#charlie being an adult? not in this house
xjulixred45x · 2 days
Hi I would like a reader who is like Hunter from Owl house with the Hazbin crew if that’s ok
Awwww, i love The little guy!! Done
Hazbin Hotel crew with Hunter like- Reader
OKAY, I have two possible origins for this HH Hunter.
The first and most interesting, Reader is a Hellborn.
I imagine that maybe this reader had a life similar to Loona, that is, living quite badly in a ring with terrible conditions, until someone "saved" him.
that person could be any royal person, a deadly sin like Mammon or Satan, a Goetia like Paimon, etc. someone egocentric but who knew how to manipulate the reader from the beginning so that they saw him well, as a savior, but nothing in this life comes for free, right?
reader was trained, "hardened" so to speak, to protect important families from hell, which wasn't exactly a good thing for someone so young. Reader was definitely not only manipulated as a child, but also physically abused through this.
The reader grew up and became the perfect guard, just as his "boss" wanted him, someone who did not question, someone who followed him and who could command. even if it was at the cost of his mental health.
At some point in his reader's life he was given as a "gift" to the Morningstars, as Charlie's personal guard, thus beginning his slow process of "detoxification" from all the years of grooming.
NOW, definitely reader has already had certain flashes of "rebellion" before this and several of them he retains (because well, he is still a teenager), such as certain hobbies or tastes that he hides from his "boss" for his own good .
There is also the fact that being a hellborn, Reader is painfully aware of the treatment that many of his "kind" receive and wants to participate in certain forms of activism, but the fear of what would happen if he did is very strong. .
In general, thanks to this, he is 1- Good at keeping secrets and 2- bitter about not being able to participate in the things he wants because of his "cowardice" (fear of the consequences).
(a sinner reader was probably a victim of some kind of cult that followed him even in death, did horrible things UNDER THE INFLUENCE of the cult and is more prone to being manipulated. Even if he is interesting, I prefer the Hellborn reader).
When he arrives at the hotel he definitely shows his more hostile side at first (because well, sinners kinda give him the ick) and it would definitely be difficult to get him to interact with the staff at first, but when he does it would be... interesting...
Charlie, being the first to interact with Reader, is definitely excited by the possibility of a new resident for the hotel or even just a possible "friend", so she is surprised by Reader's attitude towards her.
It takes her a while to realize that the reader thinks Charlie only sees it as a "rehab program" and she feels a little offended by that (since she doesn't consider that she needs help when in reality she definitely needs some safe adult).
Charlie wants to hear the reader's opinions, and several of these opinions definitely leave her thinking (ahem, THE HELLBORNS, ahem). She would be happy if he even participated in some exercises, but not forced anything.
Vaggie is a little more hostile because she feels that her position as Charlie's protector is threatened, but when she realizes that he is a BOY, she calms down considerably.
Vaggie tries to be patient with Reader, but sometimes her sass gets under her skin and she snaps, it just feels WRONG to be in the same position as a child. although he eventually rationalizes that the reader definitely did not have it easy.
Vaggie and reader TOLERATE each other and do their things separately, but there is at least some respect between them.
Alastor at first finds him annoying, precisely because he is always on his or Charlie's heels. Although he'd be lying if he said he didn't find the perspective of an orphaned soldier amusing.
He definitely likes to scare the reader when he gets the chance, making sudden Jumpscares and sometimes appearing right next to them as they follow him. It's hilarious to him.
Alastor couldn't care less about the reader, it's just one more possible step in reaching Charlie.
Angel Dust at first would try to playfully flirt with him until he realizes that 1- he is a minor and 2- he is a bitter child. He doesn't mess with him much because he knows he will jump straight to violence.
Surprisingly, he tries to lower his tone when the reader is present, perhaps out of habit or for his own good, but he does it. and is quite surprised when the reader drops the "little soldier" mask even for a moment.
He definitely jokes about it A LOT, but he understands what it's like to use an act for your own good, so he doesn't bother him for long or judge him.
Husk sees through everyone, including the reader, and it honestly depresses him to see the boy at the beginning, it's like the times when he died, children fighting wars that are not theirs.
definitely the most reader friendly, just not in the conventional way, gives him free apple juice/water when no one is looking, gives him things or magazines that he thinks he might like with the excuse that "I was going to throw them all away" ways," and generally treats him like a child.
I think it would be the first (if not the only one) with which the reader feels comfortable to be normal, without facada, just a child. and it makes you understand MANY things in general.
Sir Pentious at first would be a little uncomfortable with him (because the reader probably kicked his ass for the wall thing) and he was expecting a scary soldier...only to bump into a child.
Pentious doesn't think it's so strange that he is so young (because he died in the Victorian era) but he tries to be friendly and make conversation, it doesn't go very well but at least the reader doesn't see him as a threat.
I think they could get along eventually, but it would take time. apart from the fact that Pentious's inventions definitely don't help the reader to let their guard down. but with power it is possible.
Niffty scares him, plain and simple.
She was definitely interested in the "bad boy" until she found out he was a teenager. After that, she only interacts with him to clean his clothes (he gets them dirty often).
Niffty thinks he's adorable, reader is scared.
All in all, it's a tumultuous road, but I definitely think Reader could thrive in the hotel with the right help.
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forbidden-sunlight · 6 months
yandere!Alastor with gender-neutral!tinkerer!reader headcanons
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Warning: obsessive behavior, implied violence, stalking, implied manipulation, and knowledge based on the 2019 pilot episode.
There may be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
You are responsible for your own Internet consumption!
If you would like to read the SFW version of these headcanons, there are some written by @isuckatwritingsobenice. I will leave the link to them here.
Special thanks to @isuckatwritingsobenice, @angelltheninth, and @ceoofdabicorpsensfw for providing feedback and helping me shape up these headcanons into what they are today, my first Hazbin Hotel fic in quite a long time!
If you would like to me to keep up the momentum and write more for Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, please let me know via a request or in the comments section below!
With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! :)
Alastor is someone who thrives on entertainment. Seeing the scourge of Hell striving to redeem themselves in Charlie’s hotel, only to fail as soon as they gave into the vices they’ve been trying to cure themselves of? That’s the only reason he agreed to help the princess with her passion project. He needed some inspiration after lacking it for so many decades!
He will not fall for someone who is naive and oblivious to the dangers that lurk around every corner. His preference for a darling is someone who is intelligent, yet malleable to his manipulative machinations, though he would call it being a considerable gentleman.
So, imagine his surprise when you, the maintenance operator Charlie had hired during the hotel’s open house after being thoroughly impressed with your resume, piqued his interest. He had heard that you were very good at repairing broken things. Whatever it was that needed to be fixed, you could do it efficiently and with a smile.
The only thing you would not touch, however, were Angel’s sex toys. He found you at Husk’s bar, whining and clutching what looked like a purple cucumber with a white handle, coated in….an unknown substance. You looked at it, then back at Angel, confused and blinking owlishly at him. You asked him to hold it up in the light so you could see it, just don’t let it touch you because…well, you really did not want to.
The adult film star did, and you tilted your head to the side, staring at it for a moment before pulling away.
“It should be an easy fix.” You said. “Do you think it is a higher priority than preventing the hotel from being flooded with water?” You asked, glancing up at him. The genuinity in your voice as you spoke to him, curious and asking if fixing his device is really more important at the moment, made Alastor chuckle from the shadows. Dear ol’ Husker looked like he was about to keel over from laughter too~!
“If it’s an easy fix like ya say it is, then yes!” Angel whined. “I need it fixed by tomorrow! Can ya maybe work on it, like, after you make sure this place doesn’t get flooded?”
You blinked. “That shouldn’t be an issue. Okay. Did you try looking for the manual in the box it came in?”
“There’s a manual for it in there?!”
You nodded. “There should be. Or at least a phone number for customer service.”
Oh, such dialogue between two unique characters brightened Alastor’s mundane afternoon considerably and deepened his interest in the ever diligent and mild-mannered sinner who never seemed to stop working!
He watched you from the shadows, learning about your likes and dislikes and your….relationships with the others, clients and hotel staff alike. None of which, as he has seen, never went beyond the boundary of polite professionalism. Imagine his surprise when his shadow discovered your daily ritual to lock yourself in the maintenance office and curl up on the couch in there for an hour nap, and how you cannot sleep without the vintage radio on your desk being played on low volume. As much as he wanted to sweep you off of your feet with a night around the city and a lovely candlelit dinner, Alastor could not act too recklessly. That wasn’t how his mother raised him. No, no, no, he was a gentleman!
And a gentleman knows how to bide his time in the art of courting. Expect him to flood your office with bouquets, expensive gifts, and a request to personally fix his microphone even when it was working just perfectly.
Who knows? Perhaps while you’re sleeping soundly, in your office or in your bedroom, he will turn the knob of your radio just a little to the left so it is the music of his radio station that fills the silence. Think of it as….insurance. With the magic he possessed as an overlord, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to comprehend that he did care about you in his own way. And he would like to think you will, in time, come to enjoy his music with a smile.
After all, you’re never fully dressed without one!
Bonus Content
If you accept his courtship, Alastor’s possessiveness will reach to the point where he will absolutely insist that you should move into his quarters and share the bed. For his peace of mind and your own protection.
After all, you’re his precious little doe. He wouldn’t want anything to happen to you in this cesspool~.
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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im-his-druidess · 2 months
The Deal
No one asked for this, but I needed something dark and gross 🤷‍♀️
TW: Dub-Con turned Non-Con; Infidelity; Cheating; Rough sex; Forced sex; Slight fuck-or-die but not really; Dead Dove Do Not Eat; Unnecessary amount of commas
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Setting up the arrangement with Charlie Hewitt left a sour taste in your mouth at the way he openly leered at you the entire time, but you just kept thinking about finally going to bed with a full belly to get you through his poorly concealed innuendos and crass language. It wasn’t until you arrived at the Hewitt’s home, telling your husband you were walking to the next town for groceries as an excuse, that your plan began to crumble. The memory of Charlie’s words making fear squeeze your lungs and bile rising in your throat.
Just when you think you couldn’t feel even more worthless, here you were spreading your legs for a man that wasn’t your husband, all for the chance to get food on your table.
Your husband acted just as worthless as you currently felt and invited his parents to move into your already cramped house without discussing anything with you. Four grown adults living in a one-bedroom shack of a house, with your husband barely making enough money to feed you both let alone two more mouths, was enough to want to pull your hair out. Of course, it didn’t help that your mother-in-law found fault in every single thing you did which your husband agreed with to stay on his mother’s good side. Coupled with your in-laws living beyond their means, including gorging themselves on food that you managed to scrap together, which often left you going to bed hungry and riddled with anxiety. So, when you overheard the local gossip hounds whispering how the Hewitt family would give meat from their job at the slaughterhouse in exchange for favors, it didn’t take long for you to come to a steely resolve. It might have been the numerous days without a steady meal, or how you were belittled everyday at your home, that made you snap and jump at the chance.
‘As much as I want a piece of that pussy…I made a promise to my kin. Tommy’s birthday is coming up and it is far past time for him to become a man despite what mama says. So that’s who you’ll be fucking today. If you got a problem with that then you can fuck off.’
He was so matter-of-fact about the whole thing that it made your head spin.
Relief that you wouldn’t have to sleep with that disgusting excuse of a man making you giddy, before realization at his words struck you like white-hot lightening. You’ve only seen Tommy Hewitt once and the memory was seared into your brain.
You had come across him as he lumbered down the main road on his way home from the slaughterhouse and you were frozen in your tracks as his hulking form stalked past you. He was a large burly man, with broad shoulders, huge biceps, and thick thighs, and his dark shaggy hair didn’t hide the fact that he wore some type of leather mask on the lower part of his face.
He still wore his bloodstained apron.
You had reluctantly agreed once Charlie “sweetened” the deal by promising double the amount of food he would give. Now, here you were, propped up on a bench in the shed while listening to Charlie whisper harshly outside the door. From his tone it sounded like he was scolding someone, Tommy to be exact when you heard his slow heavy footsteps nearing the door, and you swore your heart was going to beat out of your chest the longer you had to wait. From the snippets you could hear it sounded like he was giving instructions and you grimaced when you heard him give vivid instructions on what to put in where.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Tommy came stumbling through the door looking exactly like you remember minus the apron. You realized his blunt appearance was because he was being pushed into the room. Charlie gave you a dirty lingering look, shaking his head with a wistful sigh, before slapping Tommy on a broad shoulder before ducking back out.
The door shut with a firm thud and then you were left alone with the behemoth.
Fear and anxiety once more rushed through you fast enough to make you lightheaded, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest, and the man lingered almost awkwardly by the door. You dimly noticed that he kept his head down, stealing glances at you and your body through his curtain of hair, and you took a deep breath to gather your courage. The bench underneath you was hard and uncomfortable and you knew the sooner you got this over with the sooner you can go home and forget this entire thing.
With shaky hands you hiked up your skirt, removing your panties so they won’t get lost or ruined, and spread your legs. Your face burned in mortification at your actions, even more so when Tommy’s entire body jerked as if sucker-punched, and he didn’t even bother trying to hide the way he openly stared between your legs with wide blue eyes. You fumbled with the small bottle of oil you brought with you, knowing you weren’t going to get properly wet enough to make things less painful, and you quickly waved Tommy over. He approached slowly as if you were going to bite before settling between your spread legs. With him so close you suddenly realized just how big he was, your thighs straining to accommodate the width of his hips, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when a large heavy hand landed on your thigh. His skin was rough and overly warm, thick fingers digging into the meat of your thigh curiously, and you spotted his eyes darting over the rest of your body before settling back between your legs. Your nerves were starting to crumble at his slow pace so you reached down and began unbuckling his pants with trembling fingers.
His entire body tensed up and you mumbled a quiet apology, but your hands continued their work. You knew this was supposedly his first time, but you were anxious to get this over with. Tommy made a low grunting noise as he shuffled on his feet before you got his pants open and his entire body seemed to spasm when you reached into his pants to grab his dick.
You immediately paled at the sheer girth you encountered as you fingers weren’t even close to touching.
He was clearly proportionate to the rest of his body, but that also meant that he was hung like a fucking horse. You let go and fumbled with the vial of oil with a quick prayer for things to be over quickly. You ignored how he jerked his hips closer to you as if willing your hand back as he restlessly pushed his pants down with a grunt to offer you more room to touch him.
His cock stuck out just below his button-down shirt, almost drooping from the heavy weight, and the thick tip was an angry shade of red. You couldn’t help but compare him to your husband. He was larger in every single way, almost laughably so, and you had the brief thought of if you could even get that inside you. It twitched under your gaze. You looked away suddenly embarrassed and saw out of the corner of your eye his hips jerk once more towards you. You felt sweat pool at your lower back, the hot summer air doing nothing to cool you off despite being in shade, and you nervously wiped the sweat beading at your brow the back of your hand. You chided yourself and focused once more at the task at hand.
You poured a generous amount into your palm, nearly half the bottle, and steeled yourself before reaching down to coat him thoroughly. The sound he made didn’t seem human, the punched out garbled growl making the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, and you held back your whimper of fright as he thickened even more in your grasp. You tried to not think of how you were going to struggle to take him into your body. You dropped him once he was completely coated and dumped more oil into your hand, steadfastly ignoring the way Tommy panted through his mask. You leaned back while taking a deep breath before reaching down and slathering yourself, working the oil into your cunt while simultaneously trying to stretch yourself with two fingers in preparation. It wasn’t long until you felt calloused fingers brushing against the back of your hand making you nearly shriek in surprise. You whipped your head down to see Tommy had moved closer, eyes completely transfixed between your legs, and you realized he was gripping himself with his other hand.
He was stroking himself at the same pace you were working yourself open.
Unexpectedly, heat simmered low in your pelvis at the sight and you couldn’t help but squirm in place. It was only about a minute later that you could tell he was getting restless, his hand squeezing his cock tight enough to make you wince, and you pretended to not notice him rubbing the weeping tip against your thighs. Tommy suddenly gripped your leg and spread you even further and you did whimper at the pain shooting through your hip at the unnatural position. He began grinding against your hand still buried in yourself, huffing in annoyance when he was denied entry, and you took a shuddering deep breath before moving your hand away to grip the edge of the bench.
“Go…slow, okay? Slow,” you muttered in a raspy voice and the only answer you received was the sensation of something blunt and sticky nudging at you.
He suddenly surged forward in an attempt to ram himself in, making you shriek and kick your pinned leg uselessly, but thankfully he just slid through your wet folds and brushed against your clit. He did that a few more times and was clearly growing agitated.
Even as you tried to weakly soothe him by weakly petting the hand holding you open, but that just seemed to work him up even more. Eventually the head of his cock notched at your entrance and he began to slowly push forward, seemingly learning from his mistakes, and you felt your eyes widen at the stretch. He was impossibly wide, nearly making you scream as your body attempted to reject the intrusion, but he was determined and those dark blue eyes never strayed from your straining cunt. You tried to help by shifting your hips, bracing one foot on the bench to widen your pelvis, and even stretching your other leg out to help ease the tension.
Nothing worked and you couldn’t escape the mounting pressure.
“It’s not going to work…Tommy, you have to stop. It hurts,” you pleaded, beginning to push on his thick chest while wiggling your hips away from him, and your vision blurred with unshed tears. Tommy didn’t like you pushing him away.
With a growl he pulled back, but your relief was short lived as he easily grabbed your hips and flipped you over and resumed his position. One broad palm was flat on your back between your shoulder blades, pinning you in place even as you squirmed and kicked, and you felt him trying to push in again with renewed vigor.
“Tommy, stop! I changed my mind! Get off of me!” you shrieked with growing panic only to have your shouts silenced by the feel of that fat head popping inside you.
Your eyes widened, body freezing and clenching down on reflex, and you barely had time to draw in a breath before Tommy drew back and slammed himself halfway inside you. The scream you let out was ear-piercing and your throat immediately felt shredded from the sound, but was cut off by him rearing back and slamming his hip back into you until he was eventually buried to the hilt.
His croaky moan of pleasure was covered by another scream from you.
Tears were now flowing freely down your face as you howled in pain, feeling as if you were being ripped in half, and you barely noticed Tommy’s other hand reaching down to paw at your wet cheeks as if to soothe you.
He only stayed still for a few seconds before leaning back and beginning a downright brutal pace. His hips were slamming into you with enough force to have the bench beneath you creaking ominously, your pelvis felt like it was going to shatter, and you had the stray thought that no amount of preparation would have ever prepared for you for him. Your gasping cries were short and choppy, from both his frantic pace and the hand pushing you down effectively squishing your lungs, but you still shrieked and yelped for him to stop or at least slow down to let your body adjust.
He didn’t listen.
He seemed possessed, grunting and snarling as he pounded into you mercilessly, and eventually your body went limp. You clawed helplessly against the wood beneath your cheek, blubbering incoherently, and prayed that Tommy would finish quickly. As if punishment for accepting this deal, you were granted no such reprieve.
He continued to rut into you like a mindless beast for what felt like hours, your insides swollen and throbbing as they were pummeled by his thick cock, and sweat was dripping off of him and mingling with your tears as he leaned over you to reach impossibly deeper. It wasn’t until his hips started stuttering and his thrusts turned deep and hard instead of fast and frantic that had you crying in relief at the telltale signs that he was nearing his finish. Then a horrifying realization dawned on you. Tommy wasn’t stopping. Instead it seemed he was spending longer and longer buried completely to the hilt, pressed flush against you as close as he could, and a new wave of terror-induced adrenaline washed over you.
“Not inside…Tommy don’t you fucking dare finish inside me,” you shrieked, renewing your struggles to escape him, and you grew increasingly wild as he only grunted at you.
You began writhing and attempting to twist away from him, kicking your legs and reaching back behind you to claw at his face, anything to get him away from you.
It only resulted in the hand on your back to slide up and fist painfully in your hair, nearly slamming you back onto the table hard enough for you to see black spots swimming in your vision, and his other hand grabbed your hip to further hold you in place. You continued to beg and plead for him to not come inside you, literally anywhere else but inside, but you were steadfastly ignored. His pace suddenly quickened, a low rattling whine escaping his broad chest, and you wailed as he stilled completely buried inside you. You felt his cock jerk and throb followed by a wave of scorching heat soothing your ravaged channel and you screamed in outrage and in despair. Tommy continued to grind into you, riding out his orgasm with small hurt noises escaping his throat, and by the time he was finished you were limp and shivering with shock. Realization of what all just happened rolling through your mind as fast as nausea rolled in your stomach at the feeling of wetness slipping down your thighs. Bile threatened to rise in your throat, silent tears spilling anew down your damp face, and your entire body felt both boiling hot and icy cold.
You wept quietly as he stayed buried inside you. He petted through your hair as if you were a frightened animal, his ragged breathing filling the stuffy air of the shed, and you swore you heard him cooing at you. You felt him lean down and nuzzle the back of your head as his hand moved from your hip to shyly pet over the back of your hand in some twisted form of affection after what just happened. The door suddenly swung open and you didn’t even have the energy to even twitch.
“Atta boy, Tommy! Heard that bitch caterwauling clear down the road!” Charlie shouted with clear glee and humiliation burned in your veins.
You heard the man move closer, no doubt wanting to leer at your crumpled body, but Tommy growled and moved his body more firmly on top of you. As if shielding you from view.
“Aw, what’s this, boy? You finally get your dick wet and now feel like you’re somebody special?” Charlie sneered and you felt the large body on top of you press even tighter to you.
You heard movement around you before a large item wrapped in brown paper tied with twine plopped on the table by your head.
“A deal’s a deal. Don’t be shy now. I’m sure Tommy would love to see you again,” he continued with a wheezing laugh, clearly finding the whole ordeal hilarious, and he walked back out of the shed laughing to himself.
Regret and disgust swirled in your gut at the sight of the paper bag, knowledge of what all transpired making you want to cry all over again, and you let out a small hiccupping sob. Tommy nuzzled into your hair once more, his body relaxing now that Charlie had left, and he resumed his petting. He was letting out a happy garbled sound, clearly not realizing how he had just brutalized you, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
You felt Tommy begin to harden inside you once more.
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parkvcrs · 6 months
Dating Thomas Hewitt Would Include…
WARNING(S): brief mentions of cannibalism, violence, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, restraints, etc.
NOTES: i recently watched ‘the texas chainsaw massacre: the beginning’ for the first time and while i didn’t like the main cast, thomas made it worthwhile. loved every second he was on screen. :))
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• You don’t know how exactly, but out of all your friends (Chrissie, Bailey, Dean, and Eric), you were the only one that Thomas showed mercy to and when it came to hurting your well-being— whenever it was brought up, it was always instigated by his Uncle Charlie or “Hoyt”— he seemed always hesitant to do so.
- And if Thomas had to relocate you for some odd reason, he’d be gentle with you. Additionally, he’d go out of his way to bring you food, water, fix your hair to make you look all pretty, and even get a wet rag to wash the dried blood (not yours, thankfully) from your skin. It confuses you how a man coming from a disgusting and cannibalistic family was touching you as if you’d break. He’s strange, but endearingly because if he wasn’t, you’d be a goner.
• In your time in the hands of the Hewitt family, you made friendly conversation with Thomas the most. It took a while to get used to him and while he prefers not to talk, you don’t mind one bit. Since he’s practically out of touch with the rest of the world, you take it as your responsibility to catch him up on music, specifically the songs and bands you like the most, and promise him that you’ll show him every song you’ve mentioned when you get out of your restraints.
- It took some time before you were able to get out of your restraints. After all, you are the family’s captor, they can’t just have you running out of the house now.
- It took an ungodly amount of time before the family put their trust in you and removed your restraints. And to their surprise, you didn’t even try to run away.
- In fact, you could always be found following Thomas around like a lost puppy. It was truly a sight to behold. Luda Mae and a few of her friends that she’d invite over for tea would always make jokes about you falling head over heels for the boy whilst his uncle was less than impressed and would always proceed to make fun of Thomas and his condition.
• Thomas isn’t stupid. He knows how much of a scumbag Charlie is, but it’s mainly because of how much you voice on how you don’t feel safe around him, so Thomas protective over you and whenever you feel uncomfortable, you know to come running to him where you can be safe.
• Also… Thomas doesn’t know how to slow dance and while you’re not the best teacher because of your lack of experience, it didn’t make things any less special when you tried to show him the basics.
- It was a very special moment in Thomas’ book, one that he’ll cherish forever, especially when you decided to rest your head on his chest where you could his heart race.
• It shouldn’t go without saying that Thomas is incredibly touch-starved. After a childhood and young-adulthood of being completely touch-starved, he’s had turned into an adult who was both desperate for and terrified of touch.
- You had to ease him into it since he was initially afraid that you’d be rough with him but after reassuring him that there is no reason to be afraid, it’s easy sailing for Thomas. He’s handsy, to say the least. He likes to press his leg against yours when you sit next to each other at dinner, pressing a kiss to your shoulder while he holds you at night, hugging you from behind while you’re working on something, or fixing your hair — even though he knows you don’t need help with something like that…
author’s note: MY BABY MYYYYYY BABY
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lightofthemoonglow · 9 months
kinktober day seven and eight
Virginity | Waxplay | Stuck in Wall
Breeding | Gore | Master & Slave
third person reader because that is how it turned out oops
Sequel here
Thomas Hewitt
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The day had finally come.
The wedding dress is older than the bride. The bride is considered an adult in every part of the world, in basically every sense. And yet she still wears a dress that Luda Mae had brought for herself a long time ago, back when she had hopes for a whole other life that had never come to pass. It’s obvious why she’s doing this, but it’s harmless in comparison to everything else about the situation.
One interaction had been all it had taken for this deal to be worked out. The bride had come from a family of carnival workers that had passed through Travis County that had decided to stick around, her mother becoming friendly with Luda Mae despite the two of them living seemingly very different lives. All the girl had done was shyly ask Tommy about his job at the slaughterhouse as she offered him a bowl of the chili she had brought over. This was some good meat. I bet you had something to do with it. And Luda Mae had noticed the shift in her son’s body language, how he wasn’t as on guard as he normally was for a moment.
It had started as joke between the two mothers. And then they had started seriously discussing it. It made sense. The pool of candidates was already small and neither of their children were exactly…popular. The bride had struggled to finish school after fighting tooth and nail to get in. Thomas had dropped out. Their families were already close. And then, the tornado happened, killing the bride’s father. It was as good a time as any, they had figured. The town was dying slowly, the writing was on the wall. They needed to make it happen before the bride left town for good.
And so, they had wound up in the backyard of the house, the town preacher pronouncing the young couple man and wife, on edge due to the gun that Charlie had aimed at him, ready to pull the trigger if this marriage wound up not being true in the eyes of the lord. While he didn’t believe in that shit, Luda Mae did and his sister’s word was law in their home. The bride was a vision in antique white, her voice trembling as she said ‘I do’. Thomas only grunted in response, Charlie snapping ‘the boy damn well does!’ when the preacher tried to get the larger man to speak.
“I’m glad it’s you,” Luda Mae says to the bride after the cake has been cut and everyone is milling about the yard, the preacher nowhere to be seen. He would never be seen again, but no one would notice or care. “You always had a kind word for my boy.”
And for the first time since her hesitantly uttered vows, the bride speaks. “Of course. He’s a good boy. This was all just a little fast, Mrs. Luda Mae.” But that was intentional, something she would realize later. The mother of the bride had all but dragged her down the aisle. The woman had cried, wailed as she told her daughter that she need to do this, so she could be taken care of, implying that it wouldn’t be long until the bride’s parents were reunited.
After the party, the happy couple was led upstairs, where they were to stay all night. “I want a grandbaby by next spring,” Luda Mae instructed. It wasn’t the wistful dreaming of a woman who yearned to more little ones to spoil. Well, it was, but her tone was that of an order. They were going to grow the family, one way or another.
The room was dim, the sun peeking through the curtains. Thomas makes no move to take off his mask, choosing to just stare at his new wife as she walked towards the bed. The dress is pulled off, revealing a white slip covering her everyday undergarments. She folds it up, so it can be put away in the morning. Maybe it will even be used again one day. The sun shines down on her as she lays on the bed, waiting for him to join her.
“It’s alright. If you…want to.” She speaks softly, not approach him too closely. “I know your mama said that we have to, but I can wait.” Thomas is staring at her, watching her legs twitch slightly, fascinated by the dark peaks on her chest. Her breathing is steady, she’s not looking for an escape. Her eyes are meeting his whenever he allows it. Thomas knows what to do. He’s seen farm animals do it and Charlie had shown him a movie once, short and filthy. Luda Mae had found out about it and been cross for weeks.
The real thing is different. Thomas feels almost cornered as he tentatively touches the hem of the slip. His fingers graze her bare skin and he flinches, which makes her sit up and grab his hand.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” she coos, stroking his hand with her thumb. “Tommy…I know neither of us exactly wanted this to happen. But if it had to be anyone, I’m glad it was you. I’ve always liked you.” His face didn’t matter to her, she didn’t care that he had to hide what had been eaten away by the sickness inside of him. He wasn’t going to kiss her, he couldn’t get to that point. Not yet.
They needed to do what was expected of them first.
It takes a while, the sun is almost gone when Thomas is finally ready to get on top of her, still mostly dress, only his nice trousers unzipped. She’s naked, comfortable with allowing him to see, to explore. Her body is warm, soft, and he’s so hard it hurts until he pulls it out of his trousers. But he doesn’t put it in, not yet. He can’t quite manage that last little bit of movement, not yet.
“It could happen, Tommy. Us havin’ a baby because of tonight.” She strokes his arm, not touching his face, not until he’s ready. And maybe that won’t be tonight. “I like the idea. Go on and feel how much, darlin’.” She spreads her legs slightly to let him know he could touch her. His prodding fingers found something warm and wet, and when he pushes, a finger slips inside. “It’s good when it’s wet like that. Means I’m excited. Like you are now.”
Another fingers joins the first and she gasps, but she doesn’t stop him. “We could make a baby tonight. You and me…” The images start coming to Thomas as he fingers explore her. His wife’s belly swollen with their child, her tits full of milk, everyone knowing that she belonged to him and only him-
He’s inside of her before he can stop himself. She gasps, grabbing onto his shoulders as his cock fills her up. Her breasts bounce as he thrusts, slow and experimental at first. “Good boy, good boy,” she whispers, her body suddenly filles with sensations she’s never felt before. Thomas is equally overwhelmed, she’s so warm and wet and good and hot and everything he’s ever wanted. She’s gripping onto him tightly, he’s in awe of the sight of himself inside of her.
Thick fingers stuff his seed back inside of her after he’s done, and he prays for the first time in years that it worked.
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zegrasdrysdale · 2 months
jamie and reader looking through baby names :((
[ what’s in a name ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie and his girlfriend try to find the perfect baby name
warning(s) : none really
author’s note : this is very dialogue heavy btw. it’s very conversation based. also kinda short oops
Baby Drysdale is due in a month and they still don’t have a name. The nursery in their new house is Voorhees got done before they found a baby name.
There was a time where she knew what she wanted her baby's name to be. She was also ten. Now she’s an adult and is in charge of naming an actual human being.
Today is the day though. She and Jamie are going to sit down and pick out their baby’s name. Baby Drysdale will have a name before coming into the world if it’s the last thing they do.
Jamie sits at the kitchen island with a notebook while she runs around the kitchen to cook dinner. She’s been craving a baked dish so she’s making lasagna for them.
“Do we want a neutral gender name?” Jamie questions. “Since we don’t know if the baby’s a boy or a girl. We can come up with names for both a boy and a girl if you want too.”
She gently stirs the large pasta noodles as she thinks. “I think gender neutral is good,” she replies. “I do have one request though.”
“If we have a girl, her middle name is Marie for my mom.”
She looks up to look at her boyfriend and Jamie smiles at her. “Absolutely,” he says. “I won’t say no to that.”
Her mom died about three months before they found out they were expecting Baby Drysdale. It’s like she sent them the little angel growing in her daughter’s belly. That is why Baby Drysdale’s middle name will be Marie if they are a girl.
Jamie scribbles down the idea. “Okay, we have a middle name,” he comments. “If we have a girl. What about if we have a boy?”
She wracks her brain as she tries to think about a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy. “What about your brother or dad?” she asks. “Maybe a grandfather that meant a lot to you? Any of their names?”
Her boyfriend sighs behind her. “I mean, my dad’s name is Gary and my brother’s name is Charlie,” he replies. “I wasn’t super close to my grandfathers so I wouldn’t want to name our baby after one of them.”
“I like Charlie as a middle name,” she comments. “Would he mind if we stole his name?”
Jamie laughs. “I don’t think he’ll mind,” he tells her. “He would probably love it.”
“Then Charlie as a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy,” she says.
She pours the cooked pasta into a strainer in the sink so she can start layering the dish. “Now we need a first name,” Jamie says. “Especially a name that goes with both middle names we picked out.”
There’s movement behind her and she glances back. He is grabbing is laptop and bringing it back to the island. “What are you doing?” she questions.
“I am going to find a list of names and we are going to go through it until we find one we both like,” he says as he types something. “And the baby’s name isn’t going to be something basic and common either. We’re going all in.”
She laughs and layers the dish. “Alright,” she sighs. “Hit me with some names.”
“We got Avery first on the list,” Jamie tells her.
Avery Marie or Avery Charlie. “I’d like it better as a girl’s name,” she admits. “Avery Marie sounds very pretty.”
Jamie scribbles that done. “I agree,” he replies. “Next we have Taylor.”
She thinks about it as she licks some sauce off her finger. “I like it,” she says. “For both.”
More scribbling as she throws a layer of foil on top of the dish. “Next we have Wyatt,” Jamie says. “I will say that I am not a fan of this name. It doesn’t go well with either middle name.”
“Agreed. Next.”
There’s a moment of silence between them as she puts the dish in the oven and timer. She walks over to Jamie and wraps her arms around him from behind so she can see over his shoulder. “How about Silas if Baby D is a boy?” he asks. “It just popped up at a separate list at the end.”
Silas Charlie. “I love it,” she replies. She watches Jamie write it down.
“So I think we have our names,” Jamie comments. “Avery if Baby D is a girl and Silas if Baby D is a boy.” He looks up at her.
Without realizing it, tears well in her eyes. “We have our names,” she echoes. The tears spill onto her cheeks.
Jamie turns in the high stool and faces her. “Baby, you don’t have to cry,” he coos as he uses his thumbs to dry her tears. “This is supposed to be a happy moment.”
“I know,” she laughs. “I can’t help it. I’m a very emotional person right now.”
He pulls her into a hug and rests a hand on her belly to give the baby a hug. “I love you both,” Jamie says. “Emotions and all.”
She laughs and rests her cheek on her boyfriend’s head as he gently rubs her belly.
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Harry Potter being smaller than all first years (which we all knew anyway) but twice as feral.
Prefect Percy immediately noticing his small stature and being worried, Boy-Who-Lived or not. So he always offers him more help or just lends an ear. At first Harry is wary of him, no one is nice to him for no reason. Either it's a trick or with his new fame in the picture, because they want something but slowly he begins to trust Percy. Percy feels like a big brother for the first time in a long time. Ron and Ginn rarely went to him with their problems, they preferred Charlie or Bill (he couldn't blame them as he too preferred them but it still hurt), or worse the twins (that hurt worse). They didn't care for his advice. For his knowledge.
Harry was a breath of fresh air....well somewhat. Things he said were concerning and when Percy tried to get an adult to help (*coughMcGonagallcoughDumbledorecoughHisMomcoughHisDadcoughMADAMEPOMPFREYcough*) they brushed off his concerns which was more than a little concerning. So he just vowed to help Harry whenever and however he could. Then Harry somehow made the Quidditch team. At eleven. AT ELEVEN.
Oliver Wood loved his new seeker! He was timid at first but quickly found his confidence! Sure it was on the feral side but that's how Oliver liked his players! I mean, look at the twins! Plus Harry had the perfect seeker build! Though...he was on the small side. But Oliver chalked that up to the lid being literally eleven but when he looked closer he realized that no...Harry was really small. Too small. And Oliver would know, his mum was a healer and she taught him some stuff considering his love (obsession) with Quidditch.
So he pays more attention. And what he witnesses and notices is not...good. it's very telling. He tries to go to some adults about what he's noticed but nothing came of it and that really got him mad. Then out of no where Percy Weasley came up to him and started lecturing him on Potter's health and all Oliver could think was, oh thank Merlin I'm not the only one who's noticed!
He and Percy stayed up well past curfew talking about their smallest cub and somehow it ended up with them coparenting the Boy-Who-Lived. Oliver would be completely honest and admit he didn't think it would be so difficult until the troll incident....then the dragon incident.....then the CERBERUS incident!
Oliver became something of another big brother to Harry and another confidant. So when Harry told him more about what happened at the Dursley's (because Harry never called it home. Never) Oliver was already plotting to kidnap the boy from the house or the station whether Percy thought it was a good idea or not.
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step bro jschlatt?
YES OMG my first request! Thank you so much, anon!18+ (Or what ever your legal adult age is below the cut!)Disclaimer: I am a pathetic virgin so this probs won't be good. (I'm figuring you'd wanted smut...) so sorry if i mistook that.
When your mom first introduced you to Jeremy and his son, you were polite, of course. This guy made your mom happy, and you weren't going to do anything to ruin that, God knows your dad made her upset enough before he did you all a favor and left. That's not to say that it was easy, considering how obnoxious Schlatt was.
Schlatt made it painfully obvious he wanted to be anywhere but at that dinner. The entire time, he was fixated on his phone, not paying attention to anything being said, or the glares his dad kept shooting him, and undressing every waitress that passed by with his eyes. What a dick. He was even so full of himself to not go by his first name.
A few months down the road after Jeremy proposed, you and Schlatt were forced to spend more time with each other, being the maid of honor and best man. Venue tours, tastings, wedding details to be discussed in your new family chat, Schlatt of course only chiming in when he was forced.
Walking down the aisle next to Schlatt was the closest you two had ever been, stiffly linking your arm with his, cheesy picture day smiles stapled to your lips, pretending like you didn't hate each other.
As the years went on, you relationship with Schlatt changed. You still didn't like each other, but he talked more at family dinners and didn't seem like he wanted to off himself anytime you had to go somewhere together.
The downside of Schlatt getting more comfortable in the new family dynamic was now you argued like brother and sister.
You were watching a movie by yourself one day, lounging on the couch in the living room when Schlatt walked in, stood in your way for a minute, and then when you asked him to move, proceeded to halfway sit on you.
"Schlatt get off of me!"
"I'm not on you."
"Yes you are asshole, now get off." You told him, shoving and kicking him off you.
"Kids, please you're 16 and 17 years old. You don't need to argue like this all the time anymore." Jeremy shouted from the kitchen.
"But Dad he started it!" you cried. Schlatt just scoffed.
"I did not, the little princess is taking up the entire couch."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Y/N, Jonathan, so help me I hear one more word from either of you you're both grounded." your mom cut in.
Glaring at Schlatt you sat up so your feet weren't taking up so much space as Schlatt moved to the other end of the couch.
"You guys will have the house to yourselves tomorrow, your mom and I are going out of town to visit a friend, and we won't be back until Saturday night." Jeremy informed.
Answering disinterestedly, you and Schlatt kept watching the movie.
After school the next day, you waited for Schlatt at his truck. It'd been a long day, and you were getting a headache; you just wanted to go home and sleep.
"Alright Ted, I'll see you later. Yeah, 7:00 sounds great, see you then." You heard Schlatt speak into his phone, finally walking up.
"You going out tonight?" You asked, hopeful that you'd have the house to yourself for a nice, quiet night.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? No, Ted and Charlie are coming over." Schlatt answered, dropping into the drivers seat next to you and starting the car.
"Do they have to come over tonight? I was kind of just wanting a quiet night, go to bed early." You knew how loud and annoying Schlatt could get with his friends.
"It's not my fault you're fucking lame, princess. The world doesn't revolve around you." He answers, looking over his shoulder to back out, hand on the back of your head rest.
"Fine, Schlatt." You rested your head on the window, not in any mood to argue.
After getting home you dumped your bag on the kitchen table before heading to the medicine cabinet searching for ibuprofen.
Popping a few you headed upstairs to your room.
"I'm heading to bed early. Please try to be quiet with the guys tonight." you practically begged.
"You feeling okay?" Schlatt asked, seeing you take the medicine.
"I'm fine, just a headache. Goodnight."
You passed out pretty quickly, waking up a few hours later, your stomach growling.
Hearing the strangely quiet house you walked downstairs to find something to eat, seeing Schlatt sitting on the couch by himself, scrolling through his phone with some show playing in the background.
Noticing the time, you figured that his friends would be here by now.
"Where are Ted and Charlie?" you asked, voice rough from sleep, startling Schlatt.
"I told them I changed my mind." Schlatt said plainly. You wondered if it had anything to do with your headache.
"Too bad." you said, rubbing your eyes.
"I ordered a pizza, there's some left if you're hungry." Schlatt called, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Oh. Thank you." you whispered, seeing the pizza box sitting on the counter.
Walking over and opening the cardboard lid you saw your favorite toppings. Schlatt was always sure to make fun of your tastes in pizza whenever you had it as a family, so you were surprised. Nevertheless, you took a slice, quickly eating it before you took another piece and walked into the family room, sitting by Schlatt on the couch.
"What are you watching?"
"Hm? Oh. I'm not sure, haven't really been paying attention.
You sat in a strange silence. Not the usual comfortable 'We're-not-firends-but-we're-forced-to-be-around-each-other-so-we'll-deal-with-it' kind. This was...awkward.
"So-- how are you feeling, princess?"
Schlatt must have noticed it too.
"Oh, um. Better. Thanks."
Back to silence.
"What made you change your mind about tonight?"
Your step-brother was quiet for a moment.
"I figured you'd wanted you sleep. You seemed quiet on the ride home and then you took the medicine-- I just thought it'd be best if it was just us tonight."
"Thank you, Schlatt. That was --sweet --of you."
This was different. This was the nicest you had ever been to each other.
"You're welcome, (y/n)."
Another heavy silence.
"This is weird right?" You asked.
"Oh, so fucking. I'm glad you caught that too."
Smiling you reach over and steal the remote off the couch arm next to him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with that?" Schlatt moved to take it back.
"I wanna watch a movie and you're not even paying attention to the TV right now."
"Was too."
"Was not."
Schlatt smiled towards to you. This was normal. This was how it was supposed to be.
"Fine, just don't put anything stupid on."
"I would never do such a thing. Alexa play Twilight Breaking Dawn." you say, looking straight into his eyes and trying not to laugh.
"Shut the fuck up it was all fake?"
"A vision of the future, yes."
"Unbelievable. This series actually puts in a good scene and that's what they do with it? Take it all back?"
You and Schlatt had been making fun of the movie the entire time, it was the most fun you'd ever had with him. You actually had close to the same humor and were getting along pretty well.
Calming down from you laughing fit you let out a big sigh as you lean your head back.
"Why don't you think we've ever gotten along?" You ask, turning to face him.
"What do you mean?" He asks, leaning back into the couch.
"You've always seemed like you hated me or something. Like I was this big inconvenience that came into your life."
"I never hated you, princess. I don't know, I think it might have just been hard, you know? Mom had been gone for what seemed like 10 minutes and all of a sudden Dad is dating this woman and I have a new step-sister. It kinda seemed like he'd forgotten her and our family."
"I've never thought about that."
You knew that Schlatt's mom hadn't been gone long before Jeremy was out on the dating scene again, only a few months really, but you didn't think about the fact that Schlatt actually loved his mom, had a good relationship with her. It wasn't like you, who hadn't cared about your other biological parent.
"I'm sorry, Schlatt." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder and squeezing.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way all this time, Princess."
Schlatt looks over at you, and you can tell he's the most sincere you've ever heard him speak. And in that moment, you realized how bright his eyes were when he was happy, more of an amber instead of the chocolate brown you'd originally thought. His slight smile, the scar on his strong chin you'd learned he'd gotten from playing baseball when he was little. So many little things you were too busy hating him to notice before. And then, you noticed how close you were sitting, bodies turned towards each other, his arm across the back of the couch behind you. You didn't have time to register any of it before you noticed his lips on yours.
The kiss was warm, gave you chills, firm, soft, hungry, caring, everything it could be all at once. And wrong. But god, it felt so right. Your eyes fluttered shut --
And then it ended. Schlatt pulled away, and scooted as far back from you as he possibly could.
"(y/n) I am so sorry. I kind of just got caught up in the moment, and you were sitting there and you had that sweet look on your face that you always have, and your hair looked so good, and your lips looked so soft and -- God i'm so stupid. I'm so so sorry--"
"I know, it shouldn't have happened. It just felt right in the moment and I--"
"Would you shut the hell up? I'm not mad."
"You're not?"
"Listen, yeah the situation isn't exactly ideal. But it's not like you're actually my brother."
Schlatt scooted the tiniest bit closer to you. You could see the little hamster wheel in his head spinning, calculating every little move he did.
You decided to test the waters and scooted closer to him.
His hand inches closer until it's resting on your thigh, but once it is he can't keep them off you. You're pulled into him, one hand in your hair, the other pulling your leg over his before sliding it up your back. His lips are fighting hard for dominance over yours, and just for good measure his tongue decided to come out to play too.
"Schlatt-" you whisper a moan. Pulling away to catch your breath, your head leans back and Schlatt moved to suck on your neck. Catching his lips in a kiss you mumble out a soft admonition.
"No hickeys."
"Wanna mark you up baby." Schlatt growls out.
"But what would mom and dad say?" You weren't necessarily the most popular with guys at school and you'd never brought a guy over.
Groaning Schlatt moves away from your neck.
"I know you're right, but, fuck Princess." He looks all over your flushed face, before racing his eyes over the rest of your body, his once shining amber eyes dark, pupils blown wide with lust.
Smiling you press your lips against his again, craving something you'd gone so long without.
You can feel Schlatt smile as his hands trail down your back before sneaking past your shirt, tickling the small of your back.
It wasn't enough for you. Reaching down you pull your shirt over your head and hear a repressed moan from the man sitting beneath you.
"You're perfect." Schlatt breathes before leaning in and kissing your bare chest, thanks to your decision to forego a bra during your nap.
Tangling your fingers in his thick chocolate curls you tug, trying to assert the slightest bit of dominance.
Schlatts fingers dug hard into your hips, holding you tight to his lap, making sure you could feel what you were doing to him between your thighs.
Rocking slightly seeking for any kind of friction, you're almost immediately pushed on your back, lying with Schlatt hovering over you. His body was so warm...so hard against yours....
"Gotta be careful, Princess," Schlatt pulled you from your thoughts. Leaning down to brush his lips against yours, he mumbles a quiet "or I won't be able to stop myself from fucking you right here."
This was it, there was no coming back from what had been said. Both of you knew that, and something told you neither of you cared in the slightest.
"Then don't." You leaned up, pressing your lips fully against his, trying to show him how much you needed him.
Schlatt returned the kiss with the same if not more enthusiasm, before lifting himself slightly to take his shirt off. He didn't outwardly show it, but Schlatt was built like a mountain, strong and broad, and no one had ever looked so good to you.
Leaning back down to kiss you, you place your hands on his mutton chops, slightly scratching his cheeks with your nails as his hands travel from your neck down your chest, stopping to slightly tease your hardening nipples, drawing a whine from you.
"Aww, does my baby like that?" Schlatt moves to your neck again leaving hot open mouthed kisses.
"Mmhmm," you babble, your pleasure making your brain foggy. You can feel Schlatt chuckle against your throat.
Giving one of your nipples another quick flick, Schlatts longer fingers tickle down your stomach, stopping to run along the waist band of your leggings, which you'd decided were too hot to wear any longer
"Please take them off, Schlatt."
"Please what, Princess?"
"P-Please, Daddy."
"Good Girl" Schlatt purred into your ear before sitting up to slide your leggings down your legs.
Schlatt watched with wide eyes, taking in every inch of revealed skin.
"God, baby. These legs are going to be the death of me."
"Oh. Shame, I thought maybe it'd be drowning between them." You whispered.
And then immediately cringed.
Schlatt barked out a laugh. "That was the lamest thing you've ever said, and you've said a lot."
"Fuck you."
"Oh, no, Princess. I think you've got that confused." Schlatt leaned back in once your leggings were off and captured you lips with his, letting his tongue explore every inch of your mouth.
God was he a good kisser. You were already nearly out of breath and moaning into his mouth. Your fingernails were digging into his back, holding on for dear life, too out of it to even think that you might be hurting him.
But as good as this was, you knew you needed more. Needed him, all of him on top of you, inside you, under you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you tried your best to push his sweatpants down.
Schlatt took your hint and pushed his sweats and boxers down, letting his dick spring out, harder than anything you'd ever seen and perfectly curved.
His kisses became desparate before moving to your neck, sucking hickeys before you could stop him as he ripped your damp thong off.
Breaking the kiss you look down in surprise. "Schlatt!"
"Shut up i'll buy you a new one I promise." He barely spit out before kissing you again.
Letting his tip kiss against you your back arched from the stimulation you'd been craving.
"Good baby girl. You like that, huh? Like feeling Daddy's cock? God it's barely touching you, you little slut."
All you could do was nod, who the fuck knows what he was saying to you.
Kneeling, Schlatt looked down, watching him push further into you.
"Shh. It's okay honey. I know, I know it feels so good, doesn't it? Now open that gorgeous little mouth for me."
Letting you mouth fall open Schlatt pushed in two of his fingers, making you gag.
"Oh, are they too much for you, sweetie? Are my fingers too thick for you? Jesus Christ how are you ever going to take my cock? Come on, baby, you need your practice. Suck on your Daddy's fingers."
Taking a deep breath you shut your eyes, doing your best to focus on sucking on his fingers, pressing your tongue against them.
"That's it, angel."
Once he had you preoccupied he trailed his other hand across your thigh. "I'm going to push all the way in now, Angeltits. It's going to hurt, but I'll go fast I promise."
Nodding against his fingers, Schlatt pulls them from your mouth, now covered in your saliva and placing both of his hands against your hips before pushing the rest of his length in.
Throwing your head back you gasped, hot tears falling from your eyes and a sharp stinging taking over.
Schlatt immediately leaned down, hands coming up to hold yours against the bed on either side of your head, kissing your tear streaked cheeks before whispering reassurances against your lips
"Shh. I know baby, I know. Just hold on, it's going to feel so much better, I promise. I'm gonna take care of you honey. That's my girl. So good for me, aren't you Princess? Just hold on to me baby."
"It's so much, Daddy."
"I know. Don't worry that's all you'll have to take until your ready, yeah? M'right here my love."
Hearing the sweet words fall from his lips another round of tears form in your eyes for an entirely different reason. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him close to you, chests pressed against chests, wanting him as close as possible to you.
After a while and the paid had faded you started to feel how full you were and how nice it felt. It was like a piece you never realized was missing was put back in place and you were whole.
Kissing Schlatt's cheek you nod, silently asking him to keep going.
"Mm. Slowly?"
"Of course, baby. Anything you want."
Schlatt slowly starts to move back and forth, inch by inch, letting you get used to the feeling. He knew this was your first time, and he was going to make sure that it was the greatest experience for you.
And what an experience you were having. You didn't even know something could make you feel as good as you felt right now. Even when you would try to take care of yourself, it was nothing compared to this. The feeling was making you arch your back, crane your neck, grip the cushion beneath you, doing anything you could to just--let out this feeling.
"Shit-" You let out.
"Feeling okay, sweet cheeks?" Schlatt smirked out.
A moan chased away whatever you were about to say as he hit a spot inside you. A spot that had your toes curling.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Once Schlatt reached a steady pace of moving in and out of you, his hand moved between your legs, gently brushing against you.
"So wet, baby."
He continued his ministrations and hip movements, going faster and faster and each thrust he seemed to press his hips harder against you, like he was trying to break through a brick wall that would let his dick claim more of you.
You had no clue how much time had passed, but it was enough that you were both covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and you could feel it running down your forehead and down your neck. Your hair was curling around the edges, and you felt sticky. Looking up at Schlatt took your breath away, no longer seeing your step brother but an Adonis above you, his thick hair damp and pressed against his forehead, his eyes closed in pleasure and mouth hung open as if in silent prayer.
You began to feel a burning between your legs, that delicious pressure building and buliding in your tummy.
Schlatt could only nod quickly, falling to stick his face in your neck, breathing in your scent and panting hard against you.
"Come on, baby. Let go. I"m right here, right there with you."
A few more thrusts had you seeing a bright lights and your ears ringing as you sank your teeth into Schlatt's shoulder. You could feel Schlatt groan and felt his warm cum spill inside of you in thick spurts.
Lounging in the afterglow, both of you panting, Schlatt leaned his neck up to place a long, slow kiss against your lips.
"You did so good for me, Princess. I'm so proud."
Giving Schlatt a sweet smile you kissed him again, your eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
Slowly sliding out of you to avoid any more stimulation, Schlatt leaned down to pull up his boxers, kicking off his sweats and heading to the guest bathroom and bringing back a warm damp washcloth.
"Here we go, baby. Come on, lets get you cleaned up."
Gently wiping your thighs clean, Schlatt took care of you, making as much of the sticky feeling as he could go away.
Putting the washcloth on the coffee table, he helped you pull on his sweats and letting his shirt fall over your head, picking you up and letting you wrap around him like a koala before heading to the stairs to his room.
Looking over his shoulder you see the mess the two of you had made, washcloth on the coffee table, your clothes strewn about, cushions all over the place and the large wet spot where you'd been laying.
"The couch-" you mumbled tiredly.
Schlatt turned to see what you were talking about before giving you a sweet smile and kissing your temple.
"It's okay sweetheart. We can clean up tomorrow before our parents get home. But right now we have to go to bed, okay?"
Nuzzling into his neck you place soft kisses in agreement and let your eyes fall shut.
You were already half asleep when Schlatt lied you down and pulled the blanket over both of you before pulling you in to his chest and letting you turn to rest your head on his chest, letting his quick heartbeat and fingers softly grazing down your arm lull you to sleep.
"Love you, Princess." You heard him whisper before you fell asleep, thinking about your step brother.
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Charlie Swan x reader- The step-mum
Warnings: verbal abuse/adult language, slight Bella bashing, slight age-gap, pregnancy
Description: Being a step-mother can be hard especially to a teenager and when a baby comes into play it can be so much harder
AN: Set in between new moon and eclipse
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You loved Charlie Swan. You had met him when you broke down by the side of the road when heading home from work. It was dark and you were slightly scared when you heard a car pull up behind you, Charlie had been your knight in blue armour riding a broken down police cruiser. You then dated and got married within two years and in that time you had only met his daughter, Isabella, twice, once a year into dating when she came to stay for a couple days and then on your wedding day.
Having only met the girl twice when she moved to forks it was very awkward. Isabella, who preferred to be called Bella, was quiet, shy and standoffish when she first moved in and Charlie wasn’t that much better so you felt like it was up to you to get the pair talking and relaxed. You tried your hardest to make Bella feel at home but everything you did never helped. Bella didn’t like you no matter how much you tried so you just gave up trying and left the girl to her own life and only really got involved when Charlie needed you too. But the biggest problem was that Bella blamed you for everything, if something went wrong with her car she blamed you, if something happened that she didn’t like she blamed you and worst of all when Charlie banned her from seeing Edward Cullen she blamed you.
After Bella had ran away to Italy Charlie had hit the roof, he had gone from panicking, to scared, to anger all within an hour and all you could do was stand there. So when Bella arrived back in forks with Edward Charlie had been angry and banned Bella from seeing the Cullen. There had been a massive argument between Charlie and Bella which you had tried to calm down but it ended with Bella calling you a bitch and running to her room.
It had all calmed down slightly since then and you had talked to Charlie about letting Bella see Edward somehow but he was not budging from his ban which was very understandable but it didn’t help your relationship with the girl. But you were trying to get Bella to at least be civil with you and that’s what led you to today.
Charlie was currently at work and it was just you and Bella in the house and you had planned to cook her tea and talk while you ate in hope that you could build some kind of relationship with her because you had some big news for the pair of Swans.
You had been feeling off so you had spoken to some friends who had suggested you take a pregnancy test which you did and it turned out to be positive. After going to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy you still hadn’t told Charlie as you wanted it to be special for him but you knew that it couldn’t be special while the house felt like a war zone.
You cooked Bella’s favourite meal and once it was ready you shouted up to her room and then started to plate up the food. You placed the food on the table and waiting for a couple of minutes before shouting up the stairs again but Bella never came down. You waited for about an hour, eating your own meal before it became cold with the full plate and empty chair in front of you. Once you had finished you put the left overs into tubs that then went into the fridge and then went to sit on the couch and watch some tv waiting for Charlie to come home. You didn’t have to wait long for Charlie and once he had walked through the door he ate and then you went to bed.
(The next morning)
The sun had just risen when you were awoken by your stomach turning, you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and you only just made it to the toilet in time. The fast movement must have woken Charlie up because he was fast to follow behind you to hold back your hair and softly rub your back. “Honey, you ok?” He asked gently when you had finely finished, he helped you sit up and grabbed a glass to fill with water. You nodded slowly, taking the water and drinking some before you answered, “yeah, I’m fine, it’s normal at this point of the pregnancy.” You didn’t even realise what you had said before you heard the clang of your toothbrush against the sink, Charlie had picked it up to give to you but dropped it in shock at what you had said.
“Pregnancy?” Charlie asked quietly staring wide eyed at you, you opened your mouth to say something when a screech caught you off guard, “what?” Bella must have heard the commotion and exited her room to hear the word Charlie had said, “your pregnant?” She asked screaming loud, her face turned red with the anger that ran through her veins. “You can’t be pregnant!” She shouted staring at you from the door of the bathroom. Charlie still hadn’t moved or spoke since Bella made an appearance so you stood up and smiled slightly at your step-daughter before speaking softly to the both of them, “I wasn’t really that sure how to tell you both but I found out I’m pregnant on Monday, I’m about eight weeks a long,” you smiled, stepping forward towards Charlie who’s eyes had began to well up with what you hoped was happy tears, “Charlie, are your alright with…” you were cut off by your husbands lips meeting yours.
Charlie pulled away holding your waist softly, he had a massive smile on his face and a couple of tears running down his cheeks, “this is amazing!” He said hugging you close before he turned towards his daughter who was stewing with anger in the doorway, “isn’t this great Bella? Your gonna be a big sister.” Bella’s jaw dropped, there was silence in the house before Bella began shouting at the top of her voice, “Great! Great! This is not great!” You sighed slightly leaning into Charlie’s side when he pulled you closer to him, “a baby will ruin everything, you shouldn’t even be married to the gold digger,” she pointed at the with a shaking finger, “and now your having a baby with her.”
You knew that she could go further but the Swan was cut off by her father who shouted loudly, “don’t speak to her like that, Bella!” Charlie kept you in his arms looking at his daughter who had become quiet, “this is an amazing thing to happen to us and you need to except that,” Charlie looked at you with loving eyes and then looked back at his daughter, “(y/n) is my wife and you need to speak to her with respect, you’re already on thin ice with the whole running to Italy thing. Do not make that ice thinner!”
Bella huffed at her fathers words and stormed to her room, you heard her door slam shut and it shook the house slightly. Charlie sighed and turned to you with his arms wrapped around you, he smiled and hugged you tighter. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby” he breathed placing a kiss on your head causing you to smile. You didn’t care if Bella didn’t like you because you had Charlie and now a baby and that’s everything you needed.
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sports-on-sundays · 3 months
our tree / CL16
Summary: Charles x childhood friend!reader - Another little idea.
Warnings: four time skips, little kiss scene, kind of melancholy at the end
Requested?: Take a wild guess.
Author's Note: I hope you read and enjoy, because I'm super proud of this one! 🥹🥹🥹. I actually think I was reading a fantasy book when this one came on me strangely enough.
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"Alright, well, make sure to stay together! And stay in the orchard!" your mother called as you and your friend rushed out the door, running to get out the moment your mother said it was okay.
"Okay, Mama!" you called back, slamming the screen door behind you. You and your friend, a light haired boy with bright eyes and the name of Charles, ran together, racing each other automatically, without even establishing it, both of you just being very competitive kids.
Yes, Charles was a competitive kid, alright. Everyone knew that much. Definitely probably more competitive than you, but that wasn't very hard. Charles was more competitive than most people.
The young boy was running so fast, trying to beat you, that he tripped, falling right on his little chubby face. "Charlie!" you gasped, bending down next to your friend. But then you scolded, "Charlie, you gotta be more careful. Remember what Mama told us?"
Charles looked up slowly. He had a little scratch on his cheek and a mark of dirt across his forehead. His bottom lip curved forward for a moment, before he sucked it back, sniffing, refusing to cry. "I'm okay," he assured, pushing himself back up to stand.
"Are you sure?" you asked nervously.
"Of course," the little boy said, brushing himself off, still pouting a little. But he raised his hand to wipe his eyes and continued on.
You frowned. "Your knees are all scraped up. Maybe we should go back to the house..."
"No!" Charles frowned right back. "Come on. I'm okay." He showed his little toothy grin, which wasn't full, as he had a few gaps in his mouth where adult teeth would soon grow in. He held his hand out to you.
You took his little hand in your little hand and said with a little pout, "As long as we just walk now."
"You sound like my mama now!" he groaned, but agreed to it.
The two little kids walked along, until they reached the bottom of the hill that your house stood on and got to the little dirt path that led through the apple trees.
"Can I show my favorite tree, Charlie?"
His tiny little cute nose crinkled up as he asked, "How could you have a- a fav- favorite tree?" At that point, you were much more fluent in your speech than Charles, so some of the bigger words you could say just fine, he struggled with.
You grinned. "Come with me, and I'll show you." You tugged him by his hand, leading him through the orchard, until finally, you reached your tree.
It was tall with spindly dark branches and the biggest, reddest, juiciest apples you'd ever seen. There was a little crevice under it where you fit perfectly, and it's old frame provided a large area of shade.
It felt like a magical tree, and as Charles's big hazel eyes looked up at it, you could tell he saw it, too.
"Can I have an apple off it?" the young boy asked boldly.
You nodded and went to the truck, being, at that time, the taller of the two of you. You slipped your foot in the perfect slot in the tree and hoisted yourself up. You climbed a bit as Charles watched you, picked a big, red, ripe apple out of the tree, and tossed it down to Charles. He caught it and was about to take a big bite out of it, before you said, "Wait a second, Charlie!"
He looked up. "Huh?"
You climbed back down and hopped on the ground, grinning. "Do you know how to clean an apple? Make it super shiny?"
Charles frowned, perplexed. "Without water? No."
You grinned proudly and rubbed your apple on your shirt all around, saying, "It works."
He stared a few seconds, before trying it. "I don't know..." he began, studying the apple.
"Either way, it makes it taste better. That's what my papa told me."
"Alright... can I eat it now?"
You giggled and nodded. "Yeah."
You watched as he took a bite out of it, and his eyes lit up. Apple juice ran down his chin as he exclaimed, "You're right! This is the best apple ever."
You grinned. "See? It's my favorite tree."
He beamed back. "It's mine, too," he responded, avoiding having to say 'favorite' again.
About ten years later
"Y/n!" your mother had called one day from the downstairs floor. "Charles is here!"
You hopped out of your bed as soon as you heard that, slipping on your vest, boots, and backwards cap, before heading down the stairs and went to the door.
There was Charles. You couldn't help but smile when you saw the handsome teenage boy, with his dimples and sparkling eyes. "Hey, Charles. It's been a while."
He shrugged a bit. "I've been really busy with racing and stuff..."
He awkwardly glanced away, so you asked, "Well, do you want to go for a walk in the orchard? I mean, if you have time, of course."
He smiled brightly at that. "Yeah. I'd like that."
You exited the house together, letting the screen door slam behind you. You walked down the hill in silence, but once your feet reached the dirt path through the apple trees, Charles muttered, "I've kind of missed you, a lot. And this orchard. I mean, I don't know. As kids, we used to always play in this orchard. We spent hours here. You know?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Totally... Sometimes, I'm sad I'm growing up. Like, I remember when we were little, and nothing was weird and it all felt normal. We were just happy to have fun."
Charles nodded, seeming slightly relieved that you seemed to think the same way as him. "Yeah. I feel the same way."
As you walked, suddenly your hands brushed each other, and both of you felt your faces heat up as you avoided each other's eyes and were more aware to keep your hands to yourselves.
"So... Is your favorite tree still standing?" Charles asked softly.
You grinned. "Of course it is. Charles, that tree will never fall."
He grinned back at this response and said, "So I'm assuming the apples are still good as ever?"
"For sure. Want one? We can go down to it."
Charles grinned even wider at this and said, "Yeah, let's go."
When you reached the tree, you stood on your tip toes, trying to reach an apple to pick for Charles, but suddenly he laughed, saying teasingly, "Here, I'll get it." He grinned and reached up, easily picking the apple. He looked down at you with a smirk. "Now I'm taller than you, huh? You used to be the taller one."
You rolled your eyes. "Charles, boys always get taller than girls in the end."
He shrugged and commented teasingly, "Should I rub it on my shirt? Does that clean it off?"
You blushed, glancing away, feeling embarrassed butterflies in your stomach at his little teasing. "No, no. That's just a stupid little thing."
He chuckled more and took a bite, shutting his eyes, savoring the sweet taste. "Just as good as I remember it," he commented with a grin.
You smiled, kind of nervous to ask this, but said softly, "Uh... Can you pick one for me?"
He grinned. He loved to be able to help you, and immediately picked one for you. You stood by the big tree, eating your apples, before Charles finally said, sounding more tense than before, "Hey, uh... Y/n? Can I say something kind of weird to you? Like, I mean, serious stuff, now..."
You blinked, looking up at him with a concerned look in your eyes. "What is it?"
He sighed and gestured for you to sit down under the tree together. So you sat side by side in the shade, and he murmured, "So... I just wanted to say sorry."
"For what?" you asked in surprise.
"I don't know. With all my racing, we never get to see each other anymore. But I think about you a lot..." He trailed off, avoiding your eyes as his cheeks flushed. "Like, you're on my mind a lot, I mean."
You nod slowly. "I think about you a lot, too..."
He swallowed and muttered, "I know this probably won't mean much in the end, but... I think I kind of like you."
Your head shot up, your eyes wide. "You... Like, like like?"
"Yeah. Like, really like. A lot. More than..."
"More than friends?"
"More than friends," he confirmed, nervously fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
You glanced up at each other at the same time. And Charles, without another thought, leaned in and gave you an awkward kiss on your cheek.
Your whole faces flushed as Charles blurted, "Sor- Sorry."
"It's... It's okay," you murmured in embarrassment. "I feel the same way, too, I think..."
About ten years later; current time
Your mother slams open the screen door with a big smile on her face, saying, "What a surprise this is! Look at this- my daughter and son-in-law!"
Charles chuckles a bit, letting go of your hand as you go to hug your mother as he says, "Not son-in-law yet."
"Yes, yes, Charles," your mother says quickly, as if it's clearly obvious the two of you are going to marry each other anyway, so he's basically already her son-in-law. "So," she turns to you with a big smile. "What made you decide to just show up all of the sudden?"
You shrug with a smile, looking back to Charles. After hugging your mother, you connect your hand right away back with Charles's. "The other night we were just kind of thinking about, you know. The old days. Playing in the orchard. And my favorite tree, and everything. And we figured, why not make the trip here to go for a walk through it again?"
"Oh, and not even to see your mother!" she scoffs with a playful smile, saying, "Come here, Charles. I haven't seen you in quite a while." Charles laughs and gives your mother a little hug as well.
"Mama," you say with a little smile. "Do you mind if me and Charles just go for a walk in the orchard? Then we'll be right back to the house to visit?"
She smiles understandingly, and nods. "Yeah, you two go on. And take your time," she says with a wink, "because maybe once you get back, the apple pie I'm making will be ready."
You grin and say, "Let's go! Your pie is the best!"
Charles laughs, entwining his fingers in yours, saying, "Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n. We'll see you in a bit." He waves as we begin walking down the hill together, swinging our connected hands a little as we walk.
It has rained recently, though, so the ground down the hill is a little slick. So suddenly, your foot slides forward, and you squeal, bracing yourself to feel your bottom hit the ground hard-
But Charles's hands are there, on your back and the bottoms of your thighs. He says with a chuckle, "I've got you." He pulls you up and links his arm with you to steady you more as you finish walking down the hill.
When you make it to the path, neither of you guide the other toward your tree, because now, after all these years, you both know exactly how to get there.
You're not sure when 'Y/n's tree' became 'Y/n and Charles's tree', but either way, you like that it's kind of like both of yours now.
When you reach it, Charles immediately reaches up to pick out two of the best apples on the tree. You sit down together under the shade, not caring if your bums get a little wet, and Charles eyes you teasingly as he begins rubbing it on his shirt.
You chuckle. "It does make it more shiny."
"Rubs the dirt off," he comments, taking a bite out of it.
You sit together, eating your apples. Charles has his arm around your back, and you lean against his shoulder. Once you're both finished, Charles comments, "Taste of my childhood."
You grin. "It's just an apple."
"No, but the apples from our magical tree don't just taste like any ordinary apples, and you've always known that."
You chuckle a little. "Good point." You love that little childish side of him.
After a few moment of silence, Charles says softly, "Do you think we have a few minutes to spare before we start walking back up to the house for some of that apple pie?"
You shrug. "Probably. Why?"
He leans in closer and says softly, "Because I wouldn't mind licking some of that apple juice off your sweet lips."
You giggle a little, rolling your eyes, but shift closer to him.
With one hand caressing your cheek and the other gripping the nape of your neck, pulling you in closer, he presses his lips against yours in a heated French kiss. His tongue explores every inch of your mouth. When he finally pulls away, there's a hungry look in his eyes, and he doesn't even seem to realize the string of saliva connecting your mouths.
You let out a little breathy gasp, murmuring (and admittedly probably ruining the moment a bit), "Ew..." as you wipe your mouth to break the trail of saliva between the two of you.
He chuckles a bit and murmurs, "You're adorable. You know that? I just want to have you all to myself. Do what I want to do to y-"
"Hey, hey..." you giggle, patting his thigh a little. "Can't get too carried away, can we? We've got pie to get to eating inside."
"Right," he smiles, taking your hand and standing up with you.
"But maybe when we get home. How does that sound?"
He nods, bringing you closer to himself. "That sounds good. I look forward to it."
About ten years later (warning: just chose a random name for the girl)
You slam open the screen door, holding your little toddler in your arms, saying, "Say bye bye to Grandmama."
Your mother laughs as your daughter waves her chubby little fist and says, "Bye, bye, G'andmama..."
You walk outside onto the porch, where Charles is already standing, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking out at the orchard.
You smile, putting a hand on his back. "Want to take Viola out for a walk in the orchard? Would you like that, sweetie?" you add, looking to the little girl.
"Yes!" squeals the baby, squirming to be put down.
You set her down on the porch, and Charles takes her little hand with a smile. You take her other hand, and the three of you begin walking down the hill together.
Halfway down, Viola slips, but both your hands holding hers keeps her from falling. Charles chuckles and says, "Be careful, sweetheart."
She just giggles, tugging her parents toward the little dirt path at the bottom of the hill. When you reach the bottom, Charles says gently, "Want to see me and Mama's favorite tree, Viola? It grows the best apples in the world."
You laugh as your daughter looks up at her father with big, wide hazel eyes- same as her father's. "The best?"
"Oh, yeah. You won't want to eat any other apples, ever again, after you try these."
You smile. "I grabbed a knife before we left to cut it up for her."
Charles smiles, giving you a little kiss on your cheek as you hand him the knife. "Good idea. You're so thoughtful. And considerable. I wouldn't ever had thought to do that."
"Mama! Papa! C'mon!" your baby whines, and you both laugh, following the toddling little girl down the little dirt path of both your childhoods.
When you reach the tree, this time, Charles reaches up and picks three apples. "It's kind of a magical tree, isn't it, Viola?" he asks with a little smile as he hands you an apple.
But she doesn't respond, and instead stares at Charles in slightly disturbed confusion.
You chuckle, looking to see Charles rubbing the apple on his shirt. He laughs and explains, "It makes the apple shiny, Viola."
"Really?" she asks with wide eyes.
"For sure," Charles respond, exchanging a little look with you. Then you and Charles sit down together under the tree, and your daughter comes over and climbs on Charles's lap, watching as he cuts some thin slices off Viola's apple. "Here," he says, handing one to the little girl.
Her eyes widen even further when she tastes the sweet fruit, and she giggles, "The best!"
"I know!" Charles grins excited, ruffling her hair a bit, which is the color of your hair.
You smile, leaning against his shoulder, watching as your daughter in his lap raves and giggles about the apple.
And, then, Charles starts talking.
He talks about how he used to play with you all the time when you were little.
He tells his daughter how when he was a younger teenager, he began to fall in love with you, but with all his racing, he couldn't see you much and come to the orchard.
He tells her how when he was an older teenager, he confessed how he felt to you.
And how after that, you and him got closer and closer.
Until years later, you had your wedding.
And now here she is, your little girl.
You swallow, suddenly feeling emotional about the story. The story of your lives together.
"Papa...?" Viola says, concerned. "How come Mama...?" she trails off.
Charles looks at you and smiles. "Are you crying, baby?" he teases softly, wiping a tear from your cheek.
You chuckle. "I guess I just like to hear you telling the story."
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, murmuring, "I love you."
You lean into him further with a little smile and shut your eyes, listening as Charles and your daughter continue babbling softly with each other.
Here, in the shade of your tree.
Our tree.
Someday, your daughter will show her friends your tree. And that screen door will never stopped being slammed shut.
But someday after that, you and Charles will grow older, together. Your tree won't always be there. Someday, you'll eat the last of it's apples, and it will say farewell to this world, just like everything else does.
But by then, your love won't need something to symbolize it in order to stay alive.
Because love is the one thing that will never end.
It goes on forever.
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Okay, I can't be the only one, who thinks it's kinda ridiculous how people hate Lilith right?
And I think it's even more hypocritical of people to hate Lilith but love Lucifer/Alastor/Adam
Now- I'm not saying you can't dislike a character, no....but we've seen this women ONCE, not counting the story/flashback
And frankly, I don't think she's done anything worthy of, you know, being hated as much as she is
"She took Charlie form lucifer" the fuck she did, im 90% sure that Charlie snuck out of bed and went to find Luci and Lilith(if it was Lilith) jsut went 'no- no. You're supposed to be asleep'
There was no clear context that Charlie was being taken away form Lucifer- not to mention even-
Okay, let's say that they did divorce, which I'm not even sure if they did, and Lilith took Charlie to live with her
She CLEARLY did not keep Charlie AWAY from Luci, we see portraits/pictures of Charlie as a kid young adult, teenager, etc, in her dad's office/home
We even see family portraits with her as a kid and teen/young adult, so the divorce was also probably not until she was already fully grown
Keep in mind, Chalrie is canonically 200 years old, or older, this divorce could've been when she was, like, 180 she probably wasn't a kid when the separated
So even if she was taking Charlie away in that scene, it clearly was not forever and honestly doesn't seem possible with the timeline
"She abandoned charlie" so did....Lucifer??
Like, she mentions him not contacting her for a long time, the one phone call she DOES get from him is about a meeting, not exactly a meaningful conversation
And if he became like this after the 'divorce', then unless lilith divorced him and then left. That probably means Charlie hasn't had a meaningful talk with her dad for longer than 7 years
Or even seen him, I forget if Charlie says that 'this is the first time I'm seeing him in years' or smth
Not to mention Charlie clearly still loves her and views her in a positive light
"Shes in heaven" Okay....we don't know why tho??
I mean, personally, I like to think she's planning war crimes against heaven and is using whatever deal she and Adam had as a cover up
But we don't know the reason, it could be a good one! it could be a shitty one! We don't know!!
We know, like, 4 things about this women and people are already hating her, and I just don't get it
Like why?? What's the reason??
And maybe im overreacting or yall havnt seen the same fans/thing I have
But I've seen people say they hate Lilith but love Lucifer, I've seen people paint her in a bad light to either have a villian/antagonist or to show Adam in a better light, or to victomize/pity Alastor
And I just don't get it, how is she worse then Alastor or Lucifer here?
Which, even if she does own Al's soul, I don't think it'd be a big deal?? Like....Alastor owns souls to, and Lilith isn't abusing her power over him(unlike Al with Husk), I think if she did own his soul, she would've stoped him from suggesting a deal/favor to Charlie
I can't be the only one who thinks like this either right?
i also personally dont want her to be a villian and i also dont want sera to be a villian either; Lute is a good enough villian
Sera ALSO gets hate, which I don't really get. Like this women is trying her best to run heaven by herself and make sure nobody dies under her care
Like this, women clearly has truama/ptsd, just as lucifer does about his falling. And for the exterminations to be fair, if I was told a bunch of rapists and serial killers were coming to my house, I'd grab the gun too!!
Doesn't mean all sinners are like that, I'm sure a lot are in hell for minor crimes, but heaven doesn't know that!
Cut her some slack man, I doubt she's had a nap in 4+ billion years
Also this isn't hate on any of the characters, I absolutely love lucifer, I just think that people needa stop painting lilith and/or sera to be the bad guy
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loveswrites · 1 year
omg poly cullens taking care of a sick reader- i just wanna be doted on frfr
Poly Cullen x Sick reader
I loved writing this it took me 3 hours with people bothering me. I hold you like it. Lemme know what else you would like to see!
Currently you were at the Cullens house for a sleepover. At least that’s what charlie thought, and that’s also what you thought it was as well. You thought you’d have an exciting chill weekend with your secret lovers. That was until you had woken up with a tingle in the back of your throat, your eyes watering, both of your nostrils clogged, and you just simply felt like you were dying. 
“Stop being dramatic.” Roseilane said, rolling her eyes.
“You don’t know how it is Rose, you’ve been dead for like a thousand years.” You said snapping but sneezing mid sentence. She frowned in response. 
“ I may be dead but at least I’m not spreading my germs everywhere.”
“I blame Emmett.” 
“ Wait, what why me?!” He said standing up from the desk he was sitting on.
“ Because you were the one who insisted that we go spend ‘Alone time’ together and go skinny dipping even though you know damn well I can’t swim! That water was cold as hell.” You answered, lifting your tongue as Carlise put a thermometer under your tongue.
When you had woken up immediately complaining you were in Edward's room sleeping with him, because the two of you hadn’t had any alone time together in a while and you could tell it was bothering him. Though he wouldn’t admit it he was grateful that you had chosen to sleep with him without him asking.
I’m not saying it was easy to do so, It was practically like prying a child's favorite toy away with Rose and Emmett. They did not give up without a fight.
“What do you mean you don’t wanna sleep with us?” Rose questioned. 
“ I just wanna sleep with Edward tonight, You’ve done nothing wrong Rose.” You replied in attempts to comfort the defensive vampire.
“But we wanted to watch the game with you, You said you would.” Emmet argued back.
“I know I know but I’m tired, I just wanna take a bath and lay down. Me and Edward haven’t had any time alone together so I thought that me and him could cuddle while I fall asleep. I promise you two did nothing wrong.” You said kissing Rosalie cheek then doing the same to emmett. The frown on their beautiful faces pained you but they weren’t the only one’s in this relationship. 
In Fact you had to think about the last time you spent alone time with Carlise and Esme. They always say that “Your presence in the house alone is enough time for us.” But you know that’s just them being the adults of everything and that is not the case. You knew that just like the rest of the Cullens they went through their own version of possessiveness, it was only right with the soul bond between you all. It’s just they had a better way of hiding it than the others.
Rosalie and Emmett would pout and huff like children. 
 Edward would hide himself in the woods or stuff himself in his room. Saying that he just needed ‘alone time’. When we all knew he needed the exact opposite.
Jasper would be more distant than normal, lost in his thoughts.
Esme would clean. Like there would never be a spot of dirt around this house when she was feeling alone.
And Carlisle would just bury himself with work. Always taking up extra hours making sure he is busy enough to not think too much about it.
All of your partners were just begging for attention but none of them would voice it out loud. 
So right before you went to sleep you stated to yourself in your head that you would make time for each Cullen the next day even if they each only got a hour alone with you, Something was better than nothing.
That was until you woke up feeling like shit.
Carlisle shook his head, taking the thermometer from under your tongue. “You have a fever.”
“I could tell that from down the hall she’s sweating like she’s a witch and we just set her on fire” Edward said with his emo attitude upset that his time with me got cut short because of Emmett’s shenanigans 
“Edward please.” Carlisle said tucking your hair behind your ear while pulling you closer to him to kiss your forehead. This made you smile. You had middle his forehead kisses. You felt like he always gave the best ones. You wouldn’t dare say that out loud ever though. You know Rose would kill you out of jealousy.
“I’m going to get you medicine okay? You’ll be okay.” Carlisle said, pulling away from you when Jasper walked into the room. You nod in response.
“Esme and Alice are making you some soup.” Jasper said with a sly smirk on his face know your next words.
“Soup? Ew You know I can’t stand soup! That shit is nasty. I'm not eating it.” You said, shaking your head and frowning in distaste. You heard soft laughs in response.
“It will make you feel better, I promise.” Jasper said in his southern accent that just honestly was a panty dropper you would always tell him.
“That doesn't help me at all, I’d rather eat sand.” You said rubbing your eyes as you felt a pounding headache come on.
As if sensing your discomfort, Carlisle was right by your side again with supplies in his hand. Rubbing your back with one hand he put his things down on the table you were sitting on.
“You need to rest, Whose room would you like to sleep in? I’ve already contacted Charlie and told him you fell with a cold so you shouldn’t worry about him. He’s fine.” he stated but you were now faced with the most difficult decision of the day.
Looking around the room Jasper was standing by the doorway watching you with calculating eyes still with the sly smirk of his which always made your heart pound. Him hearing it he chuckled, his actions made you look away in embarrassment.
Looking towards Emmett and Rose. Emmett was sitting on the table near the window and Roselie was sitting in between his legs and they both were looking at you with their signature puppy eyes. Moving your eyes to edward very quickly because you knew if you stared at them for too long you would give in.
Edward looked lost in his thoughts which would always make you put him because you felt that he felt like he was lonely. You would call him the lone wolf of the pack which he hated. But he couldn’t stay mad at you just like you couldn't pick just one of them right now. You need all of them right now. And that’s exactly what you would have.
Jumping down from where you were sitting with the help of Carlisle you didn’t respond verbally. You  just did your hand moment you would always do when you wanted all of the Cullens to follow you but didn’t feel like saying it out loud. And they always answered.
Walking to the kitchen where Esme and Alice were, like she could smell you in the air she turned around with a smile on her face.
“There you are my beautiful, Your soup is almost done. Would you like me to add anything to it?” She said so softly, like if she spoke too loudly you would melt aways in pain. Which was a high possibility the way you were feeling. 
“Nope, you didn’t even have to make me anything you know, I would’ve been fine without.”
“Oh no, you know I love a chance to use the kitchen for you.” She said making you smile because you knew it was true.
“Well if you must, can you come up to the room where you're done?” You asked which she nodded in response to. Satisfied with your answer you turned around walking up the stairs to Carlisle and Esme bedroom. 
All that could be heard behind you were soft footsteps of all of your lovers following you.
Once you made it to the room you sat on the bed finally speaking. 
“All of you, all of us, and all of me. Here in this bed now.” Leaving no room for argument, you got comfortable.
The first to get in the bed with you was Jasper surprising you. He claimed his spot behind you so that you were in his arms and laying on him. 
“The best spot in the house.” He whispered into your ear making you giggle at the ticklish feeling.
Soon following along, each Cullen claimed their spot next to you. Everyone getting one piece of their love. They were satifisty. Meaning so where you.
Once everyone was relaxed Esme came up to the room to feed you the soup she had made you. Though you tried to fight it, you were falling weaker and weaker each minute. This ‘cold’ was kicking your ass. Soon after she was done feeding you she also claimed her spot between you and Caslise. 
A few minutes into laying there you felt your eyes growing heavy. The feeling of hands all over you. The coolness of your lovers cooling you down. You felt content. But you had One question.
“Guys, can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” Each of them said collectively.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Oh my god-”
“I’d probably step on you.”
“I’d keep you in a beautiful enclosure.”
“I’d give you a little cowboy hat-”
“That’s so stupid.”
And just like that. You were out like a light.
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sakyhana13 · 2 months
I have a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction where Vaggie is a Carmine and here I have a compilation of memes of the Carmine girls and their dynamics in this dubious fanfiction that hasn't come out yet.
The relationship between the three of them is basically that typical sibling thing: "Mommy found you in the trash, but if someone said that to you, I'll want names."
They will pick on each other, but in the end, they will be sleeping cuddled up in a pillow fort with Clara moving restlessly around the bed, Odette with all the sheets to herself and Vaggie curled up in a ball like a cat.
Clara and Odette are somewhat protective of Vaggie, because she is their youngest sister and even though she vehemently denies being treated like the baby of the house, claiming that she is an adult with the body count and PTSD of a retired war soldier, no one cares. , she is the baby of the house and nothing will change that. Let Charlie say it, after a short conversation with the older Carmine sisters, she came out pale and shaking (she thinks she would faint when her future mother-in-law talked to her).
Odette is the oldest sister, Clara is the middle child and Vaggie as previously mentioned is stuck as the youngest child.
Clara is chaotic, extroverted and clearly has ADHD. She is the artist daughter, theater and cinema are her passions, even in hell she still writes some scripts and records short shorts during her days off, when she is not doing odd jobs as a DJ in the clubs in the lust ring (Carmilla obviously doesn't know from that). She is usually the one who gives the bad ideas, the one who drags her other two sisters into adventures or misadventures. She is a talker, a person who knows how to deal with the public, a stellar negotiator and salesperson. And well, she will do everything, everything, to make her sisters happy.
Odette is obviously the child whose mind never stops thinking of new ideas and theories. She is the inventor of the weapons produced by the Carmines industries, but she has her personal projects that don't involve military weapons, like gadgets to make her life easier, like her little robotic assistant ASSIs and her hellish computer because she's not using the fucking technology manipulated by the Vees. She's basically an Entrapta, autistic technological genius inventor. And it all started because she saw a plane take off and she wanted to do something similar. Carmilla had to prevent her daughter from meeting Jesus a few times (all 3 of them in fact, being little devils who got into trouble whether they wanted to or not). She just seems to be controlled and less chaotic than Clara, but anyone is less chaotic than the middle Carmine, but don't be fooled, just like the entrapta she's a bit of a mad scientist, but she and Vaggie usually reverse each other in controlling chaos. , normally she will agree with Clara's ideas at first and then bitterly regret having gone. Despite this, she feels responsible for her little sisters, so that they stay safe and well, she would do heinous things to care for and support the two idiots that her mother did the favor of tying her to forever.
And then we have Vaggie, you know how she is. But before the fall, even before her time as an exorcist, she was a quiet and shy but extremely curious child. She wasn't an artist like Clara or an inventor like Odette, in fact she was an explorer. Your eyes seeking to learn about the world around you, especially the little animals among the leaves. Loving every second he could spend outdoors watching the little ants do their work or exploring the forest or beach near his childhood home. Vaggie strangely has a chaotic streak, but is it completely by accident or because she went along with her sisters, usually she will be the voice of reason, but when is she not? Well, maybe hell's heaven will turn yellow and hot pink. Vaggie is autistic and I don't have much else to say other than: I love this headcanon and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands. Plus Vaggie would definitely lose her other eye to protect her sisters if she had to, but she'll never admit it, because she'll never hear the end of it if those two scoundrels hear it.
Yes, Carmilla has chaotic and neurodivergent daughters who would knock God off the throne if it were for their sisters, their mother is very proud.
(Sorry for the bad English, it's not my language, and the crazy text, but I've had this in my head for a while and I wanted to get it out, because I don't know when I'm going to write a fic with it.)
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Adamsapple + Cain and angst
Since Lucifer did sleep with Eve before her and Adam were banished from Eden, Cain, Adam and Eve’s firstborn son, would be Lucifer’s kid. On Earth, it was quite obvious that Cain wasn’t Adam’s kid—due to Adam’s other children looking a lot like him and not Cain—blond hair, red cheeks, the same eye colour as Lucifer’s, and he was WAY shorter than his younger adult, half, siblings (probably around 5’4’’ and his half siblings were like in the 6-7’’). Adam does—really does—be the best good father for Cain and his 50+ sons and 50+ daughters. But everything didn’t last.
Death of Abel broke the family.
Cain never forgive himself and never forget. Even his death, being crushed by his stone house, he couldn’t forgive himself. In Hell, after getting a “nice reunion” with Abel, he wanted to see his father. So he waited. He was alone in a crowded place.
After the second death of Adam, Cain became a new resident of the hotel like his father (Abel not there because: “He wanted proof that someone like Cain can be redeemed,”).
So after that Adam and Cain made up, and Adam Lucifer were secretly dating in the background (Adam never told him that Cain was his biological son), somehow Lucifer figured out that Cain was his son.
So, after like nine thousand years not knowing that he had a son, the devil decided to be the “dad” that Cain wanted in his mind. Cain is a daddy boy but only to Adam.
So, Lucifer would take Cain with to do “a father and son bonding time”. He did what he thought Cain would like (Lucifer treated the first murderer if he was kid Charlie). Cain hated every moment of this. He was pretty sure that he died again somehow and this was second hell.
It was very obvious that Cain hated this—hell, Cain literally said he didn’t like this and he wanted to go to his dad, Adam. Lucifer would laughed and just think that Cain being angsty (like emo Charlie).
It got so bad for Cain that broke down in front of his father, Adam, in tears and begged him to not make him go with Lucifer again.
After Adam promised Cain he would and calming him down, he brought Lucifer in their Cain (Cain was in his own room in the hotel).
Lucifer: “So… What did you want to talk about?”
Adam; trying to keep his cool: “This is about Cain.”
Lucifer: “Oh! What about him? I think I’m getting to him, you know?”
Adam: “What are you when you’re with Cain, Lucifer?”
Lucifer: “I beg your pardon?”
Adam: “Did you went fucking deaf now?
Lucifer: “I—I just took him out for father and son bonding like you did since he is my kid—“
Adam: “Oh, really? Cain just broke down in tears and begged to not go out with you!”
Lucifer: “What?”
Adam: “He’s not Charlie! He’s Cain! He may be your biological son! He doesn’t see you as a father! I raised him. I saw what he can and could do. I bet you don’t even know what he did to Abel, do you?!? You were never there! Stop trying to fix what you see is broken!”
Lucifer: “Adam, I didn’t know I had a son until a few weeks ago! You never told me about him!”
Adam: “Why would I tell one of the most important person I my life to you?!?”
Lucifer: “Adam—“
Adam: “Why are you always like this!?! When you get something in that snake head of yours, you just force it on everybody else!”
Lucifer: “I don’t do that!”
Adam: “You did it in Eden! Your hobby, your own relationship with Lilith and your daughter, me, and now Cain!”
Lucifer: “Adam…”
Adam: “Don’t ‘Adam’ me, motherfucker! You may be blood related to Cain. Cain may look like you. Hell, he even acts like you. But that doesn’t make him your son.”
Holy shit dude.
But yeah, Adam has a point just because someone is your bio kid doesn't mean you're their father especially if someone else raised them.
The fucking therapy bill for this family would be astronomical.
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Please, how do I make money fast in dol?? I've always played with cheats on cuz I'm a pussy. I've gotten better from my past no cheats on playthroughs, but still, I still would like to know from the pro, my favorite dol account. Please, tell us your ways🛐
Huh... And here I thought money is the last thing you need to worry about when you've been playing long enough on one save. Alright, I doubt anything I'm gonna say is new, but since you asked so nicely, I'll go into details with my 4 PCs and highlight their most rewarded methods.
In general, early game is always tricky since your stats are low. High Math grade and higher certain stats make things easier.
1. Lya
- She used to be a massage staff at the Spa. High enough beauty (4/6 if I remember right) or hand skill is required to work there, and high dance skill make it fairly safe. Higher promiscuity and skuldugery open chances for lewder things and more money.
- Antique hunting. At the lake. High swimming skill recommended. And down the sewer too. I only intended to grind her skuldugery, but then she started to get attached to Winter so she go hunt antique for him ever since. Then the old church yard too. Still the Ivory necklace is a no.
- Dancing jobs. Charlie's Danube street job and at the brothel. Not the strip club but the brothel. Higher skuldugery can only be grinded while encountering so yeah, she work at the brothel for a pretty long time and install the vending machine there too.
- Be a model at Niki's studio.
- Working at Sirris' adult toy shop and selling flowers at the market sometime.
- Alex farm. Invested in the Farm, make things automatic and safe, then brought things to the Harvest street for sale. It's pretty okay and leisurely too.
- The doting Hawk spouse. Yes. Sometimes she goes to the tower to relax, getting away from the dirty town. When you're with the Hawk you just have to sleep, bath, sing all day, maybe walk around the moor a bit, be pretty and wait for the goodest bord to bring things back to you and sell them to Landry later.
2. Lyah
- Being Avery escort. Yeah help very much in the early game. He still keep her company sometime now.
- Steal things from people. He make the most out of his Devil tf to get into encounter, steal, then tell people to stop. Work like a champ. His skuldugery went up fastest out of all 4 PCs.
- Bartender at Strip Club. He works there for fun and to look out for Darryl, but sometimes encounter happen. So it still counts. Vending machine still installed at the Brothel.
- Chef. The ultimate way to make money. Even without Cow tf he still make a LOT out of it, being devoid of purity and lactating mean he has lots of bodily fluids to spare. Just a few hours of "work" and remember to save some for his wife, and the money is insane.
3. Kariya
- Doing odd jobs in the street. Usually to get into encounters.
- Working at the Agency.
- Seducing someone randomly at the Pub, the Farm, at nights,... You name it.
- Get up early and pick the locks of every house or building before they open for the day.
- Playing cards with Wren. Every-single-day. They often just continue untill the lewd part happen. That's their fav part anw. And running around butt-naked with Wren too.
- Dancing and Private shows at the Brothel. Mostly for fun but their money primarily comes from these activities. Briar's most fav worker for sure.
4. "Nyan"
- Working at the Dog Pound and Sam's Cafe (waiter only)
- Doing odd jobs in the street for Housekeeping skill, sometime pick locks and steal from Danube street.
- Temple monthly allowance. Even at max Grace it's not much, but still better than nothing.
- Charlie's dancing job. Charlie offered the safe job, but Nyan often asked for the more dangerous one. Jordan asked him to investigate anyway.
- Antique hunting in the lake, etc... Nyan is still in the build, so he mostly stick with his older siblings safer choices.
Okay, there, I think that's basically things I can recall for now. Also since all my PCs are Robin protectors, they mainly stick to safer paths and don't go away from the Orphanage for too long unless they can't help it. So huge chance there are many more ways to make bigger bucks that I'm not aware of yet. Still, hope this helps!
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