#cause yeah. she’s in the middle pic cause I can
ethereal-maia · 5 months
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Marya Hendriks from the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
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wasted (leehan x fem reader) FINAL
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paring: leehan x fem reader, ft. taesan genre: smut, fluff, angst, fuckboy!leehan word count: 15k summary: finally confessing your feelings to leehan leads to a reaction you could have never prepared for. warnings: unwanted sexual advances (NOT from leehan), explicit [consensual] sex scenes, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it ppl) read on ao3 if you please by clicking HERE.
“Jaehyun, you have a lot of friends, right?” asks Leehan when he and his roommate are relaxing in their shared living room, doing homework. “Do you know anyone who works in the tutoring office? Blonde streak of hair?”
It’s the only attributes he can remember about the guy he saw you entering your room with only a few days ago, noticing the blue tutoring office logo on the chest of his polo shirt and the distinctive stripe of color in the middle his head. 
“Oh yeah, I think you’re talking about Taesan,” says Jaehyun, who luckily isn’t paying attention enough to his roommate to notice how he perks up at just the name. “Why?”
Even Leehan himself isn’t exactly sure why he cares so much. 
It’s hypocritical at best and gross at worst to think that you have any less of a right to screw around than he does. 
But whether it's his innate territoriality coming into play or the fact that he’s upset it wasn’t him at your side instead, he can’t help but see you differently after what he saw.
“I saw him with some girl I was fucking. Sexual partners are like cars – You don’t want one everyone gets to use, you know?”
Jaehyun, who had up until this point been lying on the floor and playing idly with his Nintendo switch, sits up to look at Leehan. “You’re not talking about Y/N, are you?”
The first thought that comes to a surprised Leehan’s mind is what he said to have tipped Jaehyun off. Failing to think of any divertive lie, he decides there’s no harm in Jaehyun knowing, only wondering, “How’d you find out?”
“I saw her going into your room the night of my Halloween party,”  he explains reasonably, before his voice and facial expression turn suddenly serious. “You shouldn’t talk about her like that. She’s going through a lot right now. She just failed all of her midterms and she might get kicked out of school.”
“Wait, really?” asks Leehan, who is hit with a sudden pang of deja vu as if he’s heard this before but doesn’t remember from where. 
And then, it’s with a sudden and strong surge of embarrassment that he remembers the moment when he was feeling horny and decided to send you a dick pic, pressing the little blue arrow after only briefly glancing at the above messages.
“Oh shit. I think she told me that.”
Jaehyun laughs jeeringly, the resentful sound of which brings Leehan out of his own spiraling thoughts. “You’re an asshole, man,” he asserts, saying it in a way that’s so casual it’s as if it’s just a known fact. 
Not an insult or a compliment, but simply a thing that’s true. 
And somehow, the neutrality of it hurts worse. 
“No offense, but I totally hope she forgets she ever met you.”
Hit by the irony of such cruel words being preceded by no offense, Leehan becomes sarcastic to avoid having to express the true hurt of being told that. “None taken. That seriously wasn’t offensive at all, Jaehyun.”
Maybe Jaehyun is right. After working so hard to emphasize the line between being fuckbuddies and being in a relationship, yet still finding himself acting the exact way he feared you would, isn’t asshole the only way to truly express how shitty he’s being about this? 
It’s at that moment that Leehan considers that perhaps this relationship between the two of you has spiraled out of control. 
Because something that should be inherently easy and casual has now caused him far too much regret and remorse for his liking.
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Sitting in an empty classroom with Taesan, you share a cup of bubble tea, the drinking of which causes you to bump hands several times as you reach out to grab it at the same time. 
Interacting with Taesan always brings up sweet and innocent feelings that are like that of childhood crushes, or chasing fireflies on your lawn after dark. 
Fall break has long been over and yet you continue to meet with him even outside of your mandatory weekly check-ins, forgetting the anxiety that once plagued you over this arrangement. 
The time you spend with Taesan is so fulfilling that you’ve managed to completely forget that Leehan hasn’t contacted you in almost a week. 
Well, maybe not completely. 
You still wonder from time to time what he’s thinking, if maybe he read the text message you sent prior to his dick pic and internalized the part where you emphasized how you wouldn’t have time for him anymore.
There is of course a tiny part of you that feels empty and abandoned at the idea of him ghosting you and never talking to you again.
But it’s in a stroke of optimism, feigned or otherwise, that you decide to pour your attention into someone who feels like a much better match for you, that someone being Taesan.
“I’m just about to finish with this assignment. After I’m done, do you wanna go to the caf?” you mumble out in inquiry to Taesan as you check over your quiz answers for the last time before submitting. 
You hear him make a noncommittal noise in response, which you first interpret as disinterest, but only seconds later recognize to be absent-mindedness as you feel his eyes warming the side of your face. 
You let out a chuckle, just about to say something teasing to him for being caught staring at you when a few warm fingers glide across your ear. Taken aback, you meet Taesan’s gaze as he tucks away a piece of your stray hair. 
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, holding your face in his hand. “You have this…faraway look in your eyes.”
Your eyes dart between his face and his hand that’s slow to come off of your ear, surprised by the sudden bit of physical contact.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you answer calmly if maybe a bit shakily, trying to appear normal though your head screams with a million passing thoughts at once. Taesan nods in acceptance of this answer before turning back to his laptop as if nothing happened. 
If you were at all a gambling person, you’d bet good money that the telltale, suave move of tucking your hair behind your ear was a way for him to see how you’d react to something less platanotic from him. 
And if you were to allow this moment to pass by without saying anything, you know that he would follow your lead and pretend like this never happened. He’d use your silence as evidence that his advances are unwelcome. 
Perhaps you’re feeling a little bold, but you don’t want him to go any longer thinking that his interest isn’t reciprocated.
“Wait,” you remark, reaching out to grab Taesan’s wrist. “Taesan, can I kiss you?”
The usually mysterious, confident boy loses his ability to speak when you ask him that, eyes going wide and only nodding to communicate his consent. Finding his sudden shyness charming, you smile as you lean in to press your lips against his. 
Taesan’s mouth is just as inviting as you thought it would be all the times you spent staring at it when you were sure he wasn’t looking. He may have acted shy just now, but the way that Taesan kisses you is like fire. He presses his mouth hard against yours, and when his body does the same you soon find yourself pressed into the rolling chair you’re sitting in.
Your hand moves up to tangle in his hair, pulling him in to deepen the kiss. You were sure that Taesan, ever the responsible one, would be the person between the two of you to pull away before things got too heated. 
But now, all he does is lean in to your provocations, sticking his tongue into your mouth while you whimper against his. 
And as you try to allow your brain to white out so that you can truly relax into the gratification he is sure to give you, all you can think about is how his lips are not Leehan’s lips.
His hands are not Leehan’s hands. 
His kiss doesn’t evoke even a fraction of the electricity that Leehan does just by looking at you. 
You accept then that self-preservation must be a confounding myth to your psyche, because against all odds, you are still very much into Leehan. 
And while you could easily fuck Taesan anyway and let the enjoyment of his sex prove as a temporary salve to the gaping wound that is your feelings for Leehan, you feel too much like he doesn’t deserve to fuck someone with such selfish intentions. 
So, it’s with both regret and sobering understanding that you pull Taesan away from you, lines of spit breaking into drool as you separate.
The two of you become temporarily frozen in a moment of both confusion and shock. Taesan, looking at you with widened eyes and reddened lips, asks in a small yet urgent voice, “What? Is something wrong?”
You already feel like a piece of shit as you loosen your grip on Taesan’s hair, letting your hands fall to your lap and noticing that his still rest on your waist. “Taesan…” you begin, and already at just the sound of his name, you can see his expression wilting, like he knows by the unsure tone of your voice exactly what you’re going to say. And how couldn’t he, when you suck so badly at giving bad news?
“I think you’re an amazing person. And believe me when I say I really, really wanted this between us,” you emphasize, wishing you could get swallowed up by a hole as he continues to stare at you in dumbfounded awe. 
You know that these aren't words anyone wants to hear but you feel compelled to say them, feeling like Taesan deserves honesty from you.
“To be completely candid with you, the reason why I’m on academic probation is because of a guy. A recent guy who treated me like shit, but because I’m an idiot, I still want him.”
You wait on edge for the moment when Taesan’s disposition will return to that of the understanding, kind person you’ve come to know, the moment when you’ll both laugh at the awkwardness of this situation and allow yourselves to forget it ever happened.
Instead, though, all you see in Taesan’s eyes is a fiery passion that makes your head hurt as you realize he won’t let this rejection go down easily. 
“You know that doesn’t matter to me right? We don’t have to…be all romantic, and shit. I’m fine with something casual. Happier with that, even.”
It’s with a pang of insecurity that you fight back a self-pitying laugh at those words, wondering what it is about you that makes men only want casual, no-strings-attached relationships with you. 
“I’m sorry for making things awkward. And if you don’t want to tutor me anymore after this, I’d completely understand,” you concede in the nicest possible tone you can muster, still incredibly conscious of Taesan’s hands that have still not left your waist. “But I can’t do this, Taesan. You’re amazing but I just…I can’t, okay?”
When Taesan continues to stare at you as if he isn’t comprehending a word that’s coming out of your mouth, you reach down to move his hands off of your waist yourself, and when you do,  you’re shocked when you feel his fingers seizing around your wrists to hold them in place. 
“You’re being ridiculous, Y/N. So what if you’re not over your ex? That shouldn’t stop you from getting your rocks off,” he says, voice rising considerably as he squeezes your wrists so harshly it begins to hurt. 
It’s at this moment that you realize you’ll never be able to look at Taesan the same again. 
No longer the sweet, kind and helpful boy you first met, he looks pathetic and at worst, scary as he continues to refuse your rejection.
“Taesan, I’m really gonna need you to let go of me,” you request, saying it without any niceties as you manage to convince yourself that maybe he’s just taking this extra hard for whatever reason and just needs to hear you being serious so that he can come to his senses. “Listen, how about we end early for today and talk about this another time–”
“I’m not letting you leave until you can look me in my eyes and give me one good reason why we shouldn’t do this,” he asserts, still holding your wrists, laughing a little in a way that makes it hard for you to tell if he knows that he’s making you uncomfortable or thinks that this is all just some game of hard-to-get. “You can act coy all you want but I know you want me, I could tell as soon as I met you.”
“I’m gonna tell you to let go of me one more time, Taesan, and then I start screaming,” you threaten, no longer feeling amused or pitiful but instead angry, adrenaline running through your veins as you consider the possibility of having to physically attack him. 
You’re not sure how things escalated so quickly but now you’re quickly regretting ever befriending Han Taesan in the first place, ever thinking that he could be a permanent fixture in your life.
Catching you by surprise, Taesan stands up suddenly from his chair and drags you up with him. It’s in a flurry of movements that he somehow manages to pin you against a wall, smirking down at you from above. 
You let out a squeal but he covers your mouth, strong enough to use only one of his hands to keep your arms pinned above your head. He laughs as you struggle against him, perhaps not realizing – or worse, realizing it and getting off on how deeply he’s managed to scare you.
“What?” he asks through upturned lips, pressing his body into yours. “Don’t girls like it when guys don’t take no for an answer?”
It’s in the strangest and most serendipitous stroke of luck that you hear the sound of the classroom door swinging open.
And when you turn your head to meet the gaze of your savior, it’s Leehan who you see standing there, taking in the scene in front of him. 
It feels stupid and random that of course it’s Leehan who just happened to be the person to walk in here, but you don’t dwell too much on the details, focused on the relief that floods through you knowing there’s someone here to intervene on your behalf. 
Leehan hesitates momentarily as he wonders if he’s just had the misfortune to accidentally walk in on the kinky foreplay between you and this new guy you’ve been seeing. Attending a lecture in this same building, he happened to walk by the classroom and hear a distressed voice that sounded vaguely familiar. 
Through the fogged glass material of the door, he could just barely make out your silhouette, instinctually barging in to see what was going on. 
If Leehan didn’t know you so well, he might’ve immediately bolted at the sight of you engaging in intimacy with someone else. It would be too much and he knows it would force him to confront his conflicting feelings towards you.
But the moment he meets your gaze and sees the steely, ice cold fear that’s in your eyes, his next moves are made clear. Without questioning anything, he steps forward and punches an already staggering Taesan in the face.
The punch causes Taesan to fall backward, blood that you aren’t sure is coming from his lip or his nose splattering onto the floor. You and Leehan remain frozen, you in shock at both Taesan’s actions and Leehan’s sudden presence, and Leehan with the adrenaline of becoming unexpectedly violent. 
It’s in that moment of stillness on both of your parts that Taesan has time to recover, and before you can react, he’s leaping forward to tackle Leehan onto a nearby desk.
You let out a squeal of shock as the two men struggle, causing desks and their chairs to fly around the room haphazardly in the process.
And to your horror, Taesan quickly gets the upper hand over Leehan, sitting on top of the shorter boy in a straddling position before letting his hands fly in a series of devastating punches. 
You go to pull him off but he pushes you away, forcing you then to search frantically for your phone in the hopes of calling campus security before Leehan is pulverized any further.
“Hey, is something going o—” you hear an unfamiliar voice ask, and you look up to find that you’ve been discovered by a complete stranger, a boy who you assume is another student by his shaggy attire and backpack. He answers his own question by glancing into the room and catching sight of Taesan and Leehan who are both now bleeding as they remain wrestling on the floor.
You’re just about to enlist the stranger to help you in dragging Taesan off of Leehan when, suddenly, you don’t have to. 
Realizing that the stranger’s presence could mean that even more people could arrive to inspect what’s causing all of this noise any second, you watch as the fear of getting in trouble overtakes Taesan’s expression until he’s getting up. 
He gets up and sprints out of the classroom wildly, shoulder checking the stranger in the process as he flees out of the building.
“Should I run after him?” asks the student at the door who you’re sure is still processing what he’s just seen. But more than anything else, you’re worried about Leehan, who you just saw taking several punches to the face and is laying down on the ground making strangled, agonized noises.
“No. It’s better that you scared him away. I just need to get him to the infirmary,” you reply, trying to sound more calm and controlled than you feel but hearing how your adrenaline from the past few minute’s events causes your voice to come out shaky and broken. The stranger asks if you need any help but you wave him away, deciding it would be too much of a burden to have to explain what just happened to anyone else. 
So it’s by yourself that you go to hover over Leehan’s body and try to push back the horror of seeing his face bloodied and bruised so that you can help him onto his feet.
And because most of the damage seems to be centralized on his face — maybe his back and head, too, after being tackled onto the ground — he mostly manages to stand up on his own. Though, once on his feet, he has to lean on you to avoid staggering.
“Don’t…let him…go, Y/N,” he mumbles, making you feel even more concerned and on edge as his garbled tone makes it sound like he’s one step away from passing out. “He was…hurting you, wasn’t he?”
“It’s fine, Leehan. Let’s just get you to the infirmary,” you reply dismissively, needing him to be pliant more than anything in this moment so that you can get him to your thankfully close by campus infirmary without issue. 
Your transgression with Taesan with startling and for a brief moment, terrifying. But with him now gone, the majority of your distress lies with Leehan and making sure he’s okay.
And to your relief, as you take a few steps forward with Leehan’s arm leaned over your shoulder, he remains upright and mostly autonomous in his movements.
He continues to say nothing on your way out of the building outside from the occasional groan, and you’re sure that as the adrenaline wears off that the pain in his face must become more present. You luckily make it to the infirmary moments later, where the doctor on call takes one look at Leehan’s face and immediately rushes him into a care room. 
Everything that happens after that is a bit of a blur for you. A campus security officer comes to take a statement from you. You tell him everything, giving him Taesan’s full name and picture in the hopes that it can lead to some type of action, although a part of you feels discouraged and numb at that notion.
You wait anxiously in the lobby of the infirmary, waiting for an update from the doctor and feeling like you’re gonna throw up when the older woman comes out from the hallway with a neutral, unreadable expression on her face.
“Hi ma'am. Your friend is doing just fine. All of the cuts on his face are superficial, so they’ll heal on their own. He’ll have some bruises and swelling, which will also go away with time. He does have a bit of a concussion, so we’ll send you both home with some Tylenol. If you’d like to come and see him, you can follow me.”
Though you figured that most of his injuries were minor, you still feel relieved to hear that nothing is significantly wrong; it’s irrational, but you know you would have been eaten alive with guilt had anything serious happened. 
Getting up to follow the doctor, you walk into the care room to find Leehan sitting on the edge of an examination chair, a nurse still applying little white bandaids to a cut on his cheek. When he sees you come in he smiles, though only fleetingly as the gesture causes him to wince in pain.
You don’t know what to say to him, so you opt to sit down on a chair that’s directly next to his dangling legs. You watch as the nurse goes to prod at a separate wound on his lip with a q-tip dipped in brown liquid. You don’t realize how tense you are until you feel the warmth of a hand over yours, and when you look up, Leehan is staring at you in amusement. 
“You’re shaking,” he observes, and though he can’t smirk without it causing him pain, he still gazes at you in a way that is teasing and smug. And the fact that he’s concerned about you when he’s the one who’s getting medical attention makes you let out a cynical, humorless laugh.
“Don’t worry about me. Look what he did to you.”
“I’m still good-looking, though, aren’t I?” he replies playfully, and because you’re so upset, you feel yourself almost inclined to scold him for making such jokes in light of the circumstances. But Leehan, never one to read the room or adhere to the tones and moods of others, is laughing as he commands, “You have to tell me or I’ll have an internal crisis.”
You stare at him with your eyebrows furrowed, wanting to be annoyed by him but not being able to help your smile as he continues to await your confirmation of his enduring looks with a pout. 
Rolling your eyes, it’s with a bit of resistance in your voice that you reply, “Yes, you’re still handsome, Leehan.”
He pumps his fist up in the air triumphantly, and with that, the nurse leaves the room, telling you that she’ll return with the official paperwork needed so that he can be discharged.
Once she’s gone, it’s quiet between the two of you until Leehan breaks the silence with a question. “That guy…his name’s Taesan, right?”
You’re taken aback, both at the sudden change in his tone and disposition –  his voice now serious and inquiring – and the fact that he even knows who Taesan is. “How do you know?”
“I saw you with him outside of your dorm. Asked Jaehyun who he is,” he responds plainly. And as you take in this information, you’re not sure what to say in reply. Even just knowing that he was outside of your dorm that day when Taesan came to your room and didn’t say anything makes you think he must’ve had some kind of reaction to seeing the two of you together. 
And as you put the timing together, it makes sense why you hadn’t heard from him for a week until now.
But then again, it doesn’t make sense. Because the Leehan you know, the Leehan you’ve come to resent, surely wouldn’t — shouldn't — care to see you with another guy when he’s been so adamant about keeping things non-exclusive between the two of you.
“Are you together?” he asks when you remain silent, and in what feels like a complete switch in power dynamics, you find that Leehan is the one now clearly expressing some kind of worry or at the very least interest in what you get up to when you’re not with him. 
And because you feel both vindicated to be on the other side of this sort of questioning, and not at all entitled to tell him the truth, you answer by asking, “If I said yes, what would you say?”
Leehan looks at you, all amusement absent from his expression even as he says somewhat sarcastically, “That I thought being with me meant you had better taste in men.”
His response causes you to scoff, the idea of him thinking that he’s somehow at a higher caliber than all the other similarly emotionally-unavailable men on your campus something you find absurd. 
And yes, maybe it’s because you’re already feeling a little bitter towards him that you’re then replying scathingly, “If anything, wouldn’t my interest in you mean the opposite?”
“Funny,” he says sardonically in reply. The atmosphere between the two of you currently is tense. He resents you for being with someone else and you resent him for setting boundaries for your relationship that he never intended to follow.
And yet, despite the unresolved negative emotions that are clearly swimming between the two of you, it feels absurd and crazy to say that as you continue to make unbroken and silent eye contact, you feel like he’s about to kiss you.��
That’s the sort of crazy chemistry you seem to have with one another, where even as you both have the rationality to recognize the toxicity of this dynamic you both still find yourselves magnetically pulled to one another in a way that, in most people’s eyes, would be viewed as mindless. 
But it’s just as you swear he’s leaning in that the doctor comes into the room, handing Leehan a clipboard and telling him he can go once he’s finished filling out a few forms. You wait for him, not sure what will happen once you leave but feeling almost responsible to at least see him to his apartment.
And so, you exit the hospital together, and it’s as you’re walking out that you voice to him truthfully, “It feels weird just dropping you off like you didn’t just get your face rearranged trying to save me.”
He lets out a chuckle in response, swinging his body so that he’s standing in front of you before shrugging and saying, “Then don’t drop me off. We could go to your dorm, watch a movie.”
The request to do something as simple as watch a movie sounds so foreign coming out of his mouth that you can’t help but laugh out loud. “When do we ever watch a movie?” you ask, repeating the words in disbelief. 
You’re mostly joking when you ask that, but it’s with a tiny pang of sadness that you acknowledge the tragedy of him wanting your company for something other than sex being something that’s so unbelievable.
“Today. Rocky V is probably ill-timed, but I love a good nature documentary,” he replies with a grin, and as always, you are unable to get a read on his expression to know if he is being serious or not. 
But today has been a crazy day and you know that being in your room by yourself after everything that’s happened is only going to make you feel worse. So, deciding that there’s no harm in keeping him company for just a little while longer, you allow him to lead the way to the building that he’s been to so many times. 
You know from learning your roommate’s schedule that she’ll be in a lab for the next 3 hours, a fact that makes you feel relieved as you enter your dorm with Leehan trailing behind you. He comes in and immediately collapses onto the couch, spreading his arms out on either side of the cushions in a way that brings renewed attention to his broad shoulders.
“So. Do you actually want to watch a movie?” you ask casually as you stand a few feet away from him, trying your hardest to keep any bitterness out of your tone as you watch him shrug his shoulders nonchalantly.
“You know, now that I’m here…” he says, already smirking as he watches you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “It feels like a much better idea for you to come sit on my lap.”
Even though you find yourself enticed by the invitation, in a small, distant part of your brain, it feels like you’ve been manipulated into letting him come to your room. That watching a movie had always been a lie to get you to have sex with him.
But something has changed inside of you, and from what, you can’t pinpoint. All you know is that the accumulations of lies and divertive tactics that you’ve endured from Leehan thus far has left you almost numb to his provocations. 
Instead of feeling sad or shitty or upset, you just feel nothing. 
And somehow, that change feels more concerning to you than the emotions from before did.
Still, you find yourself stalking silently to Leehan on the couch, his eyes never leaving yours as you make your way towards him. His legs spread naturally as you get between them, and it’s with a jaguar-like slowness that you crawl over his body until you’re straddling him. 
Intensity rolls off of the both of your bodies like water, the silence and shared eye contact only contributing to the growing sexual desire that builds between the two of you.
In contrast to such lust, it’s in a gesture of affection that you lean in to lay a gentle, barely-there kiss against all of the wounds on his face. The cut on his cheek. His busted bottom lip. The knot forming on the top of his head. The bruise on the side of his jaw. You do it almost in apology but also because you want him to tease him, giving him only fleeting touches and kisses before you do anything substantial. He flinches at first at the contact but eventually relaxes into the softness of your lips against him. 
And though you couldn’t articulate the reason why, you get the feeling that he flinches less out of pain, but more in surprise at the unfamiliar gesture of tenderness and how it impacts him. 
You’ve only just reached his neck, sucking hickies into the pale skin there, when you can feel his cock hardening underneath you.
It’s after you’ve kissed every single piece of skin uncovered by his shirt that you decide to relieve a bit of his suffering by reaching a hand down into the waistband of his pants. All you do is close your fist around his shaft and stroke him languidly, but you suppose your teasing worked better than you thought as he whimpers at the simplest of movements. He bucks into your hand, not afraid of seeming desperate and shamelessly moaning at your touch. 
Watching him writhe and shudder beneath you, sensitive in a way you’ve never seen before, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that this is one of the few times that you’ve felt even a semblance of control in your interactions during sex. It’s always been you on the receiving end of his endless repertoire of tactics, designed always to render you incomprehensible and under the thumb of his persuasion.
Spurred on by the observation, you take advantage of his submission to ask a question that’s been on your mind since you left the hospital. 
“Can I ask you something? Why did you ask Jaehyun who I was with?”
You can just barely make out the expression of surprise that appears faintly behind Leehan’s glassy eyes, and in a tactic that even you admit is slightly contemptible, you never stop the movements of your hand as you await his answer. 
Desperate for even a moment’s worth of vulnerability from him, you hope that by literally dangling his climax in your hands that he’ll be more inclined to be truthful with you.
But for Leehan, giving you the honest answer — that he’s simply a jealous person who can’t stand seeing you with someone else even though it’s hypocritical — would only serve in making you think that his jealousy is a sign of caring, his caring a sign of affection, his affection a sign that he wants to be your boyfriend. 
And though that assessment isn’t as easy to refute as it may have once been when he first met you, it seems idiotic to put any ideas in your head that could lead to him having to admit feelings he isn’t quite sure of yet. 
So, in lieu of the truth, he replies with something that, honestly, should be a bigger concern for him than it presently is: “Because you should tell me if you’re being intimate with someone else. What if you’re not using protection and I catch something?” 
Up until now, you had prepared yourself to react calmly to whatever Leehan’s answer would be, a task you knew would be difficult because the idea of him being jealous at all is in itself insane and backwards.
It was he who insisted that this dynamic be free of any constraints or limitations. 
But the fact that he’s implying you would have sex with someone else and be so reckless as to not make any precautions for your health has your composure breaking, a scoff leaving you as you blurt out, “Have you been honest with me about the people you’re seeing?”
It’s a question you already know the answer to as you still haven’t forgotten the night of the Halloween party, how Jaehyun let it slip that Leehan had been on a date. You’d never confronted him about it because, deep down, you felt that you had no right to. 
But now, he’s placing judgment on you in a way that makes you want to throw all caution to the wind and express your true emotions to him for what seems like the first time.
Hearing the knowing tone in your question has Leehan worried, tilting his head to stare at you as if he’s just now seeing you for the first time. “Are you trying to catch me in a lie, Y/N?” he asks, amusement in his tone though you can tell your questioning rattles him. “I’ve never told you anything that wasn’t true.”
But that’s just because you’ve never told me anything of substance, you think to yourself, reflecting back on all of the times he left your room in a hurry so that he could avoid having to show you anything real.
You continue jerking him off intently, and even though he’s obviously enjoying it, you can tell that you’ve thrown him off. During sex you’ve always maintained this sort of scathing, playful banter, but this time, he knows that your question is motivated by a genuine desire to hear the truth from him. It makes him beyond uncomfortable, especially with his dick still hard and aching in your moving hand. In a sudden change of dynamics, it’s him trying to read what you’re thinking.
Seeing this crack in Leehan’s usually guarded persona spurs you on into saying even more things that you’ve been suppressing. “I know that you’re seeing someone else,” you assert, honesty you never thought you’d be capable of expressing coming out boldly and without ambivalence. “Jaehyun told me, the night of the Halloween party.”
Your eyes are glued to Leehan’s face as you scan for the smallest fluctuation in his expression, searching desperately for any indication of what he’s thinking. And in yet another gesture that might as well be a verbal admission of guilt, Leehan stares up at the ceiling to avoid your gaze. 
Leehan – confident, cool, teasing Leehan – who has always made you feel like you were scared of intimacy for not wanting to make eye contact with him during sex, is now the one shying away the intensity of your gaze. 
The feeling of triumph that comes with finally feeling like you have him at your mercy after months of the opposite has you speeding up the movements of your hand, watching as he almost winces from the overstimulation you provide. 
But more than anything else, you want answers. 
You want to know why he thinks it’s okay to police who else you invite into your bedroom when he clearly does whatever he wants without any regard for you. 
You want him to decisively and plainly decide if he’s either a sadistic asshole who believes that he should be able to treat you like shit while he goes out and fucks whoever he wants—Or if, like you, the passion of this relationship has overwhelmed him so much that he now finds himself feeling things for you that are beyond sexual, things that have caused him to abhor the notion of you being with someone other than him.
It feels like you need the answer to that question more than you need air.
And so, it’s in desperation that your voice comes out shaky as you demand, “Say something.” 
“I can’t,” he manages through gritted teeth, the sound of his voice coming out raspy and submissive making your cunt pulse with arousal. “You’re about to make me come.”
Feeling like he’s being backed into a corner, Leehan wants to tell you to stop, but the euphoria he’s experiencing is too great. He’s never seen you be so assertive, so purposeful in doing things that you know will make him go crazy. 
Rubbing your thumb over his tip. Spitting downward so that the wetness of your spit can reach his cock. Stroking him wildly and meeting his thrusts into your fist. 
Pressure builds in his abdomen until he feels himself about to explode with what might be the most intense climax of his life. 
But in a move that shocks the both of you, it’s just as Leehan is about to finish all over your hand that you abruptly pull off of him. 
Stop the movements of your hand and watch brazenly as the realization of what you just did is processed on his face.
Maybe he thought that you were joking and that this was all just some aggressive manner of foreplay. 
But now, he can see in your shocked expression, how you look so surprised at even your own insistence, that to deny him of his pleasure in this way was something that took a lot out of you. 
It’s been a hallmark of your relationship so far for you to devote yourself to his satisfaction. You’ve always cared so much about being wanted by him, even after he’s shown his disregard for you time and time again.
And so to see you work up the courage to defy him in this way makes it clear to him that you’re not gonna drop this.
This isn’t something that he can smile or flirt his way out of in the hopes of having you wrapped around his finger for just one more day.
You’re gonna force this into being an issue. And fine; if you want to have this conversation, he’ll have it.
Even if it means that by the end of this you'll realize how shitty of a person he is and want nothing to do with him afterward.
If you were still the same pliant, conflict-avoiding Y/N, you’d be alarmed at the change in his expression and how his usual amused smirk melts into a straight-lined frown. You’d transform into the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed girl who’d laugh and pretend that this was all just a way to rile him up into fucking you, hoping that you could forget this moment ever happened.
But it feels like something has been lost in your dynamic that can never be brought back. You’re no longer okay with being lied to, manipulated. And Leehan, realizing how serious you are, seeks to take back control of this situation by flipping your bodies over so that you’re on your back and he’s on top of you. 
He pins your arms above your head, holding them down so you can’t move. 
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answers to.”
He says the statement with a warning sort of tone but it only makes you laugh, no longer able to take his provocations and vague answers seriously. “Then don’t try to act hypocritical and treat me like I’m a fucking irresponsible idiot,” you retort, no hint of banter in your words as you hope he understands how serious you’re being, how done you are with his lies. “Having sex with guys without protection and not telling them about it. How do I know you haven’t been doing the exact thing you’re accusing me of?”
You ask a valid question that Leehan sees no way to get out of answering. Clearly, you already know (because of his disloyal, talkative fucking roommate) that he’s been seeing at least one girl that isn’t you. And because he can tell with certainty that your pliance is dependent on at least some kind of honesty from him, he tells you a technical truth when he says, “Since I met you, I’ve only been fucking you. No one else. I swear.”
It’s an answer that protects him from having to further delve into whether he’s seeing anyone else romantically, an important distinction that he isn’t interested in clarifying for the sake of your continued interest in him.
And as he watches you scan his face, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you seek to find any indication of either sincerity or hypocrisy in his expression, he seizes the opportunity provided by your momentary lapse in questioning to reach past the waistband of your leggings, sticking two fingers into your pulsing cunt. 
He watches with satisfaction as even in your bitterness, you still can’t help the way your back arches and your mouth parts naturally at the action. Mirroring your tactics from before, he gives you great satisfaction in exchange for your hopeful compliance. Thrusting his long fingers inside of you, he mumbles in sensual truth, “Your pretty, wet pussy is the only thing that’s been occupying my brain for the last three months.”
The part of your brain that would question the credibility of his words is turned off like a lightswitch as the thrill from his fingers takes over. As much as you try to fight off what you’re experiencing so that you can regain the upper hand, it feels like it’s almost in revenge that he fingers you with such vigor that you can’t speak. 
“Can you say the same? Huh, pretty?” he demands, digits angled just right so that the tips of his fingers repeatedly push against your most sensitive parts. “Tell me I’m the only person whose been fucking orgasms into your cunt.”
You could usually appreciate such possessive sentiments from Leehan when they were spoken in moments where there wasn’t any lingering resentment between the two of you. Now, they only annoy you, causing you to petulantly reply in mocking of his earlier words, “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.”
And in a move that is surely in imitation of your earlier actions, he pulls his fingers out of you completely and with them, your orgasm. His expression is a handsome mixture of annoyance and frustration. 
It feels like the two of you are in some sort of scornful, unspoken competition, you trying to get him to be honest and him trying to get you to drop this entirely. And all of this undercut by the fact that both really wanna fuck each other, only adding to the frustration of your pleasure being taken away. 
Though your body reels regretfully from the sudden drop in adrenaline, it’s with an unmoved expression on your face that you sit up, making yourself level with him. 
“What?” you retort derisively, amused to find him upset at tactics you only know because he modeled them for you so many times before. “Does it make you mad?”
“No,” he answers, a fierce expression on his face that lets you know despite the desire radiating between the two of you that he’s being serious when he says, “It makes me question the type of person you are.”
And as you poke his chest assertively, you reply, “A person abiding by the standards that you set,” reminding him once more how he lacks the right to feel entitled to your body. 
You again question why he continues to insist that a no-strings attached arrangement is what he wants when it’s clear he doesn’t want you with anyone else.
And so, it’s in your confusion that you ask, “I’m giving you exactly what you want. So why does it feel like you’re punishing me?”
“This isn’t what I want,” he says in reply. And the way that he says it almost quietly, like a stream-of-consciousness that was accidentally blurted out loud, has you inclined to believe that maybe, he’s finally coming around to seeing just how poorly suited this arrangement is for the both of you.
So, it’s with a curious tilt to your voice that you ask, “Then what do you want?”
Looking at you with a sort of urgent, unyielding expression on his face, it’s after a moment of intense and searing silence between the two of you that he leans in to kiss you roughly. What was once a moment of willful competition between the two of you now becomes intense and panicked as the passion of the last few moments takes over your bodies. 
Your hands move in a frenzy as you rush to take off one another’s clothes, and you get the feeling that had the fabric provided any real obstacle, you both would’ve been willing to rip each other’s pants and tops off. Actualizing your desire for one another becomes the most important and serious task to have ever been endeavored upon.
You’ve only just removed your final article of clothing when Leehan crawls between your legs, finding you soaked and pulsing in anticipation of his touch. Noticing this, he can feel himself going crazy with all of the unanswered questions he has about you and Taesan. He finds himself vocalizing these thoughts shamelessly as he mumbles, “Fuck, Y/N. I need you to be honest with me. Because if someone else has had this pussy, I’m gonna go crazy.”
“Make me come, and I’ll give you a straight answer,” you defiantly reply.
Tired of your games, it’s in expression of his growing impatience that Leehan slaps your pussy uncaringly. The act sends a jolt of shock through your body but especially your clit, making you moan in a mixture of both pain and pleasure. 
“I’m serious, Y/N,” he says, and rather than being amused by his insistence like you were before, it's for the first time that you find yourself intimidated, as well as turned on. “Tell me the truth.”
Leehan has always been the leader in your sexual dynamic, but you’d never describe him as rough or dominant until now. Rattled by the change, you aren’t able to manage a reply to his demand, but it’s then that Leehan raises himself up so that your faces are level. 
Making sure to keep his eyes on yours this time, he pushes three fingers inside of your aching cunt — more than you’ve ever taken from him and enough to have your eyes rolling back upon impact.
“Tell me that this pussy is mine,” he demands as he fucks you open with his fingers. You’ve never seen him this fired-up, this crazed, and it has you more turned on and pliant than you think you’ve ever been before. 
His fingers thrust in and out of you with strength you’ve never felt before, and in an amount of time that you find to be pathetic, you can feel your stomach tensing with an approaching climax, moans leaving your mouth with every breath and every curl of his fingers. 
But for the second time tonight, Leehan notices you’re about to come and rips it away from you by withdrawing his fingers entirely. And unlike before, you can’t pretend not to be dismayed as you whimper wistfully at the loss of contact. Leehan, unamused, only stares at you from above and says with finality in his tone, “Tell me the truth, and I’ll make you come.”
You can see now how serious he’s being, how important this is to him, and though you find it entirely irrational, the pulsing of arousal in your body is too strong to ignore. 
“I never fucked him. He never touched me until today.”
“And anyone else besides him?”
“There’s no one else, Leehan,” you assure him, body wracked with the weight of several heavy breaths as you practically beg for him to believe you, to touch you, to relieve the almost painful aching of your cunt. “Just you.”
You’re pleasantly surprised when he doesn't require any additional scrutiny before accepting your answer at face value, muttering an approving “Good girl,” before diving between your legs.
And you guess by the almost hungry, desperate way he then proceeds to eat you out that his easy acceptance of your word is just as much in service to his own desire to taste you as it is to you and your enjoyment. 
Because you find not just in this instance but always that Leehan gives head like his survival is dependent on your arousal. He licks and sucks and mouths at your clit, moaning languidly into your core like it's the best thing he’s ever tasted. 
And as if that’s not enough to have you reeling, he brings his hand out from underneath your thigh and puts two long, crooked fingers back into your dripping hole, thrusting and curling them inside of you like he’s intent on finding the spot that will make you scream. You throw your head back and close your eyes at the feeling that washes over your body, something like electricity pulsing through you and making your legs shake. 
Without intending it, your hips buck against his tongue in chase of your impending orgasm. And when he flattens the wet muscle, allowing you the agency to take your pleasure rather than him having to give it to you, it’s only seconds later when you feel your abdomen contracting with the intensity of your long awaited orgasm. 
You’ve barely recovered from the high of your climax when you hear Leehan saying tauntingly from above you, “See? No one else can do that as good as I can.” He then spreads your legs apart, admiring the mess he’s made of you, slick turning your inner thighs shiny and wet. ”Don’t you know now why you shouldn’t fuck anyone else?
Refusing him the satisfaction of an answer, your only response is to sit up and tell him, “Lay down. I wanna ride you.
Leehan’s only show of resistance to this request is a raise of his eyebrow, but he’s otherwise pliant as you maneuver on the couch so that he’s flat on his back. You hover just below his hard-as-a-rock erection, realizing you should go and get a condom, but it feels like an ultimate test of both your honesty that you assertively inform him, “I’m on birth control.”
Understanding what you mean to imply with this admission, you watch as Leehan’s eyes gloss over, another wave of lust taking over at the notion of having raw sex. In a distant part of your brain that isn’t completely corrupted by wanting, you wonder if this is a good idea given that you have no way of proving whether he’s been honest about his sexual history with other girls.
But as you unconsciously scoot closer and allow his cock to brush against your folds, his encouragement of “Then sit on it,” ringing pleasantly in your ears, the only thing that delays you is your desire to further tauny him. 
“Look at me,” you command passionately, holding on just barely to your own composure as you fight to get these words out amidst your own lust-corrupted brain. “If you stop, I stop. I want you to look in my eyes when I make you come.”
Leehan, either ignorant to how serious you’re being or uncaring, whimpers out your name in lieu of any indication that he understands and accepts what you’re saying. You sink down on him anyway and allow the feeling of being filled to the brim by his long, veiny cock to wipe out any and all thoughts out of your mind. 
“Oh my god, fuck,” he mumbles out in expression of how good it feels, after you’ve only just began bouncing your body up and down his cock. You bear witness to the moment when the embrace of your tight walls becomes too much for him and he throws his head back, disregarding your words from earlier. 
And although it hurts you to do so, makes your thighs burn and your lips part to let out a regretful whimper, you pull yourself upwards until his cock slips out of you completely.
“Open your eyes,” you demand assertively, not just for his sake but for your own, so that you can go back to riding the life out of him until you both can come. “Show me why you deserve this. Remind me why I keep letting you fuck me.”
The scathing remark and the brazen expression you wear as you say it causes Leehan to regain his focus, returning his gaze to yours and making sure to maintain it even as your reinsertion of his cock has him fighting not to shut his eyes closed. It’s with a feeling of regretful foreboding that Leehan realizes this is probably going to end way too soon, that the sickening combination of you riding him, your dominant and sultry words, the view of your body from above him, and the intense unbroken eye contact all work in service to his quickly approaching climax. 
And even as you too feel yourself inching closer and closer to the point of incomprehensible return, you keep talking, feelings that you’ve been suppressing for too long coming out in sultry, brokenly-spoken expressions. “I want you to savor this moment. Memorize how it feels to be inside of me,” you tell him, and then, leaning down to bite the tip of his ear, you whimper, “Fuck Leehan. You’re so big.”
Your purposeful usage of all the things you know for a fact rile him up the most is not lost on him, and it’s almost like you want him to come as quickly and embarrassingly as possible. He lingers on that thought for less than a few seconds, but even just the fleeting idea of spilling his seed inside of you has his brain entering a whole nother level of depraved and uncontrolled, until he’s muttering out the word “Fuck,” in repeated succession and thrusting up into you wildly. “Gonna come,” he announces only seconds later.
“I know you are, baby. And when you do, remember that I can only make you feel this good,” you reply, surprised at your own ability to sound assured and in control in the midst of your own fast-approaching orgasm. But in a way, it feels like you grow more confident the more you watch his verbal and motor skills deteriorate with every bounce and squeeze of your pussy against his cock. 
Making grunting sounds as his thrusts become sloppy and uncontrolled, he replies through gritted teeth, “I know. You’re my favorite girl, Y/N.”
You’ve always hated that term because of the implication it makes that there are other girls with whom he's comparing you to. But as you commit to fighting off all of the weak, vulnerable, sad emotions that have now only rendered you numb, it’s in another show of control that you reply, “Then say it. Tell me how good I’m making you feel.”
At first, you aren’t sure if Leehan can even manage a reply as you watch him grow focused and intent on his approaching orgasm. But it’s through a mixture of muffled grunts and whines, his hips never ceasing their thrusts into you, that he begins to speak.
“Your pussy was made for me. It’s all I ever think about. The sex we have – nghh – it’s the best I’ve ever had,” he tells you emphatically. 
And the brokenness of his words, the way they come out rushed and passionate as if a suppressed part of him needs you to hear them, has you feeling profoundly impacted by the weight of them. 
“You make me crazy, Y/N. I don’t want anyone else. Only you—” 
It’s with one final rough, definitive thrust that Leehan comes inside of you. You’re overcome by the feeling of his hot, warm cum filling your walls, pussy clenching around him as you too experience another orgasm. And as you both recover from your highs, you can feel the atmosphere becoming almost instantaneously stuffy and awkward, the realization of what just happened and all of the things you allowed to come out in the heat of the moment hitting you all at once.
Wanting nothing more than to be released from the clutches of this regretful moment, you pull yourself off of him and wince at the feeling of his cum dripping out of you and onto your inner thighs, some of it spilling onto the couch. 
And without ceremony, Leehan does what he does best – he gathers his clothes and things and begins to put them on as if nothing happened.
The silence that overcomes the two of you as you sit naked and uncovered on the opposite couch, watching him change, is unlike either of you. You’d usually at the very least manage  a few words about how good that was, or small talk about anything fun happening soon on campus. Had Leehan been any good with silence, he might’ve just walked out and not said anything to you at all. 
But it’s because of his own manipulative and egotistical desire to continue to remain in your good graces that he says, in desperation to ease the tension, “Hey. By the way, I’m sorry about the picture I sent you. I don’t usually read your messages, so I didn’t see what you had sent me beforehand.”
You stare at him, a mixture of disbelief and hostility coming over you all at once.
Having completely forgotten about the dick picture incident until now, you feel the emotions from then coming back up in a way that feels shocking given the relative inoffensiveness of his apology just now.
It’s hard for you to pinpoint what exactly about the statement sets you off. 
Maybe it’s that you just had the most intimate, soul-baring sex, and now he’s basically back to reminding you of just how little he values you and your personhood. 
How easy it is for him to completely ignore anything you say to him if it has nothing to do with him and his own pleasure.
And with these emotions more than likely reflected on your face, you watch as Leehan — like a startled deer in headlights — makes what are perhaps the quickest efforts he’s ever done to leave your dorm in a hurry.
“I should get back,” he’s replying coldly as he gets up, throwing his jacket over his body so fast that it folds awkwardly along his sides. “But thanks for this.”
This, he says casually. As if his seed isn’t currently wetting the inside of your legs right now.
“But Leehan, the rain—” you insist. Because you can hear thunder rattling your windows outside and you know that to walk home to his apartment is an entirely irrational notion.
“Don’t worry about me,” he tells you, already halfway to your door as he turns around to look at you, something like regret painted all over his passive expression. “We don’t do that for each other, remember?
And it’s with that last parting, ominous statement that you watch Leehan leave your dorm room without another look in your direction. He’s left your room like this — in a hasty blur without a word or an acknowledgement — more times than you can possibly count. 
So why you find yourself overcome with the feeling that this may be the last time you’ll ever see him again, you’re not entirely sure. 
But it’s because of that gnawing, persistent feeling, eating at you like it never has before, that you get up and find a robe to throw over your body so that you can go and find Leehan before it’s too late.
You’re not even sure of what you’re going to say when you find him standing on the outside porch of your building, head down and phone in his hand as he waits for an Uber. All you know is that it’s pouring buckets outside and even with the bit of roofing over your heads, the wind still blows rain onto your bodies, rendering his hair and face wet. 
“Leehan,” you call out, watching as he turns to you and automatically freezes up as he realizes you followed him out here. “Wait. Don’t go.”
It’s at least a little bit understandable why Leehan appears taken-aback by your words and your presence — any other time you’ve had sex, you’ve never once tried to get him to stay behind, even though he could always notice in your expression or quiet intensity that you wanted him to.
So the fact that you’re here telling him not to go, and because of the nature of the sex you just had, it’s like he already knows that you’re planning to pour your heart out to him, and it’s in fear of that that he finds himself saying wearily, “Y/N—”
“No. Let me talk,” you assert before he can finish, a part of you feeling like if you don’t get these words out now, you never will. And so, fueled by the unexplainable feeling that this may be the last chance for you to tell him how you feel, you channel all the confidence you can possible muster and allow all the suppressed emotions from the last three months to spill out without any filter.
“After we have sex, I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay because you like being with me. I want you to fall asleep with me. I want you to see me and treat me like I’m a human being and not some physical object that you use for sex and nothing else,” you exclaim with a self-pitying scoff.
“And I tried being the chill girl who just goes along with things that are casual. But Leehan, you make me feel things that no one ever has, and it’s not just the sex. For the past few months…it’s felt like my life only truly felt worth living if you were noticing me.”
You can plainly tell by Leehan’s stiff body language and overall lack of reaction that this entire spiel is making him uncomfortable. And as discouraging as the reaction is, now that you’ve started, it feels like you can’t stop until he knows everything that he’s put you through to get to this point.
“And maybe I only feel that way because when we fuck, it’s not like some one-night-stand or throwaway shit. It truly feels like I’m baring my soul to you. And I know that it’s not one sided,” you remark with confidence. Because being in bed with Leehan is the only time when you feel like you can truly understand him. It’s when your hearts, minds, and bodies are in sync and you can both be at your most vulnerable with each other.
“But then you leave, just like you’re doing now. And it makes me feel like the most massive piece of shit you can possibly imagine,” you mumble out with a broken, wet laugh.
Coming to the end of your spiel, you let your arms come down to your sides defeatedly, and with one last imploring look to Leehan’s blank and starry eyes, you ask the question that has been haunting you for the better part of three months now. “So what I guess I want to know is…what is it that’s stopping you from going all in with me? Is it that I’m just…not enough for you to want anything more than sex?” you question, insecurities that have been welling up for so long coming out in a way that has your voice sounding broken. “Or are you just too scared of commitment to allow yourself to feel loved?
“Because that’s exactly what I feel for you. And god dammit, Leehan, but I’m almost 80% sure you feel that way for me too.”
When you’re sure that there’s nothing else left to say and that you got everything you wanted to explain out, it’s with a relieving sigh that your body expels the weight of three months’ worth of pain, sadness, and thoughts of worthlessness. 
And because you know it must be a lot to be on the receiving end of the heaviness of those words, it’s not surprising that the next few seconds after you finish speaking are filled by silence. Watching Leehan stare at you intensely, you allow him the time and the grace to process what he’s heard before you jump to assuming the worst of his silence. 
But then, his first words to you hit you like an icy blast of wind. 
“Y/N, you’re a good person. And the time we’ve spent together has been so much fun for me. But this has always been just that for me…fun. Sex,” he says unambivalently, framing the words delicately though it does nothing to prevent them from hitting you like a freight train. “And I’m sorry if I ever did or said anything that gave you an impression otherwise.
“But honestly, Y/N…” he continues, looking away from you and losing the ability to sugarcoat his thoughts as he expresses, “I told you from the forefront what this was. Why did you say yes if it wasn’t what you wanted?”
He asks a valid question that you unfortunately don’t have the answer to. Because honestly, what were you thinking? Looking back at that moment when he first proposed this arrangement, you have to wonder what possessed you to be delusional enough to think that this would possibly end well.
As embarrassing and humiliating it is to admit, it’s the sex. All those times he told you he desired you, how beautiful you were, how much he wanted you, made you feel like maybe he just didn’t know what he wanted. That eventually he’d come around.
“Because I didn’t think that it was that important to you,” you tell him, feeling your confidence shrinking in real time as your voice comes out quiet and whiny. “I thought…I thought you were changing your mind.”
“I don’t think we should keep doing this, Y/N,” he declares in reply, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. “I like you a lot, but I can’t continue on if I know you have the expectation that this is gonna blossom into something more. I’m sorry, but it’s just not.”
And with that last sobering pronouncement, Leehan runs a hand through his hair, an obviously fake chuckle let out of his lips as he seeks to break the awkwardness of this atmosphere. “This really wasn’t how I wanted this to go,” he mumbles out apologetically, and the way that he stands there stiffly lets you know he wants nothing else than to get away from you right now. 
And sure enough, the sound of a notification going off draws both of your attention to his phone. Like a final dagger to your heart and self-esteem, he’s not even able to hide the relief that floods his expression as he announces, “My Uber’s here, so I just…goodbye, Y/N.”
You watch Leehan step off the porch and into the rain, the lack of light and storm clouds rendering him into nothing more but a blurry, gray silhouette. 
It’s how you will more than likely remember Leehan as you watch him enter the white Mazda that pulls into the driveway. 
Watch the car drive off knowing that you will more than likely never see him again.
He will forever be immortalized in your brain as the stormy force of a presence that came into your life like a tornado, wrecking everything around it and exiting like nothing happened, leaving you a splintered mess of a world to clean up for yourself.
You will be just another Natty, someone Leehan offhandedly mentions to his friends in the car with whoever he chooses to be his next victim, someone he spent a good few weeks with only to never mention them again.
“You’re an enigma, Kim Leehan,” you declared with sincerity. “I don’t want to be your girlfriend either. No offense.”
“None taken,” he replied with breezy indifference, bringing his hand to lay over the one you have on his face. “But don’t say that so easily. You don’t know me well enough yet.”
You rolled your eyes at yet another show of cockiness from him. “And are you saying if I did, I would fall for you?”
Even as his expression remained passive, he replied forebodingly, “Isn’t that usually how these things end?”
He was right.
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The next two months of not seeing, talking, or hearing from Leehan go by in a gray-ish, incomprehensible blur.
You complete your classes, managing a passing GPA and thankfully holding on to your scholarship.
You go out to lunch and on study dates with your mutual friends, neglecting to explain why you always need to know who else is coming before you agree to going out.
You attend a couple parties and events on campus, wondering each time whether you’ll run into Leehan and not sure if the rigid feeling over your chest is because of hopefulness or fear at the idea of possibly seeing him. 
And as you pack up your things to get ready to move out for the winter, it feels like you should be over this by now. You spent three months together. Tumultuous, but still only three – it doesn’t seem to make sense why you still feel so hurt.
But you’re now learning that situationships are the hardest to comprehend in their aftermath because it’s hard to know what exactly it is that you’re feeling wistful towards. Leehan isn’t your ex, but he’s also not a friend whom you simply grew apart from. 
He’s another third thing that you can’t quite capture, making it difficult for you to reminisce on your exciting yet tainted memories with one another.
It’s with these thoughts running through your mind that you finish packing your last few items of furniture, readying them to be stowed away in the back of a U-Haul you rented for the day. 
And with your dorm now basically empty, your roommate having moved out a few days before, you can’t help but to view it nostalgically from the vantage point of your doorway, memories of this semester’s escapades coming back to you all at once.
The dresser that you let Leehan stash his condoms in.
Your cheap bed whose loose, metal springs always robbed you of any chance at secrecy in your interactions. 
Moving towards your kitchenette, you stare silently at the flowers he gifted you that one day, still alive despite several weeks of neglect. The little cardboard fish he stuck between the petals makes it appear almost like they’re swimming among colorful, sagging coral reefs.
Your eyes flit over to your couch, where you didn’t know at the time would be the last place he fucked you before he’d never talk to you again.
Going over these memories in your mind, it makes sense then why when you hear a knock resounding on your door, the first thing you think of is Leehan.
But surely, you’re just caught up in the emotions caused by the sudden moment of reflection; it has to be an RA, or a neighbor about to ask if they can borrow a broom and dustpan.
When you go to open your door, you don’t consider for a second that on the other end could be the one person you’re not prepared to see right now.
So when it swings open and you’re greeted by a straight-faced, wide-eyed Leehan, whose body is relaxed against the side of your door, it feels like all of the air is knocked out of your body.
“Hi,” he says plainly, straightening his posture when he sees you staring at him staggeringly. To say that you feel conflicted as you take in his handsome, tall form would be beyond an understatement. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since you’ve seen each other, and it’s almost like he could tell you right now that he’s here because he wants to fuck you and it would feel normal, like nothing has changed between the two of you.
But even in just making that mental observation, you feel angry and resentful that such a dynamic was normalized among the two of you for so long that you convinced yourself it was okay to be treated that way.
And as you stew in those feelings of renewed bitterness and frustration, you find yourself suddenly and strongly opposed to him being here, asking bluntly, “What is this? Why are you here?”
“I’m here to apologize,” he answers with an imploring look, and habitually you study his expressions in the hopes of discerning whether he’s being sincere or not.
But it’s with a feeling of resignation that you realize how done you are with trying to constantly read his mind and understand what motivates his decisions.
Because the same way there’s a chance that he really did show up here with good intentions, there’s just as equal a chance that he wants you to trust him again so that he can get his dick wet.
And so, in a move that brings you an immature level of satisfaction, you close the door on his face without another word.
You hear him exclaiming loudly “Y/N, wait!” on the other side of the door but you’ve already made up your mind, deciding that whatever he has to say isn’t worthy of your time or attention.
You’re done with his manipulative behavior, with his aloofness and undeserved self-assuredness, but most of all you’re tired of being made to feel like shit. And that’s all he ever did in those few months that you were sleeping together.
As you retreat to your bedroom, you go to return to packing your things, but the adrenaline from the passing moment makes your hand shake and your body pulse energetically. You need a second to pause and breathe and process what’s just happened, to walk around and pace away all of this unresolved energy. 
But then you turn around to go back out into your living room, and that’s when you see Leehan standing right outside the arch of your bedroom doorway.
“Jesus fucking christ, Leehan!” you exclaim in a mixture of both surprise, frustration, and confusion as you wonder whether he broke in or if you—
“You left the door unlocked,” he replies calmly, and even though he knows he has a lot to make up for, he still can’t help the smirk that comes to his face as he jokes, “Kinda 101 not to do that if you don’t want someone coming in. That’s like me leaving the filter of my fish tank —”
“Get out, Leehan. Get out! I have nothing left I want to say to you!” you shout, impatient and uncaring to his jokes and his dimples and everything else about him that used to charm you. It’s all meaningless to you now, and you don’t care if you look crazy or unhinged when you go to physically push him out of your dorm.
But even with the nonchalant, noncommittal way he holds onto your wrist to restrain you, you still only manage to move him a few steps, much to your dismay and rage.
And so, in a heat-of-the-moment, emotionally driven decision, you move to close your bedroom door on his face. While successful in keeping him out of your bedroom, you don’t even realize until seconds later that he’s still free to roam in your hallway, kitchenette, and living room, while you’ve essentially just locked yourself in.
Predictably, you can hear Leehan chuckling outside of your door as he makes this same realization.
“You know, if it was your goal to get me to leave, then I’m not sure locking yourself in your room really…” he begins to say, not able to keep the amusement out of his voice at the foolish mistake on your part. But, remembering the reason why he came here in the first place, he tones it down to say soberly, “Nevermind. It doesn't matter.”
You walk over to the side of your bedroom that’s opposite from the doorway, sitting down on the floor, determined to tune out whatever it is that Leehan is about to say. Maybe if you stay silent and let him tire himself out, he’ll eventually leave knowing that there’s nothing he can say to make up for how he’s made you feel.
“I”m not super good at explaining myself, or talking at all, honestly. I go on tangents and my mind is just…a giant fucking minefield. So I wrote down what I wanted to tell you.”
Leehan’s voice is distorted but nonetheless able to be heard clearly through the thin wood that makes up your door, so much so that you can clearly hear the crumpling noises of a paper being unraveled as he starts to read. 
“If you’re listening to me read this, it’s because I somehow managed to convince you to hear me out. Either that, or I broke into your dorm, which feels like the more likely option,” he says with almost no emotion behind the words, and against your own discipline, you can feel your lips twitching into a smirk automatically in reaction to his strange, off putting way of speaking.
“I know my insistence can come off as crass given how shitty of a person I’ve been to you. But I knew that today was move-out day, and I needed you to hear me out before you left.”
You hear him take a deep breath before continuing with the next part of his speech. “As you know, I’m a pretty fearless person. But when it comes to admitting my feelings for you, I’ve had a much harder time. Truthfully, since I met you, it’s been because of my own immaturity that I’ve seen other girls romantically. Even though I always knew my feelings for you were different, I pushed them away in the hopes of avoiding having to commit to anyone. When you told me how you really felt for me, truthfully, it scared me. I didn’t want to know what my life would look like if I decided to be with just one person.
“I thought that by rejecting you, by being away from you for this long, that my feelings for you would go away,” he remarks with the same sort of unfeeling, neutral tone to his voice, as if he knows the explanation behind his actions is unimportant given how they’ve impacted you. “I wanted to view you as just another name on a long list.”
But it’s with his next words that passion and sincerity and longing bleed into his voice all at once to say, “But it’s taken me this time of being away from you to realize that…I’m still not over you.”
After minutes of hanging onto his every word despite every inclination that has been telling you to do otherwise, it’s those last five words that hit you like a freight train. 
And you know it’s foolish and dumb to be believing anything that comes out of his mouth anymore, but you suppose it’s no different from all of the other times you continued to let him in even when he showed you so many times why you shouldn’t. 
Your reasoning remains the same – you just feel an irrational pull to him that is all-consuming, your heart connected to his in a way you can’t control. 
And it doesn’t help that everything he says next is all of the affirmation you’ve been wanting and needing him to give you throughout your entire time of sleeping together. “You deserve someone that’s going to treat you with respect. Someone that makes you feel loved and beautiful and desired. Someone with the courage to be vulnerable and who will care for you in your most vulnerable moments. And I’m sorry if you felt like you didn’t have that with me,” he remarks, and you don’t even realize you’ve been holding your breath throughout his spiel until your chest literally contracts from the lack of air to your lungs.
“But if you can find some way to forgive me, then I want to make us work,” he asserts pleadingly. And with the finality that it feels like follows that statement, you get the feeling that what he says next is no longer being read off the paper. 
Especially when you can hear what you think is the top of his head, leaned against the door with a small thunk as he quietly laments, “I want you, Y/N. Not just sexually, but for everything that makes you who you are. It’s always been you. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.” 
It’s quiet after that, so much so that you can hear his small and broken breaths being let out against the wall. You hear what you think is the sound of his hand being brought up to rest next to his head. And as the feeling of being pulled in so many directions takes over you, your heart in a heated battle with your brain, it’s after a few moments of silence that you stand up and walk over towards the door. 
Leehan, observing the shadows of your footsteps through the little gap at the bottom of the door, perks up when it’s just a thin barrier of wood that keeps you from being face-to-face with one another.
You prepare yourself to be annoyed when you open the door in expectation that he will be his usual unreadable, unserious self. 
But it’s in surprise but also a little relief that what you find when you face him is the expression of a man who’s truly understood the gravity of his mistakes and feels shameful over them.
“You look really pretty,” he blurts out, the suddenness of the remark almost betraying your slowly but surely growing feelings of understanding towards him. But you also can’t help that his random candor makes you laugh, reminded of some of your earlier interactions as he sheepishly says, “Sorry, bad timing.”
Still standing a fair distance away from him, the tip of your toes just barely meeting the tip of his as you look down at them to avoid eye contact, you attempt to ease the tension of the moment with a shy but truthful, “Thank you, Leehan. For the compliment and for the apology.”
You can feel the heat of his gaze as he tilts his head to stare at you, his attention feeling hopeful but not in a way that makes you feel pressured, but in a way that has you compelled to be completely vulnerable and honest with him.
“I’m just…really scared that you’ll hurt me,” you confess somberly, and it still feels strange to even say things like this to him because you’ve spent so much time suppressing your negative emotions when it comes to Leehan. Scared that you’d lose his approval and feeling like you needed such approval to feel good about yourself.
But over time as your relationship progressed and you found yourself little by little regaining the sense of self that your interactions with Leehan robbed you of, you were able to realize that you didn’t deserve to be treated like an afterthought, like an object only useful if it was giving satisfaction to someone else.
And it was in resentment that over these two months of not speaking you felt like Leehan believed that, too.
But now after hearing him explain himself and believing genuinely that he wants to be with you, you now battle with the parts of you that are scared to believe him in fear of getting hurt and the parts of you that so badly also want to be in a relationship with him.
“I’m not scared,” he tells you, the confidence you’ve come to know him for coming out more strongly than ever before. “I’ve got you, remember?”
He then goes to place his two middle fingers underneath your chin, pushing your jaw upward so that you’re forced into eye contact. Staring into his endless and piercing eyes, it’s for the first time that you feel like you understand him in a non-sexual context. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?” you mumble quietly in reply.
And it’s as you feel your lips twitching into a content smile that Leehan leans in to kiss you, and you accept the gesture without question.
five months later
“I wanna go half on a baby with you.”
These are the words that Leehan remarks to your sleeping form as you lay comfortably beside him in bed, sleeping but getting roused into attention by the faint sound of his voice.
“A fish baby, of course,” he clarifies, though you don’t even register what he’s saying as you remain half-asleep. “I think the ones in my tank are getting lonely.”
It’s hard to tell sometimes whether Leehan is musing out loud to himself or talking directly to you, but either way, the deep tone of his voice wakes you up just the same. 
You lay on your stomach, opening one eye to find him sitting up on his elbow and staring down at you with a curious expression on his face. His hand, resting on your back, draws unintelligible figures on the skin that’s left uncovered by your night shirt. 
All in all, it's a pretty domestic, intimate scene, had you not glanced over at your phone to find how early it was.
“Leehan, it’s seven a.m,” you complain to your boyfriend who still just stares dreamily at your sleepy figure. “What are you yapping about?”
Too familiar with your morning grumpiness to be phased by it, it’s with an unmoved expression that Leehan casually replies, “Just about how much I want a baby with you.”
When you hear those words come out of Leehan’s mouth, you’re sure you must still be asleep and that this is just an incredibly vivid dream. Either that, or you’re dating the strangest person in the world. 
Given that both realities are entirely plausible, it’s in your tiredness and confusion that you sit up from the bed completely, staring at a relaxed Leehan with raised eyebrows. “Don’t you think we’re a little young for that? I mean eventually, sure, but while we’re in school—”
“I was talking about fish,” he interrupts you to say, chuckling at your confused expression and giggling again when you pout at being laughed at. “But since you’re so eager, why don’t I put a baby in you right now?”
Your own laughter in reaction to his words is suppressed when he presses a large hand on your stomach, pushing you back down on the bed. He leans in to kiss you, but per usual, you refuse to make things easy for him.
Reaching behind your head, you grab a pillow and smack him in the face with it, creating a barrier between your bodies. “You’re such a weirdo,” you playfully quip, a designation he only takes in stride as he goes to throw the pillow somewhere on the floor.
“I’m your weirdo though,” he emphasizes, and it’s as you’re both smiling in satisfaction that he leans in to press his lips against yours.
And as his cold hands roam your warm body, you’re hit with a sudden wave of happiness as you acknowledge how far gone the days of having to wish for him to stay even fir minutes after you’ve had sex truly are. 
Because in the past five months since you’ve gotten together exclusively, not only is it routine for him to stay behind, but you also get to wake up together and experience these sleepy, romantic moments. 
The moments when he slowly kisses down your body, dragging his plush lips down your sternum until he’s positioned between your legs.
The moments when you pull softly at his hair as he languidly drags his tongue up and down your folds, begging you in his gruff, sleep-affected voice to come all over his face.
The moments when you could be sponning sideways, on top of him, or below him and he’ll still find a way to spread your legs apart, pressing his long, veiny cock inside of you until you’re overwhelmed by how full you are. 
The moments where his tiredness renders him impatient and he fucks into you so roughly that you can barely form words. 
The moments when he kisses you lazily through every thrust until the sex becomes so good that all you can manage is the occasional swipe of your tongue against his lips or a whimper into his mouth.
The moments when you reach your climax together and he rocks his come in and out of you like he never intends on pulling out.
The moment when you moan out his name, understanding why when you first met he insisted that to know it was a privilege. That to know him is a privilege.
And finally, your favorite, the moments when you either fall back asleep in each other’s hold or get up to shower the sleepiness and sweat off of each other. 
Today is one of those days that you relent to getting up and showering, convinced only by the fact that neither of you has a morning class, making it a perfect day to visit the pet shop conveniently located just a few miles from your college town.
“What about this one?” 
You turn to face Leehan in the fish tank lined aisle of the pet store, lips curling into a smile as you observe him pressing his face up to the glass in awe. As you come up to his side to view the brown-colored fish that have him so captivated, it’s in a surge of honesty that you reply, “Don’t you think they’re kind of…ugly?”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes as you watch your boyfriend gasps dramatically in reaction to your words, even brushing his hand against the fish tank in a gesture akin to patting someone's head. “They can hear you, you know. I’m so sorry, fishies.”
Ignoring his childishness, you look around at the surrounding fish and sigh as you’re overwhelmed by all the different options. “Honestly, Leehan, you should just pick one. They all look the same to me.”
“But it should be something we both like,” he answers with a pout, circling the aisles a few more times before finally stopping at a tank in the very corner. 
Inside of it are an array of multi-colored fish, but the one that stands out to you is an entirely white one with a patch of vibrant red at the top of its head. 
It would be indistinguishable from a goldfish had it not been for its striking color and the appendage that looks almost like an inside-out brain on its head. 
A label beside the tank reads Oranda. 
“What about this one?” asks Leehan in curiosity, and in an almost alarming way, he points out the exact same fish you were just eyeing. 
You come around to the other side of the tank to view it from another angle, giggling innocently when you make eye-contact with Leehan through the distorted lens of the water. “It’s pretty,” you remark simply, and because Leehan has come to know you so well, he knows that the simple attribution is a sign of high praise from you.
“Should we make it ours?” he asks you officially, and though you’re certain that this is the fish you’ve been looking for, there’s one question popping up in your brain that you still can’t find the answer to.
“What should we name it?”
You both take a beat to ponder on the question. Leehan chimes in first, blurting out, “I know. Loony.”
At this, you scoff, unsure as to where he would have gotten such an idea from. “Are you trying to say that our child is crazy?” you quip in feigned offense. 
“No. It’s short for lunar eclipse. That’s when I knew we were gonna be more than just a one night stand,” he tells you sincerely, and with that context you find yourself becoming quickly attached to both the name and the fish who you take home in a plastic bag only moments later.
You allow Leehan to take the lead in homing Loony, a process that involves lots of complicated jargon about adjusting the water temperature and changing the salinity that you mostly pretend to understand as he explains it to you. 
And when you are finally able to sit side by side in front of the tank and watch through the glass as Loony swims among the other fish, it’s with an adoring tone of voice that you hear Leehan say, “It’s pretty, awesome, right?”
At the sound of his voice, you turn to face him, and without being entirely conscious of it, you simply take in his features and how content he looks to be here, with you and with these fishes.
“Yeah,” you reply, laying down and resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s awesome.”
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taglist: @lailols @papichulomacy @0310s @softiwoon @gardenforwon @cherrytaesan @mryuyux @saintriots @lonelylandofan @cyber-tiny @keyywrld @isabellah29 @amerecerasus @cadidupped @suhovhs @lionhanie @taesanmoon @revelettre @s9nwoo @brachioswrld @moneygal0re @karatttttt
thank you all sm for your support on this fic <3 your reactions, feedback, and compliments have meant the world
420 notes · View notes
bxeckersz · 2 months
mommy life | Paige bueckers x black fem reader
summary: instagram posts 🧍🏽‍♀️ .
warnings: none
a/n: i did smth like this before and i never finished it 😭.
@y/n..bueckers instagram story
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liked by: paigebueckers, kamoreaarnold, azzi35, and 101,473 more
caption: i miss being pregnant
@kamoreaarnold: u were complaining about your baby bump being heavy and now you miss it?? mixed emotions
↳ y/n..bueckers: shut up, you dont get it kamorea
@ice.bradyy: i don’t miss u being pregnant.
↳ aubrey.griffin44: FR the mood swings were crazy
↳ paigebueckers: ntm on my wife now (i totally agree.)
↳ y/n..bueckers: all yall can be quiet. ykw aubrey and ice pull up rn. oh okay
↳ uconnfangirlie: CLEARED
@paigebueckersismygf: the second picture 🥹
↳ uconnfangirle: y/n gone get youuuuu
↳ y/n..bueckers: blocked🥰!
↳ y/nbueckersfp: y/n is my spirit animal😭😭
@paigebueckers: i miss you being pregnant too 😖
↳ @aubrey.griffin44: the switch up is crazyyyyy
liked by creator
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liked by: paigebueckers, uconnwbb, ice.bradyy, jadagyamfi, and 501,789 more
caption: i love my wife 🫶🏽
tagged: paigebueckers
@kamoreaarnold: did her wrong w these pics😭😭
liked by creator
↳ paigebueckers: she think she funny whole time she not.. but im getting her back
↳ y/n..bueckers: yeah ight
@paigebueckers: this was not even funny fr i didnt even crack a smile but i still love you
↳ y/n..bueckers: bye yk im funny
@jadagyamfi: cutest couple award
↳ y/n..bueckers: thank u jadess 🫶🏼🫶🏼🥹
↳ wbbbiggestfan: unexpected collab
@ice.bradyy: the second picture got me cryingg 😭😭
↳ y/n..bueckers: i had to put it in there😭😭
↳ paigebueckers: i got something for u just wait
↳ y/n..bueckers: Paige Madison Bueckers get out of my comment section challenge.
↳ aubrey.griffin: NAHHH the middle name is crazyyy me personallyyy
↳ janaelafy8: aubrey stop instigating (it is crazy tho)
@y/n..bueckers instagram story
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willamskayla_ replied to your story: ima make get u some more air forces cause wtf ..
@y/n..bueckers instagram story
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@kamoreaarnold replied to your story: 😭
thanks for reading all the way through!
265 notes · View notes
trevuorzegras · 7 months
━╋ MY RIGHT TO BE HELLISH, part three
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jealous by nick jonas
summary: In which the rumors of Quinn’s little brother Jack, and y/n y/l/n make him realize he’s jealous. (part 3/4)
pairings: quinn hughes x actress!reader
platonic!jack hughes x reader. social media au
faceclaim: dove cameron
prev part
next part
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newestupdates: Actress Y/n Y/l/n and NHL star Jack Hughes seen walking together in New Jersey. New couple alert? Thoughts? #baewatch #y/ny/l/n
tagged: yourusername, jackhughes
liked by _quinnhughes, njdevils, and others
yourusername: we are strictly friends, please do not stretch my interaction with a FRIEND to be something it is not.
↳ jackhughes: completely agree.
user1: this is a little weird.. yeah?
↳ user2: they’re celebrities get over it 💀
↳ user1: doesn’t mean people should assume who they are and aren’t dating. it’s weird to invade their personal lives like that.. user2
jackhughes: we are strictly platonic, this post is very uncomfortable for the both of us. we kindly ask to stay out of our personal lives.
liked by yourusername
user3: they’d be cute though
↳ _quinnhughes: no
*this comment has been deleted.*
user4: quinn is NOT slick 😭😭
user5: i feel so bad for them, this is so invasive.
lhughes_05: now this is weird
liked by yourusername, jackhughes, and others
_quinnhughes: they aren’t together
↳ user6: just say you want that to be you 😭
↳ _quinnhughes: i want that to be me
*this comment has been deleted.*
trevorzegras: yeah let’s not
↳ user8: trevor y/n + quinn shipper confirmed??
↳ trevorzegras: 😉 user8
user10: this is so disrespectful, take the post down atp. they can’t even live their lives without you guys butting into it.
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yourusername: me & jack are laughing AT you guys btw!! two people can be friends without dating. for all my jack & quinn girlies, here’s a snap i got from jack a few days ago. enjoy 🌤️
tagged: jackhughes, _quinnhughes
liked by lhughes_06, canucks, and others
user12: she’s so unserious i love her 😭😭
jackhughes: FRIENDS!! forever
↳ jackhughes: okay i was trying to be nice 😒
user13: wait cause quinn been looking extra FINE lately..
liked by yourusername
user15: her and quinn would be cute.. STOP
liked by lhughes_06
↳ user16: wait cause you’re onto something
↳ user17: luke liked this comment?? 🤔
lhughes_06: no pic credits for the second to last picture?
↳ yourusername: oh so you’re done lurking in my comments now, lukey??
↳ lhughes_06: no idea what you’re talking about, have you taken your crazy pill? yourusername
↳ yourusername: OH OKAY. lhughes_06
user18: why is no one talking about how good y/n looks??? let’s focus on her for a moment 🫣
liked by _quinnhughes
↳ user19: atta boy quinn with the slick comment like
user20: oh quinn is LURKING 😭
user21: what’s with the hughes lurking & liking in these comments..
next part
one more part, then the quinn series is complete! don’t be afraid to request using my ask box!
find my navigation, here!
check out my nhl masterlist, here!
taglist | @literatureluster @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle
418 notes · View notes
yujiqi · 3 months
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lee haeran x f!reader
synopsis: you're always your girlfriends #1 cheerleader at her games. she's in such a good mood after winning her game, she decides to show you her appreciation.
genre/s: smut, fluff at the end !
warnings: sub reader, slight hair pulling, eating out r.receiving, scissoring, praise, kinda slow burn
wc: 1.7k
a/n: literally seen nothing about her anywhereeee. there aren't even pics of her on pinterest sigh. so im taking matters into my own hands and writing this bc she is too fine and i need her BAD. enjoy :3
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bweeeeeep is the sound the whistle makes as your girlfriend, haeran, scores the winning point for the team. the crowd erupts in cheers as you spring up to your feet, running down the bleachers and onto the court to jump into her arms.
"baby i'm so proud of you!" you say kissing her cheek.
"i played my hardest just for you y/n/n" she flashes you that one smile before setting you down so she can hug you nicely. you smile as you're enveloped in her warmth, completely forgetting you guys are standing in the middle of a court.
"get a room, you two!" one of her teammates jokingly calls out. you stick your tongue out at her and turn back to haeran. her eyes are darted down towards your chest, your boobs perky in the top you wore today. you push her chin up with two fingers, "eyes up here." you say. she snorts, "you mean down here, shorty" she mocks the height difference between you guys. you only roll your eyes, used to the height jokes. "yeah yeah, let's go home" she kisses your temple before responding "yes ma'am" and puts her right hand to her forehead as if she's saluting. you giggle as you grab her toned arm and begin leading her to the locker room for her to get changed.
"good job today, guys!" you call out to the team before exiting the gym. "you need to shower first 'cause" you put your finger under your nose to tease her.
"baby i don't even stink, what are you on about" she laughs, nudging her arm against your shoulder as you walk side by side, finally getting to the entrance of the locker room.
"denial is a river in egypt" you shrug, smiling innocently at her before pushing her inside. "now hurry so we can leave!"
you wait for haeran outside the locker room and shes out within 10 minutes. she walks out, hair down and her bag slung over one shoulder, wearing a fitted black t-shirt. god she looks so fine. you can't help but imagine all the things you want her to do to you tonight.
"y/nnnn" she calls out, waving her hand in front of your face. you snap back from your thoughts. "head in the clouds?" she smirks down at you, stepping closer. "what's got you so distracted hmm?" she says lowly, snaking her arm around your waist and down to your ass, squeezing it. you gasp lightly, removing her arm from your waist.
"not here baby" you say, hushed voice filled with impatience and temptation.
fast forward to when you get home
the second the door shuts, haeran's already pulling you to the bedroom of your shared apartment. she gently pushes you onto the bed and presses her lips onto yours, climbing on top of you, trapping you between her legs. she caresses your jaw softly, making you melt upon her touch. you reach up to pull her closer, tangling your fingers in her short black hair, slightly tugging. she groans into the kiss, lips parted just enough for you to slip your tongue into her mouth. your tongues dance together, you guys occasionally giggling between kisses. her hand begins moving down slowly to your exposed chest. you wore a revealing top because you know what it does to haeran.
"god i've been wanting to rip this shirt off of you all night, you know that?" her fingers play with the buttons near your cleavage. "trying to distract me during my game huh?"
"did it work?" you tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "'cause i think it did." you smirk, pulling her back down to kiss you. this time it was different, there was more urgency but it was still soft and sensual. she unbuttons your shirt unnoticed and begins pulling it up. you break the kiss momentarily to allow her to remove it completely. you take this as an oppurtunity to switch positions so that you're on top, straddling her lap. your lips are connected once again and you wrap your arms around her neck to further deepen the kiss. her hand finds its way back onto your chest, causing you to slowly buck your hips against her, seeking friction. her lips move down to your jaw, then your neck, lightly sucking, before moving to your collarbone, then right above your right boob, your bra preventing her from going any further. her left hand swiftly moves behind your back to unclasp your bra, revealing your bare chest to her. a sight she's always looking forward to seeing.
"this never gets old," she says, looking up at you with glowing eyes looking like she's just won the lottery. "you're so beautiful, angel" you can only bite your lip, waiting for her to make her next move. with that, she takes your right boob into her mouth, sucking and kissing at the skin as she plays with your left nipple with her free hand. you throw your head back, moaning at the sensation, feeling the dampness between your legs increase. she moves to your left boob, giving it the same attention. you run your hand through her hair as you start rocking your hips against her again, hoping to somehow ease the neediness you're feeling.
"haeran," you breathe out, looking down at her as she's still at work, licking at your nipples. only then was it you realized she's still fully clothed. you tug at her shirt, urging her to remove it. she pulls away, almost frowning that you interrupted her. she pulls her shirt over her head, followed by her sports bra. before you can even make another move, she switches you guys over, ending up underneath her once again.
"i'm taking care of you tonight y/n, will you let me?" she reassures, pressing a kiss to your forehead. she's always been so sweet to you. when you two have sex, she's taking care of you majority of the time. she calls it the "special princess treatment" that only you can get. you love her more than words can explain.
you nod your head in response.
"good girl" she praises you, pecking your lips before she trails down your body with slow, wet kisses, making sure you feel each one, stopping right above the hem of your shorts.
"can i, love?" she looks up at you with her eyes. you nod your head again in response. "words, baby" she gently places a kiss to your inner thigh.
"yes, please" you whine, eager for her to just tear your shorts apart. she pulls your shorts down painfully slow but maybe it only feels that way because of how desperate you are.
"oh look at how wet you are for me" she says quietly, somehow also exclaiming. she kisses the fabric of your panties, right on top of your aching core.
"hae, stop teasing.. need you.." you whimper. you can tell she's enjoying taking her time with this and part of you likes it. she only hums, slowly sliding your panties down your legs. you hear her let out a small moan at the sight of your dripping cunt.
"so pretty," she presses another kiss to your inner thigh. "and all mine" she says before finally attaching her mouth to your swollen pussy. you moan instantly, your hand reaching for her hair to pull on. at last, you're being relieved of the deprivation of haeran's mouth. she spreads your lips with her calloused, slender fingers, getting a good look at you, making your face heat up. she licks a long stripe up the flesh before sucking on your clit. nothing in this world feels as good as haeran's tongue and that's a fact. you let out lewd sounds as she slips her tongue into your entrance. at this point, you've reached cloud 9. you're a moaning mess, bucking your hips into her face, seeking release.
"hae.. i'm close..!" is all you can manage to get out without sounds of pleasure escaping your lips. with one final suck on your clit, you cum all over her tongue. she's quick to lick it all up and swallow.
"tastes so good baby" she whispers, coming back up to kiss you passionately. you can taste yourself on her tongue. when she's on top of you like this, the size difference is so evident and it always turns you on. her long, slightly muscular arms, trapping you beneath her. you wrap your arms around her neck, pressing your hot bodies together as your lips move together. she pulls away, looking into your eyes lovingly.
"there's one more thing i wanna do" she smirks, removing her shorts and boxers. curiosity building up in you until you realize what is by the way she positions your legs, your pussies just cenimeters away from touching. you can already feel that sensation in your stomach, craving her cunt on top of yours. she lowers herself, closing the gap. you both let out sighs of relief. it feels almost as if this is what you were meant to do. she starts to move her hips and you move yours in sync with her. your pussies continue to rub and grind against each other deliciously. out of all the positions you do with haeran, scissoring is by far your favorite, sharing such an intimate moment, looking into each other eyes as your clits bump together.
"fuck hae, you feel so good" you moan, caressing her waist to guide her movements as she gets closer. the only sounds that can be heard throughout the room are your moans and your wet pussies colliding.
"y/n, m'gonna.. cum.." she breathes out as you guys' movements become messy and quick. with one more buck of her hips, you both cum. this orgasm is more intense than your previous one, feeling pure ecstasy as you guys ride out your climaxes, hips moving sensually against one another.
"look at that" she says in awe at the sight of your glistening pussies. she presses them together once again, mixing your cum together.
"i'm literally in love with you" you laugh out as she collapses on top of you.
"yeah?" she lifts her head from your chest, "i'm even more in love with you." she kisses your nose, wrapping her long limbs around you.
"what was that for anyway?" you question, wondering why she decided to do this tonight.
"for being my number one cheerleader."
"oh i love you"
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1025flora · 10 months
skz as your best friend who is (not so) secretly in love with you
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genre fluff , humor pairing ot8 skz x !femreader warnings not proofread
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"oh yeah yn is my best friend actually"
literally obsessed.
tries to hide the delulu (not good at it)
tells you about every single project he's working on
honestly just get married already???
most people think you're actually dating...
became your friend because he thought you were pretty, but stayed your friend because of a thousand other reasons
definitely takes notes for you when you're out
lots of dimple smiles when you do literally anything???
quiet in public, but the world time yapping champion when its just you two
will say the most cruel and slanderous thing while looking at you with the most loving eyes
texts random bad selfies with no context
gags and scoffs when people suggest you two as an item, but on the inside he's eeking
"send me that pic of you from earlier"
you may or may not be the only person on his private story
attends every single event you're involved in, no matter how inconvenient it would be for him
soonie, doongie, and dori adore you
buddy (romantic)
thinks about you every second of his day
"hey look what i made!!"
needs everybody to know that you are his best friend
"she even asked me for the time..." *fist pump*
doesn't pressure you to go to the gym with him but he reeeaaaallyyyyyy wants you to
"do u hate me" texts in the middle of the night
swings his legs when you guys call
waits for you outside your classes so you can walk in between periods together
wants to be nonchalant and cool and mysterious about you SO BAD but he fails
ouh this man is delulu!!!
has your future lives planned out in a pinterest board
sketches you in class
"hey babe" when you are BOTH single
late night grocery store runs for no reason... he just likes how you look at night
"i forgot my wallet🥺" typa man
fully convinced you do not and will not love him romantically
a textbook hopeless romantic
will wait for you outside in any weather. coldfront, heatwave, rain, shine, that man is THERE
all the nicknames... like definitely calls you "blondie" if you're blonde
so nervous around you even though you two are best friends???
writes songs for you all the time, terrified to show you
one day wishes to sing every single one to you
"good morning!" "how was your day pook?!" "good night <3" every. single. day. never misses
prefers to just stay in and talk with you, about anything
"bbama misses youuuu" whenever you aren't at his house
you do make him flustered most of the time
a couple playlists made just for you tucked in his spotify library
wants to call you all the couple names but afraid you'll hate it
talks about you with the guys (they are SICK of it)
his thoughts towards you are just the lyrics of gorgeous by taylor swift
tells you absolutely EVERYTHING
5 paragraph essay about his day every night
and yes expects the exact same from you...
you text on discord (sorry)
makes treats just for you in secret
in any setting that you aren't in, he calls you his
makes video memos for you when you're gone and secretly hopes you'll do the same
his sisters tease him daily about how he talks about you, but he doesn't care
wants everybody but you to know he loves you
his second favorite color is your favorite color
all of the confidence and sly in his attitude vanishes as soon as you walk into the room
your personal butler
holds your hand just 'cause
"this would look so good on you"
you two share headphones everywhere
head on your shoulder, chin on your shoulder, oh and definitely elbow on your shoulder
matches his jewelry to yours
at karaoke, he points and sings at you for the love songs, but you usually think he's joking
will love you unconditionally forever, even if you never feel the same
"but you looked hot...? why are you changing"
weirdly confident around you, like his attitude changes when you walk into the room
loves to do your makeup, and vice versa
he jokes so much that you think he's sarcastically in love, little do you know it's all from the heart
brings you coffee every morning at school/work
"this song reminded me of you"
makes sure your outfits coordinate
you are his princess!!!!! in every sense of the word!!!
a/n omg first post here..... hope u guys like it 🙏 reblog or like if you read puhlease
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annymation · 7 months
Fun facts about “Kingdom of Wishes” characters
I’m bored, so have some random facts about the characters from my wish rewrite!
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Random picture just cause I like to have eye catching pics as “thumbnails” for my blogs and also I can totally see my version of Asha making this pose.
Anyway, if you haven’t read my Kingdom of Wishes- A Wish Rewrite then this post might not make much sense, feel free to read it anyway though, there’s no spoilers.
On to the fun facts!
Asha sometimes sits hunched over when she's drawing. Her friends constantly have to remind her to keep her back straight otherwise she'll get a bad posture.
After Simon gave away his wish and became… Well, sleepy, she had to become the voice of reason in their group, the big sister in a way, since she was now the eldest. She wasn’t that good at leading before though so she left most of it to Dahlia.
Asha's favorite color is purple, obviously, and she dresses in purple for her birthday, however, her second favorite color that she also wears often is orange.
She's not very good interacting with kids, believe it or not, of course she likes kids, but she has a hard time knowing how to play with them.
Asha did meet the king in person ONCE before her 18th birthday… I’ll leave it at that.
Aster 💫
Aster is canonically the star Lacaille 8760
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Picked this one because it looks like he’s boxed up in the middle of other brighter stars that make up the Microscope constellation, and yeah there is a microscope constellation and it’s straight up just a square. He’s one of the nearest stars to the Sun, at about 12.9 light-years' distance, however his light is so faint it’s almost impossible to see with the naked eye.
2. Aster’s eyes can see what people desire, more clearly if he holds the person’s hand, like an empath, but even without touching the person he can see what they want, but only if he focus, and the way he sees it is like words surrounding the person.
3. I said this once in a ask but I’ll say it again, I see Aster and Rapunzel’s powers as connected, not that all Disney movies are connected with KOW, but Tangled at least is pretty close. So, Rapunzel got her powers from a sun drop, right? Well, the sun is a star, we can assume she has star powers. My point is that if Aster was to sing the Rapunzel’s healing song they’d glow and heal any injured person around, and make the elderly younger, Magnifico sure didn’t know that though because if he did he’d just do what Gothel did and lock Aster up.
4. Aster could hear Asha reading stories with Sabino every night, and that’s one of the many ways they became interested in human culture.
5. Aster often annoyed some stars by complaining that their constellations didn’t look like what humans called them as, like the Cetus constellation doesn’t look like a sea monster, or the Leo constellation didn’t look like a lion, even though the stars had no control over how humans saw them as and they couldn’t change their positions in the sky.
Magnifico 🫧
Magnifico could look younger if he drank his wife's rejuvenating potions, but they taste horrible and every time she drinks them (Twice a year) she screams in agony like her insides are burning, only to then turn to him with a smile and ask "Want some, my love?" and he just replies with "... Thanks dear, but I think I'll stick with my skincare routine."
Most of his "passionate king" persona he got from copying his brother's mannerisms, after all, his father always said he should be more like his little brother.
He kinda hates that little hair strand coming out on his forehead, but no matter how much hair gel he applies on it, the hair strand always comes back... Also his brother had an identical one.
Kings and queens in Rosas usually don't wear crowns, as the culture is for them to feel close to the people, not above them. However, Magnifico gifted Amaya with a tiara, that has a red garnet on her forehead, red garnets are associated with love, passion, and desire, but it has also been known to represent other things such as courage, strength, and protection. Basically he gave her a lucky charm. He also gave her the sash with the drawing of a moon she wears on her waist, it used to be his when he was a prince.
I can’t for the life of me decide which one of these Magnifico would wear to sleep:
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I can see him wearing either of them. Same for Amaya.
Amaya 👑
1.Amaya pretty much had to teach Magnifico how to be a likable figure. I implied it a little bit in the story with Magnifico saying stuff like “Well, I did have the best teacher” to Amaya after he made a little acting scene on chapter “When Blue Turns Green”. Point is, before meeting her Magnus was pretty much an antisocial, reclusive prince that avoided even being seen in public. For him to become the larger than life, enthusiastic king we know in the story he and Amaya had to practice his social skills a lot, think of it like Belle teaching the Beast proper manners, Amaya changed him… But for the worst.
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2.Like I explained on her backstory, Amaya is from Greece, and she committed some very serious crimes over there. So every time Rosas receives visitors from Greece Amaya puts on the hood of her cloak over her head during the wish ceremonies. It’s kinda funny, any other wish ceremony she looks normal, but whenever Greek people are around she goes:
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3.I imagine some fun shenanigans must have happened over the years with Amaya’s potions going wrong, like she tests it on a rat and it turns into a giant rat running around the castle, or she mislabels the potions and drinks one that turns her into a worm 🐛 so Magnifico gotta prove he’d love her even if she was a worn and turn her back to normal.
4.Amaya is kinda like the moon in this story, because the moon doesn’t shine every night, in some phases the moon is barely visible, just like how Amaya is most of the time more in the background while Magnifico shines like the sun, but, when it IS her time to shine, just like a full moon, she outshines Magnifico himself.
5.She likes to feel comfy, she often walks around the castle with no shoes on most of the time but no one can tell because of her long dress.
Aaaand that’s all I got, hope you guys like this additional content, might inspire some fun asks hehe 😜
Thank You For Reading!
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jordanraye47 · 6 months
Team e-scope headcanons
Eva unintentionally dresses like a f-boy. Like with all those gym clothes someone will confuse her with some mf named jason or Lucas.
Also she most definitely had short hair. Like a pixie cut or smth. Goes along with the f-boy thing.
Despite how much Noah reads, he can go to a bookstore store, buy 8 books and read like 2 of them before deciding that it’s time for a new trip.
Speaking of bookstores. Noah has taken izzy to a bookstore with him. He has never seen her read a book, or anything in fact. But it ended with her trying to recommend him books rather than her taking any books for herself.
And it’s the most random ass books known to man. She’ll come up to him and it’s like a book of algebra formulas and say like ‘did you know that i read this in middle school, yeah, it was really boring though. Except the introduction, i read that multiple times.’ idk she’s a weird girl.
Speaking of izzy. This girl can not tan for the life of her. Like she can live in spain or ecuador and only get this absurd amount of freckles. (i will reblog with a pic cause i can’t add it here for some reason [it will be the end of me i swear tumblr hates me])
Izzy js like ‘turns off’ at some points. Like not passes out, she js goes completely quiet and acts completely normal and calm for like an hour and it creeps everyone out.
She also said in total drama that she had psychosis in the total drama after math. And psychosis is a trauma developed disorder (taught from my physiologist) but literally no one knows what it came from. Like not even herself, it just came at one point according to her.
Noah definitely lets his hair grow out, mostly because without noticing himself. It’s usually his mom who cuts it but she practically drags his hair out of his scalp when she does so he tires to avoid that. Resulting in him having long ass hair. Like not as in pony tail hair but we’ve all seen his hair on total drama.
Izzy has gone to the gym with eva before but izzy does nothing but just walk around and use whatever she finds for her whatever she wants. Like she definitely somehow found monkey bars out of nowhere. (And she’s strong as fuck, we’ve seen her on TDWT she’s strong. But nobody knows how she exercises, and she refuses to tell.)
And they have a group chat i just know it. And Both noah and eva are the driest texters known to man. They will not use emojis even if their life depended on it. And i feel like izzy is either extremely dry or so dramatic all her texts turn into a greek play. She’s either like; ‘YALL GUESS WHO I FUCKING FOUND‼️’ or ‘i found a fucking dead frog and i think someone ate his hair’
pt 2
also sorry that i had too much izzy she’s my favourite 😔
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SUMMARY: you look so pretty when your in your sleep and that gives jungkook a morning wood luckily you are there to help him with this problem ,but Jimin seems to be a bit jealous you started without him
PAIRINGS: reader and jikook are in open relationship.
SMUT WARNINGS : Jungkook loves morning sex , jikook likes giving Hickeys to reader , SQUIRTING, missionary , doggy style , unprotected sex .
A/N: @gyukookswhore has turned 1 month old today yayy!!!!and the pic Jimin posted on Jungkook's bday i knew i had to write something about them . Also thanks to @jungk97kwife for making the beautiful banner . please don't forget to leave feedbacks it means so much to me , Like and reblog sweet pies 🥺❤️
You were sleeping peacefully on the bed draped in your red silk sheets . Jungkook who had been now rustling in the sheets for past few minutes, waking up he saw sleeping peacefully while he admired you causing him to have his usual morning wood , you groaned waking up when he started kissing your neck softly kissing and licking the hickeys given by him and Jimin .
Yesterday night Jimin had been working on his new music album , he had came home late when he saw you both awake and you were getting moody seeing him looking so hot in normal sweatpants and T-shirt . You had sex with both of them , Cumming really soon because you have been ovulating.
Oh Jimin , he was an early riser he had went to the kitchen for making breakfast for the both. Of you . You moaned waking up to see jungkook smiling “ Good morning baby” he softly said still in his boxers and draped in the slim sheets “Good morning kook” you said while kissing his the kiss soon turned into a make out session.
While you slept in your black two piece lingerie they were soon thrown on the ground with jungkook going down on you “ Baby is still so wet from last night did you have fun yesterday? We both fucked you hard didn’t we ?” He asked while messily kissing your clit slowly going to lick your folds while you moaned his name “kook your so good with your tongue” you said grabbing his hair to keep him in the place he kept sucking you .
“Started without me ?” Jimin rasped , loose grey sweatpants hanging on his hips while holding coffee and waffles for the three of you . “ Join us Hyung she is pretty wet right now got her all messy for us” jungkook said casually right before going to suck on your clit
making you hiss in pleasure.
“ Be good for us yeah Jagi ?” Jungkook said while going back in his knees to give Jimin some space . Jungkook dragged you to middle of the bed so he can have some space near your face he slowly stroked himself with his Calvin Klein boxers still on while Jimin made some space between your thighs , teasing you just by licking your clit and ignoring your whines . “ Jimin need your fingers in me please Baby” you whined telling him you would cum soon .
While jungkook took his phone from his side of the nightstand just so he could record you and Jimin . “ Baby look here and tell Hyung he is doing good” he said while phone is still in his hands . “ I’m cumming jimin” you said warning him , “ let go baby did so good for me” you soon came just by jimin teasing your cunt with tongue.
“ My turn Hyung wanna be inside her right now” jungkook said while rubbing him self . “ go ahead kook she is all ours but make sure she doesn’t pass out wanna fuck her too” he said chuckling . “ Kook want you now” you said slowly rubbing your pussy . “ Gonna fuck you now babygirl” jungkook slowly eased himself inside you “ good baby?” He asked while you nodded , jungkook started fucking you faster your moans were now getting louder.
“ Suck me while kookie fucks you baby your mouth can take me right?”he asked while moving towards your mouth “ kook let’s switch can you fuck me from the back baby wanna suck his cock” you asked with tears filling in your eyes on how good jungkook was fucking you he nodded slapping your tits and telling you to turn over “ show that ass of yours baby” . You turned over and started sucking Jimins cock while kook fucked you from behind groaning on how tight and warm your pussy was .
You stroked Jimin telling him to go slowly “wanna cum on that pussy baby” Jimin moaned “ slow gonna make me cum fast” he rasped “ Jungkook you close ?” He asked moaning when you sucked his tip “yeah I think will be there in few pussy so good makes me cum fast” Jimin slowly moved back telling you to just enjoy.
While jungkook was gonna come he told you to turn around his hard cock now slipped out of you while you rubbed your clit the both of them were jerking of moans slipping from their mouths they both soon came cumming over your pussy and their breaths now were fastened while you squirted moaning both of their names .
Jungkook hovered above you kissing your cheeks “ A very very good morning baby .. .. let’s get you cleaned up” he said while Jimin helped you to get up from the bed and kissed your cheeks telling him you did great “ freshen up bun I’ll warm the food for us” he said already getting out of the bed .
You were brushing your teeth when jungkook ran a bath for you in the back “ are you okay Y/n do you feel a bit sore ? Want me to massage you when you get out of the shower ?” He asked sweetly . You hummed telling him he can light those vanilla and clove candles with soft music on the side . “ Yes baby would do anything for you “ he cheerfully said adding your favourite fruity shower gel in the bath .
You were soon out of the bath got ready to spend the day with them , chatting on how you want to watch animated movies with both of them and enjoy the sunset .
“ jungkook , Jimin how about we take bam to see sunset near the beach how does it sound ?” You asked taking a bite of waffles Jimin heated up for you . “ yeah sure baby let’s take him we also need to take him to the groomer” soon finishing your breakfasts you were spending time with both of them Jimin occasionally going out for his office calls while jungkook made sure to cuddle you from the side and laying his head on the shoulder .
“ Baby you wanted massage right let’s go ? Jimin hyung can join us later after finishes “ he said softly you nodded telling him to light sone candles while you can go tell him . “ Bam come let’s go to the room” . You came in the house back as Jimin was still in the backyard telling bam to come up with you .
You entered taking in the scented candles and perfumes smell with your body essential oil laying in a try besides your bed on the nightstand “ Come fast jagi” jungkook said sitting on the bed only in his grey sweatpants showing his Calvin Klein boxers and gently biting his lips .
Bam ran towards his dad licking his just like hasn’t seen him since ages even tho he was spending his whole day with him you giggled seeing them . Bam then rested on the bed you had brought for him across the bedroom and dozzing of from time to time . You came and rested on the bed removing your T-shirt and sleeping on your stomach . “ jagi I’m gonna unclasp your bra is it okay ?” Jungkook , the man he is …….he made sure you were comfortable and joking on how he had seen everything and has fucked you so many times .
“ I just wanna make sure your fine with it baby” he giggled and soon started massaging your shoulders and going towards your calf slowly and gently massaging them “ kook your so good” you moaned appreciating him . Jimin had soon joined you on the bed kissing your cheeks and telling you both about the mv theme .
Soon your massage session can to an end when you all three decided to go to the beach just near the house with bam , you dressed up casually wearing shorts and some loose white top which belonged to Jimin and tyed your hair in a messy bun .
You four sat on the beach admiring the beautiful sunset giggling and talking about how you three had meet each other for the first time . The night soon rolls up . Jungkook insisted on making a ramen bowl for all of you . Thanking him you kissed his cheeks telling him how grateful you are and how much you love him . Jimin had bam in his arms as he was just 3 months old saying he is my baby he might be tired from all the walking you both giggled telling it’s fine you can hold him too.
please like , comment, reblog sweeties <3
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eternalreignblog · 3 months
Clarke blackmails Lexa into sleeping with her otherwise she will release her nudes
Lexa's pulse shoots through the roof when she gets a response from Clarke instead of Costia.
She can't believe how careless she was, 'Clarke' is right next to 'Costia' in her contact list and instead of sending the mirror topless pic to her girlfriend, she'd inadvertantly sent it to her colleague.
Her colleague who was going for the same promotion.
The panic starts to rise within her as she opens Clarke’s message.
Is this your way of bribing me to drop out of the promotion race? Cause I bet if I send this to Kane he'd be mighty disappointed in you Lexa...
Lexa could read the sarcasm in the text, picturing Clarke’s arrogant smirk as her eyes traced the ominous message.
Lexa was sure Clarke would send it to their boss too, that was just the kind of calculated, manipulating tactic she would use to get ahead.
That was meant for Costia! You can't send it to Kane!
Lexa typed out desperately.
I don't know Lexa... it's mighty offensive to receive unsolicited nudes from a work colleague...
Bullshit. Lexa knew Clarke was probably jerking off to her pic right now. Asshole.
Lexa sighed in resignation. Clarke held all the cards here, and Lexa was going to have to play her game if she wants to keep her job.
What do you want?
Nerves wrack her as she waits to hear Clarke’s demands.
She didn't have to wait long.
I'm bored tonight. How about you entertain me.
Lexa stares at the message for a moment. Before she can ask what it means, another message comes through.
319 Arkadia drive. Apartment 7. Be here in an hour.
What the fuck. Lexa’s eyes were as wide as saucers. Clarke wanted her to go to her apartment?
Lexa weighs her options. She could do nothing and potentially lose her job. She could go to Clarke’s apartment and see what she wants. She could tell Costia... no. Not an option. Costia is the jealous type and won't take this well at all. Plus, she's away on business, she never has to know.
Deciding, Lexa looks at her watch. She has 45 minutes to get to Clarke’s place.
Lexa looks up at the door in front of her, barely registering how she got here.
Before she could knock, the door swings open, revealing a smug looking Clarke, dressed casually in loose shorts and t shirt.
"You actually showed up?" Clarke sounds both surprised and amused as she looks Lexa up and down, eyebrow raising as she took in the skinny jeans and white tank Lexa was wearing.
"What do you want, Clarke?" Lexa asks, getting straight to the point.
"Exactly what I said," Clarke turns and walks into her apartment, clearly expecting Lexa to follow. Closing the door behind her, Lexa ventured into Clarke’s domain, taking in the simple decor.
Clarke plopped down on the sofa, looking back at Lexa who was now standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room.
"I want you-" Clarke pointed at Lexa, "to entertain me," she capped off by pointing to herself.
"And how am I supposed to do that?" Lexa asked, starting to get annoyed.
"Take your clothes off,"
"I- what?" Lexa stared incredulously at Clarke, barely believing her ears.
"You heard me. You sent me that pic, now I want to see more. It's your fault, really,"
"I'm not a stipper!" Lexa protested, but was faced with Clarke’s signature smirk.
"Then I guess Kane is gonna see your tits. Your choice," Clarke laughed at her own joke, Lexa seethed.
"Fine," Lexa spat, ripping her tank top over her head and starting to unbutton her jeans.
"Whoa, slow down there. I want to enjoy this," Clarke said, eyes locked on Lexa's bra covered chest.
Grumbling, Lexa complied. Turning aroind and bending over as she dragged her jeans down her legs.
"Fuck yeah, that's it," Clarke’s voice had gone husky, and Lexa felt a small thrill at enticing that reaction out of her. "Turn around and take your bra off."
Lexa turned, seeing Clarke with her hand in her shorts, staring at her like a piece of meat. She slowly unhooked her bra, sliding it down her arms as Clarke ogled her.
Never in a million years would Lexa have ever pictured herself in this position, standing in Clarke’s living room wearing nothing but her lacy black panties.
Lexa waited for the next instruction, watching Clarke stroke herself in her shorts as she stared at Lexa's body.
"You're pretty fucking hot, you know that, Lexa," Clarke complemented, "take your panties off for me,"
Hooking her thumbs under the soft lace, Lexa complied.
And that's how she found herself completely naked in front of her biggest work rival.
Lexa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to settle herself. When she opened them again, Clarke was on her feet. Lexa could see the outline of Clarke’s cock in her shorts and an involuntary gush of wetness hit her at the sight.
She cursed her body for responding to Clarke, but she had to grudgingly admit the other woman was hot.
Clarke was in front of her now, hands raising to cup her breasts.
Fingers pinched her nipples and Lexa fought hard to contain a moan, not wanting Clarke to know how turned on she was.
"Much nicer in person," Clarke said as she moved around Lexa, hands groping and touching as she went.
"This is your best asset, though," Clarke said as she grabbed a handfull of Lexa's ass before giving it a slap, causing Lexa to yelp in surprise.
Clarke chuckled at her reaction, coming around to face her again.
"You tease me every day with your tight jeans and fuck me eyeliner," Clarke’s hands found their way to Lexa's hips, "no way that tit pic was an accident," she added as one of her hands slipped between Lexa's legs.
This time, Lexa couldn't contain the moan as Clarke’s fingers slid easily through her folds, spreading her arousal and feeling her swollen clit.
"Fuck, I knew you wanted me," Clarke’s husky voice was laced with arousal, "you're fucking soaked," Clarke said, sounding smug.
Clarke’s fingers were working magic between her legs, dipping into her wet pussy and circling her clit. She had to put her hands on Clarke’s shoulders to maintain her balance as Clarke fingered her.
"I need to fuck you," Clarke stated, spinning Lexa around. Before Lexa's brain could catch up, she was bent over the sofa with Clarke behind her, one hand on her hip, the other shoving her shorts down her legs.
Lexa could do nothing to stop is as Clarke lined up her cock and pressed forward. There was little resistance as Lexa was well lubricated, Clarke sliding easily into her pussy.
"Oh fuck, Lexa. You're so tight," Clarke praised as she slowly fucked into Lexa, going an inch further each stroke until she was buried deep and Lexa could feel her balls resting against her pussy lips.
Lexa had to take deep breaths. Clarke was much bigger than anything she'd taken before, and so thick she could feel the stretch.
Clarke held herself deep for a few moments, as though she was savoring the feeling.
"I'm going to fuck you hard now," she warned, slapping Lexa's ass. She pulled back until just the tip was inside before slamming back in, jolting Lexa forward on the sofa.
After a few more deliberate strokes, Clarke took off, pounding Lexa into the sofa woth strong, powerful strokes. Lexa had never been fucked like this before, hard and dirty, and a part of her knew that this had unlocked something within her.
Lexa was so fucking turned on.
Clarke’s cock was pistoning into her and she gave up on holding in her arousal. She screamed out and reached underneath herself to rub her clit.
"Oh fuck, Clarke, you're cock feels so fucking good," Lexa said breathlessly, pushing back onto Clarke’s thrusts as she worked her clit.
"I knew you wanted it, walking around the office so prissy. Bet your girlfriend doesn't fuck you like this," Clarke taunted as she changed the angle, pumping down into Lexa with abandon.
Lexa didn't want to admit how right Clarke was. Costia and her made love, and until now, Lexa never knew how much she needed someone to just fuck her.
"Just shut up and fuck me," Lexa shot back at her, feeling the threads of pleasure weave through her body.
Clarke landed a slap on Lexa ass that echoed around the apartment. "I'll fuck you how I want to," Clarke said arrogantly, pulling out of Lexa and causing her to whine at the loss of contact.
Clarke manhandled Lexa onto her back on the sofa, holding her legs apart as she stood over her.
"I want to watch you when you cum on my cock," Clarke said as she slid her dick back into Lexa.
Lexa looked up at Clarke, noting she'd lost her shirt at some point, and Lexa now had a view of her spectacular rack, bouncing deliciously as she fucked her.
"Clarke.." Lexa cried, sliding a hand up to pinch her own nipple as Clarke’s dick created incredible friction in her cunt.
"So hot, gonna fill you with my cum," Clarke murmered, letting go of one of Lexa's legs to play with her clit, thumb flicking over the sensitive bud as she pumped her hips into her.
"Cum on my dick, Lexa, I know you want to," Clarke was timing her thrusts and her thumb in such a way that Lexa was hurtling towards the edge at lightning pace.
"I'm close, oh fuck, don't stop," Lexa gripped the sofa in her fist, holding on for dear life as Clarke fucked her brains out.
Lexa cried out as her climax hit, rolling her hips into Clarke as the pleasure spread through her. She felt her pussy clenching on Clarke's cock, the other woman pausing her thrusts to take advantage of the feeling.
"That's it, let go," Clarke crooned, slowly pumping her hips to ride Lexa through her orgasm. "God, I could watch you cum on my cock all day," Clarke said, picking up the pace as Lexa's pulsing slowed down.
Lexa's mind was just coming down from the high, and before she knew it, Clarke had stepped it up, clearly chasing her own orgasm as she fuck Lexa harder and faster than ever before.
"Oh fuck, ahhhhhhh, oohhhhhh," Lexa could do nothing but go along for the ride as Clarke unceremoniously pounded into her, holding her by the ankles as she slammed her hips into Lexa's over and over.
"Gonna cum in you, get ready," Clarke grunted thrusts getting erratic as she got close.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Clarke jolted, slamming into Lexa one last time and her cock pulsed, releasing her seed into her waiting pussy.
"Oh yeah, take it," Clarke huffed, giving her hips a few more pumps, making sure every last drop had been deposited inside Lexa's cunt.
They lay there, Clarke above Lexa, Lexa’s legs spread wide, both breathing heavy as they came down.
The gravity of the situation hadn't settled in yet. At some point, Lexa would have to face the fact that she just cheated on her girlfriend. With her work rival. But that time was not now. Now, Lexa was just revelling in the afterglow of the best fucking she had ever had.
Clarke’s dick softened and withdrew from Lexa's pussy with a rush of combined fluids.
Clarke stood, holding her hand out for Lexa to take, lifting her to her feet.
"Care to take a shower?" Clarke asked, voice softer than it had been before.
"Yeah, yeah. I think I need it," Lexa said lightly, motioning to the mess between her legs.
Clarke smiled at her, almost affectionately as she led her towards her bathroom.
"I've got some clothes you can wear after if you want to stay, and, you know, hang out for a bit," Clarke offered almost tentatively, and Lexa found, rather surprisingly, that she wanted to.
"Yeah, I think I'd like that," she said.
"Don't worry, either. I'll delete the pic you sent," Clarke said as she started the shower running.
Lexa's impulses took over as she pulled Clarke to her.
"Don't. I want you to keep it," she said, taking note of the shock in Clarke’s eyes as she pulled her in for a feiry kiss.
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 9 months
how many more content creators are going to be accused of being called a pedophile with no hard evidence, a police warrant, anything physical and it's by an anonymous tweet from some stranger online who would rather tell social media than I don't know... HAVE THEM GET ARRESTED BY THE POLICE?!
How many more creators, huh?! How many?! How many more YouTubers, twitch streamers, singers, animators, artists?! How many of you are gonna jump on them???? And it's so easy if it's a guy, right? So easy! And no matter how they react, whether it's calm and calculated, shutting down their channel as a whole, or answering immediately yet obviously angry about it- they are always ALWAYS GUILTY. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? And eo is this person? That they are willing to fan the flames and accuse someone of something so terrible online??? Who are u?????
Why do this now? Why do it how at the HEIGHT of Forever's popularity? Why not do it before so he was never on the qsmp or even long before that? Or in the middle at all???? Why now? That is my question? If this is all true, why now? And why use social media? Why not go to the police if he really did a crime? You are accusing someone of a very terrible thing. Why not do it properly instead of searching for Internet clout? What're we supposed to do? The only thing we can, huh? Cancel. Because that's what u want. Is to cancel him. When he was obviously so loved by the masses yesterday. When he had all those cruise pic photos showing how good his life was. Yeah, I don't think u want him arrested or lynched. No, u want to cancel him. Making me wonder if there was ever a real çrime.
Which I wonder quite often with these cases.
And GUYS. HEADS UP! You know whose next? Hm? It'll probably be Wilbur, probably being said that he approached some underage girl on tour or whatever. Or maybe it'll be quackity or hell, even Philza! Oh, Etoiles got cancelled not so long ago, let's cancel him again! Oh what about Bagerha or Cellibit? Let's throw Charlie into the mix. Ironmouse will be hard to cancel cause she's been locked inside of her room all her life and has a very dedicated fanbase, but I'm sure you bastards will find something.
So mhm, everyone is nexted because antis have proven it to be so easy to get rid of someone they don't like. Gone the next day. All of them are suspectable to it. Cause u know why? Cause they are stupid humans who have said stupid shit! And you will just take anything they said and did and run with it!!! Every time! So it's only a matter of time until someone new gets targeted. And depending on how tough skinned they are, they will disappear in a matter of seconds.
Let's just throw all of qsmp away while we're at it! No more eggs, no more community, blah blah blah! Something problematic will happen and you all will jump on it and say 'oh, I never liked them anyway'. Which is such a lie! Such bullshit, u are all bullshitters.
And I know for a fact that y'all aren't saints. We have all said disgusting jokes. Race, lgbt, whatever! We've all done it- don't lie! Here, I'll go first. I joked about a school shooting the other day with my friends. There, cancel me. I gave you the ammunition, now take your fucking shot.
This happens every god damn time someone u enjoy gets popular too fast. They get called a pedo, or a racist, or a transphobe or anything easy to spark the mob. I have seen it time and time again with creators running away because theyve been chased off their respective platforms. I saw an artists make the most beautiful art ever, get accused of being a pedo by one person, everyone joined in for some reason and chased her away. I will never not be bitter about that. I HATE ALL OF YOU WHO DID SUCH A THING AND IF I EVER GOT MY HANDS ON YOU I SWEAR TO GOD. But I am sick of people 'finding' or bringing shit to light or whatever and then just post it online! Like fuck! If he really did a crime! Arrest him! But he didn't, did he? Cause that's the fucking game we are playing rn.
Such hypocrites, it's fascinating. Literally yesterday you were kissing this mans feet and exhaling him, but one anon person saw that and chose violence. And you just.... changed your minds???? Like that? Like a switch of a button? Crazy, actually crazy, and childish.
How come everyone flips and flops so easily on the internet??? How is it so easy for you????? And how can u other supposed fans just accept it so easily??? I will never understand and I will bite and claw at all of you. You all loved him 24 hours ago and now with the bare minimum of evidence you flip? You all would be terrible on jury duty. I hope none of you ever get on jury duty.
Anyway, I'll probably get a ton of backlash from this post and delete it later, waking up in the morning with tons of hate. But I don't care. Prove him guilty. Get the hard evidence that he is a pedo and I will believe it when I see it. Have him be in damn cuffs. Get the mugshot. If that is at all true! But I'm not putting my life and art on pause for conveniently timed discourse.
Maybe I'll delete this post tomorrow. But now I'm fuming at all of you.
And yeah, as for me, I had a shit disgusting last year, qsmp and especially forever was one of the few things that got me out of it and calmed me down. And you guys are going to be talking about how wrong and problematic the things he said that was (what was it?) 8 years ago!!! Then guess what, I love a very problematically spoken parent that would make all of you quake and vomit the moment she opened her mouth. But also, that woman saved me from being homeless. For giving me a place to stay after being DEPORTED. So, if u need a little kindergarten lesson today, internet, is that people will say all sorts of horrible cancelable shit, but it's what they actually do, that really matters.
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resowrites · 1 year
Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry attempts to put a cot together…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2099
A/N: Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
The noises from the nursery were growing louder and louder. Eventually, she decided she'd have to go investigate. She pushed back the door to find Henry in the middle of the room, kneeling over a booklet of instructions. Nuts, bolts, and long planks of wood were scattered everywhere. "Good God, it sounded like a gorilla enclosure in here… I'll have to put a picture of you on the wall with all the other animals—"
"I'm trying to put this sodding cot together, okay?! The instructions are a bloody nightmare…"
"Well, can I help? Surely it can't be that difficult, it's only four sides after all."
"No, it's fine. I don't want you doing any lifting—"
"Well that's not like you…" He rolled his eyes.
"Still, I'd rather we erred on the safe side." She huffed and leaned against the wall while Henry muttered to himself. "Take a seat, I want you off your feet."
"Yes, m'lord! Shall I have a kip while I'm at it?" He locked eyes with her again.
"Why, are you feeling tired? Darling you must rest—"
"Henry I was joking! Stop being such a fusspot. And hand me those instructions or they'll have left home by the time you're finished." Henry sighed but handed her them nonetheless. "Right, first thing's first, do we have all the parts?" He cast a glance around him.
"As far as I can tell—"
"Good, now do you understand that a failure to heed the warnings and follow the assembly instructions could cause serious injury and/or death?"
"Will you just get on with it?!"
"Calm your knickers! If you want I'll wait while you go look for a hard hat…" Henry harrumphed. "Okay, so first you're gunna want to attach middle rear leg E to middle panel A1…" She looked at the pieces dotted around his feet. "Those two bits there, you'll also need three fifty-five millimetre bolts—"
"Fifty-five? That can't be right…" He grabbed the booklet from her hands.
"I think you'll find it is. And don't forget the Allen key—"
"Yes, I know that! Bloody woman pointing out the obvious…" Henry mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, love. Right, what now?" He finished tightening the last screw and awaited the next instruction.
"Okay, you need to insert three wooden dowels into those holes…" Henry looked up and eyed her suggestively. "Oh, stop it! And they need to go there, not in those ones."
"… Are you sure we aren't having sex?" She rolled her eyes.
"Right, you now need to attach slats H through four with five dowels."
"Just five?"
"Yes you gobshite, now do as you're bloody told—" He tutted.
"Fine, where do they need to be slotted?"
"Well bend over and I'll take a look—"
"Lovely, are there any more you want me to stick up there?!"
"Yeah, bars F, G, thirteen, and four need to go on the other side. Come on, shift it, I don't have all day!" Henry scrambled for the right pieces and hammered them into position. "You can also take your tank top off if you want, make things a bit more exciting…"
"I thought you weren't in the mood?"
"Well, it's hardly a turn-on having to tell you what to do—"
"Since when?! And give me that, if you can follow it it should be a piece of piss…"
"Should be but isn't." She bit back a laugh when he looked up at her annoyed.
"Christ, I don't understand any of this… why would the forty-five-millimetre bolts need to go in the back and not the longer ones?"
"Cos longer's usually better?"
"Oh just shut up and hand me six of the M6 bolts please!"
"You sure they're the right ones and not just the ones you want to use? Anyway, you're closer, I thought you didn't want me to lean down?!" Henry huffed. "Nope, those aren't the right ones…" He snapped to his feet.
"Fine! You do it Miss Smart Arse, seeing as I'm the one who apparently can't read instructions—"
"Well are you sure you're reading the English side, not the French?" Henry turned to storm off. "Whoa there Nelly, I was only joking. God, what's gotten into you? Why are you taking this so seriously?"
"Because I want to be able to do as much as I can for you both. It's bad enough I'm already forty—"
"Wait, hang on. What do you mean?" He looked down at the floor, his eyes beginning to well.
"I mean, I'll be an older dad Ollie. I won't get the same amount of time with them as you will…" She tilted her head sadly and cupped Henry's face in her hands. "Then there'll be the times I won't be here and that'll rob me of them even more."
"Oh, darling. Look… nothing in life is promised. What I do know for sure is they'll be surrounded by so much love. You're going to be a fantastic dad, Henry. There's no one else I'd rather have in your place. Well… no one I've met." They smirked at each other.
"You're right. Besides, you could always go first…" She kicked him in the shin.
"As if I'd get that lucky! Remember though, I work for myself and you also have a lot of flexibility. But either way, I'll do everything I can to make sure you get as much time with them as possible. I mean, not too much of course, that would hardly be right…" Henry smiled at her again.
"You'd really do that for me?"
"For the three of us, of course! I don't want you to miss out on them growing up either. We're a team, remember? And baby's not going to change that." He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You make me so happy." She tutted.
"Soppy bollocks…" But they shared a kiss and Henry held her close, gazing down at the bump hitting his stomach. "I'm sorry, I was just panicking. You're showing now and it's feeling that much more real—"
"I know sweetheart, I worry about what kind of parent I'm going to be as well. But we both learned a lot from our childhoods and I'm sure we'll make the right choices." She gave him another kiss, patted his chest, and smiled. "For now though I think I’ll leave you to it, the instructions just repeat themselves for the next few pages so you should survive…" Henry gave her an anxious look.
"I'm sorry I'm not more handy, either. God, I just don't understand it… I can put a PC together but not a bloody cot!"
"Yeah, cos you're overthinking it! So long as it doesn't collapse inwardly on our child, I can't ask for anymore." He smirked and spanked her backside.
"Go on, get out of here. I'd rather go without your encouragement if that's the best you can do!" She gave Henry a wink and disappeared from the room.
"Knock, knock, how are you getting on?" She opened the door to find the cot almost finished. The view of their nearly complete nursery took her breath away. "Wow, I knew you could do it! And it only took the rest of the day…" He tutted as he picked up some spare screws from off the floor. "Seriously though, it looks great, how hard was it in the end?"
"Not bad actually, I mean I almost threw it out of the window at one point, but I made it work."
"Oh, I thought that was one of our neighbour's screaming 'fuck’ at the top of their lungs…" She then eyed the screws in Henry's hand. "How many of those do you have leftover exactly?"
"Not many thank you very much!"
"And they came with the cot didn’t they?"
"Well, where else would they have come from?!"
"Your head maybe?"
"Hysterical. Why don't you come and inspect my handy work if you're that concerned?!" She stepped up to the cot and jiggled several of the bars.
"Mmm, not too far apart, that's good. At least they won't get stuck." He rolled his eyes. "Not sure those drawers are plumb though…"
"What do you mean?! They're dead straight!" But she was too busy testing out one of the dropsides. As soon as she lifted it, it whooshed back into place with a sickening clank.
"Jesus Christ, that could take someone's head off!"
"Well, I followed the pissing instructions! What more can I do?!"
"Build a bloody cot, not a guillotine!" Henry sighed and referred back to the booklet.
"Ah, I see. I haven't lined up these two casings correctly…"
"Well I hope that's the extent of the snags, I'm scared to touch the sodding thing now…" He pursed his lips and before she knew it, she was quickly whipped into the cot.
"There, see! Sound as anything! If it can take you it can take any baby—"
"Henry, will you get me out of here, please?! This whole thing's gunna collapse!"
"Oh shush and go to sleep, or do you need burping?"
"Alright, alright." He carefully lifted her out and she thwacked his arm the minute her feet hit the ground. "Ow! What was that for?!"
"You know what for, I can't get up as easily anymore!" She pointed at her bump.
"Oh please, you struggled to do that anyway," another thwack landed on Henry's arm.
"Just for that, you're not getting the snack I bought up here."
"What do you mean? What snack?" He sighed and picked up his screwdriver when she walked off. She returned moments later, however, holding a plate piled high with thickly cut sandwiches. Henry's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Other than terrorising your pregnant wife and building a death trap, you've done a wonderful job. I'm so proud of you darling and I can't thank you enough, the nursery looks amazing. I can't believe it's finished, are you excited? Before we know it we'll have a little one rolling around in there!" She pointed eagerly toward the tiny mattress.
"I know, the last few months really have flown by. It's going to be so weird having another person in the house!"
"You're telling me, you won't be the loudest, stinkiest one here anymore—" she stopped mid-sentence. "Wait a minute. Is it me, or is the whole thing on the conk?" He quickly stepped into her line of sight.
"Nah, that's just a trick of the light. Well, thanks for the sarnies, you best be getting on—"
"So it is bloody wonky?! I knew it! Did you not put the feet on?" She squatted low to examine the floor.
"Uh-uh, no you don't. Come on, get up please, you know I don't want you in that position—"
"Since when?" Henry rolled his eyes.
"Alright I confess, I haven't attached all the feet just yet as the whole thing was getting a bit heavy—"
"Well let me help--"
"No fucking fear!"
"Oh, Henry I'm not stupid!"
"Well, you could have fooled me! Remember that spice rack you tried to put up? Ten minutes afterward it crash-landed on the oven—"
"Yeah, cos you gave me shit screws - there and elsewhere!" His mouth fell open.
"Well I won't even dignify that with a response—"
"Yeah, cos you don't have one." Henry looked up at the ceiling and tried not to laugh.
"Darling, you can mouth off all you like, this is my job and I'm going to finish it. Now off you fuck."
"Well, what choice do I have…"
"Ollie, will you please just piss off?!"
"Fine! When you're done stuffing your face, come hop in the shower with me…"
"God bless those pregnancy hormones—"
"Oh please! You're just all sweaty, you'll stink up the bed later—"
"Sure. I'm thirsty as well, ya didn't by any chance happen to bring up a lager?" She smiled knowingly and handed him a tall tin can from the pocket of her jumper.
"Trust you to sniff that out. Oh and keep that Allen key handy as well, you can bleed all the radiators once you're finished."
"God, you'll work me to bloody death at this rate!"
"Henry, you've got off easy. You're not the one having to carry another person around, have them squish your organs, go into labour, give birth—"
"No, but I'm still having to hear all about it!" Her eyebrows hit the ceiling. "I'm kidding, if you're that helpless, go get all soaped up and I'll be in to scrub your back…" Henry spanked her backside once more and she walked off holding up her middle finger.
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ckiine · 6 months
Butterflies in the Stomach # Summer when they were 14.
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A/N 1) - To whoever that missed me :P I am back guysss. I wanted to write this fanfic but it kept taking too long and once I started writing it became waaayy too lengthy so please bear with me.
A/N 2) The fanfic is kinda inspired by this pic. Such cuties!!! <3
A/N 3) All the credits to the actual artist. This image is NOT MINE.
A/N 4) Please forgive the typos!
There are a few easter eggs in this fanfic. Let me know if you guys managed to find them :) Without further ado. Enjoy!
Shinichi was annoyed.
He clearly knew he was annoyed.
His gums were aching because he was clenching his jaw way too tightly, his hands were tightly fisted and he just knew for sure that he had a very ugly expression on his face.
Since he aspired to be a detective he had deduced why he was feeling this way but no amount of rational logic was helping him right now.
Meanwhile, the core reason for his irritation remained completely oblivious to his agony and was happily chatting away with him.
He sighed and went to his seat not like he could interrupt.
Shinichi's emotions were all over the place.
He glanced at Ran who was chatting with Fuji Kaname. The two of them had become acquainted when both of them were assigned morning duty and to make things worse a seat change had happened. Shinichi and Ran who were seated together previously were separated and that guy now occupied the seat next to Ran, meanwhile, Shinichi was thrown at the back of the class. Throughout his classes, Shinichi's eyes would wander towards them. He would have a strange churning in his stomach every time he saw them interacting. He knew what this meant. He has always known what Ran was to him.
The problem was the other boys were looking at her too. Back in elementary school they had a crush on her too but were too immature and childish to figure it out and acted like bullies towards her.
But now in middle school, these boys were trying to put in effort to talk to her and vie for her attention. He was well aware of the eyes on her, the interested, curious gaze, the infatuated look anytime Ran was around. Shinichi was almost glad that Ran was oblivious to the attention she was getting. At least she was not interested in them.
"Shinichi? What happened? Are you alright?"
Shinichi jerked up and came face to face with a pair of concerned blue eyes.
"R-Ran?? What's up?" Shinichi called out in surprise on seeing her.
"Oh I just wanted to confirm what time your soccer practice will get over today? Regional matches will be starting soon, right?"
"Oh it's just the usual time for this week, we will have extended practice from next week."
He answered her automatically.
"Hmmm." Ran had a look pondering look on her face. Meanwhile, Shinichi snuck a glance at Fuji who was staring at them and their eyes met. Fuji didn't turn his gaze away from them.
"Then I guess we can go back together. Is that alright?" Ran asked cheerily.
"Yeah, sure." Shinichi answered in a daze and Ran went back to her seat.
Shinichi felt a bubble of joy in his heart.
"It sure has been a while since we walked back together." Ran stated simply.
"But I guess it is for this week only when our club practices will end together. Next week, I guess the soccer team will stay back for longer time."
"Are you match-ups out already?"
"Shinichi?? Shinichi are you listening to me?? Shinichi??? Shinichi look out!!!!"
Shinichi couldn't get the image of Fuji and Ran out of his mind.
Should I ask her about him? Am I meddling? Will she become conscious of him if I ask her and start paying attention to him??
In his worries, he missed the steps in front of him causing him to tumble down and fall flat on his face. Thankfully it was not very high and just three steps.
"Shinichi are you alright??"
Ran crouched near him and checked up on him.
"What were you thinking?? You are hurt." Ran said softly wiping away the dirt.
"I am fine... I was just-
"Thinking about Sherlock Holmes." Ran finished for him absent mindedly while taking out a small first-aid pouch from her bag.
"No it was something else." Shinichi defended himself.
"Really? Shinichi are you capable of thinking of something else apart from Holmes and Scoccer, I didn't know that." Ran poked fun at him and chuckled as she cleaned his hands and face.
You, you idiot. I think of you. A little too much.
"So what got you in such a daze that you tumbled down like this?" Ran asked now bandaging him up.
Shinichi just stared at her in a daze. His eyes drank in her features, her hair, her eyes, her nose, supple-looking cheeks which were just waiting to be pinched and dare I go lower. Her lips.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! He felt his cheeks burn
Shinichi smashed himself mentally.
She just had to be the prettiest looking gal, didnt she. Shinichi almost resented her.
Cant you just stick to me? Like, forever? Why the hell is this Fuji guy making googly eyes at you!? Punch him away with your karate!
"Why is your face turning red? Don't tell me you have a fever too. You looked listless in the class today as well." Ran came closer to check his temperature.
"Enough! I am alright. Don't touch me so recklessly like this."
Shinichi couldn't stand this torment and before he knew it he was sprinting away from Ran as if set on fire.
Oh the pains of an awkward teenage boy with the girl he crushes on.
UGGHHHH!! What have I done!? She definitely hates me now. What do I do? I didn't want to behave like this. She must be hurt.
Panting heavily and completely out of breath Shinichi entered the house, ran to his room and slumped by the door.
He did not know how to handle this jealousy and worst of all he ended up being irritable towards Ran of all people.
I really need to apologise to her.
"Shin-chan come down for dinner."
Shinichi's intercom buzzed.
The Kudou mansion was pretty big so they had intercoms in the rooms for easy communications.
Shinichi came down and took his place at the table and saw his parents share a glance.
Dinner was strangely quiet and Shinichi observed the strange behaviour of his parents who kept glancing at each other and at him.
"So what is it you guys want to talk about?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at Shinichi though not very surprised with his observation.
"Well Shin-chan, your father and I were discussing a few things and we are deliberating the option of moving abroad, US to be more specific."
Shinichi was caught a little off guard by the statement.
"Nothing is final yet. We are just discussing and we would like to hear your opinion about it. I know it is a lot to take in right now but think about it."
"But why the sudden idea?" Shinichi asked slowly.
"It's not really sudden."
True, the US was a frequent family destination for them.
"As you know Yusaku's book on the Night Baron has become an instant hit and for research purposes, the US is a good option. The country has a broad spectrum of studies and case analogies."
The 'Night Baron' novel series was a very well-planned plot. Yusaku Kudo wrote individual crime thriller novels but it always had a shadowy and mysterious character who manipulated the protagonists in very subtle ways. Not something which would be picked in the first reading. After writing multiple novels with such a vague figure a lot of conspiracy theories were making rounds on the internet as to who this mysterious person was. Finally, a few weeks ago the first book In the Night Baron series was released which literally disappeared from the shelves within a day. The people devoured the book like crazy and it was still on the bestseller for six consecutive weeks already.
"Shin-chan, moving abroad will be a big change but I think living in the States will be good for you too. Think about it okay."
"Is that all?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at each other and nodded. Shinichi walked to his room and crashed on his bed.
He could only think of her.
Will I be able to leave Ran? Will she miss me? Will I become a distant forgotten childhood memory? Will she fall in love with someone and become his girlfriend?
Fuji's lovestruck face flashed in his mind and why just him, so many countless guys were infatuated with her. Who will win over her heart?
I-I- cant...
He had a vague idea of what he needed to do and for that, he needed to speak to hakase urgently.
****The next morning****
"Hakase? Are you up? Hakaseee??"
The door clicked open, "What is Shinichi-kun? So early in the morning?" Agasa- hakase said yawning and still very much sleepy.
Like a cheeky brat, Shinichi just pushed hakase inside and said,"I need a favour hakase and only you can do it."
"What is it?" Hakase asked a little more alert now.
Shinichi looked at him and deliberated for a moment but in the end hakase was best possible option.
"My parents are planning to move abroad hakase. I want you to take legal guardianship of me in their absence." Shinichi said in a blunt and straightforward manner.
"NANIIII??? Shinichi-kun do you have any idea what you are saying!?" Hakase was completely bewildered at the Shinichi's request.
"Please hakase, do me this favour! You and my father have been friends even before I was born, you have seen me since I was an infant and you just live next door to me. I-I have my reasons for not wanting to leave Japan and you are the only possible way I can convince my parents to let me stay here. Please." Shinichi deeply bowed his head in front of Hakase.
"Shinichi-kun!" Hakase was flustered by the sudden development and the request.
"Have you told your parents about it?"
"No, not yet." Shinichi said slowly.
"But why do you want to stay? Studying in the States is a wonderful opportunity, especially if you want to be a detective."
Shinichi looked up at hakase, his eyes showed a determined gleam.
Feeling slightly better after talking to hakase Shinichi set off for school.
Shinichi kept glancing at the clock and at the door of the classroom waiting for Ran to appear who had still not arrived. Ran was not late yet but it was later than usual time for her. Just then Ran walked in through the door.
Shinichi moved towards her but the moment their eyes met, a look of pain flashed in Ran's eyes and she hurried away form him to rush to her seat.
"Ohayo Mouri. It's rare for you to be this late." Fuji greeted her
Ran just passed him a sheepish grin and settled down in her avoiding Shinichi who was just left stunned in his place but quietly went back to his seat.
Of course, she is avoiding me, especially after how I behaved.
Shinichi tried multiple times to talk to Ran throughout the day but Ran successfully managed to avoid him and before he knew it she was sprinting out the door the moment classes got over. Shinichi felt dejected and was not sure what to do.
Shinichi turned and came face to face with Fuji and flinched.
You are the last person I want to see right now.
"I saw you were trying to talk to Mouri today."
"Arent you being a little too pushy? She is clearly avoiding you. Stop bothering her."
"Mind your own business." Shinichi frowned and shot back coldly.
"I will mind my own business after you stop bothering her," Fuji said haughtily, not backing down.
"It sure is a good play, playing innocent childhood playmates and taking advantage of that."
"Fuji-kun!" Ran called out horrified.
Shinchi and Fuji looked in surprise to see Ran standing there, looking at Fuji with hurt and disappointment. He paled under her hurt gaze.
"Mouri! I was just-" Fuji started now, stripped off his arrogance but stopped unable to say anything.
"Please never talk like that ever again," Ran said firmly.
"Let's go Shinichi."
She grabbed Shinichi's wrist and they walked away. Their footsteps sounded loud in the empty corridor but Ran refused to slow down as she was still feeling extremely annoyed.
"Ran calm down." Shinichi started slowly in a placating tone.
"How could you let him talk to you like that Shinichi!?" Ran glared at him feeling extremely agitated.
No Ran, I was actually just a second away from punching him in the face, you arriving there actually prevented a fistfight.
Ran was seething, she really thought Fuji-kun was a nice person. He was nice and polite as a seatmate, they got along fairly well but to think he had such a shallow opinion of her relationship with Shinichi.
Shinichi and her have been together since kindergarten, she has known him since she was four. All through elementary school and even now in the second year of middle school they have always been together. Also, Shinichi always had valid reasons for acting in a certain way and Ran knew for sure that none of his actions were ever meant to hurt her.
"I thought you were mad at me," Shinichi said slowly.
"I was a little annoyed but right now I am angry for a completely different reason." Ran huffed.
"Don't mind it, I don't think he really meant it anyway." Shinichi didn't want to defend him but he sort of understood where he was coming from.
"But even so." She mumbled.
"Gomen Ran, for yesterday," said Shinichi
Ran looked at him. The deserted corridor was dyed in an orangish-yellow hue of the setting sun and Shinichi's eyes were fixed on her with an unwavering strange intensity. They were so sincere, shaking almost shining. She felt a pang in her chest, it felt like a bittersweet ache. It didn't hurt but somehow it did, it felt warm and lovely. Ran felt a vague realisation. She has felt like this before but for some reason, this feeling was getting stronger with every passing day.
The moment Shinichi looks at me like that I will forgive him for anything and everything in less than a heartbeat.
A sweet smile blossomed on her face reflecting the warmth she felt in her heart.
"Shinichi is Shinichi no matter what." She said smiling. Shinichi grinned at her somehow understanding and not understanding the statement. She felt the same, the words that came out of her mouth were something which perplexed Ran herself but she didn't want to indulge much in these complex intense emotions for now.
This deduction nerd and her were walking back together, which made her happy.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, please listen to me." Shinichi spoke with a deep breath.
Here goes...
"I wish to stay in Japan, I don't want to move abroad."
"But Shin-chan-"
"I spoke to Agasa-hakase, if you guys permit then he can take over my guardianship. He said that if you both agree to it then he will agree as well."
"What about wanting to pursue the path of being a detective?" Yusaku asked bluntly.
Shinichi clenched his fist and prepared to answer.
I got through to Agasa-hakase, I am sure I will get my intensions through to my parents as well.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, being a detective is my dream, and I wish to achieve and fulfil that with my own strength and efforts. Even if it takes a little longer, I want to remain in Japan. If in future certain conditions turn favourable I will think of going abroad, till then please let me stay here. Onegaishimasu!"
Shinichi felt a tense silence in the room but he looked at his parents with the same determination and desire which had won over Agasa-hakase in the morning.
"Fine then, I guess." Yusaku said cooly.
"Really!?" Shinichi shouted in surprise.
"But Yuu-chan!!" Yukiko whined but Yusaku managed to placate and reassure her.
Shinichi felt a sweet relief on getting acknowledgement from his parents.
I can do it! I will definitely become a great detective. I will be by her side. The girl who carries a first aid pouch for me. The girl who values the relationships of people around her. The girl who has me wrapped around her fingers. I won't have to part from her, for now, this is more than enough. For now, this will do.
"Please it's alright. I really don't want to impose on your family time like this." Ran said flustered and distressed to Yukiko-san.
"Oh Ran-chan, don't worry about it. We really want you to join us."
Ran glanced towards Shinichi for help who simply shrugged his shoulders. Though fireworks of madddening happiness were exploding in his heart.
Good job mom!!!
"Alright then! It's a four-day trip and pack accordingly Ran-chan."
Ran was completely shocked to find that the Kudos had planned to move to America. She felt as if she had been robbed of her breath for a moment but when she found out that Shinichi was going to stay in Japan she felt a trickle of relief in her veins.
He is not going! He is not going to leave me.
As of now, she was in the Kudou mansion and was invited to Shinichi's parent's villa mansion in Karuizawa. The Kudos were planning to move to America at the end of summer vacation. They would be spending time with Shinichi in Japan during the holidays. Knowing that they would be leaving in two months Ran felt distressed about being invited to a family vacation but on Yukiko-san's insistence, she gave in.
Ran and Shinichi's eyes met.
Is this really ok?
Yes. Yes, this is perfect. Shinichi felt his face growing warm and looked away.
These kids really grow up really fast.
Yukiko's eyes gleamed with nostalgia and mischief as she looked at her son sharing a moment with her (future daughter-in-law?).
A/N - Damnnn this is too long. Thanks to everyone who stuck with it till the very end. Please let me know how was, I look forward for your feedback!!
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blackstar5078 · 3 months
EggCartonSMP Day 19 to 25! (Part 1)
(Had a busy week, so you get summaries of various days in one reblog thread. These will not work as usual, as I’m trying to keep them as brief as possible, plus every important conversation will most likely only be written instead of showing the pics of the signs).
Summary under the cut!
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Day 19
(This happened during June 21st).
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Wither woke up and Bluebell was awake to greet her as usual. The little gator mentioned that a new person woke up around the area and also that something odd happened. Wither only had the journal as source of explanation next.
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Wither: That’s sure interesting. I am not sure what the redstone thing is, but I would love to meet the new people.
They noticed that one of them was still around, so they went to say hi.
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Wither: Hello, nice to meet you :D
Seth: Greetings.
Seth looked at Bluebell.
Seth: This Is Your Guardian?
Wither: You could say I’m a guardian, yeah!
It was then when Seth gave Bluebell a gift.
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Seth: Now You Can Cut Free.
Bluebell: Oh wow! Thank you! :D
Seth: Of Course.
Seth mentioned that she was looking for the ocean. Wither and Bluebell offered to help. They traveled together to a perfect spot. There were interesting conversations on the way while Wither had to be absent for a little bit.
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Bluebell: We don’t entirely know to be honest. She’s different from everyone else on the island.
Seth: I See. Did She Find You Or Did You Find Her?
Bluebell: We woke up in a place around the exact same time. Found each other really.
Seth: Acknowledged.
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Bluebell: There’s the ocean! :D
Seth: I Thank You. I Missed The Creatures Here.
Bluebell: They are very pretty! :D
Seth: They Are. Have You Met Some Of Them?
Bluebell: I have some fish friends at home! And I’ve swam here before :3
Seth: That Is Very Good. Do You Remember The Water When You Were Younger?
Bluebell: I didn’t… see the water when I was younger.
Seth: A Tragedy.
Bluebell: White walls… Loneliness… C.A.T.S
Seth: You Did Not Have A Guardian Then?
Bluebell: I don’t really remember…
Wither returned in the middle of this conversation and didn’t say anything, just hugged Bluebell.
Seth: It Is Good You Are Here.
Bluebell: I’m happy to be here, yes :3
Wither: I’m happy you’re here too <3
Seth: You Shall Be Here For Much Longer Under The Stewardship Of Your Guardian.
Bluebell: Yeah! I feel very safe with Wither around :3
Seth: This Is Good.
Seth observed the area of the beach around them.
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Seth: My Social Matrix Seems To Not Have Sustained Damage. This Is Good.
Seth proposed to build an area for both Wither and Bluebell in her soon-to-be home, an idea that they eagerly accepted, before deciding to go visit Lillian and say goodbye.
Seth: Your Presence Was Worthy. Take Care.
One tp later, they arrived to Lillian’s village and found her working on the construction.
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Wither and Bluebell offered to help her after a bit of a catch up of the last few days. The purple creature decided to get wool, so Lillian could mark the construction spots with carpets. Bluebell stayed behind for a while, until she reunited with Wither, explaining that she was feeling homesick without her around.
Bluebell returned to Lillian a bit before Wither was done and all three were back at the village.
She caught them on another interesting conversation, though.
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Wither: Yeah, it is recommended that I don’t go…
Lillian: Recommended? By who? Or is it just from you?
Wither: From me, really.
Lillian: Do you just not like it? Is it too hot or something?
Wither: It could be very dangerous if I approach it. Not because of the Nether itself.
Lillian: Have you never seen it? Just getting closet to an entrance causes it?
Wither: No, I have sure been there, but someone helped me out.
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Wither crouched to Bluebell to indicate that she was fine.
Lillian: No idea who?
Wither: Someone important, he’s a Farmer and an engineer.
Lillian: He’s not here is he? Not on the island?
Wither: No, he stayed at home. I came here on my own.
Lillian: That’s really brave, coming alone sounds scary.
Wither: I wanted a chance to find myself and my purpose. I only stopped when I found Bluebell.
Lillian: And it’s been you two ever since?
Wither: You could say. Rox hangs out a lot with us too.
Lillian: Well, I guess you could say four? Are Soul and Fire separate from you?
Wither: Yeah! They are sentient of their own. They just have a harder time trusting people.
Lillian: That’s fair. Well, hello anyways, Soul and Fire! o/
Wither: They are a bit hesitant but said hi back :D
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Bluebell: It’s still there.
Lillian: Could I see it another day? Or see the coords so I can go myself? I’m a bit curious about all the government stuff… It doesn’t sound good.
Bluebell: I went back accidentally recently, it’s pretty empty. But we can show you.
Lillian: I’m mostly curious what it looks like.
Wither: Sure! When you wanna go?
Lillian: I guess whenever we’re all up next xD. We did have a project we were working on xD.
Wither said that they had to go to sleep, though. Lillian mentioned that she has a Fletcher they can use before they left.
Wither got to read Bluebell’s journal once more for the day.
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Wither: She wants a cat? Well… to be fair, Soup also wanted many.
Bluebell: Yeah, but the gray one, freaked me out a Little.
Wither: I understand. It’s a bad memory association, I know how it is.
Bluebell: Like, what if all the gray ones are C.A.T.S? What then…
Wither: Fire says that they will be on the look out.
Bluebell: Ok… I trust in you, guys.
Bluebell and Wither gave each other their goodbye hugs before going to sleep.
Day 20
(This happened during June 22nd).
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Wither found Bluebell cooking when she woke up.
She also found a ghost on the couch.
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Wither: Hello :D
Azura: Well, hello there, lovely seeing u 2 awake.
Wither: You new around here?
Azura: Not exactly.
Wither: Oh?
Azura: I’ve been around here for a while.
Once established that she was just haunting and chilling, Wither let the ghost be and decided to go meet up with Sky at Spawn alongside Bluebell.
They talked a bit about the library and checked on him. Then they decided to go see how Karl was doing next.
They invited him to explore the Mansion they found a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately, the flames that were already there consumed everything, including the chests. Only the Allays survived.
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Since that expedition failed, Wither proposed to go somewhere else for loot. Bluebell gave the idea that they could go to the Spooky City Sky was working on reclaiming.
Sky was also there to help them out.
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Problem was… there was a lot of Soulfire around. Wither tried her best to remain calm and not panic around everyone else, but she could feel how overwhelming some of her senses were becoming.
Back home safely, she took a minute to sit and breathe a bit far from Bluebell, all while she was organizing inventory.
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Wither looked and… Bluebell was right. She immediately backed away and sat down, trying her best to calm down again.
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Bluebell was carefully getting on her range of vision, without getting too close.
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Wither ran, without saying anything else. She kept going, until she stumbled upon Lillian’s village, and did not hesitate to back down on the opposite direction for a second. Until she found a place where she could enclose herself.
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Next day in part 2 <3.
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Hello :) can you do a request with modern Thomas again. They play just dance but since she was dumb at dancing in rythm she sing the lyric and Thomas is like « whoa that’s my girl » because he never hear her singing like that before. The music could be one republic. Please. And have a good day/night noon
Hope!!!!! This is literally the cutest idea thank you for requesting love youuuu
sorry if the middle pic is weird lol I just always see short hair in your pfps so I thought why not
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Something I Need
Thomas x fem!reader
Notes: Modern AU, I don't think Something I Need is on Just Dance but it's my absolute fav one republic song I LOVE it so I had to use it, Minho is your bestie/no.1 enemy btw
Warnings: language/swearing
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It's another late afternoon at Gally and Brenda's place, the light streaming through the window as the sun sinks down.
Most of the gang is slowly arriving for game night, Newt helping Brenda with food as Gally prepares the drinks, while Thomas lounges on the couch watching Ben and Winston fight over control of the music.
"No one wants Taylor Swift, bitch."
"She's good, you uncultured asshat. Give me the remote or I swear-"
The doorbell rings and Thomas rolls off the couch, snorting at his friends' antics.
"Alby!" he greets, the door swinging open to reveal his friend... holding eggs in his bare hands.
Alby rolls his eyes at Thomas' raised eyebrows. "Brenda wanted egg whites to put foam things in the drinks. I didn't want to crush them in my bag."
"Sure," says Thomas, amused.
"Hold the door!"
Thomas turns at your voice, grabbing the handle to stop the door from closing. His face breaks into a wide smile as he sees you.
"Hi," you say, grinning.
"Hey," he responds, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. "It's good to see you."
You giggle, blushing. "Yeah, you too."
"Goddammit," says Minho, behind you in the doorway. "You two are sickening."
You and Thomas had only started dating about a week ago, so you're very much still in the honeymoon phase, much to your friends' discomfort.
"Alright!" you exclaim, clapping your hands together. "What's going on here, everyone looks bored as hell."
"They were waiting for the fun people to show up," says Minho with a smirk.
You walk in down the hallway, saying hi to Brenda and dropping the groceries she'd asked for on the counter.
"If you're so fun, what should we do?" asks Winston.
Minho exchanges a look with you, and grins. "Just Dance," he says.
"Seriously?" huffs Winston.
"Hell yes," you jump in. "I'm gonna beat you this time, Minho."
"Just Dance is lame," groans Ben, from his upside down position on the couch.
"Only cause you suck at it," you fire back. You turn to the rest of the group. "Who's playing?"
"I'm in," says Thomas, followed by Newt and Teresa.
"Who's up first?" asks Minho, scrolling through the songlist.
Teresa jumps in, taking the controller you pass to her.
Minho selects the song, and grabs the second controller for himself. "It's a 3-person dance, you want in Tommy-boy?" he waves the control in Thomas' direction.
"You're on," says Thomas.
You and Newt pile onto the couch to watch beside Ben and Winston, with Alby standing beside you.
Your eyes stay on Thomas and his dancing; awkward and not quite aligning with the character on the screen that he's meant to be matching, but so free and joyful, laughing at Minho and Teresa, and himself too. So cute.
Newt leans over and whispers in your ear. "So we agree Tommy's got no dance skills whatsoever?"
Your eyes are still caught on Thomas, as he turns to smile at you mid-dance. You let out a cheer and clap over-enthusiastically, and he laughs at your support.
"Yeah, he can't dance," you reply fondly.
"I bet you think this is the cutest thing in the world," mutters Newt, raising his brows at you.
You snort. "Yeah, I really do," you say honestly.
The song ends with Thomas almost but not quite beating out Teresa, and Minho with a score so high it's not even funny.
You cheer along with the others, as Thomas and Teresa turn to the couch to swap players. When he gets close enough, you slip a hand behind his neck to bring him closer, and pull him into a long kiss, taking the controller from his hand at the same time.
Everyone collectively groans immediately, but you just pull back and grin. "That was for good luck. Thanks, Tommy."
"Anytime," says Thomas, with a matching grin.
You turn to Newt, who's covering his eyes dramatically, and you yank him up by the arm. "Get up here with me, you're doing this."
Minho holds up his controller. "Who wants to swap-"
"Nope, you're playing another," you cut him off, shooting him a competitive glare.
Minho smirks. "This'll be easy."
"Just pick a song, losers," calls Newt, shaking his head, as if he isn't equally competitive once you start playing.
"One Republic!" you say excitedly, and Minho selects Something I Need from the menu.
The song starts softly, making it easier to keep up with the smooth, slower dance moves. But then the beat kicks in.
"Shit!" you yell, laughing. "Why's it so hard?"
The characters do a twirl on the screen, and Newt trips, cursing loudly.
You start mumbling the lyrics to yourself, to try to keep in time. Then the chorus hits, and you decide screw it.
"You've got something I need", you sing loudly, punching each dance move out to the beat.
You grin to yourself, belting the song and watching your score go up.
Thomas watches from behind you, cheering loudly. She's so damn good.
"Hey, Y/n can sing!" says Teresa, letting out a cheer as you clap your hands on the beat, the game showing an 'awesome!' over your name.
Thomas has never heard you sing like this; it's adorable, and surprisingly really good since you're dancing at the same time.
"Is she gonna beat Minho?" Thomas hears Ben ask incredulously.
That's my girl, thinks Thomas.
The song reaches the end, and you turn to your audience at the last line. "If we only live once, I want to live with you." You wink at Thomas and shoot him a wide smile with cheesy finger guns.
Your friends start yelling as the game counts up your scores, the shouts becoming deafening as your bar overtakes Minho's.
"She's done it! She's taken him down!" cackles Ben, who for all his 'Just Dance is lame' has gotten surprisingly into the game.
Minho falls dramatically, gesturing his arms towards you with a flourish. "The true champion. Here, take my crown." He lifts an invisible crown off his head and places it on yours.
"Yes, thank you very much," you say, giving your best attempt at a curtsey.
You and Minho pass your controllers to the next players, Newt insisting on another try.
"You killed it," says Thomas, grinning at you as you join him beside the couch, standing to watch.
"It was the luck you gave me before the game," you joke, leaning into Thomas.
He shakes his head, laughing. "I like your voice, by the way."
"You do? Thank you," you say.
You both laugh as Frypan hops in the wrong direction, knocking into Winston who shouts in protest.
"Hey, Y/n." You look up at Thomas. "You know, you are something I need."
"I-" you can feel the blush rising to your cheeks, and you shove him lightly. "So lame," you groan.
Thomas laughs, and pulls you back in, looping an arm around your waist.
"...I need you too, Thomas."
He smiles, and drops a kiss on your head.
"Oh my god- Winston, are you okay?"
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This was so fun to write lolll
Sorry for how long it took, but thank you so much for requesting @hope92100 ❤❤❤
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omnomnomdomcaps · 1 year
Upstream - Remastered - Pt. I
Reposting one of my favorites here, featuring the work of Bubblybuns, who you can find on JFF. Lots of magical regression, omo, wet and messy accidents, and diapers ahead!
Seems like this chapter specifically got throttled, so gonna try sans pics. All characters are over 18. All readers should be as well! ****
Chapter One: Troublemaker
It was the first day of senior year, and Vanessa was busy staring at herself in her bedroom mirror, struggling not to feel a certain sense of awe. 
The girl had nothing to compensate for - she was a fine student and a gifted athlete from a relatively stable home. Had it not been for her looks, she would have had no trouble pursuing an honest path. But that wasn’t something she had to worry about. 
Instead, she spent her free time gossiping, plotting, and taking selfies, intoxicated by the rush that popularity gave her. There was just something about seeing boys lose themselves at the sight of her, about girls bending over backwards for the privilege of being called her friend. And this year, now that she was eighteen and on top of the high school hierarchy, she would settle for no less than the title of queen. But of course, she knew she wouldn’t reach such heights from the comfort of her bed, so she fixed her hair and went on her way. 
Minutes later, she was at the grand double doors of her school’s entrance, arriving perfectly in sync with her two closest partners in crime. On her right came tall, red-headed Cassie, who always had the best gossip to tell. On her left came buxom Amber, the obligatory blonde of their clique, who prided herself as Vanessa’s enforcer. Marching in lock-step, they made their way in, and started down the hallway towards their lockers. 
“Senior year,” Amber said, half-celebrating, “we gonna run this place, V?”
“You know it,” Vanessa replied, without turning her head, “who’s gonna try and stop us?”
“Well, you know Heather,” Cassie chimed in, “who tried to spread those rumors about you last year?” 
“That bitch?” Vanessa was unamused. “Yeah, what’s she up to now?” 
“Well, word is she got together with Jack Kilmer over the summer.”
“What? How’d that happen?” Amber asked, shocked, while casually shoving a wayward freshman out of their path and onto the floor. 
“Who knows?” Cassie shrugged, “probably knew each other through family. But… I thought it might be a good opportunity to send a message.”
Vanessa was already laughing. “Oooh, love it. Jack’s been drooling over me since middle school. He’s on the swim team, too, so I know where to find him - thinking I’ll go pay him a visit Tuesday. Heather’s in band, right?” 
“Yep,” Cassie confirmed, “I think she plays- “
“Excuse me!?” Vanessa’s smile vanished instantly as the clique stopped at once in the hallway. Seated in front of them, in front of their lockers, was a small, slender girl they had never seen before, with a black dress, black headphones, and black hair tied in a long ponytail, reading a thick-looking hardcover book to herself. 
“Well, it looks like someone doesn’t know the rules around here,” Amber began, forcing the girl up by her collar into a standing position. 
“Do we have… do we have a new face I see?” Vanessa asked with her head tilted and brow furrowed, licking her teeth as she scanned the girl up and down. 
“Oh yes we do,” Cassie chimed in glibly, “a transfer, I believe, from… Salem High? Senior, but looks like not a very smart one, huh?”
“Oh, a new troublemaker here.” Vanessa crept closer to the new girl’s, holding a piercing stare until their faces almost touched. “What, did you get kicked out or something?”
The girl in black said nothing, turning away from Vanessa’s gaze and beginning to pack her book away into her backpack. 
“Hey!” Amber shoved the girl to the ground away from the clique’s lockers, causing her to spill her book and the contents of her open bag. “You show some respect to the queen!”
“Tsk tsk tsk,” Cassie remarked, “I think there might be something wrong with this one. What do you think, V?”  
“Ooooh, I think I might know what the problem is,” Vanessa answered quickly, a cruel grin building on her face, “I think this one might not know how ta talk. ‘Cause I think this one might be a widdle baby.
“Is dat twoo, widdle baby?” Vanessa moved again towards the girl as she raised the volume on her impression, while a crowd of students began to gather and laugh. “Is you too dumb-dumb to know how to make talkies? Well, I’m sowwee, widdle baby, but we don’t wike widdle babies awound heah.
“So get the fuck out.” Vanessa’s tone shifted abruptly, and she kicked the girl’s book down the hallway. 
With that, Vanessa, Cassie, and Amber turned and moved in perfect harmony back towards their lockers, leaving the girl in black scrambling to collect her things, muttering what the clique could only assume were curses under her breath. 
That day, Vanessa felt no remorse, no regret, and no repercussions. She and her friends had delivered a loud and clear message to their school, and their fellow students made sure to cast them wide berths in the halls. It was an auspicious start to an ambitious year, and it placed the girls firmly atop the food chain, where they belonged. 
Meanwhile, a new batch of classes brought little in the way of surprise. Vanessa made her way comfortably through dull lectures and simple quizzes, settling quickly into a steady rhythm of doing just enough work to get the grades that colleges would want to see. The first weekend of the year passed by quickly and uneventfully, and soon enough Tuesday arrived, allowing Vanessa to focus on the things she actually cared about. 
Her plan proved to be perfect. Like clockwork, Jack finished his swim practice at 4:30, while his summer fling was off in her own club. Vanessa, who had been waiting near the gym entrance, met him with a flirty wink and a soft ‘hey’, and the boy did nothing to shy away. 
“Hey,” he said back with an overeager smile, “‘sup?”
 “Oh, I don’t know,” the girl murmured, holding a finger on her bottom lip as she fluttered her eyelids. “Whatcha up to?”
“Oh, I was just, uh, at swim practice, y’know. But I’m pretty free now.”
“Oh. Well then,” Vanessa said softly, walking slowly closer to her target, “I was thinking we could maybe hang out, then?”
Jack let out a dopey laugh as he struggled to maintain his composure. “Uhhh… what would you wanna do?”
“Well,” Vanessa placed a finger on the boy’s chest, “maybe… I WANNA PLAY WIF YOU!”
Vanessa’s hand shot up to cover her mouth as her face turned bright red. Where did that come from?
Jack, in turn, took several steps back, his dumb-jock eagerness turning to confusion and fear. “Uhhhhh... what?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the girl corrected herself quickly, “I was ummm… just, uh, making a joke. Yeah, sorry. Ummm, where were we?”
“Oh, ummm, you were just, you were just, uh-”
Again, shock came over Vanessa as she blurted noises without any conscious thought. She stepped back away and tried to collect herself, but instead the noise simply came again.
Grasping her hands firmly over her mouth, the blushing girl saw no option other than to abort the mission and run. And run she did, all the way onto a bus and home. 
When she finally did arrive back, Vanessa scoured Instagram to make sense of any potential fallout from the day. No one, it seemed, had gossiped about what happened, and no one seemed to have overheard. Jack, fortunately, was too awkward when it came to such things to be blabbering about it, and Vanessa saw his shock and confusion as a sign that he wouldn’t want to be bringing it up. So the girl breathed a sigh of relief and went about her evening, trying her best to shake off the day’s events. 
Still, the girl lost sleep thinking about it. Why had she suddenly blurted out? What did she even say? 
There were no answers to be found, of course, and Vanessa came to school tired on Wednesday, struggling to maintain focus through her classes. Thursday was no better, and it was at her desk in homeroom that the girl finally gave in to the strain and dozed off. 
Without warning, the girl found herself on a boat - a small rowboat, it seemed, moving in the middle of what looked to be a wide river, with bright blue skies all around. 
Vanessa, with a paddle in her hand and nothing else to do, began to row, but the boat moved very slowly forward. And then, though she kept rowing, the boat ceased to move altogether. Finally, though at this point the girl was swinging her oar madly, the boat began to move unnaturally backwards, against the current, while an ethereal voice filled the air:
“Heed the waters
Trickle and flow
The tide is turning
Upstream you go.”  
Try as she might, the girl could not keep the boat from being pushed back by what felt like nothing more than a soft breeze. The small, wooden thing crashed violently against the river’s flow, and water began splashing in. Vanessa stood up in a feeble attempt to avoid it, but could only do so for so long. Soon, a gush found her, making its way to the girl’s shorts, striking her with a sensation that was wet, warm, and very real. 
Vanessa woke up with a soft gasp. The feeling she had in her dream had followed her into reality, and she realized quickly that she was wet. Quite wet, in fact - the puddle that had formed on her chair covered the whole back of her skirt, and was dripping from every corner onto the carpet beneath.  
The girl quickly looked around. She saw that there was still time in the homeroom period, and that a number of other students had taken the opportunity to nap through it. There was still a chance, she thought, to avoid humiliation, and she went for it. 
Vanessa tossed a magazine from her bag over the stain on her seat and bolted out the door, doing her best to keep her backside covered. Frantically, she ran to her locker and grabbed a spare set of clothes - a precaution against inadvertent matching with her friends - and scrambled over to the bathroom to change. With moments remaining before the period’s end, she finished putting on her dry clothes and breathed an exhausted sigh of relief. Disaster had been averted.
As she tried to collect herself in front of the bathroom mirror, Vanessa finally took a moment to try and process what had happened. Never in her life had she had an accident quite like that - why now? Was it somehow connected to her bizarre slip outside the gym? Was there someone slipping her drugs? Was she sick? Was she simply stressed?
Yet again, the girl came up short of making any sense of her situation, concluding only that she needed to remain vigilant, and, more importantly, she needed to remain awake. With that in mind, she rinsed her face in cold water and went about her day as best she could. 
That night, Vanessa found herself once again on the river, struggling to stay with the current. This time, she found herself in a storm, facing down dark clouds and lightning as far as she could see, while the same ethereal voice rang out through the gale:
“Heed the waters
Trickle and flow
The tide is turning
Upstream you go.”  
Winds and waves crashed down upon the girl, wrecking her boat and soaking her lower body. Yet again, she awoke with a start, and yet again she woke up wet.
It was 4:00 a.m. The girl was weary, but she managed to get her sheets into the wash without creating too much of a stir. When she was done, she went back to bed, able, mercifully, to sleep without interruption. 
But the dream repeated itself the next night, and again the next. Ever alert, Vanessa managed her way through the daytime - though a few late-week quizzes proved a struggle for the tired girl - but her repeated bedtime troubles wearied her. When the weekend came, Vanessa went to bed hoping that she might be able to finally sleep through the night. And she did. 
Unfortunately, she still woke up wet. This time, the feeling was cold and clammy. This time, it seemed that Vanessa had slept through her Saturday alarm, well into the late morning. And this time, worst of all, the girl knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the accident a secret, as she woke to the sight of her mother standing cross-armed in front of her. 
“Sweetie, have you been having some troubles lately?”
The tone was saccharine and condescending, completely unlike the way Vanessa was used to hearing her mother talk. But so many things were baffling the girl at this moment that she simply couldn’t process it. 
“I think maybe someone needs to be wearing a little protection, hmmm?”
“Ew, ew, gross, mom, no.” Vanessa was shocked at the question, but too groggy to express her emotion. 
“Are we sure? Because it looks like -”
“No, no, mom, please, I don’t know what’s been happening, but really, I don’t need anything.” Vanessa waved her mother away. The girl wasn’t sure if she believed her own words, but she was absolutely certain that she wanted to be done with the conversation. 
Thankfully, her mother dropped the subject, and Vanessa slowly changed and loaded laundry before heading to the family dining table for a wordless breakfast. 
“Excited about your college visit, honey?” Her mother asked, finally breaking the silence. 
“Oh, right.” Vanessa had completely forgotten about the planned visit. Somehow, she had been too preoccupied to think much about it. “Uh, I guess?”
It was Vanessa’s dream school, with a lush campus and a robust Greek life, and she was reminded of that as she started touring the grounds. Still, the girl found it difficult to muster enthusiasm, her mind drawn constantly to the bizarre events that colored her first few weeks of the semester. 
And then, a familiar, eerie voice began to play in Vanessa’s mind. 
Heed the waters… 
A chill ran down the girl’s spine and her eyes bulged wide. Without a second thought, she bolted from the tour group and towards the main buildings, while a pressure inside her built at an unnatural rate. 
Vanessa was scrambling, but she could already feel a trickle come out as she made her first few strides. Desperately, she tried to hold her muscles together as she honed in on her destination, but it seemed crushingly far away, and time seemed to be running out fast.
By the time she reached the center of the campus green, she could hold back no longer. The flow was unstoppable, pouring through the girl’s powder-blue jeans and onto the grass below. 
Defeated, Vanesssa stopped in her tracks and clasped her knees, panting, while tears began to mix with the sweat running down her cheeks. Around her, she could see college students pointing and whispering, though she recoiled to hide her face when a group of drunken frat boys started laughing and hollering. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it” would be Vanessa’s refrain on the car ride home, as she sat sulking in her sopping wet jeans, staring cross-armed out the passenger window. Her mother carried on with her uncharacteristic, patronizing sweet-talk, but it was the least of the girl’s worries now.
When she arrived home, Vanessa made her way upstairs to survey the damage. The girl sighed. As much as she hated to acknowledge it, as much as she hated to admit it, the thought crept in that her mother might be right:
If Vanessa was going to make it through the semester, she might need a little protection.
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