#ch: octavia
lovaamaria · 2 years
ok i need to write this down so here's some octavia thoughts: during the early 1800s, probably 1810s (before AND around the time she meets raphael for the first time), octavia had a lot of suitors even though she could've been considered like, a spinster but because she was (is) so beautiful, so accomplished, was wealthy, well connected and well known, these guys didn't really care. during that time if miss octavia showed interest in someone they'd be considered very lucky. so, she liked to play around with her suitors, not lead them on but more like, explore her options and such. but anyways she was being courted by this man, he was so sweet and attentive and he was head over heels for her. he was younger than her and he really wanted to have a family, he really was husband material. octavia really liked him, in her eyes he was perfect, but she knew she couldn't marry him, as much as that pained her, she couldn't do that to him, she knew she couldn't give him the life that he deserved. octavia had been dead set for centuries on not having kids again* and even if he didn't have a problem with that (which he wouldn't because he would've been happy with just her), she thought it would be too cruel to marry him, not just to him but to herself as well; she couldn't stand the thought of seeing someone she cared deeply for age and then die while she remained the same, that's why she almost never got attached to any humans (and i say almost because sometimes she just couldn't help it). this man knew something bothered her but he didn't pry, he was just always there for her. when she told him she couldn't marry him and explained that she wouldn't be able to give him the life and happiness he deserved it hurt her so much because it hurt him, but still he was understanding and as much as he disliked the idea of a future where octavia wasn't there beside him, he went on to live his life, for her. this was really hard for octavia, but she knew it was the right thing to do
*before octavia became a vampire (c. 70 BC) she had a baby daughter with one of her patrons, he provided for them but she continued to work and they were never together beyond him hiring her for parties and such every once in a while. before she got arrested, they took away her baby and she never saw her again. she was destroyed by this and this is actually what led her to massacring so many people when she was turned. but yeah, the pain was too much, so she decided she would never be a mother again
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kichedatabase · 10 months
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sovhina · 1 year
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A wip on a Wednesday!!! Like a functional human! Anyway here’s the full body from Octavia’s (they/she) bust I posted the other day now accompanied by resident loser (and current ruler of my heart) (m!)Seven Lawless from @infamous-if !! Seriously it’s so good go play the demo I implore you
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ziggstheenby-2 · 9 months
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Haven’t found the cry havoc fandom yet, guess I’ll just lure them in with this FANART!!!!
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Characters: Auberon, Viria Laetoria, Octavia, Lux, Marcus TW: Corpses and rot An excerpt of the first canonical appearance of Duke Auberon during the main series.
"Was this...display truly necessary?"
The General of the West is younger than most her counterparts. Less orthodox than the others as well, except perhaps her Northern comrade now that the Emperor's eldest child has been given the title.
Unlike many of those representing the Imperial party she has managed to avoid taking on a sickly green hue. She had far more familiarity with the after-effects of battle and death than the others sent by their Emperor to leash this troublesome province once more. 
She glances to the side to check on her charges. The royal children are young - this is the first time the younger two have ever seen death on this scale. The younger prince's dark skin has taken a sickly hue. The middle child watches with an icy impassivity. The Crown Princess has drawn her expression into a grim line.
There's a low chuckle from the figure who stands alone before the gates. His eyes casting up towards the walls and the enemies whose corpses rot around them. Crimson stains run down the white rock walls of Ausones that rise up from their harbor and shield the city from the sea. Their hearts had still had the strength to push blood through cut veins as they were suspended and fear and pain remains twisted into the visages of many, despair in others. There's at least fifty corpses hung along the walls.
Sea birds, crows, and ravens line the walls and perch on bloated bodies but all are still - watching the Imperials.
The figure pulls his gaze from the crowned corpse - the one that carries a ghastly resemblance to the man before them - and gives a slight bow, "My apologies for the smell, my teacher, but yes: I do believe it was."
The Crown Princess scowls and strides forward - "Who are you to murder subjects of the Nassenii throne?"
The soft golden glow in the man's gaze fades and the birds rise in a flurry of noise and feathers - those that do not take flight fall on the meals provided by the corpses.
Young Prince Marcus turns aside to vomit. His elder sibling moving closer to guard him, a hand resting uneasily upon their sword's hilt as pale violet eyes watch their sister's actions.
"I am Auberon Medulloi, Duke of Ausones," the man bows with all the correct manners of an Imperial nobleman. "I am surprised you would wish to claim traitors to your father as subjects, your Highness. It is hardly fitting that I put down my Uncle's rebellion and you accuse me of the opposite."
"Auberon," the General's tone is a warning.
He glances at her and gives a faint nod. Raising his hand he dismisses the archers on the walls. "If the corpses of traitors who have been justly punished truly upsets you so greatly I will have them burned, Your Imperial Highness."
"What proof do you have of your claims? That these people were traitors?"
"My Uncle's ledgers, a written confession by Rolant Medulloi himself regarding his theft from Ausones for his private coffers and his plans to betray the empire, correspondence with his seal recovered from the body of a resistence spy, the testimonies of Imperial Commander Ietius and the Mage Ashkeru, both fidelium of House Laetoria - I have prepared them for your examination at the ducal palace. Ausones does not stand in rebellion, I assure you, we remain your loyal subjects."
The Crown Princess narrows her eyes at the man.
He smirks at her, "I have done nothing more or less than is expected of a nobleman sworn to the Sun Throne, Your Imperial Highness."
"And yet I cannot feel as if your ravens circle for more than corpses, Medulloi."
"If my intentions were not made clear by the manner in which your ship entered the harbor unscathed then..." he hums before sighing and moving forward, taking a knee before her. "I, Auberon Medulloi, Son of Piers, the rightful Duke of Ausones do hearby give my oath of fealty to Crown Princess Octavia Nassenia. If I break this bond let the Lady of Waters drag down what I love to the depths, and the Lady of Winds strike my name from the lips of all."
"In the sight of the Sun and by the blessings of its King, I will accept your oath, Auberon Medulloi."
He rises to his feet and gestures towards his city, "Then I have my innocence to prove and pyres to have built. Allow my men and I to escort you to the palace."
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inabcck · 6 months
@acourtcfmuses Loona sent: only you can decide what breaks you. only you.
There had been so many things happening lately that made Octavia want to break. How did she handle it all anyways? Her parents divorcing, which was getting rather ugly at points because her mother didn't know when to let go, and her father wasn't really giving her all of the attention that she needed or wanted from him. Things were a bit strained and she could feel herself fraying at the edges. Honestly if she hadn't made such a good friend in Loona she might have completely broke by now.
"You're right. But how do you keep from breaking when everything is building to that point?" Perhaps she would have a mental breakdown like her father and go off to fuck an imp to. No, that was unfair of her to think. He seemed happy with Blitz and she should be supportive of that. "How do you deal with our dads being... them?"
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solarisrenbeth · 1 year
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rules: create one (or more) of your ocs using this meiker and then take this uquiz and share their results
ty for the tag @grapecaseschoices @narrativefoiltrope + @sysba!! 💖💖 i’ll toss a tag to @veeples @lilas @lyriumsings @mrs-theirin @queerdetectiveblue + @masonscig if you wanna play! 🤗
⬅️ JORDY ANDERSON || she/her • twc, body count, infamous
Oleander: This is the poison of stagnation. You grow drowsy. Your heart rate slows, and when you do move you can't seem to stop shaking. It may seem to others that you're lazy, or reticent. Like you avoid hard work on purpose, like you always take the easy way out. But you know deep down that it wouldn't be like this if you weren't so tired, so deeply tired. If you weren't crushed under the weight of sorrow like a mile of water over your head. Nothing brings you peace, except rest and-- though you can hardly dare to ask-- having someone tend to you gently and sweetly. A good gardener speaks to their plants, sings to them, waters them, fertilizes their soil, prunes the dead parts, nurtures the new growth. You yearn to be cared for like that, even though you feel you don't deserve it. The secret is that you do. You always have. And someday, you'll learn that, and receive that care, and the exhaustion won't keep you from growing strong and lovely anymore. You were never the problem. These are simply poor growing conditions for you.
➡️ OCTAVIA GLASS || she/they • body count, golden
Lily Of The Valley: This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once.
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⬅️ JAMIE CARDEÑAS || she/her • blood moon, wts
Belladonna: This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can't help yourself. It's in your blood. You love because it is the truest beauty you've found in this harsh world. Even when it's hurt you before, when it's poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it's within and all around you already, if you know where to look.
➡️ MIKO MATSUOKA || they/she • chop shop, red sugar society
Doll's Eyes: This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.
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frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
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Clarke, blessed Clarke, finally gets her door unlocked and asks, “wanna come in for a nightcap?”
A sober Bellamy would know this is not a good idea.
Unfortunately, he’s not sober.
“Yeah, let me just put my things down.”
So he throws his coat, scarf, and gloves down on the couch, just like the first night he met her, and crosses the hall to let the door click gently shut behind him.
“Whiskey on the counter, beer in the fridge,” she calls from the bedroom.
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rainbowspare · 1 month
Web Tags P3
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I talked a lot about Stella’s appearances previously, but I wanted to talk about her other appearance in season one—this scene:
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This scene is interesting to me. I’ve seen some discussion on tumblr debating that this scene was only showing that Stolas felt guilty about cheating on Stella, not that Stolas was actually in the wrong for doing so.
And I find this logic fascinating b/c, yes if you would like to interpret it that way, you can. It’s up to you to decide how you want to interpret or engage with any work.
That said, I don’t think that competent and consistent writing would make the audience try to justify why Stella was there in hindsight. (Conversation continues below cut)
This scene is significant to me because the visual composition and direction of the animation puts Stella at the same level of importance as Octavia.
Which, in my opinion, means that this is one of the few times Helluva Boss did “Show don’t Tell” really well.
Through the visuals, the lyrics of the song, and Stolas’ reaction to Ozzie’s conjured Stella and Via, the audience is told that “these are people Stolas has both failed. He knows he has failed them and fears losing them. But he still hasn’t considered how his actions would impact them, and is now being faced with the idea of that possibility for the first time”
I specifically say that “he’s afraid of losing them” because the illusion of Octavia and Stella both turn their backs on Stolas, leaving him with just Blitzø. It’s extremely clear visual story telling—Stolas wants to be with Blitzø, but in doing so he is neglecting and will potentially lose his relationships with his wife and child.
And, at this point, because it’s before S2E1, the audience has still not been told that Stella is evil and abusive, and have no reason to think that Stolas wouldn’t care if Stella left (and again you can argue that there’s foreshadowing in hindsight but I have already gone over in depth why there isn’t enough information about Stella for the audience to see that coming)
What this part of the song is communicating to us is that Stella has at least some importance in Stolas’ life.
I think you could say that “well obviously Ozzie just didn’t know enough about Stolas’ personal life” but at the same time, what is being depicted in the show is also for the audience’s benefit.
When you are using a visual medium for your story-telling, your compositions and what you physically show the audience is important.
Like this isn’t subtext, it’s not even subtle—in a scene that is depicting Stolas’ shame, guilt, and embarrassment over his affair with Blitzø, Stella is included with Octavia because he knows he wronged her too.
(Also I almost didn’t write “Stolas’ shame, guilt etc.” b/c I was like “well wait, I can’t remember for sure that Stolas was shown as being ashamed or embarrassed about his relationship with Blitzø” so I went back to check and rewatched Ozzie’s and like.. Stolas being ashamed of his affair with Blitzø was shown even more explicitly than I remembered. Like, he straight up tries to ditch Blitzø and then hides his face after Ozzie asks him if he gave up his family to be with Blitzø ????
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And Blitzø’s reaction to this shows he’s obviously hurt by this? Like. I know some people have acted like Blitzø is in the wrong for rejecting Stolas after Ozzie’s but I can’t imagine not being hurt by this reaction…)
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But anyway, back to the main point—All of these visuals and the character’s reactions to what’s going on around them are meant to illicit emotions within us, but if Stella’s abuse and complete cruelty were always planned and she was always supposed to be hated, the emotional impact this scene is significantly lessened.
I know I’ve already said this, but I just can’t help thinking that the story would have been SO MUCH more interesting if Stolas was held fully accountable and actually had to reflect on his actions. There was so much potential for the plot and deep nuanced character development and change.
At the end of the day though, it’s not my story, and the writers and creative heads of HB get to tell the story they want to tell.
As a final note—I am not trying to nitpick, these are things that occur to me while I am trying to understand the story and engage with it on a deeper level.
But with every new episode, I find myself having more questions about why certain choices were made, and getting more and more confused about why characters behave the way they do. I can’t help thinking that the story was never fully planned out, and I worry that’s only going to become more obvious as time goes on.
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lovaamaria · 2 years
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ariellestudies · 4 months
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𝟎𝟓.𝟑𝟏.𝟐𝟒 — 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐 🕰
i got a lot of stuff done today, so now i have the weekend to relax! and by relax, i mean prepare for my physics class and review for the class i'm proctoring in the fall 😅 i genuinely enjoy studying when time isn't a serious issue, so it'll be a weekend well spent. i was also able to sit down and review both korean and chinese vocab—go me! i forgot how much enjoyment i get out of learning languages. great day overall 🤩
🎧 - drowning in an empty sea, deceits
📖 - fledgling, octavia butler (ch.7)
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tiger-shrike · 17 days
glossolalia ch 6: Illusion
It's sad Gale hours, y'all. Preview and link below! ***
Octavia left for the grove early the next morning, leaving Gale and Shadowheart behind with Scratch. Gale tried not to take it too personally - Wyll and Lae'zel were anxious to get back to the grove, and Astarion was the best-off after yesterday's fight with the mephits, but the worry that he was being a burden still gnawed at the corner of his mind, even despite his discussion with Octavia. It was the idleness, he thought, that unnerved him. Even confined to his tower, he'd spent his days frantically searching for a cure to his affliction when he was not otherwise immobile from pain or grief. He should be searching for a cure now , but given that both his lead in Yartar and his library in Waterdeep were likely hundreds of miles away, there was not much else to do other than sit and wait.
Shadowheart seemed happy enough (to the extent that she ever seemed happy) to spend the morning meditating in front of her tent, knelt between two incense burners and murmuring quiet devotions to Shar. Ironic, that he should be traveling with one of Her faithful when he had lost nearly everything. While he held no love for the Lady of Loss, he wondered briefly what fate had taken from Shadowheart to drive her into the Dark Lady's embrace.
As the fragrant smoke wafted toward him, Gale was reminded of his first official audience with Mystra. He could not have been more than nine, clinging to Elminster's sleeve as the older man lead him to the back of the worship hall in the House of Wonder, where an enormous statue of the Mother of Magic nearly reached the vaulted ceiling. Although it had not been used as a temple in nearly a century, there was a strange sense of reverence in the very stone beneath his feet, as though the building itself remembered its former purpose. He was gently steered towards the pair of braziers at Mystra's feet, the heat nearly unbearable between them despite the chill of late Alturiak that lingered in the building. His fingers were pried from Elminster's robes, and with a burning lungful of sandalwood-scented smoke, She was there.
What struck Gale most was not the blinding power of her gaze, or the way she was wreathed in motes of light more beautiful than the brightest stars of Simril - it was that he knew Her. She was the whisper in his ear, the tug at his hand given form, and she was even more resplendent than he had hoped. It was at that moment he understood: to love and understand magic was to love and understand Her, and it was then that Gale vowed for the first time to become her most ardent disciple and most learned student. What a cruel irony, then, that after all of his devotion and study, he would be reduced to tugging on her skirts for the scraps of magic that were all he was able to wield.
His musings were interrupted by something warm and wet poking into his knee, and he looked down to see Scratch nosing at his leg, tail wagging furiously.
"Ah, I see someone else was left behind," he said, petting Scratch behind the ears. "While you aren't quite the conversationalist that Tara is, I do appreciate the company."
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vesperpharsalius · 9 months
i got your reference! that’s why i said in gs cassius taking back the ring was just the engagement. i love that two lines because when i read the ending of gs i was traumatized by all that was happening, like darrow was there, stuck paralyzed on the ground by the venom, fitchner’s head on one side, nero and lorn killed by the jackal that has just shown his true face on the other, victra dying and roque having his judas moment. he did not know what had happened to sevro and mustang. peak dramatic moment. then cassius touched his hand and he was like “oh is he holding my hand??? <3” like BITCH BE SO FOR REAL this is not the moment to be gay (wrong it’s always the moment to be gay).
but also omg you saying that was cassius’s ring in Ig please like what if the rings were slightly different because maybe at the institute one was slightly scratched and so darrow realised that and virginia knew that too because she is observant. they looked at each other and the pin of remaining internalised homophobia in darrow made him say “maybe he lost the other one…” they both know it’s not true.
please you’re feeding my delusions too much I need chapter 9 of your fanfic 😭
Lol, that scene cracks me up, too. It’s such an unbelievably tense moment and I remember the first time I read it, I had to do a double–take, because—honestly, Darrow, these are your thoughts? Maybe apologize for destroying his entire House before you try for first–base.
(I am aware that Darrow thought Cassius was going to shake his hand, rather than hold it, but I think it says something spicy about Darrow that not only is he unfailingly tender where Cassius is concerned, he also invariably expects Cassius to return his affection—even after he admitted to killing Julian and did not apologize for it, he honestly believed that Cassius might forgive him. Like, dude, even Cassius isn’t that gay.)
But you’ve got me thinking of the end of MS now, when Darrow had just assassinated Octavia, overpowered the Jackal, and saved Cassius from the Joy Knight—y’know, he’s on the verge of either resounding success or crushing failure, trapped in the Dragonmaw, about to face Aja, the most terrifying razormaster in the system, with no armor and one hand. Despite all this, what is his stream of consciousness?
He grins, more alive in battle than anywhere else. I feel a pang, knowing this is always how it should have been. Missing the days where we rode together in the highlands pretending we were lords of the earth. I grin back at him, wounded, bleeding, but almost whole for the first time I can remember.
And Mustang has to literally tell them to focus and stop being gay. And you know what? They don’t. Good for them.
IIRC, they received new rings after they graduated from the Institute, ones that are iron rather than gold, but it’s totally possible that Darrow’s and Cassius’ could be perceptibly different. I like to think Darrow and Mustang would both, independently, realize the ring was actually Cassius’, but never say anything. Darrow, because he’s a goddamn fool, wouldn’t understand the significance of it (Maybe Cassius was just confused? Sent the wrong one accidentally? Lost mine? I mean, what reason could he possibly have to send me his?). But Mustang would, because she knows that Cassius is in love with Darrow (because it’s painfully obvious and, honestly, he probably confessed, while they were dating) and it would make her smile. And she would tell Victra, too, in confidence, who would find the entire thing hilarious.
Anyways, I can see it. Ch. 9 is coming soon! Stay tuned. Tysm for reading.
Bonus points for the fact that, after the Iron Rain in GS, when Mustang is telling him everything that happened while he was unconscious, who is Darrow worried about? Guess.
“Oh, goryhell, you’re so tender sometimes. Do you regret cutting off his arm, too?”
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thewholecrew · 4 months
@headstrongblake said: it didn't mean anything, you know. / o & grant
never in his life did he think he would have ever been given the chance to touch her again let alone what they did last night. ever since she had called him to check in on nick, to help him with his addiction they had been forced to interact more, much to his delight though he could assume she wasn't as thrilled. he understood, tried his best to keep his distance despite how longing ached in his chest every time his gaze lingered on her, when she wound speak softly with nick and his heart would swell painfully with how badly he missed them both, with how much he still loved her and how patient she was with nick, how strong she always was, he found his hands clenched tightly in fists at his sides, forcing himself to look away so not to be so obvious and make her uncomfortable.
but after a bad night with nicks recovery he found her out on the back porch by the fireplace. he had carefully closed the door to nicks bedroom once he'd settled enough to close his eyes and hopefully get some rest, the poor state of him far worse than what he had seen octavia go through. the soft slide of the glass door alerted her but he watched as her gaze didn't leave the soft flickering of the fire. "i think the worst is over for now..." he informed her quietly, but what the hell did he know? she knew far better and when she gave a silent nod he stood there in th door way hesitating. slowly, he joined her, settling down on the bench beside her but giving her some space between the two of them as he sighed tiredly, hands running through his hair as he leaned his arms on his knees.
time passed as they sat there in silence, the only noise was the passing cars and the crackling of the fire. eventually he drew his head up from where he'd leaned them in his hands to notice the shine in octavia's eyes, his chest growing tight as he swallowed a lump in his throat. god, with every moment he spent here since they'd returned he saw close up the damage he had done both to nick and her. his jaw clenched, dark eyes shimmering as he reached his hand towards her however stopping short and placing it down on the bench between them. "octavia...." he began softly, breaking the silence and he could have sworen he saw her flinch. it was like a hot knife slicing his heart as he shifted slightly towards her. "he's going to be okay," he whispered quietly. his hand slowly shifted closer across fabric before calloused fingers lightly brushed hers.
he wanted to comfort her some how, to get her mind off of whatever had her appear so haunted. but how could he do that when he was sure half the reason, if not all was because of him. grant paused as he watched her stiffen, drawing his hand back ever so slightly before dark eyes widened as she stopped him, her hand grasping his wrist and he nearly gasped as his heart leapt in his chest, blood racing and skin warm under her soft fingers. neither of them moved again for what felt like hours as his mind raced trying to form any kind of sentence that wouldn't have her scoff or flinch at. "there are so many things i.. need to apologize for, so many things that i did that i will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for..." his voice was quiet, rough with grief and regret as dark eyes shimmered, "i.. i want to make it up to you--i-in some way, any way... i know i have hurt you... and i'm so sorry--"
he stopped as her grip on his wrist tightened, as she cut him off. no was not the time for this and he understood, "i just want to help in any way i can--" grant finally added, watching with wide eyes as she told him to stop talking and shifted to straddle his lap. his jaw snapped shut as they seemed to fall back into the heated hurried rhythm of desperation. this, he had done this for her eagerly before, allowing her to use him as a distraction from the world around them, from her own cravings, to feel something. his heart galloped in his chest, face heating in surprise that she would want this but eagerly obliged. it was similar yet so painfully different than before. she held his jaw, keeping him from daring to lean in and kiss her. there was a deep disconnect between them that stung deeply but he understood, she didn't have to say those words, he knew what this meant to her.
it didn't mean anything, you know. she told him the next morning while the two of them were in the kitchen early in the morning after they had retreated into their separate guest bedrooms for the night. it might have meant nothing to her but it meant eveyrthing to him, even with the distance, he would let her use him as a distraction again if she asked, if she demanded, if she wanted. he swallowed down the burning hot coffee he sipped on, dark eyes soft and sad as he then nodded. "of course..." he said quietly, understanding that yet a small part of him clung on to the hope that it did, that maybe there was a small part of her that felt something other than pain, that it did mean something to her, that he still had a chance.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Just read a Hazbin/Helluva x Owl House fanfic you made and IT WAS AWSOME!!! Honestly I like seeing Amity, Edric, and Emira adopted by M&M, who we know are better parents than Odalia even though Alador is trying to be better, but it's still an amazing idea. Is there still some fanfic ideas based around it, if so could you share some details about the AU?
Ah those fics, it's been a while since I thought of them but I'm glad some people still stumble across them and enjoy them so much. I must admit though that the original asker for those fics @beastkeeper91 gave me that idea even though I took my own spin and wrote em, as well as a few others, but yes I suppose there are a few other ideas I didn't explore in either, some theirs, some my own and I'm happy to share a few.
But first since you just said fic, I'm gonna be safe and assume you only read one, and put both here, please read both before you go further cause I'm going to assume you've read both as I discuss the new stuff
(Note those are their reblogs of the fics, cause they were kind enough to send them to me so I could find them easier since this was a while ago, now the new stuff!)
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First of all, since the Owl House has since wrapped up I guess I'll speak on M&Ms status during season 3, most likely they'd end up collected like everyone else, sad but that means Amity gets three parents to lovingly greet after everything is done, and Odalia isn't just the third wheel now, she's the fifth wheel! Cause she deserves it :3
Also Stolas and Blitz would probably be right with them, a little bitter but the whole crew gets the collector is a child and all, and if Amity thinks there okay, they'll listen to their daughter/niece. Speaking of daughters I still don't know what to do Octavia and Loona, sorry ladies XP
And since this is a somewhat M&M centric AU, I certainly can't just not mention the episode that most focuses on them and their relationship, Yep Exes and Oohs.
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Crimson exists in this AU, but luckily Moxxie has of course cut ties with him, he still sucks essentially, and I don't hate Moxxie enough to have him dragged back. Not sure what he runs in this AU, cause I don't think the boiling isles has a straight up mob, but it's something Moxxie wants no part of. He's aware of his 'grandchildren' and I'm only air quoting that cause this man hardly deserves children, let alone grandchildren, he's never met them though, he is a little impressed with Amity after the brawl so he's intriqued.
Now that I think of it imagine the tension if while he's taking over running the company, Alador get's involved with Crimson, unaware of his shady dealings, and Moxxie just wants to explode right there when seeing him again. Oh lord the drama... And the possible bonding with his kids when they find out that just like them he had a bad parent like they did in Odalia
On a lighter note, how about we talk about some funny scenarios with the funny shark man?
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Chaz in this AU, is on much better terms with his exes, and kinda acts like an unwanted uncle to the blight kids, often joking he might just get back together with M&M to become their dad. Ed and Em find him amusing, and kinda get their sense of humor from him at times, and Amity can't stand him one bit, though she is nicer in this AU to start so she's at least cordial with him, agree with who you like.
Moxxie and Millie however, kinda keep him on a short leash when around their kids, none of his usual horn dog behavior as you'd expect, and Moxxie says he'll just steal Chaz's voice if he ever does it in front of em. Which is usual successful, so the kids just see him as the weird uncle, who just acts very awkward round their parents.
Speaking of magic, Chaz is a bard, just like Moxxie in this AU, though Chaz uses his voice for his magic, while Moxxie and say Raine use instruments, his magic looks like green and teal sound waves. Not sure what or if he'd branch off into other stuff after the sigils removed, maybe illusions for like stage effects but that's just me XP Still figuring stuff out for him.
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Now this is an idea completely given to me by good ol beastkeeper. Now in this AU I.M.P doesn't exist as we know it, which I felt was for the best not only cause portals are a much more serious thing in TOH, but also not exactly a great career to have when your daughter ends up with a human girlfriend. XP
My original idea was that they kinda had a club during their hexside days and that's kinda how they got so close, but after graduating they all kinda ended up doing different things while staying in touch, Moxxie became a Bard, Mille an Abomination expert, and Blitz a beastkeeper, but then Beastkeeper proposed I used an idea there using in their own Helluvaverse/TOH AU, check it out, it's a little dark but still neat I think.
Anyway they proposed a new company, I.A.S. Imp Appreciation Soceity, essentially activists for equal treatment, now in my AU Imps are just a type of biped demon, same with Goetias, Shark Demons etc. But I reason that Belos, in his puritan head, ended up getting Imps considered lesser and more "wild" then other types, mainly cause they resemble classic ideas of demons the most, cause Belos is an asshole, no surprise there.
Anyway that means they still technichally work together. That's about as much as I've explored it in my head. Either way I find it cool.
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The last thing I wanna mention is a few miscellaneous ideas I have thought up but don't feel have enough layed out to say much about, I want a little plot of Blitz and Luz working together and bonding, protagonist solidarity and all. Also of course figure out what Loona and Octavia are like in this.
Also figuring out a ton of hexside time stuff, how they all met, how they interacted, how the parents possibly did. tons of stuff, but I hope for now this is a good bit of information for this AU, maybe ask later and I'll say even more who knows XP
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