#chase speaks
sneebl · 9 months
pov bitches running to tumblr to share that ao3 is down
it's me i'm bitches
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enumchase · 1 year
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me every time trent crimm comes on screen
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againstme · 2 years
people are so scared of bipolar disorder and usually don't have good examples of people with bp in their lives/representation in media (that's good) and it suuuuucks. i have a good support system and have kind of just been in that bubble since getting diagnosed last year so i'm still kind of like new to navigating the world as an adult with bp and deciding if i want to tell people/what that means to me/etc. it's hard. i want to write a research paper/dissertation on bipolar disorder in media and stay up watching a fuck ton of shows/movies on it. been watching a lot of shameless for ian (monica hurts too much oh god), degrassi for eli (i think the rep is mid), and i watched an episode of modern love which had a bipolar character that focused on more of the depression side of bp, which made me cry because of how good it was. i could go on and on.
it's a complicated thing. i want to have a book that's like "here's all the info you need abt having a loved one / friend with bp / if u wanna know in general, we aren't scary people", etc.
it sucks to know that someone will know my diagnosis and potentially think of me differently. wah.
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I told myself I'd never buy something from the Tumblr store but uhhhh I might be spending $6 soon
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kermit-coded · 5 months
percy and annabeth: *having a sweet bonding moment*
grover in the top bunk:
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you-better-wise-up · 11 months
I need to be thrown out of an airlock so badly <3
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i just think that the word "teenager" can solve pretty much more than 90% of the controversies of the pjo fandom.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth play the most intense game of tag. it starts like your typical game with a light tap on the shoulder. and then it progresses. percy once threw a cup of water in her face and declared her the tagger. annabeth lit his shirt on fire and he had to jump into the lake. percy once kicked annabeth off the lava wall and she sprained her wrist. grover once witnessed annabeth putting percy in a headlock until he had to tap out due to a lack of air. it got so bad, that they lost dessert privileges for three weeks, earned permanent spots in the infirmary, and were instructed to separate for an entire weekend.
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
One thing I’m really looking forward to seeing is how they convince Percy not to join Luke. Up until the end of episode 4, Percy doesn’t have any faith in his dad or the other gods. He resents them all for abandoning their kids and doesn’t like their excuses. He is disgusted by how Athena treats Annabeth. He detests the whole claiming system and that the gods can just choose to claim them if they feel like it. And he is also being actively targeted by Zeus. What will be the turning point for him to not join Luke?
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sneebl · 9 months
obsessed with the mole tumblr. give me the moles
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enumchase · 1 year
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i know what you are
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ourchunkysalsa · 5 months
pjo show said “we will perfectly execute the only good enemies to lovers between a girl and a boy ever… also they’re like 12 and their third wheel is so stressed the entire time.” and it’s beautiful
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Honestly I'd really like a pet bug like a hisser or blue death feigning beetle but I can barely care for my cat let alone a new caged pet
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kermit-coded · 5 months
okay but like the way they introduced the fatal flaws was so subtle and soooo insanely good. like alecto playing on annabeth's pride to get her to give up percy versus medusa appealing to percy's loyalty to get him to give up annabeth and grover. sooo good fr fr.
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aceforwhatevenisthis · 6 months
it’s the way that i used to think “omg i wanna be like annabeth when i grow up” and now i yelled THATS MY DAUGHTER when she came onscreen
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thechy-fychannel · 2 months
I saw a few other blogs doing this so I thought I'd share my input on what I think would happen in the House MD universe in 2024:
the constant jokes abt house and wilson's relationship turns into the fellows jokingly writing fanfic abt their boss and his boy best friend. somewhere along the way they all get very serious abt the quality of it and it turns into a Whole Thing, a 150k+ novel that they vow to take to their graves.
house discovers the fic by accident and sends it to wilson. wilson discovers things abt himself and then he and house discover each other shortly thereafter.
house purposefully posts the fic online and credits the fellows by their entire full names so it embarrasses them more than house and wilson. It's never spoken abt again but it gets way more online attention than any of them expected.
wilson doesn't get how the Cloud works and accidentally uploads his and house's nudes to the google nest hub on his desk. He doesn't notice it until one of his sweet little old lady cancer patients points it out to him during their appointment. He throws the google nest hub into his trash can until he can figure out how to get the naked pictures off of it.
house has an alexa and abuses the hell out of it. sometimes ppl hear him screaming at someone in his office, only to walk in and find a robotic voice replying with "sorry, I didn't get that" and house throws it off the balcony.
wilson gets addicted to online shopping. house has to stage an intervention bc they do not have enough room in their closet for another pair of prada loafers and their kitchen is full of shitty gadgets that wilson bought off temu or something.
some right wing social media influencer comes in with a mysterious illness and ends up getting castrated as part of the solution. 13 personally does the procedure herself and house watches like a proud dad.
a patient reveals chase's grindr by shoving his phone at him and asking "is this you?" abt the headless profile with the ripped abs that says Dr. Feel Good, 0 feet away, in front of the rest of the team.
foreman finds the team doing tiktok dances bc house told them to learn it in order to understand their 15 yr old patient better.
chase medically murders mitch mcconnel and the entire hospital celebrates ding dong the witch is dead style.
there's a whole episode where house faces his transphobia bc of a trans patient that he connects with. the patient tells him to fuck off and go face his own problems instead of pretending to make it right by being nice to one trans person. And house does, even if he's not perfect, he really tries to do better.
13 gets her medical marijuana card and accidentally becomes the team's plug. her main customer is wilson who still supplies it to certain terminal patients. She hears "hey, can I hit your pen?" at least four times a day.
foreman buys a tesla and it blows up in the parking lot. they spend the entire episode trying to figure out who tried to kill foreman, but it turns out that teslas just do that sometimes.
there's an episode where house finds out that netflix is removing his favorite obscure tv show that ran for 2 seasons in 2002 and wilson recruits the team to hunt down a dvd copy of it without house finding out. they somehow manage to find one and spend a ridiculous amount of money on it, only to open the dvd case and find a copy of the porno wilson starred in that one time instead of the dvd of the show. park saves the day at the last minute by finding a copy of it in a box of dvds in her parents house.
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