#cat lance agenda
lil-shiro · 2 months
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me booping
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princelancey · 1 month
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They kept the scissors hidden!! We stay winning!!!
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scrollonso · 3 months
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yk "kitty stroll agenda" had to do it.
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ellearts · 26 days
All my beloved strollonso mutuals have such cool aus!!! The pookie au, the first kiss au etc.
And all I have is. Cat. Lance.
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avidbeader · 4 years
New Sheith Fic
Probably rated T, but we’ll see.
VLD post-S8, but Allura lives and the endcards are thrown on a trash heap where they belong
This is the fic thread I’ve been posting to Twitter for the last few days. Thought I’d share here as well. It’s between 1/3 and 1/2 done at this point. It will get to AO3 eventually once it’s finished and beta’ed.
I just got this idea of something that the Atlas might do in a given situation and ran with it.
The first couple of requests were reasonable. A real-time updated roster of the Atlas crew made sense for both organizational and security purposes. A record of the ship’s known offensive and defensive capabilities was necessary as the admirals and generals developed strategies for any potential threats, minimal though they might be after Voltron’s defeat of Honerva.
The order to have a Garrison official installed as their liaison made Shiro pause, but only for a moment. On the one hand, there were already several crew members on board who performed that role: Sam, Mitch, Veronica, himself. On the other hand, it was not unwarranted for the Garrison to have a point person for communication purposes so as not to add an extra burden to the duties of any one crew member. If Shiro had tried to keep up with every Garrison inquiry or notification on top of his own duties as captain, he probably would have gone to the Black Lion and begged to be taken back to the astral plane. This would take one thing off his plate without pushing more responsibility on any member of the command staff.
But when a General Stone reported to him, demanding both quarters in the same section as the senior bridge crew and an office next to Shiro’s ready room, his hackles rose instinctively. Atlas’ presence in the back of his head, usually a quiet and cheerful sensation, grew wary like a wild animal sensing a predator.
“Given that this was only communicated to us today, you’ll have to make do in guest quarters until we are able to make arrangements, General. I didn’t expect anyone to be appointed, much less arrive so soon.”
Which meant that someone in the Garrison hadn’t wanted to give them time to ask questions or protest the decision. And the fact that a general was assigned to a position that should have gone to a lieutenant at most was unsettling.
Stone growled at him. “This lack of preparedness is the kind of thing that I’m here for. As one of the Garrison’s most valuable assets, the Atlas must be primed and ready for action at any given time.”
It took Atlas a moment to identify what the general meant, but Shiro knew immediately when she understood. There was now an angry cat hissing and spitting in his mind and it was taking everything Shiro had to maintain a polite expression.
“It’s not a lack of preparedness when information is not provided in a timely manner,” he retorted. The general reared back slightly, taken aback that Shiro had not immediately accepted the criticism.
Shiro pressed a button on a small console in his desk for show, but Atlas had already found the ship’s senior steward and asked him through his datapad to report to Shiro’s ready room. Before the general could form a response, he continued. “I’m sure you remember this from your protocol training, General, but bear in mind that aboard a ship, the captain is the ranking officer. You are welcome to observe and advise, but you are not part of the chain of command.”
Stone’s eyes narrowed and he entered something on the datapad in his hand. It beeped and he frowned. “What’s the matter with the connectivity here? My message didn’t go through!”
The malicious giggle that only he could hear was answer enough for Shiro. “I expect your device will need to go through a security clearance. Mention it to—” Shiro paused as his door opened before the steward could signal his presence “—the steward. Lieutenant Rasal, this is General Stone. He’s been assigned to us by the Garrison and will need quarters and an office when you are able to arrange it. In the meantime, could you escort him to an available space in the guest accommodations?”
The lieutenant nodded, the flash of a dimple in his cheek the only sign that he understood what Shiro was not saying. As the officer in charge of organizing lodging, supplies, and maintenance aboard the ship, he knew better than most what the Atlas was capable of. If she cared to, she could have produced everything Stone was demanding within minutes. Shiro was honoring her choice not to, and Rasal followed his captain’s lead. He saluted and held out a guiding hand.
“If you’ll come with me, sir.”
Stone’s presence had an immediate and negative impact. He began by insisting on a full tour of the ship with Shiro. He complained constantly about the randomness of his datapad connection, too focused to pick up on the fact that Atlas was only letting neutral and positive reports get through. When Shiro convinced her that yes, she had to make him an office and a set of quarters, Atlas’ response was to make an office, not much bigger than a broom closet on the opposite side of the bridge from Shiro’s ready room, and a minimal set of quarters, as far away from Shiro as possible while still in the section for the command staff.
Stone’s next step was to observe, watching the normal routines of the crew. It made everyone nervous and more prone to mistakes. Even the oldest, most seasoned officers like Sam and Mitch were side-eying Stone when he was on the bridge. Shiro made time to circulate through the ship so he could reassure his crew that they had done nothing wrong. He noticed a sharp drop in the number of people hanging out in the common areas or lounges as any socializing shifted to rooms behind closed doors, out of Stone’s sight.
The Taujeerians made a formal request for the Atlas to map a nearby star system for potential relocation sites when their planet next went through its renewal cycle. Keith took advantage of the deep-space mission to run training drills with the lions and the MFEs, improving their teamwork and response times. Stone seemed especially interested in the paladins, having noticed how their quarters were all on the same hall as Shiro’s.
Shiro was in one of the conference rooms, talking with Baujal and his council, when Atlas nudged him, then sounded an alert on his datapad. He quickly excused himself and headed down to the Black Lion’s hangar.
He walked in on a shouting match between Stone, the paladins, and the MFE pilots. As he crossed to where they were gathered, he scanned their faces. Stone and Lance were nose-to-nose, yelling at one another, with Nadia backing up Lance. Keith, Allura, and James were clustered together. The others were watching closely, all in various stages of anger or irritation.
“...and I’ll see all of you court-martialed for this insubordination!”
“As their captain, I would appreciate knowing what your complaint is against Commander Griffin and his squad.” Shiro’s voice cut through the quarrel like a knife.
“These squads are refusing my direct order! I need to observe them in action and Kogane says he won’t permit me to board his ship!”
Shiro glanced at Keith, who cocked an eyebrow at him. He had held onto his temper and let Lance as his second lead the outburst against the general. Shiro’s pride in his best friend surged, knowing that just a few years ago Keith would have been the one shouting first.
“General, it is absolutely within Commander Kogane’s rights to refuse you access to the Black Lion. The Voltron team is not part of the Garrison—”
Stone interrupted him with a squawk of disbelief. “Since when?”
“Since always,” Allura interjected, her voice full of ice. “Voltron represents the Coalition and agreed to use the Atlas as one of our bases for ease of coordinating our efforts to build on the peace we have created. You may not simply demand access to any lion and expect to be obeyed without question.” Shiro noticed that Allura had used her shape-shifting abilities to make herself several inches taller than usual and she used that height advantage to glare down at the general.
“And as today’s drills are a joint exercise with the MFEs, you are not permitted to ride along with Commander Griffin. If he and Captain Shirogane give permission, you can observe the MFEs another time,” Keith added.
“I don’t need permission! I am—”
“Here to facilitate communication between the Atlas and the Garrison, or so I was told,” Shiro interrupted. “Unless there is a secondary agenda that has been kept from me, your remit doesn’t include breathing down the necks of my crew or our allies. You’ve been overstepping your role for days and it ends now.”
Stone drew himself to his full height, which meant he was eye level to Shiro’s collarbones, and snarled, “We’ll just see about this, Captain.”
His attempt at stalking out of the hangar was ruined when Black let out a menacing growl and Stone jumped in alarm.
Once he was gone, everyone began to relax. Shiro noticed that Keith’s stance was still rigid and went over to him, laying a soothing hand on one shoulder. “You okay?”
“We will be. Didn’t expect we’d have a battle before we even got in our ships.” Keith turned to Lance and Nadia. “Thank you both for stepping up.”
“No problem,” Nadia chirped. “He’s a puffed-up toad.”
“And now that he’s gone, we need to get back to work. These joint exercises will continue until further notice since we need to take advantage of our current situation.” Evil grins broke out as everyone understood what Keith was doing. “Do we need to go over today’s plan again?”
“Nah, we got this,” Pidge replied before throwing a glance Shiro’s way. “Thanks for coming, Captain.”
It took four days for Stone’s message to the Garrison to get through, and another two days of Shiro showing the general his message inbox as proof that he had no instructions to discipline any of the MFEs. Stone’s temper was running high, as he had received a reprimand of his own from the Coalition over his attempt to assert jurisdiction over an ally’s representatives. The fact that that message had been received within hours only added to Stone’s fury.
Once Shiro finally got the orders that he was to punish all four MFE pilots for their insubordination, he met them before their usual workout routine and instructed them to run twenty extra laps around the track in the Atlas’ enormous gym. The squad’s groans turned to glee when they turned around and saw that the length of the track had been shrunk to a fifth of its usual size.
That evening, Keith tapped on the door that connected his quarters to Shiro’s.
Shiro looked up from the reports he was reading and frowned. “You knocked. What’s wrong?”
“Got a message from Kolivan. They found a ship of former Galra soldiers turned mercenary, and they’ve been hired by one side on a planet dealing with a pair of feuding lords. He wants to stop the conflict now before it spreads.”
“Should I—”
“No.” Keith shook his head. “If the Blades go in with stealth and take out the mercs, that puts the two sides at stalemate again and the planetary government might finally contact the Coalition for help. Then we can officially come in to negotiate a settlement.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Shiro reached out a hand and Keith took it, letting Shiro draw him into a tight hug as usual. And as usual, Shiro resisted doing or saying anything more. “Be careful.”
“You, too. I don’t like leaving you with that Garrison watchdog.”
“He’s here as a liaison.”
“He’s here to find a reason to ground Atlas.”
Even as Shiro shook his head at Keith’s statement, he could feel Atlas’ alarm. “No, that would be just about the worst move the Garrison could make. The Coalition planets recognize two major factors right now that ended the Galra Empire: Voltron and the Atlas. Taking one away would make the Garrison the new intergalactic villain.”
“Not forever, but long enough to figure out how to put someone else in command of her. They need you and Coran and Sam—hell, probably Iverson and Veronica, too—off her bridge so they can have complete control of her, including all her battle capability.”
“I mean...we do need to figure that out, if for no other reason because I will have to retire someday, but there’s no rush.” Shiro struggled to keep his expression mild as he dealt with twin reactions. He ran his hands along Keith’s arms to allay the sudden tension there and
mentally tried to soothe Atlas, who was almost screeching in fury as she surrounded him possessively.
Ironically, the strength of her reaction made Shiro stop and wonder if maybe the Garrison didn’t have a point. After all, he couldn’t lead Atlas forever. He might have done the impossible once thanks to Black and Allura, but humans still had limited lifespans. But surely the Garrison brass, if they were considering the options already, would talk to him about possibilities?
“Just keep an eye on your six while I’m gone, okay?” Keith squeezed his shoulder.
“I will.”
He swung the sword as wide as he could, trying to hit as many opponents as possible as he forced them back.The roar of the spectators droned like machinery, a persistent buzz in the back of his head as he tried to reduce the impossible odds. Who had decided to punish him this way, with a dozen opponents? Was this the match where he finally died?
He shifted tactics, the sword in his hand shrinking back into a dagger. He took advantage of his smaller stature and dove between the legs of the nearest adversary, using him as a temporary shield against the others and slicing one quick stroke through the thigh above the cuisse. He spared a lightning-quick thought to thank the universe for giving the majority of bipedal beings a femoral artery.
He continued to dodge, eluding their attacks and striking at any weak point he saw. Suddenly there was only one enemy between him and an open path to the door and he dealt a vicious cut across the throat as he made his bid to escape.
Something struck and wrapped around him from behind, dragging him to the floor. He had just enough time to press the communicator at his wrist and signal the others to leave before the cord electrified, ripping screams from him before he blacked out—
Shiro shot upright, gasping for breath and fighting the covers that were tangled around him. There were sounds, the ordinary hum of the dim nightlights, his datapad beeping an alert, a furious pounding coming from somewhere in the next room...and an engine’s roar.
The Atlas was moving at top speed.
Shiro freed himself from the bedclothes and staggered to his feet. He grabbed the datapad and looked at the message, a priority one from the night comms officer—Cullen, Cuddy, something that began with C—stating that the Atlas had changed course about fifteen minutes before and was at full throttle. The bridge crew was locked out of all of the controls.
Shiro reached across the room with his prosthesis and snatched his robe from its hanger before moving into the sitting area. Once there, he identified the pounding as someone knocking furiously on the door to his quarters. Voices were coming from the hallway and they all sounded angry.
He pressed the control and the door slid open. General Stone staggered when his obstacle vanished, wrenching himself back upright from the momentum.
“Shirogane! What’s the meaning of the course change? You weren’t scheduled to be done with the Taujeerians for another forty-eight hours!”
The paladins were behind him, shouting at him for waking them all up. Shiro looked back down at his datapad and noticed a second new message below the one from the bridge. He opened it and felt the blood drain from his face.
It was two brief sentences from Kolivan: Mission a trap. Keith has been taken.
“What do you mean, you can’t stop the ship? It’s a SHIP! You’ve got two Holts right here that can supposedly hack anything that beeps! Break the security codes and set a new course for Earth!”
Shiro had been walking briskly down a hallway, Atlas subtly cutting the distance to the bridge, and trading messages with Kolivan to coordinate a rendezvous point with the remaining Blades on the mission team, Krolia, and a squad of Coalition fighters led by Matt. He stopped short, so abruptly that Hunk ran into him, and stared at the general.
“Earth? What makes you think we’d go to Earth at a time like this? We’re going to rescue Commander Kogane!”
“You said it yourself, Voltron isn’t part of the Garrison!” Stone flapped a hand at the other paladins who had been trailing them. “So let them go take care of the situation! We’ve got to fix this malfunction immediately and since the ship was built by the Garrison, that’s the best place to go to do the repairs!”
Shiro couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such a wave of derision. The mental image of Atlas in robot form and rolling her eyes brought him to the edge of hysterical giggles. It was verging on too much for him to handle.
Allura must have seen something in his face. She grabbed Stone by the collar and yanked him back before he could crowd into Shiro and continue his tirade. “If you are going to be so ridiculously focused on procedure in a situation this urgent, then consider this the formal request from the Coalition to the Atlas for support in a rescue operation!”
Stone tried to twist out of her grip and she hoisted him up until his toes barely touched the deck. His face grew red as he snarled, “Captain, I am ordering you to dismiss this group except for Katie Holt and turn all your efforts to retaking control of your ship!”
Pidge’s expression grew dangerous. Shior shifted and put one hand on her shoulder, willing her to hold her temper.
“As I told you the day you arrived, General, you are not part of the chain of command here. Your role is to keep both us and the Garrison informed of what the other needs to share. And you have not performed that role faithfully.
“The Coalition has every right to call on the Atlas. It was built from plans given to us by the Alteans and is powered by the crystal that houses the remains of their flagship. They have just as much claim to it as the Garrison does. We will lead the operation to recover Commander Kogane and you can inform the Garrison of our status. After that, you have two choices; you can stay in your quarters or be escorted to the brig until this operation is concluded. Which will it be?”
Stone stared at him, open-mouthed. Allura shook him, rattling his teeth with her strength. “You heard the captain. Which will it be? We have more important issues to deal with.”
“I am your superior officer and—”
Before Shiro could even bring up his datapad, much less start a message requesting assistance from security, a faint shimmer formed around Stone and Allura released her hold, skipping back nimbly. The general surged forward and bounced off the force field Atlas had brought up.
The paladins laughed as Stone began pounding his fists against the barrier. Allura smothered her giggles into her hand and looked at Shiro. “Shall we leave him here for the moment?”
Shiro was busy silently arguing with Atlas that, no, she could not open a portal in the floor and jettison the man into space. He gave one more psychic push, adding aloud, “Leave him here for now. We’ll take care of him later.”
They moved quickly to the bridge to find Sam and Coran with their heads together over one of the nav panels and the rest of the bridge crew huddled uneasily in the center. Sam brightened as he saw them enter. “Shiro! The Atlas has locked everyone out—”
Shiro stepped up to his position and laid both hands on the panels. He focused, trying to form a request to let the bridge crew access their stations in as clear and simple of terms as possible. He heard shouts of surprise in the background as the connection solidified and Atlas drew him in.
His hands were cuffed behind him. Two of the “mercenaries” dragged him from a pod into a hangar of a battleship, pausing in front of a Galra commander. The commander seized him by the throat and growled, “You’re almost certainly the right one, judging from your size, but let’s be sure. Drop your mask, Blade.”
He paused, just long enough to spark a reaction. The commander’s grip tightened. “Drop the mask or I tear it off. The druids want you alive, but they didn’t say that you had to be uninjured.”
He let the mask disappear and glared at his captor, who pulled his head up by his hair to study his face carefully.
“It’s him. Put him in a cell and double the guard on it.” The commander raised his wrist comm and opened a channel. “Set course for the Alvega system.”
The scene dissolved around Shiro, melding into the blue circuits that would surround him when the ship morphed into its robot form. Already he could sense Atlas changing course, plotting an intercept of the Galra battle cruiser.
We need to meet with the others. We need the Blades’ intel. We need Krolia and Kosmo. We need the backup from the Coalition.
You need him. Why do you waste time?
We need a plan. We need support. We can’t get him back safely if we just charge in.
Not fast enough.
The ship shuddered around him and Shiro grabbed the console to stay on his feet, his awareness of the bridge and its occupants returning. He rubbed at his temples with his left hand, trying to ground himself in reality once more.
“Shiro, how did you do that?” Coran shouted above the others’ reactions.
“Do what?”
“A wormhole...you took us through a wormhole, Shiro.” Allura spoke slowly, in shock.
The main viewscreen lit up, showing Kolivan and Krolia in two panels. Kolivan nodded, hiding any surprise he might be feeling. “Good, you’re early. Permission to dock our ships, captain?”
Shiro nodded, before remembering he had a voice. “Of course. Then we’ll get the Coalition ships and head for the Alvega system. That’s where they’re taking Keith.”
He closed his eyes and planted his hands on the control panel once more. Atlas, what are you doing?
You need him.
Yes, we need him. He’s the leader of Voltron. He’s a commander in the Blades.
YOU need him.
He...he’s my best friend.
More than need.
Image after image flooded past Shiro, showing him all the stages of his life that included Keith. The Garrison and Keith becoming his best friend there. The long nights as a prisoner, sustained by memories of Keith and the hope to escape and return to him. Reuniting, only to be dragged into the middle of an interstellar war and then killed. Brought back against impossible odds, with faint memories of what it had cost Keith to accomplish that.
He needs you. You need him.
Then we get him back.
To be continued...
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ficrecsgobrr · 4 years
THE GOOD SIDE OF BAD KARMA by klancekorner | 10/10 Chapters
RATING && TAGS: Mature // alternate universe — modern setting + famous!lance + criminal!keith + PTSD + hurt and comfort + angst + fighting + slowburn + mutual pining + misunderstanding + bad coping mechanism
Lance is a flashy, corny, celebrity talk-show host with a hidden agenda.
Keith is an adrenaline junkie who steals cars for a living and dreams about dying young.
Their paths cross and it turns into a beautiful, stupidly angsty mess.
“Alright, Kogane. Okay.” Lance says breathlessly, falling onto the couch. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now. We’re boyfriends. We’re bumpin’ uglies. Doin’ the do. All that romantic stuff.”
“What do you mean ?” Keith asks, scowling through his thundering heartbeat. “Can’t we just like, un-confirm it? Say it’s wrong?”
Lance scoffs. “Are you crazy? You met a girl for a minute and a half and they manufactured this entire story with nothing but a selfie and a tweet. You can’t ‘tell people they’re wrong’ in Hollywood.” He stretches out his long legs onto the couch and Keith definitely does not look. “If we meddle, we make it worse. End of story.” He sounds bored; like he’s teaching calculus or proper grammar.
“Well what about your ‘player’ reputation, then?” Keith quips. Lance shrugs.
“Who knows?” He tilts his head back onto the arm rest and throws Keith a wink. “I may just have to break your heart, gorgeous.”
Christ Jesus above, why have I been denying myself this blessing? However, this fic is on the heavier side of things considering it covers topics of PTSD and terrible coping mechanisms and such so if any of these things bother you, it would be best to stay away from this fic. But despite that, this fic is a god-send 
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nerdygaymormon · 4 years
Hi! I love your blog and it's so helpful to me. I was wondering: do you have any recommendations for ya queer and mormon books? Thanks for doing all that you do!!
Thanks for the compliment!
Queer YA novels seem to have come into their own just in the past few years. 
Queer Mormon YA novels are fairly scarce, but I have one that I love--
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren. A bisexual teen from San Francisco moves to Provo, starts high school, falls in love with a Mormon and learns a lot about the LDS Church. The authors do a beautiful job of explaining the Church and why being a queer member is such a quandary. I give it my highest recommendation.
I have another Queer Mormon YA novel sitting on my nightstand. The title cracks me up but also makes me suspicious it will be cheesy and so am not recommending it until I have a chance to read it. Nephi’s Courage: Story of a Bad Mormon by Rory McFarlan.
Mama’s Boy: A Story from Our Americas by Dustin Lance Black is not YA fiction, but it’s a good read. Dustin Lance Black's journey is interesting. His life went from not much hope to becoming a part of Hollywood. He was closeted and worried he would lose everything if he came out, and now is a gay-rights activist. His journey as a Mormon who realizes he is gay and the conflict it causes, the devastating words he hears at church, all hit close to home for me. His church at first informed how he viewed himself and his orientation, but in time his orientation changed how he viewed his church.
I have some Queer YA novels for you to check out.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. They’re both Mexican-American teens so we also get that identity. The book is from Ari’s perspective, we read his thoughts, and it’s interesting to understand things that he isn’t picking up on. It’s a very sweet book.
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli. This was turned into the movie Love, Simon. I adored the movie and I love the book. Simon navigates coming out, high school life, a secret admirer and a bully. Told in a way that feels like a real look into a gay teen’s life.
Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu. This started as a Tumblr comic, you can find read it for free here, or you can get the books. There’s some language as this is set in a hockey program at a college. Eric Bittle is a closeted gay guy who is very sweet and doesn’t seem cut out to be part of the hockey team, but he learns & grows and in the process wins over our hearts and those of his teammates.
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. I couldn’t put this book down. It starts off with Benjamin coming out to their parents as non-binary and being kicked out. Benji has an older sister but hasn’t seen them for 10 years, but calls her for help. It’s the final semester of their senior year and Benji is starting in a new school. In addition to the usual school stuff, there’s worrying about do they come out to the person they have a crush on, and explaining to others what it's like to figure out you're non-binary. Their sister asked if Benji is gay, which is a complex question for someone who is non-binary.The author did excellent job portraying anxiety and depression. I'm glad this book has them attend therapy sessions, such a good portrayal of that process.   
Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee. This is not a YA novel, but a man who describes his experience growing up gay in a conservative Christian household. I think it’s written for a straight audience, it’s very accessible. I found myself nodding over and over, yep, that happened to me, or yes I eventually came to the same realization. 
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke is about a transgender student who isn’t yet out fighting their middle school’s dress code which states that girls must wear skirts and boys pants. It’s aimed at a middle-school audience, think 9-13 years old.
Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn. Hazel has two moms and one of her friends is trans. And while the words aren’t used within the story, Hazel is portrayed as ace/aro. The final 50 pages of the book packs a punch, and teaches the lesson that it's okay not to want a romantic relationship or a sexual relationship, that all the heteronormative milestones and relationship expectations aren't actually requirements and it's okay to want something else, or only parts of them.
Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard. Pen's not a girly-girl, she's not a tomboy, she wants to be one of the guys but she doesn't want to become a guy. This story explores gender identity through the life of a young Canadian butch lesbian. She’s rough, uses swears, does marijuana, all part of being one of the tough guys.
Happy Reading!
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ofieugogyshz · 3 years
Rainbows, lights and relief for Lance?
rainbows: how do you spend an off day inside together?
Lounging about. For me it involves social media, writing, reading, or video games. Which I'll usually do while lounging right next to or on him. Like, big cat-like, flopping against him and using him as a backrest or cuddling together on the couch.
He'll help make sure everything's taken care of ("lance this is a day off") before he feels comfortable relaxing. Once he's certain that there's nothing he needs to take care of, or everything is up to date in his agenda/calendar app, he'll join me with reading whatever he's interested in at the moment. Maybe try a new recipe that he's been meaning to look up/cook but hasn't had time for. Sometimes he'll watch me play games (unless i manage to convince me to play with me).
lights: how do you spend your night together?
Basically the above as our wind down routine. Eating together, talking about our day or events coming up. Wind down with him watching the evening news and me begrudgingly hearing it bc I'm giant lazy cat flopped next to him for love and affection.
relief: how does your f/o help you feel better? how do you help them?
He gets me to talk stuff out, asks if i want advice/vent/etc and adjusts accordingly. If I'm stressed out bc work/life/stress/etc, he'll hug/ cuddle me, sometimes tease me until I'm flushed in the face and have forgotten all about whatever i was previously upset about
I'll help him by quietly spending the time with him. Maybe i'll rub his back or hold/hug him, some sort of physical affection. I'll ask him occasionally if he needs something, until it passes. I'll try to get him to talk to me about it too, when he feels comfortable, bc sharing things is a two-way street!! >:O
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Philip Purser-Hallard Q&A
Our final Q&A is with Forgotten Lives’ editor Philip Purser-Hallard. His story for the book, ‘House of Images’, features the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor, and opens like this:
‘The usual dreadful creaking and bellowing from the rooms above the dusty office informed me that the Doctor would soon be coming down to check on my progress. I really don’t know what he does up there to make that racket. If you asked me, I’d have to guess that he’s trying to invent a mechanical walrus, and enjoying some success.
‘Honestly, Auntie, I wouldn’t put it past him. My employer is a strange man, with obsessive interests and a deeply peculiar sense of humour.’
 FL: Tell us a little about yourself.
PPH: I’m a middle-aged writer, editor and Doctor Who fan; also a husband, father, vegetarian, cat-lover, beer-drinker and board games geek.
A couple of decades ago I wrote stories for some of the earliest Doctor Who charity ‘fanthologies’, Perfect Timing 2 and Walking in Eternity (whose co-editor, Jay Eales, has contributed to Forgotten Lives). These led directly to my published work in multiple Doctor Who spinoff and tie-in series, starting with Faction Paradox.
Since then, among other things, I’ve written a trilogy of urban fantasy political thrillers for Snowbooks, and two Sherlock Holmes novels for Titan Books. I’ve also edited six volumes of fiction for Obverse Books, in the City of the Saved and Iris Wildthyme series. And I founded, coedit, and have written two-and-a-half books for, The Black Archive, Obverse’s series of critical monographs on individual Doctor Who stories. (Mine are on Battlefield, Human Nature / The Family of Blood and Dark Water / Death in Heaven.)
But those two anthologies are where it all started.
FL: How did you conceive this project?
PPH: I’m fascinated by unconventional approaches to Doctor Who, an interest fostered by three decades spent reading the Virgin New Adventures, the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures and such experimental spinoffs as Faction Paradox and Iris Wildthyme. (Again, I’m glad to have worked with alumni of those series, including Simon Bucher-Jones and Lance Parkin, on Forgotten Lives.) I love the Doctor Who extended universe when it’s at its most radical, questioning, deconstructive and subversive. The Morbius Doctors, standing outside the canon with a foot in the door, are a great vehicle for exploring that.
Once I had the idea for the anthology, the charitable cause followed naturally. These are the lives that the later Doctors have forgotten, and that loss of identity and memory could only put me in mind of the experience of my grandmother, who lived with Alzheimer’s for many years before her death. Gran was a shrewd, intelligent woman, and it was deeply upsetting to see her faculties steadily deserting her. All charities are going through straitened times at the moment, of course, and all of them are in need of extra support, but I felt Alzheimer’s Research UK was particularly worth my time and effort.
FL: Each story in the book features a different incarnation of the Doctor. Tell us about yours.
PPH: As I’ve written him, the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor is a grumpy, ebullient name-dropper with quietly brilliant detective skills and a penchant for deniable meddling. So far, so quintessentially Doctorish, but this incarnation also has an unusual interest in magic and alchemy, a long-term mission on Earth, and an old nemesis demanding his attention.
FL: These Doctors only exist in a couple of photos. How did you approach the characterisation of your incarnation?
PPH: The photo of scriptwriter Robert Banks Stewart that appears onscreen in The Brain of Morbius has a grim look on his face, but there’s another where he seems to be having a lot more fun in the costume. I played with that contrast by making his Doctor a man of excessive, rather theatrical moods, curmudgeonly and charming by turns. With his fur collar, there’s something rather bearlike about him, which made me envisage as quite physically large.
I also love Paul Hanley’s artwork for the character, where he elaborates on the costume to portray this Doctor as a kind of renaissance alchemist – Paul says ‘I like the idea that this is the Doctor who was most interested in “magic”, psychic phenomena, etc.,’ and I certainly leaned into that.
Banks Stewart’s own persona comes through in the Doctor’s Scottish accent and in some of the story choices. Both the Doctor Who scripts he wrote are set in contemporary Britain, so this Doctor’s story is a ‘contemporary’ one – though the timeframe I was envisaging for these forgotten Doctors means that works out as the 1940s. Banks Stewart created the TV detective series Bergerac and Shoestring, and so this Doctor fancies himself as a detective. And he also wrote for The Avengers (and for the Doctor and Sarah rather as if they were appearing in The Avengers), so there’s a flavour of that in the action, the whimsy, and the relationship between the Doctor and his secretary, Miss Weston.
FL: What's your story about?
PPH: The Doctor is in early-1940s London, observing the geopolitical progress of World War II on behalf of the mysterious power he represents, when he’s distracted by a burglary carried out by men bearing a close resemblance to the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. This brings him into conflict with a figure from his past, a sorcerer known as ‘the Magus’, who represents another cosmic faction with its own agenda.
FL: The stories are intended to represent a ‘prehistory’ of Doctor Who before 1963. How did that affect your approach?
PPH: Since the eight forgotten Doctors are supposedly the incarnations preceding Hartnell, it was part of the concept from the first that these stories would reconstruct – thematically and narratively, though not in terms of TV production values – Doctor Who as it ‘would have been’ in the 1940s, 50s and early 60s. In one sense that’s a very conservative approach, but it also highlights the ways in which Doctor Who in reality has been a product of its various times.
For my own story I drew on two mid-20th-century influences – Charles Williams, a friend of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, who before his death in 1945 wrote occult thrillers infused with his own very eccentric brand of Christianity; and the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films set during World War II. Between them they led me to this story of a magicianly Doctor doing detective work and getting involved with affairs of state during the Blitz, and to provide him with his very own sorcerous Moriarty.
FL: Who would be your ideal casting for a pre-Hartnell Doctor?
PPH: The other authors have given most of the good answers already – Margaret Rutherford, Alec Guinness, Waris Hussein or Verity Lambert, Peter Cushing – so I’ll say either Boris Karloff or a young Mary Morris, depending on taste.
FL: What other projects are you working on at present?
PPH: I’ve got a short story and a novel for Sherlock Holmes in the works; plus another Holmes novel partly written, with a more unusual premise, that I’m trying to persuade someone to publish. I’m editing the next batch of Black Archives, of course, and writing our book on the Jodie Whittaker story The Haunting of Villa Diodati, which is due out in December 2021. And I have further ideas for original novels that I really need to devote more of my time to. One of them’s got vampires in.
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ao3feed-superbat · 4 years
Sensible madness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
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lil-shiro · 5 days
cat getting distracted and swatting at things...
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ao3feed-batlantern · 4 years
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
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scrollonso · 4 months
lance stroll as cats (part 3) to push my agenda again
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these are slowly getting worse but we dont talk abt it.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Tail au (part 16)
N/A: one last chapter and it will be done. Another completed fic.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
When Prof X envision the X-men it was, of course, an attempt to make the world a better place for mutantkind-sure, he has his own agenda. He wanted a better place for his son. Who passed away as his powers were too much and took a toll on his body and mind-and was so focus on his own narrow perspective that never considers anything else in this reality.
"Charles, we need to talk..." Ororo starts entering in his study room with a concern expression on her face-no, to be clear, she has a mix of worry and anger direct to Charles Xavier right now- and this is nothing new to the bald headmaster who let her in.
"What I can help you?" Prof X asked already knowing what she will say, no, he does not need to use his powers to know. Ororo is pretty vocal in some of his plans and lately, she doesn´t see eye to eye in some of his ideas and Wolverine is supporting her.
"Kurt and Kitty went to talk with me. Ask me why we fight a bunch of homeless teenagers that Magento and Mystique often negliget, so, Charles, why we fight them?" Ororo asked crossing her arms and Wolverine is waiting for the answer as well.
The man is silent. His respect for Charles or Chuck as he likes to call only goes so far and really...beating up homeless teenagers does not make Logan a hero. Magneto and Mystique are different stories through.
"Ok. Let me ask you this. How do you know those kids, teenagers into adulthood, can work in a society with humans?" is an easier question with many implications and Prof X is aware of all of them.
Ororo is also aware of its implication and is not happy. "And tell me something, what´s the difference between the girl in Cairo who steals to survive and the boy in the Brotherhood and has no option?"
Prof X narrow his eyes at this. "You´re different from them"
"Yes, and the fact you´re saying that proves how far fetched from reality you´re. Charles...I could have been like Lance or Todd, I was like them at some point until you give me a chance, why can´t you offer them the same courtesy?"
"I don´t don´t trust Magneto"
"Me neither" states Logan. "Trust me, I would be happy to kill the old bastard, but, the kids? there´s nothing heroic there Chuck. Nothing"
Prof X crosses his hands above his chin and is thinking. "and how this would go? I imagine you have a plan"
And now, finally, Storm has a smile on her face. "As a matter of fact..."
Amy is walking down to the corridor where the next class will happen and she does not want to get late-she needs good grades or else her parents will be very upset with her- and in her way there, she sees Kurt Wagner (the kraut, again, Amy is honest in her prejudice with Germans) talking way too friendly with Kitty Pryde.  Messing with her tail, well, not messing but gingerly touching it.
Makes Amy be even more certain that Kurt is not the right boy for someone like Amanda and in a moment of pure stupidity and cruelty a teenager can emulate she calls Kurt a Kraut and says how Amanda is better of without him.
In hindsight, it was stupid and she should have kept her mouth shut, but, now she has spoken Kurt Wagner looks at her a bit hurt and at the same time a bit perplexed.
"I was never interested in Amanda" Kurt answers confused until his mind recalls of the girl who was calling him excessively and sending messages asking how he is and if he´s alright.
"Whatever, Kraut, just stay away from Amanda" Amy speaks and Kurt looks at Kitty who is ready to charge at Amy and her fluffy tail is waving around angrily like a cat.
"I repeat, I was never interested in Amanda...even less so, because of this" and he removes his holo-watch showing his blue face. Amy didn´t scream, is not loving, nor hate.
"So, you´re not the human pet? Whatever just stay away from Amanda" and runs away.
"Kurt? Are you sure? You can still put your holo-watch..."
"Yeah, but...maybe I just want to be blue, you know, is my favourite colour as well..." and his now golden eyes look at Kitty for a moment. "will you be there with me?"
"Always, fuzzy elf. Always"
The absence of Amanda was noticed by her friends, who feared the worst, ask Info-Chan where is Amanda and the results are a new gossip to the entire school. Lance and Amanda are caught making out in a heated way. Headmaster Darkholme is not pleased by such commotion and Lance is not happy to see headmaster Darkholme -she was in a convention in Minessota and returns now. Her assistant was filling the gaps for her during this period- and she is the one scolding them.
Once alone, she looks at Lance with a bit of disgust and pity. "She´s human. What you think it will happen here?" her tone is iced and for a moment Lance thought in the German boy speaking in such a way.
"I thought...hey, she´s hot and I´m single...why not?"
"Magneto will not be happy"
"Magneto is never happy. And you´re never happy. So...why bother"
Amanda is not confused in regards to her own feelings. She´s trying to call Kurt, but, once again no one answers -it says her number is blocked- only when one of her friends updates her in regards the newest gossip is that Amanda falls backwards.
"He is a mutant all this time? And he´s fuzzy?" Amanda asked impressed. But she recalls the kiss, make-out session, she offered to Lance, and now is confused.
"Yeah, and he´s walking with Kitty"
"Of course he is"
"How are you feeling?"
"Is not as I thought it would be. No pitchforks so far" he jokes but holds her hand tightly. "is not how I imagined...which is good"
"I´m proud of you, Kurt"
"Thanks...you inspire me to do this"
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bstormhands · 5 years
Tangled the Series Countdown to Season 3.
Trying to catchup on the Tangled the Series Countdown to Season 3.
Beyond the Corona Walls
Rapunzel racing around the landscape while singing is so totally her it isn’t even funny. Poor Eugene seems to be getting a little too used to palace life, since he’s out of breathe so easily. 
Eugene really wants to get married but everyone knows that Rapunzel just isn’t ready yet, and there is no convincing Eugene, almost. The meet cute is just so hilarious as they dance around the subject with tapshoes. 
The Baron, we’ve heard of him for sometime. It seems he moved from that place near Corona. Varderos is about 2 weeks from Corona. It seems like he’s got some muscle. Verdaros is not strong, so it probably was not hard. His place is the only place that is green.
Cass does notice the Brotherhood tattoo on Adira, but that never really comes up again. Adira is obviously a super-soldier of some kind, after Challenge of the Brave we know Cass and Raps are really good fighters, but Adira avoids them so easily. 
At the end of Season 1 I was sure that Shadowblade would cut Rapunzel’s hair, but right off the bat they show that it can’t. It is also immune to the shattering effect. 
The Baron and Stalyon, there are just no words. Not just ex-girlfriend, but he left her at the alter. Wow.
Poor Lance, spiders are just not his thing.
Game face!
Rapunzel has so many trust issues. There is so much going on and people can’t be as open and honest as she needs sometimes. But a great duet. 
Raps is so jealous of Stalyon, and she is not dealing with it well. But Cobra McBloodpuncher is a great persona. Even commenting on the decor is cute.
Hook foot and Cass trading insults is great.
Eugene wears his heart on his sleeve, telling Lance he loves him is so good. And Raps doing that in front of everyone is amazing. Clovis is a good name for a cat.
But no rock action!
I love how Plan B is just calling for Max.
Fighting over Eugene is so cute.
Adira showing up is convenient. I love how she actually eats food during the fight. Lance also begins  falling for her.
Raps and Eugene need a good talk, but they are getting closer. 
Adira gets some trust by giving them  a peice of the scroll and a destination. 
I finally notice the caravan being able to split in half. 
The Return of Quaid
I like a good old Western.
That Varderos was Flynn’s old stomping ground, so he wasn’t too far from Corona growing up. There is a lot of ship themes still.
Andrew trying to take over is not all that much a surprise. But “fjords?”
Rapunzel does the big inspirational speech pretty well. 
I just love the alternative animation style of the Quaid Story.
It looks like he is distilling mead into brandy. Poor Quaid is a bit past his prime. 
Lance is so into acting, but Vex not so much.
What is up with Shorty? A doctor? 
It just shows you just how much you can do if there is a little faith. The powerwalk is great. Vex is so something else, she does have some faith. 
The Collector, bounty hunter, has some impressive power armor. Its not based on Lord Demanitus’ technology though. So there is someone else out there that’s an inventor. 
Goodbye and Goodwill
Rapunzel is such a sharer. 
Shorty is chaotic funny.
Cass fighting everyone is great. She fits in here so much better. 
Hook and Lance working together for the gopher is painful. 
Raps is on the 5th draft of her festival agenda? And she still doesn’t have her jealousy under control. But she is trying so hard. I mean she’s never really felt this emotion before. It takes some practice to deal with. Being edgy is also not her thing, but she did learn from Challenge of the Brave.
Vex is so deadpan, its amazing.
Eugene shielding Vex from the sneeze weasel is just so sweet and shows how much he’s grown.
They all had some good growth. I really think Varderos will be back, They wouldn’t have spent so much time here for nothing. I wonder if team Raps will head to Verdaros for help fighting the usurpers.
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bubblegum-icecream · 4 years
Tagged by @the-goddamn-mermaid! Thank you sweetheart, I’ve been dying of boredom.
RULES: Answer 20 questions (+5), then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
So, I don’t really know anyone here so I won’t tag anybody. If you want to do it, feel free to!
1) Name: Anne! It’s technically Anne Beatriz, but I usually just go by Anne.
2) Nickname: Luna, Fio, Bê, Bee and Annie are the ones I can think of now. The first two are variations of usernames that I’ve used and usually what my online friends call me!
3) Zodiac: Taurus. I was born in the year of the Sheep.
4) Height: 1,63 cm (5’4)
5) Languages: Portuguese, English and some Spanish.
6) Nationality: Brazilian
7) Favorite season: Probably winter! I also love autumn.
8) Favorite flower: Blue hydrangeas, orchids and I guess Venus fly-traps if you consider them flowers.
9) Favorite scent: Freshly baked cookies, rain!
10) Favorite color: Pink, Blue, Gray and yellow!
11) Favorite animal: Snakes I guess? I love those funky noodles.
12) Favorite fictional character: OHOHO I HAVE A LOT OF THEM!
Snufkin and Moominmamma - Moomins
Nikki and Preston - Camp Camp
Armin and Priya - MCL
Moritz Stiefel- Spring Awakening
Emma, Paul and Professor Hidgens - The Guy who didn’t like musicals
Peggy Schuyler - Hamilton
Tweek, Craig, Kenny, Bebe and Stan - South Park
Lance, Keith, Romelle and Hunk - VLD
Katherine Howard and Anne Boleyn - Six
I have waaay more but these are the first ones that came to mind!
13) Coffee: Love it!
14) Average sleep: I either sleep instantly or am unable to sleep at all, there’s no in between.
15) Dog or cat person: Both. I lean more towards cats, but I still love them both!
16) Number of blankets: At least one. My city is a glorified furnace though, so I usually feel I’m burning alive then I try to sleep covered up. ‘Still do it though...
17) Dream trip: I want to visit Switzerland again! I went on a trip there when I was younger, but I don’t remember much of it. The little things that I recall are really dear to me.
Also, Japan and New York!
18) Blog established: nope
19) Followers: Probably two or three?? I have no idea.
20) Random fact about me:
My favourite books are Simon vs the homossapiens agenda and the handmaid’s tale. They’re vastly different stories, I know.
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