#cas and uriel are fucking mean and I would have loved it so much
shallowseeker · 2 years
I’ll never get over that mr robert wisdom was just there for a season 15 fun times selfie instead of an actual appearance. 💔
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2033 Day 79
On the Head of a Pin/Blink
Only REALLY REALLY great episodes today
“On the Head of a Pin”
Plot Description: Castiel and Uriel capture Alastair and ask Dean to torture him with skills he learned in Hell
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I mean…could any human survive this crash?? A whole ass angel died, what chance do I have??
I love that we start with Cas, but does it bode well for my commentary skills? Absolutely not
I don’t want to say it’s so EASY for Sam to say “well, get angry!” In response to Dean saying he’s tired of burying friends, but fucking damn…it’s so easy for him to say that when he’s not been doing this as long and been able to take years off for college.
I thought Cas was the one in charge between him and Uriel. But you can already see Castiel questioning the grand plan…
“Uriel is the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone” said in a completely stone cold tone is….i fucking love him
Mmmmm so he was kind of demoted for getting to close and sympathetic to Dean the Winchesters
God I really hate Sam right now…Dean’s not weak, you asshole
Everyone is pissing me off. Alastair taunting Dean for what he did to him, what he did to John, how “easily” Dean broke
And Castiel can tell this isn’t right. It’s not right to ask this of Dean, to ask a human, the human they saved from Hell to torture a demon
YO. SAM. Wtf my dude??
Anna!!! Thank you, Anna, for trying to talk some sense into Cas
Oh, Cas… you should listen to her. This is WRONG, and you KNOW IT
Deeeeeeeeeeeean breaking the first seal is breaking my heart.
Ok. He got off the rack, but…that thing was sabotaged. Who sabotaged it, though???
Cas coming in to save Dean, and Sam coming to save both of them (I mean, mostly Dean, but Cas is there too).
Cas is so disturbed, as he should be, that Sam can straight up KILL demons now. Yeah, you two need to talk……….
I love dramatic lighting through slats in blinds…just beautiful
Cas calling on Anna for someone to follow, someone to believe in…and her refusing to be that person because he needs to think for himself. Good for both of them, honestly. Difficult, yes, but the correct thing to do
Uriel, WHYYYYYY. He wants to raise Lucifer himself? On one hand, he’s got the same doubts Castiel has. And honestly, I can understand his logic. Lucifer was one of if not God’s favorite. He was beautiful and powerful, and if you’ve been doubting the existence of God but you’re beings designed to follow, the next best thing would be the next powerful being. On the other, it IS THE DEVIL FROM THE BIBLE
Rip Uriel
I like they already have a little banter between them and the honesty between the two. Truthfully, even without anything else, this scene in the hospital would be enough to convert me to a Destiel shipper. It’s hard to see Dean doubt himself and call himself weak, but you can also already tell how much Castiel already believes in him. And when Dean…we’ll call it asks Cas to stay and actually finish their conversation (“don’t you go disappearing on my you son of a bitch” counts, yeah??) and then he DOES?? I’m fine. I’m normal about this…
“Been On My Mind…”: the whole Sam and Ruby thing is very much going on 10
Plot Description: In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. When people start disappearing, Sally must decode the cryptic messages from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor before she can save the day
(i have a feeling i won't have a lot to say in this episode based purely on the lack of Ten and Martha. i think it's gonna be a lot of "Girl, NO!"s and "RUN"s and "GET OUT OF THERE"s, but we'll see)
It's such a solid opening. The messages written on the wall about the weeping angels and for her to duck. Just...REALLY GOOD.
God. Remember when we used to have our phones NOT on silent all the time? and how ringtones were a Thing TM??
Sad...is happy? for deep people? This...really was written in the mid '00s.
Not to link Good Omens to this....no, Good Omens was already linked to this show because DAVID TENNANT. But why DO the British have this trope of delivering letters to places on very specific days, at very specific times years and decades (maybe even centuries) in the future?
I LOVE the weird screeching music when the angels are around
It's amazing how terrifying they've made statues.
Blink is actually physical media propaganda. We need to invest in it again.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff....yes!!
Wait...how did they get to that garage that quickly?? Wouldn't we have seen them in the background.....like, i know they move fast, but THAT FAST?? doN'T BLINK, DUDE!!! he hasn't even watched the 17 DVD extras. THIS is why we need to bring back physical media
The "game" the guys in this episode have is just.......not it. Then again, it was written by Steven Moffat, so are we surprised?
Ok. Good. It's weird even in 2007 that she's only got 17 DVDs.
The conversation between Sally and the Doctor in the TV is still just BRILLIANT. It's SO FUCKING CLEVER.
DON'T DO IT. DON'T DO IT, MAN. DON'T BLINK. PLEASE. Okay. But also like...do they forget you exist when you're not around them?
Just an absolutely tremendous and terrifying scene when they angels turn out the light.
I really wanna know what was happening that the Doctor and Martha are running around with a bow and a quiver of arrows.
Episodes Since the Doctor's Last Attempted Genocide: 7
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autisticandroids · 2 years
📕 Post empty destiel - I always think the "gets out the empty and immediately they're very happy together, no communication issues" is not as satisfying as it might be - do you agree? Disagree? I'd love to see your take on what's become a kind of subgenre in the fandom
ok so. i Have Done This. however i have at least one other concept for post-empty cas. it doesn't really involve dean though. it's more a cas + jack and cas + angels processing fic. well, more like two small oneshots. if i wrote them i would probably end up adding more oneshots.
the first is, jack gets cas out of the empty and cas is like. O Woe Is Me. I Have Made A Terrible Mistake. You Should Have Left Me To- wait you what? sam and dean let you what? you defeated chuck how? okay will this will not do. stop being god immediately my beloved child. and jack is like. no. and cas looks at him very sternly and is like "well, when i was god, it was an awful thing and no one being should be forced to carry all that powers" and jack is like "eh i think it's fine actually." this is a fix-it fic To Me because it's just like. reassurance that jack is okay with being god, and that he's with his dad. like i've always been kind of horrified by godjack and this is a way of soothing that horror: by having the horror being presented as a possibility and then being debunked. and then maybe cas experiences basking in god's grace for the first time in his literal milennia of existence and he finds joy in it and wonders what it means to be basking in the grace of his son as he was built to bask in the grace of his father.
the second is, jack needs more angels to keep heaven running, and the empty is loud, and jack blows a hole in the empty to let a bunch of angels and demons out. the demons just go back to hell but jack keeps the angels powered down because he doesn't want a fullscale rebellion on his hands so he plans to wake them one at a time. cas ends up confronting specifically first uriel, then balthazar as they wake. i chose uriel and balthazar because i think they are the two angels who would have the most interesting reaction to where cas ends up. like, the other main options would be anna and hannah, but cas doesn't change much from when hannah knew him, and anna was fully fallen and ready to embrace what that meant. neither of them would really be shocked by him now. uriel would think the whole situation is funny funny. uriel killed angels, he went against god to serve lucifer. cas told him i still serve god and was ready to die a martyr's death. a few years later, cas had (probably) killed more angels than any other being in the universe, and served no god but dean winchester. uriel sees (and points out) the irony and the similarity, and he is particularly amused by cas' wet cat contrition. balthazar, in contrast, is nervous. the last time he saw cas, cas was about to become god, and cas killed him. balthazar isn't sure at first if he's been resurrected by godstiel to punish him some more for his treachery. but as he sees cas' mutilated trueform and starts to realize how long he's been gone, as cas fills him in on what happened. he asks cas if being god worked out for him, and cas says no. he realizes that he has no reason to be afraid of cas, but he still flinches when cas comes close. this hurts both of them; cas is overwhelmed by guilt, and balthazar still loves cas perhaps more than anyone else in the world, but balthazar remains viscerally afraid of him due to the trauma of being fucking murdered. there is a third encounter built into this fic, or rather a non-encounter. cas asks jack if he can go down to hell to see meg, because he has missed her and also it would be great to have some emotional support that isn't his own child. jack tells him that meg isn't in hell. only beings with unfinished business awoke in the empty. the ones who were at peace, the ones who had no desire to be alive again, stayed asleep. meg was one of these. cas sheds a few bitter tears for that.
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pinknatural · 3 years
Sometime after Cas gets his grace back, but before Dean knows that the angel riding his brother’s meatsuit is Gadreel, not Ezekiel, Dean finds himself in a pawn shop. Generally, he finds himself in pawn shops pretty often--not as often as like, someone who deals in pawns, but more often than the average person, Dean thinks. 
He’s there to see if they’ve got any guns for cheap, since he basically always needs more guns. None of the ones at that shop strike his fancy, so he walks around and looks at the other things. Browsing. Just in case--he has a house (well, a Bunker, but same thing) now, and maybe he should decorate. Maybe.
Dean passes by the jewelry without much more than a cursory glance, then he doubles back and stares. There’s a ring--a twisted band of white gold and silver, and something about it… It’s not something Dean would wear. He’s not sure what about the ring compels him, but he feels like Gollum as he looks at it and knows he needs it. What for, he has no idea.
Dean buys it. He doesn’t wear it, but sticks it in a flat little box originally meant for a bracelet and slides it into his jacket pocket. 
And he carries it, jacket pocket to jacket pocket, for years. He doesn’t tell anybody about it, but he gets into the habit of patting his chest to make sure it’s still there. Even when he’s a demon-- Crowley goes through Dean’s clothes one day, when Dean’s laying on the motel room bed naked, and he finds the box. 
“What’s this?” Crowley asks, and the First Blade is in Dean’s hand before he can process the movement. The First Blade is in Dean’s hand a lot, these days. 
“Open that and I’ll kill you,” Dean says, looking at Crowley dead in the eye so he knows that Dean isn’t fucking kidding, and Crowley stares back for a minute before he tosses the box aside and goes back into Dean’s pocket. He pulls out a condom, and the box is quickly forgotten. 
Anyway. The ring is there, in Dean’s pocket. It stays there. It’s there when Dean kills the Stynes, when he meets Amara, when he hugs his mom for the first time in thirty years. It’s there when he goes to the Apocalypse World, and the Bad Place, and Purgatory (again). 
And it’s there in that fucking dungeon, when Cas puts his hand on Dean’s shoulder and looks him in the eyes, smiling and crying. Dean feels it, burning a hole in his pocket, as Cas says things like most loving man in the whole world and you changed me and and one thing I want is something I know I can’t have and I love you and, worst of all, goodbye, Dean.
And Dean sits there, sobbing into his palms, and he knows what the ring was for.
Dean wraps one hand around an angel blade and curls the other into a fist. He nods at Sam, then Eileen, then he leaps into the dark pit on the wall that haunts his nightmares. 
The Empty is dark and, well, empty. His footsteps echo like he’s on a marble floor, but as far as Dean can tell there’s no difference between the walls and floor and ceiling. It’s just black. 
Dean tightens his grip on his angel blade, and he finds the first body. 
It’s a man in a grey coat. Dean doesn’t recognize him, and he keeps walking. 
Dean sees a woman in a leather jacket, a man wearing a torn polo shirt, and a woman dressed like a lounge singer. He sees a child in a pink dress and a man in a black sweater. Then there’s a fan of red hair, and Dean falters. 
Anna lays in the Empty, hair scattered around her head. Her eyes are closed and her chest moves slowly, as if in a deep, deep sleep. Dean swallows, heavy, and keeps walking. Next time, he thinks. Next time he’ll wake everyone.
The next body he sees is another unknown--old man in a brown blazer--but the one after that is someone familiar. Dean squints, decides it’s one of the douche angels he or his brother has killed over the years.
The body after that one is Ruby, and Dean gives her a wide berth. Then it’s Balthazar and Lilith and Hannah. Uriel and Raphael, Hester and Samandriel. Dagon and Ramiel. Azazel.
Dean keeps walking. For every body he recognizes, laying in a coma-like sleep, there’s four or five more that he’s never seen before. Some of them look vaguely familiar, like a demon he ran into once or Background Angel #5. 
Dean walks by Ishim right before he walks by Meg, and the next couple are random demons Dean vaguely remembers from his own time as one. Dean nearly trips over his own face, then he hustles to keep away from the alternate Michael. 
He’s not sure what he’ll do if he runs into Crowley. Not sure at all. But--
in the distance, a trench coat. 
Dean sprints, slides to his knees. Cups Cas’s face with his hand, leans in close. 
“Wake up,” he murmurs. “Wake up, Cas. Come on.”
Cas doesn’t stir. 
Dean shakes him. 
“Wake up, man,” he says. 
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen,” a voice says, and Dean looks up to see a vaguely humanoid shaped black blob of goo. It crosses it’s arms. “You can’t be here.”
“I’m getting him back,” Dean tells it. “I’m taking him home.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” the Shadow asks. “He’s mine.” 
“No, he’s not,” Dean says.
“What do you mean?” the Shadow asks, tilting its head. Dean considers throwing his knife at it. “We had a deal, and now he is here, and he belongs to me. Fully and completely.”
“Fuck you,” Dean says. “He’s not yours, he’s mine, and I’m taking him home.”
And with that, Dean presses the tip of his angel blade to Cas’s throat. His grace spills out like smoke, spreading through the air, and Cas’s eyes open and he gasps. The Shadow shrieks. 
“No!” it wails. “You can’t do this!”
“I already did, asshole,” Dean spits, and then the last of Cas’s grace evaporates, and Dean grabs onto Cas’s arm, and everything goes white, then black. 
Then Dean’s on the library floor, and he stares up at the Bunker’s golden lighting for a moment before turning to face Cas. 
“Dean,” Cas says. He’s still laying on the ground, and he props himself on his elbows. “What happened?”
“I got you out,” Dean says. He laughs. Cas is looking at him with wide blue eyes, and Dean feels like he might start to cry. Instead, he throws himself at Cas, tucks his face into Cas’s neck, holds him tight. Cas falls back to the floor, wrapping his arms around Dean, and for a moment they breathe together. “You stupid son of a bitch,” Dean breathes. “You can’t fucking do that again.”
“I won’t,” Cas says. His voice is rough and deep, right next to Dean’s ear. Dean thinks he might cry. 
“You have to stay,” Dean says. “You have to stay.”
“I will,” Cas says. Cas promises. “Oh, Dean.”
Dean pulls back, just a little, and cups Cas’s face with his hands. “Cas,” he says. 
“Hello, Dean,” Cas says, eyes bright and sparkly, and Dean kisses him. 
He kisses him, and Cas kisses him back, and Dean thinks--well, if he had an Empty deal that would take him when he felt true happiness--Dean would be dead right now.
He pulls back, drops his forehead to Cas’s. “God, I love you so fuckin’ much.”
“You do?” Cas asks, and Dean hates himself. Cas should know that he’s--he’s Dean’s favorite person and Dean’s best friend and Dean loves, loves, loves him. He reaches into his jacket, into the inside pocket. 
“Yeah,” he says, and he presses the ring box into Cas’s hand. “I do.”
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im-like-if-a-girl · 3 years
*THE* mean-girl-dean-girl's Supernatural reboot MEGAPOST!
I'm gonna stick a little "keeping reading" here because hoooooo boy, this is a very long post.
Let's start with
Season 1
Dean kills John while they are out on a hunt in a crime of passion, but Dean doesn't remember because he blacked out. Cue Dean going to Stanford to get Sam and tell him "Dad's on a hunting trip... and he hasn't been home in a couple days."
The audience doesn't know what happened to John, but slowly figures it out with Dean and Sam as Dean slowly remembers what happened that night.
The entire first season, the boys are following the trail John left and fighting monsters as well. They find out Dean was with John, Sam realizes Dean has an unreliable memory, they have heart to hearts about their childhood and the fire, they find John's body, "how could you kill Dad?" but maybe Dean didn't kill dad, whooaaaaaa, misdirection.
It was actually good ole yeller eyes (Azazel) and he made it look like Dean killed John.
Okay, now let's move on to the first episode
Not sure how the opening would work, I would like the story of the fire to be revealed over the course of the first season, but maybe the opening scene could be a little bit of an establishing character relationships and backstory, idk, I haven't thought that far yet.
I'm thinking maybe it's like, Dean gets back to a motel room covered in blood and he listens to a voicemail on his phone from John saying he was on a hunt or something, I don't really know lol.
I do know that after the intro rolls, we get a scene of Sam waking up to his alarm and "Nine to Five" by Dolly Parton starts playing.
Y'all know where this is going.
Cue a montage of Sam's normal Stanford college life (him sitting through lectures, walking through the campus with friends) spliced with scenes of Dean absolutely slaughtering a nest of vampires (or some other monsters, whatever works best.)
Now onto
Characters!!! (And descriptions)
Dean Winchester
Some lovely person on this site made edits of Dean with platinum blond hair and it made me feel some kind of way so we're doing that, homie's gonna have platinum blond hair
Side note about the hair, later when the brothers are running from the FBI he dyes it a dirty blond/light brown (insert jackles hair color controversy here) as a disguise.
He also gets tattoos because we were robbed.
Speaking of tattoos, concept: when Dean comes back from Hell, all of his tattoos are gone. His body is a clean slate, devoid of tattoos, scars, etc. So he gets his tattoos done all over again, which he doesn't mind because he made some bad, drunk tattoo decisions in his youth.
(And before you ask, yes, he does get one for Cas, either a bee or Cas's name in enochian, something cute.)
Dean goes to therapy after Sam gets sent to the Cage.
It's actually court mandated because he got in trouble, lol, he would never go to therapy on his own.
Along with the hair, Dean gets to be the grade A twunk we all know he is.
Sam Winchester
His hair gets longer in every scene he's in
No jk, but imagine
King of Microaggressions
Sam starts off like the sweetheart he is in season 1 but in later seasons he starts enjoying killing a little too much...
It's that demon blood, ba-by!!!
He brings up issues of morality to Dean, i.e. killing monsters who aren't hurting anyone. (Yes I know this is contradictory to my previous statement, but these two facets of Sam can and will coexist.)
Sam and Jess's relationship is explored further, meaning we'll need to start with a different inciting incident, but that's fine, I think everyone can agree fridgings are *(thumbs down)*
Sam doesn't truly know what happened the night of the fire until later, and then he understands why Dean is so protective of him.
She gets to live beyond the first episode
She is also trans
No, I don't feel like I have to explain myself and I won't 💜
She urges Sam to join Dean in a search for their brother, kind of gets pulled into the hunter lifestyle by association lol.
She dies on a rusty nail after fighting vampires on a routine hunt with Sam
No jk!!!
But imagine....
She's amazing and I love her and Lucifer also uses her as leverage against Sam and possesses her because I think that'd be cool.
She supports Sam 100% and also she and Dean are buddies, pals if you will.
She meets Cas Thee El and immediately she Knows, that is a homosexual.
She dies still so that we can have a Saileen Endgame but she's not dying the first episode or in a fridging. Not on my watch.
He gets to keep his raw, light-fixture-exploding power.
I want more of that "I pulled you out of hell, I can throw you back in" energy except over dumb shit like Dean not cleaning up after himself.
He looks like a Dilf in every scene he's in, yeah, that's right, dilf with a capital D for *(GUNSHOTS)* *(gets sent to horny jail)*
She gets pink hair
And more time with Cas
And maybe a nose piercing
Feel like she should be able to kill a couple angels onscreen, punch a couple homophobes
She gets to meet Jack and teaches him swears and fun slang words.
She deserves it.
I says "that's my baby and I'm proud."
Jack starts off as a baby, but like Amara he grows up super quickly.
Like, baby to 11 year old in a couple days or less.
This is because Jack's emotional age on the show is on par with that of a 5th grader.
It's at this point when he's a young kid that he runs away from the Bunker and shenanigans ensue.
It's also at this point that Dean threatens to k*ll him.
(Still not sure if I want that in my Supernatural (threatened infanticide? In my Supernatural? It's more likely than you think) but we'll see. We'll see.)
Throughout a majority of season 13, Jack is like an 11 y.o. kid
Season 14 he's like a 16 y.o. teenager
Season 15 he's 21, you get the picture.
Listen, I love Alex Calvert a lot. He's great.
But Jack is a child and should be a child.
Kelly Kline
Kelly, baby, stay right where you are, you're perfect.
She teaches Claire and Jack swears in sign-language. Castiel is not impressed.
J*hn W*nchester stans, DNI.
He's dead.
We only see him in flashbacks and only sometimes hear his voice in voice overs.
He's not "down the road" from Dean in Heaven, in fact he instead gets to wander around in some Purgatory like Hell for the rest of his time :)
People who get to say "fuck" on the show:
Cas (but only Once)
Now onto other things
I want more of
(they need more screentime because I love them)
We know they had a thing.
They definitely had a thing.
Demon Dean
Again, I feel like more should've been done with this. All that build up for what, 2 episodes? was not utilized well at all.
Dean's Bisexuality
Straight Dean truthers DNI, my Supernatural is a show about love and being true to yourself
You think Supernatural is a show about 2 straight brothers fighting monsters?
Naw bitch, this is a show about the Gay Experience
He will get to have relations with men on this show.
Of course, only after John dies does he, y'know, display it. Maybe he kisses Cas on his dad's grave just to fuck John over, make him roll in grave.
We all agree John would be/is a homophobe piece of shit, right?
Okay, glad we're on the same page.
3 men and a baby with Jack is what I'm saying.
I love it when the Trio are father-figures to younger troubled characters they see themselves in, even better if it's like reluctant-but-loving father figure, oh, that trope gets me every time :'^)
Dadstiel and DadDean are my favorites, but I like it when Sam plays "Uncle Sam" to kids too lol.
"Fellas, is it gay to want a tight knit family with your husband, his son, his vessel's daughter, your brother, his wife, your cop mother figure and her wife and their adopted daughters? Asking for a friend."
Biggest flaw of Supernatural was underutilizing Garth.
I will never not be bitter that Garth was only in like, 7 episodes out of the whole 15 season series.
Every episode with Garth gets immediately 5 times better.
I love Garth.
Follow ups on characters who had entire episodes featured around them and then just... vanished???
This is mostly about Jesse, the magic kid whose imagination ruled an entire town like, his daddy was a demon and nothing came of that kid??? Only one episode about him?? No follow up???
Uh, there was that one episode with Ennis the guy whose girlfriend was killed by a monster? I think?? Who we never see again, that was weird.
Tamara from season 3, episode 1.
And of course-
She was so cool, and then we never saw her again :////
She gets to be a badass.
Religious imagery
As a former Catholic school student who has become for the most part, disillusioned with religion, religious imagery in TV shows like Supernatural make my brain go "brrrrrr."
Fun episodes!!!
Like, after season 6 or so, there's a drop in funny episodes
I'm talking Changing Channels, The French Mistake type stuff. (Scoobynatural is an outlier and should not be counted.)
So anyway
In my version we would have more fun episodes
I'm thinking
(why they didn't do that in the original, we'll never know.)
An episode where Dean gets to wear eyeliner
That's it, end of post.
I want less
Yeah I feel like this is self explanatory, nearly every reoccurring character in SPN is white, and black side characters normally die in the episode they first appear in, or they'll be featured as a villain (Uriel, Raphael, Billie, etc)
Also there's a lot of... uh... asian fetishism featured in the show (what with "Busty Asian Beauties) that's really gross, also Kevin was a bit of a stereotype...
Also also it's super yucky how they kill the gods from other religions like???? Uh??? That's super disrespectful, let's not do that????
I know Supernatural is like, inherently racist because monsters are a separate race that are seen as some dangerous "other" that must be eradicated by hunters in a form of genocide-
Okay we won't get into that but
Stop killing all your POC
Fridgings/Unecessary murders of female characters
I know Supernatural starts with a fridging, so this will be a hard thing to remedy, but
One death that really pissed me off was the death of Charlie
Yeah, that was pointless and we're not doing that. Charlie gets to live and be an awesome aunt to Jack.
And also Claire
Charlie Bradbury Superiority
Charlie and Garth get to meet because they're nerd/geek solidarity.
British Men of Letters
I fucking hate these guys
They're "litcherally" the worst.
The worst part is that the actors they have playing the British AREN'T. EVEN. BRITISH.
And you can tell
Uh, and that's all for now, I'll add more later.
tag list for people who liked my "if this post gets one like I'll post my SPN reboot masterpost" post.
@darianyunidi @sarasidlesaid @crazybananaalpaca @playfulpanthress @ultfreakme @fififeelsmellow @heller-char @luna8eaton @princessmeganfire @insanebot109 @queenofnightsnow @mongoose-underthehouse
Thank you for the support, hope the wait was worth it.
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Sigh. It’s quiet today, so I guess it’s about time to talk about 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox.  
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This is an episode without Cas, so clearly it revolves entirely around Cas (I'm kidding, but only a little bit).  It’s also a bottle episode and a meta writer’s wet dream, so excuse me while I nerd out - this is a long one to unpack, and I have spent too much time doing it for you.  That’s ok because, as Sam says:
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The Asa montage is where we start.
Asa is a Dean mirror. The parallels are pretty clear - he’s a scruffy rough around the edges hunter, Mary is the reason he got into hunting, he wears a ton of flannel, etc.  If you remain unsure, the writers throw this in at the very beginning in the montage of Asa’s life as a hunter So That You Know:
Bucky: Hey, you know they make new cars, right? Asa: I don’t want a new car. This is my lucky car. 
***Canadian!Dean confirmed.
Shaine Jones may also be the Canadian Jensen Ackles.
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I don’t make the rules ok?
Back in the US, the boys surprise Jody with a visit. 
In case you forgot the episode prior to this one:
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Side note: domestic Jody gives me life. 
We’re clearly supposed to see how Jody is a mom figure for the boys, and it feels nice for them to have that, especially since Mary is Taking Some Space.  Their entire dynamic warms even my cold black soul.
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[romantic scene of a couple silhouetted against a sunset while sweeping music plays on Jody’s TV. The couple kisses.] 
[his mouth full of pizza] Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?
Well, Dean. I’m a chick. 
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Kim Rhodes YOU ARE A DELIGHT.  A side note - I know this exchange is supposed to be funny, but I feel sad for Dean (who clearly is a rom com chick).  This is a perfect example of Dean struggling to present some fabricated image of heteronormative masculinity that’s not the heart of who he actually is.  His surprise that a “badass sheriff chick” can also enjoy rom coms makes me fucking upset.  
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Anyway, Asa has passed on and the boys tag along with Jody to the wake in support.  
Yeah, no, Jody. We… we know you’ll be fine, but… you know, we never go to hunter gatherings, outside of bars. Dad always said they were trouble, so…
Yes, you’d be doing us a favor if you let us tag along.
***more receipts that John Winchester was an isolating abuser.  They could have at least had a normal HUNTER life and friends who hunted.
That is a big house. [Music continues playing, coming from inside the house now]
***We now establish one “theme” of the episode.
Family home. Asa was just a guy. 
AKA pretty brutal implication that Asa didn’t have a family of his own.
Speaking of implications:
[Jody removes her coat and the three of them begin mingling. Dean finds his way to the kitchen and a cooler full of beer] DEAN
No label. Well, that’s a red flag. 
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Enter Bucky, who is actually (SPOILER!) the villain of the episode.
Do all hunters just walk around with this manly flannel/weird symbolic necklace combo?  Looking at you Bucky and Dean.  
Dean is surprised to find that people know who he is:
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But doesn’t seem to have an issue with it until -
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***Someone who just bragged the entire five hour car ride about killing Hitler shouldn’t be this concerned about what people are saying about him right? 
Or is he thinking it may involve something he isn’t comfortable sharing - since apparently there are things Dean doesn’t feel comfortable sharing as established by the prior couch conversation with Jody?  Hmmmmmm...
***Compare the expressions.  The “you’ve died four times” response is the same as the smug/proud “I killed Hitler” face.  The reaction to the “stories” is the “hey this is my personal business” reaction Dean had to Sam’s Japanese erotica art form comment. He is thinking specifically about something personal.
I wonder what it could be.
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I don’t think any one had to teach Max Banes the art of seduction, but also thank you.
Also, manifesting Dean being raised by Max and Alicia’s Cool Witch Mom instead of John Trash Winchester.  Because that’s what we’re supposed to think here, correct?  Two sibling hunters usually present a brother mirror.
Worth noting Sam’s surprise that witches can also be hunters.  The John Winchester Bigotry Brain Rot runs deep.  (GOD the Sam-witch thing would have driven him crazy I LIVE FOR THAT).
Dean escapes to Asa’s office/room and proceeds to go through his things.
[Dean is in Asa’s office and finds an angel blade mounted on blue velvet inside an ornate glass-lidded box. He opens it, reaches in and pulls out the angel blade, comfortably spinning it in his hand when Sam walks in.]
Oh, hi. This is a real Angel Blade. I mean, this guy was legit. 
***that’s weird, why does Canadian!Dean have an angel blade?  We haven’t heard anything about angels yet, and it wasn’t in the opening montage.  Hmmmmmm, I say. Hmmmmmmm...
***Sam is also concerned about The Stories They Tell 
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This one particularly:
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Honestly I don’t know why he’s THAT surprised that people know he was possessed by Lucifer?  Didn’t he start like multiple apocalypses?  That’s something people tend to be in the know about. Anyhoo.
Yeah. Apparently we’re a little bit legendary. 
Yeah, but, I mean, so was Asa. Then a hunt went bad, and he ended up hanging from a tree, alone in the woods.
He died on the job. No better way to go. 
You really believe that? 
Yeah. What, you don’t? I mean, come on, Sam, it's not like we're in the “live till you're 90, die in your sleep” business. This? [Dean points at Asa’s hunting wall] This only ends one way. 
***Insert deep internal screaming about 15x20 here***
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It’s Jody’s turn to be uncomfortable as we find out she and Asa were more than just friends and everyone knew it and Said Things About It and Told Stories About It.
Dean is surprised that Jody not only enjoys rom coms, but ruggedly hot men. Another thing they have in common.
As Dean comes to terms with the idea that Jody can be a mother figure and also a human person with a life and her own feelings and needs and thoughts, enter the person whom said lesson is actually about:
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This is a Kim Rhodes Facial Expression stan account now.
So cute how Jody knows immediately that Dean is not okay.  Time to reach:
Huh. Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme, excruciating detail how you killed Hitler, but, uh, you neglected to mention the fact that your mom is back from the dead? 
***look, it’s another Dean doesn’t like others knowing personal information parallel!***
Yeah, no big deal. 
That’s a lie.
Look, maybe this isn't my place, and this is epic stuff, but
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Yeah. Because what if I’ve changed. What if they changed? What if it just didn’t work out the way I wanted?  If you wanna talk about anything
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***Killing Hitler used yet again to show Dean doesn’t care about oversharing hunting stories, but he doesn’t like for people to know personal ones.  Also, Jody mentions her son and her husband.  Her family and her romantic partner.  
Dean wasn’t just reunited with Mary this season. He was also reunited with Cas, after saying goodbye to him at the end of Season 11 when he headed to what he thought was going to be his death as the Amara-bomb.
So, this conversation isn't just about Mary (the “anything”).  It’s also about Cas (the”...absolutely anything”).
Mary chats with Mama Fox and more Points Are Made about hunters not getting to have a “normal life” or family:
I saved his life. 
[scoffing] What am I supposed to say to that? After you, Asa got so… Hunting was his whole life. He never married. Never had a family, kids. And now… enjoy the wake. 
***sending Mary on a guilt spiral about Asa (mirroring her other guilt spiral about hunting as a life for her own sons)
Speaking of mirrors:
And Asa loved that Jeep. Fuses were shorted, fuel line was busted. Ah, he didn’t care. He’d just roll up his sleeves, he’d get right to work. 
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Time to learn about today’s Big Bad.
Jael. He’s a crossroads demon. And he hangs people. It’s his thing. Snaps their neck, slits their throat. He’s a real piece of work. 
***Wait a second.  Jael is a demon?  Don’t...angel’s names usually end in “el” in SPNverse?
Anyways the demon [questionable] killed Asa and now everyone  is trapped and also In Grave Danger.  
Exactly. Right, so five years later, Jael– he came back, and he came for Asa. 
How so? 
Asa was seeing this woman, right? She had a kid. 
Yeah, Marlene. Jael got into her. It didn’t matter that he was killing people, he wanted Asa to know it was personal. He gets off on it. 
***that’s so weird, didn’t someone else in the show start seeing a woman with a kid - 
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what a sexy little coincidence.
oh and didnt  a supernatural being come back right around that time too - 
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HMMMMMMMM.  No killing though.  That’s the difference between angels and demons, I guess.
(meanwhile Dean has been drinking alone outside - as he does, and is realizing he can’t get back in)
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Also, this immediately took me to 
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this show isn’t fair.
****sob break****
Jael Posession 1:
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So curious how there are two siblings and then one gets possessed by something Satanic and the other one is good at seducing men.
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Jael Possession 2:
Elvis. Random.  Though he was the guy who brought up the Stories Sam Was Surprised Were Circulating -
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He was also oddly interested in it.  Methinks Elvis thoroughly enjoyed the Jael possession.
Bilie gets Dean back in the house.  The words “one-time deal” are said a lot of times.
BONUS: Jensen why are you so pretty:
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The hunters get to work, and I live for Max Bane’s pentagram aesthetic.
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I like a Fifth Pentacle of Mars. It’s got more character. 
***TBH, same.
Jael possession 3:
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****Kim Rhodes is even better when she is playing evil.
I had so hoped you’d kill your mom. Wouldn’t that be a riot? 
[Mary draws the angel blade and charges at Jody. She cuts Jody’s arm before Sam wrestles her away.] 
No! Mom!
What are you doing?! She’s a demon. We kill demons. 
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Also did you immediately flash back to this with me?
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Gets me thinking that Dean’s feelings for Cas are made twice as complicated by the fact that he is also a supernatural creature.  Another Reason Why John Winchester Would Disapprove.
****Just as he would Disapprove of Sam Being Possessed By the Devil and all that (never forget he told Dean to kill him because of the whole made unclean by demon blood thing). 
Right on cue:
Oh, I have heard so many stories about you Winchesters. And I desperately want the Lucifer thing to be true.  
***Stories again. Jael proceeds to go into Stories That Are Dark Personal Shameful Secrets:
As for the rest of you, I have been inside your heads. I know all about you. For example, the twins. Too frightened to tell anyone that they actually came to say goodbye to their daddy. Or the grieving mother who hated the fact that her son was a hunter so much she’d hide his gear, she’d sabotage his Jeep, anything to keep him from hunting. Not that it worked. Could’ve tried harder, huh? 
[She gestures at her own face] And this meatsuit you all seem to care so much about. She actually fantasized about a life with Asa. Can you believe that? Like that worthless man– 
[Bucky gets off the floor and sneaks up behind Jody/Jael] 
Shut your filthy mouth. 
[Jody/Jael grabs Bucky by the neck and forces him to his knees] 
And you. Bucky. Brave, brave Bucky. I was there that night. Tell these nice, stupid people what you did. Tell them what you took from me. Asa was mine. 
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***Excuse me? THIS IS GETTING VERY...subtextual.  A dark timeline supernatural being/hunter relationship [ending badly because demons only know how to take, consume and possess]? ...Asael?  CURIOUS. 
They chant the exorcism, a different hunter doing each iteration (beautifully done) 
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and send Jael back to hell, but not before Bucky shares his Shameful Story - he’s the one who killed Asa.
Asa, he was just all– he was just always so stubborn. Look, we were in the woods. [We see the scene play out as Bucky describes it] Jael, he… he was taunting him. Asa wanted to chase him, but he didn’t have the angel blade. I said, “Let’s go back.” He called me a coward, and he shoved me, so I shoved him back, and he fell. He hit his head. Asa? I didn’t mean to do it. But it was a mistake. Asa. Asa? An accident. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. Asa hated that damn demon so much that I just…
Oh, you thought people would buy that Jael killed him? So you hung your best friend to cover your own ass. 
What are you gonna do to me? 
Tell everyone, every hunter we meet. They’re gonna know your name, Bucky. Know what you did. 
You like stories. This is the story everyone’s gonna tell about you. Forever. 
***Shameful Stories that Define You, what a theme.  Also, definitely a supernatural being potentially having some subtextual feelings for Canadian!Dean.  Hmmm.
***Funeral pyre and side discussion about how Asa did have a family, and children, and a potential supernatural sidepiece.
In conclusion, Supernatural is a love story.  Thank you for watching this dark timeline/Canadian dub.  You’re dismissed for the day.  Go eat bacon.
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astermacguffin · 3 years
also - this season is so frustrating oh my god. don’t get me wrong it’s great right, like it slaps and there’s So Much here to work with. but like Oh My God. you’re all working for the same fucking side dingbats, just work TOGETHER 😭
dean: “I want to kill demons, angels are dicks”
sam: “great! good thing I know how to kill demons”
dean: “No You Can’t Do That. It’s Weird And The Angels Said No”
and then the ANGELS show up and they’re like.
“oh my god. you guys suck at killing demons.”
like. not one person in this show has an agenda that matches someone else’s lmfao
Sam: “I’m gonna develop my demon powers to kill Lilith while also helping out my brother with the apocalypse stuff”
Dean: “I’m gonna stop the apocalypse and keep sam from using his Evil Powers. angels are ducks tho”
Cas: “I’m gonna guide/test/whatever dean in a relatively friendly way so we can fight the apocalypse”
Uriel: “I’m gonna throw hands with these motherfuckers and bully them into fighting the apocalypse my way”
Ruby: “I want to kill Lilith and also stay the hell away from any angels and also help Sam develop his powers”
like. oh my god. oh my god. there’s such a WEB here of people who are all technically trying to do the same thing but they just can’t get past their different methods enough to see that they’re all on the same side 😭
also sidenote I love ruby so much, she owns my whole heart, I don’t see much discussion of her on here so I’m GUESSING that means she dies relatively quickly but. I pretend I do not see 🙈. ruby my beloved <3. I am nowhere near qualified enough to say this but I feel like S4 Ruby and S13-15 Cas would be super good friends. like. the only thing I know about Late Seasons Cas is from tumblr but like. I Just Feel It
Yeah, the majority of S4 can be pretty frustrating like that because everyone's being cryptic and keeping secrets and talking past each other so that pretty much nothing gets done that much lol (although the final leg of S4 does answer this "issue").
Sadly I don't know any ruby blogs; I mostly hang out in casgirl tumblr and most ruby blogs tend to be in samgirl circles, which I admit I unfortunately don't have many mutuals in.
Your suggested friendship between Ruby and late-seasons Cas sounds VERY intriguing tho. The two options I'm thinking of are either: (1) during the divorce arc when Cas is pretty much alone, or (2) a post-Chuck, post-Empty world where some angels and demons escape after they rescue Cas. Very interesting. I shall think about this more.
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found--family · 4 years
watchnotes for 15x19 Inherit The Earth: 
The Quiet Earth; i love that they finally did this 
Dean drove to them (9 hrs, post-love-loss) 
every scene of Dean from now on is him canonically knowing Cas was in love with him. remember that. 
The Bloody Handprint™ Jacket 
Dean's face is scrunched with grief dO YOU SEE?! 
Team Social Distancing 6-feet-apart 
Dean telling Sam + Jack about Cas *my heart is sobbing* he can't even make eye contact *SOBBS HARDER* 
does.. does Jensen sound odd to anyone else? is it because this ep was filmed AFTER the covid hiatus, so he's not quite back to his Dean-voice? 
"i am lonely" song plays; well-chosen
grieving!jack.. praying to Cas.. trying to bring him back from The Empty again.. *gross sobbing* 
things still dying in Jack's wake - like The Darkness #foreshadowing? 
'3 Sheeps Brewing' *squinty eyes*
it's not your fault Sammy :( 
Chuck, you sonuvabitch
Dean not fussed about dying because Cas is gone *gross sobbing* "but FIRST you gotta bring back the people, the birds—CAS. You gotta bring HIM back." 
oH! so no Big Bang 2.0.. which means they have time. 
3 Sad Bois in the bunker :( :( :( 
drunk!Dean passed out on the floor in the library is a mood 
Dean + Jack wearing blue.. yeh I'm thinking of Cas :'c
so Jack doesn't have his Nephilim powers but he does have the weird Darkness Curse + he can sense.. oh, Angels. 
Route 66. nice. 
Dean finds a golden dog!! and the Happy Music SWELLS!! (sidenote: is that Jensen's dog?) "MIRACLE DOG" *gross sobbing + smiles*
MICHAEL! meet your nephew, Jack :3
Michael lost Adam :( 
"Daddy's Boy" oh, Dean.. 
Team Kill Chuck
God's book needs Death to read it, so.. New Death incoming? Lucifer? 
(i see those hanging utensils have been rearranged from the promo pics don't think i don't) 
who's calling you Dea—omg CAS?! 
okay 2 things: why does The Empty care about God's Death Book? and why send Lucifer of all people? would've preferred to see a lot of Angels (Uriel) and Demons (real Meg, Ruby) in his place *le sigh, but that's BL for you*
sidenote: i am sad that we were deprived a scene of Empty!Meg ordering Lucifer around 
so this Betty everyone's been so fussed about is some random reaper in line for Death.. Hello, Death 3.0! 
Luci + Michael Hells Yes this is the only thing i wanted from Lucifer's return (+ him not being redeemed) 
"Asshats." can we pls keep Betty? XD
..apparently not. omG LUCI YOU'RE SUCH A SUCKUP! G'bye. 
hmm.. something's up with Jack.. did he absorb part of The Empty's power during the divine implosion+after..? 
before this post ends i wanna give a shoutout to Jake Abel's stellar portrayal as Michael this season *claps*
so there's some handy spell in Chuck's book. I'm confused about where that was supposed to come, storywise, but i don't think it's The Answer. I'm betting Jack is The Answer, this altered version of him since returning from The Empty post-implosion. 
theory: they heard Billie say in 15x18 that Jack would be useful to God's ending, so maybe Sam is saying That Stuff out loud in case Chuck is listening; it's a red herring and Sam knows Chuck's End will come at Jack's hand, but he can't say so. 
i always love the glowy special fx
Chuck + Michael convo Hells Ye—wait.. 
woahzah more cool glowy fx
boys just won't stay down :') 
GO JACK GO! *called it!* forget all my theories about Chuck talking things out with TFW or whatever this is sO MUCH BETTER 
Jack's divine power vaccum + The Plan ohmyes CLEVER BOYS!!! 
Dean "The Ultimate Killer—No That's Not Who I Am" Winchester!! 
HUMAN!godCHUCK ohmy that's perfect 
God 2.0, God!Jack :') 
The Youngbloods 'Get Together' 
Jack, The New Light, in harmony (True Balance) with The Darkness; he and Amara are getting to know one another as foreshadowed :) 
Jack brings about "paradise on earth" as foreseen by Kelly in 12x19
does this mean Eileen is back? 
omj CASTIEL + JACK finally added to the Found Family initials!!!!! 
(what's with the apocalyptic orange sky as they drive?) 
umm.. okay.. i don't wanna get salty as a last note but: that montage? shouldn't that be kept for the end of 15x20 with Carry On My Wayward Son playing? also Cas was barely in it so wtf
BONUS: the promo for next week gives us nothing to go on. so.. 
CLOSING THOUGHTS: i love what happened with Jack and Chuck and The Plan, a brilliant season ending! I'm interested to see whether they address another New Death in the Final Ep, but mostly excited to see Cas and Eileen(?) back with the boys, what happens with The Empty and Heaven, and ofc where their lives go from here. 
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porschekittisawasds · 4 years
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simply cannot believe i made a supernatural fic rec list in the year 2020 but here we are
When Worlds Collide
When Zachariah dies, the illusions he’s created die with him.  But before they collapse completely, sometimes they collide. That’s how Castiel goes from cradling Dean Winchester’s broken body one moment, to finding himself face to face with Dean Smith in the next.
note: basically endverse!cas’s world collapses right after endverse!dean is killed by lucifer and he gets thrown into the it’s a terrible life verse. drama and love and a whole lot of fuckery ensue. it’s tagged as major character death but it’s not really
Broadway Musical
This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.
The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.
note: an AU where dean and jo are destined to fall in love and have two sons who will bring on the apocalypse and be the vessels for michael and lucifer. only problem is cupid’s arrows don’t make them fall in love with each other and heaven promptly starts freaking the fuck out so cas slips into a vessel and tries to do some matchmaking to get the whole end of the world thing back on track. it’s tagged as unrepentant crack and that pretty much sums it up, but it’s also a very funny and enjoyable read
a turn of the earth
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
note: listen i LOVE a good time travel fic
How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam)
In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean's angel rather sooner than intended.
note: after lucifer stabs gabriel in hammer of the gods, gabriel uses his very last bit of grace to travel back to the beginning of time and decree castiel the angel of thursdays and dean winchester. fast forward a few eons and castiel hears mary’s dying cry. he shows up too late to save her, but he decides that a human life is very short in the grand scheme of things so he can play guardian angel to dean (and by extension sam) while also fulfilling his duties to heaven. not only is this pretty much my favorite supernatural fic, it’s also one of my favorite fics in general
The Shattered One
When it struck Castiel, he was in mid-flight. It dropped him out of the sky like a sparrow buffeted by gale-force winds. Castiel set down the first place he could find. He ended up standing in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
note: okay so listen. this is tagged as mpreg but that’s kind of a stretch imo. it’s not like... mpreg mpreg in the sense that it deals with angel reproduction and has nothing to do with sex or pregnancy. angel reproduction goes like this: a section of an angel’s grace will suddenly and randomly break off and begin to grow on it’s own. after a certain period of time, another angel has to offer a piece of their grace and the two pieces will combine to form a new angel. that new angel is a fully developed, fully functional angel and is considered a new brother/sister instead of an offspring.
cas’s grace shatters which means he’s fucked because this takes place in season 5 after he’s defied heaven. no other angel will offer up a piece of their grace so his own is basically going to rip itself apart, killing him in the process. when dean and sam find out cas is going to die, dean offers up part of his soul in place of another angel’s grace. what results is a new angel that has just enough human in it that it takes the shape of a human baby and sends pretty much all of their lives into a tailspin.
ALSO just a heads up this is definitely more pre-destiel despite the relationship tag. there’s a sequel where im pretty sure they do get together but i haven’t read it so i cant’s say for sure.
Kiss You When It’s Dangerous
When his partner Uriel, betrays him, Federal Agent Castiel Novak is saved from becoming a ritual sacrifice by brothers Dean and Sam Winchester.
note: FBI!cas gets thrown headfirst into the supernatural. tagged as major character death, but again it’s not really
My Roots Take Flight
After forty years in Hell, Dean’s more than willing to accept the offer: become a guardian angel and earn his freedom. But his new ward seems destined to hunt alongside Sam, and there are secrets in Heaven that the angels don’t want found out. Dean’s going to have to choose between his duty and the people he loves- and to work out just where Castiel fits in.
note: season 4 au where dean is an angel and cas is a human except it’s way more complicated than that
Peace and Good Luck To All Men
Christmas in the Milton household was difficult enough without the added complication of guests- and if Luke and Gabriel placing bets on who can get with Sam first wasn’t bad enough, then Cas developing a ridiculous crush on his sister’s boyfriend definitely is. 
note: the one where michael, lucifer luke, gabriel, anna and cas are all human siblings but michael and lucifer luke are still trying to kill each other, gabriel is still Like That and cas is still super into dean which is pretty inconvenient considering he’s with anna.
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6) 
note: it’s been a very long time since i read this, but from what i remember it’s an AU where they’re all human and dean brings his friend/co-worker cas as his “date” to sam and ruby’s wedding for moral support. when sam was in college, he met ruby and they started using drugs together. after several failed attempts at helping him get clean, dean eventually cut sam off and it’s been years since they’ve spoken. even though sam and ruby are now both sober, dean blames ruby for everything that happened and the only reason he’s even going to the wedding is because bobby and ellen basically force him to. again, it’s been years and years since i read this so i can’t remember a lot of the details, but i do know that despite this being a dean/cas fic a lot of the focus is dean rebuilding his relationship with sam and that’s what i remember really liking about it.
Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered
Death brings Sam back — sort of.
note: a general fic involving only sam and dean. sam’s soul is so damaged from its time in the cage that when death brings it back, it shatters into pieces and so does sam. like literally. there’s four different sams now, each representing a distinctive part of his personality. sounds cracky but it’s actually surprisingly angsty and focuses on how the sams and dean are adjusting to their new reality and each other
Point Pleasant
(okay so this fic was deleted but i’m putting in on here anyway because the author has since turned it into a novel and had it published. im sure old pdfs of the fic are floating around but i highly recommend reading the novel version. if you know it was based on a destiel fic then it’s really easy to see those influences in the writing and the characters but it can stand up on it’s own. also!!!! it has pretty much the coolest take on the mothman’s origin story that i’ve ever heard.)
Ben Wisehart (Dean Winchester) grew up in the idyllic town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. An early encounter with the supernatural shaped his worldview and served as the catalyst for his career as a bestselling horror writer. Thirteen years after abandoning his home, Ben returns to the town to investigate the apparent reemergence of the terrifying creature responsible for his childhood nightmares. In Point Pleasant, Ben is confronted not only by the town’s resident monster, the Mothman, but also by his former best friend, Sheriff Nicholas Nolan (Cas Novak). Together, Ben and Nicholas (Dean and Cas) uncover the mystery of the monster in the woods and discover that the ghosts that haunt us are sometimes made of flesh and blood. And sometimes, they lead us home.
Sympathy for the Devil (and Dean Winchester)
this is not so much a rec as it is a request.
basically an au version of season 5 (and kind of the whole series really). when god cast lucifer out of heaven, he tore out his grace. lucifer’s grace was put into the cage, but lucifer himself fell to earth and spent thousands and thousands of years reincarnating as a human. his latest reincarnation? dean winchester. so when sam opens the cage, lucifer’s grace is released and dean realizes that he’s lucifer. part of him still kind of wants to start the apocalypse but the other part of him has a whole new appreciation for humanity considering he now remembers every human life he’s ever lived. it’s made more complicated by the fact that dean (/lucifer) doesn’t really want to tell anyone that he’s apparently the devil so he has to keep his now angel status on the dl and also because despite heaven wanting the apocalypse to start, michael went missing from heaven shortly after lucifer was cast out and no one has any idea where he’s at.
this fic was deleted, but if anyone happens to have a pdf copy let me know. i would be highly appreciative!
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laufire · 3 years
What are your thoughts on sam and cas? Their first interaction is for me so overlooked. I mean sams fangirling with cas calling him the boy with demon blood but still being like holding his hand and saying that hes glad hes stopped. That seemed to me genuine and a way of showing cas being more sympathetic than other angels already - but still reinforcing what sam hates about himself. Then coupled with when sam saves cas by killing alistair with cas wtf face at how powerful he is?
Both of those scenes contributed to making me ship them and want more scenes between them, so there’s that.
The last one was the kind of intensity I love to watch, period. I love good power displays and Sam swooping in, revealing that he’s now so powerful he can kill demons with his brain to a suddenly panicked Alastair, showing all that terrifying power that Castiel just can’t. look. away. from... I loved it. They are both so powerful, I want them to see the other being scary in action xDD
Their first meeting... there’s so much to unpack there!! Okay, do you know that joke post about Star Trek and humans’ first contact with Vulcans? About how the Vulcan chosen for it must have been a liiiiittle bit freaky, because they have all of these intimate, delicate telepathic hand touches and he would have needed to full-on shake a random person’s hand? That’s what’s on my mind whenever I think of Sastiel’s first meeting lmfao (plus it plays into my theory that Heaven sent Castiel to the mission because they needed someone genuine that wouldn’t completely trip Dean’s “this person is fucking with me” sensors. It... obviously backfired on them xD).
Jokes aside, yes, I love it. That pause before Castiel deliberately chooses to ~gently shake Sam’s hand -and wrt his words I don’t think he has any idea of what a thorny issue this is for Sam, which makes the scene a little more heartbreaking for me lol. Sam being so excited!! about meeting angels!! Something that’ll fade away soon enough :/, mainly for Uriel’s presence in the room lol (such an asshole, love the guy :D. Did since the moment in that episode where he tells Sam to tell Dean to get off his high horse and to ask him about his time in Hell lmfao).
Said presence contributes to separate Castiel from other angels, since Uriel is the second one we met (while being aware he is an angel, unlike with Gabriel). Uriel keeps his distance while Castiel suddenly feels more approachable and willingly shakes the hand of “the boy with demon blood”; Uriel sees us humans as “mud monkeys” and Castiel refers to us as “a work of art”/God’s work (neither of which I’d like to be referred to btw!! But one of them is more insulting xD), Castiel opening up about his doubts at the end etc.
It was a pretty gr10 episode EXCEPT for the part where a boy with terrible taste ignores Luisa D’Oliveira and she dies within the first scene smh xD. But yeah, it set the tone for Sastiel and I think they have a lot of potential as a dynamic, I just wish we saw more of it lol (just like I wish we saw more Sam + other people. #LetSamHaveFriends xD).
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shallowseeker · 9 months
TBH, I don't care as much about the writers. (I know--eternal shame. I'm not even a real fan--kill me now etc.) I just...don't remember things. I always have to remind myself who's doing what. I don't know how half of you keep it all straight AND remember episode titles??? And no, nooooo I like Robbie just fine. Love him, even. He’s in my top choices!!!!
I just consider him something of a specialist, maybe? I'm going off vibes, remember. I feel like Robbie is a long-winded, loveable teddy bear. His writing reminds me of comic books, which could be why it feels so fraught and verbose at times, like it's crammed into a speech bubble...? Idk.
I think a lot of his characters are also a bit...it's hard to put my finger on it, exactly. Wholesome? They're so Loveable (TM) and Dorky (TM). I find it stifling sometimes to stomach all the "pluckiness" at once. It even took me awhile to warm up to his characters in The Winchesters. (Don't hit me! Maybe I just have a bad personality.)
I think you'd want him on your team for sure. He did Goodbye Stranger and other wonderful things like Metatron's speech in Don't Call Me Shurley (which was also belabored at times but greatly helped by Curtis Armstrong)! It's a type of energy I find leaning "too meta," and "too mechanistic" at times. The best example I can think of is There's No Place Like Home. I like it in pieces, but as a whole, it seems a little too self-aware sometimes. But not in a fun Ghostfacers way? It's hard to describe.
I...can't imagine Robbie creating an Alastair or a Uriel, or even a Meg...but maybe I'm forgetting something.
Maybe it's Ben Edlund's intellectual(TM) vibe that makes his Sam and Cas more to my liking? Idk. I feel like, since Sam's the only one still alive, getting Sam right would be key to the whole thing hanging together in a sequel. Anyway, I feel like his work in Reading is Fundamental is legitimately Ecclesiastical because he can be more wry/philosophical/satirical. I'm biased--I like philosophy!
He can do entire standalone narrations which are just as “long” but it doesn’t feel so…templated, somehow? It usually just hits better for me, personally. Sometimes he lurches into being too poetic for my liking, too, especially in season 8. But overall, I dig. Meredith can infuse his stuff with some much-needed warmth. It all makes sense in my head!
I think he's at his best when he's being sarcastic and when the action is so fast-paced he doesn't have much time to get stuck doing word-acrobatics. His good guys are conflicted, and his bad guys are really oily. He lets the characters be mean and surly. He can be as deeply fucked up as Sera Gamble when he wants to be (Repo Man????)
I can find something I like in most of the writers, even Bucklemming. They have some great devil's advocate lines and political stuff in their scripts, once you comb past the racism, fetishism, and weird pacing.
I'm not above keeping Sera Gamble in a cage and letting her out to contribute random, unhinged things. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with her, and that translates well to a good dose of fucky-uppy-ness and incredible pain, which I think Robbie can tend to sleep on a little bit. (Dream a Little Dream of Me, Houses of the Holy?? SO GOOD.)
Others? Bobo does some great stuff, but sometimes I find his back-and-forth dialogue to be a little off? I even think something felt off with Cas's speech in Despair as much as I applaud the effort. Steve Yockey does an excellent Rowena.
Also, I'd let Amanda Tapping direct everything. Just because.
Mostly, I think they should just hire @angelsdean 🤷  and @jewishtrentcrimm -- I followed them during their live tweeting reactions of The Winchesters and mostly longed for their ideas over what was happening on screen.
Most importantly, it’d need a shortform writer in the wings whose job it is to take all the long-winded ppl's excellent monstrosities and chop it to bits and couch it in the right voice with the right amount of prickly subterfuge and defensiveness. A vicious, short-form editor who values brevity and would kill me inside...
Also, we’d need an official meta wrangler, because the meta can start to eat itself and really devolve if you're not careful (I think this is Robbie's Achilles' Heel in some of his stuff; it walks the line reeeeeally close for me in "There's No Place Like Home," for example, but I've come around to "Fan Fiction.")
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I am...quite happy to be corrected. Knowing who does what well is NOT my specialty.
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ashtraythief · 3 years
How about 3, 8, 9, 19, 24? Thanks!!
Oof that's a lot 😂 Thanks nonnie ❤️
3. Favorite angel
Cas. I did like some of the shorter lived angels, I enjoyed both Balthazar and Gabriel (in his original run) a lot and I like Anna, but s4-7 Cas is my favorite. He was the perfect mix between the hard asshole Uriel and the very human, rebelling Anna. I love the gravitas he had and I love his one-liners when he didn't get the pop culture. I love to watch his slow descent into rebellion and coming into his own. I love the s6 development. While I will be forever salty that the writers sacrificed a great villain like Eve (there was so much unexplored there) to the Crowley/Cas/Leviathan drama, I thought the whole theme road to hell is paved with good intentions was a story arc that made sense. And I like the resolution ep from Cas pov. When he died, I was sad to lose his character, but I felt the ending was real and earned. I didn't mind too much when he came back at first because I even still like mad Cas after he took the trauma from Sam's wall breaking. After that… The writers were just all over the place with Cas. His abilities depended on plot demands and they never managed to write enough other angels compelling enough that I cared about heaven's drama. I liked the bit with Hannah, but I wasn't invested enough in angel drama. I thought the whole be Jack's dad thing had potential, but I felt the exploration of Jack and how he was raised fell victim to the plot. There wasn't enough time to do it right because they insisted on the whole soulless drama for Jack and had other ridiculous storylines (the whole Nick thing. Shoot me now).
I still love Cas as a character, I didn't even mind when they gave him popculture knowledge because even though he had all the knowledge it was clear from his references (agent Beyoncé anyone?) that he still didn't understand. Is it realistic that he wouldn't? Maybe. He's millenias old, it's hard to change then I guess.
I'm excited to meet him again when I do my rewatch and enjoy his early seasons.
8.If you could write yourself into one episode, would you? What episode?
Oh, idk the death rate on supernatural is so high…. And everyone who shows up either has a horrific experience, loses a loved one, or dies. The only safe bet seems to be one of Dean's casual bar hookups 😂 (Sam seems to have a better run recently, but Sam's peen of death is a thing and I'd rather not die even if I get to sleep with Sam). Oh, maybe a bartender? Have a little chat with the guys, then safely watch them walk away? Don't get me wrong, I love the show, but I don't want to be in it 😂
9. What supernatural being would you be?
Hm. Vampire? I am fairly nocturnal. But I'm a lover not a fighter, so ghoul? I feel like a ghoul a lot these days, the grave robbing kind, not the fresh meat kind anyway 😂
19. Favorite brothers scene?
You know, it's really hard to pin down, I think, there's so much good stuff over the years. Everything in Faith, probably, but mostly Dean's I'm dying and there's nothing you can do and Sam's very stubborn watch me.
AHBL 2 Sam dying in Dean's arms.
There's one in s3 but I can't remember the ep, but the one where Sam fights for Dean to want to live. I want you to be my brother again. Just because.
S4 finale, their reunion, killing Ruby and the way they clutch each other's jackets when Lucifer rises.
Swan Song. SWAN SONG. THEIR LOVE LITERALLY SAVED THE WORLD OMG. Lucifer beats up Dean and the reflection in Baby is such a violent reminder for Sam of Dean and Home and Lucifer gets caught in it, gets caught in the memories, the feelings, the love and he cannot handle it because he has never felt a love so strong, so deep, so all-encompassing and it stuns him and throws him off enough for Sam to break free, Sam who's armed with a lifetime of memories of home and love and Dean, riding shotgun with his brother, and it makes him strong enough to fight lucifer and strong enough to jump and my heart broke into so many pieces.
SACRIFICE. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I mean, they practically got married in that church. They damned the world to an eternity of demonic existence so they could be together. Shoot that sweet, sweet, fucked up codependency straight into my veins.
There are more moments, later, but I haven't rewatched the last seasons enough to quote them (do not ask about the barn scene), so this will have to do.
24. I'd tell them that they're heroes, even on their worst days. That they made a difference. That they mean something, to so many people. That they'll leave a legacy, in their world and in ours. That they'll never be forgotten.
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doctorwhat0511 · 4 years
MY rewrite of Supernatural 15x19
Okay just to put this out there,,, this isn’t gonna be perfect and ofc we don’t know what happens in the next episode so this might mess things up but this is kinda how I wish the episode went. I did keep most of the dialogue and plot stuff from the actual episode but yeah I’ve been thinking about it and idk y’all fanfic writers can do what you want,,
So like,,, we start off the episode maybe with Dean listening to Sam’s voicemails. We just get shots of whats happened throughout the season as Sam is calling Dean over and over and he’s just not answering cause ~feels~ and it shows the last scene with everyone disappearing and finally Cas’ total homosexual declaration of love~~
Finally it cuts to Sam and Jack walking back into the bunker to look for Dean. Dean’s like passed out drunk on the floor in the same spot he was when Cas disappeared. Sam is worried as fuck of course and just trying to get answers and stuff for why Dean hasn’t been answering until Jack interrupts and asks where Cas is. 
Dean explains everything that happened and Sam is trying to talk to him but Dean is just like “nah man I don’t wanna talk about it” and as he’s walkin out of the room he still says “I’m sorry” to Jack. 
It cuts to scenes of Jack lying in the bed (mourning ofc cause his dad died and all) and Sam is researching stuff. At this point I’m guessing maybe a couple days pass or maybe hours idkk. Anyways so Dean comes out (of his room not the closet ya turkeys) and scoffs at Sam. Sam is like “w a t?” and Dean basically tells him that its pointless to keep researching cause they lost. Sam tells him that they can’t just give up. Dean is like ofc they can,, they get into an argument. Eventually it gets to Cas and Sam tells Dean “Cas wouldn’t want u to give up” “Well Cas is dead” “W e l l then don’t make him die for nothing,,, Im still fighting,, Still fighting for the hope that one day I can get Eileen back. That one day we get one last miracle” “Miracle? Miracles don’t exist” (Did this cause DOG)
And then Jack is like ~OOP I feel something~ Sam and Dean share The Look™ They’re driving to find the thing Jack’s talking about and then the scene with Miracle the Dog happens. Dean is like “Like I told you man, Miracles don’t exist”. They get to the church with Michael there. They do the whole talk thing and Michael wants to help cause he lost his human (ADAM).
 This is the part of the story I don’t have completely figured out yet so y’all can do it for me. Anyways so for this part I had some ideas but you can change obv.
Michael explains how it took 4 archangels to take down Chuck so they try to get 3 others to help. I know Uriel isn’t an archangel but idc I was thinking they’d get Luci, Michael, Uriel and Gabriel back. They’d either do this by idk somehow summoning The Empty to give them back maybe. This would give another opportunity to talk about ~Cas~. ANyways, Empty agrees to Luci, Uriel and Gabirel but not Cas unfortunately ://
We could fit in some funny scenes between Michael and Luci cause lets be honest,, this would be iconic,, Gabriel is just being Gabriel and it would be nice to have Michael, LUci and Gabe all together :)),, and I think we could have some good scenes between Uriel and Dean (ANother Cas opportunityyy). Anyways so I don’t have this part planned out much either :P so do what you want. 
Cause idk how to get to this next part (I was thinking maybe they try opening the Death book again but it doesn’t work, Michael and Luci fight again so Jack absorbs more power,, Gabriel could intervene,,, They have a bro to bro to bro talk and make up finally AT LASTT)
ANYWHO so we get to the place they all meet,, like the forest cliff place?? ANyways so they do the summoning thing for CHuck and he appears to stop them. CHuck reveals that Michael told him the entire plan. Chuck still tries to kill MIchael (cause that scene was SO GOOD) excpet he DOESN’T cause surprise bitchess,, Gabe, Luci and Uriel come out ready to fight. A big ‘ol epic battle breaks out (all this time Jack is getting JUICED) until CHuck has had enough and beats them all. Chuck is like seriosuly,,, ya tried to beat mE?? With 3 archagels?? (ofc they just needed to distract Chuck long enough for our jacka-boy)
The scene where Chuck beats up Sam and Dean but they keep getting up still happens cause DAMN that scene was POWERFUL as FUCK. And then,,,
“Why are you smiling?” “Because. You lose.”
BOOM BANG BOOM,, Jack is there and CHuck is like “what the fuck??” Jack absorbing his powers happens (except we see both black and the white veins to show that hey amara is still there and now its JACK that has the one black eye and one white eye) 
Sam and Dean can explain the real plan,, blah blah blah,, Chuck is begging or his life here ofc. Sam and Dean are like “bye bitch”. CHuck even begs to Michael but Michael is like “bye bitch” now it’s your turn to be abandoned and forgotten hah. and they drive off. and rob is his amazing self. 
They get back to the town and they all have a Winchester Talk™ and Jack snaps his fingers and everyone (yes and the dog) comes back! We show a montage of everyone returning like Jodie, Donna and Claire and Kaia, Charlie and Stevie, Kevin with his mOm, Becky and her husband and kids, Michael and Adam and finally Eileen comes back,, EVERYONE COMES BACK BABYY (not in the same place ofc). 
Dean asks Jack about Cas~~ Jack is like “I don’t know,, Everyone was supposed to come back,,” (save the gripping cas tight and raising him from perdition for the next ep ;)))
Anyways so Jack says his goodbye speech and our nougat boi walks away. Angels talk about what they’re gonna do and walk away. Adam/MIchael has that Moment™ with Dean that just because they don’t get what they want right away, doesn’t mean it’ll never happen~~
Sam and Dean are back in the bunker. Sam says sorry to Dean about Cas. He knows how much he meant to him- to everyone. Dean is like “WELP that how life b.” Sam is like “Well maybe we can find some way to bring him back?” Dean is like “Maybbeeeee,, it’d take a fricken miracle~~ Buuuttt-- 
Idk y’all make it up. Anyways so they talk about how they’re finally free. They can do whatever they want. They leave,, we see Cas and Jack’s names on the table, we have that amazing montage and BOOM. Episode over. 
So those are my opinions, feel free to share yours :))) I did leave a couple scenes out so if you wanna add stuff back in (or delete) idc, do what feels right to you. I just typed this up now so it’s baddd and messy and I’m not a fanfic writer so if you like this version, feel free to use it and if you do PLS send me a link cause I wanna read it :DD
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jenneferofjengaberg · 3 years
Supernatural 4x10 “Heaven and Hell” Rewatch
Uriel and Cas want to kill Anna, but jeez Uriel always makes everything so much worse. He needs that book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
I note that Cas seems to try and be a bit less violent about this, but still Cas, my dude. I know he’s still in “obedient soldier” mode, but just a couple of episodes ago you were saying you’re not a hammer. Prove it son.
Luckily Anna banishes them with the blood sigil that she conveniently remembered just in time. Amnesia is rad.
Dean tells Sam to research Anna and Sam is like, “what are you gonna do” and Dean is like “oh you know, stuff” and Sam is like:
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Dean and Ruby are having a moment and it’s…weird
Sam says that when Anna was two she said her father wasn’t her real dad and her real dad wanted to kill her. Interesting. We’re talking about Chuck, right? maybe early foreshadowing for how much of a dick god turned out to be
Pamela is back. Won’t they leave this poor woman alone for god’s sakes. 
Pamela is mind-melding with Anna and she’s like “come on anna we just need one look”. um, girl have you learned NOTHING???
Anna is like “I’M A GIRLBOSS, DEAN”
None of this makes a lick of sense given future events. How come none of the other angels became human babies when they fell??
Anna and Dean talk about the nature of being an angel. Dean thinks it must be awesome (bc he thinks Cas is awesome lmao) but Anna makes it clear that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. No chocolate cake, no sex.
Someone stole Anna’s grace from the tree. Oh gee I wonder who.
It’s très weird all this stuff between Anna and Dean, because later they have Cas basically repeat all of this stuff, about absent fathers and what happened in hell not being Dean’s fault, etc.. Did they really just replace Anna with Cas? Did they not see how that was gonna cause people to pick up the same romantic undertones to Cas and Dean’s relationship that there were between Anna and Dean?
Look, it’s Anna’s last night on earth and she’s going big (FUCK THE MICHAEL SWORD. FUCK IT.) before she goes home. I respect it.
I fully admit that when she puts her hand on Cas’ handprint I hear kill bill sirens. Although even if I ignore that, I’m…kinda confused about what they were trying to communicate there?? What the hell was that even about?
Dean is A BOTTOM (this sex scene is pretty hot ngl)
Uriel is here to be a mean debbie downer but he does utter his famous line about Cas:
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*skips the ruby torture scene bc i’m a giant baby*
The subtitles tell us the wind is howling again, so we know Cas is on his way. He’s such a showoff. Keep it drama, Dorothy.
AND NOW CAS AND ANNA ARE HAVING A MOMENT. What the hell was going on in this episode?? What was the original plan for all this? I’m dying to know. Knowing the cw it was probably going to be some kind of twilight-esque love triangle. Oh my god…can you even imagine ha ha ha ha ha. In another universe we’d all be like “Who’s Anna gonna pick? Are you #Team Cas or #Team Dean?”
Cas is like…ethereally beautiful in this scene jesus h christ:
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When Dean and Anna kiss, Cas looks all hurt and sad and I cannot for the life of me tell who he’s supposed to be jealous of. This is some good shit I kind of love it.
Cas and Anna “have a history”, like bc she was his boss? Or? I mean it’s canon that he was a virgin so this “history” is like what? Holding hands while they smite people in the fields of the lord? I bet it was something holy and Republican like that. lmao Cas was Anna’s #tradwife
Holy shit this scene between the angels and demons is FUCKING GREAT. This show really was good sometimes??
Did we ever find out why Alastair was so much more powerful than other demons? Was he like the demon equivalent of an archangel or something?
It actually makes no narrative sense for Dean to save Cas from Alastair at this point, since he should be pretty pissed at him for wanting to kill Anna. You know, unless…Dean has some feelings about Cas already, even if they’re just “that dude is my friend even if he’d like to kill my date, we can always work that out later.”
Oh noooo. I forgot this scene was in this episode. It fucking destroys me every time.
DON’T YOU DARE BEAUTIFUL CRY Mr. Ackles. If you make me feel things so help me god I will launch you into the sun. *sigh* Ok I’m kidding. You deserved an emmy or something for this. I hope they bought you the good liquor at least, because this actually looks like it would have been distressing.
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I relate very personally to the sentence “I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing”.
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doraspn · 4 years
i have thoughts about 04x07 (gay motel scene)
sit your gay asses down and roll tape
this is that time when i go over destiel scenes in an episode in a very scientifically sound, totally chill way lmfao jk watch me lose my motherfucking shit over this 
so first off, we have sam entering their motel room, they’ve just chatted with one half of the witch duo that sent them after the other half of the witch duo lol anyways, sam’s entering and he’s like shit someone’s here who the fuck are you hands up motherfucker
and then dean like, smells? cas from the doorway and rushes in shouting NO NO SAM WAIT NOT THE PRETTY ANGEL I WAS GONNA BED HIM LATERTHAT’S CASTIEL (back to full names are we dean? it’s no use you ain’t fooling nobody) THE ANGEL!
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while cas is out here trying his best to seem mysterious. like, cas, buddy, what the fuck are you looking at? grab a magazine or something, don’t do this to yourself. regardless of what meta writers say, the motel wallpaper in supernatural ain’t that fucking intriguing.
then we get the shot of uriel staring out the fucking window. why? bc chuck put it in his stage directions ig who the fuck knows. probably thought it would look cool or edgy or something.
dean doesn’t know uriel and he’s alarmed, sam is fangirling bc omg angels
cas is all no nonsense and calls sam out for his demon blood (the poor man can’t help it cas, jesus)
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“bitch what did you just call me?”
but that’s not what we’re here for is it
dean has his sarcastic display of animosity towards uriel aka “chuckles” (cute) and then hush hush lowers his head and looks at cas and is like
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“who’s your friend? anyone i should be worried about? because i trust you to tell me if i should be worried right now. because i trust you, even though we only met like two a handful of days ago cas. i call you cas now you know, because castiel is difficult to say every time, takes too much time and effort. not because i find you cute or anything lol did i mention that i trust you?”
bla bla bla the witch knows who you are you could have died bla bla bla
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oops my finger slipped and i accidentally pasted this screencap of dean falling in love withlooking at cas my bad don’t know how to delete it tho oh well guess you’ll have to deal
then grumpy ass uriel gets all his feathers ruffled up and stops their friendly seal breaking prevention meeting, part of mission stop buddy (just an expression) lucifer from rising. maybe he’s upset bc he hasn’t been introduced yet lmfao the dude legit spent this entire time staring out the window and clarifying that lucifer isn’t his friend ok then
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look at cas angling his body towards dean squinting at uriel being like he my bro but i ain’t sure he trustworthy he got a few screws loose in his halo (he’s special, i mean specialist, he’s a specialist)
cas informs them they’re smiting the shit out of the town (and the one thousand two hundred fourteen people in it - okay but how many dogs uriel HOW MANY DOGS?????!!!!) so they better haul ass and dean’s like
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looking at uriel only not cas because his cas would never
castiel personal-space-who? winchester moves closer to dean and they’re arguing but dean’s too soft considering this is literally life or death for a thousand people. like, sure he’s sarcastic and shit but all i can hear is “cas buddy my friend hey look can you not murder all these people in cold blood? for me?”
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his lips are moving i can tell that he’s talking but damn he has some pretty blue eyes it’s not gay if i’m in love with a guy’s eyes right? *licks lips* 
cas is no better though
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sam’s out there off screen making the case for them saving the town all alone and cas is following dean’s micro movements like a hypnotized puppy totally not paying attention to what sam is saying
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dean briefly looks over to sam and back at cas like oh yeah what he um said yeah we’re what are talking about again?
these two horny bastards forgot all about the people (AND DOGS!) that are about to die and lucifer who’s planning on strolling out his cage. like is anyone surprised cas got demoted? bitch wasn’t doing his job for crying out loud. i’m sure they told him “castiel, we told you to watch over dean and sam, not watch dean sleep wtf man” 
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dean is in his when the tough gets going mood but look, is it directed towards cas? 
lol nah, he went straight to uriel even though cas was right there in front of him the pretty eyes distract him so he went for the easier target.
let’s play, spot the difference game
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“we can do this cas, trust me okay don’t worry about it i know you’re not like that big jerk over there ilysm xxx”
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“alright you gorgeous bastard, have it your way.”
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“your eyes are so pretty i mean i knew you’d understand did i mention i trust you?”
that’s it that’s the scene
anyone else getting drunk on how gay af this is and literally no one involved was trying to make it so lol good job guys, we love organic gay
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inhanf-archived · 4 years
Ok so that fic I’ve been attempting to write for weeks is just not happening right now and I miss the boys so here we go again.
‘Know it all’ ‘what?’ ‘What?’
Oh nope. Nope nope nope. Fuck this.
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Danny why in the fresh hell are you playing ball with your wardrobe?
Not the dog. Ah no. Not the poor dog.
Clever ghost.
Nah Sam, I think he’s decidedly not cool. He’s very very broken.
Can we not just have a regular ghost. Between the angels and now this.
People are awful.
Fuckin twins. Never not creepy.
Super broken.
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Well this is different.
Ah little magician Sammy!
She’s tiny and angry and I love her.
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Oh ffs boys. That was too obvious.
Not the best but not Bugs.
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The difference in their voices only 4 seasons in is interesting.
Lovely recap of John Winchesters A+ Parenting.
Oh please please please let this be a teenage Winchester throwback.
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Ah poor little Sammy.
Never mind, little Sammy is a badass!
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Ah little Sam. This episode gives with one hand and punches in the gut with the other.
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Jesus. You found the psychotic stripper my friend.
This does seem like Deans dream case alright.
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She’s just trying to make a living. Poor thing. Sailors aren’t as common these days.
Uh oh. Dean knows Sams seeing Ruby.
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Oh Bobby I’ve missed you.
A bronze dagger covered in the blood of a sailor under the song. So a bronze dagger covered in one of the sirens victims blood... this isn’t all that cryptic lads...
AD Bobby in his Kiss The Cook apron is my new favourite Bobby. The labelled phones are excellent.
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It’s the doctor! In the hospital. With Sam. Shit.
Oh shit. This is a twist.
Thank fuck for Bobby. Also this ain’t a healthy way for the boys to get their deepest darkest thoughts out.
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Is Pamela back? I love Pamela.
Have you checked in on your angel recently lads? He can do this stuff.
The white eyes are way ickier than the black.
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Oooh Sams been working out.
Oh is this a seal?
God I love Pamela.
‘Am I making you uncomfortable?’ ‘Get out of me.’ ‘Such a prude.’
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CAS! Better late than never.
Well that got super dark.
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That’s a neat trick. Can I have a Castiel for when the neighbourhoods house alarms all go off in a storm?
Poor Dean has been tired since season 1.
Oh FFS, not you again Uriel.
I never liked Uriel.
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As much as I would love to see Dean get a little respite from this fucked up righteous man shit this is deeply disconcerting.
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This is deeply entertaining.
Y’know I saw that coming and I still jumped. Never getting in an elevator again.
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Oh for fuck sake. Not another fucking angel. Sod off Zachariah.
He has a good point about corporate culture though.
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THE SUPERNATURAL BOOKS!! Ah this is excellent.
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I fucking love the meta-ness of this.
Ah Chuck.
Dean reads. You should know this by now Sammy.
I mean you’ve been banging Ruby Sam, it’s not that much of a stretch.
There’s only one bridge.
Chuck the prophet. Great.
Cas being helpful while also technically breaking the rules is character development and I am here for it.
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