#and the next few days I won’t have the energy to reply
rosicheeks · 1 year
did you get my last ask? idk if it went through or not _ 🎤
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 months
Books And Looks - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 1006
Summary: Some say even well-known actors can have a crush on authors, can they not?
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city as the cast of Bridgerton wrapped up another long day of filming for season four.
Jonathan, Claudia, and Luke Thompson found themselves at their favorite pub, unwinding with drinks in hand.
“To another successful day!” Jonathan cheered, raising his glass.
“To another successful day!” echoed Claudia and Luke, clinking their glasses together.
They settled into a comfortable silence, the camaraderie of their shared experiences providing a soothing backdrop to the evening.
After a few sips, Jonathan leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“It’s going to be strange going back to normal life after this,” he mused. “I’ve gotten so used to the hustle and bustle of the set.”
Claudia nodded. “I know what you mean. There’s something about the energy here that’s hard to replicate in the real world. But I am looking forward to seeing my sister again.”
“You have a sister?” Luke asked, intrigued.
They’d spent so much time together on set, yet there were still many things they didn’t know about each other’s personal lives.
Claudia smiled warmly. “Yes, she’s a few years older than me. We’re very close, even though she’s quite the introvert.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “An introvert? Doesn’t sound like anyone in your family.”
Claudia laughed. “You’d be surprised. She’s a famous author, but she avoids the spotlight as much as possible. Her books have a huge following.”
Luke’s ears perked up at this revelation. “A famous author? What’s her name?”
Claudia hesitated for a moment, then said, “Y/n Jessie Peyton.”
Luke’s eyes widened, nearly spilling his drink in his excitement. “No. Are you serious? She’s one of my favorite authors in the world! I’ve read all her books at least twice.”
Jonathan chuckled at Luke’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Looks like you’ve got a superfan on your hands, Claudia.”
Claudia shook her head, laughing. “Luke, she’s very private. She doesn’t like the spotlight, and she doesn’t do meet-and-greets.”
Luke’s expression turned pleading. “Please, Claudia, you have to introduce me. I promise I won’t make a scene. I just want to tell her how much her work means to me.”
Claudia sighed, seeing the sincerity in Luke’s eyes. “I can’t make any promises, Luke, but I’ll talk to her. We’ll see what happens.”
Over the next few weeks, Luke didn’t let up.
He would bring your name up in conversation whenever he could, his admiration for your work shining through.
Claudia found it endearing but was also protective of your privacy.
One evening, after another long day of filming, Claudia received a call from you.
You chatted about your lives, and inevitably, Luke’s name came up.
“Luke Thompson?” you repeated, surprised. “The actor?”
“Yes, the very same,” Claudia replied. “He’s a huge fan of your work, y/n. He’s been pestering me non-stop to introduce you two.”
You laughed softly. “Well, that’s flattering. I didn’t realize my books had such an impact on people. Maybe… maybe we could arrange something. A small, casual meeting. No big deal.”
Claudia smiled. “I think that would make his year, y/n. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll set it up.”
A few days later, Claudia walked onto the set in full 'Eloise' with a secretive smile.
She had arranged for you to visit, and she couldn’t wait to see Luke’s reaction.
As they broke for lunch, Claudia spotted Luke and Jonathan chatting by the catering table.
“Hey, guys,” she said, trying to keep her excitement in check. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
Before Claudia could answer, you walked onto the set, looking slightly out of place but wearing a warm smile. Luke’s jaw dropped as he recognized her.
“No way,” he whispered, his eyes wide. “Is that…?”
Claudia grinned. “Luke, Jonathan, this is my sister.”
You stepped forward, extending your hand. “Hi, Luke. Claudia’s told me a lot about you.”
Luke shook your hand, trying to keep his composure. “It’s such an honor to meet you. Your books have had such a profound impact on me. Thank you for your incredible work.”
You blushed slightly, clearly not used to such direct praise. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that.”
Jonathan, sensing the significance of the moment, clapped Luke on the back. “See, dreams do come true, mate.”
You all laughed, the initial tension easing into a more comfortable atmosphere.
You spent the rest of their lunch break chatting about your books, the writing process, and life on set.
Luke found himself captivated not just by your words but by your presence.
There was a quiet strength to you that drew him in, and he could tell you felt a connection too.
As the days passed, your visits to the set became more frequent. You and Luke would steal moments to talk, sharing stories and laughter.
It was clear to everyone around you that there was something special brewing between you two.
One evening, after a particularly long day of filming, Luke and you found yourselves alone on set.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over everything.
You sat on a bench, enjoying the peaceful silence.
“You know,” Luke began, “I never imagined I’d get to meet you, let alone spend so much time with you. It feels like a dream.”
You smiled, your eyes reflecting the fading light. “Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? I never thought I’d enjoy being on a set, but here I am.”
Luke took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “Listen, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I’d love to get to know you better, outside of all this.”
You looked at him, your expression softening. “I feel the same way. I’d like that very much.”
You shared a smile, the unspoken promise of something more hanging in the air.
As the first stars appeared in the night sky, Luke reached for your hand, and you didn’t pull away.
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thewritingrowlet · 5 months
The Grand Prize, ft. tripleS Yoon Seoyeon
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tags: male reader, first time anal, creampie, anal creampie, raw
word count: 8k+, almost 9k
author's note: the smut in this story is split into two parts with some basketball plot in between. Hope you like it! :D
p.s. I slipped an inside joke made with @praeluxius' username, so prael if you see this <3
It is December, you’ve been dating Seoyeon for over 3 months now; it has been a very fun and healthy relationship even though you have been spending less time with her despite living together as your schedules don’t really match hers; you’ve been busy with the basketball team as its captain and year 3 classes while Seoyeon has found a new busyness with the student council— “I want to continue my student council career, oppa”, she had told you after the Freshers’ Week. Not many know about your relationship, apart from your teammates and some friends of hers, as you both have agreed to keep things to yourselves. Your teammates were surprised that you have a girlfriend considering how long you’d been single, while Seoyeon’s friends thought that it was crazy that she managed to steal the basketball team’s captain’s heart and started dating him so soon. Honestly, you still can’t believe the way life has been turning out recently, but you’re ecstatic to see what else might turn up for you and Seoyeon.
[🐶❤️| 17:08]
Oppa, I’m going home after this meeting
What about you?
Have you eaten btw? I can bring some sandwich if you want
She texts you as you’re getting ready for warmup. Might as well reply now since you won’t have the chance to for the next few hours, not forgetting to apologize since you’re probably coming home late.
[🏀| 17:09]
I have practice, luv, will come home late
No need to wait if you want to sleep first
I had some noodles earlier, should be enough
Seoyeon hates you for not eating enough, so you make sure to not skip meals especially on the days when you have practice. She’s even brought you some food to eat before practicing before, which was how your teammates found out you had a girlfriend. She also made you eat in front of her, refusing to leave before you finish the food and return the box to her to bring home. You’re thankful for her attention and god-tier cooking but this habit of yours is really hard to rid, “baby, I love your food but I’m just not hungry at the moment”, you’ve told her once, to which she responded by pouting and looking rejected.
[🐶❤️| 17:09]
Okay, oppa
See you at home
Don’t get hurt
Luv u much
Her texts, no matter how simple, always give you a boost of energy and motivation, and with that, you’re taking on practice with excitement.
It is now a few minutes to 9pm and your team is wrapping up tonight’s practice. You’ve been practicing seemingly tirelessly for a few hours and your limbs are on fire thanks to the different drills your team has been doing. Coach Park has been increasing the frequency and intensity of the practices as the university is aiming for a top 3 finish under your captaincy in the upcoming national tournament; “we believe that you can lead us deep into the playoffs, captain”, the dean told you on Monday before practice, putting expectant pressure on your shoulders. You don’t have to worry about motivating your teammates since everyone knows how prestigious this tournament is but as the captain, you’re the one with the heaviest burden; everyone (including your beloved Seoyeon) will be counting on you throughout the tournament. You promise Coach Park, your team, and yourself that you’re going to give this run everything you have: “it’s ours, guys, believe that”, you tell them as the closing words for tonight’s practice.
You call an Uber after showering because you don’t feel like walking to your apartment after that exhausting practice. A few minutes of Uber ride later, you’re now at the front door of your apartment. As you’re entering the password, you hear footsteps from the inside, most likely Seoyeon’s as she’s running to greet you at the door.
“Oppa, you’re home! Welcome home!”, she says, the excitement obvious in her voice. “Yes, baby, I’m home. Sorry for coming home so late”, you say as you hug her and kiss her head. She presses her face on your shoulder, hugging you tight, “I know you’ve been working hard for the team and I’m proud of you, oppa, but I also miss you so much. Can we have a date soon? Maybe in the next few days? I-I hope th-that’s not too selfish of me”. Your heart sinks at the realization: you’ve been so busy with class and basketball that you’ve forgotten to make time for your lovely girlfriend. “I’m so sorry, baby. I don’t have classes or practice tomorrow; what do you say we have a little date at home? I can try and cook for us”, you say to her, hoping for a chance to make it up to her. She then looks up to look at you, her eyes hopeful that you’ll come through with your promise. “Okay, oppa. I’ll get home as soon as I can tomorrow. I’m curious what you’ll cook for me”, and with that, your date is set; you’re going to create your parents-approved spicy honey grilled chicken and fried rice for her and (hopefully) blow her mind with it.
A new day has arrived, the morning sun is beaming at you through your windows, but your sunshine is still in dreamland; “Seoyeon, baby, wake up. You have classes, don’t you?”, you say softly to wake her up. “Ngh what time is it?”, she says while gathering her soul after her deep slumber. “It’s almost 8, baby. I’ll run the shower for you so sit still for a bit, okay?”, you peck her lips as you get off the bed to prepare the shower for her. When you return from the bathroom, you see her peeking at you from under the covers, “any spoilers for today, oppa?”, she asks you, the covers muffling her voice a bit. “Of course, sweetie, it’ll be sweet and spicy”, you tell her as you get into bed to kiss her; you’d like to think that a kiss in the morning is like kick-starting a person, and that’s definitely the case for Seoyeon. After showering, Seoyeon leaves for campus half-running to avoid being late; “see you later, oppa. Love you”, she says, before giving you a peck and running out the door.
The clock now shows 15 minutes to 3pm, you have just over 2 hours to prepare the dishes. You start by taking the chicken out of the fridge and making the sauce mix for the grilled chicken. After glazing it for the first time, you throw it on the grill and let it cook, brushing more sauce as it goes so that the flavors can really seep into the chicken. Once they’re done cooking, you put them to the side to free up the space to make fried rice. For the fried rice, you start by tossing in some of your mom’s pre-made seasoning base into the flaming hot wok. Once that’s nice and fragrant, you throw in some diced chicken and let it get cooked before you mix in some well-beaten eggs. You then add in some salt, sugar, MSG (is it really fried rice without MSG?), sweet soy sauce, and hot sauce to give the fried rice its flavors. With about 20 minutes to spare before Seoyeon gets home, you’re finally finished and decide to take a shower first.
“Oppa, I’m home—what is this smell? It smells crazy good!”, she says as she enters the apartment, heading straight to the dining table. “Welcome home, baby, how was your day? I made you some spicy honey grilled chicken and fried rice—all using the recipes my parents approve of”, you welcome her into a hug and peck her forehead. “My day has been great, oppa, and it’s only getting better. Thanks for the meal!”, she says, getting a chicken thigh and some fried rice. You take a seat at the table and dig in together, “you like it, love?”, “this is soooo goooood, oppa. Didn’t know you were this good at cooking, what happened?”, she says with a full mouth. “I’d like to think I’m decent at cooking. I came up with this grilled chicken recipe when I was in high school, I’m glad that you like it”. It is one of those moments where the food is so good, you can’t help but enjoy it in silence because you’re just blown away by the taste, so the both of you just shut up and keep eating until the end of the meal.
You two get ready for sleep after cleaning everything up. You see her put on one of your T-shirts and a pair of shorts— “guess I’m not getting lucky tonight”, you think to yourself. As if hearing your thoughts, she notifies you, “I’m on my period today, oppa. I’m sorry”. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetie. I would be more concerned if weren’t having your periods”, you assure her as you pull her into the bed. “But-but I should reward you for the meal”, she says as she palms your crotch, making you hard instantly. “Baby, please, when did it become an effort-reward relationship, hm? There’s nothing I’m asking you to do other than to cuddle and sleep next to me. That’s not too selfish of me, is it?”, you say to her while pulling her into a hug even though your cock is rock hard and ready for some action. “You’re always so sweet, oppa. Thank you for being so kind to me all the time. Will you be okay, though?”, “you deserve the best of me all the time, sweetie, and yes I’ll be okay”.
The rest of the month went by rapidly for you. Your team has been spanking your opponents left and right, breezing past round of 32, round of 16, and quarterfinal before anyone realized what had happened. “Alright, men. I know we’ve been dominating our opponents so far, but it’s only getting harder from this point onwards. We need to be in the right mindset and condition for it”, Coach Park said in the locker room after the quarterfinal. “Since the semifinal is on Saturday, I’ll see you all on Thursday for practice and we’ll rest on Friday. We’re going to practice some designed and after-timeout plays”, the coach continued.
The coach came through with his words: your team has been spending the last 2,5 hours running various plays designed for different players, including yourself. Coach Lee, one of the assistant coaches, has personally put together a handful of mid- and long-range scoring plays to create as many opportunities as possible for you. You’re worried that maybe the upcoming opponent has picked up all the tendencies that your team has—such as going through you heavily to score—but you can only hope that things will work as planned.
Saturday morning, it is. You wake up at around the usual time, while Seoyeon is still sound asleep. You didn’t do anything much last night since you were absolutely drained from Thursday’s practice. You look at the sleeping beauty: she seems to be in peace at the moment, sleeping oh-so-cutely on her side of the bed while being covered with a blanket up to her neck. After giving her a peck on the forehead, you get off the bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. Your team don’t need to travel too much today since the stadium for semifinal and final is only 15 minutes away from campus, so you’re not running as tight on schedule as for the previous games.
When you get out of the shower, Seoyeon is already awake. She’s leaning against the headboard while scrolling mindlessly through her phone. “Mmh? Good morning, oppa”, she says when she sees you, arms reaching out for a hug. “Good morning, baby. Are you going to watch the game today?”, you ask her while hugging her and showering her with pecks. “I am, oppa. I’ll be sitting pretty close to the court, so look at me every now and then, okay? Good luck, captain. I love you”, she says to you as she pulls out of the hug.
Here you are, just under 3 minutes, says the countdown timer on that big ass TV in front of you, before the semifinal starts. You can hear the crowd’s excitement from deep in the tunnel, ready to support their favorite teams in the upcoming game. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and focus up. Turn to your team, time to fire them up: “let’s go, boys; we’re so close now. Let’s win this, alright? Win on 3—1, 2, 3!”.
After firing them up, a match committee personnel gives you a flag in the university color with the logo in the center of it, “this is new”, you think. As you take the flag from him, the arena announcer is yelling the team names and gets replied with loud noises from the crowd. Before you walk out, you make sure you look as cool as possible by leaning the flagpole against your right shoulder and putting on a cold face. Once the guy gives you the signal to go in, your team and the other start walking out to the court.
You stand in the center of the 5 starters of your team, right under the rim. Before the ceremony ends, you want to look for Seoyeon so you can find her easier during the game, “you see my girlfriend, bro?”, you whisper to your teammate next to you. “Hmm let’s see—oh, behind the other team’s bench, I think. Is that her?”, he points to show you, so you look closely at the area he’s pointing at; and there she is, wearing one of your old jerseys that she probably found in the wardrobe. You give her a little out-of-character wink to acknowledge her presence and she winks back so cutely, making your heart rate jump.
After the first quarter of the game, it becomes obvious that the opposing team is more organized in terms of defending and adjusting to your team’s offense. You’ve been decent, though, putting up 9 points of your team’s 22 through the first quarter. Coach Lee tells you that you shouldn’t be too fazed by their defense since they’re going to get more lenient as the game goes on due to exhaustion from defending so intensely.
Another 10 minutes of playing have finished and now you’re in the locker room to have more conversations on how to adjust to the current state of the game. True enough, they’ve gotten more laid back with their defense, letting you take 4 shots, which you made 3 of, from the 3-pt area. However, they’ve also gotten hotter with their shot making, trailing by fewer than 8 points the whole quarter. The plan for Q3, Coach Park says, is for you to be more active on defense, especially around the perimeter, and play a more relaxed role on offense since you’ve got a bunch of points in the bag already.
After exchanging some motivations and talking to some people, it’s time to head into the locker room. Before you do, though, you look at Seoyeon who’s smiling and clapping her hands. She gives you a seductive wink and a lip bite while putting a hand over her crotch, mouthing “I’m yours tonight” to you. You can’t afford to get a boner right now, so you look away as soon as she’s done signaling to you and head into the locker room to celebrate the win and talk to the coaches.
Since you’re starting Q3 from the bench, you have some time to catch up with Seoyeon who’s now on your side of the court. You look up to say hi and get some motivation from her. “Oppa, you’re so good! They’ve let you score so many times this game, oppa!”, she says, the excitement and fascination flowing out of her lips freely with every word said. “I’m just following the plan the coaches have set up, love. I’ll be playing less intensely on offense, though. I’ll show you what defense is”, you tell her, your confidence through the roof.
With less than 4 minutes left in the quarter, Coach Park subs you into the game— “great job, man”, you tell your teammate as he’s coming to the sideline, “shut these guys down, man”, your teammate says before grabbing a towel and sitting down. So, you do just that; you chase your assignments around the court on man-to-man defense, diligently switching back and forth with your teammates to prevent unfavorable matchups. Before you know it, the buzzer sounds, indicating the end of the 3rd quarter.
It is now the 4th quarter, the last 10 minutes of playing to secure a top 2 finish. Your team has an okay-ish lead of 10 entering the last quarter. The plan is to widen the gap by shutting down the opponent on defense while looking for easy scores on the other end, taking advantage of the fact that they’re tired despite being tired yourselves.
You try your best to not look at Seoyeon this quarter so that her cheering doesn’t distract you from doing your job in the dying embers of the game. Your plan doesn’t last too long, though, as you scream in her general direction after forcing a turnover. You see her jumping up and down as she cheers for you, looking as fired up as you are about the defensive play. With this comfortable lead, it’s only a matter of time until the game ends and you’re sent to the final stage, fighting for fame and glory one last time this year.
True enough, the final buzzer sounds loudly, and with it, the crowd’s emotions are divided: those who root for your team are screaming in joy, while the others are on their knees following the loss. “Hey, man. You did well. I’m sorry that it had to end like this. Let’s get on our feet, eh?”, you say to an opponent, pulling him up to his feet and hugging him—the feeling of losing while being so close to the goal is all too familiar to you.
You arrive at your apartment after taking a shower and chatting with a bunch of people about preparing for the final game. As you enter the bedroom, you see Seoyeon sitting on the edge of the bed, her body wrapped in a bath robe, “hi, oppa, welcome home. Did you catch what I said before you head into the tunnel?”, she asks, her hands getting ready to take the robe off. “I think I did”, you say before whispering in her ear, “you said you’re mine tonight, didn’t you?”, your deep voice sending shivers down her spine. “That is correct, oppa, so—", she says as she takes off the robe and kneels in front of you, “—do what you wish to me”, she adds, her mouth open and ready to take your shaft. You immediately drop everything you’re carrying on the floor along with your sweatpants and boxers and plunge deep into the warmth that is her mouth. She gags loudly and closes her eyes as she feels your tip hit the back of her throat. You lift her chin to look into her eyes; they tell you that she is so deep in the sea of lust, she might as well start drowning. You start thrusting in and out of her mouth, forcing her to take you deep into her mouth and making her gag every time. You want to turn it up a notch, though, “I want to try something else”, you say to her as you lie her on the bed, her head hanging off the edge, “You know where this is going, baby. Open”, you tell her before thrusting into her from a different position. You can’t help but let out groans and deep moans as you stuff her throat with your cock while playing with her tits. One last time before pulling out, you stick your cock deep in her throat and hold it there for a few seconds, making a mess of Seoyeon’s face as spit gets all over her face. Soon, you feel Seoyeon smack your thigh repeatedly, hoping that you’ll pull out and let her breathe. So you do just that, and she immediately gasps for air, “oh shit, oppa. I thought you were going to knock me out with your cock, fuck”, she says. “No, but I’ll be rough tonight. You know the safe word; say it if you want to stop”, you say, notifying her of your intent.
Feeling like you’re about to cross the line, you let go of her neck and pull out so that you two can catch some breaths. You see your hand leave a red mark on her neck, as she breathes with her mouth to get as much air into her lungs as possible. “Baby, you okay? That was too rough, right? I’m sorry”, you say, your mind no longer possessed by your cock. “Hah, hah—I’m-I’m fine—fuck. You were so rough, oppa. Didn’t know you had it in you like that”, she says, her eyes glassy from unreleased tears. “Do you want to stop, baby? Say the safe word, maybe?”, you ask to make sure that you still have her consent. “No, o-one more time. I’m so close, take me across the line, oppa”, she says, while grabbing her legs and folding it like earlier. “Let go of your legs, baby. You must be tired”, you say, while going in for a kiss. When you pull away, you see her put on a loving smile, “yes, baby?”, you ask her, not quite catching her signal. “I love you, oppa, so damn much. Now— “, she says while rolling onto her stomach, “—take me again, like this. You can be rough again if you want to”. “Okay, baby. Don’t forget that you can say the safe word”, you say, as you ride her thighs to fuck her from behind.
You tell her to move up in the bed, “you want me to wear a condom or no?”, you ask Seoyeon, who now has her head on the pillow while lying on her back. “Oppa isn’t talking as sweetly and softly as usual, I hope it means that he’s enjoying this”, she thinks to herself, “umm, yes, please”, she replies. You’re never one to do something to a girl without her consent, so you put on a condom before climbing into bed with her. You then get between her legs and fold them over her torso, “hold your legs for me”, you say sternly while aiming your length at her entrance. Unsurprisingly, she obeys right away. She holds her legs over her body by wrapping her forearms under her knees. Just as you’re about to push in, she fuels your fire, “give it to me, oppa, make me take it”.
After being shown the green light, you push your cock into her tight hole, making her scream instantly. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, oppa”, she eggs you on. You put a hand on her neck and start squeezing it, and you feel her pussy get tighter around your cock, “oh, you like this, you slut? Fuck, so tight”, you say, attempting some dirty talk while thrusting roughly; you hope she doesn’t mind being called that out of nowhere. “Fu—oppa, please, ughhh”, she tries to say with the last bit of air in her chest, as a tear starts running down her face and her hands try to loosen your grip on her neck.
You plunge deep into her instantly, making her scream into the pillow. You like this angle as it makes Seoyeon feel tighter for you; “fuck, baby, you’re tighter like this”, you say with a deep groan. “Oh, oh, yes, I’m always tight for you, oppa”, she replies, her voice muffled by the pillow, moaning with every thrust you’re giving her.
As you’re thrusting deep and fast, you see Seoyeon’s forbidden hole every now and then, peeking at you from behind her cheeks. You want to stimulate her more to get her closer to her orgasm, so you take your thumb and rub her small hole with it, making her gasp in surprise and turn her head to look at you. “Oppa, please, not there—please, please, please”, she says, panicking at the thought that you’re going to put something in her ass. You respond by grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling it, making her arch her back, “you’re mine, aren’t you? Have you forgot, you little slut? You’re entirely mine”, you whisper aggresively in her ear, getting rougher with your thrusts. “I—fuck, fuck, fuck—I’m cumming!”, she exclaims with a loud scream—you’re lowkey worried that a neighbor might call the cops on you considering how loud she’s screaming.
“Cum, you slut, cum all over this cock”, you reply to her, not letting up the thrusts. You finally pull out when you feel her juice pushing you out, her legs shaking due to the hard orgasm. “Good job, baby. I’ll get some water then it’s time to chase mine, okay?”, you tell her while petting the back of the panting girl softly before leaving to get some water.
When you return with some water for the both of you, you see Seoyeon still laying on her stomach while looking at you, seemingly sad about something; “oppa, you weren’t really trying to get in that hole, were you?”, she asks, referring to your stimulation on her asshole, “i-is my pussy not good enough, oppa? Bu-but you were my first—ah, I’m so sorry, oppa. I-I’ll do better next time”, she continues, tears gathering in her eyes.
Your heart shatters at her words; you only meant it as a stimulation to get her closer to her orgasm, not to point out that something’s lacking—"tell her otherwise, now”, your heart screams at you. “Oh, love, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that—I was just trying to get you to your orgasm quicker. It is true that I was your first, and I’m forever honored and grateful for that. You’ve been the best girlfriend for me, so there’s no need to worry about being lacking, baby”, you tell her before pulling her into a hug and carrying her to the bathroom.
“Let’s get cleaned up, alright? I think we’ve had enough tonight”. “Bu-but you haven’t cum yet, oppa. Plea-please let me down, let-let me finish the job”, she says to you half begging. “It’s fine, baby, I’ll manage. Let me take care of you, okay? I went so rough on you, I’m sorry”, you say to her as you open the bathroom door. “Can you stand up on your own, sweetie? Do you need a stool?”, you ask her before putting her down. “A stool, please, oppa. My legs are like jelly right now”, she replies to you, drawing a prideful smile on your face.
Now that the shower has finished, you give her one of your jerseys to wear to sleep—the length enough to cover your little girlfriend down to her thighs—before putting her down on the bed. You wrap her in your arms while she tucks her head on your neck; “oppa”, she begins, “congrats on making it to the final”, she says. Surprised to hear her bring it up out of nowhere, you let out a chuckle, “it’s all thanks to you, sweetie; thank you for cheering me on, baby”, you reply. You can’t see her face, but you know she’s blushing right now. “Promise me that you’ll win, oppa. I, uh, may or may not have a present prepared for you—but only if you win”, she continues. “Present, hey? I like the sound of that. I’ll try my hardest, baby”, you say, feeling motivated by the promise of getting a present.
After setting the stool down and making her sit on it, you turn on the shower and start cleaning her up. You start by rubbing her nape and back with some soap before lifting her butt up so you can clean her cheeks. You then rinse the soap off her back and move in front of her to continue.
When you get in front of her, you kneel and put a hand on her knee, “How are we feeling, sweetie?”, you ask her to gauge her emotions. She looks down at herself before looking at you, “oppa, you love me, right? You won’t leave me just because I didn’t let you in my ass, right? Please tell me you love me. Please, oppa”, she asks, her voice trembling from sadness. She needs assurance and comfort right now, and you’re ready to give her whatever she needs to make her feel better.
“I love you, baby. Please believe me when I say that I’m not going to force you into anal until you’re ready, whenever that may be. Even if you end up never feeling ready for it, I’ll still love you with all my life; there’s no doubt in my mind about it”, you tell her with all the sincerity you can muster. “Please don’t feel burdened by any of it, baby. I won’t leave you, no matter what happens tonight”, you tell her while hugging her tightly, your promise true and sincere as ever. When you finally pull away, you see a small smile drawn on her face, “feeling better, love? Let’s finish this and then go to sleep, okay?”, to which she nods enthusiastically, straightening her back to give you access to clean her front.
It’s been a few days since the semifinal and that night where Seoyeon tried being a subby baby for you—she chickened out when you teased her asshole, though, blue-balling you in the end. The grand final is right around the corner and you’ve spent the last few of days preparing for the last dance. You’re nervous out of your mind at the prospect of playing in the grand final, unconsciously speaking less day in and day out. Seoyeon notices this and tries to help you ease your mind as much as she can, being the angel of a girlfriend that she is, even when you forget to thank her—basketball is taking the entire space in your head right now.
After going through the past 2 days mindlessly, it’s now Saturday morning again, 12 hours before the final game of the season. You woke up not-too-smoothly, letting out a panic gasp as you felt your soul get shoved back into your body. You panic even more when you can’t find Seoyeon in bed, so you immediately jump off the bed and run out of the bedroom.
After doing so, you hear sizzling coming from the kitchen. “Is that Seoyeon?”, you think to yourself. When you go to the kitchen to investigate, you see Seoyeon in front of the stove, busy doing something. “Good morning, oppa! I’m making some steamed eggs for breakfast”, she says cheerfully when she sees you. Relief fills your head right away, so you hug her from behind without saying anything and rest your forehead on her head, “I panicked when I couldn’t find you in bed”, you mumble into the back of her head. “Sorry, oppa. Just wanted to make you some breakfast to cheer you up before tonight”, she says to you. You keep hugging her until she notifies you that she’s done cooking and asking you to sit at the table.
“My mom taught me how to make this, oppa. Hope you like it”, she says wishfully. You’re so captivated by the steaming pot of steamed eggs in front of you that you almost forget to thank the person behind it. “Ah, almost forgot—thank you, baby. You’ve been so kind to me these past few days—months, really. I’ll take you on a date after this is all done, okay?”, you say to her. Seoyeon can’t help but blush at your words, “oh-oh, I was just trying to help you, oppa. You-you’ve also been so kind to me”, she says before covering her face with her hands—you find it adorable that she still gets shy with you despite having been dating for a few months.
“Thank you for the meal!”, you exclaim excitedly before sticking a spoon into the pot. You let out a satisfied groan after the first spoonful; it is so soft and well-seasoned, absolutely astonishing. “This is amazing, baby. Thank you so much”. “I’m glad you like it, oppa. I was so nervous if I made it wrong”, she replies.
After finishing the meal, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom while Seoyeon washes the dishes. You then open the wardrobe to get some clothes and the jersey for tonight. As you dig through your part of the wardrobe, you find a piece of paper folded in half lying on top of your jersey. With a curious mind, you open it; “Oppa, this is Seoyeon—obviously”, the first line says, “I know you’ve been stressed out about the grand final, but I want to remind you that you’ll always be my number one regardless of the result tonight. Love you always, captain. Signed, your Seoyeon”, the rest of the letter says, her signature drawn on the bottom.
As you finish reading it, you see Seoyeon enter the bedroom, “oh you found it already, guess I didn’t hide it well enough”, she says while smirking, pointing to the piece of paper on your hand. You can’t believe how lucky you are to be in love with such a sweet girl, so you can’t help but fall on your knees wordlessly. Surprised by the sight in front of her, Seoyeon rushes to you, “oppa, are you okay? Are you sick?”, she asks in panic, hugging you and putting a palm on your forehead. “Seoyeon, I.. I love you so much. Thank you for everything”, you say while looking deeply into her eyes. Seoyeon hugs you tightly after hearing your words, “no, thank you. I love you so much too. Go win this for me, okay? Fighting, captain”, she says to you.
It's only a few minutes before the grand final starts. You find yourself in the darkness of the tunnel again. “You’ll always be my number one”, Seoyeon’s words are repeating endlessly in your head. Your thoughts are cut short when you see the same guy and the flag from before make another appearance; “for you, captain”, the guy says. You grab the flag from him and put it against your shoulder like before.
Unlike last time, though, everyone’s wearing a jacket now. Everyone wears it normally while you wear yours like a cape, making the name of the university clear for everyone to see. The guy gives you the signal to enter and start the pre-match pleasantries which you’re not paying attention to, your mind locked in for the game itself—you do hear the crowd cheer when the announcer says your name, though, so that’s nice.
The first half was hard; your team were trading points and exchanging leads back and forth with the opponents. During the break, Coach Park was putting more emphasis on steadying the game and scoring consistently in the second half while being tight on defense. Before heading back out, Coach Lee pulls you to the side; “we need you to score from deep, son. They’ve been covering you loosely this game, you must take advantage of that”, he tells you, to which you reply by nodding your head in acknowledgment.
True enough, they’re allowing you to have more space on the floor as you’re able to have uninterrupted looks to shoot every few possessions. As instructed by Coach Lee, you take advantage of it as much as you can, making 4 out of 5 shots from long range. Your team is now leading by 8, the largest in the game so far. Feeling uncomfortable, the opponent’s coach calls a timeout, sending both teams to the bench to talk. After the timeout, Coach Park decides to sit you on the bench for the rest of the quarter, giving you some time to catch up with your girl, who’s sitting in the same seat as last time. “Oppa, what are we thinking?”, she asks you. “We’re trying to keep this lead, baby. Pray for us, okay?”, you say to her, making it as simple as possible for her to understand.
3rd quarter ends with your team leading by 4; not big enough a lead to be comfortable, but you’ll have to make do with what you have. “10 more minutes, guys, come on”, you tell your teammates during the huddle, “let’s win this shit”, you add at the end. The approach now is to be intense on defense, forcing hard matchups and turnovers to turn into easy fastbreaks on the other end of the court. You’ve been taking a few elbows to your body throughout the game, hurting you little by little; “that’s basketball for you, just man up”, your brain says.
After forcing another turnover and turning it into an easy bucket, the opponent calls their last timeout with 1 minute left in the game. Coach Lee takes the floor this time, “we’re almost there, boys. Hang on for 1 minute and you’ll win it. Let’s go”, he says, before explaining some defensive schemes for the last minute of the game. The huddles break when the horn sounds, notifying both teams to get back on the floor with 1 minute left.
The opponents have the ball coming from the timeout. The guard is bringing the ball up the court while making a horn sign with his fingers. Everyone knows what to do, so each of you gets ready to react to the play. Unfortunately, despite having prepared to defend such play, they still manage to score 2 points off an offensive rebound following a miss, cutting the lead down to 2. After getting the inbound, you start bringing the ball to the other side with less than seconds left on the clock, calling for the circle play as an attempt to put this game to bed by scoring from deep in crunch time. You pass the ball to a teammate before cutting inside and circling outside the 3-pt line again—hence the “circle”—while another teammate sets a screen for you, leaving you wide open to shoot.
As you shoot, adrenaline slows down the time, making it feel like it takes the ball forever to fly through the air and into the hoop. After keeping your eyes on the ball the whole time, you finally see the ball go cleanly through the basket, hitting nothing but nylon. With it, the crowd roars as you’ve grown the lead to 5 with almost no time for retaliation. After getting back on defense one last time, you hear the final buzzer roar through the arena— “is it done? Did we win?”, your brain wonders. As if hearing your thoughts, a teammate hugs you, “yo we won, man, we won. Can you believe that? We won!”, he says, screaming at you. After him, your other teammates start piling up on you one by one; “ah yes, we did win”, your brain confirms.
After exchanging emotions with everyone, you’re now left alone in the court. You find yourself on your knees trying to process everything that has happened, your emotions still at bay. Shortly after, you look up to find Seoyeon, immediately spotting her. She’s bawling her eyes out while having her fists in the air.
You run up to her so you two can share this moment. You hold out your arms and she fills it right away, “oppa, you did it, you won!”, she says, her voice shaky from the emotions. “Yes, we did, sweetie. We won, and it’s all thanks to you”, you reply to her as tears start running down your face. After hugging for a few seconds, you pull away from her, “I’m going to the locker room, see you at home, love”, you tell her. “Don’t forget, oppa, I have a present for you, a huge one”, she replies to you, a mischievous smile drawn on her face.
You ended up spending an hour celebrating with the team and a bunch of professors who attended the game. You’re now in the Uber heading home, all refreshed and cleaned up after showering. You’re excited at the prospect of getting a present from your beloved—not long to go until you reach your apartment. As soon as you arrive at the door, you enter the passcode. “Huh, no sound from Seoyeon”, you think to yourself. “Seoyeon, are you home, baby?”, you say loudly as you try to find her. “In here, oppa”, you hear her say behind the closed bedroom door.
After putting down your stuff, you knock on the door and enter the bedroom. You’re met with Seoyeon, who has her bathrobe on like last time, making your heart rate jump through the roof in excitement. “Congrats on winning the tournament, oppa”, she starts, “and with it, you’ve won the grand prize”. “Thank you, baby, and what’s this grand prize you’re talking about?”, you ask, ready to get lucky.
“Your prize—“, she says while taking a few steps back and taking off her robe, revealing a very sexy black lingerie, “—is me”. Your cock hardens instantly at her words, “oh, really?”, you reply to her, your head full of lust— “when did she buy that?”, your brain asks. “Yes, oppa—or should I say, daddy”, she says while getting on her knees, “I’m entirely yours, daddy. Do what you want to me”.
You walk up and kneel on one knee in front of her, getting on her eye level, “Safe word?”, you ask. “Same as always, but I don’t plan on using it tonight. Let me please you, daddy—use me”, she says, not folding to your deep gaze. You stand back up again to free your cock from its constraints, and that’s when she adds fuel to your fire, “All yours, daddy, including my ass”. Surprised to hear her offer her ass to you, you look at her, “I hope you’re sure because I’m not asking again”, you warn her. “I’ve given you my cherry, might as well give you the other one”, her reply stuns you. “Get on the bed like last time”, you command her.
You walk over to the bedside table to grab a condom. Seoyeon sees this, and she rushes to you and holds your arm; “fuck me raw, daddy—breed me”, she says with lustful gaze. Your cock gets hard quickly at her words, “careful with what you wish for, slut”, you say while holding her by the chin and she replies by smirking seductively. “Get on your hands and knees, now”, you say impatiently.
Once she’s in position—her head hanging off the edge while the rest of her body is in bed—put your cock into her mouth. You see her chest go up and down with every thrust, trying to stay calm as your cock is lodged in her airway. Naughty as you are, you palm her neck with one hand. You feel her throat bulging every time you push deep into her mouth. This, however, makes her lose control and start gagging loudly. “Oh shit, I’m getting close”, you groan and she lets out a muffled whine as a reply. You pick up your pace, planning to cum in her moist mouth. A few thrusts later, you feel your cock twitch: a signal that you’re cumming.
Trying to show her some mercy, you pull your shaft out but leave the tip in. “Fuck!”, you say as you cum in her mouth and make her choke on your cum. She waits for you to finish spurting your baby batter before tapping your thighs, asking for you to pull out. Once you do, you see that spit has run down her face. “Show me”, she opens her mouth filled with cum, “so?”, you ask. She puts her doubts aside and swallows it, earning a chuckle from you. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? Move up, get comfortable”, you say as you help her move up the bed, “I’m your good girl, daddy. I’ll do anything for you”, she says.
She’s laying on her stomach limply while you leave to get water. “Drink, baby. You’ve been screaming a lot”, you say to her sweetly while putting the glass close to her mouth, letting her sip some water. “Thank you, daddy. You’re so sweet”, she says with a grateful smile on her face. “So, what now?”, you ask her, hoping that she’ll keep her promise from earlier. “Fuck my ass, daddy. Take my last cherry and make me yours entirely. I’ve prepared the lube, it’s in the bottom drawer”, she says to you, her eyes full of lust again, ready to give you her last virginity.
You kneel behind Seoyeon and stick your cock deep into her pussy, making her moan at the first penetration. “You want daddy’s cum? You think you deserve it?”, you say with a hoarse voice while aggressively thrusting into her. “Daddy—oh, I—ah, fuck—I’m your good girl—fuck—please give me your cum”, she says while moaning and cursing out loud. Not one to deny such request, you push her down so that only her ass is in the air. “As you wish, slut”, and with it, you start picking up your pace: giving it to her deep and fast, making her grip the sheets tightly while screaming into the pillow.
“Oh God, you’re stretching me, daddy—fuck!—keep going, please. Breed me, please!”, she begs you. “Zip it, slut—fuck, how are you still so tight after all this time?”, you say before pressing her head into the pillow. “I’m not too far away now”, you announce, while Seoyeon is still screaming into the pillow, “I’ll need to give her a lot of water after this”, you say to yourself, taking a mental note. “Fuck, I’m cumming. Cum with me, baby”, you say, breaking your dominant character before thrusting one last time and leaving your cock stuck deep in her pussy, filling her second hole with baby batter. You notice that she’s also having her orgasm as shown by her shaking legs and thighs. You pull out after the both of you have come down from your high—your cock is now shining thanks to her slick.
You walk away from her and open the bottom drawer, and would you look at that: a sealed bottle of Prael Gel lube. “When did you buy this?”, you ask her. “Wouldn’t you like to know”, she says before chuckling, “do it, daddy—I’m begging you”. After slathering lube all over your cock, you get into the bed again, “how do you want me?”, she says as she gets ready to get into position. “Just lay on your stomach and spread these cheeks for me”, you tell her, spanking both cheeks and making them red. “As you wish, daddy”, she says while her hands are spreading her cheeks, letting you see the forbidden hole.
Once you’re in, you start giving her deep but slow thrusts and let her asshole adapt to the large shaft lodged in it, “my God you’re so tight—fucking hell”, you exclaim while her anal muscles are squeezing your cock. “Alwa-always am, for you—oh my God, fuck!”, she screams into the pillow again when you reach the deepest point, “you’re going to ruin me, daddy—please ruin me, I’m nothing without you”, she says, making the fire in you rage wildly. “I’m going faster, keep squeezing my cock”, you say to her. Seeing her press her head into the pillow serves as a green light to you, so you start going faster while still hitting the deepest spot in her ass. “God I’m gonna cum again”, you groan as you’re inching closer to your third orgasm tonight.
You get on top of her and set your knees on either side of her thighs. You slowly move forward until your tip reaches her rear entrance. Seoyeon gasps and turns her head to look at you, “slowly, daddy, please—be gentle with your slut; it’s her first time”, she says to you, “did she just call herself a slut?”, you think. You just give her a nod while pushing into her ass—her muscles are not letting you in, “relax, baby, let me in”, you say to her.
You’re not entirely sure if she actually relaxes as you keep pushing forward and forcefully break in into her ass. You finally get past her sphincter, stretching her asshole and molding it into the shape of your cock. “Fuck, daddy, you’re so big! Please be gentle, please, please—God, fuck—it’s-it’s my first time, daddy—AHHHH!”, her screams are muffled by the pillow but still loud enough to reach your ears.
Not wanting to leave her behind, you lift her ass up into the air again and begin rubbing her clit. “Cum with me or I’m tying you to the bed”, you whisper in her ear. Upon hearing your command, she replies, “oh, oh, daddy, please let me cum with you—AHHHHH PLEAAASE”. The way her asshole squeezes your cock is foreign to you, so you can’t help but let out deep groans of your own. After thrusting in and out about a few dozen times while her moans and whines fuel your lust, the familiar feeling of reaching ejaculation is creeping up on you. You rub her clit faster to get her to cum with you while you keep fucking her ass. “Seoyeon, I’m cumming, take it all!”, “DADDY PLEASE”, she screams in return, and with it, you’re releasing in her ass while she squirts for the first time.
Despite feeling weak in the core and wanting to fall over, you pull out of her ass, being shown the gape your cock has made of her ass. Seoyeon is not making any sound right now, so you hope that she’s just drained and still fine. You peck her on the back of the head before going to the bathroom to start the shower.
After making sure that everything is set in the bathroom, you go back to the bedroom and touch her back, “no, no, daddy. Pochacco, please—fuck—I can’t take it anymore. Please, I’m begging you”, she says while panicking, saying her safe word for good measure. “Hey, hey, calm down, baby. We’re done for tonight. There’s nothing to worry about, okay?”, you soothe her while petting her head softly. “Let me take care of you, alright? The shower is ready”, you say to her before carrying her to the bathroom.
You sit her down on the stool since you figure that she won’t be able to stand up on her own after getting wrecked in all 3 holes. You start cleaning her back as usual before kneeling in front of her. “Oppa, did you like it? I-I hope I did well”, she says. “Baby, it was amazing and you did excellent. Thank you so much”, you say before going in for a kiss. “I thought my ass was on fire, oppa—“, she says after pulling away, so you hug her as a gesture of apology, “—but I think I liked it, you felt much bigger in my ass”. “Are you saying we should do it again? I think it was amazing”, you ask with hopefulness in your voice. “O-oh, yeah, sure”, she says before looking away, subtle pink tint on her cheeks.
You two get back into the bed after showering to start cuddling. You’re half-mindedly petting her head that’s currently tucked against your chest, inching closer to sleep before your brain reminds you of something. “Hey, baby, what happened? I thought you weren’t ready for anal?”, you ask her. “Ahh, oppa”, she whines cutely and slaps your chest lightly, “a friend told me that she had just given her anal cherry to her boyfriend as a birthday present, an-and I figured that maybe I could do that as well should you win the tournament”, she continues. “I must say that you’re crazy but I’m also thankful”, you say before kissing her head, “but where did the daddy kink come from?”, you follow up. Before saying anything, she pulls away from the cuddle and gets on top of you, “I.. want to be yours, like yours yours, you know?”, she says before looking away from your deep gaze, “I figured that I could be your subby baby and let you do whatever to me to prove my sincerity”.
You’re absolutely stunned by her answer, “you know you didn’t need to do all that, right? You know I love you”, you say to her. “Yes, yes, you always say that you love me, but I still want to do it. Please, oppa, accept me”, she says. You pull her down and hug her tightly, “of course, baby. I love you so much, okay?”, you then whisper in her ear, getting back into the dominant character, “you’re mine from now on, and you’ll do whatever I ask you to, you understand?”. “Yes, daddy. From now on, I’m your slut”, she replies, her voice laced with submission to you. Satisfied with her answer, you wrap her in your arms once again and take her to the dreamland while the gears in your head start spinning, trying to come up with things to do to her in the future.
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puffcap-factory · 6 months
Late Night Tea-Time (Wriothesley x reader)
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Wriothesley x fem!reader; fluff, established relationship, a teeny-weeny hint of smut. Just the hint, not the real smut.
Basically, it’s you staying up late at night working (and waiting for him) only to see him arriving with another new package of tea collections.
Words: 1.1k
Finally! My first genshin fic featuring the spicy Duke of Meropide himself, Wriothesley! It’s kinda short but I’d like to get this one out first as I was thinking of making a short series for him too (no promises, though, I’ll see how it goes hehe)
As always, please enjoy! :D
Piles of papers were spread on Wriothesley’s office desk as you carefully analyzed the data regarding the fortress’ logistics, seated on Wriothesley’s chair. The sounds of the piano from the record player filled the air as you took another sip of your tea, hoping it would help you regain the focus that had been faltering.
Suddenly, the creak of the door opening in the room below caught your attention. Wriothesley entered and ascended the stairs, carrying a new box of tea collections in his hands.
“You’re still working on the files? It’s already 11 pm,” he asked, finding you seated on his office chair. 
“Says someone who just returned from a business meeting. And with a fresh stash of tea,” you replied, a playful glint in your eye as you glanced at the box he carried.
It seemed everyone was beginning to catch on to the Duke’s fondness for tea, as most of the gifts he received always seemed to revolve around tea drinking, much to your amusement.
He chuckled softly at your response as he placed the newest tea set onto the tea cabinet, arranging it carefully.
“You won’t be sleeping if you keep drinking your tea, though.”
“It’s Rooibos, don’t worry,” you reassured him, watching as he made his way towards you.
“It’s late, y/n, I want you to rest,” he said softly, standing beside the chair. With a gentle pat on your shoulders, he lowered himself to your seat, planting a tender kiss on your temple. 
“Come now,” he urged gently, carefully removing the documents from your hand and placing them on the table. He offered you his hand, allowing you to stand up from his seat, and led you over to the nearby sofa. You gladly followed him.
He brought your tea cup over and placed it on the low table in front of you before returning to the tea counter. There, he found the pot of tea, still hot from the heater below, the one that you had been drinking from.
“I’ve made that for us. Feel free to pour yourself,” you offered from your seat.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he replied with a warm smile. He poured his own cup of tea before making his way to sit next to you.
After taking a sip of the tea, seemingly content with the brewing, he opened his arm, inviting you to come closer. You understood his gesture and happily nestled into his embrace, feeling his warmth as his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close.
“I’m not quite sleepy yet,” you admitted softly, looking up at him. He chuckled softly, his eyes filled with fondness towards you.
“Why’s that? You’ve been working on the data since this morning as far as I can remember.”
“I have, but all I’ve done today is sit behind the desk and work on the papers,” you explained.
“And you’re not tired from that?”
“I am– well, my mind is. And throughout the day, you were away, too.”
“So, you’re saying you’re just missing me so much that you can’t sleep?” he teased with a playful chuckle.
“Hey, you’ve been helping me spar in these past few weeks. Those physical activities actually helped me sleep, you know,” you countered with a pout.
“Physical activities, huh?” His eyes danced mischievously, a playful grin appearing on his lips.
“But… I don’t think I have the energy to spar right now. My mind is not in the capacity to devise a strategy to defeat you,” you said lazily, snuggling up closer to him. 
“You were actually thinking to spar right here, right now, at my office,” he gently laughed, his hand running soothingly through your hair.
“Well, why not? It’s not like we’re gonna blow this whole place up,” you replied with a playful grin, glancing over at your almost empty tea cup. You stood up and made way to the tea counter to take the tea pot. Wriothesley watched you with amusement from his seat, his eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and... something else.
Switching off the tea pot’s heater, you prepared to return to the sofa with the pot when the new tea set in the nearby cabinet caught your eye. Curiously, you opened the cabinet and examined it.
“You know,” you mused, holding the box in your hand, “I find it rather amusing that somehow, tea and you are never far from each other.”
He watched you with an amused smile, a spark of curiosity in his eyes as he leaned forwards. “And what do you mean by that?” 
“I feel like the scent of tea itself is starting to rub off on your scent. Imagine people catching a whiff of tea and turning to find the Duke of Meropide himself,” you continued, a small laugh escaping you at the image. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you started to taste like one.”
There was a sudden pause in the moment before he answered. “Taste like one… huh?” he stated, his tone lowering as he stood up from the sofa and made his way to you. You suddenly felt his arm, slowly wrapping you from behind, one arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close, while the other rested gently on your shoulder. The atmosphere had shifted, a subtle tension building as you realized the implication of your words. 
“Perhaps, you should find out for yourself,” he whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. His warm breath trickled against your ear and down to your neck as he nuzzled softly, hinting at the desire simmering beneath the surface. 
Feeling the heat of his body against yours, you set down the box of tea, fully aware of his unspoken invitation. You leaned back into his embrace, a playful spark igniting within you as you decided to tease him a bit further.
“And how would you suggest I do that?” you turned your head, meeting his gaze with a mischievous smirk, your lips mere inches from his.
For a moment, his eyes held yours, tender yet filled with hunger that started to cloud his gaze. “Well, considering your lack of physical activities today, I have a perfect idea to satisfy your curiosity as well as help you sleep.”
You caught the glint of lust in his eyes and understood exactly what was coming.
“Oh? Then what are you waiting for?”
With a smirk, he effortlessly scooped you up into a bridal carry, his arms strong and sure beneath you. Without a word, he carried you towards his bedroom, the tension between you still palpable. The aroma of tea lingered in the air as you two left the office, leaving the tea to grow cold.
That night, you slept more soundly than you had in weeks, wrapped in the warmth of his love, the taste of tea still lingering on your lips.
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deadhands69 · 11 days
cursing each other over and over again [1/3]
Super fluffy but eventually it gets smutty.
Toge Inumaki x cursed speech reader (not quite the same as his)
Warnings/content/etc: Toge Inumaki x reader, fem-bodied/no pronouns, unestablished relationship, swearing.
AU: Jujutsu University, all characters aged up.
This is part 1 ; part 2 - part 3
Text key: 🖤 You 🤍 Toge
Since you can remember, your cursed energy was always hard to control. Sure, you could speak logically but the moment a hint of emotion leaves your lips, you feel the curses spilling out. Laugh, and everyone laughs with you. Mumble one angry comment and you take out half a city block. That’s how you ended up here, being placed in this class with a small handful of other jujutsu sorcerers in training.
First day of school; maybe you’ll make friends? It’s a very small class. Sinking into the only empty seat in the room, they all begin introducing themselves. Maki. Panda. Yuta. Everyone but the light haired boy seated next to you who waves and mumbles “kelp.” 
“Hi, I’m [y/n].” you say to everyone, before looking curiously at the interesting boy to your left.
His amethyst eyes lock onto the curse marks wrapping around your lips (**photo at the bottom.) You’re used to it. Everyone does that. Then, he slides his phone to you.
🤍 [you can use normal words???]
Looking back up, he partially unzips the front of his jacket to reveal marks of his own. They’re cute, you think, noticing how they line up with his dimples when he smiles. He’s cute.
You open your mouth to speak but feel the cursed energy ready to give you away. He’s too cute.
🖤 [well, not now]
🖤 [my cursed technique uses my emotions. so I CAN speak just not anything emotionally charged]
🤍 [why not now?]
Your fingers fumble to reply. What are you supposed to say, “hi random nice stranger I just met - I can’t talk to you because you’re hot?” No, that won’t work. And you don’t want him to think he offended you so you have to say something. Que the spiral.
Dias ex machina: Gojo, the eclectic teacher who brought you to this school, makes an abrupt entrance.
After class, the blonde boy slides his phone to you with a blank ‘add contact’ screen open. You try not to think too much into it - he’s in your class and it’s the easiest way for you both to talk. While you input your contact info, he rejoins the rest of the class joking about something. They’re laughing hard when you slide his phone back in front of him. As you’re walking out the door, he texts while catching up to you.
🤍 [hey!]
🤍 [it’s toge]
🤍 [so why can’t you use words now?]
Shit. Shit. Shit.
🖤 [just nervous, first day of class and stuff]
It might be in your head, but he looks slightly disappointed that he’s not the reason you’re nervous. He nods.
🤍 [oh, got ya. well, if you wanna hang out later let me know] 
You reply without thinking.
🖤 [yeah, i’d love that]
🤍 [come by my room at 8?]
🖤 [see you then!]
Fuck. What did you just get yourself into? Being around attractive people has never gone well for you. Of course you've had crushes, who hasn't. It’s fine, as friends for a little while but the moment you utter a single word without thinking, you feel your cursed energy fly out on accident and they never want to be around you again. You can’t blame them. Maybe spending time with him will be different? It’s not like he can speak freely either. He has to understand, right? Plus, he’s just being nice because you’re new so there’s really no pressure. On the other hand, with such a small class it would be really awkward to fuck up and alienate yourself from one of your classmates. Especially when they all seem so close. Maybe this time it'll be different, you hope.
Before you know it, six hours have passed and you’re nervously standing outside the door of Inumaki’s dorm room. You’re still not sure how you can talk to him but hopefully in a more chill setting, your nerves will calm down and it’ll be easier.
Knocking a few times, you hear “(((come in)))” and you find yourself opening the door and stepping inside. You laugh, it’s weird being on the other end of that. (plus, hearing his voice makes you giddy - so much for easy and chill feelings.)
Toge sits cross-legged on the floor in front of a Mario Kart loading screen. He’s not wearing the jacket from earlier so you have a clear view of his neck. And arms. He didn’t initially strike you as the type to workout a lot but he’s definitely athletic. As he shifts his weight turning to you, every muscle in his arm tenses. He’s like the skinny version of a Greek god with a perfect face to match, there's absolutely no way you can actually talk to him now. 
You opt to smile, wave, and sit next to him. 
He hands you a controller before texting: 
🤍 [still not talking to me?]
He smiles. Happy to see he’s not offended, you can keep it playful.
You send him the “why are you so obsessed with me” Mean Girls meme. Fortunately, he laughs and you’ve successfully dodged the question again.
Hours go by and neither of you have felt the need to use words, just glances and faces when the other throws a banana or passes you. It’s comforting. 
You notice the way he leans into you, every time he turns in the game. Skin brushing warmly against your own. After a while, you get used to the controls and he gets bolder - throwing an arm in front of your face, bumping you over, etc so he can pass you.
On the last lap, you use a booster and overtake him. He responds by throwing all of his weight into you, leaving you both a tangled laughing mess on the floor. Cursed energy seeps out in your laugh, but that’s fine. It’s harmless and isn't making him do more than laugh harder. Besides, he used his technique on you earlier too so you don’t think he minds something this mild. 
He does mind that you’re coming into the final stretch and still ahead of him though. Having dropped his controller in the commotion (that he created) earlier, he resorts to the first impulsive thought that comes to mind. “Hmmmm!” you manage to hold back, swallowing your words when his bite connects with your arm. Close one. Is he flirting or just that competitive? Probably competitive. Yet, he’s still laughing and throws his hands over your face in one last attempt.
Not bothering to sit back up, you keep your hands on the controller, pulling through the finish line to beat him for the first time all evening. His hands slide off your eyes and you both sit up, much closer than you were before. Watching the cute characters bounce on the screen, you’re amused: this has to be the most dangerous activity happening on all of campus. If either of you slip-up, there goes the neighborhood. You text him this.
🤍 [nah you’re too cute to be mad at so i wont say anything. even if you cheated]
“(((Hey!)))” your sudden words are playful, but knock him back nonetheless. He smiles at you, still not caring. You extend a hand to pull him back up, mouthing ‘sorry.’
Then it hits you. 
He thinks you’re cute??
You re-read his message, to be sure you aren’t imagining anything. 
Yeah, he really said that.
So he was flirting? Or something like flirting?
🖤 [wait. is that why you asked me to hang out?]
To be fair, it’s part of why you wanted to hang out with him - but it would be nice to get clarification on his end. Wouldn't want to act like it was a date if he was just being nice and meant cute in some other way. Watching his hands type, you really hope the answer is yes.
“Salmon” he says out loud before the text shows up.
🤍 [you were staring at me blushing for half of class too so i thought we were on the same page?]
🤍 [plus, I had to ask]
🤍 [my friends were all taking bets on if you’d actually show up to my room]
They what? That last text hits like a ton of bricks and he sees it on your face.
So, he’s just hanging out with you to prove to his friends he could get you in his room? This is probably the joke everyone was laughing about before you left class today. First day and you’re already the joke. That’s disappointing, he seemed cute and nice. Now class will be awkward. You press up to leave. Seeing your face, he realizes how you took it.
“Caviar! Benito flakes!” he yells waving his hands before pressing your shoulder, urging you to sit back down. Confused, you stare at him before the onslaught of texts come in.
🤍 [no no no nononono not like that]
🤍 [i said you’re cute because you are cute]
🤍 [i asked you to hang out, because my friends said i’d be stupid not to]
🤍 [well Panda and Yuta did, Maki said you’re too hot for me]
🤍 [and i think Panda just wanted to watch me take an L]
🤍 [but Yuta thought i had a chance]
🤍 [so they all bet on it]
🤍 [and pushed me to ask you today]
🤍 [otherwise i probably would have debated it for a while]
🤍 [i still would have asked]
🤍 [just probably not today]
🤍 [but i really wanted to hang out with you]
🤍 [and Yuta thought i had a chance]
🤍 [besides, even if they were wrong and you didn’t think i was cute, it would be cool being friends]
🤍 [like with another cursed speech user]
🤍 [this shit sucks sometimes]
🤍 [i kinda figured you understood]
🤍 [it’s nice being around you]
He tears his eyes up from his phone to look into yours. He looks sad and desperate to be understood. You know that feeling well. 
There’s a bang on the door and you hear a woman’s voice “I never thought I would say this to you, but can you keep it down in there?? You’ve been banging around all night laughing now you’re yelling?”
“(((go to bed Maki)))” Toge yells at the door.
🤍 [fuck]
🤍 [she’s gonna kill me for that tomorrow]
🖤 [i think she’s just mad she lost the bet]
He smiles slightly, still looking concerned.
🤍 [are you okay?]
🤍 [i promise i actually like you]
🤍 [not just for the lolz]
🖤 [i think so]
🖤 [i had a lot of fun with you]
🖤 [it just sucks being the butt of the joke on the first day]
🤍 [oh]
🤍 [you’re not]
🤍 [me getting someone to like me was the joke]
🤍 [which is fair i guess]
🤍 [but it made me even more nervous]
🖤 [you were nervous?]
🤍 [you're pretty]
🤍 [and you can use more words than me]
🤍 [i thought so, at least]
🤍 [what am i supposed to say to you?]
🖤 [i get that]
🖤 [i was so nervous too]
🖤 [i have no game] 
🖤 [i can’t even talk to you]
🖤 [your friend was right tho]
🖤 [i do think you’re cute]
**not my photo, but here's what i think your curse marks look like:
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part 2
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sebsbarnes · 8 months
Hi there!
I first of all wanted to start off by saying that I’m absolutely obsessed with your work- it’s amazing!!
Secondly, I was wondering if I could make a request?
Can I request a tangerine x reader where they’re out at a bar or something and there’s this guy being really pervy and creepy and just won’t leave her alone?
Obviously the reader can handle herself but they just got back from a long and tiring mission, and she quite honestly doesn’t have the energy.
So of course tan comes to the rescue 🤭🤭
I hope this is okay, and if not please feel free to ignore this!!
Have a wonderful day love and don’t forget to drink lots of water <33
heey!! i really appreciate the kind words, it keeps me going! i hope you've had a good day/night and if not tm will be better! and i hope u enjoy this!
bar fight || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
warnings: harassment, fighting
word count: 1.6k+
a/n: im drawing inspo from something that happened to me one time at a bar which will be the reason tan steps in here but of course tangerine was not there to save me although that would've been lovely
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"just one pint! two, two! i swear and then we all can leave," lemon pleaded, "we can leave the second i finish it. i'll even take the last sip on the way out the door," he tried enticing you, rubbing his shoulder up and down against yours.
"i reek, lemon. and tangerine looks like he nose dived into green and purple paint," you grimaced slightly at the bruises forming on tan's face.
lemon grabbed your wrist dragging you closer to the bar doors, "is it even a real bar if at least ten people don't smell awful and your shoes don't stick to the floor?"
the color of your eyes disappeared into the back of your head, "let's go."
lemon did a little victory dance before swinging the door open which tangerine held for you to walk in. the fatigue was riddled on both of your faces. the three of you had just gotten back into town after a long and very successful mission. you were all for celebrating but tonight you'd rather celebrate with a burning hot shower.
"you 'right by yourself? i'm going to head to the balcony for a few," tangerine asked, waving his pack of cigarettes in the air.
"yeah go for it, i'll manage," you replied. tangerine gave you a small nod before turning his back and sliding outside.
the inside of the bar was packed and you were shuffling around with your shoulders pulled in to try and avoid hitting people. it was loud, smelly, and yes, the floors were grossly sticky. it only annoyed you more, but, you tried having a positive attitude about it. 'two drinks' is all you kept telling yourself. after what felt like years you made it to the bar. you were sandwiched against a girl with blonde hair and a guy who weaseled his way in between you and an older gentleman. you could feel his eyes burning holes in the side of your head and the last thing you wanted to do was look over, but, it was becoming too much.
"hi!" he nearly yelled as you glanced over quickly.
"hey," you said curtly, bringing your lips into a straight line.
"i'm craig. what's your name?" he asked leaning in closer to you. you gave him your name, refusing to look back at him as you felt his eyes examine you. the drink you ordered appeared in front of you and you scribbled your name on the receipt.
"what's that you're drinking?" craig asked but you pretended not to hear him as you slinked into the crowd, hoping to lose him.
it worked for a while, you found some space near a wall to stand. there was a group of girls next to you singing loudly and dancing around. you couldn't lie and say it wasn't infectious as one of the drunk girls grabbed your hand and started dancing with you, which of course you joined in. it was fun and it kept your mind off how tired your body was.
"thought i lost you there!" you flinched away, startled, by craig's nervous laughter beside you. you looked down at the man who stood inches below you and gave him an award-winning fake smile.
"you're very pretty," he said puffing his chest out slightly.
"you don't talk much, eh? is it because you're nervous around me?" craig asked his eyes looking down at your legs.
"just tired!" you exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, gulping down the tequila in your cup.
"you seem a bit lonely, are you by yourself tonight?" he persisted, inching closer to you with each word despite you stepping to the side each time.
"nope!" you retorted, popping the 'p' and turning to find the bathroom.
you stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes and finished your drink. the eyebags seemed to protrude out of your face as you examined them in the mirror. now, lemon had to almost be done with his drinks. that man can pound drinks back. so, with high hopes you left the bathroom to go find a seat at the bar and wait until lemon found or texted you or hopefully tangerine was done smoking.
there was a vacant stool in the dead center which you jumped on. your elbow rested against the bar, head in hand, absentmindedly watching the tv in the corner. it was a boxing match that you had zero interest in but it provided enough entertainment. you shut your eyes tight as you felt the familiar, unwelcomed, presence over your shoulder.
"look, i think you are really pretty. hotter than anyone else here and look at me. any girl would want me and the fact you're trying to play hard to get is starting to really piss me off," craig ranted but you refused to turn your head and pretended like the noise of the bar drowned his voice out.
"you're right, i'm sorry. that was rude of me, i apologize. i just noticed you the moment you walked into the bar and i needed to talk to you. you're really beautiful and i know i'd treat you right. whoever you're dating must not be treating you right because i can feel that you want me."
tangerine blew out one last cloud of smoke and tossed his cigarette into the ashtray. it was far more peaceful outside but he knew he had to go in and find lemon, who he knew was more than two drinks in and probably friends with ten more people. tangerine opened the door back into the bar and scanned the room. that's when he saw a man with his hand on your throat.
you ignored craig's presence until you no longer could. he was silent for a few moments after his rant. suddenly, you saw a hand snake into your field of vision and you felt his hand pressing firmly against your throat. you were shocked for a moment before realizing what was going on. craig's thumb and middle finger were applying harsh pressure to your throat making it hard to breathe. then, you felt the pressure shift in his hand from choking to pushing. craig pulled you to the ground by your throat, your body flying backward off the stool and slamming into the floor.
you saw a figure jump over your body and loud commotion next to you but you were too disorientated at the moment from the wind being knocked out of you. one of the bartenders leaped over the bar and pulled you up and shielded you from the commotion. that's when you realized it was tangerine who had hopped over and started beating craig to the floor. it was like a scene straight out of the boxing match you were just watching. tangerine towered over craig in height and build and the anger in his face was terrifying.
tangerine was throwing the smaller man across the bar with punches. he'd punch craig in the face to which he stumbled and then tangerine would trip him. his body would fall to the ground and tangerine would pick him up by the shirt before launching him into the now vacant stools.
"please!" craig pleaded, blood running from his eyebrow. tangerine grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his face into the bar.
"you like hurting women? huh?" he screamed, "you think you're so tough, look at you now! fuckin' pathetic piece of shit. what? it's not fun being picked on and harassed?"
tangerine was raging. his face and chest were red with anger and the vein in his forehead pulsated. he had wild eyes similar to when he was on a mission. you watched as he slipped his hand into his pants pocket, slipping on his brass knuckles. before he was able to crush the bastard's nose lemon swooped in from behind and grabbed tangerine's bicep. the bouncers from outside grabbed craig by the neck of his shirt and kicked his bloody body out of the bar. lemon's hands were on tangerine's shoulders trying to calm his brother down. finally, tangerine's chest rose and fell at a normal pace and he turned his head and noticed you. lemon released his shoulders letting him walk to you.
tangerine cupped your face and craned his neck down a bit, "are you alright love?"
you laughed slightly uncomfortable that a big scene was made because of you, "yeah... just shocked really."
"did he hurt you in any other way?" he asked with softness.
"no. no... i didn't think it would turn into that. he had been bothering me the whole time i should've been more forceful but i was just too tired to really care," you sighed.
"no," tangerine said sternly, now eye level with you, "none of this is your fault, okay? that prick should know better than to continue to harass someone who is clearly not accepting their advances. and the fact he fuckin' put his hands on you. fuck i'll..." tangerine gritted his teeth now standing upright and looking towards the door craig was kicked out of.
"tan! no. you getting arrested is not worth it. i'm okay, okay? he got what he deserved and i really don't want to be here any longer," you pleaded, grabbing onto his forearm to force him to look at you.
tangerine caressed your head, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and anger. tangerine guided you outside and when the door shut he pulled you into a tight but gentle hug, mindful of your back.
"i'm so fuckin' sorry love. i should've stayed with you the whole night," he whispered into your hair.
you pulled back from the hug, "mmm no, hey, hey- that's not what we are going to do. you have nothing to be sorry for and i'm thankful for you and not just now when you beat dickheads up for me, but always."
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rockstarhaechan · 7 months
a familiar face opened the door to the store you’ve been working at. quickly rushing to the back with the energy drinks before disappearing for some minutes. after some time he came to the front desk to pay, setting all his items on the counter.
“do you actually have a few of those drinks in the back? there were only two left and those won’t keep me up for the night” mask pulled all the way up, hat sitting on the top of his head. you signaled him to wait as you ran into the back, searching for more.
“this is all i could find, i’m sorry” you placed the last 2 drinks on the counter before scanning the items and packing them up in a bag, when you were done you pushed the back over to him nodding once.
“why do you always work night shifts? isn’t it exhausting?” he tried small talk with you now, which was the first time but he’s been curious cause when he first saw her working night shifts, he came back the other day to see if it was her regular shift, and when he noticed that she only works night shifts he started going there every night, taking the few extra minutes to walk just to see her again.
“night shifts pay more, and it’s usually calmer, you’re mostly the only person that comes in for the next two to three hours, people barely come” he was looking at you in awe, arms resting on the counter before speaking up again.
“well i usually went to a store some minutes away from here closer to my dorm, but i just walk here to make sure you’re alright” he scratched his head, looking obliviously nervous.
“oh you didn’t have to go all this way you know, but i really appreciate you” a small smile was placed on your face, looking at the familiar boy who’s been waiting for you to take his card. taking his cards and swiping it through the card machine before handing it back. the tall boy smiled at you, accepting his card back before placing it into his pocket.
“i’ll see you soon i guess” you didn’t know his name, but you were waiting for the next day already, hoping to see him again. he seemed sweet and caring, making sure you’re alright.
“donghyuck, and i’ll see you soon!” he smiled before making his way to the exit quickly looking back at you while grinning. “you haven’t told me your name yet” he smiled.
“y/n, my name is y/n” you replied before blushing a little. he made it the exit before he reached out for the door a small “ see you soon y/n” was heard as he disappeared into the dark leaving you with a faint smile on your face and blushing cheeks.
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a/n: hi there! slowly slowly writing things and this was a quick little thing that i wrote at work during lunch! i promise i’m still working on all the ask headcanons and the long fics i’ve been teasing, i’m just incredibly slow lately. let me know what you think!
word count: 1.7k
tw: none, just straight up domestic fluff
summary: andrei comes home late and finds his favorite sight on the couch
Andrei pushes the front door open quietly, making sure to catch it behind him so it closes with a soft snicking noise and not a slam like it usually does. The front hall of the house is dark, a little spooky, and he toes off his sneakers to leave them by the shoe rack. A few pairs of child-sized sneakers and rain boots are scattered by the front door and he laughs under his breath at the sight. The grass was damp and a few puddles were forming by the walkway when he drove up, so he figures it must have been raining in Raleigh today.
And a rain day usually means all five kids get their energy out by stomping in puddles and getting as muddy as possible.
He leaves his duffle bag and carry-on suitcase by the door, not wanting to risk waking anyone up by bringing them upstairs. Although, he checks his watch, it’s after 2 in the morning, so you and the kids really should be in a deep sleep. He hadn’t expected to get home so late, but bad weather and then minor mechanical issues had delayed the flight from Nashville. He had texted you when the plane landed, but you hadn’t replied so Andrei figured you were asleep.
Andrei’s stomach growls and he detours into the kitchen before heading up to bed. A little post-midnight snack won’t hurt, besides he’ll probably wake you with the noise his stomach is making if he tried to get in bed now.
When he cuts through the living room, the sight on the couch stops him in his tracks. You’re planted in the middle of the oversized piece of furniture, eyes shut, mouth hanging slightly open as you snore softly with your head propped back against the couch. The kids are sprawled around you - Evie with her feet in your lap, head resting on the arm of the couch, a pair of Barbie dolls are resting next to her seated like they were watching TV too. Alina propped up against your side, curled into a little ball with her blanket clutched tightly to her chest. Kira sprawled over your lap and Evie’s legs, like a little starfish with one arm wedged in between the couch cushions and one leg dangling off the edge, foot pointed to the floor. The boys - 18-month-old Dimitri and five-month-old Maks - are curled up on your lap, Maks’s head resting on your shoulder and cradled in place by your arms and Dimitri’s little hand splayed over your breast, thumb lodged firmly in his mouth.
Andrei stays where he is, looking at you and the kids for a while, heart expanding with love. His fingers twitch for his phone, wanting to take a photo, but he resists and just soaks in the moment.
Your hair is falling over your face and Andrei leans in to gently move the pieces off your forehead. You wrinkle your face up at the touch and Andrei winces, thinking he’s woken you up, but you just sigh softly and your face relaxes back into sleep. Dimitri whines against your chest and your arm reflexively tightens around his back, keeping him close to you.
Andrei loosens his tie and takes off his jacket, padding quietly into the kitchen for a quick snack, while he debates the pros and cons of leaving you to sleep the rest of the night on the couch or to wake you up and move you to the bedroom. On one hand, your neck and back will be killing you in the morning. On the other hand, waking you up runs the risk of waking up the kids. Luckily, the decision is made for him in the next few minutes when Maks starts to fuss and you wake up groggily, blinking against the dim light in the kitchen.
“Solnyshka,” Andrei murmurs quietly, not wanting to startle you, but also wanting to make sure you know he’s here.
“Andrei?” Your voice is sleep scratchy and you adjust the boys in your arms, Maks really starting to wake up for his feeding. Dimitri squirms in his sleep and you hope, in the back of your sleep fogged mind, that he doesn’t wake up because if he does, he’s going to want to latch onto your other breast and a tandem feed is not something you’re up to right now.
“Mhm,” Andrei comes around the back of the couch and lifts Dimitri into his arms, cuddling the toddler close in the hopes of lulling him back to sleep. “Just got in a few minutes ago.” Dimitri buries his face into Andrei’s neck, one little hand closing tightly around the loosened tie hanging from Andrei’s neck.
“Kids wanted to wait up for you,” you mumble, eyes half shut as you pull down the neck of your oversized and extremely stretched out shirt, popping your nipple in Maks’s mouth before he can start screaming. The fussy baby quiets instantly, chubby little hand resting on the swell of your breast and eyes closing as he sucks. You wince at the sensation, never used to it even after five babies, and relax back against the couch cushions. Evie’s foot twitches in your lap and you stroke the top of it with your free hand. “Told them you’d see them in the morning, but you know these Svechnikov babies. Stubborn like their papa.”
Andrei scoffs at your teasing tone. “Stubborn like their mama, you mean,” he sways on his feet, keeping Dimitri asleep. He’s got one arm bracing the toddler under his bottom and he’s confident the boy isn’t going anywhere because he takes his other hand and rests it on the crown of your head, rubbing his thumb gently over your scalp. You lean into his touch, humming happily. “I will take them upstairs, yes?”
“Aw, leave them,” you mumble, wrinkling your nose as a tiny baby fingernail scratches your skin. “They were so excited to stay up and see you. Not that a single one of them made it past the first intermission. I figured staying up late on a Friday won’t hurt them.” You giggle a little, Andrei’s fingers starting to thread through your hair and massage your scalp. “‘M glad you’re home.”
“Was only a short trip,” Andrei replies quietly, resting his cheek against the top of Dimitri’s head and inhaling the soft smell of baby shampoo.
“Felt long,” you yawn, patting Maks’s diapered bottom with one hand and pulling the blanket up over Kira’s chest from where it slipped from all her wiggling around. “Missed you.”
Maks unlatches from your breast, drops of stray milk landing on his little face. You wipe them away with the sleeve of your shirt and shift him onto your shoulder so you can burp him. Andrei takes a few steps into the kitchen - you miss the warm, heavy weight of his hand on your head immediately - and retrieves a kitchen towel to drape over your shoulder. He tucks it under Maks’s chin just before the baby spits up all over you and the couch.
“Oh, ugh,” you groan quietly. “Gross, Maksy.”
Andrei chuckles and drops a kiss to the top of your head. “Take him upstairs and go to bed. I will clean up,” he says, gently using his free hand to lift Alina’s head off of your side. Your second oldest doesn’t even make a sound, she’s dead to the world and a bomb going off next to her head wouldn’t wake her up. You hold Maks to your chest, a warm, sleepy bundle, and move Evie and Kira’s feet off your lap. It’s a practiced dance and you pull off the manoeuvre with ease, even though you hold your breath until you’re standing and both girls are still asleep. Andrei gently guides Alina’s head onto the cushion, cradling her head with one huge palm until she’s settled and holding her blanket to her face, fast asleep.
You yawn again and hold out your free hand for Dimitri. You would argue with Andrei that he’s tired too and that you can clean up the couch, but before you even open your mouth, he shoots you a stern look that has you keeping quiet. “Let me take number four too,” you say instead. “He’ll stay asleep now, I think.”
Andrei transfers Dimitri to your arms and the toddler is limp and heavy with sleep. He brushes the palm of his hand over the back of Dimitri’s head and presses a soft kiss to the blonde hair. “Spokoynoy nochi, Dimka,” he mumbles before nudging your cheek with his fingers. “Go, sleep,” he orders gently, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I will clean.”
Emotion clogs your throat. It’s only been two days since Andrei was last home, but you’ve missed him so much. Everything seems easier when he’s home. Five kids on your own is hard, even though you love them more than life itself. They’re all just so full of energy, it’s hard to manage sometimes.
“Go on, solnyshka,” Andrei encourages you. “I will be up soon.”
You nod tiredly, hoisting Dimitri a little higher on your hip before making your way upstairs.
Andrei cleans the spit up off the couch, tucks blankets around the girls, and leaves a light on in the kitchen so they won’t be in the pitch dark if they wake up before the sun is up. He leaves his phone plugged in and set to the baby monitor app that can also be checked from your phone, just in case, and heads upstairs, unbuttoning his shirt as he goes.
Maks is in his bassinet in the master bedroom, wearing his little sleep suit. His arms are up above his head, hands in little fists, as he lets out soft baby snores. Andrei can’t help but smile at the little noises. He’s certainly your son.
When he looks over at the bed, you’re fast asleep too, wrapped in a c-shape around Dimitri. The toddler is curled up against your chest, holding onto your shirt. One of your arms is draped loosely over him, a hand cradled against the back of his head.
He showers and changes quickly, crawling under the covers next to you. You hum when you feel Andrei’s chest press up against your back, his arm wrapping heavily around your waist. “Welcome home,” you mumble.
Andrei buries his face in your neck, kissing his favorite spot behind your ear. You sigh and relax into his embrace, snuggling as close to him and his warmth as possible. His hand slides over your stomach, fingers coming to rest just inside the waistband of your sleep shorts, curling against your hipbone.
He doesn’t let go of you for the rest of the night.
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Please could I request Casey x reader angst/fluff. Your writing is literally mesmerising. Like I can’t get enough! Could it include like a shower/bath scene. Something hot and needy. Thanks. I hope that makes sense
thank you sweetheart! i’m sorry that this took a millennia to follow up on.
You sit in vanquish—your body folded, and your head resting on your knees. The faint ticking of the clock perched on the otherwise barren wall of your kitchen can be heard, and so can the sounds of Casey’s pacing. The noise only serves to burgeon your anger, but you don’t have the energy to throw the clock off the wall or admonish the cowed redhead in the next room. You silently wager that your thoughts in this moment lay in alignment with Casey’s—disbelieving and maligned with scorn. Light footsteps near the door that shrouds your crumpled figure; you hope the older woman will just keep walking, but you know she won’t.
The hinges whine as Casey slowly opens the door, and you lift your head to look at her. Her expression is just as disappointed as you imagine your own to be, and her usually hubristic posture has been replaced by one marking defeat. You shoot her a tight-lipped grimace, and she nods before moving to sit next to you on the small couch. A suffocating tension looms overhead the two of you; Casey runs her pale hands through her cropped hair as a subconscious response to it. The strain this case had levied upon your relationship in the past two days seems inconsequential as you relive the trial in your head with rancor.
“We fucked up.” She says causticly, and you suck in a prolonged, sharp breath.
“I’m aware; we’re going to fix it.” You whisper, your tone condescending; she scoffs.
“There is no resolution. We put the wrong guy in jail and he’ll forever be traumatized.” She replies, turning her head to stare directly at the wall in front of her; you wince at your words.
“I knew this was a mistake.” She avows quietly, and you turn your head sharply towards her shadowed figure.
“What was a mistake?” You ask, and your suddenly defensive tone compels her body into rigidity.
“Working with you despite this relationship.” She says, clenching her jaw; you smile wordlessly at the absurdity of her statement.
“Are you serious?” You ask after a few moments, and you attempt to search her dazed hazel eyes for an answer.
“You cloud my judgement.” She says, and you drag your hands roughly across the surface of your face.
“This case had nothing to do with our relationship, and you know it. You were arrogant.” You say venomously, motioning your hands to punctuate your statement; Casey smiles bitterly.
“It’s not just about this case.” She breathes, her voice scraping; you shake your head in incredulity.
“What are you going to do, then?” You ask, boorishly cutting through the nauseating silence.
“I can’t threaten my reputation like this.” She says, and the faltering hesitation of her voice doesn’t go unheeded by you.
Quietness consumes the space between the both of you once more, and unease crackles through the room. Casey drops her head in rout against the situation she finds herself in, and you’ve never seen her this dejected. You knew the older woman was like this—logically obsessed and driven by pride, but for some naive reason, you never expected it to bite you in the ass. The ringing in your ears swells in volume the longer you sit next to the redhead, and the uncertainty of it all becomes unbearable. You stand in an attempt to maintain any semblance of composure, and as you walk forward, you can feel Casey staring through you.
“What are you going to do, Casey?” You repeat staring at the wall, trying to suppress your indignation at her dodging answer; she groans.
“I don’t know.” The redhead admits, stretching her hands in turmoil; you turn to look at her with an expression of both resentment.
“You never had any intention of entertaining us. You’ve been praying for a fuck-up you could blame on me.” You aver, perching your hands on your hips and laughing slightly.
“Right; like you haven’t?” Casey says flippantly, her voice louder and miles more incensed than before; you hear her stand.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” You shout, slowly stepping closer to her towering body in a cloud of ire.
“Are we seriously pretending you’ve been some bleeding heart, open book around me. You’re more distant than I am, but I’m the problem?” She jeers loudly, and each word spilling from her lips infuriates you further.
“This is over. Fuck off.” You chide, attempting to end this exchange as quickly as possible; she looks at you indifferently.
“You’re not getting out of this by insulting me.” Casey says before curling her lips into a noxious smile that sends a pulse of arousal through your body.
You slide out of the bedroom without responding; she knew that statement would make you run, and you know that nothing you say could make her leave right now. Blood rushes to your head so violently that you feel intoxicated, and the thrill you get from arguing with the older woman terrifies you as much as the thought of her absence. You know this isn’t healthy, and you know something within you is fucked up for enjoying the instability between you two. You can hear Casey distantly following you; ducking into the bathroom, you close the door and peel off your clothes. You pray that the redhead will have left by the time you get done showering in hopes of avoiding this conversation until the next day.
Searingly hot water pummels the top of your head with such vigor that you can barely breathe. The spray of it relieves the tension in your muscles, but you’d failed to consider how such a menial task would embolden your rumination about the older woman. Flashes of Casey—begging and cumming beneath you—are the only thing occupying your thoughts; you can’t even be bothered to dwell on your argument for how distracted you currently are. Your engrossment disallows you to register the sound of the door opening, and the shadow now standing in the bathroom. You blink a few times to ensure that you’re not seeing things before wiping away steam from the glass; the redhead is leaning against the doorframe and looking directly at you.
“Do you need something?” You ask, trying to ignore the adrenaline surging through your body at the mere sight of her.
“Yeah—a shower.” Casey states curtly before pulling her shirt out from beneath her slacks, and unbuttoning it from the top.
“You’re unbelievable. Go shower at your own house.” You say after turning your head away from her to maintain a shaky, aloof facade.
You watch through the glass in absolute dismay as she finishes undressing, throwing her clothes towards the edge of the room. You know she’s pleased with this idea of hers as she glides her panties down her legs gradually, and holds them up for you to see before tossing them to join the rest of her clothes. You step to the back of the shower and convince yourself that your self-control won’t bend, but as she opens the door and steps in front of you, you know you’re fucked. She keeps her back to you as she wets her hair and makes a scene of bending over to grab a bottle of shampoo. You feel as if you’re going to pass out looking at her; you clench your thighs together in a futile bid to quell the aching between them.
Casey turns to face you—her eyes closed and her head angled back towards the shower head—and your ragged willpower shreds fully. You wait for her to straighten her body before pushing her into the tiled shower wall, looking at her wildly. Her hooded eyes fall to look into your crazed ones; she knows she has you at her behest. Casey grins arrogantly before roughly grabbing your face, and slamming her lips into yours. Her tongue traces every inch of your mouth by memory, and you groan as she bites your lower lip without mercy. The redhead releases her grip on your jaw crassly, opting to grope at your chest and hips instead. She eventually tires of her previous actions and slides her hands up to your chest, grabbing at you with fervor.
“It’s always been you who’s ran. You think you can live without this?” She growls in the space between your neck and shoulder; you can’t even form the words to respond.
She has you pinned against the shower wall, panting and writhing under her lips. The older woman’s knee is planted right beneath your cunt as a silent challenge—pathetically get yourself off on her thigh, or endure her torturous endeavors. Casey pulls away from your skin entirely, watching you with a condescending grin as you struggle to keep your core from making contact with the flexed muscle of her thigh. The redhead delicately slides her fingertips across the inflamed skin of your hips, and watches you shutter with great enjoyment. Clearly unsatisfied with your unwillingness, she shoves her leg up into you, pulling a near scream from your throat; however, you stay unmoving, determined to win this vain exchange of will.
“I always run first because I know how easy it’d be for you to leave.” You manage to breathe out between whines, and Casey’s face contorts with surprise at your candor.
“I’ve never thought about leaving.” She says, lowly; you just look at her with desperation.
“What about now?” You pant, trying vehemently to keep from rocking your hips atop the older woman; she straightens her leg and you cry out.
Casey pulls you from the wall by your wrist, planting you in front of her under the battering water. She envelops her lips with yours with the same intensity as before, only this time it’s not fueled by anger. The older woman drags her calloused hands over your body with such care that you can almost ignore the painful throbbing between your legs. As if she could hear your thoughts, Casey drops her hand to graze over you lightly, toying with you still; you sway into her chest and groan. She slips inside you effortlessly, sliding in and out of you slowly as you grip at her waist; she moves her thumb lazily against your clit. You’re nearly silent now—slack jawed and unable to vocalize much more than quiet grunts. Casey entangles her free hand in your hair and pulls your head from her chest, looking at you intently.
“Did you mean what you said, about it being over?” She rasps, stilling her movements to give you a fighting chance at forming a response.
“No, Casey. Fuck.” You choke out, trying to force air into your burning lungs; she resumes her ministrations.
You both know it won’t take much more to send you tumbling over the edge of the precipice. Casey increases the speed of her pumping, and the burning in your lower stomach ignites fully. Your vision blurs and the older woman angles her body to keep your own from collapsing onto the ground. You’re clawing at her back without thought and you know you’re probably hurting her, but you don’t know what else to do. Casey’s repeating a mantra of ‘I know,’ and peppering kisses across your wet body as you cum. The scalding water and the vigor of the older woman’s effect on you strains your body to its threshold of failure. Your mind is nothing but static as Casey shuts off the water and practically drags you out of the shower, sitting you on top of the sink. She drapes your trembling body in a white towel and she’s smirking; you think it a fitting expression to wear after fucking every cogent thought out of someone’s head.
The redhead folds a towel over her own body; you watch as drops of water fall from her shorn hair to her chest, disappearing beneath the white cotton. She turns her attention back to your still heaving body, and helps you to stand on unstable legs. Casey lifts the towel from you and begins to absorb the water dripping from your heated skin; she frowns with determination—the same way she does when chasing a detail through the pages of a case file. She straightens her body out after drying you, and you pull her head down softly to meet her lips. You kiss her idly, and revel in the mindlessness of the action; she cups your jaw with her hands during the duration. She pulls away after landing a final nip to your bottom lip; she lays her hand under your head, forcing you to look at her.
“Stop running from me.” She whispers, running her thumb back and forth across the sensitive skin beneath your jawline.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You say, covering her hand with your own to convey the seriousness of your words.
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hiii , if i can ask for like mammon and mc sitting in his room and he tried to "do it" with her a lot of times but she just stop him , one day he get a little mad so asked for asmo help , so asmo asked mc what was the reason and she told him that she feel insecure abt her body , he conferm her، and when asmo tell mammon abt it he go to her and make her love her body on his way
thanks if u accept it and if not have a good day<3333333
"You’re beautiful to me"
Nsfw content MDNI
Characters: Mammon X Fem!Reader
CW: Nipple play, Oral (Receiving,) Penetration (Receiving.) Some gendered language and MC has breasts, but ambiguous genitals as always. MC has unspecified body insecurities.
A/N: Thanks for the request! <3 This is such a cute idea! Body positivity is so important! I've never written Mammon, but it was fun! He's just a sweetie. ~1600 words.
It wasn't the first time this had happened. You were sitting with Mammon on his couch and he leaned over to kiss you. It’s not like you weren’t attracted to him obviously. He was so handsome, but you didn’t feel like you deserved him at all. You had apprehensions and insecurities about your body, not that he would have known. How could you let him see you fully, or touch you? You were afraid he would be disgusted.
As he leans in for a kiss you put a hand on his chest and push him away. “I’m sorry,” You say suddenly, “I need to go.”
Again, he’s taken aback, looking frustrated, almost angry; Probably wondering if it was something he was doing wrong, or maybe if you just weren’t attracted to him. He opens his mouth to say something, but decides against it.
You get up and walk out of the room. Saying “I’m sorry,” again as you leave. If only you could just get over your insecurities around your body, but it’s not so simple.
The next day, Asmodeus catches you in the hall. “Hey,” He says. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” you reply. “How about you?”
“Just okay?” He asks. “That won’t do at all! What’s the matter?”
“It’s Mammon,” You say. "I don't know where to begin…"
“He talked to me,” Asmo nods. “I don’t want to let too much on, but do you maybe want to talk about it?”
“It’s just he’s so handsome,” You say.
“Well that doesn’t sound like a problem,” Asmo laughs. “Just the opposite actually.”
“Well,” You say, rubbing your arm and looking down, “I just… have some insecurities… about my body. I like him. A lot. I just don’t know if I can do it.”
“Darling!” Asmo exclaims. “You’re gorgeous! What do you have to worry about? Mammon would be lucky to have you, that slouch!”
“Thanks Asmo,” You laugh. You explain in detail to him what you don’t like about your body and he listens carefully, nodding as he does.
As you finish, Asmo says “He really likes you. You should take him seriously when he tells you how he feels. Give him a chance. Besides, I think he would understand and know exactly how to treat you.” He winks and walks away.
You feel a little better after getting to just talk about it, and of course a few compliments from Asmodeus could boost anyone’s ego. Maybe he was right and Mammon could actually help instead of making things worse.
Later that day, you visit Mammon in his room. Your heart is pounding as you knock on the door. Would Mammon try with you again? Would you be able to let him? You shake your head to clear your thoughts.
“Heya beautiful,” He says as he answers the door. He winks at you and flashes his beautiful smile at you. You roll your eyes and scoff, but inside, his compliment makes you happy.
You walk in and sit on the couch as usual. Mammon sits next to you.
“Asmodeus talked to me,” Mammon says. He looks like he's going to explode with nervous energy. It's not like him, usually so confident and cool.
“I know,” you laugh.
“I love ya,” He blurts out. “All of ya! You don’t have to worry about what I’m gonna think, cause I’m gonna love ya no matter what! You’re beautiful to me and nothin’s gonna change that.”
“Mammon… That’s so sweet,” You say. “I… I want you. I think I’m ready.”
He smiles. “It’s okay if you’re not. I’m just happy to know that ya don’t hate me!”
“No” You laugh. “I really like you.” You blush.
He smiles and looks at you, this time really seeing you. His piercing blue eyes have such a gentle look today. The way he looks at you makes you feel more comfortable already. It makes you feel… beautiful.
 You’re blushing immensely as he leans closer. Your heart is thudding as he cups your face, bringing your eyes to his. His skin is so warm and soft against yours “Is this okay?” He asks. You nod and he brings his lips to yours for the first time. His lips feel soft and sweet against yours. He wraps you into a soft kiss that grows more passionate with each passing second until he wraps you up in his arms and takes you to the bed.
He lays you down, and says “Are ya sure this is okay?”
You look away and blush. “I’m ready," you reply.
He crawls onto the bed over you, kissing you again. You can feel his warm, strong hands making his way down your body, soaking you in. He feels the hem of your shirt and begins to pull it up, and reluctantly you let him. As he pulls your shirt over your head he looks over your body and smiles. “You’re more beautiful than I coulda imagined,” he says, as he begins to kiss you in all the spots you confided insecurity about. Gentle little kisses to tell you that no matter what you thought about yourself, he thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
He wraps your arms around his neck and he pulls you up. You giggle as he does and bashfully look away when his eyes meet yours.
“Ya still doing okay?” He asks.
“Yeah,” You smile.
“Good,” He says, turning you around, “Cause I’d never want ya to be sad!”
He kisses the back of your neck and your shoulders. His surprisingly soft fingers dance around the skin that your bra straps sit against. He brushes them gently off your shoulders and fiddles with the clasp for a second. Suddenly you feel the pressure release around your shoulders as the cups fall away from your breasts. He pulls you in close, and it’s impossible to ignore his hard cock pressing against you, even as he grabs your breasts with his strong hands. You lean back into him and moan a little as he rubs your nipples. He kisses your neck some more.
Running his hands up and down your body, he makes his way down to your pants. He pulls them down along with your panties. Your heart is pounding now as you’re fully nude in front of him.
“Why don’t ya lay down?” He asks, turning you and laying you on your back.
He returns to kissing you all over your body, focusing on the parts of your body that you didn’t love about yourself, but he did. The funny thing is, he was able to make you forget about it entirely before he’d even gotten your pants off.
He makes his way gradually to your hips, spending lots of time planting little kisses on your legs; each kiss sending a little shiver up your spine. His lips brush the soft skin of your inner thigh as he gets closer and closer. He casually brushes your genitals with his nose and you shake under him, the pleasure already building up in sensitivity that explodes when his lips actually touch down. You gasp and moan as he licks you up and down.
“Oh my god that feels so good, Mammon,” You moan. You can feel him smile against your skin, proud of himself, and no doubt enjoying himself too.
He’s incredibly skilled with his tongue, teasing more moans out of you as he swirls it around. Your back arches and you shiver as he runs his tongue over you relentlessly. Your moans are getting louder with each second and your hips start to move on their own. Mammon starts to moan himself as you grind into him, the vibrations of his voice adding more to the sensation. It’s enough to send you over the edge and with one loud long moan, you cum.
Panting and moaning, you lay there as Mammon crawls over you. He pulls his pants down and puts his cock against your entrance. “Are you ready?” He asks.
You try to respond, but all you can do is nod your head. He smiles and presses slowly into you. You moan as you can feel his length push into you. He takes his time pressing all the way in. You look up at him and he meets your eyes with those beautiful blue eyes. He cups your cheek as he presses all the way into you and kisses you as he begins to pull out. You moan into his mouth as your tongues wrap around each other.
His thrusts are slow, but intense. Each time he pushes his hips into yours you can feel all of his length against your walls. He does deep passionate thrusts as he kisses you. It’s the gentle kind of sex that shows how much he cares about you.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he starts to thrust faster, but still just as deep. You cling to him as he kisses you, your sweaty bodies wrapped up in your passion. You moan into his mouth as he pumps into you, each moan getting higher pitched and faster.
Mammon pulls away, sticky trails of saliva running between your lips. “I’m gonna cum,” He groans.
“Me too,” You reply.
He thrusts into you a few more times and you feel his cock throbbing inside as he pumps his hot cum into you. It pushes you over the edge and you cling to him tightly, shrieking in pleasure.
The two of you sit the for a moment, almost afraid to move. Finally, Mammon starts to pull out and the sensation is almost too much to bear. He does it slowly and waves of overstimulating pleasure wash over you. When he’s out, he lays next to you and smiles as he plays with your hair.
“I hope that was okay,” He says.
“It was amazing,” You say, panting still.
He just smiles and looks at you as you doze off, happy to have finally gotten to be with you.
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thebest-medicine · 6 months
Day 14: Soft
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 - Caleb / Mollymauk - lee!Molly
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: Based on “Date someone who will give you back scratches when they’re reading or watching something next to you, and when you squirm they just smile because they know you love it and continue until you’re giggling up a storm. Better if they sigh slightly “You’re disturbing my peace” and tickle you more until you’re a puddle and they have the goofiest smile on their face.”
Words: 1.2k
Caleb doesn’t look up from the page when Molly walks into the library. He doesn’t even look up when Molly makes it over to the desk, trailing a finger over the wizard’s hunched shoulders. “And how are you doing this evening, Mr. Caleb?” 
“Mm. Fine. And you?” Caleb replies, his gaze still focused intently on the text before him. 
“Just fine, myself—was wondering if you’d like some company.” Mollymauk hops up onto the table, watching for a look, a glance, a little more attention. But, Caleb is dedicated, persistent—something Molly admires about him greatly. He leans back and spreads out amongst the pile of books and scrolls, knocking a few to the floor. 
“You are just as bad as the cat, you know. Maybe worse.”
“And yet here we are in a home full of cats.” Molly’s voice is smug, teasing. “Do you just have a love for being close to beings that mess with you?”
Caleb rolls his eyes. 
There we go. The eyes aren’t on Molly yet, but they are torn briefly from the book. An in. 
Molly’s tail coils around Caleb’s wrist. “Take a little break with me, won’t you?” 
Caleb huffs an almost laugh. “Maybe, in a bit.”
Mollymauk releases his wrist, pouting. He taps his nails a few times, thinking. His tail flicks.
A few minutes pass. He spins awkwardly on the table, knocking off a few more books and nearly tumbling into Caleb’s lap; he turns his head to give him a look—a rather cute, pleading, eyes-wide, I-need-you-to-pay-me-some-attention kind of look. 
Caleb fights with a fond smile as his eyes flick up over the pages of the book to finally take it all in. “Alright, Liebchen.” He sighs, marks his page in the book, and closes it shut, scooting his chair back to stand. “Not a break, I’m not done yet, but… come.”
Molly sits up, stretches, and the pleased smile on his face is just as apparent in his eyes. He follows as Caleb gets up and makes his way to the much more comfortable, much better place to read —in Molly’s opinion. The sofa cushions are soft, and it’s long enough that Caleb can sit down and Molly can lounge about where he likes. The tiefling wastes no time crawling right into Caleb’s lap. He settles in face down, chin resting on his arms.
As soon as Caleb gets the book open and the bookmark safely set down, he reaches with the hand not holding up his reading materials to scratch gently at Mollymauk’s scalp.
Molly makes quite a few little sounds of approval as Caleb’s fingers card through his hair and he melts within a matter of minutes. Fingers slide gently down the back of his scalp, sending tingles down his spine as they travel down to his neck. Molly fidgets slightly, the feeling starting to prickle at the edge of ticklish. He hums, content and bubbly, against Caleb’s thigh and squirms into the nest of his own arms he’s made for himself in the wizard’s lap. 
The fingers continue, light and gentle and soothing, to make their way lower onto his shoulders and upper back. It’s considerably more ticklish, but still bearable enough to release all of the silly energy with a hum and a few squirms every so often. As Caleb’s fingers trail languidly over Molly’s shoulders, side to side, he reads away above him, by all appearances not noticing the twitches below. 
Each time fingers pass over a spot that hedges too close to ticklish to stay still, they continue on, not taking any extra time or particular care. But—the thing is, with how thoroughly Caleb is tracing over his back, scratching and caressing gently, he keeps going back to those spots, passing them over and over. And Molly already knows there’s a lot of them. It feels nice, it’s tingly and warm and close and just the right amount of teasing. He doesn’t want to give the wizard reason to stop any time soon, like squirming out of his lap after he just asked for attention. But also, he considers, maybe Caleb will abandon his studies and really have a go at him if he asks nice — it’s already gotten him this far. 
For now, Molly opts to keep quiet, as still as he can reasonably maintain, and enjoy the affection. He’s gone with the flow many times in his life, and Caleb’s flow seems like one he would very much like to follow.  
Caleb’s hand continues down, down, tickles along his back, down past his waist and Molly wriggles deeper into his lap and the couch. “Eehee- wa- heheheeEE—” He squeals into the crook of his elbow as Caleb’s blunt fingernails tickle softly over his ass, down toward the back of his thigh. “Fuck.” Molly hisses, muffled. The tracing, tickling wizard claw slowly makes it way down over his thigh to the back of his knee and Molly’s leg jerks closed involuntarily. “Nnggeh- naha shihit.” 
“Be careful with those.” Caleb says sternly, an unmistakable peppering of amusement in his voice. 
Molly whines quietly into his arms and lays his leg back out straight. 
The game continues to build pace slowly, one hand always on the book and the other slowly tinkering with various sensitivities he can find on Molly. His shoulder blades, the backs of his ribs, his spine, anywhere near the dip of his waist or tail, the small of his back, his knees, his thighs, his ass… no where was left safe and unscrutinized. And yet, it was still so delicate, earnest, curious, and innocent. Little tingles and sparks light up across Molly’s nervous system. He’s content to live within this afternoon for the rest of his waking hours. 
Then, the next time Caleb’s hand reaches up to turn the page of his book, it reappears just where the top of Molly’s thigh meets his ass. He gasps in a breath as the fingers wiggle, more deliberate and ticklish, over the skin there. They stay in that spot; unlike the skating, absentminded tickling of before — this has purpose, this has focus and intent. 
Molly tries to peak up at him, abandoning his arm nest to turn and peer behind him. He gets a face-full of book for his trouble. And a pinch to the back of his thigh. He squawks at that, kicking the cushions behind him. “MmPFF!” He reburies his face to try hiding the bright laughter threatening to spill over. 
“I’m trying to read, keep quiet down there.” Caleb, bemused, scolds cheekily from behind his book. 
Molly rolls his eyes and tries to sit up on his elbows while fighting off more laughter. Without looking, Caleb runs a few fingers clumsily down his tail. Molly falters and crumples back into the wizard’s lap. “N-no fair.” Molly whines through his giggling. “Are yohohou gonna read all night?” 
“It will take me a while, yes, if you keep distracting me.” Caleb replies, matter-of-factly.
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one-fin-wonder · 1 year
Can I have the boys reaction to someone info-dumping to them?
A/N: Yes Anon, you sure as heck can. I really enjoy info dumping on my friends so this is right up my alley. I hope this is what you were hoping for! :D
Warnings: I used my poor duolingo skills and limited Spanish knowledge to write the Spanish, there only a few but the grammar may off, I am so sorry for it in advance but there is translations to what I intended to say. not beta read / I’m too dyslexic for my own good, and fluff? I’m a hopeless romantic man. What do you want from me. 
Word count: 1090
Tumblr media
Steven Grant:
It all started when Steven asked you about your day as he walked through the door. He set down his messenger bag and turned towards you. It was too late, the waterfall of words already was released. 
You began explaining how you dived deeply into your hyperfixation (or specific subject you would be info dumping about)
You smiled wide as you explained, and his heart melted at the sight of you.
are you the type of person that stims when you get excited? (I shore am) Steven will smile if you begin to stim happily while explaining. 
He loves knowing that you are so excited that you can’t contain the energy, you have to physically let the happiness out 
He simply smiled as he sat down next to you. He nodded and began asking clarifying questions.
“So, what you’re saying is…” “Theoretically then…” “Wait! That means…*He connects to another concept to allow you both to be engaged*”
He’ll wraps his arms around you if you’ll let him, holding onto you as you speak about your topic
He will praise your enthusiasm for the topic and vast knowledge. 
“Love, you’re simply a genius.” “I love hearing your view and knowledge” “That’s so fascinating!” 
Steven knows exactly what it’s like to need to explain one specific topic. He knows that feeling, that specific feeling like pasta water boiling over on the stove. 
He holds your hands (with your permission) as you speak, he likes showing you that he’s there with you and listening, it's a gentle reminder.
He feels it's incredibly important for you to be comfortable enough to share these moments of informational rambling. So he tries his best to show you he’s interested, he hears you and that you are loved. 
Marc Spector:
He is very caught off guard
Once he knows you aren’t upset or in distress he sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose before nodding and listening
He tosses his keys to the side as he nods listening to you
Marc doesn’t know fully how to react but he likes to hear your voice. The excitement and sincerity in your voice as you speak makes him smile, just a little. 
Marc makes his way over to you finally after he completes his after work routine
Like Steven I think Marc would wrap his arms around you but he wouldn’t know much more than that to show he cares about your information
He does though, He loves you, and he wants to see you happy. He simply doesn’t do emotions well. 
(My poor emotionally unavailable boy. He just needs a hug.)
He silently listens and only replies when you ask him if he follows, 
Finally once you’re done you look at him with a small little sigh and smile and he melts. 
You see it in his eyes and the stern expression he always has just softens. 
you can tell how much he loves you in this moment, the pure love just radiating, but he won’t say it. He won’t explain the feeling he is experiencing. 
But he loves you and you don’t necessarily need the words that he struggles to say, because it’s obvious in his actions. 
and god, the feeling is mutual.
Jake Lockley:
this man has no fucking clue what you are rambling about
He will freeze in the doorway of the small apartment, hand still on the doorknob. He’s so confused and you’re talking a mile an hour in an excited tone. He cannot understand you at this moment. 
Once Jake gets to you he will take his gloves off, stuff them in his pocket and put his hands on your shoulders (or a more comfortable spot if this can trigger you like it does me. Essentially he wants to ground you.) 
“Mi amor, por favor, slow down. No comprendo.” ("My love, Please, Slow down I don't understand")
Or alternatively, he May think something’s wrong with how excited and rushing towards him you are. He puts a hand on your arm and looks around the apartment then back at you. “Que pasa?? Está bien???” ("What's wrong?? Are you okay???")
He would then notice your smile and beaming expression and relax a little “Dios mío,” ("oh my god")you gave this Poor man a heart attack but he loves you all the same. 
he will listen but he will make you repeat yourself again
But it’s only because he cares so much. He wants to understand, so if it takes him several times to understand he will put that effort in.
He nods a lot, especially when it finally clicks in his little murderous, spanish, brain.
When he asks a clarifying question he always ends it with “yeah?” Ex: “so when you say the sun is a star you mean like that fucking ball in the sky, yeah?” 
He sits next to you, his arms on his knees as he hunches over listening. He doesn’t look at you he’s looking most likely at the floor or the wall as he focuses on your words. 
He tries really hard to make you feel heard but he legit makes that grumpy Spanish man expression the entire time. But you know this is just how he is, he loves you, he really does. 
This man keeps a little notebook, like those ones for detectives that fit in pockets. He keeps one of those in his jacket pocket and writes down facts he wants to remember about your favorite topics. He is like a dad who is trying to keep up with the trends. 
Not that he would let you necessarily see said notebook, he keeps it hidden in the inside pocket with a small pen or golf pencil in the spiral of the notepad. 
He pats your knee like a dad too, to show you he’s there. He’s present with you. It’s subtle but it’s his own way of letting you know he’s trying to understand. 
He would move heaven and earth for you, he loves your intelligence, your insight, he loves you. All of you, no matter your flaws, perfections, your needs. 
So if being heard is what you need in this moment you know damn well he will give you everything he can to make it happen. 
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enby-chaos · 23 days
I wrote a thing, based off this au of mine :>
Warning: Eye trauma and injury
The first thing Neito noticed when he woke up was the incessant beeping of a heart monitor right next to his ear. His eyes scrunched up, and he slowly became aware of himself again. He was alive.
He opened his eyes again. He couldn’t see out of his left eye, and he quickly realised it was because it was covered up with bandages. Memories came to him slowly; Midoriya’s arrival, Shigaraki getting back up again, a warp portal opening behind him, hundreds of clones spilling forth onto the command centre, a knife coming too close to his face.
“Monoma!” Kendo waved from the door, one of her arms was in a sling and there was a gauze patch on her cheek.
“Kendo,” He said, sitting up even as his ribs protested, “What happened?”
“We won. Midoriya managed to get Shigaraki.” She said, moving to sit in one of the chairs, “Most of the class is here, but you were the most injured.”
Before he could ask more, a woman walked into the room. Neito assumed she was the doctor. Blinking a few times, he could read “Dr. Tanaka” on her name tag.
“Good evening, Monoma.” Dr. Tanaka said, “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
Dr. Tanaka gave a short chuckle, “You’re not the only one. Well, you have some bruising on your ribs, nothing Recovery Girl can’t fix once you’ve got some energy back. You did take a nasty blow to the head as well but you should be in the clear soon enough.”
He nodded. Dr. Tanaka shifted nervously for a moment, tapping her clipboard with her pen.
“And, unfortunately, the damage to your left eye was too severe, and we’ve had to remove it.”
His eye widened, and his breath stilled. Distantly, he could hear his friend pleading with the doctor, the explanation that not even Recovery Girl’s quirk could have saved it. His head was filled with cotton, everything felt so far away, the information barely processing in his brain.
“I’ll leave you to talk to your friends, Monoma, don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”
The room was silent after Dr. Tanaka left. Kendo sat back down in the chair, looking more defeated than Neito has ever seen her before.
“I heard from Fukidashi,” Kendo started, “You were still trying to use [Erasure] on the doubles that Toga Himiko created, to stop them from multiplying, but one of the ones out of your sight created a knife and slashed you in the eye.”
Neito’s hand went up to the bandages covering his eyes, or where his eye used to be. He did remember the knife, how he flinched away from the cold metal, the sharp burning pain in his face when it made contact. He vaguely remembered the pain in his throat as he screamed in agony, how his eyes finally shut and [Erasure] was cut off for good.
“What else?” He hated how his voice cracked. His hands gripped the hospital blanket tightly.
“You’ve been knocked out for three days.” Kendo said hesitantly, “Pony’s also here, if you want-”
“No,” He said, too sharply and suddenly, and he saw Kendo’s eyes widen from the corner of his eye, “I don’t want anyone else to see me. Not like this.”
Tears sprung up from his eye, and he brought his knees up to his chest, “I failed.”
Kendo stood up from her chair, “No, no you didn’t Monoma-”
“My one job was to keep Shigaraki from using his quirks, Kendo. I had one job.” he closed his eye, pressing his face into his knees, “I failed.”
Kendo didn’t reply, even thought Neito desperately wanted her to say something. Anything. He tried to keep his crying silent, to try and not let Kendo know that he was crying in the first place. He wasn’t doing a very good job of it.
“Vlad King-sensei is coming,” Her voice was further away now, she was likely at the door, “I think he was more worried about you than us.”
He slowly unfolded himself, opening his eye to see that Kendo had already left. He wiped the tears off his face and put on a small smile. He won’t show any weakness in front of his teacher.
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shadowspromise · 2 years
Dabi Comforting You, You Comforting Dabi
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Dabi Comforting You:
☆彡 Touya loves you so much. He hates when you aren’t happy, and he will do everything in his power to make you smile when you’re sad.
☆彡 If he sees you huddled in a corner crying, he’s sitting next to you and pulling you to lie in his lap so he can hide you from everything else but him. He has one hand on your back and the other massaging your head.
☆彡 He turns the lights off, closes the door, removes any sounds or distractions and lays you down on your bed. He tucks you in and lays next to you, hiding your face in his chest.
☆彡 “It’s okay. I got you. It’s only us. Nothing can hurt you when I’m here.”
☆彡 He waits until you fall asleep to get up. He places a pillow in your arms so you don’t wake up to the absence of his presence. He gets a thermometer to make sure you aren’t sick, and he changes your clothes into comfier ones. Then, he gets back into bed with you.
You Comforting Dabi:
☆彡 Touya will rarely show discomfort. He is in constant pain and his body feels like it’s being lit on fire nearly every moment, but he will NEVER mention it around you. He doesn’t want you to worry about him. His goal is to keep you as happy as possible, and his medical state is nothing to be happy about.
☆彡 One particular day he was in horrible pain. The league had him fighting that day and his body was barely recovering. He sat in the bathroom restapling his skin, bloody tears running from his undereye scars as he winced in pain. It hurt so bad.
☆彡 You knock on the door, wondering if he’s okay in there. “Don’t come in,” he replies. His voice cracked. He’s crying.
☆彡 You open the door and your eyes widen. You’ve never, ever, seen him like this. “Leave. You weren’t supposed to see me like this,” Touya wipes the blood tears from his face.
☆彡 You shut the door and sit next to Touya. He can’t bear to look at you. “Touya, it’s okay. I know it hurts but can you look at me?” you ask him, gently patting his head.
☆彡 “I didn’t want you to know. I never wanted you to know. I don’t want you worried about me, so I don’t tell you how much it hurts,” he responded, his voice shaky.
☆彡 “Touya, I’m always worried about you, I just never tell you. I know you’re in pain, how could you not be? You overwork yourself because you’re hellbent on revenge, so much that when you’re sleeping I have to secretly treat your wounds so you don’t wake up in pieces. Every time I smell smoke, my heart skips a beat, thinking that you’re in trouble. Whenever you leave for too long, I’m afraid you aren’t coming back because you finally fell apart and burnt to death somewhere. I look at photos of you from just a few months ago and looking at you now, your scars are deeper and worse. I’m terrified that by next year, you won’t be my boyfriend anymore, you’ll be ashes. Sometimes I wake up and the second I see that you aren’t in bed, I’m imagining your body six feet under. Despite all this, I smile, because you’re alive. You may be dead tomorrow, but right now you’re by my side, and that gives me a reason to be happy. I smile because I can hear you breathing. I smile because you have enough energy to take me out on dates. I smile because I want you to smile. We’re both worried about each other, but we both love each other. And if the boy I love is in pain, I want to be there for him, not leave him to cry on the bathroom floor. So get your ass up and let me take care of you.”
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ontherocks21 · 4 months
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Someday I'll Write It:
Lady Vader Part XII
The Organa-Skywalker administration serves for two full terms, yet the galaxy still begs for a third.
But democracy doesn’t work that way.
Besides, she’s played almost every role she can - Queen, Senator, “Empress In Waiting”, center of a scandal, wife, traitor, rebel, Vice Chancellor -; there’s only one she still wants to.
“Mom, Daaaad!  Luke’s hogging the droid charger!”
Padmé laughs when Anakin slumps over the controls, pretending to die in his pilot's chair when yet another whine echoes through the cockpit.  “How much longer until we drop them off?” he groans.
“Only a few more hours,” she replies.  He increases his decibel for dramatic effect.
“We spend our entire careers securing peace and quiet - well, mostly…” he shrugs considering the validity of his words before continuing with his lamentation. “…for this galaxy, and we don’t even get to enjoy it in retirement.”
Standing and stretching, Padmé reaches over, soothingly patting her husband’s hair.  “At ease, Hero-With-No-Energy.  I’ll get this one.”
Her offer seemingly revives him.  Anakin jumps to his feet, ensnaring her waist and stealing a grateful kiss.  “You’re an angel,” he mumbles against her mouth.
“Mmmmm,” she whispers back.  “So you’ve told me.”
“NO, Lei-uhhhhhhh!” comes the escalating protest from the ship’s lower deck.
Sighing, Padmé backs out of his captive embrace.  “Duty calls.”
“Sounds like you’re in for some aggressive negotiations,” Anakin says, releasing her with a wink.
Padmé pushes onto her toes, pressing her mouth to his once more.  “Good thing I learned from the best.”
“I can’t believe we’re finally doing this!”
“I can’t believe we’re twin free for the next few days!”  Despite his contagious exuberance, Anakin hesitates before powering up their speeder, glancing back at the Naberrie’s front door wistfully.
Her heart swells, and she almost glances back herself.  But they didn’t come to Naboo just to visit this time.  Knowing she’ll have to be the strong one, she touches Anakin’s cheek.  “Come on, Ani.  This house won’t find itself.”
The realty droid shows them five residences in and around Theed before Padmé’s eyes light up in the doorstep of the sixth. 
“I have a good feeling about this,” she breathes, threading her fingers through Anakin’s and all but hauling him inside.  His amused chuckle fades into a long, low whistle, punctuated by a soft “Wow.”  Padmé only removes her eyes from the dazzling home to beam at her husband.
And it is indeed a home.
Charming details and cozy corners hide throughout the expanse.  Instead of the usual marble and stone found in most Nabooian designs, dark wood floors and doorways provide anchors for the rest of the trim that runs throughout.  Padmé gasps at the natural light, marvels at the kitchen, and fawns over the patio and courtyard out back.
“Look, Ani!  There’s even space for you to have a workshop!” 
Anakin grins as she babbles on, listing all the amenities present on their wish list until RL-T1 interrupts with something that sounds uncannily like regret.
“This listing has several offers already.  The seller’s request best and finals be made by this evening.”
Furiously, Padmé works the news into their strategy when Anakin steps forward, a dangerous tone in the timbre of his voice.  “Any chance the sellers would like to meet… Oof!”  A swift elbow to his side cuts off the tired threat.
“What is the list price?” she asks calmly.
“One and a half.”
Still rubbing his aching ribs, Anakin glances over at her though she isn’t waiting for his permission.
“Double it,” Padmé says.  “That’s our offer.”
Three million credits and three hours later, the Skywalkers celebrate with blesswine on their new patio, lounging on the sandstone as if it was as comfortable as meadow grass.
The sun sinks low on the horizon, but Padmé doesn’t shy away as darkness encroaches on their perfect evening.  She’s come to terms with the black fabrics in their past, cherishes the gloom where they first hid from their passion from the galaxy then hid their rebellion from necessity, has loved in shadow.  It may only be the alcohol warming her veins, but as night descends and the last few rays linger on her husband, Padmé has never seen the son of Tatooine look more stunning than as a father on Naboo.
She hums contentedly, drawing an expression from her husband that has nothing to do with vexation.  “Would my lord care to disturb the peace and quiet of the upstairs in our new home?” she purrs, folding herself into his lap and giggling when Anakin scoops her up, knocking over their tumblers on his way to comply.
“As you wish, M’Lady.”
Image Credit: Eli Hyder
The saga is now complete. Posted on AO3 and FFN in its entirety.
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klwrites · 1 year
Born To Die.1 (Jason Todd x reader)
The reader and Jason were friends for a long time before Batman took him in. You and him only had each other and the streets of Gotham.
(TW drug use)
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Cold nights were the worst. You weren’t sleeping outside or anything but the kitchen floor of your job wasn’t the coziest. Speaking of warm, there was more warm next to you last night, where did Jason go? It wasn’t abnormal to wake up without him. Hell, you’ve spent more mornings without him then with, but no matter what you always ended up sharing the day by lunch time. You took a few steps outside before the familiar smell of smoke ran through your nose and you let your nose guide the way. There was a long path that trailed behind the buildings your job was in, heading to the usual spot you whistled to calmly grab his attention.
“It’s not even 8 am is it? Already at it?”
You joked, what better way to warm up? He passed it over to you while you mumbled a thanks.
The crisp air was awakening.
“You working today?”
“No,” you paused, taking a hit. “I know what we should do today though.”
“And what’s that?”
“Holy shit, Firefly… you’re insane.” Jason chuckled, looking around at the empty green house.
He questioned you robbing a magical treehouse,
“I’ve seen the women who owns them she doesn’t need all of them… and shes a criminal.”
“These won’t hurt you will they? You don’t know what she could have in these plants.”
You laughed,
“Yes, this tired women laced her beloved plants.”
Stretching your hand forward touching the large flower bud planted in the middle of the greenhouse. Your finger tips felt warm as the plant shared its energy to you.
“This is one way to make it through the winter.” Said Jason, taking stems and roots of various plants and throwing them into his bag.
If I get sick this winter I’ll die.
You let go of the plant, feeling full of life again. You excitedly let out a shout of energy.
“Her plants have something to them, man.”
“You’ve been here before? Without me? That’s dangerous.”
Not really, you replied.
You shivered, weak against the wind. Gotham city’s pollution was out of control and non frozen greenery was impossible to find. You curled up closer to yourself while sitting on the floor. Homelessness as a plant being who needs the sun and warmth to thrive has some ugly moments. Taking one last weak sad breath, you shriveled down into your unconscious.
After a while of freezing, a tall being with fiery red had come across your inhuman rotten looking body. Don’t ask how you knew, but you knew she knew you needed her help.
“Finally awake are you?” A deep gorgeous voice questioned from the shadows. You sat up from wherever you had been laid down and looked around. A green house, full of the craziest plants you’ve ever seen. The strongest energy you’ve felt.
“Who are you?”
“Don’t worry about it. You were dead on the streets of Gotham before I took you here. You should be thankful.”
“Why do I feel so strong?” You honestly asked. Her green skin was a give away that you could be honest with her.
“Because, darling, there’s no plants like my own. Where are your plants, hm? How did you let yourself freeze and die like that?”
“I’m stronger then her. It wouldn’t matter.” You said shortly.
“Uh” he said doubtfully, “alright”.
This women can survive winter and, well, you can’t. So you need her plants. As many as you can get. Prop lifting is the act of stealing plants by taking a piece of their stems, and planting the stem to grow your own plant; ‘propagation’ is the act of making one plant multiple.
“I need a Greenhouse.” You sighed
“If I could give you a greenhouse I would.”
“Means a lot,” you laughed, “Thanks.”
Even though you rolled your eyes, you can’t lie and say Jason isn’t a sweetheart at the whole plant thing, because he’s the best, most thoughtful, best friend anyone could ask for. Continuing picking the stems of colorful, glowing, exotic plants, when next thing you knew a plant reached out and grabbed your wrists and ankles holding you in place. Firstly, you looked towards Jason to see he was caught too.
Here we go. Your eyes glowed white, and skin glowed a fluorescent green and light pink. Connecting to the plants to calm them, freeing you and Jason instantly. Jason ran in-front of you as protection, but, no offense, you didn’t need it in this situation. Pulling Jason away you faced the one behind the attack. Poison Ivy. You didn’t know much of her criminal history, just that she saved you once. Even though that ended up meaning nothing.
What separates you and The Poison Ivy is that you’re an empath in a way. You survive on the energy of other life, just by living in it. (Or living in a perfect world at least) You can manipulate the energy from others into whatever energy you want, with practice. You don’t have that much practice. You did the one thing you’re good at. Sleep. Poison Ivy fell forward with her plants.
“We gotta go.”
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