#character: gertrude yorkes
Do you know this Jewish character?
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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Esther Jones was known on stage by many names, including “Baby Esther,” “Little Esther,” “Farina’s Kid Sister,” and “Miniature Florence Mills,” is widely, although not universally, credited with being the inspiration for the Betty Boop cartoon character. Jones was born Esther Lee Jones in 1918 in Chicago, Illinois, to William Jones and Gertrude Jones.
In 1928, the Jones family moved to Harlem, New York. At seven, Jones was later known for adopting the popular singing style, scat, which emphasized the baby-style of “b” and “d” sounds and nonsense syllables such as Boo-Boo-Boo’ and ‘Doo-Doo-Doo.’ Consequently, she was a sought-after child performer in the city, and was a fixtured entertainer in the famous Cotton Club and the Everglades Nightclub in New York City during the latter years of the Harlem Renaissance. She added to her entertainment fame by become an extraordinary black-bottom dancer.
In 1929, Jones was taken to Spain, where she was called “La Pandilla.” Later she performed before Sweden’s Queen Sophie Marie Viktoria and King Gustaf V, in Stockholm. Despite her notoriety, she also experienced blatant racism when denied a glass of milk in an American-operated restaurant in Stockholm. The business, however, was forced to close after her treatment there became public knowledge.
Jones performed at the Moulin Rouge, Casino de Paris, and the Empire in Paris, France. There she was dubbed the “Miniature Josephine Baker.” While in Europe, she was paid an average $750 per week for her performances and by age 11, Jones was the highest-paid child on stage globally. After performing, Jones would go backstage to play with dolls. Whenever she performed, both parents were in attendance.
In 1930, Fleisher Studios in Hollywood introduced the cartoon character Betty Boop. Jones, however, received no royalties or performing credits despite the fact that a lawsuit would eventually expose Betty Boop’s true origins. The lawsuit ironically was brought by Helen Kane, a white performer, who sued Fleisher Studios for appropriating her “Betty Boop” character without her permission and without the payment of royalties. Over the course of the Fleisher Studios v. Kane trial, it was revealed that Kane had begun mimicking Jones’ scat act and even sang the same song, “I Want to Be Loved By You’ including the “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” reference. When Kane lost the lawsuit, other studios felt emboldened to promote the Betty Boop character but it recognized neither Kane or Jones as the source.
In 1934, Jones, now 16, performed in Philadelphia at a midnight benefit performance for the NAACP. That same year, she gave a stellar performance at the American Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the request of then Ambassador Jefferson Caffery. Brazil’s President Getúlio Dornelles Vargas, was in the audience and praised the performance and performer.
By 1940, however, the entertainment career of now 22-year-old Esther Jones, was over. She was no longer a child singing or dancing sensation. Esther Jones, now widely credited with influencing the iconic sex symbol Betty Boop, died in 1984 in New York City from liver and kidney complications. She was 66. Regardless of her role in the development of the Betty Boop cartoon character, Jones should be remembered as a child star with a brief but remarkable career in the entertainment industry.
Esther Jones fue conocida en el escenario por varios nombres, incluyendo: “Baby Esther (Bebé Esther),” “Little Esther (Pequeña Esther),” “Farina’s Kid Sister (Hermanita de Farina),” y “Miniature Florence Mills (Florence Mills en miniatura). Generalmente, pero no universalmente, acreditada con ser la inspiración del personaje de caricatura, Betty Boop. Esther Lee Jones, nació en 1918 en Chicago, Illinois a sus padres William Jones y Gertrude Jones.
En 1928, la familia Jones se mudó a Harlem, Nueva York. A la edad de siete años, Jones fue reconocida por adoptar el famoso estilo de canto llamado ‘scat’ y resaltaba los sonidos de bebé que sonaban con ‘b’ y ‘d’, junto con sílabas que no tenían sentido como: Boo-Boo-Boo’ y ‘Doo-Doo-Doo.’ Consecuentemente, esto la convirtió en la artista infantil más buscada de la ciudad. Se convirtió en una presentadora fija en el famoso Cotton Club y el club nocturno Everglades en la ciudad de Nueva York, esto fue durante los últimos años del Renacimiento de Harlem. Le agregó más a su fama cuando se convirtió en una bailarina de black bottom (un paso de baile relacionado con el jazz tradicional).
En 1929, Esther fue llevada a España, dónde le llamaban “La Pandilla”. Poco después de eso, hizo una presentación en Stockholm frente a la Reina Sophie Marie Viktoria y el Rey Gustaf V de Suecia. A pesar de su notoriedad, también experimentó racismo muy evidente cuando se le negó un vaso con leche en un restaurante operado por americanos en Stockholm. Sin embargo, una vez que el trato que se le dio se hizo público, obligaron a que el negocio cerrara.
Jones se presentó en Moulin Rouge, Casino de Paris, and the Empire, ubicados en Paris, Francia. Es aquí donde le dieron el apodo de “Josephine Baker en miniatura”. Mientras que estuvo en Europa se le pagaban aproximadamente $750 por semana y con solo once años de edad, Jones era la artista infantil mejor pagada a nivel global. Después de sus presentaciones, ella se iba tras bastidores a jugar con muñecas. Sus padres siempre estaban presentes para las presentaciones.
En 1930, Fleisher Studios de Hollywood introdujo un nuevo personaje, Betty Boop. Y a pesar de que una demanda demostraría el verdadero origen de la caricatura, Jones nunca recibió crédito o derechos. Irónicamente, la demanda fue interpuesta por Helen Kane, una artista que había demandado a Fleisher Studios por apropiarse de su personaje “Betty Boop” sin su permiso y sin pagarle sus derechos. Durante el juicio Fleisher Studios v. Kane, se reveló que Kane había comenzado a imitar el acto de scat de Jones y que incluso cantaba las mismas canciones como ‘I Want to Be Loved By You’ incluyendo la referencia: “Boop-Boop-a-Doop”. Cuando Kane perdió la demanda, otros estudios se animaron a promover al personaje Betty Boop, sin reconocer a Kane o Jones como la fuente.
En 1934, Jones, ahora con dieciséis años de edad, hizo una presentación en Philadelphia para una noche de beneficencia de la Asociación Nacional para el Progreso de la Gente de Color (NAACP). Ese mismo año, a petición del embajador Jefferson Caffery, hizo una presentación estelar en la embajada americana ubicada en Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. El presidente Getúlio Dornelles Vargas se encontraba en la audiencia, elogió la presentación y también a la presentadora.
Para 1940, con veintidós años de edad, la carrera de Esther Jones en la industria del entretenimiento, ya se había acabado. Ya no era una sensación infantil que bailaba y cantaba. Esther Jones, ahora extensamente acreditada con ser la influencia del símbolo sexual, Betty Boop, murió en 1984 en la ciudad de Nueva York, por complicaciones renales y hepaticas. Tenía 66 años. Independiente de su rol en el desarrollo del personaje, Betty Boop; Esther Jones debería de ser recordada como una estrella infantil que tuve una carrera corta pero extraordinaria.
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turneradora · 13 days
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New article in the Harper's Bazaar UK, October Issue, to promote "Rivals"!
Amazing photoshoot !
Here is the article of the Harper's Bazaar Uk magazine !!
Thanks to Emma Jones for the written transcription ! 🙏👍🌺
Harpers Bazaar - October 2024
Bazaar recreates the fictional county of Rutshire to meet the cast of Rivals, a new TV adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s racy 1980s blockbuster
As Jilly Cooper’s Rivals leaps rambunctiously to our screens, we meet the cast of the saucy new show
It’s 1986 and, high over the Atlantic, a London-bound Concorde is about to break the sound barrier. Most passengers continue smoking, flicking through magazines and ordering martinis, while the rattling WC door indicates that two are currently joining the mile-high club. Moments later, an unruffled, glamorous couple emerge triumphantly from the loo and the tannoy announces that supersonic speed has been reached: everyone whoops; glasses are clinked; and the thumping chorus of ‘You might as well face it/you’re addicted to love’ is amped up. This is the opening scene of Rivals, the much-anticipated new television adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s bestselling novel, and it’s so unsubtle that, even alone in a dark screening bunker below the streets of Soho, it makes me splutter with laughter. It is also irresistible.
The 1988 book is a classic of the Cooper canon and part of the Rutshire Chronicles, a series based in a fictional Cotswolds county that follows the lives and loves of the affluent elite – an area the team behind its new, and first, on-screen adaptation are well-versed in bringing to life. Produced by A Very English Scandal ’s Dominic Treadwell-Collins and written by Laura Wade, who was behind The Riot Club, Disney+’s eight-part drama is also executivelyproduced by both Cooper and her literary agent Felicity Blunt. It is largely faithful to the novel but, as that has 700 pages and 79 characters listed by name and personality trait in an A-Z at the front, the show necessarily homes in on the central plot lines.
The two main protagonists are Rupert Campbell-Black (played by Alex Hassell), a former Olympic-gold show jumper turned Conservative MP (and, incidentally, the ‘best-looking man in England’); and Declan O’Hara (Aidan Turner), an Irish broadcasting star who leaves the BBC to move to Rutshire with his actress wife Maud and children Taggie, Caitlin and Patrick. Declan’s new employer, Corinium Television, is run by David Tennant’s vile Lord Tony Baddingham and his sidekick Cameron Cook, an American producer he has lured over from New York, depicted by the US native Nafessa Williams. They are joined by a large supporting cast that includes Danny Dyer and Emily Atack.
The titular rivalries are many and varied, primarily centred on the struggle to win the local TV franchise; simultaneously, characters lock horns over love, money, class, pets, politics and property, while presenting chat shows, throwing parties and playing nude tennis. The resulting viewing experience is both a period drama that seems set on another planet and a series exploring themes that still resonate today.
Cooper – who, at 87, is still in full ownership of her signature cloud of coiffed hair, inimitable charisma and a hundred-mile-an hour conversation – loved working on the project. ‘It’s terribly exciting,’ she tells me, with an amazed shake of the head. ‘Other books of mine have been televised and it was awful – but with this, we took casting very seriously and I can’t fault any of them.’
During a break on Bazaar ’s shoot, Turner tells me how Cooper gave a cocktail party for the cast in her garden, and what a ball they all had filming in the West Country last summer. (The latter is clear: he’s delighted to see his co-stars, including the mongrel Pontie, who plays Gertrude, the O’Hara family dog, and some of her canine colleagues brought along for a day in front of the camera.)
The series appealed to the Poldark star immediately. ‘I thought the scripts were really, really funny – line-wise, I have some crackers,’ he says. Turner’s Declan is a big-hearted if self involved journalist, wrestling to reconcile his bosses’ desire to monetise his charm, his own dream of writing a Yeats documentary and the need to bread-win for his profligate family. Although this push and pull between being commercial and creative, between the professional and the personal, plays out in a larger-than-life fashion, it still somehow feels familiar to a modern viewer. ‘That’s the sign of really good television, isn’t it, when it holds the mirror up to our present,’ says the actor. ‘What have we thrown in the trash? What still needs to change?’
The ways in which prejudices have evolved in the past 40 years are thrown into quite harsh relief in the show. Casting a Black actress to play Cameron Cook, the damaged but resilient hot-shot American producer, gives the series an opportunity to delicately include a glimpse of the regularity of what we’d now recognise as racist micro aggressions. Equally, Cameron’s strength is joyful to witness. ‘Such a spicy, smart character – especially a Black woman, who can carry her own and get her way in the male-dominated world of that time – I wanted to sink my teeth into that,’ Williams says. ‘I also love the glamour: the red lip, the red nails.’ (The cast have embraced the scarlet-stiletto emoji – a replica of the original image on the classic book cover – as their unofficial series motif when posting on social media.)
The changing dynamics between men and women are portrayed with a light touch. Victoria Smurfit read Cooper as a teenager, and has now adored playing Declan’s wife Maud O’Hara – an insecure, attentionseeking former actress, the kind of mother who arrives at her son’s New Year’s Eve 21st-birthday party in the Cotswolds on a camel. ‘There are aspects of Rivals that make you think, “Oh my Lord, can you believe they got away with this back then?”’ the Irish actress says. ‘But in the show, it’s delivered in such a clear, fun, gentle, appalled way that a 2024 audience can digest it very easily.’ When I suggest the series has made more of the women and ensured they have three dimensions, perhaps to modernise the story a little, she makes a good point: that Cooper’s male characters – be it the rakish Rupert Campbell-Black or the angelic Lysander Hawkley of The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous – may seem the most famous because it was mostly women reading the books, and the author had designed her heroes – or antiheroes – to be ‘their perfect man’. ‘But look closely, and the women are not less than the men,’ she says. ‘Essentially, every character wants something they don’t have – usually love and safety – whether from their partners, animals or colleagues. Women in this world are entering the era of “having it all” and are learning to be open about what they want – and, by the same token, we are starting to see a softer side to the men.’
This is embodied perfectly in Bella Maclean’s Taggie O’Hara, the delightful, very dyslexic cook and daughter of Declan and Maud: on screen, she has slightly more twinkle in her eye than in the book – a good decision, as otherwise Taggie could be seen as almost too virtuous to be true to a modern audience. ‘But it’s so nice playing someone with a really strong backbone – it slightly rubs off on you,’ says the actress, who appeared in the latest Sex Education series and has just shone as the lead at the National Theatre’s London Tide. ‘Among all the silliness, the shoulder pads and mad hairdos, there’s always an undercurrent of something thought-provoking,’ she says of the show that could prove to be her career’s turning point. ‘There’s a love story that blossoms out of something really unpleasant. There’s light and shade.’
But the figure with perhaps the most chiaroscuro is Rupert Campbell-Black, Cooper’s number-one character, into whose shoes Alex Hassell is amazed to be stepping. Hassell is a seasoned RSC actor, with turns in The Miniaturist and His Dark Materials, whose theatre company The Factory counts Mark Rylance and Emma Thompson among its patrons. ‘I’m also from Essex, with dark features,’ he points out wryly, in reference to the white-blond locks and blue eyes of his new alter-ego, both of which are oft-alluded to in the books, and about which many young women dreamed in the 1980s and 90s. (Cooper was initially appalled.) ‘Rupert exudes privilege and confidence, so I had to learn a loucheness. It was helpful that everyone was told to treat me as if I was extremely attractive,’ he continues, laughing. ‘When you walk into a room of supporting artists who’ve been briefed to fall over themselves looking at you, smouldering becomes a lot easier. They imbued me with a certain power.’
In the Rivals prequel Riders, there are some pretty unpalatable aspects of Rupert’s personality – particularly the way he treats women and animals – that haven’t aged well. ‘We never explicitly had this conversation, but for my portrayal of Rupert, we’ve kept some parts of that history and taken out others. In our version, there’s a loneliness to him: he is a shit, but he has a kindness.’
However, there are two elements of Cooper’s storytelling to which the show stays steadfastly loyal: the abundance of sex and wordplay. Rupert’s dialogue is riddled with quips – some very clever, some very… Eighties. Hassell’s favourite is delivered just as Rupert is getting down to it, and involves a pun that combines Tories and the clitoris. ‘It was a hard sell,’ he says, laughing.
His character and storyline – which takes Rupert on, dare I say, a journey – are key to the show’s charm, pace, plot and sociopolitical signposting. What would Hassell like viewers to make of the series? ‘I hope people enjoy it, have conversations about the knottier topics it raises, and maybe have sex later,’ he says. ‘I say that jokingly, but – and maybe this is high hopes – perhaps for people who don’t talk to one another that much, as the series goes on, watching it with someone else might allow certain things to come to light.’
Cooper is delighted by this possibility. ‘Well, we’re philanthropists, aren’t we? I keep reading that the birth rate is going down like mad. Putting Rivals on the telly may help,’ she says, with the enthusiasm of a writer who has long had one foot in showbusiness: in her forties, she appeared in her capacity as a celebrity columnist on the BBC game show What’s My Line, and wrote a sitcom about a four-girl flat-share with Joanna Lumley in the lead role.
Revisiting the world she created – and partially lived in herself – 40 years ago has been bittersweet: it made her miss the era (‘it was much more naughty’), but also her late husband (‘there’s a lot of darling Leo and his jokes in the book’). Indeed, what today’s viewers may not clock is the real people Cooper drew on to shape several fictional figures, namely the ‘glamorous aristocratic types who were floating about when I, middle-class Jilly, moved to the country in ’82’. Rupert Campbell-Black, for example, is a patchwork of Andrew Parker Bowles, the late Earl of Suffolk and the fashion designer Rupert Lycett-Green. Her ‘beloved’ Taggie is entirely made up, but the scruffy Lizzie Vereker – a novelist whose husband cheats on her – is, she admits, based on herself: ‘She is nicer than me, though. I love her – that’s terribly narcissistic to say, but I do.’
Like her conversation, Cooper herself still rattles along at a good clip – last year, she released a bonkbuster about football inevitably titled Tackle!; this May, the King presented her with a damehood for services to charity and literature, and she’ll be tapping away at her typewriter on various secret projects right up to the very moment she is dragged out of rural Gloucestershire to the premiere of Rivals.
To all these endeavours, Dame Jilly continues to bring the same philosophies she always has: a disregard for snobbery (like many great minds, she rereads Proust and loves Helen Fielding) and a straightforward goal of contributing to the gaiety of the nation. ‘Maybe one day I’ll write something serious,’ she says. ‘But, at the moment, there’s some terrible sadness and loneliness, isn’t there? So, more than ever, and more than anything, I’d like to cheer people up.’
‘Rivals’ is released on Disney+ in October.
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earth-18104 · 1 month
Young super heroes
Since I already made a list of characters for the X-Kids, might as well make one for other Young super-heroes groups. In my universe, Earth-18104, things are almost the same as the original universe, this includes the heroes, but I changed some things based on their ages to fit in my universe and make more sense.
This is list main goal is just to help me keep track of everyone’s ages while I write :P Here is the list of students of the Xavier's Intitute.
• The Power Pack.
The first group of young superheroes, outside the X-Men, was the Power Pack, the siblings Alex (12), Julie (10), Jack (8) and Kate Power (6). In 2009, while their parents were trying a new efficient source of power, the Anti-Matter Engine, the siblings encountered an alien that claimed that his some planet was destroyed by the same energy source their parents had found. Before his death, the alien passed his abilities to the children. 
After that, the Power Siblings became the Power Pack and went on different adventures as superheroes, while their parents remained clueless about their powers for the next years. The original members were just Alex as Zero-G, Julie as Lightspeed, Jack as Counterweight and Kate as Energizer.
In 2016, with the opening of the Future Foundation, Reed Richards’ new group of heroes, the Power Siblings split to different teams. Alex (19), Jack (15) and Kate (12) joined Richards and his “students”, while Julie (17) went along with the Runaways. 
In 2022, since the original Power Pack were all adults at this point, a new team was formed by Valeria Richards (15) as Brainstorm, Lunella Lafayette (11) and Devil Dinosaur, Jo-Venn and N’Kalla Grimm (11); and Jack Powers (25) and Franklin Richards (18) as their mentors. 
*Franklin Richards is older than his comic counterpart. The Infinity Gaulent Arc also happened in this universe and last six years, between 2004-2006. Franklin was one of the people turned into dust by Thanos, so he is also younger than he should be. N’Kalla and Jo-Venn are Ben Grimm and Alicia Reis adopted children.
• The Runaways.
In 2012, a group of teenagers, children of a group of super villains known as The Pride, discovered their parents’ evil plans and decided to escape together and frame their parents of murder. The “team” was formed by:
•  Alex Wilder (16), the leader, a big fan of superheroes.
• Nico Minoru (16), whose parents were dark wizards. She then became the holder of the Staff of One.
• Karolina Dean (16), whose parents were aliens exiled from their home planet, so she had her powers suppressed by a special bracelet.
• Chase Stein (17), the “brawn” of the team, who later gained the telepathic link to Old Lace, Gertrude’s dinosaur.
• Gertrude Yorkes (16), a smart and cynical girl, whose parents were time travellers and had genetically engineered a dinosaur, Old Lace, to share a telepathic link to her.
• Molly Hayes (11), the youngest of the group, also a fan of superheroes, who possessed super strength.
As time passed, the team lost some members and gained new, such as: the cyborg Victor Mancha; a skurll war prince named Xavin; Klara Prast, a girl coming from the past; Rufus the Cat and others.
*I thought the X-Men were weird, but the Runaways win this one.
• Young Avengers.
While the students of Academy X were facing the events after M-Day, a new group of superheroes was born. Nathaniel Richards (16) travelled back in time and ended up stuck in 2014. With so many tragedies happening in the last years, and knowing what future was coming, Nathaniel used Vision’s plan to recruit the next generation of Avengers to create the Young Avengers, looking for members that could replace the original Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
• Kate Bishop / Hawkeye II (18), was not what he was looking for initially, but with her stubbornness, she became an important member and then later the leader.
• Jonas Vision was created by Nathaniel using Vision’s old body, to assist him in his mission.
• Eli Bradley / Patriot (16), the grandson of Isaiah Bradley, the “Black Captain America”, received the original Shield and became part of the team.
• Theodore Altman / Hulkling (16), the unknown son of the Skrull princess Anelle and Mar-Vell, had the abilities to shape-shift since a young age, and decided to join the team to use his powers to be a hero. Years later, Teddy assumed the throne of the Skrulls and Kree alongside his husband, Wiccan. 
• Billy Kaplan / Wiccan and Tommy Shepherd / Speed (16) are the reincarnations of Wanda Maximoff’s sons, that had been created using the magic of the Darkhold, before being erased from reality. Billy and Tommy reincarnated in different families, but kept the same appearances as the ‘originals”, as well the abilities they never manifested.
• Cassie Lang / Stinger (14), is the daughter of Ant-Man II. Since she was a child, Cassie wanted to be a hero like her father, so when she saw the opportunity to join a team of Avengers, she went along, even if she wasn't invited at first.
The Young Avengers were not accepted by the older heroes, but they continued their journey as crime fighters for years, facing different types of dangers together. In 2015, during the events of Kang’s Dinasty, they were among the many, many heroes that went to fight the tyrant, and Nataniel had to face his alternative self.
In 2016, during the Skrull Invasion, the Young Avengers helped defend New York and its civilians. They were invited by Henry Pym to join his new Avengers Academy in 2017, but mainly declined, but in the same year, the events of Young Avengers: Children's Crusade, not long after.
In 2019, the original team split up, Nathaniel (21) went to stay with the Richards/Storm in the Baxter Building and joined the Future Foundation with Jonas, Cassie (19) and Eli (21) went to Avengers Academy. While Kate (23) became leader of the West Coast Avengers, she was still part of the team with Billy, Teddy and Tommy (21). But they also had new members for the new team: 
• America Chavez (18), who had the abilities of teleportation, and soon became leader of this new team.
• The reincarnation of God of Mischief, Loki and his underworld “servant” Leah, a witch.
• Noh-Varr / Marvel Boy (21), a Kree Warrior that fallen on Earth and became a hero under Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau’s tutelage. 
• David Alleyne / Prodigy (20), super genius, he was a former student at Academy X, but lost his powers after M-Day.
• Aña Corazón / Araña (15), one of the many ‘spider-people’ of New York, she joined the team on her free time. 
• Doreen Green / Squirrel Girl (21), a girl with the ability to communicate with squirrels, she has been trying to be a superhero since a very young age.
*I know that later Nate Richards / Iron Lad disappears and Jonas dies, but in this universe they stay. Nate is adopted by the FF and Jonas kinda becomes part of the family, and also Viv Vision is his sister too🙂
*Loki stays as a hero, he just grows normally like any kid, and him and Leah live together in New Asgard or somewhere else. In the comics, Aña and Doreen never joined the YA. Tommy and Billy also treat Viv, Vin and Jonas as siblings.
• Future Foundation.
Not really a team of superheroes, but more an agency to fund scientists and young genius that had potential, Reed Richards hoped that these individuals could plan a better future for the planet if he helped them and kept them in the right path. 
In 2016, the first members of the foundation were Richards himself, Susan Storm, Peter Parker, the reformed Dr. Olivia Octavius OC, Alex Powers (19) and his younger siblings Jack (15) and Kate (12), and the android Dragon Man. The younger members were: Valeria Richards / Brainstorm (9), Franklin Richards / Power House (12), the Moloids Tong, Turg, Mik and Korr, Bentley 23 (10), the Morlocks Artie Maddicks (20) and Dorian Leech (19).
Later, new members joined the Foundation, like Leech and Artie’s old friend, Takeshi Matsuya / Wiz-Kid (16), in 2017; Hunter Creed / Rescue (13) OC in 2019; Nathaniel Richards (21) and Jonas Vision in the same year;and Lunella Lafayette (10) in 2021, with Devil Dinosaur, of course.
*The Future Foundation is not a school or something like that, it is more like a program, if you show potential for science and other things related, Richards finances your project.
*Artie and Leech are older here, since the Massacre of the Morlocks happened in 1997, them and Wiz-Kid, were victims of the Snap, so they're is six years youngers than they should be, same thing to Franklin. Hunter Creed is one of my favorite OCs, he's just there :)
• Avengers Academy.
Following Norman Osborn’s plan of forming a new team of heroes, right after Dark Reign in 2016, the Avengers decided to open a place to train children with superpowers and protect them from the world, and so prevent them from losing control and becoming villains. So Henry Pym founded the Avengers Academy, a program similar to the Initiative.
Alongside Pym and other Avengers, Alex Powers (20), Julie Powers (19), Claudette and Nicolle St. Croix (27) were also instructor for the students. In 2017, the first year of the school, the students were:
• Humberto Lopez / Reptil (16), who has the ability to turn into different reptiles.
• Jeanne Foucault / Finesse (16), has the ability to master any skill. 
• Ken Mack / Mettle (17), suffered a transformation that gave him super strength and durability.
• Brandon Sharpe / Striker (17) who can manipulate and generate electricity.
�� Mad Berry / Veil (17) is able to transform her body into gases.
• Jennifer Takeda / Hazmat (17), her unique biology can produce deadly substances.
The next year, the program received good results, so the school expanded and received new students: Aña Corazón / Araña (14), Jack Powers / Mass Master (17), Kate Powers / Energizer (15), Takeshi Matsuya / Wiz Kid (17), Joaquín Torres / Falcon II (14), Victor Alvarez / Power Man II (14), Ava Ayala / White Tiger (17), Kevin Masterson / Thunderstrike (16), Juston Seyfert / Sentinel (14), Michiko Musashi / Turbo (16), Jonhathon Gallo / Ricochet (18), Jimmy Santini / Batwing (14) and Emery Schaub / Butterball (15).
In 2019, Alani Ryan / Loa (18), Shela Sexton / Escapade (16) also joined the school, and after that, Brielle Brooks / Bloodline and Rebecca Marchand (18), in 2020, and in 2022, Norman Harold Osborn / Red Goblin (10) also joined.
• The Champions.
After their debut as superheroes, Kamala Khan, known as Ms. Marvel (17), the Nova Cadet  Sam Alexander, (15), and the new Spider-Man Miles Morales (16), started to accompany the Avengers on their missions, but soon became disillusioned by their behavior, believing they were not doing enough for the people. In 2021, Kamala Khan then formed a new team and became their leader. The first members, besides the original trio, were:
• Amadeus Cho (21), a young super genius that had suffered an accident with Gamma Radiation and became the new Totally Awesome Hulk, and later was called Brawn. His twin sister Maddy Cho sometimes joined the team as support.
• Hunter Creed / Rescue (15) OC, son of the villain Sabretooth, also a genius and former student at Jean Grey School, he helped with technology and equipments.
• Viv Vision, daughter of Vision, she is a sintezoide that helped the team with technology and to keep track of different events around the world in case the Champions need to help outside the country.
• Riri Williams / Iron Heart (16), a very intelligent girl who created her own equipments based on Iron Man’s armor.
The first team also had a young version of Scott Summers that travelled from another timeline, but he soon went back to the past and his actions created a different timeline. Later the team started operating globally, and new members joined:
• Nadya Pym / Wasp (19), Henry Pym’s lost daughter that has been raised in the Red Room since birth, she was brought to New York by Janet van Dyne, joined the team and took her place as the Wasp.
• Fernanda Rodriguez / The Locust (17), a young vigilante that inherited the tittle and armor of Red Locust from her family, to protect people in need.
• Victor Alvarez / Power Man II (19), student from the Avengers Academy, he gained super strength after absorbing the life force of the 107 people who were killed in a protest against Norman Osborn.
• Joaquín Torres / Falcon II (18), also a student from the Avengers Academy, he had suffered a transformation after being kidnapped by the Son of the Serpent and gained wings, becoming a hero working under Sam Wilson’s tutelage. 
• Rayshaun Lucas / Patriot II (17), Sam Wilson’s apprentice, he gained his own shield and has been training to be a hero one day.
• Qureshi Gupta / Pinpoint (14), who has the power to create portals, he became a superhero by himself back on his hometown.
• Abigail Boylen / Cloud 9 (17), a young human girl that once came in contact with an alien gas that gave her the ability to fly. At first, she was not interested in becoming a hero, but accepted being part of the team.
• Lana Baumgartner / Bombshell (19) was born with the capacity to create explosions and has been acting as a solo hero since she was young.
• Amka Aliyak / Snowguard (17), who gained the ability to turn into different animals after rescuing the Inua spirit, Sila.
At some point, Riri, the Cho twins, Nadya and Hunter helped Viv fix and reprogram her late brother Vincent Vision and bring him back, and later he became an honorary member of the team. One day, in 2023, during a mission, Viv went haywire and exploded, destroying Kamala Khan’s school and causing the authorities to pass a new Law, the Underage Superhuman Wellfire Act, that prohibited any individual under the age of 21 from acting as a superhero without supervision.
Kamala was outraged and promised that the Champions would keep fighting. Then, more members kept joining the team: Cindy Moon / Silk (23), Kareem / Red Dagger (19), Anã Corazón / Araña (18), Tiana Toomes / Starling (18), Lunella Lafayette (12) and Devil Dinosaur, Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider (19), David Alleyne / Prodigy (24), Valeria Richards / Brainstorm (16), Jo-Venn and N’Kalla Grimm (12), Sooraya Qadir / Dust (24) and Gabby Kinney / Honey Badger (13).
• Strange Academy.
In order to train new sorcerers, Doctor Stephen Strange opened his Strange Academy with the help of other powerful individuals, like Nico Minoru and Doctor Vodoo, accepting to teach any child with the abilities for mysticism and magic.
Some of the student, all with different abilities, were: the twins Iric and Alvi Brorson (15); Doyle (15), the son of the terrific Dormammu; a frost giant called Guslag (14) sent to the school by Loki; Emily Bright (15) who was born with the ability to control magic; Zoe Laveau (16), a young lady from a long lineage of female magicians; Despair (16) or Dessy, daughter of the demon S’ym; Germán Aguilar (15), who can create animal projections; Calvin Morse (14) that was later possessed by Mister Misery; and Shaylee Moonpeddle (15), a half-fairy young girl, and others.
• The Next Avengers.
Other possible future heroes, working solo or as members of these famous teams, are: 
• Mayday Parker, who becomes Spider-Girl in 2024, she was born in 2009.
• Kaelynn Alexander, Sam Alexander’s sister and daughter of a Nova, born in 2009.
• Eleanor “Ellie” Camacho, Deadpool’s daughter, possible mutant who hadn’t activated her powers yet, born in 2009.
• Davey Maddox, Multiple Man’s son, born in 2009.
• Dylan Brock and Sleeper, sons of Eddie Brock, Anne Weying and Venom, born in 2011.
• Norman Harold Osborn / Red Goblin, Harry’s Osborn’s son, current student at Avengers Academy, born in 2012.
• Danielle Cage, daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, born in 2015.
• William Nelson, Tigra’s son, born in 2016.
• Gerald Drew, Jessica Drew’s son, future hero named Black Mamba, born in 2016.
• Shogo Lee, Jubilee’s adopted son, who has the ability to turn into a dragon, born in 2019.
• Benjamin “Benny” Parker, Mayday Parker’s younger brother, born in 2019.
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catluniscia · 4 months
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So I mentioned I am a fan of the Runaways from marvel right? Can you guess my fave character of the Runaways was Nico Minoru? also Gertrude "Gert" Yorkes but lets focus on Nico right now. I thing I hybridized a lot of her iconic looks into something. I just wanna do cool action magic stuff man!
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novemberthewriter · 5 months
good bones (or, an exercise in letting go) [1300 wds]
genre: literary/dramedy
[cw: surgery talk, body image, colorism, fatphobia, depression, negative self-talk, emotional neglect, strained relationships]
Mark ‘Mookie’ Simon, age 30, will break his first bones under the care of Doctor Armand in Tijuana, Mexico. He will have four osteotomies of the jaw over six months while Dodie plays caregiver (yes, paid). Dodie’s unbothered because it’s not skin bleaching or a black market butt lift or something else equally heinous, but also Very Bothered Enough to give Mookie another rendition of Why You Wanna Play With Your Face So Bad from the driver’s seat as they head to Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.
And yet again, Mookie tells her, We don’t all have good bones.
Dodie’s a good enough friend that she'll accept a half-story as long as she can monitor him. Mookie’s grateful. He’s still figuring out how to give her the whole truth. 
The PR reason is that he wants a competitive edge. Mookie is better known as Hennesse Williams, fast-growing queen of the Atlanta drag scene, and he wants to expand his horizons. He considered the staple practices: the buzzcuts for better wig placement, the spanx for a smoother look in skirts. What was wrong with something more permanent? He still can’t find an answer. Even little old ladies get chin lifts, tattooed brows. Gertrude can save at the Clinique counter and Mookie can save time contouring to look like he’s got a Disney Tarzan jaw. 
The true reason is a bit more involved.
It goes back decades.
The Weight had been the monkey on Mookie’s back (and belly, and hips, and arms, and everywhere) since birth. The Simons of Southern Georgia, USA were always markedly svelte; Mookie was nothing like them. Sure, he had the same twang and hazel eyes and tawny skin, but his facial features stretched wide, his frame and family bones buried deep under fat. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that whatever gene made the Simons energetic, ambitious, and burn off soul food like nothing had skipped him over. His childhood was spent in the solace of the N64 while Dorothy had the nerve to start singing and the gall to be good at it. 
[DOROTHY ANNE enters stage center. She is twelve years old. The stage is the Apollo, the Ole Opry, the hearts of most Simons and the world over. MOOKIE is her younger brother. He is eight years old. MOOKIE exits stage left and becomes a glass child.]
[MOOKIE wonders if there is such a thing as a glass parent. He lives with his folks yet he knows nothing about them.]
It had been many years of being grudgingly taken on tour when a blessing came to him in the form of vaudeville. (One can’t repeatedly visit New York without falling into its oldest theatre traditions.) Vaudeville became drag. Drag begot a creativity and athleticism he’d never known was possible for someone like him. Newly seventeen and now those bones that'd bent under the weight of himself and his sadness were suddenly carrying Mookie through a new chapter.  Gave strength to Hennessee, a larger-than-life character who was so very cathartic to become. Strength on his own small stages, performing for people of all ages who loved him. Strength in the streets to evade the people who sought to hurt him for finding himself. The biggest blessing: meeting Miss Dodie James.
[DODIE JAMES enters stage right. She is eighteen. She is a copper-skinned snark machine, a super-fan, and is more than happy to be Mookie’s right hand woman.]
But Dorothy was twenty and Nashville wanted her for good, so her managers  Mookie’s glass parents went with and sent him to stay with a half-dead great-aunt in ATL. He kept contact with Dodie, grew a name for himself in Georgia, kept his sights set on a forever home in New York one day. 
It was a letter from Dorothy that changed everything.
Mookie was blindsided. Her crooning and cowboy fringe had been so separate from his glitter and cocktail pantomime for so long. Read a few words with shaking hands, thought, You have everything. You don’t need me, too. Changed his address and his name and now he’s changing his face.
He’ll finally move to New York. If another Simon ever sees him again, their eyes will slide past him just as they’ve always done.
(He knows in his bones this is how it’s meant to be.)
The Tijuana condo has two bedrooms but Dodie’s bunking with him. Just for now - now that she knows everything. 
It’s the night before the first surgery. 
It starts with this, Dodie says from her side of the bed. Then you nip and tuck, nip and tuck till you’re the Black Ken Doll From Hell. What happens when we both die and they gotta identify you?
Mookie closes his eyes. They don’t know me for my smile. They can check my teeth. 
[The stage is MOOKIE’S SKULL – pitch black, pain-free room. The buzz of a BONE SAW reverberates. MANDIBLE floor shudders and breaks under pressure.]
Recovery is this:
-A wired jaw
-Dodie doing all the talking in Tijuana (Mookie S.O.B.S., which means he Spares Others from his Broken Spanish)
-Dodie tending his wounds 
-Endless milkshakes and purees and Peridex mouthwash
-Extended time to shop floor show ideas
By night he falls asleep sweating under fans with 'novelas in one ear and a Bronx accent in the other (Dodie never moved into her own room).
When he gets onstage as Hennessee again he’ll have much to answer for. He deliberately kept the reason for his leave vague but he knows someone will put two and two together before he returns to American soil. (Queued media posts can only tide fans over for so long.) With this liquid diet he’s lightening up so much, too, and so having a snatched face and waist will make Hennessee the talk of Midtown. It’s all enough material for several shows over and Mookie’s pushing his pen overtime in this condo. (His jaw aches with the urge to practice aloud more than anything. Properly, not the ventriloquist dummy murmuring he can do through the wire right now.) He has way too many puns about mental gymnastics. 
[He, MOOKIE SIMON, grown-ass glass child, is she, HENNESSEE WILLIAMS, drag superstar and legendary gaywright of the 21st century. She is in Baja California with ten journals and a dry erase board and she’s not afraid to use them.]
The page on the bed between two friends comprises the scribblings of madmen. Mookie can’t tell where his ideas end and Dodie’s begin. He writes ‘Operation MB’, gives her room to work. Quickly gives her a metal grin – she’s just drawn Brain Surgery Cavity Sam instead of Full Body Cavity Sam.
Isolation got us on the same wavelength, Mookie writes.
Dodie shakes her head. We were already there. 
And that’s another thing to contend with: he's not sure when Dodie crossed over from best bud to collaborator – but he's not complaining. Who better to create with than someone who's supported him from jump? Something about her vagabond nature made her latch on.  Over the years he’s learned about her foster upbringing. How it'd hardened her in some ways, softened her in others. She doesn’t talk about her birth folks much like Mookie doesn't mention his family. Yet the whole of her has always seemed so transcendent. Mookie's trauma is written on his face when he's not on stage, and he's sure his friendship with her is predicated on her being the only one who can handle it. Maybe that's phrenology, that messy old way of thinking things are so set in bones. Maybe emotions are a bit malleable, like cartilage. Maybe Dodie just sees a person; a being made of ever-moving parts.
[The stage is MOOKIE’S SKULL. It’s newly renovated but it’s still not all that pretty. DODIE is strangely at home here.]
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tuttle-4077 · 6 months
The 2024 Papa Bear Awards Nominees Continued
Best Portrayal of a Canon Character
Carter in A Brother's Bond by PicassoPenguin
Newkirk in A Deserved Gift by Cardinal Rose
Klink in Ashes by LightShiner14
Newkirk in Autumn Winds by Fear-Of-The-Cold
Kinch in Card Games, Vampires, and a Very Late Letter by TheSailingRabbit
Newkirk in Cracking the Vault by Sierra Sutherwind
Hogan in Decoration Day by Abracadebra
Newkirk in Drop Bears by dust on the wind
Carter in Exit, Pursued By A Bear by pronker
Klink in Klink's Brother by Sam Worth
Kinch in Mama Bear by PicassoPenguin
Newkirk in Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
LeBeau in Operation Mother Hen by Tuttle4077
Hogan in Sergeant 'Don't You Sass Me, Hogan' Wilson by whatisthismandoinghere
LeBeau in Spring Flowers by Tuttle4077
Newkirk in The Assassin by lonewolfette9846
Newkirk in Uneasy Company by dust on the wind
Hogan in Well and Truly Got by Cardinal Rose
Klink in Yoga Session by Deepbluethinking
Best Portrayal of a Canon Extra
Lagenscheidt in A Brief Moment by TheSailingRabbit
Gertrude Linkmeyer in In Too Deep by Crystal Rose of Pollux
General Burkhalter in No Rest For the Weary by Frau Wilhelm Klink
Hochstetter in Of Defectors and Strawberries by Hochstetter's Lady
Marya in Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
Wilson in Sergeant 'Don't You Sass Me, Hogan' Wilson by whatisthismandoinghere
Hochstetter in The Major's Malaise by Vintronics
Olsen in The Pigeons Strike Back by TheSailingRabbit
Lagenscheidt in Uneasy Company by dust on the wind
Marya in Unfair by PicassoPenguin
Wilson in Words of a Wise Wilson by whatisthismandoinghere
Best Original Character
Kurt Vedit in A Gathering of Friends Old and New by TheSailingRabbit
Lothar in Cracking the Vault by Sierra Sutherwind
MacDonald in Drop Bears by dust on the wind
Veidt in Focus by TheSailingRabbit
Adam Jones in Heroes by Sam Worth
Aunt Millie in My Dear Bob by Dabbled-at-Euchre
Karl Unger in Of Defectors and Strawberries by Hochstetter's Lady
Sasha in Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
Pitts, Potts, & P. 'Gregory" Putter in The Murder That Never Happened by Khebidecia
Reiger in The Pigeons Strike Back by TheSailingRabbit
The Pigeon with the Monocle in The Pigeons Strike Back by TheSailingRabbit
The Wind in The Winds of the World by Fear-Of-The-Cold
Best Story of 2023
Decoration Day by Abracadebra
Drop Bears by dust on the wind
Heroes by Sam Worth
Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
The Winds of the World by Fear-Of-The-Cold
Uneasy Company by dust on the wind
Well and Truly Got by Cardinal Rose
Best Multimedia Entry
Bullet Proof Vest by taylorsshitposts
Englishman in New York by Vielmouse
Every Group Needs by beej-machinations
Gin by Benevolenterrancy
Go Ask Mother by Benevolenterrancy
He's Blue by taylorsheroes
Hogan's Sea Shanty by Vielmouse
Hogan's Senses by Vielmouse
Marya: Unstoppable by Oconee Belle
Newkirk's Cap by Benevolenterrancy
Reality Vs Perception by Frau Wilhelm Klink
Rewired by Vielmouse
Subterfuge by Benevolenterrancy
Here's the rest of them! Congratulations to everyone, and thank you to those who participated in the Nomination Round. Please join us for the Voting Round. Votes are due April 21st. You can fill out the ballot found on the website and send it to [email protected] or send it via PM to the Papa Bear Awards FFN account. Or you can fill out this easy-peasy survey.
@benevolenterrancy @beej-machinations @frau-wilhelm-klink  @whatisthismandoinghere @rose-of-pollux @radarsteddybear
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envihellbender · 9 months
What if: Mike Crew was an assistant thrown to The Vast by Gertrude, and Michael gave himself to The Spiral through a Leitner
Characters: Mike Crew, Gertrude Robinson, Michael Shelley (The Magnus Archives)
Content: plot swap/roleswap, referenced abuse, mental illness, injury/violence
Gertrude had been attempting to convince her assistant Mike to attend a work trip to investigate York Minister with her for a few months now. He made sure to always have plans, his diary always full whenever the possibility came up. It seemed like a job that could be done by anyone, the fact Gertrude was so adamant that Mike should attend cause him to be suspicious. Plus, he didn’t even like his job. He hated working on statements and pretending to care about other people’s whining. The only reason he was there was to figure out what the scar that clung to his body was. Having his leering, cantankerous boss with wandering hands made the most mundane parts of his job even worse. The official story for his scar was he was struck by lightening, that was t true. He knew it wasn’t. He saw the angular, beast of fractals and electricity, it came from the sky and ran across the ground. He needed to know what it was, and he needed to know why when he snuck into the tunnels it began to glow and crackle.
Eventually, Gertrude decided to force a work trip. Mike was staying late in the archive, he was pretending to be working but the files he had open were all on Lichtenberg scars. He thought he was the only one in the building, so when Gertrude entered the assistant’s office he tried not to jump or look surprised. He didn’t react until he felt a cold, bloated finger run down the back of his neck. He winced and tried to pull away, instead he was pulled closer. His white t-shirt was pulled down exposing his collar bones, before he could react there was a sharp scratch against his chest, he looked down to see a mysterious liquid being injected into him. The image of Gertrude’s hands clinging to him stuck in his mind as his vision grew blurry and his head empty.
The next thing Mike knew, he was in a heap in the backseat of Gertrude’s car. His limbs ached, and he stretched trying to feel human again. He groaned and groggily sat up. It seemed Gertrude was forcing the York trip. He held onto the driver’s seat to keep himself up and stared at his boss who simply stared forward and didn’t reply. Through the windows he saw houses and the dark sky, nothing to give away where they were.
“Erm. Hi. So, what the hell, boss?” Mike asked, raising his voice slightly next to Gertrude’s ear. She didn’t reply, she just a deep breath and kept staring forwards. “So kidnapping, that’s definitely going in my annual evaluation or feedback or whatever.”
“We don’t do feedback,” Gertrude said simply if there was a hint of sarcasm or tongue in cheek nature in her comment it wasn’t clear. She was quiet and didn’t speak after that comment, after some silence Mike spoke again.
“You know, we should do feedback. Elias needs to know what a shitty boss you are. Need to stop getting people who miss your arse about how great you are,” Mike rambled with a cruel tone to his voice. “So what’s-" As the car stopped suddenly, so did he. His body jolted forward, his hands on Gertrude’s chair was the only thing keeping him in place. Around the parked car there was a paved courtyard that was lit up by watery orange street lights. There were bushes across the road teasing at a hidden park, and they were surrounded by some closed high street shops. Most importantly however was what was directly in front of the parked car- a large church, a gigantic building with a sign with intricate writing that declared it as York Minister. Before Mike could say anything Gertrude got out of the car and stood patiently until Mike followed suit. When he got to his feet and began to shiver, realising he was only in a t-shirt and jeans, Gertrude grabbed him by the arm and dragged him in the direction of the tall, imposing church.
“Really? Going to pray now?” Mike joked nervously, stumbling over his feet as he was pulled quickly forward. The doors had been left open for them - despite the fact all the lights were off and none of the candles were lit. Mike was pulled into darkness, all he could do was follow Gertrude. “Erm, boss-”
“You know, you’re the only member of your family who wasn’t Christened,” Gertrude interrupted, her breath wheezing as she began to walk up a stone spiral staircase. One that took Mike by surprise. He stumbled, only staying upright because of Gertrude’s grip. His shins were grazed by the stone and knees knocked against the cold hard surface. Mike swore under his breath as he stumbled and struggled, he didn’t answer until he was on his feet and stable, when he did he sounded tired and angry.
“Yeah. So? What’s your point?”
“Your family are perfectly fine with you being thrown to the depths of hell, does that concern you?”
“Not really,” Mike shrugged. He knew his family, and not a single thing Gertrude could pull from his head would surprise or horrify him.
“Yes, quite the staunch atheist aren’t we.” Gertrude sounded amused, as if she was mocking Mike. “I don’t believe in heaven and hell either but your parents do, but they were happy to throw you into eternal damnation. Ever wonder why that was?”
“Nope,” he answered simply. He focused on being pulled up the stairs without falling onto the stone. “Where you taking me?”
“I’m going to give you an answer.” Gertrude sounded smug and all Mike could do was sigh in frustration at the lack of an explanation.
“What? What are you talking about? Answer to what?”
“To your scar.”
“What- you- why can you tell me not-”
“You don’t have to be conscious for this,” Gertrude interrupted.
“And if you’re unconscious, you are silent.” Gertrude pursed her lips and groaned as she grew exhausted and her throat ached from her exertion. Mike was dragged behind her, smirking a little at how much she was struggling.
By the time they reached the top of the tower, Gertrude wheezed so intensely Mike was sure her throat was bleeding and her lungs were about to implode. Mike snorted in laughter and opened the emergency exit door in front of them, sticking his head out. Its cold, and the view is beautiful. Before he can catch his bearings however Gertrude shoves him forward and joins him on the roof next to the bell tower.
“So gonna answer me now? Where’s the answer to my scar?” Mike asked, he paced up and down on the dark paving stones. He felt calmed by the height, the lights from down below over the edges of the church and the thin cold air from this height. Gertrude watched him with a frown and an intense gaze.
“Over here,” she said as she clicked her tongue. She walked to the edge of the roof and Mike followed her. Before he could react she wrapped a bloated, fat arm around her waist.
“I don’t-”
“It’s down there,” Gertrude whispered into Mike’s ear interrupting him. She pointed down at the ground, Mike looked, excitement filling his body at the idea of falling but Gertrude pushing him made it far less fun of an idea.
“What- I- what the fuck do you mean?” Mike spluttered, he attempted to pull away from Gertrude but as always she was stronger than anyone would expect.
“That terrifying scar burned into your skin. The one that hisses and glows, I know what it is,” she bragged, smug and arrogant like a god.
“What? What is it? Tell me.”
“I’ll show you, just look down.”
Before he could reply he felt two hands violently shove him forwards. His stomach lurched as he began to fall. The cold air was piercing his skin and his bones felt as if they were cracking and shattering. He didn’t scream, that was what surprised him. He felt his scar burn and spark to life, and the Vast, the Sky Blue, and he began to open himself up to being completely surrounded filled by the great emptiness. He knew Sky Blue wouldn’t let him fall, he knew it would save him.
“What have you got there?” A voice said, an accusation filling the air with an aged, formal edge creating a false sense of kindness. Michael stopped, gripping the Leitner in his hands, he needed this book. He couldn’t afford it, of course he couldn’t, but he couldn’t let it escape his grasp. Just simply having it in his hands made his chest and stomach feel warm and calm. He could feel the beast in the sky hunting him almost ‘lose’ sight of him. He couldn’t give up this book, he thought, he’d rather gouge out his own eyes. He eventually turned around, he towered over the little old man who owned the bookstore, but his clothes were more ragged where as the bookseller looked clean and smart. Michael fiddled with the tog on his duffle coat as one arm held the book so tightly he felt it burn against his skin.
“I think it would be best if you let me leave,” Michael answered slowly. He stepped backwards towards the door and the shopkeeper stared at him, baffled and indignant.
“Excuse me? I believe you may have stolen a piece of my stock.”
“I haven’t stolen anything that belongs to you.” Michael was careful with the words he chose, he knew the book shouldn’t have been here and it truly belonged to Jurgen Leitner. Anyone else who tried to take ownership of it always lost it, even Michael would only have it for the time he needed it. When it came to it he was sure it would escape, he planned to give it to Gerry but… he thought the book had other plans. He felt he could communicate with it, simply anyway. And the book wanted to be with him.
“So what’s that in your hands?”
“A book I promise you you won’t recognise.”
“Show me.”
“No.” Michael took a step backwards, he was taken by surprise when the bookseller jumped forward, surprisingly agile for his age and dove on Michael. He acted on instinct, he grabbed the man’s collar, pulling him backwards by his shirt, sighing in relief as he was free.
“It’s mine,” the bookseller hissed, almost frantic. Michael looked at him sadly.
“I am really, really sorry for this you know. I can bring it back when I’m done,” Michael explained. The bookseller stared at him, lost for words for a moment. Michael looked genuinely sad and apologetic when he grabbed the back of the old man’s neck and slam his face into the wall next to the door. He let go and let the man stumble and yell out, Michael turned on his heal and ran. He ran through the door and down the busy London street. His feet slamming the background and the wind causing his hair to be even more wild. He didn’t pay attention to any of the people he pushed out of the way, all he did was avoid looking at the strange creature in the sky. The large dark blue tentacles. That was the best way he could describe them, they were slowly writhing and growing over the void above him, and as they covered his view from each horizon, they would lower themselves down towards Michael. And this thick tome, “THE HOUSEUOH EHT” as the first page declared it, that would keep him safe. He stopped suddenly as the crowd thinned out and opened the book as his fingers shook. It was time.
“Come on. Come on Distortion, come on,” Michael said under his breath repeatedly and manically, sighing in relief and giving a twisted giggle pitched giggle as he began to read the pages.
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pollackpatrol · 2 years
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[ID: a bracket with 54 contestants. It is in its sixth and final round. The pairings will be listed off below. end ID.]
Guys, just a quick behavioral note—please don’t be actually mean or rude about the characters involved, at least not in my notes? Jokes are fine but some of you guys are getting a little too mean!
Old rounds under the cut.
now SURGE to the polls!!!
(plain text: Finals!!!! Blindfold v Wolverine)
Round 5 of BLOODSHED!
Prodigy vs. Wolverine (Link)
Blindfold vs. Sister Grimm (Link)
Round 4 of VIOLENCE!!!!
Dust vs. Prodigy (Link)
Blindfold vs. Miss America (Link)
Wolverine vs. Hellion (Link)
Molly Hayes vs. Sister Grimm (Link)
Round 3 of MURDER!!!
Hawkeye vs. Dust (Link)
Wither vs. Prodigy (Link)
Bling! vs. Blindfold (Link)
Stinger vs. Ms. America (Link)
Wolverine vs. Glob (Link)
Hellion vs. Icarus (Link)
Surge vs. Molly Hayes (Link)
Mercury vs. Sister Grimm (Link)
Round 2 of MURDER!! (Closed)
Hawkeye vs. Wiccan (Link)
Speed vs. Dust (Link)
Indra vs. Wither (Link)
Prodigy vs. Loa (Link)
Bling! vs. Rockslide (Link)
Wind Dancer vs. Blindfold (Link)
Onyxx vs. Stinger (Link)
Wallflower vs. Miss America (Link)
Patriot vs. Wolverine (Link)
Glob vs. Esme Cuckoo (Link)
Hellion vs. Phoebe Cuckoo (Link)
Icarus vs. Sophie Cuckoo (Link)
Wolfcub vs. Surge (Link)
Molly Hayes vs. Anole (Link)
Mindee Cuckoo vs. Mercury (Link)
Karolina Dean vs. Nico Minoru (Link)
Round 1 of MURDER! (Closed)
Wiccan vs. Hulkling (Link)
Speed vs. Armor (Link)
Dust vs. Ernst (Link)
Alex Wilder vs. Wither (Link)
Graymalkin vs. Loa (Link)
Rockslide vs. Elixir (Link)
Tag vs. Wind Dancer (Link)
Blindfold vs. Xavin (Link)
Stinger vs. Martha Johansson (Link)
Wallflower vs. Quill (Link)
Ms. America vs. Chase Stein (Link)
Wolverine vs. Victor Mancha (Link)
Match vs. Glob (Link)
Gertrude Yorkes vs. Esme Cuckoo (Link)
Gentle vs. Phoebe Cuckoo (Link)
Trance vs. Sophie Cuckoo (Link)
Surge vs. Cipher (Link)
Molly Hayes vs. Noh-Varr (Link)
Vision vs. Anole (Link)
Quentin Quire vs. Mercury (Link)
Pixie vs. Karolina Dean (Link)
Nico Minoru vs. Celeste Cuckoo (Link)
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
Young Woman and the Sea Review: Evocative and Inspiring
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Young Woman and the Sea 2024 is an evocative and inspiring biographical sports drama that masterfully recounts the story of Gertrude Trudy Ederle, the trailblazing swimmer who became the first woman to conquer the English Channel. Directed by Joachim Rønning and written by Jeff Nathanson, the film is based on Glenn Stout's 2009 book and is brought to life by the capable hands of Jerry Bruckheimer Films under the Disney banner. The film boasts a stellar cast headlined by Daisy Ridley as Trudy Ederle, supported by notable talents such as Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Graham, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, and Kim Bodnia. From the outset, the film captures the viewer's attention with its picturesque visuals and meticulously crafted period details. The cinematography vividly brings to life the roaring 1920s, juxtaposing the bustling cityscapes of New York with the serene yet treacherous waters of the English Channel. Rønning's direction is assured, guiding the audience through Trudy's journey with a blend of dramatic intensity and heartfelt emotion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tNvrYzPUrk Daisy Ridley delivers a powerhouse performance as Trudy Ederle. Ridley's portrayal is both nuanced and deeply moving, capturing Trudy's indomitable spirit, determination, and vulnerability. Through her expressive eyes and commanding presence, Ridley makes Trudy's triumphs and struggles palpable. The character's resilience and pioneering spirit shine through, making her an inspiring figure for audiences of all ages. Supporting Cast and Direction: The supporting cast also deserves commendation. Christopher Eccleston's portrayal of Jabez Wolffe, Trudy's determined yet skeptical coach, adds depth to the narrative. Eccleston's character is a complex figure, embodying the era's skepticism about women's capabilities in sports while also showcasing a begrudging respect for Trudy's tenacity. Stephen Graham as Bill Burgess, a fellow swimmer and mentor, brings warmth and camaraderie to the story. His chemistry with Ridley enriches the film's emotional core. Tilda Cobham-Hervey's performance as Margaret Meg Ederle, Trudy's supportive sister, provides a touching portrayal of familial bonds, while Kim Bodnia's depiction of Henry Ederle, Trudy's loving but protective father, adds another layer of emotional depth. The screenplay by Jeff Nathanson skillfully balances historical accuracy with dramatic flair, ensuring that the story remains engaging and inspiring. The dialogue is sharp and poignant, often reflecting the societal attitudes of the time and Trudy's determination to challenge them. Nathanson's writing shines in the quieter, more introspective moments, allowing the characters' inner lives to resonate with the audience. Challenges and Triumphs: One of the film's standout aspects is its portrayal of the physical and psychological challenges Trudy faces. The grueling training sessions, the icy waters of the Channel, and the constant scrutiny and doubt from the media and society are depicted with visceral intensity. The film does not shy away from showing the toll these challenges take on Trudy, making her eventual triumph all the more impactful. The swimming sequences are particularly well-executed. Rønning's direction and the cinematography combine to create a sense of immersion that puts the audience right in the water with Trudy. Soundtrack and Historical Context: The film's score, composed by Amelia Warner, complements the visuals beautifully. The music swells and recedes in harmony with the narrative's emotional beats, enhancing the film's overall impact. The use of period-appropriate music also helps to anchor the story in its historical context, adding to the film's authenticity. However, the film is not without its flaws. At times, the pacing can feel uneven, with certain subplots and character arcs not receiving the attention they deserve. While the central narrative of Trudy's journey is compelling, some of the supporting characters' stories could have been further developed. This would've added even more depth to the film. Additionally, while the film admirably strives to be an accurate historical portrayal, some viewers might find the occasional dramatic liberties taken with the story to be somewhat distracting. Despite these minor shortcomings, Young Woman and the Sea remains a thoroughly engaging and inspiring film. It is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of challenging societal norms. Trudy Ederle's story is one that deserves to be told. This film does it justice with its heartfelt performances, stunning visuals, and powerful narrative. Overall: Young Woman and the Sea is a commendable addition to the genre of biographical sports dramas. It brings to light an important but often overlooked chapter in sports history. The film celebrates the achievements of a remarkable woman who defied the odds. Daisy Ridley's standout performance, coupled with Joachim Rønning's assured direction and Jeff Nathanson's thoughtful screenplay, makes this film a must-watch. Read the full article
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halloweenism · 3 months
what lgbtq headcanons do u have for characters (why not its pride)
got that two day late drip 💪🏽 💪🏽
bisexuality and transfemininity would've saved max jägerman.
biromantic asexual alex wilder hello can anyone hear me
pansexual she/they gertrude yorkes yup
comphet lesbian charlotte sweetly and also linda monroe
asexual remy lebeau
she/they aromantic emma perkins
asexual lesbian princess twisted
nonbinary bisexual zazzalil and genderfluid pansexual jemilla is this one anything
asexual lesbian elsa. i have been saying this since i was 8 hello
hiro hamada and varian tangled transmasc real not fake
i think thats a good enough amount of diff fandoms still mostly hatchetfield but shrug. we share one of these though sob
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luce-speaks · 6 months
OMG Shakespeare mutual 👀🫵
I'll definitely be annoying about my thesis soon, and I'd love to hear about that oneshot if you get the chance :0 I'm so jealous already...
yeah!! i’m no shakespeare scholar but i’ve really enjoyed all the shakespeare i’ve read in school (hamlet, midsummer, othello, and romeo & juliet). also i’m playing the tellius games rn and one of the characters is shakespeare themed and he makes me crazy—
anyway, the story of this oneshot. under the readmore because this got LONG.
last year, for my birthday, i wrote and ran a murder-mystery ttrpg oneshot that i called Ghost Train. i wrote it in four days—i never want to do that again—but it was so fun. so fun that the players wanted an encore.
so i go about my business, keeping an eye out for anything that might inspire my next clever mystery plot, but nothing is striking. then, months later, i attend a community theater production of Something Rotten. about ten minutes to intermission, it comes to me.
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i decide that i’m going to plagiarize Hamlet, but as a murder mystery. it works perfectly - so many people die in that play. and i’m not going to tell a single one of my players (who, coincidentally, are almost all english majors).
in keeping with the original Ghost Train, our story is set in a 1920s urban fantasy New York, in the height of Prohibition. in this version, hamlet is heir to a notorious bootlegging operation on a magic island off the coast of New York. i changed some character names to throw my players off the scent—Claudius is now Claude, Polonius is Phineas, etc. my best work was Hamlet and Horatio, now named Dayne Prince and Hamartia Horatio Frost—Marsha for short. they were lesbians in this version.
i changed a few other plot elements to make it a little more mystery-ish, but the general conceit of the story was that Dayne is convinced that Claude did the murder (because her father’s ghost told her) BUT he has a watertight alibi.
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pictures of my notes. i do not remember why the gummy worm is there. i do not have a wormless picture.
anyway, one of the players had an inkling of the hamlet theme as soon as i introduced the marriage between Claude and Gertrude, but they kind of thought i did it by accident? they didn’t really catch on til a while later, when the father’s ghost was introduced. and then at the end, after solving the crime, i let them have a fun dramatic moment and intercept the infamous curtain scene just seconds before someone actually died. it was a fun time! would totally run it again sometime
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Linda Smith & Nancy Andrews — A Passing Cloud (Grapefruit/Gertrude Tapes)
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A Passing Cloud by Linda Smith & Nancy Andrews
Linda Smith
A Passing Cloud is the first new music in over 20 years by ur-home-taper Linda Smith, reunited after even longer with her old bandmate, Nancy Andrews. In the late 1980s, Smith stood out as a rare female participant in the mostly male home-taped music scene that preceded the early 1990s international pop underground. Her CD releases on Feel Good All Over and Harriet placed her alongside Stuart Moxham as an example of what many artists recording for K and other such imprints wanted to become. Her music was informed by the emotional and sonic contours of 1960s AM radio pop, filtered through the sense of possibility and acceptance of untutored skills sparked by groups like the Raincoats, crafted using simple tools and sold in shoebox-sized quantities to like-minded, home-made music fans. Smith swapped music-making for painting in 2001, but a couple of compilations of old tracks have kept her sounds circulating.
Even before Smith started four-tracking, she was in bands. During a mid-1980s sojourn in New York, she and house-mate Nancy Andrews were in one called the Woods. They parted ways as creative partners when Smith discovered home-taping and Andrews pursued other arts, but remained friends. Music reentered the equation in 2020, when Smith made a proposal to resume working together after she was taken anew by some of their old work while cleaning out her old tape drawers during a COVID-mandated year off from her day job. They sent files back and forth between Maine, where Andrews now lives, and Maryland, for a couple years, and completed A Passing Cloud in 2022, thirty years after their last recording together.
In some respects, the album’s 12 songs feel quite rooted in the music they made back in the day. Their singing is unaffected and effects-free, born upon guitar licks that owe an undeniable debt to the third Velvet Underground album. However, drum programming and recording options being what they can be nowadays for anyone who owns a computer, the rhythms are a bit more assertive, the sound mix cleaner and more separate.
More significantly, there’s a clarity of intent about this music, a sense that its makers were consciously trying to see what new place it might take them. Andrews and Smith  kickstarted their songwriting process by cribbing lines from the former’s collection of detective paperbacks, which they used to generate stories more concerned with the manipulation of characters than the resolution of crimes. “How Could I Know” recounts a series of descriptive details about a woman, following by the question, “How could I know?” Not only does the repeated phrase make a nice hook, it drives home the message that the questioner really did know the protagonist, which in turn sets the listener on a course of making up their own stories about that relationship. Loops of dialogue sampled from some old movie abstracts melodrama into something more opaque on “The Whispering Cup,” and “Spare Me The Details” reimagines the sound of early mersh Residents as a vehicle for a couple of unabashedly older woman to pleasantly sing about giving no fucks. The music on A Passing Cloud may reference past methods and styles, but they feed an authentically present-centered process of creation. It turns out that that bedroom pop aesthetic has legs that can go the distance.
Bill Meyer
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fakerobotrealblog · 9 months
"Hamlet" by William Shakespeare is one of the most iconic and frequently adapted plays in the literary canon. Its exploration of themes such as revenge, madness, and existentialism has inspired numerous adaptations across various mediums. Here's an in-depth analysis of "Hamlet" and some notable adaptations:
### "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare:
1. **Existentialism and Moral Ambiguity:**
- "Hamlet" is renowned for its exploration of existential themes. The protagonist, Prince Hamlet, grapples with moral ambiguity, contemplating life, death, and the consequences of revenge. The famous soliloquy "To be or not to be" encapsulates these existential reflections.
2. **Madness and Deception:**
- Hamlet's feigned madness and the broader theme of deception add layers to the narrative. The play explores the thin line between reality and illusion, raising questions about the authenticity of appearances.
3. **Complex Characters:**
- Characters like Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, and Polonius contribute to the complexity of the play. Each character has intricate motives and relationships, adding depth to the exploration of human nature.
4. **Dramatic Irony:**
- Shakespeare employs dramatic irony throughout the play, where the audience possesses knowledge that some characters lack. This creates tension and engages the audience in the unfolding tragedy.
5. **Ghost Motif:**
- The appearance of King Hamlet's ghost introduces the supernatural element and sets the revenge plot in motion. The ghost serves as a catalyst for Hamlet's internal conflict and moral dilemma.
### Notable Adaptations:
1. **"The Lion King" (1994):**
- This animated film draws clear parallels with "Hamlet," portraying Simba's journey mirroring Hamlet's quest for justice and self-discovery. The uncle Scar corresponds to Claudius, adding a familial and Shakespearean dimension to the Disney classic.
2. **"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" (1990):**
- Tom Stoppard's play and subsequent film take a unique perspective, focusing on two minor characters from "Hamlet." It explores existential themes and the concept of fate, providing a meta-theatrical commentary on the original play.
3. **"Hamlet" (1996) - Directed by Kenneth Branagh:**
- Branagh's film adaptation offers a faithful rendition of the play, emphasizing its theatrical roots. The unabridged version allows for a comprehensive exploration of the characters and themes, staying true to the original text.
4. **"Hamlet" (2000) - Directed by Michael Almereyda:**
- Set in modern-day New York, this adaptation features Ethan Hawke as Hamlet. The contemporary setting introduces new layers to the play's exploration of power, corruption, and surveillance.
5. **"Hamlet" (1948) - Directed by Laurence Olivier:**
- Olivier's film, a more traditional adaptation, won several Academy Awards. It is praised for its visual aesthetics and Olivier's nuanced portrayal of Hamlet.
6. **"Hamlet" (2015) - Directed by Kenneth Branagh:**
- Branagh returned to "Hamlet" in 2015, this time focusing on the character's internal struggles. The film explores Hamlet's psychological state and emphasizes the emotional depth of the play.
### Common Themes Across Adaptations:
1. **Reinterpretation of Characters:**
- Different adaptations may reinterpret characters, offering new perspectives on their motivations and actions.
2. **Modernization and Contextual Shifts:**
- Many adaptations place "Hamlet" in different time periods or cultural contexts, highlighting its universality and adaptability.
3. **Focus on Specific Themes:**
- Some adaptations emphasize particular themes such as political intrigue, mental health, or familial relationships, providing a fresh lens on the original material.
In conclusion, "Hamlet" continues to captivate audiences through its timeless exploration of human nature and existential dilemmas. Its adaptability to various mediums and reinterpretation across diverse contexts underscore its enduring relevance in the realm of literature and performance.
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Here it is, the moment you've waiting for the roster of marvel comics characters!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Power Pack:
Alex Power
Julie Power
Jack Power
Katie Power
Pet Avengers:
Hairball(Speedball's cat)
Lucky the pizza dog
Jeff the Land Shark
Nico Minoru
Molly Hayes
Karolina Dean
Victor Mancha
Chase Stein
Alex Wilder
Gertrude Yorks
Old Lace
Agents of Smash:
Red Hulk
Jolt(Hallie Takahama)
Fixer(Paul Norbert Ebersol)
Moonstone(Karla Soften)
Songbird(Melissa Gold)
Ghost(Ava Starr)
Atlas(Erik Josten)
Citizen V
Avengers Academy:
Finesse(Jeanne Foucault)
Hazmat(Jennifer "Jenny" Takeda)
Mettle(Ken Mack)
Repitl(Humberto "Berto" López)
Striker(Brandon Sharpe)
Veil(Madeline Maddie Berry)
Young Avengers:
Hawkeye(Katie Bishop)
Ms America(America Chavez)
Patriot(Eli Bradley)
Stature(Cassie Lang
Wiccan(Billy Maximoff)
Hulking(Theodore Altman)
Speed(Tommy Maximoff)
Kid Arachnid(Miles Morales)
Viv vision
Ms Marvel(Kamala Khan)
The Totally Awesome Hulk(Amadeus Cho)
Iron Heart(Riri Williams)
Nick Fury's Howling Commandos:
Frankenstein's Monster
Werewolf By Night(Jack Russell)
N'Kantu(The living Mummy)
The Man-Thing
Blade(Eric Cross Brooks)
Alpha First:
Dr.Heather Hudson
All this is just part 1 of marvel comics characters, part 2 will be coming soon, if you wanna learn more about them go to Marvel.com or go to CBR and type in "Marvel heroes" or if possible if you have Disney+ go to the marvel section,they have lots of resources or since you have Tumblr,go type anything Marvel related and try to find out more about them,but be warned,stuff about them change or aren't 100% accurate
P.S: Take your time and happy writing ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Awesome! Thank you for taking time to do this!!💚 Can’t wait for part 2 but of course take as long as you need🥰.
I definitely see some characters I’m not familiar with so thank you for bringing them to my attention!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
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Chag Hanukkah sameach, everyone! We have 20 great works for the sixth night of Hanukkah! There's still time to create some fanworks for the bingo and get your winner graphic at the end! :)
The works are listed below in alphabetical order by title.
A Story of Survival by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Bingo Squares Being Filled: N4 - Survival, H4 - G-d Rating: General Warning(s): None
a very spidey holiday dinner by aelisheva/@dumpsterbagel | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Marvel, Spider-Man Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Peter Parker (Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3) Bingo Squares Being Filled: N2 - Family Rating: General Warning(s): None
A Wonderful Night by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Original Character Bingo Squares Being Filled: N3 - Rabbi Rating: General Warning(s): None
Anti-Assimilation by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers Bingo Squares Being Filled: K4 - Anti-Assimilation Rating: General Warning(s): None
Eight Nights by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Becca Barnes Bingo Squares Being Filled: K1 - Candles, U2 - Sufganiyot, U4 - Winter, U5 - A Great Miracle Happened There, A4 - Smashing Fascists, H3 - Gelt, A1 - Applesauce, K4 - Brisket Rating: General Warning(s): None
The Eighth Night by abby_gaytes/@erin-gilberts | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Ghostbusters (2016) Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Jillian Holtzmann is the POV character, but all of the Ghostbusters are Jewish or Jew-ish in this one Bingo Squares Being Filled: A2 - Snow, A5 - Eighth Night Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Family by Hollie47/@hollie47 | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Glee Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Rachel Berry Bingo Squares Being Filled: K1, U1, N2 Rating: G Warning(s): None
The Family We Choose by skylarkblue/@wardinpanties | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Runaways Jewish Characters: Gertrude Yorkes Bingo Squares Being Filled: N2 - Family, K1 - Candles, A5 - Eighth Night, N4 - Survival Rating: G Warnings: Implied Past Abuse
K1. Candles - Violet Baudelaire by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: A Series of Unfortunate Events Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Violet Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire Bingo Squares Being Filled: K1 - Candles Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
K2. They Tried To Kill Us, They Failed, Let's Eat - Han Solo by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Star Wars, Star Wars Original Trilogy Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Han Solo, Leia Organa Bingo Squares Being Filled: K2 - They Tried To Kill Us, They Failed, Let's Eat Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
K3. Brisket - Monica Geller by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: F•R•I•E•N•D•S Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Monica Geller Bingo Squares Being Filled: K3 - Brisket Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
K4. Eretz Yisrael - Booker | Sebastien le Livre by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: The Old Guard Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Booker | Sebastien le Livre Bingo Squares Being Filled: K4 - Eretz Yisrael Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
K5. Mishpukhe - Eddie Munson by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Stranger Things Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson Bingo Squares Being Filled: K5 - Mishpukhe Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
May It Never End by CharlotteCordelier | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: MCU, Captain America Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes Bingo Squares Being Filled: Free Space Rating: G Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Mir Veln Zey Iberlebn by CharlotteCordelier | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: DC Comics, Batman Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bruce Wayne, Martha Wayne Bingo Squares Being Filled: Free Space Rating: G Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Remembering by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: The Boston Girl - Anita Diamant Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Addie Baum, Ava Miller Bingo Squares Being Filled: A4 - Remembrance Rating: General Warning(s): None
Roses by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Bingo Squares Being Filled: A3 - Kosher Rating: General Warning(s): None
Spelling by bugsandcoffee/@bugsandcoffee | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Captain America/Marvel Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers Bingo Squares Being Filled: N5 - Hanukkah vs. Chanukah Rating: General Warning(s): None
Viemos afastar a escuridão. by nevermindirah/@nevermindirah | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: The Old Guard Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Booker | Sebastien le Livre Bingo Squares Being Filled: Free Space Rating: T Warning(s): None
Winter Wars by soupypictures/@yessoupy | AO3 | Tumblr
Fandom: Band of Brothers Jewish Character: Joe Liebgott Bingo Squares Being Filled: Winter, Survival, Smashing Fascists Rating: Teen and Up Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
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