#catra kinnie
kaiwuzherenz · 7 months
I would like to point out smth:) Well my friend asked: what does it mean that ur a catra kinnie??? when i basically explained what it is. they asked but why do u kin catra?
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cuz they said smth round the lines "i just watched she ra so u could shut up, and catra has been mind controlled and corrupted...i mean kale im sure u havent had that done to u (their words btw) When i kin with catra, i can retate to her backstory...it doesnt mean all of her story (like the mind controlled part ect) but i have experienced somethings simalr but not the same. then they asked "whats the diff tho...i mean between a stan and a kinnie...cuz as far as i know ur also a catra stan.."
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yes i am a catra stan, but more-ish a catra kinnie???
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yeah i think my mate just made me confussed... well im a catra kinnie (personal reasons i might say l8ter to expalin ngl) and also a catra stan
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Maybe yall tell me who u kin and stan in she ra (2018) if u want so i dont feel alone :)
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yeah, catra isn't the same as shadow weaver. she's worse.
“catra sacrificed herself with no fanfare, no ulterior motives”
i find that hard to believe. minutes before rescuing glimmer, she says this:
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now, if this was coming from a relatively good person who has just made some mistakes, i would feel sorry for her. but “no one cares about me 🥺” coming from a literal war criminal and an abuser? it reads to me as a plea for sympathy, an ulterior motive. and it's clear by the way she quickly goes back to screaming and degrading adora as soon as she was saved from horde prime.
“she apologized. something she never did to anyone in the entire series prior to this.”
are we praising the bare minimum now? yeah, she should be apologizing. and her apology should have been a lot more sincere than just a hollow “i'm sorry for everything”. granted she didn't have enough time to go into depth at the time, you would expect her to apologize properly once she's rescued, right? she doesn't.
shadow weaver didn't apologize and her intentions for sacrificing herself were not great. however, shadow weaver didn't participate in the war (not directly and not to the extent that catra did, at least). she never attempted murder. she never tried to end the world and kill everyone in it. she never caused the death of a person.
shadow weaver was an abuser but she wasn't a war criminal. she never went to the extent that catra did.
and as much as i don't condone abuse, i consider shadow weaver to be a morally grey character. she's horrible because she abuses and manipulates children but she was also willing to help out the heroes when they needed it, regardless of what her motivations were.
it is kind of the truth that monsters create even worse monsters. the cycle of abuse often times tend to worsen throughout generations, although not always. this should have been acknowledged in spop, but it wasn't.
“abused children who lash out in their hurt do deserve to be forgiven if they change.”
two things. one, “lash out” is putting it lightly. you're acting like the worst catra did was yell at someone. save this term for characters like glimmer. secondly, i agree. keyword here being “if they change”. which catra doesn't. she doesn't change.
i completely empathize with people who relate to catra and i'm not stopping you from feeling happy about her redemption. abuse victims do deserve love and sympathy, they deserve a chance to change and grow.
but you have to realize that catra's redemption arc isn't healthy. realistically speaking, this is not good for her. her victims just forgiving her and letting everything slide will only provoke more toxicity from her.
in order to fix a mistake, you need to be held accountable. you need to remind yourself to do better everyday. and in catra's case, she doesn't hold herself accountable (as proven obvious by the way she still blames adora for leaving, and also never brings up certain things that she did like *cough* killing angella *cough*) and no one else holds her accountable either. this is a recipe for disaster. this is not how redemption arcs should work, in fiction or in real life.
not to mention, adora was also a victim of abuse. does she not deserve a happy ending? why is it that catra's trauma is the only one taken seriously? why is catra the only abuse victim who deserves to live a happy life, at the cost of her victim's happiness and well-being?
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anti-spop · 6 months
"adora has such a big forehead lmao" shut the fuck up, adora is beautiful and i will not stand for this slander
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eightbowlsofspaghetti · 10 months
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sometipsygnostalgic · 10 months
Im trying to chill but i saw someone on reddit make the most inhumane, nasty takes on Adora and i am seething
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haemosexuality · 1 year
me at 13/14 like omg glimmer is JUST LIKE ME FR! turns out i was just 13/14. me at 14/15 like omg catra is JUST LIKE ME FR! turns out i was just 14/15
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socalled-egg · 1 year
Sometimes I forget I kin Catra and then I remember I’ve suffered severe manipulation from my “maternal figure” and am very gay for Adora
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nebulablur · 2 years
Woah an edgy man
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Sorry for not posting much fanart stuff i like the funny fantasy people that live in my brain ok
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Not a vriska fan but I can’t deny she had incredible and interesting relationships with every important female character in her story
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moss-and-marimos · 6 months
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internetspacegirl · 1 year
6 days left of pride and i havent smooched my boyfriend yet
this is a tragedy and i will be sitting on my bed whining like a dog who didn't get a treat
like king just teleport to my house. learn teleportation. please
let the wailing commence
perhaps if i do the "pspspsps" thing that you do for cats it will summon him.
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
Glimmer for character bingo?
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generalconceptofacat · 9 months
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My friend and I are both catra kinnies so I made this for us
(yes it's traced, but I did everything else)
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you know, there's a difference between relating to a character and defending them with your life. it may seem to some spop fans that i just hate catra because i don't relate to her. and while it's true that i don't entirely relate to her, i want to talk about a villain/antagonist that i do relate to: azula from atla.
that's right, i'm an azula kinnie. of course i wasn't brought up by a tyrannical dictator or groomed to be a child soldier, but the relationship azula had with her parents, especially her mother, stuck with me a lot. because i felt the same way.
and guess what? i hated her when i first watched the show. i absolutely despised her and i couldn't understand why people sympathized with her. it took me a second watch to realize that not only is she sympathetic, but she's also a lot like me. luckily, i didn't turn out to be as.. aggressive as her, for the lack of a better word. but by seeing myself in her, i was able to identify a few of my flaws that i needed to work on.
does this mean that i think azula did no wrong and that she should have been forgiven? do i get into fights with people who dislike her? nope. she was still a horrible person and while i think that she could have had a redemption arc, it wasn't necessary.
honestly, i like her a lot better because she didn't get redeemed. because her arc is supposed to contrast that of zuko's. whereas zuko starts off as lonely, traumatized and mentally unstable, and slowly works towards being a better person, finding inner peace, building his skills and making new friends; azula goes from being the calm and calculating firebending prodigy with her own posse by her side, to having her father and friends betray her and spiralling into a mental breakdown.
so yeah. while i sympathize with azula and relate to her, i do not condone her actions in the slightest. she was still a cruel and apathetic person who enjoyed manipulating, abusing and hurting others. she still did what she did, even if she had her reasons.
you can like or kin a character while also acknowledging their flaws and holding them accountable for their actions. i promise you, it's possible.
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spopsalt · 5 months
Came across this post and I just KNEW that someone would tag it Catra. In fact, several people did. I decided to share some reblogs from media illiterate Catra stans featuring their ridiculous tags. For this first one, I for one have not been saying that Catra didn’t deserve a redemption arc, but that it was poorly done. Catra IS an abuser, though, and it’s concerning that this person doesn’t see that.
Here’s another one. Spop fans love labeling criticism as being in “bad faith,” plus them bringing up that Catra is female and a “woc” (even though she’s not since she’s a cat girl) shows that these people only care about identity politics and aren’t actually understanding the criticism.
Apparently according to this person, anyone who thinks Catra is evil is a “dumbass.” Imagine equating Catra to Mabel Pines like this. Catra stans continue to name-call anyone with a braincell who calls Catra what she is.
This one is concerning- this person can’t handle critical analysis towards a character just bc they relate to them? I highly doubt they’re in the same spot as Catra unless they’re abusing people and committing horrible crimes lol. Catra kinnies with no self awareness like this are so worrying, man.
Finally, this person is just ablest with how they’re insisting that Catra being “bpd coded” (which is literally just a headcanon) means she can’t be evil and are accusing her critics of ablesim.
As for the post itself, what’s funny is that it’s about Gwen Stacy, a character who isn’t even comparable to Catra. We know that Catra reacted in an understandable way (to an extent, anyway) to enormous horrible stakes, trauma, and consequences, and is a teenage girl. However, she’s still indeed deeply and unquivacably a bad person lmao. She willingly stays with terrorists despite being offered a way out several times, commits various war crimes with no remorse, enjoys tormenting others, etc. Catra being a teenage girl doesn’t mean that she can’t be a bad person?? Amphibia literally proves this with Sasha (a teen girl who’s much younger than Catra) since she herself reacts in an understandable way to enormous horrible stakes (trying to get home), trauma (her parents’ divorce), and consequences (being stuck in Amphibia). However, the other characters call her out for being a bad person and she changes. These factors, along with her age and gender, are not used as an excuse. I’m so sick of Catra apologists applying their bs to everything like this.
No matter if they have BPD, trauma or anything else, they can still be a horrible person, we can feel sympathy for them but it's not an excuse, what's so hard to understand?
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bringmetoquiznack · 8 days
9th June 2024
yesterday, 8th june 2024, I finished my first rewatch of she-ra since the series ended in May of 2020.
Let's just say that I remembered it a little bit less traumatising :D. I really missed everything: the characters, the voice cracks, the fandom, the fanarts...
After the end of Voltron in December 2018, She-ra was perfect for healing my soul ;)
Just wanted to say that i cried when Shadow Weaver said to Catra that she was proud of her... kinnies feelings over here. She-ra is a really special story about friendship and the hardships of it, but at the bottom of everything there is love, and I think I really needed it right now in my life.
So, thank you Noelle Stevenson for loving these characters so much and giving us such ana amazing series. I hope we'll se more of them in the future! :)
love u all
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