#cassie discussion
valleyfthdolls · 1 year
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@stone-97 yippee thank you
I'm separating these into two: non-theory based and theory based.
Non-theory based:
Cassie is short for Cassidy. I don't think she's Golden Freddy, obviously, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that Cassidy is her full name.
Her last name is Rita, which is Latvian and means dawn.
She's from a rich family, but she doesn't like her parents much, and feels like her whole life is just painfully boring because nothing ever happens to her unless she seeks it out.
She's absolutely fearless and always up to do something stupid and insanely risky. It's what draws her to Gregory, who always has things happening to him.
She considers herself Gregory's shield, the person to call on when he needs protection, and she takes that seriously.
She bought the walkie-talkies they share, and he laughed at her a bit for them because of course they were Roxanne Wolf themed.
She covers and decorates all her stuff with stickers, charms, beads, etc. Sometimes she puts stickers over her nails instead of painting them.
She was the girl whose birthday party was just before the events of Security Breach. She invited Gregory along, which was how he got into the building.
Theory based:
Her parents keep constant watch over her. It's hard for her to get away from them unless she can bypass all of their attempts to watch her.
Quite frankly, her parents don't know what to do with her. Things were fine until recently, and they've done all they can by watching over her and sending her to therapy, but nothing they do seems to be enough. Anything more they could do never works anyway- all attempts to install trackers on her devices lead to the trackers being corrupted, and no one can figure out how or why. It happens before even Cassie knows they're there.
Cassie is upset that people don't trust her anymore, but she wonders if she's even allowed to be so upset about it when it's her fault. Even if she's not "allowed," it hurts knowing that people used to trust and love her, and now no one even wants her to be alone out of fear she'll hurt someone.
She's afraid of what Gregory will think of her if he finds out what she's done. Knowing how much Gregory investigates, she's sure he'll find out eventually, but she wants to delay that as long as possible to stay his friend.
This also benefits Glitchtrap, who needs Cassie to stay close to him so they can get him where they want him.
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aspen-fall · 1 year
Btw you're a freak to me if you hate Gregory. You guys nonstop dogged on him when SB came out because "he's hurting the animatronics!!!" ykno the robots that can be repaired as they try to kill him. He was used and abused by William Aftons glitch and is literally just a homeless 12 year old and you guys struggle more empathising with him than you do the robots trying to kill him or EVEN THE CHILD MURDERER because lets not act like William Afton isn't a fan favourite that you guys constantly try and woobify. "The animatronics hate him in ruin, they were so rude to him in SB because they KNOW how awful he is." They were rude in SB because they were POSSESSED?? They hate him afterwards because as far as they're aware they've awoken to him tearing them apart for no reason. "What he did to Cassie was really messed up" ignoring the hundreds of hints that its NOT HIM, yeah its fucked up. You guys cant handle a morally grey child but you LOVE the serial child killer??? Don't even get me started on all the "horrible things he did to manipulate Cassie" that you guys attributed to WHAT WAS EXPLICITLY TOLD WAS THE MIMIC. Some of you need to be fucking normal and get a grip. Even if he WAS messy as shit, hes morally grey at best and somehow you all just can't handle when a character isn't a good person and thinks that makes the character awful. He's one of the most interesting protagonists we could've had but you guys just continue to be weird about him and RUIN has just made it worse somehow.
Btw "gregory evil in the books" hes a VICTIM in the books. Hes like Vanny. Even if he did do shit on Williams behalf hes a HOMELESS CHILD HE DID WHAT HE HAD TO DO TO SURVIVE.
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poisxninthewater · 7 months
this is how i look trying to make deep analysis in my head on kit and johnny with only 5 scenes at disposal
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
Cassie: Spray cheese is only good for one thing:
Kon: lube
Slo-bo: whippits
Cassie: I was gonna say pranks but I like your answers better
Red Tornado: *googling 'how to change career'*
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
like godddd i just wish yj:owaw had included less zany action and more about clone baby guardian. like. waller said anything cadmus created belongs to her and the government. give me a moment of kon looking at his teammates and asking "so do you guys think i'm government property too, then?"
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wonderfull-star · 1 year
Ok. I just recently got back into the fnaf fandom and what the hell is going on here? Does Gregory really deserve so much hate..? Like a whole crowd of animatronics were chasing him. What else was he supposed to do? Yes. Gregory acted too cruelly towards them to be honest and didn't even tell Freddy anything about it( I think he was afraid to tell him the truth??).Also I don't think it was him who crashed the elevator and most likely it was Mimic.
In addition, we do not really know anything about Gregory and his past. If he really was evil, he wouldn't even be friends with Cassie. As you can see from the pictures, he was trying to cheer up her. Is that what a bad person would do? I think that perhaps Gregory, like Vanessa, was controlled by Glitchtrap. Sometimes it felt like he changed his behavior and became more violent. Maybe that's why he disappeared. Because he was losing control of himself. In any case, I don't think he's THAT evil, but rather just a morally gray character. I would really like to know about his past as well as Cassie's.
Even if Gregory has more bad traits than good ones, I have to admit that he is quite an interesting character. Not all interesting characters have to be perfectly good. Like Michael who is basically not such a good character and has both a good and a bad side. I think that's why people like this type of character. After all, who will be interested in "perfect” character who has no development so far.
Gregory's problem is that it is not yet known whether he will regret what he did and be responsible for his actions. I think we'll get to know more about Gregory in the future, which is why I don't see the point in hating him so much.
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puhpandas · 1 year
Just sorta been thinking, why didn’t the Mimic just control Cassie, if it’s the one who controlled/possessed/whatever Gregory and Vanessa? Clearly it’s capable of it.
Luring her there I get, it didn’t have anything to control her yet. But once she got the VANNI mask and the chip? It could screw with Helpi no problem - and Helpi literally talked to her without the mask. So why not just.. possess her? I mean, it didn’t look like a slow process in VR, and that was just after recovering from being fractured code. It’s whole now, isn’t it? Hell, Cassie trusted it - she thought it was Gregory.
The only reason I can think of is that maybe beating Princess Quest weakened it? But that just freed Vanessa. And nothing about MXES was supposed to keep it weak, as far as I remember. Just keep it trapped and prevent people from freeing it.
Or maybe we’re dealing with two different beasts? Maybe Glitchtrap(or Burntrap) and the Mimic are different. People hate when I propose that idea tho lol.
But I mean.. the Burntrap ending he acts SO different than the Mimic ever does. He doesn’t talk. He’s got the purple motif, and I’m pretty sure when he’s trying to seize control of Freddy through the screens Freddy’s eyes even glow purple.
I dunno lol. Sorry for rambling in your inbox. My point was to ask your thoughts on.. all this I guess. Mostly the Cassie thing though.
i think that the virus has been completely destroyed, including glitchtrap. i think somehow by completing princess quest (ggy or not, it would have either been the only cabinet infused with the virus or the last surviving one) gregory completely snuffed out the virus. it doesnt exist anymore.
i might explain why the mimic didnt just immediately taje cassie over, since it literally cant. which also works if you consider the idea that the mimic will be manipulating Cassie the old fashioned way to get her to do its bidding. if the mimic fabricated gregorys betrayal, maybe cassie will be vulnerable enough for it to take advantage of free will wise
and as for the purple motif thing, i personally think that the color purple only applies when the mimic is still acting as afton, which was its entire time as glitchtrap. after gregory destroyed glitchtrap and therefore the mimics current identity at the end of sb, now all it is is itself. and its color is red/orange so that applies to the things it controls (helpi, its own eyes, vanny, maybe the camera in the elevator)
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2manythoughtz · 9 months
Reasons Why Nate Is The Most Misunderstood Character Of Euphoria
Nate is probably the most misunderstood character of all the series, people both adore and hate him, but why is that?
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When you think of Euphoria the first characters that come to mind are Rue, Jules, Maddy and Cassie. While they’re all very well-defined characters, I think we can all agree that Euphoria is great at leaving a cloud of mystery around these people. So, while you take in their backstories and see what they’re up to, you might question their actions and their reasoning since they don’t exactly show you everything you want to know.
While plot holes and mischaracterization aren’t new to fans, what seem like small mistakes when talking about the main characters can later become big trouble for other secondary characters like Nate.
To refresh your mind, Nate is the youngest son of a very important and wealthy family, his great looks and athleticism made him one of the most popular kids in school. He’s the usual asshole jock you can find in any kind of movie, only in Euphoria you can see so many different shades of him that you end up confused and you don’t know what type of person he is.
Why is he so misunderstood in the series?
As I said earlier, he is your typical jock. He’s a douche who plays football, gets the girl, throws wild parties and is overall a pretty bad person. That is until we see his backstory and realize that something is wrong.
1. Sexuality
I’m gonna stop on this point for a while because I feel like no one ever cared/understood what was going on. Ever since we got our first look at Nate’s backstory, during episode 2 of season 1 “Stuntin like my daddy”, I think people have entirely misunderstood his character based on his sexuality.
As we get to see, his psyche is very dark and twisted because of his father’s influence from a very young age, though it was indirect it didn’t stop him from getting this obsession with sex. We can see this through his whole relationship with Maddy which is very sexual and almost obsessive, which to me feels like kind of an anchor to his heterosexuality. But that doesn’t mean that he is homosexual, differently from what everyone in the series seems to think as soon as they find out that he has dick pics on his phone.
So what is he? Truth is, it doesn’t really matter? I don’t think people should concentrate on the right label as the show is good at portraying the fact that sexuality is fluid. If you think about Rue, everyone was so quick to accept her and her relationship just because she’s the protagonist, Jules also gets acclaimed for her initial confusion but Nate gets immediately ridiculed and seen as this weird boy.
Another thing that I see a lot of people talking about is his obsession with Jules in the first season, which to me doesn’t sound like a romantic interest at all and it just goes so far as for the sexual part. They’ve only shared nudes and Nate was no stranger to receiving nudes from other people, both men and women apparently, so there was never something special between them. Yes, they texted a lot and he seemed genuine in getting to know her, but let’s all remember that it all started because Nate knew Jules had hooked up with his father and wanted to protect his family’s name.
I really like how in the first season no one really talks about his preferences that much because we’re all focused on his toxic side after he attacked Maddy.
The second season was a hot mess, that is no secret. I’m not surprised he went for Cassie, if you think about it really hard it makes sense. She is everything he liked and everything Maddy wasn’t. At least at first, in the end, we’re left with a lot of questions after the school play which makes fun of Nate being gay for no apparent reason. We’re left with this curiosity, is Nate really gay and hiding his preferences because that’s what he’s been taught? Or is he simply confused and still trying to understand himself?
2. Trauma
As much as everyone hates Nate’s ways, we must remember that everything happens for a reason. In his case, Nate’s father is the real reason behind his behavior. This is in no way a reason to excuse what he did in the series nor justify him, just trying to understand the reasoning behind his character.
Euphoria has done an incredible job of showing the different traumas that affected most of the main characters, it’s amazing to see how their childhoods impacted their teenage years regardless of how serious you think their problems might be. In this sense, Nate’s childhood is very well described.
Not only he had an emotionally absent father, but he’s only seen his dad being obsessed with having the perfect family while hiding away every flaw they might have. Nate is born with this unexplained anger inside of him that we later find out is passed down by his father, that alone makes it hard for him to grow up without anyone ever noticing it.
The rest of his family is messed up as well, but the father is the real reason for how he behaves. Nate finds out about his father’s sexuality through the recordings of his random hookups with gay men and trans women, this significantly impacts little Nate’s mentality.
Not only does he learn that his father is cheating on his mother, but he also tries to hide his preferences meaning that they’re wrong. Of course, we know that that is not the case, but everything is very well explained in season 2 when we see Cal Jacobs in his teen years having difficulties with his sexuality as well, but that’s another topic to look into.
Nate’s constant obsessive behavior is just a replica of his father’s desperate tentative to have a perfect family while hiding himself. One of the main reasons why I don’t think Nate is necessarily gay is that he is never shown to have a genuine interest in men romantically speaking, just trying to fill his father’s shoes.
3. Toxic Relationships
As I said before, he is in a very toxic relationship with Maddy in season 1 and in yet another toxic relationship with Cassie in season 2. That definitely goes to define his view of love and relationships, not only that but his only example of a regular couple is his parents who barely talk to each other.
Maddy can be labeled as his first love, he goes as far as saying that he would kill for her. But it is also shown that they argue a lot and have many differences that cause them to yell at each other and become physical and that only goes to reinforce his idea that with love comes anger and it’s ok as long as it’s not out there for everybody to see.
That is shown when Nate reacts violently to Maddy insulting him in front of his family and everybody standing there. But when faced with the question about his sexuality he breaks down because he doesn’t know what acceptance is, he feels like he has failed.
With Cassie everything seems to be perfect, she’s gentle and delicate and he thinks she would be perfect to be his future wife. But as their relationship develops, we can see that he quickly regrets his decision once he sees just how broken she is. She’s perfect on the outside but she may be worse than Maddy on the inside and I believe that will definitely shape his view of relationships in the future and he’ll think twice before getting with anyone.
This can also be proved by the fact that even if he and Maddy broke up, they kept meeting up and acting like a couple, even when he was with Cassie. To me, this shows that he’s not comfortable getting with new people and would rather stay with the old toxic ones.
As I said earlier, Nate seemed genuine in talking to Jules even if he wasn’t honest with her. When she finds out that the boy she has fallen for is none other than the school’s jock she is disappointed and scared which is understandable from our point of view, but I think that left Nate bittersweet. He knew he was blackmailing her but from his point of view as long as she kept quiet he wasn’t going to do anything to her, what might’ve developed into a friendship became a hate relationship.
Going into seasons 1 and 2, Nate never tries to hurt Jules again and seems kind of melancholic that they’re not talking anymore. That might be just another way for him to see that he is not fit for friendships with the other sex and keep his view of women as these objects for his pleasure and status.
4. Self-esteem issues
Throughout the series, we can see that Nate is not this big confident jock as everyone think he is. In fact, he is very self-conscious about himself in every way. We can get a first glimpse of this in the second episode of season 1.
Nate has been working out ever since he was a child to get the perfect body, he is ashamed of his insecurities and tends to hide from others. He doesn’t like changing with his teammates in the locker room, he doesn’t feel comfortable having people around him and he needs to be in control of the situation and also everyone close to him.
His sexuality of course is his number one insecurity, he doesn’t know how to hide it so he tries his best to focus on finding the perfect girl. As I anticipated before, his relationship with Maddy feels like an excuse to feel and show his heterosexuality even though we know he isn’t. As soon as that facade is over he doesn’t seem to care about anything, not Maddy, not Cassie and definitely not Jules.
His aggression, his jealousy and his need to protect those he cares about all come from the fact that he is insecure, he fears they will leave him and he’ll lose the only people he actually accepts. At the end of the day, he is still a teenager and feels just like most teenagers which is something I feel like most people completely forget and see him just as this grown asshole that only cares about himself.
In conclusion, while Nate is probably the most hated character in the series, he is so complex and has a lot of potential, it’s a shame that it was wasted in the end. There is so much more to say about him that I think was completely missed throughout the second season. There is so much people want to know about Nate’s future, is he going to hide all his life and play pretend like his father? Or will he break the cycle and finally be himself?
What do you think? Feel free to join the discussion with your personal thoughts! Do you agree? Do you disagree? Let me know!
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11x13kyle · 1 year
so fucked up that no matter how bad kenny’s life gets he can’t even kill himself about it
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stainlesssteellocust · 4 months
While Alex is obviously besotted with Cassie it is interesting that he, uh,
went on a whole-ass rant about how he’s somehow internalised an extremely conventional, heteronormative idea of what life should be like, wherein he’s expected to find a girl, get married and have kids as part of living ‘properly’, except he’s realised that lifestyle is impossible for him, partly because he’s infected with what he continually calls ‘magical AIDS’
My closeted bisexual alarm bells are ringing, is what I am saying
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lafoget · 2 years
my brain just exploded realizing the parallels between jason and vanessa kapatelis 0_о
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
Here's my headcanon of Cassie from Ruin DLC and why she went looking for Gregory:
Based off appearances and the trailer:
Cassie and Gregory are related, going off their similar appearance.
She went looking for Gregory when he didn't return from the Plex that night.
She is resourceful and has been to the Plex before Gregory went missing.
Their parents work at a repair shop, hence why she knows how to use different tools and tech.
She decided to visit the ruins to find out what happened to Gregory, sneaking out of the house to do so.
Cassie isn't afraid of using her surroundings and whatever she can find to fight off the malfunctioning Glams.
My Theory:
Cassie will inevitable be the last to nail Glitchtrap's coffin, as she'll be fighting off the corrupted influence of the Vanny mask.
She'll receive coded messages from Vanessa, theory is Glitch sealed Vanessa in the network to keep using her body for his own plans.
Cassie will find either an imprisoned Vanessa, injured and malnourished, wearing a powered off VR headset. She'll need to decide to save her or leave her to her demons.
While wearing the Vanny headgear, she can re-trace Vanny's route from that night in extreme detail.
I believe her parents worked for FazEnt. before, given that Gregory was familiar with computers and installation, but were let go when they informed the manager of Vanessa messing with the servers.
I feel that she suspected Vanessa wasn't to be trusted when she told their parents that Gregory was missing.
I believe that Gregory and Cassie had run into Vanny before, but Gregory sent Cassie away while he distracted Vanny.
She'll hook up the Vanny gear to the still functioning PQ games, going off notes and recordings from Vanessa.
Cassie will have to deal with Glitchtrap, who, is now fused, manipulating the Blob, the souls of the dead have moved on, to move throughout the ruins unimpeded.
Damaged Freddy and Sun/Moon are free of the virus since they lost the ability to connect to the server after the fire.
Sun/Moon is searching for parts to fix his leg; Cassie makes a deal to help him in exchange for protection from the roaming bots.
Ooh these are fascinating! Always cool to see another “Gregory had a previous encounter with Vanny” believer. I really like your ideas and honestly I’d be happy with that being how the story goes.
That being said I’m gonna be MAD if I DID predict a “Gregory has a sister” reveal but incorrectly guessed WHO his sister was /lh
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Even though yes it’s probably the writers’ long plan the vibe I get from them is more of a convenient/familiarity/comfort thing. They both recently lost their partner in unexpected ways, they’re already friends, they are now the single ones in their social circle. And, let’s face it, when does Cordell have time to date between the family drama, getting kidnapped, getting framed for something, going on an off the books/unauthorized investigations? Plus his last couple dating partners have not had the best outcomes (going back jail/going on the run, getting blown up-shades of Sam!). I just don’t get that romance vibe between Cordell and Geri. I would really like to have someone new to circle who really appreciates Cordell for himself but also fits into the family.
LOL at Cordell's and dating availability and track record (though I think Cassie's dating history is worse than Cordell's!)
Hopefully, if they continue with the idea of a romantic partner for Cordell, they find someone with that spark.
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I think I’ve said this before but I think the kidnapping arc should’ve lasted an extra episode or two so that we could’ve had a thread with Cassie not trusting James.
The last time her partner went missing her boss was in on it. And whoever’s behind all this clearly has a lot of influence in the DPS if they’re able to turn people so high up in the food chain. Not to mention James just sat by and watched when Emily’s case was bungled to hell and back pre series.....
There was also some set up for this in canon with how James kept stonewalling Cassie and not believing her theories or taking her ideas seriously. I think there could’ve been an interesting angle with Cassie running her own investigation and not filling James in on everything she knew.
I just think that would’ve been interesting.
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moonyackertarg · 2 years
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this needs to be talked about more because what the fuck
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kurthorton-moving · 2 years
if u have. Tropes or vibes or anything u wanna see in ocs hmu bc i am Making More
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