#ch: trafalgar d. water law
allbluesanji · 2 years
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chenziee · 10 months
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Law gulped heavily, watching as the tiny, oh-so-tiny piece of paper moved weakly across his palm, getting smaller with every second as the edges burned more and more. There was barely anything left. Barely enough to hang onto any hope. “What are you doing?” Law growled, but he could barely hear himself. There was a hum in his ears, a white noise that didn’t mean anything, didn’t serve any purpose but to drive him even more mad. He refused to believe this. The paper had to be lying. There was simply no way, no way that Luffy lost. No way that his life was about to disappear, leaving behind nothing but a few specks of ash.
I (once again) commissioned the incredible @kagamiciel for this gorgeous piece to go with my fic Ash (from the Ashes of Life series) and I couldn't be happier with the result!! I mean, look at it, it's so so so beautiful 😭🤍
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sashi-ya · 1 month
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𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐰 -𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐓-𝐓- 𝐄𝐠𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝
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sereinreality · 8 months
i feel like we need to start having a discussion about law and being dehumanized throughout his entire life
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joy-girl · 10 months
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One Piece 767 // One Piece 1100
This is the last time they see them smiling 💔
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
So I know that a lot has been said about Sabo being a Replacement Ace, and there have been comparisons between Law and Nami (or Law and Robin (and I even saw Law as just a different flavor of Mihawk once, rawr)), but I would like to propose for the internet’s consideration: Law as a Replacement Ace.
Tall, dark, and handsome? Check.
Super-overpowered Devil Fruit? Check.
Tattoos? Check.
Delightfully allergic to shirts? Check.
Fun hat? Check.
“Why the fck is this adult man putting up with Luffy?” Check.
Secret name? Check.
Shipped with Nami, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy with varying success rates? Check.
Survived the torching of their home? Check.
Broody little shit who surrounded himself with delightful loonies after leaving home? Check.
Fucked over by the WG? Check. Multiple times? Double-check.
Entire existence very specifically irritates Sengoku? Check.
Offered Warlord status? Check.
Adopted by a Very Tall Man? Check.
After living with a bunch of weirdos who love in their own way I guess? Check.
Adventures with the Straw Hats, featuring Smoker and Tashigi? Check.
An adventure that was a side-quest before toppling a Warlord unjustly ruling a hot-climate kingdom? Check.
Got into a fight with Blackbeard while I was in the middle of writing fic with them as semi-to-major players? CHECK.
In conclusion, these two men from polar opposite Blues share a lot of the same beats and I dig it. Except pls one of you two needs to stay safe and we only have one option left. I mean, there’s so many characters in this series that it’s highly unlikely one won’t start seeing some patterns, but you know... it’s just neat to notice.
Now Luffy just needs to learn what happened in ch.1081 and snap into Friend Protecc Mode.
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khepiari · 1 year
Luffy’s birthday fic: When Sun Fell Into My Pocket!
Ch 1: Sun Has Disappeared!
A.U- God Luffy x Mortal Law. Cosy Fantasy. Switch
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Trafalgar D. Water Law had many problems in life; an annoying little sister, equally meddlesome parents, irritating friends who only wanted to get drunk and laid, and let’s not talk about the pressure of finishing the final year of his medical residency.
But none of these problems mattered anymore! The world was going to end!
Or that’s what every news channel on the planet was talking about; actually yelling about!
The reason for this announcement; the sun had disappeared! The literal sun, yes the sun of Trafalgar Law’s solar system had disappeared! There was no warning, no blinking, no flickering, no heat waves, not a single ounce hint nor an indication that the sun was going to disappear!
“Aren’t there any scientists at the space centre? Ain’t they supposed to know! I thought we paid taxes for them to build that pizza like satellite and the cock shaped spacecraft? Heck I even wrote a paper for them about how the heartbeat changes because of gravity!” The head of the Trafalgar family asked her husband waving angry hands at the television. A doctor herself yet she was willing to curse the starlights out her fellow science brethren right now.
Read more here:
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ace-no-isha · 2 years
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okay immediate thought was holy fucking shit if this doesn’t come out next week and oda makes us wait a MONTH to find out the new bounties and emperors i’m gonna die i’m gonna PUKE this is fucking massive
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one-piecee · 3 years
Every week I'm dumb enough to look at what other people say about the chapter on Spoiler Tuesday... I don't look at the actual spoilers but just at some comments, foolishly. This week, I can't count the amount of people to complain or hate on the chapter so when I started reading it I was just waiting for whatever to happen that would be "trash"
and the conclusion is
one piece stans should just shut up like seriously oh my god, i literally got chills reading this and I absolutely loved it
Chapter title: Falling on deaf ears
I'm actually happy that last week's attacks weren't enough to stop Big Mom... it honestly didn't feel like they were. They were really damned cool but it just didn't feel like yeah, okay. this is the fall of a yonko. this is how she gets defeated. So seeing here rise back up was amazing and exciting - like there's no mistaking it. she's a yonko
"I'll let you choose your fate, when this attack is done tickling me. You can either give me 50 years of your lifespans... or you can live on as my slaves"
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She proceeds to steal from the souls of everybody around here, except-
It doesn't work on Kid or Law
"You think the last gasps of an old windbag scare me?" (Kid)
"Your death screeches are doing my ear in" (Law)
And then Law does the absolute coolest shit, which is R Room - basically enclosing Big Mom in a room with similar abilites to Corazon's devil fruit, where you can't hear Big Mom outside of the room (Like the man that saved me, he says 😭😭)
And Kid gives her another blast from his cannon
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And she ends up falling down all the way to where Yamato and the bombs are- which is the part people complained about and at the same time the part that gave me chills
Sure, she ends up being bombed away from Kanjuro's flame and the bombs
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Which leads to her defeat (boohoo ya'll wanted Kid to go 1v1 or them to do something else, shut up)
the reason this was still amazing and in my opinion an amazing way for her to go down was her speech before the explosions. chills
Are you listening, Roger? Why did you have to go and say all that? The whole world brought it!! "The Great Pirate Era"? Your time was up, so it didn't affect you! All those brats came flooding in, looking for their chance to shine... and you left us to deal with it. The least you could've done was tell us about the one piece you croaked!! It is real... right? What is it? Where is it? Does this country hold some of the answers? Tch, It's so frustrating. Kid, Law! I'll never forgive you for this. You better not think... this is enough to kill me.
AND THAT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE like I said last week, the voice that Momonosuke heard was Zunesha's ahh I'm so cool anyways SO MOMONOSUKE IS TELLING YAMATO ZUNESHA IS CLOSE AND THEN
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WHO THE HELL IS JOY BOY AND HOW THE HELL DID HE HAVE A GIANT ELEPHANT AS A COMPANION AND A GIANT SHIP, yeah he's a giant- that's probably, definitely, it. Giant pet elephant; Giant ship; Giant strawhat? Come on now
Break next week unf, anyways great chapter everybody shut up for the next two weeks
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allbluesanji · 1 year
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chenziee · 1 year
@lawluevents - Day 6: Conqueror's haki/Hand holding
@onepiece-bingo: Sound of Drums
Alternate summary: 1044 because of course it is :)
Alternate summary 2: write Nika Luffy without him turning into a giggly murdering maniac challenge
[ Read on AO3 | series ]
Luffy never thought about losing. He refused to think about losing. There was too much on the line in Wano and if he lost to Kaido, then all of it was going to be destroyed. He promised he would win and smash the night to pieces—to Momo, to Tama, to Yamato, to Kin, to his crew, to Torao. He promised to win no matter what. 
And more than that, he himself couldn’t forgive Kaido.
He couldn’t afford losing to this man.
And so, when he did lose…
He was shocked to find out that he wasn’t upset, disappointed… or even angry.
No; instead, he was happy. Who knew losing would be so much fun? 
A giggle bubbling out of his chest, Luffy got to his knees. There was blood dripping off his face and staining the ground under him but he couldn’t feel any pain. He felt too giddy, too excited to get back to fighting.
What was that DOOM-DUT-DA-DA rhythm resounding all around him? A drum? Sure sounded like one… but that didn’t feel right. Oh, was that his heart beating?
“Okay, that’s funny!”
A new wave of giggles overcame him as he finally got to his feet; he felt so light now, like some invisible restraints had been lifted, giving him all the freedom he ever wanted. He was sure he could do everything he wanted to right now.
Looking at his hands, Luffy clenched and unclenched his fist a few times, testing. What if I make it bigger, bigger than Gear Third?
He barely finished the thought before his fist blew up into giant proportions—big enough to make it seem like he could just reach out and grab the moon off the sky, and big enough to make Luffy himself stumble at the sudden shift in his centre of gravity. Quickly shrinking his hand back to normal size, Luffy grinned.
“This is amazing!” he laughed happily, jumping up and down. He didn’t even notice until now but did his clothes turn white? That was so weird! “I really can do anything!! I can totally fight a bit longer like this! This is my peak. This is Gear Five!!”
Taking a deep breath, Luffy focused on his surroundings. He could feel countless people down below him, scrambling around as the battle went on. There were several strong Voices—Kaido’s was the strongest but he could hear Sanji, Yamato, Jaggy, Momo a bit further away… Zoro’s voice was weak but also there, just like several of the Akazaya samurai.
If at all possible, Luffy’s smile widened even more when he found his Torao.
He knew he and Jaggy would win. Torao was strong, after all; much stronger than stupid Big Mom.
His presence was comforting; hearing his Voice was grounding, keeping Luffy’s mind from getting off-track. He really was the last one to wrap up his fight, huh? That wouldn’t do! He couldn’t keep everyone waiting like this!
Luffy snickered, cracking the knuckles of both his hands before pulling his right arm back. “Here I go, Kaido!” Luffy called to no one in particular, letting his haki flow—
—only to startle at how effortlessly it came to him. Has his Conqueror’s haki always been this powerful? Did it always so free, so light, was it always so easy for him to control?
This form, this Gear Five… It was just so fun!
A grin on his lips, Luffy thrust his hand forward, letting it grow into the arm of a giant to easily bust a hole in the Skull Dome’s ceiling, grabbing for Kaido. He laughed at how tiny the dragon’s body seemed in his hold. Like a simple rope, just ready to be tossed around.
This was where the real battle started.
“Huh?” Luffy blinked, pausing with where he was stuffing his mouth with meat to stare at Torao.
He was pacing all over the room in the Shogun’s castle that Momo let Luffy use while he recovered, his hair dishevelled from how he had been running his hands through it in frustration. He wasn’t looking at Luffy, only muttering something to himself about ‘reckless morons who never stop to think’.
“What did I do?!” Luffy asked, instead of doing something stupid like laughing. The sight that Law’s stress made might have been very funny, but Luffy also didn’t have a death wish.
Law clicked his tongue, his head snapping up to glare at Luffy. “Take a fucking guess,” he hissed angrilly.
Tilting his head to the side, Luffy thought hard about what might have caused Law to act like this but he was drawing a blank. “You wanted to eat this meat?” Luffy tried, offering him the half-eaten drumstick in his hand.
“No. Try again.”
Luffy studied Law’s face, taking note of how Law’s eyes flickered away from Luffy’s face to dart all over Luffy’s body—over his injuries—and suddenly, Luffy understood. And he couldn’t keep the warm, happy smile off his face as much as he tried. “Torao~” he sang easily.
That only earned him another glare and he had to bite on his lower lip to stop himself from giggling as he shook his head. Torao could be so cute sometimes.
“Torao, I’m fine,” Luffy said, trying to sound reassuring but he wasn’t sure how good a job he was doing with the way his voice shook. He was just so happy his Torao was so worried; it made him feel all warm and fuzzy in ways he didn’t bother deciphering. He simply basked in the feelings, and in the pissed off, adorable look on Law’s face.
“You died,” Law said flatly.
“Did not!” Luffy cried in his defence.
Clicking his tongue again, Torao sighed deeply. “You’re impossible.”
Unable to keep it in any longer, Luffy snickered—while ignoring the frustrated noise Law let out in response. Discarding his meat on the provided plate, Luffy quickly wiped his hands before he turned back to Law and stretched out one of his arms to grab Law’s elbow, forcing him to come closer to where Luffy was sitting on his futon.
Surprisingly, Law didn’t protest; he let Luffy drag him over to himself, only turning his eyes away so that he wasn’t looking at him. Embarrassed, and unwilling to show it, and Luffy grinned.
So damn cute.
Letting go of Law’s elbow, Luffy let his fingers slide down Law's arm until he found his hand, taking it in his own. Slowly, he brought Law’s hand to his lips, pressing a small kiss to the inside of his wrist—right at the edge of his soulmark—before lacing their fingers together.
“Torao, I love you,” he said in a teasing voice, making Law freeze.
He didn’t say anything for a long while, only standing there completely tense… until he clicked his tongue and finally deflated. Luffy wasn’t surprised when a moment later, Law flicked his forehead—armament haki and all—before he heaved a sigh and replied, “Don’t I-love-you me in this situation.”
“But it’s working!” Luffy said cheekily, sticking out his tongue.
Law narrowed his eyes. “How about I cut your dick off and toss it into the hole with Kaido. It’s not like you’re using it anyway.”
“You wouldn’t!!” Luffy gasped.
“Fucking try me,” Law growled back and Luffy gulped.
Maybe he shouldn’t be pushing Torao much further… Oh well!
“I’ll still love you though,” Luffy said defiantly, squeezing Law’s hand for good measure.
Law didn’t say anything to that… but when he squeezed Luffy’s hand back, that was all the answer Luffy needed.
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every-trafalgarlaw · 3 years
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the-frizzle-fry · 3 years
See that’s the misconception. Law or Kidd did most of the work. That’s just not true.
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Law and Kid are an incredible team. Partly cuz of Law’s fruit and partly cuz Kid has been fighting with Killer for so long. Killer in fighting form and brains is a lot like Law. Quick on plans n figuring things out but he’s also got weapons that hurt people from the inside. You think Kid n Killer never tooled of people stronger than them?
It’s actually kind of hilarious we all thought Conquerers Haki was pinnacle and needed to beat S Tier characters. With these 2 n their awakenings we know that’s a lie now. Awakened DFs are top tier too.
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Law’s KRoom attacks are hurting BM enough from the inside it’s weakened her outside. And I think Law wanted to extend Kikoku down to the ground of Wano to get a good electrical charge. Lightning strikes come from the ground up so it makes sense to me.
Y’all wanted to trash Kid. You’re still trying. It’s not working anymore. If Kid is strong enough to hurt BM with his mechanical bull, straight brute force, he deserves that recognition. I wanna remind everyone that Kid isn’t just magnetizing scraps together. He’s making a machine(bull) that works when charged with electro magnetic energy. It’s waaaay more than just “throwing scraps at people.” The evidence for this is from Kid’s FUCKIN RAILGUN. I dunno what firing electro magnetic energy at BM is gonna do but it looks devastating.
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Plus, they BOTH broke Big Mom’s bones. It’s more even than Law fangirls/Kid haters think. Like Sanji n Zoro.
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Yep...this is Fine
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
fly little seagull, the world awaits - [MASTERPOST]
I figure it’s probably a good idea to put all the links in one post, so here we are (though this might be subject to change if AUs of the AU are written). Post subject to change with additional fics.
fly little seagull, the world awaits - 51k words - AU where Law takes in an orphan child during the timeskip and becomes her Cora-san
Chapter One: Bepo finds something on a morning walk that brings massive change to the Polar Tang. [7423 words; Heart Pirates’ Accidental Child Acquisition AU] 
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Chapter Two: With Nauja now a fixture on the ship, Law and the rest of the Hearts adjust to having a child in-tow. [8344 words; AU where Law accidentally lets the adoption cycle continues]
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Chapter Three: Law learns what Cora-san possibly felt thirteen years ago in probably the worst way possible. [9709 words; AU where Law realizes he accidentally became a dad while staring down canon events]
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Chapter Four: Doflamingo is in Impel Down. Strawhat-ya is going to rescue his crewmate. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance has begun shifting gears. An entire nation is ready to break its shackles and rise. Law just wants to keep his daughter safe through it all. [11,188 words; AU where Trafalgar Law gets forcefully assimilated into the Unconventional Single Dads Club]
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Chapter Five: Onigashima shall rise and fall. A boy shall become a man. Friends shall part ways. A certain legacy shall come full-circle despite the need to be broken. [14,616 words; AU where history repeats itself in the worst way]
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Additional storylines under the cut!
little seagull, little seagull, where shall you go? - 95.1k words - combination of fly little seagull, the world awaits and other alternate storylines
fly little seagull, you’re too far from the nest - 24.8k words - alternate Dressrosa events
Chapter One: Just as Law gets a lead on a safe haven for the crew, his reasons for storming Dressrosa become increasingly more personal. [6331 words; AU where Law accidentally becomes a dad and Doflamingo finds himself an heir]
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Chapter Two: While the people love a good princess, the princess in question isn’t exactly keen on the idea herself. [7826 words; AU where Doflamingo kidnaps a child and Law is determined to get her back]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Three: It’s always been about revenge, only now it’s also over the future herself. [10,701 words; AU where Law does for a child what Cora-san did for him and lives to tell the tale]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
fly little seagull, that rock can be home - 18.9k - Law choosing a kinder revenge than suicide-by-Doflamingo, by raising his daughter
Chapter One: Law is about to leave the Polar Tang as he heads to certain Death on Dressrosa. Then he goes to say goodbye to one specific person, only for half a lifetime’s worth of motivation to vanish in an instant. [8568 words]
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Chapter Two: With a backwater island located, a father and daughter adjust to their new life. [10,387 words]
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Chapter Three: coming soon
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Please remember that comments, reblogs, fun tags, reviews, and general interaction are appreciated!
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