#celebrating together on both ends of the rink
sevennone · 6 months
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240325 VGK@STL | overtime cellies with marchy and the tendie
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avatar-anna · 5 months
Hockey player! Harry x Figure skater! Y/n
there are references to a previous oneshot. read here for more context!
"You comin' out tonight, Captain?"
Harry shut his locker as he shrugged into his t-shirt, water droplets spraying as he shook out his freshly washed hair. Rubbing some of the stray droplets off his face, he said, "Not tonight, boys. It's date night."
His teammates groaned in protest, a regular occurrence when Harry declined to go out with them. He shook his head at their collective disappointment, amused because when he did go out they typically got too hammered or went off in search of someone to hook up with.
"You'll be fine without me, I promise," Harry assured as they walked out of the locker room together.
"It's the principle of the thing," one of his teammates, Matt, said. He was new to the team this year, a transfer from a different school. "You never come out with us."
"That's not true!"
It wasn't true, was it? Harry had opted out of the last couple parties, preferring to take his girlfriend on a date or have a night in with her. Y/n wasn't overly fond of parties, and rightfully so after what she'd experienced a couple years ago, but even then Harry had begun to prefer their quiet nights together over a rager on Greek Row.
"It is. You're always with your girlfriend," another teammate said, making it sound like an accusation.
"Watch it," Harry said, his voice clipped, not having much tolerance for anyone who spoke badly about Y/n.
"Speaking of," Niall said, nodding to where Y/n waited by her car, her head dipped as she typed something on her phone.
Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a smile involuntarily finding its way onto his face. "So fucking whipped," Matt muttered as Harry walked over to Y/n, the rest agreeing, making their own jokes at their captain's expense. Harry merely flipped them off as he walked away from them, shaking as his head as he returned his focus back on his girl.
"What was that all about?" Y/n asked, looking over at Harry's teammates with a raised brow.
"Nothing, they're just giving me a hard time about not going out with them tonight," he explained, tossing his duffle bag in the back of Y/n's car.
"Oh," Y/n said. "Do you want to go out with them? We can take a raincheck for tonight."
That was what he loved about Y/n. What Harry's teammates didn't understand was that his girlfriend wasn't telling him not to go out. Y/n never got mad at him if he wanted to celebrate a win at a party , she knew his team was a close knit group. But Harry found himself preferring spending time with her than with the boys. Did that make him a shitty teammate? He didn't think so. Did it mean he was whipped? Maybe, but he didn't really see a problem with that. Not when being with Y/n made him so happy.
"Don't worry about them," Harry said, pulling Y/n as close as she could possibly get. "They're just jealous they don't get to spend the night with the hottest girl at our school."
Y/n started to laugh, but his mouth was already on hers, effectively ending the conversation.
Away games meant hours spent on a stuffy bus full of immature hockey players. When Harry was just a freshman, he was delegated to the back , forced to share seats with the other underclassmen while the juniors and seniors all stretched out across seats closer to the front of the bus, far, far away from the bathroom.
Now that Harry was both a senior and team captain, he got his pick of whatever row he wanted on the bus. He usually opted to sit up front, Zayn in the aisle across from him and Niall the one behind. In the hours leading up to arriving at their opponent's rink, Harry spent his time listening to music, getting himself in the zone to lead his team to victory. It was why he chose to sit in the first few rows of the bus closer to the coaches so he could focus.
Around hour two into their trip, Harry reached for the paper bag that had his lunch.
In the past, Harry went with a teammate or two to grab something to eat before getting on the bus, but after Harry had complained a couple times to Y/n that a burrito followed by an hours-long bus ride was a habitual mistake, she began to pack him a lunch. He didn't ask, and she never said anything about it. The first time he found a brown paper bag in their shared apartment, Y/n merely shrugged and said, "I already pack my own for competitions, it's no big deal."
"What'you got over there, Styles?"
But it was. It was her little ways of showing she cared. Harry learned early on in their relationship that Y/n had a hard time expressing herself with words, but she made up for it in gestures, like packing him an away game lunch and leaving little notes in them for him to find.
Harry perked up at the sound of his name to find one of his teammates standing in the aisle of the bus, eyes alight as he observed the brown paper bag in Harry's lap.
"What does it look like, Matt? It's a bag lunch," Zayn chimed in, having pulled one of his headphones off his ears.
"Please tell me Y/n isn't packing you lunch before games," Matt teased. "Is she your girlfriend or your mom?"
A few teammates who had been listening laughed and joined in on ribbing their captain, but Harry merely rolled his eyes. Matt had had a lot to say about his relationship recently. Nothing overly rude or offensive, but it was often enough that it was starting to become a "thing," and that Harry definitely didn't want.
"Y/n made you lunch? Can she make me one next time? What's in it?" Niall asked, who had previously been dozing against the window.
Ignoring Matt, Harry showed Niall the lunch Y/n made—a chicken wrap on a whole wheat tortilla, trail mix, a banana, hummus and pita bread, and a drink with electrolytes. The contents varied each time, but it was always healthy and filling, and Harry honestly felt better as he got off the bus than he used to.
"That a note?" Niall murmured so Matt wouldn't hear, having moved onto another topic toward the middle of the bus.
Harry reached for the folded piece of paper scattered among the food in his lap, trying to be discreet. "Good luck today, bub! xoxoxo" it read, and Harry quickly folded it back up and shoved it into his trouser pocket.
"How things have changed since you first met," Niall said with a chuckle, punching Harry's arm lightly.
"I'm not so sure. I think she likes to embarrass me more than anything else with this stuff. It's definitely working."
"Matt's an idiot, ignore him," Niall said, and Harry was inclined to agree. "You gonna eat that pita bread?"
Later that night, Harry trudged through the apartment, his duffle bag sliding off his arm in a heap by the front door. "Baby?" Harry called, noting the lights on in the apartment but no girlfriend. "You in the shower?"
Harry swatted his friend's hand away before he could snatch his lunch.
"Over here!" she said, her voice coming from their shared bedroom.
Harry loosened his tie as he walked down the hall toward his room, ready to be rid of his game-day clothes. He never understood why the team had to wear suits before and after games, especially after. The very last thing he wanted to do after playing a hockey game was wear a dress shirt and slacks.
Not paying attention, Harry began undressing, shedding his suit jacket first, carefully hanging it up the way he knew his girlfriend would appreciate. When he turned around, he finally noticed her.
"What's this?" he asked, eyes roaming Y/n's bare legs appreciatively. She laid on the bed in just his home jersey, the hem hiked up high enough that Harry could see a hint of lace from her underwear.
"Just a little something for your big win," Y/n said, a grin that said she could read every ounce of desire on his face.
She started to stand up on her knees, to go to him, Harry assumed, but he stopped her. "Wait. Stay right there."
He could feel Y/n's eye roll as Harry whipped his phone out of his back pocket, fumbling around until he had his camera pulled up. As he focused his phone on her, she didn't look amused, but there was a glint in her eye that told him she thought he was an idiot.
"You do this every time I surprise you in bed," she remarked, flipping Harry off when he started moving around for better angles
"Need a new screensaver," he said by way of explanation, doing just that before he set his phone down.
"Get over here before I decide to put pants on."
"Yes, ma'am," Harry said, quick to ditch his own trousers before joining his girlfriend on the bed.
A couple weeks later, Harry was finally at a party. His teammates were there, along with Y/n and a couple of her friends. Y/n, who still got tense at large house parties, stayed close to Harry's side the whole night, not eager to venture anywhere without him. He didn't mind, of course, in fact quite the opposite. As they sat around a bonfire in the house's backyard, Y/n sat on Harry's lap, his arms circled protectively around her waist. She had been perfectly fine with sitting beside him, but he'd pulled her onto his lap before she could.
"How are you always so warm?" he murmured, nuzzling his nose past her hair and against the skin of her neck. "Hm? You're like a little furnace."
"Stop that! Pay attention to the game," Y/n said, still leaning into his touch.
Her hands rested over his, warming his skin caused by the chilly autumn air. Harry was in a chunky cable knit sweater, but the cold still pierced his skin, making him squeeze his girlfriend tighter. That and the pleased giggle that came out of her mouth when he kissed the back of her neck.
"Hey, lovebirds! Feel like rejoining us anytime soon?"
Harry peeked out from behind Y/n, grinning cheekily at his friends, who were also sitting around the bonfire. Before he could say anything, Niall shouted from his seat over the music, "You guys are so in love it's gross."
The lighting outside was dim, the fire casting an orange glow over everything, but Harry could tell Y/n was blushing as the rest of their friends teased them playfully. It was no secret to Harry how his girlfriend felt, but she was more reserved than he was, and he knew it was a lot for everything to be out in the open, even so far down the line.
"He's fucking whipped, is what he is!"
Harry heard Matt's voice scattered throughout the others, and he could hear the slight edge to his tone. He wasn't quite sure what his teammate's problem was, or why he felt the need to comment on Harry's relationship all of a sudden, but it was starting to get on Harry's nerves.
Not having heard the bite that Harry did, his friends laughed. Y/n didn't, though, merely smiling at him as she squeezed his hand affectionately. "Don't let them get to you, bub," she murmured before standing up from his lap. He felt the loss of her warmth immediately, but didn't pull her back down to him. "I'm gonna head inside to go to the bathroom."
He didn't know if she actually had to, but Harry saw the offer to escape for what it was and took it. "I'll go with you," he said, standing up himself and taking her hand in his. They were almost to the sliding door that would lead them back to the house when Matt spoke, his voice rising above the rest and making them both stop.
"Seriously? You can't be alone for five minutes? For God's sake, let him off his leash, Y/n."
Anger coursed through Harry's veins immediately, but he did his best to push it aside to focus on his girlfriend, whose face was carefully blank.
"Sorry, what was that?" Y/n asked, slowly turning around to face him. Harry instantly read the look on her face. It was the same one she wore when he forgot to switch out his laundry or wash the dishes.
Matt stupidly doubled down instead of backing off. Niall and a couple of Harry's friends tried to stop him, understanding Y/n's anxiety about being left alone at parties, but he didn't listen.
"Never in a million years did I think our team captain would be so whipped for some—some—"
"Stop before you embarrass yourself," Y/n said, her voice not wavering once. "Maybe if your head wasn't so far up your own ass, you'd know I don't make Harry do anything, like you seem to believe. If he doesn't want to hang out with you, then that's his business, but honestly I don't blame him. You kind of suck."
Matt looked at Y/n in disbelief, mouth open but no words came out. Then he looked at Harry, as if his captain would offer some assistance, but Harry didn't do anything of the sort.
"Don't look at him, you're dealing with me now," Y/n said, stepping toward Matt. "And before you make some stupid fucking-ass comment about him being a bitch letting me fight his battles, save your breath. You started this, I'm ending it. Suck a dick and keep my name out of your mouth."
That's when Harry stepped in. He loved that Y/n was defending him on his behalf, but Matt was a good two heads taller than her, and his teammate had had a few. He didn't think Matt would get physical, but Harry was starting to realize Matt wasn't really a stand up guy.
Then, Matt muttered, "Fuck this," before storming back inside the house. The backyard was uncomfortably quiet for a moment, no one quite knowing what to say. That was until Niall said, "Well, that went about how I expected."
Harry let out a relieved chuckle, his free hand running through his hair. When everyone went back to their own conversations, he focused his attention back on his girlfriend, who hadn't said a word since Matt left.
He knew it took a lot for her to do that, that as confident as she was, Y/n still got anxious, especially in a setting like this. Squeezing her hand once, which had begun to tremble just slightly, Harry murmured quietly in her ear, "Let's go home, baby."
With a stiff nod, Y/n agreed, letting him lead her from the group and back into the house. When they were in the car, Y/n finally said, "Sorry if I made things uncomfortable. Matt's a dick but he's still your teammate."
"Don't apologize," Harry replied immediately. "He got what was coming to him."
They let the conversation end there, driving back to their apartment in silence, save the music playing through the car's speakers.
It wasn't until they were both in the comfort of their own bed that Y/n brought it up again. Nestling under the covers and into Harry's side, she said, "You're totally whipped, you know that, right?"
Harry sighed and kissed the top of her head. "I know."
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : even though yours and james's relationship is public, his jealous streak continues
G. : fluff ; modern au ; ice hockey player james ; girlfriend reader ; viral sports couple ; fans love you together ; protective james ; jealous james ; you're his ; he's yours ; everyone should know this by now ; heated kiss
LENGTH : 1.9k
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Now that your relationship with James was made public, he’s been more open to showing how much he adores you on the rink. You never miss any of his games and he makes a point of visiting your side of the rink during opening warm ups for a kiss through the glass. It’s the same one you gave him when your relationship first became public, where you kiss your fingers and press them against the glass where his lips are directly behind. Being the goof ball he is, James makes a show of puckering his lips and making a kiss sound every single time and, although you feel incredibly embarrassed by it, you just fall even harder for him each time. Your rising fans and shippers are very much the same over your relationship, so supportive and ‘oooo’-ing and ‘ahhh’-ing behind you from every interaction. 
During every intermission as well, James would come over to interact with you through the glass, whether to draw a heart on the divider or just wanting to get your attention with his puppy-love eyes. And all exchanges always end the same way, by James getting pulled away from the back of his collar by his teammates. 
It’s pretty obvious how in love the two of you were with each other and you’ve become a viral sports couple in the media. The fans adore your dynamic, dubbing James the cheeky loverboy and you the shy sweetheart, which were pretty accurate titles. Their support and love for your relationship made you wonder why you both were so worried about becoming public in the first place, granted there were a few bad eggs here and there but the majority accepted your relationship and you couldn’t be happier. However, you do wonder whether the reason why your relationship became public added to that positive reception or not. 
The moment James came over and claimed you as ‘his girl’, it went viral on social media. Many people reported on the incident, made multiple edits of it and some even scoured through videos of past games James played in to try and spot you in the crowd, just to speculate on how long you’ve been together. With all of that, the two of you quickly overtook some of the current famous celebrity couples in popularity. It was quite a romantic way of announcing your relationship, especially when James had the reputation of being the playful goofball of the team through interviews and such; seeing him get aggressive outside of the sport was surprising.
It didn’t help that, on one of your spontaneous dates with James was clipped by Sirius and sent circulating everywhere online. 
James had asked for access to the rink so he could practice some moves in his free time and you tagged along with lunch whilst Sirius and Remus came for company and fun. Soon enough, it turned into you and James just having fun on the ice. You’re a clumsy, first-born fawn on skates but James was always there to steady you with his sturdy frame and strong arms so you had more fun skating than you typically would on your own. The two of you were giggling and joking about, just being the sweet couple that were and being so incredibly cute that Sirius couldn’t find it in himself to tease you two about it. Instead, Sirius merely captured the moment James lifted you in his arms - the typical princess cary - and took you for a lap around the ice on video and posted it on his instagram story. There was no audio to overshadow the laughter you and James shared before you cupped his cheek and kissed him deeply. The lighting, the moment and the chemistry between you two couldn’t be denied and you went viral again. It was a lot of attention, mostly good but some bad too. 
Trust Sirius to give the fans what they want, seeing as how you and James still try to stay private about your relationship on social media. It wasn’t too much of an issue though since he always asked before posting anything, this particular post though, was the only exception. 
Nevertheless, you couldn’t be happier because, now, you can freely support your hard working boyfriend without having to hide under baggy hoodies. Sometimes you dressed up in a cute dress, sometimes you dressed down into one of James’s spare jerseys, proudly showcasing his name and number. It’s a secret but he loves it most when you wear his jersey. It’s also a secret that you wear his jersey whenever you want him to take you home early with no plans of leaving the bed for the night and most of the following morning. He treats you so well. 
In this particular game, you had made something special for James to wish him more luck and comfort. It wasn’t much but you wanted him to have something that’ll remind him you were always close by. You also wanted to give him a real good luck kiss before the pre-game warm ups started. James had expressed to you the night before that his nerves were more sensitive than usual because the team they were up against were quite formidable. He knew it, his team knew it and the fans knew it so the seats were packed for the game tonight - it was nerve-wracking. Tonight would be the perfect time to give him the gift.    
On the way to the locker rooms behind the rink, you were a little unsure of which changing room James was in because you wanted this to be a surprise and didn’t ask for any further information. 
“Oh, hello there,” A man with a black and yellow jersey greets you as he walks out the locker room door you were contemplating knocking on or not, previously unsure of which team was in which but immediately went warm in the cheeks upon realising the mix up, “how did you get down here, pretty lady?” he flirts, making your breath stutter. It didn’t feel right for any other guy to address you so endearingly if they weren’t your James.
“I’m so sorry,” you quickly regain yourself and clutch your small present in your hand, “I mistook which locker room to go to,”
“No worries,” he leans down in an effort to level with your height and meet your eyes more directly, “but I am a little disappointed that you aren’t here to see m-” he’s cut off when you catch a glimpse of James over his shoulder and run the distance to his figure outside the locker room further down the hall. 
“James!” you run into his arms with a grin, completely forgetting the man you had just encountered, who was now in a silent death-stare exchange with your boyfriend. Running up to him, you miss James muttering something under his breath, eyeing the figure past your own. 
“Number five…”
“Look James, I made this for you,” you present the gift, “for good luck,” the excitement in your voice gradually fades with the influence of your bashfulness. 
James kept the opposing player, who had not left yet, in his peripheral as he turned his attention to the soft face towel you were offering him. His heart swells when, in the corner, he spots neat stitches of yours and his initials surrounded by cutely embroidered hearts. You’re really so cute, he can’t fathom how he ever got so lucky. His heart softens further when he takes in your timid but adorable form, looking up at him with curious eyes, gauging his reaction. 
“Thank you, sweetheart,” James says, his voice purring more than usual. He has full confidence that despite the opposing player displaying clear interest in you, never leaving and still eyeing up your form, James knows that you will always be his and him, you. Your focused eyes solely trained on him, your sweet smile only for him to see and your cute way of dressing only for him to undress later, it’s all for him and it’s all he needs to know that you are his forever, “I love it,”
“Reall-” he cuts off your excitement by pressing his lips against yours, throwing your gift to rest on his shoulder so he can have both his hands free to trace your silhouette down to your cute butt and give a possessive squeeze. Like clockwork, you squeal into his lips and give perfect access for his tongue to ravish yours. It’s a very heated and possessive display. James wants everyone who sees you two to know that he’s the only one who can have you like this and you’re the only one who can make him like this.  
Lost in each other, time quickly passes and when you two eventually pull away, the other player is gone. Good riddance, James scoffs in his head, his telling smirk giving away his thoughts. You could see it all. Being his girlfriend, you knew exactly why James behaved like that but you weren’t complaining; you got one hell of a kiss out of it and there was no violence, nobody was hurt. What he needed was for you to anchor him. And you did, by gently taking your gifted face towel off his shoulder and pressing it to the perimeter of his face. 
No words needed to be spoken, James could see it all in your eyes. You knew him too well to let his actions slip past like that, however, knowing that your response was only to reassure him with a tender touch and loving actions rather than berate him, his love for you grew even more. He loves you so much. Soft and with a comforting ache in his chest, James hugs you and lifts you off the floor. He tucks his face into your neck and whispers his apology into your skin.  
“I’m sorry…I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asks, face still nuzzling your neck as you bury your own into his unruly, dark curls. 
“You didn’t hurt me, Jamie…”
“Good…I’m sorry for being so forceful and…possessive,” still in his arms and with your feet off the floor, he gives you a small squeeze.
“...I love you,” was your only reply; your own way of forgiving him.
“God…” James sighs dreamily, pulling back to and press a tender kiss onto your lips, “I love you more,”
You giggle and kiss him again, “I love you most,”
When the game finally started that night and you had properly kissed your boyfriend ‘good luck’, James became a prominent instigator on the ice. His plays were more violent and aggressive, especially to a particular player wearing the number five. It was pretty bad and you were getting worried, not just for James but for the other team’s number five. 
Half time comes and James is seen getting a visible talk down from the coach, there was tension in the air but the excitement for the game still too precedence, shaking the air with an infectious vibration. Before the game starts its second half, James makes a quick visit to your front seat for his usual kiss past the glass. This time, however, he wasn’t being a goofball and worried you but his tense figure visibly relaxed after the pseudo kiss, much to your relief. The second half of the game, he wasn’t as violent but became the top scorer, earning point after point after point.
Suffice to say, James’s team was the clear winner and you had much to celebrate his victory on the ice in the bedroom.  
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A/N : this was one of my unexpectedly really popular timestamps, thank you all for the support! hopefully you darlings like this addition just as much as the first. i've taken the liberty of adding additional tags who expressed their interest in the first timestamp if you lovelies don't mind
TAGLIST : @fredweasleysjumper @ghostgardn @melinajenkins @astonishment; @until-i-found-you @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @tiensmamains @celestcies @loveltdoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @diputy @taytaylala12 @its-sappho-biotch @hiya-itsamber @arctvrvs @lilmaymayy @callisto00 @crying-on-the-floor @yrluvjane @neeezza101
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: jack hughes x reader
word count: 2.3k
requested? yes - jack falling in love with his rival player from the rangers and the media and everyone alwyss comparing the two and they like to tease each other back and fourth and people think they are enemies but really they have been friends since they both moved away from their families to jersey and york, they ended up living in the same building and became good friends despite the rivalry, they just love to tease each other on the ice and making everyone speculate, something important goes on and jack brings her as his plus one and he is like she’s been my gf for years didn’t you know?
warnings: use of y/n.
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As I lace up my skates in the familiar locker room of Madison Square Garden, I can feel the buzz of anticipation coursing through me. Tonight, like every other night when we face off against the New Jersey Devils, the media will paint our matchup as an epic clash between bitter rivals. They'll hype up the drama, the tension, the supposed animosity between me, Y/N, of the New York Rangers, and Jack Hughes of the Devils. But what they don't know is that behind the scenes, Jack and I are actually good friends.
It's funny how things work out sometimes. We met shortly after we both moved away from home to pursue our hockey dreams. Fate seemed to have a sense of humor when it placed us in the same apartment building. At first, we were just acquaintances, nodding at each other in the elevator or exchanging small talk in the lobby. But as time went on, our friendship blossomed.
Jack is one of those people who's impossible not to like. He's got this infectious energy, always cracking jokes and keeping everyone around him in high spirits. And despite being fierce competitors on the ice, off the rink, he's one of the most genuine and down-to-earth guys I've ever met.
From the moment we stepped onto the ice as rookies, Jack and I knew that we were destined to be compared and contrasted by the media. They loved to pit us against each other, to scrutinize every goal, every assist, every move we made on the ice. And as much as we tried to brush it off, it was hard not to feel the weight of those expectations.
But amidst the chaos of the rivalry, Jack and I found something unexpected: a genuine friendship. It started with small gestures – a friendly nod during warm-ups, a quick word of encouragement after a tough game – but it quickly grew into something deeper. We discovered that we had a lot in common, both on and off the ice, and that despite wearing different jerseys, we shared a mutual respect and admiration for each other's talents.
As our friendship blossomed, we found ourselves gravitating towards each other more and more, seeking refuge from the pressures of the rivalry in each other's company. We'd sneak away from the prying eyes of the media and our respective teams' management to grab lunch together or hang out at one of our apartments, swapping stories and jokes like old friends.
Of course, we knew that our friendship had to remain a secret. Our PR managers made sure of that, reminding us constantly that we were supposed to be bitter rivals, not bosom buddies. But in a strange way, the secrecy only made our bond stronger. It was like we were in on this big, inside joke together, sharing a secret that no one else knew.
And so, we became experts at playing our parts. We'd exchange playful jabs during interviews, making sure to throw in a few subtle digs to keep up the facade of animosity. We'd celebrate our victories against each other on the ice with exaggerated displays of triumph, all the while exchanging knowing looks behind the scenes.
As rookies, stepping onto the ice for the first time felt like stepping into a pressure cooker. The weight of expectations hung heavy in the air, fueled by the constant comparisons and contrasts the media loved to draw between Jack and me.
"Hey, Y/N," Jack called out as we lined up for warm-ups before our first game against each other. His voice cut through the tension, and I turned to see him flashing a grin. "You ready to show the world what we're made of?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at his infectious enthusiasm. "You bet, Jack. Just don't expect me to go easy on you out there."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he replied with a playful wink.
And so it began – a friendly rivalry that would soon evolve into something much deeper. As the games went by, Jack and I found ourselves drawn to each other, seeking solace from the relentless scrutiny of the media in the comfort of each other's company.
"Rough game out there, huh?" Jack said one night, catching me in the hallway outside the locker rooms after a particularly grueling match.
I nodded, grateful for the chance to decompress with someone who understood the pressures we faced. "Yeah, tell me about it. I swear, they're never gonna let us live this one down."
Jack chuckled, clapping me on the back in a show of solidarity. "Well, at least we can commiserate together, right?"
And so our friendship blossomed, forged in the fires of competition and camaraderie. We'd steal moments away from the prying eyes of the media, grabbing lunch together or hanging out at one of our apartments, swapping stories and jokes like old friends.
"Man, I can't believe we have to keep this friendship a secret," I grumbled one day as we lounged on Jack's couch, watching highlights from our latest game.
Jack shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Eh, adds to the intrigue, don't you think? Besides, it's kinda fun having our little secret."
I had to admit, there was something exhilarating about sneaking around like a couple of teenagers with a forbidden romance. It made our bond feel even more special, like we were part of some exclusive club that no one else could join.
Of course, playing our parts as bitter rivals wasn't always easy. We'd exchange playful jabs during interviews, throwing in a few subtle digs to keep up the facade of animosity.
"Y/N, what do you have to say to Jack Hughes, who claims he's going to outshine you on the ice tonight?" a reporter asked during a post-game press conference.
I shot Jack a knowing smirk before turning back to the camera with a smirk of my own. "Tell him he can try, but he's gonna have to get past me first."
Jack laughed from his seat beside me, the tension in the room dissipating as we shared a private joke
As much as we excelled at maintaining the illusion of rivalry in public, it was behind closed doors where our friendship truly flourished. Away from the prying eyes of the media and the expectations of our teams, Jack and I could be ourselves without reservation. We'd spend hours talking about everything and nothing, sharing our hopes and fears, our triumphs and struggles.
There was a comfort in knowing that we could let our guard down around each other, free from the pressures of being seen as rivals. In those moments, it was easy to forget about the intensity of the rivalry and just enjoy each other's company. Whether we were binge-watching our favorite TV shows, cooking dinner together, or simply lounging around, every moment spent with Jack felt like a welcome reprieve from the chaos of our professional lives.
And yet, even as we reveled in our friendship, there was always an underlying tension – the knowledge that our bond had to remain a secret. It was a constant balancing act, navigating the delicate line between friendship and rivalry, always mindful of the consequences if our true relationship were to be revealed.
But despite the risks, our friendship only grew stronger with each passing day. We became each other's confidants, sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with a level of trust and understanding that went beyond words. And as much as we cherished our time together off the ice, there was something uniquely special about the moments we shared on it.
On game days, when the arena was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, Jack and I would find ourselves locked in a silent battle of wills. We'd exchange knowing glances across the ice, each one a silent reminder of the bond we shared. And when the puck dropped and the game was underway, it was like we were playing our own private game within the game – a subtle dance of friendship disguised as rivalry.
But no matter how convincing our performance was for the outside world, there were moments when our true feelings would slip through the cracks. A shared smile after a particularly well-executed play, a quick pat on the back after a hard-fought battle – these were the moments when our friendship shone brightest, illuminating the darkness of the rivalry that surrounded us.
The locker room is quiet, the only sound the faint echo of distant celebrations filtering through the walls. I sit alone on the bench, still basking in the afterglow of our victory over the Devils. It had been a hard-fought battle, but in the end, we'd come out on top, securing another win for the Rangers.
I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear the door creak open, and I glance up to see Jack standing in the doorway, a hesitant smile playing at the corners of his lips. Everyone else has already left, leaving us alone in the quiet solitude of the locker room.
"Hey," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey," I reply, returning his smile. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with your team."
Jack shrugs, taking a few cautious steps into the room. "I needed to talk to you."
My curiosity piqued, I gesture for him to take a seat beside me on the bench. "What's on your mind?"
He hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering uncertainly as if searching for the right words. And then, in one swift motion, he crosses the distance between us and takes my face in his hands, leaning in to press his lips against mine.
For a moment, time seems to stand still as the world falls away around us. I'm too stunned to react, too overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions coursing through me. But as his kiss deepens, I find myself melting into his embrace, the weight of our shared secret finally lifting from my shoulders.
When we finally pull apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps, I meet Jack's gaze with a mixture of surprise and longing. "I didn't know you felt that way," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart.
Jack smiles, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I've been trying to tell you for months," he admits, his thumb tracing gentle circles against my cheek. "But I never had the courage until now."
I reach out to take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together with a sense of newfound clarity. "I'm glad you did," I say softly, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Because I feel the same way."
As the seasons passed, Jack and I found ourselves navigating the complexities of our newfound relationship with a sense of cautious optimism. We were no longer just friends who shared a secret bond; we were now a couple, bound together by love and mutual respect.
But as much as we reveled in our newfound happiness, we couldn't escape the ever-present shadow of the rivalry that loomed over us. Our teams, our fans, and the media all seemed determined to keep us apart, to maintain the facade of animosity that had defined our relationship for so long.
We knew that our relationship had to remain a secret, at least for the time being. Our PR managers had made that abundantly clear, reminding us constantly of the consequences if our true feelings were ever to be revealed. And so, we continued to play our parts, keeping our love hidden behind a carefully constructed facade of rivalry and competition.
But as the years passed and our relationship continued to flourish, it became increasingly difficult to keep our secret under wraps. We longed to share our love with the world, to finally break free from the constraints of the rivalry that had kept us apart for so long.
And then, one day, an opportunity presented itself that we couldn't ignore. Jack had been invited to a prestigious event, a gathering of the league's top players and executives, and he had been given the chance to bring a guest as his plus one.
As we stood outside the doors of the grand ballroom, Jack turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
I nodded, my heart pounding in anticipation. "I'm ready," I replied, squeezing his hand tightly in mine.
And with that, we stepped inside, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As we made our way through the crowd, heads turned and whispers followed in our wake. But Jack didn't seem to notice, too caught up in the moment to care about the opinions of others.
And then, when we reached the center of the room, Jack turned to me with a smile that lit up his entire face. "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, his voice ringing out clear and confident. "I'd like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Y/N, and she's been my girlfriend for years. Didn't you know?"
The room fell silent, the air thick with shock and surprise. But as I looked around at the stunned faces of our peers, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. We had finally broken free from the shackles of the rivalry, and nothing – not even the expectations of others – could hold us back any longer.
As Jack wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, I knew that our love was stronger than any rivalry, stronger than any obstacle that stood in our way. And as we danced together in the center of the room, surrounded by the whispers of our peers and the glow of the evening lights, I knew that we were finally free to be ourselves – together, forever.
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hello can I do a 17 ❤️‍🩹 and is it possible to do it w/ jamie drysdale? if not then with trevor zegras 🙏🙏
ooo so I only did leprechaun man as a joke because I wanted MK (@chukys-mouthguard) to show the world that she calls him a fucking sweet potato. 😂😂 Plus no one has requested Trevor at all during this celly, so Trevor it is. Sorry you had to sit in my inbox all day, apparently my body decided to sleep the entire day. I had no idea where this was going and I'm debating if I lost the plot half way through but it's cute I think.
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Overcompensating by giving compliments and being extra nice, but feeling frustrated all the same when their crush doesn't seem to notice their efforts.
Trevor has been acting strange lately, you couldn't pin point what it was or when the turning point was but he definitely had a shift in his behavior. Trevor was one of those people in your life that you couldn't really tell anyone if they asked how long you have known him or when you guys first met. Both of your moms went to college together and you were destined to be cousins from that moment on. Except, Trevor and you never acted like cousins. Not in the same way you interacted with his little brother and sister. Not in the same way he interacted with your siblings.
Trevor and you, you both acted well like an old married couple most of the time. Two people that would do anything for each other, hell they would move the heaven if they needed but when it came to everyday life they bickered like they have been stuck with each other since the beginning of time. Jack and Cole constantly gave him shit for it back when they were all on the same development team. They both told him that he needed to make a move before someone stole his 'wife' from him. At the time, you remember Trevor telling you over FaceTime both of you laughing about it till their were tears in your eyes.
Now years later, you ended up in LA for work. Trevor was so happy he had someone with him, even though at the time he was already living in Orange County for years. He insisted on finding the perfect apartment in the middle of of your work and the rink. Which meant that both of your communites with traffic were a little over an hour. On the phone with him when he proposed the idea of a shared apartment you told him how insane he was being.
"Z no. It's insane for both of us to have such a wild commute. LA traffic is already insane and you know that. What happens if I accidentally sleep in one day and then I'm what 2 1/2 hours late for what." you try to reason as your folding your laundry, trying to deicde what to donate since you don't want to pay to lug so much across the country.
"fine then we will pick a place closer to your work. it's only fair anyway, you're there year round anyway." he decides, glancing at his phone for a second, while he continues to search on his mac for new apartments.
"No." you argue.
"yes Y/N I am not letting you live here by yourself okay. " Finally looking at you in the camera he seems your black dress your holding up, as if your debating if it's time to part ways with your 'slutty little black dress' that was your saving grace during college. But Trevor remembers it as the dress you wore with him to the go out to the bars, the dress you wore when he realized his friends were right he was madly and deeply in love with you.
"did you just put that in the donate pile?" he asks. Nodding your head yes, before you could speak he continues. "No you have to keep that one bee. " he begged.
bee a name only he could call you. a childhood name he started calling you because he said your words could sting anyone like a bee if you wanted to. what started as an insult became a name of endearment and one he only used when he really wanted something.
But now months later, as he's driving you home and your in that exact dress he begged you to keep all you want to do is for the ground to swoll you whole as you sit in his jeep. Glancing over at Trevor you see his eyes are clouded with anger, not sure if your mad at you or his teammate for flirting with you. As if he could read your mind, he brings his hand over to yours bringing it to his lips and lightly kisses it.
"I'm not mad at you bee okay." he says as he glances over at you as he comes to a stop. It's the first time he makes eye-contact with you since leaving the club almost 30 minutes ago, he sees that you're fighting back your own tears. "fuck bee don't cry." he whispers, deciding to pull over because the thought of continuing to drive while you're this upset physically pains him. As soon as the car is in park, he unbuckles his seatbelt, wiping your tears away with the rough pads of his thumbs. "I'm not mad" he keeps whispering like a promise until you finally shake your head okay.
"why did you punch him?" you finally ask.
"because he's a fuckboy and he doesn't deserve someone like you." the anger taking over in his voice again, you wince as if his tone of voice could physically hurt you, like his fist hurt his teammates.
"then who?" you whisper, suddenly feeling a boost of confidence you haven't in a long time.
"what?" he asks so quietly you can barely hear him over the hum of the music playing through the speakers.
"who do I deserve? because ever since I moved here you seem to have a lot of ideas of who I should date and shouldn't. I know we've known each other our entire life's but that doesn't give you the right to cock block me every chance you get Trevor!" by the end you are red in the face from your screaming confession.
"Y/N you deserve someone who will love you! Who knows you like the back of their hand. Someone who won't ever hurt you even if it's by accident. Someone who can give you everything you ever hoped for and more. Someone who will sit with you while you rant about the newest project at work or your new favorite obesession for the month. You deserve someone who will stay up late with you just to spend time with you because they missed you. You deserve someone who can give you the world. You deserve someone better than me and that little fucker isn't better than me." Trevor's face is one of pure shock . His eyes are wide, his mouth slightly ajar as he realizes what he just confessed.
"Trevor." Unbuckling your seatbelt so you can get closer to him, even thoguh you are already in a small space. "what if all I want is you?" you ask, leaning closer to him.
But he shakes his head pleading, "no you deserve better."
"no there isn't" you reason, taking your hands resting them on either side of his face, resting your forehead against you.
'what if I hurt you." he confesses
"you won't" leaning close enough that your lips are almost touching.
"you don't know that."
"I know that you doing nothing is hurting me more than you ever could hurt me by trying." His eyes snap open at your words. "please kiss me Z." That's all it takes for him to close to space between you both.
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rwrbficrecs · 8 months
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The last of our monthly recs for 2023 ❤️ Every Day’s a Holiday (When I’m Near to You) by bleedingballroomfloor (book-verse)
@dot524: I loved every bit of this road trip fic. Henry has a crush on Alex and impulsively decides to join him on a road trip to Texas, which turns out to be longer than expected. The delicious yearning, only-one-bed situations, and funny road-trip pit stops made this a great story. I didn’t want to stop reading.
@heybuddy-drabbles: this ticked all my boxes honestly. The pinning, the yearning. The friendship they build while falling in love. And then the love, wild and unstoppable and so free. It was just perfect.
I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard? by dollarstoreannabethchase (book-verse)
@dot524: A deliciously angsty Henry POV of key events in the book - lake house & storming of Kensington Palace. Broke my heart and put it back together again. The description of his depression and pain made me want to give Henry a hug.
Last Christmas by @celaestis1 (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Enemies to lovers meets Christmas feels and found family. The establishment of every relationship, both romantic and platonic, in this fic is fantastic too!
Never Did Run Smooth by @clottedcreamfudge (book-verse)
@dot524: What a delightful ride! I loved the unique reality-show setup and the roommates/best friends to lovers pining from Henry’s POV. It had a few fun plot turns that kept me guessing and many scenes that made me grin like an idiot (e.g. a cake-baking contest and partner yoga with someone else). This isn’t exactly an undiscovered gem based on the number of comments and kudos — but I hadn’t read it, so I wanted to spread the word for those new to the fandom!
No Consequences by @anchoredarchangel (book-verse)
@thesleepyskipper: In this AU where Henry is still the Prince but Alex is a civil rights lawyer who works with Pez, the author has given us an incredible meet cute!! Alex pulls an Alex and shoots his shot for a selfie that turns out pretty well for him in the end. 😏 The author’s writing of Alex here is absolutely spot on AND hilarious. I still can’t believe this is their first published fic!!!
@zwiazdziarka: this fic has everything one could ask for: it's funny, it's cute, it's awkward, it's hot and addictive. I can't stop thinking about this version of Alex and Henry and their characterisation is absolutely perfect!
Made For Love by @candyspandemonium (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: AU where Henry and June are ice dancing champions and Alex has a lot of feelings about some guy stealing his sister. There are just so many good things in this fic - emotions, Alex being totally unhinged and not realising what it means, Henry as perfect fantasy, dealing with media and public opinion - and all that in nice scenery of ice rinks. Can't recommend it enough!
(Secret) Santa Baby by @indomitable-love (book-verse)
@dot524: Such a sweet AU about office romance between Alex and Henry and how a Secret Santa gift & being paired together on a project leads to something more. Heartwarming and made me smile… this writer’s characterization of Alex & Henry is always spot-on for me, no matter the universe.
The Royal Magician and the Ravens of the Tower of London by @bluflamingo (book-verse)
@suseagull04: The world-building in this fic is phenomenal! It's the perfect blend of magical realms and the real world, mystery and magic AU, and I love it!
could it be mad love? by @duchessdepolignaca03 (book/movie-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: actors AU, but also Henry is Alex's biggest fan and his awkward celebrity crush adds all new flavour to their relationship once they meet. The range of emotions fit in this story is truely amazing. There's so much tension and every moment feels like the one where it all can turn into a dissaster or something absolutely wonderful.
where every wish comes true by @hypnostheory (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: Neighbors!au + fuck buddies. Alex locks himself out of his apartment in a filthy costume and his neighbor and fuck buddie Henry takes him in. It's very funny and sexy!!
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
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Who'd you choose? I Jack Drury🖋️ 🌺⚡️
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Requested: yes/no
Summary; for jack : when they guys were asked who they would let date their sister most of them said jack. so can you do a fluff + soft smut with him. i just feel like he would be such a romantic. he gives such softie vibes. _
Other notes; Well hello my sweet Canes fan 🤍 I am so happy you've found your way to my blog and inbox, introducing me to this sweet cheek 🤗 So, this is a first for me on Jack Drury, but I must admit, he's a fucking cutie 😉 I hope you enjoy this 🌺
Tropes & Warnings; Jack Drury x reader, reader's Sebastian Aho's sister, sort of friends/sort of strangers to lovers; Soft smut 18+; fingering, protected sex (p in v); otherwise just fluff;
Word count; 3.9K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50, @findapenny, @justwanderingbutneverlost, @cixrosie
That first night we were standin' at your door Fumblin' for your keys, then I kissed you Asked me if I wanna come inside 'Cause we didn't wanna end the night Then you took my hand and I followed you
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Jack Drury was always known for his gentlemanly ways. He was nothing but a friendly guy, a supportive teammate, and someone who always tried to see the best in people. Both on and off the ice, he put others before himself - perhaps except in terms of his career - and he was always ready to lend a helping hand and offer a shoulder to lean on to anyone who needed it. Truly, anyone.
You had known Jack ever since he joined the Carolina Hurricanes the first time around, and while you never had much time alone with him to get to know him better, you had still noticed his role on the team.
He seemed like a lovely lad, someone everyone liked, and no one could ever really dislike. But you also saw his struggles, fighting for more ice time and to showcase his talent to the hockey world. He was one of those players you couldn’t help but cheer for, hoping his hard work would be one day pay off and be recognised for what it was.
And saying you knew talent when you saw it wasn’t entirely off. You were the sister of one of the team’s star players, Sebastian Aho, born into the world of hockey in your home country Finland. And while you watched your brother skate gracefully, scoring goal after goal and making incredible assists, you couldn’t help but notice Jack striving to play at his level. And every time you saw how great a player Jack was becoming; you simply couldn’t help but smile.
But being the sister of an NHL player wasn’t always straightforward. While you frequently attended games and team events, supporting your brother as you sported his jersey number, you slowly became intertwined in the hectic life of the NHL; which you most certainly found enjoyable. The Hurricanes were a fantastic team to be part of, even as a family member. And having relocated to the US to pursue your own career dreams - unrelated to hockey, you seized every opportunity to network, even if it meant spending time at the training rink and PNC Arena.
The crucial aspect though was maintaining a balance between socialising with the team and their families. Spending considerable time together, navigating the challenges of the sport, experiencing both the lows and highs, naturally fostered relationships. And as a sister, you had to tread carefully—you wanted to display interest in the team and get to know the players, but not appear overly keen. While being a young, single woman, you were naturally attracted to successful, handsome men, and conversely, they were drawn to you.
Although Sebastian never explicitly instructed you to steer clear of romantic entanglements or getting involved sexually with anyone, you understood the implicit guideline. And as the younger sister of two older male hockey players, you were well aware of the warnings they had mentioned throughout your life about the reputation many hockey players carried.
However, on one particular evening, the dynamics had a chance to shift.
It was one of those typical post-season celebrations at the captain’s house, with just the players gathered without any family members or partners present. It was a time for unwinding and discussing anything but hockey before they all went their separate ways for the off-season, and during these nights, more personal conversations and questions often arose.
As most of the team congregated around the bonfire, holding beers, and sharing laughs over cheesy jokes and banter, the team’s joker, Seth Jarvis, posed a daring question.
“A’right! I’ve got a good one,” the Canadian forward grinned. “If you had to allow your sister to date someone on this team, who would you choose?”
“What if you don’t have a sister?” Brady asked.
“If you don’t have one, just imagine, a’right,” Jarvis quickly replied.
“Do they have to be single?” Jesperi chipped in.
“Doesn’t matter,” Jarvis grinned again. “Just picture it, having a sister, who would you let her date—single or not?”
The guys took a moment to ponder. It was a challenging question, given their familiarity with each other, not making it easy to envision any of them becoming involved with someone they cared about in that way. Sure, none of the guys were bad in any sense. In fact, most of them had such strong bonds, feeling akin to brothers with a close-knit relationship. Yet perhaps that closeness was precisely the issue. They all knew each other on such a profound level that the thought of someone becoming romantically involved with a sister was difficult to entertain.
‘Hmm’s and ‘Oh’s murmured in the warm Raleigh summer night air as they pondered, scratching their beards and deep in thought. However, the goaltender Frederik Andersen, being the eldest of four siblings with his younger sister, Amalie, was the first to break the silence.
“Honestly… I’m not sure if I’d ever let my sister date any of you guys,” he chuckled deeply, glancing down at the bottle in his hands. “I mean—don’t get me wrong, I love all of you, but you guys don’t deserve her.” The boys nodded and chuckled in agreement, yet it seemed the goalie had more to say. “But… if I had to choose… I’d probably go with Jack here,” he said with a smile, turning his head to his right to glance at the much younger team player.
“What?” Jack chuckled in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah, I mean, come on—out of all these idiots, you’re probably the most… decent idiot,” Freddie chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his beer.
“Thanks, I guess,” Jack smiled, surprisingly proud of the goaltender’s words.
“You know, I think I’d actually say Jack too,” Andrei then added, smiling at his fellow teammate as well. “You’re a good guy, Jack, and I’m sure you could make a girl very happy, so… I’d go with you.”
More of the guys nodded in agreement, clinking their beer bottles together as they cheered and chuckled. They all concurred that Jack Drury was the most suitable option for a sister to date. Well, they emphasised that they HAD to choose—otherwise, none of the players would have selected anyone.
“To Jack,” Jarvis then spoke again, raising his beer up in front of him. “The player who’s the least of an idiot among us, and the one that could have a chance with a sister.”
What began as a playful jest from Jarvis actually sowed a deeper seed within Jack than he had initially realised. After the conversation shifted away from the notion of dating a sister, he couldn’t shake the thought that there might be some truth to it all.
He was familiar with his teammates and understood that making any romantic advances towards someone of your status would be crossing a significant boundary. However, amidst the slightly tipsy confessions, a small glimmer of hope stirred within him.
Jack had to admit that he had taken notice of you. Every time he caught sight of your radiant smile, captivating eyes, and heard your melodic laughter, his heart skipped a beat. The subtle hint of a Finnish accent in your English, despite your fluent speaking, only added to your charm. And whenever you drew near for any reason, even just to pass him and embrace your brother, he couldn’t help but notice the delicate fragrance of your perfume.
Yet, Jack knew he would never act on his infatuation. He barely knew you, and he feared that the other players would perceive him as foolish for entertaining any romantic notions towards the Aho sister, particularly given that you had been a topic of discussion among the guys before.
It wasn’t anything inappropriate, just typical guy-talk on the tour bus about sisters, cousins, mothers on the team, where your name had cropped up several times, and Sebastian had swiftly shut down any compliments directed your way. Because that’s just how it went.
They discussed your sense of style, your remarkable appearances, and the way you always infused such energy into the crowd, even during training sessions. You were fantastic with the children, engaging in playful antics and unafraid to come off as silly as you rolled around on the floor to partake in mini stick games or Nerf gun battles. You were always ready to lend a hand if the team required assistance, collaborating with the wives and girlfriends, and offering support in the best way possible while still managing your own life and career.
In short, your name had been brought up on numerous occasions, and always in a positive light. And it was because of this that Jack had taken special notice of you. Noticed you, and never quite managed to forget about you.
So, spurred on by the indirect encouragement from the team, Jack resolved to act on his feelings. However, he still felt it necessary to run it by his teammate first, just to ensure that it wasn’t merely the result of the beer talking or the sentiments of the evening.
Fishy: “It’s alright Jackie 😉 Just keep in mind if you hurt her, I can’t promise how I’ll handle it”
Jack: “I won’t! 🤞🏼 But now I just need for her to say yes first…”
Fishy: “Good place to start 😉”
Jack felt a certain level of relief after Sebastian had given his approval. Yet now, the next difficult task was to actually ask you out – and he knew he had to act fast before you travelled home to Finland for the summer.
Realising he wouldn’t be seeing you around the rink anytime soon, he then thought of the most Gen Z way to ask someone out: through a message on Instagram.
“Hey y/n – how are you?” – no… too formal, Jack thought, and erased the message again.
“Hey, sup?” – come on, what are you, like 12?
“Hey, how are you doing?” – Jack took his palm to his forehead. Why was this so hard? He then took in a deep breath and tried one more time.
“Hey y/n 😊 I know it’s the off-season and you’re probably busy, but I was just thinking maybe you’d want to grab a coffee together sometime?”
Jack pondered. It wasn’t great, but it was his best idea right now. So, letting out a deep breath, he hit send and threw the phone on the bed next to him.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for you to reply.
“Hey Jack, 😊 Sure, I’ll be off from work around 4.30 today – want to meet somewhere Downtown?”
Jack felt a wave of relief wash over him as he read your reply. He almost couldn't believe his luck – the two of you had only exchanged short conversations throughout the past couple of years, and now you had agreed to meet up with him. It was finally happening.
Quickly composing himself, Jack typed out a response, trying to sound nonchalant despite the excitement bubbling inside him.
"Hey, that sounds great! How about we meet at Brew & Brew at 5? Looking forward to catching up with you 😊"
So, with a sense of anticipation, Jack hit send and waited anxiously for your reply. This was it – the beginning of something new and exciting, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
As you and Jack settled into your seats at Brew & Brew, the initial nervousness melted away, replaced by an easy sense of camaraderie. The conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and genuine connection.
You found yourself drawn to his warmth and sincerity, his genuine interest in getting to know you shining through. And as you shared stories and anecdotes, you realised just how much you had in common, from your love of travel to your shared passion for trying new foods.
Surprisingly, hockey didn't dominate the conversation. Instead, you delved into topics ranging from your favourite books to your most memorable travel experiences. And when the topic of your brother came up, it was met with understanding and curiosity rather than any awkwardness.
As the evening wore on, you found yourself losing track of time, engrossed in each other's company. Neither of you really wanted it to end, but you also wanted to play this out right. When you were about to part ways to say your goodnights, you offered him a tender kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Jack,” you said with a sweet smile. “I’ve had an amazing time.”
It was no secret Jack felt the same, and just as you were about to walk away, he quickly stopped you.
“How about dinner? Before you go home,” he blurted out, his heartbeat quickening in his chest.
You nodded, letting out a deep breath as you smiled widely. “I’d love to. Tomorrow? Or would that be too soon?” You felt just as nervous, not wanting to come off too eager, but still wanting to show interest in this sweet guy.
“Tomorrow’s perfect,” Jack smiled in return.
It was the easiest experience you'd ever had scheduling a date with a guy. For the first time ever, you didn’t feel anxious or feared he was only using you for sex or other things. No, Jack was different. He showed genuine care and interest in you, seeming honest and true to his intentions.
Besides, knowing your brothers well, you knew Jack wouldn’t have asked you out unless he truly meant it and had most likely assured Sebastian he had no ulterior motives.
Alright, he might not have had any ulterior motives, at least not more than any guy going on a date with a beautiful girl. However, you probably had to admit that a small part of you had a wish for how the night should end. And it would not be with you alone in your bed.
Soon enough, the night turned to day, and you found yourself on your way to meet Jack outside the restaurant he had chosen for your rather spontaneous date.
“Wow, you look… stunning,” Jack let out a deep breath as he walked towards you on the pavement, the city lights flickering in the background.
You flashed him a timid smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you briefly looked down before meeting his blue eyes once more. A warmth flushed your cheeks, the thought of your simple summer dress making an impression causing your stomach to flutter.
“Thanks, so do you,” you smiled, eyeing Jack up and down in his casual summer attire.
“I think we can both agree that you’re the most beautiful one here—but I don’t mind,” he chuckled lightly. “How about we get some dinner.”
You nodded and let him guide you into the restaurant. And as you entered the small and cosy place, you couldn’t help but feel your shoulders suddenly relax, settling into the amazing and romantic atmosphere as Jack pulled out a chair for you, as gentlemanly as ever.
And just like your coffee date the day before, everything went smoothly. Any hints of nervousness quickly faded, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. No awkward silence of any sort. Everything with Jack seemed just perfect. So, as dinner ended and Jack naturally walked you home, you didn’t even hesitate by the door when you asked him to come up.
A part of Jack wanted to say no; wanting to show you that his intentions went beyond just physical attraction. However, he was also aware that you were going away for weeks, and he longed to have you close. He simply couldn't let this moment slip by—the chance to finally experience what he had desired for so long and to surrender to his deep-seated yearnings.
So, as Jack followed you up to your flat, the anticipation and excitement were palpable. The walk up the stairs seemed endless, with each step echoing your shared unspoken longing, and when you finally reached your door, your heart raced, and you could sense Jack's nervousness mirroring your own.
You fumbled with the keys for a moment before opening the door, stepping inside, and inviting Jack in with a warm smile. The cosy atmosphere of your flat enveloped you both, and as you turned to face him, you couldn't help but notice the yearning in his eyes.
"I've really enjoyed tonight," you said softly, stepping a little closer to him.
Jack nodded, his voice low and sincere. "Me too. More than I can say."
Then, spurred by a sudden confidence and without another word, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting in a tender, electrifying kiss. It began gently, a soft exploration, but quickly deepened as your shared passion ignited. Jack's hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer, and you responded by wrapping your arms around his neck, losing yourself in the moment.
The kiss grew more intense, and you both knew there was no turning back. Breaking apart just enough to catch your breath, you looked into Jack's eyes, seeing the same desire reflected in them.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice a mix of hope and vulnerability.
But you could only smile, your heart pounding with excitement. "Absolutely."
So, with that, you led him to your bedroom, the air thick with anticipation. The city lights outside your window cast a soft glow over the room, adding to the romantic ambiance. And as you stood together, you let your hands roam over each other's bodies, savouring the sensation of closeness.
Slowly and delicately, Jack let his hands slip underneath your summer dress, pulling it upwards, bit by bit exposing your lacy knickers, your stomach, and then your matching bra before he pulled it over your head completely.
You had to control your breath as you stood exposed to him in your underwear. And as he then began to slowly undress himself, your eyes followed his every move. He pulled his polo shirt over his head, exposing his toned and muscular torso, which elicited a light gasp from you.
He was absolutely gorgeous, and you couldn’t control your own actions as you instinctively reached out to touch his chest, feeling his skin beneath your palms, his warmth radiating. “Shit…” you muttered softly under your breath.
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as he moved to undo his loose shorts, letting them pool around his ankles before stepping out of them and moving even closer to you to kiss you deeply. His hands found the back of your hair as you both allowed each other to explore your mouths before gently leaning back onto your bed.
It was nothing but soft and gentle as Jack then removed your last pieces of clothing, exposing your true and naked form to him, before you helped him discard his boxers, allowing your bodies to touch completely.
Jack’s actions were filled with care as his hand wandered over your curves, his fingertips gracefully brushing against your skin as he slowly moved closer to your core. You let out small moans, light breaths escaping as you parted your lips slightly. And when he gently pushed a finger past your entrance and inside your moist core, massaging your walls with care before stretching you with two digits, you sank deeper into the mattress, allowing the pleasure to consume you.
“Mmm, yes Jack,” you whispered softly, feeling his fingers move in and out, stimulating your inside while you tilted your head back, your hands instinctively finding the back of his shoulders for support.
Jack couldn’t help but cherish the sight beneath him. You were incredibly beautiful, and in this very moment, he was the one causing you pleasure, making you moan and feel a rush washing over you. And as he felt your muscles tighten around his fingers, signalling a climax approaching, he felt his own member pulsating with a need for release.
“Oh Jack… Please… want you… inside me…” you managed to moan as you felt your orgasm building, needing more than his fingers to reach the high you were craving. And your wish was his command.
Gently pulling his fingers out, Jack looked at you with his ocean blue eyes, a look that had shifted from his usual soft gaze to a darker, more lustful expression.
“Do you have…?” he whispered softly.
You nodded, pointing to the drawer next to your bed where Jack then retrieved a small foil package, wrapped his erect member, and moved back into missionary position before gently allowing himself to enter you.
It felt almost magical as his thick member stretched your walls, stimulating them with every motion as he slowly began to rock his hips. Instinctively, you raised your hips slightly, lifting your legs to wrap around his lower body, providing better access for him to go deeper. And before long, Jack found a steady rhythm, allowing his length to glide effortlessly in and out of your wet heat.
“Oh yes… you feel so good,” he muttered under his breath, feeling his own climax build with every motion.
It was the perfect synchronisation of bodies moving together, a harmony of moans as you both neared the peak of pleasure, your minds completely consumed. And while Jack felt the peak approaching, he couldn’t hold back his desires and thrusted harder and faster, pushing you both closer to the edge.
The night unfolded with a mixture of tenderness and passion, both of you exploring and discovering each other in ways you had only dreamed of. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word felt like a promise of something more, something deeper.
You could feel your orgasm approaching, muttering it to Jack as your walls clenched around his cock. And with every pound, you let out soft cries, the arousal taking over as you finally felt the wave release. Your mind went hazy, and Jack’s name escaped your lips in a louder moan. Followed by uncontrollable motions; your body arched, your eyes rolling back as you reached the blissful peak.
“Oh yes…”
And as Jack continued thrusting through your orgasm, he pushed himself over the edge as well, letting out a deep grunt as he released into the latex.
Breaths were heavy, the air thick as you both calmed from the rush of sweaty and passionate sex. Smiles adorned both your faces, and neither of you could contain the surge of happiness you felt in that very moment.
As the hours passed, you found yourselves lying entwined in each other's arms, the soft glow of dawn beginning to filter through the curtains. You felt a sense of contentment and connection you had never experienced before. Jack's arms around you were warm and reassuring, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of what the future might hold.
"Thank you for tonight," Jack murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You snuggled closer, feeling safe and cherished. "Thank you, Jack. This has been perfect."
Jack smiled; it had indeed been perfect. Despite not wanting to ruin this moment, he couldn’t help but chuckle as he let out a teasing thought.
“Please don’t tell your brother I slept with you on our first date… pretty sure he’d kill me for that.”
You had to let out a soft giggle. In this romantic and tender moment, the first thing Jack thought about was what Sebastian would think of him. So, you naturally decided to play along. “Hmm, I won’t say anything, but… in case he finds out anyway, I’d probably have a plan B ready.”
It was another moment filled with heartfelt laughter, following an amazing evening and a wonderful date. And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together, one filled with promise, excitement, and the kind of love you had always hoped to find.
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toasttt11 · 6 months
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January 26, 2024
Gemma walked in wearing a pair of black trousers, a blue dress shirt with a black sweater over it and her black BC trench coat and a pair of black boots, she was walking into the BC Arena for their first game against one of their biggest rivals, Boston University.
Gemma was pretty exited for the game especially since she was playing her best friend and boyfriend Macklin, even if everyone thought they were rivals which always make the two laugh.
Gemma headed into the dry locker room first dropping off her personal items and quickly changed into her warm up clothes and hung up her outfit before sitting down on the bench tying up her shoes before she felt a hand on her head ruffling heels hair and looked up seeing Ryan Leonard smirking mischievously at her.
“Leo.” Gemma groaned wacking his hand away from her hair, Ryan just laughed and headed to his dry locker and Gabe and Will walked in behind him.
Gabe sent a bright smile to Gemma and leaned down to her her a side hug and Will smiled and squeezed her shoulder as he walked by.
The whole team quickly loved Gemma and quickly all adopted her as their little sister and she’s definitely the favorite on the team.
Gemma headed into the locker room seeing a few of the older members of the team already in the locker room stretching on the floor just chilling before they started warming up
She headed to her stall which is next to Gabe Perrault and Jamie Armstrong, she plopped down onto her stall and grabbed her hair brush, brushing her hair into a low ponytail and spitting the ponytail into two braids, she added a red bow at the end of her two braids.
“Oooo bows! i want some!” Will Vote teased her shaking his hair in front of Gemma’s face, Gemma just laughed pushing him away from her, “What! You don’t think i would look good?” Will smirked at her running a hand through his fluffy hair.
“I think you would look good in anything willy boy.” Ryan threw his arm around Will’s shoulder smirking flirtatiously at him.
“Do you?” Will pretended to swoon and batted his eyelashes up at Ryan.
“Alright knock it off, save it for your dorms.” Eamon Powell ruffled both of their hairs, his comment had a few laughs scattered across the locker room, He gave a wink to Gemma, who gave him a relieved smile that the boys knocked it off.
The team all started their warms up before the game and did a huddle before they headed back to the locker room and started getting into the hockey gear.
Gemma slipped on her compression t-shirt before putting on all the padding and slipping on her number 13 jersey, she stood up on her skates and started heading out with some of the team in the tunnel as she grabbed her stick.
The team was announced as they all got onto the ice and started skating around the one half of the rink warming up, Gemma toon a few shots on the goal and did some stick handling before she headed towards the bench and and switched out her stick and started stretching.
She felt a puck hit her on the skate and she looked to the right where the puck was from and saw Macklin standing by his bench with a smile directed at her.
She let out a little laugh not suprised he got her attention with hitting her with a puck she gave him a small wave and he smiled and gave her a small wave back.
They both shared one more smile before focusing on the game.
Boston College won 4-1 and Gemma had one goal and two assists.
The locker room was filled with energy everyone coming off a high of beating one of their biggest rivals.
Gemma celebrated with her team but hurried off to the showers first and quickly headed to the dry locker seeing a few of the boys already changing back into their suits.
“Fants! Are you coming with?” Jacob Fowler called out, the team likes to get dinner together and spend the night hanging out after a game especially when they win or have a game the next day so the can talk about it.
“Sorry guys i got plans.” Gemma smiled apologetically as she slipped on her socks and boots, she stood up grabbing keys and phone.
“Plans?” Ryan piped up looking at Gemma suspiciously. Ryan, Will and Gabe were all finished and walked out with Gemma.
“Plans.” Gemma nodded looking at Ryan, before looking over seeing Macklin in his suit leaning against the wall scrolling on his phone, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She sent them one more smile before walking away.
“Macky.” Gemma spoke with a smile as she walked right to her boyfriend.
Macklin looked up and smiled seeing his favorite girl and immediately put her phone away, “Hopey.” He smiled pulling her into a soft and quick hug before pulling away as they are in public, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah.” Gemma nodded and walked out with Macklin, they walked closed to each other but not touching.
“Huh.” Gabe looked confused as the three watched Gemma and Macklin interact.
“I thought they were rivals?” Ryan looked just at confused, everyone knowing of the rivalry between Gemma and Macklin especially as both were projected for the first overall pick of the 2024 draft, and the game tonight was sold out as everyone wanted to see the rivalry.
“She never said anything about the rivalry though.” Will pointed out to his best friends and line mates, he always had a few questions if they were really rivals especially because Gemma didn’t speak much about Macklin and if she did it was never something bad like you would expect if you were rivals with someone.
Gemma and Macklin walk out to her car, Macklin quickly opened the door for her, Gemma gave him a soft smile and hoped unto the drivers seat, Macklin walked around and hoped into the passenger seat. Macklin gently grabbed onto Gemma’s right hand pressing a kiss to the back of it before resting their hands against his thigh while she drove.
Gemma drove them to her apartment as Macklin ordered food on his phone as she drove.
They walked up to her apartment and she opened the door as Macklin held the door open as she walked in.
Macklin helped Gemma slip off her jacket and hung it up on her hook before he slipped of his jacket.
Gemma headed to the bedroom with Macklin following her and she opened the drawer in her dresser for Macklin and handed him a pair of his pajamas and he smiled pressing a soft kiss to her head in thanks before heading to the bathroom to get changed, Gemma got changed into a pair of Macklin’s grey sweatpants and Boston college t-shirt.
Gemma just pulled the shirt over her head she Macklin walked out of the bathroom.
Macklin wrapped his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder, “That was fun.” Macklin always loved playing with Gemma but there was some more competitive enjoyment when they played against each other.
“It was.” Gemma agreed understanding how fun it is to compete against Macklin, it was enjoyable as they were both so similar in skill and play that it was always fun when they played against each other.
There was a knock on the door and the two knew it was the food, Macklin pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and reluctantly let her go and walked out of the bedroom towards the front door grabbing their dinner.
Macklin walked into the kitchen seeing Gemma sitting at the barstool with two gatorade’s on the counter and she put out his favorite flavor for him.
Macklin plated the food for both of them and they just enjoyed eating in silence and the sound of the rain starting outside.
Gemma grabbed the plates when they finished eating and put them in the sink as Macklin threw their trash away.
Macklin snuck up behind her as she was facing the sink and wrapped his arms around her waist picking her up, Gemma squealed with laughter as he carried her to her bedroom.
Macklin gently dropped her onto the bed and her laughter slowly calmed down, Macklin just smiled admiring her and listening to her laugh.
Macklin leaned down making Gemma watch him intensely as he leaned down gently connecting their lips together making him confident that he couldn’t live without being able to kiss his Gemma.
Macklin gently pulled away brushing her hair to behind her ear before he reluctantly stood up and walked around the bed to the side that he likes and pulled the covers up as Gemma slipped under the covers on her side.
Gemma laid on her side facing him watching as he laid down right next to her facing her, Gemma smiled leaning slighty foward nudging her nose to his loving how his nose scrunched up adorably.
Gemma hummed contently loving how the world seems to stop spinning when she is with Macklin, she enjoys how she can just be herself not anything more than that.
Gemma made a happy sound as Macklin gently ran his fingers through her hair and she scooted closer to him resting her head against his collar bone pressing a soft kiss to his skin.
Macklin smiled listening to her breathing slowly get quieter as she fell asleep he rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes feeling himself falling asleep as he held his favorite girl to the sound of the rain outside.
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sterekfests · 1 year
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Welcome to our Summer round of Sterek Fests! Sterek Summer Fest will run from May 28th - August 5th in celebration of Summer, whether you’re getting out for school at the end of the school year and have two months to travel, or love the heat and spending it locally with your pack, enjoying a staycation. There’s a little something for everyone!
Check out our Rules and FAQs. 
We also have a Discord you can join that has events running such as @sterekbingo and @sterekweekly.
How to Participate:
Participating in Sterek Summer Fest is easy and stress-free! This is a no-commitment fest where you can participate as little or as much as you want. Participate in one week and none of the others if you so fancy, or participate in all of them!
We have an AO3 Collection for you to post all of your creations in! 
This fest is open to both Fic and Art, so create to your heart's content!
How to post:
You can post your creations to any website that you want, as long as they are viewable to the public, whether that’s Tumblr, LiveJournal, DreamWidth, or our AO3 Collection.
@sterekfests so we see your creations to reblog them.
Use the tags #sterekfestssummer2023, and #sterekfests for generic tags.
For weekly tags: #sterekfestsbreak, #sterekfestscoastal, #sterekfestsstay, #sterekfestscamp, #sterekfeststent, #sterekfestslake, #sterekfestsroad, #sterekfestseuro, #sterekfestsisland, #sterekfestsBTS
Late Posting:
Late posting is always welcomed! The collection will stay open for late submissions.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask!
- Liam (@sterekbros) & Dori (@evanesdust) 
Keep reading to see all the awesome theme weeks ahead!
May 28-June 3: School is out for the summer!  
School is out for the summer! It's time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the warm weather. Are Stiles and Derek looking forward to swimming, surfing, visiting friends, or just taking some time off? No matter what they do, it’s sure to be a summer to remember. 
June 4-10: Coastal Celebration
What better way to celebrate the summer than hitting the beach? Are Stiles and Derek watching the sunset in Santorini, Greece? Swimming in the clear waters of Hawaii? Maybe they’re taking a pack trip or sailing around the world together for the summer. Take us on their coastal celebration!
June 11-17: Staycation
It’s summertime in Beacon Hills! From the bowling alley to the indoor ice rink, there are a lot of fun places to hang out and explore. Will Stiles and Derek dance the night away at one of the local clubs? Or maybe they spend their time walking through the preserve, taking in all nature has to give. Who knows! It’s up to you to decide how Stiles and Derek spend their staycation.
June 18-24: Camping Anywhere
Stiles and Derek are going on a camping trip! Are they going to a National Park? Hiding out in the preserve in a den? Sleeping in the Jeep because the rain flooded them out of their undisclosed campsite? Maybe they’re taking a pack trip during the full moon to run under the moonlight together, hunting deer while Stiles and Derek renew their mating bond. Only you can tell us where their camping adventure will take us! 
June 25-July 1: Tented Elegance
It’s that time of the year when fabulous parties happen in large, elegant tents! Maybe Stiles and Derek are having a summer wedding on their property at the rebuilt Hale house, renewing their vows; or they’re having a pack get-together escaping the heat in style. Wherever they decide to spend their time, it’s under a large, elegant tent! Take us on their adventure this summer!
July 2-8: Luxe Lakeside
It’s time to hit the lake! Lydia Martin is known to throw the best parties at her lakehouse! But this one is going to last all summer. Is it pack party time? Or are Derek and Stiles alone at the lakehouse after everyone left the party? Maybe Stiles borrowed the key from Lydia and there is no party, so the mated couple is getting away and spending time alone. Or they’re taking a trip out of town to visit a lakehouse in a beautiful secluded place that is owned by Derek’s family. Only your imagination can tell us! 
July 9-15: Road Trip to Anywhere
Pack your bags for a road trip to anywhere! Stiles and Derek are getting the heck out of Beacon Hills this summer. Pick a destination, whether by Camaro or Jeep and show us their journey! Are they going to a state or national park? Visiting the hot springs in Yellowstone? Hitting all the cheesy roadside attractions with no destination in mind? Only you can show us! 
July 16-22: Backpacking Europe
Grab your backpack and your passports! Stiles and Derek are trekking across Europe this summer! Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Greece… there are so many beautiful places the boys can visit this summer! Take us on your fantasy trip, or give us some insight if you live or have visited European destinations! 
July 23-29: Island Getaway 
Stiles and Derek are heading to an island getaway! It sounds like a great time to visit Cancun for the first time. Jamaica, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Cuba, Honduras, the British Virgin Islands, Bora Bora, Fiji, Greece, Italy… There are so many places to visit, laying on a beach, catching some sun! What are Derek and Stiles doing on their island getaway? Are they on their honeymoon? Taking a pack trip? Take us away to their island getaway!
July 30-August 5: Back to School
Summer is over and it’s time to head back to school! Are Stiles and Derek the same age and in high school together? Are they attending the same university? Maybe they’re pledging the same fraternity or they’re freshman roommates away for the first time at school. Maybe they met at summer camp and have to leave since summer is over and find out they don't live that far from each other. After all, it’s a small world! Take us back to school with Stiles and Derek!
@thebigbangblogproject @teenwolffandomevents @sterekevents
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sports-on-sundays · 9 months
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Summary: ice skating with Arthur
Requested?: it came from my own mind.
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This thing with you and Arthur- it's relatively recent. About three months ago you officially got together, but you've known each other for years before that, just as friends, really. Either way, your relationship- perhaps because you've known each other for so long- has been growing deeper rapidly. Which means your relationship is now deep enough for the two of you to start having arguments. Well, more like silly little squabbles.
The most recent one was concerning Christmas. Arthur had this strange vision in his head that he couldn't let go of that just the absolute best way to celebrate his Christmas with you would be to go ice skating. The only explanation to this is that you can think of is that maybe your boyfriend has been watching a little bit too many overly cheesy American Hallmark movies. At first you thought, No way. Only divorced millennial women watch that crap. But then you thought, But at the same time, it's Arthur. Who knows what planted his strange Perfect Christmas Magic Movie Scene In France dream.
You fought him on it because, frankly, you've never skated before. You know you'll make a fool of yourself and possibly injure yourself. Not exactly what you want to spend your Christmas doing. And not exactly your idea of romantic. Not to mention how much you hate anything having to do with being outdoors when the weather is in the negatives.
But he was set on the idea, and when your boyfriend is set on an idea, as you've been learning, it's hard to convince him otherwise. And finally he had taken your hands, looked you deep in the eyes as if this were the most important thing in all of history, and asked gently, "But Y/n, why? Why don't you want to go? I mean, really. We can bundle up, I'll stick close- it won't be that cold..."
You frowned, looking away, refusing to admit the truth.
"Come on!" he had practically whined. "Just tell me the truth! Isn't that what couples are supposed to do?"
You sighed, fiddling with your fingers, before finally admitting, talking quickly, "Arthur I've never skated before in my life and I don't want to fall and make a fool of myself."
He blinked in slight surprise, but then smiled. "Oh... Why didn't you just tell me? It's fine- I'll make sure you don't fall. It'd be nice to be able to help you."
Your brow knitted together. "Nice to be able to help me?"
"Yeah. Because you hardly ever let me help you."
So in the end, basically, he convinced you. And now here you are, sitting on a freezing cold bench, holding out your legs as Arthur ties your new skates up, which he bought for you. They're a shiny, slick black color with a red stripe. You can't deny- they do look pretty sick.
The two of you get up and walk the few steps to the rink, arms linked. The wind is biting, and despite the Christmas music playing and the glowing fairy lights everywhere, to you it feels like quite a bleak winter night.
But one look at Arthur's big smile and rosy cheeks convinces you it's really not so bad.
Then you go out on the ice. Arthur holds both your hands in his, staring at you with sincere eyes. And with that goofy grin, of course.
And then he lets go of your hands, just like that!
"Arthur!" you shout, your nerves on the edges as you hobble. He tries to take your hands again, but you fall down, right on your butt. "Arthur!" you cry again, in annoyance. "I thought you said you wouldn't let me fall! Now I probably look like an idiot- someone here is bound to have caught that on video. I don't wanna look like a-"
"Hey, calm down," he says, bending down. You have a passing thought of how much balance and awareness of his body he must have to be able to bend down that naturally in skates on slippery ice without falling flat on his handsome face. "I'm sorry, okay? From now on, I won't let go of you unless you tell me to. And don't worry- there aren't many people around tonight. It's too cold for them."
"It's too cold for me, too," you whine as he helps you up off the hard ice. You reckon that will leave a bruise or two.
He gives a dumb pouting face. "Come on, Y/n. You'll warm up soon enough. Let me teach you how to skate."
"I don't trust you," you frown, and you'd cross your arms if you weren't holding onto Arthur's shoulders for dear life.
"You should!" he counters.
"You let me fall!"
"I said I wouldn't let you go again. And that I'm sorry. Do you think I'm not strong enough to make sure you don't fall?"
You don't answer, because obviously he is.
And then your long evening of learning begins. Time is hard to measure, so you're not sure how long it takes until Arthur asks you, "Do you think I can let go? You seem to have the hang of it..."
But in a moment of self-doubt, you shake your head no and murmur, "No... You can just hold onto me, Arthur."
And he honestly doesn't seem to mind this answer. He takes you out to the middle of the ice, though, and slowly, you skate together. He then twirls you, which causes you to scream, laugh, and cling onto him, scolding, "You could've warned me!"
"Well, did you fall?"
"Was that fun?"
You grin softly. "Sure. Yeah."
"So there was no need to warn you!" And suddenly, he does it again.
Soon enough, though, you're back on the bench where you started, shivering, slipping back on your warm, fuzzy boots. "A-Arthur..." you whine, you teeth chattering and splitting up your speech, "I- It's fr-fr- eezing...! I'm so c-c-cooold."
He's silent for a few seconds, and when you look up at him, you see there's a frown on his face. He turns and meets your eyes, murmuring, "Y/n... I'm sorry..."
You blink in surprise. "For what?"
"I don't know..." He's sitting on the edge of the bench, shifting. "I know you didn't want to do this and probably the whole time you were just pretending you were having fun but really you weren't and I should've just listened to you when you said this wasn't your thing so-"
"Arthur." You cup his cheeks, making him look you in your eyes instead of down at the snow-covered ground. "I wouldn't fake it or lie to you. It was something I genuinely thought I would hate. But it ended up being so much fun because of you. I loved it when you taught me. I loved it when you held onto me. I loved it when you twirled me. I know I've been acting a little grumpy, but the truth is, I don't regret coming at all. I'm so glad you convinced me. Okay? Sure, I'm a little cold right now, but I'll live."
"Oh..." he nods, that lovely smile slowly coming back. "Well..." He wraps his arm around you, pulling you into him. He kisses your cheek, love, comfort, warmth channeling through his lips. "Maybe I can help keep you warm, huh?"
You smile out at the, truthfully, beautiful winter scene, and nod. "I think that would be just perfect, Arthur."
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AITA for not picking up on my friends “hints” + cutting off a friend after they ghosted me?
So a while back I (22 F) visited my friend (22 F) in another state to celebrate our 21st birthdays (hers was two months beforehand but I had to cancel my visit due to a family emergency). For context, me and this friend have been best friends since we were 9-10 years old.
Before we got together we got on FaceTime and made a very loose plan of what we wanted to do during my visit. That outline included things like ‘shopping’, ‘going out for dinner’ on my birthday, ‘baking a pie’ (since Friend had previously mentioned she admired my baking skills and said she thought it would be fun to bake together) and ‘roller skating’ since it was something we always did as kids. When I arrived at her house I said something akin to “I’m so excited, I saved up a ton of money so we can do whatever we want” and she said “same, I saved up about a thousand dollars” but proceeded to say she wasn’t broke and didn’t have any money for the rest of our time together.
I already know this is going to be long, so tldr; we did all our planned activities except going to the roller rink for reasons I’ll explain later; she paid for two ride shares on my first day and offered to buy me lunch, which I accepted. I paid for the next five rides, and we split any other meals that we didn’t eat at her home, except for when she offered to buy me an iced latte my birthday. The night of my birthday we, to my knowledge, didn’t have any concrete plans for dinner. She suggested one restaurant but for whatever reason I wasn’t feeling it so I asked if there was anything else we’d both like. She suggested a Japanese restaurant and that’s where we ended up. The dinner extremely uncomfortable—she didn’t seem outwardly angry, but she only gave brief responses any time I tried to make conversation, and when I couldn’t get anything else out of her we ate in silence.
Her birthday present to me were custom roller skates she’d ordered in my favorite colors. It was a very nice present! But at the time it felt like a slap in the face because by that point I figured that I’d be paying for the rest of our rides, something I didn’t plan on, and I neither had the money nor thought it was fair for me to do that, so we never went roller skating. When it was time for me to leave I asked if she could mail the skates to me (and I’d pay her back whatever it cost to mail), because I already had several large bags to take with me on the plane and would be uncomfortable carry the large box of skates around the airport as well. She never sent them, and i later found out she returned them.
I was very angry and frustrated when I got home, and didn’t text her for about two weeks (this was not intentional, I got busy with work). When I finally did text her she ignored me and ghosted me for four months. When she did finally reply she said a lot of the things I did during the trip upset her. We called to talk it out and she essentially said she felt taken advantage of because she felt like she was made to pay for everything (rides, food, etc.) She said I bought something at the mall but she felt like I was pressuring her into buying it for me (never in all our years of friendship have I asked or expected her to purchase random things for me? I asked her what I did to make her feel this way and she couldn’t give me a straight answer?) and that she spent so much money she had to borrow from her parents for the rest of the month. But I don’t know what I could have done since we split everything besides what she offered to pay for me? She also said that she made reservations at the first restaurant she suggested and paid them to make a cake for me, and had to pay a cancellation fee because we didn’t go, but she never told me that because it was a surprise and just hoped I’d pick up on ‘hints’ instead. She also says she was upset that we baked the pie because ‘her family didn’t even like pie’ and it went to waste. She said she tried to give ‘hints’ that she didn’t want to make it, but she didn’t have any objections when I first suggested it? It wasn’t super important to me, just a fun thing to do, so if she didn’t want to I wouldn’t have minded at all?
She also was upset with me because on the day I left, I wanted to visit my father (he lived in the same city) before my flight. When I mentioned where I was meeting him, Friend’s father said he knew where I was going and could drive me since it was only 10 minutes down the road. Friend said she felt like I was using her family and that it was wrong of me to ‘ask her dad for a ride’ because he works so hard and was tired all the time. But I didn’t ask, he offered? And my mother has been a surrogate parent to Friend since we were children, helping her with everything (relationship advice, finances and medical debt, driving her across states to go apartment hunting) her actual parents neglected to. So I didn’t understand why having that kind of relationship with my mother is okay, but me getting driven 10 minutes down the road crosses a line? In the moment I was happy to have talked everything out with her, but the more I thought about her gripes, the more angry and frustrated I became. And I bottled this anger until I couldn’t take it anymore and sent her a brief text that basically said I was better off when we weren’t talking and I was learning to live my life without her (this was a horrible and mean thing to say to her, and I have since apologized). A few days later she sent me a message back saying I was a very special person to her, that she’d always love me. We didn’t talk properly for about a year and a half after that. She’d text me on my birthday and holidays but that’s it. We’re speaking again now, but she said she still felt like I used her for money or that I’m somehow in the wrong for not picking up on her ‘hints’ during my visit, and that me ghosting her was deeply hurtful and she cried for weeks about it. I have complicated feeling about that though because I didn’t WANT to hurt her, i only wanted to remove myself from a situation that was making me so perpetually angry I was getting headaches daily, and I wouldn’t have even considered ghosting her until after she ghosted me.
She mentioned visiting each other/going on a trip together sometime in the future, but the idea gives me so much anxiety because I don’t want to go through this all over again. Did I use her? Was I in the wrong for not picking up on her hints or ghosting her?
What are these acronyms?
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vee-crytraps · 5 months
Good Luck, Babe! | Ch 1-2 | Ice Cream for Breakfast
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{Trigger Warning/Themes Masterlist} This is split into a billion parts because it's long as hell! Read on Ao3 to avoid the headache!
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You might not have the freaky little memory that your family of detectives boasted, but you would be out of your mind if you ever let yourself forget that Bruce Wayne owed you one. Exactly one year ago to the day, Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian had abandoned you at Rollerworld, a frown fixed onto your face as you had watched them all peel off in the name of Bat-Family business. The threat hadn’t even ended up being serious. Serious for Gotham, anyway. At the time, you had grateful to have corralled them together- at a roller rink of all places, for the twenty or so minutes that you had them- but you remembered finding it tough to remain in high spirits for the rest of the night. You hadn’t even seen them until the next morning, when Bruce had promised you a day of anything you wanted to make up for the embarrassment of having to carry home the remnants of a too-big-cake on your lap, enduring the stares and snickers of the other people on the train.
You reveled in the way Bruce’s frown deepened as he watched you sitting triumphantly at the head of the table. He fixes you with one of his patented bat-glares before finally giving in. “Fine,” he sighs, defeated. “Ice cream for breakfast.” “From the look on your face, you’d think you’d sentenced him to the electric chair,” Dick laughed, plopping down in his usual seat. He spun a spoon between his fingers like a drummer about to let loose. “C’mon, Bruce. Live a little!” “It won’t be so bad, I was kind enough to make sure to get everyone’s favorites. Even Damian’s god awful mint chocolate chip stuff,” “Mint chocolate chip is the most delicious flavor in the world,” Damian warns, and beside him Tim prays you two won’t get into a whole thing about it. “It’s a perfectly fine treat,” “It’s an abomination is what it is.” Tim laughs. You toss him a set of plastic Mardi-gras beads, which he snatches mid air with his impressive reflexes. “Did you give me these because I agreed with you?” He questioned aloud. “I see you’re being extra insufferable about today, birthday girl.” Jason hums, pulling up his own chair. You elect to ignore him, gesturing for Bruce to join you at your right side. “I even got some low cal, non-dairy vanilla for you. Matcha for Dick, Coffee for Tim, and for Jason-“ “Rocky fuckin’ Road.” Jason finishes with glee, cracking open the pint in front of him. “I’m sold. All hail the birthday princess.” He catches his beads and dons them with pride. “I expect everyone to eat at least one bowl. You are supposed to be making it up to me for ditching my party last year.” You reminded. The whole table erupts into groans. “Oh for the love of- how is it our fault that Scarecrow decided to have his grand re-debut like twenty minutes into your party?” Dick whines, digging into a spoon of matcha flavor. “To be fair, we would have back pretty quickly if you and Jason hadn’t gotten caught up one-upping each other,” Tim shrugged. “I don’t know why you’re all complaining, I’m the real victim here,” You joke, digging into your own ice cream. “Besides, Ace and Titus don’t seem to mind,” With your spoon, you gesture over to the pair of dogs who lap at the pet friendly ice cream seated into their bowls. Both beasts sport tiny paper party hats that had been carefully strapped to their heads. “Ace and Titus are animals, sweetheart.” Bruce cracks a small smile, pushing his ice cream around in his own. “I do not understand why you are making such a huge deal of this,” Damian interjects. “We’ve all had celebrations interrupted by villains." “It was my seventeenth birthday, Damian. The last one I would have before becoming a dumb, annoying and boring adult. No offense. Let me grieve for it, at least.” “It is wayyyy to early for this,” Jason groaned, leaning back in his chair. “And I was kind of looking forward to waffles.” The only people he’d rather be eating with less other than four superheros were probably four other superheros. You all eat together in relative peace, and as you really savor your first spoonful of birthday ice cream with all of the fixings, you can’t help but sigh with pleasure. “Oh my god,” you relax into your chair, savoring the melt of it on your tongue. “Now I know why you never let us keep this in the house. I could eat this for every meal.” “I can hear your teeth rotting from here,” Damian mutters under his breath. He can’t help but be confrontational, even if it is really good ice cream. He makes a face as Dick artfully squirts chocolate syrups into his matcha ice cream, topping it with crushed Oreos and a few gummy worms. “I have witnessed deaths more appealing,” Damian remarks, watching his eldest brother scoop the abomination into his mouth. “I’ve had deaths more appealing.” Jason snorts. “Babies! Whiny little babies, all of you.” You scold, pouting as you loaded your spoon once more.
Part 3
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cricketnationrise · 8 months
oh my gosh the fest is getting so fancy!! congrats on 500, babe you deserve it SO MUCH!!
7:32 pm
Faber Rink (with this and the time i was thinking during a game but do whatever works in your perfect brain!)
Dex and/or Nursey
OK Go - another set of issues; specifically "So keep your head down / Keep your hands where I can see them now / This'll all be over soon"
T or M
now that i'm back from hawaii and through a tough week of work catch-up, i finally had time to write whats been swirling around in my brain since i got your prompt. did i nail the vibes of the song? possibly not, but this is where my brain went, so i hope you like it anyway 💜🦗
want your own ficlet? followers can request their own prompt using these guidelines through Jan 31, 2024 (5 more days!) I WILL write every one, promise.
7:32pm, faber
“Dex.” The sound of his name jerks him out of his memories of last night.
“It’s time, dude,” Nursey says, holding his fist out for their customary pre-game elaborate handshake. As always, he’s infuriatingly chill. Or chill-looking, which is more than Dex has ever managed on a normal day, let alone right before a playoff game the day after he hooked up with one of his best friends.
“You sure we should be doing this?” Dex pants as Nursey mouths down his neck.
“So sure. Now shut up.”
Dex smirks. “Make me, Nursey.”
Nursey ceases his assault on Dex’s neck long enough to smirk back at him before he pulls Dex in by the back of his neck for a furious kiss.
Under the half-burned out fluorescent lights of the tunnel, no one is beautiful. Like, objectively. But Nursey — glorious, stunning, radiant Nursey — manages to defy the odds. And he still has his gloved fist held out, waiting for Dex to do something, anything; anxiety starting to creep in at the edge of his green eyes.
And nope. As awkward as it may be right now, Dex cannot stand being the cause of such a thing. Not after they’ve both worked so hard to come out the other side of their fights to be friends.
He forces a smile on his face and meets Nursey’s glove with his own.
Dex shivers with every scrape of Nursey’s stubble on his chest. He’s flying high right now, every place he and Nursey are skin to skin feels like there’s a current running through them.
“Mm, Nursey more, please…”
“Comin’ right up,” Nursey winks before biting down just above Dex’s abs. The sharp sting of pain only amplifies all the pleasure coursing through his body. He doesn’t even care if Nursey leaves a bruise — he kind of wants him to, actually.
“Ready to smash it out there tonight?” Dex asks, forcing his voice to remain steady, to project Captain Dex as hard as he can. If he thinks about last night for too long, he’ll probably forget how to skate.
“You know it, Poindoodle,” Nursey says. They step through their handshake, as in sync now as they are on the ice, as they were last night — no, not now. Dex focuses on the movements, the routine that the two of them have built together over four years.
“Fuck, Will—” Nursey’s words are cut off with a groan as Dex swallows around him, tasting Nursey’s release on the back of his tongue. He thinks the jolt of smug satisfaction that goes down his spine is justified. 
After all, no one but Dex reduced Nursey to just moans and curses and his fucking name.
The handshake ends, as it always does, with pulling each other close for a totally-platonic-not-at-all-wishing-to-be-real back-slapping hug. As it always does, the hug lingers. On both of their parts. Dex wishes he had words for once, but they’ve never been his thing.
Nursey has no such hang ups, and whispers in Dex’s ear instead of pulling back.
“We’re gonna win this game tonight, and then we’re gonna celebrate at the Haus with our teammates. And then we’ll keep celebrating in your room, just the two of us. If you want to?”
Dex pulls back just far enough to meet Nursey’s gaze.
“Derek— please, so close—”
“Easy, I got your back, just let go,” Nursey murmurs before reapplying his mouth to Dex’s cock.
Dex shudders as Nursey swirls his tongue around the head and falls headlong over the edge with a shout.
“I do want.”
“Well then, lets go fuck Harvard up, shall we?” Nursey’s eyes are sparkling, brighter than the stars Dex sees out in the forests of Maine.
Dex knows they still have a lot to talk about, but at this moment he just knows they’re on the same page. He grins, wider than he usually lets himself.
“After you.”
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primojade · 2 years
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | in which tighnari makes up for the few weeks of loneliness away from your side as he let you teach him how to ice skate during the winter holiday because 'tis is the season to remember.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | gn!reader x tighnari; fluff; a bit hurt then comfort; kissing; let me know if I missed anything!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | this is my exchange gift for @mako-yaki in the Secret Santa Event hosted by @2022gisecretsanta ! I was supposed to add Ayato and Kazuha (and Wanderer cause I thought of a good scenario for him oof) but I sadly have no time to write more for them so maybe I'll just do a part 2 soon if possible! Still, I hope you like this as much as I love writing them! Happy holidays to you, comrade <3
PS. I'm most certain that teyvat do not have christmas because of its origin but for the sake of this fic, I just renamed it as a winter holidays with unknown origin lol. And I'm not certain too if my dear secret santa celebrates christmas so to be safe, christmas is referred to as 'winter holiday' instead!
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You glide for a few meters after stepping onto the ice to reacquaint yourself with the sensation beneath your skates. You awkwardly spin around, stumbling a little when the blades hit an uneven chunk of ice, but you quickly get back on your feet before you completely lose balance. You smile to yourself, at least you remember how to do that.
It's been a while since you have been in an outdoor rink, knowing that you were staying in Sumeru and its rainforest for a few years now. But the sight of multiple pairs of lovers skating together hand in hand as if they own the world, little children waddling about unsteadily on the ice, parents flailing around as they frantically attempt to chase after their cheeky children who have yet to wear their mufflers...
It all brings a fond grin to your face, memories of childhood and holiday outings coming to mind.
You gaze up at the place surrounding the rink, the bright blue sky filled with clouds and the towering pine trees located at the other end of the rink, and you feel excitement begin to well up in your chest. An excited hum escapes your lips, and you’re about to skate off when it hits you that you’ve forgotten something—or rather, someone.
You turn around at the sound of your name, and you see Tighnari standing a distance behind you, though even standing seems to pose a huge challenge to him. He’s trembling while flailing his arms as he attempts to keep his balance, even though it’s clear that he’s just barely taken a step off the ground.
His gaze darted between the ice then to you, slight panic glazing in his eyes. Though some relief sets in when you skate over to him, he gives you an irritated glare and an embarrassed flush of his cheeks when he sees you stifling your laughter at his pathetic state. 
You hold out your hand to him once you’re close enough and immediately he clutches tightly to your arm like a lifeline.
"The audacity of you to leave me behind, you heartless dunce." He huffed angrily, leaning against you as he tried to release the tension in his muscles, clearly tired from the effort of standing on ice even for a short period of time. "I can’t believe you almost left me alone to rot here!"
The way that extreme embarrassment tends to turn the fennec hybrid into a petty drama queen is so amusing. Especially when he still seeks you out despite how irritated he is.
"But you were doing okay," you said, though both of you know that he was the exact opposite of being okay. "It's your first time so don't be so stressed about it," you continue when his disgruntled scowl deepens at your unconvincing tone. "At the very least, you didn’t cry, 'Nari, I’m so proud of you."
He groaned in irritation when you patted his ears teasingly, brushing off your hand almost immediately. "I did not fall, thank you very much. And I don’t cry over such petty things."
"Oh? I'm confident your eyes were misty when I skated over to support you earlier."
“I did no such thing,” he scowled, though his long ears started dropping in defence. “Skating is rather hard, okay? I believe you were forgetting I have lived in the rainforest all my life. This is my first time.”
“Don't worry, I got you.” You said with a reassuring smile, nudging his waist lightly with your elbow. The action made him stumble and cling tighter to your arm in response. The absolute shock that crossed on his usually stern face makes you giggle, and it takes you a while to calm yourself so that he’ll stop glaring at you. 
You pried his hand away from your sore arm, and instead, intertwining his fingers with yours. "Don’t worry, 'Nari. We’ll hold hands, so don't let go."
Tighnari's brows shot up in the hairline, not comforted in the least by your reassuring smile. “I swear to all Archons in Teyvat, [Name], I’ll make you regret this if you let me go or pull weird tricks to make me fa—”
"I won’t! What kind of lover do you take me for?” You pouted.
Before he can come up with a snarky reply, you start pulling him across the ice rink. You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to keep your laughter to yourself when you hear him release an undignified yelp before tightly latching both his hands onto yours.
Come to think of it, despite his ungodly snarks and overall clumsiness at skating, your favourite scholar really isn’t too bad for a first-timer. He merely fell once so far. 
That first time was because you let his hand go for staring too long at that person who was executing a beautiful spin and statingstating bluntly that you skated like a "circus snake" compared to them. So rude. 
Though it wasn't that unusual when Tighnari insists on taking a break.
“What are you looking at?” His lips were curled downward in displeasure while seated on the bench.
"Sometimes, I really hate you.”
“Hehe. Love you too, 'Nari.” You respond in a sickeningly sweet, but mischievous voice. You bark a laugh loudly when he makes a move to get away from you but slips on the icy surface of the ground and lands squarely on his bum instead. That's twice now, you thought with a snicker.
After attempting for several minutes to convince Tighnari that you would stop harassing him for another hour and then failing spectacularly, you are left with little alternative but to drag him there. Back on the ice rink, you make the decision that you should definitely try to make your grumpy partner smile once more.
When he asks suspiciously what you're "plotting" this time, you refuse to say anything and gingerly take his hand before skating slowly toward the center of the rink. His misgivings and distrust towards you make you want to pout, but they aren't entirely unfounded given how you almost made him lose his sanity and completely drove him insane in the past hour.
“What are you doing?” He questioned in confusion.
"Dancing with the music while on ice!" You answer with a grin. "Since you're still new to this skating thing, just thought we could use a change of pace. And so that you would stop glaring at me already."
His brows furrowed. “And you didn’t think that I could use something like this earlier instead?"
You shush him, pressing a finger to his lips. "Shush. Just enjoy the moment, 'Nari."
He grumbles something incoherent under his breath, probably more complaints but nonetheless, his grip on your waist tightens to pull you closer to him, and he allows you to pull him along in slow circles. The both of you sway in time to the mellow beat, and after a while you hear Tighnari humming along softly to the carol while the ghost of a smile plays on his lips. His shoulders begin to loosen as he eases into the dance, the creases on his forehead fading away the more he loses himself in your eyes and in the faintly playing music.
Wordlessly, you felt your heart swell with affection. Tighnari has been so busy these past few weeks, and you both barely saw each other, if not at all. It makes you feel a little lonely, but you understand that his job requires his full attention and that many people rely on him as their leader.
You understand that, yes, still…it doesn't mean that you have to like it.
Perhaps Tighnari felt guilty about leaving you behind for so long either, and he felt it was his fault that he wasn't by your side at your lowest time when you needed him the most, so when the news of a new skating rink reaches his ears in the nearby country of Fontaine, he latches on the chance to take you along, knowing how you loved such excursions but have no time nor place to enjoy doing so. 
And even though it was his first time ice skating, and he wasn't even that used to the cold climate, Tighnari still took the effort to bring you here and you were grateful for his thoughtfulness for that. Whether he regrets it now or not because of your mischievous 'plotting' that almost made him senile remains to be seen.
When he appears to be less wary of the ice, you slowly skate backwards to pull away from him so you can lift his arm over and do a twirl along with him. The childish action pulls a chuckle from his lips, which causes your own to curve upwards as well.
"I supposed this isn’t half bad anymore," he remarked lightly.
"Right? I told you you would love this.”
He clarifies his sentence. "Correction: I like it when you don’t push me or make me skate like a Rishboland Tiger on incense."
Chuckling, you start skating and pulling him along with you. "It was your fault that you fell twice."
"You pushed me the first time," he argued.
"That was your fault, too."
"It wasn't, you lummox. I was doing fine until you—hey, look out!”
Before you can even process what he is saying, your left leg smacks against something hard, throwing you off balance. As you recoil and drag Tighnari down with you, all you can see is his gaping mouth and frozen expression of dread.
Your bottom takes the majority of the impact as your body crashes to the hard ice, and something sharp and unpleasant is jabbing at your side. Tighnari slammed directly on top of you, his immense weight knocking the wind out of you. He tries to get off of you as quickly as possible, but accidentally slips and falls on you again, this time, crushing your ribs.
“Ugh. I'm so sorry,” he muttered hurriedly, moving to get up so his weight is on his forearms that are resting on either side of your face. "Are you okay!?"
"I'll live." You replied with a grimace. "What was that?"
"A snowboard," he replies, looking over his shoulder where a blue overturned snowboard is lying. "Who in the world left that lying in the middle of a skating rink? That's highly dangerous! I would love to get some words with—"
"Probably a child," you stopped his tirade before it escalated to something close to a full-blown lecture. "Oww…"
Tighnari carefully crawls away from you so he has sufficient space to get back on his feet and once he’s up, he holds out a hand to you. "I'll help you up,"
You clasped his hand and allowed him to pull you up. But about halfway through, he manages to tip over—possibly because you put too much weight on him—and falls backward, dragging you with him.
You both crash land in a jumbled heap of limbs for the second time today. Perhaps the pain has finally reached your mind, but when you shift so that your weight is off of him and gaze down at his dumbfounded face, you can't help but laugh out loud. You know the people around you are giving you strange looks, but you can't help it.
You manage, struggling to recover your breath between laughs, "Today has been such a mess."
Tighnari is just staring at you like you've finally lost it, but before long the corners of his chapped, dry lips are also curling upwards and soon enough, he's laughing along with you at the ridiculous situation the two of you are in.
He sighed, blowing out a puff of breath and lightly flicking your forehead good naturedly. "You better make up for this later to me, you big lummox."
"Heh. Of course. Anything else you want as compensation?" You asked, brushing the viridescent strand of his hair from concealing his lovely face. He deserves this after all the terrorising from you today.
As he mulls over the query, his features settle into a thoughtful expression, and his lips pursed. Very cute, the way he’s almost pouting with his lips pushed out like that. Looking at him from this angle, with his dark hair splayed out around his head like a halo, lying on the shimmering ice beneath the bright rays of the sun in winter, you can’t help but feel your chest swell with affection. The loneliness you felt over the weeks apart from each other slowly, but surely unveiling itself little by little until it becomes nothing but a bittersweet memory.
He takes so much time to decide, and you feel impatient. So, with a mischievous smile, you lean in, catching him completely off guard when you press your lips to his. You pull away quickly after leaving a gentle peck, but his hand is quick to press on your back to keep you from moving away too far.
“One more time.” His tone is serious, but his face is well on its way to matching the colour of Nilou's hair as his gaze remains on your face, attentive olive eyes tracing the lines of your features and lingering on the changing colour of your heated cheeks. “As...compensation, that is.” he added, by way of explanation.
You smile brightly, ignoring the sting of your cracking lips when they spread too wide, and you lean in, more than happy to comply and compensate, while you’re at it.
This sweet moment is more than anything you could take home as a holiday keepsake.
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TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added in my future works!): @samarill , @maehemthemisfit , @chocogi , @rvoulte , @luvwukong ...
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Personality through quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: a quote from your OCs given a prompt!
A quote about their favorite memory.
Lexi: "My favorite memory? How could I choose? I guess any where I'm spending time with my friends. The sixth-grade social dance was a lot of fun! Ooh, and the fifth-grade DC trip! That was so much fun. My birthday party last year at the rollerskating rink was awesome, though I did bruise my knee. But I was with my friends, so who cares, right? Ooh the first time I beat Maddie at Mario Kart. Oh my gosh, there was--"
Maddie: "Hm. I dunno what my favorite memory is. Weird to pick one. Maybe in third grade when Kelsey and I presented our research poster. We had the best one there. I ended up doing most of the talking though. It was about tigers, anyway. Kelsey didn't mind. Everyone was listening though. Felt cool to be the center of attention for a bit, I guess."
Ash: "Don't really have a favorite. But I did like it when Lexi, Maddie, Hannah, Mikey, and I were playing Minecraft together in my living room once. It was, like, fourth grade? Pretty awesome. We built a house inside a mountain."
Gwen: "There was this time my family and I were walking one of the trails near my house. Before Christian was born. Cory was really young, so he was with my parents. My sister Mallory and I were alone for a bit, so we got talking. I really like our talks when we get to do them. We ended up noticing strange pawprints and broken branches off to the side, so we started talking about a horror story where some kids like us were in the woods, being hunted by a monster. It was a lot of fun, if a little dark."
Robbie: "Bro, there's literally no way I can pick. Binging the Barbie movies with Sam and Akash was mega fun. We had a great time, both ironically and unironically. Um, the Halloween party in Alium? Those are great. Man this is hard. Uh, there was this time where Akash and I played this game where we'd go to a bookstore and read random sentences out of random books just to see what would happen. Dang, this is hard. In eighth grade there was a theater/choir team-up for a winter concert, so Akash and I got to be on stage together for once. Ugh, can I at least get a top twenty? This will take a while."
Akash: "Not to sound weird and gushy, but I genuinely mean it when I say growing up with Robbie makes it impossible to pick a favorite memory. There are too many good ones."
Jedi: "This is quite an interesting question. I simply am unsure of what to choose. However, I would say graduating college was a wonderful time. Carmen and Atsila were both there, which meant the world to me. They created a lovely celebration for me."
Carmen: "I'm not answering this question." [Redacted for spoilers, but it has to do with Atsila]
Tagging @avrablake @space-writes @dyrewrites @sam-glade @buffythevampirelover
Your sentence is: "A quote about a topic they could write a book about."
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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lonewolflink · 6 months
Wheel, Snipe, Celly Ch. 5 Glossary
A glossary so big, so powerful, that it wouldn't fit in the AO3 endnotes.
Celebratory Fist Bumps – after scoring a goal (and after the post-goal hug), all the skaters on the ice skate towards the bench where the rest of the team is and fist bump them all in a line. Like so.
Post-Goal Hug – after a goal is scored, the skaters (forwards and defenseman) on the ice get together to celebrate the goal in a big group hug before going to the bench for the fist bump line. Often the site of guttural screams, bopping of each other’s helmets, and the phrase “FUCKIN’ RIGHT!”.
Beauty/Beautician – A player that is talented, both on and off the ice, and loved by their teammates.
Stickhandling - A term for the skill of carrying the puck along the ice with the stick; involves manipulating the location/sliding speed of the puck with the stick, allowing the player to maintain control over it.
Deke – A fake by a player in possession of the puck in order to get around an opponent or to make a goalie move out of position. A deke is used by an offensive player with the puck to confuse a defender or goalie. It is a fake or feint move.  A common deke is to lower the shoulder in one direction but actually turn in the other, or to lead one way with the head but go the other (called a “head fake”, see here). One of my favorite fake out moves of all time is Matt Hendricks’ “Paralyzer”. What a beauty.
Curl and Drag – the act of deceiving an opponent while skating forward with possession by putting the puck in front of you while facing them, curling it to the right or left (depending on whether you’re a righty or lefty), and when the opponent tries to swat it away you draw the puck back (drag) so the opponent misses the attempt and you continue to speed down the ice. See here for a helpful visual explanation. See here for an in-game example that resulted in a goal.
Dangle – dangling is hockey slang for high skill, finesse stick-handling on the ice (including complex dekes like the toe-curl and curl and drag). Dangles are called “dirty dangles” when they’re especially impressive. I must insist that you watch this set of highlights (at least). Please enjoy.
Goal Line – the red stripe at each end of the rink extending from each of the side boards running across the width of the ice. The goal posts are situated at the center of the goal line.
Blue Line – the blue line dividing center ice (neutral zone) from the defensive/offensive zones for each team. Defensemen are called blue liners because when they’re in the offensive zone, usually they “play the blue line”; it’s their job to keep the puck in the offensive zone by stopping it from crossing the blue line that demarcates where the offensive zone begins.
Defensive Zone – The area where the goal is located is the “defensive zone” for the team defending that net. The border between the defensive zone and the neutral zone (in the center of the rink) is marked by a blue line on the ice.
Neutral Zone/Center Ice – The area between the two blue lines in the center of the ice (also called center ice).
Offensive Zone – The area where the goal is located is the “offensive zone” for the team shooting on that net (trying to score a goal in it). The border between the offensive zone and the neutral zone (in the center of the rink) is marked by a blue line on the ice.
Breakout – When a team gains control of the puck in their defensive end they will “break out” with the puck to go on the attack.   Most teams have established break out plays to accomplish this important part of the game.
Penalty Shot – A free shot, unopposed except for the goalie, most commonly award to players that have full possession with no opposing player between them and the goalie but are taken down by the opposition.  The team which commits the offense is not penalized beyond the penalty shot, whether it succeeds or not. Like so.
Shootout – if a game is still tied after regulation and overtime, it is decided by a shootout, i.e. penalty shots. A shootout consists of three rounds where each team selects one player per round to take a penalty shot against the opposing goaltender. If the shootout is tied after three rounds, it’s next round wins until someone gets the victory.
Blocker – A rectangular piece of equipment worn by goalies on their dominant hand; the non-dominant hand usually wears the catching glove. Goalies hold their stick in their dominant hand and use the padded rectangle to block shots and bounce them away from the net (vs. the glove, which catches and holds the puck). Skilled goalies can steer shots into certain directions away from the goal by angling the blocker just as the puck strikes.
Blocker Side – indicates that the puck has been directed to the same side as the goalie’s blocker (usually by an opposing shooter). Contrasted with “glove side”.
Dots – “The dots” is short for faceoff dots, or the dots into which the referee drops the puck during a face off.
Edgework – a technical term used when discussing skating technique (in both hockey and figure skating). Refers to how a player uses the inside/outside edge of their skate blades to pivot, turn, build, and maintain speed.
Grinder – A player who makes up for a lack of talent by working hard and playing physical.  A grinder normally plays on the 3rd or 4th lines, and will battle hard for the puck.
Line Change – A line change in hockey refers to the act of substituting one or more players on the ice with players from the bench during the course of a game. This is typically done in order to give players a rest, to change the tactical approach of the team, or to match the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team's players. Players can be changed on the fly, which means they can come off and go on the ice while the play is still going on, or during a stoppage in play, such as after a goal or a penalty. Coaches are responsible for letting players know which line is out next.
Attack Triangle - The three forwards create an offensive triangle on one side of the ice. The puck carrier always has two outlet passes, if they are not open. The forwards rotate (or cycle) the puck looking for an open opportunity for a shot, one-timer, or opening to drive the net. In general, trying to form a triangle formation will lead to openings for passing plays.
Tic-Tac-Toe – Three tape-to-tape passes that lead to a goal. Tic-tac-toe goals are usually scored on odd-man rushes or power plays because opponents don’t have enough defenders to break up passes. Like so.
Wrist Shot – Players roll their wrists quickly and powerfully to generate a shot. Typically, the most common and accurate type of shot. A quick, accurate shot made by snapping the wrists as the puck hits the blade of the stick.
Snowing/Snow Shower – a skater is said to snow someone when they stop quickly on the ice and create a spray of snow that flies up onto the other person. This spray is called a snow shower. Snowing a goalie is considered extremely taboo in hockey; it does not harm the goalie, but is extremely disrespectful (because they usually are bent low and it sprays into their face/eyes) and can be called as an unsportsmanlike penalty by a referee if they think it was intentional. When the ref doesn’t call it, players often get very upset and protective of the goalie.
Clearing the puck – Getting the puck away from the area near your own goal; on a penalty kill, sending the puck out of your own defensive zone
One-timer – Shooting the puck immediately upon receiving it without stopping it first.
Slot – A prime scoring area located between the faceoff circles and in front of the goal.
Screen – Occurs when one or more players are between the shooter and the goalie, obstructing the goalie’s view of the play and incoming shot.
Point – The point is an area just inside the blue line of the attacking zone. It is normally occupied by the attacking team’s defensive players. When players take shots from there they are called “point shots”, and usually do not result in goals unless they are tipped or deflected by forwards in front or if the goalie is screened and cannot see the shot.
1-3-1 Power Play – A power play strategy that employs one defenseman at the point and four forwards (as opposed to most traditional power play formations that have two defenseman and three forwards). Enables the attacking team to spread out around the zone and keep a player in front of the net at all time.  For more on the 1-3-1, see these links.
Box Penalty Kill – A penalty kill strategy that involves positioning four players in a box shape in the defensive zone, with two defensemen back and two forwards front.
Diamond Penalty Kill – a penalty kill strategy that involves positioning four players in a diamond shape in the defensive zone. This formation allows the team to pressure the puck carrier while also maintaining coverage of the passing lanes, but if players are not defensively savvy, the formation can break down very quickly and lead to scoring chances for the attacking team. See here for an example and breakdown of the effectiveness of the DPK against a 1-3-1 PP.
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