more often.
"I actually do." She said, shaking her head once more and turning away to leave the med bay.
It didn't take long for a nurse to come to tend to you. There were many bullet wounds around your body, although most were superficial. The worst was indeed your shoulder, having been hit four times.
You bitterly wondered how you could still be alive with all of these bullet holes around your body.
The minutes passed by, and yet there was no sign of Natasha, so after all your wounds have been treated and dressed you decided to go look for the redhead.
It was a bad idea. As you located her, your heart sank. There she was, tending to Steve's wounds, her focus solely on him. Even though there was nothing romantic about the situation, the sight of them together stirred a mix of emotions within you. Jealousy, longing, confusion. Betrayal. You wondered if there was something more between Natasha and Steve, a connection that surpassed friendship. You wondered why she would deem him deserving of having his wounds treated personally by her while you were sent to a nameless nurse.
Your mind raced, struggling with the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed you. Doubts crept in, and you questioned the very nature of your relationship with Natasha. Did she even love you still? Has she ever? Where was that woman who threw blankets over your barbed wire, leaving you just soft enough for all your other friends to approach? Why has she left you behind in her pursuit to build this new world instead of taking you along with her? The uncertainty gnawed at you, intensifying the ache in your shoulder. You made her your temple, your mural, your sky, but now you were left begging for footnotes in the story of her life.
As you stood there, watching her tend to his injuries, a deep sense of loneliness washed over you. The weight of the lack of acknowledgment you've been getting from her grew heavier, casting a shadow over the bond you once shared. The pain in your shoulder felt insignificant compared to the ache in your soul.
At that moment, you realized you couldn't take it anymore. You loved Natasha, you would probably love her till the end of your days, but you knew your love should be celebrated, and yet all she did was tolerate it.
You never thought about what she would do if you broke free, leaving the two of you in ruins. But that's what you did, you took the chains that bound you to Natasha and broke them.
You still longed for her, though, the neverending love you held for the woman felt like a dagger piercing your heart, a constant reminder of what you craved for, of what you once had. You wanted to remove it, to see it clatter to the ground as you bled out.
It was weird to gain the weight of her then lose it, but you needed to do it, you had to.
You were doing it for her as much as for yourself. Natasha had lost so, so much, but there was one person who could still come back, so you went to look for him, more in hopes of helping her than fulfilling your own desire of seeing him again.
Even if she didn't love you (which was the impression you got when you told her you'd be gone, looking for Clint, only to get a blank stare in response), you still loved her, you still wanted her to be as happy as she could, and you knew Clint was the person to make that happen, he was her best friend as much as he was yours.
You needed to help her heal somehow.
"She's been a mess since you left," Carol had said once during a video call, the vast expansion of the universe now looming right behind her, "don't ever tell her I said that, though." The grimace on her face told you she wasn't kidding.
"Steve's been trying to help more, even I am; I've been to earth since you left more times than I've been throughout my whole life. I'm afraid that if I stay gone too long, she won't be there when I come back… Since you left she barely takes care of herself. The place's a mess, she hasn't been eating much, and, again, don't ever tell her I said this, but I thought I'd never see her cry, and yet…"
You wondered if it had been all in your head, the way she seemed to avoid you, the way she seemed to take you for granted, the way she seemed to merely tolerate you.
In the midst of a turbulent storm of emotions, a newfound sense of urgency propelled your every step. You needed to find Clint, you needed to find him so you could go back to her, to see if she was really deteriorating that much, to ask her if it was all in your head, if you got it wrong somehow, if she actually loved you.
Time seemed to both crawl and fly, leaving you with moments of self-reflection in the solitude of your journey. Doubts and insecurities waged war within you, tearing at the fabric of your clarity. What if you discovered that Natasha's love had been genuine, but she had struggled to express it? What if she was simply too freshly traumatized to express it, and you had abandoned her at her worst moment?
You needed to go back to her, even if it was just to figure it out. But you wouldn't go back without Clint, you couldn't.
So you searched, and searched, and searched. And as you finally stood before Clint, his weathered face bearing the marks of his own battles, you found yourself engulfed in a deep ache. Two of the people you loved the most were immersed in pain, and you could do nothing to help.
"I can't believe you traveled so far, came all the way here for this," Clint spat, his voice filled with anger, his eyes filled with tears. "To ask me to come back so I can help her. Do you even worry about me? Did you ever stop to think that I lost my family? My wife's gone, Y/N! I lost my kids! Do you really think that I'm not dealing with my own shit right now?"
You shook your head, tears welled up in your eyes too, matching the anguish in your voice. "Fuck you, Clint! I'm not here just for her and you know that! You're my best friend, goddamnit, and you've been gone for years! I know you're hurting, but you gotta know that what you're doing is wrong, and it's not gonna bring Laura and the kids back." You shook your head, remembering the way the kids would all call you auntie Y/N/N. You sighed and shook your head in disappointment. "They would actually be ashamed of what you became."
You knew it was a low blow, but it was the truth, and he needed to hear it 
The moment he seemed to register those words, Clint's eyes became full of this sort of anger that you've never seen your friend display. But again, this wasn't Hawkeye, this was Ronin. 
Clint advanced upon you with rage in his eyes, his hand went to your throat, a dagger suddenly pressing against your ribs.
"Take that back." He said through gritted teeth, and you felt your eyes filling with tears once again.
Of course he wasn't above hurting you like this. He, too, didn't care about your own pain. 
You were tired, you were so fucking tired.
"Do it." You said, your voice devoid of emotions, the hollowness you now felt was all it conveyed. "It's not gonna make any difference if I'm gone, anyway."
You'd be just another death on his account, just a wisp of a memory in Natasha's mind.
Clint's brows furrowed, but his grip was unrelenting. You took your hands to his, the one holding the dagger, and pulled it up, so it wasn't resting above your ribs anymore, but right at your heart.
"Please," you said with a wavering voice, looking him deep in the eyes, trying to appeal no more to your friend, but to Ronin, "do it. Please."
The dagger clattered to the ground, Clint took a step away, looking at his hand as if it had personally offended him. He then looked at you, but you didn't meet his eyes, you were too absorbed looking at the dagger on the ground, feeling the brisk sense of freedom evading you as it finally stopped moving.
You then felt his arms around you, your head suddenly tucked into his neck.
"I'm so sorry," he said, his voice sounding desperate "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry," he kept repeating, and repeating, and repeating. 
You shook your head, your own desperation making you cling to him "Why didn't you do it? Why couldn't you just kill me?!"
His arms tightened around you as you both fell to your knees.
"I'm sorry," he just repeated, "I'm sorry I took this path, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend."
You wished that he being sorry was enough.
When you came back, there was a talk about fucking time travel. The Ant-guy was back, and so was Tony, Thor, and even Bruce. Everything seemed to be falling into place, so why did you still feel so…. broken?
But, somehow, as you and Clint stepped foot inside the Avengers compound, the familiar surroundings embraced you like a long-lost home. The tension that has seemed to permeate your very bones during the journey began to ease, replaced by a cautious hope for what awaited you.
You knew things wouldn’t instantly fix themselves up; Natasha wouldn’t just come to you and apologize for all she’s done (no, that wasn’t like her at all); your heart wouldn’t suddenly be mended, even if she did; your mind wouldn't let you forget the pain, the deep ache the past five years inflicted upon you.
And yet, there was hope.
There was the possibility of bringing Wanda back, of having Carol around more often, of doing something good for humanity. Of making Natasha happy again.
The moment the doors opened you saw her. She was talking to the Ant-guy and to Bruce, her brows furrowed as she nodded along.
And then she turned her head and caught sight of you, and of who was by your side. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw Clint standing there, and a glimmer of something flickered within them, something akin to hope, but also akin to sorrow. Without a second thought, she started walking in your direction, coming faster and faster until she was running. 
When Natasha reached Clint, she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a long-awaited embrace. Tears pooled in her eyes, slowly streaming down her cheeks as she closed them. 
There was a little lightness in your heart as you saw them hug, some sort of knowing that she'd be ok even if you weren't around anymore. She wouldn't starve herself, she wouldn't push everyone away, she wouldn't shut down. She'd survive, and then she'd move on.
In that moment, as Natasha clung to Clint, her teary eyes slowly opened. There, through the blur of her emotions, she looked right at you. And the gratitude that radiated from her gaze was palpable, as if a thousand unspoken words were contained within that single look. 
Her hold on Clint loosened slightly as her eyes locked onto yours, lingering for a brief, intense moment. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you suspended in time as the weight of her gaze met yours.  It felt as if the universe held its very breath, waiting for the next chapter to unfold. 
You wished you could say you could feel her love through that gaze, but you didn't know if you could use that word to describe what Natasha felt for you. Maybe she regretted what she did; maybe you became her anchor, even if unbeknownst to you, and she felt like she needed you to function; maybe she felt like she owed you something for bringing Clint back. You didn't know what it was, but you couldn't shake the feeling that the word love would be the wrong one to describe her feelings for you. Gratitude, thankfulness, maybe, but not love.
You smiled a sad smile, and nodded your head in acknowledgment to the gratitude in her eyes. 
Natasha furrowed her brows and pulled away from Clint as she saw you walking away from her, but before she could come after you, Clint caught her hand and walked towards the opposite direction. He wanted a conversation in private.
You just knew he was going to tear her a new one for what she did to you. During your journey back he had apologized more times than you could count, his words still engraved in your mind.
"I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust," he had vowed, his voice filled with determination. "I'll prove to you day after day that I care, that I value our friendship above all else. What happened the other day… it'll never happen again, I promise you that. I was too absorbed in my own pain, so much so that I hurt you, but I would never do that intentionally, Y/N. You're like a sister to me, I'd never willingly hurt you. I love you too much for that."
Maybe his love was real, but you didn't have it in yourself to just forgive and forget.
Maybe one day the gods would deem you worthy of love. True love, not the kind that hurts you.
"A soul for a soul" the Redskull said, turning the vast expense of cosmic beauty before you into something bleak, final. "You must sacrifice that which you love."
Your eyes wandered, drinking in the breathtaking scenery, the towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls; it seemed like a paradise carved from dreams. 
But the words hanging in the air casted a somber shadow over the planet's beauty, and as you stood near its vibrant precipice, the weight of what had to be done pressed upon the three of you. 
Destiny had brought you here, demanding a sacrifice.
It was a curse and a blessing all at once.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," Natasha stated, her voice tinged with determination, almost as if she was trying to keep herself strong.
Of course she'd want to be sacrificed, the selfless fool that she was.
Clint's gaze met hers, his eyes filled with a mixture of conflict and resignation. "Then I guess we both know who it's got to be," he replied, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. They didn't spare a single glance your way, it was almost as if they had mutually decided that you were to live.
A subtle sadness washed over Natasha's features as she nodded in agreement. "I guess we do."
You closed your eyes. You had been wanting this for so long, you had craved the peace I'd bring, you had fantasized about it, about closing your eyes and never opening them again.
And yet… you found yourself wanting to cling to life with an unwavering grip.
As Clint and Natasha looked at each other, you found yourself wanting to greet Laura, Lila, Coop and Nate when they came back, you found yourself wanting to have a nice day out with Yelena. You found yourself wanting to embrace Wanda and never let her go.
It hurt to know you wouldn't be able to do any of that.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha." Clint said then, his voice wavering slightly.
For a moment, Natasha's gaze lingered on Clint, her eyes reflecting the depth of her conviction. "For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing: get to right here," she confessed. "That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."
She looked at you then, her eyes brimming with tears "I was so focused on it that I drove away the one person I had promised myself never to hurt.",
You couldn't look her in the eye, you couldn't let her see your decision through your gaze.
Clint's shoulders seemed to sag, you could see the self-blame he felt right through his eyes, even if they were focused on Nat. "And that's why it gotta be me. You spent all this time trying to help what was left of the world. Me… you know what I've done. You know what I've become." He shook his head, his eyes turning to you as well "If you haven't gotten to me, I'd still be killing an untold number of people without a care for who it'd hurt."
"Well," you said, shrugging, trying to lighten the mood a little "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes." There was no point in holding grudges anymore.
"Neither do I." Natasha said, looking at him. Her eyes turned to you then, full of sadness, longing , and regret. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
You walked towards her and pulled her in by the hand, your forehead resting against hers.
"I love you, Nat. You've been forgiven since day one." You said.
Natasha's tears streamed down her cheeks as she buried her face in the crook of your neck.
You saw from the corner of your eye Clint taking a step back, as if to go to the cliff. You extended your hand to him as well. He stopped in his tracks and took a couple steps in your direction, taking your hand in his.
He smiled a sad smile, his eyes red. "Tell my family I love them" he said, and tried to pull his hand away, but you gripped it with all the strength you had.
"Tell them yourself," Natasha said, pulling away from you as well.
You sighed, your eyes burning with unshed tears. You didn't want to die anymore. You wanted to live.
But you couldn't let them sacrifice themselves.
You ripped the bracelet Tony made from your wrist. It clattered on the ground. Natasha and Clint's eyes widened, almost as if they hadn't even thought of the possibility of you being the one to jump.
You felt an unbearable heat rising up from inside out, your lungs burned, your chest, your torso, your whole body. 
"Y/N what the hell are you doing?!?" Natasha yelled out, trying to get to the bracelet on the floor, but the burning winds that seemed to suddenly emanate from you wouldn't let her get closer.
"Take care of each other. And of Wanda and Carol. That 's all I ask." You said, your voice no longer solely yours.
You saw a rising shadow on the ground, signaling the presence of wings on your back. Blood red wings engulfed in flames. The Phoenix's wings.
Clint was rooted to the ground, your power vicious enough to paralyze those of weaker minds.
Natasha, though? She was fighting to get to you, the winds clearly burning her skin, yet she didn't give up. You turned away from her, not wanting to see her struggle.
It was a short walk to the edge of the cliff, you didn't want to look back. If you said goodbye it'd make it feel more real. So you just jumped.
And then you felt her hand on your wrist, the searing heat making her skin burn, and yet, she didn't let go.
"No, please. Not you." She cried, and even with tear stained cheeks she was the most beautiful woman you've ever seen "I can't lose you like this. The world can't lose you. You're the only one of us that really deserves to live life to its full potential."
And then, as if her touch made your power purr in her presence, Clint broke free, running to where you were dangling and taking your other wrist in his hands.
This was hurting them, both physically and mentally, you saw the skin on their hands blistering, you saw the redness in their arms, the tears in their eyes not just from the pain.
"Let me go," you said with a sad smile. They had their families, they had their jobs, their missions; their homes. 
You had nothing, all you did was take up too much space or time. They deserved to live, even if you left them in ruins.
"It's not gonna work!" Natasha shouted in desperation, her expression one of pure anguish "I don't love you! It's not gonna work!"
You smiled sadly at her. She really didn't love you, did she? She just tolerated you.
"It 's ok, Natty. It'll work. You may not love me, but Clint does " you said, smiling at her through your own tears. 
"Y/N, please, don't do this," Clint begged too, sobbing as he held onto you with all his strength.
"It's ok," you repeated, and if it was to calm them or yourself , you didn't know, "it's gonna be ok".
You used whatever little control you had over your powers to push them away. As your body tumbled to the ground the last thing you remembered was the way Natasha used to laugh at your jokes, enjoy your food, take you out on dates. The last thing you remembered was how she used to love your presence, and not just tolerate it.
Maybe one day someone would be enough to have their love celebrated by her.
When Natasha and Clint woke up not much later in a galaxy colored lake, she clutched the stone that had appeared in her hands, wishing with all her might that it turned out different, that the last words she said to you weren't "I don't love you."
She loved you. Always did. Always would.
Wanda sat in front of your gravestone, her hair disheveled, her eyes red shot, her cheeks tear stained. She hugged her knees as she sobbed, longing for the presence of who could no longer be by her side. She had lost her parents, then Pietro, Vision, and now you.
She sobbed more and more, the pitiful sound getting louder.
She felt a hand on her shoulder then, and she looked up to see red shot brown eyes.
Carol sat beside her, taking her hand and squeezing it a little. 
She understood what Wanda was going through, she was grieving you as well, and even though Wanda and Vision were planning on starting a life together, the witch suspected the Captain wouldn't have said no if you'd asked the same thing from her. So she, too, lost her love, even if she never got the courage to confess it.
It was a hot day, the sunlight shone perpendicular through the clearing where your grave has been put, creating a magical scenery all around the place.
And yes, the day was hot, but was it supposed to be this hot? 
Wanda shook her head, her brows starting to sweat.
And then the sunlight vanished, as if something gigantic was blocking its path. She and Carol looked up, but all they could see were the trees blocking the sky from view.
The animalistic cry they heard didn't come from the trees, though.
Neither did the blood red feather falling through the leaves, its tip engulfed in fire.
Wanda and Carol looked at each other, and for the first time in weeks, they smiled.
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Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @strangegardentaco, @madamevirgo, @Lovelyy-moonlight, @agent99galanzo, @red1culous
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
hey babes 😏😏😏
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PAIRINGS: CarolValkryie x reader
WARNINGS: smut, double penetration, degrading, punishment, slapping, edging, overstimulation, threesomes, that’s abt it :)
Reminder that this will be my last ever smut post!! Going forward I will not be writing smut so I apologize for those who did not get their asks answered
“No, I- I can’t,” You mumbled weakly, too tired to fight off the women surrounding you. Valkyrie was behind, her tip teasing the entrance of your tightest hole while Carol continued to slide in and out of your cunt. Her strap would rub her clit perfectly to cause just the right amount of friction, and her moans blended in with yours.
“Yes, you can, and you will.” Valkyrie groaned, seemingly tired of the ‘attitude’ you had been throwing towards both of them. Valkyrie wasn’t able to visit you and your girlfriend often, only when it was serious, and Carol had decided it was one of those times. You were nearing your period, and your hormones were spiraling like usual. Although, it was also the Holiday’s, and you had been missing both women, so you were in a worse mood than they could’ve expected.
“Look at that, baby, you’re taking Captain's cock so well,” You sniffled quietly, and they had to stifle a chuckle at your weakened expression.
“Don’t praise this little slut. They’ve been so, so naughty, it’s only fair we give them what they’ve been asking for.” Although it wasn’t at all what you were asking for. You wanted to be with the two women, between the two in a similar position as to how you are now. But you wanted to hear their soft praises on the shell of your ear. You wanted to feel their lips slowly moving down your neck and body. You wanted their hands to lovingly slide across your breasts, unlike the way they were groping you currently. You wanted to cum on their tongues, their fingers, their cocks; whatever it was they could give you. But you wanted them more than anything, and if this is what they were giving you, you wouldn’t dare to complain.
“Fuck, I’m already halfway, baby. You think you can take the rest of me, hm? You think this tight fucking ass can take Daddy’s cock?” You sniffled but lacked a response, causing a slap to arrive across your cheek. You whimpered, but quickly nodded without a thought, your mind barely registering what she asked.
“This must feel so fucking good, huh, darlin’? Having two cocks just destroying your holes, giving you no room to protest. This messy cunt seems to be betraying you when you say you don’t want this, little one.” Carol muttered close to your lips, quickly leaning down to take your bottom lip in her mouth as she bit down slightly, causing you to hiss in further pain. You didn’t know how much longer you could take, but you hoped they’d give in soon.
“C’mon, I know you want to cum for us,” She spoke once again, and you heard Valkyrie let out a deep groan as your skin touched the base of her strap. You shuttered, feeling both women deeper than ever before inside of you, the only hole left to fill was your mouth.
“Shh, just open, pretty girl.” You didn’t entirely understand what they meant, so you opened the barrier of your lips and spread your legs even further, both mumbling dirty praises in response. You felt two fingers thrusting into your mouth soon after, opening your eyes to see an arm from behind wrapping around to visit the said area. Her knuckles pressed against the sides of your cheeks, and you gagged as she forced herself impossibly deeper.
“I think this little slut likes having their holes filled, ‘cause they’re making a fucking mess.” You led your eyes down, quickly shutting them in shame as you admired the wetness leaking from you. You had never been this turned on, what were they doing to you?
“P’ease, Captain; please, D-daddy, let me cum f’ you.” In an instant you felt the two stilling inside of you, and it seemed they had wordlessly matched their arrivals as their moans seemed to bounce off each vibranium wall. This only brought you closer, and the dirty scent of sex filling the room only brought you further arousal.
“Cum for us, you dirty slut,”
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scarlethexelove · 7 months
I Want You
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Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2515
Warnings: Mechanic!Carol, Intersex!Carol, Smut, P in V, Unprotected Sex, Choking, Sex on a car (Probably don't need to say that but I am anyways),I don't think there is much else.
A/n: Have been thinking about Mechanic!Carol for awhile and just had to write her. She is just so cute and beefy. I'm not even sure if this is any good but oh well.
You walk through the door bumping into a hard figure losing your balance. Strong arms wrap around your body pulling you into them making sure you don’t fall, your hands grasping at the shoulders of whoever caught you. A squeak leaving you from your almost fall and being startled. You haven’t even realized who you had bumped into until you look up a wide grin on the blonde's face as she still holds onto you. 
“Oh, I-I’m sorry Carol. I didn’t know anyone was still here. You startled me.” You say still holding onto her shoulders and her arms wrapped tightly around your waist. She gives you that smirk that makes you melt. “I was finishing up a client's car before heading out. Why on earth are you still here though?” You let out a sigh of frustration. “Tony said I needed to complete the books before leaving.” Carol gave you a look you couldn’t quite read. “I’ll talk to him. You should be able to go home on time. The books could have been finished tomorrow.” You shake your head. “No, no it’s ok. I’m used to this.” You frantically try and persuade her. “No. I’ll talk to him. I won’t let him treat you like this.” She now is wearing a scowl on her face. “Carol, it really is ok. I mean Tony’s my boss I kind of have to listen to him.” You tell her. 
Carol laughs at your words, slightly throwing her head back. You can feel her chest vibrate against you reminding you of how you two are entangled at the moment. Carol looks back down at you noticing that she has yet to let you go. You both let go and take a step back. Carol’s hand drifting down your arm before clutching your hand in hers. “Tony will listen to me.” You give her a confused look waiting for her to continue. “Y/n/n I own this place. I’m his boss.” There is a proud smirk playing on her lips. “I- What? You? I never-” You stop your words when Carol places her finger on your lips. Your cheeks turn pink at the action. “I don’t want to do all the business end. I love working on cars so I hired Tony to deal with all of that while I get to do what I love. I get to make all the final decisions.” She winks at you causing your cheeks to burn and turn even redder. 
“Thank you Carol.” You look down. Her finger hooks under your chin and gently pulls you to look up back at her. Your face is definitely the color of a tomato as you look at her. You have had a crush on the woman since you started working here at the front desk. You knew you didn’t have a chance with the woman so you just let your crush be just that, a crush. “You are so welcome, pretty girl.” Carol can’t help but play with you a bit. The redness of your cheeks spurring her on. 
What you didn’t know was that Carol also had a crush on you. She was hoping that you would get the hint when she flirted with you but so far it hadn’t worked. She can tell how nervous you get when you're around her. How you have a permanent blush when talking to her. She finds you absolutely adorable.
You don’t know what came over you but with that look in her eyes and that stupid smirk she has looking at you, you leaned in and kissed her. That totally caught the woman off guard. That she didn’t even get to kiss you back before you pulled away from her. “Oh god. Oh fuck. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry fuck.” You rambled covering your face with your hands feeling so stupid. 
Carol grabs your hands pulling them away from your face before she grabs your hips and pulls you into her crashing her lips into yours. You gasp into the kiss. Carol uses this opportunity to shover her tongue in your mouth exploring your mouth with her tongue. You're quick to recover kissing her back just as intensely. Carol turns you around walking you both back until your ass hits the front bumper of a car. She easily lifts you to sit on the hood of the car, slotting herself between your legs. Never breaking the kiss once.
Once air becomes necessary you both pull back panting your breaths mingling in the air between you. “Wow. I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” Carol pulls you closer to her leaning her head against yours. You let out a hum of satisfaction agreeing with her statement. “I didn’t think you would ever like me like that.” You give her big doe eyes which causes her to chuckle. This just causes you to pout. She didn’t like to see you pout her hands cupping your face as she pulled away looking down at you. “I have been flirting with you for months.” She smiles at you. “Really?” You questioned shocked. “Of course, sweet girl. I was hoping that you would notice.” She let out a small chuckle as you pouted again. “It’s ok sweet girl. I got to kiss you now, which is all that matters to me.” 
The room is silent for a bit before you lean up pecking her lips again. Your body pressing closer to hers. That is when you feel it. The growing bulge in her pants. You gasp at the feeling, slightly shocked. You look at her with your mouth slightly opened. A panic rises in her eyes as she steps back. “I-I’m sorry.” She turns to leave but you catch her by the arm pulling her back towards you. “Wait Carol.” You give her a soft smile and she looks down. This time you're the one to raise her gaze back to yours. Your lip caught between your teeth as you looked at her. “I find it really hot.” You pull her back between your legs. She breathes a sigh of relief as she presses back against you, her forehead leaning on yours. A small whimper leaves your lips as her bulge presses back against you. “You're so perfect.” She whispers between you. “You're perfect the way you are.” Your hands cup her face as you show  her that you like her for her. 
With your words her confidence came back and she grabbed your hips pulling you impossibly closer as she grinded into you. A moan falls from your lips as your hands fly to her shoulders and your head falls back. She takes the opportunity to attach her lips to your neck sucking deep red and purple marks. “Please.” You let a small whimper out. She pulls back looking at you with lust filled eyes. “I have wanted you for so long, but are you sure?” You bring your head back up to look at her. You can see that all she cares about is your comfort. It’s neither of your ideal place to start this but you have wanted her the same way she has wanted you and you don’t want to wait anymore. Your heart swells at her thoughtfulness and concern for you.
Your hand cups Carol’s cheek as she nuzzles lightly into your palm. A warm smile spreads on your lips. “More than anything.” She leans in gently kissing you pouring all of her feelings into it. You move your hands to her hips pushing down her coveralls that are tied around her waist. She helps shuffle them down to her ankles. She is now in front of you with a white tank top on and boxers. Her hard cock strained against the material. You admire her toned arms and gasps when you get a better idea of just how large she is. She smirks before kissing you harshly again, moving back closer and grinding against you causing both of you to moan into one another's mouth.
Carol grabs the bottom of your shirt urging you to take it off. As you do you pull away from her lips but as soon as your shirt hits the floor your lips are back on hers. She then works to get you out of your pants and underwear. She pulls back pulling off your shoes and pulling both off tossing them into a pile. She then kicks off her boots and coveralls. When she moves back between your legs your hands go to push her boxers down but she grabs them in her hands pressing you till your back is against the hood of the car and your hands are above your head. Leaning over you as she pecks your lips. Her other hand pulls your bra down letting your breast spill out over top of it. Her calloused hands groping you. She squeezes and massages your breast as she nips at your lips. “So beautiful.” She starts to move down your jaw towards your neck. “I have imagined fucking you just like this so many times. Jerking off to the thought of you cuming on my cock making a mess as I fuck you on a beautiful car. But it will never be more beautiful than you.” You can’t help but moan at her words. The thought of her jerking off to you has your pussy gushing.  “Please” You whimper. 
“Fuck.” Carol breathes. Not wanting to wait any longer she shuffles her boxers down with her one hand kicking them off while keeping your hands above your head. She takes her cock swiping it through your folds, nudging the head into your clit. A moan falling from your lips as she does so. She does this a few more times before lining herself up with your entrance. She leans her head against yours again. “Are you sure about this Y/n/n?” She asks you again. You move your legs to wrap around her waist. “Yes, just please fuck me already Carol. I want to feel you.” Your eyes pleading with her.
Both of your moans echo off the wall as Carol pushes the head into you. Slowly sinking her length into your tight velvety walls. Her hips pressing until they are flush with your ass making you gasp at the fullness. “So fucking tight.” She moans. “S-so big.” You moan. She gives you time to adjust to her size not wanting to hurt you. She lightly makes out with you waiting for a sign that you're ready. When you're ready you start to grind your hips into her. She groans into the kiss pulling almost all the way out before snapping her hips back into you. 
It doesn’t take long for Carol to start a fast and rough pace as she fucks into you. Your moans filling the room as she angles her hips just perfectly hitting the spot deep inside you that you’re already seeing stars. Carol leans up watching as your breasts bounce with every thrust of her hips. “Hands stay there.” She warns you as her hands release yours snaking down to your throat. She wraps her hand around your throat lightly squeezing causing a moan to be caught in your throat. 
It was a calculated move for Carol to test those waters but she is pleasantly surprised when your walls clench around her length as her hand tightens around your neck. A moan tumbling from her lips as you squeeze her tightly. Her hips pounding into you mercilessly relishing in just how good you feel wrapped around her. The hand not around your throat moves down your body, her fingers lightly drawing a path down your stomach before stopping at your bundle of nerves. Her finger pressing against your clit eliciting a loud moan from you. Her fingers then meticulously rubbing circles as the knot in your stomach grows. 
Carol’s pace never falters as she pounds into you so mesmerized by the beauty beneath her. Sprawled out on the car as she watches your blissed out face. Her cock disappearing into your cunt as she fucks you roughly.  Her thrust grows sloppy as your walls squeeze her tight. Your legs are slightly shaking around her hips. She can tell you’re close and so is she. Her grip on your throat tightening just a bit more and her fingers rub tight fast circles on your clit. You choke on your words as you try to tell her how close you are. “I know sweet girl. Cum all over my cock, make a mess.” She thrusts hard into you.
You moan as your walls clench hard around Carol, almost forcing her out as you cum hard. Your legs tighten around her waist and you resist the urge to grab onto her with your hands. Back arching up off the hood of the car as your eyes roll into the back of your head. A warm stream of white sticky liquid painting your walls as Carol fills you with her cum. The pleasure almost makes you black out. Carol slowly ruts into you prolonging both of your orgasms as you both slowly come down. A mix of both of your cums seeping out around Carol’s cock onto the hood of the car. 
Carol lets your throat go and pulls your body into hers. You wrap your arms around her tightly and nuzzle into her neck. Still joined together as you both catch your breaths. Carol chuckles and you feel her chest vibrating against you. “Guess I’m going to have to pay Steve extra to detail this car before getting it back to the owner.” You whine and hide more in her neck embarrassed at the mess you made and the prospect of your friend cleaning up your cum from the hood of this car. “Don’t worry sweetheart. He won’t ask questions. He is too much of a prude to ask. Also the extra cash will keep him quiet.” She kisses the side of your head. You hum at her response, kissing her neck lightly. 
You never expected that staying late tonight would lead you here. To the chance to finally be with the person you desired most but you're so thankful that Tony had you stay. You’re hoping now that you will be able to get closer and grow with Carol as you explore your new dynamic. You don’t know what you two are yet but you're hoping to be just hers. 
The silence between you two is broken when Carol slowly thrusts in and out of you causing you to moan. She kisses your neck before sinking her teeth into your pulse point. You dig your nails into her back whimpering. “F-Fuck.” Is all you can say as her pace picks back up. “Sorry sweetheart, I can't help myself. Want to fill you again.” She groans as your walls squeeze her. “Mhmm.” You mumble knowing that you are in for a long night and Steve will be paid a hefty amount to clean this car tomorrow.
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me-uglypretty · 8 months
my brother's wife
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Pairing:  Carol Danvers x F!Reader
Summary: Carol faces the conflict of war, and the love of her life or more accurately, the sister of a man she married.
Warning: (18+), fluff, mention of battle/war | 4k words
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The most confident, bravest, strongest, and coolest hero—spoken with enthusiasm by the honest words of Kamala Khan—was revealed as the heavily adored Princess of Aladna. Captain Marvel, a genuine royalty among her cheerful people. A princess that roused such joy and smiles from those around the symphonic planet.
“That’s so cool! You’re a princess!” Kamala had exclaimed after the moment of revelation had passed. “Oh my god, my favourite…my idol…my captain is also a princess,” she mumbled to herself, eyes widening at each word, and the absolute look of shock on her face when she stared adoringly at Carol.
On the other side, Monica appeared equally bewildered of the infamous hero’s newly revealed title. Carol tried relaying the reasons for her status at the planet, and only received teasing remarks that made her both annoyed and flush at their comical reactions.
Distraction soon arises for the two to further their teasing when the music begun playing. Aladna’s adored couple, the prince and princes dancing together dreamily, voices blending into the other to spoken words of a coming war.
Prince Yan was quick with his reaction, immediately directing them towards a guest room to prepare themselves for battle. Furthering their planning as he spoke privately with Carol then dismissing himself as the three were left assembling their own plan of action for Dar-Benn’s attack.
However, their conversation came to a halt when hushed voices were heard from outside their room. The sounds had diverted their attention towards the closed door, several seconds passed before the wide door was pushed open forcefully and someone entered in a rushed manner, scaring both Monica and Kamala while Carol merely reacted to the sudden intrusion.
“You’re here,” was spoken first, voice conveying brazen anger and eyes staring straight into those visibly cowering. “And you brought guest.”
Carol had flinched. Those words fell harshly from a mouth always sounding so sweet, someone she missed dearly and greatly from the unpleasant time apart. But when her own wide eyes met those orbs seemingly glimmering in pure wrath—she had smiled, dissolved was the sudden fear of what may happened, forgotten was the war that would soon arrive.
It was you, wasn’t it?
Why wouldn’t Carol smile at the sight of you?
It’s foolish to simply overlook the clear irritation on your face, but Carol had always reacted as foolishly possible when it came to you. Her eyes linger on your form, trailing from the strict look on your face to the hues of your clothes that appeared different from the occupants of Aladna. A sort of darkness looms in tinge of yellow, surely making you recognisable in the crowd. Though, that was undoubtedly the truth when you appeared in any places. A beauty like yours, and Carol crumbles at the sight.
You were there. Carol was there. A border that separated two was the upcoming war. Perhaps, it was the continuous voices that sang to their hearts desire, rarely disturbed by anger and unlike how a certain flair of anger seems stuck on your face.
But you’re…you.
“Why…why is Carol smiling?” Kamala whispered, nudging her elbow to Monica’s side at the question. The oldest between two simply shrugged, far too invested to know of her aunt’s new drama.
It was true. Carol was smiling at the sight of you, a stranger simply stood by the closed door. Hands fisted by your side, a frown settled deep on your face as your eyebrows furrowed and round eyes stared in her direction, anger that seems to slip gradually into confusion as your eyes examined the strangers in the room. Then, almost as if the realisation had settled when you noticed the younger girl, your glare was fixed back on Carol with madden intensity.
Carol cleared her throat first, mouth parted to say something then deciding on approaching you instead. “I know what you’re going to say—”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
Those words carried an unpleasant silence through the thickening tension. Carol’s approach was blocked as you swerve around her and walked towards the two guests.
Kamala takes an uncertain step back, seemingly pressing her body closer to Monica. Her wide eyes, those pools of soft brown swirls with an expression of fear, confusion, and adoration.
You lifted your fisted hand, extending towards Kamala and revealed a piece of pink candy in your palm. The puzzled look on her face fades seconds as she accepted the candy and uttered a soft thank you. After the minimal interaction, you glance towards the older woman stood beside her. Monica doesn’t offer a smile of any sort as your eyes squints at her like you found her familiar, before nodding your head at her.
“If you need anything, let me know. I’ll be waiting outside this room,” you stated sternly and spun around to make an exit.
Carol’s hand almost reached for yours but dropped by her side with a tired sigh as a hand was raised in her direction, silencing her from uttering anything else. The warning look remained on your face as you opened the door and closed it behind you.
It was almost too quiet till the sound of soft steps reached Carol’s side.
A hum was followed by the question, “So…who was that?”
Carol seemed to had awaken from her swirling thoughts. The clear curiosity was on Kamala and Monica’s face, neither gathering a reasonable answer for the slightly awkward and entirely too conflicted situation. The oldest of them had choose to ignore the questions looming in utter confusion and gestured for them to prepare for the upcoming battle.
It's you, it’s her, and it’s time she set aside her personal matters for the sake of their safety.
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Out of the various disastrous occurrence, you weren’t prepared for the forced warfare in your peaceful planet. A home that was always glowing in hues of bright colours, people sharing the sounds of their love and embracing each other tenderly. Despite the conflict that arise at some point that made you dim, it was nothing alike the beliefs that your parents had taught you, and it wasn’t alike the absolute chaos you had witness.
Now, you were stood by the window that exhibited a view of the unexplored galaxy and you were fuming at the sight. A single foot taps rhythmically on the metal flooring, it was a song that your mother used to sing when nights were far too dark and worry expands in your chest. The kind of agony that carried forward as you grew older and when you were forced into the space ship with her.
It's for the best, your brother had claimed and pushed your body towards the hovering ship. The best of his decision was questioned in sake for you or for him. You assumed the latter was the obvious answer.
“How are you doing?” the tender voice asked and instantly, you smelled the slightly burnt aroma that carried through the air. “Coffee?” was offered soon after with a friendly smile.
When you accepted the offer, instantly did the warmth from the mug spreads to the width of your palms. A soft hum resonates through your throat as you sipped the bitter drink tentatively, the warmth doesn’t settle the ache in your chest but offer a sort of comfort from the chill that surrounds the unaccustomed space.
A gentle whisper of a thank you, and seconds after, your gaze met those of dark brown eyes swirling with sympathy.
“We weren’t formally introduced…but I’m Monica,” she introduced herself after offering the beverage. “That’s Kamala,” she pointed her thumb back, and you followed her gaze towards the young girl sat at the edge of the desk, kicking her feet absently then waving shyly in greeting at realisation that the attention had diverted to her.
You nodded your head first, followed by the confession that seemingly pulled her attention entirely on you. “I know…you,” and timid smile was revealed on your face.
Monica’s eyes seemingly widen at the revelation, eyebrows furrowed and mouth parted with questions lingering in her mind since your appearance. A taunting sense that hasn’t provided her with an idea of you.
Though, the wanting conversation was abruptly stopped by sounds of metal clattering to the ground, echoing throughout the shared space. Grumbles of sort was heard moments after, and Monica smiled, an apology lingering at the tip of her tongue as she hastily walked towards the urgent noise.
It left you alone, or at least, with the youngest among them.
Kamala’s face settled with an expression of utter concentration, the lines over her eyebrows more prominent as she squints her eyes and in return, you followed the reaction that seems to flutter out of nowhere. A moment shared between two at an hour that wasn’t great to neither, and it was the sign of a slight smile curling at her lips that warmth your heart. The commenced of a staring contest that you knew of well, a game that you had experienced with the children of Aladna.
It takes approximately ten seconds after that your façade dissolved into a smile that pulled at the muscles of your cheeks and laughter which carried happily in the air. Kamala snorted at the reaction, almost dropping the bowl of snacks in her hands from her uncontrollable laughter.
The rush of innocence in that moment, grasped at your heart and hers, which later you assumed. It seemed foreign to experience something so childlike. Life had become nothing but a period of attending to trivial occasions or listening to orders that enforced your presence far from significant discourses. The thought itself makes you feel strange. Did life really succumb into such dullness? If so, and life has truly met the worst then was that why a young child like her had become intertwined with a growing war?
Few minutes after, when neither you or Kamala was at the start of another childlike act, the young girl made a sound alike a hum.
“I like your scarf,” Kamala pointed out, her head nodding towards the fabric that was tired firmly around your wrist. “It’s pretty…like you,” she added faintly as a shy smile appeared on her face.
The mention of said scarf; an iridescence like maroon fabric which surface is scattered with a phrasing that looked faded, and the seams of the fabric was woven with embroidery of flowers in shade of gold and silver. It was one of the many fabrics made in your home planet, though, this article of clothing carried a significant meaning.
It's special, you would explain as a conclusion.
You placed the coffee in your possession by the window before untying the scarf around your wrist. Taking gentle steps forward, a tender smile curls at your lips as you glance at the fabric in your hand then meeting Kamala’s curious gaze. “Here, you can have it,” you said, and waited for the young girl to extend her hand.
A soft gasp was heard when the scarf was entirely in her touch. The sudden glow that resurfaced wasn’t unusual as you smiled at the sight. It was always a special fabric, and you believed that—Kamala is even more special.
“It’s glowing! Oh my…” she exclaimed, excitement seemingly losing an understand of what she was saying as you chuckled at her reaction. “Really?” she asked, after settling with a wide grin on her face. “Thank you!” she rushed to warp her arms around you as returned the show of affection.
“It’s a special scarf,” you spoke fondly of it. “Promised to guide in time of trouble…” you briefly explained, and witness the young girl inspecting the scarf intriguingly then her eyes, round and wide, stared into yours with questions that you waved off. “No, it’s not going to help you in every situation. It comes and goes, you’ll feel it when it does,” you wiggled your hands to emphasis it’s magic.
You wouldn’t exactly utter the word of magic. It’s not a trick. It’s just, that, something special and only worthy to those of pure heart.
“What’s that?”
The question was rushed, hand grasping your wrist that was once tied with a scarf. It doesn’t occur to you of Kamala’s sudden interest till the next question dropped from her mouth in utter surprise.
“Is that a glowing tattoo?”
You hastily pulled your hand away, and feign obliviousness as you shrugged. “Don’t know.”
The lie that slips from your tongue feels customary. It was a part of you that you hid well. The very emblem that stirred your chest with such rage, waiting for moments after another to erupt in sheer bloody wrath, and express the very notion that made you feel lost. At that same instant, where those feelings roused in such situation, the reason appeared in lurid steps.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Carol’s voice carried warmly through and her body inched closer, while yours visibly retreated with a livid scowl on your face.
Carol has always been the reason.
And there, she crossed her arms. “Are you serious? You’re still mad about what happened?”
Anger flash in your eyes, widening in sheer frustration and irritation. All those crimson flush that seems obvious to her, and you hoped for the least that she reconsiders her next choice of words. You take that step first, forcing your body into her proximity. A single finger pointed at the centre of her chest as you spoke the next line in blazing fury and in a tone that surely left everyone close stunned.
“No. You don’t get it, Carol. You got the prosperous ending with my brother, the chance to leave and continue your beautiful life in space. You had that, just pick up everything and leave to your lonesome like you always do,” you glance around her space ship to emphasise her isolation. “But I didn’t. I faced the backlash for not choosing the right person, for not— you promised that it will always be me and you.”
The breath released after your admission, it pulled at your chest and settled a heavy there. It doesn’t improve when your eyes started into hers, those spheres that you once compared to the sun.
Carol—she was the person you fell so hopelessly for—and she felt that same too, at those hours spend conversing of everything to nothing. You were sure of it. Those eyes of light brown held a heavenly like adoration for you. The mundane act of life, where her hands always find yours or the crimson flush on her cheeks when your hand rest firmly on her thigh. Carol always held a look in her eyes that others would express of how you perceive said person who painted the starts specifically for you, only someone loves you truly would go beyond to achieve that.
She speaks of it too, the love that she holds for purely for you. It was never doubt that she would have seize every colour in the universe for you. The promise that sealed her lips over yours at the first night you presumed her as another space adventurer. She wasn’t, that she swore upon.
It was love. You were confident of it.
Why must she had done everything against it?
You haven’t found the answers. Carol had left you abandoned while you still saw her face everywhere you turn and your brother’s satisfied smile at the mention of his wife.
It wasn’t fair to you—to your aching heart that stayed, still waiting for the glow of the night to appear and to see her smile. You waited for Carol every night till your mind settled with an end.
She could never settle herself for something permanent.
“You have always been so good at leaving, Carol Danvers,” you uttered with finality, and immediately walked away from her.
Pretence slips instantly. You ignored the look of disappointment on Monica’s face or the sounds of shock from Kamala at the revelation. Life was always like this; pretend, speak of every hurt, and pretend again.
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Carol acknowledged the mistakes she made from the first that she remembers to the expense of the last. It takes saving the world with such reckless actions before and after, and the most horrible parts of it for her to finally understand. It was the same route that leads for another mistake.
Her heart ached with knowing that neither could compare to the shame that bathe her at leaving you in such state, and the absolute betrayal of accepting the marriage proposed by your brother. It was a documented act to solve a conflict. Merely an act, a performance for the politics that blurred heavily between social construct of Aladna and the heir of the throne.
“She’s very angry with you,” Kamal mumbled nonchalantly which ultimately directed Carol’s attention to her. “But she’s very pretty…” she trailed, momentarily getting distracted by the transparent screen which possessed classified information. “Actually, I think every beautiful woman…hates you,” and with that, she gasped dramatically at the realisation.
Carol argued with the brewing thoughts in the younger girl’s mind. “That’s not— stop, not every woman hates me.”
“Okay,” Kamila answered sarcastically. The utter shock of seeing her idol had fade into confidence if she was speaking like this without a worry, and it kind of made Carol wish back for the early stages of meeting Kamala.
A tired sigh emits from her throat, her hand brushed the blonde strains that fell to her forehead. “Kamala, she doesn’t hate me.”
Kamala scoffed at the statement. Carol’s eyebrows furrowed, and she titled her head, a look that made the younger girl raise her hand in surrender. It was followed by soft mumbles of apologies.
“She’s not happy with me right now, and I understand her,” Carol claimed, confidence wavering at each word after the tense and one-sided conversation with you. “Anyway, why do you even think that?” she questioned, before pushing the younger girl’s hand from messing with the buttons close by, and a cheeky smile soon resurfaced on her face.
“Because she gave me her scarf, she helped before and after the fight, she’s really nice…then you appeared and suddenly, I feel like a child of divorce…” Kamala expressed with a pout.
Carol’s mouth parted in shock, open and closing as though she was trying to comprehend the way to breath or find a suitable way to response. Ultimately at her speechlessness, Carol huffed and turned around, swiftly leaving the young girl giggling in her dismissal of the subject.
How could Kamala have assumed that, as if, the relationship shared between two was obvious to everyone. Carol knew you enough and that served as the only motive as search for you in the space ship.
It hasn’t left her mind since the night she had left. The circulating questions on if your brother was aware of the relationship that brew between you and her. Did the proposal of marriage arise after knowing the truth or was it proposed at the state of unknown?
Then she heard your voice, reaching her ears to where her mind drones the questions and her chest soothe with a warmth from a voice she had missed. You sounded so you, so gentle, so affectionate, and so unliked the voice that spat angrily in her direction.
You were sat by the monitors with Monica. A conversation flowing easily between two people who had never met before this. Carol was careful as she stood behind the wall, enough to stay hidden and still eavesdrop which she knew was a bad thing, but she couldn’t hinder her curiosity.
“Carol talk about you,” was the revelation that shifted Monica’s attention entirely onto you and deserting the classified information she was reading through. “There was so many stories that it felt like I knew you…but you’re obviously not a kid anymore and I don’t think your Aunt Carol had accepted that yet,” you teased at the end, resulting in chuckles from the other women.
“Our relationship feels weird,” Monica admitted, a sort of comfort disclosed in her posture as she shared her thoughts with you. “It’s been years since I last saw her and…” she paused with a tired sigh.
You nodded your head understandingly. “Regardless of what had happened in the past, I know very well that Carol misses you and she loves you so much,” your hand rested comfortingly on Monica’s arm as you continued, “I really do believe that she wants to try and make this better.”
The conversation fades into the background when Carol turned away from it. After all she had done, the absolute heartbreak that was vivid in your eyes, and you still spoke of her so kindly with someone sharing the same angry for her leaving. It wouldn’t make sense if someone else heard this, but Carol knows your compassion goes beyond.
You were rooting for her relationship with Monica to heal. It felt like your anger as fated at her, but never around what she was for everyone else.
Carol wishes and hopes that she could have the chance to fix the mess she created, and to hear your voice speak sweet to her.
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The feeling of something horrible occurring—that ache which drew the most horrifying scream from your chest, your throat burns from the sheer strength it took, your hands trembling, your eyes blurry as tears shed—and the aftermath of it.
To witness someone, not just anyone, but the love of your life confined in a battle that doesn’t present an idea of who would survive. To ready your heart for the worse rather than the good, as the later hasn’t transpired for years, and you were always expecting the worse when it was intertwined with you.
Carol was, is intertwined with you.
The reality of a dreadful battle had disregarded the resentment which stirred in your chest at the sheer mention of her. Betrayal of such, wasn’t promised forgiveness. A part of you knew, forgiveness materialised in your heart when you first saw her on the dance floor, despite her close embrace with your brother.
Everything that you felt was dismissed completely at the sight of her, alive and breathing as she stood just steps away from you. Carol frowned, cheeks crimson and skin gleaming of sweat. It takes one move for her mouth to part, and for you to leap into her arms as she held you close. They won, and she was alive.
In the heat of such reunion, you pushed yourself back slight, your soft eyes gazing into hers and like nature pursuit the sun’s shine, your mouth hovers over hers—
And you kissed her.
One kiss after another, mouth pressing into the other as though air was transfer in that way, her touch melting you into a puddle of love for her.
Carol was stunned and hoped the forbidden wake from a dream wouldn’t ruin this moment with you. It doesn’t happen, not when your hands grasped her face or when her hands fell to your waist. You were kissing her so fondly that the smile on her face the only reason you stopped.
“You kissed me,” Carol whispered, her minty breath fans over your mouth, and you used to tease her for her habit of eating mint candies when she was stressed. “You kissed me.”
You hummed. “And you kissed me back.”
However, the sweet reunion of love was interrupting by a cough. Carol shifted her head slight, looking over your shoulder to see Monica stood there with an unamused expression. You tenderly turned around in her embrace, back pressed into hers as Carol rested her head on your shoulder.
It's perfect, she confessed to her heart. The bad was resolved, and you still love her. You love her enough and haven’t left her side since the start of this unavoidable war.
She doesn’t need any other proof of love than the way your hand grasps her wrist and hold her closer. The glimpse of a mark on your wrist proof of it more, a matching emblem of love that glows warmly on her skin and yours.
“So…you forgive her for being problematic?” Monica teased, and instantly raised her hands in feign surrender when Carol glared at her. “Okay, calm down, Aunt Carol. I was just…stating the obvious.”
A groan trembles through your shoulder at Carol’s annoyance. “Don’t you have anything better to do? Where’s Kamala? Go take care of her, please,” Carol plead in the end, and Monica smiled, waving her hands at you as she walked away.
Carol turned your body around, facing you entirely as the smile on her face widens as you were smiling at her too. It’s unreal, she thought, as her fingers trace the curve of your lips and you lean into her touch.
You felt the texture of her skin, the print of her birth and the ones occurred from her life filled with action. She wasn’t a fragment of a memory that made you curse and cry the night away. Just knowing she was there with you, lessen the ache that was so persistent in your heart.
“I’m sorry for messing up,” Carol whispered, her hand grasps your jaw tenderly. “I shouldn’t— I should have never left you. It’s my fault, and I would do everything to fix this, fix us.”
You simply listened or more, admire the little furrow of her brows as she spoke, the line that drew over forehead which appeared more prominent when she was frowning, and the way her eyes visibly softened, it’s not the look of a warrior but of someone blooming with sympathy. Your body seemed to react first as you pressed your mouth firmly over hers, lips completely shutting her from her rambles of apologies.
“I forgive you,” was whispered as another kiss was followed by, “But you have a long way to fix everything,” you pointed, and she chuckled, nodding her head in agreement.
This was entirely the way either of you expected for rekindle of a relationship, but she was there, you were there, and safely together. Life, rough as it always had been, but it would eventually resolve into better thing. You accepted this at once as her eyes gaze into yours, the tender touch of her hand, and the sweet smile on her face.
You kissed again—just for her.
“But you are divorcing my brother or this,” you pushed yourself back, creating a gap between bodies. “Would never work out,” you stated as you removed your hands from hers and patted her chest softly.
The response that came after was the sound of your distant steps, and Carol’s eyes followed your figure retreating to where the rest were surely waiting.
“Wait! Stop!” Carol shouted suddenly, realisation dawning on her after completely losing her state of consciousness from your touch. “We got married on papers to solve a conflict! It’s not real, hey!”
The laughter that echoed through the space ship was shared among those surviving another formidable battle. You were laughing with Monica and Kamala while Carol was trying her hardest to justify her political marriage, and the slight appearance of a smile when she realises that this is her family. Loneliness doesn’t dwell at each corner of this floating ship, but the warmth of friendships, and rekindled relationships.
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hi! if you enjoyed this, do consider getting me coffee 💜
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brooooswriting · 8 months
For Carol: How about Carol growing slightly distant and neglecting R because she's scared she isn't enough since she always has to leave earth and be away for longer times. Some nice, juicy angst until it gets resolved. Happy ending with R living with Carol on her ship?
To the end of the galaxy
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You met Carol and furry in a restaurant and it just immediately clicked. It was like that scene from hotel Transylvania, where they met and it chinged. You couldn’t take your eyes off of each other which caused Carol to walk into a table. After you stopped laughing you walked over to greet her, introducing yourself and she was quick to do the same.
The same week you went on the first date, followed by 12 more before she had to go to space again. It was a hard goodbye, you had met up nearly everyday and now you could barely keep in contact. But while the blonde offered you an easy way out several times you didn’t take it. You liked her, a lot, and you wanted to stay with her.
It worked out rather fine. She would come to earth as often as possible, staying some weeks and spending every day with you. Those weeks were always the highlights and you counted the days until she would come back.
But lately it has been different. She didn’t visit as often and if she did she only stayed for a couple of days, barely talking to you or touching you. She was distant and it was weird.
You were sitting on your couch with a friend/coworker when the door suddenly swung open. Carol walked in, her normal stoic face as she appeared in the living room. “Carol? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” You asked her but she barely answered, mumbling something about flying by and wanting to say hi before she walked upstairs.
“Do-Do you want me to go?” Your friend asked, sensing the weird mood that suddenly appeared. You shook your head, the blonde wasn’t going to talk to you anyway. “Are you guys okay?” He then asked, which was a harder question.
“I’m not sure but we’ll figure it out sooner or later. Now about that problem…” you discussed the reason he was actually there until later that evening. Once he went away you started to cook the captains favorite, hoping that it would lift her mood but it was no use.
She came down, thanked you for the food, she ate with you but she barely talked. It was so goddamn confusing. When you went to bed that night she didn’t hold you like she used to, she was on her phone till late at night which was when you realized it was over.
She had distanced herself from you months ago but you didn’t wanna believe it so you acted as if everything was fine.
The next morning Carol woke up confused, the place to her left was empty and cold which meant that you had been up for a longer while. Normally she was up way before you and normally she used to hug you close to herself until you woke up. She strolled through the room for a bit looking at the pictures you had up from her, you looked so happy on those. All the other pictures you had up where from the times she wasn’t there, you looked less happy. Your smile didn’t even reach your eyes.
When she came downstairs she sensed something was off. And the feeling got proved right when she saw you sitting at the table with a coffee in your hand, the other side empty. Everytime she visited you made coffee for the two of you. Before the blonde could even greet you you started to talk. “We should talk. Sit please.”
With a bad feeling and a heavy heart she sat down opposite of you, her hands stretching out to touch yours but you pulled back. “What do you want to talk about?” She asked, it was a stupid question. She knew what you wanted.
“I think we should break up. I know you’ve been thinking about it for a while and I don’t want to keep you here if you wanna go. Since I have to work today I will be gone for about 7 hours which should give you enough time to pack your things but you’re always welcome to get something if you forget something” your voice broke several times as you spoke, tears streaming down your face while they brimmed carols eyes. “I’m sorry this didn’t work out C, I’m sorry if I didn’t love you enough” you pressed a kiss to her head before leaving the house, giving Carol space to cry.
She knew that this was her fault, it was her fault that you broke up with her and it was her fault that you were crying right now but it felt so unfair to keep this relationship alive. She thought this was what she wanted, to give you freedom and to stop you from hurting when she wasn’t there. But now she felt like she hurt you a lot more.
You’ve never felt so terrible. You loved Carol with everything you had and now you might never see her again which was ripping you apart. Sure, the long distance thing was hard but you would happily wait for her if you at the end would be with her. But it was no use, it was over. She made it obvious that she didn’t want to be around you anymore.
That night you cried yourself to sleep, the pictures of the two of you taunting you but you didn’t have the heart to take them off. You were sure that you were going to marry Carol one day, that you guys were going to live a happily ever after but now you just thought that you were stupid.
Carol didn’t feel any better, she cried in her ship with Goose on her lap. She was still in the sky above your house, she couldn’t bring herself to fly away. This was what she wanted but now that she got it? It was terrible and she could feel that you weren’t feeling better. She was sure about it when she saw you leave your house for work, tear tracks still covering your pale face.
When you came home the whole house smelled like your favorite vanilla chai candle, pizza and like something burnt. At first you were scared that you left a candle or the stove on but when Goose came toward you, rubbing against your leg you put one and one together.
With careful steps you walked into the dining room to find Carol there, figuring out how to plate the pizza to make it look good and fancy. Or better said, worth your time. “So, what’s going on here?” You asked, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible.
The blondes head shot up at the sound of your voice and the piece of pizza in her hand fell onto the plate. “Y/n, you’re home earlier than expected” she started, staring at you for a moment. “I, uhm, I got pizza from the place down the street. The one you like so much and I bought you new candles and I really want to talk to you.”
You sighed, you really didn’t feel like talking right now. Your job sucked, you were tired and your head hurt from all the crying but the way Carol looked like she was about to cry made you give in. “Fine, but quickly. I got a long day tomorrow” you sat down opposite of her, starting the piece of pizza on your plate.
“Look, I know I’ve been an ass for the last couple of months and I regret that. Trust me I do but I thought it would be for the best. I have to leave so so often that it felt wrong to tie you to me you know? You’re so amazing and kind and pretty and friendly and you deserve the world. You deserve someone who would destroy the world to save you, but I’ve been destroying you to save the world. And that’s just now right” you opened your mouth to say something, the small smile on your lips giving Carol a hint. “And yes I know that sounds like a cheesy fanfic or something” she said before you could. “But I mean it. I felt terrible about it and i thought when I distance myself we can both move on from each other and you can be happy. God, I was so wrong because I don’t think I can move on” she looked at the plate in front of her, suddenly not knowing where she was going anymore.
“Carol, I didn’t care about all that. I knew what I put myself into, I was okay with it. Sure the distance was hard but you’re worth it. I would go to the end of the galaxy for you” you promised, your hand holding hers on the table. You wanted to be mad at her, you really did but it wasn’t often that she opened up like that and you wanted to show her that it was okay to show feelings and open up.
“To the end of the galaxy?” She asked, titling her head to the side. You gave her a convincing nod with a small smile. “Then I think I know how to fix all of this”
Two weeks later you woke up in space, Carol laying behind you, her arm carefully wrapped around your waist as you looked outside. The captains solution was that you moved in with her and you loved it. Your old job was shit and there was nothing really that held you on earth, so you jumped on the idea. Space was the coolest thing ever and by now you knew how to fly it and everyday Carol taught you something new about the technology.
“I love you” she mumbled as she shuffled closer to you, burying her head in your hair. If she had known how amazing it would be to wake up with you every morning she would have asked you to come with her a long time ago.
“I love you too” you answered as you stared at your reflection in the glass. Goose settled between you and the window. You were happy to have your own little family from which you’d never have to be separated from again.
“But we are still renovating the ship” you added, laughing as you heard Carol groan. The ship was kinda sad from the inside and there was barely any place where you could cook or do anything else, so a renovation was the solution. The blonde hated that, it was so much work.
“Anything for you” you turned your head gave her a quick kiss before closing your eyes again. It was too early to be awake anyway.
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