#casual ladies clothing in Kent
Portrait of a Dangerous Man🎨3
Warnings: (series) non-consent sex and rape; slow creep; cucking; (this chapter) sleep paralysis, stress.
This is dark!mob!Clark Kent x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: Your dream of having your work hung in an art show comes true but your first buyer is not all he seems to be.
Note: I’m so happy people are liking this story. Thanks so much to everyone reading and sorry if I’m a bit inactive lately, I’ve been exhausted and yesterday didn’t end, I swear.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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On Monday, you yawned over your keyboard as your fingers moved on instinct alone. Your eyes ran along the text but the words were just letters to you. You had a lot to think about, a lot to do. 
You decided you would skip lunch and get through your work day an hour early so you could head to Clark’s right away. He was hard to deny when he asked if you could make it back so soon. You told him you worked everyday from home and you had hours beside that at the gallery three times a week at least. He accepted it with a nod but his silence was telling so you caved and said you could make it but not until the evening.
You texted Marcus as you waited for your Uber. He had a few hours to go still and you left him everything he needed to make supper with instructions; the veggies were cut, the meat thawed, and the pans already arranged on the stove. You had faith he could manage on his own.
The mansion was just as intimidating as the first time you visited. You walked up the drive and to the front steps. It was human nature to be envious of the sprawling yards and lavish estate and yet, it didn’t feel as if someone could truly live here. It would be like staying in a hotel as you were always overly aware of your every move, afraid to break something or make a mess.
You hammered the large knocker when your soft tapping brought no answer. You heard someone on the other side and wiggled your foot nervously. The door opened and square-faced woman greeted you in another language. You couldn’t tell if it was Swedish, German, or some other dialect. You were never a skilled linguist.
“Um, hi, I’m…”
“Ah, you are the lady painter,” she said, “I remember. I am Nina, Mr. Kent’s housekeeper.”
She turned and beckoned you to follow her. You closed the tall door and trailed her across the spacious foyer and behind the stairs into the kitchen. She turned through another room and led you out through the glass doors that opened onto the pool.
“Miss, would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee?” she asked.
“No, thank you,” you said as the water moved and your eyes were drawn to the figure moving beneath the surface.
“Miss,” Nina nodded and left you.
You stood, awkward and listless, and glanced around at the loungers and the umbrella over the round table. You weren’t entirely sure what to do. Had he forgotten about you?
“Hey,” your gaze was drawn back to the pool. Clark waded to the edge, his broad shoulders and chiseled chest visible as he made his way to the shallow end, “sorry. Lost track of time.”
He grabbed the metal railing and climbed up the stairs. The water slaked off his tight trunks and down his thick thighs. He appeared even larger with less clothes. You looked away before your thoughts lingered too long.
“It’s fine, I should have texted I was on my way,” you said, “I can go wait for you--”
“No worries,” he took his towel and rubbed dry his dark hair. The scruff along his chin was thicker than before, almost a full blown beard, “you’re not in a hurry, are you?”
“No, not really, can’t really rush… painting,” you shrugged, “I just… I didn’t mean to catch you off-guard.”
“Pfft, I’m ready for anything,” he grinned, “but I should also listen to the artist. I’ll go get changed and you can get settled in the studio.” He directed you ahead of him as he approached the sliding doors, “you just finished work? You should take a few minutes to unwind.”
“Uh, yeah, but it’s just, um, typing, not exactly hard labour,” you said as he followed you inside.
“Work is work,” he said, “I will never fault anyone who works hard, regardless of what they do.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” you stifled a yawn behind your hand.
He let out a breath as you came out into the foyer, “I’m sorry, you could’ve… you’re tired. We could have rescheduled. I’m sorry if I came across… pushy yesterday. I don’t mean to take advantage of you.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” you assured him, “I’m fine.”
“Alright,” he said doubtfully, “but you let me know if you need a break.”
“Will do,” you murmured as you neared the stairs.
You weren’t even close to done just the background of the portrait. Clark really didn’t even need to be there as you shadowed the folds of the curtains around his figure and the marble bust. Your arm hurt from reaching across and up the gigantic canvas and your eyes burned from squinting at your work.
You backed off the ladder carefully with your paintbrush and palette balanced in one hand. The paint was drying and you needed to mix more. You set down your armful and wiped your hands on the rag. He was watching you, he was always watching you. Well, no, he was just looking in your direction; it was all for the portrait.
You hit the button on the side of your phone and gasped. It was midnight. You had several messages from Marcus and you blanched as you unlocked the cell and quickly texted back. You rubbed your eye as you hit send and turned to Clark.
“I didn’t realise it was so late,” you said, “I gotta go.”
“What time is it?” he asked and looked at his watch, “oh.”
He pushed himself to his feet with a grunt and stretched out his arms as he neared. You took your brush and rinsed it in the tinted water in the jar.
“I’ll just clean up as I wait for an Uber,” you said as you let the brush rest in the jar and lifted your phone again.
“I’ll drive you,” he said as he grabbed a rag, “it’s a long way. I’ll hire a driver for you from here on out. It’ll be easier and cheaper.”
“You don’t have to--”
You flinched as he wiped your cheek with the rag. He smiled and showed you the paint on the white cloth.
“I wouldn’t offer it if it was too much trouble,” he tossed the rag down, “and I did have something to talk to you about. The drive will be more than enough to get it sorted.”
“Oh, okay,” you eked nervously. Had you done something wrong? Were you not painting fast enough?
“I’ll meet you downstairs,” he touched your arm gently.
He left you and you finished scraping off the palette and cleaning your brushes. You dumped the jar in the sink just inside the nearest bathroom and rinsed the porcelain back to white. You left everything arranged neatly on the table and descended to the first floor.
Clark stood by the door in a different jacket, his tie gone and the top button undone. He held the door for you and showed you to the garage. There were at least a half-dozen cars inside and he took you to the same silver one he drove the night of the show. You settled in and groaned as the tension left your shoulders.
He started the car as the doors rose behind him and he backed out smoothly. He turned down the long drive and onto the desolate roads of the wealthy countryside. He kept one hand on the wheel and dropped his other to his thigh casually.
“So, your job, you like it?”
“It’s work,” you said, “I get paid to sit at home and type. Half the time, I’m just waiting for an assignment.”
“I asked if you liked it,” he said more pointedly.
“Oh, well, not… really?” you answered, unsure. 
He could be so pleasant and then so blunt. He made you nervous and the more you thought of it, the more you realised you knew almost nothing about this man besides his name. You didn’t know how he made his money or what exactly he did outside of his extravagant mansion.
“If I doubled your fee, would you quit?” he asked without hesitation.
“Quit? This… the painting won’t take forever,” you said, “I can’t really just drop everything--”
“This is an opportunity,” he said, “you could spend your days doing what you love. And who’s to say it’s just one painting? I already have something in mind for the dining room and I have friends asking about you.”
“Friends? Who--”
“One thing at a time,” he said curtly, “I’ll introduce you to them in time. Is it a deal?”
“I… it’s all very sudden, can I think about it?”
He looked at you in the rearview and you caught his eye. For a moment, you were afraid. There was something in his expression that left you breathless. He lifted his hand and stretched his arm between the seats, his fingers gripped the leather just above your shoulder.
“Sure, I’ll give you a couple days,” he said at last.
“I--I’m sorry…” you didn’t know why you were apologizing but it felt appropriate, “I just, I’m tired.”
“It’s fine, sweetheart,” he assured and the epithet hung in the air.
“I have to go to the gallery tomorrow, I’ll get back to you on Wednesday,” you said as you rubbed your chin nervously. Your lips was quivering. He was smiling but you felt his impatience in the small space of the car, “if I… if I say yes, I have to talk to my boss and that might get messy.”
“No problem,” his voice softened, “you take some time and figure it out.” His thumb rubbed the leather seat and he pulled his arm away to grasp the steering wheel, “why don’t you close your eyes. We got some time left.”
You peeked over at him and nodded. 
“Okay,” you murmured and hugged your bag against you as you tried to relax against the leather. You turned your head and looked out the window up at the starry sky. You closed your eyes as the fatigue settled over you but you could only fake dozing as your nerves stormed inside of you.
He was right, it was a great opportunity, but you just couldn’t believe it would last. Was it your own doubt getting to you? Or should you be weary of this fairytale buyer? It was late and you couldn’t think. All those worries could wait until tomorrow.
You crept into the dark apartment. It was after one and you foresaw a long day ahead of you. You’d get maybe four hours in before it all started again. You put your purse down and went into the bedroom, undressing in the shadows and crawling into bed next to Marcus as the colours of the tv moved around him. The playlist he was casting kept on even as he slept.
He grunted as you laid on your back and he turned to graze your arm with his fingertips. 
“You’re home,” he grumbled and kissed your cheek, “I was worried.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I… it’s so far out there and it’s a lot of work. The canvas is like nine feet-- I’m sorry, I’ll let you sleep.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” his voice was gristly as he propped himself up on his elbow, “you’re gonna finish the job right?”
“I don’t know,” you said, “I don’t know if I can.”
“Of course you can,” Marcus insisted, “I mean, at that price, you can do anything.”
“It’s not about the money, Marcus,” you huffed, “I don’t know if it’s worth all this. Going back and forth…” you ran your hands over your face, “he wants me to quit my job and just paint for him.”
“You should,” Marcus said blithely, “why not? He’s paying you well enough.”
“And what about when I’m done,” you whined.
“You’ll find more work. Vanessa even offered to take on more of your work in her shows, so what’s the problem? Isn’t this what you want?”
“Y-yeah, it is but… I don’t know, it just seems too good to be true.”
“You do this and we might even have enough for a down payment,” he said, “something had to give after all these years. Why can’t it be this?”
You looked at him and tried to smile, “you’re only saying that because he has a pool.”
“Maybe,” he kidded, “but I also want it for you. You spend all your free time painting anyhow so why not get paid for it?”
“Mhmm,” you mumbled, “yeah, I just don’t know why I feel so… I don’t know. It just all seems off.”
“Sleep on it, you’ll feel better,” he leaned over and kissed your lips that time, “love you.”
“Love you,” you echoed as he grabbed the remote and shut off the tv.
You closed your eyes as the darkness shrouded you and despite your anxiety, you fell into a deep sleep. You didn’t even roll onto your side before you sank into your REM but found yourself caught in limbo. The abstract and intense sensation of paralysis overtook your body and your eyelids flicked open.
It was an awful feeling you knew too well. You knew you were dreaming, you knew it was all in your mind, but your body was filled with sand and your subconscious conjured visions of doom. The tall man stood by the door as he always did and just stared. He got closer, just a little at a time, and you fought to move just a finger and free yourself from the trance.
You felt like you were drowning as your body remained heavy and unmoving. He was getting closer and closer. As he did, his figure changed and his shoulders got wider as his features came clear in the slat of the streetlight that leaked between the curtains. It was Clark staring down at you, his blue eyes sinister and sparkling. 
He reached for you and you woke with a start as your name rose from his lips. You inhaled sharply and looked over at Marcus as he snored. It was only the two of you. You reached for your phone, it was just after three. You turned onto your side but your heart still raced. It always happened when you were stressed, the dreams felt so real that you never really came back down after.
You stared at the wall and curled up under the blanket. You didn’t expect to get much sleep anyway, not with the question on your mind. Should you quit and live your dream or should you kill all hope before life did it for you?
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Punk Fanzine Archives from around the world.
A punk fanzine or ‘zine’ is a DIY publication related to the punk subculture and hardcore punk music genre. Often primitively or casually produced, a fanzine can feature punk literature, such as social commentary, poetry, news, gossip, music reviews and articles about punk rock bands or regional punk scenes.
Below is a list of punk fanzine websites and archives from around the world, as well as related publications, papers, articles and books.
Archive.org - Zines
Bacteria Netherlands - 70s and 80s Dutch zine archive and International Zine Archive
Bored Teenagers - A collection of UK punk fanzines (covers) from the late 1970
Brob Tilt's zine-world -  (fan)zines that are interesting, historical, meaningful, influential, funny, intelligent, surprising, peculiar and inspiring
Circulation Zero -  West Coast Punk Music Zines from the 1970-80s: Damage, Slash & No Mag.
Contextual Dissemination - Punk fanzine archive, 1977 onwards - The sole purpose of this website is to make underground, out-of-print, punk zines accessible to anyone doing research. 
Digital Fanzine Preservation Society (DFPS). A collection of hardcore and punk music fanzines remastered and collected on the DFPS blogspot by Nagus from 2009-2011.
Essential Ephemera - UK Punk Literature & Images 1976-1984
Florida Punk, Indie, and Hardcore Archive -  Florida Punk Flyers, Posters, Fanzines, and Photographs sponsored by Visual Vitriol.
Gary Storm Songs -  Punk and New Music Fanzines – Late 1970s to Early 1980s
Grrrlzine Network -  Here you can find rebellious feminist zines: grrrl and lady zines, riot grrrl zines, transgender zines, zines by grrrls of color, lesbian/queer zines and many others!
HeartattaCk -  An internationally distributed punk zine with a strong bent towards hardcore punk and anti-consumerism. It was published by Kent McClard and Lisa Oglesby from March 1994 through June 2006. In the final years of its publication it remained one of the most popular zines available. 
International Institute of Social History -  The world's leading institute in socio-economic history
Punk in the East -  Punk in the East is a digital collection of original punk photographs, gig ticket, posters, clothing and ephemera from Norwich, Norfolk and across East Anglia. As content continues to come in it is fast becoming the largest digital UK punk archive to be found anywhere on the internet.
Punk Journey: The History of the Melbourne Punk Scene (Australia) - punk fanzines from 1977 - 1987.
Punk Planet Archive -  Punk Planet was a punk zine, based in Chicago, Illinois, that focused most of its energy on looking at punk subculture rather than punk as simply another genre of music to which teenagers listen.
Punk Rocker Fanzines - Sites for Sore Eyes
Rockmine : The Fanzine Archive -  A Fanzine & Fan Club Magazine Archive.
Swedish Punk Fanzines - A site about collecting punk, hardcore and black metal records and Swedish punk zines.
Talkin’ Bout Fanzines - Fanzines from the Southend Area of the UK
UK Zine Library -  100s of(mostly)UK Zines from late 70s to early 90s, scanned and downloadable archive.
Weed - UK punk / post-punk fanzines 1980-1986.
Zineopolis - Art Zine Collection
Definition of a fanzine
Punk zine - Wikipedia
Related Publications/Archives: 
Like Punk Never Happened - Brian McCloskey's Smash Hits archive from 1978, through to July 1985.
Monash University Library recently acquired a small collection of important punk zines, fanzines, and magazines to add to the Rare Books Collection. 
Punk Globe - not a fanzine but a long running magazine that offers a free DIY website for people to get the latest news, reviews, articles, interviews plus much more.
Punk Magazine - Punk was a music magazine and fanzine created by cartoonist John Holmstrom, publisher Ged Dunn, and "resident punk" Legs McNeil in 1975. Its use of the term "punk rock", coined by writers for Creem magazine a few years earlier to describe the simplistic and crude style of 60's Garage rock bands, further popularized the term.
Roadrunner -  Roadrunner was a rock magazine published in Adelaide between 1978-83. Its founding editors were Stuart Coupe and Donald Robertson, who worked together on the single-issue Punk zine Street Fever in December 1977. Though primarily focused on Australian and overseas rock music, it also covered areas of the burgeoning counterculture and issues such as punk. The final edition of December 1982 / January 1983 was published in Sydney. To accompany the release of this collection in May 2017, publisher Donald Robertson penned a history of the magazine. It is available here: The History of Roadrunner.
State Library of Victoria - The State Library of Victoria has the largest public collection of zines – independent, not-for-profit, and often hand-made publications – in Australia. 
Related Books:
Adventures in Reality: The Complete Collection book -  Put together by Alan Rider, Adventures in Reality, was a fanzine from Coventry in the early 1980s.
Mass Movement: The Digital Years, Volume 1 and 2 - A compilation of the best interviews and features from the second half of Mass Movement’s digital period.
Punk Faction BHP '91 to '95 -  A collection of BHP fanzines that cover a range of subjects that were important to the youth of the 1990s and are still relevant to the alternative scene of today. 
Ripped and Torn: 1976 - 79 The Loudest Punk Fanzine in the UK -  Ripped and Torn was one of the first punk fanzines, and continued long after others like Sniffing Glue had stopped.
Ripped, torn and cut - Pop, politics and punk fanzines from 1976 - A book that offers a collection of original essays exploring the motivations behind - and the politics within - the multitude of fanzines that emerged in the wake of British punk from 1976. 
Search & Destroy #1-6: The Complete Reprint -  Search & Destroy, a zine self-published from 1977-1979 by V. Vale, was a thorough anthropological survey of an emerging social-change movement: the San Francisco punk scene.
Sniffin' Glue The Bible -  An edited compendium of the first 10 issues of Mark Perry’s seminal Punkzine  Sniffin’ Glue.    
Sniffin' Glue: The Essential Punk Accessory - It was the most influential rock magazine of its time. It was called Sniffin' Glue and it's about to be recreated as a book
The Best of Punk Magazine -  A book that includes high-quality reprints of hard-to-find original issues, as well as rare and unseen photos,essays, interviews, and even handwritten contributions from the likes of AndyWarhol, Lou Reed, Debbie Harry, the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, Lester Bangs,Legs McNeil, Lenny Kaye, and many more.
Touch and Go: The Complete Hardcore Punk Zine '79-'83 - Touch and Go fanzine was the brainchild of Tesco Vee and Dave Stimson and was launched in Lansing, Michigan, in 1979.
We Owe You Nothing: Punk Planet: The Collected Interviews -  The first compilation of the riveting and provocative interviews of Punk Planet magazine, founded in 1994 and charging unbowed into the new millennium.
Related PDFs:
A Destabilising Pleasure: Representations of Alternative Music in Irish Fanzines
Art-Zines, The Self-Publishing Revolution: The Zineopolis Art-Zine Collection
Bay Area Dadazines and Punk Zines in 1970s San Francisco: Interactive, Ephemeral, Live
Before Blogs There Were Zines: Berman, Danky, and the Political Case for Zine Collecting in North American Academic Libraries
Doing it ourselves: Countercultural and alternative radical publishing in the decade before punk (2018)
Flood the market with alternative writing! – Fanzinesrepositories in Europe
FROM PROTEST TO RESISTANCE: British anarcho -punk 'zines (1980-1984) as sites of resistance and symbols of defiance
Global Network Zines - The Public Face of Mail Art
Hands-on Communication: Zine Circulation Rituals and the Interactive Limitations of Web Self-Publishing
In the Ruins of Zine Pedagogy: A Narrative Study of Teaching with Zines
London Punk Fanzines 1976-1984: The Celebration of the Every Person 
"Minor Threats" (Radical History Review)
Music fanzine collecting as capital accumulation
Punk, Politics and British (fan)zines, 1974­-84:'While the world was dying, did you wonder why?
Punk ‘zines – ‘symbols of defiance’ from the print to the digital age
Punk’s Not Dead: Resurrecting Punk Fanzines at Michigan State University Libraries
Print is Dead: The Promise and Peril of Digital Media for Subcultural Resistance
Riot Girl from Zine to Screen and the Commodification of Female Transgression
The D.C. Punk & Indie Fanzine collection
The Octapod Zine Collection: Developing a preservation and access strategy
Value and Validity of Art Zines as an Art Form
Zines Will Survive
Related Articles:
City Fun
Damage, Slash & No Mag - Download 50+ Issues of Legendary West Coast Punk Music Zines from the 1970-80s: Damage, Slash & No Mag
Fanzines - Clinton Walker (Australia)
Fanzine culture
Fanzines: the purest explosion of British punk
Self-made: zines & artist books (Exhibition)
Sniffin’ Glue: A fanzine that epitomized punk
Sniffin’ Glue: The Definitive Punk Zine
Tracing the beginnings of the punk fanzine
Up Yours: Anarchist Fanzines 
Related Video:
Guttersnipe Punk Fanzine Telford
PUNK ZINES : UK 1978 - 1984
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aliasimagines · 4 years
Confidence // Conner Kent (Kon El)
requested by anonymous
a/n: thanks so much for the request! hope you'll enjoy! ❤️
word count: 441 (a shortie I know 😔)
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"I don't know. You look great in everything. Although that last dress just didn't feel right." you heard Conner a few meters ahead of you. He grabbed a few clothes and handed them to you.
"Yeah, it wasn't the best..." you said while taking the clothes from Conner. "I'll try these on. Wait for me here?"
"Of course, Y/N."
You pulled the curtain shut and went to change. Getting out of your clothes you slipped into the dress Conner choose. You looked at yourself in the mirror before pulling away the curtain.
"I don't know about the length but it looks great on..." you stepped out but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw your boyfriend. Surrounded by a giggling group of girls.
"Hi." Conner waived at girls causing them to giggle again. You watched the scene gasping before making a smile magically appear on your lips.
Oh you're so gonna show these girls. (italic
You walked over to Conner and casually put an arm around him.
"Yeah, hi. Can I help you girls?"
"Uh... Who are you?" one of them asked confused. Con bit his lip, trying to hide a smile as he waited for your answer.
"Oh me? I'm just Y/N." you smirked. "His girlfriend."
You watched their faces as their smiles faded. A chuckle left your lips.
"Yeah sorry to disappoint, ladies."
Conner waited until the girls left before laughing out.
"Babe, that was badass." he smirked at you causing you to playfully elbow him.
"Shut it handsome. I can't leave you alone for 5 seconds." you said rolling your eyes but you leaned in to kiss his cheek. "What do you think about the dress?"
You twirl around a bit before stopping so he can look at you properly. Conner looks you up and down with admiration in his eyes.
"You think so?" you ask smiling.
"Yeah, the dress is good too."
It was your turn to laugh. "Ah, come on lover boy. Flattery won't get you anywhere."
He steps closer cupping your cheeks.
"You sure?" he lift an eyebrow, the grin never leaving his lips.
A poor shop assistant decided to walk by that second and as soon as she saw the two of you centimeters away from each other she quickly changed her mind, turned around and left. You two laughed.
"Okay, let's get you changed so we can buy that dress. It's really good."
"Try not to get too friendly while I'm in there."
"I'll try" he chuckled as you walked back shaking your head. You changed your clothes, smiling at how lucky you were to have this amazing relationship with Conner.
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jasonrae117 · 4 years
Night at the Wayne Casino
Part 1
Word count: 1,732
Pairings: Damirae
Rating: Mature/eventual NSFW
Casino AU
The first night he saw her casually playing at one of the craps tables. She had been placing sloppy bets and then somehow hitting is big within a few more tries. He strolled by, inspecting the table, the dice, her, but he came up empty handed. It didn't make sense. Or maybe it did and it was luck for the beautiful woman. He hadn't seen her at this casino before nor any of the other ones he worked at but there was something off. He received the tip from the surveillance guy, Tim Drake. While he wasn't particularly fond of his coworker, he had never been wrong on one of his calls. Drake felt something was off too. 
"Jon, I'm going to run a sweep of the Titan room. Keep eyes on Lucky and report any suspicious activity immediately." Damian made his way to the other side of the casino for his regular walk of the floor. He couldn't be distracted by the suspect and leave the rest of the casino unguarded. 
Damian took his job very seriously. He was head of floor security and he had been protecting his father's casino since he'd been eighteen, five years later and he was the best of the best. He trained hard in many forms of combat to be ready for anything and he regularly kept up on psychological studies to better inform him on the subtle tells of body language and master mental manipulation to make him the best man for the job. His father was skeptical of putting his son on this task instead of on the business side of things. Damian excelled at analyzing profit margins and cutting expenditures where needed that would make the casino run more efficiently, but he didn't get the same satisfaction as he did when he caught a con. 
His floor partner, Jon Kent, was both his best friend (not that he had any other friends) but also his right hand man. Where he lacked in focus sometimes, he made up in enthusiasm and physical strength. Jon was sometimes too nice for the job and would often question Damian about the tactics he used to get information out of people or even if the suspects themselves were suspicious at all. The man was still good at his job albeit still somewhat inexperienced. 
Damian stopped by the surveillance room to have a word with Tim before continuing his sweep. Tim looked focused on the many monitors in front of him, sometimes muttering into his walkie to guide one of the other security teams. There were already three empty cups of coffee and another in his hand. Damian scrunched his nose at his coworker's unhealthy caffeine addiction. 
"Woah, Damian scared me there."
"You can't be very good at your job if you didn't hear the keycard chime or the door opening." Damian narrowed his eyes, he was not one to play games.
Tim rolled his eyes. "Easy Damian, I was kidding. What do you need?"
"The suspect 'Lucky'. When did you deem her to be a potential threat?" He walked further into the office and started looking over the monitors.
Tim spun in his chair to another desk and picked up a notebook. He flipped through the pages until he found the notes he had on the woman. "Let's see. Attractive woman, fair complexion purple dyed hair, sexy powder blue dress, not wearing underwear….didn't need to say that out loud." He mumbled the last bits to himself. 
Damian snapped around, his temper starting to flare. Did Drake think this was a joke? "I didn't ask about her appearance or your sexual attraction to her. I asked when she was deemed a threat Drake." 
Tim nervously chuckled and turned the page. It seemed that he had taken quite a few notes about her appearance. "Here it is, 7:40pm. She had been previously seen roaming the rooms, never staying at a table for too long before moving on. She won or broke even 12 of the 15 times she played. Her behavior was what threw me. When she won she had almost no change in emotion, like she expected the outcome every time. She also made eye contact with every single camera over the course of 3 hours."
"Did she have a particular game she played most? Did she have anyone with her?" Damian snatched the notebook out of his hands and continued reading the notes.
"She spent a lot of time at the black jack tables. And fortunately nobody came in with her." Tim unabashedly grinned.
"Why is that fortunate?" Damian didn't even look up.
"Uh..because that means she's fair game, she's single, flying solo."
Damian looked up and glared. "She is suspected of conning our casino. Your only thoughts of her should be when and where she'll strike harder."
"Oh I know where I want her to strike harder."
"This conversation is over. Report any new information." Damian turned on his heels.
"Was that what this was? A conversation? I always felt like I'd be more excited when this day came." Tim stroked his chin looking amused.
"Shut up, Drake." Damian called over his shoulder before walking out and slamming the door behind him. Was he the only one that took his job seriously? 
Damian crossed the casino floor to the Titan room, which was known for lower stakes bets. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his current number one suspect leaned casually against the side of a slot machine occupied in conversation with the oncoming bartender, Jason Todd. That imbecile was a constant flirt and would cost the casino thousands by giving 'hot' women free drinks and sneaking himself and his budding freebies too. It looked like Damian's suspect was Todd's target and Damian was pissed.
He stayed back watching their interaction for a few moments to see what the woman was playing at. She seemed to be too intelligent to fall for any of Todd's bullshit, so she must be the one playing him. Todd had one arm propped up on the machine just above her head and the other was toying with the spaces her dress left. Damian swallowed and an unwelcome heat rising to his cheeks and somewhere lower. 
The woman was attractive, there was no denying it. Her skin was ivory and it contrasted well with her shoulder length raven hair. Some strands were dyed a dark purple hue but blended well within the black and was only noticeable when the light reflected off it in just the right way...classy. Damian was accustomed to scantily clad women, short dresses were almost the dress code in Las Vegas and more importantly in the Wayne Casino. Women from all over knew how handsome the owner is and would try anything to be noticed. 
This woman's dress, although it was borderline slutty, something he despised, Damian couldn't help basic emotion of lust flow through him as he took her all in. Damn it, Drake was correct once more. She wasn't wearing underwear. Her powder blue halter dress had a deep v-neckline that showed her full breasts through thin strands that were corseted over the opening. He knew how Drake had come to the conclusion that she had no underwear on, the sides had the same corset look but with a wider gap between the sides of the dress and wider ribbon, this showed much of the skin of her hips and ribs with no obstruction of panties or a bra. The bows at the bottom reached mid thigh,  allowing her smooth shapely legs to remain on display. Her silver strappy heels elongated them even more so and added to her height, she couldn't have been taller than 5'5" without them. The material of her dress looked soft and expensive, not like the cheap clothes most other women here wore. The dress hugged her alluring curves perfectly and made her look like a fucking goddess. 
Damian mentally berated himself for eyeing his prime suspect like that. What annoyed him more was that he didn't want Todd to touch her like he was. Jason's fingers traced the pale skin in between the gaps of ribbon on her hips, leaning in and whispering something in her ear and making her blush and smirk. She reached up and smoothed the collar of his button up shirt, saying something softly back earning a returned smirk from Jason. Jason slid his fingers beneath the ribbon and under the fabric covering her ass. He could see the bartender's attraction to the woman too easily from the way the fabric of his pants stretched. Pathetic. Damian's blood began to boil. Not only was this against policy but that woman was his. His suspect...someone that shouldn't be getting special treatment. 
Damian heard the click of his earpiece as Drake's voice rang through. "That damn bartender. How does he always get so fucking lucky?" 
"Drake, focus. She's under surveillance not available to win her heart. Get back to work and only use this line of communication for work purposes only." Damian growled at him. The other line went silent and Damian refocused himself too. He was about to stop the inappropriate behavior but it seemed that he didn't have to.
He had thought the woman was about to lean up to kiss Todd placing her hand on his chest and he looked ready for it. However, she instead firmly pushed Jason away, cocking her hip and folding her arms. She said something that made Jason's eyebrows fly up and a flush of embarrassment cross his face. The woman cast a glance downwards before casting another remark at him as she patted his shoulder and turned on her heel. 
Damian was shocked to say the least. He had never seen any woman turn Jason Todd down and leave him looking like a wounded puppy. He heard Jason call out to the woman but she made no move to acknowledge him. Suddenly the woman was walking right past Damian slowing briefly to look him in the eye, a playful smile on her pretty lips. She reached up and touched his bicep delicately.
"Would you mind showing me where the ladies room is? I get so lost in here sometimes." Her voice was smooth and low, sultry even. What game was she playing?
Thanks for reading! This is my second ongoing story! The other is a Timrae fic❤
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zambie-trashart · 4 years
Land of the Free and Home of the Wayne 12
ao3 whole story
“Alright who are you two?” the blonde asked trying to speed up the process.
“Uh, you don’t know,” Ladybug asked hoping that she could still get out of this.
“If she did, she wouldn’t be asking you,” the boy groaned and something about him was familiar to the two Parisians.
“Shut up and let me do this, dear Rao you’re so stupid,” the girl groaned. “Now who are you?” she asked eyes glowing red.
“We’re fans and trying to become heroes like you guys,” Chat said with cool confidence.
The blonde girl laughed a little and the boy just smiled. “Then you my friend are going to need a new costume cause there’s already a crazy cat lady who like to kidnap my nephew for tea and you little lady are going to need to tone that down a little cause it’s kind of obnoxious,” she said pointing at the costumes making both of them blush.
“Don’t mind her, this is Supergirl and I’m Flamebird cause Nightwing was already taken, that down there is our foster father, uncle, cousin and our little brother nephew. Our family is complicated but if you want to learn how to fight, now’s your chance,” the boy said smirking and the two ran off the roof and the Supers started calling things out to each other taking down Doomsday in a matter of seconds. The two from before, Superboy, and Robin came up to the roof.
“Didn’t feel like helping?” Supergirl asked dusting off her skirt.
“You guys are such a well-oiled machine, we didn’t want to get in the middle of that,” Ladybug said nervously.
“Really cause the fight at Wayne Tower you caught Superboy when he fell out of the sky after a bomb exploded,” Robin pointed out.
“Did that hurt?” Supergirl asked, looking him over.
“Kind of,” Superboy said back, making Supergirl squeeze him.
“Next time you should really just go for it instead of hanging in the background, it’s a lot more fun that way,” Flamebird winked, flying off with Supergirl and Superboy to meet up with Superman.
Robin stared down Ladybug and Chat, not letting them go just yet. “Why are you here?” he asked and Chat gulped.
“We’re here because Paris is quiet and we wanted a little adventure so we snuck on the plane that was coming with the students on it,” Ladybug said and Chat took a sharp breath in and Robin nodded.
“Good to know, so you wouldn’t happen to know Lila Rossi, I hear she talks about me a lot, perhaps if she’s no longer dating that Damian guys we would be a good couple,” Robin tested.
“Lila Rossi is a liar and has hurt more people than you can imagine, she makes our lives miserable and she can’t be trusted,” Ladybug blurted out and Robin just smirked.
“So you got on a plane looking like that to keep an eye on her I suppose?” Robin asked knowing that they got on that plane in normal clothes sitting there as Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“Y-yes,” Ladybug knew that she was losing and a door went flying open and Jon was standing there with his father, brother, and aunt behind him all of them wearing glasses and dressed adorably casual. Jon adjusted his sweater and Kara did as well fixing the top of their button-ups. Clark adjusted his tie back to the center of his shirt and Conner looked down to make sure that his fly was actually up because last time it was embarrassing.
“What are you doing up here?” Clark asked, pulling his kids back in a false sense of security. Clark saw the way the cat boy looked over his son (not Connor that would be weird but Jon) and heard his heart rate go up.
“Clark, let the kids mingle. Be off the roof in five minutes otherwise, Perry will be up here and you don’t want to deal with Perry again do you Robin?” Kara asked and Robin swan dived off the building. The Parisians followed and were soon back in the building in normal clothes as a family of five stood in front of them adjusting their clothes every few seconds like it was a tic that they had and their clothes didn’t fit right.
“Hello everyone, my name is Clark Kent, these are my kids Connor and Jon. Connor is an intern here and my cousin Kara writes here for the paper,” Clark started showing the students around and noticed the same heartbeat in the back and green knowing eyes staring at Jon. The tour went by faster than a normal tour would but the kids had to be back by four to help Alfred.
Clark smiled as the students walked out telling them that he would see them soon and at the gala too. Clark grabbed the shoulder of the blonde boy holding him in front of him.
“I see the way you look at Jon and who wouldn’t look at him like that, but he’s too young for you. You’re like seventeen and he’s only fourteen, it’s not a healthy relationship. I will however make an exception for you because you seem to have a heart of gold but I will rip that heart out and eat it for dinner with Kara and Conner on my side if you ever hurt him.” Clark let Adrien go back to the car and he sat down next to Jon eyes wide. Bruce stood back with Clark whispering something to him that made his eyes flicker red. Bruce got back in the car and Aflred started driving.
“What did you say to my dad?” Jon asked leaning on Adrien again as the blonde pet his hair.
“Just something about Lila is all, he’ll have a talk with her next time and maybe he’ll threaten to eat her heart too.”
“If she has one,” Chloe said and she got a few laughs. It really was bad though how she was never going to be exposed. Jon fell asleep with his head on Adrien’s lap and low chatter stirred through the car as Marinette went out too head resting on Damian’s shoulder making the boy blush slightly. They got out of the car and ate dinner going up to their rooms for the night.
Jon and Adrien laid down staring at the ceiling and Damian laid in the room next door awake thinking about how everyone seemed to be in a relationship except for him. Jon and Adrien had each other and Jon even lost the bet cause he wanted to be with Adrien so bad, Mar’i had Kagami who was nice to her and called her sweet names, who did Damian have though? Damian felt like he was going to be left out on the little Parisian couple list. He liked Marinette but how was he supposed to tell her that without sounding like a complete wuss?
Damian stood up and paced around his room until eventually there was a knock on his door and when he opened it, Jon was standing there glaring at him.
“What’s up with the pacing?” Jon asked, inviting himself in.
“Won’t your human pillow be missing you?” Damian asked, nodding to the room next door.
“I don’t think he’ll notice, what’s wrong cause I’d actually like to sleep tonight cause Diana is going to be here tomorrow and I have to think of a good compliment so she’ll let me train on an island of woman,” Jon said dreamily.
“Yeah, she’s not doing that,” Damian said, sitting uncomfortably straight on his chair. “How did you ask Adrien out?” Damian asked and Jon laughed head hitting Damian’s pillow.
“I didn’t, we just kissed and then things happened,” Jon said, blue eyes staring up at Damian giving him slight goosebumps. Jon had a way with making people like him no matter how much the person didn’t want to admit it. “Why? Are you going to ask out Marinette finally?” Jon asked all of a sudden in front of Damian feet in the air and chin in his hands laying on his bed.
“Maybe, it’s none of your business,” Damian said all of a sudden flustered.
“Come on Damiboo, I’m your best friend, aren’t you supposed to tell me everything?” Jon asked, fluttering his eyelashes.
“Go back to sleep farmboy,” Damian said pushing his friend out of his room.
“Love you Dami!” Jon yelled through the door.
When Damian woke up in the morning, he heard screaming and slipped on his slippers running down the stairs two at a time to see Troy, Gordon, Cain, and Brown all squealing at each other. Bruce walked by with a mug of coffee talking to Diana.
“Damian! You’ve gotten so much older!” Donna ran over picking up the boy with her Amazonian strength.
Jon walked down the stairs rubbing his eyes tripping down the last step. “What the goose guys it’s like five in the… Diana!” Jon ran over to the princess and jumped on her as she swung him around.
“How is my favorite warrior of man?” Diana asked, setting him down.
“Pretty good, settled down, got myself a man,” Jon said and Diana raised an eyebrow at him while the batgirls surrounded him demanding to meet this boy.
“I really hope they didn’t cause you any trouble Diana,” Bruce said referring to his kids and Barbara.
“Not at all, we just trained and that’s all, no missions or anything like that. I already finished your suit so there should be no problems there, it’s the students that I might need help with,” Diana said and Jon nudged Damian giving him the look.
“They have a designer in their class, perhaps she could help?” Damian asked and Diana looked up, thoughtful for a minute before nodding.
“That would be nice,” Diana said smiling and going to pinch the boy’s cheeks but he turned away dragging Jon with him.
“Did he just say something nice?” Steph asked and the other girls just shrugged before walking up to their rooms.
Damian sat on his bed, Jon next to him. “Are you sure you’re not sick or something?” Jon asked, going to feel his forehead with the back of his hand before it got slapped away by his friend.
“I’m not sick Jon, I just have these weird things in my stomach that make me feel like I’m floating whenever I talk about her.” Damian looked down and Jon just stared at Damian for a second before bursting out in laughter.
“Are you serious? You have no idea what having a crush feels like?” Jon asked, wiping a tear from his eye.
“No, how do I do this?” Damian asked, looking his best friend in the eyes.
“Pretend I’m her and just talk to me,” Jon said sitting up straight and fluttering his eyelashes making Damian smile a little.
“This is so dumb,” Damian said and Jon just gave him a look that said do you really want to argue with the person who has more experience with a romantic relationship even if it has been just a day? “Marinette, how is your morning?” Damian asked feeling so stupid.
“Just fantastic, how’s yours, Damian?” Jon asked, pitching his voice.
“Fine,” Damian said, going silent.
“Is there something you needed?” Jon asked, voice still high.
“I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?” Damian asked hoping that Jon wouldn’t laugh at him.
“Like a date?” Jon asked, still batting his eyelashes.
“Yeah,” Damian said and Jon just smiled.
“Sure,” Jon said, sitting up suddenly and walking over to the door and saw Adrien stomping away angrily. “That’s not going to go well.” Jon ran after Adrien and Damian just face planted on his bed. He was right, that really was stupid.
It was just a misunderstanding Adrien and hopefully you realize that sooner rather than later.
JPS: @wannajointhecrabcult @loveswifi @ash-amg @thatonecroc @mochegato @mochinek0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @liquid-luck-00 @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole​  @ranger-gothamite​ @moonspiritwolf1​  @professionalfangirl1738​ @crystalangelluna
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
i’m feeling touch-starved in this chilis tonight so: ocs and How Good They Are At Hugging.
Kent Graves is... honestly not that great a hugger. He’s tall, but it’s so easy to get both arms around his pointy-skinny shoulders as to be kind of distracting. You’re not enjoying the hug so much as asking yourself when was the last time he ate. Also his arms are sort of hovering around your shoulder blades like he wants to hug back but is too nervous. But... if you’re willing, hold on for a while. He’ll melt after about seventy seconds, curl around you, maybe rest his cheek on the top of your head, depending on your height. He’ll maybe blink suspiciously fast, like his eyes sting. It is courteous to ignore this. 4/10 this one’s more for him than for you but like have a heart huh?
Sol Michaelis is, tbfuckingh, the premier hug experience. If you can get a Sol hug do not waste this opportunity. Sol has all the hug-followthrough Kent doesn’t, plus he’s got enough actual bodymass to be pleasant to hold onto. Bonus points if you’re visibly upset and he has an excuse to press your face into his shoulder and pat your hair, which he will. 11/10, it simply does not get better than this folks.
Pax Field is... listen I really really want to give them high marks here but the truth is they own two much studded leather clothing and they’re not great at emotional vulnerability. Are you both drunk? Because nobody is better for putting your arm around their shoulder and swaying in time while they sing rude songs and gesture wildly around the street you’re stumbling down with their half-empty bottle. You smother a laugh and tell them they’ll wake up their neighbors, they’ll say they’re doing your neighbors a favor on such a beautiful fuckin’ night, at the end of this they’ll stop suddenly without letting you go so you swing around to face them and their voice will get husky and they will definitely kiss you. Lean into that part, they’re a great kisser but honestly I can’t give them above a 6/10 on the hug part they’re gonna shoulder-punch you afterward and not make eye contact.
Art Lange is small, okay, and if you’re chill enough that he’s trusting you to hug him he would appreciate it if you could like... Listen what if you just go all the way and pick him up off the floor and let him hook his legs around your waist too. His hair’s pleasantly fuzzy and he promises to tuck his head under your chin so you can enjoy it if you will in turn agree to squeeze him as hard as you physically can for about a minute. ...though honestly if you wanna just like... keep carrying him around while you go about your day he’s certainly not opposed to that. 8/10 listen he’s a clingy baby but you will feel like a powerful top so, swings and roundabouts.
Karim Mun has been called America’s premier service top and not for nothing baybee, he is very concerned with making your hug experience everything YOU want it to be. ...there is also a nonzero chance he will find something to have a guilt-induced breakdown about halfway through though so you are kind of rolling the dice with this one. 7/10 could be great could be distressing
Rona Cowl is.... listen Rona is great at many many things but casual affection is not one of them, she is not in the practice of touching people she’s not sleeping with. That said if you really need a hug she will flail for a bit and then reluctantly gather you in, and scratch your head lightly with her nails, because that’s what she would want someone to do if she had ever panicked in her adult life, and speak reluctant but sincere softness into your hair in her tooth-lined voice, and it will be all the sweeter for its rarity. 6/10 difficult to achieve but worth it and honestly you’re doing her a favor tbfh
Simon Blake’s closeted ass needs you to do this for him okay, he’s gonna try to go in with the one-armed dude hug but do not let him get away with that shit, it’s character growth time you coward. Also Simon is a certified beefcake so wrap your arms around his broad himbo chest and just hold on until he accepts it and holds you gently. 6/10 he’s gonna be a master one day but he’s got a long way to go.
Thorne has honestly not been hugged since he was like twelve so there is a very real chance that he is going to cry on you. Do not be afraid of this. Let him lower his head onto your shoulder and sob into your sweater for a while. If you’re up to it please feel free to squeeze him tightly and run your hand through his hair, it is very soft and he really needs this. 5/10 yes you are doing most of the work but he will hug back and also please do this for me okay.
Andry and I both explicitly require that you ask before hugging him and make it clear that there will be no consequences for refusing. That said Andry does actually give quite good hugs because Asher needs a daily diet of hugs to survive (and he is withering like an underwatered tree right now but that’s another story). Andry hugs like your cool older brother and also like someone who knows hugs are important, because he does. 10/10 just a good wholesome hug experience all around tbh.
Morden hugs exclusively as a way to inflict psychic damage. He does smell amazing, though, so 3/10.
This probably goes without saying but under no circumstances should you allow Raven to hug you. Yes she is very sexy and you will want to but please love yourself and do not hug the evil knife lady.
@whumpitywhumpwhump this seems like maybe it would interest you lmao
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a-gay-bloodmage · 6 years
Pairing: Josephine Montilyet x Female Adaar
Pairing Type: F/F
Words: 1,692
Warnings: Clark Kent and Lois Lane but make it Gay, Hopelessly in Love with a Beautiful Femme, Hopelessly in Love with a Beautiful Butch, Even More Sweetness and Shenanigans
"Lady Adaar?" Semiha groaned as a knock on her door sounded. "Please, Inquisitor, I would not disturb you if it were not urgent!"
"I'll be back," she sighed, giving Josephine a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up. Of course some messenger would interrupt them during one of the few moments she could drag her Ambassador away from her work. She buttoned up her blouse and walked down the stairs to the door.
"Thank you," the messenger sighed when she opened the door. He was covered in mud and straw, and smelled like a barn. "We have a bit of a situation on our hands, Herald." She raised a white eyebrow. "We don't know how, and we don't know why, but... the livestock, they... got... out." He was quiet, obviously embarrassed that he'd have to bother the Inquisitor with such a thing.
"Livestock?" She almost laughed. "How many?"
"All of them, Herald," he said in an embarrassed whisper, running a hand through his messy hair. "Again, we don't know how."
"Alright, I'm guessing you want my help getting them contained?" She asked.
"No, no, I just wanted to inform-!"
She shook her head, smiling. It'd been far too long since she got to use some of her strength in the activities she had grown up with. Being a battlemage was fun, sure, but it wasn't as intense a workout as powerlifting heffers. And with half the men of the Inquisition off dealing with something Semiha had already forgotten the details about, that only meant more for her.
"Josie!" She called out into her room as she shooed the messenger away. She bounded up the stairs and ran to her dresser to find her most beat up clothing. "We've got a bit of a situation, it seems," she said as she pulled on a pair of stained beige leggings. "Livestock got out!" She laughed, struggling a little to pull on a qunari-sized work breastband.
"What?" Josephine sounded panicked. "How did the livestock get out? Did someone attack Skyhold?"
"No idea," Semiha shrugged, smiling. "All I know is that we have to fix it!"
"This is a disaster!" She looked over to Semiha, and huffed at her grin. "How are you happy about this?"
"My dear, darling Josephine," Semiha laughed, walking over to the panicked Antivan and kissing her on the forehead. "I was raised on a farm in the Marches. I know a thing or two about corralling animals."
"I did forget about that," she said, looking a little embarrassed. "But still, this is a mess, my Lady!"
"I don't deny it's messy," Semiha grinned, reaching down and grabbing Josephine's hand. "But it could be fun chasing 'em down!"
"You and I have very different definitions of fun, my Lady," she sighed.
Semiha hummed in agreement, smiling as they walked out of her room. Immediately, they were nearly tripped by a goat running frantically through the hall.
"Watch and learn, Princess!" She laughed, letting go of Josephine's hand and running after the animal.
• • ♡ • •
"My Lady!" Josephine sighed, running after the qunari the best she could in her dress. The woman had incredibly long legs. This entire situation was horribly less than ideal. With Cassandra in Orlais talking with Chantry and most of their soldiers on field missions in the surrounding area, there was hardly anybody available to deal with this.
"Got one!" Semiha's joyful voice rang out, and Josephine sighed when she saw the qunari lifting a squirming goat over her head. "Bad goat," she cooed, looking the thing in its strange brown eyes. "Naughty, naughty little goat!" Okay, that was cute.
"My Lady, you're going to get filthy," Josephine said, jogging to catch up with Semiha's walking speed.
"So?" The qunari just laughed. "You've seen me coming back from missions! I think my clothes contain enough mud to build a hut, Josie," she said, smiling as she adjusted the goat in her arms.
"I... I cannot argue with that," she said, defeated. The qunari was always coming back covered in filth from the simplest of missions, armor weighed down with water and dirt. However, that also meant that afterwards, she would be sparkling from a bath, her beautiful, silvery-white afro catching the sunlight, her skin like polished silver, and her horns like glittering onyx.
"Got'cha!" Semiha's laugh pulled Josephine from her thoughts. She scooped up another loose goat in the throne room, and proudly held one under each of her muscular arms. "Come on, let's get to the pens to toss 'em in," she said, smiling down at Josephine, who was completely overwhelmed. "Don't be so stressed," she smiled, "your family was big in the Antivan navy, yes?" Josephine nodded. "Then think of this like a mutiny!" She said, far too cheerfully for the comparison. "Except minus the whole armed and muscular sailors and with cute little farm animals instead!"
Okay, now she could see the comparison more clearly. They stepped outside into the main courtyard, and witnessed the group of inexperienced soldiers and staff attempting to ease the almost comical chaos.
"I am not getting involved," said an annoyed voice from beside them. Dorian.
"Come on, can't you raise the dead or something?" Semiha asked, the two squirming goats held securely under her arms. "Get your little necro-friends to do the work!"
"That takes time and precision and desire to, Inquisitor," he said, leaning against the wall. "And besides, Bull seems to be enjoying himself." He gestured to the courtyard, and heard a joyous shout followed by the Chargers, all with varying animals in their hands as they dragged them back to their pens by the stables. By the hidden softness of his tone, it was clear that Bull was the reason he was most concerned with.
"Hey, Boss!" Bull yelled, grinning. He was holding a particularly heavy calf in his arms.
"I'm joining!" Semiha yelled back, a grin splitting her beautiful face. "Come on, Josie!"
"But I'm wearing-" She huffed, pulling off her dress, stripping down to the leggings she wore beneath and her thin, strap-sleeved shirt. "If you aren't going to get into the mud, do be a dear and put this in my chambers," she said, handing her heavy silk dress over to Dorian. "I'm coming, my Lady!" She called out, quickly stepping down the stairs.
"Fuck yeah!" Bull yelled, clenching his fists in excitement. "Nice of you to join us!"
Semiha just smiled and told her to lift with the knees.
• • ♡ • •
The fact that Semiha was a mage and yet looked like that was a crime.
Josephine could hardly concentrate on holding onto squirming little piglets when she'd look over and see that beautiful qunari woman, bending over in those tight leggings, that qunari breastband doing nothing but holding those large, perfect breasts in place. Her white-silver, tightly curled hair bounced around her horns as she moved, every frizzy hair seeming to catch the sun like she was weaved of silver. Every one of her muscles flexed under that glistening silver skin in the afternoon sun as she easily hefted giant animals over her head. She could go toe-to-toe with the Iron Bull, something Josephine honestly hadn't expected. Then again, she only saw her at Skyhold, soft and sweet in her chambers, and not on the battlefield.
The tiny pig she was holding snorted and tried to escape her grip, and she struggled to keep a hold on the slippery little thing.
"You holding up well, Princess?" Semiha asked, far too casually for someone able to so gently hold a heffer like a lapdog.
"Ah, yes, my Lady," she said, smiling despite the ache in her back. They had been giving her all the small and docile animals she could either carry or lead back to the pens. "I think I'm actually having fun!" She was. Despite the mud in her nice shoes, and the sweat, and the smell of animals, she was having fun. Semiha would constantly sneak up on her, gabbing her waist with her muddy hands, and laughing when she jumped. It was always followed by a kiss on her sweat-slicked neck and a how're they treating you? so it was quite alright.
"Good to hear!" Semiha smiled, her hand on Josephine's shoulder. Most women would be threatened by a large grey hand on their bare skin, but Josephine doubted they would be so frightened if they knew how gentle such hands could be. "It's just you left," she said. "That little piglet was evading Blackwall for a solid five minutes," she laughed, looking down at the offending piglet, who seemed to pride itself on its drawing out of their involuntary little game. She walked Josephine to the pen, and the giant mama pig seemed quite happy to have all her babies back by her side.
"I do think a bath is in order," Josephine said, leaning her back against the wooden fencing. Semiha was leaning forward, elbows resting on the wood, her breastband loose from the physical labor of the day, leaving her chest nearly free, unbound against her ribcage.
Semiha looked over at her, raising a thick white-silver eyebrow and smiling softly. "You say that like we'd be sharing one," she said knowingly.
"Well, it was an idea I had, yes," Josephine said, slightly flushed.
"I think my chambers' tub is big enough if we squeeze," Semiha said, leaving the fence and wrapping a large arm around Josephine's form.
"I am not opposed to this squeezing," Josephine said back, resting her head on Semiha's chest, one hand resting on the arm around her shoulders.
Blackish blush was visible on Semiha's cheeks as Josephine accepted. She smiled, shaking her head a little, her white-silver hair bouncing with the motion. She quickly scooped Josephine up with one easy motion. "Squeezing it is," she said, laughing quietly to herself. Josephine noticed that Semiha held her with the same tenderness as a calf, as if she too was plagued by weak knees and could crumble at the slightest ill touch. She realized that around Semiha, she was, and the comparison didn't bother her at all.
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modamua · 3 years
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Ordinarily, you know precisely what your size is. In any case, generally that dress that should fit doesn't. In this way, it ought to be returned. Perhaps this isn't in reality pretty much as direct as attempting it on in the store, in any case when you are shopping on the web for women clothing, the online stores are prepared towards making this as fundamental as could reasonably be considered run of the mill. Simply pop the dress back through the conveyance address for a markdown or an exchange. All stores have incredible returns for exchange.
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rodrigohyde · 6 years
What To Wear On A First Date
The first date is often a nerve-wracking experience, and for a good reason; what if the person you are sharing your time with on a date becomes the person you spend all your time with, forever? That setup puts a lot of pressure on making the first date memorable, for all the right reasons. After all, it could be the story you end up telling over again with each new friend you meet as a couple down the road.
There are many reasons you should care about how you dress on a first date, and some, while obvious, ring truer than ever. Dressing well sets the right tone because it demonstrates your respect for your date and lets them know you are invested in their time. If this is the first date after a divorce or break-up, remember, you deserve a chance to rewrite your own history.
Choosing the right outfit will give you the confidence to walk into the date with the right attitude and behaviors. When we wear a suit, for example, we’re not merely choosing to wear a two-piece; no, we’re choosing to put our best selves forward and say, “We deserve to be happy.” We walk taller and generally set out to show the world we are a sophisticated man of value.
Today, we’ll be talking you through a few simple style rules for most first date suggestions to help you set the right tone.
What Color Outfits Are Most Attractive?
The next point I want you to think about is color, and the impact this has on our phycology. All around us, color plays a pivotal role in how we think, feel, shop, and even eat. In restaurants, red is often used to grab your attention and invoke a primal desire; one that can often be satisfied by gorging on delicious food. Orange and yellow also make us hungry -- which is why so many fast food joints use them.
In the romantic world, colors also signify compatibility. You may be familiar with peacocks; the males use brightly colored plumes to attract and seduce their female companions. Scientists confirmed that our perceived chemistry and attraction is often linked inextricably to what color outfits we wear. And it should come as no surprise that red is the top of the lover's list.
What is most interesting about red, however, is that it has a unique effect on men and women. Red indicates passion and desire, in women, but worn on men, it invokes status, power, and virility. This is why you will see kings and other political leaders wearing red robes and suits; in ancient Rome, leaders were called coccinati, meaning “wearing red.”
So, if you want to pick a date night outfit that will hold their attention, and make you feel seductive and powerful, then red is an obvious choice. You don’t have to dress head-to-toe in red, either, to make an impression, a red accent or accessory goes a long way. And fellas, watch out for the “lady in red” -- if she is wearing this color, it may mean she wants you to see her -- and only her.
Here are some solid choices for colors to wear on a first date:
Dark Grey: Black is tempting to wear thanks to its flexibility, but often looks too stuffy and formal; dark grey, however, offers a chic and complementary option in its place.
Navy: If you want a sharp look that cuts the mold, navy is the year-round color of choice for dapper men. Navy pairs with almost any other color exquisitely.
Pastel: Something is refreshing and wholesome about pastel blue or pink, and is an ideal summer color palette that is fresh.
Patterns: Don’t be scared to try out different polka dots, which are classic yet always look clean.
Once you pick your poison, it’s time to consider how to dress for the right season, and how to tailor your date night outfit for any time of the year!
Dressing For The Right Season
Fashion varies with the seasons, out of necessity. In winter, expect to see lots of thicker fabrics, layers, and warmth of color. In spring, expect to see much brighter, fresher colors and lighter fabrics. Depending on where you live, this fluctuation can vary, but as a rule, you will want to switch out your outfits throughout the year to match the weather and seasons.
If the weatherman is forecasting rain, be sure to adapt your outerwear to suit and pick out a waterproof duffle jacket; or if you know it will be hot, look to cooler fabrics such as cotton or linen. It’s amazing how much an outfit can be changed with a quick addition, such as a straw hat in summer, or a woolen scarf in winter. Play around with accessories to get into the seasonal groove.
Here is a quick rundown of what to expect in each season:
Winter: With cooler climates and the potential for snow and ice, layers and warm fabrics are your best bet. Layer undershirts, shirts, sweaters, or jackets for seamless outfits that have lots of dimension and style. Accessories include leather gloves and woolen scarves.
Spring: The air is crisp but refreshing; here, layers will continue to be your friend, but switch out heavy wools or tweed in favor of cotton and linen. Dark demin works well all year round but is offset with pastel shirts or nautical jackets nicely.
Summer: Bright colors and short sleeve shirts signal summer. Pair Capri pants and slicked back hair for summer vibes. Floral prints and patterns are also a fun way to play up the playfulness that summer brings.
Fall: In fall, revert to long-sleeved shirts and pants, but have a good time with boots and leather jackets. Layers will keep off the chill, and look best in autumn colors such as brown, red, yellows, and in textured fabrics, like this suede bomber jacket.
​​ Stock Up: Fratelli Orsini Everyday Men’s Italian Lambskin Cashmere Leather Gloves, $59.95 at Amazon.com
Stock Up: Original Penguin Sunshine Woven Shirt, $39.49 at Nordstrom.com
Stock Up: Mott & Bow Slim Button Down Collar – Kent, $69.00 at MottandBow.com
Stock Up: Bonobos Moto Bomber Jacket, $198.00 at Nordstrom.com
Now that you have the groundwork covered for what to wear year-round, it’s time to get into specifics of what to wear on your date.
First Date Outfit Ideas
In the following sections, I’m going to breakdown the expectations of what to wear; check out these first date ideas for more inspiration! Before we get started, I want to remind you that while looking good is a key aspect of the first date outfit, you should aim to feel confident and comfortable in what you wear; a man can dress in a thousand-dollar suit and still look cheap if he isn’t feeling it.
Being prepared means trying on an outfit, in its entirety, before the big night to make sure you get a feel for what you are wearing, and to give yourself time to make any changes ahead of the big event. For guys who are dating regularly, having a foundational outfit that allows you to switch up a few items is always a great idea.
The Casual Date
The casual date refers to a relaxed date activity, not a sloppy outfit. The casual date often takes place in the great outdoors and might include a picnic at the park, or a walk on the beach. While relaxed, this is not the time to show her what your day-off attire looks like; instead, look for dressier versions of comfy weekend clothing, such as indigo washed jeans, and dress them up.
Stock Up: American Eagle Flex Slim Jean, $29.96 at AE.com
Darker jeans give a nice, pulled-together look that is both casual yet date-appropriate, and can be worn with a short-sleeved shirt for a look that is not too formal, but also shows you know what you are doing. Switch sneakers for leather kicks to take this look from drinks with the guys to the appearance of a casual dating champ.
The Coffee Date
The coffee date is like the casual date but is one of the few exceptions where your date might also tie-in with other events in your schedule, and not necessarily with the person you are dating. This is also the date you might pick if you are meeting someone off Tinder for the first time and want to see if they check out to what they’ve shown you online. Tip: skip the coffee if you know your date well!
For this date, I like to deploy my favorite outfit that I know gets compliments. Again, this is the exception to the rule; the coffee date is only a 30- to 45-minute meet-and-greet, so there’s no overbearing need to turn up looking extra dapper -- unless, of course, you want to. Pay close attention to your wallet, watch or backpack to make sure your outfit works seamlessly together; it’s all in the details.
Stock Up: MVMT Oath Watch, $140.00 at MVMTWatches.com
The Dinner Date
When going on a dinner date, you should always wear a jacket. Depending on the restaurant, the price-point will offer insight into what kind of jacket is appropriate. If you’re going all-in, then you’ll want to keep reading for my formal date attire tips. For most restaurants, however, a chic blazer for men or a repurposed suit jacket are more than sufficient when paired with dark denim or tan pants.
Stock Up: Vince Camuto Slim Fit Stretch Knit Blazer, $225.00 at Nordstrom.com
If you are going out to lunch, you can sometimes get away with a tailored sports jacket, but in most cases, you will want to invite your date out for an evening meal to set the right tone. An easy way to let your date know what to wear is to invite them to an event for dinner, and use that event to gauge the right attire; for example, dinner and movies will be less dressy than dinner and opera.
Stock Up: Ted Baker Salut Slim Fit Bomber Jacket, $279.00 at Nordstrom.com
Keep my simple style rule of wearing a jacket in mind, as we venture into a few scenarios. These will round-off your outfit perfectly every time.
To The Movies
When going to the movies, a leather jacket is a solid choice. You can wear a black leather jacket with jeans and a tee-shirt for a timeless look, or a brown-leather jacket with casual pants for a hip look. As you arrive at your seats, you can take your coat off. Choosing a jacket that is not too tightly fitted or tight means a comfortable transition from standing to sitting.
While you might think that the movies are a great opportunity to sit in the dark, remember that your date will still be paying attention to you in the lobby, and so on. Your jacket is an excellent way to make a style statement, as you will likely be face-to-face or sitting side-by-side. Avoid the temptation to wear a hat with a great jacket as this can complicate an outfit.
Stock Up: Marc New York Summit Leather Jacket, $395.00 at Nordstrom.com
Stock Up: Schott NYC '50s Oil Tanned Cowhide Leather Moto Jacket, $880.00 at Nordstrom.com
For Drinks
Much like the cinema, you can wear a casual outfit when going out for drinks. When standing at a bar, I like to wear a pair of leather loafers that accent my outfit, without making me feel like an overdressed penguin. You’d be amazed at how many people will comment on a good-looking pair of shoes while you wait.
Ted Baker Daiser Bit Loafer, $240.00 at Nordstrom.com
If you are going to a sophisticated wine bar, for example, you can afford to dress your outfit up with a nice watch or a bracelet . If you’re just hanging out at your local bar, this is a rare opportunity to wear a sports jacket. The outfit is largely going to depend on the kind of bar you’re going to, so don’t forget to go check it out ahead of the date if this is your first time going.
The Formal Date
The formal date is all about the fit; just as any formal occasion has clear rules and expectations, you are going to want to pull out all the stops and create an outfit custom to you. The formal date is a time to shine and can start at the classic two-piece suit, through to a full-on tuxedo. For a black-tie or formal event, do not expect to go without a visit to your tailor.
Even a simple suit-and-tie event can be red-carpet-worthy if the cut is correct and built for you. The formal date is a time for black, shiny brogues, and everything to be buttoned up, tucked in, and dust guarded to within an inch of its life. In return, you can expect to make the greatest returns on your investment, as most dates comment that this is the look they are attracted to the most.
Stock Up: Florsheim Salnero Wingtip, $110.00 at Nordstrom.com
Where To Source Date-Night Outfits
Thanks to dating apps and websites, more people are dating now than ever before. Dating is no longer something we do on a Friday night; dates happen during the weekday, at lunchtime, over breakfast and on the way to another event. That means you need to bumper your closet to accommodate all of these situations and to create new outfits from their ashes. I’m including a few simple tips you can use below to always make sure you have an appropriate date night outfit on-hand, and to breakaway from another trip to the mall:
Subscription services: Pizza isn’t the only thing you can order to your door. Mail order services, like Trunk Club, can provide tailored solutions on a one-time or on-going subscription basis. I’ve seen everything from trendy boutiques to formal vendors offering mail order items.
Thrifting is in: Where people once shunned wearing second-hand clothing, thrift stores have made a revival under the newer, chicer “vintage” apparel label. Go to second hand shops for a cool accent piece at a discounted price.
Your own closet: You’d be amazed at how many times I hear guys say, “I’ve got nothing to wear,” and they have a closet full of clothing. Try on different shirt and pant combos, or switch out a pair of shoes to see how a quick swap can change an entire outfit.
Finally, there are certain things that never go out of style, and these include: being respectful, showing good manners, being chivalrous, and ensuring your date has an excellent time. Put their needs ahead of your own and be attentive, listen to what they have to say, ask questions, and generally set an example for what a great man you are.
Dress to Your Physical Strengths
Choosing the right outfit can play up your best features, and make your date that much more attracted to you. The first date is a time when you are sizing each other up as potential suitors, and anything you can do to gain the advantage is going to make sure you get the results you want – like a second date!
If the thought of picking something to wear makes you nervous, it’s time to take a deep breath and remember that while clothing is a fantastic accessory you can use to show off, it should also be about feeling comfortable and presenting your best and most authentic self.
What Not to Wear on a First Date
I do want to cover a few quick tips on what not to wear on a first date, because even the best men make mistakes. This could be a topic for its own article, but for the sake of brevity, and in the name of common sense, I’m only going to cover some ground rules. These style staples can stop you from ruining an otherwise excellent date night outfit, and are often overlooked.
Not grooming correctly: Why go to all that effort to create an excellent outfit if you haven’t covered all the bases? Check out these grooming tips for single men to find out what women want in their date. You’ll be amazed at the results!
Cologne: Again, this could be an entire article, but no cologne is a happy mistake. Too much cologne is a problem. Apply cologne an hour before you leave the house, and only use a small amount. You don’t want to overdo it.
Wearing too much: Seconding this point, less is always more; that goes for your jewelry, accessories, and even your tan. Too much sends a desperate “try-hard” signal, and won’t give off the same cool air of sophistication that a more minimal choice can.
Being under dressed: While many guys fear the embarrassment of turning up to a date overdressed, I promise that your date will appreciate the oversight. What won’t be appreciated is if you turn up and haven’t put in the effort to groom yourself or dress appropriately .
Reusing an outfit: If you’re meeting for drinks after work, and sport the same suit, or you always start your date night conversation with, “This is my lucky date night outfit,” I can bet you won’t get a second date. By all means, go with what works, but make sure you are wearing your outfit off the rack.
Making an Instant Impression on Dating Apps
Nowadays, all first impressions are made through a touchscreen. The popularity of dating apps like Bumble, Tinder, and Match has put the pressure on men to showcase their best fashion via dating profile. Those who step up their style game in their photos have the highest success rate in sparking conversations that eventually lead to first dates, but don't go pulling out your finest threads from the closet and setting up a photoshoot right away.
You must learn the dos and don'ts of dressing for your social dating profile. To guide you on the right path, we got Damona Hoffman, Match dating expert and host of the Dates & Mates Podcast, to break it all down in her own words. Follow suit, gents!
Dressing Down Everyone is trying so hard to look like they’re not trying too hard that they end up looking like they don’t even care. Yes, you want your profile to be a real reflection of who you are, but you should look like the best representation of yourself, just as you would on a date. 
The Right Fit You don’t need to have a shirtless bathroom selfie However, you should have clothes that give a sense of your body type and fit appropriately. If you’re not sure what your best size and fit is, many department stores and clothing chains have personal shoppers and stylists that you can book appointments with for free, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also, remember that few people can wear clothes right off the rack. Take advantage of their in-house tailoring as well to make sure you get the perfect fit for you.
Wearing Sunglasses Sunglasses are a big mistake in your profile. First, she needs to see what your face looks like. Second, she needs to trust you to go on a date with you. Wearing glasses not only makes it seem like you’re hiding something but it also hides your face so you achieve neither goal.
Wrinkles Depending on lighting, wrinkles in a profile shot can be even more apparent than IRL. Looking like you just rolled out of bed and couldn’t be bothered to iron is one-way ticket to a left swipe.
Same Shirt, Same Style We know men fall in love with a color or style of shirt and then buy an entire wardrobe of the same style but try to vary it up in your profile. Your profile should show different kinds of looks that plant the idea for different kinds of dates with you. Each picture should give her a deeper understanding of who you are and what you look like or it doesn’t belong in your profile.
Stopping at the Shoes Women love shoes, so I’ll never understand why men will dress to the nines and then wear raggedy, beat up, dirty old shoes with their clean new look. You have to consider your outfit from head to toe and have shoes that represent you well.
The Plain White T For years, I’ve coached my clients to follow my 3 C’s rule of profile photos. The first C is for color. If you dress in bold colors, you’re more likely to catch her attention. Research indicates that red is the most eye-catching color – we immediately stop just like we would if we saw a red light on the road. Instead of the plain white T, go for the red t-shirt instead to turn more heads.
What Does Your Shirt Say? T-shirts with slogans or large designer logos risk turning off more women than they turn on. Be mindful of what your shirt says about you before you even open your mouth. 
from Style channel http://www.askmen.com/style/fashion_advice/what-to-wear-on-a-first-date.html
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rainfallshowerhead · 3 years
Know More About Coding Shirts
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If you haven't previously, you should read my guide to printing economics. It essentially describes the distinctions between screen printing and digital printing, as well as the corresponding costs. It will assist you in better comprehending the following information. Color is quite important. If you're ordering a large quantity of custom shirts (say, 12 or more), selecting fewer colours in your design will help you save money. This is because you have the option of screen printing your design onto your shirt when you place a large order. Do you want to learn more? Visit Science teacher shirt.
Screen printing has minimal printing costs but a hefty setup cost based on the number of colours in your design. The setup price is modest if you only need one colour, and your shirt printing will be reasonable. If you have a lot of colours, the setup fee will be considerable, and it will hurt your wallet even more than a single solid colour print would.
If your design contains a lot of colours (say, five or more), screen print setup is usually highly expensive, therefore printers will opt to digitally print it instead. There are no setup expenses with a digital print, and you can use as many colours as you like on your template, but the cost of each print is much more than with a screen print.
To save money on printing, make sure your design only employs one or two solid colours if you're ordering 12 or more bespoke shirts. If you're only manufacturing a few shirts (less than 12), go ahead and use as many gradients and colours as you want because it'll almost certainly be a custom t-shirt produced digitally. To understand more about colours, check out my colour advice guide.
It's also crucial to think about the colour of your shirt. Screen printing dark-colored shirts is usually more expensive than printing light-colored shirts. This is because an ink underlay is required to display ink colours in their full brilliance on dark clothes. The ink underlay is applied first, followed by your design's genuine colours. Many screen printers refer to this process as "flash," and it adds a minor cost to each print.
If your design necessitates a digital print, you won't be able to do it on a dark shirt. Print on a light-colored shirt if your template contains a lot of colours (5 or more). If you want to print it on a dark shirt, you'll have to utilise screen printing, which will almost probably increase the total cost much more than if you print it on a light shirt with digital printing. Printing your design on light-colored shirts is generally less expensive than printing it on dark-colored shirts (as a sidenote, light coloured shirts are normally cheaper than dark coloured shirts as well).
  A Guide To Buy Geek Hoodies
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What exactly are hoodies? Hoodies are a type of adaptable and comfy clothing that is popular among the younger generation, particularly those aged 18 to 24. The name "hoodies" refers to pullovers with a distinctive hood. Large front pockets and drawstrings to modify the hood opening are common features of hoodies.
A Brief History of Hoodies
You may not realise it, but hoodies have been worn by Catholic monks since the Middle Ages. If you look closely at the monk's robe, you'll notice that it has a design that is identical to the cowl. Catholic monks wear cowls over their tunics or robes as a decorative hood. In the 1930s, labourers in New York wore the hoodie in its current form. These workers are employed in frozen warehouses. Claire McCardell, the American fashion designer who popularised casual wearing in the United States, popularised the hoodie by developing entire collections around it. The hoodie became more popular than ever in the 1970s. Because of the secrecy that the hoodie provides, the hip hop culture that flourished along New York streets adored it. High fashion, such as Norma Kamali's designs, glamorised the hoodie, while movies like Rocky boosted its popularity.
Hoodies and Their Popularity in the United Kingdom
When hip hop culture became more widespread, hoodies made their way to the UK. Because of the promise of mystery, obscurity, and anxiety, hoodies were unmistakably popular among 18 to 24 year olds. The hoodie, according to Angela McRobbie, a lecturer at Goldsmiths College in the United Kingdom, is part of the 18 to 24 year olds' distance from the school uniform and the workplace suit. She claims that the hoodie is a sign of revolt, similar to the leather jacket and bondage pants of previous youth cultures.
The hoodie acquired attention in May 2005, when Bluewater, a Kent shopping centre, banned hoodie wearers from their premises. The populace was incensed when Prime Minister Tony Blair backed the anti-hoodie campaign. Lady Sovereign, a London rapper, wrote "Hoodie" as a protest song. People became involved in the "Save the Hoodie" campaign after the bitterly harsh winters of 2009 and 2010 required them to  wear hoodies to stay warm.
Hoodies are making a comeback in the wardrobes of 18 to 24-year-olds. This age group prefers the hoodie because it is comfortable enough to wear to the gym, despite their hectic existence. It is, nonetheless, elegant enough to be worn to a party. Add in the fact that they're easier to clean thanks to the wash-and-wear hoodie.
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Hoodies! Many people have a long, considerably difficult history in the particular United Kingdom. The background in the UK can be similar to just what eighteen to 24-year olds include to go through with their moms and dads during typically the long difficult numerous young adults. Hoodies are the mark of teenage angst plus devil-may-care attitude.What are usually Hoodies? Hoodies are bits of adaptable and secure clothing that are well-liked by the youthful set, in particular 18 to 24 years old. They are pullovers along with a good characteristic hood, so, the concept of a “hoodies. ” Hooded sweatshirts frequently have large frontal pouches together with drawstrings to modify the engine opening.Hoodies: A HistoryWill possibly not include noticed it, but hoodies date back to this Middle Ages as Catholic monks’ clothing. Look properly on this monk’s clothing and you will find parallels in design on the cowl. Cowls are the ornamental hood that Catholic monks wear over his or her tunics or robes. The particular hoodie as it seems now had been first put on by labourers in New York in the thirties. These labourers work within icy warehouses. Claire McCardell, typically the American fashion custom made that introduced casual dressing up to be able to Americans, popularised the particular hoodie by designing total selections based on typically the hoodie. The 1973s produced the hoodie extra well-liked than ever. The rap culture that matured alongside New York streets adored often the hoodie because of the anonymity the engine brings. High trend, many of these as Reglamento Kamali’s collection agencies glamorised the hood-ie. Videos, such as Rocky, included to the popularity of typically the hoodi-e.Hoodies as well as its Acceptance in the UKHoodies reached the shores of the BRITISH when often the hip hop culture started to go mainstream. The hoodies’ popularity with 18 for you to 24 season olds was initially unmistakable because of the promise connected with mystery, being anonymous, and anxiousness. A lecturer at Goldsmiths College inside the BRITISH, Angela McRobbie, said that the hoodie is part of often the distancing from the 18 to 24 calendar year olds to help the school consistent together with the office suit. Vlone clothing She said that the hoodie is a symbol of rebellion and is effective not much different from the way as the household leather jacket in addition to bondage trousers in the past youth cultures. In May 2004, the particular hoodie gained prestige if a Kent shopping core, Bluewater, banned hoodie sportsmen using their premises. When Best Ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) Tony Blair reinforced this anti-hoodie call, typically the public has been outraged. Lady Sovereign, a London-based rapper, wrote this song “Hoodie” in protest. People became a member of the “Save the Hoodie” campaign especially since typically the cold winters of this year to 2010 compelled men and women to wear hoodies to help keep warm from the very cold temperature.
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Hip-hop stars and fashion industry mourn stylist Derek Khan
New Post has been published on https://fashiondesigne.com/hip-hop-stars-and-fashion-industry-mourn-stylist-derek-khan/
Hip-hop stars and fashion industry mourn stylist Derek Khan
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Tributes are actually paid to Derek Khan , the style stylist who developed the “ghetto fabulous” or “bling” appearance which merged haute couture with road style, who has passed away aged 63.
Khan altered the visual of hip-hop tradition in the 90s simply by convincing previously reticent fashion labels to do business with rap stars. Their work with Jane J Blige (he designed her 1997 Reveal My World photo album cover), Sean Spines (then known as Smoke Daddy) and Salt-N-Pepa forever changed the appearance associated with the genre.
Using the his career being an assistant to Hubert De Givenchy, however it was when using the dressing Madonna’s support dancers that he arrived to contact with the music globe. After he got the job of the in-house stylist to Motown Records, he began to improve the style of hip-hop.
Explaining his inspiration in creating the particular “ghetto fabulous” turn to the Genteel publication this year, he said: “Hip-hop stars were simply beginning to cross over towards the mass market and also to make this transition their own images needed just a little polishing. ”
Khan’s first paying hair dresser job was along with Salt-N-Pepa in the earlier 90s, moving their own look on off their Kente inspired caps, bomber jackets plus undercut haircuts. “These ladies had a feeling of style, but the task was in order to introduce them to fashion, ” he stated.
After Khan passed away, Cheryl “Salt” Adam wrote on Instagram : “Thank a person for everything you had been Salt N Pepa’s first real hair dresser. ”
“Up to that particular point, most women within hip-hop wore Timberlands and baggy denim jeans – style components that were borrowed through the men, and had been worn in the same way since men, ” described Mario Dodovski that runs the Catwalk to Music movie Instagram , focused on archiving runway parts worn in music-video.
“Suddenly, you have 3 Black women rapping about gender equal rights in these expensive developer clothes, looking shamelessly glamorous. ”
In 1998 he helped design Lauryn Hill’s classic look for her traditional debut The Miseducation of…. “(The look] fused these types of disparate realms associated with bohemian, hip-hop, plus grunge dress designs, ” said Darnell-Jamal Lisby, a style historian. “Mixing the fur coat having a leather halter gown or keeping this casual with the girl denim ensembles had been strategic and deservingly elicited the image that will [Hill] wanted the world to find out, ” he stated. “Khan’s vision was obviously a beautiful convergence of times. ”
The hair dresser claimed to have trained Blige how to stroll in heels plus Combs how to outfit, but his greatest legacy was producing European luxury style labels pay attention to hip-hop. “Brands like Chanel and Yves St . Laurent were battling to get their clothing in music videos and the red carpeting so they could achieve a more diverse market and increase product sales, ” said Dodovski.
After a prison phrase in 2003 pertaining to defrauding eight of recent York’s most exclusive jewellers (he lent more than $1. 5m worth of jewelry, which he afterwards pawned), Khan relocated to the UAE, in which he resided until their death.
Khan’s heritage remains the way this individual opened up hip-hop tradition. “The ‘ghetto fabulous’ aesthetic gave authorization for this generation associated with hip-hop to accept fashion in the way they have, ” said Lisby. “It’s practically part of the lexicon to get a hip-hop artist use specific luxury manufacturers and styled within specific ways. ”
Through the “ghetto fabulous” look Khan expected the style of streetwear and even today’s growth in luxury sweatpants. When he told the Genteel magazine: “As lengthy as there are clients who are willing to put money into fine jewels people always be bling. ”
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arficanfiber · 4 years
Best African Prints Uk | African Wax Print Fabric | African Fashion Online
We got loads,shades, colours of authentic stock textiles with good feel and texture to make your western suits/ African senator & different men’s and ladies dresses!!! We sale in yards
African Fabric Prints  incorporate eye-catching colors and brightly colored fashion designs with a certain ethnic beauty and African fabric. African print art, or Ankara often depicts symbolic elements of African culture and plains. These fabrics are perfect for casual wear, tunics, skirts, and blouses.
Our African Print textile collection has a variety of designs in 44 "wide non-snow, 100% cotton or 60" stretch polyester spandex jerseys. Our selection of ethnic fabric prints includes a variety of Kente and traditional designs that demand your attention! Any style of African print fabric is a good choice in art, spring dress, decorative clothing. Custom printing is a great way to weave a dress or your next event!
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We make many of our African printed items at home, which allows us to bring you high-quality fabric at low cost. In addition, all of our African fabric in the yard is available in large quantities.
Indeed, the shoes, bags, or pencils that have long been sought after are popular names for various designs and colour patterns that point to one of the most durable and widespread clothing items from West and Central Africa: the elaborate cotton fabric referred to as "wax hollandais", "Ankara" or "kitenge". .
Apart from fashion, a different culture of pattern design as it comes to the market, has made it one of the best records for historical and periodical events, reflecting social trends or celebrating social travel practices.
The unique textile African Wax Prints fabric, visible worldwide, is Angelina, a V-shaped circular pattern with a dotted edge, reportedly inspired by Ethiopian clothing culture. The name comes from a very popular by a high-profile of designs.
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 But as much as the ankara/kitenge is considered the most iconic of all African fabrics, a few critics point out that Vlisco, which is still in business centuries later, is neither African nor based in Africa.
These fabrics have always been a part of our daily lives, they are part of our culture, and they are part of our times of celebration and sorrow, African Wax Print Fabric And for him, it is right and proper to seek and celebrate that heritage.
This groundbreaking book reveals the complex origins of African wax print fabrics. In beautifully illustrated chapters, Anne Grosfilley traces the process of printing and dying the fabric, involving wax or indigo, to its West Indian roots. She also explores the differences of mass-produced and artisanally sourced fabrics, tracking where textiles go from the manufacturing centers to markets and cities throughout Africa and the world. Grosfilley offers the fruits of her own passionate research as she profiles a variety of individuals from rural venders to trendsetting fashionistas &  which was first introduced in Indonesia where it failed to get the pull, before it was exported to West Africa, suggesting that African people’s & Best Ankara Fabric Uk.
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modamua · 3 years
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erabtt · 4 years
Hoodies - The Last word Manner Statement of 18 to 24 Year Olds
Hoodies! They've an extended, fairly hard heritage in the uk. Its heritage in britain is analogous to what eighteen to 24-calendar year olds have to go through with their mothers and fathers throughout the extended challenging a long time of young adults. Hoodies are classified as the image of teenage angst and Satan-may possibly-treatment Frame of mind. What exactly are Hoodies? Hoodies are items of adaptable and cozy apparel which might be common Together with the youthful set, Specifically 18 to 24 a long time previous. They may be pullovers by using a attribute hood, Therefore, the expression "hoodies." Hoodies generally have large frontal pockets and drawstrings to adjust the hood opening. Hoodies: A Heritage You won't have observed it, but hoodies date back again to the center Ages as Catholic monks' clothing. Appear meticulously within the monk's garment and you will see similarities in design and style into the cowl. Cowls would be the ornamental hood that Catholic monks dress in above their tunics or robes. The hoodie because it appears now were to start with worn by labourers in Big apple from the 1930s. These labourers operate in frozen warehouses. Claire McCardell, the American trend designer that launched casual dressing to Americans, popularised the hoodie by building overall collections based upon the hoodie. The seventies created the hoodie much more popular than previously. The hip hop lifestyle that grew alongside Ny streets loved the hoodie due to anonymity the hood delivers. Higher fashion, which include Norma Kamali's collections glamorised the hood-ie. Videos, including Rocky, added to the recognition of your hoodi-e. Hoodies and its Attractiveness in britain Hoodies came towards the shores of the united kingdom if the hip hop society began to go mainstream. The hoodies' attractiveness with eighteen to 24 calendar year olds was unmistakable thanks to its assure of secret, anonymity, and panic. A professor at Goldsmiths Higher education in the UK, Angela McRobbie, reported which the hoodie is a component of the distancing of your eighteen to 24 yr olds to the school uniform plus the Office environment match. She stated which the hoodie can be a symbol of rebellion and is effective the exact same way since the leather jacket and bondage trousers in past times youth cultures. In Could 2005, the hoodie gained notoriety any time a Kent searching centre, Bluewater, banned hoodie wearers from their premises. When Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the anti-hoodie connect with, the public was outraged. Lady Sovereign, a London-dependent rapper, wrote the tune "Hoodie" in protest. People joined the "Help save the Hoodie" campaign Primarily For the reason that cold winters of 2009 to 2010 compelled folks to wear hoodies to help keep warm with the freezing temperatures. Now, hoodies are back again during the wardrobe of eighteen to 24 year olds. As a consequence of their hectic existence, this age group love the hoodi-e as it's comfy more than enough to dress in to the gymnasium. Nevertheless, it can be trendy enough to qualify for social gathering put on, far too. Include this to The point that the wash-and-have on hood-ie can make them easier to clear. Besides, if you find yourself younger and normally able to party, who's got time to do the laundry? Want To find out more about hoodies? Visit now for content and acquiring guides on all hoodies such as Juice Wrld Best 5 Hoodies You Should Wear In 2021.
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betweensceneswriter · 7 years
Second Wife-Chapter 8 : The Gentleman of Leisure
Second Wife Table of Contents
Second Wife on AO3
Previously - Chapter 7 : Never Forgotten Laoghaire had wanted Jamie as long as she could remember. 
“’You told me then that should I be arrested and executed, you would have Masses said for my soul for the space of a year…But if I should lose an ear or a hand while doing your service—'
‘I would support you for the rest of your life.’ Jamie was unsure whether to laugh or cry, and contented himself with patting the hand that now lay quiet on the quilt. ‘Aye, I remember. You may trust me to keep the bargain.’
‘Oh, I have always trusted you, milord,’ Fergus assured him… ‘So I am fortunate…for in one stroke, I am become a gentleman of leisure, non?’” (Outlander, 69).
     “Milord!”  The voice had changed and deepened in the many years since Jamie had first recruited the little pickpocket in Paris, but he’d recognize the lilting French accent anywhere.  Jamie turned to see the distinctive mass of brown curls and bright blue eyes of his young ward, as Fergus dismounted from his horse and came toward him.
     Fergus had a large pack on the back of his horse, and as he approached Jamie with a question on his face, Jamie already had a distinct idea of what the request would be. 
      “Milord, I would not wish to trouble you, and you have already done so much for me.  You are barely established here at Balriggan, and just newly married…” Fergus seemed to be spending as much time on the preliminaries and justifications as he was planning to on the request.
      “Out wi’ it, Fergus.  Ye shouldna feel worrit about askin’ me for anything.”  Though Jamie’s tone was gruff, he seemed genuinely pleased to see Fergus again.
     Fergus sighed.  “Do you imagine you could find work for me here at Balriggan?  You had only just returned from England when you married Mistress MacKimmie.  I know you might be fine without my assistance, but I miss seeing you, and they already have so many men and boys at Lallybroch, and I thought, with the time for planting arrived…”
     The young man was quickly enveloped in a bear hug, the red curls and brown blending for a minute.  “Aye, Fergus, I can use your help.  I’m fair glad you’ve come.  Here, let’s take your things inside and get ye settled.”
     Jamie had assumed that Fergus would be quickly welcomed as a part of the family at Balriggan.  He was sadly mistaken.  From the instant Laoghaire saw Fergus enter their house carrying a valise, the chill in the air was palpable.  She took to banging the pots on the stove more loudly than necessary, and when they sat to the table for supper, though Jamie and Fergus had made themselves useful and both cleaned up before the meal as well, she wrinkled her nose at them as if they disgusted her.
     Joan had no such qualms.  She found Fergus’s accent enchanting and his hook intriguing.
      “Yer like a real pirate!” announced Joanie, excitedly gripping the hook to look at it closely.  “Ye only need an eye patch and a parrot, and a tri-corn hat, and maybe a beard, with glowing firebrands in it…”
      “Joanie,” Jamie said, smiling, but trying to shush her with a small shake of his head.  “Fergus hasna ever been to the West Indies.”
      “But if I had,” Fergus announced with a grin, “I am most certain I would make an excellent pirate!”
     Though Fergus’s response delighted Joanie to no end, Jamie saw that Laoghaire was stewing, the set of her jaw a dead giveaway that they would be having a mostly one-sided discussion later in their bedchamber. 
     During the meal, Marsali was quiet, shyly spending more time gazing down at her food than taking part in the conversation.  Jamie had noticed some marked changes in his step-daughter since she had begun her courses a month or so prior.  The thirteen-year-old girl who used to willingly tromp in mud barefoot without caring about the state of her skirts, climb trees and run madly around the farm, play sword-fighting with Joanie with some long sticks, was now spending an inordinate amount of time in front of the mirror in the morning, brushing her hair.  She took more care about her garments, and she seemed to pay attention to the interactions between Laoghaire and Jamie, which made him very nervous.  She should not be learning how to be a wife from her mother.
     Marsali’s form was changing, too, whether because she was being less active, or just because she was now a woman.  She was a bonny young lass, who would make some laddie a good wife.  In three or four years, though, at the very earliest, once she was 16 or 17.
     What disturbed Jamie slightly at the dinner table was that he also noticed a strange alertness in Fergus.  Though Marsali’s eyes would not often fall on the young Frenchman, his were on her quite often, and it almost seemed as if he watched especially for her reaction when he told them all stories about his part in the Rising or helping Jamie in his spying escapades in France.
     Once Fergus was about to mention Claire, and Jamie desperately caught his eye and shook his head; fortunately the young man noticed and turned the story in another direction.  Unless Jamie was prepared for the discussion tonight to enter the realm of death threats, Claire’s name must not be spoken.
     Laoghaire did once direct a question to Fergus.  “So, ye’ve been to Edinburgh, then?”
      “Oui,” said Fergus.  “I’m not really cut out to be a farmer, so I’ve looked into different trades there.  There are shopkeepers and excise men, printers and blacksmiths; importers, tavern owners, lawyers.  I haven’t decided what I want to do, but I do intend to make myself a living.  I’m vingt-neuf, ah, twenty-nine years old?  If I wish to marry, I must make a fortune first!”
     Marsali colored briefly, looking up in surprise when Fergus mentioned his age.  He wasn’t like the young Scotsmen she was constantly surrounded by, big and braw, tall and muscular.  He was fine- featured and slender, and he did not look as old as he said.
     “If you find a job in Edinburgh, will you also find your wife there?” Laoghaire asked pleasantly.
      “There are many young ladies in Edinburgh,” Fergus responded.  “But I believe there are none so bonny as your daughters.”  He grinned sidelong at Marsali, who blushed and focused on the last piece of tattie she had on her plate.
     Jamie looked alarmed, and Laoghaire, furious.  Fergus glanced back and forth from one to the other and quickly decided he should make his excuses and turn in for the night.  Considering how the evening had gone, Jamie thought it best to set Fergus up in the loft over the stables instead of in the main house.  Laoghaire had seemed so angry already; he did not want to risk an explosion.
     As he helped make up the bed for Fergus, Jamie sighed deeply and began to speak.
      “I dinna ken if I really saw what I think I did at dinner.  But I must say to you, Marsali is thirteen, Fergus.  Now, I’d trust ye with my life, but I willna trust you wi’ my daughter.  I canna make it more clear than this.”  He looked straight at the young Frenchman, meeting his eyes directly.  “Keep your hands off her.”
     Fergus impishly lifted both forearms in the air, showing one hand and one hook.
     Jamie shook his head in good-humored disgust.  “If ye dinna listen to me, lad, you may end up wi’ one less hand, ye wee Frangach.  Keep yer hand off her, and yer hook.  And yer lips.  And yer wheedling eyes.  And yer sweet talk.”
     Fergus shrugged his shoulders and smiled.  “I will do as you say, milord.  Marsali is lovely, but I do not see her in that way.”
      “Good.  Just remember, Fergus.  Yer a man, and she’s a bairn.  And her ma will kill you and will never forgive me if ye do anything with Marsali at all.”
     Leaving Fergus with a decanter of their best whisky, Jamie headed down the ladder and into the house, steeling himself to meet his fate in the bedchamber with Laoghaire.
       “You’ve put him in the stable?” Laoghaire asked, as Jamie entered their room and closed the door.
      “Yes, Laoghaire,” Jamie responded.  “Though he should be staying in the house, I have put him in the stable.”
      “He should not be staying in the house.  We’ve got two daughters,” Laoghaire insisted.  “And he’s the bastard son of a French whore, who grew up in a whorehouse.”
     Jamie’s eyes told Laoghaire she was treading on dangerous ground.  “My da was a bastard son, Laoghaire.  A child hasna any say about where they are born or who their parents are.  Fergus is a good lad, and I’ve kent him for twenty years.  He hasna lived in a whorehouse since we met.”  Jamie didn’t persist any further, as he knew that while Fergus hadn’t lived in a whorehouse in all that time, he may have been to one, if the tales Wee Jamie and Rabbie had told him were true. 
      “If I dinna want that Frenchman here, ye canna say he can stay,” Laoghaire fumed.  Even in her anger she couldn’t stay still.  She was straightening quilts and folding clothes as if her life depended on it. “This is my home, James Fraser.”
      “’Tis it now?”  Jamie asked casually, his jaw twitching.  “Seems to me that one of the marriage vows is ‘With all my worldly goods, I thee endow!’  This place is as much mine as yers now.  I’ve worked this land plenty.  I’ve made our home a better place.”
      “Ye ken what I mean, and you know it, James Fraser,” she said, glaring.  He always knew he was in trouble when she took to calling him his given name.
      “Yes, I ken what you mean, but I also know who Fergus is to me.  He’s the closest thing to a son I have in my life.” For a split second, Jamie thought of Willie, but Willie didn't count, obviously.
      “But he’s not your son, is he?” Laoghaire asked, shaking out the feather pillows from atop their bed.  She couldn’t see the way Jamie was clenching his jaw in response, or she might have reconsidered her words.
      “Your girls arena mine either, now, are they?  But I love them as my own,” Jamie insisted.  “I’ve known Fergus longer.  And I vowed to support the lad, if ever he was wounded in my service.”
     Laoghaire sniffed scornfully.  “And because he was foolish and taunted the British and lost his hand, you’re bound to him for life?”
      “Fergus lost his hand drawing the Redcoats away from my cave and you ken it, Laoghaire,” Jamie started to raise his voice.  “If it werena for the lad, you wouldna have a husband at all.”
      “A husband!” Laoghaire scoffed bitterly.  “How can you be called a husband when ye dinna respect my wishes, and ye dinna love me?”
     Jamie took two fierce steps toward Laoghaire.  “How can I love ye, when ye willna even let me touch ye?”  His eyes were fiery, his body expanding in his anger.  “When ye willna let me kiss ye?!  Yer always sayin’, ‘Oh, Jamie, ye shouldna touch that.’  ‘It’s filthy’.  ‘Ye canna kiss me there’.  ‘Oh, ye shouldna put yer hand on that!’”
     Laoghaire’s face was crimson, and she was nearly hyperventilating as she faced him, her fists balled at her sides.
      “You’re heartless and cruel,” she screeched. 
      “I’m heartless?  At least I tried,” said Jamie, shaking his head and glaring at her.  “Yer the one who willna let me near ye.  Yer the one who has made this room as cold as a prison!  I’d rather sleep on the floor of a cell in Ardsmuir!”
      “Well…well, yer a lecherous beast!” Laoghaire said accusingly, her lips quivering.
      “A lecherous beast?” Jamie rolled his eyes scornfully.  “Now there’s a lie if ever there was one.  I am no lecher… In fact, I dinna ken if I’m even capable of a respectable cockstand anymore.  Yer such an icy bitch, ye’ve rendered me a eunuch!”  With his final words, he flung the bedroom door open and stomped down the hall, leaving Laoghaire to melt into a puddle of self-pitying tears. 
On to Chapter 9 : Better to Marry than Burn Jamie had to feed his hunger somewhere...
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