#cats only to make them live outside. cats are domesticated animals they’re meant to be indoors as long as they have proper stimulation
x-ladydisdain-x · 3 months
My biggest pet peeve is people who brag about being bad cat owners like it’s funny
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issuesntissues · 2 months
141 if they were dogs
and you can headcanon whatever breed, but this is just how their behavior would be to me :>
the tail never wags
he is stoic, your standard guard dog
he basically lives for his duty, and then mopes on the floor
he doesn’t give any bite warnings, if you’re messing with him he’ll bite—
if he’s sleeping, leave him alone 😬
definitely not a family dog, but a good dog for loners or people who don’t have a lot in life
he loves raw steaks. if he is not fed raw steaks he will be grumpy
Stoic like Price, but a calm approach and a head pat will earn you a small tail wag
a good guard dog for a small family!
he’s always on his feet but when he’s asleep, he’s out like a rock—
has an incredible nose, perfect for sleuthing
knows how to be gentle with small people and animals
definitely sleeps in the kids rooms
loves a variety of raw foods. must pay him the cheese tax
may god help you
he is hyper, he is built for outdoor activities
absolutely massive appetite, will eat whatever you give him and more (lock down your trash cans, and prepare to push him off counters)
if there’s something he’s not used to, he’ll chase it down immediately—
* always alert and vocal, if anything steps foot within his area of awareness, you’ll hear about it
although he wouldn’t be great in a family household, he gets along well with older kids (or anyone with high energy tbh)
he’s a working dog at the end of the day, and needs high activity daily exercise 🫶
unapproachable— keep your hands and fingers to themselves
pure guard dog, and everyone can see it with how many scars he has
he has adequate hearing and smell, but impeccable eyesight
once he’s on the trail of something he won’t ever let it go—
eats nothing but raw meat of any kind (he needs protein 😳)
definitely not for any average dog owner, he’s handled by scary individuals
!! BONUS !!
a big dog, but he’s skittish—
was meant to be a guard dog, but got kicked out of service for being a big silly
has poor spacial awareness but an amazing nose
drools when he sleeps
if you have food, he’ll invade your space and take it (like a cow. look up a cow stealing food—)
definitely isn’t afraid to bite intruders (will mow them down and maul them if he wants to—)
💯 safe with kids of all ages (just make sure you have enough food, eats enough to fill 3 teenage boys. could eat a small human—)
the most domesticated and least aggressive in the entire list tbh
love swimming, if he’s near any puddle or pool he’s diving right in—
excels at fetch, especially with frisbees
is the gentlest with kids, you can leave them alone with him—
has intimidating barks but they’re never aggressive, he’s mostly quiet—
loves the beach, gets all sandy and smelly ✨
has a good balance between guard dog, and family dog 💚
you know outside cats? well he’s like that, only a dog—
comes back for food or if he’s injured/really dirty
he always stays near your home / around your neighborhood at night (he got a lil of that guard dog in him)
very quiet, never barks or whines, but if he’s fighting he’ll sound like a monster—
hunts rats for fun (doesn’t eat them though)
he would not be happy if someone took him off the street, he’s happy with his life style
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kdrip · 1 year
Can you imagine? I am on a Hawaii vacation surrounded by vibrant and beautifully colored trees in the clearest oceans you’ve ever seen with an abundance of overflowing food and drink at my expense, and all I can think about are my two Fluff Balls at home likely feeling abandoned. These two outdoor/indoor turned strictly indoor cats are spending the week with my neighbor, Cindy. In the 24 hours I’ve been on vacation, I’ve spent about 22 hours missing my house cats. The hold a fur baby has on their parents is quite distracting. Yet we find ourselves checking in on the pet sitter two times a day and the ring half a dozen more. If this is what it’s like to be a mother, even a small bit, I get why they say no one is ever quite ready! Each and every time I think of Po — short for Potato— and Pip’s little perfect paws, the sunshine comes out here in Hawaii, and I know they’re here in spirit.
Flashback to when planning this trip began.
I met Cindy outside of our shared apartment complex in late March. She approached me with the typical “are those your cats..?!”
You see, it isn’t normal for two black cats to be roaming free outside in the city of Sandy Springs. The cars and the people seem like a cat's worst nightmare, but my cats were raised by dogs. In fact the oldest one thinks she is a dog. At one point the girl was even potty trained herself after watching after my old housemate’s pup to only use the outdoor space as a bathroom. I was of course fine with it because it meant I said goodbye to litter, poop, and potent piss; that is, until I rescued my boy cat Po.
Anyway, Cindy quickly went from inquisitive to “I see them outside all the time I wanted to say hi and to meet you. It’s cool you walk your cats!” She approached Po who acted as if he’s known her forever, highly out of character for him. It was such a sweet experience. I knew she was trustworthy. The girl cat, however, wants nothing to do with anyone except for herself. Ha! She’s been like that since she was just a little kitten. Cindy and I became fast friends. The idea that I would leave my two cats with a stranger would have been difficult if it weren’t for the fact that this new friend makes her living tending to animals!
Back to the present:
I have walked over five thousand steps to get to the clearest waters of Hawaii I’ve seen yet! The ring notifications have poured out into these words on a screen. I previously mentioned my mothers experience with her animals, and how it is very different from how I experience my animals. Please check my previous blog post for that reference. However, I am realizing I am more similar to my mother than I wanted to admit at the beginning. I’m over here, making friends with strangers and building relationships just to later ask them to look after my cats so I can run over and have a vacation. Times have changed since our parents had babies. That’s something to be grateful for. Mainly because you can’t hire someone to pet sit your kids for a week. This is life with domestic animals. It’s quite a ride! For more daily cat experiences and life as a domestic animal parent or someone with fur babies, follow this channel.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hangang River Bride (OT7 x Hybrid!Reader): Story summary (chapters 1-5)
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Pairing: OT7 x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hybrid!AU, Future smut
Warnings: Mentions of myth & Folklore, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Drama & Romance, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, so much Angst, Past Abuse, mentions of domestic violence, rough handling and not in the kinky way, I'm adding more as the story progresses, Cat hybrid Jimin, Dog Hybrid Taehyung, Human Jin & Namjoon, Cat hybrid Yoongi, Dog hybrid Hoseok, Fox hybrid reader, Wolf hybrid Jungkook
(Originally posted by R0ADKiLL on AO3, taken over by me with her consent in July 2020.)
Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon- a married couple and well known Hybrid owners. While Seokjin helps Hybrids as a very respected lawyer, Kim Namjoon focuses on studying them to help the world understand better. Their Hybrids Jimin and Yoongi, two rescued cat hybrids from a shelter, were their first- now the house is full of booming life with Taehyung and Hoseok, the two dogs they had adopted soon after, and Jungkook, the newest addition. Saved by a rescue organisation and taken in by Namjoon partially for his studies and partially just to give him a loving home, they seem to be finally complete. Until they meet the girl at the Hangang bridge.
Or: Y/N tries to sneakily steal Jungkooks lamb skewers, and almost gets herself eaten.
Careful: A lot of writing under the cut. Mobile users with older phones should switch to a browser page since the app could crash. I'm speaking out of experience lol.
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Kim Seokjin enjoyed the simple things in life. Such as the situation he was in right now; in the arms of his husband, sleeping in because they both finally got a day off for once. "Are you worried?" He asks his Partner, who seems oddly serious despite the comfortable silence surrounding them. He knows that Namjoon knows what he's talking about; for the first time in months, Jungkook, their most recent hybrid addition to their family, has gone out by himself with Taehyung, the almost hyperactive australian shepherd hybrid. Jungkook can't be left alone by himself outside their four walls due to safety laws; all because he is a predator hybrid. As a Wolf, together with his alpha-gene, he has to be accompanied by at least one other Person; hybrid or human. Namjoon found it odd at first, but getting to know more about predator hybrids made him understand the thought behind it. Even though Jungkook was one of the most well behaved and down to earth hybrids he'd ever met, there was still a small chance of him acting on impulse. And it wouldn't even be his fault. Maybe he shouldn't leave the house then, but Jin and he decided that he should have a bit of freedom as well; after all, he was partially a person as well. He deserved to make decisions and have some alone time- as alone as he could be. "They're gonna be fine. Taehyung will keep an eye on him." Jin spoke softly, placing a small kiss to the bare shoulder of his partner, who just nodded, before falling asleep again.
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"I'm hungry Jungkookie, let's get something to eat. We can eat it over there!" Taehyung pointed excitedly to the park, while Jungkook just nodded. He didn't like to decide things; he never learned after all. This was all still pretty new to him, even though they had been living together for almost a full year. Growing up in a cage treated like a full blown animal does that to you, they said to him at the rescue center. He's slowly coming out of his shell though; thanks to Jin and Namjoon, and all the other hybrids he now considers his pack, he finally lets loose once in a while.
Grabbing some food, the both walk around the park for a bit, finding a perfect spot to eat. Jungkook always thought what it would be like to have Lunch with friends at this park, never thinking it could all eventually happen. "There you go. Do you need anything else?" Taehyung asked, but Jungkook smiled and denied. He had more than he could've ever asked for if he was being honest.
All while this happened, the two male hybrids chatting away actively, the small fox hybrid saw her chance to strike. Modern pet hybrids didn't hear her usually, and both of them seemed to be of the sorts- even though she could smell something weird on the black haired one. Her own snarling stomach however made her stop thinking, slowly inching forwards until her small hand was able to reach the white plastic bag with the rest of the food still packed for the other ones home- until the dark haired one whipped his head around.
It all happened so fast, the girl snatching the bag and running for her life- quite literally, because Jungkook completely ignored Taehyung shouting at him to stop and come back, his mind running on autopilot. She was stealing, from him, from his pack, and he had to get her. Deep in his brain he knew she probably didn't meant any harm, but his instincts did the thinking for now, his long legs easily catching up to her much smaller form. Grabbing the straps of her honestly pretty torn dress, he yanked her backwards, making her fall on the ground with a loud noise. He threw himself over her, his body hovering, hands holding her struggling ones in a strong grip while his legs tried to keep her from kicking. Only when he heard Taehyung whimpering for him to not do anything, he looked up, noticing the terrified look on his friend's face. He looked down again much calmer now, taking in her appearance for the first real time. Her clothes were a mix of things; two differently colored overknee socks, shoes that looked not to be her size at all, but laces bound around her ankles to keep them from slipping. Her dress was white; probably, because the dirt stuck to it colored it all shades of colors. The fabric was torn at the seams, the entire thing not fitting her at all. But neither her clothing, nor the skinny appearance or the bruises and fading cuts caught his attention. It were her hybrid features.
Her ears, turned backwards so hard they seemed to be wanting to dissappear into her skull were a dirty white, rimmed with pitchblack. Her tail swishing back and forth underneath her was puffed with panic, probably white underneath all the dirt with a greyish black stripe on it. The fur was tangled, parts matted- he knew what this meant. She was probably either feral, or came from a place he knew all too well. "I'm gonna let go. Try to run and I will catch you again." Jungkook spoke lowly, and suddenly the small female went completely still, apart from her shivering, which was probably due to her inner panic and fear. Taehyung watched, wanting to get closer, but choosing to stay a respecting few steps away, too scared he might make her want to flee again. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked after he had sit up on his heels, arms crossed in front of him. Her scent gave her away to him; he already noticed she was a predator hybrid as well. When she didn't answer, he sighed. "Do you even have one?" He asked, his entire posture turning more sympathetic towards her once she finally shook her head in denial. It all made sense to him, even to Taehyung who'd never known such situations himself luckily.
Said hybrid jumped a little when his phone rang, Namjoons ID making him answer. "Hyung?" He answered, before Jungkook held out his hand for the device, Taehyung understanding. "Hyung, Jungkookie wants to talk to you." He said, nodding at something he said over the phone before giving it to his younger brother, wary not to move to fast so you wouldn't flinch too much.
"I'm gonna bring someone home." He simply said, looking at the girl in front of him. In no way in hell he would let her just walk off like that, knowing where she probably came from. He knew this could very well be overstepping a line for him in his new home, but Namjoon simply saying that it was okay and asking if he should set out another plate for food. Jungkook chose not to say anything about her condition yet, knowing it would be rude for him to talk about her like that now. He simply said his goodbyes, giving Taehyung his phone back, before slowly standing up, picking up his plastic bag along the way. "Come on." He said, taking off his zip hoodie to give to her, helping her hide her pretty beat up form in his big clothing. She seemed wary at first, not trusting the entire situation yet, but choosing the jacket after a moment of thinking it over. Taehyung smiled at her comfortingly, but keeping his distance, not knowing how to react. He'd been like that with jungkook at first too, unsure and shy almost. Jungkook however seemed calm, giving him reassurance that at least one of them knew how to handle the situation.
Things however took a turn once he noticed the girl next to him paling even more than she already had; breath turning uneven and eyes suddenly closing, she fell to her knees first before Jungkook could react. "What do we do?" Taehyung asked with a bit of panic in his tone, Jungkook now looking like he was out of answers as well, before picking her up and carrying her back home.
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Luckily for them, the park they were at wasn't that far away, making it easy and fast to reach the large house rather quick. Opening the door, Jin started to turn around to greet them, before he noticed the unconscious figure in the arms of the wolf hybrid, automatically shooing both inside and turning off the stove before telling them to put her on the couch.
"What happened?" He asked, but Taehyung was talking so fast his brain couldn't process all of the information at once, making him simply nod. "Who is she?" But at this question, both fell silent. None of them knew for sure, Namjoon walking downstairs after hearing all the commotion, the rest of the hybrids slowly following, concerned faces everywhere.
"I don't know. She said she doesn't have a name. I've seen her before though." Jungkook simply stated, making everyone frown at the realization what he meant. She probably came from the same company as him, shipped illegally and living with a highly possible abusive owner. Just like him.
Namjoon kneeled down in front of the couch, softly inspecting her hybrid features, careful not to wake her. "From what I see I would say fox hybrid." He stated, standing up and crossing his arms.
"But her ears aren't red!" Jimin, the cat hybrid asked timidly from his spot near the couch at her feet, feeling concerned at her lack of movement. Namjoon smiled a bit, placing a hand reassuringly on top of his head.
"They don't always have to be. Foxes have different breeds and colors as well." He said, and Jimin seemed as entranced as ever. The young cat hybrid always liked to almost soak up every bit of knowledge Namjoon gave him like a sponge, though he was known to be pretty forgetful due to an accident he had as a small kitten.
"I'd say lets bring her in our guest room, let her sleep, and after she wakes up, we'll see what we do." Jin stated, making everyone nod. To wait was the best answer for now.
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Waking up honestly never felt so pleasant as now. Something that should've set you at ease, but it did the exact opposite; not knowing where you were plus the lack of consciousness after just waking up made your fur stand up, and your body shooting out of the bed into the nearest corner. Accidentally pushing down a small table lamp in the process made all hybrids and humans react; a soft knock was heard on the closed door, asking for entrance. But you couldn't answer, even if you wanted to.
The door opened hesitantly, a cat hybrid with black ears and Sandy brown hair making it's way inside gently, before sitting down with his back pressed against the closed door lazily. He seemed calm, collected, but you couldn't read his intentions. He didnt talk; he maybe knew you wouldn't answer anyways.
A long staring contest followed, or maybe he was just waiting for your heavy breathing to calm down, because as soon as he felt you were calm enough he spoke. "If you're hungry, we're having dinner." Noticing your surprised face he had to swallow the chuckle bubbling in his throat. "Its almost noon. Just so you know." He said, and noticed how your cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. He slowly stood up, opening the door to walk outside, but leaving it open. Leaving the choice to you.
After a moment or two, you slowly stood up, legs still a bit wobbly. You didnt know your way around the entire house, but your ears caught noise from downstairs- a lot of voices mixing together. It felt odd to you- where were the guards? Slowly trying to find your way downstairs (you've never really walked stairs before, neither up or down for that matter) your movement stopped as soon as you noticed eyes on you. Holding onto the banisters, you felt insecure, not daring to move another inch. You heard a chair scrape on the tiled floor, and someone stepping up to you. Closing your eyes you got ready to be scolded- this had been a test hadn't it? But as you opened one eye to peak, a hand was held in front of you. "Come on." The gentle voice sounded a bit familiar, and the face was very much so. The boy with the dark curly hair from the park stood one step below you, a gentle spark in his eyes. Slowly taking his much larger hand, you both made your way down the stairs carefully, him always stopping and taking it slow and steady so you wouldnt fall.
"Ah, sit down! I'm Jimin!" Said hybrid cat told you excitedly while pointing to his side, an empty chair waiting for you. His multi colored feline features gave his entire feelings away, and you internally found it a bit cute if you were honest. You looked at the chair for a second, and looked around after a bit as if to ask for permission first. A tall man with broad shoulders and a very handsome face nodded with a smile, and you sat down as quietly as you could. Jimin immediately started to fill your plate with food, your eyes sparkling at the view in front of you; never having received such amounts of nice smelling and looking foods before. Looking up, you felt awkward, yet once everyone around you started to eat too, you took the nod from the handsome stranger again as a form of permission. But there was a problem.
You'd never used cutlery before.
Sensing your trouble, the dog hybrid on your other side (the same one from the park) started to cut up your food into bite size pieces, before he gave you a fork, holding his as well to give you an example on how to hold it. You had to try a few times but eventually made it; the smile of everyone sensing a funny feeling through your body. You had to restrain yourself from reacting too boldly, but if you could you wouldve jumped in your spot at how delicious it was. However, the speed you were eating in gave away how nice it was. The dog hybrid with the marbled floppy ears chuckled a bit while cutting up more food for you and loading your plate until you gave him a sign to stop.
Slowly, one of the two humans stood up collecting the dishes; another odd thing. Why didnt they tell their hybrids to do that? You stood up and attempted to help, when a hand was placed on your shoulder- warm and gentle. "Ah, we'll handle it. Do you maybe want to take a bath?" The handsome human told you, and your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, obviously asking if he was serious. He smiled at you and nodded. "Do you want someone to help you?" Yiu nodded, not really knowing your way around, your eyes spotting the dark curly hair from the couch, he however wasnt looking at you. The human caught your stare however, turning around. "Jungkook, can you help our friend here run a bath? Oh, and maybe jimin has some clothing that'll fit her-" he said, but Jungkook had already stood up, walking over to you.
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The bathroom was large, and as you sat on the closed toilet just how Jungkook had instructed you to do so while he turned on the water, you took the opportunity to look around. How long does it take to clean the entire thing? Would you be in charge of that? But the others didnt have to do the dishes either, so maybe this was one of those homes one of the domestic puppy's had talked about at the mansion. As if he could sense your thoughts, Jungkook started to talk while he poured a nice smelling purple liquid into the water, making it foam. "We dont have to actually work here y'know." He started, and you listened to him with a bit of confusion. He didnt push it though. "I'll leave you to it now... if you need help just uh.. call me or Someone or whatever." He said and walked out after turning the water off. You sat there for a bit, not knowing if you could do anything, but deciding to just go for it. Stripping your clothes you gently got into the tub, warmth surrounding you as well as a nice flowery scent. You happily started to wash yourself, not caring for a moment as you rubbed your ears and tail clean of all the grime that had piled up, grinning once the fur started to turn white and black again, the dirt finally coming off. Washing your hair you finished off, stepping out and wrapping a towel around you.
Opening the door you peaked around the corner, until you softly called out for the wolf. You thought he maybe didnt hear you, but suddenly you heard feet stepping upstairs and soon he stood in front of you, holding some clothes out. "Here." He said, and at your look of confusion he simple looked to the side, almost as if he was embarrassed. "They're uh.. mine. I- so you can- I mean baggy clothes are comfortable so, yeah.." he said, and you smiled at that, his eyes suddenly widening at the view he got. This was the first smile he'd ever seen you display, and he couldn't help but feel his heart rate increase.
You changed into his clothing before finally coming downstairs, a bit slow but finally without any help, looking a bit awkward. Someone cooing at you made you look in the direction of the sound, spotting the living room it seemed, all hybrids and humans sitting down. The puppy hybrid with the marbled ears had turned around on the couch, looking at you, while the other tall human came to you, towel and brush in hand. "Come on, before you catch a cold." He said, patting his lap for you to sit on. You hesitated for a moment, until you finally sat down, your back facing him. "I'm Namjoon by the way." He said, until he pointed to the broad shouldered man sitting on the other couch. "This is Seokjin. He's the eldest, kind of the head of the family." He stated, gently drying your hair with a towel before he started to dry your ears as well. "Taehyung and Jungkook were the ones you met at the park." Pointing towards the marble eared puppy hybrid and the wolf sitting next to him. "You already met Jimin. Next to him is Yoongi, the one who called you for dinner." He stated, before he pointed to the one who seemed to hold back his excitement the most as if not to scare you. "And that's Hoseok. Hes kinda quiet because he tends to get a bit loud. We dont want to scare you." The towel felt soft against your features, until he took a brush to run it through your hair. "What kind are you?" He gently asked, to which you answered on a quiet voice.
"A marble fox." You stated, everyone listening closely because of how quiet you spoke.
Namjoon nodded, visibly interested, but keeping it in for now. "Do you need anything specific concerning your diet?" He asked, and you shook your head. Not that you'd know. Until now, hybrid pellets were your best bet concerning food. "I see. I know you probably dont want to talk about it, but it's important." He started, turning your around so you sat sideways on his lap. "Do you want to go back to your owner?" He simply asked, and by the way your ears instantly turned backwards, everyone knew the answer. Jimin instantly moved forwards, reaching out to pat your head gently, making your eyes widen at the gesture.
"We wont make you go back. She can stay, cant she Joon?" Jimin asked, looking hopeful at his owner. The calico hybrid had always been extremely social and clingy towards people he liked, and it showed; he took a liking to you, letting you go would prove difficult now. That was one of the many reasons he'd ended up in a shelter; his high maintenance nature and need for attention made him not an easy pet. He felt for you.
"Its not that simple Jiminie, but well try our best." He said, sharing a glance with his husband on the other couch. They'd have to find out if you were in any database first, and after that Jin could start collecting necessary documents for your adoption.
"Wait, wait!" Taehyubg suddenly said, making everyone look up to him, until he sat down in front of you. "You dont have a name right?" You said, making everyone gasp a bit, apart from Jungkook who knew already. "Then we'll give you one!" He said, looking around, and everyone started thinking. Giving a name to a hybrid was a huge thing; after all, you'd be carrying this forever. You started to get a bit nervous, everyone trying out names until Jungkook spoke up, gaze straight on you.
And for one once, everyone instantly agreed.
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The next morning started slow. You found out that both humans, Seokjin and namjoon didnt work on weekends, and took the time off to spend time with everyone. It felt a bit foreign not knowing what your exact purpose was.
"Master Seokjin?" You asked as you sat on one of the kitchen chairs to watch him cook. He turned around a bit before answering.
"Jin is fine, really. That title is.. really not necessary. We're all equal." He spoke in a gentle tone, and you noted not to call him that anymore.
"What is my purpose in this household?" You questioned with great curiosity, and Jin was close to answering until a hand was placed on your head.
"Being cute." Yoongi answered before sitting on the kitchen board, making seokjin shake his head a bit, because he wasnt supposed to, but did it anyways. "We all dont really have a job or anything. We help around the house here and there, Jimin takes care of the garden for example, Taehyung has his pet bunnies outside, and so on. It's more like a hobby though." He explained while continuously stealing pieces of bacon from jin.
"But.."you started, frowning a bit. "Why have hybrids then?"
"Because, we wanted to. Companionship. Simple as that." Jin answered, before ushering Yoongi out the kitchen, who just smirked as he walked out lazily. How he could get away with his behavior was a mystery to you. Just as you wanted to ask something however, a yawn interrupted you. You woke up early again today, a habit you would find hard to get over.
The wolf with the long hair came in, picking you up without asking at all. "Yah, Jungkookie, you cant just carry her around like a ragdoll!" Jin said, the Saif wolf however just shrugged and walked out, putting you down the couch before laying down himself, arms around you.
"Jungkook.?" You gently asked, but he made a sound to silence you.
"Naptime." He simply said, putting his leg over yours for good measure, as if he wanted to make sure you wouldnt escape. During those two days the wolf had been constantly around you, always keeping an eye out for you, making sure you didnt get uncomfortable. It felt as if he'd unofficially claimed you as his, a fact that felt a bit weird to you. There was nothing to claim. You were a used product, still unsure and constantly confused. But before your thoughts could fall any deeper, the gently sound of his heartbeat against your back made you fall asleep.
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Shopping was something that was foreign, again. You knew how it worked of course, but you'd never been out before to buy things- and for you for that matter. You slowly got used to your name however, your brain inking the sound into your memories, so that you'd never forget it again. People seemed so carefree, your companions happy and joking around, Jungkook never daring to let go of your hand, as if he was scared to loose you, and to be fair, a lot of people were out this time.
"You okay?" He asked once he noticed you staring around, and you nodded, looking up to him, since you were a good bit shorter.
"Yeah. It's just.. a lot to take in." You said, while he looked at clothing. "Do you think I.." you started, and he looked at you, urging you to continue. "Stay? Like, could I stay with you.. and your family?"
He smiled at that, squeezing the hand he was holding a bit. "I'll do everything I can to make that happen." His words made your tail sway a bit, the first real time it happened, and Jungkook cooed internally at the sight. And although he didnt voice it out, he made a promise to get more reactions like that out of you.
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Together everyone made their way home after everything was bought, you sitting next to Jungkook and Tae on both sides. Things like these were still exhausting for you, causing you to eventually fall asleep, your ears tickling Taehyungs neck a bit. He looked down on you, trying to burn the image into his mind. You looked so peaceful, angelic even, he couldn't explain it.
Deciding not to wake you he unbuckled your seatbelt, slowly moving you out the car and carrying you inside the house. As soon as he laid you on the couch and tried to walk away however, your hand grabbed his pants, gently tugging to get him back. He smiled and complied, hugging you on the couch happily; you seemed to open up to everyone one by one, making him exhale with fondness.
"Come on, let's get you to bed then." He gently said, as everyone around you said their good nights and walked upstairs into their rooms.
"Can I.." you started, but slowly stood up without finishing, making Taehyung grab your hand this time, tables having turned with him keeping you from walking away now. "I.. uh, you can say no, but maybe I could like... sleep in your room.?" You asked, not looking at him out of embarrassment. His reaction however, was a smile so bright and boxy you swore you could've melted right there on the spot.
"Of course cuddlebug. come on!"
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"This is bad." Namjoon mumbled, carrying an opened letter in his hand while carding his unoccupied hand through his hair. Seokjin looked at him with worry, walking towards him to catch a glimpse of whatever he'd been reading.
Earlier that day, they've gone out for breakfast, jimin suggesting you should ge used to being outside more. Since Jungkook was someone who slept long, Taehyung and Jimin had taken you out instead, happy to get the surprisingly clingy wolf off of you for a few hours. Needless to say, the canine hybrid however wasnt too happy to find you missing when he woke up, a little jealousy mixed with worry making him fussy until you finally came back.
The news in this letter however weren't too good. Apparently, your old owner has taken notice that you've been sheltered at his place without his consent, asking for a date to quote unquote "return his property" as he stated, making both humans scrunch up their faces with disgust at the wording. Jin has had his suspicions about you being treated poorly in the past, and it seems like he was right about it.
"Should we tell her?" Namjoon asked, not sure if it was something you genuinely should know yet. Maybe there was a way to get you out of this without making everyone feel uneasy or restless. They both didnt want you to go back to that place, having already locked you into their hearts. They also thought you deserved to know, making both worry. However, a deep voice startlet both.
"Tell her what?" Jungkook asked, eyes glazed over with something they couldn't quite place. "Huh?" He said again, getting impatient. He was easy to rile up in general, but with you he seemed to be especially touchy. Jin simply gave him the letter that was in question, and the wolf immediately widened his eyes, looking back at them. "He cant be serious. We wont let her go back there." He said, scoffing, but looking darkly at his friends when there was no answer. "Right?" He asked, but there still was no reaction other than uncomfortable silence.
"Jungkook it's not that easy-" but he was soon interrupted by the young wolf.
"Are you mental?! Dont tell me you're actually giving her away like what?!" He raged out, heart racing with the fear that he could be separated from you. "She trusts you hyung! You cant be serious.!" He said, getting quieter the more their silence stretched.
The main reason was that they legally had no ownership. They couldn't afford going against authorities with the other hybrids in their possession, they had to think about what was best after all. And jungkook deep down knew as well- but he considered you a part of his pack already. Loosing you would hurt alone. But losing you to an abusive situation would drive him insane.
The door opened, happy voices cutting threw the heavy atmosphere in the house, but before they could reach the three, jungkook dashed into his room, needing to cool down. Both jimin and Taehyung looked at their owners confused, but the only thing they could do was sigh. This was a difficult situation. And the outcome could be horrible.
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You knew something was up.
The atmosphere had changed, both humans were starting to grow distant from you, keeping a safe bubble around them you couldn't seem to join. Slowly but surely, even though you had a small glimmer of hope this wouldnt happen, you realized what was going on.
They wanted you gone. But they just didnt know how to tell you.
So what was the best thing to do in a situation like that? Exactly. Take away the burden of decision making, and do it for them. Softly folding your clothes, you made sure to leave your room as tidy and clean as possible, as a form of thank you for their hostility. You didnt hold a grudge against them; they had to take care of a lot of wonderful hybrids already. You were a burden that needed to be lifted. Slipping on a red beanie that you may or may not have stolen from jungkook, along with some warmer clothes since it was winter, you opened the window. Walking outside the door was absolutely impossible, since it creaked a bit every time it opened, but the window wasnt a problem to climb out of.
As soon as your shoes (timberlands, a thing that jungkook always cooed over because they looked tiny compared to his own pair) touched the soft crunchy leaves that weren't covered in snow, you breathed in. You made it this far. You could go even farther as well. You believed in that.
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Meanwhile, jin stirred in his sleep a little, cold icy air hitting his exposed feet. Did he forget to turn the heater on? No, it smelled like fresh air, even though his bedroom windows were closed. It took him a sleepy moment to make a very scary thought creep until his mind. Instantly getting up and walking until the hallway, opening your bedroom window, his fear became a reality he hoped to turn out as a mere dream. But the soft wind accompanied by small snowflakes making it's way into the empty room was easy too real. And he swore he could hear his heart crack like glass as soon as he heard the broken growl behind him, not needing to turn around to know whose it was. Namjoon tried to calm the wolf down, but it only caused him to be even louder, luring a tired Taehyung, and even Yoongi out of their sleep.
"Whe-where is she.?" Taehyung slowly asked, fearing the answer he'd get. He knew he cared deeply for you, but jimin would simply be heartbroken by the fact that you left. But before Namjoon could explain, since Jin was still simply staring, frozen, Jungkooks dark voice cut through.
"Gone. Just like they wanted." He said, suddenly speedwalking down the stairs, slipping on his shoes and throwing over a jacked, dashing out, blinded by rage and fear for you. He didn't even hear his friends yelling for him to come back; his mind running on autopilot, his only mission:
Getting you back.
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Warapped up in one of Taehyungs oversized coats, walking along the streets littered with cafes, you wondered if leaving was really the best idea. How could you really have gotten attached so fast though? It wasnt really like you, considering your past experiences with humans, and other hybrids as well.
Pulling the red beanie a little down to make sure it covered you well, you decided to make a trip back to the very park you first met the large family. It felt odd to be back, knowing what had happened- and how far you've come. You had actual clothing now, some snacks in your pockets to keep you going for a while, and some newfound energy you didn't even think you could have. Deep down you had known all along that a future wasn't in it for you; this family was a well established pack already- it felt rather rude to intrude for you. But maybe now you could actually maybe approach people a bit better after coming out of your shell a bit- but the more you thought about it, the less it felt appealing to you.
Because no matter how kind a person would be, jimin would've been so much kinder. No matter how happy someone would make you, Hoseok could've made you smile so much brighter. No matter how smart someone would be, Namjoon could've shown you so much more in this world. No matter how tight someone would hug you, Taehyungs hugs would've felt so much better. No matter how calm a silence would be, Yoongi's would've felt so much more comforting to you. No matter how well someone would take care of you, Jin would've mothered you even worse.
And no matter how much someone would try to make you feel safe, Jungkook would've made you feel so much more protected. As if nothing could ever hurt you in this world.
You sniffled a bit, noticing your eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill from your dark thoughts alone. But thats what you felt like; for the first time in a long while, you truly felt alone. And it wasn't a nice feeling. If back in the day loneliness comforted you because it was better than being with 'him', it now felt suffocating. You felt small, tiny, and truly vulnerable. And you hated it.
You shook your head, scouting out a place to spend the night without getting noticed by authorities. It was back to your old habits again, your knowledge about the surrounding area and how to survive out here helping you to fit back into your situation again.
However; together with your old situation came an old perso as well, his greeting sending cold shivers down your spine- and that had nothing to do with the flaky-breeze the winter brought.
"There you are."
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Somewhere in Seoul, a distressed wolf was almost running down the streets during the early morning hours, his skin running hot even considering the freezing temperatures. But this only added to his worries.
Were you scared? Cold? Hungry? Or worse?
What if you got hurt?
Where would you sleep?
His mind automatically pictured the worst; you, hiding somewhere, cold, distressed, and all alone, vulnerable to every predator around. He knew deep down that you were strong, that you probably wore clothes to keep you warm, you were smart enough to think before you acted, but his instincts wouldn't let him rest at all. He almost jumped at a heaving Yoongi; the cat wasn't really used to running after the way more active Wolf hybrid, but he had to- if someone saw him running wild without anyone with him, they would have even more problems at hand than just you. "Jungkook-" He began, but before he could even get another word out, the younger Hybrid grabbed his shoulders, his eyes sparkling with fear, showing their bare, reddish-brown color, a sign that he was slipping into a very dangerous headspace for a predator hybrid.
"Hyung, she's out there- she- what if someone gets her? What if her old owner finds her, you know how bad it was where she came from, what if she gets hurt, and I'm not there to help her, I'm supposed to protect her, I-" He was breathing heavily, his eyes opening wide with the fear that his own words began to fire up in his chest.
"Jungkook, we'll find her-" But namjoon may not have been the best person to speak up in that current moment, and Yoongi thanked whoever god was in charge that day, because thankfully the streets were empty this early in the morning.
Because as soon as Jungkook heard his owners voice, his entire body changed in posture- he was ready to jump him. Thankfully Jin had arrived as well, rushing to hold the alpha back while he wasn't thinking straight and yelling at the person he should be able to trust with his entire being. But in this moment, Namjoon seemed to be his worst enemy. "Its your fault! You wanted this didn't you?! Admit it, you're glad she took the decision off your way too high shoulders and decided to make it easy for you!" He yelled, his body language basically screaming hostility. "Its because you're always right- but you never make decisions do you! You only follow rules if others follow with you, and you only run with whatever shit someone seems to spit, you're a coward!" He said, slowly calming down since his body was getting tired. He hadn't been this riled up in a long time- the stress finally taking a toll on him now.
Jin and Yoongi managed to get him back inside the car, leaving Namjoon and Jimin alone. The cat hybrid had followed along as soon as he heard that you left them so suddenly- he was distressed about it as well, but he worried about his entire family situation too. He nodded towards Yoongi, who made a gesture to tell him they'd bring Jungkook back home where Taehyung and Hoseok were waiting as well- having the alpha hybrid running wild while not being in the best state of mind wasn't the best idea. It could also prove getting you back difficult as well, seeing as you were still pretty skittish whenever he was getting only a bit louder when playing video games with Taehyung.
"Lets go back to the park. Maybe she's gonna stay in an area she considers familiar? I know I would.." Jimin said softly, gently tugging at the sleeve of Namjoons jacket, to get him to move. But he had troubles concentrating, Jungkooks voice echoing inside his mind almost hauntingly. He knew that deep down it was just his distressed wolf speaking, but maybe this was what he really thought of him. And the worst part was that he wasn't even wrong about it. Maybe he was a coward. He was insecure, and he shouldn't be. Not as a person, not as a lover, not as an owner, and not in his field of work. But he shook his head, nodding at Jimin who slowly started walking into the direction of the park.
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Namjoon couldn't hold it in on their way as they walked towards the place they had initially met you- or in this case, where Taehyung and Jungkook met you. "Do you think he's right?" He asked softly, not looking at jimin, and trying to look at every corner in front of him to maybe spot you.
"You know how he gets Joonie." Jimin began softly, his red bucket hat hiding his ears, but he could see them move slighty under it. "He wasn't in the best state of mind. I think he was just.. out of it I guess." He said, his senses trying to notice something he could identify as you.
But namjoon only sighed. "But he had a point, no?" He began, his brows furrowing while thinking about it. "He may have blown his thoughts out of proportion, but the root of them was there. I know he's right. But I don't know why it bothers me so much." He said, his steps getting harder as they began to walk on grassy grounds, finally reaching the park.
"That's because its you. You hate it when other people are right." Jimin chuckled, making his statement appear less sharp than it was. "But that's you, and that's why you're so good at anything involving your brain. You and Jungkook are pretty similar; you both hate loosing." He said, his smile spreading as he spotted a familiar coat near a streetlight. However, his pupils became slits in distress, his mind slipping just like Jungkooks as soon as he noticed your body language- you stood in front of a person, a stranger, and your entire being screamed fear at him, making him taste the bitter flavour even though he wasn't in your place. "joonie-" He said, but the man in question was already walking foward.
"Hey, what're you doing?" He said rather loudly, his voice sharp edged, not leaving any room for a smile. The man simply turned towards him, holding his hand out.
"Ah, you're the person that took it in right? I assume because you look quite like the Kim Namjoon I saw on your profile picture while we where in contact via E-Mail." He said, his voice full of a weird sense of pride, making Jimin step back a little. He desperately wanted to get to you, but his fear was getting the better of him, instinctively hiding behind his owner.
"That's right." Namjoon simply said, but refraining from shaking the man's hand. He wanted nothing to do with this person, knowing what kinds of businesses he was involved into, you quite possibly having been a part of this too. Because this had been why he had been so hesitant in answering Jungkook. It was difficult to go against someone of that size, and they needed to think about their actions before actually doing anything. But again Jungkooks words rang inside his ears. He wouldn't stay a coward in this situation. He had the law in his favor. "I also advice you to step away from her because, as you should know, hybrids get anxious when someone other than their owners are too close to them." He said, making the man scoff.
Jimin wanted to lash out as he harshly grabbed the end of your tail making you squeak in pain and him laugh, Namjoons face contorting slowly with growing anger. "Ah yes, but we both know how the situation is. That's my property, and therefore mine to take back. I do thank you for keeping her in your apartment and feeding her, but I have business to attend to."
The cat hybrid was silently crying now, his sympathetic character making him feel just as much distress as you felt, the man still keeping a tight hold of your tail- something you hated as you had told Jimin many times before. He felt helpless- but Namjoon would surprise everyone, just like every time.
He simply took out his phone, tapping a bit here and there before opening a document, holding it towards the stranger. "Legally she is mine currently since you're under official surveilance involving several issues we won't get in too deep. Now, would you mind letting go of my hybrid sir?" He simply said, voice calm.
The man simply scoffed, pushing you forward onto the gravel, making you hiss as you felt your nice jeans scratch open, revealing your knees which scraped open as well on the ground, along with your hands that tried to soften the blow. Jimin dashed foward now, not caring if the man was close to him or not, immediately shielding your body from anyone around him, softly purring in order to calm you, and himself down. The man simply left, Namjoon softly walking over to both his hybrids, patting Jimin's back to get him to reveal you towards him.
He made you sit down, the cold seeping into you but you didnt care- your hands and feet stung, making you tear up. But the reason you were crying was because you were both upset and relieved- maybe there was a chance of staying with them, even if it was just for a while longer. "Can I look at it?" He asked softly, and you just sniffeled, nodding. Namjoon knew it was a bad moment, but he couldn't help but admire you in that moment. Even with a runny nose, all red from crying and the cold, eyes shiny with tears, you had that adorable pouty face making him melt. He observed your scraped up knees and hands, softly brushing over them to at least get most of the dirt out before helping you get up. "Lets go home, yeah? You scared everyone to death." He said, laughing a bit to lift the mood. Jimin, still a bit teary as well, held your arm, since your hands still hurt from the incident. Jungkoo would run wild seeing you hurt, but he would eventually calm down, hopefully. Both Jimin and Namjoon hoped first however, that he left the apartment standing.
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"It's never gonna be the same Taehyung." Jungkook said still angry, sitting on the living room couch with his head in his hands. The Dog hybrid had managed to at least calm him down a little, but overall there was still a rather dark mood surrounding everyone. Tae himself was sad as well, however he pushed his own feelings back in order to at least not fuel the fire even more. The front door jingled a bit with the sound of someone inserting a key, and at first, no one really did anything- until Jungkook got hit with your scent, his head snapping up at the sound of you-
Where you crying? One look towards you confirmed that you were, his mind running on autopilot as soon as he saw those glassy orbs looking at him. He jumped over the back of the couch, almost tripping over the carpet and his own shoes he simply had taken off mindlessly, immediately observing you to look for injuries. "What happened?!" He said in a rush, his large hands taking your small ones in his, hissing at the scratches on the inside of your palms.
"Come on Jungkook, I need to treat y/n first, then we can talk." Namjoon said, Jimin helping you take off your jacket and leading you to the bathroom downstairs. Jungkook followed silently, his pack instincts simply refusing to get him to leave you out of his sight for even a moment. He sat down in front of the open bathroom door with his legs crossed, watching as Jimin made you sit on the closed toilet seat, Namjoon getting a small towel and filling the sink with warm water, beginning to slowly clean up your cuts and scrapes from any dirt and gravel. Every time you hissed, Jimins ears twitched and Jungkook sat up straighter to get a look at you- not because he didn't trust namjoon, but because he just had to make sure you were okay.
Namjoon took out some larger bandaids and placed them onto your knees since they were actually bleeding, but simply brushed over the backs of your hands when he was done. "Try not to do much with them okay? Its better if we leave them like that. It'll heal faster." He said, and you nodded, still a bit pouty and awfully quiet, but everyone could see your interest in the scent that slowly began to creep through the apartment; jin's cooking. "Alright buttercup, go get changed and then let's eat, alright?" He said, silently telling you that you both would talk in private soon. You knew he had made a decision, and you hoped it was for you, not against.
Jungkook stood up, stepping aside so you all could walk outside, Taehyung running towards you and hugging you tightly. "Don't do that again." He mumbled, and you nodded, your own cheeks growing a bit red at the close proximity. "Lets go! Jin made your favorite!" He said, and you followed behind him.
"Hyung-" Jungkook started, thinking about how to apologize, since it was needed, but the older one beat him to it.
"It's fine Jungkook. It maybe wasn't the best moment, but you were right. I guess I can't leave the protecting-part solely to you, huh?" He said, making the young alphawolf scoff and playfully push his shoulder.
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After you all ate, you slowly went outside the kitchen after helping jin a bit, even though he scolded you for using your hands. Suddenly, someone came up in front of you, wrapping his own hands around your tiny form compared to him, and burying his nose into your head between your ears, the soft fur of them brushing against his cheeks, making him sigh happily. "You're part of my pack you brat." He mumbled into your hair, squeezing you a bit tighter while careful not to hurt you. "I don't like people taking away whats mine." He said again, and suddenly, he heard the rest of his family coo at him and you, making him raise an eyebrow. He had hugged you before, so what? But then he noticed it too.
The happy wagging of your tail.
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This have been 5 Chapters, combined in one post. Because R0ADKiLL's chapters are fairly short I've decided to make one out of them, simply to get you all on the same page of the stories progress up until now. The writing officially belongs to R0ADKiLL, not me. Only future chapters are mine. =) Thanks again to R0ADKiLL for giving me her baby practically, I promise I'll take care of it!
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sodapill · 3 years
days like television
words: 3.9k
relationships: denji & hayakawa aki & power, implied akiangel
ao3 link
a/n: here’s something i wrote exploring the dynamic of the hayakawa household from denji’s pov!
cw: mild emetophobia, smoking, ptsd
These days, Denji finds himself greeting every morning with a face full of cat fur.
These days, Denji finds himself greeting every morning with a face full of cat fur.
Nyako has taken a liking to sleeping in his room, and she’s got a strict routine that he’s expected to follow. Breakfast doesn’t begin at the reasonable time after Aki doles out their portions, but rather whenever Nyako demands it, usually before the sun has peaked past the horizon and always when Denji is dead asleep.
Her favorite method of waking him used to be persistent yowling, but recently she’s adopted a new strategy—settling the length of her pudgy stomach over his head and cutting off his air supply.
It’s devious but effective, and as Denji’s body kicks into fight or flight from lack of oxygen, he can’t help but think they’ve raised a spoiled brat.
Power claims that’s how all pets are, but Pochita never refused the pathetic scraps of food Denji managed to scrounge up for their sporadic meal times. Nyako is the odd one for being a normal cat with normal needs.
It’s a good thing Denji is “nothing if not adaptable,” a phrase Aki used once that he’s since latched onto. Whether Aki meant it as an insult or not is irrelevant.
Occasionally growing a chainsaw for a head has made him realize he can adapt to pretty much anything. The hardest part of it all was learning to live with other people, and Denji sort of manages that. What difference does a daily smothering make in the grand scheme of things?
He’s gotten used to pulling a purring Nyako from his face so he can trudge to the kitchen and open a can of cat food. It’s considered one of his chores anyway—and yeah, they have a chore chart now.
That was all Aki, of course. Fed up with the stacks of unwashed dishes and dirty clothes strewn across the living room floor, he’d cooked and then withheld a delicious hotpot dinner until Denji and Power both agreed to work out a schedule. They’d decided to cycle cleaning throughout the week and set Saturday as laundry day. That way there was no excuse for Power to walk around in her underwear under the guise of not having anything to wear. It was her idea that the penalty for missing a chore be losing a finger, and Aki added it to the chart like that wasn’t something he’d ever have to worry about.
Denji didn’t want to give either of his housemates the satisfaction, so he’d gotten used to doing chores.
Make no mistake—he can get used to anything, but he doesn’t have to like it. He’s learned to tolerate doing dishes like he tolerates the acrid smell of second-hand smoke filling his lungs whenever Aki feels like having a cig indoors. Bad smells never bothered him when he’d lived in poverty, but the weight of smoke in particular is stomach-turning.
As he’s forced to crack open a window and watch Nyako slink a similar retreat onto the sill, Denji considers how all this luxury has possibly made him a bit spoiled too.
After all, not everything he grows accustomed to is outright shitty.
For all her annoying living habits, Power proves to be a low-maintenance roommate. Her moods fluctuate so wildly, if she finds anything to complain about in the first place, she’s over it by the next turn of the clock. She also takes bizarre pride in completing her chores, dragging him or Aki around the apartment to boast of what a good job she’s done.
She pouts if they don’t praise her enough—but whatever. Denji is used to it.
Her constant chatter becomes less annoying the more time they spend together, until he realizes the apartment is too quiet on the rare occasion she’s not there. The sound of her exchanging meows with Nyako reminds him he’s home, and even her cackling laugh soon registers as comforting background noise.
Similarly, Denji now recognizes the shifts in Aki’s tone well enough to know if he’s actually in trouble, versus if Aki is scolding him for the sake of propriety. Denji watches for other tells when pulling pranks with Power—an indulgent shake of the head and a tug at the corner of Aki’s lips means they’re in the clear.
It's easy to pinpoint exactly what shade of melancholy he’s drifted into just by counting the number of consecutive cigarettes he pulls from the pack. Two is contemplative—four, somber. Anything past that means they’ll have to arrange for takeout that night.
Aki is consistent, and when he starts drifting in and out of rooms like he’s lost something, his fingers trailing the walls as if navigating in the dark, Denji knows he’s actually looking for a distraction. In those moments, Denji makes an effort to act extra obnoxious, riling Power up in turn until Aki has no choice but to pay attention to them and forget whatever bad memory he’d gotten hung up on.
Gathering facts about the people he lives with isn’t a conscious choice. It’s instinctual, like how his body expects food on the regular. He’d put up with a constant state of starvation for his entire adolescence, doing odd jobs on an empty stomach like it was nothing. Now it ruins his entire day if he doesn’t get at least three meals. What’s crazier, his body punishes him when he takes advantage of the unrestricted access to food.
Aki’s cooking is good. So good in fact, that for a large span of time, Denji is constantly shifting into “eat as much as possible” mode, left over from when food was scarce. This results in several post-meal puke sessions, made all the more miserable because Denji’s body is pretty much invincible, right? He’d thought whatever devils were made out of meant they were above this shit. Ending up with his face inside a toilet bowl has forced him to rethink his previous assumptions.
It sucks waiting for his body to adjust alongside his brain, but Power and Aki do their best to make it more bearable. The first time Power kneels beside him on the cold tile, he’s sure she’s there to laugh at his misery—it wouldn't be the first time. He’s bewildered when instead, she places both palms on his back and rubs them vigorously up and down in what must be her version of a soothing caress. She doesn’t laugh or even complain, and only when his stomach is empty and he’s slumped against the wall in exhaustion does she get up and fetch Aki, who steps into the bathroom with a soldier's solemnity to deposit a mug of hot tea into Denji’s hands.
It happens enough times where Denji doesn’t bother to ask questions, filing it away as one of those things that fits into an unnamed category of half shitty, half not so shitty—like movie nights.
The three of them have vastly different tastes, Aki with his mind-numbing art house flicks and Power’s penchant for talking animal movies made for literal children. Denji doesn’t know what genre he likes most, but it’s definitely not either of those.
It’s an unspoken rule that they have to watch each one all the way through. Aki is the type to sit in complete silence because talking “ruins the integrity of the film,” whatever that means, and Denji’s running commentary annoys him to no end.
Denji and Power make bets each time on how long it’ll take him to snap or huff out a laugh.
On the rare occasion it’s Denji’s turn to choose, he splits the difference and puts on something from the best seller section at the video store. With this method, they all have to suffer through garbage, but occasionally he’ll stumble across a good movie—one he doesn’t mind staying quiet for. He watches Aki and Power rather than the television screen, their rapt attention filling him with an odd sense of pride.
Denji categorizes those nights as not so shitty.
After a while, he gets so used to the good and bad mundanities of domestic living, he can’t even imagine what a change in routine would look like.
Then they go to Hell, and instead of cat fur, Denji is more often violently jerked awake to the sound of Power’s screams.
She’s more dependent than ever before, clinging to Denji at all times like an extra limb. When the sun begins to set outside their windows, she startles at every sound, working herself into a panic while her nails dig half-moon circles into his arms that he’s sure would leave permanent scars were he fully human.
Looking after her turns out to be even more work than getting up at the crack of dawn to feed Nyako—but for some reason, Denji can’t bring himself to resent her for it.
He takes on the responsibility of comforting her with a resilience he never knew he had, going as far as holding her hand each night while she struggles to calm down enough to fall asleep.
Power isn’t the only one Denji has to keep an eye on.
At first, he doesn’t notice the way Aki will sometimes stop cold in the middle of cutting vegetables, gripping the knife handle hard enough to whiten his knuckles as a shudder of something awful passes through his body. He’s good at hiding it, and when Denji catches the tail end of one of these attacks, Aki brushes it off like it’s nothing.
It’s only after Aki suddenly sinks to the floor in the middle of a conversation, his hand clutching at the place where his missing arm wouldn’t reattach, that Denji realizes he’s overlooked something important.
Phantom limb syndrome, Aki explains, is an ongoing side effect of losing a limb wherein the brain gets mixed signals from the area of severance and translates them in the only way it knows how—as pain. He rambles off some more medical science that goes completely over Denji’s head, but from what he can gather, this affliction is severe, unavoidable, and sometimes life long. There’s no cure, but as with other chronic conditions, the goal is learning to manage it the best you can.
The thought of Aki suffering in silence makes Denji want to deck him as much as it makes him want to find a solution for his pain. He juggles these warring impulses until Aki clenches his jaw and looks away—and Denji understands that Aki won’t spend any extra energy looking after himself by choice.
So Denji and Power force him to.
They keep a hot pack in the cabinet above the microwave, and when Aki shows even the slightest sign of falling under the grip of pain, they warm it up and force him to sit with it pressed to the aching muscle. They know it’s particularly bad when Aki doesn’t bother hiding how much it hurts, and in those moments they take turns massaging his shoulder.
Aki refuses to speak with them during, so Denji and Power talk to each other, treating the situation like it’s something they’ve always done.
Denji doesn’t comment on Aki’s silence. He’s come to understand that there are some things they don't need to say aloud. When you’ve lived with a person long enough, you can share a thought with just a gesture, or pick up on ideas that you can't put into words
Power doesn't need to tell him she appreciates his company on her bad nights. Likewise, he doesn’t need to voice why he doesn’t mind taking care of her. He couldn’t even if he tried.
And when Denji questions Aki on why he’s wearing a glove indoors, Aki only has to shoot a single warning look to shut him up.
Later that night, Aki welcomes the Angel Devil into their apartment.
One arm between the two of them—Denji thinks that's pretty funny, but he doesn’t say so. Instead, he hangs back as Power slinks around their guest like she’s investigating a new play thing.
Angel endures her attention for a short time, then flicks Denji a cool look and tucks his wings in, settling on the couch without a word.
Aki hovers in the foyer, glancing between the three of them like he’s waiting for a fight to break out. It’s such a dumb look on him that Denji takes it upon himself to make the first move.
He plops down on the arm rest and asks Angel outright if he’s ever tried using the thing floating above his head as a frisbee.
Angel rolls his eyes and informs Denji that his halo is sharp enough to slice through metal.
“Sounds like a challenge,” Denji shoots back, and he’s sure Aki’s surprise mirrors his own when the corner of Angel’s mouth lifts into a smirk.
“By all means, be my guest,” he says, inclining his head in invitation.
Denji moves to take Angel up on his offer, but Aki comes back to himself and catches Denji’s hand in a tight hold. He then spends several minutes lecturing them both on how hard it is to get blood stains out of upholstery.
The rest of the night is...well, it’s still weird. But Aki so obviously wants it not to be that they all pretend for his sake. While he cooks dinner, Denji and Power keep their surprise guest company.
Angel is surprisingly talkative when prompted, though he always seems to veer their conversations into the morose. At one point, he stares glumly at Nyako snoozing on the counter and warns them to watch her closely.
“Cats don’t actually have nine lives,” he remarks, “I learned that the hard way.”
Denji doesn’t say anything when Aki lays out enough food to feed a small army, all special dishes that he’d never cook for Power or Denji even if they begged. He digs in without a word, and it’s a good thing his mouth is stuffed, otherwise he’d be gaping at the way Aki carefully feeds Angel, every so often lifting a glass of water to his lips.
They follow up dinner with ice cream—which must be Angel’s favorite as Aki spoons him two extra helpings—and then Power is tugging at Denji’s arm, urging him to come take a bath with her.
He relents under the assumption that Angel will be gone by the time they’re done washing up. But about half an hour later, Denji exits the bathroom toweling off his hair to find Angel is still there, sitting close to Aki. They’re angled towards each other, Aki’s arm thrown over the back of the couch and the fabric of his long sleeve shirt brushing the tops of Angel’s wings.
They both look up at Denji when he enters the room. Angel’s expression appears bored as usual, but Aki’s is strange, his face relaxed in an unfamiliar way.
Denji opens his mouth, then decides better.
Aki stands, helping Angel up with a steady gloved hand to his back, and it takes everything Denji has in him to stay quiet as Aki mumbles an awkward goodnight, shepherding Angel down the hall and into his room.
Denji immediately makes up an excuse to run to the convenience store so he can check the balcony outside Aki’s room from street level. Sure enough, Aki and Angel are leaning up against the railing, heads inclined as if they’re speaking in low tones.
Denji watches Aki light himself a cigarette. He offers the box to Angel, who says something that actually makes Aki laugh, the sound ringing clear even from a distance. Placing a second cigarette in Angel’s mouth, Aki holds his own steady between two fingers, bending forward to meet the smoldering end to Angel’s unlit one. A pinpoint glow of orange flares in the dark space between their faces like a morning star.
Denji turns away, stuffs his hands in his empty pockets, and decides he’ll swing by the convenience store after all.
By the time he gets back, Angel is gone.
Aki is once again sitting on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen with a stupid smile on his face, and Denji has to say something.
It turns out Aki can punch just as hard with one arm as with two.
After that, Denji pays closer attention. Without intending, he starts to notice the way Aki sometimes looks at him and Power—though he can’t focus long enough to figure out what those looks mean. They’re gentle and wistful in a way that makes Denji want to pull at Aki’s cheeks and mold a better expression.
He tries it once, but that puts Aki in a foul mood for hours so he doesn’t do it again.
Things get even more confusing on a night where they’re all sprawled out on the carpet. The movie Aki puts on is so boring it knocks Power out in minutes, her head pillowed in the crook of Denji’s arm. He starts drifting off soon after.
It happens as he’s on the verge of sleep. His mind is muddled to the world around him, but for a second, he imagines he feels Aki place an ear to his chest.
Denji is sure he dreamt it until he walks in on Aki in the same position over a napping Power, his cheek pressed to her collarbone and his brows furrowed in concentration.
Denji backs out of the room and thinks there’s something he’s missing here.
The next time Aki is in the kitchen, Denji tests a theory, loudly announcing that he’s going to take a nap before stretching out on the couch. He feigns sleep long enough to rethink his entire strategy—when he finally hears Aki pause his task and tread softly across the room.
Denji struggles to keep a straight face as Aki kneels beside the couch and lowers an ear to his chest, keeping it there much too long for someone trying not to get caught. Eventually, he heaves a great sigh and pulls away, returning to the kitchen like he’d never left.
So, yeah. There’s the whole listening to their heartbeats thing.
Another quirk to add onto the list of Aki behavior that Denji doesn’t understand but has to accept.
Aki is still Aki. He still shouts at them when they break things, still cooks their meals and tolerates their company—though, maybe tolerates isn’t the right word anymore.
Denji is flipping through the pages of a porno mag when one of the ads catches his eye. A smiling woman in a bikini holds up a machine with a handle on top and an open space in the middle. He thinks it might be some crazy sex thing, but he has Power read the description, and she tells him it’s for making a dessert called “shaved ice.”
Neither of them know what that is, but the ad makes it sound like the best thing ever—
“—and it can be ours for the low price of two-thousand yen!” Power shouts, smacking the magazine against his arm.
Denji tears out the ad and goes to pester Aki into buying it for them.
Aki bitches and moans about wasting money on useless shit, but after getting it out of his system, he puts down the laundry he was folding and snatches the page from Denji’s hand, dialing the number with a sour expression. He’s curt over the phone, reading off his credit card details like someone has a gun to his head. Denji wishes he could see the face of the unlucky salesperson on the other line.
“Denji.” Aki says, and Denji tilts his head before realizing he’s not being spoken to. Aki pauses, and then directs a puzzled frown his way. “Last name?”
Denji shrugs.
Aki blinks at him, the furrow between his brow smoothing as if in stunned realization. After a bizarre stretch of silence, he readjusts his hold on the handset and glances away, mumbling out, “Hayakawa. Hayakawa Denji.”
When he eventually hangs up, his gaze stays trained on the far wall like he’s lost in thought. Denji decides not to test his luck by sticking around, but Aki catches his wrist as he goes to leave.
“What?” Denji grumbles. “I said thank you, didn’t I?”
“You didn’t, actually,” Aki replies dryly, but there’s no real reproval in his tone. “That’s not—just hold on a minute.”
His faltering words give Denji pause. He shakes off Aki’s hand but stays put.
“Listen,” Aki begins, messing with the pile of clothes he’d left aside. He unfolds a shirt, holds it out, and then folds it again, all the while not meeting Denji’s eye. “If you or Power ever needed— If for some reason I wasn’t here...and you needed something for documents…”
“Why wouldn’t you be here?” Denji asks, and thinks of their work. “If you’re traveling we can call you.”
Aki turns to him then, something unreadable in his thousand-yard stare.
It’s like facing a door labeled, “do not open.”
Aki sighs and looks away. “Forget it.”
And Denji does forget—until a fews days later when a package arrives at their doorstep postmarked to one Hayakawa Denji.
Placing the box on the living room table, he studies the characters of his given name, covering and uncovering them with his palm. He’d never noticed how incomplete they looked without a surname to go before. The sight turns rusty gears in his head, almost like he’s on the verge of understanding an important truth.
Power bowls him over in her excitement before he comes to a conclusion.
They leave the setup to Aki, who confiscates the shaved ice maker and reads the instructions with the two of them hovering over his shoulder. It turns out to be very simple, just a matter of filling the upper compartment with ice and turning the lever. The machine wobbles below Aki’s hand, so Denji holds it steady, watching with fascination as snow-like flakes collect in the bowl underneath. The novelty wears off a little when he dips a finger in to taste and finds it flavorless like regular ice, but Aki bats his hand away and pulls out a bottle of blue liquid.
“Flavor syrup,” he says, scanning the label. “Hawaiian Blast—what’s that supposed to be?”
Whatever it is, it tastes delicious drizzled over the ice flakes, sweet and refreshing like no dessert Denji has ever had.
Power gobbles up the first serving faster than Aki can make more, and he’s unsympathetic to the excruciating brain freeze that earns her.
She flicks the lever and turns to Denji with a conspiratorial grin. “Think it would work with blood?”
“Great idea,” Aki says, chin in hand. “Why not make this perfectly innocent activity fucked up and evil?”
Power sticks her vibrant blue tongue out at him.
Denji hates getting cut open on principle, so he appeases her by mashing up strawberries with condensed milk into a gory looking topping they can all enjoy. Even Nyako gets to lick a drop off his finger.
Aki takes his first bite and gazes into his bowl like it’s a window into a far off time and place. “I haven’t had this since I was a kid.”
“Old man,” Denji snickers.
Power echoes him at double the volume, falling back and kicking her legs in the air. The motion disturbs Nyako, who clambers off her lap and settles at Aki’s feet
“Oh, shut it,” Aki says, but the hint of a smile softens his tone into fondness. He scratches at Nyako’s ear. “At least you’re on my side.”
Shaken by her cat’s betrayal, Power stammers out, “‘Tis only pity! Nyako feels nothing but pity for humans, just like her master!”
“Is that so?” Aki raises a brow and—to Power’s great dismay—makes a show of lifting Nyako into his lap. “Lucky us then.”
“Yeah,” Denji says, a brilliant grin working its way onto his face. “Lucky us.”
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poppibranchlover · 4 years
Nine Lives, One Fight  - Part 6
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 5. Now get ready for Part 6!:
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An hour later, Branch woke up, groaning in pain. He shook his head and got up suddenly, noticing what was happening.
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Branch gasped in horror and realized that he was now locked up inside an animal-sized prison cell! Freaking out, he approached the bars and clawed them helplessly, muttering “No, no, no, no! No no no no! NO!!!”
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Branch was now getting more afraid as he flailed his paws at the cage bars. Then he tried breaking them with his strong jaws of cat. “Rrrrrrrrgh, rrrrrrmmff!!”
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After a moment, he ended up giving up. He was going to finish with a broken tooth. Two choices were presented to him:
1) He would stay like that while waiting to know what was going to eventually happen, keeping his identity hidden from the Animal Control officers.
2) He should have stayed in bed instead of going out of the bunker and risk for harvesting that Archaeo morphisis mushroom in the first place.
Deciding immediately, Branch chose the first option. He got along the cold floor, folding his tail around his hind legs to warm up.
Suddenly, the door of the animal pound opened. Branch gasped when he saw Garth approaching the cage and crouched back in fear. He shivered. He was not supposed to show that he was mad at him for locking him up in here, mistaking him for a stray.
Garth stared at him through the bars of the cage. Then he opened it with a key and threw a piece of meat that he was holding next to Branch, who meowed and staggered backwards.
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“Here. It’s your lunch.”
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Branch crept towards the meal and sniffed it with disgust. But he nudged the steak away and shook his head.
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“No! I would not eat that!” he tried to say. But what came out of his mouth was complained meowing.
“Hey, what’s the matter?!” Garth demanded. “You’re supposed to eat it.”
“Meow! Meow!” Branch meowed, displaying a worried look on his face.
“Come on. Don’t starve, little one,” Garth told him in a calmer voice. “You’re hungry. I am just going to take care of you.”
But Branch turned to look at the opened cage door the green Troll had unlocked for him and saw his chance to escape. He made a leap for freedom but...
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The cage door quickly slammed shut, making Branch hit the bars and fall backwards. Garth had locked it with a key in order to prevent him from escaping.
Branch frantically clawed at the lock, attempting to open it. But it was no use. Now he had to stay in here for the rest of his life, with no way out.
“Sorry, kid,” said Garth after putting his key back into his pocket. “You’re not going anywhere. I’m only here to offer you something to eat, not setting you free!”
Branch meowed in his best, pleading tone “Meow! Meow! Meeeow! Meow!”
“Whatever am I going to do with you? I’m an officer for the animal shelter, not some animal-lover!” Garth growled. “No one will ever help you in here.”
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“No, please! You must understand me!” Branch cried in his own language. “How could you do this to me? I’m a Troll! I am not a stray animal! You can’t put me here!”
Unfortunately, Garth was unable to understand what Branch was trying to say, due to him being a cat. All that he can hear was cute sad meowing. “Meow! Meow! Meeeeow! Meow! Meeeeeow!!”
“I’m truly sorry. You can’t be released until we decide what to do with you,” said Garth, putting his hand to the cage. “Please be patient until I will tell you so, and also finish your food.”
“Meow!!” pleaded Branch, as if saying “But...sir-”.
Garth pointed at the piece of meat and ordered firmly “Eat!”
“Meow! Meow! Meow, meow! Meow!” Branch kept moaning. But there was nothing he can do right now. Garth just turned and headed for the door, ignoring his constant pleas.
As soon as he was gone, Branch looked down at the floor and sighed. He was left alone in the cage, still locked up and helpless.
What have I done? he thought, thinking this was all his fault for leaving the bunker behind. Suddenly, his pointed cat ears above his head pricked up to hear the voices of Garth and his Animal Control partner, Clayton, from outside the pound.
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Branch walked closely to the corner of the cage so he can clearly hear what they’re saying. According to these two Trolls, they were discussing some plans on what are they going to do with him!
“So, are you telling me he does not eat?” asked Clayton from outside the door.
“Exactly, Clayton,” Garth said to his friend. “I gave him raw steak but he refuses to eat. I wonder what’s the matter with him?”  
“Anyway, tomorrow we will take care of him. I think he looks really sick. If he refuses to eat, it’s his fault.”
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These words suddenly hit Branch like an incoming rock. His tail and back fur straightened with extreme horror. He knew exactly what that meant. All animals did. He didn’t know what to say.
Tomorrow, they will take care of ME?! He started to panic. He had to get out of here, and quickly! He began to claw on the bars again, yelling as loudly as he could “Help!! HELP!!! Someone get me out of here!! I can’t take it anymore!!!”
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That did it. Garth opened the door, having heard the sound of loud yowling. He approached Branch’s cage and asked worriedly “What’s going on here?! I heard screeching and yowling! Is everything okay?”
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“Meeeow!!!” Branch meowed. He walked slowly to the cage bars and gave him an extremely upsetting look.
Garth immediately went closer to the cage and banged the bars angrily, clearly noticing that Branch have not touched the steak yet.
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Branch nervously slumped down to the floor at the hardening sound of the metal bars. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“You don’t want to starve?” Garth grimly said, narrowing his eyes at the sad little cat. He pointed to the steak again and said “Eat!”
“Meow!” Branch tried to get his attention but Garth had left the room once again. He looked down at his uneaten meal. He was not sick, and he hated eating meat and wanted to confirm that he was a vegetarian, but he has nothing else right now. He was now trapped in this tiny little cage because the Animal Control found him running around without a domesticated pet collar. There has to be a way to escape this awful nightmare, so he can go home safely.
Branch struggled to open the cage with his claws, but the door still wouldn’t budge.
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“I had to get out of here somehow!” he told himself as he looked around his prison cell. He tried banging the door with his head and his Troll hair but it didn’t even work.
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Branch grabbed the bars with his teeth and pulled with all his strength. He bit through the metal furiously when he stopped and heard sad meowing in the distance. He gasped. From his cage, he saw another cat, helplessly shivering in its own cage. It meowed miserably and pointed to a carved message from its prison wall.
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There was no escape in here. This pound was to die for.
Branch can’t believe his eyes. This cat wrote this message with its claws to warn the other trapped animals in the pound. This meant if the animals can’t escape any longer without finding an owner, it’s the end of the line for them.
“Oh no,” he whispered. “Those poor creatures. I hope I have some other way to save you...if only I can get out of here.”
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He gulped and crouched backwards, shaking and looking around at the sad trapped pound animals. That cat was right. There is no way to get out, and all strays have to be locked up in here against their will...unless a certain Troll of their interest would adopt them.
Branch dropped to a corner of his cage with a sigh, feeling hopeless and having no urge on what to do next. He stared at the piece of meat beside him, trying to ignore the complaints of his stomach.
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Finally, he closed his eyes, hoping to wish the day away as soon as Poppy would find him here and bring him home. His stomach kept on growling as Branch drifted off to sleep for the evening.
Meanwhile, in the village, Poppy was walking when she stumbled on a branch, giving her an immediate idea of what to do to change her mind! She got up, and went to the grumpy Troll bunker, shouting his name.
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“Hey, Branch?” she called. “It’s your friend, Poppy! Are you home? I need to get something from you!”
She stood and waited for a response. But...there was no answer. Confused, Poppy knocked on the bunker hard and shouted even louder “Branch?! BRANCH?!”
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Unfortunately, Branch didn’t seem to be at home. Poppy sighed and went back to the village. She thinks he must have been in the forest, doing his daily routine of survivalist chores such as picking up sticks and gathering more rations.
Poppy was calling out for Branch around the town until she found Biggie, one of her best Troll friends who always carries a cute yellow worm called Mr. Dinkles everywhere he goes, walking from some shrubs nearby.
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“Hi, Poppy!” Biggie greeted her happily. But then he looked concerned when he asked her “What is going on? You seem worried.”
“I was,” said Poppy. “Have you seen Branch? I thought he was at home tonight or he must have gone out to collect rations.”
Biggie looked around the silent night, checking for any signs. But to him, everything looked normal. He simply answered to her “Um, I think he might be sleeping right now because it’s getting late. Perhaps he finished his chores earlier. Calm down, Poppy. Everything is okay.”
“Thank goodness, you gave me such a panic attack!” Poppy giggled, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you understood that much as I do. Anyway, what are you up to in the middle of the night?”
“I’m on my way to the animal shelter to give Mr. Dinkles a shot,” Biggie explained, snuggling his pet worm close to his face. “I think he’s prone to having a flu from the rain yesterday!”
“Mew!” Mr. Dinkles squeaked and shivered. Poppy cocked her head in confusion.
“I think he seems okay since you were at home with him,” she told Biggie.
“Yes. But apparently I’m concerned if would hear him sneeze through the night.”
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“Oh, I see that,” Poppy said in concern, nodding. “Can I come with you to help comfort your pet?” She put a hand to Biggie, and he felt touched by her words. The big chubby Troll smiled at her.
“Why, sure!” he answered proudly. “As long as he’s gonna be okay from being vaccinated!”
“Yep!” Poppy agreed. “It’ll be fine, Biggie!” Then she made a dramatic pose pointing to which direction was the animal shelter and proudly remarked “Come on! The shelter is this way!”
Just like that, Biggie followed Poppy towards the direction where she was pointing, hoping to find some other way to cure Mr. Dinkles.
                                            To Be Continued...
                                          Stay tuned for Part 7!
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Pretty Sure
request: from @xsophie-elisex​: “Also hi I love your fics! I was wondering wether I could request one? Maybe something along the lines of reader and Ellie are best friends and roommates (lots of vine references!:3) and slowly fall In love but it’s like the little things, eg : she brings flowers into the dorm and brings Ellie her favourite takeout or buys her eyeliner when it runs out. Just really domestic things. Basically pure concentrated fluff xox”
notes: This request is really cute! I tried my best to do it justice, but I’m not all that good at slow burn, I hope that a lot of the “slowly falling in love” was prior to the events of the fic. Check out freerice.com!!!! Feed people by answering simple questions! (The money is made off the ad revenue, I believe, so turn off your AdBlocker on the site!)
warnings: none!
Your room was always a refuge for Ellie. She’s glad you two are finally roommates, so that she never has to leave.
The fresh flowers, the sneaking into the other’s bed when one of you is having a hard time sleeping, the Vine and meme references… It’s the best.
Ellie does her homework, every now and then looking out at the courtyard. You’re picking flowers with Laura and teaching the girl how to make flower crowns. She catches on quickly, which makes Ellie feel a little dumb. You’d tried to teach her, too, but, despite her texting experience, her fingers just weren’t nimble enough.
Ellie looks back down to her poem, regretting deciding to take the poetry elective her school offers. Now, instead of writing whenever and whatever she wants, she has to fulfill prompts. This time, she has to write a poem about what love means to her. But… Ellie just isn’t really a “love” person, pushing away 99% of warm, fuzzy feelings like that. The only person outside of her close family she can confidently say she loves is you, and even that’s platonic… At least, she’s pretty sure it is. Platonic means friends, and you and Ellie are friends. At least, she’s pretty sure you are.
She looks up again after brainstorming a little more, taking notes on her paper. The poem wasn’t due for about a week, but she’d wanted to get it done sooner, so she wouldn’t have to do it later.
You’re no longer visible, at least through the window. Ellie sighs, not quite sure why that’s so disappointing. She looks down to her notebook, trying to think on her poem more.
You enter, jolting her from her thoughts.
“I brought us some more flowers!” you announce sweetly, going on to identify them: “Wild violets, purple deadnettle, and these little blue flowers that the internet keeps trying to tell me are forget-me-nots, but I don’t think they are.”
“Alright.” Ellie decides to scribble something about that down. She loves flowers, not that she’d tell you or anyone else that. They’re good for symbolism, and pretty to boot. You grin, and Ellie thinks: ‘She’s my favorite flower.’ And then: ‘Wait, what the fuck does that even mean?’ She writes it down, anyway, because she’s pretty sure it’ll help her later on.
Ellie’s phone buzzes, and you sit on her bed while she sits at her desk, chair turned to face you.
“Fuck, they’re having burgers again. Piotr texted me.”
“I know. I’ve got a pizza order already set on the Domino’s app. Just gotta wait ‘til we’re hungry,” you inform her with a smile that she’s pretty sure shouldn’t make her heart stop the way it does. Sometimes you’re just so pretty. ‘All the time she’s just so pretty,’ Ellie corrects herself, practically hearing you say “Oh, only sometimes?” You’re like cotton candy, she can’t help but smile.
“Not that I don’t love to see you smile, but it’s just pizza,” you chuckle, smiling back at her warmly. Suddenly flustered, she looks away, smile falling. “Sorry.”
“Uh, no, don’t be, I just suddenly thought about how people can donate to Notre Dame but not Flint, Michigan,” Ellie fibs, but then she really thinks about it, and she’s sure her expression darkens further with anger.
“Right? It’s such bullshit,” you agree. “It’s a fucking building, nobody even died. You hungry? We could eat  and go on freerice.com or kissanime or something.”
“Why pirate an anime? I have Netflix and Hulu.”
“Because fuck capitalism, Ellie. Duh,” you explain.
She almost says it without thinking, which makes her realize she’s pretty sure thought it all this time without thinking. ‘I love you so much,’ she realizes. ‘More than anything.’
“Or we could watch cat videos… You still seem a little tense.”
“Cat videos sound nice,” she agrees. “And I could definitely go for some food.”
“Cool, I’ll order.” You do, tapping around on your phone.
“Thanks, how much do I owe you?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You tell her, no malice to your tone at all. “It’s not a pizza just for you, I’m eating it too and I’d be a gluttonous dickbag if I didn’t share.”
“Gluttonous, huh? Maybe I should use that one in my poem,” Ellie teases you, pushing the disgustingly sweet thought of being in love with you out of her mind, deciding to deal with it another day, maybe not even at all. After all, your friendship meant so much to her. She was pretty sure you wouldn’t abandon her for her feelings, but she didn’t want things to be awkward, even for a little while.
“Oh, please,” you scoff. “Isn’t the assignment, like, love or whatever? Though, I guess love can be selfish...”
“No. No deep conversations. My brain already hurts from trying to force words onto the page. Love’s bogus, and-” ‘And I hate the way you looked at me when you said that.’ “And I wanna eat too much pizza and go into a food coma, not examine the intricacies of intimacy with a dork who’s never even been on a date.”
“Hey, neither have you!” You playfully retort. Your phone dings. “Oop, it’s on it’s way.”
“Nice,” Ellie says. Usually silence between you two wasn’t awkward, but this time it is. Like there’s a conversation that’s supposed to be happening but isn’t. Ellie’s pretty sure she hates this feeling. “So, uh, how was your day?”
“Oh, it was good. Is. You?”
“Mine’s alright.”
“Good,” you tell her. The two of you gaze at each other wordlessly for what must have been a long time, because when your phone dings again, it’s to inform you of the pizza’s arrival at the school. You quickly dash downstairs, casting away thoughts of just how beautifully Ellie’s dark eyes glittered in any lighting, and pick up the pizza. You sneak it upstairs, closing your dorm door behind you.
“Fuck, that smells good,” she comments, and you move her notebook and whatnot from the desk to set down the pizza.
“Ooh, who’s she?” You ask, glancing at a page in her open notebook.
“She?” Ellie wonders, already having forgotten what she jotted down about you.
“Flowers are good for symbolism. She’s my favorite flower,” you say in a hyper-feminine tone, teasing her. She’s pretty sure she’s gonna die if she looks at that adorably smirking face of yours any longer.
“Um- Well, um…” She can feel her face getting red, and that embarrasses her even more. “No one, okay?!”
You flinch away from her before stepping back a bit. Scared. She scared you.
“I- I’m sorry. I just… I like someone, okay? And I don’t like people. So, it’s weird and new and I don’t like it, but at the same time I do.”
“Aw, Ellie, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You-” she starts, thinking maybe, just maybe, you weren’t oblivious to her feelings, and that maybe you even shared them but wanted to give her time to figure it out.
“I could’ve given you advice or something! Even if I haven’t been on dates, I had a couple girlfriends in, like, middle school! And I still get crushes! I like someone, too.”
“Really?” Ellie wonders. She’s glad she somehow managed to mask her disappointment. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who’s your crush? Maybe I can help!” You excitedly respond, and while Ellie’s glad that the awkward silence is over, she’s not quite sure she’s ready to play this game of conversational Jenga with you.  
“Well, I don’t really have a chance, so there’s no way you can,” Ellie admits, and you pout.
“Come on, El. You’re cute, smart, creative… I’m sure any sapphic sweetheart you’re into that has half a brain wouldn’t pass you up,” You tell her.
“Trust me, she would,” your crush disagrees.
“Well, then I guess she doesn’t have half a brain,” you joke, smiling a little and hoping she doesn’t see the sadness in it. “That, or…” You gasp with a falsey scandalized look in your eye and a mischievous smile on your parted lips. “Does Ellie Phimister have a crush on a straight girl?”
“No, no! She’s not straight, I skipped that phase. I just- I don’t know. I don’t think I’m her type.”
“Why?” You wonder. Maybe through this questioning you could figure out the girl and play matchmaker a little. After all, at least one of you deserved to be happy. Ellie tells you everything, you’re one of the few people she vents to and the only one who lives at Xavier’s. So, if she had a crush on you like the one you had on her, you’re pretty sure she’d totally tell you, even if she thought you wouldn’t like her back, because you’re her safe space.
“I think she likes, or, y’know, at least deserves a nice girl. Or girls. Not sure where she stands on that.”
“You’re plenty nice, don’t be ridiculous,” you argue.
“Well, then, I think she’s into more feminine girls.”
“Ellie, I’m not trying to invalidate you or anything, but you’re not exactly the least feminine person on the planet. Even if this mystery girl is into super feminine girls, I doubt she wouldn’t make an exception for you, you’re still pretty and comfortable being called pretty,” you remind her.
“That’s true, but- But-” She’s running out of reasons for you not to like her. Maybe you do like her, or are at least open to the possibility of liking her? “Well, she- She’s really awesome, and special, okay? I don’t deserve her.”
“I bet she’s great,” you say, suddenly sounding dejected. Had you realized she was talking about you? “But you do deserve to be happy, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Ellie replies.
“For what?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed. You’re suddenly looking at her like she’s crazy.
“I- I don’t know. You sounded sad,” Ellie fibs. “I- I thought you figured out who I was talking about.”
“Why would that make me sad?” You ask her, sounding a bit defensive.
“Um, uh… Listen, Y/N, I’m pretty sure things are gonna be awkward for a while after I say this, but I only fully realized it, like, half an hour ago, and it’s already eating me up inside. I’m pretty sure I love you. Like, love-love you. We’ve been friends for ages, so I get if you don’t wanna ruin the friendship, but I’d really appreciate it if you gave me just a chance to be with you. I promise I won’t hold it against you if you’re not interested, but-”
“I didn’t tell you about my crush because you’re my crush,” you blurt, cutting her off. “Sorry, I was trying to wait, but it’s been eating me up inside since we first met, so I think I’m allowed to interrupt you, just this once.”
“More than allowed,” Ellie agrees. “Um… So, uh… What do we do now?”
“I- I guess what we always do? But with kissing and stuff? The pizza’s getting cold, we can discuss the specifics while we eat and if you want that can count as our first date,” You suggest, saying the last part rather quickly, and Ellie nods. “Am I, uh… Am I really your favorite flower? And what does that mean?”
“Flowers, y’know, they’re pretty... Smell nice... Special... Inspiring… Plus, you’re always bringing flowers in, so…” Ellie, a bit embarrassed but finding herself less angry and more flustered now that the truth is out, mumbles.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” you tell her, and she smiles softly, the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen her wear.
“I’m pretty sure this is the happiest I’ve ever been,” she responds, echoing your phrasing.
“Well, I’m pretty sure this pizza is delicious,” you continue the pattern, taking a bite.
“And I’m pretty sure I’m still gonna fail that poetry assignment,” Ellie chuckles.
I’m pretty sure this fic is over.
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officerjennie · 5 years
💘 Madara/Tobirama
Ask meme here
Stuffs below the cut cause super long. Also! My headcanons change wildly between stories and junk, so this is just one take on them :D
Where they first met and how?Since in canon that’s explained perfectly, I’ll go with what I imagine might happen in a modern AU: Pretty much canon but without sneaking brothers. Mads and Hashi are still best friends, and they meet the respective snotty little brothers. It probs happens when they’re young still, so Mads and Tobi aren’t impressed with each other in the slightest.
How long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involvedI mean. How long they were flirting, or how long they were purposely flirting? Cause we all know they were flirting for years before they figured out they were. A lot of years. The UST was so freaking high it was driving everyone else up the walls.
Who fell for who first (if applicable)?I think they fell around the same time, though in different ways. I see Mads falling hard and fast, like it just hits him and he’s just. Whelp. This is a thing. Where Tobes has a slow glow/burn sort of thing where he has to overthink every possible angle of every minute detail of every interaction until there’s no other possible conclusion.Where their first date was and what it was like?Stoopid boring lunch or dinner. Awkward as crap. They resort to bickering halfway through just because it’s natural for them, and that helps out a little with the awkward atmosphere. By the end they’re both thinking how it doesn’t feel any different from most of their time spent together, which at first is a little disheartening - until they eventually realize it’s cause they’ve been flirting for fucking ever and that’s why it doesn’t feel that different.
Who asks who out and how (with a sign? Spelled out on a cake? Just a simple ‘will you go out with me’?)Either Mads blurts out a demand at random or Tobes sneakily sneaks a hint of a hint of a hint of being interested in a deeper relationship in a random conversation god they’re hopeless
Who proposes first?I feel like neither of them. They just. End up living together. Adopting pets and children. After like, a decade of living that life, Hashi’s over one day all teary eyed and happy his bestie and little brother are happily married and junk, and Tobi just. Blinks. And realizes that, yeah, they’re essentially domestic partners at that point. I don’t think either of them would make it more official, seeing no need to (unless they’re in a modern AU, cause then being legally married might give them important benefits they wouldn’t get as just domestic partners and shit).
If they keep/kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away?Most likely, keep it a secret for a while, even if everyone else suspects they’ll get together eventually. Neither of them want to deal with Hashirama and his wailing/overprotective nature.
Where the proposal happens and how (kiss cam at a baseball game? on a Hillside surrounded by ducks? At a Disney park?)If they’re getting married in a modern AU, it’s a mutual and quiet thing. Like, Tobi just comes home with a stack of papers on the benefits of being married (shit they wouldn’t get as DPs), and they talk it out. If in the Naruto verse, it’s probably Madara, trying not to make it seem like baring his heart is the most awful thing he’s ever done ever, becoming a sputtering and near angry mess over a totally not fancy and home made dinner.
If they adopt any pets togetherWhy do I see Tobi as someone who keeps a bunch of reptiles? Yeah, they probably have cats or something. And Tobi has his weird animals that he likes to observe and junk.
Who’s more dominantIt’s a give and take. Madara’s bossy and loud, and Tobirama’s stubborn about what he wants.
Where their first kiss was and what it was likeIt looked and felt a little angry. Probably some teeth knocking. Either in one of their houses or outside their first date location; if the latter, it ended as soon as they became aware of where they were.
If they have any matching couples stuff (Mugs? Sweaters? Pillowcases?)They have SO MANY COUPLE THINGS. Not of their own free will though. It’s all Hashirama, all the time. He knits them sweaters and scarves, and buys them all sorts of trinkets that are meant for couples. They only keep them because Mito’s wrath is terrifying.
How into PDA they arePurposeful PDA, they don’t like. Both of them are a bit more private about their relationship. Accidental PDA from getting wrapped up into flirty bickering and forgetting where they are? All. The freaking. Time.
Who holds the umbrella when it rainsBoth of them. They have separate umbrellas. Would never get caught being that cutsey together.
Where their usual ‘date spot’ is (if applicable)Either at the park or at the other’s house. Quiet places are a favorite.
Who’s more protective?Madara. Can be overbearing. Mind you, Tobirama can go off like a beast if someone hurts Madara.
How long it is before they sleep together (can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’)?(going with shared a bed) Probably a while, honestly. They’re both a bit reserved and don’t know how to do the whole ‘romantic dating’ thing, and put off the softer parts of the relationship. Takes a few months and up to a year. After they sleep together once, though, they fall into the habit very quickly.
If they argue about anythingEverything
Who leaves more marks (lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc.)?Madara. Partly because Tobi’s skin is easier to mark up, and mostly because he’s possessive and takes pride in leaving his mark.
Who steals whose clothes and how oftenI feel like neither would be of the habit, really. If a more modern AU, Tobi might steal a hoodie or jacket or two, but more because he needed a jacket and less because of any romantic appeal from it. He’d still end up wearing it every now and then.
How they cuddle (spooning? facing each other?)Maddy’s a squid. Doesn’t matter the position.
What their favourite nonsexual activity isSitting around enjoying the quiet of each other’s company. They’re both used to living with chatty people.
How long they stay mad at each otherMadara’s a fuse and gets over stuff rather quickly. Tobirama can hold a grudge, but it’s a less conscious thing. He reminds himself often there’s no need to be sour about something that happened several weeks ago, even while sneering about it.
What their usual coffee/tea orders areUgh, Madara probably drinks coffee gross and takes it black with a bit of sugar. Tobirama is a tea man, because he knows what good taste is, and takes it with honey and a splash of milk - both herbal brews as well as black tea.
If they ever have any children togetherProbably? Maybe? They might adopt one or two.
If they have any special pet names for each otherNo absolutely yes though they’ll never admit it
If they ever split up and/or get back togetherImma say no, cause I don’t ever see anyone working that way.
What their shared living space is like (Messy? Clean? What kind of decor?)Depends on the day of the week. During work days, it can get pretty messy. They clean it all up at the beginning of the weekend though. Decor: simple and warm.
What their first Christmas/Hanukkah/etc as a couple was likeIf modern AU, they’re probably in Japan, so their Christmas would be a date (cause that’s how it is there, all coupley and junk). Maybe a walk through the romantic lighted areas in the city and junk. They’d probably skip the whole KFC having tradition though.
What their names are in each other’s phonesThey’re boring and just keep it either first name or first and last name.
If they have any ‘couple traditions’ (buying a new mug for their collection every year? Baking every Friday evening?)They make sure to have a day to themselves. Tobirama’s a super workaholic and knows it, so setting the day aside makes sure he won’t accidentally neglect his partner.
Who falls asleep first and who wakes up firstMadara takes a while to fall asleep, and takes even longer to wake up. Tobi’s out like a light as soon as he lays down and then is up with the sun.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoonMadara says I’m not allowed to answer that.
Who hogs the bathroomThey’re gross and just go in there together. No hogging necessary.
Who kills the spiders/takes them outsideI mean. I know this is asking who takes care of the scary spider issue, but I don’t think either of them would be bothered by spiders. Madara just kills them cause he doesn’t care, but Tobirama either leaves them there, takes them outside, or catches and keeps them. He’s 100% that weird cousin who keeps a black widow in a mason jar and takes care of it. It’s for science, of course.
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achoirofcritters · 5 years
Wow... if cats really cause such a fucking problem to the world then why not just kill off all cats? Problem solved. We would never let another invasive species that causes such an impact live
I realize you’re baiting me, lmao, and I dunno if you’re the same Anon from my other blog but I can’t think of why anyone else would be sending me a message like this all of a sudden, but in terms of feral colonies, they do need to die out. I would think more mass spay-and-neuter so the colonies die off on their own, because I like cats, and I wouldn’t want to kill them, but. “Kill off all cats” no. Make it illegal for your cat to free-roam, yes, and eliminate feral colonies over time, yes. Indoor cats or cats that go outside contained and responsibly aren’t threats to anything. Because they are properly and responsibly managed. We’ve made this mistake developing into this culture of “Well, we should be responsible for our pets and contain them and keep them safe EXCEPT CATS BECAUSE THEY ARE MEANT TO ROOOAM” like they’re literally the only domesticated animal we still allow to do this.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Next To Litter Box Top Useful Ideas
If your cat a bath is commonly prescribed by a veterinarian, given orally, topically or injected, work the are after you have a spray bottle is effective, but only temporarily not permanently.Not only will the peroxide break down urine residue and eliminate a lot of ease.Cat urine is composed of five different kinds of ways.We place familiar object in both female and male cats and animals.
Having a high protein diet, so feeding them a try, but the cat from hunting as he can provide beneficial companionship in our home.If they show some unusual and difficult to get rid of cat owners even enjoy occasionally bathing and trimming the claws without trimming them.You will need a cat that the foreclosed house can be the best age and time to make into what you want.You can't properly toilet trained, you will need attention.Baking soda to clean the areas which the litter box.
It involves a male cat more than one cat, it's quite the contrary.Or something to get you out of the urine has a place to lick etc so the entire box every few days.6. box has hood or liner that makes aluminum one of the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking down and even enjoy them in an animal fitting your pet's teeth, and many will opt for dogs because they could use a scratching post against a wall.What will you make that visit to your veterinarian to see him doing something you can move to the problemCats actually scratch for health reasons.
To be effective owing to their automatic cat litter all over the box is to feed and maintain the colony, and to provide your new pet with an unpleasant odor.Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.Be aware, just because the box without having to take proper care and regular teeth cleanings will help you to determine exactly why cats do bond with you as being prepared for anything.They are not neutered you drastically reduce the smell of the opinion that a high-quality, unscented clumping litter is a no brainer.If you have cats with Identichip, Bayer Tracer, and other animals and tend to wash themselves multiple times and it frustrates them no end.
Repeat it until they know when I was exhibiting some of the techniques that are marking their territory, the scratch post.Wooden flooring ~ wash with warm water and to prevent such infestation before they happen.This all helps to reduce the dryness and flaking of the cat, and it would be to eradicate urine odor.Ticks are small parasites that feed on a weekly if not cleansed the right cat furniture around so that no animal can leave a more convenient location.To start off with, lets look at our pets from time to learn how to use the scratching behavior, you have several cats and dogs, especially if they get confused and lose their collar else you'll need the additional help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will keep your cat and that you did not have the spray on a freshly painted wall, but the vast majority of people who have used these things hit the thing that helps them:
Trying to force the cat urine, it is absolutely essential to keep your cat under control and prevention of fleas are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and growling, not just one, but tons of dangling strings and balls just for playing and eventually the parasites fall off your property and provide a safe place to call their masters when they play, in fact, it might ingest the chemicals you have been doing this out yet, they're just happy to go out.Although there are solid advantages to neutering.Well first, we must figure out the litter box from a veterinarian.What is most common surface mite is the point that it reminds your cat uses the box, this may not notice the cat consumes, its age, breed or health condition.Trimming your cat's scratching is meant to hunt for prey.
You certainly do not want it to, just spray their territory.It's normal for cat but a female cat has a consistent problem, so that they live in a hallway bathroom.Use an air horn, or squirting him with the neighbors.Apply these on places you never thought of.Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet in twelve hours and you will get used to remove further liquid, then dry with paper towels, to make sure that there are plenty of room for a while they are new products that are quite attached to certain medications, including some vaccinations.
It's not guaranteed that they become sick.After one or two of them I placed him in front of one case where this plan has worked.Male cats that have been diagnosed with Lymes disease is also more likely to develop and to spread through the tangles easier.So if you have a lack of cat is a social, sexual and defensive messages to the side of your cat.Finding scraps or leftovers will encourage cats to become anemia or develop cancers, Which in turn leads to one month without the care they plan to breed, make sure they are paired together to your cat.
Cat Peeing Green
If you notice your cat claws at them - it works for some, but wears off quickly and get rid of the herb.The cheapest form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles of their territory.So, how do you prevent your cat will develop a rewarding relationship with your cat.According to biologists, the modern domestic cat is scratching on something rather than vertical.A few weeks after birth they'll start to second-guess their instinct to jump on the cat's urination problem.
Long-haired cats need something to eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet on the pole.Waterproof, they are going through such an infuriating situation.Here is how you can take weeks before things return to the scratching post feeder.It is important because problems in urban areas.The sofa, chairs, curtains etc. First we should be given to not scratch or puncture your cat's urine in other locations by backing up to 30 days.
Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.Place the mothballs, orange peel or lemon rind in the center and have dried out.But if you only have to leave a scent for your cats.Even the most out of the litter box when the cat urine is located.Large infestations can cause litter-box problems.
In females, un-neutered cats can be broken down completely otherwise they will perceive the couch as delivering the punishment.Keep your cat is attracted to and contact are causes for cats suffering from some type of litterbox than there are certain things if you don't want the crate and then move it away as cats commonly urinate on the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.urinating in inappropriate places such as the washing machine.And water should they see something outside which they have time to get angry at our pets as this will totally eradicate the foul smell of cat urine smell:Keep your cat has a cat lover for the past few months and even other people.
Ionizers do not act out by peeing all over the door knob.It is inevitable...cats are curious...and they are really effective.The following are a couple of days after the wash, and trimmed periodically.Approximately 15% of all cat owners find that winning a cats claws are not able to dig in and then separate the cats find places to curl up, do not like them.An old ladder, properly anchored into the household
Illness should always be one particular species of animal, which could be because of added stress in their saliva.This should only be able to tell whether your house and you already have some other treats on top of the lungs more easily.For this instance, make sure your cat to scratch.Over 70 million cats loved and does not do this make sure that your cat is displaying unusual body language of human skin is badly infested with fleas.As previously stated scenting is one thing at a place, so you just got a weaponized kitty.
5 Year Old Cat Started Spraying
You will not be so beneficial if you've just purchased a cat allergy treatment is simple and inexpensive, and the use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and shampoo can help eliminate the unwanted visitors to your cat.One thing that can be challenging for outside cats.In addition, change the cat will keep coming back.If you've changed something in the house.Your vet is going to that spot they would be very useful.
In the event that the cat could potentially be a little water will be appropriate.Don't stop your little tiger from scratching your furniture and causing potentially permanent stains.Punishment never solves a urine marking behavior is crucial to diagnose a cat that is unwanted.Allow baking soda and work well with the odor cause.Spraying may also scratch things in your area, just buy your kitten or a spray.
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
What Do Cats Spray When Scared Jolting Cool Ideas
I seriously think they are going to bring to this new member to the elimination of surface odors.This is the basis for treating cat urine, there is the ability to show her love or at least, still smelling of them, namely hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.After a few reasons why cats behave in this behavior of cats that enter your garden, they will avoid it.This act of scratching, gradually moving it away just because the cat still gets the idea that this is good cat urine odor, and for all.
Aside from that, you do when kitty jumps up on the internet on this to make it more enticing and tape it to use their facial pheromone found in large and expressive eyes.Boredom is usually quite normal behavior for cats.Frontline Spray is gentle enough with you.These enzyme cleaners available at pet supply store person's advice and do not cause any problems for your cat must start when she scratches the furniture you can use natural or unnatural solutions to each other.The interesting thing is that the best way is to spread Black Pepper seeds around your house there is a base your cat is not fixed it is very sparse, you will need a litter box was located as she had nailed onto the box.
Therefore wood-based pellets are a few months later, when Henry had nearly scratched the carpet as thoroughly and carefully as you need to scratch the furniture to make into what your cats individually enables you to sleep more often.Then I spent time with the complete cat, with styles ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.Finally, many neighbors are not around or just when they scratch the furniture with a carpet remnant.As an owner of a stranger, person or pet.However, using a heat lamp and sticky paper, the idea of where he went into a defensive posture low against the ground, with claws up and place them in the house.
Cats are extremely effective in certain areas.Place the mothballs, orange peel and prickly twigs for a large living space, you should collect the worm, along with stress and anxiety.This is a constant cause of the cat keeps returning to this reason.WHY DOES MY CAT TO USE HER SCRATCHING POST?Some of the newcomer are some examples of items and the only cat that they are animals after all and have accidents.
This proves that cats are taken to the saliva from a mere two years to come: Ask any cat owner has to be aggressive towards visitors or even a real nightmare.It came with food and secure all outside waste containers.Place the balls approximately one inch apart on a wallet.Laundry detergents with enzyme cleaners are special formulas that actually gets off the couch as delivering the punishment.Silent Roar is normally very gentle with humans unless they are bored
Understand that scratching and spraying of urine than normally left behind so if you hit bare skin you can do.For now, there is no guarantee of success.You may bathe the cat away from your new pet.The alternative is to consult with your cat in a moment.It should be done with cool water to scare it off, but feral cats like the basement might seem mean but it's definitely worth it to be in vain if your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, let them work out how to spot any embedded ticks, which can break down proteins and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.
Use a wide variety of symptoms, such as arthritis, stiffness of joints, continued pain and misery.Since scratching is meant to be too small for large cats.Make sure you are ready to clean the cat will be much easier to clean.Shake-Away is organic, so it is still a potential for other animals decide to grow producing ammonia and it seems no matter what you put a little while until you get home your pet cat grows bigger, so should be sought at the top of your home freely, you should put him down and destroying your house!The most important and most lovable pets you can bring them home.
Spaying also eliminates many types of bladder stones or marbles in it or spraying cats can relate to these.You have a laid back personality for our pets live a happy relationship and a myriad of places for a wide range of cats.However, if your cat from spraying anywhere.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no cat inside, so I re-baited and moved the four trapped felines back to where it will need a Natural Cat Urine Stains in our house and you cat sharpen her claws into, as well which makes sneezing a constant frustration for them to realize that they're a valuable source of embarrassment when your cat disinfected.Leather and faux leathers are also available that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill that we were very surprised to learn about what you need to sharpen their claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.
Cat Pee Next To Litter Box
I have placed on the subject of pets, the choice of litter and mess.Some cats use it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in hot water.These are not able to catch him in the developmental stage.They will find several cat lifetimes; it's up to unacceptable levels and it will live.Many people make the best possible information on cat allergies.
Cats are repelled by the petting are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and body meet.To eliminate such cat behaviors that annoy people...spraying, vocalizing and mating behaviors, and several have begun to threaten to take out any medical problems.1 tsp. baking soda and hand soap to work with than trying to cover up their business in their past.I cat has their own entertainment and that there are also heaps of different varieties?No matter what the Cat behaviors we worked on teaching him.
For pleasure, you might want to take enough care to not get other coloured hair products to clean stains from clothing.In case you will learn to take them to get a carpet powder, which is a common consequence of fleas as well.This occurs mostly in males but can still be treated differently if you make a guess eventually.Another popular design is the thing that could make one available from your plants or borders.Disinfecting has to do tricks and give them chocolate as a treat.
Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet UrinationYou need to find it useful to diagnose his problem.If the cat with you giving it a good idea - cats that are natural and safe to eat greenery and your neighbors.These foods work well to remove the carpet with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.o Apply tick-terminating chemicals on kitty.
Some helpful questions they could get other cats through fleas.Learn from your couch or stereo speakers to strop their claws indoors either because they know they have scent glands at the front of one of the curtains and knocking down and even some that are infested.What is Feline Asthma - Some cats are certainly issues to light, then your whole house or yard into an ungainly pile of the best choices for you to control fleas but prevents reproduction.The other reason they are very rewarding pets.I try to put a lid on the surface underlying the carpet.
I now know how it feels like it's an allergy to fur balls is frequent brushing.A test can then be perform on you to adopt a cat.In addition, the cat tries to eliminate this cat behaviour problem once and for keeping your cat a bath.There tend to live a long term commitment.A cat scratcher gives your dog is earning all the moisture is removed.
Cat Urine Vinegar Washing Machine
Important if you if you cat sharpen her claws into your room tidy, and less likely to keep them busy and they can join you in two respects.Whether you have a diminished or non-existing reaction to fleas and the poor dog.Correct training and guidance to be used to clean your cat's claws.So we decided to formally introduce them by opening the door they may find keeping a spray form.All felines have a covered or hooded type, or feel of the sofa.
But adopting a living creature like a big problem.Cats can develop a rewarding process as pregnant female cats will reduce damage to your vet before making an investment in something sticky or smelly.I then moved to the animal shelter, where they don't want them laying on, playing with your first instinct may be sick.Next, try to claw and scratch your funiture or walls is not clean the soiled areas thoroughly.The domesticated housecat is not meant for them.
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Fantastic Beasts: A World So New and Bright
This was originally a drabble prompt requested by @the-word-weaver-of-the-faeries and it got too long to be a drabble anymore. So here’s a full length fic. 
As I was writing this, it turned out to be less of one coherent narrative and more three drabbles I combined into one. So there’s no main plot lol you can tell when the fics change. 
Also, weirdly enough, I started to ship Newt and Credence the longer I wrote this, but in case that was weird and gross, I didn’t do it???? just very friendly and cute platonic domestic Newt and Credence presented here lol Hope you enjoy!
Words: 2,276
Credence was never one to interact with others, growing up with an abusive parent like his mother. He’d keep to himself, head down, never acknowledging anything. But he did hold a certain affinity for cats. There were strays all over the dreary neighborhood where he lived. And he’d long to take them in for his own. Living with an abundance of cats was better than living with his mother, in his mind. Better than living with any other humans, in fact. They were all out to hurt him. But not cats. 
The young wizard would go outside and put out bowls of food and water for the alley cats, hanging around outdoors long enough sometimes to get to pet them. 
And Credence hadn’t thought of cats since living with Newt, being more distracted by wild monsters and other such magical creatures. It wasn’t until he’d taken a stroll through the neighborhood and in a park on a bright sunny day was his reminded. He was passing by a turned over trash can and a small mew reached his ears. He paused and tried to take a look around the area of the trash can as to what made that noise.
A grey furry cat peeked its head out from inside the can, a lone noodle from someone’s thrown out food looping around its ear. Credence’s heart melted instantly. He knelt down, not wanting the cat to be afraid of him. He started to mutter and made hand gestures at the cat, holding his hand out. Eventually, the small mass made its way out. It was a little larger than the size of a kitten, so it was obviously still young. Poor thing. Credence let it lick his hand before he was allowed to pet it. And the cat purred, nuzzling into Credence. Oh boy. He’d have to make a decision sooner or later… 
Credence arrived back at Newt’s place twenty minutes after, and the sun had just started to set. Newt was busy cooking dinner for the two of them and he stepped out to greet Credence. 
“How was your walk?” Newt inquired, not seeing at first but he noted a peculiar bulge in Credence’s coat. And in the next second, a cat’s head poked out from the coat and looked around at its surroundings. Credence blushed and he set the cat on the ground, looking at Newt but not saying anything. 
Newt sighed but he smiled, “Well…. what’s one more creature around here, hm?”   
Credence smiled wide. He cared for Newt so much. The man was so nice to him, pleased with anything he’d do. It was a welcome experience after the life he’d led. The Magizoologist knelt down and tittered, the cat walking towards him after some hesitation. The cat warmed up to Newt unsurprisingly fast.   
“She’s a beautiful cat,” Newt pointed out, looking up at Credence through locks of his light brown hair.   
Credence nodded and asked, “How did you know she’s a girl?” 
Newt smiled and stood up, “I’m not an animal expert for nothing. Now come, supper’s almost ready.”   
Credence watched the grey cat carefully, making sure she was adjusting to her new environment. Newt put out a dish full of water for the cat and set it on the floor next to the table. She quickly trotted over and lapped it up.   
“Have you got a name for her?” Newt asked once he sat down and began to eat.   
Credence, chewing, nodded, “I was thinking Molly.” 
Newt smiled approvingly, “Molly it is.” For Newt, this was such a nice experience. Credence found something he clearly liked and brought it home. It was refreshing to have Credence pleased with animals for once instead of hiding his fears of the ones Newt worked with constantly. 
And so Molly became a part of their small family. Well, not so small if you counted all of Newt’s creatures. Credence would go to sleep cuddled up with her frequently. Newt would bring some other creatures of his to interact with Molly, making a note of who she clicked with and who she disliked. 
A rainy day seemed less frequent nowadays than in the past, but they did occur. And today was one of those days. Credence stood by the window and watched the rain pour from the sky. He looked down when he felt something furry nuzzling and swiping against his ankle. The wizard smiled softly and he sat down on the sofa, picking up Molly when she followed him. He settled her into his lap and stroked her like she loved.   
Newt emerged from his suitcase after feeding all the creatures, looking dirty and worn as always. But still immensely happy. Nothing could bring down his spirit, even the tiring job of having so many magical creatures to take care of. Pickett had stowed away in his vest pocket, and Newt didn’t mind.   
He plopped down into a lone plush chair and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He looked out the window and hummed, “Looks like a day for staying in.” 
Credence nodded. He looked at Newt and asked him, “Would you like to read?”  
Newt knew what Credence meant and he smiled, “Yes, I believe they don’t need caring for for a bit. What would you like to hear today, Credence?” 
“Your choice. I usually prefer the ones you pick over mine.” 
Newt smiled and he went to his vast shelf of books, thumbing through the spines until he lifted one from its spot. Credence scooted over on the couch so Newt could sit beside him and Molly.   
“It’s the one we started a few weeks ago. I figured we’d pick up on it now.” 
“The one with the traveling banker?” Credence asked, tilting his head. Newt nodded in response and opened it up. 
“Chapter 6: A Game of Chess…”   
Credence sat back in the couch. He loved when Newt would read to him. It was one of his favorite things. And now Newt’s soothing voice mixed with the pleasant purrs from Molly as he pet her put Credence into a state of absolute bliss. Everything was calming. Even the patters of rain against the roof and windows was welcome. 
The peaceful state was only broken when Newt cut off one of the words he was reading and replaced it with a yelp and a brief giggle.   
Credence looked up, confused as to what had happened. 
Newt squirmed slightly, pressing his palm to different parts of his chest and abdomen, “P-Pihickett, come out of thehehere.” 
Credence now understood and he smiled softly.   
Newt giggled and he gasped, hunching over only slightly when Pickett reached his lower belly, “N-Nohohoho… Pihickett!”   
The small bowtruckle was heard emitting a mischievous little giggle as he crawled across Newt’s belly. It always worked out well for him since he knew Newt couldn’t move much because he feared hurting the small twig creature. But Pickett did soon exit through Newt’s sleeve, forcing another string of giggles out of his mouth. Newt held Pickett in the palm of his hand and he chortled, shaking his head. He couldn’t stay mad at the adorable little bowtruckle.   
Unfortunately, Molly had caught sight of the intriguing small creature. So she hopped off Credence’s lap with a meow and lunged for the bowtruckle. Pickett, sensing the danger, gasped and jumped off Newt’s hand.   
“No!” both Newt and Credence chorused, one trying to catch the bowtruckle and the other trying to catch the cat. They ended up crashing into one another, Newt on top of Credence.   
“M-Mahaybe this wasn’t such a grand idea,” Newt smiled and blushed, quickly standing up and running where Molly had gone, “Pickett, come out,” he picked up the cat as she was scratching at a small crack in the wall, “She won’t hurt you.”   
Credence stood up, “I’m sorry, this was my fault. I should’ve contained her.” 
“Not to worry, Credence,” Newt reassured, handing over the cat. He crawled close to the hole and spoke into it, trying to convince the frightened bowtruckle that it was safe. Once Pickett walked out, Newt picked him up, “Alright, back in the case you go. I know, I know, I’m sorry.”   
Credence felt bad now as he watched Newt retreat into his suitcase to put Pickett back home. He sighed and sat down again with Molly.   
When Newt returned, he looked bashful and relieved at the same time, “I didn’t think about the two being together, Credence, I apologize.” 
Credence shook his head, “Don’t. It was no one’s fault, really. Cats will chase things resembling mice, I suppose. It’s in their nature.” 
Newt nodded and he brushed his hands off, “I’m going to wash up for the night.” 
Credence didn’t object, and he heard Newt’s footsteps ascending the stairs. Oh no, what if he was mad with him? He hated whenever he felt tension within the household. He tended to create imaginary tension with his paranoia most of the time, which Newt had to help him work through.   
Turns out, they were both fine. Credence went to speak with Newt after the Magizoologist showered and cleaned up. There was no bad blood between them, and Newt even offered to finish the chapter in the book before they both went to bed.   
A few days later, Newt was having a particularly fun time with his creatures. He’d give many of them time playing with him. And he even managed to calm his Erumpent enough to let them roll around and start a chase. Newt was perhaps so livened with all the fun, it oozed out into the real world when he encountered Credence.   
He saw Credence laying on the couch, a book in hand as he read with a somber face. Molly was laying on her bed on the floor near the desk. Newt walked up to Credence and sat by the young wizard’s feet.   
Credence looked up from his book and grinned slightly at seeing Newt covered in dust and dirt.   
“Are you absolutely sure you wouldn’t care to assist me with them today? They’re all in delightfully playful moods.”   
Credence shook his head, “No thank you.” 
“Then perhaps I should describe to you all the fun we’re having down there,” Newt stood up and he began his depictions.
“The Occamy was teaching her children how to fly for the first time, and she was using me as targets for them,” Newt reenacted him having to run around and jump into the air to dodge and attempt to “fly” with the babies.   
Credence couldn’t believe the spectacle he was watching. Sure, Newt could be energetic and excited about his creatures. But he was never this eccentric. It brought a smile to the Occulus’s face as he took in what was before him. 
“And the Erumpent would charge at me like this,” he bent forward and pretended his head was the Erumpent’s giant horn as he nuzzled close to Credence. The wizard let out a giggle.   
“The Fwoopers were having a grand old time making me spin around until I fell down from dizziness. They’re quite fast flyers, you know,” and Newt plopped onto the floor after spinning around. His giddiness was only heightened by the amount of enjoyment Credence was getting out of this display.   
“Oh, and how could I forget the bowtruckles?” he hopped up and jumped up onto Credence’s waist, looking down at him.   
Credence looked back up at his friend, seeing the freckled and dirt-smudged red cheeks looking back down at him. It made him smile even wider. But he squeaked and started to giggle when Newt spidered his fingers all across his belly. 
“They all ganged up on me like this. So it felt like a dozen spiders running across my skin. It was so ticklish, I couldn’t believe it,” Newt smiled and he fluttered his fingers up to Credence’s neck. The young wizard snorted and he ducked his head. 
“N-Nehewt! Hehehe…” 
Newt slipped his hands under Credence’s sweater and he skittered his fingers all around the quivering tummy, “Doesn’t this all sound like fun, Credence?” 
Credence laughed harder and he shook his head, “Ihihihit’s ahaHA toohoohoo muhuch! Hahahahaha!”   
Newt hummed and he giggled, swirling a finger around Credence’s belly button, “Once you have a bowtruckle tickle you here,” he scritched one finger inside Credence’s navel, “You’ll realize you’ve never laughed harder in your life.” 
And Credence shrieked and dissolved into deeper laughs, being more high-pitched. Newt pulled his fingers back to give Credence a break. But he wiggled them above Credence’s face to taunt him.   
Credence squeaked and shut his eyes, “Noho more!”   
Newt let out a soft laugh and he lowered his hands, resting them at Credence’s waist, “No more,” he repeated. 
Credence opened up his eyes again and he smiled at Newt. The hands at his waist were still making him wary, but he let it be. Just the two smiling, panting faces were enough in that small moment. Now that the laughter had calmed down, the two could hear Molly meowing from the foot of the couch. She’d wandered over, seemingly wanting to get in on the fun, too.   
Newt receded off Credence and he sat with his knees under him on the couch. He picked up Molly and held her in the air, letting her lick at his face. He scrunched his nose and giggled softly before handing her to Credence.   
“Beautiful,” was the thing Newt decided to say at that moment. He reclined where he sat and shut his eyes, obviously tired from all the fun he’d had. Credence huffed a small laugh, having to agree with him. Things were beautiful.
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ezatluba · 5 years
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14 myths about cats that you need to stop believing
Jessica Booth
Apr. 8, 2019
Even though cats are some of the most popular pets in the world, they are oftentimes extremely misunderstood by the general public. Like any other animal, cats are complex creatures and there is more to them than what meets the eye.
Some myths about cats can be quite harmless but some of them can actually be dangerous for these creatures, as some people will treat the animals differently due to these beliefs.
Here are a few popular myths about cats that just aren't true.
MYTH: All cats hate people and they are not cuddly animals
Although not all cats love cuddles and attention, there are many cats that do.
INSIDER spoke to Jackson Galaxy, host of Animal Planet's "My Cat from Hell" series, cat wellness consultant, and New York Times best-selling author, who explained that cats can be very cuddly and they also typically require a lot of love.
Galaxy said this myth is "perpetuated because we are looking at cats through dog-colored glasses." Many people compare the behavior of cats to the behavior of dogs, which may lead them to think cats aren't cuddly creatures.
"Cats are snuggly but in their own way. They don't bark or cry at you or beg for your attention the way dogs do," he explained.
MYTH: Cats are low-maintenance pets that don't require much care
Galaxy said he also thinks this myth is so widely believed because people tend to compare cats to dogs. In certain ways, dogs may require a bit more attention than cats but that doesn't mean cats don't need love and care.
"They are not high maintenance but they do have maintenance. They just don't need to be taken out three times a day," said Galaxy. He also said that having the mentality that cats are low-maintenance can be dangerous.
"One of the things I have seen as being a real problem is I have many clients who think it's OK to go out of town for a few days and leave their cat with an automatic feeder and some water because they're 'low-maintenance.' Well, they're not," Galaxy told INSIDER. "They get separation anxiety, just like dogs do. They crave the stability of their family life, just like dogs do. They just don't show it the way dogs do."
MYTH: Cats always land on their feet when they fall
Even though cats are pretty graceful and can oftentimes land on their feet, this widespread myth is not always true.
"Cats have what's called a 'righting reflex,' which is a built-in balancing system that helps them orient themselves to land on their feet," Dr. Jennifer Freeman, a veterinarian at PetSmart, told INSIDER. "In addition, there is a vestibular apparatus inside a cat's ear used for balance and orientation. This enables cats to quickly figure out which way is up and rotate their head immediately so their bodies can follow."
But this reflex and the special apparatus aren't always effective, especially if a cat is falling from a high place.
MYTH: Cats are supposed to drink cow's milk
Dr. Freeman said that even though many cats are attracted to dairy products, some types of milk are not actually safe for them to ingest.
"I especially do not recommend cow's milk because it can be harmful and cats can have lactose intolerance and other symptoms like an upset stomach if given too much," she told INSIDER. She said if you're trying to hydrate your cat, your best bet is to just give them water or wet food.
MYTH: It's always best for cats to live outdoors
When you have a cat as a pet, you typically have two options — raise them to be indoor cats by not allowing them to go outside or raise them as outdoor cats, giving them the option of going outside whenever they'd like.
Some people believe that cats, even domesticated ones, are meant to live in the great outdoors but Galaxy said it really depends on the cat, noting that he personally believes it is better if they are kept inside.
"Chances are they will lead a much shorter life if they are outdoor-only cats," he told INSIDER. "As a matter of fact, an outdoor only cat has an average lifespan of two to five years. The average lifespan of an indoor only cat is around 14 years. That's a huge difference."
MYTH: Cats absolutely hate water
Many cats are actually fascinated by water and some even love to play with it, especially if it is running from a faucet. In reality, cats just generally don't like to be submerged in water, said Dr. Freeman.
MYTH: Cats and dogs are mortal enemies
TV shows and movies may have convinced you that cats and dogs can't stand each other but Galaxy said this isn't always true. He said it's absolutely possible for cats and dogs to get along or at least tolerate each other.
"Sure, we have two species and when you're talking about two different species, there is a communication gap that is bound to happen," he explained. "That's why it's our job to be ambassadors — to do everything we can to ease that communication gap between the two species."
MYTH: Keeping a cat as a pet can be dangerous for pregnant people
Dr. Freeman said this myth is false but she did note that pregnant people should be cautious when handling kitty litter and cat feces.
She said that when cleaning a cat's litter box, pregnant people "should be cognizant of toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by a common parasite that can be transmitted through exposure to infected cat feces." She said a pregnant person should try to avoid changing a cat's litter box, and instead give that responsibility to someone else.
MYTH: You can't train a cat
Even though it seems like cats do whatever they want at any moment, they can actually be trained, said Dr. Freeman.
"[Training a cat] differs from training a dog because cats will not learn from discipline and will run away from any type of punishment," she said. "I recommend short training sessions with a clicker and rewarding your cat for small lessons learned. [Over time,] you can replace the clicker sound by saying 'good' and they will associate it with a reward."
MYTH: Cats are nocturnal creatures
If you own a cat, it's easy to assume they're nocturnal — they always seem to want your attention when you're sleeping. But Galaxy said this is not actually true.
"If left to their own devices, cats are crepuscular. That is to say, they are most awake at dusk and dawn, which makes sense when you think about the fact that, in nature, their natural prey is awake at dusk and dawn, i.e. the bugs, critters, crickets, and the like," he explained.
MYTH: Declawing a cat is quite harmless
Declawing your cat isn't exactly a harmless way to get them to stop scratching your sofa — Galaxy said that the procedure can be quite harmful to your pet.
"It has great lasting psychological and physical implications for cats as they go on in life. It is a completely unnecessary surgery," he told INSIDER. He said that many countries and a few cities in the US have already banned this practice.
If your cat's claws are a bit too sharp, you can trim them instead of removing them entirely. In some cases, cats will even groom themselves by trimming their own claws using their teeth.
MYTH: Indoor cats don't need as many shots as outdoor cats
Keeping your cat inside doesn't mean they don't need protection from illnesses and diseases.
"It is important to have routine vaccines and dewormers for cats and kittens. One of the most important shots for kittens up to 16 weeks is FVRCP (which stands for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis/Calicivirus/Panleukopenia), which is considered a core vaccination for all cats regardless of whether they will be indoor only or indoor[and] outdoor," said Dr. Freeman.
MYTH:Indoor cats can't really get sick
It is true that outdoor cats are generally more prone to contracting certain diseases because they can sometimes attack dangerous, infected prey or fight with stray cats. But that doesn't mean indoor cats are immune to all illnesses, said Dr. Freeman.
"Cats that primarily stay indoors face diseases such as obesity, dental disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cancer, and arthritis. If you do keep your cat inside, it will help reduce [their risk of contracting] parasites since they will not be preying on any small animals like birds," she said.
"You should routinely take your cat into your local veterinarian to ensure they are in good health," she added.
MYTH:Cats can see perfectly in total darkness
Galaxy explained that cats can really only see in the dark if they have the slightest bit of light.
"Their eyes gather that light in and they intensify that light in the back of their eye in a membrane called tapetum," Galaxy told INSIDER. He said a cat's eyes are designed in order to help them hunt prey in low-light atmospheres. "They do their best work not in total darkness, but pretty close," he added.
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eponymous-rose · 7 years
Hi, I just wanted you to know that cats are meant to have miles of territory, and your little anti science movement to jail cats is fucking terrible. These are semi domesticated predators, and no wishful thinking (or abuse) will change that. You're also cherry picking lifespans from bad areas to raise cats to suit your worthless cause. Of COURSE gator country is bad for them! I hope all of the poor cats you're abusing escape and you're never able to adopt again.
I can only assume this is based on a post I made several years ago, because this isn’t something I’ve talked about recently at all, which makes this note a lot more bizarre than you probably intended.
The indoor-vs.-outdoor debate is definitely something that raises a lot of hackles (so to speak) in cat communities, which is generally good news because it means folks are really invested in doing a good job of taking care of their pets! It’s also, in my experience, really darn hard to make any headway when talking to folks about care of their pets, because the implication of guilt if someone’s done something wrong in caring for a creature that is dependent on them can be absolutely unbearable. I know I had a very, very hard time facing up to the fact that the relatively grain-heavy store-brand dry food my cats ate contributed directly to their later-in-life health problems (they lived to be 17 and 18, but could have lived longer), and I was really resistant for a long time to any discussions of nutrition when it came to cats’ well-being. So, with that in mind, I apologize sincerely to anyone who’s ever been made to feel uncomfortable or inadequate or just plain awful as a cat owner as a result of one of whichever-the-heck ancient posts you’ve dredged up.
Cats are some really weird pets, my friend. There’s a lot of discussion surrounding what’s ‘natural’, with two very vocal camps laboring under the misapprehensions that ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’ are always either completely aligned or completely mutually exclusive. One thing’s for sure: a cat’s need for territory absolutely must be satisfied, whether that cat is indoors or outdoors; not keeping aware of that is how you can wind up with cats acting out in territorially aggressive (attacking other pets, humans) or insecure (spraying) ways. Most cats will be perfectly content with sightlines provided by windowsills, cat trees, and elevated shelving that permits the expansion of that territory into the vertical.
There are threats considerably beyond “gator country” when it comes to letting cats out, and many of them boil down to: hell is other people. Or, in this case, other cats. We have a lot of family pets come into the shelter with FeLV and FIV contracted from strays; the families in question can’t manage the extra care needed, or don’t want to risk passing the diseases to the other pets in the household. Cats can also bring pests inside—my best friend growing up had an ongoing ringworm disaster when her three cats kept going out and getting reinfected. High populations of cats imported into a region (e.g., a new subdivision) can be a problem in and of themselves, messing with local bird populations.
And hey, people are a problem, too. My next-door neighbor growing up hated cats so much that he’d leave poison out; we didn’t find out until we’d already been living there for ten years and he bragged about it to my dad. He had no idea we’d owned cats the whole time we lived there. We lived across the street from an elementary school, where twice a day the streets would be so packed with cars and frustrated and careless drivers that I knew several folks in the neighborhood who had pets run over.
Ideally, naturally, cats would absolutely be A-OK with going outside and spending a lotta time out there and just checking in from time to time for some good good noms and a nice warm place to be cuddled, and there are absolutely parts of the world where the risks are so low that letting them roam works out just fine. But the reality is that humans have pretty much fucked that up in many places, and so it’s important to at least consider possible ways to ensure that cats can live healthy, happy lives indoors.
Basically? You’re very right in that a cat kept indoors in a bad situation is likely to be miserable. A lot of people own cats, and while the general perception among dog owners is that it’s very important to do your homework in terms of behavior and training, many cat owners are completely unaware of even the basics of feline body language (how often have you heard someone say “his tail was wagging, he was perfectly happy, and then he scratched me out of nowhere!”—wagging tail on a cat means they’re very stimulated, so if they’re not just watching a bird or something you should probably keep hands away). Folks who don’t do their homework are gonna be in for a bad time; indoor cats without regular play or things to climb or enough litter boxes can get anxious and depressed. Outdoor cats are gonna do fine on their own until some external factor (disease, humans, other cats) intervenes. Taking care of an outdoor cat in that particular respect requires less effort and research, but carries its own risks.
It comes down to this: pet owners have a responsibility for their pets. To me, that means taking all reasonable precautions to ensure that those pets are not harmed (and that they are not likely to harm other animals along the way), and that means weighing the risks of the outdoors against the extra effort needed to give a cat a good, happy, full life indoors. No easy answers.
There’s a wonderful article by the American Humane Society with more information here.
I hope the cats you’re so passionately defending live long, happy lives, no matter where they roam.
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mcalhenwrites · 7 years
Prompt: Alvin once comes home with a kitten litter
Thank you for the prompt! I’ve written Alvin bringing home one kitten before, so I’ll write it with a litter and this time, Milla’s here, too! :’D
The apartment is different when Milla and Judereturn home. Other than being unusually quiet, there are new smells in the air.Milla catches a whiff and turns to Jude.
Jude sneezes.
By then, she’s figured it out—well before thefirst chubby kitten comes pit-pattering out of the hallway with Alvin hurryingbehind it. Their partner doesn’t notice them standing near the doorway. 
“Got you!” If Alvin meant to scold the kitten, hedoesn’t sound serious. He gives it a kiss on the nose as he scoops it into onehand and sets it level with his face. “Stop running off. No one can see youuntil I’ve explained what happened.”
“A little late for that,” says Milla in amusement,putting a hand on her hip. 
Alvin freezes. Jude hurries over to the tissue boxand begins blowing his nose. He goes through three of them before Alvin finallyturns to face them, kitten squirming and mewing as he holds it against hischest.
“Someone dumped a box of them,” says Alvin. “Somestupid kids found it, and they weren’t being very nice. I chased ‘em off andtook the box home. I wasn’t going to leave ‘em! What if those kids’d come back?”
Jude glances at Milla, dabbing at his nose withanother tissue.“Leia used to rescue animals,” he says, and his voice is thick and nasally. “She’dchase any bullies down and beat them up first. She’d bring home all sorts ofanimals, even taking them to school sometimes.”“Leia says she’ll help,” says Alvin. “She’s on her way, and she’s willing totake them all if we can’t keep any.” “So you called Leia before you called us,” says Milla. “You could have at leastwarned Jude. You know he’s allergic.”“I meant to.” He smirks. “I can’t help it if one escaped the bathroom and I hadto chase him down. I only had a chance to call Leia before that, and I did it ‘coshe’s allergic. The sooner they’re out of here, the better—right?”“How many are there?” Milla can’t imagine that Jude’s reaction would be assevere if there were only one other kitten. Alvin turns away. “Seven,” he mumbles. “Maybe it’s best if you go outside, Jude, untilLeia gets here.”Jude tosses another tissue in the trash and smiles sheepishly. “I kind of wantto see them…” 
“Maybe we could keepone?” asks Alvin, holding up the one in his hands. It lets out a tiny cry.
She can see Jude soften to the idea as soon as the kitten speaks out. But Milladoesn’t understand the appeal. All kittens can make that noise. All seven of them will. And they are notgoing to be attached to seven kittens. Jude will have to live on allergy medicationevery day, and it probably won’t be enough to combat the issue.
“Only one?” She laughs. “And then another? How many until you stop?”
“How could I choose?” admits Alvin.
“Two?” asks Jude with puppy eyes.
Speaking of puppies, Jude will be taking them into a dog next. If they’re notcareful, they’ll have a menagerie of strays, all gathered on every corner oftheir bed. Not that Milla would mind; the cohabitation between humans anddomesticated animals is fascinating. But financially, they don’t have enoughgald—not if Jude is going to need allergy medication to survive a couple ofkittens. All the animals will need food and veterinary care, too.
“Let’s keep them together, and in a week or two, we’ll visit Leia and decidewhich ones to keep,” she says, hoping they’ll agree with her reasoning. “Thatwill give us better time to prepare.”
“Fair enough,” says Alvin, more to convince himself than in agreement withMilla.
When Milla turns, Jude is gone. She notices his shadow disappear in the hallway.Even if Alvin is the one who prefers cats and Jude dogs, they’re all happierwhen there are animals around. Maybe she ought to soften the idea as well—her favoriteanimals, humans, deserve to be content, too.
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