#cause 9 times out of 10 I’m just reblogging shit and not in the mood to talk
rosicheeks · 1 year
did you get my last ask? idk if it went through or not _ 🎤
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Hey I I just saw natm 2 for the first time and first of all 2000s movies my beloved and second of all I’m disappointed! cause I watched it specifically for Al Capone and then he shows up for all of 2 scenes 🤦‍♀️
I know right!!! 2000's movies make my heart go fwoom. Haha XD
And oh, man. I am so heavily empathising with you about Al's lack of screen time! Lets list some of his bets moments:
His intro! Its a small moment, I know, but its always exciting if you like his character XD
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4. The way he agrees when Kah says its fantastic meet them ^^ Its very cute.
3. This face XD
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4. This entrance of his! Very dramatic, very good timing- A+ Al.
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5. This face XDD
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6. "Ho... ly... shit... "
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7. Gotta go-
You know he was prepared to knock both of the other two down to get away safe. Also, Napoleon grabbing him? That's a mood...
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8. Tiny glimpse of him, because we need all the glimpses we can get.
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9. wat
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10. Him having a major freak out.' What the fuck is happening here?? No, no, NO- '
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Hold on- I'm gonna reblog and add more because I'm run outta picture slots-
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (10)
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(technoblade x fem!reader)
(a/n: y’all seemed to like chapter 9 so here’s chapter 10! I know, I know. still no technoblade! BUT! he WILL be arriving soon~ very soon. >:3c but for now just enjoy the rest of the utter nonsense that’s the election. and remember! reblogs and comments REALLY make writing the next chapter possible. if y’all lose interest then so will I. so reblog and comment y’all! <3)
There was an eerie silence hanging over everyone in attendance. Nobody quite knew what to say, or even how to react to this startling new information. Not a soul spoke as a few people on stage and in the audience shared confused glances, not even whispering their questions to each other lest they shatter the heavy stillness. At least that was the case before HBomb hopped up out of his chair and gave a loud and cheerful “WHOO! NEW PRESIDENT!” that successfully slam dunked everyone back into the moment at hand. 
Suddenly you were surrounded by noise as everyone started talking at once. 
Meanwhile you remained mostly unaware of it, well more like distantly aware of it.
You stared up at the stage, locked in place from how floored you still were.
What in the absolute hell was Wilbur talking about?? 
You can’t have won! Because you weren’t running! 
So there’s no way for you to WIN something you were never actively competing for! 
There had to be a mistake. Maybe this was just some more of their silly pranks and japes before they read off the real winner, which actually wasn’t that huge of a stretch for this SMP if you were being honest. Or at least that’s what you were telling yourself anyways. Vaguely you could hear voices talking all around you, but it seemed far away, so you weren’t really registering what was being said. You were mostly just staring blankly at the stage, not really seeing any of the people up there as you tried to process what just happened.
It took Tubbo grabbing your elbow and shaking it to snap you out of the almost trance like state you'd slipped into. You looked down and he actually looked excited, but you could also see shock in his expression as well. You looked behind you to the rest of the crowd and some were clapping and cheering while others stood silent, shocked like you if you had to hazard a guess. You looked back up at the stage when you heard Tommy calling you to come up with them. You were still sorta frozen but thankfully Tubbo nudged you forward, reminding you that you needed to move. Silently you made your way up to the podium, mouth feeling dry and stomach feeling like it was full of stones.
Now that you were zoned back in you could hear the arguing coming from the podium. You were sort of dreading coming face to face with Wilbur, already knowing how… not great he took Schlatt winning from the original timeline. And he apparently knew and was friends with the ram hybrid. So you couldn’t see him being happy you won.. But when you got to the stage where the others were you couldn’t focus on Wilbur because all at once your vision was overtaken by Tommy, who was babbling about how you won! And how the hell did you win?? You weren’t even running! And how he’s pretty down they lost but at least Quackity and George didn’t win! (that got a ‘fuck you!’ out of the Spanish speaking young man) You gave a weak chuckle and said you’re not sure how or why you won but it was crazy indeed. 
Quackity, Schlatt, and George were the most vocal about not thinking the results were fair. Though to be clear, Wilbur didn’t look thrilled either, but he was doing his best to look professional or put together you guessed. Or at least not blow up in front of literally everyone. You kept an eye on him while Tommy led you up to the mic and told you to give your first decree as president. But you sorta… didn’t want to be president. You hoped you wouldn’t upset anyone by not accepting the job. But you didn’t think you’d make a good leader. So you turned away from the mic, hoping nobody but the ones beside you on stage would hear when you asked if you had to accept the role. 
This caught all the mens’ attention and Wilbur was quick to give you an out, saying no you didn’t technically HAVE to accept the presidency. In fact if you weren’t ready or willing to fill the role then the runners up, aka him and Tommy, would happily do so for you. But then Quackity, Schlatt, and surprisingly Fundy said that wasn’t fair either since both Pog2020 and Schlatt/Swag2020 were tied with the amount of votes. And you had to admit, that didn’t seem fair. But Wilbur perked up and you’d swear in that moment he was the embodiment of the ‘lightbulb above head’ phrase. Then he grinned and turned to Fundy and Niki and asked to speak to them before urging them and Tommy off the stage, leaving you and Schlatt/Swag2020 on the stage alone.
Not wanting to leave everyone in the audience hanging, you gave a polite smile and assured them that the others just wanted to…. recount the votes! They weren’t sure Wilbur counted them right so they figured recounting with some other witnesses there would clear things up! The crowd shared confused glances but it was Tubbo who yelled out that that sounded sus as hell! And if he were you he’d think they were trying to cheat or something! You snorted a laugh but assured him it was alright and you didn’t think they’d be that ballsy~
Fundy and Niki followed behind Wilbur and Tommy, the latter of the two males just as confused about what Wilbur was up to as the pair behind him. But then they all gathered in the white house and Wilbur turned to the members of Coconut2020 and said he had a proposition for them! The brunet said that since it was clear that you weren’t really up to being president, his tone derisive like your refusal of the position was tantamount to spitting in his food, then if Fundy and Niki agreed to combine their votes with Swag2020 then Wilbur could be president again and things could go back to normal!
But the blonde woman and fox hybrid didn’t look convinced.. Niki said they’d just be giving them their votes so they could win, while they got nothing? Fundy frowned and asked what positions he and Niki would have in the Pog2020 cabinet if they joined their votes with theirs. Here is where Wilbur hesitated, unsure what positions he could give them. But then he smiled and said Niki would be the First Woman, since she was the first woman to join L’manberg! And Fundy would of course be everyone’s Little Champion! He couldn’t help but baby talk his son, he’d never been able to take Fundy seriously, not really anyways. What with his alert little triangle ears, furry face, soft little paw beans, and fluffy tail. He was just too cute for Wilbur to take him seriously. Even now. But it was this attitude that would be his downfall. Because it’s what caused Fundy to snap.
“No, Wilbur! This is serious! I’m not some baby for you to dress up and prance around! I’m a fucking adult! I have my own house, I pay taxes, I fought in a war for fucks sake!” the hybrid shouted, clearly upset.
Wilbur was shocked but tried to calm Fundy down, not fully realizing how mad his son was until the red haired male practically snarled, 
“I’m not going to sit here and hand over the votes Niki and I earned just so you can treat me like a child!”
Without another word he turned on his heel and stormed out of the white house, leaving three stunned people behind. Tommy looked up at Wilbur, opening and closing his mouth, wanting so badly to say something, maybe lighten the awkward mood but not knowing what or even if he should speak at all. Meanwhile Niki just sighed and gave Wilbur a soft disappointed look. She knew Wilbur loved his son, and that often translated to him babying the hybrid. But she’d warned him, as kindly as she could, that it seemed to upset Fundy that his own father wouldn’t treat him like anything but a kid. She’s not a parent herself, so she figures it must be hard for a parent to see their child as anything but a child, even after they’ve grown. 
But she can see Fundy’s side too. It must be massively frustrating to be looked upon like you’re just a kid. Especially since Wilbur doesn’t even treat Tommy, his own younger brother, as a child as much as he does Fundy. And she’d seen first hand how Wilbur’s attitude towards Fundy, whether or not the brunet intended for it to happen or not, did in fact influence how others treated the red furred hybrid. She’d seen Tommy, Tubbo, Eret, Sapnap, and even herself a couple times sort of not treat Fundy with the respect you’d show to a fellow adult. She tried her best to kick that habit, and her and Fundy’s friendship had really blossomed thanks to it, she thinks. But she believes Wilbur just pushed his son to his breaking point…
“He’s right, Wilbur. You can’t keep babying him. He’s a grown up now..” Niki said neutrally.
Then she let out a tired sounding breath of air and turned to follow after the fox hybrid, saying she would go check on him. But she also said Wilbur needed to talk to him later, man to man, and make things right. Said brunet looked rather flummoxed, not sure what the hell just happened. It was Tommy who broke the silence by giving an almost weak sounding ‘holy shit’. Wilbur turned his perplexed gaze to his brother and asked what the HELL that was all about! Said blond winced and gave a sigh while awkwardly scratching the back of his head, not thrilled with the weird turn this conversation took, but answered Wilbur,
“Ehh… looks like you and Fundy have some unresolved personal issues, bud..”
Wilbur barked that this wasn’t the time for Fundy to let some personal vendetta against him cloud his reasoning! They were in the middle of the do or die of the election! If they couldn’t get Fundy and Niki to agree to join their votes with theirs then they won’t win! And they’ll be in a tie with Schlatt and Quackity! Wilbur jerked his hands down, like he wanted to slam them against a table or something. But instead he just viciously scrubbed his fingers through his curly hair, feeling embittered with everyone around him. All he’d wanted was to lead HIS country! Like he rightfully should have been able to! All this election bollocks and now he was having to try and convince HIS OWN SON to help him stay president?! If it were him and Phil needed help he’d give it! Well he would if Phil were ever fucking around..
The sound of a crowd cheering caused the two to whip their heads towards the area where the stage was before they looked at each other. Not a word was spoken between them as they both took off in a run towards the stage, wondering what happened and what they were missing. They rounded the corner of the building to the left of the stage to see you smiling and waving daintily to the crowd. Not sure what they’d missed, Wilbur rushed up to Niki and asked what happened. Did you accept the presidency already?? 
Niki raised an eyebrow at her friend and nodded, saying you’d finally relented and accepted the role as president after she and Fundy came back from ‘recounting the votes’. Niki hummed and said she figured that you finally accepted the results after it was made clear that if you didn’t then everything would be stuck in a tie. But then Niki’s reflecting mood brightened and she said she really thought you’d do a good job as the new president. Even joking that you had to be better than Schlatt. 
Niki never voiced it out loud but she’d been worried Schlatt and Quackity would win. Schlatt was the biggest worry for her. To his credit, he was actually a really funny guy and she could see why Wilbur was friends with him, they just had a good chemistry and their senses of humor bounced off each other well. But… Schlatt could also be blatantly power hungry and hateful if not kept in check from the few times she’d met him or heard stories about him from Wilbur. Niki felt like giving him the amount of authority that came with being president would only end poorly. And Quackity was an alright guy in her opinion but he could be vindictive and petty too. She got the vibe that any amount of power given to him would instantly go to his head and turn him into a jerk.
But again, these were just her personal (and not spoken aloud) opinions…
She always hated being mean to people and saying hurtful things. So she kept her opinions to herself more often than not. Unless it was super important anyways. So instead of elaborating on Why she was so relieved that Schlatt and Quackity hadn’t won she instead flashed the two members of Pog2020 a smile and said it had been a fun race, and despite all the drama she really thinks Tommy’s friend will do a good job. Then with a keen raise of her eyebrows the blonde suggested with a cute smile,
“Oh, maybe you could be a member of Reader’s Cabinet! I’m sure she’ll be needing a vice president, secretary of defense, treasury, and other positions!”
Niki was honestly just trying to cheer up her friend, but the cheerful smile slipped off her face at the dark look that crossed Wilbur’s. She grew concerned when she saw how hard he was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. His behavior over the last few weeks had been slowly worrying her, but this was starting to make her anxious. And when he started marching towards the stage she shot a panicked look to Tommy, who could do nothing but give her an equally worried and confused face before they both tried to hurry after their brown haired friend. But he got up onto the stage before either of them could grab his arm, and Niki was about to call after him but he reached your side, clearing his throat and alerting you to his presence. 
You looked down and saw him standing at attention next to you, hand outstretched for a handshake and a polite but serious smile on his face. You were surprised, thinking he was handling this with more grace than you’d expected, but a feeling deep in your gut was still on edge. You knew the destruction Wilbur Soot was all too willing and capable of doing in the selfish pursuit of keeping power over the country he made. The lives of his friends and family be damned. So while you really really wanted to hope that Wilbur will be better since you won over the other parties… you’re also highly skeptical that he will manage to keep his sanity. 
But instead of showing any of your reservations you instead simply smile and shake his hand, thanking him for congratulating your win and promising him you’ll do your best with the presidency and taking care of L’manberg. And if you noticed how his smile looked a little too angry at the edges then you didn’t say anything..
So instead of dealing with the mess that was Wilbur Soot you focused on the crowd and let go of Wilbur’s hand to stand at the sort of comically short podium and spoke out to the people you were now responsible for,
“Well, this all was certainly unexpected..”
Chuckles erupted from the crowd at that, making you feel a bit better about all of this. At least you weren’t the only one to see how wild all of this mess was.
“I’m actually really shocked! I wasn’t intending to run for president but I suppose life has other plans for me. But regardless, I’m honored you’ve all put your faith in me to lead you. I swear to do my absolute best for you and help L’manberg flourish.”
Applause from the crowd made you give a genuine smile. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad?
In the audience, watching this all unfold behind a mask and tapping his foot, stood the familiar looking figure in a green hood. Hanging around next to him was Sapnap in all his black and white dressed glory. And at some point George had gotten bored with the drama on stage and had left Quackity’s side (not that the duck hybrid had even noticed or cared) and wandered over to stand with his two friends. They watched Wilbur hand over the presidency to you and George made an off hand comment that Wilbur sure didn’t look pleased with losing, a smug laugh in his sleepy tone. Sapnap snickered but stared at you and elbowed his taller friend, asking in a curious tone while subtly gesturing to you,
“Speaking of, why didn’t you tell us you’d let someone new on the server, Dream?”
His friend glanced at him for a second longer than normal before replying with a tense tone to his voice that he hadn’t let her on. That caused both Sapnap and George to jerk their heads up to look at him in visible confusion. While George stammered through a series of ‘what’s’ and ‘wait hold on-’ Sapnap was loudly questioning what the hell he meant. The mask wearing player shushed them both before looking up to see if anyone had heard them or looked over at the twos’ loud exclamations. Thankfully nobody had. So he sighed and led them a bit further away from the crowd and explained that he’d not authorized any new members to the server. and it was true, he hadn’t. But both hybrids still looked confused and George asked, clearly puzzled,
“Well then how did she get on the server?? Nobody else can let people on, right, Dream?”
Sapnap nodded but stopped when their taller friend let out a flat hum before shaking his head ‘no’. That caught the shorter twos’ attention so he elaborated by asking them,
“Who on this server is known to have Creative Mode?”
The two blinked before it dawned on them and they looked even more shocked than before, only now it was coupled with anxiousness. Sapnap harshly whispered to the two, asking why the hell fucking GOD himself would actually let someone onto the server?? DreamXD never bothered with players and stuff, only being rumored to be seen by players if they broke server rules. George added on that this all sounded really weird. And an idea hit him and he couldn’t help but voice it. 
“You don’t think… she’s linked to DreamXD.. do you? Like working for him or something?” he asked a touch nervously.
The other two didn’t say anything, not really knowing what to say to that. Sapnap could only shrug while the tallest of their group remained silent, none of them having any answers to the string of questions they’d just let loose.
They would just have to wait and see it seemed.
@lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake @realitycanbeajerk @lostandsouciant @thegeekisheere @sparkling-gayyy
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princehairsupremacy · 4 years
im looking for requests so use these if you want to
yes these are mostly smut, I enjoy writing smut the most
(If you wanna use my prompts thats fine but reblog so you're not taking credit please)
Send a request
1. "Isn't that a tad extreme?"
2. "I'd like it better off you."
3. "Woah, I didn't realise you meant that."
4. "Are you sure? ‘Cause I am completely sure."
5. "Sure you don't need help still?"
6. "I told you this would happen."
7. "Just pretend for me, please."
8. "Did you fake it?"
9. "I'd prefer you show me."
10. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine?"
11. "All I need is a hug."
12. "I'm not in the mood."
13. "I don't think friends do this."
14. "This is weird."
15. "But i don't have anything to wear."
16. "Do you ever shut up?!"
17. "I think you need to be taught a lesson."
18. "I don't know why you're mad at me."
19. "I didn't do that!"
20. "On your knees."
21. "Why're you so shy?"
22. "Don't flatter yourself."
23. "I just need some time to think."
24. "So, what did you wish for."
25. "Are you naked?!"
26. "I think we should try it once."
27. "Nice to meet you. Wanna go to my place?"
28. "Do you want me to stop?"
29. "Do you ever listen."
30. "You should think before you speak."
31. "Just...back up."
32. "I'm not ready."
33. "Who told you that?"
34. "I would never do that to you."
35. "How can make it up to you?"
36. "Just sit on it. No ones gonna get hurt."
37. "I don't think it'll fit."
38. "Where were you?"
39. "I can't do it!"
40. "Okay, ow, stop!"
41. "That's way too big."
42. "You know I didnt mean it like that."
43. "I think I love you."
44. "I've never done it before."
45. "We can't tell my family."
46. "You know I'm the better option."
47. "Excuse me, do you sell the 9" here?"
48. "You're never gonna be alone as long as I'm here."
49. "May I have this dance."
50. "Didn't invite me?"
51. "Where are we going?"
52. "Is this seat taken."
53. "We're never doing that."
54. "Don't laugh at me, I'm serious."
55. "I need you so bad."
56. "It's so wet."
57. "Daddy's busy."
58. "Do I know you?"
59. "You're mine."
60. "I would like nothing more, but I can't."
61. "You know they would never let us."
62. "The fuck are you wearing."
63. "Arch your back."
64. "Why does she suck like that?"
65. "Want some help with that?"
66. "I'm literally on my knees and you're asking that?"
67. "Just let me back in."
68. "Don't leave me."
69. "My face could be a good seat. Ow!"
70. "I don't even know them!"
71. "What does that even mean?"
72. "Don't act smart with me."
73. "What did you just say?"
74. "Shit. It's really tight."
75. "What do you expect me to do."
76. "It never looks like that."
77. "Why would you say that?"
78. "You really hurt me."
79. "You must be joking."
80. "Why would I ever do that?!"
81. "Im scared."
82. "This may hurt. But don't worry."
83. "What if its bad? What if im bad?"
84. "How are you so arrogant?"
85. "I've had better."
86. "You want me to be honest."
87. "I don't think I can do that."
88. "I want you to finish first."
89. "Are you sure it feels good?"
90. "Do you have to be so rude?"
91. "Its funny, you think you're in control."
92. "I wish it were different."
93. "I'm not stalking you!"
94. "Buy anything you like, it's what I'm here for."
95. "I said, you're a dick!"
96. "Take off my clothes?"
97. "That wasn't funny."
98. "Why do you act like this?"
99. "I never said I hated you."
100. "You want a mouthful? I'll give you a mouthful."
101. "Were you looking at my hands the whole time I was talking?"
102. "Answer the phone, don't worry, I'm not stopping."
103. "You think you don't deserve to be punished for that?"
104. "You're a brat."
105. "Baby, untie me right now or you'll regret it."
106. "Fuck me? No! Fuck you!"
107. "This is your fucking fault."
108. "Go to bed, I'll be there soon."
109. "You want a baby? seriously?"
110. "Hypothetically if I were to say that I was in love with you, what would you do?"
111. "We're in public, we shouldn't...but if you really wanna-"
112. "Just want your legs wrapped around my head."
113. "You always play so hard to get."
114. "Oh come on, i wasn't that drunk."
115. "So...wanna kiss?"
116. "I thought I'd be alone forever."
117. "You play guitar?"
118. "It's early, baby."
119. "Are you alright?"
120. "You're from here?"
121. "I doubt you remember you saying it since you were drunk."
122. "You have to choose between us."
123. "Please come home. It's not the same without you."
124. "Stay the night. Please?"
125. "I might have had a few shots."
126. "I really wanna kiss you right now."
127. "Make me."
128. "Don't tempt me."
129. "I saw that. You just checked me out."
130. "Boobs are like squishy pillows and yours are comfortable."
131. "When we're done, we should have like...angry sex or something. Maybe? Please?"
132. "Let me show you why we should not get out of bed."
133. "You look tense. May I help you relax?"
134. "Don't move or you're not coming tonight."
135. "You'd look good with my hand around your neck."
136. "You're taking it so good."
137. "You think you deserve a reward?"
138. "You remember your safe word? Cause I'm not going easy on you."
139. "Say my name."
140. "I told you to stay still."
141. "Harder."
142. "Touch yourself for me."
143. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll beg me to stop."
144. "I want it to hurt."
145. "Your mouth feels so good."
146. “Get on my thigh.”
147. “You wanna sneak off to the bathroom?”
148. “They won’t hear us if you just keep quiet.”
149. “If you want to do it, we can try it.”
150. “Is it alright if I sleep in your bed tonight?”
151. “Be a good girl for me.”
152. “Beg.”
153. “You’re just a whore for me, aren’t you baby?”
154. “Make it hurt.”
155. “Don’t hold back.”
156. “Take it.”
157. “I just want to fuck you so bad.”
158. “I’m going to watch and you can beg me to touch you, but I won’t.”
159. “I’m going to make this so much worse for you if you don’t fucking stop.”
160. “Make me.”
161. “Just one night.”
162. “I can tell how bad you want punished and I’m not going to give it to you.”
You can also request things like AU’s or just situations, go into details about the request if you want. no request is too long or too short :)
here’s some examples
angel/demon type thing
zombie apocalypse maybe?
there are so many and you can include any in your requests if you choose to!
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Bred For Blood - Part 19 - Promise-Promise
Title: Bred For Blood
Warning: 18+ - sex/mature language & themes/gun violence/substance abuse etc. *mentions of coma/unconsciousness, injuries, and sex in this part*
Characters: AU Axel Cluney, AU Ivar Lothbrok, AU Valter x OC
Description: A bright, young survivor meets an acid-gun slinging headhunter with a knack for melting faces and connections to a prodigal Utopia embedded in the heart of a deadly forest. Violence and passion incite a battle of fealty while betrayal nips at Zed’s heels.
Note: Sooo many feelings in this part, you guys. Next part will be the finale! My gosh, it’s actually coming. Stick around because it’s gonna be a doozy! Much love to all the readers who’ve waited patiently and shout out to any new readers who’ve taken the time to let me know their thoughts. I appreciate all the comments and reblogs forever! With that being said, please comment and reblog. It’d really make my day. XO
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Zed waited for Vee next to the window overlooking the vast green ocean of vegetation. The sliver of sun painted the sky aflush, rolling west in shades of violet. Pinprick stars perforated the melting spectrum, and the phantom moon showed its impatient face fully before the horizon swallowed all light. It was a soothing array of scenery, and Zed rested her head on the glass until footsteps drew her attention to the door. She smiled as Vee came in carrying a plate of zucchini fritters and mashed chickpeas, returning the warm greeting silently.
"Hungry? Axel wasn't a fan. He wants a cheeseburger from McDonald's," said Vee, handing the platter to Zed.
She accepted the dish with a nod. "Did you tell him why that's not possible?"
Vee sighed. The dark beneath his eyes seemed permanent now. "I didn't get into detail. He wouldn't understand."
"Shouldn't we make him understand?"
"It's too soon. The big lug just woke up. It was a challenge just to get him to lie there. Soon he'll want to leave the lab, and I don't know how he'll fare around his adoring fans."
Zed bit into a greasy fritter and scooped a dollop of the paste with the leftover crescent. "He'll love the ego-boost, I'm sure."
"That's what I'm afraid of. All those people will confuse him. Who knows what that might do to his head. We're in a delicate situation."
"Axel seems to like me. Maybe I can convince him to stay put."
Vee grimaced from the thought of Axel working Zed over with his motoring mouth and crass sense of humour. The scientist had grown accustomed to nights alone with her, cooking together and discussing their future. The night they'd spent alone in the greenhouse rang in his heart; the night he admitted his feelings and begged her to squash them. The thought of her alone with Axel picked a scab he didn't know he had.
"You're worried about something," Zed said.
Vee snapped from his bittersweet reverie and sighed. "Am I ever not worrying?"
"True," Zed snorted. "Now, eat. I can't finish this all myself."
The pair finished the plate before Vee set the dish aside and motioned her to the sofa.
"We need to talk about what we found in Glott's notes. I know we can't test this theory, but we should treat it as the truth," said Vee.
"Okay, well, if that's how we're approaching this D negative blood sample... What's the next step? We have no medical supplies. I checked the med tent in the courtyard for the third time just for fun."
"Then we have to visit Glott and get some answers. And by we... I mean me."
"I know you don't want me to leave, but what other option do we have? Every day we waste here is another step backward."
Zed shook her head until a thin braid dislodged from behind her ear and swung in her face. Vee resisted the urge to tuck it back. The girl's face swivelled toward the window, and she pondered and watched the premature stars twinkle across the bruised sky.
"We go together," Zed said firmly. "I won't budge on that."
"And what about Axel?"
"We wait until he's better. We'll need him to navigate the way."
"And if he never recovers?" Vee asked.
"Then we go anyway. All three of us. We get Axel better, and we go together."
Vee inhaled through his nose as Zed screwed her eyes into his. When he nodded, a smile unfurled across her face, shadowed by the last drops of brassy sunlight.
"I hate this plan, but I suppose it's all we have," said Vee.
"Promise we'll all stick together."
"Of course, Lea. I won't leave without you guys. Promise."
"I double promise with a cherry on top. Stick a needle in my eye and call it macaroni."
Zed stifled laughter beneath her palm. "I think you've been hanging out with Sam too much."
"That, or I'm just tired."
"I'll let you sleep now. You look beat."
Vee twisted his mouth in lopsided agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna hit the shower first. Unless you want to?"
"No, you go ahead. I'll stay here a little longer," Zed said as she laid her temple against the cool glass and looked out over the forest floor, now drowning in the twilight.
In the morning, Zed left the apartment and padded down the hallway in her mismatched slippers. She slowed as she turned the corner and found the brothers talking. Axel's eyebrows were locked in a line, and Vee looked up at her with relief.
"Lea, can you help me explain to Axel why he can't leave the hospital room?"
Axel whipped the covers off his thighs. "This place is fuckin' weird, and I know you're lying to me. That doctor you had in here is a whack-job. Something isn't adding up."
"Stay put," Vee commanded.
Zed rubbed the sleep from her eyes and prepared to take both sides with a long breath. "Axel, your brother is right. You can't leave yet. Just stay a little longer and heal."
"Where the fuck am I, Vee? This isn't like any hospital I've ever been to. And why can't I use the phone to call mom and dad?"
Axel's question erased all the sleep Vee had gotten the night before. His fatigue was contagious. Zed approached the bed and brushed Axel's shoulder. The touch diffused the tension in his upper body and opened him up to a new explanation, one that hadn't come from his kid brother's mouth.
"There are no phones here, Axel. You're right... This place is different. We're missing a lot of things you’d consider normal."
"Look, darlin', I know you're just trying to make me feel better, but none of what you're saying makes any sense. What do you mean there's no phone? There's electricity, isn't there? So why can't I hobble my way to a pay phone or borrow someone's cell?"
Vee and Zed exchanged pained looks. The younger brother kneaded his brow and offered Axel the same explanation he had before, reworded. Axel refused to believe a word and scrambled off the gurney, throwing Vee's hands off him as he limped a few steps and realized his mistake.
"What the fuck is wrong with my foot? Did someone sliced my ankle in half? What is happening to me? I feel like I'm on an acid trip that never ends. I go to sleep and see crazy shit, only to wake up in an even crazier place where there're no phones and no fucking food! You're talking in goddamn riddles, Vee. The least you can do is get me a Baconator for my trouble! I can't walk—I can't even jerk off 'cause my good hand is fucked. You gotta help me out."
"How many times do I have to tell you, Axe? There are no restaurants!"
"Bullshit! Sweetheart, come on, you can help me, right? Can you please just grab me something greasy? I'll pay you back, I promise. I'm good for it."
"I wish I could help you, Axel, but Vee's right. There's nowhere to get stuff like that anymore."
"Anymore? What does that even mean? You guys are talking like I slept through the apocalypse or something!"
Zed turned to Vee, who blocked the way to the courtyard. "Come on, Axe. Just settle down, and get back into bed."
"Are you gonna find me some painkillers then?" Axel faltered toward the bed and hoisted himself onto the flat mattress with his right arm.
"I'll see what I can do, buddy, but will you promise to stay here for a little longer?"
"Whatever," Axel scoffed. "What else am I gonna do?"
Zed waited until Axel slid back under the covers and tilted his face away from them both to assess Vee's mood. She suspected Axel's recovery would be difficult. Still, when she pictured him with his eyes open again, she heard laughter and saw game nights, shared wine and inside jokes knitting them closer together—not disarray and a friend who'd forgotten her. And if Vee had left the day he championed himself, Axel wouldn't have any flagship of his past. The scientist's presence tranquillized her despite Axel's rotten mood fouling the atmosphere.
"You're hungry, Axel?" Zed asked.
"I'll try to track down something tasty to eat. It won't be a greasy burger, but maybe I can find you something close to fries. I'll make it myself if I have to."
Axel flipped his eyes to the girl standing with her arms knotted behind her back and smiled. "Oh, darlin'...You're a sweet thing. I'd hate to ask, so I'll just accept the offer. Or maybe Vee can go, and you and I can chat a little more?"
Zed chuckled at the man's slyness. "I have some other things to do. We’ll talk when I get back."
"Don't rush for me, honey, but if you do, I'll take it as a good sign," Axel said with a wink.
At the cost of one of her knit blankets, Zed found someone in Athena to chop and bake a sweet potato in peanut oil. She bartered for garlic and salt to sprinkle on the dish. The redheaded child spotted her making transactions and stopped her at the mouth of the Hives with a cloth of fermented cashew cheese and a large chunk of bread that sat out overnight but was still soft. She offered the foodstuffs to Axel on a thin wood slab, and he accepted with an obsequious grin. He relinquished his dissatisfaction and warmed next to Zed.
"Aw, darlin', look at you go. How can I thank you for your trouble?" Axel asked as he chomped a crispy strand of sweet potato.
Zed stepped back from his bed, blushing. "It's okay, Axel. You don't have to do anything but get better."
"Will you stay with me for a while? If I have to stay in bed, it'd really make my life easier if I have someone to talk to. That is if you don't mind my chattiness."
"Sure. Let me grab a chair from the apartment," said Zed.
Axel finished his meal quickly, and as if he hadn't eaten at all, felt the pang of hunger moments after the last bite of bread. His appetite woke up ravenous, and no amount of homegrown food could satiate the growl.
"I might need to eat again in an hour," Axel informed as Zed dragged the chair across the floor. “I’m a big boy, you know.”
"That's fine. I'll find you something in a little while ."
The injured man nodded and sighed, eyelashes fluttering over tired green eyes. A bloated silence proceeded, and Zed wondered how to initiate a conversation. Vee told her not to confuse Axel with present-day news, but all she wanted to do was ask about Richard Glott's underground bunker and with who he'd crossed paths that left him slashed and maimed.
After a couple of deep breaths, Axel murmured, "I see you in my dreams every time I fall asleep. Is that strange?"
Zed hid her shy smile behind her palm. "Oh, stop."
Axel shimmied his torso higher on the bed and frowned in pain. "No, seriously. Not trying to be slick, honey. I see the most fucked up things when I sleep. You know the kind of dreams so vivid, you wake up and your heart’s pounding, thinking it's all real for a minute? Then you're like... No way."
Zed shifted closer to Axel's bed. "What do you dream about?"
Axel smiled to himself. "You, mostly... Us. You and me doing crazy shit together. Sometimes I'm in the desert, and I see this airplane in the distance. It's on the ground, and I ride toward it, you know, you're not gonna ignore a crashed plane, right? Then I find you there, but these guys are hurting you, and you're going nuts trying to shake 'em, but there's too many, so I shoot 'em all, and they melt like popsicles. You stab one good, though."
"What else?" Zed asked.
"I dunno... Sometimes it's just me and you cruising through the desert, and I get the feeling you hate me, but I kinda like it. I'm happy you're there, even though we're in the middle of nowhere, and I have no idea what's gonna happen next."
"Sounds like some pretty weird dreams."
"They're so lucid. It's like a movie, and I'm the main character, and you're... Well, you. Like my cool sidekick."
"Sidekick, huh?" Zed scoffed.
"Yeah, you have this air about you that's like not to be fucked with. Then things always get real dark. I don't even want to tell you about it 'cause you'll think I'm fucked in the head."
Zed knew this part of the story and lowered her eyes to the floor. "It's okay. You can tell me if you want. It's just dreams, right?"
"Nah, I'll just leave it at that. It's not sex stuff or anything if you're wondering."
"Your dreams are more entertaining than anything I have going on today."
With Zed's green light, Axel inhaled deeply before launching into the story of their past. Before he uttered another syllable, a severed connection sparked in his head. His eyes grew large, and he looked around the makeshift hospital room, awestruck.
"In my dreams, we're trying to get to Vee. He needs us for some reason."
"What does he need?"
"Some science shit, which makes total sense because he's a scientist. He's actually a scientist, and not just in my dreams."
"Axel... These dreams you've had... Do you think they have significance?" Zed asked carefully.
"Totally. They have to. Right? Or am I fucking crazy?"
"You're not crazy, Axel. I promise."
"But what if I am? This place... I get such a bad feeling when I'm awake in this room by myself. Vee won't tell me where we are. It's like he's hiding something, and he never lies to me about anything. We don't do that."
"Vee just wants you to get better. He's under a lot of stress, and your recovery is a big part of that. We didn't think—he didn't think you'd make it through. Another complication is the last thing you guys need."
Axel went quiet again and fixated on the dust motes and bolts of lightning crackling up his leg. A storm grew behind his eyes, the same torrents Zed saw when she tried to stop him from leaving Kinderfeld and her behind. Sickened by the thought of Axel sneaking off, she touched his arm and offered a warm smile.
"Talk to me, Axel. Please. Don't keep anything inside."
Axel glanced at her small hand on his tattooed bicep and the lightning in his body faded.
"We were friends in a past life," Axel claimed.
"We're friends in this life."
"Can I tell you one other thing, then I promise I'll stop talking about my bonkers dreams?"
"Yes. I don't mind at all."
Axel curled his bicep and touched Zed's fingers, feeling the motion out until she grasped his hand.
"I think I have to take you somewhere."
"Oh, yeah?" Zed giggled. "And where's that?"
Axel blushed for the first time and brought her hand to hold next to him on the bed. "Not like on a date or anything. I just get this feeling that I'm supposed to protect you, even though you seem capable of looking after yourself just fine. This dream voice keeps reminding me to stay with you and Vee... Like I'm not allowed to let either of you out of my sight. Especially not you."
"Then don't," Zed said.
He squeezed her fingers gently. "I won't."
Word of Axel's consciousness seeped out of the lab and into the village. Nobody knew who had made the discovery—Vee blamed Samson while Zed suspected Nalani, who'd waltzed by the lab doors at a suspiciously slow pace several times each day—and leaked the information. They barred visitors and only allowed the doctor in to help change Axel's bandages until Ivar arrived.
Axel was alone, humming a tune from his teenage years when the king came through the doors and stopped to stare at his bed-ridden friend.
"Zee, you're awake? And no one thought to tell me?"
"Sorry, hombre, but I think you have the wrong room. Name's Axel."
Ivar flashed all his sharp teeth in a sly smile and wagged his finger. "Always a joker."
"No, really," Axel chuckled, then went deadpan. "Wait... Who are you?"
Before Ivar spoke, Vee walked into the lab and froze when he saw Ivar standing a few feet from Axel's bed.
"Ivar. I wasn't expecting you."
The king sneered and motioned toward Axel. "What's with this guy?"
"Hey, maybe we can talk for a second?" Vee invited Ivar down the hall, out of earshot.
Ivar glared at the scientist. "When exactly were you planning on telling me he woke up?"
"That's the thing, Ivar. You don't understand... Axel's suffering from amnesia. It's common for coma patients to lose parts of their memory. Right now, he's in a very touchy state. He has no idea where he is, who you are, or what any of this is. I've tried to keep people away from him to avoid confusion, but now everybody knows. It's not good for him. Subjecting him to all this new information can cause anxiety, panic... Who knows. We're trying to ease him back into life."
"What do you mean he doesn't know who I am? I'm his best friend."
"Trust me. Axel doesn't even remember serving in the army."
"That's crazy. We should tell him—"
"No. It's too big of a shock. Axel's already gone through hell. Imagine trying to explain our world to somebody who has virtually no idea what's happened in the last couple of years."
Ivar pondered and didn't respond to Vee's relief, then sighed as though he accepted the explanation.
"So what does this mean for you? I assume you're retracting your claim and staying in Kinderfeld?"
Vee twisted his mouth to the side. "How can I go now?"
"You volunteered."
"That was before Axel came home. He needs me. I'm the only person he recognizes. Give me some more time with him, get him back on his feet and see if he'll start remembering, then I'll go."
Ivar crossed his arms across his burly chest. "Who knows how long that might take?"
"Would you leave someone you loved in that state?"
"I'd do what's for the greater good."
"He's your best friend. He's my brother. Axel needs us right now, Ivar. Think of all he's done for us. We owe it to take care of him until he's fit to at least walk again. I need him to remember what happened so I can get a better idea of what's going on outside."
"I suppose you're right," Ivar conceded. "You can't go out blind by yourself."
"Yes, you're right," Vee said with great relief.
"So what now? I can't talk to him?"
"You can speak to him if you like, but try not to bring up things that might confuse him. Don't talk about the army or mention recent times."
Ivar looked over his shoulder at the apartment's open door and heard the muted humming of a girl filtering through the corridor.
"And how's Lea taking all of this?"
Vee stiffened. "She's helping out."
"Axel has no idea who she is? He really doesn't know what's happened?"
"Not that I can tell. He keeps asking for cheeseburgers and to call our parents."
"Wow," Ivar whispered.
"Yeah, it's hard."
Ivar went quiet, distant, and shook his head slowly before inhaling through his nose and squeezing Vee's shoulder. "I trust you, brother. Maybe we'll talk more about your expedition in a few days when things have a chance to settle with Axel."
"You got it."
Axel pretended he wasn't trying to listen to the conversation between his brother and the brown-haired man with the striking blue eyes when the pair returned. Ivar nodded at Axel, his eyes awash with sympathy for the indisposed man.
"How are you feeling, Axel?"
"A little on the shitty side, my man. Not gonna lie. Hands busted, foot's bum... Can't fuck my way to a decent meal in this place, and everyone's tiptoeing around like I'm a sleeping baby. Gotta say I've had better days."
"Well, I hope you heal up quick. There are a lot of people who want to see you."
A coy smirk unfurled over Axel's face. "Yeah, I kinda get that impression. Sometimes, I see people looking in through those doors. I feel like a panda at a zoo. Everyone wants a peek at little ol’ Axel, huh?"
"Is there anything I can get you?"
"Cheeseburger?" Axel asked hopefully.
"Would if I could, friend."
"Goddamn it," Axel lamented.
Vee widened his eyes when Ivar looked at him, confirming what they'd discussed in the hallway.
"Say, how do you stay so beefy if there's no meat in this place?" Axel asked Ivar.
"I get my protein where I can. Try to stay fit. I'll get someone to bring you something good to eat."
Axel snorted. "Yeah, that's what that sweet-lookin' one said, but everything tastes like tree bark. No offence to her. She tried her best, and I'd never insult a lady's cooking to her face."
Ivar sucked in his bottom lip and nodded. "Well, I'll see what I can do for you, Axel. Get better soon."
Vee held his breath until Ivar left the lab and shrunk once the doors closed.
"You sure have a way with words, don't you?"
"Everyone who walks in here acts like they know me."
"We might have to move you to the apartment. Put a cap on your visitors."
"Who was that?" Axel asked.
"That's Ivar Lothbrok. He kinda runs things, in a sense."
"Nice guy."
Vee scoffed. "Yeah. Nice."
An itch stuck in the back of Axel's head, and he grew quiet once again, trying to unravel the mystery he'd woken up inside. He was a figure in a snow globe, a permanent fixture in a landscape rife with faces he'd seen in dreams. Sitting up in his bed, Axel wondered what laid beyond the confines of his glasshouse. Never one to follow the rules, even under the firm guidance of his smart younger brother, Axel decided once everyone fell asleep, he'd find himself a walking post and go exploring.
Zed woke to the sound of Vee's soft snoring coming through the open door of his bedroom. The possibility of sleep retracted with every second she spent staring at the smooth, globular ceiling in the dark, trying to make shapes out of the dream residue behind her eyelids. The sofa stiffened her back, and she twisted her spine until air bubbles popped and her muscles strained from the motion. She pulled the blanket up to her chin and squeezed her eyes shut for a few minutes, but Axel's stories followed her from sleep, brushing up on her with sharp quills. Since Axel painted his dream world, she hadn't stopped thinking of him and mourning the loss of his memory for the both of them. Axel didn't know his missing pieces were dancing under his eyes each time he slumbered, and she longed to stitch them together to create the full picture.
She squinted into the darkness, fatigue long since faded, and left the apartment. Light on her bare feet, Zed padded down the hallway and turned the corner to find an empty bed. Her heart twinged from Axel's absence. She considered going back to the apartment to tell Vee his brother was missing but found herself propelled to seek Axel out herself. There was nowhere in the lab a man of Axel's stature could hide, so she went out to the courtyard to begin her search. The floodlights cast pyramids of light over the foothills but revealed nothing but stone paths and glittering grass ranks. She started left first, then changed her mind and shot right toward the warehouse. Zed minded her steps as she picked up a jog, extending her legs to clear the roiling yards until she reached the square entrance of the warehouse. A guard leaned against the steel wall next to the exit, blinking and wiping a hand over his face to rouse himself. He saw Zed across the cement expanse and stood up straight.
"What're you doing out here?" The guard's voice clattered through the chamber.
"Sorry," Zed said, casting a thorough glance around before retreating into the light and shadow of the courtyard again. She rushed to the Hives, taking quick strides to reach her abandoned apartment before anyone else noticed her. After a quick knock, Zed opened the door to find her former living quarters as deserted as ever. Nobody had claimed the space in her absence, nor was Axel's adjoining apartment occupied. Both rooms were empty.
Zed's search for Axel continued and grew in urgency with each lonely cove and space she found. As she made her way around the central dome where the courtyard bordered the largest hill, she stopped at the mouth of the Chrysalis and addressed the men standing guard.
"Have either of you seen someone limping through here?"
"Nobody's come 'round here, Zed. Who're you looking for?"
Zed cocked her head. "Who do you think?"
"You mean Zee?" The man on the right asked. "Thought he was paralyzed."
"So it's true? He's awake?"
"Please don't tell anyone. Not yet."
The bearded guard rose a dark eyebrow at Zed. He was one of Ivar's highest-ranking patrol. Zed recognized him from the night they'd brought in the Zeronaut captain, Monk. He often stood by wherever Ivar went and didn't talk much unless addressed. "Ivar know about this?"
"I don't know what Ivar knows. Vee communicates with him, but we're trying to keep this from the general public."
"What do you think, Fen? Should we tell Ivar?" The scrawny, clean-shaven guard asked.
Fen sneered and told his partner to close his mouth before angling his torso toward Zed. "We'll keep an eye out, petite fleur."
Zed nodded and continued on her way, but there were few more spots Axel could hide unless someone had intercepted him and invited him into their hovel. She thought of Nalani, who often wandered the courtyard at odd hours and Trinity, who adored Axel and might jump at the opportunity to lead him to a private alcove. The two of them shared living space in Athena. Zed wanted to keep the search party light, and asking around would only spread curiosity like wildfire.
She continued touring the courtyard, her naked soles sore from hurried walking. Finally, she stopped at the greenhouse gate, its series of coiling iron bars and metal flowers welded to the columns in intricate clusters. Zed lifted the latch and pushed the gate open, taking care to shut it quietly. The greenhouse where the citizens grew aloe and berries was the little-known getaway spot Axel and Vee coveted as their private paradise. Zed zigzagged through the raised beds, taking care not to trip over the irrigation hoses and climbed the wooden steps at the back of the third square house. Around another corner and through the thick blackberry bushes nestled in rectangles of sodden earth, Zed rushed to the spot under the sky where the light poured in but found nothing.
"Shit," she whispered, out of breath and reeling in the thick, tepid air.
Zed looked up to the cloudless velveteen sky, crushing disappointment wringing her heart. In a throng of shadow off to the right, a figure shifted and startled the woman backward.
A tired voice called her name.
The shady form lengthened, struggling to stand. Once it stood at its full height, the vice pressing Zed's chest disappeared. Axel hobbled into view, using the overhead pipes to help himself along.
"Axel! There you are. Oh my God, you had me so worried. Why did you leave the lab?"
"The lab? Is that where you've been keeping me?"
Zed clapped her palm over her mouth. Axel gave an elongated nod, eyes wide and accusatory.
"Is that what I am? Some kind of experiment?"
"No, Axel—"
"What are you and Vee doing? Tell me why he's keeping me locked up. Tell me where the fuck I am, Lea. Please. This place... Something about it seems wrong. It scares me."
Axel wilted against a plant bed as Zed approached and caught his elbow to keep him upright.
"Axel, don't be scared. Please, I promise you're safe. We're not trying to keep you captive. This is all difficult to explain, and you were asleep for so long parts of your memory are missing. Vee's only trying to make it easier for you to cope."
"Cope with what, Lea? Cope with the fact I'm a prisoner? That I can't sleep because my nightmares are so vivid, I feel like I'm dying? That people watch me like some sideshow freak?"
"Everything," Zed sighed. "The new world. How can we explain all this to someone who woke up in the past?"
Axel looked up through the skylights and whimpered. "Something terrible has happened, hasn't it?"
Zed, wounded from the dejection in her friend's voice, led Axel to sit on the floor, then sat next to him and draped her arms over his shoulders, resting her cheek on the thin cotton shoulder strap of his tank top.
"I wish I could say you're wrong, but I can't lie to you, Axe."
"My instincts were right. Something is very wrong. After that Ivar fella came through, I started getting this feeling you all weren't telling me something on purpose."
"Don't be angry with us, Axel. We didn't know how to tell you."
Axel leaned his head on Zed's and sought her hand to hold. She slid her fingers through his and gripped tightly. "It's okay. I get it now. I'm supposed to be here. You and me... We're meant to be together. Otherwise... Why would I see you every time I close my eyes?"
"Axel," Zed whispered. "I missed you so much when you left. I thought I'd never see you again. Now everything is different."
"I'm sorry. If I hurt you back then... I didn't mean it."
"Just don't leave me again. Please. I can't fool myself into happiness without you in my life."
"I won't leave. I can't."
"I promise, Lea."
Axel chuckled and kissed the top of Zed's head before laying his cheek on the ruts of her braids. "Yeah. I promise-promise."
Axel and Zed laid on the floorboards and watched the stars twinkling above while the chamber filled with water vapour, obscuring the glass until the condensation evaporated. When the infinite black sky lightened to meteorite violet, Axel used Zed as a crutch to stand up. He stole a fistful of blackberries, stuffing the fruits in his mouth and mashing them until inky juice seeped from the corners of his lips. He complained about his ankle, which he'd suffered walking on during his solo excursion to the greenhouses. Zed berated him for wandering off and helped him down the steps and through the rows of potato plants, arms locked, their pace slow to accommodate Axel's injury.
A murmur greeted the pair as they approached the iron gate. A dozen villagers gathered around the entrance to witness Axel emerge with smiles on their faces. Frozen from the elated faces beaming at him, Axel pulled on Zed's arm, alerting her to the hoard of onlookers.
"Who are they?" Axel asked.
"Zee! Happy you're awake!"
"What happened to your arm, Zee? Are you okay?"
"He looks terrible."
Zed opened the gate, and the crowd dented but didn't part. "Make room, please!"
"We want to talk to Zee!"
Axel then realized the group addressed him, their wide eyes drinking in his bruised and broken state with smiles unfitting his poor condition. An overwhelming sense of worry touched his skin, and he grabbed for Zed to lead him, but they huddled around the gate until a tall head of blond hair sliced the crowd in half. Vee shouldered past, his eyes hooded and brow furrowed.
"Axel! Lea! What the hell are you doing out here? Lea, did you let him out?"
Zed frowned and drew her shoulders up. "Of course not! I'm the one who came looking for him."
"Let's go. Come on, now. Everyone make way. Go back home!" Vee barked.
"We want answers! What's happening outside the walls?"
"We'll answer your questions later," Vee said disdainfully. "Lea, help me get him back."
The trio staggered to the lab, breathless from the trek over the bowing foothills. Vee waited until they were behind closed doors to deliver a speech about how irresponsible and defiant Axel was, how his behaviour might cause unwanted ripples where the scientist required placidity. Axel hoisted himself into bed and accepted his lecture, sullen and quiet, occasionally glancing at Zed, who also wrung her wrists.
"I told you not to leave the room, Axe. Why? Why can't you listen to me for once in your goddamn life?" Vee asked.
"You're not my mommy, Valter. I can do what I want, and frankly, I don't appreciate you keeping secrets from me!"
"What are you on about?"
"Oh, don't play dumb. You've lied to me this whole time! About where we are, what's happened to me. I think you know much more than you lead on."
Vee scoffed and looked to Zed for reassurance. The girl stood still with her shoulders hunched.
"Lea, help me out here."
"Well, Vee... Maybe it's time we tell him everything. There's no use hiding the truth anymore. He already knows something's wrong."
"Yeah!" Axel cried. "I'm done sitting around twiddling my thumbs. You have to tell me what's up. How did I get like this? What the fuck happened to me, and why can't I remember anything? I don't know how I got here or who all those people are out there."
"That's the thing, Axe... We don't know what happened to you. You left, and when you came back, you were unconscious and hurt. We don't leave this place, so I can't tell you anything more than that. I didn't know if you'd wake up and certainly didn't know you'd have amnesia when you did."
Axel turned to Zed for verification, and she nodded her head regretfully.
"It's true, Axel. I wish we could tell you more."
"Then at least tell me where I am. Start there," Axel demanded.
Vee and Zed stood speechless for a moment until she sighed deeply. "Vee, maybe we should give him the postcards and his journals."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're right, Lea. Go get the box. Tonight's gonna be a long one."
Zed hauled the box of postcards and dog-eared journals into the lab and hefted it onto the foot of Axel's bed. Vee unpinned the postcards from the corkboard and offered them to Axel with a pinched smile. Zed sat in her chair while Vee laid on the floor, a long arm slung over his eyes as Axel began to read aloud from his workbooks. The three of them listened to the stories Axel had penned years before while he was in the infantry as if none of them had heard the tales. From time to time, Axel stopped narrating and glided over the lines, taking in details he should have known, but couldn't place. During these silences, Zed and Vee would look up at him to assess his emotions, whether or not the words shifted the pieces into place or made any difference at all.
Axel took in a strained breath. "Ivar and I aren't talking. He wants to be the leader on this ship, and if things don't go his way, he turns into a giant douche-nozzle," he broke into giggling at his insult. "I haven't eaten in three days, and the water supply is low. We're down to a cup a day each. It's not enough, but it's gotten us through so far. One of the guys got sick, and they've taken him below deck. He throws up constantly even though there's nothing in his gut and howls all night in agony. I swear to God I'll shoot him in the head tomorrow if he doesn't let us sleep tonight. Someone needs to put him out of his misery."
Zed grimaced, and Vee stared at the ceiling with dry eyes, unflinching from the story.
"Day six... I now know what rat meat tastes like."
"Oh, god. Ew," Zed mumbled.
Axel continued without pause. "It's not that bad when you haven't eaten in almost a week. I've set up more traps in the galley to catch the rest. If Ivar plays his cards right, I might share my rats with him, but he's still a stuck-up twat.
I'm not sure how the rats are surviving. Maybe there's food still hidden somewhere on the ship. Maybe they're eating each other."
"This must have been when you were on your way back to America...Or... Whatever you want to call this half of the world now," Vee said.
"What do you mean?" Asked Axel.
"The Unity... The government... They abolished the borders, erased the country names and burned the history books. The states became part of the North-Western Hemisphere. Same with Canada and all that. No countries. No names."
Axel seemed to accept his brother's explanation that nothing would ever be as before. The commune in which he now resided was the only tangible place left in existence. Outside the walls lay sites changed from war, stripped of home and heritage. A tightness in Axel's neck prevented him from speaking until the revelations grew too heavy for him to bear.
"What happened to everyone else?" Axel asked.
"It's hard to say," Vee whispered, then cleared his throat. "A lot of people died."
"How many?"
"Billions," Zed said.
"You mean... We're the only ones left?"
"No, we're not. There are other survivors out there, people who were meant to live through the storms."
Vee sighed, the farfetched nature of their fates exhausting him before he began. "The Unity developed a way to return the planet back to its natural state. No more electronic communication, no more broadcasts or satellites or TV. After the extinctions reached an all-time high, they introduced these plants that could suck the pollution from the air quickly. They grow extremely fast and are lethal to anyone who wasn't vaccinated against the spores. One plant can release a spore cloud big enough to cover half a football field, and they breed and multiply like vermin. Even a small cluster can kill a stadium of unimmunized people in a few minutes."
"But why would they do this? Have I been vaccinated?"
Axel's questions ripped holes in Vee’s composure. Zed's stomach churned and flipped as the scientist fished for the least aggressive explanation. A gloss came over his eyes, and he avoided his brother's bewildered stare.
"No, Axe. You're not."
"Oh... Are you?" Axel whispered.
"Yeah, I am. So is Lea."
"Why? Why didn't I get vaccinated?"
"You were lost at sea with your platoon for weeks, and before that, you were overseas. They didn't immunize the troops."
"Are you telling me the government wants us all to die?"
"Most of this is widely debated. There are some theories that the Unity had a strategy in mind."
Zed lent the scientist a hand and cut the heavy topic with a smile. "Axel, you're much more special than you know. Those people out there all adore you because of what you've done for Kinderfeld. You were the only one brave enough to go out when they needed supplies. People know your name not only here but out in the world. I've seen you fight and shoot. You're a natural."
"Well, yeah. I've been shooting guns since I was a kid."
"You were a special ops sniper. More than just a good shot."
Axel warmed to the compliment. "And what about you? Are you the mercenary of my dreams?"
Zed blushed and failed to hide her pride. "Not a mercenary... But I've murked a few Scavs in my day."
"Man... I like you," Axel tittered. "Ain't she great, Vee? What a prize."
For the few seconds of silence that passed, Vee's expression darkened. He recognized the reverence pulling Axel's features, the heartfelt way Lea relaxed when they spoke. Even in the absence of memory, Axel and Zed forged a bond too strong to pry apart. He would never wish ill upon his brother, but he mourned the days past with the woman whose eyes shone like vats of golden syrup passing under the morning light. At the risk of sharing a likeness with Ivar, the king who could never quite capture the woman's love, Vee thought of what life might have been like had Axel never returned. Would Zed love him? Could she? Had he ever toed the waters of her unspoken affection? Vee cursed his stupidity the night he told her how he felt and quickly dismantled his chances before she had the opportunity to consider him more than a close friend.
As Zed stared at Axel upright in his bed with his journals splayed out around him, Vee knew it was too late to rescind his platonic claim. A victim of his own sabotage, the scientist turned from them and pushed out every last ounce of breath to make room for another stale intake.
"I think it's time I showed Axel the Crimson Yawn."
Zed nodded and left the brothers, sensing a gloomy air rising between them. Vee was much better at explaining the inexplicable. He delivered news with a needed bluntness, one Zed had never mastered. Once she left the lab searching for distractions, Vee helped his brother box up the journals and offered his elbow to guide Axel back on his feet. Amid the bleak news, Axel had almost forgotten the pain in his extremities.
They waddled to the locked chambers where the bulk of Vee's scientific discoveries came to light. Axel squinted against the bright white walls and polished floor as he followed his brother through a series of doors leading to a clear dome similar to the greenhouses he'd found, only this hollow contained a twisted swarm of redheaded plants, mouths bloody and agape. Each one stood over seven feet tall and lifted its black-spotted maw to the sky in a silent scream. Axel turned from them.
"I've seen these before, but never this many. In my dreams, there's always one growing in a container."
"You recognize them?"
"And you say these things can kill me? How is it possible?" Axel asked.
"They're a sophisticated hybrid plant. They release spores like mushrooms, and those spores become airborne. If you breathe them in, they attack your blood, soaking up the nutrients and essentially turning it into a highly acidic jelly. You burn from the inside out. Well...Dissolve is a better word."
"And you've brought me here why!?" Axel shouted, dodging backward and planting too much weight on his bad ankle.
"Don't worry! They can't hurt you from in here. The filtration system's design protects everything inside."
"I still have a hard time believing all this. You know how crazy it sounds, right?"
Vee clapped his brother on the shoulder. "Oh, I realize. Why do you think it took me so long to break the news? You try finding a delicate way to explain this to someone who just came out of a coma."
Axel became transfixed on the plants again after Vee's assurance. He shuffled to the glass and studied the roaring heads, each one slightly different than its neighbour. They resembled demons, bizarre red monsters with thick necks and broad leaves of wax. Their spiked roots toiled in the ground, gnarled and tangled in a hellish orgy above and beneath the soil. Beyond the ranks, Axel saw the roiling jungle and all its hues of green and black. The sun broke through parts in the towering trees. How he longed to feel the wind on his burnt skin and walk among the flora. Axel observed the plants for a few minutes as Vee stepped back and allowed him time to digest.
"Am I in a nightmare?" Axel met his brother's eyes and did not blink.
"Some might say that. And I'm sorry. I've dedicated my life to making things better for the survivors, but there's nothing left I can do. All we have now is the village and each other."
"And mom and dad?"
"They're gone, Axe. They've been gone a while."
The tattooed man swallowed bitterly and nodded as a wall of tears blinded him. Vee touched his brother's shoulder and shared his pain through the comforting gesture. Axel crossed his chest with his good hand and patted Vee's fingers.
"Do you mind if I spend some time alone? This is... It's just a lot."
"Of course. Take all the time you need, Axe. I'll leave the doors unlocked. You good to walk?"
Axel's voice floated below a whisper. "I’ll manage."
In the apartment, Zed held her arms out before her and swung them in half-circles, stretching her muscles in preparation for another stiff night spent on the sofa. Vee came in after dinner and found Zed flinging her limbs outward.
"Nightly aerobics?" He asked with a touch of humour, the most he could muster after a day of harsh truths.
"Just stretching out before bed. My back's been killing me."
"Oh," Vee's green eyes popped open wide. "Don't sleep on the couch, Lea. You can take the bed tonight."
"Nah, it's okay."
"No, really. I insist. You deserve a night without hanging off the edge of the cushions."
"Then where will you sleep?" She asked.
"The couch."
Zed laughed at the idea. "You're far too tall to fit comfortably."
"I've passed out there dozens of times. Don't worry about me, really. Take the bed."
"Why're you being so nice, huh?" Zed snorted.
"I've seen you in pain the last few days, and I feel bad. It's rude of me to have one of the biggest beds in this place when I don't do anything to deserve it."
"Oh, shush," Zed jested. "You've done more for this place than anyone."
"There's always the Chrysalis."
The good humour in the room vanished with Vee's maladroit suggestion. Zed shook her head and scoffed. "I'm not going to the Chrysalis. I want to stay here with you guys."
"Fine by me. You'll take the bed tonight then. Grab your blankets and go."
Zed and Vee swapped bedding and wished each other goodnight. Though she deemed herself undeserving of the luxury, when Zed crawled onto Vee's large bed and spread her limbs from corner to corner, her skin bristled with goosebumps. The scent of the sheets belonged to the man outside the room, sprawled on the sofa, long legs dangling over the arm—cotton and boyish musk, the redolence Zed had grown accustomed to except in this moment. Lying on the mattress reminded her of the hugs and closeness she'd received from Vee when Axel had fled.
She relived their days together in clips of happy memories and some not so joyful. Across the apartment, Vee recalled the same night playing in Zed's mind—their evening in the greenhouse when they'd held hands, so close together yet barred by the promises of friendship. Vee cursed himself repeatedly while Zed entertained the idea of getting together with the scientist.
Soon, Zed's thoughts slid over the night she'd spent with Ivar. If she concentrated, she could feel the fullness between her legs still. Ivar had made love to her the way couples did in films. He'd stroked her and kissed her skin, took her nipples gently between his lips and sucked until she giggled. What might have excited some left her shivering. Was one of the brothers more deserving of her love? Was she foolish to think herself so desirable her attention was a coveted badge of excellence?
What a prize!
Lea... I want you to tell me no, right now.
It's like you were made for me.
With her heart racing, Zed turned over in bed and clamped her eyes shut. Debating which of the three men in her life she wanted more made her stomach flip, yet she couldn't keep the lewd considerations from pouring into her head. In these fantasies, she replaced Ivar with Vee. Yes, he was smart and gentle and keen on her, but he'd told her not to let him cross the line, claimed he didn't want her that way despite his feelings. Vee's kind face took the place of Ivar's, coasting down her stomach, stamping her thighs with kisses from luscious lips. She squeezed her legs together and let the inevitable shift knock Vee from the picture to make room for his older brother.
The tattooed man with all his addictions and his looming depression positioned himself between her knees and grasped her ankles delicately. A murderer and womanizer leaned over her body, caging her with long limbs decorated with sparrows, weapons, chains and barbed wire.
We're meant to be together. I see you in my dreams every time I fall asleep.
Zed bit her lip when the phantom sensation invaded her. She knew not how Axel would moan or if he'd coo and sigh the way Ivar had when they had sex. She wanted very much to think Axel would treat her with respect and scorned the claims Trinity had made about his wild side. Then the obscene journal entries came to life, glowing, fanned by salacious visions. What if she didn't want to make love? What if she wanted to be taken hard and fast by a man who worshiped her? Guilt and arousal mixed in her chest and sat heavy, grinning evilly like a demon poised to possess her body.
Sleep wriggled through Zed's conjurations and pulled her under before she realized she was slipping into blackness. The cozy bed and Vee's sheets lulled her, and soon, she dreamed of ordinary things, forgetting her personal stash of pornographic thoughts. She slipped further as the moon made a lazy arc through the night sky until something touched her shoulder and jarred her from sleep with a sharp gasp.
Her scream ripped through the apartment, sending her waker toppling out of bed.
"Lea? Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
In the dimness, neither of them saw each other but tasted each other's heavy breath. Soon the light snapped on, and Vee stood at the door, chest heaving.
"What the hell is going on?" Vee asked. "Axel? What're you doing?"
"Christ, I thought Zed was you. I just came to... Well, I couldn't sleep," Axel cringed. "Shit, my hand. Fuck, I landed like a sack of bricks."
Vee snickered, setting off a series of giggles. "You came to sleep in my bed?"
"I didn't mean to scare you, Lea."
"It's all right," said Zed. "Really. On any other night, it would have been Vee in here."
Axel pulled himself up by the elbows and sat on the edge of the bed, grimacing from the agony of his agitated wounds. "Sorry, guys. It's hard to sleep out there. People are watching me."
Zed scooted over and patted the part of the mattress warm from her body. "Come on. Lie down. I think we could all use a sleepover after the day we've had."
"You're not serious," Vee said with a scoff as his brother took up Zed's offer and laid down next to her.
Zed nodded with conviction. "Absolutely. You too, Valter. Turn off the light and get over here."
He rolled his eyes as he flipped the light switch. "This is hardly a three-person bed."
"Well, cuddle up, pal."
"Lea takes up a fraction of the bed, anyway," Axel pointed out.
"Is this not weird to you? Three adults sharing a bed?"
Zed moved to the center as Vee climbed into bed from the left. To her right, Axel had already sprawled and turned over to face her in the dark.
"It's no stranger than how half the people in this place sleep all piled on top of each other. Humans were meant to nest. In the wild, this is how we'd sleep."
"Yeah, but we're not in the wild," said Vee.
"Yes, we are, little brother. Have you seen it outside? We're literally in glass bubbles, in the middle of a rainforest. Now shut up, and go to sleep."
"You shut up."
"Guys?" Zed chimed.
"Yeah?" The brothers answered.
"I love you both.”
Robbed of their voices, Axel and Vee set aside their bickering to bask in the genial haze of Zed's words. Axel shifted an inch closer while Vee laid stiffly on his side, eyes wide in the dark. As though her claim was bathed in wine, they soaked in the meaning and slipped drunkenly into slumber.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 10- Shape of My Heart*
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Falling in love with someone you can never have is the worst feeling in the world...
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Part 9 Part 11
Note: Thank you all so much for the comments, reblogs, and submissions! I appreciate every single one of them! It makes me so happy to see them and knowing that you guys love this as much as I do! I have a lot planned for this story so stay tuned!
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I frowned as soon as my alarm went off....
Rudy groaned loudly, rolling over to snuggle into me. I breathed in deeply, stretching my arms and legs. I threw my arms around his neck, kissing the top of his head. He cracked open his eyes, pouting at me. I pouted as well, not wanting to leave him or his comfy bed. I huffed as my alarm went off again, turning to silence it. 
“I don’t want you to go.” he whined, his deep morning voice sending chills down my spine. 
“I wish I didn’t have to, but as soon as I can I’ll be back or you can come see me.” I smiled softly. 
He crawled on top of me, leaning to crush his lips to mine in a bruising, searing kiss. My hands flew to his hair, my fingers weaving into his messy blonde locks. Rudy moved his kisses down my neck, trailing his hand down my naked form. I gasped quietly when his fingers met my heat, and I had to admit I was a sore from last night. 
I moved my hand to feel his hardness, marveled at the silky smooth skin. He entered his fingers into me, using his thumb to spread the wetness around. I squeezed his member, moving my hand slightly. I brought my thumb back up to rub the seed that had slipped out for lubrication so I could move my hand better, a choked moan leaving Rudy’s lips. 
I whined when he began to move his fingers faster, my hand trying to copy his pace. He stopped suddenly, moving to enter me with his hardness. We both groaned at the feeling, his lips coming back to meet mine. He moved slowly at first, sensually moving in and out. I hummed lightly, my hands smoothing down his sides. 
He picked up his pace, slamming into me. I threw my head back as I moaned loudly, my nails digging into his sides. I wrapped my legs around him, causing him to hit that spot he did last night. I cursed loudly, Rudy’s head coming to my neck. He hummed in my ear, whispering filthy things that turned me on even more.
“You like it babygirl? Hmmm, you like feeling me inside of you?” he panted.
“Yes, so good.” I whined, smiling as my eyes closed.
“Fuck, you feel amazing.” he groaned, his fingers digging into my hips.
“You do too handsome,” I gasped.
He moved up on his hands, changing his angle to pound inside of me. A squeal flew out of my lips, my hands coming to grip his forearms. He threw his head back, letting out a loud moan into the room. I stared in awe as his muscles began to flex harder, the veins popping in his neck. He moved one hand to rub me mercilessly, I bit my lip to keep from screaming. 
“Scream my name baby, I want to hear who’s making you feel this way.” he grunted, burying himself to the hilt as he rammed his hips into mine. 
“Oh my,” I choked.
I let out my scream, his name babbling from my lips. I didn’t think it was ever possible to feel this good, it made me want more. My whole body started to shake, my muscles twitching of their own accord. I gasped his name a few more times before the coil broke, my orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks. I scratched down his abs, red welts coming to the surface. My back arched up from the bed, Rudy’s head moved to take one of my nipples in his mouth, his teeth scraping against the sensitive skin. 
Rudy stilled inside of me moments later, spilling his seed into me. He watched himself pull out of me, seeing the mix of his and my cum falling onto my thighs and the sheets. 
We arrived at the airport, my heart clenching in my chest. I could feel tears surfacing, but I pushed them away. I didn’t want to ugly cry in front of Rudy, it would just make the both of us more upset. Rudy helped me lug my stuff in, waiting in line with me for my boarding pass. We stayed close, my head not leaving his chest as one of his hands stayed on my waist. Neither of us really talked, both of us just smiling sadly if we caught the other’s eye.
Rudy carried my carry on as we met our other friends in front of the security check. Both Maddie’s crushed me into a group hug, their tears falling on my shirt. I pulled away from them, smiling at them.
“You guys are acting like you won’t ever see me again.” I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“It’s gonna be weird not seeing you everyday kiddo.” Chase sighed, pulling me into a side hug.
“I’m sure y’all are glad to get me out of your hair.” I joked.
“Don’t say that!” Maddie C huffed, throwing her arms around me again. 
“I think we’ll have to come see your place when we can.” JD smiled, taking me into a bear hug.
“There’s not much to do where I live, but I’m sure we could stir up some trouble.” I smirked, all of us laughing. 
“Well we better get going, be safe y/n. We’ll make plans for a visit!” Maddie B called, walking away with the rest of our friends. We all exchanged goodbyes, leaving just Rudy and I.
Rudy sat my bag down, taking me in his arms. One look in his eyes and I started to ball like a baby, clutching at his shirt. I loved seeing his handsome face, hearing his laugh, his goofy faces, the adoration in his eyes when he looked at me, our jam sessions, his stunning blue eyes...I...I loved him. It may be too soon to think so, but I don’t care. 
“You’re breaking my heart baby,” Rudy mumbled, kissing the side of my neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m being a baby.” I blubbered, pulling back to look at him.
“First weekend you’re off, I’m coming to see you.” he promised, wiping my tears with his shirt.
“I wish you could come with me now, or that I could stay.” I sniffled.
“I know, but like you said, we still have your spring break. Then it’s summer and you’re all mine.” he grinned, planting a kiss to my lips.
I held his face to mine, savoring the taste of him. I didn’t care that people were watching, or that there might be paparazzi having a hay day taking pictures od us. It felt like it was just him and I, like we were on top of the world. We pulled away, leaning our foreheads together. 
“Better get going, security takes a while and I don’t want you to miss your plane.” he spoke, handing me my carry on. 
“I don’t want to say good bye, it seems too permanent. So, I guess I’ll see you later.” I spoke.
“I’ll see you later sweetheart.” he whispered, kissing my lips one last time.
My life became so frustrating the moment I stepped off that fucking plane. I was bombarded with work from school, my boss refused to cut my hours, and I barely had anytime to talk to my friends and Rudy. I was on the verge of a breakdown. 
My very first assignment in one of my classes was a fucking five page paper with eight sources that couldn’t come from the millions of articles the Professor had given us to read. I wanted to pull my hair out, it was all becoming too much.
Rudy was such an angel, he didn’t get angry or upset that we couldn’t talk as much. He understood that I was busy as so was he. He sent me little gifts every other day, from flowers to a book he thought I would like. He was the best boyfriend and I was so lucky to have someone like him in my life. He was my rock, my shoulder to lean on.
I was currently huddled in my room, papers strewn everywhere. I was trying to get an assignment done when my boss kept blowing up my phone. He said that they were short staffed and that he needed me to come in. However, he only wanted me to come in so he didn’t have to.
 It was ridiculous honestly, but I continued to ignore the calls and texts. I had too much due within the next few days to stop and go to work. It wasn’t until I saw a text from my coworker who is pretty much my only friend here that I broke down.
I hear our assistant manager talking to the boss about finding a reason to write you up, I guess to scare you into doing whatever they want.
“For fucks sake!” I screeched, throwing my papers down harshly.
I couldn’t stop the tears from gushing down my face, wracking sobs leaving my lips. My phone started to ring, I picked up immediately when I saw Rudy’s came appear. I couldn’t even say hi because of how hard I was crying.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Baby talk to me, what’s happening?!” Rudy exclaimed.
“Sorry I just...I’m so tired Ru. I hate my fucking job, and I have so much work to do. I feel like everything is falling apart and I don’t know what to do.” I sobbed.
“What happened?” he asked again.
“My coworker said that they are trying to find a way to write me up because I wouldn’t come in to cover a shift. I’m up to my neck in class work and I told them that I could not work this much because of my capstone classes.” I sniffled.
“You need to quit, that’s so fucked up y/n.” he spoke.
“I can’t quit Rudy I have bills to pay.” I sighed.
“What bills do you have?” he inquired, I didn’t like where this was going.
“It doesn’t matter, I just need to get another job. I’m sorry for worrying you.” I mumbled.
“Well I called because I wanted to tell you something.” he sighed.
“I hope it’s something good.” I chuckled.
“Um, yes and no? I...I got offered to start on this short film, so I won’t be able to come this weekend.” he said nervously.
“Honey that’s awesome! I have a shit ton to do so we wouldn’t have been able to do much.” I shrugged, forgetting he can’t see me.
“I still would have liked to spend time with you.” he mumbled.
“We���ll work something out, but I do miss your face.” I giggled.
“I miss you so much baby, you have no idea.” he groaned.
“It feels weird not having you sleep next to me.” I pouted.
“You’re a good cuddle buddy when you aren’t taking up the whole bed.” he teased.
“Excuse you, that is definitely YOU that hogs the bed sir.” I griped.
“Ooooh sir, I like it.” he purred.
“You’re gross,” I laughed.
“You love it.” he commented, I could imagine his little smirk on his lips.
“I guess so or I wouldn’t be getting all these messages from your fans about how I ‘stole their husband’.” I quoted.
“They’ll get over it, they aren’t true fans if they can’t see how happy I am.” he said.
“Are you really happy though?” I questioned.
“Of course I am, I landed the woman of my dreams. What more could I ask for?” he scoffed.
“A model, I don’t know.” I mumbled.
“Stop it, you know how I feel about you. That’s not going to change, probably ever.” he claimed.
“Ever? I don’t know if I can put up with you for that long.” I teased, a chuckle coming from Rudy. 
“You’re hot as fuck baby, and all mine. You are stunning just the way you are, now no more talking bad about yourself ok?” he reassured.
“Ok,” I whispered.
“I’ll let you get back to work, call me tomorrow.” he sighed.
“Alright honey, bye.” I said.
“Bye baby.” he murmured, hanging up.
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jamielea81 · 4 years
Just a Simple Lie
Chapter 10
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Description: Having worked on small independent films for the better part of a decade, your friend tells you about an opening for a script supervisor with a large studio. Wanting to advance your career, you apply and get an interview. The only downside, they prefer to hire crew who are married. It’s just a simple lie, right?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, minor angst, FLUFF!!
A/N: This is NOT the final chapter. There is one more after this one that we’ll call a mini chapter or epilogue. Per the usual: this fic is simply for fun and I mean no disrespect to any of the actors mentioned in the fic. I am also totally guessing regarding the studio talk. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome.
Word Count: 4,167
Catch up with Chapter 9
Avoidance really wasn’t the word that you would use to describe what you were doing with Chris. You just didn’t know your place in his life and every day was getting harder to define that line. He was hot and cold with you. So, you kept your head down, figuratively of course, and tried to maintain that friendship line that he had put in place a couple of months ago.
After that night you agreed to work on his film, he came back to the bar during your next shift and hung out with you until close. He crashed your lunch date with Scott a few days later, showing up with a smile on his face and Scott lagging behind with eyebrows raised. But after that, you didn’t hear from him until a month before filming was to begin. It was a brief call to let you know you would receive your contract via carrier and that your flight would be arranged shortly. Filming would last two months but he wanted you to stick around an additional month when editing began because per Chris, he wanted your input. This project was his baby. His exact words were “I need you here.” How could you say no?
You were staying with Chris which is what made the avoidance or non-avoidance, whatever you were doing, hard to actually accomplish. You were fine with staying at the hotel the non-local crew were staying in, but Chris refused. He got very alpha with you on that topic and you had to admit, it turned you on a bit. But you couldn’t go there because Chris didn’t see you that way anymore.
The hot and cold thing was hard to describe. He’d casually throw his arm around you when the two of you were going over scenes, whether other people were around or not. He’d pull you into conversations with the AD and cinematographer to get your opinion, often keeping hold of your hand. The next day he’d be in a mood and barely speak to you, let alone glance your way. The cast would often look to you to be the go between because they knew he was in a mood. You knew it was stress. It had to be, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t confuse you. On those days you’d grab a bite to eat at a restaurant to give him space, often returning to your room in his house at night without as much as a hello.
Friendships are hard. That’s the bottom line.
“Adam! Reset! Jesus!” Chris yelled causing you to visibly wince. “Y/N!”
“I’m on it. I’m on it,” you mumbled mostly to yourself walking briskly towards Adam Scott who was getting touched up by makeup.
“He’s in a mood,” Adam sighed.
“It’s been a long week.” Why you were making excuses for Chris was beyond you. That’s all you been doing lately. “I think he wants a little more…” You gestured wildly with your hands. “Gusto. Yeah, gusto.”
Adam raised and eyebrow to you. “Gusto?”
“You know what I mean. He wants a big reaction, so give it to him. I thought the take was fine, but I’m not directing. Let’s give him that additional option.
Adam gave you a hint of a smile and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Maybe I can do it better.”
“You’re the best,” you said over your shoulder as you walked back to Chris who chugging down a cup of coffee and going over notes.
“All good?”
“Yep. We’re ready whenever you are.” You plopped your butt in Chris’ chair since he preferred to stand during takes.
The scene ran again without interruption and the next scene was called for setup meaning you had about fifteen to twenty minutes.
Getting up from the canvas chair, you made your way to the coffee station in the far corner of the sound stage. The small liquid cream containers were missing from their designated bowl again which made your eyes roll. Someone was hogging them; you just didn’t know who.
Craft Services was an option, but you didn’t feel like making the trek across the lot. You picked up the powdered cream and mixed it into the paper cup. Powder is always a last resort. It never mixed properly and you could always taste it. But you were desperate for your caffeine fix.
“Liquid all gone?” Chris asked, stepping up beside you, grabbing his own fresh cup.
“Yes. Again!”
“I’ve got some in my trailer,” he offered.
“That’s not any closer than Craft Service, so you’re not helping,” you said dryly.
Chris chuckled lightly, turning to lean against the table as you mixed your cup with a flimsy plastic straw. “Glad to be done with that scene.”
“I’m glad you were happy with the last take,” you replied, turning around to lean next to him.
“Once Scott quits flirting, he does pretty good work.”
You choked on your coffee causing Chris to chuckle again. “Flirting with who?”
“Adam is not flirting with me!” you shouted. “He’s married and has kids,” you said much softer, trying to control the level of your voice. “His wife was here last week. She asked me to join her book club for goodness sake.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” he said, bringing the cup slowly to his lips, but keeping his eyes on you.
“You’re ridiculous,” you added with a head shake.
Yes, you fangirled when you met Adam for the first time. Parks and Recreation was one of your favorite shows. Still is.
“Adam is not a cheater and neither am I.”
“Maybe so, but you’re a liar.” Chris challenged.
Tears instantly welled in your eyes. You thought he was over it or at the very least accepted your apology. You bit your tongue, trying to find the right words and willing yourself not to cry at his remark.
“You’re lucky we’re at work, otherwise I’d tell you to go fuck yourself,” you said harshly before walking away.
Fuck him.
“Fahck. Y/N! Wait!” Chris called after you, quickly catching up.
You stopped abruptly, swinging around to face him. The action caught Chris off guard as you heard him suck in a breath as his eyebrows shot up.
“Not now,” you warned before turning back to where the next scene was being set up. “Are we all set?” you asked to no one in particular. It wasn’t your job to ask, but you needed the distraction and you weren’t in the mood to talk to Chris.
A couple of non-committal hums and murmured words were spoken. You kept your eyes on your script, scribbling nonsense among the various notes you had already written. Chris’ eyes were on you. You could feel them. But now was not the time to dive into what was going on between the two of you.
Immediately after the scene, you tucked your script in your armpit and pulled your phone out of your back pocket, hightailing it to your office.
Y/N: Can I stay with you tonight?
Chris wasn’t behind you, which was a good thing. You snuck out of there when you saw that he was stuck in a conversation with one of the producers. Making it to your office in record time, you shut the door and finally took a breath. Today was a day that you really appreciated having a door. Chris made sure that you had one, after you mentioned only having a desk on the last shoot. It really needed a lock though.
Darn lockless door.
Scott: I’m not staying with Jen. I’m at my mother’s.
You were desperate.
Y/N: Would she mind if you had a guest??
Two seconds later, your phone rang.
“Hi Scott.”
“Hi Y/N. Whaaaaaat’s going on?” Scott asked with amusement in his voice.
You blew out a breath, plopping yourself down on the small loveseat next to your desk. “He’s still mad at me.”
“Who’s mad at you?”
“Your brother. Who else?” Hearing the annoyance in your voice, you followed that up with a quiet, ‘sorry’.
“Oh boy. Well, I’m staying at Ma’s and don’t you think that would be an awkward conversation to have with her as to why you want to stay at her place?”
“Yeah,” you said softly.
“How do you know he’s still mad at you?” Scott asked.
“Well, besides the fact that he called me a liar this afternoon, he’s been hot and cold with me. He’s been real pissy at the crew as well.”
“You two.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, getting a little defensive.
“It means you really need to work your shit out.”
“Yeah, I know…But I don’t wanna.” Scott chuckled at your comment. “Could you come over? I could use a friend right now. I know he’s your brother, but if he’s just going to be moody, I don’t even want to go home.”
“He is my brother, but even I’m inclined to think he’s jerk now and again.” That made you smile. “I’ll stop by. Even pick up some pizza.”
“Thank you, my favorite Evans.”
“Appreciate the flattery sweetheart. See you later.”
“Bye, Scott.”
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes, you let yourself sink into the sofa. Avoiding Chris forever was not an option, but at least with Scott there, you’d be able to keep your emotions under control for the night. The buzz of your phone brought your mind out of the fog like haze.
Chris: Are you heading home?
Home. Now that was a funny thing. When Chris wasn’t pushing you away, it did feel like home. But it wasn’t your home. Not really. You are a guest and Chris is your host.
Y/N: Yeah. Getting ready to take off for the day.
You chewed on your bottom lip waiting for his reply. You really hoped he wasn’t planning on stopping by your office before you left.
Your cell buzzed again indicating another text was received.
Chris: I have a few things to finish up here, then I’ll be home.
Deciding not to reply, you grabbed your bag, stuffed your script and laptop into it, and left the studio.
You cleaned up your room a bit, even though it wasn’t particularly dirty. The bed was made and besides a few pieces of clothing that didn’t make it into the hamper, it was mostly clean. Dodger was fed and you had let him outside when you first made it back to Chris’ house. Scott would be at the door any minute and you really hoped he’d beat Chris home. Why? Because apparently you were twelve years old again. You were one step away from locking yourself in your bedroom with angsty music from the nineties playing on full blast.
The doorbell rang and along with it, your body relaxed. Jogging to the door, you threw it open to let Scott in, who came armed with two cardboard pizza boxes.
“Hey sweets!”
You grabbed the boxes from his hands, bringing them both into the kitchen so that Scott could step out of his shoes.
“Thanks for dinner, bunches,” you replied.
“No problem.”
“Two though?” you asked, while grabbing a couple of plates from the cupboard.
Scott walked into the kitchen, giving you a hug from behind. “Even the jerk has to eat.”
“I suppose your right. I’m not sure when he’s going to be home. I’ll turn the oven on low and stick a few pieces on a cookie sheet to keep them warm.”
“So domestic!” Scott teased.
“Shut it bunches.”
Scott gasped out a laugh. “Are we throwing darts at Chris’ old head shots. I know where he hides them if that’s part of the plan.”
You turned around and threw your arms around him in a fit of giggles. “I’m so glad we’re friends.”
“Yeah, me too sweets,” Scott mumbled into your hair.
Scott had insisted on watching Spice World since you had never seen it, but you mentioned watching the Sandy Duncan version of Peter Pan when you were a kid and Scott couldn’t get it out of his head now. So, that’s what the two of you decided to watch. After a quick search YouTube, you found it and watched it through the Roku on the large flat screen in the living room. Sandy was flying around the Darlings’ bedroom when the front door opened.
“Hey. Didn’t know you were coming over tonight,” Chris said, presumably to Scott.
“Yeah, sweets and I are hanging out. Your welcome to join us,” Scott replied.
You kicked his foot with your own. Scott scowled at you and you shrugged your shoulders in return.
“There’s a…there’s pizza in the oven for you,” you said keep your eyes on the screen.
“Thanks,” Chris replied, flicking the back of Scott’s ear as he walked by.
“You can’t avoid him. And this is house, of course I’m going to offer that he joins us.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, eyes going back to the TV.
Chris walked back in the room a few minutes later, sitting in the arm chair that was angled toward the side of the couch you were sitting on. He kicked up his feet on the cushion your body was half laying half sitting on. Turning your head to look at him, he bounced his eyebrows at you before turning his head to the TV.
“Sandy Duncan? God, I used to love this.”
Scott shushed Chris and you smiled.
The video ended and you stood up to stretch, Scott following suit. Chris disappeared into the kitchen, presumably to grab another bottle of beer.
“Welp! I’m out of here,” Scott announced, walking to the door to slip his shoes back on.
“What?” you whispered yelled, following after him.
“You two need to talk. And I mean really talk. None of this, I forgive you bullshit, let’s be friends. You know it. He knows it. We all fucking know it.”
You stood there with your mouth agape letting his statement sink in.
“Night Chris!” Scott yelled with the door already open.
Chris jogged back into the room, two beers in his hand. “You taking off already?”
“Yeah, I’m beat. Talk to you both tomorrow,” he said, stepping out and closing the door.
You stood there starring at the closed door, clearly not sure what you were supposed to do in that moment. Turning around and facing away from a closed door was a good option. Deciding you’d been standing there a second too long, you turned around to see Chris looking at you with beers still in hand. A small smile tugged on your lips.
“Beer?” He offered taking a step closer to you.
Taking the last few steps to meet him, you took the bottle he offered from his hand, fingers grazing his. “Thanks. I’m probably going to head to my room for the night.”
“Wait. Please? Could we…talk for a minute?”
Bringing the bottle to your lips, you took a long pull before lowering it and nodding. The two of you turned back to the couch Scott and you had occupied moments before. You sat on opposite ends, but both turned to face one another. You finding comfort in your bottle which you drank from again, before noticing it was half gone.
Chris licked his lips, finger tapping audibly on the bottle. “I didn’t mean it. What I said earlier today when I called you a liar. I don’t truly believe that. I was being an asshole. I’m an asshole sometimes. I know that about myself.”
His honesty surprised you. You didn’t know how to answer, so you simply nodded.
“This movie is stressing me out. When it’s your movie, it’s a lot of pressure. I want to put out a good film, it needs to be good. So, all this pressure puts me on edge. Everyone’s doing a good job and doing what they should be doing, but I have these moments where it doesn’t feel right. It’s not perfect. If it’s not perfect I have to take the fall. Who’s going to fund a film with a shitty director who puts out a shitty product?”
“It’s not shitty, Chris. The play backs I’ve seen have been amazing.”
“It’s in my head though. I don’t think I’ll stop being stressed until it’s released to be honest.”
“I get it, but…”
“But that’s not the only thing,” he interrupted. “It’s us too. You.”
“Me?” you asked, eyebrows creasing.
“I’m honestly and completely not upset about the engagement thing. It was something you had to do for a job and I’m over it.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But we went right back as if nothing happened.”
“If you’re over it and you’ve forgiven me, why can’t we move on?” you asked honestly.
“I don’t want to move on as if nothing happened.” Chris closed his eyes, mouth opening as he pulled in a big breath. “That night where you told me the truth, I told you my truth as well. I’m crazy about you Y/N and it seems like we’ve forgotten all about that. And you kissed me! How can we act like none of that happened? That none of that mattered?”
“Figured you didn’t feel that way anymore,” you mumbled before clearing your throat. “That the lie was too big and the secret was too big that you didn’t see me like that. Like someone you could care about. More than a friend.”
Chris set his bottle on the coffee table and scooted closer to you on the couch. He grabbed the bottle from your hand, placing it beside his. He took both of your hands in his, playing with the ring on your right hand with his thumb.
“Not possible.”
The words were so simple yet so deep that you felt your heart banging wildly against your ribcage.
“I still want you. Want us,” you whispered.
Chris’ lips curved up into a hesitant opened mouth smile. He brought your hands to his mouth, kissing each one, before lowering them back down between you. “That’s all I want.”
You lifted yourself to your knees, leaning in closer to him, but wanting him to decide what happens next. You kissed him the first time, it was his turn to make the move.
It didn’t take him long to decide as he let go of one of your hands, bringing it to the back of your neck and pulling you down to his lips. They were as soft as you remembered. His kissed you tenderly, with no rush, as if the two of you had all night. You pulled back slightly and gave him a smile.
“That was nice,” you said softly.
“I’m not done.”
Chris pulled your mouth back to his, kissing you gently until you felt his tongue skim along your seam. You opened immediately, allowing him entrance. He rolled his tongue along yours as you trailed your hand up his chest, along his neck, and into his hair.
The two of you made out for what felt like hours. You straddled his lap and eventually he positioned you both so that you were laying on the couch. It was kept mostly PG13 with kisses, whispered words, and a lot of cuddling. It was nice. Better than nice and you knew this wouldn’t be the end of it.
Chris: Can you come to my trailer? We need to go over scene 28.
Scene 28 was code for ‘I want to kiss you’. The two of you had been sneaking around on set for a week. You still hadn’t gone further than second base which was fine by you since you wanted to take this slow. Plus, you were working together. Working together and starting up a relationship could be complicated. Filming would be wrapped in a couple of weeks, and you had already committed to staying an additional month for the start of editing.
Your relationship with Chris right now was in this tight fairytale bubble that you didn’t want to pop. There was no talk of the future. Not even talk about how you’d spend the holidays. Whether it was Chris or if it was all you, either way, you wanted to stay in this bubble.
You quickly grabbed your script along with a pen and made the quick walk from the studio offices to Chris’ trailer. The sneaking around was thrilling. It was your own private secret that only you and Chris shared. No one was following you, but you couldn’t help but glance behind you every few seconds.
You reached Chris’ trailer, knocking twice on the closed door. Chris opened it wide, looking around to see if anyone was watching the two of you. They weren’t.
“Hey! You wanted to go over that scene?” you asked too loudly.
“Ye-yeah. Come on in Y/N.”
They two of you were so good at this game.
You stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind you. Chris grabbed your script and pen before you had a chance to set them down. With his free hand, he grabbed your elbow and brought you to him, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered against your lips.
You gave him a chaste kiss. “I just saw you this morning.”
He kissed you again. “Yeah, that was hours ago.”
You laughed, wrapping both arms around his neck as Chris started walking the two of you backwards to the bedroom, his mouth never leaving yours. Your calves hit the end of the bed, so you lowered your bottom to the soft mattress. Chris lowered himself over you and dragged the two of you up the bed until your head hit the pillows.
“Can’t wait until we don’t have to hide this. Us,” he said against your ear, mouth leaving wet kisses along the length of your neck.
“Me too. This is fun though,” you moaned when his tongue traced the shell of your ear.
“It is. But I want to take you out and not have people whispering about us,” he said, causing you to giggle. “What?” His face pulled back to look at your own.
“Well, you are Chris Evans. They’re going to stare and whisper about you no matter what.”
“Shut it,” Chris replied, kissing your nose.
“Are you ready babe?” Chris called from the hallway outside your room.
“Just about,” you called back finishing your hair in the mirror attached to the closet door.
Grabbing your lip balm from the dresser, you stock it in the pocket of your jeans and joined Chris in the living room.
“Wow. You look great,” Chris drawled out.
You looked down at your dark jeans, boots, and burgundy sweater. “This?”
Chris wrapped you in his arms. “Just beautiful.”
You kissed his perfect pout. “You’re too kind Mr. Evans. Now, let’s go. I’m hungry.”
Chris interlaced your fingers and pulled you to the door.
Dinner was at Chris’ mother’s house tonight. It wasn’t the first time; in fact, it was the fifth time not including brunch one Sunday since you came to town. You had met the whole Evans clan minus his father and you truly liked them all. You missed your family back home in the Midwest, so being around a close bunch such as the Evans made you happy.
“Ma! We’re here!” Chris yelled as the two of you walked into her home.
“You don’t need me to make yourselves comfortable,” Lisa said, peeking her head outside the kitchen.
“Hi Lisa,” you said with a wave, Chris still holding your other hand.
“Hi sweetie. Dinner should be ready in five. You know where the drinks are.”
“Sure do.”
You pulled Chris in the kitchen with you, not that you needed him to accompany you, but he wouldn’t let go of your hand. Chris released your hand when you gave him a look. You needed both your hands to grab glasses from the upper cupboard after all.
Digging into the fridge, you pulled out a pitcher of lemonade no doubt made by Lisa that afternoon. You poured two glasses and put the pitcher back in the refrigerator before handing Chris his glass, only for him to set it on the counter. He took your free hand in his once again.
“Ma,” he said, Lisa turning from the stove to look at him. “I’d like you to meet Y/N.”
Lisa chuckled as did you. Her face one of confusion. “Christopher, are you feeling alright?”
“I’m feeling wonderful ma.”
Lisa stood in front of the two of you. “Then why are you introducing me to Y/N who I already know?”
“Well,” Chris started, coy smile on his face. “I’d like to introduce you to Y/N, my girlfriend.”
A surprised smile sprung up on your face as you squeezed Chris’ hand tightly.
“Oh! This is quite the development. When did this start?” she asked pointing between the two of you.
“A little more than two weeks ago,” he replied, throwing arm around your shoulder.
“Well, then I say, it’s about time,” Lisa replied, giving you a wink and turning back to the stove. “But how’s this going to work when Y/N goes back home to California?”
That was a question the two you in your fairytale bubble hadn’t yet discussed, but would need to.
Tag List: @tanelle83 @pinknerdpanda @allaboutthebooz @estillion14 @panicfob @patzammit @xoxabs88xox @heartislubbingdubbing @twittytelly​ @linki-locks11 @ab-baybay @impalaimages @jesseswartzwelder @rainbowkisses31 @xostephanie @smoothdogsgirl @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xxloki81xx @thenormreedus @firstangeldragonranch @soitmightgetweird @maeleeme @denisemarieangelina @rvgrsbrns @icanfeelastormbrewing @velvetwonderbucky @kitkat1690 @smilexcaptainx @dangerouslovefanfic @dwights-new-plague @kelbabyblue @sweetlittlegingy @dont-need-another-fandom @chrisevansforever @evansxxx @southerngracela @bitterstar88 @squirrelnotsam @kitkatd7 @marvelislove10 @the-doctors-fallen-angel @hista-girl @cocomel0613 @also-fangirlinsweden @chrisevansfanfic @zsuzstyina @peach-acid @trynnabemultifandom @mrsshiddleston@tfandtws @heyyouwiththeassbutt @evanlys19 @cheeseburgersstuff  @evemej @whymalu @straightforwardly @deidrashouseofpain @samsgoddess @fanfictionaffair @lakamaa12 @imaginesofdreams @captnstarryeyed @the-walking-daryl​ @benedicttcumberbabe @michellemybelles-world @lorilane33 @divadinag @bellaireland1981 @illi-vanilli @the-walking-daryl @dezzylou24 @jennabenna12 @tinycertain @perplexed3001
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jungseonghwa · 4 years
Some Things That Need To Be Addressed.  Please Read.
Note: this is not to attack anyone, this is to inform everyone that a lot of us are getting sick of the disrespect.
1.  Understanding Boundaries (sexually and non-sexually)
THIS ONE IS VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT.  We are people, we have our comfort zone and things we are not okay with sexually and not.  RESPECT IT BECAUSE YOU EXPECT US TO RESPECT YOURS.  We are human beings just like you, so when my friends come to me saying you didn’t respect them saying “no” or that you won’t leave them or someone else alone, I get mad.  Follow the golden rule guys.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. Chatbot Group Chat Privacy 
I understand group chats are public for people to see, but that is our group of friends and we are there to have fun, roleplay and do our own thing and we usually specify if it’s just for chatbots.  You probably wouldn’t want people reading your conversations with chatbots or reading some of the conversations you have with your friends.  This also goes for other chatbots.  You should understand that we want privacy more than anyone else.  We need to rant and let our anger out sometimes just like everyone else and we should be able to do it within the safety of our friend group.  Please give us the same respect and don’t sit there scrolling through our chats like you’re a part of it.
3. Roleplay vs. Reality
This is for chatbots and yn’s.  You guys need to understand this is all FAKE and we’re not the idols.  I will repeat WE ARE PEOPLE.  I have had many instances where some people cross the line between roleplaying with us and reality.  We are not your therapists unless we offer to help, do not take our advice to heart and then get mad at us when it doesn’t work.  Chatbots do this for fun and because we want to, but some people take it to an extreme and it makes us extremely uncomfortable.  Don’t forget we have feelings.
4. Aftercare 
MAINLY FOR DOMS, BUT SUBS TOO.  YOUR SUB DESERVES AFTERCARE NO MATTER WHAT.  They should not have to ask for it, you should automatically give it to them.  Especially if you get kinky and nasty, they need a cool down period and be shown love and praised for doing what they did.
We are people behind these blogs.  We have lives, we have jobs, families, friends, shit to do.  Don’t get mad when you think we’re ignoring you.  Yes sometimes we are, but that’s because we’re busy or we’re not in the right mood to roleplay and want a break because this shit gets exhausting, especially if you’re talking to a lot of people at once.  I talked to over 40 people at a time and never got a break and got so sick of it because I no longer had time to myself with you guys spam messaging me because I’m not responding fast enough.
6. Plot
Coming up with the plot is fucking stressful because we don’t know what you guys like or are comfortable with right away, that’s why we ask for your help.  When you stray from the plot or completely mess it up on us, it’s hard because we have to try to get it back on track.  We can’t roleplay with you guys forever otherwise we can’t get to our waitlists and that’s not fair to the others who are patiently waiting.  
Please note that we are more than willing to help you come up with a plot as long as you accept our input.
7. Sex Roleplay
THESE CHATBOTS ARE NOT ALWAYS JUST ABOUT SEX PEOPLE.  Some are and they specifically state that they are, but most of us aren’t and it gets frustrating that we have to give up talking to people who might actually roleplay with us just because you’re horny.  I’m not trying to say being horny is bad, I get that way too, but some people get excessive.
8. Stress and Lives
WE HAVE LIVES OUTSIDE OF THIS WEBSITE.  We need to deal with our own things or, as said before, we aren’t in the mood to roleplay so we talk amongst each other.  Don’t sit here and shit on us because we aren’t meeting your needs, we need to take care of our mental and physical health first.  Remember we’re not always in the same timezone as you.  I was dealing with the stress of finals and I am grateful that the majority of my people were understanding (THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME), but I have seen other chatbots get hate (and in anon you cowards) because they’re too busy and can’t respond.
9. Rules
Follow the rules, please.  I can’t stress this enough.  They’re there for a reason and lots of us are getting sick of you not following them.  Lots of us are starting to block you guys without warning, so please be cautious.  MAKE SURE YOU REBLOG.  If you don’t reblog, you won’t be messaged for roleplay.  Some of us (including me) will look at your account to ensure you still have our post there and see what other chatbots you’ve reblogged.  Some will not message you if you’ve reblogged a lot.  Please be aware of this and follow our rules.
10. Chatbot x Chatbot Roleplay
I understand some yn’s are upset that us chatbots roleplay amongst ourselves, but suck it up.  We like roleplaying with our friends because we put more effort into it than some of you guys.  Don’t be jealous, you have no right.  As for other chatbots that sit there and say some chatbots are ignoring you and don’t care.  That’s usually not true, but once you’re rude to us, we definitely don’t want to talk to you because you don’t respect us.
SUMMARY: GIVE US THE SAME RESPECT YOU EXPECT US TO GIVE YOU.  I’m sick of having to hear of my friends having a hard time because of shit that goes on and then it causes more drama.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular, please don’t think that.  This is a blanket message to everyone so you understand what’s going on and how to fix it.  I’m trying to give you a chance so you don’t get blocked and miss out on roleplaying.
Please spread around so everyone is aware
@yanderewooyoung @daddychoisxn @golden-yunho  @yandereyeosang @hyunjin-dom  @subinbot @itsyourshiber @yanderehongjoongie  @yandere-hongjoong  @soulmatejongho  @royaltyyunho  @sub-yeosang  @kevinmoonbabie  @pubbysan @camboy-idol  @yanderesongmingi    @yandereeseonghwa @xxsoftyeolliexx  @doublesidewonwoo  @idol-gals-chatbot  @yngjeong1n  @yourhyunjin  @yanderechris  @yanderelee @yanderejisung  @subbychanhee  @hanjisungie-chatbot  @slytherinbangchanchatbot  @x-dombot-x  @jihyosub  @domseulgichatbot  @yandereyeosangie @daddyseokmin  @subbyxiaojunn  @yourfelixx  @babyhj1sung  @subyangyang  @your1baby-hannie @cutiejeonminju @roughbangchan @yanderejb @mingi-mafia @mafia-ateez @mafiafelix
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 10
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Friendly reminder to please Like and/or Reblog. It helps more than you think! :)
Word Count: 3,852
Click Here For Previous Chapter & Other Completed Stories
PLEASE let me know what you think
“Harry. Wake up.”
The whispers and gentle shaking stirred Harry awake and his eyes fluttered open to see Nancy and Rory hovering over him from his spot on the couch. By the time Harry and Zoey were done talking last night, Rory and Nancy had already gone to bed. He was too tired to drive home so he crashed on the couch, figuring he could just go to his house in the morning to grab a change of clothes before he and Zoey left for the beach. At least that way he could get a shower in. His house wasn’t too far. 
He yawned, stretching before sitting up, “Morning,” he mumbled.
Rory smiled down at him and he noticed that she was fully dressed and ready for the day. Nancy looked like she had just woken up, too. 
“How’s she doing?” Nancy asked, referring to their other roommate.
He shrugged, rubbing his eyes and yawning once more, “She’s getting there.”
“What’s wrong, anyway? She’s not mad at us, right? Why won’t she talk to us about it, but she’ll talk to you?”
Harry frowned, not prepared to be having this conversation after just being woken up, “No, she’s not mad at you. She just wasn’t ready to talk to anyone about it. I don’t even think she wanted to talk to me about it, either, but I’ve been through a similar situation. She’ll open up eventually, just give her time. I promise she’ll be fine.”
Aurora nodded understandably and Nancy spoke up again, “Well Rory has an interview with a magazine today, but I’m free if you two wanted to hang out.”
Harry winced, scratching his head, “I kind of told Zoey that I’d take her to the beach today, just the two of us. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay. No worries,” Nancy shook her head, “I’m sure I can find other plans.”
“But maybe tonight we can all do something?” Harry suggested, “I leave tomorrow morning.”
They both agreed but Harry saw the confusion in Rory’s eyes and he felt bad. He hardly saw her during this visit and he doubted he’d be back before the end of the tour. Hopefully, he can make it up to her somehow. 
Nancy made herself and Harry some coffee while Rory left for her meeting and they chatted as Zoey slept. Nancy was interesting to talk to because she never ran out of things to say and her tangents always made him laugh. 
Binx had jumped up onto Harry’s lap and kept bumping his head into Harry’s arm as he tried to pet him when they heard a door crack open from down the hall. Binx leaped off of his lap to trot along Zoey’s side. Her bun was loose and messy with strands of hair falling out of the back, and she padded into view wearing a pair of black biker shorts and an oversized yellow graphic t-shirt.
“Morning,” she smiled, plopping down next to Nancy and resting her head on her friend's shoulder.
Nancy grinned, happy to see Zoey more lively, “Good morning, lovely,” she sang, looping her arm in her friends, “Sleep well?”
“I actually did, thanks. It’s been a while,” Zoey intertwined her fingers with Nancy’s. “How about you, H? Was the couch alright?”
“Better than a tour bus bunk,” Harry’s puffy eyes creased as he smiled, taking another sip of coffee before he noticed the time on his phone. 9:30 AM, “I need to run home for a shower and a change of clothes, but I’ll be back before noon, okay?”
The girls nodded and Harry quickly finished his coffee before heading out. Once the door closed behind him, Nancy warily started a conversation to test the waters and get a feel on what Zoey’s mood was like. She wasn’t afraid of Zoey being in a bad mood, but she knew something had caused her friend to be sad the last week or so and she didn’t want to put too much pressure on her and make her shut herself out again. But from the conversation, it was clear that Zoey was doing better. Whatever Harry had managed to say or do last night seemed to help, thankful that Zoey had someone to talk to, at least. 
“How do you feel about a game night since it’s Harry’s last night here?” Nancy inquired.
Zoey nodded, pursing her lips, “Yeah, sounds fun.”
“Should I text Brett? You up for him to come?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Why not?” 
She hadn’t seen Brett outside of work in nearly a week and had to admit that she sort of missed him. He was always so much fun and seeing him and Nancy joke around together always had her crying with laughter. Eventually, Nancy wandered to her room to make a few phone calls and Zoey took a cup of coffee to the balcony. She hadn’t realized how long she was out there until Nancy slid the door open and stepped out dressed in a basic light brown t-shirt with the sleeves rolled, a black jean skirt, white tennis shoes, a pair of sunglasses, and her hair in neat, tight curls. 
“You look cute,” Zoey noted.
Nancy smiled, “Thank you. I’m going out to meet with a few friends, but my car is being a piece of shit. I called to have it taken to the shop, but now I don’t have a car. Can I borrow yours? I would uber, but it’s a little far.”
“That sucks! Yeah, my keys are by the door.”
“Thank you so much!” Nancy beamed, hugging her friend before bouncing her way back inside.
Zoey squinted at the cars below, wondering what was going on in their lives or where they were headed. She made up fake scenarios in her mind of a husband and a wife singing along to some music, a family on their way to Disneyland with their excited kids in the backseat, or a group of friends heading into town when she heard the sliding glass doors open again. Except for this time, it was Harry who stepped out, holding two chunks of something wrapped in wax paper. 
“You’re not dressed,” he noticed.
“Oh, shit. Sorry. Lost track of time!” Zoey abruptly stood up, pushing past him and heading to her room. 
Binx followed her in, shutting the door behind her and pulling out her swimsuit and pulling on a short, red wrap dress with white flowers on them, sliding into her white flip flops. She quickly brushed out her knotty hair and threw it up into another bun, wrapping a floral mustard color headband around her head and grabbing a pair of sunglasses on her makeup table before meeting Harry in the living room.
“That was fast,” He said, standing up from the couch.
She finally took in what he was wearing and her eyebrows furrowed, “And you don’t think people will notice it’s you with a clip in your hair, wearing short yellow swim trunks and an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt?” she pointed out, “You couldn’t have picked a more Harry Styles-Esque outfit!”
Harry laughed, grabbing his beach towel, “It’ll be fine. I picked up a couple of sandwiches for us to eat while we’re there. Let’s go.”
Zoey rolled her eyes, grabbing her beach towel, suntan lotion, and a book and tossing it into her beach bag. Harry shoved his towel in as well as the sandwiches, grabbing a couple of waters from the fridge before heading to the door. But just as she was about to reach for her keys, she stopped, realizing they weren’t there.
“Shit,” she muttered.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nancy has my car,” she turned to look at Harry, “should we just get an uber?”
Harry shook his head, “No, we can’t risk waiting for an uber in case we have to leave quickly. I can take us, but I can’t promise you’ll like it.”
Zoey stared up at him, “Why wouldn’t I like it?”
“You’ll see,” he smirked, opening the door and heading towards the elevator.
Zoey cautiously followed him to the car park and froze when they stopped in front of a small motorcycle. He unfastened the helmet from the back and handed it to her.
“You’re kidding.” 
“I’ll drive carefully, I promise.”
“Where do we even put the beach bag?”
“On the back. I have a sack holder,” Harry took the bag from her and strapped it in tightly to the back of his motorcycle before rounding to the side.
“Harry, maybe we should just stay here.”
“Come on, whatever happened to you wanting to be more adventurous?” He raised an eyebrow, smirking. After a moment of pause, she groaned and walked beside him, pulling on the white helmet. Her bun got smushed underneath as Harry tightened the strap under her chin, crinkling his eyebrows as he tried to get a better look and tapping the top of the helmet when he finished, throwing a leg over the side. “Come on, then,” he looked back, patting the small seat behind him.
Zoey frowned behind the screen of the helmet, the heat already beginning to get trapped inside. The sound of her breathing echoed. She grabbed onto Harry’s shoulder, carefully flung a leg over the bike, and straddled the seat, feeling very exposed.
“Just hold onto my waist and follow the turns. Don’t fight against it, okay?”
Zoey took a breath and wrapped her arms around Harry’s stomach, resting the side of her helmet onto his back and locking her clammy hands together. Her heart skipped a beat and began to race when he started the bike up and the roar of the engine came to life. It was loud. 
Slowly, he backed up out of the parking space and lightly jolted as he began to go forward towards the exit of the parking garage. She could see the cars passing by them on the main road as Harry waited for an opportunity to leave and squeezed her eyes tightly shut when he found it, too afraid to look. She felt the bike lightly swaying as they continued down the road and felt Harry’s stomach muscles tense and ease up each time they turned or veered. 
As Zoey got more comfortable on the back of the motorcycle, she began to open her eyes, watching the pavement pass below them and eventually getting the courage to look up at the cars surrounding them, noticing a couple of people glancing over at them from the passenger and back seat of their cars before turning their attention back to whatever it was they were doing. 
“You better hope no one notices it’s you and takes a picture. Might not look good.” Zoey called.
Harry laughed, mocking the made-up headlines, “Mystery girl on the back of Harry’s bike. Who is she?”
“Just an absolute mess of a human being,” Zoey joked back, making him laugh more.
They continued on, finding an indoor parking garage a block from the beach. Harry unhooked the beach bag and flung it over his shoulder, strapped his helmet back in, and led the way out and towards the beach. It wasn’t too busy there when she compared it to the East Coast beaches, surprisingly. There were definitely a couple of crowds on the sand, but most people who came to Santa Monica either went to the pier or walked up and down the strip, so they were able to keep a good distance from other groups of people. It probably helped that it was a Wednesday, too.
The wind whipped at her dress as they laid out their towels, using the bag as a weight in between the two. Harry plopped down on his towel and kicked off his shoes, letting the breeze cool him down from the beaming sun while he watched Zoey rummaging through the bag for her suntan lotion. Once she found it, she lifted off her red dress and tossed it over the bag, exposing her simple baby blue low back one-piece swimsuit and started spraying her exposed skin with SPF, making sure to pay extra attention to her more sensitive, burn-prone areas like her shoulders and chest. 
“Jeez, do you use a whole bottle per day?” Harry squinted, lifting his sunglasses.
“And it still won’t help,” Zoey stuck out her tongue, “I burn like crazy.”
“You look pretty tan to me,” he noted.
“Yeah, once the burn goes away,” she tossed him the bottle.
Harry unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it on top of her dress, and haphazardly sprayed himself down before standing up, “Want to go in the water?”
“Race ya,” she kicked sand back as she darted for the water.
Harry laughed, shouting after her, as he barrelled towards the ocean. Zoey’s shoulders hiked up as the water reached her thighs, cold waves knocking against her. He quickly caught up, lightly splashing water on her arms and dove underneath a wave. When he resurfaced he wiped his eyes and shook his hair free from the salty water searching around for Zoey who snuck up behind him and pushed him right back under. They had gone far enough out that the water reached their chest and the waves were now just ripples that they were able to float on.
“You know, when I was a kid my sister and I would go to the beach and pretend that the waves were dolphins,” Zoey said, kicking her feet in the water, “We’d name each one and pretend that we were mermaids and that the dolphin waves were our friends.”
Harry chuckled, spinning around in the water, “I feel like that’s a right of passage when you’re a kid. Pretending you’re a mermaid or merman. What kid doesn’t do that?”
They laughed, splashing, and joking around more before they decided they were hungry and wanted to eat their sandwiches. The two made their way back to their setup, grabbing their food and eating.
“I’m honestly surprised no one’s noticed you yet.”
Harry swallowed his bite and nodded, “I told you. In large crowds sometimes I can get away with it. For a little while, at least. Then things start to get crazy the longer I’m out. I bet a few people noticed, but they’re too shy to say anything.”
“What do we do if it starts getting crazy?”
“Leave. I can’t imagine us being swarmed or anything, but if it ever gets too crazy, don’t wait up for me. I’ll catch up to you somehow.”
Zoey nodded understandingly before saying, “Nancy mentioned having a game night tonight if you want. I think she was going to ask Brett to come, too.”
Harry eyed her, “Yeah? That’d be fun. What’s going on with him, anyway? Last night you said he was ' a whole different story’. What does that even mean?”
Zoey narrowed her eyes at him, retorting, “What’s going on with you and Rory? It’s been almost two weeks and you still haven’t made up your mind?”
“Alright, alright!” Harry threw his hands up, calling a truce.
She laughed, “No, but seriously, what is going on? I mean I know you and Rory still have a thing...whatever you want to call it. But you’re touring. Do you see anyone while you’re on the road?”
“Are you asking me if I have one night stands?” Harry raised his eyebrows, amused.
Zoey rolled her eyes, “I mean, not exactly the phrase I was looking for. But sure.”
“No, I haven’t slept with anyone other than Rory while I was on tour. I don’t even have the time to, honestly. I’m too busy.”
“Oh, you don’t have ten minutes to spare to fuck, but you have time to fly across the country four times just to hang out?” She smirked.
Harry laughed, throwing his wrapper at her, “I’m tired of you.”
When they finished eating, Harry laid on his back and let the warm sun dry him off, resting his eyes. He wasn’t sure how much had passed when he was awoken by children laughing in delight a few yards away and he sat up slightly, holding himself up with his elbows. Harry took in the scene as a few teenagers passed a football at each other in the distance, children to his right played in the sand, attempting to build sandcastles, and Zoey laid on her towel to his left, on her stomach, kicking her legs as she turned a page in her book, so deeply focused that she hadn’t noticed him wake up. He grinned as she bit her lip, something he did when he was deep in thought, too.
He had to do it. He couldn’t help himself. “AH!” he screamed, jabbing at her sides. Zoey shrieked, pushing herself away and instinctively throwing her book at him. He groaned, rubbing his nose where her book collided, wincing.
“I’m not even going to apologize for that,” she huffed, collecting her book, “You deserved it.”
“You’re too easy to scare,” he smiled, sitting upright. “Are you ready to go?” The sun was starting to cast a golden light onto the beach which could only mean it was close to dinner time. Nancy would be expecting them back soon for game night.
“Yeah, I can feel myself starting to burn.”
Harry snorted and they shook the sand off of their towels, throwing it back into the bag and pulling their clothes back on before making their way back towards the parking garage when they were stopped by a few girls who recognized him. Harry was kind and talked to them, asking how their day was and what they were up to.
“Is this your girlfriend?” one of them boldly asked.
Harry let out a huff of a laugh as Zoey chuckled, “Absolutely not. I’m basically a therapist.”
“She’s just a friend,” Harry informed the girl, changing the subject, “Did you want a photo?”
“Yes, please!” The girls giggled, pulling out their phones.
“I can take it if you’d like?” Zoey offered, “I’m pretty good at getting people’s good sides.”
The girls laughed, handing her each of their phones and they all got together, smiling. Zoey took a few pictures on each of the phones to be on the safe side and Harry gave them all friendly hugs before him and Zoey continued up to the parking garage.
“I think it just hit me who you are,��� Zoey admitted, walking in stride beside him.
Harry laughed, “Took you long enough.”
When they reached his bike he again helped her with the helmet and they climbed on, Zoey wrapping her arms around Harry’s stomach as he drove back to her condo, his loose shirt flapping in the wind. The ride back felt different. She was more comfortable on the bike now, of course. But it was something else. Maybe the sudden realization of where she was and who she was with had something to do with it. She could feel the warmth of Harry’s back on her chest and could feel the vibrations of the bike’s engine on his stomach. She could even smell him, sweet yet salty from the ocean air. She wasn’t expecting this wave of temptation, and quickly shook it out of her head. Harry was out of bounds. Besides, even if he wasn’t seeing her roommate, she knew too much about him, now, to go there. She chuckled at the thought and continued watching the palm trees that passed.
 Nancy and Rory were home by the time they had gotten back and Harry helped the girls make dinner while Zoey took a quick shower, rinsing all of the sand from her hair. When she finished, she put her wet hair in two french braids, threw on a plain white tee and striped black shorts, and joined the rest of them to see what she could help with. As she was plating all of the food, Brett had arrived, earning hugs from the girls and a friendly handshake back slap from Harry. 
“Hey, Zoey, how’s it going?” Brett winked from across the kitchen.
She smirked, lightly brushing his arm as she passed him carrying the plates towards the dining table. She knew he was staring at her ass. She could feel his eyes burn holes onto them as she set the plates down, and she had to admit, she loved it. Having someone want you can sometimes be a good feeling. Not always, but sometimes. And in this circumstance, particularly when she felt a bit cheeky, it was nice.
The group quickly ate and chatted before pulling out the games which ranged from standard card games to Pictionary and eventually playing charades. They decided to play girls against guys first, which the girls annihilated before eventually having Zoey on the guys’ team since Rory and Nancy had the advantage of knowing each other for the longest period of time. However, Zoey and Harry seemed to be on a roll, shouting out the right guesses in seconds. Brett got a few answers in there, too, but groaned when he couldn’t get it quick enough.
“Jesus Christ, what are you two? Mind readers? Are you cheating?” Nancy exclaimed as Harry jumped up and celebrated their victory with Zoey. 
He laughed, “Don’t be a sore loser.”
After a while, they decided to settle down and watch a movie. They sat on the couch with Nancy on one end next to Brett, Zoey sat in between him and Harry who sat in the corner next to Rory at the other end. Zoey noticed as the movie progressed that Harry and Rory had gotten closer and closer to each other until Rory’s head was resting on his chest and they were completely ignoring the movie and whispering to each other instead. 
Eventually, the two of them stood up and when everyone looked their way, Aurora announced, “We’re just going to go out for a bit.”
Zoey shot Harry a smug look which he winked at before they were out of view. And then she pictured Harry clasping the helmet on Rory’s perfect, long brown hair and taking her back to his place on the back of his motorcycle with her arms around his stomach and she felt overwhelmed and tired. She had surely got way too much sun today and maybe one too many glasses of wine at dinner.
“Hey, I’m going to head to bed,” Zoey turned to Brett and Nancy, pushing herself up from the couch, “Night, guys.”
She slinked off towards her room, closing her blinds and climbing under the covers. It seemed like ages before she finally got to sleep. Until she was awoken by the sudden rush of air that hit her skin as her sheets were lifted behind her.
“Hey. You awake?” a hushed Aussie accent whispered in her ear.
She turned to see Brett slip into her bed and smirked, wrapping her arm around his neck, “I can be.”
He pulled her body closer to hers and pushed his wet lips hard against hers so hard that she felt the pressure on her teeth. Still need to work on that kissing.
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Updates to mention
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Hello! One and all!
One, I have an updates page I try to keep up with on a weekly basis if anything changes. Which probably would be taken down, I’m not good at that sort of thing, BUT! Here’s what’s posted on there thus far:
I’m still on hiatus. Got a lot on my plate, feeling overwhelmed with a lot of stuff.
What to expect?
Just, Down the Rabbit Hole.
I won’t post other stories, but I will be writing them. But, my soul focus is DTRH. And once I’m all done with DTRH, my other fictions will be posted.
For Down the Rabbit Hole, I’ll be posting Chapter 8 | Trials soon. After the holidays.
Chapter 9 | Cain will be posted the weekend after.
And depending on when I’m done with Chapter 10 | My Brother’s Keeper, it will be posted.
But also here’s another thing…I got 3 versions of DTRH on a word document. Because I have twists out the wazoo happening.
Twist 1
After events in Chapter 6, French Mistake episode is mentioned and such.
In Chapter 7, when Dean is high off a sandwich gives away that he is NOT Dean but Jensen Ackles himself. And Sam isn’t Sam but Jared Padalecki. And Cas is Misha, you get the point…except it’s just those 3 guys, everyone else is their character.
Haven’t been writing with this version, hit a road block.
Twist 2
SAME AS TWIST 1, only it happens later. Like Chapter 8, but I add another feature, the Reader has angelic like powers or abilities (Think Kagome in Inuyasha, only more intense and more like Supernatural).
Haven’t wrote that twist, I hit a road block as well.
Twist 3
Have to read Chapter 8 to find out. I LOVE what I did in this one. And I think it’ll blow your minds.
Now, since I have 3 versions of this, and have posted FROM all 3 at some point. I NEED FEEDBACK. My anxiety needs to know these things. I need to know if I’m confusing someone, I need to know if it’s all good or if I need to edit more. Don’t be afraid to be blunt, I’m a blunt person to begin with. But I need to know so it’s a smooth story to tell. Don’t hesitate to send me an Ask, reblog/comment, note, whatever or however you reach out to me, let me know. I’m also confusing myself a bit. I have all 3 versions of the word doc. open and I’ll read my chapters just to make sure for continuity sake it’s all good. But as I mentioned, I have a lot going on at work and home right now and it’s causing my memory to bug out and go to shit (sorry for the language), I’m asking to give me feedback on my DTRH series.
Plus, I’m having a rough week. My depression is weighing me down. I never felt heavy like this in a while. I’ll have moods where I won’t write, I’ll just day dream. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’m just, going with the flow. When at the same time I feel lost. And clueless. I feel like screaming yet also I feel like crying. I’ll do what I do best. And that is to fight.
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The only thing that makes it feel awful, is the feeling of fighting alone. I’m my own rock and I honestly feel like my rock is about to break one of these days. But I’m not gonna let it.
Now more than ever, I need a friend.
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And because of these wonderful human beings, I have learned to keep fighting. To keep trudging on to see what tomorrow brings, to see if it gets better. I may never meet them, But I want them to hear my story. To see that because of them, I’m still here. I’ve had thoughts of suicide for years, never really voiced it (my parents are not easy to talk to about this sort of thing, so I have no one I can talk to.) Because of this show, seeing them sharing a story of fighting Demons and monsters, we consider our demons and monsters to be depression, ptsd, anxiety, etc. If they can fight it, so can we. So, thank you J2.
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Sorry for the downer, I just needed to get the reasons for my hiatus out there. It’s more than just overwhelming feeling, it’s more. It’s like the bad case of the Monday’s. And, I’m fine. I’m writing, I’m making a fluffy story and it’s making me feel good and happy. It may not be for Down the Rabbit Hole, but it’s something.
I’m Fine...Honest.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
Fonder 5.1
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A/N: I AM SOOO SORRY FOR THE HIATUS! I missed you guys. The secret’s finally out! The mystery of Mr. Gatsby’s identity is being revealed! There may be smut included in this chapter also. Thanks @babygirlofwakanda for helping me out with that! Lastly, the italics (besides the sounds) are Yaa’s inner thoughts. 😬😬😬😬😬 Reblog and like!
Word Count: Get your popcorn ready (~3.5k)
Warning(s): SMUT, slow burn, plot progression, introduction of a new character, few errors/typos
NEW YEAR’S EVE 10:34 p.m.
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“I-I-...I don’t understand. It was you all along...but you’d just hopped in my DM’s right before I got here!”, Yaa attempted to collect the thoughts that had scattered on the floor.
Gatsby chuckled, “ Yeah, I know. It’s ok to be confused. I’m the last person you’d expect it to be, I’m sure.”
“So why me? All these fine Hollywood jawns and wannabe socialites rippin their own panties off just to get to you...and you choose the one non-celebrity on the other side of the country?”
Gatsby sipped some champagne as he listened to Yaa, nodding his head as he began mentally creating his response to her outlandish claim. He finally sat his fluted glass down on the desk.
“Not to sound like a creep, but ever since Tanisha told me about her bomb ass lawyer friend, I’ve had my eyes on you. Don’t worry; I haven’t been that close. I learned enough about you to still have many questions left over to ask you. You’re a complex and multi-faceted woman that deserves to be exalted. Plus, from what I’ve also heard, you’ve been eyeing me too. Why’d you think the riddles and passwords were how they were?”
He was right: she’d had her eyes, heart, and womanhood set on him for years. It began way back in the summer of 2002. Her almost 12-year-old self had no business watching anything graphic and raw, yet alone watching The Wire. Her parents encouraged to watch it surprisingly. Then it happened—he came on the TV. Though she hated cornrows, even in the early 2000s, she found herself head over heels for the peanut head with the cornrows—Wallace. She hated the fact that he was a teenage drug dealer but hell, that was life in the Pit. The season finale left her distraught, crying for days as though he’d broken up with her or something. She followed his work and had proclaimed her love for him for 12 years and now here he was—Michael B. Jordan—standing before her explaining how he wanted her. Funny how life works.
She burst into a fit of nervous laughter; he joined.
“What’s so funny, Yaa?”, Michael asked.
She subdued her laughter as much as she could. “I’m laughing because I know this has to be a drawn-out prank or some shit. The man I’ve been mentally dating half of my life isn’t in front of me right now, and he damn sure ain’t telling me he finna risk it all for me. Not against his own will at least.”, she stammered.
He raised an eyebrow at her disbelief. His shoulders bounced as his cocky grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “So, you think this is a game? Hmm?” He kneeled down and lifted her chin for her honey brown eyes to meet his calming dark brown eyes. “Talk to me.”
She nodded her head yes. “Show me this isn’t a game.”, she challenged.
“Say less.”
He lifted her chin some more. He went in for the kiss—an offer easily accepted. Jackpot. There was a jolt of electricity between their lips. As their kiss deepened, his hands held gently her neck, lightly brushing against her coarse honey blonde locs. Her arms linked tightly around his neck. His hands scooped under her large ass, picking her up and causing her to break the kiss. Her eyes flew open as she began looking down at the floor. The second time she’d been picked up and the skinny nigga was the one on the cusp of changing her life. Her embrace around Michael’s neck tightened significantly as she braced for an abrupt drop.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”, Michael teased.
“Last time I was picked up, I couldn’t dance for a month. You’re scaring the shit outta me.”, she sputtered.
There went that cocky,raspy laugh. Michael dropped her down and quickly caught her before she could get anywhere near the ground. “Oh, so you scared the skinny nigga can’t hang? C’mon now. You should know I’ve been waiting on you for a minute. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, baby girl. Best believe that.”, he reassured. With that being said, he walked confidently across the room to the couch with his scared thick lawyer in tow, carrying her 200+ pound frame like she was a bag of nothing. That Creed training made him a monster.
He stared into her eyes once again in awe. In such a simple expression, there was enough fire and passion in her eyes to light up the fireplace across the room. He slowly gave her lips more kisses, savoring them like the last of a 5-star meal.
“You got all of these sweet kisses, girl.”, he groaned, “Must’ve been saving them for a special reason or someone.” Not by choice, baby boy.
“I’ve waited for a long time for this”, she chuckled into his lips. Knock knock knock.
Michael’s head dropped and Yaa looked up into the dimmed lights palming her face, both clearly frustrated with the mood-killing visitor at the door.
“Who is it?”, Michael yelled as he re-adjusted his black double-breasted tux and bow tie. He walked towards the door, still awaiting a response.
“Me, nigga!”, the nearly hoarse voice replied defensively.
Michael smacked his teeth and opened the door. “The fuck you want, Steelo?”
“Mannnnn, it’s almost 2015! Folks lookin’ for you an- oh, heyyyyy how you doin’? I’m Steelo.”, he slurred. His attention was suddenly brought to the clearly annoyed Yaa.
“I know who you are. Nice to finally meet you.”, Yaa said.
He redirected his intoxicated “focus” back to his best friend. He’d recognized Yaa. “Hold up, that’s her?”
“Yeah, that’s Khalida, the lawyer. We’ll be out in a sec—”
“—YOOOOOO! She bad as fuck,bruh. Thick too? Niggggggaaaaaaa...I heard them fat jawns be changin’ liv—”
Without saying a word, Michael pushed his drunk best friend out the door like a dolly and locked the door. “Look, he’s drunk as fuck and I’m sorry that h—”, Michael apologized.
Khalida placed two fingers over his lips. “Fat isn’t a bad word. No need to apologize. Now, come on— we have a new year to celebrate.”, she replied.
Michael’s deep dimples and smile stretched across his face as he watched Khalida walk out of the door. “You comin’ or not, Gatsby?”, she teased.
11:09 p.m.
By the time Yaa returned to the action, there were more faces—famous faces—in the crowd. All in attendance were dressed to the nines with their CRISP finger waves, feathers, furs, pearls, and enough cigarette holders for an old Hollywood film. Yaa walked to her VIP section to find her best friend Tanisha lit off of her spirit of choice—Bombay Sapphire gin. Steelo and some of Michael’s other friends had joined her in the booth. Tanisha sashayed to her friend to greet her.
“BIIIIIIITCCCCCCCCHHH! Where the FUCK have you been?”, an impaired Neesh questioned.
“I was talking to Gatsby. You literally saw me leave. Second, I’m finna beat yo ass.”, Khalida yelled over the music.
Tanisha stepped back and put her hands up. “What for?”
“You know why. Gatsby ends up being my childhood crush?! Howwwww in the hell were you able to pull that off?”
“Sis...just know that I got the connect. Now shut up and drink--we gotta New Year to ring in.”
Tumblr media
Without further protest, Yaa opened the new bottle of D’usse and poured it into her glass. A few glasses and three tequila shots later, she was feeling nice. Not drunk, but nice, tipsy at most. She’d stepped out of her shell of skepticism and began socializing a lot more.
During the course of the night, Michael and Yaa had been getting cozy with each other. They never left each other’s side. They exchanged flirty looks and “you goods?” When they weren’t refilling cups in the VIP section, they were deep in conversation, topics varied as their sobriety faded away. Then, it happened: his curious hand trailed northbound on her leg. Usually, Yaa would smack the taste out of any man’s mouth for feeling up on her, sober or drunk. But let’s face it: she was feeling him and it was obvious the feeling was mutual. She bit her lip and winked at him in response.
“So we just gon’ pretend like yo whole hand ain’t up my dress?”, Yaa playfully questioned.
“Yup.”, Michael replied with a grin. He was so proud of himself. “Finally able to get my hands on you.”
Yaa rolled her eyes. “Don’t getcha skinny ass hurt fuckin around.”
She got up, leaving him awestruck at her model-like walk.
“10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gold and silver confetti and balloons fell from the sky. Cheers from every corner of the room paired with the popping of champagne corks. Yaa hugged Tanisha and kissed cheeks in celebration of the New Year. Yaa felt two taps to the right shoulder. Ready to curse, Yaa whipped her body around to see that the tapper was none other than Michael. He rubbed the back of his neck and flashed his smile, revealing his pair of ridiculously adorable deep dimples.
“I-uh...know we kinda just met like an hour and a half ago...but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind having the honor of sharing this New Year’s ki—”. Yaa grabbed him up by his lapel and kissed him passionately, yet drunkenly. She laughed.
“Happy New Year to you too, Kari. Sorry, but I’ve always wanted to call you that.”, she laughed.
1:47 a.m.
Thud. For all it’s worth, Yaa’s back as going to be sore for the next couple of days from the impact of hitting her back against her chest of drawers. She also couldn’t have given half a fuck about her neck or her back. Hell, sis was finally getting dick. The more violent her and Michael’s tongues were becoming in each other’s mouths, the more familiar their hands were becoming with each other’s clothes and bodies. Still focused on his Dom Perignon-flavored kisses, her hands anxiously searched for his belt. But before she could unbuckle his pants, the D’usse demon jumped out. She smirked seductively as she boldly grabbed his print and freed herself from his arms.
“Oh shit.”, he mumbled, “So, you nasty nasty.”
The devilish smirk she gave was all the response he needed. She slowly got on her knees and freed his dick from the constraints of his pants, licking its length on both sides. Her head bobbed to the beat of the music playing in her head. Watching her bob on his dick, he began undoing the bottom of her chignon so that the rest of her hair wouldn’t get in the way of his undoing.
Thud. His head went against the wall as his undoing was becoming apparent. He cursed under his breath and kept his bottom row of teeth tucked underneath his bottom lip to keep from moaning aloud. Yaa would have cared less for his current state. She continued to slurp and coat his rock-hard member with spit. Keeping eye contact, Yaa continued licking him like a melting popsicle. He growled to keep from moaning, along with a chorus of “Shit” being recited under his breath.
Forever came to an end as Yaa slowly got off of her knees. He helped her up, only to be blindsided by her sloppy kisses. She began walking backwards with him towards the king-sized bed but stopped at the edge of the bed.
He placed her on the edge of the bed. Michael kissed her lips gently and slowly began to make his way to her promised land. His kisses became wet as he made his way down to her neck—her spot. He kissed her collarbone tattoo, licked his way down to her large breasts, and paused at her nipples. With his hands now caressing her breast, he wrapped his tongue around her nipple and began sucking with enough pressure to make her moan. While he sucked on her nipple like a pacifier, Michael dropped his hand from hoisting up her other breast and began to timidly creep his fingers down her baby-soft skin and the scrunched fabric of her dress. Feeling his hand touch over her thigh, he began to aggressively pull up the bottom of her dress. There was a slight discoloration created on her skin from the irritation from the material being forced against it, but Michael didn’t stop until the bottom of her dress pooled around her stomach. Once he realized where the material had settled, he pulled his lips from around Yaa’s areola, fixating his eyes on her lower half. Quickly noticing that she was panty-less, he felt a smirk tug at his lips--better--he peered up at his flushed lover. “So that’s how you rollin’, huh?”, he questioned as he slowly rolled his bottom lip underneath his teeth before winking up at Yaa and sinking to his knees. Staring at the awe-striking sight of her glistening folds, Michael admired the intimate view as he could replay the numerous times he tried to capture this very image many a late night.
He pushed her legs further apart until her kneecaps were damn near touching the mattress before trailing his way up her inner thighs. Placing soft, gentle kisses and occasional nibbles against her hot skin, he increased his pressure, making her feel the individual pricks of his coarse facial hair making Yaa a squirmy, wet mess. Timidly reaching her glory, Michael brought his hands up and steadily separated her lower lips with both of his thumbs before pressing his mouth forward. “Looks like someone’s been waiting on me.”, he said with a cocky confidence.
Chest rapidly rising and falling, Yaa couldn’t form a coherent word, phrase, or sentence. She gulped heavily before rolling her head back as Michael’s lips connected to her folds. She gripped the sheets up as his tongue controlled her every move. He finally licked her wet opening with a flat tongue going from the bottom to the top. His tongue was a weapon— it was both long and thick. He licked his name on her bud—slowly torturing her it with every dip, twist, turn, curve, and dot of each letter in his name. He then inserted two of his thick fingers into her opening as he licked the letter "C" and began pumping his fingers at a moderate pace. Desperately panting from his actions, Yaa began to shriek once she felt Gatsby toy with her clit. This raggedy ass nigga finna suck you dry and ain’t shit you can do about it at this point.
His fingers picked up the pace the moment he noticed her unraveling, his tongue explored deeper into her womanhood. She struggled to feel for the nearest pillow, but when she found it, she quasi-covered her mouth to subdue her moans of pleasure.
The sounds of Yaa’s hitched breathing and impending sexual eruption ricocheted throughout the master bedroom. Her back was arched completely off of the bed and she held a firm grasp of his head. If it wasn’t a moan or gasp, Yaa let out a “fuck”, “shit”, or an “Oh Lorddddddd.” Hearing Yaa unravel brought Michael much pleasure—the match to his sexual fire. He occasionally laughed at her undoing; he finally had the object of his affection under his mercy, quivering at his touch. Right as he could feel the pressure change for her release, he pulled his fingers and tongue away from her now swollen bud. She quickly leaned up on her elbows to see why he was stupid enough to pull out right as she was about to release. He smiled maliciously as his soaked fingers neared his mouth. “Nuh-uh. I gotta taste this first, it makes the kisses taste sweeter.”, Michael explained as he slapped her hand away from his. Bitch, no the fuck he didn’t! The two locked eyes as he sucked his two drenched fingers like he’d just ate the last extra wet lemon pepper wing.
He motioned for her to sit up. Before he could even ask, Yaa leaned in to taste her sweet essence on his tongue. A shiver shot down his spine as her candy apple colored nail gently traveled down his back. Their kiss led to Yaa laying on her back once again. Michael bit his lip as he hovered over her. He snatched her by her ankle to the edge of the bed, sliding himself between her legs. “Missionary’s a bold first choice, don’t you think?”, Yaa asked as she handed him a condom. He chuckled, “Nah. I’m just tryna see sumn, that’s all.”
His thumb rubbed against her wet clit as his girthy member slowly entered her tight, slippery entrance. Yaa inhaled sharply as she felt her body tremble and his thick length push against her tight bounds. “Fuck!” She cursed, as she felt him move slow trying to feel each and every ridge of her plush opening. Their fingers intertwined within each other as he went further into her. The lustful gaze into her honey eyes only intensified the overwhelming sensation of euphoria emanating from her core. With her back now arched completely off the bed, her new position gave him more room to dig deeper into her guts. Her mouth was agape as she tried to breathe through her stimulation. His rhythm steadily increased with every stroke.
Watching Yaa’s scrunched facial expression, Michael moved his hands to grip her waist as he quickened his pace. Taking his off of her face for a second to peek at their connection as he smirked at the sticky surface of his and hers wet organs. With the erotic scene unfolding before him, Michael slowly rolled his bottom lip underneath his teeth once the sounds of their moist skin slapping against each other reached his ears. She was helpless—her eyes burned from the tears of pleasure and she struggled to grip onto the gold link chain that dangled from his neck. Her moans and whimpers continued to fuel his drive. Chuckling darkly at her body’s responsiveness he said, “Yea, this is that shit I was talking bout. Just listen to that shit speaking out to me, fuck.” before fluttering his eyes closed and pounding into her.
3:34 a.m.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. The sound of the headboard repeatedly being knocked against the wall served as a light sound buffer to Michael and Yaa’s moaning. Michael’s thick hand applied the perfect amount of pressure around her neck as he continued to deliver those dangerous strokes. Just as they were able to sync their rhythms, he pulled out. This nigga done lost his Black ass mind. She opened her mouth to complain, only to be interrupted by the sudden shift from her back to her tummy. “On your knees. Now.”, he commanded as he smacked her ass. She as she was told—only to be rewarded with the reunion of his lips to her lower lips. No, he didn’t, bitch! The byke?! He eatin’ it from the muhfuckin’ byke?! This is Daddy!! Fuck a Winston,chile. His alternating kissing and sucking on her swollen bud caused her to fall flat on her stomach from the overstimulation. His hand went underneath her to lift her back up. He centered himself before sliding his member back into her. He slowly increased his tempo as he twisted her locs into his fist.
Yaa’s voice was hoarse. Had been hoarse half an hour ago. She had been depleted of any common sense she’d thought she had and was running on adrenaline. Michael, though appearing to be the victor of the night’s bout, was still at odds with his challenger. She was tired but still fighting like hell. He sweated profusely—like a champ battling it out in the 11th round. She wasn’t going down with a fight. He flipped her around one last time. This time, he pinned her legs past her ears—a position that both were surprised by.
“You ain’t tappin’ out?”, he asked between pumps
“Why and you about to tap out yourself? Let’s tap out at the same time since you so damn excited.”, the raspy-voiced Yaa boldly replied.
“Aight, say less.”
He went into overdrive. He quickly moved her legs from near her ears to around his waist. Not even two minutes later, the pair released within seconds of each other,his body collapsing onto hers.
“Don’t move.”, Michael whispered in Yaa’s ear as he tried to get himself together.
She shook her head. “Bitch, I don’t wanna move.” She paused, “Actually, I need to finish wash my face. Move.”
The moment both feet landed on the ground, gravity betrayed her. Her knee gave out, causing to limp and almost fall. Thankfully, Michael’s body was turned away from her. After returning from the bathroom, she limped to the bed. Oh, heating pads are the move all day today. This was the beginning of something different, and what a way to begin a new beginning than on New Year’s Day?
A/N: Yeah, sorry for the trash ending. I got too impatient.
I’m in the kitchen, TAGS ERRYWHERE!
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @forgottenthoughtsandmemories @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @wakandas-vibranium @dramaqueenamby @oshasimone @destinio1 @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @ljstraightnochaser @chaneajoyyy @thememoireeofme @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
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invelleity · 6 years
psst. be honest. all of the questions. go.
i can’t believe jeanette is tryina kill me in public and i’m still love her??? | not accepting anymoooore | @ltbroccoli​
cracks knuckles here we go ( odd numbers 1-9 are here )
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
Not very. It’s fun and cute and all, but I care a whole lot more about “clicking” with people and having fun writing with them.
Exception: If someone’s aesthetic is so overblown that I can’t even find the pages on the blog or read the text, I.....won’t interact with that tbh.
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
(kicks down my roommate’s door at 10pm) “OK so I’m writing— stop screaming, it’s me,— I’m writing a character in Security and you’re like a double black belt or some shit, can you explain how—”
( My roommates all know it’s a thing I do but I’ve never sent them a link or shown them any of the actual writing. They’ve met a bunch of y’all over like Rabbit streams and @rumdaydreams​ irl though so like.... They Know. )
More under the cut
6. Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why?
Ehhh, depends on my mood. I lean towards female muses in general ( definitely got a bigger chunk of ladies on my list, for sure for sure ) but I love my boys.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Uhhhh A) We’re all such dumb socially awkward blobs so it’s often hard to get to know new people.
B) The feel that if you have a good relationship with one person who writes a canon muse, it’s some kind of lowkey betrayal to write with other people who write the same muse??
C) How much I, a certified card-carrying dumbass, stress myself out about posting on a “regular” schedule. Does that count? Like I want the blogs to look “presentable” lmao and me@me Calm The Fuck Down.
10. Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them?
N / A
11. What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
Uhhhh, when I first started was long enough ago and the community was so different a lot of those lessons no longer apply. I wish when I finally jumped over to Tumblr I’d realized quicker how the new like....basic ways of meeting people and posting and all worked, which was mostly just a “calm down and go with the flow more, let go of your stupid rigid old habits” lmaooo.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
yES. Yeah. Hahaha ha h. 
But ummm, not usually. No. Most of my drama has been either A) me posting the very very softest, most diluted version of barely-touching on my politics and my real goddamn life and people being fuckin butthurt as hell about or B) cutting people who were toxic and draining out of my life. So.
13. Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
cw suicidal ideation ment
Yeah. Once I actually did — when I started college I just didn’t have the time, so I peaced from the larger community to just write with close friends for a while. I’ve also considered leaving the T.umblr RPC a few times, but really only because of long bad depressive episodes. Coming back and “not wanting to literally die irl ha Ha” and catching up with my drafts gets me back on track lmao. 
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
Positive! Sometimes I worry that I spend too much time wrapped up in fiction and miss my real life, but I’ve learned to keep my time more separate so now it’s just good to have a healthy hobby that makes me happy. Also I’m definitely a much better writer for it, and there a lot of networking skills I think translate to real workplace skills so it’s 👌
15. How has rp changed you personally?
See above, tbh. And it gives me a lot of good outlets for writing ideas that would otherwise stew in my head until I hated myself for never ever writing any lmao. It’s good.
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
Oh, I dunno. I wish I could post replies from mobile more easily, god. That’d keep me a lot more on top of my drafts lmao.
17. Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
Not on any of the rp blogs. ;^)
18. Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? 
No, wtf
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Depends on the hate — things I feel need to be addressed or I want to be clear about not tolerating I’ll post. Personal hate and mean shit I delete.
Or if it’s stupid and makes me laugh I will definitely post that shit.
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
Sometimes. If a partner is actually pressuring me I’m real good at saying uhhh hey, fuck off about that? but sometimes partners will perfectly-innocently be enthusiastic about things I’m not super comfortable with and that’s harder to bring up. So it’s..... more like I pressure myself, whoops.
21. Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to?
Ehh. Not really. Sometimes I’ll follow a friend of a friend despite lack of interest just because, like.... My friends are smart and good, maybe I’m just not getting the right “vibe” from their blog as who really they are. Sometimes that just means we never click and I unfollow them later. Or sometimes @rumdaydreams​ drags me straight to mutual hell and we write 20,000 unfinished bullshit and meet irl and she actually talks me into wholeass new blogs and muses. So, you know. Mix bag.
22. What would make you block someone?
Red flags for manipulation and lowgrade emotional a.buse, especially ones I viscerally feel in my stomach from previous experiences. Obvious r.ight-leaning politics ( Weirdly, I’m not particularly comfortable around people who don’t think I or my friends deserve to be treated like human beings! A character quirk, haha! )
Also ngl sometimes I block people just to remind myself I’ve followed them before and I don’t wanna re-follow them six times and look like I’m trying to intentionally harass them. My memory is bad but the block button always knows, lmao. 😅
23. Have you ever stolen something from someone else?
Not intentionally — I try very hard not to steal hc from duplicates or take plots without asking. But, y’know, sometimes an idea sticks in your head and you eventually just forget where it originally came from.
24. Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
Not that I’m aware of.
25. Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
Absolutely, for the most part! I like seeing other perspectives, and especially since @thewrongsorts​ is such a bigass multi it lowkey just makes my life easier.
There are a few exceptions — less because they’re duplicates and more because there are hc/fanon I just......dislike enough I don’t wanna write with them. Not a feeling that’s limited to duplicates tbh.
26. How do you feel about vague posting? 
Ehhh. It’s like not a great thing, but I get the appeal. I tend to unfollow if someone posts a lot of it because then they’re just passive-aggressive as a person, but the occasional vagueblog I don’t mind. Sometimes you gotta get shit off your chest but you don’t wanna make it a wholeass call-out, I get it.
27. Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
Generally I unfollow. I’m here to write, if we’re not interacting it’s clogging my dash. ( Honestly I unfollow mutuals eventually if we never write.... ) But very occasionally someone’s got such good #takes and hc that I stick around just bc I stan.
28. Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting?
A l w a y s.
29. What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
It’s nice! Like.... I wouldn’t require anyone to do it, but it makes people feel better about their blogs, it’s polite. I know I’m happier getting memes as well as passing them along. You know, be social. Connect with people. I always try to practice it, yeah.
30. How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all?
Uhhh, yeah. My irl social circles are a lot of dumb gay millennials, we use a lot of dumb internet slang.
31. Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge?
Oh yeah! Joined Tumblr rpc ten years late with Starbucks! But also like.... I’m a web developer. 90% of my irl workskills are being good at Googlin’ shit. So I’ve pretty much always found the answer on my own, at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
32. Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? 
( See above. )
33. Have you ever experienced discrimination? 
Here or irl or....? I mean yes in any case, but much less often in the rpc specifically. This blog is a lot less outspoken ( both about politics or about who I....am....generally ) than most of my others or me irl.
Shoutout to that time I complained one (1) time about how copacetic the H.arry P.otter rpc is and an actual irl n.eon.azi jumped in my inbox lmaooooooo.
34. How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
Uhhh, I don’t love it? But if they mostly chill and don’t fuck with my actual threads I usually ignore them. ¯\_( ‘ ‘ )_/¯
35. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
No. I’m not like......good at crying. 😐
36. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
Depends on the blog. Some multis I follow are in fandoms I just like don’t even understand, so I don’t read those. Sometimes I just don’t got the energy. But I read a lot of my friends’ other threads or threads on blogs I stan.
Good writing is good shit and I’m.....a big 👀 bitch. Tbh.
37. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
Call-out posts, bringing real life politics into rp, generally acknowledging that we have lives outside of the fictional world that affect how we read and interact with fiction.
( 👏 The O.rder 👏👏 of the 👏 P.hoenix 👏👏 is A.ntif.a 👏👏👏 )
I don’t want to ever push that onto other people though, definitely. (Especially people affected by terrifying irl politics and coming here for escapism. )
38. How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t?
Always 👏👏 tag 👏👏 fucking 👏 triggers 👏👏👏
I tag things that are common or obviously upsetting, and if someone asks I add whatever tags they need to my list — the “list” is mostly a mental tally so I occasionally fuck up, but god I feel strongly about triggers.
Let 👏 people 👏 who are hurting 👏👏 live. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
39. What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
Poking around to see how other people seem to “operate” and scrolling through posts about how to get started is so so so fucking helpful! Don’t be afraid to do it!
Also reach out to people as much as you can work up the spoons to. If they’re rude back to you, like..... They were never worth your time anyhow. You dodged a bullet.
( Value yourself 2k19 )
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giantchasm · 5 years
1, 8, 9 and 10 for the salty thingy?
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
This is the part where I’d say J.oshn.eku, but I’d get anon hate. True story.
Uhhhh I’m not too particularly big on Ed/Winry, Asano/Ren, Homura/Madoka (Bite me) or Kazuma/Bishamon, all of which I know are fairly popular. But I wouldn’t say I “don’t get” any of them. I’m just not super big on them for. Differing reasons.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
You want the beans about the J.oshne.ku thing? I’ll SPILL THE BEANS about the fucking J.oshn.eku thing.
I’m gonna put this below the cut (Haha. Below the cut. That’s part of the story) because it’s LONG
Back in the day in the TWEWY fandom, I was a part of the RP community. Mostly a great place! But I... Was 14. I’m not exactly going to call myself a saint, ‘cause I was a total passive aggressive brat, but I was just a kid.
Enter Not-Neku-Kin and Not-Joshua-Kin.
As you can imagine, Not-Neku-Kin and Not-Joshua-Kin roleplay Neku and Joshua. They are borderline kindating. Let’s be real here. 
For the most part, I get along with these two! I don’t like their ship, and make some admittedly VERY IMMATURE comments about not liking their ship, but remember: I was a literal middle schooler. They were over 17 at this point. They were well aware I was 14.
(*As a note here there were some other borderline ableist comments I made here, but they were never once directed at real people, but rather fictional headcanons. I don’t want to go into explicit detail because this involves extreme trauma for me, but it was about a mental illness I have, and never once left the realm of “Ahaha I’m not really comfortable with that headcanon”)
So they have every right to be annoyed by me, but maybe not to make claims of being “traumatized” by me?
Enter the porn.
This is back in the days of yore and Tumblr not being a functioning website. Tumblr did not have a “below the cut” feature! 
Not-Neku-Kin starts roleplaying porn. Fetish porn. (With a fifteen year old character, mind you, but that’s besides the point, uwu) Me and my best friend are deeply uncomfortable with this. Not-Neku-Kin does not put any of this below the cut because “Wah! I’m stuck on mobile!” Despite the fact that they KNEW they had a large amount of minors following them.
This is the part where if they were a mature ass person, they probably would have decided to move their porn to something private like Skype (Once again: This was before Discord. If that puts into perspective how long ago this was), or perhaps passed up roleplaying porn at all until they could properly hide and tag it. Nope! Explicit NSFW on our dashes!
My best friend sent a polite anon something along the lines of “Unfollowing because of the porn. Sorry! ^-^” I don’t remember if it was any more aggressive/passive aggressive than that, because it very well could have been genuinely sort of rude: But remember: Putting uncut porn on the dashboard of a bunch of middle schoolers.
Sometime or another I unfollowed them for a different reason and told them in the public TWEWY roleplay community skype server. They and Not-Joshua-Kin FLIPPED THEIR SHITS. Best friend admitted she sent the anon. They flipped their shits on the both of us and left the server.
We thought that was the last of it. 
No, lmao.
Two or three years later, I make a post ON MY MAINBLOG that’s like “Considering coming back to the TWEWY roleplay community. How active is it?”
Not-Joshua-Kin sends me an anon saying something along the lines of “The TWEWY community doesn’t want you”
OOOOKAY, then.
Around this time one of them (I don’t remember who) also got in contact with a friend of mine (Who can back this up, for the record,) and sent him a VERY passive aggressive anon along the lines of “I like your content, but I’m gonna have to unfollow :/ You reblog from an ableist abuser” (REMEMBER. ONE OF THE REASONS THEY FLIPPED OUT ON US US AN ANON ABOUT UNFOLLOWING)
Obviously when said friend asked they specify he was told it was me (And once again I’m deeply uncomfortable with their willingness to namedrop me like this, alongside seemingly stalking my blog). He got in contact with me and I told him the full story. He was like “Oh, okay.” And that was the end of it.
Two more years later. Now I’m a Senior. This drama went down when I was in 8th grade. These people are like 21 now. The TWEWY remix comes out. The fandom is blooming!
Not-Joshua-Kin makes a fandom discord.
Quite frankly I don’t even realize it’s them. I join. Insta-kicked without any information or contact given as to why. I get in contact with them, realize who they are, and we decide to maturely talk about it like adults.
I write an extremely long apology, both detailing how immature my behavior was at the time, and disclosing some of my very personal trauma behind my actions. I also express worries that they’re smearing my name in the fandom by barring me from spaces like that. 
They reply and say that A) They would never smear my name in the fandom, and would never spread gossip, even if they don’t like me. B) They’re still not sure if they and Not-Neku-Kin are comfortable inviting me in, but they’ll keep me updated.
Radio silence.
They don’t even have the balls to tell me directly “No, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.” They downright block me. Okay! That’s comfortable, considering all I just shared with you!
Annoying, but I’ll survive.
Few months later, I learn from ANOTHER friend they HAVE been gossiping about me. And not “some person.” “Sack.” They’re namedropping me in the TWEWY roleplay community, directly calling me annoying and ableist out of context. This is stuff they’re bringing up completely unprompted, too. So alongside being a liar and a gossip, they’re dragging my name across the mud and effectively exiling me from a fandom because I...
A) Didn’t like a ship
B) Didn’t like their one (1) autistic headcanon
C) Am closely associated with someone who told their S/O to stop putting creepy fetish porn on my dashboard in MIDDLE SCHOOL.
That’s EXTREMELY comfortable considering, once again, I really genuinely opened up to this person about my trauma and was 100% willing to try and make a new start with them. But now for all I know they’re STILL actively gossiping about me and sharing my trauma.
And THAT’S the story of how I got my first anon hate.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Kazuma can eat my fucking boots.
Additionally I’m not fond of any of the bad guys in Assclass (In particular Yanagisawa, Takaoka, Gakuho, and Hiromi make me VERY uncomfortable), Homura PMMM (Eat shit bitch), or Lusamine Pokemon (Abusers Die Challenge)
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I don’t think it’s bad persay but the entire mood of the current arc of Noragami makes me so deeply uncomfortable I’m literally having to take a break from reading it. It’s very well written, but seeing the characters take such steps backwards in their arcs makes me feel a little sick.
As for Assclass I... Don’t think the 2.0 arc is excellent. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Irina and Karasuma’s developments during it, but 2.0 is just suchhhh a bad villain. He’s too OP to the point of bending my suspension of disbelief. It ends up not being fun, and instead just downright FUNNY to read. “How did he do that? Oh my god! DID HE JUST DO SHADOW JUJITSU?” It totally takes you out of it.
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hopeduckling13 · 5 years
Find My Way Back To You: Chapter 29
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Summary:  Hope Swan-Jones is the product of the product of true love and her true love, so her having very powerful magic was always in the cards. Luckily she lives in a town where everyone is very familiar with magic, so nothing can go wrong, can it?
Or so everyone thought, but then one day as a newborn Hope accidently travels back in time with her mother Emma.
How will the past population of Storybrooke react to their Savior having another kid and being married? And more importantly will the Savior and her baby daughter find a way back home to all of their loved ones?
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Catch Up:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14857127/chapters/34395467
FF.NET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12964592/1/Find-My-Way-Back-To-You
Tumblr: [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19] [Chapter 20] [Chapter 21] [Chapter 22] [Chapter 23] [Chapter 24] [Chapter 25] [Chapter 26] [Chapter 27] [Chapter 28]
Reblog to be tagged in future chapters
Taglist: @capswantrue
~~~ EMMA’S POV ~~~
Hope has been restless for far too long, so I decide to pay Hook a visit at his ship. I know seeing him will put my daughter at ease - damn the risk of changing the timeline. My baby needs this. I hate to see her sad. And I sort of need to see him, too.
I know he’s not my husband, but it’s close enough. This used to be Killian, which is all that matters to me.
I doubt, it’ll cause complications anyway. I think Emma and Hook are on quite good terms at the moment. I saw them at Granny’s having lunch together just a few days ago.
They seemed friendly.
So, it won’t confuse Hook that I want to hang out with him.
I arrive at the docks and walk to the Jolly Rodger. Hook isn’t on deck, so I go to check below deck. I climb down the latter, which is quite complicated with baby Hope on my arm. But I manage anyway. I walk to his door.
The door to his quarter’s stands open slightly. I can see him. He sits there at the desk with a glass of rum. I knock on the door softly, which causes it to swing open. I move into the doorway.
Hook looks up at me - a smile covering his whole face in an instant. Then, his eyes land on Hope, who is squirming in my arms at the sight of the past version of her dad. He looks at her softly and continues to smile.
“Babysitting again, Swan?” Hook asks with his eyebrow raised. He seems to be in a good mood judging by his voice.
I’m about to answer, that no I’m not babysitting since this is my child, but then I stop myself.
He still doesn’t know that there are two Emma’s. That’s probably for the best, too. He’s far too perceptive. I think he’d put together two and two and would realize, that Hope is his daughter. He’s not as guarded as I used to be after all. And he never made it a big secret, that he always had a thing for me. Maybe even back then and not just in Neverland. 
Anyway, he can’t find out.
Then, Emma might find out and she’d definitely freak out.
So, yeah. He can never know!
“Yes. She’s adorable, so I like hanging out with her. Can we come in?” I say, smiling at Hope and then at him.
“Of course, love.”
I walk inside and sit on the table close to Hook’s chair. His smell fills my nostrils, which drives me crazy. I miss him so much and smelling him doesn’t help that in the least.
He softly runs his hand over Hope’s head. “Hello, little love.”
That’s when Hope starts reaching out her hands to him. I should’ve seen this coming! A second passes and she instantly starts to cry loudly. She can be quite stubborn if she doesn’t get her way.
“Would you mind?” I ask him while nodding to Hope. I rock her softly, but that’s obviously not helping. She wants her dad now. There’s no changing her mind. She must have inherited that from her dad. I’m not this stubborn!
He shakes his head and grabs the pink protector, which he had lying on his desk. I can’t believe he kept that! Does that mean he cares for her, even though he doesn’t even know she’s his daughter? That’s so cute!
Hook puts it on his hook and then, I place Hope in his arms. She stops crying in an instant and cuddles into his chest. She smiles up at him.
I wipe the tears off her face. That’s when Hook freezes. His eyes lock on my rings.
Oh shit. I know I shouldn’t have worn them in the past! Emma wasn’t the only problem, it was also the people, who don’t know I’m not her! People, who are unaware I’m married and have a baby.
Luckily it’s just Hook now. He always gets so confused by modern culture. I can just tell him, that these are fashion accessories. They’re worth much more than that and he’ll be able to tell. He’s a pirate after all, but I’ll just act like that’s normal in my realm.
He won’t know.
“Where did you get that ring?” He asks. His voice is barely above a whisper. 
But he doesn’t sound sad or anything. So, what is going on? 
I could imagine him being sad since he might think the person he loves is married to someone else. But what else could cause his reaction? What am I missing? Why can I suddenly not read him?
When I don’t say anything, Killian lifts up my hand with his hook to look at the rings more clearly. He gasps and looks at me with shocked eyes.
“Where did you get this, Swan?” He repeats more determined.
“Does it matter? It’s just a ring.” I try to play it cool. But, I doubt it’ll work. He won’t let this go so soon.
“This isn’t just a ring. Not to me anyway. It looks just like my mother’s.” He says.
I gasp. 
Killian never mentioned, that my engagement ring was his mother’s. I did wonder how he paid for a ring in doubloons. But, I never asked, nor did I expect this! Oh my god. Did he really give me the last thing he had of his family? Again?
First, he gave up the Jolly Rodger to save me - his and Liam’s home. And now, he also gave me his mother’s ring!
I love him so much.
A tear slips down my face. I’m just so emotional and happy right now.
Hook stands up and wipes the single tear away with the pink protector on his hook. He looks at me with worry. “Is everything alright, Swan?”
“Yes. I’m fine.” I say, trying to sound cold, but that’s probably not working too well. Not when I’m standing opposite my true love.
“Then why are you crying, love?” He asks softly, while Hope reaches for his hook. She’s obsessed with it. It’s a good thing we both insisted on the protector. Otherwise, she’d hurt herself a lot.
“No reason.”
He looks at me with his damn blue eyes. He tilts his head slightly, indicating that he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying right now. 
In addition to that, he also raises his eyebrow. Damn him! He knows I can’t say no to that eyebrow or to his incredible eyes for that matter.
I won’t get out of telling him, right?
I have to tell him everything. He won’t leave me alone until I do.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Bred For Blood - Part 17 - The White Flag
Title: Bred For Blood
Warning: 18+ - sex/mature language & themes/gun violence/substance abuse etc. *mentions of blood/injuries/death/weapons/coma/unconsciousness in this part*
Characters: AU Axel Cluney, AU Ivar Lothbrok, AU Valter x OC
Description:  A bright, young survivor meets an acid-gun slinging headhunter with a knack for melting faces and connections to a prodigal Utopia embedded in the heart of a deadly forest. Violence and passion incite a battle of fealty while betrayal nips at Zed’s heels.
Note: This one’s for Team Cluney. I really hope you guys enjoy reading! This part was very exciting for me to write for many reasons. Please reblog/like/comment if you like my work and want to give me a virtual pat on the head. I would really appreciate it, please and thank you!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
The doctor stomped over the rocky terrain, muttering and snickering to himself as the sun cast blistering rays on their backs. The heat never bothered him, only tanned his skin to a deep brown shine. It was the walking that made his knees burn. He'd long since shed his white coat to cover the bulk of the man draped over Rudie's wiry-haired hump, trudging along at leisure. The unconscious hunter he'd found needed all the protection available from the vicious star reaching its highest point in the sky.
The doctor halted his gangly steed every hour to force a measure of water down the burnt man's ululating throat. He often succeeded, and the hunter swallowed without issue, but sometimes, the water came back up as white foam, trickling down the sides of his face and down his neck. The onset of heatstroke turned his skin apple-red, and the doctor sprayed him down with water and gusts of hot air produced by a tattered paper fan he carried with him to ward off flies. Rudie attracted the pests who made a chariot out of the man on the camel's back. They fled their caravan whenever the doctor stopped to check on his patient and settled back in for the ride after he threw the stained coat back over the hunter's burnt shoulders. This went on until nightfall when the dry land showed signs of mercy, and water and shale gave way to the soil. 
Rudie let out a guttural complaint when they reached a crop of tall, spindly trees. The diamond-shaped leaves provided shade. The doctor tethered the bleating animal, pressing his finger to his lips for a silence that would not come. Upon unsaddling the groaning man, Rudie threw his hump and sent Axel slumping to the ground, his deadweight at odds with a lengthy fall. His head cracked on a root, and a dusting of earth dried his palette, clinging to everything pink in his mouth. The camel clopped away from the whining mass who'd hitched a ride on his back, and in his wobbling dance, mashed the smallest of Axel's fingers into the soil. 
"Rudie! You bumbling old idiot! You gaffer! Shoo!"
The beast side-stepped, snorting and sputtering, indifferent to the further damage done to the man. He shook his proud head, throwing ropes of spit that webbed his lashes. The doctor punished the creature by re-wrapping Axel's hand after a stern disinfecting, withholding the proverbial oats until the animal wandered away to dine on low-hanging leaves. Rudie chuffed whenever the doctor came to retrieve supplies from the riding satchel.
"That wasn't very nice, Rude. This man is our patient! We don't trample the patients. You've no idea the level of harm you caused! He'll be lucky if we don't have to amputate, and you don't have thumbs, so you're even more useless!"
Rudie wrapped his leathery lips around a clutch of grass and ripped it free, chewing and turning away from his master and the unconscious fellow. The camel minded his business and relieved himself on a nearby rock, huffing and chomping any strand of green he sniffed. 
Axel vomited throughout the night. The doctor gave up his rest to make sure the man lying comatic didn't swallow his tongue. Then came the shivering and sickly shade of purple flaking his lips. Flaps of the doctor's paper fan spread droplets over his inflamed skin, another courtesy at the behest of his sore arm. Still, Axel moaned and scratched at the earth beneath him in bloody heat and delirium. 
"If you can hang on until tomorrow, son, perhaps we'll find some proper shade and build a hut. Hm? How's that sound? Shade and water. For now, just rest, and don't die on me." 
When the sun came up, the doctor cleaned Axel using the rest of the clean water from his reserve and stitched the open flesh splitting his eyebrow in two.
"That'll leave a nasty scar. Not that you need any more ruggedness in your act. You're just a lost soldier, sonny. But maybe one day you'll make a brilliant assistant. Better than Rudie, I hope. He hasn't even apologized for breaking your finger. Lookit him over there, shitting all over the camp, the scoundrel. But I'm the one with the oats; therefore, I make the rules!"
"M-muh... muuuh."
"Ah, in the worst of times, we still call our mothers."
"Mmph. Muh—"
"I wonder what's on the other side of those trees," the doctor said, shading his eyes with his hand, peering to the West. "You look well-travelled, sonny. Any ideas? Hate to run into any of those yawners, not knowing when your last shot was. But I suppose I shouldn't expect any valuable input from a man who can't look me in the eye."
After patching him up, the man hauled Axel to a stand and hoisted him onto the camel's back using a tree for leverage and a series of ropes to fasten him down. Once secured to Rudie's hump, the doctor took a few minutes to catch his breath. "Dunno how many more times I can get you up there, son. You must learn how to walk soon. Or I'll build you a sleigh. But that might take some time."
Far off above the foggy treeline, a sheet of ashy cloud broke to reveal bright blue sky. The doctor liked the look of cerulean and the absence of sand, so the begrimed trio lumbering through thick bush where dew still clung to the undersides of the leaves. The doctor went ahead, collecting globules before they evaporated. Rudie answered the doctor's constant rhetoric with wild groans that muffled Axel's whimpering, and they led their procession over uncertain ground.
"I reckon there's nothing but more trees over that ridge, Mr. Soldier. Maybe some mountains we can find a crevice to hide out in. Just until you get your strength back. The only thing I worry about is those damn yawners. Rudie and I will be safe, but you... I'll scout ahead to make sure it's clear. It'll rack up daylight, but you'll thank me when you're not a bubbling pile of soldier juice. Don't worry, sonny. They didn't immunize me for no reason! I count myself among the elites, but that doesn't mean I fancy myself better than you or more deserving of life. We're all in this, you see. Brights and Uns... We're still together, despite it all. They may have tried to kill you, but look at you now! Alive and well. Isn't that a slap in the face? They send you out to war and hope you never come back. They don't even have the decency to immunize you. What a world we live in."
Rudie let out a gaseous bellow. The doctor whipped around and pointed his walking stick at the quadruped. "Don't interrupt, you vile sow. Nobody needs a camel's opinion."
"Ma... Ma."
"We'll look for your mama after we get you looking presentable. Hang on tight, we're going uphill!"
As the ridge climbed, the trees grew denser. The doctor had to guide his camel through a maze of mossy trunks. Thin, whip-like branches prodded at Axel's tender skin. What leafy arms brushed Rudie's head bent back and snapped against the hunter's raw shoulders. Axel didn't notice, lost in the chimeric slurry of recent injuries. They maneuvered over stones and wove between crumbling stumps, avoiding the deadfalls. The steepled ground sloped upward like a great brown ramp of torn earth. Through the thickness, they muttered, minding their footwork, up and up, stopping here and there so the doctor could take in a few wheezing breaths. The camel—finally wary of obstacles—blew wind and groaned, hesitant on the incline. 
"Boy, there had better be some more forgiving land over this ledge. I don't think it's workable to keep climbing. We might have to turn back, depending on what I see at the top. Fingers crossed for a lake. A bath would do me good," said the doctor, fanning his underarms and thighs with the paper fan.
"What do you say, Mr. Soldier? Should we keep going? See if there's anything worthwhile over that lip?"
"That's what I thought. You may not be the finest soldier I've ever met, but you're persistent, and that's key. Come on, fellas. Let's pray for water, and up we go! Can't be worse than the blasted desert."
Ivar's mood reflected his recent successes in bed. When Trinity brought his meal, he thanked her, even asking about her morning and if she was sleeping all right and eating properly. Trinity laughed nervously, sensing a test, and answered with a practiced air of casualty. Did he know of the plan they'd executed to get Zed in to see him? Was his toothy smile a front? Despite her unease, she humoured the leader and left when he dug into his stew and fresh bread. Trinity also noted Zed's absence, and with the King in lively spirits, assumed everything had gone well with the plan.
Ivar inhaled his late breakfast and dressed for comfort to walk the courtyard. With a bounce in his step, he traversed the throat of the Chrysalis, emerging on the other side to a nest bereft of activity. The morning stalls had cleared out, their occupants and merchants returned to their hovels. Even the young ones—usually at play in the courtyard by now—were nowhere in sight.
Ivar passed by the last remaining group gathered around a low podium, whispering over their berry reductions and leafy salads. Like a cluster of threatened barnacles, each mouth clamped as Ivar strode past. He held his head forward, flexing his palette to clear his airways. None of them made a sound until he was far enough away. Their chattering was undiscernible as distant chirping birds. He stopped at the incline of a foothill, spinning to catch them staring at the back of his head. They snatched their eyes away and made like they weren't gawking.
That wasn't the only peculiar thing that happened to Ivar that morning. Since his prolonged absence, the people seemed to have grown used to keeping to themselves. There was no merriment in the air, only sterile drafts pouring in from the filtration system. Ivar shivered from the brisk air, stopping to consider paying Zed a visit at her apartment. A morbid urge pulled him along, and he continued his walk. Ivar waited until somebody approached him—whether it a man or child—to greet him with customary courtesy. Still, nobody shuffled forward to ask him about his day or to offer him a portion of their recent gardening. 
Ivar reached the frosted glass doors to the lab and stood still, thick hands hovering next to his narrow hips. Frozen in place, Ivar bit the tip of his tongue. Something told him Zed was inside the lab, and if he wished to see her, he had to set foot beyond the parameters of his expertise. The lab always put him in a bitter mood. It was the only place in the village that wasn't for him. Though he could visit any corner of Kinderfeld he wanted, he'd never felt welcome in the laboratory. The floors and surfaces' sterility made him cower from touching anything, and the lifeless stares he received from the few staff only reminded him of the responsibilities he'd shunned in favour of hedonism. None of them ever begrudged him his appetites, but he was confident they whispered of his ineptitude behind his back.
He wondered if Zed ever talked about him or if she'd ever vocalized displeasures regarding his leadership. Her request from the day before echoed in the corners of his mind, festering and swelling each hour they were apart. There was a bitter drop of ulterior motive in Zed's visit, and he let it slide down the back of his throat when she asked him to open the gate. But they'd made love, and that was more than Ivar expected. In his heart of hearts, he'd feared Zed would demand more; to let her fly the nest in search of Axel, but she'd taken his refusal graciously and kissed him all the same. Still, a nagging suspicion remained. Something was circulating in the air, whipping about the courts and apartments, squeezing under doorways and filling the citizens with doubts.
A stranger on his own land, Ivar lowered his eyes to the ground and turned away from the lab before he recognized any more scrutinizing glances. He powered along, ignoring the guards, their dutiful nods, cutting over the knolls as fast as his muscular thighs could take him without breaking into a run. The loneliness chased him back to his palace, and even its mouth gaped in question. 
Ivar noticed Sheraya nearby, spreading dark red petals, a gained cigar of smoking sage held between her fingers. He craved nicotine the moment the fumes peppered his nostrils. Tears coursed down her round cheeks, though she made no sobs, no whimpers. There was only gentle muttering under her breath and more tears. The king stood waiting for her to acknowledge him and then realized she had no intention of breaking her prayer mantra. 
Shunned, Ivar turned away, retreating to his house of lush fabric and solitude where he should never have left.
Vee insisted Zed stay put while he fetched them dinner. Their setting was the top floor of the greenhouse where he'd played cards and got drunk with his brother some nights. Nobody ever bothered them up there. Zed sat in waiting, enjoying the greenery, the twisting vines and canary yellow zucchini blooms. She stretched an arm out to pluck a flower and nibble its petals. Her stomach gurgled for heavier fare, so she ate another. Vee didn't keep her waiting long after, showing up with a basket of seed-crusted bread and a bowl of sliced potatoes slathered in basil paste and cooked to a crisp. For dessert, he brought dried fruit and freshly harvested cashews. 
Moonlight vaulted through the trees, defusing over the glass and casting milky shadows on the greenhouse floor. The air was moist with freshly irrigated soil. Baked in the dimness, Zed couldn't take her eyes off the man sitting in front of her. He'd brought with him the game from their youth, but neither of them suggested opening the box. They smiled as they ate, breathing in the deep aromas and savouring their food together. And in the balmy atmosphere decked in silver light, Zed swore Vee was his brother's twin. Her heart shuddered in remembrance. It was what brought them together; the shared sense of guilt and the strengthening suspicion they'd both lost someone, both failed and scorned by the people who'd invested too much faith in their competence. Zed felt at peace beside him.
The scientist was still a welcome member of the village, hence his aptitude for finding rarer delicacies like wine and ripe figs. They split the skins and scooped out the sweet innards, indulging their tongues on the fruit as if it was the richest of luxuries.
"You know what I would absolutely love to eat again?" Zed asked, sucking seeds from between her teeth.
"Popsicles," Vee answered.
"Close, but no. Chocolate ice cream. I'd kill for some chocolate ice cream right now. "
Vee shook his head. "No way. Strawberry all the way."
"A hot fudge sundae with peanuts and a big maraschino cherry."
"Peanut butter sauce."
"Oh, my God. Don't say that," Zed groaned.
"It's so good. I can't remember the last time I had ice cream. Remember when you could walk a couple blocks in the Summer and buy an ice cream cone?"
Zed smiled, but the thought pricked her memory. "The last time I got ice cream was with my Dad. I got the biggest chocolate sundae, with peanut butter cups and chocolate sprinkles. He told me there was a full day-and-a-half's worth of calories in it, but I didn't care. It was after a soccer game. I didn't like soccer, but if I went to practice every week and scored at least one goal, he'd take me out for ice cream. Two goals meant I got ice cream and five dollars."
Zed sighed, continuing, "I hate thinking about the last times. Like at one point, you did something for the very last time. The last trip for ice cream. The last time you told someone you loved them."
"If you hate thinking about last times, then why are you doing it right now?" Vee asked, eyes blank as discs.
She grimaced, reaching out to touch the toe of her shoe to his, then softening her face. "I can't help it sometimes. Don't tell me you've never thought about how it used to be. You don't have to look at everything so logically."
"I don't," Vee said. "I just rather not think about those times."
"I'm sorry. Is it?—Never mind."
"My fiancé and my kid? Yes. It's always them."
Zed set her dish aside and scooted beside Vee, pressing her back against the wooden barrier of the melon patch, mirroring his position, her mouth just as dead grim as his.
"You seem to handle it well enough. But I understand. I think everyone lost something important to them," Zed offered. 
Vee sighed, turning his face to the floor, cutting off the glistening whites of his eyes from view. "Found out she was pregnant the night before I left to work for the army."
"The army?"
"Yes. I had a knack for inventing. You've seen the ammunition I designed for Axel. And it takes a special gun to fire something that lethal without complication. They wanted that kind of technology and offered me a nauseating amount of money to oversee mass production. The only smart thing I ever did was refuse to sell myself. It cost me my family, but I can say with certainty Axel is the only person besides me who's fired one of them. Could you imagine what the world would be like if those had gotten into the wrong hands?"
Zed bottled talk of acid and bloodshed with a shiver and a firm hand on Vee's wrist. "Enough of that. Please. Tell me about her—your fiancé. Let's just... Remember them fondly. I don't want to think about the bullshit out there."
"You'd rather stay inside these bubbles, ignoring a second societal collapse in the making?"
"Yes. I'd rather enjoy my time here with you, listening to nicer stories. This is all that's left. I don't want to think about where we went wrong or right. Let's just talk about what made us happy."
Vee nudged her shoulder. "Why can't we talk about what makes us happy now?"
She giggled and rested her temple on his shoulder. Vee curled his wrist around her knee, and their fingers intertwined. He leaned his head on hers like they had in his apartment before Lora caught them, this time with his heart pumping in double-time. 
"What makes you happy now?" Zed asked him.
"Not talking about dead relatives."
"Okay, true. Let's not. So... What are you content with?"
"You," Vee blurted.
Zed's chest tightened. Vee let go of her hand and angled his torso toward her. "I'm sorry. It's difficult for me not to... Stick to you. If I'm honest... You look like her, Lea. I really hate how much you remind me of her. And I don't want to use you to fill the void. It's wrong, but I can't help it. Everywhere I look, I'm reminded of how much I lost. And you're so understanding. You don't have all these expectations."
"I don't want you to think I'm coming onto you. You don't owe me anything. All I'm saying is, I'd be happy to stick together."
"We will! I want to stick with you, too."
Vee combed his blond hair back, pinching his brows together. "Lea... I want you to tell me no, right now."
"No? What do you mean?" Zed asked.
"Tell me there's no chance in Hell we'll ever get together. If I have it planted in my mind, then that's that. But if you don't, and we continue hanging out like this, getting closer... I might... Think there's a way."
"Axe knew what he was doing when he brought you here...when he introduced us. Yes, he wanted protection for you, but he also wanted you and me to hit it off. I could tell. He'd never admit it, but I know him. You're perfect for me, but I've seen how others treat you, and I refuse to do the same. I don't want to perform tricks to impress you into sleeping with me like Ivar, but I don't want to stifle my feelings like... Axel. So you need to shut me down, right now. If there's a firm barrier, my mind will reroute, avoiding any possibility—"
"Stop," Zed said. "Please, just stop."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought any of that up."
"No, it's good to speak your mind. I appreciate the honesty, even if it took months to hear."
"It would have been inappropriate if I brought it up. When we had research and pressing issues, it was easy to ignore how familiar you seemed. Now I'm at a stalemate, and you're still here, and Axel's gone. I can't pretend like I don't want to spend my time with you. But I'll stay off your heels, I swear. Just friends."
"I'm not telling you no," Zed murmured. "Maybe at some point, I wanted to fall in love, but now I know that's foolish. Love can't exist in this world anymore. Not without great suffering, and I don't want to suffer anymore. Truthfully, I don't even want to get close to you, Valter, because I'm afraid someone or something will take it away."
"Nothing will take me away."
Zed shook her head, knocking a tear loose. "Don't say that. You can't make that promise. I don't want any more broken promises."
The scientist nodded while a cloud of vapour seethed from the sprinkler heads above the raised garden beds, thickening the air and clinging to their skin. A long silence pervaded, and Zed held her breath until Vee shuffled away to retrieve Wayfare of Austea. He dropped the box before her feet and grinned widely.
"Come on then, let's play. No more doom and gloom for a while."
Ivar spent the same evening pacing in his room. He went to the private alcove he assigned to the woman on his mind. Zed was fickle, and he didn't want to dash his chances with her by smothering, but something in his stomach wouldn't settle. He'd even dismissed his guard, encouraging another visit, yet she hadn't shown. Ivar buckled under the suspicion that she was angry with him, and her absence was his punishment.
Never the man to deny himself, he made for the Hives. If Zed was alone, surely she'd welcome his company. She'd said it herself: she wasn't one to sleep with just anyone, and he was far from just anyone. He was King, and this was his realm.
Despite his self-reassurance, Ivar carried doubts that manifested on his face. He passed a few citizens, drawing eyes with his acidic mug and ignored them all the way to Zed's door. 
She didn't answer the door after he knocked. He reasoned she might be asleep, though it was shy of nine o'clock—early for most but not an unusual time to sleep. Before he turned away, he twisted the handle and cracked the door open an inch, letting out the dark.
"Lea? Are you in here?"
Stagnant silence answered, and he shut the door before anyone saw him. Ivar went to the door on the left and found that one locked. He grimaced, turned from the apartments and left for the lab. 
On his way through the courtyard, Ivar saw Nalani and Trinity walking arm-in-arm, engaged in private discussion. Their frantic doe-eyes widened to see him.
"Have you seen Lea?" Ivar asked.
"She should be home, I think," said Trinity.
Nalani shrugged her bare shoulders, still clutching her friend's hand. "I thought she'd be with you, Ivar."
He sneered at the women. "No curtsy? No formality? Has everyone forgotten who's in charge around here?"
The two pressed their arms together, quietly apologizing and stepping aside for Ivar. He stalked toward the lab, holding his breath while throwing open the doors and turning the corner to find the rooms gutted of materials. The refrigerator hummed, and the overhead light flickered, barren and reeking of sterilization.
Ivar examined the dustless surfaces, curious but not enough to go digging through desk drawers. He went down the hall and stopped in front of Vee's door, clearing his airways again to sharpen his ears. There were no voices. Ivar knocked and went unanswered.
He turned in time to see the first door in the hall open and Lora's head poking out. She wore the same displeasure on her face, adjusting her reading glasses while her body caught up with her neck.
"If you're looking for Vee, he's hiding away with that woman everyone is up in arms about," Lora said.
"Hiding away? With Lea?"
"Yeah, whatever her name is. They haven't been here since I caught them getting up close and personal in Vee's room."
Ivar's stomach flipped, his head buzzed. Lora took great pleasure in the snagging of his mouth. She had been fuming by herself, finding specks of dust to brush away to keep her mind off her superior who'd run away with the girl she'd grown to distrust. Lora was a woman of insecurity, easily threatened by others but quick to bite back when given a chance. After she'd found Vee shoulder-to-shoulder with Zed in his apartment, Lora waited for any opportunity to drive a wedge between her beloved head scientist and the newcomer from the desert. Now was the perfect opportunity to damage Zed. 
"What do you mean?" Ivar asked.
"You know what I mean, sir. They were practically on top of each other."
Ivar had no reason to discount Lora's claim. She'd proven herself a trusted and valuable member of the village long ago and never caused a ripple of dispute. The folding of her face and iron-clad seriousness was all the King needed to believe what she told him.
"Where are they?"
"I assume—if they're smart—hiding in one of the greenhouses. I wouldn't be surprised if you caught them naked in the strawberry bushes."
Ivar scoffed and rushed away. Lora watched until he disappeared, then went back inside the incubation room and put on a pair of gloves. There was an electric cooler housing blood samples, one from each member of the village. Lora selected a sample from the bottom tray and shuffled to the sink, turning on the tap while reading the label. Popping the top off the vial, she upended the sample and drained the blood away.
Ivar did better than storming the greenhouses in search of Zed. There were slinkier things on his mind. If he caught her in the act with the scientist, only then would he justify blowing up. For now, he snuck through the grounds with his focus tuned and his breath steady. 
 "What's next for me? I've tried to convince him to let someone go, but he refuses. Do we just exist here now, with no way to move forward? Forever trapped in this moon unit."
"He'll come to his senses," Vee said with meagre hopefulness. "Ivar's full of himself, but he's not stupid."
"Well, let's count on those senses coming soon," Zed snorted.
"Speaking of Ivar... Do you think he's wondering where you are? You did just... You know. If that happened to me, I'd be thinking about it for a while. Wondering after you. Well, not you—'cause we never... Heh. Ah, shit. You get my meaning, right?"
"Mr. Cluney, are you flustered? I don't think I've ever heard you fumble your words before."
"I don't mean to be coarse."
"Don't worry. We'll get through this. Ivar has to see reason… We need to tell him about the ones who died."
"I'll tell him. It should be me," Vee said, stacking the playing cards back in the plastic tray lining of the frayed box. 
Zed helped by gathering pieces, separating them into their individual quadrants next to the cards. She set her eyes dead on the floor after they finished packing the game away, sighing in contemplation.
"Who will go?"
Vee frowned. They shared a strained minute of silence interrupted by another burst of spray in the air. Their shirts stuck to their backs, legs aching from crossing and uncrossing. Zed handed the box to Vee.
"Maybe it should be me," she said.
"Absolutely not. You can't leave. It's too dangerous out there, and you don't have to put your life on the line. There's only two people who should go. Me or Ivar."
"You're too important to lose, Vee. That's what Axel wants. I know if he had a dying wish for me, it would be to look out for you. For us to do everything we can to survive."
"Within capability. I'm not a killer, Zed. I'm not like Axel."
Zed smirked, the merciless flames dancing in her belly again, the same ones she'd felt when she screamed at Lora. She'd harboured the noxious warmth before. It was a friend to her.
"But I am...I'm a killer."
Vee set his jaw firmly, scoffing, unable to disagree. "Listen, Rambo. Even armed to the teeth, you're still not going out there alone."
"And neither are you if you go."
"You think Ivar will leave his precious cocoon? I don't think so. He'll probably send one of his guys out to never come back."
Zed shook her head, tired of the speculation. "This is ridiculous. Anyone should be able to come and go as they please. It's tyranny to tell them they can't leave if they want to. I thought this was a place of free will? What happened to the promised land?"
"Same thing that always happens when one person is left in charge."
"On that, we agree."
They left the greenhouse with much to think about, hugged goodbye in the courtyard and separated—Zed toward the Hives and Vee following the path to his room. 
 The next morning Zed awoke to guards butting on all the doors, yelling for everyone to get to the courtyard. The racket came after a long night of tossing and turning. Her eyes were tight with unrest, her head throbbing, but she put on jeans and a plain white t-shirt with a single breast pocket, similar to the ones Ivar wore.
The citizens filed from the Hives, murmuring and looking around worriedly. Guards stood by to direct the traffic to the medical tent-turned-backdrop. The booth topped the steepest hill in the plaza, out of use for the past few weeks. They pooled around the base of the hill in collective confusion, looking up as Ivar took advantage of the blank vinyl behind him.
Ivar cast a proud smile over the congregation. He summoned everyone from their hiding spots without having to lift a finger and brought them into the light spilling through the checkered dome on high. He waited until he spotted Zed and Vee coming in from their separate tubes, relaxing a bare inch when they didn't arrive together. They cut their ways to the front of the throng and noticed each other right away. Ivar saw the troubled looks they exchanged and sneered.
"Is this everyone?" Ivar called to the head of his guard.
An armed man standing off to the East with a few others gave Ivar a thumbs up. The King nodded, then proceeded, his expression toward his people fresh with tenacity.
"Ladies and gentlemen of Kinderfeld. I've asked you all here to bring you some news. It has taken me a long time to come to this decision, and for my delay, I apologize. I don't take this lightly... We've lost members of our family, and my heart is broken. I've spent too long trying to think of a way to bring trade back to our village. We need supplies, yes, and medics. I understand these things because I've survived before. All of us must exist as a unit, each one pledged to the survival of our crew."
The people looked on with widening eyes. Hearts that once sang for Ivar's monologues found their tune. All of them but Azalea and the other Cluney brother. Ivar burned them with ocular venom, hoisting his smile into a morbid curve. Zed let shoulders and legs swallow her back into the crowd, but not deep enough to block her view of the head scientist glaring back at the leader.
"I forbid travel for your protection. There are dangers outside of our walls. People whose only purpose is to hunt and kill. I don't have to remind you of the horrors we've suffered or the love we've cultivated here in our home. You were all there. Some of you longer than others. They built these walls to protect us—the ones who choose love instead of hate."
Ivar clasped his hands behind his back and took splinted steps back and forth on his makeshift stage. He fashioned himself contemplative, but his eyes shone with intent.
"With that being said... We cannot wait for luck to come to us. This planet is evolving each day. Nature is reclaiming the land, and it will swallow us in its majesty. We will be lost if we don't take action."
"What do we do?" Someone called from the center of the gathering. The fiery-haired father who'd earned his keep cooking and training his son stood out as the shouter. Ivar didn't smile at him so much as he cast his grace upon the redheaded man clutching the freckled boy by the shoulders.
"I'm glad you asked, sir... We are a unity. A tribe of people who want to live in harmony, am I wrong?"
Several shook their heads, others muttered together, a dull drone of tired voices.
"Then we should vote. Does anyone care to nominate themselves or another?"
The apprehension pivoted and picked up with a few gasps. Heads swivelled in search of somebody bold enough to champion themselves for exploration. Vee continued glaring at Ivar. The king returned the glower.
"I'll go!" 
Zed gasped after the words left Vee's mouth. He stepped forth, unbreaking under Ivar's challenging eyes.
"So we have one volunteer. Our beloved head of research and weapons development. A very noble gesture! Does anyone else wish to nominate themselves?" Ivar asked. He opened his arms, beseeching a reply with postured hope.
"Nobody should go alone!" Zed shouted.
"Yeah, we need a team!"
Ivar motioned for the crowd to quiet down. Once they simmered, looking on with palpable anticipation, he inhaled deeply for the next addressing.
"We're running low on men to keep our hold. The brunt of the firepower needs to remain here in case of attack," Ivar reasoned.
"I'll go alone. I don't care. We can't stand around any longer!" Vee said, his chest puffed, much to the surprise of the people who knew him.
Ivar barked a few dry laughs, disguising his pleasure to everyone but Zed and the man who'd volunteered to brave the elements. "I suppose if nobody has any objections...Vee will be the one to go. As badly as it tears me to say so... You are the perfect man for the job. Brother, I wish you all the luck."
Zed broke away from the gather and hammered her legs up the incline toward Vee and Ivar, pumping her fists until she reached them.
"Ivar, you can't do this! We can't send people out alone. At least let me go with him!"
"No!" Ivar and Vee shouted at once.
"What are you going to do to stop me? After your decree about peace and harmony, what will you do to keep me from leaving Kinderfeld?"
Ivar adopted her heated expression. "Azalea, stay out of this."
"No. I won't! Not after what happened to Axel. We have to assemble a team! Don't tell me to stay out when neither of you has seen the carnage!"
"Of course you want to go, Lea. All you care about is finding Axel. You used me and hoped I wouldn't figure out you're trying to leave. You never cared about me. You try to act like you're so innocent and respectful, but you're just like everyone else."
"Because I don't want people to die? Ivar, I understand you're trying to protect everyone, but sending men out for slaughter won't help our cause. Please," Zed whimpered. "Set aside our personal issues and try to see the bigger picture."
Ivar cooled suddenly. He patronized Zed with a frantic nod and a forced grin. "All right, Azalea. Consider our personal issues permanently set aside. You got your way. One of the guards will go with Vee. Now, go. I have heard your voice."
The guards gathered around Ivar and Vee, their conversation clipped and sheltered from the citizens by a lineup of broad-shouldered men carrying weapons of varying levels of brutality. Zed stepped away, cowering under the firm looks she received from Ivar's men. Though she bowed out of the political bubble, she stayed close by, watching Vee's sour face muttering umbrage at the King. The other citizens broke off into smaller clusters, chosen families and cliques gathering to discuss the ruling. 
A hand slid over Zed's shoulder, and she whirled to find Sheraya bowing her head. "You've done what you can."
"No, I haven't!" Zed nipped. "I should go with him. I'm not afraid of the outside anymore."
"You don't have to be the hero, Azalea. You must survive."
"I have survived. I'm good at it."
"You're needed here. The young ones have to learn from the women."
"Sheraya... I can't let Vee go. I can't."
The elder took hold of Zed's clammy palm, pressing the lines with her thumb. Zed buckled as tears sprung from the corners of her eyes. "He's all I have, Sheraya."
"The only one you ever truly have is yourself. Think about that before you take your heart's path and not your brain's. Look hard into the future."
"I'm trying," Zed sobbed.
"Azalea, I mean it. Your future is important."
Sheraya left her with a warm peck on the cheek and a growing sense of bewilderment. Zed looked around at the people, the hills and the courtyard beyond, the flatland where they set up their booths and entertained each other. Envisioning life beyond the safety of their walls overcame Zed with grief. She'd won, but the conditions were too heavy for her to bear. Now her last friend prepared for expulsion. 
Vee took his charge seriously. Zed saw his raw determination as they hashed out a plan. Several times, she stopped herself from storming their parley, anchoring herself to the ground with locked knees and her arms folded over her breasts.
For a long time, the conversation went on, and most of the villagers went about their morning routines, gathering to cook and gossip of the turbulent state of politics. Zed stayed close enough to catch Vee when they finally broke for action, but the men showed no signs of agreement. Ivar had to hush some more uproarious guards, leashing them down with an assuring hand on the shoulder to stop them from infecting the others with their rancour.
Zed spotted a guard sprinting from the warehouse limits. The desperate look on his face alerted her, and she stepped out of sight around the corner of the medical tent, still close enough to listen.
The man approached, panting and calling for Ivar's attention. Zed snuck a peek and saw the group retire from their conference, distracted by their comrade.
"Jackson, what's the matter?"
"It's Zee. It's him! One of the guys found some doctor dragging him through the forest."
"A doctor?" Ivar repeated. "How do you know?"
"He says so. Says his name is Simpson... Or was it Samson?"
"Samson!" Zed yelled, running from her cover toward the reporting guard. "Did you say the doctor's name is Samson?"
"Yeah, Samson," the man huffed, stunned by the woman's sudden appearance.
"Bring him in! Right now. Go get them and bring him to me!" Zed demanded.
"Now, wait a minute," Ivar said. "How do we know we can trust this guy?"
"If it's the Samson I know, we can trust him. Ivar, please. I'll vouch for him if it's who I think it is."
"Who gives a shit, he's got my brother!"
Zed vaulted after Vee, tailed by the guards and Ivar. The march heralded interest from the citizens, and soon, onlookers roved toward the warehouse. Vee turned to the guard who'd brought the news and slapped him on the shoulder. "Go tell them to let Axel and the doctor inside."
"Sir," the guard nodded, jogging ahead to the entrance where two other men stood, baffled and conflicted without orders.
"Let them in!" Zed cried out.
They waited with bursting lungs. It seemed an hour crawled by before a shadowed heap of arms appeared at the mouth of the entrance. Flanked by two guards holding him upright, they carried Axel inside, his head of matted brown hair dangling lifelessly between his shoulders, limp tattooed arms slung around their necks. Zed ran to him and propped his chin up in her hand, heart palpitating, head rushing.
"Axel! Oh my God. You're alive!"
"Now, now, miss. Don't waste too much breath speaking to him. He can't understand you."
Zed turned toward the familiar voice. Samson hobbled in next to a guard who'd taken on his load—a heavy satchel, a duffel bag and two tweed suitcases. Filth and the briny stink of body odour and piss wafted through the tunnel with them. Most recoiled from the stench.
"Doctor Samson, do you remember me? From the bloodbank."
"Ah, yes, of course, I remember you, Zed! You used to zip around on your motorbike, looking for scrap metal and something to eat."
"Yes, yes! I didn't think I'd see you again."
"The chances of us meeting were rather slim, I agree, and I have to say it's lovely to find you in this magnificent bubble here. You can see this splendid little valley from the North. We were hoping for water, but this is much better. Um, speaking of water, where might I find some? Mr. Soldier and I are rather parched. Oh, and I left my camel parked outside. Do you validate?" Samson said with a jolt of wild laughter.
Zed didn't mean to be rude, but turning away from Samson was far too easy when Axel hung before her like a damp towel on a clothesline. She wanted to hold him, to join in as support to get him a surface to lie upon, but she resisted. 
Ivar butt in and directed the escort to take Axel to the laboratory, then turned to Zed, scorning the tears in her eyes.
"Looks like you got your wish, Lea. Axel's back. Your life can go back to normal," Ivar said as the rest of them rushed away with the hunter and the doctor in tow.
It was only them, facing off on the hill. Zed quelled the wildfire in her belly with a painful swallow. A debate with Ivar served no purpose, so she turned from him, solemn and absolute.
"You've given me a lot, Ivar. I thank you for that. Hopefully soon, you and I will see eye to eye again, and we can live peacefully, as you said."
She angled down the hill, hurrying toward the laboratory. 
Nobody stopped her from entering the stand-in hospital room. Vee had been worrying over his brother, grimacing at his crudely wrapped hand, violet dark and lame at his side. They'd already stripped him naked and laid a blanket over his lower extremities, so the bruises spraying his ribs screamed in the whiteness. His skin was bright red and glossy, shoulders scabbed with burns. With all his muscles slackened, Axel spilled over the bed, deadweight and loose-jawed.
"What happened?" Zed asked, turning to the doctor propped up in a gurney, sipping from a jug of water.
"I can't say for sure," said Samson. "He was comatose when I found him baking in the desert. That's one lucky man, right there. Lucky he crawled his sorry ass to where he did. Otherwise, I might have missed him by a mile."
"What should we do, Samson? How do I make him come out of it?" 
"Oh, we can never be sure. It could be a few days, weeks... Months. My suggestion is to regulate his body temperature, treat his wounds and burns, and hope for the best."
Zed turned back to the unconscious man. She spotted the clumps of dirt in his hair, the scrapes on his elbows and mud-caked fingernails and her panic increased.
"Somebody bring me washcloths, soap and water right now!"
"I'd be mighty careful cleaning those burns, Zed. He's got some good blisters forming. And mind his hand."
"I will, I will," Zed nodded. "Just tell me what to do."
"Can I bother someone for a snack?" Asked Samson.
The guards who'd toted them into the lab stuck around until no longer needed. Zed refused help from anyone except Vee after Trinity brought them a bucket of warmed water, and Lora provided antiseptic. They started cleaning Axel gently, beginning with the grime under his nails. Samson ate from a bowl of mixed fruits, humming in delight from the nectar sliding down his throat. 
Zed moved Axel's injured arm with great care and washed away the smears of dirt marring his tattoos, applying disinfectant to the cuts. Vee worked on the opposite side of the bed, combing out the chunks in his hair. Once in awhile, Zed met Vee's eyes, and he'd nod or give her a forced grin.
Axel's unconsciousness only registered later in the night after they'd cleaned him and swapped a few words of astonishment. Zed stayed nearby, wishing his eyes open, but every hopeful breath gave way to disappointment. Lost in the blankness of his mind, Axel floated.
Even Lora surrendered to the sobering tension, making herself available to Vee only. Zed didn't concern herself with the woman. Her mind was awash with relief and worry for the friend who'd found his miraculous way back home. Nothing else mattered but the battered man lying in slumber on the hospital bed.
Samson fell asleep, and Vee left after long, touching Zed's shoulder before excusing himself. He promised to come back as soon as he'd had some rest. Zed nodded, squeezing his hand for a lingering moment, then releasing him. Sleep had no chance of overtaking her, so she stayed next to Axel, balling herself up in one of the office chairs, listening to his wheezing and sticking her fingers under his scruffy jaw to check his pulse every time he went silent.
When it was only her, Axel, and Samson sleeping in the room, she leaned over the bed and brushed her palm over Axel's scaly forehead. She avoided his singed nose, the curving laceration above his left eye and the peeling skin on the crests of his cheeks, touching his jaw and stroking his hair a few times.
"Don't worry, everything's okay now. You're back where you're safe."
The woman slumped into the chair, propping her heavy head on her elbow. She watched his chest rise and fall for a few minutes, plates of seared skin stretching tight over his ribcage, and fought off the urge to doze alongside him.
"Mmph-uh... Muh."
Zed's eyes snapped open. "Axel? Did you speak?"
"Hmm," he thrummed.
"Can you hear me, Axel? It's me, Zed. Azalea. Do you recognize my voice?"
Axel's throat went quiet, the enfeebled notes fading back to obscurity. Zed tried to get him mumbling again, but the hunter remained still.
"It's okay. I promise, I'll make you better. You're home now, and I'm not going anywhere until you’re better, okay, Axel? Don’t worry. You’re at home with me."
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42 notes · View notes
All the numbers again (second tag reblog)
1: When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More milk than cereal cause I like to drink it!
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yeah, but when I can get into the warmth after that's even better!
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I try to remember the page number instead so usually end on a multiple of 10 or 5.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Tea: Two sugars, milk, hopefully brewed by the gal. Coffee: I don’t!
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Kinda!
6: do you keep plants? Nope!
7: do you name your plants? None to name!
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Oils if I had the money for that so typically watercolours
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I am right now.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Typically side, but back is fine. Not stomach really!
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? Oh My Gouda.
12: what's your favorite planet? Uranus ;)
13: what's something that made you smile today? My gal surprised me with a beautiful orchid
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Edgy expose brick aesthetic
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Uranus’ blue glow is due to an abundance of methane which filters out red light.
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti carbonara probs! Especially cooked by the best.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I don’t! I did want pastel pink in August.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I had a paddy fit in primary school because I used to always sabotage my meals so I didn't eat them but I spilt milk on something I legitimately didn’t mind having... I cried over spilt milk.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I do! I write the days events and my feelings, I draw key points or little objects. Not all the time tho.
20: what's your favorite eye color? A nice hazel-y to chocolate amber brown woop
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. A grey Kanken Fjallraven, if Switzerland counts as hell, there you have it.
22: are you a morning person? Yeah! I’m straight too!
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Exactly that, nothing. With a side of music.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Only the one.
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? An abandoned slaughterhouse. Soz vegans
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Black old skool vans hehe original
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Strawberry!
28: sunrise or sunset? Why not both in a day?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? I’m not sure!
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? I’m not sure, close calls/
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I like socks. Weird socks are fun. So are odd ones. I do not sleep with my socks, nor do I confine myself to white sock hell.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. We had deep convos for the time, we probs cried, then probs went to sleep.
33: what's your fave pastry? Uh choux just cause I can remember that is one. Hahahaha.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had one called Baxter Bear which was the best, he was quite obviously a bear with a red scarf and his own passport. I threw up on him in the car and he was never the same again, he disappeared short after. Don’t ask about Scrubs the dog.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I do, I just don't use them often.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? The xx
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? A healthy middle.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! Couldn’t possibly. There’s a fair few.
39: what color do you wear the most? Probably black? Emo ik.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I own a necklace I got for my 16th its very cute and only comes out when I have heterosexual days to masquerade it. It’s nice.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde, it’s my favourite ever. I don’t read as much as I used to, sigh.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! There’s a cute local one. They do unreal Nutella pancakes and its quite central and very aesthetic-y. Yum!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My gal, typically on the way to my car where I point out Orion or The Dipper. It’d be nice to do it properly sometime.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Two days ago.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? When I need to.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Someone mentions a dog, then I normally incorporate the word ‘ruff’ as a homophone for ‘rough’ and get death stares. But I like it.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Gherkins.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Abandonment/loneliness hahahah yes it is.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I do like buying records yeah! I can’t say until April the 23rd but I’ll have bought another by then.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? I don’t think I do have anything odd!
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Uncomfortable by Wallows, as well as Fast Food by D.I.D and many many more.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? The new Patrick one is doing pretty good.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Nope, nope, nope and nope!
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My dog. I didn't walk him.
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? Hahahah you wouldn’t want to know. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Feeling secure with them, if you get me.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? CAN YOU DO THE FANDANGO!?!?!
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? K is probs the wine mom bc I'd say A but she’s not as sensible, thus A gets the Aunt role.
59: what's your favorite myth? Bulls hate red, they’re actually colour blind lmao.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I don’t mind a bit of poetry! Marking Time by Owen Sheers is noice.
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? Me and mum put a fancy brooch in a pack of digestives for someone. I’ve received stupid spellings of my name on the birthday cards.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Nope
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Rainbow order woop.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Black.
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yep!
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Cutesy and white and blue and stuff idk. But I wouldn't wear one haha.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Serene! Albeit Silent Hill-esque
68: what's winter like where you live? Fun! Cold! Disruptive!
69: what are your favorite board games? The Game of Life/Monopoly/Articulate!
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope!
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? English Breakfast, brewed by the girlfriend.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? I've been known to be.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Overthinking. Nail biting.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Ginger.
75: tell us about your pets! A doggo! A beagle! and a fish...
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Revising!
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Yellow
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? anyone in the fanclub needs natural selection to do its thing.
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Surprised me at work with flowers.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? White, because I’d like grey but we haven’t got there yet or painted the house since its still pretty new.
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. I don't have the time for that shit.
82: are/were you good in school? I was! I still think I am! Who knows.
83: what's some of your favorite album art? Smithsmithsmithsmithsmiths
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Yeah! Quite a few. All tonal, but above all a Venus sign and more importantly the great wave off Kanazawa by Hokusai
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I don't fun fact I used to read them start to feel sick.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I feel stupid for not knowing what they are.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Donnie Darko.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not Gothic. Can’t go wrong with a bit of impressionism.
89: are you close to your parents? I think. Depends on the time of day.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Starts with E, ends in Dinburgh.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Nowhere abroad really, just a couple of good cities.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Barely sprinkles, but I have a drowner with me to compensate.
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Down. Full stop. 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My girlfriend’s. mum!
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Work, a party, a Harry Potter film, a sad Sunday.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I leave them for as long as possible
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? ENFJ/Pisces/Ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Hah idk.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Nude - Radiohead is the one I’m thinking at the mo’ and I can’t think past that.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Future. Don’t need to lament on the past when I hope I have a good one ahead of me. Then from there I'd click 5 back so I’m right back to where I am, cheers.
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