#cause i didn’t actually check ngl
moonsmingi · 1 year
with the way twt is going i may actually spend the rest of my days on here
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p1utofairy · 9 days
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★ how will people feel about you going public with your fp?
NOTE: for entertainment purposes only. take what resonates & leave what doesn't. ⭐️ i always appreciate the feedback so don't be shy. MWAH. enjoy!
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i feel like this relationship is going to cause quite a stir, pile 1. the energy is giving “that should be me!” lmao some people are really going to be mad as fuck. your person is going to treat you like an absolute queen and i’m hearing people scoff like “UGH!” which is crazy cause you might not even know these people, but y’alls relationship evokes this energy out of them. you (or possibly your fp) might have a narcissistic ex lurking in the shadows who constantly watches your social media & keeps tabs on y’alls relationship. it’s really weird, EW. they feel like they didn’t have you the way your person does, and it makes them really fucking jealous – it’s honestly absurd.
they fumbled you and they’re really going to regret it!especially because of how well your fp treats you & prioritizes your relationship. this ex has a BIG ass ego like the way they make everything about themselves is insane?! this person could be a fire sign – i’m picking up on some leo energy. they’re in disbelief that you moved on from them, and found someone wayyyy better that fulfills you in so many ways that they couldn’t possibly measure up to. they might create fake pages or reach out to you repeatedly trying to win you back over…it’s shameful honestly. from the outside looking in, your relationship with your fp is going to look so lowkey + private yet so warm + stable. you or your fp could have scorpio/taurus placements, but i just feel like neither of you are the type to post every single thing you do together on social media but people will know that’s YOUR FP, YOUR FP, YOUR FP! like don’t play!
y’all will make it very known that y’all are a couple, but people will not be all up in the mix because y'all simply don’t want them to be. they’ll see little hints and clues that you’re off the market, but this relationship is for you two, not everyone else. i can see you both posting things like holding hands, dinner dates, taking long walks together, an off guard while one of you is doing something, etc. just cute moments that only show a small glimpse of the immense love you two share on a day to day basis.
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were you split between choosing this pile and pile 1 lol? if so, check out pile 1 as well! there might be some messages in there for you too. now anyways, i’m ngl this is giving me single era vibes. you might have options and even if you don’t…you’re like “is any person really worth going public with?” LOL i get it, i really do. you’re very cautious and want to make sure that you’re not wasting your time on a relationship that you know might not last in the long run – you’d rather save yourself the embarrassment.
if you went public with someone…that means you really are committed like they REALLYYYYY won you over because you don’t pop out with just anybody! it takes a lot of effort to keep your attention, let alone gain your trust to be in a public relationship. i actually think your content with being by yourself right now. of course, you want a partner who can provide you with the best and also be loyal and committed to you.
however, you're willing to wait for that one person instead of wasting your time on others who don't meet those standards. OOOOO did some of my fellow saturnians choose this pile? this energy is amazing like seriously i’m so proud of you! you’re doing the inner work and it’s genuinely going to pay off in the long run. you’re cultivating your own happiness and building up your self-confidence. because of that, you’re going to attract a like-minded partner. you will have your desired reality, pile 2! you don’t live your life based on society’s standards and expectations. you’re on a different vibration and are attracting love, prosperity and abundance towards yourself effortlessly because you refuse to settle for less and put yourself in a box.
i know this reading is about how people will feel about you going public with you fp, but you genuinely don’t give a fuck what people think lol. people won’t even be able to form a proper opinion, because you are genuinely on a different level. i randomly just heard that one nicki minaj video when she’s like “BROKE PPL SHOULD NEVER LAUGH!” lmfaooooo i’m sorry but yeah! once you get everything you always said you would, including your fp, people are gonna be real silent no shade.
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um pile 3 why is this energy a bit messyyyy, hold awn?! your relationship with your future partner might be different from what you perceive, or at least that’s how the public views it. take that with a grain of salt, but i feel like this relationship is going to have its ups and downs and it’s going to reflect on y’alls social medias.
you or your future partner might be the type to get emotional and act out by reposting different quotes on your IG story or tiktoks that relate to your situation, might even go as far as posting cryptic messages to allude that you two are on the outs. you and your fp know how to push each other’s buttons, and it honestly can get petty between you both. someone is not fully healed from their previous relationship in this connection & the unresolved baggage is carrying over into this one. idk, pile 3. for some of you this could be a karmic relationship and for others of you this could be baggage on your end that you need to work through in order for you to be in a stable relationship.
there seems to be a lot of wishy-washy energy, and people might perceive your relationship as having a 'one minute they're together, the next minute they're not' type of vibe. also, i’m picking up on a third-party situation where either you or your partner is keeping someone on the back burner without completely closing the door.
honestly, people might be amused by this and say things like, 'OMG, go check [Y/N]’s IG story and go see what [Y/FP] posted,' which only fuels the mind games being played. ultimately, i think this relationship will teach you about healthy boundaries and what you are and aren’t willing to tolerate, especially in public. it’s messy because this third party keeps interfering and amplifying the situation to make it worse. the ball is ultimately in your court, pile 3. you’ll know what to do.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Hello! I love your stuff and I wanted to request their response to:
Reader: Let me take care of you.
Them: It's rotten work...
Reader: Not to me...not if it's you.
Keep writing! You're amazing! (And I need something to read while I stay up)
Taking care of the Cullens
Ok ngl this ask has me giggling and kicking my feet
Jasper let me take care of you 😡😭❤️
Uhm and remember in my request rules thing where I said I don’t do narratives… i might be a big fat liar cause that’s what I did here… don’t come for me
And thank you so much for the kind words! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We all know he has a bit of a complex when it comes to his worth and his humanity
He tends to get in his own head a lot
Especially when it comes to you and your relationship
He doesn’t really get jealous in the normal sense
He just sort of gets sad when he sees you with other people
It’s one day after school and Edward seems to be avoiding you. You’re sitting at the table with Emmett, Alice, Esme, and Jasper playing a card game.
Only Edward is nowhere to be found.
The game finishes, Alice winning and Emmett immediately going into ranting mode about how it’s rigged. You excuse yourself to go check on him.
You find him upstairs in the piano room, plunking away on the keys mindlessly. If he wasn’t a vampire and you didn’t know better, you would say he didn’t even notice you enter the room.
You stood behind him for a while, watching as his fingers danced over the ivory keys.
“It sounds beautiful” you say.
He doesn’t respond.
“Edward, what’s the matter? You’ve hardly spoken to me all day.”
“Do you ever wish I was human?”
The question catches you off guard.
“To wish for you to be human would be to change you, and I happen to love you just the way you are.”
He huffs, his fingers halting.
“But don’t you wish I was warm? Don’t you wish I could eat the foods you like, actually sleep next to you at night, grow old with you?”
You sit down next to him at the stool and take his hands in your own.
“What were you like when you were human?”
The change of subject seems to catch him off guard, his face twists slightly as he thinks. He pauses for a beat before answering.
“I was a bit of a troublemaker. My mom always said I was giving her grey hairs way too early. I didn’t do any of my schoolwork, I just wanted to go and be free.”
“Hm, sounds like the you that could sleep, eat, and grow old was a bit of a wild card. Not really my type. You know I prefer the sophisticated, musical type.”
He laughs at that, hanging his head down to press a kiss to your joined hands.
“So what you’re saying is you like the version of me without a soul better,” he says bitterly. You frown at that.
“No, I’m saying I like the you that I have now. I love you, Edward. I would never trade you for anyone else in the world whether they have a pulse or not.”
He’s quiet for a moment.
“You know this is how it will always be, right? I’ll always be here, trying some new way to push you away from me. To make you realize that you deserve better.”
“And I’ll always be here to take care of you and make sure you know that my mind will never change.”
“Taking care of me for the rest of your life… talk about the worst job you could get.”
“Only it won’t be a job. Not for me. Not when it’s for you.”
He looks at you then, finally. His big, black eyes staring into yours.
You’ve wished it before, but in this moment you wish you were the one who could read his mind instead of the other way around.
“You’re so stupid,” he smiles, and leans in for a kiss.
Maybe one day he’ll fully believe you.
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Alice has a tendency to shut down whenever there’s too much going on
Too many people are on the cusp of making decisions that could change their lives
It seems that every person she meets on the street has a vision attached
She can’t take it anymore
You find her curled up in a ball in her room, the TV playing a program you don’t think she’s watching.
Around her are scattered sketchbook pages, each one hastily ripped from the pad and thrown to the floor.
On these pages are drawings of buildings, people, animals, and tragedies. You catch the face of a woman who’s screaming as a bullet heads straight for her face. In another is an open room with a small grenade in the center.
No wonder she’s been so upset.
None of the pages show joy, every single one a warning of a disaster that’s just waiting to happen.
In front of her, there’s a stack of drawings that she’s flipping through. On one of them you catch what looks like your face, only it’s contorted in a scream. In another you see Jasper, but you can’t make out what’s around him.
“Alice,” you call out, and her head whips up. Maybe she hadn’t heard you like you thought she did. “What’s wrong?”
She looks at you like a deer in headlights for a moment, before her eyes glance back down to the papers in front of her.
“There’s nothing wrong. Not yet, at least.”
Her tone is grave. You can hear the desperation for an answer, or at least a break.
You sigh, and move to sit next to her. You reach to take the stack of papers from her, meeting no resistance. If she wanted to keep them from you, she could. But she knew now that fighting you was always going to be useless.
“Alice, I know you can’t control the fact that you see these visions. But you can control how much you obsess over them. This isn’t healthy.”
“I don’t need to be healthy. I can’t die or get sick.”
You sigh again. “That’s not what I mean and you know it. You can’t keep withering away in here obsessing over what might happen.”
“No buts.” You say, throwing the stack of papers to the side. “How long ago did you have these visions?”
She thinks for a moment.
“Yesterday, I think.”
“Alright. Have they happened yet?”
“Well, no…”
“From what you saw, are they still a possibility now?”
“…they are… a very low possibility…”
You could see her reluctantly piecing together your words, clearly not wanting to admit her mistake out loud.
“Look, Alice, you know that I’m always touched by you looking out for me, but in moments like this I need to look out for you too.”
She looks into your eyes, then hangs her head again.
“But that’s not how it’s supposed to be. My gift, I should be the one taking care of you-“
“No. There is no ‘supposed to’ anything. Humans aren’t ‘supposed to’ be with vampires and yet here we are. So please just come with me and watch a movie or cuddle or something?”
She looks at you again, then. Staring into your eyes, then glancing around her room, at all of the papers, then back to you. She smiles slightly and floats up to her feet.
“Fine. But I’m picking the movie.”
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This is a man who needs some serious love and reassurance
He’s always on edge around you, even if he plays it off like he isn’t
He’s just always so scared of hurting you or doing something wrong
And a lot of the time that manifests as him isolating himself to try and get you to leave him
It was gonna be one of those nights again.
A night that you would spend alone in the bed you were supposed to be sharing with the love of your life, Jasper.
But no. On a night like this, he’s out in the woods, far, far away. Stewing in his feelings and brooding.
You don’t even remember anything happening this time. Sometimes something can set him off; a jab from someone at school, a hug he gave you that ended up being WAY too tight, anything really. Anything that reminds him of how he’s not supposed to be with you.
But right about now, you’re sick of it.
The Cullens have taken to being quieter at night since you’ve started sleeping over a lot more, but you know they’re all here- all except for the one you want.
So it being 2 am won’t bother any of the other residents of the house. You roll out of bed and march your way over to the door, throwing it open (politely) and stomping down the steps.
Emmett is the first one you see, and you decide he’ll be perfect for the job anyway.
“What’s got you going, firecracker?” He asks.
“I need you to go find Jasper and bring him to me. Now. I need to talk to him,” you couldn’t help the anger and frustration that seeped into your voice. Lack of sleep will do that to you.
Emmett stood up straight and gave a stupid salute, “One loner coming right up, boss.”
And with that he was out of the door, and you trudged back upstairs to wait for your boyfriend.
You were laying in the bed, still trying desperately to go to sleep when you heard a light knock on the door. Your eyes flicked open to see Jasper standing in the doorway, looking completely out of place and uncomfortable.
All of your anger left instantly, all you saw was the sweet man who was far too worried for his own good.
You sighed and scooted over, patting the spot next to you.
“Come here, Jasper.”
A look of what could only be described as fear flashed across his face before he shook his head and muttered a small, “i can’t.”
You sighed again and stood up, making your way over to him. When you reached him, you stretched your arms out to take his face in your hands, his eyes wouldn’t meet yours.
“Look, Jas, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I have a pretty damn good idea. You’re not gonna hurt me.”
“You don’t know that,” he says, looking into your eyes, something about the black made him look more human, more scared. “Vampires are already dangerous, but I’m the worst of the worst. You’ve found yourself a faulty cannon amongst rifles, darling.”
You frowned at his analogy, squeezing his perfect face in your hands.
“You are NOT faulty, you hear me? You are perfect. Perfect for me, at least.”
“The perfect man for you wouldn’t be tearing himself up inside trying not to kill you.”
“And a lesser man would have already done it.” He was shocked at that, stunned into silence. He hung his head slightly, not meeting your eyes once more.
“And what if I do hurt you one day? Would you ever forgive me? Could I ever forgive myself?”
“I don’t think you will. But if you do, Carlisle will put me back together and I’ll jump right back into your arms.”
His eyes bore into your soul as he stared at you like you were crazy.
“Why the hell would you do that? Come running right back to me?”
“To make sure you don’t hate yourself for too long. Now come on, I’m tired and I can’t sleep without my personal AC unit.”
He looked at you with disbelief. You knew he didn’t believe you, you don’t know if he ever will.
But that’s okay. You’ll keep him right here, and pull him back to you every time he runs away.
Eventually, he’ll understand that you love him.
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The topic of kids has always been a very touchy one for Rosalie
It’s all she’s ever wanted, and all that she still wants
Most days, the pain is not too much of an issue
But some days, it just gets to be too much
You and Rosalie were walking down the street, hand in hand as you strolled by the different shops and food stands.
The city was busy today, many young couples out and about, shopping, talking, kissing far too passionately to be in public, the usual.
“Rose, do you mind if we sit down for a bit? These shoes Alice chose for me look really nice, but they are so uncomfortable.”
She giggled, but nodded and led you both to a bench. You sat down with a heavy sigh, finally getting off of your feet after what felt like forever (even though it was only about an hour).
Across the way in the little park you’ve both found yourself in, a young couple is sitting on a bench.
The woman has long, flowing, blonde hair that frames her face in loose curls. She’s wearing a gorgeous floral-patterned dress, and on her left hand is quite possibly the biggest, gaudiest ring you have ever seen.
To her right, a man sits, one who bears a striking resemblance to you, regardless of gender.
And in the middle, a little baby. A perfect mix of the two, her hair and his eyes, her nose and his jawline, all swaddled in a cute little onesie.
You’re about to turn to Rosalie to point out the cute baby (she always loves to look and maybe go touch it if the parents allow her to) when you see that she’s already looking.
Her face is grave, like she’s looking at her own headstone. Her face is twisted in grief, and she looks on the verge of tears.
It takes you a second to connect the dots, but once you do, your heart clenches for her.
That woman looks like her, reminds Rosalie of herself. And the man looks like you. And that baby is what she wants, all she’s ever wanted. What she can’t have.
Babies are always hard for her, but this struck a deep chord.
“Rose… do you wanna go home?” You ask softly, not wanting to come off as pushy.
“Come on, let’s go,” you grab her arm to pull her up, she goes with you, but keeps her head craned back to the young couple the whole time.
Once you’re far away, she breaks down. You’ve never seen a vampire cry, and that’s probably because they can’t. But if they could, Rosalie would be sobbing.
You know it’s bad because she doesn’t even care that she falls to the floor in this dirty, nasty alleyway. Normal Rosalie would rather die 100 times over than get her clothes dirty, especially here.
You sit down next to her, letting her dry heave and gasp into your shoulder, her wails breaking your heart.
You’re helpless here. Cause what can you really do? You can’t give her a kid, she can’t give you one either. You can’t go back in time and stop her from being killed. And you can’t go back and steal that baby from that couple (even though you kind of really want to).
So you just hold her.
You run her hair, pat her back, kiss her head, and whisper into her ear. How much you love her, how she’s perfect, how it’s okay, how you don’t think less of her.
Once she’s calmed down and her breathing has slowed, she looks up at you.
“I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t be seeing this side of me.”
“What? I want to be here for you, Rose. I know I can’t fix this for you, but at least I can-“
“Fix it? Darling, don’t worry about fixing me. I’m already completely broken, there’s nothing to fix.”
With that you just take a moment to look at her. Her face screams that she is broken. In her soul, at least. Her and Edward are a lot more similar than they like to think.
“Rosalie. You are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you.”
She scoffs at that. “I’m not human. I’d say that’s pretty wrong. Not to mention the fact that I can’t even look at a couple with a baby and not want to violently kill someone.”
“And that’s okay.”
She scoffs again.
“No, really, Rose. I mean it. I’m never ever going to think less of you for something like this. You went through something I can never even imagine and now you’re left to pick up the pieces. Just let me help you.”
She looks at you, her eyes staring into yours. The grief that she’s feeling is evident. But deep in her eyes, you see a touch of something else. Trust, maybe.
“You know, you’re gonna be picking up pieces for the rest of your life.”
“That’s okay, I don’t mind. Not if it’s you.”
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He likes to pretend to be all big and bad all of the time
But in reality, he's still a person
He just has a hard time remembering that sometimes
You don't know where he got all of that energy from.
I mean, realistically, you know that he can never get tired.
But really, even for a vampire this was unnatural.
Some nobody in school had challenged him to an arm wrestle. Of course, he can never resist. He grabbed the guy's hand and prepared to pummel him, only to flinch and have his hand thrown down against the wood of the desk.
The guy had one of those fake shock things in his hand, and as soon as Emmett clamped down it vibrated like crazy.
To say he was pissed would be an understatement.
And now he was taking all of that anger out on the trees around the Cullen house.
"That-" punch "fucking-" punch "ASSHOLE!" punch punch punch
It had been days. And you were honestly getting worried. He hadn't hunted in those days, much less came inside the house. You're surprised the park ranger hasn't come knocking yet.
You heard a hollowed cracking sound and looked to see Emmett standing triumphantly as a rather large oak tree fell to the ground, followed by a guttural roar from the man.
"Emmett," you called, barely above a whisper. But you know he heard you. "Come over here please."
He looks at you with a slightly guilty look, the anger from before fading away as he hangs his head and trudges over to you. He stops just a few feet in front of you, lamely kicking the rocks beneath his toes as he avoids your eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s that stupid fucking guy-“
“No,” you stop him, putting your hand up to silence him. “What’s actually wrong? Don’t tell me you’re seriously this pissed about losing an arm wrestling match with some nobody.”
He just stood there in silence for a second. You took this chance to stand up and grab his face in your hands, instantly he leaned in, perching his head on your palms.
“I just… need to be strong. That’s what I am, I need to be strong,” he whispered, his voice coming out shy and meek.
You just smiled at him sadly and rubbed his cheek.
“I can be strong too you know. So every once in a while you can let me take care of you instead.”
He laughed at that.
“You, strong? As if. I could fold you in half!”
You punched him lightly in the arm.
“You jerk! I’m trying to be sentimental!”
He laughed again and grabbed your hands, bringing them back up to their previous spot cradling his face.
“Ok ok, serious sentimental time.”
You just laughed and kissed him.
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She has a bad habit of overreacting
Just a dash of anxiety
So when something-anything happens to you, she freaks out
This is bad.
Like really, really bad.
You were supposed to be driving to go see Esme at the Cullen house, but of course your piece-of-shit car decided that now would be a perfect time to break down.
Too far away from home to walk back, too far away from the Cullens to walk there, and the nearest anything was also too far.
Not to mention the snow covering the ground didn’t really entice you to get out of your still-warm car.
So you tried calling someone to come get you.
Only, of course there’s no service out here because why would there be.
Just your luck.
You weigh your options, and decide that walking is just gonna have to do.
You didn’t pack a winter coat because you didn’t think you’d be outside for this long, but you had a blanket stored in your backseat and it was better than nothing.
So off you trekked through the freezing cold winter storm to the Cullen house.
Inside, Esme was (in)patiently waiting.
Your favorite meal was waiting for you, already plated and getting colder by the second on the dining room table.
You said you were on your way 30 minutes ago. It takes about 30 minutes to get from your house to their house.
So where were you?
Her ears perked at the sound of a slowly beating heart coming from down the driveway.
It didn’t sound like one of the foxes or deer that roam around this time of year. No, it sounded a bit bigger, a bit more human.
She was out the door in a flash. Before anyone had the chance to ask what she was doing she was by your side.
“Oh my god, honey, why are you out here?!”
“An angel…” and then you collapsed.
Cue Esme absolutely freaking the fuck out.
She has you in front of a lit fireplace, a heating blanket rested over your shoulders and a warm towel on your head.
She’s pacing back and forth in front of you. She wants to hold you so bad, to kiss you, cuddle you, protect you. But she can’t. She’ll just make the shivers wracking your body even worse.
“Es…” you croak, your eyes blinking open finally.
“Oh my god! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Why were you out there? Where’s your car? Why didn’t you call me?”
“Shhhh,” you whisper, bringing your finger up to shush her. “Just come here.”
You open up your blanket in an invitation to her.
“Are you out of your mind? I can’t cuddle with you right now, I’ll freeze you!”
“Please, you deserve to be taken care of too.”
She crumbles at that, you can see the resolve leaving her face. And then she figures that you won’t get too cold with the heated blanket and everything.
She cuddles up next to you, wrapping her arms around your waist and ducking her head into your neck.
“I’m so sorry, I should have been there. And least of all I shouldn’t be such a mess right now.”
“It’s okay to be a mess, I’ll always be here to hold you.”
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No one really talks about the stress of being a pretend father for a bunch of eternal teenagers
Really, it’s a blessing that he doesn’t need sleep and isn’t affected by long hours
But despite that, he still gets so worn out
Today had been a long day for Carlisle.
It was student-teacher conference day. And while that’s not usually an issue since he always tells the kids to behave, Emmett decided it was necessary to punch a kid last week.
To be honest, Carlisle didn’t really care if the kid was a bully or not, all he viewed it as was something more drawing attention to them.
On top of that, the cattiness between Edward and Rosalie seemed to be especially bad today.
They were at each other’s throats for the better part of the day, and nothing would get them to separate.
At work, at least a dozen new patients showed up. A factory that was close by had a gas leak, very minor. None of the people were harmed at all, but many still insisted on going to the clinic.
Carlisle’s not one to discourage people from getting checked out, but he is one to tell people to go home when they’re fine, which everyone was.
But these people kept insisting something was wrong. A boy with a broken arm had to wait for three hours for a room to open up because the factory workers refused to leave.
By the time he got home, he was exhausted, you could tell. His eyes were heavy, as were his footsteps. His hair was disheveled, he had clearly been running his fingers through it all day from the stress.
He looked like a mess. But even then, he greeted you with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.
He always takes such good care of you, whether you’re sick or not, he’s always there with whatever you want.
Now it’s your turn.
“Carlisle, are you busy?” You ask, peeking into his home office. Even after the super long day, he’s a man of habit.
“Not particularly,” he turns to look at you, setting his pen down, “why?”
“Follow me.”
You lead him to the bathroom, where a nice, warm back is drawn. Complete with lilac scented bath oil and two candles lit on the sink.
“The bath looks beautiful, darling. I’m sure the lavender will be great for your skin.”
“Oh, it’s not for me,” you quip. All he does is raise an eyebrow. “It’s for you. I know you’ve had a long day, so go relax and meet me in the bedroom when you’re done.”
You don’t give him a chance to argue before you leave, shutting the door tightly behind you.
He emerges about 30 minutes later, still toweling his hair off.
“Ok now come on over here,” you pat the bed next to you, motioning him to sit there. Again, all he does is quirk and eyebrow but he obliges.
You take the remote to the TV in yours and Carlisle’s room, turning on his favorite movie. A classic one from the silent film era.
“But this… I haven’t seen this movie in years… how did you get it?”
“That’s the beauty of streaming platforms.”
You both sit in silence for a while, Carlisle seemingly happy to just watch his favorite movie after so long. Eventually, he turns to look at you with an inquisitive expression.
“So, what’s all this for?”
“What, am I not allowed to take care of you from time to time?”
He laughs slightly at that.
“A human taking care of a vampire, how twisted.”
You grab his face between your hands at that, drawing him close and looking deep into his yellow eyes.
“It’s not if I want to do it, and I would move the Earth for you.”
“Hopeless romantic,” and with that he kisses you.
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Vampire! Bella:
She tends to… shut down
We all know how she was when she couldn’t be with Edward
That translates over
It really wasn’t supposed to be that big of a deal.
Your Spanish class was going to be taking a two week trip to Spain.
Only, Bella wasn’t in Spanish. This time around, she chose to take French. Which was all fine and good, until it meant that she couldn’t go with you.
Cue two weeks of endless calls and texts.
On the phone with you , she sounds fine. But from your calls with Alice, she’s not doing too hot.
She hasn’t been hunting since you’ve been gone, she’s completely stopped going to class, and she also hasn’t talked to anyone in the house.
It’s the last night of your trip, you’re in your hotel room, the girl you’re sharing with is sound asleep in the other bed, but you know one girl who’s never asleep.
You call Bella’s number, and she answers instantly, like she’s been waiting all day for you to call. In all honesty, she probably has.
“Hey, what are you up to?” You can hear the attempt to be nonchalant in her voice, but her eagerness gives her away.
“Oh nothing, I just got off the phone with Alice… wanna tell me why you didn’t leave our room today? Or yesterday? Or the day before?”
You can hear her pause on the line, like she’s trying to come up with a convincing lie, but eventually she sighs.
“I just… I’ve just been missing you a lot, is all. I want you here next to me, I feel incomplete without you.”
Yowch. Right through the heart.
You decide then to help in some way, you don’t know how immediately, but you have to do something.
So you start to hum.
Whenever you have a bad day, Bella hums the song her mom used to sing to her. You always ask her to, and even though she says she isn’t a great singer, she indulges you anyway.
Sometimes it’s the only thing that can stop you from a panic attack or calm you enough to go back to sleep after a nightmare.
You hear her gasp slightly before y he sound of sheets rustling, presumably her laying her head down.
You go through the whole song twice over, Bella never telling you to stop or joining you.
After your voice fades out and the line stays dead for a moment, you swear you can hear Bella overthinking.
“You know, you didn’t have to do that. I’m an apex predator. I shouldn’t be so upset whenever you leave for a little bit.”
You laugh lightly at that, and you can hear her scoff across the line.
“I don’t mind. Especially when it’s you. Bella, I love you and I would do anything for you.”
“Even if I’m a beautiful monster who was designed to kill you?”
“Even if you did kill me, I would hope that my blood nourishes you for months on end.”
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kairoot · 1 year
hiii i saw that ur requests r open (ps ur theme is so cool wtf), so maybe enjoyen hcs for hickey prank? or any tiktok kinda prank i think it would be so funny
ENHYPEN, the hickey.
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genre: crack, fluff, kind of suggestive (?) not really
warnings: ! not smut ! (kinda obvious but i had to clarify.), hickies, kissing
requested: yes! by this lovely anon 🤍
pairing: enha x gn!reader
author’s note: thank you so much for that, it really means a lot! 😭🤍 and thank u so so much for requesting!
ss ➜ pulling the hickey prank on enha + their reactions
heeseung — ;
did not think it was funny
like at all.
literally gives you the most stalest expression ever 😭
i feel like he’d sulk for at least an hour after that 💀
no cause why’d you scare him like that..
you stood at the stove in the kitchen, making dinner as heeseung got himself a glass of water. he started talking to you about his friends and the game until he glanced at you, just checking if you were listening since your responses were short.
“yeah, and jake—“ he did a double take, as he was sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him.
placed on your neck was a dark red mark, some purple surrounding it.
“go ahead, hee. i’m listening.” your eyes were still on the pot and your ingredients, so you weren’t really sure why he stopped talking (you knew why he had stopped talking 💀).
“what is that?” his tone changed, more serious now rather than the care-free tone he had before.
“what’s what, baby?” you looked up at him for the first time, seeing his eyes focused on the mark.
he placed a hand around your waist, pulling you in to him so he could analyze the mark more, “this.”
“i didn’t put that there.” he looked back up at you, eyebrows knitted together in confusion and irritation. you bit back a laugh as you avoided his gaze.
“i don’t know, hee, you do a lot of things. you probably put it there late last night.” you shrug, continuing to add ingredients to your dish.
“what is that supposed to mean- no, i didn’t put that there. definitely not last night.” he was actually getting kind of angry now. who were you with besides him?
“it didn’t just appear there itself, did it?” you question nonchalantly.
“i don’t know, you tell me, y/n.” he said, releasing his hold on you and beginning to walk away. your laugh finally escaped as you turned to grab his hand.
“hee, baby, it’s a joke. look.” you giggle, taking his hand and running it across the fake mark. red and purple eyeshadow stained his thumb as he just stared at you.
“..that’s not funny, y/n. like, at all.” he said dryly, his expression making you hold your stomach as more cackles came out.
jay — ;
jays’ actually hurt by this
but is soooo embarrassed when he finds out it’s a joke 💀
im ngl he’ll probably sulk like hee
but will actually laugh with you
is just glad it was a joke
you had your camera recording everything as your phone sat in your lap.
you and jay were taking a trip to the movies and he decided to drive which was the perfect time to pull this prank.
the car ride was a bit quiet at first, the rain in the back and the low distant sound of music coming from the radio. you and jay conversed here and there but it was mostly comfortable silence.
so when you arrived at the theater, jay reached over to help you take off your seatbelt. it was just something he liked to do; putting your seatbelt on and taking it off for you.
when he reached over, he caught a glimpse of something on your neck. he had to blink extra hard to make sure he was seeing correctly.
“wait,” he halted his actions, placing a hand gently on your collarbone. “did i do this?”
you didn’t respond, pretending to not know what he was talking about. until he spoke again.
“i didn’t do this. why is that there, babe?” he asked, a waver in his voice.
“jay, what are you talking about?” you shifted away from his touch, looking in the other direction. he looked at you in confusion. did you not want him touching you now?
“y/n, look at me.” he attempted to look at the mark again, but instead you moved away from him once more. so he sat back in his seat, thinking about what just happened.
“did you see someone else?” jay held his breath, waiting for your answer. there was a long silence before you responded.
he gave you a look that said, ‘you know exactly what i said 🙁’. but instead of answering back, he started the car again, starting to back out of the theater parking lot.
“jay, wait!” your hand lands on his when it comes down to shift the gearstick in reverse. you bring the camera up so it’s in his vision.
he stares at the camera and back at you, “what?”
you hold back your laugh, rubbing the makeup off your neck. you show him the stains on your fingers as he realizes what the camera was for.
he breaks into a smile, covering his face in embarrassment.
“are you serious, y/n..”
jake — ;
jake is like on the verge of tears 😭
cause he doesn’t wanna lose you neither does he want to be cheated on
even after he finds out it’s a prank, he’s whining and pouting
you better give him some love after that cruel prank
you and jake were laying in bed, cuddled with each other. his head was in the crook of your neck, giving you little kisses.
he didn’t know that you were recording the whole thing so you tried your best not to laugh. you pretended to watch the movie on the screen that was long forgotten, but in reality, you were just watching his reaction through the camera.
he continued to place kisses on your neck, giggling while doing so, until he saw the hickey.
“wait, babe,” he lifted his head, examining the bruise. you hummed in response, lowering the camera so he wouldn’t see.
“i was only kissing you.. why is there a hickey?” jake‘a brows furrowed in confusion, glancing up at you.
“i don’t know, jake. you were down there for a long time, maybe you put it there without realizing.”
now he sat up all the way, looking down at you.
“babe, i think i would know if my lips latched onto your skin or not.” he said, his voice turning whiney. he folded his arms, a pout on his lips.
“please don’t tell me you let someone else kiss you.”
you put on a faux offensive tone, “jake?! i would never!”
he glared at you, still pouting so the glare wasn’t intimidating at all.
“y/n, that was so fake.” he began to climb off the bed. “i’m going to jay’s.”
you quickly sat up, tugging on his hoodie, “babe, it’s not real.”
he turned around only to see the camera facing him. he took his finger and rubbed it across the “hickey”, smudging it.
he threw his head back, whining before flopping back on the bed, “y/n, don’t do that! you almost gave me a heart attack.”
is actually upset, please cuddle him so hard 😭
sunghoon — ;
already knows it’s a prank
not because he heard you planning it or anything but he just knows
nothing gets passed him atp
is still annoyed that you would even think to pull something like that tho 💀
you and sunghoon were getting ready to go on a date, so obviously you were in the mirror the whole time, trying to make sure your appearance was okay.
before sunghoon got home, you had already painted the fake hickey on your neck so maybe he could see before or after you arrive at the restaurant.
you made sure your outfit was low around the neck area so he could see perfectly.
standing in the mirror, you adjust your clothes to your liking and fixed your hair so it wasn’t all over the place.
sunghoon stood in the doorway of the bathroom, looking at you.
“you ready?” he asked, fixing the buttons on his shirt.
“now i am.” you looked at yourself one more time, before gathering your things into a bag.
hoon walked up behind where you stood in the mirror, looking at your neck. you caught a glimpse of him as he studied the mark, smiling to yourself.
until he smudged the mark with one of his fingers and walked away.
“i’m way too good for you to want hickies from someone else.” he snorted.
you literally just stood there like🧍🏽‍♀️
sunoo — ;
is actually disgusted
like ew, you were kissing somebody else ?!!!
when he finds out it’s a prank, expect him to be sassy (sassy men in 2023 man 😞)
ignrores you on purpose afterwards
how dare you play with his heart like that ?!
sunoo had came in from the grocery store, placing the bags on the floor. once he saw you come downstairs from hearing the door, he smiled.
“hi, baby.” he pulled you in for a tight hug as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. you hugged back, kissing his cheek.
“so, how was your d-“ you began as he gently pushed you away for a second.
“y/n, what the hell?” his face contorted in disgust and annoyance.
“what?” your eyebrows come together as your eyes try to follow what he’s looking at. “what is it, babe?”
“uh, you can’t call me ‘babe’ after i just saw that.” he started walking to the living room, your steps not too far behind his. “i know for a fact, i didn’t put that there.”
“nunu, what are you talking about?” you laugh a bit, taking a seat next to him on the couch. he scoots away from you, folding his arms.
he doesn’t respond but opens his phone instead.
“sunoo?” no response.
he scoffs, starting to get out of his seat on the couch.
“stop, wait,” you hold your stomach, laughing.
“seriously, y/n, you’re so gross. what about this is funny?” he points to the mark on your chest.
“i’m sorry, i just-“ you snort, rolling off the couch.
he’s literally just standing there, giving you the biggest side eye.
“okay, i’m sorry. um, it’s a joke-“ you could hardly get your words out, tears prickling your eyes at this point. you rubbed the mark away, showing him the now blank spot where the mark once was.
he’s still just standing there, looking at you up and down.
“you’re still gross.”
jungwon — ;
he’s hurt but is actually really calm about it
would probably want you to leave
when he finds out it’s a prank he’s like🧍🏽‍♀️that’s what i thought
will smother you with love afterwards cause you’re his and only his
you were standing in the kitchen, making yourself and jungwon some lunch before he came and joined you.
he wrapped his arms around you, gifting you with a warm back hug. he snuggled his face in the crook of your neck, placing a couple of tiny kisses there.
“hi.” he said in a groggy voice, indicating that his nap had ended. you greeted him back, smiling at his cuteness.
there was a silence before you felt him step away from your back, hands coming up to your waist to spin you around.
he slightly moved your shirt so he could see what the darkness on your neck was.
“y/n..” his voice trailed off, all the grogginess now gone.
you attempted to turn back around, his grip preventing you from doing so.
“it’s just a mosquito bite, wonie-“ you started to say, trying to move his hand away from your shirt.
“no, that’s a hickey, babe. i can see it.” he frowned, hands leaving your shirt and waist.
he stood there for a moment, looking down before speaking again. “i think you should leave.”
“jungwon-“ your hand came to touch his wrist before he moved it out of your grasp.
“seriously, y/n.”
“jungwon, it’s a joke, baby. i’m not leaving you.” you grabbed a towel, scrubbing the makeup off of the side of your neck.
he blinked, pressing his lips together. he stood there for a minute, processing the prank, letting his heart rate go down a little bit.
“that wasn’t funny.” he smiled, holding his chest. “now come here so i can give you some real ones.”
ni-ki — ;
his actual response is “bruh wtf is that🧍🏽‍♀️”
gives you the biggest side eye when you tell him it’s a prank
expect him to get you back with another prank
since you have your own car, you decided to pick niki up instead of the other way around. your phone was set on the dashboard, so it looked like you were just filming a little vlog (+ he already knew you liked to film some of your daily life so he didn’t think much of it).
when you arrived outside his dorm, he hopped in the passenger seat, giving you a quick peck. he gave the camera a wave before turning back to you.
“why tf do you have a scarf on right now?” he snorted, hands coming up to remove it.
when you blocked his hand, he stared at you in confusion.
“y/n, it’s literally like 88 degrees outside..”
“okay? i’m cold. plus, it goes with my outfit.” you shrugged, starting the car up again.
“no.. tf it doesn’t-“ he took the scarf away from you, doing a triple take when he saw your neck.
he placed a hand on your chin, turning your head so he could see better.
“y/n, what is that, omg-“ he turned your head more, getting a good look at the mark.
you swat his hand away, turning back forward and putting your scarf across your neck.
“nothing, it’s a rash.”
“i don’t even give you hickies so how did that get there?” he ignored your attempt at lying to him.
“niki, it’s not a hickey. it’s a-“ he took the scarf back in his grasp, trying to tug it away from you.
“babe, calm down, it’s a joke.” you giggled, letting him grab the scarf. you smudge the mark, the makeup now on your fingers.
he stared at you from his side of the car, “so it’s funny?” his reaction only made you snort more.
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yrqrnc · 9 months
nct 127 reaction . . . you not saying i love you back !
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pairing: 127 x reader
genre: fluff, crack, y/n pranking the boys <\3
a/n: i am one year late, but here’s the 127 version! i am so sorry for being so dead here. can’t promise i will be active again, but here is something for now.
if you haven’t yet, check out the dreamies version of this — here ! please enjoy, maybe reblog it too? <3
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ngl he just kind of freezes and gets embarrassed even though he did nothing wrong 😭
like, he’s got that shaking-eyes and cold sweat thing going on and he’s fighting a war in his head as he tries to recall how he happened to wrong you today
but he didn’t ????? and he’s so confused
he's all like "should i say it again? did they not hear me—?"
so then, comes another "*clears throat in that father way* um, hey..? i love you (?)"
and still no response bcs you’re evil.
then he actually gets so panicked bcs WHY AREN’T YOU SAYING IT BACK THIS TIME
best believe he'll be asking you if he did something wrong and upset you somehow and all those innocent questions until you feel so bad for doing this to him
is offended.
no genuinely, once he knows you’re not saying it back, he's just standing there like 🧍🏼
gives you a FULL ON side eye— actually, no it's not even side, baby, he's giving you a full on FULL EYE 👁👁
"hey, i said something."
and you’re just trying to play it off and continue with the prank and act like this stare-down thing he's doing is not affecting you
but... come on man who are you trynna fool 😭
eventually, it ends up with him trapping you in them bulky ass muscle-ly arms and not letting you breathe until you give him what he wants 🥰
now depends on you how long you can fight the suffocation of his biceps 💪🏼
oMYGOD no bcs he WAITS so devastatingly for you to say it back, because he genuinely believes you’re gonna say it back :((((
and then a whole fucking minute passes, and you're still going about your business like you ain't even heard him
and his mind is like ❓️❓️❓️❓️☹️❓️❓️☹️❓️☹️❓️☹️❓️☹️❓️☹️❓️☹️❓️❓️☹️☹️☹️☹️
and he's so sweet he says it aGAIN in such a soft manner
"i love you :("
and your bitchass is strong enough to continue with your act so you're all like "mmhm you're getting late for the meeting taeyong"
now okay, the i love you avoidance was eNOUGH and you just go ahead and call him with his government name
he gets so sad but he doesn’t even know what to do, so he just murmurs a tiny "oh ok." and just sadly grabs his bag and walks out the door
and tHEN you rush out to grab him before he actually leaves upset, and press kisses against his face as you laUGH (how dare u😟) and tell him you were just pranking him
now watch him ignore you for his own satisfaction lmao
(pls don’t do this to him it was physically hard to write it☹️)
you gotta have some guts for this lmao
he knows you’re playing (or atleast that’s what he wants to believe)
in the back of his mind, he’s lowkey worried if you’re hurt or upset because of anything he did but no one knows that, no one talks about that 🥰
he’s like "oh, alright. this how we gon' play?" and you’re just fighting for your life, trying to hide the deceiving grin climbing up your face
and purposefully, to tease you, he goes "nevermind whatever i said, i take it back actually—" and now YOU'RE offended bcs???? no???? that's not how it was supposed to go
oh, how the turn tables 👹👹👹
gets offended (pt 2) but in a less sassy way than mr. johnny
in his mind, he's thinking "the audacity??? not saying it back???? to me????"
and even though he's irritated (lovingly) by you, he says it just once more incase you missed it
but no, still no reply. and he just huffs and you can hear him go like "fine." under his breath 😭
doesn’t even bother giving you any further reactions lmao
he just goes about his business and acts like you don’t exist bcs you didn’t say it back, like, why didn’t you say it back 🙄
then you get so disappointed bcs??? hello where's the dramatic reaction i (you) wanted???
and so you walk up to him and you're like "you were supposed to react better"
and he gets 10x more offended like,,, REACT???? YOU LET ME SAY A ONE-SIDED I LOVE YOU FOR SOME REACTION???
might jump you, gawk at you or ignore you depending on his mood <3
he just finds it funny tbh 😭
like, what is this kid trynna do lmao😹😹😹 (irrespective of whether you're older or younger, bcs you’ll always be his baby<3)
gives you a kiss on the cheek and that dad laugh of his
he can’t even get mad honestly, he just thinks you’re cute lol
and then you get lowkey embarrassed and highkey upset bcs you didn’t get the reaction you wanted
but he knows just how to make you nvm that shit cause he pulls up with the "what do you want for dinner? chicken wings? dumplings?"
and your mind just goes "OH FOOD 😁‼️" like,, prank??? what prank???
depending on his mood, he can either get really sulky or he can be really random w his reaction🧍🏻‍♀️
if he's feeling soft that day, then he’ll get sulky and really pouty (on purpose ofcccc)
would probably fake-cry and start wailing real loud that you don’t love him anymore 😭
on the other handdd, if he’s feeling playful when you pull this shit, then...
things might take a different turn
might start throwing cringe and corny pickup lines to get your attention 💀
oRRRR/and he might just give you that smug look of his and start saying some really random shit like "they love me so much, they can't find good enough words to express it 😁🥰"
like BOIII WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM WHAt are you talking— 😭😭
find his reaction here !
find his reaction here !
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[do not copy, translate or repost my work anywhere as yours.]
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onlymingyus · 1 year
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pairing; boo seungkwan, lee seokmin (dk/dokyeom), kwon soonyoung (hoshi) x afab reader
genre; smut, fluff, crack
warnings; unprotected sex, anal sex, fingering (vaginally and anally), oral (f & m receiving and giving), impact play, biting/marking, scratching, praise/degradation, some mention of crying from pleasure, creampie (several times), multiple orgasms, pet names/nicknames, drinking/eating, alcohol, spicy truth or dare, pining, aftercare, honestly some poly themes
w/c; 11k and some change
requested; no
'bout you master list
a/n; thank you to @housewifehui and @wonwussy for being the literal best and editing/reading for me. ngl this ended up being longer than i thought it would be but its a lot of people in the same room and i've put a lot of feelings into fics lately, i don't like rushing things. i hope you all are enjoying that, a little less pwp and a bit more porn with plot.
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“Truth or Dare?” 
The words leave your lips as a giggle, your body resting against Dokyeom’s as he shakes his head lifting his hand for Soonyoung to hand him another beer.  He might be more on the side of drunk at this point but he couldn’t miss the way his body reacted to the feeling of your warm breath against his bare bicep. 
“Only if you actually accept some dares this time, Y/N.” 
You laugh again, your hand grabbing Dokyeom’s forearm so you could use his body to sit up a bit straighter to look at Boo Seungkwan. “I’ll have you know Boo, ‘truth’ can be just as interesting but yes…I will accept some dares. I swear it on…” The three men watch you glance around until you meet Soonyoung, who smirks at you. 
“I swear it on, Soonyoung’s favorite tiger plushie. I might even give it back one day.” 
Soonyoung narrows his eyes, tipping back a shot of tequila at your words before pointing at you. “I’ll just steal him back, you are a dirty little thief. I knew he was here.” As much as he wanted to pretend to be mad at you, Soonyoung can’t help but go soft when you laugh, shrugging your shoulders and causing one side of your sweater to slip down your arm. 
“You wouldn’t dare, I sleep with him every night, Soonie. I need him almost as much as I need you three.” 
You had no idea how your words affected the men sitting near you. While Seungkwan had to take a calming breath at the idea that you needed him, Dokyeom was still trying to keep himself in check as you leaned against him. Soonyoung was a bit bolder, his eyes roaming over your face and body as he watched you take another shot, your nose wrinkling up at the burn. 
“Truth or Dare, Y/N?” Soonyoung’s words bring you back to the present, shaking your head as you think about his question and smile stretching your legs out so that you can rest more comfortably between Dokyeom and Seungkwan. 
In truth there was nothing different about this night than any other night when the four of you had decided to have a sleepover, sitting on the floor much like tonight playing stupid party games. Plenty of nights the three men had crashed in your living room, one of them usually ending up in your bed after pouting about being cold, but it was all so seemingly innocent. Tonight there was more of an unspoken tension in the air. If you felt any of it, you didn’t seem to let it show. 
Meeting Seungkwan’s eyes, you see the challenge in his eyes, the way he raises his eyebrow knowing that you are considering choosing truth as you always do. You smile at him so sweetly that Seungkwan’s eyes drop to your lips briefly, his body shifting slightly before he looks down a grin on his face when you finally speak. 
Dokyeom hadn’t expected you to actually pick dare, shifting his body he causes you to fall against his chest. You laugh at his shocked face, a smile spreading across his handsome face, his large but gentle hands helping you to sit back up. “Sorry, just really thought you’d pick tru–” 
“I dare you to ask Dokyeom if he is turned on right now.” 
Soonyoung’s eyes almost glitter with mirth when three sets of eyes shift to him. A smirk forms on his lips as Dokyeom shakes his head and laughs trying to come up with words. “He’s just full of shit and drinking. So you don’t have to do the dare if you don’t want–” 
“Are you turned on right now, Dokyeom?” Your eyes move from Soonyoung to Dokyeom, your lashes slightly lowered as you have to look up at him in the position you are leaning against his frame. His expression quickly changes causing you to become even more curious. Your eyes follow the bob of his Adam’s apple, while you listen to Soonyoung laugh under his breath nearby. 
“I, uh…” Why wouldn’t he just answer? It should be an easy yes or no answer, at least that’s how you feel at the moment with your inhibitions slightly less, especially with how warm his body feels against yours. Sitting up, you move to your knees and tilt your head causing Dokyeom to curse under his breath, lifting his right hand he rubs the back of his neck shooting Soonyoung a dirty look. 
“Yeah, a bit.” 
Your cheeks warm slightly but a smile spreads across your face only to be slightly lessened when your teeth catch your bottom lip. A small playful squeal of a giggle leaves your lips because you can’t help but think how much fun this is. Seungkwan was right to have you take more dares. 
“My turn!” you giggle. Dokyeom takes a deep breath letting it out when you finally turn away from him to look at the other two men, his eyes finding Soonyoung once more as he shakes his head muttering, ‘fuck you.’ Soonyoung can only grin giving the younger man a playful wink while they all wait for you to make your choice. 
“Seungkwan, truth or dare?” 
The man on your right swallows hard upon hearing his name. He hadn’t realized this was how truth or dare was going to go or he might not have pushed you to accept more dares. Not that he was really complaining, just nervous as you looked at him with those pretty eyes that made his mouth go dry with nerves. 
“Uh, tr–truth…I guess.” 
You pout dramatically, pretending to be disappointed in him for choosing ‘truth’ after pushing you to do just the opposite. He watches you tilt your head from one side to the other before you crawl closer to him, a sly smirk on your lips. “Okay, tell me one thing I could do to you that would make you cum almost instantly.” 
“Holy shit, Y/N…” Soonyoung’s words are more of a laugh, his head shaking as he reaches for the bottle of tequila pouring himself and you another shot. Dokyeom takes a long drink of his beer while Seungkwan’s mouth falls open in shock. 
“You can tell me. It’s fun, Kwannie.” You smile at Seungkwan, lifting your hand to run your fingers along his cheek almost seductively expecting him to pull away or to tell you off but instead, he stays still and you feel the warmth of his skin blooming under your touch. 
“Is it fun, Y/N?” His words are quiet, but you still smile nodding your head as the youngest of the men stares into your eyes. “If that’s how we are going to play this, fine.” Finally turning his head from your touch, Seungkwan picks up the shot that had been poured for you, lifting it to his lips to tilt it back letting the liquid run down his throat. Soonyoung laughs, lifting the bottle in somewhat of a celebration offering to fill up the glass again. 
Seungkwan barely acknowledges the other man, his eyes finding yours again as he clears his throat. “If you wanted to make me cum, almost immediately? You’d have to drag your teeth along the length of my cock. Get right to where the tip begins…you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?” 
Now your cheeks were burning, and you couldn’t help but imagine doing exactly what Seungkwan was explaining to you, on him. Your eyes fall to his lap only for Seungkwan to tilt your head back up, his fingers under your chin, a smirk on his lips now. “Then you’d suck. I’d be doomed.” 
Seungkwan watches you run your teeth over your bottom lip, a smile crossing your lips, he knew that look. You were clearly thinking, and he had an idea about what. Removing his hand from your chin, Seungkwan smirks a bit, hearing you breathe out your words, your butt falling back to your knees. 
“Mm, truth or dare…Soonyoung?” 
Soonyoung had been mid-drink when Seungkwan said his name causing the man to choke on his drink. Coughing, he laughs it off and wipes his lips with the back of his hand raising his brows. “You know what, as much fun as you and Y/N made ‘truth’ look…I’m going to say dare.” 
You weren’t surprised when Soonyoung chose ‘dare’, he usually did. Most times this ended up with him running out into the cold buck naked to jump into the pool, only to come back with his hands over his crotch while he cursed, but this time you had a feeling it would be different. 
Seungkwan leans back against the bottom of the couch, his eyes moving around the room until they land on Soonyoung again. You watch Seungkwan lean forward picking up the other man’s cell phone before tossing it in his direction. 
Raising a brow Soonyoung catches the phone with a confused look on his face before Seungkwan finally speaks. “Go into another room and call Y/N. She won’t answer but you leave her a message telling her exactly what you’d like to do to her in bed.” 
Soonyoung’s mouth opens and closes a couple of times before he tilts his head moving to stand. “You think I won’t? When will she listen to it?” 
Seungkwan considers the question glancing towards you in thought before smirking slightly. “She will listen to it when she is dared to. Isn’t that right Sweetheart?” Lifting his hand he runs his fingers over your cheek much like you had his when you were teasing him. 
You nod, feeling Dokyeom’s fingers move around your waist only causing your breath to be that much harder to take as the man keeps you close. “Yeah…” 
“She’s so patient. What are you waiting for, Soonyoung?” 
His eyes were moving over the scene in front of him investigating it as if he were going to miss something if he stepped away but at Seungkwan’s question, Soonyoung sighed leaving you alone with your other two friends. 
It hadn’t escaped you that Seungkwan had called you Sweetheart or how he or Dokyeom were treating you. When you let out a small breath, Seungkwan lets his fingers fall from your face, an amused look on his face as he takes his attention from you leaving you feeling frustrated. “That’s mean…” 
Dokyeom laughs next to your ear hearing you mutter, his fingers sliding against your stomach. “I think Seungkwan is being very fair, Y/N. You are playing dirty tonight. What’s gotten into you?” 
Moving your hand over Dokyeom’s forearm you want to tell him, ‘none of them yet, which was the problem’ but before you could speak, your phone dings letting you know you have missed a call and have a voicemail waiting. 
“I can’t wait to hear what that says.” Seungkwan laughs, his eyes moving to glance at you and Dokyeom before everyone’s attention is drawn back toward Soonyoung. The sound of him literally tripping over his own feet and finally rolling over the back of the couch to land in front of the rest of you causes you to laugh. 
“Please god tell me I didn’t miss anything good! Oh, and truth or dare, Y/N?” 
Narrowing your eyes, you laugh only abruptly before the feeling of Dokyeom’s fingers brush over a spot where your shirt has lifted slightly near your hip. “Fuck…uh, truth.” 
This was not what Soonyoung had wanted to hear, you watch as he dramatically leans his head back with a groan. His eyes meet yours once again causing you to press your lips together to hide a smirk until he raises a brow. “No, you think you are getting it easy, but you proved just how much fun ‘truth’ can be. Tell us a list of names you like to be called in bed. I want the dirty truth.” 
All the men watch your tongue move along your lips, your mouth feeling suddenly very dry. Tipping back another shot of tequila you find that does nothing to help the feeling, it only makes you cough. Dokyeom laughs softly, sliding his hand from your side to your back to rub it gently. “Take a breath, I’m sure you are incredibly tame.” 
Raising a brow you find his words to be a challenge, your eyes meeting his making him smirk. “Tame?” Extending your arm out towards Soonyoung, you hold the shot glass steady allowing him to refill it for you, his fingers holding your wrist gently. 
“I like some tame names. Baby, Sweetheart, darling…those are all nice. You could be sweet to me, call me angel or Princess.” Seungkwan grins a bit, tipping his beer to his lips, seemingly taking notes as you continue to speak. 
“Or call me, Kitten…” Your eyes find Soonyoung, who lowers the tequila bottle at the name taking a breath. “You said you wanted them all?” He nods, and you lean back arching your back as if you are getting comfortable but it only causes your sweater to shift, your breasts drawing the eyes of each man. 
“I like when it gets a little dirty too. Whore or slut…but I’d rather be yours.” When you say ‘yours’ your eyes lower, a laugh on your lips tilting your glass back to take your shot before you clarify before the men’s brains explode. “I mean, in a possessive way. Maybe like, “my pretty whore or my slut”. You get what I mean?” 
No one is quick to speak, especially when you finally look up to meet their eyes one by one. You are only granted nods and steadying breaths. “I figured you would. So, Dokyeom…truth or dare?” 
You watch one of your favorite smiles spread across one of your favorite people’s faces, there is no one else like Dokyeom. No one could make you feel shy by just smiling. He was literal sunshine personified. 
Leaning back slightly, Dokyeom purses his lips and narrows his eyes playfully before finally nodding. “Dare. I’m curious what you will decide on….” His words trail off before he raises a brow looking at you teasingly to add, “Princess.” 
Your lips part to take a breath as Soonyoung laughs, shaking his head and muttering under his breath that ‘this is going to be good’. Seungkwan simply drapes his arm over his knee, the tips of his pretty fingers rubbing together in anticipation as he waits for you to speak. 
Dokyeom tilts his head as if to say, ‘what are you waiting for’ only to be rendered speechless once again when you finally do give him his dare. “Dokyeom…baby, I want you to kiss the part of my body that you’d like to cum on.”  
You hear Soonyoung swear under his breath, the way he shifts to get closer to you and the other men as if he will miss out on something once again, but your eyes never leave Dokyeom’s. The man in front of you rubs his lips together, his eyes moving over your face before working downward in thought. 
“Over your clothes?” 
You hadn’t considered that question, raising a brow you laugh, tilting your head back to find Seungkwan even closer than he had been a moment before. The feeling of his warm sweet breath causes you to pause when you feel it against your neck. “Uh…oh. I’ll lay down and you…can move my clothes to place the kiss.” 
Seungkwan smirks at you, meeting your eyes briefly before you look away to find Soonyoung just a couple of feet away from you now as well. Dokyeom grins, his eyes moving back up your body, he nods sliding back to let you move from between all of them so you could lay down. 
“On my back? Or did you want to cum on my ass, Dokyeom?” 
Your question causes the man to laugh, while it causes Soonyoung to bite his fist. Dokyeom shakes his head sliding on his knees towards you. “On your back is just fine.” You start to lie down on your own but stop short when Dokyeom’s hand rests behind your neck, helping you do it much slower than you had planned. Your eyes meet him, and you find him smiling at you suddenly urging your thighs to push together. 
“Such a gentleman…” 
“You say that now.” Dokyeom laughs, his eyes pulling at the corners slightly from how brightly he smiles making your stomach tighten from nerves. When your back is against the floor, he slides his hand from behind you glancing over your body once again like you are a piece of art. “Anywhere?” 
Soonyoung sighs, tilting his head and beginning to get impatient. “That was the prompt. Anywhere you’d wanna cum on her.” Seungkwan laughs at the man’s impatience, swatting at him to make him sit back some when he leans towards you and Dokyeom as if he could take the man’s place. 
“I’m just making sure. I want Y/N to be comfortable.” 
You can’t help but smile a bit at those words, reaching up to run your thumb over Dokyeom’s cheek before letting your thumb dare to drag across his lips. “I did give you the dare, I’m good, I promise. You can pick any spot.” 
God, Dokyeom could feel his pants getting tighter from just your words and the idea of picking any spot. There were so many spots he wanted to cum on you…or rather in you, but for now, he’d keep it above your hips. 
Sliding his hand along your hip, Dokyeom raises a brow watching you arch your back so he could slide your shirt up your stomach. The sound of the other two men taking deep breaths catches his attention, almost pulling it from you, but he can focus, dragging his thumb under your bra. 
Getting the idea, you shift your body letting him pull your shirt up further exposing your chest to him and your other friends, causing all of the men to take pause. You weren’t wearing any of your special lingerie, just a simple bra with some lace around the edges but it was enough to drive them all crazy. 
Dokyeom sucks in a breath and laughs as you take your shirt from him to pull it over your head tossing it towards Seungkwan who catches it with a chuckle of his own.
“Alright then…but what if I’d want to cum…here?” 
It was your turn to suck in a breath, Dokyeom’s middle finger drags under your bra, the tip of his nail just falling short of grazing over your nipple. 
“I see, and you wouldn’t want to cum on my bra? Is that what you are saying?” 
Soonyoung had to give it to Dokyeom, this was smooth as fuck. He was using his dare very wisely. Lifting his hand, Soonyoung runs his fingers over his lips to stifle a groan as Dokyeom nods at your words only for you to move to your elbow reaching behind your back to unclasp the garment. 
“I wouldn’t…wouldn’t want to ruin any of your things. You did call me a gentleman.” 
You smile, laying back down and reaching for Dokyeom’s hand to put it back over your bra using his fingers to pull at the cup so that he could get the idea to pull it from your body. “I did call you that.” 
Lifting your arms, you allow Dokyeom to drag the bra from your body leaving you topless on the floor. Each of the men had their reaction to the sight. Dokyeom drops the garment next to him before smiling at you shaking his head that you would allow him such a privilege, while Soonyoung almost vibrates in place. His thumbnail caught between his teeth as his eyes rolled back in his head before he stared at you full of lust. 
Seungkwan simply meets your eyes before letting his eyes roam over your chest taking you in like a meal. “Stunning…you are so pretty, Y/N. If you don’t do something soon, Dokyeom…Soonyoung is going to pounce on her.” 
His words cause you to laugh, your gaze falling on the man looking at you like a predator who has found his prey. “We are still playing the game, Soonyoung…you have to be patient.” He didn’t have the patience nor did he want to. 
Dokyeom just shakes his head, lifting his hand to trail the back of his fingers over the top of your breast and drawing your attention back to him as you let out a soft, slow breath. “So your dare was to kiss you where I’d want to cum of you. That was a difficult question, I won’t lie, but…I’d pick here. Look how pretty you are, can just imagine my cum painting your pretty tits.” 
Your cheeks burn, your teeth catching your lip as Dokyeom speaks. You hadn’t expected him to explain or talk to you like that but you weren’t complaining, but it’s when he leans down and you feel his breath against your chest that you can’t help but let out a soft whine. 
Dokyeom smiles before he nudges his nose against your soft skin, his thumb brushing the underside of your breast. He lingers where he is for a brief moment before placing a slow, almost sensual kiss on a spot near your nipple causing a moan to escape your lips. 
His lips linger, a gentle groan caught in Dokyeom’s throat until he finally pulls back to look up at you with blown-out pupils. “Truth or dare?” No one else in the room spoke, they knew the question was for you. 
“Oh my god, truth.” You arch your breast towards Dokyeom’s hand only to have him pull back with a small smirk. It’s only when a whine falls from your lips, your hand moving to hold the side of his tank top tightly that he looks over your face sitting up fully. 
“Do you want to be fucked?” The question wasn’t surprising and yet it caused every other person in the room to take a deep breath. Soonyoung and Seungkwan knew it would change how this entire night and possibly how your friends would go from that moment forward. You had been waiting for it, longer than any of them could even understand. 
“Yes, god…more than anything.” Dokyeom groans at your answer, his cock throbbing trapped behind his jeans. He only nods and gestures his hand towards you for you to continue the game. Whining, you look at the other two men finally deciding on Seungkwan, “Truth or dare?” 
Out of the two, Seungkwan was keeping his cool much better. Yes, he wanted you badly but he also knew the night was young and he wasn’t going anywhere. Especially not after your answer to Dokyeom. “Dare.” 
“Play the voicemail from Soonyoung on my phone.” 
Seungkwan laughs, moving from his spot on the floor, you watch him adjust his jeans. His painfully obvious erection makes your mouth water as you remember your earlier conversation. With your phone finally in his hand, he types in your code to unlock it and goes to your voicemails hitting play on the most recent from Soonyoung, and placing it on speaker. 
Soonyoung smirks, his eyes moving from your phone to yours. He all but fucks you with his eyes as you begin to hear his voice fill the room causing your thighs to brush together once again. 
“Y/N…I have to wonder if you thought I wouldn’t tell you what I wanted. Well, fuck that…” You hear the sound of Soonyoung sitting down on a bed, your bed before he starts to talk again. “I’d eat you out like it was my last meal, I bet you taste so fucking good. You always smell like a dream so I can only imagine that your cum must taste like honey.” 
You bring your fingers to your lips to stifle a moan making Soonyoung raise a brow. He glances up to meet Dokyeom’s eyes gesturing back down to you. “Move her hand…you get to hear my dirty little thoughts, I want to hear your dirty little moans when you hear them.” 
Dokyeom’s hand wraps around your wrist pulling your hand from your mouth but your eyes never leave Soonyoung’s as you continue to listen to the recording. Seungkwan sits back down next to you, his eyes roaming over your legs as they rub together, his hand tilting the phone towards you so you can hear it better. 
“Then I’d fuck you open with my fingers so I could make sure you could take my cock. I bet your pretty pussy would swallow it up. You wanna swallow my cock up between your thighs?” 
You knew he wasn’t speaking to you at that moment but you still nod, causing Soonyoung to smirk. Reaching out he takes the phone from Seungkwan as the recording ends to put it out of the way. Seungkwan licks his lips knowing it is his turn to ask the question, “Y/N, truth or dare?” 
Laughing out a soft moan, your legs almost shaking from how much you want them to touch you. “Dare, god please make it a good one.” You were trying so hard to be patient, Dokyeom’s thumb running over your pulse point in your wrist, Soonyoung moving close enough to finally push your hair from your eyes. 
Seungkwan grins at you and laughs, “I dare you to be our good little whore and fuck all of us like you so clearly want to.” He knew that was the last question and that it would make it or break it even more so than Dokyeom’s question but when you moan out a “Yes, please Seungkwan…” that is all it takes for you to get what you want. 
He moves past Soonyoung to grab the back of your neck pulling you up from the floor, his lips colliding with yours hard in a rough kiss. Seungkwan hisses words against your lips, his fingers sliding down your stomach to your shorts to unbutton them quickly. “Sound so fucking pretty…help me get her to the bedroom.” 
Dokyeom nods, moving to his feet he leans to pick you up from the floor letting you keep your lips on Seungkwan’s for a moment more before the younger man pulls away to make you whine. Soonyoung grins at you hearing you whine as Seungkwan leaves you in Dokyeom’s grasp. 
“He’s not leaving you like he said…we are going to the bedroom. You are going to get so fucking spoiled tonight, Kitten. Save your whines for when you need them.” 
You start to speak, moving next to Dokyeom when Soonyoung moves to walk beside you. The feeling of his hand moving over your ass caused you to let out a small squeal of excitement. “I’ve wanted this for so long. I was so scared you guys wouldn’t want me like this.” 
Seungkwan raises a brow hearing your words when the three of you move into the room after him. His eyes meet yours as he tosses a few pillows out of the way then the stuffed tiger you had stolen from Soonyoung. “And you’d be so very wrong, Sweetheart. We thought you’d be repulsed by the dirty shit we’ve talked about when it came to you. How we all wanted to fuck you…be more than just friends with you, but none of us wanted to fuck up our friendship.” 
Dokyeom’s lips move across your neck making you smile, your eyes getting heavy from pleasure as you listen to Seungkwan speak. You feel Soonyoung’s hands move to your shorts, working them down your legs, his lips pressing to your stomach as you moan out softly before speaking. 
“This isn’t ruining anything, this is better. It’s so, so much better. You know I love all of you so much.” You feel Dokyeom’s lips turn up at your confession. You had all told each other that you loved one another many times but this time felt special. You practically purr out a moan feeling his nose brush behind your ear, Soonyoung’s fingers finally sliding your panties down your legs. 
“Fuck, you are dripping.” You could feel it, but hearing Soonyoung say it knowing he could see it between your legs was an entirely different thing. Seungkwan smirked at the sight in front of him only to clear his throat a moment later. “Lay her on the bed, you are both greedy.” 
“We are just anxious to have her, Seungkwan.” Soonyoung’s breath hits your folds as he speaks causing you to shiver. Your bottom lip gets caught in your teeth as you watch him get back up and lead you to the bed, where Dokyeom sits you down.  
Seungkwan watches carefully, his eyes never leaving you even as the other two men listen to your whines about them getting out of their clothes. Soonyoung is the quickest to give you what you want. His shirt is discarded across the room so that your fingernails can move across his toned muscles as your eyes move across his skin causing him to let out a sharp breath. 
“I’m so fucking hard, Kitten…and as much as I want you to touch me I just want my face buried between your thighs after seeing you dripping down your legs like a whore for us.” 
A smile spreads across your lips as Soonyoung’s hands move to your wrists moving your hands from his stomach and finally away from his body. You watch as he moves to his knees listening to you let out a soft faux whine at his words only for him to laugh and roll his eyes. 
“If you want to touch someone so bad you have two other cocks to unwrap. Seungkwan called me greedy, I’m planning to show him otherwise.” 
Soonyoung doesn’t allow you or Seungkwan a single word before his hands slide your legs open further and your moan fills the room like a dinner bell. The feeling of his warm tongue dragging through your folds is overwhelming, causing you to arch your back and push your hips towards Soonyoung’s face only to feel him groan against your pussy, pushing your hips back down with strong hands. 
Dokyeom had been patiently watching until you moaned so sweetly. The sound went straight to his cock causing it to twitch almost violently. His shirt had also been discarded next to the bed when you had asked but he hadn’t taken your attention from Soonyoung, instead, he had been perfectly content with watching. That was until you fell back on the bed, your breasts rising and falling with each lusty moan escaping your perfect little lips. 
“Mm, so pretty. She’s so pretty, Seungkwan, don’t you think so?” 
Seungkwan smirks at Dokyeom’s words, his hand lifting to brush his thumb around your pert nipple causing you to whimper. Your eyes move from each man while Soonyoung sucks your folds into his mouth with an obscene wet sound making your cheeks burn. 
“So fucking pretty, tell me what you want, Sweetheart. I’ll give it to you, but you have to ask.” 
You were having a hard time thinking much less speaking but when Seungkwan spoke to you so sweetly, almost in a condescending tone it made you clench around Soonyoung’s finger as soon as he pushed it into you. The man between your legs grins against your folds at the reaction before kissing your soft skin, his tongue peeking out to circle your clit teasingly while you whine out your answer. 
“Want…oh my god. I wanna suck your cock Seungkwan but I…ah Soonyoung!” 
You wanted to tell Dokyeom what you wanted from him as well but Soonyoung slides in a second finger turning his palm towards the ceiling, his fingers curling upwards to brush against your spot perfectly with each thrust. You hear three distinct laughs, one, in particular, warm against your ear causing you to whine out Dokyeom’s name bringing your attention back to him as you turn your head to capture his lips with yours speaking against them. 
“Dokyeom…I want…want you to touch me, kiss me…I need to touch you. Want to see your cock, take it out. Please?” 
The way you were whining, a slight moan in your words was driving Dokyeom crazy. Seungkwan could almost hold himself back, telling you to wait but Dokyeom found himself willing to give you anything and everything the moment you asked for it. 
Nodding his head, Dokyeom shifts off the bed pushing his jeans and boxers down before leaning back across the end of the bed so that his lips could capture your shoulder while he took your hand guiding it to his waiting and leaking cock. The moment your fingers brush over his head a shuddering breath escapes the man’s mouth that causes you to whimper and close your thighs around Soonyoung’s head. 
Still watching, Seungkwan licks his lips, his head tilted as he waits. You had asked him for something and he wasn’t a liar. He was going to give it to you. He knew why you had asked for it, the answer he had given you earlier but he wasn’t going to cum like that, not when he had the chance to cum elsewhere given a chance. 
“Y/N, Sweetheart, where are your condoms?” 
You look at him confused and shake your head, extending your hand towards Seungkwan trying to get him to come to you but he only shifts slightly closer letting you grip at his shirt. A small laugh falls from his lips as he looks down at you, the desperation in your eyes, Seungkwan lifts his hand to run it over your hair while he watches you starting to come apart from all the attention you are getting from the other men.
“Baby…think hard for me.”
“I’m on birth control, Kwannie.” 
Your words cause the other two men to take pause, especially Soonyoung who takes a deep breath between your thighs at the idea of fucking you raw. Seungkwan’s fingers fall down your jaw where he tilts your face more towards him examining you carefully before he leans down to speak against your lips. 
“If that’s what you want baby.” 
Nodding against his lips, you kiss him desperately, feeling Dokyeom thrust into your hand and Soonyoung dive back between your legs sending you over the edge for the first time that night. You whine breathlessly into Seungkwan’s mouth until you can’t handle it anymore and fall back on the bed having to push your hand into Soonyoung’s hair as he latches on to your clit, determined to overstimulate you. 
Seungkwan watches your thighs tremble, your fingers harshly pulling at Soonyoung’s hair only seeming to push the man further into his lust-filled stupor until he finally pulls away with a groaning breath letting you have a moment. 
“Fuck, you taste so good. I could eat you out all damn day, Y/N. We are never going back to how it was before.” 
Dokyeom laughs at Soonyoung’s words, his hand sliding along your breasts squeezing gently, thumb and forefinger rolling your nipple gently between them to watch you arch into his touch while your hand lazily strokes him. Turning his hand over, palm up, Dokyeom groans your name as you meet his eyes. Your thumb presses against his slit while his fingers dance along your hipbone, moving to the center of your legs to finally graze through your cum and Soonyoung’s saliva. 
“I agree with Soonyoung. I can’t go back after this, I wouldn’t want to. I don’t think you’d want to either, would you Princess?” 
You whine out a no, rolling your hips toward Dokyeom’s fingers even though you were already so sensitive. Your attention stayed on him but you knew that Soonyoung was moving around the room, his pants dropping to the floor. He only pulled your eyes back to him when his hands moved under your arms to slide you towards the edge of the bed so your head could rest off the edge, his eyes glancing towards Seungkwan. 
“She said, she wanted to suck your dick, Kwan. Don’t make her wait all fucking night.” 
Hearing him laugh causes you to bite your lip, your eyes searching for Seungkwan to find him with significantly less clothing than before, his shirt and pants on the floor. His eyes find yours as his thumbs hook into the top of his briefs to push them down letting his cock bounce back upwards making your mouth water with each of his steps around the bed towards you. 
You try to stay focused but when Dokyeom’s middle finger presses against your entrance a soft moan slips from your lips. Your hips lift to meet the long digit eliciting a low chuckle from the man who leans down to press a kiss to your neck muttering against your skin. 
“You are tight around my finger even after Soonyoung ate you out. You need more prep if you are going to fuck any of us, Princess. Don’t worry…I’ll make sure you can handle it. You just worry about your Kwannie.” 
Hearing his name leaving Dokyeom’s mouth in such a cute way causes Seungkwan to roll his eyes even as he looks down at you. You were anything but cute at the moment. Ravishing, mouth-watering, fuckable, there were a million words that Seungkwan could use to describe you but he couldn’t get seem to get his mind to connect with his mouth with you reached out your hand for him. 
“Want you…” 
Those were the only words that could slip from your lips but they were enough to make Seungkwan take another step toward you. His fingers run over your cheek, your lips parting for him as you tilt your head backward to give him the signal he needs to use your mouth. 
“Fuck…Y/N. This isn’t how I pictured this happening.” He wasn’t sure how he had pictured it, his pre-cum coating your pretty lips as he traced them with the head of his cock, but it was something he’d never forget. Pushing into your waiting mouth, Seungkwan lets out a shuddering breath, his knees almost buckling at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth. He could feel the way you instantly pressed your tongue along the underside of his head trying to tease him. 
“Mm, Kitten…are you good with your mouth? You have Seungkwan panting like a teenager getting head for the first time.” 
You smile around the cock in your mouth, a moan sending a vibration through Seungkwan as your response. Soonyoung runs his fingers along your collarbone letting his eyes move from your mouth down to your legs watching your hips lift to grind down. 
“Add another finger. She can handle it, can’t you baby?” Soonyoung wasn’t actually wanting a response from you but another groan escaping Seungkwan when you gag around him taking him all the way to your throat makes Soonyoung laugh. Moving around your bed, running a hand over his face, Soonyoung opens your nightstand figuring that personal space is a thing of the past. With a smirk on his lips, he picks up your vibrator giving it a once over before returning it to its rightful spot in place of picking up a small bottle of lube. 
Dokyeom’s eyes dart from what he is doing, adding another finger feeling you stretch around him as the third finger seems to push you to your limit, to watching Soonyoung curiously. “She’s fucking soaked Soonyoung…but it wouldn’t hurt to use lube. I don’t want to hurt her, especially if all three of us are taking turns.” 
You were trying to pay attention to their conversation but one stroke of Dokyeom’s fingers against your spot causes your teeth to rake the underside of Seungkwan’s cock as you arch off the bed. Pressure begins to build in you so intensely that you have to pull from the man to take a breath.
“Fuck…fuck! There…don’t stop Dokyeom. Please?” 
Seungkwan takes a step back trying to catch his breath having gotten so close to his own orgasm only to have it pulled away. He instead watches as you sit up on your elbows, your hand moving to hold Dokyeom’s tightly almost as if you are in conflict with yourself if you want to keep him closer to push him away. 
Feeling your pussy tightening around him and hearing your pleas, Dokyeom’s attention stays focused fully on you. His knee pushes into the bed as he nods, his free hand moving to hold down your hips keeping you still while he coaxes you toward your orgasm. 
“Right there? Is that the spot, Princess? Are you gonna cum for me?”
Standing completely still, Soonyoung simply holds the bottle of lube as he watches you nod before a whining moan slips from your lips. His eyes fall between your legs at the same time as he mutters, “holy shit” watching your orgasm push Dokyeom’s fingers from you as you squirt. 
“She’s fucking perfect. Kitten…Y/N? Baby, my love…marry me? Marry us?” 
Falling back on the bed, your legs trembling you can’t help but laugh at Soonyoung’s words feeling Dokyeom’s hands sliding over your thighs soothingly. You knew he was kidding but at the same time, it was a fucking tempting thought. 
Tossing the bottle of lube onto the bed, Soonyoung crawls up to hover over you. His eyes finally met yours eliciting another laugh to split from your lips. 
“Just need a second, haven’t…been a while since I’ve cum that hard.” 
Dokyeom feels a bit of pride swell in his chest when Soonyoung raises a brow glancing at him. “Yeah, well there is cumming and then there is that. Baby we are going to have to change your bed. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. You think…” 
Hearing him trail off, his fingers moving across your skin to trace around your nipple making you shiver, you open your eyes once again to look up at him curiously. The bed dips on your other side when Seungkwan finally takes a seat to get closer to you. 
“Think what, Soonie?” 
“Think you could take two of us? If we prep you?” 
Seungkwan shakes his head, a scoff falling from his lips thinking that surely Soonyoung had gone too far but you surprise him by biting your lip and nodding, a small “yeah” whispered with a breath. 
“Yeah? You gonna let us fuck that cute ass?” 
Your cheeks burning at Soonyoung’s forwardness, you turn your head, laughing as you say yes again. His fingers hold your chin turning your gaze back to meet his, leaning down Soonyoung brushes his lips almost teasingly across yours making you whimper when he pulls away. 
“Good girl. Turn over on your stomach. Maybe you can give Dokyeom a present for making you cum so hard, hmm?” 
Biting your bottom lip, you nod. Your cheeks warm, and you let Seungkwan help you turn onto your stomach before you move to your hands and knees. Dokyeom already standing in front of you smiles when you glance up to meet his eyes, his fingers sliding over the side of your head enjoying having you so close to his cock already. 
“I won’t lie, as much as I was enjoying fucking you with my fingers…I was curious about what you were doing with your mouth. Wanna show me?” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
Seungkwan raises a brow taking a deep breath as he runs a hand over your back tracing your curves down to your ass. Another thing he hadn’t pictured, was the possibility of anyone being able to do this to you but here they all were, and now Soonyoung was kneeling behind you rubbing lube together on his fingers. 
“Incredible.” Seungkwan’s words draw your attention briefly, your hand wrapped around Dokyeom’s length. You glance at the youngest man meeting his eyes as you place a kiss on the tip of the cock in front of you making him smirk at you before you feel his hand lift and then connect with your ass cheek firmly. “Tease.”
You moan feeling the burn from Seungkwan’s hand, the way his pretty fingers kneed the warm flesh afterward making it feel sensual. It draws your attention from the first bit of pressure when Soonyoung presses his index finger against your rim easing it in slowly.  
“Fuck, there we go. Relax…gonna feel so good. Fill you up in every single way we can Kitten. Make you ours completely. Isn’t that what you want?” 
Soonyoung watches you nod, a whine slipping from around Dokyeom’s cock as you take more of him into your mouth. 
“Of course it is. You are ours, always have been. Our pretty fucking slut. God, Kwan...look how pretty this is.” 
A second finger worked into your tight hole, Soonyoung tilts his head, his other hand keeping your ass open for him. He lets Seungkwan scoot in closer listening to the man groan softly when he finally sees how you clench around his fingers. 
“Just go slow, shit…she’s gorgeous. You are so beautiful, Sweetheart.” 
Seungkwan’s hand slides along your ass, his thumb pressing near where Soonyoung’s fingers scissor into you stretching you out. You knew he was making sure you wouldn’t be hurt but you didn’t want Soonyoung to go slow anymore. It felt too good and you wanted more. 
Leaning his head back, Dokyeom ran a hand over your head licking his lips and trying to keep himself from cumming too quickly as you moaned around him. You were too good with your mouth. He knew that he had asked to see how good you would be but there was no way he was going to miss out on fucking you. 
With a low groan, Dokyeom pulls back from you making you whine out a small “no” your eyes searching for him and a reason. “Gonna make me cum, Princess. Wanna fuck you, gonna let me?” 
You nod quickly, your hand reaching for him almost desperately as you push back on Soonyoung’s fingers in an attempt to get more stimulation. 
“God, need more. Please…I can take it. Please fuck me? I’ve been good, haven’t I? Kwannie, I’ve been so good.” 
Hearing you say his name, Seungkwan moves back to lift your head so he can meet your eyes, his lips brushing against yours. You feel Soonyoung push in a third finger causing you to let out a sobbing moan against Seungkwan’s mouth. 
“You have, you’ve been so good. Almost time, hmm…why don’t you tell me who you want to fuck first?” 
You were almost panting into his mouth trying to think clearly when Seungkwan asked you such an important question. Your brain becomes fuzzy to the feeling of Soonyoung’s fingers burying themselves into your ass pushing you towards a third orgasm so quickly. 
“I…oh my god. Soonyoung, I want Soonyoung to…in my ass.” 
Seungkwan nods, a smirk against your lips. You feel his hand slide over your stomach and finally between your legs. His slender fingers dance between your wet folds driving you over that edge once again while his forehead rests against yours. 
“And who gets to be in this sweet little pussy first? Hm?” 
Breathy moans escape your lips but words are almost unintelligible. Your legs shaking you rely completely on Seungkwan to keep you from falling forward on the bed until your orgasm ends. 
Soonyoung’s fingers slide over the swell of your ass, he smirks as Dokyeom shakes his head leaning down to check on you as you seem to come back to reality. 
“Want…Seungkwan first.” 
Your words were quiet but you feel Dokyeom’s long fingers on your cheek and hear Seungkwan’s gentle laugh against your ear. You weren’t sure how you wanted it to work but it appeared you didn’t have to figure that out. A few silent looks from the men around the bed put Seungkwan into motion, his head resting against your pillows. 
Fingers extending towards you, Seungkwan raises a brow as he watches you carefully, almost possessively knowing that you were his first. Two other sets of hands slide along your body allowing you to crawl along the bed making your way to Seungkwan until you are finally sitting across his thighs. 
Seungkwan watches you take a deep breath, your tongue running slowly along your lips from nerves. You had gone so far with all of them tonight but this would ‘seal the deal’ in a manner of speaking. Kneading his thumbs into the top of your thighs working them up towards your hips, Seungkwan smiles at you, his head tilting questioningly as he speaks calmly. 
“Is this something you still want? No one here is going to be upset if you want to stop.” 
Soonyoung could feel a slight ache in his stomach at the thought but he also knew deep down that if this was as far as you wanted to go for the night he would respect it and be happy with what he had with you. Furrowing his brows, he runs the back of his hand along your back to soothe your nerves but to also let you know that neither he nor Dokyeom had left you so you wouldn’t be worried. 
A smile spreads along your lips to the feeling of their hands on your body, Dokyeom’s joining as he massages your lower back. The man leans to press a soft patient kiss to your shoulder blade waiting to hear your answer to Seungkwan’s question only to find you glancing over your shoulder at him when you do speak. 
“I want this. I promise, just take care of me?” 
“Oh, Princess…we have always taken care of you. Why would we stop now?” 
You can’t help but laugh at Dokyeom’s words. He wasn’t wrong, they had always gone out of their way to take care of you in various ways. 
“He’s right,” Soonyoung speaks next to your neck, his lips moving along your soft skin causing goosebumps to spread along your flesh. “Every night we stay here, one of us will wake up earlier than you to make sure to either cook your breakfast or at least order something. We make sure you drink plenty of water, take something for your hangover, take a shower…” 
Your lashes lowered feeling his fingers moving to your hips to help guide you towards Seungkwan, the feeling of his hard cock brushing between your folds sending a shiver through your body as you moan quietly. 
“Remember last time? Seungkwan let you sit in his lap and he cut up your food for you and fed it to you because you said your head hurt too bad. You had drunk a little too much and slept so hard but he loves you so much he made sure you still ate.” 
You remembered, your eyes open to find Seungkwan looking up at you, his lips parted so sweetly to the feeling of your wet folds sliding over his cock with each rock of your hips. He felt so good even like this, you couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you. Lifting your hips, you whimper for him watching Seungkwan nod, his fingers wrapping around his length guiding his head to your entrance letting you slowly sit back down over him. 
“Shit…so warm. Oh my god, Y/N, baby.” 
Seungkwan’s words make you smile, your moans falling from your lips breathlessly as you try to get used to the stretch adjusting around him. You nod letting Soonyoung help you move your hips over the younger man. 
“You sound so pretty, Kitten. You feel full, hmm?” 
Soonyoung watches you for a moment until you look back at him knowing what he was really asking you. His hands slide to your ass where his thumbs separate your ass causing you to clench around Seungkwan. 
“Please, please…please?” 
Your pleas were so sweet and tempting, how could Soonyoung say no? How could Dokyeom just sit there and not feel like he was going to burst to watch you lean forward, your body trembling? 
“Please what? You want Soonyoung to fill you up back here?” 
Dokyeom had spent most of the night surprising Soonyoung, so when he spoke questioning you about what you wanted exactly, Soonyoung couldn’t help but smirk. His eyes fell to the other man’s hand as it move past his so that his middle finger could press against your now puffy rim teasing you. 
Tears of pleasure were stinging your eyes, your hips moving harder over Seungkwan. He was holding on to your hips, his nails digging gently into your skin in an attempt to calm himself down when your walls tighten around him once again. You nod meeting Dokyeom’s gaze, the sweet man you loved so much is still there but with a look of almost sadism laced within. 
Arching your back, a gasp slips from your lips when Dokyeom’s finger slides into you causing you to feel that much more full. He laughs lowly at your reaction leaning to kiss your cheek, nodding along with your babbling for more. 
“Yeah? I know…I know. Soonie is going to get ready. Yes, Princess, you sound so fucking pretty moaning like a whore. Are you gonna cum around Seungkwan’s cock?” 
Soonyoung laughs to himself, his hand coated in lube before he strokes himself a few times shaking his head and listening to Dokyeom’s dirty talk. He had no idea the man had it in him but he was impressed. Moving back to hold your hip with one hand, Soonyoung taps Dokyeom’s wrist to signal for him to move. He listens to you whine pathetically when one finger slowly slides from your ass causing him to shake his head again, the head of his cock pressing against your waiting hole. 
“So needy.” 
Your hands resting on Seungkwan’s chest, your nails digging into his skin eliciting a hiss to fall from the man’s lips as Soonyoung slowly pushes into you. Dokyeom groans, his cock leaking heavily against his thigh, his impatience almost outweighing his desire to fuck you as he looks at your mouth falling open in a lust-filled moan. 
Soonyoung groans almost louder than anyone in the room as he feels your ass around him. Your tight hole pulls him in close to your back so you can feel his chest rising and falling quickly as he battles with himself to calm down trying not to cum the moment he is inside of you. 
“I want to ruin you, Y/N…ruin you for anyone else except us.” 
You shiver to hear Soonyoung’s words, his hand sliding along your stomach to press against back against him but also down over Seungkwan causing the man to groan your name. He was doing his best not to lose it. Trying to let you control how fast you wanted to go but it was becoming too much and feeling how tight you were with Soonyoung also inside of you pushed him over the edge. 
Thrusting up hard, Seungkwan can’t help but smirk listening to how you start to moan his name. It sounded like the best song he had ever heard. It was like a chant that was meant only for him, something going in time with the beating of his heart in his ears. A groan escapes Seungkwan’s throat when your fingers wrap around his wrist in an attempt to ground yourself, that was his last straw, the last string and you had cut it. 
Seungkwan’s body shudders as he fucks his cum into you feeling it running down onto his thighs with each of your movements. There was nothing better than that feeling, knowing that it was him inside of you, his cum dripping out of you. 
Soonyoung has to hold your hips tightly when your orgasm is triggered by Seungkwan’s. Biting his bottom lip to the point he tastes copper, Soonyoung leans his head back groaning your name feeling your ass moving over his cock. You were going to push him over that same edge and he wasn’t going to tell you no. 
With one hard thrust, Soonyoung leans forward to latch his mouth onto your shoulder. Thick white ropes fill you until cum is dripping down the back of your thighs. Dokyeom shudders at the sight, his eyes moving over the three of you until Soonyoung finally moves back exposing the dark mark he had left on your shoulder. 
“Mm baby, come here.” 
You were exhausted, so allowing Soonyoung to carefully slip from you and lay you on the bed on your back caused you to smile. A soft, “thank you Soonie” slipped from your mouth before it was swallowed by Soonyoung in a kiss as he hovers over you. 
Seungkwan ran a hand over his face, his stomach sucking in tightly before he laughs looking around the room to find Dokyeom watching you carefully. 
“I have an idea, Dokyeom…run a bath.” 
The man looked confused for a moment thinking that he was being sent away but a brow raised by the younger man followed by a simple head tilt gave him the answer he needed. You watch with a whine, reaching for Dokyeom when you see him start to leave the room heading for your bathroom. 
“No, want…–” 
“You will, Sweetheart,” Seungkwan speaks softly, rolling to his side to push your hair behind your ear as Soonyoung lays on his side beside you. “In the bath. Does that sound nice? Remember Soonyoung said we take care of you? Let Dokyeom take care of you. Soonyoung and I will clean up in here, and have something for you to eat when you get done.” 
You had to admit it all sounded so nice and too good to be true. Sighing softly, you can’t help but smile when Soonyoung kisses over his love bite from earlier while Seungkwan leans to kiss your jaw making you laugh. 
“Okay, I love you.”  
Two muttered “love you” fill your ears before you feel another hand running over your head drawing your attention to Dokyeom at the side of your bed. You can’t help but let your eyes travel over the expanse of his body and notice how his cock was less hard, but you could take care of that. 
Helping you to your feet, Dokyeom lets you lean against him. A small laugh tickles your ear when he feels your hand sliding over his ass as the two of you make your way into the bathroom toward the now-filled tub. 
“So handsy. What about my honor, Y/N?” 
Your laugh fills Dokyeom’s ears, his hands taking both of yours allowing you to step into the warm water first. He watches you carefully, his cock twitching slightly back to life at the sight of you enjoying the feeling of the warmth, and the sound leaving your soft lips. 
“I’ll take your honor, Mr. Lee. Get in, I need you.” 
He didn’t have to be told twice, carefully moving to sit behind you, Dokyeom lowers himself into the water, a groan similar to yours escaping his mouth to how good it felt on his skin. Still, he couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of your skin on his even more as you leaned back against him, your fingers running along his toned thighs under the water. 
“You are so beautiful, Y/N. We are so lucky to get tonight with you.” 
The words are spoken against your ear causing you to shiver, your lips turning up in a smile. Your eyes close as you lean back against Dokyeom’s chest allowing yourself to relax. The feeling of his fingers dancing along your stomach makes you bite at your bottom lip to suppress a moan. 
You weren’t trying to hide how much you wanted him, Dokyeom surely knew, but this somehow felt more romantic and intimate than what had happened in the bedroom with Soonyoung and Seungkwan. A warm groan hits your skin when you grind back against Dokyeom feeling his cock once again hard against your back. Each of them was endowed perfectly in their own way but Dokyeom had the other two beat in both girth and length. 
“Dokyeom…please? Want you so bad.” 
Dokyeom smiles against your neck, his gentle lips pulling back so that his teeth can rake along your skin once. He nods before letting out a groan when you move from him to turn in the bath to face him, sliding your legs around him in the tub so you can straddle his hips with your own. 
“This okay? I want to be able to kiss you, touch you…” 
There was no fucking way, Dokyeom was going to tell you no. In what world would this not be okay? If his face wasn’t telling you everything you needed to know, his cock was. You can’t help but to smile feeling it jerk against your thigh as you roll your hips toward his body, your lips brushing over his. 
Carefully adjusting yourself over his cock, you feel his tip press against your entrance making you sigh into the kiss softly. Doyeom groans into your mouth feeling you around him for the first time, his hands sliding over your hips to your ass to hold you tightly once you are sitting over him fully. 
Small soft thrusts meet your lazy movements, the water sloshing near the top of the tub threatening to spill over with each passing moment. It didn’t take long for your body to put you back on edge, your orgasm threatening to hit you, a cord ready to snap at any second with how deeply Dokyeom was buried inside of you. The angle of his cock hitting you was almost as perfect as his fingers had been on the bed, Dokyeom can only smile against your lips when you whine his name and that you are going to cum. 
“Yeah? Cum for me, Y/N. Just for me…cum around my cock.” 
The last of his words were strained when you do as he wants, your orgasm ripping through you causing you to clench around him. Your thighs trembling, your fingernails scratching down his chest leaving red streaks that he would wear proudly. Dokyeom breathes out your name, his fingers lifting you by your ass only to let you fall back down over his thick cock as he follows you over that edge spilling into you with a soft groan. 
Collapsing against his chest, you press gentle kisses to his neck making Dokyeom laugh at how it tickles. Your eyelashes brushed against his skin making him squirm, and though he was softening the feeling of him moving in you was enough to make you tighten around him still. 
“You are going to be the death of me. I have nothing left, if you keep clenching around me like that…you’ll suck me dry.”
The thought was enough to cause you to clench one last time before Dokyeom is able to slide from you shaking his head to the feeling. His eyes fell to the water to watch the swirl of white mixing in the water making his head spin. 
“Need to drain the water and get to actually clean.” 
Dokyeom listens to you whine, a laugh on his lips when his backup arrives in the form of Seungkwan. The sound of your shower cutting on and his tsking make you smile before you even feel his hands on your sides helping you stand. 
“Don’t pout, Sweetheart. It’s not like anyone is making you do any work. You are getting spoiled.” 
He was right. You were very lucky. Your body leaning against his, you allow Seungkwan to help you into the small shower. His hands carefully work soap into your skin while you close your eyes breathing softly against his shoulder. 
You weren’t sure if you had fallen asleep standing up or how you had gotten into bed but the feeling of fingers tracing around your belly button under a nightshirt along with the smell of food brought you back to reality. Soonyoung smiles watching your eyelashes flutter open, your pretty eyes finding him laying at your side. His hair is still damp from his own shower, you can’t help but smile reaching up to run your fingers over his lips granting yourself a gentle kiss on your fingertips. 
“I’ll let you sleep soon, but you need to eat a little something. Also, I know the bed is probably the best but Dokyeom is bitching about how not all of us will fit on it so he found every single fucking blanket in the house and made a bed in the living room. Would you be upset about sleeping in there?” 
Your chest tightens to the suggestion as you sit finding Soonyoung holding the stuffed tiger you had “borrowed” in his arms. 
“No, I want to be able to cuddle with all of you but I swear to god Soonyoung…if you take that tiger out of this apartment I’ll never touch your dick again.” 
A shocked laugh escapes the man’s lips as he leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek. The stuffed animal is placed firmly against your stomach. 
“You are so fucking bratty, I was going to say…I’m leaving him here with you. He’s yours now, for when I can’t be here. Now come on, Seungkwan made ramen.” 
You smile clutching the tiger to your chest before sliding off the bed to follow Soonyoung. The sound of laughter causes you to stop short so you can watch him roll over the couch to fall into the pile next to Dokyeom. Seungkwan smiles even though he scolds the two older men trying to keep them from eating all the food, while they all sit on the makeshift bed waiting for you. 
At that moment you couldn’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be. 
“Hey, guys…truth or dare?” 
Seungkwan groans looking up at you, a smile playing on his lips as he rolls his eyes. “Truth” 
Each of them watch as you move around the couch before falling to your knees between them letting them get a better look at you. The way they looked at you was different now. 
“Do you love me?” 
Dokyeom shakes his head, his teeth catching his bottom lip. He leans forward resting his arm on his knees and reaching out to brush his thumb along your cheek allowing you to lean into his touch. 
“You know we do.” 
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yawnjzznn · 1 year
“are you hurt?”
txt’s reaction when you fall down
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• pairing: txt x reader humour
• warnings: injury, swearing, mentions of blood
• i’m open to requests!!
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soobin 🐰:
• very dramatic— like, really dramatic.
• you accidentally fell on the way to your usual meet up spot where he’d wait for you so you guys could walk to school together.
• when he sees you walking up to him while dragging your other feet, his golly smile probably fades into a frown layered with a worried expression.
• rushes over to you and grabs your hand— checking your face for some reason even though you’re limping over to him..
• “are you okay? are you hurt? what happened?” his words can’t keep up with the thoughts in his mind as he squats down to check your injured leg.
• even though you try and insist that you’re fine, he’ll probably drag you (carefully) over to a nearby bench and sit you down, pointing a finger at you and telling you to wait with a stern voice even though you can clearly see the worry in his face.
• he takes about 5 minutes to come back with a plastic bag in his hands, jogging back over to you urgently.
• “what happened?” he asks while getting on one knee, inspecting your red ankle, a little scrapped and bloody.
• you sheepishly giggle, embarrassed, “i fell cause i forgot to tie my shoelace..”
• literally pauses and deadpans, lifting his head up slowly to look at you, “how many times have i reminded you to tie your shoes?”
• he cleans it up carefully, handling you with so much care and acting as if your leg was a glass piece— so fragile in his hands.
• he’d finish it off by bandaging your leg with a cute pink bandage, huffing when he’s done.
“sorry..” you mumbled, looking away a little guilty, hands balled up on your knees.
“it’s okay.” he sighed, sitting beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, leaning down slightly to match eye level, “just stop forgetting to tie them.. you do this everytime..”
“.. that was once.”
“okayyy but i realllyyy don’t mean to..” you whined, turning your head to look at him, pouting.
“awwwww babyyyy it’s okayyyy,” he mocked you mirroring your pout, pulling his arm away to cup your cheeks, squishing them in the process.
• you guys ended up being late for school since you were limping all the way.
• he didn’t mind though, before reaching school grounds he placed a kiss on the top of your head, telling you to: “be more careful next timeee, okay?”
yeonjun 🦊:
• ngl would probably laugh out loud.
• the sight of you falling down in gym class was so hilarious to him.
• it was P.E class, and the teacher had assigned free time for 10 minutes. yeonjun thought it was a great idea to play basketball with you— that was until he was dribbling, telling you to guard him and you tried to— but fell in the process due to him playing around and trolling you.
• he would definitely gasp as soon as you hit the ground, slapping a hand over his mouth and letting go of the basketball in his hand.
• he didn’t start laughing— not yet even though you looked like a starfish sprawled out on the ocean floor with the way you just stayed face flat on the floor, not moving due to embarrassment.
• he’d start laughing when the ball he had let go of previously bounced onto your back— making you flinch before resuming your position.
• his laughter was so loud and contagious even his friends started laughing despite not even being included.
• he’d continue laughing, practically rolling on the floor, slapping it.
• bro would laugh for a good minute before actually going to help you.
• still giggly and with a golly smile, he’d reach over and tap you cautiously, biting back laughs, “a.. are you.. o-okay?..”
• seeing that you didn’t react, he squatted down, continuing to poke you, “i’m.. s-sorry..” he’d literally be stuttering because of how hard he tried to not laugh.
• the teacher probably noticed the commotion, walking over with a stunned look on her face, “is she okay?” she asked, pointing at you.
• “no.. can i take her to the nurse?” yeonjun would ask with such a giddy smile.
• with the teacher approval, he’d carry you on his back, giggling the whole way to the nurse’s office— up until he set you on the bed.
• the nurse is ready to attend to you, kicking him out but before he leaves, he’d bend down to your height and kiss your forehead, “sorry baby.”
• even though he apologized you can still hear his laughter as he turns the corner of the hallway, far away from the office.
beomgyu 🧸:
• he would also laugh out loud tbh..
• during break, he followed you outside to where you’d left your phone— in the outdoor field.
• would probably be on his phone gaming while trailing behind you— then he hears a grunt and a sound.
• he peeks over his phone, unable to find your figure until he looks down— and there you are, on your knees and hunched over.
• he’d laugh so obnoxiously, snapping photos of you while doing so— doing the most and going as far to slap his knee…
• “that was so funny!!” he’d yell through laughter, wheezing at this point.
• you turn behind to look at him, glaring but he can’t even see it— too busy laughing his ass off at a normal fall.
• “i just heard a thump and you’re on the floor!!” he’d struggle to speak, words airy and giggly.
• you’re so tired of his shit. you stand up and walk over to where you think your phone is, ignoring him trailing behind you slowly, struggling to walk.
• you swear you can hear his laughter echo in this outdoor area, so loud and clear.
• he’d probably show those pictures to your family, or send it to the group chat you both are in.
taehyun 🐿️:
• takes it seriously unlike the other three..
• even though he’d be giggling on the inside, he’d quickly rush to your aid, accidentally letting out fits of laughter but covering it up with coughs.
• you were outside, walking around a park with his cat.
• you’re the one holding the leash, and maybe his cat was feeling extra silly today. it ran in slight circles, going unnoticed to you until you trip over the leash that’s now tangled up with your feet.
• you’d try and stop the fall— but instead you just fell on your knees, hurting it more.
• luckily you fell on grass and not harsh concrete— if that were the case, taehyun would’ve taken it more seriously.
• he’d just gasp loudly, like an actual audible gasp, “.. are.. are you.. okay?..”
• you stay silent in embarrassment.
• bro would start scolding his cat to try and make you feel more comfortable.
• would squish his cats face gently, “why would you do that to her?” he’d scold with the softest high pitch voice.
• after his little session, he’d rush over to you, sitting you down on the grass to check your knees.
• he’d rub the dirt on your knees off with his hands, not minding the mud and soil, cleaning it off as best as he can while biting on his bottom lip, so obviously trying not to laugh.
• you’d notice, obviously, and sigh, “.. you can laugh.”
• he’s so shocked when you say that, pauses and looks up at you with the most hurt and guilty expression on his face, “i- i would never..”
• “you just laughed..”
• “i didn’t!” he’d try and defend himself so hard knowing damn well..
• after cleaning it off, he’d try and make his cat apologize to you— pointing at it accusingly, “apologize to her!”
• “it’s okay.. it’s just a cute cat.” you’d sigh, patting it.
• he’d feel so bad and make your favourite meal right after
huening kai 🐧:
• he’d giggle at first, like an evil, “MWAHAHA,” type shit
• watching you fall while trying to jump rope at home was probably the highlight of his month.
• the type to move back and forth while laughing, literally saying, “HA. HA. HA.”
• you’d try and recover from the fall, distraught yourself from the embarrassment.
• after he calms down, he’d tend to you, making sure you didn’t have any serious injuries.
• “you okay?” he’d ask through giggles.
• “.. don’t let me jump rope ever again.. okay?” you’d sigh, staring at him in betrayal as if he was the one that pushed you.
• “the way you fell.. your knees literally bent.” he’d go into details and embarrass you further, making himself laugh even louder and more than just now.
• he feels bad after, placing you onto the corner of the couch, placing a soft blanket over you and tucking you in, surrounding you with his plushies.
• bro would tend to every need, making sure you get everything you want.
• would watch you slowly fall asleep— feeling more guiltier for some reason.
• he’d wake you up, whispering a little, “im sorry.”
• would hug you to sleep and feel better
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hugemilkshake · 5 months
Oh my gosh your open again hooray! I just love your writing so much!
Can I request Longan, Pitaya, Ananas, Espresso and Elder Faerie x Reader who just out of nowhere mailed them a letter with only the words "Thank you for Everything..."
And we all know if someone just says that and nothing came out of it but just that sentence that specific person is going to do something stupid but the thing is Reader only said that because they are thankful and was just about to just go and sleep and wake up later to watch a movie
So just imagine them Cookie's immediately going to Reader's House even though there so SO far away(The Dragons are in there palace, Elder Faerie in Beast Yeast, and Espresso on an expedition with Madeleine Cookie and Reader is/at Cookie Kingdom in Crispia chilling)
Enjoy the milkshake! Now ngl you had me at the first part but thank goodness it wasn’t going in the direction I thought it would-
Mail Mistake (it’s silly, trust)
-romantic scenario-
The day was peaceful, everything was just as everything should be… well until your significant other got a letter from you…
“Thank you for everything”
That was what the letter said. This caused a panic in your partner. They went to check on you because they were scared for you
Longan Dragon
Usually The Ivory Dragon wont come visit you but this was concerning
They might not know much about cookies but they knew this was not something a cookie would say if something was wrong
So they actually went and visited you instead of sending one of their eyes out to you
But they found you outside reading a book and drinking some tea
When the dragon asked you why you sent that letter.
All you said was “I wasn’t done writing it. Opps”
The dragon was very confused
Pitaya Dragon
The Red Dragon cycled through the five stages of grief.
They talked to cookies enough to know that this was the worst possible thing for you to receive
So they did what any logical cookie would do
Break your door down in a panic!
Only to find you sleeping in bed
*insert confused Pitaya*
When you woke up you said that you accidentally sent it
Luckily for you Pitaya can’t stay mad at you
Ananas Dragon
Ananas isn’t really too caught on modern cookie stuff so they kinda thought you wanted Ananas to chill with you
And when asking about the letter you said that you didn’t finish writing it
And you also explained that the letter could be seen as a very concerning thing
Ananas has now since asked you to teach them modern cookie stuff
Espresso Cookie
Man is tired and stressed so thanks for tripling that
He goes to check on you only to find you with several cats
You say that he needed a break
Espresso tells you that this is NEVER the way to get someone’s attention
You do apologize since it wasn’t the right thing to do
But in the end you both snuggled with cats
It was very nice
Elder Faerie
This man is OLD
Definitely thinks that your writing poetry
Well until one of the other faeries say that the letter is actually quite concerning
So he goes to find you
He finds you stuck in a tree.
You tell him that you wanted to do some poetry but failed
You also asked for him to help you down
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Hi I hope your having a good day!
I was wondering if for the tmnt bros (all 4, 2003) what would happen if say they had a shy sorta insecure S/O and they had sorta planned a date with S/O mentioning that they had a surprise planned for their BF. Fast forward to later the the turtle kinda forgot due to having a mission after finishing it they and their bros need to get something from his room, Where they'd find the S/O in lingerie, on their bed, covered in flower petals and even candles the same color of their turtle boyfriend's mask and they say something flirty before opening their eyes seeing all the bros there instead of just their boyfriend, get super flustered and accidentally knock a candle down almost causing a fire, and while trying to cover themself just face plants onto the floor getting a nosebleed in the process and a slight concussion.
afterwards poor S/O cant look at the other turtles for about a week and and their not even mad just feeling a bit humiliated and saying stuff like "yeah it was a dumb idea anyways, probably wont do it again in the future" Though they do kinda find it a little funny later on about how badly it went
Thank you for your writings! I really enjoy them
Awe! I’m glad you do!! It makes me giddy to see that people genuinely enjoy my writings!! <3 Also I love this idea! I’d actually die if this ever happened to me ngl 💀
Seduction Disaster!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1606
CW: Gender-neutral reader, a bit of a crack-fic, DW there’s some fluff involved too! A tad bit spicy(?), all characters are over the age of 18, in their early 20s! Enjoy!
T/N - Turtle Name
B/N - Brother Name
Oh, it was a stupid idea, a REALLY stupid idea. To say you regretted it, would be an understatement… In your defense you just wanted to give your boyfriend something nice! It took you a long while, but you had finally built up some confidence to finally impress your boyfriend and maybe try and give him a night to remember. Oh did you not intend THIS to be the night to remember.
Your boyfriend was out on a mission, one that took longer than expected, but it gave you enough time to put your plan into motion! You bought the candles, bought the roses and you got your lingerie. Alright everything was going well, just according to plan… You warned Splinter not to go into T/N’s room, to which he complied and just stayed in the dojo to meditate. Great. That was great for you, so you suited up slipped into your lingerie and checked yourself out in his mirror to make sure everything was good and fitted perfectly. DAMN, did you look good! This made you even more confident in all of this and got everything else set and ready to go!
Finally, the guys arrived back home, T/N groaning as he flopped onto the couch tiredly, not even remembering at the time that you had something planned for him in his bedroom. He was exhausted and a little brain dead at the moment, so when one of his brothers asked if they could grab something from his room that they left in there, he nonchalantly gave them the go-ahead, not thinking much about it.
You were laid out on the bed, awaiting his arrival, your eyes closed as you took deep breaths to ready yourself. Once you heard the door open, you started with, “Welcome home ba—” once you opened your eyes, you were greeted with the wrong turtle, and your heart dropped. And honestly, B/N was staring at you with a look of horror and shock. You let out a shriek as you rushed to cover yourself, ultimately failing as you slipped out of the bed and landed on your face, a little too hard. You barely noticed the blanket catch on fire as B/N panicked and called for T/N’s help, to which he bolted in and panicked.
Yeah… Not a fun time to say the least. Donnie ended up having to patch you up, help you with your bleeding nose and made sure you didn’t fall asleep because of your concussion. You were so embarrassed, you couldn’t even look into B/N’s eyes for a while, or any of T/N’s brothers eyes for that matter…
💙 Leo didn’t realize that you had something planned for him until the moment he heard your shrieks come from his bedroom and Donnie’s panicked yells for Leo brought him back to his senses. You planned something for him, and he completely forgot. He hurried to his room, freezing when he saw you face-first onto the ground and his blanket on fire.
💙 Luckily, Donnie was quick to put out the fire while Leo was by your side in an instant. Mikey and Raph rushed to the room to check things out while Leo covered your body while making sure you were okay. He could not forgive himself for this for a LONG while, not when he saw your face when he pulled you off the ground. After Donnie made sure you were okay, and was quick to move on with the situation, he left you alone with Leo.
💙 He comforted you the rest of the night, holding you close and kissing your face softly as he murmured soft little apologies. He’d make it up to you, and he swore that he would. He became EXTRA protective of you too, and was always sure to check his bedroom first before his brothers went in, he even set a ground-rule not to go into his bedroom until he’s made sure nothing’s going on in there. Yeah maybe he’s going a little far, but it’s appreciated.
❤️ He didn’t see it coming, but he sure did hear it, that shriek he knew rather well, and Mikey’s yelling of, “WOAH! I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!” Raph bolted to his room without a second thought, and oh the sight that greeted him, you face first on the ground and Mikey standing there, frozen and panicking. “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE SHELL BRAIN! HELP ME PUT OUT THE FIRE!” Raph yelled at Mikey as the two worked on putting out the fire first, soon Leo joining in once he heard the commotion.
❤️ Once he knew it was done, he chased out his brothers before hurrying to your side, eyes wide and panicked, “Dollface! You okay?!” He sat you up as you had tears of embarrassment rolling down your eyes and a bleeding nose. He was quick to sit you back on his bed as he grabbed an extra blanket. After he’s carefully wrapped you, he scoops you up and hurries to find Donnie, “Hey brainiac! Need some help here!” Donnie rolled his eyes before he was greeted by the sight of your bruised forehead and bleeding nose. Biting back the sarcastic remark, he was quick to take care of you.
❤️ After you were all taken care of, Raph took you back to his room, laid you on the bed, put out all the candles, before curling up beside you. He swore to himself he’d never let this happen again. And boy, did he make sure it didn’t not only that, he became like your bodyguard, actually scratch that, he was more of your guarddog. When you were recovering, he made sure to do everything you asked and never left your side. If anybody tried to check in, he was quick to tell them to buzz off. It was your guys time, nobody was interrupting it this time.
💜 Donnie relaxed against the couch, the TV playing mindless nonsense as he just gave his brain a break from the rough mission. When he was about to doze off, Leo would tell him he was heading to his lab, to which he didn’t think much of until he heard a loud shriek and Leo yelling apologies, causing alarm for everyone. Donnie was fast on his feet and bolted to his lab, seeing the scene, he panicked. First of all, you’re hurt, second… FLAMMABLE ITEMS IN HIS LAB!!!
💜 He panicked, but was quick, he took a blanket and covered you first before yelling to Leo, “Help me put out the flames!” To which, the both of them did, Raph and Mikey soon joining while Splinter would wait outside the lab, worried. Once everything was said and done, Donnie gently scooped you up and headed to his little examination table, gently laying you down as you whined out in pain. He didn’t take too long to take care of you, cleaning up your nose and stopping the bleeding, before keeping a close eye on you because of the concussion.
💜 He would be so sweet and gentle with you, whispering small reassuring things as he took care of you. He always shushed you when you tried to apologize about the whole thing, I mean, it was both of your guys fault, Donnie not remembering, and you not thinking of that possibility. Donnie felt at fault for the most part for it, because if he remembered this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Either way, he would cuddle with you the whole night, watching a movie to help distract you both from that disaster.
🧡 Mikey got up and actually ended up microwaving some pizza, as he felt pretty damn hungry. While he was doing that, staring intently at the microwave, he heard Raph call out to him about needing something back from him and that he was checking his room. Mikey gave him the go-ahead and continued to wait, until he heard Raph scream and you shriek from his bedroom.
🧡 This man has never moved so fast in his life, Donnie and Leo right on his tail as they stumble into his room. Raph was panicking over you, unsure of what to do, meanwhile the main concern for Leo and Donnie was the fire! Those two worked on it while Mikey was by your side in an instant, in this situation he couldn’t even joke to try and distract you and make you feel better, he just wrapped you up in his arms and held you close.
🧡 Once the whole fiasco was taken care of and Donnie fixed you up, Mikey was trying so hard to cheer you up and keep your mind off of what just happened. He even sacrificed his last slice of pizza to you, before getting all cozy with you. He was very doting that night, making sure you were okay, because honestly he was never this worried. You ended up sleeping in his arms that night with him holding you in a protective manner.
Yeah… You were never doing that again, despite being spoiled by your partner and taken care of after everything was said and done, you’d rather not face the embarrassment of his brother walking in on you again when you’re in such a vulnerable position meant for T/N. It will never happen again, ESPECIALLY not with candles, if T/N wants candles he will be lighting them up himself.
Luckily now you can finally look B/N in the eyes after everything and laugh it off while feeling yourself die inside after everything. Mistakes were made, and you certainly learned from that whole experience.
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2facedweirdo · 3 months
Hey weirdo hope your trip and camp went well!!
My question is, what blogs/vns/creators do you like?
with tags so we know who ur talking to ofcourse!! have a good day!
hello!! My trips went well thank you!! hmmm….ok let’s see!
@campwillowpeak silly little vn with a pyromaniac,Gavin,Gavin’s friend and depressed dad <33 I love this game so much ngl
@mama- -sloth (I hope I wrote that right) AAAAAAA ILY SOO MUCH<33 HER HUMOR?!?! HELLO?!
@restartheartvn Ezra and Chris Ezra and Chris Ezra and Chri- I love this game, it has good storyline, good music and amazing characters!! Fun fact!! I headcanon kenneth as societyboy from blooming panic
@queenlilithprime SO SILLY PT2!! Amazing person in general tbh. They are honest, respectful, pretty just amazing friend ngl!! (Also happy restart heart anniversary!!)
@stnaf-vn. AHHHHH- again one of my very very favorites 🤭 it so fun and has amazing lore and art! Also Carter <3 (and friend of course but you know, Carter)
@itsya-boi never really talked much with yaboi ngl. But from what I’ve saw, they are also the best human alive! Would love to be friends with them, 10/10 human being right there
@you-and-him-vn Enemies to lovers with Chloe and Adam!! I love this game, THE LORE AND STORY HELLO??
@— unknown hermit as we all know hermit left so I’m not tagging her here, but I actually really liked hermit and think the didn’t deserve all the hate she got.</3
@thekrows-nest Krow!!!!!!1!1!1!1! Best boy right there!! Mwuah!! @winndycakes amazing person who has amazing art! They also helped me out when I got a hate anon along with @queenlilithprime which makes me value them even more. <3
@lavender-teardroplettes I.LOVE.SI ILY ILY ILY SOOOOOOO MUCH <33 my very first friend on this platform and I respect him for wanting to me friends with me!! I love him as a person again, genuinely 100/10 person right there 💗💗
@clownboymcchucklefuck Nothing can describe how much I love this person. THE SILLIENES??? SILLY!!
@fantasia-kitt 🤭🤭🤭 Now THIS is an amazing game who has a amazing future! Funfact2: I headcanon that my oc and hyugo are childhood friends!. As the creator however is also an amazing person you means well for their community. I hope the hiatus means well for them
@darqx AHHHHHHHHH. Every time I see a demon man that’s tall I.just.scream!! I love rire <3 as for darqx however I’m surprised that both of the other creators of btd got in scandals while draqx is still standing, impressive!
@robobarbie although I sti haven’t played seekL yet, I immediately know it’s gonna be a good game because robo made it. For blooming panic however, *deep breath* AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. IT HITS THAT ONE PART OF MY BRAIN AND SCRATCHES IN A WAY THATS ADDICVE. I also like their humor!
Btw all games and blogs mentioned are amazing people and games check them out pls <3
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tojiscrack · 3 days
Guess who found your fic on ao3 at 11pm, not noticing the 108k words on the bottom and got so hooked even by the half quarter of the first chapter that resulted in her staying awake until 10 am, reading all 108k words in one sitting. Yes me. Me, who got so hooked she read it all in one sitting. Me, who’s now so emotionally attached to this fic that she’s anxious about your comments under the chapters, stating that THE MAIN PLOT hasn’t even STARTED YET. Me, who knows DAMN WELL the little caterpillars and butterflies and the moths story Megumi and y/n read out is for sure foreshadowing. Me, who’s noticed several butterfly symbolism used over the course of the story. Me, who screamed into her pillow when it was stated that y/n’a dress resembled a butterfly. Me, who’s seen your comment replying to someone, stating that there MIGHT be some kind of drifting apart. Me, who’s well ware of the Heavy Angst tag on the fic. Me, who knows that an author who’s this good at delivering humor and fluff is gonna DESTROY me when the angst is gonna be written. Me, who half regrets now that she’s discovered the story because she’s scared of all that’s about to come.
You seriously have a way with words, dialogue, symbolism, humor, the bond between every character. It’s not so simple to put more than 5 characters in a setting and deal with them all while trying to make it as natural as possible but you SOMEHOW do it SO WELL. I’m just. God. All the thoughts I have on this fic would maybe even rival the 108k words you’ve written up until now but I don’t have the capacity to put them into words as well as you do.
just know that this fic impacted me so much, so badly, years from now on after it's finished, I'll still think about it and re-read it.
so excited (and scared as hell ngl) to see where you'll be going with this story. I may havw joined late but I am sticking around till the end.
love you, great work <3
liar, liar masterlist here:
yayyy, another ao3 reader 😫 welcome to the tumblr crew, i’m so glad you’re hereeee ❤️‍🩹
i had to go back and check whether it really is 108k words and i found myself shocked bc damn, i really wrote that much? 😭 if i put half the effort i put into this story into my essays instead, maybe i’d be a better student but we live and we learn ig 😬
“emotionally attached” to the fic is mind blowing to me 🥹 i didn’t know it’d have this big of an impact on someone but i can’t say i’m displeased. that’s one of the nicest things i’ve heard on here (among other things ofc). ugh, you’re so nice for sending a message on that 🩷
and yes, you are absolutely right. the main plot does not start until next chapter (or more accurately — in terms of drama — somewhere down the line AFTER that) 👀 idk which comment i said that on but i trust ur judgement ‘cause i remember mentioning that somewhere 😭 DON’T BE SCARED, IT’LL BE FUN (and thrilling and scary) BUT STILL 😊
the butterfly thing you mentioned is interesting, actually 🫢 maybe i just really like butterflies (even tho they scare the ever living shit out of me and i nearly killed a few in the london zoo YEARS ago as a child cuz i was fidgeting since they just let them roam free in that greenhouse thingy and i was scared for my life and dying of heat with the humidity?).
YOU MUST HAVE BEEN STALKING MY PAGE BC I DO REMEMBER SAYING SMTH ALONF THOSE LINES I JUST CAN’T REMEMBER WHERE 😭 but i invite you to continue doing so bc i like watching my lovely little liars squirm and then send in their predictions and fear 😋 and this long, juicy message has me giggling to myself and REELING 🤭
yeah, but we’re not holding back on the heavy angst tag… er… buckle up? it’s gonna go downhill from here on out 😟
“you seriously have a way with words” — stop.
“it’s not so simple to put more than 5 characters in a setting and deal with them all while trying to make it as natural as possible but you somehow do it so well” — DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUADRUPLE, INFINITY STOP OR I’LL CRY 🥹 no one has ever said that about my writing, and in fact, i hadn’t even noticed that myself 😭 i think i’m gonna levitate in glee ✨ to know it flows well enough for it to be commented on (out of ur own free will and not me pressing a gun to ur forehead), it’s just UGHHH so nice and sweet and i’m so glad you’ve joined the liar, liar community 😫 warmest welcome ml <3
gosh you’ve put this story on such a high pedestal, i’m almost scared i won’t be able to meet ur standards, even with everything planned beforehand 😟 but i’m willing to try. if you’re here for the super long ride (my updates are sporadic and will continue to be a such as the time goes on).
it was definitely not a LATE arrival per se — the liar, liar family is still pretty small. i’ve only got about 321 followers, so definitely not as much as the bigger jjk writers on here, and half of those are split between my megumi fic readers and levi fic readers. i now consider you an og just bc this analysis was so in depth and interesting, i found myself smiling so hard my cheeks hurt 🙂‍↔️
but i love you SO much for this. i’d love to see more comments and messages from you. don’t be afraid to spam me if you must (in fact, i encourage it!!!) 😁 i get so giddy and excited and motivated when ppl send me their predictions. it’s one of the greatest things about writing (and the best part imo).
have a lovely day! and i can’t wait for you to see the next chapter and what i have in store for you <3
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yrluvjane · 2 months
I would love to see where wlw (character is up to you) are celebrating idk maybe 1 year anniversary but the character messes up the date and for example instead of 5th June celebrates it 6th of May and the reader is all surprised when the character shows up there with flowers and letter and some jewelry and date by readers house and reader is so confused and then the character is a bit upset that reader forgot but then they both get 1+1 together and then the character is “oooh okay, so no present for you now!” and try to run away from reader who’s like “no show me now you coward!”
(Sounds like Robin from stranger things ngl)
The sun was setting, its warm rays casting a gentle glow over the quiet street as you made your way home. Turning the corner towards your house, you were taken aback to find Lily standing on your doorstep. In one hand, she held a bouquet of vibrant flowers, and in the other, a small, elegantly wrapped box.
"Lily?" The words tumbled out of your mouth, a mix of confusion and delight coloring your voice. "What are you doing here?"
Her smile faltered slightly, her eyes searching yours. "I wanted to surprise you," she said softly, extending the flowers towards you. "Happy anniversary!"
Confusion furrowed your brow. "Anniversary? But… our anniversary is on June 5th. Today is May 6th."
Lily's face fell, her shoulders slumping. "What? No, it's today. Our anniversary is today."
You felt a pang of guilt at the hurt in her eyes. "Lily, our anniversary is June 5th. I'm certain of it."
Her expression hardened, and she took a step back, clutching the flowers and box tightly. "So you forgot. You forgot our anniversary. I’ve been planning this for weeks!"
"No, I didn’t forget," you protested, the knot in your stomach tightening. "I swear, it’s on June 5th."
Tears welled up in Lily's eyes, her voice trembling. "I can't believe this. I planned everything for today."
"Lily, please," you implored, reaching out to her.
She pulled away, her tears now flowing freely. "No, it’s more than that. You didn’t even remember the date. How could you forget something so important?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words caught in your throat. She was genuinely hurt, and you couldn’t bear the thought of causing her pain.
"Lily, let's check the date together. Can we do that?" you asked softly.
She hesitated, then slowly nodded. "Alright, let's check."
Both of you pulled out your phones, fingers trembling slightly as you navigated to the calendar app. After a few moments of confusion, it became clear.
Lily's face softened as realization dawned on her. "Oh my God, I got the date wrong," she whispered, more to herself than to you. She looked up at you, her eyes wide with regret. "I'm so, so sorry. I was so sure."
Relief washed over you, though the tension lingered. "It's okay, Lily. It’s an easy mistake. But see, I didn’t forget."
She glanced down at the flowers and the box in her hands, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I feel so stupid."
"Don’t," you said gently, stepping closer. "You were excited. I understand."
"No, no," she shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips as she raised the small box. "So, no present for you now?"
You grinned, feeling the heaviness begin to lift. "Not so fast! Dinner I can spare. This, however," you reached for the box, "not so much. Show me what you’ve got, Evans."
Lily laughed, a genuine sound that warmed your heart. "Nope, you’ll have to wait until the actual anniversary."
"Come on, Lily," you teased, attempting to grab the box. "You can’t leave me hanging!"
She squealed and dodged your grasp, then you caught her around the waist, spinning her in a playful dance. "Got you!"
"Alright, alright!" she giggled, breathless and happy. "Here."
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cod-dump · 1 year
Alright, so I saw that someone wanted more food insecurity with Ghost, but idk if this counts as food insecurity—it's whatever. It includes food, so it counts. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
New Prompt: Ghost has trouble telling when he's hungry until he's literally starving and has really bad time blindness while on leave (like me).
On top of his shit childhood, Simon's teenage years brought on a whole lot of issues with appetite. Despite being a growing boy, Simon has a very unique appetite due to his previous eating habits mentioned in the other ask. He kinda fucked up his hunger levels. He would eat whatever whenever, but he was never actually hungry or at least—he couldn't really tell. This caused problems when he would unknowingly go the whole day without eating something because he couldn't find any scraps to snack on, and couldn't tell that he had been starving until his stomach loudly expressed its anger at him the next morning.
He never really acknowledged it as a serious problem. The military already gave him a set schedule and timeframe on when to eat, so it was never an issue of missing meals and accidentally starving himself.
Until he went on leave for 3 months with Johnny.
There was no longer a set schedule on when to eat since Ghost was sleeping in most of the time like the grumpy black cat that he is. So, sometimes, when Johnny's out in the morning doing whatever and Ghost wakes up, he doesn't eat—like at all. He turns on the TV and absentmindedly watches some random documentary about penguins while mindlessly cleaning around the house and—oh shit, Johnny's home. What time is it?
Why is Johnny already back home? He's supposed to be back by 7pm and it's only—Ghost briefly checked the time on his phone—7:20pm... How the hell...
That was when Ghost suddenly realized that his stomach had literally screaming at him for probably hours. He forgot to eat. He hadn't eaten since he woke up 8 hours ago. He woke up at 11, and it's already night time!
Johnny had a very disappointed expression when he found out that Ghost had done things around the house like clean up and fold clothes and shower, but didn't eat a single thing. Johnny expected Ghost to find leftovers in the fridge like he would back on base, but apparently his LT forgot to look at a clock in between his activities. He was disappointed, but he also had a pretty bad case of time blindness when he was super involved in something, so he couldn't really blame the man. They both learned something new and that info was tucked away for later.
Instead, the two went to the kitchen and Johnny made three of his signature, god-tier-level sandwiches; two for Simon, one for Johnny. It was something quick to make, and they always tasted good. It hit just the perfect spot for someone who hasn't eaten in 8 hours in favor of being productive in an empty household.
From that point forward, Johnny added to his ever-growing list of things about his Ghost. Make sure to remind Simon to eat every 3-4 hours or he will forget (specifically on leave). Simon learned to look forward to Johnny's messages telling him to grab something to munch on everyday.
(i wonder what those text reminders would look like ngl, also someone make up the type of sandwiches that Soap makes bc that man knows how to make a mean sandwich)
— 🍄🍂
Ghost is me fr. Time blindness and all
Message from Johnny: Hey babe! Go eat the lunch I made for you and some water! Be home later ❤️
Message from Johnny: I need you to go stuff your face with some food and send me a picture of your best chipmunk impression! That’s an order, soldier!
Message from Johnny: If that can of crisps that I bought you isn’t empty by the time I get home there will be no Sherlock marathon or cuddles!! I MEAN IT
Message from Johnny: I counted the water bottles before I left this morning. I will know if you didn’t drink one of them.
Message from Johnny: Simon my love, it’s been two hours since I left this morning. There’s a sandwich waiting for you in the fridge with a can of soda. Make sure to eat it ❤️❤️
Message from Johnny: if you didn’t eat the stew i made for you i will cry and there will be no kisses or cuddles!! 🥺🥺
Message from Johnny: *picture of a hotdog* I showed you my dog so be polite and show me yours
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mcverse · 1 year
Hi can i ask a scenario wherein how would the sakamaki brothers react to a guy asking yui for a date and she says yes *bcs a sakamaki × yui were having an arguement*.
Oh look, there’s one of my vitals organs on the floor… I guess I laughed too much???
Yui! Reader dead.
The person she dared to even accept is dead.
It’s not meant to be funny but I can’t help it !!! You know what they are and what they can do. 🙃🙃
Okay but maybe I’m being to quick to assume, it could be plausible it’s anything but death… for some! Let’s see how this plays out cuz idon even know yet
Reminder: The boys (+ Mukami bros) are cute ngl and have moments of genuine affection and adoration toward reader (not really Yui! Reader — same difference tho) but they are very deadly, and that’s what I based this post off. Actually, it’s what I base all my dialovers posts off.
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Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 3.2K
Warning: Death, Jealousy, Possessive, Insecurities, Yandere-ish??, Yui! Reader being self sabotage maybe, torture, not spell checked
Side bar: If you can’t tell, I love dark humor. You’ve been warned. Also this is definitely a x reader blog only, so I made the post to represent that. I didn’t want to not do the post cause the ask was really good! Some are longer than others, I got way ahead of myself. Subaru is kinda shorter cuz it’s hard to write him :/
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Sakamki brother
Shu Sakamaki
You were a nuisance. A tiny, insignificant spec inside his world all because of that man couldn’t stop scheming. The existence of you has caused so much trouble—so many anomalies—he lost count after a while.
A human girl who couldn’t leave well enough alone. One that couldn’t obey, know right from wrong despite knowing all the facts and yet still being clueless. You made his life very difficult. He proved it to you time and time again.
Yet here he was, very out of character as he stood over your broken body. The feeling from earlier upon hearing the rumor of you leaving for someone else only now left his body. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body during what he was doing to you.
He felt every emotion under the sun screaming at him loudly, blocking the noise of his music through his headphone. It was infuriating; he just wanted to relax. Do nothing and relax… Not break your fucking legs.
But what’s done is done.
He no longer felt this unwelcome discomfort in his chest when he saw you standing near another. It wasn’t him then. He was someone else, someone mad, someone crazy infatuated.
Shu has never been one to like someone.
So where did he fuck up?
Why did he fuck up?
He was always calm, calculated. The man he was today was driven by pure rage. Your screams in agony were music to his ears, better than any of the songs he enjoyed. Your pain, your scrunched up face and screaming, it was because of him. All because of his touch.
That thought alone satisfied him as he came down from his high, expression back to its blank slate, unreadable. He scuffs as your sound turns to whimpers and at your weak attempts to crawl away. It was almost cute… almost.
Bending down, he grips one of you legs causing a whale to leave you. Your hand instantly goes to his arm to stop him. He shakes it off him effortlessly, starring intensely at your face as he yanks you to him, you are now face to face.
With a tilt of his head, he smirks, “This is your mistake. For meddling in my life… take responsibility as I drain you of everything.” He grabs your hair, yanking back your head, “The only thought in your head should be giving yourself to me.” he finishes with the sinking of his teeth in your throat.
Reiji Sakamaki
Honestly, he thought he kneeded you into the perfect pet. At this point you should know better. His teachings should have gotten you into shape, but here you are once again being disobedient. Oh, how he detested that part of you. This hurts you more than him.. perhaps you like it?
Without missing a beat, when you arrive home he calls you to his office. This insolence has to be put to rest. You have soiled his family name, much less his pride though he would never tell.
This rumor, even though it was just that, was disgraceful. And it spread, reaching his ears. As if you would be with the trash that litter these halls. Who did they think they were compared to him. They were nothing, that’s what. You knew this. So why would you think it was okay?
Yes, it brings him great satisfaction when he saw you close in on yourself under his gaze, body trembling in fear. At least your body knows his touch, your mind still seemed to show some resistance. No worries, Reiji considers himself a excellent teacher. He was never one to give up, no matter the challenge.
“I don’t wanna hear your excuses…” he starts, getting up from his seat. On his way over to you, he grabs a cup filled with liquid and stands in front of you, pushing it towards you, “Drink this.”
Scared, you shake your head already knowing it’s something bad. You remember the last time he gave you something, the nightmares are everlasting.
Reiji inhales deeply, frowning down at you, “Drink it or I’ll shove it down your throat. I’ll be anything but gentle.” Again he pushes it to you, this time settling it in your hands after his threat weighed heavy in the air.
Cautiously you take a sip, tasting a honey dew hibiscus blend before swallowing the rest. You hand him the empty cup after, noticing no effect. It confused you, was that simply tea?
You’re question was answered shortly after when your eyes felt heavy and your body light as air. You stumbled into Reiji’s arms loosely, looking at him through blurry vision. The last thing you see is him smiling.
When you came to, you found you were strapped to a chair, in what looked to be the dungeon. How could you forget? You had the worst happen to you here, a shiver travels down your spine when you think about it.
“You’re up.” Reiji, a voice you’ll never forget, spoke behind you. You tried to turn to see him, but it was difficult. He chuckles are you attempt, walking around you to face you. Your eyes immediately notice a cloth bag in his gloved hands, the bottom cut open.
“What’s that for?” You squeeze out, heartbeat picking up.
“A lesson.” was all he said when he forces it over your head till it hang around your neck. He pulls away to walk around you again, making noise behind you. Then you heard a squeak. Your breath stills.
Please tell me that’s not a—
Reiji comes back into view, holding a rat in front of your face. It was mid size, black and ugly. You were going to cry, already feel the tears pool at your eyes.
“Reiji, please!” You shake your head, thrashing around in the chair.
He clicks his tongue, “Bad girls get punished.” He holds the bag in one hand and the rat in the holder. Inch by inch the rat gets closer to your face, thrashing in Reiji hand not liking the harsh treatment just like you.
A scream rips from your throat when he drops it on your head and quickly ties the bag.
You had to learn your place one way or another.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had to have heard wrong because there was no fucking way that you chose someone other then him. Especially knowing that you were his and his alone. This rumor had to be just that, false information spreading around the school.
He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was him for crying out loud. No one can compete… but he still needed to hear how wrong everyone was from the source.
He found you easily in the girls bathroom, locking the door to avoid any interruptions. It was a miracle he was thinking clearly, usually it was so unlike him. And that’s why it was scary.
His stare was intense and focused, it made you squirm under the heat of it. He taunts you with slow forward steps, making you take steps back until your back was flush against one of the walls. He caged you in between his arms immediately, decreasing your chances to escape. As if you had any to begin with..
“Ore-sama’s been hearing some things he shouldn’t, Chichinashi.” He begin, his left hand sliding down to grip one of your shoulder, “It’s not true right? You wouldn’t dare go against Ore-sama?”
“A-Ayato.” Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. You knew what he was talking about. After having a disagreement once again between you both, you foolishly accepted a date with another. You thought it would come to nothing, little did you know that the person would spread the news like a wild fire.
His grip tightens, nails digging through your uniform into your skin, drawing blood from you. The smell was intoxicating as always to Ayato, but he was to busy seething inside to notice completely.
“It was a mistake! I didn’t mean it, I was upset. Forgive me.” You plea body trembling in both pain and fear.
A scowl stretches onto his face, his hand long left your shoulder the minute those words left your lips. Instead, they wrap around your throat, tightening as he processes your words. It came to the point, you were clawing at his hand, letting out choked gasps.
Ayato couldn’t think straight. All he can think about is you being with someone that’s not him. How dare you? Ayato should be your whole world, your first thought when you wake up and your last thought when you sleep. You should feel suffocated by his presence, otherwise he wasn’t doing his job.
Slowly he loosens his hold on you, leaving you chugging down air desperately. A few minutes pass before you glance at him, body going still when you see the huge sinister grin on his face.
“Ore-sama’s just gonna have to remind you who you belong to,” he suddenly grabs your hair and throws you on top of the faucets counter, “No matter how long it takes, everyone will know you belong to Ore-sama.” He finishes before sinking his sharp teeth into your neck with purpose.
Kanato Sakamaki
If it was any normal person, they would be heart broken and move on. But Kanato was anything but normal.
First he lets you get away with talking back to him in your argument yesterday, chosen to forgive you after you reluctantly make him snacks and now.. you had the audacity to cheat on him.
You filthy, untrustworthy mortal.
He was aware all woman were the same. Hell, he constantly reminded him despite the kind attention you gave him. He always assumed your kindness had ulterior motives. Why else would someone be kind to him? He knew he was a handful. He just didn’t care.
Now it was clear how you felt about him, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding from him. This time, you actions are unforgivable. You thought you can toy with his feelings… You’ll pay in the worst way.
When he invited you to his room, you didn’t think much of it. Somehow you were completely oblivious to the news spread throughout the school. In fact, the situation with the date was so far in the back of your head, you have forgotten it had happened. You were just upset in the moment. It was never more than just a sway of words.
That’s why after entering his room to see the person who asked lying lifeless in a pool of blood a few feet away from Kanato, were you shocked. Just a few hours ago, he was alive. Guilt quickly creeped up on you but it was shortly lived when Kanato called for your attention.
“So glad you’re here. Good to know you’re still a little obedient,” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He points to the dead on his floor, “Remember them?” he laughs, “Of course they do! Right teddy?” he turns to the bear in his hand.
You remain still, time ticking like a bomb about to go off. Which in all honestly it could, Kanato was unpredictable and if he found out about that and this was the outcome, imagine what he would do to you.
How do you get out of this situation?
“Look at her, teddy. She’s planning something… whatever it is won’t work. No. I don’t like it.” he shakes his head, “I’d much rather your expression be twisted in pain than whatever this is…” he walks towards you, face twisting from one emotion to another before settling into a deep frown. He stops a feet away from you, your back against the door before she even realizes it.
“I do enjoy your terrified expression too, it’s adorable.” he mumbles. It felt like time froze with how long you both been staring at each other. Kanato hold on his bear tights as he stares numbly at you. It was too much, you had to say something.
“Kanato—“ your voice trails off because in a split second, a knife was lunged into your abdomen. It hurt so much, it pulsed with heat. Your mind couldn’t wrap around what was happening. Gripping the arm it was attached to, you looked the culprit in his crazed eyes, “Kan-ato..”
He sneered twisting it harshly, “Did you think you can get away with using me?! I told you I’d break you. Down to your last breath.” he yanks it out, watching your body drop to the floor, struggling to inhale.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty enough to be added to my collection,” he bends down to stab you again in your shoulder. He smiles when you haller out in pain, “To stay with me forever… you should be grateful.” he stabs your leg.
“That’s right.. look at me like that.” he repeatedly stabs you over and over until the life drifts from your eyes to nothing, “You’ll never leave me. Will you?”
Laito Sakamaki
What was this? Is his hearing finally going, has he finally reached that age? No, that can’t be it. So whst exactly was happening?
His little bitch going on a date with some that’s not him? How outrageous. Not possible. He’s the only one who can take you out on sexy rendezvous and risky trips. You liked it better when it was him. He knew that.
So why is it that hearing the rumor stirs something unsettling in him. It tugs at his undead heart and gnaws at his brilliant brain. Before he could do anything, it seeped through the cracks, drowning him.
Every memory with his mother, with every woman he encountered, every person who he thought he loved—who he thought showed him love and every betrayal he assumed or saw came full surface.
It hurt so much. He swore to never feel like this again. And it ate at his mind. If he had a breath to give, it would be ripped right out of him. He didn’t like this. He wasn’t the one in control, he wasn’t the one getting your love. He wasn’t the one playing the game. He felt like the game played… him.
When Laito found you, he all but dragged you to the roof top. A place where terrifying, haunting memories were held. The same ones that kept you on your toes, but failed you every time.
Laito was uncharacteristically quiet, his back turned to you as he stared out into the open planes. It could have been a pleasant sight if you didn’t know what kind of monster he really was.
“Y’know, little bitch.” he starts, taking his hat off to run his free hand through his hair, “There was only one other time I truly loved someone to the point of hate. All the others… they weren’t real.”
Hearing where this conversation was heading, you reach back to grip the handle when a gasp leaves you. No longer were you standing in front of the door, instead Laito has you dangling off the rails of the school on your toes. His right hand was twisted into your uniform shirt, the only thing keeping you from falling.
Quickly, you grab his arm, tears swelling in your eyes as you see the sad expression on his face. It squeezed at you heart, but maybe that was actually the fear of falling.
“Lait-o please!” You lean forward into his touch.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at your attempt to sway him. He knew this scene all too well. The first was hard on him, he drowned himself in body after body. No doubt this would be the same. It didn’t bring him the same joy as his usual actions did. This time he truly felt torn.
“Little bitch,” he draws in your attention and you lock eyes, “It doesn’t bring me joy from this. I would have rather spent the rest of our lives together… exploring each other but I can’t tolerate the betrayal.”
It only dawned on you what he was talking about. From the start of this interaction you thought he was being moody but you should have known; play your cards just a little better but it was too late. With a easy unraveling, he lets you go with a gentle push and watches as you descends to the floor.
So many emotions raved through him as he did. He wanted to grab you back and tell you it was a joke. But he stays in place when he hears a loud splat and a pierced scream.
He couldn’t even bring himself to peek before he left. You brought up to many bad memories, how could he forgive you?
Subaru Sakamaki
Subaru really couldn’t stand you. From the moment you entered their home and disrupted his peace. It was always something with you. Always needing saving from someone or something, always needing to be reminded that you were beneath him and everyone in this house.
Yet you seem to not understand it or that you do but you completely throw it to the wind, whatever the reason it pissed him off. All your stupid attempts to get close to him, to try and understand him… to get him to open up.
Then, despite his constant attacks on you, he actually grew some form of attachment. The thought of you sicken him, but the thought of you gone made him mad more. You disgusting, weak human did something to him.
So when he heard the rumor of you agreeing to date someone else. It was like… something broke in him. All his thoughts consumed him, he was a monster. Less than trash. His mother didn’t want him nor his father. Why would you?
He didn’t even like himself sometimes. It’s no surprise the time you have another argument, you agree to date someone else. If he was in your position, he’d run to. Run so far, the chances of anyone catching him was slim to none. But you weren’t that good at running… actually, you couldn’t really run after he caught you.
There was a permanent snarl on his face as he stares down at you. A chained collar secured tightly around your neck, identical to the ones around your wrist. If Subaru wasn’t so aggravated, he could have enjoyed seeing you ruined.
He grips the knife in his left hand, which drips of your blood, “Shut up!” he shouts, listening to your whimpers, “You brought this on yourself. Stupid.. You just don’t learn.”
He moves to crouch in front of you, lifting your head up by the chin, “I told you you’ll die if you stay here.” His left hand raises as he speaks and makes another slash across your skin.
You groan loudly with shut eyes, shaking as he does it again… and again, and again till more and the same wounds bleed profoundly. It was agonizing, with how many hours he’s been at it. It felt like he was never going to lighten up his assaults.
But a miracle shines on you when he pulls away and drops the knife. He stands over you for minutes, chest heaving up and down. You never understood why they pretended to breathe, but you weren’t in the position to question.
There you laid out like a doll. So broken, bruised and bloody. Almost beyond repair. Subaru smiles at that acknowledgment. As much as he was tempted to tear your throat out, the smell of your blood begging him to drain you dry till you were foaming at the mouth; this would have to do.
”I told you… you’ll die.” was the last thing he said before leaving the dungeon, locking it on the way out.
Fuck he hated you.
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DL Masterlist
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
Can I get a sugar mommy/daddy gn s/o x greasers headcanons?! (nothing creepy, and no age gap like that but I’m talking if like they dated a really rich soc who got them anything they wanted) I just think this would be super hilarious and kind of a good concept for a dynamic
Much love thanks youuuuu!
ILYSM and shore🫶🫶BTW IM doing these hcs with @urlocalnonbinarybastardwrites ‼️ check out their blog🫶🥰
guy lowk balling after you start treating him to material things
like don’t get me wrong he’s really gracious
but everyone starts noticing his newer jeans and how you guys always go to nicer, more expensive restaurants
its honestly really cutie
and he always says thanks no matter what like even if it’s actually not that big of a deal he’s like
”🧍‍♀️🫵😀no. thank YOU”
probably barely understands what’s going on ngl
just cause he has never been treated that nicely when it comes to material things
so it makes him kinda uncomfortable at first
cause money was such a tight subject in his awful family that he’s like NO don’t get me that ring and when you do he genuinely appreciates it
probably doesn’t really express it though, other than a quick “thanks😀”
but that’s ok cause bro has had a hard knock life asf✊
goes a LITTLE crazy with the shopping
but for genuine stuff like clothes or shoes or smth
not like TWO BIT (more on him later)
once he finds out you’re paying for dinner he gets MANY apps and ‘serts
as the middle child he kinda has to try a bit harder to get attention when it comes to his brothers
but he really appreciates all you do for him🫶
but in like, an affectionate way🥰‼️
just cause he’s already used to having to work for everything he’s gotten
he doesn’t really like you paying for him bc of that
but you just keep. insisting. and he’s very thankful
bc he gets to save money on like groceries or smth actually important😭
probably just like
”*scoff* no.”
he just seems the type to not accept that cause he has an EGOOO
like if he and cherry (or someone like cherry) went on a date and they offered to pay he’d be like 🤨
but that doesn’t mean he’s paying for your luxury fashion sprees
yall just go to wherever he can afford so like
…the dumpster🧍‍♀️
i feel like i start all his hcs with “GOOFY” but here we go again
probably buys candy or cigarettes or pranks just dumb stuff
and he comes back with an armful of crap and you’re like
”o-okay then🧍‍♀️”
it’s funny though cause you learn to lighten up a bit
eventually you cut his money supply off tho LMAO
probably doesn’t really notice
but his household life SUCKS too so he seems like a johnny type reaction dude
just awkwardly says thanks
he really does remember all the nice things you do for him that you didn’t have to
very sweetie🥰
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foxdemon-loser · 6 months
thoughts on the idea of the gang finding out m!greaser was in two movies (one when he was 10, the other 16) and had like 4 lines combined? I just think it’s silly
M!Greaser in Movies!
Ponyboy Curtis:
-Stunned. Shooketh
-My boy was rewatching the same scenes with you in over and over again to the point he knew exactly what minute you came up
-He watched both movies multiple times
-He thought you as a kid looked really cute
-“You’re a really good actor y’know?”
-Would check if there’s books based off the movies you where in
Sodapop Curtis:
-When he found out he literally was like “😦”
-He would kinda be jealous ngl
-He’d tease you about how adorable you looked when you where a kid
-“You’re so cute though-“
-He’d let up afterwards and would make EVERYONE watch the movies, Darrys sick of it
-Immediately became his fave films
Darry Curtis:
-He’d be SO proud of you alkabskakdb
-“You’re such a good actor!”
-His fave scenes where the ones with you in
-When you told him he was immediately like “Show me.”
-Thought you where the best actor ever he didn’t care how many lines you had
Steve Randle:
-He only found out cause Soda told him
-He would also tease you abt your ten year old self like Soda would
Two-Bit Matthews:
-When you told him he forgot cause he was drunk, but he actually watched the movie and was like “HUH-“
-Calls you “movie star boy” all the time
-“It ain’t Mickey Mouse but it sure is good”
-He forgot all the scenes expect the ones your in cause he was drunk lmao
-Has no idea what the movies are about
-Just watched you the whole time
-Everytime you where onscreen he’d point and scream “THERE HE IS THERES Y/N-“
Dallas Winston:
-Again, relentless teasing
-“Shoulda got more lines”
-Hated the movies, only liked you
-hated them
-When Soda made them watch the films about ten times over he nearly slapped him
Johnny Cade:
-UGGGHHHHHH he was also shocked
-He only knew cause Ponyboy told him and he was like “😟😟”
-He was sad you didn’t get more lines
-He’d watch the movies with you and every time you where there you could tell
-he’d start grinnin bruh
anyway that’s all
reqs are open!
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