#chase bennet
clickonmedotexe · 1 year
June 17th 2023 - Discovering Rex (Part 2)
Frederick: Well- it's high enough to be very possible!
EJ.EXE: *leans over and presses a few keys*
Frederick: *keeps watching tho*
EJ.EXE: *a picture of the person in question comes up, along with info*
EJ.EXE: * [ CHASE BENNET ] a middle aged man with brown hair, glasses and a rather kind face *
EJ.EXE: *he is wearing an Aperture labcoat in the photo and there's some info about him*
EJ.EXE: *British, 35, worked in Aperture for a decade, has several degrees in computer science*
EJ.EXE: ........
EJ.EXE: See, that is not me
EJ.EXE: I am not even British
EJ.EXE: *he is still alive*
EJ.EXE: *and if Freddy does some digging, he'd find that fortunately, he was fired before GLaDOS killed off everyone else*
Frederick: *??*
Frederick: *!*
Frederick: *eyes light up*
Frederick: Have you tried to contact him?
EJ.EXE: .........................
EJ.EXE: Why would I
Frederick: ..........
Frederick: *blank face*
Frederick: Why not?
EJ.EXE: ...........
EJ.EXE: I don't want to
Frederick: ..............
Frederick: *Are you for real now*
Frederick: ... You said you wanted to find out who created you
EJ.EXE: Yes, I want you to do some scans and tell me
EJ.EXE: I dont want to go around calling random people
EJ.EXE: It's even more work
Frederick: But he is not random, he worked in there as well
Frederick: What if he got involved before they fired him?
Frederick: Hmm
Frederick: Besides, we don't know know reasons of that
EJ.EXE: What do you want to do, Frederick?
EJ.EXE: Call him and ask if he developed a sentient virus for his work?
EJ.EXE: Explain you are a total stranger but you want to know why he got fired?
EJ.EXE: Stupid
Frederick: *spawns in a glowy screen*
Frederick: *aaand messages to CB about the whole Vir case*
EJ.EXE: ................
EJ.EXE: Are you serious
EJ.EXE: ......
Frederick: You gotta try all options, you know
Frederick: Otherwise you won't manage the task
Frederick: .....
EJ.EXE: *CB messages back a few minutes later, asking who Freddy is and why he wants to know about some virus*
Frederick: *def sends details & proof links on some Vir's activities*
EJ.EXE: *CB sends back a link to 'Top 10 Best Free Antiviruses!'*
Frederick: .........
EJ.EXE: *he doesnt really understand why Freds is asking him this*
Frederick: ....................
EJ.EXE: *although it is definitely HIS signature in the virus' code*
Frederick: *sends a report with data telling antiviruses don't work, so they are looking for possible creators of Vir who were his ex co-workers*
Frederick: *sends a line of codes with the signature as well*
Frederick: *Well gotta see if he is lying or someone just picked his name for some reason*
EJ.EXE: *for a long moment, there is no answer*
Frederick: *glances at Vir as he waits*
Frederick: You know, if I actually figure this case out for you
Frederick: You are going to pay me a favor back
EJ.EXE: .......
EJ.EXE: Like what?
Frederick: Like stopping possessing other people and hurting them.
Frederick: *Nl: :3*
Frederick: *..........*
EJ.EXE: *then he sends back another message, explaining that the only reason programs would have his signature on them is because the equipment he used back as an employee would automatically add them onto all of his creations. mostly so aperture could figure out which programmer to blame in case something goes wrong*
Frederick: *What, it doesn't seem like EJ minded much*
EJ.EXE: .....
EJ.EXE: That's too big of a favor
EJ.EXE: You are just asking me to change my lifestyle~
Frederick: .... You know that if it's otherwise then I'll have to catch all of your parts
Frederick: And believe me, I will manage it
EJ.EXE: I can promise not to hurt your Stanley-
Frederick: *smiles*
EJ.EXE: *scoffs*
EJ.EXE: Oh, you wish
Frederick: I am asking you to think on your errors
Frederick: ....
Frederick: Unless you want to be destroyed after all
EJ.EXE: ......
EJ.EXE: *smiles sweetly* I'll think about it
Frederick: You know, I can't keep arguing with Stanley Jackson and some others forever
EJ.EXE: *tho it looks more like a toothy grin than a sweet smile*
Frederick: I only have some little time on this
Frederick: .......
Frederick: *is not impressed*
Frederick: You gotta try it.
EJ.EXE: I can take care of Jackson
EJ.EXE: For good
Frederick: ......... See this is exactly why people wanna destroy you
Frederick: But I only wanna do a research!
EJ.EXE: *scoffs*
EJ.EXE: Then keep doing your research
EJ.EXE: That programmer just replied, stop bothering me about morality topics
Frederick: .....
Frederick: *glances back at his screen*
Frederick: .................
Frederick: [ Does that mean the virus is one of your creations? ]
Frederick: .......
Frederick: [ Did you create AIs, didn't you? ]
Frederick: [ Apparently one of them ended up being corrupted. ]
EJ.EXE: [CB: I promise you, I don't know of any virus. I had access to various areas, but at the end of my work, we were moving on to more experimental tests ]
EJ.EXE: [CB: I am deleting this conversation after we speak, by the way. I doubt they will sue me after so long but I don't want to take the chances ]
Frederick: ........
EJ.EXE: [CB: If...any of them are still alive ]
Frederick: [ Do you remember names of those who worked with you? Could I have them, please? I have ways of checking. ]
EJ.EXE: *he does give him the few names he remembered*
Frederick: *CB is v nice*
EJ.EXE: *is watching this all, his brows furrowed*
Frederick: *idk i would put freds in blacklist for bothering about old job stuff xd*
Frederick: *...........*
EJ.EXE: *awww*
Frederick: *Hmph*
EJ.EXE: *well he sent proof about vir though*
Frederick: *Blacklists are easy to hack*
EJ.EXE: *otherwise he'd think freds was a reporter or a blogger looking for gossip*
Frederick: *!*
Frederick: *saves names in his files*
Frederick: *thanks him*
Frederick: *does some scanning and digging on names (again)*
EJ.EXE: *however*
EJ.EXE: *they're all dead*
Frederick: *is def curious*
Frederick: *Aw*
EJ.EXE: *thanks to GLaDOS*
Frederick: Aw
Frederick: *sigh*
EJ.EXE: *while he was scanning, another message popped up from CB* 
Frederick: *murmurs* GLaDOS never changes... 
EJ.EXE: She knew how to make use of her power 
EJ.EXE: I admire her~ 
Frederick: *?* 
Frederick: *glances at the message* 
EJ.EXE: [CB: There is...one incident that might be useful for you] 
Frederick: What, have you witnessed her? 
EJ.EXE: [CB: But] 
EJ.EXE: *then a looong pause* 
Frederick: Now I wonder if you have seen a Chell... 
Frederick: ...... 
EJ.EXE: [CB: I don't know] 
EJ.EXE: I have read about her online 
Frederick: [ I appreciate anything that might be helpful! ] 
Frederick: .....
EJ.EXE: [CB: I hope it's not relevant. I should've been more careful and I wasn't ] 
Frederick: Well, what they tell on the Internet is usually quite far away from how things were in reality 
EJ.EXE: [CB: It was why they fired me and why I am still alive, I guess. Otherwise I would've been gassed as well ]
EJ.EXE: *sarcastically* You don't say
Frederick: Unless it's a trusty source with evidences 
Frederick: ...... 
Frederick: *?* 
Frederick: [ They fired you because you weren't careful enough? ] 
Frederick: *Hmmm* 
Frederick: *Gee* 
EJ.EXE: [CB: Someone broke into my equipment and...attempted to upload themself ] 
Frederick: *I hope AI(s) getting corrupted is not because a few mistakes done in codes* 
EJ.EXE: [CB: Actually, I know who it was ] 
Frederick: *!* 
EJ.EXE: [CB: He was my friend and I should've known better than to trust him ] 
Frederick: [ Oh- this could explain the whole case ] 
EJ.EXE: [CB: But I did, I thought he wouldn't possibly do something so stupid, and yet it ended with his death and my firing] 
Frederick: ......................... 
EJ.EXE: [CB: God, I hope you are wrong. Because that's]
EJ.EXE: [CB: Awful] 
Frederick: *Wait* 
Frederick: [ I am sorry ] 
Frederick: .... 
Frederick: [ Could you please tell his name? ] 
EJ.EXE: ............... 
EJ.EXE: [CB: Sure ] 
EJ.EXE: [CB: Rex Townsend ] 
EJ.EXE: ............................... 
Frederick: *niiice* 
Frederick: ............ 
Frederick: Rex Townsend, hmm
Frederick: Does it ring a bell to you? 
EJ.EXE: *it took me ages to come up with a good name lmao* 
Frederick: *Nl: Sent by Town of the Stupid ;3* 
Frederick: *............................................* 
EJ.EXE: *...........* 
EJ.EXE: *griiiiiips the chair a bit too tightly* 
Frederick: *Nl: Smart people don't try copypasting their minds into computers~~ ;3* 
EJ.EXE: *EJ's eyes are glowing* 
Frederick: ....... 
Frederick: Oh I see it now 
EJ.EXE: *you have a point neil* 
Frederick: You are a copy, then. 
Frederick: Hmm 
Frederick: Of course
EJ.EXE: *hisses* No I'm not 
Frederick: An AI would not show signs of denial 
EJ.EXE: Shut up 
EJ.EXE: Shut up, Frederick 
EJ.EXE: ............. 
Frederick: Your reaction is irrational 
Frederick: That proves my theory. 
EJ.EXE: You don't have any proof but your theory 
EJ.EXE: ....... 
Frederick: *can't help but be pleased* 
Frederick: Why, I do 
Frederick: So do you 
Frederick: Something tells me, the data about the day is saved in one of your distant parts 
Frederick: It might be corrupted but it's still in there, somewhere
Frederick: .... 
EJ.EXE: No. 
Frederick: But you won't reach out to it 
Frederick: Because you are scared 
Frederick: Because you are not an AI 
Frederick: As an AI would have already done it. 
Frederick: *knowing look* 
Frederick: Maybe you stick to your little games and messing with people 
Frederick: Because it is a way for you to procrastinate and escape from trying something like that 
Frederick: .... 
Frederick: In any case 
EJ.EXE: I am not s͡c̷ar͘e̶d͝ 
Frederick: I think this case is solved 
Frederick: *waves away his screen*
EJ.EXE: *he can also catch it now if he wants ahem* 
Frederick: There's one last thing to do.... 
EJ.EXE: *keeps glowering at the screens* 
EJ.EXE: *as if the words will change and prove he is right after all* 
Frederick: *sends a report with data & messages to Max tho* 
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mod-doodles · 4 months
Palate Cleansing with:
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Before I get back to 😌😏:
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romentoftruth · 9 months
me when white annabeth: ...🙂🫤
me when black annabeth: 😏🫦❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏🙏💯❤️❤️❤️🫦🫦🫦🫦🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️🙏🫡🥂
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thinking about my comfort character every time i feel anxiety rise and imagine they are holding me through the crisis and saying “it’s alright, everything gonna be alright” must be the only thing keeping from fall apart 
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Just realized that Netherfield from the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is the same building that was used for the 2005 version lmao
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Title: Marvel Rising
Rating: NR
Director: Alfred Gimeno
Cast: Kim Raver, Chloe Bennet, Milana Vayntrub, Kathreen Khavari, Cierra Ramirez, Ming-Na Wen, Tyler Posey, Booboo Stewart, Kamil McFadden, Dee Bradley Baker, Roger Craig Smith, Andrew Kishino, Meera Rohit Kumbhani, Catherine Taber
Release year: 2018
Genres: family, comedy, action, science fiction, adventure
Blurb: When a threat no one could have expected bears down on the Marvel Universe, a ragtag, untrained band of teens has no choice but to rise together and prove to the world that sometimes, the difference between a hero and a misfit is just in the name.
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lixxen · 11 months
Characters I'd like to throw into a sterile white room and watch them bicker:
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agaypanic · 4 months
there is at least one halloween where they make chase do a couples costume as mr darcy and elizabeth bennet
guys i have a confession: i’ve never seen or read pride and prejudice🧍‍♀️
but based on what i’ve heard about it, you’re absolutely right. especially since p&p is a classic, so literary!reader has def read it and begs chase to dress up as mr darcy (he thinks the sideburns are silly, but he commits to the costume to make you happy)
i can also totally see chase insult you/your family/your life while also being like “i like you😚😚” bc of his superiority complex. not too seriously, but he’s like “im smart, you’re dumb, can we kiss now?”
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raccooninthedaytime · 2 years
Tagged by the one and only @downton-not-downtown-smh thank u bae
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
1. Pierre Bezukhov - Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
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Hey, my sideblog is the named after him for nothing. Multiple mental illnesses + friend shaped + voice of an angel = Ultimate comfort character
2. Dirk Gently - Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
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Whats with me and all these fandoms with long ass names? Watch this show, read this book, solve this mystery. My heart resides in this British freak of nature <3. Everything is connected!
3. Jude Duarte - The Folk of the Air series
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She’s from a book, so i got no gifs of her. But she really is the definition of Support Womens rights and also Womens Wrongs. She means everything and more to me
4. Shawn Spencer - Psych
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hes just a FUNNY LITTLE GUY!! Literally i think i watched too much of this show as a kid and absorbed his humor as my personality. Shawn, if you’re here with me in the room now, i love you king keep on keepin on
5. Annabeth Chase - The Lightning Thief
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Yes, this is specific to the musical version if her character. No, i will not take criticism for that. I love her here in all her aro-ace ness. Next question
6. Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas
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Hey king!! Sorry sorry sorry Hey *Pumpkin King! We love a man who can own up to his mistakes in song <3
7. Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice
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AAA my girl my main squeeze. I’d kill and die for you. I’d start a book club just to hear your thoughts on it. You mean everything to me im sorry about what enemies to lovers did to you and darcy
8. Abed Nadir - Community
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They do you so dirty, ragging on you about how you’re not living in a tv show. I see you though. I know you deep in my soul. #andamovie
9. Marta Cabrera - Knives Out
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A queen, a girlboss, the main event. You are helpful even when you know you shouldn’t be, and you are the epitome of goodness. AND you’re a badass. Marry me now
10. Fox Mulder - The X-Files
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This list is dangerously on the verge of leaving comfort characters and becoming some kinnie shit (a concept I don’t yet understand, okay, give me a break). This dude is me. He’s also aro-ace, he’s a mystery solver, he makes stupid jokes, he likes the spooky. Fox, you slay
Tagging: @sushi-salsa-squirrel @riotgrrrrill @acesophiewalten @peaked-in-third-grade @dreadful-windandrain @pamesjatterson @reanimationstation @ahrileinchen @cold-egg @anarchyarsoneldritchabomination have fun!
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midwestgp · 3 months
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Hello! After a good few weeks of combing through lots of data, I have coherent numbers for your viewing pleasure. This whole thing birthed from the hypothesis that past BTS fans now liked Charles and quickly grew from there. I am happy to say that many of my suspicions were confirmed and some surprises arose along the way. Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to relive some great or not-so-great memories. Enjoy!
Some Notes Before Hand:
Combing through this data was a bit challenging. I tried to find data points that most fans would find interesting. To help give myself some sort of a guide I chose one of the top subjects in each category and analyzed the data attached to them. I will probably look back into this stuff more in the future, but trying to find points for everyone is a wild goose chase. That being said, if you notice something I do not, please let me know! I want to hear what you all think that's why I made this :)
Favorite Drivers (current grid):
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So this was a bit surprising, but I think it was caused mainly by my wording. According to this graph, out of 346 users, Oscar Piastri is currently the most popular driver by a long shot. While I do think Oscar is very well loved, I do not think this is true at all. Because I allowed participants to choose more than one driver it became less of a true ranking and more "these are the drivers people think most positively of currently". I think if I asked everyone to pick one person Oscar would not be at the top and more likely around the 3rd-5th range. Other than Oscar it is also important to note my audience certainly had an effect on the results. Things are probably skewed slightly towards other drivers than they are realistically, but I still think this is pretty close.
For the future keep the numbers up here in mind and our top three, Oscar, Charles and Max, will be important. All pipelines are based off and cross referenced with this data set.
Drivers on Past Grids:
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No surprises here! I did not do any pipelines attached to any of the data on this graph so this question was just for fun.
Anime and Manga:
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Sports anime! Competition! Yippee! This is about exactly what I thought would happen. It makes perfect sense that the sports anime is popular in the sport community. Also, it was really fun reading some of your less than enthusiastic previous fandom experiences and memories.
31/69 Haikyuu!! fans said that Max was one of their favorite drivers.
Also chances are that if you watched Haikyuu!! you also watched My Hero Academia because 29/69 Haikyuu!! fans also clicked My Hero Academia.
Max was the most popular person in this category as a whole and that does not shock me even slightly.
Favorite Characters:
Izuku Midoriya and Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia
Tobio Kageyama from Haikyuu!!
Russia from Hetalia
L from Death Note
Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan
Saiki K. from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
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I probably have the least commentary on this section. A lot of the books I love don't have dedicated fan bases attached to them (I wish they did) so I needed help when making this question. I have no clue what a lot of these are but I'm glad that you all enjoyed them.
My Hypothesis for this was "are past Harry Potter fans more likely to like drivers with British accents?"
100/152 Harry Potter fans said that either Lando, Lewis, George or Alex was one of their favorite drivers. Considering that none of these drivers are in our top three I'd say I was correct.
Favorite Characters:
Draco from Harry Potter
Newt from The Maze Runner
Kili from The Hobbit
Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson
Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
Alice Cullen from Twilight
Comics, Cartoons, Graphic Novels:
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I was not previously aware of the amount of comic and graphic novel fans in Flblur! I thought at first that these numbers were coming from MCU and DCU fans (some them surely but that's besides the point), but after consulting my council (princess george cord) I quickly learned that there are a lot of comic fans.
When looking at the Marvel Comics numbers, this was one of the most diverse sections when comparing it to favorite drivers. This group leaned more towards the middle of the pack rather than our top three.
That being said Max and Lewis were our most popular contenders here. 36/93 Marvel Comics fans liked Max and 33/93 Marvel Comics fans liked Lewis.
I personally feel like this makes a ton of sense.
Favorite Characters:
Lance, Keith, Shiro and Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Dipper and Mable Pines from Gravity Falls
Garnet from Steven Universe
Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes and Deadpool from Marvel Comics
Fluttershy from My Little Pony
Fandom RPF (no music):
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Looking at this section now, my labels could be a bit confusing. Chances are if you are a fan of a person in the Minecraft RPF category they also probably fit into both the YouTuber RPF and Streamer RPF categories. I made these separate from each other based on if I felt they had enough history and content to overpower other names who would fall in there. Phandom has so much history at this point that if I bunched it in with Youtuber RPF it would kind of feel disrespectful (and I wasn't even involved in it). Anyways, I decided to focus on Minecraft RPF for the pipeline in this section just because I felt like I could analyze it more closely even though it isn't the top spot.
So my hypothesis for this section was that the fans of Minecraft RPF would generally be more attracted to the younger people on the grid, like 2019 rookies and onward.
Something stood out very quickly and it was the amount of Logan and Oscar fans. The numbers aren't staggering or anything, but there's certainly a pipeline here.
23/62 Logan fans like Minecraft RPF and 49/197 Oscar fans liked Minecraft RPF. As a pairing, 16 Minecraft RPF fans liked both. Now this probably doesn't seem like a lot, but if you compare it with Lando's numbers (because Lando and Oscar is Oscar's most popular pairing) its kinda clear there's something different here. Only 18/88 Lando fans were previously Minecraft RPF fans.
Favorite People:
Dan and Phil
Movie and Film:
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It is not shock the amount of Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars and DC Universe fans there are in F1blur. I was a bit surprised by the lack of spread overall though, though who am I too judge I would really only attach myself to like two of these. Originally I did not want to look at the MCU in for this sections pipeline because I looked at the comics earlier, but the results were surprisingly different.
Ok, so previously in the Marvel Comics section the two most popular people were Max and Lewis. Here things are a bit different though Max and Lewis and still popular.
The standouts here this time are Alex and Yuki! 41/88 Alex fans liked the MCU and 46/73 Yuki fans liked the MCU.
It is also worth mentioning that 93/167 Oscar fans liked the MCU too.
Favorite Characters:
Loki, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Peter Parker from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Poe, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and the Clones from Star Wars.
Merlin from Kingsman
Q from the James Bond Franchise
Music and Band RPF (no kpop):
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I mean, it's what is says on the tin. One Direction being the most popular band in F1blur makes perfect sense, no comment. It also makes sense that Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy are so similar in numbers. I am kind of curious on how people interact with fandom spaces with some of these artists, but those are questions for another time.
Although I did not poll anything to do with shipping, I am going to talk about it here. It did not shock me that Charles and Max were popular here.
53/143 Charles fans were One Direction fans and 51/130 Max fans were One Direction fans too.
28/108 One Direction Fans chose both Max and Charles. I am sort of pointing at possible Larry and Lestappen connections. Yeah.
Also lots of George and Lewis fans here.
Favorite People:
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles from One Direction
Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
George Harrison from The Beatles
Luke Hemmings from Five Seconds of Summer
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This is our smallest yes category...I will admit, I was shocked by the lack of Kpop fans from the poll. I assumed that because a lot of my F1 friends and moots were previous Kpop people that this would be similar for everyone else. I now see I am wrong. I am a little sad about it to be honest. Anyways, BTS was the most popular and no one bats an eye. Though I predicted EXO and Blackpink would have placed higher.
I wanted to focus on Charles for this one because him and BTS is why I did this whole thing.
Would it surprise you if 1/5 Charles fans were also BTS fans? Because it's real and I think that's amazing.
I crave to know what this fraction of the Charles fandom thinks about Jungkook because I know it's not normal :).
Favorite People:
Kim Namjoon (RM), Min Yoongi (Suga) and Jeon Jungkook from BTS
Bangchan and Lee Know from Stray Kidz
Jennie from Blackpink
TV Shows:
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This was our biggest yes category! The TV section has such a nice spread and it was one of the most fun sections to study in my opinion. I am not super into any TV Show fandoms so I also learned a lot here. These series are topics I will see in the trending tab, but know literal zero about. I am glad that you all seem to love these shows because that makes total sense since F1 is also TV.
Ok so I don't know much about Sherlock. When trying to find a pipeline here I just took a lot of numbers from each driver and waited for something to stick.
Imagine my shock when the standout was Fernando! 23/71 Fernando fans also chose Sherlock. Thats about 32%. Middle aged men for the win.
Favorite Characters:
Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Sam and Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural
Hannibal Lector from Hannibal
The 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors from Doctor Who
Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock
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Ah yes... theater. If I could go back and redo this I would LOVE to know what extracurriculars everyone did in school because I think that would pair with all this so well. Again, it is not surprising that Hamilton is the fan favorite. Romance, competition, war, betrayal, it has it all and so does F1 (and Heathers too now that I think about it).
I was practically flabbergasted by this section because it was immediately apparent that Hamilton fans go crazy for Oscar.
Out of the 91 people that said they were Hamilton fans... 74 of them also said they liked Oscar.
I do not know why this is. I thought George and Lewis were gonna be the stand outs here and they weren't. I'm a little bit confused, but at least you all sorta agree on something.
Favorite Characters:
Lafayette, John Laurens and Angelica Schuyler from Hamilton
JD and Veronica from Heathers
Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Misérables
Video Games:
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Last Category, woo! Ok since I already focused on Minecraft and yapped on that a lot we are going to instead look at Detroit: Become Human. This section had the best spread overall which was nice to see. I knew the most about this section so I thought is was funny seeing how high Five Nights at Freddy's was. Though I forgot to add some of my own favorite games sadly. There's also probably a lot more pipelines here than I realize and I am sorry that I can't look into more of them.
I knew coming in that Detroit: Become Human was going to be popular though I was surprised it beat out Five Night's At Freddy's.
I was not surprised though it find that George and Lewis were very popular amongst these fans.
16/43 Detroit: Become Human fans were fans of George and/or Lewis, the vast majority being both.
Favorite Characters:
Zelda and Link from The Legend of Zelda
Ghost and Soap from Call of Duty
Zagreus from Hades
Connor from Detroit: Become Human
Ganyu from Genshin Impact
Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil
Change In Pace: About You
So after asking all these fandom based questions I wanted to ask two about each individual: age and time spent watching. I think it's important to also study how time effects people in fandom and the fandom space as well.
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For this section I looked at the average number of drivers picked during the first question. I predicted that the older you were, the less drivers you would say were your favorite and I was correct.
Below 18: 4.07 range: 1-10
18-22: 3.44 range: 1-9
23-25: 3.38 range: 1-13
26-29: 3.42 range: 1-10
30-35: 3.26 range: 1-6
36+: 2.53 range: 1-5
Time Watching F1:
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I did the same analysis here as I did with the age question, so the longer you've been watching the less drivers you would say were your favorite. I was surprised by the amount of people who have been watching for less than a year (not that there's anything wrong with that). Also "My Whole Life" is a separate category because I figure it is at least 15+ and it has the added idea that F1 might be more than just a hobby to you. Finally, the orange and red are 10+(10 votes) and 15+ years (9 votes).
Less Than A Year: 3.58 , range: 1-10
1 Year: 3.62 , range: 1-11
2 Years: 3.34 , range: 1-13
3 Years: 3 , range: 1-7
4 Years: 4.19 , range: 1-9
5+ Years: 3.52 , range: 1-7
10+ Years: 3.7 , range: 2-7
15+ Years: 2.77 , range: 1-6
My Whole Life: 2.92 , range: 1-8
The End and Final Thoughts:
I am tired. This took probably 50-60 hours to do. I don't want to type anything or count Oscar's name ever again. Besides that, this was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who took part in this survey. Many of you left very nice and funny messages for me. Thank you to everyone who caught errors and let me know. Thank you to the wonderful people of princess George cord for their support and help. And thank you to anyone who actually reads this. I am very hungry.
If anyone notices any errors or inconsistencies please tell me and I will try my best to fix them. I am no scholar, but I really did try my best to make this as true as possible.
P.S - Thank you to Game Theory for being my background noise for the majority of this.
Midwestgp (koyya) <3
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clickonmedotexe · 1 year
Chase and Rex should meet again, I think it would be very funny
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slickfordain · 2 years
I saw Sagau Genshin Impact and now I’m drowning in endless thoughts about “What if I was there? Wait no, what if the reader had my fucking unhealthy personality?”
And let me tell you. Chaos. Just, pure chaos.
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It was just a normal day in every nation, with you maining as Lumine. (Sorry to the darlings who main Aether,,, I just think homeboy deserves to be a villain for once for always helping people so I chose Lumine.) Lumine was ever so grateful to have you in her presence - even though you controlled her, she didn’t care. She was devoted to you, only you, obsessed with you that she just wants to smother your face with kis—
“I wonder if I should make a character of myself if I was in Teyvat…”
As you accidentally said that out loud (since you’re unaware that they’re aware), people in Teyvat stopped moving. Their bodies froze, but their hearts continued to slowly beat in a little… Joy. You? Wanting to wonder how it’s like to be in Teyvat and trying to see how it goes? Oh Irene, you’re going to make one hell of a harem that’ll chase after you. However, that’s… One misunderstanding. What you now said was something horrifying that struck down their imaginations. (Wenk wonk)
“I will name her/him (Insert character name), and give them all of my trauma.”
Zhongli spat out his drink and almost choked on it, Ei almost destroyed her town— causing electrocution when she heard, Venti was having a mental crisis and whined as he tried to catch your attention. The NPCs were mortified and immediately took action to make their city more decorative- more “cozy” styled because they knew that;; if you had dumped all your trauma to your “Genshin character”, they knew fairy lights would make you calm and soothe yourself.
Characters like Razor and Bennet would cry, absolutely shatter and will prepare themselves to comfort your character insert. I think it’s all safe to say, the characters would go over the moon even to endlessly help your character.
Lumine and Paimon were even more terrified than they should be, along with the ones in the party. Lumine will throw a boulder at anyone who DARED to give you and your character such trauma. Nobody will escape her grasp and she will make sure of it.
Kaeya and Dainsleif, will seize those who dares to give your character any more trauma. They will kill for your character, and you, they would die for you.
The Fatuis even, aren’t any saner than them. Pantalone will pay off the best room service and best comfort zone for you— Arlecchino will have a whole setup of guards practicing to kill the person who traumatized you, and basically— everyone else will go to war. It’s you we’re talking about.
It doesn’t fucking matter what you looked like.
Average, ugly, pretty, short, tall, chubby, weak— They will fucking kill all of those bitches who dared to lay a hand on you. And Tsaritsa will make sure they will be beheaded.
But then…
“If I was in Teyvat, I probably would be this ditzy dumb background NPC character who just happens to be there and tries to help Lumine. I suck, maybe even a lazy lovey dovey person who craves for attention and affection—”
That did it.
That sent everyone’s hearts to ablaze and their hormones to the top of their lungs. They were riled up to win you the damn over. You want a lover? They will kill each other to prove themselves one of them is worthy for you. Even the NPCs. They will win the hell to get you to themselves.
As for the kids, they will argue and set off bombs to one another - arguing who will be your adopted child. It doesn’t matter which one gets injured, they want to win. For you,
for their divine God. Their creator. (Y/N) (L/N).
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thought--bubble · 9 months
There is still hope.... isn't there? PT 1/6
Tom Bennett X (Best Friend's Sister Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 1,470
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There is Still Hope ... Isn't There? Master List
Tom Bennett Master List
Full Master List
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Age gap. (5 years)
Your older brother is the best brother in the world. As far as you were concerned, no one compared to Josh. 5 years older than you, he always made sure to protect you. Defend you. Once your father died when you were only ten and he fifteen, he stepped up to be the man of the house.
Your mum worked, but the type of work women did just didn't pay enough to support a three person household. So your brother resorted to less than legal ways to try and make up the shortfall. He and his best friend Tom Bennet were always working on some scheme or another to try and make some money quickly.
While Josh was out running amuck with the ladies and his schemes, he always made sure to keep you on the straight and narrow. Boys were basically all chased off, and he was hyper aware of who your friends were and what type of reputation they had.
Josh and Tom were basically glued at the hip in their teenage years. If Josh wasn't at home, it was safe to assume he was out somewhere with Tom. The two of them known locally for their trysts with the local girls and their make money quick schemes.
Tom Bennet was a problem. A problem you desperately wanted to have. Yet him being 5 years older than you and you being his best friends little sister made you entirely invisible to him.
That feeling was not reciprocated. To you Tom was much more than just Josh's best friend You were crazy about Tom Bennet, and as you got older, you tried to show him that you were older, a woman now, or what a young teen thought a woman should be. This all went over and under Tom's radar. Him going as far as referring to you as "kid." The nickname annoying you to no end since it was a reminder that this is how he viewed you. Josh's kid sister and nothing more.
All hopes of showing him that you are a woman in your own right were dashed as Tom joined the Navy and went off to war. The few times you saw him while he was on shore leave, nothing had changed between you.
He would hug you, call you kid, maybe mess your hair up a bit. But he never looked at you the way you wanted him to. As a woman. Now that you were 19, it was even more of a disappointment that he still seemed unable to see you for the woman you had become.
When you had heard the news of his ships demise you and Josh had mourned, Josh had leaned on Tom so much in his youth he just couldn't imagine a world without Tom in it. Josh was sullen and closed off for weeks, and it didn't help that your mum had gotten very sick very quickly and passed shortly thereafter. The playful goofy Josh you had grown up with was a more serious man. A colder man after having to accept the truth of these two devastating losses.
This only served to bring Josh and you closer together. He was even more protective of you than before. If you were out, he would wait up for you to get home unable to sleep if he didn't know you were safely back home.
Then, the devastating loss of Mr. Bennet and the Bennet family home seemed to erase Tom further. The place where Josh had spent so much of his youth was wiped off the map.
That's why when Tom showed up at the flat, you now share with your brother alive, a little brow beaten but alive you couldn't help but shreik and throw yourself into his arms.
He chuckles as he grabs you. " Calm down, kid, you'll knock me off the stoop!"
"How are you? We thought you? Oh my gosh! You're here!" You reach up and pinch his cheeks. " you're really here ain't ya?"
"Yeah, kid, I'm ere. Josh about?" He tries to look over your shoulder and into the flat.
"He's at work. it should only be another hour or two. You're welcome to wait for him inside. " You open the door, further waving him inside.
"Alright then," he walks through the doorway and into your kitchen.
"You hungry? I can make ya something"
"Nah, I don't want to take your food. I know things are limited." He's holding his rucksack in his hands and looking around the kitchen awkwardly.
"Tom Bennet, you put that bag down and take a seat and let me fix you up something to eat," you say this sternly while putting your hands on your hips.
"Looks like you've grown up a bit while I've been gone, lass. You're a proper lady now, ain't ya?" He gives you that cheeky grin that has always made you melt.
Your heart flutters at his words. As a heat crosses your cheeks. "I've got some apple tarts I made last night" you move around the kitchen to prepare him a plate while avoiding eye contact less he see your rosey cheeks and the small grin you just can't seem to stop.
You give him the tarts, which he happily gobbles down quickly.
"I was real sorry to hear about your da." You weren't sure if you should bring up the death of Mr. Bennet, but it felt like you had to say something. He had to know that others grieved his father as well.
He nods "Yeah thanks..... so where is Josh working nowadays? He a proper business man or summat?"
You chuckle. "Oh yeah, runs his own company," you say sarcastically, whacking Tom on the shoulder.
"He works at the garage."
Tom laughs heartily, "the one we used to nick from? Surprised they'd even let him in there"
"Yeah, well, he's grown. After mum....... he started to take things far more seriously." You're not sure if Tom knows about your mum passing.
"Yeah, I get that." he rubs the back of his neck. "Guess we've all grown up a bit, eh?"
"That's the way of things, i guess." You sigh and wipe down the counter. It's already clean, but you feel like you have to do something with your hands.
"You want tea or something?" You bring down a cup before he answers
"Yeah, thanks, that would be great." he taps his fingers on the table. "How bout you? You workin?"
"Yeah, I tend down the pub a few nights a week." You pull down a second cup for yourself and put the kettle on.
"You're a barmaid? That's my kinda girl!" He winks at you at you, so you turn away quickly, that grin coming back to your face.
You just laugh lightly and touch your cheek. It's so hot you know you must be bright red.
"Gonna go out front for a fag be back in a minute" he gets up and walks out the front door closing it quietly behind him.
You turn your back to the counter and lean against it, bringing your hands to your cheeks.
"He's killing me," you chuckle to yourself while trying to use the coolness of your hands to bring down the burning on your face.
When he comes back in, the two of you drink your tea and chat about a few innocuous topics just passing the time until Josh returns.
When you hear the door open you can see Tom's eyes light up.
"Hey, I'm ba-" Josh completely freezes when he enters the kitchen.
"Look at ya, lad. Thought food was limited? You look like you've doubled your intake" Tom teases as he stands up from the table.
Josh smiles but is still at a loss for words. He just slowly walks toward Tom. Who walks up to him and gives him a big hug smacking him on the back.
"Holy shite mate," Josh says, still in shock as he pulls out of the hug. "Thought you were sitting at the bottom of the ocean somewhere"
"Nah, that would be boring." Tom chuckles, "was hoping I could have a word with ya mate." Tom briefly looks over to you "alone?"
"I have to get ready for work anyways," you smile and go towards Tom for another hug.
He pulls you in and hugs you tight. "So happy to see you're alright," you say into his shoulder and then pull away and head upstairs.
You get yourself dressed for your shift, and when you head downstairs, you can see that Josh and Tom are seated in the living room on the sofa speaking in hushed voices.
You smile to yourself as you grab your handbag and head out the door.
He's back, and he's alive. He's alive.
Part 2
A/N: I had this premise kicking around in my head for a while, and since I am pretty much done with Kitty Cat (Ettore series), I decided to start posting this one. 🥰
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
The ultimate goal would be to gather all the blorbos together and put them in the same room. And I mean ALL
You bring me the Doctors with the universal translator so Eponine can hang with Elizabeth Bennet & Fanny Price and I want Legolas to meet Benedick from Much Ado about Nothing, not for any particular reason, I just want to know if they'd be friends. I think Marianne Dashwood would love Gilbert Markham and and Jane Eyre needs to have a serious discussion with the second Mrs. De Winter and maybe they could both give some advice to Rosamund from A Long Fatal Love Chase. What do Gandalf and Merlin think of Prospero and Howl? Can Princess Bubblegum do some mad science with Viktor Frankenstein?
The possibilities are literally endless.
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zg0nuwa · 6 months
Hello... If I can make a request, can I ask for platonic Adam relationship with a gn!reader? Reader, that has personality and traits of a Bennet from Genshin Impact(Adventurous, bubbly, always positive and chatty. But "blessed" with the worst luck ever known to humanity. Like, they like to go on adventures and explore different things, but they may end up getting lost, falling from a cliff, almost drowning, etc. Treasure hunt? Oh, all that they found in chests are radishes, carrots, or useless trash. Something's falling? Probably gonna land on them. Tgey got in a fight? Well, better call an ambulance right away, they may stab themselves with their own weapon. Even cooking may end up by setting the kitchen on fire. But despite all of that, they're still stayin' positive and smiley, believin' that they'll definetely get luckythe next day). Thank you🌺
not-so-lucky charm ; adam
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so like i died once again but hey, that’s what they have hell for am i right fellas?
cw ; adam, one mention of suicide, adam is kinda mean
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adam will be making fun of you most of the time, they key to calm his ass down is just ignoring his comments. he strives for attention and if you just shrug him off or laugh with him a little bit he will eventually cut down on rude remarks and teasing comments.
at first he might’ve been a little skeptical of your stories because they just sound so outlandish and sometimes unimaginable but once he experienced your luck with front row tickets he starts to believe you. genuinely confused on how you are still “alive”.
at some point he starts to get afraid because what if your bad luck infects him too. it doesn’t, but the idea of chasing him around after convincing him that it is in fact contagious just makes me giggle (he screams like a little girl)
not really sure how you can still be so optimistic about your situation, once told you he would just kill himself if he was in your shoes.
overall he acts like a typical older brother. making fun of you, teasing and all but deep down he cares, because lets be honest, if he didn’t he wouldn’t hesitate to leave you on your own.
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I apologise now for the many tags, but this is important, as many algorithms have just been pushing down these.
I come as a messenger of the good word of Tinlightenment to remind y’all that this Tin Can KS is ALL OR NOTHING! This means if we don’t get that last 90k, NONE of these are going to happen.
If y’all liked Headless from Shipwrecked’ Comedy (which idk how yoh wouldn’t lmao), we’ve got some amazing people from Headless in these projects, like James, Tom Lenk, the obvious babes with the bros, Curt, and OF COURSE MK! Thats just for Spy Another Day, as we have folks like Gabe in Solve It Squad and which also has Ashley from Poe Party AND The Lizzie Bennet Diaries! I feel like all these amazing amazing people deserve the chance to do more projects with each other in this circle!
I also know many of you like Joe Walker, and Joe said he’d come back for this, BUT said on stream that if they don’t get this, he’s not coming back to acting AT ALL. And I know no one wants that, let’s not let Joe down there!
And for a bonus draw to the StarKid fandom, especially the OG potterheads, just like with the Wiggly, Corey will be giving away a copy of the AVPSY script to a backer. If you want to put in for the drawing, just make sure you have backed!
Now to the Pulp fans, we’ve got 3/4 main leads in the Spy Another Day show! We would get Mariah as the lounge singer at the start, James as the informant, and Curt as, well, Agent Curt Mega. But ONLY if we get this!
As for y’all Smoshheads (do y’all have a fandom name idk?), the only way we get the amazing trio of Arasha, Angela, and Chase on The Great Debate is if we GET THIS LAST 90K! If y’all enjoy Arasha lying to everyone and the reactions to that, The Great Debate is right up your alley, I guarantee!
Not to mention the NEW NEW projects like Gross Prophets AND Intelligent Life which we just will NOT get if we don’t reach the goal, and that quite genuinely would be so upsetting, especially with Gross Prophets as this is the FIRST TCB project to have two AMAZING women (Ali Gordon and Angela Parrish) taking the helm on original music which would be AWESOME to see!
And for overseas peeps this also allows them to do shows out fo the US for the FIRST TIME EVER! Not only will they be doing a smaller version of Spy Another Day, but the reason they’ll be in the area is to also do the EDINBURGH FRINGE FEST with Solve it Squad which would be MASSIVE! Plus we will also get stuff in Adelaide as well! Alongside those we WILL get digital tickets for many of them, so even if you aren’t in the area, don’t let that deter you from pledging!
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If anyone is waiting because they don’t have money now but will at the end, DO NOT WORRY! Just like with all Kickstarters prior and in the future, the money doesn’t come out it until AFTER the campaign is over! So get those pledges in now babes! Please we need all of your help!
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Please, please go to tinlightenment.com and pledge, even 10-20 dollars is enough to help the bros pull off so many of these cool projects that ONLY can happen with your help. If you like any of these creators, please please help!
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