#caution plural
felonsmojis · 9 months
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blurry emojis for my first 2024 emoji set, figured i could do something more funky this time around XP
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
could you do the rabies pride flag?
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Rabies Pride
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Interact With Caution , Interact With Extreme Caution , Do Not Interact (made by @identity-coining)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
More Seen Here
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i cant decide if i wanna vibe to music or watch movies. also doesn't help that whoever is in co wants to listen to depresso sad ass music. i just made my own playlist and i'd like to use it
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
Trump’s Trial Violated Due Process
Trump was denied notice of the charges, meaningful opportunity to respond and proof of all elements.
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Elizabeth Price Foley
Wall Street Journal
Whether you love, hate or merely tolerate Donald Trump, you should care about due process, which is fundamental to the rule of law. New York’s trial of Mr. Trump violated basic due-process principles.
“No principle of procedural due process is more clearly established than that notice of the specific charge,” the Supreme Court stated in Cole v. Arkansas (1948), “and a chance to be heard in a trial of the issues raised by that charge, if desired, [is] among the constitutional rights of every accused in a criminal proceeding in all courts, state or federal.” In in re Winship (1970), the justices affirmed that “the Due Process Clause protects the accused against conviction except upon proof beyond a reasonable doubt of every fact necessary to constitute the crime with which he is charged.” These three due-process precepts—notice, meaningful opportunity to defend, and proof of all elements—were absent in Mr. Trump’s trial.
The state offense with which Mr. Trump was indicted, “falsifying business records,” requires proof of an “intent to defraud.” To elevate this misdemeanor to a felony, the statute requires proof of “intent to commit another crime.” In People v. Bloomfield (2006), the state’s highest court observed that “intent to commit another crime” is an indispensable element of the felony offense.
New York courts have concluded that the accused need not be convicted of the other crime since an “intent to commit” it is sufficient to satisfy the statute. But because that intent is, in the words of Winship, “a fact necessary to constitute the crime,” it is an element of felony falsification. Due process requires that the defendant receive timely notice of the other crime he allegedly intended to commit. It also requires that he have opportunity to defend against that accusation and that prosecutors prove beyond a reasonable doubt his intent to commit it.
Mr. Trump’s indictment didn’t specify the other crime he allegedly intended to commit. Prosecutors didn’t do so during the trial either. Only after the evidentiary phase of the trial did Judge Juan Merchan reveal that the other crime was Section 17-152 of New York’s election law, which makes it a misdemeanor to engage in a conspiracy “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”
To recap, the prosecution involved (1) a misdemeanor elevated to a felony based on an “intent to commit another crime,” (2) an indictment and trial that failed to specify, or present evidence establishing, another crime the defendant intended to commit, and (3) a jury instruction that the other crime was one that necessitated further proof of “unlawful means.” It’s a Russian-nesting-doll theory of criminality: The charged crime hinged on the intent to commit another, unspecified crime, which in turn hinged on the actual commission of yet another unspecified offense.
To make matters worse, Judge Merchan instructed the jury: “Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.”
Due process demands that felony verdicts be unanimous, but in Schad v. Arizona (1991), a murder case, the high court indicated that there need not be unanimity regarding the means by which a crime is committed. But a plurality opinion by Justice David Souter cautioned that if the available means of committing a crime are so capacious that the accused is not “in a position to understand with some specificity the legal basis of the charge against him,” due process will be violated. “Nothing in our history suggests that the Due Process Clause would permit a State to convict anyone under a charge of ‘Crime’ so generic that any combination of jury findings of embezzlement, reckless driving, murder, burglary, tax evasion, or littering, for example, would suffice for conviction,” Justice Souter wrote.
Justice Antonin Scalia concurred, observing that “one can conceive of novel ‘umbrella’ crimes (a felony consisting of either robbery or failure to file a tax return) where permitting a 6-to-6 verdict would seem contrary to due process.” Four dissenting justices argued that the In re Winship precedent requires unanimity regarding all elements of a crime, including the means by which it’s committed.
All nine justices in Schad, then, believed unanimity is required to convict when the means by which a crime can be committed are so broad that the accused doesn’t receive fair notice of the basis of the charge. New York’s election law requires that the violation occur “by unlawful means,” so any “unlawful” act—including, in Scalia’s example, either robbery of failure to file a tax return—can qualify. That’s clearly overbroad. Thus, Judge Merchan’s instruction that the jury “need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were” was unconstitutional.
That isn’t all. Judge Merchan hand-selected three laws—federal election law, falsification of “other” business records and “violation of tax laws”—as the “unlawful means” by which state election law was violated. Mr. Trump received no notice of any of these offenses, and the prosecutor briefly alluded only to federal election law, during the trial. Mr. Trump tried to call former Federal Election Commission Chairman Brad Smith to explain why this law wasn’t violated, but Judge Merchan ruled Mr. Smith couldn’t testify on whether Mr. Trump’s conduct “does or does not constitute a violation” of federal election law, denying him a meaningful opportunity to be heard.
Judge Merchan’s second “unlawful” means, falsification of other business records, is circular: A misdemeanor becomes a felony if one falsifies business records by falsifying business records. Further, the prosecution never alleged or provided evidence that Mr. Trump falsified “other” business records. The prosecutors likewise neither alleged nor offered evidence that Mr. Trump had violated tax laws, Judge Merchan’s third predicate.
Mr. Trump, like all criminal defendants, was entitled to due process. The Constitution demands that higher courts throw out the verdict against him. That takes time, however, and is unlikely to occur before the election. That unfortunate reality will widen America’s political divide and fuel the suspicion that Mr. Trump’s prosecution wasn’t about enforcing the law but wounding a presidential candidate for the benefit of his opponent.
Mr. Rivkin served at the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administrations. Ms. Foley is a professor of constitutional law at Florida International University College of Law. Both practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington.
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requiemsystem · 9 months
thought i would do a lighter post today, so i want to share some things we use in our simply plural to hopefully give you all layout ideas! CUSTOM FIELDS in our custom fields, we have: names that the alter goes by pronouns age and birthday description of the alter, used as a mini-introduction alter information, used for roles and other alter info introject information, which includes source and amount of source id interaction status boundaries relationships front triggers languages likes and dislikes date the profile was last updated we also have a RAMCOA system specific field for codes the alter was assigned, where we keep track of what they are in our organization systems and any assigned titles they have CUSTOM FRONT in our custom fronts, we have: blurry triggered interaction statuses (ask to interact, do not interact, interact with caution, etc.) frontstuck limited / no phone access new alter fronting private alter fronting rapid switching splitting GROUPS for our groups, we organize by area of system. we organize by sidesystem and layer. we also have groups for subsystems and if the alter has a specific interaction status other group ideas: roles sources completeness of profile fronting frequency - grey
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love-letters-for-wise · 5 months
I Want Movie, Not Feelings! (Wise x gn!reader)
[ no beta we die like Ethereals | OOC possibility ]
It was no secret that the Random Play siblings were quite the hustle-bustle. Apart from managing the video store, to a few, they also take "special" commissions to guide people at the Hollows. Not only that, being proxies, they had to keep their true identities a secret from parties seeking to unveil them. Though some, a select few people, were aware of the siblings' double lives.
One of the few people was you. Circumstances led you to discover the people behind Phaethon, and since today, you had been bound by a contract that wouldn't let you sell them out. No matter how high the price offered by desiring shadows.
Hence why, you did the second thing you could do best; befriending them! If you couldn't make them your enemies, then you would try to gain their favorability--maybe you could extract a favor or two from them.
That afternoon, you stopped by Random Play, wanting to browse what movie to play later in your homely, well-deserved movie night. The flyer of the memory-erasing pen you got from the technology store a few blocks away shoved down your purse. A silly machine, too expensive for you to want it. The sound of your arrival alerted the person in charge, prompting a "Welcome to Random Play" from behind a rack. A head popped from the side.
"Oh, it's you." Wise's voice sounded a bit guarded no matter how many times you had gone here, but he was quick to put up the professionalism. "Any movie you're looking for today?"
You hoped you could show a bewilderment, but his cynical--you meant--caution did deserve praise sometimes. Your eyes wandered around before settling on his form. "Yeah, I'm looking for something to eat my dinner with. Got any nasty murder documentaries with you?"
Wise was for sure weirded. You caught how his eyebrows slightly furrowed, it didn't help too that his eyebags seemed to enhance that emotion, before guiding you to a rack.
"We have..." Wise's fingers hovered in the air before settling on a video cover. "Don't Fuck with Bangboos," and those fingers began to slide as he listed all the titles on that one row. Just four movies there.
"Huh. And here I thought there would be more variety." Your eyes settled on Wise, the accusation clear knowing how much Wise loved documentaries. You were responded with a sigh.
"Unfortunately, documentaries-lovers, me included, would rather see things they can be grateful of--we have enough 'loss' already."
"Doesn't mean you can't have more of the darker documentaries."
"Never said that; I'm just saying there isn't enough demand for them." His eyebrows furrowed once more. He looked old.
"You really gotta stop trying to merge your eyebrows" Now it was your turn to furrow your eyebrows. Your face quickly relaxed while throwing him a grin, though. "Lest you want wrinkles at your age."
Wise's eyebrows slowly relaxed, staring at you with a passive look.
"There. Much better!" You huffed a wider grin. "Now, with what should you service your customer?"
Reluctantly, a smile formed on Wise's face. Shit, he looks cute. You mentally punched yourself for that.
"O-okay! Good!" Did you just stutter? "I'll be taking 'Don't Fuck with Bangboos', then! S-shall we go to the cashier?" A high-pitched voice.
Okay, NOW you're starting to change your mind on that memory-erasing pen.
Calm down, you! If you keep doing that, you're basically foiling your own plan.
You didn't hear exactly what Wise said. You just heard a plural amount of something, fished your purse and put some dennies on the counter, and took the movie. You did it! You did them all while remaining calm and not looking rushed or anything!
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Wise looked at the counter where you put your dennies on. After counting them, he found that you also put a little piece of paper along. He picked it up, finding the word "Wipe anyone's memory! Rebrand yourself anew!" at the top.
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
What is the difference between fencing and actual sword fighting, exactly? If I were to throw an olympic fencer against a master swordsperson, what would the most likely outcome of such a fight be?
The first and most obvious answer is that only one of these individuals is trained for combat.
The second answer is that only one of them uses (and trains with intent to use) a real weapon.
I’m going to assume this question revolves around an Olympic fencer dueling with a master swordsman with a live weapon and not in accordance with Olympic fencing rules. An Olympic fencer’s best chance at winning is a bout with a modern epee/saber under Olympic fencing rules and it’s also the case where (probably) no one dies or is gravely injured.
Olympic fencing is a sport. As a result of its evolution, it’s pretty much unrecognizable as even a martial form today and, in pursuit of the new requirements for winning, has divested itself of the weapon aspect. While much of the terminology remains the same, the key difference to grasp about Olympic fencers is that they’re not trained to fence around the idea that the sword in their hand is a dangerous weapon (because it isn’t.) In fact, the ultimate goal of winning in their sport (score points) is hindered by that mentality. To the Olympic fencer, it doesn’t matter if they get hit so long as they score first and have right of way when they do. If those at the top of the sport were handed a real historical epee, told to fence, and changed nothing in their approach, the end result would be a double suicide. (Which is ironic because that’s one of the reasons why the epee was restricted historically. When it came to dueling, it was a little too efficient.)
There is no caution here because there doesn’t need to be. Tactics and techniques which will cause a fencer to commit suicide against an opponent with a live blade work exceptionally well once the risk of death is off the table.
This isn’t just restricted to Olympic fencing. If you take any martial art that has transitioned to a sport and put the practitioner up against someone who kills people for a living, even if they are one of the best in their field, they will be at an inherent disadvantage. The requirements for winning according to the sport’s rules are vastly different from the requirements for winning in a life or death situation.
And that’s just the first hurdle.
The next hurdle is the weapon itself.
Duels are specifically between weapons of the same type. This rule is meant to level the playing field and ensure the duel is decided on “skill” rather than weapon advantage. Depending on their point of origin (for the purpose of this question, I’m assuming European) a master swordsman would have been familiar with and likely trained in several different sword styles, depending on era would be a master of their own school or in the employ of a noble house. If you need a comparable profession for a master duelist, think of them like lawyers. Except, the victory was decided by skill with a blade rather than a compelling argument. (We could say that skill with a blade is a compelling argument, but I digress.) One doesn’t get to be a master swordsman until after many years of study with the blade and victories under their belt. Depending on the era of history, the duel requirements of the duel could be anywhere between armored or unarmored, to first blood or to the death, and cover a variety of different swords, each with their own developed styles (and that is styles plural.)
Our Olympic fencer will be fucked by varying degrees depending on the live blade in question but, make no mistake, they’ll be pretty much fucked by any option picked. Running counter to their ubiquitous nature in popular culture, swords are not one size fits all. Outside of common principles there’s almost no training crossover. Every sword handles differently. These variations include length of the blade, length of the hilt, location of the crossguard, the weapon’s weight, the weapon’s weight distribution, the location of its balance point, whether it is primarily used with one hand or two, whether it is primarily a weapon for thrusting (the rapier) or cutting (the saber,) etc. Their grip would be off, and  probably wouldn’t be able to hold the sword properly.
The modern version of a fencing “sword” is not equivalent to any of these. Their closest stylistic match up in terms of inherited movement is the 19th century epee, but we’re still miles apart.
Then there’s the mentality issue.
The Olympic fencer hasn’t trained around the idea that death or major injury are accidental. Possible, yes, a risk, yes, but in the same way they are for any other sport. These are surprise, tragic occurrences and not part of regular bouts. For reference, in terms of the dangers of physical contact, a modern fencer faces less risk than a football player. For the master swordsman, the opposite is true. There is no variant of historical dueling which doesn’t risk death in some capacity, whether that’s a confirmed death on the dueling field itself or from an injury or infection later. Those historical circumstances where you see individuals dueling topless is (ironically) for practical reasons and not titillation. Many duelists, victorious or not, died from infection after cloth or other detritus got into their wounds. In this way, our modern Olympic fencer is less prepared than a duelist of average skill, much less a master.
Is the Olympic fencer ready to put their life and body on the line? To risk death, permanent injury, a potential blinding in one eye, in a bout that, at best, involves zero physical protection? I’m not sure. Probably not off the cuff. It requires a different mindset.
Are they ready to inflict damage on another person? Are they ready to kill another person? And even if they’re ready, are they willing to? Are they resolved to? Are they ready to risk their own life in pursuit of it?
The Olympic fencer is on the starting line with these questions.
The Master Swordsman has already answered them.
One of the difficult aspects about writing violence and characters who practice martial disciplines with intent to exercise those skills is internalizing the risks involved and ensuring their a natural part of your character’s mindset and their approach to combat.
Fiction is an illusion. Your narrative’s world is as real as you, the author, choose to make it. Characters are immortal, have infinite stamina, possess skill with every weapon, are unbeatable unless you choose otherwise. Regardless of reality, if you choose to make an Olympic fencer and a Master Swordsman fight exactly the same way with the same skill set, that’s how it is.
I’ve seen plenty of published authors treat swords as universal and modern Olympic fencing like it lends their character any real martial skills. (I mean, beyond excellent conditioning.) You can do it and get away with it if that’s what you want. Personally, I find it less interesting because it cheats the character out of their growth. Also, you don’t need to lean into that approach for “Girls Can Fight” or as a way for a female character to gain combat skills because there were female fencers who trained on the blade.
Ways for the Olympic fencer to win:
Dumb luck.
Yeah. That’s it.
The Master Swordsman should knock the blade out of their hand, take the Olympic fencer under their wing as their apprentice, and wander the world together solving crimes.
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humunanunga · 24 days
Plurality, endogenesis and sysmedicalism.
Yeah no, I'm not done yet. Please bear with me for a word of caution.
So before making this post in reaction to seeing tulpa "systems" DNI, endo/endo-supporters DNI and non-traumagenic systems/supporters DNI across three fandom tags so far, I asked the systems I know if this was as Transmed But For Systems as it looked to an outsider. That was when I learned endo-exclusionists are called sysmeds.
Now, if you've been on Tumblr in the 2020s, you likely already know what plurality is. If you don't, it refers to an internal experience of living as multiple people who may take turns fronting– and together with whomever would be designated the "host," they are called a system. It used to be widely called split personality or multiple personality disorder, but as it stands currently, I don't think psychiatry yet recognizes a distinction between headmates, such as in plurality, and alters, such as in dissociative identity disorder (DID). The two can coexist, but not everyone with DID is plural, and not every plural has DID.
Which brings us to traumagenesis and endogenesis. Traumagenic systems or headmates, as the term suggests, have been caused by traumatic events, either acute or chronic, as is commonly the case with DID. Endogenesis, on the other hand, is a broad term for other causes. Tulpamancy, the deliberate formation of a headmate, is one example, but traumagenic systems can include endogenic headmates and vice-versa, and endogenic systems or headmates may also be caused by, for just one example, the same neurological processes that cause delusions or hallucinations. Which is to say, they're not making it up or following a trend, but the causes for endogenic plurality are more varied, and thus may simply not yet be as well-researched or as widely understood as another common cause.
So, how do you know whether someone's system is endogenic or traumagenic? Well, what if the systems themselves don't know if they're endo? What if a system who identifies as endo doesn't know they're traumagenic? How far would you be willing to invade someone's privacy to try to tell apart an endogenic system from a traumagenic system?
Before I continue, I myself am not plural, not to my knowledge. What I am is close to multiple plurals, both locally and across group chats. So I consulted them for this post:
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And now that we've hopefully cleared up some misconceptions, some presumptions maybe, I'll get to the point.
I have been on Tumblr since early 2012, late 2011. Years before I knew I was trans, I was here through the prevalence of transmedicalism, and the damage exclusionism did, keeping far more trans people in the closet than were protected from radfems, by repeating the same excuses transphobic doctors give to deny resources.
Bigots don't mistreat plurals for why you're plural, they mistreat you for being plural. Whether you've been mistreated for your plurality is not the fault of other plurals.
People of Tumblr, do not do that shit again with sysmedicalism. Do not reenact 2010s Tumblr. You would not be protecting anyone if you did this, you would be acting as someone else other plurals need protection from.
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catinafigtree · 4 months
Hi, do you have any tips on how to be comfortable being a Muslim while being queer?
I've been trying to do that for a very long time, focusing on my faith in Allah, but it's a bit hard and I always get demotivated randomly :(
Hey! Salam! Sorry for the kind of late response, moving houses has been hectic. This will be a long response (sorry), so I will put it under the cut.
I want to preface this by saying every queer person is different. I don't know the specifics of your identity so I am going to cover both sexual queerness and gender queerness.
My biggest obstacle in nurturing my relationship with Allah was believing that the way I am was haram, and even that I was cursed by Allah. I no longer believe this, but it was a long road.
I don't believe that homosexuality is haram. The common claim that the story of Lut is about homosexuality is full of holes and inconsistencies and it's largely based on the Christian religious tradition, even if the grammar of the Qur'an doesn't align with the Christian tradition (eg. the Qur'an uses the word "banaat" for Prophet Lut's (as) daughters. Bannat is plural, meaning 3 or more daughters, and in the traditional telling Lut (as) has 2 daughters).
Here is a really good study by Nahida Nisa:
I recommend reading all of Nahida's things because she's an amazing writer.
And a video from Dr. Shehnaz Haqaani's (PhD, Islamic Studies) podcast "What The Patriarchy":
and you can find her blog here
These articles from the blog, Lamp of Islam are also pretty good. He is a hardcore Qur'anist with some strange opinions, so peruse his blog with caution.
Letting go of the belief that the way I am was haram and that Allah had cursed me was the most critical part of fixing my iman and overall nurturing my relationship with Allah.
Also, it doesn't make any sense that The All-Merciful, Allah would make someone with an innate attraction to the same gender and then forbid them from "acting on it".
The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) never punished anyone for homosexuality, after his death, his companions debated whether or not to punish homosexuals and they could not come to a conclusion.
The Qur'an seems to acknowledge the differences between sex and gender. For example, the word for 'man' in the Qur'an is rijal and the word for 'male' is dhukran. And the word for 'woman' is nisa, but the word for 'female' is untsa. You can read Lamp of Islam's article on the meanings of these words here.
There also may be a vague reference to intersex and/or gender non-conforming people in verse 42:50.
There are also some hadith that seem to imply that gender non-conforming people were accepted around Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam). Prophet Muhammad's (Salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) wife Umm Salama (Radi Allahu anha) had a seemingly close friend who was then called a 'mukhanath', named Hit, who was described as a 'male who exhibited effeminate traits' was was welcome into the private women's section of the Prophet's (Salla Allahu alayhi wa salam) home. Today this person might have been a gay man (who displayed effeminate traits by accepting the "woman's role" (🙄) in relationships), or, more likely IMO, this person would be considered a trans woman today.
Hit was punished by the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam), but not for their sexuality/gender expression, they were punished for describing a woman's body to a man, which was possible because they were allowed into both men's and women's spaces. The punishment of Hit is often used as 'evidence' to support homophobia and transphobia, but they neglect to mention the specific reason that Hit was punished.
You can read more about queerness in Islamic history here.
The link above takes you to Muslims For Progressive Values, they also offer marriage services for queer Muslims and interfaith couples, specifically for Muslim women seeking to marry non-Muslim men.
Here is a link to MPV's video series, but massive trigger warning for the comment section.
And a second MPV video series.
And another article from MPV.
More Tips
As I said, learning about LGBTQ Islamic History helped me a lot.
Keep your relationship with Allah between you and Him. Only share it with people who you 100% trust, because religion is extremely personal.
Find your people. Whether online or in-person, a community of people like you is important.
Know that Allah knows you, your identity, and the way you feel. Ultimately, Allah is your creator and we will only return to him. And we, as queer people KNOW that this is the way we were created. Nobody can tell you that who you are is false because they have no way to know that.
Block. Block. Block. Block. Block anyone who is being a problem, who might become a problem in the future. Block them all. Block Islamophobic queers, block queerphobic Muslims. Protect your peace and your relationship with Allah at all costs.
Here are people that I block quickly: anyone who has outwardly queerphobic or Islamophobic things posted on their page. Salafis and Wahabis. The black flag freaks: those with black flags in their user names/bios. I block people for the comments they leave all the time. Generally, I don't wait for them to do something, I block them on sight.
You mentioned that you struggle with low imaan sometimes. It's important to know that fluctuations of imaan are normal and completely natural. But I'm assuming since you've sent this ask, you always come back, which is what's important.
Here is another video from Dr. Shehnaz Haqaani's (PhD Islamic Studies) Podcast for Muslims who struggle to practice.
And a TikTok from @/soundous.boualam:
My biggest tip for building faith is to start slow.
Pray one prayer a day at first, and wait until that prayer is deeply ingrained into your habits, then add another. I recommend starting with Isha before bed. Don't try to do everything at once. You'll burn yourself out.
Build up the fard actions. Your prayers, primarily.
If you can take on more, add in the dhikr after prayer (subhanallah 33x, alhamdullilah 33x, and allahu akbar 34x). Or add dhikr in throughout your day. I use an app called Azkar that I set to send notifications to remind me to do various worship activities.
When I braid my hair I say alhamdullilah every time I cross a piece over another.
If you can, it might also help to put a poster or picture on your wall with your favorite Qur'an verse, hadith, or Islamic quote on your wall, or make your screensaver a reminder to remember Allah.
You can also buy or make a beaded tasbih bracelet, sometimes having something on your wrist can make it easier to remember.
I also like to spend 20-30 minutes every morning after Fajr to just spend time with Allah, talk to Him, and read the Qur'an.
But also remember that you don't only get rewarded for outright acts of worship. You get rewarded for caring for your body, taking a nap when you're tired, eating food, drinking water, caring for pets, and spending time with family. All of that stuff is worship.
Be easy with yourself. Allah does not want hardship for you (2:185).
And I'll leave you with a Qur'an verse.
It was We Who created man, and We know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him that [his] jugular vein. (50:16)
I hope this helps you some. I love you. Allah loves you. May Allah bless you with peace, imaan, and His abundant guidance and mercy, Allahumma Ameen.
You can ask questions in the comments or in asks if you want.
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
do you think plurality will become widely accepted any time soon? i fear that my plurality will have to be hidden from most people my whole life. i wish i could tell our parents but i feel like they would immediately take me to a mental hospital..
i wish plural education could move faster lol
Widely accepted? I wouldn't count on it anytime soon. Sorry.
As Ghandi never said: "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
While the quote isn't from Ghandi, it is still a pretty accurate one for how movements tend to go. And the problem is, we're still in the ignoring stage with a side of mockery.
Before we can get widespread acceptance, we need widespread awareness. And when we get widespread awareness, the biggest roadblock we'll encounter is direct opposition. Because then we'll be a threat. We'll be trying to change things. We'll be demanding our headmates be acknowledged as individuals and called by their names, and that's going to make certain people, especially on the Right, extremely uncomfortable. I'm sorry to say that they will lash out.
When Tulpamancers are being smeared not by randos on Tumblr or r/systemscringe, but by Sean Hannity, that's when you can know that the real fight for plural acceptance has started. And everything we've gone through before that has just been a prelude.
And then it will probably drag out for years after that.
But while that prospect is scary, I think it will be necessary for getting to where we need to be.
But just because society isn't there yet and won't be for a while, that doesn't mean your parents won't be. Plenty of people have come out to their parents successfully. Others came out unsuccessfully, and then their parents warmed up to the idea later.
I would advise waiting until you're an adult if you aren't already, because parents have a lot of power over minors in their care, and things could go very badly. Best not come out, if you think they would react badly, while they have power over you. Additionally, I don't know if your system is traumagenic or not, but if it is, coming out to parents who may have been involved in that is probably a bad idea. Caution is advised.
One more thing, while that quote wasn't from Gandhi, I really love the speech it's believed to have originated from.
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Plural acceptance may not come quick! It may not come easy! But it will come, and we are all a part of it just by being here and being ourselves!
The future is plural!
No matter how far off that future may seem!
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 months
The Temptation Chapter 5
Summary: Father Barnes is devout, steadfast, and undeterred by flirtatious congregants.  So why does this fallen angel tempt him so?  You cannot serve two masters.  Will he choose God, or his heart? A short one! Priest!Bucky x curvy!reader Warnings: eventual smut; religion (yes it's a warning); mentions of past sexual assault
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Bucky was not the same after that night.  He went through the motions of his priesthood jobs, but his heart was no longer in it.  He was still calm and friendly, but the light in his eyes had disappeared when she walked away.  It had been four weeks when Father Richards pulled him aside one day for counsel.
“Father Barnes, you have not been yourself as of late,” he started, folding his hands in front of him.
“I’m sorry, Father.  I’ve just been feeling a bit…off,” Bucky hung his head in shame.
“Hm,” Father Richards tapped his fingers on his other hand.  “Would this have anything to do with Miss Y/L/N in your room a few weeks back?”
Bucky’s head lifted, his eyes wide as he stared at Father Richards.  “I…”
Father Richards gave him a soft smile.  “Yes, I know.  I was coming to talk to you about the plans for the donation from Constance Y/L/N when I saw her enter your room.”  
Bucky’s lips tightened as his eyes filled with tears.  “I’m sorry, Father.  I have no excuse for my actions.  If it’s any consolation, nothing too…scandalous happened.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, at least not to me,” Richards said.  Bucky gave him a wary look.  “I’m going to tell you something in confidence because I feel like I can trust you.  I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of some priests living more worldly lives outside of their priesthood?”  Bucky nodded.  “I happen to be one of them.  You know how I take a few specific days off during the month and certain weekends off altogether?”  Bucky blinked.  “Those are the days I go home to my wife and children.”
“Your wife?  Children?  Plural??” Bucky scoffed.  “How?  You’ve…”
“Made promises?  Covenants?  Yes yes,” Richards waved away his concerns.  “I also met a woman 27 years ago that I couldn’t live without.  She’s not my wife in any legal terms, unfortunately, so I could keep this job as senior priest.  But she’s my wife in every other sense of the word.  And she and my boys are the lights of my life,” he smiled adoringly.  “Johnny just finished college, and Ben just got married to his husband a few weeks ago.  They’re working on adopting.”  Bucky’s mouth was hanging open comically as he stared at Father Richards.  “I understand what it means to love someone and love them so deeply that you feel like you would reject all this,” he gestured to the church around him, “for them.  I almost did.  And to be honest, I should have.  Because it makes me a subpar and dishonest priest to my congregation, and a near absent husband and father to my family.  You can’t have both.  Now if you choose to stay, then I applaud you for your devotion to God and His church.  If you choose to leave and live a life outside of the church, I won’t judge you and will commend your bravery.  But I would caution you to be prepared for the inner death you will feel no matter what you choose.  It’s up to you to decide which death you will be willing or able to overcome.”
Bucky nodded.  He sat there as Father Richards waited for him.  Bucky thought through his life.  He’d basically been raised to be a good Catholic, being an altar boy and singing in the choirs, going to Catholic school then Seminary.  He had had a choice to live a normal life or go to Seminary, and he’d chosen the church because it seemed safe and easy.  His parents had been proud of him.  He’d been a good student and had risen through the ranks of stewardship and learning quickly to become a priest.  He hadn’t realized that the other option could have brought him joy.  The church had been his life, so how could he know any different?  
Then a fallen angel had stumbled into that life and disrupted everything he knew to be true.  She made him question himself, the church, his knowledge of scripture and God, and showed him the joy and light found outside of it.  And the one night, the few moments he’d had with her, had made him realize he’d gladly drop it all if it meant being with her.  
Bucky gave Father Richards a sad smile as his epiphany shown brightly on his face.  “I choose her.”
Father Richards nodded solemnly.
The next chapter is the last one!!
**picture if from Pinterest, it's A.I. so there's no "artist" or "creator"**
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sorrowful-figure · 5 months
Welcome to our blog!
We’re the Tributary System, a truamagenic (questioning mixed origin) fictive heavy system of 70+! We’re endogenic, tulpagenic, willogenic, and other origin safe! We’re autistic, physically disabled, heavily traumatized, and have NPD, we may post vents here, or content that may have heavy themes, they will be properly tagged!
Some interests we have are..
Bungou Stray Dogs(both Manga, and Anime), Minecraft, psychology, cooking, Splatoon, Omori, and more!!
Do not interact if you are..
Fatphobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Anti-self dx, Anti-neopronouns, Anti-Xenogender, believe in Narc Abuse (you are allowed to interact if you’re asking and respectful), anti-endo, victim blame, TERF’s, I will add as needed
Our ‘thin ice’/interact with caution
You’re should interact with caution if..
You think anyone with a personality disorder is inherently bad, proship, radqueer, thirteen and under, 25 and over, I will add as needed (rq& proship this is nothing wrong w/you, js extremely diff opinions in the system and interactions will be more/less pleasant depending on who’s fronting sadly)
Extra about us!
You can dm us at any time!! We dont bite ^_^, we have Simply Plural, Discord, and Twitter, you’re allowed to ask for these, too! Please if we accidentally overstep boundaries we probably don’t realize, try to talk to us about it and remind us before assuming we did it on purpose! Overall we’re friendly, and happy to meet new people right now!!
Userboxes under the cut ^_^ also logs for anyone who signs off here !
-Figure/❤️‍🩹 [He/Fog/Mist]
-Dazzy/📕 [He/It/Paw]
-Sharkie/🦈 [Fin/Paw/Sea/Dove/Gill/Shine]
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plague-of-insomnia · 10 months
Ch 206: Lost in Translation
Yana is amazing and blows me away more and more every chapter.
In this one, a few amazing moments won’t translate, so I wanted to point them out.
Warning: this post has major spoilers for Ch 206. Proceed with caution.
Note: This post talks about first-person Japanese pronouns, but you don’t need to know much about them to follow this post. Just that Japanese has many ways to say “I,” often that can be personal or apply for different situations. You can read more about them here.
At one point in ch 206, both Doll and Finny shout at the same time about who their enemy is. While Finny points the finger at Doll (and company), Doll insists it’s Phantomhive who is the real foe.
What’s really cool here and probably will be lost in the English is that we can see how Finny and Doll each speak slightly differently— Finny uses “boku” (僕, here in the plural form) while Doll uses “ore” (オレ, also in plural).
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Another instance that again uses first-person pronouns is when Snake first realizes that his “family” was kidnapping children and everything he believed was a lie, he breaks down.
He’s so upset he doesn’t even know how to speak, running through three different pronouns: first 私 (watashi), then 僕 (boku), and lastly, 俺 (ore, in kanji form here).
Because Snake almost always speaks via his snakes and not as himself, this moment is even more significant, in my opinion. It’s almost as if we see his self fracturing. It’s painful and something that probably won’t come off as impactful with English having only one way to say “I.”
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Then, at the end of the chapter, once Snake has been forced to realize the troupe and Doll weren’t who he thought they were, his self shatters and we see him again go through different pronouns—this time only watashi (私) and ore (俺), but it still illustrates how this quite literally “breaks” his spirit, his identity.
It’s even more interesting when we’re already dealing with the theme of “substitutions” or “counterfeits” to the “real thing” with the clone orphans. Pulls in that famous line about lies becoming truth in a painful way, doesn’t it?
Please respect my time and money put into these translations and do not reuse my content without credit.
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redcherryrain · 3 months
Okay. Lets start again from the beginning shall we?
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Red Cherry Rain, but you all can call me Cherry for short. I am the host of a traumagenic D.I.D. system that goes by the name of The Nightmare District. When I first created this tumblr it was out of retaliation to the Endo community on here. Some of the things said on this tumblr have been out of pocket and wrong of me to do and I do truly apologize to all the people I have hurt by my past posts. These posts weren't just sharing my views on the endo community but more attacking them for their beliefs. My own belief does still stand. But that being said, I will not continue to attack the endogenic community on this platform or any other platforms that I run. I am allowed to have my own rights and views on the endogenic topic but so can everyone else. Hence from here on out I will look at what endos send to me, but that being said I will share my own personal views on what is shared. For anyone who comes to me, I will share my opinion, but I will not try to force that opinion on anyone else. This is me agreeing to disagree on your views. Now what does this mean for future posts. For any post regarding Dissociative Identity Disorder I will continue to use plural tags on the platform, I will not use these tags to share hate, but to share my own life experiences with D.I.D. and how I live as a system. Hate is not a good thing to spread and can instead cause discourse among everyone on the platform, no matter which side you are on. I ask that the people doing so refrain from doing it anymore. If you do not like or agree with what I am posting you may leave your opinions, I will indeed read them. But with that, I will not change my style just to cater to one person. If you truly do just fully despise my content you may block me and move on with your life, I will not hold a grudge against you for it. Everyone's style in content creation is different, my community will find me and grow because of the people who enjoy my work. I will no longer kekw at endos, but much rather I will share my opinion and walk away. This page is not endo safe, but I will also not personally hunt you down, I will mention though that the majority of people in my discord though do share the same view on you as I do, proceed with caution. We will not attack you, but we may politely ask you to leave.
In regards to AspenFrostEN: I no longer wish to correspond with Aspen, I do wish to coexist peacefully with Aspen and the Entourage System. I personally do not agree with the route that Aspen has taken with her community and her content. I do not hate her, I am more disappointed with the way she is making systems look on every platform. For someone who promotes and stands for healing, she does not make it easy for anyone. As mentioned before, Aspen if you do happen to read this, you do have my discord and I do not mind speaking with you privately. But this does not give you any right to attack me and the rest of The Nightmare District, you have indeed indirectly done this twice on your tiktok page and we do not appreciate it. I have been asked and I will say it here, you may apologize and I will forgive you, but you have a lot to do to earn back my trust, especially with what you have done. My discord server is open to all who have dealt with Aspen and would like to share their story, open a ticket and my staff team will indeed get to you All in all I truly am sorry for everything I have done and this is my time to change, I do not expect to be forgiven, and I understand that for some that will be difficult to do, but I promise you all I am trying to change for the better. If anyone of you would indeed like to speak to me privately I do ask that you join my discord and open a ticket where I will gladly be of service to anyone who would like to speak to me privately. Thank you all for giving me a chance to explain. Below I will link my server for those who need it! Thank you.
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
Edith for the character breakdown ask game!
How I feel about this character: LOVE OF MY LIFE ACTUALLY MY WIFE. Lucille is my precious trash fire darling; Edith is the one I'm Attracted ToTM. And I find her general MO of crashing ahead with a minimum of caution or forethought so interesting to explore.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Thomas and Lucille. Seldom individually, but if one must be absent, I'd prefer it be Thomas (ie exclusive Edith/Lucille)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Edith and Alan! Best friends; none braincells. Alan sort of has one, I guess, but I feel like he just disregards it in different exciting ways than Edith does hers.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think Edith could be better suited to a partially-incestuous triad than she'd like to admit. Her morals are clearly negotiable when they come up against her desires- we saw how quickly "a parasite with a title" became her husband when he was sad and mysterious and pretty (and complimented her writing). And Alan did say "your fascination with the Sharpes" plural, not just Thomas...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Edith/Lucille canon Activities. Kissing at minimum; ideally more.
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