#caroline ! from the movie not the book
oraclecomputer · 1 year
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bluejaybytes · 2 years
Top 5 female protagonists in any media?
HIIIII thank you :3 fair warning this is gonna be mostly video games
1. JESSE FADEN FROM CONTROL. ough. I love her. She is my blorbo 4ever. She's besties with the alien (?) that lives in her head. She's thrown into the weirdest possible scenario and goes 'well this might as well happen'. She sees a gun laying next to a man who just died and upon being told to pick it up she immediately does. I'm in love with her
2. Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn/Horizon Forbidden West. Okay so I actually like her mom to an insane degree (ELISABETTTTTTT) and she is My Blorbo Of All Time. She's an extremely compelling character and genuinely the scene where she yells at the Nora in All-Mother Mountain for worshipping her after shunning her is so impactful. Also she's queercoded and if you want to listen for the next 5 hours I can go over every potential hint in painstaking detail
3. Squirrelflight from Warriors. I have a love/hate relationship with the awful cat books (mostly hate) but I genuinely love Squilf. I think she has some of the most interesting and compelling character moments in the entire series and I love her <3
4. Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. Fun fact I share a birthday AND state with her! Wooo Arizona!!!! But also I literally cried at the finale of the show because of how much her story impacted me. She's a genuinely funny and well written character and god. Its so good
5. Diane Nguyen from Bojack Horseman. I make it a rule to not interact with Bojack Horseman content online because of how much that show specifically attracts the worst takes known to man BUT I love Diane. She is hands down the best character on the show. Her entire thing about 'good damage' and writing her memoirs just sticks with me. I love her <3
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kitsu-katsu · 2 months
Honestly I've never had a bigger want to become a movie director than when thinking about making a Frankenstein adaptation THAT ACTUALLY KEEPS EVERYTHING INTERESTING ABOUT THE SOURCE MATERIAL
I daydream about this
I NEED an adaptation that actually goes into it. Show the fucked up family stuff while Victor narrates it aa idyllic, SHOW VICTOR BEING 19-21 WHILE MAKING THE CREATURE, show the Creature learning to speak from the Delaceys, show his worldview being entirely shaped by paradise lost and the ONE romantic relationship he saw giving him the bride idea, show Victor being ill, disabled, traumatized, go into his internal conflict, show the fucked up nature of Justine's trial, how Victor becomes more aware that he'll be perceived as crazy if he speaks up every second of it, how the law is corrupt and sentences by a judge can have been coerced and say nothing about the moral standing of the victim, especially when also bringing religion into the mix, how the law continues to be fucked when Victor is jailed after Henry's death, a shell of a man he used to be, and taken out by his father because he has influence, show Victor's bond with Henry, with Elizabeth, explore the messy and disturbing relationship of Victor and Elizabeth where they always saw each other as siblings but were also promised to one another by Caroline ever since Elizabeth arrived, how Caroline manipulated Elizabeth to basically relive her own trauma, how her dying wish left them tied into something that neither of them expresses real want for in the whole book
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tossawary · 9 months
A weirdly formative movie for me was "The Slipper and the Rose" (1976), which is a live-action movie adaptation of the Cinderella fairy tale set in some made-up European country. It is also a musical. I think it's fun and funny and sometimes quite sweet and I really like it as a comfort movie. It's kind of long and a little slow and old-fashioned and silly, and the ending is a little flat, but there are several songs that are just... about various logistical and humorous realities of being royalty... and I thought that was just fascinating as a young teenager who liked historical fantasy fiction.
(I excitedly tried to show it to a friend once and she was like, "WHAT am I watching?" She was bored during the dance sequences. It's quite different to the "(Rodgers and Hammerstein's) Cinderella" movie from 1997 starring Brandy. They're entirely different Cinderella musicals.)
The king and queen (and the dowager queen and the prince's cousin who will inherit if he doesn't marry) have a song sung to the prince called: "What Has Love Got To Do With Getting Married?"
The prince has a companion-at-arms (servant) named John and they have a really funny song together in the royal family's mausoleum, where the prince is like, "No matter what I do, I'm just going to end up buried next to these kings. Let me tell you all about how much they sucked as people." (It's called "What A Comforting Thing To Know" and it's probably my favorite song.)
The king and his ministers have a song all about the protocol for throwing a ball ("Protocoliogorically Correct"), because they don't want to offend anyone and accidentally start a war (again).
The prince's servant, John, is in love with Lady Caroline, who is the lady-in-waiting / companion to the dowager queen, but they can't get married because they're apparently too far apart in status. After the ball, when the prince is failing to find Cinderella, there's an entire song ("Position And Positioning") where John, the castle servants, and guards and civilians explain to the prince that there are ranks among servants and servants aren't as free to marry for love as the prince thinks they are. They even take the prince into the kitchens and are like, "Here are a bunch of other servants that you never see and barely knew existed, dude. They're going to do an extended dance number about this."
There are other musical numbers in this movie, including the romantic ("He/She Danced With Me") and heartbreaking ("Tell Him Anything") songs you would expect from a Cinderella story, but I mostly remember the humorous songs that actually engaged with the worldbuilding. I hadn't really seen a "fairy tale" movie do that before to that degree. (I'd seen books adapting fairy tales do it many times, but they don't have musical numbers.)
I think both "What A Comforting Thing To Know" and "Position And Positioning" are both worth watching by themselves, just for how unique they are among the many different Cinderella adaptations, and the movie clips are easy to find online. Go look them up if any of this sounds neat to you!
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stardewremixed · 1 year
What Each Townie Adds to the Community Center After Complete, Pt. 1
Farmer - a farm-to-table dinner once a month and everyone brings a side dish to share
Caroline - expands her fitness class and moves it to the Center (offers 3-4x's a week)
Evelyn - a baking class once a month (mostly cookies, some cakes too. Haley sometimes helps).
Gus - cooking class once a week (and he would be such a good teacher with a gentle, encouraging voice) AND a near daily breakfast for seniors and vets (because he's that kind of guy)
Sebastian - basic computer classes because these townsfolk need to get outta the dark ages. Jk... but seriously, he would open a computer lab. People could come work on resumes, kids could play games after school and on weekends (Sam included), and folks could pay bills online.
Penny would create a kids club for after school on Wednesdays. Vincent, Jas, and Leo all come for storytime, homework help, snacks, and playtime. Jas would donate some of her old dolls and toys. Vincent would create a bug display. Leo would fix up a treehouse out front with help from Robin.
Robin would offer woodworking classes, and she would co-lead an environmental science club with Demetrius (for the social and moral support).
Willy and Elliott would arrange beach clean-up days, and use the Center to create a place for recycling gathering. (And compost - Leah and the Farmer would add).
Gunther would partner with the Adventurer's Guild to host a series of guest lectures on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Archeologists, botanists, monster hunters, travelers, other experts.
Shane would open an AA chapter and suicide prevention support group (with some encouragement from Harvey). Bad coffee. Stale donuts. Everyone feels welcome though.
Band practice would move out of Sam's bedroom and into the Center. He would also organize an open mic night (Abigail would do most of the work, but his enthusiasm counts). He would support and cheer for everyone equally (no matter how off-key).
Elliott would do poetry readings. Once he was published, he would host his book reveal party at the Center. Over wine for the 21+.
Leah would host art classes - sculpting, painting, etc. She would also organize a tri-athlon with Alex.
Alex would fix up the backyard for a kids gridball team. He would have a sports mentorship program (and kids from surrounding towns would attend). Work hard. Play hard. And learn life skills. With a lot of help from other townies.
Haley would create a dark room for anyone wanting to develop their own photos. And she would gladly have many of her own photos on display.
I feel like George would host movie nights with help from Alex, Sebastian and Maru. Alex would hang the projector, Seb would set up the equipment, and Maru would decorate with lights in the yard for movies under the stars in summertime. And bring strawberries to share, of course. Old timey movies. Black and whites.
Harvey (and Maru) would host health clinics, offering free wellness checkups. Gus would provide healthy lunches. They would team up with Caroline for a fitness class. Emily would call her Swami friend for a yoga and meditation demonstration.
Emily would definitely start a sewing circle. Jodi would join. Maybe Marnie. And Caroline would enjoy cross-stitch.
Em would also do additional projects. The younger ladies like Abigail, Sophia, and Scarlett would definitely be into cosplay and costuming together. Abs would drag Sebastian in every once in awhile and Sam would tag along, just cuz. Seb would rock Puck from A Midsummer's Night Dream. And Elliott would make a fantastic Romeo. Haley would definitely be Juliet.
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mirandapriestlyswife · 5 months
The Devil Wears Prada Headcanons
𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹
(These are all based off of the movie versions of the characters so some things from canon in the book are not taken into consideration.)
- Andrea is 1000% a Billy Joel fan and collects records.
-Emily is not a natural redhead but actually dyes her hair.
-The way Andy met all of her friends including Nate was definitely through theater classes during college (all of those people are former theater kids, don’t try to change my mind.)
-Miranda enjoys scrapbooking as well as sketching and watercolors.
-Miranda cannot socialize in a non professional setting at al.
-Andy curses like a sailor.
-Miranda is absolutely disgusted by NYC pests (rats, cockroaches, etc.), Andy tries to find the cuteness in them.
-Andy plays up how good she is at sports but is downright awful.
-The only times Emily will ditch work is when Miranda is on vacation, she and Serena will go to lunch for hours.
-Miranda is not 100% how to properly use a microwave.
-Andy kept her cerulean sweater, even after what Miranda said about it.
-I personally headcanon both Miranda and Andrea from the movie as Jewish because in the book they are.
-Mirandas long buried British accent slightly reveals itself when yelling at someone. (Full yelling, not scolding)
-Miranda is 5’4 and Andy is 5’10! (Partially canon)
-Miranda has a a borderline photographic memory but pretends to forget important things just to be a bitch.
-Andy is definitely at least slightly terrified of Cassidy and Caroline.
-Andy is an ugly sleeper, Miranda sleeps like a sickly victorian child ready for the scarlet fever to take her.
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Something that has always bothered me about The nightmare before Christmas sequels and the fandom is how Sallys abuse is never talked about or swept under the rug or down played as not that bad. The movie does a great way how showing how abusers can deceive peoplelike every thing is fine but nothing really is. The Dr only hurts Sally when no one is looking or when they are alone and unfortunately when Jack is around he puts on a act like he’s a good guy that would never hurt anyone so Jack is not suspicious Sally is in Danger. I understand this is a difficult subject but I believe one that should be talked about. Sallys story is one of hope that things can and will get better ❤️‍🩹 and that you are not tethered to your abuser. 
I believe I've talked about it before, how Sally's situation with the Doctor can be looked at through the lens of abuse, much like Lock, Shock, and Barrel with Oogie Boogie. Dr. Finkelstein is well-liked among his fans, who have arguments against the whole 'abuse' thing, but I think it's an interesting discussion worth having from its complexities. It doesn't get much focus in many Nightmare adaptations at all.
The Doctor is overprotective and overbearing - as his expectations for Sally are not to join in on the Halloween celebrations (which is Halloween Town's most beloved time + purpose), and from that we can surmise that he doesn't allow her much freedom outside of the tower. His punishment to her is locking her in her room with a gigantic piece of wood over the door, for how long is undetermined, but it leads to Sally's escape being something drastic like jumping out of a window.
He treats Sally's restless behavior as a "phase that will pass", with enough "patience". But, really, what is Sally's 'restless behavior' beyond just wanting to go outside and join in on the fun? To meet people, to make friends? Dr. Finkelstein, whether intentionally or not, is trying to cage Sally and enforce that her 'acceptable' behavior is to be content living and serving him, and not seeking a life outside of him and the tower.
There is some emotional manipulation you can see in the movie between the Doctor and Sally, and it comes across a little more clearly in Caroline Thompson's Draft:
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And abusers can be good or even well-liked people. The Doctor and Jack clearly have a friendship, or they at least get along well, as Jack comes to him for some lab equipment and seeks his help with the skeletal reindeer, and the Doctor is kind and welcoming to him in return. It's not really clear whether or not Jack *knows* how Sally is being treated at home, in both recent Nightmare books it's addressed and received badly by Jack (who wants to fix the situation), but it could be very easily guessed he may not notice anything if Sally doesn't talk about it and the Doctor presents nothing as wrong. (The Doctor does pull Sally away during Halloween, trying to be quiet about taking her back, so he may not want to make a scene with her and have others know their situation.)
Sally taking the initiative to escape on her own, to use her wits and learn special concoctions to poison Dr. Finkelstein with (a little morally-gray though), and re-sewing her dismembered limbs on is empowering and teaches us that you can overcome your obstacles. What she and the Doctor have is definitely far from a healthy relationship, and something some abused people can relate to - Finkelstein's emotional manipulations and caging Sally inside as a servant, and her poisoning and escaping him in response to these things.
I am glad Sally ends up freeing herself in the end, and that she finds a life away from Finkelstein. I like seeing Nightmare fan-material addressing what Sally has gone through and how she learns to heal + grow from her time with the Doctor, and I also like seeing the same for him in return, to treat his newer creation better and learn from his mistakes and become a better person through it. I don't think he's necessarily a 'villain' in any sense, but a person whose intentions and actions are abusive, as they cause much more harm than good.
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dearausten · 10 months
just rewatched pride and prejudice 1995 and i loved it, even more than before! here are some thoughts:
- the best thing about this adaptation is, to me, the performance of jennifer ehle as elizabeth. honestly, she nails everything about her character, in my opinion. from lizzy’s wit and sense of humor to her firm resolution in rejecting darcy the first time and dealing with lady catherine, while also displaying all her conflictimg emotions not only during the whole wickham affair, but also when she found herself longing for darcy’s good opinion (who knows why!). she was absolutely charming and one can’t help but root for her.
- this might be obvious, but i love how it is pretty much the same as the book! it’s very clear that having six episodes worth of screen time instead of two hours as you get in movies played in their favor.
- i love the bennets! i love seeing the sisters interact! i love seeing them in their daily lives and watching their dynamics. i also think they got almost all of the characterizations perfectly. lydia, kitty, mary and mrs. bennet were all on point! however i do feel like they toned down mr. bennet’s flaws and only focused on the funny/sarcastic side of his character. other than that, i liked him too :)
- i’ve seen many people who don’t like this mr. collins but honestly i really enjoyed him. he was ridiculous and absurd, and he annoyed the fuck out of everyone, which is accurate lol. i do wish they’d made him age appropriate bc... that man is not 25 lol. anyways, i actually thought this collins was more accurate than 2005!collins.
- oh, caroline, you sneaky thing! i have nothing to say about her, really. i think she was portrayed very accurately as well. and they included the hursts!
- mr. bingley was good too! love me some golden retriever energy
- and, of course, how could i not talk about colin firth as darcy! he was DISGUSTED to be around common gentry people. he looked like he’d rather hang himself from the ceiling than be in those goddamn social gatherings for one more minute. he was so displeased with everyone and clearly thought they were nothing but a pain in his ass, and i love that lol.
- but OH MY he’s a simp! he can’t stop staring at elizabeth for the life of him. istg he is so fascinated by her. that scene at rosings when lizzy is talking to colonel fitzwilliam and darcy just stared at them while she roasts the fuck out of him????? top tier
- one thing i adored about his performance was just how miserable he looks when she isn’t around! and mind you, this is DARCY we’re talking about.
- the ONLY note that i have is that i wish he smiled more, especially when they meet after the letter (but before that too)
- honestly the only bad thing i have to say about this adaptation is that the second proposal felt a little... underwhelming. it’s supposed to be this big emotional moment why do they look like they’re talking about the weather 😭
my conclusion: i’ve worshipped 2005 since the first time i watched but i feel like i’ve just become a 1995 stan, it was just so so good and so faithful to the book. and yes, i finished it two days ago. yes, i’ll be rewatching today.
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I'm sorry, but if you genuinely still can't understand the reasons for why people hated Elena so much, after all these years, then I'm afraid you're a lost cause. All the hate, backlash, and criticism Elena received was 100% justified and deserved. She's by far the worst and most boring, bland, vapid, weakest, useless, and worthless excuse of a main protagonist I've ever seen in any movie, show, book, and media. Nothing remotely interesting or compelling about her in the slightest. She has no personality or agency, and she contributed nothing whatsoever to the show. Her only personality and the only thing she contributed was going back and forth between two brothers, constantly whining and crying and playing the victim, and being a selfish, self-centered, and self-absorbed little twat that makes everything about her and thinks the world revolves around her. 
And before you use trauma as an excuse to defend her, I've seen plenty of other female characters from other shows and movies that have been through similar or worse things than Elena did, and they were a million times better and more likable than Elena could ever be. Stop using trauma and abuse as a weapon and to guilt people into changing their opinions about Elena. Don't pretend to give a shit about victims of abuse and trauma, when I don't see any of you extending that same grace to people like Caroline, Bonnie, Katherine, Rebekah, and Vicki, who have all been through shit too, and were far more interesting and better characters than Elena were. And you hate them for the exact same reasons, just like how a lot of you hate female characters in general for trauma and abuse they've been dealt. 
So, don't act so innocent when a lot of you villainize the hell out of Caroline for being the only character on the show that actually acted like an actual teenage girl, had believable flaws and imperfections, and was actually a lot more relatable than Elena was. And when you also villainize and victim blame/shame and slut shame her for the rape and abuse she suffered at the hands of Damon. You hate Caroline for rightfully hating her rapist and abuser, and not wanting Elena to be with him. But you don't hate Elena, who's supposed to be the best friend, and clearly has no shame sleeping with a rapist, knowing exactly what he did. Makes perfect sense. 
And I will most definitely always hate Elena for her decision to kill Kol, along with thousands and thousands of other vampires in his sireline. I don't care what Kol did, she will always be a straight piece of shit and a fucking cunt for that. And the audacity she had to be mad at Stefan for sleeping with Katherine and Rebekah, when she was flaunting the fact that she was sleeping with his abusive, rapist brother? Yeah, 100% FUCK HER! She has no say in who Stefan can and can't see. 
How Elena even has fans or people defending her is beyond me. If she wasn't such a bland bitch and had an actual personality and something to offer to the story and was just a decent person in general, then people would've actually liked her and rooted for her. But she was never leading lady material. That should've gone to Caroline or Katherine, mostly Katherine. But I'd do fine with Caroline too, she doesn't need a family legacy or nothing like that to lead the show. LITERALLY ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN ELENA!
Wow. Caroline stans are out of their minds.
No, Caroline doesn't act like a normal teenager. She acts like an entitled insensitive brat. I literally never met anyone who was like her, thank god for that.
Your hate for Elena seems irrational. I understand when people don't like her, but you take it a step further.
Good for you if you hate Elena and love Caroline, but you don't need to be interacting with someone who is the opposite.
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letters2fiction · 7 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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godmerlin · 9 days
Top ten m/f ships? From Merlin or otherwise?
Gwen/Lancelot -merlin
Guinevere/Arthur -merlin
Bonnie/Damon - The Vampire Diaries
Eric/Jackie - That 70s Show (YEP!)
Felicity/Oliver -Arrow
Elena/Elijah - The Vampire Diaries
Caroline/Klaus - The Vampire Diaries
Anne/Gilbert - Anne of Green Gables (books, movies, tv shows, etc. they're adorable)
Sabrina/Harvey - Sabrina the Teenage Witch (the OG ship)
Brennan/Booth - BONES
edit because i totally forgot about penelope/colin - bridgerton. Idk where i'd place them and who i'd take out so just throwing them here
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Caroline Bradshaw is convinced her dad is a vampire. She was more than convinced after hearing him tell you he wanted to suck your blood and spotting a hickey on your neck.
wc: 2k
a/n: I needed some Halloween fluff with this man... I did. enjoy!
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The quaint San Diego house was dark with the exception of the blue lights emitting from the television screen. Caroline snuggled up to her father on the couch, her hand deep in the bright orange popcorn bowl while Bradley draped his arm around her cold little arm. Her eyes were glued to Halloweentown, using muscle memory to shove a fist full of popcorn in her mouth. 
Bradley watched with amusement, listening to his daughter's joy-filled giggles as she watched the young witch interact with the silly-looking creatures. He chuckled as she audibly made her distaste known as the kids grabbed the fang of a vampire. Caroline dragged the tip of her tongue over her baby canine tooth “Daddy,” she began, her hazel eyes looking up at the man. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” 
“Are vampires real, like in the movie?” 
He bit back a laugh at her innocent question, “Of course not. Vampires suck blood, turning their victims into minions of the undead,” he went on, tilting his head side to side. Caroline gulped, her little body stiffening. He looked down, his words instantly coming to a halt. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. There are no such things as vampires, werewolves, or goblins…the jury’s still out on ghosts. They’re just in the movies.” 
It seemed to have calmed her down for the moment, the eight-year-old beginning to relax at his side, her head pressing against his chest. 
Well, it was fine, until she was in her princess bed, looking up at the ceiling that was slightly illuminated by the stars coming from her night light. What if a vampire snuck into her room and drank her blood? Hypnotizing her to do their bidding? Caroline shook her head and sprang up from her bed, heading for her bookshelf.  She pulled down a book of creatures that Mickey gave to her as a Christmas present. “Vampires, vampires, vampires—ah!” she whispered as she searched and found the page about the fanged creatures of the night. 
Her eyes widened in fear as she scanned the page. “Vampires suck the book of their victims, can turn into bats, hate garlic,” she read to herself, “they’re allergic to sunlight and can be destroyed by–ew!” she slammed the book closed and swiftly walked down the hall. 
“Bradley.” She heard you giggle from inside your bedroom. Caroline looked in through the crack of the door and saw Bradley sitting next to you, his lips attached to your neck. Her eyes widened—he couldn’t be. “What are you trying to do? Draw blood?” you laughed, playfully pushing him away. 
“I want to suck your blood,” he put on a fake accent and put his arm around you, pushing you lower into your pillow while you tried to muffle your laughter.
Caroline gasped for air, not realizing she was holding her breath. She pressed her back against the cold wall and panted. There was no way—he said they only existed in the movies. He must’ve been joking, she soothed herself, but her suspicion stayed with her through the night. 
The next morning, the girl sat at the kitchen table, pushing around the marshmallows of her cereal. You were humming to yourself as you placed a small arrangement of orange flowers on the table, “Are you ok?” you asked, watching the stern expression on your daughter's face. 
“Mhm,” she responded. 
“Was the movie too scary?” 
“No,” she sighed, “it was fine.” 
You nodded, mostly unconvinced by her reasoning. You moved your hair to the side, turning to walk away. Caroline looked up at the perfect time to see the small purple bruise on the side of your neck; the spot was perfect for a vampire’s fangs. Her blood ran cold, an icy chill ran down her spine. 
She was convinced: her father, Bradley Bradshaw, was a vampire. 
He came down the stairs as soon as the realization came to her, his eyes squinted and pained groans coming from his mouth. Bradley hurried to the windows and pulled the curtains closed, cursing at the sun under his breath. Caroline whipped her head around to look at him, “Y-you don’t like the sun?” she asked, hiding the tremble. 
“No,” he gruffed, trying to keep the house as dark as possible. Vampires hated the sun. He walked like the dead, footsteps heavy towards the kitchen. 
“What’s the real problem?” you questioned him after following him into the kitchen. 
“Headache.” Rooster was a man of few words when his head felt like it was going to explode. “Need a new pillow or something.” 
You carded your fingers in his hair and gave his scalp a few gentle scratches. A low rumble emitted from his throat, "You shouldn't fly today," you tell him, removing your hand and walking towards the medicine cabinet. 
He gratefully took the seafoam green capsules and a small glass of water. Bradley wrapped his arm around your waist to draw you closer to his side. "I'll be fine after this and some food. I promise, honey." His eyes spotted the dark hickey on the side of your neck, an instant pleasurable reminder of last night's activities. 
Bradley leaned in closer, his lips slightly parted. The distance was shrinking, plush lips were so close to making contact with your soft skin. The door opened abruptly, "Mom!" Caroline's voice boomed. 
You and Bradley jolted, inching away from one another. "What?" You panted, your hand covering your beating heart. 
Her hazel eyes swiveled from her mother to her father. You nor she had a wooden stake, just in case things got ugly. "I-I can't find my folder for school," she lied instead. 
"Oh," you mumbled, blinking in surprise at her outburst. "I'll be right there to help." 
You and Bradley shrugged at one another. 
That night at dinner wasn't much better, your daughter had stayed silent most of the day after you picked her up from school. "Honey, go grab the garlic bread from the kitchen, please," you told her kindly, setting down the pot of spaghetti on the table. 
Garlic bread. Garlic was used to ward off vampires. Caroline raced into the kitchen and grabbed the garlic salt from the cabinet. Her tongue poked out as she smothered the already fragrant bread. She thought this was a fool's proof way to see if her dad really was a vampire. 
She placed the bread on the table in front of her father, matching eyes staring at him the whole time. Bradley scrunched his nose as the smell of the garlic tickled his nostrils. 
"How was work?" You asked Bradley. 
"Mav and Cyclone almost got into a screaming match," he chuckled, bypassing the bread and straight for the pasta. 
Caroline formed a disappointed face, her fork clinking on the plate roughly. He didn't touch it for most of dinner. She was going to have to prompt him. "Do you want some of the garlic bread, Daddy? I helped make it." Bradley couldn't say no to his little girl. 
The aviator inhaled, almost coughing at the over usage of the ingredient. His stomach churned at the thought of it in his mouth. "Uh," he tried to laugh it off, "I'm really full, Caroline. I'll have some later, alright?" He patted his toned stomach for added effect 
That's certainly something a vampire would say. Denial of garlic. Aversion to the sun. The young girl was more convinced than ever. 
She stood next to him on her step stool in the bathroom as they brushed their teeth. The only way Caroline would brush her teeth was if her dad did it with her. She could see his reflection in the mirror, so maybe there was still hope that he wasn’t? 
She kept looking upwards, he was paying a lot of attention to his 'fangs' she noticed. Had to keep them clean for his next victim. She gulped and quickly finished, spitting into the sink before darting out of the room and leaving Bradley confused. 
"There's something going on with her," Bradley commented as he climbed into bed. You looked up from your book and wedged your bookmark in between the pages. 
"I noticed. Are you sure she was okay after the movie?" You questioned, placing your book on the bedside table. 
"It was just Halloweentown," he hummed, kissing your shoulder. You giggled at the hairs of his mustache that tickled your skin. 
"She's eight," you retorted. 
Your husband slid closer, strong hand gliding along your stomach before resting on your side. His lips kissed higher and hair until he was able to suck on the sensitive skin, "I know," he whispered. 
Bradley smirked at the whimper that fell from your lips. "Menace," you grumbled. Both of you were distracted, losing your train of thought. 
"Should I close the door?" He asked lowly, sending a shiver down your spine. 
As his lips left your neck, you let out a small moan, “Please.” 
Before he could get up, the door busted open. You swore there was going to be a hole in the drywall from how aggressively Caroline opened it. You and Bradley looked at her in shock, her face was full of fear. “Mom, don’t let him kiss you!” 
“Caroline, what’s going on?” you asked as calmly as you could in hopes to calm her.
She took in a few deep breaths and clenched her small hands into fists. “Dad wants to turn you into a minion of the undead!” she yelped. 
“I what?” 
“Excuse me?” 
You and Bradley spoke in unison and shared the same confused expression. “Dad’s a vampire!” 
Bradley stifled a laugh. “Sweetheart, I’m not a vampire.” 
“Oh yeah?” she huffed, marching towards the bed, “Then why did you close the curtains? Vampires burn in the sun.” 
“I had a headache and the light made it worse. Caroline, come here,” he outstretched his arms for her. 
She shook her head feverishly, “No! I won’t let you take my blood.” 
“I’m not taking anyone’s blood.” 
“Then why does mom have a bruise on her neck? A-and I heard you tell her that you wanted to suck her blood.” 
You placed your hand on Bradley's bicep and used your other to reach for her. “Honey, your dad was just messing around, he was trying to make me laugh,” you explain calmly. Caroline couldn’t take her eyes off her dad but she did put her hand in yours, climbing onto the bed. 
“But your neck.” 
You giggled and nudged your husband, “Sometimes he kisses too hard,” you managed to keep it rated g for her, “but he was not trying to suck my blood. Your daddy is a pilot, not a vampire. I promise.” Her stern face fell, and her poor cheeks turned a deep shade of red
“Caroline,” Bradley spoke softly. She looked at him shyly, a mix of uncertainty and embarrassment. He took her in his arms and cradled her against his chest, her eyes looking up at him. “Look,” he raised his top lip to show her his teeth, “no fangs.” 
She giggled and nuzzled into him. “You’re not a vampire,” she sighed in relief. 
“Not a vampire,” he repeated. 
You scooted closer and ran your fingers through her hair, “Maybe no more Halloween movies this year, hmm?” 
She scoffed as you kissed her forehead, “But I wanna see Halloweentown 2!” She playfully went slack in his arms, her head rolling backward to look at you upside down. “I’ll be fine!” 
You laughed and rolled your eyes, “You can’t go around and accuse someone of being a troll or a vampire then,” you leaned forward and started to tickle her sides. Caroline thrashed and laughed loudly, kicking her feet. 
Bradley scooped her up and held her away from you, “You’re gonna believe me when I say something doesn't exist?” he questioned with a smirk. 
His daughter smiled, “I promise to believe you.” She rolled away and got under the blankets, making herself comfortable between her parents. You gave her a kiss on the cheek while Bradley kissed the other. He reached over and kissed you softly on the lips before turning off the light. 
“Daddy, you said ghosts might be real?” 
“Sleep, Caroline. Shh, shh, shh,” he told her sleepily, covering her eyes with his hand.
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madlysage · 6 months
my stardew valley bachelorette headcanons… again super niche and definitely just me being insufferable
- grew up in the south and still has a little twang when she speaks
- loves fleetwood mac and all 70s rock
- tried to make her own wine and elliott made harvey give her a stern lecture on botulism
- a serial dater with a string of bad ex-boyfriends in her wake (she was just a lesbian all along but that wasn’t accepted where she was growing up)
- a baby gay who still gets flustered when flirting with girls
- befriended the hat mouse and is still trying to convince elliott that he’s real
- dyes her hair but insists she’s a natural redhead (her mom was one and she always wanted to emulate her)
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i always picture kennedy walsh (icon that she is)
- the closet is glass babe (lesbian/possibly pan)
- wanted to go to college for photography and studio art but was worried it would put financial strain on emily
- secret little crush on leah because she loves her art and her artistic eye
- her and emily were raised by a single dad who passed away unexpectedly- it’s part of the reason she has a hard time opening up to ppl
- left anonymous mean notes about clint on the town message board for WEEKS after she found out he was hitting on emily
- uses her dad’s camera: it’s very sentimental to her
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perf- would def be into clean girl makeup
- nobody is quite sure about emily’s sexuality… including emily!
- very into spirituality- crystals, spirits, astrology, luck etc.
- makes alex uncomfortable anytime he comes over: she doesn’t realize she’s starting contentious political debates with him
- makes all her own clothes and hasn’t bought anything new in 3 years
- writes sweet notes to shane on the bar napkins when she can see he’s rlly going through it
- wears crystals in her bras
- stole haley’s diamond earrings for a gem mediation (it did not go over well)
- makes elliott quills with her parrot’s dropped feathers
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but picture the hair blue ya know: don’t cast elle fanning as a character in a fandom challenge level impossible bro
- bicon
- my image of penny is Filipino… stardew needs more diversity gonna be so real
- went to college for education and got her teaching license but had to move back home because of the debt
- learned how to do maru’s hair after she complained about how long it took
- watches old movies with maru every weekend and they do a book swap once a month
- sam is the only one who will eat her cooking (but he’ll eat anything… especially if penny made it)
- lets maru come in and give guest teaching sessions in science and math to jas and vincent
-started drinking coffee just to have an excuse to drop some off to maru and harvey at work
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likeeeee beabadoobee just makes the perf penny i can’t explain it’s the vibe
- lesbian queen
- my autistic love
- graduated highschool early: got a full ride to school and double majored in nursing and engineering before going to nursing school (graduated early from that too ofc)
- lives off of coffee and gets a daily lecture on caffeine consumption from harvey
- is harvey’s wingman (neither of them have any rizz…)
- goes to the bar just to quiz emily on astrology
- sets up ferris beuller type traps when she wants to sneak out and not deal with demetrius
-used to sneak into sebastian’s room during thunderstorms and still does sometimes
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laura harrier my love my light… just picture her with glasses
- straight but likes to makeout with girls when she’s drunk
- goes to college online (majoring in business for pierre but double minoring in classics and anthropology) - her parents wouldn’t let her go in person because she’s too “reckless”
- brought home a squirrel once and hid it in her room for weeks
-used to do competitive irish dance as a kid (seems like something caroline would make her do)
- has a huge crush on sam and will flirt with sebastian to make him jealous
- pierced her own ears six times at once and made caroline faint when she saw her
- has a tattoo on her thigh that’s she’s desperately hiding from her parents
-helped emily dye her hair for the first time
- hooked up with alex once but will never admit it
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can’t explain it she just gives kiernan - with purple hair ofc
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love-little-lotte · 6 months
A Look Into My New Guilty Pleasure: Poldark (2015 Series)
My biggest weakness is period dramas — especially period dramas with a talented cast, sweeping romance, terrific scenes (preferably set in some kind of country/provincial side), and lots and lots and lots of just sitting around and talking.
That's probably why Poldark has captured my heart. As a big fan of Outlander, it's no surprise that I fell in love with this show. Outlander and Poldark have so many similarities that I may make a lengthy post about it, but for today, let me just rant about my new guilty pleasure. I'm so obsessed with this show that I actually finished watching the entire five seasons in one week!
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Poldark is based on Winston Graham's novels and adapted by Debbie Horsfield. I was so excited to start this show, with a male protagonist originally written by a man, created and written for a series by a woman. I haven't read Graham's novels (I'm going to one of these days, I swear!), so I'm not sure how well Debbie's adaption worked. I've read many Reddit threads, though, and some fans of the novel are not that impressed with how she omitted and added details to the show (will get back to this once I've read the books or at least the seven ones that were used in the show). The show has also been adapted in the 70s, so this was not the first time Graham's novels were seen onscreen!
Despite not having read the books, I fell in love with the story, the characters, and the cast! The show follows Ross Poldark returning to Cornwall after fighting in the American War in the 1780s. He looks forward to marrying his childhood sweetheart Elizabeth but, believing him to be dead, is now engaged to his cousin Francis. He then tries to resurrect his family's mining business and hires a young girl Demelza to be his kitchen maid (whom he eventually marries) while also crossing paths with the villain George Warleggan, a corrupted banker who stops at nothing to ruin Ross's prospects and personal life. As the show progresses, we also meet other characters, including Prudie and Jud, Ross's servants, Verity, Ross's cousin and Francis's sister; Ross's friend Dr. Dwight Enys and his love interest Caroline Penvenen; Sam and Drake Carne, Demelza's brothers, and Morwenna Chynoweth, Drake's love interest.
Yes, this show has a large ensemble cast, and trust me, there always comes a point when you hate or love them. Especially our protagonist Ross Poldark. Ross... is an interesting character. He's terribly, terribly flawed and many times times, I'm so infuriated with him to the point that I want him to suffer. I swear, you cannot go through this series without screaming at Ross. (When that moment came up in Season 2, I swear I had my middle finger ready every time Ross showed up on my screen from then on.)
But my favorite character in the show is Demelza, Ross's wife who started as his kitchen maid. She's the heart of the show, the voice of reason, and even though she makes questionable decisions along the way, you can't help but get on her side no matter what. She's the perfect fiery yet gentle match to Ross's stubbornness. He treats her like shit many times in this show, which makes me angry to no end, but they eventually grow to be understanding, loving partners.
And it also helps that Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson have one of the best romantic chemistries I've ever seen. They're terrific actors as well and they bring the characters to life so effortlessly. They just seem like they have the best time shooting this show. I kind of want to rewatch Loving Vincent now just because they're in that movie, even just in supporting roles.
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Poldark is a roller coaster, with so many ups and downs (mostly downs, to be honest, please give Demelza a break!) My favorite season has got to be Season 1. Season 1 had the best Ross and I loved the early stages of his relationship with Demelza. It also has my favorite episode: Season 1, Episode 8. That episode broke me so much, thanks to Aidan and Eleanor's perfect performances. It's the only time I ever cried watching this show. I usually cry in period dramas (I've cried countless times in Outlander and Downton Abbey), but for some reason, I only cried once in Poldark. Most of the time, I'm annoyed and infuriated (hahaha but I still love it!)
The romance in Poldark is also quite unique, something I haven't seen before. Ross and Demelza emotionally hurt each other many times in this show, and they don't have the best communication. It's not an ideal marriage, but that's what makes it so raw and real. It hurts when Ross sleeps with his first love Elizabeth or when Demelza falls for the much-sensitive Hugh Armitage, but these are challenges people face all the time, and it's interesting to view it in characters and circumstances through 18th-century lenses. Plus, it can be very tiring to see perfect couples onscreen all the time. So watching Ross and Demelza's relationship thrive, suffer, and reconcile is very refreshing to me.
Nevertheless, Ross and Demelza are still able to work together. Seasons 2 and 3 showcase the worst moments of their marriage, from infidelities to insecurity, but the love between them still perseveres and they learn to forgive. In the end, they realize that they belong together.
And despite the unconventional marriage, Poldark is not a stranger to grand romantic gestures. Two of my favorite Ross and Demelza moments occur in Season 2:
A real funny, old-married-couple type of bicker in The Beach Scene:
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And of course, showing all intimacy in The Stocking Scene:
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(Let's just not talk about what happened 2 episodes after this!)
The romance in Poldark not only ends with Ross and Demelza. We also got two really good couples in the series: Dwight and Caroline and Drake and Morwenna.
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And these love stories don't just happen! They're fleshed-out characters with proper backgrounds and their own problems, especially Drake and Morwenna's relationship. Morwenna is one of my favorite characters, and she doesn't deserve all the shit thrown at her. The last season of Poldark is not the best (bordering on bad, actually, especially the last two episodes), but watching Drake and Morwenna get their happy ending is worth it.
Finishing all five seasons is bittersweet. I enjoyed most of the story and fell in love with different characters. I kind of regret watching everything in one week haha. But what can I say? As soon as I finish each episode, I'm so tempted to start another episode. I think the last time I stayed up until 5 AM the next morning to watch TV shows was Yellowjackets. Poldark's just too good to binge! It's one of my favorite TV shows now. Maybe I'll watch Sanditon next...
I want to write more about Poldark soon, maybe a comparison with Outlander or maybe just a post about each character. I realized I hadn't talked much about Elizabeth, Francis, and George in this post; I was too preoccupied with the love story aspects and Ross and Demelza. We'll see!
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ferparkerr · 1 year
Preference TVD
How did you meet…
They met one night in mystic falls, he was playing pool while you were waiting tables
he called you a waiter and you approached him and when he looked up and saw you
He found you very hot and attractive so he smiled flirtatiously at you and asks for a Bourbon
you also found him very handsome and hot
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
and throughout the night whenever he could he would look at you and smile seductively, and he would also flirt with you in a not discreet way
You met at the dance that the Mikaelsons organized.
He saw you come in with your beautiful dress and you seemed to him the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
you discovered him looking at you and I appreciate you very handsome so you gave him a flirtatious smile, he smiled and approached you and he invited you to dance, they were together all night dancing and talking
They met at school in the typical movie scene, where you were the new girl who was going with her books in hand, who almost ran to her class because you got lost and you were late, but you were so distracted that you bump into someone , all your books fall on the floor, he helps you with your books and helps you get up
and when they both look up they both smile nervously
he found you very cute and tender
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
you thought he was a cute and sweet boy
You were in the mystic falls drinking in the bar, since your boyfriend had cheated on you and you need to distract yourself and get very drunk, and so maybe you stop thinking about your idiot ex.
So you were drinking and suddenly a guy sits next to you, you look at him curiously and see that he is a very handsome guy
He also found you very sexy and beautiful
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
he sees you as sad so he makes a joke and little by little he starts talking
They met on a blind date that Caroline organized, at first it was somewhat awkward, since Caroline was watching them very covertly and by that I mean that she was not discreet at all, luckily Elena saw her and took her away
after that they started talking
I appreciate you very cute, charming, kind and chivalrous, and above all very attractive
he found you very interesting, nice, happy and sincere, and he thinks you are very beautiful
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
Little by little they see why Caroline thinks they would be a good couple and because she forced them to have that blind date and neither of them regretted going to that dinner, quite the opposite.
you were working in a karaoke bar cleaning the counter when a customer sits on a stool in front of you I gave you
he was very cute and sexy
He asked you for a drink and while he drank his drink he looked and made fun of those who went up to sing
you found it very funny and silly
From time to time he flirted with you, since he thinks you are very pretty and hot, he would not miss that opportunity with such a sexy girl
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
so he stays all night keeping me company while he flirts with you and makes you laugh
That day you were replacing your sister at her job as a waitress, you were taking an order for two coffees when you accidentally collided with someone spilling the coffee on him, a tall, good-looking man in a suit, you were very sorry to have collided with him and having soiled his suit, he was very chivalrous and kind, he told you that it did not matter
He was in the place for a long time and you could feel his gaze a few times and when you finished your shift you brought him a coffee to apologize again, but he insisted that you sit down and they talked like that for a long time
to tell the truth you found him attractive and elegant like no man you had ever met before
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
for him you were very beautiful and clumsy which made you look very cute in his eyes
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Random Thoughts: Klaus Mikaelson
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Harry Potter Marathon
It had started as a joke. You never expected that he had never actually seen the movies! What kind of person hasn’t seen Harry Potter?!
The man has been alive for 1000 years. The best thing in the world should be TV at this point, he should have seen every movie ever made!
You gave him grief about it but in the long run you didn’t really mean anything by it, you just wanted to tease your Hybrid boyfriend, the last thing you ever expected was for him to agree to watching the movies with you!
Klaus cleared his schedule for the next 2 days and the next morning, bright and early you two made breakfast and started the Sorcerers Stone. Your mate had agreed to an almost 20 hour long marathon of all of the Harry Potter movies, something you had never gotten any other man or even your best friends to agree to do with you, none of them caring about you nearly enough to watch, as Caroline and Elena call them, ‘Stupid Wizard Movies’ with you. But there Klaus sat, beside you in his king sized bed, turning on the Prisoner of Azkaban as you quickly took a bathroom break and grabbed the both of you a drink from the mini fridge he had gotten for his room for you.
Klaus listened to everything you had to say about the movies and books, enjoying the behind the scenes facts and interesting book scenes that weren’t in the movies whenever you wanted to tell him something. He genuinely seemed to enjoy the movies quite a bit, and you even convinced him to take the test to find out which house he was in, you had told him it would either be Slytherin or Ravenclaw and he is obviously a Slytherin, enjoying the fact that you’re his sweet little Hufflepuff!
You didn’t finish the movies on time, taking your first real break at dinner time, deciding to make dinner together as you had ordered lunch. You ended up back in bed at about 7:30 to start the fifth movie. You took another break in the middle of that movie when your hybrid seemed to find sucking on your neck more interesting at the moment, he’s insatiable, you swear it!
You didn’t finish the movies until a bit before noon the next day having started them at 9am, taking brief stops to eat or so Klaus could fuck you, once not even stopping the movie for that during the robbing of Gringotts scene. He insisted on at least an hour long nap for you after that as he had tired you out quite a bit and you finished the rest of that last movie when you awoke from the almost 2 hour snooze.
All in all it was a really fun day spent with your boyfriend. You gave him the full quiz about his favorite everything! You found out his favorite movie was the Prisoner of Azkaban, loving the werewolf in it even if Remus was, as Klaus called him, a bit of a pussy. Sirius was probably Klaus’ favorite character next to McGonagall and Molly Weasley. His favorite DADA teacher was either Remus or Moody and his favorite magical creatures was the Hungarian Horntail, but Buckbeak was a Very close second! He teased that he now needed to find a way to make you an Animagus so that you can play with him when he’s a wolf.
All in all he actually enjoyed the movies and now all that’s left is convincing him to take you to Harry Potter world
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Random Thoughts
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