#cause his butt just PULLS me in i cant explain it
1800-needs-help · 1 year
Im barely starting season 2 of house but why is everyone saying that house doesn't visit the patient? "Visiting a patient, thats unlike you" Literally every ep he goes to see the patient like CMON he is giving every patient like 100 psychic damage as soon as he walks in the room how are you not noticing this
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madfoxx · 1 year
listen i loved s2 as much as the next guy but some of the plotholes are just hilarious to me because they employ the fanfiction logic of “i want this scenario to happen so it will just happen” and i feel people aren´t talking about it enough, so here are some of the things that made me go “oh, no beta read huh.”:
1) first question: why the fuck did gabriel delete his memory?? seriously though, i havent seen one single post about this, but i just dont understand!? So, heaven threatens to fire gabriel and delete his memory, which, okay, bad news. and then his solution is to....delete his own memory for them, so now he doesnt remember his own name let alone the love of his life, beelzebub, who he planned to run away with?? WHY??? he left heaven immediately afterwards anyways it literally made no sense and just caused major problems for everyone involved. But i guess the answer is: we needed him to have no memory for the story to happen so that makes sense by ao3 standarts
2) on a related note, why was he naked?? he could have just speedwalked outta heaven in his suit with the matchbox in his pocket, so why strip down?? Again, no reason, but arent you glad we got to see john hamms naked butt, so lets pin that on gabriel being an sweet dumb himbo maybe
3) also, how did he find aziraphales shop while not even remembering his own name? Dont know dont care, googlemaps probably.
4) not really a plothole, but that whole Maggie and Nina getting locked in the bookshop thing was the tropiest trope they pulled this season and it didnt even work because we got nothing from that scene, not even one hearfelt deep conversation
5) this one is a bit pedantic, but how is it that a demon with magical powers has to live in his car? i guess its a character thing and we need to see him at his lowest point but he could literally just miracle himself an enormous pot of gold if he wanted to
6) why would beelzebub order an attack on the bookshop and risk gabriels life? why didnt they simply explain the situation to aziraphale & crowley? well you see we didnt want the story to be over after 1 episode and also we needed a finale of some sort.
7)  i mean the whole attack on the bookshop was just....a thing that happened i guess. kinda strange the demons (especially shax who seems to have at least 1 spare braincell) would dare to kidnap an archangel in the first place. isnt he like, insanely powerful? and they didnt even know he lost his memory, so to them he was just an archangel hanging out on earth because he wanted to. how did they think storming the bookshop and taking him prisoner would go down?
8) tbh i dont really understand why heaven wanted gabriel back so much they would threaten to destroy anyone helping him and then....they just let him just go without any problems whatsoever? feels incredibly anticlimactic and illogical to me but i suppose the season needed some kind of threat to make the romantic elements work
9) this might actually get resolved in s3 but i cant believe Upstairs wants aziraphale - an angel who spend years deceiving heaven and overall just sucked at his job because he was too busy trying to fuck a demon - they want him to be the new supreme archangel of heaven. he literally stopped the last apocalypse a couple of days ago and now he´s in charge of armageddon 2.0? that´ll for sure take some explaining!
there´s a lot more stuff, but these are the most obvious things that have been on my mind since s2 aired. i also want to reiterate that i do love many things about this season despite the writing being all over the place. and no, i dont believe that all inconsistencies will be magically explained away by s3. i think it boils down to neil gaiman saying “lets make a big budget 6 chapter fanfic so david tennant and michael sheen can kiss each other on the mouth. also not beta we die like eric the disposable demon” and i can respect that. 
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hiii uh. dunno if this will make any sense, im kinda just throwing my thoughts at you
OKAY. so. been thinking about kuron(again) and the thing im just realising how ALONE he is, at least at the beggining. the people he thought of as his family fucking KILLED him, stole his body, and then basically forgot about him for YEARS. and after being ressurected- like, in the first few days, weeks, months- did kuron had ANY support? anyone to lean on?? to help him adjust to being alive again?
i know he starts to meet new people and make friends, and thats great! but. at the beggining....... lance was in a coma 'n shit, team voltron propably wasnt too enthusistic about helping kuron, and it just hit me that, at least the way i understand it(i might be wrong), he had to figure EVERYTHING out by himself
thats FUCKED dude
Oh god yes!!! To be honest i dont really have like a detailed idea for this part of the story like at best i have this one idea where Veronica is the first one to find him. Like in my head Veronica has been trying to track down Lance cause he ran away/didnt give the address once he moved out, isnt picking up his goddamn phone and literally dropped from the face of the earth and she cant find a trace of him. That was until apparently Lance?? 'Attacked' Shiro?? Like Shiro's fine just fainted and on bedrest and according to Curtis, Lance was saying something about "he is still in there" before apparently using Magic?? Somehow?? And taking something? From Shiro?? Yeah Veronica has no fucking clue. But a lead is a lead and she was able to track down Lance's new home only to find 1) a guy butt fuck naked coming out of a quintessence filled tub like the girl from Shining and who looks a bit like her boss. 2) her brother unconscious. She instinctly about to pull a gun on him except Kuron just slips and hits the floor, so now Veronica has two men she needs to drag to a hospital. Joy.
So like yeah Kuron's first stranger-to-acquintance-to-friend is Veronica. She neither has the history of All That™ the others have with Kuron, knows a bit about the clone situation to not be weirded out by it, but also doesnt really care about the whole Evil Clone thing™, cause i am so sorry but she has seen this man fall on his face first 5 times and counting, cry over a fridge ad that had kittens in it, and try to name himself Frank Shelley, even if he somehow becomes Evil~ Veronica is sure she can just Take him down easily, and like what is she supposed to do? Just leave him? He clearly has even less of an idea what is going on and she cant in good conscience leave him like this.
And thing is that Veronica does want to support Kuron, because he deserves that! It's the right thing to do and he deserves that! But at the start he really is a stranger to her and Lance is more of a priority to her than he is, and he is like one of the only leads that explains what is going on with Lance. And while she wont admit this but Kuron can tell and like logically He Gets That™!! He Gets That™!!! And he wants to help Lance too!! But he's also someone who is used and thrown away by everyone around him and this shit hurts like hell. Like this is a recipe of disaester for both of them and will result in a shouting match but right now Kuron is too high on pain meds and pain of being alive again to truly get into it so.
So like physically he isnt really alone in figuring this out, Veronica is trying to help him as much as she can help him, and the hospital staff she dragged him to are really nice to him as well. Emotionally......well there is effort. Vero is trying! Heck she even defended him when Shiro suggested they should lock him up cause he was a danger to everyone and is evil. She is trying but she also has her own trauma, whatever is going on with Lance, her family having separation anxiety, her job, etc etc and she can only do so much, and like Kuron is also trying but he is also dealing with so much and pushing it into the back burner and my guy is just not having great time at all. So like yeah he did had to figure out so much himself
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Soulmate Au | MC x Kalim. Gender-neutral Pronouns. | Angst
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"Thank you for saving my butt!" His hands grabbed mine as a golden hue spread across them.
"Midas' touch." I wished looking up to him in shock but he had already tittered away to his Vice Dormhead who scolded him for being so careless. He didn't seem to have noticed. A heavy pang in my chest. As I reached out to him but he was already gone.
I looked for him across campus but didn't get any results I even asked my seniors, thankfully Cater knew who I was talking about.
"Hes about ya high, red eyes, tan skin-"
"Oh! Your talking about Kalim he's in the light music club with me! Why are you looking for him?" He asked coyly seeming as how I barely knew anyone.
"He's my soulmate." I stated with a blank look to which Cater put his hands up defensively, "Soulmate? You can't possibly know that you haven't even officially met yet. Your sounds a little creepy, cutie pie."
I groaned a shook my head, "I've heard stories of places who don't have soulmate bonds but to think I actually came to one. No, i don't mean it stalkery. He grabbed my hands and thanked me at the enterance ceremony we have midas' touch. It's a golden color soulmate bond. So we he grabbed my hands they started to cover in gold. And the longer or more he touched say like a hug it would have became veiny and spread. The better the bond the brighter and more healthy both mates are." I tried to explain to Cater during lunch but as one should know everyone who has even slightly better hearing could hear bits and pieces of the explanation. Lilia was the most curious and popped up near us asking various questions. I answered him to the best of my abilities.
Time went on Lilia and Cater both mentioned things to me about Kalim about how friendly and how much he liked parties saying how I'd be invited at some point and would be able to talk to him then. But no time went on days turned into months which turned into half a school year.
Finally I was done waiting. My bond ached in my chest straining to get to him. I went to the light music club with some vague directions from a third year. Just as I was about to knock on door an argument started, "Kalim why are you rubbing your chest?"
"Hmmm...? It's a bond."
"A soulmate bond?"
"Yep! They're super rare but its talked about in some books Jamil had me read when I was younger!" His voice light an airy with sounds of happiness specially when he mentioned the name Jamil.
"Oh who is it?" Lilia asked coyly already knowing but testing the future sultan.
"Oh its MC. But I cant." He mutters softly, I placed a hand on my chest feeling the bind strain and pull as if the tether was going to snap.
"Why not?"
"Cause I can't love her. I already love someone. I mean I feel bad so I'm staying away. I don't want to hurt her more." He said mournfully as if he had to choose between his destiny and his heart. And he chose his heart. Tears blinked from my eyes as I feel the bond snap.
A soul tear. Who would have thought my pineing after someone who wound me this way. I can't hear anything else, everything had faded away into silence as my feet moved away darken cracks spread through my skin. If one side of the soul bond is rejected while the other doesn't reciprocate it could be life-threatening. I was always told to be kind and love them with all my being but who would have thought fate would be so cruel.
"Hey are you alright?!" Someone asked but I couldn't process what they were saying as I collapsed on the floor. My chest in so much pain everything shook. I closed my eyes willing the pain into a box to never reopen.
Just wishing I never met him. My destiny.
Bum bum bum~ End (for now. If requested I'll add a second part <3)
Soulmate Au with Kalim! I'm sure a lot of people expected to be more sugary but I like to personally HC Kalim is actually devoted to one person *coughcoughJamilcough* a whole of a lot more than we originally thought. So a touch of a love triangle! I also wanted to make Kalim a touch more human and personified sunshine.
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beann-e · 3 years
god imagine if when bakugou has a kid their just like him. like imagine a 6 year old with a sarcastic nasty mouth who just doesn’t give a fuck. Which eventually leads to bakugou getting his ass handed to him. Look here’s a teaser
“ holy sh—fuc—why aren’t you sleeping “
“ why aren’t you sleeping “
“ because I cant sle—- “ a soft cough left the older males mouth as he sat up straighter “ I don’t have to explain anything to you — you little rodent “
“ ro— ro— rodent ? “ the small child’s voice came out in a loud scream as the male in front them shifted in his seat uncomfortably
“ here come on let’s go to mama “
God you had to have been his only way out of this situation
“ mamas sleep “
of course you were.
Of course you were tucked away into the confinement of your own bed recovering from a hard day of work. The soft covers draped over your body while the fan worked wonders around the room.
God your such an asshole , a pathetically beautiful and lucky asshole
“ heh , then why aren’t you? “ the older male deadpanned as he stared down on the child. He let out a small sigh when he didn’t receive an answer “ ok then why don’t we both go to our own rooms and sleep too huh ? how ‘bout that “
“ katsumis sleeping in there “
“ fuck —you just seem to have everybody in your corner huh you little brat“
The room went quiet as he watched the small girl crawl up on the coach using his pants leg as an anchor to help her get up there. Her small legs pushing her up only for her to fall back down because her arms couldn’t pull up the weight of her small body. His mouth opening to let out a sigh before he reached out and pushed the girl up on the couch his hand pushing her butt and sending the girl flying onto the couch like a football.
Only to make her giggle and crawl back over to sit next to him.Body settling in the same position as him with her small chubby legs spread out and her hands placed behind the couch as far as they could go leaving her chest out in the open. A small smile on her face when she noticed she looked just like the male to the right of her. And honestly she did she always did without even trying .
It wasn’t that bakugou hated kids no.
It was just that he would rather be left alone and not be bothered with them. He thought maybe when he grew up and had his own kids that would change but after the birth of your first child together, then the second , and lastly the third he only noticed the small change that occurred.
He could put up with them of course but he always found them annoying mostly because anytime he seen them he had just gotten back home from work. meaning he had to hear them screaming their heads off and fighting with you in a plea to skip bath time while he walked through the door and straight to your shared bedroom
Most of the time he was the disciplinary parent so you can only guess how quickly each of them would fall in line when they all looked up to see the loud footsteps echoing through the house belonged to their father.
His hero uniform still on with his eyes locked on each of theirs in a tired gaze frowning up at him as his right hand carried the belt he’d picked up from his bedroom on the way over to the bathroom.
His face speaking volumes before his mouth did . His right hand only gripping tighter when he thought about how long you had gone with them acting like this and him not being around to stop them from mistaking your exhaustion as submission
You weren’t soft per say but after having 3 kids and taking care of them by yourself you’d grown weak and tired.
Your mean manner and discipline you thought you had set up in your house only withered away more and more with every kid you had and now you were really just tired of taking care of three kids all by yourself with no help.
“ take the shitty bat— “
your hardened gaze moved from your kids to him as his hand holding the belt wavered — remembering your rule of no cursing in the house because your middle child had just started second grade and the teacher had already called once.
“ haha daddy’s scared of mommy “
“ of course he is have you seen her “
“ hey mommy’s not scary she’s just — “ your youngest daughter katsu spoke as she quickly turned to katsuki “ hey daddy what’s that word “
“ what word ? “ his face went stoic before he sighed annoyed with the small child “ how the hel— heck am I suppose to know what word you wanna say — i’m not a mind reader katsu— that’s not my quirk “
“ well maybe if you spent a little more time with her you’d know asshole “ your oldest spoke under his breath “ strict katsu that’s the word your looking for — she’s just strict I mean someone has to be when our fathers too busy sa— “
“ hey come on kai just— just get in the bathtub your up next anyways “ your voice was soft a small sigh leaving it before you wrapped katsumi and katsu in towels tucking them away from their older brother. “ ‘sumi— ‘tsu follow your dad he was just leaving —he can help me put you two to bed tonight — “ you rolled your eyes at the male hovering over you “ lord knows i need it—in you go kai “
“leaving — wh— the hell if I am ——- your just gonna let ‘ em get away with that “ bakugous mouth moved faster as he gripped the belt like it was a separate life form when he saw your innocent eyes look up at him “ get away with what babe ? “
“ they just verbally assaulted me y/n “
“ oh did they hmm” you turned back to your kids “ maybe you should file another villains report “
“ wow “ his voice went quiet at your remark you two had been on the outs recently because he kept saying how much he wanted more kids in the moment only to turn around and bask in the light he was given during their birth and then turn back around and spend no time with them at all.
you shook your head “ i’m sorry I don’t understand what they’ve done wrong “
You were tired of it.
“ i’m going to bed after this ‘suki I don’t know if your gonna be there or if your sleeping at the office again but please this time write a note so I don’t tell katsu her dad will take her to school in the morning “ you scoffed “ again “
That was how he ended up here he had gone to the office but he came back when he realized he’d screwed up his whole family. He assumed that if he had the fame , the money , the whole setup that he could provide for his family’s every need.
What he’d forgotten is that maintaining relationships within your family is actually apart of said needs. He didn’t understand until all three of his kids had something to say about his absence how much it was messing with them. So he came back home and sat on the couch.
Just his luck that he was greeted with not only the youngest but the smartest of his three children. He would’ve much rather have walked in to hear you screaming at him for leaving in the first place not the toothless child next to him bothering him with useless questions about his absence
“ dada “ his eyes went over to look at katsu who’d found a place on his side This would be her twelfth question in a matter of five minutes “ can I sit in your lap “
his eyes furrowed this was a different question than he’d expected “ katsu baby you don’t have to ask things like that “
“ but you— your never here so I just assumed that you may be trying to get away from us so I didn’t want you to have someone you don’t like in your lap “
“ what kat— “ his back hit the couch before he propped himself up and dragged the small girl onto his lap “ I adore you guys I love you and I never meant to make you guys feel unloved it’s just that“
“mm “ her voice coming out accusingly just like yours causing him to tense while imagining you as the small girl in front of him.
“ work baby “ he sighed as he rubbed the girls shoulders up and down heating up her cold body “ work is really hard when your an adult and you never get any time off with my job it’s constant “
“ daddy is all work hard “
“ yes “ he smiled
“ if all work is hard— meaning it’s all the same then why can’t you just get a different hard job that doesn’t take up all your time “
his heart pounded inside his chest as he stared down on the smaller girl his eyes wide “ w— what um aren’t you like what 5 —6 how— “
“ you missed when my quirk came daddy it’s super knowledge”
his smile tightened along with the grip he held on the couch cushion beside him “ of course it is yeah of course it is — just my fucking luck “
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sleepygenie-o · 3 years
Part 2 to the Haunted house crossover!
Part 2 to this!
Here are the general SAGAU headcanons (i also added some funny quotes from you in the episodes and headcanons about your character here---) This will be reverse isekai!
You played genshin for a long time even before the drowned teins episode. When you stopped logging on cause of ghost stuff, your acolytes were so confused. What was wrong?
They soon chalked it up to some form Godly duty you had to fulfill which cause you to be MIA in their world.
By the end of the doomsday episode (part 2), Albedo found a way to your world and informed your main team and the archons. The ones who decided to go were Aether, Baal, Zhongli, Venti, Albedo, Kokomi, Barbara, Jean, and Diluc.
So when they got to your world, the acolytes were face to face with you pulling on Doo-ri's ear with Hyun-woo, Ga-eun, Ha-ri, and hell even Kang-lim just watching as you keep scolding Doo-ri for skipping classes again (you definitely didn't almost threaten Kang-lim to come no of course not--).
'"Who was that with their grace?" Was all the acolytes thought.
When they approached your group Ha-ri and Kang-lim were ready to get out their ghostball/sword which you and Hyun-woo had to stop. Mainly cause you 2 were the only one of the group who played genshin. Also cause it looked like the acolytes were also ready to attack.
After getting both sides to calm down and getting the genshin characters to explain how they got here. All of you were dumbfounded. You, their friend/cousin was a what now?!
You had to quickly bring them to your aunt and uncle's apartment which raised some questions but you immediately promised you'd help them get the characters used to this world
Now was the time to tell them about ghosts. Especially since Shin-bi decided to pop up at the WORST timing. Including about you magic
"Ghosts... you mentioned a homunculus to, did you not? May I visit this supposed Dom-jin if they still have that book on Alchemy? And that.. yo-yo.. it was called? Is a staff.. interesting.." -Albedo
"Huh? A ghost with hair that bends to her will.... You mention the ghost's relationship with your friend reminds you of me and my sister's?.. I see..." - Ei
"Underground Nation.... The suffering you and these people must've went through.. I'm sorry your grace I was not there to help you. But I am grateful that you are alright." - Zhongli
"Your grace! All of these adventures you went on deserve a ballad for your bravery! It matters not if you weren't there for some!~" - Venti
Kokomi, Barbara, and Jean are all just telling you and your friends that you'll need rest. You and Hyun-woo were looking at them with a "you cant be serious" face.
"So these ghosts can make different realms for themself? Can I meet one of them your grace? Oh you need this dwarf to help you though?" - Aether, who is about to probably get yelled at by Shin-bi for calling him a dwarf
"These ghosts... You bring them to the afterlife? You are such a kind god to help these souls on their way to the after life.." - Diluc
Headcanons about you and quotes you said in the Haunted house world!
You asked Ha-ri to tell you about any ghost you missed out on and their past. You feel guilty to have not been there
You write mini notes and put them on the place where the ghosts died. Kang-lim also gave you a charm that you could put on the notes so no one could remove it from the area you put it in.
Even when your staff is a yo-yo, you can still use its abilities. One time when the yo-yo hit Hyun-woo it made a spinning wheel of water which caused his cap to get wet. You ended up using a little wind spell to dry it as a sorry. You also use it on Doo-ri if he steals your chips.
When you first met Ian, it took you 2 whole minutes to realize he was a vampire. You were laughing you butt off at the fact people thought it was a virus
"Shinbi use your magic incorrectly one more time and istg-"
"Look Kang-lim.. I don't hate you, ok?. Im just suspicious so get away you emo--"
"...Are those gensh-- OH MY LORD THEY ARE-- HA-RI KANG-LIM NO--"
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Can I get a short fluffy Drabble with bucky with this prompt?
I just woke up in a stranger’s bed and I’m half naked, I cant remember anything about yesterday besides that the party was great and that I got absolutely wasted AND OH MY GOD THERE IS A HOT PERSON NEXT TO ME IN BED AND THEY ARE NOT WEARING MUCH WHAT DID WE DO YESTERDAY AU
Thank you!! 💗
Okay so this is kind of long for a Drabble because I just loved the plot and couldn't stop writing!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy, nonnie!!
Morgan's Graduation Sleepover!!
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You blink hard against the bright stream of sun poking through the gap in the curtains, groaning as your head throbs in the light.
You let out an audible moan as you attempt to pull the covers over your face. The soft, silky comforter was cool against your skin, and you snuggled tighter against the sheets as you became aware that you were shivering despite the summer heat.
You extend your arm searching for your phone that you kept on the nightstand and frowned when your hand felt nothing. You turn your head slightly, trying to see the floor below where your phone may have fell, catching a glimpse of the bed in the sun for the first time since you opened your eyes. The large queen-sized bed draped with dark grey blankets.
Wait… Grey?
Last time you checked your comforter was a deep purple colour.
You sit up slowly, becoming fully aware of your environment and looking around the dimly lit room. A room that you definitely hadn’t been in before because you would never have a poster of dogs playing poker hanging above your bedroom door.
You groan again as a feeling of nausea overcomes you, the dizziness being caused from your eyes darting around the unfamiliar room. You clasp the palm of your hand against your mouth, attempting to stifle a gag and you taste the acidic bile bubbling in your throat.
“Oh god.” You belch into your hand as it balls into a fist.
You nearly jump out of your skin as a low moan fills the silence of the room and your head whips fast enough to cause another wave of dizziness.
Your eyes widen as you realize… whoever owned this bed was sleeping right next to you, curled up on his side, face buried deep in the pillow.
You startle, getting tangled in the blankets as you jump out of the bed, thanking internally that you still have your underwear on and are not waking up butt-naked next to a stranger during the worst hangover of your life.
Unfortunately, your actions aren’t grateful as your feet become tangled in the sheets and you land with a thump loud enough to vibrate the furniture. You wince as the pain radiates up your ass and into your spine.
Suddenly, a pair of ocean blue eyes are peering over the side of the bed, a concerned look across the man’s face.
“Are you okay?” He asks, jumping out of bed with much more grace than you had shown, and dropping down to his knees by your side.
“I- Yeah.” You stutter, embarrassed and still confused about how exactly you had ended up in this position, not on the floor, but in this situation.
He grips your arm with a strong hand, pulling you up and steadying you as you stagger, the dizziness still not disappearing due to the excessive amount of alcohol you had consumed the night before.
As he helps you stand you notice the sunlight reflecting off the arm of the stranger, the metal left arm that causes your heart to skip a beat and the feeling of a golf-ball sized lump in your throat. You hadn’t recalled any of your past Tinder dates having a prosthetic arm and you panic, realizing that you really had no idea who this man was.
“I-“ You pull away, your eyes darting from his arm to the folded up clothes on the chair in the corner of the room.
The clothes you had worn to the party!
Fragments of the night come flooding back, but still with no memory of this mysterious, handsome man.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asks, his eyebrows still furrowed in concern.
Wait… Y/N?
“You know me?”
“Yeah! You’re Nat’s roommate! She introduced us at the party last night.”
“Introduced us?” You search your mind for any recollection, finding it surprising that you couldn’t remember this muscular man, with the dark hair and stubble surrounding the most gorgeous lips.
Damn, I bet they taste soft.
“I’m not surprised you don’t remember. You were already 4 drinks in, and you were trying to go shot to shot with me. I tried explaining to you that I have a very high tolerance for alcohol, but you kept going. Basically had to carry you back here.”
“Back… here?” You ask, squinting as your head begins to throb again.
“Yeah. My place.” He turns around, heading into the ensuite bathroom that you hadn’t noticed before. “I was going to bring you back to your house but you lost your keys and I was unable to get a hold of Natasha since she took off for shawarma with my friend Sam.” He shouts from the other room, before returning with a glass of water and a couple of Tylenol.
You accept it gratefully, not caring that you willingly took drugs from a man you still weren’t sure you trusted.
“I’m Bucky, by the way. In case you don’t remember. Bucky Barnes.”
You nod, unsure of what to say next as your mind was still breaking free from the alcohol induced haze. Your eyes trail down towards the pair of plain white boxers Bucky is wearing, and you gasp as you remember that you are also standing there in your underwear.
You dash towards the chair, pulling the tight black dress over your head.
“I- Did we-“ You don’t know how to ask, and you hope he understands your gesture as you motion towards his near-naked body. Seeing him blush 3 different shades of red comforts you slightly, and you smile slightly through the panic.
“No! I would never- You were completely wasted!” He fumbles with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.
Your heart sinks as you realize you offended him, and you try to crack a joke. “There’s not too many other scenarios I can think of that offer a valid reason for waking up in a man’s bed in only my underwear.”
He chuckles, smirking and you almost swoon as you notice his handsome smile for the first time. “Clearly you’ve never met yourself drunk.”
“What do you mean?” You ask, the pain in your head finally dissipating.
“Well, first of all I insisted you sleep in your clothes, but when I went to grab a trash can in case you vomited again-“ You wince as he stresses the word. “And by the time I came back you had already stripped down. And then when I tried to sleep on the floor, you started crying telling me you were afraid you were going to float away like a balloon and you wanted me to, and I quote, keep your string grounded.”
You curse, not bothering to keep it in your head this time, as embarrassment flushed your face. You grab your purse from the chair, sighing in relief as you notice your phone safely inside the front pocket of the bag.
“I mean, I’m not complaining. I just wish the next time I’m in bed with a beautiful women-“ He pauses. “No, God sorry. I’m going to stop talking now, I’m horrible at flirting. This is awkward”
“Flirting?” You’re taken aback.
He’s beaming now, his smile stretching from a smirk and into a full-blown smile. “I don’t save all pretty drunk girls I meet from choking on their own vomit, you know.”
It’s your turn to blush now as you swing your purse over your shoulder. “Well, thank you for being my hero.”
A loud buzz breaks the tension and you pull out your phone to silence it, seeing several missed calls from Natasha.
“Oh wow.” Your eyes widen as you read the new text that pops up on the tiny screen.
Did you fuck him yet?
“What is it?” He asks.
You quickly shove your phone back into your purse as you turn to look at Bucky. “It’s Nat- she’s just worried about me… I should probably go.” You lied.
“Do you need a ride?” He asks, grabbing a pair of jeans slung over the end of the bed.
“Oh- Maybe? I’m not exactly sure where I am.”
“Ah. I don’t live too far from Nat, but it’s too hot out. And heatstroke can make hangovers so much worse.” He holds the bedroom door open for you and you head into the hallway, not noticing as he grabs something from the dresser before he follows you out.
He tosses you a heavy helmet and you almost drop it, not expecting the object to be thrust into your arms.
“What’s this for?” You question.
“For your ride. Just one rule, though. Don’t throw up on my bike, dollface.”
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Ok ok! Good uhm.
Ok since body dysmorphia has been kicking my butt lately i wanted to request something with Schlatt where basically the reader Starts getting really insecure because of their body. Pushing and pulling on their stomach etc. They also start binding unsafely with like really tight bras because they can't afford a binder and they end up fucking up their ribs really bad. They end up in the hospital and a very worried Schlatt visit's them and lectures them about how they shouldn't have done that and about how worried he was. So when they get back home there is a gift on the bed, turns out Schlatt bought them a binder.
The reader would be Non-binary and afab.
Also a little message for pretty much anyone who is insecure about their body/has body dysmorphia because of their chest, don't bind unsafely. That can really fuck up your chest and make you actually being happy with your body even harder.
Hell yes. I love this idea thank you icarus! Writing has been rude to me lately and I needed inspiration. This has hit it exactly.
Pronouns:nonbinary (dont think any were actually used in this so yeah.)
Tw: AFAB reader, swearing, insecurity, mention of surgry, mention of blood, mention of hating self, pain. Again angst to fluff. It is reflecting on how I have felt about my body before because I needed to make it seem kinda real.
PSA: please dont bind safely. It's dangerous and can lead to serious health consequences. I know hating your body sucks but I dont want anyone to get hurt because they dont listen to their lungs, they dont take off their binder, or if their bras are way too fucking tight. It can and will hurt you. So please bind safely!!
Happy birth-what the fuck?!
Lately your brain was giving you more dysphoria then ever. Telling you your body was too big, your boobs were too noticable, and you hips are too feminine.
What brought this on? Someone simply said your dead name. It made your dysphoria hit you like a truck.
After that day everything went down hill. Your stopped streaming, telling your followers that you were going on a mental break, you didn't really talk to friends, your brain could put words together. And you most importantly barely texted your loving supporting boyfriend schaltt, not wanting to break down in front of him.
You never had the time or thoughts of getting a chest binder. It was your biggest mistake honestly.
Deciding against chest binders and wearing alot of tight bras to flatten you. But it didnt work. So you got tighter bras. And they did work. But you didnt read up on how to bind safely.
This lead to the predicament now. In front of your mirror you were pinching and pulling at your skin. There was too much. All you wanted to do was cut it off with scissors. But decided against it due to the fact of all the blood that you would loose.
Your chest, smaller then it was yas, was still visible after your 3rd bra. You decided to add a 4th and tighter one hoping it would completely hide your boobs.
Your body made you want to puke. It made you feel disgusting. But you never told schaltt that. Afraid that he would say that you looked as gross as you thought you did.
Only 5 minutes after the 4th bra you felt excoriating pain in your ribs. And worse of all a harsh pop. That immediately brought red flags. It hurt to breath. Your head fuzzy and light headed.
Your only reaction, to call for an ambulance. Dialing the three numbers as you whimpered in pain you held onto your lungs. "911 what's your emergency?" "I cant breathe. It hurts so bad. Please help." "Are you by yourself?" "Yes. I need help please." "Ambulance, firemen, and police are on their way. Ambulance is 2 minutes out."
You didnt know if you had 2 minutes. "They can break the door down if I dont answer." That's all you said after collapsing.
Next thing you knew your door was busted off its hinges and you saw two paramedics. They were quick to transfer you to the ambulance, cutting through the four bras that held your chest.
It help get air to your lungs but it barely helped.
"We have a collapsed lung. ETA 2 minutes." The paramedic back there with you spoke to the walkie talkie.
Collapsed lung? Was that the harsh pop? God, was the bras that bad of an idea? All that was going through your mind was how you possibly could get worse. The instant you got into the trauma bay was way worse. With no time to numb you and your O2 stats dropping they had to cut between your ribs and shove a tube right next to your left lung. Draining air and excess blood blocking your lung from inflating. And before you knew it you were off to emergency surgery for getting a shard of bone out of your chest cavity.
The last thing you remember was counting down and falling asleep.
When you woke up your boyfriend was next to your bed, hands engulfing one of yours.
It looked like he had been crying before falling asleep on one of your legs. Taking your free hand through his hair you smiled lightly. "I'm sorry for all of this ram boy." He grunted lightly and moved his head back into your hand. His messy hair was thick and nearly matted. It made you wonder how long he's been sitting there. You loved him and felt so selfish for doing this to him.
"I cant believe I did all this and for what? To cause you and everyone pain? All because i couldnt afford a chest binder and deciding that I might as well try another way. I should have been safer huh?" You didnt expect an answer back. Just his quite snores.
"Yeah. Not really fuckin selfish more like kinda dumb. Your body doesnt show who the fuck you are (y/n). Your heart does. And your heart isnt say boy or girl. Its saying you are you. A person who uses pronouns they them. A person that love everyone and cares for their friends. A person who love me and jambo so deeply."
He took a breath.
"You normally are quite smart. Saving up for one would of been a better idea instead of doing such a stupid thing. Asking for my help. Because if I knew I would of helped. I would of found one just right for you. I would help you remember to take it off after 8 hours. Even would of found a way to make you feel more like you."
You could hear his heart break.
"But now you're here, four broken ribs, a healing lung, and stuck in the hospital for another week at least."
You felt so guilty. He was right. You should of told him. He would never have seen you like you saw yourself. He never cared about how you looked. He only cared for your heart.
Tears falling down your face you continued to massage his scalp. "I could of lost you. You are my rock. When I cant keep up my normal antics and feel like I'm at an all time low. You are there to pick me up." You had to stop the sob from coming up. "I'm just so happy youre alive." He looked up.
His red eyes were making your heart ache. "I wont do it again I promise. But I cant just ignore the feeling of dread whe. I look down and realize I present so much like a girl. I dont wa t to be one." Schaltt nodded and kissed the hand he was holding. "Then let me help you. I wont let this happen again. Just please. Come to me. Talk to me. I'm here like you are for me."
You gave a small nod.
This man knew his way to your heart. He was so sincere about this. "I will. But promise me you wont look down on me if I end up feeling like that." You just needed to make sure you knew he would never but you needed his words. "Mever sugarbabe. Never in my life have I looked down on you and never will."
God the week was long, him and the doctor explaining safe binding that you cant fully bind for at least 6-8 weeks. Schlatt telling you his reaction to finding your apartment swarmed with police and firemen and you no where to be seen.
He was practicing on saying happy birthday to you. But was cut off. "Happy birth-what the fuck?!" He was so concerned and even more so when you were in hospital.
When you did go home he helped you through the door, and watched you as you saw the small package on your couch.
Opening it you saw a chest binder. Specifically the one you were looking at. Looking over to schaltt with tears in your eyes you walked up and hugged him lightly minding the pain in your left side. This was the best gift.
The only gift you had been wanting for the past week or two. "Now you can be safe. But no binding till your doctor says so or I swear to god I will personally smite you down." You had to try so hard no to laugh or the pain would of been hell. Kissing his cheek you smiled.
"Of course schaltt. I will make sure to not wear it till I'm healed dont want to get blood on it ya know. Also it would hurt like a fucking bitch."
He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Alright now go sit down. I'll get you some soup ya dork."
This was going to be a great time. That was until the pain fully came back. And then this is going to be a mediocre time.
Please pardon spelling errors. I havent proof read. And I am on mobile for almost all stories. But thank you so much for requesting this became something that I could write and it helped me alot. Now I might take a while for other things too and i apologize that's cause i am starting school soon. Also family issues. So yeah might take a bit. Dont know how long though. I'll try to keep them coming but if not you know I'm studying or helping my mom and grandma.
Eli out.
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skzfairies · 3 years
tag list: @shinyddeonghwa @ateezjuliet
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okay so that live was very chaotic.. and even tho the members prevented anyone from showing their butt on making gestures w their hands, yuri was too quick for anyone to pull her down 😭
shes a runner shes a track star 🎶
ANYWAYS she was sitting in the back, so she quickly like backed away from the table, and the members were too busy arguing to even notice her rip
but she stood up quickly and turned around and went “one CHEEK, TWO CHEEK, ONE BUTT.” she deadass pointed to each of her buttcheeks and then circled around her whole butt 😭
the boys were like 😳😳YURI SIT DOWN
she just rolled her eyes and sat back down, some can hear her say “i’m too hot for this” or “idiots”, but it’s too quiet to rlly hear her 😭😭
hongjoong and yuri were doing a vlive and hongjoong was reading comments while yuri was drawing on her hand, we don’t know what she was drawing but do we want to know is the question 😀
hongjoong and yuri were doing a vlive and hongjoong was reading comments while yuri was drawing on her hand, we don’t know what she was drawing but do we want to know is the question 😀
hongjoong read the question, “is there anything you ‘re really interested in lately?” hongjoong gave his answer and looked over to yuri and she was.... still not listening
so hongjoong was like .... YURI and he repeated the question and she was just like “girls”, it was a while until yuri realized what she just said ... and hongjoong was trying his hardest not to laugh 😭😭 she slowly looked up and looked at the camera then hongjoong like 😳😳 and then 🤭
“i meant it interested in girl groups, i really like red velvet recently...yeah...didn’t complete my sentence. i don’t speak korean very well... sorry.”
yuri is still pulling the “i don’t speak korean” card even though SHE HAS BEEN LIVING IN KOREA FOR 5 YEARS NOW 😭😭😭 bestie we know the truth
she read that comment aloud in english... and she looked up in the camera in a disgusted face but was like 😕 quickly after cuz she’s an idol yk 😭
she looked at the camera for awhile, and then she looked at the ceiling for awhile, literally complementing her life rn, she sat there for like, three whole minutes
she was like .... did i really move almost 6,000 miles away from my home just to be asked to show her feet to the camera ???
she quickly moved on from the subject and never addressed it again 😭
ateez was doing a vlive together and everyone was sharing their tmi, and it was finally yuri’s turn so she was like 😏😏
“i met the love of my life the other day” she said, looking at the camera and back to reading the comments, ignoring the looks of suprise the boys were giving her, she was hiding her laugh behind her sweater paw hand until hongjoong was like “you need to explain more than that!”
she had to laugh for awhile until she was like “i met blaise’s cats the other day, and both of them are literally my soulmates. i don’t think i’ll ever meet someone who will ever make me as happy as them. besides atiny of course.” yuri chuckled, smirking when all of the boys rolled her eyes
“cant believe we were replaced by cats...” mingi grumbled.
ANOTHER group vlive
yuri is so chill in her solo lives but when she’s with her members... she says a lot of stuff that never will be real to me 😭
all of them were just reading comments and yuri said “i look so hot today and it’s literally a crime that none of you are complimenting me. atiny, ateez, your status from being my favorite person is being revoked.”
THE BOYS LITERALLY IGNORED HER until jongho was like “it’s a crime that we have to see your ugly face everyday”
“yeah, and you’re so annoying too. how do you think we feel?”
“shut up, without me, you wouldn’t know how to crack an egg without getting the shells every where.” yuri huffed, causing mingi to scream in denial, while san just whistled ... because it was true
yuri took matters in her own hands and walked up to the camera and showed off her beautiful outfit and then she posed for atiny to take screenshots for awhile, before sitting back down and acting like nothing happened
she even pretended to not hear wooyoung say “atiny please save us, shes like this everyday. i don’t know how much of her ego i can handle.” but she for sure tackled him when they got home
so yuri was walking into a vlive that seonghwa and hongjoong were doing (she always interrupts them, only to be called the problem child 😳)
so she was skipping into the view waving and smiling when she missed her step and she went BOOM right onto the floor on her face 😀
you could hear a loud smack to the ground and seonghwa panically turned around to make sure she was okay, only to find her laughing hysterically
she ended up getting a bloody nose and she didn’t even realize until she stood up and looked in the camera
“um...i’ll be right back guys.” she left and you can hear her yell in the hall “THAT WAS SO EMBARSSING OH MY GOD I CANT ANYMORE.” i’m english and both hongjoong and seonghwa had to hold in their laughter 😭😭
she came back and was like “atiny, i’m okay! i think i about scared seonghwa and hongjoong out of their skin though.” she laughed and stayed with them a little longer, until she finally ditched them once mingi was done doing something
she was like “peace out losers💪”
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Queen Marinette
Queen Marinette
Here is a ~2000 word song fic that I wrote in place of working on my ongoing fics hope you guys like it.
I saw a post a while ago where Damian would call Mari Queen/Your Majesty as she was a princess, but i cant find the post anymore but the idea stuck so here we are.
The League of Assassins also known as the League of Shadows is one of the Earth's best kept secret society second to Themiscyra home of the Amazons and Atlantis of the Atlantans. However there is one that only a handful know and whispers of their existence are mythical in the cosmos. Only known to the head families, or rulers, of Themiscyra, Atlantis, and the League of Assassins.
That would be the Kingdom at Miraculi.
Marinette is anything but a normal girl. She is the crowned princess of Miraculi as well as being the reincarnation of the goddess Tikki. She is creation herself, but on top of that she was blessed by the other gods as well, meaning she is able to wield their gifts as well. She is Princess Marinette Dawntreader of Miraculi.
But right now she wants to be anywhere but the palace. At the age of eight she just met her betrothed and let's just say he did not make a good first impression.
In front of her stood Damian Al Ghul the heir of Demons and next head of the league of shadows. The league is the guard of Miraculi, ensuring that the existence of the Kingdom remains peaceful and in turn the Kingdom of Miraculi supplies the magic of the Lazarus Pit. The concealment of Themiscyra and Atlantans able to survive under water are other blessings provided by Miraculi. But back to the pain on hand, Damian Al Ghul.
"Tt. you really do look the part of a princess" she was in a long flowing dress with long sleeves as she had finished her classes for the day. "Fragile and helpless."
"Yes and you appear as a demon" she shot back. "self-absorbed and arrogant" she turned on her heel "keep up little Prince" she called over her shoulder.
They got to know each other better but he was always so cold and distant. But they grew to love each other. Damian left to be with his father when they were 10, but they still stayed in contact. Then when they were 13 she got news that broke her heart, Damian was dead.
She couldn't stay in the Kingdom without remembering him. She needed distance and new scenery wouldn’t hurt. So she brought it up to her parents, and they were reluctant, but Diana Princess of Themiscyra brought up the solution Marinette would be staying with Sabine Cheng, an Amazon who was granted leave of Themiscyra , and her husband Tom Dupain.
That was how she found herself in Paris as an 8th year introducing herself as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
That was how she also met Adrien Agreste. He was kind and sweet. He was new to school life just as she was new to life outside of Miraculi.
But not long afterwards did Lila Rossi enroll at Du Ponte.
With a quick search on google revealed most of her tales to be just that, fiction.
Adrien and Mari dated for two years before he ended the relationship. It was because she
wouldn't stop trying to reveal Lila's lies. That it was hurting his image that he was seen with her. That if only they knew the truth it would be enough. Well, fine, goodbye Adrien was her only thought. Her head held high.
Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy
To fight my battles, to overshadow me
Don't ya know I'm dangerous?
Fire burnin' in my blood
I got this handled, I don't need rescuin'
Unfortunately for him she didn't stop trying to get her class to see the truth.
A side effect of the liar's influence was that she was ostracized from the rest of the class.
But that wasn't a priority. Miraculi was going to become public. So she had a revealing ceremony to prepare for.
But before that she was asked to join as a joint member of the Teen Titians and Young Justice.
She was to meet with the two teams at Mt. Justice so she was looking for Kaldur, Aqualad, as she exited the building.
She was making her way towards him when she heard it.
"Princess" Adrien called and pulled her to look at him.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
"Can I do something for you Agreste?" she asked as calmly as she could. "Because if not I am meeting a friend I haven't seen in ages."
"Just make up with Lila" he started "she isn't hurting anyone. And when you do everyone will be your friend again."
She smiled and noticed Kaldur closer than before. "Kaldur good to see you again how was your flight?" Adrien turned to see who she was talking to, and Kaldur after a second of shock responded.
"Uneventful, is everything set?" he asked giving her a way out.
"Yes" Mari answered "Sorry Adrien, another time"
"B- 02 Aqualad, B- 34 Omni"
She was in a black formfitting sleeveless top that rose to form a mask covering her face to her nose. Dark red combat boots that were tucked into black motorbike pants. A red belt with a forest green sash that faintly resembled a skirt just under it. Her gloves and arm guards were black and grey, and all over were golden accents. Her hair was cut short and was pitch black and her eyes were a golden color with flecks of green. (Outfit)
After quick introductions she noticed him, Robin of the Teen Titians, was standoffish but was familiar oh so familiar. Then she saw his hand twitch towards his sword and tapped the butt of the hilt twice before dropping his hand.
That was all the confirmation she needed. As everything fell into place.
That little jerk.
Batman asked for her to spar, to assess her combat skills. As she predicted Robin stepped in to be her partner.
She pulled two red batons from the small of her back and they began. Yes they were evenly matched but then she decided to mess with him. She turned back time to feign a right but ducked and swept his legs from under him. With him distracted she created a Mirage of herself and another to make herself invisible. She snuck up behind him used venom to freeze him and flip his cape over his head while her Mirage took his sword.
"Tt. unfreeze me" he practically growled she noticed almost everyone flinch and took a step back.
"You sure that's what you want, while I have your sword?" she taunted. She noticed a few shot her looks of sympathy. Odd. As Robin stayed quiet. "Fine" she dropped venom and he charged "Have it your way little Prince."
She jumped and he seemed to freeze mid charge but she didn't. She created a shell-ter around him.
Which he crashed into. He stood up and was gaping at her.
She dropped shell-ter and was making a few final decisions with Batman, while Robin still hadn't moved 30 minutes later and his mouth still agape. By this time Nightwing had come over.
"I think you broke little wing" he chuckled.
"You think so." she responded with a slight question. "Close your mouth your going to catch flies Al Ghul."
"Yes, Your Majesty" he finally snapped out of his stupor.
She saw Nightwing and Batman share a look and then look between the two of them.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
They explained the role of Miraculi in the world. How they had met and knew one another. Their engagement and finally the reopening of the Kingdom to the world. By now she dropped her transformation, meaning her eyes were back to bluebell and her hair was a midnight blue, and the bats had taken off their masks.
Then an idea hit.
"Your plotting something" Damian snapped her out of her planning.
"Plotting makes it seem malicious" she paused "I'm planning."
"I'll bite, what are you planning?" Nightwing, Dick as he introduced, asked.
"How would you like to come to my coronation and be some of the first outsiders in Miraculi?" she responded.
Eyes on me like I'm a prize
But you better recognize
I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
As she guessed the news of Miraculi opening up was all the news was covering. The hidden Kingdom known only by the Amazons and Atlantans, officially, was all everyone was talking about.
The fact that the opening was set for the coronation of the princess added to the suspense.
About a month before our teacher had news. "Due to a special invitation our class has been invited to attend the Princess’ coronation in Miraculi" that was when the class erupted.
In a week Lila convinced everyone she personally asked the Princess to invite the class as a favor to her. That she grew up in the castle with her and was made a lady in waiting. Two weeks until the coronation, she asked Damian to tweet that 'he can't wait to see his best friend again in Miraculi.’ Which caused a small discourse with a boy called Jon Kent of how he was Damian's best friend. Where he answered with 'female best friend. Better Kent' That Lila used to say it was her, and that he only used best friend instead of girlfriend.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
The week before they left to Miraculi, in order to show them around. Before landing Mari changed into an emerald green dress with a mandarin collar. A jacket and belt with a duster in a dark silver trimmed with gold and matching gloves. Her hair was in a side braid and a thin golden circlet on her brow. A few of her classmates glared at her but she didn't pay them any attention. (Outfit)
She was the last out of the airport and you could feel the tension in the air. Lila was spouting some nonsense to the guards that were sent to retrieve them. Then they noticed her, every guard formed a straight line to the captain as they dropped onto one knee and bowed their heads. As she passed them they stood up.
"Captain Chase it is good to see you again” she smiled as he also rose.
"The honor is mine Princess" he bowed again.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want,
She turned back to face the class. "Welcome to Miraculi, I am Princess Marinette Dawntreader. I hope you enjoy your stay. The guards will escort you in these carriages to the castle for your stay." she mounted Yin (Silver), who Captain Chase brought for her. "I will ride ahead, as they are in capable hands." She smiled and rode off towards home.
The next week was amazing. Between tours of the Kingdom her classmates were part of an honorary court, to glimpse into the Royal life.
Damian almost cut off Lila's head the first time they met. Most of the class realized that if Lila lied about knowing Marinette, well the Princess but Lila hated Mari, and dating Damian, what else had she lied about. Turns out they can use google and Mari received several apologies and offers to be friends. She accepted the apologies but not their offers.
"Why?" was a consensus of the group.
"You realize that you were deceived, but that does not excuse your actions. As I am also assuming you wish to be friends because of my status." That seemed to force them to think, thank Kwami.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
But the best part of this week was after the apologies was hearing them all, Lila included, only address her with 'Your Majesty’.
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gr0vndz3ro · 4 years
Cop!Bakugou x Villain!Reader(NSFW)
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Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Cursing, forced sub!bakugou, dom! reader, dub con, bondage because if you think im writing a cop au and not use hand cuffs youre dead wrong, choking, degradation, spit, oral, overstimulation, gagging, hair pulling, unprotected sex
Word count: 3973
A/N: Me and @1-800-callmekatsuki were thirsting over bakugou for hours and I HAD to write this. I ended up getting really into this so it ended up being a little longer than I expected but I hope y’all enjoy. Also this is the photo that got this whole fic started. The art is not mine.
A little side note I’ve gotten a few comments in regards to the current situation going on in the US and trust me I get it, but this blog is just a place for me to personally escape the things going on irl. I wasn’t writing this in correlation to anything going on and I’m sorry if people think this is bad timing but this story is free of any personal opinion and just something fun for people to read. I want my blog to be for other people what it is for me, just something to enjoy. If for any reason this story bothers you I’m really sorry🥺🥺 I’m just a horny girl who just want to write smut and I think fbi/ cop bakugou is hot 😭 If reading anything in regards to a cop (even when not negative) is something that bothers you then please feel free to keep scrolling. I don’t take any offense to people not liking this, but I did work hard on this and for those of you do read it I hope you guys enjoy it. ❤️
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Arms crossed against his broad chest, Katsuki scoffed at the briefing he was just given by his chief. The criminal that the precinct had just managed to catch was believed to be tied to the League of Villains. Y/N Y/L/N, her quirk was called Sirens Song. She’s able to control men with just the sound of her voice. She had been caught trying to smuggle weapons, thought to be for the L.O.V, in a boat that she stole from two unfortunate men that happened to cross her path.
This whole thing was a waste of his time, he could be out there trying to find the actual threats. Instead he was in this meeting, listening to the description of just another wannabe villain. When the chief had finished with the case details, Katsuki got up from the chair, ready to go back to his patrol when the man spoke up again.
“We are going to be keeping her in holding for a few days to try to get as much information we can get out of her to see if she’s the connection to the League that we’ve been looking for. On the screen you will see a list of the interrogation times and who goes when, as well as who will be covering what over night watch shift. After you have checked for your name you are free to go.”
Rolling his eyes, the blond walks over to the board and sees he is set as the over night guard for tonight. He clenches his jaw, instead of being able to go home after a long day, he’s forced to work all night. Watching some criminal trying to pass as a real target. He whips his head to his boss, stomping over.
“Oi, what the hell is this supposed to be huh?! You got me working for 24 hours, ain’t that illegal or some shit?” Not being able to control his anger at the situation.
“Officer Bakugou I see that you’ve taken a look at the board. Don’t worry about the work load, you’ve been assigned to a fairly peaceful district so there shouldn’t be to much strain on you. If there any other problems you have I would recommend biting your tongue. You’re already on thin ice this week due to you run in with Officer Midoriya. Be grateful you are involved in this case in anyway. Now if that will be all.” The chief says not allowing Katsuki the time to interject, leaving afterwards to go to his office.
Left there grinding his teeth, he holds back his dying urge to curse the man out and leaves the building to start his “easy” patrol. He hated easy days, it wasn’t what he had joined for. He wanted to hunt down bad guys and make them suffer for what they did. He wanted to put away thugs and criminals, not right a ticket for an unpaid parking meter. I’m to good of a cop to be a fucking meter maid. His jaw firm as he thinks about the cases other stations were working on. The good that he could be doing if he wasn’t here, having his talent go to waste. Saving people was what he wanted to do, be the hero that saves the day. But all because of his temper, he now had the “easy” shift.
He pulled back into the station at 10 pm to start the over night watch. mostly everyone had gone home, except for the few stragglers finishing up their last amounts of paperwork for the week. He heads to the break room to grab something quick to eat when the chief walked into the room.
“There is a few things I wanted to tell you about your shift tonight and about the situation at hand. The suspect quirk is very powerful, while the room they’re in cancels quirks, the effects of hers can still be felt to some degree. They are no where near her normal strength and more of a temptation that most are able to snap out of after a few seconds. Do not under estimate her Bakugou, do you hear me? I will not be filling a missing suspect report because you are to arrogant to follow commands.” The chief explain to him, belittling him the process. If the anger he felt could be seen physically, everything in the room would have been exploded.
“Yeah, yeah I hear you loud and clear. The idiot isn’t gonna be a problem.. sir.” His attitude barely peaking out at the end of his sentence, a slight smirk on his lips. With that response, his boss leaves for the night, officially leaving Katsuki alone in the station to start his second shift of the day. 
Coffee. If there was any way that he was going to get through this night it was going to be with lots of coffee. He goes to the coffee pot and makes himself a small pot. With a mug in his hand he starts his walk over to the holding cells. He turned the corner and sees you sitting there in the cell. His eye widen subtly, Damn she’s hot. Maybe he wouldn’t need coffee after all. He took his seat near your cell so keep an eye on you. There wasn’t much he could really do. There was no way for you to get out. Basically he was just there to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself until the detectives come back to investigate you more. As he sat there he got a good look at you. Your clothes were dirty a torn from you chase from the cops, rips on you pants exposing parts of your thighs, and the rip on you shirt showed just enough of your abdomen to leave him dirty thoughts. Thoughts of how soft your skin is, how it would feel under his calloused fingers. How you would react to his touch, goosebumps covering your skin. He looks up to your face. Small scratches liter it but that does nothing to hide how beautiful you are. The way your eyes catch the light and how pieces of your hair fall out of your pony tail framing you face. Your hair slightly a mess, probably due to running yet all he could think about was how much he wanted to mess it up even more. You run his hands through it and just yank your head back with a fist full of your locks. The two of you hadn’t even exchanged words to each other but he knew he wanted you. You’re eyes met his after he was done checking you out.
“Do you like what you see?...” Your eye brow raised in amusement as you caught his wandering eyes. You take this time to check out the officer who you assumed would be watching you tonight. His uniform and vest highlighting how broad his chest is, the sleeves tight around his arms due to the amount of muscle it was trying to contain. His pants tightened around his thighs. Blond hair slightly covering his eyes. He clenches his jaw and you swear that thing could cut diamonds. This man was hot and you cant help but smirk at the fact he was checking you out. You look back down to his chest to see his name tag, Bakugou. “...Officer Bakugou” His face immediately pulls into a scowl in defense. 
“Oh you fucking wish” He pulls his eyes away from you and rest his head on the back of his seat. He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable, finding it impossible as this chair was a piece of shit. So he stands up and starts looking around trying to find something else to focus on. You break him out of his thoughts.
“Do you have anything else that I could wear? These clothes are ruined and I’d like to be in proper clothing.” You say in reference to your tattered clothes, ruined by jumping over fences and having them get caught and rip. You hear a ‘tsk’ and see him start to walk off. Rolling your eyes at the mans action, you sit down on the chair in your cell seeing as he walked off without giving you a response.
“Here” you look up to see him sliding a shirt and pair of pant in through the bars. You walk over and grab them from his hands, running your finger tips across his skin in the process. He yanks his hand back before you can try to touch him again. You wanted more. Frowning, you walk back near the chair and set your clothes down on it, your hands go to the edge of you shirt but you stop feeling a burning gaze on your back. You turn around to see him staring at you.
“Do you mind?” Raising your eye brow at him.
“I have to watch you to make sure you don’t attempt to do anything that could cause harm to yourself.” He says coldly, as if he wasn’t dying at the opportunity to see what was under your clothes.
“Okay then suit yourself.” With a smirk on your lips you pull you shirt off over your head, making sure that he could see everything. You slowly fold it and move down to you pants, your finger lingering at the zipper for a moment before pulling it down. Your hands make there way to waist band and tug them down, shimming out of the tight pants, making you butt sway infront of him. If he was going to watch you, you were going to make sure he got a good show out of it. Hands linger around your curves as you snake the fabric down your legs at an agonizingly slow pace. Katsuki could feel his pants tightening at the sight, his breath catching in his throat. A smirk across your face as you see his flustered reaction to your stripping. Activating your quirk you slowly walk over to the bars separating the two of you.
“Why don’t you get in here” Your words putting the man in a trance as he struggles against your suggestion. Starting to get ticked of he isn’t already subdued you speak up again, “Don’t make me repeat myself, you wont like the consequences.”  He feels himself start moving towards your cell against his better judgement. He fights against the feeling in his chest pulling him forward, but before he knows it he’s infront of you inside of the cell. A sinister shine in your eyes as you step closer to the blond, closing the distance, Katsuki could feel the room getting hotter. Your hands make its way to his chest, paralyzing him underneath your touch. 
“Look at you, now go be good boy for me and sit down.” His face burns red at the demand, no one talks to him like this, so why was it turning him on so much. He stays in his place as his last attempt at keeping his dominance over the situation. Your hand travels up to his jaw, fingers roughly grasping either side as you growl into his ear, your patience being tested “Do not test me pretty boy, do what you’re told.” 
You see him struggling against your command feeling conflicted at the switch of power. You put both of you hands on his chest and push him down onto the chair. His eyes wide unable to stop you as you reach down into his pouch grabbing his cuffs. Quickly, you rip off his vest and shirt leaving his torso bare. You walk behind him in the chair, your hands on his shoulders running down his arms, a burning trail left where ever your nails lightly scratch, until your hands make it his wrists. Roughly grabbing them and yanking them behind his back, cuffing his wrist to the chair, permanently securing him in place to allow you to do whatever you please. He assumed you were just going to take advantage of the situation and leave, but he was sorely mistaken. You travel to the front of him leaning forward to kiss his jaw, traveling down to his neck. You roam his neck, searching for his pulse, kissing it once you find it. A groan rips out past his lips, unable to stop it at the sudden pleasure coursing through him. The noise sending a wave over power over you as you start kissing more harshly, sucking and biting at the spot, desperately wanting to hear the noise again.
Once satisfied with the mark now on his neck, you back up standing in front of him, your hands moving down to his pants as you start undoing them. His eyes widen as you pull down his pants and underwear down in one swift movement, his raging boner slapping against his abdomen as he sucks in a harsh breath at the release from the tight confinement. A whine leaves his lips as your hands leave burning trails all over his body, purposely avoiding where he was starting to crave your touch most. Desperate to know how your soft touches would feel against him, the anticipation of whether you’d be gentle or not was starting to eat him alive.
“Did I hear a whine baby? Are you that desperate for me. Look at you, rock hard and I haven’t even done anything yet, absolutely disgusting.” Your words like venom. He twitches as your hand grasps the base of his cock, a deep gasp coming out at your sudden touch. Your other hand goes to his hip pushing him down. Your mouth goes to his ear, “If you fucking move again, I will stop do you understand?” Katsuki swallows hard, suddenly unable to find any words. He hisses as you hand leaves his dick to his throat, choking the man. “Answer me Bakugou”
“Yes princess” He couldn’t help it anymore. He was under your trance but he could care less, all he knew was he needed you. That evil smirk crosses your face once again at his submission. 
“Good boy” You release his neck and trail back down to his throbbing dick. Your thumb brushes over his tip collecting all of the precum oozing out of it. You slowly pump him in your hand, his breath catching in his throat. You gather the excess saliva in your mouth and spit it onto his hard cock. His eyes shoot to yours as the cool liquid meets his burning hot member.
Your hand starts a steady past as you move up and down, making sure to add pressure to the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft. Your hand twisting every time you get to his tip earning a deep groan from his throat. He gets lost in ecstasy as you start picking up the pace, giving extra attention to his tip. He’s so caught up in it that when you replace your hand with your mouth he lets out a moan. You make him bottom out inside your mouth and the noises coming from the man infront of you make you let out a moan yourself, the vibrations only bringing him further pleasure. 
“Fuck princess that- ugh- feels sooo good” your tongue presses deeply into the vein all the way up to his tip, you make sure to give extra attention to the sensitive swollen head. Relaxing your throat, you take him all the way in, him pressing down your throat. But it was completely worth is for the look on his face. Eyebrows furrowed and his head thrown back in pure bliss. You move you head back up adding your hand in to meet his balls as you start massaging them. Katsuki is a moaning mess under your touch and wants nothing more than to run his hands through your hair and fuck into your mouth relentlessly. Watch as you start tearing up at the lack of air as he just gets off. But being completely under your control instead turned him on to no end. The added pleasure from your hand in combination with your mouth was sending him over board. He throws his head back as a deep groan leaves his lips along with several profanities as he shoots hot white ropes into your mouth, His orgasm taking over him with no warning. Surprised by his sudden release you swallow all of his seed, yet continue your movements. When he notice that you show no sign of stopping he lets out a whine at how sensitive he was. He tried moving away but your free hand grips his thigh, fingernails digging in as he hisses at the pain.
“Wha-what are you doing? I cant-” his voice uneasy from a mix of coming down from his high and the sensitivity he felt. You release his dick with a loud pop.
“You see I never said you could finish, but you decided to be a selfish little whore and finish anyways.” You stand up, releasing your grip from both his balls and thighs. You push his knees together and then move your hands to the clip of your bra and undo it, letting it drop to the ground. Your hands shoot to your breasts as you give them a rough squeeze, Katsuki drinking in the sight, whimpering as his sensitive cock twitches. His eyes glued to your hands as the travel down your body to the waistband of your matching underwear. Your fingers toying with the band, slightly dipping it and bringing it back up, loving how Bakugou reacted to your every move. His face flushed from the hormones rushing through his body, his dick painfully hard at the beautiful image infront of him. You pull the underwear down your thighs, strings of slick connect to the lacy clothing. Saying that everything that had been happening wasn’t turning you on severely would be dead wrong. Every moan that left his mouth sent a jolt straight to your core and you wanted, no needed, something, and you knew exactly what you were going to do.
You bring you legs on either side of one of his massive thigh and lower yourself onto him. His eyes widen as you grind yourself against him, throwing your head back as pleasure courses through you at the friction. His eyes shoot to where you were seated and watched as you shamelessly got yourself off on him. He watched as your juices drip down his leg, his cock twitches as he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within your walls, slamming into you. He wines as you let out a loud moan, the friction feeling so good against your swollen clit.
“Please princess- fuck- let me make you feel go-” You stop his talking by shoving the lace into his mouth and grab his jaw roughly.
“All you deserve right now is to be my pretty little fuck toy okay. If you can behave then maybe ill let you fuck me.” You purr into his ear, your hot breath fanning across his neck as you move your hips grinding against him. You moan at the feeling, continuing to expertly move your hips back and forth. As you feel yourself getting close you reach your hand up to your nipples and starts tugging at them sending waves of pleasure into your core, giving you just the boost you needed. Your hand shoots to the back of Kastuki’s head tugging on his soft hair as you chaise your release. He watches your every move as you cum all over his thigh, his cock throbbing at the sight of your orgasm. Your eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed as you bit your lip, failing your attempt to hold back your moans. Once you come down from your high you move your legs so that you are no longer straddling his thigh, but now his waist, your soaking core pressed against his dick. A muffled moan attempts to leave his lips at the much needed pressure. Your hand goes to his mouth and you retrieve the now soaked pair of undies, a trail of saliva following. “Do you want to fuck me baby?”
“Yes, please Y/N. please let me fill you up.” he groans as you move your hips to grind against him.
“Do you think you deserve to touch me?” You ask the desperate man, a smile on your face at how eager he is.
“Fuck yes, let me make you feel so good” You lean down to wear his pants were grabbing the key, reaching behind him pushing the key into the cuff unlocking them. His hand immediately go to your body assaulting everything he could touch. Firmly grasping your breasts moving his  hands across your body down to your hips as you lift yourself to allow him to slip into you. A moan escapes both of you as he bottoms out due to how slick you were. Your walls clench around him holding him like a vice. He trusts into you holding onto your hips and you place your hands onto each of his shoulders, letting you stabilize yourself as he rutts into you. 
Each of his thrusts hit all of the right spots, rubbing against your walls deep inside of you. You’ve never felt this filled. You lean down and your lips meet with a fiery passion. Tongues fight for dominance as he speeds up his movements. You eventually win, not wanting him to forget his place. You break away from the kiss, a mix of both of you spit dripping from your mouth and you let it drip onto his glistening chest. You look down at his lustful face.
“You fill me up so good Bakugou, hitting every spot with your massive cock. Are you close baby?” Your hands making their way back to his hair, tugging at the blond locks as you feel the familiar feeling building in your core as he slams into your g-spot.
“uughh yes. I can feel how close you are, So fucking tight- god, fuck- let me cum with you princess.” His words enough to start the overwhelming feeling so you lean into his ear.
“Then cum with me baby” He sends a rough thrust into you and you come undone, a white flash taking over at the intensity of this second orgasm. You yank on the locks of hair in your fingers. Katsuki groans feeling you clench around him, trusting into you haphazardly as his own orgasm takes over, completely filling you with his hot cum. 
He slows his movements, riding out both of your highs, until he comes to a stop still deep inside of you. You both stay there catching your breath as you rest you head on his shoulder trying to regain your senses. After a few moments you lift yourself off of him, immediately missing the fullness. You move off of his lap and allow him to stand up to grab his clothes. He bends over grabbing his pants and pulling them back on. While fumbling with the button he is suddenly interrupted by a hard hit to the head causing him to fall to the floor. You frown slightly at him as you place the chair back on the ground. You slip on your clothes and drag him to the cell wall and sit him against the bars. You clip the cuffs in place securing him to the bar as you back up slightly, pushing the fallen hair out of his face.
“Its nothing personal I promise” You stand up and walk away from the unconscious man toward to door, key in hand. You unlock the cell door and walk out, not before turning back to him one final time.
“Plus I don’t think this is the last time we will be meeting.”
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A/N: AAAAAAAAA im sORRY. If you guys enjoy this one I can do a part two were the tables are turned??? because im a slut for dom! bakugou
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dimensionwriter · 5 years
100 Days
Part One
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Alien x Reader
Warning: None
Word Count: 1947
Okay so this is just an experiment in a way. So just remember to LIKE, COMMENT and REBLOG. I'll appreciate it.
The creature floated in front of you in a giant alien containment. The container was 12 feet wide and 10 feet tall. The liquid that filled it was enriched with a substance that would allow the creature to continue to thrive even while being out of it's native world.
"How is experiment 337?" A deep voice buzzed in your ear. You jumped at the intrusive noise that disturbed the silence in the room. You sometimes forget that this is actually a job.
"Still unconscious, sir," you reported walking around the containment to look at it's sleeping form.
The creature had grayish blue skin that turned black once it reached it's appendages. It was bipedal with the legs thick and muscular. They had a set of arms that extended from it's shoulder, similars to a human. A second and third set of arms came from their spine and wrapped forward. A thick tail came from it's back and had a length of 3 feet and 2 inches.
"The vitals?" The voice demanded. You held in a sigh and walked over to the computer showing all the vitals. The things on the screen was a lot more complicated than that of a human.
"Fine, I believe. Though, the second heart has slowed down a lot in the last hour. Maybe get one of the doctors to come up here to check them out," you stated sliding through the chart the computer made on the creature's health. You guys didn't know how their normal health looked, so you just take the health they come in as normal and report any change in it.
"Damn thing might be trying to die on us. Well, it's not like it's giving us much information while it's unconscious, so might be a good thing." He ended it with a bark of laughter. You didn't join him as you rolled your eyes at him. He truly didn't have any patience. Some of the creatures that get sent here are here for months before they even begin to show some signs of responsiveness.
"Okay, sir. Please send that doctor in here," you quickly said before tapping your ear piece. You just had to get the boss that's the worse. He does not care for these creatures at all.
"You requested me," a montone voice asked. You turned around to see your vector's doctor walking in. They had a heavy set of bags under their eyes that showed how busy they were.
"Yeah, experiment 337's second heart rate seem to have slowed down," you explain pulling up the chart to show them. They leaned over your shoulder to look at them.
"I'll check on them. You can start your lunch break if you would like," they said looking over at you with a raised eyebrow. You pulled your lab coat back to look at your watch. Your break was supposed to start 20 minutes ago.
"Thanks. You can write anything you find in the notes under Experiment 337. I will see them there if you leave before I'm back," you rambled running around to grab your stuff. It's protocol to leave none of your things behind since you don't know what these creatures can do.
You took off your lab jacket and threw it in the waste bin. Glancing at the doctor, you could already see they were working on the creature. Hopefully nothing is wrong with them.
An hour later, you scan your ID at the door. It open slowly allowing you to see the empty room. Well except for the container with all the machinery hooked up to it. The doctor seem to be gone.
You threw your stuff on the free table and walked over to the metal closet. Inside of here were fresh and sterlized lab coats. There was also some gloves, but that was used if you could touch your experiment. And since yours were unconscious at the moment, it meant that you wouldn't be making any contact for a while.
"Examiner!" Someone yelled causing you to jump. You spun around towards the sound to see the doctor in the container. Their eyes were widen in panic as they struggled in the liquid.
"What? How?!" You stumbled while running to the container. You went to the computer to pull up the container's system. You have ot get them out.
"The creature. He woke up in the middle of me checking on him and he got out. I tried to push the panic alarm, but he sealed me in here. Hurry, get me out!" Their voice yelled out in fear. You stopped typing and turned slowly to the doctor.
"I noticed you said 'he' a lot. We usually say an alien is a they," you said lifting an eyebrow at the 'doctor'. They stopped thrashing and just floated. Since they weren't moving, you could see all the things hooked into them. No alien trying to escape would take the time to stick all those things into a person.
"Hmm, I thought I would identify closest to a male on this planet." The doctor's voice dropped two octaves causing your eyes to widen.
"You can shape shift," you screamed happily running to the glass. He looked exactly like the doctor. He even copied the mole hidden under their hair.
"What about it? You can't," he teased you raising a single eyebrow. It felt weird seeing the doctor, but having the actions and voice be so different.
"Can you please change? I have plenty of questions I want to ask you," you said going back to the computer. You closed the coding for the containment and pulled up the notes on this creature.
"Is this better, babe?" Your fingers froze as you turned your head slowly to the right. The creature was pressed against the glass closest to you. But instead of seeing an alien, you saw yourself.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" The creature teased in your voice. A giant smirk slipped onto your face that looked so unnatural on you. "Well, I guess it's more like I have your tongue."
Laughter came out of your mouth as the creature started floating around. This felt weird. Seeing yourself do all these things while you are standing here really felt like whipflash.
"Wonder what's under here," he sung out before grabbing the front of the shirt. He pulled it away and started peaking around.
"Hey, stop that," you yelled banging on the glass. Deep laughter came from his, well yours, lips as he swam back over to the edge of the glass.
"Don't worry darling." He pulled the shirt down to reveal that underneath was his greyish blue skin. It faded from your skin into his as it passed the collar. "I can't turn into something I don't know."
You quickly turned to the computer and started typing in shapeshifter into his records. Putting a subsection underneath, you added that he can't shift into something he doesn't know or can't see.
"Is there anything else you cant do?" You asked looking over at him. Alien-you leaned back in the liquid and tapped his chin.
"I guess stop being so good looking," he grumbled out. You bit your lip as you thought of a perfect joke. It would be unprofessional to joke around with him, but you have heard other examiner say that they joke and play around with theirs.
"You do look like me, so I will have to agree with you on that statement." His mouth dropped open as soft stutters of laughter escaped. He closed it and rolled his tongue along his teeth.
Slowly, your skin started to turn into that grayish blue until your entire body started to contort. Your clothes turned to ashes before disappearing in the liquid. Jutting his head back, the skull seem to be shifting underneath as it became sharper and fuller.
"I think this looks a little a better," he purred pressing a clawed hand on the glass. He was back to his original form except this time clothed.
A skin tight black material covered from his knees to the peak of his neck, but it didn't cover any of his arms. It kind of reminded you of an old style swim suit in a way, very basic but covered all necessary things.
"So, you can produce clothing on yourself?" You asked thinking of how he perfectly replicated the clothes you were wearing. You leaned over to the computer and typed that in.
"Well, would you like for me to be butt naked in this container?" You stopped typing as you thought it over. It would help with getting data over everything and that increases chance for experiments. "I'm not liking that silence. You pervert."
Embarrassment encased your body as you shook your head trying to rid yourself of the accusation. "No, I was looking at it from a scientific standpoint. I promise."
He swam up and peaked over the top of the glass, so he was starring down at you. His black eyes glimmered with amusement as he threw a swift wink at you. "You can call it whatever you want, baby."
Your jaw dropped in shock at what you assumed was his flirtatious comment. What type of alien were you assigned to examine?
"I-" luckily you were cut off by a voice in your ear interrupting you. You had to stop yourself from letting out a groan as that annoying voice spoke.
"Don't forget we have a required seminar in 39 minutes. Go ahead and put your alien into hibernation and report all vitals before leaving." You rolled your eyes as you remember those dumb seminars. You really didn't want to go.
"Did I blow your mind, buttercup? Guess you imagine what is under my this suit." You zoned back into your environment as you looked back at the alien. Half of his upper body was tilting out of the container at you. His second and third set of arms slowly kept him afloat.
"Sadly, no. I have to put you to sleep now," you commented walking over to the computer. You quickly wrote in the notes that he seems to be made for swimming.
"But if I'm asleep, I can't see that beautiful face of yours," he whined out splashing his tail behind him. Luckily, none of it feel over.
"Don't worry, you can see me in your dreams," you joked typing in the code to send in the sleeping medicine. Blue liquid flowed from the machine and towards the IV stuck into him.
"You didn't even give me your name or give me a name." You tilted your head in confusion at the last statement. Why would you give him a name?
His eyes looked down at the blue liquid as it started going into him. He let out a shaky breath and dropped down into the container. His body slowly sank to the bottom where he leaned against the corner of the container.
You walked towards the glass and gently placed your hand on it. He was blinking slowly at you as he tried to fight the medicine. But you knew in ten seconds, he would be out.
"How about I call you Shark?" You joked looking at his grey skin. Bubbles floated out of his mouth from his laughter. His head plopped against the wall as his eyes shut.
"It's a good thing you cute or I would be offended by that." Silence followed as his breathing even out. The rest of his body sunk down into the floor.
Work was about to get a lot more exciting with him around. Maybe you could actually start looking forward to this.
So this is going to be an ongoing stories. I want to try to use some stories prompt or word prompts for this as practice for my writing. Also, I want to try to write a flirty character instead of a soft blushy one like usual. So this entire thing is a giant experiment for me. So leave a comment and let me know what you think.💜💜💜💜💜
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
I’m a huge fan of your writing!!! You’re so talented 💖✨ Can I please request a protective tom/peter story? Thanks love!!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter is the only one who can tease you about your asthma
Requests are CLOSED
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You were in second grade when you found out you had asthma.
Unfortunately, the rest of the second grade class found out too. Your asthma wasn't too serious, mainly triggered by nerves, but every so often you’d have to take a hit off your inhaler to calm yourself down. That didn’t hinder the merciless teasing from your classmates for not knowing how to breath. There was one thing that hindered the teasing though…
“Why are you in time out?” You asked the curly haired boy with red sneakers sitting next to you. The teacher shot you a look when she heard talking, but looked away when you gave her a bright smile. The boy rubbed his thumb over his knuckles and shrugged.
“I hit Flash.” He said solemnly.
“You hit Flash? Like in the face?” You almost jumped out of your seat in excitement. The boy perked you upon hearing your interest in his actions.
“In the nose.” He said with a toothless grin.
“Hey, I don’t have my two from teeth either.” You opened your mouth to show the boy and stuck your tongue through the gap. “My mommy said it makes me special. But if you’re also missing your teeth, does that mean I’m not special? Or are we both special? I have to call my mommy and ask but I only know the number for 911. It’s 911.” You sighed in defeat before an idea popped into your head. “Do you know your mommy’s number? Can we ask her?”
The boy blinked and looked at the floor before telling you, “I don’t have a mommy.”
“Everyone has a mommy.” You insisted.
“My mommy flew up to heaven with daddy.” The boy told you with a glum face. He never spoke about their death, but he felt safe opening up to you.
“Oh.” You said and looked down. You noticed the boy getting upset and reached over to tap his shoulder. “Do you want to come over after school today and meet my mommy? She’s really nice. Except, sometimes she makes me clean my room.” You remembered. “But I don’t think she’ll make you do that.”
“Okay.” The boy smiled happily at you. “I’m Peter.”
“I’m Y/n.” You told him.
“I know your name.” Peter said. “Your cubby is near mine.”
“I like you Peter. Since we’re best friends now, I’m going to tell you a secret.” You scooted your chair closer to his and lowered your voice.”
“Okay.” Peter smiled in excitement.
“I told a lie to the teacher.” You confessed before clamping your hands over your mouth and giggling as Peters eyes widened.
“What did you say?” He gasped. Lies were a top offense in second grade.
“Michelle drew on the bathroom wall in sharpie and I told the teacher I did it. That’s why I’m in time out.” You admitted to Peter. He furrowed his little eyebrows together.
“Why would you lie about that?” He asked.
“Because if Michelle gets in trouble again, she had to talk to the president.” You told Peter, who’s eyes widened again. “Or the principle. I forget which one.”
“You’re a good friend.” Peter complimented.
“Now I’m your good friend.” You smiled brightly at him. “So why did you hit Flash?”
“I don’t want to tell you.” Peter shook his head and looked away.
“But I told you a secret!” You said a little too loudly, making the teacher look your way again.
“I can’t say.” Peter whispered.
“Then we cant be friends.” You pouted and folded your arms.
“Wait! I’ll tell you.” Peter spoke up.
“Okay.” You leaned closer to him, your pout completely gone.
“I hit Flash because he was making fun of your asthma.” Peter confessed.
“You hit him for me?” You asked. “But you didn’t know me then.”
“I don’t like Flash. I wanted to protect you from him.” Peter told you. Something about Peters words made your second grade heart burst.
“Everyone makes fun of my asthma.” You said sadly. Peter looked angry, because he knew it was true.
“I don’t.” He promised. You looked up at him and pulled him into a hug.
“Okay Peter. We can be friends again.” You said.
But that was elementary school. By high school, things were different.
Since you wore a different purse everyday to match your outfit, you often forgot to put your inhaler in your new bag. Luckily, you usually never found yourself in a situation where you needed your inhaler but didn't have it.
That was true until tenth grade. You had to do an oral report on The Scarlet Letter for your English class. It went fine at first as you stood before the class reading from index cards. Halfway through the presentation, Peter noticed your breathing was getting labored. Your hands were shaking and you looked up from your index cards in fear at the rest of the class. Peter quickly realized an asthma attack was coming on and grabbed your backpack. He started rummaging through it, but found it wasn't your usual purple bag. You were wearing a green dress today, so you opted for a light pink backpack. Only problem, you forgot to stick your inhaler in it. You made eye contact with Peter, who was even more terrified than you were. Peter ran out of the classroom to get the nurse.
"What were you thinking?" Peter yelled, making you jump. You were sitting on the bench outside the nurses office, taking deep breaths with your inhaler. Peter was busy thanking the Lord that it’s required to give the school an inhaler if you have asthma. He was glad he remembered this and got the nurse in time.
"I just forgot. I've never used it at school before. People would think I'm a geek." You said, still a little out of breath. You felt guilty for making him so upset but in your defense, you’ve never needed it before.
"Y/n, you could have died." Peter said angrily.
"Oh, you're just being dramatic." You dismissed.
"Dramatic? 250,000 people die from asthma a year, Y/n." Peter stated, leaving you to wonder how he knew that. He saw you look down at your hands in shame and his eyes softened. He crouched down and took your still shaking hands in his.
"I need you to understand how important it is for you to carry around your inhaler at all times. You can't keep forgetting it. This could've been serious." Peter said gently. You slowly looked up at him.
"I'll remember. I promise." You said. Peter nodded and pulled you into a hug. He frowned deeply once your face was buried in his neck. He didn't like seeing his best friend upset. His frown faded when he heard your giggle.
"What are you laughing at?" He asked.
"I just think it's funny how I said reading The Scarlet Letter was gonna make me die of boredom, and then I almost died while giving a report on it. That would've been quite a death." You laughed. Peter stifled his laughter, not wanting to let you off the hook just yet.
"That's not funny." He smiled.
"At least I would've gone out with a bang." You shrugged.
"Stop." He warned.
"It would’ve been a run and hit, instead of a hit and run. Get it? Because I had to run to take a hit of my inhaler?” You continued to tease him.
"Stop." He said again.
"Alright alright." You rolled your eyes and dropped the subject.
After the incident, your asthma became the butt of all your jokes. The endless "breathless" jokes followed you all the way to college. Whenever you got a chance, an asthma joke would be made.
"Wanna hear a joke?" You asked as you spun around in Peters swivel chair.
"Not at all." Peter replied without looking up from his textbook.
“I watched a documentary on Asthma and what causes it last night.” You informed him. He looked up from his text book, excited that you were taking the initiative to learn more about your condition.
“Oh really?” Peter asked proudly.
“Yeah. It had some really breathtaking stuff.” You nodded before a grin broke out on your face. Peter groaned loudly and covered his face with his hands.
“I hate you.” He said behind his hands.
“Aw, but I love you.” You jumped on top of him and pinned him to his bed. You sat on his chest and held him down by his wrists. Peter looked up and you shyly and prayed his roommate wouldn’t walk it. “You’re my best friend in the whole world. Even if you don’t appreciate my asthma puns.”
"Alright, get off.” Peter said, annoyed you’d reminded him that you were only best friends. “I can’t breath.”
You got off his chest and sat next to him on his bed in silence for a moment before a devious smile crossed your face.
"Neither can I." You grinned, making Peter fully shove you off the bed.
You somehow managed to work it into every conversation.
"Here." You said, sticking a sticker onto Peters arm.
"You're giving me a sticker?" He asked in confusion as he pulled on his shirt to get a better look at it.
"Not just any sticker. It says “you’re a cute-cumber” over a picture of a cucumber.” You explained.
“What would I do without it?” Peter asked sarcastically and he watched the childlike joy on your face.
"It's a scratch and sniff too. I didn't smell it yet, though.” You kept up your innocent act. “I don't know if you know this about me, but I have this thing called asthma. You may have heard about it."
"Mmm, no I don't believe I have. I had no idea you had asthma. You're an inspiration to us all." Peter replied sarcastically. You laughed and rested your head on his arm. “I am a grown man, Y/n. I can’t be seen walking around with this on my arm.”
“You don’t want it?” You asked a little sadly as you went to peel it off of him. Peter brushed your hand away and looked offended.
“I didn’t say I didn’t want it.” Peter defended. “How else are the people gonna know I’m a cute-cumber? What if they think I’m just berry cute?”
You smiled widely at your best friend and smoothed the sticker back onto his arm.
You and Peter could joke about it, but God forbid anyone else tried too.
“If I got a tattoo, I’d get a big dollar sign on my bicep.” A senior, Harry Osborn stated. “To remind me to always secure the bag.”
“How lovely.” You said sarcastically and gave Peter a look.
“What about you, Y/n? What would you get?” Peter asked.
“I don’t know.” You answered.
“You could get an inhaler that says “it’s not easy being wheezy” under it. My friend got that one night when he was drunk. Funny as hell.” Harry commented. Peter felt his fist clench.
“Why would I get that?” You asked Harry.
“Because of your asthma.” Harry shrugged.
“Do you think having asthma is funny, Harry?” Peter leaned towards on his hands and you immediately gripped his arm.
“Peter, he’s only kidding. It’s okay.” You tried to calm him down.
“Do I find it funny your girlfriend is brilliant but doesn’t know how to breath? Yeah, a little.” Harry retorted.
“It’s not her fault.” Peter snapped, not bothering to tell Harry you weren’t his girlfriend.
“I’m not saying it is. I’m just saying, you gotta be pretty dumb to not know how to breath. And if it weren’t for that pretty face, she might not have gotten into this college. Something to think about. Food for thought, if you will.” Harry smiled.
“I won’t.” Peter lunged at Harry but you held him back. You pulled him out of the room by his hand and didn’t stop until you found an empty hallway.
“What was that?” You asked Peter sternly.
“He has the audacity to say you don’t belong here? His dad paid his way in. He asked me how to spell “biology” the other day. He’s a biology major!” Peter exclaimed.
“What he is is an idiot and you don’t have to sink to his level.” You rubbed Peters arms today calm him down. The flush is his face began to fade.
“He had no right to make fun of your asthma.” Peter said softly, making you heart melt.
“I know. Thanks for protecting me.” You said as you wrapped your arms around Peters torso. He rested his chin on your head and a sighed.
Even in the more serious moments, there was always room for a joke.
You and Peter went up to the roof to look at the sky during a particularly loud party. No one was up there but you two, giving you plenty of privacy. You walked to the railing side by side and looked up.
“Look, Peter, the sky.” You blurted. Peter looked and you and let out a groan.
“Really? You’re quoting Anne Frank? Now?” Peter asked you.
“I was quoting Anne Frank’s play, to be fair.” You held up your hands in defense.
“Moving on from that, I’m glad we can see the stars from here. I always wanted to stargaze with you but you could never see the stars from my building.” Peter said.
“I didn’t know you always wanted to do that.” You said with a fond smile. You looked at Peter, who had his head tilted towards the sky, and felt your face flush. You were seeing him in a different light for the first time, moonlight. And he was mesmerizing.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” You asked as you looked at Peter and not at the sky.
“Yeah. It takes my breath away.” Peter sighed in content before looking at you to see if you were enjoying it too. To his surprise, you had been staring at him the whole time.
"You know what takes my breath away?" You looked right in his eyes. Peter looked at you expectantly and smiled.
"What?" He asked, desperate to know. You smiled back at him.
"My asthma." You replied. Peters heart sank and he stared at you for a moment. An amused smile still sat on your face as you turned your attention back to the stars.
"I love you." Peter blurted out. “I’m in love with you.”
You snapped your eyes back to Peter, expecting a goofy grin on his face, but instead saw his dead serious expression. He was being sincere.
"You..." Your eyes widened and you were suddenly gasping for air. You clutched your throat and slid onto the ground. You looked around for your purse, only to remember you left it at the party. You closed your eyes and tried to slow your breathing. You suddenly felt your inhaler between your lips and a hit of air rushed in. You opened your eyes and saw Peter holding an inhaler to your lips with panic in his eyes. You took it from his hands and used it until you could breath again, never breaking eye contact with him. When you calmed down, you took the inhaler away from your mouth and took a deep breath.
"How did you-" you began.
"I started carrying one around after tenth grade." He cut in. "Just in case something like that ever happened again."
You nodded and gave him a soft, grateful smile.
"Wow Peter.” You said timidly. He looked up at you, again with expectation. “You really know how to take a girls breath away."
Peter groaned and scooted next to you.
"I had to. You know I had to." You defended yourself and Peter laughed.
"I should've just let you suffer." Peter teased, making you giggle as you helped him stand up.
"Well I'm glad you were here.” You touched a hand to his cheek and he leaned into it. “You’re always here. Always protecting me.”
“I’ll always protect you.” Peter said assertively.
“I know.” You smiled. “That’s why I love you too.”
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grantzarrr · 4 years
Blinded e.d
warnings: smut, tiny like a tiny bit of angst, lots of fluff
summary: ethan dolan has always loved y/n, but y/n have always been blinded, that is until ethan gets a girlfriend...will she still be blinded?
Monday October 12th, 2009
“Ethan, pass the ball!” Matt shouts as he watched his friend stop for a few minutes staring into what seems like space. but no, what Ethan was staring at wasn't just space, it was, Y/n Y/l/n. a young curly haired girl that drifted out into nature, being on her own was something she thrived off, that's what 9 year old Ethan thought was ‘awesome’ a girl his age not acting so girly, thats what drew him towards her the most. “e, whatcha looking at?” Matt asked, going towards Ethan, so curious. “ughh, this stupid girl again?” Matt groaned, simply not knowing why Ethan always looked and talked about her. that’s what got Ethan to snap out of his staring and thoughts, “what did you just say?” Ethan's voice now stern. “what’s the big deal about her, she's a girl she probably has cooties!” Matt scrunched his face up at the thought of her having cooties, by now Y/n heard Matt yelling about her having cooties, and wasn’t taking that at all, but she waited to see what Ethan would say, she always thought of them as friends so why not? “she does not have cooties, shes...not those type of girls.” Ethan defended, Y/n very pleased at what he had to say and continued picking her sunflowers. “oh yeah, then prove it.” Matt battled, “well-.” he had to stop himself right there. you see ethan had no proof that she didn’t have cooties, he couldn’t say ‘because he touched her’, he would be lying, he was to nervous to even say hi. “well what?” Matt smirked knowing he was right. “hey, buddy, yeah I definitely don’t have cooties, but you wanna know what I do have, power to tell you, you can lick my butt.” Y/n chimed in, sick and tried of hearing him run his big mouth. “yeah she doesn’t have cooties, so yeah lick my butt as well.” Ethan said as he grabbed Y/n hand and squeezed it tightly. Matt huffed and threw up the middle finger, something his big brother thought him, and walked away. Y/n turned to Ethan and said “thank you, Ethan for taking up for me.” Y/n smiled “no-no problem” Ethan stuttered, trying his best to hide his nerves, “c’mon, I have some more flowers to pick, that I think you’ll like.” Y/n said as she ran towards the school’s garden, Ethan right behind her, following every step. thus leading towards Y/n and Ethan becoming inseparable.
July 2020
“bro, what if she doesn’t like me.” Ethan sighs, telling Grayson his deepest fear “bro, if she doesn’t just move on find a new girl, you’ll be fine.” Grayson says calmly as if the situation was just that easy. “gray, you don’t understand, i'm in love with her, since 4th grade i’ve been in love with her, it isn’t that easy to just move on.” Ethan confesses “then tell her.”... that has been circling around Ethan’s mind for so long ‘just tell her’, ‘why don’t you just tell her’ ‘bro, say something to her’, but he can’t over the fear of her simply not liking him back er- loving him back. 
“y/n are you going to Tristan party Friday?” Ethan asked, this is the night he is gonna ask her out, he was so excited yet nervous. “of course, e, you know me better than anyone, you know i’m going.” of course Ethan knew she was going, he listened to her tell her ‘other’ friends, people that wasn’t Ethan. God, Y/n, why are you so in my head, you’re my friend. Ethan thought. but he couldn’t help it, he was gonna give her one more chance to notice so he made a plan.
perfect, now if everything goes as planned Ethan should lose his virginity to Y/n and Y/n should lose her’s to him, perfect. Ethan rethought this plan over and over in his head, fuck, imagine how tight she’ll be, how perfect she’ll taste, how perfect she’ll look when I'm fucking her in- “e!” Grayson interrupted his thoughts and plan to jerk off, “what.” Ethan groaned desperately trying to make this conversation go faster “I found a girl for you, and hopefully you can move on from Y/n.”...WHAT, no fuck you, I dont want another girl, I want Y/n nobody else. Ethan thought, but he didn’t wanna lash out on his brother and tell him, he’s a fucking idiot, in front of this sweet looking girl. so he pushed it aside. “uh hi-.” Ethan didn’t even get to finish his sentence because..“omg ethan, I love you so much, and I would be soooo happy if I was your girlfriend, and yeah fuck this bitch Y/n, I'm so much better, you’ll see, baby!” she screamed out, obviously just a raging fan instead of a lover of interest, but Ethan being the person he was, was not gonna be mean but when she said ‘fuck this bitch Y/n’ he lost it. “yo, watch what the fuck you say about her, there is no fucking way i’m gonna like you, if you dont fucking respect my best friend” Grayson gasped, not knowing his twin could lash out over...Y/n. maybe this was serious, maybe he wasn’t in love..he was obsessed? “whoa, Ethan you’re feisty, I love you even more.” she said, now latching on to him, seemingly loving this. “I don’t think I want you as my girlfriend or anything.” Ethan sighed “bro, think about it, you’ll have a new girl that you can get to love and you’ll be happy, just give her a week, and if you don’t get to like her, you can go back to Y/n.” Grayson said, trying to get him away from Y/n...but why, why was he trying so hard to keep him away from her? was he hiding something? was Y/n hiding something from Ethan, that Grayson know? why? “okay fine, but why are you trying to keep me away from Y/n?” Ethan asked, curiosity flowing through his mind “I don’t wanna see you hurt bro, what if, she doesn’t like you, I know you’ll be crushed, i’m protecting you.” well, shit, he does understand.
“Grayson, wheres e?” Y/n asked. “with his girlfriend, their suppose to be doing couple crafts or some.”... gone. girlfriend. couples crafts. wait what, girlfriend!? “he has girlfriend!?” she shouted “yeah, for about three days now.”...why didn’t he tell me, why did he hide it. she thought, then there's a blockage forming in her throat, was she about to cry, was she jealous, what is going on with her. she couldn’t take it so she just let it burst out, causing her tears, running down her face. “y/n what’s wrong, why are you crying.” Grayson holding on stopping her from falling to the ground. “ethan- sniffs- girl- cry’s friend.” full sobs stopping her form talking. “whoa, calm down, I thought you only saw Ethan as a bestfriend?” Grayson asked “well not until now.”...not until she realized how beautiful he was inside and out, how thoughtful he’ll be when she was feeling bad or when her birthday come or holidays. how gentle he’ll hold her, when she’s upset and telling her everything will be okay. oh how she loved him so, loved him so much more than just a friend, she wanted him to be her’s. “gray, I-I wanna be with him.” she croaked out, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to say “y/n, look you can’t just say you want him when he has someone, when he have gave you so many chances, you just cant, all these years and you've only cared about you, how you were feeling then call Ethan to be your savior.” “I never noticed, I never thought once on how he felt.” oh, that sounds so bad “see, you fucking see, how you never once thought of his feelings, it’s like you’re so BLINDED on yourself you never think of anyone!” Grayson raising his voice, now fully angry at this. “no.” she sobbed “no, I do think of his feelings, I care about him and his feelings, I always have, I just never realized.”
“well yeah he does, okay, will did now he has Katy.” Grayson huffed 
Katy? Katy Mc’Grain? “does she have long blonde hair?” she asked, pleading it's not her. “yes, and has a butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder, why?” 
omg- it’s Katy Mc’Grain, Y/n ex friend from a year ago that sworn to hurt the thing that meant most to her. now what caused this is simply because Y/n forced her to go to rehab, addiction she struggled with Y/n thought she helped, that is until, the workers that took Katy in, call Y/n on the 3rd day at 4am that Katy had escaped and left a note for Y/n saying ‘you will not forget me, I will take out what means the most to you, just like you did to me’...and that's Ethan, and they went to a ‘couples craft’ holy shit, they gotta save e  
“gray, shit, we gotta go!” Y/n yelled “what, why?” 
“i’ll explain on the way there, let’s jus-.” she got cut off my the front door opening, it was Ethan, “Gray she wasn’t the one.” Ethan sighed “bro, I honestly think its Y/n, like no matter- Y/n?” He eyes widened, and as always his heartbeat started beating rapidly. “ethan, I love so much, even more than just a friend.” was this a joke? is she lying? “what?” is all Ethan can crack out “ethan i’ve realized that you are the one, it’s you, it's you that is always there, always helping me, and i’ve been so blinded and-.” he kissed her, something he’s been wanting to do since forever but never thought he would get too. as they pulled away it was just like breath had been token away, no one could speak, they just stared into each other eyes, goofy looking smiles on each other faces. this is the moment Ethan knew he wanted to make love to her, he looked at Grayson giving him, that, look. “well, i’ll leave you guys to it.” Grayson laughed, having a good feeling about this and leaving the house.  
“baby, let me make love to you.” Ethan whispered in her ear, Y/n withering under him, in nothing but underwear. Ethan started kissing her next softly, waiting on a answer. Y/n nodded profusely, wanting the aching in her legs to end. “gonna need words, princess.” Ethan chuckled at her eagerness. “yes, yes, Ethan please, need something.” 
“as you wish, my love.” 
Ethan kissed down her body slowly and softly, being a huge tease. once he finally reached the top of her laced panties, he kissed the top of the little bow and pulled them down her legs, “mm, so wet for me baby, I haven’t even done anything?” his ego getting huge, once they were off he started kissing her clit, going lower, lower, and lower. “"that's something for another time, I wanna feel you.” he stated 
“i’ll go slow, okay.” she nodded watching as he pulled his huge rock hard cock, out his boxers, Ethan noticed her eyes widened, and chuckled “don’t worry baby, I’ll go slow, I promise.” He was half in, Y/n eyes closed shut as he kissed along her neck, whispering small little nothing’s. 
he’s all the way now, still kissing her neck, trying to easy the pain “move please.” he heard softly, looking up at her, eyes wide. “you sure?” he asked “fuck, yes.” she moaned and that's what drove him to go, as his hips moved faster, her moans grew more and became louder.
for Ethan, jacking off was nothing compared to the tightness of her pussy, his fist could never be as tight, as wet, as perfect than her pussy. for Y/n her fingers, dildo or vibrator could come as close to Ethan’s dick, how big and thick he was, how good he could instantly find her g-spot, penetrated her so good.
“fuck, Ethan i'm gonna cum!” she shouted “right behind you, baby.”                            
“so, are we gonna go to Tristan’s party as an official couple?” Ethan asked, she giggled and nodded, snuggling closer to her boyfriend. “wait, so that means we’re dating now?”, “go to bed Ethan.” 
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aaliyah-babe · 4 years
The One With The Butt: Part Two
pairings: eventual joey x reader, jamie x reader
authors note: i own nothing from friends, all credit goes to their respective owners. feedback is always appreciated!
feedback is the glue that holds my writing together!
you all walked into monica’s apartment and there stood rachel, in the living room,
“ta-da!” she yelled happily,
“are we greeting eachother this way now because i like that,” chandler pointed,
“look! i cleaned! i did the windows, i did the floors. i even used all those attachments on the vacuum except for that little round one with the bristles, i don’t know what that’s for,” she said to you and ross,
“oh yeah nobody knows,” he asnwered, “and we’re not supposed to ask,”
“well what do you think?” she asked,
“it looks amazing,”
monica walked around the coffee table and stopped dead in her tracks,
“oh, i see you moved the green ottoman,” she pointed out and your eyes widened,
“uh-oh,” all of you said,
“how did that happen?”
“i dont know, i thought it looked better there. and i- and also it’s an extra seat around the coffee table,” she said,
“yeah, it’s interesting. but you kno what? just for fun,” she picked it up, “let’s see what it looked like in the old spot,” she put it down and examined it for a second, “ha! well, it looks good there too, let’s just leave it there for a while,”
“cant believe you tried to move the green ottoman,” pheobe scoffed,
“thank god you didn’t try to fan out the magazines, i mean she’ll scratch your eyes right out,” chandler told rachel,
“guys, i am not that bad!” monica argued,
“monica, let’s be honest with ourselves, you are,” you told her,
“yeah, cause remember when i lived with you? you were like a little...” she started imitating music from Psycho, moving her arm up and down,
“that is so unfair,” she complained,
“oh come on. when we were kids yours was the only raggedy ann doll that wasn’t raggedy,” ross agreed with you,
“okay, so i’m responsible, i’m organised, but hey i can be a kook,” she sat down,
“all right, you madcap gal,” ross said walking over to her and the rest of you joined them, “try to imagine this, the phone bill arrives, but you don’t pay it right away,”
“why not?”
“because your a kook!” you exclaimed,
“instead, you wait until they send you a notice.”
“i could do that,” she said,
“okay, okay. then you let me go grocery shopping and i buy laundry detergent but it’s not the one with the easy-pour spout,” rachel plays along,
“why would someone do that?” everyone gave her a look, “one might wonder,”
“someone’s left a glass on the coffee table,” chandler starts, “there’s no coaster. it’s a cold drink, it’s a hot day. beads of condensation are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood,”
“stop it!” she yelled, “oh, my god. it’s true, who am i?”
“monica, you’re mom,” ross said which lead monica to gasp, while pheobe began immitating Psycho music again,
“uh-huh,” joey walked in, talking to the phone, “oh, my god! okay! okay, i’ll be there,” he hung up the phone, “that was my agent. my agent has just gotten me a job.... in the new al pacino movie!”
“oh, my god!”
“what’s the part?” monica asked,
“can you believe this? al pacino!” joey said excitedly, “this guys the reason i became an actor, “i’m out of order? you’re out of order! this whole courtrooms out of order!”” he quoted,
“wow, what’s the part?” pheobe asked,
“just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in!” he yelled again,
“come on, seriously joey what’s the part?” ross asked,
“uh...” joey began mumbling and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion,
“you’re....” rachel began mumbling, “what?”
“i’m his butt double, okay?” he told you and all of you began giggling, “i play al pacino’s butt. he goes into the shower and then i’m his butt,”
“oh, my god,” monica laughed and you buried your head on chandler’s arm to stop laughing so much,
“come on you guys, this is a real movie, and al pacino is in it! and that’s big!” he exclaimed,
“oh no it’s terrific, it’s- you know you deserve this. after all your years of struggle you’ve finally been able to crack your way into show buisness,” chandler joked making you laugh harder into his arm.
“okay, okay fine make jokes. i don’t care. this is a big break for me!” joey exclaimed,
“you’re right, it is,” ross started, “so you going to invite us all to the big opening or?” he joked making you laugh even harder.
it was the next morning and you had woken up to shuffling in the living room, and you could hear someone talk faintly on the phone,
“yeah later, of course, i’ll just say i have work, okay, i love you baby, bye,” you heard your boyfriend say to the phone and you frowned, anger striking through your body. you decided that you would play dumb and act like you didn’t know, for now.
walking out, you smiled at the person you hated most right now, “morning, baby, who was that?” you asked him and he shrugged,
“i uh, it was gracie! yeah, actually she called, asking if you could work extra hours later?” he asked you and you shrugged, then realisation hit you, he’s saying that because he knew that gracie doesn’t work on fridays so he could have his girl over, wait, was gracie his girl?
“i actually can’t tonight, i’m going to spend some time with joey, congragulate him on his part in the movie,” you told him,
“oh okay, i’ll just call her and let her know,”
“okay, actually i’m gonna head over there now just to wish him good luck,” you said, leaving the house in your robe and pyjamas.
instead of going to joeys, you went to monica’s, knowing she could help,
“mon?” you called out, before hearing her answer you,
“can i talk to you, for a sec?” you asked and she nodded,
“what’s up sweetie,”
“okay, i think jamie may be cheating on me,”
“what?!” she yelled,
“i know! i woke up and i caught him on the phone with someone who i now think is my boss but anyways, he said something about telling me he was going to work late, saying i love you, calling them baby, and then told me it was gracie asking if i could work late hours tonight so now i think it’s gracie he’s sleeping with cause she doesn’t work on fridays,”
monica’s eyes were wide with shock as she just hugged you, “did you confront him?”
“no, not yet at least. how should i?” you ask her,
“i dont know, you’ll figure it out don’t worry,”
“thanks mon, is joey still home?”
“yeah he’s in his apartment,” she told you and you nodded going to his apartment before knocking, and walking in.
“hey joey,” you said to the guy who was putting his shoes on,
“hey y/n, are you okay?” he asked you, concerned painted on his face,
“yeah, i’m fine, just wanted to wish you good luck today,” you told him and he smiled at you, god you loved that damn smile.
“thank you,” he kissed your cheek,
“you’re gonna be great, remember me when your famous joey or else,” you joked,
“could never forget you,” he said with a smile before leaving.
chandler walked out of his room, with aurora attached to his hip,
“oh, sorry you two,” you apologised and she smiled,
“aurora this is y/n,” chandler put an arm around your shoulder, “y/n this is aurora,” he put an arm around hers, letting you go,
“hi, nice to meet you,” you said, and she smiled, hugging you,
“yes, it’s nice to meet you two,” she turned to chandler,
“i really got to go, ethan is probably waiting,”
“okay,” he frowned before pulling her in for a kiss, you shielded your eyes a little before leaving.
you guys were all hanging out in monica’s apartment and chandler was sad because he and aurora had split because of ‘andrew’
“look at it this way- you dumped her,” ross tried to reason, “right? i mean that woman was unbelievably sexy and beautiful, intelligent, unattainable...” ross trailed off, “tell me why you did this again?”
you saw joey walk in and you smiled, “hey!”
“hey, wait a minute! werent you the guy who plays the butt in the new al pacino movie?” monica asks,
“nope,” he sighs, sitting next to you, you frown and rub his leg,
“no? what happened big guy?” ross asked,
“big guy?” chandler sneered,
“it just felt like a big guy moment,”
“seriously joe, what happened, are you okay?” you ask him,
“i got fired!” he put his hand over your,
“oh!” everyone said sadly for the boy,
“yeah they said i “acted” too much with it,” he sighed, “i told everybody about this! now everyone’s gonna go to the theatre expecting to see me...” he trailed off,
“oh joey, no one will be able to tell,” rachel tried to make him happier,
“my mom will,”
“there’s something so sweet... and disturbing about that,” chandler told you all,
“you know, i’ve done nothing but crappy plays for six years and i finally get me shot and i blow it!”
“maybe this wasn’t your shot,” monica told him,
“yeah, i think when it’s your shot, you know, you know it’s your shot,” ross agreed with his sister, “did it feel like your shot?”
“hard to tell. i was naked,” he told you all,
“i don’t think this was your shot, i don’t even think you just get one shot, i really believe that big things will happen for you,” pheobe said,
“yeah, you’ve just gotta keep thinking about the day that some kids will run up to his friends and go, “i got the part! i got the part! i’m gonna be joey tribbiani’s ass!”” you reassured him,
“you think?” he looked at you and pheobe, and you both nodded, “that’s so nice!” he hugged you both,
“i’m sorry, joey. i’m going to go to bed, guys,” monica told you all,
“uh, mon. you’re leaving your shoes out here?” rachel asked,
“oh- uh-huh!” she said,
“really? just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner?”
“it doesn’t matter. i’ll get them tomorrow... or not, whatever,” she walked inside her bedroom,
“she is a kook,” ross said,
“i’m gonna head home, see if my boyfriends cheating on me,” you said without realising,
“what?!” they all gasped,
“oh right, yeah i heard jamie say to someone on the phone earlier about telling me he’s going to work late...” you finished explaining the rest of the story to them,
“oh, my god,” pheobe sighed,
“mhm, okay well i’ll see you all tomorrow, update you guys then,” you said to them before leaving and catching a cab to jamie’s apartment,
“wow, can you believe that? jamie? a cheater?” ross asked,
“i know, and did you see how happy y/n looked when she first met him?” rachel agreed,
“i’m gonna kick his ass if he is,” joey said,
“we all will,” chandler agreed,
without knocking, you walked into his apartment and heard moans coming from the bedroom, yep, they were having sex.
“oh jamie!” you heard- gracie yell.
walking into the room you barged in, “fuck you! and you gracie! what the hell is wrong with the both of you? oh my god!” you yell before running out, ignoring the calls from jamie.
let me know if you want to be mentioned in future taglists!
taglist: @zestygingergirl
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
I see what you mean! Also the image of Curufin specifically being humiliate/paraded is very evocative! I guess I want 2 know if there are ever times when maedhros tells nolo/fingon+curufin to do something and curufin tries to refuse/slack off bc *he* feels humiliated by it and fingon/nolo are just like 'shut up and go along with it, itll be over faster/don't get me in trouble too'? i imagine they were much gentler towards their own family ofc but fingon seems to (rightfully) hate curufin. is nol
*nolo ever like 'curufin you literally used to do this all the time--don't you remember how much all of you relished in punishing 'disobedience''? it just seems like a fascinating power dynamic where ostensibly curufin, nolo, and fingon (and tyelpe later) are on the same 'level' but they dont actually all like or trust or work together and maedhros does treat them differently (he seems more affectionate with fingon?). so them interacting alone or while with mae is so interesting bc they are cons
*constantly scheming to try and make things better for themselves or at least Not Worse but totally could fuck it up for each other. i also wonder if nolo/fingon are gentler with celebrimbor once he finally comes of age and joins them? do they like...tell him what to expect when he's afraid of it happening in the future, or give him any adivce, or comfort him when it does happen? does curufin do that either or does he just refuse to think abt it? i cant iamgine nolo/finno being mean to tyelpe
wondering eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other. does curufin actually do it well? does he do a good job? does fingon? obviously neither want to touch each other, but if its nolo+fingon they have an incentive to cooperate just to make it easier on each other. do curufin & fingon actually work towards this? does fingon do a decent job bc he knows there will be consequences? what would punishment actually be if there would be any?
also i have to say its darkly ironic that being so 'low' spares fingon & nolo some very poignant humiliation that maedhros inflicts on curufin. do they still get ordered to do things to each other at parties or was that just something the feanorions did as teenagers & maedhros has 'grown out of'? (also do nolo/fingon ever get to write letters to turgon&aredhel? would they get a chance to see them if they visited? do t&a ever try to rescue them? would they rescue curufin/tyelpe too?)
There are definitely times when Curufin refuses to do things, but Nolo and Fingon would rather get it over with. Maedhros doesn’t call them all to his chamber that often, but when he does it’s for something elaborate. Also, Maglor has permission/access to them as well, and once he gets over it being weird to fuck his (former) brother, he’s going to want full on erotic plays. Curufin has been “broken in” enough that he no longer tries to run or attack, but he still has his pride. He mostly realizes that he has to obey orders for outright sex acts, but if he feels like he’s the butt of a joke, he’ll just stand there. Or sometimes if a chore is particularly humiliating, he’ll also refuse to do it, even if it’s moving something heavy that really needs multiple people.
When Curufin’s being uncooperative, Nolo will try to reason with him. “There’s only two ways this is going to end. You do it now; or you stubbornly refuse to until they punish you and then you do it. I know it’s unpleasant, but there’s no way around it.”
Fingon, by contrast, doesn’t expect reasoning with Curufin to work. If Curufin’s the only one who will get punished, Fingon leaves him to it. If not, Fingon will try to physically force him to go along. Maglor’s script calls for Curufin to crawl on his knees; Fingon trips him. Maedhros wants them all to leave their robes in their room and come to him naked on the balcony, so there’s nothing to worry about getting blown away; Fingon grabs Curufin’s hand after his bath and starts walking. It turns into a physical fight once or twice, until Maedhros makes it clear he’s far too busy to deal with them fighting, and next time anyone is punched, both of them (or perhaps even all four) will be whipped. After that, they’re both careful to keep it to plausibly deniable “bumping into each other”.
When Curufin actually disobeys in front of Maedhros, there’s really nothing Nolo or Fingon can do.
Fun fact: Since Curufin is locked up in Maedhros’s bedroom for a week straight, it falls to Nolo and Fingon to look after Celebrimbor. He’s a terrified thirteen year old who just had his entire life upended, so they both have a lot of sympathy for him. (And he never hurt them, as that was a sexual privilege reserved for adults.) They teach him how to do the tedious chores, and where lunch is served for all the servants, and where extra cleaning supplies are kept if you run out of rags halfway through polishing the mirrors. They also explain how he’ll be expected to behave, and make sure to quickly greet any nobles they see in their work so that Celebrimbor can echo their response.
They don’t really know how to comfort Celebrimbor - him “losing” all his uncles, who he actually liked, is different than it was for Fingon - but they try. Nolo reassures Celebrimbor that Curufin will be back soon, after a few days he’ll be trusted enough to be out Maedhros’s direct sight, and Curufin was not seriously injured last time Nolo saw him. Fingon assures Celebrimbor that your father being trained to be a sex slave doesn’t actually mean he’ll stop loving you or wanting to hang out with you, though of course Curufin and Celebrimbor will have far less free time than they did before.
When Curufin here’s about this he’s furious. (This scene takes place with Curufin chained to a wall in the Servant Nolofinweans’ quarters, because that’s where  Maedhros put him for the night.)
Curufin: “Get away from my son! I won’t have you perverts corrupting him.”
Nolo: “What have we done that’s so perverse? All I’ve taught Celebrimbor is some useful cleaning tips.”
Curufin: “You’ve fucked your own brother, and your children! Fingon rode his brother’s cock in front of half the court, and your daughter spends most of her time in the palace naked and covered in seed.”
Nolo is not going to punch someone who is tied up and unable to punch back. At least, not unless directly ordered to. “You were often the one who ordered such, and yet you think yourself above us?”
Curufin: “I’ve ordered mules to carry things, and I’m above them too.”
Nolo: “You’re one to talk, with how you were gagging for Maedhros an hour ago.”
Curufin: “That’s different! He forced me to do it, you walked in there on your own two feet.”
Nolo: “I walked in because I knew I’d be dragged otherwise. I desire it less than you do.”
So yeah, they’re not exactly friends. Also, Fingon locked Celebrimbor in Aredhel’s old bedroom (with himself outside the door) when the argument started, to shield him from Curufin’s anger and humiliation. Hell get to talk to Curufin once Curufin is no longer talking about sex though.
eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to  save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other.
First off: Curufin is still definitely attracted to Fingon and Nolo. He resents being told what to do, but if ordered to fuck or touch one of them he will take the excuse to get his hands all over them. He probably still won’t do a useful job though - more of playing with Fingon’s nipples or cock with one hand, while one finger of the other is in Fingon’s ass so Fingon can’t pull away. Fingon considers prer to be defined as stretching and lubing Curufin enough that Maedhros will enjoy sticking his cock in, with Curufin in little enough pain that he can come if Maedhros tries for that. So Fingon just goes with three fingers from the start, and uses Curufin’s moment of surprise to reach back and prep himself a bit better. Sure, Curufin would be punished for doing a bad job, but Fingon would be stuck with inadequate prep.
Fingon doesn’t push Curufin away because Maedhros could be back at any moment, and he ordered them to prep each other rather than themselves. (Maedhros finds the thought of his sex slaves “playing with” each other very arousing, even though he knows it’s just a show for him.)
Maedhros goes for the thematic/ironic punishments. The next night, Maedhros orders Fingon to prep Curufin as badly as he was prepped, and then puts a giant dildo in Curufin. He can take it out when he comes, and he’s not allowed to touch his cock.
That’s assuming that Curufin’s bad prep “just” caused pain or injury to Fingon. If Curufin actually did such a bad job prepping Fingon that Maedhros had to wait, or felt pain, that would be terrible. Maedhros would beat him with a crop, and then chain Curufin’s hands behind his back - if he’s not going to use them as ordered, he doesn’t need them. If Curufin apologized very, very well the next night, Maedhros might unchain his hands before putting the dildo in.
(Fingon’s prep of Curufin is judged as adequate, especially if he touches Curufin’s cock enough to get it hard before Maedhros gets back. Fingon knows what his “audience” wants.)
Getting ordered to do things to each other at parties is mostly something Maedhros “grew out of”. He’s king now, and has a whole lot more power than just making “low” people fuck on his command. Possibly Maglor still orders it though. And Maedhros does like private shows, he just doesn’t need a big audience for his sex salves fucking each other.
I don’t think Maedhros would allow Nolo and Fingon to write letters back and forth with Turgon and Aredhel - too easy to plan an escape, even if Maedhros reads the letters too. He’d probably allow one way communication though.  Tugon and Aredhel can write letters to their family that will be read by a guard, but will reach their destination. Maedhros will occasionally have Nolo or Fingon attend him at court (clothed) so that everyone can see their subservience, and Turgon and Aredhel can know they’re still alive.
They would be standing beside Maedhros’ throne, fetching notes he left in his room, or a drink of water, or his lunch; wiping up any spills immediately, whether on the throne or the floor or Maedhros’s robes. Occasionally holding a book or similar where Maedhros can see it, without wrinkling his robe by setting it in his lap. After a year or so, Maedhros has Curufin attend him as well - in a beautiful gag the first couple times, just in case.
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